Organization, Functions, and Procedures; Functions and Procedures; Forest Service Functions, 24497-24503 [2023-08429]
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 77 / Friday, April 21, 2023 / Proposed Rules
The FAA will file in the docket all
comments it receives, as well as a report
summarizing each substantive public
contact with FAA personnel concerning
this proposed rulemaking. Before acting
on this proposal, the FAA will consider
all comments it received on or before
the closing date for comments. The FAA
will consider comments filed after the
comment period has closed if it is
possible to do so without incurring
expense or dely. The FAA may change
this proposal in light of the comments
it receives.
Privacy: In accordance with 5USC
553(c), DOT solicits comments from the
public to better inform its rulemaking
process. DOT post these comments,
without edit, including any personal
information the commenter provides, to as described in the
system of records notice (DOT/ALL–
14FDMS), which can be reviewed at
Availability of Rulemaking Documents
An electronic copy of this document
may be downloaded through the
internet at
Recently published rulemaking
documents can also be accessed through
the FAA’s web page at
You may review the public docket
containing the proposal, any comments
received, and any final disposition in
person in the Dockets Office (see the
ADDRESSES section for the address,
phone number, and hours of
operations). An informal docket may
also be examined during normal
business hours at the Federal Aviation
Administration, Air Traffic
Organization, Central Service Center,
Operations Support Group, 10101
Hillwood Parkway, Fort Worth, TX
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Incorporation by Reference
Class E airspace is published in
paragraph 6005 of FAA Order JO
7400.11, Airspace Designations and
Reporting Points, which is incorporated
by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 on an
annual basis. This document proposes
to amend the current version of that
order, FAA Order JO 7400.11G, dated
August 19, 2022, and effective
September 15, 2022. These updates
would be published subsequently in the
next update to FAA Order JO 7400.11.
That order is publicly available as listed
in the ADDRESSES section of this
FAA Order JO 7400.11G lists Class A,
B, C, D, and E airspace areas, air traffic
service routes, and reporting points.
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The Proposal
The Proposed Amendment
The FAA is proposing an amendment
to 14 CFR part 71 by modifying the
Class E airspace extending upward from
700 feet above the surface to within an
8.2-mile (increased from an 6.4-mile)
radius of Hastings Airport, Hastings, MI;
removing the Grand Rapids VOR/DME
and the associated extension from the
airspace legal description; removing the
exclusion area as it is not required;
adding an extension within 2 miles each
side of the 123° bearing from the airport
extending from the 8.2-mile radius to
11.3 miles southeast of the airport;
adding an extension within 2 miles each
side of the 303° bearing from the airport
extending from the 8.2-mile radius to
9.9 miles northwest of the airport; and
updating the name (previously Hastings
Municipal Airport) and geographic
coordinates of the airport to coincide
with the FAA’s aeronautical database.
This action is the result of an airspace
review caused by the decommissioning
of the Grand Rapids VOR, which
provided navigational information to
this airport, as part of the VOR MON
Program to support instrument flight
rule operations at this airport.
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
proposes to amend 14 CFR part 71 as
Regulatory Notices and Analyses
The FAA has determined that this
proposed regulation only involves an
established body of technical
regulations for which frequent and
routine amendments are necessary to
keep them operationally current. It,
therefore: (1) is not a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ under Executive
Order 12866; (2) is not a ‘‘significant
rule’’ under DOT Regulatory Policies
and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February
26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant
preparation of a regulatory evaluation as
the anticipated impact is so minimal.
Since this is a routine matter that will
only affect air traffic procedures and air
navigation, it is certified that this
proposed rule, when promulgated, will
not have a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
1. The authority citation for 14 CFR
part 71 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103,
40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR,
1959–1963 Comp., p. 389.
§ 71.1
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order JO 7400.11G,
Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, dated August 19, 2022, and
effective September 15, 2022, is
amended as follows:
Paragraph 6005 Class E Airspace Areas
Extending Upward From 700 Feet or More
Above the Surface of the Earth.
AGL MI E5 Hastings, MI [Amended]
Hastings Airport, MI
(Lat 42°39′48″ N, long 85°20′45″ W)
That airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within an 8.2-mile
radius of Hastings Airport; and within 2
miles each side of the 123° bearing from the
airport extending from the 8.2-mile radius of
the airport to 11.3 miles southeast of the
airport; and within 2 miles each side of the
303° bearing of the airport extending from the
8.2-mile radius of the airport to 9.9 miles
northwest of the airport.
Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on April 10,
Martin A. Skinner,
Acting Manager, Operations Support Group,
ATO Central Service Center.
[FR Doc. 2023–07839 Filed 4–20–23; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
36 CFR Part 200
Environmental Review
RIN 0596–AD59
This proposal will be subject to an
environmental analysis in accordance
with FAA Order 1050.1F,
‘‘Environmental Impacts: Policies and
Procedures’’ prior to any FAA final
regulatory action.
Organization, Functions, and
Procedures; Functions and
Procedures; Forest Service Functions
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (air).
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Forest Service, USDA.
Advance notice of proposed
rulemaking; request for comment.
The United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA), Forest Service is
inviting public feedback and initiating
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 77 / Friday, April 21, 2023 / Proposed Rules
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Tribal consultation on the following
topic and additional questions: Given
that climate change and related stressors
are resulting in increasing impacts with
rapid and variable rates of change on
national forests and grasslands, how
should the Forest Service adapt current
policies to protect, conserve, and
manage the national forests and
grasslands for climate resilience, so that
the Agency can provide for ecological
integrity and support social and
economic sustainability over time?
DATES: Comments must be received in
writing by June 20, 2023.
ADDRESSES: You may send comments by
any of the following methods:
• Preferred: Federal eRulemaking
• Mail: Director, Policy Office, 201
14th Street SW, Mailstop 1108,
Washington, DC 20250–1124.
All comments received will be posted
to, including any
personal information provided. The
public may inspect comments received
at Do not submit
any information you consider to be
private, Confidential Business
Information (CBI), or other information,
the disclosure of which is restricted by
Christopher Swanston, Director, Office
of Sustainability and Climate, (202)
205–0822. Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
Relay Service at 1–800–877–8339 24
hours a day, every day of the year,
including holidays.
This advance notice of proposed
rulemaking (ANPRM):
• Builds on ongoing work to
implement section 2 of Executive Order
(E.O.) 14072, Strengthening the Nation’s
Forests, Communities, and Local
Economies (87 FR 24851, April 22,
2022), including input received from
Tribal consultation and public comment
on the recent Request for Information
(RFI) (87 FR 42493, July 15, 2022) on
mature and old-growth forest definition,
identification, and inventory. E.O.
14072 calls particular attention to the
importance of Mature and Old-Growth
(MOG) forests on Federal lands for their
role in contributing to nature-based
climate solutions by storing large
amounts of carbon and increasing
• Is consistent with and intended to
support implementation of Secretary
Vilsack’s Memo 1077–044, Climate
Resilience and Carbon Stewardship of
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America’s National Forests and
Grasslands (Secretary’s Memo) (https://,
and the USDA Forest Service’s Wildfire
Crisis Strategy, Climate Adaptation
Plan, and Reforestation Strategy for the
National Forest System (https://
• Builds on the 2012 National Forest
System Land Management Planning
Rule (Planning Rule) at 36 CFR part 219
which requires that revised Forest
Service land management plans provide
for ecological, social, and economic
sustainability. The Planning Rule also
created an adaptive management
framework for land management
planning, including assessment, plan
revision or amendment, and monitoring.
• Uses the Planning Rule’s definitions
of ecological integrity and social and
economic sustainability to structure the
concept of climate resilience. Climate
resilience is essential for ecological
integrity and social and economic
• Reflects the Forest Service’s
commitment to continual learning and
organizational improvement by
engaging people in conserving forests
and grasslands under threat of loss due
to climate change.
Climate change is leading to
increasingly extreme storms and
droughts, extensive pest and disease
occurrence, more widespread chronic
stress, and shifting fire regimes across
forests and grasslands in the United
States. Climate change also amplifies
other existing stresses, including those
from historic forest management and
fire suppression approaches. Increasing
activity and development within the
wildland-urban interface further adds to
these stressors, leading to increasingly
rapid degradation of the health and
ecological integrity of our forests and
More ecosystems and watersheds are
becoming vulnerable to severe
disturbance, with some geographies and
ecosystem types experiencing more
rapid and compounding impacts than
others. Some ecosystem services
provided by forests are functioning,
while others are at significant risk. In
some places, high severity burns are
resulting in long-term loss of forest
cover, along with the loss of associated
plant and animal communities
dependent upon those forest
ecosystems, including MOG-forest
communities and at-risk species. In
other places, climate change threatens
the persistence of current forest types in
some portions of their historical range.
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National Forest management reflects
what the American people desire from
their natural resources at any given
point in time. In response, management
of the National Forest System (NFS) has
evolved over the Forest Service’s 118year history. The Forest Reserve Act of
1891 shifted Federal land policy from a
focus on transferring land out of Federal
ownership to a focus on conservation
and sustainability. Beginning with the
Organic Act of 1897, the Federal
Government shifted the focus of forest
management towards: (1) improving and
protecting forests; (2) securing favorable
conditions for water flows (i.e.,
protecting watersheds); and (3)
furnishing a continual supply of timber.
These laws led to a period of
custodial management from roughly
1905 to 1939 when the American people
sought to reduce destructive and
wasteful use of forest resources (see
Figure 1). The onset of World War II
(WWII) opened an era with an emphasis
on increased timber production to
support the war effort and post-war
housing needs. Another shift began to
occur in the 1960s with greater
environmental awareness. The Multiple
Use-Sustained Yield Act (MUSYA) of
1960 instructed the agency to equally
balance outdoor recreation, range,
timber, watersheds, fish, and wildlife
with a greater emphasis on
accountability to a broader group of
stakeholders, establishing the regime the
Forest Service must manage under
today. Additionally, the National Forest
Management Act (NFMA) enacted in
1976 gives the Secretary of Agriculture
broad authority to manage all forests
that are in imminent danger of insect
attack or disease and instructs the
Secretary to comply with MUSYA. The
NFMA instructs the Secretary to use
new research to protect the Nation’s
natural resources including soil, water,
and air resources as well as the future
productivity of renewable resources.
High harvest levels continued into the
early 1990s. Over the following decades,
National Forest System management
continued to evolve with new
environmental laws and regulations. In
the 1990s and early 2000s, multiple
attempts were made to revise the Forest
Service’s 1982 Land Management
Planning Rule to better reflect the
Agency’s continued learning and shifts
in management priorities and needs.
Those years also saw rising costs of
wildfire suppression as a proportion of
the Forest Service’s budget, as climate
change and increases in the numbers of
people and value of infrastructure in the
wildland-urban interface exacerbated
challenges from past fire suppression,
drought, insects, and disease.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 77 / Friday, April 21, 2023 / Proposed Rules
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resilience, watershed protection,
wildlife conservation, and opportunities
to contribute to vibrant local economies,
along with continued and growing
investments with a focus on equity and
partnerships. In recent years the impacts
of climate change as a system driver
have become even clearer. The risks and
costs associated with high-severity
wildfires have also continued to grow.
This ANPRM reflects these management
priorities and challenges.
To put this evolution of National
Forest System management into context,
currently the Forest Service
commercially harvests one tenth of one
percent of acres within the National
Forest System each year. Harvests
designed to improve stand health and
resilience by reducing forest density or
removing trees damaged by insect or
disease make up 86 percent of those
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acres. The remainder are final or
regeneration harvests that are designed
to be followed by reforestation.
At the same time, over the past 15
years data shows that disturbance
driven primarily by wildfire and insect
and disease has adversely impacted
more than 25 percent of the 193 million
acres across the National Forest System
(see Figure 2). This rapidly changing
environment is now the primary driver
of forest loss and type conversion.
Wildfire alone causes approximately 80
percent of reforestation needs on
National Forest System lands, and we
expect those needs to continue to grow:
More than half of the 4 million acres of
potential reforestation needs on
National Forest System lands stems
from wildfires in 2020 and 2021 (see
Figure 3).
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
In 2012, USDA and the Forest Service
published a new Planning Rule (77 FR
21162, April 9, 2012), which required
that land management plans provide for
ecological sustainability and contribute
to social and economic sustainability,
using public input and the best
available scientific information to
inform plan decisions. The 2012
Planning Rule contained a strong
emphasis on protecting and enhancing
water resources, restoring land and
water ecosystems, and providing
ecological conditions to support the
diversity of plant and animal
communities, while providing for
ecosystem services and multiple uses. It
explicitly recognized climate change as
one of the challenges for land
management into the future.
The Forest Service currently
integrates forest restoration, climate
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Updated and continually evolving
science and better understanding of
Indigenous Knowledge (IK) are helping
the Agency to clarify these
vulnerabilities and threats. This
improved clarity, combined with
innovations in resource inventory, data
visualization, and risk assessment also
help to inform and prioritize
conservation, adaptive management,
policies, and actions.
The Forest Service is actively
developing and deploying spatially
explicit tools to better support climateinformed decision-making, in line with
the Secretary’s Memo 1077–044,
Climate Resilience and Carbon
Stewardship of America’s National
Forests and Grasslands.
The Secretary’s Memo directs the
Forest Service to spatially identify
wildfire and climate change-driven
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threats and risks to key resources and
values in the National Forest System,
including water and watersheds,
biodiversity and species at risk, forest
carbon, and reforestation. Further,
section 2 of E.O. 14072 specifically
directs Federal agencies to identify
mature and old forests on Forest Service
and Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Through this ANPRM, USDA is
sharing the beta version of a new Forest
Service Climate Risk Viewer (https://
for public feedback (see Section 1
below). This beta version was developed
with 38 high-quality datasets and begins
to illustrate the overlap of multiple
resource values with climate exposure
and vulnerability. The viewer also
includes current management direction
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on National Forest System lands. The
viewer allows for a place-based analysis
of the need for climate adaptation to
maintain, restore, and expand valued
forest ecosystem and watershed
characteristics. Additionally, the viewer
supports identification of gaps between
current management and potential
conservation and adaptation practices.
The beta version of the mature and oldgrowth (MOG) inventory that is being
developed pursuant to E.O. 14072 and
the RFI for MOG is also being released
to help inform policy and decisionmaking on how best to conserve, foster,
and expand the values of mature and
old-growth forests on our Federal lands.
Core information from the MOG
inventory has been integrated into the
The Secretary’s Memo called for
additional fireshed data layers to inform
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 77 / Friday, April 21, 2023 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 77 / Friday, April 21, 2023 / Proposed Rules
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
investments under the Forest Service’s
Wildfire Crisis Strategy (WCS) (https://
wildfire-crisis), which clearly lays out
risks to people, communities, and
ecosystem health related to wildfire and
sets forth a strategy for mitigating and
recovering from those risks. The WCS is
a core component of the Forest Service’s
Climate Adaptation Plan, which
involves reducing risk of catastrophic
wildfire in the near term and creates
time and opportunity to foster long-term
climate resilience in these ecosystems.
In January 2023, USDA and the Forest
Service announced FY 2023
investments in 11 new landscapes for
wildfire risk reduction, along with
additional investments in the 10 initial
landscapes announced in April 2022.
These 11 new landscapes were
prioritized after a review of new data
layers developed pursuant to the
Secretary’s Memo that included a focus
on protecting critical infrastructure,
public water sources, and at-risk species
habitat; equity; and proximity to Tribal
lands, in addition to wildfire exposure
to home and buildings. Consistent with
the President’s E.O. 14072, the
importance of mature and old-growth
forests were recognized and the Agency
highlighted that the science around
large tree retention and conservation is
part of its fuels reduction strategy.
This ANPRM continues the Agency
and Department’s commitment to
climate-adapted approaches to conserve
the nations forests and grasslands. We
invite public input and Tribal
consultation on how the Agency can
continue to adapt current policies and
management and develop new policies
and practices for conservation and
climate resilience to support ecologic,
social and economic sustainability in
light of climate change, human induced
changes, and other stressors.
Additional information pertaining to
Forest Service sustainability and climate
initiatives can be found here: https://
Comments Requested
Climate change and related stressors,
such as wildfire, drought, insects and
disease, extreme weather events, and
chronic stress on ecosystems are
resulting in increasing impacts with
rapid and variable rates of change on
national forests and grasslands. These
impacts can be compounded by fire
suppression, development in the
Wildland Urban Interface (WUI), and
non-climate informed timber harvest
and reforestation practices.
Multiple Forest Service plans,
policies, and regulations already
include direction on climate adaptation.
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However, given (1) increasing rates of
change, and (2) new information and
ways of assessing and visualizing risk,
USDA and the Forest Service are issuing
this ANPRM to seek input on how we
can develop new policies or build on
current policies to improve our ability
to foster climate resilience, recognizing
that impacts are different in different
places across the country.
We are interested in public feedback
and requests for Tribal consultation on
a range of potential options to adapt
current policies or develop new policies
and actions to better anticipate, identify,
and respond to rapidly changing
conditions associated with climateamplified impacts. Overarching
questions include:
• How should the Forest Service
adapt current policies and develop new
policies and actions to conserve and
manage the national forests and
grasslands for climate resilience, so that
the Agency can provide for ecological
integrity and support social and
economic sustainability over time?
• How should the Forest Service
assess, plan for and prioritize
conservation and climate resilience at
different organizational levels of
planning and management of the
National Forest System (e.g., national
strategic direction and planning;
regional and unit planning, projects and
• What kinds of conservation,
management or adaptation practices
may be effective at fostering climate
resilience on forests and grasslands at
different geographic scales?
• How should Forest Service
management, partnerships, and
investments consider crossjurisdictional impacts of stressors to
forest and grassland resilience at a
landscape scale, including activities in
the WUI?
• What are key outcome-based
performance measures and indicators
that would help the Agency track
changing conditions, test assumptions,
evaluate effectiveness, and inform
continued adaptive management?
Examples, comments, and Tribal
consultation would be especially
helpful on the following topics:
1. Relying on Best Available Science,
including Indigenous Knowledge (IK),
to Inform Agency Decision Making.
a. How can the Forest Service braid
together IK and western science to
improve and strengthen our
management practices and policies to
promote climate resilience? What
changes to Agency policy are needed to
improve our ability to integrate IK for
climate resilience—for example, how
might we update current direction on
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best available scientific information to
integrate IK, including in the Forest
Service Handbook (FSH) Section
b. How can Forest Service land
managers better operationalize adaptive
management given rapid current and
projected rates of change, and potential
uncertainty for portions of the National
Forest System?
c. Specifically for the Forest Service
Climate Risk Viewer (described above),
what other data layers might be useful,
and how should the Forest Service use
this tool to inform policy?
2. Adaptation Planning and Practices.
How might explicit, intentional
adaptation planning and practices for
climate resilience on the National Forest
System be exemplified, understanding
the need for differences in approach at
different organizational levels, at
different ecological scales, and in
different ecosystems?
a. Adaptation Planning:
i. How should the Forest Service
implement the 2012 Planning Rule
under a rapidly changing climate,
including for assessments, development
of plan components, and related
1. How might the Forest Service use
management and geographic areas for
watershed conservation, at-risk species
conservation and wildlife connectivity,
carbon stewardship, and mature and
old-growth forest conservation?
ii. How might the Forest Service think
about complementing unit-level plans
with planning at other scales, such as
watershed, landscape, regional,
ecoregional, or national scales?
a. Adaptation Practices:
i. How might the Agency maintain or
foster climate resilience for a suite of
key ecosystem values including water
and watersheds, biodiversity and
species at risk, forest carbon uptake and
storage, and mature and old-growth
forests, in addition to overall ecological
integrity? What are effective adaptation
practices to protect those values? How
should trade-offs be evaluated, when
ii. How can the Forest Service
mitigate risks to and support
investments in resilience for multiple
uses and ecosystem services? For
example, how should the Forest Service
think about the resilience of recreation
infrastructure and access; source
drinking water areas; and critical
infrastructure in an era of climate
change and other stressors?
iii. How should the Forest Service
address the significant and growing
need for post-disaster response,
recovery, reforestation and restoration,
including to mitigate cascading disasters
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 77 / Friday, April 21, 2023 / Proposed Rules
(for example, post-fire flooding,
landslides, and reburns)?
iv. How might Forest Service land
managers build on work with partners
to implement adaptation practices on
National Forest System lands and in the
WUI that can support climate resilience
across jurisdictional boundaries,
including opportunities to build on and
expand Tribal co-stewardship?
v. Eastern forests have not been
subject to the dramatic wildfire events
and severe droughts occurring in the
west, but eastern forests are also
experiencing extreme weather events
and chronic stress, including from
insects and disease, while continuing to
rebound from historic management and
land use changes. Are there changes or
additions to policy and management
specific to conservation and climate
resilience for forests in the east that the
Forest Service should consider?
3. Mature and Old Growth Forests.
The inventory required by E.O. 14072
demonstrated that the Forest Service
manages an extensive, ecologically
diverse mature and old-growth forest
estate. Older forests often exhibit
structures and functions that contribute
ecosystem resilience to climate change.
Along with unique ecological values,
these older forests reflect diverse Tribal,
spiritual, cultural, and social values,
many of which also translate into local
economic benefits.
Per direction in E.O. 14072, this
section builds on the RFI to seek public
input on policy options to help the
Forest Service manage for future
resilience of old and mature forest
characteristics. Today there are
concerns about the durability,
distribution, and redundancy of these
systems, given changing climate, as well
as past and current management
practices, including ecologically
inappropriate vegetation management
and fire suppression practices. Recent
science shows severe and increasing
rates of ecosystem degradation and tree
mortality from climate-amplified
stressors. Older tree mortality due to
wildfire, insects and disease is
occurring in all management categories.
The Forest Service is analyzing
threats to mature and old-growth forests
to support policy development to
reduce those threats and foster climate
resilience. Today’s challenge for the
Forest Service is how to maintain and
grow older forest conditions while
improving and expanding their
distribution and protecting them from
the increasing threats posed by climate
change and other stressors, in the
context of its multiple-use mandate.
a. How might the Forest Service use
the mature and old-growth forest
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inventory (directed by E.O. 14072)
together with analyzing threats and risks
to determine and prioritize when,
where, and how different types of
management will best enable retention
and expansion of mature and oldgrowth forests over time?
b. Given our current understanding of
the threats to the amount and
distribution of mature and old-growth
forest conditions, what policy,
management, or practices would
enhance ecosystem resilience and
distribution of these conditions under a
changing climate?
4. Fostering Social and Economic
Climate Resilience.
a. How might the Forest Service better
identify and consider how the effects of
climate change on National Forest
System lands impact Tribes,
communities, and rural economies?
b. How can the Forest Service better
support adaptive capacity for
underserved communities and ensure
equitable investments in climate
resilience, consistent with the Forest
Service’s Climate Adaptation Plan,
Equity Action Plan and Tribal Action
c. How might the Forest Service better
connect or leverage the contribution of
State, Private and Tribal programs to
conservation and climate resilience
across multiple jurisdictions, including
in urban areas and with Tribes, state,
local and private landowners?
d. How might the Forest Service
improve coordination with Tribes,
communities, and other agencies to
support complementary efforts across
jurisdictional boundaries?
e. How might the Forest Service better
support diversified forest economies to
help make forest dependent
communities more resilient to changing
economic and ecological conditions?
Christopher French,
Deputy Chief, National Forest System, Forest
[FR Doc. 2023–08429 Filed 4–20–23; 8:45 am]
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Patent and Trademark Office
37 CFR Part 42
[Docket No. PTO–P–2020–0022]
RIN 0651–AD47
Changes Under Consideration to
Discretionary Institution Practices,
Petition Word-Count Limits, and
Settlement Practices for America
Invents Act Trial Proceedings Before
the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
United States Patent and
Trademark Office, Department of
ACTION: Advance notice of proposed
The United States Patent and
Trademark Office (USPTO or Office) is
considering modifications to the rules of
practice for inter partes review (IPR) and
post-grant review (PGR) proceedings
before the Patent Trial and Appeal
Board (PTAB or Board) to better align
the practices with the USPTO’s mission
to promote and protect innovation and
investment in the same, and with the
congressional intent behind the
American Invents Act (AIA) to provide
a less-expensive alternative to district
court litigation to resolve certain
patentability issues while also
protecting against patentee harassment.
The USPTO is considering promulgating
rules the Director, and by delegation the
Board, will use to exercise the Director’s
discretion to institute IPRs and PGRs; to
provide a procedure for separate
briefing on discretionary denial that will
allow parties to address relevant issues
for discretionary denial without
encroaching on the pages they are
afforded to address the merits of a case;
to provide petitioners the ability to pay
additional fees for a higher word-count
limit; and to clarify that all settlement
agreements, including pre-institution
settlement agreements, are required to
be filed with the Board.
DATES: Comments must be received by
June 20, 2023 to ensure consideration.
ADDRESSES: For reasons of Government
efficiency, comments must be submitted
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal
at To submit
comments via the portal, one should
enter docket number PTO–P–2020–0022
on the homepage and click ‘‘search.’’
The site will provide search results
listing all documents associated with
this docket. Commenters can find a
reference to this document and click on
the ‘‘Comment’’ icon, complete the
required fields, and enter or attach their
[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 77 (Friday, April 21, 2023)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 24497-24503]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2023-08429]
Forest Service
36 CFR Part 200
RIN 0596-AD59
Organization, Functions, and Procedures; Functions and
Procedures; Forest Service Functions
AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA.
ACTION: Advance notice of proposed rulemaking; request for comment.
SUMMARY: The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Forest
Service is inviting public feedback and initiating
[[Page 24498]]
Tribal consultation on the following topic and additional questions:
Given that climate change and related stressors are resulting in
increasing impacts with rapid and variable rates of change on national
forests and grasslands, how should the Forest Service adapt current
policies to protect, conserve, and manage the national forests and
grasslands for climate resilience, so that the Agency can provide for
ecological integrity and support social and economic sustainability
over time?
DATES: Comments must be received in writing by June 20, 2023.
ADDRESSES: You may send comments by any of the following methods:
Preferred: Federal eRulemaking Portal
Mail: Director, Policy Office, 201 14th Street SW,
Mailstop 1108, Washington, DC 20250-1124.
All comments received will be posted to,
including any personal information provided. The public may inspect
comments received at Do not submit any information
you consider to be private, Confidential Business Information (CBI), or
other information, the disclosure of which is restricted by statute.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christopher Swanston, Director, Office
of Sustainability and Climate, (202) 205-0822. Individuals who use
telecommunication devices for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal
Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 24 hours a day, every day
of the year, including holidays.
This advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM):
Builds on ongoing work to implement section 2 of Executive
Order (E.O.) 14072, Strengthening the Nation's Forests, Communities,
and Local Economies (87 FR 24851, April 22, 2022), including input
received from Tribal consultation and public comment on the recent
Request for Information (RFI) (87 FR 42493, July 15, 2022) on mature
and old-growth forest definition, identification, and inventory. E.O.
14072 calls particular attention to the importance of Mature and Old-
Growth (MOG) forests on Federal lands for their role in contributing to
nature-based climate solutions by storing large amounts of carbon and
increasing biodiversity.
Is consistent with and intended to support implementation
of Secretary Vilsack's Memo 1077-044, Climate Resilience and Carbon
Stewardship of America's National Forests and Grasslands (Secretary's
Memo) (, and the USDA
Forest Service's Wildfire Crisis Strategy, Climate Adaptation Plan, and
Reforestation Strategy for the National Forest System (
Builds on the 2012 National Forest System Land Management
Planning Rule (Planning Rule) at 36 CFR part 219 (, which requires that revised Forest
Service land management plans provide for ecological, social, and
economic sustainability. The Planning Rule also created an adaptive
management framework for land management planning, including
assessment, plan revision or amendment, and monitoring.
Uses the Planning Rule's definitions of ecological
integrity and social and economic sustainability to structure the
concept of climate resilience. Climate resilience is essential for
ecological integrity and social and economic sustainability.
Reflects the Forest Service's commitment to continual
learning and organizational improvement by engaging people in
conserving forests and grasslands under threat of loss due to climate
Climate change is leading to increasingly extreme storms and
droughts, extensive pest and disease occurrence, more widespread
chronic stress, and shifting fire regimes across forests and grasslands
in the United States. Climate change also amplifies other existing
stresses, including those from historic forest management and fire
suppression approaches. Increasing activity and development within the
wildland-urban interface further adds to these stressors, leading to
increasingly rapid degradation of the health and ecological integrity
of our forests and grasslands.
More ecosystems and watersheds are becoming vulnerable to severe
disturbance, with some geographies and ecosystem types experiencing
more rapid and compounding impacts than others. Some ecosystem services
provided by forests are functioning, while others are at significant
risk. In some places, high severity burns are resulting in long-term
loss of forest cover, along with the loss of associated plant and
animal communities dependent upon those forest ecosystems, including
MOG-forest communities and at-risk species. In other places, climate
change threatens the persistence of current forest types in some
portions of their historical range.
National Forest management reflects what the American people desire
from their natural resources at any given point in time. In response,
management of the National Forest System (NFS) has evolved over the
Forest Service's 118-year history. The Forest Reserve Act of 1891
shifted Federal land policy from a focus on transferring land out of
Federal ownership to a focus on conservation and sustainability.
Beginning with the Organic Act of 1897, the Federal Government shifted
the focus of forest management towards: (1) improving and protecting
forests; (2) securing favorable conditions for water flows (i.e.,
protecting watersheds); and (3) furnishing a continual supply of
These laws led to a period of custodial management from roughly
1905 to 1939 when the American people sought to reduce destructive and
wasteful use of forest resources (see Figure 1). The onset of World War
II (WWII) opened an era with an emphasis on increased timber production
to support the war effort and post-war housing needs. Another shift
began to occur in the 1960s with greater environmental awareness. The
Multiple Use-Sustained Yield Act (MUSYA) of 1960 instructed the agency
to equally balance outdoor recreation, range, timber, watersheds, fish,
and wildlife with a greater emphasis on accountability to a broader
group of stakeholders, establishing the regime the Forest Service must
manage under today. Additionally, the National Forest Management Act
(NFMA) enacted in 1976 gives the Secretary of Agriculture broad
authority to manage all forests that are in imminent danger of insect
attack or disease and instructs the Secretary to comply with MUSYA. The
NFMA instructs the Secretary to use new research to protect the
Nation's natural resources including soil, water, and air resources as
well as the future productivity of renewable resources.
High harvest levels continued into the early 1990s. Over the
following decades, National Forest System management continued to
evolve with new environmental laws and regulations. In the 1990s and
early 2000s, multiple attempts were made to revise the Forest Service's
1982 Land Management Planning Rule to better reflect the Agency's
continued learning and shifts in management priorities and needs. Those
years also saw rising costs of wildfire suppression as a proportion of
the Forest Service's budget, as climate change and increases in the
numbers of people and value of infrastructure in the wildland-urban
interface exacerbated challenges from past fire suppression, drought,
insects, and disease.
[[Page 24499]]
In 2012, USDA and the Forest Service published a new Planning Rule
(77 FR 21162, April 9, 2012), which required that land management plans
provide for ecological sustainability and contribute to social and
economic sustainability, using public input and the best available
scientific information to inform plan decisions. The 2012 Planning Rule
contained a strong emphasis on protecting and enhancing water
resources, restoring land and water ecosystems, and providing
ecological conditions to support the diversity of plant and animal
communities, while providing for ecosystem services and multiple uses.
It explicitly recognized climate change as one of the challenges for
land management into the future.
The Forest Service currently integrates forest restoration, climate
resilience, watershed protection, wildlife conservation, and
opportunities to contribute to vibrant local economies, along with
continued and growing investments with a focus on equity and
partnerships. In recent years the impacts of climate change as a system
driver have become even clearer. The risks and costs associated with
high-severity wildfires have also continued to grow. This ANPRM
reflects these management priorities and challenges.
To put this evolution of National Forest System management into
context, currently the Forest Service commercially harvests one tenth
of one percent of acres within the National Forest System each year.
Harvests designed to improve stand health and resilience by reducing
forest density or removing trees damaged by insect or disease make up
86 percent of those acres. The remainder are final or regeneration
harvests that are designed to be followed by reforestation.
At the same time, over the past 15 years data shows that
disturbance driven primarily by wildfire and insect and disease has
adversely impacted more than 25 percent of the 193 million acres across
the National Forest System (see Figure 2). This rapidly changing
environment is now the primary driver of forest loss and type
conversion. Wildfire alone causes approximately 80 percent of
reforestation needs on National Forest System lands, and we expect
those needs to continue to grow: More than half of the 4 million acres
of potential reforestation needs on National Forest System lands stems
from wildfires in 2020 and 2021 (see Figure 3).
[[Page 24500]]
[[Page 24501]]
Updated and continually evolving science and better understanding
of Indigenous Knowledge (IK) are helping the Agency to clarify these
vulnerabilities and threats. This improved clarity, combined with
innovations in resource inventory, data visualization, and risk
assessment also help to inform and prioritize conservation, adaptive
management, policies, and actions.
The Forest Service is actively developing and deploying spatially
explicit tools to better support climate-informed decision-making, in
line with the Secretary's Memo 1077-044, Climate Resilience and Carbon
Stewardship of America's National Forests and Grasslands.
The Secretary's Memo directs the Forest Service to spatially
identify wildfire and climate change-driven threats and risks to key
resources and values in the National Forest System, including water and
watersheds, biodiversity and species at risk, forest carbon, and
reforestation. Further, section 2 of E.O. 14072 specifically directs
Federal agencies to identify mature and old forests on Forest Service
and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands.
Through this ANPRM, USDA is sharing the beta version of a new
Forest Service Climate Risk Viewer ( for public feedback (see
Section 1 below). This beta version was developed with 38 high-quality
datasets and begins to illustrate the overlap of multiple resource
values with climate exposure and vulnerability. The viewer also
includes current management direction on National Forest System lands.
The viewer allows for a place-based analysis of the need for climate
adaptation to maintain, restore, and expand valued forest ecosystem and
watershed characteristics. Additionally, the viewer supports
identification of gaps between current management and potential
conservation and adaptation practices. The beta version of the mature
and old-growth (MOG) inventory that is being developed pursuant to E.O.
14072 and the RFI for MOG is also being released to help inform policy
and decision-making on how best to conserve, foster, and expand the
values of mature and old-growth forests on our Federal lands. Core
information from the MOG inventory has been integrated into the viewer.
The Secretary's Memo called for additional fireshed data layers to
[[Page 24502]]
investments under the Forest Service's Wildfire Crisis Strategy (WCS)
(, which clearly
lays out risks to people, communities, and ecosystem health related to
wildfire and sets forth a strategy for mitigating and recovering from
those risks. The WCS is a core component of the Forest Service's
Climate Adaptation Plan, which involves reducing risk of catastrophic
wildfire in the near term and creates time and opportunity to foster
long-term climate resilience in these ecosystems.
In January 2023, USDA and the Forest Service announced FY 2023
investments in 11 new landscapes for wildfire risk reduction, along
with additional investments in the 10 initial landscapes announced in
April 2022. These 11 new landscapes were prioritized after a review of
new data layers developed pursuant to the Secretary's Memo that
included a focus on protecting critical infrastructure, public water
sources, and at-risk species habitat; equity; and proximity to Tribal
lands, in addition to wildfire exposure to home and buildings.
Consistent with the President's E.O. 14072, the importance of mature
and old-growth forests were recognized and the Agency highlighted that
the science around large tree retention and conservation is part of its
fuels reduction strategy.
This ANPRM continues the Agency and Department's commitment to
climate-adapted approaches to conserve the nations forests and
grasslands. We invite public input and Tribal consultation on how the
Agency can continue to adapt current policies and management and
develop new policies and practices for conservation and climate
resilience to support ecologic, social and economic sustainability in
light of climate change, human induced changes, and other stressors.
Additional information pertaining to Forest Service sustainability
and climate initiatives can be found here:
Comments Requested
Climate change and related stressors, such as wildfire, drought,
insects and disease, extreme weather events, and chronic stress on
ecosystems are resulting in increasing impacts with rapid and variable
rates of change on national forests and grasslands. These impacts can
be compounded by fire suppression, development in the Wildland Urban
Interface (WUI), and non-climate informed timber harvest and
reforestation practices.
Multiple Forest Service plans, policies, and regulations already
include direction on climate adaptation. However, given (1) increasing
rates of change, and (2) new information and ways of assessing and
visualizing risk, USDA and the Forest Service are issuing this ANPRM to
seek input on how we can develop new policies or build on current
policies to improve our ability to foster climate resilience,
recognizing that impacts are different in different places across the
We are interested in public feedback and requests for Tribal
consultation on a range of potential options to adapt current policies
or develop new policies and actions to better anticipate, identify, and
respond to rapidly changing conditions associated with climate-
amplified impacts. Overarching questions include:
How should the Forest Service adapt current policies and
develop new policies and actions to conserve and manage the national
forests and grasslands for climate resilience, so that the Agency can
provide for ecological integrity and support social and economic
sustainability over time?
How should the Forest Service assess, plan for and
prioritize conservation and climate resilience at different
organizational levels of planning and management of the National Forest
System (e.g., national strategic direction and planning; regional and
unit planning, projects and activities)?
What kinds of conservation, management or adaptation
practices may be effective at fostering climate resilience on forests
and grasslands at different geographic scales?
How should Forest Service management, partnerships, and
investments consider cross-jurisdictional impacts of stressors to
forest and grassland resilience at a landscape scale, including
activities in the WUI?
What are key outcome-based performance measures and
indicators that would help the Agency track changing conditions, test
assumptions, evaluate effectiveness, and inform continued adaptive
Examples, comments, and Tribal consultation would be especially
helpful on the following topics:
1. Relying on Best Available Science, including Indigenous
Knowledge (IK), to Inform Agency Decision Making.
a. How can the Forest Service braid together IK and western science
to improve and strengthen our management practices and policies to
promote climate resilience? What changes to Agency policy are needed to
improve our ability to integrate IK for climate resilience--for
example, how might we update current direction on best available
scientific information to integrate IK, including in the Forest Service
Handbook (FSH) Section 1909.12?
b. How can Forest Service land managers better operationalize
adaptive management given rapid current and projected rates of change,
and potential uncertainty for portions of the National Forest System?
c. Specifically for the Forest Service Climate Risk Viewer
(described above), what other data layers might be useful, and how
should the Forest Service use this tool to inform policy?
2. Adaptation Planning and Practices. How might explicit,
intentional adaptation planning and practices for climate resilience on
the National Forest System be exemplified, understanding the need for
differences in approach at different organizational levels, at
different ecological scales, and in different ecosystems?
a. Adaptation Planning:
i. How should the Forest Service implement the 2012 Planning Rule
under a rapidly changing climate, including for assessments,
development of plan components, and related monitoring?
1. How might the Forest Service use management and geographic areas
for watershed conservation, at-risk species conservation and wildlife
connectivity, carbon stewardship, and mature and old-growth forest
ii. How might the Forest Service think about complementing unit-
level plans with planning at other scales, such as watershed,
landscape, regional, ecoregional, or national scales?
a. Adaptation Practices:
i. How might the Agency maintain or foster climate resilience for a
suite of key ecosystem values including water and watersheds,
biodiversity and species at risk, forest carbon uptake and storage, and
mature and old-growth forests, in addition to overall ecological
integrity? What are effective adaptation practices to protect those
values? How should trade-offs be evaluated, when necessary?
ii. How can the Forest Service mitigate risks to and support
investments in resilience for multiple uses and ecosystem services? For
example, how should the Forest Service think about the resilience of
recreation infrastructure and access; source drinking water areas; and
critical infrastructure in an era of climate change and other
iii. How should the Forest Service address the significant and
growing need for post-disaster response, recovery, reforestation and
restoration, including to mitigate cascading disasters
[[Page 24503]]
(for example, post-fire flooding, landslides, and reburns)?
iv. How might Forest Service land managers build on work with
partners to implement adaptation practices on National Forest System
lands and in the WUI that can support climate resilience across
jurisdictional boundaries, including opportunities to build on and
expand Tribal co-stewardship?
v. Eastern forests have not been subject to the dramatic wildfire
events and severe droughts occurring in the west, but eastern forests
are also experiencing extreme weather events and chronic stress,
including from insects and disease, while continuing to rebound from
historic management and land use changes. Are there changes or
additions to policy and management specific to conservation and climate
resilience for forests in the east that the Forest Service should
3. Mature and Old Growth Forests. The inventory required by E.O.
14072 demonstrated that the Forest Service manages an extensive,
ecologically diverse mature and old-growth forest estate. Older forests
often exhibit structures and functions that contribute ecosystem
resilience to climate change. Along with unique ecological values,
these older forests reflect diverse Tribal, spiritual, cultural, and
social values, many of which also translate into local economic
Per direction in E.O. 14072, this section builds on the RFI to seek
public input on policy options to help the Forest Service manage for
future resilience of old and mature forest characteristics. Today there
are concerns about the durability, distribution, and redundancy of
these systems, given changing climate, as well as past and current
management practices, including ecologically inappropriate vegetation
management and fire suppression practices. Recent science shows severe
and increasing rates of ecosystem degradation and tree mortality from
climate-amplified stressors. Older tree mortality due to wildfire,
insects and disease is occurring in all management categories.
The Forest Service is analyzing threats to mature and old-growth
forests to support policy development to reduce those threats and
foster climate resilience. Today's challenge for the Forest Service is
how to maintain and grow older forest conditions while improving and
expanding their distribution and protecting them from the increasing
threats posed by climate change and other stressors, in the context of
its multiple-use mandate.
a. How might the Forest Service use the mature and old-growth
forest inventory (directed by E.O. 14072) together with analyzing
threats and risks to determine and prioritize when, where, and how
different types of management will best enable retention and expansion
of mature and old-growth forests over time?
b. Given our current understanding of the threats to the amount and
distribution of mature and old-growth forest conditions, what policy,
management, or practices would enhance ecosystem resilience and
distribution of these conditions under a changing climate?
4. Fostering Social and Economic Climate Resilience.
a. How might the Forest Service better identify and consider how
the effects of climate change on National Forest System lands impact
Tribes, communities, and rural economies?
b. How can the Forest Service better support adaptive capacity for
underserved communities and ensure equitable investments in climate
resilience, consistent with the Forest Service's Climate Adaptation
Plan, Equity Action Plan and Tribal Action Plan?
c. How might the Forest Service better connect or leverage the
contribution of State, Private and Tribal programs to conservation and
climate resilience across multiple jurisdictions, including in urban
areas and with Tribes, state, local and private landowners?
d. How might the Forest Service improve coordination with Tribes,
communities, and other agencies to support complementary efforts across
jurisdictional boundaries?
e. How might the Forest Service better support diversified forest
economies to help make forest dependent communities more resilient to
changing economic and ecological conditions?
Christopher French,
Deputy Chief, National Forest System, Forest Service.
[FR Doc. 2023-08429 Filed 4-20-23; 8:45 am]