Notice of Award of a Sole Source Cooperative Agreement To Fund Kisumu County Government-Department of Health Services, Serviços Provincial de Saúde Gaza, Serviços Provincial de Saude Nampula, and Senegal Ministry of Health and Social Action (MHSA), 8430-8431 [2024-02504]
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2024 / Notices
Manager, 1301 A Street, Suite 610,
Tacoma, WA 98402
• Email: Submit your comments via
email to Include
‘‘Alcan DEIS’’ in the subject line of the
• Public Hearing: Verbal and written
comments will be accepted during the
hybrid public hearing on Tuesday,
March 12, 2024, starting at 6 p.m.
AKDT. The public hearing will begin
with a presentation including an
overview of the NEPA process and the
proposed project as well as the findings
of the DEIS. Following the presentation,
there will be a moderated session during
which members of the public
participating either virtually or in
person will be able to provide
comments verbally or in writing. A link
to register to attend the public meeting
virtually, via Zoom, is available at Members of the
public may attend the meeting in person
at Northway Community Center, Main
Hall, 183 Circle Drive, Northway, AK
Comments sent by any other method,
to any other address or individual, or
received after the end of the comment
period may not be considered by GSA.
All comments received are part of the
public record. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address, etc.),
confidential business information, or
otherwise sensitive information
submitted voluntarily by the sender will
be publicly accessible. GSA will accept
anonymous comments.
Aaron Evanson, Capital Project
Manager, (206) 445–5876, AlcanLPOE@
identified one action alternative that
meets the stated purpose and need of
the proposed project and thus has been
analyzed in detail in the DEIS. GSA also
analyzed a ‘‘No Action’’ alternative,
which evaluates the effects that would
occur if GSA continued to operate the
LPOE under current conditions (i.e., the
status quo).
Alternative 1 consists of expanding
and modernizing the existing Alcan
LPOE. Alternative 1 would include:
land acquisition; site preparation and
grading; construction of a new Main
LPOE Building, enclosed inspection
vehicle spaces, new housing units with
improved security measures, a firing
range, and a helipad; and demolition of
the existing LPOE structures. Land
acquisition under Alternative 1 would
expand the port to include up to 2.5
acres of land south of and across the
Alaska Highway from the existing
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All facility and infrastructure
improvements proposed under
Alternative 1 would incorporate a
sustainable, climate-resilient, cybersecure, and operationally efficient
design. GSA would seek to meet or
exceed energy and sustainability goals
established by federal guidelines and
policies, along with industry standard
building codes and best practices.
Based on CBP and GSA design
standards, the total enclosed building
area required for the modernized Alcan
LPOE and housing would be 129,145
square feet (sf) with an additional 3,820
sf of booths and canopies and 3,600 sf
of outdoor parking and hard surfaces.
Alternative 1 would provide dualpurpose inspection lanes to allow for
flexibility of inspection operations as
well as enclosed spaces for secondary
inspection of POVs and commercial
vehicles. A modernized Main LPOE
Building would also enhance the
holding and interview capabilities of the
Alcan LPOE to meet current CBP
security standards.
There would be approximately 15
acres of temporary ground disturbance
and 5 acres of permanent ground
disturbance under Alternative 1.
Approximately 5 acres would be used as
a staging area during construction.
There are currently 8 acres of
impermeable surfaces at the LPOE;
expansion and modernization would
add an estimated 4 additional acres of
impervious surfaces.
GSA and CBP are considering an
option under Alternative 1 to pursue
joint operation of the Alcan LPOE with
the Canada Border Services Agency
(CBSA). CBSA and CBP officers would
jointly operate the facility to conduct
inspections of U.S. commercial vehicles
and POVs entering Canada; however, no
housing would be provided for CBSA
officers at Alcan. This option would not
affect the design or CBP staffing of the
expanded and modernized Alcan LPOE,
nor contribute additional environmental
impacts under the action alternative,
and hence is not analyzed further in the
DEIS. GSA also evaluated a No Action
alternative, which assumes that
expansion or modernization of the
LPOE would not occur and that port
operations would continue under
current conditions. The No Action
alternative does not meet the stated
purpose and need of the proposed
Classification: The DEIS was prepared
in compliance with the NEPA, as
amended (42 United States Code
[U.S.C.] et seq.), which requires federal
agencies to examine the impacts of their
proposed projects or actions on the
human and natural environment and
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consider alternatives to the proposal
before deciding on taking an action. The
DEIS complies with the 2020 Council on
Environmental Quality (CEQ) NEPA
regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations [CFR] 1500–1508), as
modified by the Phase I 2022 revisions.
The effective date of the 2022 revisions
was May 20, 2022, and reviews that
began after this date are required to
apply the 2020 regulations as modified
by the Phase I revisions unless there is
a clear and fundamental conflict with an
applicable statute. The DEIS effort began
on January 10, 2023, and accordingly
proceeds under the 2020 regulations as
modified by the Phase I revisions. In
addition, the DEIS also complies with
the GSA Public Buildings Service NEPA
Desk Guide and other relevant federal
and state laws and regulations and
executive orders and integrates the
consultation processes required under
Section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act and Section 7 of the
Endangered Species Act with the NEPA
Anamarie Crawley,
Director, R10 Facilities Management Division
[FR Doc. 2024–02429 Filed 2–6–24; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
Notice of Award of a Sole Source
Cooperative Agreement To Fund
Kisumu County Government—
Department of Health Services,
Servic¸os Provincial de Sau´de Gaza,
Servic¸os Provincial de Saude
Nampula, and Senegal Ministry of
Health and Social Action (MHSA)
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), located
within the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), announces the
award(s) of approximately $500,000, for
Year 1 funding to Kisumu County
Government—Department of Health
Services, $8,000,000, for Year 1 funding
to Servic¸os Provincial de Sau´de Gaza,
$2,500,000, for Year 1 funding to
Servic¸os Provincial de Saude Nampula
and $800,000 for Year 1 funding to
MHSA. These awards will achieve and
sustain HIV/TB epidemic control
through sustainable high-quality
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 26 / Wednesday, February 7, 2024 / Notices
comprehensive HIV prevention and
treatment services, health service
delivery models, and health systems in
Kenya, Mozambique and West AfricaSenegal. Funding amounts for years 2–
5 will be set at continuation.
DATES: The period for these awards will
be September 30, 2024, through
September 29, 2029.
Appolonia Aoko, Center for Global
Health, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, U.S Embassy, United
Nations Avenue, P.O. Box 606, Village
Market, 00621, Nairobi, Telephone:
254–710–602–785, Email:;
Scott Salo, Center for Global Health,
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Avenida Marginal nr 5467
Sommerschield, Distrito Municipal de
KaMpfumo Caixa Postal 783 CEP 0101–
11 Maputo, Moc
¸ambiqu), Telephone:
404–553–7439, Email:;
Raimi Ewetola, Center for Global Health,
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, US Embassy, Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso. Sector 15, Ouaga 2000.
Rue 15.873, Telephone: 0022675696420,
source award(s) will achieve and sustain
HIV/TB epidemic control through
sustainable high-quality comprehensive
HIV prevention and treatment services,
health service delivery models, and
health systems in Kenya, Mozambique
and West Africa-Senegal.
Kisumu County GovernmentDepartment of Health Service is in a
unique position to conduct this work as
the 2010 Kenyan constitution prescribed
roles for the county governments,
whereby each county is responsible for
provision of health care services to its
residents. Accordingly, in this
devolution of health service delivery to
the county level, Kisumu County
Department of Health Service has the
sole mandate to manage the public
health response to HIV/AIDS in the
county. Another county government is
not allowed to implement services
within Kisumu County.
Servic¸os Provincial de Sau´de Gaza is
in a unique position to conduct this
work given that the Servic
¸os Provincial
de Sau´de in Mozambique are
government organizations established
by law and mandated to plan,
coordinate, and supervise all healthrelated activities at the tertiary and
secondary level, including HIV/AIDS
activities, within their provincial
jurisdiction. The Servic
¸os Provincial de
Sau´de is the Provincial Agency of the
State Apparatus, which according to the
principles, objectives, and tasks defined
by the Government of Mozambique
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
directs and ensures the execution of
health activities at the provincial level.
Servic¸os Provincial de Saude
Nampula is in a unique position to
conduct this work as it is the dedicated
government entity delegated by
Mozambican Government which
oversees the health portfolio including
HIV and TB services in the province of
Nampula. In Mozambique, the
governmental public health
infrastructure is organized into the
central or national entity (Ministry of
Health or the Provincial Health
Directorates) that implement activities
at the primary healthcare level, and the
Provincial Health Service (Servic¸os
Provincial de Saude), that lead all
health services within the province.
MHSA is in a unique position to
conduct this work, as it is responsible
for administrating government-provided
health services and implementing
national government policies on health
care and public health in Senegal. The
MHSA is the only entity authorized by
the government of Senegal to provide
and manage comprehensive health
services within the country in
accordance with approved national
Summary of the award:
Recipient: Kisumu County
Government-Department of Health
Services, Servic¸os Provincial de Sau´de
Gaza, Servic¸os Provincial de Saude
Nampula and Senegal Ministry of
Health and Social Action (MHSA).
Purpose of the Award: The purpose of
this award is to achieve and sustain
HIV/TB epidemic control through
sustainable high-quality comprehensive
HIV prevention and treatment services,
health service delivery models, and
health systems in Kenya, Mozambique
and West Africa-Senegal.
Amount of Award: For Kisumu
County Government-Department of
Health Services, the approximate year 1
funding amount will be $500,000 in
Federal Fiscal Year (FYY) 2024 funds,
subject to the availability of funds.
Funding amounts for years 2–5 will be
set at continuation.
Amount of Award: For Servic
Provincial de Sau´de Gaza, the
approximate year 1 funding amount will
be $8,000,000 in Federal Fiscal Year
(FYY) 2024 funds, subject to the
availability of funds. Funding amounts
for years 2–5 will be set at continuation.
Amount of Award: For Servic
Provincial de Saude Nampula, the
approximate year 1 funding amount will
be $2,500,000 in Federal Fiscal Year
(FYY) 2024 funds, subject to the
availability of funds. Funding amounts
for years 2–5 will be set at continuation.
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Amount of Award: For MHSA, the
approximate year 1 funding amount will
be $800,000 in Federal Fiscal Year
(FYY) 2024 funds, subject to the
availability of funds. Funding amounts
for years 2–5 will be set at continuation.
Authority: This program is authorized
under Public Law 108–25 (the United
States Leadership Against HIV AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria Act of 2003)
[22 U.S.C. 7601, et seq.] and Public Law
110–293 (the Tom Lantos and Henry J.
Hyde United States Global Leadership
Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and
Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008),
and Public Law 113–56 (PEPFAR
Stewardship and Oversight Act of 2013).
Period of Performance: The period for
this award will be September 30, 2024,
through September 29, 2029.
Dated: January 24, 2024.
Jamie Legier,
Acting Director, Office of Grants Services,
Acting Chief Grants Management Officer,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2024–02504 Filed 2–6–24; 8:45 am]
Centers for Disease Control and
Notice of Award of a Sole Source
Cooperative Agreement To Fund
International Panel Physicians
Association INC (IPPA)
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC), located
within the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS), announces the
award of approximately $100,000, with
an expected total funding of
approximately $500,000 over a 5-year
period, to International Panel
Physicians Association Inc. The award
will secure the services of IPPA to
facilitate communication and training
on the technical instructions that govern
the pre-departure health assessment and
treatment of U.S.-bound immigrants and
DATES: The period for this award will be
September 1, 2024, through August 31,
Christie Cornell, Immigrant Refugee
Health Branch, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton
Rd, Atlanta, GA 30329, Telephone: 470–
895–2030, Email:
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 26 (Wednesday, February 7, 2024)]
[Pages 8430-8431]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-02504]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Notice of Award of a Sole Source Cooperative Agreement To Fund
Kisumu County Government--Department of Health Services,
Servi[ccedil]os Provincial de Sa[uacute]de Gaza, Servi[ccedil]os
Provincial de Saude Nampula, and Senegal Ministry of Health and Social
Action (MHSA)
AGENCY: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located
within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announces the
award(s) of approximately $500,000, for Year 1 funding to Kisumu County
Government--Department of Health Services, $8,000,000, for Year 1
funding to Servi[ccedil]os Provincial de Sa[uacute]de Gaza, $2,500,000,
for Year 1 funding to Servi[ccedil]os Provincial de Saude Nampula and
$800,000 for Year 1 funding to MHSA. These awards will achieve and
sustain HIV/TB epidemic control through sustainable high-quality
[[Page 8431]]
comprehensive HIV prevention and treatment services, health service
delivery models, and health systems in Kenya, Mozambique and West
Africa-Senegal. Funding amounts for years 2-5 will be set at
DATES: The period for these awards will be September 30, 2024, through
September 29, 2029.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dr. Appolonia Aoko, Center for Global
Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S Embassy, United
Nations Avenue, P.O. Box 606, Village Market, 00621, Nairobi,
Telephone: 254-710-602-785, Email: [email protected]; Scott Salo, Center for
Global Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Avenida
Marginal nr 5467 Sommerschield, Distrito Municipal de KaMpfumo Caixa
Postal 783 CEP 0101-11 Maputo, Mo[ccedil]ambiqu), Telephone: 404-553-
7439, Email: [email protected]; Raimi Ewetola, Center for Global Health,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Embassy, Ouagadougou,
Burkina Faso. Sector 15, Ouaga 2000. Rue 15.873, Telephone:
0022675696420, Email: [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: These sole source award(s) will achieve and
sustain HIV/TB epidemic control through sustainable high-quality
comprehensive HIV prevention and treatment services, health service
delivery models, and health systems in Kenya, Mozambique and West
Kisumu County Government-Department of Health Service is in a
unique position to conduct this work as the 2010 Kenyan constitution
prescribed roles for the county governments, whereby each county is
responsible for provision of health care services to its residents.
Accordingly, in this devolution of health service delivery to the
county level, Kisumu County Department of Health Service has the sole
mandate to manage the public health response to HIV/AIDS in the county.
Another county government is not allowed to implement services within
Kisumu County.
Servi[ccedil]os Provincial de Sa[uacute]de Gaza is in a unique
position to conduct this work given that the Servi[ccedil]os Provincial
de Sa[uacute]de in Mozambique are government organizations established
by law and mandated to plan, coordinate, and supervise all health-
related activities at the tertiary and secondary level, including HIV/
AIDS activities, within their provincial jurisdiction. The
Servi[ccedil]os Provincial de Sa[uacute]de is the Provincial Agency of
the State Apparatus, which according to the principles, objectives, and
tasks defined by the Government of Mozambique directs and ensures the
execution of health activities at the provincial level.
Servi[ccedil]os Provincial de Saude Nampula is in a unique position
to conduct this work as it is the dedicated government entity delegated
by Mozambican Government which oversees the health portfolio including
HIV and TB services in the province of Nampula. In Mozambique, the
governmental public health infrastructure is organized into the central
or national entity (Ministry of Health or the Provincial Health
Directorates) that implement activities at the primary healthcare
level, and the Provincial Health Service (Servi[ccedil]os Provincial de
Saude), that lead all health services within the province.
MHSA is in a unique position to conduct this work, as it is
responsible for administrating government-provided health services and
implementing national government policies on health care and public
health in Senegal. The MHSA is the only entity authorized by the
government of Senegal to provide and manage comprehensive health
services within the country in accordance with approved national
Summary of the award:
Recipient: Kisumu County Government-Department of Health Services,
Servi[ccedil]os Provincial de Sa[uacute]de Gaza, Servi[ccedil]os
Provincial de Saude Nampula and Senegal Ministry of Health and Social
Action (MHSA).
Purpose of the Award: The purpose of this award is to achieve and
sustain HIV/TB epidemic control through sustainable high-quality
comprehensive HIV prevention and treatment services, health service
delivery models, and health systems in Kenya, Mozambique and West
Amount of Award: For Kisumu County Government-Department of Health
Services, the approximate year 1 funding amount will be $500,000 in
Federal Fiscal Year (FYY) 2024 funds, subject to the availability of
funds. Funding amounts for years 2-5 will be set at continuation.
Amount of Award: For Servi[ccedil]os Provincial de Sa[uacute]de
Gaza, the approximate year 1 funding amount will be $8,000,000 in
Federal Fiscal Year (FYY) 2024 funds, subject to the availability of
funds. Funding amounts for years 2-5 will be set at continuation.
Amount of Award: For Servi[ccedil]os Provincial de Saude Nampula,
the approximate year 1 funding amount will be $2,500,000 in Federal
Fiscal Year (FYY) 2024 funds, subject to the availability of funds.
Funding amounts for years 2-5 will be set at continuation.
Amount of Award: For MHSA, the approximate year 1 funding amount
will be $800,000 in Federal Fiscal Year (FYY) 2024 funds, subject to
the availability of funds. Funding amounts for years 2-5 will be set at
Authority: This program is authorized under Public Law 108-25 (the
United States Leadership Against HIV AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Act
of 2003) [22 U.S.C. 7601, et seq.] and Public Law 110-293 (the Tom
Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/
AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008), and
Public Law 113-56 (PEPFAR Stewardship and Oversight Act of 2013).
Period of Performance: The period for this award will be September
30, 2024, through September 29, 2029.
Dated: January 24, 2024.
Jamie Legier,
Acting Director, Office of Grants Services, Acting Chief Grants
Management Officer, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2024-02504 Filed 2-6-24; 8:45 am]