Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Technical Corrections for 62 Wildlife and Plant Species on the Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants, 7134-7177 [2023-01025]
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS–R1–ES–2022–0062;
RIN 1018–BG77
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Technical Corrections for
62 Wildlife and Plant Species on the
Lists of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife and Plants
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Direct final rule.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), announce
technical corrections for 62 wildlife and
plant species under the Endangered
Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act).
These corrections include changes to
scientific names of 11 wildlife species
and 14 plant species due to taxonomic
reclassification; changes to common
names of 21 wildlife species and 13
plant species; and corrections to errors
in scientific or common names, listing
citations, or taxonomic heading
placement for 4 wildlife species and 14
plant species. We are revising the List
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and the List of Endangered and
Threatened Plants (‘‘the Lists’’) to reflect
the current scientifically accepted
taxonomy and nomenclature of these
species that occur in Idaho and the
Pacific islands.
DATES: This rule is effective May 3, 2023
without further action, unless
significant adverse comment is received
by March 6, 2023. If significant adverse
comment is received regarding
taxonomic changes for any of these
species, we will publish a timely
Public Comments
You may submit your comments and
materials regarding the taxonomic
revisions, identified below in table 1, by
one of the methods listed in ADDRESSES.
Please include sufficient information
with your comments to allow us to
verify any scientific or commercial
information you include. We will not
consider comments sent by email or fax,
or to an address not listed in ADDRESSES.
We will post all comments on https://
www.regulations.gov. Before including
your address, phone number, email
address, or other personal information
in your comment, you should be aware
that your entire comment—including
your personal identifying information—
may be made publicly available at any
time. While you can ask us in your
comment to withhold your personal
identifying information from public
review, we cannot guarantee that we
will be able to do so.
Comments and materials we receive,
as well as supporting documentation we
use in preparing this direct final rule,
will be available for public inspection
on the internet at https://
www.regulations.gov. Please note that
comments posted to https://
www.regulations.gov are not
immediately viewable. When you
submit a comment, the system receives
it immediately. However, the comment
will not be publicly viewable until we
post it, which might not occur until
several days after submission.
Information regarding this rule is
available in alternative formats upon
Species-Specific Inquiries and
For information pertaining to specific
species, please contact our Ecological
Services field offices as follows:
Contact person
Contact phone and email
Contact address
Pacific islands species.
Megan Laut, Fish and Wildlife Biologist ...
808–792–9400; megan_laut@fws.gov .....
Idaho snails .............
Greg Burak, Fish and Wildlife Biologist ....
208–378–5654; greg_burak@fws.gov ......
Pacific Islands Fish and Wildlife Office, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 300 Ala Moana Blvd., Room 3–
122, Honolulu, HI 96813.
Idaho Fish and Wildlife Office, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 1387 S Vinnell Way, Room 368, Boise, ID
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
withdrawal of the relevant portions of
the rule in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by one of the following methods:
• Electronically: Go to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov. In the Search box,
enter FWS–R1–ES–2022–0062, which is
the docket number for this rulemaking.
Then, click on the Search button. On the
resulting page, in the Search panel on
the left side of the screen, under the
Document Type heading, click on the
Rule box to locate this document. You
may submit a comment by clicking on
• By hard copy: Submit comments by
U.S. mail or hand-delivery to: Public
Comments Processing, Attn: FWS–R1–
ES–2022–0062, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, MS: PRB/3W, 5275 Leesburg
Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041–3803.
See Public Comments in
more information about submitting
Marilet Zablan, Program Manager for
Restoration and Endangered Species
Classification, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Pacific Regional Office,
Ecological Services, 911 NE 11th
Avenue, Portland, OR 97232; telephone
503–231–6131. Individuals in the
United States who are deaf, deafblind,
hard of hearing, or have a speech
disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or
TeleBraille) to access
telecommunications relay services.
Individuals outside the United States
should use the relay services offered
within their country to make
international calls to the point-ofcontact in the United States.
See Species-specific Inquiries and
Information in SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION, below, for relevant names
and contact information.
The List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and the List of
Endangered and Threatened Plants (‘‘the
Lists’’), set forth in title 50 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 17.11
and 17.12, respectively, contain the
names of endangered species and
threatened species federally listed
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pursuant to the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
The regulations at 50 CFR 17.11(c)
and 17.12(b) require us to use the most
recently accepted scientific name of any
wildlife or plant species, respectively,
that we have determined to be an
endangered or threatened species.
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Purpose of Direct Final Rule and Final
The purpose of this direct final rule
is to notify the public that we are
revising the Lists at 50 CFR 17.11(h) and
17.12(h) to reflect scientifically accepted
taxonomy and nomenclature for 23
wildlife species and 26 plant species
listed under section 4 of the Act. These
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
changes to the Lists of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and Plants reflect
the most recently accepted scientific
names in accordance with 50 CFR
17.11(c) and 17.12(b).
We are publishing this rule without a
prior proposal because this is a
noncontroversial action that is in the
best interest of the public and should be
undertaken in as timely a manner as
possible. For the taxonomic revisions
provided below in table 1, this rule will
be effective, as published in this
document, on the effective date
specified in DATES, unless we receive
significant adverse comments on or
before the comment due date specified
in DATES. Significant adverse comments
are comments that provide strong
justifications as to why this rule should
not be adopted or why it should be
If we receive significant adverse
comments regarding the taxonomic
changes for any of the species included
in table 1, below, we will publish a
document in the Federal Register
withdrawing this rule for the
appropriate species before the effective
date, and we will publish a proposed
rule to initiate promulgation of those
changes to 50 CFR 17.11(h) and/or
In addition, we are notifying the
public that we have identified editorial
errors in the Lists, and they will be
corrected on the effective date of this
rule (see DATES, above). The identified
errors are provided below in table 2.
While you may submit comments by
one of the methods listed in ADDRESSES
on the corrections provided below in
table 2, we consider these corrections
purely administrative, and we intend to
make these editorial corrections on the
effective date of this rule.
None of these changes are regulatory
in nature; they are for accuracy and
clarity. These revisions do not alter
species’ protections or status in any
way. Any actions altering a species’
protection or status would require a
separate rulemaking action following
the procedures of 50 CFR part 424.
Summary Tables of Taxonomic
Changes and Editorial Corrections
Table 1 provides taxonomic changes
we are making to reflect the
scientifically accepted taxonomy and
nomenclature of 23 wildlife and 26
plant species listed under section 4 of
the Act. These changes reflect the most
recently accepted scientific
nomenclature in accordance with 50
CFR 17.11(c) and 17.12(b). The second
column of table 1 also identifies correct
usage of Hawaiian and Chamorro
diacritical marks in common names for
certain species; however, as we explain
below, the text to be codified in the CFR
will omit diacritical marks. Thus,
corrections to common names that
involve only addition of diacritical
marks will not result in changes in the
Species name as currently listed
Corrected species name
Common name [scientific name]
Common name [scientific name]
§ 17.11
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
Hawaiian hoary bat [Lasiurus cinereus semotus] ....................................
Hawaiian hoary bat (1o¯pe1ape1a) [Aeorestes semotus].
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Crested honeycreeper (Akohekohe) [Palmeria dolei] ..............................
Oahu creeper [Paroreomyza maculata] ...................................................
Hawaiian coot [Fulica americana alai] .....................................................
Hawaii creeper [Oreomystis mana] ..........................................................
Hawaiian crow [Corvus hawaiiensis] ........................................................
Mariana crow [Corvus kubaryi] .................................................................
Hawaiian duck [Anas wyvilliana] ..............................................................
Laysan finch (honeycreeper) [Telespyza cantans] ..................................
Nihoa finch (honeycreeper) [Telespyza ultima] ........................................
Guam Micronesian kingfisher [Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina] .....
Micronesian (=La Perouse’s) megapode [Megapodius laperouse] ..........
Mariana common moorhen [Gallinula chloropus guami] .........................
Molokai thrush [Myadestes lanaiensis rutha] ...........................................
Small Kauai thrush [Myadestes palmeri] ..................................................
Hawaiian petrel [Pterodroma sandwichensis] ..........................................
Guam rail [Rallus owstoni] .......................................................................
Newell’s Townsend’s shearwater [Puffinus auricularis newelli] ...............
Band-rumped storm-petrel (Hawaii DPS) [Oceanodroma castro] ............
Mariana gray swiftlet [Aerodramus vanikorensis bartschi] .......................
Rota bridled white-eye [Zosterops rotensis] .............................................
1A¯kohekohe (crested honeycreeper) [Palmeria dolei].
O1ahu 1alauahio [Paroreomyza maculata].
Hawaiian coot (1alae ke1oke1o) [Fulica alai].
Hawaii creeper (1alawı¯) [Loxops mana].
Hawaiian crow (1alala¯) [Corvus hawaiiensis].
Mariana crow (a˚ga) [Corvus kubaryi].
Hawaiian duck (koloa maoli) [Anas wyvilliana].
Laysan finch [Telespiza cantans].
Nihoa finch [Telespiza ultima].
Guam kingfisher (sihek) [Todiramphus cinnamominus].
Micronesian megapode (sasangat) [Megapodius laperouse].
Mariana common moorhen (pulattat) [Gallinula chloropus guami].
Moloka1i oloma1o [Myadestes lanaiensis rutha].
Puaiohi [Myadestes palmeri].
Hawaiian petrel (1ua1u) [Pterodroma sandwichensis].
Guam rail (ko1ko1) [Gallirallus owstoni].
Newell’s shearwater (1a1o) [Puffinus newelli].
Band-rumped storm-petrel (1ake¯1ake¯) (Hawaii DPS) [Hydrobates castro].
Mariana swiftlet (yayaguak) [Aerodramus bartschi].
Rota white-eye (nosa1 Luta) [Zosterops rotensis].
Banbury Springs limpet [Lanx sp.] ...........................................................
Snake River physa snail [Physa natricina] ...............................................
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Banbury Springs limpet [Idaholanx fresti].
Snake River physa snail [Physella natricina].
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Species name as currently listed
Corrected species name
§ 17.12
Endangered and Threatened Plants
Scientific name [common name]
Scientific name [common name]
Abutilon menziesii [ko1oloa1ula] .................................................................
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum [1ahinahina] ...............
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense [1ahinahina] ....................
Chamaesyce skottsbergii var. skottsbergii [akoko (Ewa Plains akoko)] ..
Cyrtandra crenata [ha1iwale] .....................................................................
Cyrtandra limahuliensis [haiwale] .............................................................
Gardenia brighamii [Hawaiian gardenia (na1u)] ........................................
Kanaloa kahoolawensis [kohe malama malama o kanaloa] ....................
Kokia cookei [Cooke’s koki1o] ...................................................................
Kokia drynarioides [koki1o] ........................................................................
Kokia kauaiensis [koki1o] ..........................................................................
Mucuna sloanei var. persericea [sea bean] .............................................
Platydesma cornuta var. cornuta [no common name] .............................
Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens [no common name] .........................
Platydesma remyi [no common name] .....................................................
Platydesma rostrata [pilo kea lau lii] ........................................................
Pleomele fernaldii [hala pepe] ..................................................................
Pleomele forbesii [hala pepe] ...................................................................
Pleomele hawaiiensis [hala pepe] ............................................................
Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis [kopiko] ..........................................
Abutilon menziesii [ko1oloa1ula].
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum [1a¯hinahina].
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense [1a¯hinahina].
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii [1akoko].
Cyrtandra crenata [ha1iwale].
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae [ha1iwale].
Gardenia brighamii [na¯nu¯].
Kanaloa kahoolawensis [kohe malama malama o Kanaloa, ka palupalu
o Kanaloa].
Kokia cookei [koki1o].
Kokia drynarioides [koki1o].
Kokia kauaiensis [koki1o].
Mucuna persericea [sea bean].
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta [no common name].
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens [no common name].
Melicope remyi [no common name].
Melicope rostrata [pilo kea lau li1i].
Dracaena fernaldii [hala pepe].
Dracaena forbesii [hala pepe].
Dracaena konaensis [hala pepe].
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis [ko¯piko].
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Adenophorus periens [pendent kihi fern] .................................................
Asplenium dielerectum [asplenium-leaved diellia] ...................................
Cyclosorus boydiae [kupukupu makalii] ...................................................
Huperzia mannii [wawae1iole] ...................................................................
Huperzia nutans [wawaeiole] ...................................................................
Huperzia stemmermanniae [no common name] ......................................
Table 2 identifies the editorial
corrections we are making in this rule.
In table 2 (and the text), ‘‘2016
Reformatting’’ refers to an August 4,
2016, final rule (81 FR 51550) that the
Service published to update the format
of the Lists. The purpose of the 2016
Reformatting was to make the Lists
easier to understand by changing the
format to reflect current practices and
standards, to correct identified errors in
entries such as footnotes and spelling,
and to update common names, among
other changes. Following publication of
the 2016 Reformatting we identified
editorial errors in the updated Lists.
Reference in table 2 to ‘‘80 FR 59424’’
indicates the citation for the final rule
listing 23 species in Micronesia (80 FR
59424; October 1, 2015), which
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Adenophorus periens [palai la¯1au].
Asplenium dielerectum [no common name].
Menisciopsis boydiae [kupukupu makali1i].
Phlegmariurus mannii [wa¯wae1iole].
Phlegmariurus nutans [wa¯wae1iole].
Phlegmariurus stemmermanniae [no common name].
incorrectly listed Cycas micronesica
under the taxonomic subheading
‘‘Flowering Plants.’’ The third column
of table 2 also identifies correct usage of
Hawaiian diacritical marks in common
names for certain species; however, as
we explain below, the text to be codified
in the CFR will omit diacritical marks.
Five species are listed in both table 1
and table 2. For the Guam kingfisher, we
consider the changes to the scientific
name and English common name to be
editorial corrections, while
parenthetical addition of the Chamorro
common name is a revision in
nomenclature. For the Guam rail, we
consider the changes to the listing
citations to be editorial corrections,
while the change in scientific name and
parenthetical addition of the Chamorro
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common name are revisions in
nomenclature. For Argyroxiphium
sandwicense ssp. sandwicense, we
consider the changes to the listing
citations to be an editorial correction,
while the change in the common name
is a revision in nomenclature. For
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii,
we consider the changes to scientific
name and listing citations to be editorial
corrections, while the change in the
common name is a revision in
nomenclature. For Phlegmariurus
nutans, we consider the changes to the
listing citations and critical habitat
designation’s CFR citation to be
editorial corrections, while the change
in the scientific name is a revision in
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Current listed name
Error: action
Guam Micronesian kingfisher [Halcyon cinnamomina
Guam rail [Rallus owstoni] ...........................................
Flying earwig Hawaiian damselfly [Megalagrion
Pacific Hawaiian damselfly [Megalagrion pacificum] ...
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct English common
name and scientific name; correct listing citations
to refer to critical habitat designation by its CFR citation.
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct listing citation for
first Guam rail entry (endangered) to remove expired emergency listing rule and misplaced experimental population rule.
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct listing citation ........
Guam kingfisher [Todiramphus cinnamominus]; remove ‘‘69 FR 62943; 10/28/2004’’.
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct listing citation ........
75 FR 35990, 6/24/2010.
Remove ‘‘49 FR 14354; 4/11/1984’’ and ‘‘54 FR
43966; 10/30/1989’’.
75 FR 35990, 6/24/2010.
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense
Chamaesyce skottsbergii var. skottsbergii [Akoko
(Ewa Plains akoko)].
Cyanea gibsonii [no common name] ............................
Cyanea humboltiana [haha] .........................................
Cyanea platyphylla [haha] ............................................
Cycas micronesica [fadang, faadang] ..........................
Delissea rivularis [haha] ...............................................
Hedyotis cookiana [awiwi] ............................................
Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora [large-flowered
woolly meadowfoam].
Mezoneuron kavaiense [uhi uhi] ..................................
Plantago hawaienis [laukahi kuahiwi] ...........................
Asplenium (=Diellia) dielfalcatum (=falcate) [no common name].
Asplenium (=Diellia) dielpallicum (=pallida) [no common name].
Huperzia nutans [wawaeiole] .......................................
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Description of Taxonomic Revisions
and Editorial Corrections
Using the best available scientific
information, this direct final rule
documents taxonomic changes of the
scientific names to 11 entries on the List
of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
(50 CFR 17.11(h)) and 14 entries on the
List of Endangered and Threatened
Plants (50 CFR 17.12(h)). The basis for
these taxonomic changes is supported
by published studies in peer-reviewed
Accordingly, we revise the scientific
names of these wildlife species under
section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
seq.) as follows: Hawaiian hoary bat
(Aeorestes semotus), Hawaiian coot
(Fulica alai), Hawaii creeper (Loxops
mana), Laysan finch (Telespiza
cantans), Nihoa finch (Telespiza
ultima), Guam rail (Gallirallus owstoni),
Newell’s shearwater (Puffinus newelli),
band-rumped storm-petrel (Hydrobates
castro), Mariana swiftlet (Aerodramus
bartschi), Banbury Springs limpet
(Idaholanx fresti), and Snake River
physa snail (Physella natricina). We
make these changes to the List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife to
reflect the most recently accepted
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Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct date in listing citation.
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct scientific name;
correct listing citations to refer to critical habitat
designation by its CFR citation.
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct common name ......
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct scientific name ......
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct common name ......
Error in 80 FR 59424: Correct taxonomic subheading
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct scientific name;
correct listing citations to refer to critical habitat
designation by its CFR citation.
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct scientific name ......
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct scientific name ......
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii; remove ‘‘77
FR 57647; 9/18/2012’’.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Move under subheading ‘‘Conifers and Allies’’.
Cyanea rivularis; remove ‘‘68 FR 9115; 2/27/2003’’.
Kadua cookiana.
Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct common name ......
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct scientific name ......
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct scientific name ......
Plantago hawaiensis.
Asplenium (=Diellia) dielfalcatum (=falcata).
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct scientific name ......
Asplenium (=Diellia) dielpallidum (=pallida).
Error in 2016 Formatting: Correct listing citation and
a critical habitat designation’s CFR citation.
59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1);CH 50
CFR 17.99(i).CH
scientific names in accordance with 50
CFR 17.11(c). Additionally, common
names of 21 wildlife species (including
9 of the above species: Hawaiian hoary
bat, Hawaiian coot, Hawaii creeper,
Laysan finch, Nihoa finch, Guam rail,
Newell’s shearwater, band-rumped
storm-petrel, and Mariana swiftlet) are
revised to reflect currently accepted
usage and/or to include accepted
common names in the Hawaiian or
Chamorro languages. The first common
name listed is the one used by the
primary taxonomic authority for the
appropriate taxonomic group (e.g.,
American Society of Mammalogists,
American Ornithological Society,
MolluscaBase), while alternative names
are presented parenthetically.
Similarly, we revise the scientific
names of these plant species under
section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
seq.) as follows: Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae (ha1iwale), Mucuna persericea
(sea bean), Melicope cornuta var.
cornuta (no common name), Melicope
cornuta var. decurrens (no common
name), Melicope remyi (no common
name), Melicope rostrata (pilo kea lau
li1i), Dracaena fernaldii (hala pepe),
Dracaena forbesii (hala pepe), Dracaena
konaensis (hala pepe), Psychotria
hexandra var. oahuensis (ko¯piko),
Menisciopsis boydiae (kupukupu
makali1i), Phlegmariurus mannii
(wa¯wae1iole), Phlegmariurus nutans
(wa¯wae1iole), and Phlegmariurus
stemmermanniae (no common name).
Additionally, common names of 13
plant species are revised to reflect
currently accepted usage or for
orthographic consistency.
Several species that are the subjects of
the taxonomic revisions or editorial
corrections in this direct final rule have
a designated experimental population or
critical habitat. For clarity and
consistency, we are revising the text of
the experimental population for Guam
rail (50 CFR 17.84(f)) to correct the
scientific name. We are also revising the
text of the critical habitat for the
following species where necessary to
correct scientific or common names:
Guam kingfisher (Todiramphus
cinnamominus) and Rota white-eye
(Zosterops rotensis) at § 17.95;
Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora
(large-flowered woolly meadowfoam) at
§ 17.96; and Cyanea rivularis (haha),
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae
(ha1iwale), Dracaena forbesii (hala
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
pepe), Dracaena konaensis (hala pepe),
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergi
(1akoko), Kadua cookiana (awiwi), Kokia
cookei (koki1o), Melicope cornuta var.
cornuta (no common name), Melicope
cornuta var. decurrens (no common
name), Melicope rostrata (pilo kea lau
li1i), Mucuna persericea (sea bean),
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis
(ko¯piko), Adenophorus periens (palai
la¯1au), Asplenium dielerectum (no
common name), Asplenium
dielfalcatum (no common name),
Asplenium dielpallidum (no common
name), Phlegmariurus mannii
(wa¯wae1iole), and Phlegmariurus nutans
(wa¯wae1iole) at § 17.99. These revisions
are not regulatory in nature and do not
alter the boundaries of critical habitat or
the protections of the Act in any way.
The 2016 Reformatting (81 FR 51550;
August 4, 2016) inadvertently
introduced typographic errors in
scientific names, common names, or
listing citations for several listed
species. This rule also did not fully
incorporate corrections to the Lists that
had previously been made in the direct
final rules published on June 23, 2015
(80 FR 35860) and February 17, 2016 (81
FR 8004) and a final critical habitat rule
published on March 30, 2016 (81 FR
17790). As summarized above in table 2,
we are updating the Lists to correct
these and several other errors.
We prefer to, and will, include
Hawaiian and Chamorro language
spellings, including diacritical marks, to
the degree possible and appropriate in
the preambles of our Federal Register
documents. For the text to be codified
in the CFR, however, we will omit
diacritical marks to ensure that no errors
are inadvertently incorporated during
the codification process.
We make other minor editorial
corrections to the Lists to ensure
uniformity and clarity in the way we
present information in the ‘‘Listing
citations and applicable rules’’ columns.
The information in these columns is not
regulatory but is presented as helpful
information for the reader.
These revisions and corrections are
not regulatory in nature; they are
administrative and for the purpose of
clarity. The corrections do not alter
species’ protections, listing status, or
critical habitat; an action changing a
species’ protections, listing status, or
critical habitat would require a separate
rulemaking following the procedures set
forth at 50 CFR part 424.
Taxonomic Classification
Hawaiian Hoary Bat
The Hawaiian hoary bat was
originally listed as endangered (35 FR
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16047; October 13, 1970) under the
scientific name Lasiurus cinereus
semotus. However, genetic analyses of
mitochondrial and nuclear DNA (Baird
et al. 2015, pp. 10–13; Baird et al. 2017,
pp. 18–22; Baird et al. 2021, pp. 285–
288) resulted in a split of the genus
Lasiurus, assigning hoary bats to the
genus Aeorestes, and reclassification of
the subspecies semotus as a full species.
Initial analyses of mitochondrial DNA
and nuclear DNA from chymase gene
alleles (Baird et al. 2015, pp. 1264–1265;
Baird et al. 2017, pp. 13–20) indicated
that some hoary bats on the islands of
Maui and Oahu grouped within the
North American species Aeorestes
cinereus; however, Pinzari et al. (2020,
pp. 1509–1510) conducted a wholegenome analysis of single-nucleotide
polymorphisms that provided finer
resolution of phylogeny and concluded
all hoary bats in the Hawaiian islands
are one species that share a common
ancestor from a single colonization
event. The Integrated Taxonomic
Information System (ITIS) has treated
the Hawaiian hoary bat as a full species,
Aeorestes semotus, since the latest
record review for the genus in 2021
(ITIS 2022, unpaginated). This
classification has also been adopted by
the American Society of Mammalogists
(2022, unpaginated). Thus, the current
scientific name of the Hawaiian hoary
bat is Aeorestes semotus. This
taxonomic change does not affect the
range or endangered status of the
Hawaiian hoary bat.
Hawaiian Coot
The Hawaiian coot, a waterbird
endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, was
classified by Bryan and Greenway
(1944, p. 109) as a subspecies of the
American coot (Fulica americana).
Following this taxonomic treatment, the
Hawaiian coot was originally listed as
endangered (35 FR 16047; October 13,
1970) under the scientific name Fulica
americana alai. However, Pratt (1987, p.
27) concluded that based on
characteristics of the plumage, bill, and
frontal shield there was no reason to
consider the Hawaiian coot more closely
allied to the American coot than to any
of five other related coot species.
Consequently, the American
Ornithologists’ Union (AOU; now
known as the American Ornithological
Society (AOS)) (1993, p. 677) designated
the Hawaiian coot as a full species; the
scientific name of the Hawaiian coot is
now Fulica alai. This taxonomic change
does not affect the range or endangered
status of the Hawaiian coot.
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Hawaiian Creepers
The Hawaii creeper, a songbird
endemic to the island of Hawaii, was
classified by Amadon (1950, pp. 166–
167) as one of six island endemic
subspecies of Loxops maculata.
Following this taxonomic treatment, the
Hawaii creeper was originally listed as
endangered (40 FR 44149; September
25, 1975) under the scientific name
Loxops maculata mana. However, the
AOU (1982, p. 16CC) subsequently split
Loxops maculata into five species
divided among the genera Oreomystis
(Hawaii and Kauai) and Paroreomyza
(Maui/La¯na1i, Moloka1i, and O1ahu); the
Hawaii creeper was thus treated as a full
species, Oreomystis mana. The List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
(50 CFR 17.11(h)) currently reflects this
taxonomy for the species.
The Hawaii creeper is similar in
morphology and behavior to the 1akikiki
(Oreomystis bairdi) (Pratt 1992, pp. 837–
843; Reding et al. 2009, p. 221).
However, analyses of genetic and
osteological data (Fleischer et al. 1998,
pp. 538–539; James 2004, pp. 235–241;
Reding et al. 2009, pp. 222–223; Lerner
et al. 2011, pp. 1839–1841) indicate that
these similarities are a result of
convergent evolution, and that the
Hawaii creeper is more closely related
to the 1a¯kepa species (genus Loxops)
than to the 1akikiki. Consequently, the
AOU has transferred the Hawaii creeper
to the genus Loxops (Chesser et al. 2013,
p. 567); the scientific name of the
Hawaii creeper is now Loxops mana.
This taxonomic change does not affect
the range or endangered status of the
Hawaii creeper.
The List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11(h))
also currently includes the O1ahu
creeper (Paroreomyza maculata). While
this scientific name continues to be
accepted, the AOU (1993, p. 680)
adopted the Hawaiian name ‘‘O1ahu
1alauahio’’ as the common name for this
species. This change in common name
does not affect the range or endangered
status of this taxon.
Guam Rail
The Guam rail was originally listed as
endangered (49 FR 33881; August 27,
1984) under the scientific name Rallus
owstoni. However, Olson (1973, pp.
394–397) classified this species and
several other Pacific islands rail taxa
within the genus Gallirallus based on
differences in plumage and body
structure, also noting that Gallirallus
has priority over the alternative generic
name Hypotaenidia. This classification
has subsequently been adopted by the
eBird/Clements Checklist of Birds of the
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
World: v2021 (Clements et al. 2021,
unpaginated), and is also used by the
Service on the List of Migratory Birds
(50 CFR 10.13). ITIS has also treated the
Guam rail as Gallirallus owstoni since
the latest record review for the genus in
2006 (ITIS 2022, unpaginated). Thus, we
consider the current scientific name of
the Guam rail to be Gallirallus owstoni.
This taxonomic change does not affect
the range or endangered status of the
Guam rail.
Newell’s Shearwater
On September 25, 1975, we published
a final rule (40 FR 44149) listing the
Newell’s Manx shearwater (Puffinus
puffinus newelli), a seabird native to the
Hawaiian Islands, as threatened. At the
time of listing, the taxon newelli was
treated as a subspecies of the Manx
shearwater (Puffinus puffinus),
following Murphy (1952, pp. 1–21) who
had recognized eight subspecies
worldwide (puffinus [North Atlantic],
mauretanicus [western Mediterranean],
yelkouan [eastern Mediterranean], gavia
[New Zealand], huttoni [New Zealand],
newelli [Hawaiian Islands], auricularis
[Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico], and
opisthomelas [Baja California]).
Subsequently the AOU (1983, pp. 24–
25) restricted the Manx shearwater to
the North Atlantic and Mediterranean
forms, recognizing newelli and
auricularis as subspecies of the distinct
species Townsend’s shearwater
(Puffinus auricularis). The List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
currently follows this taxonomy,
identifying the listed entity as Newell’s
Townsend’s shearwater (P. auricularis
The Hawaiian and Revillagigedo
Islands populations differ substantially
from one another in their plumage
(Howell et al. 1994, pp. 171–176),
breeding chronology (Ainley et al. 1997,
unpaginated), and foraging ecology
(Spear et al. 1995, pp. 621–637). Despite
apparent similarity in mitochondrial
DNA of the two populations (MartinezGomez et al. 2015, pp. 1025–1034), the
AOU considered these differences
sufficient to function as isolating
mechanisms and, following unanimous
recommendation of the North American
Classification Committee, classified
Newell’s shearwater (Puffinus newelli)
as a full species distinct from
Townsend’s shearwater (Puffinus
auricularis) (Chesser et al. 2015, pp.
751–752; AOU 2015, unpaginated). This
approach is also followed by the eBird/
Clements Checklist of Birds of the
World: v2021 (Clements et al. 2021,
unpaginated) and the International
Ornithological Committee (IOC, now
known as the International
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Ornithologists’ Union (IOU)) World Bird
List (Gill et al. 2021, unpaginated). This
taxonomic change does not affect the
range or threatened status of the
Newell’s shearwater.
Band-Rumped Storm-Petrel
The Hawaii distinct population
segment (DPS) of the band-rumped
storm-petrel was listed as endangered
(81 FR 67786; September 30, 2016)
under the scientific name Oceanodroma
castro. However, analysis of nuclear and
mitochondrial DNA (Penhallurick and
Wink 2004, p. 136; Wallace et al. 2017,
pp. 39–47) has shown that some species
in the genus Oceanodroma are more
closely related to storm-petrel species in
the genus Hydrobates. Because the name
Hydrobates has taxonomic priority over
Oceanodroma, the AOS (Chesser et al.
2019, p. 8) has transferred all species of
Oceanodroma to Hydrobates. Thus, the
scientific name of the band-rumped
storm-petrel is now Hydrobates castro.
This taxonomic change does not affect
the range or endangered status of the
Hawaii DPS of the band-rumped stormpetrel.
Mariana Swiftlet
Swiftlets in the Marianas archipelago
were considered by Medway (1966, pp.
159–160; 1975, pp. 154–155) to be a
subspecies of the Vanikoro swiflet
(Aerodramus vanikorensis bartschi)
based on plumage and nest structure.
Following this taxonomic approach, the
Vanikoro swiftlet in the Marianas
islands was listed as endangered under
the scientific name Aerodramus
[=Collocalia] vanikorensis bartschi (49
FR 33881; August 27, 1984).
The AOU (1983, p. 783) similarly
considered bartschi as a subspecies of
Aerodramus vanikorensis, adopting the
common name of ‘‘gray swiftlet’’ for the
species. The current treatment of this
taxon on the List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11(h))
continues to follow this approach.
However, on further analysis, Browning
(1993, pp. 101–104) identified
substantial differences in size,
morphology, plumage, and nest
structure and recommended that the
Marianas taxon bartschi be treated as a
full species in the genus Collocalia.
Consequently, the AOU (1995, p. 821)
treated the Marianas taxon as a full
species, Collocalia bartschi, with the
common name of ‘‘Guam swiftlet.’’
Subsequently, this treatment was further
modified to return the taxon to the
genus Aerodramus (AOU 1997, p. 545),
following genetic research by Lee et al.
(1996, pp. 7093–7096), and to adopt the
common name ‘‘Mariana swiftlet’’
(Banks et al. 2002, p. 901). Other global
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bird checklists (e.g., Clements et al.
2021, unpaginated; Gill et al. 2021,
unpaginated) similarly describe this
taxon as the Mariana swiftlet,
Aerodramus bartschi. This taxonomic
change does not affect the range or
endangered status of the Mariana
Other Pacific Islands Landbirds
The List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11(h))
currently includes the crested
honeycreeper (Palmeria dolei), small
Kauai thrush (Myadestes palmeri), and
Moloka1i thrush (Myadestes lanaiensis
rutha). While these scientific names
continue to be accepted, the AOU (1985,
p. 684; 1998, p. 678) has adopted
Hawaiian names as the common names
for these three species: 1a¯kohekohe
(Palmeria dolei), puaiohi (Myadestes
palmeri), and oloma1o (Myadestes
lanaiensis). The subspecies M.
lanaiensis lanaiensis historically
occurred on La¯na1i but is now extinct
and was not listed under the Act; the
common name of ‘‘Moloka1i oloma1o’’
may be used to specifically refer to the
listed subspecies M. lanaiensis rutha on
Moloka1i. These changes in common
name do not affect the range or
endangered status of these taxa.
The List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11(h))
also currently includes the Rota bridled
white-eye (Zosterops rotensis). This
scientific name continues to be
accepted. However, this common name
originated from the taxon having been
formerly considered as a subspecies of
the bridled white-eye (Zosterops
conspicillatus) (Mees 1969, p. 148).
Because it is now considered a separate
species on the basis of mitochondrial
DNA data (Slikas et al. 2000, p. 364), the
common name ‘‘Rota white-eye’’ is more
appropriate. Recent global checklists
(Clements et al. 2021, unpaginated; Gill
et al. 2021, unpaginated) have adopted
this terminology. This change in
common name does not affect the range
or endangered status of this taxon.
In addition, on the List of Endangered
and Threatened Wildlife, the generic
name for Laysan finch and Nihoa finch
should be changed from Telespyza to
Telespiza. A spelling error in the
original description of these species has
been amended by the American
Ornithologists Union (AOU 1987, p.
594), and Telespiza is now considered
the accepted spelling. In the common
name for these species, the parenthetical
‘‘honeycreeper’’ is unnecessary and will
be deleted.
In the common name for the
Micronesian megapode (Megapodius
laperouse), the parenthetical ‘‘La
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Perouse’s’’ is unnecessary and will be
Hawaiian and Chamorro Names
Several mammal and bird species
currently appear on the List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
only by their English common name,
although their names in the Hawaiian or
Chamorro languages are also regularly
used and, in previous Service
documents, we have often informally
referred to them by those names.
Various recovery plans and other
documents cite Hawaiian names for
Hawaiian hoary bat (1o¯pe1ape1a) (USFWS
1998, p. 1), Hawaiian coot (1alae
ke1oke1o) and Hawaiian duck (koloa
maoli) (USFWS 2012, p. 1), Hawaii
creeper (1alawı¯) (DLNR 2017,
unpaginated), Newell’s shearwater (1a1o)
and Hawaiian petrel (1ua1u) (USFWS
1983, p. 1), band-rumped storm-petrel
(1ake¯1ake¯) (USFWS 2022, p. 12), and
Hawaiian crow (1alala¯) (USFWS 2009, p.
1); and Chamorro names for Mariana
crow (a˚ga) (USFWS 2006, p. 1), Guam
kingfisher (sihek) (USFWS 2008, p. 1),
Guam rail (ko’ko’) and Mariana swiftlet
(yayaguak) (USFWS 1990, p. 2), Mariana
common moorhen (pulattat) (USFWS
1991, p. 2), Micronesian megapode
(sasangat) (USFWS 1998, p. 3), and Rota
white-eye (nosa’ Luta) (USFWS 2007, p.
1). To improve public communication,
understanding, and engagement with
local conservation partners, we are
including these on the List as accepted
common names for the respective
As previously noted, Hawaiian and
Chamorro orthographic characters are
included here and elsewhere in the
preamble section of this rule to reflect
accurate spelling of these common
names; references supporting the correct
spelling and orthography of these names
include Wagner et al. (1999, entire),
Ranker et al. (2019, entire), and Ulukau
(2022, unpaginated). However, the text
below in this rule that is to be codified
in the CFR uses only standard English
characters to prevent inadvertent errors
during the codification process.
Currently, the List of Endangered and
Threatened Plants is inconsistent in its
representation of Hawaiian names that
include the glottal stop or 1okina (1); for
most species the glottal stop is omitted
entirely, and for a few it is incorrectly
represented by a grave accent (‘).
Because the grave accent no longer
accurately represents the 1okina, for
consistency, we are amending the List of
Endangered and Threatened Plants to
remove the grave accent mark from the
common names of these species:
Abutilon menziesii (ko1oloa1ula),
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp.
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macrocephalum (1a¯hinahina),
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp.
sandwicense (1a¯hinahina), Cyrtandra
crenata (ha1iwale), Kokia drynarioides
(koki1o), Kokia kauaiensis (koki1o), and
Huperzia (amended to Phlegmariurus in
this rule) mannii (wa¯wae1iole).
single aquifer system that feeds the
middle reaches of the Snake River in
Idaho. At the time of its discovery by
the late Dr. Terry Frest in 1988, the
Banbury Springs limpet was placed in
the genus Lanx, with a temporary
assignment of Lanx (n.) sp., as a
congener with two other species, L.
Hawaiian Birds Not Addressed
patelloides and L. alta (Campbell et al.
Five Hawaiian bird species for which
outstanding nomenclatural issues exist
An unpublished genetic and
were proposed for delisting due to
morphological analysis by S.A. Clark (in
extinction on September 30, 2021 (86
litt. 2007) supported the Banbury
FR 54298). In the List of Endangered
Springs limpet as a unique species and
and Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR
suggested a level of differentiation that
17.11(h)), the scientific name of Kauai
might warrant the erection of a separate
1akialoa appears in error as Hemignathus genus. Despite this work, the species
stejnegeri, although the currently
remained undescribed until a recent,
accepted scientific name is Akialoa
more thorough investigation by
stejnegeri, as set forth in our direct final Campbell et al. (2017, entire), who
rule published on February 17, 2016 (81 analyzed genetic sequences from four
FR 8004). The large Kauai thrush
DNA regions from samples of the three
(Myadestes myadestinus) is also known described lancine species as well as
by the Hawaiian common name of
samples from the four known
ka¯ma1o (AOU 1998, p. 501); the Moloka1i populations of Banbury Springs limpet.
creeper (Paroreomyza flammea) is also
Comparisons with other members of the
known by the Hawaiian common name
subfamily also included differences in
of ka¯ka¯wahie (AOU 1998, p. 676). In
shell shape, shape and location of the
addition, the common names of the
columnar musculature, and genital
Kauai 1o1o (Moho braccatus) and po1ouli morphology, all of which support
(Melamprosops phaeosoma) incorrectly Clark’s earlier taxonomic analysis and
use the grave accent mark to represent
placement of Banbury Springs limpet
the 1okina. Because these species may be within its own genus. The new genus,
removed from the List of Endangered
Idaholanx, describes the species’
and Threatened Wildlife when that
endemicity within the State of Idaho,
proposed rule is finalized, we are not
with the species name honoring Dr.
including them in this direct final rule.
Frest. The taxonomic revision to
In addition, we published a proposed
Idaholanx fresti does not affect the
rule to reclassify the Hawaiian stilt
range or endangered status of the
(Himantopus mexicanus knudseni) from Banbury Springs limpet.
an endangered species to a threatened
The Snake River physa snail, a
species on March 25, 2021 (86 FR
freshwater gastropod endemic to the
15855); the addition of the Hawaiian
Snake River in southern Idaho, was
common names to the List for this
originally described as Physa natricina
subspecies (ae1o, kukuluae1o) is being
(Taylor 1988, entire) and was federally
addressed through that rulemaking
listed as endangered (see 57 FR 59244;
process. Therefore, we are not including December 14, 1992). Subsequently, the
species was transferred by Taylor (2003,
the Hawaiian stilt in this direct final
pp. 12, 147–148) to the genus Haitia,
part of a new tribe Haitiini, based
Idaho Snails
primarily on penile morphology.
The Banbury Springs limpet (Lanx
Taylor’s 2003 revision of the family
(n.) sp.) is listed as endangered (see 57
Physidae designated 11 new genera,
FR 59244; December 14, 1992). It is a
including Haitia into which he placed
freshwater gastropod in the subfamily
the Snake River physa snail based on
Lancinae, which are limpet-like
internal anatomy. Using analyses of
gastropods within the family
phylogenetic trees based on sequences
Lymnaidae. All known species within
of two mitochondrial genes along with
the Lancinae are restricted to the
reproductive morphology, Wethington
northwestern United States in river and and Lydeard (2007, p. 252) found
tributary systems ranging from the
inconsistencies in Taylor’s
Sacramento River north to the Kootenai
classifications. While the six anatomical
River, a tributary of the Columbia.
groups they identified fit loosely with
Although not formally described in the
Taylor’s tribes, the molecular data of
scientific literature at the time of its
Wethington and Lydeard found his
listing under the Act, the Banbury
more finely divided classification to not
Springs limpet was identified as a
be warranted.
The validity of the Snake River physa
unique species with a highly restricted
snail as a species was later called into
range, from springs derived from a
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question based on a morphological
(shell) analysis of Physidae specimens
from the Snake River (Rogers and
Wethington 2007, entire), but later
genetic analyses confirmed Physa
natricina as a distinct species (Gates et
al. 2013, entire).
More recently, Young et al. (2021,
entire) used an array of species
delineation analyses based on
mitochondrial and nuclear gene
sequences to re-evaluate species
designations among Physidae in North
America. Their analyses strongly
supported the Snake River physa snail
as a distinct taxon in the Physella clade
(Young et al. 2021, pp. 7–8;
MolluscaBase 2021, unpaginated),
supporting recognition of Physella
natricina as the adopted nomenclature
for the Snake River physa snail.
The taxonomic revision to Physella
natricina does not affect the range or
endangered status of the Snake River
physa snail.
Hawaiian Plants
On February 25, 1994, we published
a final rule (59 FR 9304) to list the
Hawaiian plant Cyrtandra limahuliensis
(ha1iwale) as threatened. Subsequent
examination of floral morphology and
localities for specimens that were
previously identified as this species and
C. kealiae indicate that these taxa
represent two subspecies of the same
species that occur in different regions of
the island of Kauai (Wagner and
Lorence 2000, entire). Thus, specimens
previously assigned to C. kealiae are
now considered to represent the nonlisted subspecies C. kealiae ssp.
urceolata, while specimens assigned to
Cyrtandra limahuliensis represent the
subspecies C. kealiae ssp. kealiae. This
taxonomic revision does not affect the
range or threatened status of the taxon.
The endemic Hawaiian plant Mucuna
sloanei var. persericea (sea bean) is
listed as endangered (see 78 FR 32014;
May 28, 2013). The species Mucuna
sloanei is widespread in the tropics;
however, examination of herbarium
records shows Hawaiian specimens are
distinct in flower and leaflet
morphology, and they are now
considered a distinct species (Moura et
al. 2012, entire). Thus, the scientific
name of the listed taxon is changed to
Mucuna persericea. This taxonomic
revision does not affect the range or
endangered status of the taxon.
Four Hawaiian plants in the genus
Platydesma are listed as endangered: P.
rostrata (pilo kea lau li1i) (see 75 FR
18960; April 13, 2010), P. cornuta var.
cornuta and P. cornuta var. decurrens
(no common name) (see 77 FR 57648;
September 18, 2012), and P. remyi (no
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common name) (see 78 FR 64638;
October 29, 2013). Recent molecular
studies indicate that the genus
Platydesma is nested within the widely
distributed genus Melicope (Appelhans
et al. 2017, pp. 125–137). Thus, the
scientific names of the four listed
species are changed to Melicope
rostrata, M. cornuta var. cornuta, M.
cornuta var. decurrens, and M. remyi.
This taxonomic revision does not affect
the range or endangered status of these
Three Hawaiian plants in the genus
Pleomele (hala pepe) are listed as
endangered: P. hawaiiensis (see 61 FR
53137; October 10, 1996), P. forbesii (see
77 FR 57648; September 18, 2012), and
P. fernaldii (see 78 FR 32014; May 28,
2013). Pleomele hawaiiensis is
synonymous with the species P.
konaensis, which has nomenclatural
priority (St. John 1985, pp. 185–187; L.
Weisenberger in litt. 2021). Phylogenetic
analysis of chloroplast DNA, as well as
differences in floral morphology and
diurnal flowering pattern, indicate that
Hawaiian Pleomele species are a distinct
group; this group has been alternatively
treated as the genus Chrysodracon (Lu
and Morden 2014, pp. 92–98), but based
on new genetic analyses, Chrysodracon
is now considered a subgenus nested
within the genus Dracaena (Jankalski
2008, pp. 17–21; Takawira-Nyenya
2018, p. 265). Thus, the scientific names
of the three listed species are changed
to Dracaena konaensis, D. forbesii, and
D. fernaldii. This taxonomic revision
does not affect the range or endangered
status of these species.
The Hawaiian plant Psychotria
hexandra ssp. oahuensis (ko¯piko) is
listed as endangered (see 77 FR 57648;
September 18, 2012). On review of its
taxonomic history, it was determined
that this taxon has been validly
published as a variety but not as a
subspecies (Wagner in litt. 2021).
Therefore, the scientific name of this
taxon is changed to Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis. This taxonomic revision
does not affect the range or endangered
status of this taxon.
The Hawaiian fern Cyclosorus
boydiae (kupukupu makali1i) is listed as
endangered (see 81 FR 67786;
September 30, 2016). Based on
morphology and molecular phylogenetic
data, Fawcett and Smith (2021, p. 53)
transferred this species to the genus
Menisciopsis. Thus, its scientific name
is changed to Menisciopsis boydiae.
Three Hawaiian lycophytes in the
genus Huperzia are listed as
endangered: H. mannii (wa¯wae1iole) (see
57 FR 20772; May 15, 1992), H. nutans
(wa¯wae1iole) (see 59 FR 14482; March
28, 1994), and H. stemmermanniae (no
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common name) (see 81 FR 67786;
September 30, 2016). Palmer (2003, pp.
257–259) recognized Phlegmariurus as a
group within Huperzia, and in the most
recent taxonomic treatment of the
Hawaiian fern and lycophyte flora,
Phlegmariurus was recognized as a
distinct genus that includes the three
listed species (Ranker et al. 2019, pp.
55–56, following Pteridophyte
Phylogeny Group 2016, p. 570). Thus,
the scientific names of these species are
changed to Phlegmariurus mannii, P.
nutans, and P. stemmermanniae. This
taxonomic revision does not affect the
range or endangered status of the
The Hawaiian plant Euphorbia
skottsbergii var. skottsbergii (1Ewa Plains
1akoko) is listed as endangered (see 47
FR 36846; August 24, 1982). The
common name of this taxon is changed
to 1akoko following Wagner et al. (1999,
pp. 614–615).
The Hawaiian plant Gardenia
brighamii (Hawaiian gardenia [na¯1u¯]) is
listed as endangered (see 50 FR 33728;
August 21, 1985). The common name of
this taxon is changed to na¯nu¯ following
Wagner et al. (1999, pp. 1131–1133) and
for consistency with common names of
the other listed taxa in the genus (G.
mannii and G. remyi).
The Hawaiian plant Kanaloa
kahoolawensis (kohe malama malama o
Kanaloa) is listed as endangered (see 64
FR 48307; September 3, 1999). An
alternative common name of this
species, ka palupalu o Kanaloa, has also
been adopted (K. Wood in litt. 2021).
The Hawaiian plant Kokia cookei
(Cooke’s koki1o) is listed as endangered
(see 44 FR 62470; October 30, 1979).
The common name of this species is
changed to koki1o following Wagner et
al. (1999, pp. 889–890).
The Hawaiian fern Adenophorus
periens (pendent kihi fern) is listed as
endangered (see 59 FR 56333; November
10, 1994). The common name of this
species is changed to palai la¯1au
following Ranker et al. (2019)
(supplemental data).
The Hawaiian fern Asplenium
dielerectum (asplenium-leaved diellia)
is listed as endangered (see 59 FR
56333; November 10, 1994). The
common name of this species reflects its
former classification in the genus
Diellia, but is no longer accurate, and is
changed to ‘‘no common name’’
following Ranker et al. (2019)
(supplemental data).
Correction of Errors
To remedy errors in the Lists (50 CFR
17.11 and 17.12) that were introduced
in the 2016 Reformatting (81 FR 51550;
August 4, 2016), we are revising the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
common and/or scientific names of 1
wildlife species (Guam kingfisher, also
addressed above to parenthetically
include its Chamorro common name)
and 11 plant species as follows. On the
List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife, we change the scientific name
of Guam Micronesian kingfisher from
Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina to
Todiramphus cinnamominus and its
English common name to Guam
kingfisher. On the List of Endangered
and Threatened Plants, we correct
typographic errors in scientific names
by changing Asplenium dielpallicum to
Asplenium dielpallidum, changing
Cyanea humboltiana to Cyanea
humboldtiana, changing Plantago
hawaienis to Plantago hawaiensis, and
changing the parenthetical term in the
scientific name of Asplenium
dielfalcatum from (=falcate) to
(=falcata); we also correct a typographic
error in the common name of
Mezoneuron kavaiense by changing uhi
uhi to uhiuhi (following Wagner et al.
1999, p. 647). In addition, we change
the scientific name of Chamaesyce
skottsbergii var. skottsbergii to
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii,
change the scientific name of Delissea
rivularis to Cyanea rivularis, change the
scientific name of Hedyotis cookiana to
Kadua cookiana, change the scientific
name of Limnanthes floccosa ssp.
grandiflora to Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora, and change the common
name of Cyanea platyphylla from ha¯ha¯
to 1aku¯1aku¯ (following Wagner et al.
1999, p. 459); the rationales for these
taxonomic changes were previously
presented in our direct final rule
published on June 23, 2015 (80 FR
35860). On the List of Endangered and
Threatened Plants, we change the
common name of Cyanea gibsonii from
‘‘no common name’’ to ha¯ha¯ (following
Wagner et al. 1999, p. 437). This change
in common name was previously
published in our final critical habitat
rule of March 30, 2016 (81 FR 17790).
In addition, on the List of Endangered
and Threatened Wildlife, the listing rule
citations for flying earwig Hawaiian
damselfly (Megalagrion nesiotes) and
Pacific Hawaiian damselfly
(Megalagrion pacificum) are incorrect as
currently printed, and we are changing
them to reflect the actual listing rule of
June 24, 2010 (75 FR 35990).
Finally, on the List of Endangered and
Threatened Plants, Cycas micronesica
(fadang, faadang) is incorrectly listed
under the heading of ‘‘Flowering
Plants.’’ Existing headings on the List of
Endangered and Threatened Plants
include ‘‘Flowering Plants,’’ ‘‘Conifers,’’
‘‘Ferns and Allies,’’ and ‘‘Lichens.’’ This
species is a cycad in the family
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Cycadaceae (80 FR 59424; October 1,
2015), which is a group of gymnosperm
plants that is not included in the
division Coniferae (conifers) but is more
closely related to conifers than to
flowering plants. This species is
currently the only non-conifer
gymnosperm listed under the Act. To
accurately represent the classification of
this species, we are revising the heading
‘‘Conifers’’ on the List of Endangered
and Threatened Plants to ‘‘Conifers and
Allies’’ and moving Cycas micronesica
under that heading on the List.
Indian Tribal Rights, Federal-Tribal
Trust Responsibilities, and the
Endangered Species Act), we readily
acknowledge our responsibilities to
work directly with Tribes in developing
programs for healthy ecosystems, to
acknowledge that Tribal lands are not
subject to the same controls as Federal
public lands, to remain sensitive to
Indian culture, and to make information
available to Tribes. We have determined
that this rule will not affect Tribes or
Tribal lands.
Required Determinations
A complete list of the referenced
materials is provided in Docket No
FWS–R1–ES–2022–0062 at https://
www.regulations.gov, or is available
upon request from the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (see FOR FURTHER
Clarity of the Rule
We are required by Executive Orders
12866 and 12988 and by the
Presidential Memorandum of June 1,
1998, to write all rules in plain
language. This means that each rule we
publish must:
(a) Be logically organized;
(b) Use the active voice to address
readers directly;
(c) Use clear language rather than
(d) Be divided into short sections and
sentences; and
(e) Use lists and tables wherever
If you feel that we have not met these
requirements, send us comments by one
of the methods listed in ADDRESSES. To
help us to revise this rule, your
comments should be as specific as
National Environmental Policy Act
We have determined that
environmental assessments and
environmental impact statements, as
defined under the authority of the
National Environmental Policy Act of
1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not
be prepared in connection with
regulations issued pursuant to section
4(a) of the Act. We published a notice
outlining our reasons for this
determination in the Federal Register
on October 25, 1983 (43 FR 49244).
Relationship With Tribes
In accordance with the President’s
memorandum of April 29, 1994,
‘‘Government-to-Government Relations
with Native American Tribal
Governments’ ’’ (59 FR 22951),
Executive Order 13175, and the
Department of the Interior’s manual at
512 DM 2, we readily acknowledge our
responsibility to communicate
meaningfully with recognized Federal
Tribes on a government-to-government
basis. In accordance with Secretarial
Order 3206 of June 5, 1997 (American
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References Cited
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species,
Exports, Imports, Plants, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements,
Transportation, Wildlife.
Regulation Promulgation
For the reasons given in the preamble,
we amend part 17, subchapter B of
chapter I, title 50 of the Code of Federal
Regulations, as set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 17
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16. U.S.C. 1361–1407; 1531–
1544; and 4201–4245, unless otherwise
2. Amend § 17.11, in paragraph (h),
the List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife, by:
■ a. Under MAMMALS, revising the
entry for ‘‘Bat, Hawaiian hoary’’;
■ b. Under BIRDS:
■ i. Adding, in alphabetical order,
entries for ‘‘Akohekohe (crested
honeycreeper)’’ and ‘‘Alauahio, Oahu’’;
■ ii. Revising the entries for ‘‘Coot,
Hawaiian’’ and ‘‘Creeper, Hawaii’’;
■ iii. Removing the entry for ‘‘Creeper,
■ iv. Revising the entries for ‘‘Crow,
Hawaiian’’, ‘‘Crow, Mariana’’, ‘‘Duck,
Hawaiian’’, ‘‘Finch, Laysan’’, and
‘‘Finch, Nihoa’’;
■ v. Removing the entry for
‘‘Honeycreeper, crested (Akohekohe)’’;
■ vi. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Kingfisher, Guam (sihek)’’;
■ vii. Removing the entries for
‘‘Kingfisher, Guam Micronesian’’ and
‘‘Megapode, Micronesian (=La
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
viii. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Megapode, Micronesian
■ ix. Revising the entry for ‘‘Moorhen,
Mariana common’’;
■ x. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Olomao, Molokai’’;
■ xi. Revising the entry for ‘‘Petrel,
■ xii. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Puaiohi’’;
■ xiii. Revising both entries for ‘‘Rail,
■ xiv. Removing the entry for
‘‘Shearwater, Newell’s Townsend’s’’;
Common name
xv. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Shearwater, Newell’s (ao)’’;
■ xvi. Revising the entry for ‘‘Stormpetrel, band-rumped (Hawaii DPS)’’;
■ xvii. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Swiftlet, Mariana
■ xviii. Removing the entries for
‘‘Swiftlet, Mariana gray’’, ‘‘Thrush,
Molokai’’, and ‘‘Thrush, small Kauai’’;
■ xix. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘White-eye, Rota (nosa Luta)’’;
■ xx. Removing the entry for ‘‘Whiteeye, Rota bridled’’;
Scientific name
c. Under SNAILS, revising the entries
for ‘‘Limpet, Banbury Springs’’ and
‘‘Snail, Snake River physa’’; and
■ d. Under INSECTS, revising the
entries for ‘‘Damselfly, flying earwig
Hawaiian’’ and ‘‘Damselfly, Pacific
The additions and revisions read as
§ 17.11 Endangered and threatened
(h) * * *
Where listed
Wherever found ................................
Listing citations and applicable rules
Bat, Hawaiian hoary (opeapea) ........
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Aeorestes semotus ...........................
Akohekohe (crested honeycreeper)
Palmeria dolei ...................................
Wherever found ................................
Alauahio, Oahu .................................
Paroreomyza maculata ....................
Wherever found ................................
Coot, Hawaiian (alae keokeo) ..........
Fulica alai .........................................
Wherever found ................................
Creeper, Hawaii (alawi) ....................
Loxops mana ....................................
Wherever found ................................
Crow, Hawaiian (alala) .....................
Crow, Mariana (aga) .........................
Corvus hawaiiensis ..........................
Corvus kubaryi .................................
Wherever found ................................
Wherever found ................................
Duck, Hawaiian (koloa maoli) ...........
Anas wyvilliana .................................
Wherever found ................................
Finch, Laysan ...................................
Finch, Nihoa .....................................
Telespiza cantans ............................
Telespiza ultima ...............................
Wherever found ................................
Wherever found ................................
Kingfisher, Guam (sihek) ..................
Todiramphus cinnamominus ............
Wherever found ................................
Megapode, Micronesian (sasangat)
Megapodius laperouse .....................
Wherever found ................................
Moorhen, Mariana common
Gallinula chloropus guami ................
Wherever found ................................
Olomao, Molokai ...............................
Myadestes lanaiensis rutha ..............
Wherever found ................................
Petrel, Hawaiian (uau) ......................
Pterodroma sandwichensis ..............
Wherever found ................................
Puaiohi ..............................................
Myadestes palmeri ...........................
Wherever found ................................
Rail, Guam (koko) ............................
Gallirallus owstoni ............................
Rail, Guam (koko) ............................
Gallirallus owstoni ............................
Wherever found, except where listed
as an experimental population.
Rota ..................................................
Shearwater, Newell’s (ao) ................
Puffinus newelli ................................
Wherever found ................................
Storm-petrel, band-rumped (akeake)
[Hawaii DPS].
Hydrobates castro ............................
U.S.A. (HI) ........................................
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35 FR 16047, 10/13/1970.
32 FR 4001, 3/11/1967; 50 CFR
35 FR 16047, 10/13/1970.
35 FR 16047, 10/13/1970.
40 FR 44149, 9/25/1975.
32 FR 4001, 3/11/1967.
49 FR 33881, 8/27/1984; 50 CFR
32 FR 4001, 3/11/1967.
32 FR 4001, 3/11/1967.
32 FR 4001, 3/11/1967.
49 FR 33881, 8/27/1984; 50 CFR
35 FR 8491, 6/2/1970.
49 FR 33881, 8/27/1984.
35 FR 16047, 10/13/1970.
32 FR 4001, 3/11/1967.
32 FR 4001, 3/11/1967.
49 FR 33881, 8/27/1984.
54 FR 43966, 10/30/1989; 50 CFR
40 FR 44149, 9/25/1975.
81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Common name
Scientific name
Where listed
Swiftlet, Mariana (yayaguak) ............
Aerodramus bartschi ........................
Wherever found ................................
White-eye, Rota (nosa Luta) ............
Zosterops rotensis ............................
Wherever found ................................
Limpet, Banbury Springs ..................
Idaholanx fresti .................................
Wherever found ................................
Snail, Snake River physa .................
Physella natricina .............................
Wherever found ................................
Damselfly, flying earwig Hawaiian ....
Megalagrion nesiotes .......................
Wherever found ................................
Damselfly, Pacific Hawaiian .............
Megalagrion pacificum .....................
Wherever found ................................
3. Amend § 17.12, in paragraph (h),
the List of Endangered and Threatened
Plants, by:
■ i. Revising the entries for ‘‘Abutilon
menziesii’’, ‘‘Argyroxiphium
sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum’’, and
‘‘Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp.
■ ii. Removing the entry for
‘‘Chamaesyce skottsbergii var.
■ iii. Revising the entry for ‘‘Cyanea
■ iv. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Cyanea humboldtiana’’;
■ v. Removing the entry for ‘‘Cyanea
■ vi. Revising the entry for ‘‘Cyanea
■ vii. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Cyanea rivularis’’;
■ viii. Removing the entry for ‘‘Cycas
■ ix. Revising the entry for ‘‘Cyrtandra
■ x. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
■ xi. Removing the entries for
‘‘Cyrtandra limahuliensis’’ and
‘‘Delissea rivularis’’;
■ xii. Adding, in alphabetical order,
entries for ‘‘Dracaena fernaldii’’,
‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’, ‘‘Dracaena
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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konaensis’’, and ‘‘Euphorbia skottsbergii
var. skottsbergii’’;
■ xiii. Revising the entry for ‘‘Gardenia
■ xiv. Removing the entry for ‘‘Hedyotis
■ xv. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Kadua cookiana’’;
■ xvi. Revising the entries for ‘‘Kanaloa
kahoolawensis’’, ‘‘Kokia cookei’’, ‘‘Kokia
drynarioides’’, and ‘‘Kokia kauaiensis’’;
■ xvii. Removing the entry for
‘‘Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora’’;
■ xviii. Adding, in alphabetical order,
entries for ‘‘Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora’’, ‘‘Melicope cornuta var.
cornuta’’, ‘‘Melicope cornuta var.
decurrens’’, ‘‘Melicope remyi’’, and
‘‘Melicope rostrata’’;
■ xix. Revising the entry for
‘‘Mezoneuron kavaiense’’;
■ xx. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Mucuna persericea’’;
■ xxi. Removing the entries for
‘‘Mucuna sloanei var. persericea’’ and
‘‘Plantago hawaienis’’;
■ xxii. Adding, in alphabetical order, an
entry for ‘‘Plantago hawaiensis’’;
■ xxiii. Removing the entries for
‘‘Platydesma cornuta var. cornuta’’,
‘‘Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens’’,
‘‘Platydesma remyi’’, ‘‘Platydesma
rostrata’’, ‘‘Pleomele fernaldii’’,
‘‘Pleomele forbesii’’, ‘‘Pleomele
hawaiiensis’’, and ‘‘Psychotria hexandra
ssp. oahuensis’’; and
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Listing citations and applicable rules
49 FR 33881, 8/27/1984.
69 FR 3022, 1/22/2004; 50 CFR
57 FR 59244, 12/14/1992.
57 FR 59244, 12/14/1992.
75 FR 35990, 6/24/2010; 50 CFR
75 FR 35990, 6/24/2010; 50 CFR
xxiv. Adding, in alphabetical order,
an entry for ‘‘Psychotria hexandra var.
■ b. Revising the heading CONIFERS to
adding, in alphabetical order, an entry
for ‘‘Cycas micronesica’’; and
■ i. Revising the entries for
‘‘Adenophorus periens’’ and
‘‘Asplenium dielerectum’’;
■ ii. Removing the entries for
‘‘Asplenium (=Diellia) dielfalcatum
(=falcate)’’ and ‘‘Asplenium (=Diellia)
dielpallicum (=pallida)’’;
■ iii. Adding, in alphabetical order,
entries for ‘‘Asplenium (=Diellia)
dielfalcatum (=falcata)’’ and
‘‘Asplenium (=Diellia) dielpallidum
■ iv. Removing the entries for
‘‘Cyclosorus boydiae’’, ‘‘Huperzia
mannii’’, ‘‘Huperzia nutans’’, and
‘‘Huperzia stemmermanniae’’; and
■ v. Adding, in alphabetical order,
entries for ‘‘Menisciopsis boydiae’’,
‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii’’,
‘‘Phlegmariurus nutans’’, and
‘‘Phlegmariurus stemmermanniae’’.
The revisions and additions read as
§ 17.12
Endangered and threatened plants.
(h) * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Scientific name
Common name
Where listed
Listing citations and applicable rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Flowering Plants
Abutilon menziesii ................................ Kooloaula ............................................
Wherever found ..... E
51 FR 34412, 9/26/1986.
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp.
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp.
Wherever found ..... T
57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR
51 FR 9814, 3/21/1986.
Ahinahina ............................................
Ahinahina ............................................
Wherever found .....
Cyanea gibsonii .................................... Haha ...................................................
Wherever found ..... E
56 FR 47686, 9/20/1991.
Cyanea humboldtiana .......................... Haha ...................................................
Wherever found ..... E
61 FR 53089, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(i).CH
Cyanea platyphylla ............................... Haha, akuaku ......................................
Wherever found ..... E
61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k).CH
Cyanea rivularis ................................... Haha ...................................................
Wherever found ..... E
61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR
Cyrtandra crenata ................................ Haiwale ...............................................
Wherever found ..... E
59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994.
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae ............. Haiwale ...............................................
Wherever found ..... T
59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1).CH
Dracaena fernaldii ................................ Hala pepe ...........................................
Dracaena forbesii ................................. Hala pepe ...........................................
Dracaena konaensis ............................ Hala pepe ...........................................
Wherever found ..... E
Wherever found ..... E
Wherever found ..... E
78 FR 32014, 5/28/2013.
77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i).CH
61 FR 53137, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR 17.99(k).CH
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergi
Akoko ..................................................
Wherever found ..... E
47 FR 36846, 8/24/1982; 50 CFR 17.99(i).CH
Gardenia brighamii ............................... Nanu ...................................................
Wherever found ..... E
50 FR 33728, 8/21/1985.
Kadua cookiana ................................... Awiwi ...................................................
Wherever found ..... E
59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1).CH
Kanaloa kahoolawensis ....................... Ka palupalu o Kanaloa, Kohe malama
malama o Kanaloa.
Wherever found ..... E
64 FR 48307, 9/3/1999; 50 CFR 17.99(e)(2).CH
Kokia cookei ......................................... Kokio ...................................................
Kokia drynarioides ................................ Kokio ...................................................
Kokia kauaiensis .................................. Kokio ...................................................
Wherever found ..... E
Wherever found ..... E
Wherever found ..... E
44 FR 62470, 10/30/1979; 50 CFR 17.99(c).CH
49 FR 47397, 12/4/1984; 50 CFR 17.96(a).CH
61 FR 53070, 10/10/1996; 50 CFR
Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora ..... Large-flowered woolly meadowfoam ..
Wherever found ..... E
67 FR 68004, 11/7/2002; 50 CFR 17.96(a).CH
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta ............. No common name ..............................
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens ......... No common name ..............................
Wherever found ..... E
Wherever found ..... E
77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i).CH
77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i).CH
Melicope remyi ..................................... No common name ..............................
Melicope rostrata .................................. Pilo kea lau lii .....................................
Wherever found ..... E
Wherever found ..... E
78 FR 64638, 10/29/2013.
75 FR 18960, 4/13/2010; 50 CFR
Mezoneuron kavaiense ........................ Uhiuhi ..................................................
Wherever found ..... E
51 FR 24672, 7/8/1986.
Mucuna persericea ............................... Sea bean ............................................
Wherever found ..... E
78 FR 32014, 5/28/2013; 50 CFR
Plantago hawaiensis ............................ Laukahi kuahiwi ..................................
Wherever found ..... E
59 FR 10305, 3/4/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(k).CH
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis .... Kopiko .................................................
Wherever found ..... E
77 FR 57648, 9/18/2012; 50 CFR 17.99(i).CH
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Scientific name
Common name
Where listed
Listing citations and applicable rules
Conifers and Allies
Cycas micronesica ............................... Fadang, faadang .................................
Wherever found ..... T
80 FR 59424, 10/1/2015.
Ferns and Allies
Adenophorus periens ........................... Palai laau ............................................
Wherever found ..... E
59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR
50 CFR 17.99(e)(1); CH 50
CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR 17.99(k).CH
Asplenium dielerectum ......................... No common name ..............................
Wherever found ..... E
59 FR 56333, 11/10/1994; 50 CFR
50 CFR 17.99(c); CH 50 CFR
17.99(e)(1);CH 50 CFR 17.99(i); CH 50 CFR
Asplenium (=Diellia) dielfalcatum
No common name ..............................
Wherever found ..... E
56 FR 55770, 10/29/1991; 50 CFR 17.99(i).CH
Asplenium (=Diellia) dielpallidum
No common name ..............................
Wherever found ..... E
59 FR 9304, 2/25/1994; 50 CFR 17.99(a)(1).CH
Menisciopsis boydiae ........................... Kupukupu makalii ...............................
Wherever found ..... E
81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016.
Phlegmariurus mannii .......................... Wawaeiole ..........................................
Wherever found ..... E
Phlegmariurus nutans ..........................
Wawaeiole ..........................................
Wherever found .....
Phlegmariurus stemmermanniae .........
No common name ..............................
Wherever found .....
57 FR 20772, 5/15/1992; 50 CFR
59 FR 14482, 3/28/1994; 50 CFR
17.99(a)(1); CH 50 CFR 17.99(i).CH
81 FR 67786, 9/30/2016.
§ 17.84
4. In § 17.84, amend paragraph (f)
introductory text by removing the word
‘‘Rallus’’ and adding in its place the
word ‘‘Gallirallus’’.
■ 5. Amend § 17.95, in paragraph (b),
■ a. In the entry ‘‘Guam Micronesian
Kingfisher (Halcyon cinnamomina
■ i. Removing the heading ‘‘Guam
Micronesian Kingfisher (Halcyon
cinnamomina cinnamomina)’’ and
adding in its place the heading ‘‘Guam
Kingfisher (Todiramphus
■ ii. In paragraph (1) and the
introductory text of paragraph (2),
removing the word ‘‘Micronesian’’;
■ iii. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (4)(i);
■ iv. In the introductory text of
paragraph (4)(ii), removing the word
‘‘Micronesian’’; and
■ v. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (4)(ii)(B); and
■ b. In the entry ‘‘Rota Bridled Whiteeye (Zosterops rotensis)’’:
■ i. Removing the heading ‘‘Rota
Bridled White-eye (Zosterops rotensis)’’
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and adding in its place the heading
‘‘Rota White-eye (Zosterops rotensis)’’;
■ ii. In the introductory text of
paragraphs (2) and (5), removing the
word ‘‘bridled’’; and
■ iii. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (5)(ii).
The revisions read as follows:
§ 17.95
Critical habitat—fish and wildlife.
(b) Birds.
Guam Kingfisher (Todiramphus
(4) * * *
(i) Note: The reference to ‘‘Guam
Micronesian Kingfisher’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Guam Kingfisher.’’ Map 1
showing the general location of the
Guam kingfisher unit follows:
(ii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Guam
Micronesian Kingfisher’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Guam Kingfisher.’’ Map 2
showing Guam kingfisher unit follows:
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Rota White-eye (Zosterops rotensis)
(5) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ‘‘Rota
Bridled White-eye’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Rota White-eye.’’ Map 1
of the critical habitat for Rota white-eye
■ 6. Amend § 17.96, in paragraph (a),
the entry for ‘‘Family Limnanthaceae:
Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora
(large-flowered woolly meadowfoam)’’,
■ a. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Limnanthaceae: Limnanthes floccosa
ssp. grandiflora (large-flowered woolly
meadowfoam)’’ and adding in its place
the heading ‘‘Family Limnanthaceae:
Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora
(large-flowered woolly meadowfoam)’’;
■ b. In the introductory text of
paragraphs (2) and (2)(i), and in
paragraph (2)(iv), removing the word
‘‘floccosa’’ and adding in its place the
word ‘‘pumila’’;
■ c. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (5);
■ d. In the introductory text of
paragraph (6), removing the word
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
‘‘floccosa’’ and adding in its place the
word ‘‘pumila’’;
■ e. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (6)(ii);
■ f. In the introductory text of paragraph
(7), removing the word ‘‘floccosa’’ and
adding in its place the word ‘‘pumila’’;
■ g. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (7)(ii);
■ h. In the introductory text of
paragraph (8), removing the word
‘‘floccosa’’ and adding in its place the
word ‘‘pumila’’;
■ i. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (8)(ii);
■ j. In the introductory text of paragraph
(9), removing the word ‘‘floccosa’’ and
adding in its place the word ‘‘pumila’’;
■ k. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (9)(ii);
■ l. In the introductory text of paragraph
(10), removing the word ‘‘floccosa’’ and
adding in its place the word ‘‘pumila’’;
■ m. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (10)(ii);
■ n. In the introductory text of
paragraphs (11) and (11)(i), removing
the word ‘‘floccosa’’ and adding in its
place the word ‘‘pumila’’;
■ o. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (11)(ii);
■ p. In the introductory text of
paragraph (12), removing the word
‘‘floccosa’’ and adding in its place the
word ‘‘pumila’’;
■ q. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (12)(ii);
■ r. In the introductory text of paragraph
(13), removing the word ‘‘floccosa’’ and
adding in its place the word ‘‘pumila’’;
■ s. Revising the introductory text of
paragraph (13)(ii).
The revisions read as follows:
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§ 17.96
Critical habitat—plants.
(a) Flowering plants.
Family Limnanthaceae: Limnanthes
pumila ssp. grandiflora (large-flowered
woolly meadowfoam)
(5) Note: The reference to
‘‘Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora’’
on the map is equivalent to
‘‘Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.’’
Index map for critical habitat in Jackson
County, Oregon, follows:
(6) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to
‘‘Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora’’
on the map is equivalent to
‘‘Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.’’
Map of Unit RV1 follows:
(7) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to
‘‘Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora’’
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on the map is equivalent to
‘‘Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.’’
Map of Unit RV2 follows:
(8) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to
‘‘Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora’’
on the map is equivalent to
‘‘Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.’’
Map of Unit RV3 follows:
(9) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to
‘‘Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora’’
on the map is equivalent to
‘‘Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.’’
Map of Unit RV4 follows:
(10) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to
‘‘Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora’’
on the map is equivalent to
‘‘Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.’’
Map of Unit RV5 follows:
(11) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to
‘‘Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora’’
on the map is equivalent to
‘‘Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.’’
Map of Unit RV6 follows:
(12) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to
‘‘Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora’’
on the map is equivalent to
‘‘Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.’’
Map of Unit RV7 follows:
(13) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to
‘‘Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora’’
on the map is equivalent to
‘‘Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.’’
Map of Unit RV8 follows:
■ 7. Amend § 17.99 as follows:
■ a. In paragraph (a)(1), by:
■ i. In paragraph (a)(1)(vi)(A), removing
the words ‘‘Kauai 4–Platydesma
rostrata–a’’ and adding in their place
the words ‘‘Kauai 4–Melicope rostrata–
■ ii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(vi)(B)
introductory text;
■ iii. In paragraph (a)(1)(xiv)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 4–Cyrtandra limahuliensis–a’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 4–Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
■ iv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(xiv)(B)
introductory text;
■ v. In paragraph (a)(1)(xv) introductory
text, removing the words ‘‘Kauai 4—
Cyrtandra limahuliensis—b’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
4—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae—b’’;
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vi. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(xv)(B)
introductory text;
■ vii. In paragraph (a)(1)(xxix)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 4—Platydesma rostrata—a’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
4—Melicope rostrata—a’’;
■ viii. In paragraph (a)(1)(xxxiv)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 7—
Platydesma rostrata—b’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 7—
Melicope rostrata—b’’;
■ ix. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(xxxiv)(B)
introductory text;
■ x. In paragraph (a)(1)(xlix)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 7—Platydesma rostrata—b’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
7—Melicope rostrata—b’’;
■ xi. In paragraph (a)(1)(lvii)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 10—
Platydesma rostrata—c’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 10—
Melicope rostrata—c’’;
■ xii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(lvii)(B)
introductory text;
■ xiii. In paragraph (a)(1)(lix)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 10—
Platydesma rostrata—d’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 10—
Melicope rostrata—d’’;
■ xiv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(lix)(B)
introductory text;
■ xv. In paragraph (a)(1)(lx)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 10—
Platydesma rostrata—e’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 10—
Melicope rostrata—e’’;
■ xvi. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(lx)(B)
introductory text;
■ xvii. In paragraph (a)(1)(lxxii)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 10—Cyrtandra limahuliensis—
c’’ and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 10—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
■ xviii. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(lxxii)(B) introductory text;
■ xix. In paragraph (a)(1)(civ)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 10—Huperzia nutans—a’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
10—Phlegmariurus nutans—a’’;
■ xx. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(civ)(B)
introductory text;
■ xxi. In paragraph (a)(1)(cviii)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 10—Platydesma rostrata—c’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 10—Melicope rostrata—c’’;
■ xxii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cix)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 10—Platydesma rostrata—d’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 10—Melicope rostrata—d’’;
■ xxiii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cx)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 10—Platydesma rostrata—e’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 10—Melicope rostrata—e’’;
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
xxiv. In paragraph (a)(1)(cxxx)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—f’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—f’’;
■ xxv. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(cxxx)(B) introductory text;
■ xxvi. In paragraph (a)(1)(cxxxiii)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—g’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—g’’;
■ xxvii. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(cxxxiii)(B) introductory text;
■ xxviii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cxl)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—h’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—h’’;
■ xxix. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cxl)(B)
introductory text;
■ xxx. In paragraph (a)(1)(cxli)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—i’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—i’’;
■ xxxi. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(cxli)(B) introductory text;
■ xxxii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cxlvi)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—j’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—j’’;
■ xxxiii. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(cxlvi)(B) introductory text;
■ xxxiv. In paragraph (a)(1)(clxi)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Cyrtandra limahuliensis—
d’’ and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
■ xxxv. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(clxi)(B) introductory text;
■ xxxvi. In paragraph (a)(1)(clxii)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Cyrtandra limahuliensis—
e’’ and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
■ xxxvii. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(clxii)(B) introductory text;
■ xxxviii. In paragraph (a)(1)(clxviii)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Delissea rivularis—a’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
11—Cyanea rivularis—a’’;
■ xxxix. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(clxviii)(B) introductory text;
■ xl. In paragraph (a)(1)(clxxiii)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Diellia pallida—a’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
11—Asplenium dielpallidum-a’’;
■ xli. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(clxxiii)(B) introductory text;
■ xlii. In paragraph (a)(1)(clxxiv)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Diellia pallida—b’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
11—Asplenium dielpallidum—b’’;
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xliii. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(clxxiv)(B) introductory text;
■ xliv. In paragraph (a)(1)(cciii)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Hedyotis cookiana—a’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
11—Kadua cookiana—a’’;
■ xlv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cciii)(B)
introductory text;
■ xlvi. In paragraph (a)(1)(cclxxvii)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Platydesma rostrata—f’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
11—Melicope rostrata—f’’;
■ xlvii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cclxxviii)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Platydesma rostrata—g’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Melicope rostrata—g’’;
■ xlviii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cclxxix)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Platydesma rostrata—h’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Melicope rostrata—h’’;
■ xlix. In paragraph (a)(1)(cclxxx)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Platydesma rostrata—i’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
11—Melicope rostrata—i’’;
■ l. In paragraph (a)(1)(cclxxxi)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 11—Platydesma rostrata—j’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
11—Melicope rostrata—j’’;
■ li. In paragraph (a)(1)(cccli)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 18—
Platydesma rostrata—k’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 18—
Melicope rostrata—k’’;
■ lii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cccli)(B)
introductory text;
■ liii. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclx)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 18—Platydesma rostrata—k’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 18—Melicope rostrata—k’’;
■ liv. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxi)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 19—
Platydesma rostrata—l’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 19—
Melicope rostrata—l’’;
■ lv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxi)(B)
introductory text;
■ lvi. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxx)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 19—Platydesma rostrata—l’’ and
adding in their place the words ‘‘Kauai
19—Melicope rostrata—l’’;
■ lvii. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxxi)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 20—
Platydesma rostrata—m’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 20—
Melicope rostrata—m’’;
■ lviii. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(ccclxxi)(B) introductory text;
■ lix. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxxxiii)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 20—Platydesma rostrata—m’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 20—Melicope rostrata—m’’;
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lx. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxxxvii)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 21—
Platydesma rostrata—n’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 21—
Melicope rostrata—n’’;
■ lxi. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(ccclxxxvii)(B) introductory text;
■ lxii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cccxcii)
introductory text, ‘‘Kauai 21—
Platydesma rostrata—o’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 21—
Melicope rostrata—n’’;
■ lxiii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cccxcvi)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 22—
Platydesma rostrata—o’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 22—
Melicope rostrata—o’’;
■ lxiv. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(cccxcvi)(B) introductory text;
■ lxv. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdi)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 22—Platydesma rostrata—o’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 22—Melicope rostrata—o’’;
■ lxvi. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdv)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 23—
Platydesma rostrata—p’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 23—
Melicope rostrata—p’’;
■ lxvii. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(cdv)(B) introductory text;
■ lxviii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdxx)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 23—Platydesma rostrata—p’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 23—Melicope rostrata—p’’;
■ lxix. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdxxiii)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 24—
Platydesma rostrata—q’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 24—
Melicope rostrata—q’’;
■ lxx. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(cdxxiii)(B) introductory text;
■ lxxi. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdxxxviii)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 24—Platydesma rostrata—q’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 24—Melicope rostrata—q’’;
■ lxxii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdxli)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Kauai 25—
Platydesma rostrata—r’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 25—
Melicope rostrata—r’’;
■ lxxiii. Revising paragraph
(a)(1)(cdxli)(B) introductory text;
■ lxxiv. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdlvi)
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Kauai 25—Platydesma rostrata—r’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Kauai 25—Melicope rostrata—r’’; and
■ lxxv. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdlix), the
Table of Protected Species Within Each
Critical Habitat Unit for Kauai:
■ 1. Removing the entries for ‘‘Kauai 4—
Cyrtandra limahuliensis—a’’, ‘‘Kauai
4—Cyrtandra limahuliensis—b’’, ‘‘Kauai
4—Platydesma rostrata—a’’, ‘‘Kauai 7—
Platydesma rostrata—b’’, ‘‘Kauai 10—
Cyrtandra limahuliensis—c’’, ‘‘Kauai
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Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
10—Huperzia nutans—a’’, ‘‘Kauai 10—
Platydesma rostrata—c’’, ‘‘Kauai 10—
Platydesma rostrata—d’’, ‘‘Kauai 10—
Platydesma rostrata—e’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Cyrtandra limahuliensis—d’’, ‘‘Kauai
11—Cyrtandra limahuliensis—e’’,
‘‘Kauai 11—Delissea rivularis—a’’,
‘‘Kauai 11—Diellia pallida—a’’, ‘‘Kauai
11—Diellia pallida—b’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Hedyotis cookiana—a’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—f’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—g’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—h’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—i’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—j’’, ‘‘Kauai 18—
Platydesma rostrata—k’’, ‘‘Kauai 19—
Platydesma rostrata—l’’, ‘‘Kauai 20—
Platydesma rostrata—m’’, ‘‘Kauai 21—
Platydesma rostrata—n’’, ‘‘Kauai 22—
Platydesma rostrata—o’’, ‘‘Kauai 23—
Platydesma rostrata—p’’, ‘‘Kauai 24—
Platydesma rostrata—q’’, and ‘‘Kauai
25—Platydesma rostrata—r’’; and
■ 2. Adding, in order by unit number
and then alphabetical order by scientific
name within the unit, entries for ‘‘Kauai
4—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae—a’’,
‘‘Kauai 4—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae—b’’, ‘‘Kauai 4—Melicope
rostrata—a’’, ‘‘Kauai 7—Melicope
rostrata—b’’, ‘‘Kauai 10—Cyrtandra
kealiae ssp. kealiae—c’’, ‘‘Kauai 10—
Melicope rostrata—c’’, ‘‘Kauai 10—
Melicope rostrata—d’’, ‘‘Kauai 10—
Melicope rostrata—e’’, ‘‘Kauai 10—
Phlegmariurus nutans—a’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Asplenium dielpallidum—a’’, ‘‘Kauai
11—Asplenium dielpallidum—b’’,
‘‘Kauai 11—Cyanea rivularis—a’’,
‘‘Kauai 11—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae—d’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—Cyrtandra
kealiae ssp. kealiae—e’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Kadua cookiana—a’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—f’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—g’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—h’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—i’’, ‘‘Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—j’’, ‘‘Kauai 18—
Melicope rostrata—k’’, ‘‘Kauai 19—
Melicope rostrata—l’’, ‘‘Kauai 20—
Melicope rostrata—m’’, ‘‘Kauai 21—
Melicope rostrata—n’’, ‘‘Kauai 22—
Melicope rostrata—o’’, ‘‘Kauai 23—
Melicope rostrata—p’’, ‘‘Kauai 24—
Melicope rostrata—q’’, and ‘‘Kauai 25—
Melicope rostrata—r’’;
■ b. In paragraph (b)(1), by:
■ i. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Campanulaceae: Delissea rivularis
(oha)’’ and adding in its place the
heading ‘‘Family Campanulaceae:
Cyanea rivularis (oha)’’;
■ ii. Under the new heading ‘‘Family
Campanulaceae: Cyanea rivularis
(oha)’’, in the introductory text:
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Delissea rivularis—a’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Cyanea rivularis—a’’; and
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2. Removing the words ‘‘Delissea
rivularis’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Cyanea rivularis’’;
■ iii. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Gesneriaceae: Cyrtandra limahuliensis
(haiwale)’’ and adding in its place the
heading ‘‘Family Gesneriaceae:
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae
■ iv. Under the new heading ‘‘Family
Gesneriaceae: Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae (haiwale)’’, revising the
introductory text;
■ v. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Rubiaceae: Hedyotis cookiana (awiwi)’’
and adding in its place the heading
‘‘Family Rubiaceae: Kadua cookiana
■ vi. Under the new heading ‘‘Family
Rubiaceae: Kadua cookiana (awiwi)’’, in
the introductory text:
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Kauai 11—
Hedyotis cookiana—a’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 11—Kadua
cookiana—a’’; and
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Hedyotis
cookiana’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Kadua cookiana’’;
■ vii. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Rutaceae: Platydesma rostrata (pilo kea
lau lii)’’ and adding in its place the
heading ‘‘Family Rutaceae: Melicope
rostrata (pilo kea lau lii)’’; and
■ viii. Under the new heading ‘‘Family
Rutaceae: Melicope rostrata (pilo kea lau
lii)’’, revising the entry’s introductory
text and the introductory text of
paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), and (v);
■ c. In paragraph (b)(2), by:
■ i. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Aspleniaceae: Asplenium dielerectum
(asplenium-leaved diellia’’ and adding
in its place the heading ‘‘Family
Aspleniaceae: Asplenium dielerectum
(no common name)’’;
■ ii. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Aspleniaceae: Diellia pallida (no
common name)’’ and adding in its place
the heading ‘‘Family Aspleniaceae:
Asplenium dielpallidum (no common
■ iii. Under the new heading ‘‘Family
Aspleniaceae: Asplenium dielpallidum
(no common name)’’, revising the
introductory text;
■ iv. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Grammitidaceae: Adenophorus periens
(pendent kihi fern)’’ and adding in its
place the heading ‘‘Family
Grammitidaceae: Adenophorus periens
(palai laau)’’;
■ v. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Lycopodiaceae: Huperzia nutans
(wawaeiole)’’ and adding in its place the
heading ‘‘Family Lycopodiaceae:
Phlegmariurus nutans (wawaeiole)’’;
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vi. Under the new heading ‘‘Family
Lycopodiaceae: Phlegmariurus nutans
(wawaeiole)’’, in the introductory text:
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Kauai 10—
Huperzia nutans—a’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Kauai 10—
Phlegmariurus nutans—a’’; and
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Huperzia
nutans’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Phlegmariurus nutans’’;
■ d. In paragraph (d)(1), under Family
Malvaceae, by removing the heading
‘‘Kokia cookei (COOKE’S KOKIO)’’ and
adding in its place the heading ‘‘Kokia
cookei (KOKIO)’’;
■ e. In paragraph (d)(2), by:
■ i. Under Family Aspleniaceae,
removing the heading ‘‘Asplenium
DIELLIA)’’ and adding in its place the
heading ‘‘Asplenium dielerectum
(NCN)’’; and
■ ii. Under Family Grammitidaceae,
removing the heading ‘‘Adenophorus
periens (PENDANT KIHI FERN)’’ and
adding in its place the heading
‘‘Adenophorus periens (PALAI LAAU)’’;
■ f. In paragraph (e)(1), by:
■ i. In paragraph (e)(1)(xii)(A), removing
the words ‘‘Huperzia mannii’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii’’;
■ ii. In paragraph (e)(1)(xiv)(A):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Huperzia
mannii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii’’; and
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Mucuna
sloanei var. persericea’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Mucuna
■ iii. In paragraph (e)(1)(xv)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Huperzia mannii’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii’’;
■ iv. In paragraph (e)(1)(xvi)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Huperzia mannii’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii’’;
■ v. Immediately following paragraph
(e)(1)(xvi), after Map 16, adding
paragraph (e)(1)(xvii) introductory text;
■ vi. In paragraph (e)(1)(xvii)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Huperzia mannii’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii’’;
■ vii. In paragraph (e)(1)(xviii)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Huperzia mannii’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii’’;
■ viii. In paragraph (e)(1)(xix)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Huperzia mannii’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii’’;
■ ix. In paragraph (e)(1)(xx)(A),
removing the words ‘‘Huperzia mannii’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii’’; and
■ x. In paragraph (e)(1)(xxix), the table
titled ‘‘Occupancy of Species by
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Designated Critical Habitat Units for
Maui,’’ revising the entries for Maui—
Lowland Mesic—Unit 1, Maui—
Lowland Wet—Unit 1, Maui—Lowland
Wet—Unit 2, Maui—Lowland Wet—
Unit 3, Maui—Lowland Wet—Unit 4,
Maui—Lowland Wet—Unit 5, Maui—
Lowland Wet—Unit 6, Maui—Lowland
Wet—Unit 7, Maui—Lowland Wet—
Unit 8, Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 1,
Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 2, Maui—
Montane Wet—Unit 3, Maui—Montane
Wet—Unit 4, Maui—Montane Wet—
Unit 5, Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 6,
Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 7, Maui—
Montane Mesic—Unit 1, Maui—
Montane Mesic—Unit 2, Maui—
Montane Mesic—Unit 3, Maui—
Montane Mesic—Unit 4, and Maui—
Montane Mesic—Unit 5;
■ g. In paragraph (f)(1), under Family
Fabaceae, by:
■ i. Removing the heading ‘‘Mucuna
sloanei var. persericea (SEA BEAN)’’
and adding in its place the heading
‘‘Mucuna persericea (SEA BEAN)’’; and
■ ii. Under the new heading ‘‘Mucuna
persericea (SEA BEAN)’’, in the
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Mucuna sloanei var. persericea’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Mucuna persericea’’;
■ h. In paragraph (f)(2), by:
■ i. Under Family Aspleniaceae,
removing the heading ‘‘Asplenium
DIELLIA)’’ and adding in its place the
heading ‘‘Asplenium dielerectum
■ ii. Under Family Grammitidaceae,
removing the heading ‘‘Adenophorus
periens (PENDANT KIHI FERN)’’ and
adding in its place the heading
‘‘Adenophorus periens (PALAI LAAU)’’;
■ iii. Under Family Lycopodiaceae:
■ 1. Removing the heading ‘‘Huperzia
mannii (WAWAEIOLE)’’ and adding in
its place the heading ‘‘Phlegmariurus
mannii (WAWAEIOLE)’’; and
■ 2. Under the new heading
‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii
(WAWAEIOLE)’’, in the introductory
text, removing the words ‘‘Huperzia
mannii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Phlegmariurus mannii’’;
■ i. In paragraph (i), by:
■ i. In paragraph (i)(9)(i), removing the
words ‘‘Pleomele forbesii’’ and adding
in their place the words ‘‘Dracaena
■ ii. In paragraph (i)(12)(i), removing the
words ‘‘Chamaesyce skottsbergii var.
skottsbergii’’ and adding in their place
the words ‘‘Euphorbia skottsbergii var.
■ iii. In paragraph (i)(13)(i):
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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1. Removing the words ‘‘Diellia
falcata’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum’’;
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. decurrens’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens’’; and
■ 3. Removing the words ‘‘Pleomele
forbesii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’;
■ iv. In paragraph (i)(14)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Diellia
falcata’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum’’;
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. decurrens’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens’’; and
■ 3. Removing the words ‘‘Pleomele
forbesii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’;
■ v. In paragraph (i)(15)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Diellia
falcata’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum’’;
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. decurrens’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens’’; and
■ 3. Removing the words ‘‘Pleomele
forbesii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’;
■ vi. In paragraph (i)(16)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Diellia
falcata’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum’’; and
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Pleomele
forbesii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’;
■ vii. In paragraph (i)(17)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Diellia
falcata’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum’’; and
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Pleomele
forbesii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’;
■ viii. In paragraph (i)(18)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Diellia
falcata’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum’’; and
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Pleomele
forbesii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’;
■ ix. In paragraph (i)(22)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Huperzia
nutans’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Phlegmariurus nutans’’;
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. cornuta’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta’’; and
■ 3. Removing the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra ssp. oahuensis’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra var. oahuensis’’;
■ x. In paragraph (i)(23)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Huperzia
nutans’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Phlegmariurus nutans’’;
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2. Removing the words ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. cornuta’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta’’; and
■ 3. Removing the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra ssp. oahuensis’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra var. oahuensis’’;
■ xi. In paragraph (i)(24)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Huperzia
nutans’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Phlegmariurus nutans’’;
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. cornuta’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta’’; and
■ 3. Removing the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra ssp. oahuensis’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra var. oahuensis’’;
■ xii. In paragraph (i)(25)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Huperzia
nutans’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Phlegmariurus nutans’’;
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. cornuta’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta’’; and
■ 3. Removing the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra ssp. oahuensis’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra var. oahuensis’’;
■ xiii. In paragraph (i)(27)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Diellia
falcata’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum’’;
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. decurrens’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens’’; and
■ 3. Removing the words ‘‘Pleomele
forbesii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’;
■ xiv. In paragraph (i)(28)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Diellia
falcata’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum’’;
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. decurrens’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens’’; and
■ 3. Removing the words ‘‘Pleomele
forbesii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’;
■ xv. In paragraph (i)(29)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Diellia
falcata’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum’’;
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. decurrens’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens’’; and
■ 3. Removing the words ‘‘Pleomele
forbesii’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’;
■ xvi. In paragraph (i)(33)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Huperzia
nutans’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Phlegmariurus nutans’’; and
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
2. Removing the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra ssp. oahuensis’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra var. oahuensis’’;
■ xvii. In paragraph (i)(34)(i):
■ 1. Removing the words ‘‘Huperzia
nutans’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Phlegmariurus nutans’’; and
■ 2. Removing the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra ssp. oahuensis’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra var. oahuensis’’; and
■ xviii. In paragraph (i)(35), the ‘‘Table
of Protected Species Within Each
Critical Habitat Unit for Oahu,’’ revising
the entries for Oahu—Lowland Dry—
Unit 1, Oahu—Lowland Dry—Unit 2,
Oahu—Lowland Dry—Unit 8, Oahu—
Lowland Dry—Unit 9, Oahu—Lowland
Dry—Unit 10, Oahu—Lowland Dry—
Unit 11, Oahu—Lowland Mesic—Unit
1, Oahu—Lowland Mesic—Unit 2,
Oahu—Lowland Mesic—Unit 3, Oahu—
Lowland Mesic—Unit 4, Oahu—
Lowland Mesic—Unit 5, Oahu—
Lowland Mesic—Unit 6, Oahu—
Lowland Mesic—Unit 7, Oahu—
Lowland Wet—Unit 6, Oahu—Lowland
Wet–Unit 7, Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit
8, Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 9,
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 10, Oahu—
Lowland Wet—Unit 11, Oahu—
Lowland Wet—Unit 12, Oahu—
Lowland Wet—Unit 13, Oahu—
Lowland Wet—Unit 14, Oahu—
Lowland Wet—Unit 15, Oahu—
Lowland Wet—Unit 16, Oahu—Dry
Cliff—Unit 1, Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 2,
Oahu—Dry Cliff–Unit 3, Oahu—Dry
Cliff–Unit 4, Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 5,
Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 6, Oahu—Dry
Cliff—Unit 7, Oahu–Dry Cliff—Unit 7a,
Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 7b, Oahu—Dry
Cliff—Unit 8, Oahu—Wet Cliff—Unit 6,
Oahu—Wet Cliff—Unit 7, and Oahu—
Wet Cliff—Unit 8;
■ j. In paragraph (j)(1), by:
■ i. Under Family Asparagaceae:
■ 1. Removing the heading ‘‘Pleomele
forbesii (HALA PEPE)’’ and adding in its
place the heading ‘‘Dracaena forbesii
(HALA PEPE)’’; and
■ 2. Under the new heading ‘‘Dracaena
forbesii (HALA PEPE)’’, in the
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Pleomele forbesii’’ and adding in their
place the words ‘‘Dracaena forbesii’’;
■ ii. Under Family Euphorbiaceae:
■ 1. Removing the heading
‘‘Chamaesyce skottsbergii var.
skottsbergii (EWA PLAINS AKOKO)’’
and adding in its place the heading
‘‘Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii
(AKOKO)’’; and
■ 2. Under the new heading ‘‘Euphorbia
skottsbergii var. skottsbergii (AKOKO)’’,
in the introductory text, removing the
words ‘‘Chamaesyce skottsbergii var.
skottsbergii’’ and adding in their place
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
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the words ‘‘Euphorbia skottsbergii var.
■ iii. Under Family Rubiaceae:
■ 1. Removing the heading ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra ssp. oahuensis (KOPIKO)’’
and adding in its place the heading
‘‘Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis
(KOPIKO)’’; and
■ 2. Under the new heading ‘‘Psychotria
hexandra var. oahuensis (KOPIKO)’’, in
the introductory text, removing the
words ‘‘Psychotria hexandra ssp.
oahuensis’’ and adding in their place
the words ‘‘Psychotria hexandra var.
oahuensis’’; and
■ iv. Under Family Rutaceae:
■ 1. Removing the heading ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. cornuta (NCN)’’ and adding
in its place the heading ‘‘Melicope
cornuta var. cornuta (NCN)’’;
■ 2. Under the new heading ‘‘Melicope
cornuta var. cornuta (NCN)’’, in the
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Platydesma cornuta var. cornuta’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Melicope cornuta var. cornuta’’;
■ 3. Removing the heading ‘‘Platydesma
cornuta var. decurrens (NCN)’’ and
adding in its place the heading
‘‘Melicope cornuta var. decurrens
(NCN)’’; and
■ 4. Under the new heading ‘‘Melicope
cornuta var. decurrens (NCN)’’, in the
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens’’
and adding in their place the words
‘‘Melicope cornuta var. decurrens’’;
■ k. In paragraph (j)(2), by:
■ i. Under Family Aspleniaceae,
■ 1. Removing the heading ‘‘Asplenium
DIELLIA)’’ and adding in its place the
heading ‘‘Asplenium dielerectum
■ 2. Removing the heading ‘‘Diellia
falcata (NCN)’’ and adding in its place
the heading ‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum
■ 3. Under the new heading
‘‘Asplenium dielfalcatum (NCN)’’, in the
introductory text, removing the words
‘‘Diellia falcata’’ and adding in their
place the words ‘‘Asplenium
■ ii. Under Family Grammitidaceae,
removing the heading ‘‘Adenophorus
periens (PENDANT KIHI FERN)’’ and
adding in its place the heading
‘‘Adenophorus periens (PALAI LAAU)’’;
■ iii. Under Family Lycopodiaceae:
■ 1. Removing the heading ‘‘Huperzia
nutans (WAWAEIOLE)’’ and adding in
its place the heading ‘‘Phlegmariurus
nutans (WAWAEIOLE)’’; and
■ 2. Under the new heading
‘‘Phlegmariurus nutans
(WAWAEIOLE)’’, in the introductory
text, removing the words ‘‘Huperzia
nutans’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Phlegmariurus nutans’’;
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(l) In paragraph (k), by:
i. In paragraph (k)(26):
1. In the introductory text, removing
the words ‘‘Hawaii 7—Pleomele
hawaiiensis—a’’ and adding in their
place the words ‘‘Hawaii 7—Dracaena
konaensis—a’’; and
■ 2. In paragraph (k)(26)(ii), revising the
introductory text;
■ ii. In paragraph (k)(51):
■ 1. In the introductory text, removing
the words ‘‘Hawaii 10—Pleomele
hawaiiensis—b’’ and adding in their
place the words ‘‘Hawaii 10—Dracaena
konaensis—b’’; and
■ 2. In paragraph (k)(51)(ii), revising the
introductory text;
■ iii. In paragraph (k)(69):
■ 1. In the introductory text, removing
the words ‘‘Hawaii 18—Pleomele
hawaiiensis—c’’ and adding in their
place the words ‘‘Hawaii 18—Dracaena
konaensis—c’’; and
■ 2. In paragraph (k)(69)(ii), revising the
introductory text;
■ iv. In paragraph (k)(74):
■ 1. In the introductory text, removing
the words ‘‘Hawaii 23—Pleomele
hawaiiensis—d’’ and adding in their
place the words ‘‘Hawaii 23—Dracaena
konaensis—d’’; and
■ 2. In paragraph (k)(74)(ii), revising the
introductory text; and
■ v. In paragraph (k)(115), the Table of
Protected Species Within Each Critical
Habitat Unit for the Island of Hawaii:
■ 1. Removing the entries for Hawaii
7—Pleomele hawaiiensis—a, Hawaii
10—Pleomele hawaiiensis—b, Hawaii
17—Diellia erecta—a, Hawaii 18—
Diellia erecta—b, Hawaii 18—Pleomele
hawaiiensis—c, and Hawaii 23—
Pleomele hawaiiensis—d; and
■ 2. Adding, in order by unit number
and then alphabetical order by scientific
name within the unit, entries for Hawaii
7—Dracaena konaensis—a, Hawaii 10—
Dracaena konaensis—b, Hawaii 17—
Asplenium dielerectum—a, Hawaii 18—
Asplenium dielerectum—b, Hawaii 18—
Dracaena konaensis—c, and Hawaii
23—Dracaena konaensis—d;
■ (m) In paragraph (l)(1), by:
■ a. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Campanulaceae: Cyanea platyphylla
(haha)’’ and adding in its place the
heading ‘‘Family Campanulaceae:
Cyanea platyphylla (akuaku)’’;
■ b. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Liliaceae: Pleomele hawaiiensis (hala
pepe)’’ and adding in its place the
heading ‘‘Family Liliaceae: Dracaena
konaensis (hala pepe)’’;
■ c. Under the new heading ‘‘Family
Liliaceae: Dracaena konaensis (hala
pepe)’’, revising the introductory text;
■ d. Immediately before the entry for
‘‘Family Aspleniaceae: Asplenium
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
peruvianum var. insulare (NCN)’’, add
the paragraph designation and heading
‘‘(2) Fern and allies.’’;
■ (n) In newly designated paragraph
(l)(2), by:
■ a. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Aspleniaceae: Diellia erecta (aspleniumleaved diellia)’’ and adding in its place
the heading ‘‘Family Aspleniaceae:
Asplenium dielerectum (NCN)’’; and
■ b. Removing the heading ‘‘Family
Grammitidaceae: Adenophorus periens
(pendent kihi fern)’’ and adding in its
place the heading ‘‘Family
Grammitidaceae: Adenophorus periens
(palai laau)’’.
The revisions and additions read as
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
§ 17.99 Critical habitat; plants on the
Hawaiian Islands.
(a) * * *
(1) * * *
(vi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 4—
Platydesma rostrata—a’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 4—Melicope
rostrata—a’’. Map 5a follows:
(xiv) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Unit 4—
Cyrtandra limahuliensis—a’’ on the map
is equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 4—Cyrtandra
kealiae ssp. kealiae—a’’. Map 11
(xv) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Unit 4—
Cyrtandra limahuliensis—b’’ on the
map is equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 4—
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae—b’’. Map
12 follows:
(xxxiv) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 7—
Platydesma rostrata—b’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 7—Melicope
rostrata—b’’. Map 23a follows:
(lvii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 10—
Platydesma rostrata—c’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 10—Melicope
rostrata—c’’. Map 35a follows:
(lix) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 10—
Platydesma rostrata—d’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 10—Melicope
rostrata—d’’. Map 36a follows:
(lx) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 10—
Platydesma rostrata—e’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 10—Melicope
rostrata—e’’. Map 36b follows:
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Jkt 259001
(lxxii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Unit 10—
Cyrtandra limahuliensis—c’’ on the map
is equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 10—Cyrtandra
kealiae ssp. kealiae—c’’. Map 40
(civ) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Unit 10—
Huperzia nutans—a’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 10—Phlegmariurus
nutans—a’’. Map 49 follows:
(cxxx) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—f’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—Melicope
rostrata—f’’. Map 64a follows:
(cxxxiii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—g’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—Melicope
rostrata—g’’. Map 66a follows:
(cxl) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—h’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—Melicope
rostrata—h’’. Map 70a follows:
(cxli) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—i’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—Melicope
rostrata—i’’. Map 70b follows:
(cxlvi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 11—
Platydesma rostrata—j’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—Melicope
rostrata—j’’. Map 70c follows:
(clxi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Unit 11—
Cyrtandra limahuliensis—d’’ on the
map is equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae—d’’. Map
79 follows:
(clxii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Unit 11—
Cyrtandra limahuliensis—e’’ on the map
is equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—Cyrtandra
kealiae ssp. kealiae—e’’. Map 80
(clxviii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Unit 11—
Delissea rivularis—a’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—Cyanea
rivularis—a’’. Map 83 follows:
(clxxiii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Unit 11—
Diellia pallida—a’’ on the map is
PO 00000
Frm 00020
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—Asplenium
dielpallidum—a’’. Map 87 follows:
(clxxiv) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Unit 11—
Diellia pallida—b’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—Asplenium
dielpallidum—b’’. Map 88 follows:
(cciii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Unit 11—
Hedyotis cookiana—a’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 11—Kadua
cookiana—a’’. Map 109 follows:
(cccli) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 18—
Platydesma rostrata—k’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 18—Melicope
rostrata—k’’. Map 217a follows:
(ccclxi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 19—
Platydesma rostrata—l’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 19—Melicope
rostrata—l’’. Map 217b follows:
(ccclxxi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 20—
Platydesma rostrata—m’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 20—Melicope
rostrata—m’’. Map 217c follows:
(ccclxxxvii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 21—
Platydesma rostrata—n’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 21—Melicope
rostrata—n’’. Map 217d follows:
(cccxcvi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 22—
Platydesma rostrata—o’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 22—Melicope
rostrata—o’’. Map 217e follows:
(cdv) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 23—
Platydesma rostrata—p’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 23—Melicope
rostrata—p’’. Map 217f follows:
(cdxxiii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 24—
Platydesma rostrata—q’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 24—Melicope
rostrata—q’’. Map 217g follows:
(cdxli) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ‘‘Kauai 25—
Platydesma rostrata—r’’ on the map is
equivalent to ‘‘Kauai 25—Melicope
rostrata—r’’. Map 217h follows:
(cdlix) * * *
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species unoccupied
Kauai 4—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae—a ................
Kauai 4—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae—b ................
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae.
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae.
Kauai 4—Melicope rostrata—a .....................................
Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 7—Melicope rostrata—b .....................................
Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 10—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae—c ..............
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae.
Kauai 10—Melicope rostrata—c ...................................
Kauai 10—Melicope rostrata—d ...................................
Kauai 10—Melicope rostrata—e ...................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Melicope rostrata.
Melicope rostrata.
Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 10—Phlegmariurus nutans—a ...........................
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Kauai 11—Asplenium dielpallidum—a .........................
Kauai 11—Asplenium dielpallidum—b .........................
Asplenium dielpallidum.
Asplenium dielpallidum.
Kauai 11—Cyanea rivularis—a ....................................
Cyanea rivularis.
Kauai 11—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae—d ..............
Kauai 11—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae—e ..............
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae.
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae.
Kauai 11—Kadua cookiana—a ....................................
Kadua cookiana.
11—Melicope rostrata—f ....................................
11—Melicope rostrata—g ...................................
11—Melicope rostrata—h ...................................
11—Melicope rostrata—i ....................................
11—Melicope rostrata—j ....................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Kauai 18—Melicope rostrata—k ...................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 19—Melicope rostrata—l ....................................
Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 20—Melicope rostrata—m ..................................
Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 21—Melicope rostrata—n ...................................
Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 22—Melicope rostrata—o ...................................
Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 23—Melicope rostrata—p ...................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 24—Melicope rostrata—q ...................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 25—Melicope rostrata—r ...................................
Melicope rostrata .........................................................
Melicope rostrata.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Species occupied
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
Family Gesneriaceae: Cyrtandra
Kealiae ssp. Kealiae (Haiwale)
Kauai 4—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae—a, Kauai 4—Cyrtandra kealiae
ssp. kealiae—b, Kauai 10—Cyrtandra
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:27 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
kealiae ssp. kealiae—c, Kauai 11—
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae—d, and
Kauai 11—Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae—e, identified in the legal
descriptions in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section, constitute critical habitat for
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae on Kauai.
Within these units, the currently known
primary constituent elements of critical
PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
habitat include, but are not limited to,
the habitat components provided by:
Family Rutaceae: Melicope Rostrata
(Pilo Kea Lau Lii)
Kauai 4—Melicope rostrata—a, Kauai
7—Melicope rostrata—b, Kauai 10—
Melicope rostrata—c, Kauai 10—
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Melicope rostrata—d, Kauai 10—
Melicope rostrata—e, Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—f, Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—g, Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—h, Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—i, Kauai 11—
Melicope rostrata—j, Kauai 18—
Melicope rostrata—k, Kauai 19—
Melicope rostrata—l, Kauai 20—
Melicope rostrata—m, Kauai 21—
Melicope rostrata—n, Kauai 22—
Melicope rostrata—o, Kauai 23—
Melicope rostrata—p, Kauai 24—
Melicope rostrata—q, and Kauai 25—
Melicope rostrata—r, identified in the
legal descriptions in paragraph (a)(1) of
this section, constitute critical habitat
for Platydesma rostrata on Kauai.
(i) In units Kauai 7—Melicope
rostrata—b and Kauai 11—Melicope
rostrata—g, the primary constituent
elements of critical habitat are:
(ii) In units Kauai 10—Melicope
rostrata—d, Kauai 11—Melicope
rostrata—h, and Kauai 20—Melicope
rostrata—m, the primary constituent
elements of critical habitat are:
(iii) In units Kauai 11—Melicope
rostrata—j, Kauai 21—Melicope
rostrata—n, and Kauai 22—Melicope
rostrata—o, the primary constituent
elements of critical habitat are:
(iv) In units Kauai 10—Melicope
rostrata—c, Kauai 11—Melicope
rostrata—f, Kauai 23—Melicope
rostrata—p, Kauai 24—Melicope
rostrata—q, and Kauai 25—Melicope
rostrata—r, the primary constituent
elements of critical habitat are:
(v) In units Kauai 4—Melicope
rostrata—a, Kauai 10—Melicope
rostrata—e, Kauai 11—Melicope
rostrata—i, Kauai 18—Melicope
rostrata—k, and Kauai 19—Melicope
rostrata—l, the primary constituent
elements of critical habitat are:
(2) * * *
Unit name
Species occupied
Maui—Lowland Mesic—Unit 1 .....................................
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea copelandii ssp. haleakalaensis.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Family Aspleniaceae: Asplenium
Dielpallidum (No Common Name)
Kauai 11—Asplenium dielpallidum—
a and Kauai 11—Asplenium
dielpallidum—b, identified in the legal
descriptions in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section, constitute critical habitat for
Asplenium dielpallidum on Kauai.
Within these units, the currently known
primary constituent elements of critical
habitat include, but are not limited to,
the habitat components provided by:
(e) * * *
(1) * * *
(xvii) Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 1
(2,110 ac, 854 ha), Maui—Montane
Wet—Unit 2 (14,583 ac, 5,901 ha),
Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 3 (2,228 ac,
902 ha), Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 4
(1,833 ac, 742 ha), and Maui—Montane
Wet—Unit 5 (387 ac, 156 ha).
(xxix) * * *
Species unoccupied
Ctenitis squamigera.
Solanum incompletum.
Maui—Lowland Wet—Unit 1 ........................................
Bidens campylotheca ssp. waihoiensis.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Clermontia peleana.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea copelandii ssp. haleakalaensis.
Cyanea duvalliorum.
Cyanea hamatiflora ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea maritae.
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
Melicope balloui.
Melicope ovalis.
Mucuna persericea.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Maui—Lowland Wet—Unit 2 ........................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:27 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00022
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Phyllostegia haliakalae.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha ssp. kalealaha.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Hesperomannia arbuscula.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua laxiflora.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Pteris lidgatei.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Maui—Lowland Wet—Unit 3 ........................................
Wikstroemia villosa.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha ssp. kalealaha.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Hesperomannia arbuscula.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua laxiflora.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Pteris lidgatei.
Maui—Lowland Wet—Unit 4 ........................................
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha ssp. kalealaha.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Ctenitis squamigera.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Maui—Lowland Wet—Unit 5 ........................................
Maui—Lowland Wet—Unit 6 ........................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Hesperomannia arbuscula.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua laxiflora.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Pteris lidgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha ssp. kalealaha.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Hesperomannia arbuscula.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua laxiflora.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Pteris lidgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha ssp. kalealaha.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Hesperomannia arbuscula.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua laxiflora.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Pteris lidgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Maui—Lowland Wet—Unit 7 ........................................
Alectryon macrococcus.
Maui—Lowland Wet—Unit 8 ........................................
Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 1 ....................................
Asplenium dielerectum.
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha ssp. kalealaha.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Hesperomannia arbuscula.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua laxiflora.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Pteris lidgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha ssp. kalealaha.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Hesperomannia arbuscula.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua laxiflora.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Pteris lidgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Adenophorus periens.
Asplenium peruvianum var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. pentamera.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. waihoiensis.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea copelandii ssp. haleakalaensis.
Cyanea duvalliorum.
hamatiflora ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea maritae.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00024
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
Melicope balloui.
Melicope ovalis.
Peperomia subpetiolata.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Phyllostegia haliakalae.
Phyllostegia mannii.
Phyllostegia pilosa.
Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 2 ........................................
Platanthera holochila.
Schiedea jacobii.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Adenophorus periens.
Asplenium peruvianum var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. pentamera.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. waihoiensis.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea copelandii ssp. haleakalaensis.
Cyanea duvalliorum.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea hamatiflora ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea horrida.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea maritae.
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
Cyrtandra ferripilosa.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Geranium hanaense.
Geranium multiflorum.
Melicope balloui.
Melicope ovalis.
Peperomia subpetiolata.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Phyllostegia haliakalae.
Phyllostegia mannii.
Phyllostegia pilosa.
Platanthera holochila.
Schiedea jacobii.
Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 3 ....................................
Wikstroemia villosa.
Adenophorus periens.
Asplenium peruvianum var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. pentamera.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. waihoiensis.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea copelandii ssp. haleakalaensis.
Cyanea duvalliorum.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea hamatiflora ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea horrida.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea maritae.
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
Cyrtandra ferripilosa.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Geranium hanaense.
Geranium multiflorum.
Melicope balloui.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Melicope ovalis.
Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 4 ........................................
Peperomia subpetiolata.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Phyllostegia haliakalae.
Phyllostegia mannii.
Phyllostegia pilosa.
Platanthera holochila.
Schiedea jacobii.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Adenophorus periens.
Asplenium peruvianum var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. pentamera.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. waihoiensis.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea copelandii ssp. haleakalaensis.
Cyanea duvalliorum.
Cyanea glabra.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00025
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
hamatiflora ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
Cyrtandra ferripilosa.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Geranium hanaense.
Geranium multiflorum.
Melicope balloui.
Melicope ovalis.
Peperomia subpetiolata.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 5 ........................................
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Phyllostegia haliakalae.
Phyllostegia mannii.
Phyllostegia pilosa.
Platanthera holochila.
Schiedea jacobii.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Adenophorus periens.
Asplenium peruvianum var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. pentamera.
Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 6 ........................................
Bidens conjuncta.
Calamagrostis hillebrandii.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. waihoiensis.
Clermontia oblongifolia ssp. mauiensis.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea copelandii ssp. haleakalaensis.
Cyanea duvalliorum.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea hamatiflora ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea horrida.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea maritae.
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
Cyrtandra ferripilosa.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Geranium hanaense.
Geranium multiflorum.
Melicope balloui.
Melicope ovalis.
Peperomia subpetiolata.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Phyllostegia haliakalae.
Phyllostegia mannii.
Phyllostegia pilosa.
Platanthera holochila.
Schiedea jacobii.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Acaena exigua.
Cyrtandra oxybapha.
Geranium hillebrandii.
Myrsine vaccinioides.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Platanthera holochila.
Maui—Montane Wet—Unit 7 ........................................
Sanicula purpurea.
Acaena exigua.
Bidens conjuncta.
Calamagrostis hillebrandii.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyrtandra oxybapha.
Geranium hillebrandii.
Myrsine vaccinioides.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Platanthera holochila.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Maui—Montane Mesic—Unit 1 .....................................
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Asplenium peruvianum var. insulare.
Sanicula purpurea.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Bidens campylotheca ssp. pentamera.
Bidens micrantha ssp. kalealaha.
Clermontia lindseyana.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea hamatiflora ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea horrida.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:27 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00026
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Cyanea obtusa.
Cyrtandra ferripilosa.
Cyrtandra oxybapha.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Geranium arboreum.
Geranium multiflorum.
Melicope adscendens.
Neraudia sericea.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Phyllostegia bracteata.
Phyllostegia mannii.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Zanthoxylum hawaiiense.
Maui—Montane Mesic—Unit 2 .....................................
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Geranium hillebrandii
Lysimachia lydgatei.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Maui—Montane Mesic—Unit 3 .....................................
Stenogyne kauaulaensis.
Zanthoxylum hawaiiense.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Geranium hillebrandii.
Maui—Montane Mesic—Unit 4 .....................................
Maui—Montane Mesic—Unit 5 .....................................
Lysimachia lydgatei.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Stenogyne kauaulaensis.
Zanthoxylum hawaiiense.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Geranium hillebrandii.
Lysimachia lydgatei.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Stenogyne kauaulaensis.
Zanthoxylum hawaiiense.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Geranium hillebrandii.
Lysimachia lydgatei.
Phlegmariurus mannii.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae var. lanaiense.
Stenogyne kauaulaensis.
Zanthoxylum hawaiiense.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
(i) * * *
Species occupied
Oahu—Lowland Dry—Unit 1 ........................................
Bidens amplectens ......................................................
Species unoccupied
Hibiscus brackenridgei ................................................
Nototrichium humile .....................................................
Schiedea kealiae .........................................................
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
(35) * * *
Unit name
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00027
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Dracaena forbesii.
Euphorbia haeleeleana.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hibiscus brackenridgei.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Oahu—Lowland Dry—Unit 2
Bonamia menziesii ......................................................
Dracaena forbesii ........................................................
Melanthera tenuifolia ...................................................
Nototrichium humile .....................................................
Oahu—Lowland Dry—Unit 8 ........................................
Oahu—Lowland Dry—Unit 9 ........................................
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata ........................
Oahu—Lowland Dry—Unit 10 ......................................
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii ......................
Oahu—Lowland Dry—Unit 11 ......................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii ......................
Oahu—Lowland Mesic—Unit 1 ....................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
Abutilon sandwicense ..................................................
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Dracaena forbesii.
Euphorbia haeleeleana.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hibiscus brackenridgei.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Euphorbia haeleeleana.
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hibiscus brackenridgei.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Euphorbia haeleeleana.
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hibiscus brackenridgei.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Euphorbia haeleeleana.
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hibiscus brackenridgei.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Euphorbia haeleeleana.
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hibiscus brackenridgei.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Abutilon sandwicense.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Alectryon macrococcus ...............................................
Asplenium dielfalcatum ................................................
Bonamia menziesii ......................................................
Cenchrus agrimonioides ..............................................
Chamaesyce herbstii ...................................................
Colubrina oppositifolia .................................................
Ctenitis squamigera .....................................................
Cyanea acuminata .......................................................
Cyanea calycina ..........................................................
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana ...........................
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae ..................................
Cyanea longiflora .........................................................
Cyanea superba ..........................................................
Cyrtandra dentata ........................................................
Delissea subcordata ....................................................
Dracaena forbesii ........................................................
Dubautia herbstobatae ................................................
Eragrostis fosbergii ......................................................
Euphorbia haeleeleana ................................................
Flueggea neowawraea ................................................
Hesperomannia arborescens ......................................
Hesperomannia arbuscula ...........................................
Hibiscus brackenridgei ................................................
Isodendrion laurifolium ................................................
Isodendrion longifolium ................................................
Kadua degeneri ...........................................................
Lobelia niihauensis ......................................................
Melanthera tenuifolia ...................................................
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens .................................
Melicope makahae ......................................................
Melicope pallida ...........................................................
Neraudia angulata .......................................................
Nototrichium humile .....................................................
Phyllostegia kaalaensis ...............................................
Pteralyxia macrocarpa .................................................
Oahu—Lowland Mesic—Unit 2 ....................................
hookeri .........................................................
kaalae ..........................................................
nuttallii .........................................................
obovata ........................................................
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana ...................
Abutilon sandwicense ..................................................
Alectryon macrococcus ...............................................
Asplenium dielfalcatum ................................................
Cenchrus agrimonioides ..............................................
Chamaesyce herbstii ...................................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Cyanea calycina ..........................................................
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae ..................................
Delissea subcordata ....................................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00029
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Colubrina oppositifolia.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea pinnatifida.
Cyanea superba.
Cyperus pennatiformis.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Delissea subcordata.
Diellia unisora.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Euphorbia haeleeleana.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gardenia mannii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Hesperomannia arbuscula.
Hibiscus brackenridgei.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Kadua coriacea.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope pallida.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Phyllostegia mollis.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Schiedea obovata.
Silene perlmanii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Stenogyne kanehoana.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Urera kaalae.
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana.
Abutilon sandwicense.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Colubrina oppositifolia.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea pinnatifida.
Cyanea superba.
Cyperus pennatiformis.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Delissea subcordata.
Diellia unisora.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Dracaena forbesii ........................................................
Gardenia mannii ..........................................................
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens .................................
Phyllostegia hirsuta .....................................................
Phyllostegia kaalaensis ...............................................
Phyllostegia mollis .......................................................
Pteralyxia macrocarpa .................................................
Schiedea hookeri .........................................................
Schiedea kaalae ..........................................................
Solanum sandwicense .................................................
Stenogyne kanehoana .................................................
Urera kaalae ................................................................
Oahu—Lowland Mesic—Unit 3 ....................................
Alectryon macrococcus ...............................................
Asplenium dielfalcatum ................................................
Cenchrus agrimonioides ..............................................
Delissea subcordata ....................................................
Diellia unisora ..............................................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Dracaena forbesii ........................................................
Hesperomannia arbuscula ...........................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00030
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Euphorbia haeleeleana.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gardenia mannii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Hesperomannia arbuscula.
Hibiscus brackenridgei.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Kadua coriacea.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope pallida.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Phyllostegia mollis.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Schiedea obovata.
Silene perlmanii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Stenogyne kanehoana.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Urera kaalae.
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana.
Abutilon sandwicense.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Colubrina oppositifolia.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea pinnatifida.
Cyanea superba.
Cyperus pennatiformis.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Delissea subcordata.
Diellia unisora.
Diplazium molokaiense.
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Euphorbia haeleeleana.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gardenia mannii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Hesperomannia arbuscula.
Hibiscus brackenridgei.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Kadua coriacea.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Melicope saint-johnii ....................................................
Phyllostegia mollis .......................................................
Phyllostegia parviflora .................................................
Plantago princeps ........................................................
Pteralyxia macrocarpa .................................................
Schiedea kaalae ..........................................................
Silene perlmanii ...........................................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Urera kaalae ................................................................
Oahu—Lowland Mesic—Unit 4 ....................................
Oahu—Lowland Mesic—Unit 5 ....................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00031
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope pallida.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Phyllostegia mollis.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Schiedea obovata.
Silene perlmanii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Stenogyne kanehoana.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Urera kaalae.
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Delissea subcordata.
Dracaena forbesii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Kadua coriacea.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia monostachya.
Melicope lydgatei.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia mollis.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Tetraplasandra lydgatei.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Delissea subcordata.
Dracaena forbesii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Gardenia mannii.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Oahu—Lowland Mesic—Unit 6 ....................................
Species unoccupied
Cyanea acuminata .......................................................
Cyanea crispa ..............................................................
Cyanea truncata ..........................................................
Gardenia mannii ..........................................................
Pteralyxia macrocarpa .................................................
Schiedea kaalae ..........................................................
Oahu—Lowland Mesic—Unit 7 ....................................
Asplenium dielerectum ................................................
Bonamia menziesii ......................................................
Cyanea acuminata .......................................................
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana ...........................
Cyanea lanceolata .......................................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Cyrtandra polyantha ....................................................
Dracaena forbesii ........................................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00032
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Kadua coriacea.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia monostachya.
Melicope lydgatei.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia mollis.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Tetraplasandra lydgatei.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Delissea subcordata.
Dracaena forbesii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Kadua coriacea.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia monostachya.
Melicope lydgatei.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia mollis.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Tetraplasandra lydgatei.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielerectum.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce celastroides var. kaenana.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Delissea subcordata.
Dracaena forbesii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Kadua coriacea.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Lobelia monostachya ...................................................
Pteralyxia macrocarpa .................................................
Tetraplasandra lydgatei ...............................................
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 6 .......................................
Hesperomannia arborescens ......................................
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 7 .......................................
Chamaesyce rockii ......................................................
Cyanea acuminata .......................................................
Cyanea calycina ..........................................................
Cyanea humboldtiana ..................................................
Cyanea purpurellifolia ..................................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Cyanea truncata ..........................................................
Cyrtandra viridiflora .....................................................
Gardenia mannii ..........................................................
Hesperomannia arborescens ......................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00033
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Lobelia monostachya.
Melicope lydgatei.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia mollis.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Tetraplasandra lydgatei.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta .....................................
Myrsine juddii ...............................................................
Phlegmariurus nutans ..................................................
Phyllostegia hirsuta .....................................................
Pteralyxia macrocarpa .................................................
Pteris lidgatei ...............................................................
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa ........................................
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 8 .......................................
Viola oahuensis ...........................................................
Zanthoxylum oahuense ...............................................
Cyrtandra kaulantha ....................................................
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 9 .......................................
Chamaesyce rockii ......................................................
Cyanea calycina ..........................................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Cyanea humboldtiana ..................................................
Cyanea koolauensis ....................................................
Cyanea st.-johnii ..........................................................
Cyrtandra viridiflora .....................................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Gardenia mannii ..........................................................
Hesperomannia arborescens ......................................
Labordia cyrtandrae .....................................................
Lobelia oahuensis ........................................................
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta .....................................
Melicope hiiakae ..........................................................
Melicope lydgatei .........................................................
Phyllostegia hirsuta .....................................................
Phyllostegia parviflora .................................................
Plantago princeps ........................................................
Pteris lidgatei ...............................................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa ........................................
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 10 .....................................
Viola oahuensis ...........................................................
Zanthoxylum oahuense ...............................................
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 11 .....................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00035
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 12 .....................................
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 13 .....................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00036
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 14 .....................................
Species unoccupied
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Cyanea koolauensis ....................................................
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 15 .....................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00037
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Cyanea crispa ..............................................................
Oahu—Lowland Wet—Unit 16 .....................................
Cyanea acuminata .......................................................
Cyanea calycina ..........................................................
Cyanea crispa ..............................................................
Cyanea humboldtiana ..................................................
Cyanea koolauensis ....................................................
Cyanea lanceolata .......................................................
Cyanea st.-johnii ..........................................................
Cyrtandra gracilis .........................................................
Cyrtandra polyantha ....................................................
Cyrtandra sessilis ........................................................
Gardenia mannii ..........................................................
Hesperomannia arborescens ......................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta .....................................
Sanicula purpurea .......................................................
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa ........................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00038
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia arborescens.
Isodendrion longifolium.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Platanthera holochila.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 1 ...............................................
Alectryon macrococcus ...............................................
Cenchrus agrimonioides ..............................................
Chamaesyce herbstii ...................................................
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae ..................................
Cyrtandra dentata ........................................................
Kadua degeneri ...........................................................
Plantago princeps ........................................................
Schiedea obovata ........................................................
Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 2 ...............................................
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana..
Abutilon sandwicense ..................................................
Alectryon macrococcus ...............................................
Dracaena forbesii ........................................................
Dubautia herbstobatae ................................................
Gouania vitifolia ...........................................................
Kadua parvula .............................................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Lepidium arbuscula .....................................................
Lobelia niihauensis ......................................................
Melanthera tenuifolia ...................................................
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens .................................
Melicope makahae ......................................................
Nototrichium humile .....................................................
Peucedanum sandwicense ..........................................
Sanicula mariversa ......................................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00039
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Abutilon sandwicense.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Chamaesyce kuwaleana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Korthalsella degeneri.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Tetramolopium filiforme.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Abutilon sandwicense.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Chamaesyce kuwaleana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Korthalsella degeneri.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Schiedea hookeri .........................................................
Tetramolopium filiforme ...............................................
Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 3 ...............................................
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana ...................
Abutilon sandwicense ..................................................
Alectryon macrococcus ...............................................
Asplenium dielfalcatum ................................................
Bonamia menziesii ......................................................
Dracaena forbesii ........................................................
Dubautia herbstobatae ................................................
Eragrostis fosbergii ......................................................
Flueggea neowawraea ................................................
Gouania meyenii ..........................................................
Isodendrion laurifolium ................................................
Korthalsella degeneri ...................................................
Lepidium arbuscula .....................................................
Lipochaeta lobata var. leptophylla ...............................
Lobelia niihauensis ......................................................
Melanthera tenuifolia ...................................................
Melicope makahae ......................................................
Neraudia angulata .......................................................
Nototrichium humile .....................................................
Peucedanum sandwicense ..........................................
Phyllostegia kaalaensis ...............................................
Pteralyxia macrocarpa .................................................
Schiedea hookeri .........................................................
Silene lanceolata .........................................................
Tetramolopium filiforme ...............................................
Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 4 ...............................................
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana ...................
Alectryon macrococcus ...............................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Chamaesyce kuwaleana .............................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00040
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Tetramolopium filiforme.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana.
Abutilon sandwicense.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Chamaesyce kuwaleana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Korthalsella degeneri.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Tetramolopium filiforme.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana.
Abutilon sandwicense.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Chamaesyce kuwaleana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Korthalsella degeneri.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Spermolepis hawaiiensis .............................................
Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 6 ...............................................
Cenchrus agrimonioides ..............................................
Diellia unisora ..............................................................
Dracaena forbesii ........................................................
Flueggea neowawraea ................................................
Lepidium arbuscula .....................................................
Lobelia niihauensis ......................................................
Melicope saint-johnii ....................................................
Neraudia angulata .......................................................
Plantago princeps ........................................................
Silene perlmanii ...........................................................
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum ...................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 7a .............................................
Dracaena forbesii ........................................................
Flueggea neowawraea ................................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
22:20 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00041
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Tetramolopium filiforme.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana.
Abutilon sandwicense.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Chamaesyce kuwaleana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Korthalsella degeneri.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Tetramolopium filiforme.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana.
Abutilon sandwicense.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Chamaesyce kuwaleana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Kadua parvula .............................................................
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens .................................
Melicope saint-johnii ....................................................
Plantago princeps ........................................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Silene perlmanii ...........................................................
Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 7b .............................................
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana ...................
Oahu—Dry Cliff—Unit 8 ...............................................
Abutilon sandwicense ..................................................
Bonamia menziesii ......................................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00042
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Korthalsella degeneri.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Tetramolopium filiforme.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana.
Abutilon sandwicense.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Chamaesyce kuwaleana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Korthalsella degeneri.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Tetramolopium filiforme.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana.
Abutilon sandwicense.
Achyranthes splendens var. rotundata.
Alectryon macrococcus.
Asplenium dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Chamaesyce kuwaleana.
Cyanea grimesiana ssp. obatae.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Dracaena forbesii ........................................................
Flueggea neowawraea ................................................
Lobelia niihauensis ......................................................
Neraudia angulata .......................................................
Nototrichium humile .....................................................
Oahu—Wet Cliff—Unit 6 ...............................................
Cyanea crispa ..............................................................
Phlegmariurus nutans ..................................................
Pteralyxia macrocarpa .................................................
Schiedea kaalae ..........................................................
Oahu—Wet Cliff—Unit 7 ...............................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Cyanea crispa ..............................................................
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00043
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Isodendrion laurifolium.
Isodendrion pyrifolium.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Korthalsella degeneri.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata var. leptophylla
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Peucedanum sandwicense.
Phyllostegia kaalaensis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Spermolepis hawaiiensis.
Tetramolopium filiforme.
Tetramolopium lepidotum ssp. lepidotum.
Viola chamissoniana ssp. chamissoniana.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce deppeana.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Lysimachia filifolia.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula purpurea.
Schiedea kaalae.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce deppeana.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
Unit name
Species occupied
Species unoccupied
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa ........................................
Trematolobelia singularis .............................................
Viola oahuensis ...........................................................
Lysimachia filifolia.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula purpurea.
Schiedea kaalae.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce deppeana.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra subumbellata.
Cyrtandra viridiflora.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Lysimachia filifolia.
Phlegmariurus nutans.
Phyllostegia hirsuta.
Phyllostegia parviflora.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia macrocarpa.
Sanicula purpurea.
Schiedea kaalae.
Tetraplasandra gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia singularis.
Viola oahuensis.
(ii) Note: The reference to ‘‘Hawaii
10—Pleomele hawaiiensis—b’’ on the
map is equivalent to ‘‘Hawaii 10—
Dracaena konaensis—b’’. Map 48
(69) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ‘‘Hawaii
18—Pleomele hawaiiensis—c’’ on the
map is equivalent to ‘‘Hawaii 18—
Dracaena konaensis—c’’. Map 69
(74) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ‘‘Hawaii
23—Pleomele hawaiiensis—d’’ on the
map is equivalent to ‘‘Hawaii 23—
Dracaena konaensis—d’’. Map 74
(115) * * *
Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis ...........................
Schiedea kaalae ..........................................................
Oahu—Wet Cliff—Unit 8 ...............................................
Cyanea acuminata .......................................................
Cyanea calycina ..........................................................
Cyanea humboldtiana ..................................................
Cyanea purpurellifolia ..................................................
Cyanea st.-johnii ..........................................................
Cyrtandra kaulantha ....................................................
Cyrtandra sessilis ........................................................
Cyrtandra subumbellata ..............................................
Cyrtandra viridiflora .....................................................
Labordia cyrtandrae .....................................................
Lobelia oahuensis ........................................................
Lysimachia filifolia ........................................................
Phlegmariurus nutans ..................................................
Phyllostegia hirsuta .....................................................
Phyllostegia parviflora .................................................
Plantago princeps ........................................................
Pteralyxia macrocarpa .................................................
Sanicula purpurea .......................................................
(k) * * *
(26) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ‘‘Hawaii
7—Pleomele hawaiiensis—a’’ on the
map is equivalent to ‘‘Hawaii 7—
Dracaena konaensis—a’’. Map 26
(51) * * *
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Unit name
Species occupied
Hawaii 7—Dracaena konaensis—a ..............................
Dracaena konaensis ....................................................
Dracaena konaensis.
Hawaii 10—Dracaena konaensis—b ............................
Dracaena konaensis ....................................................
Dracaena konaensis.
Hawaii 17—Asplenium dielerectum—a ........................
Asplenium dielerectum ................................................
Asplenium dielerectum.
Hawaii 18—Asplenium dielerectum—b ........................
Asplenium dielerectum ................................................
Asplenium dielerectum.
Hawaii 18—Dracaena konaensis—c ............................
Dracaena konaensis ....................................................
Dracaena konaensis.
Hawaii 23—Dracaena konaensis—d ............................
Dracaena konaensis ....................................................
Dracaena konaensis.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:40 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
PO 00000
Frm 00044
Fmt 4701
Species unoccupied
Sfmt 4700
Federal Register / Vol. 88, No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 / Rules and Regulations
(l) * *
(1) * *
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES2
Family Liliaceae: Dracaena Konaensis
(Hala Pepe)
Hawaii 7—Dracaena konaensis—a,
Hawaii 10—Dracaena konaensis—b,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:27 Feb 01, 2023
Jkt 259001
Hawaii 18—Dracaena konaensis—c,
and Hawaii 23—Dracaena konaensis—
d, identified in the legal descriptions in
paragraph (k) of this section, constitute
critical habitat for Dracaena konaensis
on Hawaii. Within these units, the
currently known primary constituent
elements of critical habitat include, but
PO 00000
Frm 00045
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 9990
are not limited to, the habitat
components provided by: * * *
Martha Williams,
Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2023–01025 Filed 2–1–23; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 88, Number 22 (Thursday, February 2, 2023)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 7134-7177]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2023-01025]
[[Page 7133]]
Vol. 88
No. 22
February 2, 2023
Part II
Department of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Technical Corrections
for 62 Wildlife and Plant Species on the Lists of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 88 , No. 22 / Thursday, February 2, 2023 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 7134]]
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS-R1-ES-2022-0062; FXES11130900000C6-234-FF09E42000]
RIN 1018-BG77
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Technical
Corrections for 62 Wildlife and Plant Species on the Lists of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Direct final rule.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce
technical corrections for 62 wildlife and plant species under the
Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (Act). These corrections
include changes to scientific names of 11 wildlife species and 14 plant
species due to taxonomic reclassification; changes to common names of
21 wildlife species and 13 plant species; and corrections to errors in
scientific or common names, listing citations, or taxonomic heading
placement for 4 wildlife species and 14 plant species. We are revising
the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and the List of
Endangered and Threatened Plants (``the Lists'') to reflect the current
scientifically accepted taxonomy and nomenclature of these species that
occur in Idaho and the Pacific islands.
DATES: This rule is effective May 3, 2023 without further action,
unless significant adverse comment is received by March 6, 2023. If
significant adverse comment is received regarding taxonomic changes for
any of these species, we will publish a timely withdrawal of the
relevant portions of the rule in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by one of the following methods:
Electronically: Go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal:
https://www.regulations.gov. In the Search box, enter FWS-R1-ES-2022-
0062, which is the docket number for this rulemaking. Then, click on
the Search button. On the resulting page, in the Search panel on the
left side of the screen, under the Document Type heading, click on the
Rule box to locate this document. You may submit a comment by clicking
on ``Comment.''
By hard copy: Submit comments by U.S. mail or hand-
delivery to: Public Comments Processing, Attn: FWS-R1-ES-2022-0062,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS: PRB/3W, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls
Church, VA 22041-3803.
See Public Comments in SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION, below, for more
information about submitting comments.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marilet Zablan, Program Manager for
Restoration and Endangered Species Classification, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Pacific Regional Office, Ecological Services, 911 NE
11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97232; telephone 503-231-6131. Individuals in
the United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a
speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access
telecommunications relay services. Individuals outside the United
States should use the relay services offered within their country to
make international calls to the point-of-contact in the United States.
See Species-specific Inquiries and Information in SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION, below, for relevant names and contact information.
Public Comments
You may submit your comments and materials regarding the taxonomic
revisions, identified below in table 1, by one of the methods listed in
ADDRESSES. Please include sufficient information with your comments to
allow us to verify any scientific or commercial information you
include. We will not consider comments sent by email or fax, or to an
address not listed in ADDRESSES.
We will post all comments on https://www.regulations.gov. Before
including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal
information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire
comment--including your personal identifying information--may be made
publicly available at any time. While you can ask us in your comment to
withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
Comments and materials we receive, as well as supporting
documentation we use in preparing this direct final rule, will be
available for public inspection on the internet at https://www.regulations.gov. Please note that comments posted to https://www.regulations.gov are not immediately viewable. When you submit a
comment, the system receives it immediately. However, the comment will
not be publicly viewable until we post it, which might not occur until
several days after submission. Information regarding this rule is
available in alternative formats upon request (see FOR FURTHER
Species-Specific Inquiries and Information
For information pertaining to specific species, please contact our
Ecological Services field offices as follows:
Species Contact person Contact phone and email Contact address
Pacific islands species.............. Megan Laut, Fish and 808-792-9400; Pacific Islands Fish
Wildlife Biologist. [email protected]. and Wildlife Office,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, 300 Ala Moana
Blvd., Room 3-122,
Honolulu, HI 96813.
Idaho snails......................... Greg Burak, Fish and 208-378-5654; Idaho Fish and Wildlife
Wildlife Biologist. [email protected]. Office, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, 1387
S Vinnell Way, Room
368, Boise, ID 83709.
The List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and the List of
Endangered and Threatened Plants (``the Lists''), set forth in title 50
of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) at 17.11 and 17.12,
respectively, contain the names of endangered species and threatened
species federally listed pursuant to the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.).
The regulations at 50 CFR 17.11(c) and 17.12(b) require us to use
the most recently accepted scientific name of any wildlife or plant
species, respectively, that we have determined to be an endangered or
threatened species.
Purpose of Direct Final Rule and Final Action
The purpose of this direct final rule is to notify the public that
we are revising the Lists at 50 CFR 17.11(h) and 17.12(h) to reflect
scientifically accepted taxonomy and nomenclature for 23 wildlife
species and 26 plant species listed under section 4 of the Act. These
[[Page 7135]]
changes to the Lists of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants
reflect the most recently accepted scientific names in accordance with
50 CFR 17.11(c) and 17.12(b).
We are publishing this rule without a prior proposal because this
is a noncontroversial action that is in the best interest of the public
and should be undertaken in as timely a manner as possible. For the
taxonomic revisions provided below in table 1, this rule will be
effective, as published in this document, on the effective date
specified in DATES, unless we receive significant adverse comments on
or before the comment due date specified in DATES. Significant adverse
comments are comments that provide strong justifications as to why this
rule should not be adopted or why it should be changed.
If we receive significant adverse comments regarding the taxonomic
changes for any of the species included in table 1, below, we will
publish a document in the Federal Register withdrawing this rule for
the appropriate species before the effective date, and we will publish
a proposed rule to initiate promulgation of those changes to 50 CFR
17.11(h) and/or 17.12(h).
In addition, we are notifying the public that we have identified
editorial errors in the Lists, and they will be corrected on the
effective date of this rule (see DATES, above). The identified errors
are provided below in table 2. While you may submit comments by one of
the methods listed in ADDRESSES on the corrections provided below in
table 2, we consider these corrections purely administrative, and we
intend to make these editorial corrections on the effective date of
this rule.
None of these changes are regulatory in nature; they are for
accuracy and clarity. These revisions do not alter species' protections
or status in any way. Any actions altering a species' protection or
status would require a separate rulemaking action following the
procedures of 50 CFR part 424.
Summary Tables of Taxonomic Changes and Editorial Corrections
Table 1 provides taxonomic changes we are making to reflect the
scientifically accepted taxonomy and nomenclature of 23 wildlife and 26
plant species listed under section 4 of the Act. These changes reflect
the most recently accepted scientific nomenclature in accordance with
50 CFR 17.11(c) and 17.12(b). The second column of table 1 also
identifies correct usage of Hawaiian and Chamorro diacritical marks in
common names for certain species; however, as we explain below, the
text to be codified in the CFR will omit diacritical marks. Thus,
corrections to common names that involve only addition of diacritical
marks will not result in changes in the CFR.
Table 1--Taxonomic Revisions to the Lists Reflecting the Current
Scientifically Accepted Taxonomy and Nomenclature for These Species
Species name as currently listed Corrected species name
Common name [scientific name] Common name [scientific name]
Sec. 17.11 Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
Hawaiian hoary bat [Lasiurus cinereus Hawaiian hoary bat
semotus]. ([revaps][omacr]pe[revaps]ape[
revaps]a) [Aeorestes semotus].
Crested honeycreeper (Akohekohe) [revaps][Amacr]kohekohe
[Palmeria dolei]. (crested honeycreeper)
[Palmeria dolei].
Oahu creeper [Paroreomyza maculata].... O[revaps]ahu [revaps]alauahio
[Paroreomyza maculata].
Hawaiian coot [Fulica americana alai].. Hawaiian coot ([revaps]alae
[Fulica alai].
Hawaii creeper [Oreomystis mana]....... Hawaii creeper
([revaps]alaw[imacr]) [Loxops
Hawaiian crow [Corvus hawaiiensis]..... Hawaiian crow
([revaps]alal[amacr]) [Corvus
Mariana crow [Corvus kubaryi].......... Mariana crow ([aring]ga)
[Corvus kubaryi].
Hawaiian duck [Anas wyvilliana]........ Hawaiian duck (koloa maoli)
[Anas wyvilliana].
Laysan finch (honeycreeper) [Telespyza Laysan finch [Telespiza
cantans]. cantans].
Nihoa finch (honeycreeper) [Telespyza Nihoa finch [Telespiza ultima].
Guam Micronesian kingfisher [Halcyon Guam kingfisher (sihek)
cinnamomina cinnamomina]. [Todiramphus cinnamominus].
Micronesian (=La Perouse's) megapode Micronesian megapode (sasangat)
[Megapodius laperouse]. [Megapodius laperouse].
Mariana common moorhen [Gallinula Mariana common moorhen
chloropus guami]. (pulattat) [Gallinula
chloropus guami].
Molokai thrush [Myadestes lanaiensis Moloka[revaps]i oloma[revaps]o
rutha]. [Myadestes lanaiensis rutha].
Small Kauai thrush [Myadestes palmeri]. Puaiohi [Myadestes palmeri].
Hawaiian petrel [Pterodroma Hawaiian petrel
sandwichensis]. ([revaps]ua[revaps]u)
[Pterodroma sandwichensis].
Guam rail [Rallus owstoni]............. Guam rail
[Gallirallus owstoni].
Newell's Townsend's shearwater Newell's shearwater
[Puffinus auricularis newelli]. ([revaps]a[revaps]o) [Puffinus
Band-rumped storm-petrel (Hawaii DPS) Band-rumped storm-petrel
[Oceanodroma castro]. ([revaps]ak[emacr][revaps]ak[e
macr]) (Hawaii DPS)
[Hydrobates castro].
Mariana gray swiftlet [Aerodramus Mariana swiftlet (yayaguak)
vanikorensis bartschi]. [Aerodramus bartschi].
Rota bridled white-eye [Zosterops Rota white-eye (nosa[revaps]
rotensis]. Luta) [Zosterops rotensis].
Banbury Springs limpet [Lanx sp.]...... Banbury Springs limpet
[Idaholanx fresti].
Snake River physa snail [Physa Snake River physa snail
natricina]. [Physella natricina].
[[Page 7136]]
Table 1--Taxonomic Revisions to the Lists Reflecting the Current
Scientifically Accepted Taxonomy and Nomenclature for These Species
Species name as currently listed Corrected species name
Sec. 17.12 Endangered and Threatened Plants
Scientific name [common name] Scientific name [common name]
Flowering Plants
Abutilon menziesii Abutilon menziesii
[ko[revaps]oloa[revaps]ula]. [ko[revaps]oloa[revaps]ula].
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp.
macrocephalum [[revaps]ahinahina]. macrocephalum
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp.
sandwicense [[revaps]ahinahina]. sandwicense
Chamaesyce skottsbergii var. Euphorbia skottsbergii var.
skottsbergii [akoko (Ewa Plains skottsbergii [[revaps]akoko].
Cyrtandra crenata [ha[revaps]iwale].... Cyrtandra crenata
Cyrtandra limahuliensis [haiwale]...... Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae
Gardenia brighamii [Hawaiian gardenia Gardenia brighamii
(na[revaps]u)]. [n[amacr]n[umacr]].
Kanaloa kahoolawensis [kohe malama Kanaloa kahoolawensis [kohe
malama o kanaloa]. malama malama o Kanaloa, ka
palupalu o Kanaloa].
Kokia cookei [Cooke's koki[revaps]o]... Kokia cookei [koki[revaps]o].
Kokia drynarioides [koki[revaps]o]..... Kokia drynarioides
Kokia kauaiensis [koki[revaps]o]....... Kokia kauaiensis
Mucuna sloanei var. persericea [sea Mucuna persericea [sea bean].
Platydesma cornuta var. cornuta [no Melicope cornuta var. cornuta
common name]. [no common name].
Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens [no Melicope cornuta var. decurrens
common name]. [no common name].
Platydesma remyi [no common name]...... Melicope remyi [no common
Platydesma rostrata [pilo kea lau lii]. Melicope rostrata [pilo kea lau
Pleomele fernaldii [hala pepe]......... Dracaena fernaldii [hala pepe].
Pleomele forbesii [hala pepe].......... Dracaena forbesii [hala pepe].
Pleomele hawaiiensis [hala pepe]....... Dracaena konaensis [hala pepe].
Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis Psychotria hexandra var.
[kopiko]. oahuensis [k[omacr]piko].
Ferns and Allies
Adenophorus periens [pendent kihi fern] Adenophorus periens [palai
Asplenium dielerectum [asplenium-leaved Asplenium dielerectum [no
diellia]. common name].
Cyclosorus boydiae [kupukupu makalii].. Menisciopsis boydiae [kupukupu
Huperzia mannii [wawae[revaps]iole].... Phlegmariurus mannii
Huperzia nutans [wawaeiole]............ Phlegmariurus nutans
Huperzia stemmermanniae [no common Phlegmariurus stemmermanniae
name]. [no common name].
Table 2 identifies the editorial corrections we are making in this
rule. In table 2 (and the text), ``2016 Reformatting'' refers to an
August 4, 2016, final rule (81 FR 51550) that the Service published to
update the format of the Lists. The purpose of the 2016 Reformatting
was to make the Lists easier to understand by changing the format to
reflect current practices and standards, to correct identified errors
in entries such as footnotes and spelling, and to update common names,
among other changes. Following publication of the 2016 Reformatting we
identified editorial errors in the updated Lists. Reference in table 2
to ``80 FR 59424'' indicates the citation for the final rule listing 23
species in Micronesia (80 FR 59424; October 1, 2015), which incorrectly
listed Cycas micronesica under the taxonomic subheading ``Flowering
Plants.'' The third column of table 2 also identifies correct usage of
Hawaiian diacritical marks in common names for certain species;
however, as we explain below, the text to be codified in the CFR will
omit diacritical marks.
Five species are listed in both table 1 and table 2. For the Guam
kingfisher, we consider the changes to the scientific name and English
common name to be editorial corrections, while parenthetical addition
of the Chamorro common name is a revision in nomenclature. For the Guam
rail, we consider the changes to the listing citations to be editorial
corrections, while the change in scientific name and parenthetical
addition of the Chamorro common name are revisions in nomenclature. For
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense, we consider the changes to
the listing citations to be an editorial correction, while the change
in the common name is a revision in nomenclature. For Euphorbia
skottsbergii var. skottsbergii, we consider the changes to scientific
name and listing citations to be editorial corrections, while the
change in the common name is a revision in nomenclature. For
Phlegmariurus nutans, we consider the changes to the listing citations
and critical habitat designation's CFR citation to be editorial
corrections, while the change in the scientific name is a revision in
[[Page 7137]]
Table 2--Editorial Corrections to the Lists
Current listed name Error: action Correction
Guam Micronesian kingfisher Error in 2016 Guam kingfisher
[Halcyon cinnamomina Formatting: Correct [Todiramphus
cinnamomina]. English common name cinnamominus];
and scientific remove ``69 FR
name; correct 62943; 10/28/
listing citations 2004''.
to refer to
critical habitat
designation by its
CFR citation.
Guam rail [Rallus owstoni].. Error in 2016 Remove ``49 FR
Formatting: Correct 14354; 4/11/1984''
listing citation and ``54 FR 43966;
for first Guam rail 10/30/1989''.
entry (endangered)
to remove expired
emergency listing
rule and misplaced
population rule.
Flying earwig Hawaiian Error in 2016 75 FR 35990, 6/24/
damselfly [Megalagrion Formatting: Correct 2010.
nesiotes]. listing citation.
Pacific Hawaiian damselfly Error in 2016 75 FR 35990, 6/24/
[Megalagrion pacificum]. Formatting: Correct 2010.
listing citation.
Argyroxiphium sandwicense Error in 2016 3/21/1986.
ssp. sandwicense Formatting: Correct
[[revaps]ahinahina]. date in listing
Chamaesyce skottsbergii var. Error in 2016 Euphorbia
skottsbergii [Akoko (Ewa Formatting: Correct skottsbergii var.
Plains akoko)]. scientific name; skottsbergii;
correct listing remove ``77 FR
citations to refer 57647; 9/18/2012''.
to critical habitat
designation by its
CFR citation.
Cyanea gibsonii [no common Error in 2016 h[amacr]h[amacr].
name]. Formatting: Correct
common name.
Cyanea humboltiana [haha]... Error in 2016 Cyanea humboldtiana.
Formatting: Correct
scientific name.
Cyanea platyphylla [haha]... Error in 2016 [revaps]ak[umacr][re
Formatting: Correct vaps]ak[umacr].
common name.
Cycas micronesica [fadang, Error in 80 FR Move under
faadang]. 59424: Correct subheading
taxonomic ``Conifers and
subheading. Allies''.
Delissea rivularis [haha]... Error in 2016 Cyanea rivularis;
Formatting: Correct remove ``68 FR
scientific name; 9115; 2/27/2003''.
correct listing
citations to refer
to critical habitat
designation by its
CFR citation.
Hedyotis cookiana [awiwi]... Error in 2016 Kadua cookiana.
Formatting: Correct
scientific name.
Limnanthes floccosa ssp. Error in 2016 Limnanthes pumila
grandiflora [large-flowered Formatting: Correct ssp. grandiflora.
woolly meadowfoam]. scientific name.
Mezoneuron kavaiense [uhi Error in 2016 uhiuhi.
uhi]. Formatting: Correct
common name.
Plantago hawaienis [laukahi Error in 2016 Plantago hawaiensis.
kuahiwi]. Formatting: Correct
scientific name.
Asplenium (=Diellia) Error in 2016 Asplenium (=Diellia)
dielfalcatum (=falcate) [no Formatting: Correct dielfalcatum
common name]. scientific name. (=falcata).
Asplenium (=Diellia) Error in 2016 Asplenium (=Diellia)
dielpallicum (=pallida) [no Formatting: Correct dielpallidum
common name]. scientific name. (=pallida).
Huperzia nutans [wawaeiole]. Error in 2016 59 FR 14482, 3/28/
Formatting: Correct 1994; 50 CFR
listing citation 17.99(a)(1);\CH\ 50
and a critical CFR 17.99(i).\CH\
designation's CFR
Description of Taxonomic Revisions and Editorial Corrections
Using the best available scientific information, this direct final
rule documents taxonomic changes of the scientific names to 11 entries
on the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11(h)) and
14 entries on the List of Endangered and Threatened Plants (50 CFR
17.12(h)). The basis for these taxonomic changes is supported by
published studies in peer-reviewed journals.
Accordingly, we revise the scientific names of these wildlife
species under section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) as follows:
Hawaiian hoary bat (Aeorestes semotus), Hawaiian coot (Fulica alai),
Hawaii creeper (Loxops mana), Laysan finch (Telespiza cantans), Nihoa
finch (Telespiza ultima), Guam rail (Gallirallus owstoni), Newell's
shearwater (Puffinus newelli), band-rumped storm-petrel (Hydrobates
castro), Mariana swiftlet (Aerodramus bartschi), Banbury Springs limpet
(Idaholanx fresti), and Snake River physa snail (Physella natricina).
We make these changes to the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
to reflect the most recently accepted scientific names in accordance
with 50 CFR 17.11(c). Additionally, common names of 21 wildlife species
(including 9 of the above species: Hawaiian hoary bat, Hawaiian coot,
Hawaii creeper, Laysan finch, Nihoa finch, Guam rail, Newell's
shearwater, band-rumped storm-petrel, and Mariana swiftlet) are revised
to reflect currently accepted usage and/or to include accepted common
names in the Hawaiian or Chamorro languages. The first common name
listed is the one used by the primary taxonomic authority for the
appropriate taxonomic group (e.g., American Society of Mammalogists,
American Ornithological Society, MolluscaBase), while alternative names
are presented parenthetically.
Similarly, we revise the scientific names of these plant species
under section 4 of the Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) as follows:
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae (ha[revaps]iwale), Mucuna persericea
(sea bean), Melicope cornuta var. cornuta (no common name), Melicope
cornuta var. decurrens (no common name), Melicope remyi (no common
name), Melicope rostrata (pilo kea lau li[revaps]i), Dracaena fernaldii
(hala pepe), Dracaena forbesii (hala pepe), Dracaena konaensis (hala
pepe), Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis (k[omacr]piko), Menisciopsis
boydiae (kupukupu makali[revaps]i), Phlegmariurus mannii
(w[amacr]wae[revaps]iole), Phlegmariurus nutans
(w[amacr]wae[revaps]iole), and Phlegmariurus stemmermanniae (no common
name). Additionally, common names of 13 plant species are revised to
reflect currently accepted usage or for orthographic consistency.
Several species that are the subjects of the taxonomic revisions or
editorial corrections in this direct final rule have a designated
experimental population or critical habitat. For clarity and
consistency, we are revising the text of the experimental population
for Guam rail (50 CFR 17.84(f)) to correct the scientific name. We are
also revising the text of the critical habitat for the following
species where necessary to correct scientific or common names: Guam
kingfisher (Todiramphus cinnamominus) and Rota white-eye (Zosterops
rotensis) at Sec. 17.95; Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora (large-
flowered woolly meadowfoam) at Sec. 17.96; and Cyanea rivularis
(haha), Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae (ha[revaps]iwale), Dracaena
forbesii (hala
[[Page 7138]]
pepe), Dracaena konaensis (hala pepe), Euphorbia skottsbergii var.
skottsbergi ([revaps]akoko), Kadua cookiana (awiwi), Kokia cookei
(koki[revaps]o), Melicope cornuta var. cornuta (no common name),
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens (no common name), Melicope rostrata
(pilo kea lau li[revaps]i), Mucuna persericea (sea bean), Psychotria
hexandra var. oahuensis (k[omacr]piko), Adenophorus periens (palai
l[amacr][revaps]au), Asplenium dielerectum (no common name), Asplenium
dielfalcatum (no common name), Asplenium dielpallidum (no common name),
Phlegmariurus mannii (w[amacr]wae[revaps]iole), and Phlegmariurus
nutans (w[amacr]wae[revaps]iole) at Sec. 17.99. These revisions are
not regulatory in nature and do not alter the boundaries of critical
habitat or the protections of the Act in any way.
The 2016 Reformatting (81 FR 51550; August 4, 2016) inadvertently
introduced typographic errors in scientific names, common names, or
listing citations for several listed species. This rule also did not
fully incorporate corrections to the Lists that had previously been
made in the direct final rules published on June 23, 2015 (80 FR 35860)
and February 17, 2016 (81 FR 8004) and a final critical habitat rule
published on March 30, 2016 (81 FR 17790). As summarized above in table
2, we are updating the Lists to correct these and several other errors.
We prefer to, and will, include Hawaiian and Chamorro language
spellings, including diacritical marks, to the degree possible and
appropriate in the preambles of our Federal Register documents. For the
text to be codified in the CFR, however, we will omit diacritical marks
to ensure that no errors are inadvertently incorporated during the
codification process.
We make other minor editorial corrections to the Lists to ensure
uniformity and clarity in the way we present information in the
``Listing citations and applicable rules'' columns. The information in
these columns is not regulatory but is presented as helpful information
for the reader.
These revisions and corrections are not regulatory in nature; they
are administrative and for the purpose of clarity. The corrections do
not alter species' protections, listing status, or critical habitat; an
action changing a species' protections, listing status, or critical
habitat would require a separate rulemaking following the procedures
set forth at 50 CFR part 424.
Taxonomic Classification
Hawaiian Hoary Bat
The Hawaiian hoary bat was originally listed as endangered (35 FR
16047; October 13, 1970) under the scientific name Lasiurus cinereus
semotus. However, genetic analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA
(Baird et al. 2015, pp. 10-13; Baird et al. 2017, pp. 18-22; Baird et
al. 2021, pp. 285-288) resulted in a split of the genus Lasiurus,
assigning hoary bats to the genus Aeorestes, and reclassification of
the subspecies semotus as a full species. Initial analyses of
mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA from chymase gene alleles (Baird et
al. 2015, pp. 1264-1265; Baird et al. 2017, pp. 13-20) indicated that
some hoary bats on the islands of Maui and Oahu grouped within the
North American species Aeorestes cinereus; however, Pinzari et al.
(2020, pp. 1509-1510) conducted a whole-genome analysis of single-
nucleotide polymorphisms that provided finer resolution of phylogeny
and concluded all hoary bats in the Hawaiian islands are one species
that share a common ancestor from a single colonization event. The
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) has treated the Hawaiian
hoary bat as a full species, Aeorestes semotus, since the latest record
review for the genus in 2021 (ITIS 2022, unpaginated). This
classification has also been adopted by the American Society of
Mammalogists (2022, unpaginated). Thus, the current scientific name of
the Hawaiian hoary bat is Aeorestes semotus. This taxonomic change does
not affect the range or endangered status of the Hawaiian hoary bat.
Hawaiian Coot
The Hawaiian coot, a waterbird endemic to the Hawaiian Islands, was
classified by Bryan and Greenway (1944, p. 109) as a subspecies of the
American coot (Fulica americana). Following this taxonomic treatment,
the Hawaiian coot was originally listed as endangered (35 FR 16047;
October 13, 1970) under the scientific name Fulica americana alai.
However, Pratt (1987, p. 27) concluded that based on characteristics of
the plumage, bill, and frontal shield there was no reason to consider
the Hawaiian coot more closely allied to the American coot than to any
of five other related coot species. Consequently, the American
Ornithologists' Union (AOU; now known as the American Ornithological
Society (AOS)) (1993, p. 677) designated the Hawaiian coot as a full
species; the scientific name of the Hawaiian coot is now Fulica alai.
This taxonomic change does not affect the range or endangered status of
the Hawaiian coot.
Hawaiian Creepers
The Hawaii creeper, a songbird endemic to the island of Hawaii, was
classified by Amadon (1950, pp. 166-167) as one of six island endemic
subspecies of Loxops maculata. Following this taxonomic treatment, the
Hawaii creeper was originally listed as endangered (40 FR 44149;
September 25, 1975) under the scientific name Loxops maculata mana.
However, the AOU (1982, p. 16CC) subsequently split Loxops maculata
into five species divided among the genera Oreomystis (Hawaii and
Kauai) and Paroreomyza (Maui/L[amacr]na[revaps]i, Moloka[revaps]i, and
O[revaps]ahu); the Hawaii creeper was thus treated as a full species,
Oreomystis mana. The List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR
17.11(h)) currently reflects this taxonomy for the species.
The Hawaii creeper is similar in morphology and behavior to the
[revaps]akikiki (Oreomystis bairdi) (Pratt 1992, pp. 837-843; Reding et
al. 2009, p. 221). However, analyses of genetic and osteological data
(Fleischer et al. 1998, pp. 538-539; James 2004, pp. 235-241; Reding et
al. 2009, pp. 222-223; Lerner et al. 2011, pp. 1839-1841) indicate that
these similarities are a result of convergent evolution, and that the
Hawaii creeper is more closely related to the [revaps][amacr]kepa
species (genus Loxops) than to the [revaps]akikiki. Consequently, the
AOU has transferred the Hawaii creeper to the genus Loxops (Chesser et
al. 2013, p. 567); the scientific name of the Hawaii creeper is now
Loxops mana. This taxonomic change does not affect the range or
endangered status of the Hawaii creeper.
The List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11(h))
also currently includes the O[revaps]ahu creeper (Paroreomyza
maculata). While this scientific name continues to be accepted, the AOU
(1993, p. 680) adopted the Hawaiian name ``O[revaps]ahu
[revaps]alauahio'' as the common name for this species. This change in
common name does not affect the range or endangered status of this
Guam Rail
The Guam rail was originally listed as endangered (49 FR 33881;
August 27, 1984) under the scientific name Rallus owstoni. However,
Olson (1973, pp. 394-397) classified this species and several other
Pacific islands rail taxa within the genus Gallirallus based on
differences in plumage and body structure, also noting that Gallirallus
has priority over the alternative generic name Hypotaenidia. This
classification has subsequently been adopted by the eBird/Clements
Checklist of Birds of the
[[Page 7139]]
World: v2021 (Clements et al. 2021, unpaginated), and is also used by
the Service on the List of Migratory Birds (50 CFR 10.13). ITIS has
also treated the Guam rail as Gallirallus owstoni since the latest
record review for the genus in 2006 (ITIS 2022, unpaginated). Thus, we
consider the current scientific name of the Guam rail to be Gallirallus
owstoni. This taxonomic change does not affect the range or endangered
status of the Guam rail.
Newell's Shearwater
On September 25, 1975, we published a final rule (40 FR 44149)
listing the Newell's Manx shearwater (Puffinus puffinus newelli), a
seabird native to the Hawaiian Islands, as threatened. At the time of
listing, the taxon newelli was treated as a subspecies of the Manx
shearwater (Puffinus puffinus), following Murphy (1952, pp. 1-21) who
had recognized eight subspecies worldwide (puffinus [North Atlantic],
mauretanicus [western Mediterranean], yelkouan [eastern Mediterranean],
gavia [New Zealand], huttoni [New Zealand], newelli [Hawaiian Islands],
auricularis [Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico], and opisthomelas [Baja
Subsequently the AOU (1983, pp. 24-25) restricted the Manx
shearwater to the North Atlantic and Mediterranean forms, recognizing
newelli and auricularis as subspecies of the distinct species
Townsend's shearwater (Puffinus auricularis). The List of Endangered
and Threatened Wildlife currently follows this taxonomy, identifying
the listed entity as Newell's Townsend's shearwater (P. auricularis
The Hawaiian and Revillagigedo Islands populations differ
substantially from one another in their plumage (Howell et al. 1994,
pp. 171-176), breeding chronology (Ainley et al. 1997, unpaginated),
and foraging ecology (Spear et al. 1995, pp. 621-637). Despite apparent
similarity in mitochondrial DNA of the two populations (Martinez-Gomez
et al. 2015, pp. 1025-1034), the AOU considered these differences
sufficient to function as isolating mechanisms and, following unanimous
recommendation of the North American Classification Committee,
classified Newell's shearwater (Puffinus newelli) as a full species
distinct from Townsend's shearwater (Puffinus auricularis) (Chesser et
al. 2015, pp. 751-752; AOU 2015, unpaginated). This approach is also
followed by the eBird/Clements Checklist of Birds of the World: v2021
(Clements et al. 2021, unpaginated) and the International
Ornithological Committee (IOC, now known as the International
Ornithologists' Union (IOU)) World Bird List (Gill et al. 2021,
unpaginated). This taxonomic change does not affect the range or
threatened status of the Newell's shearwater.
Band-Rumped Storm-Petrel
The Hawaii distinct population segment (DPS) of the band-rumped
storm-petrel was listed as endangered (81 FR 67786; September 30, 2016)
under the scientific name Oceanodroma castro. However, analysis of
nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (Penhallurick and Wink 2004, p. 136;
Wallace et al. 2017, pp. 39-47) has shown that some species in the
genus Oceanodroma are more closely related to storm-petrel species in
the genus Hydrobates. Because the name Hydrobates has taxonomic
priority over Oceanodroma, the AOS (Chesser et al. 2019, p. 8) has
transferred all species of Oceanodroma to Hydrobates. Thus, the
scientific name of the band-rumped storm-petrel is now Hydrobates
castro. This taxonomic change does not affect the range or endangered
status of the Hawaii DPS of the band-rumped storm-petrel.
Mariana Swiftlet
Swiftlets in the Marianas archipelago were considered by Medway
(1966, pp. 159-160; 1975, pp. 154-155) to be a subspecies of the
Vanikoro swiflet (Aerodramus vanikorensis bartschi) based on plumage
and nest structure. Following this taxonomic approach, the Vanikoro
swiftlet in the Marianas islands was listed as endangered under the
scientific name Aerodramus [=Collocalia] vanikorensis bartschi (49 FR
33881; August 27, 1984).
The AOU (1983, p. 783) similarly considered bartschi as a
subspecies of Aerodramus vanikorensis, adopting the common name of
``gray swiftlet'' for the species. The current treatment of this taxon
on the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11(h))
continues to follow this approach. However, on further analysis,
Browning (1993, pp. 101-104) identified substantial differences in
size, morphology, plumage, and nest structure and recommended that the
Marianas taxon bartschi be treated as a full species in the genus
Collocalia. Consequently, the AOU (1995, p. 821) treated the Marianas
taxon as a full species, Collocalia bartschi, with the common name of
``Guam swiftlet.'' Subsequently, this treatment was further modified to
return the taxon to the genus Aerodramus (AOU 1997, p. 545), following
genetic research by Lee et al. (1996, pp. 7093-7096), and to adopt the
common name ``Mariana swiftlet'' (Banks et al. 2002, p. 901). Other
global bird checklists (e.g., Clements et al. 2021, unpaginated; Gill
et al. 2021, unpaginated) similarly describe this taxon as the Mariana
swiftlet, Aerodramus bartschi. This taxonomic change does not affect
the range or endangered status of the Mariana swiftlet.
Other Pacific Islands Landbirds
The List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11(h))
currently includes the crested honeycreeper (Palmeria dolei), small
Kauai thrush (Myadestes palmeri), and Moloka[revaps]i thrush (Myadestes
lanaiensis rutha). While these scientific names continue to be
accepted, the AOU (1985, p. 684; 1998, p. 678) has adopted Hawaiian
names as the common names for these three species:
[revaps][amacr]kohekohe (Palmeria dolei), puaiohi (Myadestes palmeri),
and oloma[revaps]o (Myadestes lanaiensis). The subspecies M. lanaiensis
lanaiensis historically occurred on L[amacr]na[revaps]i but is now
extinct and was not listed under the Act; the common name of
``Moloka[revaps]i oloma[revaps]o'' may be used to specifically refer to
the listed subspecies M. lanaiensis rutha on Moloka[revaps]i. These
changes in common name do not affect the range or endangered status of
these taxa.
The List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11(h))
also currently includes the Rota bridled white-eye (Zosterops
rotensis). This scientific name continues to be accepted. However, this
common name originated from the taxon having been formerly considered
as a subspecies of the bridled white-eye (Zosterops conspicillatus)
(Mees 1969, p. 148). Because it is now considered a separate species on
the basis of mitochondrial DNA data (Slikas et al. 2000, p. 364), the
common name ``Rota white-eye'' is more appropriate. Recent global
checklists (Clements et al. 2021, unpaginated; Gill et al. 2021,
unpaginated) have adopted this terminology. This change in common name
does not affect the range or endangered status of this taxon.
In addition, on the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, the
generic name for Laysan finch and Nihoa finch should be changed from
Telespyza to Telespiza. A spelling error in the original description of
these species has been amended by the American Ornithologists Union
(AOU 1987, p. 594), and Telespiza is now considered the accepted
spelling. In the common name for these species, the parenthetical
``honeycreeper'' is unnecessary and will be deleted.
In the common name for the Micronesian megapode (Megapodius
laperouse), the parenthetical ``La
[[Page 7140]]
Perouse's'' is unnecessary and will be deleted.
Hawaiian and Chamorro Names
Several mammal and bird species currently appear on the List of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife only by their English common name,
although their names in the Hawaiian or Chamorro languages are also
regularly used and, in previous Service documents, we have often
informally referred to them by those names. Various recovery plans and
other documents cite Hawaiian names for Hawaiian hoary bat
([revaps][omacr]pe[revaps]ape[revaps]a) (USFWS 1998, p. 1), Hawaiian
coot ([revaps]alae ke[revaps]oke[revaps]o) and Hawaiian duck (koloa
maoli) (USFWS 2012, p. 1), Hawaii creeper ([revaps]alaw[imacr]) (DLNR
2017, unpaginated), Newell's shearwater ([revaps]a[revaps]o) and
Hawaiian petrel ([revaps]ua[revaps]u) (USFWS 1983, p. 1), band-rumped
storm-petrel ([revaps]ak[emacr][revaps]ak[emacr]) (USFWS 2022, p. 12),
and Hawaiian crow ([revaps]alal[amacr]) (USFWS 2009, p. 1); and
Chamorro names for Mariana crow ([aring]ga) (USFWS 2006, p. 1), Guam
kingfisher (sihek) (USFWS 2008, p. 1), Guam rail (ko'ko') and Mariana
swiftlet (yayaguak) (USFWS 1990, p. 2), Mariana common moorhen
(pulattat) (USFWS 1991, p. 2), Micronesian megapode (sasangat) (USFWS
1998, p. 3), and Rota white-eye (nosa' Luta) (USFWS 2007, p. 1). To
improve public communication, understanding, and engagement with local
conservation partners, we are including these on the List as accepted
common names for the respective species.
As previously noted, Hawaiian and Chamorro orthographic characters
are included here and elsewhere in the preamble section of this rule to
reflect accurate spelling of these common names; references supporting
the correct spelling and orthography of these names include Wagner et
al. (1999, entire), Ranker et al. (2019, entire), and Ulukau (2022,
unpaginated). However, the text below in this rule that is to be
codified in the CFR uses only standard English characters to prevent
inadvertent errors during the codification process. Currently, the List
of Endangered and Threatened Plants is inconsistent in its
representation of Hawaiian names that include the glottal stop or
[revaps]okina ([revaps]); for most species the glottal stop is omitted
entirely, and for a few it is incorrectly represented by a grave accent
(`). Because the grave accent no longer accurately represents the
[revaps]okina, for consistency, we are amending the List of Endangered
and Threatened Plants to remove the grave accent mark from the common
names of these species: Abutilon menziesii (ko[revaps]oloa[revaps]ula),
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum ([revaps][amacr]hinahina),
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. sandwicense ([revaps][amacr]hinahina),
Cyrtandra crenata (ha[revaps]iwale), Kokia drynarioides
(koki[revaps]o), Kokia kauaiensis (koki[revaps]o), and Huperzia
(amended to Phlegmariurus in this rule) mannii
Hawaiian Birds Not Addressed
Five Hawaiian bird species for which outstanding nomenclatural
issues exist were proposed for delisting due to extinction on September
30, 2021 (86 FR 54298). In the List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife (50 CFR 17.11(h)), the scientific name of Kauai
[revaps]akialoa appears in error as Hemignathus stejnegeri, although
the currently accepted scientific name is Akialoa stejnegeri, as set
forth in our direct final rule published on February 17, 2016 (81 FR
8004). The large Kauai thrush (Myadestes myadestinus) is also known by
the Hawaiian common name of k[amacr]ma[revaps]o (AOU 1998, p. 501); the
Moloka[revaps]i creeper (Paroreomyza flammea) is also known by the
Hawaiian common name of k[amacr]k[amacr]wahie (AOU 1998, p. 676). In
addition, the common names of the Kauai [revaps]o[revaps]o (Moho
braccatus) and po[revaps]ouli (Melamprosops phaeosoma) incorrectly use
the grave accent mark to represent the [revaps]okina. Because these
species may be removed from the List of Endangered and Threatened
Wildlife when that proposed rule is finalized, we are not including
them in this direct final rule. In addition, we published a proposed
rule to reclassify the Hawaiian stilt (Himantopus mexicanus knudseni)
from an endangered species to a threatened species on March 25, 2021
(86 FR 15855); the addition of the Hawaiian common names to the List
for this subspecies (ae[revaps]o, kukuluae[revaps]o) is being addressed
through that rulemaking process. Therefore, we are not including the
Hawaiian stilt in this direct final rule.
Idaho Snails
The Banbury Springs limpet (Lanx (n.) sp.) is listed as endangered
(see 57 FR 59244; December 14, 1992). It is a freshwater gastropod in
the subfamily Lancinae, which are limpet-like gastropods within the
family Lymnaidae. All known species within the Lancinae are restricted
to the northwestern United States in river and tributary systems
ranging from the Sacramento River north to the Kootenai River, a
tributary of the Columbia. Although not formally described in the
scientific literature at the time of its listing under the Act, the
Banbury Springs limpet was identified as a unique species with a highly
restricted range, from springs derived from a single aquifer system
that feeds the middle reaches of the Snake River in Idaho. At the time
of its discovery by the late Dr. Terry Frest in 1988, the Banbury
Springs limpet was placed in the genus Lanx, with a temporary
assignment of Lanx (n.) sp., as a congener with two other species, L.
patelloides and L. alta (Campbell et al. 2017).
An unpublished genetic and morphological analysis by S.A. Clark (in
litt. 2007) supported the Banbury Springs limpet as a unique species
and suggested a level of differentiation that might warrant the
erection of a separate genus. Despite this work, the species remained
undescribed until a recent, more thorough investigation by Campbell et
al. (2017, entire), who analyzed genetic sequences from four DNA
regions from samples of the three described lancine species as well as
samples from the four known populations of Banbury Springs limpet.
Comparisons with other members of the subfamily also included
differences in shell shape, shape and location of the columnar
musculature, and genital morphology, all of which support Clark's
earlier taxonomic analysis and placement of Banbury Springs limpet
within its own genus. The new genus, Idaholanx, describes the species'
endemicity within the State of Idaho, with the species name honoring
Dr. Frest. The taxonomic revision to Idaholanx fresti does not affect
the range or endangered status of the Banbury Springs limpet.
The Snake River physa snail, a freshwater gastropod endemic to the
Snake River in southern Idaho, was originally described as Physa
natricina (Taylor 1988, entire) and was federally listed as endangered
(see 57 FR 59244; December 14, 1992). Subsequently, the species was
transferred by Taylor (2003, pp. 12, 147-148) to the genus Haitia, part
of a new tribe Haitiini, based primarily on penile morphology. Taylor's
2003 revision of the family Physidae designated 11 new genera,
including Haitia into which he placed the Snake River physa snail based
on internal anatomy. Using analyses of phylogenetic trees based on
sequences of two mitochondrial genes along with reproductive
morphology, Wethington and Lydeard (2007, p. 252) found inconsistencies
in Taylor's classifications. While the six anatomical groups they
identified fit loosely with Taylor's tribes, the molecular data of
Wethington and Lydeard found his more finely divided classification to
not be warranted.
The validity of the Snake River physa snail as a species was later
called into
[[Page 7141]]
question based on a morphological (shell) analysis of Physidae
specimens from the Snake River (Rogers and Wethington 2007, entire),
but later genetic analyses confirmed Physa natricina as a distinct
species (Gates et al. 2013, entire).
More recently, Young et al. (2021, entire) used an array of species
delineation analyses based on mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences
to re-evaluate species designations among Physidae in North America.
Their analyses strongly supported the Snake River physa snail as a
distinct taxon in the Physella clade (Young et al. 2021, pp. 7-8;
MolluscaBase 2021, unpaginated), supporting recognition of Physella
natricina as the adopted nomenclature for the Snake River physa snail.
The taxonomic revision to Physella natricina does not affect the
range or endangered status of the Snake River physa snail.
Hawaiian Plants
On February 25, 1994, we published a final rule (59 FR 9304) to
list the Hawaiian plant Cyrtandra limahuliensis (ha[revaps]iwale) as
threatened. Subsequent examination of floral morphology and localities
for specimens that were previously identified as this species and C.
kealiae indicate that these taxa represent two subspecies of the same
species that occur in different regions of the island of Kauai (Wagner
and Lorence 2000, entire). Thus, specimens previously assigned to C.
kealiae are now considered to represent the non-listed subspecies C.
kealiae ssp. urceolata, while specimens assigned to Cyrtandra
limahuliensis represent the subspecies C. kealiae ssp. kealiae. This
taxonomic revision does not affect the range or threatened status of
the taxon.
The endemic Hawaiian plant Mucuna sloanei var. persericea (sea
bean) is listed as endangered (see 78 FR 32014; May 28, 2013). The
species Mucuna sloanei is widespread in the tropics; however,
examination of herbarium records shows Hawaiian specimens are distinct
in flower and leaflet morphology, and they are now considered a
distinct species (Moura et al. 2012, entire). Thus, the scientific name
of the listed taxon is changed to Mucuna persericea. This taxonomic
revision does not affect the range or endangered status of the taxon.
Four Hawaiian plants in the genus Platydesma are listed as
endangered: P. rostrata (pilo kea lau li[revaps]i) (see 75 FR 18960;
April 13, 2010), P. cornuta var. cornuta and P. cornuta var. decurrens
(no common name) (see 77 FR 57648; September 18, 2012), and P. remyi
(no common name) (see 78 FR 64638; October 29, 2013). Recent molecular
studies indicate that the genus Platydesma is nested within the widely
distributed genus Melicope (Appelhans et al. 2017, pp. 125-137). Thus,
the scientific names of the four listed species are changed to Melicope
rostrata, M. cornuta var. cornuta, M. cornuta var. decurrens, and M.
remyi. This taxonomic revision does not affect the range or endangered
status of these taxa.
Three Hawaiian plants in the genus Pleomele (hala pepe) are listed
as endangered: P. hawaiiensis (see 61 FR 53137; October 10, 1996), P.
forbesii (see 77 FR 57648; September 18, 2012), and P. fernaldii (see
78 FR 32014; May 28, 2013). Pleomele hawaiiensis is synonymous with the
species P. konaensis, which has nomenclatural priority (St. John 1985,
pp. 185-187; L. Weisenberger in litt. 2021). Phylogenetic analysis of
chloroplast DNA, as well as differences in floral morphology and
diurnal flowering pattern, indicate that Hawaiian Pleomele species are
a distinct group; this group has been alternatively treated as the
genus Chrysodracon (Lu and Morden 2014, pp. 92-98), but based on new
genetic analyses, Chrysodracon is now considered a subgenus nested
within the genus Dracaena (Jankalski 2008, pp. 17-21; Takawira-Nyenya
2018, p. 265). Thus, the scientific names of the three listed species
are changed to Dracaena konaensis, D. forbesii, and D. fernaldii. This
taxonomic revision does not affect the range or endangered status of
these species.
The Hawaiian plant Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis
(k[omacr]piko) is listed as endangered (see 77 FR 57648; September 18,
2012). On review of its taxonomic history, it was determined that this
taxon has been validly published as a variety but not as a subspecies
(Wagner in litt. 2021). Therefore, the scientific name of this taxon is
changed to Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis. This taxonomic revision
does not affect the range or endangered status of this taxon.
The Hawaiian fern Cyclosorus boydiae (kupukupu makali[revaps]i) is
listed as endangered (see 81 FR 67786; September 30, 2016). Based on
morphology and molecular phylogenetic data, Fawcett and Smith (2021, p.
53) transferred this species to the genus Menisciopsis. Thus, its
scientific name is changed to Menisciopsis boydiae.
Three Hawaiian lycophytes in the genus Huperzia are listed as
endangered: H. mannii (w[amacr]wae[revaps]iole) (see 57 FR 20772; May
15, 1992), H. nutans (w[amacr]wae[revaps]iole) (see 59 FR 14482; March
28, 1994), and H. stemmermanniae (no common name) (see 81 FR 67786;
September 30, 2016). Palmer (2003, pp. 257-259) recognized
Phlegmariurus as a group within Huperzia, and in the most recent
taxonomic treatment of the Hawaiian fern and lycophyte flora,
Phlegmariurus was recognized as a distinct genus that includes the
three listed species (Ranker et al. 2019, pp. 55-56, following
Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group 2016, p. 570). Thus, the scientific names
of these species are changed to Phlegmariurus mannii, P. nutans, and P.
stemmermanniae. This taxonomic revision does not affect the range or
endangered status of the species.
The Hawaiian plant Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii
([revaps]Ewa Plains [revaps]akoko) is listed as endangered (see 47 FR
36846; August 24, 1982). The common name of this taxon is changed to
[revaps]akoko following Wagner et al. (1999, pp. 614-615).
The Hawaiian plant Gardenia brighamii (Hawaiian gardenia
[n[amacr][revaps][umacr]]) is listed as endangered (see 50 FR 33728;
August 21, 1985). The common name of this taxon is changed to
n[amacr]n[umacr] following Wagner et al. (1999, pp. 1131-1133) and for
consistency with common names of the other listed taxa in the genus (G.
mannii and G. remyi).
The Hawaiian plant Kanaloa kahoolawensis (kohe malama malama o
Kanaloa) is listed as endangered (see 64 FR 48307; September 3, 1999).
An alternative common name of this species, ka palupalu o Kanaloa, has
also been adopted (K. Wood in litt. 2021).
The Hawaiian plant Kokia cookei (Cooke's koki[revaps]o) is listed
as endangered (see 44 FR 62470; October 30, 1979). The common name of
this species is changed to koki[revaps]o following Wagner et al. (1999,
pp. 889-890).
The Hawaiian fern Adenophorus periens (pendent kihi fern) is listed
as endangered (see 59 FR 56333; November 10, 1994). The common name of
this species is changed to palai l[amacr][revaps]au following Ranker et
al. (2019) (supplemental data).
The Hawaiian fern Asplenium dielerectum (asplenium-leaved diellia)
is listed as endangered (see 59 FR 56333; November 10, 1994). The
common name of this species reflects its former classification in the
genus Diellia, but is no longer accurate, and is changed to ``no common
name'' following Ranker et al. (2019) (supplemental data).
Correction of Errors
To remedy errors in the Lists (50 CFR 17.11 and 17.12) that were
introduced in the 2016 Reformatting (81 FR 51550; August 4, 2016), we
are revising the
[[Page 7142]]
common and/or scientific names of 1 wildlife species (Guam kingfisher,
also addressed above to parenthetically include its Chamorro common
name) and 11 plant species as follows. On the List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife, we change the scientific name of Guam Micronesian
kingfisher from Halcyon cinnamomina cinnamomina to Todiramphus
cinnamominus and its English common name to Guam kingfisher. On the
List of Endangered and Threatened Plants, we correct typographic errors
in scientific names by changing Asplenium dielpallicum to Asplenium
dielpallidum, changing Cyanea humboltiana to Cyanea humboldtiana,
changing Plantago hawaienis to Plantago hawaiensis, and changing the
parenthetical term in the scientific name of Asplenium dielfalcatum
from (=falcate) to (=falcata); we also correct a typographic error in
the common name of Mezoneuron kavaiense by changing uhi uhi to uhiuhi
(following Wagner et al. 1999, p. 647). In addition, we change the
scientific name of Chamaesyce skottsbergii var. skottsbergii to
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii, change the scientific name of
Delissea rivularis to Cyanea rivularis, change the scientific name of
Hedyotis cookiana to Kadua cookiana, change the scientific name of
Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora to Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora, and change the common name of Cyanea platyphylla from
h[amacr]h[amacr] to [revaps]ak[umacr][revaps]ak[umacr] (following
Wagner et al. 1999, p. 459); the rationales for these taxonomic changes
were previously presented in our direct final rule published on June
23, 2015 (80 FR 35860). On the List of Endangered and Threatened
Plants, we change the common name of Cyanea gibsonii from ``no common
name'' to h[amacr]h[amacr] (following Wagner et al. 1999, p. 437). This
change in common name was previously published in our final critical
habitat rule of March 30, 2016 (81 FR 17790).
In addition, on the List of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, the
listing rule citations for flying earwig Hawaiian damselfly
(Megalagrion nesiotes) and Pacific Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion
pacificum) are incorrect as currently printed, and we are changing them
to reflect the actual listing rule of June 24, 2010 (75 FR 35990).
Finally, on the List of Endangered and Threatened Plants, Cycas
micronesica (fadang, faadang) is incorrectly listed under the heading
of ``Flowering Plants.'' Existing headings on the List of Endangered
and Threatened Plants include ``Flowering Plants,'' ``Conifers,''
``Ferns and Allies,'' and ``Lichens.'' This species is a cycad in the
family Cycadaceae (80 FR 59424; October 1, 2015), which is a group of
gymnosperm plants that is not included in the division Coniferae
(conifers) but is more closely related to conifers than to flowering
plants. This species is currently the only non-conifer gymnosperm
listed under the Act. To accurately represent the classification of
this species, we are revising the heading ``Conifers'' on the List of
Endangered and Threatened Plants to ``Conifers and Allies'' and moving
Cycas micronesica under that heading on the List.
Required Determinations
Clarity of the Rule
We are required by Executive Orders 12866 and 12988 and by the
Presidential Memorandum of June 1, 1998, to write all rules in plain
language. This means that each rule we publish must:
(a) Be logically organized;
(b) Use the active voice to address readers directly;
(c) Use clear language rather than jargon;
(d) Be divided into short sections and sentences; and
(e) Use lists and tables wherever possible.
If you feel that we have not met these requirements, send us
comments by one of the methods listed in ADDRESSES. To help us to
revise this rule, your comments should be as specific as possible.
National Environmental Policy Act
We have determined that environmental assessments and environmental
impact statements, as defined under the authority of the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), need not be
prepared in connection with regulations issued pursuant to section 4(a)
of the Act. We published a notice outlining our reasons for this
determination in the Federal Register on October 25, 1983 (43 FR
Government-to-Government Relationship With Tribes
In accordance with the President's memorandum of April 29, 1994,
``Government-to-Government Relations with Native American Tribal
Governments' '' (59 FR 22951), Executive Order 13175, and the
Department of the Interior's manual at 512 DM 2, we readily acknowledge
our responsibility to communicate meaningfully with recognized Federal
Tribes on a government-to-government basis. In accordance with
Secretarial Order 3206 of June 5, 1997 (American Indian Tribal Rights,
Federal-Tribal Trust Responsibilities, and the Endangered Species Act),
we readily acknowledge our responsibilities to work directly with
Tribes in developing programs for healthy ecosystems, to acknowledge
that Tribal lands are not subject to the same controls as Federal
public lands, to remain sensitive to Indian culture, and to make
information available to Tribes. We have determined that this rule will
not affect Tribes or Tribal lands.
References Cited
A complete list of the referenced materials is provided in Docket
No FWS-R1-ES-2022-0062 at https://www.regulations.gov, or is available
upon request from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (see FOR FURTHER
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 17
Endangered and threatened species, Exports, Imports, Plants,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Transportation, Wildlife.
Regulation Promulgation
For the reasons given in the preamble, we amend part 17, subchapter
B of chapter I, title 50 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as set
forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16. U.S.C. 1361-1407; 1531-1544; and 4201-4245,
unless otherwise noted.
2. Amend Sec. 17.11, in paragraph (h), the List of Endangered and
Threatened Wildlife, by:
a. Under MAMMALS, revising the entry for ``Bat, Hawaiian hoary'';
b. Under BIRDS:
i. Adding, in alphabetical order, entries for ``Akohekohe (crested
honeycreeper)'' and ``Alauahio, Oahu'';
ii. Revising the entries for ``Coot, Hawaiian'' and ``Creeper,
iii. Removing the entry for ``Creeper, Oahu'';
iv. Revising the entries for ``Crow, Hawaiian'', ``Crow, Mariana'',
``Duck, Hawaiian'', ``Finch, Laysan'', and ``Finch, Nihoa'';
v. Removing the entry for ``Honeycreeper, crested (Akohekohe)'';
vi. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Kingfisher, Guam
vii. Removing the entries for ``Kingfisher, Guam Micronesian'' and
``Megapode, Micronesian (=La Perouse's)'';
[[Page 7143]]
viii. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Megapode,
Micronesian (sasangat)'';
ix. Revising the entry for ``Moorhen, Mariana common'';
x. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Olomao, Molokai'';
xi. Revising the entry for ``Petrel, Hawaiian'';
xii. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Puaiohi'';
xiii. Revising both entries for ``Rail, Guam'';
xiv. Removing the entry for ``Shearwater, Newell's Townsend's'';
xv. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Shearwater, Newell's
xvi. Revising the entry for ``Storm-petrel, band-rumped (Hawaii DPS)'';
xvii. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Swiftlet, Mariana
xviii. Removing the entries for ``Swiftlet, Mariana gray'', ``Thrush,
Molokai'', and ``Thrush, small Kauai'';
xix. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``White-eye, Rota
(nosa Luta)''; and
xx. Removing the entry for ``White-eye, Rota bridled'';
c. Under SNAILS, revising the entries for ``Limpet, Banbury Springs''
and ``Snail, Snake River physa''; and
d. Under INSECTS, revising the entries for ``Damselfly, flying earwig
Hawaiian'' and ``Damselfly, Pacific Hawaiian''.
The additions and revisions read as follows:
Sec. 17.11 Endangered and threatened wildlife.
* * * * *
(h) * * *
Listing citations
Common name Scientific name Where listed Status and applicable rules
* * * * * * *
Bat, Hawaiian hoary (opeapea)..... Aeorestes semotus... Wherever found...... E 35 FR 16047, 10/13/
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Akohekohe (crested honeycreeper).. Palmeria dolei...... Wherever found...... E 32 FR 4001, 3/11/
1967; 50 CFR
Alauahio, Oahu.................... Paroreomyza maculata Wherever found...... E 35 FR 16047, 10/13/
* * * * * * *
Coot, Hawaiian (alae keokeo)...... Fulica alai......... Wherever found...... E 35 FR 16047, 10/13/
* * * * * * *
Creeper, Hawaii (alawi)........... Loxops mana......... Wherever found...... E 40 FR 44149, 9/25/
* * * * * * *
Crow, Hawaiian (alala)............ Corvus hawaiiensis.. Wherever found...... E 32 FR 4001, 3/11/
Crow, Mariana (aga)............... Corvus kubaryi...... Wherever found...... E 49 FR 33881, 8/27/
1984; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Duck, Hawaiian (koloa maoli)...... Anas wyvilliana..... Wherever found...... E 32 FR 4001, 3/11/
* * * * * * *
Finch, Laysan..................... Telespiza cantans... Wherever found...... E 32 FR 4001, 3/11/
Finch, Nihoa...................... Telespiza ultima.... Wherever found...... E 32 FR 4001, 3/11/
* * * * * * *
Kingfisher, Guam (sihek).......... Todiramphus Wherever found...... E 49 FR 33881, 8/27/
cinnamominus. 1984; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Megapode, Micronesian (sasangat).. Megapodius laperouse Wherever found...... E 35 FR 8491, 6/2/
* * * * * * *
Moorhen, Mariana common (pulattat) Gallinula chloropus Wherever found...... E 49 FR 33881, 8/27/
guami. 1984.
* * * * * * *
Olomao, Molokai................... Myadestes lanaiensis Wherever found...... E 35 FR 16047, 10/13/
rutha. 1970.
* * * * * * *
Petrel, Hawaiian (uau)............ Pterodroma Wherever found...... E 32 FR 4001, 3/11/
sandwichensis. 1967.
* * * * * * *
Puaiohi........................... Myadestes palmeri... Wherever found...... E 32 FR 4001, 3/11/
* * * * * * *
Rail, Guam (koko)................. Gallirallus owstoni. Wherever found, E 49 FR 33881, 8/27/
except where listed 1984.
as an experimental
Rail, Guam (koko)................. Gallirallus owstoni. Rota................ XN 54 FR 43966, 10/30/
1989; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Shearwater, Newell's (ao)......... Puffinus newelli.... Wherever found...... T 40 FR 44149, 9/25/
* * * * * * *
Storm-petrel, band-rumped (akeake) Hydrobates castro... U.S.A. (HI)......... E 81 FR 67786, 9/30/
[Hawaii DPS]. 2016.
[[Page 7144]]
* * * * * * *
Swiftlet, Mariana (yayaguak)...... Aerodramus bartschi. Wherever found...... E 49 FR 33881, 8/27/
* * * * * * *
White-eye, Rota (nosa Luta)....... Zosterops rotensis.. Wherever found...... E 69 FR 3022, 1/22/
2004; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Limpet, Banbury Springs........... Idaholanx fresti.... Wherever found...... E 57 FR 59244, 12/14/
* * * * * * *
Snail, Snake River physa.......... Physella natricina.. Wherever found...... E 57 FR 59244, 12/14/
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Damselfly, flying earwig Hawaiian. Megalagrion nesiotes Wherever found...... E 75 FR 35990, 6/24/
2010; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Damselfly, Pacific Hawaiian....... Megalagrion Wherever found...... E 75 FR 35990, 6/24/
pacificum. 2010; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
3. Amend Sec. 17.12, in paragraph (h), the List of Endangered and
Threatened Plants, by:
i. Revising the entries for ``Abutilon menziesii'', ``Argyroxiphium
sandwicense ssp. macrocephalum'', and ``Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp.
ii. Removing the entry for ``Chamaesyce skottsbergii var.
iii. Revising the entry for ``Cyanea gibsonii'';
iv. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Cyanea
v. Removing the entry for ``Cyanea humboltiana'';
vi. Revising the entry for ``Cyanea platyphylla'';
vii. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Cyanea rivularis'';
viii. Removing the entry for ``Cycas micronesica'';
ix. Revising the entry for ``Cyrtandra crenata'';
x. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
xi. Removing the entries for ``Cyrtandra limahuliensis'' and ``Delissea
xii. Adding, in alphabetical order, entries for ``Dracaena fernaldii'',
``Dracaena forbesii'', ``Dracaena konaensis'', and ``Euphorbia
skottsbergii var. skottsbergii'';
xiii. Revising the entry for ``Gardenia brighamii'';
xiv. Removing the entry for ``Hedyotis cookiana'';
xv. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Kadua cookiana'';
xvi. Revising the entries for ``Kanaloa kahoolawensis'', ``Kokia
cookei'', ``Kokia drynarioides'', and ``Kokia kauaiensis'';
xvii. Removing the entry for ``Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora'';
xviii. Adding, in alphabetical order, entries for ``Limnanthes pumila
ssp. grandiflora'', ``Melicope cornuta var. cornuta'', ``Melicope
cornuta var. decurrens'', ``Melicope remyi'', and ``Melicope
xix. Revising the entry for ``Mezoneuron kavaiense'';
xx. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Mucuna persericea'';
xxi. Removing the entries for ``Mucuna sloanei var. persericea'' and
``Plantago hawaienis'';
xxii. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Plantago
xxiii. Removing the entries for ``Platydesma cornuta var. cornuta'',
``Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens'', ``Platydesma remyi'',
``Platydesma rostrata'', ``Pleomele fernaldii'', ``Pleomele forbesii'',
``Pleomele hawaiiensis'', and ``Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis'';
xxiv. Adding, in alphabetical order, an entry for ``Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis'';
b. Revising the heading CONIFERS to read CONIFERS AND ALLIES;
c. Under CONIFERS AND ALLIES, adding, in alphabetical order, an entry
for ``Cycas micronesica''; and
i. Revising the entries for ``Adenophorus periens'' and ``Asplenium
ii. Removing the entries for ``Asplenium (=Diellia) dielfalcatum
(=falcate)'' and ``Asplenium (=Diellia) dielpallicum (=pallida)'';
iii. Adding, in alphabetical order, entries for ``Asplenium (=Diellia)
dielfalcatum (=falcata)'' and ``Asplenium (=Diellia) dielpallidum
iv. Removing the entries for ``Cyclosorus boydiae'', ``Huperzia
mannii'', ``Huperzia nutans'', and ``Huperzia stemmermanniae''; and
v. Adding, in alphabetical order, entries for ``Menisciopsis boydiae'',
``Phlegmariurus mannii'', ``Phlegmariurus nutans'', and ``Phlegmariurus
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Sec. 17.12 Endangered and threatened plants.
* * * * *
(h) * * *
[[Page 7145]]
Listing citations
Scientific name Common name Where listed Status and applicable
Flowering Plants
* * * * * * *
Abutilon menziesii............. Kooloaula......... Wherever found.......... E 51 FR 34412, 9/26/
* * * * * * *
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. Ahinahina......... Wherever found.......... T 57 FR 20772, 5/15/
macrocephalum. 1992; 50 CFR
Argyroxiphium sandwicense ssp. Ahinahina......... Wherever found.......... E 51 FR 9814, 3/21/
sandwicense. 1986.
* * * * * * *
Cyanea gibsonii................ Haha.............. Wherever found.......... E 56 FR 47686, 9/20/
* * * * * * *
Cyanea humboldtiana............ Haha.............. Wherever found.......... E 61 FR 53089, 10/
10/1996; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Cyanea platyphylla............. Haha, akuaku...... Wherever found.......... E 61 FR 53137, 10/
10/1996; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Cyanea rivularis............... Haha.............. Wherever found.......... E 61 FR 53070, 10/
10/1996; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Cyrtandra crenata.............. Haiwale........... Wherever found.......... E 59 FR 14482, 3/28/
* * * * * * *
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae. Haiwale........... Wherever found.......... T 59 FR 9304, 2/25/
1994; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Dracaena fernaldii............. Hala pepe......... Wherever found.......... E 78 FR 32014, 5/28/
Dracaena forbesii.............. Hala pepe......... Wherever found.......... E 77 FR 57648, 9/18/
2012; 50 CFR
Dracaena konaensis............. Hala pepe......... Wherever found.......... E 61 FR 53137, 10/
10/1996; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Euphorbia skottsbergii var. Akoko............. Wherever found.......... E 47 FR 36846, 8/24/
skottsbergi. 1982; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Gardenia brighamii............. Nanu.............. Wherever found.......... E 50 FR 33728, 8/21/
* * * * * * *
Kadua cookiana................. Awiwi............. Wherever found.......... E 59 FR 9304, 2/25/
1994; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Kanaloa kahoolawensis.......... Ka palupalu o Wherever found.......... E 64 FR 48307, 9/3/
Kanaloa, Kohe 1999; 50 CFR
malama malama o 17.99(e)(2).CH
* * * * * * *
Kokia cookei................... Kokio............. Wherever found.......... E 44 FR 62470, 10/
30/1979; 50 CFR
Kokia drynarioides............. Kokio............. Wherever found.......... E 49 FR 47397, 12/4/
1984; 50 CFR
Kokia kauaiensis............... Kokio............. Wherever found.......... E 61 FR 53070, 10/
10/1996; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Limnanthes pumila ssp. Large-flowered Wherever found.......... E 67 FR 68004, 11/7/
grandiflora. woolly meadowfoam. 2002; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Melicope cornuta var. cornuta.. No common name.... Wherever found.......... E 77 FR 57648, 9/18/
2012; 50 CFR
Melicope cornuta var. decurrens No common name.... Wherever found.......... E 77 FR 57648, 9/18/
2012; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Melicope remyi................. No common name.... Wherever found.......... E 78 FR 64638, 10/
Melicope rostrata.............. Pilo kea lau lii.. Wherever found.......... E 75 FR 18960, 4/13/
2010; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Mezoneuron kavaiense........... Uhiuhi............ Wherever found.......... E 51 FR 24672, 7/8/
* * * * * * *
Mucuna persericea.............. Sea bean.......... Wherever found.......... E 78 FR 32014, 5/28/
2013; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Plantago hawaiensis............ Laukahi kuahiwi... Wherever found.......... E 59 FR 10305, 3/4/
1994; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Psychotria hexandra var. Kopiko............ Wherever found.......... E 77 FR 57648, 9/18/
oahuensis. 2012; 50 CFR
[[Page 7146]]
* * * * * * *
Conifers and Allies
* * * * * * *
Cycas micronesica.............. Fadang, faadang... Wherever found.......... T 80 FR 59424, 10/1/
* * * * * * *
Ferns and Allies
* * * * * * *
Adenophorus periens............ Palai laau........ Wherever found.......... E 59 FR 56333, 11/
10/1994; 50 CFR
17.99(a)(1); CH
50 CFR
17.99(e)(1); CH
50 CFR 17.99(i);
* * * * * * *
Asplenium dielerectum.......... No common name.... Wherever found.......... E 59 FR 56333, 11/
10/1994; 50 CFR
17.99(a)(1); CH
50 CFR 17.99(c);
50 CFR 17.99(i);
* * * * * * *
Asplenium (=Diellia) No common name.... Wherever found.......... E 56 FR 55770, 10/
dielfalcatum (=falcata). 29/1991; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Asplenium (=Diellia) No common name.... Wherever found.......... E 59 FR 9304, 2/25/
dielpallidum (=pallida). 1994; 50 CFR
* * * * * * *
Menisciopsis boydiae........... Kupukupu makalii.. Wherever found.......... E 81 FR 67786, 9/30/
* * * * * * *
Phlegmariurus mannii........... Wawaeiole......... Wherever found.......... E 57 FR 20772, 5/15/
1992; 50 CFR
Phlegmariurus nutans........... Wawaeiole......... Wherever found.......... E 59 FR 14482, 3/28/
1994; 50 CFR
17.99(a)(1); CH
50 CFR
Phlegmariurus stemmermanniae... No common name.... Wherever found.......... E 81 FR 67786, 9/30/
* * * * * * *
Sec. 17.84 [Amended]
4. In Sec. 17.84, amend paragraph (f) introductory text by removing
the word ``Rallus'' and adding in its place the word ``Gallirallus''.
5. Amend Sec. 17.95, in paragraph (b), by:
a. In the entry ``Guam Micronesian Kingfisher (Halcyon cinnamomina
i. Removing the heading ``Guam Micronesian Kingfisher (Halcyon
cinnamomina cinnamomina)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Guam
Kingfisher (Todiramphus cinnamominus)'';
ii. In paragraph (1) and the introductory text of paragraph (2),
removing the word ``Micronesian'';
iii. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (4)(i);
iv. In the introductory text of paragraph (4)(ii), removing the word
``Micronesian''; and
v. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (4)(ii)(B); and
b. In the entry ``Rota Bridled White-eye (Zosterops rotensis)'':
i. Removing the heading ``Rota Bridled White-eye (Zosterops rotensis)''
and adding in its place the heading ``Rota White-eye (Zosterops
ii. In the introductory text of paragraphs (2) and (5), removing the
word ``bridled''; and
iii. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (5)(ii).
The revisions read as follows:
Sec. 17.95 Critical habitat--fish and wildlife.
* * * * *
(b) Birds.
* * * * *
Guam Kingfisher (Todiramphus cinnamominus)
* * * * *
(4) * * *
(i) Note: The reference to ``Guam Micronesian Kingfisher'' on the
map is equivalent to ``Guam Kingfisher.'' Map 1 showing the general
location of the Guam kingfisher unit follows:
* * * * *
(ii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Guam Micronesian Kingfisher'' on the
map is equivalent to ``Guam Kingfisher.'' Map 2 showing Guam kingfisher
unit follows:
* * * * *
Rota White-eye (Zosterops rotensis)
* * * * *
(5) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Rota Bridled White-eye'' on the map
is equivalent to ``Rota White-eye.'' Map 1 of the critical habitat for
Rota white-eye follows:
* * * * *
6. Amend Sec. 17.96, in paragraph (a), the entry for ``Family
Limnanthaceae: Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora (large-flowered
woolly meadowfoam)'', by:
a. Removing the heading ``Family Limnanthaceae: Limnanthes floccosa
ssp. grandiflora (large-flowered woolly meadowfoam)'' and adding in its
place the heading ``Family Limnanthaceae: Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora (large-flowered woolly meadowfoam)'';
b. In the introductory text of paragraphs (2) and (2)(i), and in
paragraph (2)(iv), removing the word ``floccosa'' and adding in its
place the word ``pumila'';
c. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (5);
d. In the introductory text of paragraph (6), removing the word
[[Page 7147]]
``floccosa'' and adding in its place the word ``pumila'';
e. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (6)(ii);
f. In the introductory text of paragraph (7), removing the word
``floccosa'' and adding in its place the word ``pumila'';
g. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (7)(ii);
h. In the introductory text of paragraph (8), removing the word
``floccosa'' and adding in its place the word ``pumila'';
i. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (8)(ii);
j. In the introductory text of paragraph (9), removing the word
``floccosa'' and adding in its place the word ``pumila'';
k. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (9)(ii);
l. In the introductory text of paragraph (10), removing the word
``floccosa'' and adding in its place the word ``pumila'';
m. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (10)(ii);
n. In the introductory text of paragraphs (11) and (11)(i), removing
the word ``floccosa'' and adding in its place the word ``pumila'';
o. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (11)(ii);
p. In the introductory text of paragraph (12), removing the word
``floccosa'' and adding in its place the word ``pumila'';
q. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (12)(ii);
r. In the introductory text of paragraph (13), removing the word
``floccosa'' and adding in its place the word ``pumila''; and
s. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (13)(ii).
The revisions read as follows:
Sec. 17.96 Critical habitat--plants.
(a) Flowering plants.
* * * * *
Family Limnanthaceae: Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora (large-
flowered woolly meadowfoam)
* * * * *
(5) Note: The reference to ``Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora''
on the map is equivalent to ``Limnanthes pumila ssp. grandiflora.''
Index map for critical habitat in Jackson County, Oregon, follows:
* * * * *
(6) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Limnanthes floccosa ssp.
grandiflora'' on the map is equivalent to ``Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora.'' Map of Unit RV1 follows:
* * * * *
(7) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Limnanthes floccosa ssp.
grandiflora'' on the map is equivalent to ``Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora.'' Map of Unit RV2 follows:
* * * * *
(8) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Limnanthes floccosa ssp.
grandiflora'' on the map is equivalent to ``Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora.'' Map of Unit RV3 follows:
* * * * *
(9) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Limnanthes floccosa ssp.
grandiflora'' on the map is equivalent to ``Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora.'' Map of Unit RV4 follows:
* * * * *
(10) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Limnanthes floccosa ssp.
grandiflora'' on the map is equivalent to ``Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora.'' Map of Unit RV5 follows:
* * * * *
(11) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Limnanthes floccosa ssp.
grandiflora'' on the map is equivalent to ``Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora.'' Map of Unit RV6 follows:
* * * * *
(12) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Limnanthes floccosa ssp.
grandiflora'' on the map is equivalent to ``Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora.'' Map of Unit RV7 follows:
* * * * *
(13) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Limnanthes floccosa ssp.
grandiflora'' on the map is equivalent to ``Limnanthes pumila ssp.
grandiflora.'' Map of Unit RV8 follows:
* * * * *
7. Amend Sec. 17.99 as follows:
a. In paragraph (a)(1), by:
i. In paragraph (a)(1)(vi)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 4-Platydesma
rostrata-a'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai 4-Melicope
ii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(vi)(B) introductory text;
iii. In paragraph (a)(1)(xiv) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 4-Cyrtandra limahuliensis-a'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 4-Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae-a'';
iv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(xiv)(B) introductory text;
v. In paragraph (a)(1)(xv) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 4--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--b'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 4--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--b'';
vi. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(xv)(B) introductory text;
vii. In paragraph (a)(1)(xxix) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 4--Platydesma rostrata--a'' and adding in their place the words
``Kauai 4--Melicope rostrata--a'';
viii. In paragraph (a)(1)(xxxiv)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 7--
Platydesma rostrata--b'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
7--Melicope rostrata--b'';
ix. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(xxxiv)(B) introductory text;
x. In paragraph (a)(1)(xlix) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 7--Platydesma rostrata--b'' and adding in their place the words
``Kauai 7--Melicope rostrata--b'';
xi. In paragraph (a)(1)(lvii)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 10--
Platydesma rostrata--c'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
10--Melicope rostrata--c'';
xii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(lvii)(B) introductory text;
xiii. In paragraph (a)(1)(lix)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 10--
Platydesma rostrata--d'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
10--Melicope rostrata--d'';
xiv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(lix)(B) introductory text;
xv. In paragraph (a)(1)(lx)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 10--
Platydesma rostrata--e'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
10--Melicope rostrata--e'';
xvi. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(lx)(B) introductory text;
xvii. In paragraph (a)(1)(lxxii) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 10--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--c'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 10--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--c'';
xviii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(lxxii)(B) introductory text;
xix. In paragraph (a)(1)(civ) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 10--Huperzia nutans--a'' and adding in their place the words
``Kauai 10--Phlegmariurus nutans--a'';
xx. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(civ)(B) introductory text;
xxi. In paragraph (a)(1)(cviii) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 10--Platydesma rostrata--c'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata--c'';
xxii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cix) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 10--Platydesma rostrata--d'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata--d'';
xxiii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cx) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 10--Platydesma rostrata--e'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata--e'';
[[Page 7148]]
xxiv. In paragraph (a)(1)(cxxx)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 11--
Platydesma rostrata--f'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
11--Melicope rostrata--f'';
xxv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cxxx)(B) introductory text;
xxvi. In paragraph (a)(1)(cxxxiii)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 11--
Platydesma rostrata--g'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
11--Melicope rostrata--g'';
xxvii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cxxxiii)(B) introductory text;
xxviii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cxl)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 11--
Platydesma rostrata--h'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
11--Melicope rostrata--h'';
xxix. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cxl)(B) introductory text;
xxx. In paragraph (a)(1)(cxli)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 11--
Platydesma rostrata--i'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
11--Melicope rostrata--i'';
xxxi. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cxli)(B) introductory text;
xxxii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cxlvi)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 11--
Platydesma rostrata--j'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
11--Melicope rostrata--j'';
xxxiii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cxlvi)(B) introductory text;
xxxiv. In paragraph (a)(1)(clxi) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 11--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--d'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 11--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--d'';
xxxv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(clxi)(B) introductory text;
xxxvi. In paragraph (a)(1)(clxii) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 11--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--e'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 11--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--e'';
xxxvii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(clxii)(B) introductory text;
xxxviii. In paragraph (a)(1)(clxviii) introductory text, removing the
words ``Kauai 11--Delissea rivularis--a'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 11--Cyanea rivularis--a'';
xxxix. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(clxviii)(B) introductory text;
xl. In paragraph (a)(1)(clxxiii) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 11--Diellia pallida--a'' and adding in their place the words
``Kauai 11--Asplenium dielpallidum[dash]a'';
xli. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(clxxiii)(B) introductory text;
xlii. In paragraph (a)(1)(clxxiv) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 11--Diellia pallida--b'' and adding in their place the words
``Kauai 11--Asplenium dielpallidum--b'';
xliii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(clxxiv)(B) introductory text;
xliv. In paragraph (a)(1)(cciii) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 11--Hedyotis cookiana--a'' and adding in their place the words
``Kauai 11--Kadua cookiana--a'';
xlv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cciii)(B) introductory text;
xlvi. In paragraph (a)(1)(cclxxvii) introductory text, removing the
words ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--f'' and adding in their place
the words ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--f'';
xlvii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cclxxviii) introductory text, removing the
words ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--g'' and adding in their place
the words ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--g'';
xlviii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cclxxix) introductory text, removing the
words ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--h'' and adding in their place
the words ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--h'';
xlix. In paragraph (a)(1)(cclxxx) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--i'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--i'';
l. In paragraph (a)(1)(cclxxxi) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--j'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--j'';
li. In paragraph (a)(1)(cccli)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 18--
Platydesma rostrata--k'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
18--Melicope rostrata--k'';
lii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cccli)(B) introductory text;
liii. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclx) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 18--Platydesma rostrata--k'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 18--Melicope rostrata--k'';
liv. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxi)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 19--
Platydesma rostrata--l'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
19--Melicope rostrata--l'';
lv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxi)(B) introductory text;
lvi. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxx) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 19--Platydesma rostrata--l'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 19--Melicope rostrata--l'';
lvii. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxxi)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 20--
Platydesma rostrata--m'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
20--Melicope rostrata--m'';
lviii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxxi)(B) introductory text;
lix. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxxxiii) introductory text, removing the
words ``Kauai 20--Platydesma rostrata--m'' and adding in their place
the words ``Kauai 20--Melicope rostrata--m'';
lx. In paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxxxvii)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 21--
Platydesma rostrata--n'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
21--Melicope rostrata--n'';
lxi. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(ccclxxxvii)(B) introductory text;
lxii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cccxcii) introductory text, ``Kauai 21--
Platydesma rostrata--o'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
21--Melicope rostrata--n'';
lxiii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cccxcvi)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 22--
Platydesma rostrata--o'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
22--Melicope rostrata--o'';
lxiv. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cccxcvi)(B) introductory text;
lxv. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdi) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 22--Platydesma rostrata--o'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 22--Melicope rostrata--o'';
lxvi. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdv)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 23--
Platydesma rostrata--p'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
23--Melicope rostrata--p'';
lxvii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cdv)(B) introductory text;
lxviii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdxx) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 23--Platydesma rostrata--p'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 23--Melicope rostrata--p'';
lxix. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdxxiii)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 24--
Platydesma rostrata--q'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
24--Melicope rostrata--q'';
lxx. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cdxxiii)(B) introductory text;
lxxi. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdxxxviii) introductory text, removing the
words ``Kauai 24--Platydesma rostrata--q'' and adding in their place
the words ``Kauai 24--Melicope rostrata--q'';
lxxii. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdxli)(A), removing the words ``Kauai 25--
Platydesma rostrata--r'' and adding in their place the words ``Kauai
25--Melicope rostrata--r'';
lxxiii. Revising paragraph (a)(1)(cdxli)(B) introductory text;
lxxiv. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdlvi) introductory text, removing the words
``Kauai 25--Platydesma rostrata--r'' and adding in their place the
words ``Kauai 25--Melicope rostrata--r''; and
lxxv. In paragraph (a)(1)(cdlix), the Table of Protected Species Within
Each Critical Habitat Unit for Kauai:
1. Removing the entries for ``Kauai 4--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--a'',
``Kauai 4--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--b'', ``Kauai 4--Platydesma
rostrata--a'', ``Kauai 7--Platydesma rostrata--b'', ``Kauai 10--
Cyrtandra limahuliensis--c'', ``Kauai
[[Page 7149]]
10--Huperzia nutans--a'', ``Kauai 10--Platydesma rostrata--c'', ``Kauai
10--Platydesma rostrata--d'', ``Kauai 10--Platydesma rostrata--e'',
``Kauai 11--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--d'', ``Kauai 11--Cyrtandra
limahuliensis--e'', ``Kauai 11--Delissea rivularis--a'', ``Kauai 11--
Diellia pallida--a'', ``Kauai 11--Diellia pallida--b'', ``Kauai 11--
Hedyotis cookiana--a'', ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--f'', ``Kauai
11--Platydesma rostrata--g'', ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--h'',
``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--i'', ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--
j'', ``Kauai 18--Platydesma rostrata--k'', ``Kauai 19--Platydesma
rostrata--l'', ``Kauai 20--Platydesma rostrata--m'', ``Kauai 21--
Platydesma rostrata--n'', ``Kauai 22--Platydesma rostrata--o'', ``Kauai
23--Platydesma rostrata--p'', ``Kauai 24--Platydesma rostrata--q'', and
``Kauai 25--Platydesma rostrata--r''; and
2. Adding, in order by unit number and then alphabetical order by
scientific name within the unit, entries for ``Kauai 4--Cyrtandra
kealiae ssp. kealiae--a'', ``Kauai 4--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--
b'', ``Kauai 4--Melicope rostrata--a'', ``Kauai 7--Melicope rostrata--
b'', ``Kauai 10--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--c'', ``Kauai 10--
Melicope rostrata--c'', ``Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata--d'', ``Kauai
10--Melicope rostrata--e'', ``Kauai 10--Phlegmariurus nutans--a'',
``Kauai 11--Asplenium dielpallidum--a'', ``Kauai 11--Asplenium
dielpallidum--b'', ``Kauai 11--Cyanea rivularis--a'', ``Kauai 11--
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--d'', ``Kauai 11--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae--e'', ``Kauai 11--Kadua cookiana--a'', ``Kauai 11--Melicope
rostrata--f'', ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--g'', ``Kauai 11--Melicope
rostrata--h'', ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--i'', ``Kauai 11--Melicope
rostrata--j'', ``Kauai 18--Melicope rostrata--k'', ``Kauai 19--Melicope
rostrata--l'', ``Kauai 20--Melicope rostrata--m'', ``Kauai 21--Melicope
rostrata--n'', ``Kauai 22--Melicope rostrata--o'', ``Kauai 23--Melicope
rostrata--p'', ``Kauai 24--Melicope rostrata--q'', and ``Kauai 25--
Melicope rostrata--r'';
b. In paragraph (b)(1), by:
i. Removing the heading ``Family Campanulaceae: Delissea rivularis
(oha)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Family Campanulaceae:
Cyanea rivularis (oha)'';
ii. Under the new heading ``Family Campanulaceae: Cyanea rivularis
(oha)'', in the introductory text:
1. Removing the words ``Kauai 11--Delissea rivularis--a'' and adding in
their place the words ``Kauai 11--Cyanea rivularis--a''; and
2. Removing the words ``Delissea rivularis'' and adding in their place
the words ``Cyanea rivularis'';
iii. Removing the heading ``Family Gesneriaceae: Cyrtandra
limahuliensis (haiwale)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Family
Gesneriaceae: Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae (haiwale)'';
iv. Under the new heading ``Family Gesneriaceae: Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae (haiwale)'', revising the introductory text;
v. Removing the heading ``Family Rubiaceae: Hedyotis cookiana (awiwi)''
and adding in its place the heading ``Family Rubiaceae: Kadua cookiana
vi. Under the new heading ``Family Rubiaceae: Kadua cookiana (awiwi)'',
in the introductory text:
1. Removing the words ``Kauai 11--Hedyotis cookiana--a'' and adding in
their place the words ``Kauai 11--Kadua cookiana--a''; and
2. Removing the words ``Hedyotis cookiana'' and adding in their place
the words ``Kadua cookiana'';
vii. Removing the heading ``Family Rutaceae: Platydesma rostrata (pilo
kea lau lii)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Family Rutaceae:
Melicope rostrata (pilo kea lau lii)''; and
viii. Under the new heading ``Family Rutaceae: Melicope rostrata (pilo
kea lau lii)'', revising the entry's introductory text and the
introductory text of paragraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), and (v);
c. In paragraph (b)(2), by:
i. Removing the heading ``Family Aspleniaceae: Asplenium dielerectum
(asplenium-leaved diellia'' and adding in its place the heading
``Family Aspleniaceae: Asplenium dielerectum (no common name)'';
ii. Removing the heading ``Family Aspleniaceae: Diellia pallida (no
common name)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Family
Aspleniaceae: Asplenium dielpallidum (no common name)'';
iii. Under the new heading ``Family Aspleniaceae: Asplenium
dielpallidum (no common name)'', revising the introductory text;
iv. Removing the heading ``Family Grammitidaceae: Adenophorus periens
(pendent kihi fern)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Family
Grammitidaceae: Adenophorus periens (palai laau)'';
v. Removing the heading ``Family Lycopodiaceae: Huperzia nutans
(wawaeiole)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Family
Lycopodiaceae: Phlegmariurus nutans (wawaeiole)''; and
vi. Under the new heading ``Family Lycopodiaceae: Phlegmariurus nutans
(wawaeiole)'', in the introductory text:
1. Removing the words ``Kauai 10--Huperzia nutans--a'' and adding in
their place the words ``Kauai 10--Phlegmariurus nutans--a''; and
2. Removing the words ``Huperzia nutans'' and adding in their place the
words ``Phlegmariurus nutans'';
d. In paragraph (d)(1), under Family Malvaceae, by removing the heading
``Kokia cookei (COOKE'S KOKIO)'' and adding in its place the heading
``Kokia cookei (KOKIO)'';
e. In paragraph (d)(2), by:
i. Under Family Aspleniaceae, removing the heading ``Asplenium
dielerectum (ASPLENIUM-LEAVED DIELLIA)'' and adding in its place the
heading ``Asplenium dielerectum (NCN)''; and
ii. Under Family Grammitidaceae, removing the heading ``Adenophorus
periens (PENDANT KIHI FERN)'' and adding in its place the heading
``Adenophorus periens (PALAI LAAU)'';
f. In paragraph (e)(1), by:
i. In paragraph (e)(1)(xii)(A), removing the words ``Huperzia mannii''
and adding in their place the words ``Phlegmariurus mannii'';
ii. In paragraph (e)(1)(xiv)(A):
1. Removing the words ``Huperzia mannii'' and adding in their place the
words ``Phlegmariurus mannii''; and
2. Removing the words ``Mucuna sloanei var. persericea'' and adding in
their place the words ``Mucuna persericea'';
iii. In paragraph (e)(1)(xv)(A), removing the words ``Huperzia mannii''
and adding in their place the words ``Phlegmariurus mannii'';
iv. In paragraph (e)(1)(xvi)(A), removing the words ``Huperzia mannii''
and adding in their place the words ``Phlegmariurus mannii'';
v. Immediately following paragraph (e)(1)(xvi), after Map 16, adding
paragraph (e)(1)(xvii) introductory text;
vi. In paragraph (e)(1)(xvii)(A), removing the words ``Huperzia
mannii'' and adding in their place the words ``Phlegmariurus mannii'';
vii. In paragraph (e)(1)(xviii)(A), removing the words ``Huperzia
mannii'' and adding in their place the words ``Phlegmariurus mannii'';
viii. In paragraph (e)(1)(xix)(A), removing the words ``Huperzia
mannii'' and adding in their place the words ``Phlegmariurus mannii'';
ix. In paragraph (e)(1)(xx)(A), removing the words ``Huperzia mannii''
and adding in their place the words ``Phlegmariurus mannii''; and
x. In paragraph (e)(1)(xxix), the table titled ``Occupancy of Species
[[Page 7150]]
Designated Critical Habitat Units for Maui,'' revising the entries for
Maui--Lowland Mesic--Unit 1, Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 1, Maui--Lowland
Wet--Unit 2, Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 3, Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 4,
Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 5, Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 6, Maui--Lowland
Wet--Unit 7, Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 8, Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 1,
Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 2, Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 3, Maui--Montane
Wet--Unit 4, Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 5, Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 6,
Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 7, Maui--Montane Mesic--Unit 1, Maui--Montane
Mesic--Unit 2, Maui--Montane Mesic--Unit 3, Maui--Montane Mesic--Unit
4, and Maui--Montane Mesic--Unit 5;
g. In paragraph (f)(1), under Family Fabaceae, by:
i. Removing the heading ``Mucuna sloanei var. persericea (SEA BEAN)''
and adding in its place the heading ``Mucuna persericea (SEA BEAN)'';
ii. Under the new heading ``Mucuna persericea (SEA BEAN)'', in the
introductory text, removing the words ``Mucuna sloanei var.
persericea'' and adding in their place the words ``Mucuna persericea'';
h. In paragraph (f)(2), by:
i. Under Family Aspleniaceae, removing the heading ``Asplenium
dielerectum (ASPLENIUM-LEAVED DIELLIA)'' and adding in its place the
heading ``Asplenium dielerectum (NCN)'';
ii. Under Family Grammitidaceae, removing the heading ``Adenophorus
periens (PENDANT KIHI FERN)'' and adding in its place the heading
``Adenophorus periens (PALAI LAAU)''; and
iii. Under Family Lycopodiaceae:
1. Removing the heading ``Huperzia mannii (WAWAEIOLE)'' and adding in
its place the heading ``Phlegmariurus mannii (WAWAEIOLE)''; and
2. Under the new heading ``Phlegmariurus mannii (WAWAEIOLE)'', in the
introductory text, removing the words ``Huperzia mannii'' and adding in
their place the words ``Phlegmariurus mannii'';
i. In paragraph (i), by:
i. In paragraph (i)(9)(i), removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and
adding in their place the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
ii. In paragraph (i)(12)(i), removing the words ``Chamaesyce
skottsbergii var. skottsbergii'' and adding in their place the words
``Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii'';
iii. In paragraph (i)(13)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Diellia falcata'' and adding in their place the
words ``Asplenium dielfalcatum'';
2. Removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens'' and adding
in their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var. decurrens''; and
3. Removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and adding in their place
the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
iv. In paragraph (i)(14)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Diellia falcata'' and adding in their place the
words ``Asplenium dielfalcatum'';
2. Removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens'' and adding
in their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var. decurrens''; and
3. Removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and adding in their place
the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
v. In paragraph (i)(15)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Diellia falcata'' and adding in their place the
words ``Asplenium dielfalcatum'';
2. Removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens'' and adding
in their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var. decurrens''; and
3. Removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and adding in their place
the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
vi. In paragraph (i)(16)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Diellia falcata'' and adding in their place the
words ``Asplenium dielfalcatum''; and
2. Removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and adding in their place
the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
vii. In paragraph (i)(17)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Diellia falcata'' and adding in their place
the words ``Asplenium dielfalcatum''; and
2. Removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and adding in their place
the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
viii. In paragraph (i)(18)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Diellia falcata'' and adding in their place
the words ``Asplenium dielfalcatum''; and
2. Removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and adding in their place
the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
ix. In paragraph (i)(22)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Huperzia nutans'' and adding in their place the
words ``Phlegmariurus nutans'';
2. Removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var. cornuta'' and adding in
their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var. cornuta''; and
3. Removing the words ``Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis'' and adding
in their place the words ``Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis'';
x. In paragraph (i)(23)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Huperzia nutans'' and adding in their place the
words ``Phlegmariurus nutans'';
2. Removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var. cornuta'' and adding in
their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var. cornuta''; and
3. Removing the words ``Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis'' and adding
in their place the words ``Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis'';
xi. In paragraph (i)(24)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Huperzia nutans'' and adding in their place the
words ``Phlegmariurus nutans'';
2. Removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var. cornuta'' and adding in
their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var. cornuta''; and
3. Removing the words ``Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis'' and adding
in their place the words ``Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis'';
xii. In paragraph (i)(25)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Huperzia nutans'' and adding in their place the
words ``Phlegmariurus nutans'';
2. Removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var. cornuta'' and adding in
their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var. cornuta''; and
3. Removing the words ``Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis'' and adding
in their place the words ``Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis'';
xiii. In paragraph (i)(27)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Diellia falcata'' and adding in their place the
words ``Asplenium dielfalcatum'';
2. Removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens'' and adding
in their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var. decurrens''; and
3. Removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and adding in their place
the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
xiv. In paragraph (i)(28)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Diellia falcata'' and adding in their place the
words ``Asplenium dielfalcatum'';
2. Removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens'' and adding
in their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var. decurrens''; and
3. Removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and adding in their place
the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
xv. In paragraph (i)(29)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Diellia falcata'' and adding in their place the
words ``Asplenium dielfalcatum'';
2. Removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens'' and adding
in their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var. decurrens''; and
3. Removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and adding in their place
the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
xvi. In paragraph (i)(33)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Huperzia nutans'' and adding in their place the
words ``Phlegmariurus nutans''; and
[[Page 7151]]
2. Removing the words ``Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis'' and adding
in their place the words ``Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis'';
xvii. In paragraph (i)(34)(i):
1. Removing the words ``Huperzia nutans'' and adding in their place the
words ``Phlegmariurus nutans''; and
2. Removing the words ``Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis'' and adding
in their place the words ``Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis''; and
xviii. In paragraph (i)(35), the ``Table of Protected Species Within
Each Critical Habitat Unit for Oahu,'' revising the entries for Oahu--
Lowland Dry--Unit 1, Oahu--Lowland Dry--Unit 2, Oahu--Lowland Dry--Unit
8, Oahu--Lowland Dry--Unit 9, Oahu--Lowland Dry--Unit 10, Oahu--Lowland
Dry--Unit 11, Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 1, Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 2,
Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 3, Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 4, Oahu--Lowland
Mesic--Unit 5, Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 6, Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit
7, Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 6, Oahu--Lowland Wet-Unit 7, Oahu--Lowland
Wet--Unit 8, Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 9, Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 10,
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 11, Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 12, Oahu--Lowland
Wet--Unit 13, Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 14, Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 15,
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 16, Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 1, Oahu--Dry Cliff--
Unit 2, Oahu--Dry Cliff-Unit 3, Oahu--Dry Cliff-Unit 4, Oahu--Dry
Cliff--Unit 5, Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 6, Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 7, Oahu-
Dry Cliff--Unit 7a, Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 7b, Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 8,
Oahu--Wet Cliff--Unit 6, Oahu--Wet Cliff--Unit 7, and Oahu--Wet Cliff--
Unit 8;
j. In paragraph (j)(1), by:
i. Under Family Asparagaceae:
1. Removing the heading ``Pleomele forbesii (HALA PEPE)'' and adding in
its place the heading ``Dracaena forbesii (HALA PEPE)''; and
2. Under the new heading ``Dracaena forbesii (HALA PEPE)'', in the
introductory text, removing the words ``Pleomele forbesii'' and adding
in their place the words ``Dracaena forbesii'';
ii. Under Family Euphorbiaceae:
1. Removing the heading ``Chamaesyce skottsbergii var. skottsbergii
(EWA PLAINS AKOKO)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Euphorbia
skottsbergii var. skottsbergii (AKOKO)''; and
2. Under the new heading ``Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii
(AKOKO)'', in the introductory text, removing the words ``Chamaesyce
skottsbergii var. skottsbergii'' and adding in their place the words
``Euphorbia skottsbergii var. skottsbergii'';
iii. Under Family Rubiaceae:
1. Removing the heading ``Psychotria hexandra ssp. oahuensis (KOPIKO)''
and adding in its place the heading ``Psychotria hexandra var.
oahuensis (KOPIKO)''; and
2. Under the new heading ``Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis
(KOPIKO)'', in the introductory text, removing the words ``Psychotria
hexandra ssp. oahuensis'' and adding in their place the words
``Psychotria hexandra var. oahuensis''; and
iv. Under Family Rutaceae:
1. Removing the heading ``Platydesma cornuta var. cornuta (NCN)'' and
adding in its place the heading ``Melicope cornuta var. cornuta
2. Under the new heading ``Melicope cornuta var. cornuta (NCN)'', in
the introductory text, removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var.
cornuta'' and adding in their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var.
3. Removing the heading ``Platydesma cornuta var. decurrens (NCN)''
and adding in its place the heading ``Melicope cornuta var. decurrens
(NCN)''; and
4. Under the new heading ``Melicope cornuta var. decurrens (NCN)'', in
the introductory text, removing the words ``Platydesma cornuta var.
decurrens'' and adding in their place the words ``Melicope cornuta var.
k. In paragraph (j)(2), by:
i. Under Family Aspleniaceae,
1. Removing the heading ``Asplenium dielerectum (ASPLENIUM-LEAVED
DIELLIA)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Asplenium dielerectum
2. Removing the heading ``Diellia falcata (NCN)'' and adding in its
place the heading ``Asplenium dielfalcatum (NCN)'';
3. Under the new heading ``Asplenium dielfalcatum (NCN)'', in the
introductory text, removing the words ``Diellia falcata'' and adding in
their place the words ``Asplenium dielfalcatum'';
ii. Under Family Grammitidaceae, removing the heading ``Adenophorus
periens (PENDANT KIHI FERN)'' and adding in its place the heading
``Adenophorus periens (PALAI LAAU)'';
iii. Under Family Lycopodiaceae:
1. Removing the heading ``Huperzia nutans (WAWAEIOLE)'' and adding in
its place the heading ``Phlegmariurus nutans (WAWAEIOLE)''; and
2. Under the new heading ``Phlegmariurus nutans (WAWAEIOLE)'', in the
introductory text, removing the words ``Huperzia nutans'' and adding in
their place the words ``Phlegmariurus nutans'';
(l) In paragraph (k), by:
i. In paragraph (k)(26):
1. In the introductory text, removing the words ``Hawaii 7--Pleomele
hawaiiensis--a'' and adding in their place the words ``Hawaii 7--
Dracaena konaensis--a''; and
2. In paragraph (k)(26)(ii), revising the introductory text;
ii. In paragraph (k)(51):
1. In the introductory text, removing the words ``Hawaii 10--Pleomele
hawaiiensis--b'' and adding in their place the words ``Hawaii 10--
Dracaena konaensis--b''; and
2. In paragraph (k)(51)(ii), revising the introductory text;
iii. In paragraph (k)(69):
1. In the introductory text, removing the words ``Hawaii 18--Pleomele
hawaiiensis--c'' and adding in their place the words ``Hawaii 18--
Dracaena konaensis--c''; and
2. In paragraph (k)(69)(ii), revising the introductory text;
iv. In paragraph (k)(74):
1. In the introductory text, removing the words ``Hawaii 23--Pleomele
hawaiiensis--d'' and adding in their place the words ``Hawaii 23--
Dracaena konaensis--d''; and
2. In paragraph (k)(74)(ii), revising the introductory text; and
v. In paragraph (k)(115), the Table of Protected Species Within Each
Critical Habitat Unit for the Island of Hawaii:
1. Removing the entries for Hawaii 7--Pleomele hawaiiensis--a, Hawaii
10--Pleomele hawaiiensis--b, Hawaii 17--Diellia erecta--a, Hawaii 18--
Diellia erecta--b, Hawaii 18--Pleomele hawaiiensis--c, and Hawaii 23--
Pleomele hawaiiensis--d; and
2. Adding, in order by unit number and then alphabetical order by
scientific name within the unit, entries for Hawaii 7--Dracaena
konaensis--a, Hawaii 10--Dracaena konaensis--b, Hawaii 17--Asplenium
dielerectum--a, Hawaii 18--Asplenium dielerectum--b, Hawaii 18--
Dracaena konaensis--c, and Hawaii 23--Dracaena konaensis--d;
(m) In paragraph (l)(1), by:
a. Removing the heading ``Family Campanulaceae: Cyanea platyphylla
(haha)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Family Campanulaceae:
Cyanea platyphylla (akuaku)'';
b. Removing the heading ``Family Liliaceae: Pleomele hawaiiensis (hala
pepe)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Family Liliaceae:
Dracaena konaensis (hala pepe)'';
c. Under the new heading ``Family Liliaceae: Dracaena konaensis (hala
pepe)'', revising the introductory text; and
d. Immediately before the entry for ``Family Aspleniaceae: Asplenium
[[Page 7152]]
peruvianum var. insulare (NCN)'', add the paragraph designation and
heading ``(2) Fern and allies.'';
(n) In newly designated paragraph (l)(2), by:
a. Removing the heading ``Family Aspleniaceae: Diellia erecta
(asplenium-leaved diellia)'' and adding in its place the heading
``Family Aspleniaceae: Asplenium dielerectum (NCN)''; and
b. Removing the heading ``Family Grammitidaceae: Adenophorus periens
(pendent kihi fern)'' and adding in its place the heading ``Family
Grammitidaceae: Adenophorus periens (palai laau)''.
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Sec. 17.99 Critical habitat; plants on the Hawaiian Islands.
(a) * * *
(1) * * *
(vi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 4--Platydesma rostrata--a'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 4--Melicope rostrata--a''. Map 5a
* * * * *
(xiv) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Unit 4--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--a''
on the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 4--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--
a''. Map 11 follows:
* * * * *
(xv) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Unit 4--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--b''
on the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 4--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--
b''. Map 12 follows:
* * * * *
(xxxiv) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 7--Platydesma rostrata--b'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 7--Melicope rostrata--b''. Map 23a
* * * * *
(lvii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 10--Platydesma rostrata--c'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata--c''. Map 35a
* * * * *
(lix) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 10--Platydesma rostrata--d'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata--d''. Map 36a
* * * * *
(lx) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 10--Platydesma rostrata--e'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata--e''. Map 36b
* * * * *
(lxxii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Unit 10--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--c''
on the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 10--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae--c''. Map 40 follows:
* * * * *
(civ) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Unit 10--Huperzia nutans--a'' on the
map is equivalent to ``Kauai 10--Phlegmariurus nutans--a''. Map 49
* * * * *
(cxxx) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--f'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--f''. Map 64a
* * * * *
(cxxxiii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--g'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--g''. Map 66a
* * * * *
(cxl) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--h'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--h''. Map 70a
* * * * *
(cxli) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--i'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--i''. Map 70b
* * * * *
(cxlvi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 11--Platydesma rostrata--j'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--j''. Map 70c
* * * * *
(clxi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Unit 11--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--d''
on the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae--d''. Map 79 follows:
* * * * *
(clxii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Unit 11--Cyrtandra limahuliensis--e''
on the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp.
kealiae--e''. Map 80 follows:
* * * * *
(clxviii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Unit 11--Delissea rivularis--a'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Cyanea rivularis--a''. Map 83
* * * * *
(clxxiii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Unit 11--Diellia pallida--a'' on the
map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Asplenium dielpallidum--a''. Map 87
* * * * *
(clxxiv) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Unit 11--Diellia pallida--b'' on the
map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Asplenium dielpallidum--b''. Map 88
* * * * *
(cciii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Unit 11--Hedyotis cookiana--a'' on the
map is equivalent to ``Kauai 11--Kadua cookiana--a''. Map 109 follows:
* * * * *
(cccli) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 18--Platydesma rostrata--k'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 18--Melicope rostrata--k''. Map 217a
* * * * *
(ccclxi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 19--Platydesma rostrata--l'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 19--Melicope rostrata--l''. Map 217b
* * * * *
(ccclxxi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 20--Platydesma rostrata--m'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 20--Melicope rostrata--m''. Map 217c
* * * * *
(ccclxxxvii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 21--Platydesma rostrata--n'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 21--Melicope rostrata--n''. Map 217d
* * * * *
(cccxcvi) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 22--Platydesma rostrata--o'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 22--Melicope rostrata--o''. Map 217e
* * * * *
(cdv) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 23--Platydesma rostrata--p'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 23--Melicope rostrata--p''. Map 217f
* * * * *
(cdxxiii) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 24--Platydesma rostrata--q'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 24--Melicope rostrata--q''. Map 217g
* * * * *
(cdxli) * * *
(B) Note: The reference to ``Kauai 25--Platydesma rostrata--r'' on
the map is equivalent to ``Kauai 25--Melicope rostrata--r''. Map 217h
* * * * *
(cdlix) * * *
[[Page 7153]]
Unit name Species occupied Species unoccupied
* * * * * * *
Kauai 4--Cyrtandra kealiae Cyrtandra kealiae
ssp. kealiae--a. ssp. kealiae.
Kauai 4--Cyrtandra kealiae Cyrtandra kealiae
ssp. kealiae--b. ssp. kealiae.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 4--Melicope rostrata-- .................... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 7--Melicope rostrata-- .................... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 10--Cyrtandra kealiae Cyrtandra kealiae
ssp. kealiae--c. ssp. kealiae.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 10--Phlegmariurus .................... Phlegmariurus
nutans--a. nutans.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 11--Asplenium Asplenium
dielpallidum--a. dielpallidum.
Kauai 11--Asplenium Asplenium
dielpallidum--b. dielpallidum.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 11--Cyanea rivularis-- Cyanea rivularis....
* * * * * * *
Kauai 11--Cyrtandra kealiae Cyrtandra kealiae
ssp. kealiae--d. ssp. kealiae.
Kauai 11--Cyrtandra kealiae Cyrtandra kealiae
ssp. kealiae--e. ssp. kealiae.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 11--Kadua cookiana--a. Kadua cookiana......
* * * * * * *
Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata-- .................... Melicope rostrata
Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 18--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 19--Melicope rostrata-- .................... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 20--Melicope rostrata-- .................... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 21--Melicope rostrata-- .................... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 22--Melicope rostrata-- .................... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 23--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 24--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
Kauai 25--Melicope rostrata-- Melicope rostrata... Melicope rostrata.
* * * * * * *
(b) * * *
(1) * * *
* * * * *
Family Gesneriaceae: Cyrtandra Kealiae ssp. Kealiae (Haiwale)
Kauai 4--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--a, Kauai 4--Cyrtandra
kealiae ssp. kealiae--b, Kauai 10--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--c,
Kauai 11--Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae--d, and Kauai 11--Cyrtandra
kealiae ssp. kealiae--e, identified in the legal descriptions in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section, constitute critical habitat for
Cyrtandra kealiae ssp. kealiae on Kauai. Within these units, the
currently known primary constituent elements of critical habitat
include, but are not limited to, the habitat components provided by:
* * * * *
Family Rutaceae: Melicope Rostrata (Pilo Kea Lau Lii)
Kauai 4--Melicope rostrata--a, Kauai 7--Melicope rostrata--b, Kauai
10--Melicope rostrata--c, Kauai 10--
[[Page 7154]]
Melicope rostrata--d, Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata--e, Kauai 11--
Melicope rostrata--f, Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--g, Kauai 11--
Melicope rostrata--h, Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--i, Kauai 11--
Melicope rostrata--j, Kauai 18--Melicope rostrata--k, Kauai 19--
Melicope rostrata--l, Kauai 20--Melicope rostrata--m, Kauai 21--
Melicope rostrata--n, Kauai 22--Melicope rostrata--o, Kauai 23--
Melicope rostrata--p, Kauai 24--Melicope rostrata--q, and Kauai 25--
Melicope rostrata--r, identified in the legal descriptions in paragraph
(a)(1) of this section, constitute critical habitat for Platydesma
rostrata on Kauai.
(i) In units Kauai 7--Melicope rostrata--b and Kauai 11--Melicope
rostrata--g, the primary constituent elements of critical habitat are:
* * * * *
(ii) In units Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata--d, Kauai 11--Melicope
rostrata--h, and Kauai 20--Melicope rostrata--m, the primary
constituent elements of critical habitat are:
* * * * *
(iii) In units Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--j, Kauai 21--Melicope
rostrata--n, and Kauai 22--Melicope rostrata--o, the primary
constituent elements of critical habitat are:
* * * * *
(iv) In units Kauai 10--Melicope rostrata--c, Kauai 11--Melicope
rostrata--f, Kauai 23--Melicope rostrata--p, Kauai 24--Melicope
rostrata--q, and Kauai 25--Melicope rostrata--r, the primary
constituent elements of critical habitat are:
* * * * *
(v) In units Kauai 4--Melicope rostrata--a, Kauai 10--Melicope
rostrata--e, Kauai 11--Melicope rostrata--i, Kauai 18--Melicope
rostrata--k, and Kauai 19--Melicope rostrata--l, the primary
constituent elements of critical habitat are:
* * * * *
(2) * * *
* * * * *
Family Aspleniaceae: Asplenium Dielpallidum (No Common Name)
Kauai 11--Asplenium dielpallidum--a and Kauai 11--Asplenium
dielpallidum--b, identified in the legal descriptions in paragraph
(a)(1) of this section, constitute critical habitat for Asplenium
dielpallidum on Kauai. Within these units, the currently known primary
constituent elements of critical habitat include, but are not limited
to, the habitat components provided by:
* * * * *
(e) * * *
(1) * * *
(xvii) Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 1 (2,110 ac, 854 ha), Maui--Montane
Wet--Unit 2 (14,583 ac, 5,901 ha), Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 3 (2,228 ac,
902 ha), Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 4 (1,833 ac, 742 ha), and Maui--
Montane Wet--Unit 5 (387 ac, 156 ha).
* * * * *
(xxix) * * *
Unit name Species occupied Species unoccupied
* * * * * * *
Maui--Lowland Mesic--Unit 1. .................... Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea copelandii
ssp. haleakalaensis.
Phlegmariurus mannii
Solanum incompletum.
* * * * * * *
Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 1... Bidens campylotheca
ssp. waihoiensis.
oblongifolia ssp.
Clermontia peleana.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea copelandii
ssp. haleakalaensis.
Cyanea duvalliorum..
Cyanea hamatiflora
ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea kunthiana....
Cyanea maritae......
Cyanea mceldowneyi..
Melicope balloui....
Melicope ovalis.....
Mucuna persericea.
Phlegmariurus mannii
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 2... .................... Alectryon
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha
ssp. kalealaha.
oblongifolia ssp.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Kadua laxiflora.
Pteris lidgatei.
[[Page 7155]]
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 3... .................... Alectryon
Bidens conjuncta....
Bidens micrantha
ssp. kalealaha.
oblongifolia ssp.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Kadua laxiflora.
Pteris lidgatei.....
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 4... .................... Alectryon
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha
ssp. kalealaha.
oblongifolia ssp.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Kadua laxiflora.
Pteris lidgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 5... .................... Alectryon
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha
ssp. kalealaha.
oblongifolia ssp.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Kadua laxiflora.
Pteris lidgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 6... .................... Alectryon
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha
ssp. kalealaha.
oblongifolia ssp.
[[Page 7156]]
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Kadua laxiflora.
Pteris lidgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 7... Alectryon
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha
ssp. kalealaha.
oblongifolia ssp.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Kadua laxiflora.
Pteris lidgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Lowland Wet--Unit 8... .................... Alectryon
Bidens conjuncta.
Bidens micrantha
ssp. kalealaha.
oblongifolia ssp.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea asplenifolia.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea lobata.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Cyrtandra filipes.
Cyrtandra munroi.
Kadua laxiflora.
Pteris lidgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 1.. .................... Adenophorus periens.
Asplenium peruvianum
var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. pentamera.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. waihoiensis.
oblongifolia ssp.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea copelandii
Cyanea duvalliorum..
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea hamatiflora
ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea horrida.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea maritae......
[[Page 7157]]
Cyanea mceldowneyi..
Geranium hanaense.
Melicope balloui....
Melicope ovalis.
Phlegmariurus mannii
Phyllostegia mannii.
Phyllostegia pilosa.
Schiedea jacobii.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 2... .................... Adenophorus periens.
Asplenium peruvianum
var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. pentamera.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. waihoiensis.
oblongifolia ssp.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea copelandii
ssp. haleakalaensis.
Cyanea duvalliorum..
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea hamatiflora
ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea horrida......
Cyanea kunthiana....
Cyanea maritae.
Cyanea mceldowneyi..
Geranium hanaense...
Geranium multiflorum
Melicope balloui.
Melicope ovalis.
Phyllostegia mannii.
Phyllostegia pilosa.
Schiedea jacobii.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 3.. .................... Adenophorus periens.
Asplenium peruvianum
var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. pentamera.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. waihoiensis.
oblongifolia ssp.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea copelandii
ssp. haleakalaensis.
Cyanea duvalliorum.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea hamatiflora
ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea horrida.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea maritae......
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
Geranium hanaense.
Melicope balloui.
Melicope ovalis.....
Phyllostegia mannii.
Phyllostegia pilosa.
Schiedea jacobii.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 4... .................... Adenophorus periens.
Asplenium peruvianum
var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. pentamera.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. waihoiensis.
oblongifolia ssp.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea copelandii
ssp. haleakalaensis.
Cyanea duvalliorum.
Cyanea glabra.
[[Page 7158]]
Cyanea hamatiflora
ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea horrida......
Cyanea kunthiana....
Cyanea maritae......
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
Geranium hanaense.
Melicope balloui.
Melicope ovalis.
Phlegmariurus mannii
Phyllostegia mannii.
Phyllostegia pilosa.
Schiedea jacobii.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 5... .................... Adenophorus periens.
Asplenium peruvianum
var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. pentamera.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. waihoiensis.
oblongifolia ssp.
Clermontia samuelii.
Cyanea copelandii
Cyanea duvalliorum.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea hamatiflora
ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea horrida.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea maritae.
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
Geranium hanaense.
Melicope balloui.
Melicope ovalis.
Phyllostegia mannii.
Phyllostegia pilosa.
Schiedea jacobii.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 6... .................... Acaena exigua.
Bidens conjuncta....
Cyanea kunthiana....
Cyrtandra oxybapha.
Myrsine vaccinioides
Sanicula purpurea...
Maui--Montane Wet--Unit 7... .................... Acaena exigua.
Bidens conjuncta.
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyrtandra oxybapha..
Sanicula purpurea.
Maui--Montane Mesic--Unit 1. .................... Alectryon
sandwicense ssp.
Asplenium peruvianum
var. insulare.
Bidens campylotheca
ssp. pentamera.
Bidens micrantha
ssp. kalealaha.
Cyanea glabra.
Cyanea hamatiflora
ssp. hamatiflora.
Cyanea horrida......
Cyanea kunthiana.
Cyanea mceldowneyi.
[[Page 7159]]
Cyanea obtusa.......
Cyrtandra oxybapha..
Geranium arboreum...
Geranium multiflorum
Melicope adscendens.
Neraudia sericea....
Phlegmariurus mannii
Phyllostegia mannii.
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Wikstroemia villosa.
Maui--Montane Mesic--Unit 2. Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea magnicalyx...
Lysimachia lydgatei.
Remya mauiensis.....
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Maui--Montane Mesic--Unit 3. .................... Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Lysimachia lydgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Maui--Montane Mesic--Unit 4. .................... Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Lysimachia lydgatei.
Remya mauiensis.
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
Maui--Montane Mesic--Unit 5. .................... Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea magnicalyx.
Lysimachia lydgatei.
Remya mauiensis.....
Santalum haleakalae
var. lanaiense.
* * * * * * *
* * * * *
(i) * * *
(35) * * *
Unit name Species occupied Species unoccupied
* * * * * * *
Oahu--Lowland Dry--Unit 1... .................... Achyranthes
splendens var.
Bidens amplectens... Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
celastroides var.
Dracaena forbesii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hibiscus Hibiscus
brackenridgei. brackenridgei.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile. Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.... Schiedea kealiae.
[[Page 7160]]
Oahu--Lowland Dry--Unit 2 Achyranthes
splendens var.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii... Bonamia menziesii.
celastroides var.
Dracaena forbesii... Dracaena forbesii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Melanthera Melanthera
tenuifolia. tenuifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile. Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
* * * * * * *
Oahu--Lowland Dry--Unit 8... .................... Achyranthes
splendens var.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
celastroides var.
skottsbergii var.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
Oahu--Lowland Dry--Unit 9... Achyranthes Achyranthes
splendens var. splendens var.
rotundata. rotundata.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
celastroides var.
skottsbergii var.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
Oahu--Lowland Dry--Unit 10.. .................... Achyranthes
splendens var.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
celastroides var.
Euphorbia Euphorbia
skottsbergii var. skottsbergii var.
skottsbergii. skottsbergii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
Oahu--Lowland Dry--Unit 11.. .................... Achyranthes
splendens var.
Bidens amplectens.
Bonamia menziesii.
celastroides var.
Euphorbia Euphorbia
skottsbergii var. skottsbergii var.
skottsbergii. skottsbergii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kealiae.
Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 1. Abutilon sandwicense Abutilon
[[Page 7161]]
Alectryon Alectryon
macrococcus. macrococcus.
Asplenium Asplenium
dielfalcatum. dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii... Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus Cenchrus
agrimonioides. agrimonioides.
celastroides var.
Chamaesyce herbstii. Chamaesyce herbstii.
Colubrina Colubrina
oppositifolia. oppositifolia.
Ctenitis squamigera. Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.... Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina..... Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea grimesiana Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana. ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea grimesiana Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae. ssp. obatae.
Cyanea longiflora... Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea pinnatifida.
Cyanea superba...... Cyanea superba.
Cyrtandra dentata... Cyrtandra dentata.
Delissea subcordata. Delissea subcordata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii... Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia Dubautia
herbstobatae. herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii Eragrostis
Eugenia koolauensis.
Euphorbia Euphorbia
haeleeleana. haeleeleana.
Flueggea neowawraea. Flueggea neowawraea.
Gardenia mannii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hesperomannia Hesperomannia
arborescens. arborescens.
Hesperomannia Hesperomannia
arbuscula. arbuscula.
Hibiscus Hibiscus
brackenridgei. brackenridgei.
Isodendrion Isodendrion
laurifolium. laurifolium.
Isodendrion Isodendrion
longifolium. longifolium.
Kadua coriacea.
Kadua degeneri...... Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia niihauensis. Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera Melanthera
tenuifolia. tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens. var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.... Melicope makahae.
Melicope pallida.... Melicope pallida.
Melicope saint-
Neraudia angulata... Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile. Nototrichium humile.
Phyllostegia Phyllostegia
kaalaensis. kaalaensis.
Phyllostegia mollis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia Pteralyxia
macrocarpa. macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.... Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kaalae..... Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.. Schiedea nuttallii.
Schiedea obovata.... Schiedea obovata.
Silene perlmanii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Stenogyne kanehoana.
lepidotum ssp.
Urera kaalae.
Viola chamissoniana Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana. ssp. chamissoniana.
Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 2. Abutilon sandwicense Abutilon
Alectryon Alectryon
macrococcus. macrococcus.
Asplenium Asplenium
dielfalcatum. dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus Cenchrus
agrimonioides. agrimonioides.
celastroides var.
Chamaesyce herbstii. Chamaesyce herbstii.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina..... Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea grimesiana Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae. ssp. obatae.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea pinnatifida.
Cyanea superba.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Delissea subcordata. Delissea subcordata.
Diellia unisora.
[[Page 7162]]
Dracaena forbesii... Dracaena forbesii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gardenia mannii..... Gardenia mannii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Kadua coriacea.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melicope cornuta Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens. var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope pallida.
Melicope saint-
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Phyllostegia hirsuta Phyllostegia
Phyllostegia Phyllostegia
kaalaensis. kaalaensis.
Phyllostegia mollis. Phyllostegia mollis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia Pteralyxia
macrocarpa. macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.... Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kaalae..... Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Schiedea obovata.
Silene perlmanii.
Solanum sandwicense. Solanum sandwicense.
Stenogyne kanehoana. Stenogyne kanehoana.
lepidotum ssp.
Urera kaalae........ Urera kaalae.
Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana.
Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 3. .................... Abutilon
Alectryon Alectryon
macrococcus. macrococcus.
Asplenium Asplenium
dielfalcatum. dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus Cenchrus
agrimonioides. agrimonioides.
celastroides var.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea pinnatifida.
Cyanea superba.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Delissea subcordata. Delissea subcordata.
Diellia unisora..... Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii... Dracaena forbesii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gardenia mannii.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Hesperomannia Hesperomannia
arbuscula. arbuscula.
Kadua coriacea.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
[[Page 7163]]
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope pallida.
Melicope saint- Melicope saint-
johnii. johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Phyllostegia mollis. Phyllostegia mollis.
Phyllostegia Phyllostegia
parviflora. parviflora.
Plantago princeps... Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia Pteralyxia
macrocarpa. macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea kaalae..... Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Schiedea obovata.
Silene perlmanii.... Silene perlmanii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Stenogyne kanehoana.
lepidotum ssp.
Urera kaalae........ Urera kaalae.
Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana.
Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 4. .................... Alectryon
Bonamia menziesii.
celastroides var.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Delissea subcordata.
Dracaena forbesii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Gardenia mannii.
Kadua coriacea.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia monostachya.
Melicope lydgatei.
Melicope saint-
Phyllostegia mollis.
Plantago princeps.
Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 5. .................... Alectryon
Bonamia menziesii.
celastroides var.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Delissea subcordata.
Dracaena forbesii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Gardenia mannii.
[[Page 7164]]
Kadua coriacea.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia monostachya.
Melicope lydgatei.
Melicope saint-
Phyllostegia mollis.
Plantago princeps.
Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 6. .................... Alectryon
Bonamia menziesii.
celastroides var.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.... Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa....... Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea truncata..... Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Delissea subcordata.
Dracaena forbesii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Gardenia mannii..... Gardenia mannii.
Kadua coriacea.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia monostachya.
Melicope lydgatei.
Melicope saint-
Phyllostegia mollis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia Pteralyxia
macrocarpa. macrocarpa.
Schiedea kaalae..... Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Oahu--Lowland Mesic--Unit 7. .................... Alectryon
Asplenium Asplenium
dielerectum. dielerectum.
Bonamia menziesii... Bonamia menziesii.
celastroides var.
Ctenitis squamigera.
Cyanea acuminata.... Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana. ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea lanceolata... Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea longiflora.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra polyantha. Cyrtandra polyantha.
Delissea subcordata.
Dracaena forbesii... Dracaena forbesii.
Eugenia koolauensis.
Gardenia mannii.
Kadua coriacea.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
[[Page 7165]]
Lobelia monostachya. Lobelia monostachya.
Melicope lydgatei.
Melicope saint-
Phyllostegia mollis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia Pteralyxia
macrocarpa. macrocarpa.
Schiedea kaalae.
Schiedea nuttallii.
Solanum sandwicense.
Tetraplasandra Tetraplasandra
lydgatei. lydgatei.
* * * * * * *
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 6... .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia Hesperomannia
arborescens. arborescens.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Viola oahuensis.
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 7... .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii... Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.... Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina..... Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana. Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea Cyanea
purpurellifolia. purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata..... Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra Cyrtandra
viridiflora. viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii..... Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia Hesperomannia
arborescens. arborescens.
[[Page 7166]]
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta. var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii...... Myrsine juddii.
Phlegmariurus nutans Phlegmariurus
Phyllostegia hirsuta Phyllostegia
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia Pteralyxia
macrocarpa. macrocarpa.
Pteris lidgatei..... Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra Tetraplasandra
gymnocarpa. gymnocarpa.
Viola oahuensis..... Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense Zanthoxylum
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 8... .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha. Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Viola oahuensis.
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 9... .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii... Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina..... Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana. Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.. Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea st.-johnii... Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra Cyrtandra
viridiflora. viridiflora.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
[[Page 7167]]
Gardenia mannii..... Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia Hesperomannia
arborescens. arborescens.
Labordia cyrtandrae. Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis... Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta. var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.... Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei... Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Phyllostegia hirsuta Phyllostegia
Phyllostegia Phyllostegia
parviflora. parviflora.
Plantago princeps... Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteris lidgatei..... Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra Tetraplasandra
gymnocarpa. gymnocarpa.
Viola oahuensis..... Viola oahuensis.
Zanthoxylum oahuense Zanthoxylum
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 10.. .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Viola oahuensis.
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 11.. .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
[[Page 7168]]
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Viola oahuensis.
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 12.. .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Viola oahuensis.
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 13.. .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
[[Page 7169]]
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Viola oahuensis.
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 14.. .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.. Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Viola oahuensis.
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 15.. .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
[[Page 7170]]
Cyanea crispa....... Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea.
Viola oahuensis.
Oahu--Lowland Wet--Unit 16.. .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.... Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina..... Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa....... Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. grimesiana.
Cyanea humboldtiana. Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea koolauensis.. Cyanea koolauensis.
Cyanea lanceolata... Cyanea lanceolata.
Cyanea st.-johnii... Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Cyrtandra gracilis.. Cyrtandra gracilis.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra polyantha. Cyrtandra polyantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.. Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra waiolani.
Gardenia mannii..... Gardenia mannii.
Hesperomannia Hesperomannia
arborescens. arborescens.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia gaudichaudii
ssp. koolauensis.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Melicope cornuta Melicope cornuta
var. cornuta. var. cornuta.
Melicope hiiakae.
Melicope lydgatei.
Myrsine juddii.
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteris lidgatei.
Sanicula purpurea... Sanicula purpurea.
Tetraplasandra Tetraplasandra
gymnocarpa. gymnocarpa.
Viola oahuensis.
[[Page 7171]]
* * * * * * *
Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 1..... .................... Abutilon
splendens var.
Alectryon Alectryon
macrococcus. macrococcus.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus Cenchrus
agrimonioides. agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce herbstii. Chamaesyce herbstii.
Cyanea grimesiana Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae. ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata... Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Kadua degeneri...... Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata
var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Plantago princeps... Plantago princeps.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.... Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
lepidotum ssp.
Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana..
Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 2..... Abutilon sandwicense Abutilon
splendens var.
Alectryon Alectryon
macrococcus. macrococcus.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii... Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia Dubautia
herbstobatae. herbstobatae.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia... Gouania vitifolia.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula....... Kadua parvula.
Lepidium arbuscula.. Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata
var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis. Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera Melanthera
tenuifolia. tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens. var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.... Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile. Nototrichium humile.
Peucedanum Peucedanum
sandwicense. sandwicense.
Plantago princeps.
Sanicula mariversa.. Sanicula mariversa.
[[Page 7172]]
Schiedea hookeri.... Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Tetramolopium Tetramolopium
filiforme. filiforme.
lepidotum ssp.
Viola chamissoniana Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana. ssp. chamissoniana.
Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 3..... Abutilon sandwicense Abutilon
splendens var.
Alectryon Alectryon
macrococcus. macrococcus.
Asplenium Asplenium
dielfalcatum. dielfalcatum.
Bonamia menziesii... Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii... Dracaena forbesii.
Dubautia Dubautia
herbstobatae. herbstobatae.
Eragrostis fosbergii Eragrostis
Flueggea neowawraea. Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii..... Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Isodendrion Isodendrion
laurifolium. laurifolium.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Korthalsella Korthalsella
degeneri. degeneri.
Lepidium arbuscula.. Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata Lipochaeta lobata
var. leptophylla. var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis. Lobelia niihauensis.
Melanthera Melanthera
tenuifolia. tenuifolia.
Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.... Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-
Neraudia angulata... Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile. Nototrichium humile.
Peucedanum Peucedanum
sandwicense. sandwicense.
Phyllostegia Phyllostegia
kaalaensis. kaalaensis.
Plantago princeps.
Pteralyxia Pteralyxia
macrocarpa. macrocarpa.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.... Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata... Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Tetramolopium Tetramolopium
filiforme. filiforme.
lepidotum ssp.
Viola chamissoniana Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana. ssp. chamissoniana.
Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 4..... .................... Abutilon
splendens var.
Alectryon Alectryon
macrococcus. macrococcus.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Chamaesyce kuwaleana Chamaesyce
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata
var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
[[Page 7173]]
Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Plantago princeps.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
Spermolepis Spermolepis
hawaiiensis. hawaiiensis.
lepidotum ssp.
Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana.
Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 6..... .................... Abutilon
splendens var.
Bonamia menziesii.
Cenchrus Cenchrus
agrimonioides. agrimonioides.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora..... Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii... Dracaena forbesii.
Flueggea neowawraea. Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Lepidium arbuscula.. Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata
var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis. Lobelia niihauensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint- Melicope saint-
johnii. johnii.
Neraudia angulata... Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Plantago princeps... Plantago princeps.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.... Silene perlmanii.
Tetramolopium Tetramolopium
lepidotum ssp. lepidotum ssp.
lepidotum. lepidotum.
Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana.
Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 7a.... .................... Abutilon
splendens var.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii... Dracaena forbesii.
Flueggea neowawraea. Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
[[Page 7174]]
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula....... Kadua parvula.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata
var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melicope cornuta Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens. var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint- Melicope saint-
johnii. johnii.
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Plantago princeps... Plantago princeps.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.... Silene perlmanii.
lepidotum ssp.
Viola chamissoniana Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana. ssp. chamissoniana.
Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 7b.... .................... Abutilon
splendens var.
Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae.
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii.
Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata
var. leptophylla.
Lobelia niihauensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-
Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile.
Plantago princeps.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
lepidotum ssp.
Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana.
Oahu--Dry Cliff--Unit 8..... Abutilon sandwicense Abutilon
splendens var.
Bonamia menziesii... Bonamia menziesii.
Chamaesyce herbstii.
Cyanea grimesiana
ssp. obatae.
[[Page 7175]]
Cyrtandra dentata.
Diellia unisora.
Dracaena forbesii... Dracaena forbesii.
Flueggea neowawraea. Flueggea neowawraea.
Gouania meyenii.
Gouania vitifolia.
Kadua degeneri.
Kadua parvula.
Lepidium arbuscula.
Lipochaeta lobata
var. leptophylla
Lobelia niihauensis. Lobelia niihauensis.
Melicope cornuta
var. decurrens.
Melicope makahae.
Melicope saint-
Neraudia angulata... Neraudia angulata.
Nototrichium humile. Nototrichium humile.
Plantago princeps.
Sanicula mariversa.
Schiedea hookeri.
Schiedea obovata.
Schiedea trinervis.
Silene lanceolata.
Silene perlmanii.
lepidotum ssp.
Viola chamissoniana
ssp. chamissoniana.
* * * * * * *
Oahu--Wet Cliff--Unit 6..... .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce deppeana.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa....... Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia oahuensis.
Phlegmariurus nutans Phlegmariurus
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia Pteralyxia
macrocarpa. macrocarpa.
Sanicula purpurea.
Schiedea kaalae..... Schiedea kaalae.
Viola oahuensis.
Oahu--Wet Cliff--Unit 7..... .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce deppeana.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa....... Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.
Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia oahuensis.
[[Page 7176]]
Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis. var. oahuensis.
Sanicula purpurea.
Schiedea kaalae..... Schiedea kaalae.
Viola oahuensis.
Oahu--Wet Cliff--Unit 8..... .................... Adenophorus periens.
Chamaesyce deppeana.
Chamaesyce rockii.
Cyanea acuminata.... Cyanea acuminata.
Cyanea calycina..... Cyanea calycina.
Cyanea crispa.
Cyanea humboldtiana. Cyanea humboldtiana.
Cyanea Cyanea
purpurellifolia. purpurellifolia.
Cyanea st.-johnii... Cyanea st.-johnii.
Cyanea truncata.
Cyrtandra kaulantha. Cyrtandra kaulantha.
Cyrtandra sessilis.. Cyrtandra sessilis.
Cyrtandra Cyrtandra
subumbellata. subumbellata.
Cyrtandra Cyrtandra
viridiflora. viridiflora.
Labordia cyrtandrae. Labordia cyrtandrae.
Lobelia oahuensis... Lobelia oahuensis.
Lysimachia filifolia Lysimachia
Phlegmariurus nutans Phlegmariurus
Phyllostegia hirsuta Phyllostegia
Phyllostegia Phyllostegia
parviflora. parviflora.
Plantago princeps... Plantago princeps.
Psychotria hexandra
var. oahuensis.
Pteralyxia Pteralyxia
macrocarpa. macrocarpa.
Sanicula purpurea... Sanicula purpurea.
Schiedea kaalae.
Tetraplasandra Tetraplasandra
gymnocarpa. gymnocarpa.
Trematolobelia Trematolobelia
singularis. singularis.
Viola oahuensis..... Viola oahuensis.
(k) * * *
* * * * *
(26) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Hawaii 7--Pleomele hawaiiensis--a''
on the map is equivalent to ``Hawaii 7--Dracaena konaensis--a''. Map 26
* * * * *
(51) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Hawaii 10--Pleomele hawaiiensis--b''
on the map is equivalent to ``Hawaii 10--Dracaena konaensis--b''. Map
48 follows:
* * * * *
(69) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Hawaii 18--Pleomele hawaiiensis--c''
on the map is equivalent to ``Hawaii 18--Dracaena konaensis--c''. Map
69 follows:
* * * * *
(74) * * *
(ii) Note: The reference to ``Hawaii 23--Pleomele hawaiiensis--d''
on the map is equivalent to ``Hawaii 23--Dracaena konaensis--d''. Map
74 follows:
* * * * *
(115) * * *
Unit name Species occupied Species unoccupied
* * * * * * *
Hawaii 7--Dracaena Dracaena konaensis.. Dracaena konaensis.
* * * * * * *
Hawaii 10--Dracaena Dracaena konaensis.. Dracaena konaensis.
* * * * * * *
Hawaii 17--Asplenium Asplenium Asplenium
dielerectum--a. dielerectum. dielerectum.
* * * * * * *
Hawaii 18--Asplenium Asplenium Asplenium
dielerectum--b. dielerectum. dielerectum.
* * * * * * *
Hawaii 18--Dracaena Dracaena konaensis.. Dracaena konaensis.
* * * * * * *
Hawaii 23--Dracaena Dracaena konaensis.. Dracaena konaensis.
* * * * * * *
[[Page 7177]]
* * * * *
(l) * * *
(1) * * *
* * * * *
Family Liliaceae: Dracaena Konaensis (Hala Pepe)
Hawaii 7--Dracaena konaensis--a, Hawaii 10--Dracaena konaensis--b,
Hawaii 18--Dracaena konaensis--c, and Hawaii 23--Dracaena konaensis--d,
identified in the legal descriptions in paragraph (k) of this section,
constitute critical habitat for Dracaena konaensis on Hawaii. Within
these units, the currently known primary constituent elements of
critical habitat include, but are not limited to, the habitat
components provided by: * * *
* * * * *
Martha Williams,
Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
[FR Doc. 2023-01025 Filed 2-1-23; 8:45 am]