Reorganization of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 16579-16580 [2024-04901]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 46 / Thursday, March 7, 2024 / Notices
Request for Comments
In accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 3501–3520,
comments on AHRQ’s information
collection are requested with regard to
any of the following: (a) whether the
proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
AHRQ’s health care research and health
care information dissemination
functions, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of AHRQ’s estimate of
burden (including hours and costs) of
the proposed collection(s) of
information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information upon the
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and
included in the Agency’s subsequent
request for OMB approval of the
proposed information collection. All
comments will become a matter of
public record.
Dated: March 1, 2024.
Marquita Cullom,
Associate Director.
[FR Doc. 2024–04786 Filed 3–6–24; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
Reorganization of the National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
CDC has modified its
structure. This notice announces the
reorganization of the World Trade
Center (WTC) Health Program within
the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH). The WTC
Health Program has established three
DATES: This reorganization was
approved by the HHS Secretary on
March 4, 2024, and became effective.
D’Artonya Graham, Office of Strategic
Business Initiatives, Office of the Chief
Operating Officer, Office of the Director,
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road NE, MS
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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TW–2, Atlanta, GA 30329; Telephone
770–488–4401; Email:
(Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention) of the Statement of
Organization, Functions, and
Delegations of Authority of the
Department of Health and Human
Services (45 FR 67772–76, dated
October 14, 1980, and corrected at 45 FR
69296, October 20, 1980, as amended
most recently at Vol. 88, No. 132, pg.
44359–44363, dated July 12, 2023) is
amended to reflect the reorganization of
the World Trade Center (WTC) Health
Program, National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC). Specifically, the
changes are as follows:
I. Under Part C, Section C–B,
Organization and Functions, insert the
• Office of the Director (CCP1)
• Healthcare Benefits Branch (CCPB)
• Research and Evaluation Branch
• Business Operations Branch (CCPD)
II. Under Part C, Section C–B,
Organization and Functions, after the
World Trade Center Health Program
(CCP) insert the following:
Office of the Director (CCP1).
Conducts the legislatively mandated
World Trade Center (WTC) Health
Program established by the James
Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation
Act of 2010, as amended. (1) Provides
management, strategic planning and
oversight, budget formulation and
execution, science and medical policy
oversight and development, industry
expertise, and contract transition
oversight; (2) consults with stakeholders
in carrying out the WTC Health Program
mission, develops and disseminates all
WTC Health Program communications,
and provides oversight for public
relations and media strategy; and (3)
oversees all program statutory directives
in the Zadroga Act to provide medical
monitoring and treatment to eligible
responders and survivors who were
affected by the September 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks.
Healthcare Benefits Branch (CCPB).
The Healthcare Benefits Branch
confirms eligibility for Program benefits
and implements a limited health
benefits model to provide quality and
compassionate medically necessary
treatment and monitoring of WTCrelated health conditions to eligible
members in the WTC Health Program.
Specifically, the branch: (1) develops
recommendations for the Administrator
of the WTC Health Program for medical
coverage determinations including
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medically necessary diagnostic, cancer
screening, and treatment services
allowed under the WTC Health
Program; (2) establishes and maintains
the pharmaceutical formulary and
conducts compliance as well as outlier
audits with the Pharmacy Benefit
Manager, Clinical Centers of Excellence,
and the Nationwide Provider Network
vendors; (3) provides subject matter
expertise to contracting officer
representatives for contracts such as the
Clinical Centers of Excellence,
Nationwide Provider Network, Cost
Avoidance, and Pharmacy Benefit
Manager contract statements of work; (4)
provides enrollment recommendations
to the Administrator of the WTC Health
Program for of WTC responders and
survivors and Pentagon and Shanksville
responders and follows statutory and
regulatory requirements and approved
process and procedures to enroll
members into the WTC Health Program;
(5) processes certification of member’s
WTC-related health conditions eligible
for treatment coverage in the WTC
Health Program and follows statutory
and regulatory requirements and
approved processes and procedures to
issue certification decisions on behalf of
the Administrator of the WTC Health
Program; (6) develops medical and
pharmacy benefit coverage
determinations and issues coverage
decisions on prior authorization
requests for medical services, durable
medical equipment, supplies, and
pharmaceuticals; (7) coordinates
working groups, such as the
Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics
Working Group, with stakeholder
clinicians for continuing education and
alignment with program formulary
changes; (8) provides oversight and
expertise to Clinical Centers of
Excellence and Nationwide Provider
Network on case management, care
coordination, and utilization
management; (9) designs and manages
the medical diagnosis and procedural
services codebook, which supports
benefit access for covered conditions
and approved services with utilization
limitations; (10) supports members
through customer support and by
coordinating and managing call centers,
issues written member correspondence,
and supports member transfers; (11)
coordinates, on behalf of the
Administrator of the WTC Health
Program, certification, enrollment, and
treatment appeals following statutory
and regulatory requirements and
approved processes and procedures;
(12) serves as subject matter experts for
vendors, particularly for outreach and
education vendors on program
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 46 / Thursday, March 7, 2024 / Notices
eligibility and available services; and
(13) works with vendors, primarily the
Health Program Support/Third Party
Administrator vendor and the Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS), to ensure providers receive
appropriate reimbursement for initial
health evaluations, annual medical
monitoring, cancer screening, diagnostic
services, and treatment of covered
health conditions.
Research and Evaluation Branch
(CCPC). The Research and Evaluation
Branch establishes and manages a
research agenda and research translation
program to increase understanding of 9/
11 health effects as well as to improve
WTC Health Program member health
and well-being. Specifically, the branch:
(1) establishes an evaluation program for
quality management and program
integrity and improvement; (2)
establishes a research agenda to address
existing knowledge gaps, investigate the
emergence of health conditions linked
to 9/11 exposures, and build upon
current knowledge for research
translation; (3) designs the competitive
funding opportunity announcements in
coordination with the NIOSH Office of
Extramural Programs; (4) establishes a
process to obtain insight from
community members, patients, and
other stakeholders that helps shape the
evolving research agenda over time; (5)
conducts reviews—through assessing
and integrating data sources—to identify
research gaps, using the Program’s logic
model on research translation; (6)
reviews and assesses information on
potential emerging conditions that
should be further evaluated and utilizes
research solicitations in doing so; (7)
conducts scientific reviews of the
literature to determine if new health
conditions, including those petitioned
by interested parties, should be
recommended to the Administrator of
the WTC Health Program for addition to
the List of WTC-Related Health
Conditions; (8) ensures that the WTC
database of research publications is
maintained and current; (9) aids in
administering the statutorily-established
WTC Health Program Scientific/
Technical Advisory Committee; (10)
supports, develops, and implements
research products, such as research
seminars, science blogs, and a research
summary database, to disseminate
information about research findings and
assist in the translation of those findings
to the member healthcare component of
the Program; (11) ensures uniform data
collection and scientific data
integration; supports collaboration
between the Data Centers and the WTC
Health Registry; and oversees the
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transfer of member data from the
Nationwide Provider Network to the
cohort-specific Data Center(s) for
inclusion in health surveillance
analyses and program-funded research;
(12) coordinates and evaluates
administrative quality control and
enterprise risk management for the WTC
Health Program; (13) implements the
WTC Health Program’s approved
processes and procedures to identify
and address fraud, waste, and abuse;
(14) provides subject matter expertise
for administrative and clinical quality
metrics for the Clinical Centers of
Excellence, the Nationwide Provider
Network, and the Pharmacy Benefit
Manager contract statements of work;
(15) ensures the 9/11 exposure-based
WTC Health Registry is maintained in
accordance with statutory requirements
and that appropriate analysis plans are
implemented; and (16) provides subject
matter expertise for the WTC Health
Program annual report to Congress and
government audits of the WTC Health
Business Operations Branch (CCPD).
The Business Operations Branch leads
strategic acquisition planning as well as
the development and dissemination of
technical documentation to support the
division. Specifically, the branch: (1)
improves the WTC Health Program’s
efficiency through process improvement
and solution development and
workforce management and
development; (2) oversees training,
project management, and travel; (3)
develops and oversees acquisition and
procurement strategy, the acquisition
plan and performance work statements
for contract awards—for the Clinical
Centers of Excellence, Data Centers,
Nationwide Provider Network,
Pharmacy Benefit Manager, Health
Program Support/Third Party
Administrator, and for other support
contracts—to carry out the mission of
the WTC Health Program in
coordination with the CDC Office of
Acquisitions; (4) manages the
reimbursement of the Clinical Centers of
Excellence and the Nationwide Provider
Network for infrastructure costs, the
Data Centers, Pharmacy Benefit
Manager, Health Program Support/Third
Party Administrator, and other support
contracts; (5) implements agreement
with New York City for purposes of
collecting 10% of specified Program
expenses, in accordance with the
authorizing legislation; (6) administers
and/or collects recoupments from
private insurance and workers
compensation; (7) enters into
agreement(s) with CMS for provider
reimbursements; (8) ensures all
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requirements pursuant to the Health
Information Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) and
implementing regulations are followed
and coordinates implementation of
approved processes and procedures to
ensure member information is securely
transmitted and used in alignment with
both HIPAA and the Privacy Act; (9)
ensures compliance with all records
management requirements and that
WTC Health Program data and records
are maintained in alignment with
agency and National Archives and
Records Administration requirements;
and (10) provides expertise to the
division on process improvement and
use of technology and business
solutions to meet the division’s
Delegations of Authority
All delegations and redelegations of
authority made to officials and
employees of affected organizational
components will continue in them or
their successors pending further
redelegation, provided they are
consistent with this reorganization.
(Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3101)
Xavier Becerra,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human
[FR Doc. 2024–04901 Filed 3–6–24; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
[Document Identifiers: CMS–10440]
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, Health and Human
Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
The Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS) is announcing
an opportunity for the public to
comment on CMS’ intention to collect
information from the public. Under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), Federal agencies are required to
publish notice in the Federal Register
concerning each proposed collection of
information (including each proposed
extension or reinstatement of an existing
collection of information) and to allow
60 days for public comment on the
proposed action. Interested persons are
invited to send comments regarding our
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 46 (Thursday, March 7, 2024)]
[Pages 16579-16580]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-04901]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Reorganization of the National Institute for Occupational Safety
and Health
AGENCY: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: CDC has modified its structure. This notice announces the
reorganization of the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program within
the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The
WTC Health Program has established three branches.
DATES: This reorganization was approved by the HHS Secretary on March
4, 2024, and became effective.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: D'Artonya Graham, Office of Strategic
Business Initiatives, Office of the Chief Operating Officer, Office of
the Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton
Road NE, MS TW-2, Atlanta, GA 30329; Telephone 770-488-4401; Email:
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Part C (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention) of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and
Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services
(45 FR 67772-76, dated October 14, 1980, and corrected at 45 FR 69296,
October 20, 1980, as amended most recently at Vol. 88, No. 132, pg.
44359-44363, dated July 12, 2023) is amended to reflect the
reorganization of the World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Specifically, the changes are as
I. Under Part C, Section C-B, Organization and Functions, insert
the following:
Office of the Director (CCP1)
Healthcare Benefits Branch (CCPB)
Research and Evaluation Branch (CCPC)
Business Operations Branch (CCPD)
II. Under Part C, Section C-B, Organization and Functions, after
the World Trade Center Health Program (CCP) insert the following:
Office of the Director (CCP1). Conducts the legislatively mandated
World Trade Center (WTC) Health Program established by the James
Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, as amended. (1)
Provides management, strategic planning and oversight, budget
formulation and execution, science and medical policy oversight and
development, industry expertise, and contract transition oversight; (2)
consults with stakeholders in carrying out the WTC Health Program
mission, develops and disseminates all WTC Health Program
communications, and provides oversight for public relations and media
strategy; and (3) oversees all program statutory directives in the
Zadroga Act to provide medical monitoring and treatment to eligible
responders and survivors who were affected by the September 11, 2001,
terrorist attacks.
Healthcare Benefits Branch (CCPB). The Healthcare Benefits Branch
confirms eligibility for Program benefits and implements a limited
health benefits model to provide quality and compassionate medically
necessary treatment and monitoring of WTC-related health conditions to
eligible members in the WTC Health Program. Specifically, the branch:
(1) develops recommendations for the Administrator of the WTC Health
Program for medical coverage determinations including medically
necessary diagnostic, cancer screening, and treatment services allowed
under the WTC Health Program; (2) establishes and maintains the
pharmaceutical formulary and conducts compliance as well as outlier
audits with the Pharmacy Benefit Manager, Clinical Centers of
Excellence, and the Nationwide Provider Network vendors; (3) provides
subject matter expertise to contracting officer representatives for
contracts such as the Clinical Centers of Excellence, Nationwide
Provider Network, Cost Avoidance, and Pharmacy Benefit Manager contract
statements of work; (4) provides enrollment recommendations to the
Administrator of the WTC Health Program for of WTC responders and
survivors and Pentagon and Shanksville responders and follows statutory
and regulatory requirements and approved process and procedures to
enroll members into the WTC Health Program; (5) processes certification
of member's WTC-related health conditions eligible for treatment
coverage in the WTC Health Program and follows statutory and regulatory
requirements and approved processes and procedures to issue
certification decisions on behalf of the Administrator of the WTC
Health Program; (6) develops medical and pharmacy benefit coverage
determinations and issues coverage decisions on prior authorization
requests for medical services, durable medical equipment, supplies, and
pharmaceuticals; (7) coordinates working groups, such as the
Pharmaceutical and Therapeutics Working Group, with stakeholder
clinicians for continuing education and alignment with program
formulary changes; (8) provides oversight and expertise to Clinical
Centers of Excellence and Nationwide Provider Network on case
management, care coordination, and utilization management; (9) designs
and manages the medical diagnosis and procedural services codebook,
which supports benefit access for covered conditions and approved
services with utilization limitations; (10) supports members through
customer support and by coordinating and managing call centers, issues
written member correspondence, and supports member transfers; (11)
coordinates, on behalf of the Administrator of the WTC Health Program,
certification, enrollment, and treatment appeals following statutory
and regulatory requirements and approved processes and procedures; (12)
serves as subject matter experts for vendors, particularly for outreach
and education vendors on program
[[Page 16580]]
eligibility and available services; and (13) works with vendors,
primarily the Health Program Support/Third Party Administrator vendor
and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), to ensure
providers receive appropriate reimbursement for initial health
evaluations, annual medical monitoring, cancer screening, diagnostic
services, and treatment of covered health conditions.
Research and Evaluation Branch (CCPC). The Research and Evaluation
Branch establishes and manages a research agenda and research
translation program to increase understanding of 9/11 health effects as
well as to improve WTC Health Program member health and well-being.
Specifically, the branch: (1) establishes an evaluation program for
quality management and program integrity and improvement; (2)
establishes a research agenda to address existing knowledge gaps,
investigate the emergence of health conditions linked to 9/11
exposures, and build upon current knowledge for research translation;
(3) designs the competitive funding opportunity announcements in
coordination with the NIOSH Office of Extramural Programs; (4)
establishes a process to obtain insight from community members,
patients, and other stakeholders that helps shape the evolving research
agenda over time; (5) conducts reviews--through assessing and
integrating data sources--to identify research gaps, using the
Program's logic model on research translation; (6) reviews and assesses
information on potential emerging conditions that should be further
evaluated and utilizes research solicitations in doing so; (7) conducts
scientific reviews of the literature to determine if new health
conditions, including those petitioned by interested parties, should be
recommended to the Administrator of the WTC Health Program for addition
to the List of WTC-Related Health Conditions; (8) ensures that the WTC
database of research publications is maintained and current; (9) aids
in administering the statutorily-established WTC Health Program
Scientific/Technical Advisory Committee; (10) supports, develops, and
implements research products, such as research seminars, science blogs,
and a research summary database, to disseminate information about
research findings and assist in the translation of those findings to
the member healthcare component of the Program; (11) ensures uniform
data collection and scientific data integration; supports collaboration
between the Data Centers and the WTC Health Registry; and oversees the
transfer of member data from the Nationwide Provider Network to the
cohort-specific Data Center(s) for inclusion in health surveillance
analyses and program-funded research; (12) coordinates and evaluates
administrative quality control and enterprise risk management for the
WTC Health Program; (13) implements the WTC Health Program's approved
processes and procedures to identify and address fraud, waste, and
abuse; (14) provides subject matter expertise for administrative and
clinical quality metrics for the Clinical Centers of Excellence, the
Nationwide Provider Network, and the Pharmacy Benefit Manager contract
statements of work; (15) ensures the 9/11 exposure-based WTC Health
Registry is maintained in accordance with statutory requirements and
that appropriate analysis plans are implemented; and (16) provides
subject matter expertise for the WTC Health Program annual report to
Congress and government audits of the WTC Health Program.
Business Operations Branch (CCPD). The Business Operations Branch
leads strategic acquisition planning as well as the development and
dissemination of technical documentation to support the division.
Specifically, the branch: (1) improves the WTC Health Program's
efficiency through process improvement and solution development and
workforce management and development; (2) oversees training, project
management, and travel; (3) develops and oversees acquisition and
procurement strategy, the acquisition plan and performance work
statements for contract awards--for the Clinical Centers of Excellence,
Data Centers, Nationwide Provider Network, Pharmacy Benefit Manager,
Health Program Support/Third Party Administrator, and for other support
contracts--to carry out the mission of the WTC Health Program in
coordination with the CDC Office of Acquisitions; (4) manages the
reimbursement of the Clinical Centers of Excellence and the Nationwide
Provider Network for infrastructure costs, the Data Centers, Pharmacy
Benefit Manager, Health Program Support/Third Party Administrator, and
other support contracts; (5) implements agreement with New York City
for purposes of collecting 10% of specified Program expenses, in
accordance with the authorizing legislation; (6) administers and/or
collects recoupments from private insurance and workers compensation;
(7) enters into agreement(s) with CMS for provider reimbursements; (8)
ensures all requirements pursuant to the Health Information Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and implementing regulations are
followed and coordinates implementation of approved processes and
procedures to ensure member information is securely transmitted and
used in alignment with both HIPAA and the Privacy Act; (9) ensures
compliance with all records management requirements and that WTC Health
Program data and records are maintained in alignment with agency and
National Archives and Records Administration requirements; and (10)
provides expertise to the division on process improvement and use of
technology and business solutions to meet the division's missions.
Delegations of Authority
All delegations and redelegations of authority made to officials
and employees of affected organizational components will continue in
them or their successors pending further redelegation, provided they
are consistent with this reorganization.
(Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3101)
Xavier Becerra,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services.
[FR Doc. 2024-04901 Filed 3-6-24; 8:45 am]