Notice of 90-Day Period To Submit Affirmation of Operational Status of Identified Earth Station Antennas To Avoid Losing Incumbent Status or File To Remove Identified Antennas From IBFS if No Longer Operational, 75627-75628 [2022-26494]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 236 / Friday, December 9, 2022 / Notices
information is not publicly available,
e.g., CBI or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other materials, such as
copyrighted material, are publicly
available only in hard copy. Publicly
available docket materials are available
either electronically in or at EPA’s Docket
Wayne Cascio,
Director, Center for Public Health and
Environmental Assessment, Office of
Research and Development.
[FR Doc. 2022–26786 Filed 12–8–22; 8:45 am]
Notice of In-Space Authorization and
Supervision Policy, Additional
Listening Session; Correction
Executive Office of the
President (EOP) National Space Council.
SUMMARY: The National Space Council
published a document in the Federal
Register of 29 November 2022
concerning a third virtual listening
session. The document contained
incorrect times.
Diane Howard at MBX.NSpC.IASP@ or by calling 202.456.7831.
Federal Register of 29 November 2022,
in FR Doc. 2022–25961, on page 73299,
in the third column, correct the DATES
caption to read:
1. Approaches for Authorization &
Supervision continued:
Thursday, 15 December 2022 10:00
a.m.–11:30 a.m. ET
Dated: 6 December 2022.
Diane Howard,
Director of Commercial Space Policy,
National Space Council.
[FR Doc. 2022–26826 Filed 12–8–22; 8:45 am]
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
[IB Docket No. 20–205; DA 22–1202; FR
Notice of 90-Day Period To Submit
Affirmation of Operational Status of
Identified Earth Station Antennas To
Avoid Losing Incumbent Status or File
To Remove Identified Antennas From
IBFS if No Longer Operational
Federal Communications
Commission (FCC).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:50 Dec 08, 2022
Jkt 259001
In this document, the
International Bureau (Bureau) provides
the following notice to operators of
certain incumbent FSS C-band earth
station antennas recently reported to the
Bureau by RSM US LLP (RSM), the Cband Relocation Coordinator, on behalf
of incumbent C-band satellite operators:
Failure to submit a filing affirming the
continued operation of the earth station
antennas reported to the Bureau as
inactive and the intent to participate in
the C-band transition will result in a
Bureau announcement that those
authorizations identified as inactive in
the Appendix attached to the Public
Notice document (PN) have
automatically terminated by operation
of rule, and that those authorizations
will be terminated in IBFS and removed
from the incumbent earth station list.
According to RSM, each antenna
included in the Appendix to the PN
document was reported by their earth
station operator to RSM or a satellite
operator as no longer receiving service
from a C-band satellite even though the
FCC’s International Bureau Filing
System (IBFS) continues to include the
antenna as active.
DATES: Identified earth station operators
must provide notice of operational
status by February 16, 2023.
Kerry Murray, International Bureau,
Satellite Division, at (202) 418–0734, or IBFSINFO@
summary of the Commission’s
document, DA 22–1202, released
November 18, 2022. The full text of this
document, along with the Appendix
identifying the specific earth station
antennas subject to automatic
termination, is available for public
inspection and can be downloaded at or by using the
search function for IB Docket No. 20–
205 on the Commission’s ECFS page at
Background. Under the Commission’s
3.7 GHz Band Report and Order, RSM
is responsible for coordinating with the
five incumbent C-band satellite
operators—Eutelsat, Intelsat, SES,
StarOne, and Telesat—to ensure that all
incumbent earth stations are accounted
for in the transition.1 The overwhelming
1 See Expanding Flexible Use of the 3.7 to 4.2
GHz Band, Report and Order and Order of Proposed
Modification, 85 FR 22804, 22818–22820 (2020)
(3.7 GHz Band Report and Order). As a reminder,
the Commission decided in the 3.7 GHz Band
PO 00000
Frm 00042
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
majority of incumbent earth stations
have been claimed by the satellite
operator(s) from which they receive
service, included in the relevant
satellite operators’ transition plans to
the Commission, and will be
transitioned to the upper 200 megahertz
of the band.2 RSM, as the C-band
Relocation Coordinator, and the satellite
operators have conducted outreach and
research to determine whether
incumbent earth station antennas are
still operational in the 3.7 GHz band
and, if so, from which satellite(s) the
earth station receives its service.3 RSM
has advised the Commission that it and
the incumbent satellite operators
regularly share the results of their
respective outreach efforts to better
coordinate the transition of incumbent
earth stations.
In the course of their outreach, the
satellite operators and RSM have
identified certain entries on the
incumbent list that they report include
antennas that are not active C-band
antennas in the 3.7 GHz band.
According to RSM, these entries
include: (1) C-band antennas that are
inactive or non-operational, (2)
authorizations that list more C-band
antennas than are currently operational
at a site,4 (3) duplicate authorizations by
the same entity for the same C-band
antennas, and (4) operational antennas
that do not receive in the 3.7 GHz band.5
RSM represents that these earth station
operators have failed to make filings in
the FCC’s IBFS to reflect the correct
status of those antennas.
On October 28, 2022, RSM submitted
a letter identifying these individual
earth station antennas that fall into one
of the three categories listed above,
which are included on the latest
incumbent earth station list and
Report and Order that it will no longer accept
applications for registration and licenses for FSS
operations in the 3.7–4.0 GHz band in the
contiguous United States and that it will not accept
applications for new earth stations in the 4.0–4.2
GHz band in the contiguous United States for the
time being, during the C-band transition. 3.7 GHz
Band Report and Order, 85 FR 22823.
2 47 CFR 27.1412(d) (transition plan
requirements). The satellite operators also file
quarterly status reports in GN Docket No. 20–173.
47 CFR 27.1412(f).
3 3.7 GHz Band Report and Order, 85 FR 22838.
4 According to RSM, in these cases an
authorization holder has included in IBFS, in one
or more callsigns, more C-band receive antennas at
a site than exist at that site—e.g., 10 antennas
registered when there are only six antennas at the
5 For instance, RSM has represented that certain
antennas on the Incumbent List do not receive in
the 3.7 GHz band, but are instead antennas
operating on Ku band or Ka band frequencies.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 236 / Friday, December 9, 2022 / Notices
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
continue to be listed in IBFS.6 RSM
explains that it compiled this group of
antennas—which were not included in
the January 19 PN, May 14 PN, July 23
PN, or September 27 PN—from
representations made to RSM by the
satellite operators. We have attached to
this PN an Appendix listing the
antennas submitted by RSM that fall
into the four categories.
We hereby presume as a factual
matter, on a rebuttable basis, that earth
station antennas included in the
Appendix are not active antennas
receiving in the 3.7 GHz band, or that
the C-band earth station antennas
associated with a given site, as reflected
on the incumbent list, exceed the actual
number of such antennas located at that
site. Absent factual rebuttal from the
earth station operator by February 16,
2023, these antennas would not satisfy
the Commission’s C-band transition
rules that antennas must be operational
C-band antennas entitled to interference
protection in the 3.7 GHz band to
qualify for incumbent status.7 For
inactive earth stations, section 25.161(c)
of the Commission’s rules provides that
an earth station authorization is
automatically terminated if the station is
not operational for more than 90 days.8
Where a registration lists more antennas
than have been observed to exist at a
site, the apparently non-existent
antennas will be deemed never to have
existed and, accordingly, will fail to
qualify for incumbent status under the
C-band transition rules. Similarly,
antennas that operate in other bands but
do not receive in the 3.7 GHz band
would not qualify for incumbent status
under the C-band transition rules.9
Incumbent earth station operators
who need to affirm the continued
operation of the identified earth station
6 See October 28 RSM filing. The October 28 RSM
filing, with its attachment, can be found in ECFS.
See also November 18, 2022, DA 22–1202.
7 47 CFR 25.138(c)(1). See note 4 supra. As noted
above, note 2 supra, the earth station antennas
listed in the Appendix hereto do not include those
that are subject to lump sum elections. Those
elections may include C-band antennas whose
operators have decided to discontinue all use of the
C-band by the end of the C-band transition.
8 47 CFR 25.161(c). The Bureau has delegated
authority to enforce the part 25 rules. 47 CFR
9 For the latter two groups of antennas, we note
that the following rules would apply: (1) section
25.162(c) and (e) of the Commission’s rules provide
that the interference protection of a receiving earth
station is automatically terminated in certain
circumstances, including when a station has been
used less than 50% of the time during any 12month period or when actual use of the facility is
inconsistent with what is in a registrant’s
application, 47 CFR 25.162(c) & (e), and (2) section
25.115(b)(8) of the Commission’s rules require earth
station operators to take the steps necessary to
remove non-operational antennas from the active
records in the IBFS, 47 CFR 25.115(b)(8).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:50 Dec 08, 2022
Jkt 259001
antennas. We direct earth station
operators with incumbent earth station
antennas that appear on the appended
list to make either of two filings no later
than 90 days after release of this
document (i.e., by February 16, 2023):
(1) file to correct the IBFS filings for the
affected antennas,10 or (2) file in ECFS
IB Docket No. 20–205 affirming that
those antennas are operational antennas
receiving in the 3.7 GHz band. An earth
station operator may contact Bureau
staff at if it has
questions about the above or if it needs
instructions on how to surrender entire
Callsigns in IBFS, how to remove an
inactive earth station antenna from a
Callsign that includes other operational
earth station antennas, or how to modify
its Callsign to accurately reflect the
bands used by an antenna.
Earth station operators with earth
station antenna(s) on the attached list
that do not respond by February 16,
2023, affirming operation of the
identified earth station antennas in the
3.7 GHz band 11 will be deemed, based
on the above presumptions, to have had
either their authorizations to use the 3.7
GHz band for those antennas or their
interference protection in the use of the
3.7 GHz band automatically terminated
by rule. In those cases, the Bureau also
will, as needed, terminate in IBFS those
portions of the authorizations relating to
the 3.7 GHz band and/or make changes
in IBFS necessary to accurately reflect
actual use of and interference protection
for the relevant facilities. In addition,
the Bureau will correct the incumbent
earth station list by removing
terminated earth station antennas and
amending the list to no longer include
any antennas in the list that are not
operational C-band antennas, including
over-registered antennas or antennas
receiving in bands other than the 3.7
GHz band. Protection from interference
from the network deployments of new
wireless licenses and eligibility for
reimbursement of any transition costs,
including the cost of any filters, will be
limited to those earth station antennas
on the updated list.
Incumbent earth station operators
who need to provide additional
information to avoid harmful
interference. As a reminder, while not
10 In addition to the required filings in IBFS,
those earth station operators may also make a filing
in ECFS IB Docket No. 20–205 confirming the
extent to which they are surrendering callsigns,
removing antennas, or modifying callsigns in IBFS.
11 Notwithstanding an affirmation of continued
operation, the Bureau retains the authority to
eliminate an earth station antenna’s incumbent
status if the Bureau receives additional evidence
that the antenna has failed to satisfy applicable
requirements for maintaining operation or is
otherwise ineligible to be considered an incumbent.
PO 00000
Frm 00043
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
subject to 90-days’ notice, earth station
operators that have not provided the
necessary information to the Relocation
Coordinator or satellite operators may
not be successfully transitioned before
terrestrial wireless licensees initiate
service in the band.
Unless those earth station operators
provide the necessary information, they
will risk losing their rights to receive
relocation assistance prior to the
initiation of service in the band by the
incoming terrestrial wireless licensees,
as well as any rights to operate in the
lower C-band at their current locations
free of harmful interference that may
occur as these licensees deploy their
Federal Communications Commission.
Nese Guendelsberger,
Deputy Chief, International Bureau.
[FR Doc. 2022–26494 Filed 12–8–22; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. 22–33]
CCMA, LLC, Complainant v.
Mediterranean Shipping Company S.A.
and Mediterranean Shipping Company
(USA) Inc., Respondent; Notice of
Filing of Complaint and Assignment
Notice is given that a complaint has
been filed with the Federal Maritime
Commission (Commission) by CCMA,
LLC., hereinafter ‘‘Complainant,’’
against Mediterranean Shipping
Company S.A. and Mediterranean
Shipping Company (USA) Inc.
(hereinafter ‘‘Respondent.’’)
Complainant states that it is organized
under the laws of the State of Delaware.
Complainant identifies the Respondent
as an ocean common carrier
incorporated in New York with its
principal place of business located in
Switzerland conducting business in the
United States through Mediterranean
Shipping Company (USA) Inc., a
company located in New York, New
Complainant alleges that Respondent
violated 46 U.S.C. 41102(c), regarding
its practices and the billing and
assessment of charges on the shipments
of the Complainant’s container cargo,
including demurrage, detention, and
dwell charges. An answer to the
complaint is due to be filed with the
Commission within twenty-five (25)
days after the date of service. The full
text of the complaint can be found in
the Commission’s Electronic Reading
Room at
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 236 (Friday, December 9, 2022)]
[Pages 75627-75628]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-26494]
[IB Docket No. 20-205; DA 22-1202; FR 116562]
Notice of 90-Day Period To Submit Affirmation of Operational
Status of Identified Earth Station Antennas To Avoid Losing Incumbent
Status or File To Remove Identified Antennas From IBFS if No Longer
AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In this document, the International Bureau (Bureau) provides
the following notice to operators of certain incumbent FSS C-band earth
station antennas recently reported to the Bureau by RSM US LLP (RSM),
the C-band Relocation Coordinator, on behalf of incumbent C-band
satellite operators: Failure to submit a filing affirming the continued
operation of the earth station antennas reported to the Bureau as
inactive and the intent to participate in the C-band transition will
result in a Bureau announcement that those authorizations identified as
inactive in the Appendix attached to the Public Notice document (PN)
have automatically terminated by operation of rule, and that those
authorizations will be terminated in IBFS and removed from the
incumbent earth station list. According to RSM, each antenna included
in the Appendix to the PN document was reported by their earth station
operator to RSM or a satellite operator as no longer receiving service
from a C-band satellite even though the FCC's International Bureau
Filing System (IBFS) continues to include the antenna as active.
DATES: Identified earth station operators must provide notice of
operational status by February 16, 2023.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kerry Murray, International Bureau,
Satellite Division, at (202) 418-0734, [email protected] or
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a summary of the Commission's
document, DA 22-1202, released November 18, 2022. The full text of this
document, along with the Appendix identifying the specific earth
station antennas subject to automatic termination, is available for
public inspection and can be downloaded at
or by using the search function for IB Docket No. 20-205 on the
Commission's ECFS page at
Background. Under the Commission's 3.7 GHz Band Report and Order,
RSM is responsible for coordinating with the five incumbent C-band
satellite operators--Eutelsat, Intelsat, SES, StarOne, and Telesat--to
ensure that all incumbent earth stations are accounted for in the
transition.\1\ The overwhelming majority of incumbent earth stations
have been claimed by the satellite operator(s) from which they receive
service, included in the relevant satellite operators' transition plans
to the Commission, and will be transitioned to the upper 200 megahertz
of the band.\2\ RSM, as the C-band Relocation Coordinator, and the
satellite operators have conducted outreach and research to determine
whether incumbent earth station antennas are still operational in the
3.7 GHz band and, if so, from which satellite(s) the earth station
receives its service.\3\ RSM has advised the Commission that it and the
incumbent satellite operators regularly share the results of their
respective outreach efforts to better coordinate the transition of
incumbent earth stations.
\1\ See Expanding Flexible Use of the 3.7 to 4.2 GHz Band,
Report and Order and Order of Proposed Modification, 85 FR 22804,
22818-22820 (2020) (3.7 GHz Band Report and Order). As a reminder,
the Commission decided in the 3.7 GHz Band Report and Order that it
will no longer accept applications for registration and licenses for
FSS operations in the 3.7-4.0 GHz band in the contiguous United
States and that it will not accept applications for new earth
stations in the 4.0-4.2 GHz band in the contiguous United States for
the time being, during the C-band transition. 3.7 GHz Band Report
and Order, 85 FR 22823.
\2\ 47 CFR 27.1412(d) (transition plan requirements). The
satellite operators also file quarterly status reports in GN Docket
No. 20-173. 47 CFR 27.1412(f).
\3\ 3.7 GHz Band Report and Order, 85 FR 22838.
In the course of their outreach, the satellite operators and RSM
have identified certain entries on the incumbent list that they report
include antennas that are not active C-band antennas in the 3.7 GHz
band. According to RSM, these entries include: (1) C-band antennas that
are inactive or non-operational, (2) authorizations that list more C-
band antennas than are currently operational at a site,\4\ (3)
duplicate authorizations by the same entity for the same C-band
antennas, and (4) operational antennas that do not receive in the 3.7
GHz band.\5\ RSM represents that these earth station operators have
failed to make filings in the FCC's IBFS to reflect the correct status
of those antennas.
\4\ According to RSM, in these cases an authorization holder has
included in IBFS, in one or more callsigns, more C-band receive
antennas at a site than exist at that site--e.g., 10 antennas
registered when there are only six antennas at the site.
\5\ For instance, RSM has represented that certain antennas on
the Incumbent List do not receive in the 3.7 GHz band, but are
instead antennas operating on Ku band or Ka band frequencies.
On October 28, 2022, RSM submitted a letter identifying these
individual earth station antennas that fall into one of the three
categories listed above, which are included on the latest incumbent
earth station list and
[[Page 75628]]
continue to be listed in IBFS.\6\ RSM explains that it compiled this
group of antennas--which were not included in the January 19 PN, May 14
PN, July 23 PN, or September 27 PN--from representations made to RSM by
the satellite operators. We have attached to this PN an Appendix
listing the antennas submitted by RSM that fall into the four
\6\ See October 28 RSM filing. The October 28 RSM filing, with
its attachment, can be found in ECFS. See also November 18, 2022, DA
We hereby presume as a factual matter, on a rebuttable basis, that
earth station antennas included in the Appendix are not active antennas
receiving in the 3.7 GHz band, or that the C-band earth station
antennas associated with a given site, as reflected on the incumbent
list, exceed the actual number of such antennas located at that site.
Absent factual rebuttal from the earth station operator by February 16,
2023, these antennas would not satisfy the Commission's C-band
transition rules that antennas must be operational C-band antennas
entitled to interference protection in the 3.7 GHz band to qualify for
incumbent status.\7\ For inactive earth stations, section 25.161(c) of
the Commission's rules provides that an earth station authorization is
automatically terminated if the station is not operational for more
than 90 days.\8\ Where a registration lists more antennas than have
been observed to exist at a site, the apparently non-existent antennas
will be deemed never to have existed and, accordingly, will fail to
qualify for incumbent status under the C-band transition rules.
Similarly, antennas that operate in other bands but do not receive in
the 3.7 GHz band would not qualify for incumbent status under the C-
band transition rules.\9\
\7\ 47 CFR 25.138(c)(1). See note 4 supra. As noted above, note
2 supra, the earth station antennas listed in the Appendix hereto do
not include those that are subject to lump sum elections. Those
elections may include C-band antennas whose operators have decided
to discontinue all use of the C-band by the end of the C-band
\8\ 47 CFR 25.161(c). The Bureau has delegated authority to
enforce the part 25 rules. 47 CFR 0.261(a)(15).
\9\ For the latter two groups of antennas, we note that the
following rules would apply: (1) section 25.162(c) and (e) of the
Commission's rules provide that the interference protection of a
receiving earth station is automatically terminated in certain
circumstances, including when a station has been used less than 50%
of the time during any 12-month period or when actual use of the
facility is inconsistent with what is in a registrant's application,
47 CFR 25.162(c) & (e), and (2) section 25.115(b)(8) of the
Commission's rules require earth station operators to take the steps
necessary to remove non-operational antennas from the active records
in the IBFS, 47 CFR 25.115(b)(8).
Incumbent earth station operators who need to affirm the continued
operation of the identified earth station antennas. We direct earth
station operators with incumbent earth station antennas that appear on
the appended list to make either of two filings no later than 90 days
after release of this document (i.e., by February 16, 2023): (1) file
to correct the IBFS filings for the affected antennas,\10\ or (2) file
in ECFS IB Docket No. 20-205 affirming that those antennas are
operational antennas receiving in the 3.7 GHz band. An earth station
operator may contact Bureau staff at [email protected] if it has
questions about the above or if it needs instructions on how to
surrender entire Callsigns in IBFS, how to remove an inactive earth
station antenna from a Callsign that includes other operational earth
station antennas, or how to modify its Callsign to accurately reflect
the bands used by an antenna.
\10\ In addition to the required filings in IBFS, those earth
station operators may also make a filing in ECFS IB Docket No. 20-
205 confirming the extent to which they are surrendering callsigns,
removing antennas, or modifying callsigns in IBFS.
Earth station operators with earth station antenna(s) on the
attached list that do not respond by February 16, 2023, affirming
operation of the identified earth station antennas in the 3.7 GHz band
\11\ will be deemed, based on the above presumptions, to have had
either their authorizations to use the 3.7 GHz band for those antennas
or their interference protection in the use of the 3.7 GHz band
automatically terminated by rule. In those cases, the Bureau also will,
as needed, terminate in IBFS those portions of the authorizations
relating to the 3.7 GHz band and/or make changes in IBFS necessary to
accurately reflect actual use of and interference protection for the
relevant facilities. In addition, the Bureau will correct the incumbent
earth station list by removing terminated earth station antennas and
amending the list to no longer include any antennas in the list that
are not operational C-band antennas, including over-registered antennas
or antennas receiving in bands other than the 3.7 GHz band. Protection
from interference from the network deployments of new wireless licenses
and eligibility for reimbursement of any transition costs, including
the cost of any filters, will be limited to those earth station
antennas on the updated list.
\11\ Notwithstanding an affirmation of continued operation, the
Bureau retains the authority to eliminate an earth station antenna's
incumbent status if the Bureau receives additional evidence that the
antenna has failed to satisfy applicable requirements for
maintaining operation or is otherwise ineligible to be considered an
Incumbent earth station operators who need to provide additional
information to avoid harmful interference. As a reminder, while not
subject to 90-days' notice, earth station operators that have not
provided the necessary information to the Relocation Coordinator or
satellite operators may not be successfully transitioned before
terrestrial wireless licensees initiate service in the band.
Unless those earth station operators provide the necessary
information, they will risk losing their rights to receive relocation
assistance prior to the initiation of service in the band by the
incoming terrestrial wireless licensees, as well as any rights to
operate in the lower C-band at their current locations free of harmful
interference that may occur as these licensees deploy their networks.
Federal Communications Commission.
Nese Guendelsberger,
Deputy Chief, International Bureau.
[FR Doc. 2022-26494 Filed 12-8-22; 8:45 am]