Medicare Program; Application by the Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) for Continued CMS Approval of Its Home Infusion Therapy (HIT) Accreditation Program, 20479-20481 [2024-06144]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 57 / Friday, March 22, 2024 / Notices
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submissions
of responses; and
5. Assess information collection costs.
Proposed Project
The National Firefighter Registry
(NFR) for Cancer (OMB Control No.
0920–1348, Exp. 9/30/2024)—
Revision—National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC).
Background and Brief Description
In order to accurately monitor trends
in cancer incidence and evaluate control
measures among the U.S. fire service,
Congress passed the Firefighter Cancer
Registry Act of 2018. Under this
legislation, CDC/NIOSH was directed to
create a registry of U.S. firefighters for
the purpose of monitoring cancer
incidence and risk factors among the
current earnings based on the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics for 2022 and
a more accurate number of respondents
based on the first year of project
enrollment. Additionally, minor
updates to the enrollment questionnaire
were made to improve readability and
the overall user experience.
The below table outlines the
estimated time burden for participants
enrolling in the NFR. There are three
corresponding documents to be
completed as part of the enrollment
process; the Informed Consent, User
Profile, and Enrollment Questionnaire.
The estimated time burden for the
Informed Consent and User Profile are
five minutes each, and an estimated
twenty-minute burden for enrollment
questionnaire. CDC requests OMB
approval for an estimated 17,221 burden
hours. There are no costs to respondents
other than their time to participate.
current U.S. fire service. Funding for the
project was authorized through this
legislation for five years as of fiscal year
According to the Firefighter Cancer
Registry Act of 2018, the main goal of
the National Firefighter Registry (NFR)
for Cancer is to develop and maintain
. . . a voluntary registry of firefighters
to collect relevant health and
occupational information of such
firefighters for purposes of determining
cancer incidence. Results from the NFR
will provide information for decision
makers within the fire service and
medical or public health community to
devise and implement policies and
procedures to lessen cancer risk and/or
improve early detection of cancer
among firefighters. Revisions to this
collection include an update of the
estimated annualized time burden and
occupational wage information to reflect
Type of respondents
Total burden
(in hours)
Informed Consent .........................................
NFR User Profile (web-portal registration) ..
NFR Enrollment Questionnaire ....................
Records request ...........................................
Total ...............................
Jeffrey M. Zirger,
Lead, Information Collection Review Office,
Office of Public Health Ethics and
Regulations, Office of Science, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2024–06095 Filed 3–21–24; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
[CMS 3452–FN]
Medicare Program; Application by the
Utilization Review Accreditation
Commission (URAC) for Continued
CMS Approval of Its Home Infusion
Therapy (HIT) Accreditation Program
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
burden per
(in hours)
Number of
responses per
Number of
Form name
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), Health and
Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Final notice.
This final notice announces
our decision to approve the Utilization
Review Accreditation Commission
(URAC) for continued recognition as a
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national accrediting organization that
accredits suppliers of home infusion
therapy (HIT) services that wish to
participate in the Medicare or Medicaid
DATES: The approval announced in this
final notice is effective March 27, 2024
through March 27, 2030.
Shannon Freeland, (410) 786–4348.
I. Background
Home infusion therapy (HIT) is a
treatment option for Medicare
beneficiaries with a wide range of acute
and chronic conditions. Section 5012 of
the 21st Century Cures Act (Pub. L. 114–
255, enacted December 13, 2016) added
section 1861(iii) to the Social Security
Act (the Act), establishing a new
Medicare benefit for HIT services.
Section 1861(iii)(1) of the Act defines
‘‘home infusion therapy’’ as professional
services, including nursing services;
training and education not otherwise
covered under the Durable Medical
Equipment (DME) benefit; remote
monitoring; and other monitoring
services. Home infusion therapy must
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be furnished by a qualified HIT supplier
and furnished in the individual’s home.
Sections 1861(iii)(A) and (B) of the Act
require that the individual (patient)
• Be under the care of an applicable
provider (that is, physician, nurse
practitioner, or physician assistant); and
• Have a plan of care established and
periodically reviewed by a physician in
coordination with the furnishing of
home infusion drugs under Part B,
which prescribes the type, amount, and
duration of infusion therapy services
that are to be furnished.
Section 1861(iii)(3)(D)(i)(III) of the Act
requires that a qualified HIT supplier be
accredited by an accrediting
organization (AO) designated by the
Secretary in accordance with section
1834(u)(5) of the Act.
Section 1834(u)(5)(A) of the Act
identifies factors for designating HIT
AOs and in reviewing and modifying
the list of designated HIT AOs. These
statutory factors are as follows:
• The ability of the accrediting
organization to conduct timely reviews
of HIT accreditation applications.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 57 / Friday, March 22, 2024 / Notices
• The ability of the accrediting
organization to take into account the
capacities of HIT suppliers located in a
rural area (as defined in section
1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act).
• Whether the accrediting
organization has established reasonable
fees to be charged to HIT suppliers
applying for accreditation.
• Such other factors as the Secretary
determines appropriate.
Section 1834(u)(5)(B) of the Act
requires the Secretary to designate AOs
to accredit HIT suppliers furnishing HIT
no later than January 1, 2021. Section
1861(iii)(3)(D)(i)(III) of the Act requires
a ‘‘qualified home infusion therapy
supplier’’ to be accredited by a CMSapproved AO, pursuant to section
1834(u)(5) of the Act.
The Utilization Review Accreditation
Commission’s (URAC’s) current term of
approval for their Home Infusion
Therapy accreditation program expires
March 27, 2024.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
II. Approval of Deeming Organization
Section 1834(u)(5) of the Act and
regulations at 42 CFR 488.1010 require
that our findings concerning review and
approval of a national accrediting
organization’s requirements consider,
among other factors, the applying
accrediting organization’s requirements
for accreditation; survey procedures;
resources for conducting required
surveys; capacity to furnish information
for use in enforcement activities;
monitoring procedures for provider
entities found not in compliance with
the conditions or requirements; and
ability to provide CMS with the
necessary data.
Our rules at 42 CFR 488.1020(a)
require that we publish, after receipt of
an organization’s complete application,
a notice identifying the national
accrediting body making the request,
describing the nature of the request, and
providing at least a 30-day public
comment period. Pursuant to our rules
at 42 CFR 488.1010(d), we have 210
days from the receipt of a complete
application to publish notice of
approval or denial of the application.
III. Provisions of the Proposed Notice
In the November 9, 2023 Federal
Register (88 FR 77321), we published a
proposed notice announcing the
URAC’s request for continued
recognition as a national accrediting
organization for suppliers providing
home infusion therapy (HIT) services
that wish to participate in the Medicare
or Medicaid programs. In that proposed
notice, we detailed our evaluation
criteria. Under section 1834(u)(5) of the
Act and in our regulations at 42 CFR
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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488.1010, we conducted a review of
URAC’s Medicare HIT accreditation
application in accordance with the
criteria specified by our regulations,
which include, but are not limited to,
the following:
• An administrative review of
++ Corporate policies;
++ Financial and human resources
available to accomplish the proposed
++ Procedures for training,
monitoring, and evaluation of its HIT
++ Ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against
accredited HITs; and
++ Survey review and decisionmaking process for accreditation.
• The equivalency of URAC’s
standards for HIT as compared with
CMS’ HIT conditions for participation.
• URAC’s survey process to
determine the following:
++ The composition of the survey
team, surveyor qualifications, and the
ability of the organization to provide
continuing surveyor training;
++ The comparability of URAC’s to
CMS’ standards and processes,
including survey frequency, and the
ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against
accredited facilities;
++ URAC’s processes and procedures
for monitoring a HIT supplier found out
of compliance with URAC’s program
++ URAC’s capacity to report
deficiencies to the surveyed HIT
facilities and respond to the facility’s
evidence of standards compliance in a
timely manner;
++ URAC’s capacity to provide CMS
with electronic data and reports
necessary for effective assessment and
interpretation of the organization’s
survey process;
++ URAC’s capacity to adequately
fund required surveys;
++ URAC’s policies with respect to
whether surveys are announced or
unannounced, to ensure that surveys are
unannounced; and
++ URAC’s agreement to provide
CMS with a copy of the most current
accreditation survey together with any
other information related to the survey
as CMS may require (including
corrective action plans or URAC’s
evidence of standards compliance).
• The adequacy of URAC’s staff and
other resources, and its financial
• URAC’s agreement or policies for
voluntary and involuntary termination
of suppliers.
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• URAC’s agreement or policies for
voluntary and involuntary termination
of the HIT AO program.
IV. Analysis of and Responses to Public
Comments on the Proposed Notice
In accordance with section 1834(u)(5)
of the Act, the November 9, 2023,
proposed notice also solicited public
comments regarding whether URAC’s
requirements met or exceeded the
Medicare conditions for participation
for HIT. No comments were received in
response to our proposed notice.
V. Provisions of the Final Notice
A. Differences Between URAC’s
Standards and Requirements for
Accreditation and Medicare Conditions
and Survey Requirements
We compared URAC’s HIT
accreditation requirements and survey
process with the Medicare Conditions
for Coverage of 42 CFR part 486, and the
survey and certification process
requirements of part 488. Our review
and evaluation of URAC’s HIT
application, which were conducted as
described in section III. of this final
notice, yielded the following areas
where, as of the date of this notice,
URAC has completed revising its
standards and certification processes to
meet the conditions at §§ 486.500 to
• Section 486.520(a), to address the
requirement of all patients must be
under the care of an applicable
• Section 486.520(b), to address the
requirement that the plan of care must
be established by a physician
prescribing the type, amount, and
duration for HIT.
• Section 486.520(c), to address the
requirement that the plan of care must
be periodically reviewed by the
• Section 486.525(a), to address the
requirement that the HIT suppliers to be
available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day
basis in accordance with the plan of
• Section 486.525(a)(1), to provide
professional services, including nursing
• Section 486.525(a)(2), to address the
requirement for patient education and
training to be available for patients on
a 7 day a week, 24 hour a day basis in
accordance with the plan of care.
• Section 486.525(a)(3), to address the
requirement of remote monitoring for
the provision of HIT and home infusion
• Section 486.525(b), to address the
requirement of all home infusion
therapy suppliers must provide home
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 57 / Friday, March 22, 2024 / Notices
infusion therapy services in accordance
with nationally recognized standards of
practice, and in accordance with all
applicable State and Federal laws and
B. Term of Approval
Based on the review and observations
described in section III. of this final
notice, we have determined that URAC’s
requirements for HITs meet or exceed
our requirements. Therefore, we
approve URAC as a national
accreditation organization for HITs that
request participation in the Medicare
program, effective March 27, 2024
through March 27, 2030.
Submission for Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) Review; Interstate
Administrative Subpoena and Notice of
Lien (Office of Management and
Budget OMB #: 0970–0152)
VI. Collection of Information
This document does not impose
information collection requirements,
that is, reporting, recordkeeping, or
third-party disclosure requirements.
Consequently, there is no need for
review by the Office of Management and
Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. chapter 35).
The Administrator of the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS),
Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, having
reviewed and approved this document,
authorizes Trenesha Fultz-Mimms, who
is the Federal Register Liaison, to
electronically sign this document for
purposes of publication in the Federal
Trenesha Fultz-Mimms,
Federal Register Liaison, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2024–06144 Filed 3–21–24; 8:45 am]
Administration for Children and
Administration for Children
and Families, U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services.
ACTION: Request for public comments.
The Administration for
Children and Families (ACF) is
requesting a 3-year extension with
proposed revisions to the Interstate
Administrative Subpoena and Notice of
Lien forms (Office of Management and
Budget #0970–0152, expiration 6/30/
2024). The forms are updated to reflect
the name change of the Federal child
support program office from the Office
of Child Support Enforcement to the
Office of Child Support Services.
DATES: Comments due within 30 days of
publication. OMB must make a decision
about the collection of information
between 30 and 60 days after
publication of this document in the
Federal Register. Therefore, a comment
is best assured of having its full effect
if OMB receives it within 30 days of
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function. You can also obtain
copies of the proposed collection of
information by emailing infocollection@ Identify all emailed
requests by the title of the information
Description: The Administrative
Subpoena is used by State child support
agencies to obtain income and other
financial information regarding
noncustodial parents for purposes of
establishing, enforcing, and modifying
child support orders. The Notice of Lien
imposes liens in cases with overdue
support and allows a State child support
agency to file liens across State lines,
when it is more efficient than involving
the other State’s IV–D agency.
Section 452(a)(11) of the Social
Security Act requires the Secretary of
the Department of Health and Human
Services to promulgate forms for
administrative subpoenas and
imposition of liens used by State child
support agencies in interstate cases.
Section 454(9)(E) of the Social Security
Act requires each State to cooperate
with any other State in using the
Federal forms for issuance of
administrative subpoenas and
imposition of liens in interstate child
support cases.
Respondents: State, local, or Tribal
agencies administering a child support
program under title IV–D of the Social
Security Act.
number of
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Administrative Subpoena .................................................................................
Notice of Lien ...................................................................................................
number of
responses per
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 816,048.
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 652; 42 U.S.C.
Food and Drug Administration
Mary C. Jones,
ACF/OPRE Certifying Officer.
[Docket No. FDA–2016–D–2343]
[FR Doc. 2024–06143 Filed 3–21–24; 8:45 am]
Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based
Preventive Controls for Human Food;
Draft Guidance for Industry; Extension
of Comment Period
Food and Drug Administration,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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burden hours
per response
burden hours
Notification of availability;
extension of comment period.
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA, we, or the
Agency) is extending the comment
period for two chapters of a
multichapter draft guidance entitled
‘‘Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based
Preventive Controls for Human Food:
Draft Guidance for Industry,’’ which
were announced in the Federal Register
of September 27, 2023. The relevant
draft chapters are entitled ‘‘Chapter 11—
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 57 (Friday, March 22, 2024)]
[Pages 20479-20481]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-06144]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
[CMS 3452-FN]
Medicare Program; Application by the Utilization Review
Accreditation Commission (URAC) for Continued CMS Approval of Its Home
Infusion Therapy (HIT) Accreditation Program
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Health and
Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Final notice.
SUMMARY: This final notice announces our decision to approve the
Utilization Review Accreditation Commission (URAC) for continued
recognition as a national accrediting organization that accredits
suppliers of home infusion therapy (HIT) services that wish to
participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.
DATES: The approval announced in this final notice is effective March
27, 2024 through March 27, 2030.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Shannon Freeland, (410) 786-4348.
I. Background
Home infusion therapy (HIT) is a treatment option for Medicare
beneficiaries with a wide range of acute and chronic conditions.
Section 5012 of the 21st Century Cures Act (Pub. L. 114-255, enacted
December 13, 2016) added section 1861(iii) to the Social Security Act
(the Act), establishing a new Medicare benefit for HIT services.
Section 1861(iii)(1) of the Act defines ``home infusion therapy'' as
professional services, including nursing services; training and
education not otherwise covered under the Durable Medical Equipment
(DME) benefit; remote monitoring; and other monitoring services. Home
infusion therapy must be furnished by a qualified HIT supplier and
furnished in the individual's home. Sections 1861(iii)(A) and (B) of
the Act require that the individual (patient) must:
Be under the care of an applicable provider (that is,
physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant); and
Have a plan of care established and periodically reviewed
by a physician in coordination with the furnishing of home infusion
drugs under Part B, which prescribes the type, amount, and duration of
infusion therapy services that are to be furnished.
Section 1861(iii)(3)(D)(i)(III) of the Act requires that a
qualified HIT supplier be accredited by an accrediting organization
(AO) designated by the Secretary in accordance with section 1834(u)(5)
of the Act.
Section 1834(u)(5)(A) of the Act identifies factors for designating
HIT AOs and in reviewing and modifying the list of designated HIT AOs.
These statutory factors are as follows:
The ability of the accrediting organization to conduct
timely reviews of HIT accreditation applications.
[[Page 20480]]
The ability of the accrediting organization to take into
account the capacities of HIT suppliers located in a rural area (as
defined in section 1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act).
Whether the accrediting organization has established
reasonable fees to be charged to HIT suppliers applying for
Such other factors as the Secretary determines
Section 1834(u)(5)(B) of the Act requires the Secretary to
designate AOs to accredit HIT suppliers furnishing HIT no later than
January 1, 2021. Section 1861(iii)(3)(D)(i)(III) of the Act requires a
``qualified home infusion therapy supplier'' to be accredited by a CMS-
approved AO, pursuant to section 1834(u)(5) of the Act.
The Utilization Review Accreditation Commission's (URAC's) current
term of approval for their Home Infusion Therapy accreditation program
expires March 27, 2024.
II. Approval of Deeming Organization
Section 1834(u)(5) of the Act and regulations at 42 CFR 488.1010
require that our findings concerning review and approval of a national
accrediting organization's requirements consider, among other factors,
the applying accrediting organization's requirements for accreditation;
survey procedures; resources for conducting required surveys; capacity
to furnish information for use in enforcement activities; monitoring
procedures for provider entities found not in compliance with the
conditions or requirements; and ability to provide CMS with the
necessary data.
Our rules at 42 CFR 488.1020(a) require that we publish, after
receipt of an organization's complete application, a notice identifying
the national accrediting body making the request, describing the nature
of the request, and providing at least a 30-day public comment period.
Pursuant to our rules at 42 CFR 488.1010(d), we have 210 days from the
receipt of a complete application to publish notice of approval or
denial of the application.
III. Provisions of the Proposed Notice
In the November 9, 2023 Federal Register (88 FR 77321), we
published a proposed notice announcing the URAC's request for continued
recognition as a national accrediting organization for suppliers
providing home infusion therapy (HIT) services that wish to participate
in the Medicare or Medicaid programs. In that proposed notice, we
detailed our evaluation criteria. Under section 1834(u)(5) of the Act
and in our regulations at 42 CFR 488.1010, we conducted a review of
URAC's Medicare HIT accreditation application in accordance with the
criteria specified by our regulations, which include, but are not
limited to, the following:
An administrative review of URAC's:
++ Corporate policies;
++ Financial and human resources available to accomplish the
proposed surveys;
++ Procedures for training, monitoring, and evaluation of its HIT
++ Ability to investigate and respond appropriately to complaints
against accredited HITs; and
++ Survey review and decision-making process for accreditation.
The equivalency of URAC's standards for HIT as compared
with CMS' HIT conditions for participation.
URAC's survey process to determine the following:
++ The composition of the survey team, surveyor qualifications, and
the ability of the organization to provide continuing surveyor
++ The comparability of URAC's to CMS' standards and processes,
including survey frequency, and the ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against accredited facilities;
++ URAC's processes and procedures for monitoring a HIT supplier
found out of compliance with URAC's program requirements;
++ URAC's capacity to report deficiencies to the surveyed HIT
facilities and respond to the facility's evidence of standards
compliance in a timely manner;
++ URAC's capacity to provide CMS with electronic data and reports
necessary for effective assessment and interpretation of the
organization's survey process;
++ URAC's capacity to adequately fund required surveys;
++ URAC's policies with respect to whether surveys are announced or
unannounced, to ensure that surveys are unannounced; and
++ URAC's agreement to provide CMS with a copy of the most current
accreditation survey together with any other information related to the
survey as CMS may require (including corrective action plans or URAC's
evidence of standards compliance).
The adequacy of URAC's staff and other resources, and its
financial viability.
URAC's agreement or policies for voluntary and involuntary
termination of suppliers.
URAC's agreement or policies for voluntary and involuntary
termination of the HIT AO program.
IV. Analysis of and Responses to Public Comments on the Proposed Notice
In accordance with section 1834(u)(5) of the Act, the November 9,
2023, proposed notice also solicited public comments regarding whether
URAC's requirements met or exceeded the Medicare conditions for
participation for HIT. No comments were received in response to our
proposed notice.
V. Provisions of the Final Notice
A. Differences Between URAC's Standards and Requirements for
Accreditation and Medicare Conditions and Survey Requirements
We compared URAC's HIT accreditation requirements and survey
process with the Medicare Conditions for Coverage of 42 CFR part 486,
and the survey and certification process requirements of part 488. Our
review and evaluation of URAC's HIT application, which were conducted
as described in section III. of this final notice, yielded the
following areas where, as of the date of this notice, URAC has
completed revising its standards and certification processes to meet
the conditions at Sec. Sec. 486.500 to 486.525.
Section 486.520(a), to address the requirement of all
patients must be under the care of an applicable provider.
Section 486.520(b), to address the requirement that the
plan of care must be established by a physician prescribing the type,
amount, and duration for HIT.
Section 486.520(c), to address the requirement that the
plan of care must be periodically reviewed by the physician.
Section 486.525(a), to address the requirement that the
HIT suppliers to be available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day basis in
accordance with the plan of care.
Section 486.525(a)(1), to provide professional services,
including nursing services.
Section 486.525(a)(2), to address the requirement for
patient education and training to be available for patients on a 7 day
a week, 24 hour a day basis in accordance with the plan of care.
Section 486.525(a)(3), to address the requirement of
remote monitoring for the provision of HIT and home infusion drugs.
Section 486.525(b), to address the requirement of all home
infusion therapy suppliers must provide home
[[Page 20481]]
infusion therapy services in accordance with nationally recognized
standards of practice, and in accordance with all applicable State and
Federal laws and regulations.
B. Term of Approval
Based on the review and observations described in section III. of
this final notice, we have determined that URAC's requirements for HITs
meet or exceed our requirements. Therefore, we approve URAC as a
national accreditation organization for HITs that request participation
in the Medicare program, effective March 27, 2024 through March 27,
VI. Collection of Information Requirements
This document does not impose information collection requirements,
that is, reporting, recordkeeping, or third-party disclosure
requirements. Consequently, there is no need for review by the Office
of Management and Budget under the authority of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35).
The Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS), Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, having reviewed and approved this
document, authorizes Trenesha Fultz-Mimms, who is the Federal Register
Liaison, to electronically sign this document for purposes of
publication in the Federal Register.
Trenesha Fultz-Mimms,
Federal Register Liaison, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2024-06144 Filed 3-21-24; 8:45 am]