Oswego Hydro Partners, LP; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and Soliciting Additional Study Requests and Establishing Procedural Schedule for Relicensing and a Deadline for Submission of Final Amendments, 18630-18632 [2024-05414]

Download as PDF 18630 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 51 / Thursday, March 14, 2024 / Notices 12. Future of the ERRs 13. Any Other Business Schedule of ERRs for 2024 Schedule of SEQ & SOM Meetings for 2024: 18–19 June 2024 (tentative); 19–21 November 2024 (tentative) As provided in section 252(c)(1)(A)(ii) of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (42 U.S.C. 6272(c)(1)(A)(ii)), the meetings of the IAB are open to representatives of members of the IAB and their counsel; representatives of members of the IEA’s Standing Group on Emergency Questions and the IEA’s Standing Group on the Oil Markets; representatives of the Departments of Energy, Justice, and State, the Federal Trade Commission, the General Accounting Office, Committees of Congress, the IEA, and the European Commission; and invitees of the IAB, the SEQ, the SOM, or the IEA. Signing Authority: This document of the Department of Energy was signed on March 8, 2024, by Thomas Reilly, Assistant General Counsel for International and National Security Programs, pursuant to delegated authority from the Secretary of Energy. That document with the original signature and date is maintained by DOE. For administrative purposes only, and in compliance with requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the undersigned DOE Federal Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to sign and submit the document in electronic format for publication, as an official document of the Department of Energy. This administrative process in no way alters the legal effect of this document upon publication in the Federal Register. Signed in Washington, DC, March 11, 2024. Treena V. Garrett, Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy. [FR Doc. 2024–05412 Filed 3–13–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6450–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Energy Information Administration Agency Information Collection Proposed Extension; Withdrawal U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Department of Energy (DOE). ACTION: Notice; withdrawal. ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 AGENCY: On February 9, 2024, EIA published a 60-day notice of an information collection proposed extension; request for comment in the Federal Register. EIA is withdrawing SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:47 Mar 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 the February 9, 2024, notice of the information collection proposed extension. Accordingly, this notice supersedes the February 9, 2024, notice. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kenneth Pick, EI–21, U.S. Energy Information Administration, telephone: (202) 586–5562, email: Kenneth.Pick@ eia.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The EIA is withdrawing the notice published in the Federal Register on February 9, 2024, at 89 FR 9140 (FR Doc. 2024–02727). Signed in Washington, DC, on March 7, 2024. Samson A. Adeshiyan, Director, Office of Statistical Methods and Research, U. S. Energy Information Administration. [FR Doc. 2024–05411 Filed 3–13–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6450–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Combined Notice of Filings Take notice that the Commission has received the following Natural Gas Pipeline Rate and Refund Report filings: Filings Instituting Proceedings Docket Numbers: CP24–78–000. Applicants: Kern River Gas Transmission Company. Description: Kern River Gas Transmission Company submits Petition for Amendment of the July 26, 2001, Order Issuing Certificate. Filed Date: 2/29/24. Accession Number: 20240229–5344. Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 3/21/24. Docket Numbers: CP24–79–000. Applicants: Sabine Pipe Line LLC, Bridgeline Holdings, L.P. Description: Sabine Pipe Line LLC, et al. submits Joint Abbreviated Application for Amendment to Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Limited Jurisdiction Certificate. Filed Date: 3/4/24. Accession Number: 20240304–5197. Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 3/25/24. Docket Numbers: RP24–517–000. Applicants: Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC. Description: § 4(d) Rate Filing: Negotiated Rate Agreements Filing—to be effective 4/1/2024. Filed Date: 3/8/24. Accession Number: 20240308–5068. Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/24. Docket Numbers: RP24–518–000. Applicants: Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America LLC. PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Description: § 4(d) Rate Filing: Negotiated Rate Agreement Filing— Vitol Inc. to be effective 4/2/2024. Filed Date: 3/8/24. Accession Number: 20240308–5071. Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 3/20/24. Any person desiring to intervene, to protest, or to answer a complaint in any of the above proceedings must file in accordance with Rules 211, 214, or 206 of the Commission’s Regulations (18 CFR 385.211, 385.214, or 385.206) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on the specified comment date. Protests may be considered, but intervention is necessary to become a party to the proceeding. The filings are accessible in the Commission’s eLibrary system (https:// elibrary.ferc.gov/idmws/search/fercgen search.asp) by querying the docket number. eFiling is encouraged. More detailed information relating to filing requirements, interventions, protests, service, and qualifying facilities filings can be found at: https://www.ferc.gov/ docs-filing/efiling/filing-req.pdf. For other information, call (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY, call (202) 502–8659. The Commission’s Office of Public Participation (OPP) supports meaningful public engagement and participation in Commission proceedings. OPP can help members of the public, including landowners, environmental justice communities, Tribal members and others, access publicly available information and navigate Commission processes. For public inquiries and assistance with making filings such as interventions, comments, or requests for rehearing, the public is encouraged to contact OPP at (202) 502–6595 or OPP@ ferc.gov. Dated: March 8, 2024. Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary. [FR Doc. 2024–05419 Filed 3–13–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 4113–067] Oswego Hydro Partners, LP; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and Soliciting Additional Study Requests and Establishing Procedural Schedule for Relicensing and a Deadline for Submission of Final Amendments Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been filed E:\FR\FM\14MRN1.SGM 14MRN1 ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 51 / Thursday, March 14, 2024 / Notices with the Commission and is available for public inspection. a. Type of Application: New Major License. b. Project No.: 4113–067. c. Date Filed: February 27, 2024. d. Applicant: Oswego Hydro Partners, LP. e. Name of Project: Phoenix Hydroelectric Project. f. Location: On the Oswego, Oneida, and Seneca Rivers in Onondaga and Oswego counties, New York. g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)–825(r). h. Applicant Contact: Jody Smet, Vice President Regulatory Affairs, Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLC, 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1100W, Bethesda, MD 20814; telephone at (240) 482–2700; email at Jody.smet@ eaglecreekre.com. i. FERC Contact: Joshua Dub, Project Coordinator, Great Lakes Branch, Division of Hydropower Licensing; telephone at (202) 502–8138; email at Joshua.Dub@ferc.gov. j. Cooperating agencies: Federal, state, local, and tribal agencies with jurisdiction and/or special expertise with respect to environmental issues that wish to cooperate in the preparation of the environmental document should follow the instructions for filing such requests described in item l below. Cooperating agencies should note the Commission’s policy that agencies that cooperate in the preparation of the environmental document cannot also intervene. See 94 FERC ¶ 61,076 (2001). k. Pursuant to section 4.32(b)(7) of 18 CFR of the Commission’s regulations, if any resource agency, Indian Tribe, or person believes that an additional scientific study should be conducted in order to form an adequate factual basis for a complete analysis of the application on its merit, the resource agency, Indian Tribe, or person must file a request for a study with the Commission not later than 60 days from the date of filing of the application, and serve a copy of the request on the applicant. l. Deadline for filing additional study requests and requests for cooperating agency status: April 27, 2024. The Commission strongly encourages electronic filing. Please file additional study requests and requests for cooperating agency status using the Commission’s eFiling system at https:// ferconline.ferc.gov/FERCOnline.aspx. For assistance, please contact FERC Online Support at VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:47 Mar 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, (866) 208–3676 (toll free), or (202) 502–8659 (TTY). In lieu of electronic filing, you may submit a paper copy. Submissions sent via the U.S. Postal Service must be addressed to: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426. Submissions sent via any other carrier must be addressed to: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852. All filings must clearly identify the project name and docket number on the first page: Phoenix Hydroelectric Project (P– 4113–067). m. The application is not ready for environmental analysis at this time. n. Project Description: The Phoenix Project includes a concrete dam, known as the Phoenix Dam, that includes: (1) a 107-foot-long section with two 41.5foot-long Tainter gates; (2) a 390-footlong ogee spillway with 1-foot-high flashboards that have a crest elevation of 364.0 feet Barge Canal Datum (BCD); (3) a 206.1-foot-long section with a 32.4foot-long Tainter gate and three 46.5foot-long Tainter gates; (4) a 163-footlong ogee spillway with 1-foot-high flashboards that have a crest elevation of 364.0 feet BCD; (5) a 44-foot-long section with a 10-foot-long debris sluice gate and a 7-foot-long timber sluice gate; and (6) an 80-foot-long, 45-foot-wide concrete and steel powerhouse that includes two 55-foot-long trashracks with 1-inch clear bar spacing, two intake openings, and two 1.590megawatt (MW) vertical Kaplan turbinegenerator units, for a total installed capacity of 3.180 MW. The Phoenix Dam and a non-project lock, known as the Phoenix Lock, comprise Lock and Dam No. 1, which creates an impoundment that has a surface area of approximately 1,400 acres at an elevation of 364.0 BCD. From the impoundment, water flows through powerhouse and is discharged through draft tubes to an approximately 120foot-long tailrace that discharges to the Oswego River. The project generators are connected to the regional electric grid by: (1) a 90foot-long, 4.16-kilovolt (kV) underground generator lead line; (2) a 4.16/34.5-kV step-up transformer located approximately 10 feet south of the powerhouse; and (3) a 230-foot-long, 34.5-kV underground transmission line that connects to a switchyard located approximately 150 feet northwest of the powerhouse. PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 18631 The project includes an upstream American eel passage facility that consists of a trap and truck facility that consists of: (1) a 20-foot-long, 1.7-footwide metal and wood eel ramp; and (2) a 2.5-foot-wide, 2-foot-long plastic eel collection box located approximately 160 feet downstream of the project dam on the east shore of the Oswego River. The project also includes a downstream fishway that consists of the 7-foot-long sluice gate and a 7-foot-wide, 14-footlong concrete plunge pool. Additionally, the project includes a 274.6-foot-long, 5.4-foot-wide aluminum walkway that provides access to the 206.1-foot-long section of the dam. There are no project recreation facilities. The minimum and maximum hydraulic capacities of the powerhouse are 500 and 4,580 cubic feet per second (cfs), respectively. The average annual energy production of the Phoenix Project from 2016 through 2023 was 10,518 megawatt-hours. The current license requires Oswego Hydro to minimize impoundment fluctuations by operating the project in a run-of-river mode, such that project outflow approximates inflow, and maintaining a maximum impoundment surface elevation of 364.0 feet BCD. Oswego Hydro currently maintains the surface elevation of the impoundment between 363.5 feet and 364.0 feet BCD, with a normal impoundment elevation of 363.8 feet BCD. The current license also requires Oswego Hydro to: (1) release a year-round minimum flow of 300 cfs or inflow, whichever is less, to the Oswego River downstream of the project, including flows over the spillway sections and/or through the Tainter gates; and (2) when inflow is less than 1,900 cfs from June 1 through October 31, implement water quality monitoring and, if average tailwater dissolved oxygen drops below 5 milligrams per liter, provide mitigative flow releases for the protection of downstream water quality. Oswego Hydro proposes to continue operating the project in a manner that is consistent with current operation, except that Oswego Hydro does not propose to continue water quality monitoring and mitigative flow releases when inflow is less than 1,900 cfs from June 1 through October 31. In addition, Oswego Hydro proposes to develop a fish passage operation and maintenance plan, implement a draft Bat and Bald Eagle Protection Plan, and maintain an existing interpretative display and fencing for the protection of historic properties. E:\FR\FM\14MRN1.SGM 14MRN1 18632 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 51 / Thursday, March 14, 2024 / Notices o. In addition to publishing the full text of this notice in the Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this notice, as well as other documents in the proceeding (e.g., license application) via the internet through the Commission’s Home Page (https:// www.ferc.gov) using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket number excluding the last three digits in the docket number field to access the document (P–4113). For assistance, contact FERC at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, (866) 208–3676 (toll free), or (202) 502–8659 (TTY). You may also register online at https://ferconline.ferc.gov/FERC Online.aspx to be notified via email of new filings and issuances related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support. p. The Commission’s Office of Public Participation (OPP) supports meaningful public engagement and participation in Commission proceedings. OPP can help members of the public, including landowners, environmental justice communities, Tribal members and others, access publicly available information and navigate Commission processes. For public inquiries and assistance with making filings such as interventions, comments, or requests for rehearing, the public is encouraged to contact OPP at (202) 502–6595 or OPP@ ferc.gov. q. Procedural Schedule: The application will be processed according to the following preliminary schedule. Revisions to the schedule will be made as appropriate. ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Issue Deficiency Letter and Request Additional Information April 2024 Issue Scoping Document 1 for comments July 2024 Request Additional Information (if necessary) August 2024 Issue Acceptance Letter August 2024 Issue Scoping Document 2 (if necessary) September 2024 Issue Notice of Ready for Environmental Analysis September 2024 r. Final amendments to the application must be filed with the Commission no later than 30 days from the issuance date of the notice of ready for environmental analysis. Dated: March 8, 2024. Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary. [FR Doc. 2024–05414 Filed 3–13–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:47 Mar 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 2392–040] Ampersand Gilman Hydro, LP; Notice Soliciting Scoping Comments Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been filed with the Commission and is available for public inspection. a. Type of Application: New Major License. b. Project No.: P–2392–040. c. Date Filed: March 29, 2022. d. Applicant: Ampersand Gilman Hydro, LP. e. Name of Project: Gilman Hydroelectric Project. f. Location: The project is located on the Connecticut River and straddles the Village of Gilman, within the Town of Lunenburg, Essex County, Vermont, and the Town of Dalton, Coos County, New Hampshire. g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act 16 U.S.C. 791(a)–825(r). h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Sayad Moudachirou, Licensing Manager, 717 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 1A, Boston, MA 02111; (617) 933–7206 or sayad@ ampersandenergy.com. i. FERC Contact: Ousmane Sidibe, (202) 502–6245 or ousmane.sidibe@ ferc.gov. j. Deadline for filing scoping comments: April 8, 2024. The Commission strongly encourages electronic filing. Please file scoping comments using the Commission’s eFiling system at https://ferconline.ferc. gov/FERCOnline.aspx. Commenters can submit brief comments up to 6,000 characters, without prior registration, using the eComment system at https:// ferconline.ferc.gov/.aspx. You must include your name and contact information at the end of your comments. For assistance, please contact FERC Online Support at FERCOnlineSupport@ferc.gov, (866) 208–3676 (toll free), or (202) 502–8659 (TTY). In lieu of electronic filing, you may submit a paper copy. Submissions sent via the U.S. Postal Service must be addressed to: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426. Submissions sent via any other carrier must be addressed to: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852. All filings must clearly identify the following on the first page: Gilman Hydroelectric Project (P–2392–040). PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 The Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure require all interveners filing documents with the Commission to serve a copy of that document on each person on the official service list for the project. Further, if an intervener files comments or documents with the Commission relating to the merits of an issue that may affect the responsibilities of a particular resource agency, they must also serve a copy of the document on that resource agency. k. The application is not ready for environmental analysis at this time. l. The existing Gilman Hydroelectric Project consists of: (1) a 38.3-foot-high, 324.5-foot-wide concrete gravity dam with a crest elevation of 826.8 feet (NGVD29) that includes: (a) a 5-foothigh, 108-foot-long rubber bladder along an overflow spillway on the New Hampshire side of the dam; (b) a 6.5foot-high, 109-foot-long rubber bladder along the overflow spillway on the Vermont side of the dam; and (c) an 18foot-high, 27-foot-wide hydraulically operated crest gate; (2) a 130-acre project reservoir with a storage capacity of 705 acre-feet at a normal maximum surface elevation of 833.3 feet; (3) a brick and steel/timber-framed powerhouse integral to the dam on the Vermont side that contains four generating turbine units with a total generating capacity of 4.95 megawatts; (4) a 242-foot-long, 23.75-foot-wide trash rack with approximately 2-inch spacing and 11 wooden or steel head gates that span 117 feet across the upstream face of the powerhouse; (5) a downstream fish passage facility that diverts and guides fish to a 5-foot-wide bypass at the dam controlled by a tilting gate that releases water a 5-foot-deep plunge pool immediately downstream of the dam; (6) a tailrace channel; (7) a 34.5-kilovolt, 200-foot-long transmission line connecting to the grid; and (8) appurtenant facilities. Ampersand Gilman Hydro, LP proposes to continue to operate the project in a run-of-river mode with no storage or flood control capacity. In accordance with Condition A of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation’s water quality certification issued for the project, the project adheres to the following downstream minimum flow release requirements: (1) from June 1 through October 15, whenever inflow to the project is 1,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) or less, maintain a continuous downstream minimum flow of 210 cfs or inflow to the project, whichever is less; (2) when inflow falls below 600 cfs, conduct dissolved oxygen sampling downstream of the dam to determine whether additional flow release is E:\FR\FM\14MRN1.SGM 14MRN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 51 (Thursday, March 14, 2024)]
[Pages 18630-18632]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-05414]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Project No. 4113-067]

Oswego Hydro Partners, LP; Notice of Application Tendered for 
Filing With the Commission and Soliciting Additional Study Requests and 
Establishing Procedural Schedule for Relicensing and a Deadline for 
Submission of Final Amendments

    Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been 

[[Page 18631]]

with the Commission and is available for public inspection.
    a. Type of Application: New Major License.
    b. Project No.: 4113-067.
    c. Date Filed: February 27, 2024.
    d. Applicant: Oswego Hydro Partners, LP.
    e. Name of Project: Phoenix Hydroelectric Project.
    f. Location: On the Oswego, Oneida, and Seneca Rivers in Onondaga 
and Oswego counties, New York.
    g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
    h. Applicant Contact: Jody Smet, Vice President Regulatory Affairs, 
Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, LLC, 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1100W, 
Bethesda, MD 20814; telephone at (240) 482-2700; email at 
[email protected].
    i. FERC Contact: Joshua Dub, Project Coordinator, Great Lakes 
Branch, Division of Hydropower Licensing; telephone at (202) 502-8138; 
email at [email protected].
    j. Cooperating agencies: Federal, state, local, and tribal agencies 
with jurisdiction and/or special expertise with respect to 
environmental issues that wish to cooperate in the preparation of the 
environmental document should follow the instructions for filing such 
requests described in item l below. Cooperating agencies should note 
the Commission's policy that agencies that cooperate in the preparation 
of the environmental document cannot also intervene. See 94 FERC ] 
61,076 (2001).
    k. Pursuant to section 4.32(b)(7) of 18 CFR of the Commission's 
regulations, if any resource agency, Indian Tribe, or person believes 
that an additional scientific study should be conducted in order to 
form an adequate factual basis for a complete analysis of the 
application on its merit, the resource agency, Indian Tribe, or person 
must file a request for a study with the Commission not later than 60 
days from the date of filing of the application, and serve a copy of 
the request on the applicant.
    l. Deadline for filing additional study requests and requests for 
cooperating agency status: April 27, 2024.
    The Commission strongly encourages electronic filing. Please file 
additional study requests and requests for cooperating agency status 
using the Commission's eFiling system at https://ferconline.ferc.gov/FERCOnline.aspx. For assistance, please contact FERC Online Support at 
[email protected], (866) 208-3676 (toll free), or (202) 502-
8659 (TTY). In lieu of electronic filing, you may submit a paper copy. 
Submissions sent via the U.S. Postal Service must be addressed to: 
Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory 
Commission, 888 First Street NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426. 
Submissions sent via any other carrier must be addressed to: Debbie-
Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 
12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852. All filings must clearly 
identify the project name and docket number on the first page: Phoenix 
Hydroelectric Project (P-4113-067).
    m. The application is not ready for environmental analysis at this 
    n. Project Description: The Phoenix Project includes a concrete 
dam, known as the Phoenix Dam, that includes: (1) a 107-foot-long 
section with two 41.5-foot-long Tainter gates; (2) a 390-foot-long ogee 
spillway with 1-foot-high flashboards that have a crest elevation of 
364.0 feet Barge Canal Datum (BCD); (3) a 206.1-foot-long section with 
a 32.4-foot-long Tainter gate and three 46.5-foot-long Tainter gates; 
(4) a 163-foot-long ogee spillway with 1-foot-high flashboards that 
have a crest elevation of 364.0 feet BCD; (5) a 44-foot-long section 
with a 10-foot-long debris sluice gate and a 7-foot-long timber sluice 
gate; and (6) an 80-foot-long, 45-foot-wide concrete and steel 
powerhouse that includes two 55-foot-long trashracks with 1-inch clear 
bar spacing, two intake openings, and two 1.590-megawatt (MW) vertical 
Kaplan turbine-generator units, for a total installed capacity of 3.180 
    The Phoenix Dam and a non-project lock, known as the Phoenix Lock, 
comprise Lock and Dam No. 1, which creates an impoundment that has a 
surface area of approximately 1,400 acres at an elevation of 364.0 BCD. 
From the impoundment, water flows through powerhouse and is discharged 
through draft tubes to an approximately 120-foot-long tailrace that 
discharges to the Oswego River.
    The project generators are connected to the regional electric grid 
by: (1) a 90-foot-long, 4.16-kilovolt (kV) underground generator lead 
line; (2) a 4.16/34.5-kV step-up transformer located approximately 10 
feet south of the powerhouse; and (3) a 230-foot-long, 34.5-kV 
underground transmission line that connects to a switchyard located 
approximately 150 feet northwest of the powerhouse.
    The project includes an upstream American eel passage facility that 
consists of a trap and truck facility that consists of: (1) a 20-foot-
long, 1.7-foot-wide metal and wood eel ramp; and (2) a 2.5-foot-wide, 
2-foot-long plastic eel collection box located approximately 160 feet 
downstream of the project dam on the east shore of the Oswego River. 
The project also includes a downstream fishway that consists of the 7-
foot-long sluice gate and a 7-foot-wide, 14-foot-long concrete plunge 
pool. Additionally, the project includes a 274.6-foot-long, 5.4-foot-
wide aluminum walkway that provides access to the 206.1-foot-long 
section of the dam. There are no project recreation facilities.
    The minimum and maximum hydraulic capacities of the powerhouse are 
500 and 4,580 cubic feet per second (cfs), respectively. The average 
annual energy production of the Phoenix Project from 2016 through 2023 
was 10,518 megawatt-hours.
    The current license requires Oswego Hydro to minimize impoundment 
fluctuations by operating the project in a run-of-river mode, such that 
project outflow approximates inflow, and maintaining a maximum 
impoundment surface elevation of 364.0 feet BCD. Oswego Hydro currently 
maintains the surface elevation of the impoundment between 363.5 feet 
and 364.0 feet BCD, with a normal impoundment elevation of 363.8 feet 
BCD. The current license also requires Oswego Hydro to: (1) release a 
year-round minimum flow of 300 cfs or inflow, whichever is less, to the 
Oswego River downstream of the project, including flows over the 
spillway sections and/or through the Tainter gates; and (2) when inflow 
is less than 1,900 cfs from June 1 through October 31, implement water 
quality monitoring and, if average tailwater dissolved oxygen drops 
below 5 milligrams per liter, provide mitigative flow releases for the 
protection of downstream water quality.
    Oswego Hydro proposes to continue operating the project in a manner 
that is consistent with current operation, except that Oswego Hydro 
does not propose to continue water quality monitoring and mitigative 
flow releases when inflow is less than 1,900 cfs from June 1 through 
October 31. In addition, Oswego Hydro proposes to develop a fish 
passage operation and maintenance plan, implement a draft Bat and Bald 
Eagle Protection Plan, and maintain an existing interpretative display 
and fencing for the protection of historic properties.

[[Page 18632]]

    o. In addition to publishing the full text of this notice in the 
Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an 
opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this notice, as well 
as other documents in the proceeding (e.g., license application) via 
the internet through the Commission's Home Page (https://www.ferc.gov) 
using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket number excluding the last 
three digits in the docket number field to access the document (P-
4113). For assistance, contact FERC at [email protected], 
(866) 208-3676 (toll free), or (202) 502-8659 (TTY).
    You may also register online at https://ferconline.ferc.gov/FERCOnline.aspx to be notified via email of new filings and issuances 
related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC 
Online Support.
    p. The Commission's Office of Public Participation (OPP) supports 
meaningful public engagement and participation in Commission 
proceedings. OPP can help members of the public, including landowners, 
environmental justice communities, Tribal members and others, access 
publicly available information and navigate Commission processes. For 
public inquiries and assistance with making filings such as 
interventions, comments, or requests for rehearing, the public is 
encouraged to contact OPP at (202) 502-6595 or [email protected].
    q. Procedural Schedule: The application will be processed according 
to the following preliminary schedule. Revisions to the schedule will 
be made as appropriate.

Issue Deficiency Letter and Request Additional Information April 2024
Issue Scoping Document 1 for comments July 2024
Request Additional Information (if necessary) August 2024
Issue Acceptance Letter August 2024
Issue Scoping Document 2 (if necessary) September 2024
Issue Notice of Ready for Environmental Analysis September 2024

    r. Final amendments to the application must be filed with the 
Commission no later than 30 days from the issuance date of the notice 
of ready for environmental analysis.

    Dated: March 8, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024-05414 Filed 3-13-24; 8:45 am]

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