Extension of the Comment Period: Request for Comments Regarding the Work of the North American Competitiveness Committee, 45971-45973 [2023-15134]

Download as PDF ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 136 / Tuesday, July 18, 2023 / Notices attempted manipulation of the Shares or other violations of Exchange rules and applicable federal securities laws. The Exchange or FINRA, on behalf of the Exchange, or both, will communicate as needed regarding trading in the Shares and bitcoin futures with the CME and other markets and other entities that are members of the ISG, and the Exchange or FINRA, on behalf of the Exchange, or both, may obtain trading information regarding trading in the Shares from such markets and other entities. In addition, the Exchange may obtain information regarding trading in the Shares from markets and other entities that are members of ISG or with which the Exchange has in place a comprehensive surveillance sharing agreement. The Exchange is also able to obtain information regarding trading in the Shares and bitcoin futures or the underlying bitcoin through ETP Holders, in connection with such ETP Holders’ proprietary or customer trades which they effect through ETP Holders on any relevant market. Quotation and last-sale information regarding the Shares will be disseminated through the facilities of the CTA. The Trust’s website will also include a form of the prospectus for the Trust that may be downloaded. The website will include the Shares’ ticker and CUSIP information, along with additional quantitative information updated on a daily basis for the Trust. The Trust’s website will include (i) daily trading volume, the prior business day’s reported NAV and closing price, and a calculation of the premium and discount of the closing price or midpoint of the Bid/Ask Price against the NAV; and (ii) data in chart format displaying the frequency distribution of discounts and premiums of the daily closing price or Bid/Ask Price against the NAV, within appropriate ranges, for at least each of the four previous calendar quarters. The Trust’s website will be publicly available prior to the public offering of Shares and accessible at no charge. Trading in Shares of the Trust will be halted if the circuit breaker parameters in NYSE Arca Rule 7.12–E have been reached or because of market conditions or for reasons that, in the view of the Exchange, make trading in the Shares inadvisable. The proposed rule change is designed to perfect the mechanism of a free and open market and, in general, to protect investors and the public interest in that it will facilitate the listing and trading of a new type of exchange-traded product based on the price of bitcoin that will enhance competition among market participants, to the benefit of VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:16 Jul 17, 2023 Jkt 259001 investors and the marketplace. As noted above, the Exchange has in place surveillance procedures that are adequate to properly monitor trading in the Shares in all trading sessions and to deter and detect violations of Exchange rules and applicable federal securities laws. B. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement on Burden on Competition The Exchange does not believe that the proposed rule change will impose any burden on competition that is not necessary or appropriate in furtherance of the purpose of the Act. The Exchange notes that the proposed rule change will facilitate the listing and trading of a new type of Commodity-Based Trust Share based on the price of bitcoin that will enhance competition among market participants, to the benefit of investors and the marketplace. C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement on Comments on the Proposed Rule Change Received From Members, Participants, or Others No written comments were solicited or received with respect to the proposed rule change. III. Date of Effectiveness of the Proposed Rule Change and Timing for Commission Action Within 45 days of the date of publication of this notice in the Federal Register or within such longer period up to 90 days (i) as the Commission may designate if it finds such longer period to be appropriate and publishes its reasons for so finding or (ii) as to which the self-regulatory organization consents, the Commission will: (A) by order approve or disapprove the proposed rule change, or (B) institute proceedings to determine whether the proposed rule change should be disapproved. IV. Solicitation of Comments Electronic Comments • Use the Commission’s internet comment form (https://www.sec.gov/ rules/sro.shtml); or • Send an email to rule-comments@ sec.gov. Please include file number SR– NYSEARCA–2023–44 on the subject line. Frm 00090 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Paper Comments • Send paper comments in triplicate to Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549–1090. All submissions should refer to file number SR–NYSEARCA–2023–44. This file number should be included on the subject line if email is used. To help the Commission process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the Commission’s internet website (https://www.sec.gov/ rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the submission, all subsequent amendments, all written statements with respect to the proposed rule change that are filed with the Commission, and all written communications relating to the proposed rule change between the Commission and any person, other than those that may be withheld from the public in accordance with the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be available for website viewing and printing in the Commission’s Public Reference Room, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549, on official business days between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Copies of the filing also will be available for inspection and copying at the principal office of the Exchange. Do not include personal identifiable information in submissions; you should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. We may redact in part or withhold entirely from publication submitted material that is obscene or subject to copyright protection. All submissions should refer to file number SR–NYSEARCA–2023–44 and should be submitted on or before August 8, 2023. For the Commission, by the Division of Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated authority.83 J. Matthew DeLesDernier, Deputy Secretary. [FR Doc. 2023–15127 Filed 7–17–23; 8:45 am] Interested persons are invited to submit written data, views and arguments concerning the foregoing, including whether the proposed rule change is consistent with the Act. Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods: PO 00000 45971 BILLING CODE 8011–01–P OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES TRADE REPRESENTATIVE [Docket Number USTR–2023–0005] Extension of the Comment Period: Request for Comments Regarding the Work of the North American Competitiveness Committee Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR). AGENCY: 83 17 E:\FR\FM\18JYN1.SGM CFR 200.30–3(a)(12). 18JYN1 45972 ACTION: Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 136 / Tuesday, July 18, 2023 / Notices Extension of the comment period. Since entry into force of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), the United States, Canada, and Mexico (the Parties) have focused the work of the North American Competitiveness Committee (Committee) on expanding trilateral cooperation on North American workforce development issues and establishing mechanisms for cooperation during emergency situations that affect North American trade flows, including by establishing a joint understanding of critical infrastructure priorities in North America. USTR is seeking public comments and recommendations for these and potential additional workstreams for the Committee relevant to enhancing North American competitiveness. USTR is extending the deadline to submit comments by 30 days, until August 17, 2023. DATES: The deadline for the submission of written comments is August 17, 2023. ADDRESSES: You should submit written comments through the Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// www.regulations.gov (Regulations.gov). Follow the instructions for submissions in parts IV and V below. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For procedural questions concerning written comments, please contact Randall Oliver, Director for Canada, Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs, at Randall.T.Oliver@ustr.eop.gov or (202) 395–9449 in advance of the deadline and before transmitting a comment. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: SUMMARY: ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 I. Comment Extension On June 16, 2023 (88 FR 39502), USTR published a notice with a request for comments concerning additional workstreams for the Committee relevant to enhancing North American competitiveness. This notice extends the deadline for submission of comments until August 17, 2023. For convenience, USTR is repeating the background and information on solicitation of comments below. II. Background The purpose of the Committee, which was established under Chapter 26 of the USMCA, is to: • develop and implement cooperative activities in support of a strong economic environment that incentivizes production in North America; • facilitate regional trade and investment; • enhance a predictable and transparent regulatory environment; VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:16 Jul 17, 2023 Jkt 259001 • encourage the swift movement of goods and the provision of services throughout the region; and • respond to market developments and emerging technologies. The Parties agreed that the Committee should not detract from or unnecessarily duplicate work that is taking place under other USMCA committees or in other venues such as bilateral cooperation mechanisms, including the U.S.-Mexico High-Level Economic Dialogue and the Roadmap for a Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership. The Parties also agreed that projects for the Committee must be based on targeted and specific proposals to maximize effectiveness and impact. To coordinate U.S. government policy for the Committee, USTR has established a Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) Subcommittee on North American Competitiveness (TPSC Subcommittee) comprised of officials from across the U.S. government. III. Public Comments USTR invites interested parties to submit comments to assist USTR and the TPSC Subcommittee in recommending additional workstreams for the Committee relevant to enhancing North American competitiveness. Comments should be responsive to the Committee activities described in the USMCA at Article 26.1, namely: • effective approaches and information-sharing activities to support a competitive environment in North America that facilitates trade and investment between the Parties, and promotes economic integration and development within the free trade area; • ways to further assist traders of a Party to identify and take advantage of trade opportunities under the USMCA; • recommendations aimed at enhancing the participation of SMEs, and enterprises owned by underrepresented groups including women, indigenous peoples, youth, and minorities; • projects and policies to develop a modern physical and digital trade- and investment-related infrastructure, and improve the movement of goods and provision of services within the free trade area; • action to combat market-distorting practices by non-Parties that are affecting the North American region; and • cooperative activities for trade and investment between the Parties with respect to innovation and technology, including best practices in their application. In addition, USTR invites interested parties to submit comments to assist PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 USTR and the TPSC Subcommittee in the ongoing implementation of current work under the Committee related to North American workforce development and cooperation among the Parties during emergency situations that affect North American trade flows, including the establishment of a joint understanding of critical infrastructure priorities in North America described in Decision #5 of the Free Trade Commission of the USMCA. Comments could address, among other topics: • recommendations aimed at developing procedures for coordination and consultation in response to specific emergency situations; • effective approaches and mechanisms to timely consult with industries and other non-governmental stakeholders, including workers, most directly impacted by the disruption of North American trade flows in an emergency situation; • existing projects and policies to engage with state, local, tribal, or territorial governments to address disruptions to trade in emergency situations; and • examples of activities related to reestablishing the flow of trade after emergency situations. USTR requests small businesses (generally defined by the Small Business Administration as firms with fewer than 500 employees) or organizations representing small business members that submit comments to self-identify as such, so that we may be aware of issues of particular interest to small businesses. IV. Procedures for Written Submissions To be assured of consideration, submit your written comments by the August 17, 2023 11:59 p.m. EDT deadline. All submission must be in English. USTR strongly encourages submissions via Regulations.gov, using Docket Number USTR–2023–0005. To make a submission via Regulations.gov, enter Docket Number USTR–2023–0005 in the ‘search for’ field on the home page and click ‘search.’ The site will provide a search results page listing all documents associated with this docket. Find a reference to this notice by selecting ‘notice’ under ‘document type’ in the ‘refine documents results’ section on the left side of the screen and click on the link entitled ‘comment.’ Regulations.gov allows users to make submissions by filling in a ‘type comment’ field or by attaching a document using the ‘upload file’ field. USTR prefers that you provide submissions in an attached document E:\FR\FM\18JYN1.SGM 18JYN1 Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 136 / Tuesday, July 18, 2023 / Notices and note ‘see attached’ in the ‘comment’ field on the online submission form. USTR prefers submissions in Microsoft Word (.doc) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). If you use an application other than those two, please indicate the name of the application in the ‘type comment’ field. You will receive a tracking number upon completion of the submission procedure at Regulations.gov. The tracking number is confirmation that Regulations.gov received your submission. Keep the confirmation for your records. USTR is not able to provide technical assistance for Regulations.gov. For further information on using Regulations.gov, please consult the resources provided on the website by clicking on ‘How to Use Regulations.gov’ on the bottom of the home page. USTR may not consider submissions that you do not make in accordance with these instructions. If you are unable to provide submissions as requested, please contact Randall Oliver, Director for Canada, Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs, in advance of the deadline at Randall.T.Oliver@ustr.eop.gov or (202) 395–9449, to arrange for an alternative method of transmission. USTR will not accept hand-delivered submissions. General information concerning USTR is available at www.ustr.gov. V. Business Confidential Information (BCI) Submissions ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 If you ask USTR to treat information you submit as BCI, you must certify that the information is business confidential and you would not customarily release it to the public. For any comments submitted electronically containing BCI, the file name of the business confidential version should begin with the characters ‘BCI.’ You must clearly mark any page containing BCI with ‘BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL’ at the top of that page. Filers of submissions containing BCI also must submit a public version of their submission that will be placed in the docket for public inspection. The file name of the public version should begin with the character ‘P.’ VI. Public Viewing of Review Submissions USTR will post written submissions in the docket for public inspection, except properly designated BCI. You can view submissions at Regulations.gov by entering Docket VerDate Sep<11>2014 19:16 Jul 17, 2023 Jkt 259001 Number USTR–2023–0005 in the search field on the home page. William Shpiece, Chair of the Trade Policy Staff Committee, Office of the United States Trade Representative. [FR Doc. 2023–15134 Filed 7–17–23; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3390–F3–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Highway Administration [Docket No. FHWA–2023–0022] Notice of Intent To Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for a Proposed Highway Project; Madison to Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Department of Transportation (USDOT). ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS). AGENCY: FHWA, in coordination with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), is issuing this Notice of Intent (NOI) to solicit comment and advise the public, agencies, and stakeholders that an environmental impact statement will be prepared to study potential improvements to 67 miles of Interstates 39, 90, and 94 (I–39/90/94) in Dane, Columbia, Sauk, and Juneau counties, Wisconsin. The study corridor begins at United States Highway (US) 12/18 in Madison and terminates at US 12/ Wisconsin State Highway (WIS) 16 in Wisconsin Dells. The study will also evaluate I–39 from its split with I–90/94 (the I–39 I–90/94 split) to Levee Road near Portage. Persons or agencies who may be affected by the study are encouraged to comment on the information in this NOI and the NOI Additional Information document. All comments received in response to this NOI document will be considered, and any information presented herein, including the preliminary purpose and need, preliminary alternatives, and potential impacts, may be revised in consideration of comments. DATES: Comments must be received on or before August 17, 2023. ADDRESSES: This NOI and the NOI Additional Information document are available in the docket referenced above at www.regulations.gov and on the study website located at https:// wisconsindot.gov/Pages/projects/byregion/sw/399094/environ.aspx. The NOI Additional Information document also will be mailed upon request. Interested parties are invited to submit SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00092 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 45973 comments by any of the following methods: Website: For access to the documents, go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal located at www.regulations.gov or the study website located at https:// wisconsindot.gov/Pages/projects/byregion/sw/399094/environ.aspx. Follow the online instructions on the Public Involvement page for submitting comments. Mailing address or for hand delivery or courier: Federal Highway Administration Wisconsin Division, 525 Junction Road, Suite 8000, Madison, WI 53717. Study email address: dotswrinterstatestudy@dot.wi.gov. All submissions should include the agency name and the docket number that appears in the heading of this notice. All comments received will be posted without change to www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided. A summary of the comments received will be included in the Draft EIS. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: FHWA: Bethaney Bacher-Gresock, Environmental Manager, Federal Highway Administration—Wisconsin Division, 525 Junction Road, Suite 8000, Madison, WI 53717; email: bethaney.bacher-gresock@dot.gov; 608– 662–2119. WisDOT: Dan Schave, PE, Project Supervisor, Wisconsin Department of Transportation, 2101 Wright Street, Madison, WI 53704, daniel.schave@ dot.wi.gov, 608–246–3251. Persons interested in receiving study information can also use the study email address referenced above to be added to the study mailing list. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: FHWA and WisDOT are committed to public involvement for this study. FHWA, as the lead Federal agency, and WisDOT as joint lead agency/study sponsor, are preparing an EIS to evaluate transportation solutions on I–39/90/94 between Madison and Wisconsin Dells, in Dane, Columbia, Sauk, and Juneau counties, Wisconsin. The EIS will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended (42 United States Code [U.S.C.] 4321, et seq.), 23 U.S.C. 139, Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations implementing NEPA (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 1500–1508), FHWA regulations implementing NEPA (23 CFR 771.101– 771.139), and applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations. The NOI Additional Information document includes additional details E:\FR\FM\18JYN1.SGM 18JYN1


[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 136 (Tuesday, July 18, 2023)]
[Pages 45971-45973]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-15134]



[Docket Number USTR-2023-0005]

Extension of the Comment Period: Request for Comments Regarding 
the Work of the North American Competitiveness Committee

AGENCY: Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR).

[[Page 45972]]

ACTION: Extension of the comment period.


SUMMARY: Since entry into force of the United States-Mexico-Canada 
Agreement (USMCA), the United States, Canada, and Mexico (the Parties) 
have focused the work of the North American Competitiveness Committee 
(Committee) on expanding trilateral cooperation on North American 
workforce development issues and establishing mechanisms for 
cooperation during emergency situations that affect North American 
trade flows, including by establishing a joint understanding of 
critical infrastructure priorities in North America. USTR is seeking 
public comments and recommendations for these and potential additional 
workstreams for the Committee relevant to enhancing North American 
competitiveness. USTR is extending the deadline to submit comments by 
30 days, until August 17, 2023.

DATES: The deadline for the submission of written comments is August 
17, 2023.

ADDRESSES: You should submit written comments through the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal: https://www.regulations.gov (Regulations.gov). 
Follow the instructions for submissions in parts IV and V below.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For procedural questions concerning 
written comments, please contact Randall Oliver, Director for Canada, 
Office of Western Hemisphere Affairs, at [email protected] 
or (202) 395-9449 in advance of the deadline and before transmitting a 


I. Comment Extension

    On June 16, 2023 (88 FR 39502), USTR published a notice with a 
request for comments concerning additional workstreams for the 
Committee relevant to enhancing North American competitiveness. This 
notice extends the deadline for submission of comments until August 17, 
2023. For convenience, USTR is repeating the background and information 
on solicitation of comments below.

II. Background

    The purpose of the Committee, which was established under Chapter 
26 of the USMCA, is to:
     develop and implement cooperative activities in support of 
a strong economic environment that incentivizes production in North 
     facilitate regional trade and investment;
     enhance a predictable and transparent regulatory 
     encourage the swift movement of goods and the provision of 
services throughout the region; and
     respond to market developments and emerging technologies.
    The Parties agreed that the Committee should not detract from or 
unnecessarily duplicate work that is taking place under other USMCA 
committees or in other venues such as bilateral cooperation mechanisms, 
including the U.S.-Mexico High-Level Economic Dialogue and the Roadmap 
for a Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership. The Parties also agreed that 
projects for the Committee must be based on targeted and specific 
proposals to maximize effectiveness and impact.
    To coordinate U.S. government policy for the Committee, USTR has 
established a Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) Subcommittee on North 
American Competitiveness (TPSC Subcommittee) comprised of officials 
from across the U.S. government.

III. Public Comments

    USTR invites interested parties to submit comments to assist USTR 
and the TPSC Subcommittee in recommending additional workstreams for 
the Committee relevant to enhancing North American competitiveness. 
Comments should be responsive to the Committee activities described in 
the USMCA at Article 26.1, namely:
     effective approaches and information-sharing activities to 
support a competitive environment in North America that facilitates 
trade and investment between the Parties, and promotes economic 
integration and development within the free trade area;
     ways to further assist traders of a Party to identify and 
take advantage of trade opportunities under the USMCA;
     recommendations aimed at enhancing the participation of 
SMEs, and enterprises owned by under-represented groups including 
women, indigenous peoples, youth, and minorities;
     projects and policies to develop a modern physical and 
digital trade- and investment-related infrastructure, and improve the 
movement of goods and provision of services within the free trade area;
     action to combat market-distorting practices by non-
Parties that are affecting the North American region; and
     cooperative activities for trade and investment between 
the Parties with respect to innovation and technology, including best 
practices in their application.
    In addition, USTR invites interested parties to submit comments to 
assist USTR and the TPSC Subcommittee in the ongoing implementation of 
current work under the Committee related to North American workforce 
development and cooperation among the Parties during emergency 
situations that affect North American trade flows, including the 
establishment of a joint understanding of critical infrastructure 
priorities in North America described in Decision #5 of the Free Trade 
Commission of the USMCA.
    Comments could address, among other topics:
     recommendations aimed at developing procedures for 
coordination and consultation in response to specific emergency 
     effective approaches and mechanisms to timely consult with 
industries and other non-governmental stakeholders, including workers, 
most directly impacted by the disruption of North American trade flows 
in an emergency situation;
     existing projects and policies to engage with state, 
local, tribal, or territorial governments to address disruptions to 
trade in emergency situations; and
     examples of activities related to re-establishing the flow 
of trade after emergency situations.
    USTR requests small businesses (generally defined by the Small 
Business Administration as firms with fewer than 500 employees) or 
organizations representing small business members that submit comments 
to self-identify as such, so that we may be aware of issues of 
particular interest to small businesses.

IV. Procedures for Written Submissions

    To be assured of consideration, submit your written comments by the 
August 17, 2023 11:59 p.m. EDT deadline. All submission must be in 
English. USTR strongly encourages submissions via Regulations.gov, 
using Docket Number USTR-2023-0005.
    To make a submission via Regulations.gov, enter Docket Number USTR-
2023-0005 in the `search for' field on the home page and click 
`search.' The site will provide a search results page listing all 
documents associated with this docket. Find a reference to this notice 
by selecting `notice' under `document type' in the `refine documents 
results' section on the left side of the screen and click on the link 
entitled `comment.'
    Regulations.gov allows users to make submissions by filling in a 
`type comment' field or by attaching a document using the `upload file' 
field. USTR prefers that you provide submissions in an attached 

[[Page 45973]]

and note `see attached' in the `comment' field on the online submission 
form. USTR prefers submissions in Microsoft Word (.doc) or Adobe 
Acrobat (.pdf). If you use an application other than those two, please 
indicate the name of the application in the `type comment' field.
    You will receive a tracking number upon completion of the 
submission procedure at Regulations.gov. The tracking number is 
confirmation that Regulations.gov received your submission. Keep the 
confirmation for your records. USTR is not able to provide technical 
assistance for Regulations.gov.
    For further information on using Regulations.gov, please consult 
the resources provided on the website by clicking on `How to Use 
Regulations.gov' on the bottom of the home page. USTR may not consider 
submissions that you do not make in accordance with these instructions.
    If you are unable to provide submissions as requested, please 
contact Randall Oliver, Director for Canada, Office of Western 
Hemisphere Affairs, in advance of the deadline at 
[email protected] or (202) 395-9449, to arrange for an 
alternative method of transmission. USTR will not accept hand-delivered 
submissions. General information concerning USTR is available at 

V. Business Confidential Information (BCI) Submissions

    If you ask USTR to treat information you submit as BCI, you must 
certify that the information is business confidential and you would not 
customarily release it to the public. For any comments submitted 
electronically containing BCI, the file name of the business 
confidential version should begin with the characters `BCI.' You must 
clearly mark any page containing BCI with `BUSINESS CONFIDENTIAL' at 
the top of that page. Filers of submissions containing BCI also must 
submit a public version of their submission that will be placed in the 
docket for public inspection. The file name of the public version 
should begin with the character `P.'

VI. Public Viewing of Review Submissions

    USTR will post written submissions in the docket for public 
inspection, except properly designated BCI. You can view submissions at 
Regulations.gov by entering Docket Number USTR-2023-0005 in the search 
field on the home page.

William Shpiece,
Chair of the Trade Policy Staff Committee, Office of the United States 
Trade Representative.
[FR Doc. 2023-15134 Filed 7-17-23; 8:45 am]

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