Information Collection; General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation; Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc), 55007-55008 [2022-19377]
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 173 / Thursday, September 8, 2022 / Notices
could be grouped together in a last-oflayer hedge other than meeting the
following two criteria: (1) They must be
prepayable financial assets that have a
contractual maturity date beyond the
period being hedged and (2) they must
be eligible for fair value hedge
accounting of interest rate risk (for
example, fixed-rate instruments). For
example, fixed-rate residential
mortgages, auto loans, and collateralized
mortgage obligations could all be
grouped and hedged together in a single
last-of-layer closed portfolio. For a lastof-layer hedge, ASC paragraph 815–10–
50–5B states that an institution may
need to allocate the related fair value
hedge basis adjustment (FVHBA) ‘‘to
meet the objectives of disclosure
requirements in other Topics.’’ This
ASC paragraph then explains that the
institution ‘‘may allocate the basis
adjustment on an individual asset basis
or on a portfolio basis using a systematic
and rational method.’’ Due to the
aggregation of assets in a last-of-layer
closed portfolio, institutions may find it
challenging to allocate the related
FVHBA to the individual loan or AFS
debt security level when necessary for
financial reporting purposes.
In March 2018, the FASB added a
project to its agenda to expand last-oflayer hedging to multiple layers, thereby
providing more flexibility to entities
when applying hedge accounting to a
closed portfolio of prepayable assets. In
connection with this project, the FASB
anticipated that there would be
diversity in practice if entities were
required to allocate portfolio-level, lastof-layer FVHBAs to more granular
levels, which in turn could potentially
hamper data quality and comparability.
In addition, the allocation would
increase operational burden on
institutions with little, if any, added
value to risk management or to users of
the financial statements. Therefore, for
financial reporting purposes, the FASB
tentatively decided that it would require
these FVHBAs to be presented as a
reconciling item, i.e., in the aggregate for
loans and AFS debt securities, in
disclosures required by other areas of
United States generally accepted
accounting principles (U.S. GAAP).
As a result, in the October 2020
notice, the Board proposed to
implement changes to the FR Y–9C
related to the FASB’s expected
expansion of last-of-layer hedging to
multiple layers, providing more
flexibility to entities when applying
hedge accounting to a closed portfolio of
prepayable assets. Specifically, the
Board proposed changes to FR Y–9C,
Schedules HC–C, Loans and Lease
Financing Receivables and HC–B,
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Securities. Following the FASB’s
expected adoption of a final last-of-layer
hedge accounting standard, the
instructions for Schedule HC–C, item
11, ‘‘LESS: Any unearned income on
loans reflected in items 1–9 above,’’
would have been revised to explicitly
state that last-of-layer FVHBAs
associated with the loans reported in
Schedule HC–C, should be included in
this item. In addition, the Board
proposed to rename existing item 7 for
Schedule HC–B, ‘‘Investments in mutual
funds and other equity securities with
readily determinable fair values,’’ to
‘‘Unallocated last-of-layer fair value
hedge basis adjustments.’’ Holding
companies would have reported
amounts for last-of-layer FVHBAs on
AFS debt securities only in item 7,
column C, ‘‘Available-for-sale:
Amortized Cost’’.
However, the FASB had not adopted
the expected expansion of last-of-layer
hedging by January 2021, when the
Board approved the other revisions to
the FR Y–9 reports that had been
proposed in the October 2020 notice.
Therefore, the Board did not adopt the
proposed revisions relating to last-oflayer hedging in the January 2021 notice
and instead noted that it would consider
whether to finalize the proposed
revisions when the FASB adopted a
final standard.
On March 28, 2022, the FASB issued
ASU 2022–01, to implement last-oflayer hedging.14 The ASU is considered
to be a modification of U.S. GAAP. This
ASU expands the current single-layer
method and allows for multiple hedged
layers of a single closed portfolio, as
anticipated by the October 2020 notice.
Additionally, ASU 2022–01:
• Expands the scope of the portfolio
layer method from prepayable assets to
also include nonprepayable assets;
• Specifies eligible hedging
instruments in a single-layer hedge;
• Provides additional guidance on the
accounting for and disclosure of FVHBA
under the portfolio layer method; and
• Specifies how hedge basis
adjustments should be considered when
determining credit losses for the assets
included in the closed portfolio.
The ASU 2022–01 applies to all
entities that elect to apply the portfolio
layer method of hedge accounting. For
public business entities, this ASU is
effective for fiscal years beginning after
December 15, 2022, and interim periods
within those fiscal years. For all other
entities, the ASU is effective for fiscal
years beginning after December 15,
14 ASU 2022–01—Derivatives and Hedging (Topic
815): Fair Value Hedging—Portfolio Layer Method
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2023, and interim periods within those
fiscal years. Early adoption is permitted.
In light of the issuance of ASU 2022–
01 by the FASB, the Board has adopted
the revisions to the FR Y–9C related to
the expansion of last-of-layer hedging
proposed in October 2020, with certain
modifications to account for the specific
content of ASU 2022–01. Specifically,
the Board has renamed HC–B, line item
7 to ‘‘Unallocated portfolio layer fair
value hedge basis adjustments’’ instead
of ’’ Unallocated last-of-layer fair value
hedge basis adjustments’’ to align with
the scope of ASU 2022–01.
Additionally, the Board is updating the
FR Y–9C instructions for Schedules HC–
B, Securities, and HC–C, Loans and
Leases, to fully align with U.S. GAAP as
detailed in ASU 2022–01.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, September 1, 2022.
Michele Taylor Fennell,
Deputy Associate Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 2022–19324 Filed 9–7–22; 8:45 am]
[OMB Control No. 3090–0320; Docket No.
2022–0001; Sequence No. 15]
Information Collection; General
Services Administration Acquisition
Regulation; Construction Manager as
Constructor (CMc)
Office of Acquisition Policy,
General Services Administration (GSA).
ACTION: Notice of request for public
Under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act, the
Regulatory Secretariat Division will be
submitting to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) a request to review
and approve an extension of a
previously approved information
collection requirement regarding
information collection 3090–0320
Construction Manager as Constructor
Submit comments on or before:
November 7, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments
identified by Information Collection
3090–0320 via https://
Submit comments via the Federal
eRulemaking portal by searching the
OMB control number. Select the link
‘‘Comment’’ that corresponds with
information collection ‘‘3090–0320,
Construction Manager as Constructor’’.
Follow the instructions provided on the
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 173 / Thursday, September 8, 2022 / Notices
screen. Please include your name,
company name (if any), and
‘‘Information Collection 3090–0320,
Construction Manager as Constructor’’
on your attached document. If your
comment cannot be submitted using, call or email the points
of contact in the FOR FURTHER
document for alternate instructions.
Instructions: Please submit comments
only and cite Information Collection
3090–0320, Construction Manager as
Constructor, in all correspondence
related to this collection. Comments
received generally will be posted
without change to,
including any personal and/or business
confidential information provided. To
confirm receipt of your comment(s),
please check,
approximately two-to-three days after
submission to verify posting.
Marten Wallace, General Services
Acquisition Policy Division, GSA, by
phone at 202–286–5807 or by email at
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
A. Purpose
The General Services Administration
Acquisition Regulation (GSAR)
552.236–79, Construction-Contractor-asConstructor, requires the contractor to
submit proposals to establish the final
estimated cost of the work, to convert
the contract to a firm-fixed-price, and to
determine the final settlement.
The GSAR coverage on construction
contracts, including clauses for
solicitations and resultant contracts,
clarifies, updates, and incorporates
existing guidance on the constructionmanager-as-constructor (CMc) project
delivery method.
The CMc refers to a project
management and contracting technique
that is one of three predominant
methods used for acquiring construction
services by GSA. The other two methods
are design-bid-build and design-build.
The information is used by leasing
contracting officers to evaluate lease
proposals and negotiate lease contract
terms and conditions in a competitive or
non-competitive environment. GSA
would be unable to assess readily and
equitably offers fairly and competitively
if they were not allowed to collect data
required in the information collection.
B. Annual Reporting Burden
Total public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to
average 400 total hours ($33,004)
annually, including the time for
reviewing instructions, searching
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existing data sources, gathering, and
maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection
of information. The estimated burden
hours to the public for the below clauses
are as follows:
GSAR 552.236–79, ConstructionContractor-as-Constructor, requires the
contractor to submit proposals to
establish the final estimated cost of the
work, to convert the contract to a firmfixed-price, and to determine the final
Respondents: 5.
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Total Annual Responses: 10.
Hours per Response: 40.
Total Response Burden Hours: 400.
Cost per Hour: $82.51.
Estimated Cost Burden to the Public:
GSAR 552.236–80, Accounting
Records, contains a recordkeeping
requirement that is subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
3501, et seq.). The clause requires the
contractor to keep all relevant
documents for a period of three years
after the final payment. However, the
clause does not add burden to what is
already estimated for the existing FAR
clause at 52.215–2, Audit and Records
by a previous information collection
(see OMB Control Number 9000–0034).
C. Public Comments
Public comments are particularly
invited on: Whether this collection of
information is necessary and whether it
will have practical utility; whether our
estimate of the public burden of this
collection of information is accurate and
based on valid assumptions and
methodology; and ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected.
Obtaining Copies of Proposals:
Requesters may obtain a copy of the
information collection documents from
the GSA Regulatory Secretariat Division,
by calling 202–501–4755 or emailing Please cite OMB
Control No. 3090–0320, Construction
Manager as Constructor, in all
Jeffrey A. Koses,
Senior Procurement Executive, Office of
Acquisition Policy, Office of Governmentwide Policy.
[FR Doc. 2022–19377 Filed 9–7–22; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00055
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2022–N–2107]
Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs Advisory
Committee; Notice of Meeting;
Establishment of a Public Docket;
Request for Comments
Food and Drug Administration,
Notice; establishment of a
public docket; request for comments.
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) announces a
forthcoming public advisory committee
meeting of the Pulmonary-Allergy Drugs
Advisory Committee. The general
function of the committee is to provide
advice and recommendations to FDA on
regulatory issues. The meeting will be
open to the public. FDA is establishing
a docket for public comment on this
The meeting will be held
virtually on October 6, 2022, from 9 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Eastern Time.
ADDRESSES: Please note that due to the
impact of this COVID–19 pandemic, all
meeting participants will be joining this
advisory committee meeting via an
online teleconferencing platform.
Answers to commonly asked questions
about FDA advisory committee meetings
may be accessed at: https://
FDA is establishing a docket for
public comment on this meeting. The
docket number is FDA–2022–N–2107.
The docket will close on October 5,
2022. Either electronic or written
comments on this public meeting must
be submitted by October 5, 2022. Please
note that late, untimely filed comments
will not be considered. The https:// electronic filing
system will accept comments until
11:59 p.m. Eastern Time at the end of
October 5, 2022. Comments received by
mail/hand delivery/courier (for written/
paper submissions) will be considered
timely if they are received on or before
that date.
Comments received on or before
September 29, 2022, will be provided to
the committee. Comments received after
that date will be taken into
consideration by FDA. In the event that
the meeting is cancelled, FDA will
continue to evaluate any relevant
applications or information, and
consider any comments submitted to the
docket, as appropriate.
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 173 (Thursday, September 8, 2022)]
[Pages 55007-55008]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-19377]
[OMB Control No. 3090-0320; Docket No. 2022-0001; Sequence No. 15]
Information Collection; General Services Administration
Acquisition Regulation; Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc)
AGENCY: Office of Acquisition Policy, General Services Administration
ACTION: Notice of request for public comments.
SUMMARY: Under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, the
Regulatory Secretariat Division will be submitting to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) a request to review and approve an
extension of a previously approved information collection requirement
regarding information collection 3090-0320 Construction Manager as
Constructor (CMc).
DATES: Submit comments on or before: November 7, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments identified by Information Collection 3090-
0320 via
Submit comments via the Federal eRulemaking portal by searching the
OMB control number. Select the link ``Comment'' that corresponds with
information collection ``3090-0320, Construction Manager as
Constructor''. Follow the instructions provided on the
[[Page 55008]]
screen. Please include your name, company name (if any), and
``Information Collection 3090-0320, Construction Manager as
Constructor'' on your attached document. If your comment cannot be
submitted using, call or email the points of contact in
the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of this document for
alternate instructions.
Instructions: Please submit comments only and cite Information
Collection 3090-0320, Construction Manager as Constructor, in all
correspondence related to this collection. Comments received generally
will be posted without change to, including any
personal and/or business confidential information provided. To confirm
receipt of your comment(s), please check, approximately
two-to-three days after submission to verify posting.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Marten Wallace, General Services
Acquisition Policy Division, GSA, by phone at 202-286-5807 or by email
at [email protected].
A. Purpose
The General Services Administration Acquisition Regulation (GSAR)
552.236-79, Construction-Contractor-as-Constructor, requires the
contractor to submit proposals to establish the final estimated cost of
the work, to convert the contract to a firm-fixed-price, and to
determine the final settlement.
The GSAR coverage on construction contracts, including clauses for
solicitations and resultant contracts, clarifies, updates, and
incorporates existing guidance on the construction-manager-as-
constructor (CMc) project delivery method.
The CMc refers to a project management and contracting technique
that is one of three predominant methods used for acquiring
construction services by GSA. The other two methods are design-bid-
build and design-build.
The information is used by leasing contracting officers to evaluate
lease proposals and negotiate lease contract terms and conditions in a
competitive or non-competitive environment. GSA would be unable to
assess readily and equitably offers fairly and competitively if they
were not allowed to collect data required in the information
B. Annual Reporting Burden
Total public reporting burden for this collection of information is
estimated to average 400 total hours ($33,004) annually, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources,
gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and
reviewing the collection of information. The estimated burden hours to
the public for the below clauses are as follows:
GSAR 552.236-79, Construction-Contractor-as-Constructor, requires
the contractor to submit proposals to establish the final estimated
cost of the work, to convert the contract to a firm-fixed-price, and to
determine the final settlement.
Respondents: 5.
Responses per Respondent: 1.
Total Annual Responses: 10.
Hours per Response: 40.
Total Response Burden Hours: 400.
Cost per Hour: $82.51.
Estimated Cost Burden to the Public: $33,004.
GSAR 552.236-80, Accounting Records, contains a recordkeeping
requirement that is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
3501, et seq.). The clause requires the contractor to keep all relevant
documents for a period of three years after the final payment. However,
the clause does not add burden to what is already estimated for the
existing FAR clause at 52.215-2, Audit and Records by a previous
information collection (see OMB Control Number 9000-0034).
C. Public Comments
Public comments are particularly invited on: Whether this
collection of information is necessary and whether it will have
practical utility; whether our estimate of the public burden of this
collection of information is accurate and based on valid assumptions
and methodology; and ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected.
Obtaining Copies of Proposals: Requesters may obtain a copy of the
information collection documents from the GSA Regulatory Secretariat
Division, by calling 202-501-4755 or emailing [email protected]. Please
cite OMB Control No. 3090-0320, Construction Manager as Constructor, in
all correspondence.
Jeffrey A. Koses,
Senior Procurement Executive, Office of Acquisition Policy, Office of
Government-wide Policy.
[FR Doc. 2022-19377 Filed 9-7-22; 8:45 am]