Standard for All-Terrain Vehicles, 48398-48406 [2023-15478]
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 143 / Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Proposed Rules
That airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within a 7.5-mile
radius of William P. Gwinn Airport.
Issued in College Park, Georgia, on July 19,
Andreese C. Davis,
Manager, Airspace & Procedures Team South,
Eastern Service Center, Air Traffic
[FR Doc. 2023–15783 Filed 7–26–23; 8:45 am]
16 CFR Part 1420
[CPSC Docket No. 2017–0032]
Standard for All-Terrain Vehicles
Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Consumer Product Safety
Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA)
required the Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC or the Commission)
to publish, as a mandatory consumer
product safety standard, the American
National Standard for Four-Wheel AllTerrain Vehicles Equipment
Configuration, and Performance
Requirements developed by the
Specialty Vehicle Institute of America
(ANSI/SVIA 1–2007). CPSC published
that mandatory consumer product safety
standard on November 14, 2008. Since
then, the Commission has revised this
mandatory standard twice in accordance
with the revision procedures set out in
the CPSIA. ANSI/SVIA has again
revised its standard. In accordance with
CPSIA, CPSC proposes to amend the
Commission’s mandatory ATV standard
to reference the 2023 edition of the
ANSI/SVIA standard.
DATES: Submit comments by September
25, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Comments related to the
Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of the
proposed rule’s information collection
requirements should be directed to the
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, OMB, Attn: CPSC Desk Officer,
FAX: 202–395–6974, or emailed to: In
addition, written comments that are sent
to OMB also should be submitted
electronically at,
under Docket No. CPSC–2017–0032.
Comments related to the proposed
rule, identified by Docket No. CPSC–
2017–0032, may be submitted
electronically or in writing by any of the
following methods:
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Electronic Submissions: Submit
electronic comments to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Do not submit through this website:
confidential business information, trade
secret information, or other sensitive or
protected information that you do not
want to be available to the public. CPSC
typically does not accept comments
submitted by email, except as described
Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier/
Confidential Written Submissions: CPSC
encourages you to submit electronic
comments using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. You may, however,
submit comments by mail, hand
delivery, or courier to: Office of the
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
Commission, 4330 East West Highway,
Bethesda, MD 20814; telephone: (301)
Instructions: All submissions must
include the agency name and docket
number. CPSC may post all comments
without change, including any personal
identifiers, contact information, or other
personal information provided to If you wish to
submit confidential business
information, trade secret information, or
other sensitive or protected information
that you do not want to be available to
the public, you may submit such
comments by mail, hand delivery, or
courier, or you may email them to:
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to: https://, and insert the
docket number, CPSC–2017–0032, into
the ‘‘Search’’ box, and follow the
Lim, Project Manager, Directorate for
Engineering Sciences, U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission, 5 Research
Place, Rockville, MD 20850; telephone:
(301) 987–2327; email:
I. Background and Statutory Authority
CPSIA directed the Commission to
‘‘publish in the Federal Register as a
mandatory consumer product safety
standard the American National
Standard for Four Wheel All-Terrain
Vehicles Equipment Configuration, and
Performance Requirements developed
by the Specialty Vehicle Institute of
America (American National Standard
ANSI/SVIA 1–2007).’’ 15 U.S.C.
2089(a)(1). Accordingly, on November
14, 2008, CPSC published a final rule
mandating ANSI/SVIA 1–2007 as a
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consumer product safety standard. 73
FR 67385. The final rule was codified at
16 CFR part 1420.
The Commission has revised the
mandatory standard twice in accordance
with the revision procedures set out in
CPSIA and incorporated into section 42
of the Consumer Product Safety Act, 15
U.S.C. 2089(b). On February 29, 2012,
the Commission published a final rule
that amended the Commission’s ATV
standard to reference the 2010 edition of
the ANSI/SVIA standard. 77 FR 12197.
Then on February 27, 2018, the
Commission published a final rule that
amended the mandatory ATV standard
to reference the 2017 edition of the
ANSI/SVIA standard. 83 FR 8336. On
March 21, 2023, ANSI notified the
Commission that the 2017 edition of the
ANSI/SVIA standard had been revised.
Section 42(b) of the CPSA provides
that, if ANSI/SVIA 1–2007 is revised,
ANSI must notify the Commission of the
revision. The Commission has 120 days
after it receives that notification to issue
a notice of proposed rulemaking to
amend the Commission’s mandatory
ATV standard ‘‘to include any such
revision that the Commission
determines is reasonably related to the
safe performance of [ATVs] and notify
the Institute of any provision it has
determined not to be so related.’’ 15
U.S.C. 2089(b)(1) and (2). Thereafter, the
Commission has 180 days after
publication of the proposed amendment
to publish a final rule to revise the ATV
standard. Id.
II. Evaluation of ANSI/SVIA 1–2023
ANSI/SVIA 1–2023 contains
requirements and test methods relating
to ATVs, including vehicle equipment
and configuration, vehicle speed
capability, brake performance, pitch
stability, electromagnetic compatibility,
and sound level limits. The staff
memorandum at Tab A of the July XX,
2023 Staff Briefing Package: Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) to Amend
the All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Standard
(Staff’s NPR Briefing Package) 1 reviews
in detail the changes from the 2017
edition of the ANSI/SVIA standard,
which is currently the mandated
consumer product safety standard for
ATVs, to the 2023 edition. The
following revisions are particularly
D Requirements for hot surfaces;
D Requirements for fuel system
1 Available at
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 143 / Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Proposed Rules
D Removal of the maximum
recommended tire pressure of 69 kPa
(10 psi); and
D Requirement of an effective date
‘‘beginning with 2026 model year
vehicles’’ within the scope of the
D Removal of requirement that paper
user manuals be provided with all
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A. Hot Surfaces Requirements
ANSI/SVIA 1–2023 Section 12.1,
Touch Points, specifies performance
requirements that limit maximum
surface temperatures for various touch
points that, if too hot, may harm vehicle
occupants. Without the proper surface
temperature limits on ATV surfaces,
consumers may experience contact
burns. In addition, excessive exhaust
temperatures can melt nearby
combustible plastic components, which
may pose a risk of fire.
ANSI/SVIA 1–2023 sets out
performance tests to evaluate whether
surface temperatures for various touch
points are within specified limits. In
September 2018, CPSC recommended
that SVIA add requirements to address
burn hazards to users of ATVs. CPSC
staff subsequently worked with SVIA to
develop standards for maximum surface
temperatures on ATVs to address the
risk of burns associated with ATVs. The
Commission preliminarily concludes
that testing the temperature of specified
ATV touch points as provided by ANSI–
SVIA 1–2023 is reasonably related to the
safe performance of ATVs.
B. Fuel System Requirements
The 2017 edition of the ANSI/SVIA
standard does not contain performance
requirements to address fire hazards
from fuel leaks. ANSI/SVIA 1–2023
adds multiple performance
requirements to mitigate the risk of fuel
leaks and fire hazards. These
performance requirements apply to
various aspects of an ATV’s fuel system
that may contribute to fire hazards.
Most of the requirements are based on
other similar standards that each
address different aspects of the fuel
system. For example, the fuel hose
tensile test is similar to the test
procedure from ANSI/OPEI B71.10–
2018 Standard for Off-Road GroundSupported Outdoor Power Equipment—
Gasoline Fuel Systems—Safety
Specifications. There are two options to
test for fuel tank structural integrity.
One of these options to evaluate the
structural integrity of the fuel tank for
resistance to impact forces is based on
the SAE J288 standard for snowmobile
fuel tanks. The other option is to follow
the SVIA–1 test method involving
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striking the tank with a metal sphere.
The SVIA–1 committee adapted various
fuel system component requirements
from other standards to be applicable to
These fuel system performance
requirements are organized into four
general categories:
Fuel Tank Structural Integrity
• Section 13.3 Fuel Tank Immersion
Leak Test
• Section 13.5 Fuel Tank Cyclic
Pressure Integrity Test
• Section 13.6 Fuel Soak Test for Plastic
Tanks and Assemblies With
Grommets and Seals
• Sections 13.8 and 13.15 Fuel Tank
Leak Mitigation from Rollover or Tip
Fuel Hoses
• 13.9 Fuel Line Integrity
• 13.10 Fuel Line Connection Tensile
Fuel Filter and Shut-Off Valve
• Section 13.4 Fuel Filter and Shut-off
Valve Immersion Test
Elastomeric Component Durability
• Section 13.11 Elastomeric exposure to
• Section 13.12 Ozone resistance
• Section 13.13 UV resistance
• Section 13.14 Corrosion resistance
CPSC staff is aware of three fuel tank
recalls, two fuel hose recalls, and one
fuel filter-related recall associated with
ATVs.2 A fuel leak occurs when there is
a breach in the fuel system. A fuel
breach can originate from multiple
locations, such as the fuel hose to
nozzle connections, fuel tank seam split
or crack, cracked fuel filter, cracked fuel
hose, etc. A fuel leak from any of the
above components near a hot engine
and/or exhaust components can
increase the risk of fire.
Section 13 contains test requirements
that are (a) one-time design qualification
tests and (b) tests that are required of
every fuel system for new production
ATVs. Most of the requirements are onetime design qualification tests. The onetime qualification test requires
manufacturers to conduct a single test
that proves the design of a subsystem
component such as the fuel tank meets
2 Voluntary Standards Meeting with Recreational
Off-Highway Institute (ROHVA), Specialty Vehicle
Institute of America (SVIA), and Outdoor Power
Equipment Institute (OPEI) to discuss Off-Highway
Vehicle Fire and Debris Penetration Hazards,
September 19, 2018. Weblink to Meeting Log:
Voluntary Standards Meeting on Off-Highway
B10g2CpZTCNzSrjP. See pages 8 through 10 for the
fuel-related recalls.
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all the applicable requirements. The
water immersion leak test is required for
all fuel tank units that will be installed
on a manufacturer’s ATV production
line. Appendix A of the Staff’s NPR
Briefing Package lists all the tests
contained in Section 13 and
distinguishes which tests are one-time
design qualification type of tests and
which tests are required for every ATV.
Section 13.3 is a leak test that requires
every ATV fuel tank to be tested for
leaks. The production fuel tank, fitted
with all the fuel system components, is
pressurized with compressed air and
then submerged in water. Failures are
detected by visual inspection of
bubbles. This leak test is repeated
during the course of various other tests
after subjecting the fuel tank and/or fuel
tank components to impact loading,
pressure cycling, and elevated
temperature conditioning to ensure no
stress cracks or fuel tank breaches result
from those three physical tests. Section
13.4 provides leak tests for individual
components such as fuel filters and fuel
shut-off valves that are similar to the
leak tests Section 13.3 establishes for
fuel tanks. Section 13.4 sets out a water
immersion test to ensure these
components are leak-free. CPSC staff has
advised the Commission that these
performance tests to detect leaks from
fuel tanks, fuel filters, and fuel shut-off
valves are effective in mitigating the risk
of fuel leaks and can reduce the risk of
fire hazards.
Fuel tanks are subjected to pressure
cycling due to the varying amounts of
fuel in the tank and changing
temperatures. To simulate the effects of
pressure cycling, a performance test
described in section 13.5 (Fuel Tank
Cyclic Pressure Integrity Test) applies a
cyclic air pressure up to 4 psi for 10,000
cycles. This is a one-time design
qualification test. Upon completion of
the 10,000 pressure cycles, a leak test
per the section 13.3 test procedure is
conducted. CPSC staff assesses that the
test procedure described in section 13.5
adequately evaluates the structural
integrity of ATV fuel tanks when
subjected to the repeated, fatigue type of
pressure test.
The elevated temperature test set out
in Section 13.6 evaluates structural
damage that may occur when a fuel tank
is subjected to elevated temperature
scenarios. This performance test
requires a sample fuel tank filled with
gasoline to be kept in a test chamber at
a constant elevated temperature of 60 °C
(140 °F) for 480 hours. This requirement
would detect stress cracks, seam splits,
or other structural damage that can
cause fuel to leak. At the conclusion of
this 480-hour high temperature
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 143 / Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Proposed Rules
exposure test, the test sample fuel tank
is emptied and then subjected to the
Section 13.3 leak test to ensure no stress
cracks form during the long period of
elevated temperature. CPSC staff
assesses that this performance test is
effective in evaluating the structural
integrity of ATV fuel tanks when
subjected to extended elevated
temperature environments. The
Commission preliminarily concludes
that this performance test is reasonably
related to the safe performance of ATVs.
In a vehicle fuel system, components
such as fuel pumps, shutoff valves, and
fuel filters are joined with multilayered
rubber hoses that may be connected in
various ways such as barbed friction
fittings, hose clamps, or quick snap-on
connect mechanisms. Sections 13.9 and
13.10 contain tensile test requirements
to ensure hose connections do not leak.
Sample hose connections are subjected
to a 30 lb tensile (pull) force to ensure
fuel hoses do not slip off. Staff assesses
that these performance tests are effective
in mitigating the risk of fuel hoses
slipping off and therefore this testing
reduces the risk of fire hazards. The
Commission preliminarily concludes
that that these tensile test requirements
are reasonably related to the safe
performance of ATVs.
ATVs are driven in a wide range of
environments and conditions, from
extreme cold, snowy conditions to
extreme hot weather. Plastic fuel tanks
are susceptible to expansion and
contraction due to temperature
fluctuations and variations in operating
conditions and over time plastic fuel
tanks may develop stress cracks.
Unprotected portions of the fuel tank
can be struck by debris, such as rocks,
which can compromise the structural
integrity of the tank. Section 13.7
provides that ATV fuel tanks be
subjected to a qualification impact test
that evaluates the structural integrity of
the fuel tank after it is either struck by
a steel ball (SVIA test option) or
dropped from 1.25 meters onto a
concrete surface (SAE J288—
Snowmobile Fuel Tank Standard Test
method option). The test option is
decided by the manufacturer. Prior to
the impact, the fuel tanks are subjected
to a low temperature soak (¥30 °C for
the SVIA test option or ¥40 °C for the
SAE J288 test option). CPSC staff
assesses that this performance test is
effective in evaluating the structural
integrity of ATV fuel tanks when
subjected to impact forces. The
Commission preliminarily concludes
that that these tensile test requirements
are reasonably related to the safe
performance of ATVs.
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Section 13.8 (Fuel Tank Protection
Envelope Analysis) requires visual,
computer aided design (CAD), or similar
inspection to ensure neighboring
components do not inadvertently
compromise the structural integrity of
fuel system components such as the fuel
tank, fuel hoses, etc. in the event of a
tip-over or roll-over. The procedure is a
visual inspection or spatial analysis
done with CAD, which CPSC staff
consider useful to aid in addressing
potential structural integrity issues of
ATV fuel systems. The Commission
preliminarily concludes that that these
inspection requirements are reasonably
related to the safe performance of ATVs.
The performance test set out in
Section 13.15 evaluates the effectiveness
of the fuel system to limit the amount
of fuel leakage (and associated risk of
fire and/or explosion) in a rollover
scenario where the ATV and its fuel
tank are not in their normal upright
positions. A test sample fuel tank filled
with water is flipped upside down (180°
from its normal upright position) for 10
minutes and the maximum allowable
volume of water that can leak within
that period is 300 m. On average, the
allowable leak rate is 30 mL per minute.
Gasoline evaporates relatively quickly
when exposed to air. This rate is
consistent with the requirement from
the 2012 edition of the golf car standard,
ANSI/ILTVA (International Light
Transportation Vehicle Association)
Z130.1. CPSC staff assesses that this
performance test is effective in
evaluating the rollover vent valve’s
ability to limit the amount of fuel
leakage if the ATV fuel tank is involved
in a rollover.
Components with elastomeric parts
such as fuel filters and fuel shut off
valves are susceptible to cracking,
corrosion, and/or deterioration when
exposed to certain chemical or
environmental elements such as
ethanol-blended gasolines, ultraviolet
(UV) light, and ozone. Elastomeric parts
are composed of various rubber-like
materials. Sections 13.10 through 13.14
set out the performance tests that expose
sample fuel filters and fuel shut off
valves to E10 (gasoline blended with
10% ethanol), UV light, and ozone for
extended periods. The test components
are visually examined for any cracks or
signs of deterioration upon the
completion of the performance tests.
Parts made of fluoroelastomer are
exempt, as this material is not
susceptible to deterioration due to UV,
ozone, or E10 exposures.
Fluoroelastomer is a fluorocarbon-based
type of synthetic rubber that has
chemical corrosion resistant properties
that are used for applications such as
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gaskets, O-rings, and seals. CPSC staff
assesses that this performance test is
effective in evaluating the corrosion
resistance properties of elastomeric
The Commission preliminarily
concludes that the fuel system
performance requirements in Section 13
of the 2023 edition of the ANSI/SVIA
standard are reasonably related to the to
the safe performance of ATVs on the
basis of staff’s assessment that they will
reduce the risk of fuel leaks and
associated fire and burn hazards due to
possible fuel breaches, over
pressurizations, fuel spills, and
component deterioration.
C. Tire Pressure
The 2007, 2010, and 2017 editions of
the SVIA–1 standard defined lowpressure tires as ‘‘having a
recommended tire pressure of no more
than 69 kPa (10 psi)’’ in section 4.19
Tires. In the 2017 edition, Section 4.19
differentiated between Pneumatic
(section 4.19.1) and Non-Pneumatic
Tires (NPT) (section 4.19.2) and
changed Pneumatic Tire requirements to
‘‘Maximum recommended tire pressure
of 69kPa (10 psi).’’ Section 4.19.2
specifies ‘‘NPTs vertical stiffness shall
be designed to produce a ground
pressure of 69kPA (10 psi) or less with
the subject vehicle.’’ In the 2023 edition,
the tire pressure value and vertical
stiffness equivalent tire pressure value
have been deleted.
The 2023 version retains the 4.19
requirement that ATVs be equipped
with tires designed for off-highway use
on these vehicles and that the tire
sidewalls be marked with the
recommended tire pressure. In addition,
the 2023 version retains the various
testing and performance requirements in
sections 5 to 9 for speed capability,
brakes, and pitch stability.
An ATV manufacturer could design
an ATV with a proper suspension and
12 psi tires, and the tires would still be
‘‘low pressure’’ yet conflict with the
definition. For that reason, staff does not
believe that it is necessary to include a
maximum tire pressure of 10 psi in the
standard. Since ANSI/SVIA 1–2023
instructs consumers to follow
manufacturers’ recommendations for
tire inflation pressures, either from the
markings on the tires or the owners’
manuals, CPSC staff assesses that this
change to the standard is neutral and is
not detrimental to ATV safety. The
Commission preliminarily concludes
that these inspection requirements are
reasonably related to the safe
performance of ATVs.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 143 / Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Proposed Rules
D. Owner’s Manual
The 2017 edition of the SVIA–1
standard provides in Section 4.21 that
all ATVs shall be provided an owner’s
manual ‘‘in paper form’’ and adds that
the paper manual ‘‘may be
supplemented at the manufacturer’s
option in electronic form viewable on a
display on the ATV or other device.’’
The 2023 edition of SVIA–1 removes the
phrase ‘‘which may be supplemented at
the manufacturer’s option in electronic
form viewable on a display on the ATV
or other device’’ which was added to the
2017 edition. Section 4.21 now states
‘‘All ATVs shall be provided with a
manual in paper or electronic format at
the time of delivery to the first
purchaser. All ATVs with printed
manuals shall be equipped with a
means of carrying the manual that
protects it from destructive elements
while allowing reasonable access.’’
Under this standard the manufacturer
has the choice of whether to provide
electronic or paper manuals. The
information required to be provided in
the owner’s manual includes a
dedicated introductory safety section
and important safety messages regarding
age recommendations, proper operation
of the ATV, and training resources.
Therefore, CPSC staff believes that
paper manuals should remain the
default medium for important safety
information because in that format the
information will be immediately
available for consumers. Many
consumers are already disinclined to
read instruction manuals and requiring
them to go through extra steps to access
them in electronic format reduces the
likelihood that they will do so. Based on
the increased risk of consumers not
receiving information on the safe use of
ATVs if that information is only
electronically available, CPSC staff
assesses that this change would likely
result in a reduction in safety. For that
reason, the Commission preliminarily
concludes that this provision is not
consistent with the safe operation of
ATVs and therefore proposes
maintaining in effect the current
regulatory provision incorporating the
2017 version Section 4.21.
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E. Effective Date
The CPSIA provides a timetable for
the Commission to issue a notice of
proposed rulemaking (within 120 days
of receiving notification of a revised
ANSI/SVIA standard) and to issue a
final rule (within 180 days of
publication of the proposed rule), but it
does not establish requirements for
effective dates. When the Commission
adopted the 2010 revision to the ANSI/
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SVIA standard, it provided for an
effective date of 60 days from
publication of the final rule. That date
was revised based on comments from
several ATV companies in order to
allow them time to update their
certification labels. When the
Commission adopted the 2017 revision
to the ANSI/SVIA standard, it provided
for an effective date of January 1, 2019,
approximately 10 months after
publication of the final rule, based on
SVIA’s comments about the time needed
for manufacturers to make the required
CPSC staff assesses that many ATVs
may already meet the new requirements
in ANSI/SVIA 1–2023, and the changes
from the 2017 to the 2023 voluntary
standard will not require significant
vehicle design or testing. Once SVIA
notifies the Commission of a new
version of the SVIA standard, CPSC is
required to issue an NPR within 120
days and then issue a final rule 180 days
after the NPR publication (300 days
total). Because the projected date for
issuance of a final rule is early in
calendar year 2024, setting the effective
date 180 days after publication of the
final rule, as the Commission did with
the 2017 standard, would result in an
effective date in July 2024, with the
specific date dependent on the date the
final rule is issued. However, in order
to set a date certain that will facilitate
industry planning, as well as to align
the effective date more closely with the
timing of the ATV industry’s typical
transition from one model year to the
next, the Commission proposes an
effective date of September 1, 2024.
With this effective date, ATV
manufacturers will have approximately
17 months to comply with the new hot
surface and fuel system requirements.
The Commission preliminarily
concludes that the proposed effective
date is reasonable, feasible, and
adequate to protect consumer safety for
the following reasons:
• Since all ATVs’ gasoline powered
engines and associated components sold
in the U.S. are regulated by the U.S.
EPA for Exhaust and Evaporative
emissions (40 CFR 1051.515(d)—Fuel
Tank Permeation Testing), those ATVs
will be exempt from having to conduct
testing per Section 13.5 (Fuel Tank
Cyclic Pressure Integrity Test) of ANSI/
SVIA–1–2023. Where hazards
associated with fuel tank cyclic pressure
have already been addressed, there will
be no negative effect on safety by
providing this effective date rather than
a shorter time period to comply.
• Depending on a firm’s ATV
manufacturing schedule cycle during
the calendar year, any design changes
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and associated testing to comply with
the new standard will take place
sometime within the 17-month period,
with the understanding that firms will
not produce ATVs all year round. The
17-month period from the issuance of
SVIA–1–2023 to the proposed effective
date will allow for resolution of supply
chain issues, quality control issues, and
any other issues that may arise.
• The proposed timeline here is
similar to the timeline for the SVIA–1–
2017 standard update. In June 2017,
SVIA notified the Commission of the
2017 edition of the SVIA–1 standard.
The final rule established an effective
date of January 1, 2019, which was 18
months from start to finish (comparable
to the recommended 17-month period
proposed here).
For these reasons, the Commission
proposes an effective date that is more
clearly defined than the effective date
for SVIA–1–2023 and that allows
sufficient time for manufacturers to
prepare to comply with the new
standard while at the same time
protecting consumer safety by requiring
compliance within a reasonable time.
III. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
requires that agencies review a proposed
rule for the rule’s potential economic
impact on small entities, including
small businesses. Section 603 of the
RFA generally requires that agencies
prepare an initial regulatory flexibility
analysis (IRFA) and make the analysis
available to the public for comment
when the agency publishes an NPR. 5
U.S.C. 603. Section 605 of the RFA
provides that an IRFA is not required if
the agency certifies that the rule, if
promulgated, will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
The IRFA, or a summary of it, must
be published in the Federal Register
with the proposed rule. Under Section
603(b) of the RFA, each IRFA must
(1) a description of why action by the
agency is being considered;
(2) a succinct statement of the
objectives of, and legal basis for, the
proposed rule;
(3) a description and, where feasible,
an estimate of the number of small
entities to which the proposed rule will
(4) a description of the projected
reporting, recordkeeping, and other
compliance requirements of the
proposed rule, including an estimate of
the classes of small entities which will
be subject to the requirement and the
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 143 / Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Proposed Rules
type of professional skills necessary for
preparation of the report or record; and
(5) an identification, to the extent
practicable, of all relevant Federal rules
which may duplicate, overlap, or
conflict with the proposed rule.
The IRFA must also describe any
significant alternatives to the proposed
rule that would accomplish the stated
objectives and that minimize any
significant economic impact on small
entities. Staff’s initial regulatory
flexibility analysis is provided in Tab B
of Staff’s NPR Briefing Package.
A. Reason for Agency Action
The intent of this rulemaking is to
reduce deaths and injuries resulting
from fire and burn hazards associated
with ATVs. The Commission is
considering this rule to amend the
current mandatory standard to reference
ANSI/SVIA 1–2023 because we
preliminarily conclude that compliance
with ANSI/SVIA 1–2023 would reduce
fatal and non-fatal injuries associated
with ATVs.
B. Objectives and Legal Basis of the Rule
The Commission proposes this rule to
reduce the risk of fatal and non-fatal
injuries associated with ATVs. On
March 24, 2023, ANSI published the
latest revision of the American National
Standard for Four-Wheel All-Terrain
Vehicles, ANSI/SVIA 1–2023. This rule
is promulgated as required by, and
under the authority of, CPSA section
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
C. Small Entities to Which the Rule Will
The proposed rule would directly
affect manufacturers and importers of
ATVs that are responsible for ensuring
that the ATVs distributed in the United
States meet the Commission’s
mandatory rule based on the ANSI/
SVIA–1 standard. If promulgated as a
final rule, it would not have any direct
impact on other businesses, such as
ATV dealers (unless they are also
importers), or other small entities,
including small governmental
jurisdictions or other organizations.
To be distributed in the United States,
ATVs must be covered by ‘‘ATV Action
Plans,’’ which, among other things,
describe the actions that manufacturers
or importers will undertake to ensure
that consumers are offered safety
training and to monitor that ATVs
intended for adult riders are not sold by
ATV dealers for the use of children. As
of April 2023, there were 38 ATV
manufacturers or importers with ATV
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Action Plans registered with the CPSC.3
Of the 38 firms with ATV Action Plans,
staff has assessed that 14 are either large
domestic manufacturers or subsidiaries
of foreign manufacturers. In addition,
staff has assessed that no domestic
manufacturers of ATVs meet the U.S.
Small Business Association (SBA)
criteria to be considered small
Staff believes that the remaining 24
companies are likely importers,
although in several cases there was
insufficient information to make this
determination. Of these 24 likely
importers, staff has identified 14 firms
that meet SBA criteria to be considered
small businesses. For the remaining 10
firms, there was insufficient information
to make a size determination.
D. Compliance, Reporting, and
Recordkeeping Requirements of the
Proposed Rule
The CPSA requires manufacturers (a
term which includes importers) to
certify that their products comply with
applicable CPSC standards and
regulations. 15 U.S.C. 2052(a)(11) &
2063(a)(1). The proposed rule amends
the performance requirements and test
procedures that suppliers must meet in
order to sell ATVs in the United States.
CPSC staff has examined differences
between ANSI/SVIA 1–2017 and ANSI/
SVIA 1–2023. A detailed list and
discussion of these differences appear
Staff’s NPR Briefing Package. In
addition to making minor modifications
to Sections 1 through 11, ANSI/SVIA 1–
2023 adds Section 12 (Burn Hazards)
and Section 13 (Fuel Systems
Requirements). Manufacturers and/or
importers of models that do not
currently comply with ANSI/SVIA 1–
2023 will incur costs for testing, and
possibly for parts and vehicle redesign.
In accordance with Section 14 of the
CPSA, manufacturers would have to
issue a GCC for each ATV model,
certifying that the model complies with
the proposed rule. According to Section
14 of the CPSA, GCCs must be based on
a test of each product, or a reasonable
testing program; and GCCs must be
provided to all distributors or retailers
of the product. The manufacturer would
have to comply with 16 CFR part 1110
concerning the content of the GCC,
retention of the associated records, and
any other applicable requirement.
1. Impact on Small Manufacturers
Because modifications in Sections 1
through 11 consist primarily of editorial
3 The ATV Action Plan Requirement is found in
section 42 of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2089. A list of
firms with active ATV Action Plans can be found
at ATV Action Plans |
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updates and clarifications to the existing
voluntary standards, staff assesses that
manufacturer costs to comply with these
modifications are insignificant.
Manufacturers will incur testing costs
to comply with Section 12 of the revised
standard, which sets forth a one-time
design qualification that requires the
identification and testing of ATV
surfaces that come into continuous,
intermittent, momentary, and incidental
contact with the vehicle occupant and
passengers. Those manufacturers whose
models do not meet the performance
requirement will incur costs associated
with model reconfiguration or redesign.
Manufacturers will also incur testing
costs to comply with Section 13 of the
revised standard which contains several
one-time design qualifications and
production part inspection tests related
to ATV fuel systems.
For ATVs that already meet the
performance requirements of Section 12
and 13, the cost to manufacturers is
limited to the cost of testing. The
Commission estimates that one-time
design qualification inspection tests
would cost approximately $12,096 per
model. To comply with new Sections
13.3 (Fuel Tank Immersion Leak Test)
and 13.4 (Fuel Filter and Shut-off Valve
Immersion Leak Test), manufacturers
will incur costs associated with testing
each production part; CPSC estimates
that the cost of production part testing
is approximately $20.00 per vehicle.
Manufacturers whose ATV models do
not meet the performance requirements
of Sections 12 and 13 may incur
additional costs associated with
sourcing compliant—likely more
expensive—parts that were previously
tested by the parts manufacturer/
supplier. These costs are expected to be
approximately $20.00 per vehicle, some
of which may be borne by the parts
supplier. ATV models which do not
meet Sections 12, 13.8 (Fuel Tank
Production Envelope Analysis), or 13.9
(Fuel Line Integrity) requirements may
require reconfiguration or redesign,
which CPSC estimates would cost
approximately $70,000 per model.
The Commission generally assesses a
draft proposed rule to have a significant
adverse economic impact if a firm’s
costs to comply exceed 1 percent of the
firm’s annual sales revenue. Because, as
noted above, none of the 14 identified
ATV manufacturers meet the SBA
criteria to be considered a small
business, CPSC preliminarily assesses
that the draft proposed rule requiring
compliance with ANSI/SVIA 1–2023
will not have a significant economic
impact on any small ATV
manufacturers, since none was
identified. Staff seeks information on
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 143 / Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Proposed Rules
any other ATV manufacturers that may
meet the SBA criteria to be considered
small businesses.
2. Impact on Small Importers
Foreign manufacturers whose models
do not meet the ANSI/SVIA 1–2023
performance requirements may choose
to exit the U.S. ATV market. An
importer whose foreign manufacturer
exited the market, and was unable to
procure an alternative source, would
likely suffer a significant, adverse
economic impact. However, given that
ATV sales volume has been stable over
the last 5 years, and grew by
approximately 5 percent in 2020 (the
last year for which CPSC has data), it is
unlikely that foreign ATV
manufacturers will exit the market.
Therefore, CPSC preliminarily
concludes that the draft proposed rule
will not have a significant, adverse
economic impact on ATV importers.
If a foreign manufacturer chooses not
to conduct the required testing and/or
provide the documentation necessary to
support the issuance a GCC, importers
of that manufacturer’s products may
choose to conduct and document
compliance testing, incurring the
associated costs. For importers whose
costs exceed 1 percent of the firm’s
annual ATV revenues, the effect would
be considered significant. Of the 14
small importers identified by staff, only
7 could be found in the 2020 ATV
market sales data.4 Staff estimates that
4 of these 7 small importers would face
a significant, adverse economic impact
as a result of the proposed rule.
However, as noted above, CPSC
considers this scenario unlikely.
3. Alternatives to the Draft Proposed
An effective date later than September
1, 2024, could reduce manufacturers’
costs of compliance and/or allow
manufacturers to spread those costs over
a longer period of time. However, an
effective date of September 1, 2024
allows manufacturers approximately 17
months from the publication of ANSI/
SVIA 1–2023 to comply with its
requirements, which the Commission
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
4 Source: Power Products Marketing, Prairie Eden,
MN, 2021.
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preliminarily considers reasonable,
feasible, and adequate as explained
For these reasons, any cost savings
that might accrue to manufacturers if a
later effective date were adopted are
likely to be insignificant. Delaying
implementation of the rule would allow
continued manufacture and importation
of non-compliant models for a longer
period of time, expose a greater number
of consumers to ATV fire and burn
hazards, and increase associated societal
costs. Therefore, the Commission is not
proposing this alternative.
The Commission preliminarily
concludes that the draft proposed rule
will not have a significant, negative
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities and requests
comments with data supporting or
refuting whether the Commission could
certify to that effect.
IV. The Proposed Rule
The proposed rule would revise 16
CFR 1420.1 and 1420.3. Consistent with
current requirements, the revised
language states that new assembled or
unassembled ATVs manufactured before
September 1, 2024, must comply with
ANSI/SVIA 1–2017. Any new
assembled or unassembled ATVs
manufactured on or after September 1,
2024 must comply with ANSI/SVIA 1–
2023. The revision also removes
extraneous references to past effective
V. Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed rule contains
information collection requirements that
are subject to public comment and
review by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3521). In this document, pursuant to 44
U.S.C. 3507(a)(1)(D), we set forth—
• a title for the collection of
• a summary of the collection of
• a brief description of the need for
the information and the proposed use of
the information;
• a description of the likely
respondents and proposed frequency of
response to the collection of
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• an estimate of the burden that shall
result from the collection of
information; and
• notice that comments may be
submitted to the OMB.
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(NPR) to Amend the All-Terrain Vehicle
(ATV) Standard.
Summary and Description: The
proposed rule amends the ATV standard
to mandate industry compliance with
ANSI/SVIA 1–2023, American National
Standard for Four Wheel All-Terrain
Vehicles. The proposed rule would
require ATVs to comply with ANSI/
SVIA 1–2023, including certification
testing in support of GCCs required by
Section 14 of the Consumer Product
Safety Act, 15 U.S.C. 2063.5 GCCs must
comply with 16 CFR part 1110
concerning the content of the GCC,
retention of the associated records, and
any other applicable requirement.
ANSI/SVIA 1–2023 Sections 4. Vehicle
(ATV) Configuration and Equipment, 5.
Maximum Speed Capability, 7. Service
Brake Performance, 8. Parking, 9. Pitch
Stability, 11. Sound Level Limits, 12.
Hot Surfaces, and 13. Fuel Systems
Requirements contain certification
testing requirements. These
recordkeeping requirements, as well as
the preparation of the GCC itself, fall
within the definition of ‘‘collection of
information,’’ as defined in 44 U.S.C.
3502(3). PRA requirements such as
labels, hang tags, and instruction
manuals, which are unchanged from the
previous version of the standard, SVIA
1–2017, are not included in this
Description of Respondents: Entities
which manufacture or import ATVs.
Estimated Burden: We estimate the
total burden of this collection of
information is 441 hours and $16,229.
Table 1, below, summarizes our
estimation of annual reporting burden
hours and cost.
5 Section 14(a)(3)(A) of the CPSA states that the
third-party testing requirement applies to any
children’s product manufactured more than 90 days
after the Commission has established and published
a ‘‘notice of requirements’’ for the accreditation of
third-party conformity assessment bodies to assess
conformity with a children’s product safety rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 143 / Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Proposed Rules
Number of
Burden type
of responses
Total annual
Hours per
Total burden
Labor Burden
GCC Preparation ...................................................
One-Time Design Qualification Testing .................
Total Burden ...................................................
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Comments: In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3507(d)), CPSC has submitted the
information collection requirements of
this proposed rule to the OMB for
review. Interested persons are requested
to submit comments regarding
information collection by September 25,
2023 to the Office of Information and
egulatory Affairs, OMB (see the
ADDRESSES section at the beginning of
this document).
Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A),
we invite comments on:
• Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the CPSC’s functions,
including whether the information will
have practical utility;
• The accuracy of the CPSC’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
• Ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
• Ways to reduce the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques, when
appropriate, and other forms of
information technology; and
• The estimated burden hours
associated with producing the GCC and
the certification testing required to
support the GCC.
A. GCC Preparation
Section 14 of the Consumer Product
Safety Act requires manufacturers and
importers of ATVs to prepare GCCs.
Based on current ATV action plans filed
with the CPSC, there are 38 entities that
supply, or intend to supply ATVs to the
U.S. market. CPSC staff found evidence
of ATV sales activity, in the form of
actual sales or advertisement for sale,
for only 32 of the 38 entities.
Nevertheless, taking a conservative
approach, CPSC staff assumed that all
38 entities are currently supplying
ATVs to the U.S. market and used this
number to calculate the burden hours
and annual cost associated with GCCs.
ATV manufacturers typically produce
one GCC that covers all the models of
a model year, which implies the number
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of PRA responses is one per entity, per
year. CPSC conservatively estimates the
time required to produce this GCC is
about 1.5 hours per year (although in
most cases the actual time required will
likely be significantly lower). Therefore,
the estimated burden associated with
GCCs is 57 hours (38 entities × 1 GCC
per year × 1.5 hours per GCC = 57
hours). CPSC staff multiplied the
estimated number of burden hours by
$36.80,6 the total hourly compensation
for sales and office workers in goodsproducing private industries, to generate
the estimated annual cost to industry
associated with GCCs. Therefore, the
estimated annual cost to industry
associated with preparation of the GCCs
is $2,097.60 ($36.80 per hour × 57 hours
= $2,097.60).
B. Recordkeeping Supporting GCC
In the event a foreign manufacturer
chooses not to conduct required
certification testing and/or provide
documentation to support preparation
of the GCC, its importer could choose to
conduct its own certification testing.
However, CPSC considers this scenario
unlikely, and for several of the
importers, cost prohibitive. Therefore,
the Commission assumes entities
conducting certification testing and
associated recordkeeping are limited to
ATV manufacturers. Based on 2020
sales data, there were 25 known U.S.
and foreign manufacturers supplying as
many as 239 new and old ATV models
and 420,730 ATVs to the U.S. market.7
CPSC estimates the average life cycle
of an ATV model is approximately 5
years, which implies each manufacturer
will conduct one-time design
qualification testing on approximately
1.6 models per year (239 models ÷ 25
entities ÷ 5 years ≈ 1.9 models per entity
per year). CPSC staff estimates the time
required to create and maintain
6 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, ‘‘Table 4.
Employer Costs for Employee Compensation for
private industry workers by occupational and
industry group,’’ updated March 17, 2023, Table 4.
Private industry workers by occupational and
industry group—2022 Q04 Results (
7 Source: Power Products Marketing, Prairie Eden,
MN, 2021.
PO 00000
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certification records to be approximately
8 person hours per model.8 Therefore,
the estimated labor burden associated
with certification testing recordkeeping
is 384 person hours (25 entities × 1.9
ATV models per year × 8 person hours
per model = 384 person hours). As
above, staff multiplied the estimated
number of burden hours by $36.80, the
total hourly compensation for sales and
office workers in goods-producing
private industries. The estimated annual
cost to industry associated with
certification testing recordkeeping is
$14,131 ($36.80 per person hour × 384
person hours = $14,131).
C. Summary of Burden Hours and Cost
Based on this analysis, the proposed
rule for ATVs would impose an annual
burden to industry of approximately 441
hours per year (57 for preparation of the
GCC and 384 hours for recordkeeping
associated with the certification tests
upon which the GCCs are based). The
estimated annual cost is approximately
$16,229 ($2,098 and $14,131 for GCC
preparation and certification testing
recordkeeping, respectively).
The above estimates are a
conservative estimate of the average
annual burden to ATV entities. The
proposed rule requires all ATVs
manufactured on or after September 1,
2024, to comply with ANSI/SVIA 1–
2023. Therefore, in the first year
following promulgation of the rule,
existing entities may be required to
redesign and test more than the
estimated average 48 models per year
and incur higher costs than the
estimates in this PRA analysis. In
subsequent years, costs could be less, as
fewer numbers of ATV models will
require design updates. To the extent
that the ATV industry already complies,
or substantially complies, with the
ANSI/SVIA 1–2023 standard, these
figures may over-estimate the actual
8 This estimate includes recordkeeping hours
associated with individual parts testing required by
ANSI/SVIA 1–2023, Sections 13.3 (Fuel Tank
Immersion Leak Test) and 13.4 (Fuel Filter and
Shut-off Valve Immersion Leak Test, allocated per
model, as well as recordkeeping hours associated
with one-time design qualification testing.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 143 / Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Proposed Rules
VI. Environmental Considerations
The Commission’s regulations
provide a categorical exemption for the
Commission’s rules from any
requirement to prepare an
environmental assessment or an
environmental impact statement as they
‘‘have little or no potential for affecting
the human environment.’’ 16 CFR
1021.5(c)(1). This proposed amendment
falls within the categorical exemption.
VII. Incorporation by Reference
The Commission proposes to
incorporate by reference those
provisions of ANSI/SVIA 1–2023 that it
has concluded are related to the safe
operation of ATVs, which encompass all
provisions other than Section 4.21
concerning the provision of paper user
manuals. The Office of the Federal
Register (OFR) has regulations
concerning incorporation by reference. 1
CFR part 51. For a proposed rule,
agencies must discuss in the preamble
to the NPR ways that the materials the
agency proposes to incorporate by
reference are reasonably available to
interested persons or how the agency
worked to make the materials
reasonably available. In addition, the
preamble to the proposed rule must
summarize the material. 1 CFR 51.5(a).
In accordance with the OFR’s
requirements, section II of this preamble
summarizes the provisions of ANSI/
SVIA 1–2023 that the Commission
proposes to incorporate by reference.
ANSI/SVIA 1–2023 is copyrighted.
Interested persons may purchase a copy
of ANSI/SVIA 1–2023 from Specialty
Vehicle Institute of America, 2 Jenner,
Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92618–3806;
telephone: 949–727–3727 ext. 3023; In addition, a read-only
copy of the standard is available for
viewing on the SVIA website at https:// You may also
inspect a copy at the Office of the
Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 4330 East West
Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814,
telephone: (301) 504–7479, email:
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
VIII. Preemption
Section 26(a) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C.
2075(a), provides that when a consumer
product safety standard is in effect and
applies to a product, no state or political
subdivision of a state may either
establish or continue in effect a standard
or regulation that prescribes
requirements for the performance,
composition, contents, design, finish,
construction, packaging, or labeling of
such product dealing with the same risk
of injury unless the state requirement is
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identical to the federal standard. Section
26(c) of the CPSA also provides that
states or political subdivisions of states
may apply to the Commission for an
exemption from this preemption under
certain circumstances. Section 42 of the
CPSA refers to the rules to be issued
under that section as ‘‘consumer
product safety standards.’’ Therefore,
the preemption provision of section
26(a) of the CPSA would apply to this
proposed rule.
IX. Notice of Requirements
The CPSA establishes certain
requirements for product certification
and testing. Certification of children’s
products subject to a children’s product
safety rule must be based on testing
conducted by a CPSC-accepted thirdparty conformity assessment body. 15
U.S.C. 2063(a)(2). The Commission is
required to publish a notice of
requirements (NOR) for the
accreditation of third-party conformity
assessment bodies to assess conformity
with a children’s product safety rule to
which a children’s product is subject.
Id. 2063(a)(3). On August 27, 2010, the
Commission published an NOR for
accreditation of third-party conformity
assessment bodies for testing ATVs
designed or intended primarily for
children 12 years of age or younger. 75
FR 52616. Because the revisions to the
2017 edition of the ANSI/SVIA standard
would not substantially alter third-party
conformance testing requirements for
ATVs designed or intended primarily
for children 12 years of age or younger,
the current NOR for third-party testing
of youth ATVs will remain unchanged.
Thus, the Commission considers the
existing accreditations that the
Commission has accepted for testing to
the 2017 ATV standard would also
cover testing of children’s products to
the revised ATV standard.
X. Request for Comments
This NPR begins a rulemaking
proceeding under section 42 of the
CPSA to amend the Commission’s
mandatory ATV standard to reference
the 2023 edition of the ANSI/SVIA
standard. We invite all interested
persons to submit comments on any
aspect of this proposal, including
whether any of the changes to the
standard (summarized in Tab A of the
Staff’s NPR Briefing Package) are
substantive changes and whether they
improve or do not improve the safety of
ATVs. In particular, as noted
previously, we invite comment as to the
standard’s proposed change to format in
which an owner’s manual must be
provided and as to the proposed
effective date. We also invite comments
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on the estimated burden of the
recordkeeping associated with issuing a
GCC for ATVs as required by 16 CFR
part 1110, discussed in Section VI,
above. In addition, we request
comments on the effect on safety of the
removal of the 10 PSI maximum
recommended tire pressure. In
particular, we invite comments on the
anticipated effect on safety if ATV tires
exceed 10 psi. Comments should be
submitted in accordance with the
instructions in the ADDRESSES section at
the beginning of this notice.
List of Subjects in 16 CFR Parts 1420
Consumer protection, Imports,
Incorporation by reference, Infants and
children, Information, Labeling, Law
enforcement, Recreation and recreation
areas, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Safety.
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the Commission proposes to
amend Title 16 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1420
is changed to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2089.
2. Revise § 1420.1 to read as follows:
§ 1420.1
Scope and application.
This part 1420, a consumer product
safety standard, prescribes requirements
for all terrain vehicles.
■ 3. Revise § 1420.3 to read as follows:
§ 1420.3
Requirements for four-wheel
Each new assembled or unassembled
ATV manufactured before September 1,
2024, shall comply with all applicable
provisions of the American National
Standard for Four-Wheel All-Terrain
Vehicles (ANSI/SVIA 1–2017),
approved on June 8, 2017. Each new
assembled or unassembled ATV
manufactured on or after September 1,
2024, shall comply with all applicable
provisions of the American National
Standard for Four-Wheel All-Terrain
Vehicles (ANSI/SVIA 1–2023),
approved on March 21, 2023 with the
exception of Section 4.21 Owner’s
Manual, as to which it shall continue to
comply with the ANSI/SVIA 1–2017
standard. The Director of the Federal
Register approves this incorporation by
reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. You may
obtain a copy of these standards from
Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, 2
Jenner, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92618–
3806; telephone: 949–727–3727 ext.
3023; In addition, a read-
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 143 / Thursday, July 27, 2023 / Proposed Rules
only copy of the 2023 standard is
available for viewing on the SVIA
website at This material is available for
inspection at the Consumer Product
Safety Commission and the National
Archives and Records Administration
(NARA). Contact Office of the Secretary,
U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission, Room 820, 4330 East West
Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814,
telephone: (301) 504–7479. For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, visit
ibr-locations.html or email:
Alberta E. Mills,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2023–15478 Filed 7–26–23; 8:45 am]
Food and Drug Administration
21 CFR Part 573
[Docket No. FDA–2023–F–2415]
Kemin Industries, Inc.; Filing of Food
Additive Petition (Animal Use)
Food and Drug Administration,
Notification of petition.
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA or we) is
announcing that we have filed a
petition, submitted by Kemin Industries,
Inc., proposing that the food additive
regulations be amended to provide for
the safe use of chromium propionate to
be used as a source of chromium in
turkey feed.
DATES: The food additive petition was
filed on July 6, 2023.
ADDRESSES: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https:// and insert the
docket number found in brackets in the
heading of this document into the
‘‘Search’’ box and follow the prompts,
and/or go to the Dockets Management
Staff, 5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061,
Rockville, MD 20852.
Wasima Wahid, Center for Veterinary
Medicine (HFV–221), Food and Drug
Administration, 7519 Standish Pl.,
Rockville, MD 20855, 240–402–5857,
section 409(b)(5) of the Federal Food,
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C.
348(b)(5)), we are giving notice that we
have filed a food additive petition (FAP
2318), submitted by Kemin Industries,
Inc, 1900 Scott Ave., Des Moines, IA
50317. The petition proposes to amend
in 21 CFR part 573—Food Additives
Permitted in Feed and Drinking Water
of Animals to provide for the safe use
of chromium propionate to be used as
a source of chromium in turkey feed.
We are reviewing the potential
environmental impact of this petition.
To encourage public participation
consistent with regulations issued under
the National Environmental Policy Act
(40 CFR 1501.5(e)), we are placing the
environmental assessment submitted
with the petition that is the subject of
this notice on public display at the
Dockets Management Staff (see
ADDRESSES) for public review and
We will also place on public display,
in the Dockets Management Staff and at, any
amendments to, or comments on, the
petitioner’s environmental assessment
without further announcement in the
Federal Register. If, based on our
review, we find that an environmental
impact statement is not required, and
this petition results in a regulation, we
will publish the notice of availability of
our finding of no significant impact and
the evidence supporting that finding
with the regulation in the Federal
Register in accordance with 21 CFR
Dated: July 24, 2023.
Lauren K. Roth,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2023–15913 Filed 7–26–23; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 52
[EPA–R09–OAR–2023–0203; FRL–10757–
Approval and Promulgation of
Implementation Plans; Revisions to the
California State Implementation Plan;
San Francisco Bay Area
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is proposing under the
Clean Air Act (CAA or ‘‘Act’’) to
approve a revision to the San Francisco
Bay Area portion of the California State
Implementation Plan (SIP). This
PO 00000
Frm 00014
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
revision consists of updated
transportation conformity procedures
related to the interagency coordination
on project-level conformity and
exchange of travel data for emissions
inventories developed for air quality
plans and regional transportation
conformity analyses. The intended
effect is to update the transportation
conformity criteria and procedures in
the California SIP.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before August 28, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R09–
OAR–2023–0203 at https:// For comments
submitted at, follow the
online instructions for submitting
comments. Once submitted, comments
cannot be edited or removed from The EPA may publish
any comment received to its public
docket. Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Multimedia
submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be
accompanied by a written comment.
The written comment is considered the
official comment and should include
discussion of all points you wish to
make. The EPA will generally not
consider comments or comment
contents located outside of the primary
submission (i.e., on the web, cloud, or
other file sharing system). For
additional submission methods, please
contact the person identified in the FOR
For the full EPA public comment policy,
information about CBI or multimedia
submissions, and general guidance on
making effective comments, please visit
commenting-epa-dockets. If you need
assistance in a language other than
English or if you are a person with a
disability who needs a reasonable
accommodation at no cost to you, please
contact the person identified in the FOR
Michael Dorantes, Geographic Strategies
and Modeling Section (AIR–2–2), EPA
Region IX, 75 Hawthorne Street, San
Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 972–3934, or
by email at
Throughout this document, ‘‘we,’’ ‘‘us,’’
and ‘‘our’’ refer to the EPA.
Table of Contents
I. Transportation Conformity
II. Background and State Submittal
III. The EPA’s Evaluation
IV. Summary of Our Proposed Action
[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 143 (Thursday, July 27, 2023)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 48398-48406]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2023-15478]
16 CFR Part 1420
[CPSC Docket No. 2017-0032]
Standard for All-Terrain Vehicles
AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety Commission.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA)
required the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC or the
Commission) to publish, as a mandatory consumer product safety
standard, the American National Standard for Four-Wheel All-Terrain
Vehicles Equipment Configuration, and Performance Requirements
developed by the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America (ANSI/SVIA 1-
2007). CPSC published that mandatory consumer product safety standard
on November 14, 2008. Since then, the Commission has revised this
mandatory standard twice in accordance with the revision procedures set
out in the CPSIA. ANSI/SVIA has again revised its standard. In
accordance with CPSIA, CPSC proposes to amend the Commission's
mandatory ATV standard to reference the 2023 edition of the ANSI/SVIA
DATES: Submit comments by September 25, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Comments related to the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of
the proposed rule's information collection requirements should be
directed to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, OMB,
Attn: CPSC Desk Officer, FAX: 202-395-6974, or emailed to:
[email protected]. In addition, written comments that are
sent to OMB also should be submitted electronically at, under Docket No. CPSC-2017-0032.
Comments related to the proposed rule, identified by Docket No.
CPSC-2017-0032, may be submitted electronically or in writing by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Submissions: Submit electronic comments to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal at Follow the
instructions for submitting comments. Do not submit through this
website: confidential business information, trade secret information,
or other sensitive or protected information that you do not want to be
available to the public. CPSC typically does not accept comments
submitted by email, except as described below.
Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier/Confidential Written Submissions: CPSC
encourages you to submit electronic comments using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal. You may, however, submit comments by mail, hand
delivery, or courier to: Office of the Secretary, Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814;
telephone: (301) 504-7479.
Instructions: All submissions must include the agency name and
docket number. CPSC may post all comments without change, including any
personal identifiers, contact information, or other personal
information provided to If you wish to submit
confidential business information, trade secret information, or other
sensitive or protected information that you do not want to be available
to the public, you may submit such comments by mail, hand delivery, or
courier, or you may email them to: [email protected].
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to:, and insert the
docket number, CPSC-2017-0032, into the ``Search'' box, and follow the
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Han Lim, Project Manager, Directorate
for Engineering Sciences, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 5
Research Place, Rockville, MD 20850; telephone: (301) 987-2327; email:
[email protected].
I. Background and Statutory Authority
CPSIA directed the Commission to ``publish in the Federal Register
as a mandatory consumer product safety standard the American National
Standard for Four Wheel All-Terrain Vehicles Equipment Configuration,
and Performance Requirements developed by the Specialty Vehicle
Institute of America (American National Standard ANSI/SVIA 1-2007).''
15 U.S.C. 2089(a)(1). Accordingly, on November 14, 2008, CPSC published
a final rule mandating ANSI/SVIA 1-2007 as a consumer product safety
standard. 73 FR 67385. The final rule was codified at 16 CFR part 1420.
The Commission has revised the mandatory standard twice in
accordance with the revision procedures set out in CPSIA and
incorporated into section 42 of the Consumer Product Safety Act, 15
U.S.C. 2089(b). On February 29, 2012, the Commission published a final
rule that amended the Commission's ATV standard to reference the 2010
edition of the ANSI/SVIA standard. 77 FR 12197. Then on February 27,
2018, the Commission published a final rule that amended the mandatory
ATV standard to reference the 2017 edition of the ANSI/SVIA standard.
83 FR 8336. On March 21, 2023, ANSI notified the Commission that the
2017 edition of the ANSI/SVIA standard had been revised.
Section 42(b) of the CPSA provides that, if ANSI/SVIA 1-2007 is
revised, ANSI must notify the Commission of the revision. The
Commission has 120 days after it receives that notification to issue a
notice of proposed rulemaking to amend the Commission's mandatory ATV
standard ``to include any such revision that the Commission determines
is reasonably related to the safe performance of [ATVs] and notify the
Institute of any provision it has determined not to be so related.'' 15
U.S.C. 2089(b)(1) and (2). Thereafter, the Commission has 180 days
after publication of the proposed amendment to publish a final rule to
revise the ATV standard. Id.
II. Evaluation of ANSI/SVIA 1-2023
ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 contains requirements and test methods relating to
ATVs, including vehicle equipment and configuration, vehicle speed
capability, brake performance, pitch stability, electromagnetic
compatibility, and sound level limits. The staff memorandum at Tab A of
the July XX, 2023 Staff Briefing Package: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(NPR) to Amend the All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) Standard (Staff's NPR
Briefing Package) \1\ reviews in detail the changes from the 2017
edition of the ANSI/SVIA standard, which is currently the mandated
consumer product safety standard for ATVs, to the 2023 edition. The
following revisions are particularly significant:
\1\ Available at
[ssquf] Requirements for hot surfaces;
[ssquf] Requirements for fuel system components;
[[Page 48399]]
[ssquf] Removal of the maximum recommended tire pressure of 69 kPa
(10 psi); and
[ssquf] Requirement of an effective date ``beginning with 2026
model year vehicles'' within the scope of the standard;
[ssquf] Removal of requirement that paper user manuals be provided
with all ATVs.
A. Hot Surfaces Requirements
ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 Section 12.1, Touch Points, specifies performance
requirements that limit maximum surface temperatures for various touch
points that, if too hot, may harm vehicle occupants. Without the proper
surface temperature limits on ATV surfaces, consumers may experience
contact burns. In addition, excessive exhaust temperatures can melt
nearby combustible plastic components, which may pose a risk of fire.
ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 sets out performance tests to evaluate whether
surface temperatures for various touch points are within specified
limits. In September 2018, CPSC recommended that SVIA add requirements
to address burn hazards to users of ATVs. CPSC staff subsequently
worked with SVIA to develop standards for maximum surface temperatures
on ATVs to address the risk of burns associated with ATVs. The
Commission preliminarily concludes that testing the temperature of
specified ATV touch points as provided by ANSI-SVIA 1-2023 is
reasonably related to the safe performance of ATVs.
B. Fuel System Requirements
The 2017 edition of the ANSI/SVIA standard does not contain
performance requirements to address fire hazards from fuel leaks. ANSI/
SVIA 1-2023 adds multiple performance requirements to mitigate the risk
of fuel leaks and fire hazards. These performance requirements apply to
various aspects of an ATV's fuel system that may contribute to fire
Most of the requirements are based on other similar standards that
each address different aspects of the fuel system. For example, the
fuel hose tensile test is similar to the test procedure from ANSI/OPEI
B71.10-2018 Standard for Off-Road Ground-Supported Outdoor Power
Equipment--Gasoline Fuel Systems--Safety Specifications. There are two
options to test for fuel tank structural integrity. One of these
options to evaluate the structural integrity of the fuel tank for
resistance to impact forces is based on the SAE J288 standard for
snowmobile fuel tanks. The other option is to follow the SVIA-1 test
method involving striking the tank with a metal sphere. The SVIA-1
committee adapted various fuel system component requirements from other
standards to be applicable to ATVs.
These fuel system performance requirements are organized into four
general categories:
Fuel Tank Structural Integrity
Section 13.3 Fuel Tank Immersion Leak Test
Section 13.5 Fuel Tank Cyclic Pressure Integrity Test
Section 13.6 Fuel Soak Test for Plastic Tanks and Assemblies
With Grommets and Seals
Sections 13.8 and 13.15 Fuel Tank Leak Mitigation from
Rollover or Tip over
Fuel Hoses
13.9 Fuel Line Integrity
13.10 Fuel Line Connection Tensile Test
Fuel Filter and Shut-Off Valve
Section 13.4 Fuel Filter and Shut-off Valve Immersion Test
Elastomeric Component Durability
Section 13.11 Elastomeric exposure to fuel
Section 13.12 Ozone resistance
Section 13.13 UV resistance
Section 13.14 Corrosion resistance
CPSC staff is aware of three fuel tank recalls, two fuel hose
recalls, and one fuel filter-related recall associated with ATVs.\2\ A
fuel leak occurs when there is a breach in the fuel system. A fuel
breach can originate from multiple locations, such as the fuel hose to
nozzle connections, fuel tank seam split or crack, cracked fuel filter,
cracked fuel hose, etc. A fuel leak from any of the above components
near a hot engine and/or exhaust components can increase the risk of
\2\ Voluntary Standards Meeting with Recreational Off-Highway
Institute (ROHVA), Specialty Vehicle Institute of America (SVIA),
and Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI) to discuss Off-Highway
Vehicle Fire and Debris Penetration Hazards, September 19, 2018.
Weblink to Meeting Log:
Voluntary Standards Meeting on Off-Highway
Vehicles.pdf?GhlbD87TF1W8m6F9B10g2CpZTCNzSrjP. See pages 8 through
10 for the fuel-related recalls.
Section 13 contains test requirements that are (a) one-time design
qualification tests and (b) tests that are required of every fuel
system for new production ATVs. Most of the requirements are one-time
design qualification tests. The one-time qualification test requires
manufacturers to conduct a single test that proves the design of a
subsystem component such as the fuel tank meets all the applicable
requirements. The water immersion leak test is required for all fuel
tank units that will be installed on a manufacturer's ATV production
line. Appendix A of the Staff's NPR Briefing Package lists all the
tests contained in Section 13 and distinguishes which tests are one-
time design qualification type of tests and which tests are required
for every ATV.
Section 13.3 is a leak test that requires every ATV fuel tank to be
tested for leaks. The production fuel tank, fitted with all the fuel
system components, is pressurized with compressed air and then
submerged in water. Failures are detected by visual inspection of
bubbles. This leak test is repeated during the course of various other
tests after subjecting the fuel tank and/or fuel tank components to
impact loading, pressure cycling, and elevated temperature conditioning
to ensure no stress cracks or fuel tank breaches result from those
three physical tests. Section 13.4 provides leak tests for individual
components such as fuel filters and fuel shut-off valves that are
similar to the leak tests Section 13.3 establishes for fuel tanks.
Section 13.4 sets out a water immersion test to ensure these components
are leak-free. CPSC staff has advised the Commission that these
performance tests to detect leaks from fuel tanks, fuel filters, and
fuel shut-off valves are effective in mitigating the risk of fuel leaks
and can reduce the risk of fire hazards.
Fuel tanks are subjected to pressure cycling due to the varying
amounts of fuel in the tank and changing temperatures. To simulate the
effects of pressure cycling, a performance test described in section
13.5 (Fuel Tank Cyclic Pressure Integrity Test) applies a cyclic air
pressure up to 4 psi for 10,000 cycles. This is a one-time design
qualification test. Upon completion of the 10,000 pressure cycles, a
leak test per the section 13.3 test procedure is conducted. CPSC staff
assesses that the test procedure described in section 13.5 adequately
evaluates the structural integrity of ATV fuel tanks when subjected to
the repeated, fatigue type of pressure test.
The elevated temperature test set out in Section 13.6 evaluates
structural damage that may occur when a fuel tank is subjected to
elevated temperature scenarios. This performance test requires a sample
fuel tank filled with gasoline to be kept in a test chamber at a
constant elevated temperature of 60 [deg]C (140 [deg]F) for 480 hours.
This requirement would detect stress cracks, seam splits, or other
structural damage that can cause fuel to leak. At the conclusion of
this 480-hour high temperature
[[Page 48400]]
exposure test, the test sample fuel tank is emptied and then subjected
to the Section 13.3 leak test to ensure no stress cracks form during
the long period of elevated temperature. CPSC staff assesses that this
performance test is effective in evaluating the structural integrity of
ATV fuel tanks when subjected to extended elevated temperature
environments. The Commission preliminarily concludes that this
performance test is reasonably related to the safe performance of ATVs.
In a vehicle fuel system, components such as fuel pumps, shutoff
valves, and fuel filters are joined with multilayered rubber hoses that
may be connected in various ways such as barbed friction fittings, hose
clamps, or quick snap-on connect mechanisms. Sections 13.9 and 13.10
contain tensile test requirements to ensure hose connections do not
leak. Sample hose connections are subjected to a 30 lb tensile (pull)
force to ensure fuel hoses do not slip off. Staff assesses that these
performance tests are effective in mitigating the risk of fuel hoses
slipping off and therefore this testing reduces the risk of fire
hazards. The Commission preliminarily concludes that that these tensile
test requirements are reasonably related to the safe performance of
ATVs are driven in a wide range of environments and conditions,
from extreme cold, snowy conditions to extreme hot weather. Plastic
fuel tanks are susceptible to expansion and contraction due to
temperature fluctuations and variations in operating conditions and
over time plastic fuel tanks may develop stress cracks. Unprotected
portions of the fuel tank can be struck by debris, such as rocks, which
can compromise the structural integrity of the tank. Section 13.7
provides that ATV fuel tanks be subjected to a qualification impact
test that evaluates the structural integrity of the fuel tank after it
is either struck by a steel ball (SVIA test option) or dropped from
1.25 meters onto a concrete surface (SAE J288--Snowmobile Fuel Tank
Standard Test method option). The test option is decided by the
manufacturer. Prior to the impact, the fuel tanks are subjected to a
low temperature soak (-30 [deg]C for the SVIA test option or -40 [deg]C
for the SAE J288 test option). CPSC staff assesses that this
performance test is effective in evaluating the structural integrity of
ATV fuel tanks when subjected to impact forces. The Commission
preliminarily concludes that that these tensile test requirements are
reasonably related to the safe performance of ATVs.
Section 13.8 (Fuel Tank Protection Envelope Analysis) requires
visual, computer aided design (CAD), or similar inspection to ensure
neighboring components do not inadvertently compromise the structural
integrity of fuel system components such as the fuel tank, fuel hoses,
etc. in the event of a tip-over or roll-over. The procedure is a visual
inspection or spatial analysis done with CAD, which CPSC staff consider
useful to aid in addressing potential structural integrity issues of
ATV fuel systems. The Commission preliminarily concludes that that
these inspection requirements are reasonably related to the safe
performance of ATVs.
The performance test set out in Section 13.15 evaluates the
effectiveness of the fuel system to limit the amount of fuel leakage
(and associated risk of fire and/or explosion) in a rollover scenario
where the ATV and its fuel tank are not in their normal upright
positions. A test sample fuel tank filled with water is flipped upside
down (180[deg] from its normal upright position) for 10 minutes and the
maximum allowable volume of water that can leak within that period is
300 m. On average, the allowable leak rate is 30 mL per minute.
Gasoline evaporates relatively quickly when exposed to air. This rate
is consistent with the requirement from the 2012 edition of the golf
car standard, ANSI/ILTVA (International Light Transportation Vehicle
Association) Z130.1. CPSC staff assesses that this performance test is
effective in evaluating the rollover vent valve's ability to limit the
amount of fuel leakage if the ATV fuel tank is involved in a rollover.
Components with elastomeric parts such as fuel filters and fuel
shut off valves are susceptible to cracking, corrosion, and/or
deterioration when exposed to certain chemical or environmental
elements such as ethanol-blended gasolines, ultraviolet (UV) light, and
ozone. Elastomeric parts are composed of various rubber-like materials.
Sections 13.10 through 13.14 set out the performance tests that expose
sample fuel filters and fuel shut off valves to E10 (gasoline blended
with 10% ethanol), UV light, and ozone for extended periods. The test
components are visually examined for any cracks or signs of
deterioration upon the completion of the performance tests. Parts made
of fluoroelastomer are exempt, as this material is not susceptible to
deterioration due to UV, ozone, or E10 exposures. Fluoroelastomer is a
fluorocarbon-based type of synthetic rubber that has chemical corrosion
resistant properties that are used for applications such as gaskets, O-
rings, and seals. CPSC staff assesses that this performance test is
effective in evaluating the corrosion resistance properties of
elastomeric parts.
The Commission preliminarily concludes that the fuel system
performance requirements in Section 13 of the 2023 edition of the ANSI/
SVIA standard are reasonably related to the to the safe performance of
ATVs on the basis of staff's assessment that they will reduce the risk
of fuel leaks and associated fire and burn hazards due to possible fuel
breaches, over pressurizations, fuel spills, and component
C. Tire Pressure
The 2007, 2010, and 2017 editions of the SVIA-1 standard defined
low-pressure tires as ``having a recommended tire pressure of no more
than 69 kPa (10 psi)'' in section 4.19 Tires. In the 2017 edition,
Section 4.19 differentiated between Pneumatic (section 4.19.1) and Non-
Pneumatic Tires (NPT) (section 4.19.2) and changed Pneumatic Tire
requirements to ``Maximum recommended tire pressure of 69kPa (10
psi).'' Section 4.19.2 specifies ``NPTs vertical stiffness shall be
designed to produce a ground pressure of 69kPA (10 psi) or less with
the subject vehicle.'' In the 2023 edition, the tire pressure value and
vertical stiffness equivalent tire pressure value have been deleted.
The 2023 version retains the 4.19 requirement that ATVs be equipped
with tires designed for off-highway use on these vehicles and that the
tire sidewalls be marked with the recommended tire pressure. In
addition, the 2023 version retains the various testing and performance
requirements in sections 5 to 9 for speed capability, brakes, and pitch
An ATV manufacturer could design an ATV with a proper suspension
and 12 psi tires, and the tires would still be ``low pressure'' yet
conflict with the definition. For that reason, staff does not believe
that it is necessary to include a maximum tire pressure of 10 psi in
the standard. Since ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 instructs consumers to follow
manufacturers' recommendations for tire inflation pressures, either
from the markings on the tires or the owners' manuals, CPSC staff
assesses that this change to the standard is neutral and is not
detrimental to ATV safety. The Commission preliminarily concludes that
these inspection requirements are reasonably related to the safe
performance of ATVs.
[[Page 48401]]
D. Owner's Manual
The 2017 edition of the SVIA-1 standard provides in Section 4.21
that all ATVs shall be provided an owner's manual ``in paper form'' and
adds that the paper manual ``may be supplemented at the manufacturer's
option in electronic form viewable on a display on the ATV or other
device.'' The 2023 edition of SVIA-1 removes the phrase ``which may be
supplemented at the manufacturer's option in electronic form viewable
on a display on the ATV or other device'' which was added to the 2017
edition. Section 4.21 now states ``All ATVs shall be provided with a
manual in paper or electronic format at the time of delivery to the
first purchaser. All ATVs with printed manuals shall be equipped with a
means of carrying the manual that protects it from destructive elements
while allowing reasonable access.'' Under this standard the
manufacturer has the choice of whether to provide electronic or paper
manuals. The information required to be provided in the owner's manual
includes a dedicated introductory safety section and important safety
messages regarding age recommendations, proper operation of the ATV,
and training resources. Therefore, CPSC staff believes that paper
manuals should remain the default medium for important safety
information because in that format the information will be immediately
available for consumers. Many consumers are already disinclined to read
instruction manuals and requiring them to go through extra steps to
access them in electronic format reduces the likelihood that they will
do so. Based on the increased risk of consumers not receiving
information on the safe use of ATVs if that information is only
electronically available, CPSC staff assesses that this change would
likely result in a reduction in safety. For that reason, the Commission
preliminarily concludes that this provision is not consistent with the
safe operation of ATVs and therefore proposes maintaining in effect the
current regulatory provision incorporating the 2017 version Section
E. Effective Date
The CPSIA provides a timetable for the Commission to issue a notice
of proposed rulemaking (within 120 days of receiving notification of a
revised ANSI/SVIA standard) and to issue a final rule (within 180 days
of publication of the proposed rule), but it does not establish
requirements for effective dates. When the Commission adopted the 2010
revision to the ANSI/SVIA standard, it provided for an effective date
of 60 days from publication of the final rule. That date was revised
based on comments from several ATV companies in order to allow them
time to update their certification labels. When the Commission adopted
the 2017 revision to the ANSI/SVIA standard, it provided for an
effective date of January 1, 2019, approximately 10 months after
publication of the final rule, based on SVIA's comments about the time
needed for manufacturers to make the required changes.
CPSC staff assesses that many ATVs may already meet the new
requirements in ANSI/SVIA 1-2023, and the changes from the 2017 to the
2023 voluntary standard will not require significant vehicle design or
testing. Once SVIA notifies the Commission of a new version of the SVIA
standard, CPSC is required to issue an NPR within 120 days and then
issue a final rule 180 days after the NPR publication (300 days total).
Because the projected date for issuance of a final rule is early in
calendar year 2024, setting the effective date 180 days after
publication of the final rule, as the Commission did with the 2017
standard, would result in an effective date in July 2024, with the
specific date dependent on the date the final rule is issued. However,
in order to set a date certain that will facilitate industry planning,
as well as to align the effective date more closely with the timing of
the ATV industry's typical transition from one model year to the next,
the Commission proposes an effective date of September 1, 2024. With
this effective date, ATV manufacturers will have approximately 17
months to comply with the new hot surface and fuel system requirements.
The Commission preliminarily concludes that the proposed effective date
is reasonable, feasible, and adequate to protect consumer safety for
the following reasons:
Since all ATVs' gasoline powered engines and associated
components sold in the U.S. are regulated by the U.S. EPA for Exhaust
and Evaporative emissions (40 CFR 1051.515(d)--Fuel Tank Permeation
Testing), those ATVs will be exempt from having to conduct testing per
Section 13.5 (Fuel Tank Cyclic Pressure Integrity Test) of ANSI/SVIA-1-
2023. Where hazards associated with fuel tank cyclic pressure have
already been addressed, there will be no negative effect on safety by
providing this effective date rather than a shorter time period to
Depending on a firm's ATV manufacturing schedule cycle
during the calendar year, any design changes and associated testing to
comply with the new standard will take place sometime within the 17-
month period, with the understanding that firms will not produce ATVs
all year round. The 17-month period from the issuance of SVIA-1-2023 to
the proposed effective date will allow for resolution of supply chain
issues, quality control issues, and any other issues that may arise.
The proposed timeline here is similar to the timeline for
the SVIA-1-2017 standard update. In June 2017, SVIA notified the
Commission of the 2017 edition of the SVIA-1 standard. The final rule
established an effective date of January 1, 2019, which was 18 months
from start to finish (comparable to the recommended 17-month period
proposed here).
For these reasons, the Commission proposes an effective date that
is more clearly defined than the effective date for SVIA-1-2023 and
that allows sufficient time for manufacturers to prepare to comply with
the new standard while at the same time protecting consumer safety by
requiring compliance within a reasonable time.
III. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) requires that agencies review
a proposed rule for the rule's potential economic impact on small
entities, including small businesses. Section 603 of the RFA generally
requires that agencies prepare an initial regulatory flexibility
analysis (IRFA) and make the analysis available to the public for
comment when the agency publishes an NPR. 5 U.S.C. 603. Section 605 of
the RFA provides that an IRFA is not required if the agency certifies
that the rule, if promulgated, will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities.
The IRFA, or a summary of it, must be published in the Federal
Register with the proposed rule. Under Section 603(b) of the RFA, each
IRFA must include:
(1) a description of why action by the agency is being considered;
(2) a succinct statement of the objectives of, and legal basis for,
the proposed rule;
(3) a description and, where feasible, an estimate of the number of
small entities to which the proposed rule will apply;
(4) a description of the projected reporting, recordkeeping, and
other compliance requirements of the proposed rule, including an
estimate of the classes of small entities which will be subject to the
requirement and the
[[Page 48402]]
type of professional skills necessary for preparation of the report or
record; and
(5) an identification, to the extent practicable, of all relevant
Federal rules which may duplicate, overlap, or conflict with the
proposed rule.
The IRFA must also describe any significant alternatives to the
proposed rule that would accomplish the stated objectives and that
minimize any significant economic impact on small entities. Staff's
initial regulatory flexibility analysis is provided in Tab B of Staff's
NPR Briefing Package.
A. Reason for Agency Action
The intent of this rulemaking is to reduce deaths and injuries
resulting from fire and burn hazards associated with ATVs. The
Commission is considering this rule to amend the current mandatory
standard to reference ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 because we preliminarily
conclude that compliance with ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 would reduce fatal and
non-fatal injuries associated with ATVs.
B. Objectives and Legal Basis of the Rule
The Commission proposes this rule to reduce the risk of fatal and
non-fatal injuries associated with ATVs. On March 24, 2023, ANSI
published the latest revision of the American National Standard for
Four-Wheel All-Terrain Vehicles, ANSI/SVIA 1-2023. This rule is
promulgated as required by, and under the authority of, CPSA section
C. Small Entities to Which the Rule Will Apply
The proposed rule would directly affect manufacturers and importers
of ATVs that are responsible for ensuring that the ATVs distributed in
the United States meet the Commission's mandatory rule based on the
ANSI/SVIA-1 standard. If promulgated as a final rule, it would not have
any direct impact on other businesses, such as ATV dealers (unless they
are also importers), or other small entities, including small
governmental jurisdictions or other organizations.
To be distributed in the United States, ATVs must be covered by
``ATV Action Plans,'' which, among other things, describe the actions
that manufacturers or importers will undertake to ensure that consumers
are offered safety training and to monitor that ATVs intended for adult
riders are not sold by ATV dealers for the use of children. As of April
2023, there were 38 ATV manufacturers or importers with ATV Action
Plans registered with the CPSC.\3\ Of the 38 firms with ATV Action
Plans, staff has assessed that 14 are either large domestic
manufacturers or subsidiaries of foreign manufacturers. In addition,
staff has assessed that no domestic manufacturers of ATVs meet the U.S.
Small Business Association (SBA) criteria to be considered small
\3\ The ATV Action Plan Requirement is found in section 42 of
the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2089. A list of firms with active ATV Action
Plans can be found at ATV Action Plans [verbar]
Staff believes that the remaining 24 companies are likely
importers, although in several cases there was insufficient information
to make this determination. Of these 24 likely importers, staff has
identified 14 firms that meet SBA criteria to be considered small
businesses. For the remaining 10 firms, there was insufficient
information to make a size determination.
D. Compliance, Reporting, and Recordkeeping Requirements of the
Proposed Rule
The CPSA requires manufacturers (a term which includes importers)
to certify that their products comply with applicable CPSC standards
and regulations. 15 U.S.C. 2052(a)(11) & 2063(a)(1). The proposed rule
amends the performance requirements and test procedures that suppliers
must meet in order to sell ATVs in the United States. CPSC staff has
examined differences between ANSI/SVIA 1-2017 and ANSI/SVIA 1-2023. A
detailed list and discussion of these differences appear Staff's NPR
Briefing Package. In addition to making minor modifications to Sections
1 through 11, ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 adds Section 12 (Burn Hazards) and
Section 13 (Fuel Systems Requirements). Manufacturers and/or importers
of models that do not currently comply with ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 will incur
costs for testing, and possibly for parts and vehicle redesign.
In accordance with Section 14 of the CPSA, manufacturers would have
to issue a GCC for each ATV model, certifying that the model complies
with the proposed rule. According to Section 14 of the CPSA, GCCs must
be based on a test of each product, or a reasonable testing program;
and GCCs must be provided to all distributors or retailers of the
product. The manufacturer would have to comply with 16 CFR part 1110
concerning the content of the GCC, retention of the associated records,
and any other applicable requirement.
1. Impact on Small Manufacturers
Because modifications in Sections 1 through 11 consist primarily of
editorial updates and clarifications to the existing voluntary
standards, staff assesses that manufacturer costs to comply with these
modifications are insignificant.
Manufacturers will incur testing costs to comply with Section 12 of
the revised standard, which sets forth a one-time design qualification
that requires the identification and testing of ATV surfaces that come
into continuous, intermittent, momentary, and incidental contact with
the vehicle occupant and passengers. Those manufacturers whose models
do not meet the performance requirement will incur costs associated
with model reconfiguration or redesign.
Manufacturers will also incur testing costs to comply with Section
13 of the revised standard which contains several one-time design
qualifications and production part inspection tests related to ATV fuel
For ATVs that already meet the performance requirements of Section
12 and 13, the cost to manufacturers is limited to the cost of testing.
The Commission estimates that one-time design qualification inspection
tests would cost approximately $12,096 per model. To comply with new
Sections 13.3 (Fuel Tank Immersion Leak Test) and 13.4 (Fuel Filter and
Shut-off Valve Immersion Leak Test), manufacturers will incur costs
associated with testing each production part; CPSC estimates that the
cost of production part testing is approximately $20.00 per vehicle.
Manufacturers whose ATV models do not meet the performance
requirements of Sections 12 and 13 may incur additional costs
associated with sourcing compliant--likely more expensive--parts that
were previously tested by the parts manufacturer/supplier. These costs
are expected to be approximately $20.00 per vehicle, some of which may
be borne by the parts supplier. ATV models which do not meet Sections
12, 13.8 (Fuel Tank Production Envelope Analysis), or 13.9 (Fuel Line
Integrity) requirements may require reconfiguration or redesign, which
CPSC estimates would cost approximately $70,000 per model.
The Commission generally assesses a draft proposed rule to have a
significant adverse economic impact if a firm's costs to comply exceed
1 percent of the firm's annual sales revenue. Because, as noted above,
none of the 14 identified ATV manufacturers meet the SBA criteria to be
considered a small business, CPSC preliminarily assesses that the draft
proposed rule requiring compliance with ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 will not have
a significant economic impact on any small ATV manufacturers, since
none was identified. Staff seeks information on
[[Page 48403]]
any other ATV manufacturers that may meet the SBA criteria to be
considered small businesses.
2. Impact on Small Importers
Foreign manufacturers whose models do not meet the ANSI/SVIA 1-2023
performance requirements may choose to exit the U.S. ATV market. An
importer whose foreign manufacturer exited the market, and was unable
to procure an alternative source, would likely suffer a significant,
adverse economic impact. However, given that ATV sales volume has been
stable over the last 5 years, and grew by approximately 5 percent in
2020 (the last year for which CPSC has data), it is unlikely that
foreign ATV manufacturers will exit the market. Therefore, CPSC
preliminarily concludes that the draft proposed rule will not have a
significant, adverse economic impact on ATV importers.
If a foreign manufacturer chooses not to conduct the required
testing and/or provide the documentation necessary to support the
issuance a GCC, importers of that manufacturer's products may choose to
conduct and document compliance testing, incurring the associated
costs. For importers whose costs exceed 1 percent of the firm's annual
ATV revenues, the effect would be considered significant. Of the 14
small importers identified by staff, only 7 could be found in the 2020
ATV market sales data.\4\ Staff estimates that 4 of these 7 small
importers would face a significant, adverse economic impact as a result
of the proposed rule. However, as noted above, CPSC considers this
scenario unlikely.
\4\ Source: Power Products Marketing, Prairie Eden, MN, 2021.
3. Alternatives to the Draft Proposed Rule
An effective date later than September 1, 2024, could reduce
manufacturers' costs of compliance and/or allow manufacturers to spread
those costs over a longer period of time. However, an effective date of
September 1, 2024 allows manufacturers approximately 17 months from the
publication of ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 to comply with its requirements, which
the Commission preliminarily considers reasonable, feasible, and
adequate as explained above.
For these reasons, any cost savings that might accrue to
manufacturers if a later effective date were adopted are likely to be
insignificant. Delaying implementation of the rule would allow
continued manufacture and importation of non-compliant models for a
longer period of time, expose a greater number of consumers to ATV fire
and burn hazards, and increase associated societal costs. Therefore,
the Commission is not proposing this alternative.
The Commission preliminarily concludes that the draft proposed rule
will not have a significant, negative economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities and requests comments with data supporting or
refuting whether the Commission could certify to that effect.
IV. The Proposed Rule
The proposed rule would revise 16 CFR 1420.1 and 1420.3. Consistent
with current requirements, the revised language states that new
assembled or unassembled ATVs manufactured before September 1, 2024,
must comply with ANSI/SVIA 1-2017. Any new assembled or unassembled
ATVs manufactured on or after September 1, 2024 must comply with ANSI/
SVIA 1-2023. The revision also removes extraneous references to past
effective dates.
V. Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed rule contains information collection requirements
that are subject to public comment and review by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3501-3521). In this document, pursuant to 44 U.S.C.
3507(a)(1)(D), we set forth--
a title for the collection of information;
a summary of the collection of information;
a brief description of the need for the information and
the proposed use of the information;
a description of the likely respondents and proposed
frequency of response to the collection of information;
an estimate of the burden that shall result from the
collection of information; and
notice that comments may be submitted to the OMB.
Title: Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) to Amend the All-Terrain
Vehicle (ATV) Standard.
Summary and Description: The proposed rule amends the ATV standard
to mandate industry compliance with ANSI/SVIA 1-2023, American National
Standard for Four Wheel All-Terrain Vehicles. The proposed rule would
require ATVs to comply with ANSI/SVIA 1-2023, including certification
testing in support of GCCs required by Section 14 of the Consumer
Product Safety Act, 15 U.S.C. 2063.\5\ GCCs must comply with 16 CFR
part 1110 concerning the content of the GCC, retention of the
associated records, and any other applicable requirement. ANSI/SVIA 1-
2023 Sections 4. Vehicle (ATV) Configuration and Equipment, 5. Maximum
Speed Capability, 7. Service Brake Performance, 8. Parking, 9. Pitch
Stability, 11. Sound Level Limits, 12. Hot Surfaces, and 13. Fuel
Systems Requirements contain certification testing requirements. These
recordkeeping requirements, as well as the preparation of the GCC
itself, fall within the definition of ``collection of information,'' as
defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3). PRA requirements such as labels, hang
tags, and instruction manuals, which are unchanged from the previous
version of the standard, SVIA 1-2017, are not included in this
\5\ Section 14(a)(3)(A) of the CPSA states that the third-party
testing requirement applies to any children's product manufactured
more than 90 days after the Commission has established and published
a ``notice of requirements'' for the accreditation of third-party
conformity assessment bodies to assess conformity with a children's
product safety rule.
Description of Respondents: Entities which manufacture or import
Estimated Burden: We estimate the total burden of this collection
of information is 441 hours and $16,229. Table 1, below, summarizes our
estimation of annual reporting burden hours and cost.
[[Page 48404]]
Table 1--Estimated Annual Reporting Burden
Number of Frequency of Total annual Hours per Total burden Annual
Burden type respondents responses responses response hours cost
Labor Burden
GCC Preparation.................................................. 38 1 38 1.5 57 $2,098
One-Time Design Qualification Testing............................ 25 1.9 48 8 384 14,131
Total Burden................................................. .............. .............. .............. ........... 441 16,229
Comments: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(44 U.S.C. 3507(d)), CPSC has submitted the information collection
requirements of this proposed rule to the OMB for review. Interested
persons are requested to submit comments regarding information
collection by September 25, 2023 to the Office of Information and
egulatory Affairs, OMB (see the ADDRESSES section at the beginning of
this document).
Pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(2)(A), we invite comments on:
Whether the collection of information is necessary for the
proper performance of the CPSC's functions, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
The accuracy of the CPSC's estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected;
Ways to reduce the burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques,
when appropriate, and other forms of information technology; and
The estimated burden hours associated with producing the
GCC and the certification testing required to support the GCC.
A. GCC Preparation
Section 14 of the Consumer Product Safety Act requires
manufacturers and importers of ATVs to prepare GCCs. Based on current
ATV action plans filed with the CPSC, there are 38 entities that
supply, or intend to supply ATVs to the U.S. market. CPSC staff found
evidence of ATV sales activity, in the form of actual sales or
advertisement for sale, for only 32 of the 38 entities. Nevertheless,
taking a conservative approach, CPSC staff assumed that all 38 entities
are currently supplying ATVs to the U.S. market and used this number to
calculate the burden hours and annual cost associated with GCCs. ATV
manufacturers typically produce one GCC that covers all the models of a
model year, which implies the number of PRA responses is one per
entity, per year. CPSC conservatively estimates the time required to
produce this GCC is about 1.5 hours per year (although in most cases
the actual time required will likely be significantly lower).
Therefore, the estimated burden associated with GCCs is 57 hours (38
entities x 1 GCC per year x 1.5 hours per GCC = 57 hours). CPSC staff
multiplied the estimated number of burden hours by $36.80,\6\ the total
hourly compensation for sales and office workers in goods-producing
private industries, to generate the estimated annual cost to industry
associated with GCCs. Therefore, the estimated annual cost to industry
associated with preparation of the GCCs is $2,097.60 ($36.80 per hour x
57 hours = $2,097.60).
\6\ U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, ``Table 4. Employer Costs
for Employee Compensation for private industry workers by
occupational and industry group,'' updated March 17, 2023, Table 4.
Private industry workers by occupational and industry group--2022
Q04 Results (
B. Recordkeeping Supporting GCC Preparation
In the event a foreign manufacturer chooses not to conduct required
certification testing and/or provide documentation to support
preparation of the GCC, its importer could choose to conduct its own
certification testing. However, CPSC considers this scenario unlikely,
and for several of the importers, cost prohibitive. Therefore, the
Commission assumes entities conducting certification testing and
associated recordkeeping are limited to ATV manufacturers. Based on
2020 sales data, there were 25 known U.S. and foreign manufacturers
supplying as many as 239 new and old ATV models and 420,730 ATVs to the
U.S. market.\7\
\7\ Source: Power Products Marketing, Prairie Eden, MN, 2021.
CPSC estimates the average life cycle of an ATV model is
approximately 5 years, which implies each manufacturer will conduct
one-time design qualification testing on approximately 1.6 models per
year (239 models / 25 entities / 5 years [ap] 1.9 models per entity per
year). CPSC staff estimates the time required to create and maintain
certification records to be approximately 8 person hours per model.\8\
Therefore, the estimated labor burden associated with certification
testing recordkeeping is 384 person hours (25 entities x 1.9 ATV models
per year x 8 person hours per model = 384 person hours). As above,
staff multiplied the estimated number of burden hours by $36.80, the
total hourly compensation for sales and office workers in goods-
producing private industries. The estimated annual cost to industry
associated with certification testing recordkeeping is $14,131 ($36.80
per person hour x 384 person hours = $14,131).
\8\ This estimate includes recordkeeping hours associated with
individual parts testing required by ANSI/SVIA 1-2023, Sections 13.3
(Fuel Tank Immersion Leak Test) and 13.4 (Fuel Filter and Shut-off
Valve Immersion Leak Test, allocated per model, as well as
recordkeeping hours associated with one-time design qualification
C. Summary of Burden Hours and Cost
Based on this analysis, the proposed rule for ATVs would impose an
annual burden to industry of approximately 441 hours per year (57 for
preparation of the GCC and 384 hours for recordkeeping associated with
the certification tests upon which the GCCs are based). The estimated
annual cost is approximately $16,229 ($2,098 and $14,131 for GCC
preparation and certification testing recordkeeping, respectively).
The above estimates are a conservative estimate of the average
annual burden to ATV entities. The proposed rule requires all ATVs
manufactured on or after September 1, 2024, to comply with ANSI/SVIA 1-
2023. Therefore, in the first year following promulgation of the rule,
existing entities may be required to redesign and test more than the
estimated average 48 models per year and incur higher costs than the
estimates in this PRA analysis. In subsequent years, costs could be
less, as fewer numbers of ATV models will require design updates. To
the extent that the ATV industry already complies, or substantially
complies, with the ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 standard, these figures may over-
estimate the actual burden.
[[Page 48405]]
VI. Environmental Considerations
The Commission's regulations provide a categorical exemption for
the Commission's rules from any requirement to prepare an environmental
assessment or an environmental impact statement as they ``have little
or no potential for affecting the human environment.'' 16 CFR
1021.5(c)(1). This proposed amendment falls within the categorical
VII. Incorporation by Reference
The Commission proposes to incorporate by reference those
provisions of ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 that it has concluded are related to the
safe operation of ATVs, which encompass all provisions other than
Section 4.21 concerning the provision of paper user manuals. The Office
of the Federal Register (OFR) has regulations concerning incorporation
by reference. 1 CFR part 51. For a proposed rule, agencies must discuss
in the preamble to the NPR ways that the materials the agency proposes
to incorporate by reference are reasonably available to interested
persons or how the agency worked to make the materials reasonably
available. In addition, the preamble to the proposed rule must
summarize the material. 1 CFR 51.5(a).
In accordance with the OFR's requirements, section II of this
preamble summarizes the provisions of ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 that the
Commission proposes to incorporate by reference. ANSI/SVIA 1-2023 is
copyrighted. Interested persons may purchase a copy of ANSI/SVIA 1-2023
from Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, 2 Jenner, Suite 150,
Irvine, CA 92618-3806; telephone: 949-727-3727 ext. 3023;
In addition, a read-only copy of the standard is available for viewing
on the SVIA website at You may also
inspect a copy at the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814,
telephone: (301) 504-7479, email: [email protected].
VIII. Preemption
Section 26(a) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2075(a), provides that when a
consumer product safety standard is in effect and applies to a product,
no state or political subdivision of a state may either establish or
continue in effect a standard or regulation that prescribes
requirements for the performance, composition, contents, design,
finish, construction, packaging, or labeling of such product dealing
with the same risk of injury unless the state requirement is identical
to the federal standard. Section 26(c) of the CPSA also provides that
states or political subdivisions of states may apply to the Commission
for an exemption from this preemption under certain circumstances.
Section 42 of the CPSA refers to the rules to be issued under that
section as ``consumer product safety standards.'' Therefore, the
preemption provision of section 26(a) of the CPSA would apply to this
proposed rule.
IX. Notice of Requirements
The CPSA establishes certain requirements for product certification
and testing. Certification of children's products subject to a
children's product safety rule must be based on testing conducted by a
CPSC-accepted third-party conformity assessment body. 15 U.S.C.
2063(a)(2). The Commission is required to publish a notice of
requirements (NOR) for the accreditation of third-party conformity
assessment bodies to assess conformity with a children's product safety
rule to which a children's product is subject. Id. 2063(a)(3). On
August 27, 2010, the Commission published an NOR for accreditation of
third-party conformity assessment bodies for testing ATVs designed or
intended primarily for children 12 years of age or younger. 75 FR
52616. Because the revisions to the 2017 edition of the ANSI/SVIA
standard would not substantially alter third-party conformance testing
requirements for ATVs designed or intended primarily for children 12
years of age or younger, the current NOR for third-party testing of
youth ATVs will remain unchanged. Thus, the Commission considers the
existing accreditations that the Commission has accepted for testing to
the 2017 ATV standard would also cover testing of children's products
to the revised ATV standard.
X. Request for Comments
This NPR begins a rulemaking proceeding under section 42 of the
CPSA to amend the Commission's mandatory ATV standard to reference the
2023 edition of the ANSI/SVIA standard. We invite all interested
persons to submit comments on any aspect of this proposal, including
whether any of the changes to the standard (summarized in Tab A of the
Staff's NPR Briefing Package) are substantive changes and whether they
improve or do not improve the safety of ATVs. In particular, as noted
previously, we invite comment as to the standard's proposed change to
format in which an owner's manual must be provided and as to the
proposed effective date. We also invite comments on the estimated
burden of the recordkeeping associated with issuing a GCC for ATVs as
required by 16 CFR part 1110, discussed in Section VI, above. In
addition, we request comments on the effect on safety of the removal of
the 10 PSI maximum recommended tire pressure. In particular, we invite
comments on the anticipated effect on safety if ATV tires exceed 10
psi. Comments should be submitted in accordance with the instructions
in the ADDRESSES section at the beginning of this notice.
List of Subjects in 16 CFR Parts 1420
Consumer protection, Imports, Incorporation by reference, Infants
and children, Information, Labeling, Law enforcement, Recreation and
recreation areas, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Safety.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Commission proposes to
amend Title 16 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1420 is changed to read as follows:
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2089.
2. Revise Sec. 1420.1 to read as follows:
Sec. 1420.1 Scope and application.
This part 1420, a consumer product safety standard, prescribes
requirements for all terrain vehicles.
3. Revise Sec. 1420.3 to read as follows:
Sec. 1420.3 Requirements for four-wheel ATVs.
Each new assembled or unassembled ATV manufactured before September
1, 2024, shall comply with all applicable provisions of the American
National Standard for Four-Wheel All-Terrain Vehicles (ANSI/SVIA 1-
2017), approved on June 8, 2017. Each new assembled or unassembled ATV
manufactured on or after September 1, 2024, shall comply with all
applicable provisions of the American National Standard for Four-Wheel
All-Terrain Vehicles (ANSI/SVIA 1-2023), approved on March 21, 2023
with the exception of Section 4.21 Owner's Manual, as to which it shall
continue to comply with the ANSI/SVIA 1-2017 standard. The Director of
the Federal Register approves this incorporation by reference in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. You may obtain a
copy of these standards from Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, 2
Jenner, Suite 150, Irvine, CA 92618-3806; telephone: 949-727-3727 ext.
3023; In addition, a read-
[[Page 48406]]
only copy of the 2023 standard is available for viewing on the SVIA
website at This material is
available for inspection at the Consumer Product Safety Commission and
the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact Office
of the Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Room 820,
4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814, telephone: (301) 504-7479.
For information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit or email:
[email protected].
Alberta E. Mills,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission.
[FR Doc. 2023-15478 Filed 7-26-23; 8:45 am]