Incentives for Advanced Cybersecurity Investment; Cybersecurity Incentives, 60567-60580 [2022-21003]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
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[FR Doc. 2022–21696 Filed 10–5–22; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
18 CFR Part 35
[Docket Nos. RM22–19–000; RM21–3–000]
Incentives for Advanced Cybersecurity
Investment; Cybersecurity Incentives
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking;
notice terminating proceeding.
The Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
proposes to revise its regulations to
provide incentive-based rate treatments
for the transmission of electric energy in
interstate commerce and the sale of
electric energy at wholesale in interstate
commerce by utilities for the purpose of
benefitting consumers by encouraging
investments by utilities in advanced
cybersecurity technology and
participation by utilities in
cybersecurity threat information sharing
programs, as directed by the
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
of 2021 (Infrastructure and Jobs Act).
This notice of proposed rulemaking
(NOPR) also terminates the NOPR
proceeding in Docket No. RM21–3–000
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
(December 2020 Cybersecurity
Incentives NOPR).
As of October 6, 2022, the
proposed rule published at 86 FR 8309
on February 5, 2021, is withdrawn.
Comments on this proposed rule are due
November 7, 2022, and reply comments
are due November 21, 2022.
Comments, identified by
docket number, may be filed in the
following ways. Electronic filing
through, is
• Electronic Filing: Documents must
be filed in acceptable native
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in scanned or picture format.
• For those unable to file
electronically, comments may be filed
by USPS mail or by hand (including
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Æ Mail via U.S. Postal Service Only:
Addressed to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
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Æ Hand (including courier) Delivery:
Deliver to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue,
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The Comment Procedures Section of
this document contains more detailed
filing procedures.
Kal Ayoub (Technical Information),
Office of Electric Reliability, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE, Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502–8863, kal.ayoub@
David DeFalaise (Technical
Information), Office of Electric
Reliability, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–
Adam Pollock (Technical Information),
Office of Energy Market Regulation,
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–
Alan Rukin (Legal Information), Office
of the General Counsel, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE, Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502–8502, alan.rukin@
Table of Contents
I. Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................................................
II. Background .........................................................................................................................................................................................
A. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 .......................................................................................................................
B. Prior Commission Action on Cybersecurity Incentives ...........................................................................................................
C. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology and Information ............................................................................................................
1. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology .................................................................................................................................
2. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology Information ............................................................................................................
D. Cybersecurity Threat Information Sharing Programs ...............................................................................................................
III. Discussion .........................................................................................................................................................................................
A. Proposed Approaches to Request an Incentive ........................................................................................................................
1. Eligibility Criteria ................................................................................................................................................................
2. Proposed Approaches for Evaluating Cybersecurity Expenditure Eligibility ..................................................................
B. Proposed Rate Incentives ...........................................................................................................................................................
1. ROE Adder ...........................................................................................................................................................................
2. Deferral of Certain Cybersecurity Expenses for Rate Recovery .........................................................................................
3. Performance-Based Rates .....................................................................................................................................................
C. Proposed Incentive Implementation ..........................................................................................................................................
1. Cybersecurity ROE Incentive Duration ...............................................................................................................................
2. Regulatory Asset Incentive Duration and Amortization Period ........................................................................................
3. Filing Process .......................................................................................................................................................................
4. Reporting Requirements ......................................................................................................................................................
IV. Information Collection Statement ...................................................................................................................................................
V. Environmental Assessment ...............................................................................................................................................................
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act ................................................................................................................................................................
VII. Comment Procedures ......................................................................................................................................................................
VIII. Document Availability ...................................................................................................................................................................
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
I. Introduction
1. In this NOPR, the Commission
proposes under section 219A of the
Federal Power Act (FPA) 1 to establish
rules for incentive-based rate treatments
for certain voluntary cybersecurity
investments 2 by utilities.3 These rules
1 Infrastructure and Jobs Act, Public Law 117–58,
section 40123, 135 Stat. 429, 951 (to be codified at
16 U.S.C. 824s–1).
2 In this NOPR, the term ‘‘investments’’ in
cybersecurity technology means expenditures that
can be either capitalized costs or expenses.
3 Notwithstanding that Infrastructure and Jobs Act
requires the Commission to offer incentives to
‘‘public utilities,’’ we propose to make rate
incentives available to non-public utilities that have
or will have a rate on file with the Commission,
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would make incentives available to
utilities that make certain cybersecurity
expenditures that enhance their security
posture by improving their ability to
protect against, detect, respond to, or
recover from a cybersecurity threat and
to utilities that participate in
cybersecurity threat information sharing
programs to the benefit of ratepayers
and national security.
similar to Commission precedent under FPA
section 219, 16 U.S.C. 824s. Therefore, all
references in this NOPR to ‘‘utilities’’ are intended
to include both public utilities and non-public
utilities that have or will have a rate on file with
the Commission.
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2. First, we propose a regulatory
framework on how a utility could
qualify for incentives for eligible
cybersecurity expenditures. Under this
framework, we propose that eligible
cybersecurity expenditures must: (1)
materially improve cybersecurity
through either an investment in
advanced cybersecurity technology or
participation in a cybersecurity threat
information sharing program; and (2)
not already be mandated by Critical
Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
Reliability Standards, or local, state, or
Federal law. A utility would seek an
incentive in a filing pursuant to FPA
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
section 205 4 and the incentive would be
effective no earlier than the date of the
Commission order approving the
incentive request.
3. We propose to evaluate
cybersecurity investments using a list of
pre-qualified expenditures that are
eligible for incentives determined by the
Commission and publicly maintained
on the Commission’s website (PQ List).
With the Commission having evaluated
expenditures to include on the PQ List
in advance, we believe that the PQ List
approach would provide an efficient
and transparent mechanism for
determining appropriate cybersecurity
expenditures that are eligible for
incentives. We propose that any
cybersecurity expenditure that is on the
PQ List would be entitled to a rebuttable
presumption of eligibility for an
incentive. We also discuss and seek
comment on a potential alternative
approach, whereby a utility’s
cybersecurity expenditure would be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis to
determine if it is eligible for an
4. Second, we propose two options for
the type of incentive a utility could
receive for an eligible cybersecurity
expenditure: (1) a return on equity
(ROE) adder of 200 basis points; or (2)
deferred cost recovery for certain
cybersecurity expenditures that enables
the utility to defer expenses and include
the unamortized portion in rate base.
5. Third, we propose that any
approved incentive(s) will remain in
effect for five years from the date on
which the cybersecurity investment(s)
enters service or expenses are incurred,
or expire earlier if other conditions
discussed in this NOPR are met before
the end of that five year period. We seek
comment on the proposed duration and
expiration conditions for incentives
granted under this proposal.
6. Finally, we propose that a utility
that has received a cybersecurity
incentive under this section must make
an annual informational filing on June
1, as further discussed herein. The
annual filing should detail the specific
investments that were made pursuant to
the Commission’s approval and the
corresponding FERC account used.5
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
II. Background
A. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act of 2021
7. On November 15, 2021, the
Infrastructure and Jobs Act was signed
into law.6 The Infrastructure and Jobs
4 16
U.S.C. 824d.
18 CFR part 141.
6 Infrastructure and Jobs Act, Public Law 117–58,
135 Stat. 429.
5 See
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Act, in part, directs the Commission to
revise its regulations to establish, by
rule, incentive-based, including
performance-based, rate treatments for
the transmission of electric energy in
interstate commerce and the sale of
electric energy at wholesale in interstate
commerce by public utilities for the
purpose of benefitting consumers by
encouraging investments by public
utilities in advanced cybersecurity
technology 7 and participation by public
utilities in cybersecurity threat
information sharing programs.
8. As an initial step in the process of
revising the Commission’s regulations,
the Infrastructure and Jobs Act directed
the Commission to conduct a study, in
consultation with certain entities,8 to
identify incentive-based rate treatments,
including performance-based rates, for
the jurisdictional transmission and sale
of electric energy that could support
investments in advanced cybersecurity
technology and participation by public
utilities in cybersecurity threat
information sharing programs.9 The
Infrastructure and Jobs Act also required
the Commission to submit a report to
Congress (Report) detailing the results of
the directed study. Following the
passage of the Infrastructure and Jobs
Act, Commission staff consulted with
the specified entities to help identify
incentive-based rate treatments that
could enhance the security posture of
the Bulk-Power System.10
7 FPA section 219A(a)(1) defines the term
advanced cybersecurity technology to mean any
technology, operational capability, or service,
including computer hardware, software, or a related
asset, that enhances the security posture of public
utilities through improvements in the ability to
protect against, detect, respond to, or recover from
a cybersecurity threat. Infrastructure and Jobs Act,
Public Law 117–58, section 40123, 135 Stat. 429,
951 (to be codified at 16 U.S.C. 824s–1(a)(1)). FPA
section 219A(a)(2) defines the term advanced
cybersecurity technology information to mean
information relating to advanced cybersecurity
technology or proposed advanced cybersecurity
technology that is generated by or provided to the
Commission or another Federal agency. Id. at 952
(to be codified at 16 U.S.C. 824s–1(a)(2)).
8 The entities identified in the Infrastructure and
Jobs Act are: Secretary of Energy; North American
Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC); Electricity
Subsector Coordinating Council (ESCC); and
National Association of Regulatory Utility
Commissioners (NARUC).
9 Infrastructure and Jobs Act, Public Law 117–58,
section 40123, 135 Stat. 429, 952 (to be codified at
16 U.S.C. 824s–1(b)).
10 The term Bulk-Power System is defined in FPA
section 215 and refers to: (1) facilities and control
systems necessary for operating an interconnected
electric energy transmission network (or any
portion thereof); and (2) electric energy from
generation facilities needed to maintain
transmission system reliability. 16 U.S.C.
824o(a)(1). With respect to CIP Reliability
Standards, NERC uses the term ‘‘bulk electric
system’’ (BES), which is generally defined as
transmission facilities that are operated at 100 kV
or higher and real power or reactive power
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9. On May 13, 2022, the Report was
submitted to Congress.11 The Report,
among other things, outlined prior
Commission efforts to address
incentives for cybersecurity initiatives.
The Report provided information
regarding potential incentive-based rate
treatments and the Commission’s
general ratemaking authority, including
the prior adoption of rate incentives and
performance-based ratemaking in other
contexts. In addition, the Report
discussed challenges associated with
adopting an incentive-based rate
structure to enhance the security
posture of the Bulk-Power System. The
Report noted that, while advanced
technologies that address cybersecurity
threats may be innovative and/or above
and beyond industry standards at one
time, they may subsequently become
conventional, mandatory, or even
antiquated and therefore may be less
deserving of an incentive over time.
B. Prior Commission Action on
Cybersecurity Incentives
10. The Commission began assessing
the potential use of incentives to
improve cybersecurity prior to the
passage of the Infrastructure and Jobs
Act. On June 18, 2020, Commission staff
issued a white paper to explore a
potential framework for providing
transmission incentives to utilities for
cybersecurity investments that produce
significant cybersecurity benefits for
actions taken that exceed the
requirements of the mandatory and
enforceable CIP Reliability Standards.12
Following the issuance of the
Cybersecurity White Paper, the
Commission issued the December 2020
Cybersecurity Incentives NOPR on
December 17, 2020, proposing to allow
utilities to request incentives for certain
cybersecurity investments that go above
and beyond the requirements of the CIP
Reliability Standards.13
11. In the December 2020
Cybersecurity Incentives NOPR, the
Commission proposed two
cybersecurity incentive approaches. The
first approach, referred to as the NERC
CIP Incentives Approach, would have
allowed an entity to receive incentivebased rate treatment for voluntarily
resources connected at 100 kV or higher. See NERC,
Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability
Standards (March 29, 2022),
11 FERC, Incentives for Advanced Cybersecurity
Technology Investment (May 2022).
12 FERC, Cybersecurity Incentives Policy White
Paper, Docket No. AD20–19–000, (June 2020)
(Cybersecurity White Paper),
13 Cybersecurity Incentives, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, 86 FR 8309 (Feb. 5, 2021), 173 FERC
¶ 61,240 (2020).
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
applying identified CIP Reliability
Standards to facilities that were not
otherwise subject to those requirements.
The second approach, the National
Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) Framework Approach, would
have allowed an entity to receive
incentive-based rate treatment for
implementing certain security controls
included in the NIST Framework 14 that
exceed the requirements of the CIP
Reliability Standards.
12. In light of the Congressional
mandate in the Infrastructure and Jobs
Act directing the Commission to
establish cybersecurity incentives, this
NOPR supersedes the December 2020
Cybersecurity Incentives NOPR, and
that proceeding in Docket No. RM21–3–
000 is hereby terminated.
systems, configuration management
systems, anti-malware tools, user
behavior analytic software, event
logging systems, and any system for
access control, identification,
authentication, and/or authorization
15. Cybersecurity services may be
either automated or manual and can
include, but are not limited to, system
installation and maintenance, network
administration, asset management,
threat and vulnerability management,
training, incident response, forensic
investigation, network monitoring, data
sharing, data recovery, disaster
recovery, network restoration, log
analytics, cloud network storage, and
any general cybersecurity consulting
C. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology
and Information
2. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology
16. Advanced cybersecurity
technology information may include,
but is not limited to, plans, policies,
procedures, specifications,
implementation, configuration,
manuals, instructions, accounting,
financials, logs, records, and physical or
electronic access lists related to or
regarding the advanced cybersecurity
technology. Some advanced
cybersecurity technology information
that is provided to the Commission may
constitute critical energy/electric
infrastructure information (CEII).17
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
1. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology
13. As noted above, the Infrastructure
and Jobs Act directs the Commission to,
among other things, identify incentivebased rate treatments that could support
investments in advanced cybersecurity
technology. An advanced cybersecurity
technology can be a product and/or a
14. Cybersecurity products are
generally hardware, software, and
cybersecurity services that can be used
for information technology systems and/
or operational technology 16 systems.
Cybersecurity products can include, but
are not limited to, security information
and event management systems,
intrusion detection systems, anomaly
detection systems, encryption tools,
data loss prevention systems, forensic
toolkits, incident response tools,
imaging tools, network behavior
analysis tools, access management
14 NIST is part of the U.S. Department of
Commerce that advances measurement science,
standards, and technology. It has developed a
voluntary Framework for Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity to ‘‘address and
manage cybersecurity risk in a cost-effective way
based on business and organizational needs without
placing additional regulatory requirements on
businesses.’’ NIST, Framework for Improving
Critical Infrastucture Cybersecurity, v (Apr. 16,
15 See supra n.7 (defining advanced cybersecurity
16 The NIST glossary defines ‘‘operational
technology’’ as ‘‘programmable systems or devices
that interact with the physical environment (or
manage devices that interact with the physical
environment). These systems/devices detect or
cause a direct change through the monitoring and/
or control of devices, processes, and events.
Examples include industrial control systems,
building management systems, fire control systems,
and physical access control mechanisms.’’ NIST,
Computer Security Resource Center, Glossary (Mar.
10, 2022),
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D. Cybersecurity Threat Information
Sharing Programs
17. The Infrastructure and Jobs Act
also directs the Commission to identify
incentive-based rate treatments that
could support participation by public
utilities in cybersecurity threat
information sharing programs.
Engagement with the entities as directed
in the Infrastructure and Jobs Act
informed the Commission of the
existing barriers faced by utilities
seeking to participate in these
information sharing programs, which
include the high costs associated with
implementing monitoring technology
and maintenance of sensor technology,
the amount of time and effort required
to share information, incurring fees to
participate in information sharing
programs, and concerns regarding the
confidentiality of the information once
III. Discussion
18. To implement the statutory
directive in the Infrastructure and Jobs
Act, we propose to revise our
regulations to provide a process for
17 18
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utilities to qualify for and then receive
incentive-based rate treatments for
eligible cybersecurity expenditures. For
purposes of this NOPR, an
‘‘expenditure’’ includes both expenses
and capitalized costs associated with
advanced cybersecurity technology and
participation in a cybersecurity threat
information sharing program. We
propose the following approach and
then seek comments on our proposal in
three sections: (1) Proposed Approaches
to Request an Incentive, which
discusses how a utility could qualify for
incentives for eligible cybersecurity
expenditures; (2) Proposed Rate
Incentives, which describes the type of
incentive a utility could receive for an
eligible cybersecurity expenditure; and
(3) Proposed Incentive Implementation,
which discusses proposed duration and
expiration conditions for incentives.
A. Proposed Approaches To Request an
19. We propose to add § 35.48(c) to
our regulations to create a framework for
evaluating whether certain
cybersecurity expenditures, including
expenses and capitalized costs, qualify
for an incentive. First, we propose
eligibility criteria to determine whether
a cybersecurity expenditure is eligible
for an incentive. Second, in § 35.48(d)
we propose to use a list of pre-qualified
investments, the PQ List, to identify the
types of cybersecurity expenditures that
the Commission will find eligible for an
incentive. In addition, we seek comment
on whether a case-by-case approach
should be used to evaluate whether
certain cybersecurity expenditures are
eligible for incentives.
1. Eligibility Criteria
20. We propose that the utility
seeking an incentive must demonstrate,
at a minimum, that the expenditure: (1)
would materially improve cybersecurity
through either an investment in
advanced cybersecurity technology or
participation in a cybersecurity threat
information sharing program(s); and (2)
is not already mandated by CIP
Reliability Standards, or otherwise
mandated by local, state, or Federal law.
With respect to the first criterion, we
seek comment on whether, and if so
how, the Commission should evaluate
and ensure that the benefits of the
expenditure exceed the combined costs
of the expenditure and incentive, to
ensure the proposed rates are just and
reasonable. Further, we seek comment
on whether these are the appropriate
criteria and whether there are additional
criteria or limitations that we should
consider (e.g., whether the Commission
should consider an obligation imposed
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
by a state commission as a condition for
a merger to be ineligible for an
21. Additionally, we propose that, in
determining which cybersecurity
expenditures will materially improve a
utility’s security posture, the
Commission will consider the following
sources: (1) security controls
enumerated in the NIST SP 800–53
‘‘Security and Privacy Controls for
Information Systems and
Organizations’’ catalog; 18 (2) security
controls satisfying an objective found in
the NIST Cybersecurity Framework; 19
(3) a specific recommendation from the
Department of Homeland Security’s
(DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
Security Agency (CISA) or from the
Department of Energy (DOE); 20 (4) a
specific recommendation from the CISA
Shields Up Campaign; 21 (5)
participation in the DOE Cybersecurity
Risk information Sharing Program
(CRISP) or similar information sharing
program; and/or (6) the Cybersecurity
Capability Maturity Model Domains at
the highest Maturity Indicator Level.22
Using vehicles from DHS, DOE, and
other agencies responsible for
addressing sophisticated and rapidly
evolving cyber threats as qualifiers for
the consideration of incentives would
allow the Commission to benefit from
the expertise of other federal agencies
and help ensure that the cybersecurity
expenditures will be targeted and
22. We propose that, to be eligible for
incentive-based rate treatment,
cybersecurity expenditures must satisfy
the first two criteria (i.e., materially
improve cybersecurity and not already
mandated). The eligibility criteria
would apply to either of the two
evaluation approaches discussed below
(i.e., the PQ List or the case-by-case
approach). We seek comment on these
criteria, including any potential
refinements, and any other criteria for
incentive eligibility that the
Commission should adopt in the Final
18 NIST, Special Publication 800–53, Revision 5,
Security and Privacy Controls for Information
Systems and Organizations, (Dec. 12, 2020), https://
19 See NIST, Cybersecurity Framework, https://
20 See, e.g., CISA, National Cyber Awareness
System Alerts,
21 See CISA, Shields Up,
22 See DOE, Cybersecurity Capability Maturity
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2. Proposed Approaches for Evaluating
Cybersecurity Expenditure Eligibility
23. We propose adopting a PQ List
approach, which would use a list of prequalified cybersecurity expenditures,
consistent with the eligibility criteria
that the Commission ultimately adopts.
We also seek comment on the
alternative use of a case-by-case
24. Under either approach, we
propose that a utility make a filing
pursuant to FPA section 205 for
incentive-based rate treatment for those
expenditures. Consistent with our
precedent for incentives under FPA
section 219, while a utility may first file
a petition for declaratory order to seek
a ruling on its eligibility for an
incentive, a utility still must make a
filing under FPA section 205 for
Commission review of any rate changes.
We propose that the incentive would be
effective no earlier than the date of the
Commission order granting the
incentive under FPA section 205. A
utility should seek CEII treatment, as
appropriate, for any part of its filing
seeking incentives that includes specific
engineering, vulnerability, or detailed
design information about proposed or
existing critical infrastructure.23
a. PQ List Approach
25. We propose to create a PQ List
that identifies expenditures that could
warrant an incentive. Under this
proposal, the PQ List will be codified at
35.48(d) of the Commission’s
regulations and a copy will be posted on
the Commission’s website.
26. We propose that a utility seeking
an incentive would be required to
demonstrate that its cybersecurity
expenditure qualifies as one or more of
the PQ List items. Any cybersecurity
expenditure that is on the PQ List
would be entitled to a rebuttable
presumption of eligibility for an
incentive. Although the PQ List items
would be entitled to a presumption of
eligibility, the utility would still need to
demonstrate, and the Commission
would need to find, that the proposed
rate, inclusive of the incentive, is just
and reasonable. We propose to allow
intervening parties to seek to rebut this
presumption by demonstrating that the
cybersecurity expenditure does not meet
one or more of the eligibility criteria
(e.g., that, given the unique
circumstances of the utility, the
expenditure for which the utility seeks
an incentive would not materially
improve cybersecurity or is otherwise
mandatory for that utility) or the
23 See
18 CFR 388.113; see also 16 U.S.C. 824o–
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Commission could make this finding
sua sponte.
27. We believe that this PQ List
approach would provide efficiency and
transparency benefits. With the
Commission having pre-reviewed
potential PQ List items, we believe that
utility-specific incentive filings could be
substantially streamlined compared to
use of a case-by-case approach. We
recognize, however, that this approach
may limit expenditures eligible for
incentives only to those on the PQ List
and would require the Commission to
review and update the PQ List on a
regular basis, which introduces
additional process and may delay the
eligibility of cybersecurity expenditures
for incentives.
i. Initial PQ List
28. We propose to include two
eligible cybersecurity expenditures on
the PQ List initially: (1) expenditures
associated with participation in the DOE
CRISP; 24 and (2) expenditures
associated with internal network
security monitoring within the utility’s
cyber systems, which could include
information technology cyber systems
and/or operational technology cyber
systems, and which could be associated
with cyber systems that may or may not
be subject to the CIP Reliability
Standards. We believe investment in
these cybersecurity expenditures would
materially improve cybersecurity; 25 and
are not already mandated by CIP
Reliability Standards 26 or otherwise
mandated by Federal law. We initially
propose to include CRISP, as its purpose
is to facilitate the timely bi-directional
sharing of unclassified and classified
threat information and to develop
situational awareness tools that enhance
the energy sector’s ability to identify,
prioritize, and coordinate the protection
of critical infrastructure and key
resources.27 However, we seek
comments on whether to include other
24 See DOE, Energy Sector Cybersecurity
25 E.g., both participation in CRISP and internal
network security monitoring would fall under
recommendations in the NIST SP 800–53 ‘‘Security
and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and
Organizations’’ catalog.
26 We note that, in January 2022, the Commission
issued a NOPR that proposed to require NERC to
develop a mandatory standard regarding internal
network analysis and monitoring technologies for
high and medium impact bulk electric system cyber
systems. Internal Network Security Monitoring for
High and Medium Impact Bulk Electric System
Cyber Systems, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 87
FR 4173 (Jan. 27, 2022), 178 FERC ¶ 61,038 (2022)
(2022 INSM NOPR).
27 DOE, Energy Sector Cybersecurity
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
information sharing programs on the PQ
29. We propose to include internal
network security monitoring on the PQ
List as we believe that internal network
security monitoring may better position
an entity to detect malicious activity
that has circumvented perimeter
controls.28 Further, while the currently
effective CIP Reliability Standards do
not require internal network security
monitoring, NERC has recognized the
proliferation and usefulness of such
30. Although we propose these two
eligible cybersecurity expenditures for
the initial PQ List, there may be other
cybersecurity expenditures that would
meet the statutory requirements and
proposed eligibility criteria. Therefore,
we seek comment on these and any
additional cybersecurity expenditures to
consider for inclusion on the initial PQ
ii. Updating the PQ List
31. Considering the rapidly evolving
nature of cybersecurity threats and
solutions, we expect to regularly
evaluate the PQ List and update it as
necessary. The eligibility criteria
described above, or any future eligibility
criteria the Commission adopts, would
guide the Commission’s decision on
what to add, modify, or remove from the
PQ List. As noted above, we propose
that, if a cybersecurity expenditure on
the PQ List becomes mandatory, it
would no longer be eligible for an
incentive as of the effective date of the
mandate.30 The Commission would
update the PQ List by adding, removing,
or modifying cybersecurity
expenditures, as needed, via a
rulemaking, whether sua sponte or in
response to a petition.
b. Case-by-Case Approach
32. Another potential approach is to
permit a utility to file for incentivebased rate treatment for any
28 2022
INSM NOPR at P 11.
e.g., NERC, ERO Enterprise CMEP Practice
Guide: Network Monitoring Sensors, Centralized
Collectors, and Information Sharing (June 4, 2021),
(explaining that NERC developed the guide in
response to a U.S. DOE initiative ‘‘to advance
technologies and systems that will provide cyber
visibility, detection, and response capabilities for
[industrial control systems] of electric utilities.’’ Id.
at 1.).
30 If a particular cybersecurity expenditure
becomes mandatory with respect to a utility, the
provisions of proposed 18 CFR 35.48(f) would
prohibit that utility from continuing to receive an
incentive for the affected cybersecurity expenditure
even if the Commission has not yet updated the PQ
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29 See,
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cybersecurity expenditure that satisfies
the eligibility criteria discussed above,
i.e., the utility could demonstrate that
the expenditure is voluntary and
materially improves cybersecurity
through either an investment in
advanced cybersecurity technology or
participation in a cybersecurity threat
information sharing program. Under this
approach, the Commission would
review each filing on a case-by-case
basis, to determine whether the
proposed cybersecurity expenditure is
consistent with the eligibility criteria. If
the Commission adopts a case-by-case
approach, there would be no
presumption of eligibility for any given
cybersecurity expenditure. The utility
would bear the full burden to
demonstrate in its filing that its
cybersecurity expenditure meets the
Commission-approved eligibility
criteria, and, similar to the PQ list
approach, demonstrate that its proposed
rate, inclusive of the incentive, is just
and reasonable. We seek comment on
whether and, if so, how the Commission
should implement a case-by-case
B. Proposed Rate Incentives
33. We propose the following rate
incentives for utilities that make eligible
cybersecurity investments: (1) an ROE
adder of 200 basis points that would be
applied to the incentive-eligible
investments; and (2) deferral of certain
eligible expenses for rate recovery,
enabling them to be part of rate base
such that a return can be earned on the
unamortized portion. We believe both
offer meaningful incentive to encourage
cybersecurity expenditure that improves
a utility’s cybersecurity posture.
Additionally, we seek comment on
whether and how the principles of
performance-based regulation could
apply to utilities with respect to
cybersecurity investments.
34. Under Part II of the FPA, the
Commission has jurisdiction over the
transmission of electric energy in
interstate commerce and the sale of
electric energy at wholesale in interstate
commerce by public utilities.31 With
limited exceptions, transmission rates
are based on the cost of providing
transmission service (cost-of-service
rates). Cost-of-service transmission rates
31 16 U.S.C. 824–824w. Unlike FPA section 219,
titled Transmission Infrastructure Investment,
which gives the Commission the authority to offer
incentives for the transmission of electric energy in
interstate commerce, new FPA section 219A, titled
Incentives for Cybersecurity Investments, gives the
Commission the authority to offer incentives for the
transmission of electric energy in interstate
commerce as well as the sale of electric energy at
wholesale in interstate commerce by public
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are recovered either through a formula
rate, for which the formula is the rate on
file and most of the inputs change year
to year based on inputs that are
included in the FERC Form No. 1 or
other financial forms,32 or a stated rate
where the rate on file is based on an
approved revenue requirement. Costs
incurred to undertake cybersecurity
activities can be included in various
accounting categories,33 either as inputs
to a formula rate as expenses or plant in
the determination of the revenue
requirement for a stated rate. The
Commission has allowed costs related to
security and reliability that are
recovered through formula rates to
include, for example, transmission plant
(e.g., transmission line upgrades to
harden the system), general and
common plant, (e.g., software and
computers), and administrative and
general costs (e.g., labor and outside
services, including services associated
with utility-wide informational
technology).34 Utilities recover the cost
of expenses as a cost-of-service element
in rates, but do not earn a return on
them. Utilities recover costs of
capitalized investments through
depreciation and earn a return on the
undepreciated amounts over the useful
life of the investment.35
35. Most utility information
technology investments (general and
intangible plant) and expenses
(administrative and general costs)
support functions of the entire utility,
not just the transmission function, and
therefore only a portion of those costs
are allocated to transmission customers,
typically based on wages and salaries
1. ROE Adder
36. We propose to add § 35.48(e)(1) to
the Commission’s regulations to allow a
utility that makes cybersecurity
32 Doswell Ltd. P’ship v. Va. Elec. & Power Co.,
62 FERC ¶ 61,149, at 62,069 (1993).
33 In the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in Acct.
& Reporting Treatment of Certain Renewable Energy
Assets, 180 FERC ¶ 61,050 (2022), the Commission
proposes new accounts to more clearly specify how
utilities must account for information technology
hardware and software investments.
34 See Boston Edison Co., 109 FERC ¶ 61,300, at
P 40 (2004), order on reh’g, 111 FERC ¶ 61,266
(2005) (accepting proposed modifications to
transmission formula rates to allow recovery of
capitalized software costs incurred to safeguard the
reliability and security of its transmission system).
35 The Commission has also accepted utility
proposals to recover security costs as part of a
utility’s stated (i.e., non-formula) rates. See Pacific
Gas & Elec. Co., 149 FERC ¶ 61,112 (2014); Pacific
Gas & Elec. Co., 146 FERC ¶ 61,034 (2014).
36 See, e.g., Midcontinent Independent System
Operator Attachment O formula rate, 2–3 (stating
that general and intangible plant and administrative
and general costs are allocated to transmission rates
based on a wages and salaries allocator).
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
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investments that are eligible for
incentives, as more fully described
above, to request an ROE adder of 200
basis points (Cybersecurity ROE
Incentive) that would be applied to the
incentive-eligible investments. Any
incentive granted under this proposal
would be subject to the total base and
incentive return being capped at the top
of the utility’s zone of reasonableness.37
This Cybersecurity ROE Incentive is
intended to encourage utilities to
proactively make additional
investments in cybersecurity systems.
We believe that a 200-basis point ROE
adder may be appropriate to provide a
meaningful incentive to encourage
utilities to improve their systems’
cybersecurity. We recognize that this
amount exceeds the ROE incentives for
transmission facilities that the
Commission typically provides
pursuant to FPA section 219. However,
given the relatively small cost of
cybersecurity investments compared to
conventional transmission projects, a
higher ROE may be necessary to affect
the expenditure decisions of utilities,
without unduly burdening ratepayers.
On balance, we believe that the
Cybersecurity ROE Incentive satisfies
the Congressional directive to benefit
consumers by encouraging: (1)
investments by utilities in advanced
cybersecurity technology; and (2)
participation by utilities in
cybersecurity threat information sharing
37. We propose that enterprise-wide
investments—which are not specific to
transmission but a portion of which are
recovered through transmission rates—
may also be eligible for the 200 basispoint ROE adder incentive if the
Commission determines that the
investments merit incentives, based on
the eligibility criteria described above.
However, consistent with both
longstanding cost-causation ratemaking
principles 38 and the statutory
requirement that rates inclusive of
incentives be just and reasonable, we
propose that only the conventionally
allocated portion of such investments
37 See, e.g., Emera Me. v. FERC, 854 F.3d 9, 23
(D.C. Cir. 2017) (‘‘The zone of reasonableness
informs FERC’s selection of a just and reasonable
rate.’’); see also Permian Basin, 390 U.S. 747, 767
(1968) (stating that as long as the rate selected by
the Commission is within the zone of
reasonableness, the Commission is not required to
adopt as just and reasonable any particular rate
38 See Old Dominion Elec. Coop. v FERC, 898
F.3d 1254, 1255 (D.C. Cir. 2018), (‘‘For decades, the
Commission and the courts have understood this
requirement to incorporate a ‘‘cost-causation
principle’’—the rates charged for electricity should
reflect the costs of providing it.); see, e.g., Ala. Elec.
Coop., Inc. v. FERC, 684 F.2d 20, 27 (D.C. Cir.
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that flows through to cost-of-service
rates on file with the Commission
would be eligible for this rate treatment.
For example, if a utility seeks an
incentive for a cybersecurity investment
that it made to its general plant
facilities, both the underlying
investment and associated incentive
must be allocated based on conventions
of the rates (e.g., the transmission share
using a wages and salaries allocator for
general plant in most transmission costof-service rates). With this limitation,
we seek to ensure that the cybersecurity
incentives policy adheres to the
ratemaking principle of cost-causation
by, for example, limiting a transmission
customer’s share of incentive costs to
the share of such investments that serve
38. We preliminarily find that the
same expenditure should not be eligible
for both the Cybersecurity ROE
Incentive and the Regulatory Asset
Incentive, discussed below. Given that
regulatory asset treatment may be
approved for costs that are normally
treated as expenses (i.e., as regulatory
assets, discussed below), we
preliminarily find that costs that are
allowed to be deferred as a regulatory
asset should be included in rate base for
determination of the base return but not
for the additional return associated with
the 200-basis point ROE adder.
2. Deferral of Certain Cybersecurity
Expenses for Rate Recovery
39. We propose to add § 35.48(e)(2) to
the Commission’s regulations to allow a
utility that makes cybersecurity
investments that are eligible for
incentives, as more fully described
above, to seek deferred cost recovery.
We believe that, in limited
circumstances, it may be appropriate to
allow a utility to defer recovery of
certain cybersecurity costs that are
generally expensed as they are incurred,
and treat them as regulatory assets,
while also allowing such regulatory
assets to be included in transmission
rate base (Regulatory Asset Incentive).
Many costs associated with
cybersecurity are in the form of
expenses, often to third party vendors,
rather than capital investments.
Moreover, certain cost categories that
companies historically have purchased
and capitalized, such as software, are
now often procured as services with
periodic payments to vendors that are
recorded as expenses. Therefore, to
encourage investment in cybersecurity,
we believe that it may be appropriate to
allow utilities to defer and amortize
eligible costs that are typically recorded
as expenses including those that are
associated with third-party provision of
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hardware, software, and computing and
networking services. We propose that
eligible expenses, that would otherwise
be includable in cost-of-service as
current period expenses, may receive an
incentive by deferring such costs as
regulatory assets if they are incurred
after the effective date of the
Commission order granting a utility’s
request for incentives. Additionally, we
seek comment on whether it would be
preferable to permit only 50% of
incentive-eligible expenses to be treated
as regulatory assets.
40. A range of implementation costs
associated with cybersecurity
investments may be eligible for deferred
rate treatment. Such costs may include,
for example, training to implement new
cybersecurity practices and systems.
However, we propose that, to be eligible
for the incentive of deferred cost
recovery, such training costs must be
distinct from costs associated with preexisting training on cybersecurity
practices. Another potentially eligible
implementation cost may be internal
system evaluations and assessments or
analyses by third parties described
above, to the extent that they are
associated with a capitalizable item and
are part of eligible capitalizable
expenses. We propose that any
implementation costs that are not
conventionally booked as plant and thus
capitalized can be considered for
deferral as a regulatory asset. Recurring
costs may be eligible for deferral as a
regulatory asset and include, for
example, subscriptions, service
agreements, and post-implementation
training costs. Specifically, they may
include ongoing dues for participation
by utilities in cybersecurity threat
information sharing programs that
satisfy the Commission’s incentive
eligibility criteria described above.
41. Because FPA section 219A(c)(2)
directs the Commission to offer
incentives to encourage participation by
public utilities in cybersecurity threat
information sharing programs, we seek
comment on whether we should allow
utilities who are already participating in
an eligible cybersecurity threat
information sharing program to seek to
recover this incentive.
42. We note that the Commission’s
rules and regulations in the Uniform
System of Accounts 39 already require
public utilities to maintain records
supporting any entries to the regulatory
asset account so that the public utility
can furnish full information as to the
nature and amount of, and justification
39 See 18 CFR part 101, Account Definition
Account 182.3, Other Regulatory Assets, paragraph
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
for, each regulatory asset recorded in the
account. Therefore, pursuant to our
existing regulations, utilities must
maintain sufficient records to support
the distinction of any expenditures that
are afforded incentive-based rate
43. Additionally, consistent with the
proposal for the Cybersecurity ROE
Incentive for eligible cybersecurity
capital investments, we propose that
only directly assigned transmission
costs or the conventionally allocated
portion of enterprise-wide expenses
(e.g., using the wages and salaries
allocator) would be eligible for the
Regulatory Asset Incentive in
transmission rates.
3. Performance-Based Rates
44. Section 219A(c) of the FPA directs
the Commission to establish incentivebased, including performance-based,
rate treatments. Performance-based rate
treatments can potentially reward
utilities for achieving stated goals, as
opposed to specific actions that only
contribute to those goals. Because it is
difficult to directly observe the level of
effort a utility expends on ensuring
cybersecurity, performance-based
regulation could theoretically provide a
valuable tool to motivate utilities to
maintain and operate their systems
reliably and efficiently. Performancebased ratemaking can take multiple
forms, but ultimately requires the ability
to measure and tie rate treatments to
actual performance.
45. We seek comment on
performance-based rates and whether
and how the principles of performancebased regulation could apply to utilities
with respect to cybersecurity
investments.41 We seek comment on
specific cybersecurity performance
metrics that could be subject to a
performance standard. In particular, we
seek comment on whether any widely
accepted metrics for cybersecurity
performance could lend themselves to
be benchmarks needed for performancebased rates, or whether new appropriate
metrics could be developed. We further
seek comment on what rate mechanisms
could accompany such metrics. We ask
that any proposed mechanisms: (1) rely
on cybersecurity performance
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
40 Id.
41 Consistent with Order No. 679, which
implemented FPA section 219, we interpret
‘‘incentive-based, including performance-based,
rate treatments’’ in FPA section 219A to require the
Commission to consider performance-based rates as
an option among incentive ratemaking treatments.
Promoting Transmission Inv. through Pricing
Reform, Order No. 679, 71 FR 43293 (July 31, 2006),
116 FERC ¶ 61,057 (2006), order on reh’g, Order No.
679–A, 117 FERC ¶ 61,345 (2006), order on reh’g,
119 FERC ¶ 61,062 (2007).
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benchmarks and not expenditures or
practices; and (2) consider ratepayer
impacts, given the relatively small costs
of cybersecurity expenditures compared
to utilities’ overall cost-of-service.
C. Proposed Incentive Implementation
1. Cybersecurity ROE Incentive Duration
46. We propose to add § 35.48(f)(1) to
the Commission’s regulations to allow a
utility granted a Cybersecurity ROE
Incentive to receive that incentive until
the earliest of: (1) the conclusion of the
depreciation life of the underlying asset;
(2) five years from when the
cybersecurity investment(s) enter
service; 42 (3) the time that the
investment(s) or activities that serve as
the basis of that incentive become
mandatory pursuant to a Reliability
Standard approved by the Commission,
or local, state, or Federal law; or (4) the
recipient no longer meets the
requirements for receiving the incentive.
Incentive-eligible cybersecurity
investments primarily include
equipment or system modifications that
typically have short depreciation lives,
as opposed to long-lived assets like
physical structures. Thus, we believe
that most cybersecurity incentives
granted under this rulemaking would
remain in effect until the conclusion of
the depreciation life of the underlying
asset. However, for investments with
useful lives exceeding five years, we
propose that the incentive end at the
conclusion of five years from the time
that the asset receiving the cybersecurity
incentive entered service. The vast
majority of information technologyrelated investments feature expected
useful lives and corresponding cost-ofservice depreciation rates of no longer
than five years. Consequently, we
preliminarily find that five years is a
reasonable expected life to encourage
utilities to make an investment and to
ensure just and reasonable rates.
However, we seek comment on whether
the proposed duration should be three
years instead of five years.
2. Regulatory Asset Incentive Duration
and Amortization Period
47. We propose to add § 35.48(f)(3)(i)
to the Commission’s regulations to
specify that a utility granted the
Regulatory Asset Incentive must
amortize the regulatory asset over five
years.43 We believe that this may reflect
the generally short-lived nature of
cybersecurity activities and corresponds
42 For participation in an information sharing
program, the ‘‘investment’’ would recur annually.
43 As noted above, the investment for
participation in an information sharing program
would recur annually.
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to the depreciation rates for investments
described above. This period generally
corresponds to the expected useful life
and corresponding cost-of-service
amortization period of cybersecurity
48. We also propose to add
§ 35.48(f)(3)(ii) to the Commission’s
regulations to specify that a utility
granted the Regulatory Asset Incentive
may defer eligible expenses for up to
five years from the date of Commission
approval of the incentive. Under this
provision, we propose that eligible
expenses incurred for five years could
be added to the regulatory asset that is
allowed in rate base and amortized over
five subsequent years, as discussed
above.44 We preliminarily find that this
limit is appropriate, given the
potentially indefinite nature of certain
expenses. Such a limit also reflects that
cybersecurity risks and solutions evolve
over time and matches the five-year
maximum duration of the Cybersecurity
ROE Incentive discussed above. We
preliminarily find that a five-year limit
appropriately balances the goal of
providing an incentive of a sufficient
size to encourage utilities to make
eligible improvements in their
cybersecurity posture with the
requirement to protect ratepayers.
49. However, we propose to make an
exception to this sunsetting provision
for eligible cybersecurity threat
information sharing programs. FPA
section 219A(c)(2) directs the
Commission to provide incentives for
participation in cybersecurity threat
information sharing programs. We find
that participation in such cybersecurity
threat information sharing programs,
which provide participants with
ongoing updates about active
cybersecurity threats and are therefore
distinct from discrete cybersecurity
investments that may become obsolete
with the passage of time, warrants a
different incentive treatment than other
investments. Consequently, we propose
that utilities be able to continue
deferring these expenses and including
them in their rate base for each annual
tranche of expenses, for as long as: (1)
the utility continues incurring costs for
its participation in the program; and (2)
the program remains eligible for
44 We propose that, in their FPA section 205
filings, incentive recipients must include notes to
their formula rates specifying the Commission
order(s) which approved the incentive and stating
that the associated regulatory asset incentive must
terminate in the earlier of: (1) five years from the
date of the later of the Commission approving the
incentive or the expense being incurred; and (2) the
expenditure becoming mandatory.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
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3. Filing Process
50. We propose to add § 35.48(g) to
the Commission’s regulations to require
a utility’s request for one or more
incentive-based rate treatments to be
made in a filing pursuant to FPA section
205.45 As proposed, such a request must
include a detailed explanation of how
the utility plans to implement one or
both of the proposed incentive
approaches and the requested rate
treatment. We propose that utilities
provide detail on the expenditures for
which they seek incentives, and show
how its cybersecurity-related
expenditure(s) meet the eligibility
requirements, as described in more
detail below.
51. In addition, under § 35.48(g) of the
proposed regulation, a utility seeking
one or more incentive-based rate
treatments must receive Commission
approval prior to implementing any
incentive in its rate on file with the
Commission.46 In order to effectuate an
incentive in rates, utilities would need
to propose in their FPA section 205
filing conforming revisions to their
formula rates, as appropriate, to reflect
incentive rate treatment granted
pursuant to these proposed
52. Filings under the PQ List
approach must provide evidence that
the utility has made one or more prequalified cybersecurity expenditures
and otherwise complies with all
appropriate requirements.
53. A utility requesting the
Cybersecurity ROE Incentive must
provide the anticipated cost of the
capital investment and the identity of
the rate schedule(s) on file with the
Commission under which it will recover
the increased ROE. Alternatively, a
utility requesting the Regulatory Asset
Incentive must provide a description of
the covered expense(s), including
whether the expense(s) are associated
with the third-party provision of
hardware, software, and computing
network services or incurred for training
to implement network analysis and
monitoring programs, as well as an
45 As discussed in section III.A.2., consistent with
our precedent for incentives under FPA section 219,
while a utility may first file a petition for
declaratory order to seek a ruling on its eligibility
for an incentive, a utility still must make a filing
under FPA section 205 for Commission review of
any rate changes.
46 We note that FPA section 219A(e)(2) expressly
prohibits unjust and unreasonable double recovery
for advanced cybersecurity technology.
47 Utilities with stated rates may file under FPA
section 205 to seek incentives as part of a larger rate
case or make a request for single issue ratemaking,
which the Commission will evaluate on a case-bycase basis to ensure that the rate, inclusive of the
incentive, is just and reasonable.
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estimate of the cost of such expense(s)
and when the cost is expected to be
4. Reporting Requirements
54. In order to ensure that a utility
receiving incentive rate treatment has
implemented the requirements of the
incentive and to ensure that it continues
to adhere to the requirements, we
propose to add § 35.48(h) of the
Commission’s regulations to require
utilities to submit informational reports
to the Commission for the duration of
the incentive.
55. A utility that has received
cybersecurity incentives under this
section must make an annual
informational filing by June 1, provided
that the utility has received
Commission-approval for the incentive
at least 60 days prior to June 1 of that
year. Utilities that receive Commissionapproval for an incentive later than 60
days prior to June 1 would be required
to submit an annual informational filing
beginning on June 1 of the following
year.48 The annual filing should detail
the specific investments, if any, as of
that date, that were made pursuant to
the Commission’s approval and the
corresponding FERC account for which
expenditures are booked. For recipients
of the Cybersecurity ROE Incentive,
each annual informational filing should
describe the parts of its network that it
upgraded in addition to the nature and
cost of the various investments. For
recipients of the Regulatory Asset
Incentive, each annual informational
filing should describe such expenses in
sufficient detail to demonstrate that
such expenses are specifically related to
the eligible cybersecurity investment
underlying the incentives and not for
ongoing services including system
maintenance, surveillance, and other
labor costs.
56. The Commission may also
conduct periodic verification to assess
cybersecurity investments and expenses
for which it has approved incentives.
The Commission could perform such
verifications through multiple means
(i.e., directing further informational
filings, audits, etc.). The annual
informational filings will inform the
Commission on how and when any
additional verification is warranted.
IV. Information Collection Statement
57. The information collection
requirements contained in this NOPR
are subject to review by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) under
48 If a utility first receives Commission-approval
for the incentive on April 1 or later, the initial
annual informational filing would be due on June
1 of the following year.
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the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 at
44 U.S.C. 3507(d). OMB’s regulations
require approval of certain information
collection requirements imposed by
agency rules.49 Upon approval of a
collection of information, OMB will
assign an OMB control number and
expiration date. Respondents subject to
the filing requirements of this proposed
rule will not be penalized for failing to
respond to this collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid OMB Control Number.
This NOPR would establish the
Commission’s regulations with respect
to the implementation of the
Infrastructure and Job Act.50
58. Interested persons may obtain
information on the reporting
requirements by contacting Ellen
Brown, Office of the Executive Director,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
888 First Street NE, Washington, DC
20426, via email (DataClearance@ or telephone ((202) 502–8663).
59. The Commission solicits
comments on this collection of
information within 60 days of the
publication of this NOPR in the Federal
Register. Public comments may include,
but are not limited to, following topics:
the Commission’s need for this
information, whether the information
will have practical utility, the accuracy
of the burden estimates, ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected or
retained, and any suggested methods for
minimizing respondents’ burden,
including the use of automated
information techniques.
60. Please send comments concerning
the collection of information and the
associated burden estimates to: OMB
PRAMain, Attention: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission Desk Officer.
Please identify the OMB Control
Number 1902–0248 in the subject line.
61. Instructions: OMB submissions
must be formatted and filed in
accordance with submission guidelines
PRAMain; using the search function
under the ‘‘Currently Under Review
field,’’ select Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, click ‘‘submit,’’ and select
‘‘comment’’ to the right of the subject
62. Title: FERC–725B, Incentives for
Advanced Cybersecurity Investment.
63. Action: Proposed revision of
64. OMB Control No.: 1902–0248.
49 5
CFR 1320.11.
Law 117–55, 135 Stat. 951 (2021) (to be
codified at 16 U.S.C. 824s–1).
50 Public
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
65. Respondents for this Rulemaking:
Public utilities and non-public utilities
that have or will have a rate on file with
the Commission.
66. Frequency of Information
(1) On occasion: Voluntary filings
seeking incentive-based rate treatment
for cybersecurity expenditures; and
(2) Annually: A informational filing
on June 1 of each year, required of
entities that have been granted
incentive-based rate treatment for
cybersecurity expenditures.
67. Abstract: The NOPR would
provide that a utility may seek
incentive-based rate treatment for
cybersecurity investments by making a
rate filing in accordance with section
205 of the FPA. The NOPR states that
one approach the Commission may use
in evaluating such a filing is to consider
whether prospective cybersecurity
investments would match one of the
types of investments listed at proposed
18 CFR 35.48(d). The NOPR refers to
this list of pre-qualified expenditures
that are eligible for incentives as the
‘‘PQ List.’’ The Commission proposes
that any cybersecurity expenditure that
is on the PQ List would be entitled to
a rebuttable presumption of eligibility
for an incentive.
The NOPR also discusses and seeks
comment on a potential alternative
approach, in which a utility’s
cybersecurity expenditure would be
evaluated on a case-by-case basis to
determine if it is eligible for an
incentive. Under that approach, the
utility would need to demonstrate that
the prospective investment is voluntary
and would materially improve
cybersecurity through either an
investment in advanced cybersecurity
technology or participation in
cybersecurity threat information sharing
program. Under either approach, the
utility would need to demonstrate that
its rate, inclusive of the incentive, is just
and reasonable.
68. The NOPR also would provide
that a utility that is granted incentivebased rate treatment must submit an
annual informational filing to the
Commission by June 1 of each year,
provided that the utility has received
Commission approval of the incentive at
least 60 days prior to June 1 of that year.
Utilities that receive Commission
approval of an incentive later than 60
days prior to June 1 would be required
to submit an annual informational filing
beginning on June 1 of the following
year. The informational filing must
describe the specific investments, if any,
as of that date, that were made pursuant
to the Commission’s approval and the
corresponding FERC account for which
expenditures are booked. For incentives
where the Commission allows deferral
of expenses, annual informational
filings should describe such expenses in
sufficient detail to demonstrate that
such expenses are specifically related to
the cybersecurity investment for which
the incentive was granted, and not for
ongoing services including system
maintenance, surveillance, and other
labor costs.
69. Necessity of Information: Required
to obtain or retain benefits.
70. Internal Review: The Commission
has reviewed the changes and has
determined that such changes are
necessary. These requirements conform
to the Commission’s need for efficient
information collection, communication,
and management within the energy
industry. The Commission has specific,
objective support for the burden
estimates associated with the
information collection requirements.
71. The NERC Compliance Registry,
as of August 5, 2022, identifies
approximately 1,669 utilities, both
public and non-public, in the U.S. that
would be eligible for this proposed
incentive and rate treatment. The
Commission estimates that the NOPR
may affect the burden 51 and cost 52 as
Number of
Area of modification
number of
responses per
number of
Average burden
hours & cost
($) per response
(Column B ×
Column C)
(Column D × Column E)
Voluntary filing seeking incentive rate
treatment for cybersecurity investment. Proposed 18 CFR 35.48(b).
Annual informational filing required
where Commission has granted incentive rate treatment. Proposed 18
CFR 35.48(h).
80 hours; $7,280 ...
4,000 hours; $364,000.
40 hours; $3,640 ...
2,000 hours; $182,000.
Totals ...............................................
6,000 hours; $546,000.
V. Environmental Assessment
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Total estimated
burden hours & total
estimated cost
72. The Commission is required to
prepare an Environmental Assessment
or an Environmental Impact Statement
for any action that may have a
significant adverse effect on the human
51 ‘‘Burden’’ is the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended by persons to generate,
maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information
to or for a Federal agency. For further explanation
of what is included in the information collection
burden, refer to 5 CFR 1320.3.
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environment.53 The Commission has
categorically excluded certain actions
from this requirement as not having a
significant effect on the human
environment. Included in the exclusion
are rules that are clarifying, corrective,
or procedural or that do not
substantially change the effect of the
regulations being amended.54 The
actions proposed herein fall within this
categorical exclusion in the
Commission’s regulations.
52 Commission staff estimates that respondents’
hourly wages (including benefits) are comparable to
those of FERC employees in Fiscal Year 2022.
Therefore, the hourly cost used in this analysis is
$91 and $188,992 annually.
53 Reg’ls. Implementing the Nat’l. Env’nt. Pol’y
Act, Order No. 486, 52 FR 47897 (Dec. 17, 1987),
FERC Stats. & Regs. Preambles 1986–1990 ¶ 30,783
(1987) (cross-referenced at 41 FERC ¶ 61,284).
54 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii).
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act
VII. Comment Procedures
73. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980 55 generally requires a description
and analysis of proposed rules that will
have significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
The Small Business Administration
(SBA) sets the threshold for what
constitutes a small business. Under
SBA’s size standards,56 transmission
owners all fall under the category of
Electric Bulk Power Transmission and
Control (NAICS code 221121), with a
size threshold of 500 employees
(including the entity and its
associates).57 The NERC Compliance
Registry, as of August 5, 2022, identifies
approximately 1,669 utilities, both
public and non-public, in the U.S. that
potentially would be affected by the
voluntary information collection
associated with the proposed incentive
and rate treatment in this NOPR. Based
on the Compliance Registry, we have
reviewed a randomly selected sample of
92 entities, and we have determined
that approximately 80% of the listed
entities are small entities (i.e., with
fewer than 500 employees).
74. Regarding information collection
activities, we estimate an average onetime cost of $7,280 for each of 50 new
filers, and an average annual cost of
$3,640 for each of 50 continuing
recipients of rate incentives.
75. According to SBA guidance, the
determination of significance of impact
‘‘should be seen as relative to the size
of the business, the size of the
competitor’s business, the number of
filers received annually, and the impact
this regulation has on larger
competitors.’’ 58
76. Moreover, this NOPR involves
voluntary actions by utilities for the
purpose of benefitting consumers by
encouraging investments by utilities in
advanced cybersecurity technology and
participation by utilities in
cybersecurity threat information sharing
programs. The proposal does not
mandate or require action by any utility.
As a result, we certify that the proposals
in this NOPR will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
77. The Commission invites interested
persons to submit comments on the
matters and issues proposed in this
NOPR to be adopted, including any
related matters or alternative proposals
that commenters may wish to discuss.
Comments are due 30 days after the date
of publication in the Federal Register,
and reply comments are due 45 days
after the date of publication in the
Federal Register. Any comment must
refer to Docket No. RM22–19–000, and
must include the commenter’s name,
the organization it represents, if
applicable, and its address in its
comments. All comments will be placed
in the Commission’s public files and
may be viewed, printed, or downloaded
remotely as described in the Document
Availability section below. Commenters
on this proposal are not required to
serve copies of their comments on other
78. The Commission encourages
comments to be filed electronically via
the eFiling link on the Commission’s
website at The
Commission accepts most standard
word processing formats. Documents
created electronically using word
processing software must be filed in
native applications or print-to-PDF
format and not in a scanned format.
Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
79. Commenters that are not able to
file comments electronically may file an
original of their comments by USPS
mail or by courier-or other delivery
services. For submission sent via USPS
only, filings should be mailed to:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Office of the Secretary, 888 First Street
NE, Washington, DC 20426. Submission
of filings other than by USPS should be
delivered to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue,
Rockville, MD 20852.
55 5
U.S.C. 601–612.
CFR 121.201.
57 The threshold for the number of employees
indicates the maximum allowed for a concern and
its affiliates to be considered small.
58 U.S. Small Business Administration, A Guide
for Government Agencies How to Comply with the
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 18 (May 2012), https://
56 13
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VIII. Document Availability
80. In addition to publishing the full
text of this document in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons with an opportunity
to view and/or print the contents of this
document via the internet through the
Commission’s Home Page (https://
81. From the Commission’s Home
Page on the internet, this information is
available on eLibrary. The full text of
this document is available on eLibrary
in PDF and Microsoft Word format for
viewing, printing, and/or downloading.
To access this document in eLibrary,
type the docket number excluding the
PO 00000
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last three digits of this number in the
docket number field.
82. User assistance is available for
eLibrary and the Commission’s website
during normal business hours from the
Commission’s Online Support at 202–
502–6652 (toll free at 1–866–208–3676)
or email at,
or the Public Reference Room at (202)
502–8371, TTY (202) 502–8659. Email
the Public Reference Room at
List of Subjects in 18 CFR Part 35
Electric power rates, Electric utilities,
Reporting and recordkeeping
By direction of the Commission.
Commissioner Phillips is concurring with a
separate statement attached.
Issued: September 22, 2022.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Deputy Secretary.
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Commission proposes to amend part 35,
chapter I, title 18, Code of Federal
Regulations, as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 35
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 791a–825r, 2601–
2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 7101–7352.
2. Add subpart K, consisting of
§ 35.48, to read as follows:
Subpart K—Cybersecurity Investment
§ 35.48
Cybersecurity investment.
(a) Purpose. This section establishes
rules for incentive-based rate treatments
for utilities that voluntarily make
cybersecurity investments as described
in this section.
(b) Incentive-based rate treatment for
cybersecurity investment. The
Commission will authorize incentivebased rate treatment for a utility that
voluntarily makes an investment in
advanced cybersecurity technology and
for a utility that voluntarily participates
in a cybersecurity threat information
sharing program under this section.
Incentive-based rate treatment is
available to both public and non-public
utilities that have or will have a rate on
file with the Commission. A utility may
request incentive-based rate treatment
for an eligible cybersecurity investment
that meets the eligibility criteria set
forth in paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Eligibility criteria. A utility may
receive incentive-based rate treatment
for a cybersecurity investment that:
(1) Materially improves cybersecurity
through either investment in advanced
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
cybersecurity technology or
participation in a cybersecurity threat
information sharing program; and
(2) Is not already mandated by the
mandatory and enforceable Critical
Infrastructure Protection Reliability
Standards as maintained by the Electric
Reliability Organization, or otherwise
mandated by local, state, or Federal law.
A utility may receive incentive-based
rate treatment for the investment
pursuant to paragraphs (d) through (h)
of this section.
(d) Pre-qualified cybersecurity
expenditure. A utility must demonstrate
that a cybersecurity expenditure
qualifies as one or more of the prequalified cybersecurity expenditures
identified by the Commission pursuant
to this paragraph (d). A utility should
seek critical energy/electric
infrastructure information treatment
with the Commission, as appropriate,
for any part of its filing seeking
incentive-based rate treatment that has
specific engineering, vulnerability, or
detailed design information about
proposed or existing critical
infrastructure. Pre-qualified
cybersecurity expenditures include:
(1) Expenditures associated with
participation in the Department of
Energy’s Cybersecurity Risk Information
Sharing Program.
(2) Expenditures associated with
internal network security monitoring
within the utility’s cyber systems.
(e) Types of incentive-based rate
treatment for cybersecurity investment.
For purposes of paragraph (b) of this
section, incentive-based rate treatment
shall mean either of the following:
(1) An increase in rate of return on
equity of 200 basis points that would be
applied to the incentive-eligible
investment; or
(2) Deferral of expenses as a
regulatory asset;
(f) Incentive duration. (1) A return on
equity incentive-based rate treatment
approved pursuant to this section shall
last no longer than the earliest of:
(i) The depreciation life of the
underlying asset;
(ii) Five years from when the
cybersecurity investment enters service;
(iii) When the cybersecurity
investment or activity that serves as the
basis of that incentive becomes
mandatory; or
(iv) When the utility no longer meets
the requirements for receiving the
(2) An incentive granted for
participation in a qualified
cybersecurity threat information sharing
program will not be subject to a sunset,
such that a utility participating in a
qualified cybersecurity threat
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information sharing program is eligible
to continue deferring expenses
associated with membership, which for
each year would be amortized over the
next five years, for as long as it is a
member and participation is not
(3) A deferred regulatory asset whose
costs are typically expensed should be:
(i) Amortized over a five-year period;
(ii) Limited to expenses incurred in
the first five years following
Commission approval of the incentive.
(g) Incentive applications. For the
purpose of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this
section, a utility’s request for one or
more incentive based-rate treatments, to
be made in a filing pursuant to section
205 of the Federal Power Act, must
include a detailed explanation of the
proposed rate treatment and include the
following information:
(1) Evidence that it has made one or
more pre-qualified cybersecurity
expenditures and otherwise complies
with all requirements of this section.
(2) For applications requesting an
increase in rate of return on equity of
200 basis points:
(i) The anticipated cost of the capital
investment; and
(ii) The identity of the rate schedule(s)
on file or to be filed with the
Commission under which it will recover
the increased return on equity.
(3) For applications requesting
deferred cost recovery:
(i) A description of any expenses,
including whether the expenses are:
(A) Expenses associated with thirdparty provision of hardware, software,
and computing networking services;
(B) Expenses for training to
implement network analysis and
monitoring programs;
(ii) Estimates of the cost of such
expenses; and
(iii) When the costs are expected to be
(h) Reporting requirements. A utility
that has received an incentive under
this section must make an annual
informational filing on June 1, provided
that the utility has received
Commission-approval for the incentive
at least 60 days prior to June 1 of that
year. The annual filing should detail the
specific investments that were made
pursuant to the Commission’s approval
and the corresponding FERC account
used. A utility that has received an
incentive under this section must
describe any parts of its network that it
upgraded in addition to the nature and
cost of the various investments. For
incentives where the Commission
allows deferral of expenses, annual
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informational filings should describe
such expenses in sufficient detail to
demonstrate that such expenses are
specifically related to the cybersecurity
investment granted incentives and not
for ongoing services including system
maintenance, surveillance, and other
labor costs.
Note: The following appendix will not
appear in the Code of Federal Regulations.
Incentives for Advanced Cybersecurity
Investment, Docket Nos. RM22–19–
000, RM21–3–000
PHILLIPS, Commissioner, concurring:
1. I concur in today’s Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking 1 to highlight the
importance of today’s action and to
encourage stakeholder comment in
certain areas. In today’s highly
interconnected world, the nation’s
security and economic well-being
depends on reliable and cyber-resilient
energy infrastructure. This is why it is
critical that we continue to build upon
the mandatory framework that the
industry has already identified through
the North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC) Critical
Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
standards. But, these mandatory CIP
standards are just a baseline and can
take years to implement. Recent cyberattacks in Ukraine and here at home
remind us of the constant threat of
foreign and domestic attacks on our
critical infrastructure, and the need for
advanced and innovative technology
and threat information sharing programs
for emerging threats. Therefore, I fully
support this action we are taking under
section 219A of the Federal Power Act
(FPA) 2 to encourage utilities to
proactively make additional
cybersecurity investments in their
2. There are significant costs when
there is a cybersecurity breach on the
electric or gas system. Not only are
consumers impacted by loss of service,
but the recovery costs are significant.
For example, the Colonial Pipeline
cybersecurity breach effectively shut
down half of the country’s fuel supply,
and even though the pipeline invested
$200 million dollars over five years to
contain a potential attack,3 Colonial
1 Incentives for Advanced Cybersecurity
Investment, 180 FERC ¶ 61,189 (2022) (NOPR).
2 16 U.S.C. 824s–1.
3 See Cyber Threats in the Pipeline: Using
Lessons from the Colonial Ransomware Attack to
Defend Critical Infrastructure, Hearing Before the
Committee on Homeland Security, 117th Cong.
(2021) (Statement of Joseph A. Blount).
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Pipeline still spent millions more to
recover from the event in 2021.4
3. This NOPR serves as a critical step
to incent public and non-public utilities
to make urgent cybersecurity
investments in advanced technology.
First, the NOPR proposes to incentivize
expenditures that materially improve
the cybersecurity posture of utilities.5
Second, the NOPR provides that those
cybersecurity investments must not
already ‘‘be mandated by [CIP]
Reliability Standards, or local, state, of
federal law.’’ 6 Third, the NOPR
proposes that the Commission either use
a pre-qualified (PQ) list of approved
cybersecurity expenditures, where any
expenditures that meet the list would be
entitled to a rebuttable presumption that
the utility is eligible for an incentive,7
or that the Commission assess
expenditures on a case-by-case basis.8
Lastly, the NOPR proposes that if a
utility meets the requirements for an
incentive, it could either receive a
return on equity (ROE) adder of 200
basis points or deferred cost recovery for
expenditures that enables the utility to
defer expenses and include the
unamortized portion in rate base.9 All of
these items are essential to improving
utilities’ ability to protect, detect,
respond to, and recover from a
cybersecurity threat.
4. Specifically, I am interested in
feedback on whether the proposed PQ
list is broad enough to include all
expenditures that may warrant
incentives. As proposed, if an expense
is associated with participation in the
Cybersecurity Risk Sharing Program
(CRISP) 10 or if an expenditure is
associated with internal network
security monitoring within the utility’s
cyber systems,11 there would be a
4 See Everhart v. Colonial Pipeline Company,
2022 WL 3699967, (N.D. Ga. 2022) (‘‘Colonial paid
the cybercriminals . . . a $4.4 million ransom in
return for a decryption tool that allowed Colonial
to retrieve the encrypted or locked data.’’).
5 NOPR at PP 2, 20, 22.
6 NOPR at PP 2, 22.
7 NOPR at PP 3, 19; see infra at PP 4–5.
8 NOPR at PP 3, 19, 22–23.
9 NOPR at PP 4, 34, 37.
10 Co-funded by the Department of Energy (DOE)
and industry and managed by E–ISAC, CRISP is a
public-private partnership that enables and
manages the near real-time sharing of IT network
information between electricity utilities and key
DOE resources. The purpose of CRISP is to enable
collaboration among energy sector partners to
facilitate the timely bi-directional sharing of
unclassified and classified threat information and to
develop situational awareness tools that enhance
the energy sector’s ability to identify, prioritize, and
coordinate the protection of critical infrastructure.
11 The Commission issued a NOPR that proposed
to direct NERC to develop a mandatory standard
regarding internal network security monitoring in
the context of high and medium impact bulk
electric system. See Internal Network Security
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rebuttable presumption that that
expense is entitled to an incentive. I
agree that each eligible cybersecurity
expenditure on the PQ list should have
a single, clear, and non-trivial
benchmark that must be met for a utility
to qualify for incentive rate treatment.
But, the proposed PQ list is limited. For
example, 75% of electricity customers
in the continental U.S. are served by
investor-owned utilities that already
participate in CRISP,12 which
demonstrates the limited potential
benefits from this incentive. Under the
NOPR proposal, it is unclear whether a
utility that already participates in CRISP
could receive an incentive for future
subscription costs for continued CRISP
participation. I encourage comments on
whether any final rule should clarify
that such continued CRISP participation
is indeed entitled to an incentive.
5. I also recognize that a case-by-case
approach, as opposed to the proposed
PQ list, would be more adaptable and
less prescriptive, allowing a variety of
solutions that utilities could potentially
tailor to their specific situations.
However, given the diverse and
evolving nature of cybersecurity
activities, this option could be very
time-consuming and administratively
inefficient. Thus, I believe that an
expanded PQ list is a reasonable
approach that would satisfy the
applicable statutory directives while
providing a high degree of certainty for
regulated entities. I urge all interested
stakeholders to provide comments on
whether the Commission should widen
the PQ list’s universe of potential
expenditures. I especially encourage
stakeholders to comment on whether
the Commission should consider
external penetration tests, a security
awareness program, a patch
management program, and/or the
capability to disconnect operational
technology from the information
technology network for the PQ list.
6. I also want to underscore the need
for utilities to conduct analyses of
electric and gas interdependencies, and
how such actions would benefit
cybersecurity on the bulk electric
system. I fully recognize that FPA
section 219A states that the Commission
can establish ‘‘incentive-based,
including performance-based, rate
treatments for the transmission of
electric energy in interstate
commerce,’’ 13 and the Infrastructure
Monitoring for High and Medium Impact Bulk
Electric System Cyber Systems, 178 FERC ¶ 61,038
12 See Energy Sector Cybersecurity Preparedness,
available at:
13 16 U.S.C. 824s–1(c) (emphasis added).
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Act only modified section 219 regarding
incentives and not the Natural Gas Act
(NGA).14 However, electric and gas
companies are especially vulnerable to
cyberattacks, particularly because
utilities that use both sources have an
expansive and increasing attack surface,
arising from their geographic and
organizational complexity. Indeed, the
electric and gas sector’s unique
interdependencies increase their
vulnerability to exploitation, which can
include the commandeering of the
operational-technology system to stop
energy infrastructure from working at
times when consumers most need it. To
the extent we can identify the need for
cybersecurity information sharing
between the natural gas and electric
systems, and incentivize participation
in such a program, I encourage
stakeholder comment.
7. I further urge stakeholders to
comment on whether the proposed
duration of the incentives is sufficient
and whether a 200-basis point adder is
reasonable, as the NOPR
contemplates.15 To be clear, I do not
support open-ended or permanent cyber
incentives. I believe the 5-year proposed
duration and the 200-basis point adder
are adequate to properly incent utilities.
Unlike expenses in the traditional
transmission incentives context,16 the
dollar amounts in cybersecurity
investments are typically small. Yet, the
benefits of additional, advanced
cybersecurity investments cannot be
ignored. Offering anything less than
what is proposed would likely be
14 The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
(Infrastructure Act) modified Section 219 of the
FPA regarding electric energy rate treatments and
directed the Commission to consider incentives for
the transmission of electric energy regarding
cybersecurity. Section 219 did not, however,
explicitly reference or modify the NGA regarding
gas incentives.
15 NOPR at PP 4, 33, 36–37; see, e.g., Initial
Comments of Edison Electric Institute., Docket No.
RM21–3–000, at 2 (filed April 6, 2021) (‘‘EEI agrees
that given the relatively low dollar amounts
associated with cybersecurity investments . . . the
proposed 200 basis point cap is reasonable.’’);
Comments of MISO Transmission Owners, Docket
No. RM21–3–000, at 9 (filed April 6, 2021)
(explaining why inclusion of enterprise-wide costs
is appropriate to incent investment in critical
16 Brattle-Grid Strategies Oct. 2021 Report at 2
(citing Johannes Pfeifenberger & John Tsoukalis,
The Brattle Group, Transmission Investment Needs
and Challenges, at slide 2 (June 1, 2021), https://
Transmission-Investment-Needs-andChallenges.pdf); Johannes Pfeifenberger et al., The
Brattle Group, Cost Savings Offered by Competition
in Electric Transmission: Experience to Date and
the Potential for Additional Customer Value, at 2–
3 & fig.1 (Apr. 2019), available at: https://
electric_transmission.pdf (Brattle Apr. 2019
Competition Report).
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 193 / Thursday, October 6, 2022 / Proposed Rules
insufficient to incent any action by
utilities, as required by Congress.
Therefore, commenters should provide
specific, compelling reasons if they
oppose the NOPR proposal regarding
the duration of the incentive and the
amount added to a utility’s ROE.
8. Finally, I note that for years now,
the White House, the U.S. Congress, and
senior government leaders have
sounded the alarm on increasing
cybersecurity threats and their
sophistication.17 I also note that the
Commission began assessing the
potential use of incentives to improve
cybersecurity prior to the passage of the
Infrastructure Act.18 While we are
terminating the proceeding in Docket
No. RM21–3–000, I am heartened that
the Commission remains committed to
this issue. I look forward to examining
all the comments as we seek to issue a
final rule around these topics.
For these reasons, I respectfully
Willie L. Phillips
[FR Doc. 2022–21003 Filed 10–5–22; 8:45 am]
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
17 For example, President Biden told utilities and
other companies that ‘‘critical infrastructure owners
and operators must accelerate efforts to lock their
digital doors.’’ See Statement by President Biden on
Our Nation’s Cybersecurity, available at: https:// President Biden has
also since announced an executive order on
cybersecurity and is using funds from the
Infrastructure Act to provide grants to state, local,
and territorial governments as they respond to cyber
threats. See Exec. Order No. 14,028, 86 FR 26633
(2021). Former President Obama declared that
cybersecurity threats are ‘‘the most serious
economic and national security challenge[ ] we face
as a nation’’ and that ‘‘America’s economic
prosperity . . . will depend on cybersecurity.’’ See
National Security Council, Cyber Security, available
nsc/cybersecurity. Former Defense Secretary Leon
Panetta warned that the country is ‘‘increasingly
vulnerable to foreign computer hackers who could
dismantle the nation’s power grid.’’ See Elizabeth
Bumiller and Thom Shanker, Panetta Warns of Dire
Threat of Cyberattacks on U.S., The New York
Times, October 11, 2021, available at: https://
18 See, e.g., FERC, Cybersecurity Incentives Policy
White Paper, Docket No. AD20–19–000, (June
2020), available at:
(discussing the potential new framework for
providing transmission incentives to utilities for
cybersecurity investments); Cybersecurity
Incentives, 87 FR 4173 (Jan. 27, 2021), 173 FERC
¶ 61,240 (2020) (proposing to allow utilities to
request incentives for certain cybersecurity
investments that go above and beyond the
requirements of the CIP reliability standards). This
NOPR supersedes the Cybersecurity Incentives
NOPR, but it illustrates my colleagues’ commitment
to building out a more resilient electric system.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:43 Oct 05, 2022
Jkt 259001
Fish and Wildlife Service
50 CFR Part 17
[Docket No. FWS–R4–ES–2021–0166;
FF09E21000 FXES1111090FEDR 223]
RIN 1018–BE91
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Designation of Critical
Habitat for Louisiana Pinesnake
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Proposed rule.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (Service), propose to
designate critical habitat for the
Louisiana pinesnake (Pituophis
ruthveni) under the Endangered Species
Act of 1973, as amended (Act). In total,
approximately 209,520 acres (84,790
hectares) in Bienville, Grant, Rapides,
and Vernon parishes, Louisiana, and in
Newton, Angelina, and Jasper Counties,
Texas, fall within the boundaries of the
proposed critical habitat designation.
We also announce the availability of a
draft economic analysis of the proposed
designation of critical habitat for the
Louisiana pinesnake.
DATES: We will accept comments
received or postmarked on or before
December 5, 2022. Comments submitted
electronically using the Federal
eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES,
below) must be received by 11:59 p.m.
Eastern Time on the closing date. We
must receive requests for a public
hearing, in writing, at the address
CONTACT by November 21, 2022.
Written comments: You may submit
comments by one of the following
(1) Electronically: Go to the Federal
eRulemaking Portal: https:// In the Search box,
enter FWS–R4–ES–2021–0166, which is
the docket number for this rulemaking.
Then, click on the Search button. On the
resulting page, in the panel on the left
side of the screen, under the Document
Type heading, check the Proposed Rule
box to locate this document. You may
submit a comment by clicking on
(2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail
to: Public Comments Processing, Attn:
FWS–R4–ES–2021–0166, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, MS: PRB/3W, 5275
Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041–
We request that you send comments
only by the methods described above.
PO 00000
Frm 00026
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
We will post all comments on https:// This generally
means that we will post any personal
information you provide us (see
Information Requested, below, for more
Availability of supporting materials:
The coordinates or plot points or both
from which the maps are generated are
included in the decision file for this
proposed critical habitat designation
and are available at https:// under Docket No.
FWS–R4–ES–2021–0166 and on the
Service’s website, at https:// Additional
supporting information that we
developed for this proposed critical
habitat designation will be available on
the Service’s website, at https://, or both.
Brigette Firmin, Deputy Field
Supervisor, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Louisiana Ecological Services
Field Office, 200 Dulles Drive, Lafayette,
LA 70506; telephone 337–291–3100.
Individuals in the United States who are
deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have
a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY,
TDD, or TeleBraille) to access
telecommunications relay services.
Individuals outside the United States
should use the relay services offered
within their country to make
international calls to the point-ofcontact in the United States.
Executive Summary
Why we need to publish a rule. Under
the Endangered Species Act, any species
that is determined to be an endangered
or threatened species requires critical
habitat to be designated, to the
maximum extent prudent and
determinable. Designation and revisions
of critical habitat can only be completed
by issuing a rule through the
Administrative Procedure Act
rulemaking process.
What this document does. We
propose to designate critical habitat for
the Louisiana pinesnake, which is listed
as a threatened species.
The basis for our action. Section
4(a)(3) of the Act requires the Secretary
of the Interior (Secretary) to designate
critical habitat concurrent with listing,
to the maximum extent prudent and
determinable. Section 3(5)(A) of the Act
defines critical habitat as (i) the specific
areas within the geographical area
occupied by the species, at the time it
is listed, on which are found those
physical or biological features (I)
essential to the conservation of the
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 193 (Thursday, October 6, 2022)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 60567-60580]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-21003]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
18 CFR Part 35
[Docket Nos. RM22-19-000; RM21-3-000]
Incentives for Advanced Cybersecurity Investment; Cybersecurity
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking; notice terminating proceeding.
SUMMARY: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) proposes
to revise its regulations to provide incentive-based rate treatments
for the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce and the
sale of electric energy at wholesale in interstate commerce by
utilities for the purpose of benefitting consumers by encouraging
investments by utilities in advanced cybersecurity technology and
participation by utilities in cybersecurity threat information sharing
programs, as directed by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of
2021 (Infrastructure and Jobs Act). This notice of proposed rulemaking
(NOPR) also terminates the NOPR proceeding in Docket No. RM21-3-000
[[Page 60568]]
(December 2020 Cybersecurity Incentives NOPR).
DATES: As of October 6, 2022, the proposed rule published at 86 FR 8309
on February 5, 2021, is withdrawn. Comments on this proposed rule are
due November 7, 2022, and reply comments are due November 21, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Comments, identified by docket number, may be filed in the
following ways. Electronic filing through, is
Electronic Filing: Documents must be filed in acceptable
native applications and print-to-PDF, but not in scanned or picture
For those unable to file electronically, comments may be
filed by USPS mail or by hand (including courier) delivery.
[cir] Mail via U.S. Postal Service Only: Addressed to: Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street NE, Washington, DC 20426.
[cir] Hand (including courier) Delivery: Deliver to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852.
The Comment Procedures Section of this document contains more
detailed filing procedures.
Kal Ayoub (Technical Information), Office of Electric Reliability,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington,
DC 20426, (202) 502-8863, [email protected].
David DeFalaise (Technical Information), Office of Electric
Reliability, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-8180, [email protected].
Adam Pollock (Technical Information), Office of Energy Market
Regulation, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-8458, [email protected].
Alan Rukin (Legal Information), Office of the General Counsel, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502-8502, [email protected].
Table of Contents
I. Introduction............................................ 1034
II. Background............................................. 1036
A. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021...... 1036
B. Prior Commission Action on Cybersecurity Incentives. 1039
C. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology and Information... 1040
1. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology............... 1040
2. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology Information... 1042
D. Cybersecurity Threat Information Sharing Programs... 1042
III. Discussion............................................ 1043
A. Proposed Approaches to Request an Incentive......... 1043
1. Eligibility Criteria............................ 1044
2. Proposed Approaches for Evaluating Cybersecurity 1046
Expenditure Eligibility...........................
B. Proposed Rate Incentives............................ 1051
1. ROE Adder....................................... 1054
2. Deferral of Certain Cybersecurity Expenses for 1056
Rate Recovery.....................................
3. Performance-Based Rates......................... 1059
C. Proposed Incentive Implementation................... 1060
1. Cybersecurity ROE Incentive Duration............ 1060
2. Regulatory Asset Incentive Duration and 1062
Amortization Period...............................
3. Filing Process.................................. 1063
4. Reporting Requirements.......................... 1065
IV. Information Collection Statement....................... 1067
V. Environmental Assessment................................ 1072
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act............................. 1072
VII. Comment Procedures.................................... 1074
VIII. Document Availability................................ 1075
I. Introduction
1. In this NOPR, the Commission proposes under section 219A of the
Federal Power Act (FPA) \1\ to establish rules for incentive-based rate
treatments for certain voluntary cybersecurity investments \2\ by
utilities.\3\ These rules would make incentives available to utilities
that make certain cybersecurity expenditures that enhance their
security posture by improving their ability to protect against, detect,
respond to, or recover from a cybersecurity threat and to utilities
that participate in cybersecurity threat information sharing programs
to the benefit of ratepayers and national security.
\1\ Infrastructure and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58, section
40123, 135 Stat. 429, 951 (to be codified at 16 U.S.C. 824s-1).
\2\ In this NOPR, the term ``investments'' in cybersecurity
technology means expenditures that can be either capitalized costs
or expenses.
\3\ Notwithstanding that Infrastructure and Jobs Act requires
the Commission to offer incentives to ``public utilities,'' we
propose to make rate incentives available to non-public utilities
that have or will have a rate on file with the Commission, similar
to Commission precedent under FPA section 219, 16 U.S.C. 824s.
Therefore, all references in this NOPR to ``utilities'' are intended
to include both public utilities and non-public utilities that have
or will have a rate on file with the Commission.
2. First, we propose a regulatory framework on how a utility could
qualify for incentives for eligible cybersecurity expenditures. Under
this framework, we propose that eligible cybersecurity expenditures
must: (1) materially improve cybersecurity through either an investment
in advanced cybersecurity technology or participation in a
cybersecurity threat information sharing program; and (2) not already
be mandated by Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) Reliability
Standards, or local, state, or Federal law. A utility would seek an
incentive in a filing pursuant to FPA
[[Page 60569]]
section 205 \4\ and the incentive would be effective no earlier than
the date of the Commission order approving the incentive request.
\4\ 16 U.S.C. 824d.
3. We propose to evaluate cybersecurity investments using a list of
pre-qualified expenditures that are eligible for incentives determined
by the Commission and publicly maintained on the Commission's website
(PQ List). With the Commission having evaluated expenditures to include
on the PQ List in advance, we believe that the PQ List approach would
provide an efficient and transparent mechanism for determining
appropriate cybersecurity expenditures that are eligible for
incentives. We propose that any cybersecurity expenditure that is on
the PQ List would be entitled to a rebuttable presumption of
eligibility for an incentive. We also discuss and seek comment on a
potential alternative approach, whereby a utility's cybersecurity
expenditure would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if
it is eligible for an incentive.
4. Second, we propose two options for the type of incentive a
utility could receive for an eligible cybersecurity expenditure: (1) a
return on equity (ROE) adder of 200 basis points; or (2) deferred cost
recovery for certain cybersecurity expenditures that enables the
utility to defer expenses and include the unamortized portion in rate
5. Third, we propose that any approved incentive(s) will remain in
effect for five years from the date on which the cybersecurity
investment(s) enters service or expenses are incurred, or expire
earlier if other conditions discussed in this NOPR are met before the
end of that five year period. We seek comment on the proposed duration
and expiration conditions for incentives granted under this proposal.
6. Finally, we propose that a utility that has received a
cybersecurity incentive under this section must make an annual
informational filing on June 1, as further discussed herein. The annual
filing should detail the specific investments that were made pursuant
to the Commission's approval and the corresponding FERC account
\5\ See 18 CFR part 141.
II. Background
A. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021
7. On November 15, 2021, the Infrastructure and Jobs Act was signed
into law.\6\ The Infrastructure and Jobs Act, in part, directs the
Commission to revise its regulations to establish, by rule, incentive-
based, including performance-based, rate treatments for the
transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce and the sale of
electric energy at wholesale in interstate commerce by public utilities
for the purpose of benefitting consumers by encouraging investments by
public utilities in advanced cybersecurity technology \7\ and
participation by public utilities in cybersecurity threat information
sharing programs.
\6\ Infrastructure and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58, 135 Stat.
\7\ FPA section 219A(a)(1) defines the term advanced
cybersecurity technology to mean any technology, operational
capability, or service, including computer hardware, software, or a
related asset, that enhances the security posture of public
utilities through improvements in the ability to protect against,
detect, respond to, or recover from a cybersecurity threat.
Infrastructure and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58, section 40123, 135
Stat. 429, 951 (to be codified at 16 U.S.C. 824s-1(a)(1)). FPA
section 219A(a)(2) defines the term advanced cybersecurity
technology information to mean information relating to advanced
cybersecurity technology or proposed advanced cybersecurity
technology that is generated by or provided to the Commission or
another Federal agency. Id. at 952 (to be codified at 16 U.S.C.
8. As an initial step in the process of revising the Commission's
regulations, the Infrastructure and Jobs Act directed the Commission to
conduct a study, in consultation with certain entities,\8\ to identify
incentive-based rate treatments, including performance-based rates, for
the jurisdictional transmission and sale of electric energy that could
support investments in advanced cybersecurity technology and
participation by public utilities in cybersecurity threat information
sharing programs.\9\ The Infrastructure and Jobs Act also required the
Commission to submit a report to Congress (Report) detailing the
results of the directed study. Following the passage of the
Infrastructure and Jobs Act, Commission staff consulted with the
specified entities to help identify incentive-based rate treatments
that could enhance the security posture of the Bulk-Power System.\10\
\8\ The entities identified in the Infrastructure and Jobs Act
are: Secretary of Energy; North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC); Electricity Subsector Coordinating Council
(ESCC); and National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners
\9\ Infrastructure and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58, section
40123, 135 Stat. 429, 952 (to be codified at 16 U.S.C. 824s-1(b)).
\10\ The term Bulk-Power System is defined in FPA section 215
and refers to: (1) facilities and control systems necessary for
operating an interconnected electric energy transmission network (or
any portion thereof); and (2) electric energy from generation
facilities needed to maintain transmission system reliability. 16
U.S.C. 824o(a)(1). With respect to CIP Reliability Standards, NERC
uses the term ``bulk electric system'' (BES), which is generally
defined as transmission facilities that are operated at 100 kV or
higher and real power or reactive power resources connected at 100
kV or higher. See NERC, Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability
Standards (March 29, 2022),
9. On May 13, 2022, the Report was submitted to Congress.\11\ The
Report, among other things, outlined prior Commission efforts to
address incentives for cybersecurity initiatives. The Report provided
information regarding potential incentive-based rate treatments and the
Commission's general ratemaking authority, including the prior adoption
of rate incentives and performance-based ratemaking in other contexts.
In addition, the Report discussed challenges associated with adopting
an incentive-based rate structure to enhance the security posture of
the Bulk-Power System. The Report noted that, while advanced
technologies that address cybersecurity threats may be innovative and/
or above and beyond industry standards at one time, they may
subsequently become conventional, mandatory, or even antiquated and
therefore may be less deserving of an incentive over time.
\11\ FERC, Incentives for Advanced Cybersecurity Technology
Investment (May 2022).
B. Prior Commission Action on Cybersecurity Incentives
10. The Commission began assessing the potential use of incentives
to improve cybersecurity prior to the passage of the Infrastructure and
Jobs Act. On June 18, 2020, Commission staff issued a white paper to
explore a potential framework for providing transmission incentives to
utilities for cybersecurity investments that produce significant
cybersecurity benefits for actions taken that exceed the requirements
of the mandatory and enforceable CIP Reliability Standards.\12\
Following the issuance of the Cybersecurity White Paper, the Commission
issued the December 2020 Cybersecurity Incentives NOPR on December 17,
2020, proposing to allow utilities to request incentives for certain
cybersecurity investments that go above and beyond the requirements of
the CIP Reliability Standards.\13\
\12\ FERC, Cybersecurity Incentives Policy White Paper, Docket
No. AD20-19-000, (June 2020) (Cybersecurity White Paper),
\13\ Cybersecurity Incentives, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 86
FR 8309 (Feb. 5, 2021), 173 FERC ] 61,240 (2020).
11. In the December 2020 Cybersecurity Incentives NOPR, the
Commission proposed two cybersecurity incentive approaches. The first
approach, referred to as the NERC CIP Incentives Approach, would have
allowed an entity to receive incentive-based rate treatment for
[[Page 60570]]
applying identified CIP Reliability Standards to facilities that were
not otherwise subject to those requirements. The second approach, the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Framework
Approach, would have allowed an entity to receive incentive-based rate
treatment for implementing certain security controls included in the
NIST Framework \14\ that exceed the requirements of the CIP Reliability
\14\ NIST is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce that
advances measurement science, standards, and technology. It has
developed a voluntary Framework for Improving Critical
Infrastructure Cybersecurity to ``address and manage cybersecurity
risk in a cost-effective way based on business and organizational
needs without placing additional regulatory requirements on
businesses.'' NIST, Framework for Improving Critical Infrastucture
Cybersecurity, v (Apr. 16, 2018),
12. In light of the Congressional mandate in the Infrastructure and
Jobs Act directing the Commission to establish cybersecurity
incentives, this NOPR supersedes the December 2020 Cybersecurity
Incentives NOPR, and that proceeding in Docket No. RM21-3-000 is hereby
C. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology and Information
1. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology
13. As noted above, the Infrastructure and Jobs Act directs the
Commission to, among other things, identify incentive-based rate
treatments that could support investments in advanced cybersecurity
technology. An advanced cybersecurity technology can be a product and/
or a service.\15\
\15\ See supra n.7 (defining advanced cybersecurity technology).
14. Cybersecurity products are generally hardware, software, and
cybersecurity services that can be used for information technology
systems and/or operational technology \16\ systems. Cybersecurity
products can include, but are not limited to, security information and
event management systems, intrusion detection systems, anomaly
detection systems, encryption tools, data loss prevention systems,
forensic toolkits, incident response tools, imaging tools, network
behavior analysis tools, access management systems, configuration
management systems, anti-malware tools, user behavior analytic
software, event logging systems, and any system for access control,
identification, authentication, and/or authorization control.
\16\ The NIST glossary defines ``operational technology'' as
``programmable systems or devices that interact with the physical
environment (or manage devices that interact with the physical
environment). These systems/devices detect or cause a direct change
through the monitoring and/or control of devices, processes, and
events. Examples include industrial control systems, building
management systems, fire control systems, and physical access
control mechanisms.'' NIST, Computer Security Resource Center,
Glossary (Mar. 10, 2022),
15. Cybersecurity services may be either automated or manual and
can include, but are not limited to, system installation and
maintenance, network administration, asset management, threat and
vulnerability management, training, incident response, forensic
investigation, network monitoring, data sharing, data recovery,
disaster recovery, network restoration, log analytics, cloud network
storage, and any general cybersecurity consulting service.
2. Advanced Cybersecurity Technology Information
16. Advanced cybersecurity technology information may include, but
is not limited to, plans, policies, procedures, specifications,
implementation, configuration, manuals, instructions, accounting,
financials, logs, records, and physical or electronic access lists
related to or regarding the advanced cybersecurity technology. Some
advanced cybersecurity technology information that is provided to the
Commission may constitute critical energy/electric infrastructure
information (CEII).\17\
\17\ 18 CFR 388.113.
D. Cybersecurity Threat Information Sharing Programs
17. The Infrastructure and Jobs Act also directs the Commission to
identify incentive-based rate treatments that could support
participation by public utilities in cybersecurity threat information
sharing programs. Engagement with the entities as directed in the
Infrastructure and Jobs Act informed the Commission of the existing
barriers faced by utilities seeking to participate in these information
sharing programs, which include the high costs associated with
implementing monitoring technology and maintenance of sensor
technology, the amount of time and effort required to share
information, incurring fees to participate in information sharing
programs, and concerns regarding the confidentiality of the information
once shared.
III. Discussion
18. To implement the statutory directive in the Infrastructure and
Jobs Act, we propose to revise our regulations to provide a process for
utilities to qualify for and then receive incentive-based rate
treatments for eligible cybersecurity expenditures. For purposes of
this NOPR, an ``expenditure'' includes both expenses and capitalized
costs associated with advanced cybersecurity technology and
participation in a cybersecurity threat information sharing program. We
propose the following approach and then seek comments on our proposal
in three sections: (1) Proposed Approaches to Request an Incentive,
which discusses how a utility could qualify for incentives for eligible
cybersecurity expenditures; (2) Proposed Rate Incentives, which
describes the type of incentive a utility could receive for an eligible
cybersecurity expenditure; and (3) Proposed Incentive Implementation,
which discusses proposed duration and expiration conditions for
A. Proposed Approaches To Request an Incentive
19. We propose to add Sec. 35.48(c) to our regulations to create a
framework for evaluating whether certain cybersecurity expenditures,
including expenses and capitalized costs, qualify for an incentive.
First, we propose eligibility criteria to determine whether a
cybersecurity expenditure is eligible for an incentive. Second, in
Sec. 35.48(d) we propose to use a list of pre-qualified investments,
the PQ List, to identify the types of cybersecurity expenditures that
the Commission will find eligible for an incentive. In addition, we
seek comment on whether a case-by-case approach should be used to
evaluate whether certain cybersecurity expenditures are eligible for
1. Eligibility Criteria
20. We propose that the utility seeking an incentive must
demonstrate, at a minimum, that the expenditure: (1) would materially
improve cybersecurity through either an investment in advanced
cybersecurity technology or participation in a cybersecurity threat
information sharing program(s); and (2) is not already mandated by CIP
Reliability Standards, or otherwise mandated by local, state, or
Federal law. With respect to the first criterion, we seek comment on
whether, and if so how, the Commission should evaluate and ensure that
the benefits of the expenditure exceed the combined costs of the
expenditure and incentive, to ensure the proposed rates are just and
reasonable. Further, we seek comment on whether these are the
appropriate criteria and whether there are additional criteria or
limitations that we should consider (e.g., whether the Commission
should consider an obligation imposed
[[Page 60571]]
by a state commission as a condition for a merger to be ineligible for
an incentive).
21. Additionally, we propose that, in determining which
cybersecurity expenditures will materially improve a utility's security
posture, the Commission will consider the following sources: (1)
security controls enumerated in the NIST SP 800-53 ``Security and
Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations'' catalog;
\18\ (2) security controls satisfying an objective found in the NIST
Cybersecurity Framework; \19\ (3) a specific recommendation from the
Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Cybersecurity and
Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) or from the Department of Energy
(DOE); \20\ (4) a specific recommendation from the CISA Shields Up
Campaign; \21\ (5) participation in the DOE Cybersecurity Risk
information Sharing Program (CRISP) or similar information sharing
program; and/or (6) the Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model Domains
at the highest Maturity Indicator Level.\22\ Using vehicles from DHS,
DOE, and other agencies responsible for addressing sophisticated and
rapidly evolving cyber threats as qualifiers for the consideration of
incentives would allow the Commission to benefit from the expertise of
other federal agencies and help ensure that the cybersecurity
expenditures will be targeted and effective.
\18\ NIST, Special Publication 800-53, Revision 5, Security and
Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations, (Dec.
12, 2020),
\19\ See NIST, Cybersecurity Framework,
\20\ See, e.g., CISA, National Cyber Awareness System Alerts,
\21\ See CISA, Shields Up,
\22\ See DOE, Cybersecurity Capability Maturity Model,
22. We propose that, to be eligible for incentive-based rate
treatment, cybersecurity expenditures must satisfy the first two
criteria (i.e., materially improve cybersecurity and not already
mandated). The eligibility criteria would apply to either of the two
evaluation approaches discussed below (i.e., the PQ List or the case-
by-case approach). We seek comment on these criteria, including any
potential refinements, and any other criteria for incentive eligibility
that the Commission should adopt in the Final Rule.
2. Proposed Approaches for Evaluating Cybersecurity Expenditure
23. We propose adopting a PQ List approach, which would use a list
of pre-qualified cybersecurity expenditures, consistent with the
eligibility criteria that the Commission ultimately adopts. We also
seek comment on the alternative use of a case-by-case approach.
24. Under either approach, we propose that a utility make a filing
pursuant to FPA section 205 for incentive-based rate treatment for
those expenditures. Consistent with our precedent for incentives under
FPA section 219, while a utility may first file a petition for
declaratory order to seek a ruling on its eligibility for an incentive,
a utility still must make a filing under FPA section 205 for Commission
review of any rate changes. We propose that the incentive would be
effective no earlier than the date of the Commission order granting the
incentive under FPA section 205. A utility should seek CEII treatment,
as appropriate, for any part of its filing seeking incentives that
includes specific engineering, vulnerability, or detailed design
information about proposed or existing critical infrastructure.\23\
\23\ See 18 CFR 388.113; see also 16 U.S.C. 824o-1.
a. PQ List Approach
25. We propose to create a PQ List that identifies expenditures
that could warrant an incentive. Under this proposal, the PQ List will
be codified at 35.48(d) of the Commission's regulations and a copy will
be posted on the Commission's website.
26. We propose that a utility seeking an incentive would be
required to demonstrate that its cybersecurity expenditure qualifies as
one or more of the PQ List items. Any cybersecurity expenditure that is
on the PQ List would be entitled to a rebuttable presumption of
eligibility for an incentive. Although the PQ List items would be
entitled to a presumption of eligibility, the utility would still need
to demonstrate, and the Commission would need to find, that the
proposed rate, inclusive of the incentive, is just and reasonable. We
propose to allow intervening parties to seek to rebut this presumption
by demonstrating that the cybersecurity expenditure does not meet one
or more of the eligibility criteria (e.g., that, given the unique
circumstances of the utility, the expenditure for which the utility
seeks an incentive would not materially improve cybersecurity or is
otherwise mandatory for that utility) or the Commission could make this
finding sua sponte.
27. We believe that this PQ List approach would provide efficiency
and transparency benefits. With the Commission having pre-reviewed
potential PQ List items, we believe that utility-specific incentive
filings could be substantially streamlined compared to use of a case-
by-case approach. We recognize, however, that this approach may limit
expenditures eligible for incentives only to those on the PQ List and
would require the Commission to review and update the PQ List on a
regular basis, which introduces additional process and may delay the
eligibility of cybersecurity expenditures for incentives.
i. Initial PQ List
28. We propose to include two eligible cybersecurity expenditures
on the PQ List initially: (1) expenditures associated with
participation in the DOE CRISP; \24\ and (2) expenditures associated
with internal network security monitoring within the utility's cyber
systems, which could include information technology cyber systems and/
or operational technology cyber systems, and which could be associated
with cyber systems that may or may not be subject to the CIP
Reliability Standards. We believe investment in these cybersecurity
expenditures would materially improve cybersecurity; \25\ and are not
already mandated by CIP Reliability Standards \26\ or otherwise
mandated by Federal law. We initially propose to include CRISP, as its
purpose is to facilitate the timely bi-directional sharing of
unclassified and classified threat information and to develop
situational awareness tools that enhance the energy sector's ability to
identify, prioritize, and coordinate the protection of critical
infrastructure and key resources.\27\ However, we seek comments on
whether to include other
[[Page 60572]]
information sharing programs on the PQ List.
\24\ See DOE, Energy Sector Cybersecurity Preparedness,
\25\ E.g., both participation in CRISP and internal network
security monitoring would fall under recommendations in the NIST SP
800-53 ``Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and
Organizations'' catalog.
\26\ We note that, in January 2022, the Commission issued a NOPR
that proposed to require NERC to develop a mandatory standard
regarding internal network analysis and monitoring technologies for
high and medium impact bulk electric system cyber systems. Internal
Network Security Monitoring for High and Medium Impact Bulk Electric
System Cyber Systems, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 87 FR 4173
(Jan. 27, 2022), 178 FERC ] 61,038 (2022) (2022 INSM NOPR).
\27\ DOE, Energy Sector Cybersecurity Preparedness,
29. We propose to include internal network security monitoring on
the PQ List as we believe that internal network security monitoring may
better position an entity to detect malicious activity that has
circumvented perimeter controls.\28\ Further, while the currently
effective CIP Reliability Standards do not require internal network
security monitoring, NERC has recognized the proliferation and
usefulness of such technology.\29\
\28\ 2022 INSM NOPR at P 11.
\29\ See, e.g., NERC, ERO Enterprise CMEP Practice Guide:
Network Monitoring Sensors, Centralized Collectors, and Information
Sharing (June 4, 2021), (explaining that NERC
developed the guide in response to a U.S. DOE initiative ``to
advance technologies and systems that will provide cyber visibility,
detection, and response capabilities for [industrial control
systems] of electric utilities.'' Id. at 1.).
30. Although we propose these two eligible cybersecurity
expenditures for the initial PQ List, there may be other cybersecurity
expenditures that would meet the statutory requirements and proposed
eligibility criteria. Therefore, we seek comment on these and any
additional cybersecurity expenditures to consider for inclusion on the
initial PQ List
ii. Updating the PQ List
31. Considering the rapidly evolving nature of cybersecurity
threats and solutions, we expect to regularly evaluate the PQ List and
update it as necessary. The eligibility criteria described above, or
any future eligibility criteria the Commission adopts, would guide the
Commission's decision on what to add, modify, or remove from the PQ
List. As noted above, we propose that, if a cybersecurity expenditure
on the PQ List becomes mandatory, it would no longer be eligible for an
incentive as of the effective date of the mandate.\30\ The Commission
would update the PQ List by adding, removing, or modifying
cybersecurity expenditures, as needed, via a rulemaking, whether sua
sponte or in response to a petition.
\30\ If a particular cybersecurity expenditure becomes mandatory
with respect to a utility, the provisions of proposed 18 CFR
35.48(f) would prohibit that utility from continuing to receive an
incentive for the affected cybersecurity expenditure even if the
Commission has not yet updated the PQ List.
b. Case-by-Case Approach
32. Another potential approach is to permit a utility to file for
incentive-based rate treatment for any cybersecurity expenditure that
satisfies the eligibility criteria discussed above, i.e., the utility
could demonstrate that the expenditure is voluntary and materially
improves cybersecurity through either an investment in advanced
cybersecurity technology or participation in a cybersecurity threat
information sharing program. Under this approach, the Commission would
review each filing on a case-by-case basis, to determine whether the
proposed cybersecurity expenditure is consistent with the eligibility
criteria. If the Commission adopts a case-by-case approach, there would
be no presumption of eligibility for any given cybersecurity
expenditure. The utility would bear the full burden to demonstrate in
its filing that its cybersecurity expenditure meets the Commission-
approved eligibility criteria, and, similar to the PQ list approach,
demonstrate that its proposed rate, inclusive of the incentive, is just
and reasonable. We seek comment on whether and, if so, how the
Commission should implement a case-by-case approach.
B. Proposed Rate Incentives
33. We propose the following rate incentives for utilities that
make eligible cybersecurity investments: (1) an ROE adder of 200 basis
points that would be applied to the incentive-eligible investments; and
(2) deferral of certain eligible expenses for rate recovery, enabling
them to be part of rate base such that a return can be earned on the
unamortized portion. We believe both offer meaningful incentive to
encourage cybersecurity expenditure that improves a utility's
cybersecurity posture. Additionally, we seek comment on whether and how
the principles of performance-based regulation could apply to utilities
with respect to cybersecurity investments.
34. Under Part II of the FPA, the Commission has jurisdiction over
the transmission of electric energy in interstate commerce and the sale
of electric energy at wholesale in interstate commerce by public
utilities.\31\ With limited exceptions, transmission rates are based on
the cost of providing transmission service (cost-of-service rates).
Cost-of-service transmission rates are recovered either through a
formula rate, for which the formula is the rate on file and most of the
inputs change year to year based on inputs that are included in the
FERC Form No. 1 or other financial forms,\32\ or a stated rate where
the rate on file is based on an approved revenue requirement. Costs
incurred to undertake cybersecurity activities can be included in
various accounting categories,\33\ either as inputs to a formula rate
as expenses or plant in the determination of the revenue requirement
for a stated rate. The Commission has allowed costs related to security
and reliability that are recovered through formula rates to include,
for example, transmission plant (e.g., transmission line upgrades to
harden the system), general and common plant, (e.g., software and
computers), and administrative and general costs (e.g., labor and
outside services, including services associated with utility-wide
informational technology).\34\ Utilities recover the cost of expenses
as a cost-of-service element in rates, but do not earn a return on
them. Utilities recover costs of capitalized investments through
depreciation and earn a return on the undepreciated amounts over the
useful life of the investment.\35\
\31\ 16 U.S.C. 824-824w. Unlike FPA section 219, titled
Transmission Infrastructure Investment, which gives the Commission
the authority to offer incentives for the transmission of electric
energy in interstate commerce, new FPA section 219A, titled
Incentives for Cybersecurity Investments, gives the Commission the
authority to offer incentives for the transmission of electric
energy in interstate commerce as well as the sale of electric energy
at wholesale in interstate commerce by public utilities.
\32\ Doswell Ltd. P'ship v. Va. Elec. & Power Co., 62 FERC ]
61,149, at 62,069 (1993).
\33\ In the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in Acct. & Reporting
Treatment of Certain Renewable Energy Assets, 180 FERC ] 61,050
(2022), the Commission proposes new accounts to more clearly specify
how utilities must account for information technology hardware and
software investments.
\34\ See Boston Edison Co., 109 FERC ] 61,300, at P 40 (2004),
order on reh'g, 111 FERC ] 61,266 (2005) (accepting proposed
modifications to transmission formula rates to allow recovery of
capitalized software costs incurred to safeguard the reliability and
security of its transmission system).
\35\ The Commission has also accepted utility proposals to
recover security costs as part of a utility's stated (i.e., non-
formula) rates. See Pacific Gas & Elec. Co., 149 FERC ] 61,112
(2014); Pacific Gas & Elec. Co., 146 FERC ] 61,034 (2014).
35. Most utility information technology investments (general and
intangible plant) and expenses (administrative and general costs)
support functions of the entire utility, not just the transmission
function, and therefore only a portion of those costs are allocated to
transmission customers, typically based on wages and salaries
\36\ See, e.g., Midcontinent Independent System Operator
Attachment O formula rate, 2-3 (stating that general and intangible
plant and administrative and general costs are allocated to
transmission rates based on a wages and salaries allocator).
1. ROE Adder
36. We propose to add Sec. 35.48(e)(1) to the Commission's
regulations to allow a utility that makes cybersecurity
[[Page 60573]]
investments that are eligible for incentives, as more fully described
above, to request an ROE adder of 200 basis points (Cybersecurity ROE
Incentive) that would be applied to the incentive-eligible investments.
Any incentive granted under this proposal would be subject to the total
base and incentive return being capped at the top of the utility's zone
of reasonableness.\37\ This Cybersecurity ROE Incentive is intended to
encourage utilities to proactively make additional investments in
cybersecurity systems. We believe that a 200-basis point ROE adder may
be appropriate to provide a meaningful incentive to encourage utilities
to improve their systems' cybersecurity. We recognize that this amount
exceeds the ROE incentives for transmission facilities that the
Commission typically provides pursuant to FPA section 219. However,
given the relatively small cost of cybersecurity investments compared
to conventional transmission projects, a higher ROE may be necessary to
affect the expenditure decisions of utilities, without unduly burdening
ratepayers. On balance, we believe that the Cybersecurity ROE Incentive
satisfies the Congressional directive to benefit consumers by
encouraging: (1) investments by utilities in advanced cybersecurity
technology; and (2) participation by utilities in cybersecurity threat
information sharing programs.
\37\ See, e.g., Emera Me. v. FERC, 854 F.3d 9, 23 (D.C. Cir.
2017) (``The zone of reasonableness informs FERC's selection of a
just and reasonable rate.''); see also Permian Basin, 390 U.S. 747,
767 (1968) (stating that as long as the rate selected by the
Commission is within the zone of reasonableness, the Commission is
not required to adopt as just and reasonable any particular rate
37. We propose that enterprise-wide investments--which are not
specific to transmission but a portion of which are recovered through
transmission rates--may also be eligible for the 200 basis-point ROE
adder incentive if the Commission determines that the investments merit
incentives, based on the eligibility criteria described above. However,
consistent with both longstanding cost-causation ratemaking principles
\38\ and the statutory requirement that rates inclusive of incentives
be just and reasonable, we propose that only the conventionally
allocated portion of such investments that flows through to cost-of-
service rates on file with the Commission would be eligible for this
rate treatment. For example, if a utility seeks an incentive for a
cybersecurity investment that it made to its general plant facilities,
both the underlying investment and associated incentive must be
allocated based on conventions of the rates (e.g., the transmission
share using a wages and salaries allocator for general plant in most
transmission cost-of-service rates). With this limitation, we seek to
ensure that the cybersecurity incentives policy adheres to the
ratemaking principle of cost-causation by, for example, limiting a
transmission customer's share of incentive costs to the share of such
investments that serve transmission.
\38\ See Old Dominion Elec. Coop. v FERC, 898 F.3d 1254, 1255
(D.C. Cir. 2018), (``For decades, the Commission and the courts have
understood this requirement to incorporate a ``cost-causation
principle''--the rates charged for electricity should reflect the
costs of providing it.); see, e.g., Ala. Elec. Coop., Inc. v. FERC,
684 F.2d 20, 27 (D.C. Cir. 1982).
38. We preliminarily find that the same expenditure should not be
eligible for both the Cybersecurity ROE Incentive and the Regulatory
Asset Incentive, discussed below. Given that regulatory asset treatment
may be approved for costs that are normally treated as expenses (i.e.,
as regulatory assets, discussed below), we preliminarily find that
costs that are allowed to be deferred as a regulatory asset should be
included in rate base for determination of the base return but not for
the additional return associated with the 200-basis point ROE adder.
2. Deferral of Certain Cybersecurity Expenses for Rate Recovery
39. We propose to add Sec. 35.48(e)(2) to the Commission's
regulations to allow a utility that makes cybersecurity investments
that are eligible for incentives, as more fully described above, to
seek deferred cost recovery. We believe that, in limited circumstances,
it may be appropriate to allow a utility to defer recovery of certain
cybersecurity costs that are generally expensed as they are incurred,
and treat them as regulatory assets, while also allowing such
regulatory assets to be included in transmission rate base (Regulatory
Asset Incentive). Many costs associated with cybersecurity are in the
form of expenses, often to third party vendors, rather than capital
investments. Moreover, certain cost categories that companies
historically have purchased and capitalized, such as software, are now
often procured as services with periodic payments to vendors that are
recorded as expenses. Therefore, to encourage investment in
cybersecurity, we believe that it may be appropriate to allow utilities
to defer and amortize eligible costs that are typically recorded as
expenses including those that are associated with third-party provision
of hardware, software, and computing and networking services. We
propose that eligible expenses, that would otherwise be includable in
cost-of-service as current period expenses, may receive an incentive by
deferring such costs as regulatory assets if they are incurred after
the effective date of the Commission order granting a utility's request
for incentives. Additionally, we seek comment on whether it would be
preferable to permit only 50% of incentive-eligible expenses to be
treated as regulatory assets.
40. A range of implementation costs associated with cybersecurity
investments may be eligible for deferred rate treatment. Such costs may
include, for example, training to implement new cybersecurity practices
and systems. However, we propose that, to be eligible for the incentive
of deferred cost recovery, such training costs must be distinct from
costs associated with pre-existing training on cybersecurity practices.
Another potentially eligible implementation cost may be internal system
evaluations and assessments or analyses by third parties described
above, to the extent that they are associated with a capitalizable item
and are part of eligible capitalizable expenses. We propose that any
implementation costs that are not conventionally booked as plant and
thus capitalized can be considered for deferral as a regulatory asset.
Recurring costs may be eligible for deferral as a regulatory asset and
include, for example, subscriptions, service agreements, and post-
implementation training costs. Specifically, they may include ongoing
dues for participation by utilities in cybersecurity threat information
sharing programs that satisfy the Commission's incentive eligibility
criteria described above.
41. Because FPA section 219A(c)(2) directs the Commission to offer
incentives to encourage participation by public utilities in
cybersecurity threat information sharing programs, we seek comment on
whether we should allow utilities who are already participating in an
eligible cybersecurity threat information sharing program to seek to
recover this incentive.
42. We note that the Commission's rules and regulations in the
Uniform System of Accounts \39\ already require public utilities to
maintain records supporting any entries to the regulatory asset account
so that the public utility can furnish full information as to the
nature and amount of, and justification
[[Page 60574]]
for, each regulatory asset recorded in the account. Therefore, pursuant
to our existing regulations, utilities must maintain sufficient records
to support the distinction of any expenditures that are afforded
incentive-based rate treatment.\40\
\39\ See 18 CFR part 101, Account Definition Account 182.3,
Other Regulatory Assets, paragraph D.
\40\ Id.
43. Additionally, consistent with the proposal for the
Cybersecurity ROE Incentive for eligible cybersecurity capital
investments, we propose that only directly assigned transmission costs
or the conventionally allocated portion of enterprise-wide expenses
(e.g., using the wages and salaries allocator) would be eligible for
the Regulatory Asset Incentive in transmission rates.
3. Performance-Based Rates
44. Section 219A(c) of the FPA directs the Commission to establish
incentive-based, including performance-based, rate treatments.
Performance-based rate treatments can potentially reward utilities for
achieving stated goals, as opposed to specific actions that only
contribute to those goals. Because it is difficult to directly observe
the level of effort a utility expends on ensuring cybersecurity,
performance-based regulation could theoretically provide a valuable
tool to motivate utilities to maintain and operate their systems
reliably and efficiently. Performance-based ratemaking can take
multiple forms, but ultimately requires the ability to measure and tie
rate treatments to actual performance.
45. We seek comment on performance-based rates and whether and how
the principles of performance-based regulation could apply to utilities
with respect to cybersecurity investments.\41\ We seek comment on
specific cybersecurity performance metrics that could be subject to a
performance standard. In particular, we seek comment on whether any
widely accepted metrics for cybersecurity performance could lend
themselves to be benchmarks needed for performance-based rates, or
whether new appropriate metrics could be developed. We further seek
comment on what rate mechanisms could accompany such metrics. We ask
that any proposed mechanisms: (1) rely on cybersecurity performance
benchmarks and not expenditures or practices; and (2) consider
ratepayer impacts, given the relatively small costs of cybersecurity
expenditures compared to utilities' overall cost-of-service.
\41\ Consistent with Order No. 679, which implemented FPA
section 219, we interpret ``incentive-based, including performance-
based, rate treatments'' in FPA section 219A to require the
Commission to consider performance-based rates as an option among
incentive ratemaking treatments. Promoting Transmission Inv. through
Pricing Reform, Order No. 679, 71 FR 43293 (July 31, 2006), 116 FERC
] 61,057 (2006), order on reh'g, Order No. 679-A, 117 FERC ] 61,345
(2006), order on reh'g, 119 FERC ] 61,062 (2007).
C. Proposed Incentive Implementation
1. Cybersecurity ROE Incentive Duration
46. We propose to add Sec. 35.48(f)(1) to the Commission's
regulations to allow a utility granted a Cybersecurity ROE Incentive to
receive that incentive until the earliest of: (1) the conclusion of the
depreciation life of the underlying asset; (2) five years from when the
cybersecurity investment(s) enter service; \42\ (3) the time that the
investment(s) or activities that serve as the basis of that incentive
become mandatory pursuant to a Reliability Standard approved by the
Commission, or local, state, or Federal law; or (4) the recipient no
longer meets the requirements for receiving the incentive. Incentive-
eligible cybersecurity investments primarily include equipment or
system modifications that typically have short depreciation lives, as
opposed to long-lived assets like physical structures. Thus, we believe
that most cybersecurity incentives granted under this rulemaking would
remain in effect until the conclusion of the depreciation life of the
underlying asset. However, for investments with useful lives exceeding
five years, we propose that the incentive end at the conclusion of five
years from the time that the asset receiving the cybersecurity
incentive entered service. The vast majority of information technology-
related investments feature expected useful lives and corresponding
cost-of-service depreciation rates of no longer than five years.
Consequently, we preliminarily find that five years is a reasonable
expected life to encourage utilities to make an investment and to
ensure just and reasonable rates. However, we seek comment on whether
the proposed duration should be three years instead of five years.
\42\ For participation in an information sharing program, the
``investment'' would recur annually.
2. Regulatory Asset Incentive Duration and Amortization Period
47. We propose to add Sec. 35.48(f)(3)(i) to the Commission's
regulations to specify that a utility granted the Regulatory Asset
Incentive must amortize the regulatory asset over five years.\43\ We
believe that this may reflect the generally short-lived nature of
cybersecurity activities and corresponds to the depreciation rates for
investments described above. This period generally corresponds to the
expected useful life and corresponding cost-of-service amortization
period of cybersecurity investments.
\43\ As noted above, the investment for participation in an
information sharing program would recur annually.
48. We also propose to add Sec. 35.48(f)(3)(ii) to the
Commission's regulations to specify that a utility granted the
Regulatory Asset Incentive may defer eligible expenses for up to five
years from the date of Commission approval of the incentive. Under this
provision, we propose that eligible expenses incurred for five years
could be added to the regulatory asset that is allowed in rate base and
amortized over five subsequent years, as discussed above.\44\ We
preliminarily find that this limit is appropriate, given the
potentially indefinite nature of certain expenses. Such a limit also
reflects that cybersecurity risks and solutions evolve over time and
matches the five-year maximum duration of the Cybersecurity ROE
Incentive discussed above. We preliminarily find that a five-year limit
appropriately balances the goal of providing an incentive of a
sufficient size to encourage utilities to make eligible improvements in
their cybersecurity posture with the requirement to protect ratepayers.
\44\ We propose that, in their FPA section 205 filings,
incentive recipients must include notes to their formula rates
specifying the Commission order(s) which approved the incentive and
stating that the associated regulatory asset incentive must
terminate in the earlier of: (1) five years from the date of the
later of the Commission approving the incentive or the expense being
incurred; and (2) the expenditure becoming mandatory.
49. However, we propose to make an exception to this sunsetting
provision for eligible cybersecurity threat information sharing
programs. FPA section 219A(c)(2) directs the Commission to provide
incentives for participation in cybersecurity threat information
sharing programs. We find that participation in such cybersecurity
threat information sharing programs, which provide participants with
ongoing updates about active cybersecurity threats and are therefore
distinct from discrete cybersecurity investments that may become
obsolete with the passage of time, warrants a different incentive
treatment than other investments. Consequently, we propose that
utilities be able to continue deferring these expenses and including
them in their rate base for each annual tranche of expenses, for as
long as: (1) the utility continues incurring costs for its
participation in the program; and (2) the program remains eligible for
[[Page 60575]]
3. Filing Process
50. We propose to add Sec. 35.48(g) to the Commission's
regulations to require a utility's request for one or more incentive-
based rate treatments to be made in a filing pursuant to FPA section
205.\45\ As proposed, such a request must include a detailed
explanation of how the utility plans to implement one or both of the
proposed incentive approaches and the requested rate treatment. We
propose that utilities provide detail on the expenditures for which
they seek incentives, and show how its cybersecurity-related
expenditure(s) meet the eligibility requirements, as described in more
detail below.
\45\ As discussed in section III.A.2., consistent with our
precedent for incentives under FPA section 219, while a utility may
first file a petition for declaratory order to seek a ruling on its
eligibility for an incentive, a utility still must make a filing
under FPA section 205 for Commission review of any rate changes.
51. In addition, under Sec. 35.48(g) of the proposed regulation, a
utility seeking one or more incentive-based rate treatments must
receive Commission approval prior to implementing any incentive in its
rate on file with the Commission.\46\ In order to effectuate an
incentive in rates, utilities would need to propose in their FPA
section 205 filing conforming revisions to their formula rates, as
appropriate, to reflect incentive rate treatment granted pursuant to
these proposed regulations.\47\
\46\ We note that FPA section 219A(e)(2) expressly prohibits
unjust and unreasonable double recovery for advanced cybersecurity
\47\ Utilities with stated rates may file under FPA section 205
to seek incentives as part of a larger rate case or make a request
for single issue ratemaking, which the Commission will evaluate on a
case-by-case basis to ensure that the rate, inclusive of the
incentive, is just and reasonable.
52. Filings under the PQ List approach must provide evidence that
the utility has made one or more pre-qualified cybersecurity
expenditures and otherwise complies with all appropriate requirements.
53. A utility requesting the Cybersecurity ROE Incentive must
provide the anticipated cost of the capital investment and the identity
of the rate schedule(s) on file with the Commission under which it will
recover the increased ROE. Alternatively, a utility requesting the
Regulatory Asset Incentive must provide a description of the covered
expense(s), including whether the expense(s) are associated with the
third-party provision of hardware, software, and computing network
services or incurred for training to implement network analysis and
monitoring programs, as well as an estimate of the cost of such
expense(s) and when the cost is expected to be incurred.
4. Reporting Requirements
54. In order to ensure that a utility receiving incentive rate
treatment has implemented the requirements of the incentive and to
ensure that it continues to adhere to the requirements, we propose to
add Sec. 35.48(h) of the Commission's regulations to require utilities
to submit informational reports to the Commission for the duration of
the incentive.
55. A utility that has received cybersecurity incentives under this
section must make an annual informational filing by June 1, provided
that the utility has received Commission-approval for the incentive at
least 60 days prior to June 1 of that year. Utilities that receive
Commission-approval for an incentive later than 60 days prior to June 1
would be required to submit an annual informational filing beginning on
June 1 of the following year.\48\ The annual filing should detail the
specific investments, if any, as of that date, that were made pursuant
to the Commission's approval and the corresponding FERC account for
which expenditures are booked. For recipients of the Cybersecurity ROE
Incentive, each annual informational filing should describe the parts
of its network that it upgraded in addition to the nature and cost of
the various investments. For recipients of the Regulatory Asset
Incentive, each annual informational filing should describe such
expenses in sufficient detail to demonstrate that such expenses are
specifically related to the eligible cybersecurity investment
underlying the incentives and not for ongoing services including system
maintenance, surveillance, and other labor costs.
\48\ If a utility first receives Commission-approval for the
incentive on April 1 or later, the initial annual informational
filing would be due on June 1 of the following year.
56. The Commission may also conduct periodic verification to assess
cybersecurity investments and expenses for which it has approved
incentives. The Commission could perform such verifications through
multiple means (i.e., directing further informational filings, audits,
etc.). The annual informational filings will inform the Commission on
how and when any additional verification is warranted.
IV. Information Collection Statement
57. The information collection requirements contained in this NOPR
are subject to review by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 at 44 U.S.C. 3507(d). OMB's
regulations require approval of certain information collection
requirements imposed by agency rules.\49\ Upon approval of a collection
of information, OMB will assign an OMB control number and expiration
date. Respondents subject to the filing requirements of this proposed
rule will not be penalized for failing to respond to this collection of
information unless the collection of information displays a valid OMB
Control Number. This NOPR would establish the Commission's regulations
with respect to the implementation of the Infrastructure and Job
\49\ 5 CFR 1320.11.
\50\ Public Law 117-55, 135 Stat. 951 (2021) (to be codified at
16 U.S.C. 824s-1).
58. Interested persons may obtain information on the reporting
requirements by contacting Ellen Brown, Office of the Executive
Director, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, via email ([email protected]) or telephone
((202) 502-8663).
59. The Commission solicits comments on this collection of
information within 60 days of the publication of this NOPR in the
Federal Register. Public comments may include, but are not limited to,
following topics: the Commission's need for this information, whether
the information will have practical utility, the accuracy of the burden
estimates, ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected or retained, and any suggested methods for
minimizing respondents' burden, including the use of automated
information techniques.
60. Please send comments concerning the collection of information
and the associated burden estimates to: OMB through, Attention: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Desk
Officer. Please identify the OMB Control Number 1902-0248 in the
subject line.
61. Instructions: OMB submissions must be formatted and filed in
accordance with submission guidelines at:; using the search function under the ``Currently Under Review
field,'' select Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, click ``submit,''
and select ``comment'' to the right of the subject collection.
62. Title: FERC-725B, Incentives for Advanced Cybersecurity
63. Action: Proposed revision of FERC-725B.
64. OMB Control No.: 1902-0248.
[[Page 60576]]
65. Respondents for this Rulemaking: Public utilities and non-
public utilities that have or will have a rate on file with the
66. Frequency of Information Collection:
(1) On occasion: Voluntary filings seeking incentive-based rate
treatment for cybersecurity expenditures; and
(2) Annually: A informational filing on June 1 of each year,
required of entities that have been granted incentive-based rate
treatment for cybersecurity expenditures.
67. Abstract: The NOPR would provide that a utility may seek
incentive-based rate treatment for cybersecurity investments by making
a rate filing in accordance with section 205 of the FPA. The NOPR
states that one approach the Commission may use in evaluating such a
filing is to consider whether prospective cybersecurity investments
would match one of the types of investments listed at proposed 18 CFR
35.48(d). The NOPR refers to this list of pre-qualified expenditures
that are eligible for incentives as the ``PQ List.'' The Commission
proposes that any cybersecurity expenditure that is on the PQ List
would be entitled to a rebuttable presumption of eligibility for an
The NOPR also discusses and seeks comment on a potential
alternative approach, in which a utility's cybersecurity expenditure
would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine if it is
eligible for an incentive. Under that approach, the utility would need
to demonstrate that the prospective investment is voluntary and would
materially improve cybersecurity through either an investment in
advanced cybersecurity technology or participation in cybersecurity
threat information sharing program. Under either approach, the utility
would need to demonstrate that its rate, inclusive of the incentive, is
just and reasonable.
68. The NOPR also would provide that a utility that is granted
incentive-based rate treatment must submit an annual informational
filing to the Commission by June 1 of each year, provided that the
utility has received Commission approval of the incentive at least 60
days prior to June 1 of that year. Utilities that receive Commission
approval of an incentive later than 60 days prior to June 1 would be
required to submit an annual informational filing beginning on June 1
of the following year. The informational filing must describe the
specific investments, if any, as of that date, that were made pursuant
to the Commission's approval and the corresponding FERC account for
which expenditures are booked. For incentives where the Commission
allows deferral of expenses, annual informational filings should
describe such expenses in sufficient detail to demonstrate that such
expenses are specifically related to the cybersecurity investment for
which the incentive was granted, and not for ongoing services including
system maintenance, surveillance, and other labor costs.
69. Necessity of Information: Required to obtain or retain
70. Internal Review: The Commission has reviewed the changes and
has determined that such changes are necessary. These requirements
conform to the Commission's need for efficient information collection,
communication, and management within the energy industry. The
Commission has specific, objective support for the burden estimates
associated with the information collection requirements.
71. The NERC Compliance Registry, as of August 5, 2022, identifies
approximately 1,669 utilities, both public and non-public, in the U.S.
that would be eligible for this proposed incentive and rate treatment.
The Commission estimates that the NOPR may affect the burden \51\ and
cost \52\ as follows:
\51\ ``Burden'' is the total time, effort, or financial
resources expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or
disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency. For
further explanation of what is included in the information
collection burden, refer to 5 CFR 1320.3.
\52\ Commission staff estimates that respondents' hourly wages
(including benefits) are comparable to those of FERC employees in
Fiscal Year 2022. Therefore, the hourly cost used in this analysis
is $91 and $188,992 annually.
FERC-725B--Proposed Changes in NOPR in Docket No. RM22-19-000
C. Annual
estimated D. Annual E. Average burden hours
A. Area of modification B. Number of number of estimated & cost ($) per F. Total estimated burden hours & total
respondents responses per number of response estimated cost ($)
respondent responses
(Column B x (Column D x Column E)
Column C)
Voluntary filing seeking incentive 50 1 50 80 hours; $7,280....... 4,000 hours; $364,000.
rate treatment for cybersecurity
investment. Proposed 18 CFR
Annual informational filing required 50 1 50 40 hours; $3,640....... 2,000 hours; $182,000.
where Commission has granted
incentive rate treatment. Proposed
18 CFR 35.48(h).
Totals.......................... .............. .............. .............. ....................... 6,000 hours; $546,000.
V. Environmental Assessment
72. The Commission is required to prepare an Environmental
Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement for any action that may
have a significant adverse effect on the human environment.\53\ The
Commission has categorically excluded certain actions from this
requirement as not having a significant effect on the human
environment. Included in the exclusion are rules that are clarifying,
corrective, or procedural or that do not substantially change the
effect of the regulations being amended.\54\ The actions proposed
herein fall within this categorical exclusion in the Commission's
\53\ Reg'ls. Implementing the Nat'l. Env'nt. Pol'y Act, Order
No. 486, 52 FR 47897 (Dec. 17, 1987), FERC Stats. & Regs. Preambles
1986-1990 ] 30,783 (1987) (cross-referenced at 41 FERC ] 61,284).
\54\ 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii).
[[Page 60577]]
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act
73. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 \55\ generally requires
a description and analysis of proposed rules that will have significant
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. The Small
Business Administration (SBA) sets the threshold for what constitutes a
small business. Under SBA's size standards,\56\ transmission owners all
fall under the category of Electric Bulk Power Transmission and Control
(NAICS code 221121), with a size threshold of 500 employees (including
the entity and its associates).\57\ The NERC Compliance Registry, as of
August 5, 2022, identifies approximately 1,669 utilities, both public
and non-public, in the U.S. that potentially would be affected by the
voluntary information collection associated with the proposed incentive
and rate treatment in this NOPR. Based on the Compliance Registry, we
have reviewed a randomly selected sample of 92 entities, and we have
determined that approximately 80% of the listed entities are small
entities (i.e., with fewer than 500 employees).
\55\ 5 U.S.C. 601-612.
\56\ 13 CFR 121.201.
\57\ The threshold for the number of employees indicates the
maximum allowed for a concern and its affiliates to be considered
74. Regarding information collection activities, we estimate an
average one-time cost of $7,280 for each of 50 new filers, and an
average annual cost of $3,640 for each of 50 continuing recipients of
rate incentives.
75. According to SBA guidance, the determination of significance of
impact ``should be seen as relative to the size of the business, the
size of the competitor's business, the number of filers received
annually, and the impact this regulation has on larger competitors.''
\58\ U.S. Small Business Administration, A Guide for Government
Agencies How to Comply with the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 18 (May
76. Moreover, this NOPR involves voluntary actions by utilities for
the purpose of benefitting consumers by encouraging investments by
utilities in advanced cybersecurity technology and participation by
utilities in cybersecurity threat information sharing programs. The
proposal does not mandate or require action by any utility. As a
result, we certify that the proposals in this NOPR will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
VII. Comment Procedures
77. The Commission invites interested persons to submit comments on
the matters and issues proposed in this NOPR to be adopted, including
any related matters or alternative proposals that commenters may wish
to discuss. Comments are due 30 days after the date of publication in
the Federal Register, and reply comments are due 45 days after the date
of publication in the Federal Register. Any comment must refer to
Docket No. RM22-19-000, and must include the commenter's name, the
organization it represents, if applicable, and its address in its
comments. All comments will be placed in the Commission's public files
and may be viewed, printed, or downloaded remotely as described in the
Document Availability section below. Commenters on this proposal are
not required to serve copies of their comments on other commenters.
78. The Commission encourages comments to be filed electronically
via the eFiling link on the Commission's website at The Commission accepts most standard word processing
formats. Documents created electronically using word processing
software must be filed in native applications or print-to-PDF format
and not in a scanned format. Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
79. Commenters that are not able to file comments electronically
may file an original of their comments by USPS mail or by courier-or
other delivery services. For submission sent via USPS only, filings
should be mailed to: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of
the Secretary, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426. Submission of
filings other than by USPS should be delivered to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852.
VIII. Document Availability
80. In addition to publishing the full text of this document in the
Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons with
an opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this document via
the internet through the Commission's Home Page (
81. From the Commission's Home Page on the internet, this
information is available on eLibrary. The full text of this document is
available on eLibrary in PDF and Microsoft Word format for viewing,
printing, and/or downloading. To access this document in eLibrary, type
the docket number excluding the last three digits of this number in the
docket number field.
82. User assistance is available for eLibrary and the Commission's
website during normal business hours from the Commission's Online
Support at 202-502-6652 (toll free at 1-866-208-3676) or email at
[email protected], or the Public Reference Room at (202) 502-
8371, TTY (202) 502-8659. Email the Public Reference Room at
[email protected].
List of Subjects in 18 CFR Part 35
Electric power rates, Electric utilities, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
By direction of the Commission. Commissioner Phillips is
concurring with a separate statement attached.
Issued: September 22, 2022.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Deputy Secretary.
In consideration of the foregoing, the Commission proposes to amend
part 35, chapter I, title 18, Code of Federal Regulations, as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 35 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 791a-825r, 2601-2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42
U.S.C. 7101-7352.
2. Add subpart K, consisting of Sec. 35.48, to read as follows:
Subpart K--Cybersecurity Investment Provisions
Sec. 35.48 Cybersecurity investment.
(a) Purpose. This section establishes rules for incentive-based
rate treatments for utilities that voluntarily make cybersecurity
investments as described in this section.
(b) Incentive-based rate treatment for cybersecurity investment.
The Commission will authorize incentive-based rate treatment for a
utility that voluntarily makes an investment in advanced cybersecurity
technology and for a utility that voluntarily participates in a
cybersecurity threat information sharing program under this section.
Incentive-based rate treatment is available to both public and non-
public utilities that have or will have a rate on file with the
Commission. A utility may request incentive-based rate treatment for an
eligible cybersecurity investment that meets the eligibility criteria
set forth in paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Eligibility criteria. A utility may receive incentive-based
rate treatment for a cybersecurity investment that:
(1) Materially improves cybersecurity through either investment in
[[Page 60578]]
cybersecurity technology or participation in a cybersecurity threat
information sharing program; and
(2) Is not already mandated by the mandatory and enforceable
Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability Standards as maintained
by the Electric Reliability Organization, or otherwise mandated by
local, state, or Federal law. A utility may receive incentive-based
rate treatment for the investment pursuant to paragraphs (d) through
(h) of this section.
(d) Pre-qualified cybersecurity expenditure. A utility must
demonstrate that a cybersecurity expenditure qualifies as one or more
of the pre-qualified cybersecurity expenditures identified by the
Commission pursuant to this paragraph (d). A utility should seek
critical energy/electric infrastructure information treatment with the
Commission, as appropriate, for any part of its filing seeking
incentive-based rate treatment that has specific engineering,
vulnerability, or detailed design information about proposed or
existing critical infrastructure. Pre-qualified cybersecurity
expenditures include:
(1) Expenditures associated with participation in the Department of
Energy's Cybersecurity Risk Information Sharing Program.
(2) Expenditures associated with internal network security
monitoring within the utility's cyber systems.
(e) Types of incentive-based rate treatment for cybersecurity
investment. For purposes of paragraph (b) of this section, incentive-
based rate treatment shall mean either of the following:
(1) An increase in rate of return on equity of 200 basis points
that would be applied to the incentive-eligible investment; or
(2) Deferral of expenses as a regulatory asset;
(f) Incentive duration. (1) A return on equity incentive-based rate
treatment approved pursuant to this section shall last no longer than
the earliest of:
(i) The depreciation life of the underlying asset;
(ii) Five years from when the cybersecurity investment enters
(iii) When the cybersecurity investment or activity that serves as
the basis of that incentive becomes mandatory; or
(iv) When the utility no longer meets the requirements for
receiving the incentive.
(2) An incentive granted for participation in a qualified
cybersecurity threat information sharing program will not be subject to
a sunset, such that a utility participating in a qualified
cybersecurity threat information sharing program is eligible to
continue deferring expenses associated with membership, which for each
year would be amortized over the next five years, for as long as it is
a member and participation is not mandatory.
(3) A deferred regulatory asset whose costs are typically expensed
should be:
(i) Amortized over a five-year period; and
(ii) Limited to expenses incurred in the first five years following
Commission approval of the incentive.
(g) Incentive applications. For the purpose of paragraphs (b) and
(c) of this section, a utility's request for one or more incentive
based-rate treatments, to be made in a filing pursuant to section 205
of the Federal Power Act, must include a detailed explanation of the
proposed rate treatment and include the following information:
(1) Evidence that it has made one or more pre-qualified
cybersecurity expenditures and otherwise complies with all requirements
of this section.
(2) For applications requesting an increase in rate of return on
equity of 200 basis points:
(i) The anticipated cost of the capital investment; and
(ii) The identity of the rate schedule(s) on file or to be filed
with the Commission under which it will recover the increased return on
(3) For applications requesting deferred cost recovery:
(i) A description of any expenses, including whether the expenses
(A) Expenses associated with third-party provision of hardware,
software, and computing networking services; and/or
(B) Expenses for training to implement network analysis and
monitoring programs;
(ii) Estimates of the cost of such expenses; and
(iii) When the costs are expected to be incurred.
(h) Reporting requirements. A utility that has received an
incentive under this section must make an annual informational filing
on June 1, provided that the utility has received Commission-approval
for the incentive at least 60 days prior to June 1 of that year. The
annual filing should detail the specific investments that were made
pursuant to the Commission's approval and the corresponding FERC
account used. A utility that has received an incentive under this
section must describe any parts of its network that it upgraded in
addition to the nature and cost of the various investments. For
incentives where the Commission allows deferral of expenses, annual
informational filings should describe such expenses in sufficient
detail to demonstrate that such expenses are specifically related to
the cybersecurity investment granted incentives and not for ongoing
services including system maintenance, surveillance, and other labor
Note: The following appendix will not appear in the Code of
Federal Regulations.
Incentives for Advanced Cybersecurity Investment, Docket Nos. RM22-19-
000, RM21-3-000
PHILLIPS, Commissioner, concurring:
1. I concur in today's Notice of Proposed Rulemaking \1\ to
highlight the importance of today's action and to encourage stakeholder
comment in certain areas. In today's highly interconnected world, the
nation's security and economic well-being depends on reliable and
cyber-resilient energy infrastructure. This is why it is critical that
we continue to build upon the mandatory framework that the industry has
already identified through the North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC) Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) standards.
But, these mandatory CIP standards are just a baseline and can take
years to implement. Recent cyber-attacks in Ukraine and here at home
remind us of the constant threat of foreign and domestic attacks on our
critical infrastructure, and the need for advanced and innovative
technology and threat information sharing programs for emerging
threats. Therefore, I fully support this action we are taking under
section 219A of the Federal Power Act (FPA) \2\ to encourage utilities
to proactively make additional cybersecurity investments in their
\1\ Incentives for Advanced Cybersecurity Investment, 180 FERC ]
61,189 (2022) (NOPR).
\2\ 16 U.S.C. 824s-1.
2. There are significant costs when there is a cybersecurity breach
on the electric or gas system. Not only are consumers impacted by loss
of service, but the recovery costs are significant. For example, the
Colonial Pipeline cybersecurity breach effectively shut down half of
the country's fuel supply, and even though the pipeline invested $200
million dollars over five years to contain a potential attack,\3\
[[Page 60579]]
Pipeline still spent millions more to recover from the event in
\3\ See Cyber Threats in the Pipeline: Using Lessons from the
Colonial Ransomware Attack to Defend Critical Infrastructure,
Hearing Before the Committee on Homeland Security, 117th Cong.
(2021) (Statement of Joseph A. Blount).
\4\ See Everhart v. Colonial Pipeline Company, 2022 WL 3699967,
(N.D. Ga. 2022) (``Colonial paid the cybercriminals . . . a $4.4
million ransom in return for a decryption tool that allowed Colonial
to retrieve the encrypted or locked data.'').
3. This NOPR serves as a critical step to incent public and non-
public utilities to make urgent cybersecurity investments in advanced
technology. First, the NOPR proposes to incentivize expenditures that
materially improve the cybersecurity posture of utilities.\5\ Second,
the NOPR provides that those cybersecurity investments must not already
``be mandated by [CIP] Reliability Standards, or local, state, of
federal law.'' \6\ Third, the NOPR proposes that the Commission either
use a pre-qualified (PQ) list of approved cybersecurity expenditures,
where any expenditures that meet the list would be entitled to a
rebuttable presumption that the utility is eligible for an
incentive,\7\ or that the Commission assess expenditures on a case-by-
case basis.\8\ Lastly, the NOPR proposes that if a utility meets the
requirements for an incentive, it could either receive a return on
equity (ROE) adder of 200 basis points or deferred cost recovery for
expenditures that enables the utility to defer expenses and include the
unamortized portion in rate base.\9\ All of these items are essential
to improving utilities' ability to protect, detect, respond to, and
recover from a cybersecurity threat.
\5\ NOPR at PP 2, 20, 22.
\6\ NOPR at PP 2, 22.
\7\ NOPR at PP 3, 19; see infra at PP 4-5.
\8\ NOPR at PP 3, 19, 22-23.
\9\ NOPR at PP 4, 34, 37.
4. Specifically, I am interested in feedback on whether the
proposed PQ list is broad enough to include all expenditures that may
warrant incentives. As proposed, if an expense is associated with
participation in the Cybersecurity Risk Sharing Program (CRISP) \10\ or
if an expenditure is associated with internal network security
monitoring within the utility's cyber systems,\11\ there would be a
rebuttable presumption that that expense is entitled to an incentive. I
agree that each eligible cybersecurity expenditure on the PQ list
should have a single, clear, and non-trivial benchmark that must be met
for a utility to qualify for incentive rate treatment. But, the
proposed PQ list is limited. For example, 75% of electricity customers
in the continental U.S. are served by investor-owned utilities that
already participate in CRISP,\12\ which demonstrates the limited
potential benefits from this incentive. Under the NOPR proposal, it is
unclear whether a utility that already participates in CRISP could
receive an incentive for future subscription costs for continued CRISP
participation. I encourage comments on whether any final rule should
clarify that such continued CRISP participation is indeed entitled to
an incentive.
\10\ Co-funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) and industry
and managed by E-ISAC, CRISP is a public-private partnership that
enables and manages the near real-time sharing of IT network
information between electricity utilities and key DOE resources. The
purpose of CRISP is to enable collaboration among energy sector
partners to facilitate the timely bi-directional sharing of
unclassified and classified threat information and to develop
situational awareness tools that enhance the energy sector's ability
to identify, prioritize, and coordinate the protection of critical
\11\ The Commission issued a NOPR that proposed to direct NERC
to develop a mandatory standard regarding internal network security
monitoring in the context of high and medium impact bulk electric
system. See Internal Network Security Monitoring for High and Medium
Impact Bulk Electric System Cyber Systems, 178 FERC ] 61,038 (2022).
\12\ See Energy Sector Cybersecurity Preparedness, available at:
5. I also recognize that a case-by-case approach, as opposed to the
proposed PQ list, would be more adaptable and less prescriptive,
allowing a variety of solutions that utilities could potentially tailor
to their specific situations. However, given the diverse and evolving
nature of cybersecurity activities, this option could be very time-
consuming and administratively inefficient. Thus, I believe that an
expanded PQ list is a reasonable approach that would satisfy the
applicable statutory directives while providing a high degree of
certainty for regulated entities. I urge all interested stakeholders to
provide comments on whether the Commission should widen the PQ list's
universe of potential expenditures. I especially encourage stakeholders
to comment on whether the Commission should consider external
penetration tests, a security awareness program, a patch management
program, and/or the capability to disconnect operational technology
from the information technology network for the PQ list.
6. I also want to underscore the need for utilities to conduct
analyses of electric and gas interdependencies, and how such actions
would benefit cybersecurity on the bulk electric system. I fully
recognize that FPA section 219A states that the Commission can
establish ``incentive-based, including performance-based, rate
treatments for the transmission of electric energy in interstate
commerce,'' \13\ and the Infrastructure Act only modified section 219
regarding incentives and not the Natural Gas Act (NGA).\14\ However,
electric and gas companies are especially vulnerable to cyberattacks,
particularly because utilities that use both sources have an expansive
and increasing attack surface, arising from their geographic and
organizational complexity. Indeed, the electric and gas sector's unique
interdependencies increase their vulnerability to exploitation, which
can include the commandeering of the operational-technology system to
stop energy infrastructure from working at times when consumers most
need it. To the extent we can identify the need for cybersecurity
information sharing between the natural gas and electric systems, and
incentivize participation in such a program, I encourage stakeholder
\13\ 16 U.S.C. 824s-1(c) (emphasis added).
\14\ The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Infrastructure
Act) modified Section 219 of the FPA regarding electric energy rate
treatments and directed the Commission to consider incentives for
the transmission of electric energy regarding cybersecurity. Section
219 did not, however, explicitly reference or modify the NGA
regarding gas incentives.
7. I further urge stakeholders to comment on whether the proposed
duration of the incentives is sufficient and whether a 200-basis point
adder is reasonable, as the NOPR contemplates.\15\ To be clear, I do
not support open-ended or permanent cyber incentives. I believe the 5-
year proposed duration and the 200-basis point adder are adequate to
properly incent utilities. Unlike expenses in the traditional
transmission incentives context,\16\ the dollar amounts in
cybersecurity investments are typically small. Yet, the benefits of
additional, advanced cybersecurity investments cannot be ignored.
Offering anything less than what is proposed would likely be
[[Page 60580]]
insufficient to incent any action by utilities, as required by
Congress. Therefore, commenters should provide specific, compelling
reasons if they oppose the NOPR proposal regarding the duration of the
incentive and the amount added to a utility's ROE.
\15\ NOPR at PP 4, 33, 36-37; see, e.g., Initial Comments of
Edison Electric Institute., Docket No. RM21-3-000, at 2 (filed April
6, 2021) (``EEI agrees that given the relatively low dollar amounts
associated with cybersecurity investments . . . the proposed 200
basis point cap is reasonable.''); Comments of MISO Transmission
Owners, Docket No. RM21-3-000, at 9 (filed April 6, 2021)
(explaining why inclusion of enterprise-wide costs is appropriate to
incent investment in critical facilities).
\16\ Brattle-Grid Strategies Oct. 2021 Report at 2 (citing
Johannes Pfeifenberger & John Tsoukalis, The Brattle Group,
Transmission Investment Needs and Challenges, at slide 2 (June 1,
2021),; Johannes
Pfeifenberger et al., The Brattle Group, Cost Savings Offered by
Competition in Electric Transmission: Experience to Date and the
Potential for Additional Customer Value, at 2-3 & fig.1 (Apr. 2019),
available at: (Brattle Apr. 2019 Competition Report).
8. Finally, I note that for years now, the White House, the U.S.
Congress, and senior government leaders have sounded the alarm on
increasing cybersecurity threats and their sophistication.\17\ I also
note that the Commission began assessing the potential use of
incentives to improve cybersecurity prior to the passage of the
Infrastructure Act.\18\ While we are terminating the proceeding in
Docket No. RM21-3-000, I am heartened that the Commission remains
committed to this issue. I look forward to examining all the comments
as we seek to issue a final rule around these topics.
\17\ For example, President Biden told utilities and other
companies that ``critical infrastructure owners and operators must
accelerate efforts to lock their digital doors.'' See Statement by
President Biden on Our Nation's Cybersecurity, available at: President
Biden has also since announced an executive order on cybersecurity
and is using funds from the Infrastructure Act to provide grants to
state, local, and territorial governments as they respond to cyber
threats. See Exec. Order No. 14,028, 86 FR 26633 (2021). Former
President Obama declared that cybersecurity threats are ``the most
serious economic and national security challenge[ ] we face as a
nation'' and that ``America's economic prosperity . . . will depend
on cybersecurity.'' See National Security Council, Cyber Security,
available at: Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned that the
country is ``increasingly vulnerable to foreign computer hackers who
could dismantle the nation's power grid.'' See Elizabeth Bumiller
and Thom Shanker, Panetta Warns of Dire Threat of Cyberattacks on
U.S., The New York Times, October 11, 2021, available at:
\18\ See, e.g., FERC, Cybersecurity Incentives Policy White
Paper, Docket No. AD20-19-000, (June 2020), available at:
(discussing the potential new framework for providing transmission
incentives to utilities for cybersecurity investments);
Cybersecurity Incentives, 87 FR 4173 (Jan. 27, 2021), 173 FERC ]
61,240 (2020) (proposing to allow utilities to request incentives
for certain cybersecurity investments that go above and beyond the
requirements of the CIP reliability standards). This NOPR supersedes
the Cybersecurity Incentives NOPR, but it illustrates my colleagues'
commitment to building out a more resilient electric system.
For these reasons, I respectfully concur.
Willie L. Phillips
[FR Doc. 2022-21003 Filed 10-5-22; 8:45 am]