Dover and Delaware River Railroad, LLC-Lease Containing Interchange Commitment and Trackage Rights Exemption-Norfolk Southern Railway Company and New Jersey Transit Corporation, 39501-39502 [2023-12960]
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 116 / Friday, June 16, 2023 / Notices
The Interest Rates are:
For Physical Damage:
Non-Profit Organizations with
Credit Available Elsewhere ...
Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available Elsewhere .....................................
For Economic Injury:
Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available Elsewhere .....................................
[FR Doc. 2023–12870 Filed 6–15–23; 8:45 am]
The number assigned to this disaster
for physical damage is 17964 8 and for
economic injury is 17965 0.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Number 59008)
Francisco Sa´nchez, Jr.,
Associate Administrator, Office of Disaster
Recovery & Resilience.
[FR Doc. 2023–12919 Filed 6–15–23; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice: 12100]
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Designation of Abdallah Makki Muslih
al-Rufay’i and Abu Bakr ibn
Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al-Mainuki as
Specially Designated Global Terrorists
Acting under the authority of and in
accordance with section 1(a)(ii)(B) of
E.O. 13224, as amended (‘‘E.O. 13224’’
or ‘‘Order’’), I hereby determine that the
persons known as: Abdallah Makki
Muslih al-Rufay’i (also known as
‘Abdallah Makki Muslih Mahdi al-Rafi’i,
Abu Khadijah, and Abu Musab) and
Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Ali alMainuki (also known as Abu-Bilal alMinuki, Abubakar Mainok, and Abor
Mainok) are leaders of ISIS, a group
whose property and interests in
property are currently blocked pursuant
to a determination by the Secretary of
State pursuant to E.O. 13224.
Consistent with the determination in
section 10 of E.O. 13224 that prior
notice to persons determined to be
subject to the Order who might have a
constitutional presence in the United
States would render ineffectual the
blocking and other measures authorized
in the Order because of the ability to
transfer funds instantaneously, I
determine that no prior notice needs to
be provided to any person subject to this
determination who might have a
constitutional presence in the United
States, because to do so would render
ineffectual the measures authorized in
the Order.
This notice shall be published in the
Federal Register.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:43 Jun 15, 2023
Dated: June 6, 2023.
Antony J. Blinken,
Secretary of State.
Jkt 259001
[Docket No. FD 36703]
Dover and Delaware River Railroad,
LLC—Lease Containing Interchange
Commitment and Trackage Rights
Exemption—Norfolk Southern Railway
Company and New Jersey Transit
Dover and Delaware River Railroad,
LLC (DDRR), a Class III rail carrier, has
filed a verified notice of exemption
under 49 CFR 1150.41 to amend an
existing lease between DDRR and
Norfolk Southern Railway Company
(NSR) and an existing trackage rights
agreement among NSR, DDRR, and the
New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJT),
that together will allow DDRR to
continue operating over 107.9 miles of
rail line in the State of New Jersey.1
Under the amended agreements, a 0.75mile segment of line that is subject to
the current trackage rights agreement
will become subject to the amended
lease agreement instead. The amended
lease will also revise other commercial
Under the amended lease agreement
with NSR, DDRR will continue leasing:
(1) the Washington Secondary, between
milepost WD 58.0 at Hackettstown, N.J.
and milepost WD 80.3 at Phillipsburg,
N.J.; (2) the Old Road Industrial Track,
between milepost 66.5 TG at
Washington, N.J. and milepost 67.6 TG
at Washington, N.J.; (3) the Pompton
Industrial Track, between milepost PQ
21.4 at Mountain View, N.J., and
milepost 22.2 at Wayne, N.J.; and (4) the
Totowa Spur, between milepost TO 18.0
at Totowa, N.J., and milepost 21.0 at
Wayne. In addition, a segment of rail
line between WD 57.25 and WD 58.0
will be added to the lease. These lines
are referred to as the Amended Lease
Under the amended trackage rights
agreement with NSR and NJT, DDRR
will continue operating over: (1) the
Morristown Line, between milepost 7.8
at Newark Broad Street in Newark, N.J.,
and milepost 48.1 at Netcong, N.J.; (2)
the Morristown Line, between milepost
48.1 at Netcong, and milepost 57.25 at
1 See Dover & Del. River R.R.—Lease with
Interchange Commitment & Trackage Rights
Exemption—Norfolk S. Ry. & N.J. Transit Corp., FD
36258 et al. (STB served Feb. 15, 2019) (authorizing
DDRR to operate over these lines).
PO 00000
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Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Hackettstown; (3) the Gladstone Branch,
between milepost 20.1 at Summit, N.J.,
and milepost 25.7 at Berkeley Heights,
N.J.; and (4) the Montclair Line, between
milepost 9.0 at Newark Roseville
Avenue in Newark, and milepost 33.9 at
Denville, N.J. The segment of rail line
between milepost WD 57.25 and WD
58.0 will no longer be part of the
trackage rights agreement. These lines
are referred to as the Amended Trackage
This transaction is related to a
concurrently filed verified notice of
exemption in New Jersey Transit
Corp.—Acquisition Exemption—Norfolk
Southern Railway in the Counties of
Morris & Warren, N.J., Docket No. FD
36676, in which NJT will acquire from
NSR the portion of the Morristown
Line 2 between milepost 48.1 and
milepost 57.25.3
DDRR certifies that its projected
annual revenues from this transaction
will not result in the creation of a Class
I or Class II rail carrier and will not
exceed $5 million. As is required under
49 CFR 1150.33(h)(1), DDRR discloses
in its verified notice that the amended
lease agreement with NSR for the
Amended Leased Lines contains an
interchange commitment that will affect
interchange with carriers other than
NSR on the Amended Leased Lines.
DDRR states that the interchange
commitment in the amended lease has
not been changed from the one in the
current lease. DDRR has provided
additional information regarding the
interchange commitment as required
under 49 CFR 1150.33(h).
According to the verified notice,
DDRR and NSR have entered into the
amended lease agreement for the
Amended Leased Lines and DDRR, NSR,
and NJT are amending the current
trackage rights agreement to cover
DDRR’s operation of the Amended
Trackage Lines, but the amended
agreements will not become effective
until the effective date of the verified
notice. The earliest this transaction may
be consummated is July 1, 2023, the
effective date of the exemption (30 days
after the verified notice was filed).
If the verified notice contains false or
misleading information, the exemption
is void ab initio. Petitions to revoke the
exemption under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d)
may be filed at any time. The filing of
a petition to revoke will not
automatically stay the effectiveness of
2 This line is referred to as part of the Washington
Secondary by NJT in the related proceeding.
3 Concurrent with its verified notice in Docket
No. FD 36676, NJT also filed a motion to dismiss
its notice of exemption on the grounds that its
proposed transaction does not require authorization
from the Board.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 116 / Friday, June 16, 2023 / Notices
the exemption. Petitions for stay must
be filed no later than June 23, 2023.
All pleadings, referring to Docket No.
FD 36703, must be filed with the
Surface Transportation Board either via
e-filing on the Board’s website or in
writing addressed to 395 E Street SW,
Washington, DC 20423–0001. In
addition, one copy of each pleading
must be served on DDRR’s
representative, Justin J. Marks, Clark
Hill PLC, 1001 Pennsylvania Ave. NW,
Suite 1300 South, Washington, DC
According to DDRR, this action is
categorically excluded from
environmental review under 49 CFR
1105.6(c) and from historic reporting
requirements under 49 CFR 1105.8(b).
Board decisions and notices are
available at
Decided: June 12, 2023.
By the Board, Mai T. Dinh, Director, Office
of Proceedings.
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2023–12960 Filed 6–15–23; 8:45 am]
[Docket Number USTR–2023–0005]
Request for Comments Regarding the
Work of the North American
Competitiveness Committee
Office of the United States
Trade Representative (USTR).
ACTION: Notice and request for
Since entry into force of the
United States-Mexico-Canada
Agreement (USMCA), the United States,
Canada, and Mexico (the Parties) have
focused the work of the North American
Competitiveness Committee
(Committee) on expanding trilateral
cooperation on North American
workforce development issues and
establishing mechanisms for
cooperation during emergency
situations that affect North American
trade flows, including by establishing a
joint understanding of critical
infrastructure priorities in North
America. USTR is seeking public
comments and recommendations for
these and potential additional
workstreams for the Committee relevant
to enhancing North American
DATES: The deadline for the submission
of written comments is July 17, 2023.
ADDRESSES: You should submit written
comments through the Federal
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:43 Jun 15, 2023
Jkt 259001
eRulemaking Portal: https:// (
Follow the instructions for submissions
in parts III and IV below.
procedural questions concerning written
comments, please contact Randall
Oliver, Director for Canada, Office of
Western Hemisphere Affairs, at or (202)
395–9449 in advance of the deadline
and before transmitting a comment.
I. Background
The purpose of the Committee, which
was established under Chapter 26 of the
USMCA, is to:
• develop and implement cooperative
activities in support of a strong
economic environment that incentivizes
production in North America;
• facilitate regional trade and
• enhance a predictable and
transparent regulatory environment;
• encourage the swift movement of
goods and the provision of services
throughout the region; and
• respond to market developments
and emerging technologies.
The Parties agreed that the Committee
should not detract from or unnecessarily
duplicate work that is taking place
under other USMCA committees or in
other venues such as bilateral
cooperation mechanisms, including the
U.S.-Mexico High-Level Economic
Dialogue and the Roadmap for a
Renewed U.S.-Canada Partnership. The
Parties also agreed that projects for the
Committee must be based on targeted
and specific proposals to maximize
effectiveness and impact.
To coordinate U.S. government policy
for the Committee, USTR has
established a Trade Policy Staff
Committee (TPSC) Subcommittee on
North American Competitiveness (TPSC
Subcommittee) comprised of officials
from across the U.S. government.
II. Public Comments
USTR invites interested parties to
submit comments to assist USTR and
the TPSC Subcommittee in
recommending additional workstreams
for the Committee relevant to enhancing
North American competitiveness.
Comments should be responsive to the
Committee activities described in the
USMCA at Article 26.1, namely:
• effective approaches and
information-sharing activities to support
a competitive environment in North
America that facilitates trade and
investment between the Parties, and
promotes economic integration and
development within the free trade area;
PO 00000
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• ways to further assist traders of a
Party to identify and take advantage of
trade opportunities under the USMCA;
• recommendations aimed at
enhancing the participation of SMEs,
and enterprises owned by underrepresented groups including women,
indigenous peoples, youth, and
• projects and policies to develop a
modern physical and digital trade- and
investment-related infrastructure, and
improve the movement of goods and
provision of services within the free
trade area;
• action to combat market-distorting
practices by non-Parties that are
affecting the North American region;
• cooperative activities for trade and
investment between the Parties with
respect to innovation and technology,
including best practices in their
In addition, USTR invites interested
parties to submit comments to assist
USTR and the TPSC Subcommittee in
the ongoing implementation of current
work under the Committee related to
North American workforce development
and cooperation among the Parties
during emergency situations that affect
North American trade flows, including
the establishment of a joint
understanding of critical infrastructure
priorities in North America described in
Decision #5 of the Free Trade
Commission of the USMCA.
Comments could address, among
other topics:
• recommendations aimed at
developing procedures for coordination
and consultation in response to specific
emergency situations;
• effective approaches and
mechanisms to timely consult with
industries and other non-governmental
stakeholders, including workers, most
directly impacted by the disruption of
North American trade flows in an
emergency situation;
• existing projects and policies to
engage with state, local, tribal, or
territorial governments to address
disruptions to trade in emergency
situations; and
• examples of activities related to reestablishing the flow of trade after
emergency situations.
USTR requests small businesses
(generally defined by the Small
Business Administration as firms with
fewer than 500 employees) or
organizations representing small
business members that submit
comments to self-identify as such, so
that we may be aware of issues of
particular interest to small businesses.
[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 116 (Friday, June 16, 2023)]
[Pages 39501-39502]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2023-12960]
[Docket No. FD 36703]
Dover and Delaware River Railroad, LLC--Lease Containing
Interchange Commitment and Trackage Rights Exemption--Norfolk Southern
Railway Company and New Jersey Transit Corporation
Dover and Delaware River Railroad, LLC (DDRR), a Class III rail
carrier, has filed a verified notice of exemption under 49 CFR 1150.41
to amend an existing lease between DDRR and Norfolk Southern Railway
Company (NSR) and an existing trackage rights agreement among NSR,
DDRR, and the New Jersey Transit Corporation (NJT), that together will
allow DDRR to continue operating over 107.9 miles of rail line in the
State of New Jersey.\1\ Under the amended agreements, a 0.75-mile
segment of line that is subject to the current trackage rights
agreement will become subject to the amended lease agreement instead.
The amended lease will also revise other commercial terms.
\1\ See Dover & Del. River R.R.--Lease with Interchange
Commitment & Trackage Rights Exemption--Norfolk S. Ry. & N.J.
Transit Corp., FD 36258 et al. (STB served Feb. 15, 2019)
(authorizing DDRR to operate over these lines).
Under the amended lease agreement with NSR, DDRR will continue
leasing: (1) the Washington Secondary, between milepost WD 58.0 at
Hackettstown, N.J. and milepost WD 80.3 at Phillipsburg, N.J.; (2) the
Old Road Industrial Track, between milepost 66.5 TG at Washington, N.J.
and milepost 67.6 TG at Washington, N.J.; (3) the Pompton Industrial
Track, between milepost PQ 21.4 at Mountain View, N.J., and milepost
22.2 at Wayne, N.J.; and (4) the Totowa Spur, between milepost TO 18.0
at Totowa, N.J., and milepost 21.0 at Wayne. In addition, a segment of
rail line between WD 57.25 and WD 58.0 will be added to the lease.
These lines are referred to as the Amended Lease Lines.
Under the amended trackage rights agreement with NSR and NJT, DDRR
will continue operating over: (1) the Morristown Line, between milepost
7.8 at Newark Broad Street in Newark, N.J., and milepost 48.1 at
Netcong, N.J.; (2) the Morristown Line, between milepost 48.1 at
Netcong, and milepost 57.25 at Hackettstown; (3) the Gladstone Branch,
between milepost 20.1 at Summit, N.J., and milepost 25.7 at Berkeley
Heights, N.J.; and (4) the Montclair Line, between milepost 9.0 at
Newark Roseville Avenue in Newark, and milepost 33.9 at Denville, N.J.
The segment of rail line between milepost WD 57.25 and WD 58.0 will no
longer be part of the trackage rights agreement. These lines are
referred to as the Amended Trackage Lines.
This transaction is related to a concurrently filed verified notice
of exemption in New Jersey Transit Corp.--Acquisition Exemption--
Norfolk Southern Railway in the Counties of Morris & Warren, N.J.,
Docket No. FD 36676, in which NJT will acquire from NSR the portion of
the Morristown Line \2\ between milepost 48.1 and milepost 57.25.\3\
\2\ This line is referred to as part of the Washington Secondary
by NJT in the related proceeding.
\3\ Concurrent with its verified notice in Docket No. FD 36676,
NJT also filed a motion to dismiss its notice of exemption on the
grounds that its proposed transaction does not require authorization
from the Board.
DDRR certifies that its projected annual revenues from this
transaction will not result in the creation of a Class I or Class II
rail carrier and will not exceed $5 million. As is required under 49
CFR 1150.33(h)(1), DDRR discloses in its verified notice that the
amended lease agreement with NSR for the Amended Leased Lines contains
an interchange commitment that will affect interchange with carriers
other than NSR on the Amended Leased Lines. DDRR states that the
interchange commitment in the amended lease has not been changed from
the one in the current lease. DDRR has provided additional information
regarding the interchange commitment as required under 49 CFR
According to the verified notice, DDRR and NSR have entered into
the amended lease agreement for the Amended Leased Lines and DDRR, NSR,
and NJT are amending the current trackage rights agreement to cover
DDRR's operation of the Amended Trackage Lines, but the amended
agreements will not become effective until the effective date of the
verified notice. The earliest this transaction may be consummated is
July 1, 2023, the effective date of the exemption (30 days after the
verified notice was filed).
If the verified notice contains false or misleading information,
the exemption is void ab initio. Petitions to revoke the exemption
under 49 U.S.C. 10502(d) may be filed at any time. The filing of a
petition to revoke will not automatically stay the effectiveness of
[[Page 39502]]
the exemption. Petitions for stay must be filed no later than June 23,
All pleadings, referring to Docket No. FD 36703, must be filed with
the Surface Transportation Board either via e-filing on the Board's
website or in writing addressed to 395 E Street SW, Washington, DC
20423-0001. In addition, one copy of each pleading must be served on
DDRR's representative, Justin J. Marks, Clark Hill PLC, 1001
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 1300 South, Washington, DC 20004.
According to DDRR, this action is categorically excluded from
environmental review under 49 CFR 1105.6(c) and from historic reporting
requirements under 49 CFR 1105.8(b).
Board decisions and notices are available at
Decided: June 12, 2023.
By the Board, Mai T. Dinh, Director, Office of Proceedings.
Jeffrey Herzig,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2023-12960 Filed 6-15-23; 8:45 am]