Personnel Demonstration Project at the Army Futures Command Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratory (STRL), 13548-13586 [2024-03586]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
Office of the Secretary
[Docket ID: DoD–2022–OS–0117]
Personnel Demonstration Project at
the Army Futures Command Science
and Technology Reinvention
Laboratory (STRL)
Under Secretary of Defense for
Research and Engineering (USD(R&E)),
Department of Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Personnel demonstration project
This Federal Register Notice
(FRN) serves as notice of the adoption
of STRL personnel demonstration
project flexibilities by an STRL
comprised of certain organizations
within the U.S. Army Futures Command
(AFC), known collectively as the AFC
STRL. The organizations comprising the
AFC STRL are the U.S. Army Futures
Command Headquarters and
Headquarters Components (AFC HHC);
the Futures and Concepts Center (FCC);
Cross Functional Teams (CFTs); The
Research and Analysis Center (TRAC);
the Combat Capabilities Development
Command (CCDC) Headquarters (also
known as DEVCOM Headquarters); and
the DEVCOM Analysis Center (DAC).
The AFC STRL will adopt with some
modifications, personnel demonstration
project flexibilities implemented by the
Combat Capabilities Development
Command (CCDC) Army Research
Laboratory (ARL); CCDC Command,
Control, Communications, Computers,
Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance, and
Reconnaissance Center (C5ISR); the
Army Research Institute for the
Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI);
the CCDC Armament Center (AC); the
Technical Center (TC), U.S. Army Space
and Missile Defense Command
(USASMDC); and the Joint Warfare
Analysis Center (JWAC). Most
flexibilities and administrative
procedures are adopted without
changes. However, modifications were
made when necessary to address
specific management and workforce
needs. In addition, changes were made
based on current law, best practices, and
administrative guidance.
DATES: Implementation of this
demonstration project will begin in no
earlier than February 22, 2024.
• AFC STRL: Marlowe Richmond,
(571) 588–1219,
• Office of Under Secretary of
Defense (Research and Engineering),
Defense Research Enterprise Office: Dr.
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James B. Petro, (571) 286–6265,
authorized by section 4121 of title 10,
United States Code (U.S.C.), the
Secretary of Defense may carry out
personnel demonstration projects at
DoD laboratories designated as DoD
STRLs. On May 13, 2021, certain
elements of AFC were designated as a
single STRL, known as the AFC STRL.
The AFC STRL will administer a single
personnel demonstration project,
hereinafter referred to as the
‘‘Modernization Personnel
Demonstration Project’’ or ‘‘Mod
Demo,’’ for these AFC organizations: the
AFC Headquarters and Headquarters
Components, the Futures and Concepts
Center, Cross-Functional Teams (CFTs),
the Research and Analysis Center, and
the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities
Development Command (DEVCOM)
Headquarters offices. In addition, the
DEVCOM Data and Analysis Center
(DAC), which is partially aligned with
the Army Research Laboratory STRL,
will be realigned, in its entirety, as part
of the AFC STRL. The remaining
organizations within AFC will continue
to operate as independent STRLs under
their own personnel demonstration
project authorities.
Through the USD(R&E), the Secretary
exercises the authorities of the Director,
Office of Personnel Management (OPM),
under 5 U.S.C. 4703 to conduct
personnel demonstration projects at
DoD laboratories designated as STRLs.
All STRLs authorized pursuant to 10
U.S.C. 4121 may use the provisions
described in this FRN, when
implementing these flexibilities as part
of an approved personnel demonstration
project plan published in an FRN and
after fulfilling any collective bargaining
obligations. Each STRL will establish
internal operating procedures (IOPs) as
1. Background
Many studies have been conducted
since 1966 on the workforce quality of
the laboratories and associated
personnel. Most of the studies
recommended improvements in civilian
personnel policy, organization, and
management. Pursuant to the authority
provided in 10 U.S.C. 4121, several DoD
STRL personnel demonstration projects
have been implemented. The
demonstration projects are ‘‘generally
similar in nature’’ to the Department of
Navy’s China Lake Personnel
Demonstration Project. The terminology,
‘‘generally similar in nature,’’ does not
imply an emulation of various features,
but, rather, it implies a similar
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opportunity and authority to develop
personnel flexibilities that significantly
increase the decision authority of
laboratory commanders and/or
With the assistance of other DoD
STRLs, including the independent
STRLs within AFC, and experts from
across DoD, the AFC STRL operational
planning team conducted a thorough
review of STRL personnel practices,
laws, regulations, and guidance to
identify potential flexibilities that
would allow the AFC STRL to create a
contemporary, flexible personnel
management system to attract, motivate,
train, and retain a top-performing
science, technology, and modernization
workforce. In addition to existing
flexibilities available to all DoD STRL,
new flexibilities and modifications are
being proposed for MoD Demo
following study and analysis by the AFC
STRL operational planning team.
Although the organizations
comprising the AFC STRL are
components of the umbrella AFC
organization that is responsible for
modernizing the Army, the varied
composition of the AFC STRL
modernization workforce, including
headquarters personnel, analysts,
integrators, technology and concept
creators, and traditional Science &
Technology (S&T) innovators, requires
significant personnel management
flexibility. As a result, the proposed
AFC STRL Mod Demo plan incorporates
multiple IOPs, decentralized lines of
authority, and new flexibilities adapted
from other STRL demonstration
The AFC STRL Mod Demo plan
(1) Changes to appointment
authorities, hiring rules, and
qualification standards;
(2) Changes to pay setting rules and
(3) Pay banding and simplified job
(4) Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics (STEM) Student
Employment Program (SSEP) and
Accelerated Intern Compensation;
(5) Sabbaticals;
(6) Substitution for the Defense
Performance Management and
Appraisal Program (DPMAP);
(7) Academic degree, certificate, and
critical skills training;
(8) Senior Scientific Technical
Manager (SSTM) positions;
(9) Changes to workforce shaping
rules, such as Reduction-in-Force (RIF),
Voluntary Early Retirement Authority
(VERA), and Voluntary Separation
Incentive Program (VSIP);
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
(10) Voluntary Emeritus and Expert
(11) Improved incentives; and
(12) Extended Probationary Periods.
Many aspects of a demonstration
project are experimental. Modifications
may be made from time to time as
experience is gained, results analyzed,
and conclusions reached on how the
system is working, in accordance with
the provisions of Department of Defense
Instruction (DoDI) 3201.05,
‘‘Management of Science and
Technology Reinvention Laboratory
Personnel Demonstration Projects’’
(available at
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
2. Overview
The AFC STRL will adopt flexibilities
implemented by the following STRL
Personnel Demonstration Project plans:
CCDC AC, 76 FR 3744, January 20, 2011;
ARI, 85 FR 76038, November 27, 2020;
CCDC ARL, 63 FR 10680, March 4,
1998; CCDC C5ISR, 66 FR 54872,
October 30, 2001; JWAC, 85 FR 29414,
May 15, 2020; and USASMDC–TC, 85
FR 3339, January 21, 2020.
Adoption of STRL personnel
demonstration project flexibilities will
enable the AFC STRL to achieve the best
workforce for its modernization
mission, adjust the workforce for
change, improve workforce quality, and
allow the AFC STRL to acquire and
retain an enthusiastic, innovative, and
highly educated and trained workforce
for Army modernization. The purpose of
the project is to demonstrate that the
effectiveness of DoD organizations can
be enhanced by allowing greater
managerial control over personnel
functions and, at the same time, expand
the opportunities available to employees
through a more responsive and flexible
personnel system. Additionally, because
AFC STRL component organizations are
geographically dispersed to highly
competitive recruitment areas,
implementation of the AFC STRL Mod
Demo is essential to competitively hire
and retain a highly qualified workforce.
3. Access to Flexibilities of Other STRLs
Flexibilities published in this FRN
will be available for use by DoD
laboratories designated as STRLs
pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 4121, including
any newly designated STRLs, if they
wish to adopt them in accordance with
DoDI 3201.05, and after the fulfillment
of any collective bargaining obligations.
4. Summary of Comments
Sixty-four (64) commenters provided
comments and questions regarding the
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B. Purpose
Comment: A commenter
recommended changing ‘‘projects’’ to
‘‘project’’ in the first sentence.
Response: This change has been
stated that the current DPMAP system
works well and that any problems were
due to leaders failing to properly lead
their employees. Furthermore,
commenters asked what was meant by
innovative personnel practices and what
the proposed flexibilities were.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
For STRLs such as AFC, which is tasked
with ensuring the Army and its Soldiers
remain at the forefront of technological
innovation and warfighting ability, the
General Schedule (GS) personnel system
and DPMAP do not provide quick or
easy ways of responding to changing
work requirements. Unlike the GS
system, which has 15 grades with 10
levels each and involves individual
position descriptions which must be
classified by complex Title 5
classification standards, the AFC STRL
Mod Demo will implement a pay
banding system and a pay for
performance system designed to provide
an effective, efficient, and flexible
method for assessing, compensating,
and managing a transformation-focused
workforce. Employees will continue to
have an opportunity to receive a base
pay increase based on their level of
performance during the appraisal year.
Importantly, changes to the
classification and pay system will
enable management to create new types
of jobs that respond to the fast-changing
world of modernization work in which
AFC STRL is engaged. The speed with
which new science, technology, and
engineering concepts emerge demands
the ability to quickly re-shape work
assignments, re-skill and up-skill
employees, and maximize the potential
of the existing workforce. Unlike the
rigid rules of the GS system which limit
internal reassignments, promotions, and
training, the AFC STRL Mod Demo
provides flexibility to train and assign
personnel as needed to respond to the
rapid changes in the modernization
mission. In addition, AFC STRL Mod
Demo enables and enhances innovative
ways to attract, recruit, and retain
current and future employees through
better pay and hiring flexibilities. In
addition, AFC STRL Mod Demo will
provide supervisor and leadership
training to develop capabilities and
skills to better engage employees.
C. Problems With the Present System
Comment: Several commenters
questioned DoD’s conclusion that the
current ‘‘GS system’s approach to career
flexibility, progression, and changing
work assignments is rigid, slow and
designed for industrial-era employees
who entered Civil Service and remained
until retirement.’’ The commenters
D. Changes Required/Expected Benefits
Comment: Commenters questioned
whether STRL personnel demonstration
projects increase employee satisfaction
and asked for surveys or other data to
support this conclusion. Some
commenters indicated that current and
former alternate personnel systems
adopted by DoD, such as the National
AFC STRL Personnel Demonstration
Project, Federal Register, 87 FR 62801,
dated October 17, 2022. The following
is a summary of these written questions
by topical area and a response to each.
A. Background
Comment: Some commenters asked
for a copy of the AFC STRL Mod Demo
plan and asked if the plan would be
disseminated to the workforce for
comment, specifically related to the
workforce shaping rules.
Response: Changes to section II.F. of
the Notice were made to clarify that,
before implementation of the AFC STRL
Mod Demo, the IOPs will be distributed
to the workforce for information only.
Details of the workforce reshaping rules
will be included in the IOPs.
Comment: Several commenters
suggested that the rationale for Mod
Demo, to enhance managerial
flexibilities to ‘‘attract, motivate, train,
and retain a top-performing science,
technology, and modernization
workforce,’’ is boilerplate and not
applicable to the AFC STRL.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
The introductory material explains why
a one-size-fits-all government-wide
system is no longer relevant for AFC
and describes several new flexibilities
designed to streamline and improve
overall personnel management in AFC
and facilitate efforts to compete with the
private sector. AFC conducted a
thorough review of the personnel
practices adopted by STRLs and
available flexibilities to identify those
that would address AFC management
and workforce needs. The resulting Mod
Demo includes personnel flexibilities
that optimize the ability to hire, retain,
train, and engage a high-performing
workforce while retaining many of the
existing practices that make working for
the Federal Government desirable. The
proposed flexibilities, or innovative
personnel practices, can be found in
section III.
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Security Personnel System (NSPS) and
the Acquisition Demonstration, were
not preferable to the General Schedule
(GS) system. One commenter asked
whether AFC and the Army studied
other agencies that are succeeding and
if any best practices were used to
improve organizational effectiveness
and employee satisfaction.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Although surveys were not conducted
with the AFC workforce to determine if
the employees wanted a pay banded
system or to determine if these changes
would produce increased workforce
satisfaction or engagement, a recent
survey of the STRL demonstration
project workforce showed 86% of
respondents were either neutral,
satisfied or very satisfied with their jobs
and 89% were satisfied with
management. (Science and Technology
Reinvention Laboratory (STRL)
Demonstration Project Summary of
Evaluation Results for Fiscal Year
Ending in 2019, Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense—Research &
Engineering (USD(R&E)) Office of Labs
and Personnel (L&PO), October 2021).
Early OPM evaluation reports indicate
that acceptance of demonstration
projects increases as time goes on, with
some STRLs seeing acceptance
increasing 40–50% in approximately
eight years. Trust and confidence in
supervisors also increased under several
demonstration projects, as well as job
satisfaction. (A Status Report on
Personnel Demonstration Projects in the
Federal Government, U.S. Office of
Personnel Management, December
2006). Due to the mission of Army
Futures Command, it is imperative to
transform recruitment, hiring, and
retention programs. The NSPS was a
centrally operated personnel system that
did not permit the flexibilities, direct
hiring authorities, and focus on a highly
technical workforce that are the
signature elements of the STRL
demonstration projects. NSPS was
particularly criticized for its inflexibility
and inability to change with lessons
learned, whereas STRL demonstration
projects provide flexibility and local
authority to apply lessons learned to
improve functionality. STRL
demonstration projects are adaptable
and responsive to workforce feedback.
AFC STRL Mod Demo pay pools will be
locally managed to facilitate equity
within similar workforce elements.
Importantly, AFC STRL Mod Demo will
be evaluated within five years of
implementation in accordance with 5
U.S.C. chapter 47. Data will be collected
internally and externally based on
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standards and guidelines developed by
the USD(R&E). Furthermore, AFC STRL
Mod Demo will collect climate survey
data throughout the life of the project.
Results of evaluation data will be
provided to the USD(R&E) and the AFC
STRL Mod Demo workforce, as
appropriate. Each year the AFC STRL
Personnel Management Board (PMB)
will review the STRL policies to
determine if changes are needed.
Unions or a neutral third party will be
informed based on bargaining unit
obligations. AFC is looking to become a
workplace of choice and to adopt best
practices by agencies such as the
National Aeronautics and Space
Agency, which is consistently
recognized as one of the best places to
work in the Federal government by the
Partnership for Public Service.
Comment: Commenters expressed
concern that the goals of the program do
not have a baseline and that it is unclear
how AFC STRL Mod Demo will
demonstrate that a human resource
system tailored to the mission and
needs of the modernization workforce
will facilitate more effective, efficient,
and adaptable organizational systems.
Commenters suggested that the stated
STRL goal of increased permeability
between the civil service and private
industry will cause employees to lose
privileges and rights in comparison to
other Federal employees.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
AFC STRL Mod Demo will be evaluated
based on standards and guidelines
developed by the USD(R&E) and AFC
STRL Mod Demo, including any
applicable baseline data requirements.
As stated in this Notice, ‘‘All personnel
laws, regulations, and guidelines not
waived by this plan will remain in
effect. Basic employee rights will be
safeguarded, and Merit System
Principles will be maintained.’’
Increasing permeability between the
civil service and private industry is
expected to have positive effects on
employees rather than causing them to
lose privileges. STRL flexibilities
provide opportunities that attract and
retain critical talent. The AFC STRL
Mod Demo is designed to reflect
different organizational mission
requirements along with career
progression for Science & Engineering
(S&E) and Business and Technical (B&T)
career paths and has been successfully
implemented in other STRL
demonstration projects.
E. Participating Organizations
Comment: Some commenters
identified that the names of the
Software Factory (SWF) and Network
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(NW CFT) should be changed to their
current designations. Additionally,
commenters recommended to delete ‘‘a’’
from the first sentence of the second
Response: These changes have been
made. The correct names and acronyms
are Army Software Factory (ASWF) and
Network Command Control
Communications Integration (NC3I).
F. Personnel Management Board (PMB)
Comment: A commenter asked if the
demographics of the PMB would be
known to the workforce. The
commenter was concerned about
diversity on the PMB and recommended
the inclusion of GS–13 and GS–14
representatives from the career fields
represented within AFC STRL Mod
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
PMB members will be appointed in
accordance with this FRN and IOPs will
include measures for ensuring a variety
of perspectives are represented. The
names of PMB members will be
provided to the workforce.
Comment: Commenters recommended
administrative changes to clarify
position titles and references.
Response: The changes have been
G. Organizational Structure and Design
Comment: Commenters expressed
various concerns about whether funding
was available to implement AFC Mod
Demo. More specifically, commenters
inquired whether: (1) Employees will
receive bonuses in fiscal year (FY) 23;
(2) funds from the current FY23 bonus
pool will be used to convert the
workforce; (3) the STRL was included in
the Program Objective Memorandum
(POM); (4) unforecasted requirements
take priority; (5) inflation impacted the
budget; (6) civilian pay and benefits
increases are impacted; (7) Army
operating budgets and the number of
civilian positions may be cut; (8) has
funding to pay for step increase buy-ins,
software costs, awards, hiring
incentives; (9) the funding source has
been identified for DA centrally funded
interns; and (10) AFC STRL Mod Demo
is revenue neutral. Lastly, commenters
asked how AFC STRL Mod Demo makes
sense based on the type of funding
available to pay civilian employees.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Implementation of AFC Mod Demo will
not change the types of funding
available for civilian pay, including
locality pay, or the average rates used by
the Army Budget Office to allocate this
funding based on the number of civilian
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
positions. Annual performance awards
and other monetary incentives for
civilian employees will continue to be
separately planned and executed as part
of AFC’s command budgeting process.
H. Pay Banding
Comment: Some commenters
expressed concerns with the AFC STRL
Mod Demo organizations use of control
points. They inquired whether they will
be published to the workforce prior to
implementation. They also inquired
whether they were needed, with one
commenter suggesting that they will
reduce the flexibility of the AFC STRL
Mod Demo and cause it to resemble the
General Schedule system.
Response: Section III.B.3 was changed
to address these comments. Although
the AFC Mod Demo will use a pay
banding structure, not all positions have
duties and responsibilities that warrant
unconstrained salary progression
through the entire range of the pay
band. Control points within a pay band
are a tool for managing organization
workforce structure and pay to reward
performance while ensuring employees
are appropriately compensated. The
following language has been added to
section III.B.3: ‘‘Control points may be
used as a compensation strategy when
management determines the duties and
responsibilities of a position do not
warrant unconstrained salary
progression through the entire range of
the pay band.’’
Comment: A commenter stated that
the 2210 occupational series under S&E
was unclear and recommended
clarifying language.
Response: The following language has
been added to section III.B.1: ‘‘This
career path includes certain Information
Technology (IT) (occupational series
2210) positions. It includes such
positions that contribute to highly
technical and/or scientific programs that
reside in the research, development, or
engineering domains, using offensive,
and defensive cyber competencies, and
directly support science and technology
initiatives contributing to the
development of cyber resilient Army
transformation and readiness
technologies. All other IT specialist
positions will be included in the B&T
career path.’’
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I. Classification
Comment: A commenter asked if the
organizations that fall under the AFC
STRL Mod Demo will have
classification authority or if the
authority will be at the AFC HQ level.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
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AFC STRL Mod Demo organizations
will have classification authority.
Comment: Commenters asked if, upon
conversion or later in time, an
employee’s career path or occupational
series may be changed even if the
employee’s qualification is appropriate
to the employee’s current job
description and qualification
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Career Path (or pay plan) refers to
Science & Engineering (DB), Business &
Technical (DE), and Support (DK)
instead of General Schedule (GS). As
indicated in section IV.A, upon
conversion, employees will be placed in
a career path (i.e., DB, DE, DK) based
upon their occupational series, with no
change to occupational series.
Following conversion, employees who
are qualified for vacant positions in
another occupational series or career
path may compete for the vacancy.
J. Pay-for-Performance Management
System (PFP)
Comment: A commenter asked if the
rating period would change under AFC
STRL Mod Demo.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
The rating period will be determined by
each AFC STRL Mod Demo
organization, and it will be published in
the IOPs.
Comment: Some commenters
expressed concerns that the AFC STRL
Mod Demo is using a minimum of four
elements for performance instead of
three elements like other demonstration
projects and asked if benchmark
standards will be developed and
published. Commenters also requested
AFC provide detailed hands-on training
concerning PFP and specifically on the
performance elements.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
The performance element provisions in
this Notice were developed following
examination of existing STRL Lab Demo
Performance Management Systems.
Eight performance elements, with a
required four minimum elements, will
enable organizations within the AFC
STRL Mod Demo to select the
appropriate performance criteria to meet
their own individual, organizational
needs, and mission requirements.
Performance elements may evolve over
time to ensure individual and
organizational success. The PMB will
review the performance elements
annually and make any necessary
changes prior to the start of a new rating
period. Additionally, the performance
management system’s use of benchmark
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performance criteria establishes a
common set of standards for evaluating
performance and assigning ratings. The
benchmark performance criteria will be
published annually and whenever
changes are made. Finally, the use of a
pay pool panel and reconciliation
process provides additional checks and
balances to the evaluation process.
Detailed training on all STRL programs
and flexibilities will be provided to the
workforce prior to conversion.
Supervisors will also receive training on
the performance management system
and rating processes to support an
accurate evaluation of performance.
Comment: One commenter
recommended that the sentence, ‘‘AFC
STRL organizations will provide written
notice to the workforce at the start of the
rating cycle concerning the basis of the
share assignment,’’ be moved from
III.D.8 Option A to the first paragraph in
section III.D.8 and before Figure 3,
because it applies to both Option A and
Response: This change has been
Comment: Commenters asked how
factors will be used to determine if the
employee will get a lower amount of
money than what was received the
previous year.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Specific guidance addressing pay pool
requirements and factors used to
determine shares will be published
annually and included in organization’s
respective IOPs.
Comment: A commenter
recommended adding additional
leadership wording to the Supervisor/
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
performance element.
Response: Section III.D.2.8 was
revised to add ‘‘; and (7) Influences,
motivates, and challenges others
through adaptive leadership; takes
charge of assigned effort(s); overcomes
challenges to success; resolves personal
and professional conflicts; and looks for
opportunities to assist others to achieve
Comment: A commenter
recommended that the Awards section
include added wording indicating
employees cannot be compensated for
the same contribution twice (e.g.,
performance and incentive).
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
This level of detail is more appropriate
for AFC STRL Mod Demo organization
Comment: Commenters asked why
AFC STRL Mod Demo is concerned
about information exchange with
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industry and why that effects
Government employee ratings.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
The AFC Mod Demo organizations
comprise an STRL, which is a research
and development (R&D) laboratory as
defined in DoDI 3201.05. It is staffed
with a scientific and engineering
workforce principally involved in
performing exploratory development or
research work and conducts a
substantial portion of R&D activities inhouse using government personnel. It
provides Army transformation solutions
(integrated concepts, organizational
designs, and technologies) in order to
allow the Joint Force, employing Army
capabilities, to achieve overmatch in the
future operation environment. The
STRL mission requires information
exchange through collaboration with
industry and academic partners to
support the delivery of modernization
solutions so the Army can make sure
Soldiers have what they need, before
they need it, to protect tomorrow. As a
transformation and modernization
organization, research and collaboration
with industry and academic partners
directly impacts an employee’s ability to
meet performance objectives and goals.
This influences an employee’s
performance rating and the ability of the
command to meet mission
Comment: Commenters stated that
implementation of Mod Demo should be
delayed pending completion of a
Congressionally required study and
further consideration by the Department
and Congress.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
The Defense Business Board talent
management study was completed and
its recommendations provided to the
Department for consideration.
Comment: Commenters asked about
eligibility for raises based on tenure
instead of performance, expressed
concerns that the inability to receive
step increases based on longevity would
place employees at a disadvantage when
compared to other employees in similar
job series within the Federal
Government and affect retirement
calculations based on highest income
earned, and suggested current GS
employees be grandfathered for pay
increases based on tenure. Commenters
also questioned how employees would
benefit without additional funds to
incentivize performance and requested
measurable baselines for the goals of the
project and mechanisms for assessing
contribution to ensure funds are divided
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Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
AFC Mod Demo implements a PFP
system that provides an effective,
efficient, and flexible method for
assessing, compensating, and managing
the workforce. Employees will continue
to receive the general pay increase in
most circumstances. Moreover,
employees have the opportunity to
receive a base pay increase, a bonus, or
a combination based on their level of
performance during the appraisal year.
Funds that were previously used for GS
step increases, quality step increases,
and promotions will be used to fund the
performance increases. The goals of the
AFC STRL Mod Demo are based on
years of demonstration project
experiences in other organizations as
reported in, ‘‘A Status Report on
Personnel Demonstration Projects in the
Federal Government’’, U.S. Office of
Personnel Management, December 2006,
and ‘‘Alternative Personnel Systems in
Practice and a Guide to the Future,’’
U.S. Office of Personnel Management,
October 2005. The evaluation model, as
described in this Notice, will identify
elements critical to an evaluation of the
effectiveness of the AFC STRL Mod
Demo flexibilities.
Comment: Some commenters asked
about the size of pay pools given that
some organizations may have only 20
employees while others have hundreds.
They expressed concern about the range
of grades and salaries in the pay pools.
Additionally, a commenter questioned
having different pay pools for
supervisors and non-supervisors. Lastly,
commenters asked if all of AFC STRL
Mod Demo organizations will be sharing
pay pools and funding.
Response: No changes have been
made to the Notice in response to these
comments. Pay pools will be established
in accordance with the IOP of each AFC
STRL Mod Demo organization and the
size may vary depending on the
organization. AFC STRL Mod Demo
organizations will thoroughly evaluate
options and may use modeling, mock
payout exercises, and other means of
analysis to achieve optimal pay pool
Comment: Some commenters asked
about pay pool targets/caps that will
limit how organizations can increase
employee pay and asked if it will be
similar to current awards. Additionally,
commenters asked how conversion will
work with Information Technology 2210
bonuses and if an employee is at the top
of a pay band and currently receiving a
2210 bonus if it will place the employee
in the next pay band.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
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As stated in section III.D.7, annual pay
pool limits for base pay increases and
bonuses, also referred to as payout
factors, will be established by the AFC
STRL Mod Demo organizations. The
funds used for base pay increases are
those that would have been available
from GS within-grade increases, quality
step increases, and promotions. This
amount will be defined based on
historical data and set at no less than
two percent of total adjusted base pay
and no more than the maximum set by
the AFC STRL Mod Demo organization.
Award amount will be defined based on
historical data and set at no less than
one percent of total adjusted base pay
and no more than the maximum set by
the AFC STRL Mod Demo Commanding
General (CG). AFC STRL organizations
may continue to make full use of
recruitment, retention, and relocation
payments as currently provided for by
OPM. This includes OPM hiring and
pay flexibilities such as monetary
incentives for targeted occupational
specialties. Conversion guidance for all
series will be in accordance with section
IV of this FRN.
Comment: Commenters expressed
concerns about supervisor
responsibilities to notify employees of
unsatisfactory performance and
opportunities for such employees to
improve performance.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Employees and supervisors are expected
to actively participate in discussions
regarding expectations and potential
obstacles to meeting employee
performance goals. As stated in section
III.D.5, ‘‘Whenever a supervisor
recognizes an employee’s performance
on one or more performance elements is
unacceptable, the supervisor should
immediately inform the employee.
Efforts will be made to identify the
possible reasons for the unacceptable
performance.’’ Further, if an employee
continues to perform at an unacceptable
level or has received a Level 1 Rating of
Record, the employee will be placed on
a formal performance improvement plan
(PIP). The supervisor will identify the
actions that need to be corrected or
improved, outline required time frames
(no less than 30 days) to demonstrate
such improvement and provide the
employee with any available assistance
as appropriate. Progress will be
monitored during the PIP, and all
counseling sessions will be
Comment: A commenter asked what
the equivalency was between the
current rating system in MyBiz (e.g., 1,
3, 5) and the new system.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
As stated in section III.D.8, AFC STRL
Mod Demo will follow pattern H, as
described in 5 CFR 430.208(d), which
provides for 5 summary levels. An
employee who receives a level 3 rating
is considered to have performed
successfully during the rating period.
Comment: A commenter asked
whether an employee who gets a
satisfactory level of evaluation may be
placed in a lower pay band within the
same career path or placed into a pay
band in a different career path with a
lower maximum base pay.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Employees with a satisfactory rating
may be voluntarily placed in a lower
pay band or another career path with
lower pay if they volunteer or request
the change. Employees may be
involuntarily placed in a lower pay
band or another career path with lower
pay for cause (i.e., performance or
conduct) or for reasons other than cause
(e.g., erosion of duties, reclassification
of duties to a lower pay band, placement
actions resulting from RIF procedures).
Involuntary actions will be executed
using the applicable adverse action
procedures in 5 U.S.C. chapter 43 or
chapter 75.
Comment: Commenters criticized the
pay banding system, suggesting it is
designed by lawyers and human
resource-oriented persons who focus too
much on ‘‘measurement’’ rather than
‘‘motivation’’ and ‘‘leadership.’’
Additionally, commenters suggested
that collaborative coaching styles of
leadership are better at motivating
people than formalized ‘‘measurement’’
systems which can serve as a
demotivating factor.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
The purpose of the project is to
demonstrate that the effectiveness of
DoD organizations can be enhanced by
allowing greater managerial control over
personnel functions and, at the same
time, expand the opportunities available
to employees through a more responsive
and flexible personnel system.
Additionally, the pay-for-performance
system provides an effective, efficient,
and flexible method for assessing,
compensating, and managing the AFC
STRL Mod Demo workforce. It is
essential for the development of a high
performing workforce and to provide
management at the lowest practical
level, the authority, control, and
flexibility to achieve a quality and
collaborative relationship with
employees to ensure the organization’s
mission requirements are met. Pay-for-
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performance allows for more employee
involvement in the assessment process,
strives to increase communication
between supervisor and employee,
promotes a clear accountability of
performance, facilitates employee career
progression, and provides an
understandable and rational basis for
salary changes by linking pay and
Comment: Commenters were
concerned with the awards percentage
in this document being below the
percentage that has been mandated by
OPM in the past two years and asked if
OPM will accept a lower percentage for
AFC STRL Mod Demo. Additionally,
commenters asked whether the lower
percentage is an effort to divert money
to cover the base pay amounts.
Furthermore, commenters asked about
the source of funding for Extraordinary
Achievement Rewards and whether they
were part of the POM used to plan
future funding. Lastly, commenters
asked how budget management will
work in AFC STRL Mod Demo.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
AFC STRL Mod Demo allows the STRL
Director to establish limits on awards
administered by the pay pool as part of
the civilian pay budget. Extraordinary
Achievement and other approved
incentives will be administered
separately as part of the command’s
overall annual budget.
K. Hiring and Appointment Authorities
Comment: Commenters questioned
how an extended probationary period
retains quality personnel and suggested
it goes against progressive management
practices for leading, motivating,
recruiting, and retaining a quality
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Authority to adopt an extended
probationary period is a flexibility that
enables supervisors to have adequate
time to fully evaluate an employee’s
ability to complete cycles of work and
to fully assess an employee’s
contribution and conduct.
L. Internal Placement
Comment: Commenters recommended
both competitive and non-competitive
details; the option to extend temporary
promotions be limited to one additional
year; and the word ‘‘affected’’ be
changed to ‘‘effected’’ in the fifth
Response: The third sentence in
section III.G.5, Details and Expanded
Temporary Promotions, was revised to
address these comments.
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Comment: Commenters asked how a
promotion opportunity will be
identified and what conditions and
criteria are applicable when an
employee is transferred to a lower pay
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Policies related to promotions and
transfers to lower pay bands are
documented in Section III.G.1 of this
Notice. Additional processes and
procedures will be documented in the
M. Pay Setting
Comment: A commenter stated that
proposed Section III.H.7.a., under
Supervisory and Team Leader Pay
Adjustments, is confusing.
Response: Section III.H.7. was revised
to remove proposed paragraph a. and
relabel paragraphs b. and c. to a. and b.
Comment: Commenters stated that the
last sentence in Section III.H.7.b.,
Supervisory and Team Leader Pay
Adjustments, that describes how pay
will be set for supervisory/team leader
positions upon conversion into the
project should be removed because
employees will get a within grade
increase (WGI) buy-in, as long as the
employee is not at a step 10, or
receiving a retained rate, on the day of
implementation. Additionally,
commenters asked what the word
‘‘adjustment’’ meant when referring to
WGI equity.
Response: Section III.H.7.b,
Supervisory and Team Leader Pay
Adjustment, has been revised to remove,
‘‘After conversion into the
demonstration project, a career
employee selected for a supervisory/
team leader position may be considered
for a pay adjustment into the same or
substantially similar position,
supervisors/team leaders will be
converted at their existing base rate of
pay and will not be eligible for a base
pay adjustment.’’ The word,
‘‘adjustment,’’ refers to increases in base
pay upon conversion into Mod Demo, as
described in Section IV.A.
Comment: Commenters asked about
supplemental pay rates and whether an
AFC STRL Mod Demo organization can
decrease an employee’s compensation.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
The supplemental pay flexibility
permits AFC STRL Mod Demo to
independently establish supplemental
rates based on multiple factors,
including rates offered by non-federal
organizations and remoteness of the
area, to help attract, recruit, and retain
a high caliber workforce. AFC STRL
Mod Demo organizations have an
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
ongoing responsibility to evaluate the
need for continuing payment of the
supplemental pay and shall terminate or
reduce the amount if conditions
warrant. Conditions to be considered
are: changes in labor-market factors; the
need for the services or skills of the
employee has reduced to a level that
makes it unnecessary to continue
payment at the current level; or
budgetary considerations make it
difficult to continue payment at the
current level. Additional guidance will
be documented in the AFC STRL Mod
Demo organization IOPs.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
N. Voluntary Early Retirement (VERA)
and Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay
Comment: A commenter expressed
concerns with Voluntary Early
Retirement Authority (VERA) and
Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay
(VSIP) and how the use of ‘‘and’’ in this
section indicates the use of VERA and
VSIP together and not separately. The
commenter believes the section should
make it clear that these authorities may
be used independently.
Response: Section III.J, Voluntary
Early Retirement Authority and
Voluntary Separation Incentives Pay,
has been revised to read, ‘‘VERA and
VSIP will be administered as described
in this Notice. Both authorities are
authorized and may be used together or
O. Conversion
Comment: Commenters recommended
changes to placement of some GS–14
employees into band III upon
conversion. Additionally, commenters
asked if the same rules for GS–14
employees apply to GS–13 or GS–12
employees who fall within Pay Band III.
Response: Section IV.A, Conversion
into the Demonstration Project, has been
revised to read, ‘‘The placement of GS–
14 employees will be in Pay Band IV
during initial conversion into AFC
STRL Mod Demo. Additional guidance
will be included in Mod Demo IOPs,
and conversion operations will be
overseen by the PMB.’’ This language
clarifies that employees whose grade
falls within two pay bands (i.e., GS–14)
will be placed in the higher pay band
during conversion. Such guidance is not
applicable to GS–13 and GS–12 grades
which fall within Pay Band III.
Comment: A commenter asked if
current employees hired under the
Highly Qualified Expert authority will
be converted to AFC STRL Mod Demo.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Employees appointed using Highly
Qualified Expert (HQE) authority will
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not convert into the AFC STRL Mod
Comment: A commenter expressed
concern because Defense Civilian
Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS)
employees are ineligible to convert to
GS positions and asked whether AFC
STRL Mod Demo employees will be
eligible to apply for and convert to GS
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Unlike DCIPS positions which are in the
excepted service, AFC STRL Mod Demo
positions are in the competitive service
and employees are eligible to convert to
other competitive service positions.
Comment: Commenters asked how
conversion will work if an employee is
already paid at the top of a pay scale
(e.g., GS–11 step 10) and will that
employee be converted into the next pay
band. Additionally, commenters asked
how salary will be determined if a GS–
13 and GS–14 converting in if both
employees received the same rating,
perform the same duties, and have the
same responsibilities. Lastly,
commenters asked whether an employee
who is performing satisfactorily may be
placed in a lower pay band within the
same career path or placed into a pay
band in a different career path with a
lower pay.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Employees will convert into the pay
band that encompasses their current GS
Grade. Positions in a higher pay band
will have more complex duties and
responsibilities and will have different
performance objectives than similar
positions in a lower pay band.
Comment: A commenter requested
wording be added to address employee
conversion from a current demo (ARL
STRL and Acquisition Demonstration)
into the AFC STRL Mod Demo.
Response: Section IV.A, Conversion
into the Demonstration Project, was
revised to address this comment by
adding the following language,
‘‘Organizational conversion to the AFC
STRL Mod Demo occurs when a new
organization or a group of employees
convert into the demonstration project.
Conversion from current GS grade or
other pay banding system into AFC
STRL Mod Demo will be accomplished
during implementation of the
demonstration project. Initial entry into
the demonstration project will be
accomplished through a full employeeprotection approach that ensures each
employee an initial place in the
appropriate career path and pay band
without loss of pay or earning
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Comment: Commenters expressed
myriad concerns about converting GS–
14 positions to Pay Band III.
Response: Section IV.A has been
revised to require conversion of all
employees who are currently in GS–14
positions to pay band IV. All employees
currently on GS–12 and GS–13
positions will move into pay band III.
Section III.H.12, Accelerated
Compensation for Developmental
Positions section, has been revised to
state, ‘‘The AFC STRL Mod Demo
organizations may authorize an increase
to basic pay for employees participating
in training programs, internships, or
other development capacities. This may
include employees in positions that
cross bands within a career path
(formally known as career ladder
positions) or developmental positions
within a band. ACDP will be used to
recognize development of job-related
competencies as evidenced by
successful performance within AFC
STRL Mod Demo. Additional guidance
will be published in an IOPs.’’ AFC
researched and utilized best practices
from organizations across DoD,
including the AFC Enterprise
organizations currently operating STRL
demonstration projects. The pay band
structure supports progression across
journey level positions. The AFC STRL
Mod Demo is designed to reflect
different organizational mission
requirements along with career
progression for S&E and B&T career
paths and has been successfully
implemented in other STRL
demonstration projects.
Section IV.A., Conversion into the
Demonstration Project, has been revised
to state, ‘‘The placement of GS–14
employees will be in Pay Band IV
during initial conversion into AFC
STRL Mod Demo. After initial
conversion, GS–14’s will be assigned
based on classification requirements.
Additional guidance will be included in
AFC STRL Mod Demo IOPs, and
conversion operations will be overseen
by the PMB.’’ GS–14s in Pay Band IV
will have competitive advantage based
on the complexity of work and duties
and responsibilities they are required to
perform. There are multiple factors
considered prior to moving a person
from one position to another. An
employee must compete for a higher
banded position unless the employee
meets the ‘‘Exceptions to Competitive
Procedures for Assignment to a
Position’’ listed in the FRN.
Comment: Commenters expressed
concerns with grade and pay retention
entitlements being eliminated at the
time of conversion into the
demonstration project.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
Response: Section IV.A, Conversion
into the Demonstration Project, has been
revised to state, ‘‘The project will
eliminate retained grade under 5 U.S.C.
5362 and 5 CFR part 536. At the time
of conversion, an employee on grade
retention will be converted to the career
path and broadband level based on the
assigned permanent position of record,
not the retained grade, and placed on
pay retention. Pay retention will follow
current law and regulations at 5 U.S.C.
5363 and 5 CFR part 536, except as
modified in the Staffing Supplements
section and waived in Section IX of this
plan. Additionally, section III.H, Pay
Setting, is revised to add section
III.H.10., Grade and Pay Retention.
P. Demonstration Project Costs
Comment: A commenter asked if the
cost numbers were adjusted for inflation
in Figure 7 since the numbers appeared
similar across fiscal years. The
commenter further asked whether other
costs associated with the demonstration
project were adjusted for inflation.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Inflation was considered in calculating
the development costs in Figure 7.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
Q. Appendix A: Occupational Series by
Career Path
Comment: Some commenters
expressed concerns about inaccuracies
or inconsistencies in occupational
series, career paths, position titles, and
use of asterisks.
Response: All occupational series
within AFC STRL Mod Demo
organizations were reviewed and
Appendix A has been revised to add
missing occupational series and
designate appropriate career paths.
Additionally, asterisks were added for
those occupational series that currently
have employees assigned. The titles of
positions were not changed. AFC STRL
Mod Demo utilized the OPM
classification standards for
identification of the position title and
occupational series. Based on the series
determination(s), positions will be
assigned to a specific career path, i.e.,
Science & Engineering (Pay Plan DB),
Business & Technical (Pay Plan DE), or
Support (Pay Plan DK). The AFC STRL
Mod Demo utilized OPM career
occupation coverage as a guideline to
assign series to each career path. Lastly,
all current series for AFC and CFT
employees will be included under AFC
STRL Mod Demo and will cover the
mission capabilities and validation
requirements. The professional
occupational career paths for AFC STRL
Mod Demo are the same as the OPM
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Professional Career Occupational
R. Other Comments
Comment: A commenter asked if
conversion to the STRL would affect
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Leave entitlements are not impacted by
conversion into the AFC STRL Mod
Comment: Commenters cited high
costs of living in Austin locality and
inquired whether AFC STRL Mod Demo
can address this if the control points
within the pay bands mimic the GS pay
system. Additionally, commenters asked
how AFC STRL Mod Demo will cover
the shortfall if this wasn’t included in
the POM for the conversion costs.
Furthermore, commenters asked why
AFC hasn’t considered moving AFC HQ
to another location that would be more
cost effective.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Locality pay for specific areas and the
location of AFC HQ is beyond the scope
of the AFC STRL Mod Demo Notice.
Comment: A commenter asked why
Reduction in Force (RIF) information is
not included in the FRN and asked how
Mod Demo will implement a RIF.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
All DoD STRLs follow the RIF guidance
at 87 FR 58334. Organization-specific
RIF policies will be documented in AFC
STRL Mod Demo organization IOPs.
Comment: A commenter asked for
data that shows the changes to
employees’ career tracks and how that
may negatively affect employees.
Additionally, commenters stated the
goals of the program have no baseline
and asked what privileges or rights will
be lost in comparison to other Federal
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
AFC STRL Mod Demo will not change
employee career tracks. The pay band
system provides more opportunities for
advancement. There are more hiring and
pay flexibilities under AFC STRL Mod
Demo than the current GS system.
Comment: A commenter stated if
civilians are covered by pay bands, then
military members should be as well, to
align civilian and military rank
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
The Notice implements STRL
authorities to expeditiously hire and
retain highly qualified civilian
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Comment: Commenters asked about
bargaining unit negotiations, pay
structure, and other decisions that are
part of the bargaining process and
specifically whether bargaining unit
members would convert if the union
does not agree to the project.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Bargaining unit employees will not
convert into the AFC STRL Mod Demo
until any applicable labor obligations
have been met.
Comment: Commenters asked if an
employee with performance issues
could lose their annual general pay
increase (i.e., cost of living increase) and
whether the locality pay adjustment
could be denied.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
As stated in section III.D.12.,
‘‘Employees, who are on a performance
improvement plan and/or receive a
Level 1 rating of record at the time pay
determinations are made, may be denied
performance payouts or the general pay
increase.’’ When the employee has
performed at an acceptable level for at
least 90 days, the general pay increase
(GPI) will not be retroactive but will be
granted at the beginning of the next pay
period after the supervisor authorizes its
payment. Employees remain entitled to
the locality pay adjustment no matter
the rating received. AFC STRL Mod
Demo is moving away from the GS pay
system to ensure employees are
rewarded based on performance.
Comment: Commenters asked what
was meant by ‘‘shall be as defined under
applicable U.S. OPM operating rules
and regulations.’’ Additionally, a
commenter asked if current job
descriptions from the GS system will be
changed for any or all employees.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
AFC STRL Mod Demo will exercise
authorities that are not specifically
addressed in the Notice pursuant to
applicable OPM and DoD regulations.
Employees converting to Mod Demo
will be reassigned to new Mod Demo
position descriptions.
Comment: Some commenters
expressed a need to evaluate AFC STRL
Mod Demo in future years to ensure
continued fairness and equity and to
verify that the STRL is still beneficial to
the AFC mission and organizations and
questioned whether unions or a neutral
third party would be involved in the
evaluation. Commenters also expressed
a need to value years of experience and
offset supervisors’ biases and
perceptions. Additionally, commenters
suggested providing guaranteed
increases and bonuses on top of the base
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
pay for those performing well to
promote retention.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
Selection of candidates and other
personnel actions will continue to be
based on merit system principles. AFC
STRL Mod Demo has incorporated an
EEO/diversity, equity, and inclusion
element as one of the mandatory
supervisor performance objectives.
Additionally, AFC STRL Mod Demo
will provide supervisor and leadership
training to develop capabilities and
skills to better engage employees. AFC
STRL Mod Demo will evaluate the
project within five years of
implementation of the project in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. chapter 47.
Data will be collected internally and
externally based on standards and
guidelines developed by the USD(R&E).
Furthermore, AFC STRL Mod Demo will
collect climate survey data. Results of
evaluation data will be provided to the
USD(R&E) and the AFC STRL Mod
Demo workforce, as appropriate. Each
year the PMB will review the STRL
policies to determine if changes are
needed. Each organization will work
with its respective union to ensure
bargaining union requirements are met
and union input is captured
Comment: Commenters questioned
expanding the scope of the career fields
covered by AFC STRL Mod Demo from
scientific and technical career fields to
include administrative and other
professional areas.
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
STRLs are not just pursuing scientific
and engineering talent, but all talent,
ensuring there are always qualified
administrative and other professional
staff to support the STEM mission.
Comment: A commenter suggested the
use of direct hire authorities is
inconsistent with merit system
principles for promoting transparent,
fair, and open competition and that
direct hire is often a closed, virtually
non-competitive program that promotes
the hiring of friends and acquaintances
and allows use of other than merit-based
factors in selecting employees and
Response: No changes to the Notice
were made based on these comments.
The Department has a long history of
successfully using direct hire
authorities, consistent with merit
system principles, to meet its critical
national security workforce needs.
Innovative research is critical to
preparing DoD to meet the challenges of
the future.
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Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Introduction
A. Purpose
B. Problems With the Present System
C. Changes Required/Expected Benefits
D. Participating Organizations
E. Participating Employees and Union
F. Project Design
G. Personnel Management Board (PMB)
H. Organizational Structure and Design
I. Funding Levels
III. Personnel System Changes
A. Levels of Authority and Responsibility
B. Pay Banding
C. Classification
D. Pay-for-Performance Management
E. Hiring and Appointment Authorities
F. Volunteer Emeritus and Expert Program
G. Internal Placement
H. Pay Setting
I. Employee Development
J. Voluntary Early Retirement (VERA) and
Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay
IV. Conversion
A. Conversion Into the Demonstration
B. Conversion or Movement From a Project
Position to a General Schedule Position
V. Implementation Training
VI. Project Maintenance and Changes
VII. Evaluation Plan
A. Overview
B. Evaluation Model
C. Method of Data Collection
VIII. Demonstration Project Costs
IX. Required Waivers to Laws and
A. Title 5, United States Code
B. Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations
Appendix A: Occupational Series in Each
Pay Band
Appendix B: List of Local Unions
I. Executive Summary
AFC leads a continuous
transformation of Army modernization
in order to provide future warfighters
with the concepts, capabilities, and
organizational structures they need to
dominate a future battlefield. AFC is the
newest Army Command, established in
2018 when the Army consolidated many
of its laboratories, concepts
development centers, and innovation
elements under one command structure.
Although the organizations
comprising the AFC STRL share the
same overarching modernization
mission, their specific alignments,
structures, and workforces differ
dramatically. The organizations include
two large headquarters elements, two
analysis centers, multiple cross
functional teams, and two concepts and
capabilities development organizations.
They all share the urgent need for a
high-quality, contemporary, flexible
personnel management system to
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attract, motivate, train, and retain a topperforming science, technology, and
modernization workforce.
The goal of the AFC STRL Mod Demo
is to make AFC STRL a premier
employer with growth opportunities,
competitive pay, and management
flexibilities to take care of both
employees and the mission. The AFC
STRL Mod Demo features pay banding,
performance-based compensation,
flexible hiring, and a modern approach
to career progression and assignments.
II. Introduction
A. Purpose
The purpose of STRL personnel
demonstration project is to demonstrate
that the effectiveness of DoD STRLs can
be enhanced by expanding
opportunities available to employees
and by allowing greater managerial
control over personnel functions
through a more responsive and flexible
personnel system. A top-tier workforce
is essential to the AFC STRL’s efforts
towards achieving technological
innovation and modernization for the
Army. AFC STRL needs a
contemporary, flexible personnel
management system to attract, motivate,
train, and retain a top-performing
science, technology, and modernization
workforce. The goal of this project is to
ensure AFC STRL remains a premiere
employer with growth opportunities,
appropriate pay, and management
flexibility to take care of both employees
and the mission.
While many aspects of a
demonstration project were once
considered experimental, many have
been implemented in various DoD
laboratories for several years, including
other STRLs within AFC. Modifications
to the initial project plans have been
made based on the implementation
experience of these laboratories, best
practices, and formative evaluation
efforts. Additional modifications may be
needed from time to time, as additional
experience is gained and based on
evaluations of how the system is
working to meet the goals and objectives
of the personnel demonstration project.
B. Problems With the Present System
The current Civil Service GS system
has 15 grades with 10 levels each and
involves lengthy, narrative, individual
position descriptions, which must be
classified by complex 5 CFR
classification standards. Base pay is set
at one of those fifteen grades and the ten
interim steps within each grade. The
Classification Act of 1949 rigidly
defines types of work by occupational
series and grade, with very precise
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
qualifications for each job. This system
does not quickly or easily respond to
new ways of designing work and
changes in the work itself. Changes to
the classification and pay system would
enable greater management control to
create new types of jobs that respond to
the fast-changing world of
modernization work in which AFC
STRL is engaged.
In addition to classification issues, the
GS system’s approach to career
flexibility, progression, and changing
work assignments is rigid, slow, and
designed for industrial-era employees
who entered Civil Service and remained
until retirement. Modern employees
expect careers that include frequent
company changes, new challenges, and
work-life balance fluctuations that do
not require staying with a single
employer. Allowing employees to move
in and out of Civil Service while
minimizing career impact would give
AFC STRL access to an additional pool
of scientists, engineers, and technical
personnel, even when they have
changing life circumstances. It would
also increase information exchange
between AFC STRL and industry.
The speed with which new science,
technology, and engineering concepts
emerge demands the ability to quickly
re-shape work assignments, re-train
employees, and maximize the potential
of the existing workforce. Internal
reassignments and promotions under
the GS system are also rigid, and
limitations on training further hamper
efforts to respond to the rapid changes
in the modernization mission.
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C. Changes Required/Expected Benefits
The primary benefit expected from
this demonstration project is greater
organizational effectiveness through
increased employee satisfaction. The
long-standing Department of the Navy
‘‘China Lake’’ and subsequent
demonstration projects have produced
impressive statistics on increased job
satisfaction and quality of employees
versus that of the Federal workforce in
general. Similar results have been
demonstrated in more recent STRL
demonstration projects and other
alternative personnel systems
implemented in the DoD and other
This project will demonstrate that a
human resource system tailored to the
mission and needs of the modernization
workforce will facilitate:
(1) Increased quality in the workforce;
(2) More effective, efficient, and
adaptable organizational systems;
(3) Improved timeliness of key
personnel processes;
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(4) Increased retention of excellent
(5) Increased success in recruitment of
personnel with critical skills;
(6) Increased information exchange
between AFC STRL and industry;
(7) Increased permeability between
Civil Service and industry; and
(8) Increased workforce satisfaction
and engagement.
D. Participating Organizations
AFC STRL currently has employees
located in twenty-one states and several
countries. Just over half are spread
across Aberdeen Proving Ground
(Maryland), Austin (Texas), and White
Sands Missile Range (New Mexico),
with most of the remaining employees
in Kansas, Virginia, Oklahoma, Georgia,
Missouri, Alabama, Michigan, and other
parts of Texas.
AFC STRL is comprised of multiple
AFC organizations; the remaining AFC
organizations are covered by
independent STRL personnel
demonstration projects. The AFC STRL
is comprised of the organizations listed
below (hereinafter referred to as ‘‘AFC
STRL organizations,’’ and their
(1) AFC Headquarters and
Headquarters Components (AFC HHC),
which includes AFC Headquarters (HQ),
AFC Support Battalion (AFCSB), Army
Software Factory (ASWF), Artificial
Intelligence Integration Center (AI2C),
Army Applications Lab (AAL), and
Acquisition & Systems (A&S)
(2) AFC Cross Functional Teams (AFC
CFTs), which includes Long Range
Precision Fires (LRPF CFT); Next
Generation Combat Vehicle (NGCV
CFT); Future Vertical Lift (FVL CFT);
Network Command Control
Communications Integration (NC3I);
Assured Positioning, Navigation and
Timing/Space (APNT/S CFT); Air and
Missile Defense (AMD CFT); Soldier
Lethality (SL CFT); and Synthetic
Training Environment (STE CFT).
(3) The Research and Analysis Center
(4) Futures and Concepts Center
(FCC), which includes Joint
Modernization Command (JMC) and the
Capability Development Integration
Directorates (CDIDs).
(5) Combat Capabilities Development
Command (CCDC) Headquarters (also
known as DEVCOM Headquarters).
(6) The DEVCOM Analysis Center
E. Participating Employees and Union
This demonstration project will cover
civilian employees appointed under
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Title 5 U.S.C. in the occupations listed
in Appendix A. Additional employees
and other occupations may be added
after implementation of the project. The
project plan does not cover members of
the Senior Executive Service (SES),
Senior Level (SL) employees, Scientific
and Professional (ST) employees,
Federal Wage System employees, and
employees presently covered by the
Defense Civilian Intelligence Personnel
System or Physicians and Dentists Pay
Department of the Army (DA), Army
Command centrally funded, local
interns, and Pathways Program
employees may be converted to the
demonstration project if assigned to an
AFC STRL organization. Additional
guidance will be included in the Mod
Demo IOPs.
Sixteen local and/or national unions,
from American Federation of
Government Employees (AFGE),
Laborer’s International Union of North
America (LIUNA), National Federation
of Federal Employees (NFFE), National
Association of Government Employees
(NAGE), and National Association of
Independent Labor (NAIL), cover
approximately 30% of employees in the
AFC STRL. A full list of the local unions
is provided at Appendix B. AFC STRL
organizations will continue to fulfill
their obligations to consult and/or
negotiate with all labor organizations in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4703(f) and
7117 for bargaining unit participation.
F. Project Design
The AFC CG/AFC STRL Director
leveraged the knowledge of experienced
and tenured STRL leaders within the
greater AFC organization to finalize the
AFC STRL Mod Demo project plan. In
consultation with members of the
Laboratory Quality Enhancement
Program Personnel Subpanel, other DoD
laboratories, Army G1, Army Civilian
Human Resources Agency, and a host of
other knowledgeable agencies and
personnel, the AFC STRL operational
planning team conducted a
comprehensive review of personnel
flexibilities used in existing DoD
laboratories and other government
agencies. It also analyzed organizational
needs and considered innovative
personnel practices used outside of the
federal government to develop proposed
flexibilities for the AFC STRL Mod
AFC STRL employed an executive
Board of Directors comprised of leaders
from across the AFC STRL to
accommodate the differing needs of
AFC STRL organizations, and a Council
of Champions led by the AFC CG/AFC
STRL Director to ensure all proposals
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
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support AFC STRL’s strategic needs.
Collaboration and oversight by Army
and DoD ensured alignment with
Departmental goals.
The resulting project design for Mod
Demo will be overseen by the AFC CG/
AFC STRL Director. It will be
implemented through six organizationspecific Internal Operating Procedures
(IOPs) and a single Mod Demo
Personnel Management Board (PMB).
Each of the AFC STRL organizations
listed in Paragraph D will have its own
IOP. Authority to draft, modify,
implement, negotiate, and approve each
IOP shall rest with these organizations.
A review of these Mod Demo IOPs will
be completed by the servicing legal
office prior to approval. The IOP will be
distributed to the workforce for
information, prior to STRL
Any responsibilities and authorities
normally associated with STRL
Directors that are not specifically
defined in this Notice shall be as
defined under applicable U.S. OPM
operating rules and regulations.
Additional information on delegated
authorities and the project structure are
included in Section III.
G. Personnel Management Board (PMB)
AFC STRL will create a Mod Demo
PMB to oversee and monitor the fair and
equitable implementation of the
provisions of the demonstration project,
including establishment of internal
controls and accountability. The board
will consist of the AFC Executive
Deputy to the Commanding General
(EDCG), as PMB Chair, and officials
from the AFC STRL organizations listed
in Paragraph D. PMB members will be
appointed in accordance with this
Federal Register Notice and IOPs will
include measures for ensuring a variety
of perspectives are represented. The
names of PMB members will be
provided to the workforce. The AFC
EDCG may delegate membership, add,
remove, or change the membership of
the PMB, in accordance with the
evolution of the AFC STRL Mod Demo.
The PMB may also include experts in
Human Resources, Resource
Management, or other relevant areas, as
appointed by the AFC EDCG.
Based on guidance and consistent
interaction with the AFC EDCG, the
board will execute the following:
(1) Oversee the implementation
guidance and procedures in all aspects
of the Mod Demo program in
accordance with the direction given by
the AFC CG/AFC STRL Director;
(2) Issue top-level guidelines for AFC
STRL organizations to establish and
implement pay pools;
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(3) Review pay pool results for equity
and conformance, on an annual basis;
(4) Resolve administrative pay pool
disputes that are not resolved through
other means;
(5) Establish guidelines for the use of
retention counteroffers;
(6) Review and approve the
assignment of new occupational series
to a pay band, if necessary;
(7) Establish guidelines for exceptions
to base pay increases, such as
Extraordinary Achievement Rewards
and Distinguished Contribution
(8) Establish guidelines for the
Voluntary Emeritus/Expert Program;
(9) Modify the Standard Performance
Elements, as needed;
(10) Establish guidelines for the use of
subject matter expert qualifications for
exceptional experience;
(11) Approve any performance-based
rules created and administered by AFC
STRL organizations, prior to their
(12) Assess the need for changes to
demonstration project procedures and
policies and provide leadership for
efforts to modify this FRN;
(13) Promote collaboration and best
practices within Mod Demo;
(14) Review Mod Demo IOPs for
equity and conformance;
(15) Track personnel cost changes and
recommend adjustments, if required;
(16) Conduct formative evaluations of
the project, including those directed by
In executing these duties and
responsibilities, the board will keep in
close contact and consultation with the
AFC EDCG to ensure policies and
procedures are executed consistently
throughout Mod Demo and are aligned
with AFC STRL strategic objectives.
H. Organizational Structure and Design
To optimize the effectiveness and
efficiency of the AFC STRL during the
adoption of the new personnel
demonstration system, the AFC STRL
may review and realign the organization
structure to best meet mission needs
and requirements. Realignment may
include removing limitations in terms of
supervisory ratios consistent with 10
U.S.C. 4121, and the alignment and
organization of the workforce required
to accomplish the mission of the AFC
In general, the AFC CG/AFC STRL
Director will manage the STRL’s
workforce strength, structure, positions,
and compensation without regard to any
limitation on appointments, positions,
or funding in a manner consistent with
the budget available in accordance with
10 U.S.C. 4091.
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I. Funding Levels
The Under Secretary of Defense
(Personnel & Readiness) may adjust the
minimum funding levels to consider
factors such as the Department’s fiscal
condition, guidance from the Office of
Management and Budget, and equity in
circumstances when funding is reduced
or eliminated for GS pay raises or
III. Personnel System Changes
A. Levels of Authority and
Due to the unique structural design of
this demonstration project, certain
responsibilities that are typically
reserved for STRL lab directors are
assigned to other AFC STRL officials.
Such designations are referenced
throughout this Notice using the
definitions in this section. No
responsibilities, authorities, or
delegations in this Notice are intended
to replace or override command
Definitions. The following
terminology is used throughout this
Notice to refer to management and other
officials in the AFC STRL.
(1) AFC STRL Director. This term
refers to the AFC CG.
(2) AFC STRL organization approval
authority. This term refers to the
following positions in their respective
organizations: AFC EDCG for AFC HQ;
AFC Principal Deputy CG for CFT; FCC
CG for FCC; Director, TRAC for TRAC;
Director, DAC for DAC.
(3) PMB Member. This term refers to
a member of the PMB, as defined in
Section II.G. of this Notice.
(4) Pay Pool Manager. This term refers
to the individual who approves the total
performance ratings, reviews the ratings
of employees within the pay pool for
consistency and fairness, resolves any
rating issues, and makes final decisions
on ratings and payouts.
(5) Pay Pool Panel/Reconciliation
Board. This term refers to the group of
supervisors/managers who reconcile
ratings and payouts for the employees in
each pay pool.
B. Pay Banding
The design of the AFC STRL Mod
Demo pay band system takes advantage
of the exhaustive studies performed by
DA and DoD of pay band systems
currently practiced in the Federal
sector, including those practiced by the
Navy’s ‘‘China Lake’’ experiment and
the National Institute of Standards and
Technology. The pay band system will
replace the current GS structure.
Currently, the fifteen grades of the GS
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
are used to classify positions and,
therefore, to set pay. The GS covers
most civilian white-collar Federal
employees in professional, technical,
administrative, and clerical positions.
Changes in this rigid structure are
required to allow flexibility in hiring,
developing, retaining, and motivating
the workforce.
1. Career Paths and Pay Bands
Occupations with similar
characteristics will be grouped together
into one of three career paths with pay
bands designed to facilitate pay
progression. Each career path will be
composed of pay bands corresponding
to recognized advancement and career
progression expected within the
occupations. Each career path will be
divided into three to five pay bands
with each pay band covering the same
pay range now covered by one or more
GS grades. The upper and lower pay
rate for base pay of each pay band is
defined by the minimum and maximum
GS rate for the grade as indicated in
Figure 1, except for Level V of the S&E
career path. Comparison to the GS
grades was used in setting the upper
and lower base pay dollar limits of the
pay bands. However, once employees
are moved into the demonstration
project, GS grades will no longer apply.
The occupational series listed in
Appendix A served as guidelines in the
development of the following three
career paths:
c. *Pay Band III includes GS–12, step
1 through GS–14, step 10.
d. *Pay Band IV includes GS–14, step
1 through GS–15, step 10.
e. Pay Band V covers Senior Scientific
Technical Manager (SSTM) positions
which are described in further detail in
paragraph 2 of this section.
* Pay Bands III and IV overlap at the
end and start points. These two pay
bands have been designed following a
feature used by the Navy’s ‘‘China Lake’’
project. Prior to implementation,
personnel decisions regarding the
overlap will be defined in Mod Demo
IOPs in accordance with the PMBapproved classification guidance.
Business & Technical (B&T) (Pay Plan
DE): This career path includes such
positions as computer specialist,
equipment specialist, quality assurance
specialist, telecommunications
specialist, engineering and electronics
technicians, procurement coordinators,
finance, accounting, administrative
computing, and management analyst.
Employees in these positions may or
may not require specific course work or
educational degrees. Four pay bands
have been established for the B&T career
a. Pay Band I is a student trainee track
covering GS–1, step 1 through GS–4,
step 10.
b. Pay Band II includes GS–5, step 1
through GS–11, step 10.
c. *Pay Band III includes GS–12, step
1 through GS–14, step 10.
d. *Pay Band IV includes GS–14, step
1 through GS–15, step 10.
*Pay Bands III and IV overlap at the
end and start points. These two levels
have been designed following a feature
used by the Navy’s ‘‘China Lake’’
project. Prior to implementation,
personnel decisions regarding the
overlap will be defined in the Mod
Demo IOPs in accordance with the
PMB-approved classification guidance.
Support (Pay Plan DK): This career
path consists of clerical and assistant
positions for which specific course work
or educational degrees are not required.
Clerical work usually involves the
processing and maintaining of records.
Assistant work requires knowledge of
methods and procedures within a
specific administrative area.
a. Pay Band I include entry-level
positions covering GS–1, step 1 through
GS–4, step 10.
b. Pay Band II includes fullperformance positions covering GS–5,
step 1 through GS–8, step 10.
c. Pay Band III includes senior
covering GS–9, step 1 through GS–10,
step 10.
Science and Engineering (S&E) (Pay
Plan DB): This career path includes
technical professional positions, such as
engineers, physicists, chemists,
mathematicians, operations research
analysts, and computer scientists. This
career path also includes certain
Information Technology (IT)
(occupational series 2210) positions. It
includes such positions that contribute
to highly technical and/or scientific
programs that reside in the research,
development, or engineering domains,
using offensive, and defensive cyber
competencies. These positions will
directly support science and technology
initiatives contributing to the
development of cyber resilient Army
transformation and readiness
technologies. These positions include
highly skilled and high demand
cybersecurity positions such as certified
vulnerability assessment blue team and/
or National Security Agency certified
red team subject matter experts. All
other IT specialists will be included in
the B&T career path. Specific course
work or educational degrees are
required for these occupations (except
cyber-IT). Five pay bands have been
established for the S&E career path:
a. Pay Band I is a student trainee track
covering GS–1, step 1 through GS–4,
step 10.
b. Pay Band II is a developmental
track covering GS–5, step 1 through GS–
11, step 10.
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2. Senior Scientific Technical Managers
AFC STRL Mod Demo will include a
category of SSTM positions, as directed
by 10 U.S.C. 4091 and described in 79
FR 43722. S&E Pay Band V will apply
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Figure I
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
exclusively to positions designated as
The SSTM program will be managed
and administered by the AFC EDCG
unless delegated in writing to an AFC
STRL organization approval authority.
These SSTM positions are managed
separately from SES, ST, and SL
positions. The primary functions of
SSTM positions are (a) to engage in
research and development in the
physical, biological, medical, or
engineering sciences, or another field
closely related to the mission of such
STRL; and (b) to carry out technical
supervisory responsibilities. The
number of such positions is limited in
accordance with 10 U.S.C. 4091. This
authority is expected to provide an
opportunity for career development and
expansion of a pool of experienced,
prominent technical candidates meeting
the levels of proficiency and leadership
essential to create and maintain a DoD
state-of-the-art scientific, engineering,
and technological capability.
Positions may be filled: (a) On a
temporary, term, or permanent basis
utilizing appropriate internal and/or
external competitive recruitment
procedures; (b) through accretion-ofduties promotions; or (c) using a direct
hire authority. Positions may also be
filled temporarily using noncompetitive procedures (e.g., detail and
temporary promotions). The AFC CG
has the discretion to select the
recruitment and staffing method most
appropriate based on the specialized
position requirements and available
candidate pool. However, the
recruitment and staffing methodology
must include: (a) An internal process
which incorporates an impartial,
rigorous, and demanding assessment of
candidates to evaluate the breadth of
their technical expertise; (b) an external
recruitment process; (c) creation of
panels to assist in filling positions; or
(d) other comparable recruitment and/or
staffing mechanisms.
Panels will be created to assist in the
review of candidates for SSTM
positions. Panel members typically will
be SES members, ST employees, and
those employees designated as SSTMs.
In addition, General Officers and
recognized technical experts from
outside AFC STRL may serve, as
appropriate. The panel will apply
criteria developed largely from the OPM
Research Grade Evaluation Guide for
positions exceeding the GS–15 level and
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other OPM guidance related to positions
exceeding the GS–15 level. The purpose
of the panel is to ensure impartiality
and a rigorous and demanding review.
3. Position Control Points
Control points may be used as a
compensation strategy when
management determines the duties and
responsibilities of a position do not
warrant unconstrained salary
progression through the entire range of
the pay band. If used, control points
will be documented on the classified
position description. Increasing an
employee’s salary beyond a control
point, if established or used, will
require review of both the position and
performance of the employee.
Advancement across a control point
may not occur without approval of the
AFC STRL organization approval
authority, unless further delegated in
the applicable IOP. Additional guidance
will be included in the AFC STRL
organization specific IOP.
C. Classification
1. Occupational Series
The present GS classification system
has over 400 occupational series, which
are divided into 23 occupational
groupings. AFC STRL currently has
positions in 84 occupational series as
indicated in Appendix A. Additional
occupational series may be added to the
AFC STRL Mod Demo, as needed.
2. Classification Standards and Position
AFC STRL will utilize OPM
classification standards for the
identification of proper series and
occupational titles of positions within
the demonstration project. The grading
criteria in those standards will be used
as a framework to develop new,
simplified, and equitable standards for
the purpose of pay band determinations.
The objective is to include in the
position description the essential
criteria for each pay band within each
career path by stating the characteristics
of the work, the responsibilities of the
position, and the competencies
required. The classification standard for
each career path and pay band will
serve as an important component to
update existing position descriptions,
which will include position-specific
information, and provide data element
information pertinent to the job. The
computer-assisted process will produce
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information necessary for position
descriptions. The new descriptions will
be easier to prepare, minimize the
amount of writing time, and make the
position description a more useful and
accurate tool for other personnel
management functions.
Specialty work and/or competency
codes with corresponding narrative
descriptions will be used in position
descriptions to further differentiate
types of work and the competencies
required for positions within a career
path and pay band. Each code
represents a specialization or type of
work within the occupation.
3. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
FLSA exemption and non-exemption
determinations will be consistent with
criteria found in 5 CFR part 551. All
employees are covered by the FLSA
unless their position meets the criteria
for exemption. The duties and
responsibilities outlined in the
classification standards for each pay
band will be compared to the FLSA
criteria. Generally, the FLSA status can
be matched to career path and pay band
as indicated in Figure 2. For example,
positions classified in pay band I of the
S&E career path are typically
nonexempt, meaning they are covered
by the overtime entitlements prescribed
by the FLSA. An exception to this
guideline includes supervisors/
managers at pay band I or II whose
primary duties meet the definitions
outlined in the OPM GS Supervisory
Guide. Therefore, supervisors/managers
in any of the career paths who meet the
foregoing criteria generally are exempt
from the FLSA. The AFC STRL
classification authorities will make the
determinations on a case-by-case basis
by comparing assigned duties and
responsibilities to the classification
standards for each career path and the
5 CFR part 551 FLSA criteria.
Additionally, the advice and assistance
of the servicing personnel office will be
obtained in making determinations. The
position descriptions will not be the
sole basis for the determination. Basis
for exemption will be documented and
attached to each position description.
Exemption criteria will be narrowly
construed and applied only to those
employees who clearly meet the spirit of
the exemption. Changes will be
documented and provided to the
servicing personnel office.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
Figure 2
Business and
N - Non-Exempt from FLSA;
E - Exempt from FLSA; and
NIE- Exem tion status determined on a case-b -case basis.
4. Classification Authority
The AFC STRL organizations will
have classification authority and may
delegate this authority in writing to
appropriate levels. Any individual with
delegated classification authority must
complete required training. Position
descriptions will be developed to assist
in exercising delegated position
classification authority.
Classification authorities will identify
the career path, job series, functional
code, specialty work and/or competency
code, pay band, and other critical
information. Human Resources
professionals will provide ongoing
consultation and guidance to managers
and supervisors throughout the
classification process. These decisions
will be documented in the position
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5. Classification Appeal
Classification appeals under this
demonstration project will be processed
using the following procedures: An
employee may appeal the determination
of career path, occupational series,
position title, and pay band of the
position at any time. An employee must
formally raise the area of concern to
supervisors in the immediate chain of
command, in writing. If the employee is
not satisfied with the supervisory
response, the employee may then appeal
to the AFC STRL organization PMB
representative. An appeal may then be
made to the AFC EDCG. If the employee
is not satisfied with the AFC EDCG’s
response to the appeal, a final appeal
may then be made to the DoD appellate
level. The appeal process will be
defined in each Mod Demo IOP.
Classification appeals are not accepted
on positions which exceed the
equivalent of a GS–15 level. Time
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periods for cases processed under 5 CFR
part 511 apply.
The evaluation of classification
appeals under this demonstration
project are based upon the
demonstration project classification
criteria. Case files will be forwarded for
action through the servicing personnel
office and will include copies of
appropriate demonstration project
D. Pay-for-Performance Management
System (PFP)
1. Overview
The purpose of the PFP system is to
provide an effective, efficient, and
flexible method for assessing,
compensating, and managing the AFC
STRL modernization workforce. It is
essential for the development of a high
performing workforce and to provide
management at the lowest practical
level, the authority, control, and
flexibility needed to achieve a quality
organization and meet mission
requirements. PFP allows for more
employee involvement in the
assessment process, strives to increase
communication between supervisor and
employee, promotes a clear
accountability of performance,
facilitates employee career progression,
and provides an understandable and
rational basis for salary changes by
linking pay and performance.
The PFP system uses annual
performance payouts that are based on
the employee’s total performance score
rather than within-grade increases,
quality step increases, and performance
awards. The normal rating period will
be one year. The minimum rating period
will be 90 days. PFP payouts can be in
the form of increases to base pay and/
or bonuses that are not added to base
salary but rather are given as a lump
sum payment. Other awards, such as
special acts and time-off awards, will be
administered separately from the PFP
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system may be modified by the PMB, if
necessary, as more experience is gained
under the project. Each AFC STRL
organization will publish the details of
its PFP system rules and available
funding limits in its IOP and/or annual
PFP guidance.
2. Performance Elements
Performance elements define common
performance characteristics that will be
used to evaluate the employee’s success
in accomplishing performance
objectives. The use of common
characteristics for scoring purposes
helps to ensure comparable scores are
assigned while accommodating diverse
individual objectives. The PFP system
will utilize those performance elements
as described in this FRN. AFC STRL
organizations can determine which
elements are critical. A critical
performance element is defined as an
attribute of job performance that is of
sufficient importance that performance
below the minimally acceptable level
requires remedial action and may be the
basis for removing employees from their
positions. Each of the performance
elements will be assigned a two-digit
weight between 0 and 1 rounding two
significant digits, which reflects its
importance in accomplishing an
individual’s performance objectives. A
minimum weight is set for each
performance element. The sum of the
weights for all the elements must equal
1.0. Rules for setting weights will be
defined in Mod Demo IOPs.
A single set of performance elements
will be used for evaluating the annual
performance of all AFC STRL personnel
covered by this Mod Demo plan. This
set of performance elements may evolve
over time, based on experience gained
during each rating cycle. This evolution
is essential to capture the critical
characteristics the organization
encourages in its workforce toward
meeting individual and organizational
objectives. This is particularly true in an
Note: Although typical exemption status
under the various pay bands is shown in the
above table, actual FLSA exemption
determinations are made on a case-by-case
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environment where technology and
work processes are changing at an
increasingly rapid pace. The PMB may
adjust the elements annually.
The initial set of performance
elements and basic definitions for the
AFC STRL Mod Demo are listed below.
On an annual basis, AFC STRL
organizations will select at least four
elements based on mission
requirements. Additionally, the
Supervision/EEO element is mandatory,
and may be updated as needed, for all
employees whose assigned duties which
meet the definition of Supervisor,
outlined in the OPM GS Supervisory
Guide. AFC STRL organizations will
publish more specific element
definitions and benchmark performance
standards that describe performance
associated with each score level in their
(1) Technical Competence—The
extent to which an employee
demonstrates the technical knowledge,
skills, abilities, and initiative to produce
the quality and quantity of work as
defined in individual performance
objectives and assigned tasks.
(2) Mission Impact—The extent to
which an employee demonstrates
individual performance against strategic
goals and initiatives as defined in
individual performance objectives and
assigned tasks.
(3) Customer Satisfaction—The extent
to which an employee delivers high
levels of service to internal and external
customers/stakeholders. Maintains
quality customer/stakeholder
(4) Management of Time and
Resources—The extent to which an
employee demonstrates ability to
manage time and resources.
(5) Teamwork—The extent to which
an employee encourages and facilitates
cooperation, collaboration, pride, trust,
and group identity; fosters commitment
and esprit-de-corps; works with others
to achieve goals.
(6) Communication—The extent to
which an employee demonstrates ability
to communicate orally and in writing to
achieve mutual understanding or
desired results.
(7) Management/Leadership—The
extent to which an employee influences,
motivates, and challenges others; adapts
leadership styles to a variety of
(8) Supervision/EEO—The extent to
which a supervisor: (1) Ensures
compliance with applicable laws,
regulations and policies including Merit
System Principles and Prohibited
Personnel Practices; (2) Attracts and
retains a high-caliber workforce and acts
in a responsible and timely manner on
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all steps in the recruitment and hiring
process; (3) Provides opportunities for
orientation and tools for enabling
employees to successfully perform
during the probationary period and
beyond; (4) Completes all performance
management tasks in a timely manner
including clearly communicating
performance expectations throughout
the appraisal period, holding employees
accountable, making meaningful
distinctions in performance and
rewarding excellent performance,
promoting employee development and
training, and promptly addressing
performance and conduct issues; (5)
Ensures that EEO principles are adhered
to throughout the organization and
promptly addresses allegations of
discrimination, harassment, and
retaliation; (6) Upholds high standards
of integrity and ethical behavior,
including: ensuring appropriate internal
controls to prevent fraud, waste or
abuse; safeguarding assigned property/
resources; maintaining a safe work
environment and promptly addressing
allegations of noncompliance; and
supporting the Whistleblower
Protection Program by responding
constructively to employees who make
protected disclosure under 5 U.S.C.
2302(b)(8), taking responsible and
appropriate actions to resolve any such
disclosure, and creating an environment
in which employees feel comfortable
making such disclosures; and (7)
Influences, motivates, and challenges
others through adaptive leadership;
takes charge of assigned effort(s);
overcomes challenges to success;
resolves personal and professional
conflicts; and looks for opportunities to
assist others to achieve success.
3. Performance Objectives
Performance objectives define a target
level of activity, expressed as a tangible,
measurable objective, against which
actual achievement can be compared.
These objectives will specifically
identify what is expected of the
employee during the rating period and
will typically consist of three to ten
results-oriented statements. The
employee and the supervisor will jointly
develop the employee’s performance
objectives at the beginning of the rating
period. If there is a disagreement
between the employee and supervisor
concerning these performance
objectives, the employee’s supervisor
will render the final decision on the
disagreement after fully considering the
employee’s comments. Objectives are to
be reflective of the employee’s duties/
responsibilities and pay band along
with the mission/organizational goals
and priorities. Objectives will be
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reviewed annually and revised upon
changes in salary reflecting increased
responsibilities commensurate with
salary increases. Performance objectives
are intended to define an individual’s
specific responsibilities and expected
accomplishments. In contrast,
performance elements will identify
common performance characteristics,
against which the accomplishment of
objectives will be measured. As a part
of this demonstration project, training
focused on overall organizational
objectives, and the development of
performance objectives will be held for
both supervisors and employees.
Performance objectives may be jointly
modified, changed, or deleted as
appropriate during the rating cycle.
Generally, performance objectives
should only be changed when
circumstances outside the employee’s
control prevent or hamper the
accomplishment of the original
objectives. It is also appropriate to
change objectives when mission or
workload shifts occur.
4. Performance Feedback and Formal
The most effective means of
communication is person-to-person
discussion between supervisors and
employees of requirements,
performance goals, and desired results.
Employees and supervisors alike are
expected to actively participate in these
discussions for optimum clarity
regarding expectations and identify
potential obstacles to meeting goals. In
addition, employees should explain (to
the extent possible) what they need
from their supervisor to support goal
accomplishment. The timing of these
discussions will vary based on the
nature of work performed but will occur
at least at the mid-point and end of the
rating period. The supervisor and
employee will discuss job performance
and accomplishments in relation to the
performance objectives and elements. At
least one review, normally the midpoint review, will be documented as a
formal progress review. More frequent
task-specific discussions may be
appropriate. In cases where work is
accomplished by a team, team
discussions regarding goals and
expectations may be appropriate.
The employee will provide a written
list of accomplishments to the
supervisor at both the mid-point and
end of the rating period. An employee
may elect to provide self-ratings on the
performance elements and/or solicit
input from team members, customers,
peers, supervisors in other units,
subordinates, and other sources which
will permit the supervisor to fully
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evaluate accomplishments during the
rating period.
At the end of the rating period,
following a review of the employee’s
accomplishments, the supervisor will
rate each of the performance elements
by assigning a score between 0 and 50.
Benchmark performance standards will
be developed by the AFC STRL
organization to describe the level of
performance associated with a score.
Supervisors will use the benchmark
performance standards to determine
appropriate ratings for each
performance element. These scores will
not be discussed with the employee or
considered final until all scores are
reconciled and approved by the
designated Pay Pool Manager. The
element scores will then be multiplied
by the element-weighting factor to
determine the weighted score expressed
to two decimal points. The weighted
scores for each element will then be
totaled to determine each employee’s
overall appraisal score and rounded to
a whole number as follows: if the digit
to the right of the decimal is between
five and nine, it should be rounded to
the next higher whole number; if the
digit to the right of the decimal is
between one and four, it should be
A total score of 10 or below will result
in a Level 1 rating of record. A score of
10 or below in a single element will also
result in a Level 1 rating of record with
zero shares and no GPI, and requires the
employee be placed on a Performance
Improvement Plan (PIP). A new rating of
record will be issued if the employee’s
performance improves to an acceptable
level at the conclusion of the PIP.
5. Unacceptable Performance
Informal feedback is an effective way
to provide clarity to the employee and
in-the-moment coaching. Additionally,
informal discussions serve several
purposes. For example, such
discussions provide feedback for a
specific job, set and reset goals,
reinforce good habits, and discuss areas
for improvement. Informal employee
performance discussions will be a
continuous process so that corrective
action, including placing an employee
on a PIP, may be taken at any time
during the rating cycle. Whenever a
supervisor recognizes an employee’s
performance on one or more
performance elements is unacceptable,
the supervisor should immediately
inform the employee. Efforts will be
made to identify the possible reasons for
the unacceptable performance.
If the employee continues to perform
at an unacceptable level or has received
a Level 1 Rating of Record, written
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notification outlining the unacceptable
performance will be provided to the
employee. At this point an opportunity
to improve will be structured in a PIP.
The supervisor will identify the actions
that need to be corrected or improved,
outline required time frames (no less
than 30 days) to demonstrate such
improvement and provide the employee
with any available assistance as
appropriate. Progress will be monitored
during the PIP, and all counseling
sessions will be documented.
If the employee’s performance is
acceptable at the conclusion of the PIP,
a new rating of record will be issued. If
a PIP ends prior to the end of the annual
performance cycle and the employee’s
performance improves to an acceptable
level, the employee is appraised again at
the end of the annual performance
If the employee fails to improve
during the PIP, the employee will be
given written notice of proposed action.
This action can include removal from
the Federal service, placement in a
lower pay band with a corresponding
reduction in pay (demotion), reduction
in pay within the same pay band, or
change in position or career path. For
the most part, employees with a Level
1 rating of record will not be permitted
to remain at their current salary and
may be reduced in pay band.
Note: Nothing in this subsection will
preclude action under 5 U.S.C. chapter 75,
when appropriate.
All relevant documentation
concerning a reduction in pay or
removal based on unacceptable
performance will be preserved and
made available for review by the
affected employee or a designated
representative. As a minimum, the
record will consist of a copy of the
notice of proposed personnel action, the
employee’s written reply, if provided, or
a written summary when the employee
makes an oral reply. Additionally, the
record will contain the written notice of
decision and the reasons therefore along
with any supporting material (including
documentation regarding the
opportunity afforded the employee to
demonstrate improved performance).
If the employee’s performance
deteriorates to an unacceptable level, in
any element, within two years from the
beginning of a PIP, follow-on actions
may be initiated with no additional
opportunity to improve. If an
employee’s performance is at an
acceptable level for two years from the
beginning of the PIP and performance
once again declines to an unacceptable
level, the employee will be given an
additional opportunity to improve
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before management proposes follow-on
Additional details will be outlined in
Mod Demo IOPs.
6. Reconciliation Process
At the end of the rating cycle and
following the initial scoring of each
employee by the supervisor, a panel of
rating officials and supervisors, known
as the pay pool panel, will meet in a
structured review and reconciliation
process managed by the Pay Pool
Manager. In this step, each employee’s
performance objectives,
accomplishments, preliminary scores
and/or shares, and pay are discussed.
Through discussion and consensus
building, consistent and equitable
ratings and/or shares are reached. There
will not be a prescribed distribution of
total scores. IOPs will further define this
7. Pay Pools
Employees within the AFC STRL Mod
Demo will be placed into pay pools. Pay
pools are combinations of organizational
elements (e.g., Directorates, Divisions,
Branches, and Offices) that are defined
for the purpose of determining
performance payouts under the PFP
system. The guidelines in the next
paragraph are provided for determining
pay pools. These guidelines will
normally be followed. However, an AFC
STRL Mod Demo pay pool manager may
deviate from the guidelines if there is a
compelling need to do so, and the
rationale is documented in writing.
The AFC STRL organizations will
establish pay pools within their
respective organizations. Typically, pay
pools will have between 35 and 300
employees. A pay pool should be large
enough to encompass a reasonable
distribution of ratings but not so large as
to compromise rating consistency.
Supervisory personnel will be placed in
a pay pool separate from subordinate
non-supervisory personnel. Neither the
Pay Pool Manager nor supervisors
within a pay pool will recommend or
set their own individual pay. Decisions
regarding the amount of the
performance payout are based on the
established formal payout calculations.
Annual pay pool limits for base pay
increases and bonuses, also referred to
as payout factors, will be established by
the AFC STRL organizations. Funds for
performance payouts are divided into
two components: base pay increases and
bonuses. The funds used for base pay
increases are those that would have
been available from GS within-grade
increases, quality step increases, and
promotions. This amount will be
defined based on historical data and set
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recommend adjustments to ensure cost
discipline over the life of the
demonstration project. AFC STRL
organizations may reallocate the amount
of funds assigned to each pay pool as
necessary to ensure equity and to meet
unusual circumstances.
at no less than two percent of total
adjusted base pay and no more than the
maximum set by the AFC STRL
organization. The funds available to be
used for awards are funded separately
within the constraints of the
organization’s overall award budget.
This amount will be defined based on
historical data and set at no less than
one percent of total adjusted base pay
and no more than the maximum set by
the AFC STRL organization. The sum of
these two factors is referred to as the
Pay Pool Payout Factor and is
determined by the AFC STRL
organization within the above
constraints. The PMB will annually
review the pay pool funding formulas
used by AFC STRL organizations and
8. Performance Payout Determination
Employee’s Rating of Record levels
will be determined by the Score Ranges
as shown in Figure 3 below. The Rating
of Record levels follow the Summary
level rating patterns associated with 5
CFR 430.208, Pattern H. Mod Demo
IOPs may designate descriptive titles for
Level 1 through Level 5 ratings of
record. The score ranges will be used as
a guide to determine the number of
shares the employee is assigned in the
pay pool process. An employee will
receive a performance payout as a
percentage of the employee’s salary at
the end of the rating cycle, based on the
number of shares assigned. AFC STRL
organizations will use one of two
methods for converting scores to shares.
Score ranges and share option changes
must be approved by the Mod Demo
PMB. IOPs must state which method the
AFC STRL organization will use, and
Mod Demo employees will receive
specific training covering this topic.
AFC STRL organizations will provide
written notice to the workforce at the
start of the rating cycle concerning the
basis of the share assignment.
Figure 3
Level 5
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
10 or less
Shares values will be assigned
between 0 and 4 using any increment of
shares for a given Score Range as shown
in Figure 4. The pay pool panel will
determine the shares based on the
employee’s score range. When selecting
the share value, the pay pool panel may
consider any of the following: the
employee’s salary relative to other
employees in the same range, the
employee’s performance above and
beyond expectations, the supervisor’s
recommendation, and how close the
employee is to the top of the pay band.
Shares will be awarded as decimal
numbers, rounded to the nearest tenth,
based on the employee’s score.
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3 or 3.5 or 4
2 or 2.5 or 3
1 or 1.5 or 2
10 orless
0 and/or no GPI
Fractional shares will be awarded for
scores that fall in between these scores,
in accordance with Figure 5. For
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example: a score of 38 will equate to 1.8
shares, and a score of 44 will equate to
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Figure 4
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Figure 5
Regardless of whether Option A or
Option B is implemented, the value of
a share cannot be exactly determined
until the rating and reconciliation
process is completed and all scores are
finalized. The formula that computes
the value of each share is based on (1)
0.1- 1.0
10 orless
0 and/or no GPI
the payout factors, (2) the employee’s
pay, and (3) the number of shares
awarded to each employee in the pay
pool. This formula, shown in Figure 6,
assures that each employee within the
pool receives a share amount equitable
to all others in the same pool who are
at the same rate of basic pay and receive
the same score and shares. The exact
Pay Pool Payout Factor will be
determined by the AFC Mod STRL
organization, in accordance with
paragraph 7 above.
Figure 6. Share Value Formula
Basic Pay
Share Value= ___i-=_i_to_n_ _,
(Bczsic Pay~: Shares)
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F = Pay Pool Payout Factor, determined by
Pay Pool Managers are accountable for
staying within pay pool funding limits.
The Pay Pool Manager makes final
decisions on pay increases and/or
bonuses to individuals based on rater
recommendation, the final score, the
pay pool funds available, and the
employee’s salary at the end of the
rating cycle.
In addition, the designated pay pool
manager may nominate employees for
Extraordinary Achievement
Recognition. Such recognition grants a
base pay increase and/or bonus to an
employee that is higher than the one
generated by the compensation formula
for that employee. The funds available
for an Extraordinary Achievement
Recognition are separately funded
within the constraints of the
organization’s budget.
9. Base Pay Increases and Bonuses
An employee’s shares will be paid out
as a base pay increase, a bonus, or a
combination. To continue to provide
performance incentives while also
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ensuring cost discipline, base pay
increases may be limited or capped.
Certain employees will not be able to
receive base pay increases due to base
pay caps. Base pay is capped when an
employee reaches the maximum rate of
pay in an assigned pay band or when a
performance-based rule applies (see
paragraph 10 below). Employees
affected by base pay caps and those
receiving retained pay will receive the
entire performance payout in the form
of a bonus.
If the AFC STRL organization deems
it appropriate, the Pay Pool Manager
may re-allocate a portion (up to the
maximum possible amount) of the
unexpended base pay funds for capped
employees to uncapped employees. Any
dollar increase in an employee’s
projected base pay increase will be
offset, dollar for dollar, by an
accompanying reduction in the
employee’s projected bonus payment.
Thus, the employee’s total performance
payout is unchanged.
PFP bonuses and salary increases
must be effective within 120 days of the
end of the appraisal cycle.
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10. Performance-Based Rules
As a compensation management tool,
AFC STRL organizations may establish
performance-based rules to manage pay
progression by career path, pay band,
geographic location, or any other
grouping. If established, such
performance-based rules must be
approved by the PMB and published to
the workforce prior to implementation.
In addition, the process for obtaining an
exception to such rules must be
documented in the IOP. Once
established, performance-based rules
may be used in the pay pool process to
manage performance salary increases.
Examples of performance-based rules
include rules similar to a Mid-Point
Rule. For example, to provide added
performance incentives as an employee
progresses through a pay band, a midpoint rule may be used to determine
base pay increases. The mid-point rule
dictates that employees must receive a
score of 30 or higher for their base pay
to cross the salary midpoint of their pay
band. Also, once an employee’s base
pay exceeds the salary midpoint of their
pay band, the employee must receive a
score of 30 or higher to receive any
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additional base pay increases. Any
amount of an employee’s performance
payout, not paid in the form of a base
pay increase because of the mid-point
rule, would be paid as a bonus. This
rule effectively raises the standard of
performance expected of an employee
once the salary midpoint of a pay band
is crossed. This rule would apply to all
employees in every career path and pay
11. Awards
To provide additional flexibility in
motivating and rewarding individuals
and groups, some portion of the
performance award budget may be
reserved for special acts and other
categories as they occur. Awards may
include, but are not limited to special
acts, patents, suggestions, on-the-spot,
and time-off. The funds available to be
used for awards are separately funded
within the constraints of the
organization’s overall award budget.
While not directly linked to the PFP
system, this additional flexibility is
important to encourage outstanding
accomplishments and innovation in
accomplishing the diverse
modernization missions of the AFC
STRL organizations participating in
Mod Demo. Additionally, to foster and
encourage teamwork among its
employees, organizations may give
group awards.
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12. General Pay Increase (GPI)
All employees will receive a GPI,
except as described below.
Employees, who are on a PIP and/or
receive a Level 1 rating of record at the
time pay determinations are made, may
be denied performance payouts or the
GPI. Such employees will not receive
RIF service credit until such time as
their performance improves to the
satisfactory level and remains so for at
least 90 days. When the employee has
performed at an acceptable level for at
least 90 days, the GPI will not be
retroactive but will be granted at the
beginning of the next pay period after
the supervisor authorizes its payment.
These actions may result in a base
salary that is identified in a lower pay
band. This occurs because the minimum
rate of basic pay in a pay band increases
as the result of the GPI (5 U.S.C. 5303).
This situation (a reduction in pay band
with no reduction in pay) will not be
considered an adverse action, nor will
pay band retention provisions apply.
After 90 days of acceptable
performance the employee is granted
GPI and the employee will be returned
to the employee’s previous pay band.
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13. Grievances and Disciplinary Actions
An employee may grieve the
performance rating/score or shares
received under the PFP system. Nonbargaining unit employees, and
bargaining unit employees covered by a
negotiated grievance procedure that
does not permit grievances over
performance ratings, must file under
administrative grievance procedures
when choosing to pursue a grievance.
Whereas, bargaining unit employees
whose negotiated grievance procedures
cover performance-rating grievances
must file under those negotiated
procedures when choosing to pursue a
Except where specifically waived or
modified in this plan, adverse action
procedures under 5 CFR part 752,
remain unchanged.
system to increase the number of
eligible candidates referred to selecting
officials. This provides for the grouping
of eligible candidates into quality
categories and the elimination of
consideration according to the ‘‘rule of
three.’’ This includes the coordination
of recruitment and public notices, the
administration of the examining
process, the administration of veterans’
preference, the certification of
candidates, and selection and
appointment consistent with merit
Statutes and regulations covering
veterans’ preference will be observed in
the selection process when rating and
ranking are required. Veterans with
preference will be referred ahead of
non-veterans with the same score/
E. Hiring and Appointment Authorities
Competitive service positions will be
filled through Merit Staffing, direct-hire
authority, Delegated Examining, or other
non-competitive hiring authorities.
Direct-hire authority will be exercised
in accordance with the requirements of
the delegation of authority.
3. Direct Hire
1. Qualifications
A candidate’s basic qualifications will
be determined using OPM’s
Qualification Standards Handbook for
General Schedule Positions. Candidates
must meet the minimum standards for
entry into the pay band, unless waived
by other flexibilities within the STRL.
For example, if the pay band includes
positions in grades GS–5 and GS–7, the
candidate must meet the qualifications
for positions at the GS–5 level.
Specialized experience/education
requirements will be determined based
on whether a position to be filled is at
the lower or higher end of the pay band.
Selective placement factors can be
established in accordance with the OPM
Qualification Handbook, when judged
to be critical to successful job
performance. These factors will be
communicated to all candidates for
position vacancies and must be met for
basic eligibility.
2. Delegated Examining
Under Delegated Examining when
there are no more than 15 qualified
applicants and no preference eligible,
all eligible applicants are immediately
referred to the selecting official without
rating and ranking. Rating and ranking
may occur when the number of
qualified candidates exceeds 15 or there
is a mix of preference and nonpreference applicants. Category rating
may be used to provide for a more
streamlined and responsive hiring
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AFC STRL will use the direct hire
authorities authorized by 10 U.S.C.
4091, and published in 79 FR 43722 and
82 FR 29280; and the direct hire
authorities published in 85 FR 78829, as
appropriate, to appoint the following:
a. Candidates with advanced degrees
to scientific and engineering positions;
b. Candidates with bachelor’s degrees
to scientific and engineering positions;
c. Veteran candidates to scientific,
technical, engineering, and mathematics
positions (STEM), including
d. Student candidates enrolled in a
program of instruction leading to a
bachelors or advanced degree in a STEM
discipline; and
e. Candidates for any position: (i)
involving 51 percent or more of time in
direct support of the STRL mission; (ii)
identified by the STRL as hard to fill;
(iii) having a history of high turnover; or
(iv) requiring a unique, laboratoryrelated skillset.
Direct hire appointments may be
made on a permanent, term or
temporary basis. Requirements for how
positions qualify for this usage of direct
hire authorities will be documented in
In addition, other direct hire
authorities, documented in FRNs and
available to all DoD STRL laboratories,
may be utilized, once requested, and
adopted, as appropriate.
4. Legal Authority
For actions taken under the auspices
of the demonstration project, the first
legal authority code (LAC)/legal
authority Z2U will be used. The second
LAC/legal authority may identify the
authority utilized (e.g., Direct Hires).
The nature of action codes and legal
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
authority codes prescribed by OPM,
DoD, or DA will be used.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
5. Hiring Demonstrated Exceptional
Talent for S&E Positions
As provided by OPM General
Schedule Qualification Standards,
paragraph 4.g., in the ‘‘Application of
Qualification Standards’’ section,
‘‘Educational and Training Provisions or
Requirements’’ subsection, AFC STRL
may consider an S&E position
candidate’s demonstrated exceptional
experience or a combination of
experience and education in lieu of
OPM individual occupational
qualification requirements. The AFC
STRL may use one SME, instead of a
panel of at least two, to conduct a
comprehensive evaluation of an
applicant’s entire background, with full
consideration given to both education
and experience, to determine a
candidate’s qualifications. In addition,
the unique nature of AFC STRL
interdisciplinary positions allows for an
AFC STRL manager with direct
knowledge of the mission and position
requirements, regardless of his or her
occupational series or military
occupation code, to serve as a SME to
represent the needs of the organization.
Demonstrated exceptional experience
is defined as experience that reflects
significant accomplishment directly
applicable to the position to be filled.
This is evidenced through a substantial
record of experience, achievement, and/
or publications that demonstrate
expertise in an appropriate professional/
scientific field. A written analysis by the
SME will document the candidate’s
experience, achievements, and
publications used for qualification
Documentation justifying the
employee’s qualifications will be placed
in the employee’s electronic official
personnel file (e-OPF) to ensure the
employee is considered qualifying for
the specific occupational series in the
6. Official Transcripts
The requirement to have official
transcripts prior to entrance-on-duty
(EOD) is waived. AFC STRL servicing
personnel offices may use unofficial
transcripts or a letter from a registrar or
dean to make qualification
determinations, thus eliminating several
days or weeks from the current hiring
timeline. Official transcripts must be
received within 30 calendar days after
Once unofficial transcripts or a letter
from a registrar or dean is received, the
servicing personnel office will review
qualifications and begin the onboarding
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process. Applicants will be asked to
request and submit official transcripts to
the servicing personnel office, but an
EOD may be established prior to receipt.
Applicants will sign a statement of
understanding (SOU) as part of their
pre-employment paperwork. The SOU
will include language stipulating that if
official transcripts are not provided or
fail to show proof that individuals meet
the qualification requirements,
individuals may be subject to adverse
actions up to and including removal, as
determined by specific circumstances
by applicable regulations. The SOU will
regulate the applicants who do not have
the degrees required for the positions or
who may have been dishonest during
the hiring process, lowering risk for the
The SOU will be maintained in the
employee’s e-OPF. Once official
transcripts have been received by the
servicing personnel office, they will be
verified in the personnel system and
uploaded into the employee’s e-OPF.
7. Use of USAJobs Flyers
AFC STRL will have authority to
determine when to utilize USAJobs
flyers to solicit for AFC STRL positions.
Applications may be submitted directly
to the servicing personnel office.
Candidates may apply through the link
or email address found in the flyer.
Postings may be open to internal
Government employees and external
U.S. citizen candidates. All candidates
will be asked to submit supporting
documentation, including a resume and
official or unofficial transcripts. Flyers
will include the following (a) open/
close dates, (b) compensation, (c)
appointment type and work schedule,
(d) duty location, (e) duties, (f) position
information, (g) conditions of
employment, (h) qualification
requirements, (i) education
requirements, (j) how candidates will be
evaluated, (k) benefits, (l) how to apply,
(m) an equal employment opportunity
statement, and (n) any additional
information determined necessary by
the lab.
Positions may be filled through direct
hire authorities on a temporary, term, or
permanent basis or through
reassignment utilizing the USAJobs
8. Security Eligibility
AFC STRL has the authority to
appoint individuals to Critical-Sensitive
(CS) and Special-Sensitive positions
prior to a final favorable eligibility
determination at the Top Secret/SCI
level. Processes and pre-employment
waiver requirements for CS positions
will be applied in these situations. For
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the purposes of STRLs, an emergency or
national interest that necessitates an
appointment prior to the completion of
the investigation and adjudication
process includes a lab’s inability to meet
mission requirements. Each applicant’s
Standard Form 86, ‘‘Questionnaire for
National Security Positions,’’
fingerprints, and prescreening
questionnaire will be reviewed, and a
favorable pre-screening eligibility
determination will be made prior to any
individual being given a final job offer
and EOD. Also, each lab will provide
the written documentation needed to
support a waiver decision to the
appointing authority, who will
document the reason for the
appointment, and ensure the
justification is sufficient before a final
offer of employment is made.
Individuals will perform duties and
occupy a location permitted by their
current security eligibility (interim or
final), but not higher than Top Secret.
The applicant will be required to sign a
statement of understanding that
documents that the pre-appointment
decision was made based on limited
information and that continued
employment depends upon the
completion of a personnel security
investigation (tier 3 or 5) and favorable
adjudication of the full investigative
9. Term Appointments
F. Flexible Length and Renewable Term
Technical Appointments (FLRTTA)
1. AFC STRL organizations may use
the FLRTTA workforce shaping tool to
appoint qualified candidates who are
not currently DoD civilian employees,
or are currently DoD term employees,
into any scientific, technical
engineering, and mathematic positions,
including technicians, for a period of
more than one year but not more than
six years. The appointment of any
individual under this authority may be
extended without limit in up to six-year
increments at any time during any term
of service under conditions set forth in
Mod Demo IOPs.
2. Use of the FLRTTA authority must
be consistent with merit system
3. Current DoD employees who are
not DoD term employees may not be
appointed to positions under this
4. Initial appointments must be more
than one year, but not to exceed six
years in duration.
5. Individuals appointed under this
authority may be eligible for
noncompetitive conversion to a
permanent appointment if the job
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
opportunity announcement clearly
stated the possibility of being made
6. Positions may be filled utilizing
noncompetitive hiring authorities.
Positions appointed noncompetitively
will not be eligible for conversion or
extension. This is not a hiring authority
and STRLs must compete or use a direct
hire or other non-competitive hiring
authority to appoint candidates under
this appointment authority.
7. Unless otherwise eligible for a
noncompetitive hiring authority,
positions filled under this authority
must be competed. Job opportunity
announcements must clearly identify
the type of appointment and the
expected duration of initial
appointment (up to six years). A
statement will be included in the
announcement that the position may be
extended, without limit, in up to sixyear increments, to enable extensions
beyond the initial term of appointment.
Furthermore, the position can be made
permanent without further competition.
8. Appointees will be afforded equal
eligibility for employee programs and
benefits comparable to those provided
to similar employees on permanent
appointments within the AFC STRL,
including opportunities for professional
development and eligibility for award
9. Appointees will be afforded the
opportunity to apply for vacancies that
are otherwise limited to ‘‘status’’
candidates. Appointees applying to
other Federal service positions utilizing
this authority must submit a copy of
their Flexible Length and Renewable
Term Technical appointment SF–50,
Notification of Personnel Action, which
will contain a remark identifying this
provision, with their application/
resume for the vacancy to which they
are applying. The SF–50 will serve as
notification to the servicing Human
Resources Office for the vacancy that
the individual is eligible for
consideration as a status candidate.
10. Promotions. Individuals
appointed under this hiring authority
may be promoted while serving on a
term appointment, provided they meet
the qualifications and eligibility
requirements for the higher level to
which they will be promoted.
11. Extension of appointments. The
appointment of an individual appointed
to a term appointment under this
authority may be extended, without
limit, in up to six-year increments. The
original recruitment notice must have
identified the opportunity for an
extension beyond the initial term of
appointment. Extensions will be
documented via a personnel action
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using nature of action code 765/
Extension of Term Appt NTE and the
same legal authority code used for the
appointment that is being extended.
12. Expiration. Term appointments
expire upon the not-to-exceed date,
unless extended.
13. Probationary/Trial Period. The
trial period specified in this FRN will
apply to individuals appointed under
the Flexible Length and Renewable
Term Appointment.
14. Tenure. For those appointed
under the Flexible Length and
Renewable Term Technical
Appointment authority or converted
from a term or modified term to a
Flexible Length and Renewable Term
Technical Appointment and later
converted to a career or careerconditional appointment, the time spent
on both appointments will count toward
career tenure.
15. Documenting Personnel Actions.
Personnel actions for qualified
candidates are documented citing the
first legal authority code (LAC)/legal
authority as Z2U, if appointed to a
broad-banded position. A remark for the
personnel action will be created to state
the appointment is designated as a
‘‘status’’ appointment for the purposes
of eligibility for applying for positions
in the federal service.
G. Flexible Length and Renewable Term
Appointments for Support Positions
1. AFC STRL organizations are
authorized to use FLRTA to appoint
qualified candidates, whose positions
involve 51 percent or more of time spent
in direct support of STRL activities, for
a period of more than one year but not
more than six years. The appointment of
any individual under this authority may
be extended without limit in up to sixyear increments at any time during any
term of service under conditions set
forth in Mod Demo IOPs. The FLRTTA
provisions described above also apply to
appointments made under this
2. Term appointments, for the
purposes of this authority, are nonstatus appointments to a position in the
competitive service for a specified
period of more than one year; however,
incumbents may compete as ‘‘status
candidates’’ for the purpose of eligibility
for positions in the Federal service.
3. Qualified candidates are defined as
individuals who meet the minimum
qualification standards for the position
as published in the OPM Qualification
Standard or Mod Demo qualification
standards specific to the position to be
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1. Extended Probationary or Trial Period
At the discretion of the AFC STRL
organizations, the probationary period
for DoD employees may be extended to
three years for all newly hired
permanent career-conditional
employees, and trial periods for term
appointments may also be extended to
three years, as documented in Mod
Demo IOPs. The purpose of extending
the probationary period is to allow
supervisors adequate time to fully
evaluate an employee’s ability to
complete cycles of work and to fully
assess an employee’s contribution and
conduct. Other than described herein,
the probationary period will apply to
employees as stated in 5 CFR part 315.
Aside from extending the time period,
all other features of the current
probationary or trial period are retained,
including the requirements for
determining creditable service as
described in 5 CFR 315.802(c), and the
potential to remove an employee
without providing the full substantive
and procedural rights afforded a nonprobationary employee when the
employee fails to demonstrate proper
conduct, competency, and/or adequate
contribution during the extended
probationary period. When terminating
probationary or trial employees, AFC
STRL organizations will provide
employees with written notification of
the reasons for their separation and
effective date of the action.
Probationary employees may be
terminated when they fail to
demonstrate proper conduct, technical
competency, and/or acceptable
performance for continued employment,
and for conditions arising before
2. Supervisory Probationary Periods
Supervisory probationary periods will
be consistent with 5 CFR part 315,
subpart I. Existing Federal employees
who are competitively selected or
reassigned to a supervisory position will
be required to complete a supervisory
probationary period for initial
appointment to a supervisory position.
At the discretion of the AFC STRL
organizations, the probationary period
for supervisory employees may be up to
two years. Additional requirements will
be outlined in Mod Demo IOPs.
3. Reemployment of Annuitants
AFC STRL will use the authorities
provided by 5 U.S.C. 9902(g) to appoint
reemployed annuitants, as appropriate.
In addition, AFC STRL organizations
may approve the appointment of
reemployed annuitants and determine
the salary of an annuitant reemployed
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
under this authority, including whether
the annuitant’s salary will be reduced
by any portion of the annuity received,
up to the amount of the full annuity, as
a condition of reemployment.
a. AFC STRL organizations will apply
the authority to appoint annuitants in
accordance with this FRN, DoDI
1400.25–V300 and Army guidance,
except as stated above. Use of the
authority must be consistent with merit
system principles.
b. Documenting Personnel Actions.
For actions taken under the auspices of
the demonstration project, the first legal
authority code (LAC)/legal authority
Z2U. The second LAC/legal authority
may identify the authority utilized (e.g.,
Direct Hires). The nature of action codes
and legal authority codes prescribed by
OPM, DoD, or DA will be used.
c. AFC STRL organizations will
publish implementing guidance and
procedures on the use of this
reemployed annuitant flexibility in Mod
Demo IOPs.
d. Annuitants retired under 5 U.S.C.
8336(d)(1) or 8414(b)(1)(A) who are
reemployed will retain the rights
provided in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
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4. Student Loan Repayment
AFC STRL may provide student loan
repayment options authorized in 85 FR
78829 that are in line with current
tuition costs and may be adjusted based
on inflation without higher level
approval. This authority provides the
AFC STRL the ability to repay all, or
part of, an outstanding qualifying
student loan or loans previously taken
out by a current AFC STRL Mod Demo
employee or candidate to whom an offer
of employment has been made. The
amount of student loan repayment
benefits provided by an AFC STRL
organization is subject to both of the
following limits:
a. Up to $25,000 per employee per
calendar year.
b. Up to $125,000 per employee.
The USD(R&E) may increase these
amounts when deemed necessary to stay
competitive with private industry and
academia. Eligibilities, conditions,
qualifying student loans, and required
service agreements remain the same as
found in 5 CFR part 537. Loan payments
made by an AFC STRL organization
under this part do not exempt an
employee from his or her responsibility
and/or liability for any loan(s) the
individual has taken out. The employee
is responsible for any income tax
obligations resulting from the student
loan repayment benefit.
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F. Volunteer Emeritus and Expert
Program (VEP)
AFC STRL will have the authority to
offer voluntary assignments to former
Federal employees who have retired or
separated from the Federal service and
U.S. citizens who are retired, separated,
or on sabbatical from private or public
sector organizations. Volunteer emeritus
will ensure continued quality research
while reducing the overall salary line by
allowing higher paid individuals to
accept retirement incentives with the
opportunity to retain a presence in the
scientific community. Volunteer experts
will bring commercial sector or public
sector knowledge and experience into
AFC STRL. Volunteers will not be used
to replace any government personnel or
interfere with their career opportunities.
Volunteers may not be used to replace
or substitute for work performed by
government personnel occupying
positions required to perform the AFC
STRL’s mission. Volunteer assignments
are not considered ‘‘employment’’ by
the Federal government (except as
indicated below).
To be accepted as a volunteer, an
individual must be a U.S. citizen and
must be recommended by an AFC STRL
manager to the AFC STRL organization
approval authority. No one is entitled to
participate in the program, and an
application to the program does not
guarantee acceptance into the program
or assignment at AFC STRL. AFC STRL
organizations must clearly document
the decision process and decision
rationale for each volunteer applicant
(regardless of whether the applicant is
accepted or rejected from the program)
and must retain this documentation
throughout the assignment (for accepted
applicants), or for two years (for rejected
applicants). Volunteer participants will
not be permitted to perform any
inherently governmental function or to
participate in any contracts or
solicitations for which the participant
has a conflict of interest. Volunteer
participants are not permitted to
participate in contract source selections,
nor are they permitted to have access to
contractor bid or proposal information
or source selection information, or to
data or information that is protected by
the Trade Secrets Act (18 U.S.C. 1905)
without a written agreement between
the volunteer and the owner of the data
or information.
To ensure success and encourage
participation, the volunteer Emeritus’
Federal retirement pay (whether
military or civilian) will not be affected
while serving in a volunteer capacity.
Retired or separated Federal employees
may accept an emeritus position
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without a break or mandatory waiting
An agreement will be established
between the volunteer and the AFC
STRL organization. The agreement will
be reviewed by the servicing legal office.
The agreement must be finalized before
the assumption of duties and will
(1) A statement that the voluntary
assignment does not constitute an
appointment in the civil service and is
without compensation, and any and all
claims against the Government (because
of the voluntary assignment) are waived
by the volunteer;
(2) A statement that the volunteer will
be considered a Federal employee solely
for the purpose of:
• 18 U.S.C. 201, 203, 205, 207, 208,
209, 603, 606, 607, 643, 654, 1905, and
• 31 U.S.C. 1343, 1344, and 1349(b);
• 5 U.S.C. chapters 73 and 81;
• The Ethics in Government Act of
• 41 U.S.C. chapter 21;
• 28 U.S.C. chapter 171 (tort claims
procedure), and any other Federal tort
liability statute;
• 5 U.S.C. 552a (records maintained
on individuals)
(3) The volunteer’s work schedule;
(4) The length of the agreement
(defined by length of project or time
defined by weeks, months, or years);
(5) The support to be provided by the
AFC STRL organization (travel,
administrative, office space, supplies);
(6) The volunteer’s duties;
(7) A provision allowing either party
to void the agreement with at least two
working days’ written notice;
(8) A provision that states no
additional time will be added to a
volunteer’s service credit for such
purposes as retirement, severance pay,
and leave as a result of being a
participant in the VEP;
(9) The level of security access
required (any security clearance
required by the assignment will be
managed by the AFC STRL organization
while the participant is a member of the
(10) A provision that any written
products prepared for publication that
are related to VEP participation will be
submitted to the AFC STRL organization
for review and must be approved prior
to publication;
(11) A statement that the volunteer
accepts accountability for loss or
damage to Government property
occasioned by the volunteer’s
negligence or willful action;
(12) A statement that the activities of
the volunteer on the premises will
conform to the regulations and
requirements of the organization;
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
(13) A statement that the volunteer
will not improperly use or disclose any
non-public information, including any
pre-decisional or draft deliberative
information related to DoD
programming, budgeting, resourcing,
acquisition, procurement, or other
matter, for the benefit or advantage of
the volunteer or any non-Federal
entities. Volunteers will handle all nonpublic information in a manner that
reduces the possibility of improper
(14) A statement that the volunteer
agrees to disclose any inventions made
in the course of work performed for AFC
STRL. AFC STRL will have the option
to obtain title to any such invention on
behalf of the U.S. Government. Should
the AFC CG elect not to take title, AFC
will retain a non-exclusive, irrevocable,
paid up, royalty-free license to practice
or have practiced the invention
worldwide on behalf of the U.S.
(15) A statement that the volunteer
must complete either a Confidential or
Public Financial Disclosure Report,
whichever applies; a disqualification
statement prohibiting the volunteer
from working on matters related to his
or her former employer; and ethics
training in accordance with Office of
Government Ethics regulations prior to
implementation of the written
agreement; and
(16) A statement that the volunteer
must receive post-government
employment advice from a DoD ethics
counselor at the conclusion of program
participation. Volunteers are deemed
Federal employees for purposes of postgovernment employment restrictions.
A written Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) between the AFC STRL
organization and the volunteer is
required and must include all items
above, regardless of format used. The
use and wording of the MOA will be
provided in the IOPs of the AFC STRL
G. Internal Placement
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1. Promotion
A promotion is the movement of an
employee to a higher pay band in the
same career path or to another career
path, wherein the pay band in the new
career path has a higher maximum base
pay than the pay band from which the
employee is moving. Positions with
known promotion potential to a specific
pay band within a career path will be
identified when they are filled.
Movement from one career path to
another will depend upon individual
competencies, qualifications, and the
needs of the organization. Salary
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progression within a pay band is not
considered a promotion and not subject
to the provisions of this section. Except
as specified below, promotions will be
processed under competitive procedures
in accordance with Merit System
Principles and requirements of the local
merit promotion plan.
To be promoted competitively or noncompetitively from one pay band to the
next, an employee must meet the
minimum qualifications for the job and
may not have a Level 1 rating of record.
If an employee does not have a current
performance rating, the employee will
be treated the same as an employee with
a Level 2 rating of record as long as
there is no documented evidence of
unacceptable performance.
2. Reassignment
A reassignment is the movement of an
employee from one position to a
different position within the same
career path and pay band or to another
career path and pay band wherein the
pay band in the new career path has the
same maximum base pay. The employee
must meet the qualification
requirements for the career path and pay
3. Placement in a Lower Pay Band or
An employee may be placed in a
lower pay band within the same career
path or placement into a pay band in a
different career path with a lower
maximum base pay. This change may be
voluntary based on a request from the
employee or involuntary, for cause
(performance or conduct) or for reasons
other than cause (e.g., erosion of duties,
reclassification of duties to a lower pay
band, placement actions resulting from
RIF procedures). Involuntary actions
will be executed using the applicable
adverse action procedures in 5 U.S.C.
chapter 43 or chapter 75.
4. Simplified Assignment Process
Today’s environment of remote work
and fluctuating budgets, workforce and
workload require that the organization
have maximum flexibility to assign
duties and responsibilities to
individuals. Pay banding can be used to
address this need, as it enables the
organization to have maximum
flexibility to assign an employee with
no change in base pay, within broad
descriptions, consistent with the needs
of the organization and the individual’s
qualifications, and level. Subsequent
assignments to projects, tasks, or
functions anywhere within the
organization requiring the same level,
area of expertise, and qualifications
would not constitute an assignment
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outside the scope or coverage of the
current position description. For
instance, a Research Psychologist could
be assigned to any project, task, or
function requiring similar expertise.
Likewise, a manager/supervisor could
be assigned to manage any similar
function or organization consistent with
that individual’s qualifications. This
flexibility allows broader latitude in
assignments and further streamlines the
administrative process and system.
Execution of such actions may require
fulfilling labor obligations, where
5. Details and Expanded Temporary
Employees may be detailed to a
position at the same or similar level
(position in a pay band with the same
maximum salary). Additionally,
employees may be temporarily
promoted to a position in a pay band
with a higher maximum salary. Details
and temporary promotions may be
competitive or non-competitive under
the AFC STRL Mod Demo and may last
up to one year, with the option to
extend an additional year. Employees
selected non-competitively for details
and temporary promotions may only
serve in those assignments for a total of
two years out of every thirty months. An
employee may be detailed to a position
without a change in pay or may be
provided a base pay increase when the
detail significantly increases the
complexity of the duties, level of
responsibility, or authority, or for other
compelling reasons. Such an increase is
subject to the specific guidelines
established by AFC STRL organizations
as published in their IOP’s. Details and
temporary promotions may be
determined by a competitive or a noncompetitive process.
6. Exceptions to Competitive Procedures
for Assignment to a Position
The following actions are excepted
from competitive procedures:
a. Re-promotion to a position which is
in the same pay band or GS equivalent
and career path as the employee
previously held on a permanent basis
within the competitive service.
b. Promotion, reassignment, change to
lower pay band, transfer, or
reinstatement to a position having
promotion potential no greater than the
potential of a position an employee
currently holds or previously held on a
permanent basis in the competitive
c. A position change permitted by RIF
d. Promotion without current
competition when the employee was
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
appointed through competitive
procedures to a position with a
documented career ladder.
e. A temporary promotion, or detail to
a position in a higher pay band, of two
years or less.
f. A promotion due to the
reclassification of positions based on
accretion (addition) of duties.
g. A promotion resulting from the
correction of an initial classification
error or the issuance of a new
classification standard.
h. Consideration of a candidate who
did not receive proper consideration in
a competitive promotion action.
H. Pay Setting
1. General
Pay administration policies will be
established by the AFC STRL
organizations. These policies will be
exempt from Army Regulations or local
pay fixing policies. Employees whose
performance is acceptable will receive
the full annual GPI and the full locality
pay. AFC STRL organizations shall have
delegated authority to make full use of
recruitment, retention, and relocation
payments as currently provided for by
2. Pay and Compensation Ceilings
A demonstration project employee’s
total monetary compensation paid in a
calendar year may not exceed the base
pay of Level I of the Executive Schedule
consistent with 5 U.S.C. 5307 and 5 CFR
part 530 subpart B, except employees
placed in an SSTM position. In
addition, each pay band will have its
own pay ceiling, just as grades do in the
GS system. Base pay rates for the
various pay bands will be directly tied
to the GS rates, except as noted for S&E
Level V (SSTMs). Other than where a
retained rate applies, base pay will be
limited to the maximum base pay
payable for each pay band.
The minimum basic pay for SSTM
positions is 115 percent of the minimum
rate of basic pay for GS–15. Maximum
SSTM basic pay with locality pay is
limited to Executive Level III (EX–III),
and maximum salary without locality
pay may not exceed EX–IV. SSTMs are
eligible for pay retention as described in
79 FR 43727.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
3. Pay Setting for Appointment
For initial appointments to Federal
service, the individual’s pay may be set
at the lowest base pay in the pay band
or anywhere within the pay band
consistent with the special
qualifications of the individual, specific
organizational requirements, the unique
requirements of the position, or other
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compelling reasons. These special
qualifications may be in the form of
education, training, experience, or any
combination thereof that is pertinent to
the position in which the employee is
being placed. Guidance on pay setting
for new hires will be documented in
4. Pay Setting for Promotion
The minimum base pay increase upon
promotion will be six percent or the
minimum base pay rate of the new pay
band, whichever is greater. The
maximum amount of a pay increase for
a promotion may be up to the top of the
pay band consistent with the special
qualifications of the individual, specific
organizational requirements, the unique
requirements of the position, or other
compelling reason. Additional criteria
will be specified in the IOPs. For
employees assigned to occupational
categories and geographic areas covered
by special rates, the minimum base pay
is the minimum rate in the pay band or
the corresponding special rate or
locality rate, whichever is greater. For
employees covered by a staffing
supplement as described in Paragraph
III.G.9 below, the demonstration staffing
supplement adjusted pay is considered
base pay for promotion calculations.
When a temporary promotion is
terminated, the employee’s pay
entitlements will be re-determined
based on the employee’s position of
record, with appropriate adjustments to
reflect pay events during the temporary
promotion, subject to the specific
policies and rules established in Mod
Demo IOPs. In no case may those
adjustments increase the base pay for
the position of record beyond the
applicable pay range maximum base pay
5. Pay Setting for Reassignment
A reassignment may be made without
a change in the employee’s base pay.
However, up to ten percent base pay
increase may be granted where a
reassignment significantly increases the
complexity, responsibility, authority, or
for other compelling reasons subject to
the specific guidelines established in
Mod Demo IOPs. In no case may those
adjustments increase the base pay for
the position of record beyond the
applicable pay range maximum base pay
6. Pay Setting for Change to Lower Pay
Employees subject to an involuntarily
change to lower pay band for cause
(performance or conduct) or voluntary
change to lower pay band (request or
selection to new position) are not
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entitled to pay retention and may
receive a decrease in base pay.
Employees subject to an involuntary
change to a lower pay band for reasons
other than cause (e.g., erosion of duties,
reclassification of duties to a lower pay
band, or placement actions resulting
from RIF procedures) may be entitled to
pay retention in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 5363, 5 CFR part
536, and DoDI 1400.25 Vol 536, except
as waived or modified in section IX of
this plan.
7. Supervisory and Team Leader Pay
Supervisory and team leader pay
adjustments may be approved based on
the rules established in Mod Demo
IOPs, to compensate employees with
supervisory or team leader
responsibilities. Supervisory and team
leader pay adjustments are a tool that
may be implemented at the discretion of
the AFC STRL organization and are not
to be considered an employee
entitlement due solely to his/her
position as a supervisor or team leader.
Only employees in supervisory or team
leader positions as defined by the OPM
GS Supervisory Guide or GS Leader
Grade Evaluation Guide may be
considered for the pay adjustment. Pay
adjustments are increases to base pay,
ranging up to 10 percent of that pay rate
for supervisors and for team leaders,
and are subject to the constraint that the
adjustment may not cause the
employee’s base pay to exceed the
maximum of the pay band. Pay
adjustments are funded separately from
performance pay pools.
A supervisory/team leader pay
adjustment may be considered under
the following conditions:
a. A career employee selected for a
supervisory/team leader position may
be considered for a base pay adjustment.
If a supervisor/team leader is already
receiving a base pay adjustment and is
subsequently selected for another
supervisor/team leader position, then
the base pay adjustment will be redetermined.
b. The supervisory/team leader pay
adjustment will be reviewed annually,
or more often as needed, and may be
increased or decreased by a portion or
by the entire amount of the supervisory/
team leader pay adjustment based upon
the employee’s performance appraisal
score. If the entire portion of the
supervisory/team leader pay adjustment
is to be decreased, the initial dollar
amount of the supervisory/team leader
pay adjustment will be removed. A
decrease to the supervisory/team leader
pay adjustment as a result of the annual
review or when an employee voluntarily
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
leaves a position is not an adverse
action and is not subject to appeal.
All personnel actions involving a
supervisory/team leader pay adjustment
will require a statement signed by the
employee acknowledging that the pay
adjustment may be terminated or
reduced at the discretion of the
organization or will cease when an
employee leaves a supervisory position.
The cancellation of the adjustment is
not an adverse action and is not
8. Supervisory/Team Leader Pay
Supervisory and team leader pay
differentials may be used to provide an
incentive and reward supervisors and
team leaders. Supervisory and team
leader pay differentials are a tool that
may be implemented at the discretion of
the AFC STRL organization and are not
entitlements due to employees based on
their position. A pay differential is a
cash incentive that may range up to 10
percent of base pay for supervisors and
for team leaders. It is paid on a pay
period basis with a specified not-toexceed (NTE) of one year or less and is
not included as part of the base pay.
Criteria to be considered in determining
the amount of the pay differential will
be identified in the AFC organization
IOP. Pay differentials are not funded
from performance pay pools.
For SSTM personnel, this incentive
may range up to five percent of base pay
(excluding locality pay). The SSTM
supervisory pay differential is paid on a
pay period basis with a specified not-toexceed date up to one year and may be
renewed as appropriate.
The supervisory pay differential may
be considered, either during conversion
into or after initiation of the AFC STRL
Mod Demo. The differential must be
terminated if the employee is removed
from a supervisory position, regardless
of cause, or no longer meets established
eligibility criteria.
All personnel actions involving a
supervisory/team leader differential will
require a statement signed by the
employee acknowledging that the
differential may be terminated or
reduced at the discretion of the
organization. The termination or
reduction of the supervisory differential
is not considered an adverse action
under 5 U.S.C. chapter 75 and is not
subject to appeal with the Merit Systems
Protection Board.
9. Staffing Supplements
Employees assigned to occupational
categories and geographic areas covered
by special rates will be entitled to a
staffing supplement if the maximum
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adjusted rate for the banded GS grades
to which assigned is a special rate that
exceeds the maximum GS locality rate
for the banded grades. The staffing
supplement is added to the base pay,
much like locality rates are added to
base pay. For employees being
converted into the demonstration
project, total pay immediately after
conversion will be the same as
immediately before, but a portion of the
total pay will be in the form of a staffing
supplement. Adverse action and pay
retention provisions will not apply to
the conversion process, as there will be
no change in total salary. Specific
provisions will be described in Mod
Demo IOPs.
10. Grade and Pay Retention
Grade retention provisions under 5
U.S.C. 5362 and 5 CFR part 536 will not
be applicable to the AFC STRL Mod
Demo. For purposes of actions within
the AFC STRL Mod Demo that provide
entitlement to pay retention, the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 5363 and 5 CFR
part 536 apply, except as waived or
modified in section IX of this FRN.
Wherever the term ‘‘grade’’ is used in
the law or regulation, the term ‘‘pay
band’’ will be substituted. The AFC
STRL Mod Demo organizations may
grant pay retention to employees who
meet general eligibility requirements,
but do not have specific entitlement by
law, provided they are not specifically
11. Distinguished Contribution
Allowance (DCA) the Distinguished
Allowance may be used by AFC STRL
organizations to provide an increased
capability to recognize and incentivize
employees who are:
(a) Consistently extremely high-level
performers, and
(b) Paid at the top of their pay band
Eligibility for DCA is open to
employees in all career paths. A DCA,
when added to an employee’s pay
(including locality pay and any
supervisory differential), may not
exceed the rate of basic pay for
Executive Level I. DCA is paid on either
a bi-weekly basis or as a lump sum
following completion of a designated
performance period, or combination of
these. DCA is not an entitlement and is
used at the discretion of AFC STRL
organization to reward and retain high
performing employees. DCA is not base
pay for any purpose, such as retirement,
life insurance, severance pay,
promotion, or any other payment or
benefit calculated as a percentage of
base pay. Employees may receive a DCA
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for up to five years but not more than
10 cumulative years over an employee’s
entire career. The DCA will be reviewed
on an annual basis for continuation or
termination. Further details will be
published in Mod Demo IOPs.
12. Accelerated Compensation for
Developmental Positions (ACDP)
The AFC STRL Mod Demo
organizations may authorize an increase
to basic pay for employees participating
in training programs, internships, or
other development capacities. This may
include employees in positions that
cross bands within a career path
(formally known as career ladder
positions) or developmental positions
within a band. ACDP will be used to
recognize development of job-related
competencies as evidenced by
successful performance within AFC
STRL Mod Demo. Additional guidance
will be published in an IOP.
13. Supplemental Pay
AFC STRL organizations may
establish supplemental pay rates to be
paid bi-weekly, as other pay, for those
positions which warrant higher
compensation than that provided by the
established pay band salary ranges,
STRL staffing supplements or
differentials, or other recruitment or
retention authorities. AFC STRL
organizations may establish
supplemental pay rates by occupational
series, specialty, competency, pay band
level, and/or geographical area. In
establishing such rates, AFC STRL
organizations may consider: Rates of
pay offered by non-Federal or other
alternative pay system employers that
are considerably higher than rates
payable by the AFC STRL organization;
the remoteness of the area or location
involved; the undesirability of the
working conditions or nature of the
work involved; evidence that the
position is of such a specialized nature
that very few candidates exist; numbers
of employees who have voluntarily left
positions; evidence to support a
conclusion that recruitment or retention
problems likely will develop (if such
problems do not already exist) or will
worsen; consideration of use of other
pay flexibilities as well as the use of
non-pay solutions; or any other
circumstances the AFC STRL
organization considers appropriate.
Documentation of the determination
will be maintained by the AFC STRL
This supplemental pay is in addition
to any other pay, such as locality-based
comparability payments authorized
under 5 U.S.C. 5304 and may result in
compensation above Level IV of the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
Executive Schedule but may not exceed
Level I of the Executive Schedule.
The AFC STRL organizations have an
ongoing responsibility to evaluate the
need for continuing payment of the
supplemental pay and shall terminate or
reduce the amount if conditions
warrant. Conditions to be considered
are: changes in labor-market factors; the
need for the services or skills of the
employee has reduced to a level that
makes it unnecessary to continue
payment at the current level; or
budgetary considerations make it
difficult to continue payment at the
current level. The reduction or
termination of the payment is not
considered an adverse action and may
not be appealed or grieved. The
applicant or employee will sign a
statement of understanding outlining
that the supplement may be reduced or
terminated at any time based on
conditions as determined by the AFC
STRL organization. The documentation
of the determination will be maintained
by the AFC STRL organization.
14. Retention Counteroffers
The AFC STRL organizations may
offer a retention counteroffer to retain
high performing employees in scientific,
technical, or administrative positions
who present evidence of an alternative
employment opportunity (Federal or
non-Federal organizations) with higher
compensation. Such employees may be
provided increased base pay (up to the
ceiling of the pay band) and/or a onetime cash payment that does not exceed
50 percent of one year of base pay. This
flexibility addresses the expected
benefits described in paragraph II.C,
particularly ‘‘increased retention of
high-quality employees.’’ Retention
allowances, either in the form of a base
pay increase and/or a bonus, count
toward the Executive Level I aggregate
limitation on pay consistent with 5
U.S.C. 5307, and 5 CFR part 530,
subpart B. Further details will be
published in Mod Demo IOPs.
I. Employee Development
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
1. Training for Degrees
Degree training is an essential
component of an organization that
requires continuous acquisition of
advanced and specialized knowledge.
Degree training in the academic
environment of laboratories is also a
critical tool for recruiting and retaining
employees with critical skills.
Constraints under current law and
regulation limit degree payment to
shortage occupations. In addition,
current government-wide regulations
authorize payment for degrees based
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only on recruitment or retention needs.
Degree payment is currently not
permitted for non-shortage occupations
involving critical skills.
AFC STRL organizations may expand
the authority to provide degree training
for purposes of meeting critical skill
requirements, to ensure continuous
acquisition of advanced and specialized
knowledge essential to the organization,
or to recruit and retain personnel
critical to the present and future
requirements of the organization. It is
expected that the degree payment
authority will be used primarily for
attainment of advanced degrees. AFC
STRL organizations will document
guidelines and rules for using this
authority in Mod Demo IOPs.
2. Sabbaticals
AFC Mod STRL organizations may
grant paid sabbaticals to career
employees to permit them to engage in
study or uncompensated work
experience that will contribute to their
development and effectiveness. Each
sabbatical should benefit AFC as well as
increase the employee’s individual
effectiveness. Examples are as follows:
advanced academic teaching, study, or
research; self-directed (independent) or
guided study; and on-the-job work
experience with a public, private, or
nonprofit organization. Each recipient of
a sabbatical must sign a continued
service agreement and agree to serve a
period equal to at least three times the
length of the sabbatical. AFC STRL
organizations will document guidelines
and rules for using this authority in
their IOPs.
J. Voluntary Early Retirement (VERA)
and Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay
AFC STRL will use the authorities
provided by 5 U.S.C. 9902(f) to offer
VERA and VSIP, as appropriate. The
AFC CG may:
(1) Approve the use of voluntary early
retirement and separation pay
(2) Determine which categories of
employees should be offered such
incentives; and
(3) Determine the amount of voluntary
separation incentive payments.
AFC STRL organization IOPs will
contain procedures to validate and
document that payment of an incentive
to an employee is fully warranted and
will judiciously ensure that eligibility
factors specified in DoDI 1400.25,
Volume 1702, ‘‘DoD Civilian Personnel
Management System: Voluntary
Separation Programs,’’ other than those
waived in this FRN, are applied.
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Before authorizing the use of VERA
and VSIP incentives, the AFC CG must
determine that the use of such
incentives is necessary to shape the
laboratory workforce to better fulfill
mission requirements and achieve the
optimum workforce balance. If the
laboratory workforce is being
downsized, incentives may be used to
minimize the need for involuntary
separations under RIF procedures. In
this downsizing scenario, early
retirement and/or separation incentive
pay may be offered to surplus
employees who would otherwise be
separated through RIF or to non-surplus
employees whose positions could then
be used to avert the involuntary RIF
separation of surplus employees.
VERA and VSIP incentives may also
be used to restructure the laboratory
workforce without reducing the number
of assigned personnel. In this
restructuring scenario, incentives may
be offered for the purpose of creating
vacancies that will be reshaped to align
with mission objectives. Restructuring
incentives are helpful in situations such
as correcting an imbalance of skills or
for delayering an organization.
VERA and VSIP will be administered
as described in this Notice. Both
authorities are authorized and may be
used together or separately.
(1) Par. 2.a.(6)(b) is waived to the
extent that AFC STRL organizations
may utilize the vacancy to correct a
skills mismatch without restructuring
the position.
(2) Par. 2.a.(7) is waived to the extent
that AFC STRL organizations may offer
VSIP in an amount set by the AFC CG
annually, without regard to the amount
of severance pay employees would
receive under 5 U.S.C. 5595(c) if the
employees were entitled to severance
pay. AFC STRL organizations will
document their rationale for
determining payment amounts.
(3) Par. 2.b.(3)(d) is waived to the
extent that a waiver is not required for
employees occupying positions defined
as ‘‘hard to fill.’’
(4) Par. 2.c. is waived to the extent
that AFC STRL organization approval
authorities may approve voluntary
separation incentives for Senior
Scientific Technical Managers (SSTMs).
The SSTM position need not be
abolished and may be restructured to
meet mission requirements.
(5) Par. 2.g.(1) is waived to the extent
that the AFC STRL organizations may
pay up to an amount approved by the
AFC CG for VSIP from appropriations or
accounts available for such purposes to
avoid an involuntary separation or to
affect a restructuring action.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
AFC STRL organizations will
establish implementing guidance and
procedures in their IOPs.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
IV. Conversion
A. Conversion Into the Demonstration
Organizational conversion to the AFC
STRL Mod Demo occurs when a new
organization or a group of employees
convert into the demonstration project.
Conversion from current GS grade or
other pay banding system into AFC
STRL Mod Demo will be accomplished
during implementation of the
demonstration project. Initial entry into
the demonstration project will be
accomplished through a full employeeprotection approach that ensures each
employee an initial place in the
appropriate career path and pay band
without loss of pay or earning potential.
Employees are converted into a career
path (i.e., DB, DE, DK) based upon their
occupational series and in a pay band
that includes their current grade/band.
The GS–14 grade occurs in two pay
bands of the S&E and B&T career paths,
which are pay band III and pay band IV.
The conversion of GS–14 employees
will be in Pay Band IV during initial
conversion into AFC STRL Mod Demo.
After initial conversion, former GS–14
employees will be assigned based on
classification requirements. Additional
guidance will be included in AFC STRL
Mod Demo IOPs, and conversion
operations will be overseen by the PMB.
Under the GS pay structure,
employees progress through their
assigned grade in step increments. Since
this system is being replaced under the
demonstration project, employees will
be awarded that portion of the next
higher step they have completed up
until the effective date of conversion.
Rules governing Within Grade
Increases (WGIs) will continue in effect
until conversion. Adjustments to the
employee’s base salary for WGI equity
will be computed as of the effective date
of conversion. WGI equity will be
acknowledged by increasing base pay by
a prorated share based upon the number
of full weeks an employee has
completed toward the next higher step.
Payment will equal the value of the
employee’s next WGI multiplied by the
proportion of the waiting period
completed (weeks completed in waiting
period/weeks in the waiting period) at
the time of conversion. Employees at
step 10, or receiving retained rates, on
the day of implementation will not be
eligible for WGI equity adjustments
since they are already at or above the
top of the step scale. Employees serving
on retained grade will receive WGI
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equity adjustments provided they are
not at step 10 or receiving a retained
Employees serving under temporary
and term appointments will be
converted and may continue their
temporary and term appointments up to
their established, current NTE date.
Extensions of temporary appointments
after conversion may be extended based
on original appointment and Temporary
and Term guidance identified in this
Employees on a PIP will remain in
their current system until the
conclusion of the PIP and a decision is
Conversion rules will apply to
employees who did not convert initially
or who are in positions that are
involuntarily reassigned to the AFC
STRL Mod Demo. If conversion into the
demonstration project is accompanied
by a geographic move, the employee’s
GS pay entitlements in the new
geographic area must be determined
before performing the pay conversion.
The project will eliminate retained
grade under 5 U.S.C. 5362 and 5 CFR
part 536. At the time of conversion, an
employee on grade retention will be
converted to the career path and
broadband level based on the assigned
permanent position of record, not the
retained grade, and if eligible will be
placed on pay retention. Pay retention
will be administered using the
provisions at 5 U.S.C. 5363 and 5 CFR
part 536, except as modified in the
Staffing Supplements section and
waived in Section IX of this plan.
Initial probationary period.
Employees who have completed an
initial probationary period prior to
conversion will not be required to serve
a new or extended initial probationary
period. Employees who are serving an
initial probationary period upon
conversion from GS will serve the time
remaining on their initial probationary
Supervisory probationary period.
Employees who have completed a
supervisory probationary period prior to
conversion will not be required to serve
a new or extended supervisory
probationary period while in their
current position. Employees who are
serving a supervisory probationary
period upon conversion will serve the
time remaining on their supervisory
probationary period.
B. Conversion or Movement From a
Project Position to a General Schedule
If a demonstration project employee is
moving to a GS position not under the
demonstration project, or if the project
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ends and each project employee must be
converted back to the GS system, the
following procedures will be used to
convert the employee’s project career
path and pay band to a GS-equivalent
grade and the employee’s project rate of
pay to GS equivalent rate of pay.
The converted GS grade and GS rate
of pay must be determined before
movement or conversion out of the
demonstration project and any
accompanying geographic movement,
promotion, or other simultaneous
action. For conversions upon
termination of the project and for lateral
reassignments, the converted GS grade
and rate will become the employee’s
actual GS grade and rate after leaving
the demonstration project (before any
other action). For employee movement
from within DoD (transfers),
promotions, and other actions, the
converted GS grade and rate will be
used in applying any GS pay
administration rules applicable in
connection with the employee’s
movement out of the project (e.g.,
promotion rules, highest previous rate
rules, pay retention rules), as if the GS
converted grade and rate were in effect
immediately before the employee left
the demonstration project.
1. Grade Setting Provisions
An employee in a pay band
corresponding to a single GS grade is
converted to that grade. An employee in
a pay band corresponding to two or
more grades is converted to one of those
grades according to the following rules:
a. The employee’s adjusted rate of
basic pay under the demonstration
project (including any locality payment
or staffing supplement) is compared
with step four rates on the highest
applicable GS rate range. (For this
purpose, a ‘‘GS rate range’’ includes a
rate in (1) the GS base schedule, (2) the
locality rate schedule for the locality
pay area in which the position is
located, or (3) the appropriate special
rate schedule for the employee’s
occupational series, as applicable.) If the
series is a two-grade interval series, oddnumbered grades are considered below
b. If the employee’s adjusted project
rate equals or exceeds the applicable
step four rate of the highest GS grade in
the band, the employee is converted to
that grade.
c. If the employee’s adjusted project
rate is lower than the applicable step
four rate of the highest grade, the
adjusted rate is compared with the step
four rate of the second highest grade in
the employee’s pay band. If the
employee’s adjusted rate equals or
exceeds step four rate of the second
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
highest grade, the employee is
converted to that grade.
d. This process is repeated for each
successively lower grade in the pay
band until a grade is found in which the
employee’s adjusted project rate equals
or exceeds the applicable step four rate
of the grade. The employee is then
converted at that grade. If the
employee’s adjusted rate is below the
step four rate of the lowest grade in the
pay band, the employee is converted to
the lowest grade.
e. Exception: An employee will not be
converted to a lower grade than the
grade held by the employee
immediately preceding a conversion,
lateral reassignment, or transfer from
within DoD into the project, unless
since that time the employee has
undergone a reduction in pay band or
accepted a lower pay band position.
If an employee is retaining a rate
under the demonstration project, the
employee’s GS-equivalent grade is the
highest grade encompassed in his or her
pay band.
2. Equivalent Increase Determinations
Service under the AFC STRL Mod
Demo is creditable for WGI purposes
upon conversion back to the GS pay
system. Performance pay increases
(including a zero increase) under the
demonstration project are equivalent
increases for the purpose of determining
the commencement of a WGI waiting
period under 5 CFR 531.405(b).
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3. Termination of Coverage Under the
Demonstration Project Pay Plans
In the event employees’ coverage
under the AFC STRL Mod Demo pay
plan is terminated, employees move
with their position to another system
applicable to AFC STRL employees. The
grade of their demonstration project
position in the new system will be
based upon the position classification
criteria of the gaining system.
Employees may be eligible for pay
retention under 5 CFR part 536 when
converted to their positions classified
under the new system, if applicable.
All personnel laws, regulations, and
guidelines not waived by this plan will
remain in effect. Basic employee rights
will be safeguarded, and Merit System
Principles will be maintained.
• S&E Level V Employees
S&E Pay Band V Employees: An
employee in Level V of the S&E
occupational family will convert out of
the demonstration project at the GS–15
level. Procedures will be documented in
IOPs to ensure that employees entering
Level V understand that if they leave the
demonstration project and their
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adjusted base pay under the
demonstration project exceeds the
highest applicable GS–15, step 10 rate,
there is no entitlement to retained pay.
However, consistent with 79 FR 43722,
July 28, 2014, pay retention may be
provided, under criteria established by
Mod Demo IOPs, to SSTM members
who are impacted by a reduction in
force, work realignment, or other
planned management action that would
necessitate moving the incumbent to a
position in a lower pay band level
within the STRL. Pay retention may also
be provided under such criteria when
an SES or ST employee is placed in a
SSTM position as a result of reduction
in force or other management action.
SSTM positions not entitled to pay
retention above the GS–15, step 10 rate
will be deemed to be the rate for GS–
15, step 10. For those Level V
employees paid below the adjusted GS–
15, step 10 rate, the converted rates will
be set in accordance with the grade
setting provisions.
V. Implementation Training
Critical to the success of the
demonstration project is the training
developed to promote understanding of
the broad concepts and finer details
needed to implement and successfully
execute Mod Demo. Training will be
tailored to address employee concerns
and to encourage comprehensive
understanding of the demonstration
project. Training will be required both
prior to implementation and at various
times during the life of the
demonstration project.
A training program will begin prior to
implementation and will include
modules tailored for employees,
supervisors, and administrative staff.
Typical modules are:
(1) An overview of the demonstration
project personnel system,
(2) How employees are converted into
and out of the system,
(3) Career paths and pay banding,
(4) The PFP system,
(5) Defining performance objectives,
(6) How to assign weights to
performance elements,
(7) Assessing performance and giving
(8) New position descriptions,
(9) Demonstration project
administration and formal evaluation.
Various types of training are being
considered, including videos, videoteleconference tutorials, and train-thetrainer concepts. To the extent possible,
materials developed by other STRLs
will be utilized when appropriate to
reduce implementation cost and to
maintain consistency in application of
similar procedures across laboratories.
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VI. Project Maintenance and Changes
Many aspects of a Demonstration
Project are experimental. Minor
modifications to Mod Demo may be
made from time to time as experience is
gained, results are analyzed, and
conclusions are reached on how the
system is working. Flexibilities
published in this FRN shall be available
for use by all STRLs, if they wish to
adopt them.
VII. Evaluation Plan
A. Overview
Title 5 U.S.C. chapter 47 requires that
an evaluation be performed to measure
the effectiveness of the demonstration
project and its impact on improving
public management. A comprehensive
evaluation plan for the entire STRL
demonstration program, originally
covering 24 DoD laboratories, was
developed by a joint OPM/DoD
Evaluation Committee in 1995. This
plan was submitted to the then-Office of
Defense Research & Engineering and
was subsequently approved. The main
purpose of the evaluation is to
determine whether the waivers granted
result in a more effective personnel
system and improvements in ultimate
outcomes (i.e., organizational
effectiveness, mission accomplishment,
and customer satisfaction). That plan,
while useful, is dated and does not fully
afford the laboratories the ability to
evaluate all aspects of the
demonstration project in a way that
fully facilitates assessment and effective
modification based on actionable data.
Therefore, in conducting the evaluation,
AFC will ensure USD(R&E) evaluation
requirements are met in addition to
applying knowledge gained from other
DoD laboratories and their evaluations
to ensure a timely, useful evaluation of
the demonstration project.
B. Evaluation Model
An evaluation model for the AFC
STRL Mod Demo will identify elements
critical to an evaluation of the
effectiveness of the flexibilities.
However, the main focus of the
evaluation will be on intermediate
outcomes, i.e., the results of specific
personnel system changes which are
expected to improve human resources
management. The ultimate outcomes are
defined as improved organizational
effectiveness, mission accomplishment,
and AFC customer satisfaction.
C. Method of Data Collection
Data from a variety of different
sources will be used in the evaluation.
Information from existing management
information systems supplemented with
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
perceptual survey data from employees
will be used to assess variables related
to effectiveness. Multiple methods
provide more than one perspective on
how the AFC STRL Mod Demo is
working. Information gathered through
one method will be used to validate
information gathered through another.
Confidence in the findings will increase
as they are substantiated by the different
collection methods. The following types
of qualitative and/or quantitative data
may be collected as part of the
evaluation: (1) Workforce data; (2)
personnel office data; (3) employee
attitudes and feedback using surveys,
structured interviews, and focus groups;
(4) local activity histories; and/or, (5)
core measures of laboratory
recommend adjustments if required to
achieve the objective of cost discipline.
VIII. Demonstration Project Costs
B. Developmental Costs
A. Cost Discipline
Costs associated with the
development of the personnel
demonstration project include software
automation, training, and project
evaluation. All funding will be provided
through the organization’s budget. The
projected annual expenses are
summarized in Figure 7. Project
evaluation costs are not expected to
continue beyond the first five years
unless the results warrant further
evaluation. Additional cost may be
incurred as a part of the implementation
and operation of the project.
An objective of the demonstration
project is to ensure in-house cost
discipline. A baseline will be
established at the start of the project and
labor expenditures will be tracked
yearly. Implementation costs (including
project development, automation costs,
step buy-in costs, and evaluation costs)
are considered one-time costs and will
not be included in the cost discipline.
The Personnel Management Board will
track personnel cost changes and
Project Evaluation
IX. Required Waivers to Laws and
The following waivers and
adaptations of certain 5 U.S.C. and 5
CFR provisions are required only to the
extent that these statutory provisions
limit or are inconsistent with the actions
contemplated under this demonstration
project. Nothing in this plan is intended
to preclude the demonstration project
from adopting or incorporating any law
or regulation enacted, adopted, or
amended after the effective date of this
demonstration project.
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A. Waivers to Title 5, United States
Chapter 5, section 552a: Records.
Waived to the extent required to clarify
that volunteers under the Voluntary
Emeritus and Expert Program are
considered employees of the Federal
government for purposes of this section.
Chapter 31, section 3104:
Employment of Specially Qualified
Scientific and Professional Personnel.
Waived to allow SSTM authority.
Chapter 31, section 3132: The Senior
Executive Service: Definitions and
exclusions. Waived as necessary to
allow for the Level V SSTM authority of
the S&E pay band.
Chapter 33, Subchapter I:
Examination, Certification, and
Appointment. Waived except for
sections 3302, 3321, and 3328 to the
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extent necessary to allow direct hire
authority for qualified candidates whose
positions involve 51 percent or more of
time spent in direct support of STRL
activities, are identified by AFC STRL
organizations as hard to fill, have a
history of high turnover, or require
unique, laboratory-related skillsets; and
to the extent necessary to allow
employees appointed on flexible-length
and renewable-term appointments to
apply for Federal positions as status
Chapter 33, section 3308: Competitive
Service; Examinations; Educational
Requirements Prohibited; Exceptions.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow
the qualification determination as
described in 85 FR 78829 and this FRN.
Chapter 33, section 3317(a):
Competitive Service; certification from
registers. Waived insofar as ‘‘rule of
three’’ is eliminated under the
demonstration projects.
Chapter 33, section 3318(a):
Competitive Service, selection from
certificate. Waived to the extent
necessary to eliminate the requirement
for selection using the ‘‘Rule of Three’’
and other limitations on recruitment
Chapter 33, section 3321: Competitive
Service; Probationary Period. This
section is waived only to the extent
necessary to replace ‘‘grade’’ with ‘‘pay
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band’’ and to allow for probationary
periods of three years.
Chapter 33, section 3324–3325:
Appointments to Scientific and
Professional Positions. Waived in its
entirety to fully allow for positions
above GS–15 and allow SSTMs.
Chapter 33, section 3341: Waived in
its entirety, to extend the time limits for
Chapter 35, section 3522: Agency
VSIP Plans; Approval. Waived to
remove the requirement to submit a
plan to OPM prior to obligating any
resources for voluntary separation
incentive payments.
Chapter 35, section 3523(b)(3):
Related to voluntary separation
incentive payments. Waived to the
extent necessary to utilize the
authorities authorized in this FRN.
Chapter 41, section 4107(a)(1), (2),
(b)(1), and (3): Pay for Degrees. Waived
to the extent required to allow AFC to
pay for all courses related to a degree
program approved by the AFC STRL
Chapter 41, section 4108(a)–(c):
Employee agreements; service after
training. Waived to the extent necessary
to require the employee to continue in
the service of AFC for the period of the
required service and to the extent
necessary to permit the AFC STRL to
waive in whole or in part a right of
Figure 7 - Projected Developmental Costs (In thousands of dollars)
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
Chapter 43, section 4301–4305:
Related to performance appraisal. These
sections are waived to the extent
necessary to allow provisions of the
performance management system as
described in this FRN.
Chapter 51, section 5101–5112:
Classification. Waived as necessary to
allow for the demonstration project pay
banding system.
Chapter 53, section 5301–5307:
Related to Pay Comparability System,
Special Pay Authority, and General
Schedule Pay Rates. Waived to the
extent necessary to allow demonstration
project employees, including SSTM
employees, to be treated as GS
employees, and to allow base rates of
pay under the demonstration project to
be treated as scheduled rates of pay.
SSTM pay will not exceed EX–IV and
locality adjusted SSTM rates will not
exceed E–III. Waived in its entirety to
allow for staffing supplements.
Chapter 53, section 5331–5336:
General Schedule Pay Rates. Waived in
its entirety to allow for the
demonstration project’s pay banding
system and pay provisions.
Chapter 53, section 5361–5366: Grade
and pay retention. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow pay retention
provisions described in this FRN and to
allow SSTMs to receive pay retention as
described in 79 FR 43722.
Chapter 53, section 5379(a)(1)(A) and
(b)(2): Student Loan Repayment. Waived
to the extent necessary to define agency
as STRL and to allow provisions of the
student loan repayment authority as
described in this FRN.
Chapter 55, section 5545(d):
Hazardous duty differential. Waived to
the extent necessary to allow
demonstration project employees to be
treated as GS employees. This waiver
does not apply to employees in Level V
of the S&E pay band.
Chapter 57, section 5753–5755:
Recruitment and relocation, bonuses,
retention allowances, and supervisory
differentials. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow: (a) employees and
positions under the demonstration
project to be treated as employees and
positions under the GS, (b) employees
in Level V of the S&E pay band to be
treated as ST and/or GS employees as
appropriate, (c) previsions of the
retention counteroffer and incentives as
described in this FRN, and (d) to allow
SSTMs to receive supervisory pay
differentials as described in 79 FR
Chapter 75, section 7501(1),
7511(a)(1)(A)(ii), and 7511(a)(1)(C)(ii):
Adverse actions—definitions. Waived to
the extent necessary to allow for up to
a three-year probationary period and to
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permit termination during the extended
probationary period without using
adverse action procedures for those
employees serving a probationary
period under an initial appointment
except for those with veterans’
preference. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow for two-year
supervisory probationary periods and to
permit re-assignment of supervisors
during the probationary period without
adverse action procedures for those
employees serving in a supervisory
probationary period.
Chapter 75, section 7512(3): Adverse
actions. Waived to the extent necessary
to replace ‘‘grade’’ with ‘‘pay band.’’
Chapter 75, section 7512(4): Adverse
actions. Waived to the extent necessary
to provide that adverse action
provisions do not apply to (1)
reductions in pay due to the removal of
a supervisory or team leader pay
adjustment/differential upon voluntary
movement to a non-supervisory or nonteam leader position or (2) decreases in
the amount of a supervisory or team
leader pay adjustment/differential
during the annual review process.
Chapter 99, section 9902(f): Related to
Voluntary Separation Incentive
Payments. Waived to the extent
necessary to utilize the authorities in
this FRN.
B. Waivers to Title 5, Code of Federal
Part 212, section 212.301:
Competitive Status Defined. Waived to
the extent necessary to allow
individuals on flexible-length and
renewable term appointments to be
considered status candidates as defined
in this FRN.
Part 300–330: Employment (General).
Other than Subpart G of 300. Waived to
the extent necessary to allow provisions
of the direct hire authorities as
described in 79 FR 43722, 82 FR 29280,
and 85 FR 78829; direct hire authority
for qualified candidates whose positions
involve 51 percent or more of time spent
in direct support of STRL activities, are
identified by the STRLs as hard to fill,
have a history of high turnover, or
require unique, laboratory-related
Part 300, section 300.601–300.605:
Time-in-Grade Restrictions. Waived to
eliminate time-in-grade restrictions in
the demonstration project.
Part 315, section 315.201(b): Waived
to the extent necessary to allow Flexible
Length and Renewable Term Technical
Appointments to be considered nontemporary employment for the purposes
of determining creditable service toward
career tenure.
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Part 315, section 315.801(a),
315.801(b)(1), (c), and (e), and
315.802(a) and (b): Probationary period
and length of probationary period.
Waived to the extent necessary to (1)
allow for up to a three-year probationary
period and to permit termination during
the extended probationary period
without using adverse action procedures
for those employees serving a
probationary period under an initial
appointment except for those with
veterans’ preference and (2) to the
extent necessary to allow for
supervisory probationary periods to
permit reassignment during the
supervisory probationary period
without using adverse action procedures
for employees serving a probationary
Part 315, section 315.803(b): Agency
Action during probationary period
(general). Waived to allow for
termination during an extended
probationary period without using
adverse action procedures under
subpart D of part 752, 5 U.S.C.
Part 315, section 315.804:
Termination of probationers for
unsatisfactory performance or conduct.
Waived to the extent necessary to
reduce a supervisor who fails to
successfully complete a supervisory
probationary period to a lower grade/
pay band.
Part 315, section 315.805:
Termination of Probationers for
Conditions Arising before Appointment.
Waived to the extent necessary to
permit termination during the extended
probationary period without using
adverse procedures.
Part 315, section 315.901–315.909:
Statutory requirement. Waived to the
extent necessary to
(1) Replace ‘‘grade’’ with ‘‘pay band;’’
(2) Establish a two-year supervisory
probationary period; and
(3) Allow the movement of a newly
hired supervisor who fails to meet
requirements to a lower grade/pay band.
Part 316, section 316.301, 316.303,
and 316.304: Term employment.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow
modified term appointments and
FLRTTA as described in this FRN.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow
Flexible Length and Renewable Term
Technical Appointments to count
toward competitive status. Waived to
allow a two-year trial period under the
Flexible Length and Renewable Term
Technical Appointment.
Part 330, section 330.103–330.105:
Requirement for Vacancy
Announcements. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow an STRL to
determine information to be published
in a USAJobs flyer.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
Part 332 and 335: Related to
competitive examination and agency
promotion programs. Waived to the
extent necessary to:
(1) Allow employees appointed on a
Flexible Length and Renewable Term
Technical Appointment to apply for
federal positions as status candidates;
(2) Allow no rating and ranking when
there are 15 or fewer qualified
applicants and no preference eligible
(3) Allow the hiring and appointment
authorities as described in this FRN;
(4) Eliminate the ‘‘rule of three’’
requirement or other procedures to limit
recruitment lists; and
(5) To extend the length of details and
temporary promotions without requiring
competitive procedures as described in
85 FR 78829 and this FRN.
Part 335, section 335.103: Agency
Promotion Programs. Waived to the
extent necessary to extend the length of
details and temporary promotions
without requiring competitive
procedures or numerous short-term
Part 337, section 337.101(a): Rating
applicants. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow referral without
rating when there are 15 or fewer
qualified candidates and no qualified
preference eligible candidates.
Part 338, section 338.301:
Competitive Service Appointment.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow
demonstrated exceptional experience or
a combination of experience and
education in lieu of meeting OPM
individual occupational qualification
requirements for S&E positions as
described in 85 FR 78829 and this FRN.
Part 340, Subparts A–C: Other than
full-time career employment. These
subparts are waived to the extent
necessary to allow a Voluntary Emeritus
Corps and Voluntary Expert Program.
Part 351, Subparts B, D, E, F, and G:
Waived to the extent necessary to allow
the provisions of RIF.
Part 359, section 359.705: Related to
SES Pay. Waived to allow
demonstration project rules governing
pay retention to apply to a former SES
or ST placed on an SSTM position or
Level IV position.
Part 410, section 410.308(a–e):
Training to obtain an academic degree.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow
provisions described in this FRN.
Part 410, section 410.309: Agreements
to Continue in Service. Waived to the
extent necessary to allow the AFC STRL
organizations to determine requirements
related to continued service agreements,
including employees under the Student
Educational Employment Program who
have received tuition assistance.
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Part 430, Subpart B: Performance
appraisal for GS, prevailing rate, and
certain other employees. Waived to the
extent necessary to be consistent with
the demonstration project’s pay-forperformance system.
Part 432, section 432.102–432.106:
Performance based reduction in grade
and removal actions. Waived to the
extent necessary to allow provisions
described in the FRN.
Part 511: Classification under the
general schedule. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow classification
provisions outlined in this FR,
including the list of issues that are
neither appealable nor reviewable, the
assignment of series under the project
plan to appropriate career paths; and to
allow appeals to be decided by the AFC
EDCG. If the employee is not satisfied
with the AFC EDCG’s response to the
appeal, he/she may then appeal to the
DoD appellate level.
Part 530, Subpart C: Special Rate
Schedules for Recruitment and
Retention. Waived in its entirety to
allow for staffing supplements, if
Part 531, Subparts B, D, and E:
Determining the Rate of Basic Pay.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow
for pay setting and pay-for-performance
under the provisions of the
demonstration project. Within-Grade
Increases and Quality Step Increases.
Waived in its entirety.
Part 531, Subpart F: Locality-based
comparability payments. Waived to the
extent necessary to allow (1)
demonstration project employees,
except employees in Level V of the S&E
pay band, to be treated as GS
employees; and (2) base rates of pay
under the demonstration project to be
treated as scheduled annual rates of pay.
Part 531, section 531.604:
Determining an Employee’s Locality
Rate. Waived to the extent required to
allow for routine or permanent telework
employees to receive the higher of
locality rates based on either their
official worksite as documented on the
SF 50 or the official duty site for AFC
where the employee is employed from.
Part 536: Grade and pay retention.
Waived to the extent necessary to
(1) Replace ‘‘grade’’ with ‘‘pay band;’’
(2) Provide that pay retention
provisions do not apply to conversions
from GS special rates to demonstration
project pay, as long as total pay is not
reduced, and to reductions in pay due
solely to the removal of a supervisory
pay adjustment upon voluntarily
leaving a supervisory position;
(3) Allow demonstration project
employees to be treated as GS
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(4) Provide that pay retention
provisions do not apply to movements
to a lower pay band as a result of not
receiving the general increase due to an
annual performance rating of record of
‘‘Level 1;’’
(5) Provide that an employee on pay
retention whose rating of record is
‘‘Level 1’’ is not entitled to 50 percent
of the amount of the increase in the
maximum rate of base pay payable for
the pay band of the employee’s position;
(6) Ensure that for employees of Pay
Band V in the S&E career path, pay
retention provisions are modified so
that no rate established under these
provisions may exceed the rate of base
pay for GS–15, step 10 (i.e., there is no
entitlement to retained rate); and
(7) Provide that pay retention does not
apply to reduction in base pay due
solely to the reallocation of
demonstration project pay rates in the
implementation of a staffing
supplement. This waiver applies to ST
employees only if they move to a GSequivalent position within the
demonstration project under conditions
that trigger entitlement to pay retention.
Part 536, section 536.306(a):
Limitation on retained rates. Waived to
the extent necessary to allow SSTMs to
receive pay retention as described in 79
FR 43727.
Part 537: Repayment of Student
Loans. Waived to the extent necessary to
define agency as STRL and to allow
provisions of the student loan
repayment authority.
Part 550, section 550.902: Definitions.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow
demonstration project employees to be
treated as GS employees. This waiver
does not apply to employees in Level V
of the S&E pay band.
Part 575, Subparts A–D: Recruitment
incentives, relocation incentives,
retention incentives, and supervisory
differentials. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow
(1) Employees and positions under
the demonstration project covered by
pay banding to be treated as employees
and positions under the GS system,
(2) SSTMs to receive supervisory pay
differentials as described in 73 FR
43727, and
(3) The Director to pay an offer up to
50 percent of basic pay of either a base
pay and/or a cash payment to retain
quality employees; and to the extent
necessary to allow SSTMs to receive
supervisory pay differentials. Criteria
for retention determination and
preparing written service agreements
will be as prescribed in 5 U.S.C. 5754
and as waived herein.
Part 591, Subpart B: Cost-of-Living
Allowances and Post Differential—Non-
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
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Foreign Areas. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow demonstration
project employees covered by broad
banding to be treated as employees
under the GS.
Part 752, section 752.101, 752.201,
752.301, and 752.401: Principal
statutory requirements and coverage.
Waived to the extent necessary to
(1) Allow for up to a three-year
probationary period;
(2) Permit termination during the
extended probationary period without
using adverse action procedures for
those employees serving a probationary
period under an initial appointment
except for those with veterans’
(3) Allow for supervisory
probationary periods and to permit
reassignment during the supervisory
probationary period without use of
adverse action procedures for those
employees serving a probationary
period under a supervisory probationary
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(4) Replace ‘‘grade’’ with ‘‘pay band;’’
(5) Provide that a reduction in pay
band is not an adverse action if it results
from the employee’s rate of base pay
being exceeded by the minimum rate of
base pay for that pay band. Waived to
the extent necessary to provide that
adverse action provisions do not apply
to (1) conversions from GS special rates
to demonstration project pay, as long as
total pay is not reduced, and (2)
reductions in pay due to the removal of
a supervisory or team leader pay
adjustment/differential upon voluntary
movement to a non-supervisory or nonteam leader position or decreases in the
amount of a supervisory or team leader
pay adjustment based on the annual
Part 1400, section 1400.202(a)(2):
Waivers and Exceptions to Preappointment Investigative
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(1) To the extent necessary, waive the
pre-employment investigative
requirements thereby enabling STRLs to
make a final job offer and establish an
EOD prior to a favorable eligibility
determination at the Top Secret/SCI
(2) For positions designated as Top
Secret/Special-Sensitive and CriticalSensitive, apply the same waiver
requirements for pre-appointment
investigations IAW 5 CFR
1400.202(a)(2)(ii) for Critical-Sensitive
positions with the following changes:
(a) An emergency or a national
interest necessitating a pre-employment
investigation waiver would include an
STRL’s inability to meet mission
(b) An agency or agency head would
be defined as an STRL to allow for the
provisions regarding security eligibility
as described in 85 FR 78829.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
Appendix A. Occupational Series by Career Path
[The series in S&E are from OPM's definition of Scientists and Engineers in the Introduction
to Classification Standards, cations/classifying-general-schedul e-positi ons/posi tionclassifi cati onintro. pdf. The series
in Support are one-grade interval series. The B&T are the rest.]
Series marked with an * are those in which AFC STRL currently has employees. Additional
0170 History*
0638 Recreation/Creative Arts
0896 Industrial Engineer*
0180 Psychology*
0639 Educational Therapist
1220 Patent Administrator
0401 General Biological
0644 Medical Technologist
1221 Patent Adviser
0403 Microbiologist
0660 Pharmacist
1223 Patent Classifier
0405 Pharmacologist
0662 Optometrist
1224 Patent Examiner
0408 Ecologist
0665 Speech Pathologist and
1226 Design Patent Examiner
0410 Zoologist
0668 Podiatrist
1301 General Physical
0413 Physiologist*
0680 Dental Officer
1306 Health Physicist*
0414 Entomologist
0690 Industrial Hygienist*
1310 Physicist*
0415 Toxicologist
0696 Consumer Safety
1313 Geophysicist
0430 Botanist
0701 Veterinarian
1315 Hydrologist
0434 Plant Pathologist
0801 General Engineer*
1320 Chemist*
0435 Plant Physiologist
0803 Safety Engineer*
1321 Metallurgist
043 7 Horticulturalist
0804 Fire Protection Engineer
1330 Astronomer
0440 Geneticist
0806 Materials Engineer*
1340 Meteorologist
0454 Rangeland Manager
0807 Landscape Architect
1350 Geologist
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occupational series may be added as needed to support mission requirements.
0457 Soil Conservationist
0808 Architect
1360 Oceanographer
0460 Forester
0810 Civil Engineer
1370 Cartographer
0470 Soil Scientist
0819 Environmental
1372 Geodesist
04 71 Agronomist
0830 Mechanical Engineer*
1373 Land Surveyor
0480 Fish and Wildlife
0840 Nuclear Engineer
13 80 Fore st Products
0482 Fish Biologist
0850 Electrical Engineer*
1382 Food Technologist
0485 Wildlife Refuge
0854 Computer Engineer*
1384 Textile Technologist
0486 Wildlife Biologist
0855 Electronics Engineer*
1386 Photographic
0487 Animal Scientist
0858 Biomedical Engineer*
1501 General Mathematician*
0601 General Health Scientist
0861 Aerospace Engineer*
1510 Actuary
0602 Medical Officer
0871 Naval Architect
1515 Operations Research
0880 Mining Engineer
1520 Mathematician*
0630 Dietitian and
0881 Petroleum Engineer
1529 Mathematical
0631 Occupational Therapist
0890 Agricultural Engineer
1530 Statistician*
0633 Physical Therapist
0892 Ceramic Engineer
1550 Computer Scientist*
0635 Kinesiotherapist
0893 Chemical Engineer*
1560 Data Scientist*
0637 Manual Arts Therapist
0894 Welding Engineer
2210 Information Technology
- See Section 111.B.1. *
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
0018 Safety and Occupational
Health Specialist*
0671 Health System
1176 Building Manager*
0060 Chaplain
0685 Public Health Specialist
1210 Copyright Specialist
0080 Security Administrator*
0802 Engineering Technical*
1222 Patent Attorney*
0142 Workforce Development 0856 Electronics Technical*
0201 Human Resources
0260 Equal Employment
0301 Miscellaneous Admin
and Program*
0306 Government Information
0340 Program Manager*
1035 Public Affairs*
0341 Administrative Officer*
1040 Language Specialist
0343 Management and
Program Analyst*
1060 Photographer*
1712 Training Instructor
0346 Logistics Manager*
1071 Audiovisual Production
0391 Telecommunications*
1082 Writer/Editor
1801 General Inspector and
1910 Quality Assurance
0501 Financial Specialist*
1083 Technical Writer*
2001 Supply Specialist*
1084 Visual Information
1101 General Business and
2003 Supply Program
2101 Transportation
2130 Traffic Management
2150 Transportation
Operations Specialist
0505 Financial Manager*
0510 Accountant*
0511 Auditor*
0603 Physician's Assistant
0669 Medical Record
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:37 Feb 21, 2024
0901 General Legal*
1410 Librarian*
0905 General Attorney*
1412 Technical Information
Services Specialist*
0950 Paralegal Specialist*
1521 Mathematics Technician
1001 General Arts and
1640 Facility Manager*
1102 Contracting Specialist*
0560 Budget Analyst*
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
1311 Physical Science
Jkt 262001
1103 Industrial Property
1104 Property Disposal
1170 Realty Specialist*
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Sfmt 4725
1670 Equipment Services
1701 General Education and
Training Specialist*
2152 Air Traffic Controller*
2210 Information Technology
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
0019 Safety Technician
0309 Correspondence Clerk
0361 Equal Opportunity
0085 Security Guard
0318 Secretary*
0404 Biological Science
0086 Security Clerk*
0319 Closed Microphone
0986 Legal Assistant*
0181 Psychology Aid and
0322 Clerk Typist
1105 Purchasing Agent
0186 Social Services Aid and
0326 Office Automation
2005 Supply Technician*
0203 Human Resources
0335 Computer Clerk and
0303 Miscellaneous Clerk and
0342 Support Services
0304 Information Receptionist 0344 Management Clerk*
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03 56 Data Transcriber
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
0305 Mail and File Clerk*
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
Appendix B. List of Local Unions.
AFGE 738
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NFFE_NFFE/2049 - (AR3080)
NFFE_NFFE/273 - (AR3138)
JMC (incl
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 / Notices
AFGE 1178 (PROF)
Dated: February 16, 2024.
Aaron T. Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2024–03586 Filed 2–21–24; 8:45 am]
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES2
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 36 (Thursday, February 22, 2024)]
[Pages 13548-13586]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-03586]
[[Page 13547]]
Vol. 89
No. 36
February 22, 2024
Part IV
Department of Defense
Personnel Demonstration Project at the Army Futures Command Science and
Technology Reinvention Laboratory (STRL); Notice
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 36 / Thursday, February 22, 2024 /
[[Page 13548]]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket ID: DoD-2022-OS-0117]
Personnel Demonstration Project at the Army Futures Command
Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratory (STRL)
AGENCY: Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
(USD(R&E)), Department of Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Personnel demonstration project notice.
SUMMARY: This Federal Register Notice (FRN) serves as notice of the
adoption of STRL personnel demonstration project flexibilities by an
STRL comprised of certain organizations within the U.S. Army Futures
Command (AFC), known collectively as the AFC STRL. The organizations
comprising the AFC STRL are the U.S. Army Futures Command Headquarters
and Headquarters Components (AFC HHC); the Futures and Concepts Center
(FCC); Cross Functional Teams (CFTs); The Research and Analysis Center
(TRAC); the Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Headquarters
(also known as DEVCOM Headquarters); and the DEVCOM Analysis Center
(DAC). The AFC STRL will adopt with some modifications, personnel
demonstration project flexibilities implemented by the Combat
Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Army Research Laboratory (ARL);
CCDC Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Cyber, Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Center (C5ISR); the Army Research
Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI); the CCDC
Armament Center (AC); the Technical Center (TC), U.S. Army Space and
Missile Defense Command (USASMDC); and the Joint Warfare Analysis
Center (JWAC). Most flexibilities and administrative procedures are
adopted without changes. However, modifications were made when
necessary to address specific management and workforce needs. In
addition, changes were made based on current law, best practices, and
administrative guidance.
DATES: Implementation of this demonstration project will begin in no
earlier than February 22, 2024.
AFC STRL: Marlowe Richmond, (571) 588-1219,
[email protected].
Office of Under Secretary of Defense (Research and
Engineering), Defense Research Enterprise Office: Dr. James B. Petro,
(571) 286-6265, [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: As authorized by section 4121 of title 10,
United States Code (U.S.C.), the Secretary of Defense may carry out
personnel demonstration projects at DoD laboratories designated as DoD
STRLs. On May 13, 2021, certain elements of AFC were designated as a
single STRL, known as the AFC STRL. The AFC STRL will administer a
single personnel demonstration project, hereinafter referred to as the
``Modernization Personnel Demonstration Project'' or ``Mod Demo,'' for
these AFC organizations: the AFC Headquarters and Headquarters
Components, the Futures and Concepts Center, Cross-Functional Teams
(CFTs), the Research and Analysis Center, and the U.S. Army Combat
Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Headquarters offices. In
addition, the DEVCOM Data and Analysis Center (DAC), which is partially
aligned with the Army Research Laboratory STRL, will be realigned, in
its entirety, as part of the AFC STRL. The remaining organizations
within AFC will continue to operate as independent STRLs under their
own personnel demonstration project authorities.
Through the USD(R&E), the Secretary exercises the authorities of
the Director, Office of Personnel Management (OPM), under 5 U.S.C. 4703
to conduct personnel demonstration projects at DoD laboratories
designated as STRLs. All STRLs authorized pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 4121
may use the provisions described in this FRN, when implementing these
flexibilities as part of an approved personnel demonstration project
plan published in an FRN and after fulfilling any collective bargaining
obligations. Each STRL will establish internal operating procedures
(IOPs) as appropriate.
1. Background
Many studies have been conducted since 1966 on the workforce
quality of the laboratories and associated personnel. Most of the
studies recommended improvements in civilian personnel policy,
organization, and management. Pursuant to the authority provided in 10
U.S.C. 4121, several DoD STRL personnel demonstration projects have
been implemented. The demonstration projects are ``generally similar in
nature'' to the Department of Navy's China Lake Personnel Demonstration
Project. The terminology, ``generally similar in nature,'' does not
imply an emulation of various features, but, rather, it implies a
similar opportunity and authority to develop personnel flexibilities
that significantly increase the decision authority of laboratory
commanders and/or directors.
With the assistance of other DoD STRLs, including the independent
STRLs within AFC, and experts from across DoD, the AFC STRL operational
planning team conducted a thorough review of STRL personnel practices,
laws, regulations, and guidance to identify potential flexibilities
that would allow the AFC STRL to create a contemporary, flexible
personnel management system to attract, motivate, train, and retain a
top-performing science, technology, and modernization workforce. In
addition to existing flexibilities available to all DoD STRL, new
flexibilities and modifications are being proposed for MoD Demo
following study and analysis by the AFC STRL operational planning team.
Although the organizations comprising the AFC STRL are components
of the umbrella AFC organization that is responsible for modernizing
the Army, the varied composition of the AFC STRL modernization
workforce, including headquarters personnel, analysts, integrators,
technology and concept creators, and traditional Science & Technology
(S&T) innovators, requires significant personnel management
flexibility. As a result, the proposed AFC STRL Mod Demo plan
incorporates multiple IOPs, decentralized lines of authority, and new
flexibilities adapted from other STRL demonstration projects.
The AFC STRL Mod Demo plan includes:
(1) Changes to appointment authorities, hiring rules, and
qualification standards;
(2) Changes to pay setting rules and regulations;
(3) Pay banding and simplified job classification;
(4) Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
Student Employment Program (SSEP) and Accelerated Intern Compensation;
(5) Sabbaticals;
(6) Substitution for the Defense Performance Management and
Appraisal Program (DPMAP);
(7) Academic degree, certificate, and critical skills training;
(8) Senior Scientific Technical Manager (SSTM) positions;
(9) Changes to workforce shaping rules, such as Reduction-in-Force
(RIF), Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA), and Voluntary
Separation Incentive Program (VSIP);
[[Page 13549]]
(10) Voluntary Emeritus and Expert Program;
(11) Improved incentives; and
(12) Extended Probationary Periods.
Many aspects of a demonstration project are experimental.
Modifications may be made from time to time as experience is gained,
results analyzed, and conclusions reached on how the system is working,
in accordance with the provisions of Department of Defense Instruction
(DoDI) 3201.05, ``Management of Science and Technology Reinvention
Laboratory Personnel Demonstration Projects'' (available at
2. Overview
The AFC STRL will adopt flexibilities implemented by the following
STRL Personnel Demonstration Project plans: CCDC AC, 76 FR 3744,
January 20, 2011; ARI, 85 FR 76038, November 27, 2020; CCDC ARL, 63 FR
10680, March 4, 1998; CCDC C5ISR, 66 FR 54872, October 30, 2001; JWAC,
85 FR 29414, May 15, 2020; and USASMDC-TC, 85 FR 3339, January 21,
Adoption of STRL personnel demonstration project flexibilities will
enable the AFC STRL to achieve the best workforce for its modernization
mission, adjust the workforce for change, improve workforce quality,
and allow the AFC STRL to acquire and retain an enthusiastic,
innovative, and highly educated and trained workforce for Army
modernization. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate that the
effectiveness of DoD organizations can be enhanced by allowing greater
managerial control over personnel functions and, at the same time,
expand the opportunities available to employees through a more
responsive and flexible personnel system. Additionally, because AFC
STRL component organizations are geographically dispersed to highly
competitive recruitment areas, implementation of the AFC STRL Mod Demo
is essential to competitively hire and retain a highly qualified
3. Access to Flexibilities of Other STRLs
Flexibilities published in this FRN will be available for use by
DoD laboratories designated as STRLs pursuant to 10 U.S.C. 4121,
including any newly designated STRLs, if they wish to adopt them in
accordance with DoDI 3201.05, and after the fulfillment of any
collective bargaining obligations.
4. Summary of Comments
Sixty-four (64) commenters provided comments and questions
regarding the AFC STRL Personnel Demonstration Project, Federal
Register, 87 FR 62801, dated October 17, 2022. The following is a
summary of these written questions by topical area and a response to
A. Background
Comment: Some commenters asked for a copy of the AFC STRL Mod Demo
plan and asked if the plan would be disseminated to the workforce for
comment, specifically related to the workforce shaping rules.
Response: Changes to section II.F. of the Notice were made to
clarify that, before implementation of the AFC STRL Mod Demo, the IOPs
will be distributed to the workforce for information only. Details of
the workforce reshaping rules will be included in the IOPs.
Comment: Several commenters suggested that the rationale for Mod
Demo, to enhance managerial flexibilities to ``attract, motivate,
train, and retain a top-performing science, technology, and
modernization workforce,'' is boilerplate and not applicable to the AFC
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. The introductory material explains why a one-size-fits-all
government-wide system is no longer relevant for AFC and describes
several new flexibilities designed to streamline and improve overall
personnel management in AFC and facilitate efforts to compete with the
private sector. AFC conducted a thorough review of the personnel
practices adopted by STRLs and available flexibilities to identify
those that would address AFC management and workforce needs. The
resulting Mod Demo includes personnel flexibilities that optimize the
ability to hire, retain, train, and engage a high-performing workforce
while retaining many of the existing practices that make working for
the Federal Government desirable. The proposed flexibilities, or
innovative personnel practices, can be found in section III.
B. Purpose
Comment: A commenter recommended changing ``projects'' to
``project'' in the first sentence.
Response: This change has been made.
C. Problems With the Present System
Comment: Several commenters questioned DoD's conclusion that the
current ``GS system's approach to career flexibility, progression, and
changing work assignments is rigid, slow and designed for industrial-
era employees who entered Civil Service and remained until
retirement.'' The commenters stated that the current DPMAP system works
well and that any problems were due to leaders failing to properly lead
their employees. Furthermore, commenters asked what was meant by
innovative personnel practices and what the proposed flexibilities
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. For STRLs such as AFC, which is tasked with ensuring the Army
and its Soldiers remain at the forefront of technological innovation
and warfighting ability, the General Schedule (GS) personnel system and
DPMAP do not provide quick or easy ways of responding to changing work
requirements. Unlike the GS system, which has 15 grades with 10 levels
each and involves individual position descriptions which must be
classified by complex Title 5 classification standards, the AFC STRL
Mod Demo will implement a pay banding system and a pay for performance
system designed to provide an effective, efficient, and flexible method
for assessing, compensating, and managing a transformation-focused
workforce. Employees will continue to have an opportunity to receive a
base pay increase based on their level of performance during the
appraisal year. Importantly, changes to the classification and pay
system will enable management to create new types of jobs that respond
to the fast-changing world of modernization work in which AFC STRL is
engaged. The speed with which new science, technology, and engineering
concepts emerge demands the ability to quickly re-shape work
assignments, re-skill and up-skill employees, and maximize the
potential of the existing workforce. Unlike the rigid rules of the GS
system which limit internal reassignments, promotions, and training,
the AFC STRL Mod Demo provides flexibility to train and assign
personnel as needed to respond to the rapid changes in the
modernization mission. In addition, AFC STRL Mod Demo enables and
enhances innovative ways to attract, recruit, and retain current and
future employees through better pay and hiring flexibilities. In
addition, AFC STRL Mod Demo will provide supervisor and leadership
training to develop capabilities and skills to better engage employees.
D. Changes Required/Expected Benefits
Comment: Commenters questioned whether STRL personnel demonstration
projects increase employee satisfaction and asked for surveys or other
data to support this conclusion. Some commenters indicated that current
and former alternate personnel systems adopted by DoD, such as the
[[Page 13550]]
Security Personnel System (NSPS) and the Acquisition Demonstration,
were not preferable to the General Schedule (GS) system. One commenter
asked whether AFC and the Army studied other agencies that are
succeeding and if any best practices were used to improve
organizational effectiveness and employee satisfaction.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Although surveys were not conducted with the AFC workforce to
determine if the employees wanted a pay banded system or to determine
if these changes would produce increased workforce satisfaction or
engagement, a recent survey of the STRL demonstration project workforce
showed 86% of respondents were either neutral, satisfied or very
satisfied with their jobs and 89% were satisfied with management.
(Science and Technology Reinvention Laboratory (STRL) Demonstration
Project Summary of Evaluation Results for Fiscal Year Ending in 2019,
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense--Research & Engineering
(USD(R&E)) Office of Labs and Personnel (L&PO), October 2021). Early
OPM evaluation reports indicate that acceptance of demonstration
projects increases as time goes on, with some STRLs seeing acceptance
increasing 40-50% in approximately eight years. Trust and confidence in
supervisors also increased under several demonstration projects, as
well as job satisfaction. (A Status Report on Personnel Demonstration
Projects in the Federal Government, U.S. Office of Personnel
Management, December 2006). Due to the mission of Army Futures Command,
it is imperative to transform recruitment, hiring, and retention
programs. The NSPS was a centrally operated personnel system that did
not permit the flexibilities, direct hiring authorities, and focus on a
highly technical workforce that are the signature elements of the STRL
demonstration projects. NSPS was particularly criticized for its
inflexibility and inability to change with lessons learned, whereas
STRL demonstration projects provide flexibility and local authority to
apply lessons learned to improve functionality. STRL demonstration
projects are adaptable and responsive to workforce feedback. AFC STRL
Mod Demo pay pools will be locally managed to facilitate equity within
similar workforce elements. Importantly, AFC STRL Mod Demo will be
evaluated within five years of implementation in accordance with 5
U.S.C. chapter 47. Data will be collected internally and externally
based on standards and guidelines developed by the USD(R&E).
Furthermore, AFC STRL Mod Demo will collect climate survey data
throughout the life of the project. Results of evaluation data will be
provided to the USD(R&E) and the AFC STRL Mod Demo workforce, as
appropriate. Each year the AFC STRL Personnel Management Board (PMB)
will review the STRL policies to determine if changes are needed.
Unions or a neutral third party will be informed based on bargaining
unit obligations. AFC is looking to become a workplace of choice and to
adopt best practices by agencies such as the National Aeronautics and
Space Agency, which is consistently recognized as one of the best
places to work in the Federal government by the Partnership for Public
Comment: Commenters expressed concern that the goals of the program
do not have a baseline and that it is unclear how AFC STRL Mod Demo
will demonstrate that a human resource system tailored to the mission
and needs of the modernization workforce will facilitate more
effective, efficient, and adaptable organizational systems. Commenters
suggested that the stated STRL goal of increased permeability between
the civil service and private industry will cause employees to lose
privileges and rights in comparison to other Federal employees.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. AFC STRL Mod Demo will be evaluated based on standards and
guidelines developed by the USD(R&E) and AFC STRL Mod Demo, including
any applicable baseline data requirements. As stated in this Notice,
``All personnel laws, regulations, and guidelines not waived by this
plan will remain in effect. Basic employee rights will be safeguarded,
and Merit System Principles will be maintained.'' Increasing
permeability between the civil service and private industry is expected
to have positive effects on employees rather than causing them to lose
privileges. STRL flexibilities provide opportunities that attract and
retain critical talent. The AFC STRL Mod Demo is designed to reflect
different organizational mission requirements along with career
progression for Science & Engineering (S&E) and Business and Technical
(B&T) career paths and has been successfully implemented in other STRL
demonstration projects.
E. Participating Organizations
Comment: Some commenters identified that the names of the Software
Factory (SWF) and Network (NW CFT) should be changed to their current
designations. Additionally, commenters recommended to delete ``a'' from
the first sentence of the second paragraph.
Response: These changes have been made. The correct names and
acronyms are Army Software Factory (ASWF) and Network Command Control
Communications Integration (NC3I).
F. Personnel Management Board (PMB)
Comment: A commenter asked if the demographics of the PMB would be
known to the workforce. The commenter was concerned about diversity on
the PMB and recommended the inclusion of GS-13 and GS-14
representatives from the career fields represented within AFC STRL Mod
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. PMB members will be appointed in accordance with this FRN and
IOPs will include measures for ensuring a variety of perspectives are
represented. The names of PMB members will be provided to the
Comment: Commenters recommended administrative changes to clarify
position titles and references.
Response: The changes have been made.
G. Organizational Structure and Design
Comment: Commenters expressed various concerns about whether
funding was available to implement AFC Mod Demo. More specifically,
commenters inquired whether: (1) Employees will receive bonuses in
fiscal year (FY) 23; (2) funds from the current FY23 bonus pool will be
used to convert the workforce; (3) the STRL was included in the Program
Objective Memorandum (POM); (4) unforecasted requirements take
priority; (5) inflation impacted the budget; (6) civilian pay and
benefits increases are impacted; (7) Army operating budgets and the
number of civilian positions may be cut; (8) has funding to pay for
step increase buy-ins, software costs, awards, hiring incentives; (9)
the funding source has been identified for DA centrally funded interns;
and (10) AFC STRL Mod Demo is revenue neutral. Lastly, commenters asked
how AFC STRL Mod Demo makes sense based on the type of funding
available to pay civilian employees.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Implementation of AFC Mod Demo will not change the types of
funding available for civilian pay, including locality pay, or the
average rates used by the Army Budget Office to allocate this funding
based on the number of civilian
[[Page 13551]]
positions. Annual performance awards and other monetary incentives for
civilian employees will continue to be separately planned and executed
as part of AFC's command budgeting process.
H. Pay Banding
Comment: Some commenters expressed concerns with the AFC STRL Mod
Demo organizations use of control points. They inquired whether they
will be published to the workforce prior to implementation. They also
inquired whether they were needed, with one commenter suggesting that
they will reduce the flexibility of the AFC STRL Mod Demo and cause it
to resemble the General Schedule system.
Response: Section III.B.3 was changed to address these comments.
Although the AFC Mod Demo will use a pay banding structure, not all
positions have duties and responsibilities that warrant unconstrained
salary progression through the entire range of the pay band. Control
points within a pay band are a tool for managing organization workforce
structure and pay to reward performance while ensuring employees are
appropriately compensated. The following language has been added to
section III.B.3: ``Control points may be used as a compensation
strategy when management determines the duties and responsibilities of
a position do not warrant unconstrained salary progression through the
entire range of the pay band.''
Comment: A commenter stated that the 2210 occupational series under
S&E was unclear and recommended clarifying language.
Response: The following language has been added to section III.B.1:
``This career path includes certain Information Technology (IT)
(occupational series 2210) positions. It includes such positions that
contribute to highly technical and/or scientific programs that reside
in the research, development, or engineering domains, using offensive,
and defensive cyber competencies, and directly support science and
technology initiatives contributing to the development of cyber
resilient Army transformation and readiness technologies. All other IT
specialist positions will be included in the B&T career path.''
I. Classification
Comment: A commenter asked if the organizations that fall under the
AFC STRL Mod Demo will have classification authority or if the
authority will be at the AFC HQ level.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. AFC STRL Mod Demo organizations will have classification
Comment: Commenters asked if, upon conversion or later in time, an
employee's career path or occupational series may be changed even if
the employee's qualification is appropriate to the employee's current
job description and qualification requirement.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Career Path (or pay plan) refers to Science & Engineering
(DB), Business & Technical (DE), and Support (DK) instead of General
Schedule (GS). As indicated in section IV.A, upon conversion, employees
will be placed in a career path (i.e., DB, DE, DK) based upon their
occupational series, with no change to occupational series. Following
conversion, employees who are qualified for vacant positions in another
occupational series or career path may compete for the vacancy.
J. Pay-for-Performance Management System (PFP)
Comment: A commenter asked if the rating period would change under
AFC STRL Mod Demo.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. The rating period will be determined by each AFC STRL Mod
Demo organization, and it will be published in the IOPs.
Comment: Some commenters expressed concerns that the AFC STRL Mod
Demo is using a minimum of four elements for performance instead of
three elements like other demonstration projects and asked if benchmark
standards will be developed and published. Commenters also requested
AFC provide detailed hands-on training concerning PFP and specifically
on the performance elements.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. The performance element provisions in this Notice were
developed following examination of existing STRL Lab Demo Performance
Management Systems. Eight performance elements, with a required four
minimum elements, will enable organizations within the AFC STRL Mod
Demo to select the appropriate performance criteria to meet their own
individual, organizational needs, and mission requirements. Performance
elements may evolve over time to ensure individual and organizational
success. The PMB will review the performance elements annually and make
any necessary changes prior to the start of a new rating period.
Additionally, the performance management system's use of benchmark
performance criteria establishes a common set of standards for
evaluating performance and assigning ratings. The benchmark performance
criteria will be published annually and whenever changes are made.
Finally, the use of a pay pool panel and reconciliation process
provides additional checks and balances to the evaluation process.
Detailed training on all STRL programs and flexibilities will be
provided to the workforce prior to conversion. Supervisors will also
receive training on the performance management system and rating
processes to support an accurate evaluation of performance.
Comment: One commenter recommended that the sentence, ``AFC STRL
organizations will provide written notice to the workforce at the start
of the rating cycle concerning the basis of the share assignment,'' be
moved from III.D.8 Option A to the first paragraph in section III.D.8
and before Figure 3, because it applies to both Option A and B.
Response: This change has been made.
Comment: Commenters asked how factors will be used to determine if
the employee will get a lower amount of money than what was received
the previous year.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Specific guidance addressing pay pool requirements and
factors used to determine shares will be published annually and
included in organization's respective IOPs.
Comment: A commenter recommended adding additional leadership
wording to the Supervisor/Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
performance element.
Response: Section III.D.2.8 was revised to add ``; and (7)
Influences, motivates, and challenges others through adaptive
leadership; takes charge of assigned effort(s); overcomes challenges to
success; resolves personal and professional conflicts; and looks for
opportunities to assist others to achieve success.''
Comment: A commenter recommended that the Awards section include
added wording indicating employees cannot be compensated for the same
contribution twice (e.g., performance and incentive).
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. This level of detail is more appropriate for AFC STRL Mod
Demo organization IOPs.
Comment: Commenters asked why AFC STRL Mod Demo is concerned about
information exchange with
[[Page 13552]]
industry and why that effects Government employee ratings.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. The AFC Mod Demo organizations comprise an STRL, which is a
research and development (R&D) laboratory as defined in DoDI 3201.05.
It is staffed with a scientific and engineering workforce principally
involved in performing exploratory development or research work and
conducts a substantial portion of R&D activities in-house using
government personnel. It provides Army transformation solutions
(integrated concepts, organizational designs, and technologies) in
order to allow the Joint Force, employing Army capabilities, to achieve
overmatch in the future operation environment. The STRL mission
requires information exchange through collaboration with industry and
academic partners to support the delivery of modernization solutions so
the Army can make sure Soldiers have what they need, before they need
it, to protect tomorrow. As a transformation and modernization
organization, research and collaboration with industry and academic
partners directly impacts an employee's ability to meet performance
objectives and goals. This influences an employee's performance rating
and the ability of the command to meet mission requirements.
Comment: Commenters stated that implementation of Mod Demo should
be delayed pending completion of a Congressionally required study and
further consideration by the Department and Congress.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. The Defense Business Board talent management study was
completed and its recommendations provided to the Department for
Comment: Commenters asked about eligibility for raises based on
tenure instead of performance, expressed concerns that the inability to
receive step increases based on longevity would place employees at a
disadvantage when compared to other employees in similar job series
within the Federal Government and affect retirement calculations based
on highest income earned, and suggested current GS employees be
grandfathered for pay increases based on tenure. Commenters also
questioned how employees would benefit without additional funds to
incentivize performance and requested measurable baselines for the
goals of the project and mechanisms for assessing contribution to
ensure funds are divided equitably.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. AFC Mod Demo implements a PFP system that provides an
effective, efficient, and flexible method for assessing, compensating,
and managing the workforce. Employees will continue to receive the
general pay increase in most circumstances. Moreover, employees have
the opportunity to receive a base pay increase, a bonus, or a
combination based on their level of performance during the appraisal
year. Funds that were previously used for GS step increases, quality
step increases, and promotions will be used to fund the performance
increases. The goals of the AFC STRL Mod Demo are based on years of
demonstration project experiences in other organizations as reported
in, ``A Status Report on Personnel Demonstration Projects in the
Federal Government'', U.S. Office of Personnel Management, December
2006, and ``Alternative Personnel Systems in Practice and a Guide to
the Future,'' U.S. Office of Personnel Management, October 2005. The
evaluation model, as described in this Notice, will identify elements
critical to an evaluation of the effectiveness of the AFC STRL Mod Demo
Comment: Some commenters asked about the size of pay pools given
that some organizations may have only 20 employees while others have
hundreds. They expressed concern about the range of grades and salaries
in the pay pools. Additionally, a commenter questioned having different
pay pools for supervisors and non-supervisors. Lastly, commenters asked
if all of AFC STRL Mod Demo organizations will be sharing pay pools and
Response: No changes have been made to the Notice in response to
these comments. Pay pools will be established in accordance with the
IOP of each AFC STRL Mod Demo organization and the size may vary
depending on the organization. AFC STRL Mod Demo organizations will
thoroughly evaluate options and may use modeling, mock payout
exercises, and other means of analysis to achieve optimal pay pool
Comment: Some commenters asked about pay pool targets/caps that
will limit how organizations can increase employee pay and asked if it
will be similar to current awards. Additionally, commenters asked how
conversion will work with Information Technology 2210 bonuses and if an
employee is at the top of a pay band and currently receiving a 2210
bonus if it will place the employee in the next pay band.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. As stated in section III.D.7, annual pay pool limits for base
pay increases and bonuses, also referred to as payout factors, will be
established by the AFC STRL Mod Demo organizations. The funds used for
base pay increases are those that would have been available from GS
within-grade increases, quality step increases, and promotions. This
amount will be defined based on historical data and set at no less than
two percent of total adjusted base pay and no more than the maximum set
by the AFC STRL Mod Demo organization. Award amount will be defined
based on historical data and set at no less than one percent of total
adjusted base pay and no more than the maximum set by the AFC STRL Mod
Demo Commanding General (CG). AFC STRL organizations may continue to
make full use of recruitment, retention, and relocation payments as
currently provided for by OPM. This includes OPM hiring and pay
flexibilities such as monetary incentives for targeted occupational
specialties. Conversion guidance for all series will be in accordance
with section IV of this FRN.
Comment: Commenters expressed concerns about supervisor
responsibilities to notify employees of unsatisfactory performance and
opportunities for such employees to improve performance.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Employees and supervisors are expected to actively
participate in discussions regarding expectations and potential
obstacles to meeting employee performance goals. As stated in section
III.D.5, ``Whenever a supervisor recognizes an employee's performance
on one or more performance elements is unacceptable, the supervisor
should immediately inform the employee. Efforts will be made to
identify the possible reasons for the unacceptable performance.''
Further, if an employee continues to perform at an unacceptable level
or has received a Level 1 Rating of Record, the employee will be placed
on a formal performance improvement plan (PIP). The supervisor will
identify the actions that need to be corrected or improved, outline
required time frames (no less than 30 days) to demonstrate such
improvement and provide the employee with any available assistance as
appropriate. Progress will be monitored during the PIP, and all
counseling sessions will be documented.
Comment: A commenter asked what the equivalency was between the
current rating system in MyBiz (e.g., 1, 3, 5) and the new system.
[[Page 13553]]
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. As stated in section III.D.8, AFC STRL Mod Demo will follow
pattern H, as described in 5 CFR 430.208(d), which provides for 5
summary levels. An employee who receives a level 3 rating is considered
to have performed successfully during the rating period.
Comment: A commenter asked whether an employee who gets a
satisfactory level of evaluation may be placed in a lower pay band
within the same career path or placed into a pay band in a different
career path with a lower maximum base pay.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Employees with a satisfactory rating may be voluntarily
placed in a lower pay band or another career path with lower pay if
they volunteer or request the change. Employees may be involuntarily
placed in a lower pay band or another career path with lower pay for
cause (i.e., performance or conduct) or for reasons other than cause
(e.g., erosion of duties, reclassification of duties to a lower pay
band, placement actions resulting from RIF procedures). Involuntary
actions will be executed using the applicable adverse action procedures
in 5 U.S.C. chapter 43 or chapter 75.
Comment: Commenters criticized the pay banding system, suggesting
it is designed by lawyers and human resource-oriented persons who focus
too much on ``measurement'' rather than ``motivation'' and
``leadership.'' Additionally, commenters suggested that collaborative
coaching styles of leadership are better at motivating people than
formalized ``measurement'' systems which can serve as a demotivating
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. The purpose of the project is to demonstrate that the
effectiveness of DoD organizations can be enhanced by allowing greater
managerial control over personnel functions and, at the same time,
expand the opportunities available to employees through a more
responsive and flexible personnel system. Additionally, the pay-for-
performance system provides an effective, efficient, and flexible
method for assessing, compensating, and managing the AFC STRL Mod Demo
workforce. It is essential for the development of a high performing
workforce and to provide management at the lowest practical level, the
authority, control, and flexibility to achieve a quality and
collaborative relationship with employees to ensure the organization's
mission requirements are met. Pay-for-performance allows for more
employee involvement in the assessment process, strives to increase
communication between supervisor and employee, promotes a clear
accountability of performance, facilitates employee career progression,
and provides an understandable and rational basis for salary changes by
linking pay and performance.
Comment: Commenters were concerned with the awards percentage in
this document being below the percentage that has been mandated by OPM
in the past two years and asked if OPM will accept a lower percentage
for AFC STRL Mod Demo. Additionally, commenters asked whether the lower
percentage is an effort to divert money to cover the base pay amounts.
Furthermore, commenters asked about the source of funding for
Extraordinary Achievement Rewards and whether they were part of the POM
used to plan future funding. Lastly, commenters asked how budget
management will work in AFC STRL Mod Demo.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. AFC STRL Mod Demo allows the STRL Director to establish
limits on awards administered by the pay pool as part of the civilian
pay budget. Extraordinary Achievement and other approved incentives
will be administered separately as part of the command's overall annual
K. Hiring and Appointment Authorities
Comment: Commenters questioned how an extended probationary period
retains quality personnel and suggested it goes against progressive
management practices for leading, motivating, recruiting, and retaining
a quality workforce.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Authority to adopt an extended probationary period is a
flexibility that enables supervisors to have adequate time to fully
evaluate an employee's ability to complete cycles of work and to fully
assess an employee's contribution and conduct.
L. Internal Placement
Comment: Commenters recommended both competitive and non-
competitive details; the option to extend temporary promotions be
limited to one additional year; and the word ``affected'' be changed to
``effected'' in the fifth sentence.
Response: The third sentence in section III.G.5, Details and
Expanded Temporary Promotions, was revised to address these comments.
Comment: Commenters asked how a promotion opportunity will be
identified and what conditions and criteria are applicable when an
employee is transferred to a lower pay band.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Policies related to promotions and transfers to lower pay
bands are documented in Section III.G.1 of this Notice. Additional
processes and procedures will be documented in the IOP.
M. Pay Setting
Comment: A commenter stated that proposed Section III.H.7.a., under
Supervisory and Team Leader Pay Adjustments, is confusing.
Response: Section III.H.7. was revised to remove proposed paragraph
a. and relabel paragraphs b. and c. to a. and b.
Comment: Commenters stated that the last sentence in Section
III.H.7.b., Supervisory and Team Leader Pay Adjustments, that describes
how pay will be set for supervisory/team leader positions upon
conversion into the project should be removed because employees will
get a within grade increase (WGI) buy-in, as long as the employee is
not at a step 10, or receiving a retained rate, on the day of
implementation. Additionally, commenters asked what the word
``adjustment'' meant when referring to WGI equity.
Response: Section III.H.7.b, Supervisory and Team Leader Pay
Adjustment, has been revised to remove, ``After conversion into the
demonstration project, a career employee selected for a supervisory/
team leader position may be considered for a pay adjustment into the
same or substantially similar position, supervisors/team leaders will
be converted at their existing base rate of pay and will not be
eligible for a base pay adjustment.'' The word, ``adjustment,'' refers
to increases in base pay upon conversion into Mod Demo, as described in
Section IV.A.
Comment: Commenters asked about supplemental pay rates and whether
an AFC STRL Mod Demo organization can decrease an employee's
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. The supplemental pay flexibility permits AFC STRL Mod Demo to
independently establish supplemental rates based on multiple factors,
including rates offered by non-federal organizations and remoteness of
the area, to help attract, recruit, and retain a high caliber
workforce. AFC STRL Mod Demo organizations have an
[[Page 13554]]
ongoing responsibility to evaluate the need for continuing payment of
the supplemental pay and shall terminate or reduce the amount if
conditions warrant. Conditions to be considered are: changes in labor-
market factors; the need for the services or skills of the employee has
reduced to a level that makes it unnecessary to continue payment at the
current level; or budgetary considerations make it difficult to
continue payment at the current level. Additional guidance will be
documented in the AFC STRL Mod Demo organization IOPs.
N. Voluntary Early Retirement (VERA) and Voluntary Separation Incentive
Pay (VSIP)
Comment: A commenter expressed concerns with Voluntary Early
Retirement Authority (VERA) and Voluntary Separation Incentive Pay
(VSIP) and how the use of ``and'' in this section indicates the use of
VERA and VSIP together and not separately. The commenter believes the
section should make it clear that these authorities may be used
Response: Section III.J, Voluntary Early Retirement Authority and
Voluntary Separation Incentives Pay, has been revised to read, ``VERA
and VSIP will be administered as described in this Notice. Both
authorities are authorized and may be used together or separately.
O. Conversion
Comment: Commenters recommended changes to placement of some GS-14
employees into band III upon conversion. Additionally, commenters asked
if the same rules for GS-14 employees apply to GS-13 or GS-12 employees
who fall within Pay Band III.
Response: Section IV.A, Conversion into the Demonstration Project,
has been revised to read, ``The placement of GS-14 employees will be in
Pay Band IV during initial conversion into AFC STRL Mod Demo.
Additional guidance will be included in Mod Demo IOPs, and conversion
operations will be overseen by the PMB.'' This language clarifies that
employees whose grade falls within two pay bands (i.e., GS-14) will be
placed in the higher pay band during conversion. Such guidance is not
applicable to GS-13 and GS-12 grades which fall within Pay Band III.
Comment: A commenter asked if current employees hired under the
Highly Qualified Expert authority will be converted to AFC STRL Mod
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Employees appointed using Highly Qualified Expert (HQE)
authority will not convert into the AFC STRL Mod Demo.
Comment: A commenter expressed concern because Defense Civilian
Intelligence Personnel System (DCIPS) employees are ineligible to
convert to GS positions and asked whether AFC STRL Mod Demo employees
will be eligible to apply for and convert to GS positions.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Unlike DCIPS positions which are in the excepted service, AFC
STRL Mod Demo positions are in the competitive service and employees
are eligible to convert to other competitive service positions.
Comment: Commenters asked how conversion will work if an employee
is already paid at the top of a pay scale (e.g., GS-11 step 10) and
will that employee be converted into the next pay band. Additionally,
commenters asked how salary will be determined if a GS-13 and GS-14
converting in if both employees received the same rating, perform the
same duties, and have the same responsibilities. Lastly, commenters
asked whether an employee who is performing satisfactorily may be
placed in a lower pay band within the same career path or placed into a
pay band in a different career path with a lower pay.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Employees will convert into the pay band that encompasses
their current GS Grade. Positions in a higher pay band will have more
complex duties and responsibilities and will have different performance
objectives than similar positions in a lower pay band.
Comment: A commenter requested wording be added to address employee
conversion from a current demo (ARL STRL and Acquisition Demonstration)
into the AFC STRL Mod Demo.
Response: Section IV.A, Conversion into the Demonstration Project,
was revised to address this comment by adding the following language,
``Organizational conversion to the AFC STRL Mod Demo occurs when a new
organization or a group of employees convert into the demonstration
project. Conversion from current GS grade or other pay banding system
into AFC STRL Mod Demo will be accomplished during implementation of
the demonstration project. Initial entry into the demonstration project
will be accomplished through a full employee-protection approach that
ensures each employee an initial place in the appropriate career path
and pay band without loss of pay or earning potential.''
Comment: Commenters expressed myriad concerns about converting GS-
14 positions to Pay Band III.
Response: Section IV.A has been revised to require conversion of
all employees who are currently in GS-14 positions to pay band IV. All
employees currently on GS-12 and GS-13 positions will move into pay
band III. Section III.H.12, Accelerated Compensation for Developmental
Positions section, has been revised to state, ``The AFC STRL Mod Demo
organizations may authorize an increase to basic pay for employees
participating in training programs, internships, or other development
capacities. This may include employees in positions that cross bands
within a career path (formally known as career ladder positions) or
developmental positions within a band. ACDP will be used to recognize
development of job-related competencies as evidenced by successful
performance within AFC STRL Mod Demo. Additional guidance will be
published in an IOPs.'' AFC researched and utilized best practices from
organizations across DoD, including the AFC Enterprise organizations
currently operating STRL demonstration projects. The pay band structure
supports progression across journey level positions. The AFC STRL Mod
Demo is designed to reflect different organizational mission
requirements along with career progression for S&E and B&T career paths
and has been successfully implemented in other STRL demonstration
Section IV.A., Conversion into the Demonstration Project, has been
revised to state, ``The placement of GS-14 employees will be in Pay
Band IV during initial conversion into AFC STRL Mod Demo. After initial
conversion, GS-14's will be assigned based on classification
requirements. Additional guidance will be included in AFC STRL Mod Demo
IOPs, and conversion operations will be overseen by the PMB.'' GS-14s
in Pay Band IV will have competitive advantage based on the complexity
of work and duties and responsibilities they are required to perform.
There are multiple factors considered prior to moving a person from one
position to another. An employee must compete for a higher banded
position unless the employee meets the ``Exceptions to Competitive
Procedures for Assignment to a Position'' listed in the FRN.
Comment: Commenters expressed concerns with grade and pay retention
entitlements being eliminated at the time of conversion into the
demonstration project.
[[Page 13555]]
Response: Section IV.A, Conversion into the Demonstration Project,
has been revised to state, ``The project will eliminate retained grade
under 5 U.S.C. 5362 and 5 CFR part 536. At the time of conversion, an
employee on grade retention will be converted to the career path and
broadband level based on the assigned permanent position of record, not
the retained grade, and placed on pay retention. Pay retention will
follow current law and regulations at 5 U.S.C. 5363 and 5 CFR part 536,
except as modified in the Staffing Supplements section and waived in
Section IX of this plan. Additionally, section III.H, Pay Setting, is
revised to add section III.H.10., Grade and Pay Retention.
P. Demonstration Project Costs
Comment: A commenter asked if the cost numbers were adjusted for
inflation in Figure 7 since the numbers appeared similar across fiscal
years. The commenter further asked whether other costs associated with
the demonstration project were adjusted for inflation.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Inflation was considered in calculating the development costs
in Figure 7.
Q. Appendix A: Occupational Series by Career Path
Comment: Some commenters expressed concerns about inaccuracies or
inconsistencies in occupational series, career paths, position titles,
and use of asterisks.
Response: All occupational series within AFC STRL Mod Demo
organizations were reviewed and Appendix A has been revised to add
missing occupational series and designate appropriate career paths.
Additionally, asterisks were added for those occupational series that
currently have employees assigned. The titles of positions were not
changed. AFC STRL Mod Demo utilized the OPM classification standards
for identification of the position title and occupational series. Based
on the series determination(s), positions will be assigned to a
specific career path, i.e., Science & Engineering (Pay Plan DB),
Business & Technical (Pay Plan DE), or Support (Pay Plan DK). The AFC
STRL Mod Demo utilized OPM career occupation coverage as a guideline to
assign series to each career path. Lastly, all current series for AFC
and CFT employees will be included under AFC STRL Mod Demo and will
cover the mission capabilities and validation requirements. The
professional occupational career paths for AFC STRL Mod Demo are the
same as the OPM Professional Career Occupational Coverage.
R. Other Comments
Comment: A commenter asked if conversion to the STRL would affect
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Leave entitlements are not impacted by conversion into the
AFC STRL Mod Demo.
Comment: Commenters cited high costs of living in Austin locality
and inquired whether AFC STRL Mod Demo can address this if the control
points within the pay bands mimic the GS pay system. Additionally,
commenters asked how AFC STRL Mod Demo will cover the shortfall if this
wasn't included in the POM for the conversion costs. Furthermore,
commenters asked why AFC hasn't considered moving AFC HQ to another
location that would be more cost effective.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Locality pay for specific areas and the location of AFC HQ is
beyond the scope of the AFC STRL Mod Demo Notice.
Comment: A commenter asked why Reduction in Force (RIF) information
is not included in the FRN and asked how Mod Demo will implement a RIF.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. All DoD STRLs follow the RIF guidance at 87 FR 58334.
Organization-specific RIF policies will be documented in AFC STRL Mod
Demo organization IOPs.
Comment: A commenter asked for data that shows the changes to
employees' career tracks and how that may negatively affect employees.
Additionally, commenters stated the goals of the program have no
baseline and asked what privileges or rights will be lost in comparison
to other Federal employees.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. AFC STRL Mod Demo will not change employee career tracks. The
pay band system provides more opportunities for advancement. There are
more hiring and pay flexibilities under AFC STRL Mod Demo than the
current GS system.
Comment: A commenter stated if civilians are covered by pay bands,
then military members should be as well, to align civilian and military
rank structure.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. The Notice implements STRL authorities to expeditiously hire
and retain highly qualified civilian employees.
Comment: Commenters asked about bargaining unit negotiations, pay
structure, and other decisions that are part of the bargaining process
and specifically whether bargaining unit members would convert if the
union does not agree to the project.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Bargaining unit employees will not convert into the AFC STRL
Mod Demo until any applicable labor obligations have been met.
Comment: Commenters asked if an employee with performance issues
could lose their annual general pay increase (i.e., cost of living
increase) and whether the locality pay adjustment could be denied.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. As stated in section III.D.12., ``Employees, who are on a
performance improvement plan and/or receive a Level 1 rating of record
at the time pay determinations are made, may be denied performance
payouts or the general pay increase.'' When the employee has performed
at an acceptable level for at least 90 days, the general pay increase
(GPI) will not be retroactive but will be granted at the beginning of
the next pay period after the supervisor authorizes its payment.
Employees remain entitled to the locality pay adjustment no matter the
rating received. AFC STRL Mod Demo is moving away from the GS pay
system to ensure employees are rewarded based on performance.
Comment: Commenters asked what was meant by ``shall be as defined
under applicable U.S. OPM operating rules and regulations.''
Additionally, a commenter asked if current job descriptions from the GS
system will be changed for any or all employees.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. AFC STRL Mod Demo will exercise authorities that are not
specifically addressed in the Notice pursuant to applicable OPM and DoD
regulations. Employees converting to Mod Demo will be reassigned to new
Mod Demo position descriptions.
Comment: Some commenters expressed a need to evaluate AFC STRL Mod
Demo in future years to ensure continued fairness and equity and to
verify that the STRL is still beneficial to the AFC mission and
organizations and questioned whether unions or a neutral third party
would be involved in the evaluation. Commenters also expressed a need
to value years of experience and offset supervisors' biases and
perceptions. Additionally, commenters suggested providing guaranteed
increases and bonuses on top of the base
[[Page 13556]]
pay for those performing well to promote retention.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. Selection of candidates and other personnel actions will
continue to be based on merit system principles. AFC STRL Mod Demo has
incorporated an EEO/diversity, equity, and inclusion element as one of
the mandatory supervisor performance objectives. Additionally, AFC STRL
Mod Demo will provide supervisor and leadership training to develop
capabilities and skills to better engage employees. AFC STRL Mod Demo
will evaluate the project within five years of implementation of the
project in accordance with 5 U.S.C. chapter 47. Data will be collected
internally and externally based on standards and guidelines developed
by the USD(R&E). Furthermore, AFC STRL Mod Demo will collect climate
survey data. Results of evaluation data will be provided to the
USD(R&E) and the AFC STRL Mod Demo workforce, as appropriate. Each year
the PMB will review the STRL policies to determine if changes are
needed. Each organization will work with its respective union to ensure
bargaining union requirements are met and union input is captured
Comment: Commenters questioned expanding the scope of the career
fields covered by AFC STRL Mod Demo from scientific and technical
career fields to include administrative and other professional areas.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. STRLs are not just pursuing scientific and engineering
talent, but all talent, ensuring there are always qualified
administrative and other professional staff to support the STEM
Comment: A commenter suggested the use of direct hire authorities
is inconsistent with merit system principles for promoting transparent,
fair, and open competition and that direct hire is often a closed,
virtually non-competitive program that promotes the hiring of friends
and acquaintances and allows use of other than merit-based factors in
selecting employees and candidates.
Response: No changes to the Notice were made based on these
comments. The Department has a long history of successfully using
direct hire authorities, consistent with merit system principles, to
meet its critical national security workforce needs. Innovative
research is critical to preparing DoD to meet the challenges of the
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Introduction
A. Purpose
B. Problems With the Present System
C. Changes Required/Expected Benefits
D. Participating Organizations
E. Participating Employees and Union Representation
F. Project Design
G. Personnel Management Board (PMB)
H. Organizational Structure and Design
I. Funding Levels
III. Personnel System Changes
A. Levels of Authority and Responsibility
B. Pay Banding
C. Classification
D. Pay-for-Performance Management System
E. Hiring and Appointment Authorities
F. Volunteer Emeritus and Expert Program (VEP)
G. Internal Placement
H. Pay Setting
I. Employee Development
J. Voluntary Early Retirement (VERA) and Voluntary Separation
Incentive Pay (VSIP)
IV. Conversion
A. Conversion Into the Demonstration Project
B. Conversion or Movement From a Project Position to a General
Schedule Position
V. Implementation Training
VI. Project Maintenance and Changes
VII. Evaluation Plan
A. Overview
B. Evaluation Model
C. Method of Data Collection
VIII. Demonstration Project Costs
IX. Required Waivers to Laws and Regulations
A. Title 5, United States Code
B. Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations
Appendix A: Occupational Series in Each Pay Band
Appendix B: List of Local Unions
I. Executive Summary
AFC leads a continuous transformation of Army modernization in
order to provide future warfighters with the concepts, capabilities,
and organizational structures they need to dominate a future
battlefield. AFC is the newest Army Command, established in 2018 when
the Army consolidated many of its laboratories, concepts development
centers, and innovation elements under one command structure.
Although the organizations comprising the AFC STRL share the same
overarching modernization mission, their specific alignments,
structures, and workforces differ dramatically. The organizations
include two large headquarters elements, two analysis centers, multiple
cross functional teams, and two concepts and capabilities development
organizations. They all share the urgent need for a high-quality,
contemporary, flexible personnel management system to attract,
motivate, train, and retain a top-performing science, technology, and
modernization workforce.
The goal of the AFC STRL Mod Demo is to make AFC STRL a premier
employer with growth opportunities, competitive pay, and management
flexibilities to take care of both employees and the mission. The AFC
STRL Mod Demo features pay banding, performance-based compensation,
flexible hiring, and a modern approach to career progression and
II. Introduction
A. Purpose
The purpose of STRL personnel demonstration project is to
demonstrate that the effectiveness of DoD STRLs can be enhanced by
expanding opportunities available to employees and by allowing greater
managerial control over personnel functions through a more responsive
and flexible personnel system. A top-tier workforce is essential to the
AFC STRL's efforts towards achieving technological innovation and
modernization for the Army. AFC STRL needs a contemporary, flexible
personnel management system to attract, motivate, train, and retain a
top-performing science, technology, and modernization workforce. The
goal of this project is to ensure AFC STRL remains a premiere employer
with growth opportunities, appropriate pay, and management flexibility
to take care of both employees and the mission.
While many aspects of a demonstration project were once considered
experimental, many have been implemented in various DoD laboratories
for several years, including other STRLs within AFC. Modifications to
the initial project plans have been made based on the implementation
experience of these laboratories, best practices, and formative
evaluation efforts. Additional modifications may be needed from time to
time, as additional experience is gained and based on evaluations of
how the system is working to meet the goals and objectives of the
personnel demonstration project.
B. Problems With the Present System
The current Civil Service GS system has 15 grades with 10 levels
each and involves lengthy, narrative, individual position descriptions,
which must be classified by complex 5 CFR classification standards.
Base pay is set at one of those fifteen grades and the ten interim
steps within each grade. The Classification Act of 1949 rigidly defines
types of work by occupational series and grade, with very precise
[[Page 13557]]
qualifications for each job. This system does not quickly or easily
respond to new ways of designing work and changes in the work itself.
Changes to the classification and pay system would enable greater
management control to create new types of jobs that respond to the
fast-changing world of modernization work in which AFC STRL is engaged.
In addition to classification issues, the GS system's approach to
career flexibility, progression, and changing work assignments is
rigid, slow, and designed for industrial-era employees who entered
Civil Service and remained until retirement. Modern employees expect
careers that include frequent company changes, new challenges, and
work-life balance fluctuations that do not require staying with a
single employer. Allowing employees to move in and out of Civil Service
while minimizing career impact would give AFC STRL access to an
additional pool of scientists, engineers, and technical personnel, even
when they have changing life circumstances. It would also increase
information exchange between AFC STRL and industry.
The speed with which new science, technology, and engineering
concepts emerge demands the ability to quickly re-shape work
assignments, re-train employees, and maximize the potential of the
existing workforce. Internal reassignments and promotions under the GS
system are also rigid, and limitations on training further hamper
efforts to respond to the rapid changes in the modernization mission.
C. Changes Required/Expected Benefits
The primary benefit expected from this demonstration project is
greater organizational effectiveness through increased employee
satisfaction. The long-standing Department of the Navy ``China Lake''
and subsequent demonstration projects have produced impressive
statistics on increased job satisfaction and quality of employees
versus that of the Federal workforce in general. Similar results have
been demonstrated in more recent STRL demonstration projects and other
alternative personnel systems implemented in the DoD and other
This project will demonstrate that a human resource system tailored
to the mission and needs of the modernization workforce will
(1) Increased quality in the workforce;
(2) More effective, efficient, and adaptable organizational
(3) Improved timeliness of key personnel processes;
(4) Increased retention of excellent performers;
(5) Increased success in recruitment of personnel with critical
(6) Increased information exchange between AFC STRL and industry;
(7) Increased permeability between Civil Service and industry; and
(8) Increased workforce satisfaction and engagement.
D. Participating Organizations
AFC STRL currently has employees located in twenty-one states and
several countries. Just over half are spread across Aberdeen Proving
Ground (Maryland), Austin (Texas), and White Sands Missile Range (New
Mexico), with most of the remaining employees in Kansas, Virginia,
Oklahoma, Georgia, Missouri, Alabama, Michigan, and other parts of
AFC STRL is comprised of multiple AFC organizations; the remaining
AFC organizations are covered by independent STRL personnel
demonstration projects. The AFC STRL is comprised of the organizations
listed below (hereinafter referred to as ``AFC STRL organizations,''
and their components.
(1) AFC Headquarters and Headquarters Components (AFC HHC), which
includes AFC Headquarters (HQ), AFC Support Battalion (AFCSB), Army
Software Factory (ASWF), Artificial Intelligence Integration Center
(AI2C), Army Applications Lab (AAL), and Acquisition & Systems (A&S)
(2) AFC Cross Functional Teams (AFC CFTs), which includes Long
Range Precision Fires (LRPF CFT); Next Generation Combat Vehicle (NGCV
CFT); Future Vertical Lift (FVL CFT); Network Command Control
Communications Integration (NC3I); Assured Positioning, Navigation and
Timing/Space (APNT/S CFT); Air and Missile Defense (AMD CFT); Soldier
Lethality (SL CFT); and Synthetic Training Environment (STE CFT).
(3) The Research and Analysis Center (TRAC).
(4) Futures and Concepts Center (FCC), which includes Joint
Modernization Command (JMC) and the Capability Development Integration
Directorates (CDIDs).
(5) Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) Headquarters
(also known as DEVCOM Headquarters).
(6) The DEVCOM Analysis Center (DAC).
E. Participating Employees and Union Representation
This demonstration project will cover civilian employees appointed
under Title 5 U.S.C. in the occupations listed in Appendix A.
Additional employees and other occupations may be added after
implementation of the project. The project plan does not cover members
of the Senior Executive Service (SES), Senior Level (SL) employees,
Scientific and Professional (ST) employees, Federal Wage System
employees, and employees presently covered by the Defense Civilian
Intelligence Personnel System or Physicians and Dentists Pay Plan.
Department of the Army (DA), Army Command centrally funded, local
interns, and Pathways Program employees may be converted to the
demonstration project if assigned to an AFC STRL organization.
Additional guidance will be included in the Mod Demo IOPs.
Sixteen local and/or national unions, from American Federation of
Government Employees (AFGE), Laborer's International Union of North
America (LIUNA), National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE),
National Association of Government Employees (NAGE), and National
Association of Independent Labor (NAIL), cover approximately 30% of
employees in the AFC STRL. A full list of the local unions is provided
at Appendix B. AFC STRL organizations will continue to fulfill their
obligations to consult and/or negotiate with all labor organizations in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 4703(f) and 7117 for bargaining unit
F. Project Design
The AFC CG/AFC STRL Director leveraged the knowledge of experienced
and tenured STRL leaders within the greater AFC organization to
finalize the AFC STRL Mod Demo project plan. In consultation with
members of the Laboratory Quality Enhancement Program Personnel
Subpanel, other DoD laboratories, Army G1, Army Civilian Human
Resources Agency, and a host of other knowledgeable agencies and
personnel, the AFC STRL operational planning team conducted a
comprehensive review of personnel flexibilities used in existing DoD
laboratories and other government agencies. It also analyzed
organizational needs and considered innovative personnel practices used
outside of the federal government to develop proposed flexibilities for
the AFC STRL Mod Demo.
AFC STRL employed an executive Board of Directors comprised of
leaders from across the AFC STRL to accommodate the differing needs of
AFC STRL organizations, and a Council of Champions led by the AFC CG/
AFC STRL Director to ensure all proposals
[[Page 13558]]
support AFC STRL's strategic needs. Collaboration and oversight by Army
and DoD ensured alignment with Departmental goals.
The resulting project design for Mod Demo will be overseen by the
AFC CG/AFC STRL Director. It will be implemented through six
organization-specific Internal Operating Procedures (IOPs) and a single
Mod Demo Personnel Management Board (PMB). Each of the AFC STRL
organizations listed in Paragraph D will have its own IOP. Authority to
draft, modify, implement, negotiate, and approve each IOP shall rest
with these organizations. A review of these Mod Demo IOPs will be
completed by the servicing legal office prior to approval. The IOP will
be distributed to the workforce for information, prior to STRL
Any responsibilities and authorities normally associated with STRL
Directors that are not specifically defined in this Notice shall be as
defined under applicable U.S. OPM operating rules and regulations.
Additional information on delegated authorities and the project
structure are included in Section III.
G. Personnel Management Board (PMB)
AFC STRL will create a Mod Demo PMB to oversee and monitor the fair
and equitable implementation of the provisions of the demonstration
project, including establishment of internal controls and
accountability. The board will consist of the AFC Executive Deputy to
the Commanding General (EDCG), as PMB Chair, and officials from the AFC
STRL organizations listed in Paragraph D. PMB members will be appointed
in accordance with this Federal Register Notice and IOPs will include
measures for ensuring a variety of perspectives are represented. The
names of PMB members will be provided to the workforce. The AFC EDCG
may delegate membership, add, remove, or change the membership of the
PMB, in accordance with the evolution of the AFC STRL Mod Demo. The PMB
may also include experts in Human Resources, Resource Management, or
other relevant areas, as appointed by the AFC EDCG.
Based on guidance and consistent interaction with the AFC EDCG, the
board will execute the following:
(1) Oversee the implementation guidance and procedures in all
aspects of the Mod Demo program in accordance with the direction given
by the AFC CG/AFC STRL Director;
(2) Issue top-level guidelines for AFC STRL organizations to
establish and implement pay pools;
(3) Review pay pool results for equity and conformance, on an
annual basis;
(4) Resolve administrative pay pool disputes that are not resolved
through other means;
(5) Establish guidelines for the use of retention counteroffers;
(6) Review and approve the assignment of new occupational series to
a pay band, if necessary;
(7) Establish guidelines for exceptions to base pay increases, such
as Extraordinary Achievement Rewards and Distinguished Contribution
(8) Establish guidelines for the Voluntary Emeritus/Expert Program;
(9) Modify the Standard Performance Elements, as needed;
(10) Establish guidelines for the use of subject matter expert
qualifications for exceptional experience;
(11) Approve any performance-based rules created and administered
by AFC STRL organizations, prior to their implementation;
(12) Assess the need for changes to demonstration project
procedures and policies and provide leadership for efforts to modify
this FRN;
(13) Promote collaboration and best practices within Mod Demo;
(14) Review Mod Demo IOPs for equity and conformance;
(15) Track personnel cost changes and recommend adjustments, if
(16) Conduct formative evaluations of the project, including those
directed by DoD.
In executing these duties and responsibilities, the board will keep
in close contact and consultation with the AFC EDCG to ensure policies
and procedures are executed consistently throughout Mod Demo and are
aligned with AFC STRL strategic objectives.
H. Organizational Structure and Design
To optimize the effectiveness and efficiency of the AFC STRL during
the adoption of the new personnel demonstration system, the AFC STRL
may review and realign the organization structure to best meet mission
needs and requirements. Realignment may include removing limitations in
terms of supervisory ratios consistent with 10 U.S.C. 4121, and the
alignment and organization of the workforce required to accomplish the
mission of the AFC STRL.
In general, the AFC CG/AFC STRL Director will manage the STRL's
workforce strength, structure, positions, and compensation without
regard to any limitation on appointments, positions, or funding in a
manner consistent with the budget available in accordance with 10
U.S.C. 4091.
I. Funding Levels
The Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel & Readiness) may adjust
the minimum funding levels to consider factors such as the Department's
fiscal condition, guidance from the Office of Management and Budget,
and equity in circumstances when funding is reduced or eliminated for
GS pay raises or awards.
III. Personnel System Changes
A. Levels of Authority and Responsibility
Due to the unique structural design of this demonstration project,
certain responsibilities that are typically reserved for STRL lab
directors are assigned to other AFC STRL officials. Such designations
are referenced throughout this Notice using the definitions in this
section. No responsibilities, authorities, or delegations in this
Notice are intended to replace or override command authorities.
Definitions. The following terminology is used throughout this
Notice to refer to management and other officials in the AFC STRL.
(1) AFC STRL Director. This term refers to the AFC CG.
(2) AFC STRL organization approval authority. This term refers to
the following positions in their respective organizations: AFC EDCG for
AFC HQ; AFC Principal Deputy CG for CFT; FCC CG for FCC; Director, TRAC
for TRAC; DEVCOM CG for DEVCOM HQ; and Director, DAC for DAC.
(3) PMB Member. This term refers to a member of the PMB, as defined
in Section II.G. of this Notice.
(4) Pay Pool Manager. This term refers to the individual who
approves the total performance ratings, reviews the ratings of
employees within the pay pool for consistency and fairness, resolves
any rating issues, and makes final decisions on ratings and payouts.
(5) Pay Pool Panel/Reconciliation Board. This term refers to the
group of supervisors/managers who reconcile ratings and payouts for the
employees in each pay pool.
B. Pay Banding
The design of the AFC STRL Mod Demo pay band system takes advantage
of the exhaustive studies performed by DA and DoD of pay band systems
currently practiced in the Federal sector, including those practiced by
the Navy's ``China Lake'' experiment and the National Institute of
Standards and Technology. The pay band system will replace the current
GS structure. Currently, the fifteen grades of the GS
[[Page 13559]]
are used to classify positions and, therefore, to set pay. The GS
covers most civilian white-collar Federal employees in professional,
technical, administrative, and clerical positions. Changes in this
rigid structure are required to allow flexibility in hiring,
developing, retaining, and motivating the workforce.
1. Career Paths and Pay Bands
Occupations with similar characteristics will be grouped together
into one of three career paths with pay bands designed to facilitate
pay progression. Each career path will be composed of pay bands
corresponding to recognized advancement and career progression expected
within the occupations. Each career path will be divided into three to
five pay bands with each pay band covering the same pay range now
covered by one or more GS grades. The upper and lower pay rate for base
pay of each pay band is defined by the minimum and maximum GS rate for
the grade as indicated in Figure 1, except for Level V of the S&E
career path. Comparison to the GS grades was used in setting the upper
and lower base pay dollar limits of the pay bands. However, once
employees are moved into the demonstration project, GS grades will no
longer apply.
The occupational series listed in Appendix A served as guidelines
in the development of the following three career paths:
Science and Engineering (S&E) (Pay Plan DB): This career path
includes technical professional positions, such as engineers,
physicists, chemists, mathematicians, operations research analysts, and
computer scientists. This career path also includes certain Information
Technology (IT) (occupational series 2210) positions. It includes such
positions that contribute to highly technical and/or scientific
programs that reside in the research, development, or engineering
domains, using offensive, and defensive cyber competencies. These
positions will directly support science and technology initiatives
contributing to the development of cyber resilient Army transformation
and readiness technologies. These positions include highly skilled and
high demand cybersecurity positions such as certified vulnerability
assessment blue team and/or National Security Agency certified red team
subject matter experts. All other IT specialists will be included in
the B&T career path. Specific course work or educational degrees are
required for these occupations (except cyber-IT). Five pay bands have
been established for the S&E career path:
a. Pay Band I is a student trainee track covering GS-1, step 1
through GS-4, step 10.
b. Pay Band II is a developmental track covering GS-5, step 1
through GS-11, step 10.
c. *Pay Band III includes GS-12, step 1 through GS-14, step 10.
d. *Pay Band IV includes GS-14, step 1 through GS-15, step 10.
e. Pay Band V covers Senior Scientific Technical Manager (SSTM)
positions which are described in further detail in paragraph 2 of this
* Pay Bands III and IV overlap at the end and start points. These
two pay bands have been designed following a feature used by the Navy's
``China Lake'' project. Prior to implementation, personnel decisions
regarding the overlap will be defined in Mod Demo IOPs in accordance
with the PMB-approved classification guidance.
Business & Technical (B&T) (Pay Plan DE): This career path includes
such positions as computer specialist, equipment specialist, quality
assurance specialist, telecommunications specialist, engineering and
electronics technicians, procurement coordinators, finance, accounting,
administrative computing, and management analyst. Employees in these
positions may or may not require specific course work or educational
degrees. Four pay bands have been established for the B&T career path:
a. Pay Band I is a student trainee track covering GS-1, step 1
through GS-4, step 10.
b. Pay Band II includes GS-5, step 1 through GS-11, step 10.
c. *Pay Band III includes GS-12, step 1 through GS-14, step 10.
d. *Pay Band IV includes GS-14, step 1 through GS-15, step 10.
*Pay Bands III and IV overlap at the end and start points. These
two levels have been designed following a feature used by the Navy's
``China Lake'' project. Prior to implementation, personnel decisions
regarding the overlap will be defined in the Mod Demo IOPs in
accordance with the PMB-approved classification guidance.
Support (Pay Plan DK): This career path consists of clerical and
assistant positions for which specific course work or educational
degrees are not required. Clerical work usually involves the processing
and maintaining of records. Assistant work requires knowledge of
methods and procedures within a specific administrative area.
a. Pay Band I include entry-level positions covering GS-1, step 1
through GS-4, step 10.
b. Pay Band II includes full-performance positions covering GS-5,
step 1 through GS-8, step 10.
c. Pay Band III includes senior technicians/assistants/secretaries
covering GS-9, step 1 through GS-10, step 10.
2. Senior Scientific Technical Managers (SSTM)
AFC STRL Mod Demo will include a category of SSTM positions, as
directed by 10 U.S.C. 4091 and described in 79 FR 43722. S&E Pay Band V
will apply
[[Page 13560]]
exclusively to positions designated as SSTMs.
The SSTM program will be managed and administered by the AFC EDCG
unless delegated in writing to an AFC STRL organization approval
authority. These SSTM positions are managed separately from SES, ST,
and SL positions. The primary functions of SSTM positions are (a) to
engage in research and development in the physical, biological,
medical, or engineering sciences, or another field closely related to
the mission of such STRL; and (b) to carry out technical supervisory
responsibilities. The number of such positions is limited in accordance
with 10 U.S.C. 4091. This authority is expected to provide an
opportunity for career development and expansion of a pool of
experienced, prominent technical candidates meeting the levels of
proficiency and leadership essential to create and maintain a DoD
state-of-the-art scientific, engineering, and technological capability.
Positions may be filled: (a) On a temporary, term, or permanent
basis utilizing appropriate internal and/or external competitive
recruitment procedures; (b) through accretion-of-duties promotions; or
(c) using a direct hire authority. Positions may also be filled
temporarily using non-competitive procedures (e.g., detail and
temporary promotions). The AFC CG has the discretion to select the
recruitment and staffing method most appropriate based on the
specialized position requirements and available candidate pool.
However, the recruitment and staffing methodology must include: (a) An
internal process which incorporates an impartial, rigorous, and
demanding assessment of candidates to evaluate the breadth of their
technical expertise; (b) an external recruitment process; (c) creation
of panels to assist in filling positions; or (d) other comparable
recruitment and/or staffing mechanisms.
Panels will be created to assist in the review of candidates for
SSTM positions. Panel members typically will be SES members, ST
employees, and those employees designated as SSTMs. In addition,
General Officers and recognized technical experts from outside AFC STRL
may serve, as appropriate. The panel will apply criteria developed
largely from the OPM Research Grade Evaluation Guide for positions
exceeding the GS-15 level and other OPM guidance related to positions
exceeding the GS-15 level. The purpose of the panel is to ensure
impartiality and a rigorous and demanding review.
3. Position Control Points
Control points may be used as a compensation strategy when
management determines the duties and responsibilities of a position do
not warrant unconstrained salary progression through the entire range
of the pay band. If used, control points will be documented on the
classified position description. Increasing an employee's salary beyond
a control point, if established or used, will require review of both
the position and performance of the employee. Advancement across a
control point may not occur without approval of the AFC STRL
organization approval authority, unless further delegated in the
applicable IOP. Additional guidance will be included in the AFC STRL
organization specific IOP.
C. Classification
1. Occupational Series
The present GS classification system has over 400 occupational
series, which are divided into 23 occupational groupings. AFC STRL
currently has positions in 84 occupational series as indicated in
Appendix A. Additional occupational series may be added to the AFC STRL
Mod Demo, as needed.
2. Classification Standards and Position Description
AFC STRL will utilize OPM classification standards for the
identification of proper series and occupational titles of positions
within the demonstration project. The grading criteria in those
standards will be used as a framework to develop new, simplified, and
equitable standards for the purpose of pay band determinations. The
objective is to include in the position description the essential
criteria for each pay band within each career path by stating the
characteristics of the work, the responsibilities of the position, and
the competencies required. The classification standard for each career
path and pay band will serve as an important component to update
existing position descriptions, which will include position-specific
information, and provide data element information pertinent to the job.
The computer-assisted process will produce information necessary for
position descriptions. The new descriptions will be easier to prepare,
minimize the amount of writing time, and make the position description
a more useful and accurate tool for other personnel management
Specialty work and/or competency codes with corresponding narrative
descriptions will be used in position descriptions to further
differentiate types of work and the competencies required for positions
within a career path and pay band. Each code represents a
specialization or type of work within the occupation.
3. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
FLSA exemption and non-exemption determinations will be consistent
with criteria found in 5 CFR part 551. All employees are covered by the
FLSA unless their position meets the criteria for exemption. The duties
and responsibilities outlined in the classification standards for each
pay band will be compared to the FLSA criteria. Generally, the FLSA
status can be matched to career path and pay band as indicated in
Figure 2. For example, positions classified in pay band I of the S&E
career path are typically nonexempt, meaning they are covered by the
overtime entitlements prescribed by the FLSA. An exception to this
guideline includes supervisors/managers at pay band I or II whose
primary duties meet the definitions outlined in the OPM GS Supervisory
Guide. Therefore, supervisors/managers in any of the career paths who
meet the foregoing criteria generally are exempt from the FLSA. The AFC
STRL classification authorities will make the determinations on a case-
by-case basis by comparing assigned duties and responsibilities to the
classification standards for each career path and the 5 CFR part 551
FLSA criteria. Additionally, the advice and assistance of the servicing
personnel office will be obtained in making determinations. The
position descriptions will not be the sole basis for the determination.
Basis for exemption will be documented and attached to each position
description. Exemption criteria will be narrowly construed and applied
only to those employees who clearly meet the spirit of the exemption.
Changes will be documented and provided to the servicing personnel
[[Page 13561]]
Note: Although typical exemption status under the various pay
bands is shown in the above table, actual FLSA exemption
determinations are made on a case-by-case basis.
4. Classification Authority
The AFC STRL organizations will have classification authority and
may delegate this authority in writing to appropriate levels. Any
individual with delegated classification authority must complete
required training. Position descriptions will be developed to assist in
exercising delegated position classification authority.
Classification authorities will identify the career path, job
series, functional code, specialty work and/or competency code, pay
band, and other critical information. Human Resources professionals
will provide ongoing consultation and guidance to managers and
supervisors throughout the classification process. These decisions will
be documented in the position description.
5. Classification Appeal
Classification appeals under this demonstration project will be
processed using the following procedures: An employee may appeal the
determination of career path, occupational series, position title, and
pay band of the position at any time. An employee must formally raise
the area of concern to supervisors in the immediate chain of command,
in writing. If the employee is not satisfied with the supervisory
response, the employee may then appeal to the AFC STRL organization PMB
representative. An appeal may then be made to the AFC EDCG. If the
employee is not satisfied with the AFC EDCG's response to the appeal, a
final appeal may then be made to the DoD appellate level. The appeal
process will be defined in each Mod Demo IOP. Classification appeals
are not accepted on positions which exceed the equivalent of a GS-15
level. Time periods for cases processed under 5 CFR part 511 apply.
The evaluation of classification appeals under this demonstration
project are based upon the demonstration project classification
criteria. Case files will be forwarded for action through the servicing
personnel office and will include copies of appropriate demonstration
project criteria.
D. Pay-for-Performance Management System (PFP)
1. Overview
The purpose of the PFP system is to provide an effective,
efficient, and flexible method for assessing, compensating, and
managing the AFC STRL modernization workforce. It is essential for the
development of a high performing workforce and to provide management at
the lowest practical level, the authority, control, and flexibility
needed to achieve a quality organization and meet mission requirements.
PFP allows for more employee involvement in the assessment process,
strives to increase communication between supervisor and employee,
promotes a clear accountability of performance, facilitates employee
career progression, and provides an understandable and rational basis
for salary changes by linking pay and performance.
The PFP system uses annual performance payouts that are based on
the employee's total performance score rather than within-grade
increases, quality step increases, and performance awards. The normal
rating period will be one year. The minimum rating period will be 90
days. PFP payouts can be in the form of increases to base pay and/or
bonuses that are not added to base salary but rather are given as a
lump sum payment. Other awards, such as special acts and time-off
awards, will be administered separately from the PFP payouts.
The AFC STRL Mod Demo PFP system may be modified by the PMB, if
necessary, as more experience is gained under the project. Each AFC
STRL organization will publish the details of its PFP system rules and
available funding limits in its IOP and/or annual PFP guidance.
2. Performance Elements
Performance elements define common performance characteristics that
will be used to evaluate the employee's success in accomplishing
performance objectives. The use of common characteristics for scoring
purposes helps to ensure comparable scores are assigned while
accommodating diverse individual objectives. The PFP system will
utilize those performance elements as described in this FRN. AFC STRL
organizations can determine which elements are critical. A critical
performance element is defined as an attribute of job performance that
is of sufficient importance that performance below the minimally
acceptable level requires remedial action and may be the basis for
removing employees from their positions. Each of the performance
elements will be assigned a two-digit weight between 0 and 1 rounding
two significant digits, which reflects its importance in accomplishing
an individual's performance objectives. A minimum weight is set for
each performance element. The sum of the weights for all the elements
must equal 1.0. Rules for setting weights will be defined in Mod Demo
A single set of performance elements will be used for evaluating
the annual performance of all AFC STRL personnel covered by this Mod
Demo plan. This set of performance elements may evolve over time, based
on experience gained during each rating cycle. This evolution is
essential to capture the critical characteristics the organization
encourages in its workforce toward meeting individual and
organizational objectives. This is particularly true in an
[[Page 13562]]
environment where technology and work processes are changing at an
increasingly rapid pace. The PMB may adjust the elements annually.
The initial set of performance elements and basic definitions for
the AFC STRL Mod Demo are listed below. On an annual basis, AFC STRL
organizations will select at least four elements based on mission
requirements. Additionally, the Supervision/EEO element is mandatory,
and may be updated as needed, for all employees whose assigned duties
which meet the definition of Supervisor, outlined in the OPM GS
Supervisory Guide. AFC STRL organizations will publish more specific
element definitions and benchmark performance standards that describe
performance associated with each score level in their IOPs.
(1) Technical Competence--The extent to which an employee
demonstrates the technical knowledge, skills, abilities, and initiative
to produce the quality and quantity of work as defined in individual
performance objectives and assigned tasks.
(2) Mission Impact--The extent to which an employee demonstrates
individual performance against strategic goals and initiatives as
defined in individual performance objectives and assigned tasks.
(3) Customer Satisfaction--The extent to which an employee delivers
high levels of service to internal and external customers/stakeholders.
Maintains quality customer/stakeholder relationship(s).
(4) Management of Time and Resources--The extent to which an
employee demonstrates ability to manage time and resources.
(5) Teamwork--The extent to which an employee encourages and
facilitates cooperation, collaboration, pride, trust, and group
identity; fosters commitment and esprit-de-corps; works with others to
achieve goals.
(6) Communication--The extent to which an employee demonstrates
ability to communicate orally and in writing to achieve mutual
understanding or desired results.
(7) Management/Leadership--The extent to which an employee
influences, motivates, and challenges others; adapts leadership styles
to a variety of situations.
(8) Supervision/EEO--The extent to which a supervisor: (1) Ensures
compliance with applicable laws, regulations and policies including
Merit System Principles and Prohibited Personnel Practices; (2)
Attracts and retains a high-caliber workforce and acts in a responsible
and timely manner on all steps in the recruitment and hiring process;
(3) Provides opportunities for orientation and tools for enabling
employees to successfully perform during the probationary period and
beyond; (4) Completes all performance management tasks in a timely
manner including clearly communicating performance expectations
throughout the appraisal period, holding employees accountable, making
meaningful distinctions in performance and rewarding excellent
performance, promoting employee development and training, and promptly
addressing performance and conduct issues; (5) Ensures that EEO
principles are adhered to throughout the organization and promptly
addresses allegations of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation;
(6) Upholds high standards of integrity and ethical behavior,
including: ensuring appropriate internal controls to prevent fraud,
waste or abuse; safeguarding assigned property/resources; maintaining a
safe work environment and promptly addressing allegations of
noncompliance; and supporting the Whistleblower Protection Program by
responding constructively to employees who make protected disclosure
under 5 U.S.C. 2302(b)(8), taking responsible and appropriate actions
to resolve any such disclosure, and creating an environment in which
employees feel comfortable making such disclosures; and (7) Influences,
motivates, and challenges others through adaptive leadership; takes
charge of assigned effort(s); overcomes challenges to success; resolves
personal and professional conflicts; and looks for opportunities to
assist others to achieve success.
3. Performance Objectives
Performance objectives define a target level of activity, expressed
as a tangible, measurable objective, against which actual achievement
can be compared. These objectives will specifically identify what is
expected of the employee during the rating period and will typically
consist of three to ten results-oriented statements. The employee and
the supervisor will jointly develop the employee's performance
objectives at the beginning of the rating period. If there is a
disagreement between the employee and supervisor concerning these
performance objectives, the employee's supervisor will render the final
decision on the disagreement after fully considering the employee's
comments. Objectives are to be reflective of the employee's duties/
responsibilities and pay band along with the mission/organizational
goals and priorities. Objectives will be reviewed annually and revised
upon changes in salary reflecting increased responsibilities
commensurate with salary increases. Performance objectives are intended
to define an individual's specific responsibilities and expected
accomplishments. In contrast, performance elements will identify common
performance characteristics, against which the accomplishment of
objectives will be measured. As a part of this demonstration project,
training focused on overall organizational objectives, and the
development of performance objectives will be held for both supervisors
and employees. Performance objectives may be jointly modified, changed,
or deleted as appropriate during the rating cycle. Generally,
performance objectives should only be changed when circumstances
outside the employee's control prevent or hamper the accomplishment of
the original objectives. It is also appropriate to change objectives
when mission or workload shifts occur.
4. Performance Feedback and Formal Ratings
The most effective means of communication is person-to-person
discussion between supervisors and employees of requirements,
performance goals, and desired results. Employees and supervisors alike
are expected to actively participate in these discussions for optimum
clarity regarding expectations and identify potential obstacles to
meeting goals. In addition, employees should explain (to the extent
possible) what they need from their supervisor to support goal
accomplishment. The timing of these discussions will vary based on the
nature of work performed but will occur at least at the mid-point and
end of the rating period. The supervisor and employee will discuss job
performance and accomplishments in relation to the performance
objectives and elements. At least one review, normally the mid-point
review, will be documented as a formal progress review. More frequent
task-specific discussions may be appropriate. In cases where work is
accomplished by a team, team discussions regarding goals and
expectations may be appropriate.
The employee will provide a written list of accomplishments to the
supervisor at both the mid-point and end of the rating period. An
employee may elect to provide self-ratings on the performance elements
and/or solicit input from team members, customers, peers, supervisors
in other units, subordinates, and other sources which will permit the
supervisor to fully
[[Page 13563]]
evaluate accomplishments during the rating period.
At the end of the rating period, following a review of the
employee's accomplishments, the supervisor will rate each of the
performance elements by assigning a score between 0 and 50. Benchmark
performance standards will be developed by the AFC STRL organization to
describe the level of performance associated with a score. Supervisors
will use the benchmark performance standards to determine appropriate
ratings for each performance element. These scores will not be
discussed with the employee or considered final until all scores are
reconciled and approved by the designated Pay Pool Manager. The element
scores will then be multiplied by the element-weighting factor to
determine the weighted score expressed to two decimal points. The
weighted scores for each element will then be totaled to determine each
employee's overall appraisal score and rounded to a whole number as
follows: if the digit to the right of the decimal is between five and
nine, it should be rounded to the next higher whole number; if the
digit to the right of the decimal is between one and four, it should be
A total score of 10 or below will result in a Level 1 rating of
record. A score of 10 or below in a single element will also result in
a Level 1 rating of record with zero shares and no GPI, and requires
the employee be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). A new
rating of record will be issued if the employee's performance improves
to an acceptable level at the conclusion of the PIP.
5. Unacceptable Performance
Informal feedback is an effective way to provide clarity to the
employee and in-the-moment coaching. Additionally, informal discussions
serve several purposes. For example, such discussions provide feedback
for a specific job, set and reset goals, reinforce good habits, and
discuss areas for improvement. Informal employee performance
discussions will be a continuous process so that corrective action,
including placing an employee on a PIP, may be taken at any time during
the rating cycle. Whenever a supervisor recognizes an employee's
performance on one or more performance elements is unacceptable, the
supervisor should immediately inform the employee. Efforts will be made
to identify the possible reasons for the unacceptable performance.
If the employee continues to perform at an unacceptable level or
has received a Level 1 Rating of Record, written notification outlining
the unacceptable performance will be provided to the employee. At this
point an opportunity to improve will be structured in a PIP. The
supervisor will identify the actions that need to be corrected or
improved, outline required time frames (no less than 30 days) to
demonstrate such improvement and provide the employee with any
available assistance as appropriate. Progress will be monitored during
the PIP, and all counseling sessions will be documented.
If the employee's performance is acceptable at the conclusion of
the PIP, a new rating of record will be issued. If a PIP ends prior to
the end of the annual performance cycle and the employee's performance
improves to an acceptable level, the employee is appraised again at the
end of the annual performance cycle.
If the employee fails to improve during the PIP, the employee will
be given written notice of proposed action. This action can include
removal from the Federal service, placement in a lower pay band with a
corresponding reduction in pay (demotion), reduction in pay within the
same pay band, or change in position or career path. For the most part,
employees with a Level 1 rating of record will not be permitted to
remain at their current salary and may be reduced in pay band.
Note: Nothing in this subsection will preclude action under 5
U.S.C. chapter 75, when appropriate.
All relevant documentation concerning a reduction in pay or removal
based on unacceptable performance will be preserved and made available
for review by the affected employee or a designated representative. As
a minimum, the record will consist of a copy of the notice of proposed
personnel action, the employee's written reply, if provided, or a
written summary when the employee makes an oral reply. Additionally,
the record will contain the written notice of decision and the reasons
therefore along with any supporting material (including documentation
regarding the opportunity afforded the employee to demonstrate improved
If the employee's performance deteriorates to an unacceptable
level, in any element, within two years from the beginning of a PIP,
follow-on actions may be initiated with no additional opportunity to
improve. If an employee's performance is at an acceptable level for two
years from the beginning of the PIP and performance once again declines
to an unacceptable level, the employee will be given an additional
opportunity to improve before management proposes follow-on actions.
Additional details will be outlined in Mod Demo IOPs.
6. Reconciliation Process
At the end of the rating cycle and following the initial scoring of
each employee by the supervisor, a panel of rating officials and
supervisors, known as the pay pool panel, will meet in a structured
review and reconciliation process managed by the Pay Pool Manager. In
this step, each employee's performance objectives, accomplishments,
preliminary scores and/or shares, and pay are discussed. Through
discussion and consensus building, consistent and equitable ratings
and/or shares are reached. There will not be a prescribed distribution
of total scores. IOPs will further define this process.
7. Pay Pools
Employees within the AFC STRL Mod Demo will be placed into pay
pools. Pay pools are combinations of organizational elements (e.g.,
Directorates, Divisions, Branches, and Offices) that are defined for
the purpose of determining performance payouts under the PFP system.
The guidelines in the next paragraph are provided for determining pay
pools. These guidelines will normally be followed. However, an AFC STRL
Mod Demo pay pool manager may deviate from the guidelines if there is a
compelling need to do so, and the rationale is documented in writing.
The AFC STRL organizations will establish pay pools within their
respective organizations. Typically, pay pools will have between 35 and
300 employees. A pay pool should be large enough to encompass a
reasonable distribution of ratings but not so large as to compromise
rating consistency. Supervisory personnel will be placed in a pay pool
separate from subordinate non-supervisory personnel. Neither the Pay
Pool Manager nor supervisors within a pay pool will recommend or set
their own individual pay. Decisions regarding the amount of the
performance payout are based on the established formal payout
Annual pay pool limits for base pay increases and bonuses, also
referred to as payout factors, will be established by the AFC STRL
organizations. Funds for performance payouts are divided into two
components: base pay increases and bonuses. The funds used for base pay
increases are those that would have been available from GS within-grade
increases, quality step increases, and promotions. This amount will be
defined based on historical data and set
[[Page 13564]]
at no less than two percent of total adjusted base pay and no more than
the maximum set by the AFC STRL organization. The funds available to be
used for awards are funded separately within the constraints of the
organization's overall award budget. This amount will be defined based
on historical data and set at no less than one percent of total
adjusted base pay and no more than the maximum set by the AFC STRL
organization. The sum of these two factors is referred to as the Pay
Pool Payout Factor and is determined by the AFC STRL organization
within the above constraints. The PMB will annually review the pay pool
funding formulas used by AFC STRL organizations and recommend
adjustments to ensure cost discipline over the life of the
demonstration project. AFC STRL organizations may reallocate the amount
of funds assigned to each pay pool as necessary to ensure equity and to
meet unusual circumstances.
8. Performance Payout Determination
Employee's Rating of Record levels will be determined by the Score
Ranges as shown in Figure 3 below. The Rating of Record levels follow
the Summary level rating patterns associated with 5 CFR 430.208,
Pattern H. Mod Demo IOPs may designate descriptive titles for Level 1
through Level 5 ratings of record. The score ranges will be used as a
guide to determine the number of shares the employee is assigned in the
pay pool process. An employee will receive a performance payout as a
percentage of the employee's salary at the end of the rating cycle,
based on the number of shares assigned. AFC STRL organizations will use
one of two methods for converting scores to shares. Score ranges and
share option changes must be approved by the Mod Demo PMB. IOPs must
state which method the AFC STRL organization will use, and Mod Demo
employees will receive specific training covering this topic. AFC STRL
organizations will provide written notice to the workforce at the start
of the rating cycle concerning the basis of the share assignment.
Shares values will be assigned between 0 and 4 using any increment
of shares for a given Score Range as shown in Figure 4. The pay pool
panel will determine the shares based on the employee's score range.
When selecting the share value, the pay pool panel may consider any of
the following: the employee's salary relative to other employees in the
same range, the employee's performance above and beyond expectations,
the supervisor's recommendation, and how close the employee is to the
top of the pay band.
Shares will be awarded as decimal numbers, rounded to the nearest
tenth, based on the employee's score. Fractional shares will be awarded
for scores that fall in between these scores, in accordance with Figure
5. For example: a score of 38 will equate to 1.8 shares, and a score of
44 will equate to 2.4 shares.
[[Page 13565]]
Regardless of whether Option A or Option B is implemented, the
value of a share cannot be exactly determined until the rating and
reconciliation process is completed and all scores are finalized. The
formula that computes the value of each share is based on (1) the
payout factors, (2) the employee's pay, and (3) the number of shares
awarded to each employee in the pay pool. This formula, shown in Figure
6, assures that each employee within the pool receives a share amount
equitable to all others in the same pool who are at the same rate of
basic pay and receive the same score and shares. The exact Pay Pool
Payout Factor will be determined by the AFC Mod STRL organization, in
accordance with paragraph 7 above.
F = Pay Pool Payout Factor, determined by AFC STRL
Pay Pool Managers are accountable for staying within pay pool
funding limits. The Pay Pool Manager makes final decisions on pay
increases and/or bonuses to individuals based on rater recommendation,
the final score, the pay pool funds available, and the employee's
salary at the end of the rating cycle.
In addition, the designated pay pool manager may nominate employees
for Extraordinary Achievement Recognition. Such recognition grants a
base pay increase and/or bonus to an employee that is higher than the
one generated by the compensation formula for that employee. The funds
available for an Extraordinary Achievement Recognition are separately
funded within the constraints of the organization's budget.
9. Base Pay Increases and Bonuses
An employee's shares will be paid out as a base pay increase, a
bonus, or a combination. To continue to provide performance incentives
while also ensuring cost discipline, base pay increases may be limited
or capped. Certain employees will not be able to receive base pay
increases due to base pay caps. Base pay is capped when an employee
reaches the maximum rate of pay in an assigned pay band or when a
performance-based rule applies (see paragraph 10 below). Employees
affected by base pay caps and those receiving retained pay will receive
the entire performance payout in the form of a bonus.
If the AFC STRL organization deems it appropriate, the Pay Pool
Manager may re-allocate a portion (up to the maximum possible amount)
of the unexpended base pay funds for capped employees to uncapped
employees. Any dollar increase in an employee's projected base pay
increase will be offset, dollar for dollar, by an accompanying
reduction in the employee's projected bonus payment. Thus, the
employee's total performance payout is unchanged.
PFP bonuses and salary increases must be effective within 120 days
of the end of the appraisal cycle.
10. Performance-Based Rules
As a compensation management tool, AFC STRL organizations may
establish performance-based rules to manage pay progression by career
path, pay band, geographic location, or any other grouping. If
established, such performance-based rules must be approved by the PMB
and published to the workforce prior to implementation. In addition,
the process for obtaining an exception to such rules must be documented
in the IOP. Once established, performance-based rules may be used in
the pay pool process to manage performance salary increases. Examples
of performance-based rules include rules similar to a Mid-Point Rule.
For example, to provide added performance incentives as an employee
progresses through a pay band, a mid-point rule may be used to
determine base pay increases. The mid-point rule dictates that
employees must receive a score of 30 or higher for their base pay to
cross the salary midpoint of their pay band. Also, once an employee's
base pay exceeds the salary midpoint of their pay band, the employee
must receive a score of 30 or higher to receive any
[[Page 13566]]
additional base pay increases. Any amount of an employee's performance
payout, not paid in the form of a base pay increase because of the mid-
point rule, would be paid as a bonus. This rule effectively raises the
standard of performance expected of an employee once the salary
midpoint of a pay band is crossed. This rule would apply to all
employees in every career path and pay band.
11. Awards
To provide additional flexibility in motivating and rewarding
individuals and groups, some portion of the performance award budget
may be reserved for special acts and other categories as they occur.
Awards may include, but are not limited to special acts, patents,
suggestions, on-the-spot, and time-off. The funds available to be used
for awards are separately funded within the constraints of the
organization's overall award budget.
While not directly linked to the PFP system, this additional
flexibility is important to encourage outstanding accomplishments and
innovation in accomplishing the diverse modernization missions of the
AFC STRL organizations participating in Mod Demo. Additionally, to
foster and encourage teamwork among its employees, organizations may
give group awards.
12. General Pay Increase (GPI)
All employees will receive a GPI, except as described below.
Employees, who are on a PIP and/or receive a Level 1 rating of
record at the time pay determinations are made, may be denied
performance payouts or the GPI. Such employees will not receive RIF
service credit until such time as their performance improves to the
satisfactory level and remains so for at least 90 days. When the
employee has performed at an acceptable level for at least 90 days, the
GPI will not be retroactive but will be granted at the beginning of the
next pay period after the supervisor authorizes its payment.
These actions may result in a base salary that is identified in a
lower pay band. This occurs because the minimum rate of basic pay in a
pay band increases as the result of the GPI (5 U.S.C. 5303). This
situation (a reduction in pay band with no reduction in pay) will not
be considered an adverse action, nor will pay band retention provisions
After 90 days of acceptable performance the employee is granted GPI
and the employee will be returned to the employee's previous pay band.
13. Grievances and Disciplinary Actions
An employee may grieve the performance rating/score or shares
received under the PFP system. Non-bargaining unit employees, and
bargaining unit employees covered by a negotiated grievance procedure
that does not permit grievances over performance ratings, must file
under administrative grievance procedures when choosing to pursue a
grievance. Whereas, bargaining unit employees whose negotiated
grievance procedures cover performance-rating grievances must file
under those negotiated procedures when choosing to pursue a grievance.
Except where specifically waived or modified in this plan, adverse
action procedures under 5 CFR part 752, remain unchanged.
E. Hiring and Appointment Authorities
Competitive service positions will be filled through Merit
Staffing, direct-hire authority, Delegated Examining, or other non-
competitive hiring authorities. Direct-hire authority will be exercised
in accordance with the requirements of the delegation of authority.
1. Qualifications
A candidate's basic qualifications will be determined using OPM's
Qualification Standards Handbook for General Schedule Positions.
Candidates must meet the minimum standards for entry into the pay band,
unless waived by other flexibilities within the STRL. For example, if
the pay band includes positions in grades GS-5 and GS-7, the candidate
must meet the qualifications for positions at the GS-5 level.
Specialized experience/education requirements will be determined based
on whether a position to be filled is at the lower or higher end of the
pay band. Selective placement factors can be established in accordance
with the OPM Qualification Handbook, when judged to be critical to
successful job performance. These factors will be communicated to all
candidates for position vacancies and must be met for basic
2. Delegated Examining
Under Delegated Examining when there are no more than 15 qualified
applicants and no preference eligible, all eligible applicants are
immediately referred to the selecting official without rating and
ranking. Rating and ranking may occur when the number of qualified
candidates exceeds 15 or there is a mix of preference and non-
preference applicants. Category rating may be used to provide for a
more streamlined and responsive hiring system to increase the number of
eligible candidates referred to selecting officials. This provides for
the grouping of eligible candidates into quality categories and the
elimination of consideration according to the ``rule of three.'' This
includes the coordination of recruitment and public notices, the
administration of the examining process, the administration of
veterans' preference, the certification of candidates, and selection
and appointment consistent with merit principles.
Statutes and regulations covering veterans' preference will be
observed in the selection process when rating and ranking are required.
Veterans with preference will be referred ahead of non-veterans with
the same score/category.
3. Direct Hire
AFC STRL will use the direct hire authorities authorized by 10
U.S.C. 4091, and published in 79 FR 43722 and 82 FR 29280; and the
direct hire authorities published in 85 FR 78829, as appropriate, to
appoint the following:
a. Candidates with advanced degrees to scientific and engineering
b. Candidates with bachelor's degrees to scientific and engineering
c. Veteran candidates to scientific, technical, engineering, and
mathematics positions (STEM), including technicians;
d. Student candidates enrolled in a program of instruction leading
to a bachelors or advanced degree in a STEM discipline; and
e. Candidates for any position: (i) involving 51 percent or more of
time in direct support of the STRL mission; (ii) identified by the STRL
as hard to fill; (iii) having a history of high turnover; or (iv)
requiring a unique, laboratory-related skillset.
Direct hire appointments may be made on a permanent, term or
temporary basis. Requirements for how positions qualify for this usage
of direct hire authorities will be documented in IOPs.
In addition, other direct hire authorities, documented in FRNs and
available to all DoD STRL laboratories, may be utilized, once
requested, and adopted, as appropriate.
4. Legal Authority
For actions taken under the auspices of the demonstration project,
the first legal authority code (LAC)/legal authority Z2U will be used.
The second LAC/legal authority may identify the authority utilized
(e.g., Direct Hires). The nature of action codes and legal
[[Page 13567]]
authority codes prescribed by OPM, DoD, or DA will be used.
5. Hiring Demonstrated Exceptional Talent for S&E Positions
As provided by OPM General Schedule Qualification Standards,
paragraph 4.g., in the ``Application of Qualification Standards''
section, ``Educational and Training Provisions or Requirements''
subsection, AFC STRL may consider an S&E position candidate's
demonstrated exceptional experience or a combination of experience and
education in lieu of OPM individual occupational qualification
requirements. The AFC STRL may use one SME, instead of a panel of at
least two, to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of an applicant's
entire background, with full consideration given to both education and
experience, to determine a candidate's qualifications. In addition, the
unique nature of AFC STRL interdisciplinary positions allows for an AFC
STRL manager with direct knowledge of the mission and position
requirements, regardless of his or her occupational series or military
occupation code, to serve as a SME to represent the needs of the
Demonstrated exceptional experience is defined as experience that
reflects significant accomplishment directly applicable to the position
to be filled. This is evidenced through a substantial record of
experience, achievement, and/or publications that demonstrate expertise
in an appropriate professional/scientific field. A written analysis by
the SME will document the candidate's experience, achievements, and
publications used for qualification determination.
Documentation justifying the employee's qualifications will be
placed in the employee's electronic official personnel file (e-OPF) to
ensure the employee is considered qualifying for the specific
occupational series in the future.
6. Official Transcripts
The requirement to have official transcripts prior to entrance-on-
duty (EOD) is waived. AFC STRL servicing personnel offices may use
unofficial transcripts or a letter from a registrar or dean to make
qualification determinations, thus eliminating several days or weeks
from the current hiring timeline. Official transcripts must be received
within 30 calendar days after EOD.
Once unofficial transcripts or a letter from a registrar or dean is
received, the servicing personnel office will review qualifications and
begin the onboarding process. Applicants will be asked to request and
submit official transcripts to the servicing personnel office, but an
EOD may be established prior to receipt. Applicants will sign a
statement of understanding (SOU) as part of their pre-employment
paperwork. The SOU will include language stipulating that if official
transcripts are not provided or fail to show proof that individuals
meet the qualification requirements, individuals may be subject to
adverse actions up to and including removal, as determined by specific
circumstances by applicable regulations. The SOU will regulate the
applicants who do not have the degrees required for the positions or
who may have been dishonest during the hiring process, lowering risk
for the Command.
The SOU will be maintained in the employee's e-OPF. Once official
transcripts have been received by the servicing personnel office, they
will be verified in the personnel system and uploaded into the
employee's e-OPF.
7. Use of USAJobs Flyers
AFC STRL will have authority to determine when to utilize USAJobs
flyers to solicit for AFC STRL positions. Applications may be submitted
directly to the servicing personnel office. Candidates may apply
through the link or email address found in the flyer. Postings may be
open to internal Government employees and external U.S. citizen
candidates. All candidates will be asked to submit supporting
documentation, including a resume and official or unofficial
transcripts. Flyers will include the following (a) open/close dates,
(b) compensation, (c) appointment type and work schedule, (d) duty
location, (e) duties, (f) position information, (g) conditions of
employment, (h) qualification requirements, (i) education requirements,
(j) how candidates will be evaluated, (k) benefits, (l) how to apply,
(m) an equal employment opportunity statement, and (n) any additional
information determined necessary by the lab.
Positions may be filled through direct hire authorities on a
temporary, term, or permanent basis or through reassignment utilizing
the USAJobs flyer.
8. Security Eligibility
AFC STRL has the authority to appoint individuals to Critical-
Sensitive (CS) and Special-Sensitive positions prior to a final
favorable eligibility determination at the Top Secret/SCI level.
Processes and pre-employment waiver requirements for CS positions will
be applied in these situations. For the purposes of STRLs, an emergency
or national interest that necessitates an appointment prior to the
completion of the investigation and adjudication process includes a
lab's inability to meet mission requirements. Each applicant's Standard
Form 86, ``Questionnaire for National Security Positions,''
fingerprints, and prescreening questionnaire will be reviewed, and a
favorable pre-screening eligibility determination will be made prior to
any individual being given a final job offer and EOD. Also, each lab
will provide the written documentation needed to support a waiver
decision to the appointing authority, who will document the reason for
the appointment, and ensure the justification is sufficient before a
final offer of employment is made.
Individuals will perform duties and occupy a location permitted by
their current security eligibility (interim or final), but not higher
than Top Secret. The applicant will be required to sign a statement of
understanding that documents that the pre-appointment decision was made
based on limited information and that continued employment depends upon
the completion of a personnel security investigation (tier 3 or 5) and
favorable adjudication of the full investigative results.
9. Term Appointments
F. Flexible Length and Renewable Term Technical Appointments (FLRTTA)
1. AFC STRL organizations may use the FLRTTA workforce shaping tool
to appoint qualified candidates who are not currently DoD civilian
employees, or are currently DoD term employees, into any scientific,
technical engineering, and mathematic positions, including technicians,
for a period of more than one year but not more than six years. The
appointment of any individual under this authority may be extended
without limit in up to six-year increments at any time during any term
of service under conditions set forth in Mod Demo IOPs.
2. Use of the FLRTTA authority must be consistent with merit system
3. Current DoD employees who are not DoD term employees may not be
appointed to positions under this authority.
4. Initial appointments must be more than one year, but not to
exceed six years in duration.
5. Individuals appointed under this authority may be eligible for
noncompetitive conversion to a permanent appointment if the job
[[Page 13568]]
opportunity announcement clearly stated the possibility of being made
6. Positions may be filled utilizing noncompetitive hiring
authorities. Positions appointed noncompetitively will not be eligible
for conversion or extension. This is not a hiring authority and STRLs
must compete or use a direct hire or other non-competitive hiring
authority to appoint candidates under this appointment authority.
7. Unless otherwise eligible for a noncompetitive hiring authority,
positions filled under this authority must be competed. Job opportunity
announcements must clearly identify the type of appointment and the
expected duration of initial appointment (up to six years). A statement
will be included in the announcement that the position may be extended,
without limit, in up to six-year increments, to enable extensions
beyond the initial term of appointment. Furthermore, the position can
be made permanent without further competition.
8. Appointees will be afforded equal eligibility for employee
programs and benefits comparable to those provided to similar employees
on permanent appointments within the AFC STRL, including opportunities
for professional development and eligibility for award programs.
9. Appointees will be afforded the opportunity to apply for
vacancies that are otherwise limited to ``status'' candidates.
Appointees applying to other Federal service positions utilizing this
authority must submit a copy of their Flexible Length and Renewable
Term Technical appointment SF-50, Notification of Personnel Action,
which will contain a remark identifying this provision, with their
application/resume for the vacancy to which they are applying. The SF-
50 will serve as notification to the servicing Human Resources Office
for the vacancy that the individual is eligible for consideration as a
status candidate.
10. Promotions. Individuals appointed under this hiring authority
may be promoted while serving on a term appointment, provided they meet
the qualifications and eligibility requirements for the higher level to
which they will be promoted.
11. Extension of appointments. The appointment of an individual
appointed to a term appointment under this authority may be extended,
without limit, in up to six-year increments. The original recruitment
notice must have identified the opportunity for an extension beyond the
initial term of appointment. Extensions will be documented via a
personnel action using nature of action code 765/Extension of Term Appt
NTE and the same legal authority code used for the appointment that is
being extended.
12. Expiration. Term appointments expire upon the not-to-exceed
date, unless extended.
13. Probationary/Trial Period. The trial period specified in this
FRN will apply to individuals appointed under the Flexible Length and
Renewable Term Appointment.
14. Tenure. For those appointed under the Flexible Length and
Renewable Term Technical Appointment authority or converted from a term
or modified term to a Flexible Length and Renewable Term Technical
Appointment and later converted to a career or career-conditional
appointment, the time spent on both appointments will count toward
career tenure.
15. Documenting Personnel Actions. Personnel actions for qualified
candidates are documented citing the first legal authority code (LAC)/
legal authority as Z2U, if appointed to a broad-banded position. A
remark for the personnel action will be created to state the
appointment is designated as a ``status'' appointment for the purposes
of eligibility for applying for positions in the federal service.
G. Flexible Length and Renewable Term Appointments for Support
Positions (FLRTA)
1. AFC STRL organizations are authorized to use FLRTA to appoint
qualified candidates, whose positions involve 51 percent or more of
time spent in direct support of STRL activities, for a period of more
than one year but not more than six years. The appointment of any
individual under this authority may be extended without limit in up to
six-year increments at any time during any term of service under
conditions set forth in Mod Demo IOPs. The FLRTTA provisions described
above also apply to appointments made under this authority.
2. Term appointments, for the purposes of this authority, are non-
status appointments to a position in the competitive service for a
specified period of more than one year; however, incumbents may compete
as ``status candidates'' for the purpose of eligibility for positions
in the Federal service.
3. Qualified candidates are defined as individuals who meet the
minimum qualification standards for the position as published in the
OPM Qualification Standard or Mod Demo qualification standards specific
to the position to be filled.
1. Extended Probationary or Trial Period
At the discretion of the AFC STRL organizations, the probationary
period for DoD employees may be extended to three years for all newly
hired permanent career-conditional employees, and trial periods for
term appointments may also be extended to three years, as documented in
Mod Demo IOPs. The purpose of extending the probationary period is to
allow supervisors adequate time to fully evaluate an employee's ability
to complete cycles of work and to fully assess an employee's
contribution and conduct. Other than described herein, the probationary
period will apply to employees as stated in 5 CFR part 315.
Aside from extending the time period, all other features of the
current probationary or trial period are retained, including the
requirements for determining creditable service as described in 5 CFR
315.802(c), and the potential to remove an employee without providing
the full substantive and procedural rights afforded a non-probationary
employee when the employee fails to demonstrate proper conduct,
competency, and/or adequate contribution during the extended
probationary period. When terminating probationary or trial employees,
AFC STRL organizations will provide employees with written notification
of the reasons for their separation and effective date of the action.
Probationary employees may be terminated when they fail to
demonstrate proper conduct, technical competency, and/or acceptable
performance for continued employment, and for conditions arising before
2. Supervisory Probationary Periods
Supervisory probationary periods will be consistent with 5 CFR part
315, subpart I. Existing Federal employees who are competitively
selected or reassigned to a supervisory position will be required to
complete a supervisory probationary period for initial appointment to a
supervisory position. At the discretion of the AFC STRL organizations,
the probationary period for supervisory employees may be up to two
years. Additional requirements will be outlined in Mod Demo IOPs.
3. Reemployment of Annuitants
AFC STRL will use the authorities provided by 5 U.S.C. 9902(g) to
appoint reemployed annuitants, as appropriate. In addition, AFC STRL
organizations may approve the appointment of reemployed annuitants and
determine the salary of an annuitant reemployed
[[Page 13569]]
under this authority, including whether the annuitant's salary will be
reduced by any portion of the annuity received, up to the amount of the
full annuity, as a condition of reemployment.
a. AFC STRL organizations will apply the authority to appoint
annuitants in accordance with this FRN, DoDI 1400.25-V300 and Army
guidance, except as stated above. Use of the authority must be
consistent with merit system principles.
b. Documenting Personnel Actions. For actions taken under the
auspices of the demonstration project, the first legal authority code
(LAC)/legal authority Z2U. The second LAC/legal authority may identify
the authority utilized (e.g., Direct Hires). The nature of action codes
and legal authority codes prescribed by OPM, DoD, or DA will be used.
c. AFC STRL organizations will publish implementing guidance and
procedures on the use of this reemployed annuitant flexibility in Mod
Demo IOPs.
d. Annuitants retired under 5 U.S.C. 8336(d)(1) or 8414(b)(1)(A)
who are reemployed will retain the rights provided in accordance with 5
U.S.C. 9902(g)(2)(A).
4. Student Loan Repayment
AFC STRL may provide student loan repayment options authorized in
85 FR 78829 that are in line with current tuition costs and may be
adjusted based on inflation without higher level approval. This
authority provides the AFC STRL the ability to repay all, or part of,
an outstanding qualifying student loan or loans previously taken out by
a current AFC STRL Mod Demo employee or candidate to whom an offer of
employment has been made. The amount of student loan repayment benefits
provided by an AFC STRL organization is subject to both of the
following limits:
a. Up to $25,000 per employee per calendar year.
b. Up to $125,000 per employee.
The USD(R&E) may increase these amounts when deemed necessary to
stay competitive with private industry and academia. Eligibilities,
conditions, qualifying student loans, and required service agreements
remain the same as found in 5 CFR part 537. Loan payments made by an
AFC STRL organization under this part do not exempt an employee from
his or her responsibility and/or liability for any loan(s) the
individual has taken out. The employee is responsible for any income
tax obligations resulting from the student loan repayment benefit.
F. Volunteer Emeritus and Expert Program (VEP)
AFC STRL will have the authority to offer voluntary assignments to
former Federal employees who have retired or separated from the Federal
service and U.S. citizens who are retired, separated, or on sabbatical
from private or public sector organizations. Volunteer emeritus will
ensure continued quality research while reducing the overall salary
line by allowing higher paid individuals to accept retirement
incentives with the opportunity to retain a presence in the scientific
community. Volunteer experts will bring commercial sector or public
sector knowledge and experience into AFC STRL. Volunteers will not be
used to replace any government personnel or interfere with their career
opportunities. Volunteers may not be used to replace or substitute for
work performed by government personnel occupying positions required to
perform the AFC STRL's mission. Volunteer assignments are not
considered ``employment'' by the Federal government (except as
indicated below).
To be accepted as a volunteer, an individual must be a U.S. citizen
and must be recommended by an AFC STRL manager to the AFC STRL
organization approval authority. No one is entitled to participate in
the program, and an application to the program does not guarantee
acceptance into the program or assignment at AFC STRL. AFC STRL
organizations must clearly document the decision process and decision
rationale for each volunteer applicant (regardless of whether the
applicant is accepted or rejected from the program) and must retain
this documentation throughout the assignment (for accepted applicants),
or for two years (for rejected applicants). Volunteer participants will
not be permitted to perform any inherently governmental function or to
participate in any contracts or solicitations for which the participant
has a conflict of interest. Volunteer participants are not permitted to
participate in contract source selections, nor are they permitted to
have access to contractor bid or proposal information or source
selection information, or to data or information that is protected by
the Trade Secrets Act (18 U.S.C. 1905) without a written agreement
between the volunteer and the owner of the data or information.
To ensure success and encourage participation, the volunteer
Emeritus' Federal retirement pay (whether military or civilian) will
not be affected while serving in a volunteer capacity. Retired or
separated Federal employees may accept an emeritus position without a
break or mandatory waiting period.
An agreement will be established between the volunteer and the AFC
STRL organization. The agreement will be reviewed by the servicing
legal office. The agreement must be finalized before the assumption of
duties and will include:
(1) A statement that the voluntary assignment does not constitute
an appointment in the civil service and is without compensation, and
any and all claims against the Government (because of the voluntary
assignment) are waived by the volunteer;
(2) A statement that the volunteer will be considered a Federal
employee solely for the purpose of:
18 U.S.C. 201, 203, 205, 207, 208, 209, 603, 606, 607,
643, 654, 1905, and 1913;
31 U.S.C. 1343, 1344, and 1349(b);
5 U.S.C. chapters 73 and 81;
The Ethics in Government Act of 1978;
41 U.S.C. chapter 21;
28 U.S.C. chapter 171 (tort claims procedure), and any
other Federal tort liability statute;
5 U.S.C. 552a (records maintained on individuals)
(3) The volunteer's work schedule;
(4) The length of the agreement (defined by length of project or
time defined by weeks, months, or years);
(5) The support to be provided by the AFC STRL organization
(travel, administrative, office space, supplies);
(6) The volunteer's duties;
(7) A provision allowing either party to void the agreement with at
least two working days' written notice;
(8) A provision that states no additional time will be added to a
volunteer's service credit for such purposes as retirement, severance
pay, and leave as a result of being a participant in the VEP;
(9) The level of security access required (any security clearance
required by the assignment will be managed by the AFC STRL organization
while the participant is a member of the VEP);
(10) A provision that any written products prepared for publication
that are related to VEP participation will be submitted to the AFC STRL
organization for review and must be approved prior to publication;
(11) A statement that the volunteer accepts accountability for loss
or damage to Government property occasioned by the volunteer's
negligence or willful action;
(12) A statement that the activities of the volunteer on the
premises will conform to the regulations and requirements of the
[[Page 13570]]
(13) A statement that the volunteer will not improperly use or
disclose any non-public information, including any pre-decisional or
draft deliberative information related to DoD programming, budgeting,
resourcing, acquisition, procurement, or other matter, for the benefit
or advantage of the volunteer or any non-Federal entities. Volunteers
will handle all non-public information in a manner that reduces the
possibility of improper disclosure;
(14) A statement that the volunteer agrees to disclose any
inventions made in the course of work performed for AFC STRL. AFC STRL
will have the option to obtain title to any such invention on behalf of
the U.S. Government. Should the AFC CG elect not to take title, AFC
will retain a non-exclusive, irrevocable, paid up, royalty-free license
to practice or have practiced the invention worldwide on behalf of the
U.S. Government;
(15) A statement that the volunteer must complete either a
Confidential or Public Financial Disclosure Report, whichever applies;
a disqualification statement prohibiting the volunteer from working on
matters related to his or her former employer; and ethics training in
accordance with Office of Government Ethics regulations prior to
implementation of the written agreement; and
(16) A statement that the volunteer must receive post-government
employment advice from a DoD ethics counselor at the conclusion of
program participation. Volunteers are deemed Federal employees for
purposes of post-government employment restrictions.
A written Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the AFC STRL
organization and the volunteer is required and must include all items
above, regardless of format used. The use and wording of the MOA will
be provided in the IOPs of the AFC STRL organizations.
G. Internal Placement
1. Promotion
A promotion is the movement of an employee to a higher pay band in
the same career path or to another career path, wherein the pay band in
the new career path has a higher maximum base pay than the pay band
from which the employee is moving. Positions with known promotion
potential to a specific pay band within a career path will be
identified when they are filled. Movement from one career path to
another will depend upon individual competencies, qualifications, and
the needs of the organization. Salary progression within a pay band is
not considered a promotion and not subject to the provisions of this
section. Except as specified below, promotions will be processed under
competitive procedures in accordance with Merit System Principles and
requirements of the local merit promotion plan.
To be promoted competitively or non-competitively from one pay band
to the next, an employee must meet the minimum qualifications for the
job and may not have a Level 1 rating of record. If an employee does
not have a current performance rating, the employee will be treated the
same as an employee with a Level 2 rating of record as long as there is
no documented evidence of unacceptable performance.
2. Reassignment
A reassignment is the movement of an employee from one position to
a different position within the same career path and pay band or to
another career path and pay band wherein the pay band in the new career
path has the same maximum base pay. The employee must meet the
qualification requirements for the career path and pay band.
3. Placement in a Lower Pay Band or Grade
An employee may be placed in a lower pay band within the same
career path or placement into a pay band in a different career path
with a lower maximum base pay. This change may be voluntary based on a
request from the employee or involuntary, for cause (performance or
conduct) or for reasons other than cause (e.g., erosion of duties,
reclassification of duties to a lower pay band, placement actions
resulting from RIF procedures). Involuntary actions will be executed
using the applicable adverse action procedures in 5 U.S.C. chapter 43
or chapter 75.
4. Simplified Assignment Process
Today's environment of remote work and fluctuating budgets,
workforce and workload require that the organization have maximum
flexibility to assign duties and responsibilities to individuals. Pay
banding can be used to address this need, as it enables the
organization to have maximum flexibility to assign an employee with no
change in base pay, within broad descriptions, consistent with the
needs of the organization and the individual's qualifications, and
level. Subsequent assignments to projects, tasks, or functions anywhere
within the organization requiring the same level, area of expertise,
and qualifications would not constitute an assignment outside the scope
or coverage of the current position description. For instance, a
Research Psychologist could be assigned to any project, task, or
function requiring similar expertise. Likewise, a manager/supervisor
could be assigned to manage any similar function or organization
consistent with that individual's qualifications. This flexibility
allows broader latitude in assignments and further streamlines the
administrative process and system. Execution of such actions may
require fulfilling labor obligations, where applicable.
5. Details and Expanded Temporary Promotions
Employees may be detailed to a position at the same or similar
level (position in a pay band with the same maximum salary).
Additionally, employees may be temporarily promoted to a position in a
pay band with a higher maximum salary. Details and temporary promotions
may be competitive or non-competitive under the AFC STRL Mod Demo and
may last up to one year, with the option to extend an additional year.
Employees selected non-competitively for details and temporary
promotions may only serve in those assignments for a total of two years
out of every thirty months. An employee may be detailed to a position
without a change in pay or may be provided a base pay increase when the
detail significantly increases the complexity of the duties, level of
responsibility, or authority, or for other compelling reasons. Such an
increase is subject to the specific guidelines established by AFC STRL
organizations as published in their IOP's. Details and temporary
promotions may be determined by a competitive or a non-competitive
6. Exceptions to Competitive Procedures for Assignment to a Position
The following actions are excepted from competitive procedures:
a. Re-promotion to a position which is in the same pay band or GS
equivalent and career path as the employee previously held on a
permanent basis within the competitive service.
b. Promotion, reassignment, change to lower pay band, transfer, or
reinstatement to a position having promotion potential no greater than
the potential of a position an employee currently holds or previously
held on a permanent basis in the competitive service.
c. A position change permitted by RIF procedures.
d. Promotion without current competition when the employee was
[[Page 13571]]
appointed through competitive procedures to a position with a
documented career ladder.
e. A temporary promotion, or detail to a position in a higher pay
band, of two years or less.
f. A promotion due to the reclassification of positions based on
accretion (addition) of duties.
g. A promotion resulting from the correction of an initial
classification error or the issuance of a new classification standard.
h. Consideration of a candidate who did not receive proper
consideration in a competitive promotion action.
H. Pay Setting
1. General
Pay administration policies will be established by the AFC STRL
organizations. These policies will be exempt from Army Regulations or
local pay fixing policies. Employees whose performance is acceptable
will receive the full annual GPI and the full locality pay. AFC STRL
organizations shall have delegated authority to make full use of
recruitment, retention, and relocation payments as currently provided
for by OPM.
2. Pay and Compensation Ceilings
A demonstration project employee's total monetary compensation paid
in a calendar year may not exceed the base pay of Level I of the
Executive Schedule consistent with 5 U.S.C. 5307 and 5 CFR part 530
subpart B, except employees placed in an SSTM position. In addition,
each pay band will have its own pay ceiling, just as grades do in the
GS system. Base pay rates for the various pay bands will be directly
tied to the GS rates, except as noted for S&E Level V (SSTMs). Other
than where a retained rate applies, base pay will be limited to the
maximum base pay payable for each pay band.
The minimum basic pay for SSTM positions is 115 percent of the
minimum rate of basic pay for GS-15. Maximum SSTM basic pay with
locality pay is limited to Executive Level III (EX-III), and maximum
salary without locality pay may not exceed EX-IV. SSTMs are eligible
for pay retention as described in 79 FR 43727.
3. Pay Setting for Appointment
For initial appointments to Federal service, the individual's pay
may be set at the lowest base pay in the pay band or anywhere within
the pay band consistent with the special qualifications of the
individual, specific organizational requirements, the unique
requirements of the position, or other compelling reasons. These
special qualifications may be in the form of education, training,
experience, or any combination thereof that is pertinent to the
position in which the employee is being placed. Guidance on pay setting
for new hires will be documented in IOPs.
4. Pay Setting for Promotion
The minimum base pay increase upon promotion will be six percent or
the minimum base pay rate of the new pay band, whichever is greater.
The maximum amount of a pay increase for a promotion may be up to the
top of the pay band consistent with the special qualifications of the
individual, specific organizational requirements, the unique
requirements of the position, or other compelling reason. Additional
criteria will be specified in the IOPs. For employees assigned to
occupational categories and geographic areas covered by special rates,
the minimum base pay is the minimum rate in the pay band or the
corresponding special rate or locality rate, whichever is greater. For
employees covered by a staffing supplement as described in Paragraph
III.G.9 below, the demonstration staffing supplement adjusted pay is
considered base pay for promotion calculations.
When a temporary promotion is terminated, the employee's pay
entitlements will be re-determined based on the employee's position of
record, with appropriate adjustments to reflect pay events during the
temporary promotion, subject to the specific policies and rules
established in Mod Demo IOPs. In no case may those adjustments increase
the base pay for the position of record beyond the applicable pay range
maximum base pay rate.
5. Pay Setting for Reassignment
A reassignment may be made without a change in the employee's base
pay. However, up to ten percent base pay increase may be granted where
a reassignment significantly increases the complexity, responsibility,
authority, or for other compelling reasons subject to the specific
guidelines established in Mod Demo IOPs. In no case may those
adjustments increase the base pay for the position of record beyond the
applicable pay range maximum base pay rate.
6. Pay Setting for Change to Lower Pay Band
Employees subject to an involuntarily change to lower pay band for
cause (performance or conduct) or voluntary change to lower pay band
(request or selection to new position) are not entitled to pay
retention and may receive a decrease in base pay. Employees subject to
an involuntary change to a lower pay band for reasons other than cause
(e.g., erosion of duties, reclassification of duties to a lower pay
band, or placement actions resulting from RIF procedures) may be
entitled to pay retention in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C.
5363, 5 CFR part 536, and DoDI 1400.25 Vol 536, except as waived or
modified in section IX of this plan.
7. Supervisory and Team Leader Pay Adjustments
Supervisory and team leader pay adjustments may be approved based
on the rules established in Mod Demo IOPs, to compensate employees with
supervisory or team leader responsibilities. Supervisory and team
leader pay adjustments are a tool that may be implemented at the
discretion of the AFC STRL organization and are not to be considered an
employee entitlement due solely to his/her position as a supervisor or
team leader. Only employees in supervisory or team leader positions as
defined by the OPM GS Supervisory Guide or GS Leader Grade Evaluation
Guide may be considered for the pay adjustment. Pay adjustments are
increases to base pay, ranging up to 10 percent of that pay rate for
supervisors and for team leaders, and are subject to the constraint
that the adjustment may not cause the employee's base pay to exceed the
maximum of the pay band. Pay adjustments are funded separately from
performance pay pools.
A supervisory/team leader pay adjustment may be considered under
the following conditions:
a. A career employee selected for a supervisory/team leader
position may be considered for a base pay adjustment. If a supervisor/
team leader is already receiving a base pay adjustment and is
subsequently selected for another supervisor/team leader position, then
the base pay adjustment will be re-determined.
b. The supervisory/team leader pay adjustment will be reviewed
annually, or more often as needed, and may be increased or decreased by
a portion or by the entire amount of the supervisory/team leader pay
adjustment based upon the employee's performance appraisal score. If
the entire portion of the supervisory/team leader pay adjustment is to
be decreased, the initial dollar amount of the supervisory/team leader
pay adjustment will be removed. A decrease to the supervisory/team
leader pay adjustment as a result of the annual review or when an
employee voluntarily
[[Page 13572]]
leaves a position is not an adverse action and is not subject to
All personnel actions involving a supervisory/team leader pay
adjustment will require a statement signed by the employee
acknowledging that the pay adjustment may be terminated or reduced at
the discretion of the organization or will cease when an employee
leaves a supervisory position. The cancellation of the adjustment is
not an adverse action and is not appealable.
8. Supervisory/Team Leader Pay Differentials
Supervisory and team leader pay differentials may be used to
provide an incentive and reward supervisors and team leaders.
Supervisory and team leader pay differentials are a tool that may be
implemented at the discretion of the AFC STRL organization and are not
entitlements due to employees based on their position. A pay
differential is a cash incentive that may range up to 10 percent of
base pay for supervisors and for team leaders. It is paid on a pay
period basis with a specified not-to-exceed (NTE) of one year or less
and is not included as part of the base pay. Criteria to be considered
in determining the amount of the pay differential will be identified in
the AFC organization IOP. Pay differentials are not funded from
performance pay pools.
For SSTM personnel, this incentive may range up to five percent of
base pay (excluding locality pay). The SSTM supervisory pay
differential is paid on a pay period basis with a specified not-to-
exceed date up to one year and may be renewed as appropriate.
The supervisory pay differential may be considered, either during
conversion into or after initiation of the AFC STRL Mod Demo. The
differential must be terminated if the employee is removed from a
supervisory position, regardless of cause, or no longer meets
established eligibility criteria.
All personnel actions involving a supervisory/team leader
differential will require a statement signed by the employee
acknowledging that the differential may be terminated or reduced at the
discretion of the organization. The termination or reduction of the
supervisory differential is not considered an adverse action under 5
U.S.C. chapter 75 and is not subject to appeal with the Merit Systems
Protection Board.
9. Staffing Supplements
Employees assigned to occupational categories and geographic areas
covered by special rates will be entitled to a staffing supplement if
the maximum adjusted rate for the banded GS grades to which assigned is
a special rate that exceeds the maximum GS locality rate for the banded
grades. The staffing supplement is added to the base pay, much like
locality rates are added to base pay. For employees being converted
into the demonstration project, total pay immediately after conversion
will be the same as immediately before, but a portion of the total pay
will be in the form of a staffing supplement. Adverse action and pay
retention provisions will not apply to the conversion process, as there
will be no change in total salary. Specific provisions will be
described in Mod Demo IOPs.
10. Grade and Pay Retention
Grade retention provisions under 5 U.S.C. 5362 and 5 CFR part 536
will not be applicable to the AFC STRL Mod Demo. For purposes of
actions within the AFC STRL Mod Demo that provide entitlement to pay
retention, the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 5363 and 5 CFR part 536 apply,
except as waived or modified in section IX of this FRN. Wherever the
term ``grade'' is used in the law or regulation, the term ``pay band''
will be substituted. The AFC STRL Mod Demo organizations may grant pay
retention to employees who meet general eligibility requirements, but
do not have specific entitlement by law, provided they are not
specifically excluded.
11. Distinguished Contribution Allowance (DCA) the Distinguished
Allowance may be used by AFC STRL organizations to provide an
increased capability to recognize and incentivize employees who are:
(a) Consistently extremely high-level performers, and
(b) Paid at the top of their pay band level.
Eligibility for DCA is open to employees in all career paths. A
DCA, when added to an employee's pay (including locality pay and any
supervisory differential), may not exceed the rate of basic pay for
Executive Level I. DCA is paid on either a bi-weekly basis or as a lump
sum following completion of a designated performance period, or
combination of these. DCA is not an entitlement and is used at the
discretion of AFC STRL organization to reward and retain high
performing employees. DCA is not base pay for any purpose, such as
retirement, life insurance, severance pay, promotion, or any other
payment or benefit calculated as a percentage of base pay. Employees
may receive a DCA for up to five years but not more than 10 cumulative
years over an employee's entire career. The DCA will be reviewed on an
annual basis for continuation or termination. Further details will be
published in Mod Demo IOPs.
12. Accelerated Compensation for Developmental Positions (ACDP)
The AFC STRL Mod Demo organizations may authorize an increase to
basic pay for employees participating in training programs,
internships, or other development capacities. This may include
employees in positions that cross bands within a career path (formally
known as career ladder positions) or developmental positions within a
band. ACDP will be used to recognize development of job-related
competencies as evidenced by successful performance within AFC STRL Mod
Demo. Additional guidance will be published in an IOP.
13. Supplemental Pay
AFC STRL organizations may establish supplemental pay rates to be
paid bi-weekly, as other pay, for those positions which warrant higher
compensation than that provided by the established pay band salary
ranges, STRL staffing supplements or differentials, or other
recruitment or retention authorities. AFC STRL organizations may
establish supplemental pay rates by occupational series, specialty,
competency, pay band level, and/or geographical area. In establishing
such rates, AFC STRL organizations may consider: Rates of pay offered
by non-Federal or other alternative pay system employers that are
considerably higher than rates payable by the AFC STRL organization;
the remoteness of the area or location involved; the undesirability of
the working conditions or nature of the work involved; evidence that
the position is of such a specialized nature that very few candidates
exist; numbers of employees who have voluntarily left positions;
evidence to support a conclusion that recruitment or retention problems
likely will develop (if such problems do not already exist) or will
worsen; consideration of use of other pay flexibilities as well as the
use of non-pay solutions; or any other circumstances the AFC STRL
organization considers appropriate. Documentation of the determination
will be maintained by the AFC STRL organization.
This supplemental pay is in addition to any other pay, such as
locality-based comparability payments authorized under 5 U.S.C. 5304
and may result in compensation above Level IV of the
[[Page 13573]]
Executive Schedule but may not exceed Level I of the Executive
The AFC STRL organizations have an ongoing responsibility to
evaluate the need for continuing payment of the supplemental pay and
shall terminate or reduce the amount if conditions warrant. Conditions
to be considered are: changes in labor-market factors; the need for the
services or skills of the employee has reduced to a level that makes it
unnecessary to continue payment at the current level; or budgetary
considerations make it difficult to continue payment at the current
level. The reduction or termination of the payment is not considered an
adverse action and may not be appealed or grieved. The applicant or
employee will sign a statement of understanding outlining that the
supplement may be reduced or terminated at any time based on conditions
as determined by the AFC STRL organization. The documentation of the
determination will be maintained by the AFC STRL organization.
14. Retention Counteroffers
The AFC STRL organizations may offer a retention counteroffer to
retain high performing employees in scientific, technical, or
administrative positions who present evidence of an alternative
employment opportunity (Federal or non-Federal organizations) with
higher compensation. Such employees may be provided increased base pay
(up to the ceiling of the pay band) and/or a one-time cash payment that
does not exceed 50 percent of one year of base pay. This flexibility
addresses the expected benefits described in paragraph II.C,
particularly ``increased retention of high-quality employees.''
Retention allowances, either in the form of a base pay increase and/or
a bonus, count toward the Executive Level I aggregate limitation on pay
consistent with 5 U.S.C. 5307, and 5 CFR part 530, subpart B. Further
details will be published in Mod Demo IOPs.
I. Employee Development
1. Training for Degrees
Degree training is an essential component of an organization that
requires continuous acquisition of advanced and specialized knowledge.
Degree training in the academic environment of laboratories is also a
critical tool for recruiting and retaining employees with critical
skills. Constraints under current law and regulation limit degree
payment to shortage occupations. In addition, current government-wide
regulations authorize payment for degrees based only on recruitment or
retention needs. Degree payment is currently not permitted for non-
shortage occupations involving critical skills.
AFC STRL organizations may expand the authority to provide degree
training for purposes of meeting critical skill requirements, to ensure
continuous acquisition of advanced and specialized knowledge essential
to the organization, or to recruit and retain personnel critical to the
present and future requirements of the organization. It is expected
that the degree payment authority will be used primarily for attainment
of advanced degrees. AFC STRL organizations will document guidelines
and rules for using this authority in Mod Demo IOPs.
2. Sabbaticals
AFC Mod STRL organizations may grant paid sabbaticals to career
employees to permit them to engage in study or uncompensated work
experience that will contribute to their development and effectiveness.
Each sabbatical should benefit AFC as well as increase the employee's
individual effectiveness. Examples are as follows: advanced academic
teaching, study, or research; self-directed (independent) or guided
study; and on-the-job work experience with a public, private, or
nonprofit organization. Each recipient of a sabbatical must sign a
continued service agreement and agree to serve a period equal to at
least three times the length of the sabbatical. AFC STRL organizations
will document guidelines and rules for using this authority in their
J. Voluntary Early Retirement (VERA) and Voluntary Separation Incentive
Pay (VSIP)
AFC STRL will use the authorities provided by 5 U.S.C. 9902(f) to
offer VERA and VSIP, as appropriate. The AFC CG may:
(1) Approve the use of voluntary early retirement and separation
pay incentives;
(2) Determine which categories of employees should be offered such
incentives; and
(3) Determine the amount of voluntary separation incentive
AFC STRL organization IOPs will contain procedures to validate and
document that payment of an incentive to an employee is fully warranted
and will judiciously ensure that eligibility factors specified in DoDI
1400.25, Volume 1702, ``DoD Civilian Personnel Management System:
Voluntary Separation Programs,'' other than those waived in this FRN,
are applied.
Before authorizing the use of VERA and VSIP incentives, the AFC CG
must determine that the use of such incentives is necessary to shape
the laboratory workforce to better fulfill mission requirements and
achieve the optimum workforce balance. If the laboratory workforce is
being downsized, incentives may be used to minimize the need for
involuntary separations under RIF procedures. In this downsizing
scenario, early retirement and/or separation incentive pay may be
offered to surplus employees who would otherwise be separated through
RIF or to non-surplus employees whose positions could then be used to
avert the involuntary RIF separation of surplus employees.
VERA and VSIP incentives may also be used to restructure the
laboratory workforce without reducing the number of assigned personnel.
In this restructuring scenario, incentives may be offered for the
purpose of creating vacancies that will be reshaped to align with
mission objectives. Restructuring incentives are helpful in situations
such as correcting an imbalance of skills or for delayering an
VERA and VSIP will be administered as described in this Notice.
Both authorities are authorized and may be used together or separately.
(1) Par. 2.a.(6)(b) is waived to the extent that AFC STRL
organizations may utilize the vacancy to correct a skills mismatch
without restructuring the position.
(2) Par. 2.a.(7) is waived to the extent that AFC STRL
organizations may offer VSIP in an amount set by the AFC CG annually,
without regard to the amount of severance pay employees would receive
under 5 U.S.C. 5595(c) if the employees were entitled to severance pay.
AFC STRL organizations will document their rationale for determining
payment amounts.
(3) Par. 2.b.(3)(d) is waived to the extent that a waiver is not
required for employees occupying positions defined as ``hard to fill.''
(4) Par. 2.c. is waived to the extent that AFC STRL organization
approval authorities may approve voluntary separation incentives for
Senior Scientific Technical Managers (SSTMs). The SSTM position need
not be abolished and may be restructured to meet mission requirements.
(5) Par. 2.g.(1) is waived to the extent that the AFC STRL
organizations may pay up to an amount approved by the AFC CG for VSIP
from appropriations or accounts available for such purposes to avoid an
involuntary separation or to affect a restructuring action.
[[Page 13574]]
AFC STRL organizations will establish implementing guidance and
procedures in their IOPs.
IV. Conversion
A. Conversion Into the Demonstration Project
Organizational conversion to the AFC STRL Mod Demo occurs when a
new organization or a group of employees convert into the demonstration
project. Conversion from current GS grade or other pay banding system
into AFC STRL Mod Demo will be accomplished during implementation of
the demonstration project. Initial entry into the demonstration project
will be accomplished through a full employee-protection approach that
ensures each employee an initial place in the appropriate career path
and pay band without loss of pay or earning potential.
Employees are converted into a career path (i.e., DB, DE, DK) based
upon their occupational series and in a pay band that includes their
current grade/band. The GS-14 grade occurs in two pay bands of the S&E
and B&T career paths, which are pay band III and pay band IV. The
conversion of GS-14 employees will be in Pay Band IV during initial
conversion into AFC STRL Mod Demo. After initial conversion, former GS-
14 employees will be assigned based on classification requirements.
Additional guidance will be included in AFC STRL Mod Demo IOPs, and
conversion operations will be overseen by the PMB.
Under the GS pay structure, employees progress through their
assigned grade in step increments. Since this system is being replaced
under the demonstration project, employees will be awarded that portion
of the next higher step they have completed up until the effective date
of conversion.
Rules governing Within Grade Increases (WGIs) will continue in
effect until conversion. Adjustments to the employee's base salary for
WGI equity will be computed as of the effective date of conversion. WGI
equity will be acknowledged by increasing base pay by a prorated share
based upon the number of full weeks an employee has completed toward
the next higher step. Payment will equal the value of the employee's
next WGI multiplied by the proportion of the waiting period completed
(weeks completed in waiting period/weeks in the waiting period) at the
time of conversion. Employees at step 10, or receiving retained rates,
on the day of implementation will not be eligible for WGI equity
adjustments since they are already at or above the top of the step
scale. Employees serving on retained grade will receive WGI equity
adjustments provided they are not at step 10 or receiving a retained
Employees serving under temporary and term appointments will be
converted and may continue their temporary and term appointments up to
their established, current NTE date. Extensions of temporary
appointments after conversion may be extended based on original
appointment and Temporary and Term guidance identified in this FRN.
Employees on a PIP will remain in their current system until the
conclusion of the PIP and a decision is rendered.
Conversion rules will apply to employees who did not convert
initially or who are in positions that are involuntarily reassigned to
the AFC STRL Mod Demo. If conversion into the demonstration project is
accompanied by a geographic move, the employee's GS pay entitlements in
the new geographic area must be determined before performing the pay
The project will eliminate retained grade under 5 U.S.C. 5362 and 5
CFR part 536. At the time of conversion, an employee on grade retention
will be converted to the career path and broadband level based on the
assigned permanent position of record, not the retained grade, and if
eligible will be placed on pay retention. Pay retention will be
administered using the provisions at 5 U.S.C. 5363 and 5 CFR part 536,
except as modified in the Staffing Supplements section and waived in
Section IX of this plan.
Initial probationary period. Employees who have completed an
initial probationary period prior to conversion will not be required to
serve a new or extended initial probationary period. Employees who are
serving an initial probationary period upon conversion from GS will
serve the time remaining on their initial probationary period.
Supervisory probationary period. Employees who have completed a
supervisory probationary period prior to conversion will not be
required to serve a new or extended supervisory probationary period
while in their current position. Employees who are serving a
supervisory probationary period upon conversion will serve the time
remaining on their supervisory probationary period.
B. Conversion or Movement From a Project Position to a General Schedule
If a demonstration project employee is moving to a GS position not
under the demonstration project, or if the project ends and each
project employee must be converted back to the GS system, the following
procedures will be used to convert the employee's project career path
and pay band to a GS-equivalent grade and the employee's project rate
of pay to GS equivalent rate of pay.
The converted GS grade and GS rate of pay must be determined before
movement or conversion out of the demonstration project and any
accompanying geographic movement, promotion, or other simultaneous
action. For conversions upon termination of the project and for lateral
reassignments, the converted GS grade and rate will become the
employee's actual GS grade and rate after leaving the demonstration
project (before any other action). For employee movement from within
DoD (transfers), promotions, and other actions, the converted GS grade
and rate will be used in applying any GS pay administration rules
applicable in connection with the employee's movement out of the
project (e.g., promotion rules, highest previous rate rules, pay
retention rules), as if the GS converted grade and rate were in effect
immediately before the employee left the demonstration project.
1. Grade Setting Provisions
An employee in a pay band corresponding to a single GS grade is
converted to that grade. An employee in a pay band corresponding to two
or more grades is converted to one of those grades according to the
following rules:
a. The employee's adjusted rate of basic pay under the
demonstration project (including any locality payment or staffing
supplement) is compared with step four rates on the highest applicable
GS rate range. (For this purpose, a ``GS rate range'' includes a rate
in (1) the GS base schedule, (2) the locality rate schedule for the
locality pay area in which the position is located, or (3) the
appropriate special rate schedule for the employee's occupational
series, as applicable.) If the series is a two-grade interval series,
odd-numbered grades are considered below GS-11.
b. If the employee's adjusted project rate equals or exceeds the
applicable step four rate of the highest GS grade in the band, the
employee is converted to that grade.
c. If the employee's adjusted project rate is lower than the
applicable step four rate of the highest grade, the adjusted rate is
compared with the step four rate of the second highest grade in the
employee's pay band. If the employee's adjusted rate equals or exceeds
step four rate of the second
[[Page 13575]]
highest grade, the employee is converted to that grade.
d. This process is repeated for each successively lower grade in
the pay band until a grade is found in which the employee's adjusted
project rate equals or exceeds the applicable step four rate of the
grade. The employee is then converted at that grade. If the employee's
adjusted rate is below the step four rate of the lowest grade in the
pay band, the employee is converted to the lowest grade.
e. Exception: An employee will not be converted to a lower grade
than the grade held by the employee immediately preceding a conversion,
lateral reassignment, or transfer from within DoD into the project,
unless since that time the employee has undergone a reduction in pay
band or accepted a lower pay band position.
If an employee is retaining a rate under the demonstration project,
the employee's GS-equivalent grade is the highest grade encompassed in
his or her pay band.
2. Equivalent Increase Determinations
Service under the AFC STRL Mod Demo is creditable for WGI purposes
upon conversion back to the GS pay system. Performance pay increases
(including a zero increase) under the demonstration project are
equivalent increases for the purpose of determining the commencement of
a WGI waiting period under 5 CFR 531.405(b).
3. Termination of Coverage Under the Demonstration Project Pay Plans
In the event employees' coverage under the AFC STRL Mod Demo pay
plan is terminated, employees move with their position to another
system applicable to AFC STRL employees. The grade of their
demonstration project position in the new system will be based upon the
position classification criteria of the gaining system. Employees may
be eligible for pay retention under 5 CFR part 536 when converted to
their positions classified under the new system, if applicable.
All personnel laws, regulations, and guidelines not waived by this
plan will remain in effect. Basic employee rights will be safeguarded,
and Merit System Principles will be maintained.
S&E Level V Employees
S&E Pay Band V Employees: An employee in Level V of the S&E
occupational family will convert out of the demonstration project at
the GS-15 level. Procedures will be documented in IOPs to ensure that
employees entering Level V understand that if they leave the
demonstration project and their adjusted base pay under the
demonstration project exceeds the highest applicable GS-15, step 10
rate, there is no entitlement to retained pay. However, consistent with
79 FR 43722, July 28, 2014, pay retention may be provided, under
criteria established by Mod Demo IOPs, to SSTM members who are impacted
by a reduction in force, work realignment, or other planned management
action that would necessitate moving the incumbent to a position in a
lower pay band level within the STRL. Pay retention may also be
provided under such criteria when an SES or ST employee is placed in a
SSTM position as a result of reduction in force or other management
action. SSTM positions not entitled to pay retention above the GS-15,
step 10 rate will be deemed to be the rate for GS-15, step 10. For
those Level V employees paid below the adjusted GS-15, step 10 rate,
the converted rates will be set in accordance with the grade setting
V. Implementation Training
Critical to the success of the demonstration project is the
training developed to promote understanding of the broad concepts and
finer details needed to implement and successfully execute Mod Demo.
Training will be tailored to address employee concerns and to encourage
comprehensive understanding of the demonstration project. Training will
be required both prior to implementation and at various times during
the life of the demonstration project.
A training program will begin prior to implementation and will
include modules tailored for employees, supervisors, and administrative
staff. Typical modules are:
(1) An overview of the demonstration project personnel system,
(2) How employees are converted into and out of the system,
(3) Career paths and pay banding,
(4) The PFP system,
(5) Defining performance objectives,
(6) How to assign weights to performance elements,
(7) Assessing performance and giving feedback,
(8) New position descriptions,
(9) Demonstration project administration and formal evaluation.
Various types of training are being considered, including videos,
video-teleconference tutorials, and train-the-trainer concepts. To the
extent possible, materials developed by other STRLs will be utilized
when appropriate to reduce implementation cost and to maintain
consistency in application of similar procedures across laboratories.
VI. Project Maintenance and Changes
Many aspects of a Demonstration Project are experimental. Minor
modifications to Mod Demo may be made from time to time as experience
is gained, results are analyzed, and conclusions are reached on how the
system is working. Flexibilities published in this FRN shall be
available for use by all STRLs, if they wish to adopt them.
VII. Evaluation Plan
A. Overview
Title 5 U.S.C. chapter 47 requires that an evaluation be performed
to measure the effectiveness of the demonstration project and its
impact on improving public management. A comprehensive evaluation plan
for the entire STRL demonstration program, originally covering 24 DoD
laboratories, was developed by a joint OPM/DoD Evaluation Committee in
1995. This plan was submitted to the then-Office of Defense Research &
Engineering and was subsequently approved. The main purpose of the
evaluation is to determine whether the waivers granted result in a more
effective personnel system and improvements in ultimate outcomes (i.e.,
organizational effectiveness, mission accomplishment, and customer
satisfaction). That plan, while useful, is dated and does not fully
afford the laboratories the ability to evaluate all aspects of the
demonstration project in a way that fully facilitates assessment and
effective modification based on actionable data. Therefore, in
conducting the evaluation, AFC will ensure USD(R&E) evaluation
requirements are met in addition to applying knowledge gained from
other DoD laboratories and their evaluations to ensure a timely, useful
evaluation of the demonstration project.
B. Evaluation Model
An evaluation model for the AFC STRL Mod Demo will identify
elements critical to an evaluation of the effectiveness of the
flexibilities. However, the main focus of the evaluation will be on
intermediate outcomes, i.e., the results of specific personnel system
changes which are expected to improve human resources management. The
ultimate outcomes are defined as improved organizational effectiveness,
mission accomplishment, and AFC customer satisfaction.
C. Method of Data Collection
Data from a variety of different sources will be used in the
evaluation. Information from existing management information systems
supplemented with
[[Page 13576]]
perceptual survey data from employees will be used to assess variables
related to effectiveness. Multiple methods provide more than one
perspective on how the AFC STRL Mod Demo is working. Information
gathered through one method will be used to validate information
gathered through another. Confidence in the findings will increase as
they are substantiated by the different collection methods. The
following types of qualitative and/or quantitative data may be
collected as part of the evaluation: (1) Workforce data; (2) personnel
office data; (3) employee attitudes and feedback using surveys,
structured interviews, and focus groups; (4) local activity histories;
and/or, (5) core measures of laboratory effectiveness.
VIII. Demonstration Project Costs
A. Cost Discipline
An objective of the demonstration project is to ensure in-house
cost discipline. A baseline will be established at the start of the
project and labor expenditures will be tracked yearly. Implementation
costs (including project development, automation costs, step buy-in
costs, and evaluation costs) are considered one-time costs and will not
be included in the cost discipline. The Personnel Management Board will
track personnel cost changes and recommend adjustments if required to
achieve the objective of cost discipline.
B. Developmental Costs
Costs associated with the development of the personnel
demonstration project include software automation, training, and
project evaluation. All funding will be provided through the
organization's budget. The projected annual expenses are summarized in
Figure 7. Project evaluation costs are not expected to continue beyond
the first five years unless the results warrant further evaluation.
Additional cost may be incurred as a part of the implementation and
operation of the project.
IX. Required Waivers to Laws and Regulations
The following waivers and adaptations of certain 5 U.S.C. and 5 CFR
provisions are required only to the extent that these statutory
provisions limit or are inconsistent with the actions contemplated
under this demonstration project. Nothing in this plan is intended to
preclude the demonstration project from adopting or incorporating any
law or regulation enacted, adopted, or amended after the effective date
of this demonstration project.
A. Waivers to Title 5, United States Code
Chapter 5, section 552a: Records. Waived to the extent required to
clarify that volunteers under the Voluntary Emeritus and Expert Program
are considered employees of the Federal government for purposes of this
Chapter 31, section 3104: Employment of Specially Qualified
Scientific and Professional Personnel. Waived to allow SSTM authority.
Chapter 31, section 3132: The Senior Executive Service: Definitions
and exclusions. Waived as necessary to allow for the Level V SSTM
authority of the S&E pay band.
Chapter 33, Subchapter I: Examination, Certification, and
Appointment. Waived except for sections 3302, 3321, and 3328 to the
extent necessary to allow direct hire authority for qualified
candidates whose positions involve 51 percent or more of time spent in
direct support of STRL activities, are identified by AFC STRL
organizations as hard to fill, have a history of high turnover, or
require unique, laboratory-related skillsets; and to the extent
necessary to allow employees appointed on flexible-length and
renewable-term appointments to apply for Federal positions as status
Chapter 33, section 3308: Competitive Service; Examinations;
Educational Requirements Prohibited; Exceptions. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow the qualification determination as described in 85
FR 78829 and this FRN.
Chapter 33, section 3317(a): Competitive Service; certification
from registers. Waived insofar as ``rule of three'' is eliminated under
the demonstration projects.
Chapter 33, section 3318(a): Competitive Service, selection from
certificate. Waived to the extent necessary to eliminate the
requirement for selection using the ``Rule of Three'' and other
limitations on recruitment list.
Chapter 33, section 3321: Competitive Service; Probationary Period.
This section is waived only to the extent necessary to replace
``grade'' with ``pay band'' and to allow for probationary periods of
three years.
Chapter 33, section 3324-3325: Appointments to Scientific and
Professional Positions. Waived in its entirety to fully allow for
positions above GS-15 and allow SSTMs.
Chapter 33, section 3341: Waived in its entirety, to extend the
time limits for details.
Chapter 35, section 3522: Agency VSIP Plans; Approval. Waived to
remove the requirement to submit a plan to OPM prior to obligating any
resources for voluntary separation incentive payments.
Chapter 35, section 3523(b)(3): Related to voluntary separation
incentive payments. Waived to the extent necessary to utilize the
authorities authorized in this FRN.
Chapter 41, section 4107(a)(1), (2), (b)(1), and (3): Pay for
Degrees. Waived to the extent required to allow AFC to pay for all
courses related to a degree program approved by the AFC STRL
Chapter 41, section 4108(a)-(c): Employee agreements; service after
training. Waived to the extent necessary to require the employee to
continue in the service of AFC for the period of the required service
and to the extent necessary to permit the AFC STRL to waive in whole or
in part a right of recovery.
[[Page 13577]]
Chapter 43, section 4301-4305: Related to performance appraisal.
These sections are waived to the extent necessary to allow provisions
of the performance management system as described in this FRN.
Chapter 51, section 5101-5112: Classification. Waived as necessary
to allow for the demonstration project pay banding system.
Chapter 53, section 5301-5307: Related to Pay Comparability System,
Special Pay Authority, and General Schedule Pay Rates. Waived to the
extent necessary to allow demonstration project employees, including
SSTM employees, to be treated as GS employees, and to allow base rates
of pay under the demonstration project to be treated as scheduled rates
of pay. SSTM pay will not exceed EX-IV and locality adjusted SSTM rates
will not exceed E-III. Waived in its entirety to allow for staffing
Chapter 53, section 5331-5336: General Schedule Pay Rates. Waived
in its entirety to allow for the demonstration project's pay banding
system and pay provisions.
Chapter 53, section 5361-5366: Grade and pay retention. Waived to
the extent necessary to allow pay retention provisions described in
this FRN and to allow SSTMs to receive pay retention as described in 79
FR 43722.
Chapter 53, section 5379(a)(1)(A) and (b)(2): Student Loan
Repayment. Waived to the extent necessary to define agency as STRL and
to allow provisions of the student loan repayment authority as
described in this FRN.
Chapter 55, section 5545(d): Hazardous duty differential. Waived to
the extent necessary to allow demonstration project employees to be
treated as GS employees. This waiver does not apply to employees in
Level V of the S&E pay band.
Chapter 57, section 5753-5755: Recruitment and relocation, bonuses,
retention allowances, and supervisory differentials. Waived to the
extent necessary to allow: (a) employees and positions under the
demonstration project to be treated as employees and positions under
the GS, (b) employees in Level V of the S&E pay band to be treated as
ST and/or GS employees as appropriate, (c) previsions of the retention
counteroffer and incentives as described in this FRN, and (d) to allow
SSTMs to receive supervisory pay differentials as described in 79 FR
Chapter 75, section 7501(1), 7511(a)(1)(A)(ii), and
7511(a)(1)(C)(ii): Adverse actions--definitions. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow for up to a three-year probationary period and to
permit termination during the extended probationary period without
using adverse action procedures for those employees serving a
probationary period under an initial appointment except for those with
veterans' preference. Waived to the extent necessary to allow for two-
year supervisory probationary periods and to permit re-assignment of
supervisors during the probationary period without adverse action
procedures for those employees serving in a supervisory probationary
Chapter 75, section 7512(3): Adverse actions. Waived to the extent
necessary to replace ``grade'' with ``pay band.''
Chapter 75, section 7512(4): Adverse actions. Waived to the extent
necessary to provide that adverse action provisions do not apply to (1)
reductions in pay due to the removal of a supervisory or team leader
pay adjustment/differential upon voluntary movement to a non-
supervisory or non-team leader position or (2) decreases in the amount
of a supervisory or team leader pay adjustment/differential during the
annual review process.
Chapter 99, section 9902(f): Related to Voluntary Separation
Incentive Payments. Waived to the extent necessary to utilize the
authorities in this FRN.
B. Waivers to Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations
Part 212, section 212.301: Competitive Status Defined. Waived to
the extent necessary to allow individuals on flexible-length and
renewable term appointments to be considered status candidates as
defined in this FRN.
Part 300-330: Employment (General). Other than Subpart G of 300.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow provisions of the direct hire
authorities as described in 79 FR 43722, 82 FR 29280, and 85 FR 78829;
direct hire authority for qualified candidates whose positions involve
51 percent or more of time spent in direct support of STRL activities,
are identified by the STRLs as hard to fill, have a history of high
turnover, or require unique, laboratory-related skillsets.
Part 300, section 300.601-300.605: Time-in-Grade Restrictions.
Waived to eliminate time-in-grade restrictions in the demonstration
Part 315, section 315.201(b): Waived to the extent necessary to
allow Flexible Length and Renewable Term Technical Appointments to be
considered non-temporary employment for the purposes of determining
creditable service toward career tenure.
Part 315, section 315.801(a), 315.801(b)(1), (c), and (e), and
315.802(a) and (b): Probationary period and length of probationary
period. Waived to the extent necessary to (1) allow for up to a three-
year probationary period and to permit termination during the extended
probationary period without using adverse action procedures for those
employees serving a probationary period under an initial appointment
except for those with veterans' preference and (2) to the extent
necessary to allow for supervisory probationary periods to permit
reassignment during the supervisory probationary period without using
adverse action procedures for employees serving a probationary period.
Part 315, section 315.803(b): Agency Action during probationary
period (general). Waived to allow for termination during an extended
probationary period without using adverse action procedures under
subpart D of part 752, 5 U.S.C.
Part 315, section 315.804: Termination of probationers for
unsatisfactory performance or conduct. Waived to the extent necessary
to reduce a supervisor who fails to successfully complete a supervisory
probationary period to a lower grade/pay band.
Part 315, section 315.805: Termination of Probationers for
Conditions Arising before Appointment. Waived to the extent necessary
to permit termination during the extended probationary period without
using adverse procedures.
Part 315, section 315.901-315.909: Statutory requirement. Waived to
the extent necessary to
(1) Replace ``grade'' with ``pay band;''
(2) Establish a two-year supervisory probationary period; and
(3) Allow the movement of a newly hired supervisor who fails to
meet requirements to a lower grade/pay band.
Part 316, section 316.301, 316.303, and 316.304: Term employment.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow modified term appointments and
FLRTTA as described in this FRN. Waived to the extent necessary to
allow Flexible Length and Renewable Term Technical Appointments to
count toward competitive status. Waived to allow a two-year trial
period under the Flexible Length and Renewable Term Technical
Part 330, section 330.103-330.105: Requirement for Vacancy
Announcements. Waived to the extent necessary to allow an STRL to
determine information to be published in a USAJobs flyer.
[[Page 13578]]
Part 332 and 335: Related to competitive examination and agency
promotion programs. Waived to the extent necessary to:
(1) Allow employees appointed on a Flexible Length and Renewable
Term Technical Appointment to apply for federal positions as status
(2) Allow no rating and ranking when there are 15 or fewer
qualified applicants and no preference eligible candidates;
(3) Allow the hiring and appointment authorities as described in
this FRN;
(4) Eliminate the ``rule of three'' requirement or other procedures
to limit recruitment lists; and
(5) To extend the length of details and temporary promotions
without requiring competitive procedures as described in 85 FR 78829
and this FRN.
Part 335, section 335.103: Agency Promotion Programs. Waived to the
extent necessary to extend the length of details and temporary
promotions without requiring competitive procedures or numerous short-
term renewals.
Part 337, section 337.101(a): Rating applicants. Waived to the
extent necessary to allow referral without rating when there are 15 or
fewer qualified candidates and no qualified preference eligible
Part 338, section 338.301: Competitive Service Appointment. Waived
to the extent necessary to allow demonstrated exceptional experience or
a combination of experience and education in lieu of meeting OPM
individual occupational qualification requirements for S&E positions as
described in 85 FR 78829 and this FRN.
Part 340, Subparts A-C: Other than full-time career employment.
These subparts are waived to the extent necessary to allow a Voluntary
Emeritus Corps and Voluntary Expert Program.
Part 351, Subparts B, D, E, F, and G: Waived to the extent
necessary to allow the provisions of RIF.
Part 359, section 359.705: Related to SES Pay. Waived to allow
demonstration project rules governing pay retention to apply to a
former SES or ST placed on an SSTM position or Level IV position.
Part 410, section 410.308(a-e): Training to obtain an academic
degree. Waived to the extent necessary to allow provisions described in
this FRN.
Part 410, section 410.309: Agreements to Continue in Service.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow the AFC STRL organizations to
determine requirements related to continued service agreements,
including employees under the Student Educational Employment Program
who have received tuition assistance.
Part 430, Subpart B: Performance appraisal for GS, prevailing rate,
and certain other employees. Waived to the extent necessary to be
consistent with the demonstration project's pay-for-performance system.
Part 432, section 432.102-432.106: Performance based reduction in
grade and removal actions. Waived to the extent necessary to allow
provisions described in the FRN.
Part 511: Classification under the general schedule. Waived to the
extent necessary to allow classification provisions outlined in this
FR, including the list of issues that are neither appealable nor
reviewable, the assignment of series under the project plan to
appropriate career paths; and to allow appeals to be decided by the AFC
EDCG. If the employee is not satisfied with the AFC EDCG's response to
the appeal, he/she may then appeal to the DoD appellate level.
Part 530, Subpart C: Special Rate Schedules for Recruitment and
Retention. Waived in its entirety to allow for staffing supplements, if
Part 531, Subparts B, D, and E: Determining the Rate of Basic Pay.
Waived to the extent necessary to allow for pay setting and pay-for-
performance under the provisions of the demonstration project. Within-
Grade Increases and Quality Step Increases. Waived in its entirety.
Part 531, Subpart F: Locality-based comparability payments. Waived
to the extent necessary to allow (1) demonstration project employees,
except employees in Level V of the S&E pay band, to be treated as GS
employees; and (2) base rates of pay under the demonstration project to
be treated as scheduled annual rates of pay.
Part 531, section 531.604: Determining an Employee's Locality Rate.
Waived to the extent required to allow for routine or permanent
telework employees to receive the higher of locality rates based on
either their official worksite as documented on the SF 50 or the
official duty site for AFC where the employee is employed from.
Part 536: Grade and pay retention. Waived to the extent necessary
(1) Replace ``grade'' with ``pay band;''
(2) Provide that pay retention provisions do not apply to
conversions from GS special rates to demonstration project pay, as long
as total pay is not reduced, and to reductions in pay due solely to the
removal of a supervisory pay adjustment upon voluntarily leaving a
supervisory position;
(3) Allow demonstration project employees to be treated as GS
(4) Provide that pay retention provisions do not apply to movements
to a lower pay band as a result of not receiving the general increase
due to an annual performance rating of record of ``Level 1;''
(5) Provide that an employee on pay retention whose rating of
record is ``Level 1'' is not entitled to 50 percent of the amount of
the increase in the maximum rate of base pay payable for the pay band
of the employee's position;
(6) Ensure that for employees of Pay Band V in the S&E career path,
pay retention provisions are modified so that no rate established under
these provisions may exceed the rate of base pay for GS-15, step 10
(i.e., there is no entitlement to retained rate); and
(7) Provide that pay retention does not apply to reduction in base
pay due solely to the reallocation of demonstration project pay rates
in the implementation of a staffing supplement. This waiver applies to
ST employees only if they move to a GS-equivalent position within the
demonstration project under conditions that trigger entitlement to pay
Part 536, section 536.306(a): Limitation on retained rates. Waived
to the extent necessary to allow SSTMs to receive pay retention as
described in 79 FR 43727.
Part 537: Repayment of Student Loans. Waived to the extent
necessary to define agency as STRL and to allow provisions of the
student loan repayment authority.
Part 550, section 550.902: Definitions. Waived to the extent
necessary to allow demonstration project employees to be treated as GS
employees. This waiver does not apply to employees in Level V of the
S&E pay band.
Part 575, Subparts A-D: Recruitment incentives, relocation
incentives, retention incentives, and supervisory differentials. Waived
to the extent necessary to allow
(1) Employees and positions under the demonstration project covered
by pay banding to be treated as employees and positions under the GS
(2) SSTMs to receive supervisory pay differentials as described in
73 FR 43727, and
(3) The Director to pay an offer up to 50 percent of basic pay of
either a base pay and/or a cash payment to retain quality employees;
and to the extent necessary to allow SSTMs to receive supervisory pay
differentials. Criteria for retention determination and preparing
written service agreements will be as prescribed in 5 U.S.C. 5754 and
as waived herein.
Part 591, Subpart B: Cost-of-Living Allowances and Post
[[Page 13579]]
Foreign Areas. Waived to the extent necessary to allow demonstration
project employees covered by broad banding to be treated as employees
under the GS.
Part 752, section 752.101, 752.201, 752.301, and 752.401: Principal
statutory requirements and coverage. Waived to the extent necessary to
(1) Allow for up to a three-year probationary period;
(2) Permit termination during the extended probationary period
without using adverse action procedures for those employees serving a
probationary period under an initial appointment except for those with
veterans' preference;
(3) Allow for supervisory probationary periods and to permit
reassignment during the supervisory probationary period without use of
adverse action procedures for those employees serving a probationary
period under a supervisory probationary period;
(4) Replace ``grade'' with ``pay band;'' and
(5) Provide that a reduction in pay band is not an adverse action
if it results from the employee's rate of base pay being exceeded by
the minimum rate of base pay for that pay band. Waived to the extent
necessary to provide that adverse action provisions do not apply to (1)
conversions from GS special rates to demonstration project pay, as long
as total pay is not reduced, and (2) reductions in pay due to the
removal of a supervisory or team leader pay adjustment/differential
upon voluntary movement to a non-supervisory or non-team leader
position or decreases in the amount of a supervisory or team leader pay
adjustment based on the annual review.
Part 1400, section 1400.202(a)(2): Waivers and Exceptions to Pre-
appointment Investigative Requirements.
(1) To the extent necessary, waive the pre-employment investigative
requirements thereby enabling STRLs to make a final job offer and
establish an EOD prior to a favorable eligibility determination at the
Top Secret/SCI level.
(2) For positions designated as Top Secret/Special-Sensitive and
Critical-Sensitive, apply the same waiver requirements for pre-
appointment investigations IAW 5 CFR 1400.202(a)(2)(ii) for Critical-
Sensitive positions with the following changes:
(a) An emergency or a national interest necessitating a pre-
employment investigation waiver would include an STRL's inability to
meet mission requirements.
(b) An agency or agency head would be defined as an STRL to allow
for the provisions regarding security eligibility as described in 85 FR
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Dated: February 16, 2024.
Aaron T. Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2024-03586 Filed 2-21-24; 8:45 am]