Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Investment Justification & NSGP Prioritization Tracker, 9167-9168 [2024-02626]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 28 / Friday, February 9, 2024 / Notices ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 services, overdose cases, and driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) cases. Information provided by HHScertified laboratories in 2023 indicated that a majority (84%) of the laboratories analyzed non-regulated workplace specimens for fentanyl and/or norfentanyl, and that all had the ability to analyze urine specimens for fentanyl with sufficiently sensitive detection limits using commercially available immunoassay kits and confirmatory test instrumentation commonly used in HHS-certified laboratories. Proposed addition to HHS Drug Testing Panels as listed below: Urine analyte Initial test cutoff Fentanyl ......... Norfentanyl .... 1 ng/mL .... ................... Oral fluid analyte Initial test cutoff Fentanyl ......... 1 ng/mL .... Confirmation cutoff 1.0 ng/mL. 1.0 ng/mL. Confirmation cutoff 1.0 ng/mL. The Department plans to remove MDA and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) from the drug testing panel, because the number of positive specimens reported by HHScertified laboratories does not support testing all specimens for MDA and MDMA in Federal workplace drug testing programs. Information provided to the Department through the NLCP in 2021 and 2022 shows the positivity rate for MDMA ranges from 0.001 to 0.003%, and a review of the results indicate that >25% of the positive specimens are likely agency blind samples. MDA has a lower positivity rate than MDMA and both have lower positivity rates than phencyclidine (PCP). SAMHSA also considered removing PCP but decided against this change. While PCP has an overall positivity rate nearly as low as MDMA, there are regional differences in positivity, with some areas of the country having much higher rates, so PCP remains a regulated test analyte. Because MDA and MDMA are Schedule I drugs, a Federal agency may test specimens for these analytes in accordance with Section 3.2 of the UrMG and OFMG (i.e., on a case-by-case basis for reasonable suspicion or postaccident testing, or routinely with a waiver from the Secretary). Meeting registration information can be completed at https://snacregister. Web conference and call information will be sent after completing registration. Meeting information and a roster of DTAB members may be obtained by accessing the SAMHSA Advisory Committees VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:36 Feb 08, 2024 Jkt 262001 website, about-us/advisory-councils/meetings, or by contacting the Designated Federal Officer, Lisa Davis. Committee Name: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Drug Testing Advisory Board. Dates/Time/Type: March 5, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. EST to 12:45 p.m. EST: OPEN. Place: Virtual. To Submit Comments: Requests to make public comment during the public comment period of the March DTAB meeting must be made in writing at least 7 days prior to the meeting to the following email: DFWP@ Contact: Lisa S. Davis, M.S, Social Science Analyst, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857, Telephone: (240) 276–1440, Email: Lisa.Davis@ Anastasia Flanagan, Public Health Advisor, Division of Workplace Programs. [FR Doc. 2024–02640 Filed 2–8–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4162–20–P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency [Docket ID: FEMA–2024–0006; OMB No. 1660–0110] Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request; Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Investment Justification & NSGP Prioritization Tracker Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security. ACTION: 60-Day notice of extension and request for comments. AGENCY: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public to take this opportunity to comment on an extension of a currently approved information collection. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice seeks comments concerning the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). The NSGP provides funding support for security-related enhancements to nonprofit SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 9167 organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack. Comments must be submitted on or before April 9, 2024. DATES: ADDRESSES: To avoid duplicate submissions to the docket, please submit comments at under Docket ID FEMA–2024–0006. Follow the instructions for submitting comments. All submissions received must include the agency name and Docket ID. Regardless of the method used for submitting comments or material, all submissions will be posted, without change, to the Federal eRulemaking Portal at, and will include any personal information you provide. Therefore, submitting this information makes it public. You may wish to read the Privacy Act notice that is available via the link in the footer of FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mark Silveira, Branch Chief, FEMA Grant Programs Directorate, Preparedness Grants Program, 202–786– 9598 You may contact the Information Management Division for copies of the proposed collection of information at email address: The collection of information for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program is mandated by sections 2003 and 2004 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 604), as amended by section 101, Title I of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (Pub. L. 110– 053). These sections mandate that applicants submit plans to describe the proposed division of responsibilities and distribution of funding among the local and tribal government in the highrisk urban area; mandate that applicants submit information in support of the application as the Administrator may reasonably require; mandate that applicants submit their application to each State for review before submission of such application to the Department; and delineate and describe the actions Governors must take if deeming that an application is inconsistent with their States’ Homeland Security Strategy. This program is designed to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives, State, and local government agencies. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: E:\FR\FM\09FEN1.SGM 09FEN1 9168 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 28 / Friday, February 9, 2024 / Notices Collection of Information Title: FEMA Preparedness Grants: Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). Type of Information Collection: Extension of a currently approved information collection. OMB Number: 1660–0110. FEMA Forms: FEMA Form FF–207– FY–21–115 (formally 089–25), NSGP Investment Justification; FEMA Form FF–207–FY–21–114 (formerly 089–24), NSGP Prioritization of Investments Tracker. Abstract: The Nonprofit Security Grant Program provides funding support for security related enhancements to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack. The program seeks to integrate the preparedness activities of nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack with broader state and local preparedness efforts. The NSGP Investment Justification summarizes the nonprofit organization’s mission, vulnerability assessment, and proposed project(s) details. The Prioritization of Investments Tracker is for State Administrative Agencies to use to prioritize which NSGP subapplicants/ projects are recommended for funding. Affected Public: State, Local or Tribal Governments; Not for Profits. Estimated Number of Respondents: 6,056. Estimated Number of Responses: 6,056. Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 24,840. Estimated Total Annual Respondent Cost: $807,221. Estimated Respondents’ Operation and Maintenance Costs: $0. Estimated Respondents’ Capital and Start-Up Costs: $0. Estimated Total Annual Cost to the Federal Government: $354,515. ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Comments Comments may be submitted as indicated in the ADDRESSES caption above. Comments are solicited to (a) evaluate whether the proposed data collection is necessary for the proper performance of the Agency, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) evaluate the accuracy of the Agency’s estimate of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) minimize the burden of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including through VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:20 Feb 08, 2024 Jkt 262001 the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses. Millicent Brown Wilson, Records Management Branch Chief, Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, Mission Support, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security. [FR Doc. 2024–02626 Filed 2–8–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 9111–78–P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency [Docket ID FEMA–2008–0010] Board of Visitors for the National Fire Academy Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security. ACTION: Notice of open Federal Advisory Committee meeting. AGENCY: The Board of Visitors for the National Fire Academy (Board) will meet virtually on Monday, April 22, 2024. The meeting will be open to the public. DATES: The meeting will take place on Monday, April 22, 2024, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). Please note that the meeting may close early if the Board has completed its business. SUMMARY: Members of the public who wish to participate in the virtual conference should contact Deborah Gartrell-Kemp as listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section by close of business on April 12, 2024, to obtain the call-in number and access code for the April 22, 2024, virtual meeting. For more information on services for individuals with disabilities or to request special assistance, contact Deborah Gartrell-Kemp as soon as possible. The Board is committed to ensuring all participants have equal access regardless of disability status. If you require a reasonable accommodation due to a disability to fully participate, please contact Deborah Gartrell-Kemp as listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section as soon as possible. To facilitate public participation, we are inviting public comment on the issues to be considered by the Board as listed in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section. Participants ADDRESSES: PO 00000 Frm 00056 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 seeking to have their comments considered during the meeting should submit them in advance or during the public comment segment. Comments submitted up to 30 days after the meeting will be included in the public record and may be considered at the next meeting. Comments submitted in advance must be identified by Docket ID FEMA–2008–0010 and may be submitted by one of the following methods: • Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the instructions for submitting comments. • Electronic Delivery: Email Deborah Gartrell-Kemp at no later than April 12, 2024, for consideration at the April 22, 2024 meeting. Instructions: All submissions received must include the words ‘‘Federal Emergency Management Agency’’ and the Docket ID for this action. Comments received will be posted without alteration at https://, including any personal information provided. You may wish to view the Privacy and Security Notice via a link on the homepage of https:// Docket: For access to the docket and to read background documents or comments received by the National Fire Academy Board of Visitors, go to, click on ‘‘Advanced Search,’’ then enter ‘‘FEMA–2008–0010’’ in the ‘‘By Docket ID’’ box, then select ‘‘FEMA’’ under ‘‘By Agency,’’ and then click ‘‘Search.’’ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Designated Federal Officer: Eriks Gabliks, telephone (301) 447–1308, email Logistical Information: Deborah Gartrell-Kemp, telephone (301) 447– 7230, email Deborah.Gartrell-Kemp@ The Board will meet virtually on Monday, April 22, 2024. The meeting will be open to the public. Notice of this meeting is given under the Federal Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C. ch. 10. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Purpose of the Board The purpose of the Board is to review annually the programs of the National Fire Academy (Academy) and advise the Administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), through the United States Fire Administrator, on the operation of the Academy and any improvements therein that the Board deems appropriate. In carrying out its responsibilities, the Board examines Academy programs to determine E:\FR\FM\09FEN1.SGM 09FEN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 28 (Friday, February 9, 2024)]
[Pages 9167-9168]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-02626]



Federal Emergency Management Agency

[Docket ID: FEMA-2024-0006; OMB No. 1660-0110]

Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; 
Comment Request; Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) Investment 
Justification & NSGP Prioritization Tracker

AGENCY: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland 

ACTION: 60-Day notice of extension and request for comments.


SUMMARY: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as part of its 
continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites 
the general public to take this opportunity to comment on an extension 
of a currently approved information collection. In accordance with the 
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this notice seeks comments concerning 
the Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP). The NSGP provides funding 
support for security-related enhancements to nonprofit organizations 
that are at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack.

DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before April 9, 2024.

    To avoid duplicate submissions to the docket, please submit 
comments at under Docket ID FEMA-2024-0006. Follow 
the instructions for submitting comments.
    All submissions received must include the agency name and Docket 
ID. Regardless of the method used for submitting comments or material, 
all submissions will be posted, without change, to the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal at, and will include any 
personal information you provide. Therefore, submitting this 
information makes it public. You may wish to read the Privacy Act 
notice that is available via the link in the footer of

Grant Programs Directorate, Preparedness Grants Program, 202-786-9598 
[email protected]. You may contact the Information Management 
Division for copies of the proposed collection of information at email 
address: [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The collection of information for the 
Nonprofit Security Grant Program is mandated by sections 2003 and 2004 
of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 604), as amended by 
section 101, Title I of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 
Commission Act of 2007 (Pub. L. 110-053). These sections mandate that 
applicants submit plans to describe the proposed division of 
responsibilities and distribution of funding among the local and tribal 
government in the high-risk urban area; mandate that applicants submit 
information in support of the application as the Administrator may 
reasonably require; mandate that applicants submit their application to 
each State for review before submission of such application to the 
Department; and delineate and describe the actions Governors must take 
if deeming that an application is inconsistent with their States' 
Homeland Security Strategy.
    This program is designed to promote coordination and collaboration 
in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community 
representatives, State, and local government agencies.

[[Page 9168]]

Collection of Information

    Title: FEMA Preparedness Grants: Nonprofit Security Grant Program 
    Type of Information Collection: Extension of a currently approved 
information collection.
    OMB Number: 1660-0110.
    FEMA Forms: FEMA Form FF-207-FY-21-115 (formally 089-25), NSGP 
Investment Justification; FEMA Form FF-207-FY-21-114 (formerly 089-24), 
NSGP Prioritization of Investments Tracker.
    Abstract: The Nonprofit Security Grant Program provides funding 
support for security related enhancements to nonprofit organizations 
that are at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist attack. The 
program seeks to integrate the preparedness activities of nonprofit 
organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist or other extremist 
attack with broader state and local preparedness efforts. The NSGP 
Investment Justification summarizes the nonprofit organization's 
mission, vulnerability assessment, and proposed project(s) details. The 
Prioritization of Investments Tracker is for State Administrative 
Agencies to use to prioritize which NSGP subapplicants/projects are 
recommended for funding.
    Affected Public: State, Local or Tribal Governments; Not for 
    Estimated Number of Respondents: 6,056.
    Estimated Number of Responses: 6,056.
    Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 24,840.
    Estimated Total Annual Respondent Cost: $807,221.
    Estimated Respondents' Operation and Maintenance Costs: $0.
    Estimated Respondents' Capital and Start-Up Costs: $0.
    Estimated Total Annual Cost to the Federal Government: $354,515.


    Comments may be submitted as indicated in the ADDRESSES caption 
above. Comments are solicited to (a) evaluate whether the proposed data 
collection is necessary for the proper performance of the Agency, 
including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) 
evaluate the accuracy of the Agency's estimate of the burden of the 
proposed collection of information, including the validity of the 
methodology and assumptions used; (c) enhance the quality, utility, and 
clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) minimize the burden 
of the collection of information on those who are to respond, including 
through the use of appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or 
other technological collection techniques or other forms of information 
technology, e.g., permitting electronic submission of responses.

Millicent Brown Wilson,
Records Management Branch Chief, Office of the Chief Administrative 
Officer, Mission Support, Federal Emergency Management Agency, 
Department of Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2024-02626 Filed 2-8-24; 8:45 am]

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