Review of the Commission's Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees; Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for Fiscal Year 2023, 89608-89610 [2023-28617]
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 248 / Thursday, December 28, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
The additions and revision read as
§ 2.10–25
Alternative Compliance Program
option means the option described in 46
CFR part 8, subpart D.
Annual vessel inspection fee means
the fee charged for inspection and
related services provided by the Coast
Guard to determine whether a vessel
meets the requirements to maintain its
Certificate of Inspection.
Coast Guard option means an option
used by—
(1) A vessel inspected under a 46 CFR
subchapter that is not participating in
the Alternative Compliance Program
described in 46 CFR part 8, subpart D;
(2) A vessel inspected under a 46 CFR
subchapter that is not participating in
the Streamlined Inspection Program
described in 46 CFR part 8, subpart E;
(3) A vessel inspected under 46 CFR
subchapter M that is not participating in
the Towing Safety Management System
option described in 46 CFR part 138.
Seagoing towing vessel means a
commercial vessel 300 gross tons or
more engaged in or intending to engage
in the service of pulling, pushing, or
hauling alongside, or any combination
of pulling, pushing, or hauling
alongside, and that makes voyages
beyond the Boundary Line as defined by
46 U.S.C. 103, and has been issued a
Certificate of Inspection under the
provisions of subchapter I of this
Streamlined Inspection Program
option means the option described in 46
CFR part 8, subpart E.
Towing Safety Management System
option means the option described in 46
CFR part 138 for towing vessels subject
to 46 CFR subchapter M.
Towing vessel means a commercial
vessel engaged in or intending to engage
in the service of pulling, pushing, or
hauling alongside, or any combination
of pulling, pushing, or hauling
3. Amend § 2.10–101, in Table 2.10–
101, by:
■ a. Revising the ‘‘Sea-going Towing
Vessels’’ entry and, in order, adding the
subentries ‘‘Coast Guard option’’,
‘‘Alternative Compliance option’’, and
‘‘Streamlined Inspection Program
option’’; and
■ b. Adding an entry for ‘‘Towing
Vessels (Inspected under 46 CFR
Subchapter M)’’ and, in order, adding
the subentries ‘‘Coast Guard option’’
and ‘‘Towing Safety Management
System option’’.
The addition and revision read as
§ 2.10–101
Annual vessel inspection fee.
Seagoing Towing Vessels (Inspected under 46 CFR Subchapter I):
Coast Guard option ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
Alternative Compliance Program option ..................................................................................................................................................................
Streamlined Inspection Program option ...................................................................................................................................................................
Towing Vessels (Inspected under 46 CFR Subchapter M):
Coast Guard option ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
Towing Safety Management System option ............................................................................................................................................................
[FR Doc. 2023–28112 Filed 12–27–23; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 1
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES
[MD Docket Nos. 22–301, 23–159; FCC 23–
34; FR ID 191170]
Review of the Commission’s
Assessment and Collection of
Regulatory Fees; Assessment and
Collection of Regulatory Fees for
Fiscal Year 2023
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final action.
19:28 Dec 27, 2023
In this document, the Federal
Communications Commission
(Commission) amends its rules to
simplify and streamline the
Commission’s procedures for filing
waiver, deferral, and reduction requests
for regulatory fees and the procedures
for filing installment payment requests
for all debt owed to the Commission,
including regulatory fees, to reduce
administrative expenses and ensure
more rapid disposition of such requests.
DATES: The revision to the
Commission’s waiver procedure, 47 CFR
1.1166, became effective on October 16,
2023. The revision to 47 CFR 1.1914 is
delayed indefinitely until after review
by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB), as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act.
Roland Helvajian, Office of Managing
Director, at (202) 418–0444.
summary of the Commission’s Report
Dated: December 18, 2023.
W.R. Arguin,
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard, Assistant
Commandant for Prevention Policy.
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and Order (May Report and Order), in
MD Docket Nos. 22–301 and 23–159,
FCC 23–34, adopted on May 12, 2023,
and released on May 15, 2023, as
amended by the sua sponte technical
corrections the Commission made to the
language of 47 CFR 1.1166 and 1.1914
in the Commission’s Report and Order,
FCC 23–66, MD Docket Nos. 22–310 and
23–159, adopted and released on August
10, 2023 (August Report and Order), 88
FR 63694, (Sept. 15, 2023). The full text
of the Commission’s May Report and
Order and August Report and Order are
available for public inspection by
downloading the text from the
Commission’s website at https://
I. Administrative Matters
A. Final Paperwork Reduction Act of
1995 Analysis
1. The Commission adopted
amendments to 47 CFR 1.1166 and
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 248 / Thursday, December 28, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
1.1914 in the May Report and Order,
and made technical corrections to the
language of those rules in the August
Report and Order, which may contain
new or substantively modified
information collection requirements
subject to the PRA and new or modified
information collection burdens for small
business concerns with fewer than 25
employees, pursuant to the Small
Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002,
Public Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C.
3506(c)(4). The amendments to 47 CFR
1.1166, as adopted in the May Report
and Order, and as technically corrected
in the August Report and Order, were
approved by OMB on August 17, 2023,
pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction
Act, as non-substantive modifications to
an information collection under the
PRA. The effective date of the amended
47 CFR 1.1166 was October 16, 2023,
which was 30 days after it was
published in the Federal Register on
September 15, 2023. The amendments
to 47 CFR 1.1914 will not become
effective until 30 days after publication
of a document in the Federal Register
announcing that the Office of
Management and Budget has completed
review of any information collection
requirements that the Office of
Managing Director determines are
required under the Paperwork
Reduction Act. The Commission will
publish a document in the Federal
Register announcing the effective date
of the revisions to 47 CFR 1.1914.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES
B. Congressional Review Act
2. The Commission will not send a
copy of the May Report and Order to
Congress and the Government
Accountability Office pursuant to the
Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C.
801(a)(1)(A), because the adopted rule is
a rule of agency organization,
procedure, or practice that does not
‘‘substantially affect the right or
obligations of non-agency parties.’’
II. Discussion
3. In the May Report and Order, the
Commission codified several of the
temporary measures it had implemented
in FY 2020 through FY 2022 to
permanently simplify and streamline
the process for filing waiver, deferral,
and reduction requests for regulatory
fees and the process for filing
installment payment requests for all
debt owed to the Commission, including
regulatory fee debt. Specifically, it
amended 47 CFR 1.1166 and 1.1914 as
follows: (i) parties seeking multiple
forms of regulatory fee relief, including
installment payment of their regulatory
fees, may file a single pleading in which
all requested relief is included; (ii)
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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parties must submit their requests
electronically to;
and (iii) parties seeking only installment
payment relief to pay debt owed to the
Commission, including regulatory fee
debt, must submit such requests in
writing, electronically to regfeerelief@ The Commission received many
more requests for waiver, reduction,
deferral, and installment payment relief
in FYs 2020, 2021, and 2022 than it had
received in previous years. As in other
years, many of the requests were
submitted by regulatory fee payors
without the assistance of counsel. The
Commission found that the procedural
flexibility used during this time eased
the Commission’s administrative burden
and thereby reduced administrative
expenses of collection. The Commission
made these changes without notice and
comment because they are rules of
agency organization, procedure, or
practice exempt from the general noticeand-comment requirements of the
Administrative Procedure Act.
4. On August 10, 2023, the
Commission adopted the August Report
and Order, which included sua sponte
technical corrections to the amended
language of 47 CFR 1.1166 and 1.1914.
Specifically, the Commission deleted
‘‘or installment payment’’ in the
introductory paragraph of 47 CFR
1.1166 and in 47 CFR 1.1166(a), made
grammatical changes to move the word
‘‘or’’ twice, and deleted ‘‘and 1.1914’’ in
47 CFR 1.1166(a). The Commission also
restored the following text (bolded) that
was inadvertently deleted from 47 CFR
1.1166(a) in the May Report and Order:
‘‘All requests for waiver, reduction and
deferral shall be acted upon by the
Managing Director with the concurrence
of the General Counsel.’’ The
Commission also (1) modified the
heading of section 1.1166 to delete ‘‘and
installment payment’’ and to add ‘‘and’’
before the word ‘‘deferrals’’; (2) revised
the final sentence of the introductory
paragraph of section 1.1166 to delete the
phrase ‘‘interest charges or penalties’’;
and (3) revised section 1.1166(b) to
delete a comma and the phrase ‘‘from
the date of the filing of the deferral
5. The Commission also made
technical corrections to 47 CFR 1.1914
to clarify the language of the rule.
Specifically, the third sentence of 47
CFR 1.1914(a) was revised to read as
follows: ‘‘Requests for installment
payment of non-regulatory fee debt shall
be filed electronically, by submission to
the following email address:’’ The
Commission explained that it made this
change to ensure that, for administrative
simplicity purposes, installment
PO 00000
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payment requests that are nonregulatory fee in nature are submitted to
a different email address than the email
address to which all regulatory fee relief
requests, including for installment
payment of regulatory fees, are to be
submitted. The Commission also revised
the fourth sentence of 47 CFR 1.1914(a)
to more clearly state that requests for
installment payment of regulatory fees
may be combined with other regulatory
fee relief requests that are filed pursuant
to 47 CFR 1.1166. Additionally, the
Commission revised the fifth sentence
of section 1.1914(a) to delete the phrase
‘‘their debt to the Commission.’’
Further, the Commission stated that the
amendments to 47 CFR 1.1914 in the
May Report and Order will continue as
temporary measures until such time as
they become effective.
6. On August 17, 2023, OMB
approved the amendments to 47 CFR
1.1166, including the technical language
corrections the Commission made in the
August Report and Order. On September
15, 2023, the August Report and Order
was published in the Federal Register,
including 47 CFR 1.1166 and 1.1914, as
fully amended and technically
corrected. The effective date of 47 CFR
1.1166 was October 16, 2023, which was
30 days after it was published in the
Federal Register. The Commission will
publish a document in the Federal
Register to announce the effective date
for the revisions to 47 CFR 1.1914, once
OMB has approved the rule.
III. Ordering Clauses
7. Accordingly, it is ordered that,
pursuant to sections 4(i), 4(j), 9, 9A, and
303(r) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. 154(i),
154(j), 159, 159a, 303(r), this May
Report and Order is hereby adopted.
8. It is further ordered that the
amendments to section 1.1914 of the
Commission’s rules, 47 CFR 1.1914,
which were technically corrected by the
Commission on August 10, 2023, WILL
BECOME EFFECTIVE 30 days after
publication of a document in the
Federal Register announcing that the
Office of Management and Budget has
completed review of any information
collection requirements that the Office
of Managing Director determines as
required under the Paperwork
Reduction Act. The Commission will
publish a document in the Federal
Register announcing the effective date
of the amendments to 47 CFR 1.1914.
The amendments to section 1.1166 of
the Commission’s rules, 47 CFR 1.1166,
which were technically corrected by the
Commission on August 10, 2023, and
approved by the Office of Management
and Budget, pursuant to the Paperwork
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 248 / Thursday, December 28, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Reduction Act, on August 17, 2023,
became effective on October 16, 2023.
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2023–28617 Filed 12–27–23; 8:45 am]
47 CFR Part 74
[MB Docket No. 03–185; FCC 23–58; FR ID
Digital Low Power Television and
Television Translator Stations
Federal Communications
ACTION: Final rule; announcement of
effective date.
In this document, the Federal
Communications Commission
(Commission) announces that the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) has
approved the information collection
requirements associated with the
Commission’s rules in a Report and
Order which adopts rules to clarify for
all stakeholders the status of LPTV FM6
service and codify that these services
may be provided by a group of 14
existing FM6 stations, and only by those
stations. This document is consistent
with the Commission’s Report and
Order, which stated that the
Commission would publish a document
in the Federal Register announcing the
effective date of those rules.
DATES: The amendments to 47 CFR
74.790(o)(9) and (10) are published at 88
FR 59455, August 29, 2023, are effective
as of December 28, 2023, except for the
portion of OMB Control No. 3060–0386
that approves the one-time requirement
that FM6 LPTV stations notify the
Media Bureau via letter filing as to
whether they will continue FM6
operations and confirm their precise
FM6 operational parameters. We
establish January 29, 2024 as the
deadline for filing this notification with
the Bureau.
Shaun Maher, Video Division, Media
Bureau at (202) 418–2324 or, Mark
Colombo, Video Division, Media Bureau
at (202) 418–7611 or Mark.Colombo@ For additional information
concerning the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) information collection
requirements contained in this
document, contact Cathy Williams at
202–418–2918, or Cathy.Williams@
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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document announces that, on December
5, 2023, OMB approved the information
collection requirements contained in
§§ 74.790(o)(9) and 74.790(o)(10) of the
Commission’s rules. The OMB Control
Numbers are 3060–0110, 3060–0214,
and 3060–0386. The Commission
publishes this document as an
announcement of the effective date of
these rules. If you have any comments
on the burden estimates listed below, or
how the Commission can improve the
collections and reduce any burdens
caused thereby, please contact Cathy
Williams, Federal Communications
Commission, Room 3–317, 45 L Street
NE, Washington, DC 20554. Please
include the OMB Control Number,
3060–0110, or 3060–0214, or 3060–
0386, in your correspondence. The
Commission will also accept your
comments via email at
To request materials in accessible
formats for people with disabilities
(Braille, large print, electronic files,
audio format), send an email to fcc504@ or call the Consumer and
Governmental Affairs Bureau at (202)
418–0530 (voice), (202) 418–0432
As required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507),
the FCC is notifying the public that it
received final OMB approval on
December 5, 2023, for the information
collection requirements contained in
§§ 74.790(o)(9) and 74.790(o)(10) of the
Commission’s rules.
Under 5 CFR 1320, an agency may not
conduct or sponsor a collection of
information unless it displays a current,
valid OMB Control Number.
No person shall be subject to any
penalty for failing to comply with a
collection of information subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act that does not
display a current, valid OMB Control
The foregoing notice is required by
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
Public Law 104–13, October 1, 1995,
and 44 U.S.C. 3507.
The total annual reporting burdens
and costs for the respondents are as
OMB Control Number: 3060–0110.
OMB Approval Date: December 5,
OMB Expiration Date: December 31,
Title: FCC Form 2100, Application for
Renewal of Broadcast Station License,
LMS Schedule 303–S.
Form Number: FCC 2100, LMS
Schedule 303–S.
PO 00000
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Respondents: Business or other forprofit entities; Not for profit institutions;
State, Local or Tribal Governments.
Number of Respondents and
Responses: 5,140 respondents, 5,140
Estimated Time per Response: 0.5
hours-12 hours.
Frequency of Response: On occasion
reporting requirement; Every eight-year
reporting requirement; Third party
disclosure requirement.
Total Annual Burden: 14,868 hours.
Total Annual Costs: $3,994,164.
Obligation of Response: Required to
obtain or retain benefits. The statutory
authority for the collection is contained
sections 154(i), 303, 307 and 308 of the
Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, and section 204 of the
Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Needs and Uses: On July 20, 2023, the
Commission adopted Amendment of
Parts 73 and 74 of the Commission’s
Rules to Establish Rules for Digital Low
Power Television and Television
Translator Stations, Fifth Report and
Order, FCC 23–58 (rel. July 20, 2023)
(FM6 Report and Order). The
Commission adopted a new requirement
that FM6 LPTV stations certify in their
license renewal application that they
have continued to provide FM6
operations in accordance with the FM6
rules during their prior license term.
The Commission delegated authority to
the Media Bureau to determine the most
appropriate means for these stations to
make such certification, be it by an
attachment to the renewal application or
some other reasonable means. This
requirement is contained in 47 CFR
This submission is being made to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for approval of the renewal
certification requirement for FM6 LPTV
stations as adopted in the FM6 Report
and Order. Since the certification will
be included as an additional exhibit to
the existing form, it did not necessitate
changes to LMS Form 2100 Schedule
OMB Control Number: 3060–0214.
OMB Approval Date: December 5,
OMB Expiration Date: December 31,
Title: Sections 73.3526 and 73.3527,
Local Public Inspection Files; Sections
73.1212, 76.1701 and 73.1943, Political
Form Number: N/A.
Respondents: Business or other for
profit entities; Not for profit institutions;
State, Local or Tribal government;
Individuals or households.
Number of Respondents: 23,819
respondents; 66,392 responses.
[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 248 (Thursday, December 28, 2023)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 89608-89610]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2023-28617]
47 CFR Part 1
[MD Docket Nos. 22-301, 23-159; FCC 23-34; FR ID 191170]
Review of the Commission's Assessment and Collection of
Regulatory Fees; Assessment and Collection of Regulatory Fees for
Fiscal Year 2023
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission.
ACTION: Final action.
SUMMARY: In this document, the Federal Communications Commission
(Commission) amends its rules to simplify and streamline the
Commission's procedures for filing waiver, deferral, and reduction
requests for regulatory fees and the procedures for filing installment
payment requests for all debt owed to the Commission, including
regulatory fees, to reduce administrative expenses and ensure more
rapid disposition of such requests.
DATES: The revision to the Commission's waiver procedure, 47 CFR
1.1166, became effective on October 16, 2023. The revision to 47 CFR
1.1914 is delayed indefinitely until after review by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB), as required by the Paperwork Reduction
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Roland Helvajian, Office of Managing
Director, at (202) 418-0444.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's Report
and Order (May Report and Order), in MD Docket Nos. 22-301 and 23-159,
FCC 23-34, adopted on May 12, 2023, and released on May 15, 2023, as
amended by the sua sponte technical corrections the Commission made to
the language of 47 CFR 1.1166 and 1.1914 in the Commission's Report and
Order, FCC 23-66, MD Docket Nos. 22-310 and 23-159, adopted and
released on August 10, 2023 (August Report and Order), 88 FR 63694,
(Sept. 15, 2023). The full text of the Commission's May Report and
Order and August Report and Order are available for public inspection
by downloading the text from the Commission's website at
I. Administrative Matters
A. Final Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis
1. The Commission adopted amendments to 47 CFR 1.1166 and
[[Page 89609]]
1.1914 in the May Report and Order, and made technical corrections to
the language of those rules in the August Report and Order, which may
contain new or substantively modified information collection
requirements subject to the PRA and new or modified information
collection burdens for small business concerns with fewer than 25
employees, pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002,
Public Law 107-198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4). The amendments to 47 CFR
1.1166, as adopted in the May Report and Order, and as technically
corrected in the August Report and Order, were approved by OMB on
August 17, 2023, pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act, as non-
substantive modifications to an information collection under the PRA.
The effective date of the amended 47 CFR 1.1166 was October 16, 2023,
which was 30 days after it was published in the Federal Register on
September 15, 2023. The amendments to 47 CFR 1.1914 will not become
effective until 30 days after publication of a document in the Federal
Register announcing that the Office of Management and Budget has
completed review of any information collection requirements that the
Office of Managing Director determines are required under the Paperwork
Reduction Act. The Commission will publish a document in the Federal
Register announcing the effective date of the revisions to 47 CFR
B. Congressional Review Act
2. The Commission will not send a copy of the May Report and Order
to Congress and the Government Accountability Office pursuant to the
Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A), because the adopted
rule is a rule of agency organization, procedure, or practice that does
not ``substantially affect the right or obligations of non-agency
II. Discussion
3. In the May Report and Order, the Commission codified several of
the temporary measures it had implemented in FY 2020 through FY 2022 to
permanently simplify and streamline the process for filing waiver,
deferral, and reduction requests for regulatory fees and the process
for filing installment payment requests for all debt owed to the
Commission, including regulatory fee debt. Specifically, it amended 47
CFR 1.1166 and 1.1914 as follows: (i) parties seeking multiple forms of
regulatory fee relief, including installment payment of their
regulatory fees, may file a single pleading in which all requested
relief is included; (ii) parties must submit their requests
electronically to [email protected]; and (iii) parties seeking only
installment payment relief to pay debt owed to the Commission,
including regulatory fee debt, must submit such requests in writing,
electronically to [email protected]. The Commission received many
more requests for waiver, reduction, deferral, and installment payment
relief in FYs 2020, 2021, and 2022 than it had received in previous
years. As in other years, many of the requests were submitted by
regulatory fee payors without the assistance of counsel. The Commission
found that the procedural flexibility used during this time eased the
Commission's administrative burden and thereby reduced administrative
expenses of collection. The Commission made these changes without
notice and comment because they are rules of agency organization,
procedure, or practice exempt from the general notice-and-comment
requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act.
4. On August 10, 2023, the Commission adopted the August Report and
Order, which included sua sponte technical corrections to the amended
language of 47 CFR 1.1166 and 1.1914. Specifically, the Commission
deleted ``or installment payment'' in the introductory paragraph of 47
CFR 1.1166 and in 47 CFR 1.1166(a), made grammatical changes to move
the word ``or'' twice, and deleted ``and 1.1914'' in 47 CFR 1.1166(a).
The Commission also restored the following text (bolded) that was
inadvertently deleted from 47 CFR 1.1166(a) in the May Report and
Order: ``All requests for waiver, reduction and deferral shall be acted
upon by the Managing Director with the concurrence of the General
Counsel.'' The Commission also (1) modified the heading of section
1.1166 to delete ``and installment payment'' and to add ``and'' before
the word ``deferrals''; (2) revised the final sentence of the
introductory paragraph of section 1.1166 to delete the phrase
``interest charges or penalties''; and (3) revised section 1.1166(b) to
delete a comma and the phrase ``from the date of the filing of the
deferral request''.
5. The Commission also made technical corrections to 47 CFR 1.1914
to clarify the language of the rule. Specifically, the third sentence
of 47 CFR 1.1914(a) was revised to read as follows: ``Requests for
installment payment of non-regulatory fee debt shall be filed
electronically, by submission to the following email address:
[email protected].'' The Commission explained that it made
this change to ensure that, for administrative simplicity purposes,
installment payment requests that are non-regulatory fee in nature are
submitted to a different email address than the email address to which
all regulatory fee relief requests, including for installment payment
of regulatory fees, are to be submitted. The Commission also revised
the fourth sentence of 47 CFR 1.1914(a) to more clearly state that
requests for installment payment of regulatory fees may be combined
with other regulatory fee relief requests that are filed pursuant to 47
CFR 1.1166. Additionally, the Commission revised the fifth sentence of
section 1.1914(a) to delete the phrase ``their debt to the
Commission.'' Further, the Commission stated that the amendments to 47
CFR 1.1914 in the May Report and Order will continue as temporary
measures until such time as they become effective.
6. On August 17, 2023, OMB approved the amendments to 47 CFR
1.1166, including the technical language corrections the Commission
made in the August Report and Order. On September 15, 2023, the August
Report and Order was published in the Federal Register, including 47
CFR 1.1166 and 1.1914, as fully amended and technically corrected. The
effective date of 47 CFR 1.1166 was October 16, 2023, which was 30 days
after it was published in the Federal Register. The Commission will
publish a document in the Federal Register to announce the effective
date for the revisions to 47 CFR 1.1914, once OMB has approved the
III. Ordering Clauses
7. Accordingly, it is ordered that, pursuant to sections 4(i),
4(j), 9, 9A, and 303(r) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
47 U.S.C. 154(i), 154(j), 159, 159a, 303(r), this May Report and Order
is hereby adopted.
8. It is further ordered that the amendments to section 1.1914 of
the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 1.1914, which were technically corrected
by the Commission on August 10, 2023, WILL BECOME EFFECTIVE 30 days
after publication of a document in the Federal Register announcing that
the Office of Management and Budget has completed review of any
information collection requirements that the Office of Managing
Director determines as required under the Paperwork Reduction Act. The
Commission will publish a document in the Federal Register announcing
the effective date of the amendments to 47 CFR 1.1914. The amendments
to section 1.1166 of the Commission's rules, 47 CFR 1.1166, which were
technically corrected by the Commission on August 10, 2023, and
approved by the Office of Management and Budget, pursuant to the
[[Page 89610]]
Reduction Act, on August 17, 2023, became effective on October 16,
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene Dortch,
[FR Doc. 2023-28617 Filed 12-27-23; 8:45 am]