Notice of Request for Information (RFI) Inviting Input on the Sugar Re-Export Programs, 54449-54451 [2022-19134]
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Federal Register
Vol. 87, No. 171
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this
Public Availability of FY 2020 Service
Contract Inventory
Office of Contracting and
Procurement, Departmental
Administration, Office of the Secretary,
Department of Agriculture.
Notice of public availability FY
2020 Service Contract Inventories.
In accordance with Division C
of the Consolidated Appropriations Act
of 2010, the Department of Agriculture
is publishing this notice to advise the
public of access to the FY 2019 Service
Contract Inventory. This inventory
provides information on FY 2020
Service Contract actions with a dollar
value over $25,000. The information is
organized by function to show how
contracted resources are distributed
throughout the agency. The inventory
was developed in accordance with
guidance issued on September 7, 2018,
by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB), Office of Federal
Procurement Policy (OFPP). The
Department of Agriculture has posted its
inventory at the Office of Contracting
and Procurement homepage. The 2020
inventory is accessible at the following
link: Service Contract Inventories |
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES
Contact Curt Brown, Office of
Contracting & Procurement, at (202)
309–0929, or with
questions, comments, or additional
information request.
Signed in Washington, DC.
Tiffany Taylor,
Director, Office of Contracting & Procurement.
Foreign Agricultural Service
Notice of Request for Information (RFI)
Inviting Input on the Sugar Re-Export
Foreign Agricultural Service,
[FR Doc. 2022–19173 Filed 9–2–22; 8:45 am]
Request for information.
The Foreign Agricultural
Service (FAS) of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture is requesting public
comments from interested parties on
administration of the Sugar Re-Export
Programs, which include the Refined
Sugar Re-Export Program, the Sugar
Containing Products Re-Export Program,
and the Polyhydric Alcohol Program.
This request for information (RFI) seeks
voluntary comment from interested
stakeholders and members of the public
on these re-export programs.
Comments on this notice must be
received by November 7, 2022 to be
assured of consideration.
USDA invites submission of
comments through one of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
online instructions for submitting
• Email: FAS will accept electronic
comments emailed to FAS.Sugars@ The email should contain the
subject line, ‘‘Response to RFI: Inviting
Input on the Sugar Re-Export
Instructions: Response to this RFI is
voluntary. All comments submitted in
response to this RFI will be included in
the record and will be made available to
the public. Please be advised that the
substance of the comments and the
identity of the individuals or entities
submitting the comments will be subject
to public disclosure. USDA will make
the comments publicly available via
William Janis, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural
Service, telephone 202–720–2194, email
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Sugar Re-Export Programs
Pursuant to Additional U.S. Note 6 to
chapter 17 of the Harmonized Tariff
Schedule of the United States (HTSUS),
FAS administers and manages three
inter-related programs in the sugar
market: the Refined Sugar Re-Export
Program, the Sugar Containing Products
Re-Export Program, and the Polyhydric
Alcohol Program (collectively ‘‘Sugar
Re-Export Programs’’) (7 CFR part 1530).
FAS issues licenses to qualified sugar
refiners, manufacturers of sugarcontaining products (SCP), and
producers of polyhydric alcohol not for
human consumption that apply for
these programs.
Under the Refined Sugar Re-Export
Program, USDA issues licenses to sugar
refiners to import low-duty raw sugar
unrestricted by the raw sugar TRQ
provided for in Additional U.S. Note
5(a)(i) in chapter 17 of the HTSUS and
exempt from the requirement that
imports be accompanied by a Certificate
for Quota Eligibility (CQE) issued to the
foreign exporter in accordance with 15
CFR part 2011. An equivalent quantity
of domestically produced refined sugar
must either be exported by the licensee
or provided by the licensee to licensed
U.S. manufacturers for use in exported
SCP or licensed producers for use in
polyhydric alcohol for non-food
Under the Sugar-Containing Products
Re-Export Program, USDA issues
licenses to U.S. manufacturers of SCP to
purchase refined sugar from refiners
with refined sugar re-export licenses for
use in SCP to be exported to the world
Under the Polyhydric Alcohol
Program, USDA issues licenses to U.S.
producers of polyhydric alcohols to
purchase refined sugar from refiners
with refined sugar re-export licenses for
use in the production of polyhydric
alcohols, except polyhydric alcohols
used as a substitute for sugar in human
food consumption.
By statute, ‘‘for purposes of
Additional U.S. Note 6 to chapter 17 of
the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the
United States and the reexport programs
and polyhydric alcohol program
administered by the Secretary, all
refined sugars (whether derived from
sugar beets or sugarcane) produced by
cane sugar refineries and beet sugar
processors shall be fully substitutable
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 6, 2022 / Notices
for the export of sugar and sugarcontaining products under those
programs.’’ (7 U.S.C. 7272(h))
Request for Information
This RFI is a general solicitation for
public comment, including from
stakeholders involved directly or
indirectly in the Sugar Re-Export
Programs. This input will inform FAS
on the public’s views of the current
administration of these programs.
Specific questions to which comments
are requested are listed below.
Respondents may provide nonconfidential input concerning any or all
of these questions. We also welcome
comment on any topics related to the
Sugar Re-Export Programs but not
covered in these questions.
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES
The Sugar Re-Export Programs
1. The Sugar Re-Export Programs
regulations define ‘‘Refiner’’ to mean
‘‘any person in the U.S. Customs
Territory that refines raw cane sugar
through affination or defecation,
clarification, and further purification by
absorption or crystallization.’’ (7 CFR
1530.101). We seek the public’s views
on this definition.
a. What role does ‘‘absorption’’ play,
if any, within the sugar refining
purification process? In particular,
please comment on what production
steps ‘‘absorption’’ entails and whether
and how it is possible for a refiner to
purify raw cane sugar by using
absorption as part of the sugar refining
purification process. Please provide any
relevant accredited standards,
international standards, or other
scientific guides, or links thereto.
b. What role does ‘‘adsorption’’ play,
if any, within the sugar refining
purification process. In particular,
please comment on what production
steps ‘‘adsorption’’ entails and whether
and how it is possible for a refiner to
purify raw cane sugar by using
adsorption as part of the sugar refining
purification process. Please provide any
relevant accredited standards,
international standards, or other
scientific guides, or links thereto.
c. Is it possible to use both absorption
and adsorption during the sugar refining
purification process? When and in what
context? Please explain and provide any
relevant accredited standards,
international standards, or other
scientific guides, or links thereto.
d. Should sugar refining be redefined
to include purification by ‘‘adsorption
and crystallization’’ rather than
‘‘absorption or crystallization’’? Please
explain and provide any relevant
accredited standards, international
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standards, or other scientific guides, or
links thereto.
e. To account for future technological
advancements in refining sugar, should
a performance-driven definition replace
the current process-based definition of
refiner? If so, please describe your
recommended approach or
performance-based definition and any
relevant accredited standards,
international standards, or other
scientific guides, or links thereto. One
example of a performance-driven
definition is: ‘‘Refiner means any entity
that increases the polarity of raw cane
sugar for further processing from less
than 99.5 to 99.8 (99.86% sucrose by
volume) or more, determined on a dry
basis, and produces sugar with ICUMSA
Color Units of 45 or lower.’’
2. Pursuant to 7 CFR 1530.105(m) and
7 CFR 1530.113, the Licensing
Authority has waived paragraph (k) of
section 1530.105, which requires that a
licensee must retain ownership for the
product until exported from the U.S.
Customs Territory. This waiver is
available at
programs/sugar-import-program/sugarre-export-program-waivers-issuedjanuary-14-2002. Under this waiver,
licensed refiners and manufacturers
may sell refined sugar and SCP to a U.S.
order party (e.g., a broker, wholesaler/
distributor), who has arranged for the
sale and export of the merchandise to a
foreign buyer, or to a foreign entity in
the United States, who has purchased
the merchandise for export (‘‘third party
a. Please comment on the extent to
which licensed refiners and
manufacturers use third party exporters.
b. Please provide your views on the
benefits of or issues raised by this
activity, if any.
3. Pursuant to 7 CFR 1530.105(m) and
7 CFR 1530.113, the Licensing
Authority has waived paragraph (l) of
section 1530.105, which prohibits a
refiner from assigning its license
without the written permission of the
Licensing Authority, and the definitions
of ‘‘transfer’’ and ‘‘date of transfer’’ in
section 1530.101 whereby a ‘‘transfer’’
requires the transfer of legal title of the
program sugar from a licensed refiner to
a licensed SCP manufacturer or
polyhydric alcohol producer. These
waivers are available at https:// Under the waivers, an SCP
manufacturer or polyhydric producer
may purchase raw cane sugar in foreign
markets and import it using a refiner’s
license under the Refined Sugar Reexport Program. The SCP manufacturer
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or polyhydric alcohol producer may
maintain legal title of the imported
sugar throughout the entire process,
from importation as raw cane sugar,
through refining, and final transfer to
the license of the SCP manufacturer or
polyhydric alcohol producer. This
practice has become known as ‘‘toll
a. Please comment on the extent to
which licensees are engaging in toll
b. Please provide your views on the
benefits of or issues raised by toll
refining, if any.
4. Pursuant to section 1530.113, the
Licensing Authority has waived the
definition of ‘‘refined sugar’’ in section
1530.101, which provided that ‘‘Refined
sugar means any product that is
produced by a refiner by refining raw
cane sugar and that can be marketed as
commercial, industrial or retail sugar.’’
The Licensing Authority redefined
‘‘refined sugar’’ to mean ‘‘sugar whose
content of sucrose by weight, in a dry
state, corresponds to a polarimeter
reading of 99.5 degrees or more, or any
brown sugar regardless of polarity
manufactured from refined sugar.’’ The
waiver and definition are available at
sugar-import-program/sugar-re-exportprogram-waivers-issued-january-142002. Please provide your views on this
definition of ‘‘refined sugar.’’
5. Do you have any other comments,
concerns or suggested improvements
regarding the Sugar Re-export Programs?
Any information obtained from this
RFI is intended to be used by the
Government on a non-attribution basis
for reviewing operation of the Sugar ReExport Programs. This RFI does not
constitute a formal solicitation for
proposals or abstracts. Your response to
this notice will be treated as information
only. FAS will not reimburse any costs
incurred in responding to this RFI.
Respondents are advised that FAS is
under no obligation to acknowledge
receipt of the information received or
provide feedback to respondents with
respect to any information submitted
under this RFI. Responses to this RFI do
not bind FAS to any further actions
related to this topic. Responses will
become government property.
No confidential information, such as
confidential business information or
proprietary information, should be
submitted in comments for this RFI.
Comments received in response to this
notice will be a matter of public record
and will be made available for public
inspection and posted without change
and as received, including any business
information or personal information
provided in the comments, such as
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 171 / Tuesday, September 6, 2022 / Notices
names and addresses. Please do not
include anything in your comment
submission that you do not wish to
share with the general public.
Aileen Mannix,
Acting Licensing Authority, Foreign
Agricultural Service.
[FR Doc. 2022–19134 Filed 9–2–22; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Notice of Proposed New Fee Sites
Forest Service, Agriculture
ACTION: Notice of proposed new fee
The Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie
National Forest is proposing to charge
new fees at multiple recreation sites
this notice. Funds from fees would be
used for operation, maintenance, and
improvements of these recreation sites.
Many sites have recently been
reconstructed or amenities are being
added to improve services and
experiences. An analysis of nearby
developed recreation sites with similar
amenities shows the proposed fees are
reasonable and typical of similar sites in
the area.
DATES: If approved, the new fee would
be implemented no earlier than six
months following the publication of this
notice in the Federal Register.
ADDRESSES: Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie
National Forest, 2930 Wetmore Avenue,
Suite 3A, Everett, Washington 98201.
Amy Linn, Recreation Program
Manager, 503–307–7002 or amy.linn@
Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement
Act (Title VII, Pub. L. 108–447) directed
the Secretary of Agriculture to publish
a six-month advance notice in the
Federal Register whenever new
recreation fee areas are established. The
fees are only proposed at this time and
will be determined upon further
analysis and public comment.
Reasonable fees, paid by users of these
sites, will help ensure that the Forest
can continue maintaining and
improving recreation sites like this for
future generations.
As part of this proposal, the Evans
Creek, Lower Sandy, and Ranger Creek
Campgrounds are proposed at $20 per
night. The Evans Creek and Ranger
Creek group campgrounds are proposed
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES
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at $75 per night with group sizes of 40
and 70 people respectively. A $5 dayuse fee per vehicle is proposed at Beaver
Lake, Cable Drop, Camp Brown,
Deception Falls, Dingford Creek, Frog
Mountain, Garfield Ledges, Government
Meadows Horse Camp, Jennifer Dunn,
Lonesome Lake, Pratt Bar, Sauk
Mountain, and White Chuck Overlook
Day use areas. Lower Sauk,
Marblemount, Old Sauk Universal
Access, and White Chuck boat launches
would be added to improve services and
facilities. The Northwest Forest Pass
and the full suite of Interagency passes
would be honored.
New fees would provide increased
visitor opportunities, as well as
increased staffing to address operations
and maintenance needs that are
intended to enhance customer service.
Once public involvement is complete,
these new fees will be reviewed by a
Recreation Resource Advisory
Committee prior to a final decision and
Advanced reservations for
campgrounds and group sites will be
available through or
by calling 1–877–444–6777. The
reservation service charges an $8.00 fee
for reservations.
Dated: August 30, 2022.
Sandra Watts,
Acting Associate Deputy Chief, National
Forest System.
[FR Doc. 2022–19186 Filed 9–2–22; 8:45 am]
Forest Service
Notice of Proposed New Fee Sites
Forest Service, Agriculture
ACTION: Notice of proposed new fee
The Mt. Hood National Forest
is proposing to charge new fees at
multiple recreation sites listed in
notice. Funds from fees would be used
for operation, maintenance, and
improvements of these recreation sites.
Many sites have recently been
reconstructed or amenities are being
added to improve services and
experiences. An analysis of nearby
developed recreation sites with similar
amenities shows the proposed fees are
reasonable and typical of similar sites in
the area.
DATES: If approved, the new fee would
be implemented no earlier than six
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months following the publication of this
notice in the Federal Register.
Mt. Hood National Forest,
16400 Champion Way, Sandy, OR
Hood National Forest, Headquarters,
16400 Champion Way, Sandy, OR 97055
or (503) 668–1700.
Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement
Act (title VII, Pub. L. 108–447) directed
the Secretary of Agriculture to publish
a six-month advance notice in the
Federal Register whenever new
recreation fee areas are established. The
fees are only proposed at this time and
will be determined upon further
analysis and public comment.
Reasonable fees, paid by users of these
sites, will help ensure that the Forest
can continue maintaining and
improving recreation sites like this for
future generations.
As part of this proposal, the Two
Rivers, Polallie, Little John Sno-Park,
Keeps Mill, Badger Lake, Bonney
Meadows, Fifteen Mile, Underhill, Little
Badger and White River Station
Campgrounds are proposed at $10 per
night. In addition, this proposal would
implement new fees at one recreation
rental: Trillium Yurt, proposed at $100
a night. A proposed $5 per vehicle dayuse fee at Lolo Pass, East Fork, Fifteen
Mile, Badger Lake, Little Badger,
Bonney Meadows, and Underhill
Trailheads; Little Fan Creek and Peg Leg
picnic sites; and Rock Creek,
McCubbins Day Use, and La Dee Flat
Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Staging
Area would be added to improve
services and facilities. The full suite of
Interagency passes would be honored. A
new special recreation climbing permit:
Mt. Hood Climbing Permit is being
proposed at $20 per person for a twoday permit with a $100 annual pass also
New fees would provide increased
visitor opportunities, as well as
increased staffing to address operations
and maintenance needs that are
intended to enhance customer service.
Once public involvement is complete,
these new fees will be reviewed by a
Recreation Resource Advisory
Committee prior to a final decision and
Advanced reservations for the
campgrounds and the yurt will be
available through or
by calling 1–877–444–6777. The
reservation service charges an $8.00 fee
for reservations.
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 171 (Tuesday, September 6, 2022)]
[Pages 54449-54451]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-19134]
Foreign Agricultural Service
Notice of Request for Information (RFI) Inviting Input on the
Sugar Re-Export Programs
AGENCY: Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA.
ACTION: Request for information.
SUMMARY: The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the U.S. Department
of Agriculture is requesting public comments from interested parties on
administration of the Sugar Re-Export Programs, which include the
Refined Sugar Re-Export Program, the Sugar Containing Products Re-
Export Program, and the Polyhydric Alcohol Program. This request for
information (RFI) seeks voluntary comment from interested stakeholders
and members of the public on these re-export programs.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be received by November 7, 2022 to
be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: USDA invites submission of comments through one of the
following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the online instructions for submitting
Email: FAS will accept electronic comments emailed to
[email protected]. The email should contain the subject line,
``Response to RFI: Inviting Input on the Sugar Re-Export Programs''.
Instructions: Response to this RFI is voluntary. All comments
submitted in response to this RFI will be included in the record and
will be made available to the public. Please be advised that the
substance of the comments and the identity of the individuals or
entities submitting the comments will be subject to public disclosure.
USDA will make the comments publicly available via
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William Janis, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, telephone 202-720-2194,
email [email protected].
Sugar Re-Export Programs
Pursuant to Additional U.S. Note 6 to chapter 17 of the Harmonized
Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS), FAS administers and
manages three inter-related programs in the sugar market: the Refined
Sugar Re-Export Program, the Sugar Containing Products Re-Export
Program, and the Polyhydric Alcohol Program (collectively ``Sugar Re-
Export Programs'') (7 CFR part 1530). FAS issues licenses to qualified
sugar refiners, manufacturers of sugar-containing products (SCP), and
producers of polyhydric alcohol not for human consumption that apply
for these programs.
Under the Refined Sugar Re-Export Program, USDA issues licenses to
sugar refiners to import low-duty raw sugar unrestricted by the raw
sugar TRQ provided for in Additional U.S. Note 5(a)(i) in chapter 17 of
the HTSUS and exempt from the requirement that imports be accompanied
by a Certificate for Quota Eligibility (CQE) issued to the foreign
exporter in accordance with 15 CFR part 2011. An equivalent quantity of
domestically produced refined sugar must either be exported by the
licensee or provided by the licensee to licensed U.S. manufacturers for
use in exported SCP or licensed producers for use in polyhydric alcohol
for non-food purposes.
Under the Sugar-Containing Products Re-Export Program, USDA issues
licenses to U.S. manufacturers of SCP to purchase refined sugar from
refiners with refined sugar re-export licenses for use in SCP to be
exported to the world market.
Under the Polyhydric Alcohol Program, USDA issues licenses to U.S.
producers of polyhydric alcohols to purchase refined sugar from
refiners with refined sugar re-export licenses for use in the
production of polyhydric alcohols, except polyhydric alcohols used as a
substitute for sugar in human food consumption.
By statute, ``for purposes of Additional U.S. Note 6 to chapter 17
of the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States and the reexport
programs and polyhydric alcohol program administered by the Secretary,
all refined sugars (whether derived from sugar beets or sugarcane)
produced by cane sugar refineries and beet sugar processors shall be
fully substitutable
[[Page 54450]]
for the export of sugar and sugar-containing products under those
programs.'' (7 U.S.C. 7272(h))
Request for Information
This RFI is a general solicitation for public comment, including
from stakeholders involved directly or indirectly in the Sugar Re-
Export Programs. This input will inform FAS on the public's views of
the current administration of these programs. Specific questions to
which comments are requested are listed below. Respondents may provide
non-confidential input concerning any or all of these questions. We
also welcome comment on any topics related to the Sugar Re-Export
Programs but not covered in these questions.
The Sugar Re-Export Programs
1. The Sugar Re-Export Programs regulations define ``Refiner'' to
mean ``any person in the U.S. Customs Territory that refines raw cane
sugar through affination or defecation, clarification, and further
purification by absorption or crystallization.'' (7 CFR 1530.101). We
seek the public's views on this definition.
a. What role does ``absorption'' play, if any, within the sugar
refining purification process? In particular, please comment on what
production steps ``absorption'' entails and whether and how it is
possible for a refiner to purify raw cane sugar by using absorption as
part of the sugar refining purification process. Please provide any
relevant accredited standards, international standards, or other
scientific guides, or links thereto.
b. What role does ``adsorption'' play, if any, within the sugar
refining purification process. In particular, please comment on what
production steps ``adsorption'' entails and whether and how it is
possible for a refiner to purify raw cane sugar by using adsorption as
part of the sugar refining purification process. Please provide any
relevant accredited standards, international standards, or other
scientific guides, or links thereto.
c. Is it possible to use both absorption and adsorption during the
sugar refining purification process? When and in what context? Please
explain and provide any relevant accredited standards, international
standards, or other scientific guides, or links thereto.
d. Should sugar refining be redefined to include purification by
``adsorption and crystallization'' rather than ``absorption or
crystallization''? Please explain and provide any relevant accredited
standards, international standards, or other scientific guides, or
links thereto.
e. To account for future technological advancements in refining
sugar, should a performance-driven definition replace the current
process-based definition of refiner? If so, please describe your
recommended approach or performance-based definition and any relevant
accredited standards, international standards, or other scientific
guides, or links thereto. One example of a performance-driven
definition is: ``Refiner means any entity that increases the polarity
of raw cane sugar for further processing from less than 99.5 to 99.8
(99.86% sucrose by volume) or more, determined on a dry basis, and
produces sugar with ICUMSA Color Units of 45 or lower.''
2. Pursuant to 7 CFR 1530.105(m) and 7 CFR 1530.113, the Licensing
Authority has waived paragraph (k) of section 1530.105, which requires
that a licensee must retain ownership for the product until exported
from the U.S. Customs Territory. This waiver is available at Under this waiver, licensed refiners
and manufacturers may sell refined sugar and SCP to a U.S. order party
(e.g., a broker, wholesaler/distributor), who has arranged for the sale
and export of the merchandise to a foreign buyer, or to a foreign
entity in the United States, who has purchased the merchandise for
export (``third party exporters'').
a. Please comment on the extent to which licensed refiners and
manufacturers use third party exporters.
b. Please provide your views on the benefits of or issues raised by
this activity, if any.
3. Pursuant to 7 CFR 1530.105(m) and 7 CFR 1530.113, the Licensing
Authority has waived paragraph (l) of section 1530.105, which prohibits
a refiner from assigning its license without the written permission of
the Licensing Authority, and the definitions of ``transfer'' and ``date
of transfer'' in section 1530.101 whereby a ``transfer'' requires the
transfer of legal title of the program sugar from a licensed refiner to
a licensed SCP manufacturer or polyhydric alcohol producer. These
waivers are available at
Under the waivers, an SCP manufacturer or polyhydric producer may
purchase raw cane sugar in foreign markets and import it using a
refiner's license under the Refined Sugar Re-export Program. The SCP
manufacturer or polyhydric alcohol producer may maintain legal title of
the imported sugar throughout the entire process, from importation as
raw cane sugar, through refining, and final transfer to the license of
the SCP manufacturer or polyhydric alcohol producer. This practice has
become known as ``toll refining.''
a. Please comment on the extent to which licensees are engaging in
toll refining.
b. Please provide your views on the benefits of or issues raised by
toll refining, if any.
4. Pursuant to section 1530.113, the Licensing Authority has waived
the definition of ``refined sugar'' in section 1530.101, which provided
that ``Refined sugar means any product that is produced by a refiner by
refining raw cane sugar and that can be marketed as commercial,
industrial or retail sugar.'' The Licensing Authority redefined
``refined sugar'' to mean ``sugar whose content of sucrose by weight,
in a dry state, corresponds to a polarimeter reading of 99.5 degrees or
more, or any brown sugar regardless of polarity manufactured from
refined sugar.'' The waiver and definition are available at Please provide your views on this
definition of ``refined sugar.''
5. Do you have any other comments, concerns or suggested
improvements regarding the Sugar Re-export Programs?
Any information obtained from this RFI is intended to be used by
the Government on a non-attribution basis for reviewing operation of
the Sugar Re-Export Programs. This RFI does not constitute a formal
solicitation for proposals or abstracts. Your response to this notice
will be treated as information only. FAS will not reimburse any costs
incurred in responding to this RFI. Respondents are advised that FAS is
under no obligation to acknowledge receipt of the information received
or provide feedback to respondents with respect to any information
submitted under this RFI. Responses to this RFI do not bind FAS to any
further actions related to this topic. Responses will become government
No confidential information, such as confidential business
information or proprietary information, should be submitted in comments
for this RFI. Comments received in response to this notice will be a
matter of public record and will be made available for public
inspection and posted without change and as received, including any
business information or personal information provided in the comments,
such as
[[Page 54451]]
names and addresses. Please do not include anything in your comment
submission that you do not wish to share with the general public.
Aileen Mannix,
Acting Licensing Authority, Foreign Agricultural Service.
[FR Doc. 2022-19134 Filed 9-2-22; 8:45 am]