Food for Progress Program, 53363-53369 [2022-18743]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 87, No. 168
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains regulatory documents having general
applicability and legal effect, most of which
are keyed to and codified in the Code of
Federal Regulations, which is published under
50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by
the Superintendent of Documents.
Commodity Credit Corporation
7 CFR Part 1499
RIN 0551–AB02
Food for Progress Program
Foreign Agricultural Service
and Commodity Credit Corporation,
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
ACTION: Final rule.
The Commodity Credit
Corporation (CCC) is amending the
regulation governing the Food for
Progress Program to update citations
and make other technical and clarifying
changes. The Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) revised and renumbered
certain provisions in its regulations
regarding universal identifiers, the
System for Award Management, and the
uniform administrative requirements,
cost principles, and audit requirements
for Federal awards. This amendment
makes technical corrections to the Food
for Progress Program regulation to
reflect the revised OMB regulations, and
it makes other minor changes intended
to improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of the program.
DATES: This rule is effective August 31,
Ingrid Ardjosoediro, 202–720–3627, Persons
with disabilities who require an
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
The Food for Progress Program
provides for the donation of U.S.
agricultural commodities to developing
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countries and emerging democracies
committed to introducing and
expanding free enterprise in the
agricultural sector. The commodities are
generally sold on the local market and
the proceeds are used to support
agricultural development activities. The
program has two principal objectives: to
improve agricultural productivity and
expand trade in agricultural products.
The Food for Progress Program is
authorized in section 1110 of the Food
Security Act of 1985 (also known as the
Food for Progress Act of 1985) (7 U.S.C.
The Foreign Agricultural Service
(FAS) implements the Food for Progress
Program on behalf of CCC. FAS uses the
regulation in 7 CFR part 1499, Food for
Progress Program, in the administration
of the Food for Progress Program. The
previous version of the regulation was
published as a final rule on August 28,
2019 (84 FR 45059).
Amendment of Regulation
The Food for Progress Program
regulation, 7 CFR part 1499, refers to
and cites various sections of 2 CFR part
25, Universal Identifier and System for
Award Management, and 2 CFR part
200, Uniform Administrative
Requirements, Cost Principles, and
Audit Requirements for Federal Awards.
OMB amended 2 CFR parts 25 and 200
in August 2020 and, as a result, CCC has
identified a number of instances where
technical corrections to 7 CFR part 1499
are necessary to update citations and
make the language consistent with 2
CFR parts 25 and 200. FAS, on behalf
of CCC, is amending the Food for
Progress Program regulation to make
these technical corrections.
In addition, FAS is amending the
Food for Progress Program regulation to
make other changes that are technical or
clarifying in nature and intended to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness
of the program, including the following:
(1) Clarifying that other regulations
that are generally applicable to grants
and cooperative agreements of USDA,
including the applicable regulations set
forth in 2 CFR chapters I, II, and IV, also
apply to the Food for Progress Program,
to the extent that such regulations do
not directly conflict with the provisions
of 7 CFR part 1499 (7 CFR 1499.1(c));
(2) Providing further detail about the
impact description that must be
included as part of the strategic analysis
in an application for an award under the
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Food for Progress Program (7 CFR
(3) Replacing ‘‘interim evaluation’’
with ‘‘midterm evaluation’’ to be
consistent with the ‘‘Monitoring and
Evaluation Policy,’’ issued by the
Foreign Agricultural Service—Food
Assistance Division, USDA (7 CFR
1499.4(b)(6) and 1499.13(d));
(4) Bringing the language in the
regulation into better alignment with
language in the Food for Progress Act of
1985 (7 CFR 1499.5(e)(4));
(5) Clarifying that the term ‘‘point of
entry’’ refers to the point of entry of the
donated commodities into the target
country (7 CFR 1499.6(e));
(6) Providing that, when a recipient
needs to use funds that have been
advanced by CCC to pay approved
expenses under an agreement, the
recipient may transfer the funds from a
bank account located in the United
States, where they have been required
by the regulation to be maintained, to a
bank account in the target country (7
CFR 1499.6(f)(7));
(7) Clarifying that transportation of
donated commodities to the designated
discharge port or point of entry will be
arranged for under an agreement, in the
manner determined by CCC, by CCC or
the recipient; and the recipient will be
responsible for any transportation of the
donated commodities after their arrival
at the designated discharge port or point
of entry for as long as the recipient has
title to such donated commodities,
except as may otherwise be provided in
the agreement (7 CFR 1499.7(b) and (f));
(8) Providing that a recipient may
only use the services of a transportation
company that is legally operating in the
country in which it will be transporting
the donated commodities and that
would not have a conflict of interest in
transporting the commodities (7 CFR
(9) Clarifying that CCC will arrange
for transporting the donated
commodities in accordance with 7 CFR
1499.7(b)(1) when CCC determines that
it is applicable, regardless of where and
when title to the donated commodities
passes to a recipient; and that a
recipient must maintain the donated
commodities in good condition from the
time that it takes possession of them at
the designated discharge port, point of
entry, or point of receipt from the
originating carrier until their
distribution, sale, or barter (7 CFR
1499.8(b) and (c));
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 168 / Wednesday, August 31, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
(10) Providing additional information
about requirements regarding the
acknowledgment of funding by USDA,
the use of the USDA logo, and
communications to the public, as well
as the process for a recipient to request
a waiver of compliance with one or
more of such requirements (7 CFR
1499.8(d) and (e));
(11) Clarifying that the recipient’s
responsibility for the donated
commodities, which becomes effective
following transfer of title to the
recipient, remains in effect for as long
as the recipient has title to the
commodities (7 CFR 1499.9(a) and (b)
and 1499.10(a));
(12) Providing that the recipient must
report damage to or loss of donated
commodities in accordance with one of
three stated procedures, depending on
the estimated amount of such damage or
loss (7 CFR 1499.9(b)(1));
(13) Clarifying that the ‘‘in excess of
$5,000’’ threshold amount that triggers
the requirement to inspect damaged
donated commodities refers to the
amount of damage sustained by the
donated commodities, not to the overall
value of the donated commodities; and
the value of the donated commodities
prior to the damage must be determined
on the basis of the costs incurred by
CCC with respect to such commodities,
as well as costs incurred by the
recipient and paid by CCC (7 CFR
(14) Modifying the text previously in
7 CFR 1499.13(f) and moving it to 7 CFR
1499.13(c) to clarify that information
covering the receipt, handling, and
disposition of the donated commodities,
and the receipt and use of any sale
proceeds, etc., must be included in the
performance reports (7 CFR
1499.13(c)(ii) and (iii)); and
(15) Clarifying that the date of
submission of the final expenditure
report, as referenced in 2 CFR 200.334,
will be the date of submission of the
final financial report (7 CFR 1499.13(h)).
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Notice and Comment
This rule is being issued as a final
rule without prior notice and
opportunity for comment. This rule
involves a matter relating to agency
management or personnel or to public
property, loans, grants, benefits, or
contracts. The Administrative Procedure
Act exempts such rules from the
statutory requirement for prior notice
and opportunity for comment (5 U.S.C.
553(a)(2)). Accordingly, this rule may be
made effective less than 30 days after
publication in the Federal Register.
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Assistance Listings for Federal Users
The program covered by this
regulation is included in the Assistance
Listings for Federal Users at
under the following FAS CFDA number:
10.606, Food for Progress.
E-Government Act Compliance
CCC is committed to complying with
the E-Government Act of 2002 (44
U.S.C. chapter 36), to promote the use
of the internet and other information
technologies to provide increased
opportunities for citizens’ access to
Government information and services,
and for other purposes.
Congressional Review Act
Pursuant to the Congressional Review
Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.), the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs has
designated this rule as not a major rule,
as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
Executive Order 12866, ‘‘Regulatory
Planning and Review,’’ and Executive
Order 13563, ‘‘Improving Regulation
and Regulatory Review,’’ direct agencies
to assess all costs and benefits of
available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select
regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential
economic, environmental, public health
and safety effects, distributive impacts,
and equity). Executive Order 13563
emphasized the importance of
quantifying both costs and benefits,
reducing costs, harmonizing rules, and
promoting flexibility. The requirements
in Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
for the analysis of costs and benefits
apply to rules that are determined to be
significant. It has been determined that
this rule is not significant for the
purposes of Executive Order 12866;
therefore, this rule was not reviewed by
the Office of Management and Budget.
Executive Order 12988
This rule has been reviewed in
accordance with Executive Order 12988,
‘‘Civil Justice Reform.’’ This rule does
not preempt State or local laws,
regulations, or policies unless they
present an irreconcilable conflict with
this rule. This rule will not be
Executive Order 12372
Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs,’’ requires consultation with
officials of State and local governments
that would be directly affected by the
proposed Federal financial assistance.
The objectives of the Executive Order
are to foster an intergovernmental
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partnership and a strengthened
federalism by relying on State and local
processes for the State and local
government coordination and review of
proposed Federal financial assistance
and direct Federal development. This
rule will not directly affect State or local
officials and, for this reason, it is
excluded from the scope of Executive
Order 12372.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601–612), as amended by the
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act of 1996, generally requires
an agency to prepare a regulatory
flexibility analysis of any rule that is
subject to notice and comment
rulemaking under the Administrative
Procedure Act (APA) or any other law,
unless the agency certifies that the rule
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities. The Regulatory Flexibility Act
does not apply to this rule because CCC
is not required by the APA or any other
law to publish a notice of proposed
rulemaking with respect to the subject
matter of the rule.
Executive Order 13132
This rule has been reviewed under
Executive Order 13132, ‘‘Federalism.’’
This rule will not have any substantial
direct effect on States, on the
relationship between the Federal
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, except as required
by law. This rule does not impose
substantial direct compliance costs on
State and local governments. Therefore,
consultation with the States was not
Executive Order 13175
This rule has been reviewed in
accordance with the requirements of
Executive Order 13175, ‘‘Consultation
and Coordination with Indian Tribal
Governments.’’ Executive Order 13175
requires Federal agencies to consult and
coordinate with tribes on a governmentto-government basis on policies that
have tribal implications, including
regulations, legislative comments or
proposed legislation, and other policy
statements or actions that have
substantial direct effects on one or more
Indian tribes, on the relationship
between the Federal Government and
Indian tribes, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities between the
Federal Government and Indian tribes.
CCC does not expect this rule to have
any effect on Indian tribes.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 168 / Wednesday, August 31, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
Unfunded Mandates
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) does not
apply to this rule because it does not
impose any enforceable duty or contain
any unfunded mandate as described
under the UMRA.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 1499
Agricultural commodities,
Cooperative agreements, Exports, Food
assistance programs, Foreign aid, Grant
programs—agriculture, Technical
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the Commodity Credit
Corporation amends part 1499 of title 7
of the Code of Regulations as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 1499
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1736o; and 15 U.S.C.
714b and 714c.
2. In § 1499.1, revise paragraphs (c),
(e), and (f)(1) to read as follows:
§ 1499.1
Purpose and applicability.
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(c) In addition to the provisions of
this part, other regulations that are
generally applicable to grants and
cooperative agreements of USDA,
including the applicable regulations set
forth in 2 CFR chapters I, II, and IV, also
apply to the FFPr Program, to the extent
that such regulations do not directly
conflict with the provisions of this part.
The provisions of the CCC Charter Act
(15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.) and any other
statutory or regulatory provisions that
are generally applicable to CCC apply to
the FFPr Program.
(e) The OMB guidance at 2 CFR part
200, and the provisions of 2 CFR part
400 and of this part, do not apply to an
award by CCC under the FFPr Program
to a recipient that is a foreign public
entity, as defined in 2 CFR 200.1, and,
therefore, they do not apply to a foreign
government or an intergovernmental
(f)(1) The OMB guidance at subparts
A through E of 2 CFR part 200, as
supplemented by 2 CFR part 400 and
this part, applies to all awards by CCC
under the FFPr Program to all recipients
that are private voluntary organizations,
including a private voluntary
organization that is a foreign
organization, as defined in 2 CFR 200.1;
nonprofit agricultural organizations or
cooperatives, including a nonprofit
agricultural organization or cooperative
that is a foreign organization;
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nongovernmental organizations,
including a nongovernmental
organization that is a for-profit entity or
a foreign organization; colleges or
universities; or other private entities,
including a private entity that is a forprofit entity or a foreign organization.
■ 3. In § 1499.2, revise the definitions of
‘‘Commodities’’ and ‘‘Program income’’
to read as follows:
§ 1499.2
Commodities means agricultural
commodities, or products of agricultural
commodities, that are produced in the
United States.
Program income means interest
earned on proceeds from the sale of
donated commodities, as well as funds
received by a recipient or subrecipient
as a direct result of carrying out an
approved activity under an agreement.
The term includes but is not limited to
income from fees for services
performed, the use or rental of real or
personal property acquired under a
Federal award, the sale of items
fabricated under a Federal award,
license fees and royalties on patents and
copyrights, and principal and interest
on loans made with Federal award
funds. Program income does not include
any of the following: proceeds from the
sale of donated commodities; CCCprovided funds; interest earned on CCCprovided funds; funds provided for cost
sharing or matching contributions,
refunds, rebates, credits, or discounts; or
interest earned on funds provided for
cost sharing or matching contributions,
refunds, rebates, credits, or discounts.
■ 4. In § 1499.3, revise the first sentence
of paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 1499.3 Eligibility and conflicts of
(a) A private voluntary organization, a
nonprofit agricultural organization or
cooperative, a nongovernmental
organization, a college or university, or
any other private entity is eligible to
submit an application under this part to
become a recipient under the Food for
Progress Program. * * *
■ 5. In § 1499.4, revise paragraphs (b)(2)
and (6), (c) introductory text, and (c)(3)
to read as follows:
§ 1499.4
Application process.
(b) * * *
(2) An introduction and a strategic
analysis, which includes a description
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of opportunities for lasting impact and
sustainable benefits, as specified in the
notice of funding opportunity;
(6) Unless otherwise specified in the
notice of funding opportunity, an
evaluation plan that describes the
proposed design, methodology, and
time frame of the project’s evaluation
activities, and how the applicant
intends to manage these activities, and
that will include a baseline study,
midterm evaluation, final evaluation,
and any applicable special studies; and
(c) Unless an exception in 2 CFR
25.110 applies, each applicant is
required to:
(3) Maintain an active SAM
registration, in accordance with 2 CFR
part 25, with current information at all
times during which it has an active
Federal award or an application or plan
under consideration by a Federal
awarding agency.
■ 6. In § 1499.5, revise paragraphs (b),
(c), (d)(4), (e) introductory text, and
(e)(4) to read as follows:
§ 1499.5
(b) The agreement will include the
general information required in 2 CFR
200.211(b), as applicable.
(c) The agreement will incorporate
general terms and conditions, pursuant
to 2 CFR 200.211(c), as applicable.
(d) * * *
(4) Performance goals for the
agreement, including a list of results,
with long-term benefits where
applicable, to be achieved by the
activities; indicators, targets, and
baseline data; and information about
how performance will be assessed,
including the timing and scope of
expected performance; and
(e) The agreement will also include
specific terms and conditions, and
certifications and representations,
including the following, as applicable:
(4) The recipient will assert that, to
the best of its knowledge, any sale or
barter of the donated commodities will
not displace or interfere with any sales
of United States commodities that
would otherwise be made to or within
the target country. The recipient must
submit information to CCC to support
this assertion; and
■ 7. In § 1499.6, revise paragraphs (a)(1),
(e), and (f)(7) and (8) to read as follows:
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§ 1499.6
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 168 / Wednesday, August 31, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
(a) * * *
(1) The original, or a true copy, of
each on board bill of lading indicating
the freight rate and signed by the
originating ocean carrier;
(e) If CCC has agreed to be responsible
for the costs of transporting, storing, and
distributing the donated commodities
from the designated discharge port or
the point of entry into the target
country, and if the recipient will bear or
has borne any of these costs, in
accordance with the agreement, CCC
will either provide an advance payment
or a reimbursement to the recipient in
the amount of such costs, in the manner
set forth in the agreement.
(f) * * *
(7) Except as may otherwise be
provided in the agreement, a recipient
must deposit and maintain in an
insured bank account located in the
United States all funds advanced by
CCC. The account must be interestbearing, unless one of the exceptions in
2 CFR 200.305(b)(8) applies or CCC
determines that this requirement would
constitute an undue burden. A recipient
will not be required to maintain a
separate bank account for advance
payments of CCC-provided funds.
However, a recipient must be able to
separately account for funds received,
obligated, and expended under each
agreement. When the recipient requires
the use of funds that have been
advanced by CCC to pay approved
expenses under this agreement, the
recipient may transfer the funds from
the bank account located in the United
States to a bank account in the target
(8) A recipient may retain, for
administrative purposes, up to $500 per
Federal fiscal year of any interest earned
on funds advanced under an agreement.
The recipient must remit to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services any additional interest earned
during the Federal fiscal year on such
funds, in accordance with the
procedures in 2 CFR 200.305(b)(9).
■ 8. In § 1499.7:
■ a. Revise paragraphs (b) introductory
text and (b)(1);
■ b. Redesignate paragraph (d) as
paragraph (e);
■ c. Add new paragraphs (d) and (f).
The revisions and additions read as
§ 1499.7 Transportation of donated
(b) Transportation to the designated
discharge port or point of entry of
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donated commodities, and other goods
such as bags that may be provided by
CCC under the FFPr Program, will be
arranged for under a specific agreement
in the manner determined by CCC. Such
transportation will be arranged for by:
(1) CCC in accordance with the
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) in
48 CFR chapter 1, the Agriculture
Acquisition Regulation (AGAR) in 48
CFR chapter 4, and directives issued by
the Director, Office of Contracting and
Procurement, USDA; or
(d) A recipient may only use the
services of a transportation company
that is legally operating in the country
in which it will be transporting the
donated commodities and that would
not have a conflict of interest in
transporting such donated commodities.
(f) A recipient will be responsible for
arranging and paying for any
transportation of the donated
commodities after their arrival at the
designated discharge port or point of
entry for as long as the recipient has
title to such donated commodities,
except as may otherwise be provided in
the agreement.
■ 9. Revise § 1499.8 to read as follows:
§ 1499.8 Entry, handling, and labeling of
donated commodities and notification
(a) A recipient must make all
necessary arrangements for receiving the
donated commodities in the target
country, including obtaining
appropriate approvals for entry and
transit. The recipient must make
arrangements with the target country
government for all donated commodities
that will be distributed to beneficiaries
to be imported and distributed free from
all customs duties, tolls, and taxes. A
recipient is encouraged to make similar
arrangements, where possible, with the
government of a country where donated
commodities to be sold or bartered are
(b) A recipient must, as provided in
the agreement, arrange for transporting,
storing, and distributing the donated
commodities from the designated point
and time where title to the donated
commodities passes to the recipient,
except that CCC will arrange for
transporting the donated commodities
in accordance with § 1499.7(b)(1) when
CCC determines that it is applicable.
(c) A recipient must maintain the
donated commodities in good condition
from the time that it takes possession of
such donated commodities at the
designated discharge port, the point of
entry, or the point of receipt from the
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originating carrier until their
distribution, sale or barter.
(d) A recipient must comply with the
following requirements in this
paragraph, and the requirements
specified in the agreement, regarding
the acknowledgment of funding by
USDA, the use of the USDA logo, and
communications to the public:
(1) If a recipient arranges for the
packaging or repackaging of donated
commodities that are to be distributed,
the recipient must ensure that the
(i) Is plainly labeled in the language
of the target country;
(ii) Contains the name of the donated
(iii) Includes a statement indicating
that the donated commodities are
furnished by the Food for Progress
Program of the United States
Department of Agriculture; and
(iv) Includes a statement indicating
that the donated commodities must not
be sold, exchanged or bartered.
(2) If a recipient arranges for the
processing and repackaging of donated
commodities that are to be distributed,
the recipient must ensure that the
(i) Is plainly labeled in the language
of the target country;
(ii) Contains the name of the
processed product;
(iii) Includes a statement indicating
that the processed product was made
with commodities furnished by the
Food for Progress Program of the United
States Department of Agriculture; and
(iv) Includes a statement indicating
that the processed product must not be
sold, exchanged or bartered.
(3) If a recipient distributes donated
commodities that are not packaged, the
recipient must display a sign at the
distribution site that includes the name
of the donated commodities, a statement
indicating that the donated commodities
are being furnished by the Food for
Progress Program of the United States
Department of Agriculture, and a
statement indicating that the donated
commodities must not be sold,
exchanged, or bartered.
(4) A recipient must ensure that signs
are displayed at all activity
implementation and commodity
distribution sites to inform beneficiaries
that funding for the project was
provided by the Food for Progress
Program of the United States
Department of Agriculture.
(5) A recipient must ensure that all
communications to the public relating
to the project, the activities, or the
donated commodities, whether made
through print, broadcast, digital, or
other media, include a statement
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 168 / Wednesday, August 31, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
acknowledging that funding was
provided by the Food for Progress
Program of the United States
Department of Agriculture. This
includes project descriptions, fact
sheets, signs, websites, press releases,
social media, videos, reports, and other
communications to the public. A
recipient must also ensure that the
USDA logo is used in communications
to the public in accordance with the
(e)(1) At the request of a recipient,
CCC may waive compliance with one or
more of the requirements in paragraph
(d) of this section. A recipient may
submit a written request for a waiver at
any time after the agreement has been
signed. Except as provided in paragraph
(e)(2) of this section, the recipient must
comply with the requirement(s) while
awaiting a determination by CCC
regarding its waiver request.
(2) If a recipient determines that
compliance with one or more of the
requirements in paragraph (d) of this
section poses an imminent threat of
injury, loss of life, or destruction of
property in the target country, the
recipient must submit a request to CCC
for a waiver of such requirement(s),
with an explanation of the safety or
security risk, as soon as possible. The
recipient will not have to comply with
such requirement(s) while awaiting a
determination by CCC regarding its
waiver request.
(f) In exceptional circumstances, CCC
may, on its own initiative, waive one or
more of the requirements in paragraph
(d) of this section for programmatic
■ 10. In § 1499.9, revise paragraphs (a)
and (b), the sixth and ninth sentences of
paragraph (c), paragraph (d)(3)(iii), and
the first and second sentences of
paragraph (e) introductory text to read
as follows:
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§ 1499.9 Damage to or loss of donated
(a) CCC will be responsible for the
donated commodities prior to the
transfer of title to the donated
commodities to the recipient. The
recipient will be responsible for the
donated commodities while the
recipient has title to the donated
commodities. The title will transfer as
specified in the agreement.
(b)(1) A recipient must inform CCC, in
the manner set forth in the agreement,
of any damage to or loss of donated
commodities that occurs while the
recipient has title to the donated
commodities. The recipient must
comply with the following procedures
when reporting such damage to or loss
of donated commodities:
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(i) If the amount of the damage or loss
is estimated to exceed $20,000, the
recipient must notify CCC in writing
immediately after becoming aware of
such damage or loss and, in this
notification, provide detailed
information about the circumstances
surrounding such damage or loss, the
quantity of damaged or lost donated
commodities, and the amount of the
damage or loss;
(ii) If the amount of the damage or
loss is estimated to exceed $1,000 but
not to exceed $20,000, the recipient
must notify CCC in writing of the
damage or loss within 15 days after the
date that the recipient becomes aware of
it and then provide detailed information
about the damage or loss in the first
report required to be filed under
§ 1499.13(c) that is due after the date
that the recipient becomes aware of
such damage or loss; and
(iii) If the amount of the damage or
loss is estimated not to exceed $1,000,
the recipient must notify CCC, and
provide detailed information about the
damage or loss, in the first report
required to be filed under § 1499.13(c)
that is due after the date that the
recipient becomes aware of such
damage or loss.
(2) The recipient must take all steps
necessary to protect its interests and the
interests of CCC with respect to any
damage to or loss of the donated
commodities that occurs while the
recipient has title to the donated
(c) * * * All surveys obtained by the
recipient must, to the extent practicable,
be conducted jointly by the surveyor,
the recipient, and the ocean carrier, and
the survey report must be signed by all
three parties. * * * CCC will reimburse
the recipient for the reasonable costs of
these services, as determined by CCC.
(d) * * *
(3) * * *
(iii) Estimates the quantity of cargo, if
any, lost during discharge through
ocean carrier negligence;
(e) If donated commodities to which
a recipient has title sustain damage in
excess of $5,000 at any time prior to
their distribution or sale under the
agreement, regardless of the party at
fault, the recipient must immediately
arrange for an inspection by a public
health official or other competent
authority approved by CCC and provide
to CCC a certification by such public
health official or other competent
authority regarding the exact quantity
and condition of the damaged donated
commodities. The value of the donated
commodities prior to the damage must
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be determined on the basis of the
commodity acquisition, transportation,
and related costs incurred by CCC with
respect to such commodities, as well as
such costs incurred by the recipient and
paid by CCC. * * *
■ 11. In § 1499.10:
■ a. Revise paragraphs (a) and (b)
introductory text;
■ b. Remove paragraph (b)(1);
■ c. Redesignate paragraphs (b)(2), (3),
and (4) as paragraphs (b)(1), (2), and (3);
■ d. Remove paragraph (c); and
■ e. Redesignate paragraphs (d), (e), and
(f) as paragraphs (c), (d), and (e).
The revisions read as follows:
§ 1499.10 Claims for damage to or loss of
donated commodities.
(a) CCC will be responsible for claims
arising out of damage to or loss of a
quantity of the donated commodities
prior to the transfer of title to the
donated commodities to the recipient.
The recipient will be responsible for
claims arising out of damage to or loss
of a quantity of the donated
commodities while the recipient has
title to the donated commodities.
(b) If the recipient has title to donated
commodities that have been damaged or
lost, and the amount of the damage or
loss is estimated to exceed $20,000, the
recipient must:
■ 12. In § 1499.11, revise paragraphs (e)
and (h) to read as follows:
§ 1499.11 Use of donated commodities,
sale proceeds, CCC-provided funds, and
program income.
(e) A recipient must not use sale
proceeds, CCC-provided funds, interest,
or program income to acquire goods and
services, either directly or indirectly
through another party, in a manner that
violates a U.S. Government economic
sanctions program, as specified in the
(h)(1) Except as provided in paragraph
(h)(2) of this section, a recipient may
make adjustments within the agreement
budget between direct cost line items
without further approval, provided that
the total amount of such adjustments
does not exceed the amount specified in
the agreement. Adjustments beyond
these limits require the prior approval of
(2) A recipient must not transfer any
funds budgeted for participant support
costs, as defined in 2 CFR 200.1, to
other categories of expense without the
prior approval of CCC.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 168 / Wednesday, August 31, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
13. Revise § 1499.13 to read as
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
§ 1499.13 Reporting and record keeping
(a) A recipient must comply with the
performance and financial monitoring
and reporting requirements in the
agreement and 2 CFR 200.328 through
(b) A recipient must submit financial
reports to CCC, by the dates and for the
reporting periods specified in the
agreement. Such reports must provide
an accurate accounting of sale proceeds,
CCC-provided funds, interest, program
income, and voluntary committed cost
sharing or matching contributions.
When reporting financial information
under the agreement, the recipient must
include the amounts in U.S. dollars and,
if funds are held in local currency, the
exchange rate.
(c)(1) A recipient must submit
performance reports to CCC, by the
dates and for the reporting periods
specified in the agreement. These
reports must include the following:
(i) The information required in 2 CFR
200.329(c)(2), including additional
pertinent information regarding the
recipient’s progress, measured against
established indicators, baseline values,
and targets, towards achieving the
expected results specified in the
agreement. This reporting must include,
for each performance indicator, a
comparison of actual accomplishments
with the baseline values and the targets
established for the period. When actual
accomplishments deviate significantly
from targeted goals, the recipient must
provide an explanation in the report;
(ii) Information covering the receipt,
handling, and disposition of the
donated commodities, until all of the
donated commodities have been
distributed, sold, or bartered and such
disposition has been reported to CCC;
(iii) If the agreement authorizes the
sale or barter of donated commodities,
information covering the receipt and use
of any sale proceeds, goods and services
derived from barter, and program
income, until all of the sale proceeds,
goods and services derived from barter,
and program income have been
disbursed or used and reported to CCC.
(2) A recipient must ensure the
accuracy and reliability of the
performance data submitted to CCC in
performance reports. At any time during
the period of performance of the
agreement, CCC may review the
recipient’s performance data to
determine whether it is accurate and
reliable. The recipient must comply
with all requests made by CCC or an
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entity designated by CCC in relation to
such reviews.
(d) Baseline, midterm, and final
evaluation reports are required for all
agreements, unless otherwise specified
in the agreement. The reports must be
submitted in accordance with the
timeline in the CCC-approved
evaluation plan. Evaluation reports
submitted to CCC may be made public
in an effort to increase accountability
and transparency and share lessons
learned and best practices.
(e) A recipient must, within 30 days
after export of all or a portion of the
donated commodities, submit evidence
of such export to CCC, in the manner set
forth in the agreement. The evidence
may be submitted through an electronic
media approved by CCC or by providing
the ocean carrier’s on board bill of
lading. The evidence of export must
show the kind and quantity of
commodities exported, the date of
export, and the country where the
commodities will be delivered. The date
of export is the date that the ocean
carrier carrying the donated
commodities sails from the final U.S.
load port.
(f) If requested by CCC, a recipient
must provide to CCC additional
information or reports relating to the
(g) If a recipient requires an extension
of a reporting deadline, it must ensure
that CCC receives an extension request
at least five business days prior to the
reporting deadline. CCC may decline to
consider a request for an extension that
it receives after this time period. CCC
will consider requests for reporting
deadline extensions on a case by case
basis and make a decision based on the
merits of each request. CCC will
consider factors such as unforeseen or
extenuating circumstances and past
performance history when evaluating
requests for extensions.
(h) A recipient must retain records
and permit access to records in
accordance with the requirements of 2
CFR 200.334 through 200.338. The date
of submission of the final expenditure
report, as referenced in 2 CFR 200.334,
will be the date of submission of the
final financial report required by
paragraph (b) of this section, as
prescribed by CCC. The recipient must
retain copies of and make available to
CCC all sales receipts, contracts, or
other documents related to the sale or
barter of donated commodities and any
goods or services derived from such
barter, as well as records of dispatch
received from ocean carriers.
■ 14. In § 1499.14, revise the third
sentence of paragraph (a), paragraph
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(b)(2), and the first sentence of
paragraph (b)(4) to read as follows:
§ 1499.14
(a) * * * The recipient must enter
into a written subagreement with the
subrecipient and comply with the
applicable provisions of 2 CFR 200.332.
* * *
(b) * * *
(2) The subrecipient is prohibited
from using sale proceeds, CCC-provided
funds, interest, or program income to
acquire goods and services, either
directly or indirectly through another
party, in a manner that violates a U.S.
Government economic sanctions
program, as specified in the agreement.
(4) The subrecipient is responsible for
complying with the applicable
compliance requirements set forth in the
subaward in accordance with § 1499.18
and 2 CFR 200.501(h). * * *
■ 15. In § 1499.15, revise the first
sentence to read as follows:
§ 1499.15 Noncompliance with an
If a recipient fails to comply with a
Federal statute or regulation or the
terms and conditions of the agreement,
and CCC determines that the
noncompliance cannot be remedied by
imposing additional conditions, CCC
may take one or more of the actions set
forth in 2 CFR 200.339 and, if
appropriate, initiate a claim against the
recipient. * * *
■ 16. In § 1499.16:
■ a. Revise paragraph (a);
■ b. Redesignate paragraph (b) as
paragraph (c);
■ c. Add new paragraph (b); and
■ d. Revise newly redesignated
paragraph (c)(3).
The revisions and addition read as
§ 1499.16 Suspension and termination of
(a) CCC may suspend or terminate an
agreement if it determines that:
(1) One of the bases in 2 CFR 200.339
or 200.340 for suspension or
termination by CCC has been satisfied;
(2) The continuation of the assistance
provided under the agreement is no
longer necessary or desirable; or
(3) Storage facilities are inadequate to
prevent spoilage or waste of the donated
commodities, or distribution of the
donated commodities will result in a
substantial disincentive to or
interference with domestic production
or marketing in the target country.
(b) The termination provisions in 2
CFR 200.340 and 200.341 will apply to
an agreement.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 168 / Wednesday, August 31, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
(c) * * *
(3) Must comply with any closeout
and post-closeout provisions specified
in the agreement and 2 CFR 200.344 and
■ 17. In § 1499.19, revise the first
sentence to read as follows:
§ 1499.19
Paperwork Reduction Act.
The information collection
requirements contained in this part have
been approved by OMB under the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44
U.S.C. Chapter 35, and have been
assigned OMB control number 0551–
0035. * * *
Zach Ducheneaux,
Executive Vice President, Commodity Credit
In concurrence with:
Clay Hamilton,
Acting Administrator, Foreign Agricultural
[FR Doc. 2022–18743 Filed 8–30–22; 8:45 am]
Rural Housing Service
7 CFR Part 3555
[Docket No. RHS–21–SFH–003]
RIN 0575–AD22
Single Family Housing Guaranteed
Loan Program
Rural Housing Service,
Agriculture Department (USDA).
ACTION: Final rule.
The Rural Housing Service
(RHS or Agency), a Rural Development
(RD) agency of the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA), is
implementing changes to the SingleFamily Housing Guaranteed Loan
Program (SFHGLP) to update the
requirements for Federally supervised
lenders, minimum net worth and
experience for non-supervised lenders,
approved lender participation
requirements, handling of applicants
with delinquent child support
payments, and builder credit
This final rule is effective
November 29, 2022.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Laurie Mohr, Finance and Loan Analyst,
Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan
Division, Rural Development, U.S.
Department of Agriculture, STOP 0784,
Room 2250, South Agriculture Building,
1400 Independence Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20250–0784, telephone:
VerDate Sep<11>2014
15:59 Aug 30, 2022
Jkt 256001
(314) 679–6917; or email: laurie.mohr@
I. Background
The Rural Housing Service (RHS or
Agency) is an agency of the United
States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) and offers a variety of programs
to build or improve housing and
essential community facilities in rural
areas. RHS offers loans, grants, and loan
guarantees for single- and multi-family
housing, childcare centers, fire and
police stations, hospitals, libraries,
nursing homes, schools, first responder
vehicles and equipment, housing for
farm laborers and much more. RHS also
provides technical assistance loans and
grants in partnership with non-profit
organizations, Indian tribes, State and
Federal Government agencies, and local
The RHS is issuing a final rule to
amend the Single-Family Housing
Guaranteed Loan Program (SFHGLP)
regulation, 7 CFR part 3555, subparts B,
C and D which will reinforce oversight
and management of the growing
SFHGLP portfolio. These changes will
promote an efficient and robust
management and oversight structure of
lenders in the SFHGLP by strengthening
underwriting practices, providing
guidance for processing loan guarantees
for applicants who are subject to
administrative offset to collect
delinquent child support payments, and
streamline requirements for screening
builder-contractors by lenders.
The updates align with the standards
for managing credit programs
recommended by the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
Federally supervised lenders, minimum
net worth, minimum line of credits,
minimum experience, and approved
lender participation requirements.
These updates will also provide
guidance for processing applications for
individuals with delinquent child
support payments and relaxes builder
requirements to better align with the
credit program requirements of other
Federal agencies.
II. Discussion of Public Comments
RHS published a proposed rule on
June 9, 2021 (86 FR 30555) to solicit
comments on the proposed updated
requirements for Federally supervised
lenders, minimum net worth and
experience for non-supervised lenders,
approved lender participation
requirements, treatment of applicants
with delinquent child support
payments, and builder credit
requirements for SFHGLP (86 FR
30555). The Agency received comments
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from six respondents including
individuals, mortgage companies, and
interested parties. Three of the
comments are not applicable to the
contents of the rule.
The following is a summary of the
relevant comments:
Comment 1: One respondent opposed
eliminating the background checks for
builders stating the builder’s integrity
could not be thoroughly checked to
avoid court appearances and rebuilding
Agency Response: The Agency still
relies on the lender to review and
approve construction contractors or
builders. The Agency has determined
that these credit requirements are not
the industry standard. The buildercontractor’s ability to participate in such
projects should be based on the
applicant’s and lender’s review of the
builder-contractor’s experience,
reputation, and financial ability to
complete the project in a timely,
efficient, and competent manner. The
Agency believes the stance is correctly
stated and stands behind the rule
Comment 2: One respondent replied
in favor of the proposed rule stating
obtaining background checks for
builders were difficult to obtain and
could potentially hurt a builder’s
reputation if, for some unforeseen
reason, you could not obtain a builder
Agency Response: The Agency has
determined no action is required.
Comment 3: One respondent agreed
with certain delinquent child support
provisions in the rule, however, the
respondent raised concerns that the
proposed change would be unduly
difficult for rural families and children
who are already experiencing housing
challenges. The respondent noted that
employment in rural areas is limited
and felt that there are other means to
addressing delinquent child support.
Agency Response: The Agency
believes the stance is correctly stated
and stands behind the rule changes.
III. Summary of Rule Changes
A summary of the changes includes
amending 7 CFR 3555.51(a)(8) to
eliminate items (a)(8)(iv) because it
refers to the Office of Thrift Supervision
(OTS), which no longer exists.
Furthermore, the current § 3555.51(a)(9)
and (10) is intended to provide a path
for lenders that are not regulated by
state or federal agencies and do not meet
the requirements of (a)(1) through (8) an
opportunity to participate in the
SFHGLP. Therefore, the introductory
paragraph of § 3555.51(a)(9) and (10)
will be amended to clarify that when
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 168 (Wednesday, August 31, 2022)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 53363-53369]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-18743]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 168 / Wednesday, August 31, 2022 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 53363]]
Commodity Credit Corporation
7 CFR Part 1499
RIN 0551-AB02
Food for Progress Program
AGENCY: Foreign Agricultural Service and Commodity Credit Corporation,
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) is amending the
regulation governing the Food for Progress Program to update citations
and make other technical and clarifying changes. The Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) revised and renumbered certain provisions
in its regulations regarding universal identifiers, the System for
Award Management, and the uniform administrative requirements, cost
principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. This amendment
makes technical corrections to the Food for Progress Program regulation
to reflect the revised OMB regulations, and it makes other minor
changes intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the
DATES: This rule is effective August 31, 2022.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ingrid Ardjosoediro, 202-720-3627,
[email protected]. Persons with disabilities who require an
alternative means for communication of information (e.g., Braille,
large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact [email protected] or Cynthia Stewart (Reasonable
Accommodation Coordinator), cynthia.s[email protected].
The Food for Progress Program provides for the donation of U.S.
agricultural commodities to developing countries and emerging
democracies committed to introducing and expanding free enterprise in
the agricultural sector. The commodities are generally sold on the
local market and the proceeds are used to support agricultural
development activities. The program has two principal objectives: to
improve agricultural productivity and expand trade in agricultural
products. The Food for Progress Program is authorized in section 1110
of the Food Security Act of 1985 (also known as the Food for Progress
Act of 1985) (7 U.S.C. 1736o).
The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) implements the Food for
Progress Program on behalf of CCC. FAS uses the regulation in 7 CFR
part 1499, Food for Progress Program, in the administration of the Food
for Progress Program. The previous version of the regulation was
published as a final rule on August 28, 2019 (84 FR 45059).
Amendment of Regulation
The Food for Progress Program regulation, 7 CFR part 1499, refers
to and cites various sections of 2 CFR part 25, Universal Identifier
and System for Award Management, and 2 CFR part 200, Uniform
Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements
for Federal Awards. OMB amended 2 CFR parts 25 and 200 in August 2020
and, as a result, CCC has identified a number of instances where
technical corrections to 7 CFR part 1499 are necessary to update
citations and make the language consistent with 2 CFR parts 25 and 200.
FAS, on behalf of CCC, is amending the Food for Progress Program
regulation to make these technical corrections.
In addition, FAS is amending the Food for Progress Program
regulation to make other changes that are technical or clarifying in
nature and intended to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the
program, including the following:
(1) Clarifying that other regulations that are generally applicable
to grants and cooperative agreements of USDA, including the applicable
regulations set forth in 2 CFR chapters I, II, and IV, also apply to
the Food for Progress Program, to the extent that such regulations do
not directly conflict with the provisions of 7 CFR part 1499 (7 CFR
(2) Providing further detail about the impact description that must
be included as part of the strategic analysis in an application for an
award under the Food for Progress Program (7 CFR 1499.4(b)(2));
(3) Replacing ``interim evaluation'' with ``midterm evaluation'' to
be consistent with the ``Monitoring and Evaluation Policy,'' issued by
the Foreign Agricultural Service--Food Assistance Division, USDA (7 CFR
1499.4(b)(6) and 1499.13(d));
(4) Bringing the language in the regulation into better alignment
with language in the Food for Progress Act of 1985 (7 CFR
(5) Clarifying that the term ``point of entry'' refers to the point
of entry of the donated commodities into the target country (7 CFR
(6) Providing that, when a recipient needs to use funds that have
been advanced by CCC to pay approved expenses under an agreement, the
recipient may transfer the funds from a bank account located in the
United States, where they have been required by the regulation to be
maintained, to a bank account in the target country (7 CFR
(7) Clarifying that transportation of donated commodities to the
designated discharge port or point of entry will be arranged for under
an agreement, in the manner determined by CCC, by CCC or the recipient;
and the recipient will be responsible for any transportation of the
donated commodities after their arrival at the designated discharge
port or point of entry for as long as the recipient has title to such
donated commodities, except as may otherwise be provided in the
agreement (7 CFR 1499.7(b) and (f));
(8) Providing that a recipient may only use the services of a
transportation company that is legally operating in the country in
which it will be transporting the donated commodities and that would
not have a conflict of interest in transporting the commodities (7 CFR
(9) Clarifying that CCC will arrange for transporting the donated
commodities in accordance with 7 CFR 1499.7(b)(1) when CCC determines
that it is applicable, regardless of where and when title to the
donated commodities passes to a recipient; and that a recipient must
maintain the donated commodities in good condition from the time that
it takes possession of them at the designated discharge port, point of
entry, or point of receipt from the originating carrier until their
distribution, sale, or barter (7 CFR 1499.8(b) and (c));
[[Page 53364]]
(10) Providing additional information about requirements regarding
the acknowledgment of funding by USDA, the use of the USDA logo, and
communications to the public, as well as the process for a recipient to
request a waiver of compliance with one or more of such requirements (7
CFR 1499.8(d) and (e));
(11) Clarifying that the recipient's responsibility for the donated
commodities, which becomes effective following transfer of title to the
recipient, remains in effect for as long as the recipient has title to
the commodities (7 CFR 1499.9(a) and (b) and 1499.10(a));
(12) Providing that the recipient must report damage to or loss of
donated commodities in accordance with one of three stated procedures,
depending on the estimated amount of such damage or loss (7 CFR
(13) Clarifying that the ``in excess of $5,000'' threshold amount
that triggers the requirement to inspect damaged donated commodities
refers to the amount of damage sustained by the donated commodities,
not to the overall value of the donated commodities; and the value of
the donated commodities prior to the damage must be determined on the
basis of the costs incurred by CCC with respect to such commodities, as
well as costs incurred by the recipient and paid by CCC (7 CFR
(14) Modifying the text previously in 7 CFR 1499.13(f) and moving
it to 7 CFR 1499.13(c) to clarify that information covering the
receipt, handling, and disposition of the donated commodities, and the
receipt and use of any sale proceeds, etc., must be included in the
performance reports (7 CFR 1499.13(c)(ii) and (iii)); and
(15) Clarifying that the date of submission of the final
expenditure report, as referenced in 2 CFR 200.334, will be the date of
submission of the final financial report (7 CFR 1499.13(h)).
Notice and Comment
This rule is being issued as a final rule without prior notice and
opportunity for comment. This rule involves a matter relating to agency
management or personnel or to public property, loans, grants, benefits,
or contracts. The Administrative Procedure Act exempts such rules from
the statutory requirement for prior notice and opportunity for comment
(5 U.S.C. 553(a)(2)). Accordingly, this rule may be made effective less
than 30 days after publication in the Federal Register.
Assistance Listings for Federal Users
The program covered by this regulation is included in the
Assistance Listings for Federal Users at under the following
FAS CFDA number: 10.606, Food for Progress.
E-Government Act Compliance
CCC is committed to complying with the E-Government Act of 2002 (44
U.S.C. chapter 36), to promote the use of the internet and other
information technologies to provide increased opportunities for
citizens' access to Government information and services, and for other
Congressional Review Act
Pursuant to the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.),
the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has designated this
rule as not a major rule, as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
Executive Order 12866, ``Regulatory Planning and Review,'' and
Executive Order 13563, ``Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review,''
direct agencies to assess all costs and benefits of available
regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select
regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential
economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive
impacts, and equity). Executive Order 13563 emphasized the importance
of quantifying both costs and benefits, reducing costs, harmonizing
rules, and promoting flexibility. The requirements in Executive Orders
12866 and 13563 for the analysis of costs and benefits apply to rules
that are determined to be significant. It has been determined that this
rule is not significant for the purposes of Executive Order 12866;
therefore, this rule was not reviewed by the Office of Management and
Executive Order 12988
This rule has been reviewed in accordance with Executive Order
12988, ``Civil Justice Reform.'' This rule does not preempt State or
local laws, regulations, or policies unless they present an
irreconcilable conflict with this rule. This rule will not be
Executive Order 12372
Executive Order 12372, ``Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs,'' requires consultation with officials of State and local
governments that would be directly affected by the proposed Federal
financial assistance. The objectives of the Executive Order are to
foster an intergovernmental partnership and a strengthened federalism
by relying on State and local processes for the State and local
government coordination and review of proposed Federal financial
assistance and direct Federal development. This rule will not directly
affect State or local officials and, for this reason, it is excluded
from the scope of Executive Order 12372.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601-612), as amended by
the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996,
generally requires an agency to prepare a regulatory flexibility
analysis of any rule that is subject to notice and comment rulemaking
under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) or any other law, unless
the agency certifies that the rule will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities. The Regulatory
Flexibility Act does not apply to this rule because CCC is not required
by the APA or any other law to publish a notice of proposed rulemaking
with respect to the subject matter of the rule.
Executive Order 13132
This rule has been reviewed under Executive Order 13132,
``Federalism.'' This rule will not have any substantial direct effect
on States, on the relationship between the Federal government and the
States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government, except as required by law. This rule does
not impose substantial direct compliance costs on State and local
governments. Therefore, consultation with the States was not required.
Executive Order 13175
This rule has been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of
Executive Order 13175, ``Consultation and Coordination with Indian
Tribal Governments.'' Executive Order 13175 requires Federal agencies
to consult and coordinate with tribes on a government-to-government
basis on policies that have tribal implications, including regulations,
legislative comments or proposed legislation, and other policy
statements or actions that have substantial direct effects on one or
more Indian tribes, on the relationship between the Federal Government
and Indian tribes, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities
between the Federal Government and Indian tribes. CCC does not expect
this rule to have any effect on Indian tribes.
[[Page 53365]]
Unfunded Mandates
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) does
not apply to this rule because it does not impose any enforceable duty
or contain any unfunded mandate as described under the UMRA.
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 1499
Agricultural commodities, Cooperative agreements, Exports, Food
assistance programs, Foreign aid, Grant programs--agriculture,
Technical assistance.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the Commodity Credit
Corporation amends part 1499 of title 7 of the Code of Regulations as
1. The authority citation for part 1499 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 1736o; and 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c.
2. In Sec. 1499.1, revise paragraphs (c), (e), and (f)(1) to read as
Sec. 1499.1 Purpose and applicability.
* * * * *
(c) In addition to the provisions of this part, other regulations
that are generally applicable to grants and cooperative agreements of
USDA, including the applicable regulations set forth in 2 CFR chapters
I, II, and IV, also apply to the FFPr Program, to the extent that such
regulations do not directly conflict with the provisions of this part.
The provisions of the CCC Charter Act (15 U.S.C. 714 et seq.) and any
other statutory or regulatory provisions that are generally applicable
to CCC apply to the FFPr Program.
* * * * *
(e) The OMB guidance at 2 CFR part 200, and the provisions of 2 CFR
part 400 and of this part, do not apply to an award by CCC under the
FFPr Program to a recipient that is a foreign public entity, as defined
in 2 CFR 200.1, and, therefore, they do not apply to a foreign
government or an intergovernmental organization.
(f)(1) The OMB guidance at subparts A through E of 2 CFR part 200,
as supplemented by 2 CFR part 400 and this part, applies to all awards
by CCC under the FFPr Program to all recipients that are private
voluntary organizations, including a private voluntary organization
that is a foreign organization, as defined in 2 CFR 200.1; nonprofit
agricultural organizations or cooperatives, including a nonprofit
agricultural organization or cooperative that is a foreign
organization; nongovernmental organizations, including a
nongovernmental organization that is a for-profit entity or a foreign
organization; colleges or universities; or other private entities,
including a private entity that is a for-profit entity or a foreign
* * * * *
3. In Sec. 1499.2, revise the definitions of ``Commodities'' and
``Program income'' to read as follows:
Sec. 1499.2 Definitions.
* * * * *
Commodities means agricultural commodities, or products of
agricultural commodities, that are produced in the United States.
* * * * *
Program income means interest earned on proceeds from the sale of
donated commodities, as well as funds received by a recipient or
subrecipient as a direct result of carrying out an approved activity
under an agreement. The term includes but is not limited to income from
fees for services performed, the use or rental of real or personal
property acquired under a Federal award, the sale of items fabricated
under a Federal award, license fees and royalties on patents and
copyrights, and principal and interest on loans made with Federal award
funds. Program income does not include any of the following: proceeds
from the sale of donated commodities; CCC-provided funds; interest
earned on CCC-provided funds; funds provided for cost sharing or
matching contributions, refunds, rebates, credits, or discounts; or
interest earned on funds provided for cost sharing or matching
contributions, refunds, rebates, credits, or discounts.
* * * * *
4. In Sec. 1499.3, revise the first sentence of paragraph (a) to read
as follows:
Sec. 1499.3 Eligibility and conflicts of interest.
(a) A private voluntary organization, a nonprofit agricultural
organization or cooperative, a nongovernmental organization, a college
or university, or any other private entity is eligible to submit an
application under this part to become a recipient under the Food for
Progress Program. * * *
* * * * *
5. In Sec. 1499.4, revise paragraphs (b)(2) and (6), (c) introductory
text, and (c)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 1499.4 Application process.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(2) An introduction and a strategic analysis, which includes a
description of opportunities for lasting impact and sustainable
benefits, as specified in the notice of funding opportunity;
* * * * *
(6) Unless otherwise specified in the notice of funding
opportunity, an evaluation plan that describes the proposed design,
methodology, and time frame of the project's evaluation activities, and
how the applicant intends to manage these activities, and that will
include a baseline study, midterm evaluation, final evaluation, and any
applicable special studies; and
* * * * *
(c) Unless an exception in 2 CFR 25.110 applies, each applicant is
required to:
* * * * *
(3) Maintain an active SAM registration, in accordance with 2 CFR
part 25, with current information at all times during which it has an
active Federal award or an application or plan under consideration by a
Federal awarding agency.
6. In Sec. 1499.5, revise paragraphs (b), (c), (d)(4), (e)
introductory text, and (e)(4) to read as follows:
Sec. 1499.5 Agreements.
* * * * *
(b) The agreement will include the general information required in
2 CFR 200.211(b), as applicable.
(c) The agreement will incorporate general terms and conditions,
pursuant to 2 CFR 200.211(c), as applicable.
(d) * * *
(4) Performance goals for the agreement, including a list of
results, with long-term benefits where applicable, to be achieved by
the activities; indicators, targets, and baseline data; and information
about how performance will be assessed, including the timing and scope
of expected performance; and
* * * * *
(e) The agreement will also include specific terms and conditions,
and certifications and representations, including the following, as
* * * * *
(4) The recipient will assert that, to the best of its knowledge,
any sale or barter of the donated commodities will not displace or
interfere with any sales of United States commodities that would
otherwise be made to or within the target country. The recipient must
submit information to CCC to support this assertion; and
* * * * *
7. In Sec. 1499.6, revise paragraphs (a)(1), (e), and (f)(7) and (8)
to read as follows:
[[Page 53366]]
Sec. 1499.6 Payments.
(a) * * *
(1) The original, or a true copy, of each on board bill of lading
indicating the freight rate and signed by the originating ocean
* * * * *
(e) If CCC has agreed to be responsible for the costs of
transporting, storing, and distributing the donated commodities from
the designated discharge port or the point of entry into the target
country, and if the recipient will bear or has borne any of these
costs, in accordance with the agreement, CCC will either provide an
advance payment or a reimbursement to the recipient in the amount of
such costs, in the manner set forth in the agreement.
(f) * * *
(7) Except as may otherwise be provided in the agreement, a
recipient must deposit and maintain in an insured bank account located
in the United States all funds advanced by CCC. The account must be
interest-bearing, unless one of the exceptions in 2 CFR 200.305(b)(8)
applies or CCC determines that this requirement would constitute an
undue burden. A recipient will not be required to maintain a separate
bank account for advance payments of CCC-provided funds. However, a
recipient must be able to separately account for funds received,
obligated, and expended under each agreement. When the recipient
requires the use of funds that have been advanced by CCC to pay
approved expenses under this agreement, the recipient may transfer the
funds from the bank account located in the United States to a bank
account in the target country.
(8) A recipient may retain, for administrative purposes, up to $500
per Federal fiscal year of any interest earned on funds advanced under
an agreement. The recipient must remit to the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services any additional interest earned during the Federal
fiscal year on such funds, in accordance with the procedures in 2 CFR
* * * * *
8. In Sec. 1499.7:
a. Revise paragraphs (b) introductory text and (b)(1);
b. Redesignate paragraph (d) as paragraph (e);
c. Add new paragraphs (d) and (f).
The revisions and additions read as follows:
Sec. 1499.7 Transportation of donated commodities.
* * * * *
(b) Transportation to the designated discharge port or point of
entry of donated commodities, and other goods such as bags that may be
provided by CCC under the FFPr Program, will be arranged for under a
specific agreement in the manner determined by CCC. Such transportation
will be arranged for by:
(1) CCC in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
in 48 CFR chapter 1, the Agriculture Acquisition Regulation (AGAR) in
48 CFR chapter 4, and directives issued by the Director, Office of
Contracting and Procurement, USDA; or
* * * * *
(d) A recipient may only use the services of a transportation
company that is legally operating in the country in which it will be
transporting the donated commodities and that would not have a conflict
of interest in transporting such donated commodities.
* * * * *
(f) A recipient will be responsible for arranging and paying for
any transportation of the donated commodities after their arrival at
the designated discharge port or point of entry for as long as the
recipient has title to such donated commodities, except as may
otherwise be provided in the agreement.
9. Revise Sec. 1499.8 to read as follows:
Sec. 1499.8 Entry, handling, and labeling of donated commodities and
notification requirements.
(a) A recipient must make all necessary arrangements for receiving
the donated commodities in the target country, including obtaining
appropriate approvals for entry and transit. The recipient must make
arrangements with the target country government for all donated
commodities that will be distributed to beneficiaries to be imported
and distributed free from all customs duties, tolls, and taxes. A
recipient is encouraged to make similar arrangements, where possible,
with the government of a country where donated commodities to be sold
or bartered are delivered.
(b) A recipient must, as provided in the agreement, arrange for
transporting, storing, and distributing the donated commodities from
the designated point and time where title to the donated commodities
passes to the recipient, except that CCC will arrange for transporting
the donated commodities in accordance with Sec. 1499.7(b)(1) when CCC
determines that it is applicable.
(c) A recipient must maintain the donated commodities in good
condition from the time that it takes possession of such donated
commodities at the designated discharge port, the point of entry, or
the point of receipt from the originating carrier until their
distribution, sale or barter.
(d) A recipient must comply with the following requirements in this
paragraph, and the requirements specified in the agreement, regarding
the acknowledgment of funding by USDA, the use of the USDA logo, and
communications to the public:
(1) If a recipient arranges for the packaging or repackaging of
donated commodities that are to be distributed, the recipient must
ensure that the packaging:
(i) Is plainly labeled in the language of the target country;
(ii) Contains the name of the donated commodities;
(iii) Includes a statement indicating that the donated commodities
are furnished by the Food for Progress Program of the United States
Department of Agriculture; and
(iv) Includes a statement indicating that the donated commodities
must not be sold, exchanged or bartered.
(2) If a recipient arranges for the processing and repackaging of
donated commodities that are to be distributed, the recipient must
ensure that the packaging:
(i) Is plainly labeled in the language of the target country;
(ii) Contains the name of the processed product;
(iii) Includes a statement indicating that the processed product
was made with commodities furnished by the Food for Progress Program of
the United States Department of Agriculture; and
(iv) Includes a statement indicating that the processed product
must not be sold, exchanged or bartered.
(3) If a recipient distributes donated commodities that are not
packaged, the recipient must display a sign at the distribution site
that includes the name of the donated commodities, a statement
indicating that the donated commodities are being furnished by the Food
for Progress Program of the United States Department of Agriculture,
and a statement indicating that the donated commodities must not be
sold, exchanged, or bartered.
(4) A recipient must ensure that signs are displayed at all
activity implementation and commodity distribution sites to inform
beneficiaries that funding for the project was provided by the Food for
Progress Program of the United States Department of Agriculture.
(5) A recipient must ensure that all communications to the public
relating to the project, the activities, or the donated commodities,
whether made through print, broadcast, digital, or other media, include
a statement
[[Page 53367]]
acknowledging that funding was provided by the Food for Progress
Program of the United States Department of Agriculture. This includes
project descriptions, fact sheets, signs, websites, press releases,
social media, videos, reports, and other communications to the public.
A recipient must also ensure that the USDA logo is used in
communications to the public in accordance with the agreement.
(e)(1) At the request of a recipient, CCC may waive compliance with
one or more of the requirements in paragraph (d) of this section. A
recipient may submit a written request for a waiver at any time after
the agreement has been signed. Except as provided in paragraph (e)(2)
of this section, the recipient must comply with the requirement(s)
while awaiting a determination by CCC regarding its waiver request.
(2) If a recipient determines that compliance with one or more of
the requirements in paragraph (d) of this section poses an imminent
threat of injury, loss of life, or destruction of property in the
target country, the recipient must submit a request to CCC for a waiver
of such requirement(s), with an explanation of the safety or security
risk, as soon as possible. The recipient will not have to comply with
such requirement(s) while awaiting a determination by CCC regarding its
waiver request.
(f) In exceptional circumstances, CCC may, on its own initiative,
waive one or more of the requirements in paragraph (d) of this section
for programmatic reasons.
10. In Sec. 1499.9, revise paragraphs (a) and (b), the sixth and ninth
sentences of paragraph (c), paragraph (d)(3)(iii), and the first and
second sentences of paragraph (e) introductory text to read as follows:
Sec. 1499.9 Damage to or loss of donated commodities.
(a) CCC will be responsible for the donated commodities prior to
the transfer of title to the donated commodities to the recipient. The
recipient will be responsible for the donated commodities while the
recipient has title to the donated commodities. The title will transfer
as specified in the agreement.
(b)(1) A recipient must inform CCC, in the manner set forth in the
agreement, of any damage to or loss of donated commodities that occurs
while the recipient has title to the donated commodities. The recipient
must comply with the following procedures when reporting such damage to
or loss of donated commodities:
(i) If the amount of the damage or loss is estimated to exceed
$20,000, the recipient must notify CCC in writing immediately after
becoming aware of such damage or loss and, in this notification,
provide detailed information about the circumstances surrounding such
damage or loss, the quantity of damaged or lost donated commodities,
and the amount of the damage or loss;
(ii) If the amount of the damage or loss is estimated to exceed
$1,000 but not to exceed $20,000, the recipient must notify CCC in
writing of the damage or loss within 15 days after the date that the
recipient becomes aware of it and then provide detailed information
about the damage or loss in the first report required to be filed under
Sec. 1499.13(c) that is due after the date that the recipient becomes
aware of such damage or loss; and
(iii) If the amount of the damage or loss is estimated not to
exceed $1,000, the recipient must notify CCC, and provide detailed
information about the damage or loss, in the first report required to
be filed under Sec. 1499.13(c) that is due after the date that the
recipient becomes aware of such damage or loss.
(2) The recipient must take all steps necessary to protect its
interests and the interests of CCC with respect to any damage to or
loss of the donated commodities that occurs while the recipient has
title to the donated commodities.
(c) * * * All surveys obtained by the recipient must, to the extent
practicable, be conducted jointly by the surveyor, the recipient, and
the ocean carrier, and the survey report must be signed by all three
parties. * * * CCC will reimburse the recipient for the reasonable
costs of these services, as determined by CCC.
(d) * * *
(3) * * *
(iii) Estimates the quantity of cargo, if any, lost during
discharge through ocean carrier negligence;
* * * * *
(e) If donated commodities to which a recipient has title sustain
damage in excess of $5,000 at any time prior to their distribution or
sale under the agreement, regardless of the party at fault, the
recipient must immediately arrange for an inspection by a public health
official or other competent authority approved by CCC and provide to
CCC a certification by such public health official or other competent
authority regarding the exact quantity and condition of the damaged
donated commodities. The value of the donated commodities prior to the
damage must be determined on the basis of the commodity acquisition,
transportation, and related costs incurred by CCC with respect to such
commodities, as well as such costs incurred by the recipient and paid
by CCC. * * *
* * * * *
11. In Sec. 1499.10:
a. Revise paragraphs (a) and (b) introductory text;
b. Remove paragraph (b)(1);
c. Redesignate paragraphs (b)(2), (3), and (4) as paragraphs (b)(1),
(2), and (3);
d. Remove paragraph (c); and
e. Redesignate paragraphs (d), (e), and (f) as paragraphs (c), (d), and
The revisions read as follows:
Sec. 1499.10 Claims for damage to or loss of donated commodities.
(a) CCC will be responsible for claims arising out of damage to or
loss of a quantity of the donated commodities prior to the transfer of
title to the donated commodities to the recipient. The recipient will
be responsible for claims arising out of damage to or loss of a
quantity of the donated commodities while the recipient has title to
the donated commodities.
(b) If the recipient has title to donated commodities that have
been damaged or lost, and the amount of the damage or loss is estimated
to exceed $20,000, the recipient must:
* * * * *
12. In Sec. 1499.11, revise paragraphs (e) and (h) to read as follows:
Sec. 1499.11 Use of donated commodities, sale proceeds, CCC-provided
funds, and program income.
* * * * *
(e) A recipient must not use sale proceeds, CCC-provided funds,
interest, or program income to acquire goods and services, either
directly or indirectly through another party, in a manner that violates
a U.S. Government economic sanctions program, as specified in the
* * * * *
(h)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (h)(2) of this section, a
recipient may make adjustments within the agreement budget between
direct cost line items without further approval, provided that the
total amount of such adjustments does not exceed the amount specified
in the agreement. Adjustments beyond these limits require the prior
approval of CCC.
(2) A recipient must not transfer any funds budgeted for
participant support costs, as defined in 2 CFR 200.1, to other
categories of expense without the prior approval of CCC.
* * * * *
[[Page 53368]]
13. Revise Sec. 1499.13 to read as follows:
Sec. 1499.13 Reporting and record keeping requirements.
(a) A recipient must comply with the performance and financial
monitoring and reporting requirements in the agreement and 2 CFR
200.328 through 200.330.
(b) A recipient must submit financial reports to CCC, by the dates
and for the reporting periods specified in the agreement. Such reports
must provide an accurate accounting of sale proceeds, CCC-provided
funds, interest, program income, and voluntary committed cost sharing
or matching contributions. When reporting financial information under
the agreement, the recipient must include the amounts in U.S. dollars
and, if funds are held in local currency, the exchange rate.
(c)(1) A recipient must submit performance reports to CCC, by the
dates and for the reporting periods specified in the agreement. These
reports must include the following:
(i) The information required in 2 CFR 200.329(c)(2), including
additional pertinent information regarding the recipient's progress,
measured against established indicators, baseline values, and targets,
towards achieving the expected results specified in the agreement. This
reporting must include, for each performance indicator, a comparison of
actual accomplishments with the baseline values and the targets
established for the period. When actual accomplishments deviate
significantly from targeted goals, the recipient must provide an
explanation in the report;
(ii) Information covering the receipt, handling, and disposition of
the donated commodities, until all of the donated commodities have been
distributed, sold, or bartered and such disposition has been reported
to CCC; and
(iii) If the agreement authorizes the sale or barter of donated
commodities, information covering the receipt and use of any sale
proceeds, goods and services derived from barter, and program income,
until all of the sale proceeds, goods and services derived from barter,
and program income have been disbursed or used and reported to CCC.
(2) A recipient must ensure the accuracy and reliability of the
performance data submitted to CCC in performance reports. At any time
during the period of performance of the agreement, CCC may review the
recipient's performance data to determine whether it is accurate and
reliable. The recipient must comply with all requests made by CCC or an
entity designated by CCC in relation to such reviews.
(d) Baseline, midterm, and final evaluation reports are required
for all agreements, unless otherwise specified in the agreement. The
reports must be submitted in accordance with the timeline in the CCC-
approved evaluation plan. Evaluation reports submitted to CCC may be
made public in an effort to increase accountability and transparency
and share lessons learned and best practices.
(e) A recipient must, within 30 days after export of all or a
portion of the donated commodities, submit evidence of such export to
CCC, in the manner set forth in the agreement. The evidence may be
submitted through an electronic media approved by CCC or by providing
the ocean carrier's on board bill of lading. The evidence of export
must show the kind and quantity of commodities exported, the date of
export, and the country where the commodities will be delivered. The
date of export is the date that the ocean carrier carrying the donated
commodities sails from the final U.S. load port.
(f) If requested by CCC, a recipient must provide to CCC additional
information or reports relating to the agreement.
(g) If a recipient requires an extension of a reporting deadline,
it must ensure that CCC receives an extension request at least five
business days prior to the reporting deadline. CCC may decline to
consider a request for an extension that it receives after this time
period. CCC will consider requests for reporting deadline extensions on
a case by case basis and make a decision based on the merits of each
request. CCC will consider factors such as unforeseen or extenuating
circumstances and past performance history when evaluating requests for
(h) A recipient must retain records and permit access to records in
accordance with the requirements of 2 CFR 200.334 through 200.338. The
date of submission of the final expenditure report, as referenced in 2
CFR 200.334, will be the date of submission of the final financial
report required by paragraph (b) of this section, as prescribed by CCC.
The recipient must retain copies of and make available to CCC all sales
receipts, contracts, or other documents related to the sale or barter
of donated commodities and any goods or services derived from such
barter, as well as records of dispatch received from ocean carriers.
14. In Sec. 1499.14, revise the third sentence of paragraph (a),
paragraph (b)(2), and the first sentence of paragraph (b)(4) to read as
Sec. 1499.14 Subrecipients.
(a) * * * The recipient must enter into a written subagreement with
the subrecipient and comply with the applicable provisions of 2 CFR
200.332. * * *
(b) * * *
(2) The subrecipient is prohibited from using sale proceeds, CCC-
provided funds, interest, or program income to acquire goods and
services, either directly or indirectly through another party, in a
manner that violates a U.S. Government economic sanctions program, as
specified in the agreement.
* * * * *
(4) The subrecipient is responsible for complying with the
applicable compliance requirements set forth in the subaward in
accordance with Sec. 1499.18 and 2 CFR 200.501(h). * * *
* * * * *
15. In Sec. 1499.15, revise the first sentence to read as follows:
Sec. 1499.15 Noncompliance with an agreement.
If a recipient fails to comply with a Federal statute or regulation
or the terms and conditions of the agreement, and CCC determines that
the noncompliance cannot be remedied by imposing additional conditions,
CCC may take one or more of the actions set forth in 2 CFR 200.339 and,
if appropriate, initiate a claim against the recipient. * * *
16. In Sec. 1499.16:
a. Revise paragraph (a);
b. Redesignate paragraph (b) as paragraph (c);
c. Add new paragraph (b); and
d. Revise newly redesignated paragraph (c)(3).
The revisions and addition read as follows:
Sec. 1499.16 Suspension and termination of agreements.
(a) CCC may suspend or terminate an agreement if it determines
(1) One of the bases in 2 CFR 200.339 or 200.340 for suspension or
termination by CCC has been satisfied;
(2) The continuation of the assistance provided under the agreement
is no longer necessary or desirable; or
(3) Storage facilities are inadequate to prevent spoilage or waste
of the donated commodities, or distribution of the donated commodities
will result in a substantial disincentive to or interference with
domestic production or marketing in the target country.
(b) The termination provisions in 2 CFR 200.340 and 200.341 will
apply to an agreement.
[[Page 53369]]
(c) * * *
(3) Must comply with any closeout and post-closeout provisions
specified in the agreement and 2 CFR 200.344 and 200.345.
17. In Sec. 1499.19, revise the first sentence to read as follows:
Sec. 1499.19 Paperwork Reduction Act.
The information collection requirements contained in this part have
been approved by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, 44
U.S.C. Chapter 35, and have been assigned OMB control number 0551-0035.
* * *
Zach Ducheneaux,
Executive Vice President, Commodity Credit Corporation.
In concurrence with:
Clay Hamilton,
Acting Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service.
[FR Doc. 2022-18743 Filed 8-30-22; 8:45 am]