Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection; Comment Request-Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) Intervention Submission Form and Scoring Tool, 7356-7358 [2024-02064]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 23 / Friday, February 2, 2024 / Notices
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3)
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
the use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Comments may be sent to United States
Department of Agriculture, 1400
Independence Ave. SW, Room 4054,
Washington, DC 20250–9810. All
comments received will be available for
public inspection during regular
business hours at the same address.
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for OMB approval. All comments will
become a matter of public record.
Cynthia Nickerson,
Deputy Chief Economist, United States
Department of Agriculture.
[FR Doc. 2024–02129 Filed 2–1–24; 8:45 am]
Food and Nutrition Service
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request—Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program
Education (SNAP-Ed) Intervention
Submission Form and Scoring Tool
Food and Nutrition Service
(FNS), Department of Agriculture
ACTION: Notice and request for
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice invites the general public and
other public agencies to comment on
this proposed revision to the currently
approved information collection for the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP) FNS–885, ‘‘SNAP
Education (SNAP-Ed) Intervention
Scoring Tool’’ and the FNS–886, ‘‘SNAP
Education (SNAP-Ed) Intervention
Submission Form.’’ This revision to
forms FNS–885 and FNS–886 will
provide an improved user experience by
simplifying scoring criteria and
clarifying the information requested for
certain fields. These updates will also
align with the new SNAP-Ed National
Program Evaluation and Reporting
System (N–PEARS), to ensure
consistency with SNAP-Ed specific
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
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terms. More information on changes to
these forms is in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section of this notice.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be
received on or before April 2, 2024 to
be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent to
Aurora Calvillo Buffington, Food and
Nutrition Service, Supplemental
Nutrition Assistance Program, Program
Administration and Nutrition Division,
1320 Braddock Place, 5th Floor,
Alexandria, VA 22314. Comments may
also be submitted via email to or through the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. Go to https://, and follow the
online instructions for submitting
comments electronically.
All responses to this notice will be
summarized and included in the request
for Office of Management and Budget
approval. All comments will become a
matter of public record.
Requests for additional information or
copies of this information collection
should be directed to Divyani Pendleton
at 703–305–2031 or Divyani.Pendleton@
are invited on: (a) whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of agency
functions, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and the assumptions
used; (c) ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and (d) ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on those who respond,
including use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
Title: SNAP-Ed Intervention Scoring
Tool and SNAP-Ed Intervention
Submission Form.
Form Number: FNS–885 and FNS–
OMB Number: 0584–0639.
Expiration Date: 9/30/2024.
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Abstract: The Food and Nutrition Act
of 2008, as amended (the Act)
§ 28(c)(3)(A) states that State agencies
‘‘may use funds provided under this
section for any evidence-based
allowable use of funds’’ including ‘‘(i)
individual and group-based nutrition
education, health promotion, and
intervention strategies; (ii)
comprehensive, multilevel interventions
at multiple complementary
PO 00000
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organizational and institutional levels;
and (iii) community and public health
approaches to improve nutrition.’’ 7
CFR 272.2(d)(2)(vii)(D) states ‘‘SNAP-Ed
activities must include evidence-based
activities using two or more of these
approaches: individual or group-based
nutrition education, health promotion,
and intervention strategies;
comprehensive, multi-level
interventions at multiple
complementary organizational and
institutional levels; community and
public health approaches to improve
nutrition and physical activity.’’
The SNAP-Ed Strategies and
Interventions: An Obesity Prevention
Toolkit for States (SNAP-Ed Toolkit)
was developed collaboratively by FNS
National and Regional Office SNAP-Ed
staff, the National Collaborative on
Childhood Obesity Reduction (NCCOR),
and the Association of SNAP Nutrition
Education Administrators (ASNNA).
Currently, more than 150 interventions
are available on the SNAP-Ed Toolkit
website State
agencies use the SNAP-Ed Toolkit to
locate evidence-based interventions for
their implementation of SNAP-Ed
The SNAP-Ed Intervention
Submission Form, FNS–886, and the
SNAP-Ed Intervention Scoring Tool,
FNS–885, provide a uniform and
transparent method for submission,
review, and scoring of nutrition
education, physical activity promotion,
and obesity prevention interventions for
inclusion in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit.
SNAP-Ed State and implementing
agencies, nutrition education and public
health agencies, and other organizations
use these voluntary forms to submit
interventions for consideration. The
SNAP-Ed Intervention Submission Form
and Scoring Tool make it possible for
SNAP-Ed implementers and the review
committee to determine if the
intervention submitted for inclusion in
the SNAP-Ed Toolkit is evidence-based
and uses one or more of the required
approaches. These forms support FNS
efforts to increase the selection of
interventions available in the SNAP-Ed
Toolkit, improve innovation in service
delivery using interventions which
reflect the latest research, and respond
directly to entities submitting
interventions (submitters) for the SNAPEd Toolkit.
The collection of this information for
the submission, review, and scoring of
nutrition education, physical activity
promotion, and obesity prevention
interventions for inclusion in the SNAPEd Toolkit is necessary to:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 23 / Friday, February 2, 2024 / Notices
—Provide agencies with an increased
selection of interventions to fit their
specific needs.
—Increase innovation in service
delivery by encouraging adoption of
interventions which reflect the latest
research on nutrition education,
physical activity, and obesity
prevention behavior change.
—Allow FNS to respond to each
submitter’s requests to include their
intervention in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit
using a clear and transparent review
process and inclusion criteria.
Submitters use the FNS–886, SNAPEd Intervention Submission Form, to
provide information about the
intervention they are submitting for
inclusion in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit.
Information requested includes
intervention materials, (such as
materials used to develop and test the
intervention, evaluation materials, or
reports), how these materials have been
and will be used, and the evidence base
which illustrates their effectiveness. The
FNS–886 captures this information
through a combination of multiplechoice boxes and text response areas.
Submitters are members of State or
implementing agencies, researchers
from academic institutions and Federal
agencies, and non-profit or private
sector nutrition education and physical
activity intervention developers.
FNS collects SNAP-Ed Intervention
Submission Forms and attachments and
distributes them via email to
intervention reviewers. Reviewers
include relevant FNS staff, relevant staff
from other Federal agencies, such as the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), researchers from
academic institutions, and SNAP-Ed
State and implementing agency staff.
Reviewers use the Scoring Tool to assess
and rate each submission for inclusion
in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit. Information
from reviewers is collected through a
combination of numerical and text entry
FNS will accept interventions to the
SNAP-Ed Toolkit in FY 2024. The
intervention submission and review
period occur biennially.
FNS updated the forms and burden
estimates based on consultations with
SNAP-Ed State and implementing
agency partners, other Federal agencies,
and users of the forms. FNS has refined
and streamlined the forms where realworld use has indicated this is possible,
and included additional instructions,
questions, or opportunities for response
where users, trainers, and FNS partners
indicated areas for improvement. FNS
has also made wording changes to fix
typographical errors and improve
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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readability. Overall, the changes to the
forms are focused on form
improvements for the end user.
The following updates to the FNS–
886, SNAP-Ed Intervention Submission
Form are proposed:
1. Restructuring, formatting, and
wording edits to all sections.
2. In Section I, Intervention Name and
Contact Information, move three
questions related to costs and materials
to Section VI, Training, Materials, and
3. In Section II, Intervention
Overview, remove ‘‘Breastfeeding’’ and
‘‘Food Insecurity’’ and add ‘‘Food
Resource Behaviors’’ as a Target
Behavior category, remove four
questions on evaluation and evidence
base, and add a question on the core
intervention components.
4. In Section III, Intervention
Development, renumber questions due
to the insertion of new questions in
Section II.
5. In Section IV, Evaluation and
Outcomes, add a new question asking
submitters to identify tools they used to
evaluate their intervention, simplify a
question on which outcomes the
intervention achieved, and increase the
character limit on a question about
evidence findings included in the
submission. Update section for
readability and renumbering to reflect
the newly inserted questions.
6. In Section V, Implementation,
renumber to reflect newly inserted
7. In Section VI, Training, Materials,
and Resources, clarify training that is
required to implement the intervention,
and renumber to reflect newly inserted
8. In Section VII, Intervention
Attachments, add instructions to clarify
that submitters should describe how
evaluation and modification addressed
intervention sustainability concerns,
and renumber to reflect newly inserted
9. In Section VIII, Evaluation
Attachments, add instructions to help
submitters name and reference their
attachments throughout the submission
The following changes to FNS–885,
SNAP -Ed Intervention Scoring Tool, are
1. Rename and restructure all sections
to align with the changes to FNS–886,
the SNAP-Ed Intervention Submission
2. In Section I, Intervention Overview
and Development, add three questions
on (1) the intervention’s ability to
address the needs of the target
population, (2) the target population
and community partner involvement in
PO 00000
Frm 00005
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the intervention development, and (3)
SNAP-Ed educators, target population,
and/or partner involvement in testing
the acceptability of the intervention.
3. In Section II, Evaluation and
Outcomes, remove ‘‘emerging’’ as an
evidence base category from the scoring
tool, add a question on the use of
behavior change theories in the
intervention development, and clarify
the scoring of intended outcomes and
alignment with the SNAP-Ed Evaluation
4. In Section III, Implementation,
make minor wording clarifications
across questions, and add a question on
adaptability of the interventions.
5. In Section IV, Training, Materials
and Resources, edit questions for clarity
and remove one question on
interventions adopted by partners in
settings not directly supported by
6. In the Bonus Questions, update the
list of populations and settings that are
currently underrepresented in the
SNAP-Ed Toolkit.
Affected Public: The affected public
for the FNS–886 and FNS–885 forms
includes 50 SNAP-Ed State and
implementing agencies (37 State/Local/
Tribal Governments, 10 non-profit
organizations, and 3 for-profit
Estimated Number of Respondents:
The estimated number of respondents is
50. The estimated number of
respondents for the Intervention
Submission Form is 28 respondents (22
State/Local/Tribal Government, 5 nonprofit organizations, and 1 for-profit
organization). The estimated number of
respondents for the Intervention Scoring
Tool is 22 respondents (15 State/Local/
Tribal Government, 5 non-profit
organizations, and 2 for-profit
organizations). This estimate is a
decrease based on historical submission
data and the expectation that fewer
interventions may be submitted to the
SNAP-Ed Toolkit on a biennial basis.
Estimated Number of Responses per
Respondent: This number of responses
per respondent is 1.88 responses, based
on the estimate of 94 responses from 50
respondents. FNS expects to receive one
response for the Intervention
Submission Form, 2 responses for the
Intervention Scoring Tool and, 1
required training for the Intervention
Scoring Tool. This estimate is
unchanged from the previous OMB
Estimated Total Annual Responses:
The revised total annual responses is 94,
which is a reduction to the current
estimated total annual responses of 160
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 23 / Friday, February 2, 2024 / Notices
responses. This estimate is a decrease
based on historical submission data and
expectation that fewer interventions
may be submitted to the SNAP-Ed
Toolkit on a biennial basis.
Estimated Time per Response: The
revised estimated time per response for
this voluntary collection is 5.5 hours for
the Intervention Submission Form and 3
hours for the Intervention Scoring Tool.
This estimate was calculated based on
feedback from the stakeholder
consultation group. Estimates were
averaged based on stakeholder feedback;
any data outliers were not included in
this estimate. This reflects an increase
from the current estimate of 2 hours for
the Intervention Submission Form and a
decrease from the current estimate of 6
hours for the Intervention Scoring Tool.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on
Respondents: The revised estimated
total biennial burden on respondents for
this voluntary collection is 353 hours, as
this voluntary collection receives
responses on a biennial basis. The
revised estimated total annual burden
on respondents for this voluntary
collection is 176.5 hours. This revised
estimate is a reduction from the current
estimated total annual burden of 523
hours. This revised estimate is a
decrease based on historical submission
data and expectation that fewer
interventions may be submitted to the
SNAP-Ed Toolkit on a biennial basis.
There are no recordkeeping or thirdparty/disclosure requirements
associated with this information
number of
Respondent category
State/Local/Tribal Government.
Subtotal: State/Local/
Tribal Government.
Business, Non-Profit ........
Subtotal: Business,
Business, Profit ................
Subtotal: Business,
Total ..................
Burden activity
Completing intervention
submission form.
Completing intervention
scoring tool.
Training for intervention
scoring tool.
Intervention Submission
Scoring Tool ....................
Scoring Tool (Training) ...
Intervention Submission
Scoring Tool ....................
Scoring Tool (Training) ...
Tameka Owens,
Assistant Administrator, Food and Nutrition
[FR Doc. 2024–02064 Filed 2–1–24; 8:45 am]
Natural Resources Conservation
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Proposed Revisions to the National
Handbook of Conservation Practices
for the Natural Resources
Conservation Service
Natural Resources
Conservation Service, U.S. Department
of Agriculture.
Notice of availability, request
for comments.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:08 Feb 01, 2024
Jkt 262001
The Natural Resources
Conservation Service (NRCS) is giving
notice that it intends to issue a series of
revised conservation practice standards
in the National Handbook of
Conservation Practices (NHCP). NRCS is
also giving the public an opportunity to
provide comments on the specified
conservation practice standards in the
We will consider comments that
we receive by March 4, 2024.
ADDRESSES: We invite you to submit
comments in response to this notice.
You may submit your comments
through one of the following methods
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to and search
for Docket ID NRCS–2023–0022. Follow
the online instructions for submitting
comments; or
• Mail or Hand Delivery: Mr. Bill
Reck, National Environmental Engineer,
[Docket No. NRCS–2023–0022]
PO 00000
Frm 00006
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Total annual
hours per
total burden
Conservation Engineering Division,
NRCS, USDA, 1400 Independence
Avenue, South Building, Room 4636,
Washington, DC 20250. In your
comment, please specify the Docket ID
All comments received will be made
publicly available on https://
The copies of the proposed revised
standards are available through https:// by accessing
Docket No. NRCS–2023–0022.
Alternatively, the proposed revised
standards can be downloaded or printed
Bill Reck at (202) 317–0245, or email at Individuals who
require alternative means for
communication may contact the USDA
TARGET Center at (202) 720–2600
(voice and text telephone (TTY)) or dial
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 23 (Friday, February 2, 2024)]
[Pages 7356-7358]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-02064]
Food and Nutrition Service
Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request--Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education
(SNAP-Ed) Intervention Submission Form and Scoring Tool
AGENCY: Food and Nutrition Service (FNS), Department of Agriculture
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, this
notice invites the general public and other public agencies to comment
on this proposed revision to the currently approved information
collection for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
FNS-885, ``SNAP Education (SNAP-Ed) Intervention Scoring Tool'' and the
FNS-886, ``SNAP Education (SNAP-Ed) Intervention Submission Form.''
This revision to forms FNS-885 and FNS-886 will provide an improved
user experience by simplifying scoring criteria and clarifying the
information requested for certain fields. These updates will also align
with the new SNAP-Ed National Program Evaluation and Reporting System
(N-PEARS), to ensure consistency with SNAP-Ed specific terms. More
information on changes to these forms is in the Supplementary
Information section of this notice.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be received on or before April 2,
2024 to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be sent to Aurora Calvillo Buffington, Food and
Nutrition Service, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Program
Administration and Nutrition Division, 1320 Braddock Place, 5th Floor,
Alexandria, VA 22314. Comments may also be submitted via email to [email protected] or through the Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to, and follow the online instructions for submitting
comments electronically.
All responses to this notice will be summarized and included in the
request for Office of Management and Budget approval. All comments will
become a matter of public record.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or
copies of this information collection should be directed to Divyani
Pendleton at 703-305-2031 or [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Comments are invited on: (a) whether the
proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper
performance of agency functions, including whether the information
shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection of information, including the
validity of the methodology and the assumptions used; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of
information on those who respond, including use of appropriate
automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technology.
Title: SNAP-Ed Intervention Scoring Tool and SNAP-Ed Intervention
Submission Form.
Form Number: FNS-885 and FNS-886.
OMB Number: 0584-0639.
Expiration Date: 9/30/2024.
Type of Request: Revision of a currently approved collection.
Abstract: The Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, as amended (the Act)
Sec. 28(c)(3)(A) states that State agencies ``may use funds provided
under this section for any evidence-based allowable use of funds''
including ``(i) individual and group-based nutrition education, health
promotion, and intervention strategies; (ii) comprehensive, multilevel
interventions at multiple complementary organizational and
institutional levels; and (iii) community and public health approaches
to improve nutrition.'' 7 CFR 272.2(d)(2)(vii)(D) states ``SNAP-Ed
activities must include evidence-based activities using two or more of
these approaches: individual or group-based nutrition education, health
promotion, and intervention strategies; comprehensive, multi-level
interventions at multiple complementary organizational and
institutional levels; community and public health approaches to improve
nutrition and physical activity.''
The SNAP-Ed Strategies and Interventions: An Obesity Prevention
Toolkit for States (SNAP-Ed Toolkit) was developed collaboratively by
FNS National and Regional Office SNAP-Ed staff, the National
Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Reduction (NCCOR), and the
Association of SNAP Nutrition Education Administrators (ASNNA).
Currently, more than 150 interventions are available on the SNAP-Ed
Toolkit website State agencies use the
SNAP-Ed Toolkit to locate evidence-based interventions for their
implementation of SNAP-Ed programming.
The SNAP-Ed Intervention Submission Form, FNS-886, and the SNAP-Ed
Intervention Scoring Tool, FNS-885, provide a uniform and transparent
method for submission, review, and scoring of nutrition education,
physical activity promotion, and obesity prevention interventions for
inclusion in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit. SNAP-Ed State and implementing
agencies, nutrition education and public health agencies, and other
organizations use these voluntary forms to submit interventions for
consideration. The SNAP-Ed Intervention Submission Form and Scoring
Tool make it possible for SNAP-Ed implementers and the review committee
to determine if the intervention submitted for inclusion in the SNAP-Ed
Toolkit is evidence-based and uses one or more of the required
approaches. These forms support FNS efforts to increase the selection
of interventions available in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit, improve innovation
in service delivery using interventions which reflect the latest
research, and respond directly to entities submitting interventions
(submitters) for the SNAP-Ed Toolkit.
The collection of this information for the submission, review, and
scoring of nutrition education, physical activity promotion, and
obesity prevention interventions for inclusion in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit
is necessary to:
[[Page 7357]]
--Provide agencies with an increased selection of interventions to fit
their specific needs.
--Increase innovation in service delivery by encouraging adoption of
interventions which reflect the latest research on nutrition education,
physical activity, and obesity prevention behavior change.
--Allow FNS to respond to each submitter's requests to include their
intervention in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit using a clear and transparent
review process and inclusion criteria.
Submitters use the FNS-886, SNAP-Ed Intervention Submission Form,
to provide information about the intervention they are submitting for
inclusion in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit. Information requested includes
intervention materials, (such as materials used to develop and test the
intervention, evaluation materials, or reports), how these materials
have been and will be used, and the evidence base which illustrates
their effectiveness. The FNS-886 captures this information through a
combination of multiple-choice boxes and text response areas.
Submitters are members of State or implementing agencies,
researchers from academic institutions and Federal agencies, and non-
profit or private sector nutrition education and physical activity
intervention developers.
FNS collects SNAP-Ed Intervention Submission Forms and attachments
and distributes them via email to intervention reviewers. Reviewers
include relevant FNS staff, relevant staff from other Federal agencies,
such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
researchers from academic institutions, and SNAP-Ed State and
implementing agency staff. Reviewers use the Scoring Tool to assess and
rate each submission for inclusion in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit. Information
from reviewers is collected through a combination of numerical and text
entry fields.
FNS will accept interventions to the SNAP-Ed Toolkit in FY 2024.
The intervention submission and review period occur biennially.
FNS updated the forms and burden estimates based on consultations
with SNAP-Ed State and implementing agency partners, other Federal
agencies, and users of the forms. FNS has refined and streamlined the
forms where real-world use has indicated this is possible, and included
additional instructions, questions, or opportunities for response where
users, trainers, and FNS partners indicated areas for improvement. FNS
has also made wording changes to fix typographical errors and improve
readability. Overall, the changes to the forms are focused on form
improvements for the end user.
The following updates to the FNS-886, SNAP-Ed Intervention
Submission Form are proposed:
1. Restructuring, formatting, and wording edits to all sections.
2. In Section I, Intervention Name and Contact Information, move
three questions related to costs and materials to Section VI, Training,
Materials, and Resources.
3. In Section II, Intervention Overview, remove ``Breastfeeding''
and ``Food Insecurity'' and add ``Food Resource Behaviors'' as a Target
Behavior category, remove four questions on evaluation and evidence
base, and add a question on the core intervention components.
4. In Section III, Intervention Development, renumber questions due
to the insertion of new questions in Section II.
5. In Section IV, Evaluation and Outcomes, add a new question
asking submitters to identify tools they used to evaluate their
intervention, simplify a question on which outcomes the intervention
achieved, and increase the character limit on a question about evidence
findings included in the submission. Update section for readability and
renumbering to reflect the newly inserted questions.
6. In Section V, Implementation, renumber to reflect newly inserted
7. In Section VI, Training, Materials, and Resources, clarify
training that is required to implement the intervention, and renumber
to reflect newly inserted questions.
8. In Section VII, Intervention Attachments, add instructions to
clarify that submitters should describe how evaluation and modification
addressed intervention sustainability concerns, and renumber to reflect
newly inserted questions.
9. In Section VIII, Evaluation Attachments, add instructions to
help submitters name and reference their attachments throughout the
submission form.
The following changes to FNS-885, SNAP -Ed Intervention Scoring
Tool, are proposed:
1. Rename and restructure all sections to align with the changes to
FNS-886, the SNAP-Ed Intervention Submission Form.
2. In Section I, Intervention Overview and Development, add three
questions on (1) the intervention's ability to address the needs of the
target population, (2) the target population and community partner
involvement in the intervention development, and (3) SNAP-Ed educators,
target population, and/or partner involvement in testing the
acceptability of the intervention.
3. In Section II, Evaluation and Outcomes, remove ``emerging'' as
an evidence base category from the scoring tool, add a question on the
use of behavior change theories in the intervention development, and
clarify the scoring of intended outcomes and alignment with the SNAP-Ed
Evaluation Framework.
4. In Section III, Implementation, make minor wording
clarifications across questions, and add a question on adaptability of
the interventions.
5. In Section IV, Training, Materials and Resources, edit questions
for clarity and remove one question on interventions adopted by
partners in settings not directly supported by SNAP-Ed.
6. In the Bonus Questions, update the list of populations and
settings that are currently underrepresented in the SNAP-Ed Toolkit.
Affected Public: The affected public for the FNS-886 and FNS-885
forms includes 50 SNAP-Ed State and implementing agencies (37 State/
Local/Tribal Governments, 10 non-profit organizations, and 3 for-profit
Estimated Number of Respondents: The estimated number of
respondents is 50. The estimated number of respondents for the
Intervention Submission Form is 28 respondents (22 State/Local/Tribal
Government, 5 non-profit organizations, and 1 for-profit organization).
The estimated number of respondents for the Intervention Scoring Tool
is 22 respondents (15 State/Local/Tribal Government, 5 non-profit
organizations, and 2 for-profit organizations). This estimate is a
decrease based on historical submission data and the expectation that
fewer interventions may be submitted to the SNAP-Ed Toolkit on a
biennial basis.
Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: This number of
responses per respondent is 1.88 responses, based on the estimate of 94
responses from 50 respondents. FNS expects to receive one response for
the Intervention Submission Form, 2 responses for the Intervention
Scoring Tool and, 1 required training for the Intervention Scoring
Tool. This estimate is unchanged from the previous OMB approval.
Estimated Total Annual Responses: The revised total annual
responses is 94, which is a reduction to the current estimated total
annual responses of 160
[[Page 7358]]
responses. This estimate is a decrease based on historical submission
data and expectation that fewer interventions may be submitted to the
SNAP-Ed Toolkit on a biennial basis.
Estimated Time per Response: The revised estimated time per
response for this voluntary collection is 5.5 hours for the
Intervention Submission Form and 3 hours for the Intervention Scoring
Tool. This estimate was calculated based on feedback from the
stakeholder consultation group. Estimates were averaged based on
stakeholder feedback; any data outliers were not included in this
estimate. This reflects an increase from the current estimate of 2
hours for the Intervention Submission Form and a decrease from the
current estimate of 6 hours for the Intervention Scoring Tool.
Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: The revised estimated
total biennial burden on respondents for this voluntary collection is
353 hours, as this voluntary collection receives responses on a
biennial basis. The revised estimated total annual burden on
respondents for this voluntary collection is 176.5 hours. This revised
estimate is a reduction from the current estimated total annual burden
of 523 hours. This revised estimate is a decrease based on historical
submission data and expectation that fewer interventions may be
submitted to the SNAP-Ed Toolkit on a biennial basis.
There are no recordkeeping or third-party/disclosure requirements
associated with this information collection.
Burden Estimate Table
Estimated Responses Total Estimated total
Respondent category Burden activity Form number of per annual hours per burden
respondents respondent responses response hours
State/Local/Tribal Government....... Completing intervention FNS-886 22 1 22 5.5 121.0
submission form.
Completing intervention FNS-885 15 2 30 3 90.0
scoring tool.
Training for FNS-885 15 1 15 1 15.0
intervention scoring
Subtotal: State/Local/Tribal ....................... ........................ 37 ........... 67 ........... 239.0
Business, Non-Profit................ Intervention Submission FNS-886 5 1 5 5.5 27.5
Scoring Tool........... FNS-885 5 2 10 3 30.0
Scoring Tool (Training) FNS-885 5 1 5 1 5.0
Subtotal: Business, Non-Profit.. ....................... ........................ 10 ........... 20 ........... 91.5
Business, Profit.................... Intervention Submission FNS-886 1 1 1 5.5 5.5
Scoring Tool........... FNS-885 2 2 4 3 12.0
Scoring Tool (Training) FNS-885 2 1 2 1 2.0
Subtotal: Business, Profit..... ....................... ........................ 3 ........... 7 ........... 22.5
Total....................... ....................... ........................ 50 1.8800 94 3.7553 353.0
Tameka Owens,
Assistant Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service.
[FR Doc. 2024-02064 Filed 2-1-24; 8:45 am]