Notice of Availability of Draft NPDES Small Wastewater Treatment Facilities General Permits Modification, 65055-65057 [2022-23423]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 207 / Thursday, October 27, 2022 / Notices and others with environmental concerns intervenor status upon showing good cause by stating that they have a clear and direct interest in this proceeding which no other party can adequately represent. Simply filing environmental comments will not give you intervenor status, but you do not need intervenor status to have your comments considered. Questions? Additional information about the project is available from the Commission’s Office of External Affairs, at (866) 208–FERC, or on the FERC website ( using the eLibrary link. The eLibrary link also provides access to the texts of all formal documents issued by the Commission, such as orders, notices, and rulemakings. In addition, the Commission offers a free service called eSubscription that allows you to keep track of all formal issuances and submittals in specific dockets. This can reduce the amount of time you spend researching proceedings by automatically providing you with notification of these filings, document summaries, and direct links to the documents. Go to ferc-online/overview to register for eSubscription. Dated: October 21, 2022. Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2022–23414 Filed 10–26–22; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [EPA–HQ–OLEM–2018–0646, FRL–10377– 01–OMS] Information Collection Request Submitted to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Safe Management of Recalled Airbags Rule (Renewal) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has submitted an information collection request (ICR), Safe Management of Recalled Airbags Rule (EPA ICR Number 2589.05, OMB Control Number 2050–0221) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. This is a proposed extension of the ICR, which is currently approved through November 30, 2022. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:55 Oct 26, 2022 Jkt 259001 Public comments were previously requested via the Federal Register on March 23, 2022 during a 60-day comment period. This notice allows for an additional 30 days for public comments. A fuller description of the ICR is given below, including its estimated burden and cost to the public. An agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. DATES: Additional comments may be submitted on or before November 28, 2022. Submit your comments, referencing Docket ID No. EPA–HQ– OLEM–2018–0646, to EPA, either online using (our preferred method), or by mail to: RCRA Docket (2822T), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460. EPA’s policy is that all comments received will be included in the public docket without change including any personal information provided, unless the comment includes profanity, threats, information claimed to be Confidential Business Information (CBI), or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Submit written comments and recommendations to OMB for the proposed information collection within 30 days of publication of this notice to Find this particular information collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or by using the search function. ADDRESSES: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tracy Atagi, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: 202–566–0511; email address: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supporting documents which explain in detail the information that the EPA will be collecting are available in the public docket for this ICR. The docket can be viewed online at Materials can also be viewed at the Reading Room located at the EPA Docket Center, WJC West Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004. The Docket Center’s hours of operations are 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday (except Federal Holidays). The telephone number for the Docket Center is 202– 566–1744. Abstract: The collection of information is necessary in order to PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 65055 ensure that the hazardous waste airbag modules and airbag inflators exempted under this rule are safely disposed of and that defective airbag modules and airbag inflators are not reinserted into vehicles where they would pose an unreasonable risk of death or serious injury. Information collection activities include maintaining at the airbag handler for no less than three years records of (1) all off-site shipments and (2) confirmations of receipt of airbag waste. Form Numbers: None. Respondents/affected entities: Business or other for-profit. Respondent’s obligation to respond: required to obtain or retain a benefit (sections 2002, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3006, 3010, and 3017 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act). Estimated number of respondents: 15,175. Frequency of response: On occasion. Total estimated burden: 4,250 hours per year. Burden is defined at 5 CFR 1320.03(b). Total estimated cost: $13,322 (per year), which includes $0 annualized capital or operation & maintenance costs. Changes in the estimates: There is a slight decrease in the burden estimates for this ICR due to a decrease in the number of respondents. Courtney Kerwin, Director, Regulatory Support Division. [FR Doc. 2022–23371 Filed 10–26–22; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560–50–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [FRL–8519–04–R1] Notice of Availability of Draft NPDES Small Wastewater Treatment Facilities General Permits Modification Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice of Availability of Draft NPDES General Permits Modification MAG580000 and NHG580000. AGENCY: The Director of the Water Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency—Region 1 (EPA), is providing a Notice of Availability for the Draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Small Wastewater Treatment Facility General Permit (Small WWTF GP) Modification for discharges to certain waters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of New Hampshire. This Draft NPDES Small WWTF GP Modification (‘‘Draft General Permit Modification’’) SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\27OCN1.SGM 27OCN1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES 65056 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 207 / Thursday, October 27, 2022 / Notices establishes effluent limitations and requirements, effluent and ambient monitoring requirements, reporting requirements, and standard conditions for 21 additional eligible facilities currently covered by individual NPDES permits (see Attachment E of the Draft General Permit Modification for a list of WWTFs being added to the General Permit; 11 in Massachusetts, 10 in New Hampshire, and 2 Co-Permittees in New Hampshire). The Draft General Permit Modification is available on EPA Region 1’s website at npdes-permits/region-1-draft-smallwastewater-treatment-facilities-generalpermit-modification. The Statement of Basis for the Draft General Permit Modification sets forth principal facts and the significant factual, legal, methodological, and policy questions considered in the development of the Draft General Permit Modification and is also available at this website. DATES: Public comments must be received by January 25, 2023. ADDRESSES: Written comments on the Draft General Permit Modification may be mailed to U.S. EPA Region 1, Water Division, Attn: Michele Duspiva, 5 Post Office Square, Suite 100, Mail Code 06– 4, Boston, Massachusetts 02109–3912, or sent via email to: Duspiva.Michele@ If comments are submitted in hard copy form, please also email a copy to the EPA contact above. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The administrative record and additional information concerning the Draft General Permit Modification may be obtained from Michele Duspiva, U.S. EPA Region 1, Water Division, 5 Post Office Square, Suite 100, Mail Code 06– 4, Boston, MA 02109–3912; telephone: 617–918–1682; email: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Public Comment Information: Interested persons may submit written comments on the Draft General Permit Modification to EPA Region 1 at the address listed above. In reaching a final decision on this Draft General Permit Modification, the Regional Administrator will respond to all significant comments and make responses available to the public on EPA Region 1’s website. All comments must be postmarked or delivered by the close of the public comment period. General Information: The Draft General Permit Modification includes effluent limitations and requirements for eligible facilities based on technology and/or water quality considerations of the unique discharges from these facilities. The effluent limits established in the Draft General Permit VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:55 Oct 26, 2022 Jkt 259001 Modification ensure that the surface water quality standards of the receiving water(s) will be attained and/or maintained. Obtaining Authorization: To obtain coverage under the General Permit, facilities meeting the eligibility requirements outlined in Part I of this General Permit may submit a notice of intent (NOI) in accordance with Part V of this General Permit and 40 CFR 122.28(b)(2)(i) & (ii). The contents of the NOI shall include at a minimum, the legal name and address of the owner or operator, the facility name and address, type of facility or discharges, the receiving stream(s) and be signed by the operator in accordance with the signatory requirements of 40 CFR 122.22. Alternately, based on 40 CFR 122.28(b)(2)(vi), the Director may notify a discharger that it is covered by a general permit, even if the discharger has not submitted an NOI to be covered. EPA has determined that the facilities identified in Attachment E of the Draft General Permit Modification all meet the eligibility requirements for coverage under the Draft General Permit and may be authorized to discharge under the General Permit Modification by this type of notification. Other Legal Requirements: Endangered Species Act (ESA): In accordance with the ESA, EPA has updated the provisions and necessary actions and documentation related to potential impacts to endangered species from WWTFs being added for coverage under the Draft General Permit Modification. Concurrently with the public notice of the Draft General Permit Modification, EPA has initiated an informal consultation with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) under ESA section 7, through the submission of a letter and biological assessment (BA) summarizing the results of EPA’s assessment of the potential effects to endangered and threatened species and their critical habitats under NOAA Fisheries jurisdiction as a result of EPA’s issuance of the Draft General Permit Modification. In this document, EPA has made a preliminary determination that the proposed issuance of the Draft General Permit Modification is not likely to adversely affect the shortnose sturgeon, Atlantic sturgeon, leatherback sea turtles, loggerhead sea turtles, Kemp’s ridley sea turtles, green sea turtles, North Atlantic right whales, and fin whales. EPA has requested that NOAA Fisheries review this submittal and inform EPA whether it concurs with this preliminary finding. PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 In addition, EPA has initiated an informal consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) under ESA section 7, through the submission of a letter summarizing the results of EPA’s assessment of the potential effects to endangered and threatened species and their critical habitats under USFWS jurisdiction as a result of EPA’s issuance of the Draft General Permit Modification. In this document, EPA has made a preliminary determination that the proposed issuance of the Draft General Permit Modification is not likely to adversely affect the northern long-eared bat. EPA has completed an informal consultation with USFWS regarding the threatened northern longeared bat, as activities conducted as part of the Small WWTF GP Modification are consistent with activities analyzed in the USFWS January 5, 2016, Programmatic Biological Opinion (PBO). Essential Fish Habitat (EFH): Under the 1996 Amendments (Pub. L. 104– 267) to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. (1998)), EPA is required to consult with NOAA Fisheries if EPA’s actions or proposed actions that it funds, permits or undertakes ‘‘may adversely impact any essential fish habitat.’’ 16 U.S.C. 1855(b). This consultation will only include an analysis of the proposed additional facilities and will not include the facilities that are already covered based on the 2021 issuance of the General Permit. In the Statement of Basis accompanying the Draft General Permit Modification, EPA notes that the general permit action minimizes adverse effects to aquatic organisms, including those with designated EFH in the receiving waters. EFH species associated with the receiving waters of facilities covered by the Draft General Permit Modification may include Atlantic salmon as well as the life stages of a number of coastal EFH designated species, along with two habitat areas of particular concern. EPA has made the determination that additional mitigation is not warranted under Section 305(b)(2) of the Magnuson-Stevens Act and has provided this determination to NOAA Fisheries for their review. National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA): Facilities which adversely affect properties listed or eligible for listing in the National Registry of Historic Places under the NHPA are not authorized to discharge under the Draft General Permit Modification. Based on the nature and location of the discharges, EPA has determined that all facilities eligible for authorization under the Draft General Permit do not have the potential to affect a property that is E:\FR\FM\27OCN1.SGM 27OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 207 / Thursday, October 27, 2022 / Notices either listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA): The CZMA, 16 U.S.C. 1451 et seq., and its implementing regulations (15 CFR part 930) require a determination that any federally licensed activity affecting the coastal zone with an approved Coastal Zone Management Program (CZMP) is consistent with the CZMA. On June 7, 2021, the Massachusetts CZMP determined that the Small WWTF GP is consistent with its enforceable policies. Concurrent with the public notice EPA will request that the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, MA CZM, Project Review Coordinator provide a consistency concurrence that the proposed Small WWTF GP Modification is consistent with the MA CZMP. On June 7, 2021, the New Hampshire Coastal Program (NHCP) determined that the Small WWTF GP is consistent with its enforceable policies. On June 30, 2022, the NHCP determined that any additional facilities that qualify for coverage under the Small WWTF GP are also consistent with its enforceable policies. On June 30, 2022, EPA submitted a formal letter to NHCP describing this determination. Therefore, additional CZMA federal consistency review by the NHCP is not required. Authority: This action is being taken under the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. David Cash, Regional Administrator, EPA Region 1. [FR Doc. 2022–23423 Filed 10–26–22; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560–50–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [EPA–HQ–OLEM–2018–0692, FRL–10376– 01–OMS] Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES AGENCY: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has submitted an information collection request (ICR), Generator Standards Applicable to Laboratories Owned by Eligible Academic Entities (EPA ICR Number 2317.04, OMB Control Number 2050– VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:55 Oct 26, 2022 Jkt 259001 Submit your comments, referencing Docket ID No. EPA–HQ– OLEM–2018–0692, to EPA, either online using (our preferred method), or by mail to: RCRA Docket (2822T), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460. EPA’s policy is that all comments received will be included in the public docket without change including any personal information provided, unless the comment includes profanity, threats, information claimed to be Confidential Business Information (CBI), or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Submit written comments and recommendations to OMB for the proposed information collection within 30 days of publication of this notice to Find this particular information collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or by using the search function. ADDRESSES: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kristen Fitzgerald, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: 202–566–0512; email address: fitzgerald.kristen@ Information Collection Request Submitted to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Generator Standards Applicable to Laboratories Owned by Eligible Academic Entities (Renewal) SUMMARY: 0204) to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act. This is a proposed extension of the ICR, which is currently approved through December 31, 2022. Public comments were previously requested via the Federal Register on May 2, 2022 during a 60-day comment period. This notice allows for an additional 30 days for public comments. A fuller description of the ICR is given below, including its estimated burden and cost to the public. An agency may not conduct or sponsor and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. DATES: Additional comments may be submitted on or before November 28, 2022. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supporting documents which explain in detail the information that the EPA will be collecting are available in the public docket for this ICR. The docket can be viewed online at Materials can also be viewed at the Reading Room located at the EPA Docket Center, WJC West Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20004. The Docket Center’s hours of operations are 8:30 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 65057 a.m.–4:30 p.m., Monday–Friday (except Federal Holidays). The telephone number for the Docket Center is 202– 566–1744. Abstract: Subpart K within 40 CFR part 262 provides a flexible and protective set of regulations that address the specific nature of hazardous waste generation and accumulation in laboratories owned by colleges and universities, including teaching hospitals and non-profit research institutes that are either owned by or formally affiliated with a college or university. In addition, eligible academic entities have the discretion to determine the most appropriate and effective method of compliance with these requirements—by allowing them the choice of either managing their hazardous wastes in accordance with the alternative regulations as set forth in Subpart K, or remaining subject to the existing generator regulations. Form Numbers: None. Respondents/affected entities: Business and other for-profit, as well as State, Local, and Tribal governments. Respondent’s obligation to respond: Required to obtain or retain a benefit (Sections 2002, 3001, 3002, 3004 of RCRA). Estimated number of respondents: 246. Frequency of response: On occasion. Total estimated burden: 146,157 hours per year. Burden is defined at 5 CFR 1320.03(b). Total estimated cost: $8,088,511 (per year), which includes $255,192 in annualized capital or operation & maintenance costs. Changes in the Estimates: There is a decrease of 11,815 hours in the total estimated respondent burden compared with the ICR currently approved by OMB. This decrease is in the number of respondents. Courtney Kerwin, Director, Regulatory Support Division. [FR Doc. 2022–23348 Filed 10–26–22; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560–50–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [EPA–HQ–OPPT–2017–0318; FRL–10370– 01–OMS] Information Collection Request Submitted to OMB for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Request for Contractor Access to Toxic Substances Control Act Confidential Business Information (CBI) (Renewal) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). AGENCY: E:\FR\FM\27OCN1.SGM 27OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 207 (Thursday, October 27, 2022)]
[Pages 65055-65057]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-23423]




Notice of Availability of Draft NPDES Small Wastewater Treatment 
Facilities General Permits Modification

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

ACTION: Notice of Availability of Draft NPDES General Permits 
Modification MAG580000 and NHG580000.


SUMMARY: The Director of the Water Division, U.S. Environmental 
Protection Agency--Region 1 (EPA), is providing a Notice of 
Availability for the Draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination 
System (NPDES) Small Wastewater Treatment Facility General Permit 
(Small WWTF GP) Modification for discharges to certain waters of the 
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of New Hampshire. This 
Draft NPDES Small WWTF GP Modification (``Draft General Permit 

[[Page 65056]]

establishes effluent limitations and requirements, effluent and ambient 
monitoring requirements, reporting requirements, and standard 
conditions for 21 additional eligible facilities currently covered by 
individual NPDES permits (see Attachment E of the Draft General Permit 
Modification for a list of WWTFs being added to the General Permit; 11 
in Massachusetts, 10 in New Hampshire, and 2 Co-Permittees in New 
Hampshire). The Draft General Permit Modification is available on EPA 
Region 1's website at The 
Statement of Basis for the Draft General Permit Modification sets forth 
principal facts and the significant factual, legal, methodological, and 
policy questions considered in the development of the Draft General 
Permit Modification and is also available at this website.

DATES: Public comments must be received by January 25, 2023.

ADDRESSES: Written comments on the Draft General Permit Modification 
may be mailed to U.S. EPA Region 1, Water Division, Attn: Michele 
Duspiva, 5 Post Office Square, Suite 100, Mail Code 06-4, Boston, 
Massachusetts 02109-3912, or sent via email to: 
[email protected]ov. If comments are submitted in hard copy form, 
please also email a copy to the EPA contact above.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: The administrative record and 
additional information concerning the Draft General Permit Modification 
may be obtained from Michele Duspiva, U.S. EPA Region 1, Water 
Division, 5 Post Office Square, Suite 100, Mail Code 06-4, Boston, MA 
02109-3912; telephone: 617-918-1682; email: [email protected].

    Public Comment Information: Interested persons may submit written 
comments on the Draft General Permit Modification to EPA Region 1 at 
the address listed above. In reaching a final decision on this Draft 
General Permit Modification, the Regional Administrator will respond to 
all significant comments and make responses available to the public on 
EPA Region 1's website. All comments must be postmarked or delivered by 
the close of the public comment period.
    General Information: The Draft General Permit Modification includes 
effluent limitations and requirements for eligible facilities based on 
technology and/or water quality considerations of the unique discharges 
from these facilities. The effluent limits established in the Draft 
General Permit Modification ensure that the surface water quality 
standards of the receiving water(s) will be attained and/or maintained.
    Obtaining Authorization: To obtain coverage under the General 
Permit, facilities meeting the eligibility requirements outlined in 
Part I of this General Permit may submit a notice of intent (NOI) in 
accordance with Part V of this General Permit and 40 CFR 
122.28(b)(2)(i) & (ii). The contents of the NOI shall include at a 
minimum, the legal name and address of the owner or operator, the 
facility name and address, type of facility or discharges, the 
receiving stream(s) and be signed by the operator in accordance with 
the signatory requirements of 40 CFR 122.22. Alternately, based on 40 
CFR 122.28(b)(2)(vi), the Director may notify a discharger that it is 
covered by a general permit, even if the discharger has not submitted 
an NOI to be covered. EPA has determined that the facilities identified 
in Attachment E of the Draft General Permit Modification all meet the 
eligibility requirements for coverage under the Draft General Permit 
and may be authorized to discharge under the General Permit 
Modification by this type of notification.
    Other Legal Requirements: Endangered Species Act (ESA): In 
accordance with the ESA, EPA has updated the provisions and necessary 
actions and documentation related to potential impacts to endangered 
species from WWTFs being added for coverage under the Draft General 
Permit Modification. Concurrently with the public notice of the Draft 
General Permit Modification, EPA has initiated an informal consultation 
with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National 
Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) under ESA section 7, through 
the submission of a letter and biological assessment (BA) summarizing 
the results of EPA's assessment of the potential effects to endangered 
and threatened species and their critical habitats under NOAA Fisheries 
jurisdiction as a result of EPA's issuance of the Draft General Permit 
Modification. In this document, EPA has made a preliminary 
determination that the proposed issuance of the Draft General Permit 
Modification is not likely to adversely affect the shortnose sturgeon, 
Atlantic sturgeon, leatherback sea turtles, loggerhead sea turtles, 
Kemp's ridley sea turtles, green sea turtles, North Atlantic right 
whales, and fin whales. EPA has requested that NOAA Fisheries review 
this submittal and inform EPA whether it concurs with this preliminary 
    In addition, EPA has initiated an informal consultation with the 
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) under ESA section 7, through the 
submission of a letter summarizing the results of EPA's assessment of 
the potential effects to endangered and threatened species and their 
critical habitats under USFWS jurisdiction as a result of EPA's 
issuance of the Draft General Permit Modification. In this document, 
EPA has made a preliminary determination that the proposed issuance of 
the Draft General Permit Modification is not likely to adversely affect 
the northern long-eared bat. EPA has completed an informal consultation 
with USFWS regarding the threatened northern long-eared bat, as 
activities conducted as part of the Small WWTF GP Modification are 
consistent with activities analyzed in the USFWS January 5, 2016, 
Programmatic Biological Opinion (PBO).
    Essential Fish Habitat (EFH): Under the 1996 Amendments (Pub. L. 
104-267) to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management 
Act (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq. (1998)), EPA is required to consult with 
NOAA Fisheries if EPA's actions or proposed actions that it funds, 
permits or undertakes ``may adversely impact any essential fish 
habitat.'' 16 U.S.C. 1855(b). This consultation will only include an 
analysis of the proposed additional facilities and will not include the 
facilities that are already covered based on the 2021 issuance of the 
General Permit. In the Statement of Basis accompanying the Draft 
General Permit Modification, EPA notes that the general permit action 
minimizes adverse effects to aquatic organisms, including those with 
designated EFH in the receiving waters. EFH species associated with the 
receiving waters of facilities covered by the Draft General Permit 
Modification may include Atlantic salmon as well as the life stages of 
a number of coastal EFH designated species, along with two habitat 
areas of particular concern. EPA has made the determination that 
additional mitigation is not warranted under Section 305(b)(2) of the 
Magnuson-Stevens Act and has provided this determination to NOAA 
Fisheries for their review.
    National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA): Facilities which 
adversely affect properties listed or eligible for listing in the 
National Registry of Historic Places under the NHPA are not authorized 
to discharge under the Draft General Permit Modification. Based on the 
nature and location of the discharges, EPA has determined that all 
facilities eligible for authorization under the Draft General Permit do 
not have the potential to affect a property that is

[[Page 65057]]

either listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of 
Historic Places.
    Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA): The CZMA, 16 U.S.C. 1451 et 
seq., and its implementing regulations (15 CFR part 930) require a 
determination that any federally licensed activity affecting the 
coastal zone with an approved Coastal Zone Management Program (CZMP) is 
consistent with the CZMA.
    On June 7, 2021, the Massachusetts CZMP determined that the Small 
WWTF GP is consistent with its enforceable policies. Concurrent with 
the public notice EPA will request that the Executive Office of 
Environmental Affairs, MA CZM, Project Review Coordinator provide a 
consistency concurrence that the proposed Small WWTF GP Modification is 
consistent with the MA CZMP.
    On June 7, 2021, the New Hampshire Coastal Program (NHCP) 
determined that the Small WWTF GP is consistent with its enforceable 
policies. On June 30, 2022, the NHCP determined that any additional 
facilities that qualify for coverage under the Small WWTF GP are also 
consistent with its enforceable policies. On June 30, 2022, EPA 
submitted a formal letter to NHCP describing this determination. 
Therefore, additional CZMA federal consistency review by the NHCP is 
not required.
    Authority: This action is being taken under the Clean Water Act, 33 
U.S.C. 1251 et seq.

David Cash,
Regional Administrator, EPA Region 1.
[FR Doc. 2022-23423 Filed 10-26-22; 8:45 am]

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