Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Application from the Community Health Accreditation Program (CHAP) for Continued Approval of Its Home Health Agency Accreditation Program, 80-82 [2023-28831]
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 1 / Tuesday, January 2, 2024 / Notices
switched to IP-based networks and from
copper to wireless and fiber
infrastructure, have affected the quality
and utility of TTY technology,
prompting discussions on transitioning
to an alternative advanced
communications technology for text
communications. Accordingly, on
December 16, 2016, the Commission
released Transition from TTY to RealTime Text Technology, Report and
Order, document FCC 16–169, 82 FR
7699, January 23, 2017, amending its
rules that govern the obligations of
wireless service providers and
manufacturers to support TTY
technology to permit such providers and
manufacturers to provide support for
real-time text (RTT) over wireless IPbased networks to facilitate an effective
and seamless transition to RTT in lieu
of continuing to support TTY
In document FCC 16–169, the
Commission adopted measures
requiring the following:
(a) Each wireless provider and
manufacturer that voluntarily
transitions from TTY technology to RTT
over wireless IP-based networks and
services is encouraged to develop
consumer and education efforts that
include (1) the development and
dissemination of educational materials
that contain information pertinent to the
nature, purpose, and timelines of the
RTT transition; (2) internet postings, in
an accessible format, of information
about the TTY to RTT transition on the
websites of covered entities; (3) the
creation of a telephone hotline and an
online interactive and accessible service
that can answer consumer questions
about RTT; and (4) appropriate training
of staff to effectively respond to
consumer questions. All consumer
outreach and education should be
provided in accessible formats
including, but not limited to, large print,
Braille, videos in American Sign
Language and that are captioned and
video described, emails to consumers
who have opted to receive notices in
this manner, and printed materials.
Service providers and manufacturers are
also encouraged to coordinate with
consumer, public safety, and industry
stakeholders to develop and distribute
education and outreach materials. The
information will inform consumers of
alternative accessible technology
available to replace TTY technology that
may no longer be available to the
consumer through their provider or on
their device.
(b) Each wireless provider that
requested or will request and receive a
waiver of the requirement to support
TTY technology over wireless IP-based
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networks and services must apprise its
customers, through effective and
accessible channels of communication,
that (1) until TTY is sunset, TTY
technology will not be supported for
calls to 911 services over IP-based
wireless services, and (2) there are
alternative PSTN-based and IP-based
accessibility solutions for people with
disabilities to reach 911 services. These
notices must be developed in
coordination with public safety
answering points (PSAPs) and national
consumer organizations, and include a
listing of text-based alternatives to 911,
including, but not limited to, TTY
capability over the PSTN, various forms
of PSTN-based and IP-based TRS, and
text-to-911 (where available). The
notices will inform consumers on the
loss of the use of TTY for completing
911 calls over the provider’s network
and alert them to alternatives service for
which TTY may be used.
(c) Once every six months, each
wireless provider that requests and
receives a waiver of the requirement to
support TTY technology must file a
report with the Commission and inform
its customers regarding its progress
toward and the status of the availability
of new IP-based accessibility solutions.
Such reports must include (1)
information on the interoperability of
the provider’s selected accessibility
solution with the technologies deployed
or to be deployed by other carriers and
service providers, (2) the backward
compatibility of such solution with
TTYs, (3) a showing of the provider’s
efforts to ensure delivery of 911 calls to
the appropriate PSAP, (4) a description
of any obstacles incurred towards
achieving interoperability and steps
taken to overcome such obstacles, and
(5) an estimated timetable for the
deployment of accessibility solutions.
The information will inform consumers
of the progress towards the availability
of alternative accessible means to
replace TTY, and the Commission will
be able to evaluate the reports to
determine if any changes to the waivers
are warranted or of any impediments to
progress that it may be in a position to
Federal Communications Commission.
Katura Jackson,
Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 2023–28819 Filed 12–29–23; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Request for Medicaid and CHIP
Payment and Access Commission
(MACPAC) Nominations
Government Accountability
Request for letters of
nomination and resumes.
The Children’s Health
Insurance Program Reauthorization Act
of 2009 (CHIPRA) established MACPAC
to review Medicaid and CHIP access
and payment policies and to advise
Congress on issues affecting Medicaid
and CHIP. CHIPRA gave the Comptroller
General of the United States
responsibility for appointing MACPAC’s
members. The U.S. Government
Accountability Office (GAO) is now
accepting nominations for MACPAC
appointments that will be effective May
2024. Nominations should be sent to the
email address listed below.
Acknowledgement of receipt will be
provided within a week of submission.
DATES: Letters of nomination and
resumes should be submitted no later
than January 25, 2024, to ensure
adequate opportunity for review and
consideration of nominees prior to
ADDRESSES: Submit letters of
nomination and resumes to
Corissa Kiyan-Fukumoto at (206) 287–
4808 or if
you do not receive an acknowledgment
or need additional information. For
general information, contact GAO’s
Office of Public Affairs, (202) 512–4800.
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1396.
Gene L. Dodaro,
Comptroller General of the United States.
[FR Doc. 2023–28102 Filed 12–29–23; 8:45 am]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare and Medicaid Programs;
Application from the Community
Health Accreditation Program (CHAP)
for Continued Approval of Its Home
Health Agency Accreditation Program
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), Health and
Human Services (HHS).
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 1 / Tuesday, January 2, 2024 / Notices
This notice announces our
decision to approve the Community
Health Accreditation Program (CHAP)
for continued recognition as a national
accrediting organization for home health
agencies (HHAs) that wish to participate
in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.
DATES: The decision announced in this
notice is applicable March 31, 2024, to
March 31, 2030.
Caecilia Andrews, (410) 786–2190.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
I. Background
Under the Medicare program, eligible
beneficiaries may receive covered
services from a home health agency
(HHA), provided certain requirements
are met. Sections 1861(m) and (o), 1891
and 1895 of the Social Security Act (the
Act) establish distinct criteria for an
entity seeking designation as an HHA.
Regulations concerning provider
agreements are at 42 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) part 489 and those
pertaining to activities relating to the
survey and certification of facilities and
other entities are at 42 CFR part 488.
The regulations at 42 CFR parts 409 and
484 specify the conditions that an HHA
must meet to participate in the Medicare
program, the scope of covered services
and the conditions for Medicare
payment for home health care.
Generally, to enter into a provider
agreement with the Medicare program,
an HHA must first be certified by a state
survey agency as complying with the
conditions or requirements set forth in
42 CFR part 484 of our regulations.
Thereafter, the HHA is subject to regular
surveys by a state survey agency to
determine whether it continues to meet
these requirements.
However, there is an alternative to
surveys by state agencies. Section
1865(a)(1) of the Act provides that, if a
provider entity demonstrates through
accreditation by a Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services (CMS) approved
national accrediting organization (AO)
that all applicable Medicare
requirements are met or exceeded, we
will deem those provider entities as
having met such requirements.
Accreditation by an AO is voluntary and
is not required for Medicare
If an AO is recognized by the
Secretary of the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) (the
Secretary) as having standards for
accreditation that meet or exceed
Medicare requirements, any provider
entity accredited by the national
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accrediting body’s approved program
would be deemed to meet the Medicare
requirements. A national AO applying
for approval of its accreditation program
under 42 CFR part 488, subpart A, must
provide CMS with reasonable assurance
that the AO requires the accredited
provider entities to meet requirements
that are at least as stringent as the
Medicare requirements.
Our regulations concerning the
approval of AOs are at §§ 488.4 and
488.5. The regulations at § 488.5(e)(2)(i)
require an AO to reapply for continued
approval of its accreditation program
every 6 years or sooner, as determined
by CMS. This notice is to announce our
continued approval of CHAP’s HHA
accreditation program for a period of 6
II. Application Approval Process
Section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act
provides a statutory timetable to ensure
that our review of applications for CMSapproval of an accreditation program is
conducted in a timely manner. The Act
provides us 210 days after the date of
receipt of a complete application, with
any documentation necessary to make
the determination, to complete our
survey activities and application
process. Within 60 days after receiving
a complete application, we must
publish a notice in the Federal Register
that identifies the national accrediting
body making the request, describes the
request, and provides no less than a 30day public comment period. At the end
of the 210-day period, we must publish
a notice in the Federal Register
approving or denying the application.
III. Provisions of the Proposed Notice
In the August 8, 2023 Federal
Register (88 FR 53489), we published a
proposed notice announcing CHAP’s
request for continued approval of its
Medicare HHA accreditation program.
In the August 2023 proposed notice (88
FR 53489), we detailed our evaluation
criteria. Under section 1865(a)(2) of the
Act and in our regulations at § 488.5, we
conducted a review of CHAP’s Medicare
HHA accreditation application in
accordance with the criteria specified by
our regulations, which include, but are
not limited to the following:
• An administrative review of
++ Corporate policies;
++ Financial and human resources
available to accomplish the proposed
++ Procedures for training,
monitoring, and evaluation of its
PO 00000
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++ Ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against
accredited facilities; and
++ Survey review and decisionmaking process for accreditation.
• A comparison of CHAP’s
accreditation to our current Medicare
HHA conditions of participation (CoPs).
• A documentation review of CHAP’s
survey process to do the following:
++ Determine the composition of the
survey team, surveyor qualifications,
and CHAP’s ability to provide
continuing surveyor training.
++ Compare CHAP’s processes to
those of state survey agencies, including
survey frequency, and the ability to
investigate and respond appropriately to
complaints against accredited facilities.
++ Evaluate CHAP’s procedures for
monitoring HHAs out of compliance
with CHAP’s program requirements.
The monitoring procedures are used
only when CHAP identifies
noncompliance. If noncompliance is
identified through validation reviews,
the state survey agency monitors
corrections as specified at § 488.7(d).
++ Assess CHAP’s ability to report
deficiencies to the surveyed facilities
and respond to the facility’s plan of
correction in a timely manner.
++ Establish CHAP’s ability to provide
CMS with electronic data and reports
necessary for effective validation and
assessment of the organization’s survey
++ Determine the adequacy of staff
and other resources.
++ Confirm CHAP’s ability to provide
adequate funding for performing
required surveys.
++ Confirm CHAP’s policies with
respect to whether surveys are
++ Obtain CHAP’s agreement to
provide CMS with a copy of the most
current accreditation survey together
with any other information related to
the survey as we may require, including
corrective action plans.
++ Review CHAP’s policies and
procedures to avoid conflicts of interest,
including the appearance of conflicts of
interest, involving individuals who
conduct surveys or participate in
accreditation decisions.
IV. Analysis of and Responses to Public
Comments on the Proposed Notice
In accordance with section
1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act, the August 8,
2023 proposed notice also solicited
public comments regarding whether
CHAP’s requirements met or exceeded
the Medicare CoPs for HHAs. We
received no comments in response to
our proposed notice.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 1 / Tuesday, January 2, 2024 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
V. Provisions of the Final Notice
A. Differences Between CHAP’s
Standards and Requirements for
Accreditation and Medicare Conditions
and Survey Requirements
We compared CHAP’s HHA
requirements and survey process with
the Medicare CoPs and survey process
as outlined in the State Operations
Manual (SOM). Our review and
evaluation of CHAP’s HHA application
were conducted as described in section
III. of this notice and have yielded the
following areas where, as of the date of
this notice, CHAP has completed
revising its standards and certification
processes to meet the standard’s
requirements of all the following
• Section 484.50(c)(8), to clarify
under Patient Right’s that the HHA must
also comply with the requirements of 42
CFR 405.1200 through 405.1204 when
providing the patient with written
notice, in advance of a specific service
being furnished.
• Section 484.75(c)(2), to specify that
when rehabilitative therapy services are
provided under the supervision of an
occupational therapist or physical
therapist, the qualified professional
meets the requirements of § 484.115(f)
or (h), respectively.
• Section 484.75(c)(3), to specify that
when medical social services are
provided under the supervision of a
social worker, the requirements of
§ 484.115(m) are met.
• Section 484.100(a), to appropriately
cross-reference the Medicare conditions
of §§ 420.201, 420.202, and 420.206 or
corresponding comparable CHAP
• Section 484.102(d)(2)(iii), to
include the requirement for HHAs to
analyze the HHA’s response to and
maintain documentation of all drills,
tabletop exercises, and emergency
events, and revise the HHA’s emergency
plan, as needed.
• Section 484.105(g), to appropriately
cross-reference the Medicare conditions
of §§ 485.713, 485.715, 485.719,
485.723, and 485.727 or corresponding
comparable CHAP standards.
In addition to the standards review,
CMS also reviewed CHAP’s comparable
survey processes, which were
conducted as described in section III. of
this notice, and yielded the following
areas where, as of the date of this notice,
CHAP has completed revising its survey
processes, in order to demonstrate that
it uses survey processes that are
comparable to state survey agency
processes by removing references to
‘‘blackout dates,’’ by allowing facilities
to select dates which suggested the
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facility would be unavailable for
surveys, as CMS expects all Medicareparticipating facilities to be survey
ready at all times.
B. Term of Approval
Based on our review and observations
described in sections III. and V. of this
notice, we approve CHAP as a national
AO for HHAs that request participation
in the Medicare program. The decision
announced in this final notice is
effective March 31, 2024, through March
31, 2030 (6 years).
VI. Collection of Information
This document does not impose
information collection requirements,
that is, reporting, recordkeeping, or
third-party disclosure requirements.
Consequently, there is no need for
review by the Office of Management and
Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
The Administrator of the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS),
Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, having
reviewed and approved this document,
authorizes Chyana Woodyard, who is
the Federal Register Liaison, to
electronically sign this document for
purposes of publication in the Federal
Chyana Woodyard,
Federal Register Liaison, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2023–28831 Filed 12–29–23; 8:45 am]
Health Resources and Services
Lists of Designated Primary Medical
Care, Mental Health, and Dental Health
Professional Shortage Areas
Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), Department of
Health and Human Services.
ACTION: Notice.
This is the second of two
planned notices informing the public of
the availability of the complete lists of
all geographic areas, population groups,
and facilities designated as primary
medical care, dental health, and mental
health professional shortage areas
(HPSA). This notice includes the lists of
HPSAs in a designated status as of
December 2, 2023. The lists are
available on the shortage area topic page
on HRSA’s website. The
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first Federal Register notice was
published on July 3, 2023, and included
HPSAs in a designated status and those
proposed for withdrawal, while
extending the transition time
communicated in the prior notice
published on July 7, 2022. State primary
care offices had additional time to
submit HPSA data that was re-evaluated
in preparation for the publication of this
notice. This second Federal Register
notice includes the lists of HPSAs in a
designated status and withdraws
designations proposed for withdrawal
not meeting the requirements for
designation as of the data pull on
December 2, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Complete lists of HPSAs
designated as of December 2, 2023, are
available on the website at https://
shortage-areas/frn. Frequently updated
information on HPSAs is available at Information on shortage
designations is available at https://
further information on the HPSA
designations listed on the website or to
request additional designation,
withdrawal, or reapplication for
designation, please contact Anthony
Estelle, Chief, Shortage Designation
Branch, Division of Policy and Shortage
Designation, Bureau of Health
Workforce (BHW), HRSA, 5600 Fishers
Lane, Room 11W16, Rockville,
Maryland 20857,
Section 332 of the Public Health
Service (PHS) Act, 42 U.S.C. 254e,
provides that the Secretary shall
designate HPSAs based on criteria
established by regulation. HPSAs are
defined in section 332 to include (1)
urban and rural geographic areas with
shortages of health professionals, (2)
population groups with such shortages,
and (3) facilities with such shortages.
Section 332 further requires that the
Secretary annually publish lists of the
designated geographic areas, population
groups, and facilities. The lists of
HPSAs are to be reviewed at least
annually and revised as necessary.
Final regulations (42 CFR part 5) were
published in 1980 that include the
criteria for designating HPSAs. Criteria
were defined for seven health
professional types: primary medical
care, dental, psychiatric, vision care,
podiatric, pharmacy, and veterinary
care. The criteria for correctional facility
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 1 (Tuesday, January 2, 2024)]
[Pages 80-82]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2023-28831]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Application from the Community
Health Accreditation Program (CHAP) for Continued Approval of Its Home
Health Agency Accreditation Program
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Health and
Human Services (HHS).
[[Page 81]]
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces our decision to approve the Community
Health Accreditation Program (CHAP) for continued recognition as a
national accrediting organization for home health agencies (HHAs) that
wish to participate in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.
DATES: The decision announced in this notice is applicable March 31,
2024, to March 31, 2030.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Caecilia Andrews, (410) 786-2190.
I. Background
Under the Medicare program, eligible beneficiaries may receive
covered services from a home health agency (HHA), provided certain
requirements are met. Sections 1861(m) and (o), 1891 and 1895 of the
Social Security Act (the Act) establish distinct criteria for an entity
seeking designation as an HHA. Regulations concerning provider
agreements are at 42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 489 and
those pertaining to activities relating to the survey and certification
of facilities and other entities are at 42 CFR part 488. The
regulations at 42 CFR parts 409 and 484 specify the conditions that an
HHA must meet to participate in the Medicare program, the scope of
covered services and the conditions for Medicare payment for home
health care.
Generally, to enter into a provider agreement with the Medicare
program, an HHA must first be certified by a state survey agency as
complying with the conditions or requirements set forth in 42 CFR part
484 of our regulations. Thereafter, the HHA is subject to regular
surveys by a state survey agency to determine whether it continues to
meet these requirements.
However, there is an alternative to surveys by state agencies.
Section 1865(a)(1) of the Act provides that, if a provider entity
demonstrates through accreditation by a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) approved national accrediting organization (AO) that all
applicable Medicare requirements are met or exceeded, we will deem
those provider entities as having met such requirements. Accreditation
by an AO is voluntary and is not required for Medicare participation.
If an AO is recognized by the Secretary of the Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) (the Secretary) as having standards for
accreditation that meet or exceed Medicare requirements, any provider
entity accredited by the national accrediting body's approved program
would be deemed to meet the Medicare requirements. A national AO
applying for approval of its accreditation program under 42 CFR part
488, subpart A, must provide CMS with reasonable assurance that the AO
requires the accredited provider entities to meet requirements that are
at least as stringent as the Medicare requirements.
Our regulations concerning the approval of AOs are at Sec. Sec.
488.4 and 488.5. The regulations at Sec. 488.5(e)(2)(i) require an AO
to reapply for continued approval of its accreditation program every 6
years or sooner, as determined by CMS. This notice is to announce our
continued approval of CHAP's HHA accreditation program for a period of
6 years.
II. Application Approval Process
Section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act provides a statutory timetable to
ensure that our review of applications for CMS-approval of an
accreditation program is conducted in a timely manner. The Act provides
us 210 days after the date of receipt of a complete application, with
any documentation necessary to make the determination, to complete our
survey activities and application process. Within 60 days after
receiving a complete application, we must publish a notice in the
Federal Register that identifies the national accrediting body making
the request, describes the request, and provides no less than a 30-day
public comment period. At the end of the 210-day period, we must
publish a notice in the Federal Register approving or denying the
III. Provisions of the Proposed Notice
In the August 8, 2023 Federal Register (88 FR 53489), we published
a proposed notice announcing CHAP's request for continued approval of
its Medicare HHA accreditation program. In the August 2023 proposed
notice (88 FR 53489), we detailed our evaluation criteria. Under
section 1865(a)(2) of the Act and in our regulations at Sec. 488.5, we
conducted a review of CHAP's Medicare HHA accreditation application in
accordance with the criteria specified by our regulations, which
include, but are not limited to the following:
An administrative review of CHAP's--
++ Corporate policies;
++ Financial and human resources available to accomplish the
proposed surveys;
++ Procedures for training, monitoring, and evaluation of its
++ Ability to investigate and respond appropriately to complaints
against accredited facilities; and
++ Survey review and decision-making process for accreditation.
A comparison of CHAP's accreditation to our current
Medicare HHA conditions of participation (CoPs).
A documentation review of CHAP's survey process to do the
++ Determine the composition of the survey team, surveyor
qualifications, and CHAP's ability to provide continuing surveyor
++ Compare CHAP's processes to those of state survey agencies,
including survey frequency, and the ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against accredited facilities.
++ Evaluate CHAP's procedures for monitoring HHAs out of compliance
with CHAP's program requirements. The monitoring procedures are used
only when CHAP identifies noncompliance. If noncompliance is identified
through validation reviews, the state survey agency monitors
corrections as specified at Sec. 488.7(d).
++ Assess CHAP's ability to report deficiencies to the surveyed
facilities and respond to the facility's plan of correction in a timely
++ Establish CHAP's ability to provide CMS with electronic data and
reports necessary for effective validation and assessment of the
organization's survey process.
++ Determine the adequacy of staff and other resources.
++ Confirm CHAP's ability to provide adequate funding for
performing required surveys.
++ Confirm CHAP's policies with respect to whether surveys are
++ Obtain CHAP's agreement to provide CMS with a copy of the most
current accreditation survey together with any other information
related to the survey as we may require, including corrective action
++ Review CHAP's policies and procedures to avoid conflicts of
interest, including the appearance of conflicts of interest, involving
individuals who conduct surveys or participate in accreditation
IV. Analysis of and Responses to Public Comments on the Proposed Notice
In accordance with section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act, the August 8,
2023 proposed notice also solicited public comments regarding whether
CHAP's requirements met or exceeded the Medicare CoPs for HHAs. We
received no comments in response to our proposed notice.
[[Page 82]]
V. Provisions of the Final Notice
A. Differences Between CHAP's Standards and Requirements for
Accreditation and Medicare Conditions and Survey Requirements
We compared CHAP's HHA requirements and survey process with the
Medicare CoPs and survey process as outlined in the State Operations
Manual (SOM). Our review and evaluation of CHAP's HHA application were
conducted as described in section III. of this notice and have yielded
the following areas where, as of the date of this notice, CHAP has
completed revising its standards and certification processes to meet
the standard's requirements of all the following regulations:
Section 484.50(c)(8), to clarify under Patient Right's
that the HHA must also comply with the requirements of 42 CFR 405.1200
through 405.1204 when providing the patient with written notice, in
advance of a specific service being furnished.
Section 484.75(c)(2), to specify that when rehabilitative
therapy services are provided under the supervision of an occupational
therapist or physical therapist, the qualified professional meets the
requirements of Sec. 484.115(f) or (h), respectively.
Section 484.75(c)(3), to specify that when medical social
services are provided under the supervision of a social worker, the
requirements of Sec. 484.115(m) are met.
Section 484.100(a), to appropriately cross-reference the
Medicare conditions of Sec. Sec. 420.201, 420.202, and 420.206 or
corresponding comparable CHAP standards.
Section 484.102(d)(2)(iii), to include the requirement for
HHAs to analyze the HHA's response to and maintain documentation of all
drills, tabletop exercises, and emergency events, and revise the HHA's
emergency plan, as needed.
Section 484.105(g), to appropriately cross-reference the
Medicare conditions of Sec. Sec. 485.713, 485.715, 485.719, 485.723,
and 485.727 or corresponding comparable CHAP standards.
In addition to the standards review, CMS also reviewed CHAP's
comparable survey processes, which were conducted as described in
section III. of this notice, and yielded the following areas where, as
of the date of this notice, CHAP has completed revising its survey
processes, in order to demonstrate that it uses survey processes that
are comparable to state survey agency processes by removing references
to ``blackout dates,'' by allowing facilities to select dates which
suggested the facility would be unavailable for surveys, as CMS expects
all Medicare-participating facilities to be survey ready at all times.
B. Term of Approval
Based on our review and observations described in sections III. and
V. of this notice, we approve CHAP as a national AO for HHAs that
request participation in the Medicare program. The decision announced
in this final notice is effective March 31, 2024, through March 31,
2030 (6 years).
VI. Collection of Information Requirements
This document does not impose information collection requirements,
that is, reporting, recordkeeping, or third-party disclosure
requirements. Consequently, there is no need for review by the Office
of Management and Budget under the authority of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
The Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS), Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, having reviewed and approved this
document, authorizes Chyana Woodyard, who is the Federal Register
Liaison, to electronically sign this document for purposes of
publication in the Federal Register.
Chyana Woodyard,
Federal Register Liaison, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2023-28831 Filed 12-29-23; 8:45 am]