Advisory Committee Special Meeting on Management Strategy Evaluation for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, 58485-58486 [2022-20879]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 186 / Tuesday, September 27, 2022 / Notices
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES
On March 18, 2021, Commerce
published its Final Results in the 2018
CVD administrative review of FSF from
China.1 In the Final Results, Commerce
determined that the use of adverse facts
available (AFA) under sections 776(a)
and (b) of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
amended (the Act), was warranted in
determining the countervailability of the
Export Buyer’s Credit (EBC) program,
because the Government of China (GOC)
had failed to provide the necessary
information Commerce required to
analyze the program.2 Commerce also
determined that it could not rely on
statements of non-use provided by BothWell and its customers because of the
GOC’s failure to provide the necessary
information with respect to the
operation of the program.3 Consistent
with Commerce’s CVD AFA hierarchy,
Commerce selected the highest
calculated rate for the same or similar
program as the AFA rate for this
program, 10.54 percent, in accordance
with section 776(d) of the Act and
Commerce’s established practice.4
Commerce calculated a total net subsidy
rate of 25.90 percent for Both-Well.5
Both-Well appealed Commerce’s Final
Results. On February 8, 2022, the CIT
remanded the Final Results to
Commerce and ordered either: (1) that
Commerce must attempt to verify the
EBC program non-use certifications
provided by Both-Well’s U.S. customers
or; (2) that if, after attempting
verification, Commerce determines
verification is not possible without the
missing information from the GOC, then
Commerce must explain, in detail, the
specific ways in which Commerce
attempted verification of the non-use
In its final remand redetermination,
issued in July 2022, Commerce found,
after issuing supplemental
questionnaires to Both-Well, that there
was no use of the EBC program with
respect to Both-Well in this review and
removed the subsidy rate for the EBC
program from Both-Well’s final CVD
subsidy rate, resulting in a 15.36 percent
rate for Both-Well.7 On September 13,
1 See Forged Steel Fittings from the People’s
Republic of China: Final Results of Countervailing
Duty Administrative Review; 2018, 86 FR 14722
(March 18, 2021) (Final Results), and accompanying
Issues and Decisions Memorandum.
2 Id. at Comment 1.
3 Id.
4 Id. at Comment 2.
5 See Final Results, 86 FR at 14723.
6 See Bothwell (Taizhou) Steel Fittings, Co., Ltd.
v. United States, Consol. Court No. 21–00166 (CIT
February 8, 2022), at 20–21.
7 See Final Results of Remand Redetermination
Pursuant to Court Remand, Bothwell (Taizhou)
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2022, the CIT sustained Commerce’s
final redetermination.8
Timken Notice
In its decision in Timken,9 as clarified
by Diamond Sawblades,10 the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
held that, pursuant to section 516A(c)
and (e) of the Act, Commerce must
publish a notice of court decision that
is not ‘‘in harmony’’ with a Commerce
determination and must suspend
liquidation of entries pending a
‘‘conclusive’’ court decision. The CIT’s
September 13, 2022, judgment
constitutes a final decision of the CIT
that is not in harmony with Commerce’s
Final Results. Thus, this notice is
published in fulfillment of the
publication requirements of Timken.
Amended Final Results
Because there is now a final court
judgment, Commerce is amending its
Final Results with respect to Both-Well
as follows:
final and conclusive court decision,
Commerce intends to instruct CBP to
assess countervailing duties on
unliquidated entries of subject
merchandise produced and/or exported
by Both-Well in accordance with 19
CFR 351.212(b). We will instruct CBP to
assess countervailing duties on all
appropriate entries covered by this
review when the ad valorem rate is not
zero or de minimis. Where an ad
valorem subsidy rate is zero or de
minimis,11 we will instruct CBP to
liquidate the appropriate entries
without regard to countervailing duties.
Notification to Interested Parties
This notice is issued and published in
accordance with sections 516A(c) and
(e) and 777(i)(1) of the Act.
Dated: September 22, 2022.
Lisa W. Wang,
Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and
[FR Doc. 2022–20979 Filed 9–23–22; 11:15 am]
Subsidy rate
ad valorem)
Both-Well (Taizhou) Steel Fittings, Co., Ltd ........................
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Cash Deposit Requirements
[RTID 0648–XC402]
Because Both-Well has a superseding
cash deposit rate, i.e., there have been
final results published in a subsequent
administrative review, we will not issue
revised cash deposit instructions to U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
This notice will not affect the current
cash deposit rate.
Advisory Committee Special Meeting
on Management Strategy Evaluation
for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
Liquidation of Suspended Entries
At this time, Commerce remains
enjoined by CIT order from liquidating
entries that were produced and/or
exported by Both-Well, and were
entered, or withdrawn from warehouse,
for consumption during the period
March 14, 2018, through December 31,
2018. These entries will remain
enjoined pursuant to the terms of the
injunction during the pendency of any
appeals process.
In the event the CIT’s ruling is not
appealed, or, if appealed, upheld by a
Steel Fittings, Co., Ltd. v. United States, Consol.
Court No. 21–00166, dated July 7, 2022, available
at, at 7–8.
8 See Both-Well (Taizhou) Steel Fittings, Co., Ltd.,
v. United States, Court No. 21–00166, Slip Op. 22–
105 (CIT September 13, 2022).
9 See Timken Co. v. United States, 893 F.2d 337
(Fed. Cir. 1990) (Timken).
10 See Diamond Sawblades Manufacturers
Coalition v. United States, 626 F.3d 1374 (Fed. Cir.
2010) (Diamond Sawblades).
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National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
In preparation for an
intersessional meeting of the
International Commission for the
Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
on management strategy evaluation
(MSE) for Atlantic bluefin tuna, the
Advisory Committee to the U.S. Section
to ICCAT is announcing the convening
of a special fall meeting.
DATES: The meeting will be held on
October 5, 2022. There will be an open
session from 1 p.m. to no later than 3
p.m. EDT. The remainder of the meeting
will be closed to the public and will end
by 5 p.m. EDT. Interested members of
the public may present their views
during the public comment period of
the open session. The public comment
period will begin at approximately 2
p.m. and conclude no later than 3 p.m.
ADDRESSES: Please register to attend the
meeting at:
11 See
19 CFR 351.106(c)(2).
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 186 / Tuesday, September 27, 2022 / Notices
zypwb7eDiti6PXcU6. Registration will
close on October 3, 2022, at 5 p.m. EDT.
Instructions for accessing the webinar
session will be emailed to registered
participants. Written comments may be
submitted, but must be received by
October 4, 2022. Written comments may
be sent via email to bryan.keller@, or via mail to Bryan Keller at
NMFS, Office of International Affairs,
Trade, and Commerce, 1315 East-West
Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Bryan Keller, Office of International
Affairs, Trade, and Commerce, (202)
897–9208 or at
Advisory Committee to the U.S. Section
to ICCAT will meet on October 5, 2022,
first in open session to receive an
update on the development of MSE for
Atlantic bluefin tuna. It will then meet
in closed session to discuss sensitive
matters in preparation for an ICCAT
intersessional meeting on bluefin tuna
MSE to be held on October 14, 2022.
MSE is a scientific tool that allows
fishery managers, scientists, and
stakeholders (e.g., industry, nongovernmental organizations) to simulate
the workings of a fishery system to test
how well different harvest strategies
(a.k.a. management procedures) achieve
agreed management objectives for that
fishery. After several years of work,
ICCAT anticipates finalizing the bluefin
tuna MSE and adopting a management
procedure applicable to both the
western and eastern Atlantic and
Mediterranean stocks of bluefin tuna at
its November 2022 Annual Meeting. If
adopted by ICCAT, the management
procedure will be applied in order to set
Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for
2023 and future years for both stocks.
The United States has been participating
actively in this MSE development
process and have been engaging
stakeholders and considering their input
throughout the process through various
means, including consultation with the
Advisory Committee to the U.S. Section
to ICCAT. The United States also
participates in the development of the
bluefin tuna MSE through active
engagement by U.S. scientists in
ICCAT’s Standing Committee on
Research and Statistics (SCRS).
The most up-to-date information on
bluefin tuna MSE will be provided
during the open session of the October
5 meeting. This session, which will take
place from 1 p.m. to no later than 3 p.m.
EDT, will include an opportunity for
interested stakeholders to ask questions
and time will also be set aside for
members of the public to provide formal
input on this important issue.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Specifically, a public comment period
will begin at approximately 2 p.m. and
conclude no later than 3 p.m. Comments
may also be submitted in writing for the
Advisory Committee’s consideration.
Interested members of the public can
submit comments by mail or email. Use
of email is encouraged. All written
comments must be received by October
4, 2022 (see ADDRESSES).
A key area where stakeholders may
wish to provide input relates to the
remaining candidate management
procedures (CMPs) and the management
tradeoffs associated with them as
identified through MSE. Tradeoffs
among the four management objectives,
which are applicable to both stocks, will
be clearly indicated in the scientific
output provided by SCRS. Management
objectives relate to stock status, stock
safety, yield in the short, medium, and
longer terms, and stability of the TAC
across management periods, which
could be established for 2 or 3 years.
After the open session, the Advisory
Committee will go into closed session
no later than 3 p.m. and will conclude
its meeting at 5 p.m. EDT. During its
closed session, the Advisory Committee
will provide its advice on possible
positions and strategies to be taken by
the United States concerning bluefin
tuna MSE at an October 14
intersessional meeting of ICCAT’s Panel
2, the last meeting of this body before
the November 2022 ICCAT Annual
Meeting, at which ICCAT is expected to
adopt and apply a bluefin tuna
management procedure.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.; 16
U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: September 21, 2022.
Alexa Cole,
Director, Office of International Affairs,
Trade, and Commerce, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2022–20879 Filed 9–26–22; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XC368]
Membership of the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration
Performance Review Board
National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce (DOC).
ACTION: Notice of membership of the
2022 NOAA Performance Review Board.
NOAA announces the
appointment of members who will serve
PO 00000
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on the 2022 NOAA Performance Review
Board (PRB). The NOAA PRB is
responsible for reviewing performance
appraisals and ratings of Senior
Executive Service (SES), Senior Level
(SL), and Scientific and Professional
(ST) members and making written
recommendations to the appointing
authority on retention and
compensation matters, including
performance-based pay adjustments,
awarding of bonuses, and reviewing
recommendations for potential
Presidential Rank Award nominees. The
appointment of members to the NOAA
PRB will be for a period of 2 years.
DATES: The effective date of service of
the ten appointees to the NOAA
Performance Review Board is October
25–28, 2022.
Charles A. McLeod, Human Resources
Specialist, Executive Resources
Division, Office of Human Capital
Services, NOAA, 1305 East-West
Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland
20910, (301) 628–1883.
names and positions of the members for
the 2022 NOAA PRB are set forth below:
• David Michaud, Chair: Director,
Office of Central Processing, National
Weather Service, NOAA
• Kelly Mabe, Co-Chair: Deputy
Director, Acquisition and Grants
Office, NOAA
• Carrie Robinson: Director, Habitat
Conservation, National Marine
Fisheries Service, NOAA
• Michelle Mainelli-McInerney:
Director, Office of Dissemination,
National Weather Service, NOAA
• Makeda Okolo: Director, Office of
Legislative & Intergovernmental
Affairs, NOAA
• James Donnellon: Chief Financial
Officer-Chief Administrative Officer,
National Environmental Satellite,
Data, and Information Service, NOAA
• Kevin Kimball: Chief of Staff,
National Institute of Standards and
• Juliana Blackwell: Director, Office of
National Geodetic Survey, National
Ocean Service, NOAA
• Deirdre Jones: Chief Administrative
Officer, NOAA
• John Cortinas: Director, Atlantic
Oceanographic and Meteorological
Laboratory, NOAA
• Jonathan Hare, Director, Science and
Research, NE Region, NOAA
• Wayne Higgins, Director, Climate
Program Office, NOAA
• Karen Hyun, Chief of Staff, NOAA
• James St. Pierre, Acting Director,
Information Technology Laboratory,
National Institute of Standards and
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 186 (Tuesday, September 27, 2022)]
[Pages 58485-58486]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-20879]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[RTID 0648-XC402]
Advisory Committee Special Meeting on Management Strategy
Evaluation for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of meeting.
SUMMARY: In preparation for an intersessional meeting of the
International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
on management strategy evaluation (MSE) for Atlantic bluefin tuna, the
Advisory Committee to the U.S. Section to ICCAT is announcing the
convening of a special fall meeting.
DATES: The meeting will be held on October 5, 2022. There will be an
open session from 1 p.m. to no later than 3 p.m. EDT. The remainder of
the meeting will be closed to the public and will end by 5 p.m. EDT.
Interested members of the public may present their views during the
public comment period of the open session. The public comment period
will begin at approximately 2 p.m. and conclude no later than 3 p.m.
ADDRESSES: Please register to attend the meeting at:
[[Page 58486]]
zypwb7eDiti6PXcU6. Registration will close on October 3, 2022, at 5
p.m. EDT. Instructions for accessing the webinar session will be
emailed to registered participants. Written comments may be submitted,
but must be received by October 4, 2022. Written comments may be sent
via email to [email protected], or via mail to Bryan Keller at
NMFS, Office of International Affairs, Trade, and Commerce, 1315 East-
West Highway, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bryan Keller, Office of International
Affairs, Trade, and Commerce, (202) 897-9208 or at
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Advisory Committee to the U.S. Section
to ICCAT will meet on October 5, 2022, first in open session to receive
an update on the development of MSE for Atlantic bluefin tuna. It will
then meet in closed session to discuss sensitive matters in preparation
for an ICCAT intersessional meeting on bluefin tuna MSE to be held on
October 14, 2022. MSE is a scientific tool that allows fishery
managers, scientists, and stakeholders (e.g., industry, non-
governmental organizations) to simulate the workings of a fishery
system to test how well different harvest strategies (a.k.a. management
procedures) achieve agreed management objectives for that fishery.
After several years of work, ICCAT anticipates finalizing the bluefin
tuna MSE and adopting a management procedure applicable to both the
western and eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stocks of bluefin tuna
at its November 2022 Annual Meeting. If adopted by ICCAT, the
management procedure will be applied in order to set Total Allowable
Catches (TACs) for 2023 and future years for both stocks. The United
States has been participating actively in this MSE development process
and have been engaging stakeholders and considering their input
throughout the process through various means, including consultation
with the Advisory Committee to the U.S. Section to ICCAT. The United
States also participates in the development of the bluefin tuna MSE
through active engagement by U.S. scientists in ICCAT's Standing
Committee on Research and Statistics (SCRS).
The most up-to-date information on bluefin tuna MSE will be
provided during the open session of the October 5 meeting. This
session, which will take place from 1 p.m. to no later than 3 p.m. EDT,
will include an opportunity for interested stakeholders to ask
questions and time will also be set aside for members of the public to
provide formal input on this important issue. Specifically, a public
comment period will begin at approximately 2 p.m. and conclude no later
than 3 p.m. Comments may also be submitted in writing for the Advisory
Committee's consideration. Interested members of the public can submit
comments by mail or email. Use of email is encouraged. All written
comments must be received by October 4, 2022 (see ADDRESSES).
A key area where stakeholders may wish to provide input relates to
the remaining candidate management procedures (CMPs) and the management
tradeoffs associated with them as identified through MSE. Tradeoffs
among the four management objectives, which are applicable to both
stocks, will be clearly indicated in the scientific output provided by
SCRS. Management objectives relate to stock status, stock safety, yield
in the short, medium, and longer terms, and stability of the TAC across
management periods, which could be established for 2 or 3 years.
After the open session, the Advisory Committee will go into closed
session no later than 3 p.m. and will conclude its meeting at 5 p.m.
EDT. During its closed session, the Advisory Committee will provide its
advice on possible positions and strategies to be taken by the United
States concerning bluefin tuna MSE at an October 14 intersessional
meeting of ICCAT's Panel 2, the last meeting of this body before the
November 2022 ICCAT Annual Meeting, at which ICCAT is expected to adopt
and apply a bluefin tuna management procedure.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 971 et seq.; 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: September 21, 2022.
Alexa Cole,
Director, Office of International Affairs, Trade, and Commerce,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2022-20879 Filed 9-26-22; 8:45 am]