Changes to the International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) Program, 58725-58727 [2022-21085]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 28, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
another country’s oversight of its air
carriers that operate, or seek to operate,
into the U.S., or code-share with a U.S.
[Raw cotton fiber]
air carrier, complies with safety
standards established by the
Conv. factor.
International Civil Aviation
0.2466 0.3258819 Organization (ICAO). The published
0.7317146 9619007400 ....
0.2466 0.3258819 IASA results of Category 1 or Category
0.5122134 9619007800 ....
0.2466 0.3258819 2 is notification to the U.S. traveling
0.7317146 9619007900 ....
public of safety issues. Public
0.5122134 *
notification of the IASA program was
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 2101–2118.
established by a Federal Register (FR)
notification. As with this recent Federal
1.2437958 Melissa Bailey,
Register document, subsequent
0.7317146 Associate Administrator, Agricultural
milestones in the evolution of the
1.0975058 Marketing Service.
program were also published in the
0.7317146 [FR Doc. 2022–20653 Filed 9–27–22; 8:45 am]
Federal Register. These notifications are
0.7317146 BILLING CODE P
as follows:
• August 24, 1992—established the
FAA Procedures for Examining and
Monitoring Foreign Air Carriers (57 FR
1.4632970 Federal Aviation Administration
• September 8, 1994—established the
Disclosure of the Results of
1.3170069 14 CFR Part 129
Foreign Civil Aviation Authority
Assessments, through a three-category
1.3170069 Changes to the International Aviation
numbered rating system. (59 FR 46332).
1.3170069 Safety Assessment (IASA) Program
• October 31, 1995—DOT notice
Clarification Concerning Examination of
0.5852924 AGENCY: Federal Aviation
0.2927123 Administration (FAA), Department of
Foreign Carriers’ Request for Expanded
1.1707169 Transportation (DOT).
Economic Authority, clarified the
0.8047935 ACTION: Policy statement.
Department’s licensing policy regarding
requests for expanded economic
0.3657912 SUMMARY: This document describes
authority from foreign air carriers whose
0.3657912 policy changes, clarification, or
CAA’s safety oversight capability has
0.3657912 restatement to the FAA’s International
been assessed by the FAA as conditional
Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA)
(Category II) or unacceptable (Category
III) (60 FR 55408).
1.3170069 program to enhance engagement with
• May 25, 2000—Changes to the
0.1462901 civil aviation authorities (CAAs)
International Aviation Safety
1.3170069 through pre- and post-IASA assessment
1.4632970 and to promote greater transparency.
Assessment Program removed the
0.5122134 The FAA is making these changes to
Category 3 rating and combined it with
0.5122134 IASA policy to better meet the FAA’s
Category 2 (65 FR 33751).
0.2927123 mission and safety expectations of the
• March 8, 2013—Changes to the
1.1707169 U.S. traveling public; better mitigate
International Aviation Safety
0.2927123 international civil aviation safety risks;
Assessment Program removed inactive
strengthen international relationships
countries (countries with no air carrier
operations to the United States or code1.1707169 with CAAs toward sustained success in
shares with U.S. operators for four years
0.2927123 maintaining or obtaining proper safety
1.4786264 oversight; and improve effectiveness,
and no significant interaction between
0.7392471 integration, and efficiency in executing
the country’s CAA and the FAA) from
1.4786264 the IASA process. This docuent
the IASA Category list (78 FR 14912).
1.2437958 modifies the IASA policies previously
Through its IASA program, the FAA
1.2437958 announced by the FAA.
seeks continuous improvement to
DATES: This policy modification is
achieve even greater global aviation
safety levels. As noted in the above1.3170069
referenced Federal Register notification
of September 8, 1994, initial IASA
0.1317536 Rolandos Lazaris, Division Manager,
assessments found that two-thirds of the
0.2780436 International Program Division (AFS–
1.3170069 50), Flight Standards Service, Federal
CAAs assessed had deficiencies in
1.1471942 Aviation Administration, 800
safety oversight obligations under the
0.1433828 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, Convention on International Civil
1.2600503 DC 20591; (202) 267–3719,
Aviation. As broad evidence of the
program’s effectiveness, now 90% of
countries with an IASA rating achieved
Category 1 and meet ICAO standards.
1.1269752 Background
The following changes are intended to
The IASA program is the means by
further enhance the IASA program and
1.4667329 which the FAA determines whether
strenghthen safety oversight worldwide.
[Raw cotton fiber]
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16:07 Sep 27, 2022
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 28, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
IASA Program Policy Changes,
Clarification, or Restatement
The following paragraphs describe
policy changes, clarification, or
restatement to the FAA’s IASA program
to enhance engagement with CAAs
through pre- and post-IASA assessment
and to promote greater transparency.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Clarification of Definition of What the
IASA Categories Mean
The FAA is clarifying the IASA
Category definitions to align them with
the types of operations that require an
IASA Category rating and therefore
demonstrate the need for FAA oversight.
The notification, published on March 8,
2013,1 states the definitions as,
‘‘Category 1 means that the FAA has
found that the country meets ICAO
standards for safety oversight of civil
aviation. Category 2 means that the FAA
has found that the country does not
meet those standards.’’ The notification
further states that ‘‘the IASA category
rating applies only to services to and
from the United States and to codeshare operations when the code of a
U.S. air carrier is placed on a foreign
carrier flight. The category ratings do
not apply to a foreign carrier’s domestic
flights or to flights by that carrier
between its homeland and a third
country. The assessment team looks at
those flights only to the extent that they
reflect on the country’s oversight of
operations to and from the United States
and to code-share operations where a
U.S. air carrier code is placed on a flight
conducted by a foreign operator.’’ Not
combining this applicability into the
Category definitions has given the
public a mistaken perception of the
FAA oversight of all operators in that
country. The FAA exercises oversight
authority of foreign operators with
direct service to the United States
through issuance and oversight of
operations specifications (OpSpecs)
issued to 14 CFR part 129 operators.
This requires the FAA to engage in
regular contact with the relevant foreign
CAA as to various aspects of these
operations. When a U.S. operator places
its code on a foreign operator’s flight,
part 129 OpSpecs are not required, but
those code-share arrangements are
subject to regular audits accceptable to
the U.S. Department of Transportation
(U.S. DOT) under the U.S. Code-Share
Program Guidelines. The FAA has no
oversight authority for other air operator
operations of the applicable CAA
outside of these two instances.
Therefore, the FAA is clarifying its
IASA Category definitions as follows:
1 78
FR 14912.
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• Category 1, Does Comply with ICAO
Standards: The FAA has found that the
country meets ICAO standards for safety
oversight of civil aviation. Pursuant to
category 1, a country’s operators may
pursue direct service to the United
States or code-sharing partnership with
U.S. air carriers where a U.S. air carrier
places its codes on flights operated by
a foreign carrier(s).
• Category 2, Does Not Comply with
ICAO Standards: The FAA has found
that the country does not meet those
standards for safety oversight.
Change in the Criteria for Country
Removal From the IASA List for
The policy, established in the March
8, 2013 Federal Register notification,
allows for the removal of a country from
the IASA category listing after four years
of inactivity. The three criteria for
removal are: a country has no air carrier
providing air transport service to the
United States; the country has no air
carrier that participates in a code-share
arrangement with U.S. air carriers; and
the CAA does not interact significantly
with the FAA. The FAA experience and
analysis indicate that IASA information
is not reliable two years after an initial
assessment or reassessment without the
safety oversight interaction between the
FAA and foreign CAA, such as when
there is an operator conducting U.S. air
service and holding FAA OpSpecs
under part 129, when a U.S. operator
places its code on a foreign operator’s
flights, or when the FAA is providing
technical assistance based on identified
areas of non-compliance to international
standards for safety oversight. Absent
such interaction, any other engagement
between the FAA and a foreign CAA is
not a reliable indicator of the CAA’s
safety oversight capabilities in
accordance with ICAO standards.
The removal criteria published in
2013 no longer meet the need for
timeliness and accuracy of information
on the IASA Category Rating list. The
2013 criteria leave Category 1 countries
on the list for an extended period of
time and may give the U.S. traveling
public a false sense of safety. Also,
leaving Category 2 countries on the list
for an extended period of time can be
perceived as unfairly penalizing those
countries when there has been no
activity since the Category 2 rating was
issued. As a result, the FAA will reduce
the removal benchmark from four years
to two years absent the interaction
described above.
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Clarification as to When an IASA Will
Be Performed in a Country With No
IASA Category Rating
The FAA will perform an IASA of
countries with no IASA Category rating
after an operator from that country files
an economic authority application with
the U.S. DOT for either direct U.S.
service with its own aircraft and crew,
or a code-share that involves the foreign
operator displaying the code of a U.S.
operator.In many requests for an IASA,
the country either does not have an
operator or its operator may not yet have
the aircraft type needed to provide
service to the United States. This
clarification in policy is intended to
ensure that an initial IASA is used for
its intended purpose of ensuring that
the CAA and its operator(s) have each
taken the necessary measures to manage
and oversee such operations in
accordance with ICAO standards, and
also to maintain the accuracy of the
IASA Category Rating list by not listing
countries with no operations that meet
the IASA applicability criteria.
Explanation of the Risk Analysis
Process Used to Determine Countries of
High Risk for IASA Reassessment
Risk Analysis To Determine IASA
Category 1 Countries for Reassessment
The FAA uses a risk analysis process
to identify IASA Category 1 countries
for reassessment. The risk analysis is
performed, at least annually and
whenever new safety information is
obtained, on each country on the IASA
Category Rating list to determine
countries of highest risk to the U.S.
National Airspace System (NAS) and
the U.S. traveling public. The risk
analysis was developed by FAA experts
in this field, and is comprised of
individual risk elements and grouped
into the following five major IASA risk
1. DOT Economic Authority—New or
existing U.S. DOT economic authority;
U.S. service under part 129; new or
current code-share involving display of
U.S. operator code on foreign operator
flights; and any USDOT administrative
emphasis items and initiatives.
2. Governance and Safety Culture—
Areas of interest include: contracting of
safety oversight functions; carrier wet
lease to airlines of other countries;
safety items identified by the CAA
remain unresolved or not addressed;
complaints received by FAA from other
CAAs, operators, manufacturers, and the
traveling public.
3. IASA Information—Time passed
since the last IASA, and other factors
that indicate the Category 1 rating may
no longer be valid.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 187 / Wednesday, September 28, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
4. ICAO Requirements—Risk concerns
include: negative ICAO Universal Safety
Oversight Audit Program (USOAP)
findings indicating noncompliance with
one or more of the eight critical
elements of safety oversight; ICAO
reports indicating noncompliance with
Standards and Recommended Practices
(SARPs); inaction with respect to ICAO
action plans; ICAO USOAP information
over two years old thus limiting its
5. FAA Information—FAA has safety
concerns about the oversight provided
by the CAA, which include the areas of:
FAA and foreign ramp inspections;
safety-related complaints about
carrier(s) from other CAAs; active
technical assistance activities;
compliance issues are present in FAA
certificated or approved entities in the
country; Congressional inquiries; and
existing bilateral agreement
implementation procedures.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Change To Introduce a New, Informal
Process for Engagement With CAAs
Identified for IASA Reassessment
In support of the FAA’s objective of
improving communications with CAAs
of IASA Category 1 countries identified
as priorities through the FAA’s risk
analysis, the FAA will exercise
discretion to provide CAAs with
informal notification of safety concerns
and request discussions with CAAs
prior to the initiation of the formal IASA
process. If such safety concerns have not
been satisfactorily addressed, the FAA
will begin the formal IASA notification
process. The FAA will retain its ability
to initiate immediate IASA category
changes or IASA assessments when
justified based on available safety
information. The discretion to engage
informally is to make CAAs aware of
potential defiencies in safety oversight
to enable more efficient resolution.
Change To Introduce New Risk
Mitigation Measures When Countries
Have Been Notified of High Risk
Concerns That Would Trigger an IASA
This mitigation is twofold and
involves limits to foreign operations to
the United States and code-share
arrangements with operators from
countries for which the FAA has
identified safety oversight concerns and
limits on certain bilateral agreements.
These changes will provide the U.S.
traveling public and the U.S. air
transportation system with an added
measure of safety mitigation and
freedom from external pressures to
delay safety oversight responsibilities.
• Limitations on foreign operations to
the United States and code-share
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arrangements. Upon FAA notification to
a CAA of the FAA’s safety concern and
identification for an IASA reassessment,
the FAA will limit the direct service to
the United States and the display of U.S.
operators’ codes on foreign operators of
that country to current levels.
• Limits on certain bilateral
agreements. The FAA will communicate
to the CAA that the FAA will cease
reciprocal acceptance of any approvals
or certifications under existing Bilateral
Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA)
implementation procedures (IP) for
which the CAA may be responsible for
issuing. These risk mitigation actions
will increase transparency during the
time between informal notification of
the potential need for an IASA and the
conclusion of the formal IASA process.
CAA Completion of the IASA Checklist
Prior to an Assessment or Reassessment
The FAA currently requests that the
CAA provide a completed IASA
checklist (available on the FAA website)
prior to the FAA conducting an IASA;
however, the FAA has not explicitly
identified this step in past IASA policy
statements. While not mandatory, it is
in the CAA’s best interest to complete
the checklist in preparation for safety
oversight discussions. The CAA’s
provision of a completed IASA checklist
in advance of the assessment, whether
initial assessment or reassessment, will
facilitate an efficient and effective
assessment review.
Transmittal of IASA Results
This is a restatement of current
policy. Once an IASA has been
completed, the FAA will provide any
findings of noncompliance with ICAO
standards. Subsequently, the FAA will
provide the results of the assessment to
the CAA through an established cable
process. If there are no findings of
noncompliance with ICAO standards in
the IASA report, the cable will reflect
that the country will receive an IASA
Category 1 rating. If there have been any
findings of noncompliance with
applicable ICAO standards, the FAA
will provide the CAA with the
opportunity to provide evidence to the
FAA of the actions it has taken since the
IASA to correct any findings of
IASA Final Discussions
This is a restatement of current
policy. During the final discussions, the
FAA will review each IASA finding of
noncompliance with the CAA, the
CAA’s corrective action since the IASA,
and the status of the finding as either
open or closed. This will be
documented in a Record of Discussions,
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and the record will be signed by both
the FAA and the CAA. The final
assignment of an IASA Category rating
will be transmitted to the CAA through
the cable process.
Incorporation of FAA and CAA
Development of a Corrective Action
Plan (CAP) Upon Notification of an
IASA Category 2 Rating
For additional communication and
support for a country downgraded to an
IASA Category 2 rating, the FAA will
provide the CAA with a CAP to address
its safety oversight deficiencies and will
conduct a virtual meeting with the CAA
to establish timelines for completion.
This will allow the CAA to begin work
on its safety oversight findings at the
conclusion of the IASA process without
delay. Should the CAA request FAA
technical assistance implementation of
its CAP, this would require a
government-to-government agreement.
Restatement of the Current Practice
Regarding Reassessment of IASA
Category 2 Countries
To restate current FAA policy, a
country with an IASA Category 2 rating
may request a reassessment in an
attempt to obtain a Category 1 rating. A
CAP, as discussed above, showing the
CAA’s action on resolving the identified
safety oversight items is one way of
providing evidence of CAA readiness
for an IASA reassessment.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
23, 2022.
Jodi L. Baker,
Deputy Administrator for Aviation Safety.
[FR Doc. 2022–21085 Filed 9–26–22; 11:15 am]
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
19 CFR Part 12
[CBP Dec. 22–24]
RIN 1515–AE76
Extension of Import Restrictions on
Archaeological and Ecclesiastical
Ethnological Materials From
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Department of Homeland
Security; Department of the Treasury.
ACTION: Final rule.
This document amends the
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 187 (Wednesday, September 28, 2022)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 58725-58727]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-21085]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 129
Changes to the International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA)
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Policy statement.
SUMMARY: This document describes policy changes, clarification, or
restatement to the FAA's International Aviation Safety Assessment
(IASA) program to enhance engagement with civil aviation authorities
(CAAs) through pre- and post-IASA assessment and to promote greater
transparency. The FAA is making these changes to IASA policy to better
meet the FAA's mission and safety expectations of the U.S. traveling
public; better mitigate international civil aviation safety risks;
strengthen international relationships with CAAs toward sustained
success in maintaining or obtaining proper safety oversight; and
improve effectiveness, integration, and efficiency in executing the
IASA process. This docuent modifies the IASA policies previously
announced by the FAA.
DATES: This policy modification is effective September 28, 2022.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rolandos Lazaris, Division Manager,
International Program Division (AFS-50), Flight Standards Service,
Federal Aviation Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20591; (202) 267-3719, [email protected].
The IASA program is the means by which the FAA determines whether
another country's oversight of its air carriers that operate, or seek
to operate, into the U.S., or code-share with a U.S. air carrier,
complies with safety standards established by the International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO). The published IASA results of Category 1
or Category 2 is notification to the U.S. traveling public of safety
issues. Public notification of the IASA program was established by a
Federal Register (FR) notification. As with this recent Federal
Register document, subsequent milestones in the evolution of the
program were also published in the Federal Register. These
notifications are as follows:
August 24, 1992--established the FAA Procedures for
Examining and Monitoring Foreign Air Carriers (57 FR 38342).
September 8, 1994--established the Public Disclosure of
the Results of Foreign Civil Aviation Authority Assessments, through a
three-category numbered rating system. (59 FR 46332).
October 31, 1995--DOT notice Clarification Concerning
Examination of Foreign Carriers' Request for Expanded Economic
Authority, clarified the Department's licensing policy regarding
requests for expanded economic authority from foreign air carriers
whose CAA's safety oversight capability has been assessed by the FAA as
conditional (Category II) or unacceptable (Category III) (60 FR 55408).
May 25, 2000--Changes to the International Aviation Safety
Assessment Program removed the Category 3 rating and combined it with
Category 2 (65 FR 33751).
March 8, 2013--Changes to the International Aviation
Safety Assessment Program removed inactive countries (countries with no
air carrier operations to the United States or code-shares with U.S.
operators for four years and no significant interaction between the
country's CAA and the FAA) from the IASA Category list (78 FR 14912).
Through its IASA program, the FAA seeks continuous improvement to
achieve even greater global aviation safety levels. As noted in the
above-referenced Federal Register notification of September 8, 1994,
initial IASA assessments found that two-thirds of the CAAs assessed had
deficiencies in safety oversight obligations under the Convention on
International Civil Aviation. As broad evidence of the program's
effectiveness, now 90% of countries with an IASA rating achieved
Category 1 and meet ICAO standards. The following changes are intended
to further enhance the IASA program and strenghthen safety oversight
[[Page 58726]]
IASA Program Policy Changes, Clarification, or Restatement
The following paragraphs describe policy changes, clarification, or
restatement to the FAA's IASA program to enhance engagement with CAAs
through pre- and post-IASA assessment and to promote greater
Clarification of Definition of What the IASA Categories Mean
The FAA is clarifying the IASA Category definitions to align them
with the types of operations that require an IASA Category rating and
therefore demonstrate the need for FAA oversight. The notification,
published on March 8, 2013,\1\ states the definitions as, ``Category 1
means that the FAA has found that the country meets ICAO standards for
safety oversight of civil aviation. Category 2 means that the FAA has
found that the country does not meet those standards.'' The
notification further states that ``the IASA category rating applies
only to services to and from the United States and to code-share
operations when the code of a U.S. air carrier is placed on a foreign
carrier flight. The category ratings do not apply to a foreign
carrier's domestic flights or to flights by that carrier between its
homeland and a third country. The assessment team looks at those
flights only to the extent that they reflect on the country's oversight
of operations to and from the United States and to code-share
operations where a U.S. air carrier code is placed on a flight
conducted by a foreign operator.'' Not combining this applicability
into the Category definitions has given the public a mistaken
perception of the FAA oversight of all operators in that country. The
FAA exercises oversight authority of foreign operators with direct
service to the United States through issuance and oversight of
operations specifications (OpSpecs) issued to 14 CFR part 129
operators. This requires the FAA to engage in regular contact with the
relevant foreign CAA as to various aspects of these operations. When a
U.S. operator places its code on a foreign operator's flight, part 129
OpSpecs are not required, but those code-share arrangements are subject
to regular audits accceptable to the U.S. Department of Transportation
(U.S. DOT) under the U.S. Code-Share Program Guidelines. The FAA has no
oversight authority for other air operator operations of the applicable
CAA outside of these two instances. Therefore, the FAA is clarifying
its IASA Category definitions as follows:
\1\ 78 FR 14912.
Category 1, Does Comply with ICAO Standards: The FAA has
found that the country meets ICAO standards for safety oversight of
civil aviation. Pursuant to category 1, a country's operators may
pursue direct service to the United States or code-sharing partnership
with U.S. air carriers where a U.S. air carrier places its codes on
flights operated by a foreign carrier(s).
Category 2, Does Not Comply with ICAO Standards: The FAA
has found that the country does not meet those standards for safety
Change in the Criteria for Country Removal From the IASA List for
The policy, established in the March 8, 2013 Federal Register
notification, allows for the removal of a country from the IASA
category listing after four years of inactivity. The three criteria for
removal are: a country has no air carrier providing air transport
service to the United States; the country has no air carrier that
participates in a code-share arrangement with U.S. air carriers; and
the CAA does not interact significantly with the FAA. The FAA
experience and analysis indicate that IASA information is not reliable
two years after an initial assessment or reassessment without the
safety oversight interaction between the FAA and foreign CAA, such as
when there is an operator conducting U.S. air service and holding FAA
OpSpecs under part 129, when a U.S. operator places its code on a
foreign operator's flights, or when the FAA is providing technical
assistance based on identified areas of non-compliance to international
standards for safety oversight. Absent such interaction, any other
engagement between the FAA and a foreign CAA is not a reliable
indicator of the CAA's safety oversight capabilities in accordance with
ICAO standards.
The removal criteria published in 2013 no longer meet the need for
timeliness and accuracy of information on the IASA Category Rating
list. The 2013 criteria leave Category 1 countries on the list for an
extended period of time and may give the U.S. traveling public a false
sense of safety. Also, leaving Category 2 countries on the list for an
extended period of time can be perceived as unfairly penalizing those
countries when there has been no activity since the Category 2 rating
was issued. As a result, the FAA will reduce the removal benchmark from
four years to two years absent the interaction described above.
Clarification as to When an IASA Will Be Performed in a Country With No
IASA Category Rating
The FAA will perform an IASA of countries with no IASA Category
rating after an operator from that country files an economic authority
application with the U.S. DOT for either direct U.S. service with its
own aircraft and crew, or a code-share that involves the foreign
operator displaying the code of a U.S. operator.In many requests for an
IASA, the country either does not have an operator or its operator may
not yet have the aircraft type needed to provide service to the United
States. This clarification in policy is intended to ensure that an
initial IASA is used for its intended purpose of ensuring that the CAA
and its operator(s) have each taken the necessary measures to manage
and oversee such operations in accordance with ICAO standards, and also
to maintain the accuracy of the IASA Category Rating list by not
listing countries with no operations that meet the IASA applicability
Explanation of the Risk Analysis Process Used to Determine Countries of
High Risk for IASA Reassessment
Risk Analysis To Determine IASA Category 1 Countries for Reassessment
The FAA uses a risk analysis process to identify IASA Category 1
countries for reassessment. The risk analysis is performed, at least
annually and whenever new safety information is obtained, on each
country on the IASA Category Rating list to determine countries of
highest risk to the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS) and the U.S.
traveling public. The risk analysis was developed by FAA experts in
this field, and is comprised of individual risk elements and grouped
into the following five major IASA risk categories:
1. DOT Economic Authority--New or existing U.S. DOT economic
authority; U.S. service under part 129; new or current code-share
involving display of U.S. operator code on foreign operator flights;
and any USDOT administrative emphasis items and initiatives.
2. Governance and Safety Culture--Areas of interest include:
contracting of safety oversight functions; carrier wet lease to
airlines of other countries; safety items identified by the CAA remain
unresolved or not addressed; complaints received by FAA from other
CAAs, operators, manufacturers, and the traveling public.
3. IASA Information--Time passed since the last IASA, and other
factors that indicate the Category 1 rating may no longer be valid.
[[Page 58727]]
4. ICAO Requirements--Risk concerns include: negative ICAO
Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP) findings indicating
noncompliance with one or more of the eight critical elements of safety
oversight; ICAO reports indicating noncompliance with Standards and
Recommended Practices (SARPs); inaction with respect to ICAO action
plans; ICAO USOAP information over two years old thus limiting its
5. FAA Information--FAA has safety concerns about the oversight
provided by the CAA, which include the areas of: FAA and foreign ramp
inspections; safety-related complaints about carrier(s) from other
CAAs; active technical assistance activities; compliance issues are
present in FAA certificated or approved entities in the country;
Congressional inquiries; and existing bilateral agreement
implementation procedures.
Change To Introduce a New, Informal Process for Engagement With CAAs
Identified for IASA Reassessment
In support of the FAA's objective of improving communications with
CAAs of IASA Category 1 countries identified as priorities through the
FAA's risk analysis, the FAA will exercise discretion to provide CAAs
with informal notification of safety concerns and request discussions
with CAAs prior to the initiation of the formal IASA process. If such
safety concerns have not been satisfactorily addressed, the FAA will
begin the formal IASA notification process. The FAA will retain its
ability to initiate immediate IASA category changes or IASA assessments
when justified based on available safety information. The discretion to
engage informally is to make CAAs aware of potential defiencies in
safety oversight to enable more efficient resolution.
Change To Introduce New Risk Mitigation Measures When Countries Have
Been Notified of High Risk Concerns That Would Trigger an IASA
This mitigation is twofold and involves limits to foreign
operations to the United States and code-share arrangements with
operators from countries for which the FAA has identified safety
oversight concerns and limits on certain bilateral agreements. These
changes will provide the U.S. traveling public and the U.S. air
transportation system with an added measure of safety mitigation and
freedom from external pressures to delay safety oversight
Limitations on foreign operations to the United States and
code-share arrangements. Upon FAA notification to a CAA of the FAA's
safety concern and identification for an IASA reassessment, the FAA
will limit the direct service to the United States and the display of
U.S. operators' codes on foreign operators of that country to current
Limits on certain bilateral agreements. The FAA will
communicate to the CAA that the FAA will cease reciprocal acceptance of
any approvals or certifications under existing Bilateral Aviation
Safety Agreement (BASA) implementation procedures (IP) for which the
CAA may be responsible for issuing. These risk mitigation actions will
increase transparency during the time between informal notification of
the potential need for an IASA and the conclusion of the formal IASA
CAA Completion of the IASA Checklist Prior to an Assessment or
The FAA currently requests that the CAA provide a completed IASA
checklist (available on the FAA website) prior to the FAA conducting an
IASA; however, the FAA has not explicitly identified this step in past
IASA policy statements. While not mandatory, it is in the CAA's best
interest to complete the checklist in preparation for safety oversight
discussions. The CAA's provision of a completed IASA checklist in
advance of the assessment, whether initial assessment or reassessment,
will facilitate an efficient and effective assessment review.
Transmittal of IASA Results
This is a restatement of current policy. Once an IASA has been
completed, the FAA will provide any findings of noncompliance with ICAO
standards. Subsequently, the FAA will provide the results of the
assessment to the CAA through an established cable process. If there
are no findings of noncompliance with ICAO standards in the IASA
report, the cable will reflect that the country will receive an IASA
Category 1 rating. If there have been any findings of noncompliance
with applicable ICAO standards, the FAA will provide the CAA with the
opportunity to provide evidence to the FAA of the actions it has taken
since the IASA to correct any findings of noncompliance.
IASA Final Discussions
This is a restatement of current policy. During the final
discussions, the FAA will review each IASA finding of noncompliance
with the CAA, the CAA's corrective action since the IASA, and the
status of the finding as either open or closed. This will be documented
in a Record of Discussions, and the record will be signed by both the
FAA and the CAA. The final assignment of an IASA Category rating will
be transmitted to the CAA through the cable process.
Incorporation of FAA and CAA Development of a Corrective Action Plan
(CAP) Upon Notification of an IASA Category 2 Rating
For additional communication and support for a country downgraded
to an IASA Category 2 rating, the FAA will provide the CAA with a CAP
to address its safety oversight deficiencies and will conduct a virtual
meeting with the CAA to establish timelines for completion. This will
allow the CAA to begin work on its safety oversight findings at the
conclusion of the IASA process without delay. Should the CAA request
FAA technical assistance implementation of its CAP, this would require
a government-to-government agreement.
Restatement of the Current Practice Regarding Reassessment of IASA
Category 2 Countries
To restate current FAA policy, a country with an IASA Category 2
rating may request a reassessment in an attempt to obtain a Category 1
rating. A CAP, as discussed above, showing the CAA's action on
resolving the identified safety oversight items is one way of providing
evidence of CAA readiness for an IASA reassessment.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September 23, 2022.
Jodi L. Baker,
Deputy Administrator for Aviation Safety.
[FR Doc. 2022-21085 Filed 9-26-22; 11:15 am]