Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 62776-62777 [2023-19763]
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 13, 2023 / Notices
Requests for copies of the information
collection proposal should be sent to
Ms. Duncan at
Dated: September 5, 2023.
Aaron T. Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2023–19764 Filed 9–12–23; 8:45 am]
Department of the Navy
Meeting of the U.S. Naval Academy
Board of Visitors
Department of the Navy, U.S.
Department of Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Notice of partially closed
The DoD is publishing this
notice to announce that the following
Federal Advisory Committee meeting of
the U.S. Naval Academy Board of
Visitors, hereafter ‘‘Board,’’ will take
DATES: Open to the public, September
18, 2023, from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Eastern
Time Zone (ET). Closed to the public,
September 18, 2023, from 11 a.m. to
noon (12 p.m.) ET.
ADDRESSES: This meeting will be held at
the Library of Congress, Washington,
DC. Pending prevailing health
directives, the meeting will be handicap
accessible. Escort is required.
Major Alexandra Fitzgerald, USMC,
Executive Secretary to the Board of
Visitors, Office of the Superintendent,
U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD
21402–5000, 410–293–1503, afitzger@, or visit https://
meeting is being held under the
provisions of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (FACA) of 1972 (5
United States Code (U.S.C.), appendix,
as amended), the Government in the
Sunshine Act of 1976 (5 U.S.C. 552b, as
amended), the General Services
Administration’s (GSA) Federal
Advisory Committee Management Final
Rule (41 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) part 102–3). Due to circumstances
beyond the control of the Designated
Federal Officer, the United States Naval
Academy Board of Visitors was unable
to provide public notification required
by 41 CFR 102–3.150(a) concerning its
September 18, 2023 meeting.
Accordingly, the Advisory Committee
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Management Officer for the Department
of Defense, pursuant to 41 CFR 102–
3.150(b), waives the 15-calendar day
notification requirement.
Purpose of Meeting: The U.S. Naval
Academy Board of Visitors will meet to
make such inquiry, as the Board deems
necessary, into the state of morale and
discipline, the curriculum, instruction,
physical equipment, fiscal affairs, and
academic methods of the Naval
Proposed meeting agenda for
September 18, 2023.
0900 Call to Order (Open to Public)
0900–1055 Open Meeting (Open to
1055–1100 Break (Open to Public)
1100–1200 Closed Meeting (Closed to
Current details on the board of
visitors may be found at https://
The closed meeting from 11:00 a.m. to
12:00 p.m. on September 18, 2023, will
consist of discussions of new and
pending administrative or minor
disciplinary infractions and non-judicial
punishments involving midshipmen
attending the Naval Academy to include
but not limited to, individual honor or
conduct violations within the Brigade,
the disclosure of which would
constitute a clearly unwarranted
invasion of personal privacy. For this
reason, a portion of the meeting will be
closed to the public, as the discussion
of such information cannot be
adequately segregated from other topics,
which precludes opening the closed
meeting to the public. Accordingly, the
Secretary of the Navy, in consultation
with the Department of the Navy
General Counsel, has determined in
writing that the meeting shall be
partially closed to the public because
the discussions during the closed
meeting from 11 a.m. to noon (12 p.m.)
will be concerned with matters
protected under sections 552b(c)(5), (6),
and (7) of title 5, U.S.C.
Meeting Accessibility: Pursuant to
FACA and 41 CFR 102–3.140, this
meeting is open to the public. Any
public attendance at the meeting will be
governed by prevailing health directives
at the United States Naval Academy.
Please contact the Executive Secretary
five business days prior the meeting to
coordinate access to the meeting.
Written Statements: Per section
10(a)(3) of the FACA and 41 CFR 102–
3.105(j) and 102–3.140, interested
persons may submit a written statement
for consideration at any time, but
should be received by the Designated
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Federal Officer at least 3 business days
prior to the meeting date so that the
comments may be made available to the
Board for their consideration prior to
the meeting. Written statements should
be submitted via mail to 121 Blake Rd,
Annapolis, MD 21402. Please note that
since the Board operates under the
provisions of the FACA, as amended, all
submitted comments and public
presentations may be treated as public
documents and may be made available
for public inspection, including, but not
limited to, being posted on the board
Dated: September 8, 2023.
J.E. Koningisor,
Lieutenant Commander, Judge Advocate
General’s Corps, U.S. Navy, Federal Register
Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 2023–19769 Filed 9–12–23; 8:45 am]
Department of the Navy
[Docket ID: USN–2023–HQ–0011]
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Department of the Navy,
Department of Defense (DoD).
ACTION: 30-Day information collection
The DoD has submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for clearance the following
proposal for collection of information
under the provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act.
DATES: Consideration will be given to all
comments received by October 13, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Angela Duncan, 571–372–7574,
Title; Associated Form; and OMB
Number: Fleet Readiness Center
Southeast (FRCSE) Electronic
Sensormatic Intake Application; OMB
Control Number 0703–CURE.
Type of Request: Existing collection in
use without an OMB Control Number.
Number of Respondents: 1,600.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 13, 2023 / Notices
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Annual Responses: 1,600.
Average Burden per Response: 7
Annual Burden Hours: 187.
Needs and Uses: The Sensormatic
Electronic (SE) Computer Coordinated
Universal Retrieval Entry (CCURE) 9000
application is used as part of the process
for issuing access badges to Fleet
Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE)
command facilities. The information
collected from command employees for
this application is per the prescribing
policy regulations in OPNAVINST
5530.14E, ‘‘Navy Physical Security and
Law Enforcement Program,’’ which
provides guidance for the protection of
people and assets throughout the Navy.
FRCSE Security collects information
from contractor personnel verbally and
in-person to obtain the necessary
information required to in the CCURE
application for command badge
issuance. Once FRCSE security
personnel enters all necessary
information into the SE CCURE 9000
application, a command badge is issued,
allowing the contractor employee access
to command facilities. In addition to
using information to process personnel
access to controlled areas, information
may be used for investigative purposes
and communications in the event of an
emergency or security event.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Frequency: On occasion.
Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary.
OMB Desk Officer: Ms. Jasmeet
You may also submit comments and
recommendations, identified by Docket
ID number and title, by the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name, Docket
ID number, and title for this Federal
Register document. The general policy
for comments and other submissions
from members of the public is to make
these submissions available for public
viewing on the internet at https:// as they are
received without change, including any
personal identifiers or contact
DOD Clearance Officer: Ms. Angela
Requests for copies of the information
collection proposal should be sent to
Ms. Duncan at
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:37 Sep 12, 2023
Jkt 259001
Dated: September 5, 2023.
Aaron T. Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2023–19763 Filed 9–12–23; 8:45 am]
[Docket No.: ED–2023–SCC–0160]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Comment Request; Study of
District and School Uses of Federal
Education Funds
Institute of Education Sciences
(IES), Department of Education (ED).
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of
1995, the Department is proposing an
extension without change of a currently
approved information collection request
DATES: Interested persons are invited to
submit comments on or before
November 13, 2023.
ADDRESSES: To access and review all the
documents related to the information
collection listed in this notice, please
use by
searching the Docket ID number ED–
2023–SCC–0160. Comments submitted
in response to this notice should be
submitted electronically through the
Federal eRulemaking Portal at https:// by selecting the
Docket ID number or via postal mail,
commercial delivery, or hand delivery.
If the site is not
available to the public for any reason,
the Department will temporarily accept
comments at
Please include the docket ID number
and the title of the information
collection request when requesting
documents or submitting comments.
Please note that comments submitted
after the comment period will not be
accepted. Written requests for
information or comments submitted by
postal mail or delivery should be
addressed to the Manager of the
Strategic Collections and Clearance
Governance and Strategy Division, U.S.
Department of Education, 400 Maryland
Ave. SW, LBJ, Room 4C210,
Washington, DC 20202–8240.
specific questions related to collection
activities, please contact Clare AllenPlatt, (202) 987–1090.
Department, in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA)
(44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A)), provides the
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general public and Federal agencies
with an opportunity to comment on
proposed, revised, and continuing
collections of information. This helps
the Department assess the impact of its
information collection requirements and
minimize the public’s reporting burden.
It also helps the public understand the
Department’s information collection
requirements and provide the requested
data in the desired format. The
Department is soliciting comments on
the proposed information collection
request (ICR) that is described below.
The Department is especially interested
in public comment addressing the
following issues: (1) is this collection
necessary to the proper functions of the
Department; (2) will this information be
processed and used in a timely manner;
(3) is the estimate of burden accurate;
(4) how might the Department enhance
the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and (5) how
might the Department minimize the
burden of this collection on the
respondents, including through the use
of information technology. Please note
that written comments received in
response to this notice will be
considered public records.
Title of Collection: Study of District
and School Uses of Federal Education
OMB Control Number: 1850–0951.
Type of Review: Extension without
change of a currently approved ICR.
Respondents/Affected Public: State,
local, and Tribal governments.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Responses: 250.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 1,630.
Abstract: Federal funds account for
less than 10 percent of K–12 education
spending nationally but can play an
important role, particularly in
communities that are lower-income or
have lower-performing schools.
Although each Federal education
program has unique goals and
provisions, they often allow funds to be
used for similar purposes and services
or overlapping populations. Congress
provided State and local education
agencies greater flexibility in their use
of Federal funds through the 2015
reauthorization of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act (ESEA). As
the COVID–19 pandemic began to
disrupt schools in 2020, Congress also
created new programs to provide
funding and flexibilities for States and
districts to respond to the emergency.
Because policymakers remain interested
in how Federal dollars are spent, this
study will examine the distribution and
use of pandemic relief funds and
explore the possibility of examining
[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 176 (Wednesday, September 13, 2023)]
[Pages 62776-62777]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2023-19763]
Department of the Navy
[Docket ID: USN-2023-HQ-0011]
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
AGENCY: Department of the Navy, Department of Defense (DoD).
ACTION: 30-Day information collection notice.
SUMMARY: The DoD has submitted to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for clearance the following proposal for collection of
information under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act.
DATES: Consideration will be given to all comments received by October
13, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of
this notice to Find this particular
information collection by selecting ``Currently under 30-day Review--
Open for Public Comments'' or by using the search function.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Angela Duncan, 571-372-7574, [email protected].
Title; Associated Form; and OMB Number: Fleet Readiness Center
Southeast (FRCSE) Electronic Sensormatic Intake Application; OMB
Control Number 0703-CURE.
Type of Request: Existing collection in use without an OMB Control
Number of Respondents: 1,600.
[[Page 62777]]
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Annual Responses: 1,600.
Average Burden per Response: 7 minutes.
Annual Burden Hours: 187.
Needs and Uses: The Sensormatic Electronic (SE) Computer
Coordinated Universal Retrieval Entry (CCURE) 9000 application is used
as part of the process for issuing access badges to Fleet Readiness
Center Southeast (FRCSE) command facilities. The information collected
from command employees for this application is per the prescribing
policy regulations in OPNAVINST 5530.14E, ``Navy Physical Security and
Law Enforcement Program,'' which provides guidance for the protection
of people and assets throughout the Navy. FRCSE Security collects
information from contractor personnel verbally and in-person to obtain
the necessary information required to in the CCURE application for
command badge issuance. Once FRCSE security personnel enters all
necessary information into the SE CCURE 9000 application, a command
badge is issued, allowing the contractor employee access to command
facilities. In addition to using information to process personnel
access to controlled areas, information may be used for investigative
purposes and communications in the event of an emergency or security
Affected Public: Individuals or households.
Frequency: On occasion.
Respondent's Obligation: Voluntary.
OMB Desk Officer: Ms. Jasmeet Seehra.
You may also submit comments and recommendations, identified by
Docket ID number and title, by the following method:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency
name, Docket ID number, and title for this Federal Register document.
The general policy for comments and other submissions from members of
the public is to make these submissions available for public viewing on
the internet at as they are received without
change, including any personal identifiers or contact information.
DOD Clearance Officer: Ms. Angela Duncan.
Requests for copies of the information collection proposal should
be sent to Ms. Duncan at [email protected].
Dated: September 5, 2023.
Aaron T. Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2023-19763 Filed 9-12-23; 8:45 am]