Priority Mail Express Refunds, 33066 [2023-10911]
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 99 / Tuesday, May 23, 2023 / Proposed Rules
challenged in an AIA proceeding, as
compared to the MTA Pilot Program? Is
there anything more the Office can do
to make the MTA process more useful
to patent owners?
(3) Should the Office modify any
aspect of the MTA Pilot Program?
Should the Office continue to provide
the options of receiving preliminary
guidance and being able to revise an
MTA, as currently implemented?
(4) Assuming the MTA Pilot Program
should remain, should any aspect of
preliminary guidance, as currently
provided by the Board, be changed?
(5) What barriers, if any, exist that the
Office can address to increase the
effectiveness of the MTA procedure?
(6) Should the Office modify its
practice of when the Board can or
should raise a new ground of
unpatentability, and if so, how? For
example, should the PTAB’s decision in
the Hunting Titan case continue to
guide when and how the Board can and
should raise a new ground of
unpatentability? If so, why and how?
(7) Should the Office involve patent
examiner assistance in relation to
MTAs? Should the Office conduct a
prior art search in relation to proposed
substitute claims in certain situations? If
so, under what circumstances? And
should examiner assistance or prior art
searches be limited in any way?
(8) Should the Office clarify in its
rules where the burden of persuasion for
Board-raised grounds lies? Who should
bear that burden?
(9) Should any other aspects of the
MTA rules (37 CFR 42.121, 42.221),
including as they relate to the Board’s
discretion to grant or deny an MTA, be
changed, and if so, how?
Katherine K. Vidal,
Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual
Property and Director of the United States
Patent and Trademark Office.
[FR Doc. 2023–10565 Filed 5–22–23; 8:45 am]
39 CFR Part 111
Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
The Postal Service is
proposing to amend Mailing Standards
of the United States Postal Service,
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to
discontinue Priority Mail Express®
postage refunds for guaranteed service
for Alaska and Hawaii.
16:36 May 22, 2023
All submitted comments and
attachments are part of the public record
and subject to disclosure. Do not
enclose any material in your comments
that you consider to be confidential or
inappropriate for public disclosure.
You may inspect and photocopy all
written comments, by appointment
only, at USPS® Headquarters Library,
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor
North, Washington, DC, 20260. These
records are available for review on
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.,
by calling 202–268–2906.
Catherine Knox at (202) 268–5636 or
Garry Rodriguez at (202) 268–7281.
except as provided in DMM 604.9.5.5,
the Postal Service offers postage refunds
for guaranteed service.
The Postal Service has determined
that operationally we cannot meet the
service commitments for Priority Mail
Express expected by customers for
Alaska and Hawaii.
As a result, the Postal Service is
proposing to discontinue postage
refunds for guaranteed service for
Priority Mail Express pieces destined to
or originating from Alaska or Hawaii.
Postage refunds for loss will still be
available for pieces destined to or
originating from Alaska or Hawaii.
The Postal Service is proposing to
implement this change effective August
1, 2023.
We believe the proposed revision will
provide customers with a more efficient
mailing experience.
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Priority Mail Express Refunds
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Submit comments on or before
June 22, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written
comments to the Director, Product
Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475
L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446,
Washington, DC 20260–5015. If sending
comments by email, include the name
and address of the commenter and send
to, with a
subject line of ‘‘Priority Mail Express
Refunds’’. Faxed comments are not
Jkt 259001
Administrative practice and
procedure, Postal Service.
Although exempt from the notice and
comment requirements of the
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C.
553(b), (c)) regarding proposed
rulemaking by 39 U.S.C. 410(a), the
Postal Service invites public comment
on the following proposed revisions to
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
PO 00000
Frm 00089
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 9990
(DMM), incorporated by reference in the
Code of Federal Regulations. See 39 CFR
We will publish an appropriate
amendment to 39 CFR part 111 to reflect
these changes.
Accordingly, 39 CFR part 111 is
proposed to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR
part 111 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301–
307; 18 U.S.C. 1692–1737; 39 U.S.C. 101,
401–404, 414, 416, 3001–3018, 3201–3220,
3401–3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3629, 3631–
3633, 3641, 3681–3685, and 5001.
2. Revise the Mailing Standards of the
United States Postal Service, Domestic
Mail Manual (DMM) as follows:
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
600 Basic Standards for All Mailing
604 Postage Payment Methods and
Exchanges and Refunds
9.5 Priority Mail Express Postage and
Fees Refunds
Refunds Not Given
Postage will not be refunded if the
guaranteed service was not provided
due to any of the following
[Renumber items i and j as j and k,
and add new item i to read as follows:]
i. The postage refund requested is
other than for loss, and the Priority Mail
Express piece was destined to or
originated from Alaska or Hawaii.
Sarah Sullivan,
Attorney, Ethics and Legal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2023–10911 Filed 5–22–23; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 99 (Tuesday, May 23, 2023)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Page 33066]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2023-10911]
39 CFR Part 111
Priority Mail Express Refunds
AGENCY: Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Postal Service is proposing to amend Mailing Standards of
the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM[supreg]) to
discontinue Priority Mail Express[supreg] postage refunds for
guaranteed service for Alaska and Hawaii.
DATES: Submit comments on or before June 22, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the Director, Product
Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446,
Washington, DC 20260-5015. If sending comments by email, include the
name and address of the commenter and send to
[email protected], with a subject line of ``Priority Mail
Express Refunds''. Faxed comments are not accepted.
All submitted comments and attachments are part of the public
record and subject to disclosure. Do not enclose any material in your
comments that you consider to be confidential or inappropriate for
public disclosure.
You may inspect and photocopy all written comments, by appointment
only, at USPS[supreg] Headquarters Library, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, 11th
Floor North, Washington, DC, 20260. These records are available for
review on Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., by calling 202-268-
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Catherine Knox at (202) 268-5636 or
Garry Rodriguez at (202) 268-7281.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Currently, except as provided in DMM
604.9.5.5, the Postal Service offers postage refunds for guaranteed
The Postal Service has determined that operationally we cannot meet
the service commitments for Priority Mail Express expected by customers
for Alaska and Hawaii.
As a result, the Postal Service is proposing to discontinue postage
refunds for guaranteed service for Priority Mail Express pieces
destined to or originating from Alaska or Hawaii. Postage refunds for
loss will still be available for pieces destined to or originating from
Alaska or Hawaii.
The Postal Service is proposing to implement this change effective
August 1, 2023.
We believe the proposed revision will provide customers with a more
efficient mailing experience.
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Administrative practice and procedure, Postal Service.
Although exempt from the notice and comment requirements of the
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553(b), (c)) regarding proposed
rulemaking by 39 U.S.C. 410(a), the Postal Service invites public
comment on the following proposed revisions to Mailing Standards of the
United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), incorporated
by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations. See 39 CFR 111.1.
We will publish an appropriate amendment to 39 CFR part 111 to
reflect these changes.
Accordingly, 39 CFR part 111 is proposed to be amended as follows:
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR part 111 continues to read as
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301-307; 18 U.S.C. 1692-
1737; 39 U.S.C. 101, 401-404, 414, 416, 3001-3018, 3201-3220, 3401-
3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3629, 3631-3633, 3641, 3681-3685, and 5001.
2. Revise the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service,
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) as follows:
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail
Manual (DMM)
* * * * *
600 Basic Standards for All Mailing Services
* * * * *
604 Postage Payment Methods and Refunds
* * * * *
9.0 Exchanges and Refunds
* * * * *
9.5 Priority Mail Express Postage and Fees Refunds
* * * * *
9.5.5 Refunds Not Given
Postage will not be refunded if the guaranteed service was not
provided due to any of the following circumstances:
* * * * *
[Renumber items i and j as j and k, and add new item i to read as
i. The postage refund requested is other than for loss, and the
Priority Mail Express piece was destined to or originated from Alaska
or Hawaii.
* * * * *
Sarah Sullivan,
Attorney, Ethics and Legal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2023-10911 Filed 5-22-23; 8:45 am]