Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records, 62813-62817 [2023-19782]
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 13, 2023 / Notices
starting at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight
Time (EDT), via ZOOM.
Virginia F. Holman, Housing Program
Technical Specialist, Office of Housing
Counseling, U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 600 East Broad
Street, Richmond, VA 23219; telephone
number 540–894–7790 (this is not a tollfree number); email virginia.f.holman@ HUD welcomes and is
prepared to receive calls from
individuals who are deaf or hard of
hearing, as well as individuals with
speech and communication disabilities.
To learn more about how to make an
accessible telephone call, please visit:
Individuals may also email
convening the virtual meeting of the
HCFAC on Thursday September 28,
2023, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. EDT.
The meeting will be held via ZOOM.
This meeting notice is provided in
accordance with the Federal Advisory
Committee Act, 5. U.S.C. app. 10(a)(2).
Draft Agenda—Housing Counseling
Federal Advisory Committee Meeting
Thursday September 28, 2023
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
I. Welcome
II. Presentations and Advisory Committee
III. Public Comment
IV. Next Steps
V. Adjourn
The public is invited to attend this
half-day (3 hours) virtual meeting, using
ZOOM Advance registration is required
to attend. To register, please visit
to complete your registration no later
than September 21, 2023. Registration
will be closed for the event on
September 21, 2023. If you have any
questions about registration, please
email HCFACCommittee@ After submitting
the registration form above, you will
receive registration confirmation with
the meeting link and passcode needed
to attend. Individuals with speech or
hearing impairments may learn more
about how to make an accessible
telephone call by visiting: https://
Closed captioning will be available
during the ZOOM meeting.
Members of the public will have an
opportunity to provide oral and written
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comments relative to agenda topics for
the HCFAC’s consideration. Your
registration confirmation will also
explain the process for speaking.
Available time for public comments
will be limited to ensure pertinent
HCFAC business is completed. The
amount of time allotted to each person
will be limited to two minutes and will
be allocated on a first-come first-served
basis by HUD. Written comments can be
provided on the registration form no
later than September 21, 2023. Please
note, written comments submitted will
not be read during the meeting. The
HCFAC will not respond to individual
written or oral statements during the
meeting; but it will take all public
comments into account in its
Meeting Records
Records and documents discussed
during the meeting as well as other
information about the work of the
HCFAC, will be available for public
viewing as they become available on at:
program_offices/housing/sfh/hcc; and at
Information on the Committee is also
available on HUD Exchange at https://
Julia R. Gordon,
Assistant Secretary for Housing, FHA
[FR Doc. 2023–19772 Filed 9–12–23; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FR–7077–N–13A]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of
Office of Multifamily Housing,
Office of Housing, HUD.
ACTION: Notice of a modified system of
Pursuant to the provisions of
the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended,
the Department of the Housing and
Urban Development (HUD), Office of
Multifamily Housing, is modifying
system of records for the Tenant Rental
Assistance Certification System
(TRACS). The modification will clarify
the authority for maintenance of the
system; routine uses of records in the
system; practices for retrieval, policies
and practices for retention and disposal
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of records, system location, system
manager(s), and administrative updates
to comply with the OMB Circular A–108
SORN template format.
DATES: Comments will be accepted on or
before October 13, 2023. This proposed
action will be effective immediately
upon publication. Routine uses will
become effective on the date following
the end of the comment period unless
comments are received which result in
a contrary determination.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by docket number or by one
of the following methods:
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions provided on that site to
submit comments electronically.
Fax: 202–619–8365.
Mail: Attention: Privacy Office;
LaDonne White, Chief Privacy Officer;
Office of the Executive Secretariat; 451
Seventh Street SW, Room 10139;
Washington, DC 20410–0001.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number for this rulemaking. All
comments received will be posted
without change to https:// including any
personal information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https://
Ladonne White; 451 Seventh Street SW,
Room 10139; Washington, DC 20410–
0001; telephone number (202) 708–3054
(this is not a toll-free number). HUD
welcomes and is prepared to receive
calls from individuals who are deaf or
hard of hearing, as well as individuals
with speech or communication
disabilities. To learn more about how to
make an accessible telephone call,
please visit
‘‘Notice of a Modified System of
Records’’ aligns the cited statutory
authority with the broad purpose of the
system, which has been and continues
to be the collection of information for
managing the Office of Multifamily
Housing (MFH) Programs’ rental
assistance programs. With this change,
the cited authority now includes
express citations for: the Tenant Rental
Assistance Certification System
(TRACS) is being enhanced to comply
with Presidential Executive Order
13985, released on January 20, 2021,
‘‘Executive Order on Advancing Racial
Equity and Support for Underserved
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 13, 2023 / Notices
Communities Through the Federal
Government,’’ that requires system
modifications to collect ethnic and race
data to evaluate whether HUD’s policies
produce racially inequitable results
when implemented and to ensure
underserved communities are properly
supported; HUD to share data match
capability to enable the ability to
establish eligibility for the Lifeline, EBB
and other FTB programs for families
which also participate in a HUD rental
assistance program. HUD must develop
an application protocol interface (API)
with the Universal Service
Administrative Company (USAC),
designated by the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) as
the Federal administrator of the
Universal Service Fund (USF or Fund)
Lifeline Program (Lifeline), the
Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB)
program and other Federal
Telecommunications Benefit (FTB)
programs. The USAC Routine Use #8
will enable FCC to use Lifeline
eligibility criteria as specified by the
Lifeline program establishing a
matching program between HUD’s
TRACS and USAC’s National Verifier.
47 CFR 54.409; and lastly the Housing
Opportunity Through Modernization
Act of 2016 (HOTMA) was enacted on
July 29, 2016. The HOTMA Final Rule
will revise HUD regulations to put
sections of HOTMA into effect. These
sections make sweeping changes to the
United States Housing Act of 1937,
particularly those affecting TRACS
income calculation and reviews for
assisted families, occupancy standards,
and the financial records required for
eligibility determinations. This
includes: (a) Changes about income
reviews for public housing and HUD’s
Section 8 programs. (b) Modifications to
the continued occupancy standards of
public housing residents whose income
has grown above the threshold for initial
eligibility, including setting maximum
limits on the assets that families living
in public housing and Section 8 assisted
housing may have. (c) HUD must direct
public housing agencies to require that
all applicants for and recipients of
assistance, through HUD’s public
housing or Section 8 programs, lets
public housing agencies obtain financial
records needed for eligibility
Tenant Rental Assistance Certification
System (TRACS)—HUD/HOU–11.
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The Department of Housing and
Urban Development Headquarters, 451
Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC
20410–0001; and at HUD Field and
Regional Office. TRACS is maintained
at: the National Center for Critical
Information Processing and Storage,
9325 Cypress Loop Road, Stennis, MS
Lanier M. Hylton, Senior Program
Manager, Office of Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Multifamily Housing
Programs, 451 7th Street SW, Room
6124 Washington, DC 20410, (202) 708–
The United States Housing Act of
1937, Public Law 93–383, 88 Stat. 653,
as amended, 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq.; The
Housing and Community Development
Act of 1987, Public Law 100–242, 101
Stat. 1864, section 165, 42 U.S.C 3543,
Public Law 97–35, 95 Stat. 408; The
Stewart B. McKinney Homeless
Assistance Amendments Act of 1988,
Public Law 100–628, 102 Stat. 3259,
section 904 as amended, 42 U.S.C. 3544.
TRACS performs edit checks and
accepts tenant and voucher request data
needed to verify data quality, and
interfaces with other HUD systems to
validate tenant income, verify contract
funding, obligate, and commit contract
funds, provide information to other
HUD divisions, and submit voucher
requests for payment to minimize
improper payments, and detect subsidy
fraud, waste, and abuse in multifamily
housing rental housing assistance
programs. TRACS automates and
integrates critical modules for TRACS
activities related to the Contract
Business System, the Tenant Business
System, and the Voucher/Payment
Business System:
• Integrated Multifamily Access
Exchange (iMAX) provides efficient
access to authorized industry partners
(i.e., Contract Administrators (CAs) and
Owner/Agents (OAs)) to transmit tenant
data and voucher data files to HUD and
other authorized partners.
• Integrated Contracts (iCon) supports
rental assistance contracts repository.
Contracts are added (e.g., for the Rental
Assistance Demonstration (RAD) and
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) 811
demo programs) and maintained by
internal MFH staff.
• Automated Renewal and
Amendment Management Subsystem
(ARAMS) Supports funding functions
for contract renewals and amendments.
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Headquarters staff enter and update
funding transactions which are then
interfaced to Line of Credit Control
System (LOCCS).
Individuals receiving project-based
rental housing assistance; property
owner, management agent, and contract
administrator who administers or
receives subsidies.
Full Name, SSN, Date of Birth,
Employment Status/History/
Information, Address, Marital Status,
Military Status or other information,
Race/Ethnicity, Phone Number(s), Email
Address(s), Salary, Sex, Taxpayer ID,
User ID, Name of head of household
member, Name of all household
members, Name of Owners/management
agent, Tenant/owners/management
agent, Identification number: Alien
Registration Number and Taxpayer
Identification Number (TIN), Spouse
name, and financial transactions
pertaining to the contracts.
Records in the system are obtained
from owners/management agents/
Housing Authorities and/or Contract
administrators on behalf of the assisted
tenants. The TRACS system and
contained subsystems may collect data
and information from the following
other systems: Geocode Service Center
(GSC), Line of Credit Control System
(LOCCS), HUD Central Accounting and
Program System (HUDCAPS), Integrated
Real Estate Management System
(iREMS), Enterprise Income Verification
(EIV), Multifamily Data Warehouse
(MFH) Data Mart, and Web Access
Security System (WASS).
(1) To contractors, grantees, experts,
consultants, Federal agencies, and nonFederal entities, including, but not
limited to, State and local governments
and other research institutions or their
parties, and entities and their agents
with whom HUD has a contract, service
agreement, grant, cooperative
agreement, or other agreement for the
purposes of statistical analysis and
research in support of program
operations, management, performance
monitoring, evaluation, risk
management, and policy development,
to otherwise support the Department’s
mission, or for other research and
statistical purposes not otherwise
prohibited by law or regulation. Records
under this routine use may not be used
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 13, 2023 / Notices
in whole or in part to make decisions
that affect the rights, benefits, or
privileges of specific individuals. The
results of the matched information may
not be disclosed in identifiable form.
(2) To Housing Authorities, (HAs) to
verify the accuracy and completeness of
tenant data used in determining
eligibility and continued eligibility and
the amount of housing assistance
(3) To Private Owners of assisted
housing to verify the accuracy and
completeness of applicant and tenant
data used in determining eligibility and
continued eligibility and the amount of
assistance received.
(4) To HAs, owners, management
agents and contract administrators to
identify and resolve discrepancies in
tenant data.
(5) To the Internal Revenue Service to
report income using IRS Form 1099 and
to disclose records to the Internal
Revenue Service when HUD determines
that the use of those records is relevant
and necessary to report payments or
discharge of indebtedness.
(6) To Social Security Administration
and Immigration and Naturalization
Service to verify alien status and
continued eligibility in HUD’s rental
assistance programs via Enterprise
Income Verification (EIV).
(7) To the congressional office from
the record of an individual in response
to an inquiry from that congressional
office made at the request of the
individual to whom the record pertains.
(8) To the Universal Service
Administrative Company (USAC),
which is designated by the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) as
the Federal administrator of the
Universal Service Fund (USF or Fund)
Lifeline Program (Lifeline), the
Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB)
program and other Federal
Telecommunications Benefit (FTB)
programs that utilizes Lifeline eligibility
criteria as specified by the Lifeline
program, 47 CFR 54.409. The purpose of
this routine use is to establish eligibility
for the Lifeline, EBB and other FTB
programs for families which also
participate in a HUD rental assistance
(9) To any Federal, State, or local
agency (e.g., state agencies
administering the state’s unemployment
compensation laws, Temporary
Assistance to Needy Families, or
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program agencies, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, and U.S.
Social Security Administration): To
verify the accuracy and completeness of
the data provided, to verify eligibility or
continued eligibility in HUD’s rental
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assistance programs, to identify and
recover improper payments under the
Payment Integrity Information Act of
2019, Public Law 116–117., and to aid
in the identification of tenant errors,
fraud, and abuse in assisted housing
(10) To appropriate agencies, entities,
and persons when: (1) HUD suspects or
has confirmed that there has been a
breach of the system of records; (2) HUD
has determined that as a result of the
suspected or confirmed breach there is
a risk of harm to individuals, HUD
(including its information systems,
programs, and operations), the Federal
Government, or national security; and
(3) the disclosure made to such
agencies, entities, and persons is
reasonably necessary to assist in
connection with HUD’s efforts to
respond to the suspected or confirmed
breach or to prevent, minimize, or
remedy such harm.
(11) To another Federal agency or
Federal entity, when HUD determines
that information from this system of
records is reasonably necessary to assist
the recipient agency or entity in (1)
responding to suspected or confirmed
breach, or (2) preventing, minimizing, or
remedying the risk of harm to
individuals, the recipient agency or
entity (including its information
systems, programs, and operations), the
Federal Government, or national
security, resulting from a suspected or
confirmed breach.
(12) To contractors, experts, and
consultants with whom HUD has a
contract, service agreement, or another
assignment when HUD provides system
access to HUD contractors to develop,
maintain and troubleshoot application
issues to support the Department’s
programs needed to meet its mission.
Upgrades and migrations to this TRACS
system are needed to meet the changes
in technology and improve system
performance. This is a corollary purpose
that is appropriate and necessary for the
efficient conduct of government and in
the best interest of both the individual
and the public.
(13) To Federal agencies, non-Federal
entities, their employees, and agents
(including contractors, their agents or
employees; employees or contractors of
the agents or designated agents); or
contractors, their employees or agents
with whom HUD has a contract, service
agreement, grant, cooperative
agreement, or computer matching
agreement for the purpose of: (1)
detection, prevention, and recovery of
improper payments; (2) detection and
prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse in
major Federal programs administered by
a Federal agency or non-Federal entity;
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(3) detection of fraud, waste, and abuse
by individuals in their operations and
programs; (4) for the purpose of
establishing or verifying the eligibility
of, or continuing compliance with
statutory and regulatory requirements
by, applicants for, recipients or
beneficiaries of, participants in, or
providers of services with respect to,
cash or in-kind assistance or payments
under Federal benefits programs or
recouping payments or delinquent debts
under such Federal benefits programs.
Records under this routine use may be
disclosed only to the extent that the
information shared is necessary and
relevant to verify pre-award and
prepayment requirements prior to the
release of Federal funds or to prevent
and recover improper payments for
services rendered under programs of
HUD or of those Federal agencies and
non-Federal entities to which HUD
provides information under this routine
(14) To Appropriate Federal, State,
and local governments, or persons when
HUD discloses relevant information to
protect the health or safety of
individuals or data subjects. This is a
corollary purpose that is appropriate
and necessary for the efficient conduct
of government and in the best interest
of both the individual and the public.
HUD OGC and Privacy Branch provide
determination/authorization for any
Health and Breach incidents disclosure
prior to a HUD disclosure.
(15) To contractors, grantees, experts,
consultants and their agents, or others
performing or working under a contract,
service, grant, cooperative agreement, or
other agreement with HUD, when
necessary to accomplish an agency
function related to a system of records.
(16) To any component of the
Department of Justice or other Federal
agency conducting litigation or in
proceedings before any court,
adjudicative, or administrative body,
when HUD determines that the use of
such records is relevant and necessary
to the litigation and when any of the
following is a party to the litigation or
have an interest in such litigation: (1)
HUD, or any component thereof; or (2)
any HUD employee in his or her official
capacity; or (3) any HUD employee in
his or her individual capacity where the
Department of Justice or agency
conducting the litigation has agreed to
represent the employee; or (4) the
United States, or any agency thereof,
where HUD determines that litigation is
likely to affect HUD or any of its
(17) To appropriate Federal, State,
local, Tribal, or other governmental
agencies or multilateral governmental
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 13, 2023 / Notices
organizations responsible for
investigating or prosecuting the
violations of, or for enforcing or
implementing, a statute, rule,
regulation, order, or license, where HUD
determines that the information would
assist in the enforcement of civil or
criminal laws and when such records,
either alone or in conjunction with
other information, indicate a violation
or potential violation of law.
(18) To a court, magistrate,
administrative tribunal, or arbitrator in
the course of presenting evidence,
including disclosures to opposing
counsel or witnesses in the course of
civil discovery, litigation, mediation, or
settlement negotiations, or in
connection with criminal law
proceedings; when HUD determines that
use of such records is relevant and
necessary to the litigation and when any
of the following is a party to the
litigation or have an interest in such
litigation: (1) HUD, or any component
thereof; or (2) any HUD employee in his
or her official capacity; or (3) any HUD
employee in his or her individual
capacity where HUD has agreed to
represent the employee; or (4) the
United States, or any agency thereof,
where HUD determines that litigation is
likely to affect HUD or any of its
Electronic and paper.
Name, SSN, Home Address.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
TRACS retention and disposal
requirements are assessed at the module
(a) ARAMS module (Contract
Database) retention instruction is
Temporary: Delete data twenty-five
years after the contract expiration date.
Tenant Module retention (Extract of
TRACS Tenant Data (HUD 50059 data))
instruction is Permanent: Voucher
Module (Voucher Database) retention
instruction is Temporary: Archive data
to tape five (5) years after the last
voucher date or any voucher from a
contract that has been terminated five
(5) years or longer. Delete data from the
tape twenty-five (25) years after the last
voucher date or any voucher from a
contract that has been terminated
twenty-five (25) years or longer. N1–
207–06–2-Item 14 B a2(c).
(b) iMAX Module retention is
Temporary: Destroy upon verification of
successful creation of the final
document or file or when no longer
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needed for business use, whichever is
later. DAA–GRS- 2017–0003–0002,
which provides the legal authority to
delete this information as required by
(c) TRACS User Guides and Manuals
retention instruction is Temporary:
Destroy or delete when superseded or
obsolete. N1–207–06–2, item 14.D(e)
(d) iCon module (Contract Database)
retention is Temporary: Delete data
twenty-five years after the contract
expiration date. Backup and Recovery of
digital media will be destroyed or
otherwise rendered irrecoverable per
NIST SP 800™88 Revision 1 ‘‘Guidelines
for Media Sanitization’’ N1–207–06–2Item 14 B a2(b).
(e) Tenant Database (HUD 50059 data)
TEMPORARY. Archive data to tape
three (3) years after the certification
effective date. NARA Job No. N1- 207–
06–2, item 14.B (a).
(f) Tenant Archives Database. Sub-set
of data derived from Tenant Database.
TEMPORARY. Delete data twenty-five
(25) years after the tenant move-out date
or twenty-five (25) years after the
termination date. NARA Job No. 1–207–
06–2, item 14.B(a)(1).
(g) System Documentation Data
Administration Records GRS 3.1 Item 50
& 51.
a. Item 50-Documentation necessary
for preservation of permanent electronic
records. Permanent. Transfer to the
National Archives with the permanent
electronic records to which the
documentation relates. DAA–GRS–
b. Item 51-All documentation for
temporary electronic records and
documentation not necessary for the
preservation of permanent records
Temporarily. Destroy 5 years after the
project/activity/transaction is completed
or superseded, or the associated system
is terminated, or the associated data is
migrated to a successor system, but
longer retention is authorized if
required for business use. DAA–GRS–
(h) System Development records. GRS
3.1 Item 10 & 11.
a. Item 10-Infrastructure project
records. Temporary. Destroy 5 years
after the project is terminated, but
longer retention is authorized if
required for business use.
b. Item 11-System development
records. Temporary. Destroy 5 years
after the system is superseded by a new
iteration, or is terminated, defunded, or
no longer needed for agency/IT
administrative purposes, but longer
retention is authorized if required for
business use. DAA–GRS2013–0005–
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(i) Systems and data security records
GRS 3.2 Item 10.
a. Item 10-Systems and data security
records. Temporary. Destroy 1 year after
the system is superseded by a new
iteration or when no longer needed for
agency/IT administrative purposes to
ensure a continuity of security controls
throughout the life of the system. DAA–
(j) System Access Records GRS 3.2
Item 30 & 31.
a. Item 30-Systems not requiring
special accountability for access.
Temporary. Destroy when business use
ceases. DAA–GRS2013–0006–0003.
b. Item 31-Systems requiring special
accountability for access. Temporary.
Destroy 6 years after the password is
altered or the user account is
terminated, but longer retention is
authorized if required for business use.
(k) Input and Output Files GRS 5.2
Item 20.
a. Item 20-Intermediary records.
Temporary. Destroy upon verification of
successful creation of the final
document or file or when no longer
needed for business use, whichever is
later. DAA–GRS–2017–0003–0002.
Access to TRACS is by password and
user ID and is limited to authorized
users. Role-based access levels or
assignment roles are restricted to those
with a need to know. When first gaining
access to TRACS annually, all users
must agree to the system’s Rules of
Behavior, which specify the handling of
personal information and any physical
records. Authorized users can download
reports—the SSN is masked in both the
system and reports during the download
process. Access to facilities containing
and storing physical copies of this data
is controlled by security protocols
designed to limit access to authorized
Individuals requesting records of
themselves should address written
inquiries to the Department of Housing
Urban and Development 451 7th Street
SW, Washington, DC 20410–0001. For
verification, individuals should provide
their full name, current address, and
telephone number. In addition, the
requester must provide either a
notarized statement or an unsworn
declaration made under 24 CFR 16.4.
The HUD rule for contesting the
content of any record pertaining to the
individual by the individual concerned
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 13, 2023 / Notices
is published in 24 CFR 16.8 or may be
obtained from the system manager.
Individuals requesting notification of
records of themselves should address
written inquiries to the Department of
Housing Urban Development, 451 7th
Street SW, Washington, DC 20410–0001.
For verification purposes, individuals
should provide their full name, office or
organization where assigned, if
applicable, and current address and
telephone number. In addition, the
requester must provide either a
notarized statement or an unsworn
declaration made under 24 CFR 16.4.
Docket No. FR–5921–N–13, 81 FR
56684, August 22, 2016.
LaDonne L. White,
Chief Privacy Officer, Office of
[FR Doc. 2023–19782 Filed 9–12–23; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FR–7070–N–53]
30-Day Notice of Proposed Information
Collection: Housing Counseling
Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC);
Forms: HUD–90005 Application for
Membership on the Housing
Counseling Federal Advisory
Committee and OGE–450 Confidential
Financial Disclosure Report; OMB
Control No.: 2502–0606
Office of Policy Development
and Research, Chief Data Officer, HUD.
ACTION: Notice.
HUD is seeking approval from
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for the information collection
described below. In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act, HUD is
requesting comment from all interested
parties on the proposed collection of
information. The purpose of this notice
is to allow for an additional 30 days of
public comment.
DATES: Comments Due Date: October 13,
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit comments regarding
this proposal. Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
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PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function. Interested persons are
also invited to submit comments
regarding this proposal and comments
should refer to the proposal by name
and/or OMB Control Number and
should be sent to: Colette Pollard,
Clearance Officer, REE, Department of
Housing and Urban Development, 451
7th Street SW, Room 8210, Washington,
DC 20410–5000; email
Colette Pollard, Reports Management
Officer, REE, Department of Housing
and Urban Development, 7th Street SW,
Room 8210, Washington, DC 20410;
email; or
telephone 202–402–3400. This is not a
toll-free number. HUD welcomes and is
prepared to receive calls from
individuals who are deaf or hard of
hearing, as well as individuals with
speech or communication disabilities.
To learn more about how to make an
accessible telephone call, please visit
notice informs the public that HUD is
seeking approval from OMB for the
information collection described in
Section A.
The Federal Register notice that
solicited public comment on the
information collection for a period of 60
days was published on December 22,
2022 at 87 FR 78704.
A. Overview of Information Collection
Title of Information Collection:
Housing Counseling Federal Advisory
Committee (HCFAC).
OMB Approval Number: 2502–0606.
OMB Expiration Date: 9/30/2023.
Type of Request: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Form Number: HUD–90005; OGE–
Description of the need for the
information and proposed use: The
Expand and Preserve Homeownership
through Counseling Act (Pub. L. 111–
203, section 1441, July 21, 2010) (Act),
added 42 U.S.C. 3533(g)(4) to direct the
Office of Housing Counseling to form a
Housing Counseling Federal Advisory
Committee (HCFAC) with members
equally representing the mortgage and
real estate industries, including housing
consumers and housing counseling
agencies certified by the Secretary. The
HUD–90005 Application for
Membership on the Housing Counseling
PO 00000
Frm 00048
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Federal Advisory Committee will collect
information for individuals in those
groups who want to serve on the
HCFAC. The information will be used
by HUD’s Office of Housing Counseling
to review and recommend to the
Secretary for appointment the members
of the Housing Counseling Federal
Advisory Committee to ensure the
members meet the requirements of the
Expand and Preserve Homeownership
through Counseling Act and of the
Federal Advisory Committee Act.
Additionally, HCFAC members must
adhere to the conflict-of-interest rules
applicable to Special Government
Employees as such employees are
defined in 18 U.S.C. 202(a). The rules
include relevant provisions in 18 U.S.C.
related to criminal activity, Standards of
Ethical Conduct for Employees of the
Executive Branch (5 CFR part 2635) and
Executive Order 12674 (as modified by
Executive Order 12731). Therefore,
applicants will be required to submit to
pre-appointment screenings relating to
identity of interest and financial
interests that HUD might require. If
selected, HCFAC members will also be
asked to complete OGE–450
Confidential Financial Disclosure
Report (OGE–450).
Respondents: Individuals or
households; Business or other for-profit;
Not-for-profit institutions.
Estimated Number of Respondents:
Estimated Number of Responses: 162.
Frequency of Response: Once.
Average Hours per Response: 1.61.
Total Estimated Burden: 261 hours.
B. Solicitation of Public Comment
This notice is soliciting comments
from members of the public and affected
parties concerning the collection of
information described in Section A on
the following:
(1) Whether the proposed collection
of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the functions of
the agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(2) The accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information;
(3) Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected; and
(4) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
who are to respond; including through
the use of appropriate automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submission of responses.
(5) ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including the use
[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 176 (Wednesday, September 13, 2023)]
[Pages 62813-62817]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2023-19782]
[Docket No. FR-7077-N-13A]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
AGENCY: Office of Multifamily Housing, Office of Housing, HUD.
ACTION: Notice of a modified system of records.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as
amended, the Department of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD),
Office of Multifamily Housing, is modifying system of records for the
Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS). The modification
will clarify the authority for maintenance of the system; routine uses
of records in the system; practices for retrieval, policies and
practices for retention and disposal of records, system location,
system manager(s), and administrative updates to comply with the OMB
Circular A-108 SORN template format.
DATES: Comments will be accepted on or before October 13, 2023. This
proposed action will be effective immediately upon publication. Routine
uses will become effective on the date following the end of the comment
period unless comments are received which result in a contrary
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by docket number or by
one of the following methods:
Federal e-Rulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions provided on that site to submit comments electronically.
Fax: 202-619-8365.
Email: [email protected].
Mail: Attention: Privacy Office; LaDonne White, Chief Privacy
Officer; Office of the Executive Secretariat; 451 Seventh Street SW,
Room 10139; Washington, DC 20410-0001.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and docket number for this rulemaking. All comments received will be
posted without change to including any
personal information provided.
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ladonne White; 451 Seventh Street SW,
Room 10139; Washington, DC 20410-0001; telephone number (202) 708-3054
(this is not a toll-free number). HUD welcomes and is prepared to
receive calls from individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well
as individuals with speech or communication disabilities. To learn more
about how to make an accessible telephone call, please visit
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This ``Notice of a Modified System of
Records'' aligns the cited statutory authority with the broad purpose
of the system, which has been and continues to be the collection of
information for managing the Office of Multifamily Housing (MFH)
Programs' rental assistance programs. With this change, the cited
authority now includes express citations for: the Tenant Rental
Assistance Certification System (TRACS) is being enhanced to comply
with Presidential Executive Order 13985, released on January 20, 2021,
``Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for
[[Page 62814]]
Communities Through the Federal Government,'' that requires system
modifications to collect ethnic and race data to evaluate whether HUD's
policies produce racially inequitable results when implemented and to
ensure underserved communities are properly supported; HUD to share
data match capability to enable the ability to establish eligibility
for the Lifeline, EBB and other FTB programs for families which also
participate in a HUD rental assistance program. HUD must develop an
application protocol interface (API) with the Universal Service
Administrative Company (USAC), designated by the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) as the Federal administrator of the Universal Service
Fund (USF or Fund) Lifeline Program (Lifeline), the Emergency Broadband
Benefit (EBB) program and other Federal Telecommunications Benefit
(FTB) programs. The USAC Routine Use #8 will enable FCC to use Lifeline
eligibility criteria as specified by the Lifeline program establishing
a matching program between HUD's TRACS and USAC's National Verifier. 47
CFR 54.409; and lastly the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization
Act of 2016 (HOTMA) was enacted on July 29, 2016. The HOTMA Final Rule
will revise HUD regulations to put sections of HOTMA into effect. These
sections make sweeping changes to the United States Housing Act of
1937, particularly those affecting TRACS income calculation and reviews
for assisted families, occupancy standards, and the financial records
required for eligibility determinations. This includes: (a) Changes
about income reviews for public housing and HUD's Section 8 programs.
(b) Modifications to the continued occupancy standards of public
housing residents whose income has grown above the threshold for
initial eligibility, including setting maximum limits on the assets
that families living in public housing and Section 8 assisted housing
may have. (c) HUD must direct public housing agencies to require that
all applicants for and recipients of assistance, through HUD's public
housing or Section 8 programs, lets public housing agencies obtain
financial records needed for eligibility determinations.
Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS)--HUD/HOU-11.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development Headquarters, 451
Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20410-0001; and at HUD Field and
Regional Office. TRACS is maintained at: the National Center for
Critical Information Processing and Storage, 9325 Cypress Loop Road,
Stennis, MS 39629.
Lanier M. Hylton, Senior Program Manager, Office of Deputy
Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing Programs, 451 7th Street
SW, Room 6124 Washington, DC 20410, (202) 708-2495.
The United States Housing Act of 1937, Public Law 93-383, 88 Stat.
653, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq.; The Housing and Community
Development Act of 1987, Public Law 100-242, 101 Stat. 1864, section
165, 42 U.S.C 3543, Public Law 97-35, 95 Stat. 408; The Stewart B.
McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1988, Public Law 100-
628, 102 Stat. 3259, section 904 as amended, 42 U.S.C. 3544.
TRACS performs edit checks and accepts tenant and voucher request
data needed to verify data quality, and interfaces with other HUD
systems to validate tenant income, verify contract funding, obligate,
and commit contract funds, provide information to other HUD divisions,
and submit voucher requests for payment to minimize improper payments,
and detect subsidy fraud, waste, and abuse in multifamily housing
rental housing assistance programs. TRACS automates and integrates
critical modules for TRACS activities related to the Contract Business
System, the Tenant Business System, and the Voucher/Payment Business
Integrated Multifamily Access Exchange (iMAX) provides
efficient access to authorized industry partners (i.e., Contract
Administrators (CAs) and Owner/Agents (OAs)) to transmit tenant data
and voucher data files to HUD and other authorized partners.
Integrated Contracts (iCon) supports rental assistance
contracts repository. Contracts are added (e.g., for the Rental
Assistance Demonstration (RAD) and Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) 811
demo programs) and maintained by internal MFH staff.
Automated Renewal and Amendment Management Subsystem
(ARAMS) Supports funding functions for contract renewals and
amendments. Headquarters staff enter and update funding transactions
which are then interfaced to Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS).
Individuals receiving project-based rental housing assistance;
property owner, management agent, and contract administrator who
administers or receives subsidies.
Full Name, SSN, Date of Birth, Employment Status/History/
Information, Address, Marital Status, Military Status or other
information, Race/Ethnicity, Phone Number(s), Email Address(s), Salary,
Sex, Taxpayer ID, User ID, Name of head of household member, Name of
all household members, Name of Owners/management agent, Tenant/owners/
management agent, Identification number: Alien Registration Number and
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), Spouse name, and financial
transactions pertaining to the contracts.
Records in the system are obtained from owners/management agents/
Housing Authorities and/or Contract administrators on behalf of the
assisted tenants. The TRACS system and contained subsystems may collect
data and information from the following other systems: Geocode Service
Center (GSC), Line of Credit Control System (LOCCS), HUD Central
Accounting and Program System (HUDCAPS), Integrated Real Estate
Management System (iREMS), Enterprise Income Verification (EIV),
Multifamily Data Warehouse (MFH) Data Mart, and Web Access Security
System (WASS).
(1) To contractors, grantees, experts, consultants, Federal
agencies, and non-Federal entities, including, but not limited to,
State and local governments and other research institutions or their
parties, and entities and their agents with whom HUD has a contract,
service agreement, grant, cooperative agreement, or other agreement for
the purposes of statistical analysis and research in support of program
operations, management, performance monitoring, evaluation, risk
management, and policy development, to otherwise support the
Department's mission, or for other research and statistical purposes
not otherwise prohibited by law or regulation. Records under this
routine use may not be used
[[Page 62815]]
in whole or in part to make decisions that affect the rights, benefits,
or privileges of specific individuals. The results of the matched
information may not be disclosed in identifiable form.
(2) To Housing Authorities, (HAs) to verify the accuracy and
completeness of tenant data used in determining eligibility and
continued eligibility and the amount of housing assistance received.
(3) To Private Owners of assisted housing to verify the accuracy
and completeness of applicant and tenant data used in determining
eligibility and continued eligibility and the amount of assistance
(4) To HAs, owners, management agents and contract administrators
to identify and resolve discrepancies in tenant data.
(5) To the Internal Revenue Service to report income using IRS Form
1099 and to disclose records to the Internal Revenue Service when HUD
determines that the use of those records is relevant and necessary to
report payments or discharge of indebtedness.
(6) To Social Security Administration and Immigration and
Naturalization Service to verify alien status and continued eligibility
in HUD's rental assistance programs via Enterprise Income Verification
(7) To the congressional office from the record of an individual in
response to an inquiry from that congressional office made at the
request of the individual to whom the record pertains.
(8) To the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC), which
is designated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as the
Federal administrator of the Universal Service Fund (USF or Fund)
Lifeline Program (Lifeline), the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB)
program and other Federal Telecommunications Benefit (FTB) programs
that utilizes Lifeline eligibility criteria as specified by the
Lifeline program, 47 CFR 54.409. The purpose of this routine use is to
establish eligibility for the Lifeline, EBB and other FTB programs for
families which also participate in a HUD rental assistance program.
(9) To any Federal, State, or local agency (e.g., state agencies
administering the state's unemployment compensation laws, Temporary
Assistance to Needy Families, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program agencies, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and
U.S. Social Security Administration): To verify the accuracy and
completeness of the data provided, to verify eligibility or continued
eligibility in HUD's rental assistance programs, to identify and
recover improper payments under the Payment Integrity Information Act
of 2019, Public Law 116-117., and to aid in the identification of
tenant errors, fraud, and abuse in assisted housing programs.
(10) To appropriate agencies, entities, and persons when: (1) HUD
suspects or has confirmed that there has been a breach of the system of
records; (2) HUD has determined that as a result of the suspected or
confirmed breach there is a risk of harm to individuals, HUD (including
its information systems, programs, and operations), the Federal
Government, or national security; and (3) the disclosure made to such
agencies, entities, and persons is reasonably necessary to assist in
connection with HUD's efforts to respond to the suspected or confirmed
breach or to prevent, minimize, or remedy such harm.
(11) To another Federal agency or Federal entity, when HUD
determines that information from this system of records is reasonably
necessary to assist the recipient agency or entity in (1) responding to
suspected or confirmed breach, or (2) preventing, minimizing, or
remedying the risk of harm to individuals, the recipient agency or
entity (including its information systems, programs, and operations),
the Federal Government, or national security, resulting from a
suspected or confirmed breach.
(12) To contractors, experts, and consultants with whom HUD has a
contract, service agreement, or another assignment when HUD provides
system access to HUD contractors to develop, maintain and troubleshoot
application issues to support the Department's programs needed to meet
its mission. Upgrades and migrations to this TRACS system are needed to
meet the changes in technology and improve system performance. This is
a corollary purpose that is appropriate and necessary for the efficient
conduct of government and in the best interest of both the individual
and the public.
(13) To Federal agencies, non-Federal entities, their employees,
and agents (including contractors, their agents or employees; employees
or contractors of the agents or designated agents); or contractors,
their employees or agents with whom HUD has a contract, service
agreement, grant, cooperative agreement, or computer matching agreement
for the purpose of: (1) detection, prevention, and recovery of improper
payments; (2) detection and prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse in
major Federal programs administered by a Federal agency or non-Federal
entity; (3) detection of fraud, waste, and abuse by individuals in
their operations and programs; (4) for the purpose of establishing or
verifying the eligibility of, or continuing compliance with statutory
and regulatory requirements by, applicants for, recipients or
beneficiaries of, participants in, or providers of services with
respect to, cash or in-kind assistance or payments under Federal
benefits programs or recouping payments or delinquent debts under such
Federal benefits programs. Records under this routine use may be
disclosed only to the extent that the information shared is necessary
and relevant to verify pre-award and prepayment requirements prior to
the release of Federal funds or to prevent and recover improper
payments for services rendered under programs of HUD or of those
Federal agencies and non-Federal entities to which HUD provides
information under this routine use.
(14) To Appropriate Federal, State, and local governments, or
persons when HUD discloses relevant information to protect the health
or safety of individuals or data subjects. This is a corollary purpose
that is appropriate and necessary for the efficient conduct of
government and in the best interest of both the individual and the
public. HUD OGC and Privacy Branch provide determination/authorization
for any Health and Breach incidents disclosure prior to a HUD
(15) To contractors, grantees, experts, consultants and their
agents, or others performing or working under a contract, service,
grant, cooperative agreement, or other agreement with HUD, when
necessary to accomplish an agency function related to a system of
(16) To any component of the Department of Justice or other Federal
agency conducting litigation or in proceedings before any court,
adjudicative, or administrative body, when HUD determines that the use
of such records is relevant and necessary to the litigation and when
any of the following is a party to the litigation or have an interest
in such litigation: (1) HUD, or any component thereof; or (2) any HUD
employee in his or her official capacity; or (3) any HUD employee in
his or her individual capacity where the Department of Justice or
agency conducting the litigation has agreed to represent the employee;
or (4) the United States, or any agency thereof, where HUD determines
that litigation is likely to affect HUD or any of its components.
(17) To appropriate Federal, State, local, Tribal, or other
governmental agencies or multilateral governmental
[[Page 62816]]
organizations responsible for investigating or prosecuting the
violations of, or for enforcing or implementing, a statute, rule,
regulation, order, or license, where HUD determines that the
information would assist in the enforcement of civil or criminal laws
and when such records, either alone or in conjunction with other
information, indicate a violation or potential violation of law.
(18) To a court, magistrate, administrative tribunal, or arbitrator
in the course of presenting evidence, including disclosures to opposing
counsel or witnesses in the course of civil discovery, litigation,
mediation, or settlement negotiations, or in connection with criminal
law proceedings; when HUD determines that use of such records is
relevant and necessary to the litigation and when any of the following
is a party to the litigation or have an interest in such litigation:
(1) HUD, or any component thereof; or (2) any HUD employee in his or
her official capacity; or (3) any HUD employee in his or her individual
capacity where HUD has agreed to represent the employee; or (4) the
United States, or any agency thereof, where HUD determines that
litigation is likely to affect HUD or any of its components.
Electronic and paper.
Name, SSN, Home Address.
TRACS retention and disposal requirements are assessed at the
module level:
(a) ARAMS module (Contract Database) retention instruction is
Temporary: Delete data twenty-five years after the contract expiration
date. Tenant Module retention (Extract of TRACS Tenant Data (HUD 50059
data)) instruction is Permanent: Voucher Module (Voucher Database)
retention instruction is Temporary: Archive data to tape five (5) years
after the last voucher date or any voucher from a contract that has
been terminated five (5) years or longer. Delete data from the tape
twenty-five (25) years after the last voucher date or any voucher from
a contract that has been terminated twenty-five (25) years or longer.
N1-207-06-2-Item 14 B a2(c).
(b) iMAX Module retention is Temporary: Destroy upon verification
of successful creation of the final document or file or when no longer
needed for business use, whichever is later. DAA-GRS- 2017-0003-0002,
which provides the legal authority to delete this information as
required by law.
(c) TRACS User Guides and Manuals retention instruction is
Temporary: Destroy or delete when superseded or obsolete. N1-207-06-2,
item 14.D(e)
(d) iCon module (Contract Database) retention is Temporary: Delete
data twenty-five years after the contract expiration date. Backup and
Recovery of digital media will be destroyed or otherwise rendered
irrecoverable per NIST SP 800[not]88 Revision 1 ``Guidelines for Media
Sanitization'' N1-207-06-2-Item 14 B a2(b).
(e) Tenant Database (HUD 50059 data) TEMPORARY. Archive data to
tape three (3) years after the certification effective date. NARA Job
No. N1- 207-06-2, item 14.B (a).
(f) Tenant Archives Database. Sub-set of data derived from Tenant
Database. TEMPORARY. Delete data twenty-five (25) years after the
tenant move-out date or twenty-five (25) years after the termination
date. NARA Job No. 1-207-06-2, item 14.B(a)(1).
(g) System Documentation Data Administration Records GRS 3.1 Item
50 & 51.
a. Item 50-Documentation necessary for preservation of permanent
electronic records. Permanent. Transfer to the National Archives with
the permanent electronic records to which the documentation relates.
b. Item 51-All documentation for temporary electronic records and
documentation not necessary for the preservation of permanent records
Temporarily. Destroy 5 years after the project/activity/transaction is
completed or superseded, or the associated system is terminated, or the
associated data is migrated to a successor system, but longer retention
is authorized if required for business use. DAA-GRS-2013-0005-0034.
(h) System Development records. GRS 3.1 Item 10 & 11.
a. Item 10-Infrastructure project records. Temporary. Destroy 5
years after the project is terminated, but longer retention is
authorized if required for business use.
b. Item 11-System development records. Temporary. Destroy 5 years
after the system is superseded by a new iteration, or is terminated,
defunded, or no longer needed for agency/IT administrative purposes,
but longer retention is authorized if required for business use. DAA-
(i) Systems and data security records GRS 3.2 Item 10.
a. Item 10-Systems and data security records. Temporary. Destroy 1
year after the system is superseded by a new iteration or when no
longer needed for agency/IT administrative purposes to ensure a
continuity of security controls throughout the life of the system. DAA-
(j) System Access Records GRS 3.2 Item 30 & 31.
a. Item 30-Systems not requiring special accountability for access.
Temporary. Destroy when business use ceases. DAA-GRS2013-0006-0003.
b. Item 31-Systems requiring special accountability for access.
Temporary. Destroy 6 years after the password is altered or the user
account is terminated, but longer retention is authorized if required
for business use. DAA-GRS-2013-0006-00047.
(k) Input and Output Files GRS 5.2 Item 20.
a. Item 20-Intermediary records. Temporary. Destroy upon
verification of successful creation of the final document or file or
when no longer needed for business use, whichever is later. DAA-GRS-
Access to TRACS is by password and user ID and is limited to
authorized users. Role-based access levels or assignment roles are
restricted to those with a need to know. When first gaining access to
TRACS annually, all users must agree to the system's Rules of Behavior,
which specify the handling of personal information and any physical
records. Authorized users can download reports--the SSN is masked in
both the system and reports during the download process. Access to
facilities containing and storing physical copies of this data is
controlled by security protocols designed to limit access to authorized
Individuals requesting records of themselves should address written
inquiries to the Department of Housing Urban and Development 451 7th
Street SW, Washington, DC 20410-0001. For verification, individuals
should provide their full name, current address, and telephone number.
In addition, the requester must provide either a notarized statement or
an unsworn declaration made under 24 CFR 16.4.
The HUD rule for contesting the content of any record pertaining to
the individual by the individual concerned
[[Page 62817]]
is published in 24 CFR 16.8 or may be obtained from the system manager.
Individuals requesting notification of records of themselves should
address written inquiries to the Department of Housing Urban
Development, 451 7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20410-0001. For
verification purposes, individuals should provide their full name,
office or organization where assigned, if applicable, and current
address and telephone number. In addition, the requester must provide
either a notarized statement or an unsworn declaration made under 24
CFR 16.4.
Docket No. FR-5921-N-13, 81 FR 56684, August 22, 2016.
LaDonne L. White,
Chief Privacy Officer, Office of Administration.
[FR Doc. 2023-19782 Filed 9-12-23; 8:45 am]