Agency Information Collection Activities; Information Collection Renewal; Comment Request for OGE Form 278e Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report, 14071-14073 [2024-03814]
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 38 / Monday, February 26, 2024 / Notices
participating either virtually or in
person will be able to provide
comments verbally or in writing. A link
to register to attend the public meeting
virtually, via Zoom, is available at Members of the
public may attend the meeting in person
at Northway Community Center, Main
Hall, 183 Circle Drive, Northway, AK
Comments sent by any other method,
to any other address or individual, or
received after the end of the comment
period may not be considered by GSA.
All comments received are part of the
public record. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.),
confidential business information, or
otherwise sensitive information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. GSA will accept
anonymous comments.
Aaron Evanson, Capital Project
Manager, (206) 445–5876, AlcanLPOE@
identified one action alternative that
meets the stated purpose and need of
the proposed project and thus has been
analyzed in detail in the DEIS. GSA also
analyzed a ‘‘No Action’’ alternative,
which evaluates the effects that would
occur if GSA continued to operate the
LPOE under current conditions (i.e., the
status quo).
Alternative 1 consists of expanding
and modernizing the existing Alcan
LPOE. Alternative 1 would include:
land acquisition; site preparation and
grading; construction of a new Main
LPOE Building, enclosed inspection
vehicle spaces, new housing units with
improved security measures, a firing
range, and a helipad; and demolition of
the existing LPOE structures. Land
acquisition under Alternative 1 would
expand the port to include up to 2.5
acres of land south of and across the
Alaska Highway from the existing
All facility and infrastructure
improvements proposed under
Alternative 1 would incorporate a
sustainable, climate-resilient, cybersecure, and operationally efficient
design. GSA would seek to meet or
exceed energy and sustainability goals
established by federal guidelines and
policies, along with industry standard
building codes and best practices.
Based on CBP and GSA design
standards, the total enclosed building
area required for the modernized Alcan
LPOE and housing would be 129,145
square feet (sf) with an additional 3,820
sf of booths and canopies and 3,600 sf
of outdoor parking and hard surfaces.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:23 Feb 23, 2024
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Alternative 1 would provide dualpurpose inspection lanes to allow for
flexibility of inspection operations as
well as enclosed spaces for secondary
inspection of POVs and commercial
vehicles. A modernized Main LPOE
Building would also enhance the
holding and interview capabilities of the
Alcan LPOE to meet current CBP
security standards.
There would be approximately 15
acres of temporary ground disturbance
and 5 acres of permanent ground
disturbance under Alternative 1.
Approximately 5 acres would be used as
a staging area during construction.
There are currently 8 acres of
impermeable surfaces at the LPOE;
expansion and modernization would
add an estimated 4 additional acres of
impervious surfaces.
GSA and CBP are considering an
option under Alternative 1 to pursue
joint operation of the Alcan LPOE with
the Canada Border Services Agency
(CBSA). CBSA and CBP officers would
jointly operate the facility to conduct
inspections of U.S. commercial vehicles
and POVs entering Canada; however, no
housing would be provided for CBSA
officers at Alcan. This option would not
affect the design or CBP staffing of the
expanded and modernized Alcan LPOE,
nor contribute additional environmental
impacts under the action alternative,
and hence is not analyzed further in the
GSA also evaluated a No Action
alternative, which assumes that
expansion or modernization of the
LPOE would not occur and that port
operations would continue under
current conditions. The No Action
alternative does not meet the stated
purpose and need of the proposed
Classification: The DEIS was prepared
in compliance with the NEPA, as
amended (42 United States Code
[U.S.C.] et seq.), which requires federal
agencies to examine the impacts of their
proposed projects or actions on the
human and natural environment and
consider alternatives to the proposal
before deciding on taking an action. The
DEIS complies with the 2020 Council on
Environmental Quality (CEQ) NEPA
regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations [CFR] § 1500–1508), as
modified by the Phase I 2022 revisions.
The effective date of the 2022 revisions
was May 20, 2022, and reviews that
began after this date are required to
apply the 2020 regulations as modified
by the Phase I revisions unless there is
a clear and fundamental conflict with an
applicable statute. The DEIS effort began
on January 10, 2023, and accordingly
proceeds under the 2020 regulations as
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modified by the Phase I revisions. In
addition, the DEIS also complies with
the GSA Public Buildings Service NEPA
Desk Guide and other relevant federal
and state laws and regulations and
executive orders and integrates the
consultation processes required under
Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act and Section 7 of the
Endangered Species Act with the NEPA
Anamarie Crawley,
Director, R10 Facilities Management Division,
[FR Doc. 2024–03780 Filed 2–23–24; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Information Collection
Renewal; Comment Request for OGE
Form 278e Executive Branch
Personnel Public Financial Disclosure
Office of Government Ethics
Notice and request for
After this first round notice
and public comment period, the Office
of Government Ethics (OGE) plans to
request that the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) renew its approval
under the Paperwork Reduction Act for
a modified version of an existing
information collection, entitled the OGE
Form 278e Executive Branch Personnel
Public Financial Disclosure Report.
DATES: Written comments by the public
and agencies on the proposed
modification and extension are invited
and must be received by April 26, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted to OGE by any of the
following methods:
Email: (Include
reference to ‘‘OGE Form 278e
paperwork comment’’ in the subject line
of the message.)
Mail: Office of Government Ethics,
Attention: Jennifer Matis, Associate
Counsel, 250 E Street SW, Suite 750,
Washington, DC 20024–3249.
Instructions: Comments may be
posted on OGE’s website,
Sensitive personal information, such as
account numbers or Social Security
numbers, should not be included.
Comments generally will not be edited
to remove any identifying or contact
Jennifer Matis at the U.S. Office of
Government Ethics; telephone: 202–
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 38 / Monday, February 26, 2024 / Notices
482–9216; TTY: 800–877–8339; Email: A copy of the form with
proposed changes marked in red is
available here:
Title: Executive Branch Personnel
Public Financial Disclosure Report.
Agency Form Number: OGE Form
Abstract: The OGE Form 278e collects
information from certain officers and
high-level employees in the executive
branch for conflicts of interest review
and public disclosure. The form also
collects information from individuals
who are nominated by the President for
high-level executive branch positions
requiring Senate confirmation and
individuals entering into and departing
from other public reporting positions in
the executive branch. The information is
collected in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
13104 and OGE’s implementing
financial disclosure regulations at 5 CFR
part 2634. The information collected
relates to: assets and income;
transactions; gifts, reimbursements and
travel expenses; liabilities; agreements
or arrangements; outside positions; and
compensation over $5,000 paid by a
source—all subject to various reporting
thresholds and exclusions.
OGE has approval for five versions of
the Form 278e: a PDF version, an Excel
version, an electronic version called
Integrity, a Chinese language version,
and a Spanish language version. The
translated versions are intended to be
informational only, to allow more
members of the public to understand the
content of filers’ public reports. The
version of the Form 278e that is
produced by Integrity is a streamlined
output report format that presents only
the filer’s inputs in given categories and
does not report other categories not
selected by the filer. It is this output
report that is made available to the
public in PDF form. Most public
disclosure filers now use Integrity to file
the OGE Form 278e. However, OGE also
continues to maintain an Excel version
of the form and a 508 compliant PDF
version accessible to users who use
screen readers to access and interact
with digital information.
OGE seeks renewal of the OGE Form
278e with several modifications. OGE
sought and received input from a variety
of stakeholders before proposing these
modifications. Comments submitted by
the public in response to the Federal
Register notices published during the
last renewal in 2021 were reconsidered.
In addition, OGE solicited and received
additional comments from OGE
employees, agency ethics officials (who
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:23 Feb 23, 2024
Jkt 262001
are the individuals responsible for
reviewing the completed forms for
potential conflicts of interest), interested
Congressional offices, and the public.
On January 19, 2023, OGE held a public
meeting to discuss potential changes to
the OGE Forms 450 and 278e and
accepted written comments in lieu of
appearing in-person. See 87 FR 73766
(Dec. 1, 2022).
OGE considered each comment
submitted. The proposed modifications
discussed below incorporate the
suggested changes that OGE believes
will provide added clarity and value to
the financial disclosure process. OGE is
declining to make other suggested
changes at this time due to OGE’s lack
of regulatory authority to make such
changes, lack of interest by the affected
agencies, and/or the associated costs to
The proposed modifications are
described below. These changes apply
to the English language versions of the
form only; OGE will update its Spanish
and Chinese instructional versions at a
later date.
Changes to All English Versions (Excel,
PDF, and Integrity)
OGE proposes to add a question for all
filers regarding their type of
appointment. The options offered are
‘‘PAS,’’ ‘‘Non-Career,’’ and ‘‘Career.’’
The information may be provided by the
filer or by their agency. This
information will appear on the cover
page. This change was requested by a
good government group in order to help
the public understand the filer’s
potential conflicts. One of the primary
purposes of the public financial
disclosure report is to allow the public
to understand any potential conflicts of
interest the filer might have. Knowing
the filer’s type of appointment is
important to this understanding because
different types of officials have different
ethics requirements.
OGE also proposes to identify the date
of appointment on the cover page of
reports for all filers other than nominees
(who have not yet been appointed at the
time they complete the form). Integrity
currently identifies the date of
appointment on the cover page of a new
entrant report only. The Excel and PDF
versions currently have one field for
both date of appointment and date of
termination, which OGE proposes
separating into two fields. The purpose
is to benefit the public’s understanding
of the time period during which the
individual was in a public filing
Lastly, OGE proposes to add a link to
its online Public Financial Disclosure
Guide, the most widely used resource
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for completing and reviewing public
financial disclosure reports.
Changes to the Excel and PDF Versions
OGE proposes instructional changes
to the Excel and PDF versions to
provide better guidance to those filers
who do not use the Integrity application.
OGE does not propose any changes to
the information collected on the Excel
and PDF versions of the form, beyond
the addition of ‘‘appointment type’’
discussed above.
OGE proposes two changes to the
initial instructions page to improve
clarity: (1) changing the topic headings
to plain language questions (e.g.,
changing ‘‘Late Filing’’ to ‘‘What
Happens if I File Late?’’); and (2)
consolidating the guidance on which
parts to complete into a new section
headed ‘‘What Parts Must I Complete?’’
In the rest of the instructions, OGE
proposes to add clarifying guidance on
reporting requirements, exceptions to
reporting requirements, and definitions.
OGE also proposes to add specific
instructions to avoid reporting
unnecessary personal information.
Finally, OGE proposes to add a note
indicating that the reporting thresholds
for gifts are applicable for calendar years
2023–2025 and that the amounts are
adjusted every three years.
OMB Control Number: 3209–0001.
Type of Information Collection:
Extension of a currently approved
Type of Review Request: Regular.
Affected Public: Private citizen
Presidential nominees to executive
branch positions subject to Senate
confirmation; other private citizens who
are potential (incoming) Federal
employees whose positions are
designated for public disclosure filing;
those who file termination reports from
such positions after their Government
service ends; and Presidential and VicePresidential candidates.
Estimated Annual Number of
Respondents: 4,257.
Estimated Time per Response: 10
Estimated Total Annual Burden:
42,570 hours.
Request for Comments: OGE is
publishing this first round notice of its
intent to request paperwork clearance
renewal for OGE Form 278e. Public
comment is invited specifically on the
need for and practical utility of this
information collection, the accuracy of
OGE’s burden estimate, the
enhancement of quality, utility and
clarity of the information collected, and
the minimization of burden (including
the use of information technology). OGE
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 38 / Monday, February 26, 2024 / Notices
specifically seeks comments on whether
the proposed changes will change the
burden of completing the form.
Comments received in response to this
notice will be summarized for, and may
be included with, the OGE request for
extension of OMB paperwork approval.
The comments will also become a
matter of public record.
Approved: February 20, 2024.
Shelley K. Finlayson,
Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government
[FR Doc. 2024–03814 Filed 2–23–24; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Information Collection
Renewal; Comment Request for OGE
Form 450 Executive Branch
Confidential Financial Disclosure
Office of Government Ethics
Notice and request for
After this first round notice
and public comment period, the Office
of Government Ethics (OGE) plans to
request that the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) renew its approval
under the Paperwork Reduction Act for
a modified version of an existing
information collection, entitled the OGE
Form 450 Executive Branch
Confidential Financial Disclosure
DATES: Written comments by the public
and agencies on this proposed
modification and extension are invited
and must be received by April 26, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted to OGE by any of the
following methods:
Email: (Include
reference to ‘‘OGE Form 450 paperwork
comment’’ in the subject line of the
Mail: Office of Government Ethics,
Attention: Jennifer Matis, Associate
Counsel, 250 E Street SW, Suite 750,
Washington, DC 20024–3249.
Instructions: Comments may be
posted on OGE’s website,
Sensitive personal information, such as
account numbers or Social Security
numbers, should not be included.
Comments generally will not be edited
to remove any identifying or contact
Jennifer Matis at the U.S. Office of
Government Ethics; telephone: 202–
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:23 Feb 23, 2024
Jkt 262001
482–9216; TTY: 800–877–8339; Email: A copy of the form with
proposed changes marked in red is
available here:
Title: Executive Branch Confidential
Financial Disclosure Report.
Agency Form Number: OGE Form
Abstract: The OGE Form 450 collects
information from covered executive
branch employees as required under
OGE’s executive branch wide regulatory
provisions in subpart I of 5 CFR part
2634. The basis for the OGE reporting
regulation is section 201(d) of Executive
Order 12674 of April 12, 1989 (as
modified by Executive Order 12731 of
October 17, 1990) and 5 U.S.C. 13109.
The purpose of collecting this
information is to allow agencies to
identify and address potential financial
conflicts of interest among covered
employees. The information collected
relates to: assets and income; liabilities;
outside positions; agreements and
arrangements; and gifts, reimbursements
and travel expenses—all subject to
various reporting thresholds and
exclusions. OGE currently maintains the
form in three formats on its website: a
PDF version, a 508 compliant PDF
version accessible to users who use
screen readers to access and interact
with digital information, and an Excel
OGE seeks renewal of the OGE Form
450 with several modifications. OGE
sought and received input from a variety
of stakeholders before proposing these
modifications. Comments submitted by
the public in response to the Federal
Register notices published during the
last renewal in 2021 were reconsidered.
In addition, OGE solicited and received
additional comments from OGE
employees, agency ethics officials (who
are the individuals responsible for
reviewing the completed forms for
potential conflicts of interest), interested
Congressional offices, and the public.
On January 19, 2023, OGE held a public
meeting to discuss potential changes to
the OGE Forms 450 and 278e and
accepted written comments in lieu of
appearing in-person. See 87 FR 73766
(Dec. 1, 2022).
OGE considered each comment
submitted. The proposed modifications
discussed below incorporate the
suggested changes that OGE believes
will provide added clarity and value to
the financial disclosure process. OGE is
declining to make other suggested
changes at this time due to OGE’s lack
of regulatory authority to make such
changes, lack of interest by the affected
PO 00000
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agencies, and/or the associated costs to
agencies’ electronic financial disclosure
filing systems.
The proposed modifications are
described below:
On the instruction page, OGE
simplified the navigation to OGEs
website for filers who need instructions
on completing the form and added a
On the cover page, OGE proposes to
delete the field for mailing address and
to add a question regarding whether the
filer has a spouse who has paid
employment outside the federal
government. The yes/no question would
be added to the current list of yes/no
questions. Filers are required by
regulation to report their spouses’
employment income. In OGE’s listening
sessions with agency ethics officials,
they felt strongly that the addition of
this yes/no question would permit
agency reviewers to better identify
potential inadvertent omissions
elsewhere on the form. OGE believes
that the minor impact to the filers of
answering this additional yes/no
question is outweighed by the benefit to
the efficiency and effectiveness of the
financial disclosure review process.
OGE also clarified the definition of
‘‘special government employee’’ on the
cover page based on feedback regarding
the current explanatory language.
In the main body of the form, OGE
proposes to make a number of changes
to the instructions to increase their
clarity. Guidance would be added to
make it clearer what is and is not
reportable. A note would be added
indicating that the reporting thresholds
for gifts are applicable for calendar years
2023–2025 and that the amounts are
adjusted every three years. Additional
examples would be added to the
Examples page and each section, further
demonstrating how particular
information should be reported, and
some definitions would be removed to
make room for additional examples and
other clarifying changes. The
information that had been provided in
the removed definitions is more clearly
addressed on other parts of the form.
These changes would not modify the
confidential financial disclosure
reporting requirements in any way.
They are intended to help ensure that
filers report all required information in
the proper manner, without
overreporting unnecessary personally
identifiable information.
Finally, OGE plans to discontinue use
of the PDF version of the form that is
not accessible to users who use screen
readers (i.e. it is not ‘‘508 compliant’’).
This version has a feature that allows
users to add additional blank pages.
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 38 (Monday, February 26, 2024)]
[Pages 14071-14073]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-03814]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Information Collection
Renewal; Comment Request for OGE Form 278e Executive Branch Personnel
Public Financial Disclosure Report
AGENCY: Office of Government Ethics (OGE).
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: After this first round notice and public comment period, the
Office of Government Ethics (OGE) plans to request that the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) renew its approval under the Paperwork
Reduction Act for a modified version of an existing information
collection, entitled the OGE Form 278e Executive Branch Personnel
Public Financial Disclosure Report.
DATES: Written comments by the public and agencies on the proposed
modification and extension are invited and must be received by April
26, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted to OGE by any of the following
Email: [email protected] (Include reference to ``OGE Form 278e
paperwork comment'' in the subject line of the message.)
Mail: Office of Government Ethics, Attention: Jennifer Matis,
Associate Counsel, 250 E Street SW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20024-
Instructions: Comments may be posted on OGE's website,
Sensitive personal information, such as account numbers or Social
Security numbers, should not be included. Comments generally will not
be edited to remove any identifying or contact information.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jennifer Matis at the U.S. Office of
Government Ethics; telephone: 202-
[[Page 14072]]
482-9216; TTY: 800-877-8339; Email: [email protected]. A copy of the form
with proposed changes marked in red is available here:
Title: Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure
Agency Form Number: OGE Form 278e.
Abstract: The OGE Form 278e collects information from certain
officers and high-level employees in the executive branch for conflicts
of interest review and public disclosure. The form also collects
information from individuals who are nominated by the President for
high-level executive branch positions requiring Senate confirmation and
individuals entering into and departing from other public reporting
positions in the executive branch. The information is collected in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 13104 and OGE's implementing financial
disclosure regulations at 5 CFR part 2634. The information collected
relates to: assets and income; transactions; gifts, reimbursements and
travel expenses; liabilities; agreements or arrangements; outside
positions; and compensation over $5,000 paid by a source--all subject
to various reporting thresholds and exclusions.
OGE has approval for five versions of the Form 278e: a PDF version,
an Excel version, an electronic version called Integrity, a Chinese
language version, and a Spanish language version. The translated
versions are intended to be informational only, to allow more members
of the public to understand the content of filers' public reports. The
version of the Form 278e that is produced by Integrity is a streamlined
output report format that presents only the filer's inputs in given
categories and does not report other categories not selected by the
filer. It is this output report that is made available to the public in
PDF form. Most public disclosure filers now use Integrity to file the
OGE Form 278e. However, OGE also continues to maintain an Excel version
of the form and a 508 compliant PDF version accessible to users who use
screen readers to access and interact with digital information.
OGE seeks renewal of the OGE Form 278e with several modifications.
OGE sought and received input from a variety of stakeholders before
proposing these modifications. Comments submitted by the public in
response to the Federal Register notices published during the last
renewal in 2021 were reconsidered. In addition, OGE solicited and
received additional comments from OGE employees, agency ethics
officials (who are the individuals responsible for reviewing the
completed forms for potential conflicts of interest), interested
Congressional offices, and the public. On January 19, 2023, OGE held a
public meeting to discuss potential changes to the OGE Forms 450 and
278e and accepted written comments in lieu of appearing in-person. See
87 FR 73766 (Dec. 1, 2022).
OGE considered each comment submitted. The proposed modifications
discussed below incorporate the suggested changes that OGE believes
will provide added clarity and value to the financial disclosure
process. OGE is declining to make other suggested changes at this time
due to OGE's lack of regulatory authority to make such changes, lack of
interest by the affected agencies, and/or the associated costs to
The proposed modifications are described below. These changes apply
to the English language versions of the form only; OGE will update its
Spanish and Chinese instructional versions at a later date.
Changes to All English Versions (Excel, PDF, and Integrity)
OGE proposes to add a question for all filers regarding their type
of appointment. The options offered are ``PAS,'' ``Non-Career,'' and
``Career.'' The information may be provided by the filer or by their
agency. This information will appear on the cover page. This change was
requested by a good government group in order to help the public
understand the filer's potential conflicts. One of the primary purposes
of the public financial disclosure report is to allow the public to
understand any potential conflicts of interest the filer might have.
Knowing the filer's type of appointment is important to this
understanding because different types of officials have different
ethics requirements.
OGE also proposes to identify the date of appointment on the cover
page of reports for all filers other than nominees (who have not yet
been appointed at the time they complete the form). Integrity currently
identifies the date of appointment on the cover page of a new entrant
report only. The Excel and PDF versions currently have one field for
both date of appointment and date of termination, which OGE proposes
separating into two fields. The purpose is to benefit the public's
understanding of the time period during which the individual was in a
public filing position.
Lastly, OGE proposes to add a link to its online Public Financial
Disclosure Guide, the most widely used resource for completing and
reviewing public financial disclosure reports.
Changes to the Excel and PDF Versions Only
OGE proposes instructional changes to the Excel and PDF versions to
provide better guidance to those filers who do not use the Integrity
application. OGE does not propose any changes to the information
collected on the Excel and PDF versions of the form, beyond the
addition of ``appointment type'' discussed above.
OGE proposes two changes to the initial instructions page to
improve clarity: (1) changing the topic headings to plain language
questions (e.g., changing ``Late Filing'' to ``What Happens if I File
Late?''); and (2) consolidating the guidance on which parts to complete
into a new section headed ``What Parts Must I Complete?''
In the rest of the instructions, OGE proposes to add clarifying
guidance on reporting requirements, exceptions to reporting
requirements, and definitions. OGE also proposes to add specific
instructions to avoid reporting unnecessary personal information.
Finally, OGE proposes to add a note indicating that the reporting
thresholds for gifts are applicable for calendar years 2023-2025 and
that the amounts are adjusted every three years.
OMB Control Number: 3209-0001.
Type of Information Collection: Extension of a currently approved
Type of Review Request: Regular.
Affected Public: Private citizen Presidential nominees to executive
branch positions subject to Senate confirmation; other private citizens
who are potential (incoming) Federal employees whose positions are
designated for public disclosure filing; those who file termination
reports from such positions after their Government service ends; and
Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates.
Estimated Annual Number of Respondents: 4,257.
Estimated Time per Response: 10 hours.
Estimated Total Annual Burden: 42,570 hours.
Request for Comments: OGE is publishing this first round notice of
its intent to request paperwork clearance renewal for OGE Form 278e.
Public comment is invited specifically on the need for and practical
utility of this information collection, the accuracy of OGE's burden
estimate, the enhancement of quality, utility and clarity of the
information collected, and the minimization of burden (including the
use of information technology). OGE
[[Page 14073]]
specifically seeks comments on whether the proposed changes will change
the burden of completing the form. Comments received in response to
this notice will be summarized for, and may be included with, the OGE
request for extension of OMB paperwork approval. The comments will also
become a matter of public record.
Approved: February 20, 2024.
Shelley K. Finlayson,
Acting Director, U.S. Office of Government Ethics.
[FR Doc. 2024-03814 Filed 2-23-24; 8:45 am]