Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request, 7535-7537 [2023-02294]
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 23 / Friday, February 3, 2023 / Notices
The Secretary of
Transportation, as represented by the
Maritime Administration (MARAD), is
authorized to issue coastwise
endorsement eligibility determinations
for foreign-built vessels which will carry
no more than twelve passengers for hire.
A request for such a determination has
been received by MARAD. By this
notice, MARAD seeks comments from
interested parties as to any effect this
action may have on U.S. vessel builders
or businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.flag vessels. Information about the
requestor’s vessel, including a brief
description of the proposed service, is
listed below.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
March 6, 2023.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by DOT Docket Number
MARAD–2023–0025 by any one of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Search
MARAD–2023–0025 and follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail or Hand Delivery: Docket
Management Facility is in the West
Building, Ground Floor of the U.S.
Department of Transportation. The
Docket Management Facility location
address is: U.S. Department of
Transportation, MARAD–2023–0025,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West
Building, Room W12–140, Washington,
DC 20590, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, except on
Federal holidays.
Note: If you mail or hand-deliver your
comments, we recommend that you include
your name and a mailing address, an email
address, or a telephone number in the body
of your document so that we can contact you
if we have questions regarding your
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
specific docket number. All comments
received will be posted without change
to the docket at,
including any personal information
provided. For detailed instructions on
submitting comments, or to submit
comments that are confidential in
nature, see the section entitled Public
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
James Mead, U.S. Department of
Transportation, Maritime
Administration, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Room W23–459,
Washington, DC 20590. Telephone 202–
366–5723, Email
described in the application, the
intended service of the vessel COCO is:
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—Intended Commercial Use of Vessel:
‘‘Passenger charter.’’
—Geographic Region Including Base of
Operations: ‘‘California.’’ (Base of
Operations: Marina Village Yacht
Harbor, Alameda, CA)
—Vessel Length and Type: 38′ Sail
The complete application is available
for review identified in the DOT docket
as MARAD 2023–0025 at https:// Interested parties
may comment on the effect this action
may have on U.S. vessel builders or
businesses in the U.S. that use U.S.-flag
vessels. If MARAD determines, in
accordance with 46 U.S.C. 12121 and
MARAD’s regulations at 46 CFR part
388, that the employment of the vessel
in the coastwise trade to carry no more
than 12 passengers will have an unduly
adverse effect on a U.S.-vessel builder or
a business that uses U.S.-flag vessels in
that business, MARAD will not issue an
approval of the vessel’s coastwise
endorsement eligibility. Comments
should refer to the vessel name, state the
commenter’s interest in the application,
and address the eligibility criteria given
in section 388.4 of MARAD’s
regulations at 46 CFR part 388.
Public Participation
How do I submit comments?
Please submit your comments,
including the attachments, following the
instructions provided under the above
heading entitled ADDRESSES. Be advised
that it may take a few hours or even
days for your comment to be reflected
on the docket. In addition, your
comments must be written in English.
We encourage you to provide concise
comments and you may attach
additional documents as necessary.
There is no limit on the length of the
should submit the information you
claim to be confidential commercial
information by email to SmallVessels@ Include in the email subject
heading ‘‘Contains Confidential
Commercial Information’’ or ‘‘Contains
CCI’’ and state in your submission, with
specificity, the basis for any such
confidential claim highlighting or
denoting the CCI portions. If possible,
please provide a summary of your
submission that can be made available
to the public.
In the event MARAD receives a
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request for the information, procedures
described in the Department’s FOIA
regulation at 49 CFR 7.29 will be
followed. Only information that is
ultimately determined to be confidential
under those procedures will be exempt
from disclosure under FOIA.
Privacy Act
Anyone can search the electronic
form of all comments received into any
of our dockets by the name of the
individual submitting the comment (or
signing the comment, if submitted on
behalf of an association, business, labor
union, etc.). For information on DOT’s
compliance with the Privacy Act, please
(Authority: 49 CFR 1.93(a), 46 U.S.C. 55103,
46 U.S.C. 12121.)
By Order of the Maritime Administrator.
T. Mitchell Hudson, Jr.,
Secretary, Maritime Administration.
[FR Doc. 2023–02223 Filed 2–2–23; 8:45 am]
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Where do I go to read public comments,
and find supporting information?
Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request
Go to the docket online at https://, keyword search
MARAD–2023–0025 or visit the Docket
Management Facility (see ADDRESSES for
hours of operation). We recommend that
you periodically check the Docket for
new submissions and supporting
Will my comments be made available to
the public?
Yes. Be aware that your entire
comment, including your personal
identifying information, will be made
publicly available.
May I submit comments confidentially?
If you wish to submit comments
under a claim of confidentiality, you
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Bureau of Transportation
Statistics (BTS) Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Research and Technology
ACTION: Submission for OMB Review;
Comment Request.
BTS within the Department of
Transportation has submitted the
following information collection
requirement to OMB for review and
clearance under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. This is the
second notice for public comment; the
first was published in the Federal
Register on November 16, 2022 and no
comments were received. BTS is
forwarding the proposed Data Security
Requirements for Accessing
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 23 / Friday, February 3, 2023 / Notices
Confidential Data information collection
to the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for clearance simultaneously
with the publication of this second
notice. The full submission may be
found at:
DATES: Comments regarding this
information collection are best assured
of having their full effect if received by
March 6, 2023.
Clara Reschovsky, BTS Confidentiality
Officer, BTS, OST–R, Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave.
SE, Room E36–324, Washington, DC
20590, (202) 768–4994, Office hours are
from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., E.T., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
not conduct or sponsor a collection of
information unless the collection of
information displays a currently valid
OMB control number and the agency
informs potential persons who are to
respond to the collection of information
that such persons are not required to
respond to the collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB
control number.
Comments: Comments regarding (a)
whether the collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of
the functions of BTS, including whether
the information will have practical
utility; (b) the accuracy of BTS estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, use, and clarity of the
information to be collected, including
through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on those who are to respond, including
through the use of appropriate
automated or other forms of information
technology should be addressed to the
points of contact in the FOR FURTHER
Title of Collection: Data Security
Requirements for Accessing
Confidential Data.
OMB Control Number: DOT–OST–
Summary of Collection: Title III of the
Foundations for Evidence-Based
Policymaking Act of 2018 (44 U.S.C.
3583; hereafter referred to as the
Evidence Act) mandates that OMB
establish a Standard Application
Process (SAP) for requesting access to
certain confidential data assets. While
the adoption of the SAP is required for
statistical agencies and units designated
under the Confidential Information
Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act
of 2018 (CIPSEA), it is recognized that
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other agencies and organizational units
within the Executive Branch may
benefit from the adoption of the SAP to
accept applications for access to
confidential data assets. The SAP is to
be a process through which agencies,
the Congressional Budget Office, State,
local, and Tribal governments,
researchers, and other individuals, as
appropriate, may apply to access
confidential data assets held by a federal
statistical agency or unit for the
purposes of developing evidence. With
the Interagency Council on Statistical
Policy (ICSP) as advisors, the entities
upon whom this requirement is levied
are working with the SAP Project
Management Office (PMO) and with
OMB to implement the SAP.
The SAP Portal is to be a single webbased common application designed to
collect information from individuals
requesting access to confidential data
assets from federal statistical agencies
and units. When an application for
confidential data is approved through
the SAP Portal, BTS will collect
information to fulfill its data security
requirements. This is a required step
before providing the individual with
access to restricted use microdata for the
purpose of evidence building. BTS data
security agreements and other
paperwork, along with the
corresponding security protocols, allow
BTS to maintain careful controls on
confidentiality and privacy, as required
by law. BTS’s collection of data security
information will occur outside of the
SAP Portal.
The following bullets outline the
major components and processes in and
around the SAP Portal, leading up to
BTS’s collection of security
• SAP Policy: At the recommendation
of the ICSP, the SAP Policy establishes
the SAP to be implemented by statistical
agencies and units and incorporates
directives from the Evidence Act. The
SAP Policy may be found in OMB
Memorandum 23–04.
• The SAP Portal: The SAP Portal is
an application interface connecting
applicants seeking data with a catalog of
metadata for data assets owned by the
federal statistical agencies and units.
The SAP Portal is not a new data
repository or warehouse; confidential
data assets will continue to be stored in
secure data access facilities owned and
hosted by the federal statistical agencies
and units. The Portal provides a
streamlined application process across
agencies, reducing redundancies in the
application process.
• Data Discovery: Individuals begin
the process of accessing restricted use
data by discovering confidential data
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assets through the SAP metadata
catalog, maintained by federal statistical
agencies at
• SAP Portal Application Process:
Individuals who have identified and
wish to access confidential data assets
apply through the SAP Portal.
Applicants must create an account and
follow all steps to complete the
application. Applicants enter personal,
contact, and institutional information
for the research team and provide
summary information about their
proposed project.
• Submission for Review: Agencies
approve or reject an application within
a prompt timeframe. Agencies may also
request applicants to revise and
resubmit their application.
• Access to Confidential Data:
Approved applicants are notified
through the SAP Portal that their
proposal has been accepted. This
concludes the SAP Portal process.
Agencies will contact approved
applicants to initiate completion of their
security documents. The completion
and submission of the agency’s security
requirements will take place outside of
the SAP Portal.
• Collection of Information for Data
Security Requirements: In the instance
of a positive determination for an
application requesting access to a BTSowned confidential data asset, BTS will
contact the applicant(s) to initiate the
process of collecting information to
fulfill its data security requirements.
This process allows BTS to place the
applicant(s) in a trusted access category.
Estimate of Burden: The amount of
time to complete the agreements and
other paperwork that comprise BTS’s
security requirements will vary based
on the confidential data assets
requested. To obtain access to BTS
confidential data assets, it is estimated
that the average time to complete and
submit BTS’s data security agreements
and other paperwork is 90 minutes. This
estimate does not include the time
needed to complete and submit an
application within the SAP Portal. All
efforts related to SAP Portal
applications occur prior to and separate
from BTS’s effort to collect information
related to data security requirements.
The expected number of applications
in the SAP Portal that receive a positive
determination from BTS in a given year
may vary. Overall, per year, BTS
estimates it will collect data security
information for five application
submissions that received a positive
determination within the SAP Portal.
BTS estimates that the total burden for
the collection of information for data
security requirements over the course of
the three-year OMB clearance will be
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 23 / Friday, February 3, 2023 / Notices
about 22.5 hours and, as a result, an
average annual burden of 7.5 hours.
Comments: As required by 5 FR
1320.8(d), comments on the information
collection activities as part of this study
were solicited through the publication
of a 60-Day Notice in the Federal
Register on November 16, 2022. BTS
received no comments.
Issued in Washington, DC, on the 31st of
January 2023.
Cha-Chi Fan,
Director, Office of Data Development and
Standards, Bureau of Transportation
Statistics, Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Research and Technology.
[FR Doc. 2023–02294 Filed 2–2–23; 8:45 am]
Office of the Comptroller of the
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Information Collection
Renewal; Submission for OMB Review;
Recordkeeping Requirements for
Securities Transactions
Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency (OCC), Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for comment.
The OCC, as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, invites
comment on a continuing information
collection, as required by the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). In
accordance with the requirements of the
PRA, the OCC may not conduct or
sponsor, and the respondent is not
required to respond to, an information
collection unless it displays a currently
valid Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) control number. The OCC is
soliciting comment concerning the
renewal of its information collection
titled, ‘‘Recordkeeping Requirements for
Securities Transactions.’’ The OCC also
is giving notice that it has sent the
collection to OMB for review.
DATES: You should submit comments by
March 6, 2023.
ADDRESSES: Commenters are encouraged
to submit comments by email, if
possible. You may submit comments by
any of the following methods:
• Email:
• Mail: Chief Counsel’s Office,
Attention: Comment Processing, 1557–
0142, Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency, 400 7th Street SW, Suite 3E–
218, Washington, DC 20219.
• Hand Delivery/Courier: 400 7th
Street SW, Suite 3E–218, Washington,
DC 20219.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
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• Fax: (571) 293–4835.
Instructions: You must include
‘‘OCC’’ as the agency name and ‘‘1557–
0142’’ in your comment. In general, the
OCC will publish comments on without change,
including any business or personal
information provided, such as name and
address information, email addresses, or
phone numbers. Comments received,
including attachments and other
supporting materials, are part of the
public record and subject to public
disclosure. Do not include any
information in your comment or
supporting materials that you consider
confidential or inappropriate for public
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should also be
sent within 30 days of publication of
this notice to
do/PRAMain. You can find this
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
You may review comments and other
related materials that pertain to this
information collection following the
close of the 30-day comment period for
this notice by the method set forth in
the next bullet.
• Viewing Comments Electronically:
Go to Hover over the
‘‘Information Collection Review’’ tab
and click on ‘‘Information Collection
Review’’ from the drop-down menu.
From the ‘‘Currently under Review’’
drop-down menu, select ‘‘Department of
Treasury’’ and then click ‘‘submit.’’ This
information collection can be located by
searching by OMB control number
‘‘1557–0142’’ or ‘‘Recordkeeping
Requirements for Securities
Transactions.’’ Upon finding the
appropriate information collection, click
on the related ‘‘ICR Reference Number.’’
On the next screen, select ‘‘View
Supporting Statement and Other
Documents’’ and then click on the link
to any comment listed at the bottom of
the screen.
• For assistance in navigating, please contact the
Regulatory Information Service Center
at (202) 482–7340.
Shaquita Merritt, Clearance Officer,
(202) 649–5490, Chief Counsel’s Office,
Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency, 400 7th Street SW,
Washington, DC 20219. If you are deaf,
hard of hearing, or have a speech
disability, please dial 7–1–1 to access
telecommunications relay services.
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Under the
PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), Federal
agencies must obtain approval from the
OMB for each collection of information
that they conduct or sponsor.
‘‘Collection of information’’ is defined
in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR
1320.3(c) to include agency requests
and/or requirements that members of
the public submit reports, keep records,
or provide information to a third party.
The OCC asks the OMB to extend its
approval of the collection in this notice.
Title: Recordkeeping Requirements
for Securities Transactions.
OMB Number: 1557–0142.
Abstract: The information collection
requirements in 12 CFR parts 12 and
151 are designed to ensure that national
banks and Federal savings associations
comply with the banking and securities
laws and improve the protections
afforded to persons who purchase and
sell securities through these financial
institutions. Parts 12 and 151 establish
recordkeeping and confirmation
requirements applicable to certain
securities transactions effected by
national banks and Federal savings
associations for customers. The
transaction confirmation information
required by these regulations ensures
that customers receive a record of each
securities transaction and that both
financial institutions and the OCC have
the records necessary to monitor
compliance with the banking and
securities laws and regulations. The
OCC uses the required information in
the course of its examinations to
evaluate, among other things, an
institution’s compliance with the
antifraud provisions of the Federal
securities laws.
The information collection
requirements contained in 12 CFR parts
12 and 151 are as follows:
• Twelve CFR 12.3 requires a national
bank effecting securities transactions for
customers to maintain certain records
for at least three years. The records
required by this section must clearly
and accurately reflect the information
required and provide an adequate basis
for audit of the information. Section
12.3(b) permits the use of a third-party
service provider for records
• Twelve CFR 151.50 requires a
Federal savings association effecting
securities transactions for customers to
maintain certain records for at least
three years. Twelve CFR 151.60
provides that the records required by
§ 151.50 must clearly and accurately
reflect the information required and
provide an adequate basis for audit of
the information. Section 151.60(b)
[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 23 (Friday, February 3, 2023)]
[Pages 7535-7537]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2023-02294]
Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request
AGENCY: Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R), DOT.
ACTION: Submission for OMB Review; Comment Request.
SUMMARY: BTS within the Department of Transportation has submitted the
following information collection requirement to OMB for review and
clearance under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. This is the second
notice for public comment; the first was published in the Federal
Register on November 16, 2022 and no comments were received. BTS is
forwarding the proposed Data Security Requirements for Accessing
[[Page 7536]]
Confidential Data information collection to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for clearance simultaneously with the publication of
this second notice. The full submission may be found at:
DATES: Comments regarding this information collection are best assured
of having their full effect if received by March 6, 2023.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Clara Reschovsky, BTS Confidentiality
Officer, BTS, OST-R, Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Ave.
SE, Room E36-324, Washington, DC 20590, (202) 768-4994, Office hours
are from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., E.T., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: BTS may not conduct or sponsor a collection
of information unless the collection of information displays a
currently valid OMB control number and the agency informs potential
persons who are to respond to the collection of information that such
persons are not required to respond to the collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Comments: Comments regarding (a) whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of
BTS, including whether the information will have practical utility; (b)
the accuracy of BTS estimate of the burden of the proposed collection
of information; (c) ways to enhance the quality, use, and clarity of
the information to be collected, including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of information technology; (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on those
who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate automated
or other forms of information technology should be addressed to the
points of contact in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section.
Title of Collection: Data Security Requirements for Accessing
Confidential Data.
OMB Control Number: DOT-OST-2022-0130.
Summary of Collection: Title III of the Foundations for Evidence-
Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (44 U.S.C. 3583; hereafter referred to
as the Evidence Act) mandates that OMB establish a Standard Application
Process (SAP) for requesting access to certain confidential data
assets. While the adoption of the SAP is required for statistical
agencies and units designated under the Confidential Information
Protection and Statistical Efficiency Act of 2018 (CIPSEA), it is
recognized that other agencies and organizational units within the
Executive Branch may benefit from the adoption of the SAP to accept
applications for access to confidential data assets. The SAP is to be a
process through which agencies, the Congressional Budget Office, State,
local, and Tribal governments, researchers, and other individuals, as
appropriate, may apply to access confidential data assets held by a
federal statistical agency or unit for the purposes of developing
evidence. With the Interagency Council on Statistical Policy (ICSP) as
advisors, the entities upon whom this requirement is levied are working
with the SAP Project Management Office (PMO) and with OMB to implement
the SAP.
The SAP Portal is to be a single web-based common application
designed to collect information from individuals requesting access to
confidential data assets from federal statistical agencies and units.
When an application for confidential data is approved through the SAP
Portal, BTS will collect information to fulfill its data security
requirements. This is a required step before providing the individual
with access to restricted use microdata for the purpose of evidence
building. BTS data security agreements and other paperwork, along with
the corresponding security protocols, allow BTS to maintain careful
controls on confidentiality and privacy, as required by law. BTS's
collection of data security information will occur outside of the SAP
The following bullets outline the major components and processes in
and around the SAP Portal, leading up to BTS's collection of security
SAP Policy: At the recommendation of the ICSP, the SAP
Policy establishes the SAP to be implemented by statistical agencies
and units and incorporates directives from the Evidence Act. The SAP
Policy may be found in OMB Memorandum 23-04.
The SAP Portal: The SAP Portal is an application interface
connecting applicants seeking data with a catalog of metadata for data
assets owned by the federal statistical agencies and units. The SAP
Portal is not a new data repository or warehouse; confidential data
assets will continue to be stored in secure data access facilities
owned and hosted by the federal statistical agencies and units. The
Portal provides a streamlined application process across agencies,
reducing redundancies in the application process.
Data Discovery: Individuals begin the process of accessing
restricted use data by discovering confidential data assets through the
SAP metadata catalog, maintained by federal statistical agencies at
SAP Portal Application Process: Individuals who have
identified and wish to access confidential data assets apply through
the SAP Portal. Applicants must create an account and follow all steps
to complete the application. Applicants enter personal, contact, and
institutional information for the research team and provide summary
information about their proposed project.
Submission for Review: Agencies approve or reject an
application within a prompt timeframe. Agencies may also request
applicants to revise and resubmit their application.
Access to Confidential Data: Approved applicants are
notified through the SAP Portal that their proposal has been accepted.
This concludes the SAP Portal process. Agencies will contact approved
applicants to initiate completion of their security documents. The
completion and submission of the agency's security requirements will
take place outside of the SAP Portal.
Collection of Information for Data Security Requirements:
In the instance of a positive determination for an application
requesting access to a BTS-owned confidential data asset, BTS will
contact the applicant(s) to initiate the process of collecting
information to fulfill its data security requirements. This process
allows BTS to place the applicant(s) in a trusted access category.
Estimate of Burden: The amount of time to complete the agreements
and other paperwork that comprise BTS's security requirements will vary
based on the confidential data assets requested. To obtain access to
BTS confidential data assets, it is estimated that the average time to
complete and submit BTS's data security agreements and other paperwork
is 90 minutes. This estimate does not include the time needed to
complete and submit an application within the SAP Portal. All efforts
related to SAP Portal applications occur prior to and separate from
BTS's effort to collect information related to data security
The expected number of applications in the SAP Portal that receive
a positive determination from BTS in a given year may vary. Overall,
per year, BTS estimates it will collect data security information for
five application submissions that received a positive determination
within the SAP Portal. BTS estimates that the total burden for the
collection of information for data security requirements over the
course of the three-year OMB clearance will be
[[Page 7537]]
about 22.5 hours and, as a result, an average annual burden of 7.5
Comments: As required by 5 FR 1320.8(d), comments on the
information collection activities as part of this study were solicited
through the publication of a 60-Day Notice in the Federal Register on
November 16, 2022. BTS received no comments.
Issued in Washington, DC, on the 31st of January 2023.
Cha-Chi Fan,
Director, Office of Data Development and Standards, Bureau of
Transportation Statistics, Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Research and Technology.
[FR Doc. 2023-02294 Filed 2-2-23; 8:45 am]