Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Water-Source Heat Pumps, 53302-53359 [2022-17075]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
10 CFR Parts 429 and 431
RIN 1904–AE05
Energy Conservation Program: Test
Procedure for Water-Source Heat
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
and request for comment.
The U.S. Department of
Energy (‘‘DOE’’) proposes to amend its
test procedures for water-source heat
pumps, with the main changes being
ones to expand the scope of
applicability of the test procedure,
reference different industry standards
than currently referenced, change to a
seasonal cooling efficiency metric, and
change the test conditions used for the
heating metric. DOE has tentatively
determined that the amended test
procedure would produce results that
are more representative of an average
use cycle and more consistent with
current industry practice without being
unduly burdensome to conduct. DOE
seeks comment from interested parties
on this proposal.
Comments: DOE will accept
comments, data, and information
regarding this proposal no later than
October 31, 2022. See section V, ‘‘Public
Participation,’’ for details.
Public Meeting: DOE will hold a
public meeting via webinar on
Wednesday, September 14, 2022, from
1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. See section V,
‘‘Public Participation,’’ for webinar
registration information, participant
instructions, and information about the
capabilities available to webinar
Interested persons are
encouraged to submit comments using
the Federal eRulemaking Portal at, under docket
number EERE–2017–BT–TP–0029.
Follow the instructions for submitting
comments. Alternatively, interested
persons may submit comments,
identified by docket number EERE–
2017–BT–TP–0029 and/or RIN 1904–
AE05, by any of the following methods:
Email: WSHP2017TP0029@ Include the docket number
EERE–2017–BT–TP–0029 and/or RIN
1904–AE05 in the subject line of the
Postal Mail: Appliance and
Equipment Standards Program, U.S.
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Department of Energy, Building
Technologies Office, Mailstop EE–5B,
1000 Independence Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20585–0121. If
possible, please submit all items on a
compact disc (‘‘CD’’), in which case it is
not necessary to include printed copies.
Hand Delivery/Courier: Appliance
and Equipment Standards Program, U.S.
Department of Energy, Building
Technologies Office, 950 L’Enfant Plaza
SW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20024.
Telephone: (202) 287–1445. If possible,
please submit all items on a CD, in
which case it is not necessary to include
printed copies.
No telefacsimiles (‘‘faxes’’) will be
accepted. For detailed instructions on
submitting comments and additional
information on this process, see section
V of this document (Public
Docket: The docket, which includes
Federal Register notices, public
meeting/webinar attendee lists and
transcripts, comments, and other
supporting documents/materials, is
available for review at All documents in
the docket are listed in the index. However,
some documents listed in the index,
such as those containing information
that is exempt from public disclosure,
may not be publicly available.
The docket web page can be found at The docket web page
contains instructions on how to access
all documents, including public
comments, in the docket. See section V
(Public Participation) for information on
how to submit comments through
Ms. Catherine Rivest, U.S. Department
of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies Office, EE–5B, 1000
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20585–0121. Telephone: (202) 586–
7335. Email:
Mr. Eric Stas, U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of the General Counsel,
GC–33, 1000 Independence Avenue SW,
Washington, DC 20585–0121.
Telephone: (202) 586–5827. Email:
For further information on how to
submit a comment, review other public
comments and the docket, or participate
in the public meeting webinar, contact
the Appliance and Equipment
Standards Program staff at (202) 287–
1445 or by email:
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proposes to incorporate by reference
already-approved industry standards, an
update to one of those standards, and a
standard not previously-approved.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009,
‘‘Methods of Testing for Rating
Electrically Driven Unitary AirConditioning and Heat Pump
Equipment,’’ including errata sheet
issued March 27, 2019, ASHRAE
approved June 24, 2009.
Copies of the American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating, and AirConditioning Engineers (‘‘ASHRAE’’)
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009 are
available from the American National
Standards Institute (‘‘ANSI’’), 25 W.
43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY
10036, (212) 642–4900, or online at:
ASHRAE errata sheet to ANSI/
ASHRAE Standard 37–2009—Methods
of Testing for Rating Electrically Driven
Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat
Pump Equipment, ANSI/ASHRAE
Approved March 27, 2019.
Copies of ASHRAE errata sheet to
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009 are
available from ASHRAE, 180
Technology Parkway NW, Peachtree
Corners, GA 30092, (404)–636–8400, or
online at
ISO Standard 13256–1:1998, ‘‘Watersource heat pumps—Testing and rating
for performance—Part 1: Water-to-air
and brine-to-air heat pumps,’’ ISO
approved 1998.
Copies of ISO Standard 13256–1:1998
can be obtained from the International
Organization for Standardization
(‘‘ISO’’), Chemin de Blandonnet 8 CP
401, 1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland,
+41 22 749 01 11, or online at: https://
AHRI Standard 340/360–2022 (I–P),
‘‘2022 Standard for Performance Rating
of Commercial and Industrial Unitary
Air-conditioning and Heat Pump
Equipment,’’ AHRI-approved January
26, 2022.
Copies of AHRI Standard 340/360–
2022 (I–P) can be obtained from the AirConditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration
Institute (‘‘AHRI’’), 2311 Wilson Blvd.,
Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201, (703)
524–8800, or online at:
See section IV.M of this document for
further discussion of these standards.
Table of Contents
I. Authority and Background
A. Authority
B. Background
II. Synopsis of the Notice of Proposed
III. Discussion
A. Scope of Applicability
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
B. Definition
C. Proposed Organization of the WSHP
Test Procedure
D. Industry Standards
1. Applicable Industry Test Procedures
a. ISO Standard 13256–1
b. AHRI 340/360–2022 and ASHRAE 37–
c. AHRI 600
2. Comments Received on Industry
Standards and DOE Responses
3. Proposal for DOE Test Procedure
E. Efficiency Metrics
a. General Discussion
b. Determination of IEER Via Interpolation
and Extrapolation
2. COP
a. General Discussion
b. Determination of COP Via Interpolation
3. Entering Air Conditions
4. Operating Modes Other Than
Mechanical Cooling and Heating
5. Dynamic Load-Based Test Procedure
F. Test Method
1. Airflow and External Static Pressure
a. Fan Power Adjustment and Required Air
External Static Pressure
b. Setting Airflow and ESP
i. Ducted Units With Discrete-Step Fans
ii. Non-Ducted Units
2. Capacity Measurement
a. Primary and Secondary Methods
b. Compressor Heat
3. Cyclic Degradation
4. Pump Power Adjustment and Liquid
External Static Pressure
5. Test Liquid and Specific Heat Capacity
6. Liquid Flow Rate
a. Full-Load Cooling Tests
b. Part-Load Cooling Tests
c. Heating Tests
d. Condition Tolerance
7. Refrigerant Line Losses
8. Airflow Measurement
9. Air Condition Measurements
10. Duct Losses
11. Refrigerant Charging
12. Voltage
G. Configuration of Unit Under Test
1. Specific Components
2. Non-Standard Indoor Fan Motors
H. Represented Values and Enforcement
1. Multiple Refrigerants
2. Cooling Capacity
3. Enforcement of IEER
I. Test Procedure Costs and Impact
J. Compliance Date
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review
A. Review Under Executive Orders 12866
and 13563
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995
D. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995
H. Review Under the Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act, 1999
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
J. Review Under Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act, 2001
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K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
L. Review Under Section 32 of the Federal
Energy Administration Act of 1974
M. Description of Materials Incorporated
by Reference
V. Public Participation
A. Participation in the Public Meeting
B. Procedure for Submitting Prepared
General Statements for Distribution
C. Conduct of the Public Meeting Webinar
D. Submission of Comments
E. Issues on Which DOE Seeks Comment
VI. Approval of the Office of the Secretary
I. Authority and Background
Water-source heat pumps (‘‘WSHPs’’)
are a category of small, large, and very
large commercial package airconditioning and heating equipment,1
which are included in the list of
‘‘covered equipment’’ for which DOE is
authorized to establish and amend
energy conservation standards and test
procedures. (42 U.S.C. 6311(1)(B)–(D))
DOE’s energy conservation standards
and test procedures for WSHPs are
currently prescribed in title 10 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (‘‘CFR’’) at
10 CFR 431.97 and 10 CFR 431.96,
respectively. The following sections
discuss DOE’s authority to establish and
amend test procedures for WSHPs, as
well as relevant background information
regarding DOE’s consideration of test
procedures for this equipment.
A. Authority
The Energy Policy and Conservation
Act, as amended (‘‘EPCA’’),2 Public Law
94–163 (42 U.S.C. 6291–6317, as
codified), among other things,
authorizes DOE to regulate the energy
efficiency of a number of consumer
products and certain industrial
1 The Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as
amended (‘‘EPCA’’) defines ‘‘commercial package
air conditioning and heating equipment’’ as aircooled, water-cooled, evaporatively-cooled, or
water-source (not including ground-water-source)
electrically operated unitary central air conditioners
and central air conditioning heat pumps for
commercial application. (42 U.S.C. 6311(8)(A))
EPCA further defines ‘‘small commercial package
air conditioning and heating equipment’’ as
commercial package air conditioning and heating
equipment that is rated below 135,000 Btu per hour
(cooling capacity); ‘‘large commercial package air
conditioning and heating equipment’’ as
commercial package air conditioning and heating
equipment that is rated at or above 135,000 Btu per
hour and below 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling
capacity); and ‘‘very large commercial package air
conditioning and heating equipment’’ as
commercial package air conditioning and heating
equipment that is rated at or above 240,000 Btu per
hour and below 760,000 Btu per hour (cooling
capacity). (42 U.S.C. 6311(8)(B)–(D))
2 All references to EPCA in this document refer
to the statute as amended through the Energy Act
of 2020, Public Law 116–260 (Dec. 27, 2020), which
reflects the last statutory amendments that impact
Parts A and A–1 of EPCA.
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equipment. Title III, Part C 3 of EPCA,
added by Public Law 95–619, Title IV,
section 441(a), established the Energy
Conservation Program for Certain
Industrial Equipment, which sets forth a
variety of provisions designed to
improve energy efficiency. This
equipment includes small, large, and
very large commercial package airconditioning and heating equipment,
including WSHPs. (42 U.S.C.
The energy conservation program
under EPCA consists essentially of four
parts: (1) testing; (2) labeling; (3) Federal
energy conservation standards, and (4)
certification and enforcement
procedures. Relevant provisions of
EPCA specifically include definitions
(42 U.S.C. 6311), energy conservation
standards (42 U.S.C. 6313), test
procedures (42 U.S.C. 6314), labeling
provisions (42 U.S.C. 6315), and the
authority to require information and
reports from manufacturers (42 U.S.C.
6316; 42 U.S.C. 6296).
The Federal testing requirements
consist of test procedures that
manufacturers of covered equipment
must use as the basis for: (1) certifying
to DOE that their equipment complies
with the applicable energy conservation
standards adopted pursuant to EPCA (42
U.S.C. 6316(b); 42 U.S.C. 6296), and (2)
making representations about the
efficiency of that equipment (42 U.S.C.
6314(d)). Similarly, DOE uses these test
procedures to determine whether the
equipment complies with relevant
standards promulgated under EPCA.
Federal energy efficiency
requirements for covered equipment
established under EPCA generally
supersede State laws and regulations
concerning energy conservation testing,
labeling, and standards. (42 U.S.C.
6316(a) and (b); 42 U.S.C. 6297) DOE
may, however, grant waivers of Federal
preemption for particular State laws or
regulations, in accordance with the
procedures and other provisions of
EPCA. (42 U.S.C. 6316(b)(2)(D))
Under 42 U.S.C. 6314, EPCA sets forth
the criteria and procedures DOE must
follow when prescribing or amending
test procedures for covered equipment.
EPCA requires that any test procedures
prescribed or amended under this
section must be reasonably designed to
produce test results which reflect energy
efficiency, energy use, or estimated
annual operating cost of covered
equipment during a representative
average use cycle and requires that test
procedures not be unduly burdensome
to conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2))
3 For editorial reasons, upon codification in the
U.S. Code, Part C was redesignated Part A–1.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
With respect to WSHPs, EPCA
requires that the test procedures shall be
those generally accepted industry
testing procedures or rating procedures
developed or recognized by the AirConditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration
Institute (‘‘AHRI’’) or by the American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers
(‘‘ASHRAE’’), as referenced in ASHRAE
Standard 90.1, ‘‘Energy Standard for
Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential
Buildings’’ (‘‘ASHRAE Standard 90.1’’).
(42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(A)) Further, if such
an industry test procedure is amended,
DOE must amend its test procedure to
be consistent with the amended
industry test procedure, unless DOE
determines, by rule published in the
Federal Register and supported by clear
and convincing evidence, that the
amended test procedure would not
produce test results that reflect the
energy efficiency, energy use, and
estimated operating costs of that
equipment during a representative
average use cycle or would be unduly
burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C.
EPCA also requires that, at least once
every 7 years, DOE evaluate test
procedures for each type of covered
equipment, including WSHPs, to
determine whether amended test
procedures would more accurately or
fully comply with the requirements for
the test procedures to not be unduly
burdensome to conduct and be
reasonably designed to produce test
results that reflect energy efficiency,
energy use, and estimated operating
costs during a representative average
use cycle. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(1))
In addition, if the Secretary
determines that a test procedure
amendment is warranted, DOE must
publish proposed test procedures in the
Federal Register and afford interested
persons an opportunity (of not less than
45 days duration) to present oral and
written data, views, and comments on
the proposed test procedures. (42 U.S.C.
6314(b)) If DOE determines that test
procedure revisions are not appropriate,
DOE must publish in the Federal
Register its determination not to amend
the test procedures. (42 U.S.C.
In this notice of proposed rulemaking
(‘‘NOPR’’), DOE is proposing
amendments to the test procedures for
WSHPs in satisfaction of the 7-yearlookback obligations under EPCA. (42
U.S.C. 6314(a)(1))
B. Background
DOE’s existing test procedure for
WSHPs is specified at 10 CFR 431.96
(‘‘Uniform test method for the
measurement of energy efficiency of
commercial air conditioners and heat
pumps’’). The Federal test procedure
currently incorporates by reference
International Organization for
Standardization (‘‘ISO’’) Standard
13256–1 (1998), ‘‘Water-source heat
pumps—Testing and rating for
performance—Part 1: Water-to-air and
brine-to-air heat pumps,’’ (‘‘ISO 13256–
1:1998’’). This is the test procedure
specified by ASHRAE Standard 90.1 for
water-source heat pumps.
DOE initially incorporated ISO
13256–1:1998 as the referenced test
procedure for WSHPs on October 21,
2004 (69 FR 61962), and DOE last
reviewed the test procedure for WSHPs
as part of a final rule for commercial
package air conditioners and heat
pumps published in the Federal
Register on May 16, 2012 (‘‘May 2012
final rule’’; 77 FR 28928). In the May
2012 final rule, DOE retained the
reference to ISO 13256–1:1998 but
adopted additional provisions for
equipment set-up at 10 CFR 431.96(e),
which provide specifications for
addressing key information typically
found in the installation and operation
manuals. Id at 77 FR 28991.
On June 22, 2018, DOE published a
request for information (‘‘RFI’’) in the
Federal Register to collect information
and data to consider amendments to
DOE’s test procedures for WSHPs. 83 FR
29048 (‘‘June 2018 RFI’’).4 As part of the
June 2018 RFI, DOE identified and
requested comment on several issues
associated with the currently applicable
Federal test procedures, in particular
concerning methods that are adopted
through incorporation by reference of
the applicable industry standard;
efficiency metrics and calculations;
additional specifications for the test
methods; and any additional topics that
may inform DOE’s decisions in a future
test procedure rulemaking, including
methods to reduce regulatory burden
while ensuring the test procedure’s
accuracy. Id.
DOE received comments in response
to the June 2018 RFI from the interested
parties listed in Table I–1.
Reference in this NOPR
Commenter type
Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute ..........................................................................
Appliance Standards Awareness Project, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Natural Resources Defense Council.
Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance ...................................................................................................
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, San Diego Gas and Electric, and Southern California Edison;
collectively referred to as the California Investor-Owned Utilities.
Trane Technologies ..............................................................................................................................
WaterFurnace International ..................................................................................................................
AHRI ..............................
Joint Advocates .............
NEEA .............................
CA IOUs ........................
Trane .............................
WaterFurnace ................
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EA: Efficiency/Environmental Advocate; IR: Industry Representative; M: Manufacturer; U: Utility.
A parenthetical reference at the end of
a comment quotation or paraphrase
provides the location of the item in the
public record.5
In May 2021, ISO published an
updated version of Standard 13256–1,
ISO Standard 13256–1 (2021), ‘‘Water-
source heat pumps—Testing and rating
for performance—Part 1: Water-to-air
and brine-to-air heat pumps,’’ (‘‘ISO
13256–1:2021’’). ISO 13256–1:2021 is
discussed further in section III.D of this
II. Synopsis of the Notice of Proposed
4 An extension of the comment period for the
June 2018 RFI was published in the Federal
Register on July 9, 2018. 83 FR 31704.
5 The parenthetical reference provides a reference
for information located in the docket of DOE’s
rulemaking to develop test procedures for WSHPs.
(Docket No. EERE–2017–BT–TP–0029, which is
maintained at The references
are arranged as follows: (commenter name,
comment docket ID number, page of that
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In this NOPR, DOE is proposing to
amend the Federal test procedures for
WSHPs as follows: (1) expand the scope
of the test procedure to include WSHPs
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
with capacities between 135,000 and
760,000 British thermal units per hour
(‘‘Btu/h’’); (2) incorporate by reference
AHRI Standard 340/360–2022 (I–P),
‘‘2022 Standard for Performance Rating
of Commercial and Industrial Unitary
Air-conditioning and Heat Pump
Equipment’’ (‘‘AHRI 340/360–2022’’),
and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009,
‘‘Methods of Testing for Rating
Electrically Driven Unitary AirConditioning and Heat Pump
Equipment’’ (‘‘ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009’’) as the applicable test procedures
for WSHPs, instead of the currently
referenced industry test procedure ISO
13256–1:1998; (3) establish provisions
for a new cooling efficiency metric,
integrated energy efficiency ratio
(‘‘IEER’’), for WSHPs and provide an
alternative method of calculating IEER
using interpolation from test conditions
commonly used for WSHPs; (4) modify
the test conditions for measuring the
heating coefficient of performance
(‘‘COP’’) and provide an alternative
method of calculating COP using
interpolation from test conditions
commonly used for WSHPs; (5) include
additional specification of setting
airflow and external static pressure
(‘‘ESP’’) for non-ducted units and
ducted units with discrete-step fans; (6)
specify liquid ESP requirements for
units with integral pumps and include
a method to account for total pumping
effect for units without integral pumps;
(7) specify components that must be
present for testing; and (8) amend
certain provisions related to
representations and enforcement in 10
CFR part 429.
DOE proposes to implement these
changes by adding new appendices C
and C1 to subpart F of part 431, with
both to be titled ‘‘Uniform Test Method
for Measuring the Energy Consumption
of Water-Source Heat Pumps,’’
(‘‘appendix C’’ and ‘‘appendix C1,’’
respectively). The current DOE test
procedure for WSHPs would be
relocated to appendix C without change,
and the new test procedure adopting
AHRI 340/360–2022 and ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 and any other
amendments would be set forth in
proposed appendix C1 for determining
IEER. As discussed elsewhere in this
NOPR, DOE has tentatively concluded,
supported by clear and convincing
evidence, that the proposed amended
test procedure in appendix C1 (relying
on AHRI 340/360–2022 and ASHRAE
37–2009) would provide more
representative results and more fully
comply with the requirements of 42
U.S.C. 6314(a)(2) than testing with the
current Federal test procedure (relying
on ISO 13256–1:1998). However, use of
proposed appendix C1 would not be
required until such time as compliance
is required with amended energy
conservation standards for WSHPs
based on IEER, should DOE adopt such
standards, although a manufacturer
would need to make any voluntary early
representations of IEER in accordance
with appendix C1.
DOE’s proposed actions are
summarized in Table II–1 and addressed
in detail in section III of this document.
Current DOE test procedure
Proposed test procedure in Appendix C1
Scope is limited to units with cooling capacity less
than 135,000 Btu/h.
Expands the scope of the test procedure to additionally include units with cooling capacity greater than or equal to 135,000 Btu/h and less than
760,000 Btu/h.
Incorporates by reference AHRI 340/360–2022
and ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009.
Includes provisions for determining IEER, and
specifies an alternative method of calculating
IEER using interpolation and extrapolation from
results of testing at ISO 13256–1:1998 temperatures.
Changes the test condition for COP to 55 °F and
provides an alternative method of calculating
COP using interpolation from results of testing
at ISO 13256–1:1998 temperatures.
Includes additional specification of setting airflow
and ESP for non-ducted units and for ducted
units with discrete-step fans.
Specifies liquid ESP requirements for units with integral pumps, and includes a method for accounting for the total pumping effect for units
without integral pumps.
Includes provisions in 10 CFR 429.43 specific to
WSHPs to prevent cooling capacity over-rating
and to determine represented values for models
with specific components.
Adopts product-specific enforcement provisions for
WSHPs regarding verification of cooling capacity, testing of systems with specific components,
and DOE IEER testing.
Harmonize with scope of test procedure for water-cooled commercial
unitary air conditioners.
Incorporates by reference ISO 13256–1:1998 .........
Includes provisions for determining EER metric ......
Specifies test condition of 68 °F for measuring
Does not include specification of setting airflow and
ESP for non-ducted units or ducted units with
discrete-step fans.
Allows for testing at any liquid ESP with an adjustment to include the pump power to overcome liquid internal static pressure.
Does not include WSHP-specific provisions for determination of represented values in 10 CFR
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Does not include WSHP-specific enforcement provisions in 10 CFR 429.134.
DOE has tentatively determined that
the proposed amendments described in
section III of this NOPR regarding the
establishment of appendix C would not
alter the measured efficiency of WSHPs
or require retesting solely as a result of
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DOE’s adoption of the proposed
amendments to the test procedure, if
made final. DOE has tentatively
determined that the proposed test
procedure amendments in appendix C1
would, if adopted, alter the measured
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Improve representativeness of test
Improve representativeness of test
Improve representativeness of test
Improve representativeness of test
Improve representativeness of test
Establish WSHP-specific provisions
for determination of represented
Establish provisions for DOE testing
of WSHPs.
efficiency of WSHPs. DOE has
tentatively determined that the
proposed amendments would increase
the cost of testing relative to the current
Federal test procedure. Use of the
proposed appendix C1 and the proposed
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
amendments to the representation
requirements in 10 CFR 429.43 would
not be required until the compliance
date of amended standards denominated
in terms of IEER, although
manufacturers would need to use
appendix C1 if they choose to make
voluntary representations of IEER prior
to the compliance date. DOE’s proposed
actions are discussed in further detail in
section III of this NOPR.
III. Discussion
In the following sections, DOE
proposes certain amendments to the
Federal test procedure for WSHPs. For
each proposed amendment, DOE
provides relevant background
information, explains why the
amendment merits consideration,
discusses any relevant public
comments, and proposes a potential
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A. Scope of Applicability
This rulemaking applies to WSHPs,
which are a category of small, large, and
very large commercial package airconditioning and heating equipment.
(See 42 U.S.C. 6311(1)(B)–(D)) In its
regulations, DOE defines WSHP as ‘‘a
single-phase or three-phase reversecycle heat pump that uses a circulating
water loop as the heat source for heating
and as the heat sink for cooling. The
main components are a compressor,
refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger,
refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger,
refrigerant expansion devices,
refrigerant reversing valve, and indoor
fan. Such equipment includes, but is not
limited to, water-to-air water-loop heat
pumps.’’ 10 CFR 431.92.
The current Federal test procedure
and energy conservation standards
apply to WSHPs with a rated cooling
capacity below 135,000 Btu/h. 10 CFR
431.96, Table 1 and 431.97, Table 3.
However, DOE has identified WSHPs on
the market with cooling capacities equal
to or greater than 135,000 Btu/h.6 In the
June 2018 RFI, DOE sought data and
information on the size of the market for
WSHPs with a cooling capacity over
135,000 Btu/h and any potential
limitations to testing such units. 83 FR
29048, 29050 (June 22, 2018).
The Joint Advocates encouraged DOE
to include WSHPs over 135,000 Btu/h
within the scope of the test procedure.
(Joint Advocates, No. 10 at p. 1)
AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace
stated that the market for WSHPs over
135,000 Btu/h is very small—around 0.7
percent of the market—and that finding
6 For simplicity in this NOPR, DOE refers to
cooling capacity equal to or greater than 135,000
Btu/h as ‘‘over 135,000’’ Btu/h.
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a lab to test these units would be
difficult for the reasons that follow.
AHRI commented that manufacturers
have limitations on the size of units that
can be tested in their own labs, so the
proposed expanded scope of the WSHP
test procedure to encompass units with
higher rated capacities would
necessitate the use of third-party labs,
resulting in additional costs for testing.
AHRI and WaterFurnace further
commented that WSHPs in this capacity
range are highly customized for their
application and asserted that testing
them would incur significant costs.
Trane added that no independent test
labs are currently certified to test
WSHPs over 135,000 Btu/h. (Trane, No.
8 at p. 2; AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 3–4;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 2–3)
Furthermore, AHRI and WaterFurnace
argued that units with capacity over
135,000 Btu/h are out of the scope of
ISO 13256–1:1998. (AHRI, No. 12 at p.
4; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p.2)
WaterFurnace also commented that
AHRI certification costs would be
extreme for such a small market due to
the need to test three larger and more
expensive units for sampling selection
of each basic model group, and the
likely need to scrap the units after
testing due the significant extent of
customization of larger units.
(WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 2–3)
In response, DOE notes that contrary
to the assertions of AHRI and
WaterFurnace, no capacity limitation is
expressed in ISO 13256–1:1998—the
industry standard currently
incorporated by reference—or ISO
13256–1:2021. Once again, DOE has
identified numerous model lines of
WSHPs with cooling capacity over
135,000 Btu/h from a wide variety of
manufacturers. The manufacturer
literature for all identified model lines
includes efficiency representations that
are explicitly based on ISO 13256–
Additionally, DOE is aware of several
independent test labs that have the
capability to test WSHPs with cooling
capacity over 135,000 Btu/h. DOE
conducted investigative testing on
multiple WSHP models with cooling
capacity over 135,000 Btu/h at one such
independent test lab and did not
encounter any difficulties specific to
units in this capacity range.
Further, AHRI 340/360–2022 and
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 include
provisions for testing units with
capacities over 135,000 Btu/h. Both
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and DOE
regulations cover other categories of
commercial air conditioning and
heating equipment, including watercooled commercial unitary air
PO 00000
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conditioners (‘‘WCUACs’’), with cooling
capacity up to 760,000 Btu/h. DOE has
tentatively determined that testing
WSHPs with cooling capacity over
135,000 Btu/h would be of comparable
burden to testing other commercial air
conditioning and heating equipment of
similar capacity.
Regarding WaterFurnace’s comment
that an expansion of test procedure
scope would mean that many large units
would need to be tested, DOE notes that
expanding the scope of the test
procedure would not necessitate
certification unless DOE were to
establish standards for such equipment.
Until such a time, an expansion of scope
for the test procedure would simplify
require that if manufacturers choose to
make optional representations of
WSHPs with cooling capacity over
135,000 Btu/h, that such optional
representations be made in accordance
with the DOE test procedure. Further,
representations for WSHPs can be made
either based on testing (in accordance
with 10 CFR 429.43(a)(1)) or based on
alternative efficiency determination
methods (‘‘AEDMs’’) (in accordance
with 10 CFR 429.43(a)(2)). An AEDM is
a computer modeling or mathematical
tool that predicts the performance of
non-tested basic models. These
computer modeling and mathematical
tools, when properly developed, can
provide a means to predict the energy
usage or efficiency characteristics of a
basic model of a given covered product
or equipment and reduce the burden
and cost associated with testing.
Whereas DOE requires at least two units
to be tested per basic model when
represented values are determined
through testing, DOE requires each
AEDM to be validated by tests of only
two WSHP basic models of any capacity
(in accordance with 10 CFR
429.70(c)(2)). Therefore, an expansion of
scope for the DOE test procedure would
not necessitate the testing of many large
For these reasons, DOE has tentatively
concluded that testing units with
cooling capacity over 135,000 Btu/h is
feasible. Moreover, based on the
presence on the market of units over
135,000 Btu/h with efficiency ratings
and the identification of laboratories
capable of testing such units, DOE has
tentatively determined that such testing
would not be unduly burdensome.
Additionally, expanding the scope of
DOE’s test procedure for WSHPs to
include equipment with cooling
capacity between 135,000 Btu/h and
760,000 Btu/h would ensure that
representations for all WSHPs are made
using the same test procedure and that
ratings for equipment in this cooling
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
capacity range are appropriately
representative. Therefore, DOE proposes
in this NOPR to expand the scope of
applicability of the test procedure to
include WSHPs with a cooling capacity
between 135,000 and 760,000 Btu/h.
Specifically, DOE proposes to update
table 1 to 10 CFR 431.96 to include
WSHPs with cooling capacity greater
than or equal to 135,000 Btu/h and less
than 240,000 Btu/h under Large
Commercial Package Air-Conditioning
and Heating Equipment; and to include
WSHPs with cooling capacity greater
than or equal to 240,000 Btu/h and less
than 760,000 Btu/h under Very Large
Commercial Package Air-Conditioning
and Heating Equipment. For both
capacity ranges, the specified test
procedure would be the proposed
appendix C, and DOE proposes that any
voluntary representations with respect
to the energy use or energy efficiency
must be made in accordance with
appendix C starting 360 days after a test
procedure final rule is published in the
Federal Register. DOE also proposes
that, starting 360 days after a test
procedure final rule is published in the
Federal Register, any voluntary
representations of IEER must be made in
accordance with the proposed appendix
DOE does not currently specify energy
conservation standards for WSHPs with
cooling capacity over 135,000 Btu/h.
DOE would consider any future
standards applicable to WSHPs over
135,000 Btu/h in a separate energy
conservation standards rulemaking.
Manufacturers of WSHPs with cooling
capacity over 135,000 Btu/h would not
be required to test WSHPs with a
cooling capacity over 135,000 Btu/h
until such time as compliance with
standards for this equipment were
required, should DOE adopt such
standards, although any voluntary EER
representations would need to be based
on the test procedure in appendix C,
and any voluntary IEER representations
would need to be based on the test
procedure in appendix C1 starting 360
days after the publication of a test
procedure final rule. Additionally, if
DOE were to adopt standards for WSHPs
in terms of IEER, after the compliance
date for those standards, any
representations for WSHPs would be
required to be made according to
appendix C1.
Issue 1: DOE requests comments on
the proposed expansion of the scope of
applicability of the Federal test
procedure to include WSHPs with
cooling capacity between 135,000 and
760,000 Btu/h.
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B. Definition
As discussed, WSHPs are a category
of commercial package air-conditioning
and heating equipment. The current
definition for ‘‘water-source heat pump’’
does not explicitly state that it is
‘‘commercial package air-conditioning
and heating equipment.’’ This is
inconsistent with the definitions of most
other categories of commercial package
air-conditioning and heating equipment
(e.g., computer room air conditioner,
single package vertical air conditioner,
variable refrigerant flow multi-split air
conditioner). 10 CFR 431.92. To provide
consistency with other definitions of
specific categories of commercial
package air-conditioning and heating
equipment, DOE proposes to amend the
definition of ‘‘water-source heat pump’’
to explicitly indicate that WSHPs are a
category of commercial package airconditioning and heating equipment.
This proposed clarification to the
‘‘water-source heat pump’’ definition
would not change the scope of
equipment covered by the definition.
In addition, DOE is proposing to
amend the WSHP definition to clarify
that an indoor fan is not an included
component for coil-only WSHPs. The
current definition lists the main
components of a WSHP, and it includes
‘‘indoor fan’’ on that list. However, DOE
has identified coil-only WSHPs on the
market that rely on a separately
installed furnace or modular blower for
indoor air movement. To clarify that
coil-only WSHPs are indeed covered
under the WSHP definition, DOE is
proposing to include the parenthesized
statement ‘‘except that coil-only units
do not include an indoor fan’’ in the
sentence listing the main components in
the WSHP definition.
In summary, DOE proposes to amend
the definition of WSHP as follows:
‘‘Water-source heat pump means
commercial package air-conditioning
and heating equipment that is a singlephase or three-phase reverse-cycle heat
pump that uses a circulating water loop
as the heat source for heating and as the
heat sink for cooling. The main
components are a compressor,
refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger,
refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger,
refrigerant expansion devices,
refrigerant reversing valve, and indoor
fan (except that coil-only units do not
include an indoor fan). Such equipment
includes, but is not limited to, water-toair water-loop heat pumps.’’
Issue 2: DOE requests comments on
the proposed change to the definition of
WSHP to explicitly indicate that WSHP
is a category of commercial package airconditioning and heating equipment
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and to clarify that the presence of an
indoor fan does not apply to coil-only
C. Proposed Organization of the WSHP
Test Procedure
DOE is proposing to relocate and
centralize the current test procedure for
WSHPs to a new appendix C to subpart
F of part 431. As proposed, appendix C
would maintain the substance of the
current test procedure. The test
procedure as proposed in newly
proposed appendix C would continue to
reference ISO 13256–1:1998 and
provide for determining energy
efficiency ratio (‘‘EER’’) and COP. The
proposed appendix C would centralize
the additional test provisions currently
applicable under 10 CFR 431.96, i.e.,
additional provisions for equipment setup (10 CFR 431.96(e)). As proposed,
WSHPs would be required to be tested
according to appendix C until such time
as compliance is required with an
amended energy conservation standard
that relies on the IEER metric, should
DOE adopt such a standard.
DOE is also proposing to establish a
test procedure for WSHPs in a new
appendix C1 to subpart F of part 431
that would incorporate by reference
AHRI 340/360–2022 and ASHRAE 37–
2009 along with additional provisions,
as discussed in greater detail in the
following sections. As proposed,
WSHPs would not be required to test
according to the test procedure in
proposed appendix C1 until such time
as compliance is required with an
amended energy conservation standard
that relies on the IEER metric, should
DOE adopt such a standard, although
any voluntary representations of IEER
prior to the compliance date must be
based on testing according to appendix
D. Industry Standards
1. Applicable Industry Test Procedures
a. ISO Standard 13256–1
As noted in section I.B of this
document, the DOE test procedure
currently incorporates by reference ISO
13256–1:1998 and includes additional
provisions for equipment set-up at 10
CFR 431.96(e), which provide
specifications for addressing key
information typically found in the
installation and operation manuals.
ISO 13256–1:1998 specifies the
cooling efficiency metric, EER,7 which
is the ratio of the net total cooling
capacity to the effective power input at
7 DOE defines ‘‘EER’’ at 10 CFR 431.92 as the ratio
of the produced cooling effect of an air conditioner
or heat pump to its net work input, expressed in
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
a single set of operating conditions.
Table 1 of ISO 13256–1:1998 specifies
six sets of operating conditions for
determining EER values based on
variation in entering water temperature
(‘‘EWT’’) 8 and, for models with capacity
control (i.e., multiple compressor
stages), whether the test is a full-load or
part-load test. The initial three sets,
referred to as ‘‘standard rating test’’
conditions in Table 1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998, are used to determine full-load
EER values, which represent the cooling
efficiency for a WSHP operating at its
maximum capacity in the most
demanding conditions (i.e., highest
EWT) that the WSHP would regularly
encounter. The three standard rating test
conditions in Table 1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998 differ in terms of EWT, in that
they represent the highest EWT that
would be regularly encountered in
different specific applications (i.e., 86 °F
for water-loop, 59 °F for ground-water,
and 77 °F for ground-loop heat pumps).9
The standard rating test conditions
specified for water-loop heat pumps are
used in the current DOE test procedure.
The next three sets of operating
conditions for determining EER, referred
to as ‘‘part-load rating test’’ conditions
in Table 1 of ISO 13256–1:1998, are
specified to determine EER values at
less than full capacity for models with
capacity control. As with the standard
rating test conditions, Table 1 of ISO
13256–1:1998 specifies part-load rating
test conditions for different specific
applications (i.e., 86 °F for water-loop,
59 °F for ground-water, and 68 °F for
ground-loop heat pumps). None of the
part-load rating test conditions are used
in the current DOE test procedure.
Although Table 1 of ISO 13256–1:1998
specifies conditions for determining
EER for multiple applications and (as
applicable) capacity levels, ISO 13256–
1:1998 does not include any seasonal
cooling efficiency metrics.
Additionally, unlike the test methods
for other categories of commercial
package air conditioners and heat
pumps (e.g., AHRI 340/360–2022 for
commercial unitary air conditioners and
heat pumps (‘‘CUAC/HPs’’); AHRI
Standard 1230–2021, ‘‘2021 Standard
for Performance Rating of Variable
Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Multi-Split AirConditioning and Heat Pump
Equipment’’ (‘‘AHRI 1230–2021’’), for
8 ‘‘EWT’’
is used to describe the entering liquid
temperature for WSHPs, which may be water or a
brine solution, depending on the liquid temperature
used for test.
9 EWTs are specified in degrees Celsius in ISO
13256–1:1998, but they are referred to by their
equivalent values of degrees Fahrenheit in this
NOPR to ease comparison with other temperatures
discussed elsewhere in this document.
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variable refrigerant flow air conditioners
(‘‘VRF multi-split systems’’); AHRI
Standard 390–2021, ‘‘2021 Standard for
Performance Rating of Single Package
Vertical Air-Conditioners and Heat
Pumps’’ (‘‘AHRI 390–2021’’), for single
package vertical units (‘‘SPVUs’’); and
AHRI Standard 210/240–2023, ‘‘2023
Standard for Performance Rating of
Unitary Air-conditioning & Air-source
Heat Pump Equipment’’ (‘‘AHRI 210/
240–2023’’), for central air conditioners
and heat pumps (‘‘CAC/HPs’’)), for
ducted units ISO 13256–1:1998 does not
produce ratings that reflect indoor fan
power needed to overcome ESP from
ductwork. Instead, section 4.1.3 of ISO
13256–1:1998 includes a fan power
adjustment (which assumes a fan
efficiency of 0.3 for all units) to be
applied such that only the fan power
required to overcome the internal static
pressure (‘‘ISP’’) of the unit is taken into
account. The exclusion of fan power to
overcome ESP from ductwork in ISO
13256–1:1998 ratings results in higher
EER ratings than would be measured if
ratings reflected fan power to overcome
ESP, thereby being more representative
of field applications.
Similar to the treatment of fan power,
ISO 13256–1:1998 does not produce
ratings that reflect the pump power
needed to overcome liquid ESP from the
water loop that pipes water to and from
the WSHP. Instead, section 4.1.4 of ISO
13256–1:1998 includes a pump power
adjustment (which assumes a pump
efficiency of 0.3 for all units) to be
applied such that only the pump power
required to overcome the liquid ISP of
the unit is taken into account. ISO
13256–1:1998 also does not specify any
liquid ESP requirements for testing. The
exclusion of pump power to overcome
ESP from system water loop piping in
ISO 13256–1:1998 ratings results in
higher EER ratings than would be
measured if ratings reflected pump
power to overcome ESP, thereby being
more representative of field
An updated version of ISO Standard
13256–1 (i.e., ISO 13256–1:2021) was
published in 2021. While there are
numerous changes in ISO 13256–1:2021
(discussed in detail in subsequent
sections of this NOPR), the 2021 version
maintains provisions for determining
EER, and it does not include provisions
for determining a seasonal metric that
incorporates tests at multiple
conditions. ISO 13256–1:2021 also
maintains the same indoor fan power
adjustment and pump power adjustment
as in the 1998 version (see sections 5.1.3
and 5.1.4 of ISO 13256–1:2021), thus
continuing to produce ratings that do
not reflect fan power and pump power
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associated with overcoming ESP. As
discussed in subsequent sections of this
document, DOE is proposing provisions
in its test procedures for WSHPs to
address the identified shortcomings in
ISO 13256–1:1998 and ISO 13256–
b. AHRI 340/360–2022 and ASHRAE
AHRI 340/360–2022 is the industry
test procedure used for testing CUAC/
HPs. AHRI 340/360–2022 includes the
seasonal cooling metric IEER (see
section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360–2022),
which reflects cooling performance
across a range of operating conditions
and load levels. Specifically, IEER is a
weighted average of the EER at full-load
and several part-load conditions
intended to represent the range of
conditions that a unit would encounter
over a full cooling season. The vast
majority of operating hours for
commercial air conditioners and heat
pumps (including CUAC/HPs and
WSHPs) occur when conditions are less
demanding than full-load conditions.
For example, the IEER metric in section
6.2.2 of AHRI 340/360–2022 specifies
that full-load conditions account for
only 2 percent of operation. AHRI 340/
360–2022 also includes minimum ESP
requirements that are intended to reflect
ESPs in field installations and includes
all indoor fan power needed to
overcome the tested ESP in the
calculation of IEER (see section
of AHRI 340/360–2022). AHRI 340/360–
2022 also includes a power adder to
account for the power of cooling tower
fan motor(s) and circulating water
pump(s). Similar to other industry test
procedures for commercial package airconditioning and heating equipment,
AHRI 340/360–2022 references ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 (see section 5.1.1 of
AHRI 340/360–2022), which provides a
method of test applicable to many
categories of air conditioning and
heating equipment. In particular,
sections 5 and 6 and appendices C, D,
E, and I of AHRI 340/360–2022
reference methods of test in ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009. As discussed in
subsequent sections of this notice, DOE
has tentatively concluded that AHRI
340/360–2022 addresses many of the
identified shortcomings in ISO 13256–
1:1998 and ISO 13256–1:2021.
c. AHRI 600
AHRI is in the process of developing
a new industry test standard for WSHPs
titled ‘‘AHRI Standard 600 IEER & SCHE
Performance Rating of Water/Brine
Source Heat Pumps’’ (‘‘AHRI 600’’).
This was formerly designated as AHRI
Standard 500P (‘‘AHRI 500P’’). DOE has
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
participated in AHRI committee
meetings working to develop AHRI 600
since 2019. Based on its interactions
with the AHRI committee, DOE
understands that AHRI 600 would not
include any provisions for testing, but
rather would provide a method for
calculation of a seasonal cooling
efficiency metric for WSHPs (i.e., IEER)
based on testing conducted according to
ISO 13256–1:1998. Specifically, DOE
understands that AHRI 600 would
provide for the calculation of IEER for
WSHPs via interpolation and
extrapolation of test results reflecting
the testing temperatures specified in
Table 1 of ISO 13256–1:1998, and the
rating conditions for the IEER
calculation would be based on the
EWTs and weighting factors specified in
Table 9 and section 6.2 of AHRI 340/
360–2022 for determining IEER for
water-cooled CUACs. AHRI 600 is still
in development and has not yet
published. As discussed in subsequent
sections of this notice, DOE has
tentatively concluded that the general
methodology in AHRI 600 for
determining IEER is appropriate,
although DOE has identified several
aspects of the methodology that warrant
further modifications.
2. Comments Received on Industry
Standards and DOE Responses
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE discussed
how the test method used in ISO 13256–
1:1998 is similar to ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009 and that ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
is the method referenced by the 2015
version of AHRI 340/360 (the most
current version at the time; ‘‘AHRI 340/
360–2015’’). 83 FR 29048, 29052 (June
22, 2018). DOE also discussed how
AHRI 340/360–2015 is referenced by
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 for testing
WCUACs, and that DOE was
considering whether using the same
method of test for WSHPs and WCUACs
would be appropriate, given the
similarities in the design of WSHPs and
WCUACs. Id. DOE requested comment
on whether a single test method could
be used for both WSHPs and WCUACs.
Id. DOE also sought comment on any
aspects of design, installation, and
application of WSHPs that would make
the use of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
infeasible for WSHPs. Id.
In response to the June 2018 RFI,
AHRI and Trane stated that because
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 reaffirmed the
ISO 13256–1:1998 standard on October
26, 2018, the statutory trigger provisions
of 42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(B) do not
provide a basis for DOE to review its
WSHP test procedure at that time.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 1, Trane, No. 8 at
p. 1)
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In response, DOE notes that in
addition to the statutory trigger
provisions of 42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(B),
the Department is statutorily required to
review its test procedures every seven
years per the 7-year-lookback
requirements at 42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(1), as
outlined in section I.A of this NOPR.
AHRI, WaterFurnace, and Trane
recommended that DOE wait for the ISO
revision process to be completed and
adopt the revised version of ISO 13256–
1:1998 following a second RFI. (AHRI,
No. 12 at p. 6; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at
p. 2; Trane, No. 8 at p. 3) AHRI and
WaterFurnace further commented that
the next version of ISO 13256–1 was
expected to publish in early 2019, and
these commenters recommended that
DOE should support the development of
the next version of ISO 13256–1:1998.
(AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 3, 12–13;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 2, 10) AHRI
and WaterFurnace also stated that many
key authors of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
are on the ISO working group, and that
the working group was planning to add
clarity to the test method with the next
revision of ISO 13256–1:1998. The
commenters also stated that minimum
ESPs were being considered for
inclusion in the revised version of ISO
13256–1:1998. Id.
AHRI and WaterFurnace further
stated that for international standards,
each nation requires slight deviations
from the written ISO standard and that
the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations
Manual 10 provides the U.S. national
deviations from ISO 13256–1:1998.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 2; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 2) They further stated that
the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations
Manual addresses multiple issues raised
by DOE in the June 2018 RFI. Id.
In response, DOE notes that ISO
13256–1:2021 also lacks a seasonal
cooling efficiency metric and does not
produce ratings that reflect fan power
and pump power associated with
overcoming ESP. As discussed, a
seasonal cooling efficiency metric
would account for the range of
conditions that a unit would encounter
over a full cooling season. In addition,
the inclusion of fan and pump power
associated with overcoming ESP would
provide ratings that would be more
representative of the power
consumption in field applications
needed to overcome pressure from
ductwork and water piping. Section
III.D.3 of this document provides further
discussion of these considerations and
10 DOE notes that the AHRI geothermal operations
manual is available at:
WSHP_OM.pdf (Last accessed July 29, 2022).
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DOE’s preliminary conclusion that
alternate test methods that address these
key issues would provide a more
representative measure of a WSHP’s
overall energy efficiency.
While an updated version of ISO
Standard 13256–1 has published (i.e.,
ISO 13256–1:2021), DOE is not aware of
a deviation process being initiated for
the U.S. (i.e., development of the
version designated with ‘‘AHRI/
ASHRAE’’ that is intended for use for
testing in the U.S.). DOE understands
that the national deviation process will
be initiated by a WSHP industry
committee, but DOE does not know
when that will begin or how long the
national deviation process will take.
DOE notes that in the past, the WSHP
industry committees have taken years
longer than expected to develop the
revised version of ISO 13256–1, as well
as AHRI 600. Specifically, in their RFI
comments, AHRI and WaterFurnace
stated that they expected the revised
ISO 13256–1 to publish in ‘‘early 2019’’
and AHRI 600 to publish in 2019,
whereas in reality, the revised ISO
13256–1 published in 2021 and AHRI
600 remains as yet unpublished.
Therefore, DOE expects that the national
deviation process will not be completed
for several years, and the Department
cannot speculate as to the substantive
output of those efforts or a final
completion date. Given EPCA’s
statutory requirement to review the
appropriate test procedures for WSHPs
every seven years, DOE has tentatively
concluded that it would be neither
appropriate nor permissible to delay the
current rulemaking for the WSHP test
procedure until after the completion of
the national deviation process (which
the Department understands has not yet
even begun).
DOE further notes that the AHRI
WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual
is not incorporated by reference into the
DOE test procedure, nor is it referenced
in ASHRAE Standard 90.1. Therefore,
the deviations from the ISO standard
included in the AHRI WSHP/
Geothermal Operations Manual are not
reflected in the current DOE test
procedure. However, DOE has
nonetheless reviewed the AHRI WSHP/
Geothermal Operations Manual as part
of its consideration of potential
amended test procedure provisions in
this NOPR.
With regards to use of a part-load
efficiency metric, Trane, AHRI, and
WaterFurnace commented that industry
is currently developing an IEER metric
for WSHPs. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; AHRI,
No. 12 at p. 11; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at
p. 9) AHRI and WaterFurnace
commented further that the IEER metric
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
is included in the draft of AHRI 500P 11
and is calculated using performance
data from ISO 13256–1:1998. In
addition, AHRI and WaterFurnace
stated that WSHPs in water-loop
applications (i.e., installed with cooling
towers) operate with similar water-loop
conditions to WCUACs. Therefore, the
commenters argued that the provisions
used for determining IEER for WSHPs in
the draft of AHRI 500P are similar to
those included in AHRI 340/360 and
AHRI 1230; specifically, the
commenters included a table showing
that the IEER EWT conditions in the
draft of AHRI 500P align with those
specified in AHRI 340/360. Both AHRI
and WaterFurnace commented that they
anticipated AHRI 500P to be completed
in 2019. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 11–12;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 9)
Once again, DOE notes that AHRI
600 12 has not yet published, and the
Department is unaware as to when that
document will be completed.
Accordingly, for this NOPR, in addition
to proposing a method to determine
IEER by testing at the IEER test points
specified in Table 9 of AHRI 340/360–
2022, DOE is proposing an alternate
method of calculating IEER (based on
interpolation and extrapolation from
results of testing to EWTs specified in
Table 1 of ISO 13256–1:1998, rather
than testing directly at the EWTs
specified for the IEER metric in Table 9
of AHRI 340/360–2022) that DOE
understands to be consistent with the
approach in the current draft version of
AHRI 600. Section III.E.1.b of this NOPR
includes further details on the proposed
optional approach for calculation of
IEER based on interpolation and
DOE also received comments from
AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace that
cautioned against using a different test
standard, such as AHRI 340/360, for
testing WSHPs instead of ISO 13256–1
as currently specified. (Trane, No. 8 at
p. 4; AHRI, No. 12 at p. 12;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 10) AHRI,
Trane, and WaterFurnace argued that
AHRI 340/360 does not include several
important features that are included in
ISO 13256–1:1998 such as: provisions
for heating performance, performance
mapping 13 across a wide temperature
11 As discussed, after DOE received comments in
response to the June 2018 RFI, the draft AHRI
Standard 500P was redesignated as the draft AHRI
Standard 600.
12 As discussed, after DOE received comments in
response to the June 2018 RFI, the draft AHRI
Standard 500P was redesignated as the draft AHRI
Standard 600.
13 DOE understands use of the term ‘‘performance
mapping’’ as referring to making representations of
performance across a range of temperature
conditions, typically achieved by interpolating or
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range, part-load ratings, application
ratings for well water and geothermal,
and provisions for testing units with
variable-speed compressors. (Trane, No.
8 at p. 4; AHRI, No. 12 at p. 12;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 10) Trane
stated that AHRI 340/360 covers only
cooling-mode operation of water-cooled
units, and that WSHPs require a test
procedure that includes both cooling
and heating cycle operation. (Trane, No.
8 at p. 4) AHRI and WaterFurnace
additionally stated that certain aspects
of ISO 13256–1:1998, such as standard
rating conditions, are not included in
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 because ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 is a method of test
rather than a test standard. (AHRI, No.
12 at pp. 12–13; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at
pp. 10–11) AHRI, Trane, and
WaterFurnace further commented that
that many aspects of ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009 are accounted for in ISO
13256–1:1998. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13;
Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; WaterFurnace, No.
7 at p. 10) AHRI and WaterFurnace also
stated that several Environmental
Protection Agency (‘‘EPA’’), State,
utility, and building code requirements
reference ISO 13256–1:1998, and they
asserted that removing reference to it
would have a significant negative
impact on the industry and consumers
who use efficiency programs and tax
credits when selecting equipment.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 12; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 10)
The following paragraphs provide
DOE’s responses to concerns expressed
by commenters that AHRI 340/360 and
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 lack certain
provisions that are present in ISO
13256–1 and that are needed for testing
Regarding provisions for heating tests,
DOE acknowledges that AHRI 340/360–
2022 does not include certain
provisions needed for heating-mode
testing of WSHPs because WCUACs, the
water-cooled units for which AHRI 340/
360–2022 is intended to apply, are not
heat pumps. Specifically, AHRI 340/
360–2022 does not specify the following
provisions for a heating test: an EWT
test condition, provisions for setting
liquid flow rate, or how pump effects
are accounted for. Therefore, DOE is
proposing additional provisions that
would address these aspects of heatingmode tests of WSHPs, as discussed
further in sections III.E.2, III.F.4, III.F.5,
and III.F.6 of this document. DOE notes
that AHRI 340/360–2022 does include
provisions appropriate for air-side
measurements in heating tests because
AHRI 340/360–2022 covers air-cooled
extrapolating from test results obtained at
specifically defined test conditions.
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commercial unitary heat pumps.
Furthermore, ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
provides appropriate provisions for a
method of test for WSHPs. DOE has
tentatively concluded that its proposals
for heating provisions for WSHPs
would, when combined with the
provisions in AHRI 340/360–2022,
produce test results representative of an
average use cycle.
Regarding performance mapping
across a wide temperature range, partload ratings, and ratings for groundwater and geothermal applications, DOE
acknowledges that AHRI 340/360–2022
does not include EWTs specific to
multiple applications of WSHPs. By
contrast, Table 1 of ISO 13256–1:1998
provides separate EWTs for water-loop,
ground-water, and ground-loop WSHP
applications (see discussion in section
III.D.1.a of this NOPR). AHRI 340/360–
2022 includes full-load and part-load
cooling EWTs for only water-loop
applications of WCUACs, but the EWT
for water-loop applications in Table 1 of
ISO 13256–1:1998 is the only EWT test
condition used in the current DOE test
procedure. As discussed in sections
III.D.3 and III.E.1 of this NOPR, DOE has
tentatively concluded that the seasonal
integrated cooling metric IEER specified
in section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360–2022
would be more representative of field
applications and provide consumers
with a better understanding of yearround performance of WSHPs than the
EER metric measured at a single
temperature and load level. However,
DOE recognizes the potential benefits to
consumers of allowing manufacturers to
continue to provide performance ratings
at the temperatures and load levels
specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998, in addition to providing the
proposed IEER ratings which are more
representative of year-round
performance. Therefore, as discussed in
section III.E.1.a of this NOPR, DOE is
proposing in section 5.2 of proposed
appendix C1 to provide for optional
representations of EER at the EWTs and
load levels specified in Table 1 of ISO
13256–1:1998. Consequently, DOE has
tentatively concluded that the proposals
in this NOPR would continue to provide
manufacturers the flexibility to offer
full-load and part-load EER ratings at
multiple temperatures that can be used
for performance mapping,
representations of part-load
performance, and representations of
performance for ground-water and
geothermal applications.
Regarding variable-speed
compressors, section 6.2 of AHRI 340/
360–2022 includes appropriate
provisions for testing and determining
IEER for units with all compressor
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
types, including variable-speed
compressors. Specifically, Section 6.2.6
of AHRI 340/360–2022 includes
provisions addressing ‘‘proportionally
capacity controlled units,’’ which is
defined in section 3.22 of AHRI 340/
360–2022 to include units incorporating
one or more variable-capacity
compressors where the compressor
capacity can be modulated continuously
or in steps not more than 5 percent of
the full-load cooling capacity. Section
6.2.6 of AHRI 340/360–2022 includes
steps for setting capacity of these units
for each IEER test point.
With regards to EPA, State, utility,
and building code requirements that
reference ISO 13256–1:1998, DOE does
not expect that an update to the DOE
test procedure for WSHPs would create
any particular challenges for any other
agency or organization that references
the performance ratings as measured by
the DOE test procedure. EPCA directs
DOE to establish and amend test
procedures to be reasonably designed to
produce test results which reflect energy
efficiency, energy use, and estimated
operating costs of covered equipment
during a representative average use
cycle (as determined by the Secretary),
and not be unduly burdensome to
conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2)) DOE test
procedures are updated regularly, across
many products and equipment types,
and other agencies and organizations
have historically updated their
requirements as needed in response to
those changes. With regard to EPA
specifically, DOE has responsibility for
developing and revising the test
procedures that provide the basis for
ratings under EPA’s ENERGY STAR
program. DOE and EPA work closely
together to update ENERGY STAR
specifications in response to any
changes to the relevant DOE test
procedure. Furthermore, DOE is
proposing that the amended test
procedure would not be required for use
until the effective date of any future
energy conservation standards based on
the IEER metric, thereby providing
sufficient advance notice for any agency
or organization to adapt program
requirements accordingly.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
3. Proposal for DOE Test Procedure
As discussed, EPCA requires that test
procedures for covered equipment,
including WSHPs, be reasonably
designed to produce test results which
reflect energy efficiency, energy use,
and estimated operating costs of a type
of industrial equipment (or class
thereof) during a representative average
use cycle (as determined by the
Secretary), and shall not be unduly
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burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C.
For the reasons presented in the
remainder of this section, DOE has
tentatively determined that the test
procedure for WSHPs as proposed
would improve the representativeness
of the current Federal test procedure for
WSHPs and would not be unduly
burdensome. Specifically, DOE has
tentatively concluded, supported by
clear and convincing evidence as
discussed in the following paragraphs,
that testing WSHPs in accordance with
the industry test standards AHRI 340/
360–2022 and ASHRAE 37–2009 would
provide more representative results and
more fully comply with the
requirements of paragraph (2) of 42
U.S.C. 6314(a) than testing in
accordance with the currently
referenced standard ISO 13256–1:1998.
Therefore, DOE is proposing to amend
the test procedure for WSHPs so as to
incorporate by reference in the proposed
new appendix C1 the test provisions in
AHRI 340/360–2022 and ASHRAE 37–
2009, along with certain additional
Throughout the remainder of the
discussion in section III of this NOPR,
DOE presents the details and
justifications for the proposed test
procedure and deviation from the
currently referenced industry test
procedure, ISO 13256–1:1998 (i.e., the
industry test standard referenced in
ASHRAE Standard 90.1). The following
paragraphs summarize the key areas in
which DOE has tentatively concluded,
supported by clear and convincing
evidence, that the proposal would
improve the representativeness of the
test procedure:
(1) Cooling efficiency metric: As
discussed, the cooling metric specified
in the current DOE test procedure
(which references ISO 13256–1:1998) is
EER, which reflects full-load
performance only at a single operating
condition. In contrast, IEER, the metric
specified in section 6.2 of AHRI 340/
360–2022, is a seasonal metric that is a
weighted average of the full- and partload performance at different outdoor
conditions intended to represent
average efficiency over a full cooling
season. For the vast majority of
operating hours for WSHPs and other
commercial air conditioners and heat
pumps installed in the field, loads are
at less than full-load capacity. This is
because units are sized to be able to
provide sufficient air conditioning
capacity at the hottest time on the
hottest day of the year, but the vast
majority of annual cooling hours are at
significantly lower outdoor
temperatures (and thus lower EWTs),
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with correspondingly lower cooling
loads. This is demonstrated in the IEER
metric specified in section 6.2.2 of AHRI
340/360–2022, which specifies a
weighting factor for full-load conditions
of only 2 percent of the hours included
in the IEER metric, with the remaining
98 percent of hours assigned to lower
load levels and lower outdoor
temperatures. As discussed, from RFI
comments and DOE’s participation in
AHRI 600 committee meetings, DOE
understands that the AHRI 340/360–
2022 IEER weighting factors are also
included in the draft AHRI 600.
Therefore, DOE has tentatively
concluded that IEER would be more
representative of an average use cycle
than the EER metric. This topic is
discussed further in section III.E.1 of
this NOPR.
(2) Fan power and indoor air external
static pressure: As discussed, for ducted
units, ISO 13256–1:1998 does not
produce ratings that reflect the fan
power needed to overcome ESP.
Further, that ISO standard does not
specify ESP requirements for ducted
units and instead uses a fan power
adjustment, such that ratings reflect
only the fan power needed to overcome
internal static pressure within the unit
and not the ESP from the ductwork that
would be installed in the field. In
contrast, Table 7 of AHRI 340/360–2022
specifies minimum ESP requirements at
which performance is measured.
Because ducted WSHPs are
manufactured to be installed in the field
with ductwork, DOE has tentatively
concluded that a WSHP rating that
reflects the indoor fan power needed to
overcome ESP representative of typical
installations (i.e., the approach taken by
AHRI 340/360–2022) would produce
test results that are more representative
of an average use cycle than testing in
accordance with ISO 13256–1:1998, the
standard currently incorporated by
(3) Pump power and liquid external
static pressure: ISO 13256–1:1998 does
not produce ratings that reflect the
pump power needed to overcome liquid
ESP. Further, for units with integral
pumps, ISO 13256–1:1998 does not
specify ESP requirements and uses a
pump power adjustment such that
ratings reflect only the pump power
needed to overcome internal static
pressure within the unit. For units with
integral pumps, DOE has tentatively
concluded that ratings would be more
representative if based on testing at a
liquid ESP that is representative of the
ESP from water piping in typical
installations. For units without integral
pumps, DOE has tentatively concluded
that ratings would be more
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
representative if a pump power adder is
included in the rating that reflects pump
power needed to overcome a fieldrepresentative liquid ESP. More
discussion on this topic is provided in
section III.F.4 of this document.
DOE is proposing to adopt in its
WSHP test procedure the following
specific sections of AHRI 340/360–2022:
refrigerant line losses (see sections,, and of ASHRAE 37–2009);
(2) Measurement of duct losses for ducted
units (see section of ASHRAE 37–
(3) Standardized heat capacity of water and
brine (see section 12.2 of ASHRAE 37–2009),
(4) A calculation for discharge coefficients
(see section 6.3.2 of ASHRAE 37–2009).
(1) Section 3: Definitions, excluding
sections 3.2, 3.4, 3.5, 3.7, 3.8, 3.12, 3.14, 3.15,
3.17, 3.23, 3.26, 3.27, 3.29, 3.30, and 3.36;
(2) Section 5: Test Requirements;
(3) Section 6: Rating Requirements,
excluding sections,,,,, 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7;
(4) Appendix A. References—Normative;
(5) Appendix C. Indoor and Outdoor Air
Condition Measurement—Normative;
(6) Appendix E. Method of Testing Unitary
Air Conditioning Products—Normative;
Throughout the remainder of this
NOPR, DOE discusses substantive
differences between the proposed test
procedure (including references to AHRI
340/360–2022 and ASHRAE 37–2009)
and the current DOE test procedure
(which incorporates by reference ISO
13256–1:1998). DOE also identified and
considered provisions in the updated
industry test procedure ISO 13256–
1:2021 that substantively differ from
ISO 13256–1:1998.
The key substantive changes that
would result from DOE’s proposal to
adopt AHRI 340/360–2022 for testing
WSHPs include the following:
E. Efficiency Metrics
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(1) A new energy efficiency descriptor,
IEER, which incorporates part-load cooling
performance (see section 6.2 of AHRI 340/
(2) Minimum ESP requirements,
instructions for setting airflow and ESP, and
tolerances for airflow and ESP (see sections,, and Table 6 of AHRI 340/
(3) Fixed inlet and outlet water
temperature conditions (see Table 5 of AHRI
(4) Operating tolerance for voltage (see
Table 10 of AHRI 340/360–2022);
(5) Different indoor air conditions used for
testing (see Table 5 of AHRI 340/360–2022);
(6) Refrigerant charging instructions for
cases where they are not provided by the
manufacturer (see section 5.8 of AHRI 340/
360–2022), and
(7) Use of the primary capacity
measurement (i.e., indoor air enthalpy
method) as the value for capacity, and
different provisions for required agreement
between primary and secondary capacity
measurements (see section E6 of Appendix E
to AHRI 340/360–2022).
Appendix E of AHRI 340/360–2022
specifies the method of test, including
the use of specified provisions of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009. Consistent with
AHRI 340/360–2022, DOE is proposing
to incorporate by reference ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 in its test procedure
for WSHPs. Specifically, in section 1 of
the proposed test procedure for WSHPs
in the proposed appendix C1, DOE is
proposing to adopt all sections except
sections 1, 2, and 4 of ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009. The key substantive changes
that would result from DOE’s proposal
to adopt ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 for
testing WSHPs include the following:
(1) Provisions for split systems, such as
accounting for compressor heat and
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a. General Discussion
As discussed previously, DOE’s
current test procedure for WSHPs
measures cooling-mode performance in
terms of the EER metric, the current
regulatory metric. 10 CFR 431.96. EER
captures WSHP performance at a single,
full-load operating point in cooling
mode (i.e., a single EWT) and does not
provide a seasonal or load-weighted
measure of energy efficiency. A seasonal
metric is a weighted average of the
performance of cooling or heating
systems at different outdoor conditions
intended to represent average efficiency
over a full cooling or heating season.
Several categories of commercial
package air-conditioning and heating
equipment are rated using a seasonal or
part-load metric, such as IEER for
CUACs specified in section 6.2 of AHRI
340/360–2022. IEER is a weighted
average of efficiency at four load levels
representing 100, 75, 50, and 25 percent
of full-load capacity, each measured at
a specified outdoor condition that is
representative of field operation at the
given load level. In general, the IEER
metric provides a more representative
measure of field performance than EER
by weighting the full-load and part-load
efficiencies by the average amount of
time equipment spends operating at
each load level. Table 1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998, the industry test standard
incorporated by reference into DOE’s
current WSHP test procedure, and Table
2 of ISO 13256–1:2021 both specify
entering water temperature conditions
to be used for developing part-load
ratings of EER for WSHPs with capacity
control (tested at minimum compressor
speed). However, part-load EER ratings
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are not addressed in the current DOE
test procedure. Further, each part-load
rating captures operation only at a
single compressor speed and entering
water temperature, not operation across
a range of temperatures and compressor
speeds. Neither ISO 13256–1:1998 nor
ISO 13256–1:2021 include seasonal
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
comment on whether a seasonal metric
that accounts for part-load performance
would be appropriate for WSHPs, and
the Department sought information on
the specific details of a seasonal metric
that would best represent average
cooling efficiency for WSHPs. 83 FR
29048, 29051 (June 22, 2018).
NEEA encouraged DOE to consider
adopting IEER for WSHPs and to
improve the metric so as to make it
more representative of an average use
cycle by including changes to more
accurately represent fan energy use in
field applications, accounting for all
modes of operation, and including
ventilating and economizing. (NEEA,
No. 11 at p. 2)
The Joint Advocates recommended
that DOE should consider seasonal
efficiency metrics for WSHPs to better
reflect field energy consumption,
including part-load operation. The Joint
Advocates stated that it was their
understanding that WSHPs operate most
of the time at part-load, and that,
therefore, full-load efficiency ratings do
not provide sufficient information to
consumers. The Joint Advocates also
stated that the current metrics do not
demonstrate the potential savings
associated with technologies that
improve part-load efficiency, such as
variable-speed compressors. (Joint
Advocates, No. 10 at p. 2)
The CA IOUs stated that while the
IEER metric provides a valuable
measure of annual efficiency, the EER
metric is important for achieving
reductions in peak loads. These
commenters remarked that because the
IEER metric uses a low weighting (i.e.,
2 percent) for the full-load condition, a
standard based only on the IEER metric
would incentivize manufacturers to
optimize equipment at the part-load
conditions and could potentially result
in equipment that is designed with
lower full-load EERs than the current
standards for this equipment. To
prevent poor equipment performance at
full-load conditions, the CA IOUs
supported using the IEER metric that
measures part-load efficiencies in
conjunction with the currently regulated
full-load EER metric. (CA IOUs, No. 9 at
pp. 1–2) The CA IOUs further
commented that the prevalence of
economizers in buildings with WSHPs
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
should be investigated and that
modifications to the IEER metric should
be informed by the outcome of such
research before the IEER metric is
implemented as the efficiency metric for
WSHPs. (CA IOUs, No. 9 at p. 1)
Trane, AHRI, and WaterFurnace
commented that industry is currently
developing an IEER metric for WSHPs
(Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; AHRI, No. 12 at
p. 11; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 9).
AHRI and WaterFurnace explained
further that the IEER metric is included
in the draft version of AHRI 500P,14 and
as drafted, IEER is calculated using
performance data from ISO 13256–
1:1998. AHRI and WaterFurnace
commented that the provisions used for
determining IEER for WSHPs in the
draft version of AHRI 500P are similar
to those included in AHRI 340/360 and
AHRI 1230. Both AHRI and
WaterFurnace commented that they
anticipated AHRI 500P to be completed
in 2019. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 11;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 9)
As explained previously, DOE notes
that the EER metric in DOE’s current
test procedure for WSHPs measures
only full-load performance, and the
revised industry test procedure ISO
13256–1:2021 does not include a
seasonal metric. For the vast majority of
operating hours of WSHPs installed in
the field, loads are less than full-load
capacity, thus causing single-stage
WSHPs to cycle and multi-stage WSHPs
to operate at part-load (i.e., less than
designed full capacity). Because a
seasonal metric reflects operation at a
range of conditions experienced over
the period of a cooling season, DOE has
tentatively concluded that a cooling
metric that accounts for part-load
performance across a range of
temperatures (such as IEER specified in
section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360–2022)
would be more representative of an
average use cycle than the full-load EER
metric, which reflects operation at a
single condition. Further, a seasonal
metric that reflects varying load levels
representative of a full cooling season
would better incentivize use of
modulating components (e.g., multistage and variable-speed compressors)
that can reduce annual energy
consumption in field installations.
DOE has been participating in AHRI
committee meetings to develop AHRI
600 with the goal of specifying an IEER
metric for WSHPs. It is DOE’s
14 As discussed, after DOE received comments in
response to the June 2018 RFI, the draft AHRI
Standard 500P was redesignated as the draft AHRI
Standard 600.
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understanding that the committee’s
work is ongoing, and its completion
date is uncertain. However, based on
comments received on the June 2018
RFI, manufacturer feedback obtained via
DOE’s participation in AHRI 600
committee meetings, and DOE’s own
research, the Department has tentatively
concluded that the EWTs and weighting
factors specified in Table 9 and equation
3 of AHRI 340/360–2022 for watercooled CUACs would be representative
for WSHPs. DOE’s understanding based
on a review of market literature and
available studies is that in the past,
WSHP installations were more typically
controlled such that water-loop
temperatures were maintained at
temperatures above 60 °F through heat
provided by a system boiler. From
manufacturer feedback provided in
AHRI 600 committee meetings, DOE
understands that in current practice,
WSHP installations are typically
controlled to allow water-loop
temperatures to drop to temperatures
closer to 50 °F. Manufacturers indicated
that this change in how WSHP system
loops are typically controlled in the
field is because of multiple factors. One
factor provided by manufacturers is that
because commercial buildings with
WSHP installations are typically
cooling-dominated (i.e., most WSHPs
spend more time in cooling mode than
heating mode), building engineers have
increasingly optimized overall WSHP
system performance by using the
cooling tower to decrease EWTs below
60 °F even when some WSHPs in the
loop are in heating mode, thereby
improving efficiency for the WSHPs in
cooling mode at the expense of reducing
efficiency for the fewer WSHPs in
heating mode. Additionally,
manufacturers indicated that the market
penetration of WSHPs with water-side
economizers has significantly increased
in recent years, largely related to
requirements in ASHRAE Standard 90.1
regarding presence of economizers in
HVAC systems. Water-side economizers
provide compressor-free cooling when
supplied with water of sufficiently low
temperature; therefore, manufacturers
have indicated that building engineers
are increasingly maintaining WSHP
loop temperatures below 60 °F to take
advantage of water-side economizer
cooling.15 Given this feedback provided
15 In WSHPs with water-side economizers, if the
EWT is sufficiently low in cooling mode, some or
all of the entering water that would otherwise enter
the water-to-refrigerant condenser coil instead
enters the economizer coil, in which the cool water
is used to directly cool indoor air, reducing the
need for mechanical cooling from the compressor.
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by manufacturers on the WSHP loop
water temperatures typically used in the
field, DOE has tentatively concluded
that the IEER EWTs specified in Table
9 of AHRI 340/360–2022 (i.e., 85 °F,
73.5 °F, 62 °F, and 55 °F) are
representative of current installations of
WSHPs. Section III.E.4 of this NOPR
includes discussion on other operating
modes other than mechanical cooling
and heating, such as ventilation and
Based on the discussion in the
preceding paragraphs, DOE has
tentatively determined that use of a
seasonal efficiency metric, specifically
IEER based on AHRI 340/360–2022,
would be more representative of the
average use cycle of a unit as compared
to the current EER metric. Once again,
DOE notes that while it may have been
expected that AHRI 600 was to publish
in 2019, the draft standard has not yet
been finalized. Accordingly, DOE is
moving forward and proposing to adopt
certain provisions of AHRI 340/360–
2022 and use the IEER metric specified
in section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360–2022 for
WSHPs. DOE is proposing to specify the
relevant test procedure requirements for
WSHPs for measuring IEER in section
5.1 of proposed appendix C1.
As discussed, the proposed IEER test
procedure for WSHPs would not be
required until such a time as DOE
adopts energy conservation standards
for WSHPs denominated in terms of
IEER, should DOE adopt such standards.
If DOE were to adopt such standards,
such shift to the IEER metric for WSHPs
would require all WSHPs to be re-rated
in terms of the IEER metric. Further,
beginning 360 days after final rule
publication, manufacturers would be
required to use the proposed test
procedure in appendix C1 to make
optional representations of IEER for
WSHPs. The cost and impacts to
manufacturers of the proposed test
procedure are discussed further in
section III.I of this document.
Additionally, adopting the IEER metric
for WSHPs would increase the number
of required cooling-mode tests from one
to four. However, as discussed, DOE
understands that AHRI 600 would
provide for calculating IEER from test
results measured at the EWTs specified
in Table 1 of ISO 13256–1:1998.
Consistent with this approach and as
discussed in the following section, DOE
is proposing to allow determination of
IEER via interpolation and extrapolation
from testing at the full-load and partload EWT conditions specified in Table
1 of ISO 13256–1:1998.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
In response to the CA IOUs’
suggestion, although EPCA limits the
agency to promulgation of a single
performance standard (see 42 U.S.C.
6311(18)), DOE is proposing to provide
for optional representations of EER
conducted per the proposed test
procedure (sections 2 through 4 and 7
of proposed appendix C1) at the fullload and part-load EWT conditions
specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998 (i.e., full load tests at 86 °F, 77 °F,
and 59 °F and part-load tests at 86 °F,
68 °F, and 59 °F).
Issue 3: DOE requests comment on its
proposal to adopt the test methods
specified in AHRI 340/360–2022 for
calculating the IEER of WSHPs. DOE
also requests comment on its proposal
that all EER tests at full-load and partload conditions specified in Table 1 of
ISO 13256–1:1998 (i.e., full-load tests at
86 °F, 77 °F, and 59 °F and part-load
tests at 86 °F, 68 °F, and 59 °F) are
b. Determination of IEER Via
Interpolation and Extrapolation
As discussed, DOE understands that
the draft AHRI 600 would provide a
mechanism for calculating IEER from
test results measured at the EWTs
specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998. Specifically, interpolation and
extrapolation 16 from ISO 13256–1:1998
test results would be used to calculate
performance at the EWTs specified in
Table 9 of AHRI 340/360–2022 for
WCUACs, allowing calculation of IEER
for WSHPs using the weighting factors
specified in section 6.2.2 of AHRI 340/
360–2022. Under this approach, AHRI
600 would not include any provisions
for testing, but rather would provide a
method for calculation of IEER based on
results of testing under ISO 13256–
1:1998. DOE recognizes that there may
be a value for stakeholders in
representations of full-load and partload EER ratings at the temperatures
specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998. Specifically, these EWTs
represent different applications, and
manufacturers may prefer to provide
representations of performance specific
to different applications.
The ability to determine EER ratings
at the ISO 13256–1:1998 EWTs (in
accordance with the proposed test
procedure, at section 5.2 of the
proposed appendix C1), and to
determine IEER via interpolation and
extrapolation from testing at the ISO
13256–1:1998 EWTs, rather than from
additional testing at the IEER EWTs
specified in AHRI 340/360–2022, may
reduce overall testing burden for
manufacturers. Consequently, DOE
investigated the AHRI 600 method of
calculating IEER.
To evaluate the draft AHRI 600
method of calculating IEER, DOE
conducted investigative testing on a
sample of WSHPs. DOE presents the
results of testing 15 WSHPs in the
following paragraphs. This testing
compared the interpolation and
extrapolation method of calculating
IEER at the ISO 13256–1:1998 EWTs to
testing at the IEER EWTs specified in
AHRI 340/360–2022. In summary and
for the reasons discussed in the
following paragraphs, DOE has
tentatively determined that an
interpolation and extrapolation
approach, similar to that in draft AHRI
600 with certain modifications, is
appropriately representative to calculate
To determine if the interpolation and
extrapolation method is appropriate for
WSHPs, DOE evaluated whether the
components needed to calculate IEER
can be linearly interpolated across EWT.
Specifically, the parameters necessary
for the calculation of IEER are EER,
capacity, total power, and all
components of power (i.e., compressor
power, fan power, condenser section
power, controls power). DOE tested 15
units at different EWTs to compare
physical tested results and interpolated
and extrapolated values. The method
evaluated by DOE determines IEER
ratings for WSHPs by interpolation and
extrapolation from full-load tests at
liquid inlet temperatures of 86 °F, 77 °F,
and 59 °F and, for two-stage and
variable-speed units, part-load tests at
86 °F, 68 °F, and 59 °F. DOE first
evaluated the accuracy of interpolating
to a different EWT for full-load tests. For
each of the 15 units tested, DOE
conducted full-load tests to measure
EER at 86 °F, 77 °F, and 59 °F. DOE then
used the results from the 86 °F and 59 °F
tests to linearly interpolate to
performance at 77 °F, and compared
these interpolated results to the results
of testing at 77 °F. Table 3 presents a
summary of the percentage differences
between the interpolated and measured
values. Positive values in the average,
minimum, and maximum columns of
Table 3 indicate that the values
interpolated to 77 °F from results
measured at 86 °F and 59 °F were higher
than the values measured at 77 °F, and
negative values indicate the opposite.
Cooling Capacity ..............................................................................................
Total Power ......................................................................................................
Interpolated EER .............................................................................................
EER calculated from interpolated capacity and power ...................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Note: Positive values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that the values interpolated to 77 °F from results measured at
86 °F and 59 °F were higher than the values measured at 77 °F. Negative values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that
the values interpolated to 77 °F from results measured at 86 °F and 59 °F were lower than the values measured at 77 °F.
As shown in Table 3, the interpolated
values for cooling capacity and total
power differed from the corresponding
tested values by an average of less than
1 percent. Therefore, DOE has
determined that interpolating capacity
and total power results in representative
values of capacity and total power,
respectively. However, the interpolated
EER value at 77 °F was higher than the
tested EER value at 77 °F for all tested
units, with an average difference of 2.3
percent (ranging from 0.3 percent to 4.8
percent higher). Because of the
consistent bias in the results showing
interpolated EER higher than tested
16 Per the draft AHRI 600 method, performance at
IEER EWTs can be determined using test results at
two different temperature conditions (specified in
ISO 13256–1:1998). Interpolation is used if the IEER
EWT is between the two tested EWTs, and
extrapolation is used if the IEER EWT is outside the
range of the two tested results.
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
EER,17 DOE considered an alternate
approach of calculating EER based on
interpolated values of cooling capacity
and total power rather than
interpolating EER directly. The bottom
row of Table 3 shows the results of
calculating EER at 77 °F using the
interpolated values of cooling capacity
and total power. As shown in in the
bottom row of Table 3, calculating EER
at 77 °F using interpolated values of
cooling capacity and total power
resulted in EER values that were on
average 0.2 percent higher than the
tested EER value at 77 °F (ranging from
1.7 percent lower to 2.9 percent higher).
Because determining EER by
interpolating cooling capacity and total
power results in closer agreement to
tested values than directly interpolating
EER (and does not consistently bias
results toward higher interpolated EER
values), DOE used the former approach
in the calculation of IEER values
discussed in the following paragraphs.
For determining IEER for single-stage
units, this interpolation and
extrapolation approach would be used
to determine EER at the EWTs for all 4
IEER points, and the EER results for the
part-load points (i.e., test points
designated as B, C, and D in AHRI 340/
360–2022) would also be adjusted for
cyclic degradation (see discussion in
section III.F.2.b of this document).
For two-stage and variable-speed
WSHPs, DOE evaluated a method that
tests at the minimum compressor speed
at the EWTs specified in Table 1 of ISO
13256–1:1998 for part-load tests (i.e., at
86 °F, 68 °F, and 59 °F). As with the draft
AHRI 600 method, the method
evaluated by DOE then provides for
interpolating to the IEER liquid inlet
temperatures from these part-load tests,
and IEER is determined using
interpolated results for the IEER EWTs
for both full-load and part-load tests.18
To evaluate the accuracy of this
methodology for calculating IEER for
staged WSHPs, DOE conducted
additional investigative testing on 10 of
the 15 tested WSHPs (6 two-stage
WSHPs and 4 variable-speed WSHPs).
Specifically, these 10 units were tested
to calculate IEER via the interpolation
and extrapolation method (by
conducting full-load and part-load tests
at the EWTs specified in Table 1 of ISO
13256–1:1998 and using interpolation
and extrapolation to calculate IEER) and
were tested to determine IEER per
section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360–2022 by
testing at the IEER EWTs and target load
levels specified in Table 9 of AHRI 340/
360–2022. Consistent with the
discussion in the previous paragraphs,
when interpolating to determine
performance at a different EWT for a
given compressor stage for staged units,
DOE calculated the EER values by
interpolating and extrapolating values of
cooling capacity and total power, rather
than directly interpolating and
extrapolating values of EER. Table 4
presents a summary of the results.
Positive values in the average,
minimum, and maximum columns of
Table 4 indicate that the IEER values
determined via the interpolation and
extrapolation method were higher than
the IEER values determined through
testing at the EWTs and load levels
specified in section 6.2 of AHRI 340/
360–2022, and negative values indicate
the opposite.
control type
Two-Stage ........................................................................................................
Variable-Speed ................................................................................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Note: Positive values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that the IEER values determined via the interpolation and extrapolation method were higher than the IEER values determined through testing at the EWTs and load levels specified in section 6.2 of AHRI
340/360–2022. Negative values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that the IEER values determined via the interpolation
and extrapolation method were lower than the IEER values determined through testing at the EWTs and load levels specified in section 6.2 of
AHRI 340/360–2022.
As shown in Table 4, for the six tested
two-stage WSHPs, the IEER values
calculated using the described
interpolation and extrapolation method
were on average 0.9 percent lower than
the IEER value measured from testing
per AHRI 340/360–2022 (ranging from
0.0 percent to 2.7 percent lower).
For the four variable-speed units, the
IEER values calculated using the
described interpolation and
extrapolation method were on average
6.3 percent lower than the IEER value
measured from testing per AHRI 340/
360–2022 (ranging from 0.2 percent
higher to 13.6 percent lower). These
results demonstrate a wider discrepancy
from AHRI 340/360–2022 results than
for single-stage or two-stage WSHPs.
This discrepancy is likely because the
interpolation and extrapolation method
described only includes testing at
maximum and minimum compressor
speed, whereas the AHRI 340/360–2022
approach includes testing at compressor
speeds to operate at each of the partload test points (i.e., 75 percent, 50
percent, and 25 percent load).
Therefore, for variable-speed WSHPs
with higher EER at intermediate
compressor speeds than at maximum or
minimum compressor speeds, the
interpolation and extrapolation method
described results in a lower calculated
IEER than testing at the IEER conditions
specified in AHRI 340/360–2022, which
was the case for three of the four tested
units. While for certain tested variablespeed units calculating IEER via
interpolation and extrapolation resulted
in a lower IEER value, from
participation in AHRI 600 committee
17 As presented in Table 3, the results from DOE’s
testing show that that linear interpolation across
EWT results in close agreement for cooling capacity
and total power. Because EER = Cooling Capacity/
Total Power, if linear equations are used to
represent the relationship between cooling capacity
and EWT, as well as between total power and EWT,
the resulting equation for EER has equations
linearly dependent on EWT in the numerator and
denominator. Such an equation simplifies to an
inverse function (i.e., the variable (EWT) is in the
denominator), which is concave up (i.e., the slope
of the EER vs EWT curve increases with increasing
EWT), such that between any two points on the
curve, the curve is always below a line drawn
between the two points. Therefore, calculating EER
by linearly interpolating EER values across EWT
consistently results in an interpolated EER value
that is higher than the EER value measured by
testing or determined by linearly interpolating
cooling capacity and total power.
18 After interpolating the full-load and part-load
interpolated across EWT, the AHRI 340/360–2022
IEER calculation methodology is then used. The
interpolated results would either need cyclic
degradation (see discussion in section III.F.2.b of
this NOPR) or interpolation across compressor
staging to determine the specific load EER values
to be used in the IEER calculation, unless the EWT
interpolation yields a calculated percent load that
meets the 3 percent tolerance for the respective
IEER load point.
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
meetings, DOE understands that many
manufacturers would prefer the option
to use the interpolation and
extrapolation method for variable-speed
WSHPs even if it results in lower IEER
ratings, because it would result in less
overall testing burden than testing at
each of the AHRI 340/360–2022
Based on the investigative testing
conducted, DOE has tentatively
concluded that determining IEER via
interpolation and extrapolation from
testing at the ISO 13256–1:1998 EWTs
(in accordance with DOE’s proposed test
procedure), similar to the method in the
draft AHRI 600, provides appropriately
representative results that are
comparable to testing at the EWTs (and
for staged units, load levels) specified in
Table 9 of AHRI 340/360–2022.
Therefore, DOE is proposing in section
5 of the proposed appendix C1 to allow
that IEER for WSHPs can be calculated
from either of two methods: (1) ‘‘option
1’’—testing in accordance with AHRI
340/360–2022 (at EWTs of 85 °F, 73.5 °F,
62 °F, and 55 °F); or (2) ‘‘option 2’’—
interpolation and extrapolation of
cooling capacity and power values
based on testing in accordance with the
proposed test procedure at EWTs of
86 °F, 77 °F, and 59 °F for full-load tests
and (for staged units) EWTs of 86 °F,
68 °F, and 59 °F for part-load tests. For
single speed units, option 2 would
require three full-load tests at entering
liquid temperatures of 86 °F, 77 °F, and
59 °F. For two-stage and variable-speed
units, three additional tests at the
minimum compressor speed would be
required, at entering liquid temperature
of 86 °F, 68 °F, and 59 °F.
Specifically for option 2, aside from
the EWTs, the tests for option 2 would
be performed using the same test
provisions from AHRI 340/360–2022,
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009, and sections 2
through 4 and 7 of proposed appendix
C1 as the tests for option 1. As
discussed, DOE has tentatively
determined that results from the
interpolation and extrapolation method
have greater agreement with, and,
therefore, are comparably representative
to, the tested results by interpolating
values of cooling capacity and total
power rather than interpolating values
of EER; therefore, DOE is proposing that
the alternative method specify
interpolation using the cooling capacity
and total power. The proposed
provisions for option 2 in section 5.1.2
of proposed appendix C1 are otherwise
generally consistent with the draft AHRI
600 method, except for the cyclic
degradation approach, which is
discussed in section III.F.2.b of this
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DOE notes that representations for
WSHPs can be made either based on
testing (in accordance with 10 CFR
429.43(a)(1)) or AEDMs (in accordance
with 10 CFR 429.43(a)(2)). If represented
values for a basic model are determined
with an AEDM, the AEDM could use
either option 1 or option 2 for
determining IEER per the proposed test
procedure in appendix C1.
Issue 4: DOE requests comment on the
proposal to allow determination of IEER
using two different methods: (1) testing
in accordance with AHRI 340/360–2022;
or (2) interpolation and extrapolation of
cooling capacity and power values
based on testing in accordance with the
proposed test procedure at the EWTs
specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998. Specifically, DOE seeks
feedback on the proposed method for
calculating IEER via interpolation and
extrapolation, and on whether this
approach would serve as a potential
burden-reducing option as compared to
testing at the AHRI 340/360–2022
Issue 5: DOE requests comment on
whether the proposed methodology to
determine IEER based on interpolation
and extrapolation is appropriate for
variable-speed units. DOE would
consider requiring variable-speed
equipment be tested only according to
AHRI 340/360–2022 and, thus, testing
physically at the IEER EWTs, if
suggested by commenters.
DOE is aware that ISO 13256–1:2021
includes changes from ISO 13256–
1:1998 with respect to the EWTs
specified for cooling tests. Specifically,
Table 2 of ISO 13256–1:2021 specifies
full-load cooling temperatures of 86 °F,
68 °F, and 50 °F, and part-load cooling
temperatures of 77 °F, 59 °F, and 41 °F.
Consistent with the draft AHRI 600
method, DOE is proposing to use the
temperatures specified in Table 1 of ISO
13256–1:1998 for option 2 tests;
however, it is expected that the results
under the proposed interpolation and
extrapolation method would provide
comparable results using the EWTs
specified in Table 2 of ISO 13256–
Issue 6: DOE seeks feedback on
whether the proposed interpolation and
extrapolation method should be based
on testing at the ISO 13256–1:2021
2. COP
a. General Discussion
DOE’s current test procedure for
WSHPs measures heating-mode
performance in terms of the COP metric,
based on testing with a 68 °F EWT. 10
CFR 431.96. For the reasons explained
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in the following paragraphs, DOE is
proposing in section 6.2 of proposed
appendix C1 to use an EWT of 55 °F for
the COP metric because DOE has
tentatively concluded that 55 °F is more
representative of field operation than
the current EWT of 68 °F.
COP is a full-load heating efficiency
metric for WSHP water-loop
applications, meaning that it represents
the heating efficiency for a WSHP
operating at its maximum capacity at an
EWT that is typical of heating operation
in water-loop applications. Because
commercial buildings served by WSHPs
in water-loop applications are typically
cooling-dominated, DOE understands
that the majority of heating hours in
these applications occur in
simultaneous cooling and heating
operation—in which certain WSHPs
(e.g., servicing zones around the
perimeter of the building) are in heating
mode while other WSHPs (e.g.,
servicing interior zones closer to the
center of the building) are in cooling
mode. Because all WSHPs in the system
loop are provided water with the same
EWT, at any given time, WSHPs that are
in heating mode operate at the same
EWT as WSHPs in cooling mode. As
discussed in section III.E.1.a of this
NOPR, from manufacturer feedback
provided in AHRI 600 committee
meetings, DOE understands that while
in the past water-loop temperatures
were maintained at temperatures above
60 °F via heat provided by a system
boiler, in current practice, WSHP
installations are typically controlled to
allow water-loop temperatures to drop
to temperatures closer to 50 °F.
Correspondingly, DOE is proposing
part-load IEER EWTs that align with
AHRI 340/360–2022 and the draft AHRI
600, including 62 °F for the 50-percent
load point and 55 °F for the 25-percent
load point.
Because DOE understands that WSHP
water-loop temperatures are typically
controlled to drop closer to 50 °F (as
represented by the 55 °F EWT for the 25percent load point), the Department
understands that most hours of heating
mode operation for WSHPs in waterloop applications occur with EWTs
closer to 50 °F. Therefore, while the
current 68 °F EWT for the COP metric
may have been more representative of
how WSHP systems were controlled in
the past (i.e., with a boiler maintaining
water-loop temperatures above 60 °F),
DOE has tentatively determined that the
COP EWT should be no higher than the
lowest EWT used in the IEER metric,
which is 55 °F (for the 25-percent load
point), because most heating hours
occur when outdoor air temperatures
are lower and, thus, cooling loads are
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
lower. Therefore, DOE has tentatively
concluded that the COP metric would
be more representative of water-loop
WSHP applications if based on an EWT
of 55 °F.
DOE also considered whether an EWT
below 55 °F, specifically 50 °F, might be
more representative for determining
COP, depending upon typical heating
conditions for water-loop WSHPs.
However, DOE currently lacks data or
evidence indicating that 50 °F would be
a more representative heating EWT than
55 °F for WSHPs. Therefore, in the
absence of any data suggesting a lower
EWT would be more representative of
heating operation of WSHPs, DOE is
proposing an EWT of 55 °F, which
aligns with the lowest IEER EWT as
Issue 7: DOE seeks comment and data
on the representativeness of 55 °F as the
EWT condition for determining COP.
Specifically, DOE requests feedback and
data on whether a lower EWT, such as
50 °F, would be more representative of
heating operation of WSHPs. DOE will
further consider any alternate EWT
suggested by comments in developing
any final rule.
Additionally, DOE is proposing
provisions in section 6.3 of proposed
appendix C1 to provide for optional
representations of COP based on testing
conducted per the proposed test
procedure (sections 2 through 4 and 7
of proposed appendix C1) at the fullload and part-load EWT conditions
specified in Table 2 of ISO 13256–
1:1998 (i.e., 68 °F, 50 °F, 41 °F, and
32 °F).
b. Determination of COP Via
As discussed in section III.E.1.b of
this NOPR, DOE is proposing to include
an alternate method for determining
IEER that allows manufacturers to
perform tests at the EWTs in Table 1 of
ISO 13256–1:1998 and interpolate
efficiency metrics to the EWTs specified
in Table 9 of AHRI 340/360–2022. This
method would reduce overall testing
burden for manufacturers who choose to
make optional EER representations at
the EWTs specified in Table 1 of ISO
13256–1:1998, by allowing them to
avoid additional testing at the IEER
In order to provide comparable
flexibility for measuring COP, DOE is
proposing a similar alternative test
method in section 6.2.2 of appendix C1
for determining COP by interpolation
from results of testing at the EWTs
specified in Table 2 of ISO 13256–
1:1998. To evaluate the interpolation
method for COP, DOE conducted
investigative testing on five WSHPs at
the three heating EWTs specified in
Table 1 of ISO 13256–1:1998: 68 °F,
50 °F and 32 °F. DOE interpolated the
cooling capacity and total power results
from 68 °F and 32 °F to 50 °F, and then
calculated COP at 50 °F using the
interpolated values of cooling capacity
and total power.19 Finally, DOE
compared these interpolated values to
the results of testing at 50 °F. Table 5
presents a summary of the percentage
differences between the interpolated
and measured values. Positive values in
the average, minimum, and maximum
columns of Table 5 indicate that the
values interpolated to 50 °F from results
measured at 68 °F and 32 °F were higher
than the values measured at 50 °F, and
negative values indicate the opposite.
Cooling Capacity ..............................................................................................
Total Power ......................................................................................................
COP calculated from interpolated capacity and power ...................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Note: Positive values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that the values interpolated to 50 °F from results measured at
68 °F and 32 °F were higher than the values measured at 50 °F. Negative values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that
the values interpolated to 50 °F from results measured at 68 °F and 32 °F were lower than the values measured at 50 °F.
As shown in Table 4, the COP
calculated from interpolated values of
cooling capacity and total power
differed from measured COP by an
average of less than 1 percent.
Therefore, DOE has tentatively
concluded that determining COP via
interpolation in this temperature range
from testing at the ISO 13256–1:1998
EWTs (in accordance with DOE’s
proposed test procedure) provides
appropriately representative results that
are comparable to testing at 55 °F.
Therefore, DOE is proposing in section
6.2 of the proposed appendix C1 to
allow that COP for WSHPs can be
calculated from either of two methods:
(1) ‘‘option A’’—testing at 55 °F; or (2)
‘‘option B’’—interpolation of heating
capacity and power values based on
testing in accordance with the proposed
test procedure at EWTs of 50 °F and
68 °F. Aside from the EWTs, the tests for
option B would be performed using the
same test provisions from AHRI 340/
360–2022, ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009, and
sections 2 through 4 and 7 of proposed
appendix C1 as the tests for option A.
Issue 8: DOE requests comment on the
proposal to allow determination of COP
using two different methods: (1) testing
at 55 °F; or (2) interpolation of heating
capacity and power values based on
testing in accordance with the proposed
test procedure at EWTs specified for
heating tests in Table 2 of ISO 13256–
1:1998 (i.e., 50 °F and 68 °F).
Specifically, DOE seeks feedback on the
19 As discussed in section III.E.1.b of this NOPR,
DOE tentatively determined that interpolation of
EER directly results in a consistent bias, and that
more representative results are obtained by
calculating EER using interpolated values of cooling
capacity and total power. Similarly, for COP, DOE
is proposing that COP can be determined using
interpolated values of heating capacity and total
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proposed method for calculating COP
via interpolation, and on whether this
approach would serve as a potential
burden-reducing option as compared to
testing at 55 °F.
3. Entering Air Conditions
The current DOE test procedure
references ISO 13256–1:1998, which
specifies in Table 1 that EER is
measured with entering air at 27 °C
(80.6 °F) dry-bulb temperature and 19 °C
(66.2 °F) wet-bulb temperature and in
Table 2 that COP is measured with
entering air at 20 °C (68 °F) dry-bulb
temperature and 15 °C (59 °F) wet-bulb
temperature. Table 2 and Table 3 of ISO
13256–1:2021 specify the same entering
air conditions as ISO 13256–1:1998. As
power, rather than interpolating COP values
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
discussed in section III.D.3 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt AHRI
340/360–2022 as the test procedure for
WSHPs. Table 6 of AHRI 340/360–2022
specifies entering indoor air conditions
for standard rating cooling tests to be
80 °F dry-bulb temperature and a
maximum of 67 °F wet-bulb temperature
and standard rating heating tests to be
70 °F dry-bulb temperature and a
maximum of 60 °F wet-bulb
The entering air conditions specified
in AHRI 340/360–2022 are similar to the
conditions specified in ISO 13256–
1:1998 and ISO 13256–1:2021, differing
for cooling by 0.6 °F for dry-bulb
temperature and 0.8 °F for wet-bulb
temperature and for heating by 2 °F for
dry-bulb temperature and 1 °F for wetbulb temperature. DOE surmises that
these differences are likely due to the
conditions in ISO 13256–1 (1998 and
2021 versions) being specified in terms
of degrees Celsius, whereas the
conditions in AHRI 340/360–2022 are
specified in degrees Fahrenheit. The
entering air conditions specified in
AHRI 340/360–2022 are the same as in
previous versions of AHRI 340/360,
including AHRI 340/360–2007, which is
referenced in the current DOE test
procedure for CUAC/HPs. Further, the
most common application for WSHPs
(and the application DOE understands
that the WSHP industry is intending to
represent via use of the IEER metric in
AHRI 600) is commercial buildings,
similar to CUAC/HPs. Therefore, DOE
has tentatively determined that the
entering air conditions in AHRI 340/
360–2022 are appropriately
representative of the average conditions
in which WSHPs operate in the field.
DOE is proposing in sections 5 and 6 of
proposed appendix C1 to use entering
air conditions from Table 6 of AHRI
340/360–2022 for both cooling (IEER)
and heating (COP) tests.
Issue 9: DOE requests comment on its
proposal to specify in proposed
appendix C1 use of the cooling entering
air conditions from AHRI 340/360–2022
(i.e., 80 °F dry-bulb temperature and
67 °F wet-bulb temperature) and the
heating entering air conditions from
AHRI 340/360–2022 (i.e., 70 °F dry-bulb
temperature and a maximum of 60 °F
wet-bulb temperature).
4. Operating Modes Other Than
Mechanical Cooling and Heating
On April 1, 2015, DOE published in
the Federal Register a notification of its
intent to establish a working group
under the Appliance Standards and
Rulemaking Federal Advisory
Committee (‘‘ASRAC’’) Commercial and
Industrial Fans and Blowers Working
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Group (‘‘ASRAC Working Group’’) to
discuss and, if possible, reach
consensus on the scope of the
rulemaking, certain key aspects of a
proposed test procedure, and proposed
energy conservation standard for fans
and blowers. 80 FR 17359. The ASRAC
Working Group term sheet for
commercial and industrial fans and
blowers was approved (Docket No.
Recommendation #3 of the term sheet
addressed supply and condenser fans
that are embedded in certain covered
equipment. (Id. at p. 3) The ASRAC
Working Group recommended that DOE
consider revising efficiency metrics that
include energy use of supply fans in
order to include the energy
consumption during all relevant
operating modes (e.g., auxiliary heating
mode, ventilation mode, and part-load
operation) in the next round of test
procedure rulemakings. (Id. at p. 4) The
ASRAC Working Group included
WSHPs in its list of regulated
equipment for which fan energy use
should be considered. (Id. at p. 16)
As part of the June 2018 RFI, DOE
stated that it was investigating whether
changes to the WSHP test procedure are
needed to properly characterize a
representative average use cycle,
including changes to more accurately
represent fan energy use in field
applications. 83 FR 29048, 29050 (June
22, 2018). DOE requested information as
to the extent that accounting for the
energy use of fans in commercial
equipment such as WSHPs would be
additive of other existing accountings of
fan energy use. Id.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE also sought
comment on whether accounting for the
energy use of fan operation in WSHPs
would alter measured efficiency, and if
so, to what extent. Id. DOE also
requested data and information
regarding what forms of auxiliary
heating are installed in WSHPs, how
frequently they operate, and whether
they operate independently of the
WSHP. Id. Additionally, DOE requested
data and information on how frequently
WSHP supply fans are operated when
there is no demand for heating or
cooling, such as for fresh air ventilation
or air circulation or filtration. Id.
The Joint Advocates and NEEA
commented that DOE should amend the
test procedure to account for fan energy
use outside of mechanical cooling and
heating for fans in regulated equipment
to more fully capture fan energy use.
(Joint Advocates, No. 10 at p. 1; NEEA,
No. 11 at p. 1) The Joint Advocates
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asserted that by failing to capture fan
operation for economizing, ventilation,
and other functions outside of cooling
mode, the test procedure may be
significantly underestimating fan energy
consumption. (Joint Advocates, No. 10
at p. 1)
NEEA commented that the
commercial prototype building models
used by Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory in the analysis in support of
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 include
information on the operation of fans in
ventilation mode and economizer mode
and could be used to develop national
average fan operating hours outside of
heating and cooling. (NEEA, No. 11 at
pp. 3) Furthermore, NEEA stated that
the vast majority of WSHPs are installed
in commercial buildings, thereby
subjecting them to ASHRAE Standard
90.1 code requirements such as the
requirement of water side economizers
in many U.S. climate zones. Id. NEEA
added that details of requirements for
certain control and component features
are provided in ASHRAE Standard 90.1
and should be an indicator of
prevalence of these features in WSHPs
on the market. Id.
NEEA further stated that ANSI and
the Air Movement Control Association
(‘‘AMCA’’) developed ANSI/AMCA
208–18, ‘‘Calculation of the Fan Energy
Index,’’ which provides a potential way
to measure embedded fan performance
in WSHPs using the fan energy index
(‘‘FEI’’). According to NEEA, DOE could
develop a revised IEER-type metric that
weighs together cooling performance
(using the IEER test) and fan efficiency
(using an FEI-based metric). NEEA
argued that accounting for the energy
use of fan operation in WSHPs does not
need to alter measured efficiency, and
that to reduce burden on manufacturers,
DOE could combine the FEI and IEER
metrics such that manufacturers would
have multiple viable design option
pathways to achieve the minimum IEER
efficiency standard without improving
the embedded fan efficiency above the
minimum FEI efficiency standard.
(NEEA, No. 11 at p. 2)
Trane commented that there are some
applications in which a WSHP would be
used for ventilation, but that ventilation
is not the main use, and that using a
WSHP for purposes other than heating
and cooling is rare. Trane stated further
that typical practice is for ventilation air
to be provided by a dedicated outdoor
air system (‘‘DOAS’’) using a separate
ductwork system, whereas the WSHP
system provides the heating and
cooling. Finally, Trane commented that
for installations in which the DOAS and
WSHPs supply to common ductwork,
WSHP fans would operate when
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
ventilation is needed, but rarely would
this be needed without heating or
cooling. (Trane, No. 8 at pp. 2, 5)
AHRI and WaterFurnace both stated
that a high percentage of WSHP systems
offer a continuous fan mode to circulate
fresh air but did not have data on how
often. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 4–5;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 3) However,
both estimated that a typical WSHP
would operate in continuous fan mode
(i.e., without cooling or heating) for
approximately 1,300 hours per year. The
commenters estimated total cooling and
heating mode operation of 3,300 hours
per year. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 9;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 9)
Further, AHRI and WaterFurnace
commented that fan power is largely
dependent on motor type and typically
represents 13 to 18 percent of total
power. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 4, 8–9;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 3, 8–9) AHRI
asserted that EPCA imposes a onemetric-per-product limitation and that
efforts to capture the energy use of a fan
during a mode other than cooling (or
heating) would result in an
impermissible design requirement.
(AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 5, 10)
AHRI stated that DOE has the
authority to include certain fans and
blowers, by rule, as ‘‘covered
equipment’’ if such products meet all
the requirements of EPCA at 42 U.S.C.
6311(2). AHRI asserted that if DOE
developed a standard for stand-alone
industrial fans, it would not be
appropriate to apply that standard to
fans embedded in regulated equipment.
Furthermore, AHRI argued that the fact
that Congress granted a specific
provision of authority to DOE for a
consumer furnace ventilation metric
affirms that DOE is without general
authority to create overlapping
ventilation requirements for other
regulated products. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp.
Trane and WaterFurnace also
commented that regulation of WSHP
fans would produce unnecessary
overlapping regulations, and that
system-level efficiency metrics allow for
optimization of the entire system.
(Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; WaterFurnace, No.
7 at p. 8) AHRI and WaterFurnace stated
that fan energy in cooling and heating
are accounted for in the current test
procedure and that fans are optimized
for these modes because they account
for the majority of operational time.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 9)
AHRI and WaterFurnace commented
that auxiliary heating is not common in
WSHPs and estimated that electric heat
is included in less than one percent of
WSHP shipments. AHRI and
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WaterFurnace further commented that
the primary mode of operation of most
WSHPs is cooling and that heating
requirements are limited, such that
adequate heating can be supplied
through heat pump operation alone.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 4; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 3) Trane stated that for their
WSHPs, electric heat is provided only
when heat pump operation alone cannot
meet the heating demand. Trane further
stated that the compressors are locked
out while back-up electric heating is
used for most WSHPs, with the
exception of rooftop WSHP equipment,
which allows auxiliary electric heat to
supplement the heating provided by the
heat pump. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 2)
In response, DOE emphasizes that its
request for information regarding fan
energy use was in investigation of
energy use of WSHPs in operational
modes other than those currently
evaluated by the test procedure (i.e.,
operational modes other than cooling
and heating). DOE understands that
much of the energy use attributable to
these other modes is likely a product of
fan operation. Provisions to measure
energy use for ancillary functions (e.g.,
economizing, ventilation, filtration, and
auxiliary heat) when there is no heating
or cooling are not included in ISO
13256–1:1998 or AHRI 340/360–2022.
As discussed in section III.D.3 of this
NOPR, DOE is proposing to adopt AHRI
340/360–2022 for testing WSHPs.
Additionally, provisions addressing
other operational modes have not been
included in the updated ISO 13256–
1:2021. In light of the above, at this
time, DOE lacks sufficient information
on the number of units capable of
operating in these other modes or the
frequency of operation of these modes
during field conditions to determine
whether such testing would be
appropriate for WSHPs and/or to
develop a test method capable of
accounting for energy use of such
auxiliary functions of WSHPs. To the
extent that data and further information
are developed regarding operation of
WSHPs in modes other than mechanical
cooling and heating, DOE would
consider such developments in a future
WSHP test procedure rulemaking.
5. Dynamic Load-Based Test Procedure
In response to the June 2018 RFI, both
NEEA and the Joint Advocates
encouraged DOE to investigate a loadbased test method that could allow more
sophisticated and inclusive efficiency
metrics. Both NEEA and Joint Advocates
commented that the Canadian Standards
Association (‘‘CSA’’) group is
developing CSA EXP07 (‘‘Load-based
and climate-specific testing and rating
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procedures for heat pumps and air
conditioners’’), which is a dynamic,
load-based test procedure expected to
better capture performance in the field,
including the capturing of cycling
losses, benefits of variable-speed
operation, and importance of control
strategies. (NEEA, No. 11 at p. 2; Joint
Advocates, No. 10 at p. 2)
DOE is aware of the dynamic, loadbased test procedure being developed by
CSA. However, at this time, DOE
understands that CSA EXP07 has not
been validated and finalized.
Furthermore, the CSA EXP07 test
procedure is applicable to CAC/HPs,
and that test procedure has not yet been
evaluated for WSHPs. Further, DOE is
not aware of data showing that any
dynamic, load-based test procedure
produces repeatable and reproducible
test results. Therefore, DOE has
tentatively concluded that further
consideration of CSA EXP07 would be
premature at this time, and accordingly,
the Department is not proposing to
adopt any dynamic, load-based test
procedures in this NOPR.
F. Test Method
1. Airflow and External Static Pressure
a. Fan Power Adjustment and Required
Air External Static Pressure
As discussed in section III.D.1.a of
this NOPR, for ducted units, sections and of ISO 13256–1:1998
specify a fan power adjustment
calculation that does not account for fan
power used for overcoming external
resistance. As a result, the calculation of
efficiency includes only the fan power
required to overcome the internal
resistance of the unit. In addition, ISO
13256–1:1998 does not specify ESP
requirements for ducted equipment,
instead allowing manufacturers to
specify a rated ESP. While Table 9 of
ISO 13256–1:1998 includes an operating
tolerance (i.e., maximum variation of
individual reading from rating
conditions) and a condition tolerance
(i.e., maximum variation of arithmetical
average values from specified test
conditions) for external resistance to
airflow, the test standard does not
specify to which values of ESP these
tolerances are intended to apply.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
comment on whether minimum ESP
requirements should be included for
ducted WSHPs, and if so, what values
would be appropriate. 83 FR 29048,
29050 (June 22, 2018). DOE also
requested information on whether field
ESP values typically vary with capacity,
and whether fan power used for
overcoming ESP should be included in
the efficiency calculation for WSHPs
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
intended to be used with ducting. Id.
DOE asked for comment and data on
whether the fan/motor efficiency factor
used in the calculation of fan power for
WSHPs is representative of units
currently on the market and whether the
value accurately represents the
efficiency of existing fans that are not
replaced in WSHP installations. Id at 83
FR 29051. Additionally, DOE requested
comment on whether indoor fans are
typically replaced when coil-only
WSHPs are installed. Id.
In response to DOE’s request for
information, the Joint Advocates
encouraged DOE to establish minimum
ESP values for ducted equipment and to
include the fan power used for
overcoming external resistance in
efficiency calculations for WSHPs. (Joint
Advocates, No. 10 at pp. 1–2) NEEA
commented that representative ESPs for
WSHPs are higher than zero ESP, and
the commenter recommended that DOE
should ensure the WSHP ESP
requirements reflect field installations,
stating that otherwise, WSHP ratings
will neither provide an adequate
representation of actual efficiency nor
provide good information to consumers.
(NEEA, No. 11 at p. 3) NEEA also
reminded that the ASRAC Working
Group recommended that test
procedures for regulated equipment,
including WSHPs, be revised to better
capture fan energy use. NEEA further
commented that adding minimum ESP
values would not increase test burden.
AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace
stated that the AHRI WSHP certification
program does require minimum ESPs
that increase with rated capacity for
ducted units with fans driven by an
electronically-commutated motor
(‘‘ECM’’), and that these minimum ESPs
are being considered for inclusion in the
revised version of ISO 13256–1. (AHRI,
No. 12 at pp. 5–6; Trane, No. 8 at p. 3;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 5) AHRI and
WaterFurnace commented that the field
ESP of commercial WSHPs is largely
tied to the ductwork and a single filter,
typically resulting in ESPs less than
0.50 inches water column (‘‘in H2O’’),
but the commenters noted that some
larger systems (>60,000 Btu/h) may be
installed such that ESP values are as
much as 1.0 in H2O. (AHRI, No. 12 at
p. 5; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 4) AHRI
also mentioned that commercial WSHPs
are not typically installed with
substantial ancillary filters or other
high-static accessories found in larger
air handlers. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 5)
Trane and AHRI commented that fan
power for overcoming ESP should not
be included in the efficiency
calculation. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 6;
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Trane, No. 8 at pp. 2–3) AHRI further
commented that the ISO 13256–1:1998
approach (of including a fan power
adjustment down to zero ESP) results
from the acknowledgment of the
variability of ESP in the wide variety of
WSHP applications that range from
cooling towers/boilers to dry coolers to
geothermal earth loop systems. (AHRI,
No. 12 at p. 5) Trane and WaterFurnace
further commented that excluding the
fan power for overcoming ESP from the
efficiency calculation ensures that units
with indoor fans that produce higher
static pressure are not penalized for
having a stronger fan motor. (Trane, No.
8 at pp. 2–3; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p.
4) WaterFurnace added that because
more powerful fans to overcome higher
field ESPs results in lower certified
efficiency, most manufacturers design to
the minimum ESP to avoid the excess
fan power, and that in field
applications, this results in low airflow
and poor performance. WaterFurnace
commented that their typical WSHP
product is tested at higher ESP (greater
than 0.4 in H2O) but then corrected to
zero ESP. (WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 1,
4) AHRI stated that fewer than 10
percent of all installed WSHPs have a
cooling capacity greater than 5 tons, and
the organization further noted that the
table of ESP requirements in AHRI
WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual
specifies an ESP of 0.20 in H2O for 5ton models, suggesting that 90 percent
of WSHPs would have an ESP less than
0.2 in H2O. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8)
AHRI and WaterFurnace commented
that the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal
Operations Manual limits the fan power
correction to three percent on the
cooling capacity to prevent any
application of the correction as a way to
inflate efficiencies. (AHRI, No. 12 at p.
8; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 8) AHRI
and WaterFurnace further commented
that aligning ESP requirements for
different equipment categories (with
different conditions and applications) is
futile and that there will always be
differences in HVAC test standards.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 7) AHRI, Trane, and
WaterFurnace stated that the fan power
adjustment factor in ISO 13256–1:1998
is representative for WSHPs. (AHRI, No.
12 at p. 8; Trane, No. 8 at p. 4;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 8) AHRI,
Trane, and WaterFurnace also stated
that the fan power adjustment factor
provides the ability to predict
performance at any ESP level. (AHRI,
No. 12 at p. 3; Trane, No. 8 at p. 3;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 5)
AHRI and WaterFurnace also stated
that the fan efficiency factor noted in
the RFI is the same for all current fan
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motor designs, both permanent magnet
variable speed and induction
technologies, and they have found them
to be reasonable. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 7)
WaterFurnace further stated that the fan
and pump correction factors were
developed in 1998 after high-efficiency
permanent split capacitor (‘‘PSC’’) and
ECM fan motor technology were both
deployed into the market and that the
factor is intended to cover a number of
technologies. (WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p.
Regarding whether indoor fans are
typically replaced when coil-only
WSHPs are installed, AHRI and
WaterFurnace commented that they are
not aware of any coil-only WSHPs, and,
therefore, that test procedure revisions
to address such units are unnecessary.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 8) AHRI and WaterFurnace
also stated that all commercial WSHPs
are packaged units and that split
systems are not commercially used. Id.
In response to those comments on the
June 2018 RFI, DOE would clarify that
ducted WSHPs installed in the field
must overcome ESP from ductwork. As
noted, the method used in ISO 13256–
1:1998 and ISO 13256–1:2021 excludes
the power to overcome ESP via the fan
power adjustment, which adjusts the fan
power down to reflect zero ESP. In
contrast, testing per AHRI 340/360–2022
requires testing at a minimum ESP
requirement (specified in Table 7 of
AHRI 340/360–2022) and does not
include any adjustments to the fan
power. In other words, ratings in
accordance with AHRI 340/360–2022
reflect performance at the applicable
minimum ESP requirement. DOE has
tentatively concluded that testing
ducted WSHPs in accordance with
AHRI 340/360–2022 (i.e., testing at
minimum ESP requirements with no fan
power adjustment) would be more
representative of field installations than
the method used in ISO 13256–1:1998,
for the following three reasons:
(1) Use of the fan power adjustment
in ISO 13256–1:1998 results in ratings
that do not reflect the fan power needed
to overcome ESP;
(2) The fan power adjustment in ISO
13256–1:1998 assumes a fan efficiency
of 0.3, which underestimates the
efficiency of fans in WSHPs, and, thus,
underestimates the fan power that
would be needed for the fan to operate
at zero ESP; and
(3) Rated ESP values that
manufacturers use when testing to ISO
13256–1:1998 are typically significantly
higher than ESPs representative of
water-loop WSHP installations.
Because, as stated, the fan power
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
to zero ESP, the fan power adjustment’s
assumption of a fan efficiency that is
lower than is typical in WSHPs results
in more power being subtracted than the
fan would actually have needed to
overcome that level of ESP (because
lower-efficiency fans consume more
power to provide the same level of
output). Therefore, for these five units
the resulting rating determined per ISO
13256–1:1998 underestimates the fan
power needed to operate at zero ESP
because too much fan power is
subtracted using the fan power
The low fan efficiency value in the
ISO 13256–1:1998 fan power adjustment
equation results in an incentive for
manufacturers to test at a higher ESP
than would be representative for
WSHPs, to take more advantage of the
TABLE 6—INVESTIGATIVE TESTING RE- fan power adjustment by subtracting a
SULTS REGARDING FAN POWER AND larger calculated adjustment from the
measured fan power (when adjusting
fan power down to reflect performance
at zero ESP). DOE’s examination of rated
Fan Power at AHRI 340/360
ESP Requirement (W) ......
262.04 ESP values in supplemental test
Fan Power Determined Acinstructions (‘‘STI’’) indicates that
cording to ISO 13256–
WSHPs are being rated based on testing
1:1998 (W) ........................
139.57 with ESPs higher than would be
Average Measured Fan Effirepresentative. Specifically, DOE
ciency ................................
examined the STI for 15 WSHPs and
Measured Fan Efficiency
Range ................................
0.34–0.71 found that the average rated ESP was
0.51 in H2O. In contrast, the rated ESPs
in the STI exceeded the AHRI 340/360–
DOE determined the relationship
2022 ESP requirements (which, as
between ESP and fan power for the five
WSHPs by conducting several tests with discussed, align with the ESP levels
included in the AHRI WSHP/
varying ESP at the rated airflow. As
Geothermal Operations Manual and are
shown in Table 5, DOE determined the
very similar to the ESP levels in
fan power for each of the five units at
the applicable ESP requirement in AHRI included in ISO 13256:1–2021) by more
340/360–2022. These data show that the than the +0.05 in H2O tolerance for 13
of the 15 units. Given the low fan
method in ISO 13256–1:1998 accounts
efficiency assumed in the ISO 13256–
for an average of only 53 percent of the
fan power required to overcome the ESP 1:1998 fan power adjustment, testing at
ESPs higher than representative for
specified in AHRI 340/360–2022.
DOE also calculated the fan efficiency WSHPs results in efficiency ratings that
underestimate fan power needed to
for each unit based on tests conducted
operate at zero ESP.
with varying ESP at the rated airflow.
As shown in Table 5, DOE found that
Regarding comments received about
the measured fan efficiency for all five
ESP requirements in the revised version
units is higher than the fan efficiency
of ISO 13256–1, DOE acknowledges that
value assumed in ISO 13256–1:1998 (30 Table 1 of ISO 13256–1:2021 does
percent). Specifically, the average
include minimum ESPs for all fan motor
measured efficiency (46 percent) is over types, and that those minimum ESPs are
50 percent higher than the ISO 13256–
generally consistent with the values in
1:1998 value, and the highest measured
Table 7 of AHRI 340/360–2022, albeit
efficiency is more than double the ISO
with slight differences due to rounding.
13256–1:1998 value. The consistent
However, ISO 13256–1:2021 does not
underestimation of fan efficiency by the include an upper tolerance on ESP (i.e.,
ISO 13256–1:1998 fan power adjustment tests can still be conducted at any ESP
equation for the five tested units results above the minimum) and maintains the
in a larger amount of fan power being
fan power correction to adjust down to
subtracted from the measured value
zero ESP. Again, DOE tentatively finds
when adjusting down to zero ESP than
that its proposed approach based on
would be representative of the actual
AHRI 340/360–2022 would produce
fan’s operation. In other words, when
results more representative of an
adjusting the measured fan power down average WSHP use cycle, so the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
adjustment subtracts fan power to
reflect performance at zero ESP,
assuming a low fan efficiency, testing at
ESPs higher than representative values
subtracts more fan power than would
typically be needed to overcome that
high tested ESP, and, thus, it further
results in efficiency ratings that
underestimate fan power needed to
operate at zero ESP.
DOE conducted investigative testing
on five WSHPs to determine the extent
to which ISO 13256–1:1998 accounts for
fan energy use compared to testing at
representative ESP requirements per
AHRI 340/360–2022. DOE also
determined the fan efficiency of these
five units. Of the five tested units, three
had constant airflow ECM motors and
two had constant torque ECM motors.
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Department is not proposing to use ISO
13256–1:2021 in this context.
Because the fan power adjustment
method used in ISO 13256–1:1998 and
ISO 13256–1:2021 does not capture the
fan power to overcome ESP, and
underestimates the fan power needed to
operate at zero ESP for many units (as
determined from DOE’s testing and
examination of rated ESPs from STI),
DOE has tentatively concluded that
ratings based on performance at a
representative ESP requirement (as is
the case in AHRI 340/360–2022) are
more representative of the total fan
power that would be consumed in field
The minimum ESP requirements
specified in Table 7 of AHRI 340/360–
2022 align with the minimum ESP
requirements specified in Table B2 of
the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations
Manual and are generally consistent
with the minimum ESPs specified in
Table 1 of ISO 13256–1:2021, with
slight differences due to rounding.
Based on the inclusion of similar
minimum ESP requirements in the
AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations
Manual and ISO 13256–1:2021, DOE has
tentatively concluded that the minimum
ESP requirements specified in AHRI
340/360–2022 are representative of
water-loop WSHP field installations.
To account for the impacts of ESP
typically encountered in the field, DOE
is proposing provisions to reflect fan
power to overcome a representative ESP
when calculating efficiency. As per the
discussion in this section and in section
III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE has
tentatively determined that to best
reflect field operation, WSHPs should
be tested with minimum ESPs; the
power for overcoming ESP should be
included in efficiency calculations; and
all equipment should be tested with an
ESP upper tolerance. Therefore, DOE
has tentatively determined that for
WSHPs the method in AHRI 340/360–
2022 is more representative of field
energy use than the methods used in
ISO 13256–1:1998 or ISO 13256–1:2021.
As such, DOE is proposing to adopt
AHRI 340/360–2022 for WSHPs,
including section and Table 7 of
AHRI 340/360–2022, which specify
minimum ESPs for ducted units, a
tolerance on ESP of ¥0.00/+0.05 in
H2O, and no fan power adjustment. In
the following sections (sections III.F.1.b
and III.F.1.b.i of this document), DOE
provides further detail on proposed
provisions for setting airflow and ESP
for units intended to be installed both
with and without ducts.
Regarding comments received about
WSHPs with higher-static fan motors,
DOE is proposing an approach for
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representations and enforcement of
units with non-standard indoor fan
motors (i.e., more powerful fan motors
intended for operation with ESPs higher
than the ESP requirements in the test
procedure). This approach would allow
for an individual model with a nonstandard indoor fan motor to be
included in the same basic model as an
individual model with a standard
indoor fan motor, with the rating based
on performance with the standard
indoor fan motor, as long as the nonstandard indoor fan motor has the same
or better relative efficiency performance
as compared to the standard motor. DOE
has tentatively concluded that this
proposed approach addresses the
concerns raised by commenters that ESP
requirements would penalize units with
higher-static indoor fan motors. Section
III.G.3 of this NOPR includes additional
discussion on DOE’s proposed approach
for non-standard indoor fan motors.
Regarding comments received about
the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations
Manual, DOE notes that the Operations
Manual is not incorporated by reference
in the DOE test procedure and is not
referenced in ASHRAE Standard 90.1.
Therefore, the provisions included in
the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations
Manual are not reflected in the current
DOE test procedure. However, DOE has
nonetheless reviewed the AHRI WSHP/
Geothermal Operations Manual as part
of its consideration of potential
amended test procedure provisions in
this NOPR. DOE notes that Table B2 of
the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations
Manual does specify ESP requirements
that align with the ESP requirements
specified in Table 7 of AHRI 340/360–
2022; however, the ESP requirements in
the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations
Manual only apply to ducted units with
ECM fan motors. DOE has tentatively
concluded that specification of ESP
requirements would provide for more
representative ratings for all ducted
WSHPs, not just units with ECM fan
motors. Additionally, DOE notes that
section A5 of the AHRI WSHP/
Geothermal Operations Manual limits
the fan power correction to no more
than 3 percent of the measured cooling
capacity. However, because the fan
power correction is applied to both the
capacity and total power when
calculating EER or COP, the effect of a
fan power correction of 3 percent on the
calculated efficiency would be
significantly more than 3 percent.
Further, as discussed, DOE has
tentatively concluded that ratings based
on minimum ESP requirements would
be more representative than ratings
based on zero ESP (developed using the
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fan power correction). For these reasons,
DOE is not proposing to incorporate by
reference or otherwise adopt the AHRI
WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual
as part of the DOE WSHP test
Regarding comments received about
coil-only units, DOE has identified at
least one coil-only unit that would meet
the definition of a WSHP. In accordance
with DOE’s proposal to adopt AHRI
340/360–2022, coil-only WSHPs would
be subject to the test provisions for
setting airflow for coil-only units
specified in sections and
of AHRI 340/360–2022.
Issue 10: DOE requests comment on
the proposal to adopt provisions from
AHRI 340/360–2022 such that testing
would be conducted within tolerance of
the AHRI 340/360–2022 minimum ESP
requirements, and efficiency ratings
would include the fan power measured
to overcome the tested ESP.
b. Setting Airflow and ESP
ISO 13256–1:1998 specifies airflow
rates in section 4.1.5 of that document,
including that: (a) non-ducted heat
pumps shall be tested at airflow rates
obtained at zero ESP; (b) ducted heat
pumps with internal fans or with
designated air movers shall be tested at
the airflow rates obtained at zero ESP or
the manufacturer-specified airflow rate,
whichever is lower, and (c) ducted heat
pumps without internal fans shall be
tested at the manufacturer-specified
airflow rate subject to a maximum
internal pressure drop. Additionally,
paragraph (e)(2) of 10 CFR 431.96
requires that the airflow rate used for
testing must be specified by the
manufacturer in the installation and
operation manuals being shipped to the
commercial customer, and that if a rated
air flow value for testing is not clearly
identified, a value of 400 standard cubic
feet per minute per ton shall be used.
ISO 13256–1:1998 does not indicate
which speed setting should be used to
achieve specified airflow for a fan with
more than one speed setting. Also, in
some cases, the airflow rate and
pressure conditions specified for a given
ducted heat pump without an internal
fan may not be achievable
simultaneously. ISO 13256–1:1998 does
not provide an approach for
simultaneously achieving the specified
airflow rate and pressure conditions in
cases where the airflow may not be
achievable below the maximum internal
pressure drop. In the June 2018 RFI,
DOE requested comment on whether
indoor fans typically have multiple
speed settings for WSHPs, and if so,
how manufacturers choose the speed to
use during testing. DOE also requested
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comment on how specified airflow is
achieved if none of the speed settings
produce that airflow at the specified
internal or external static pressure. 83
FR 29048, 29051 (June 22, 2018).
AHRI and WaterFurnace commented
that most WSHP fans have at least three
speeds. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 7;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 7) Trane
commented that their company offers
single-speed and multi-speed units.
(Trane, No. 8 at p. 4) AHRI, Trane, and
WaterFurnace stated that as part of
AHRI’s certification program, the test
facility utilizes the blower speed
specified by the manufacturer in
literature and submission data. (AHRI,
No. 12 at p. 7; Trane, No. 8 at p. 4;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 7) AHRI and
WaterFurnace further stated that
manufacturers select an airflow that is
advantageous for the specifications they
are trying to achieve; for example, low
airflows are beneficial for humidity
removal. Id. The commenters also
indicated that the AHRI WSHP/
Geothermal Operations Manual
specifies steps to be taken if the
manufacturer’s specified airflow is not
met with the initial fan settings, which
include reducing ESP to a minimum
value set forth in the AHRI WSHP/
Geothermal Operations Manual. Id.
AHRI acknowledged that in some
cases, the airflow rate and pressure
conditions specified by ISO 13256–
1:1998 for a given ducted heat pump
without an internal fan may not be
achievable simultaneously. As an
example, AHRI described a scenario in
which the manufacturer-specified
airflow may not be achievable below the
maximum internal pressure drop
specified in section of ISO
13256–1:1998. AHRI stated that ISO
13256–1:1998 does not provide an
approach for simultaneously achieving
the specified airflow rate and pressure
conditions in such a case. (AHRI, No. 12
at p. 7) In such cases, AHRI and
WaterFurnace stated that provisions in
Appendix B of the AHRI WSHP/
Geothermal Operations Manual are used
that permit a tolerance for achieving the
specified airflow within 10 percent of
the manufacturers specified flow rate.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 7; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 6)
On this topic, DOE notes that the
provisions of ISO 13256–1:2021 are
equivalent to those in ISO 13256–1:1998
for setting airflow of non-ducted units
and ducted units without internal fans.
For ducted units with internal fans, ISO
13256–1:2021 provides additional
specifications beyond those in ISO
13256–1:1998. Table 1 of ISO 13256–
1:2021 provides minimum ESP values
and explains that airflow should be set
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as specified by the manufacturer with
an ESP greater than or equal to the
minimum ESP value set forth in ISO
13256–1:2021. For units with nonconstant airflow fans and adjustable
speed, ISO 13256–1:2021 states that the
speed may be adjusted as needed to the
lowest speed that provides at least the
minimum ESP at the specified airflow
rate. In cases where the airflow rate
cannot be maintained within tolerance
with an ESP greater than or equal to the
minimum ESP, the test must be run at
the airflow achieved with an ESP equal
to the minimum ESP.
As noted in section III.F.1.a of this
document, DOE is proposing to adopt
the minimum ESP requirements in
Table 7 of AHRI 340/360–2022 and
condition tolerances in Table 6 of AHRI
340/360–2022. For the reasons that
follow, DOE has tentatively concluded
that AHRI 340/360–2022 is superior to
available alternatives in terms of these
objectives. To start, DOE has tentatively
determined that more specification than
provided in ISO 13256–1:1998 is
needed to ensure consistent and
repeatable setting of airflow and ESP for
testing, thereby ensuring the
representativeness of the results. For
example, ISO 13256–1:1998 does not
specify what to do in certain
circumstances when instructions
provided are unclear or conflict (e.g., if
no fan control setting is certified and
multiple combinations of ESP and fan
speed can provide the manufacturerspecified airflow). Although ISO 13256–
1:2021 provides more specification than
ISO 13256–1:1998 for setting airflow in
ducted units with an internal fan, it still
does not address situations in which
instructions are missing, are unclear, or
conflict. In addition, neither version of
the ISO test procedure specifies an
upper tolerance on ESP for ducted units.
As such, further detail than what is
provided in ISO 13256–1:1998 and ISO
13256–1:2021 is warranted.
Furthermore, the AHRI WSHP/
Geothermal Operations Manual includes
some provisions on fan settings, but
these provisions are likewise
insufficient for setting airflow and ESP
with minimum ESPs and condition
tolerances, as that manual relies on
communication and agreement between
the manufacturer and AHRI in
situations in which both ESP and
airflow tolerances cannot be met. Such
approach is inappropriate in a
regulatory context.
Therefore, as stated previously in this
NOPR, DOE is proposing to incorporate
by reference AHRI 340/360–2022,
including adoption of sections
through, which specify a 3
percent condition tolerance for airflow
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rate, a ¥0.00/+0.05 in H2O condition
tolerance for ESP, and instructions on
setting airflow and ESP during testing.
These sections additionally provide
guidance on what to do during testing
if one or both of the conditions cannot
be met. DOE preliminarily finds that
these provisions would improve test
repeatability, provide test conditions
that are more representative of field
operation, and appropriately address the
issue where none of the speed settings
produce the specified airflow at the
specified internal or external static
DOE notes, however, that the relevant
provisions in AHRI 340/360–2022 were
generally developed for ducted units
with continuously variable-speed fans.
Accordingly, additional provisions
specific to testing ducted units with
discrete-step fans and non-ducted units
are necessary. The following subsections discuss the proposed additional
provisions for such WSHPs.
Issue 11: DOE requests comment on
the proposed adoption of provisions
from AHRI 340/360–2022 for setting
airflow and ESP for WSHP testing.
(i) Ducted Units With Discrete-Step
Many ducted WSHPs have fans with
discrete steps in speed. In situations
where both airflow and ESP tolerances
cannot be met, the instructions in
section of AHRI 340/360–2022
can result in ducted units with discretestep fans operating with ESPs that are
higher than the tolerance on the ESP
requirements due to the difference in
fan speed between each step.
Section of AHRI 340/360–2022
specifies that the measured airflow
during test must be within 3 percent of
the rated airflow and that the ESP
during test must be within ¥0.00/+0.05
in H2O of the minimum ESP specified
in Table 6. Section specifies
that for two adjacent fan control
settings, if the lower setting is too low
(such that ESP or airflow are lower than
the tolerance range) and the higher
setting is too high (such that ESP or
airflow are higher than the tolerance
range), then the higher fan control
setting should be used. At this higher
fan control setting, section
specifies to maintain airflow within
tolerance, which would result in an ESP
higher than the +0.05 in H2O tolerance.
However, WSHPs with discrete-step
fans may have a limited number of fan
control settings, such that testing at the
higher fan speed in this case may result
in testing with an ESP that significantly
exceeds the minimum ESP requirement.
For such units, in a case in which
operating at the lower fan control setting
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with the ESP in tolerance results in an
airflow slightly lower than 97 percent of
the rated airflow, it would be more
representative to test at the lower fan
control setting with the airflow slightly
below the 97 percent tolerance, rather
than test at the higher fan control setting
with an ESP potentially significantly
exceeding the minimum ESP
requirement. In such a case, the
industry test procedures for SPVUs
(AHRI 390–2021; section
and CAC/HPs (AHRI 210/240–2023;
section allow airflow to drop
to 90 percent of the rated airflow while
maintaining ESP within tolerance. DOE
has tentatively concluded that adopting
this approach for WSHPs would result
in testing at conditions more
representative of field applications.
Therefore, for ducted units with
discrete-step fans, DOE is proposing in
section 3.2 of proposed appendix C1
instructions for setting the fan speed in
the scenario in which: (1) tolerances for
airflow and ESP cannot be met
simultaneously, and (2) adjacent fan
control settings result in airflow or ESP
too low at the lower fan control setting
and too high at the higher fan control
setting. These proposed instructions
specify to exclude sections
and of AHRI 340/360–2022,
and to allow airflow to drop to 90
percent of the specified airflow rate
while maintaining ESP within tolerance.
If ESP cannot be maintained within
tolerance at 90 percent of the specified
airflow rate, the proposed instructions
specify to use the next highest fan speed
and allow ESP to exceed the tolerance
while maintaining airflow within
Issue 12: DOE requests comment on
its proposed instructions for setting
airflow and ESP for ducted WSHP units
with discrete-step fans.
(ii) Non-Ducted Units
DOE is aware that some WSHPs may
be installed without indoor air
distribution ducts in the field.
Depending on the type of installation,
the test method specified in ISO 13256–
1:1998 differs; section 4.1.2 of ISO
13256–1:1998 specifies provisions for
WSHPs installed without ducts, and
section 4.1.3 of the standard specifies
provisions for WSHPs installed with
ducts. ISO 13256–1:1998 does not
specify how to distinguish whether a
unit is ducted or non-ducted. The
provisions of ISO 13256–1:2021 are the
same as those of ISO 13256–1:1998 in
this regard.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
comment on the physical characteristics
that distinguish ducted and non-ducted
WSHPs. DOE also requested comment
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on whether any WSHP models can be
installed either with or without indoor
distribution ducts, and if such models
exist, DOE requested comment on
whether manufacturers test these
models to the non-ducted provisions in
section 4.1.2 of ISO 13256–1:1998 or the
ducted provisions in section 4.1.3 of
ISO 13256–1:1998, or whether these
models are tested using both provisions
of section 4.1.2 and 4.1.3. 83 FR 29048,
29050–29051 (June 22, 2018).
In response to DOE’s request for
information, AHRI and WaterFurnace
commented that WSHPs may be
designed for use either with or without
indoor air distribution ducts, and that
while the specified test set-ups are
different, the non-ducted test simulates
the conditions of the ducted test using
a hood with zero static to accumulate
the supply air for volumetric and
enthalpy measurements. (AHRI, No. 12
at pp. 6–7; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp.
AHRI and WaterFurnace also
commented that the majority of WSHPs
are designed for use with ductwork but
that there are some console units
designed to ‘‘free blow’’ into the space
with no ductwork at zero ESP. (AHRI,
No. 12 at pp. 6–7; WaterFurnace, No. 7
at pp. 5–6) AHRI added that such nonducted WSHPs typically include a
tangential blower (similar to packaged
terminal air conditioners) meant for
low-static operation and free discharge
into the conditioned space. (AHRI, No.
12 at pp. 6–7) Trane commented that
motor horsepower and fan size are
designed to deliver zero ESP for nonducted units and that units that are
required to be ducted will require a
different motor horsepower and fan size.
(Trane, No. 8 at p. 4)
Additionally, AHRI and Trane
pointed out that WSHPs are certified to
AHRI as either ‘‘ducted’’ or ‘‘nonducted’’ and that the equipment is
tested to the appropriate section of ISO
13256–1:1998. AHRI and WaterFurnace
commented that there are no known
WSHP models designed for both ducted
and non-ducted application. (AHRI, No.
12 at pp. 6–7; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at
pp. 5–6) In contrast, Trane stated that
although it does not offer any
equipment that can be installed as either
ducted or non-ducted, there is a
selection of WSHP equipment that is
designed for both ducted and nonducted applications. (Trane, No. 8 at pp.
Consistent with AHRI’s,
WaterFurnace’s, and Trane’s comments,
DOE has identified some WSHPs,
marketed as ‘‘console units,’’ which
would operate without a duct. As noted
previously, AHRI 340/360–2022 does
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not have any instructions for setting up
airflow and ESP for non-ducted units.
(AHRI 340/360–2022 is the industry test
procedure for testing CUACs and there
are no non-ducted CUACs.) Section
4.1.5 of ISO 13256–1:1998 and section
5.1.5 of ISO 13256–1:2021 include
provisions for setting airflow for nonducted units at zero ESP, but the
provisions in ISO 13256–1:1998 and
ISO 13256–1:2021 do not specify the
settings to use or how to address
situations in which test procedure
instructions are missing or conflict (also
see discussion in section III.F.1.b of this
NOPR). Therefore, DOE has tentatively
concluded that specific provisions for
non-ducted WSHPs are warranted.
To address testing of non-ducted
WSHPs, DOE proposes separate
provisions for setting airflow and ESP
for non-ducted units in section 3.1 of
proposed appendix C1. Consistent with
ISO 13256–1:1998 and ISO 13256–
1:2021, DOE proposes that non-ducted
units be tested at zero ESP, because nonducted units would not be installed
with ductwork in the field. DOE
proposes that these provisions would
apply to all units that are not configured
exclusively for delivery of conditioned
air to the indoor space without a duct(s).
Units that are configured for delivery of
conditioned air to the indoor space
without a duct(s) would be required to
use the provisions for setting airflow
and ESP in section 6.1.3 of AHRI 340/
360–2022 and section 3.2 of proposed
appendix C1, as applicable.
DOE is proposing in section 3.1 of
proposed appendix C1 that WSHP units
that are not configured exclusively for
delivery of conditioned air to the indoor
space without a duct(s) would be tested
with a target ESP of 0.00 in H2O
(consistent with ISO 13256–1:1998 and
ISO 13256–1:2021) within a tolerance of
¥0.00/+0.05 in H2O in place of the ESP
specified in Table 7 of AHRI 340/360–
2022 (because the ESP requirements in
AHRI 340/360–2022 are intended to
reflect the pressure drop in ductwork for
ducted units). The proposed ESP
tolerance for non-ducted units aligns
with the tolerance for ducted units in
AHRI 340/360–2022. Instead of the
instructions for setting airflow and ESP
in section of AHRI 340/360–
2022, DOE proposes that if both the ESP
and airflow cannot be simultaneously
maintained within tolerance for any
test, to maintain the ESP within the
required tolerance and use an airflow as
close to the target value as possible (i.e.,
prioritize maintaining ESP in tolerance
over maintaining airflow in tolerance).
This is because testing an ESP of more
than 0.05 in H2O would not be
representative for a non-ducted unit
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which would not be installed with
ductwork in the field. Finally, DOE
proposes that if an airflow out of
tolerance is used for the full-load
cooling test, then the measured full-load
cooling airflow is to be used as the
target airflow for all subsequent tests
that call for the full-load cooling airflow
within a tolerance of +/¥3 percent.
These provisions are similar to those
included for testing non-ducted units in
other industry test standards for
comparable categories of commercial air
conditioners and heat pumps, such as
AHRI 390–2021 for testing SPVUs.
DOE has tentatively determined that
these provisions would provide a
representative and repeatable test
procedure for non-ducted WSHPs, and
that they would be appropriate for
testing WSHPs because they are the
generally accepted industry method
used for testing similar equipment such
as SPVUs. This proposed approach
remedies some of the shortcomings
identified with the current WSHP test
procedure which incorporates by
reference ISO 13256–1:1998.
Issue 13: DOE requests comment on
its proposal for setting airflow and ESP
for non-ducted WSHP units.
2. Capacity Measurement
a. Primary and Secondary Methods
The current DOE test procedure,
through adoption of section 6.1 of ISO
13256–1:1998, specifies that total
cooling and heating capacities are to be
determined by averaging the results
obtained using two test methods: the
liquid enthalpy test method for the
liquid side tests and the indoor air
enthalpy test method for the air side
tests. For non-ducted equipment,
section 6.1 of ISO 13256–1:1998
includes an option for conducting the
air-side tests using the calorimeter room
test method instead of the air enthalpy
test method. Section 6.1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998 also specifies that, for a test to
be valid, the results obtained by the two
methods used must agree within 5
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE discussed
how ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 is similar
to the test method in ISO 13256–1:1998,
and that DOE was considering whether
testing to ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
would be appropriate for WSHPs. DOE
further discussed how ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009 requires two capacity
measurements for units with cooling
capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h; the
first method of measurement (i.e., the
primary method) is used as the
determination of the unit’s capacity,
while the second measurement (i.e., the
secondary method) is used to confirm
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rather than to be averaged with the
primary measurement (see section 10.1
and Table 1 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009). 83 FR 29048, 29052 (June 22,
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
information on whether one of the two
capacity measurements prescribed in
ISO 13256–1:1998 gives a consistently
higher or lower result than the other, or
whether one of the methods can be
considered more accurate for a range of
different WSHP configurations and
models. Id. Additionally, DOE requested
comment on whether the ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 approach for
determination of rated capacity (i.e.,
using the primary method’s
measurement as the rated capacity
rather than averaging the two capacity
measurements) would result in more
representative ratings than the ISO
13256–1:1998 approach. Id.
Trane commented that the capacity
value measured by the liquid enthalpy
method is generally higher than the
value measured by the indoor air
enthalpy method, stating that air-side
measurements have more opportunity
for losses than water-side
measurements. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 5)
AHRI and WaterFurnace commented
that the water side test is generally
simpler to conduct and also more
accurate than the air enthalpy method,
because the uncertainties of
measurement are much lower in the
water-side calculations. (AHRI, No. 12
at p. 13; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 11)
AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace
recommended continuing to use the
average of the air-side and water-side
measurements as the basis for capacity
ratings. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13; Trane,
No. 8 at p. 5; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p.
11) AHRI and WaterFurnace stated that
the current approach in ISO 13256–
1:1998 represents a compromise that
helps ensure best testing procedures.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 11) AHRI argued that the
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 approach does
not yield more representative ratings
compared to the ISO 13256–1:1998
method. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13) Trane
further asserted that the average of the
methods is more accurate than the
measurement from either single method
alone. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 5) AHRI and
WaterFurnace also stated that ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 does not include the
liquid enthalpy method of test required
on the source side for all WSHPs.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 10)
In response, DOE notes first that the
capacity measurement provisions in
section 7.1 of ISO 13256–1:2021 differ
from those in section 6.1 of ISO 13256–
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1:1998 in several ways. Instead of
averaging the two capacity
measurements, section 7.1 of ISO
13256–1:2021 specifies that the capacity
rating is equal to the value determined
from the air side (referred to as the load
side in ISO 13256–1:2021), consistent
with the approach used in section 10.1.2
of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009. ISO 13256–
1:2021 also does not allow use of the
calorimeter method in place of the
indoor air enthalpy method for
measuring capacity on the load side, but
section 7.1 of ISO 13256–1:2021 allows
use of the refrigerant enthalpy method
for configurations that cannot use the
indoor air enthalpy method. Section 7.1
of ISO 13256–1:2021 continues to
require the liquid enthalpy method for
measuring capacity on the liquid side
(referred to as the source side in ISO
13256–1:2021). Section 7.1 of ISO
13256–1:2021 also continues to require
the two capacity measurements to agree
within 5 percent for the test to be valid.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 for use
in the WSHP test procedure, including
section E6, which specifies test methods
for capacity measurement. Section E6.1
of AHRI 340/360–2022 requires use of
the indoor air enthalpy method
specified in section 7.3 of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 as the primary
method for capacity measurement. This
is the measurement used to determine
capacity, as required in section 10.1.2 of
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009. Section E6.2.2
of AHRI 340/360–2022 requires use of
one of the applicable ‘‘Group B’’
methods specified in Table 1 of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 as a secondary
method for capacity measurement. The
group B methods that are applicable to
WSHPs are the outdoor liquid coil
method (similar to the liquid enthalpy
method included in the 1998 and 2021
versions of ISO 13256–1), the refrigerant
enthalpy method, and the compressor
calibration method. Section E6.4.2 of
AHRI 340/360–2022 requires that the
primary and secondary measurements
match for full-load cooling and heating
tests, within 6 percent of the primary
measurement. No match is required
between primary and secondary
measurements for part-load cooling
Regarding commenters’ claims that
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 does not
include the liquid enthalpy method of
test required on the source side for all
WSHPs, as discussed, ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009 does include a liquid enthalpy
method of test. The liquid enthalpy
method is referred to as the outdoor
liquid coil method in section 7 of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009, and it provides a
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measurement of liquid enthalpy that is
similar to the measurement provided by
the liquid enthalpy method in
normative appendix C of ISO 13256–
1:1998. As discussed, Table 1 of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 specifies three
secondary capacity measurement
methods (i.e., outdoor liquid coil,
refrigerant enthalpy, and compressor
calibration methods) that may be used
to conduct the secondary measurements
that are required for testing WSHPs with
cooling capacity less than 135,000 Btu/
h, rather than requiring the outdoor
liquid coil for all water-source units (as
is the case in section 6.1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998). Table 1 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009 also specifies the applicability of
each secondary capacity method based
on the configuration of the unit being
tested. This specification of applicable
secondary capacity measurement
methods in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
ensures that the chosen secondary
capacity measurement is accurate
because the outdoor liquid coil method
in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 is not
applicable for certain unit
configurations in which the compressor
heat would not be sufficiently
accounted for. Specifically, section and note g to Table 1 of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 specify that the
outdoor liquid coil method may not be
used if the system has a compressor that
is ventilated by outdoor air or a remote
outdoor compressor that is not insulated
per section of ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009. Section III.F.2.b of this NOPR
includes further discussion on this
As part of DOE’s proposal generally to
adopt the test provisions in section E6
of AHRI 340/360–2022, DOE is
proposing to adopt the provisions for
measuring capacity in AHRI 340/360–
2022 instead of those in section 6.1 of
ISO 13256–1:1998. Using the indoor air
enthalpy measurement as the
measurement of capacity ensures that
actual output of the WSHP—the cooling
or heating of air—is used as the measure
of capacity. The approach used in
section 6.1 of ISO 13256–1:1998, in
which the indoor air enthalpy
measurement is averaged with the
liquid enthalpy measurement, has the
potential to result in capacity values
that are higher than the actual delivered
capacity because of heat transfer to/from
the ambient air (either through heat
transfer through the WSHP cabinet
walls or air leakage). This potential is
consistent with Trane’s comment that
the capacity value measured by the
liquid enthalpy method is generally
higher than the value measured by the
indoor air enthalpy method. In addition,
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the approach used in section E6 of AHRI
340/360–2022 is consistent with the
approach in section 7.1 of ISO 13256–
1:2021, in that the indoor air enthalpy
measurement is used as the capacity
measurement in ISO 13256–1:2021. It is
also consistent with the industry test
procedures for other categories of air
conditioning and heating equipment
(e.g., AHRI Standard 1230, AHRI
Standard 390, and AHRI Standard 210/
240). Therefore, DOE has tentatively
concluded that it is more representative
for the capacity rating of WSHPs to be
determined with the indoor air enthalpy
method, and for the secondary
measurement to serve only as a
verification of the indoor enthalpy
measurement, rather than being
averaged with the indoor air enthalpy
method result to determine the capacity
The proposed provisions do not
permit use of the calorimeter method or
refrigerant enthalpy method in place of
the indoor enthalpy method, which is
allowed in section 6.1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998 and section 7.1 of ISO 13256–
1:2021. However, DOE has tentatively
concluded that alternatives to the
indoor air enthalpy method are not
necessary because DOE is not aware of
any WSHPs that are unable to use the
indoor enthalpy method as specified in
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 (with
additional provisions in AHRI 340/360–
The proposed provisions also allow a
difference in capacity measurements of
up to 6 percent in section E6.4.2 of
AHRI 340/360–2022 instead of the 5
percent allowed in section 6.1 of ISO
13256–1:1998. DOE has tentatively
concluded that this reduces burden
while still ensuring accurate
measurements of indoor air enthalpy.
Once again, this proposal is consistent
with the industry test procedures for
other categories of air conditioning and
heating equipment (e.g., AHRI Standard
1230, AHRI Standard 390, and AHRI
Standard 210/240).
Issue 14: DOE requests comment on
its proposed approach to adopt the
provisions in AHRI 340/360–2022 and
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 regarding
primary and secondary capacity
b. Compressor Heat
DOE has identified split-system
WSHPs available on the market. For at
least one of these split systems WSHPs,
the unit containing the compressor is
intended for either indoor or outdoor
installation. The installed location of
the compressor, in relation to the
conditioned space and other system
components, impacts the capacity of a
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WSHP system and the provisions
necessary for accurately measuring
system capacity due to the generation of
heat during compressor operation.
As discussed in section III.F.2.a of
this NOPR, the current DOE test
procedure, through adoption of ISO
13256–1:1998, requires use of two
methods to measure space-conditioning
capacity provided by a WSHP. One of
these methods, the indoor air enthalpy
method (see normative annex B of ISO
13256–1:1998), measures capacity
directly by measuring mass flow and
enthalpy change of the indoor air.21 The
second method, the liquid enthalpy test
method (see normative annex C of ISO
13256–1:1998), measures heat
transferred at the liquid coil. The liquid
enthalpy measurement is adjusted by
adding or subtracting the total unit
input power (including the compressor
input power) from the measured liquid
side capacity in the heating or cooling
mode tests, respectively, using the
equations in sections C3.1 and C3.2 of
ISO 13256–1:1998.
The liquid enthalpy adjustment in
sections C3.1 and C3.2 of ISO 13256–
1:1998 assumes that all compressor heat
is absorbed and ultimately transferred to
the conditioned space, thereby
increasing heating capacity or
decreasing cooling capacity. However,
this fails to account for any heat
transferred from the compressor or other
components to their surroundings that
does not contribute to space
conditioning. For example, in the case
of a split-system WSHP with an
uninsulated compressor/liquid coil
section installed outdoors, the air that
absorbs compressor heat would not
directly affect the conditioned space. In
this case, adding or subtracting the
entire compressor input power to or
from the capacity calculated based on
liquid temperature change likely
overestimates the impact of compressor
power input on the indoor-side capacity
that is calculated using the liquid
enthalpy-based method.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
comment on whether there are splitsystem WSHP models on the market for
which the unit containing the
compressor is intended only for outdoor
installation or only for indoor
installation. DOE further requested
comment on manufacturers’ practices
for testing split-system WSHPs for
which the compressor is not housed in
the section containing the indoor
refrigerant-to-air coil, including which
test rooms are used for the compressor
section, and whether any adjustments
are made to properly account for the
compressor heat. 83 FR 29048, 29053
(June 22, 2018).
In response to DOE’s requests for
comment, AHRI, Trane, and
WaterFurnace commented that
accounting for compressor heat would
not be a relevant issue because there are
very few, if any, split-system WSHPs in
the commercial market. (AHRI, No. 12 at
p. 13; Trane, No. 8 at p. 5;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 11–12) The
CA IOUs commented that, based on the
AHRI directory, 90 percent of WSHPs
are single-package units. (CA IOUs, No.
9 at p. 2)
As stated previously, DOE has
identified a number of split-system
WSHPs, several of which are certified in
the DOE Compliance Certification
Database, and the Federal test
procedure 22 applies to any WSHP that
meets DOE’s definition of a WSHP.
Further, because split-system WSHPs
are available on the market, test
procedure provisions are needed for
testing them, regardless of their share of
the WSHP market.
Sections D.4 and D.5 of ISO 13256–
1:2021 use the same adjustment of the
liquid enthalpy method as sections C3.1
and C3.2 of ISO 13256–1:1998. Thus,
ISO 13256–1:2021 provides no
additional methods to address
compressor heat for split systems with
the compressor in the liquid coil
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 in its
test procedure for WSHPs. AHRI 340/
360–2022 in turn references the test
method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009.
Sections 6.1.3 and 6.1.5 of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 contain provisions
for addressing compressor heat in the
indoor air enthalpy method that are
similar to the provisions in sections
F7.3 and F7.5 of ISO 13256–1:1998. For
secondary capacity measurements,
however, ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 has
provisions that go beyond the
provisions in ISO 13256–1:1998 to
ensure that capacity is measured more
accurately than it is by ISO 13256–
1:1998, as discussed in the following
Section 7.6 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009 includes a liquid enthalpy
measurement method (referred to as the
21 The alternative calorimeter room test method
(see normative annex E of ISO 13256–1:1998),
allowed to be used instead of the indoor air
enthalpy method for non-ducted WSHPs, also
measures indoor space-conditioning capacity
22 Currently, the DOE test procedure applies to all
WSHPs with a capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h.
However, DOE is proposing in section III.A of this
NOPR to increase the scope of the Federal test
procedure to include all WSHPs with a capacity
less than 760,000 Btu/h.
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‘‘outdoor liquid coil method’’ and
applicable to both single-package units
and split systems) that is similar to the
method in normative annex C of ISO
13256–1:1998 in that it adjusts the
liquid enthalpy measurement by the
total input power of the WSHP. For
split-system WSHPs, ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009 includes the outdoor liquid
coil method, the refrigerant enthalpy
method, and the compressor calibration
method as options for conducting the
secondary measurements that are
required for testing WSHPs with cooling
capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h.
However, ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
limits use of the outdoor liquid coil
method so that it does not apply for
certain unit configurations in which the
compressor heat would not be
sufficiently accounted for. Specifically,
Section and note g to Table 1 of
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 specify that the
outdoor liquid coil method may not be
used if the system has a compressor that
is ventilated by outdoor air or a remote
outdoor compressor that is not insulated
per section of ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009. These limits on the
applicability of the outdoor liquid coil
method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
minimize discrepancy between
measurements from the indoor air
enthalpy method and liquid coil method
by ensuring that either: (1) compressor
heat is captured in indoor air enthalpy
measurements, or (2) compressor heat
loss to outdoor air is minimal because
the compressor is sufficiently insulated.
For split-system WSHPs for which the
outdoor liquid coil method in ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 cannot be used (i.e.,
the system has a compressor that is
ventilated by outdoor air or a remote
outdoor compressor that is not insulated
per section of ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009), ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
requires the use of either the refrigerant
enthalpy method specified in section
7.5 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 or the
compressor calibration method
specified in section 7.4 of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009. For both of these
methods, measured capacity is adjusted
by only the input power of the indoor
section of the WSHP, and not the total
input power. Therefore, for both
methods, the compressor heat lost to
outdoor air from a remote outdoor
compressor or compressor ventilated by
outdoor air would appropriately be
excluded from capacity measurements,
similar to the indoor air enthalpy
method. Therefore, for WSHPs with
those configurations, the refrigerant
enthalpy method and compressor
calibration method specified in sections
7.5 and 7.4 (respectively) of ANSI/
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ASHRAE 37–2009 would provide a
more representative result as compared
to the approach used in normative
annex C of ISO 13256–1:1998 (i.e.,
liquid enthalpy method).
Based on the discussion in the prior
paragraphs, DOE tentatively concludes
that the proposed test procedure would
provide an accurate secondary measure
of capacity for all equipment
configurations and would provide a
more representative secondary measure
of capacity than ISO 13256–1:1998 or
ISO 13256–1:2021 for split systems with
the compressor mounted in the outdoor
3. Cyclic Degradation
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 in its
test procedure for WSHPs, including
section of that industry standard.
Equation 4 in section of AHRI
340/360–2022 is used to calculate partload EER for a unit that needs to cycle
in order to meet the 75-percent, 50percent, and/or 25-percent load
conditions required for the IEER metric.
Cycling is the term used to describe the
process in which a unit’s compressor is
repeatedly turned off and on in order to
meet a load that is lower than the unit’s
capacity at its lowest compressor stage.
Equation 4 of AHRI 340/360–2022
multiplies only the compressor power
and condenser section power by the
load factor and the coefficient of
degradation, while the indoor fan power
and controls power are not multiplied
by these variables. This means that
equation 4 of AHRI 340/360–2022
assumes that the indoor fan continues to
operate when the compressor cycles off.
DOE understands that the draft of AHRI
600 has an equation similar to equation
4 of AHRI 340/360–2022, but the
equation in draft of AHRI 600 assumes
that the indoor fan stops operating
whenever the compressor cycles off.
As discussed previously in section
III.E.4 of this NOPR, stakeholders
provided comment regarding the
operation of a WSHP, including
operation of the fan, in modes other
than mechanical heating and cooling.
(AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 4–5, 9;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 3, 9; Trane,
No. 8 at pp. 2, 5) These comments on
fan operation specifically referred to
operation when there is no heating or
cooling, but they might also be
applicable to the issue of fan operation
during compressor cycling under partload conditions. Certain comments
indicated that it is common for WSHP
fans to operate continuously to provide
air circulation or ventilation air. (AHRI,
No. 12 at pp. 4–5; WaterFurnace, No. 7
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at p. 3) Continuous operation of WSHP
fans indicates that the fan would
continue to run when the compressor
cycles off.
In addition, the cyclic degradation
approach used in equation 4 of AHRI
340/360–2022 is used in the IEER metric
for multiple other categories of
commercial HVAC equipment,
indicating that it is common for the
indoor fan to continue operating while
the compressor cycles off. AHRI 340/
360–2022 is used for testing CUAC/HPs,
and equation 4 of AHRI 340/360–2022
is equivalent to equation 10 of AHRI
1230–2021 (which is used for testing
VRF multi-split systems) and equation 3
of AHRI 390–2021 (which is used for
testing SPVUs). These other equipment
categories typically operate in similar
environments to WSHPs (i.e.,
commercial buildings with ventilation
air requirements). Similar to these other
equipment categories, DOE
acknowledges that not all WSHPs are
installed in the same manner, and the
Department understands that fans
operate continuously for many, but not
all, installed WSHPs. However,
comments received suggest that
continuous operation of fans is
representative of operation of many
WSHPs, and adopting a cyclic
degradation approach that assumes
continuous fan operation is consistent
with the IEER approach used for other
equipment categories that use the IEER
For the foregoing reasons, DOE has
tentatively concluded that the cyclic
degradation approach in equation 4 of
AHRI 340/360–2022 is representative of
WSHP operation. Therefore, DOE is
proposing to adopt the approach in
AHRI 340/360–2022 in proposed
appendix C1. DOE is also proposing in
section of proposed appendix
C1 that the same approach for cyclic
degradation be used when determining
IEER through interpolation and
extrapolation (see discussion in section
III.E.1.b of this NOPR).
Due to the nature of the method to
determine IEER through the proposed
interpolation and extrapolation in
section 5.1.2 of proposed appendix C1,
each component of the cyclic
degradation equation in proposed
section of proposed appendix
C1 (i.e., cooling capacity, compressor
power, condenser section power, indoor
fan power, and controls power) would
be measured and interpolated from the
tested EWTs to the IEER EWTs.
Furthermore, DOE is proposing that the
condenser section power for units
without integral pumps includes a total
pumping effect to better account for the
energy consumption of liquid pumps
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needed for operation of water-loop
WSHP systems. See section III.F.4 of
this document for more details on the
proposed total pumping effect, which
reflects pump power needed to
overcome external static pressure in the
water loop.
Issue 15: DOE requests comment on
the proposal to adopt the cyclic
degradation equation specified in
section of AHRI 340/360–2022
for WSHPs, which assumes continuous
indoor fan operation when the
compressor cycles off.
4. Pump Power Adjustment and Liquid
External Static Pressure
As described in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, the efficiency calculations in ISO
13256–1:1998 include only the liquid
pump power required to overcome the
internal resistance of the unit; pump
power required to overcome ESP of the
water loop is not included in the
effective power input. ISO 13256–
1:1998 also does not specify a minimum
liquid ESP during testing for units with
integral pumps. For units without
integral pumps, the pump power
adjustment in ISO 13256–1:1998
estimates pump power at zero liquid
external static pressure.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
information on typical ESP values for
the liquid pump and if any allowance
for external pressure drop should be
considered in the efficiency metric. 83
FR 29048, 29050 (June 22, 2018). On
this topic, AHRI, Trane, and
WaterFurnace stated that integral
pumps are rare but can be found on
some residential WSHPs. (AHRI, No. 12
at p. 6; Trane, No. 8, at p. 3;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 5) AHRI and
Trane further stated that because nearly
all WSHPs do not have an integral
pump, pump power to overcome liquid
ESP should not be considered in the
efficiency metric. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 6;
Trane, No. 8, at p. 3)
As discussed previously, since the
June 2018 RFI, ISO 13256–1 was
updated. However, the pump power and
liquid ESP provisions in sections 5.1.4
and 5.1.6 of ISO 13256–1:2021 are the
same as those in sections 4.1.4 and 4.1.6
of ISO 13256–1:1998.
In response to comments, DOE notes
that all WSHPs are installed with liquid
loops such that a pump (either integral
to the WSHP or a separate part of the
water loop) must overcome external
resistance from the liquid loop.
Therefore, as described in section III.D.2
of this NOPR, DOE has tentatively
concluded that efficiency metrics that
reflect the power needed for the liquid
pump to overcome a representative
liquid ESP would be more
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representative than metrics that only
include the pump power needed to
overcome the internal static pressure of
the WSHP (as is the case in efficiency
metrics determined per ISO 13256–
1:1998 and ISO 13256–1:2021). DOE has
identified several WSHPs with integral
pumps and has, therefore, tentatively
determined that provisions for testing
units with integral pumps, including
liquid ESP requirements, are warranted.
Even though most WSHP models do not
include integral pumps, as discussed,
such models are installed with system
pumps that must overcome external
resistance of the water loop, and thus,
including pump power to overcome a
representative liquid ESP in the
efficiency metrics for all WSHPs
provides a more representative measure
of field energy use. DOE has also
tentatively determined that
representative ratings for WSHPs with
and without integral pumps should
reflect the same level of liquid ESP (i.e.,
WSHPs without integral pumps should
include a power adder that reflects the
pump power needed to overcome a level
of liquid ESP that aligns with the liquid
ESP used to test WSHPs with integral
pumps). Further, inclusion of pump
power to overcome a representative
liquid ESP provides for more
representative comparisons with other
equipment categories (e.g., air-cooled
equipment) for which there are no
additional power-consuming heat
rejection components.
As such, in this NOPR, DOE is
proposing provisions to account for the
power to overcome a representative
liquid ESP for WSHPs with and without
integral pumps. As described in section
III.D.3 of this document, DOE is
proposing generally to incorporate by
reference AHRI 340/360–2022 as the test
procedure for WSHPs. Section of
AHRI 340/360–2022 specifies that for
WCUACs with cooling capacity less
than 135,000 Btu/h, an adder of 10 W
per 1,000 Btu/h cooling capacity must
be added to the power of WCUACs to
account for cooling tower fan motor and
circulating water pump power
consumption. However, AHRI 340/360–
2022 does not specify how to test units
with integral pumps. Because the
provisions in section of AHRI
340/360–2022 do not specify the level of
liquid ESP that correspond to the
specified adder, it is unclear what test
provisions for units with integral pumps
would align with the AHRI 340/360–
2022 provisions. Further, DOE has
tentatively concluded that pump power
to overcome a representative liquid ESP
should also be accounted for in WSHPs
with cooling capacity greater than
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135,000 Btu/h.23 Given these limitations
of AHRI 340/360–2022 in terms of
addressing WSHPs with integral pumps,
DOE reviewed other sources with the
potential to fill this identified gap.
In the course of such review, DOE
found that AHRI Standard 920–2020,
‘‘Performance Rating of Direct
Expansion-Dedicated Outdoor Air
System Units’’ (‘‘AHRI 920–2020’’),
includes a pump power adder (referred
to as ‘‘water pump effect’’ in AHRI 920–
2020) for water-source DOASes without
integral pumps. Specifically, section of AHRI 920–2020 specifies that
the pump power adder is calculated
with an equation dependent on the
water flow rate and liquid pressure drop
across the heat exchanger, including a
term that assumes a liquid ESP of 20 ft
head. However, AHRI 920–2020 does
not include provisions specific to
testing water-source DOASes with
integral pumps. In a test procedure final
rule for DOASes published in the
Federal Register on July 27, 2022, DOE
adopted the AHRI 920–2020 pump
power adder for water-source DOASes
without integral pumps and adopted an
additional requirement that watersource DOASes with integral pumps be
tested with a liquid ESP of 20 ft of water
column, consistent with the liquid ESP
assumed in the AHRI 920–2020
equation for pump power adder for
units without integral pumps. 87 FR
45164, 45181.
DOE understands that water-source
DOASes and WSHPs are generally
installed in similar types of commercial
building applications that include water
loops with similar external liquid ESPs
(e.g., similar water piping). Therefore,
DOE has tentatively concluded that the
level of liquid ESP assumed in the
DOAS provisions (i.e., 20 ft of water
column) would be representative for
WSHPs. So that ratings are based on the
same level of representative liquid ESP
for WSHPs with and without integral
pumps, DOE is proposing to exclude
section of AHRI 340/360–2022
and instead adopt provisions that align
with the recently adopted provisions for
water-source DOASes. Specifically, DOE
is proposing to require in section 4 of
appendix C1 that all WSHPs with an
integral pump be tested with a liquid
ESP of 20 ft of water column, with a
¥0/+1 ft condition tolerance and a 1 ft
operating tolerance.
For units without integral pumps,
DOE is proposing to require in section
23 Currently, the DOE test procedure applies to all
WSHPs with a cooling capacity less than 135,000
Btu/h. DOE is proposing in section III.A of this
NOPR to increase the scope of the DOE test
procedure to include all WSHPs with a cooling
capacity less than 760,000 Btu/h.
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4.3 of proposed appendix C1 that a
‘‘total pumping effect’’ (calculated using
the same equation as in section
of AHRI 920–2020) be added to the
unit’s measured power to account for
the pump power to overcome the
internal static pressure of the unit and
a liquid ESP of 20 ft of water column.
Further, DOE is proposing to require in
section 4.4 of appendix C1 that the
measured pump power or the pump
effect addition, as applicable, be
included in the condenser section
power for units of all capacities when
performing cyclic degradation during
calculation of IEER.
By accounting for liquid ESP
conditions encountered during field
use, DOE has tentatively concluded that
the proposals would make the resulting
efficiency metrics more representative
of an average use cycle than the
efficiency metrics calculated in ISO
13256–1:1998 and ISO 13256–1:2021.
Issue 16: DOE requests comment on
the proposed provisions to account for
pump power to overcome both internal
pressure drop and a representative level
of liquid ESP for WSHPs with and
without integral pumps. DOE
specifically requests comment on the
representativeness of 20 ft of water
column as the liquid ESP for WSHPs.
5. Test Liquid and Specific Heat
The current DOE WSHP test
procedure, through adoption of section
4.1.9 of ISO 13256–1:1998, requires the
test liquid for water-loop heat pumps
and ground-water heat pumps to be
water, and the test liquid for groundloop heat pumps to be a 15 percent
solution by mass of sodium chloride in
water (i.e., brine). Further, the liquid
enthalpy test method in Annex C of ISO
13256–1:1998, which is included in the
current DOE test procedure, requires the
use of the specific heat capacity of the
test liquid for calculating cooling and
heating capacity but does not specify a
value or method for calculating the
specific heat capacity.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
comment on whether a standard value
or calculation method for the specific
heat capacity of water should be
specified in the WSHP test procedure. If
a standard value should be specified,
DOE requested comment on what value
should be used. 83 FR 29048, 29053
(June 22, 2018).
In response to DOE’s request for
comment, AHRI, Trane, and
WaterFurnace commented that the then
draft revision of ISO 13256–1:1998
included an annex for addressing the
specific heat capacity of water when
using the liquid enthalpy method. These
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commenters further added that
antifreeze use is common in WSHPs.
They stated that the then-draft revision
of ISO 13256–1:1998 allows innovation
by not prescribing a particular antifreeze
composition or concentration, but the
draft standard requires input as to the
relevant thermal properties of the test
fluid for the proper calculation of heat
capacity. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 5; AHRI,
No. 12 at pp. 13–14; WaterFurnace, No.
7 at p. 12)
Section 5.1.7 of ISO 13256–1:2021
requires that the test liquid for the low
temperature heating test (i.e., EWT of
32 °F) must be a brine of the
manufacturer’s specification, while the
test liquid for all other tests may be
water or a brine of a composition and
concentration specified by the
manufacturer. Contrary to the comments
received from industry stakeholders
about the inclusion of provision for
specific heat capacity in the then draft
revision, ISO 13256–1:2021 does not
specify a value or method for
calculating the specific heat capacity of
any test liquids.
In response to these considerations
and comments, DOE is proposing in
section 4.1 of proposed appendix C1
that the test liquid for all tests other
than the proposed optional ‘‘HFL3’’ 24
low temperature heating test (i.e., EWT
of 32 °F) must be water, unless the
manufacturer specifies to use a brine of
15-percent solution by mass of sodium
chloride in water. DOE is proposing in
section 4.1 of proposed appendix C1
that the test liquid for the optional HFL3
low temperature heating test must be a
brine of 15-percent solution by mass of
sodium chloride in water. Ground-loop
applications of WSHPs typically use
brine in the liquid loop, because in cold
weather, the liquid temperature can
reach 32 °F (i.e., the temperature at
which water freezes) in places. A 15percent solution by mass of sodium
chloride in water can withstand
temperatures as low as 14 °F before
freezing. Allowing the use of brine for
testing also provides manufacturers the
flexibility of providing ratings more
representative of ground-loop
applications. Therefore, DOE proposes
to require brine as the liquid for the
optional HFL3 low temperature heating
test (conducted with an EWT of 32 °F),
consistent with section 4.1.9 of ISO
13256–1:1998 and section 5.1.7 of ISO
13256–1:2021, to avoid the liquid
freezing during the test.
DOE has tentatively concluded that a
15-percent solution by mass of sodium
chloride, as specified in section
of ISO 13256–1:1998, is a representative
brine composition and concentration for
applications needing brine (e.g., groundloop), and that consumers can make
more representative comparisons
between models when all models are
rated with the same brine composition
and concentration.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 in its
test procedure for WSHPs. AHRI 340/
360–2022 in turn references the test
method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009, in
which section 12.2.1 requires that
thermodynamic properties of liquids be
obtained from the ASHRAE Handbook—
Fundamentals.25 The ASHRAE
Handbook—Fundamentals specifies
specific heat capacity values for water
and for a brine of 15-percent solution by
mass of sodium chloride at multiple
temperatures. The absence of provisions
in ISO 13256–1:1998 for how to
determine specific heat capacity for test
liquids creates the potential for
variation in measured values based on
how specific heat capacity is
determined. Therefore, to minimize any
such variation, DOE is instead
proposing to adopt relevant provisions
of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009. DOE has
tentatively determined that the
specifications in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009 would be appropriate for testing
WSHPs because they are the generally
accepted industry method used for
testing similar equipment, such as
Issue 17: DOE requests comment on
the proposed requirements for using
water or a brine of 15-percent solution
by mass of sodium chloride as the test
liquid. DOE also requests comment on
the representativeness and test burden
associated with permitting the use of
different liquids for different tests.
Issue 18: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to utilize the
thermodynamic properties specified in
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 through DOE’s
proposed incorporation by reference of
AHRI 340/360–2022.
24 ‘‘HFL3’’ is the nomenclature used to define the
32 °F full load heating test that DOE is proposing
to add in Appendix D.
25 The ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals is
available at:
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6. Liquid Flow Rate
a. Full-Load Cooling Tests
The current DOE test procedure,
through adoption of section of
ISO 13256–1:1998, requires units with
an integral liquid pump to be tested at
the liquid flow rates specified by the
manufacturer or those obtained at zero
ESP difference, whichever provides the
lower liquid flow rate. Section of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
ISO 13256–1:1998 requires that units
without an integral liquid pump be
tested at a liquid flow rate specified by
the manufacturer.
In contrast to the ISO 13256–1:1998
approach, DOE noted in the June 2018
RFI that AHRI 340/360–2007 does not
use a manufacturer-specified liquid flow
rate, and instead specifies inlet and
outlet water temperatures for WCUACs
to be 85 °F and 95 °F, respectively, for
standard-rating full-capacity operation.
The temperature difference between
inlet and outlet determines the liquid
flow rate for the test. 83 FR 29048,
29054 (June 22, 2018).
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
comment on how manufacturers are
selecting water flow rates when testing
WSHPs in cases where multiple flow
rates are provided in product literature.
DOE further requested comment on
what the typical water temperature rise
during testing is and whether the typical
test temperature rise is representative of
field operation. Id.
In response to DOE’s request for
comment, AHRI discussed how the
AHRI certification program requires a
flow rate to be certified, and that the
flow rate is available on the product
certificate and also in the supplemental
PDF. AHRI stated that certified flow rate
makes clear which points to use for
testing WSHPs, if multiple flow rates are
provided in the product literature.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 15) Trane
commented that only one water flow
rate is used to set the rating point of
each WSHP basic model, and that any
other water flow rates provided in the
catalog literature are simply other
application points for customers to use.
(Trane, No. 8 at p. 5)
Trane commented that typical values
of flow rate and temperature rise are 3
gallons per minute (‘‘GPM’’) per ton and
a 10 °F temperature rise in cooling
mode. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 5) AHRI and
WaterFurnace stated that a typical rated
water flow rate is 3 GPM/ton and field
application flow rates are typically
2.25–3 GPM/ton, and that this range
results in a field temperature rise of 9–
14 °F for water-loop applications.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 14; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 13)
Further, AHRI and WaterFurnace
stated that the current test procedure
(which does not specify the outlet water
temperature) allows the manufacturer to
design a more suitable and efficient
system by having the freedom to
innovate systems that perform more
efficiently with lower pressure drop or
perhaps a heat exchanger allowing a
high flow rate but lower pressure drop.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 14; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 13) AHRI also stated that for
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PSC pump motors,26 specifying water
flow is more accurate than specifying a
temperature rise, and that fixing the
temperature change would be a more
difficult approach for these units.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 14) Trane stated that
it would be difficult to set a single value
of flow rate or temperature rise for
WSHP testing that would be
representative of all field applications.
(Trane, No. 8 at p. 5) Trane also
encouraged DOE to not limit the rated
water flow rate, indicating that this
would severely limit the marketplace
and be unrepresentative of real-world
applications. Id. WaterFurnace stated
that changing to a constant temperature
difference approach (i.e., specifying
both inlet and outlet water temperature)
would add undue complication to the
certification program because the pump
power adjustment requires a
manufacturer-specified water flow rate.
(WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 4)
Sections and of ISO
13256–1:2021 include provisions for
setting water flow rate that are
equivalent to the provisions in sections and of ISO 13256–1:1998.
However, DOE is concerned that these
provisions of ISO 13256–1 have the
potential to allow manufacturers to
specify very high flow rates that may
not be representative of field operation.
An overly high flow rate would result in
a liquid temperature rise that is lower
than what is representative of field
operating conditions and a liquid heat
transfer efficiency that is higher than
what is representative of field operation.
In addition, this would result in a
measured efficiency that is higher than
what is representative. Section of
ISO 13256–1:1998 specifies that the
flow rate for integral pumps can be no
higher than the flow rate resulting in
zero liquid ESP, but this does not ensure
that the resulting flow rate is
representative of field use. For units
without integral pumps, ISO 13256–
1:1998 has no limits on flow rate.
In consideration of the preceding
information and public comments, DOE
proposes the following. As discussed in
section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE
proposes to adopt specific sections of
AHRI 340/360–2022 in its test
procedure for WSHPs, including Table
6. Table 6 of AHRI 340/360–2022
specifies inlet and outlet liquid
temperatures of 85 °F and 95 °F,
respectively, for standard-rating cooling
full-capacity operation. This requires
that liquid flow rate for the full-load
cooling test is set at a level that results
26 A permanent split-capacitor (PSC) motor is a
type of electric motor that can be used to power
water pumps in WSHPs.
PO 00000
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in a 10 °F temperature rise from the
85 °F inlet to the 95 °F outlet
DOE notes that Trane commented that
a 10 °F temperature rise is typical of
field operation, and AHRI and
WaterFurnace commented that a 9–14 °F
temperature rise is typical. (Trane, No.
8 at p. 5; AHRI, No. 12 at p. 14;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 13) These
comments indicate that the temperature
rise specified in Table 6 of AHRI 340/
360–2022 is representative of field
operation. In addition, specifying a
fixed temperature rise for all WSHPs
ensures that all models are tested with
a temperature rise that is representative
of field operating conditions. Therefore,
DOE has tentatively concluded that
testing with the required temperature
rise specified in Table 6 of AHRI 340/
360–2022 would produce more
representative results than allowing
manufacturers to continue specifying a
liquid flow rate.
Regarding WaterFurnace’s comment
on the need for a manufacturer-specified
flow rate for the pump power
correction, DOE is not proposing in
section III.F.4 of this NOPR to adopt the
pump power correction specified in the
1998 and 2021 versions of ISO 13256–
1; instead, DOE is proposing to include
pump power to overcome a
representative liquid ESP in the
calculation of WSHP efficiency (see
discussion in section III.F.4 of this
NOPR). As a result, DOE has tentatively
concluded that DOE’s proposed
approach for setting liquid flow rate
would not add any additional
complication to certification.
Regarding AHRI’s and WaterFurnace’s
comment that the use of manufacturerspecified flow rates allows innovation
in design, DOE has tentatively
concluded that setting full-load liquid
flow rate based on a 10 °F temperature
rise would not impede the ability of
manufacturers to innovate. The
requirements of the DOE test procedure
place no requirements on the design of
a WSHP; they only specify requirements
used to measure the performance of
WSHPs in conditions that are
representative of an average use cycle.
As discussed, commenters stated that
10 °F is within the range of temperature
rise values that is representative of
water-loop applications. Therefore, DOE
has tentatively concluded that setting
full-load liquid flow rate to achieve a
10 °F temperature rise would ensure that
all WSHPs are tested with a full-load
flow rate that is representative of an
average use cycle.
For the method of calculating IEER
through interpolation and extrapolation,
DOE is proposing in section 5.1.2 of
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
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proposed appendix C1 (see section
III.E.1.b of this NOPR) to align with the
provisions in AHRI 340/360–2022, as
follows. For the ‘‘CFL3 high
temperature’’ test specified in Table 2 of
appendix C1 27 for the alternative
method of calculating IEER, DOE is
proposing to specify a fixed 10 °F
temperature rise, thus specifying 86 °F
and 96 °F, respectively, for the inlet and
outlet liquid temperatures. For the rest
of the full-load tests required in Table
2 of appendix C1 for the alternative
method of calculating IEER, DOE is
proposing that the liquid flow rate
achieved during the CFL3 full load test
be used. This proposal for full-load tests
is consistent with Table 6 of AHRI 340/
360–2022, because it requires a 10 °F
temperature rise from inlet to outlet,
which is the same amount of
temperature rise required for full-load
testing in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360–
Issue 19: DOE requests comment on
its proposal to adopt the AHRI 340/360–
2022 approach for setting liquid flow
rate for the full-load cooling test,
namely by specifying inlet and outlet
liquid temperature conditions rather
than using a manufacturer-specified
flow rate.
b. Part-Load Cooling Tests
In this NOPR, DOE is specifying partload testing as part of the IEER test
metric (see section III.E.1 of this NOPR),
so provisions are necessary for
determining the liquid flow rate to use
during part-load tests. Table 9 of AHRI
340/360–2022 specifies use of
manufacturer-specified part-load water
flow rates for part-load tests. This is
similar to the requirements in sections and of ISO 13256–1:1998
and sections and of ISO
13256–1:2021, which specify testing at
manufacturer-specified flow rates for all
tests (see also discussion in section
III.F.6.a of this NOPR). Therefore, DOE
is proposing to incorporate by reference
Table 9 of AHRI 340/360–2022 and also
to state in sections 5.1.1 and of
appendix C1 the requirements (from
Table 9 of AHRI 340/360–2022) for
setting part-load liquid flow rate. These
requirements apply to both IEER
determination methods specified in
appendix C1 (i.e., Option 1 and Option
Section E7 of AHRI 340/360–2022,
which addresses units with condenser
head pressure control, states that partload liquid flow rate shall not exceed
the liquid flow rate used for the fullload tests. This requirement is not stated
27 ‘‘CFL3’’ is the nomenclature used in Appendix
C1 to define a full load cooling test at 86 °F.
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anywhere else in AHRI 340/360–2022,
but DOE has tentatively concluded that
it provides a valuable control on the
upper limit of liquid flow rates for partload tests. As a result, DOE is proposing
in sections 5.1.1 and of
appendix C1 that this requirement apply
to all part-load tests for WSHPs.
AHRI 340/360–2022 does not specify
the liquid flow rate to use when the unit
is operating at part load should the
manufacturer not provide one.
Therefore, DOE is proposing in sections
5.1.1 and of appendix C1 to use
the liquid flow rate from full-load
testing if the manufacturer does not
specify a part-load liquid flow rate.
Issue 20: DOE requests feedback on its
proposals to use manufacturer-specified
part-load liquid flow rates for part-load
tests, that the part-load flow rate be no
higher than the full-load flow rate, and
to use the full-load liquid flow rate if no
part-load liquid flow rate is specified.
c. Heating Tests
Consistent with the proposal in
section III.F.6.a of this NOPR for a
method of determining full-load cooling
liquid flow rate of WSHPs based on
outlet water temperature, rather than
using a manufacturer-specified flow rate
as specified by the current Federal test
procedure, DOE is proposing provisions
for setting liquid flow rate during
heating tests. More specifically, DOE is
proposing that the liquid flow rate
determined from the full-load cooling
test be used for all heating tests. DOE
has tentatively concluded that full-load
heating flow rates would generally be
the same as full-load cooling flow rates
for WSHPs installed in field
applications, as the compressor(s)
would be operating at full load in both
cases. Therefore, DOE has tentatively
concluded that the liquid flow rate used
for the full-load cooling test is a
representative flow rate to use for
heating tests.
Specifically, DOE is proposing to
specify in section 6.1 of proposed
appendix C1 that if IEER is determined
using option 1 in section 5.1 of
proposed appendix C1, the liquid flow
rate determined from the ‘‘Standard
Rating Conditions Cooling’’ test for
water-cooled equipment, as defined in
Table 6 of AHRI 340/360–2022, must be
used for all heating tests. If IEER is
determined using option 2 in section 5.1
of proposed appendix C1, DOE is
proposing in section of
proposed appendix C1 to use the liquid
flow rate determined from the CFL3
high temperature cooling test for all
heating tests.
Issue 21: DOE requests comment on
its proposal to use the liquid flow rate
PO 00000
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determined from the full-load cooling
test for all heating tests.
d. Condition Tolerance
Table 9 of ISO 13256–1:1998 and
Table 11 of ISO 13256–1:2021 both
include an operating tolerance of 2
percent and a condition tolerance of 1
percent for the liquid flow rate of
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 in its
test procedure for WSHPs. AHRI 340/
360–2022 in turn references the test
method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009.
Table 11 of AHRI 340/360–2022
includes an operating tolerance of 2
percent for liquid flow rate, but neither
AHRI 340/360–2022 nor ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009 include a condition tolerance
on liquid flow rate.
It is DOE’s understanding that a
condition tolerance is needed for all
tests with a target liquid flow rate. As
discussed in sections III.F.6.a through
III.F.6.c of this NOPR, DOE is proposing
that the full-load cooling test (if using
option 1 for determining IEER, the
‘‘standard rating conditions cooling’’
test in Table 5 of AHRI 340/360–2022;
if using option 2 for determining IEER,
the ‘‘CFL3 high temperature’’ test in
Table 2 of appendix C1) would be
conducted with a liquid flow rate
determined via a specified temperature
rise rather than via a target liquid flow
rate, while other cooling tests and all
heating tests would have target liquid
flow rates (manufacturer-specified for
part-load cooling tests, and a target flow
rate the same as the flow rate
determined from the full-load cooling
test for all other cooling and heating
tests). Therefore, DOE is proposing a
liquid flow rate condition tolerance that
applies for all tests with target liquid
flow rates (i.e., excluding the tests
conducted with a specified temperature
rise—the ‘‘standard rating conditions
cooling’’ test in Table 5 of AHRI 340/
360–2022 and the ‘‘CFL3 high
temperature’’ test in Table 2 of appendix
Specifically, DOE is proposing to
require in sections 5.1.1,, and
6.1 of appendix C1 a condition tolerance
of 1 percent for liquid flow rate,
consistent with the condition tolerance
specified in Table 9 of ISO 13256–
1:1998. This requirement is in addition
to DOE’s proposed adoption of Table 11
of AHRI 340/360–2022, which specifies
an operating tolerance of 2 percent for
liquid flow rate.
Issue 22: DOE requests comment on
its proposal to specify an operating
tolerance of 2 percent and a condition
tolerance of 1 percent for liquid flow
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
rate in all tests with a target liquid flow
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
7. Refrigerant Line Losses
Split-system WSHPs have refrigerant
lines that can transfer heat to and from
their surroundings, which can
incrementally affect measured capacity.
To account for this transfer of heat
(referred to as ‘‘line losses’’), the current
DOE test procedure, through adoption of
ISO 13256–1:1998, provides that if line
loss corrections are to be made, they
shall be included in the capacity
calculations (in section B4.2 for the
indoor air enthalpy method and in
section C3.3 for the liquid enthalpy test
method of ISO 13256–1:1998). ISO
13256–1:1998 does not specify the
circumstances that require line loss
corrections nor the method to use to
determine an appropriate correction.
Section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009, the method of test referenced in
AHRI 340/360–2022, specifies more
detailed provisions to account for line
losses of split systems in the outdoor air
enthalpy method, and section of
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 specifies to use
the same provisions for the outdoor
liquid coil method.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
comment on whether the provisions for
line losses in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
would be appropriate for testing
WSHPs. Furthermore, DOE requested
comment on what modifications to ISO
13256–1:1998 might be necessary to
further address line losses and how
manufacturers of split-system WSHPs
currently incorporate line loss
adjustments into both heating and
cooling capacity calculations. 83 FR
29048, 29052–29053 (June 22, 2018).
In commenting on DOE’s June 2018
RFI, AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace
stated that refrigerant line losses would
not be a relevant issue because there are
very few, if any, split-system WSHPs in
the commercial market. (AHRI, No. 12 at
p. 13; Trane, No. 8 at p. 5;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 11–12)
Section E.3.3 of ISO 13256–1:2021
contains the same statement about line
loss correction as sections B4.2 and C3.3
in ISO 13256–1:1998. Thus, ISO 13256–
1:2021 contains no additional
provisions regarding line loss
As stated previously, DOE has
identified a number of split-system
WSHPs, several of which are certified in
the DOE Compliance Certification
Database, and the Federal test
procedure 28 applies to any WSHP that
28 Currently, the DOE test procedure applies to all
WSHPs with a cooling capacity less than 135,000
Btu/h. However, DOE is proposing in section III.A
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meets DOE’s definition of a WSHP.
Further, because split-system WSHPs
are available on the market, test
procedure provisions are needed for
testing them, regardless of their share of
the WSHP market.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 in its
test procedure for WSHPs. AHRI 340/
360–2022 in turn references the test
method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009. As
described earlier in this section, section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
specifies to use the provisions in section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 for
making line loss adjustments when
using the outdoor liquid coil method.
Section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009 specifies calculations for
determining the line losses for bare
copper or insulated lines. The absence
of provisions in ISO 13256–1:1998 for
how to determine refrigerant line losses
creates the potential for variation in
measured values based on how line
losses are determined. To minimize any
such variation, DOE is proposing to
adopt the relevant provisions in ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009. DOE has tentatively
determined that the specifications in
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 would be
appropriate for testing WSHPs because
they are the generally accepted industry
method used for testing similar
equipment, such as WCUACs.
Issue 23: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the provisions for
line loss adjustments included in
sections and of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 through
incorporation by reference of AHRI 340/
8. Airflow Measurement
The current DOE WSHP test
procedure, through adoption of section
D.1 of ISO 13256–1:1998, requires
airflow measurements to be made in
accordance with the provisions
specified in several different industry
test standards, ‘‘as appropriate.’’ 29
However, ISO 13256–1:1998 is not
explicit regarding the circumstances
under which the different airflow
measurement approaches included in
of this NOPR to increase the scope of the Federal
test procedure to include all WSHPs with a cooling
capacity less than 760,000 Btu/h.
29 The cited industry test standards include: ISO
3966:1977, ‘‘Measurement of fluid flow in closed
conduits—Velocity area method using Pitot static
tubes;’’ ISO 5167–1:1991, ‘‘Measurement of fluid
flow by means of pressure differential devices—Part
1: Orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted
in circular cross-section conduits running full;’’ and
ISO 5221:1984, ‘‘Air Distribution and air
diffusion—Rules to methods of measuring airflow
rate in an air handling duct.’’ These standards can
be purchased from the ISO store at https://
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these industry test standards should be
Section F8 of ISO 13256–1:1998
specifies the requirements for the nozzle
apparatus used to measure airflow. This
device determines airflow by measuring
the change in pressure across a nozzle
of known geometry. Airflow derivations
using this approach often include a
discharge coefficient (i.e., the ratio of
actual discharge air to theoretical
discharge air) to account for factors that
reduce the actual discharge air, such as
nozzle resistance and airflow
turbulence. In general, as the nozzle
throat diameter decreases, nozzle
resistance increases, thereby reducing
actual discharge which is characterized
by a lower discharge coefficient.
Turbulent airflow (as characterized by
Reynolds numbers 30) and temperature
also impact the discharge coefficient.
Section F8.9 of ISO 13256–1:1998
specifies that it is preferable to calibrate
the nozzles in the nozzle apparatus, but
that nozzles of a specific geometry may
be used without calibration and by
using the appropriate discharge
coefficient specified in a lookup table in
section F8.9 of ISO 13256–1:1998. ISO
13256–1:1998 does not specify the
method that should be applied,
however, to determine the coefficient of
discharge for conditions that do not
exactly match the values provided in
the look-up table.
Elsewhere, sections 6.2 and 6.3 of
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 includes
provisions regarding the nozzle airflow
measuring apparatus that are identical
to the provisions in section F8 of ISO
13256–1:1998, except for the method
used to determine the coefficient of
discharge. Section 6.3.3 of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 uses a calculation in
place of the look-up table used in ISO
13256–1:1998, thereby allowing
determination of the coefficient of
discharge at any point within the
specified range.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
comment on which of the methods
specified in ISO 13256–1:1998 (i.e., ISO
3966:1977, ISO 5167–1:1991, and ISO
5221:1984) are used by manufacturers to
measure airflow of WSHPs, and whether
this varies based on WSHP capacity or
configuration. 83 FR 29048, 29054 (June
22, 2018). DOE further requested
information on how manufacturers
determine the coefficient of discharge
for air temperatures and Reynolds
numbers that fall between the values
30 ‘‘Reynolds number’’ is a dimensionless number
that characterizes the flow properties of a fluid.
Section F8.9 of ISO 13256–1:1998 includes an
equation for calculating Reynolds number that
depends on a temperature factor, air velocity, and
throat diameter.
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
specified in the look-up table in section
F8.9 Annex F to ISO 13256–1:1998. Id.
DOE also requested comment on
whether it should incorporate by
reference additional industry test
standards that specify the calculation
method for airflow, such as ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009. Id.
On this topic, AHRI, Trane, and
WaterFurnace commented that
manufacturers generally calibrate each
nozzle to determine the coefficient of
discharge, consistent with the ISO
13256–1:1998 conditions. These
commenters also stated that most
manufacturers use air tunnels for airside
measurements based upon ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 and ANSI/AMCA
Standard 210–16, Laboratory Methods of
Testing Fans for Certified Aerodynamic
Performance Rating (‘‘ANSI/AMCA
210’’), 31 and that these tunnels
generally satisfy the requirements of ISO
5221, ISO 3966, and ISO 5167.
Furthermore, these commenters stated
that the draft revision of ISO 13256–
1:1998 enhanced the method of test
annexes, as ISO standards cannot
reference national standards. (Trane,
No. 8 at p. 5; AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 3, 14;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 12)
To the point raised by commenters,
Annex B of ISO 13256–1:2021 specifies
requirements for airflow measurement
and nozzle apparatus that are consistent
with the requirements in section F8 of
ISO 13256–1:1998, and section B.3.5.3
of ISO 13256–1:2021 contains equations
for determining discharge coefficients
that are equivalent to the equations in
section 6.3.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 in its
test procedure for WSHPs. AHRI 340/
360–2022 in turn references the test
method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009. As
stated earlier in this section, the
provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
provide more specificity in the
determination of airflow characteristics
than the provisions of ISO 13256–
1:1998, but they otherwise align with
the corresponding provisions in ISO
13256–1:1998. The provisions of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 are also equivalent to
those in ISO 13256–1:2021. In addition,
as commenters stated, air measurement
apparatuses based upon ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009 satisfy the requirements of ISO
13256–1:1998. Therefore, DOE has
tentatively concluded that the proposed
test procedure would provide a
31 ANSI/AMCA 210–16 is available at: https://
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representative and repeatable method
for measuring airflow.
Issue 24: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the calculation of
discharge coefficients and air
measurement apparatus requirements of
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009.
9. Air Condition Measurements
Indoor air temperature and humidity
are key parameters that affect WSHP
performance, and for this reason, ISO
13256–1:1998 requires accurate indoor
air condition measurements. However,
informative annexes E and F of ISO
13256–1:1998 specify few requirements
for the methods used to measure indoor
air temperature and humidity.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE identified
that Appendix C of AHRI 340/360–2015
(the most current version of AHRI 340/
360 at the time) provides details on
entering outdoor air temperature
measurement for air-cooled and
evaporatively-cooled CUACs, including
air sampling tree and aspirating
psychrometer requirements, but that
AHRI 340/360–2015 does not state that
these provisions apply for measurement
of entering indoor air temperature and
leaving indoor air temperature. 83 FR
29048, 29054 (June 22, 2018). DOE
requested comment on whether the
requirements for outdoor entering air
measurements in Appendix C of AHRI
340/360–2015 (excluding the
temperature uniformity requirements in
Table C2), such as air sampling
requirements and aspirating
psychrometer requirements, would be
appropriate for measurement of indoor
air entering and leaving temperatures
for WSHPs. Id.
On this topic, Trane, AHRI, and
WaterFurnace commented that the ISO
working group agreed on revised
method of test annexes with further
provisions for air sampling, based off
provisions in ASHRAE 37; ASHRAE
41.1, Standard Methods for
Temperature Measurement; ASHRAE
41.2, Standard Methods for Air Velocity
and Airflow Measurement; and
ASHRAE 41.3, Standard Methods for
Pressure Measurement.32 (Trane, No. 8
at p. 5; AHRI, No. 12 at p. 15;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 13)
After its subsequent publication, DOE
reviewed ISO 13256–1:2021, but in
contrast to the commenters’ expressed
expectations, the Department found that
the updated ISO standard specifies no
requirements for the methods used to
measure indoor air temperature and
humidity, including no provisions for
32 All ASHRAE standards can be found at: https://
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air sampling and aspirating
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 in its
test procedure for WSHPs. Appendix C
of AHRI 340/360–2022 provides more
detailed specifications for the
measurement of air conditions
(including indoor air) than ISO 13256–
1:1998, including aspirating
psychrometer requirements in section
C3.2.1 of AHRI 340/360–2022 and
sampling requirements in section C3.3
of AHRI 340/360–2022. The absence of
provisions in ISO 13256–1:1998 for how
indoor air condition measurements are
conducted creates the potential for
variation in measured values based on
how indoor air condition measurements
are taken. To minimize any such
variation, DOE is proposing to specify
the measurement provisions in
Appendix C of AHRI 340/360–2022.
DOE has tentatively determined that the
specifications in AHRI 340/360–2022
would be appropriate for testing WSHPs
because they are the generally accepted
industry method used for testing similar
equipment, such as WCUACs.
Issue 25: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the air condition
measurement provisions in Appendix C
of AHRI 340/360–2022.
10. Duct Losses
In the calculations for cooling and
heating capacities for the indoor air
enthalpy test method of ISO 13256–
1:1998, the test standard includes a
footnote in sections B3 and B4 of annex
B stating that the equations do not
provide allowances for heat leakage in
the test equipment (i.e., duct losses). In
contrast, section of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 requires adjustments
for such heat leakages and specifies
methods to calculate appropriate values
for the adjustments.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
comment on whether the duct loss
adjustments as described in section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 or
any other duct loss adjustments are used
to adjust capacity measured using the
indoor air enthalpy method when
testing WSHPs. 83 FR 29048, 29054
(June 22, 2018).
In response to DOE’s request for
comment, AHRI, WaterFurnace, and
Trane commented that manufacturers
typically adjust capacity for duct losses
consistent with ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009, and that these provisions are
being included in the revised version of
ISO 13256–1:1998. (AHRI, No. 12 at p.
14; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 12–13;
Trane, No. 8 at p. 5)
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
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Despite commenters’ expressed
expectations, DOE notes that similar to
ISO 13256–1:1998, ISO 13256–1:2021
does not address duct losses.
Specifically, section C.4 of ISO 13256–
1:2021 includes a note that states that
the formulas for calculating cooling and
heating capacity in sections C.3 and C.4
do not provide allowance for heat
leakage in the test duct and the
discharge chamber. Further, ISO 13256–
1:2021 does not specify a method for
calculating the duct losses.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 in its
test procedure for WSHPs. AHRI 340/
360–2022 in turn references the test
method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009. As
discussed earlier in this section, section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
requires, and provides equations for,
duct loss adjustments. The absence of
provisions in ISO 13256–1:1998 for how
to determine duct losses creates the
potential for variation in measured
values based on how and whether duct
losses are accounted for. To minimize
any such variation, DOE is proposing to
adopt the provisions in ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009. DOE has tentatively
determined that the specifications in
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 would be
appropriate for testing WSHPs because
they are the generally accepted industry
method used for testing similar
equipment, such as WCUACs.
Issue 26: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the duct loss
provisions in section of ASHRAE
11. Refrigerant Charging
The amount of refrigerant can have a
significant impact on the system
performance of air conditioners and
heat pumps. DOE’s current test
procedure for WSHPs requires that units
be set up for test in accordance with the
manufacturer installation and operation
manuals. 10 CFR 431.96(e). In addition,
the current DOE test procedure states
that if the manufacturer specifies a
range of superheat, sub-cooling, and/or
refrigerant pressures in the installation
and operation manual, any value within
that range may be used to determine
refrigerant charge or mass of refrigerant,
unless the manufacturer clearly
specifies a rating value in its installation
or operation manual, in which case the
specified rating value shall be used. Id.
However, the current DOE test
procedure does not provide charging
instructions to be used if the
manufacturer does not provide
instructions in the manual that is
shipped with the unit or if the provided
instructions are unclear or incomplete.
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In addition, ISO 13256–1:1998 does not
provide any specific guidance on setting
and verifying the refrigerant charge of a
unit aside from stating in section A2.3
of that standard that equipment shall be
evacuated and charged with the type
and amount of refrigerant specified in
the manufacturer’s instructions, where
DOE noted in the June 2018 RFI that
the test procedure final rule for CAC/
HPs published in the Federal Register
on June 8, 2016 (81 FR 36992, ‘‘June
2016 CAC TP final rule’’) established a
comprehensive approach for refrigerant
charging to improve test reproducibility.
83 FR 29048, 29054 (June 22, 2018). The
approach specifies which set of
installation instructions to use for
charging, explains what to do if no
instructions are provided, specifies that
target values of parameters are the
centers of the ranges allowed by
installation instructions, and specifies
tolerances for the measured values. See
10 CFR part 430, subpart B, appendix
M, section 2.2.5. The approach also
requires that refrigerant line pressure
gauges be installed for single-package
units, unless otherwise specified in
manufacturer instructions. Id. As part of
the June 2018 RFI, DOE sought
comment on whether it would be
appropriate to adopt an approach for
charging requirements for WSHPs
similar to the approach adopted in the
June 2016 CAC TP final rule. 83 FR
29048, 29055 (June 22, 2018).
The CA IOUs commented that only
about 10 percent of WSHPs are split
systems, and that many of the charging
requirements in the June 2016 CAC TP
final rule are for split systems and do
not apply to single-package units.
However, the CA IOUs went on to state
that adopting provisions from the June
2016 CAC TP final rule would be useful
for single-package units, specifically
aspects that relate to pressure gauges for
package units and banning charge
adjustment during testing. The CA IOUs
also suggested that DOE should develop
language to address equipment that
arrives at the test laboratory with
damage, possibly giving some allowance
to recharge WSHPs with minor damage
but requiring a new unit to be shipped
in the case of major damage. The CA
IOUs further stated that adopting
provisions similar to the June 2016 CAC
TP final rule would be beneficial for the
minority of WSHPs that require
charging in the laboratory. (CA IOUs,
No. 9 at p. 2)
Trane commented that all of its WSHP
offerings are single-package units that
are charged at the factory, so charging
requirements would not be necessary.
Trane added that packaged equipment
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requires no external refrigerant lines,
and, therefore, superheat and
subcooling do not need to be
considered. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 6)
WaterFurnace stated that split-system
WSHPs are not sold for commercial
applications, and, therefore, commercial
WSHPs are not field-charged.
(WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 14) AHRI and
Trane commented that adopting
charging requirements would not be
appropriate, because many WSHPs have
no service ports, and that units that do
have service ports are charged by weight
to the specification on the nameplate.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 15; Trane, No. 8 at
p. 6)
DOE notes that the subsequently
published ISO 13256–1:2021 does not
include any provisions regarding
refrigerant charging that differ from ISO
13256–1:1998; the provisions in section
A.2.4 of ISO 13256–1:2021 align with
section A2.3 of ISO 13256–1:1998.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 in its
test procedure for WSHPs, including
section 5.8. Section 5.8 of AHRI 340/
360–2022 specifies a comprehensive set
of provisions regarding refrigerant
charging that is similar to the approach
adopted in the June 2016 CAC TP final
rule. 81 FR 36992, 37030–37031 (June 8,
2016). DOE has tentatively concluded
that these provisions provide sufficient
guidance for setting and verifying the
refrigerant charge of a WSHP. Section
5.8 requires that units be charged at
conditions specified by the
manufacturer in accordance with the
manufacturer installation instructions or
labels applied to the unit. If no
manufacturer-specified charging
conditions are provided, section 5.8
specifies charging at the standard rating
conditions (as defined in Table 6 of
AHRI 340/360–2022). Section 5.8 also
provides additional charging
instructions to be used if the
manufacturer does not provide
instructions or if the provided
instructions are unclear or incomplete
(e.g., specifying default charging targets
to use if none are provided by the
manufacturer, specifying an instruction
priority to be used in the event of
conflicting information between
multiple manufacturer-provided
charging instructions).
DOE disagrees with the commenters’
assertions that charging requirements
are not appropriate for WSHPs. While
DOE acknowledges that most WSHP
models are single-package units, the
Department tentatively concludes that
charging provisions are warranted for
single-package units. DOE notes that
AHRI 210/240–2023 (in section 5.1.8),
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
AHRI 340/360–2022 (in section 5.8),
and AHRI 390–2021 (in section 5.6.3)
include charging provisions that apply
to single-package units. Additionally, as
stated previously, DOE has identified a
number of split-system WSHPs, several
of which are certified in the DOE
Compliance Certification Database, and
the Federal test procedure 33 applies to
any WSHP that meets DOE’s definition
of a WSHP. Further, because splitsystem WSHPs exist, test procedure
provisions are needed for testing them,
regardless of their share of the WSHP
Further, while the use of pressure
gauges is not necessary to adjust charge
if charging is based only on parameters
such as charge weight that do not
require measurement of refrigerant
pressure, installation of pressure gauges
would be warranted for charge
adjustment if charging is based on
parameters that require measurement of
refrigerant pressure such as subcooling
or superheat. Additionally, DOE has
identified several WSHP service
manuals that allow for charge
adjustment in the field, indicate the
presence of pressure ports, and provide
guidance for confirmation of charge
based on sub-cooling or superheat.
Therefore, DOE has tentatively
concluded that the provisions regarding
refrigerant charging in section 5.8 of
AHRI 340/360–2022, including the
provisions specific to installation of
pressure gauges for single-package units
in section 5.8.4 of AHRI 340/360–2022,
are warranted for testing WSHPs. DOE
has tentatively determined that these
provisions ensure that WSHPs are set up
for testing with refrigerant charging
instructions that are representative of
field installations, and that testing is
conducted in a repeatable manner. DOE
also notes that the refrigerant charging
provisions in AHRI 340/360–2022 are
generally consistent with the industry
consensus test procedures for testing
several categories of air conditioning
and heating equipment (e.g., AHRI 340/
360 for CUAC/HPs, AHRI 210/240–2023
for CAC/HPs, AHRI 1230–2021 for VRF
multi-split systems, AHRI 390 for
SPVUs), and DOE has tentatively
concluded that there is no aspect of
WSHPs that differs from all other types
of air conditioners and heat pumps that
would indicate such provisions are not
Issue 27: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the refrigerant
33 Currently, the DOE test procedure applies to all
WSHPs with a cooling capacity less than 135,000
Btu/h. However, DOE is proposing in section III.A
of this NOPR to increase the scope of the Federal
test procedure to include all WSHPs with a capacity
less than 760,000 Btu/h.
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charging requirements in section 5.8 of
AHRI 340/360–2022.
12. Voltage
Operating voltage can affect the
measured efficiency of air conditioners.
The current DOE WSHP test procedure,
through adoption of Tables 1 and 2 of
ISO 13256–1:1998, requires units rated
with dual nameplate voltages to be
tested at both voltages or at the lower
voltage if only a single rating is to be
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested
data and information on the extent of
the effect that voltage has on air
conditioning equipment and if there is
a consistent relationship between
voltage and efficiency. DOE also
requested comment on whether certain
voltages within common dual
nameplate voltages (e.g., 208/230 V) are
more representative of typical field
conditions. 83 FR 29048, 29055 (June
22, 2018).
On this topic, Trane commented that
performance varies slightly with
voltage, and that to be conservative,
Trane tests its units at multiple voltages
and rates at the lowest measured
efficiency. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 6) AHRI
and WaterFurnace had a somewhat
different viewpoint, commenting that
performance at each voltage is not
normally measured and that the effect of
voltage varies by compressor line (e.g.,
stating that in the most recent
generation Copeland Scroll product, the
208V model is 1–2 percent less efficient
than the corresponding 230V model).
AHRI and WaterFurnace also stated that
there are several voltage options
available commercially, and that voltage
selection depends on several different
aspects of the installed application.
(AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 15–16;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 14)
DOE notes that tables 2 and 3 of ISO
13256–1:2021 specify the same voltage
requirements for testing units rated with
dual nameplate voltages as tables 1 and
2 of ISO 13256–1:1998.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific
sections of AHRI 340/360–2022 in its
test procedure for WSHPs, including
section Section of AHRI
340/360–2022 specifies that units with
dual nameplate voltage ratings must be
tested at the lower of the two voltages
if only a single standard rating is to be
published, or at both voltages if two
standard ratings are to be published.
This approach is equivalent to the
approach for dual nameplate voltages
specified in tables 1 and 2 of ISO
13256–1:1998 and tables 2 and 3 of ISO
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Issue 28: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the voltage
provisions in section of AHRI
G. Configuration of Unit Under Test
1. Summary
WSHPs are sold with a wide variety
of components, including many that can
optionally be installed on or within the
unit both in the factory and in the field.
The following sections address the
required configuration of units under
test. In all cases, these components are
distributed in commerce with the WSHP
but can be packaged or shipped in
different ways from the point of
manufacturer for ease of transportation.
Each optional component may or may
not affect a model’s measured efficiency
when tested to the DOE test procedure
proposed in this NOPR. For certain
components not directly addressed in
the DOE test procedure, this NOPR
proposes more specific instructions on
how each component should be handled
for the purposes of making
representations in 10 CFR part 429.
Specifically, these proposed
instructions would provide
manufacturers clarity on how
components should be treated and how
to group individual models with and
without optional components for the
purposes of representations to reduce
burden. DOE is proposing these
provisions in 10 CFR part 429 to allow
for testing of certain individual models
that can be used as a proxy to represent
the performance of equipment with
multiple combinations of components.
DOE is proposing to handle WSHP
components in two distinct ways in this
NOPR to help manufacturers better
understand their options for developing
representations for their differing
product offerings. First, DOE proposes
that the treatment of certain components
is specified by the test procedure, such
that their impact on measured efficiency
is limited. For example, a fresh air
damper must be set in the closed
position and sealed during testing,
resulting in a measured efficiency that
would be similar or identical to the
measured efficiency for a unit without
a fresh air damper. Second, DOE is
proposing provisions expressly allowing
certain models to be grouped together
for the purposes of making
representations and allowing the
performance of a model without certain
optional components to be used as a
proxy for models with any combinations
of the specified components, even if
such components would impact the
measured efficiency of a model. A
steam/hydronic coil is an example of
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
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such a component. The efficiency
representation for a model with a steam/
hydronic coil is based on the measured
performance of the WSHP as tested
without the component installed
because the steam/hydronic coil is not
easily removed from the WSHP for
2. Background
In 2013, the Appliance Standards and
Rulemaking Federal Advisory
Committee formed the Commercial
HVAC Working Group to engage in a
negotiated rulemaking effort regarding
the certification of certain commercial
heating, ventilating, and air
conditioning equipment, including
WSHPs. (See 78 FR 15653 (March 12,
2013)) This Commercial HVAC Working
Group submitted a term sheet
(‘‘Commercial HVAC Term Sheet’’)
providing the Commercial HVAC
Working Group’s recommendations.
(Docket No. EERE–2013–BT–NOC–0023,
No. 52) 35 The Commercial HVAC
Working Group recommended that DOE
issue guidance under current
regulations on how to test certain
equipment features when included in a
basic model, until such time as the
testing of such features can be addressed
through a test procedure rulemaking.
The Commercial HVAC Term Sheet
listed the subject features under the
heading ‘‘Equipment Features Requiring
Test Procedure Action.’’ (Id at pp. 3–9)
The Commercial HVAC Working Group
also recommended that DOE issue an
enforcement policy stating that DOE
would exclude certain equipment with
specified features from Departmental
testing, but only when the manufacturer
offers for sale at all times a model that
is identical in all other features;
otherwise, the model with that feature
would be eligible for Departmental
testing. These features were listed under
the heading ‘‘Equipment Features
Subject to Enforcement Policy.’’ (Id. at
pp. 9–15)
On January 30, 2015, DOE issued a
Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy
addressing the treatment of specific
features during Departmental testing of
commercial HVAC equipment. (See
commercial-equipment-testingenforcement-policies) The Commercial
HVAC Enforcement Policy stated that—
for the purposes of assessment testing
pursuant to 10 CFR 429.104, verification
testing pursuant to 10 CFR 429.70(c)(5),
34 Note that in certain cases, as explained further
in section III.G.3.b of this document, the
representation may have to be based on an
individual model with a steam/hydronic coil.
35 Available at
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and enforcement testing pursuant to 10
CFR 429.110—DOE would not test a
unit with one of the optional features
listed for a specified equipment type if
a manufacturer distributes in commerce
an otherwise identical unit that does not
include one of the optional features. (Id
at p. 1) The objective of the Commercial
HVAC Enforcement Policy is to ensure
that each basic model has a
commercially available version eligible
for DOE testing. That is, each basic
model includes a model either without
the optional feature(s) listed in the
policy or that is eligible for testing with
the feature(s). Id. The features in the
Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy
for WSHPs (Id at pp. 1–3 and 5–6) align
with the Commercial HVAC Term
Sheet’s list designated ‘‘Equipment
Features Subject to Enforcement
By way of comparison, AHRI 340/
360–2022 includes Appendix D, ‘‘Unit
Configuration for Standard Efficiency
Determination—Normative.’’ Section D3
of AHRI 340/360–2022 includes a list of
features that are optional for testing, and
it further specifies the following general
provisions regarding testing of units
with optional features:
• If an otherwise identical model
(within the basic model) without the
feature is not distributed in commerce,
conduct tests with the feature according
to the individual provisions specified in
section D3 of AHRI 340/360–2022.
• For each optional feature, section
D3 of AHRI 340/360–2022 includes
explicit instructions on how to conduct
testing for equipment with the optional
feature present.
The optional features provisions in
AHRI 340/360–2022 are generally
consistent with DOE’s Commercial
HVAC Enforcement Policy, but the
optional features in section D3 of AHRI
340/360–2022 do not entirely align with
the list of features included for WSHPs
in the Commercial HVAC Enforcement
DOE notes that the list of features and
provisions in section D3 of Appendix D
of AHRI 340/360–2022 conflates
components that can be addressed by
testing provisions with components that
if present on a unit under test, could
have a substantive impact on test results
and that cannot be disabled or otherwise
mitigated. This differentiation was
central to the Commercial HVAC Term
Sheet, which as noted previously,
included separate lists for ‘‘Equipment
Features Requiring Test Procedure
Action’’ and ‘‘Equipment Features
Subject to Enforcement Policy,’’ and
remains central to providing clarity in
DOE’s regulations. Further, provisions
more explicit than included in section
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D3 of AHRI 340/360–2022 are warranted
to clarify treatment of models that
include more than one optional
In order to provide clarity between
test procedure provisions (i.e., how to
test a specific unit) and certification and
enforcement provisions (e.g., which
model to test), DOE is not proposing to
adopt Appendix D of AHRI 340/360–
2022 and instead is proposing related
provisions in 10 CFR 429.43, 10 CFR
429.134, and 10 CFR part 431, subpart
F, appendix C1.
3. Proposed Approach for Exclusion of
Certain Components
DOE’s proposals for addressing
treatment of certain components are
discussed in the following sub-sections.
Were DOE to adopt the provisions in 10
CFR 429.43, 10 CFR 429.134, and 10
CFR part 431, subpart F, appendix C1 as
proposed, DOE would rescind the
Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy
to the extent it is applicable to WSHPs.
Issue 29: DOE seeks comment on its
proposals regarding specific
components in 10 CFR 429.43, 10 CFR
429.134, and 10 CFR part 431, subpart
F, appendix C1.
a. Components Addressed Through Test
Provisions of 10 CFR Part 431, Subpart
F, Appendix C1
In 10 CFR part 430, subpart F,
appendix C1, DOE proposes test
provisions for specific components,
including all of the components listed
in section D3 of AHRI 340/360–2022 for
which there is a test procedure action
which limits the impacts on measured
efficiency (i.e., test procedure
provisions specific to the component
that are not addressed by general
provisions in AHRI 340/360–2022 that
negates the component’s impact on
performance). These provisions would
specify how to test a unit with such a
component (e.g., for a unit with hail
guards, remove hail guards for testing).
These proposed test provisions are
consistent with the provision in section
D3 of AHRI 340/360–2022 but include
revisions for further clarity and
specificity (e.g., adding clarifying
provisions for how to test units with
modular economizers as opposed to
units shipped with economizers
installed). Specifically, DOE is
proposing to require in appendix C1
that steps be taken during unit set-up
and testing to limit the impacts on the
measurement of these components:
• Desiccant Dehumidification
• Air Economizers
• Fresh Air Dampers
• Power Correction Capacitors
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
• Ventilation Energy Recovery Systems
• Barometric Relief Dampers
• UV Lights
• Steam/Hydronic Coils
• Refrigerant Reheat
• Fire/Smoke/Isolation Dampers
• Process Heat Recovery/Reclaim Coils/
Thermal Storage
The components are listed and
described in Table 12 in section 7 of the
newly proposed Appendix C1, and test
provisions for them are provided in the
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b. Components Addressed Through
Representation Provisions of 10 CFR
Consistent with the Commercial
HVAC Term Sheet and the Commercial
HVAC Enforcement Policy, DOE is
proposing provisions that explicitly
allow representations for individual
models with certain components to be
based on testing for individual models
without those components—DOE is
proposing a table (‘‘Table 1 to 10 CFR
429.43’’) at 10 CFR 429.43(a)(3)(ii)(A)
listing the components for which these
provisions would apply. There are three
components specified explicitly for
WSHPs in the Commercial HVAC
Enforcement Policy that are not
included in section D3 of AHRI 340/
360–2022: (1) Condenser Pumps/Valves/
Fittings; (2) Condenser Water Reheat;
and (3) Electric Resistance Heaters. DOE
has tentatively concluded that the
inclusion of these components as
optional components for WSHPs is
appropriate, except for electric
resistance heaters. DOE has tentatively
determined that electric resistance
heaters would have a negligible effect
on tested efficiency as they would be
turned off for test and not impose a
significant pressure drop. DOE is
proposing the following components be
listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43:
• Desiccant Dehumidification
• Air Economizers,
• Ventilation Energy Recovery Systems
• Steam/Hydronic Heat Coils,
• Refrigerant Reheat, Fire/Smoke/
Isolation Dampers,
• Powered Exhaust/Powered Return Air
• Sound Traps/Sound Attenuators,
• Process Heat Recovery/Reclaim Coils/
Thermal Storage,
• Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooling of
Ventilation Air,
• Condenser Pumps/Valves/Fittings,
• Condenser Water Reheat,
• Grill Options,
• Non-Standard Indoor Fan Motors
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In this NOPR, DOE is proposing to
specify that the basic model
representation must be based on the
least efficient individual model that is a
part of the basic model and clarifying
how this long-standing basic model
provision interacts with the component
treatment in 10 CFR 429.43 that is being
proposed. DOE believes regulated
entities may benefit from clarity in the
regulatory text as to how the leastefficient individual model within a
basic model provision works with the
component treatment for WSHPs. The
amendments in this NOPR explicitly
state that the exclusion of the specified
components from consideration in
determining basic model efficiency in
certain scenarios is an exception to
basing representations on the least
efficient individual model within a
basic model. In other words, the
components listed in 10 CFR 429.43 are
not being considered as part of the
representation under DOE’s regulatory
framework if certain conditions are met
as discussed in the following
paragraphs, and, thus, their impact on
efficiency is not reflected in the
representation. In this case, the basic
model’s representation is generally
determined by applying the testing and
sampling provisions to the leastefficient individual model in the basic
model that does not have a component
listed in 10 CFR 429.43.
DOE is proposing clarifying
instructions for instances when
individual models within a basic model
may have more than one of the specified
components and there may be no
individual model without any of the
specified components. DOE is proposing
the concept of an ‘‘otherwise
comparable model group’’ (‘‘OCMG’’).
An OCMG is a group of individual
models within the basic model that do
not differ in components that affect
energy consumption as measured
according to the applicable test
procedure other than the specific
components listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR
429.43 but may include individual
models with any combination of such
specified components. Therefore, a
basic model can be composed of
multiple OCMGs, each representing a
unique combination of components that
affect energy consumption as measured
according to the applicable test
procedure, other than the specified
excluded components listed in Table 1
to 10 CFR 429.43. For example, a
manufacturer might include two tiers of
control system within the same basic
model, in which one of the control
systems has sophisticated diagnostics
capabilities that require a more
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powerful control board with a higher
wattage input. WSHP individual models
with the ‘‘standard’’ control system
would be part of OCMG A, while
individual models with the ‘‘premium’’
control system would be part of a
different OCMG B, because the control
system is not one of the specified
exempt components listed in Table 1 to
10 CFR 429.43. However, both OCMGs
may include different combinations of
specified exempt components. Also,
both OCMGs may include any
combination of characteristics that do
not affect the efficiency measurement,
such as paint color.
An OCMG is used to determine which
individual models are used to determine
a represented value. Specifically, when
identifying the individual model within
an OCMG for the purpose of
determining a representation for the
basic model, only the individual
model(s) with the least number (which
could be zero) of the specific
components listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR
429.43 is considered. This clarifies
which individual models are exempted
from consideration for determination of
represented values in the case of an
OCMG with multiple specified
components and no individual models
with zero specific components listed in
Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43 (i.e., models
with a number of specific components
listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43
greater than the least number in the
OCMG are exempted). In the case that
the OCMG includes an individual
model with no specific components
listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43, then
all individual models in the OCMG with
specified components would be
exempted from consideration. The leastefficient individual model across the
OCMGs within a basic model would be
used to determine the representation of
the basic model. In the case where there
are multiple individual models within a
single OCMG with the same non-zero
least number of specified components,
the least efficient of these would be
DOE relies on the term ‘‘comparable’’
as opposed to ‘‘identical’’ to indicate
that for the purpose of representations,
the components that impact energy
consumption as measured by the
applicable test procedure are the
relevant components to consider. In
other words, differences that do not
impact energy consumption, such as
unit color and presence of utility
outlets, would not warrant separate
The use of the OCMG concept results
in the represented values of
performance that are representative of
the individual model(s) with the lowest
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
efficiency found within the basic model,
excluding certain individual models
with the specific components listed in
Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43. Further, the
approach, as proposed, is structured to
more explicitly address individual
models with more than one of the
specific components listed in Table 1 to
10 CFR 429.43, as well as instances in
which there is no comparable model
without any of the specified
components. DOE developed a
document of examples to illustrate the
approach proposed in this NOPR for
determining represented values for
WSHPs with specific components, and
in particular the OCMG concept. See
DOE’s proposed provisions in 10 CFR
429.43(a)(3)(ii)(A) include each of the
components specified in section D3 of
AHRI 340/360–2022 for which the test
provisions for testing a unit with these
components may result in differences in
ratings compared to testing a unit
without these components, except for
the following features: (1) Evaporative
Pre-cooling of Condenser Intake Air; (2)
Non-Standard Ducted Condenser Fans;
and (3) Coated Coils. Because WSHPs
do not have condenser intake air or
condenser fans, DOE is not including
provisions addressing these components
for WSHPs. Non-standards indoor fan
motors and coated coils are discussed in
the following sub-sections.
(i) Non-Standard Indoor Fan Motors
The Commercial HVAC Enforcement
Policy includes high-static indoor
blowers/oversized motors as an optional
feature for WSHPs, among other
equipment. The Commercial HVAC
Enforcement Policy states that when
selecting a unit of a basic model for
DOE-initiated testing, if the basic model
includes a variety of high-static indoor
blowers or oversized motor options,36
DOE will test a unit that has a standard
indoor fan assembly (as described in the
STI that is part of the manufacturer’s
certification, including information
about the standard motor and associated
drive that was used in determining the
certified rating). This policy only
applies where: (a) the manufacturer
distributes in commerce a model within
the basic model with the standard
indoor fan assembly (i.e., standard
motor and drive), and (b) all models in
the basic model have a motor with the
same or better relative efficiency
performance as the standard motor
36 The Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy
defines ‘‘high static indoors blower or oversized
motor’’ as an indoor fan assembly, including a
motor, that drives the fan and can deliver higher
external static pressure than the standard indoor fan
assembly sold with the equipment.
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included in the test unit, as described in
a separate guidance document discussed
subsequently. If the manufacturer does
not offer models with the standard
motor identified in the STI or offers
models with high-static motors that do
not comply with the comparable
efficiency guidance, DOE will test any
indoor fan assembly offered for sale by
the manufacturer.
DOE subsequently issued a draft
guidance document (‘‘Draft Commercial
HVAC Guidance Document’’) on June
29, 2015 to request comment on a
method for comparing the efficiencies of
a standard motor and a high-static
indoor blower/oversized motor.37 As
presented in the Draft Commercial
HVAC Guidance Document, the relative
efficiency of an indoor fan motor would
be determined by comparing the percent
losses of the standard indoor fan motor
to the percent losses of the non-standard
(oversized) indoor fan motor. The
percent losses would be determined by
comparing each motor’s wattage losses
to the wattage losses of a corresponding
reference motor. Additionally, the draft
method contains a table that includes a
number of situations with different
combinations of characteristics of the
standard motor and oversized motor
(e.g., whether each motor is subject to
Federal standards for motors, whether
each motor can be tested to the Federal
test procedure for motors, whether each
motor horsepower is less than one) and
specifies for each combination whether
the non-standard fan enforcement
policy would apply (i.e., whether DOE
would not test a model with an
oversized motor, as long as the relative
efficiency of the oversized motor is at
least as good as performance of the
standard motor). DOE has not issued a
final guidance document and is instead
addressing the issue for WSHPs in this
test procedure rulemaking.
Neither ISO 13256–1:1998 nor ISO
13256–1:2021 address this issue.
Section D4.1 of AHRI 340/360–2022
provides an approach for including an
individual model with a non-standard
indoor fan motor as part of the same
basic model as an individual model
with a standard indoor fan motor. Under
the approach in section D4.1 of AHRI
340/360–2022, the non-standard indoor
fan motor efficiency must exceed the
minimum value calculated using
Equation D1 of AHRI 340/360–2022.
This minimum non-standard motor
efficiency calculation is dependent on
the efficiency of the standard fan motor
and the reference efficiencies
37 Available at
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(determined per Table D1 of AHRI 340/
360–2022) of the standard and nonstandard fan motors.
Section D4.2 of AHRI 340/360–2022
contains a method for how to compare
performance for integrated fans and
motors (‘‘IFMs’’). Because the fan motor
in an IFM is not separately rated from
the fan, this method compares the
performance of the entire fan-motor
assemblies for the standard and nonstandard IFMs, rather than just the fan
motors. This approach enables
comparing relative performance of
standard and non-standard IFMs, for
which motor efficiencies could
otherwise not be compared using the
method specified in section D4.1 of
AHRI 340/360–2022. Specifically, this
method determines the ratio of the input
power of the non-standard IFM to the
input power of the standard IFM at the
same duty point as defined in section
D4.2 (i.e., operating at the maximum
ESP for the standard IFM at the rated
airflow). If the input power ratio does
not exceed the maximum ratio specified
in Table D3 of AHRI 340/360–2022, the
individual model with the non-standard
IFM may be included within the same
basic model as the individual model
with the standard IFM. Section D4.2 of
AHRI 340/360–2022 allows these
calculations to be conducted using
either test data or simulated
performance data.
The approaches in section D4 of AHRI
340/360–2022 for non-standard indoor
fan motors and non-standard indoor
IFMs generally align with the
approaches of the Commercial HVAC
Term Sheet, the Commercial HVAC
Enforcement Policy, and the Draft
Commercial HVAC Guidance
Document, while providing greater
detail and accommodating a wider range
of fan motor options. For the reasons
presented in the preceding paragraphs
DOE proposes to adopt the provisions
for comparing performance of standard
and non-standard indoor fan motors/
IFMs in section D4 of AHRI 340/360–
2022 38 for the determination of the
represented efficiency value for WSHPs
at 10 CFR 429.43(a)(3) and for DOE
assessment and enforcement testing of
WSHPs at 10 CFR 429.134(t)(2). Were
DOE to adopt the provisions of section
D4 of Appendix D of AHRI 340/360–
2022 as proposed, the Commercial
38 Per DOE’s existing certification regulations, if
a manufacturer were to use the proposed approach
to certify a basic model, the manufacturer would be
required to maintain documentation of how the
relative efficiencies of the standard and nonstandard fan motors or the input powers of the
standard and non-standard IFMs were determined
as well as the supporting calculations. See 10 CFR
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
HVAC Enforcement Policy and draft
guidance document, to the extent
applicable to WSHPs, would no longer
Issue 30: DOE requests comment on
its proposal to adopt the methods for
comparing relative efficiency of
standard and non-standard indoor fan
motors and integrated fan and motor
combinations specified in section D4 of
AHRI 340/360–2022 in the provisions
for determination of represented values
in 10 CFR 429.43(a) and provisions for
DOE assessment and enforcement
testing in 10 CFR 429.134.
(ii) Coated Coils
DOE is proposing to exclude coated
coils from the specific components list
specified in 10 CFR 429.43 because DOE
has tentatively concluded that the
presence of coated coils does not result
in a significant impact to performance of
WSHPs, and, therefore, models with
coated coils should be rated based on
performance of models with coated coils
present (rather than based on
performance of an individual model
within an OCMG without coated coils).
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c. Enforcement Provisions of 10 CFR
Consistent with the Commercial
HVAC Term Sheet and the Commercial
HVAC Enforcement Policy, DOE is
proposing provisions in the newly
proposed 10 CFR 429.134(t)(1) regarding
how DOE would assess compliance for
basic models that include individual
models distributed in commerce if DOE
cannot obtain for testing individual
models without the components that are
the basis of representation. Specifically,
DOE proposes that if a basic model
includes individual models with
components listed at Table 1 to 10 CFR
429.43 and DOE is not able to obtain an
individual model with the least number
of those components within an OCMG
(as defined in 10 CFR 429.43(a)(3) and
discussed in section III.G.3.b of this
NOPR), DOE may test any individual
model within the OCMG.
d. Testing Specially-Built Units That
Are Not Distributed in Commerce
Unlike section D3 of AHRI 340/360–
2022, DOE’s Commercial HVAC
Enforcement Policy does not allow a
manufacturer to test a specially-built
model for testing models without a
feature that are not distributed in
commerce. Because testing such
specially-built models would not
provide ratings representative of
equipment distributed in commerce,
DOE has tentatively concluded that this
approach is not appropriate. Therefore,
consistent with the Commercial HVAC
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Enforcement Policy, DOE is not
proposing to allow testing of speciallybuilt units in its representation and
enforcement provisions.
H. Represented Values and Enforcement
1. Cooling Capacity
For WSHPs, cooling capacity
determines equipment class, which in
turn determines the applicable energy
conservation standard. 10 CFR 431.97.
While cooling capacity is a required
represented value for WSHPs, DOE does
not currently specify any provisions for
WSHPs regarding how close the
represented value of cooling capacity
must be to the tested or AEDMsimulated cooling capacity, or whether
DOE will use measured or certified
cooling capacity to determine
equipment class for enforcement testing.
In contrast, at paragraphs (a)(1)(iv) and
(a)(2)(ii) of 10 CFR 429.43 and
paragraph (g) of 10 CFR 429.134, DOE
specifies such provisions regarding the
cooling capacity for air-cooled CUACs
(‘‘ACUACs’’). Because energy
conservation standards for WSHPs are
dependent on cooling capacity,
inconsistent approaches to the
application of cooling capacity between
basic models could result in
inconsistent determinations of
equipment class and, in turn,
inconsistent applications of the energy
conservation standards.
Accordingly, DOE is proposing to add
the following provisions regarding
cooling capacity for WSHPs: (1) a
requirement that the represented
cooling capacity be between 95 percent
and 100 percent of the tested or AEDMsimulated cooling capacity; and (2) an
enforcement provision stating that DOE
would use the mean of measured
cooling capacity values from assessment
and enforcement testing, rather than the
certified cooling capacity, to determine
the applicable standards.
First, DOE proposes to require in 10
CFR 429.43(a)(3)(ii)(B) that the
represented value of cooling capacity
must be between 95 percent and 100
percent of the mean of the cooling
capacity values measured for the units
in the sample (if determined through
testing), or between 95 percent and 100
percent of the net sensible cooling
capacity output simulated by an AEDM.
This tolerance would help to ensure that
equipment: (1) is capable of performing
at the cooling capacity for which it is
represented to commercial consumers
and (2) certified in the appropriate
equipment class for the cooling capacity
the equipment is capable of providing.
This tolerance would also enable
manufacturers to conservatively rate the
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cooling capacity to allow for minor
variations in the capacity measurements
from different units tested at different
Second, DOE is proposing in its
product-specific enforcement provisions
at 10 CFR 429.134(t)(1) that the cooling
capacity of each tested unit of the basic
model will be measured pursuant to the
test requirements of part 431 and that
the mean of the measurements will be
used to determine compliance with the
applicable standards.
As discussed in this section,
applicable energy conservation
standards for WSHPs are dependent on
the rated cooling capacity.
Consequently, in certain cases, overrating a system could result in
decreased stringency by incorrectly
applying a more lenient standard
prescribed for a higher capacity
equipment class. DOE has tentatively
concluded that these proposals would
result in more accurate ratings of
cooling capacity, thereby ensuring
appropriate application of the energy
conservation standards, while providing
flexibility for conservatively rating
cooling capacity to ensure that
equipment is capable of delivering the
cooling capacity that is represented to
commercial consumers.
Issue 31: DOE requests comment on
its proposals related to represented
values and verification testing of cooling
capacity for WSHPs.
2. Enforcement of IEER
As discussed in section III.E.1 of this
document, DOE is proposing two
options for determining IEER. The first
option, ‘‘Option 1’’ as specified in
section 5.1.1 of appendix C1, is based
on testing at the IEER entering water
temperatures. The second option,
‘‘Option 2’’ as specified in section 5.1.2
of appendix C1, is based on testing at
alternate entering water temperatures
and then using interpolation and
extrapolation to determine performance
at IEER entering water temperatures. For
assessment or enforcement testing, DOE
is proposing provisions in
§ 429.134(t)(3) specifying that that the
Department will determine IEER
according to the ‘‘Option 1’’ approach,
unless the manufacturer has specified
that the ‘‘Option 2’’ approach should be
used for the purposes of enforcement, in
which case the Department will
determine IEER according to the
‘‘Option 2’’ approach.
I. Test Procedure Costs and Impact
EPCA requires that the test
procedures for commercial package air
conditioning and heating equipment,
which includes WSHPs, be those
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
generally accepted industry testing
procedures or rating procedures
developed or recognized by AHRI or by
ASHRAE, as referenced in ASHRAE
Standard 90.1. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(A))
Further, if such an industry test
procedure is amended, DOE must
amend its test procedure to be
consistent with the amended industry
test procedure, unless DOE determines,
by rule published in the Federal
Register and supported by clear and
convincing evidence, that such
amended test procedure would not meet
the requirements in 42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2)
and (3) related to representative use and
test burden. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(B))
DOE proposes to reorganize the current
test procedure in proposed appendix C
and to adopt generally through
incorporation by reference the industry
standard AHRI 340/360–2022 in
proposed appendix C1. As discussed,
the proposed test procedure in proposed
appendix C1 would rely on the IEER
metric. Testing pursuant to proposed
appendix C1 would be required only at
such time as compliance is required
with amended energy conservation
standards based on IEER and the
amended COP, should DOE adopt such
standards, or if a manufacturer chooses
to make voluntary representations of
IEER before the compliance date.
As discussed in section III.D.3 of this
NOPR, DOE has tentatively determined
that the proposed test procedure in
proposed appendix C1 would improve
representativeness, accuracy, and
reproducibility as compared to the
current DOE test procedure and would
not be unduly burdensome to conduct.
Because the current DOE test
procedure for WSHPs would be
relocated to appendix C without change,
the proposed test procedure in appendix
C for measuring EER and COP would
result in no change in testing practices
or burden.
DOE tentatively concludes that the
proposed test procedure in proposed
appendix C1 for measuring IEER and
COP would increase testing costs per
unit compared to the current DOE test
procedure. DOE estimates to cost for
third-party laboratory testing of WSHPs
according to the current test procedure
to be $2,200 per unit for units with a
cooling capacity of less than 135,000
Btu/h. DOE estimates the cost for thirdparty lab testing according to the
proposed appendix C1 for measuring
IEER and COP would be $4,450 per unit
for units with a cooling capacity of less
than 135,000 Btu/h. This increase is due
to the increased number of tests
associated with the IEER metric
compared to the current metric, EER.
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IEER requires four tests, whereas EER
only requires one.
Additionally, DOE is proposing to
increase in the scope of applicability of
the test procedure to include all WSHPs
with full-load cooling capacity between
135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h. DOE
estimates the cost for third-party lab
testing of large and very large WSHPs
according to the proposed appendix C1
for measuring IEER and COP would be
$12,000 per unit. DOE estimates a
substantially higher cost for larger
WSHPs because they are generally more
difficult to set up due to size and larger
units typically would need to be set up
in larger and rarer test chambers.
As discussed, in accordance with 10
CFR 429.70, WSHP manufacturers may
elect to use AEDMs. An AEDM is a
computer modeling or mathematical
tool that predicts the performance of
non-tested basic models. These
computer modeling and mathematical
tools, when properly developed, can
provide a means to predict the energy
usage or efficiency characteristics of a
basic model of a given covered product
or equipment and reduce the burden
and cost associated with testing. DOE
estimates the per-manufacturer cost to
develop and validate an AEDM to be
used for all WSHP equipment with a
cooling capacity less than 135,000 Btu/
h would be $12,800. DOE estimates the
per-manufacturer cost to develop and
validate an AEDM to be used for all
WSHPs with a cooling capacity between
135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h would
be $27,900. DOE estimates an additional
cost of approximately $41 per basic
model for determining energy efficiency
using the validated AEDM.39
As discussed in section III.J of this
NOPR, the proposed test procedure
provisions regarding IEER would not be
mandatory until compliance is required
with amended energy conservation
standards that rely on IEER, should DOE
adopt such standards, although any
voluntary early representations of IEER
must be based on the proposed
appendix C1. DOE has tentatively
determined that the test procedure
amendments, if finalized, would not
require manufacturers to redesign any of
the covered equipment or require
changes to how the equipment is
39 DOE estimated initial costs to validate an
AEDM assuming 80 hours of general time to
develop an AEDM based on existing simulation
tools and 16 hours to validate two basic models
within that AEDM at the cost of a engineering
technician wage of $41 per hour plus the cost of
third-party physical testing of two units per
validation class (as required in 10 CFR
429.70(c)(2)(iv)). DOE estimated the additional per
basic model cost to determine efficiency using an
AEDM assuming 1 hour per basic model at the cost
of an engineering technician wage of $41 per hour.
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manufactured, solely as result of the test
procedure amendments. In section IV.B
of this TP NOPR, DOE assesses the
impact to domestic, small
manufacturers of WSHPs from the test
procedure provisions proposed in this
Issue 32: DOE requests comment on
its understanding of the impact of the
test procedure proposals in this NOPR.
DOE also seeks specific feedback on the
estimated costs to rate WSHP models
with an AEDM.
J. Compliance Date
EPCA prescribes that, if DOE amends
a test procedure, all representations of
energy efficiency and energy use,
including those made on marketing
materials and product labels, must be
made in accordance with that amended
test procedure, beginning 360 days after
publication of such a test procedure
final rule in the Federal Register. (42
U.S.C. 6314(d)(1))
Starting 360 days after publication of
a test procedure final rule in the Federal
Register, and prior to the compliance
date of amended standards for watersource heat pumps that rely on IEER,
representations would need to be based
the proposed appendix C. Starting on
the compliance date of amended
standards for water-source heat pumps
that rely on IEER, if adopted,
representations would need to be based
the proposed appendix C1.
Any voluntary representations of IEER
made prior to the compliance date of
amended standards for water-source
heat pumps that rely on IEER would
need to be based on the proposed
appendix C1 starting 360 days after
publication of such a test procedure
final rule in the Federal Register, and
manufacturers may use appendix C1 to
certify compliance with any amended
standards based on IEER, if adopted,
prior to the applicable compliance date
those energy conservation standards.
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory
A. Review Under Executive Orders
12866 and 13563
Executive Order (‘‘E.O.’’) 12866,
‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review,’’ 58
FR 51735 (Oct. 4, 1993), as
supplemented and reaffirmed by E.O.
13563, ‘‘Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review,’’ 76 FR 3821 (Jan.
21, 2011), requires agencies, to the
extent permitted by law, to: (1) propose
or adopt a regulation only upon a
reasoned determination that its benefits
justify its costs (recognizing that some
benefits and costs are difficult to
quantify); (2) tailor regulations to
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
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impose the least burden on society,
consistent with obtaining regulatory
objectives, taking into account, among
other things, and to the extent
practicable, the costs of cumulative
regulations; (3) select, in choosing
among alternative regulatory
approaches, those approaches that
maximize net benefits (including
potential economic, environmental,
public health and safety, and other
advantages; distributive impacts; and
equity); (4) to the extent feasible, specify
performance objectives, rather than
specifying the behavior or manner of
compliance that regulated entities must
adopt; and (5) identify and assess
available alternatives to direct
regulation, including providing
economic incentives to encourage the
desired behavior, such as user fees or
marketable permits, or providing
information upon which choices can be
made by the public. DOE emphasizes as
well that E.O. 13563 requires agencies to
use the best available techniques to
quantify anticipated present and future
benefits and costs as accurately as
possible. In its guidance, the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs
(‘‘OIRA’’) in the Office of Management
and Budget (‘‘OMB’’) has emphasized
that such techniques may include
identifying changing future compliance
costs that might result from
technological innovation or anticipated
behavioral changes. For the reasons
stated in the preamble, this proposed
regulatory action is consistent with
these principles.
Section 6(a) of E.O. 12866 also
requires agencies to submit ‘‘significant
regulatory actions’’ to OIRA for review.
OIRA has determined that this proposed
regulatory action does not constitute a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under
section 3(f) of E.O. 12866. Accordingly,
this action was not submitted to OIRA
for review under E.O. 12866.
B. Review Under the Regulatory
Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires preparation
of an initial regulatory flexibility
analysis (‘‘IRFA’’) for any rule that by
law must be proposed for public
comment, unless the agency certifies
that the rule, if promulgated, will not
have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
As required by Executive Order 13272,
‘‘Proper Consideration of Small Entities
in Agency Rulemaking,’’ 67 FR 53461
(August 16, 2002), DOE published
procedures and policies on February 19,
2003, to ensure that the potential
impacts of its rules on small entities are
properly considered during the DOE
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rulemaking process. 68 FR 7990. DOE
has made its procedures and policies
available on the Office of the General
Counsel’s website:
office-general-counsel. DOE reviewed
this proposed rule to amend the test
procedure of WSHPs under the
provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility
Act and the policies and procedures
published on February 19, 2003.
The following sections detail DOE’s
IRFA for this test procedure rulemaking.
1. Description of Reasons Why Action Is
Being Considered
DOE is proposing to amend the
existing DOE test procedures for watersource heat pumps (‘‘WSHPs’’). DOE
must update the Federal test procedures
to be consistent with relevant industry
test procedures unless DOE determines
by rule published in the Federal
Register and supported by clear and
convincing evidence that the industry
test procedure would not be
representative of an average use cycle or
would be unduly burdensome to
conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(B))
2. Objective of, and Legal Basis for, Rule
Under 42 U.S.C. 6314, EPCA sets forth
the criteria and procedures DOE must
follow when prescribing or amending
test procedures for covered equipment.
EPCA requires that any test procedures
prescribed or amended under this
section must be reasonably designed to
produce test results which reflect energy
efficiency, energy use, or estimated
annual operating cost of covered
equipment during a representative
average use cycle and requires that test
procedures not be unduly burdensome
to conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2))
With respect to WSHPs, EPCA
requires that the test procedures shall be
those generally accepted industry
testing procedures or rating procedures
developed or recognized by the AirConditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration
Institute (‘‘AHRI’’) or by the American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Air-Conditioning Engineers
(‘‘ASHRAE’’), as referenced in ASHRAE
Standard 90.1, ‘‘Energy Standard for
Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential
Buildings’’ (‘‘ASHRAE Standard 90.1’’).
(42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(A)) Further, if such
an industry test procedure is amended,
DOE must amend its test procedure to
be consistent with the amended
industry test procedure, unless DOE
determines, by rule published in the
Federal Register and supported by clear
and convincing evidence, that the
amended test procedure would not
produce test results that reflect the
energy efficiency, energy use, and
estimated operating costs of that
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equipment during a representative
average use cycle or would be unduly
burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C.
EPCA also requires that, at least once
every 7 years, DOE evaluate test
procedures for each type of covered
equipment including WSHPs, to
determine whether amended test
procedures would more accurately or
fully comply with the requirements for
the test procedures to be reasonably
designed to produce test results that
reflect energy efficiency, energy use,
and estimated operating costs during a
representative average use cycle and not
be unduly burdensome to conduct. (42
U.S.C. 6314(a)(1)(A))
DOE is proposing amendments to the
test procedures for WSHPs in
satisfaction of its statutory obligations
under EPCA.
3. Description and Estimate of Small
Entities Regulated
DOE uses the Small Business
Administration (‘‘SBA’’) small business
size standards to determine whether
manufacturers qualify as ‘‘small
businesses,’’ which are listed by the
North American Industry Classification
System (‘‘NAICS’’).40 The SBA
considers a business entity to be small
business if, together with its affiliates, it
employs less than a threshold number of
workers specified in 13 CFR part 121.
WSHP manufacturers, who produce
the equipment covered by this rule, are
classified under NAICS code 333415,
‘‘Air-Conditioning and Warm Air
Heating Equipment and Commercial
and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment
Manufacturing.’’ In 13 CFR 121.201, the
SBA sets a threshold of 1,250 employees
or fewer for an entity to be considered
as a small business for this category.
This employee threshold includes all
employees in a business’s parent
company and any other subsidiaries.
DOE reviewed the test procedures
proposed in this NOPR under the
provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility
Act and the procedures and policies
published on February 19, 2003. The
Department conducted a focused
inquiry into small business
manufacturers of the equipment covered
by this rulemaking. DOE’s analysis
relied on publicly available information
and databases to identify potential small
businesses that manufacture WSHPs
domestically. DOE utilized the
California Energy Commission’s
Modernized Appliance Efficiency
40 The size standards are listed by NAICS code
and industry description and are available at: (Last accessed on July 16, 2021).
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Database System (‘‘MAEDbS’’) 41 and
the DOE’s Certification Compliance
Database (‘‘CCD’’) 42 in identifying
manufacturers. DOE screened out
private labelers because original
equipment manufacturers (‘‘OEMs’’)
would likely be responsible for any
costs associated with testing to the
proposed test procedure. As a result of
this inquiry, DOE identified a total of 25
OEMs of WSHPs in the United States
affected by this rulemaking. DOE
screened out companies that do not
meet the definition of a ‘‘small
business’’ or are foreign-owned and
operated. Of these 25 OEMs of WSHPs,
DOE identified seven as small, domestic
manufacturers for consideration. DOE
used subscription-based business
information tools to determine
headcount and revenue of these small
4. Description and Estimate of
Compliance Requirements
In this NOPR, DOE proposes to add
new appendices C and C1 to subpart F
of part 431, both titled ‘‘Uniform test
method for measuring the energy
consumption of water-source heat
pumps,’’ (‘‘appendix C’’ and ‘‘appendix
C1,’’ respectively). The current DOE test
procedure for WSHPs would be
relocated to appendix C without change.
DOE is proposing in appendix C1 to
adopt generally the industry test
standard AHRI 340/360–2022 for
WSHPs, with certain additional
provisions regarding test conditions to
improve representativeness, accuracy,
and repeatability. Appendix C1 would
be for determining IEER, and use of
appendix C1 would not be required
until such time as compliance is
required with amended energy
conservation standards for WSHPs
based on IEER (should DOE adopt such
standards) or should a manufacturer
choose to make voluntary
representations of IEER. Additionally,
DOE is proposing to increase the scope
of applicability of the test procedure
(including both appendices C and C1) to
include all WSHPs with a full-load
cooling capacity between 135,000 Btu/h
and 760,000 Btu/h. Lastly, this NOPR
seeks to amend certain representation
and enforcement provisions for WSHPs
in 10 CFR part 429.
Appendix C does not contain any
changes from the current Federal test
procedure, and, therefore, would have
41 MAEDbS is available at
AdvancedSearch.aspx (Last accessed Dec. 1, 2021).
42 Certified equipment in the CCD are listed by
product class and can be accessed at (Last
accessed Dec. 1, 2021).
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no cost to industry and would not
require retesting solely as a result of
DOE’s adoption of this proposed
amendment to the test procedure, if
made final.
In appendix C1, DOE is proposing to
adopt generally AHRI 340/360–2022 as
the test procedure for WSHPs. The
proposed test procedure in appendix C1
includes provisions for measuring
efficiency of WSHPs in terms of the
IEER metric for cooling mode and the
COP metric for heating mode. Appendix
C1 is not mandatory at this point in
time. Should DOE adopt energy
conservation standards based on the
proposed metrics in appendix C1 (IEER
and COP) in the future, DOE anticipates
manufacturers would incur costs to rerate models as a result of the standards.
The current DOE test procedure
(applicable only to WSHP with cooling
capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h) results
in costs of approximately $2,200 per
unit for third-party laboratory testing.
DOE estimates the cost for third-party
laboratory testing according to the
proposed appendix C1 to be $4,450 per
Furthermore, as mentioned, DOE is
proposing to increase in the scope of
applicability of the test procedure to
include all WSHPs with a full-load
cooling capacity between 135,000 Btu/h
and 760,000 Btu/h. However, testing for
these WSHPs is not currently mandatory
because there are no energy
conservation standards for WSHPs at or
above 135,000 Btu/h at the present time.
Consequently, manufacturers would not
incur costs as result of this TP NOPR
unless they choose to make voluntary
representations regarding the IEER of
the subject equipment. Any voluntary
representations would need to be based
on the test procedure in appendix C
starting 360 days after the publication of
a test procedure final rule. Should DOE
adopt future energy conservation
standards denominated in terms of IEER
to expand coverage of WSHPs with a
full-load cooling capacity between
135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h, DOE
manufacturers could incur first-time
rating costs as a result of the standard.
DOE estimates the cost for third-party
lab testing according to the proposed
appendix C1 for measuring IEER and
COP of WSHPs with a cooling capacity
between 135,000 Btu/h and 760,000
Btu/h to be $12,000 per unit.
If WSHP manufacturers conduct
physical testing to certify a basic model,
two units are required to be tested per
basic model. The physical test cost,
according to the proposed amendments,
would range between $8,900 to $24,000
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per basic model.43 However,
manufacturers may elect to use
AEDMs.44 An AEDM is a computer
modeling or mathematical tool that
predicts the performance of non-tested
basic models. These computer modeling
and mathematical tools, when properly
developed, can provide a means to
predict the energy usage or efficiency
characteristics of a basic model of a
given covered product or equipment
and reduce the burden and cost
associated with testing. DOE’s
requirements for validation of AEDMs at
10 CFR 429.70(c)(2)(iv) specify that an
AEDM validated with testing of two
WSHP basic models can be used to
develop ratings for WSHPs of any
cooling capacity. If a manufacturer
chooses to update and validate an
AEDM for WSHPs based on testing a
model with a cooling capacity less than
135,000 Btu/h, DOE estimates the cost
would be $12,800. If a manufacturer
chooses to update and validate an
AEDM for WSHPs based on testing a
model with a cooling capacity greater
than or equal to 135,000 Btu/h, DOE
estimates the cost would be $27,900.45
Additionally, DOE estimates a cost of
approximately $41 per basic model for
determining energy efficiency using the
validated AEDM.
When developing cost estimates for
the small OEMs, DOE considers the cost
to update the existing AEDM simulation
tool, the costs to validate the AEDM
through physical testing, and the cost to
rate basic models using the AEDM. DOE
assumes that small business
manufacturers will afford themselves of
the cost-saving opportunity associated
with use of an AEDM.
DOE identified seven small, domestic
OEMs of WSHPs that manufacture
equipment impacted by DOE’s proposal
to adopt metrics in terms of IEER and
COP. Additionally, of these
manufacturers, DOE identified one OEM
that currently manufactures equipment
with a cooling capacity between 135,000
Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h. DOE estimates
43 The cost to test one unit with a cooling capacity
less than 135,000 Btu/h is $4,450, so the cost to test
two units is $8,900. The cost to test one unit with
a cooling capacity greater than 135,000 Btu/h is
$12,000, so the cost to test two units is $24,000.
44 In accordance with 10 CFR 429.70.
45 DOE estimated initial costs to validate an
AEDM assuming 80 hours of general time to
develop an AEDM based on existing simulation
tools and 16 hours to validate two basic models
within that AEDM at the cost of a engineering
technician wage of $41 per hour plus the cost of
third-party physical testing of two units per
validation class (as required in 10 CFR
429.70(c)(2)(iv)). DOE estimated the additional per
basic model cost to determine efficiency using an
AEDM assuming 1 hour per basic model at the cost
of an engineering technician wage of $41 per hour.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
the range of potential costs to these
small businesses as follows.
Given the potential for DOE to adopt
energy conservation standards based on
the proposed metrics in 10 CFR part
431, subpart F, appendix C1 (IEER and
COP) in the future, DOE estimates here
the range of potential re-rating costs for
the seven small, domestic OEMs. The
small, domestic OEMs manufacture an
average of 38 basic models per
manufacturer and average $14.0 million
in annual revenue. DOE estimates that
the associated re-rating costs for these
seven manufacturers would be
approximately $14,400 per
manufacturer, when utilizing AEDMs.
Therefore, the average cost to re-rate all
basic models is estimated to be less than
1 percent of annual revenue for these
small businesses.
Should DOE adopt future energy
conservation standards to include all
WSHPs with a cooling capacity between
135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h, DOE
estimates that the one small, domestic
manufacturer of this equipment-type
would incur first-time rating costs of
$28,100 while making use of an AEDM.
DOE estimates this manufacturer to
have an annual revenue of $11.0
million. Therefore, should DOE adopt
future energy conservation standards to
include all WSHPs with a cooling
capacity between 135,000 Btu/h and
760,000 Btu/h and this manufacturer
were required to re-rate all its models to
the proposed metrics in 10 CFR part
431, subpart F, appendix C1 (IEER and
COP). DOE estimates the cost would be
less than 1 percent of annual revenue
for this small business.46
Issue 33: DOE requests comment on
the number of small OEMs DOE
identified. DOE also seeks comment on
the Department’s estimates of potential
costs these small manufacturers may
incur as a result of its proposed
amendments to the WSHP test
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
5. Duplication Overlap, and Conflict
with Other Rules and Regulations
DOE is not aware of any rules or
regulations that duplicate, overlap, or
conflict with the rule being considered.
6. Significant Alternatives to the Rule
The discussion in the previous
section analyzes impacts on small
businesses that would be expected to
result from DOE’s proposed test rule, if
finalized. The Department has
tentatively determined that there are no
better alternatives than the test
procedure proposed in this NOPR, in
46 DOE estimated the cumulative burden to
represent $42,500.
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terms of both meeting the agency’s
objectives pursuant to EPCA and
reducing burden. Whenever possible,
DOE seeks to utilize applicable industry
test procedures as a way to minimize
burdens on regulated parties. In
reviewing alternatives to the proposed
test procedure, DOE examined other
industry test procedures when
applicable. Ultimately, DOE proposes to
amend the test procedure for WSHPs to
incorporate by reference AHRI 340/360–
2022, the industry test procedure for
testing CUAC/HPs. Furthermore, AHRI
340/360–2022 in turn references ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009, which provides a
method of test applicable to many
categories of air conditioning and
heating equipment. DOE has tentatively
concluded that incorporation by
reference of these industry test
standards would best achieve the
statutory objectives of
representativeness and not being unduly
burdensome on manufacturers,
including small businesses.
Additionally, DOE proposes to reduce
burden on manufacturers, including
small businesses, by allowing AEDMs in
lieu of physically testing all basic
models. The use of an AEDM is less
costly than physical testing WSHP
models. Without AEDMs, DOE estimates
the typical cost to physically test all
WSHP basic models for an average small
manufacturer would be $340,000.
Additional compliance flexibilities
may be available through other means.
Manufacturers subject to DOE’s energy
conservation standards may apply to
DOE’s Office of Hearings and Appeals
for exception relief under certain
circumstances. Manufacturers should
refer to 10 CFR part 1003 for additional
C. Review Under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995
Manufacturers of WSHPs must certify
to DOE that their equipment complies
with any applicable energy conservation
standards. To certify compliance,
manufacturers must first obtain test data
for their equipment according to the
DOE test procedures, including any
amendments adopted for those test
procedures. DOE has established
regulations for the certification and
recordkeeping requirements for all
covered consumer products and
commercial equipment, including
WSHPs. (See generally 10 CFR part
429.) The collection-of-information
requirement for the certification and
recordkeeping is subject to review and
approval by OMB under the Paperwork
Reduction Act (‘‘PRA’’). This
requirement has been approved by OMB
under OMB control number 1910–1400.
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Public reporting burden for the
certification is estimated to average 35
hours per response, including the time
for reviewing instructions, searching
existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection
of information.
DOE is not proposing to amend the
certification or reporting requirements
for WSHPs in this NOPR. Instead, DOE
may consider proposals to amend the
certification requirements and reporting
for WSHPs under a separate rulemaking
regarding appliance and equipment
certification. DOE will address changes
to OMB Control Number 1910–1400 at
that time, as necessary.
Notwithstanding any other provision
of the law, no person is required to
respond to, nor shall any person be
subject to a penalty for failure to comply
with, a collection of information subject
to the requirements of the PRA, unless
that collection of information displays a
currently valid OMB Control Number.
D. Review Under the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
In this NOPR, DOE proposes test
procedure amendments that it expects
will be used to develop and implement
future energy conservation standards for
WSHPs. DOE has determined that this
rule falls into a class of actions that are
categorically excluded from review
under the National Environmental
Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et
seq.) and DOE’s implementing
regulations at 10 CFR part 1021.
Specifically, DOE has determined that
adopting test procedures for measuring
energy efficiency of consumer products
and industrial equipment is consistent
with activities identified in 10 CFR part
1021, appendix A to subpart D, A5 and
A6. Accordingly, neither an
environmental assessment nor an
environmental impact statement is
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132, ‘‘Federalism,’’
64 FR 43255 (August 10, 1999), imposes
certain requirements on agencies
formulating and implementing policies
or regulations that preempt State law or
that have federalism implications. The
Executive order requires agencies to
examine the constitutional and statutory
authority supporting any action that
would limit the policymaking discretion
of the States and to carefully assess the
necessity for such actions. The
Executive order also requires agencies to
have an accountable process to ensure
meaningful and timely input by State
and local officials in the development of
regulatory policies that have federalism
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implications. On March 14, 2000, DOE
published a statement of policy
describing the intergovernmental
consultation process it will follow in the
development of such regulations. 65 FR
13735. DOE has examined this proposed
rule and has determined that it would
not have a substantial direct effect on
the States, on the relationship between
the national government and the States,
or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. EPCA governs and
prescribes Federal preemption of State
regulations as to energy conservation for
the products that are the subject of this
proposed rule. States can petition DOE
for exemption from such preemption to
the extent, and based on criteria, set
forth in EPCA. (42 U.S.C. 6297(d)) No
further action is required by Executive
Order 13132.
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
Regarding the review of existing
regulations and the promulgation of
new regulations, section 3(a) of
Executive Order 12988, ‘‘Civil Justice
Reform,’’ 61 FR 4729 (Feb. 7, 1996),
imposes on Federal agencies the general
duty to adhere to the following
requirements: (1) eliminate drafting
errors and ambiguity; (2) write
regulations to minimize litigation; (3)
provide a clear legal standard for
affected conduct rather than a general
standard, and (4) promote simplification
and burden reduction. Section 3(b) of
Executive Order 12988 specifically
requires that Executive agencies make
every reasonable effort to ensure that the
regulation: (1) clearly specifies the
preemptive effect, if any; (2) clearly
specifies any effect on existing Federal
law or regulation; (3) provides a clear
legal standard for affected conduct
while promoting simplification and
burden reduction; (4) specifies the
retroactive effect, if any; (5) adequately
defines key terms, and (6) addresses
other important issues affecting clarity
and general draftsmanship under any
guidelines issued by the Attorney
General. Section 3(c) of Executive Order
12988 requires executive agencies to
review regulations in light of applicable
standards in sections 3(a) and 3(b) to
determine whether they are met or if it
is unreasonable to meet one or more of
them. DOE has completed the required
review and determined that, to the
extent permitted by law, the proposed
rule meets the relevant standards of
Executive Order 12988.
G. Review Under the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (‘‘UMRA’’) requires
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each Federal agency to assess the effects
of Federal regulatory actions on State,
local, and Tribal governments and the
private sector. Public Law 104–4, sec.
201 (codified at 2 U.S.C. 1531). For a
proposed regulatory action likely to
result in a rule that may cause the
expenditure by State, local, and Tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector of $100 million or more
in any one year (adjusted annually for
inflation), section 202 of UMRA requires
a Federal agency to publish a written
statement that estimates the resulting
costs, benefits, and other effects on the
national economy. (2 U.S.C. 1532(a), (b))
The UMRA also requires a Federal
agency to develop an effective process
to permit timely input by elected
officers of State, local, and Tribal
governments on a proposed ‘‘significant
intergovernmental mandate,’’ and
requires an agency plan for giving notice
and opportunity for timely input to
potentially affected small governments
before establishing any requirements
that might significantly or uniquely
affect small governments. On March 18,
1997, DOE published a statement of
policy on its process for
intergovernmental consultation under
UMRA. 62 FR 12820; also available at DOE examined this proposed
rule according to UMRA and its
statement of policy and determined that
the rule contains neither an
intergovernmental mandate, nor a
mandate that may result in the
expenditure of $100 million or more in
any year, so these requirements do not
H. Review Under the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 1999
Section 654 of the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 1999 (Pub. L. 105–277) requires
Federal agencies to issue a Family
Policymaking Assessment for any rule
that may affect family well-being. This
proposed rule would not have any
impact on the autonomy or integrity of
the family as an institution.
Accordingly, DOE has concluded that it
is not necessary to prepare a Family
Policymaking Assessment.
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
DOE has determined, under Executive
Order 12630, ‘‘Governmental Actions
and Interference with Constitutionally
Protected Property Rights,’’ 53 FR 8859
(March 18, 1988), that this proposed
regulation would not result in any
takings that might require compensation
under the Fifth Amendment to the U.S.
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J. Review Under Treasury and General
Government Appropriations Act, 2001
Section 515 of the Treasury and
General Government Appropriations
Act, 2001 (44 U.S.C. 3516 note) provides
for agencies to review most
disseminations of information to the
public under guidelines established by
each agency pursuant to general
guidelines issued by OMB. OMB’s
guidelines were published at 67 FR
8452 (Feb. 22, 2002), and DOE’s
guidelines were published at 67 FR
62446 (Oct. 7, 2002). Pursuant to OMB
Memorandum M–19–15, Improving
Implementation of the Information
Quality Act (April 24, 2019), DOE
published updated guidelines which are
available at:
DOE has reviewed this proposed rule
under the OMB and DOE guidelines and
has concluded that it is consistent with
applicable policies in those guidelines.
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
Executive Order 13211, ‘‘Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use,’’ 66 FR 28355 (May
22, 2001), requires Federal agencies to
prepare and submit to OMB, a
Statement of Energy Effects for any
proposed significant energy action. A
‘‘significant energy action’’ is defined as
any action by an agency that
promulgated or is expected to lead to
promulgation of a final rule, and that:
(1) is a significant regulatory action
under Executive Order 12866, or any
successor order; and (2) is likely to have
a significant adverse effect on the
supply, distribution, or use of energy; or
(3) is designated by the Administrator of
OIRA as a significant energy action. For
any proposed significant energy action,
the agency must give a detailed
statement of any adverse effects on
energy supply, distribution, or use
should the proposal be implemented,
and of reasonable alternatives to the
action and their expected benefits on
energy supply, distribution, and use.
The proposed regulatory action to
amend the test procedure for measuring
the energy efficiency of WSHPs is not a
significant regulatory action under
Executive Order 12866. Moreover, it
would not have a significant adverse
effect on the supply, distribution, or use
of energy, nor has it been designated as
a significant energy action by the
Administrator of OIRA. Therefore, it is
not a significant energy action, and,
accordingly, DOE has not prepared a
Statement of Energy Effects.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
L. Review Under Section 32 of the
Federal Energy Administration Act of
Under section 301 of the Department
of Energy Organization Act (Pub. L. 95–
91; 42 U.S.C. 7101), DOE must comply
with section 32 of the Federal Energy
Administration Act of 1974, as amended
by the Federal Energy Administration
Authorization Act of 1977. (15 U.S.C.
788; ‘‘FEAA’’) Section 32 essentially
provides in relevant part that, where a
proposed rule authorizes or requires use
of commercial standards, the notice of
proposed rulemaking must inform the
public of the use and background of
such standards. In addition, section
32(c) requires DOE to consult with the
Attorney General and the Chairman of
the Federal Trade Commission (‘‘FTC’’)
concerning the impact of the
commercial or industry standards on
The proposed modifications to the
Federal test procedure for WSHPs
would incorporate testing methods
contained in certain sections of the
following applicable commercial test
standards: AHRI 340/360–2022 and
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009. DOE has
evaluated these standards and is unable
to conclude whether they fully comply
with the requirements of section 32(b) of
the FEAA (i.e., whether they were
developed in a manner that fully
provides for public participation,
comment, and review.) DOE will
consult with both the Attorney General
and the Chairman of the FTC
concerning the impact of these test
procedures on competition, prior to
prescribing a final rule.
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M. Description of Materials
Incorporated by Reference
In this NOPR, DOE proposes to
incorporate by reference the following
test standards:
AHRI 340/360–2022 is an industryaccepted test procedure for measuring the
performance of unitary air-conditioning &
air-source heat pump equipment. AHRI
Standard 340/360–2022 is reasonably
available on AHRI’s website at:
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009, as updated by the
errata sheet, is an industry-accepted test
procedure for measuring the performance of
electrically driven unitary air-conditioning
and heat pump equipment. ANSI/ASHRAE
37–2009 is reasonably available on ANSI’s
website at:
ASHRAE errata sheet to ANSI/ASHRAE
Standard 37–2009 is a technical corrections
sheet for ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009. The errata
sheet for ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 is
reasonably available on ASHRAE’s website
ISO Standard 13256–1:1998 is an industryaccepted test procedure for measuring the
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performance of water-source heat pump
equipment. ISO Standard 13256–1:1998 is
reasonably available on ISO’s website at:
The following standards were
previously-approved for incorporation
by reference in the locations where they
appear in the regulatory text: AHRI 210/
240–2008, AHRI 340/360–2007, AHRAE
127–2007, AHRI 1230–2010, AHRI 390–
V. Public Participation
A. Participation in the Public Meeting
The time and date of the webinar are
listed in the DATES section at the
beginning of this document. Webinar
registration information, participant
instructions, and information about the
capabilities available to webinar
participants will be published on DOE’s
buildings/public-meetings-andcomment-deadlines. Participants are
responsible for ensuring their systems
are compatible with the webinar
Additionally, you may request an inperson meeting to be held prior to the
close of the request period provided in
the DATES section of this document.
Requests for an in-person meeting may
be made by contacting Appliance and
Equipment Standards Program staff at
(202) 287–1445 or by email: Appliance_
B. Procedure for Submitting Prepared
General Statements for Distribution
Any person who has an interest in the
topics addressed in this NOPR, or who
is representative of a group or class of
persons that has an interest in these
issues, may request an opportunity to
make an oral presentation at the public
meeting webinar. Such persons may
submit requests to speak via email to the
Appliance and Equipment Standards
Program at:
ApplianceStandardsQuestions@ Persons who wish to speak
should include with their request a
computer file in WordPerfect, Microsoft
Word, PDF, or text (ASCII) file format
that briefly describes the nature of their
interest in this rulemaking and the
topics they wish to discuss. Such
persons should also provide a daytime
telephone number where they can be
DOE requests persons selected to
make an oral presentation to submit an
advance copy of their statement at least
two weeks before the webinar. At its
discretion, DOE may permit persons
who cannot supply an advance copy of
their statement to participate, if those
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persons have made advance alternative
arrangements with the Building
Technologies Office. As necessary,
requests to give an oral presentation
should ask for such alternative
C. Conduct of the Public Meeting
DOE will designate a DOE official to
preside at the public meeting webinar
and may also use a professional
facilitator to aid discussion. The
meeting will not be a judicial or
evidentiary-type public hearing, but
DOE will conduct it in accordance with
section 336 of EPCA (42 U.S.C. 6306). A
court reporter will be present to record
the proceedings and prepare a
transcript. DOE reserves the right to
schedule the order of presentations and
to establish the procedures governing
the conduct of the public meeting
webinar. There shall not be discussion
of proprietary information, costs or
prices, market share, or other
commercial matters regulated by U.S.
anti-trust laws. After the public meeting
webinar and until the end of the
comment period, interested parties may
submit further comments on the
proceedings and any aspect of the
The webinar will be conducted in an
informal, conference style. DOE will
present a general overview of the topics
addressed in this rulemaking, allow
time for prepared general statements by
participants, and encourage all
interested parties to share their views on
issues affecting this rulemaking. Each
participant will be allowed to make a
general statement (within time limits
determined by DOE), before the
discussion of specific topics. DOE will
allow, as time permits, other
participants to comment briefly on any
general statements.
At the end of all prepared statements
on a topic, DOE will permit participants
to clarify their statements briefly and
comment on statements made by others.
Participants should be prepared to
answer questions by DOE and by other
participants concerning these issues.
DOE representatives may also ask
questions of participants concerning
other matters relevant to this
rulemaking. The official conducting the
webinar will accept additional
comments or questions from those
attending, as time permits. The
presiding official will announce any
further procedural rules or modification
of the procedures that may be needed
for the proper conduct of the public
meeting webinar.
A transcript of the public meeting
webinar will be included in the docket,
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
which can be viewed as described in the
Docket section at the beginning of this
document. In addition, any person may
buy a copy of the transcript from the
transcribing reporter.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
D. Submission of Comments
DOE will accept comments, data, and
information regarding this proposed
rule no later than the date provided in
the DATES section at the beginning of
this proposed rule.47 Interested parties
may submit comments, data, and other
information using any of the methods
described in the ADDRESSES section at
the beginning of this document.
Submitting comments via The web page will
require you to provide your name and
contact information. Your contact
information will be viewable to DOE
Building Technologies staff only. Your
contact information will not be publicly
viewable except for your first and last
names, organization name (if any), and
submitter representative name (if any).
If your comment is not processed
properly because of technical
difficulties, DOE will use this
information to contact you. If DOE
cannot read your comment due to
technical difficulties and cannot contact
you for clarification, DOE may not be
able to consider your comment.
However, your contact information
will be publicly viewable if you include
it in the comment itself or in any
documents attached to your comment.
Any information that you do not want
to be publicly viewable should not be
included in your comment, nor in any
document attached to your comment.
Otherwise, persons viewing comments
will see only first and last names,
organization names, correspondence
containing comments, and any
47 DOE has historically provided a 75-day
comment period for test procedure NOPRs pursuant
to the North American Free Trade Agreement, U.S.Canada-Mexico (‘‘NAFTA’’), Dec. 17, 1992, 32
I.L.M. 289 (1993); the North American Free Trade
Agreement Implementation Act, Public Law 103–
182, 107 Stat. 2057 (1993) (codified as amended at
10 U.S.C.A. 2576) (1993) (‘‘NAFTA Implementation
Act’’); and Executive Order 12889, ‘‘Implementation
of the North American Free Trade Agreement,’’ 58
FR 69681 (Dec. 30, 1993). However, on July 1, 2020,
the Agreement between the United States of
America, the United Mexican States, and the United
Canadian States (‘‘USMCA’’), Nov. 30, 2018, 134
Stat. 11 (i.e., the successor to NAFTA), went into
effect, and Congress’s action in replacing NAFTA
through the USMCA Implementation Act, 19 U.S.C.
4501 et seq. (2020), implies the repeal of E.O. 12889
and its 75-day comment period requirement for
technical regulations. Thus, the controlling laws are
EPCA and the USMCA Implementation Act.
Consistent with EPCA’s public comment period
requirements for consumer products, the USMCA
only requires a minimum comment period of 60
days. Consequently, DOE now provides a 60-day
public comment period for test procedure NOPRs.
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documents submitted with the
Do not submit to
information for which disclosure is
restricted by statute, such as trade
secrets and commercial or financial
information (hereinafter referred to as
Confidential Business Information
(‘‘CBI’’)). Comments submitted through cannot be claimed
as CBI. Comments received through the
website will waive any CBI claims for
the information submitted. For
information on submitting CBI, see the
Confidential Business Information
DOE processes submissions made
through before
posting. Normally, comments will be
posted within a few days of being
submitted. However, if large volumes of
comments are being processed
simultaneously, your comment may not
be viewable for up to several weeks.
Please keep the comment tracking
number that
provides after you have successfully
uploaded your comment.
Submitting comments via email.
Comments and documents submitted
via email also will be posted to If you do not want
your personal contact information to be
publicly viewable, do not include it in
your comment or any accompanying
documents. Instead, provide your
contact information in a cover letter.
Include your first and last names, email
address, telephone number, and
optional mailing address. With this
instruction followed, the cover letter
will not be publicly viewable as long as
it does not include any comments.
Include contact information each time
you submit comments, data, documents,
and other information to DOE. No
telefacsimiles (faxes) will be accepted.
Comments, data, and other
information submitted to DOE
electronically should be provided in
PDF (preferred), Microsoft Word or
Excel, WordPerfect, or text (ASCII) file
format. Provide documents that are not
secured, written in English, and free of
any defects or viruses. Documents
should not contain special characters or
any form of encryption, and, if possible,
they should carry the electronic
signature of the author.
Campaign form letters. Please submit
campaign form letters by the originating
organization in batches of between 50 to
500 form letters per PDF or as one form
letter with a list of supporters’ names
compiled into one or more PDFs. This
reduces comment processing and
posting time.
Confidential Business Information.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 1004.11, any person
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submitting information that he or she
believes to be confidential and exempt
by law from public disclosure should
submit via email two well-marked
copies: one copy of the document
marked ‘‘confidential’’ including all the
information believed to be confidential,
and one copy of the document marked
‘‘non-confidential’’ with the information
believed to be confidential deleted. DOE
will make its own determination about
the confidential status of the
information and treat it according to its
It is DOE’s policy that all comments
may be included in the public docket,
without change and as received,
including any personal information
provided in the comments (except
information deemed to be exempt from
public disclosure).
E. Issues on Which DOE Seeks Comment
Although DOE welcomes comments
on any aspect of this proposal, DOE is
particularly interested in receiving
comments and views of interested
parties concerning the following issues:
Issue 1: DOE requests comments on
the proposed expansion of the scope of
applicability of the Federal test
procedure to include WSHPs with
cooling capacity between 135,000 and
760,000 Btu/h.
Issue 2: DOE requests comments on
the proposed change to the definition of
WSHP to explicitly indicate that WSHP
is a category of commercial package airconditioning and heating equipment,
and to clarify that the presence of an
indoor fan does not apply to coil-only
Issue 3: DOE requests comment on its
proposal to adopt the test methods
specified in AHRI 340/360–2022 for
calculating the IEER of WSHPs. DOE
also requests comment on its proposal
that all EER tests at full-load and partload conditions specified in Table 1 of
ISO 13256–1:1998 (i.e., full-load tests at
86 °F, 77 °F, and 59 °F and part-load
tests at 86 °F, 68 °F, and 59 °F) are
Issue 4: DOE requests comment on the
proposal to allow determination of IEER
using two different methods: (1) testing
in accordance with AHRI 340/360–2022;
or (2) interpolation and extrapolation of
cooling capacity and power values
based on testing in accordance with the
proposed test procedure at the EWTs
specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256–
1:1998. Specifically, DOE seeks
feedback on the proposed method for
calculating IEER via interpolation and
extrapolation, and on whether this
approach would serve as a potential
burden-reducing option as compared to
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
testing at the AHRI 340/360–2022
Issue 5: DOE requests comment on
whether the proposed methodology to
determine IEER based on interpolation
and extrapolation is appropriate for
variable-speed units. DOE would
consider requiring variable-speed
equipment be tested only according to
AHRI 340/360–2022 and, thus, testing
physically at the IEER EWTs, if
suggested by commenters.
Issue 6: DOE seeks feedback on
whether the proposed interpolation and
extrapolation method should be based
on testing at the ISO 13256–1:2021
Issue 7: DOE seeks comment and data
on the representativeness of 55 °F as the
EWT condition for determining COP.
Specifically, DOE requests feedback and
data on whether a lower EWT, such as
50 °F, would be more representative of
heating operation of WSHPs. DOE will
further consider any alternate EWT
suggested by comments in developing
any final rule.
Issue 8: DOE requests comment on the
proposal to allow determination of COP
using two different methods: (1) testing
at 55 °F; or (2) interpolation of heating
capacity and power values based on
testing in accordance with the proposed
test procedure at EWTs specified for
heating tests in Table 2 of ISO 13256–
1:1998 (i.e., 50 °F and 68 °F).
Specifically, DOE seeks feedback on the
proposed method for calculating COP
via interpolation, and on whether this
approach would serve as a potential
burden-reducing option as compared to
testing at 55 °F.
Issue 9: DOE requests comment on its
proposal to specify in proposed
appendix C1 use of the cooling entering
air conditions from AHRI 340/360–2022
(i.e., 80 °F dry-bulb temperature and
67 °F wet-bulb temperature) and the
heating entering air conditions from
AHRI 340/360–2022 (i.e., 70 °F dry-bulb
temperature and a maximum of 60 °F
wet-bulb temperature).
Issue 10: DOE requests comment on
the proposal to adopt provisions from
AHRI 340/360–2022 such that testing
would be conducted within tolerance of
the AHRI 340/360–2022 minimum ESP
requirements, and efficiency ratings
would include the fan power measured
to overcome the tested ESP.
Issue 11: DOE requests comment on
the proposed adoption of provisions
from AHRI 340/360–2022 for setting
airflow and ESP for WSHP testing.
Issue 12: DOE requests comment on
its proposed instructions for setting
airflow and ESP for ducted WSHP units
with discrete-step fans.
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Issue 13: DOE requests comment on
its proposal for setting airflow and ESP
for non-ducted WSHP units.
Issue 14: DOE requests comment on
its proposed approach to adopt the
provisions in AHRI 340/360–2022 and
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 regarding
primary and secondary capacity
Issue 15: DOE requests comment on
the proposal to adopt the cyclic
degradation equation specified in
Section of AHRI 340/360–2022
for WSHPs, which assumes continuous
indoor fan operation when the
compressor cycles off.
Issue 16: DOE requests comment on
the proposed provisions to account for
pump power to overcome both internal
pressure drop and a representative level
of liquid ESP for WSHPs with and
without integral pumps. DOE
specifically requests comment on the
representativeness of 20 ft of water
column as the liquid ESP for WSHPs.
Issue 17: DOE requests comment on
the proposed requirements for using
water or a brine of 15-percent solution
by mass of sodium chloride as the test
liquid. DOE also requests comment on
the representativeness and test burden
associated with permitting the use of
different liquids for different tests.
Issue 18: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to utilize the
thermodynamic properties specified in
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 through DOE’s
proposed incorporation by reference of
AHRI 340/360–2022.
Issue 19: DOE requests comment on
its proposal to adopt the AHRI 340/360–
2022 approach for setting liquid flow
rate for the full-load cooling test,
namely by specifying inlet and outlet
liquid temperature conditions rather
than using a manufacturer-specified
flow rate.
Issue 20: DOE requests feedback on its
proposals to use manufacturer-specified
part-load liquid flow rates for part-load
tests, that the part-load flow rate be no
higher than the full-load flow rate, and
to use the full-load liquid flow rate if no
part-load liquid flow rate is specified.
Issue 21: DOE requests comment on
its proposal to use the liquid flow rate
determined from the full-load cooling
test for all heating tests.
Issue 22: DOE requests comment on
its proposal to specify an operating
tolerance of 2 percent and a condition
tolerance of 1 percent for liquid flow
rate in all tests with a target liquid flow
Issue 23: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the provisions for
line loss adjustments included in
Sections and of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37–2009 through
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incorporation by reference of AHRI 340/
Issue 24: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the calculation of
discharge coefficients and air
measurement apparatus requirements of
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009.
Issue 25: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the air condition
measurement provisions in Appendix C
of AHRI 340/360–2022.
Issue 26: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the duct loss
provisions in Section of
ASHRAE 37–2009.
Issue 27: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the refrigerant
charging requirements in Section 5.8 of
AHRI 340/360–2022.
Issue 28: DOE requests comments on
the proposal to adopt the voltage
provisions in Section of AHRI
Issue 29: DOE seeks comment on its
proposals regarding specific
components in 10 CFR 429.43, 10 CFR
429.134, and 10 CFR part 431, subpart
F, appendix C1.
Issue 30: DOE requests comment on
its proposal to adopt the methods for
comparing relative efficiency of
standard and non-standard indoor fan
motors and integrated fan and motor
combinations specified in Section D4 of
AHRI 340/360–2022 in the proposed
test procedure in 10 CFR part 431,
subpart F, appendix C1, as well as in
provisions for determination of
represented values in 10 CFR 429.43(a)
and provisions for DOE assessment and
enforcement testing in 10 CFR 429.134.
Issue 31: DOE requests comment on
its proposals related to represented
values and verification testing of cooling
capacity for WSHPs.
Issue 32: DOE requests comment on
its understanding of the impact of the
test procedure proposals in this NOPR.
DOE also seeks specific feedback on the
estimated costs to rate WSHP models
with an AEDM.
Issue 33: DOE requests comment on
the number of small OEMs DOE
identified. DOE also seeks comment on
the Department’s estimates of potential
costs these small manufacturers may
incur as a result of its proposed
amendments to the WSHP test
VI. Approval of the Office of the
The Secretary of Energy has approved
publication of this notice of proposed
rulemaking and request for comment.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
List of Subjects
10 CFR Part 429
Administrative practice and
procedure, Confidential business
information, Energy conservation,
Household appliances, Imports,
Incorporation by reference,
Intergovernmental relations, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements, Small
Equipment, AHRI-approved January 26,
2022; IBR approved for § 429.43.
■ 3. Amend § 429.43 by adding
paragraph (a)(3)(ii) to read as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 429
continues to read as follows:
§ 429.43 Commercial heating, ventilating,
air conditioning (HVAC) equipment.
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291–6317; 28 U.S.C.
2461 note.
2. Amend § 429.4 by:
a. Revising paragraph (a);
■ b. Redesignating paragraph (c)(2) as
paragraph (c)(3); and
■ c. Adding new paragraph (c)(2).
The revision and addition read as
10 CFR Part 431
Administrative practice and
procedure, Confidential business
information, Energy conservation,
Household appliances, Imports,
Incorporation by reference,
Intergovernmental relations,
Laboratories, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Small
§ 429.4 Materials incorporated by
Signing Authority
This document of the Department of
Energy was signed on August 3, 2022,
by Kelly J. Speakes-Backman, Principal
Deputy Assistant for Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, pursuant to
delegated authority from the Secretary
of Energy. That document with the
original signature and date is
maintained by DOE. For administrative
purposes only, and in compliance with
requirements of the Office of the Federal
Register, the undersigned DOE Federal
Register Liaison Officer has been
authorized to sign and submit the
document in electronic format for
publication, as an official document of
the Department of Energy. This
administrative process in no way alters
the legal effect of this document upon
publication in the Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC, on August 4,
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S.
Department of Energy.
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, DOE is proposing to amend
parts 429 and 431 of Chapter II of Title
10, Code of Federal Regulations, as
amended on July 27, 2022 (published at
87 FR 45164), as set forth below:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(a) Certain material is incorporated by
reference into this part with the
approval of the Director of the Federal
Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C.
552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce
any edition other than that specified in
this section, the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) must publish a document
in the Federal Register and the material
must be available to the public. All
approved material is available for
inspection at the DOE and at the
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). Contact DOE
at: The U.S. Department of Energy,
Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy, Building
Technologies Program, Sixth Floor, 950
L’Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC
20024, (202) 586–9127, Buildings@,
eere/buildings/appliance-andequipment-standards-program. For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, email: fr.inspection@, or go to:
The material may be obtained from the
sources in the following paragraphs of
this section.
(c) * * *
(2) AHRI Standard 340/360–2022 (I–
P) (‘‘AHRI 340/360–2022’’), 2022
Standard for Performance Rating of
Commercial and Industrial Unitary Airconditioning and Heat Pump
(a) * * *
(3) * * *
(ii) Water-Source Heat Pumps. When
certifying to standards in terms of IEER,
the following provisions apply.
(A) Individual model selection:
(1) Representations for a basic model
must be based on the least efficient
individual model(s) distributed in
commerce among all otherwise
comparable model groups comprising
the basic model, except as provided in
paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A)(2) of this section
for individual models that include
components listed in table 1 to
paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of this section.
For the purpose of this paragraph
(a)(3)(ii)(A)(1), ‘‘otherwise comparable
model group’’ means a group of
individual models distributed in
commerce within the basic model that
do not differ in components that affect
energy consumption as measured
according to the applicable test
procedure specified at 10 CFR 431.96
other than those listed in table 1 to
paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of this section.
An otherwise comparable model group
may include individual models
distributed in commerce with any
combination of the components listed in
table 1 (or none of the components
listed in table 1). An otherwise
comparable model group may consist of
only one individual model.
(2) For a basic model that includes
individual models distributed in
commerce with components listed in
table 1 to paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of this
section, the requirements for
determining representations apply only
to the individual model(s) of a specific
otherwise comparable model group
distributed in commerce with the least
number (which could be zero) of
components listed in table 1 included in
individual models of the group. Testing
under this paragraph shall be consistent
with any component-specific test
provisions specified in section 7 of
appendix C1 to subpart F of part 431.
Desiccant Dehumidification Components ...........
An assembly that reduces the moisture content of the supply air through moisture transfer with
solid or liquid desiccants.
An automatic system that enables a cooling system to supply outdoor air to reduce or eliminate the need for mechanical cooling during mild or cold weather.
Air Economizers ..................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
TABLE 2 TO PARAGRAPH (a)(3)—Continued
Ventilation Energy Recovery System (VERS) ....
An assembly that preconditions outdoor air entering the equipment through direct or indirect
thermal and/or moisture exchange with the exhaust air, which is defined as the building air
being exhausted to the outside from the equipment.
Coils used to provide supplemental heating.
A heat exchanger located downstream of the indoor coil that heats the supply air during cooling operation using high-pressure refrigerant in order to increase the ratio of moisture removal to cooling capacity provided by the equipment.
A damper assembly including means to open and close the damper mounted at the supply or
return duct opening of the equipment.
A powered exhaust fan is a fan that transfers directly to the outside a portion of the building
air that is returning to the unit, rather than allowing it to recirculate to the indoor coil and
back to the building. A powered return fan is a fan that draws building air into the equipment.
An assembly of structures through which the supply air passes before leaving the equipment
or through which the return air from the building passes immediately after entering the
equipment for which the sound insertion loss is at least 6 dB for the 125 Hz octave band
frequency range.
A heat exchanger located inside the unit that conditions the equipment’s supply air using energy transferred from an external source using a vapor, gas, or liquid.
Water is used indirectly or directly to cool ventilation air. In a direct system the water is introduced directly into the ventilation air and in an indirect system the water is evaporated in
secondary air stream and the heat is removed through a heat exchanger.
Additional components in the water circuit for water control or filtering.
A heat exchanger located downstream of the indoor coil that heats the supply air during cooling operation using water from the condenser coil in order to increase the ratio of moisture
removal to cooling capacity provided by the equipment.
Special grills used to direct airflow in unique applications (such as up and away from a rear
The standard indoor fan motor is the motor specified in the manufacturer’s installation instructions for testing and shall be distributed in commerce as part of a particular model. A nonstandard motor is an indoor fan motor that is not the standard indoor fan motor and that is
distributed in commerce as part of an individual model within the same basic model.
For a non-standard indoor fan motor(s) to be considered a specific component for a basic
model (and thus subject to the provisions of (a)(3)(ii)(A)(2) of this section), the following provisions must be met:
Non-standard indoor fan motor(s) must meet the minimum allowable efficiency determined per
Section D4.1 of AHRI 340/360–2022 (incorporated by reference, see § 429.4) (i.e., for nonstandard indoor fan motors) or per Section D4.2 of AHRI 340/360–2022 for non-standard indoor integrated fan and motor combinations). If the standard indoor fan motor can vary fan
speed through control system adjustment of motor speed, all non-standard indoor fan motors must also allow speed control (including with the use of a variable-frequency drive).
Steam/Hydronic Heat Coils ................................
Refrigerant Reheat .............................................
Fire/Smoke/Isolation Dampers ...........................
Powered Exhaust/Powered Return Air Fans ......
Sound Traps/Sound Attenuators ........................
Process Heat Recovery/Reclaim Coils/Thermal
Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooling of Ventilation Air.
Condenser Pumps/Valves/Fittings ......................
Condenser Water Reheat ...................................
Grill Options ........................................................
Non-Standard Indoor Fan Motors .......................
(B) The represented value of cooling
capacity must be between 95 percent
and 100 percent of the mean of the
cooling capacities measured for the
units in the sample selected as
described in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this
section, or between 95 percent and 100
percent of the cooling capacity output
simulated by the AEDM as described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
■ 4. Amend § 429.134 by adding
paragraph (t) to read as follows:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
§ 429.134 Product-specific enforcement
(t) Water-Source Heat Pumps. The
following provisions apply for
assessment and enforcement testing of
models subject to standards in terms of
(1) Verification of Cooling Capacity.
The cooling capacity of each tested unit
of the basic model will be measured
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pursuant to the test requirements of
appendix C1 to subpart F of 10 CFR part
431. The mean of the measurements will
be used to determine the applicable
standards for purposes of compliance.
(2) Specific Components. If a basic
model includes individual models with
components listed at table 1 to
§ 429.43(a)(3)(ii)(A) and DOE is not able
to obtain an individual model with the
least number (which could be zero) of
those components within an otherwise
comparable model group (as defined in
§ 429.43(a)(3)(ii)(A)(1)), DOE may test
any individual model within the
otherwise comparable model group.
(3) Approach for Determining IEER. If
the manufacturer specifies that they
used ‘‘Option 2’’ as described in section
5.1.2 of appendix C1 (i.e., using
interpolation and extrapolation to
determine performance at IEER entering
water temperatures), DOE will assess
compliance for the basic model based
on testing in accordance with ‘‘Option
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2’’ as described in section 5.1.2 of
appendix C1. If the manufacturer does
not specify that they used ‘‘Option 2’’ as
described in section 5.1.2 of appendix
C1, DOE will assess compliance for
IEER for the basic model based on
testing in accordance ‘‘Option 1’’ as
described in section 5.1.1 of appendix
5. The authority citation for part 431
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291–6317; 28 U.S.C.
2461 note.
6. Amend § 431.92 by revising the
definition for ‘‘Water-source heat
pump’’ to read as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
§ 431.92 Definitions concerning
commercial air conditioners and heat
The additions and revisions read as
§ 431.95 Materials incorporated by
Water-source heat pump means
commercial package air-conditioning
and heating equipment that is a singlephase or three-phase reverse-cycle heat
pump that uses a circulating water loop
as the heat source for heating and as the
heat sink for cooling. The main
components are a compressor,
refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger,
refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger,
refrigerant expansion devices,
refrigerant reversing valve, and indoor
fan (except that coil-only units do not
include an indoor fan). Such equipment
includes, but is not limited to, water-toair water-loop heat pumps.
■ 7. Amend § 431.95 by:
■ a. Redesignating paragraphs (b)(4)
through (b)(7) as paragraphs (b)(5)
through (b)(8);
■ b. Adding new paragraph (b)(4);
■ c. Revising paragraphs (c)(2);
■ d. Redesignating paragraphs (c)(3)
through (7) as paragraphs (c)(5) through
■ e. Adding new paragraph (c)(3);
■ f. In the introductory text to (d),
remove the text ‘‘https://’’; and
■ g. Revise paragraph (d)(1).
(b) * * *
(4) AHRI Standard 340/360–2022 (I–
P) (‘‘AHRI 340/360–2022’’), 2022
Standard for Performance Rating of
Commercial and Industrial Unitary Airconditioning and Heat Pump
Equipment, AHRI-approved January 26,
2022: IBR approved for appendix C1 to
this subpart.
(c) * * *
(2) ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37–2009
(‘‘ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009’’), Methods
of Testing for Rating Electrically Driven
Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat
Pump Equipment, ASHRAE approved
June 24, 2009; IBR approved -for
§ 431.96 and appendices A, B, and C1 to
this subpart.
(3) ASHRAE errata sheet to ANSI/
ASHRAE Standard 37–2009 (‘‘ASHRAE
37–2009 TE’’), issued March 27, 2019;
IBR approved -for appendix C1 to this
(d) * * *
(1) ISO Standard 13256–1 (‘‘ISO
Standard 13256–1:1998’’), ‘‘Watersource heat pumps—Testing and rating
for performance—Part 1: Water-to-air
and brine-to-air heat pumps,’’ approved
1998, IBR approved for appendix C to
this subpart.
■ 8. Amend § 431.96 by revising
paragraph (b)(1) and table 1 to
paragraph (b) to read as follows:
§ 431.96 Uniform test method for the
measurement of energy efficiency of
commercial air conditioners and heat
(b) * * * (1) Determine the energy
efficiency and capacity of each category
of covered equipment by conducting the
test procedure(s) listed in table 1 to this
paragraph (b) along with any additional
testing provisions set forth in
paragraphs (c) through (g) of this section
and appendices A through C1 to this
subpart, that apply to the energy
efficiency descriptor for that equipment,
category, and cooling capacity. The
omitted sections of the test procedures
listed in table 1 to this paragraph (b)
must not be used.
Use tests, conditions,
procedures 1 in
Additional test procedure provisions as indicated in the listed
paragraphs of this
SEER and HSPF ......
AHRI 210/240–2008
(omit section 6.5).
Paragraphs (c) and
≥65,000 Btu/h and
<135,000 Btu/h.
<65,000 Btu/h ...........
Appendix A to this
AHRI 210/240–2008
(omit section 6.5).
EER ...........................
Water-Source HP ......
≥65,000 Btu/h and
<135,000 Btu/h.
<135,000 Btu/h .........
Water-Source HP ......
<135,000 Btu/h .........
IEER and COP .........
Air-Cooled AC and
≥135,000 Btu/h and
<240,000 Btu/h.
Water-Cooled and
EvaporativelyCooled AC.
Water-Source HP ......
≥135,000 Btu/h and
<240,000 Btu/h.
≥135,000 Btu/h and
<240,000 Btu/h.
≥135,000 Btu/h and
<240,000 Btu/h.
≥240,000 Btu/h and
<760,000 Btu/h.
Cooling capacity or
moisture removal capacity 2
Energy efficiency
Air-Cooled, 3-Phase,
AC and HP.
<65,000 Btu/h ...........
Air-Cooled AC and
Water-Cooled and
EvaporativelyCooled AC.
Equipment type
Small Commercial
Package Air-Conditioning and Heating
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Large Commercial
Package Air-Conditioning and Heating
Water-Source HP ......
Very Large Commercial Package AirConditioning and
Heating Equipment.
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Air-Cooled AC and
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EER ...........................
Paragraphs (c) and
AHRI 340/360–2007
(omit section 6.3).
Appendix C to this
Appendix C1 to this
Appendix A to this
Paragraphs (c) and
EER ...........................
AHRI 340/360–2007
(omit section 6.3).
Paragraphs (c) and
EER and COP ..........
Appendix C to this
Appendix C1 to this
Appendix A to this
EER and COP ..........
IEER and COP .........
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
Equipment type
Cooling capacity or
moisture removal capacity 2
Variable Refrigerant
Flow Multi-split Systems, Air-cooled.
Variable Refrigerant
Flow Multi-split Systems, Water-source.
Single Package
Vertical Air Conditioners and Single
Package Vertical
Heat Pumps.
Direct Expansion-Dedicated Outdoor Air
Additional test procedure provisions as indicated in the listed
paragraphs of this
EER ...........................
AHRI 340/360–2007
(omit section 6.3).
Paragraphs (c) and
EER and COP ..........
Appendix C to this
Appendix C1 to this
Paragraph (g) of this
AC and HP ................
≥240,000 Btu/h and
<760,000 Btu/h.
≥240,000 Btu/h and
<760,000 Btu/h.
<760,000 Btu/h .........
AC .............................
<65,000 Btu/h ...........
SCOP ........................
≥65,000 Btu/h and
<760,000 Btu/h.
<65,000 Btu/h (3phase).
SCOP ........................
Paragraphs (c) and
Paragraphs (c) and
Paragraphs (c), (d),
(e), and (f).
≥65,000 Btu/h and
<760,000 Btu/h.
EER ...........................
<65,000 Btu/h (3phase).
SEER and HSPF ......
≥65,000 Btu/h and
<760,000 Btu/h.
EER and COP ..........
HP .............................
<760,000 Btu/h .........
EER and COP ..........
AC and HP ................
<760,000 Btu/h .........
EER and COP ..........
ASHRAE 127–2007
(omit section 5.11).
ASHRAE 127–2007
(omit section 5.11).
AHRI 1230–2010
(omit sections 5.1.2
and 6.6).
AHRI 1230–2010
(omit sections 5.1.2
and 6.6).
AHRI 1230–2010
(omit sections 5.1.2
and 6.6).
AHRI 1230–2010
(omit sections 5.1.2
and 6.6).
AHRI 1230–2010
(omit sections 5.1.2
and 6.6).
AHRI 390–2003 (omit
section 6.4).
All ..............................
<324 lbs. of moisture
Appendix B to this
Water-Source HP ......
Variable Refrigerant
Flow Multi-split Systems.
Use tests, conditions,
procedures 1 in
≥240,000 Btu/h and
<760,000 Btu/h.
Water-Cooled and
EvaporativelyCooled AC.
Water-Source HP ......
Packaged Terminal Air
Conditioners and
Heat Pumps.
Computer Room Air
Energy efficiency
AC .............................
HP .............................
IEER and COP .........
EER and COP ..........
SEER ........................
Paragraphs (c), (e),
and (g).
Paragraphs (c), (d),
(e), and (f).
Paragraphs (c), (d),
(e), and (f).
Paragraphs (c), (d),
(e), and (f).
Paragraphs (c), (d),
(e), and (f).
Paragraphs (c) and
1 Incorporated
by reference; see § 431.95.
removal capacity is determined according to appendix B of this subpart.
3 For equipment with multiple appendices listed in this table 1, consult the notes at the beginning of those appendices to determine the applicable appendix to use for testing.
2 Moisture
9. Add appendix C to subpart F of part
431 to read as follows:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Appendix C to Subpart F of Part 431—
Uniform Test Method for Measuring the
Energy Consumption of Water-Source
Heat Pumps
Note: Manufacturers must use the results of
testing under this appendix to determine
compliance with the relevant standard at
§ 431.97 as that standard appeared in the
January 1, 2022 edition of 10 CFR parts 200–
499. Specifically, representations must be
based on testing according to either this
appendix or 10 CFR 431.96 as it appeared in
the 10 CFR parts 200–499 edition revised as
of January 1, 2022.
Starting on [Date 360 days after
publication of the final rule in the Federal
Register], voluntary representations with
respect to the energy efficiency ratio (EER) of
water-source heat pumps with cooling
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capacity greater than or equal to 135,000 Btu/
h and less than 760,000 Btu/h must be based
on testing according to appendix C of this
subpart. Manufacturers may also use
appendix C to make voluntary
representations with respect to EER prior to
[Date 360 days after publication of the final
rule in the Federal Register].
Starting on [Date 360 days after
publication of the final rule in the Federal
Register], voluntary representations with
respect to the integrated energy efficiency
ratio (IEER) of water-source heat pumps must
be based on testing according to appendix C1
of this subpart. Manufacturers may also use
appendix C1 to make voluntary
representations with respect to IEER prior to
[Date 360 days after publication of the final
rule in the Federal Register].
Starting on the compliance date for any
amended energy conservation standards for
water-source heat pumps based on IEER, any
representations, including compliance
certifications, made with respect to the
energy use or energy efficiency of water-
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source heat pumps must be based on testing
according to appendix C1 of this subpart.
Manufacturers may also to certify
compliance with any amended energy
conservation standards for water-source heat
pumps based on IEER prior to the applicable
compliance date for those standards, and
those compliance certifications must be
based on testing according to appendix C1 of
this subpart.
1. Incorporation by Reference.
DOE incorporated by reference in § 431.95
the entire standard for ISO 13256–1:1998. To
the extent there is a conflict between the
terms or provisions of a referenced industry
standard and this appendix, the appendix
provisions control.
2. General.
Determine the energy efficiency ratio (EER)
and coefficient of performance (COP) in
accordance with ISO 13256–1:1998.
Section 3 of this appendix provides
additional instructions for determining EER
and COP.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
3. Additional Provisions for Equipment
Set-up. The only additional specifications
that may be used in setting up the basic
model for testing are those set forth in the
installation and operation manual shipped
with the unit. Each unit should be set up for
test in accordance with the manufacturer
installation and operation manuals. Sections
3.1 through 3.2 of this appendix provide
specifications for addressing key information
typically found in the installation and
operation manuals.
3.1. If a manufacturer specifies a range of
superheat, sub-cooling, and/or refrigerant
pressure in its installation and operation
manual for a given basic model, any value(s)
within that range may be used to determine
refrigerant charge or mass of refrigerant,
unless the manufacturer clearly specifies a
rating value in its installation and operation
manual, in which case the specified rating
value must be used.
3.2. The airflow rate used for testing must
be that set forth in the installation and
operation manuals being shipped to the
commercial customer with the basic model
and clearly identified as that used to generate
the DOE performance ratings. If a rated
airflow value for testing is not clearly
identified, a value of 400 standard cubic feet
per minute (scfm) per ton must be used.
10. Add appendix C1 to subpart F of
part 431 to read as follows:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Appendix C1 to Subpart F of Part 431—
Uniform Test Method for Measuring the
Energy Consumption of Water-Source
Heat Pumps
Note: Prior to the compliance date of
amended standards for water-source heat
pumps that rely on integrated energy
efficiency ratio (IEER) published after
January 1, 2022, representations with respect
to the energy use or energy efficiency of
water-source heat pumps, including
compliance certifications, must be based on
energy efficiency ratio (EER) testing
according to this appendix C of this subpart.
Starting on [Date 360 days after
publication of the final rule in the Federal
Register], voluntary representations with
respect to the IEER of water-source heat
pumps must be based on testing according to
this appendix. Manufacturers may also use
this appendix C1 to make voluntary
representations with respect to IEER prior to
[Date 360 days after publication of the final
rule in the Federal Register].
Starting on the compliance date for any
amended energy conservation standards for
water-source heat pumps based on IEER, any
representations, including compliance
certifications, made with respect to the
energy use or energy efficiency of watersource heat pumps must be based on testing
according to this appendix.
Manufacturers may also certify compliance
with any amended energy conservation
standards for water-source heat pumps based
on IEER prior to the applicable compliance
date for those standards, and those
compliance certifications must be based on
testing according to this appendix.
1. Incorporation by Reference.
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DOE incorporated by reference in § 431.95
the entire standard for AHRI 340/360–2022
and ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 (which includes
ASHRAE 37–2009 TE). However, only certain
enumerated provisions of AHRI 340/360–
2022 are applicable, while the enumerated
provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009 are
inapplicable as set out in this section 1. To
the extent there is a conflict between the
terms or provisions of a referenced industry
standard and this appendix, the appendix
provisions control, followed by AHRI 340/
360–2022, followed by ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
1.1. Applicable provisions.
1.1.1. AHRI 340/360–2022:
(a) Section 3 Definitions, except the
following subsections: 3.2 (Basic Model), 3.4
(Commercial and Industrial Unitary Airconditioning Equipment), 3.5 (Commercial
and Industrial Unitary Heat Pump), 3.7
(Double-duct System), 3.8 (Energy Efficiency
Ratio), 3.12 (Heating Coefficient of
Performance), 3.14 (Integrated Energy
Efficiency Ratio), 3.15 (Indoor Single Package
Air-conditioners), 3.17 (Makeup Water), 3.23
(Published Rating), 3.26 (Single Package AirConditioners), 3.27 (Single Package Heat
Pumps), 3.29 (Split System Air-conditioners),
3.30 (Split System Heat Pump), and 3.36
(Year Round Single Package Airconditioners);
(b) Section 5 Test Requirements;
(c) Section 6 Rating Requirements, except
the following subsections:,
(Values of Standard Capacity Ratings),, (Heating Test for MZVAV
Units), (Part-Load Cooling Tests for
MZVAV Units), 6.5 (Ratings), 6.6
(Uncertainty), and 6.7 (Verification Testing);
(d) Appendix A References—Normative;
(e) Appendix C Indoor and Outdoor Air
Condition Measurement—Normative; and
(f) Appendix E Method of Testing Unitary
Air Conditioning Products—Normative.
1.1.2. [Reserved]
1.2. Inapplicable provisions.
1.2.1. ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009
(a) Section 1 Purpose, as specified in
section 2.2 of this appendix;
(b) Section 2 Scope, as specified in section
2.2 of this appendix; and
(c) Section 4 Classification, as specified in
section 2.2 of this appendix.
1.2.2. [Reserved]
2. General.
Determine integrated energy efficiency
ratio (IEER) and heating coefficient of
performance (COP) in accordance with AHRI
340/360–2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009;
however, only the following enumerated
provisions of AHRI 340/360–2022 are
applicable, as set forth in section 2.1 of this
appendix. All sections of ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009 are applicable with the exception of
provisions listed in section 2.2 of this
Sections 2 through 7 of this appendix
provide additional instructions for testing. In
cases where there is a conflict, the language
of this appendix takes highest precedence,
followed by AHRI 340/360–2022, followed
by ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009. Any subsequent
amendment to a referenced document by the
standard-setting organization will not affect
the test procedure in this appendix, unless
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and until the test procedure is amended by
DOE. Material is incorporated as it exists on
the date of the approval, and a notice of any
change in the incorporation will be
published in the Federal Register.
2.1. Test requirements and test conditions
specified for water-cooled equipment in
AHRI 340/360–2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37–
2009 are applicable to water-source heat
2.2. For units without integral fans, use test
requirements and test conditions specified as
‘‘coil-only’’ in AHRI 340/360–2022 and
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009.
2.3. When using the Outdoor Liquid Coil
Method, when calculating the total heating
capacity, use the ASHRAE 37–2009 TE
heating capacity formula for section of
ANSI/ASHRAE 37–2009.
3. Airflow and External Static Pressure.
3.1. Non-Ducted Units.
These provisions apply to units that are not
configured exclusively for delivery of
conditioned air to the indoor space without
a duct(s).
3.1.1. Target Airflow and ESP.
Determine the target airflow in accordance
with Section of AHRI 340/360–2022,
using an external static pressure (ESP) of 0.00
in H2O in place of the ESP specified in
Section of AHRI 340/360–2022.
Exclude Section of AHRI 340/360–
3.1.2. Airflow and ESP Tolerances and SetUp.
Exclude Section of AHRI 340/360–
2022, and use the provisions in this section
for indoor external static pressure and
airflow set-up. For each test, set indoor
airflow while operating the unit at the rating
conditions specified for the test. After setting
the airflow, no adjustments may be made to
the fan control settings during the test. Tolerances.
All tolerances for airflow and ESP
specified in section 3.1.2 of this appendix for
setting airflow and ESP are condition
tolerances that apply for each test.
Specifically, the average value of a parameter
measured over the course of the test shall
vary from the target value by no more than
the condition tolerance. Operating tolerances
for ESP and nozzle pressure drop are
specified in Table 11 of AHRI 340/360–2022. Use the manufacturer-specified fan
control settings for all tests for which they
are provided. Use the full-load cooling fan
control settings specified by the
manufacturer for all tests for which fan
control settings are not specified. If there are
no manufacturer-specified fan control
settings for any tests, use the as-shipped fan
control settings for all tests. For all tests, conduct the test at
0.00 in H2O with a condition tolerance of
¥0/+0.05 in H2O. For heating tests and part-load
cooling tests for which there is no
manufacturer-specified airflow and the
cooling full-load rated indoor airflow is not
used as the airflow for the test because there
are manufacturer-specified fan control
settings or other instructions used to obtain
steady-state operation for the test, per the
provisions of Section of AHRI 340/
360–2022, there is no airflow condition
tolerance for that test. For all other tests, the
airflow condition tolerance is ±3% of the
target airflow determined in section 3.1.1 of
this appendix. If both the ESP and airflow cannot
be simultaneously maintained within
tolerance for any test, maintain the ESP
within the required tolerance and use an
airflow as close to the manufacturer-specified
value as possible. The average airflow rate
measured over the course of the test shall be
within ±3% of the airflow rate measured after
setting airflow for the test. If section of this appendix
is used to set the full-load cooling airflow,
use the measured full-load cooling airflow as
the target airflow for all subsequent tests that
call for the full-load cooling airflow.
3.2. Ducted Units.
These provisions apply to units that are
configured for delivery of conditioned air to
the indoor space with a duct(s).
3.2.1. For units with continuously variablespeed fans, set airflow and external static
pressure in accordance with Sections,, and of AHRI 340/360–2022.
3.2.2. For units without continuously
variable-speed fans, set airflow and external
static pressure in accordance with Sections,, and of AHRI 340/
360–2022, except use section of this
appendix in place of Sections and of AHRI 340/360–2022. For two adjacent fan control
settings, if both airflow and ESP tolerances
cannot be met, (e.g., decreasing fan speed
when the ESP or airflow are too high causes
the ESP or airflow to be lower than the
tolerance range, and increasing fan speed
when the ESP or airflow are too low causes
the ESP or airflow to be higher than the
tolerance range), operate at the lower fan
control setting, adjust the airflow measuring
apparatus to maintain the ESP within ¥0.00/
+0.05 in H2O of the requirement determined
in Section of AHRI 340/360–2022,
and maintain the airflow at a rate no lower
than 90% of the airflow rate determined in
Section of AHRI 340/360–2022. If
increasing ESP to within ¥0.00/+0.05 in
H2O of the requirement determined in
Section of AHRI 340/360–2022
reduces airflow of the unit under test to less
than 90% of the manufacturer-specified
airflow, then the next higher fan control
setting shall be utilized to obtain rated
airflow. Using this higher fan control setting,
maintain airflow within tolerance and
maintain the ESP as close as possible to the
value determined in Section of AHRI
4. Test Liquid, Liquid ESP, and Pump
4.1. The test liquid for all tests other than
the optional HFL3 low-temperature heating
test specified in Table 9 of this appendix
must be water unless the manufacturer
specifies to use a brine of 15% solution by
mass of sodium chloride in water. The test
liquid for the optional HFL3 low-temperature
heating test must be a brine of 15% solution
by mass of sodium chloride in water.
4.2. For units with an integral pump, set
the external static pressure to 20 ft of water
column, with a ¥0/+1 ft condition tolerance
and a 1 ft operating tolerance.
4.3. For units without an integral pump,
when calculating EER and COP, an addition
for the pump effect, PE, must be added to the
unit’s measured power and determined using
Equation 1 of this appendix. Use this adder
in place of Section of AHRI 340/
Equation 1
PE= WF * ((PPe * LlP)
+ c)
PE = Pump effect, W
WF = Liquid flow rate, gpm
PPB = Basic Pumping Penalty (Table 1), W/
DP = Pressure drop measured across liquid
heat exchanger, psi
C = 25 W/gpm based on 20 ft external head
Liquid flow rate (WF), gpm
Basic pumping
penalty (PPB),
1.0–4.0 ..................................
4.1–7.9 ..................................
8.0–11.9 ................................
12.0–15.9 ..............................
16.0–19.9 ..............................
20.0 and above .....................
4.4. Condenser section power (PCD) in
Equation 4 of AHRI 340/360–2022 must be
determined as follows (instead of
determining via Section of AHRI 340/
4.4.1. For units with an integral pump,
PCD is equal to the measured pump power.
4.4.2. For units without an integral pump,
PCD is equal to the pump effect determined
per section 4.3 of this appendix.
5. Cooling Rating.
5.1. Methods for Determining IEER.
Determine the integrated energy efficiency
ratio (IEER) using one of two options, as
described in the following sections 5.1.1 and
5.1.2 of this appendix.
5.1.1. Option 1: Determine IEER in
Accordance with Section 6.2 of AHRI 340/
Test at the four IEER inlet water
temperatures specified for water-cooled
equipment in Table 9 of AHRI 340/36–2022,
and perform all tests according to sections 2
through 4 and section 7 of this appendix.
Except as adjusted for operation at low
condenser temperatures per Section E7 of
AHRI 340/360–2022, for part-load cooling
tests, use manufacturer-specified liquid flow
rates. For all part-load cooling tests, the
liquid flow rate shall not exceed the liquid
flow rate used for the cooling full-load tests.
If the manufacturer-specified part-load
cooling liquid flow rate is higher than the
liquid flow rate used for the cooling full-load
tests, use the liquid flow rate used for the
cooling full-load tests. If no manufacturerspecified value for part-load cooling liquid
flow rate is provided, use the liquid flow rate
used for the cooling full-load tests. The
condition tolerance on liquid flow rate in
part-load tests is 1% of the target liquid flow
5.1.2. Option 2: Determine IEER by
Interpolation and Extrapolation.
Test at the inlet water temperatures
described in Tables 2 and 3 of this appendix,
then interpolate and extrapolate to the IEER
inlet water temperatures specified in Table 4
of this appendix. Sections through of this appendix specify the steps
required to determine IEER using Option 2. Measure Capacity at Option 2 Inlet
Water Temperatures.
For all units, conduct full-load cooling
tests at the inlet water temperatures as
specified in section of this
appendix. For staged capacity controlled and
proportionally controlled units, conduct partload cooling tests at the inlet water
temperatures as specified in section
of this appendix. Perform all tests according
to provisions outlined in sections 2 through
4 and 7 of this appendix. No part-load
cooling tests are required for fixed-capacity
controlled units.
For all tests, measure the following values:
cooling capacity; total power; compressor
power; condenser section power; control
circuit power and any auxiliary loads; and
indoor fan power. Condenser section power
must be determined in accordance with
section 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 of this appendix. Full-load Tests.
For all units, perform tests to determine
full-load capacity at each of the conditions
specified in Table 2 of this appendix. Follow
all provisions for full-load cooling airflow in
section 3 of this appendix.
The full-load cooling liquid flow rate shall
be determined during the ‘‘CFL3 high
temperature’’ test in Table 2 of this appendix,
using fixed inlet and outlet water
temperatures. For the ‘‘CFL2 medium
temperature’’ and ‘‘CFL1 low temperature’’
tests in Table 2 of this appendix, use the
liquid flow rate obtained during the ‘‘CFL3
high temperature’’ test in Table 2 of this
appendix with a condition tolerance on
liquid flow rate of 1% of the target liquid
flow rate.
CFL3 high
Test name
Air entering indoor side:
Dry bulb, °F ..........................................................................................................................
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CFL2 medium
CFL1 low temperature
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CFL3 high
Test name
Wet bulb, °F ..........................................................................................................................
Condenser liquid temperature:
Entering, °F ...........................................................................................................................
Leaving, °F ...........................................................................................................................
CFL2 medium
CFL1 low temperature
See note 1
See note 1
1. All full-load tests must be conducted at the liquid flow rate as determined from the CFL3 high temperature cooling test.
CFL3 = The highest temperature Cooling
Full-Load test at temperature conditions
as defined in Table 2
CFL2 = The medium temperature Cooling
Full-Load test at temperature conditions
as defined in Table 2
CFL1 = The lowest temperature Cooling FullLoad test at temperature conditions as
defined in Table 2 Part-load Tests.
liquid flow rate shall not exceed the liquid
flow rate used for the cooling full-load tests.
If the manufacturer-specified part-load
cooling liquid flow rate is higher than the
liquid flow rate used for the cooling full-load
tests, use the liquid flow rate used for the
cooling full-load tests. If no manufacturerspecified value for part-load cooling liquid
flow rate is provided, use the liquid flow rate
used for the cooling full-load tests. The
condition tolerance on liquid flow rate is 1%
of the target liquid flow rate.
For staged-capacity controlled units and
proportionally controlled units, additionally
perform tests to determine part-load capacity
at each of the conditions specified in Table
3 of this appendix. Perform all part-load tests
using the minimum compressor speed of the
unit. Follow all provisions for part-load
cooling airflow in section 3 of this appendix.
Except as adjusted for operation at low
condenser temperatures per Section E7 of
AHRI 340/360–2022, for part-load cooling
tests, use manufacturer-specified liquid flow
rates. For all part-load cooling tests, the
CPL3 high
Test name
Air entering indoor side:
Dry bulb, °F ..........................................................................................................................
Wet bulb, °F ..........................................................................................................................
Condenser liquid temperature:
Entering, °F ...........................................................................................................................
CPL3 = The highest temperature Cooling
Part-Load test at temperature conditions
as defined in Table 3
CPL2 = The medium temperature Cooling
Part-Load test at temperature conditions
as defined in Table 3
CPL1 = The lowest temperature Cooling PartLoad test at temperature conditions as
defined in Table 3 Interpolate and Extrapolate
Measurements to IEER Entering Liquid
CPL2 medium
CPL1 low
Use sections and of this
appendix to interpolate and extrapolate the
values measured in section of this
appendix from the inlet water temperatures
used in Tables 2 and 3 of this appendix to
the IEER inlet water temperatures specified
in Table 4 of this appendix.
IEER point
..................................................................... Full Load.
For all units, calculate the full-load
capacity and total power at IEER points A
through D using Equation 2 of this appendix
and the parameters outlined in Table 5 of this
Percent load
Full ..................................................................
Part .................................................................
Part .................................................................
Part .................................................................
Entering liquid
parameters outlined in Table 5 of this
The interpolated value of each parameter is
designated by Vcalc in Equation 2 of this
For fixed-capacity control units, also
calculate the full-load compressor power,
condenser section power, control circuit
power and any auxiliary loads, and indoor
fan power at IEER points B through D using
Equation 2 of this appendix and the
Equation 2
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high -
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Capacity level
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
IEER point
Tlow [°F]
Thigh [°F]
Value from CFL2 Medium Temperature.
Value from CFL1 ............................
Low Temperature ...........................
Value from CFL1 ............................
Low Temperature ...........................
Value from CFL1 ............................
Low Temperature ...........................
Value from CFL3 High Temperature.
Value from CFL2
Medium Temperature.
Value from CFL2
Medium Temperature.
Value from CFL2
Medium Temperature.
Tcalc [°F]
A .........................
B .........................
C .........................
D .........................
1. For each given measured value (i.e., cooling capacity; total power; compressor power; condenser section power; control circuit power and
any auxiliary loads; and indoor fan power), use the measured value from the specified test in Table 2 of this appendix. Part Load.
For staged-capacity controlled and
proportionally controlled units, calculate the
part-load capacity, total power, compressor
power, condenser section power, control
circuit power and any auxiliary loads, and
indoor fan power at IEER points B through
D using Equation 2 of this appendix and the
parameters outlined in Table 6 of this
appendix. The interpolated value of each
parameter is designated by Vcalc in Equation
2 of this appendix.
IEER point
B .........................
C .........................
D .........................
Vlow 1
Vhigh 1
Value from CPL2 Medium Temperature.
Value from CPL1 Low Temperature.
Value from CPL1 Low Temperature.
Value from CPL3 High Temperature.
Value from CPL2 Medium Temperature
Value from CPL2 Medium Temperature
1 For each given measured value (i.e., cooling capacity; total power; compressor power; condenser section power; control circuit power and
any auxiliary loads; and indoor fan power), use the measured value from the specified test in Table 3 of this appendix. Calculate Full-load and Part-load
EERs at IEER Points.
For all units, calculate the full-load EER for
each IEER point A through D of Table 5 as
the ratio of the full-load capacity in Btu/h to
the full-load total power in W determined in
section of this appendix.
For staged capacity controlled and
proportionally controlled units, also
calculate the part-load EER for each IEER
point B through D of Table 5 as the ratio of
the part-load capacity in Btu/h to the partload total power in W determined in section of this appendix. Determine Tested Percent Load at
IEER Points B Through D.
For all units, use Equation 3 to divide the
interpolated full-load capacity values at IEER
points B through D (determined in section of this appendix) by the full-load
capacity at IEER point A (determined in
section of this appendix).
For staged capacity control units and
proportionally controlled units, use Equation
3 to divide the interpolated part-load
capacity values at IEER points B through D
(determined in section of this
appendix), by the full-load capacity at IEER
point A (determined in section of
this appendix).
The values calculated at this stage are
referred to as ‘‘tested percent load’’ in section of this appendix.
Equation 3
PLTested = The full-load or part-load tested
percent load at a given IEER point
qx = The full-load or part-load capacity at a
given IEER point calculated in sections and of this appendix
for IEER points B through D, Btu/h
qA, FL = The full-load capacity calculated in
section of this appendix for
IEER point A, Btu/h Determine EER at the IEER Load
Level for IEER Points B Through D.
For each of the IEER points B through D
of Table 5, determine the EER at the IEER
percent load specified in Table 4 of this
appendix (i.e., 75, 50, or 25). For each IEER
point B through D of Table 5, if the full-load
or part-load tested percent load calculated in
section of this appendix is within the
allowed range specified in Table 7 of this
appendix, use the corresponding EER
determined in section of this
appendix as the EER for the IEER point. In
all other cases, the EER must be determined
by adjustments as described in sections 0 and of this appendix.
Target percent
IEER point
B ...................................................................................................................................................
C ..................................................................................................................................................
D ..................................................................................................................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules Fixed-capacity Control Units.
For fixed-capacity control units, perform
all adjustments of EER values by cyclic
degradation of the full-load EERs to account
for the impact of the compressor cycling to
meet a load. Perform the adjustments as
specified in section of this
appendix. Staged Capacity Control Units
and Proportionally Controlled Units.
For IEER points B through D of Table 5, if
the part-load tested percent load calculated
adjustment in section of this
appendix. Calculate EER by Interpolation
Between Full Load and Part Load.
Calculate EER at a single IEER point by
interpolating between the full-load tested
percent load and the part-load tested percent
load calculated in section of this
appendix to the IEER point load percentage
specified in Table 4 of this appendix, as
shown in Equation 4 of this appendix.
in section of this appendix is below
the minimum allowable tested percent load
in Table 7 of this appendix, calculate EER for
this IEER point by interpolating between the
full-load EER and part-load EER as specified
in section of this appendix. If the
part-load tested percent load calculated in
section of this appendix is above the
maximum allowable tested percent load in
Table 7 of this appendix, calculate EER for
this point using the cyclic degradation
Equation 4
(PLTarget - PLTested,PL) * (EERFL - EERpL)
(PLTested,FL - PLTested,PL)
PLTarget = The IEER load fraction at the
desired rating condition from Table 4 of
this appendix, represented as a
percentage (i.e., 75, 50, or 25)
PLTested,PL = The part-load tested percent load
at the desired rating condition calculated
in section of this appendix
PLTested,FL = The full-load tested percent load
at the desired rating condition calculated
in section of this appendix
EERPL = The part-load EER calculated in
section of this appendix
EERFL = The full-load EER calculated in
section of this appendix Calculate EER by Cyclic
For fixed capacity control units, adjust the
full-load EER at a single IEER point for cyclic
degradation by using Equation 5 through
Equation 7 of this appendix with values
calculated for full load in section of
this appendix.
For staged capacity control and
proportionally controlled units, adjust the
part-load EER at a single IEER point for cyclic
degradation by using Equation 5 through
Equation 7 of this appendix with values
calculated for part load in section of
this appendix.
Equation 5
LF * qx
=-----------LF * [(C 0 *(Pc+ Pco)] + P1F + PcT
Equation 6
= 1.13 -
0. 13 * LF
Equation 7
PIF = Indoor fan power at a given IEER point
calculated in section of this
appendix for IEER points B through D, W
qx = The full-load or part-load capacity at a
given IEER point calculated in section of this appendix for IEER points
B through D, Btu/h Calculate IEER.
Use Equation 8 of this appendix to
calculate IEER as a weighted mean of the
EERs determined at each of the IEER points.
PCD = Condenser Section power, including
the total pumping effect calculated in
section 4.3 of this appendix, at a given
IEER point calculated in section
of this appendix for IEER points B
through D, W
PCT = Control circuit power and any auxiliary
loads at a given IEER point calculated in
section of this appendix for IEER
points B through D, W
PLTested = The tested percent load calculated
in section of this appendix
PLTarget = The IEER percentage of full load
from Table 4 of this appendix,
represented as a percentage (i.e., 75, 50,
or 25)
PC = Compressor power at a given IEER point
calculated in section of this
appendix for IEER points B through D, W
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LF =--=--PLTested
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
Equation 8
= (0. 020 *
EERA) + (0. 617
+ (0.125 * EER0 )
EERA = Full-load EER at IEER point A
determined in section of this
EERB = EER at IEER point B determined in
section of this appendix
EERC = EER at IEER point C determined in
section of this appendix
EERD = ≤EER at IEER point D determined in
section of this appendix
5.2. Optional Representations of EER.
Representations of EER at any full-load or
part-load conditions, made using conditions
specified in section or of
this appendix and the provisions of sections
2 through 4 and 7 of this appendix are
6. Heating Rating.
6.1. Liquid Flow Rate.
If IEER was determined using Option 1 in
section 5.1 of this appendix, use the liquid
flow rate determined from the ‘‘Standard
Rating Conditions Cooling’’ test for watercooled equipment as defined in Table 6 of
AHRI 340/360–2022 for all heating tests. If
IEER was determined using Option 2 in
section 5.1 of this appendix, use the liquid
flow rate determined from the CFL3 high
* EER 8 ) + (0. 238 * EERc)
temperature cooling test in section
of this appendix for all heating tests in Tables
8 and 9 of this appendix. The condition
tolerance on liquid flow rate is 1%.
6.2. Methods for Determining COP.
Determine the COP using one of two
options, as described in the following
sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 of this appendix.
6.2.1. Option A: Determine COP by Testing
at Conditions Specified in Table 8 of this
Determine COP according to the applicable
provisions in sections 2 through 4 and 7 of
this appendix using the conditions in Table
8 of this appendix. Use the liquid flow rate
specified in section 6.1 of this appendix.
Test name
Air entering indoor side
Dry bulb, °F ...................
Wet bulb, °F ..................
Liquid temperature
60.0 (max)
Test name
Entering, °F ...................
Leaving, °F ....................
See note 1
1. All heating tests must be conducted at
the liquid flow rate specified in section 6.1 of
this appendix.
HFL0 = The standard rating condition
Heating Full-Load test as defined in
Table 8
6.2.2. Option B: Determine COP by
Test at the HFL3 and HFL2 conditions in
Table 9 of this appendix, then interpolate to
the HFL0 inlet water temperature specified in
Table 8 of this appendix. Sections and of this appendix specify the steps
required to determine COP using Option B.
Test name
Air entering indoor side
Dry bulb, °F ..........................................................................................................................
Wet bulb, °F ..........................................................................................................................
Liquid temperature
Entering, °F ...........................................................................................................................
Leaving, °F ...........................................................................................................................
60.0 (max)
60.0 (max)
60.0 (max)
See note 1
See note 1
See note 1
1. All heating tests must be conducted at the liquid flow rate specified in section 6.1 of this appendix. Measure Capacity and Total Power
at Option B Inlet Water Temperatures.
Conduct heating tests at the HFL3 and
HFL2 conditions specified in Table 9 of this
appendix according to the applicable
provisions in sections 2 through 4 and 7 of
this appendix. The liquid flow rate must be
set as defined in section 6.1 of this appendix.
For all tests, measure heating capacity and
total power. Interpolate Measurements to COP
Entering Liquid Temperature.
Interpolate the heating capacity and total
power values measured in section of
this appendix from the inlet liquid
temperatures used in section of this
appendix to the inlet liquid temperature
specified in Table 8 of this appendix. Use
Equation 9 of this appendix and the
parameters outlined in Table 10 of this
appendix. The interpolated value of each
parameter is designated by Vcalc in Equation
9 of this appendix.
Equation 9
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HFL3 = The highest temperature Heating
Full-Load test at temperature conditions
as defined in Table 9
HFL2 = The medium temperature Heating
Full-Load test at temperature conditions
as defined in Table 9
HFL1 = The lowest temperature Heating FullLoad test at temperature conditions as
defined in Table 9
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
Tlow [°F]
Thigh [°F]
Tcalc [°F]
50.0 ..........................
Value from HFL2 Medium Temperature ...
Value from HFL3 High Temperature
1. For each given measured value (i.e., heating capacity in W and total power in W), use the measured value from the specified test in Table 9
of this appendix. Calculate COP as the ratio of the
interpolated heating capacity in W to the
interpolated total power in W calculated in
section of this appendix.
6.3. Optional Representations of COP.
Representations of COP using the
conditions specified in Table 9 of this
appendix are optional and are determined
according to the applicable provisions of
sections 2 through 4 and 7 of this appendix.
The liquid flow rate must be set as defined
in section 6.1 of this appendix.
Representations of part-load COP using the
conditions specified in Table 11 of this
appendix are optional and are determined
according to the applicable provisions of
sections 2 through 4 and 7 of this appendix.
For part-load heating tests, use manufacturerspecified liquid flow rates. For all part-load
heating tests, the liquid flow rate shall not
exceed the liquid flow rate defined in section
6.1 of this appendix. If the manufacturerspecified part-load heating liquid flow rate is
higher than the liquid flow rate used for the
cooling full-load tests, use the liquid flow
rate used for the cooling full-load tests. If no
manufacturer-specified value for part-load
heating liquid flow rate is provided, use the
liquid flow rate defined in section 6.1 of this
appendix. The condition tolerance on liquid
flow rate is 1%.
HPL3 high
Test name
Air entering indoor side:
Dry bulb, °F ..........................................................................................................................
Wet bulb, °F ..........................................................................................................................
Liquid temperature:
Entering, °F ...........................................................................................................................
HPL3 = The highest temperature Heating
Part-Load test at temperature conditions
as defined in Table 11
HPL2 = The medium temperature Heating
Part-Load test at temperature conditions
as defined in Table 11
HPL1 = The lowest temperature Heating PartLoad test at temperature conditions as
defined in Table 11
7. Set-Up and Test Provisions for Specific
When testing a WSHP that includes any of
the features listed in Table 12 of this
HPL2 medium
HPL1 low
60.0 (max)
60.0 (max)
60.0 (max)
appendix, test in accordance with the set-up
and test provisions specified in Table 12 of
this appendix.
Air Economizers ...................................
Test provisions
An assembly that reduces the moisture content of
the supply air through moisture transfer with
solid or liquid desiccants.
An automatic system that enables a cooling system to supply outdoor air to reduce or eliminate
the need for mechanical cooling during mild or
cold weather.
Disable desiccant dehumidification components for
Fresh Air Dampers ...............................
An assembly with dampers and means to set the
damper position in a closed and one open position to allow air to be drawn into the equipment
when the indoor fan is operating.
Power Correction Capacitors ...............
A capacitor that increases the power factor measured at the line connection to the equipment.
An assembly that preconditions outdoor air entering the equipment through direct or indirect thermal and/or moisture exchange with the exhaust
air, which is defined as the building air being exhausted to the outside from the equipment.
Ventilation Energy Recovery System
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For any air economizer that is factory-installed,
place the economizer in the 100% return position and close and seal the outside air dampers
for testing. For any modular air economizer
shipped with the unit but not factory-installed, do
not install the economizer for testing.
For any fresh air dampers that are factory-installed, close and seal the dampers for testing.
For any modular fresh air dampers shipped with
the unit but not factory-installed, do not install
the dampers for testing.
Remove power correction capacitors for testing.
For any VERS that is factory-installed, place the
VERS in the 100% return position and close
and seal the outside air dampers and exhaust
air dampers for testing, and do not energize any
VERS subcomponents (e.g., energy recovery
wheel motors). For any VERS module shipped
with the unit but not factory-installed, do not install the VERS for testing.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 / Proposed Rules
Test provisions
Barometric Relief Dampers ..................
An assembly with dampers and means to automatically set the damper position in a closed position and one or more open positions to allow
venting directly to the outside a portion of the
building air that is returning to the unit, rather
than allowing it to recirculate to the indoor coil
and back to the building.
A lighting fixture and lamp mounted so that it
shines light on the indoor coil, that emits ultraviolet light to inhibit growth of organisms on the
indoor coil surfaces, the condensate drip pan,
and/other locations within the equipment.
Coils used to provide supplemental heating ...........
For any barometric relief dampers that are factoryinstalled, close and seal the dampers for testing.
For any modular barometric relief dampers
shipped with the unit but not factory-installed, do
not install the dampers for testing.
UV Lights .............................................
Steam/Hydronic Heat Coils ..................
Refrigerant Reheat ...............................
Fire/Smoke/Isolation Dampers .............
Process Heat recovery/Reclaim Coils/
Thermal Storage.
A heat exchanger located downstream of the indoor coil that heats the supply air during cooling
operation using high-pressure refrigerant in
order to increase the ratio of moisture removal
to cooling capacity provided by the equipment.
A damper assembly including means to open and
close the damper mounted at the supply or return duct opening of the equipment.
A heat exchanger located inside the unit that conditions the equipment’s supply air using energy
transferred from an external source using a
vapor, gas, or liquid.
Turn off UV lights for testing.
Test with steam/hydronic heat coils in place but
providing no heat.
De-activate refrigerant reheat coils for testing so
as to provide the minimum (none if possible) reheat achievable by the system controls.
For any fire/smoke/isolation dampers that are factory-installed, set the dampers in the fully open
position for testing. For any modular fire/smoke/
isolation dampers shipped with the unit but not
factory-installed, do not install the dampers for
Disconnect the heat exchanger from its heat
source for testing.
[FR Doc. 2022–17075 Filed 8–29–22; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 167 (Tuesday, August 30, 2022)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 53302-53359]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-17075]
[[Page 53301]]
Vol. 87
No. 167
August 30, 2022
Part IV
Department of Energy
10 CFR Parts 429 and 431
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Water-Source Heat
Pumps; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 167 / Tuesday, August 30, 2022 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 53302]]
10 CFR Parts 429 and 431
RIN 1904-AE05
Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Water-Source Heat
AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking and request for comment.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (``DOE'') proposes to amend its
test procedures for water-source heat pumps, with the main changes
being ones to expand the scope of applicability of the test procedure,
reference different industry standards than currently referenced,
change to a seasonal cooling efficiency metric, and change the test
conditions used for the heating metric. DOE has tentatively determined
that the amended test procedure would produce results that are more
representative of an average use cycle and more consistent with current
industry practice without being unduly burdensome to conduct. DOE seeks
comment from interested parties on this proposal.
Comments: DOE will accept comments, data, and information regarding
this proposal no later than October 31, 2022. See section V, ``Public
Participation,'' for details.
Public Meeting: DOE will hold a public meeting via webinar on
Wednesday, September 14, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. See section
V, ``Public Participation,'' for webinar registration information,
participant instructions, and information about the capabilities
available to webinar participants.
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are encouraged to submit comments using
the Federal eRulemaking Portal at, under docket
number EERE-2017-BT-TP-0029. Follow the instructions for submitting
comments. Alternatively, interested persons may submit comments,
identified by docket number EERE-2017-BT-TP-0029 and/or RIN 1904-AE05,
by any of the following methods:
Email: [email protected]. Include the docket number EERE-
2017-BT-TP-0029 and/or RIN 1904-AE05 in the subject line of the
Postal Mail: Appliance and Equipment Standards Program, U.S.
Department of Energy, Building Technologies Office, Mailstop EE-5B,
1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121. If possible,
please submit all items on a compact disc (``CD''), in which case it is
not necessary to include printed copies.
Hand Delivery/Courier: Appliance and Equipment Standards Program,
U.S. Department of Energy, Building Technologies Office, 950 L'Enfant
Plaza SW, 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20024. Telephone: (202) 287-1445.
If possible, please submit all items on a CD, in which case it is not
necessary to include printed copies.
No telefacsimiles (``faxes'') will be accepted. For detailed
instructions on submitting comments and additional information on this
process, see section V of this document (Public Participation).
Docket: The docket, which includes Federal Register notices, public
meeting/webinar attendee lists and transcripts, comments, and other
supporting documents/materials, is available for review at All documents in the docket are listed in the index. However, some documents listed in the index,
such as those containing information that is exempt from public
disclosure, may not be publicly available.
The docket web page can be found at The docket web page contains
instructions on how to access all documents, including public comments,
in the docket. See section V (Public Participation) for information on
how to submit comments through
Ms. Catherine Rivest, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies Office, EE-5B,
1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121. Telephone:
(202) 586-7335. Email: [email protected].
Mr. Eric Stas, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the General
Counsel, GC-33, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121.
Telephone: (202) 586-5827. Email: [email protected].
For further information on how to submit a comment, review other
public comments and the docket, or participate in the public meeting
webinar, contact the Appliance and Equipment Standards Program staff at
(202) 287-1445 or by email: [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: DOE proposes to incorporate by reference
already-approved industry standards, an update to one of those
standards, and a standard not previously-approved.
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009, ``Methods of Testing for Rating
Electrically Driven Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment,''
including errata sheet issued March 27, 2019, ASHRAE approved June 24,
Copies of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-
Conditioning Engineers (``ASHRAE'') ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009 are
available from the American National Standards Institute (``ANSI''), 25
W. 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, (212) 642-4900, or
online at:
ASHRAE errata sheet to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009--Methods of
Testing for Rating Electrically Driven Unitary Air-Conditioning and
Heat Pump Equipment, ANSI/ASHRAE Approved March 27, 2019.
Copies of ASHRAE errata sheet to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009 are
available from ASHRAE, 180 Technology Parkway NW, Peachtree Corners, GA
30092, (404)-636-8400, or online at
ISO Standard 13256-1:1998, ``Water-source heat pumps--Testing and
rating for performance--Part 1: Water-to-air and brine-to-air heat
pumps,'' ISO approved 1998.
Copies of ISO Standard 13256-1:1998 can be obtained from the
International Organization for Standardization (``ISO''), Chemin de
Blandonnet 8 CP 401, 1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland, +41 22 749 01
11, or online at:
AHRI Standard 340/360-2022 (I-P), ``2022 Standard for Performance
Rating of Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-conditioning and Heat
Pump Equipment,'' AHRI-approved January 26, 2022.
Copies of AHRI Standard 340/360-2022 (I-P) can be obtained from the
Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (``AHRI''), 2311
Wilson Blvd., Suite 400, Arlington, VA 22201, (703) 524-8800, or online
See section IV.M of this document for further discussion of these
Table of Contents
I. Authority and Background
A. Authority
B. Background
II. Synopsis of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
III. Discussion
A. Scope of Applicability
[[Page 53303]]
B. Definition
C. Proposed Organization of the WSHP Test Procedure
D. Industry Standards
1. Applicable Industry Test Procedures
a. ISO Standard 13256-1
b. AHRI 340/360-2022 and ASHRAE 37-2009
c. AHRI 600
2. Comments Received on Industry Standards and DOE Responses
3. Proposal for DOE Test Procedure
E. Efficiency Metrics
a. General Discussion
b. Determination of IEER Via Interpolation and Extrapolation
2. COP
a. General Discussion
b. Determination of COP Via Interpolation
3. Entering Air Conditions
4. Operating Modes Other Than Mechanical Cooling and Heating
5. Dynamic Load-Based Test Procedure
F. Test Method
1. Airflow and External Static Pressure
a. Fan Power Adjustment and Required Air External Static
b. Setting Airflow and ESP
i. Ducted Units With Discrete-Step Fans
ii. Non-Ducted Units
2. Capacity Measurement
a. Primary and Secondary Methods
b. Compressor Heat
3. Cyclic Degradation
4. Pump Power Adjustment and Liquid External Static Pressure
5. Test Liquid and Specific Heat Capacity
6. Liquid Flow Rate
a. Full-Load Cooling Tests
b. Part-Load Cooling Tests
c. Heating Tests
d. Condition Tolerance
7. Refrigerant Line Losses
8. Airflow Measurement
9. Air Condition Measurements
10. Duct Losses
11. Refrigerant Charging
12. Voltage
G. Configuration of Unit Under Test
1. Specific Components
2. Non-Standard Indoor Fan Motors
H. Represented Values and Enforcement
1. Multiple Refrigerants
2. Cooling Capacity
3. Enforcement of IEER
I. Test Procedure Costs and Impact
J. Compliance Date
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review
A. Review Under Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
D. Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
H. Review Under the Treasury and General Government
Appropriations Act, 1999
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
J. Review Under Treasury and General Government Appropriations
Act, 2001
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
L. Review Under Section 32 of the Federal Energy Administration
Act of 1974
M. Description of Materials Incorporated by Reference
V. Public Participation
A. Participation in the Public Meeting Webinar
B. Procedure for Submitting Prepared General Statements for
C. Conduct of the Public Meeting Webinar
D. Submission of Comments
E. Issues on Which DOE Seeks Comment
VI. Approval of the Office of the Secretary
I. Authority and Background
Water-source heat pumps (``WSHPs'') are a category of small, large,
and very large commercial package air-conditioning and heating
equipment,\1\ which are included in the list of ``covered equipment''
for which DOE is authorized to establish and amend energy conservation
standards and test procedures. (42 U.S.C. 6311(1)(B)-(D)) DOE's energy
conservation standards and test procedures for WSHPs are currently
prescribed in title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (``CFR'') at
10 CFR 431.97 and 10 CFR 431.96, respectively. The following sections
discuss DOE's authority to establish and amend test procedures for
WSHPs, as well as relevant background information regarding DOE's
consideration of test procedures for this equipment.
\1\ The Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as amended
(``EPCA'') defines ``commercial package air conditioning and heating
equipment'' as air-cooled, water-cooled, evaporatively-cooled, or
water-source (not including ground-water-source) electrically
operated unitary central air conditioners and central air
conditioning heat pumps for commercial application. (42 U.S.C.
6311(8)(A)) EPCA further defines ``small commercial package air
conditioning and heating equipment'' as commercial package air
conditioning and heating equipment that is rated below 135,000 Btu
per hour (cooling capacity); ``large commercial package air
conditioning and heating equipment'' as commercial package air
conditioning and heating equipment that is rated at or above 135,000
Btu per hour and below 240,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity); and
``very large commercial package air conditioning and heating
equipment'' as commercial package air conditioning and heating
equipment that is rated at or above 240,000 Btu per hour and below
760,000 Btu per hour (cooling capacity). (42 U.S.C. 6311(8)(B)-(D))
A. Authority
The Energy Policy and Conservation Act, as amended (``EPCA''),\2\
Public Law 94-163 (42 U.S.C. 6291-6317, as codified), among other
things, authorizes DOE to regulate the energy efficiency of a number of
consumer products and certain industrial equipment. Title III, Part C
\3\ of EPCA, added by Public Law 95-619, Title IV, section 441(a),
established the Energy Conservation Program for Certain Industrial
Equipment, which sets forth a variety of provisions designed to improve
energy efficiency. This equipment includes small, large, and very large
commercial package air-conditioning and heating equipment, including
WSHPs. (42 U.S.C. 6311(1)(B)-(D))
\2\ All references to EPCA in this document refer to the statute
as amended through the Energy Act of 2020, Public Law 116-260 (Dec.
27, 2020), which reflects the last statutory amendments that impact
Parts A and A-1 of EPCA.
\3\ For editorial reasons, upon codification in the U.S. Code,
Part C was redesignated Part A-1.
The energy conservation program under EPCA consists essentially of
four parts: (1) testing; (2) labeling; (3) Federal energy conservation
standards, and (4) certification and enforcement procedures. Relevant
provisions of EPCA specifically include definitions (42 U.S.C. 6311),
energy conservation standards (42 U.S.C. 6313), test procedures (42
U.S.C. 6314), labeling provisions (42 U.S.C. 6315), and the authority
to require information and reports from manufacturers (42 U.S.C. 6316;
42 U.S.C. 6296).
The Federal testing requirements consist of test procedures that
manufacturers of covered equipment must use as the basis for: (1)
certifying to DOE that their equipment complies with the applicable
energy conservation standards adopted pursuant to EPCA (42 U.S.C.
6316(b); 42 U.S.C. 6296), and (2) making representations about the
efficiency of that equipment (42 U.S.C. 6314(d)). Similarly, DOE uses
these test procedures to determine whether the equipment complies with
relevant standards promulgated under EPCA.
Federal energy efficiency requirements for covered equipment
established under EPCA generally supersede State laws and regulations
concerning energy conservation testing, labeling, and standards. (42
U.S.C. 6316(a) and (b); 42 U.S.C. 6297) DOE may, however, grant waivers
of Federal preemption for particular State laws or regulations, in
accordance with the procedures and other provisions of EPCA. (42 U.S.C.
Under 42 U.S.C. 6314, EPCA sets forth the criteria and procedures
DOE must follow when prescribing or amending test procedures for
covered equipment. EPCA requires that any test procedures prescribed or
amended under this section must be reasonably designed to produce test
results which reflect energy efficiency, energy use, or estimated
annual operating cost of covered equipment during a representative
average use cycle and requires that test procedures not be unduly
burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2))
[[Page 53304]]
With respect to WSHPs, EPCA requires that the test procedures shall
be those generally accepted industry testing procedures or rating
procedures developed or recognized by the Air-Conditioning, Heating,
and Refrigeration Institute (``AHRI'') or by the American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (``ASHRAE''), as
referenced in ASHRAE Standard 90.1, ``Energy Standard for Buildings
Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings'' (``ASHRAE Standard 90.1''). (42
U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(A)) Further, if such an industry test procedure is
amended, DOE must amend its test procedure to be consistent with the
amended industry test procedure, unless DOE determines, by rule
published in the Federal Register and supported by clear and convincing
evidence, that the amended test procedure would not produce test
results that reflect the energy efficiency, energy use, and estimated
operating costs of that equipment during a representative average use
cycle or would be unduly burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C.
EPCA also requires that, at least once every 7 years, DOE evaluate
test procedures for each type of covered equipment, including WSHPs, to
determine whether amended test procedures would more accurately or
fully comply with the requirements for the test procedures to not be
unduly burdensome to conduct and be reasonably designed to produce test
results that reflect energy efficiency, energy use, and estimated
operating costs during a representative average use cycle. (42 U.S.C.
In addition, if the Secretary determines that a test procedure
amendment is warranted, DOE must publish proposed test procedures in
the Federal Register and afford interested persons an opportunity (of
not less than 45 days duration) to present oral and written data,
views, and comments on the proposed test procedures. (42 U.S.C.
6314(b)) If DOE determines that test procedure revisions are not
appropriate, DOE must publish in the Federal Register its determination
not to amend the test procedures. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(1)(A)(ii))
In this notice of proposed rulemaking (``NOPR''), DOE is proposing
amendments to the test procedures for WSHPs in satisfaction of the 7-
year-lookback obligations under EPCA. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(1))
B. Background
DOE's existing test procedure for WSHPs is specified at 10 CFR
431.96 (``Uniform test method for the measurement of energy efficiency
of commercial air conditioners and heat pumps''). The Federal test
procedure currently incorporates by reference International
Organization for Standardization (``ISO'') Standard 13256-1 (1998),
``Water-source heat pumps--Testing and rating for performance--Part 1:
Water-to-air and brine-to-air heat pumps,'' (``ISO 13256-1:1998'').
This is the test procedure specified by ASHRAE Standard 90.1 for water-
source heat pumps.
DOE initially incorporated ISO 13256-1:1998 as the referenced test
procedure for WSHPs on October 21, 2004 (69 FR 61962), and DOE last
reviewed the test procedure for WSHPs as part of a final rule for
commercial package air conditioners and heat pumps published in the
Federal Register on May 16, 2012 (``May 2012 final rule''; 77 FR
28928). In the May 2012 final rule, DOE retained the reference to ISO
13256-1:1998 but adopted additional provisions for equipment set-up at
10 CFR 431.96(e), which provide specifications for addressing key
information typically found in the installation and operation manuals.
Id at 77 FR 28991.
On June 22, 2018, DOE published a request for information (``RFI'')
in the Federal Register to collect information and data to consider
amendments to DOE's test procedures for WSHPs. 83 FR 29048 (``June 2018
RFI'').\4\ As part of the June 2018 RFI, DOE identified and requested
comment on several issues associated with the currently applicable
Federal test procedures, in particular concerning methods that are
adopted through incorporation by reference of the applicable industry
standard; efficiency metrics and calculations; additional
specifications for the test methods; and any additional topics that may
inform DOE's decisions in a future test procedure rulemaking, including
methods to reduce regulatory burden while ensuring the test procedure's
accuracy. Id.
\4\ An extension of the comment period for the June 2018 RFI was
published in the Federal Register on July 9, 2018. 83 FR 31704.
DOE received comments in response to the June 2018 RFI from the
interested parties listed in Table I-1.
Table I-1--List of Commenters With Written Submissions in Response to
the June 2018 RFI
Reference in this
Commenter(s) NOPR Commenter type
Air-Conditioning, Heating, and AHRI............. IR.
Refrigeration Institute.
Appliance Standards Awareness Joint Advocates.. EA.
Project, American Council for
an Energy-Efficient Economy,
Natural Resources Defense
Northwest Energy Efficiency NEEA............. EA.
Pacific Gas and Electric CA IOUs.......... U.
Company, San Diego Gas and
Electric, and Southern
California Edison;
collectively referred to as
the California Investor-Owned
Trane Technologies............ Trane............ M.
WaterFurnace International.... WaterFurnace..... M.
EA: Efficiency/Environmental Advocate; IR: Industry Representative; M:
Manufacturer; U: Utility.
A parenthetical reference at the end of a comment quotation or
paraphrase provides the location of the item in the public record.\5\
\5\ The parenthetical reference provides a reference for
information located in the docket of DOE's rulemaking to develop
test procedures for WSHPs. (Docket No. EERE-2017-BT-TP-0029, which
is maintained at The references are arranged
as follows: (commenter name, comment docket ID number, page of that
In May 2021, ISO published an updated version of Standard 13256-1,
ISO Standard 13256-1 (2021), ``Water-source heat pumps--Testing and
rating for performance--Part 1: Water-to-air and brine-to-air heat
pumps,'' (``ISO 13256-1:2021''). ISO 13256-1:2021 is discussed further
in section III.D of this NOPR.
II. Synopsis of the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
In this NOPR, DOE is proposing to amend the Federal test procedures
for WSHPs as follows: (1) expand the scope of the test procedure to
include WSHPs
[[Page 53305]]
with capacities between 135,000 and 760,000 British thermal units per
hour (``Btu/h''); (2) incorporate by reference AHRI Standard 340/360-
2022 (I-P), ``2022 Standard for Performance Rating of Commercial and
Industrial Unitary Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment'' (``AHRI
340/360-2022''), and ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009, ``Methods of Testing
for Rating Electrically Driven Unitary Air-Conditioning and Heat Pump
Equipment'' (``ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009'') as the applicable test procedures
for WSHPs, instead of the currently referenced industry test procedure
ISO 13256-1:1998; (3) establish provisions for a new cooling efficiency
metric, integrated energy efficiency ratio (``IEER''), for WSHPs and
provide an alternative method of calculating IEER using interpolation
from test conditions commonly used for WSHPs; (4) modify the test
conditions for measuring the heating coefficient of performance
(``COP'') and provide an alternative method of calculating COP using
interpolation from test conditions commonly used for WSHPs; (5) include
additional specification of setting airflow and external static
pressure (``ESP'') for non-ducted units and ducted units with discrete-
step fans; (6) specify liquid ESP requirements for units with integral
pumps and include a method to account for total pumping effect for
units without integral pumps; (7) specify components that must be
present for testing; and (8) amend certain provisions related to
representations and enforcement in 10 CFR part 429.
DOE proposes to implement these changes by adding new appendices C
and C1 to subpart F of part 431, with both to be titled ``Uniform Test
Method for Measuring the Energy Consumption of Water-Source Heat
Pumps,'' (``appendix C'' and ``appendix C1,'' respectively). The
current DOE test procedure for WSHPs would be relocated to appendix C
without change, and the new test procedure adopting AHRI 340/360-2022
and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 and any other amendments would be set forth in
proposed appendix C1 for determining IEER. As discussed elsewhere in
this NOPR, DOE has tentatively concluded, supported by clear and
convincing evidence, that the proposed amended test procedure in
appendix C1 (relying on AHRI 340/360-2022 and ASHRAE 37-2009) would
provide more representative results and more fully comply with the
requirements of 42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2) than testing with the current
Federal test procedure (relying on ISO 13256-1:1998). However, use of
proposed appendix C1 would not be required until such time as
compliance is required with amended energy conservation standards for
WSHPs based on IEER, should DOE adopt such standards, although a
manufacturer would need to make any voluntary early representations of
IEER in accordance with appendix C1.
DOE's proposed actions are summarized in Table II-1 and addressed
in detail in section III of this document.
Table II-1--Summary of Changes in the Proposed Test Procedure Relative
to the Current Test Procedure for WSHPs
Proposed test
Current DOE test procedure procedure in Appendix Attribution
Scope is limited to units with Expands the scope of Harmonize with
cooling capacity less than the test procedure to scope of test
135,000 Btu/h. additionally include procedure for
units with cooling water-cooled
capacity greater than commercial
or equal to 135,000 unitary air
Btu/h and less than conditioners.
760,000 Btu/h.
Incorporates by reference ISO Incorporates by Improve
13256-1:1998. reference AHRI 340/ representativen
360-2022 and ANSI/ ess of test
ASHRAE 37-2009. procedure.
Includes provisions for Includes provisions Improve
determining EER metric. for determining IEER, representativen
and specifies an ess of test
alternative method of procedure.
calculating IEER
using interpolation
and extrapolation
from results of
testing at ISO 13256-
1:1998 temperatures.
Specifies test condition of 68 Changes the test Improve
[deg]F for measuring COP. condition for COP to representativen
55 [deg]F and ess of test
provides an procedure.
alternative method of
calculating COP using
interpolation from
results of testing at
ISO 13256-1:1998
Does not include specification Includes additional Improve
of setting airflow and ESP specification of representativen
for non-ducted units or setting airflow and ess of test
ducted units with discrete- ESP for non-ducted procedure.
step fans. units and for ducted
units with discrete-
step fans.
Allows for testing at any Specifies liquid ESP Improve
liquid ESP with an adjustment requirements for representativen
to include the pump power to units with integral ess of test
overcome liquid internal pumps, and includes a procedure.
static pressure. method for accounting
for the total pumping
effect for units
without integral
Does not include WSHP-specific Includes provisions in Establish WSHP-
provisions for determination 10 CFR 429.43 specific
of represented values in 10 specific to WSHPs to provisions for
CFR 429.43. prevent cooling determination
capacity over-rating of represented
and to determine values.
represented values
for models with
specific components.
Does not include WSHP-specific Adopts product- Establish
enforcement provisions in 10 specific enforcement provisions for
CFR 429.134. provisions for WSHPs DOE testing of
regarding WSHPs.
verification of
cooling capacity,
testing of systems
with specific
components, and DOE
IEER testing.
DOE has tentatively determined that the proposed amendments
described in section III of this NOPR regarding the establishment of
appendix C would not alter the measured efficiency of WSHPs or require
retesting solely as a result of DOE's adoption of the proposed
amendments to the test procedure, if made final. DOE has tentatively
determined that the proposed test procedure amendments in appendix C1
would, if adopted, alter the measured efficiency of WSHPs. DOE has
tentatively determined that the proposed amendments would increase the
cost of testing relative to the current Federal test procedure. Use of
the proposed appendix C1 and the proposed
[[Page 53306]]
amendments to the representation requirements in 10 CFR 429.43 would
not be required until the compliance date of amended standards
denominated in terms of IEER, although manufacturers would need to use
appendix C1 if they choose to make voluntary representations of IEER
prior to the compliance date. DOE's proposed actions are discussed in
further detail in section III of this NOPR.
III. Discussion
In the following sections, DOE proposes certain amendments to the
Federal test procedure for WSHPs. For each proposed amendment, DOE
provides relevant background information, explains why the amendment
merits consideration, discusses any relevant public comments, and
proposes a potential approach.
A. Scope of Applicability
This rulemaking applies to WSHPs, which are a category of small,
large, and very large commercial package air-conditioning and heating
equipment. (See 42 U.S.C. 6311(1)(B)-(D)) In its regulations, DOE
defines WSHP as ``a single-phase or three-phase reverse-cycle heat pump
that uses a circulating water loop as the heat source for heating and
as the heat sink for cooling. The main components are a compressor,
refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger, refrigerant-to-air heat exchanger,
refrigerant expansion devices, refrigerant reversing valve, and indoor
fan. Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, water-to-air
water-loop heat pumps.'' 10 CFR 431.92.
The current Federal test procedure and energy conservation
standards apply to WSHPs with a rated cooling capacity below 135,000
Btu/h. 10 CFR 431.96, Table 1 and 431.97, Table 3. However, DOE has
identified WSHPs on the market with cooling capacities equal to or
greater than 135,000 Btu/h.\6\ In the June 2018 RFI, DOE sought data
and information on the size of the market for WSHPs with a cooling
capacity over 135,000 Btu/h and any potential limitations to testing
such units. 83 FR 29048, 29050 (June 22, 2018).
\6\ For simplicity in this NOPR, DOE refers to cooling capacity
equal to or greater than 135,000 Btu/h as ``over 135,000'' Btu/h.
The Joint Advocates encouraged DOE to include WSHPs over 135,000
Btu/h within the scope of the test procedure. (Joint Advocates, No. 10
at p. 1)
AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace stated that the market for WSHPs over
135,000 Btu/h is very small--around 0.7 percent of the market--and that
finding a lab to test these units would be difficult for the reasons
that follow. AHRI commented that manufacturers have limitations on the
size of units that can be tested in their own labs, so the proposed
expanded scope of the WSHP test procedure to encompass units with
higher rated capacities would necessitate the use of third-party labs,
resulting in additional costs for testing. AHRI and WaterFurnace
further commented that WSHPs in this capacity range are highly
customized for their application and asserted that testing them would
incur significant costs. Trane added that no independent test labs are
currently certified to test WSHPs over 135,000 Btu/h. (Trane, No. 8 at
p. 2; AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 3-4; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 2-3)
Furthermore, AHRI and WaterFurnace argued that units with capacity
over 135,000 Btu/h are out of the scope of ISO 13256-1:1998. (AHRI, No.
12 at p. 4; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p.2) WaterFurnace also commented
that AHRI certification costs would be extreme for such a small market
due to the need to test three larger and more expensive units for
sampling selection of each basic model group, and the likely need to
scrap the units after testing due the significant extent of
customization of larger units. (WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 2-3)
In response, DOE notes that contrary to the assertions of AHRI and
WaterFurnace, no capacity limitation is expressed in ISO 13256-1:1998--
the industry standard currently incorporated by reference--or ISO
13256-1:2021. Once again, DOE has identified numerous model lines of
WSHPs with cooling capacity over 135,000 Btu/h from a wide variety of
manufacturers. The manufacturer literature for all identified model
lines includes efficiency representations that are explicitly based on
ISO 13256-1:1998.
Additionally, DOE is aware of several independent test labs that
have the capability to test WSHPs with cooling capacity over 135,000
Btu/h. DOE conducted investigative testing on multiple WSHP models with
cooling capacity over 135,000 Btu/h at one such independent test lab
and did not encounter any difficulties specific to units in this
capacity range.
Further, AHRI 340/360-2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 include
provisions for testing units with capacities over 135,000 Btu/h. Both
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and DOE regulations cover other categories of
commercial air conditioning and heating equipment, including water-
cooled commercial unitary air conditioners (``WCUACs''), with cooling
capacity up to 760,000 Btu/h. DOE has tentatively determined that
testing WSHPs with cooling capacity over 135,000 Btu/h would be of
comparable burden to testing other commercial air conditioning and
heating equipment of similar capacity.
Regarding WaterFurnace's comment that an expansion of test
procedure scope would mean that many large units would need to be
tested, DOE notes that expanding the scope of the test procedure would
not necessitate certification unless DOE were to establish standards
for such equipment. Until such a time, an expansion of scope for the
test procedure would simplify require that if manufacturers choose to
make optional representations of WSHPs with cooling capacity over
135,000 Btu/h, that such optional representations be made in accordance
with the DOE test procedure. Further, representations for WSHPs can be
made either based on testing (in accordance with 10 CFR 429.43(a)(1))
or based on alternative efficiency determination methods (``AEDMs'')
(in accordance with 10 CFR 429.43(a)(2)). An AEDM is a computer
modeling or mathematical tool that predicts the performance of non-
tested basic models. These computer modeling and mathematical tools,
when properly developed, can provide a means to predict the energy
usage or efficiency characteristics of a basic model of a given covered
product or equipment and reduce the burden and cost associated with
testing. Whereas DOE requires at least two units to be tested per basic
model when represented values are determined through testing, DOE
requires each AEDM to be validated by tests of only two WSHP basic
models of any capacity (in accordance with 10 CFR 429.70(c)(2)).
Therefore, an expansion of scope for the DOE test procedure would not
necessitate the testing of many large units.
For these reasons, DOE has tentatively concluded that testing units
with cooling capacity over 135,000 Btu/h is feasible. Moreover, based
on the presence on the market of units over 135,000 Btu/h with
efficiency ratings and the identification of laboratories capable of
testing such units, DOE has tentatively determined that such testing
would not be unduly burdensome. Additionally, expanding the scope of
DOE's test procedure for WSHPs to include equipment with cooling
capacity between 135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h would ensure that
representations for all WSHPs are made using the same test procedure
and that ratings for equipment in this cooling
[[Page 53307]]
capacity range are appropriately representative. Therefore, DOE
proposes in this NOPR to expand the scope of applicability of the test
procedure to include WSHPs with a cooling capacity between 135,000 and
760,000 Btu/h. Specifically, DOE proposes to update table 1 to 10 CFR
431.96 to include WSHPs with cooling capacity greater than or equal to
135,000 Btu/h and less than 240,000 Btu/h under Large Commercial
Package Air-Conditioning and Heating Equipment; and to include WSHPs
with cooling capacity greater than or equal to 240,000 Btu/h and less
than 760,000 Btu/h under Very Large Commercial Package Air-Conditioning
and Heating Equipment. For both capacity ranges, the specified test
procedure would be the proposed appendix C, and DOE proposes that any
voluntary representations with respect to the energy use or energy
efficiency must be made in accordance with appendix C starting 360 days
after a test procedure final rule is published in the Federal Register.
DOE also proposes that, starting 360 days after a test procedure final
rule is published in the Federal Register, any voluntary
representations of IEER must be made in accordance with the proposed
appendix C1.
DOE does not currently specify energy conservation standards for
WSHPs with cooling capacity over 135,000 Btu/h. DOE would consider any
future standards applicable to WSHPs over 135,000 Btu/h in a separate
energy conservation standards rulemaking. Manufacturers of WSHPs with
cooling capacity over 135,000 Btu/h would not be required to test WSHPs
with a cooling capacity over 135,000 Btu/h until such time as
compliance with standards for this equipment were required, should DOE
adopt such standards, although any voluntary EER representations would
need to be based on the test procedure in appendix C, and any voluntary
IEER representations would need to be based on the test procedure in
appendix C1 starting 360 days after the publication of a test procedure
final rule. Additionally, if DOE were to adopt standards for WSHPs in
terms of IEER, after the compliance date for those standards, any
representations for WSHPs would be required to be made according to
appendix C1.
Issue 1: DOE requests comments on the proposed expansion of the
scope of applicability of the Federal test procedure to include WSHPs
with cooling capacity between 135,000 and 760,000 Btu/h.
B. Definition
As discussed, WSHPs are a category of commercial package air-
conditioning and heating equipment. The current definition for ``water-
source heat pump'' does not explicitly state that it is ``commercial
package air-conditioning and heating equipment.'' This is inconsistent
with the definitions of most other categories of commercial package
air-conditioning and heating equipment (e.g., computer room air
conditioner, single package vertical air conditioner, variable
refrigerant flow multi-split air conditioner). 10 CFR 431.92. To
provide consistency with other definitions of specific categories of
commercial package air-conditioning and heating equipment, DOE proposes
to amend the definition of ``water-source heat pump'' to explicitly
indicate that WSHPs are a category of commercial package air-
conditioning and heating equipment. This proposed clarification to the
``water-source heat pump'' definition would not change the scope of
equipment covered by the definition.
In addition, DOE is proposing to amend the WSHP definition to
clarify that an indoor fan is not an included component for coil-only
WSHPs. The current definition lists the main components of a WSHP, and
it includes ``indoor fan'' on that list. However, DOE has identified
coil-only WSHPs on the market that rely on a separately installed
furnace or modular blower for indoor air movement. To clarify that
coil-only WSHPs are indeed covered under the WSHP definition, DOE is
proposing to include the parenthesized statement ``except that coil-
only units do not include an indoor fan'' in the sentence listing the
main components in the WSHP definition.
In summary, DOE proposes to amend the definition of WSHP as
``Water-source heat pump means commercial package air-conditioning
and heating equipment that is a single-phase or three-phase reverse-
cycle heat pump that uses a circulating water loop as the heat source
for heating and as the heat sink for cooling. The main components are a
compressor, refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger, refrigerant-to-air
heat exchanger, refrigerant expansion devices, refrigerant reversing
valve, and indoor fan (except that coil-only units do not include an
indoor fan). Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, water-to-
air water-loop heat pumps.''
Issue 2: DOE requests comments on the proposed change to the
definition of WSHP to explicitly indicate that WSHP is a category of
commercial package air-conditioning and heating equipment and to
clarify that the presence of an indoor fan does not apply to coil-only
C. Proposed Organization of the WSHP Test Procedure
DOE is proposing to relocate and centralize the current test
procedure for WSHPs to a new appendix C to subpart F of part 431. As
proposed, appendix C would maintain the substance of the current test
procedure. The test procedure as proposed in newly proposed appendix C
would continue to reference ISO 13256-1:1998 and provide for
determining energy efficiency ratio (``EER'') and COP. The proposed
appendix C would centralize the additional test provisions currently
applicable under 10 CFR 431.96, i.e., additional provisions for
equipment set-up (10 CFR 431.96(e)). As proposed, WSHPs would be
required to be tested according to appendix C until such time as
compliance is required with an amended energy conservation standard
that relies on the IEER metric, should DOE adopt such a standard.
DOE is also proposing to establish a test procedure for WSHPs in a
new appendix C1 to subpart F of part 431 that would incorporate by
reference AHRI 340/360-2022 and ASHRAE 37-2009 along with additional
provisions, as discussed in greater detail in the following sections.
As proposed, WSHPs would not be required to test according to the test
procedure in proposed appendix C1 until such time as compliance is
required with an amended energy conservation standard that relies on
the IEER metric, should DOE adopt such a standard, although any
voluntary representations of IEER prior to the compliance date must be
based on testing according to appendix C1.
D. Industry Standards
1. Applicable Industry Test Procedures
a. ISO Standard 13256-1
As noted in section I.B of this document, the DOE test procedure
currently incorporates by reference ISO 13256-1:1998 and includes
additional provisions for equipment set-up at 10 CFR 431.96(e), which
provide specifications for addressing key information typically found
in the installation and operation manuals.
ISO 13256-1:1998 specifies the cooling efficiency metric, EER,\7\
which is the ratio of the net total cooling capacity to the effective
power input at
[[Page 53308]]
a single set of operating conditions. Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998
specifies six sets of operating conditions for determining EER values
based on variation in entering water temperature (``EWT'') \8\ and, for
models with capacity control (i.e., multiple compressor stages),
whether the test is a full-load or part-load test. The initial three
sets, referred to as ``standard rating test'' conditions in Table 1 of
ISO 13256-1:1998, are used to determine full-load EER values, which
represent the cooling efficiency for a WSHP operating at its maximum
capacity in the most demanding conditions (i.e., highest EWT) that the
WSHP would regularly encounter. The three standard rating test
conditions in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998 differ in terms of EWT, in
that they represent the highest EWT that would be regularly encountered
in different specific applications (i.e., 86 [deg]F for water-loop, 59
[deg]F for ground-water, and 77 [deg]F for ground-loop heat pumps).\9\
The standard rating test conditions specified for water-loop heat pumps
are used in the current DOE test procedure.
\7\ DOE defines ``EER'' at 10 CFR 431.92 as the ratio of the
produced cooling effect of an air conditioner or heat pump to its
net work input, expressed in BTU/watt-hour.
\8\ ``EWT'' is used to describe the entering liquid temperature
for WSHPs, which may be water or a brine solution, depending on the
liquid temperature used for test.
\9\ EWTs are specified in degrees Celsius in ISO 13256-1:1998,
but they are referred to by their equivalent values of degrees
Fahrenheit in this NOPR to ease comparison with other temperatures
discussed elsewhere in this document.
The next three sets of operating conditions for determining EER,
referred to as ``part-load rating test'' conditions in Table 1 of ISO
13256-1:1998, are specified to determine EER values at less than full
capacity for models with capacity control. As with the standard rating
test conditions, Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998 specifies part-load rating
test conditions for different specific applications (i.e., 86 [deg]F
for water-loop, 59 [deg]F for ground-water, and 68 [deg]F for ground-
loop heat pumps). None of the part-load rating test conditions are used
in the current DOE test procedure. Although Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998
specifies conditions for determining EER for multiple applications and
(as applicable) capacity levels, ISO 13256-1:1998 does not include any
seasonal cooling efficiency metrics.
Additionally, unlike the test methods for other categories of
commercial package air conditioners and heat pumps (e.g., AHRI 340/360-
2022 for commercial unitary air conditioners and heat pumps (``CUAC/
HPs''); AHRI Standard 1230-2021, ``2021 Standard for Performance Rating
of Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Multi-Split Air-Conditioning and
Heat Pump Equipment'' (``AHRI 1230-2021''), for variable refrigerant
flow air conditioners (``VRF multi-split systems''); AHRI Standard 390-
2021, ``2021 Standard for Performance Rating of Single Package Vertical
Air-Conditioners and Heat Pumps'' (``AHRI 390-2021''), for single
package vertical units (``SPVUs''); and AHRI Standard 210/240-2023,
``2023 Standard for Performance Rating of Unitary Air-conditioning &
Air-source Heat Pump Equipment'' (``AHRI 210/240-2023''), for central
air conditioners and heat pumps (``CAC/HPs'')), for ducted units ISO
13256-1:1998 does not produce ratings that reflect indoor fan power
needed to overcome ESP from ductwork. Instead, section 4.1.3 of ISO
13256-1:1998 includes a fan power adjustment (which assumes a fan
efficiency of 0.3 for all units) to be applied such that only the fan
power required to overcome the internal static pressure (``ISP'') of
the unit is taken into account. The exclusion of fan power to overcome
ESP from ductwork in ISO 13256-1:1998 ratings results in higher EER
ratings than would be measured if ratings reflected fan power to
overcome ESP, thereby being more representative of field applications.
Similar to the treatment of fan power, ISO 13256-1:1998 does not
produce ratings that reflect the pump power needed to overcome liquid
ESP from the water loop that pipes water to and from the WSHP. Instead,
section 4.1.4 of ISO 13256-1:1998 includes a pump power adjustment
(which assumes a pump efficiency of 0.3 for all units) to be applied
such that only the pump power required to overcome the liquid ISP of
the unit is taken into account. ISO 13256-1:1998 also does not specify
any liquid ESP requirements for testing. The exclusion of pump power to
overcome ESP from system water loop piping in ISO 13256-1:1998 ratings
results in higher EER ratings than would be measured if ratings
reflected pump power to overcome ESP, thereby being more representative
of field applications.
An updated version of ISO Standard 13256-1 (i.e., ISO 13256-1:2021)
was published in 2021. While there are numerous changes in ISO 13256-
1:2021 (discussed in detail in subsequent sections of this NOPR), the
2021 version maintains provisions for determining EER, and it does not
include provisions for determining a seasonal metric that incorporates
tests at multiple conditions. ISO 13256-1:2021 also maintains the same
indoor fan power adjustment and pump power adjustment as in the 1998
version (see sections 5.1.3 and 5.1.4 of ISO 13256-1:2021), thus
continuing to produce ratings that do not reflect fan power and pump
power associated with overcoming ESP. As discussed in subsequent
sections of this document, DOE is proposing provisions in its test
procedures for WSHPs to address the identified shortcomings in ISO
13256-1:1998 and ISO 13256-1:2021.
b. AHRI 340/360-2022 and ASHRAE 37-2009
AHRI 340/360-2022 is the industry test procedure used for testing
CUAC/HPs. AHRI 340/360-2022 includes the seasonal cooling metric IEER
(see section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022), which reflects cooling
performance across a range of operating conditions and load levels.
Specifically, IEER is a weighted average of the EER at full-load and
several part-load conditions intended to represent the range of
conditions that a unit would encounter over a full cooling season. The
vast majority of operating hours for commercial air conditioners and
heat pumps (including CUAC/HPs and WSHPs) occur when conditions are
less demanding than full-load conditions. For example, the IEER metric
in section 6.2.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022 specifies that full-load
conditions account for only 2 percent of operation. AHRI 340/360-2022
also includes minimum ESP requirements that are intended to reflect
ESPs in field installations and includes all indoor fan power needed to
overcome the tested ESP in the calculation of IEER (see section
of AHRI 340/360-2022). AHRI 340/360-2022 also includes a power adder to
account for the power of cooling tower fan motor(s) and circulating
water pump(s). Similar to other industry test procedures for commercial
package air-conditioning and heating equipment, AHRI 340/360-2022
references ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 (see section 5.1.1 of AHRI 340/360-
2022), which provides a method of test applicable to many categories of
air conditioning and heating equipment. In particular, sections 5 and 6
and appendices C, D, E, and I of AHRI 340/360-2022 reference methods of
test in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. As discussed in subsequent sections of
this notice, DOE has tentatively concluded that AHRI 340/360-2022
addresses many of the identified shortcomings in ISO 13256-1:1998 and
ISO 13256-1:2021.
c. AHRI 600
AHRI is in the process of developing a new industry test standard
for WSHPs titled ``AHRI Standard 600 IEER & SCHE Performance Rating of
Water/Brine Source Heat Pumps'' (``AHRI 600''). This was formerly
designated as AHRI Standard 500P (``AHRI 500P''). DOE has
[[Page 53309]]
participated in AHRI committee meetings working to develop AHRI 600
since 2019. Based on its interactions with the AHRI committee, DOE
understands that AHRI 600 would not include any provisions for testing,
but rather would provide a method for calculation of a seasonal cooling
efficiency metric for WSHPs (i.e., IEER) based on testing conducted
according to ISO 13256-1:1998. Specifically, DOE understands that AHRI
600 would provide for the calculation of IEER for WSHPs via
interpolation and extrapolation of test results reflecting the testing
temperatures specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998, and the rating
conditions for the IEER calculation would be based on the EWTs and
weighting factors specified in Table 9 and section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360-
2022 for determining IEER for water-cooled CUACs. AHRI 600 is still in
development and has not yet published. As discussed in subsequent
sections of this notice, DOE has tentatively concluded that the general
methodology in AHRI 600 for determining IEER is appropriate, although
DOE has identified several aspects of the methodology that warrant
further modifications.
2. Comments Received on Industry Standards and DOE Responses
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE discussed how the test method used in ISO
13256-1:1998 is similar to ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 and that ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009 is the method referenced by the 2015 version of AHRI 340/360 (the
most current version at the time; ``AHRI 340/360-2015''). 83 FR 29048,
29052 (June 22, 2018). DOE also discussed how AHRI 340/360-2015 is
referenced by ASHRAE Standard 90.1 for testing WCUACs, and that DOE was
considering whether using the same method of test for WSHPs and WCUACs
would be appropriate, given the similarities in the design of WSHPs and
WCUACs. Id. DOE requested comment on whether a single test method could
be used for both WSHPs and WCUACs. Id. DOE also sought comment on any
aspects of design, installation, and application of WSHPs that would
make the use of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 infeasible for WSHPs. Id.
In response to the June 2018 RFI, AHRI and Trane stated that
because ASHRAE Standard 90.1 reaffirmed the ISO 13256-1:1998 standard
on October 26, 2018, the statutory trigger provisions of 42 U.S.C.
6314(a)(4)(B) do not provide a basis for DOE to review its WSHP test
procedure at that time. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 1, Trane, No. 8 at p. 1)
In response, DOE notes that in addition to the statutory trigger
provisions of 42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(B), the Department is statutorily
required to review its test procedures every seven years per the 7-
year-lookback requirements at 42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(1), as outlined in
section I.A of this NOPR.
AHRI, WaterFurnace, and Trane recommended that DOE wait for the ISO
revision process to be completed and adopt the revised version of ISO
13256-1:1998 following a second RFI. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 6;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 2; Trane, No. 8 at p. 3) AHRI and
WaterFurnace further commented that the next version of ISO 13256-1 was
expected to publish in early 2019, and these commenters recommended
that DOE should support the development of the next version of ISO
13256-1:1998. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 3, 12-13; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp.
2, 10) AHRI and WaterFurnace also stated that many key authors of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37-2009 are on the ISO working group, and that the working group
was planning to add clarity to the test method with the next revision
of ISO 13256-1:1998. The commenters also stated that minimum ESPs were
being considered for inclusion in the revised version of ISO 13256-
1:1998. Id.
AHRI and WaterFurnace further stated that for international
standards, each nation requires slight deviations from the written ISO
standard and that the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual \10\
provides the U.S. national deviations from ISO 13256-1:1998. (AHRI, No.
12 at p. 2; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 2) They further stated that the
AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual addresses multiple issues raised
by DOE in the June 2018 RFI. Id.
\10\ DOE notes that the AHRI geothermal operations manual is
available at: (Last accessed July 29, 2022).
In response, DOE notes that ISO 13256-1:2021 also lacks a seasonal
cooling efficiency metric and does not produce ratings that reflect fan
power and pump power associated with overcoming ESP. As discussed, a
seasonal cooling efficiency metric would account for the range of
conditions that a unit would encounter over a full cooling season. In
addition, the inclusion of fan and pump power associated with
overcoming ESP would provide ratings that would be more representative
of the power consumption in field applications needed to overcome
pressure from ductwork and water piping. Section III.D.3 of this
document provides further discussion of these considerations and DOE's
preliminary conclusion that alternate test methods that address these
key issues would provide a more representative measure of a WSHP's
overall energy efficiency.
While an updated version of ISO Standard 13256-1 has published
(i.e., ISO 13256-1:2021), DOE is not aware of a deviation process being
initiated for the U.S. (i.e., development of the version designated
with ``AHRI/ASHRAE'' that is intended for use for testing in the U.S.).
DOE understands that the national deviation process will be initiated
by a WSHP industry committee, but DOE does not know when that will
begin or how long the national deviation process will take. DOE notes
that in the past, the WSHP industry committees have taken years longer
than expected to develop the revised version of ISO 13256-1, as well as
AHRI 600. Specifically, in their RFI comments, AHRI and WaterFurnace
stated that they expected the revised ISO 13256-1 to publish in ``early
2019'' and AHRI 600 to publish in 2019, whereas in reality, the revised
ISO 13256-1 published in 2021 and AHRI 600 remains as yet unpublished.
Therefore, DOE expects that the national deviation process will not be
completed for several years, and the Department cannot speculate as to
the substantive output of those efforts or a final completion date.
Given EPCA's statutory requirement to review the appropriate test
procedures for WSHPs every seven years, DOE has tentatively concluded
that it would be neither appropriate nor permissible to delay the
current rulemaking for the WSHP test procedure until after the
completion of the national deviation process (which the Department
understands has not yet even begun).
DOE further notes that the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual
is not incorporated by reference into the DOE test procedure, nor is it
referenced in ASHRAE Standard 90.1. Therefore, the deviations from the
ISO standard included in the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual are
not reflected in the current DOE test procedure. However, DOE has
nonetheless reviewed the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual as part
of its consideration of potential amended test procedure provisions in
this NOPR.
With regards to use of a part-load efficiency metric, Trane, AHRI,
and WaterFurnace commented that industry is currently developing an
IEER metric for WSHPs. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; AHRI, No. 12 at p. 11;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 9) AHRI and WaterFurnace commented further
that the IEER metric
[[Page 53310]]
is included in the draft of AHRI 500P \11\ and is calculated using
performance data from ISO 13256-1:1998. In addition, AHRI and
WaterFurnace stated that WSHPs in water-loop applications (i.e.,
installed with cooling towers) operate with similar water-loop
conditions to WCUACs. Therefore, the commenters argued that the
provisions used for determining IEER for WSHPs in the draft of AHRI
500P are similar to those included in AHRI 340/360 and AHRI 1230;
specifically, the commenters included a table showing that the IEER EWT
conditions in the draft of AHRI 500P align with those specified in AHRI
340/360. Both AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that they anticipated
AHRI 500P to be completed in 2019. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 11-12;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 9)
\11\ As discussed, after DOE received comments in response to
the June 2018 RFI, the draft AHRI Standard 500P was redesignated as
the draft AHRI Standard 600.
Once again, DOE notes that AHRI 600 \12\ has not yet published, and
the Department is unaware as to when that document will be completed.
Accordingly, for this NOPR, in addition to proposing a method to
determine IEER by testing at the IEER test points specified in Table 9
of AHRI 340/360-2022, DOE is proposing an alternate method of
calculating IEER (based on interpolation and extrapolation from results
of testing to EWTs specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998, rather
than testing directly at the EWTs specified for the IEER metric in
Table 9 of AHRI 340/360-2022) that DOE understands to be consistent
with the approach in the current draft version of AHRI 600. Section
III.E.1.b of this NOPR includes further details on the proposed
optional approach for calculation of IEER based on interpolation and
\12\ As discussed, after DOE received comments in response to
the June 2018 RFI, the draft AHRI Standard 500P was redesignated as
the draft AHRI Standard 600.
DOE also received comments from AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace that
cautioned against using a different test standard, such as AHRI 340/
360, for testing WSHPs instead of ISO 13256-1 as currently specified.
(Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; AHRI, No. 12 at p. 12; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p.
10) AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace argued that AHRI 340/360 does not
include several important features that are included in ISO 13256-
1:1998 such as: provisions for heating performance, performance mapping
\13\ across a wide temperature range, part-load ratings, application
ratings for well water and geothermal, and provisions for testing units
with variable-speed compressors. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; AHRI, No. 12 at
p. 12; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 10) Trane stated that AHRI 340/360
covers only cooling-mode operation of water-cooled units, and that
WSHPs require a test procedure that includes both cooling and heating
cycle operation. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 4) AHRI and WaterFurnace
additionally stated that certain aspects of ISO 13256-1:1998, such as
standard rating conditions, are not included in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009
because ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 is a method of test rather than a test
standard. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 12-13; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 10-11)
AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace further commented that that many aspects
of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 are accounted for in ISO 13256-1:1998. (AHRI,
No. 12 at p. 13; Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 10)
AHRI and WaterFurnace also stated that several Environmental Protection
Agency (``EPA''), State, utility, and building code requirements
reference ISO 13256-1:1998, and they asserted that removing reference
to it would have a significant negative impact on the industry and
consumers who use efficiency programs and tax credits when selecting
equipment. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 12; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 10)
\13\ DOE understands use of the term ``performance mapping'' as
referring to making representations of performance across a range of
temperature conditions, typically achieved by interpolating or
extrapolating from test results obtained at specifically defined
test conditions.
The following paragraphs provide DOE's responses to concerns
expressed by commenters that AHRI 340/360 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 lack
certain provisions that are present in ISO 13256-1 and that are needed
for testing WSHPs.
Regarding provisions for heating tests, DOE acknowledges that AHRI
340/360-2022 does not include certain provisions needed for heating-
mode testing of WSHPs because WCUACs, the water-cooled units for which
AHRI 340/360-2022 is intended to apply, are not heat pumps.
Specifically, AHRI 340/360-2022 does not specify the following
provisions for a heating test: an EWT test condition, provisions for
setting liquid flow rate, or how pump effects are accounted for.
Therefore, DOE is proposing additional provisions that would address
these aspects of heating-mode tests of WSHPs, as discussed further in
sections III.E.2, III.F.4, III.F.5, and III.F.6 of this document. DOE
notes that AHRI 340/360-2022 does include provisions appropriate for
air-side measurements in heating tests because AHRI 340/360-2022 covers
air-cooled commercial unitary heat pumps. Furthermore, ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009 provides appropriate provisions for a method of test for WSHPs.
DOE has tentatively concluded that its proposals for heating provisions
for WSHPs would, when combined with the provisions in AHRI 340/360-
2022, produce test results representative of an average use cycle.
Regarding performance mapping across a wide temperature range,
part-load ratings, and ratings for ground-water and geothermal
applications, DOE acknowledges that AHRI 340/360-2022 does not include
EWTs specific to multiple applications of WSHPs. By contrast, Table 1
of ISO 13256-1:1998 provides separate EWTs for water-loop, ground-
water, and ground-loop WSHP applications (see discussion in section
III.D.1.a of this NOPR). AHRI 340/360-2022 includes full-load and part-
load cooling EWTs for only water-loop applications of WCUACs, but the
EWT for water-loop applications in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998 is the
only EWT test condition used in the current DOE test procedure. As
discussed in sections III.D.3 and III.E.1 of this NOPR, DOE has
tentatively concluded that the seasonal integrated cooling metric IEER
specified in section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022 would be more
representative of field applications and provide consumers with a
better understanding of year-round performance of WSHPs than the EER
metric measured at a single temperature and load level. However, DOE
recognizes the potential benefits to consumers of allowing
manufacturers to continue to provide performance ratings at the
temperatures and load levels specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998,
in addition to providing the proposed IEER ratings which are more
representative of year-round performance. Therefore, as discussed in
section III.E.1.a of this NOPR, DOE is proposing in section 5.2 of
proposed appendix C1 to provide for optional representations of EER at
the EWTs and load levels specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998.
Consequently, DOE has tentatively concluded that the proposals in this
NOPR would continue to provide manufacturers the flexibility to offer
full-load and part-load EER ratings at multiple temperatures that can
be used for performance mapping, representations of part-load
performance, and representations of performance for ground-water and
geothermal applications.
Regarding variable-speed compressors, section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360-
2022 includes appropriate provisions for testing and determining IEER
for units with all compressor
[[Page 53311]]
types, including variable-speed compressors. Specifically, Section
6.2.6 of AHRI 340/360-2022 includes provisions addressing
``proportionally capacity controlled units,'' which is defined in
section 3.22 of AHRI 340/360-2022 to include units incorporating one or
more variable-capacity compressors where the compressor capacity can be
modulated continuously or in steps not more than 5 percent of the full-
load cooling capacity. Section 6.2.6 of AHRI 340/360-2022 includes
steps for setting capacity of these units for each IEER test point.
With regards to EPA, State, utility, and building code requirements
that reference ISO 13256-1:1998, DOE does not expect that an update to
the DOE test procedure for WSHPs would create any particular challenges
for any other agency or organization that references the performance
ratings as measured by the DOE test procedure. EPCA directs DOE to
establish and amend test procedures to be reasonably designed to
produce test results which reflect energy efficiency, energy use, and
estimated operating costs of covered equipment during a representative
average use cycle (as determined by the Secretary), and not be unduly
burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2)) DOE test procedures are
updated regularly, across many products and equipment types, and other
agencies and organizations have historically updated their requirements
as needed in response to those changes. With regard to EPA
specifically, DOE has responsibility for developing and revising the
test procedures that provide the basis for ratings under EPA's ENERGY
STAR program. DOE and EPA work closely together to update ENERGY STAR
specifications in response to any changes to the relevant DOE test
procedure. Furthermore, DOE is proposing that the amended test
procedure would not be required for use until the effective date of any
future energy conservation standards based on the IEER metric, thereby
providing sufficient advance notice for any agency or organization to
adapt program requirements accordingly.
3. Proposal for DOE Test Procedure
As discussed, EPCA requires that test procedures for covered
equipment, including WSHPs, be reasonably designed to produce test
results which reflect energy efficiency, energy use, and estimated
operating costs of a type of industrial equipment (or class thereof)
during a representative average use cycle (as determined by the
Secretary), and shall not be unduly burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C.
For the reasons presented in the remainder of this section, DOE has
tentatively determined that the test procedure for WSHPs as proposed
would improve the representativeness of the current Federal test
procedure for WSHPs and would not be unduly burdensome. Specifically,
DOE has tentatively concluded, supported by clear and convincing
evidence as discussed in the following paragraphs, that testing WSHPs
in accordance with the industry test standards AHRI 340/360-2022 and
ASHRAE 37-2009 would provide more representative results and more fully
comply with the requirements of paragraph (2) of 42 U.S.C. 6314(a) than
testing in accordance with the currently referenced standard ISO 13256-
1:1998. Therefore, DOE is proposing to amend the test procedure for
WSHPs so as to incorporate by reference in the proposed new appendix C1
the test provisions in AHRI 340/360-2022 and ASHRAE 37-2009, along with
certain additional provisions.
Throughout the remainder of the discussion in section III of this
NOPR, DOE presents the details and justifications for the proposed test
procedure and deviation from the currently referenced industry test
procedure, ISO 13256-1:1998 (i.e., the industry test standard
referenced in ASHRAE Standard 90.1). The following paragraphs summarize
the key areas in which DOE has tentatively concluded, supported by
clear and convincing evidence, that the proposal would improve the
representativeness of the test procedure:
(1) Cooling efficiency metric: As discussed, the cooling metric
specified in the current DOE test procedure (which references ISO
13256-1:1998) is EER, which reflects full-load performance only at a
single operating condition. In contrast, IEER, the metric specified in
section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022, is a seasonal metric that is a
weighted average of the full- and part-load performance at different
outdoor conditions intended to represent average efficiency over a full
cooling season. For the vast majority of operating hours for WSHPs and
other commercial air conditioners and heat pumps installed in the
field, loads are at less than full-load capacity. This is because units
are sized to be able to provide sufficient air conditioning capacity at
the hottest time on the hottest day of the year, but the vast majority
of annual cooling hours are at significantly lower outdoor temperatures
(and thus lower EWTs), with correspondingly lower cooling loads. This
is demonstrated in the IEER metric specified in section 6.2.2 of AHRI
340/360-2022, which specifies a weighting factor for full-load
conditions of only 2 percent of the hours included in the IEER metric,
with the remaining 98 percent of hours assigned to lower load levels
and lower outdoor temperatures. As discussed, from RFI comments and
DOE's participation in AHRI 600 committee meetings, DOE understands
that the AHRI 340/360-2022 IEER weighting factors are also included in
the draft AHRI 600. Therefore, DOE has tentatively concluded that IEER
would be more representative of an average use cycle than the EER
metric. This topic is discussed further in section III.E.1 of this
(2) Fan power and indoor air external static pressure: As
discussed, for ducted units, ISO 13256-1:1998 does not produce ratings
that reflect the fan power needed to overcome ESP. Further, that ISO
standard does not specify ESP requirements for ducted units and instead
uses a fan power adjustment, such that ratings reflect only the fan
power needed to overcome internal static pressure within the unit and
not the ESP from the ductwork that would be installed in the field. In
contrast, Table 7 of AHRI 340/360-2022 specifies minimum ESP
requirements at which performance is measured. Because ducted WSHPs are
manufactured to be installed in the field with ductwork, DOE has
tentatively concluded that a WSHP rating that reflects the indoor fan
power needed to overcome ESP representative of typical installations
(i.e., the approach taken by AHRI 340/360-2022) would produce test
results that are more representative of an average use cycle than
testing in accordance with ISO 13256-1:1998, the standard currently
incorporated by reference.
(3) Pump power and liquid external static pressure: ISO 13256-
1:1998 does not produce ratings that reflect the pump power needed to
overcome liquid ESP. Further, for units with integral pumps, ISO 13256-
1:1998 does not specify ESP requirements and uses a pump power
adjustment such that ratings reflect only the pump power needed to
overcome internal static pressure within the unit. For units with
integral pumps, DOE has tentatively concluded that ratings would be
more representative if based on testing at a liquid ESP that is
representative of the ESP from water piping in typical installations.
For units without integral pumps, DOE has tentatively concluded that
ratings would be more
[[Page 53312]]
representative if a pump power adder is included in the rating that
reflects pump power needed to overcome a field-representative liquid
ESP. More discussion on this topic is provided in section III.F.4 of
this document.
DOE is proposing to adopt in its WSHP test procedure the following
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022:
(1) Section 3: Definitions, excluding sections 3.2, 3.4, 3.5,
3.7, 3.8, 3.12, 3.14, 3.15, 3.17, 3.23, 3.26, 3.27, 3.29, 3.30, and
(2) Section 5: Test Requirements;
(3) Section 6: Rating Requirements, excluding sections,,,,, 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7;
(4) Appendix A. References--Normative;
(5) Appendix C. Indoor and Outdoor Air Condition Measurement--
(6) Appendix E. Method of Testing Unitary Air Conditioning
The key substantive changes that would result from DOE's proposal
to adopt AHRI 340/360-2022 for testing WSHPs include the following:
(1) A new energy efficiency descriptor, IEER, which incorporates
part-load cooling performance (see section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360-
(2) Minimum ESP requirements, instructions for setting airflow
and ESP, and tolerances for airflow and ESP (see sections,, and Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022);
(3) Fixed inlet and outlet water temperature conditions (see
Table 5 of AHRI 340/360-2022);
(4) Operating tolerance for voltage (see Table 10 of AHRI 340/
(5) Different indoor air conditions used for testing (see Table
5 of AHRI 340/360-2022);
(6) Refrigerant charging instructions for cases where they are
not provided by the manufacturer (see section 5.8 of AHRI 340/360-
2022), and
(7) Use of the primary capacity measurement (i.e., indoor air
enthalpy method) as the value for capacity, and different provisions
for required agreement between primary and secondary capacity
measurements (see section E6 of Appendix E to AHRI 340/360-2022).
Appendix E of AHRI 340/360-2022 specifies the method of test,
including the use of specified provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009.
Consistent with AHRI 340/360-2022, DOE is proposing to incorporate by
reference ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 in its test procedure for WSHPs.
Specifically, in section 1 of the proposed test procedure for WSHPs in
the proposed appendix C1, DOE is proposing to adopt all sections except
sections 1, 2, and 4 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. The key substantive
changes that would result from DOE's proposal to adopt ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009 for testing WSHPs include the following:
(1) Provisions for split systems, such as accounting for
compressor heat and refrigerant line losses (see sections,, and of ASHRAE 37-2009);
(2) Measurement of duct losses for ducted units (see section of ASHRAE 37-2009);
(3) Standardized heat capacity of water and brine (see section
12.2 of ASHRAE 37-2009), and
(4) A calculation for discharge coefficients (see section 6.3.2
of ASHRAE 37-2009).
Throughout the remainder of this NOPR, DOE discusses substantive
differences between the proposed test procedure (including references
to AHRI 340/360-2022 and ASHRAE 37-2009) and the current DOE test
procedure (which incorporates by reference ISO 13256-1:1998). DOE also
identified and considered provisions in the updated industry test
procedure ISO 13256-1:2021 that substantively differ from ISO 13256-
E. Efficiency Metrics
a. General Discussion
As discussed previously, DOE's current test procedure for WSHPs
measures cooling-mode performance in terms of the EER metric, the
current regulatory metric. 10 CFR 431.96. EER captures WSHP performance
at a single, full-load operating point in cooling mode (i.e., a single
EWT) and does not provide a seasonal or load-weighted measure of energy
efficiency. A seasonal metric is a weighted average of the performance
of cooling or heating systems at different outdoor conditions intended
to represent average efficiency over a full cooling or heating season.
Several categories of commercial package air-conditioning and heating
equipment are rated using a seasonal or part-load metric, such as IEER
for CUACs specified in section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022. IEER is a
weighted average of efficiency at four load levels representing 100,
75, 50, and 25 percent of full-load capacity, each measured at a
specified outdoor condition that is representative of field operation
at the given load level. In general, the IEER metric provides a more
representative measure of field performance than EER by weighting the
full-load and part-load efficiencies by the average amount of time
equipment spends operating at each load level. Table 1 of ISO 13256-
1:1998, the industry test standard incorporated by reference into DOE's
current WSHP test procedure, and Table 2 of ISO 13256-1:2021 both
specify entering water temperature conditions to be used for developing
part-load ratings of EER for WSHPs with capacity control (tested at
minimum compressor speed). However, part-load EER ratings are not
addressed in the current DOE test procedure. Further, each part-load
rating captures operation only at a single compressor speed and
entering water temperature, not operation across a range of
temperatures and compressor speeds. Neither ISO 13256-1:1998 nor ISO
13256-1:2021 include seasonal metrics.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested comment on whether a seasonal
metric that accounts for part-load performance would be appropriate for
WSHPs, and the Department sought information on the specific details of
a seasonal metric that would best represent average cooling efficiency
for WSHPs. 83 FR 29048, 29051 (June 22, 2018).
NEEA encouraged DOE to consider adopting IEER for WSHPs and to
improve the metric so as to make it more representative of an average
use cycle by including changes to more accurately represent fan energy
use in field applications, accounting for all modes of operation, and
including ventilating and economizing. (NEEA, No. 11 at p. 2)
The Joint Advocates recommended that DOE should consider seasonal
efficiency metrics for WSHPs to better reflect field energy
consumption, including part-load operation. The Joint Advocates stated
that it was their understanding that WSHPs operate most of the time at
part-load, and that, therefore, full-load efficiency ratings do not
provide sufficient information to consumers. The Joint Advocates also
stated that the current metrics do not demonstrate the potential
savings associated with technologies that improve part-load efficiency,
such as variable-speed compressors. (Joint Advocates, No. 10 at p. 2)
The CA IOUs stated that while the IEER metric provides a valuable
measure of annual efficiency, the EER metric is important for achieving
reductions in peak loads. These commenters remarked that because the
IEER metric uses a low weighting (i.e., 2 percent) for the full-load
condition, a standard based only on the IEER metric would incentivize
manufacturers to optimize equipment at the part-load conditions and
could potentially result in equipment that is designed with lower full-
load EERs than the current standards for this equipment. To prevent
poor equipment performance at full-load conditions, the CA IOUs
supported using the IEER metric that measures part-load efficiencies in
conjunction with the currently regulated full-load EER metric. (CA
IOUs, No. 9 at pp. 1-2) The CA IOUs further commented that the
prevalence of economizers in buildings with WSHPs
[[Page 53313]]
should be investigated and that modifications to the IEER metric should
be informed by the outcome of such research before the IEER metric is
implemented as the efficiency metric for WSHPs. (CA IOUs, No. 9 at p.
Trane, AHRI, and WaterFurnace commented that industry is currently
developing an IEER metric for WSHPs (Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; AHRI, No. 12
at p. 11; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 9). AHRI and WaterFurnace explained
further that the IEER metric is included in the draft version of AHRI
500P,\14\ and as drafted, IEER is calculated using performance data
from ISO 13256-1:1998. AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that the
provisions used for determining IEER for WSHPs in the draft version of
AHRI 500P are similar to those included in AHRI 340/360 and AHRI 1230.
Both AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that they anticipated AHRI 500P to
be completed in 2019. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 11; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p.
\14\ As discussed, after DOE received comments in response to
the June 2018 RFI, the draft AHRI Standard 500P was redesignated as
the draft AHRI Standard 600.
As explained previously, DOE notes that the EER metric in DOE's
current test procedure for WSHPs measures only full-load performance,
and the revised industry test procedure ISO 13256-1:2021 does not
include a seasonal metric. For the vast majority of operating hours of
WSHPs installed in the field, loads are less than full-load capacity,
thus causing single-stage WSHPs to cycle and multi-stage WSHPs to
operate at part-load (i.e., less than designed full capacity). Because
a seasonal metric reflects operation at a range of conditions
experienced over the period of a cooling season, DOE has tentatively
concluded that a cooling metric that accounts for part-load performance
across a range of temperatures (such as IEER specified in section 6.2
of AHRI 340/360-2022) would be more representative of an average use
cycle than the full-load EER metric, which reflects operation at a
single condition. Further, a seasonal metric that reflects varying load
levels representative of a full cooling season would better incentivize
use of modulating components (e.g., multi-stage and variable-speed
compressors) that can reduce annual energy consumption in field
DOE has been participating in AHRI committee meetings to develop
AHRI 600 with the goal of specifying an IEER metric for WSHPs. It is
DOE's understanding that the committee's work is ongoing, and its
completion date is uncertain. However, based on comments received on
the June 2018 RFI, manufacturer feedback obtained via DOE's
participation in AHRI 600 committee meetings, and DOE's own research,
the Department has tentatively concluded that the EWTs and weighting
factors specified in Table 9 and equation 3 of AHRI 340/360-2022 for
water-cooled CUACs would be representative for WSHPs. DOE's
understanding based on a review of market literature and available
studies is that in the past, WSHP installations were more typically
controlled such that water-loop temperatures were maintained at
temperatures above 60 [deg]F through heat provided by a system boiler.
From manufacturer feedback provided in AHRI 600 committee meetings, DOE
understands that in current practice, WSHP installations are typically
controlled to allow water-loop temperatures to drop to temperatures
closer to 50 [deg]F. Manufacturers indicated that this change in how
WSHP system loops are typically controlled in the field is because of
multiple factors. One factor provided by manufacturers is that because
commercial buildings with WSHP installations are typically cooling-
dominated (i.e., most WSHPs spend more time in cooling mode than
heating mode), building engineers have increasingly optimized overall
WSHP system performance by using the cooling tower to decrease EWTs
below 60 [deg]F even when some WSHPs in the loop are in heating mode,
thereby improving efficiency for the WSHPs in cooling mode at the
expense of reducing efficiency for the fewer WSHPs in heating mode.
Additionally, manufacturers indicated that the market penetration of
WSHPs with water-side economizers has significantly increased in recent
years, largely related to requirements in ASHRAE Standard 90.1
regarding presence of economizers in HVAC systems. Water-side
economizers provide compressor-free cooling when supplied with water of
sufficiently low temperature; therefore, manufacturers have indicated
that building engineers are increasingly maintaining WSHP loop
temperatures below 60 [deg]F to take advantage of water-side economizer
cooling.\15\ Given this feedback provided by manufacturers on the WSHP
loop water temperatures typically used in the field, DOE has
tentatively concluded that the IEER EWTs specified in Table 9 of AHRI
340/360-2022 (i.e., 85 [deg]F, 73.5 [deg]F, 62 [deg]F, and 55 [deg]F)
are representative of current installations of WSHPs. Section III.E.4
of this NOPR includes discussion on other operating modes other than
mechanical cooling and heating, such as ventilation and economizing.
\15\ In WSHPs with water-side economizers, if the EWT is
sufficiently low in cooling mode, some or all of the entering water
that would otherwise enter the water-to-refrigerant condenser coil
instead enters the economizer coil, in which the cool water is used
to directly cool indoor air, reducing the need for mechanical
cooling from the compressor.
Based on the discussion in the preceding paragraphs, DOE has
tentatively determined that use of a seasonal efficiency metric,
specifically IEER based on AHRI 340/360-2022, would be more
representative of the average use cycle of a unit as compared to the
current EER metric. Once again, DOE notes that while it may have been
expected that AHRI 600 was to publish in 2019, the draft standard has
not yet been finalized. Accordingly, DOE is moving forward and
proposing to adopt certain provisions of AHRI 340/360-2022 and use the
IEER metric specified in section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022 for WSHPs.
DOE is proposing to specify the relevant test procedure requirements
for WSHPs for measuring IEER in section 5.1 of proposed appendix C1.
As discussed, the proposed IEER test procedure for WSHPs would not
be required until such a time as DOE adopts energy conservation
standards for WSHPs denominated in terms of IEER, should DOE adopt such
standards. If DOE were to adopt such standards, such shift to the IEER
metric for WSHPs would require all WSHPs to be re-rated in terms of the
IEER metric. Further, beginning 360 days after final rule publication,
manufacturers would be required to use the proposed test procedure in
appendix C1 to make optional representations of IEER for WSHPs. The
cost and impacts to manufacturers of the proposed test procedure are
discussed further in section III.I of this document. Additionally,
adopting the IEER metric for WSHPs would increase the number of
required cooling-mode tests from one to four. However, as discussed,
DOE understands that AHRI 600 would provide for calculating IEER from
test results measured at the EWTs specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-
1:1998. Consistent with this approach and as discussed in the following
section, DOE is proposing to allow determination of IEER via
interpolation and extrapolation from testing at the full-load and part-
load EWT conditions specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998.
[[Page 53314]]
In response to the CA IOUs' suggestion, although EPCA limits the
agency to promulgation of a single performance standard (see 42 U.S.C.
6311(18)), DOE is proposing to provide for optional representations of
EER conducted per the proposed test procedure (sections 2 through 4 and
7 of proposed appendix C1) at the full-load and part-load EWT
conditions specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998 (i.e., full load
tests at 86 [deg]F, 77 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F and part-load tests at 86
[deg]F, 68 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F).
Issue 3: DOE requests comment on its proposal to adopt the test
methods specified in AHRI 340/360-2022 for calculating the IEER of
WSHPs. DOE also requests comment on its proposal that all EER tests at
full-load and part-load conditions specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-
1:1998 (i.e., full-load tests at 86 [deg]F, 77 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F
and part-load tests at 86 [deg]F, 68 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F) are
b. Determination of IEER Via Interpolation and Extrapolation
As discussed, DOE understands that the draft AHRI 600 would provide
a mechanism for calculating IEER from test results measured at the EWTs
specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998. Specifically, interpolation
and extrapolation \16\ from ISO 13256-1:1998 test results would be used
to calculate performance at the EWTs specified in Table 9 of AHRI 340/
360-2022 for WCUACs, allowing calculation of IEER for WSHPs using the
weighting factors specified in section 6.2.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022.
Under this approach, AHRI 600 would not include any provisions for
testing, but rather would provide a method for calculation of IEER
based on results of testing under ISO 13256-1:1998. DOE recognizes that
there may be a value for stakeholders in representations of full-load
and part-load EER ratings at the temperatures specified in Table 1 of
ISO 13256-1:1998. Specifically, these EWTs represent different
applications, and manufacturers may prefer to provide representations
of performance specific to different applications.
\16\ Per the draft AHRI 600 method, performance at IEER EWTs can
be determined using test results at two different temperature
conditions (specified in ISO 13256-1:1998). Interpolation is used if
the IEER EWT is between the two tested EWTs, and extrapolation is
used if the IEER EWT is outside the range of the two tested results.
The ability to determine EER ratings at the ISO 13256-1:1998 EWTs
(in accordance with the proposed test procedure, at section 5.2 of the
proposed appendix C1), and to determine IEER via interpolation and
extrapolation from testing at the ISO 13256-1:1998 EWTs, rather than
from additional testing at the IEER EWTs specified in AHRI 340/360-
2022, may reduce overall testing burden for manufacturers.
Consequently, DOE investigated the AHRI 600 method of calculating IEER.
To evaluate the draft AHRI 600 method of calculating IEER, DOE
conducted investigative testing on a sample of WSHPs. DOE presents the
results of testing 15 WSHPs in the following paragraphs. This testing
compared the interpolation and extrapolation method of calculating IEER
at the ISO 13256-1:1998 EWTs to testing at the IEER EWTs specified in
AHRI 340/360-2022. In summary and for the reasons discussed in the
following paragraphs, DOE has tentatively determined that an
interpolation and extrapolation approach, similar to that in draft AHRI
600 with certain modifications, is appropriately representative to
calculate IEER.
To determine if the interpolation and extrapolation method is
appropriate for WSHPs, DOE evaluated whether the components needed to
calculate IEER can be linearly interpolated across EWT. Specifically,
the parameters necessary for the calculation of IEER are EER, capacity,
total power, and all components of power (i.e., compressor power, fan
power, condenser section power, controls power). DOE tested 15 units at
different EWTs to compare physical tested results and interpolated and
extrapolated values. The method evaluated by DOE determines IEER
ratings for WSHPs by interpolation and extrapolation from full-load
tests at liquid inlet temperatures of 86 [deg]F, 77 [deg]F, and 59
[deg]F and, for two-stage and variable-speed units, part-load tests at
86 [deg]F, 68 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F. DOE first evaluated the accuracy
of interpolating to a different EWT for full-load tests. For each of
the 15 units tested, DOE conducted full-load tests to measure EER at 86
[deg]F, 77 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F. DOE then used the results from the 86
[deg]F and 59 [deg]F tests to linearly interpolate to performance at 77
[deg]F, and compared these interpolated results to the results of
testing at 77 [deg]F. Table 3 presents a summary of the percentage
differences between the interpolated and measured values. Positive
values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns of Table 3 indicate
that the values interpolated to 77 [deg]F from results measured at 86
[deg]F and 59 [deg]F were higher than the values measured at 77 [deg]F,
and negative values indicate the opposite.
Table 3--Percentage Differences of Interpolated Results From Measured Results for Capacity, Power, and EER
Parameter Average Minimum Maximum absolute value
Cooling Capacity................................ -0.2 -1.4 2.2 0.9
Total Power..................................... -0.4 -2.6 1.5 0.8
Interpolated EER................................ 2.3 0.3 4.8 2.3
EER calculated from interpolated capacity and 0.2 -1.7 2.9 1.0
Note: Positive values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that the values interpolated to 77
[deg]F from results measured at 86 [deg]F and 59 [deg]F were higher than the values measured at 77 [deg]F.
Negative values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that the values interpolated to 77
[deg]F from results measured at 86 [deg]F and 59 [deg]F were lower than the values measured at 77 [deg]F.
As shown in Table 3, the interpolated values for cooling capacity
and total power differed from the corresponding tested values by an
average of less than 1 percent. Therefore, DOE has determined that
interpolating capacity and total power results in representative values
of capacity and total power, respectively. However, the interpolated
EER value at 77 [deg]F was higher than the tested EER value at 77
[deg]F for all tested units, with an average difference of 2.3 percent
(ranging from 0.3 percent to 4.8 percent higher). Because of the
consistent bias in the results showing interpolated EER higher than
[[Page 53315]]
EER,\17\ DOE considered an alternate approach of calculating EER based
on interpolated values of cooling capacity and total power rather than
interpolating EER directly. The bottom row of Table 3 shows the results
of calculating EER at 77 [deg]F using the interpolated values of
cooling capacity and total power. As shown in in the bottom row of
Table 3, calculating EER at 77 [deg]F using interpolated values of
cooling capacity and total power resulted in EER values that were on
average 0.2 percent higher than the tested EER value at 77 [deg]F
(ranging from 1.7 percent lower to 2.9 percent higher). Because
determining EER by interpolating cooling capacity and total power
results in closer agreement to tested values than directly
interpolating EER (and does not consistently bias results toward higher
interpolated EER values), DOE used the former approach in the
calculation of IEER values discussed in the following paragraphs.
\17\ As presented in Table 3, the results from DOE's testing
show that that linear interpolation across EWT results in close
agreement for cooling capacity and total power. Because EER =
Cooling Capacity/Total Power, if linear equations are used to
represent the relationship between cooling capacity and EWT, as well
as between total power and EWT, the resulting equation for EER has
equations linearly dependent on EWT in the numerator and
denominator. Such an equation simplifies to an inverse function
(i.e., the variable (EWT) is in the denominator), which is concave
up (i.e., the slope of the EER vs EWT curve increases with
increasing EWT), such that between any two points on the curve, the
curve is always below a line drawn between the two points.
Therefore, calculating EER by linearly interpolating EER values
across EWT consistently results in an interpolated EER value that is
higher than the EER value measured by testing or determined by
linearly interpolating cooling capacity and total power.
For determining IEER for single-stage units, this interpolation and
extrapolation approach would be used to determine EER at the EWTs for
all 4 IEER points, and the EER results for the part-load points (i.e.,
test points designated as B, C, and D in AHRI 340/360-2022) would also
be adjusted for cyclic degradation (see discussion in section III.F.2.b
of this document).
For two-stage and variable-speed WSHPs, DOE evaluated a method that
tests at the minimum compressor speed at the EWTs specified in Table 1
of ISO 13256-1:1998 for part-load tests (i.e., at 86 [deg]F, 68 [deg]F,
and 59 [deg]F). As with the draft AHRI 600 method, the method evaluated
by DOE then provides for interpolating to the IEER liquid inlet
temperatures from these part-load tests, and IEER is determined using
interpolated results for the IEER EWTs for both full-load and part-load
tests.\18\ To evaluate the accuracy of this methodology for calculating
IEER for staged WSHPs, DOE conducted additional investigative testing
on 10 of the 15 tested WSHPs (6 two-stage WSHPs and 4 variable-speed
WSHPs). Specifically, these 10 units were tested to calculate IEER via
the interpolation and extrapolation method (by conducting full-load and
part-load tests at the EWTs specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998
and using interpolation and extrapolation to calculate IEER) and were
tested to determine IEER per section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022 by
testing at the IEER EWTs and target load levels specified in Table 9 of
AHRI 340/360-2022. Consistent with the discussion in the previous
paragraphs, when interpolating to determine performance at a different
EWT for a given compressor stage for staged units, DOE calculated the
EER values by interpolating and extrapolating values of cooling
capacity and total power, rather than directly interpolating and
extrapolating values of EER. Table 4 presents a summary of the results.
Positive values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns of Table 4
indicate that the IEER values determined via the interpolation and
extrapolation method were higher than the IEER values determined
through testing at the EWTs and load levels specified in section 6.2 of
AHRI 340/360-2022, and negative values indicate the opposite.
\18\ After interpolating the full-load and part-load
interpolated across EWT, the AHRI 340/360-2022 IEER calculation
methodology is then used. The interpolated results would either need
cyclic degradation (see discussion in section III.F.2.b of this
NOPR) or interpolation across compressor staging to determine the
specific load EER values to be used in the IEER calculation, unless
the EWT interpolation yields a calculated percent load that meets
the 3 percent tolerance for the respective IEER load point.
Table 4--Percentage Differences of Interpolated IEER From Measured IEER for Two-Stage and Variable-Speed Units
Capacity control type Average Minimum Maximum absolute value
Two-Stage....................................... -0.9 -2.7 -0.0 0.9
Variable-Speed.................................. -6.3 -13.6 0.2 6.4
Note: Positive values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that the IEER values determined via
the interpolation and extrapolation method were higher than the IEER values determined through testing at the
EWTs and load levels specified in section 6.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022. Negative values in the average, minimum,
and maximum columns indicate that the IEER values determined via the interpolation and extrapolation method
were lower than the IEER values determined through testing at the EWTs and load levels specified in section
6.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022.
As shown in Table 4, for the six tested two-stage WSHPs, the IEER
values calculated using the described interpolation and extrapolation
method were on average 0.9 percent lower than the IEER value measured
from testing per AHRI 340/360-2022 (ranging from 0.0 percent to 2.7
percent lower).
For the four variable-speed units, the IEER values calculated using
the described interpolation and extrapolation method were on average
6.3 percent lower than the IEER value measured from testing per AHRI
340/360-2022 (ranging from 0.2 percent higher to 13.6 percent lower).
These results demonstrate a wider discrepancy from AHRI 340/360-2022
results than for single-stage or two-stage WSHPs. This discrepancy is
likely because the interpolation and extrapolation method described
only includes testing at maximum and minimum compressor speed, whereas
the AHRI 340/360-2022 approach includes testing at compressor speeds to
operate at each of the part-load test points (i.e., 75 percent, 50
percent, and 25 percent load). Therefore, for variable-speed WSHPs with
higher EER at intermediate compressor speeds than at maximum or minimum
compressor speeds, the interpolation and extrapolation method described
results in a lower calculated IEER than testing at the IEER conditions
specified in AHRI 340/360-2022, which was the case for three of the
four tested units. While for certain tested variable-speed units
calculating IEER via interpolation and extrapolation resulted in a
lower IEER value, from participation in AHRI 600 committee
[[Page 53316]]
meetings, DOE understands that many manufacturers would prefer the
option to use the interpolation and extrapolation method for variable-
speed WSHPs even if it results in lower IEER ratings, because it would
result in less overall testing burden than testing at each of the AHRI
340/360-2022 conditions.
Based on the investigative testing conducted, DOE has tentatively
concluded that determining IEER via interpolation and extrapolation
from testing at the ISO 13256-1:1998 EWTs (in accordance with DOE's
proposed test procedure), similar to the method in the draft AHRI 600,
provides appropriately representative results that are comparable to
testing at the EWTs (and for staged units, load levels) specified in
Table 9 of AHRI 340/360-2022. Therefore, DOE is proposing in section 5
of the proposed appendix C1 to allow that IEER for WSHPs can be
calculated from either of two methods: (1) ``option 1''--testing in
accordance with AHRI 340/360-2022 (at EWTs of 85 [deg]F, 73.5 [deg]F,
62 [deg]F, and 55 [deg]F); or (2) ``option 2''--interpolation and
extrapolation of cooling capacity and power values based on testing in
accordance with the proposed test procedure at EWTs of 86 [deg]F, 77
[deg]F, and 59 [deg]F for full-load tests and (for staged units) EWTs
of 86 [deg]F, 68 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F for part-load tests. For single
speed units, option 2 would require three full-load tests at entering
liquid temperatures of 86 [deg]F, 77 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F. For two-
stage and variable-speed units, three additional tests at the minimum
compressor speed would be required, at entering liquid temperature of
86 [deg]F, 68 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F.
Specifically for option 2, aside from the EWTs, the tests for
option 2 would be performed using the same test provisions from AHRI
340/360-2022, ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009, and sections 2 through 4 and 7 of
proposed appendix C1 as the tests for option 1. As discussed, DOE has
tentatively determined that results from the interpolation and
extrapolation method have greater agreement with, and, therefore, are
comparably representative to, the tested results by interpolating
values of cooling capacity and total power rather than interpolating
values of EER; therefore, DOE is proposing that the alternative method
specify interpolation using the cooling capacity and total power. The
proposed provisions for option 2 in section 5.1.2 of proposed appendix
C1 are otherwise generally consistent with the draft AHRI 600 method,
except for the cyclic degradation approach, which is discussed in
section III.F.2.b of this NOPR.
DOE notes that representations for WSHPs can be made either based
on testing (in accordance with 10 CFR 429.43(a)(1)) or AEDMs (in
accordance with 10 CFR 429.43(a)(2)). If represented values for a basic
model are determined with an AEDM, the AEDM could use either option 1
or option 2 for determining IEER per the proposed test procedure in
appendix C1.
Issue 4: DOE requests comment on the proposal to allow
determination of IEER using two different methods: (1) testing in
accordance with AHRI 340/360-2022; or (2) interpolation and
extrapolation of cooling capacity and power values based on testing in
accordance with the proposed test procedure at the EWTs specified in
Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998. Specifically, DOE seeks feedback on the
proposed method for calculating IEER via interpolation and
extrapolation, and on whether this approach would serve as a potential
burden-reducing option as compared to testing at the AHRI 340/360-2022
Issue 5: DOE requests comment on whether the proposed methodology
to determine IEER based on interpolation and extrapolation is
appropriate for variable-speed units. DOE would consider requiring
variable-speed equipment be tested only according to AHRI 340/360-2022
and, thus, testing physically at the IEER EWTs, if suggested by
DOE is aware that ISO 13256-1:2021 includes changes from ISO 13256-
1:1998 with respect to the EWTs specified for cooling tests.
Specifically, Table 2 of ISO 13256-1:2021 specifies full-load cooling
temperatures of 86 [deg]F, 68 [deg]F, and 50 [deg]F, and part-load
cooling temperatures of 77 [deg]F, 59 [deg]F, and 41 [deg]F. Consistent
with the draft AHRI 600 method, DOE is proposing to use the
temperatures specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998 for option 2
tests; however, it is expected that the results under the proposed
interpolation and extrapolation method would provide comparable results
using the EWTs specified in Table 2 of ISO 13256-1:2021.
Issue 6: DOE seeks feedback on whether the proposed interpolation
and extrapolation method should be based on testing at the ISO 13256-
1:2021 EWTs.
2. COP
a. General Discussion
DOE's current test procedure for WSHPs measures heating-mode
performance in terms of the COP metric, based on testing with a 68
[deg]F EWT. 10 CFR 431.96. For the reasons explained in the following
paragraphs, DOE is proposing in section 6.2 of proposed appendix C1 to
use an EWT of 55 [deg]F for the COP metric because DOE has tentatively
concluded that 55 [deg]F is more representative of field operation than
the current EWT of 68 [deg]F.
COP is a full-load heating efficiency metric for WSHP water-loop
applications, meaning that it represents the heating efficiency for a
WSHP operating at its maximum capacity at an EWT that is typical of
heating operation in water-loop applications. Because commercial
buildings served by WSHPs in water-loop applications are typically
cooling-dominated, DOE understands that the majority of heating hours
in these applications occur in simultaneous cooling and heating
operation--in which certain WSHPs (e.g., servicing zones around the
perimeter of the building) are in heating mode while other WSHPs (e.g.,
servicing interior zones closer to the center of the building) are in
cooling mode. Because all WSHPs in the system loop are provided water
with the same EWT, at any given time, WSHPs that are in heating mode
operate at the same EWT as WSHPs in cooling mode. As discussed in
section III.E.1.a of this NOPR, from manufacturer feedback provided in
AHRI 600 committee meetings, DOE understands that while in the past
water-loop temperatures were maintained at temperatures above 60 [deg]F
via heat provided by a system boiler, in current practice, WSHP
installations are typically controlled to allow water-loop temperatures
to drop to temperatures closer to 50 [deg]F. Correspondingly, DOE is
proposing part-load IEER EWTs that align with AHRI 340/360-2022 and the
draft AHRI 600, including 62 [deg]F for the 50-percent load point and
55 [deg]F for the 25-percent load point.
Because DOE understands that WSHP water-loop temperatures are
typically controlled to drop closer to 50 [deg]F (as represented by the
55 [deg]F EWT for the 25-percent load point), the Department
understands that most hours of heating mode operation for WSHPs in
water-loop applications occur with EWTs closer to 50 [deg]F. Therefore,
while the current 68 [deg]F EWT for the COP metric may have been more
representative of how WSHP systems were controlled in the past (i.e.,
with a boiler maintaining water-loop temperatures above 60 [deg]F), DOE
has tentatively determined that the COP EWT should be no higher than
the lowest EWT used in the IEER metric, which is 55 [deg]F (for the 25-
percent load point), because most heating hours occur when outdoor air
temperatures are lower and, thus, cooling loads are
[[Page 53317]]
lower. Therefore, DOE has tentatively concluded that the COP metric
would be more representative of water-loop WSHP applications if based
on an EWT of 55 [deg]F.
DOE also considered whether an EWT below 55 [deg]F, specifically 50
[deg]F, might be more representative for determining COP, depending
upon typical heating conditions for water-loop WSHPs. However, DOE
currently lacks data or evidence indicating that 50 [deg]F would be a
more representative heating EWT than 55 [deg]F for WSHPs. Therefore, in
the absence of any data suggesting a lower EWT would be more
representative of heating operation of WSHPs, DOE is proposing an EWT
of 55 [deg]F, which aligns with the lowest IEER EWT as proposed.
Issue 7: DOE seeks comment and data on the representativeness of 55
[deg]F as the EWT condition for determining COP. Specifically, DOE
requests feedback and data on whether a lower EWT, such as 50 [deg]F,
would be more representative of heating operation of WSHPs. DOE will
further consider any alternate EWT suggested by comments in developing
any final rule.
Additionally, DOE is proposing provisions in section 6.3 of
proposed appendix C1 to provide for optional representations of COP
based on testing conducted per the proposed test procedure (sections 2
through 4 and 7 of proposed appendix C1) at the full-load and part-load
EWT conditions specified in Table 2 of ISO 13256-1:1998 (i.e., 68
[deg]F, 50 [deg]F, 41 [deg]F, and 32 [deg]F).
b. Determination of COP Via Interpolation
As discussed in section III.E.1.b of this NOPR, DOE is proposing to
include an alternate method for determining IEER that allows
manufacturers to perform tests at the EWTs in Table 1 of ISO 13256-
1:1998 and interpolate efficiency metrics to the EWTs specified in
Table 9 of AHRI 340/360-2022. This method would reduce overall testing
burden for manufacturers who choose to make optional EER
representations at the EWTs specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998,
by allowing them to avoid additional testing at the IEER EWTs.
In order to provide comparable flexibility for measuring COP, DOE
is proposing a similar alternative test method in section 6.2.2 of
appendix C1 for determining COP by interpolation from results of
testing at the EWTs specified in Table 2 of ISO 13256-1:1998. To
evaluate the interpolation method for COP, DOE conducted investigative
testing on five WSHPs at the three heating EWTs specified in Table 1 of
ISO 13256-1:1998: 68 [deg]F, 50 [deg]F and 32 [deg]F. DOE interpolated
the cooling capacity and total power results from 68 [deg]F and 32
[deg]F to 50 [deg]F, and then calculated COP at 50 [deg]F using the
interpolated values of cooling capacity and total power.\19\ Finally,
DOE compared these interpolated values to the results of testing at 50
[deg]F. Table 5 presents a summary of the percentage differences
between the interpolated and measured values. Positive values in the
average, minimum, and maximum columns of Table 5 indicate that the
values interpolated to 50 [deg]F from results measured at 68 [deg]F and
32 [deg]F were higher than the values measured at 50 [deg]F, and
negative values indicate the opposite.
\19\ As discussed in section III.E.1.b of this NOPR, DOE
tentatively determined that interpolation of EER directly results in
a consistent bias, and that more representative results are obtained
by calculating EER using interpolated values of cooling capacity and
total power. Similarly, for COP, DOE is proposing that COP can be
determined using interpolated values of heating capacity and total
power, rather than interpolating COP values directly.
Table 5--Percentage Differences of Interpolated Results From Measured Results for Capacity, Power, and COP
Parameter Average Minimum Maximum absolute value
Cooling Capacity................................ -0.4 -1.9 0.6 0.9
Total Power..................................... 0.3 -1.2 2.1 0.9
COP calculated from interpolated capacity and -0.7 -3.9 0.9 1.1
Note: Positive values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that the values interpolated to 50
[deg]F from results measured at 68 [deg]F and 32 [deg]F were higher than the values measured at 50 [deg]F.
Negative values in the average, minimum, and maximum columns indicate that the values interpolated to 50
[deg]F from results measured at 68 [deg]F and 32 [deg]F were lower than the values measured at 50 [deg]F.
As shown in Table 4, the COP calculated from interpolated values of
cooling capacity and total power differed from measured COP by an
average of less than 1 percent. Therefore, DOE has tentatively
concluded that determining COP via interpolation in this temperature
range from testing at the ISO 13256-1:1998 EWTs (in accordance with
DOE's proposed test procedure) provides appropriately representative
results that are comparable to testing at 55 [deg]F. Therefore, DOE is
proposing in section 6.2 of the proposed appendix C1 to allow that COP
for WSHPs can be calculated from either of two methods: (1) ``option
A''--testing at 55 [deg]F; or (2) ``option B''--interpolation of
heating capacity and power values based on testing in accordance with
the proposed test procedure at EWTs of 50 [deg]F and 68 [deg]F. Aside
from the EWTs, the tests for option B would be performed using the same
test provisions from AHRI 340/360-2022, ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009, and
sections 2 through 4 and 7 of proposed appendix C1 as the tests for
option A.
Issue 8: DOE requests comment on the proposal to allow
determination of COP using two different methods: (1) testing at 55
[deg]F; or (2) interpolation of heating capacity and power values based
on testing in accordance with the proposed test procedure at EWTs
specified for heating tests in Table 2 of ISO 13256-1:1998 (i.e., 50
[deg]F and 68 [deg]F). Specifically, DOE seeks feedback on the proposed
method for calculating COP via interpolation, and on whether this
approach would serve as a potential burden-reducing option as compared
to testing at 55 [deg]F.
3. Entering Air Conditions
The current DOE test procedure references ISO 13256-1:1998, which
specifies in Table 1 that EER is measured with entering air at 27
[deg]C (80.6 [deg]F) dry-bulb temperature and 19 [deg]C (66.2 [deg]F)
wet-bulb temperature and in Table 2 that COP is measured with entering
air at 20 [deg]C (68 [deg]F) dry-bulb temperature and 15 [deg]C (59
[deg]F) wet-bulb temperature. Table 2 and Table 3 of ISO 13256-1:2021
specify the same entering air conditions as ISO 13256-1:1998. As
[[Page 53318]]
discussed in section III.D.3 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt AHRI
340/360-2022 as the test procedure for WSHPs. Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-
2022 specifies entering indoor air conditions for standard rating
cooling tests to be 80 [deg]F dry-bulb temperature and a maximum of 67
[deg]F wet-bulb temperature and standard rating heating tests to be 70
[deg]F dry-bulb temperature and a maximum of 60 [deg]F wet-bulb
The entering air conditions specified in AHRI 340/360-2022 are
similar to the conditions specified in ISO 13256-1:1998 and ISO 13256-
1:2021, differing for cooling by 0.6 [deg]F for dry-bulb temperature
and 0.8 [deg]F for wet-bulb temperature and for heating by 2 [deg]F for
dry-bulb temperature and 1 [deg]F for wet-bulb temperature. DOE
surmises that these differences are likely due to the conditions in ISO
13256-1 (1998 and 2021 versions) being specified in terms of degrees
Celsius, whereas the conditions in AHRI 340/360-2022 are specified in
degrees Fahrenheit. The entering air conditions specified in AHRI 340/
360-2022 are the same as in previous versions of AHRI 340/360,
including AHRI 340/360-2007, which is referenced in the current DOE
test procedure for CUAC/HPs. Further, the most common application for
WSHPs (and the application DOE understands that the WSHP industry is
intending to represent via use of the IEER metric in AHRI 600) is
commercial buildings, similar to CUAC/HPs. Therefore, DOE has
tentatively determined that the entering air conditions in AHRI 340/
360-2022 are appropriately representative of the average conditions in
which WSHPs operate in the field. DOE is proposing in sections 5 and 6
of proposed appendix C1 to use entering air conditions from Table 6 of
AHRI 340/360-2022 for both cooling (IEER) and heating (COP) tests.
Issue 9: DOE requests comment on its proposal to specify in
proposed appendix C1 use of the cooling entering air conditions from
AHRI 340/360-2022 (i.e., 80 [deg]F dry-bulb temperature and 67 [deg]F
wet-bulb temperature) and the heating entering air conditions from AHRI
340/360-2022 (i.e., 70 [deg]F dry-bulb temperature and a maximum of 60
[deg]F wet-bulb temperature).
4. Operating Modes Other Than Mechanical Cooling and Heating
On April 1, 2015, DOE published in the Federal Register a
notification of its intent to establish a working group under the
Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Federal Advisory Committee
(``ASRAC'') Commercial and Industrial Fans and Blowers Working Group
(``ASRAC Working Group'') to discuss and, if possible, reach consensus
on the scope of the rulemaking, certain key aspects of a proposed test
procedure, and proposed energy conservation standard for fans and
blowers. 80 FR 17359. The ASRAC Working Group term sheet for commercial
and industrial fans and blowers was approved (Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-
STD-0006-0179).\20\ Recommendation #3 of the term sheet addressed
supply and condenser fans that are embedded in certain covered
equipment. (Id. at p. 3) The ASRAC Working Group recommended that DOE
consider revising efficiency metrics that include energy use of supply
fans in order to include the energy consumption during all relevant
operating modes (e.g., auxiliary heating mode, ventilation mode, and
part-load operation) in the next round of test procedure rulemakings.
(Id. at p. 4) The ASRAC Working Group included WSHPs in its list of
regulated equipment for which fan energy use should be considered. (Id.
at p. 16)
\20\ Available at:
As part of the June 2018 RFI, DOE stated that it was investigating
whether changes to the WSHP test procedure are needed to properly
characterize a representative average use cycle, including changes to
more accurately represent fan energy use in field applications. 83 FR
29048, 29050 (June 22, 2018). DOE requested information as to the
extent that accounting for the energy use of fans in commercial
equipment such as WSHPs would be additive of other existing accountings
of fan energy use. Id.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE also sought comment on whether accounting
for the energy use of fan operation in WSHPs would alter measured
efficiency, and if so, to what extent. Id. DOE also requested data and
information regarding what forms of auxiliary heating are installed in
WSHPs, how frequently they operate, and whether they operate
independently of the WSHP. Id. Additionally, DOE requested data and
information on how frequently WSHP supply fans are operated when there
is no demand for heating or cooling, such as for fresh air ventilation
or air circulation or filtration. Id.
The Joint Advocates and NEEA commented that DOE should amend the
test procedure to account for fan energy use outside of mechanical
cooling and heating for fans in regulated equipment to more fully
capture fan energy use. (Joint Advocates, No. 10 at p. 1; NEEA, No. 11
at p. 1) The Joint Advocates asserted that by failing to capture fan
operation for economizing, ventilation, and other functions outside of
cooling mode, the test procedure may be significantly underestimating
fan energy consumption. (Joint Advocates, No. 10 at p. 1)
NEEA commented that the commercial prototype building models used
by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the analysis in support of
ASHRAE Standard 90.1 include information on the operation of fans in
ventilation mode and economizer mode and could be used to develop
national average fan operating hours outside of heating and cooling.
(NEEA, No. 11 at pp. 3) Furthermore, NEEA stated that the vast majority
of WSHPs are installed in commercial buildings, thereby subjecting them
to ASHRAE Standard 90.1 code requirements such as the requirement of
water side economizers in many U.S. climate zones. Id. NEEA added that
details of requirements for certain control and component features are
provided in ASHRAE Standard 90.1 and should be an indicator of
prevalence of these features in WSHPs on the market. Id.
NEEA further stated that ANSI and the Air Movement Control
Association (``AMCA'') developed ANSI/AMCA 208-18, ``Calculation of the
Fan Energy Index,'' which provides a potential way to measure embedded
fan performance in WSHPs using the fan energy index (``FEI'').
According to NEEA, DOE could develop a revised IEER-type metric that
weighs together cooling performance (using the IEER test) and fan
efficiency (using an FEI-based metric). NEEA argued that accounting for
the energy use of fan operation in WSHPs does not need to alter
measured efficiency, and that to reduce burden on manufacturers, DOE
could combine the FEI and IEER metrics such that manufacturers would
have multiple viable design option pathways to achieve the minimum IEER
efficiency standard without improving the embedded fan efficiency above
the minimum FEI efficiency standard. (NEEA, No. 11 at p. 2)
Trane commented that there are some applications in which a WSHP
would be used for ventilation, but that ventilation is not the main
use, and that using a WSHP for purposes other than heating and cooling
is rare. Trane stated further that typical practice is for ventilation
air to be provided by a dedicated outdoor air system (``DOAS'') using a
separate ductwork system, whereas the WSHP system provides the heating
and cooling. Finally, Trane commented that for installations in which
the DOAS and WSHPs supply to common ductwork, WSHP fans would operate
[[Page 53319]]
ventilation is needed, but rarely would this be needed without heating
or cooling. (Trane, No. 8 at pp. 2, 5)
AHRI and WaterFurnace both stated that a high percentage of WSHP
systems offer a continuous fan mode to circulate fresh air but did not
have data on how often. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 4-5; WaterFurnace, No. 7
at p. 3) However, both estimated that a typical WSHP would operate in
continuous fan mode (i.e., without cooling or heating) for
approximately 1,300 hours per year. The commenters estimated total
cooling and heating mode operation of 3,300 hours per year. (AHRI, No.
12 at pp. 9; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 9)
Further, AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that fan power is largely
dependent on motor type and typically represents 13 to 18 percent of
total power. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 4, 8-9; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 3,
8-9) AHRI asserted that EPCA imposes a one-metric-per-product
limitation and that efforts to capture the energy use of a fan during a
mode other than cooling (or heating) would result in an impermissible
design requirement. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 5, 10)
AHRI stated that DOE has the authority to include certain fans and
blowers, by rule, as ``covered equipment'' if such products meet all
the requirements of EPCA at 42 U.S.C. 6311(2). AHRI asserted that if
DOE developed a standard for stand-alone industrial fans, it would not
be appropriate to apply that standard to fans embedded in regulated
equipment. Furthermore, AHRI argued that the fact that Congress granted
a specific provision of authority to DOE for a consumer furnace
ventilation metric affirms that DOE is without general authority to
create overlapping ventilation requirements for other regulated
products. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 10-11)
Trane and WaterFurnace also commented that regulation of WSHP fans
would produce unnecessary overlapping regulations, and that system-
level efficiency metrics allow for optimization of the entire system.
(Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 8) AHRI and
WaterFurnace stated that fan energy in cooling and heating are
accounted for in the current test procedure and that fans are optimized
for these modes because they account for the majority of operational
time. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 9)
AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that auxiliary heating is not
common in WSHPs and estimated that electric heat is included in less
than one percent of WSHP shipments. AHRI and WaterFurnace further
commented that the primary mode of operation of most WSHPs is cooling
and that heating requirements are limited, such that adequate heating
can be supplied through heat pump operation alone. (AHRI, No. 12 at p.
4; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 3) Trane stated that for their WSHPs,
electric heat is provided only when heat pump operation alone cannot
meet the heating demand. Trane further stated that the compressors are
locked out while back-up electric heating is used for most WSHPs, with
the exception of rooftop WSHP equipment, which allows auxiliary
electric heat to supplement the heating provided by the heat pump.
(Trane, No. 8 at p. 2)
In response, DOE emphasizes that its request for information
regarding fan energy use was in investigation of energy use of WSHPs in
operational modes other than those currently evaluated by the test
procedure (i.e., operational modes other than cooling and heating). DOE
understands that much of the energy use attributable to these other
modes is likely a product of fan operation. Provisions to measure
energy use for ancillary functions (e.g., economizing, ventilation,
filtration, and auxiliary heat) when there is no heating or cooling are
not included in ISO 13256-1:1998 or AHRI 340/360-2022. As discussed in
section III.D.3 of this NOPR, DOE is proposing to adopt AHRI 340/360-
2022 for testing WSHPs. Additionally, provisions addressing other
operational modes have not been included in the updated ISO 13256-
1:2021. In light of the above, at this time, DOE lacks sufficient
information on the number of units capable of operating in these other
modes or the frequency of operation of these modes during field
conditions to determine whether such testing would be appropriate for
WSHPs and/or to develop a test method capable of accounting for energy
use of such auxiliary functions of WSHPs. To the extent that data and
further information are developed regarding operation of WSHPs in modes
other than mechanical cooling and heating, DOE would consider such
developments in a future WSHP test procedure rulemaking.
5. Dynamic Load-Based Test Procedure
In response to the June 2018 RFI, both NEEA and the Joint Advocates
encouraged DOE to investigate a load-based test method that could allow
more sophisticated and inclusive efficiency metrics. Both NEEA and
Joint Advocates commented that the Canadian Standards Association
(``CSA'') group is developing CSA EXP07 (``Load-based and climate-
specific testing and rating procedures for heat pumps and air
conditioners''), which is a dynamic, load-based test procedure expected
to better capture performance in the field, including the capturing of
cycling losses, benefits of variable-speed operation, and importance of
control strategies. (NEEA, No. 11 at p. 2; Joint Advocates, No. 10 at
p. 2)
DOE is aware of the dynamic, load-based test procedure being
developed by CSA. However, at this time, DOE understands that CSA EXP07
has not been validated and finalized. Furthermore, the CSA EXP07 test
procedure is applicable to CAC/HPs, and that test procedure has not yet
been evaluated for WSHPs. Further, DOE is not aware of data showing
that any dynamic, load-based test procedure produces repeatable and
reproducible test results. Therefore, DOE has tentatively concluded
that further consideration of CSA EXP07 would be premature at this
time, and accordingly, the Department is not proposing to adopt any
dynamic, load-based test procedures in this NOPR.
F. Test Method
1. Airflow and External Static Pressure
a. Fan Power Adjustment and Required Air External Static Pressure
As discussed in section III.D.1.a of this NOPR, for ducted units,
sections and of ISO 13256-1:1998 specify a fan power
adjustment calculation that does not account for fan power used for
overcoming external resistance. As a result, the calculation of
efficiency includes only the fan power required to overcome the
internal resistance of the unit. In addition, ISO 13256-1:1998 does not
specify ESP requirements for ducted equipment, instead allowing
manufacturers to specify a rated ESP. While Table 9 of ISO 13256-1:1998
includes an operating tolerance (i.e., maximum variation of individual
reading from rating conditions) and a condition tolerance (i.e.,
maximum variation of arithmetical average values from specified test
conditions) for external resistance to airflow, the test standard does
not specify to which values of ESP these tolerances are intended to
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested comment on whether minimum ESP
requirements should be included for ducted WSHPs, and if so, what
values would be appropriate. 83 FR 29048, 29050 (June 22, 2018). DOE
also requested information on whether field ESP values typically vary
with capacity, and whether fan power used for overcoming ESP should be
included in the efficiency calculation for WSHPs
[[Page 53320]]
intended to be used with ducting. Id. DOE asked for comment and data on
whether the fan/motor efficiency factor used in the calculation of fan
power for WSHPs is representative of units currently on the market and
whether the value accurately represents the efficiency of existing fans
that are not replaced in WSHP installations. Id at 83 FR 29051.
Additionally, DOE requested comment on whether indoor fans are
typically replaced when coil-only WSHPs are installed. Id.
In response to DOE's request for information, the Joint Advocates
encouraged DOE to establish minimum ESP values for ducted equipment and
to include the fan power used for overcoming external resistance in
efficiency calculations for WSHPs. (Joint Advocates, No. 10 at pp. 1-2)
NEEA commented that representative ESPs for WSHPs are higher than zero
ESP, and the commenter recommended that DOE should ensure the WSHP ESP
requirements reflect field installations, stating that otherwise, WSHP
ratings will neither provide an adequate representation of actual
efficiency nor provide good information to consumers. (NEEA, No. 11 at
p. 3) NEEA also reminded that the ASRAC Working Group recommended that
test procedures for regulated equipment, including WSHPs, be revised to
better capture fan energy use. NEEA further commented that adding
minimum ESP values would not increase test burden. Id.
AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace stated that the AHRI WSHP
certification program does require minimum ESPs that increase with
rated capacity for ducted units with fans driven by an electronically-
commutated motor (``ECM''), and that these minimum ESPs are being
considered for inclusion in the revised version of ISO 13256-1. (AHRI,
No. 12 at pp. 5-6; Trane, No. 8 at p. 3; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 5)
AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that the field ESP of commercial WSHPs
is largely tied to the ductwork and a single filter, typically
resulting in ESPs less than 0.50 inches water column (``in
H2O''), but the commenters noted that some larger systems
(>60,000 Btu/h) may be installed such that ESP values are as much as
1.0 in H2O. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 5; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p.
4) AHRI also mentioned that commercial WSHPs are not typically
installed with substantial ancillary filters or other high-static
accessories found in larger air handlers. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 5)
Trane and AHRI commented that fan power for overcoming ESP should
not be included in the efficiency calculation. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 6;
Trane, No. 8 at pp. 2-3) AHRI further commented that the ISO 13256-
1:1998 approach (of including a fan power adjustment down to zero ESP)
results from the acknowledgment of the variability of ESP in the wide
variety of WSHP applications that range from cooling towers/boilers to
dry coolers to geothermal earth loop systems. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 5)
Trane and WaterFurnace further commented that excluding the fan power
for overcoming ESP from the efficiency calculation ensures that units
with indoor fans that produce higher static pressure are not penalized
for having a stronger fan motor. (Trane, No. 8 at pp. 2-3;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 4) WaterFurnace added that because more
powerful fans to overcome higher field ESPs results in lower certified
efficiency, most manufacturers design to the minimum ESP to avoid the
excess fan power, and that in field applications, this results in low
airflow and poor performance. WaterFurnace commented that their typical
WSHP product is tested at higher ESP (greater than 0.4 in
H2O) but then corrected to zero ESP. (WaterFurnace, No. 7 at
pp. 1, 4) AHRI stated that fewer than 10 percent of all installed WSHPs
have a cooling capacity greater than 5 tons, and the organization
further noted that the table of ESP requirements in AHRI WSHP/
Geothermal Operations Manual specifies an ESP of 0.20 in H2O
for 5-ton models, suggesting that 90 percent of WSHPs would have an ESP
less than 0.2 in H2O. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8)
AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal
Operations Manual limits the fan power correction to three percent on
the cooling capacity to prevent any application of the correction as a
way to inflate efficiencies. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8; WaterFurnace, No. 7
at p. 8) AHRI and WaterFurnace further commented that aligning ESP
requirements for different equipment categories (with different
conditions and applications) is futile and that there will always be
differences in HVAC test standards. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 7) AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace stated that
the fan power adjustment factor in ISO 13256-1:1998 is representative
for WSHPs. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8; Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 8) AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace also stated that the fan
power adjustment factor provides the ability to predict performance at
any ESP level. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 3; Trane, No. 8 at p. 3;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 5)
AHRI and WaterFurnace also stated that the fan efficiency factor
noted in the RFI is the same for all current fan motor designs, both
permanent magnet variable speed and induction technologies, and they
have found them to be reasonable. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 7) WaterFurnace further stated that the fan and pump
correction factors were developed in 1998 after high-efficiency
permanent split capacitor (``PSC'') and ECM fan motor technology were
both deployed into the market and that the factor is intended to cover
a number of technologies. (WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 7)
Regarding whether indoor fans are typically replaced when coil-only
WSHPs are installed, AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that they are not
aware of any coil-only WSHPs, and, therefore, that test procedure
revisions to address such units are unnecessary. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 8;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 8) AHRI and WaterFurnace also stated that all
commercial WSHPs are packaged units and that split systems are not
commercially used. Id.
In response to those comments on the June 2018 RFI, DOE would
clarify that ducted WSHPs installed in the field must overcome ESP from
ductwork. As noted, the method used in ISO 13256-1:1998 and ISO 13256-
1:2021 excludes the power to overcome ESP via the fan power adjustment,
which adjusts the fan power down to reflect zero ESP. In contrast,
testing per AHRI 340/360-2022 requires testing at a minimum ESP
requirement (specified in Table 7 of AHRI 340/360-2022) and does not
include any adjustments to the fan power. In other words, ratings in
accordance with AHRI 340/360-2022 reflect performance at the applicable
minimum ESP requirement. DOE has tentatively concluded that testing
ducted WSHPs in accordance with AHRI 340/360-2022 (i.e., testing at
minimum ESP requirements with no fan power adjustment) would be more
representative of field installations than the method used in ISO
13256-1:1998, for the following three reasons:
(1) Use of the fan power adjustment in ISO 13256-1:1998 results in
ratings that do not reflect the fan power needed to overcome ESP;
(2) The fan power adjustment in ISO 13256-1:1998 assumes a fan
efficiency of 0.3, which underestimates the efficiency of fans in
WSHPs, and, thus, underestimates the fan power that would be needed for
the fan to operate at zero ESP; and
(3) Rated ESP values that manufacturers use when testing to ISO
13256-1:1998 are typically significantly higher than ESPs
representative of water-loop WSHP installations. Because, as stated,
the fan power
[[Page 53321]]
adjustment subtracts fan power to reflect performance at zero ESP,
assuming a low fan efficiency, testing at ESPs higher than
representative values subtracts more fan power than would typically be
needed to overcome that high tested ESP, and, thus, it further results
in efficiency ratings that underestimate fan power needed to operate at
zero ESP.
DOE conducted investigative testing on five WSHPs to determine the
extent to which ISO 13256-1:1998 accounts for fan energy use compared
to testing at representative ESP requirements per AHRI 340/360-2022.
DOE also determined the fan efficiency of these five units. Of the five
tested units, three had constant airflow ECM motors and two had
constant torque ECM motors.
Table 6--Investigative Testing Results Regarding Fan Power and Fan
Fan Power at AHRI 340/360 ESP Requirement (W)........... 262.04
Fan Power Determined According to ISO 13256-1:1998 (W).. 139.57
Average Measured Fan Efficiency......................... 0.46
Measured Fan Efficiency Range........................... 0.34-0.71
DOE determined the relationship between ESP and fan power for the
five WSHPs by conducting several tests with varying ESP at the rated
airflow. As shown in Table 5, DOE determined the fan power for each of
the five units at the applicable ESP requirement in AHRI 340/360-2022.
These data show that the method in ISO 13256-1:1998 accounts for an
average of only 53 percent of the fan power required to overcome the
ESP specified in AHRI 340/360-2022.
DOE also calculated the fan efficiency for each unit based on tests
conducted with varying ESP at the rated airflow. As shown in Table 5,
DOE found that the measured fan efficiency for all five units is higher
than the fan efficiency value assumed in ISO 13256-1:1998 (30 percent).
Specifically, the average measured efficiency (46 percent) is over 50
percent higher than the ISO 13256-1:1998 value, and the highest
measured efficiency is more than double the ISO 13256-1:1998 value. The
consistent underestimation of fan efficiency by the ISO 13256-1:1998
fan power adjustment equation for the five tested units results in a
larger amount of fan power being subtracted from the measured value
when adjusting down to zero ESP than would be representative of the
actual fan's operation. In other words, when adjusting the measured fan
power down to zero ESP, the fan power adjustment's assumption of a fan
efficiency that is lower than is typical in WSHPs results in more power
being subtracted than the fan would actually have needed to overcome
that level of ESP (because lower-efficiency fans consume more power to
provide the same level of output). Therefore, for these five units the
resulting rating determined per ISO 13256-1:1998 underestimates the fan
power needed to operate at zero ESP because too much fan power is
subtracted using the fan power adjustment.
The low fan efficiency value in the ISO 13256-1:1998 fan power
adjustment equation results in an incentive for manufacturers to test
at a higher ESP than would be representative for WSHPs, to take more
advantage of the fan power adjustment by subtracting a larger
calculated adjustment from the measured fan power (when adjusting fan
power down to reflect performance at zero ESP). DOE's examination of
rated ESP values in supplemental test instructions (``STI'') indicates
that WSHPs are being rated based on testing with ESPs higher than would
be representative. Specifically, DOE examined the STI for 15 WSHPs and
found that the average rated ESP was 0.51 in H2O. In
contrast, the rated ESPs in the STI exceeded the AHRI 340/360-2022 ESP
requirements (which, as discussed, align with the ESP levels included
in the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual and are very similar to
the ESP levels in included in ISO 13256:1-2021) by more than the +0.05
in H2O tolerance for 13 of the 15 units. Given the low fan
efficiency assumed in the ISO 13256-1:1998 fan power adjustment,
testing at ESPs higher than representative for WSHPs results in
efficiency ratings that underestimate fan power needed to operate at
zero ESP.
Regarding comments received about ESP requirements in the revised
version of ISO 13256-1, DOE acknowledges that Table 1 of ISO 13256-
1:2021 does include minimum ESPs for all fan motor types, and that
those minimum ESPs are generally consistent with the values in Table 7
of AHRI 340/360-2022, albeit with slight differences due to rounding.
However, ISO 13256-1:2021 does not include an upper tolerance on ESP
(i.e., tests can still be conducted at any ESP above the minimum) and
maintains the fan power correction to adjust down to zero ESP. Again,
DOE tentatively finds that its proposed approach based on AHRI 340/360-
2022 would produce results more representative of an average WSHP use
cycle, so the Department is not proposing to use ISO 13256-1:2021 in
this context.
Because the fan power adjustment method used in ISO 13256-1:1998
and ISO 13256-1:2021 does not capture the fan power to overcome ESP,
and underestimates the fan power needed to operate at zero ESP for many
units (as determined from DOE's testing and examination of rated ESPs
from STI), DOE has tentatively concluded that ratings based on
performance at a representative ESP requirement (as is the case in AHRI
340/360-2022) are more representative of the total fan power that would
be consumed in field installations.
The minimum ESP requirements specified in Table 7 of AHRI 340/360-
2022 align with the minimum ESP requirements specified in Table B2 of
the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual and are generally consistent
with the minimum ESPs specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:2021, with
slight differences due to rounding. Based on the inclusion of similar
minimum ESP requirements in the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual
and ISO 13256-1:2021, DOE has tentatively concluded that the minimum
ESP requirements specified in AHRI 340/360-2022 are representative of
water-loop WSHP field installations.
To account for the impacts of ESP typically encountered in the
field, DOE is proposing provisions to reflect fan power to overcome a
representative ESP when calculating efficiency. As per the discussion
in this section and in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE has
tentatively determined that to best reflect field operation, WSHPs
should be tested with minimum ESPs; the power for overcoming ESP should
be included in efficiency calculations; and all equipment should be
tested with an ESP upper tolerance. Therefore, DOE has tentatively
determined that for WSHPs the method in AHRI 340/360-2022 is more
representative of field energy use than the methods used in ISO 13256-
1:1998 or ISO 13256-1:2021. As such, DOE is proposing to adopt AHRI
340/360-2022 for WSHPs, including section and Table 7 of AHRI
340/360-2022, which specify minimum ESPs for ducted units, a tolerance
on ESP of -0.00/+0.05 in H2O, and no fan power adjustment.
In the following sections (sections III.F.1.b and III.F.1.b.i of this
document), DOE provides further detail on proposed provisions for
setting airflow and ESP for units intended to be installed both with
and without ducts.
Regarding comments received about WSHPs with higher-static fan
motors, DOE is proposing an approach for
[[Page 53322]]
representations and enforcement of units with non-standard indoor fan
motors (i.e., more powerful fan motors intended for operation with ESPs
higher than the ESP requirements in the test procedure). This approach
would allow for an individual model with a non-standard indoor fan
motor to be included in the same basic model as an individual model
with a standard indoor fan motor, with the rating based on performance
with the standard indoor fan motor, as long as the non-standard indoor
fan motor has the same or better relative efficiency performance as
compared to the standard motor. DOE has tentatively concluded that this
proposed approach addresses the concerns raised by commenters that ESP
requirements would penalize units with higher-static indoor fan motors.
Section III.G.3 of this NOPR includes additional discussion on DOE's
proposed approach for non-standard indoor fan motors.
Regarding comments received about the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal
Operations Manual, DOE notes that the Operations Manual is not
incorporated by reference in the DOE test procedure and is not
referenced in ASHRAE Standard 90.1. Therefore, the provisions included
in the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual are not reflected in the
current DOE test procedure. However, DOE has nonetheless reviewed the
AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual as part of its consideration of
potential amended test procedure provisions in this NOPR. DOE notes
that Table B2 of the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual does
specify ESP requirements that align with the ESP requirements specified
in Table 7 of AHRI 340/360-2022; however, the ESP requirements in the
AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual only apply to ducted units with
ECM fan motors. DOE has tentatively concluded that specification of ESP
requirements would provide for more representative ratings for all
ducted WSHPs, not just units with ECM fan motors. Additionally, DOE
notes that section A5 of the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual
limits the fan power correction to no more than 3 percent of the
measured cooling capacity. However, because the fan power correction is
applied to both the capacity and total power when calculating EER or
COP, the effect of a fan power correction of 3 percent on the
calculated efficiency would be significantly more than 3 percent.
Further, as discussed, DOE has tentatively concluded that ratings based
on minimum ESP requirements would be more representative than ratings
based on zero ESP (developed using the fan power correction). For these
reasons, DOE is not proposing to incorporate by reference or otherwise
adopt the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual as part of the DOE
WSHP test procedure.
Regarding comments received about coil-only units, DOE has
identified at least one coil-only unit that would meet the definition
of a WSHP. In accordance with DOE's proposal to adopt AHRI 340/360-
2022, coil-only WSHPs would be subject to the test provisions for
setting airflow for coil-only units specified in sections and of AHRI 340/360-2022.
Issue 10: DOE requests comment on the proposal to adopt provisions
from AHRI 340/360-2022 such that testing would be conducted within
tolerance of the AHRI 340/360-2022 minimum ESP requirements, and
efficiency ratings would include the fan power measured to overcome the
tested ESP.
b. Setting Airflow and ESP
ISO 13256-1:1998 specifies airflow rates in section 4.1.5 of that
document, including that: (a) non-ducted heat pumps shall be tested at
airflow rates obtained at zero ESP; (b) ducted heat pumps with internal
fans or with designated air movers shall be tested at the airflow rates
obtained at zero ESP or the manufacturer-specified airflow rate,
whichever is lower, and (c) ducted heat pumps without internal fans
shall be tested at the manufacturer-specified airflow rate subject to a
maximum internal pressure drop. Additionally, paragraph (e)(2) of 10
CFR 431.96 requires that the airflow rate used for testing must be
specified by the manufacturer in the installation and operation manuals
being shipped to the commercial customer, and that if a rated air flow
value for testing is not clearly identified, a value of 400 standard
cubic feet per minute per ton shall be used.
ISO 13256-1:1998 does not indicate which speed setting should be
used to achieve specified airflow for a fan with more than one speed
setting. Also, in some cases, the airflow rate and pressure conditions
specified for a given ducted heat pump without an internal fan may not
be achievable simultaneously. ISO 13256-1:1998 does not provide an
approach for simultaneously achieving the specified airflow rate and
pressure conditions in cases where the airflow may not be achievable
below the maximum internal pressure drop. In the June 2018 RFI, DOE
requested comment on whether indoor fans typically have multiple speed
settings for WSHPs, and if so, how manufacturers choose the speed to
use during testing. DOE also requested comment on how specified airflow
is achieved if none of the speed settings produce that airflow at the
specified internal or external static pressure. 83 FR 29048, 29051
(June 22, 2018).
AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that most WSHP fans have at least
three speeds. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 7; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 7) Trane
commented that their company offers single-speed and multi-speed units.
(Trane, No. 8 at p. 4) AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace stated that as
part of AHRI's certification program, the test facility utilizes the
blower speed specified by the manufacturer in literature and submission
data. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 7; Trane, No. 8 at p. 4; WaterFurnace, No. 7
at p. 7) AHRI and WaterFurnace further stated that manufacturers select
an airflow that is advantageous for the specifications they are trying
to achieve; for example, low airflows are beneficial for humidity
removal. Id. The commenters also indicated that the AHRI WSHP/
Geothermal Operations Manual specifies steps to be taken if the
manufacturer's specified airflow is not met with the initial fan
settings, which include reducing ESP to a minimum value set forth in
the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual. Id.
AHRI acknowledged that in some cases, the airflow rate and pressure
conditions specified by ISO 13256-1:1998 for a given ducted heat pump
without an internal fan may not be achievable simultaneously. As an
example, AHRI described a scenario in which the manufacturer-specified
airflow may not be achievable below the maximum internal pressure drop
specified in section of ISO 13256-1:1998. AHRI stated that ISO
13256-1:1998 does not provide an approach for simultaneously achieving
the specified airflow rate and pressure conditions in such a case.
(AHRI, No. 12 at p. 7) In such cases, AHRI and WaterFurnace stated that
provisions in Appendix B of the AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual
are used that permit a tolerance for achieving the specified airflow
within 10 percent of the manufacturers specified flow rate. (AHRI, No.
12 at p. 7; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 6)
On this topic, DOE notes that the provisions of ISO 13256-1:2021
are equivalent to those in ISO 13256-1:1998 for setting airflow of non-
ducted units and ducted units without internal fans. For ducted units
with internal fans, ISO 13256-1:2021 provides additional specifications
beyond those in ISO 13256-1:1998. Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:2021 provides
minimum ESP values and explains that airflow should be set
[[Page 53323]]
as specified by the manufacturer with an ESP greater than or equal to
the minimum ESP value set forth in ISO 13256-1:2021. For units with
non-constant airflow fans and adjustable speed, ISO 13256-1:2021 states
that the speed may be adjusted as needed to the lowest speed that
provides at least the minimum ESP at the specified airflow rate. In
cases where the airflow rate cannot be maintained within tolerance with
an ESP greater than or equal to the minimum ESP, the test must be run
at the airflow achieved with an ESP equal to the minimum ESP.
As noted in section III.F.1.a of this document, DOE is proposing to
adopt the minimum ESP requirements in Table 7 of AHRI 340/360-2022 and
condition tolerances in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022. For the reasons
that follow, DOE has tentatively concluded that AHRI 340/360-2022 is
superior to available alternatives in terms of these objectives. To
start, DOE has tentatively determined that more specification than
provided in ISO 13256-1:1998 is needed to ensure consistent and
repeatable setting of airflow and ESP for testing, thereby ensuring the
representativeness of the results. For example, ISO 13256-1:1998 does
not specify what to do in certain circumstances when instructions
provided are unclear or conflict (e.g., if no fan control setting is
certified and multiple combinations of ESP and fan speed can provide
the manufacturer-specified airflow). Although ISO 13256-1:2021 provides
more specification than ISO 13256-1:1998 for setting airflow in ducted
units with an internal fan, it still does not address situations in
which instructions are missing, are unclear, or conflict. In addition,
neither version of the ISO test procedure specifies an upper tolerance
on ESP for ducted units. As such, further detail than what is provided
in ISO 13256-1:1998 and ISO 13256-1:2021 is warranted. Furthermore, the
AHRI WSHP/Geothermal Operations Manual includes some provisions on fan
settings, but these provisions are likewise insufficient for setting
airflow and ESP with minimum ESPs and condition tolerances, as that
manual relies on communication and agreement between the manufacturer
and AHRI in situations in which both ESP and airflow tolerances cannot
be met. Such approach is inappropriate in a regulatory context.
Therefore, as stated previously in this NOPR, DOE is proposing to
incorporate by reference AHRI 340/360-2022, including adoption of
sections through, which specify a 3 percent condition
tolerance for airflow rate, a -0.00/+0.05 in H2O condition
tolerance for ESP, and instructions on setting airflow and ESP during
testing. These sections additionally provide guidance on what to do
during testing if one or both of the conditions cannot be met. DOE
preliminarily finds that these provisions would improve test
repeatability, provide test conditions that are more representative of
field operation, and appropriately address the issue where none of the
speed settings produce the specified airflow at the specified internal
or external static pressure.
DOE notes, however, that the relevant provisions in AHRI 340/360-
2022 were generally developed for ducted units with continuously
variable-speed fans. Accordingly, additional provisions specific to
testing ducted units with discrete-step fans and non-ducted units are
necessary. The following sub-sections discuss the proposed additional
provisions for such WSHPs.
Issue 11: DOE requests comment on the proposed adoption of
provisions from AHRI 340/360-2022 for setting airflow and ESP for WSHP
(i) Ducted Units With Discrete-Step Fans
Many ducted WSHPs have fans with discrete steps in speed. In
situations where both airflow and ESP tolerances cannot be met, the
instructions in section of AHRI 340/360-2022 can result in
ducted units with discrete-step fans operating with ESPs that are
higher than the tolerance on the ESP requirements due to the difference
in fan speed between each step.
Section of AHRI 340/360-2022 specifies that the measured
airflow during test must be within 3 percent of the rated airflow and
that the ESP during test must be within -0.00/+0.05 in H2O
of the minimum ESP specified in Table 6. Section specifies
that for two adjacent fan control settings, if the lower setting is too
low (such that ESP or airflow are lower than the tolerance range) and
the higher setting is too high (such that ESP or airflow are higher
than the tolerance range), then the higher fan control setting should
be used. At this higher fan control setting, section
specifies to maintain airflow within tolerance, which would result in
an ESP higher than the +0.05 in H2O tolerance. However,
WSHPs with discrete-step fans may have a limited number of fan control
settings, such that testing at the higher fan speed in this case may
result in testing with an ESP that significantly exceeds the minimum
ESP requirement. For such units, in a case in which operating at the
lower fan control setting with the ESP in tolerance results in an
airflow slightly lower than 97 percent of the rated airflow, it would
be more representative to test at the lower fan control setting with
the airflow slightly below the 97 percent tolerance, rather than test
at the higher fan control setting with an ESP potentially significantly
exceeding the minimum ESP requirement. In such a case, the industry
test procedures for SPVUs (AHRI 390-2021; section and CAC/
HPs (AHRI 210/240-2023; section allow airflow to drop to 90
percent of the rated airflow while maintaining ESP within tolerance.
DOE has tentatively concluded that adopting this approach for WSHPs
would result in testing at conditions more representative of field
Therefore, for ducted units with discrete-step fans, DOE is
proposing in section 3.2 of proposed appendix C1 instructions for
setting the fan speed in the scenario in which: (1) tolerances for
airflow and ESP cannot be met simultaneously, and (2) adjacent fan
control settings result in airflow or ESP too low at the lower fan
control setting and too high at the higher fan control setting. These
proposed instructions specify to exclude sections and of AHRI 340/360-2022, and to allow airflow to drop to 90
percent of the specified airflow rate while maintaining ESP within
tolerance. If ESP cannot be maintained within tolerance at 90 percent
of the specified airflow rate, the proposed instructions specify to use
the next highest fan speed and allow ESP to exceed the tolerance while
maintaining airflow within tolerance.
Issue 12: DOE requests comment on its proposed instructions for
setting airflow and ESP for ducted WSHP units with discrete-step fans.
(ii) Non-Ducted Units
DOE is aware that some WSHPs may be installed without indoor air
distribution ducts in the field. Depending on the type of installation,
the test method specified in ISO 13256-1:1998 differs; section 4.1.2 of
ISO 13256-1:1998 specifies provisions for WSHPs installed without
ducts, and section 4.1.3 of the standard specifies provisions for WSHPs
installed with ducts. ISO 13256-1:1998 does not specify how to
distinguish whether a unit is ducted or non-ducted. The provisions of
ISO 13256-1:2021 are the same as those of ISO 13256-1:1998 in this
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested comment on the physical
characteristics that distinguish ducted and non-ducted WSHPs. DOE also
requested comment
[[Page 53324]]
on whether any WSHP models can be installed either with or without
indoor distribution ducts, and if such models exist, DOE requested
comment on whether manufacturers test these models to the non-ducted
provisions in section 4.1.2 of ISO 13256-1:1998 or the ducted
provisions in section 4.1.3 of ISO 13256-1:1998, or whether these
models are tested using both provisions of section 4.1.2 and 4.1.3. 83
FR 29048, 29050-29051 (June 22, 2018).
In response to DOE's request for information, AHRI and WaterFurnace
commented that WSHPs may be designed for use either with or without
indoor air distribution ducts, and that while the specified test set-
ups are different, the non-ducted test simulates the conditions of the
ducted test using a hood with zero static to accumulate the supply air
for volumetric and enthalpy measurements. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 6-7;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 5-6)
AHRI and WaterFurnace also commented that the majority of WSHPs are
designed for use with ductwork but that there are some console units
designed to ``free blow'' into the space with no ductwork at zero ESP.
(AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 6-7; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 5-6) AHRI added
that such non-ducted WSHPs typically include a tangential blower
(similar to packaged terminal air conditioners) meant for low-static
operation and free discharge into the conditioned space. (AHRI, No. 12
at pp. 6-7) Trane commented that motor horsepower and fan size are
designed to deliver zero ESP for non-ducted units and that units that
are required to be ducted will require a different motor horsepower and
fan size. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 4)
Additionally, AHRI and Trane pointed out that WSHPs are certified
to AHRI as either ``ducted'' or ``non-ducted'' and that the equipment
is tested to the appropriate section of ISO 13256-1:1998. AHRI and
WaterFurnace commented that there are no known WSHP models designed for
both ducted and non-ducted application. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 6-7;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 5-6) In contrast, Trane stated that although
it does not offer any equipment that can be installed as either ducted
or non-ducted, there is a selection of WSHP equipment that is designed
for both ducted and non-ducted applications. (Trane, No. 8 at pp. 3-4)
Consistent with AHRI's, WaterFurnace's, and Trane's comments, DOE
has identified some WSHPs, marketed as ``console units,'' which would
operate without a duct. As noted previously, AHRI 340/360-2022 does not
have any instructions for setting up airflow and ESP for non-ducted
units. (AHRI 340/360-2022 is the industry test procedure for testing
CUACs and there are no non-ducted CUACs.) Section 4.1.5 of ISO 13256-
1:1998 and section 5.1.5 of ISO 13256-1:2021 include provisions for
setting airflow for non-ducted units at zero ESP, but the provisions in
ISO 13256-1:1998 and ISO 13256-1:2021 do not specify the settings to
use or how to address situations in which test procedure instructions
are missing or conflict (also see discussion in section III.F.1.b of
this NOPR). Therefore, DOE has tentatively concluded that specific
provisions for non-ducted WSHPs are warranted.
To address testing of non-ducted WSHPs, DOE proposes separate
provisions for setting airflow and ESP for non-ducted units in section
3.1 of proposed appendix C1. Consistent with ISO 13256-1:1998 and ISO
13256-1:2021, DOE proposes that non-ducted units be tested at zero ESP,
because non-ducted units would not be installed with ductwork in the
field. DOE proposes that these provisions would apply to all units that
are not configured exclusively for delivery of conditioned air to the
indoor space without a duct(s). Units that are configured for delivery
of conditioned air to the indoor space without a duct(s) would be
required to use the provisions for setting airflow and ESP in section
6.1.3 of AHRI 340/360-2022 and section 3.2 of proposed appendix C1, as
DOE is proposing in section 3.1 of proposed appendix C1 that WSHP
units that are not configured exclusively for delivery of conditioned
air to the indoor space without a duct(s) would be tested with a target
ESP of 0.00 in H2O (consistent with ISO 13256-1:1998 and ISO
13256-1:2021) within a tolerance of -0.00/+0.05 in H2O in
place of the ESP specified in Table 7 of AHRI 340/360-2022 (because the
ESP requirements in AHRI 340/360-2022 are intended to reflect the
pressure drop in ductwork for ducted units). The proposed ESP tolerance
for non-ducted units aligns with the tolerance for ducted units in AHRI
340/360-2022. Instead of the instructions for setting airflow and ESP
in section of AHRI 340/360-2022, DOE proposes that if both the
ESP and airflow cannot be simultaneously maintained within tolerance
for any test, to maintain the ESP within the required tolerance and use
an airflow as close to the target value as possible (i.e., prioritize
maintaining ESP in tolerance over maintaining airflow in tolerance).
This is because testing an ESP of more than 0.05 in H2O
would not be representative for a non-ducted unit which would not be
installed with ductwork in the field. Finally, DOE proposes that if an
airflow out of tolerance is used for the full-load cooling test, then
the measured full-load cooling airflow is to be used as the target
airflow for all subsequent tests that call for the full-load cooling
airflow within a tolerance of +/-3 percent. These provisions are
similar to those included for testing non-ducted units in other
industry test standards for comparable categories of commercial air
conditioners and heat pumps, such as AHRI 390-2021 for testing SPVUs.
DOE has tentatively determined that these provisions would provide
a representative and repeatable test procedure for non-ducted WSHPs,
and that they would be appropriate for testing WSHPs because they are
the generally accepted industry method used for testing similar
equipment such as SPVUs. This proposed approach remedies some of the
shortcomings identified with the current WSHP test procedure which
incorporates by reference ISO 13256-1:1998.
Issue 13: DOE requests comment on its proposal for setting airflow
and ESP for non-ducted WSHP units.
2. Capacity Measurement
a. Primary and Secondary Methods
The current DOE test procedure, through adoption of section 6.1 of
ISO 13256-1:1998, specifies that total cooling and heating capacities
are to be determined by averaging the results obtained using two test
methods: the liquid enthalpy test method for the liquid side tests and
the indoor air enthalpy test method for the air side tests. For non-
ducted equipment, section 6.1 of ISO 13256-1:1998 includes an option
for conducting the air-side tests using the calorimeter room test
method instead of the air enthalpy test method. Section 6.1 of ISO
13256-1:1998 also specifies that, for a test to be valid, the results
obtained by the two methods used must agree within 5 percent.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE discussed how ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 is
similar to the test method in ISO 13256-1:1998, and that DOE was
considering whether testing to ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 would be appropriate
for WSHPs. DOE further discussed how ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 requires two
capacity measurements for units with cooling capacity less than 135,000
Btu/h; the first method of measurement (i.e., the primary method) is
used as the determination of the unit's capacity, while the second
measurement (i.e., the secondary method) is used to confirm
[[Page 53325]]
rather than to be averaged with the primary measurement (see section
10.1 and Table 1 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009). 83 FR 29048, 29052 (June 22,
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested information on whether one of
the two capacity measurements prescribed in ISO 13256-1:1998 gives a
consistently higher or lower result than the other, or whether one of
the methods can be considered more accurate for a range of different
WSHP configurations and models. Id. Additionally, DOE requested comment
on whether the ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 approach for determination of rated
capacity (i.e., using the primary method's measurement as the rated
capacity rather than averaging the two capacity measurements) would
result in more representative ratings than the ISO 13256-1:1998
approach. Id.
Trane commented that the capacity value measured by the liquid
enthalpy method is generally higher than the value measured by the
indoor air enthalpy method, stating that air-side measurements have
more opportunity for losses than water-side measurements. (Trane, No. 8
at p. 5) AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that the water side test is
generally simpler to conduct and also more accurate than the air
enthalpy method, because the uncertainties of measurement are much
lower in the water-side calculations. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 11)
AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace recommended continuing to use the
average of the air-side and water-side measurements as the basis for
capacity ratings. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13; Trane, No. 8 at p. 5;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 11) AHRI and WaterFurnace stated that the
current approach in ISO 13256-1:1998 represents a compromise that helps
ensure best testing procedures. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13; WaterFurnace,
No. 7 at p. 11) AHRI argued that the ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 approach does
not yield more representative ratings compared to the ISO 13256-1:1998
method. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13) Trane further asserted that the average
of the methods is more accurate than the measurement from either single
method alone. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 5) AHRI and WaterFurnace also stated
that ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 does not include the liquid enthalpy method of
test required on the source side for all WSHPs. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 10)
In response, DOE notes first that the capacity measurement
provisions in section 7.1 of ISO 13256-1:2021 differ from those in
section 6.1 of ISO 13256-1:1998 in several ways. Instead of averaging
the two capacity measurements, section 7.1 of ISO 13256-1:2021
specifies that the capacity rating is equal to the value determined
from the air side (referred to as the load side in ISO 13256-1:2021),
consistent with the approach used in section 10.1.2 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009. ISO 13256-1:2021 also does not allow use of the calorimeter
method in place of the indoor air enthalpy method for measuring
capacity on the load side, but section 7.1 of ISO 13256-1:2021 allows
use of the refrigerant enthalpy method for configurations that cannot
use the indoor air enthalpy method. Section 7.1 of ISO 13256-1:2021
continues to require the liquid enthalpy method for measuring capacity
on the liquid side (referred to as the source side in ISO 13256-
1:2021). Section 7.1 of ISO 13256-1:2021 also continues to require the
two capacity measurements to agree within 5 percent for the test to be
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 for use in the WSHP test
procedure, including section E6, which specifies test methods for
capacity measurement. Section E6.1 of AHRI 340/360-2022 requires use of
the indoor air enthalpy method specified in section 7.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE
37-2009 as the primary method for capacity measurement. This is the
measurement used to determine capacity, as required in section 10.1.2
of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. Section E6.2.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022 requires
use of one of the applicable ``Group B'' methods specified in Table 1
of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 as a secondary method for capacity measurement.
The group B methods that are applicable to WSHPs are the outdoor liquid
coil method (similar to the liquid enthalpy method included in the 1998
and 2021 versions of ISO 13256-1), the refrigerant enthalpy method, and
the compressor calibration method. Section E6.4.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022
requires that the primary and secondary measurements match for full-
load cooling and heating tests, within 6 percent of the primary
measurement. No match is required between primary and secondary
measurements for part-load cooling tests.
Regarding commenters' claims that ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 does not
include the liquid enthalpy method of test required on the source side
for all WSHPs, as discussed, ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 does include a liquid
enthalpy method of test. The liquid enthalpy method is referred to as
the outdoor liquid coil method in section 7 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009, and
it provides a measurement of liquid enthalpy that is similar to the
measurement provided by the liquid enthalpy method in normative
appendix C of ISO 13256-1:1998. As discussed, Table 1 of ANSI/ASHRAE
37-2009 specifies three secondary capacity measurement methods (i.e.,
outdoor liquid coil, refrigerant enthalpy, and compressor calibration
methods) that may be used to conduct the secondary measurements that
are required for testing WSHPs with cooling capacity less than 135,000
Btu/h, rather than requiring the outdoor liquid coil for all water-
source units (as is the case in section 6.1 of ISO 13256-1:1998). Table
1 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 also specifies the applicability of each
secondary capacity method based on the configuration of the unit being
tested. This specification of applicable secondary capacity measurement
methods in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 ensures that the chosen secondary
capacity measurement is accurate because the outdoor liquid coil method
in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 is not applicable for certain unit
configurations in which the compressor heat would not be sufficiently
accounted for. Specifically, section and note g to Table 1 of
ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 specify that the outdoor liquid coil method may not
be used if the system has a compressor that is ventilated by outdoor
air or a remote outdoor compressor that is not insulated per section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. Section III.F.2.b of this NOPR includes
further discussion on this topic.
As part of DOE's proposal generally to adopt the test provisions in
section E6 of AHRI 340/360-2022, DOE is proposing to adopt the
provisions for measuring capacity in AHRI 340/360-2022 instead of those
in section 6.1 of ISO 13256-1:1998. Using the indoor air enthalpy
measurement as the measurement of capacity ensures that actual output
of the WSHP--the cooling or heating of air--is used as the measure of
capacity. The approach used in section 6.1 of ISO 13256-1:1998, in
which the indoor air enthalpy measurement is averaged with the liquid
enthalpy measurement, has the potential to result in capacity values
that are higher than the actual delivered capacity because of heat
transfer to/from the ambient air (either through heat transfer through
the WSHP cabinet walls or air leakage). This potential is consistent
with Trane's comment that the capacity value measured by the liquid
enthalpy method is generally higher than the value measured by the
indoor air enthalpy method. In addition,
[[Page 53326]]
the approach used in section E6 of AHRI 340/360-2022 is consistent with
the approach in section 7.1 of ISO 13256-1:2021, in that the indoor air
enthalpy measurement is used as the capacity measurement in ISO 13256-
1:2021. It is also consistent with the industry test procedures for
other categories of air conditioning and heating equipment (e.g., AHRI
Standard 1230, AHRI Standard 390, and AHRI Standard 210/240).
Therefore, DOE has tentatively concluded that it is more representative
for the capacity rating of WSHPs to be determined with the indoor air
enthalpy method, and for the secondary measurement to serve only as a
verification of the indoor enthalpy measurement, rather than being
averaged with the indoor air enthalpy method result to determine the
capacity rating.
The proposed provisions do not permit use of the calorimeter method
or refrigerant enthalpy method in place of the indoor enthalpy method,
which is allowed in section 6.1 of ISO 13256-1:1998 and section 7.1 of
ISO 13256-1:2021. However, DOE has tentatively concluded that
alternatives to the indoor air enthalpy method are not necessary
because DOE is not aware of any WSHPs that are unable to use the indoor
enthalpy method as specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 (with additional
provisions in AHRI 340/360-2022).
The proposed provisions also allow a difference in capacity
measurements of up to 6 percent in section E6.4.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022
instead of the 5 percent allowed in section 6.1 of ISO 13256-1:1998.
DOE has tentatively concluded that this reduces burden while still
ensuring accurate measurements of indoor air enthalpy. Once again, this
proposal is consistent with the industry test procedures for other
categories of air conditioning and heating equipment (e.g., AHRI
Standard 1230, AHRI Standard 390, and AHRI Standard 210/240).
Issue 14: DOE requests comment on its proposed approach to adopt
the provisions in AHRI 340/360-2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 regarding
primary and secondary capacity measurements.
b. Compressor Heat
DOE has identified split-system WSHPs available on the market. For
at least one of these split systems WSHPs, the unit containing the
compressor is intended for either indoor or outdoor installation. The
installed location of the compressor, in relation to the conditioned
space and other system components, impacts the capacity of a WSHP
system and the provisions necessary for accurately measuring system
capacity due to the generation of heat during compressor operation.
As discussed in section III.F.2.a of this NOPR, the current DOE
test procedure, through adoption of ISO 13256-1:1998, requires use of
two methods to measure space-conditioning capacity provided by a WSHP.
One of these methods, the indoor air enthalpy method (see normative
annex B of ISO 13256-1:1998), measures capacity directly by measuring
mass flow and enthalpy change of the indoor air.\21\ The second method,
the liquid enthalpy test method (see normative annex C of ISO 13256-
1:1998), measures heat transferred at the liquid coil. The liquid
enthalpy measurement is adjusted by adding or subtracting the total
unit input power (including the compressor input power) from the
measured liquid side capacity in the heating or cooling mode tests,
respectively, using the equations in sections C3.1 and C3.2 of ISO
\21\ The alternative calorimeter room test method (see normative
annex E of ISO 13256-1:1998), allowed to be used instead of the
indoor air enthalpy method for non-ducted WSHPs, also measures
indoor space-conditioning capacity directly.
The liquid enthalpy adjustment in sections C3.1 and C3.2 of ISO
13256-1:1998 assumes that all compressor heat is absorbed and
ultimately transferred to the conditioned space, thereby increasing
heating capacity or decreasing cooling capacity. However, this fails to
account for any heat transferred from the compressor or other
components to their surroundings that does not contribute to space
conditioning. For example, in the case of a split-system WSHP with an
uninsulated compressor/liquid coil section installed outdoors, the air
that absorbs compressor heat would not directly affect the conditioned
space. In this case, adding or subtracting the entire compressor input
power to or from the capacity calculated based on liquid temperature
change likely overestimates the impact of compressor power input on the
indoor-side capacity that is calculated using the liquid enthalpy-based
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested comment on whether there are
split-system WSHP models on the market for which the unit containing
the compressor is intended only for outdoor installation or only for
indoor installation. DOE further requested comment on manufacturers'
practices for testing split-system WSHPs for which the compressor is
not housed in the section containing the indoor refrigerant-to-air
coil, including which test rooms are used for the compressor section,
and whether any adjustments are made to properly account for the
compressor heat. 83 FR 29048, 29053 (June 22, 2018).
In response to DOE's requests for comment, AHRI, Trane, and
WaterFurnace commented that accounting for compressor heat would not be
a relevant issue because there are very few, if any, split-system WSHPs
in the commercial market. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13; Trane, No. 8 at p. 5;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 11-12) The CA IOUs commented that, based on
the AHRI directory, 90 percent of WSHPs are single-package units. (CA
IOUs, No. 9 at p. 2)
As stated previously, DOE has identified a number of split-system
WSHPs, several of which are certified in the DOE Compliance
Certification Database, and the Federal test procedure \22\ applies to
any WSHP that meets DOE's definition of a WSHP. Further, because split-
system WSHPs are available on the market, test procedure provisions are
needed for testing them, regardless of their share of the WSHP market.
\22\ Currently, the DOE test procedure applies to all WSHPs with
a capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h. However, DOE is proposing in
section III.A of this NOPR to increase the scope of the Federal test
procedure to include all WSHPs with a capacity less than 760,000
Sections D.4 and D.5 of ISO 13256-1:2021 use the same adjustment of
the liquid enthalpy method as sections C3.1 and C3.2 of ISO 13256-
1:1998. Thus, ISO 13256-1:2021 provides no additional methods to
address compressor heat for split systems with the compressor in the
liquid coil section.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in its test procedure for WSHPs.
AHRI 340/360-2022 in turn references the test method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009. Sections 6.1.3 and 6.1.5 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 contain
provisions for addressing compressor heat in the indoor air enthalpy
method that are similar to the provisions in sections F7.3 and F7.5 of
ISO 13256-1:1998. For secondary capacity measurements, however, ANSI/
ASHRAE 37-2009 has provisions that go beyond the provisions in ISO
13256-1:1998 to ensure that capacity is measured more accurately than
it is by ISO 13256-1:1998, as discussed in the following paragraphs.
Section 7.6 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 includes a liquid enthalpy
measurement method (referred to as the
[[Page 53327]]
``outdoor liquid coil method'' and applicable to both single-package
units and split systems) that is similar to the method in normative
annex C of ISO 13256-1:1998 in that it adjusts the liquid enthalpy
measurement by the total input power of the WSHP. For split-system
WSHPs, ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 includes the outdoor liquid coil method, the
refrigerant enthalpy method, and the compressor calibration method as
options for conducting the secondary measurements that are required for
testing WSHPs with cooling capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h. However,
ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 limits use of the outdoor liquid coil method so
that it does not apply for certain unit configurations in which the
compressor heat would not be sufficiently accounted for. Specifically,
Section and note g to Table 1 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 specify
that the outdoor liquid coil method may not be used if the system has a
compressor that is ventilated by outdoor air or a remote outdoor
compressor that is not insulated per section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009. These limits on the applicability of the outdoor liquid coil
method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 minimize discrepancy between measurements
from the indoor air enthalpy method and liquid coil method by ensuring
that either: (1) compressor heat is captured in indoor air enthalpy
measurements, or (2) compressor heat loss to outdoor air is minimal
because the compressor is sufficiently insulated.
For split-system WSHPs for which the outdoor liquid coil method in
ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 cannot be used (i.e., the system has a compressor
that is ventilated by outdoor air or a remote outdoor compressor that
is not insulated per section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009), ANSI/
ASHRAE 37-2009 requires the use of either the refrigerant enthalpy
method specified in section 7.5 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 or the
compressor calibration method specified in section 7.4 of ANSI/ASHRAE
37-2009. For both of these methods, measured capacity is adjusted by
only the input power of the indoor section of the WSHP, and not the
total input power. Therefore, for both methods, the compressor heat
lost to outdoor air from a remote outdoor compressor or compressor
ventilated by outdoor air would appropriately be excluded from capacity
measurements, similar to the indoor air enthalpy method. Therefore, for
WSHPs with those configurations, the refrigerant enthalpy method and
compressor calibration method specified in sections 7.5 and 7.4
(respectively) of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 would provide a more
representative result as compared to the approach used in normative
annex C of ISO 13256-1:1998 (i.e., liquid enthalpy method).
Based on the discussion in the prior paragraphs, DOE tentatively
concludes that the proposed test procedure would provide an accurate
secondary measure of capacity for all equipment configurations and
would provide a more representative secondary measure of capacity than
ISO 13256-1:1998 or ISO 13256-1:2021 for split systems with the
compressor mounted in the outdoor section.
3. Cyclic Degradation
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in its test procedure for WSHPs,
including section of that industry standard. Equation 4 in
section of AHRI 340/360-2022 is used to calculate part-load EER
for a unit that needs to cycle in order to meet the 75-percent, 50-
percent, and/or 25-percent load conditions required for the IEER
metric. Cycling is the term used to describe the process in which a
unit's compressor is repeatedly turned off and on in order to meet a
load that is lower than the unit's capacity at its lowest compressor
Equation 4 of AHRI 340/360-2022 multiplies only the compressor
power and condenser section power by the load factor and the
coefficient of degradation, while the indoor fan power and controls
power are not multiplied by these variables. This means that equation 4
of AHRI 340/360-2022 assumes that the indoor fan continues to operate
when the compressor cycles off. DOE understands that the draft of AHRI
600 has an equation similar to equation 4 of AHRI 340/360-2022, but the
equation in draft of AHRI 600 assumes that the indoor fan stops
operating whenever the compressor cycles off.
As discussed previously in section III.E.4 of this NOPR,
stakeholders provided comment regarding the operation of a WSHP,
including operation of the fan, in modes other than mechanical heating
and cooling. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 4-5, 9; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 3,
9; Trane, No. 8 at pp. 2, 5) These comments on fan operation
specifically referred to operation when there is no heating or cooling,
but they might also be applicable to the issue of fan operation during
compressor cycling under part-load conditions. Certain comments
indicated that it is common for WSHP fans to operate continuously to
provide air circulation or ventilation air. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 4-5;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 3) Continuous operation of WSHP fans
indicates that the fan would continue to run when the compressor cycles
In addition, the cyclic degradation approach used in equation 4 of
AHRI 340/360-2022 is used in the IEER metric for multiple other
categories of commercial HVAC equipment, indicating that it is common
for the indoor fan to continue operating while the compressor cycles
off. AHRI 340/360-2022 is used for testing CUAC/HPs, and equation 4 of
AHRI 340/360-2022 is equivalent to equation 10 of AHRI 1230-2021 (which
is used for testing VRF multi-split systems) and equation 3 of AHRI
390-2021 (which is used for testing SPVUs). These other equipment
categories typically operate in similar environments to WSHPs (i.e.,
commercial buildings with ventilation air requirements). Similar to
these other equipment categories, DOE acknowledges that not all WSHPs
are installed in the same manner, and the Department understands that
fans operate continuously for many, but not all, installed WSHPs.
However, comments received suggest that continuous operation of fans is
representative of operation of many WSHPs, and adopting a cyclic
degradation approach that assumes continuous fan operation is
consistent with the IEER approach used for other equipment categories
that use the IEER metric.
For the foregoing reasons, DOE has tentatively concluded that the
cyclic degradation approach in equation 4 of AHRI 340/360-2022 is
representative of WSHP operation. Therefore, DOE is proposing to adopt
the approach in AHRI 340/360-2022 in proposed appendix C1. DOE is also
proposing in section of proposed appendix C1 that the same
approach for cyclic degradation be used when determining IEER through
interpolation and extrapolation (see discussion in section III.E.1.b of
this NOPR).
Due to the nature of the method to determine IEER through the
proposed interpolation and extrapolation in section 5.1.2 of proposed
appendix C1, each component of the cyclic degradation equation in
proposed section of proposed appendix C1 (i.e., cooling
capacity, compressor power, condenser section power, indoor fan power,
and controls power) would be measured and interpolated from the tested
EWTs to the IEER EWTs. Furthermore, DOE is proposing that the condenser
section power for units without integral pumps includes a total pumping
effect to better account for the energy consumption of liquid pumps
[[Page 53328]]
needed for operation of water-loop WSHP systems. See section III.F.4 of
this document for more details on the proposed total pumping effect,
which reflects pump power needed to overcome external static pressure
in the water loop.
Issue 15: DOE requests comment on the proposal to adopt the cyclic
degradation equation specified in section of AHRI 340/360-2022
for WSHPs, which assumes continuous indoor fan operation when the
compressor cycles off.
4. Pump Power Adjustment and Liquid External Static Pressure
As described in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, the efficiency
calculations in ISO 13256-1:1998 include only the liquid pump power
required to overcome the internal resistance of the unit; pump power
required to overcome ESP of the water loop is not included in the
effective power input. ISO 13256-1:1998 also does not specify a minimum
liquid ESP during testing for units with integral pumps. For units
without integral pumps, the pump power adjustment in ISO 13256-1:1998
estimates pump power at zero liquid external static pressure.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested information on typical ESP
values for the liquid pump and if any allowance for external pressure
drop should be considered in the efficiency metric. 83 FR 29048, 29050
(June 22, 2018). On this topic, AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace stated
that integral pumps are rare but can be found on some residential
WSHPs. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 6; Trane, No. 8, at p. 3; WaterFurnace, No.
7 at p. 5) AHRI and Trane further stated that because nearly all WSHPs
do not have an integral pump, pump power to overcome liquid ESP should
not be considered in the efficiency metric. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 6;
Trane, No. 8, at p. 3)
As discussed previously, since the June 2018 RFI, ISO 13256-1 was
updated. However, the pump power and liquid ESP provisions in sections
5.1.4 and 5.1.6 of ISO 13256-1:2021 are the same as those in sections
4.1.4 and 4.1.6 of ISO 13256-1:1998.
In response to comments, DOE notes that all WSHPs are installed
with liquid loops such that a pump (either integral to the WSHP or a
separate part of the water loop) must overcome external resistance from
the liquid loop. Therefore, as described in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE has tentatively concluded that efficiency metrics that
reflect the power needed for the liquid pump to overcome a
representative liquid ESP would be more representative than metrics
that only include the pump power needed to overcome the internal static
pressure of the WSHP (as is the case in efficiency metrics determined
per ISO 13256-1:1998 and ISO 13256-1:2021). DOE has identified several
WSHPs with integral pumps and has, therefore, tentatively determined
that provisions for testing units with integral pumps, including liquid
ESP requirements, are warranted. Even though most WSHP models do not
include integral pumps, as discussed, such models are installed with
system pumps that must overcome external resistance of the water loop,
and thus, including pump power to overcome a representative liquid ESP
in the efficiency metrics for all WSHPs provides a more representative
measure of field energy use. DOE has also tentatively determined that
representative ratings for WSHPs with and without integral pumps should
reflect the same level of liquid ESP (i.e., WSHPs without integral
pumps should include a power adder that reflects the pump power needed
to overcome a level of liquid ESP that aligns with the liquid ESP used
to test WSHPs with integral pumps). Further, inclusion of pump power to
overcome a representative liquid ESP provides for more representative
comparisons with other equipment categories (e.g., air-cooled
equipment) for which there are no additional power-consuming heat
rejection components.
As such, in this NOPR, DOE is proposing provisions to account for
the power to overcome a representative liquid ESP for WSHPs with and
without integral pumps. As described in section III.D.3 of this
document, DOE is proposing generally to incorporate by reference AHRI
340/360-2022 as the test procedure for WSHPs. Section of AHRI
340/360-2022 specifies that for WCUACs with cooling capacity less than
135,000 Btu/h, an adder of 10 W per 1,000 Btu/h cooling capacity must
be added to the power of WCUACs to account for cooling tower fan motor
and circulating water pump power consumption. However, AHRI 340/360-
2022 does not specify how to test units with integral pumps. Because
the provisions in section of AHRI 340/360-2022 do not specify
the level of liquid ESP that correspond to the specified adder, it is
unclear what test provisions for units with integral pumps would align
with the AHRI 340/360-2022 provisions. Further, DOE has tentatively
concluded that pump power to overcome a representative liquid ESP
should also be accounted for in WSHPs with cooling capacity greater
than 135,000 Btu/h.\23\ Given these limitations of AHRI 340/360-2022 in
terms of addressing WSHPs with integral pumps, DOE reviewed other
sources with the potential to fill this identified gap.
\23\ Currently, the DOE test procedure applies to all WSHPs with
a cooling capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h. DOE is proposing in
section III.A of this NOPR to increase the scope of the DOE test
procedure to include all WSHPs with a cooling capacity less than
760,000 Btu/h.
In the course of such review, DOE found that AHRI Standard 920-
2020, ``Performance Rating of Direct Expansion-Dedicated Outdoor Air
System Units'' (``AHRI 920-2020''), includes a pump power adder
(referred to as ``water pump effect'' in AHRI 920-2020) for water-
source DOASes without integral pumps. Specifically, section of
AHRI 920-2020 specifies that the pump power adder is calculated with an
equation dependent on the water flow rate and liquid pressure drop
across the heat exchanger, including a term that assumes a liquid ESP
of 20 ft head. However, AHRI 920-2020 does not include provisions
specific to testing water-source DOASes with integral pumps. In a test
procedure final rule for DOASes published in the Federal Register on
July 27, 2022, DOE adopted the AHRI 920-2020 pump power adder for
water-source DOASes without integral pumps and adopted an additional
requirement that water-source DOASes with integral pumps be tested with
a liquid ESP of 20 ft of water column, consistent with the liquid ESP
assumed in the AHRI 920-2020 equation for pump power adder for units
without integral pumps. 87 FR 45164, 45181.
DOE understands that water-source DOASes and WSHPs are generally
installed in similar types of commercial building applications that
include water loops with similar external liquid ESPs (e.g., similar
water piping). Therefore, DOE has tentatively concluded that the level
of liquid ESP assumed in the DOAS provisions (i.e., 20 ft of water
column) would be representative for WSHPs. So that ratings are based on
the same level of representative liquid ESP for WSHPs with and without
integral pumps, DOE is proposing to exclude section of AHRI
340/360-2022 and instead adopt provisions that align with the recently
adopted provisions for water-source DOASes. Specifically, DOE is
proposing to require in section 4 of appendix C1 that all WSHPs with an
integral pump be tested with a liquid ESP of 20 ft of water column,
with a -0/+1 ft condition tolerance and a 1 ft operating tolerance.
For units without integral pumps, DOE is proposing to require in
[[Page 53329]]
4.3 of proposed appendix C1 that a ``total pumping effect'' (calculated
using the same equation as in section of AHRI 920-2020) be
added to the unit's measured power to account for the pump power to
overcome the internal static pressure of the unit and a liquid ESP of
20 ft of water column. Further, DOE is proposing to require in section
4.4 of appendix C1 that the measured pump power or the pump effect
addition, as applicable, be included in the condenser section power for
units of all capacities when performing cyclic degradation during
calculation of IEER.
By accounting for liquid ESP conditions encountered during field
use, DOE has tentatively concluded that the proposals would make the
resulting efficiency metrics more representative of an average use
cycle than the efficiency metrics calculated in ISO 13256-1:1998 and
ISO 13256-1:2021.
Issue 16: DOE requests comment on the proposed provisions to
account for pump power to overcome both internal pressure drop and a
representative level of liquid ESP for WSHPs with and without integral
pumps. DOE specifically requests comment on the representativeness of
20 ft of water column as the liquid ESP for WSHPs.
5. Test Liquid and Specific Heat Capacity
The current DOE WSHP test procedure, through adoption of section
4.1.9 of ISO 13256-1:1998, requires the test liquid for water-loop heat
pumps and ground-water heat pumps to be water, and the test liquid for
ground-loop heat pumps to be a 15 percent solution by mass of sodium
chloride in water (i.e., brine). Further, the liquid enthalpy test
method in Annex C of ISO 13256-1:1998, which is included in the current
DOE test procedure, requires the use of the specific heat capacity of
the test liquid for calculating cooling and heating capacity but does
not specify a value or method for calculating the specific heat
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested comment on whether a standard
value or calculation method for the specific heat capacity of water
should be specified in the WSHP test procedure. If a standard value
should be specified, DOE requested comment on what value should be
used. 83 FR 29048, 29053 (June 22, 2018).
In response to DOE's request for comment, AHRI, Trane, and
WaterFurnace commented that the then draft revision of ISO 13256-1:1998
included an annex for addressing the specific heat capacity of water
when using the liquid enthalpy method. These commenters further added
that antifreeze use is common in WSHPs. They stated that the then-draft
revision of ISO 13256-1:1998 allows innovation by not prescribing a
particular antifreeze composition or concentration, but the draft
standard requires input as to the relevant thermal properties of the
test fluid for the proper calculation of heat capacity. (Trane, No. 8
at p. 5; AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 13-14; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 12)
Section 5.1.7 of ISO 13256-1:2021 requires that the test liquid for
the low temperature heating test (i.e., EWT of 32 [deg]F) must be a
brine of the manufacturer's specification, while the test liquid for
all other tests may be water or a brine of a composition and
concentration specified by the manufacturer. Contrary to the comments
received from industry stakeholders about the inclusion of provision
for specific heat capacity in the then draft revision, ISO 13256-1:2021
does not specify a value or method for calculating the specific heat
capacity of any test liquids.
In response to these considerations and comments, DOE is proposing
in section 4.1 of proposed appendix C1 that the test liquid for all
tests other than the proposed optional ``HFL3'' \24\ low temperature
heating test (i.e., EWT of 32 [deg]F) must be water, unless the
manufacturer specifies to use a brine of 15-percent solution by mass of
sodium chloride in water. DOE is proposing in section 4.1 of proposed
appendix C1 that the test liquid for the optional HFL3 low temperature
heating test must be a brine of 15-percent solution by mass of sodium
chloride in water. Ground-loop applications of WSHPs typically use
brine in the liquid loop, because in cold weather, the liquid
temperature can reach 32 [deg]F (i.e., the temperature at which water
freezes) in places. A 15-percent solution by mass of sodium chloride in
water can withstand temperatures as low as 14 [deg]F before freezing.
Allowing the use of brine for testing also provides manufacturers the
flexibility of providing ratings more representative of ground-loop
applications. Therefore, DOE proposes to require brine as the liquid
for the optional HFL3 low temperature heating test (conducted with an
EWT of 32 [deg]F), consistent with section 4.1.9 of ISO 13256-1:1998
and section 5.1.7 of ISO 13256-1:2021, to avoid the liquid freezing
during the test.
\24\ ``HFL3'' is the nomenclature used to define the 32 [deg]F
full load heating test that DOE is proposing to add in Appendix D.
DOE has tentatively concluded that a 15-percent solution by mass of
sodium chloride, as specified in section of ISO 13256-1:1998,
is a representative brine composition and concentration for
applications needing brine (e.g., ground-loop), and that consumers can
make more representative comparisons between models when all models are
rated with the same brine composition and concentration.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in its test procedure for WSHPs.
AHRI 340/360-2022 in turn references the test method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009, in which section 12.2.1 requires that thermodynamic properties of
liquids be obtained from the ASHRAE Handbook--Fundamentals.\25\ The
ASHRAE Handbook--Fundamentals specifies specific heat capacity values
for water and for a brine of 15-percent solution by mass of sodium
chloride at multiple temperatures. The absence of provisions in ISO
13256-1:1998 for how to determine specific heat capacity for test
liquids creates the potential for variation in measured values based on
how specific heat capacity is determined. Therefore, to minimize any
such variation, DOE is instead proposing to adopt relevant provisions
of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. DOE has tentatively determined that the
specifications in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 would be appropriate for testing
WSHPs because they are the generally accepted industry method used for
testing similar equipment, such as WCUACs.
\25\ The ASHRAE Handbook--Fundamentals is available at:
Issue 17: DOE requests comment on the proposed requirements for
using water or a brine of 15-percent solution by mass of sodium
chloride as the test liquid. DOE also requests comment on the
representativeness and test burden associated with permitting the use
of different liquids for different tests.
Issue 18: DOE requests comments on the proposal to utilize the
thermodynamic properties specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 through DOE's
proposed incorporation by reference of AHRI 340/360-2022.
6. Liquid Flow Rate
a. Full-Load Cooling Tests
The current DOE test procedure, through adoption of section
of ISO 13256-1:1998, requires units with an integral liquid pump to be
tested at the liquid flow rates specified by the manufacturer or those
obtained at zero ESP difference, whichever provides the lower liquid
flow rate. Section of
[[Page 53330]]
ISO 13256-1:1998 requires that units without an integral liquid pump be
tested at a liquid flow rate specified by the manufacturer.
In contrast to the ISO 13256-1:1998 approach, DOE noted in the June
2018 RFI that AHRI 340/360-2007 does not use a manufacturer-specified
liquid flow rate, and instead specifies inlet and outlet water
temperatures for WCUACs to be 85 [deg]F and 95 [deg]F, respectively,
for standard-rating full-capacity operation. The temperature difference
between inlet and outlet determines the liquid flow rate for the test.
83 FR 29048, 29054 (June 22, 2018).
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested comment on how manufacturers
are selecting water flow rates when testing WSHPs in cases where
multiple flow rates are provided in product literature. DOE further
requested comment on what the typical water temperature rise during
testing is and whether the typical test temperature rise is
representative of field operation. Id.
In response to DOE's request for comment, AHRI discussed how the
AHRI certification program requires a flow rate to be certified, and
that the flow rate is available on the product certificate and also in
the supplemental PDF. AHRI stated that certified flow rate makes clear
which points to use for testing WSHPs, if multiple flow rates are
provided in the product literature. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 15) Trane
commented that only one water flow rate is used to set the rating point
of each WSHP basic model, and that any other water flow rates provided
in the catalog literature are simply other application points for
customers to use. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 5)
Trane commented that typical values of flow rate and temperature
rise are 3 gallons per minute (``GPM'') per ton and a 10 [deg]F
temperature rise in cooling mode. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 5) AHRI and
WaterFurnace stated that a typical rated water flow rate is 3 GPM/ton
and field application flow rates are typically 2.25-3 GPM/ton, and that
this range results in a field temperature rise of 9-14 [deg]F for
water-loop applications. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 14; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at
p. 13)
Further, AHRI and WaterFurnace stated that the current test
procedure (which does not specify the outlet water temperature) allows
the manufacturer to design a more suitable and efficient system by
having the freedom to innovate systems that perform more efficiently
with lower pressure drop or perhaps a heat exchanger allowing a high
flow rate but lower pressure drop. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 14;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 13) AHRI also stated that for PSC pump
motors,\26\ specifying water flow is more accurate than specifying a
temperature rise, and that fixing the temperature change would be a
more difficult approach for these units. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 14) Trane
stated that it would be difficult to set a single value of flow rate or
temperature rise for WSHP testing that would be representative of all
field applications. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 5) Trane also encouraged DOE to
not limit the rated water flow rate, indicating that this would
severely limit the marketplace and be unrepresentative of real-world
applications. Id. WaterFurnace stated that changing to a constant
temperature difference approach (i.e., specifying both inlet and outlet
water temperature) would add undue complication to the certification
program because the pump power adjustment requires a manufacturer-
specified water flow rate. (WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 4)
\26\ A permanent split-capacitor (PSC) motor is a type of
electric motor that can be used to power water pumps in WSHPs.
Sections and of ISO 13256-1:2021 include provisions
for setting water flow rate that are equivalent to the provisions in
sections and of ISO 13256-1:1998. However, DOE is
concerned that these provisions of ISO 13256-1 have the potential to
allow manufacturers to specify very high flow rates that may not be
representative of field operation. An overly high flow rate would
result in a liquid temperature rise that is lower than what is
representative of field operating conditions and a liquid heat transfer
efficiency that is higher than what is representative of field
operation. In addition, this would result in a measured efficiency that
is higher than what is representative. Section of ISO 13256-
1:1998 specifies that the flow rate for integral pumps can be no higher
than the flow rate resulting in zero liquid ESP, but this does not
ensure that the resulting flow rate is representative of field use. For
units without integral pumps, ISO 13256-1:1998 has no limits on flow
In consideration of the preceding information and public comments,
DOE proposes the following. As discussed in section III.D.2 of this
NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in
its test procedure for WSHPs, including Table 6. Table 6 of AHRI 340/
360-2022 specifies inlet and outlet liquid temperatures of 85 [deg]F
and 95 [deg]F, respectively, for standard-rating cooling full-capacity
operation. This requires that liquid flow rate for the full-load
cooling test is set at a level that results in a 10 [deg]F temperature
rise from the 85 [deg]F inlet to the 95 [deg]F outlet temperature.
DOE notes that Trane commented that a 10 [deg]F temperature rise is
typical of field operation, and AHRI and WaterFurnace commented that a
9-14 [deg]F temperature rise is typical. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 5; AHRI,
No. 12 at p. 14; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 13) These comments indicate
that the temperature rise specified in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022 is
representative of field operation. In addition, specifying a fixed
temperature rise for all WSHPs ensures that all models are tested with
a temperature rise that is representative of field operating
conditions. Therefore, DOE has tentatively concluded that testing with
the required temperature rise specified in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022
would produce more representative results than allowing manufacturers
to continue specifying a liquid flow rate.
Regarding WaterFurnace's comment on the need for a manufacturer-
specified flow rate for the pump power correction, DOE is not proposing
in section III.F.4 of this NOPR to adopt the pump power correction
specified in the 1998 and 2021 versions of ISO 13256-1; instead, DOE is
proposing to include pump power to overcome a representative liquid ESP
in the calculation of WSHP efficiency (see discussion in section
III.F.4 of this NOPR). As a result, DOE has tentatively concluded that
DOE's proposed approach for setting liquid flow rate would not add any
additional complication to certification.
Regarding AHRI's and WaterFurnace's comment that the use of
manufacturer-specified flow rates allows innovation in design, DOE has
tentatively concluded that setting full-load liquid flow rate based on
a 10 [deg]F temperature rise would not impede the ability of
manufacturers to innovate. The requirements of the DOE test procedure
place no requirements on the design of a WSHP; they only specify
requirements used to measure the performance of WSHPs in conditions
that are representative of an average use cycle. As discussed,
commenters stated that 10 [deg]F is within the range of temperature
rise values that is representative of water-loop applications.
Therefore, DOE has tentatively concluded that setting full-load liquid
flow rate to achieve a 10 [deg]F temperature rise would ensure that all
WSHPs are tested with a full-load flow rate that is representative of
an average use cycle.
For the method of calculating IEER through interpolation and
extrapolation, DOE is proposing in section 5.1.2 of
[[Page 53331]]
proposed appendix C1 (see section III.E.1.b of this NOPR) to align with
the provisions in AHRI 340/360-2022, as follows. For the ``CFL3 high
temperature'' test specified in Table 2 of appendix C1 \27\ for the
alternative method of calculating IEER, DOE is proposing to specify a
fixed 10 [deg]F temperature rise, thus specifying 86 [deg]F and 96
[deg]F, respectively, for the inlet and outlet liquid temperatures. For
the rest of the full-load tests required in Table 2 of appendix C1 for
the alternative method of calculating IEER, DOE is proposing that the
liquid flow rate achieved during the CFL3 full load test be used. This
proposal for full-load tests is consistent with Table 6 of AHRI 340/
360-2022, because it requires a 10 [deg]F temperature rise from inlet
to outlet, which is the same amount of temperature rise required for
full-load testing in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022.
\27\ ``CFL3'' is the nomenclature used in Appendix C1 to define
a full load cooling test at 86 [deg]F.
Issue 19: DOE requests comment on its proposal to adopt the AHRI
340/360-2022 approach for setting liquid flow rate for the full-load
cooling test, namely by specifying inlet and outlet liquid temperature
conditions rather than using a manufacturer-specified flow rate.
b. Part-Load Cooling Tests
In this NOPR, DOE is specifying part-load testing as part of the
IEER test metric (see section III.E.1 of this NOPR), so provisions are
necessary for determining the liquid flow rate to use during part-load
tests. Table 9 of AHRI 340/360-2022 specifies use of manufacturer-
specified part-load water flow rates for part-load tests. This is
similar to the requirements in sections and of ISO
13256-1:1998 and sections and of ISO 13256-1:2021,
which specify testing at manufacturer-specified flow rates for all
tests (see also discussion in section III.F.6.a of this NOPR).
Therefore, DOE is proposing to incorporate by reference Table 9 of AHRI
340/360-2022 and also to state in sections 5.1.1 and of
appendix C1 the requirements (from Table 9 of AHRI 340/360-2022) for
setting part-load liquid flow rate. These requirements apply to both
IEER determination methods specified in appendix C1 (i.e., Option 1 and
Option 2).
Section E7 of AHRI 340/360-2022, which addresses units with
condenser head pressure control, states that part-load liquid flow rate
shall not exceed the liquid flow rate used for the full-load tests.
This requirement is not stated anywhere else in AHRI 340/360-2022, but
DOE has tentatively concluded that it provides a valuable control on
the upper limit of liquid flow rates for part-load tests. As a result,
DOE is proposing in sections 5.1.1 and of appendix C1 that
this requirement apply to all part-load tests for WSHPs.
AHRI 340/360-2022 does not specify the liquid flow rate to use when
the unit is operating at part load should the manufacturer not provide
one. Therefore, DOE is proposing in sections 5.1.1 and of
appendix C1 to use the liquid flow rate from full-load testing if the
manufacturer does not specify a part-load liquid flow rate.
Issue 20: DOE requests feedback on its proposals to use
manufacturer-specified part-load liquid flow rates for part-load tests,
that the part-load flow rate be no higher than the full-load flow rate,
and to use the full-load liquid flow rate if no part-load liquid flow
rate is specified.
c. Heating Tests
Consistent with the proposal in section III.F.6.a of this NOPR for
a method of determining full-load cooling liquid flow rate of WSHPs
based on outlet water temperature, rather than using a manufacturer-
specified flow rate as specified by the current Federal test procedure,
DOE is proposing provisions for setting liquid flow rate during heating
tests. More specifically, DOE is proposing that the liquid flow rate
determined from the full-load cooling test be used for all heating
tests. DOE has tentatively concluded that full-load heating flow rates
would generally be the same as full-load cooling flow rates for WSHPs
installed in field applications, as the compressor(s) would be
operating at full load in both cases. Therefore, DOE has tentatively
concluded that the liquid flow rate used for the full-load cooling test
is a representative flow rate to use for heating tests.
Specifically, DOE is proposing to specify in section 6.1 of
proposed appendix C1 that if IEER is determined using option 1 in
section 5.1 of proposed appendix C1, the liquid flow rate determined
from the ``Standard Rating Conditions Cooling'' test for water-cooled
equipment, as defined in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022, must be used for
all heating tests. If IEER is determined using option 2 in section 5.1
of proposed appendix C1, DOE is proposing in section of
proposed appendix C1 to use the liquid flow rate determined from the
CFL3 high temperature cooling test for all heating tests.
Issue 21: DOE requests comment on its proposal to use the liquid
flow rate determined from the full-load cooling test for all heating
d. Condition Tolerance
Table 9 of ISO 13256-1:1998 and Table 11 of ISO 13256-1:2021 both
include an operating tolerance of 2 percent and a condition tolerance
of 1 percent for the liquid flow rate of WSHPs.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in its test procedure for WSHPs.
AHRI 340/360-2022 in turn references the test method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009. Table 11 of AHRI 340/360-2022 includes an operating tolerance of
2 percent for liquid flow rate, but neither AHRI 340/360-2022 nor ANSI/
ASHRAE 37-2009 include a condition tolerance on liquid flow rate.
It is DOE's understanding that a condition tolerance is needed for
all tests with a target liquid flow rate. As discussed in sections
III.F.6.a through III.F.6.c of this NOPR, DOE is proposing that the
full-load cooling test (if using option 1 for determining IEER, the
``standard rating conditions cooling'' test in Table 5 of AHRI 340/360-
2022; if using option 2 for determining IEER, the ``CFL3 high
temperature'' test in Table 2 of appendix C1) would be conducted with a
liquid flow rate determined via a specified temperature rise rather
than via a target liquid flow rate, while other cooling tests and all
heating tests would have target liquid flow rates (manufacturer-
specified for part-load cooling tests, and a target flow rate the same
as the flow rate determined from the full-load cooling test for all
other cooling and heating tests). Therefore, DOE is proposing a liquid
flow rate condition tolerance that applies for all tests with target
liquid flow rates (i.e., excluding the tests conducted with a specified
temperature rise--the ``standard rating conditions cooling'' test in
Table 5 of AHRI 340/360-2022 and the ``CFL3 high temperature'' test in
Table 2 of appendix C1).
Specifically, DOE is proposing to require in sections 5.1.1,, and 6.1 of appendix C1 a condition tolerance of 1 percent
for liquid flow rate, consistent with the condition tolerance specified
in Table 9 of ISO 13256-1:1998. This requirement is in addition to
DOE's proposed adoption of Table 11 of AHRI 340/360-2022, which
specifies an operating tolerance of 2 percent for liquid flow rate.
Issue 22: DOE requests comment on its proposal to specify an
operating tolerance of 2 percent and a condition tolerance of 1 percent
for liquid flow
[[Page 53332]]
rate in all tests with a target liquid flow rate.
7. Refrigerant Line Losses
Split-system WSHPs have refrigerant lines that can transfer heat to
and from their surroundings, which can incrementally affect measured
capacity. To account for this transfer of heat (referred to as ``line
losses''), the current DOE test procedure, through adoption of ISO
13256-1:1998, provides that if line loss corrections are to be made,
they shall be included in the capacity calculations (in section B4.2
for the indoor air enthalpy method and in section C3.3 for the liquid
enthalpy test method of ISO 13256-1:1998). ISO 13256-1:1998 does not
specify the circumstances that require line loss corrections nor the
method to use to determine an appropriate correction.
Section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009, the method of test
referenced in AHRI 340/360-2022, specifies more detailed provisions to
account for line losses of split systems in the outdoor air enthalpy
method, and section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 specifies to use the
same provisions for the outdoor liquid coil method.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested comment on whether the
provisions for line losses in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 would be appropriate
for testing WSHPs. Furthermore, DOE requested comment on what
modifications to ISO 13256-1:1998 might be necessary to further address
line losses and how manufacturers of split-system WSHPs currently
incorporate line loss adjustments into both heating and cooling
capacity calculations. 83 FR 29048, 29052-29053 (June 22, 2018).
In commenting on DOE's June 2018 RFI, AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace
stated that refrigerant line losses would not be a relevant issue
because there are very few, if any, split-system WSHPs in the
commercial market. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 13; Trane, No. 8 at p. 5;
WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 11-12)
Section E.3.3 of ISO 13256-1:2021 contains the same statement about
line loss correction as sections B4.2 and C3.3 in ISO 13256-1:1998.
Thus, ISO 13256-1:2021 contains no additional provisions regarding line
loss corrections.
As stated previously, DOE has identified a number of split-system
WSHPs, several of which are certified in the DOE Compliance
Certification Database, and the Federal test procedure \28\ applies to
any WSHP that meets DOE's definition of a WSHP. Further, because split-
system WSHPs are available on the market, test procedure provisions are
needed for testing them, regardless of their share of the WSHP market.
\28\ Currently, the DOE test procedure applies to all WSHPs with
a cooling capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h. However, DOE is
proposing in section III.A of this NOPR to increase the scope of the
Federal test procedure to include all WSHPs with a cooling capacity
less than 760,000 Btu/h.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in its test procedure for WSHPs.
AHRI 340/360-2022 in turn references the test method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009. As described earlier in this section, section of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37-2009 specifies to use the provisions in section of
ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 for making line loss adjustments when using the
outdoor liquid coil method. Section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009
specifies calculations for determining the line losses for bare copper
or insulated lines. The absence of provisions in ISO 13256-1:1998 for
how to determine refrigerant line losses creates the potential for
variation in measured values based on how line losses are determined.
To minimize any such variation, DOE is proposing to adopt the relevant
provisions in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. DOE has tentatively determined that
the specifications in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 would be appropriate for
testing WSHPs because they are the generally accepted industry method
used for testing similar equipment, such as WCUACs.
Issue 23: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the
provisions for line loss adjustments included in sections and of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 through incorporation by reference of
AHRI 340/360-2022.
8. Airflow Measurement
The current DOE WSHP test procedure, through adoption of section
D.1 of ISO 13256-1:1998, requires airflow measurements to be made in
accordance with the provisions specified in several different industry
test standards, ``as appropriate.'' \29\ However, ISO 13256-1:1998 is
not explicit regarding the circumstances under which the different
airflow measurement approaches included in these industry test
standards should be used.
\29\ The cited industry test standards include: ISO 3966:1977,
``Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits--Velocity area method
using Pitot static tubes;'' ISO 5167-1:1991, ``Measurement of fluid
flow by means of pressure differential devices--Part 1: Orifice
plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section
conduits running full;'' and ISO 5221:1984, ``Air Distribution and
air diffusion--Rules to methods of measuring airflow rate in an air
handling duct.'' These standards can be purchased from the ISO store
Section F8 of ISO 13256-1:1998 specifies the requirements for the
nozzle apparatus used to measure airflow. This device determines
airflow by measuring the change in pressure across a nozzle of known
geometry. Airflow derivations using this approach often include a
discharge coefficient (i.e., the ratio of actual discharge air to
theoretical discharge air) to account for factors that reduce the
actual discharge air, such as nozzle resistance and airflow turbulence.
In general, as the nozzle throat diameter decreases, nozzle resistance
increases, thereby reducing actual discharge which is characterized by
a lower discharge coefficient. Turbulent airflow (as characterized by
Reynolds numbers \30\) and temperature also impact the discharge
\30\ ``Reynolds number'' is a dimensionless number that
characterizes the flow properties of a fluid. Section F8.9 of ISO
13256-1:1998 includes an equation for calculating Reynolds number
that depends on a temperature factor, air velocity, and throat
Section F8.9 of ISO 13256-1:1998 specifies that it is preferable to
calibrate the nozzles in the nozzle apparatus, but that nozzles of a
specific geometry may be used without calibration and by using the
appropriate discharge coefficient specified in a lookup table in
section F8.9 of ISO 13256-1:1998. ISO 13256-1:1998 does not specify the
method that should be applied, however, to determine the coefficient of
discharge for conditions that do not exactly match the values provided
in the look-up table.
Elsewhere, sections 6.2 and 6.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 includes
provisions regarding the nozzle airflow measuring apparatus that are
identical to the provisions in section F8 of ISO 13256-1:1998, except
for the method used to determine the coefficient of discharge. Section
6.3.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 uses a calculation in place of the look-up
table used in ISO 13256-1:1998, thereby allowing determination of the
coefficient of discharge at any point within the specified range.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested comment on which of the methods
specified in ISO 13256-1:1998 (i.e., ISO 3966:1977, ISO 5167-1:1991,
and ISO 5221:1984) are used by manufacturers to measure airflow of
WSHPs, and whether this varies based on WSHP capacity or configuration.
83 FR 29048, 29054 (June 22, 2018). DOE further requested information
on how manufacturers determine the coefficient of discharge for air
temperatures and Reynolds numbers that fall between the values
[[Page 53333]]
specified in the look-up table in section F8.9 Annex F to ISO 13256-
1:1998. Id. DOE also requested comment on whether it should incorporate
by reference additional industry test standards that specify the
calculation method for airflow, such as ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. Id.
On this topic, AHRI, Trane, and WaterFurnace commented that
manufacturers generally calibrate each nozzle to determine the
coefficient of discharge, consistent with the ISO 13256-1:1998
conditions. These commenters also stated that most manufacturers use
air tunnels for airside measurements based upon ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 and
ANSI/AMCA Standard 210-16, Laboratory Methods of Testing Fans for
Certified Aerodynamic Performance Rating (``ANSI/AMCA 210''),\31\ and
that these tunnels generally satisfy the requirements of ISO 5221, ISO
3966, and ISO 5167. Furthermore, these commenters stated that the draft
revision of ISO 13256-1:1998 enhanced the method of test annexes, as
ISO standards cannot reference national standards. (Trane, No. 8 at p.
5; AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 3, 14; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 12)
\31\ ANSI/AMCA 210-16 is available at:
To the point raised by commenters, Annex B of ISO 13256-1:2021
specifies requirements for airflow measurement and nozzle apparatus
that are consistent with the requirements in section F8 of ISO 13256-
1:1998, and section B.3.5.3 of ISO 13256-1:2021 contains equations for
determining discharge coefficients that are equivalent to the equations
in section 6.3.3 of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in its test procedure for WSHPs.
AHRI 340/360-2022 in turn references the test method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009. As stated earlier in this section, the provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE
37-2009 provide more specificity in the determination of airflow
characteristics than the provisions of ISO 13256-1:1998, but they
otherwise align with the corresponding provisions in ISO 13256-1:1998.
The provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 are also equivalent to those in
ISO 13256-1:2021. In addition, as commenters stated, air measurement
apparatuses based upon ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 satisfy the requirements of
ISO 13256-1:1998. Therefore, DOE has tentatively concluded that the
proposed test procedure would provide a representative and repeatable
method for measuring airflow.
Issue 24: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the
calculation of discharge coefficients and air measurement apparatus
requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009.
9. Air Condition Measurements
Indoor air temperature and humidity are key parameters that affect
WSHP performance, and for this reason, ISO 13256-1:1998 requires
accurate indoor air condition measurements. However, informative
annexes E and F of ISO 13256-1:1998 specify few requirements for the
methods used to measure indoor air temperature and humidity.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE identified that Appendix C of AHRI 340/
360-2015 (the most current version of AHRI 340/360 at the time)
provides details on entering outdoor air temperature measurement for
air-cooled and evaporatively-cooled CUACs, including air sampling tree
and aspirating psychrometer requirements, but that AHRI 340/360-2015
does not state that these provisions apply for measurement of entering
indoor air temperature and leaving indoor air temperature. 83 FR 29048,
29054 (June 22, 2018). DOE requested comment on whether the
requirements for outdoor entering air measurements in Appendix C of
AHRI 340/360-2015 (excluding the temperature uniformity requirements in
Table C2), such as air sampling requirements and aspirating
psychrometer requirements, would be appropriate for measurement of
indoor air entering and leaving temperatures for WSHPs. Id.
On this topic, Trane, AHRI, and WaterFurnace commented that the ISO
working group agreed on revised method of test annexes with further
provisions for air sampling, based off provisions in ASHRAE 37; ASHRAE
41.1, Standard Methods for Temperature Measurement; ASHRAE 41.2,
Standard Methods for Air Velocity and Airflow Measurement; and ASHRAE
41.3, Standard Methods for Pressure Measurement.\32\ (Trane, No. 8 at
p. 5; AHRI, No. 12 at p. 15; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 13)
\32\ All ASHRAE standards can be found at:
After its subsequent publication, DOE reviewed ISO 13256-1:2021,
but in contrast to the commenters' expressed expectations, the
Department found that the updated ISO standard specifies no
requirements for the methods used to measure indoor air temperature and
humidity, including no provisions for air sampling and aspirating
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in its test procedure for WSHPs.
Appendix C of AHRI 340/360-2022 provides more detailed specifications
for the measurement of air conditions (including indoor air) than ISO
13256-1:1998, including aspirating psychrometer requirements in section
C3.2.1 of AHRI 340/360-2022 and sampling requirements in section C3.3
of AHRI 340/360-2022. The absence of provisions in ISO 13256-1:1998 for
how indoor air condition measurements are conducted creates the
potential for variation in measured values based on how indoor air
condition measurements are taken. To minimize any such variation, DOE
is proposing to specify the measurement provisions in Appendix C of
AHRI 340/360-2022. DOE has tentatively determined that the
specifications in AHRI 340/360-2022 would be appropriate for testing
WSHPs because they are the generally accepted industry method used for
testing similar equipment, such as WCUACs.
Issue 25: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the air
condition measurement provisions in Appendix C of AHRI 340/360-2022.
10. Duct Losses
In the calculations for cooling and heating capacities for the
indoor air enthalpy test method of ISO 13256-1:1998, the test standard
includes a footnote in sections B3 and B4 of annex B stating that the
equations do not provide allowances for heat leakage in the test
equipment (i.e., duct losses). In contrast, section of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37-2009 requires adjustments for such heat leakages and
specifies methods to calculate appropriate values for the adjustments.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested comment on whether the duct
loss adjustments as described in section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009
or any other duct loss adjustments are used to adjust capacity measured
using the indoor air enthalpy method when testing WSHPs. 83 FR 29048,
29054 (June 22, 2018).
In response to DOE's request for comment, AHRI, WaterFurnace, and
Trane commented that manufacturers typically adjust capacity for duct
losses consistent with ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009, and that these provisions
are being included in the revised version of ISO 13256-1:1998. (AHRI,
No. 12 at p. 14; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at pp. 12-13; Trane, No. 8 at p.
[[Page 53334]]
Despite commenters' expressed expectations, DOE notes that similar
to ISO 13256-1:1998, ISO 13256-1:2021 does not address duct losses.
Specifically, section C.4 of ISO 13256-1:2021 includes a note that
states that the formulas for calculating cooling and heating capacity
in sections C.3 and C.4 do not provide allowance for heat leakage in
the test duct and the discharge chamber. Further, ISO 13256-1:2021 does
not specify a method for calculating the duct losses.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in its test procedure for WSHPs.
AHRI 340/360-2022 in turn references the test method in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-
2009. As discussed earlier in this section, section of ANSI/
ASHRAE 37-2009 requires, and provides equations for, duct loss
adjustments. The absence of provisions in ISO 13256-1:1998 for how to
determine duct losses creates the potential for variation in measured
values based on how and whether duct losses are accounted for. To
minimize any such variation, DOE is proposing to adopt the provisions
in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. DOE has tentatively determined that the
specifications in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 would be appropriate for testing
WSHPs because they are the generally accepted industry method used for
testing similar equipment, such as WCUACs.
Issue 26: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the duct
loss provisions in section of ASHRAE 37-2009.
11. Refrigerant Charging
The amount of refrigerant can have a significant impact on the
system performance of air conditioners and heat pumps. DOE's current
test procedure for WSHPs requires that units be set up for test in
accordance with the manufacturer installation and operation manuals. 10
CFR 431.96(e). In addition, the current DOE test procedure states that
if the manufacturer specifies a range of superheat, sub-cooling, and/or
refrigerant pressures in the installation and operation manual, any
value within that range may be used to determine refrigerant charge or
mass of refrigerant, unless the manufacturer clearly specifies a rating
value in its installation or operation manual, in which case the
specified rating value shall be used. Id. However, the current DOE test
procedure does not provide charging instructions to be used if the
manufacturer does not provide instructions in the manual that is
shipped with the unit or if the provided instructions are unclear or
incomplete. In addition, ISO 13256-1:1998 does not provide any specific
guidance on setting and verifying the refrigerant charge of a unit
aside from stating in section A2.3 of that standard that equipment
shall be evacuated and charged with the type and amount of refrigerant
specified in the manufacturer's instructions, where necessary.
DOE noted in the June 2018 RFI that the test procedure final rule
for CAC/HPs published in the Federal Register on June 8, 2016 (81 FR
36992, ``June 2016 CAC TP final rule'') established a comprehensive
approach for refrigerant charging to improve test reproducibility. 83
FR 29048, 29054 (June 22, 2018). The approach specifies which set of
installation instructions to use for charging, explains what to do if
no instructions are provided, specifies that target values of
parameters are the centers of the ranges allowed by installation
instructions, and specifies tolerances for the measured values. See 10
CFR part 430, subpart B, appendix M, section 2.2.5. The approach also
requires that refrigerant line pressure gauges be installed for single-
package units, unless otherwise specified in manufacturer instructions.
Id. As part of the June 2018 RFI, DOE sought comment on whether it
would be appropriate to adopt an approach for charging requirements for
WSHPs similar to the approach adopted in the June 2016 CAC TP final
rule. 83 FR 29048, 29055 (June 22, 2018).
The CA IOUs commented that only about 10 percent of WSHPs are split
systems, and that many of the charging requirements in the June 2016
CAC TP final rule are for split systems and do not apply to single-
package units. However, the CA IOUs went on to state that adopting
provisions from the June 2016 CAC TP final rule would be useful for
single-package units, specifically aspects that relate to pressure
gauges for package units and banning charge adjustment during testing.
The CA IOUs also suggested that DOE should develop language to address
equipment that arrives at the test laboratory with damage, possibly
giving some allowance to recharge WSHPs with minor damage but requiring
a new unit to be shipped in the case of major damage. The CA IOUs
further stated that adopting provisions similar to the June 2016 CAC TP
final rule would be beneficial for the minority of WSHPs that require
charging in the laboratory. (CA IOUs, No. 9 at p. 2)
Trane commented that all of its WSHP offerings are single-package
units that are charged at the factory, so charging requirements would
not be necessary. Trane added that packaged equipment requires no
external refrigerant lines, and, therefore, superheat and subcooling do
not need to be considered. (Trane, No. 8 at p. 6) WaterFurnace stated
that split-system WSHPs are not sold for commercial applications, and,
therefore, commercial WSHPs are not field-charged. (WaterFurnace, No. 7
at p. 14) AHRI and Trane commented that adopting charging requirements
would not be appropriate, because many WSHPs have no service ports, and
that units that do have service ports are charged by weight to the
specification on the nameplate. (AHRI, No. 12 at p. 15; Trane, No. 8 at
p. 6)
DOE notes that the subsequently published ISO 13256-1:2021 does not
include any provisions regarding refrigerant charging that differ from
ISO 13256-1:1998; the provisions in section A.2.4 of ISO 13256-1:2021
align with section A2.3 of ISO 13256-1:1998.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in its test procedure for WSHPs,
including section 5.8. Section 5.8 of AHRI 340/360-2022 specifies a
comprehensive set of provisions regarding refrigerant charging that is
similar to the approach adopted in the June 2016 CAC TP final rule. 81
FR 36992, 37030-37031 (June 8, 2016). DOE has tentatively concluded
that these provisions provide sufficient guidance for setting and
verifying the refrigerant charge of a WSHP. Section 5.8 requires that
units be charged at conditions specified by the manufacturer in
accordance with the manufacturer installation instructions or labels
applied to the unit. If no manufacturer-specified charging conditions
are provided, section 5.8 specifies charging at the standard rating
conditions (as defined in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022). Section 5.8
also provides additional charging instructions to be used if the
manufacturer does not provide instructions or if the provided
instructions are unclear or incomplete (e.g., specifying default
charging targets to use if none are provided by the manufacturer,
specifying an instruction priority to be used in the event of
conflicting information between multiple manufacturer-provided charging
DOE disagrees with the commenters' assertions that charging
requirements are not appropriate for WSHPs. While DOE acknowledges that
most WSHP models are single-package units, the Department tentatively
concludes that charging provisions are warranted for single-package
units. DOE notes that AHRI 210/240-2023 (in section 5.1.8),
[[Page 53335]]
AHRI 340/360-2022 (in section 5.8), and AHRI 390-2021 (in section
5.6.3) include charging provisions that apply to single-package units.
Additionally, as stated previously, DOE has identified a number of
split-system WSHPs, several of which are certified in the DOE
Compliance Certification Database, and the Federal test procedure \33\
applies to any WSHP that meets DOE's definition of a WSHP. Further,
because split-system WSHPs exist, test procedure provisions are needed
for testing them, regardless of their share of the WSHP market.
\33\ Currently, the DOE test procedure applies to all WSHPs with
a cooling capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h. However, DOE is
proposing in section III.A of this NOPR to increase the scope of the
Federal test procedure to include all WSHPs with a capacity less
than 760,000 Btu/h.
Further, while the use of pressure gauges is not necessary to
adjust charge if charging is based only on parameters such as charge
weight that do not require measurement of refrigerant pressure,
installation of pressure gauges would be warranted for charge
adjustment if charging is based on parameters that require measurement
of refrigerant pressure such as subcooling or superheat. Additionally,
DOE has identified several WSHP service manuals that allow for charge
adjustment in the field, indicate the presence of pressure ports, and
provide guidance for confirmation of charge based on sub-cooling or
Therefore, DOE has tentatively concluded that the provisions
regarding refrigerant charging in section 5.8 of AHRI 340/360-2022,
including the provisions specific to installation of pressure gauges
for single-package units in section 5.8.4 of AHRI 340/360-2022, are
warranted for testing WSHPs. DOE has tentatively determined that these
provisions ensure that WSHPs are set up for testing with refrigerant
charging instructions that are representative of field installations,
and that testing is conducted in a repeatable manner. DOE also notes
that the refrigerant charging provisions in AHRI 340/360-2022 are
generally consistent with the industry consensus test procedures for
testing several categories of air conditioning and heating equipment
(e.g., AHRI 340/360 for CUAC/HPs, AHRI 210/240-2023 for CAC/HPs, AHRI
1230-2021 for VRF multi-split systems, AHRI 390 for SPVUs), and DOE has
tentatively concluded that there is no aspect of WSHPs that differs
from all other types of air conditioners and heat pumps that would
indicate such provisions are not needed.
Issue 27: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the
refrigerant charging requirements in section 5.8 of AHRI 340/360-2022.
12. Voltage
Operating voltage can affect the measured efficiency of air
conditioners. The current DOE WSHP test procedure, through adoption of
Tables 1 and 2 of ISO 13256-1:1998, requires units rated with dual
nameplate voltages to be tested at both voltages or at the lower
voltage if only a single rating is to be published.
In the June 2018 RFI, DOE requested data and information on the
extent of the effect that voltage has on air conditioning equipment and
if there is a consistent relationship between voltage and efficiency.
DOE also requested comment on whether certain voltages within common
dual nameplate voltages (e.g., 208/230 V) are more representative of
typical field conditions. 83 FR 29048, 29055 (June 22, 2018).
On this topic, Trane commented that performance varies slightly
with voltage, and that to be conservative, Trane tests its units at
multiple voltages and rates at the lowest measured efficiency. (Trane,
No. 8 at p. 6) AHRI and WaterFurnace had a somewhat different
viewpoint, commenting that performance at each voltage is not normally
measured and that the effect of voltage varies by compressor line
(e.g., stating that in the most recent generation Copeland Scroll
product, the 208V model is 1-2 percent less efficient than the
corresponding 230V model). AHRI and WaterFurnace also stated that there
are several voltage options available commercially, and that voltage
selection depends on several different aspects of the installed
application. (AHRI, No. 12 at pp. 15-16; WaterFurnace, No. 7 at p. 14)
DOE notes that tables 2 and 3 of ISO 13256-1:2021 specify the same
voltage requirements for testing units rated with dual nameplate
voltages as tables 1 and 2 of ISO 13256-1:1998.
As discussed in section III.D.2 of this NOPR, DOE proposes to adopt
specific sections of AHRI 340/360-2022 in its test procedure for WSHPs,
including section Section of AHRI 340/360-2022
specifies that units with dual nameplate voltage ratings must be tested
at the lower of the two voltages if only a single standard rating is to
be published, or at both voltages if two standard ratings are to be
published. This approach is equivalent to the approach for dual
nameplate voltages specified in tables 1 and 2 of ISO 13256-1:1998 and
tables 2 and 3 of ISO 13256-1:2021.
Issue 28: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the
voltage provisions in section of AHRI 340/360-2022.
G. Configuration of Unit Under Test
1. Summary
WSHPs are sold with a wide variety of components, including many
that can optionally be installed on or within the unit both in the
factory and in the field. The following sections address the required
configuration of units under test. In all cases, these components are
distributed in commerce with the WSHP but can be packaged or shipped in
different ways from the point of manufacturer for ease of
transportation. Each optional component may or may not affect a model's
measured efficiency when tested to the DOE test procedure proposed in
this NOPR. For certain components not directly addressed in the DOE
test procedure, this NOPR proposes more specific instructions on how
each component should be handled for the purposes of making
representations in 10 CFR part 429. Specifically, these proposed
instructions would provide manufacturers clarity on how components
should be treated and how to group individual models with and without
optional components for the purposes of representations to reduce
burden. DOE is proposing these provisions in 10 CFR part 429 to allow
for testing of certain individual models that can be used as a proxy to
represent the performance of equipment with multiple combinations of
DOE is proposing to handle WSHP components in two distinct ways in
this NOPR to help manufacturers better understand their options for
developing representations for their differing product offerings.
First, DOE proposes that the treatment of certain components is
specified by the test procedure, such that their impact on measured
efficiency is limited. For example, a fresh air damper must be set in
the closed position and sealed during testing, resulting in a measured
efficiency that would be similar or identical to the measured
efficiency for a unit without a fresh air damper. Second, DOE is
proposing provisions expressly allowing certain models to be grouped
together for the purposes of making representations and allowing the
performance of a model without certain optional components to be used
as a proxy for models with any combinations of the specified
components, even if such components would impact the measured
efficiency of a model. A steam/hydronic coil is an example of
[[Page 53336]]
such a component. The efficiency representation for a model with a
steam/hydronic coil is based on the measured performance of the WSHP as
tested without the component installed because the steam/hydronic coil
is not easily removed from the WSHP for testing.\34\
\34\ Note that in certain cases, as explained further in section
III.G.3.b of this document, the representation may have to be based
on an individual model with a steam/hydronic coil.
2. Background
In 2013, the Appliance Standards and Rulemaking Federal Advisory
Committee formed the Commercial HVAC Working Group to engage in a
negotiated rulemaking effort regarding the certification of certain
commercial heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment,
including WSHPs. (See 78 FR 15653 (March 12, 2013)) This Commercial
HVAC Working Group submitted a term sheet (``Commercial HVAC Term
Sheet'') providing the Commercial HVAC Working Group's recommendations.
(Docket No. EERE-2013-BT-NOC-0023, No. 52) \35\ The Commercial HVAC
Working Group recommended that DOE issue guidance under current
regulations on how to test certain equipment features when included in
a basic model, until such time as the testing of such features can be
addressed through a test procedure rulemaking. The Commercial HVAC Term
Sheet listed the subject features under the heading ``Equipment
Features Requiring Test Procedure Action.'' (Id at pp. 3-9) The
Commercial HVAC Working Group also recommended that DOE issue an
enforcement policy stating that DOE would exclude certain equipment
with specified features from Departmental testing, but only when the
manufacturer offers for sale at all times a model that is identical in
all other features; otherwise, the model with that feature would be
eligible for Departmental testing. These features were listed under the
heading ``Equipment Features Subject to Enforcement Policy.'' (Id. at
pp. 9-15)
\35\ Available at
On January 30, 2015, DOE issued a Commercial HVAC Enforcement
Policy addressing the treatment of specific features during
Departmental testing of commercial HVAC equipment. (See The
Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy stated that--for the purposes of
assessment testing pursuant to 10 CFR 429.104, verification testing
pursuant to 10 CFR 429.70(c)(5), and enforcement testing pursuant to 10
CFR 429.110--DOE would not test a unit with one of the optional
features listed for a specified equipment type if a manufacturer
distributes in commerce an otherwise identical unit that does not
include one of the optional features. (Id at p. 1) The objective of the
Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy is to ensure that each basic model
has a commercially available version eligible for DOE testing. That is,
each basic model includes a model either without the optional
feature(s) listed in the policy or that is eligible for testing with
the feature(s). Id. The features in the Commercial HVAC Enforcement
Policy for WSHPs (Id at pp. 1-3 and 5-6) align with the Commercial HVAC
Term Sheet's list designated ``Equipment Features Subject to
Enforcement Policy.''
By way of comparison, AHRI 340/360-2022 includes Appendix D, ``Unit
Configuration for Standard Efficiency Determination--Normative.''
Section D3 of AHRI 340/360-2022 includes a list of features that are
optional for testing, and it further specifies the following general
provisions regarding testing of units with optional features:
If an otherwise identical model (within the basic model)
without the feature is not distributed in commerce, conduct tests with
the feature according to the individual provisions specified in section
D3 of AHRI 340/360-2022.
For each optional feature, section D3 of AHRI 340/360-2022
includes explicit instructions on how to conduct testing for equipment
with the optional feature present.
The optional features provisions in AHRI 340/360-2022 are generally
consistent with DOE's Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy, but the
optional features in section D3 of AHRI 340/360-2022 do not entirely
align with the list of features included for WSHPs in the Commercial
HVAC Enforcement Policy.
DOE notes that the list of features and provisions in section D3 of
Appendix D of AHRI 340/360-2022 conflates components that can be
addressed by testing provisions with components that if present on a
unit under test, could have a substantive impact on test results and
that cannot be disabled or otherwise mitigated. This differentiation
was central to the Commercial HVAC Term Sheet, which as noted
previously, included separate lists for ``Equipment Features Requiring
Test Procedure Action'' and ``Equipment Features Subject to Enforcement
Policy,'' and remains central to providing clarity in DOE's
regulations. Further, provisions more explicit than included in section
D3 of AHRI 340/360-2022 are warranted to clarify treatment of models
that include more than one optional component.
In order to provide clarity between test procedure provisions
(i.e., how to test a specific unit) and certification and enforcement
provisions (e.g., which model to test), DOE is not proposing to adopt
Appendix D of AHRI 340/360-2022 and instead is proposing related
provisions in 10 CFR 429.43, 10 CFR 429.134, and 10 CFR part 431,
subpart F, appendix C1.
3. Proposed Approach for Exclusion of Certain Components
DOE's proposals for addressing treatment of certain components are
discussed in the following sub-sections. Were DOE to adopt the
provisions in 10 CFR 429.43, 10 CFR 429.134, and 10 CFR part 431,
subpart F, appendix C1 as proposed, DOE would rescind the Commercial
HVAC Enforcement Policy to the extent it is applicable to WSHPs.
Issue 29: DOE seeks comment on its proposals regarding specific
components in 10 CFR 429.43, 10 CFR 429.134, and 10 CFR part 431,
subpart F, appendix C1.
a. Components Addressed Through Test Provisions of 10 CFR Part 431,
Subpart F, Appendix C1
In 10 CFR part 430, subpart F, appendix C1, DOE proposes test
provisions for specific components, including all of the components
listed in section D3 of AHRI 340/360-2022 for which there is a test
procedure action which limits the impacts on measured efficiency (i.e.,
test procedure provisions specific to the component that are not
addressed by general provisions in AHRI 340/360-2022 that negates the
component's impact on performance). These provisions would specify how
to test a unit with such a component (e.g., for a unit with hail
guards, remove hail guards for testing). These proposed test provisions
are consistent with the provision in section D3 of AHRI 340/360-2022
but include revisions for further clarity and specificity (e.g., adding
clarifying provisions for how to test units with modular economizers as
opposed to units shipped with economizers installed). Specifically, DOE
is proposing to require in appendix C1 that steps be taken during unit
set-up and testing to limit the impacts on the measurement of these
Desiccant Dehumidification Components
Air Economizers
Fresh Air Dampers
Power Correction Capacitors
[[Page 53337]]
Ventilation Energy Recovery Systems (VERS)
Barometric Relief Dampers
UV Lights
Steam/Hydronic Coils
Refrigerant Reheat
Fire/Smoke/Isolation Dampers
Process Heat Recovery/Reclaim Coils/Thermal Storage
The components are listed and described in Table 12 in section 7 of
the newly proposed Appendix C1, and test provisions for them are
provided in the table.
b. Components Addressed Through Representation Provisions of 10 CFR
Consistent with the Commercial HVAC Term Sheet and the Commercial
HVAC Enforcement Policy, DOE is proposing provisions that explicitly
allow representations for individual models with certain components to
be based on testing for individual models without those components--DOE
is proposing a table (``Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43'') at 10 CFR
429.43(a)(3)(ii)(A) listing the components for which these provisions
would apply. There are three components specified explicitly for WSHPs
in the Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy that are not included in
section D3 of AHRI 340/360-2022: (1) Condenser Pumps/Valves/Fittings;
(2) Condenser Water Reheat; and (3) Electric Resistance Heaters. DOE
has tentatively concluded that the inclusion of these components as
optional components for WSHPs is appropriate, except for electric
resistance heaters. DOE has tentatively determined that electric
resistance heaters would have a negligible effect on tested efficiency
as they would be turned off for test and not impose a significant
pressure drop. DOE is proposing the following components be listed in
Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43:
Desiccant Dehumidification Components,
Air Economizers,
Ventilation Energy Recovery Systems (VERS),
Steam/Hydronic Heat Coils,
Refrigerant Reheat, Fire/Smoke/Isolation Dampers,
Powered Exhaust/Powered Return Air Fans,
Sound Traps/Sound Attenuators,
Process Heat Recovery/Reclaim Coils/Thermal Storage,
Indirect/Direct Evaporative Cooling of Ventilation Air,
Condenser Pumps/Valves/Fittings,
Condenser Water Reheat,
Grill Options,
Non-Standard Indoor Fan Motors
In this NOPR, DOE is proposing to specify that the basic model
representation must be based on the least efficient individual model
that is a part of the basic model and clarifying how this long-standing
basic model provision interacts with the component treatment in 10 CFR
429.43 that is being proposed. DOE believes regulated entities may
benefit from clarity in the regulatory text as to how the least-
efficient individual model within a basic model provision works with
the component treatment for WSHPs. The amendments in this NOPR
explicitly state that the exclusion of the specified components from
consideration in determining basic model efficiency in certain
scenarios is an exception to basing representations on the least
efficient individual model within a basic model. In other words, the
components listed in 10 CFR 429.43 are not being considered as part of
the representation under DOE's regulatory framework if certain
conditions are met as discussed in the following paragraphs, and, thus,
their impact on efficiency is not reflected in the representation. In
this case, the basic model's representation is generally determined by
applying the testing and sampling provisions to the least-efficient
individual model in the basic model that does not have a component
listed in 10 CFR 429.43.
DOE is proposing clarifying instructions for instances when
individual models within a basic model may have more than one of the
specified components and there may be no individual model without any
of the specified components. DOE is proposing the concept of an
``otherwise comparable model group'' (``OCMG''). An OCMG is a group of
individual models within the basic model that do not differ in
components that affect energy consumption as measured according to the
applicable test procedure other than the specific components listed in
Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43 but may include individual models with any
combination of such specified components. Therefore, a basic model can
be composed of multiple OCMGs, each representing a unique combination
of components that affect energy consumption as measured according to
the applicable test procedure, other than the specified excluded
components listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43. For example, a
manufacturer might include two tiers of control system within the same
basic model, in which one of the control systems has sophisticated
diagnostics capabilities that require a more powerful control board
with a higher wattage input. WSHP individual models with the
``standard'' control system would be part of OCMG A, while individual
models with the ``premium'' control system would be part of a different
OCMG B, because the control system is not one of the specified exempt
components listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43. However, both OCMGs may
include different combinations of specified exempt components. Also,
both OCMGs may include any combination of characteristics that do not
affect the efficiency measurement, such as paint color.
An OCMG is used to determine which individual models are used to
determine a represented value. Specifically, when identifying the
individual model within an OCMG for the purpose of determining a
representation for the basic model, only the individual model(s) with
the least number (which could be zero) of the specific components
listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43 is considered. This clarifies which
individual models are exempted from consideration for determination of
represented values in the case of an OCMG with multiple specified
components and no individual models with zero specific components
listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43 (i.e., models with a number of
specific components listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43 greater than the
least number in the OCMG are exempted). In the case that the OCMG
includes an individual model with no specific components listed in
Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43, then all individual models in the OCMG with
specified components would be exempted from consideration. The least-
efficient individual model across the OCMGs within a basic model would
be used to determine the representation of the basic model. In the case
where there are multiple individual models within a single OCMG with
the same non-zero least number of specified components, the least
efficient of these would be considered.
DOE relies on the term ``comparable'' as opposed to ``identical''
to indicate that for the purpose of representations, the components
that impact energy consumption as measured by the applicable test
procedure are the relevant components to consider. In other words,
differences that do not impact energy consumption, such as unit color
and presence of utility outlets, would not warrant separate OCMGs.
The use of the OCMG concept results in the represented values of
performance that are representative of the individual model(s) with the
[[Page 53338]]
efficiency found within the basic model, excluding certain individual
models with the specific components listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43.
Further, the approach, as proposed, is structured to more explicitly
address individual models with more than one of the specific components
listed in Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43, as well as instances in which there
is no comparable model without any of the specified components. DOE
developed a document of examples to illustrate the approach proposed in
this NOPR for determining represented values for WSHPs with specific
components, and in particular the OCMG concept. See EERE-2017-BT-TP-
DOE's proposed provisions in 10 CFR 429.43(a)(3)(ii)(A) include
each of the components specified in section D3 of AHRI 340/360-2022 for
which the test provisions for testing a unit with these components may
result in differences in ratings compared to testing a unit without
these components, except for the following features: (1) Evaporative
Pre-cooling of Condenser Intake Air; (2) Non-Standard Ducted Condenser
Fans; and (3) Coated Coils. Because WSHPs do not have condenser intake
air or condenser fans, DOE is not including provisions addressing these
components for WSHPs. Non-standards indoor fan motors and coated coils
are discussed in the following sub-sections.
(i) Non-Standard Indoor Fan Motors
The Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy includes high-static indoor
blowers/oversized motors as an optional feature for WSHPs, among other
equipment. The Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy states that when
selecting a unit of a basic model for DOE[hyphen]initiated testing, if
the basic model includes a variety of high-static indoor blowers or
oversized motor options,\36\ DOE will test a unit that has a standard
indoor fan assembly (as described in the STI that is part of the
manufacturer's certification, including information about the standard
motor and associated drive that was used in determining the certified
rating). This policy only applies where: (a) the manufacturer
distributes in commerce a model within the basic model with the
standard indoor fan assembly (i.e., standard motor and drive), and (b)
all models in the basic model have a motor with the same or better
relative efficiency performance as the standard motor included in the
test unit, as described in a separate guidance document discussed
subsequently. If the manufacturer does not offer models with the
standard motor identified in the STI or offers models with high-static
motors that do not comply with the comparable efficiency guidance, DOE
will test any indoor fan assembly offered for sale by the manufacturer.
\36\ The Commercial HVAC Enforcement Policy defines ``high
static indoors blower or oversized motor'' as an indoor fan
assembly, including a motor, that drives the fan and can deliver
higher external static pressure than the standard indoor fan
assembly sold with the equipment.
DOE subsequently issued a draft guidance document (``Draft
Commercial HVAC Guidance Document'') on June 29, 2015 to request
comment on a method for comparing the efficiencies of a standard motor
and a high-static indoor blower/oversized motor.\37\ As presented in
the Draft Commercial HVAC Guidance Document, the relative efficiency of
an indoor fan motor would be determined by comparing the percent losses
of the standard indoor fan motor to the percent losses of the non-
standard (oversized) indoor fan motor. The percent losses would be
determined by comparing each motor's wattage losses to the wattage
losses of a corresponding reference motor. Additionally, the draft
method contains a table that includes a number of situations with
different combinations of characteristics of the standard motor and
oversized motor (e.g., whether each motor is subject to Federal
standards for motors, whether each motor can be tested to the Federal
test procedure for motors, whether each motor horsepower is less than
one) and specifies for each combination whether the non-standard fan
enforcement policy would apply (i.e., whether DOE would not test a
model with an oversized motor, as long as the relative efficiency of
the oversized motor is at least as good as performance of the standard
motor). DOE has not issued a final guidance document and is instead
addressing the issue for WSHPs in this test procedure rulemaking.
\37\ Available at
Neither ISO 13256-1:1998 nor ISO 13256-1:2021 address this issue.
Section D4.1 of AHRI 340/360-2022 provides an approach for including an
individual model with a non-standard indoor fan motor as part of the
same basic model as an individual model with a standard indoor fan
motor. Under the approach in section D4.1 of AHRI 340/360-2022, the
non-standard indoor fan motor efficiency must exceed the minimum value
calculated using Equation D1 of AHRI 340/360-2022. This minimum non-
standard motor efficiency calculation is dependent on the efficiency of
the standard fan motor and the reference efficiencies (determined per
Table D1 of AHRI 340/360-2022) of the standard and non-standard fan
Section D4.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022 contains a method for how to
compare performance for integrated fans and motors (``IFMs''). Because
the fan motor in an IFM is not separately rated from the fan, this
method compares the performance of the entire fan-motor assemblies for
the standard and non-standard IFMs, rather than just the fan motors.
This approach enables comparing relative performance of standard and
non-standard IFMs, for which motor efficiencies could otherwise not be
compared using the method specified in section D4.1 of AHRI 340/360-
2022. Specifically, this method determines the ratio of the input power
of the non-standard IFM to the input power of the standard IFM at the
same duty point as defined in section D4.2 (i.e., operating at the
maximum ESP for the standard IFM at the rated airflow). If the input
power ratio does not exceed the maximum ratio specified in Table D3 of
AHRI 340/360-2022, the individual model with the non-standard IFM may
be included within the same basic model as the individual model with
the standard IFM. Section D4.2 of AHRI 340/360-2022 allows these
calculations to be conducted using either test data or simulated
performance data.
The approaches in section D4 of AHRI 340/360-2022 for non-standard
indoor fan motors and non-standard indoor IFMs generally align with the
approaches of the Commercial HVAC Term Sheet, the Commercial HVAC
Enforcement Policy, and the Draft Commercial HVAC Guidance Document,
while providing greater detail and accommodating a wider range of fan
motor options. For the reasons presented in the preceding paragraphs
DOE proposes to adopt the provisions for comparing performance of
standard and non-standard indoor fan motors/IFMs in section D4 of AHRI
340/360-2022 \38\ for the determination of the represented efficiency
value for WSHPs at 10 CFR 429.43(a)(3) and for DOE assessment and
enforcement testing of WSHPs at 10 CFR 429.134(t)(2). Were DOE to adopt
the provisions of section D4 of Appendix D of AHRI 340/360-2022 as
proposed, the Commercial
[[Page 53339]]
HVAC Enforcement Policy and draft guidance document, to the extent
applicable to WSHPs, would no longer apply.
\38\ Per DOE's existing certification regulations, if a
manufacturer were to use the proposed approach to certify a basic
model, the manufacturer would be required to maintain documentation
of how the relative efficiencies of the standard and non-standard
fan motors or the input powers of the standard and non-standard IFMs
were determined as well as the supporting calculations. See 10 CFR
Issue 30: DOE requests comment on its proposal to adopt the methods
for comparing relative efficiency of standard and non-standard indoor
fan motors and integrated fan and motor combinations specified in
section D4 of AHRI 340/360-2022 in the provisions for determination of
represented values in 10 CFR 429.43(a) and provisions for DOE
assessment and enforcement testing in 10 CFR 429.134.
(ii) Coated Coils
DOE is proposing to exclude coated coils from the specific
components list specified in 10 CFR 429.43 because DOE has tentatively
concluded that the presence of coated coils does not result in a
significant impact to performance of WSHPs, and, therefore, models with
coated coils should be rated based on performance of models with coated
coils present (rather than based on performance of an individual model
within an OCMG without coated coils).
c. Enforcement Provisions of 10 CFR 429.134
Consistent with the Commercial HVAC Term Sheet and the Commercial
HVAC Enforcement Policy, DOE is proposing provisions in the newly
proposed 10 CFR 429.134(t)(1) regarding how DOE would assess compliance
for basic models that include individual models distributed in commerce
if DOE cannot obtain for testing individual models without the
components that are the basis of representation. Specifically, DOE
proposes that if a basic model includes individual models with
components listed at Table 1 to 10 CFR 429.43 and DOE is not able to
obtain an individual model with the least number of those components
within an OCMG (as defined in 10 CFR 429.43(a)(3) and discussed in
section III.G.3.b of this NOPR), DOE may test any individual model
within the OCMG.
d. Testing Specially-Built Units That Are Not Distributed in Commerce
Unlike section D3 of AHRI 340/360-2022, DOE's Commercial HVAC
Enforcement Policy does not allow a manufacturer to test a specially-
built model for testing models without a feature that are not
distributed in commerce. Because testing such specially-built models
would not provide ratings representative of equipment distributed in
commerce, DOE has tentatively concluded that this approach is not
appropriate. Therefore, consistent with the Commercial HVAC Enforcement
Policy, DOE is not proposing to allow testing of specially-built units
in its representation and enforcement provisions.
H. Represented Values and Enforcement
1. Cooling Capacity
For WSHPs, cooling capacity determines equipment class, which in
turn determines the applicable energy conservation standard. 10 CFR
431.97. While cooling capacity is a required represented value for
WSHPs, DOE does not currently specify any provisions for WSHPs
regarding how close the represented value of cooling capacity must be
to the tested or AEDM-simulated cooling capacity, or whether DOE will
use measured or certified cooling capacity to determine equipment class
for enforcement testing. In contrast, at paragraphs (a)(1)(iv) and
(a)(2)(ii) of 10 CFR 429.43 and paragraph (g) of 10 CFR 429.134, DOE
specifies such provisions regarding the cooling capacity for air-cooled
CUACs (``ACUACs''). Because energy conservation standards for WSHPs are
dependent on cooling capacity, inconsistent approaches to the
application of cooling capacity between basic models could result in
inconsistent determinations of equipment class and, in turn,
inconsistent applications of the energy conservation standards.
Accordingly, DOE is proposing to add the following provisions
regarding cooling capacity for WSHPs: (1) a requirement that the
represented cooling capacity be between 95 percent and 100 percent of
the tested or AEDM-simulated cooling capacity; and (2) an enforcement
provision stating that DOE would use the mean of measured cooling
capacity values from assessment and enforcement testing, rather than
the certified cooling capacity, to determine the applicable standards.
First, DOE proposes to require in 10 CFR 429.43(a)(3)(ii)(B) that
the represented value of cooling capacity must be between 95 percent
and 100 percent of the mean of the cooling capacity values measured for
the units in the sample (if determined through testing), or between 95
percent and 100 percent of the net sensible cooling capacity output
simulated by an AEDM. This tolerance would help to ensure that
equipment: (1) is capable of performing at the cooling capacity for
which it is represented to commercial consumers and (2) certified in
the appropriate equipment class for the cooling capacity the equipment
is capable of providing. This tolerance would also enable manufacturers
to conservatively rate the cooling capacity to allow for minor
variations in the capacity measurements from different units tested at
different laboratories.
Second, DOE is proposing in its product-specific enforcement
provisions at 10 CFR 429.134(t)(1) that the cooling capacity of each
tested unit of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test
requirements of part 431 and that the mean of the measurements will be
used to determine compliance with the applicable standards.
As discussed in this section, applicable energy conservation
standards for WSHPs are dependent on the rated cooling capacity.
Consequently, in certain cases, over-rating a system could result in
decreased stringency by incorrectly applying a more lenient standard
prescribed for a higher capacity equipment class. DOE has tentatively
concluded that these proposals would result in more accurate ratings of
cooling capacity, thereby ensuring appropriate application of the
energy conservation standards, while providing flexibility for
conservatively rating cooling capacity to ensure that equipment is
capable of delivering the cooling capacity that is represented to
commercial consumers.
Issue 31: DOE requests comment on its proposals related to
represented values and verification testing of cooling capacity for
2. Enforcement of IEER
As discussed in section III.E.1 of this document, DOE is proposing
two options for determining IEER. The first option, ``Option 1'' as
specified in section 5.1.1 of appendix C1, is based on testing at the
IEER entering water temperatures. The second option, ``Option 2'' as
specified in section 5.1.2 of appendix C1, is based on testing at
alternate entering water temperatures and then using interpolation and
extrapolation to determine performance at IEER entering water
temperatures. For assessment or enforcement testing, DOE is proposing
provisions in Sec. 429.134(t)(3) specifying that that the Department
will determine IEER according to the ``Option 1'' approach, unless the
manufacturer has specified that the ``Option 2'' approach should be
used for the purposes of enforcement, in which case the Department will
determine IEER according to the ``Option 2'' approach.
I. Test Procedure Costs and Impact
EPCA requires that the test procedures for commercial package air
conditioning and heating equipment, which includes WSHPs, be those
[[Page 53340]]
generally accepted industry testing procedures or rating procedures
developed or recognized by AHRI or by ASHRAE, as referenced in ASHRAE
Standard 90.1. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(A)) Further, if such an industry
test procedure is amended, DOE must amend its test procedure to be
consistent with the amended industry test procedure, unless DOE
determines, by rule published in the Federal Register and supported by
clear and convincing evidence, that such amended test procedure would
not meet the requirements in 42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2) and (3) related to
representative use and test burden. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(B)) DOE
proposes to reorganize the current test procedure in proposed appendix
C and to adopt generally through incorporation by reference the
industry standard AHRI 340/360-2022 in proposed appendix C1. As
discussed, the proposed test procedure in proposed appendix C1 would
rely on the IEER metric. Testing pursuant to proposed appendix C1 would
be required only at such time as compliance is required with amended
energy conservation standards based on IEER and the amended COP, should
DOE adopt such standards, or if a manufacturer chooses to make
voluntary representations of IEER before the compliance date.
As discussed in section III.D.3 of this NOPR, DOE has tentatively
determined that the proposed test procedure in proposed appendix C1
would improve representativeness, accuracy, and reproducibility as
compared to the current DOE test procedure and would not be unduly
burdensome to conduct.
Because the current DOE test procedure for WSHPs would be relocated
to appendix C without change, the proposed test procedure in appendix C
for measuring EER and COP would result in no change in testing
practices or burden.
DOE tentatively concludes that the proposed test procedure in
proposed appendix C1 for measuring IEER and COP would increase testing
costs per unit compared to the current DOE test procedure. DOE
estimates to cost for third-party laboratory testing of WSHPs according
to the current test procedure to be $2,200 per unit for units with a
cooling capacity of less than 135,000 Btu/h. DOE estimates the cost for
third-party lab testing according to the proposed appendix C1 for
measuring IEER and COP would be $4,450 per unit for units with a
cooling capacity of less than 135,000 Btu/h. This increase is due to
the increased number of tests associated with the IEER metric compared
to the current metric, EER. IEER requires four tests, whereas EER only
requires one.
Additionally, DOE is proposing to increase in the scope of
applicability of the test procedure to include all WSHPs with full-load
cooling capacity between 135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h. DOE estimates
the cost for third-party lab testing of large and very large WSHPs
according to the proposed appendix C1 for measuring IEER and COP would
be $12,000 per unit. DOE estimates a substantially higher cost for
larger WSHPs because they are generally more difficult to set up due to
size and larger units typically would need to be set up in larger and
rarer test chambers.
As discussed, in accordance with 10 CFR 429.70, WSHP manufacturers
may elect to use AEDMs. An AEDM is a computer modeling or mathematical
tool that predicts the performance of non-tested basic models. These
computer modeling and mathematical tools, when properly developed, can
provide a means to predict the energy usage or efficiency
characteristics of a basic model of a given covered product or
equipment and reduce the burden and cost associated with testing. DOE
estimates the per-manufacturer cost to develop and validate an AEDM to
be used for all WSHP equipment with a cooling capacity less than
135,000 Btu/h would be $12,800. DOE estimates the per-manufacturer cost
to develop and validate an AEDM to be used for all WSHPs with a cooling
capacity between 135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h would be $27,900. DOE
estimates an additional cost of approximately $41 per basic model for
determining energy efficiency using the validated AEDM.\39\
\39\ DOE estimated initial costs to validate an AEDM assuming 80
hours of general time to develop an AEDM based on existing
simulation tools and 16 hours to validate two basic models within
that AEDM at the cost of a engineering technician wage of $41 per
hour plus the cost of third-party physical testing of two units per
validation class (as required in 10 CFR 429.70(c)(2)(iv)). DOE
estimated the additional per basic model cost to determine
efficiency using an AEDM assuming 1 hour per basic model at the cost
of an engineering technician wage of $41 per hour.
As discussed in section III.J of this NOPR, the proposed test
procedure provisions regarding IEER would not be mandatory until
compliance is required with amended energy conservation standards that
rely on IEER, should DOE adopt such standards, although any voluntary
early representations of IEER must be based on the proposed appendix
C1. DOE has tentatively determined that the test procedure amendments,
if finalized, would not require manufacturers to redesign any of the
covered equipment or require changes to how the equipment is
manufactured, solely as result of the test procedure amendments. In
section IV.B of this TP NOPR, DOE assesses the impact to domestic,
small manufacturers of WSHPs from the test procedure provisions
proposed in this NOPR.
Issue 32: DOE requests comment on its understanding of the impact
of the test procedure proposals in this NOPR. DOE also seeks specific
feedback on the estimated costs to rate WSHP models with an AEDM.
J. Compliance Date
EPCA prescribes that, if DOE amends a test procedure, all
representations of energy efficiency and energy use, including those
made on marketing materials and product labels, must be made in
accordance with that amended test procedure, beginning 360 days after
publication of such a test procedure final rule in the Federal
Register. (42 U.S.C. 6314(d)(1))
Starting 360 days after publication of a test procedure final rule
in the Federal Register, and prior to the compliance date of amended
standards for water-source heat pumps that rely on IEER,
representations would need to be based the proposed appendix C.
Starting on the compliance date of amended standards for water-source
heat pumps that rely on IEER, if adopted, representations would need to
be based the proposed appendix C1.
Any voluntary representations of IEER made prior to the compliance
date of amended standards for water-source heat pumps that rely on IEER
would need to be based on the proposed appendix C1 starting 360 days
after publication of such a test procedure final rule in the Federal
Register, and manufacturers may use appendix C1 to certify compliance
with any amended standards based on IEER, if adopted, prior to the
applicable compliance date those energy conservation standards.
IV. Procedural Issues and Regulatory Review
A. Review Under Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
Executive Order (``E.O.'') 12866, ``Regulatory Planning and
Review,'' 58 FR 51735 (Oct. 4, 1993), as supplemented and reaffirmed by
E.O. 13563, ``Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review,'' 76 FR 3821
(Jan. 21, 2011), requires agencies, to the extent permitted by law, to:
(1) propose or adopt a regulation only upon a reasoned determination
that its benefits justify its costs (recognizing that some benefits and
costs are difficult to quantify); (2) tailor regulations to
[[Page 53341]]
impose the least burden on society, consistent with obtaining
regulatory objectives, taking into account, among other things, and to
the extent practicable, the costs of cumulative regulations; (3)
select, in choosing among alternative regulatory approaches, those
approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety, and other advantages;
distributive impacts; and equity); (4) to the extent feasible, specify
performance objectives, rather than specifying the behavior or manner
of compliance that regulated entities must adopt; and (5) identify and
assess available alternatives to direct regulation, including providing
economic incentives to encourage the desired behavior, such as user
fees or marketable permits, or providing information upon which choices
can be made by the public. DOE emphasizes as well that E.O. 13563
requires agencies to use the best available techniques to quantify
anticipated present and future benefits and costs as accurately as
possible. In its guidance, the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs (``OIRA'') in the Office of Management and Budget (``OMB'') has
emphasized that such techniques may include identifying changing future
compliance costs that might result from technological innovation or
anticipated behavioral changes. For the reasons stated in the preamble,
this proposed regulatory action is consistent with these principles.
Section 6(a) of E.O. 12866 also requires agencies to submit
``significant regulatory actions'' to OIRA for review. OIRA has
determined that this proposed regulatory action does not constitute a
``significant regulatory action'' under section 3(f) of E.O. 12866.
Accordingly, this action was not submitted to OIRA for review under
E.O. 12866.
B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires
preparation of an initial regulatory flexibility analysis (``IRFA'')
for any rule that by law must be proposed for public comment, unless
the agency certifies that the rule, if promulgated, will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
As required by Executive Order 13272, ``Proper Consideration of Small
Entities in Agency Rulemaking,'' 67 FR 53461 (August 16, 2002), DOE
published procedures and policies on February 19, 2003, to ensure that
the potential impacts of its rules on small entities are properly
considered during the DOE rulemaking process. 68 FR 7990. DOE has made
its procedures and policies available on the Office of the General
Counsel's website: DOE
reviewed this proposed rule to amend the test procedure of WSHPs under
the provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the policies and
procedures published on February 19, 2003.
The following sections detail DOE's IRFA for this test procedure
1. Description of Reasons Why Action Is Being Considered
DOE is proposing to amend the existing DOE test procedures for
water-source heat pumps (``WSHPs''). DOE must update the Federal test
procedures to be consistent with relevant industry test procedures
unless DOE determines by rule published in the Federal Register and
supported by clear and convincing evidence that the industry test
procedure would not be representative of an average use cycle or would
be unduly burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(B))
2. Objective of, and Legal Basis for, Rule
Under 42 U.S.C. 6314, EPCA sets forth the criteria and procedures
DOE must follow when prescribing or amending test procedures for
covered equipment. EPCA requires that any test procedures prescribed or
amended under this section must be reasonably designed to produce test
results which reflect energy efficiency, energy use, or estimated
annual operating cost of covered equipment during a representative
average use cycle and requires that test procedures not be unduly
burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(2))
With respect to WSHPs, EPCA requires that the test procedures shall
be those generally accepted industry testing procedures or rating
procedures developed or recognized by the Air-Conditioning, Heating,
and Refrigeration Institute (``AHRI'') or by the American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (``ASHRAE''), as
referenced in ASHRAE Standard 90.1, ``Energy Standard for Buildings
Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings'' (``ASHRAE Standard 90.1''). (42
U.S.C. 6314(a)(4)(A)) Further, if such an industry test procedure is
amended, DOE must amend its test procedure to be consistent with the
amended industry test procedure, unless DOE determines, by rule
published in the Federal Register and supported by clear and convincing
evidence, that the amended test procedure would not produce test
results that reflect the energy efficiency, energy use, and estimated
operating costs of that equipment during a representative average use
cycle or would be unduly burdensome to conduct. (42 U.S.C.
EPCA also requires that, at least once every 7 years, DOE evaluate
test procedures for each type of covered equipment including WSHPs, to
determine whether amended test procedures would more accurately or
fully comply with the requirements for the test procedures to be
reasonably designed to produce test results that reflect energy
efficiency, energy use, and estimated operating costs during a
representative average use cycle and not be unduly burdensome to
conduct. (42 U.S.C. 6314(a)(1)(A))
DOE is proposing amendments to the test procedures for WSHPs in
satisfaction of its statutory obligations under EPCA.
3. Description and Estimate of Small Entities Regulated
DOE uses the Small Business Administration (``SBA'') small business
size standards to determine whether manufacturers qualify as ``small
businesses,'' which are listed by the North American Industry
Classification System (``NAICS'').\40\ The SBA considers a business
entity to be small business if, together with its affiliates, it
employs less than a threshold number of workers specified in 13 CFR
part 121.
\40\ The size standards are listed by NAICS code and industry
description and are available at: (Last accessed on July 16, 2021).
WSHP manufacturers, who produce the equipment covered by this rule,
are classified under NAICS code 333415, ``Air-Conditioning and Warm Air
Heating Equipment and Commercial and Industrial Refrigeration Equipment
Manufacturing.'' In 13 CFR 121.201, the SBA sets a threshold of 1,250
employees or fewer for an entity to be considered as a small business
for this category. This employee threshold includes all employees in a
business's parent company and any other subsidiaries.
DOE reviewed the test procedures proposed in this NOPR under the
provisions of the Regulatory Flexibility Act and the procedures and
policies published on February 19, 2003. The Department conducted a
focused inquiry into small business manufacturers of the equipment
covered by this rulemaking. DOE's analysis relied on publicly available
information and databases to identify potential small businesses that
manufacture WSHPs domestically. DOE utilized the California Energy
Commission's Modernized Appliance Efficiency
[[Page 53342]]
Database System (``MAEDbS'') \41\ and the DOE's Certification
Compliance Database (``CCD'') \42\ in identifying manufacturers. DOE
screened out private labelers because original equipment manufacturers
(``OEMs'') would likely be responsible for any costs associated with
testing to the proposed test procedure. As a result of this inquiry,
DOE identified a total of 25 OEMs of WSHPs in the United States
affected by this rulemaking. DOE screened out companies that do not
meet the definition of a ``small business'' or are foreign-owned and
operated. Of these 25 OEMs of WSHPs, DOE identified seven as small,
domestic manufacturers for consideration. DOE used subscription-based
business information tools to determine headcount and revenue of these
small businesses.
\41\ MAEDbS is available at (Last accessed Dec. 1, 2021).
\42\ Certified equipment in the CCD are listed by product class
and can be accessed at
(Last accessed Dec. 1, 2021).
4. Description and Estimate of Compliance Requirements
In this NOPR, DOE proposes to add new appendices C and C1 to
subpart F of part 431, both titled ``Uniform test method for measuring
the energy consumption of water-source heat pumps,'' (``appendix C''
and ``appendix C1,'' respectively). The current DOE test procedure for
WSHPs would be relocated to appendix C without change. DOE is proposing
in appendix C1 to adopt generally the industry test standard AHRI 340/
360-2022 for WSHPs, with certain additional provisions regarding test
conditions to improve representativeness, accuracy, and repeatability.
Appendix C1 would be for determining IEER, and use of appendix C1 would
not be required until such time as compliance is required with amended
energy conservation standards for WSHPs based on IEER (should DOE adopt
such standards) or should a manufacturer choose to make voluntary
representations of IEER. Additionally, DOE is proposing to increase the
scope of applicability of the test procedure (including both appendices
C and C1) to include all WSHPs with a full-load cooling capacity
between 135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h. Lastly, this NOPR seeks to
amend certain representation and enforcement provisions for WSHPs in 10
CFR part 429.
Appendix C does not contain any changes from the current Federal
test procedure, and, therefore, would have no cost to industry and
would not require retesting solely as a result of DOE's adoption of
this proposed amendment to the test procedure, if made final.
In appendix C1, DOE is proposing to adopt generally AHRI 340/360-
2022 as the test procedure for WSHPs. The proposed test procedure in
appendix C1 includes provisions for measuring efficiency of WSHPs in
terms of the IEER metric for cooling mode and the COP metric for
heating mode. Appendix C1 is not mandatory at this point in time.
Should DOE adopt energy conservation standards based on the proposed
metrics in appendix C1 (IEER and COP) in the future, DOE anticipates
manufacturers would incur costs to re-rate models as a result of the
standards. The current DOE test procedure (applicable only to WSHP with
cooling capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h) results in costs of
approximately $2,200 per unit for third-party laboratory testing. DOE
estimates the cost for third-party laboratory testing according to the
proposed appendix C1 to be $4,450 per unit.
Furthermore, as mentioned, DOE is proposing to increase in the
scope of applicability of the test procedure to include all WSHPs with
a full-load cooling capacity between 135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h.
However, testing for these WSHPs is not currently mandatory because
there are no energy conservation standards for WSHPs at or above
135,000 Btu/h at the present time. Consequently, manufacturers would
not incur costs as result of this TP NOPR unless they choose to make
voluntary representations regarding the IEER of the subject equipment.
Any voluntary representations would need to be based on the test
procedure in appendix C starting 360 days after the publication of a
test procedure final rule. Should DOE adopt future energy conservation
standards denominated in terms of IEER to expand coverage of WSHPs with
a full-load cooling capacity between 135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h,
DOE manufacturers could incur first-time rating costs as a result of
the standard. DOE estimates the cost for third-party lab testing
according to the proposed appendix C1 for measuring IEER and COP of
WSHPs with a cooling capacity between 135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h
to be $12,000 per unit.
If WSHP manufacturers conduct physical testing to certify a basic
model, two units are required to be tested per basic model. The
physical test cost, according to the proposed amendments, would range
between $8,900 to $24,000 per basic model.\43\ However, manufacturers
may elect to use AEDMs.\44\ An AEDM is a computer modeling or
mathematical tool that predicts the performance of non-tested basic
models. These computer modeling and mathematical tools, when properly
developed, can provide a means to predict the energy usage or
efficiency characteristics of a basic model of a given covered product
or equipment and reduce the burden and cost associated with testing.
DOE's requirements for validation of AEDMs at 10 CFR 429.70(c)(2)(iv)
specify that an AEDM validated with testing of two WSHP basic models
can be used to develop ratings for WSHPs of any cooling capacity. If a
manufacturer chooses to update and validate an AEDM for WSHPs based on
testing a model with a cooling capacity less than 135,000 Btu/h, DOE
estimates the cost would be $12,800. If a manufacturer chooses to
update and validate an AEDM for WSHPs based on testing a model with a
cooling capacity greater than or equal to 135,000 Btu/h, DOE estimates
the cost would be $27,900.\45\ Additionally, DOE estimates a cost of
approximately $41 per basic model for determining energy efficiency
using the validated AEDM.
\43\ The cost to test one unit with a cooling capacity less than
135,000 Btu/h is $4,450, so the cost to test two units is $8,900.
The cost to test one unit with a cooling capacity greater than
135,000 Btu/h is $12,000, so the cost to test two units is $24,000.
\44\ In accordance with 10 CFR 429.70.
\45\ DOE estimated initial costs to validate an AEDM assuming 80
hours of general time to develop an AEDM based on existing
simulation tools and 16 hours to validate two basic models within
that AEDM at the cost of a engineering technician wage of $41 per
hour plus the cost of third-party physical testing of two units per
validation class (as required in 10 CFR 429.70(c)(2)(iv)). DOE
estimated the additional per basic model cost to determine
efficiency using an AEDM assuming 1 hour per basic model at the cost
of an engineering technician wage of $41 per hour.
When developing cost estimates for the small OEMs, DOE considers
the cost to update the existing AEDM simulation tool, the costs to
validate the AEDM through physical testing, and the cost to rate basic
models using the AEDM. DOE assumes that small business manufacturers
will afford themselves of the cost-saving opportunity associated with
use of an AEDM.
DOE identified seven small, domestic OEMs of WSHPs that manufacture
equipment impacted by DOE's proposal to adopt metrics in terms of IEER
and COP. Additionally, of these manufacturers, DOE identified one OEM
that currently manufactures equipment with a cooling capacity between
135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h. DOE estimates
[[Page 53343]]
the range of potential costs to these small businesses as follows.
Given the potential for DOE to adopt energy conservation standards
based on the proposed metrics in 10 CFR part 431, subpart F, appendix
C1 (IEER and COP) in the future, DOE estimates here the range of
potential re-rating costs for the seven small, domestic OEMs. The
small, domestic OEMs manufacture an average of 38 basic models per
manufacturer and average $14.0 million in annual revenue. DOE estimates
that the associated re-rating costs for these seven manufacturers would
be approximately $14,400 per manufacturer, when utilizing AEDMs.
Therefore, the average cost to re-rate all basic models is estimated to
be less than 1 percent of annual revenue for these small businesses.
Should DOE adopt future energy conservation standards to include
all WSHPs with a cooling capacity between 135,000 Btu/h and 760,000
Btu/h, DOE estimates that the one small, domestic manufacturer of this
equipment-type would incur first-time rating costs of $28,100 while
making use of an AEDM. DOE estimates this manufacturer to have an
annual revenue of $11.0 million. Therefore, should DOE adopt future
energy conservation standards to include all WSHPs with a cooling
capacity between 135,000 Btu/h and 760,000 Btu/h and this manufacturer
were required to re-rate all its models to the proposed metrics in 10
CFR part 431, subpart F, appendix C1 (IEER and COP). DOE estimates the
cost would be less than 1 percent of annual revenue for this small
\46\ DOE estimated the cumulative burden to represent $42,500.
Issue 33: DOE requests comment on the number of small OEMs DOE
identified. DOE also seeks comment on the Department's estimates of
potential costs these small manufacturers may incur as a result of its
proposed amendments to the WSHP test procedure.
5. Duplication Overlap, and Conflict with Other Rules and Regulations
DOE is not aware of any rules or regulations that duplicate,
overlap, or conflict with the rule being considered.
6. Significant Alternatives to the Rule
The discussion in the previous section analyzes impacts on small
businesses that would be expected to result from DOE's proposed test
rule, if finalized. The Department has tentatively determined that
there are no better alternatives than the test procedure proposed in
this NOPR, in terms of both meeting the agency's objectives pursuant to
EPCA and reducing burden. Whenever possible, DOE seeks to utilize
applicable industry test procedures as a way to minimize burdens on
regulated parties. In reviewing alternatives to the proposed test
procedure, DOE examined other industry test procedures when applicable.
Ultimately, DOE proposes to amend the test procedure for WSHPs to
incorporate by reference AHRI 340/360-2022, the industry test procedure
for testing CUAC/HPs. Furthermore, AHRI 340/360-2022 in turn references
ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009, which provides a method of test applicable to many
categories of air conditioning and heating equipment. DOE has
tentatively concluded that incorporation by reference of these industry
test standards would best achieve the statutory objectives of
representativeness and not being unduly burdensome on manufacturers,
including small businesses.
Additionally, DOE proposes to reduce burden on manufacturers,
including small businesses, by allowing AEDMs in lieu of physically
testing all basic models. The use of an AEDM is less costly than
physical testing WSHP models. Without AEDMs, DOE estimates the typical
cost to physically test all WSHP basic models for an average small
manufacturer would be $340,000.
Additional compliance flexibilities may be available through other
means. Manufacturers subject to DOE's energy conservation standards may
apply to DOE's Office of Hearings and Appeals for exception relief
under certain circumstances. Manufacturers should refer to 10 CFR part
1003 for additional details.
C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
Manufacturers of WSHPs must certify to DOE that their equipment
complies with any applicable energy conservation standards. To certify
compliance, manufacturers must first obtain test data for their
equipment according to the DOE test procedures, including any
amendments adopted for those test procedures. DOE has established
regulations for the certification and recordkeeping requirements for
all covered consumer products and commercial equipment, including
WSHPs. (See generally 10 CFR part 429.) The collection-of-information
requirement for the certification and recordkeeping is subject to
review and approval by OMB under the Paperwork Reduction Act (``PRA'').
This requirement has been approved by OMB under OMB control number
1910-1400. Public reporting burden for the certification is estimated
to average 35 hours per response, including the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information.
DOE is not proposing to amend the certification or reporting
requirements for WSHPs in this NOPR. Instead, DOE may consider
proposals to amend the certification requirements and reporting for
WSHPs under a separate rulemaking regarding appliance and equipment
certification. DOE will address changes to OMB Control Number 1910-1400
at that time, as necessary.
Notwithstanding any other provision of the law, no person is
required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty
for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the
requirements of the PRA, unless that collection of information displays
a currently valid OMB Control Number.
D. Review Under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969
In this NOPR, DOE proposes test procedure amendments that it
expects will be used to develop and implement future energy
conservation standards for WSHPs. DOE has determined that this rule
falls into a class of actions that are categorically excluded from
review under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.) and DOE's implementing regulations at 10 CFR part 1021.
Specifically, DOE has determined that adopting test procedures for
measuring energy efficiency of consumer products and industrial
equipment is consistent with activities identified in 10 CFR part 1021,
appendix A to subpart D, A5 and A6. Accordingly, neither an
environmental assessment nor an environmental impact statement is
E. Review Under Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132, ``Federalism,'' 64 FR 43255 (August 10,
1999), imposes certain requirements on agencies formulating and
implementing policies or regulations that preempt State law or that
have federalism implications. The Executive order requires agencies to
examine the constitutional and statutory authority supporting any
action that would limit the policymaking discretion of the States and
to carefully assess the necessity for such actions. The Executive order
also requires agencies to have an accountable process to ensure
meaningful and timely input by State and local officials in the
development of regulatory policies that have federalism
[[Page 53344]]
implications. On March 14, 2000, DOE published a statement of policy
describing the intergovernmental consultation process it will follow in
the development of such regulations. 65 FR 13735. DOE has examined this
proposed rule and has determined that it would not have a substantial
direct effect on the States, on the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various levels of government. EPCA governs
and prescribes Federal preemption of State regulations as to energy
conservation for the products that are the subject of this proposed
rule. States can petition DOE for exemption from such preemption to the
extent, and based on criteria, set forth in EPCA. (42 U.S.C. 6297(d))
No further action is required by Executive Order 13132.
F. Review Under Executive Order 12988
Regarding the review of existing regulations and the promulgation
of new regulations, section 3(a) of Executive Order 12988, ``Civil
Justice Reform,'' 61 FR 4729 (Feb. 7, 1996), imposes on Federal
agencies the general duty to adhere to the following requirements: (1)
eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity; (2) write regulations to
minimize litigation; (3) provide a clear legal standard for affected
conduct rather than a general standard, and (4) promote simplification
and burden reduction. Section 3(b) of Executive Order 12988
specifically requires that Executive agencies make every reasonable
effort to ensure that the regulation: (1) clearly specifies the
preemptive effect, if any; (2) clearly specifies any effect on existing
Federal law or regulation; (3) provides a clear legal standard for
affected conduct while promoting simplification and burden reduction;
(4) specifies the retroactive effect, if any; (5) adequately defines
key terms, and (6) addresses other important issues affecting clarity
and general draftsmanship under any guidelines issued by the Attorney
General. Section 3(c) of Executive Order 12988 requires executive
agencies to review regulations in light of applicable standards in
sections 3(a) and 3(b) to determine whether they are met or if it is
unreasonable to meet one or more of them. DOE has completed the
required review and determined that, to the extent permitted by law,
the proposed rule meets the relevant standards of Executive Order
G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (``UMRA'')
requires each Federal agency to assess the effects of Federal
regulatory actions on State, local, and Tribal governments and the
private sector. Public Law 104-4, sec. 201 (codified at 2 U.S.C. 1531).
For a proposed regulatory action likely to result in a rule that may
cause the expenditure by State, local, and Tribal governments, in the
aggregate, or by the private sector of $100 million or more in any one
year (adjusted annually for inflation), section 202 of UMRA requires a
Federal agency to publish a written statement that estimates the
resulting costs, benefits, and other effects on the national economy.
(2 U.S.C. 1532(a), (b)) The UMRA also requires a Federal agency to
develop an effective process to permit timely input by elected officers
of State, local, and Tribal governments on a proposed ``significant
intergovernmental mandate,'' and requires an agency plan for giving
notice and opportunity for timely input to potentially affected small
governments before establishing any requirements that might
significantly or uniquely affect small governments. On March 18, 1997,
DOE published a statement of policy on its process for
intergovernmental consultation under UMRA. 62 FR 12820; also available
at DOE examined this proposed
rule according to UMRA and its statement of policy and determined that
the rule contains neither an intergovernmental mandate, nor a mandate
that may result in the expenditure of $100 million or more in any year,
so these requirements do not apply.
H. Review Under the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act,
Section 654 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations
Act, 1999 (Pub. L. 105-277) requires Federal agencies to issue a Family
Policymaking Assessment for any rule that may affect family well-being.
This proposed rule would not have any impact on the autonomy or
integrity of the family as an institution. Accordingly, DOE has
concluded that it is not necessary to prepare a Family Policymaking
I. Review Under Executive Order 12630
DOE has determined, under Executive Order 12630, ``Governmental
Actions and Interference with Constitutionally Protected Property
Rights,'' 53 FR 8859 (March 18, 1988), that this proposed regulation
would not result in any takings that might require compensation under
the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
J. Review Under Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act,
Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations
Act, 2001 (44 U.S.C. 3516 note) provides for agencies to review most
disseminations of information to the public under guidelines
established by each agency pursuant to general guidelines issued by
OMB. OMB's guidelines were published at 67 FR 8452 (Feb. 22, 2002), and
DOE's guidelines were published at 67 FR 62446 (Oct. 7, 2002). Pursuant
to OMB Memorandum M-19-15, Improving Implementation of the Information
Quality Act (April 24, 2019), DOE published updated guidelines which
are available at: DOE has
reviewed this proposed rule under the OMB and DOE guidelines and has
concluded that it is consistent with applicable policies in those
K. Review Under Executive Order 13211
Executive Order 13211, ``Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use,'' 66 FR 28355
(May 22, 2001), requires Federal agencies to prepare and submit to OMB,
a Statement of Energy Effects for any proposed significant energy
action. A ``significant energy action'' is defined as any action by an
agency that promulgated or is expected to lead to promulgation of a
final rule, and that: (1) is a significant regulatory action under
Executive Order 12866, or any successor order; and (2) is likely to
have a significant adverse effect on the supply, distribution, or use
of energy; or (3) is designated by the Administrator of OIRA as a
significant energy action. For any proposed significant energy action,
the agency must give a detailed statement of any adverse effects on
energy supply, distribution, or use should the proposal be implemented,
and of reasonable alternatives to the action and their expected
benefits on energy supply, distribution, and use.
The proposed regulatory action to amend the test procedure for
measuring the energy efficiency of WSHPs is not a significant
regulatory action under Executive Order 12866. Moreover, it would not
have a significant adverse effect on the supply, distribution, or use
of energy, nor has it been designated as a significant energy action by
the Administrator of OIRA. Therefore, it is not a significant energy
action, and, accordingly, DOE has not prepared a Statement of Energy
[[Page 53345]]
L. Review Under Section 32 of the Federal Energy Administration Act of
Under section 301 of the Department of Energy Organization Act
(Pub. L. 95-91; 42 U.S.C. 7101), DOE must comply with section 32 of the
Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, as amended by the Federal
Energy Administration Authorization Act of 1977. (15 U.S.C. 788;
``FEAA'') Section 32 essentially provides in relevant part that, where
a proposed rule authorizes or requires use of commercial standards, the
notice of proposed rulemaking must inform the public of the use and
background of such standards. In addition, section 32(c) requires DOE
to consult with the Attorney General and the Chairman of the Federal
Trade Commission (``FTC'') concerning the impact of the commercial or
industry standards on competition.
The proposed modifications to the Federal test procedure for WSHPs
would incorporate testing methods contained in certain sections of the
following applicable commercial test standards: AHRI 340/360-2022 and
ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. DOE has evaluated these standards and is unable to
conclude whether they fully comply with the requirements of section
32(b) of the FEAA (i.e., whether they were developed in a manner that
fully provides for public participation, comment, and review.) DOE will
consult with both the Attorney General and the Chairman of the FTC
concerning the impact of these test procedures on competition, prior to
prescribing a final rule.
M. Description of Materials Incorporated by Reference
In this NOPR, DOE proposes to incorporate by reference the
following test standards:
AHRI 340/360-2022 is an industry-accepted test procedure for
measuring the performance of unitary air-conditioning & air-source
heat pump equipment. AHRI Standard 340/360-2022 is reasonably
available on AHRI's website at:
ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009, as updated by the errata sheet, is an
industry-accepted test procedure for measuring the performance of
electrically driven unitary air-conditioning and heat pump
equipment. ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 is reasonably available on ANSI's
website at:
ASHRAE errata sheet to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009 is a
technical corrections sheet for ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. The errata
sheet for ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 is reasonably available on ASHRAE's
website at:
ISO Standard 13256-1:1998 is an industry-accepted test procedure
for measuring the performance of water-source heat pump equipment.
ISO Standard 13256-1:1998 is reasonably available on ISO's website
The following standards were previously-approved for incorporation
by reference in the locations where they appear in the regulatory text:
AHRI 210/240-2008, AHRI 340/360-2007, AHRAE 127-2007, AHRI 1230-2010,
AHRI 390-2003.
V. Public Participation
A. Participation in the Public Meeting Webinar
The time and date of the webinar are listed in the DATES section at
the beginning of this document. Webinar registration information,
participant instructions, and information about the capabilities
available to webinar participants will be published on DOE's website: Participants are responsible for ensuring their systems are
compatible with the webinar software.
Additionally, you may request an in-person meeting to be held prior
to the close of the request period provided in the DATES section of
this document. Requests for an in-person meeting may be made by
contacting Appliance and Equipment Standards Program staff at (202)
287-1445 or by email: [email protected].
B. Procedure for Submitting Prepared General Statements for
Any person who has an interest in the topics addressed in this
NOPR, or who is representative of a group or class of persons that has
an interest in these issues, may request an opportunity to make an oral
presentation at the public meeting webinar. Such persons may submit
requests to speak via email to the Appliance and Equipment Standards
Program at: [email protected]. Persons who wish to
speak should include with their request a computer file in WordPerfect,
Microsoft Word, PDF, or text (ASCII) file format that briefly describes
the nature of their interest in this rulemaking and the topics they
wish to discuss. Such persons should also provide a daytime telephone
number where they can be reached.
DOE requests persons selected to make an oral presentation to
submit an advance copy of their statement at least two weeks before the
webinar. At its discretion, DOE may permit persons who cannot supply an
advance copy of their statement to participate, if those persons have
made advance alternative arrangements with the Building Technologies
Office. As necessary, requests to give an oral presentation should ask
for such alternative arrangements.
C. Conduct of the Public Meeting Webinar
DOE will designate a DOE official to preside at the public meeting
webinar and may also use a professional facilitator to aid discussion.
The meeting will not be a judicial or evidentiary-type public hearing,
but DOE will conduct it in accordance with section 336 of EPCA (42
U.S.C. 6306). A court reporter will be present to record the
proceedings and prepare a transcript. DOE reserves the right to
schedule the order of presentations and to establish the procedures
governing the conduct of the public meeting webinar. There shall not be
discussion of proprietary information, costs or prices, market share,
or other commercial matters regulated by U.S. anti-trust laws. After
the public meeting webinar and until the end of the comment period,
interested parties may submit further comments on the proceedings and
any aspect of the rulemaking.
The webinar will be conducted in an informal, conference style. DOE
will present a general overview of the topics addressed in this
rulemaking, allow time for prepared general statements by participants,
and encourage all interested parties to share their views on issues
affecting this rulemaking. Each participant will be allowed to make a
general statement (within time limits determined by DOE), before the
discussion of specific topics. DOE will allow, as time permits, other
participants to comment briefly on any general statements.
At the end of all prepared statements on a topic, DOE will permit
participants to clarify their statements briefly and comment on
statements made by others. Participants should be prepared to answer
questions by DOE and by other participants concerning these issues. DOE
representatives may also ask questions of participants concerning other
matters relevant to this rulemaking. The official conducting the
webinar will accept additional comments or questions from those
attending, as time permits. The presiding official will announce any
further procedural rules or modification of the procedures that may be
needed for the proper conduct of the public meeting webinar.
A transcript of the public meeting webinar will be included in the
[[Page 53346]]
which can be viewed as described in the Docket section at the beginning
of this document. In addition, any person may buy a copy of the
transcript from the transcribing reporter.
D. Submission of Comments
DOE will accept comments, data, and information regarding this
proposed rule no later than the date provided in the DATES section at
the beginning of this proposed rule.\47\ Interested parties may submit
comments, data, and other information using any of the methods
described in the ADDRESSES section at the beginning of this document.
\47\ DOE has historically provided a 75-day comment period for
test procedure NOPRs pursuant to the North American Free Trade
Agreement, U.S.-Canada-Mexico (``NAFTA''), Dec. 17, 1992, 32 I.L.M.
289 (1993); the North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation
Act, Public Law 103-182, 107 Stat. 2057 (1993) (codified as amended
at 10 U.S.C.A. 2576) (1993) (``NAFTA Implementation Act''); and
Executive Order 12889, ``Implementation of the North American Free
Trade Agreement,'' 58 FR 69681 (Dec. 30, 1993). However, on July 1,
2020, the Agreement between the United States of America, the United
Mexican States, and the United Canadian States (``USMCA''), Nov. 30,
2018, 134 Stat. 11 (i.e., the successor to NAFTA), went into effect,
and Congress's action in replacing NAFTA through the USMCA
Implementation Act, 19 U.S.C. 4501 et seq. (2020), implies the
repeal of E.O. 12889 and its 75-day comment period requirement for
technical regulations. Thus, the controlling laws are EPCA and the
USMCA Implementation Act. Consistent with EPCA's public comment
period requirements for consumer products, the USMCA only requires a
minimum comment period of 60 days. Consequently, DOE now provides a
60-day public comment period for test procedure NOPRs.
Submitting comments via The web page will require you to provide your name and
contact information. Your contact information will be viewable to DOE
Building Technologies staff only. Your contact information will not be
publicly viewable except for your first and last names, organization
name (if any), and submitter representative name (if any). If your
comment is not processed properly because of technical difficulties,
DOE will use this information to contact you. If DOE cannot read your
comment due to technical difficulties and cannot contact you for
clarification, DOE may not be able to consider your comment.
However, your contact information will be publicly viewable if you
include it in the comment itself or in any documents attached to your
comment. Any information that you do not want to be publicly viewable
should not be included in your comment, nor in any document attached to
your comment. Otherwise, persons viewing comments will see only first
and last names, organization names, correspondence containing comments,
and any documents submitted with the comments.
Do not submit to information for which
disclosure is restricted by statute, such as trade secrets and
commercial or financial information (hereinafter referred to as
Confidential Business Information (``CBI'')). Comments submitted
through cannot be claimed as CBI. Comments received
through the website will waive any CBI claims for the information
submitted. For information on submitting CBI, see the Confidential
Business Information section.
DOE processes submissions made through before
posting. Normally, comments will be posted within a few days of being
submitted. However, if large volumes of comments are being processed
simultaneously, your comment may not be viewable for up to several
weeks. Please keep the comment tracking number that
provides after you have successfully uploaded your comment.
Submitting comments via email. Comments and documents submitted via
email also will be posted to If you do not want
your personal contact information to be publicly viewable, do not
include it in your comment or any accompanying documents. Instead,
provide your contact information in a cover letter. Include your first
and last names, email address, telephone number, and optional mailing
address. With this instruction followed, the cover letter will not be
publicly viewable as long as it does not include any comments.
Include contact information each time you submit comments, data,
documents, and other information to DOE. No telefacsimiles (faxes) will
be accepted.
Comments, data, and other information submitted to DOE
electronically should be provided in PDF (preferred), Microsoft Word or
Excel, WordPerfect, or text (ASCII) file format. Provide documents that
are not secured, written in English, and free of any defects or
viruses. Documents should not contain special characters or any form of
encryption, and, if possible, they should carry the electronic
signature of the author.
Campaign form letters. Please submit campaign form letters by the
originating organization in batches of between 50 to 500 form letters
per PDF or as one form letter with a list of supporters' names compiled
into one or more PDFs. This reduces comment processing and posting
Confidential Business Information. Pursuant to 10 CFR 1004.11, any
person submitting information that he or she believes to be
confidential and exempt by law from public disclosure should submit via
email two well-marked copies: one copy of the document marked
``confidential'' including all the information believed to be
confidential, and one copy of the document marked ``non-confidential''
with the information believed to be confidential deleted. DOE will make
its own determination about the confidential status of the information
and treat it according to its determination.
It is DOE's policy that all comments may be included in the public
docket, without change and as received, including any personal
information provided in the comments (except information deemed to be
exempt from public disclosure).
E. Issues on Which DOE Seeks Comment
Although DOE welcomes comments on any aspect of this proposal, DOE
is particularly interested in receiving comments and views of
interested parties concerning the following issues:
Issue 1: DOE requests comments on the proposed expansion of the
scope of applicability of the Federal test procedure to include WSHPs
with cooling capacity between 135,000 and 760,000 Btu/h.
Issue 2: DOE requests comments on the proposed change to the
definition of WSHP to explicitly indicate that WSHP is a category of
commercial package air-conditioning and heating equipment, and to
clarify that the presence of an indoor fan does not apply to coil-only
Issue 3: DOE requests comment on its proposal to adopt the test
methods specified in AHRI 340/360-2022 for calculating the IEER of
WSHPs. DOE also requests comment on its proposal that all EER tests at
full-load and part-load conditions specified in Table 1 of ISO 13256-
1:1998 (i.e., full-load tests at 86 [deg]F, 77 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F
and part-load tests at 86 [deg]F, 68 [deg]F, and 59 [deg]F) are
Issue 4: DOE requests comment on the proposal to allow
determination of IEER using two different methods: (1) testing in
accordance with AHRI 340/360-2022; or (2) interpolation and
extrapolation of cooling capacity and power values based on testing in
accordance with the proposed test procedure at the EWTs specified in
Table 1 of ISO 13256-1:1998. Specifically, DOE seeks feedback on the
proposed method for calculating IEER via interpolation and
extrapolation, and on whether this approach would serve as a potential
burden-reducing option as compared to
[[Page 53347]]
testing at the AHRI 340/360-2022 conditions.
Issue 5: DOE requests comment on whether the proposed methodology
to determine IEER based on interpolation and extrapolation is
appropriate for variable-speed units. DOE would consider requiring
variable-speed equipment be tested only according to AHRI 340/360-2022
and, thus, testing physically at the IEER EWTs, if suggested by
Issue 6: DOE seeks feedback on whether the proposed interpolation
and extrapolation method should be based on testing at the ISO 13256-
1:2021 EWTs.
Issue 7: DOE seeks comment and data on the representativeness of 55
[deg]F as the EWT condition for determining COP. Specifically, DOE
requests feedback and data on whether a lower EWT, such as 50 [deg]F,
would be more representative of heating operation of WSHPs. DOE will
further consider any alternate EWT suggested by comments in developing
any final rule.
Issue 8: DOE requests comment on the proposal to allow
determination of COP using two different methods: (1) testing at 55
[deg]F; or (2) interpolation of heating capacity and power values based
on testing in accordance with the proposed test procedure at EWTs
specified for heating tests in Table 2 of ISO 13256-1:1998 (i.e., 50
[deg]F and 68 [deg]F). Specifically, DOE seeks feedback on the proposed
method for calculating COP via interpolation, and on whether this
approach would serve as a potential burden-reducing option as compared
to testing at 55 [deg]F.
Issue 9: DOE requests comment on its proposal to specify in
proposed appendix C1 use of the cooling entering air conditions from
AHRI 340/360-2022 (i.e., 80 [deg]F dry-bulb temperature and 67 [deg]F
wet-bulb temperature) and the heating entering air conditions from AHRI
340/360-2022 (i.e., 70 [deg]F dry-bulb temperature and a maximum of 60
[deg]F wet-bulb temperature).
Issue 10: DOE requests comment on the proposal to adopt provisions
from AHRI 340/360-2022 such that testing would be conducted within
tolerance of the AHRI 340/360-2022 minimum ESP requirements, and
efficiency ratings would include the fan power measured to overcome the
tested ESP.
Issue 11: DOE requests comment on the proposed adoption of
provisions from AHRI 340/360-2022 for setting airflow and ESP for WSHP
Issue 12: DOE requests comment on its proposed instructions for
setting airflow and ESP for ducted WSHP units with discrete-step fans.
Issue 13: DOE requests comment on its proposal for setting airflow
and ESP for non-ducted WSHP units.
Issue 14: DOE requests comment on its proposed approach to adopt
the provisions in AHRI 340/360-2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 regarding
primary and secondary capacity measurements.
Issue 15: DOE requests comment on the proposal to adopt the cyclic
degradation equation specified in Section of AHRI 340/360-2022
for WSHPs, which assumes continuous indoor fan operation when the
compressor cycles off.
Issue 16: DOE requests comment on the proposed provisions to
account for pump power to overcome both internal pressure drop and a
representative level of liquid ESP for WSHPs with and without integral
pumps. DOE specifically requests comment on the representativeness of
20 ft of water column as the liquid ESP for WSHPs.
Issue 17: DOE requests comment on the proposed requirements for
using water or a brine of 15-percent solution by mass of sodium
chloride as the test liquid. DOE also requests comment on the
representativeness and test burden associated with permitting the use
of different liquids for different tests.
Issue 18: DOE requests comments on the proposal to utilize the
thermodynamic properties specified in ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 through DOE's
proposed incorporation by reference of AHRI 340/360-2022.
Issue 19: DOE requests comment on its proposal to adopt the AHRI
340/360-2022 approach for setting liquid flow rate for the full-load
cooling test, namely by specifying inlet and outlet liquid temperature
conditions rather than using a manufacturer-specified flow rate.
Issue 20: DOE requests feedback on its proposals to use
manufacturer-specified part-load liquid flow rates for part-load tests,
that the part-load flow rate be no higher than the full-load flow rate,
and to use the full-load liquid flow rate if no part-load liquid flow
rate is specified.
Issue 21: DOE requests comment on its proposal to use the liquid
flow rate determined from the full-load cooling test for all heating
Issue 22: DOE requests comment on its proposal to specify an
operating tolerance of 2 percent and a condition tolerance of 1 percent
for liquid flow rate in all tests with a target liquid flow rate.
Issue 23: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the
provisions for line loss adjustments included in Sections and of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 through incorporation by reference of
AHRI 340/360-2022.
Issue 24: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the
calculation of discharge coefficients and air measurement apparatus
requirements of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009.
Issue 25: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the air
condition measurement provisions in Appendix C of AHRI 340/360-2022.
Issue 26: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the duct
loss provisions in Section of ASHRAE 37-2009.
Issue 27: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the
refrigerant charging requirements in Section 5.8 of AHRI 340/360-2022.
Issue 28: DOE requests comments on the proposal to adopt the
voltage provisions in Section of AHRI 340/360-2022.
Issue 29: DOE seeks comment on its proposals regarding specific
components in 10 CFR 429.43, 10 CFR 429.134, and 10 CFR part 431,
subpart F, appendix C1.
Issue 30: DOE requests comment on its proposal to adopt the methods
for comparing relative efficiency of standard and non-standard indoor
fan motors and integrated fan and motor combinations specified in
Section D4 of AHRI 340/360-2022 in the proposed test procedure in 10
CFR part 431, subpart F, appendix C1, as well as in provisions for
determination of represented values in 10 CFR 429.43(a) and provisions
for DOE assessment and enforcement testing in 10 CFR 429.134.
Issue 31: DOE requests comment on its proposals related to
represented values and verification testing of cooling capacity for
Issue 32: DOE requests comment on its understanding of the impact
of the test procedure proposals in this NOPR. DOE also seeks specific
feedback on the estimated costs to rate WSHP models with an AEDM.
Issue 33: DOE requests comment on the number of small OEMs DOE
identified. DOE also seeks comment on the Department's estimates of
potential costs these small manufacturers may incur as a result of its
proposed amendments to the WSHP test procedure.
VI. Approval of the Office of the Secretary
The Secretary of Energy has approved publication of this notice of
proposed rulemaking and request for comment.
[[Page 53348]]
List of Subjects
10 CFR Part 429
Administrative practice and procedure, Confidential business
information, Energy conservation, Household appliances, Imports,
Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Small businesses.
10 CFR Part 431
Administrative practice and procedure, Confidential business
information, Energy conservation, Household appliances, Imports,
Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental relations, Laboratories,
Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Small businesses.
Signing Authority
This document of the Department of Energy was signed on August 3,
2022, by Kelly J. Speakes-Backman, Principal Deputy Assistant for
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, pursuant to delegated authority
from the Secretary of Energy. That document with the original signature
and date is maintained by DOE. For administrative purposes only, and in
compliance with requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the
undersigned DOE Federal Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to
sign and submit the document in electronic format for publication, as
an official document of the Department of Energy. This administrative
process in no way alters the legal effect of this document upon
publication in the Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC, on August 4, 2022.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, DOE is proposing to amend
parts 429 and 431 of Chapter II of Title 10, Code of Federal
Regulations, as amended on July 27, 2022 (published at 87 FR 45164), as
set forth below:
1. The authority citation for part 429 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291-6317; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.
2. Amend Sec. 429.4 by:
a. Revising paragraph (a);
b. Redesignating paragraph (c)(2) as paragraph (c)(3); and
c. Adding new paragraph (c)(2).
The revision and addition read as follows.
Sec. 429.4 Materials incorporated by reference.
(a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part
with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register in accordance
with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other
than that specified in this section, the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE) must publish a document in the Federal Register and the material
must be available to the public. All approved material is available for
inspection at the DOE and at the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). Contact DOE at: The U.S. Department of Energy,
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Building Technologies
Program, Sixth Floor, 950 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20024,
(202) 586-9127, [email protected], For information on
the availability of this material at NARA, email:
[email protected], or go to: The material may be obtained from the sources
in the following paragraphs of this section.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(2) AHRI Standard 340/360-2022 (I-P) (``AHRI 340/360-2022''), 2022
Standard for Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Unitary
Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment, AHRI-approved January 26,
2022; IBR approved for Sec. 429.43.
* * * * *
3. Amend Sec. 429.43 by adding paragraph (a)(3)(ii) to read as
Sec. 429.43 Commercial heating, ventilating, air conditioning (HVAC)
(a) * * *
(3) * * *
(ii) Water-Source Heat Pumps. When certifying to standards in terms
of IEER, the following provisions apply.
(A) Individual model selection:
(1) Representations for a basic model must be based on the least
efficient individual model(s) distributed in commerce among all
otherwise comparable model groups comprising the basic model, except as
provided in paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A)(2) of this section for individual
models that include components listed in table 1 to paragraph
(a)(3)(ii)(A) of this section. For the purpose of this paragraph
(a)(3)(ii)(A)(1), ``otherwise comparable model group'' means a group of
individual models distributed in commerce within the basic model that
do not differ in components that affect energy consumption as measured
according to the applicable test procedure specified at 10 CFR 431.96
other than those listed in table 1 to paragraph (a)(3)(ii)(A) of this
section. An otherwise comparable model group may include individual
models distributed in commerce with any combination of the components
listed in table 1 (or none of the components listed in table 1). An
otherwise comparable model group may consist of only one individual
(2) For a basic model that includes individual models distributed
in commerce with components listed in table 1 to paragraph
(a)(3)(ii)(A) of this section, the requirements for determining
representations apply only to the individual model(s) of a specific
otherwise comparable model group distributed in commerce with the least
number (which could be zero) of components listed in table 1 included
in individual models of the group. Testing under this paragraph shall
be consistent with any component-specific test provisions specified in
section 7 of appendix C1 to subpart F of part 431.
Table 2 to Paragraph (a)(3)
Component Description
Desiccant Dehumidification An assembly that reduces the moisture
Components. content of the supply air through
moisture transfer with solid or liquid
Air Economizers.............. An automatic system that enables a
cooling system to supply outdoor air to
reduce or eliminate the need for
mechanical cooling during mild or cold
[[Page 53349]]
Ventilation Energy Recovery An assembly that preconditions outdoor
System (VERS). air entering the equipment through
direct or indirect thermal and/or
moisture exchange with the exhaust air,
which is defined as the building air
being exhausted to the outside from the
Steam/Hydronic Heat Coils.... Coils used to provide supplemental
Refrigerant Reheat........... A heat exchanger located downstream of
the indoor coil that heats the supply
air during cooling operation using high-
pressure refrigerant in order to
increase the ratio of moisture removal
to cooling capacity provided by the
Fire/Smoke/Isolation Dampers. A damper assembly including means to open
and close the damper mounted at the
supply or return duct opening of the
Powered Exhaust/Powered A powered exhaust fan is a fan that
Return Air Fans. transfers directly to the outside a
portion of the building air that is
returning to the unit, rather than
allowing it to recirculate to the indoor
coil and back to the building. A powered
return fan is a fan that draws building
air into the equipment.
Sound Traps/Sound Attenuators An assembly of structures through which
the supply air passes before leaving the
equipment or through which the return
air from the building passes immediately
after entering the equipment for which
the sound insertion loss is at least 6
dB for the 125 Hz octave band frequency
Process Heat Recovery/Reclaim A heat exchanger located inside the unit
Coils/Thermal Storage. that conditions the equipment's supply
air using energy transferred from an
external source using a vapor, gas, or
Indirect/Direct Evaporative Water is used indirectly or directly to
Cooling of Ventilation Air. cool ventilation air. In a direct system
the water is introduced directly into
the ventilation air and in an indirect
system the water is evaporated in
secondary air stream and the heat is
removed through a heat exchanger.
Condenser Pumps/Valves/ Additional components in the water
Fittings. circuit for water control or filtering.
Condenser Water Reheat....... A heat exchanger located downstream of
the indoor coil that heats the supply
air during cooling operation using water
from the condenser coil in order to
increase the ratio of moisture removal
to cooling capacity provided by the
Grill Options................ Special grills used to direct airflow in
unique applications (such as up and away
from a rear wall).
Non-Standard Indoor Fan The standard indoor fan motor is the
Motors. motor specified in the manufacturer's
installation instructions for testing
and shall be distributed in commerce as
part of a particular model. A non-
standard motor is an indoor fan motor
that is not the standard indoor fan
motor and that is distributed in
commerce as part of an individual model
within the same basic model.
For a non-standard indoor fan motor(s) to
be considered a specific component for a
basic model (and thus subject to the
provisions of (a)(3)(ii)(A)(2) of this
section), the following provisions must
be met:
Non-standard indoor fan motor(s) must
meet the minimum allowable efficiency
determined per Section D4.1 of AHRI 340/
360-2022 (incorporated by reference, see
Sec. 429.4) (i.e., for non-standard
indoor fan motors) or per Section D4.2
of AHRI 340/360-2022 for non-standard
indoor integrated fan and motor
combinations). If the standard indoor
fan motor can vary fan speed through
control system adjustment of motor
speed, all non-standard indoor fan
motors must also allow speed control
(including with the use of a variable-
frequency drive).
(B) The represented value of cooling capacity must be between 95
percent and 100 percent of the mean of the cooling capacities measured
for the units in the sample selected as described in paragraph
(a)(1)(ii) of this section, or between 95 percent and 100 percent of
the cooling capacity output simulated by the AEDM as described in
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
* * * * *
4. Amend Sec. 429.134 by adding paragraph (t) to read as follows:
Sec. 429.134 Product-specific enforcement provisions.
* * * * *
(t) Water-Source Heat Pumps. The following provisions apply for
assessment and enforcement testing of models subject to standards in
terms of IEER.
(1) Verification of Cooling Capacity. The cooling capacity of each
tested unit of the basic model will be measured pursuant to the test
requirements of appendix C1 to subpart F of 10 CFR part 431. The mean
of the measurements will be used to determine the applicable standards
for purposes of compliance.
(2) Specific Components. If a basic model includes individual
models with components listed at table 1 to Sec. 429.43(a)(3)(ii)(A)
and DOE is not able to obtain an individual model with the least number
(which could be zero) of those components within an otherwise
comparable model group (as defined in Sec. 429.43(a)(3)(ii)(A)(1)),
DOE may test any individual model within the otherwise comparable model
(3) Approach for Determining IEER. If the manufacturer specifies
that they used ``Option 2'' as described in section 5.1.2 of appendix
C1 (i.e., using interpolation and extrapolation to determine
performance at IEER entering water temperatures), DOE will assess
compliance for the basic model based on testing in accordance with
``Option 2'' as described in section 5.1.2 of appendix C1. If the
manufacturer does not specify that they used ``Option 2'' as described
in section 5.1.2 of appendix C1, DOE will assess compliance for IEER
for the basic model based on testing in accordance ``Option 1'' as
described in section 5.1.1 of appendix C1.
5. The authority citation for part 431 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 6291-6317; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.
6. Amend Sec. 431.92 by revising the definition for ``Water-source
heat pump'' to read as follows:
[[Page 53350]]
Sec. 431.92 Definitions concerning commercial air conditioners and
heat pumps.
* * * * *
Water-source heat pump means commercial package air-conditioning
and heating equipment that is a single-phase or three-phase reverse-
cycle heat pump that uses a circulating water loop as the heat source
for heating and as the heat sink for cooling. The main components are a
compressor, refrigerant-to-water heat exchanger, refrigerant-to-air
heat exchanger, refrigerant expansion devices, refrigerant reversing
valve, and indoor fan (except that coil-only units do not include an
indoor fan). Such equipment includes, but is not limited to, water-to-
air water-loop heat pumps.
7. Amend Sec. 431.95 by:
a. Redesignating paragraphs (b)(4) through (b)(7) as paragraphs (b)(5)
through (b)(8);
b. Adding new paragraph (b)(4);
c. Revising paragraphs (c)(2);
d. Redesignating paragraphs (c)(3) through (7) as paragraphs (c)(5)
through (8);
e. Adding new paragraph (c)(3);
f. In the introductory text to (d), remove the text ``https://''; and
g. Revise paragraph (d)(1).
The additions and revisions read as follows:
Sec. 431.95 Materials incorporated by reference.
* * * * *
(b) * * *
(4) AHRI Standard 340/360-2022 (I-P) (``AHRI 340/360-2022''), 2022
Standard for Performance Rating of Commercial and Industrial Unitary
Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment, AHRI-approved January 26,
2022: IBR approved for appendix C1 to this subpart.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
(2) ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009 (``ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009''), Methods
of Testing for Rating Electrically Driven Unitary Air-Conditioning and
Heat Pump Equipment, ASHRAE approved June 24, 2009; IBR approved -for
Sec. 431.96 and appendices A, B, and C1 to this subpart.
(3) ASHRAE errata sheet to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 37-2009 (``ASHRAE
37-2009 TE''), issued March 27, 2019; IBR approved -for appendix C1 to
this subpart.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(1) ISO Standard 13256-1 (``ISO Standard 13256-1:1998''), ``Water-
source heat pumps--Testing and rating for performance--Part 1: Water-
to-air and brine-to-air heat pumps,'' approved 1998, IBR approved for
appendix C to this subpart.
* * * * *
8. Amend Sec. 431.96 by revising paragraph (b)(1) and table 1 to
paragraph (b) to read as follows:
Sec. 431.96 Uniform test method for the measurement of energy
efficiency of commercial air conditioners and heat pumps.
* * * * *
(b) * * * (1) Determine the energy efficiency and capacity of each
category of covered equipment by conducting the test procedure(s)
listed in table 1 to this paragraph (b) along with any additional
testing provisions set forth in paragraphs (c) through (g) of this
section and appendices A through C1 to this subpart, that apply to the
energy efficiency descriptor for that equipment, category, and cooling
capacity. The omitted sections of the test procedures listed in table 1
to this paragraph (b) must not be used.
* * * * *
Table 1 to Paragraph (b)--Test Procedures for Commercial Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps
Additional test
Cooling capacity or Use tests, procedure provisions
Equipment type Category moisture removal Energy efficiency conditions, and as indicated in the
capacity \2\ descriptor procedures \1\ in listed paragraphs of
this section
Small Commercial Package Air- Air-Cooled, 3-Phase, <65,000 Btu/h......... SEER and HSPF........ AHRI 210/240-2008 Paragraphs (c) and
Conditioning and Heating Equipment. AC and HP. (omit section 6.5). (e).
Air-Cooled AC and HP.. >=65,000 Btu/h and EER, IEER, and COP... Appendix A to this None.
<135,000 Btu/h. subpart.
Water-Cooled and <65,000 Btu/h......... EER.................. AHRI 210/240-2008 Paragraphs (c) and
Evaporatively-Cooled (omit section 6.5). (e).
>=65,000 Btu/h and EER.................. AHRI 340/360-2007 Paragraphs (c) and
<135,000 Btu/h. (omit section 6.3). (e).
Water-Source HP....... <135,000 Btu/h........ EER and COP.......... Appendix C to this None.
Water-Source HP....... <135,000 Btu/h........ IEER and COP......... Appendix C1 to this None.
Large Commercial Package Air- Air-Cooled AC and HP.. >=135,000 Btu/h and EER, IEER and COP.... Appendix A to this None.
Conditioning and Heating Equipment. <240,000 Btu/h. subpart.
Water-Cooled and >=135,000 Btu/h and EER.................. AHRI 340/360-2007 Paragraphs (c) and
Evaporatively-Cooled <240,000 Btu/h. (omit section 6.3). (e).
Water-Source HP....... >=135,000 Btu/h and EER and COP.......... Appendix C to this None.
<240,000 Btu/h. subpart\3\.
Water-Source HP....... >=135,000 Btu/h and IEER and COP......... Appendix C1 to this None.
<240,000 Btu/h. subpart\3\.
Very Large Commercial Package Air- Air-Cooled AC and HP.. >=240,000 Btu/h and EER, IEER and COP.... Appendix A to this None.
Conditioning and Heating Equipment. <760,000 Btu/h. subpart.
[[Page 53351]]
Water-Cooled and >=240,000 Btu/h and EER.................. AHRI 340/360-2007 Paragraphs (c) and
Evaporatively-Cooled <760,000 Btu/h. (omit section 6.3). (e).
Water-Source HP....... >=240,000 Btu/h and EER and COP.......... Appendix C to this None.
<760,000 Btu/h. subpart\3\.
Water-Source HP....... >=240,000 Btu/h and IEER and COP......... Appendix C1 to this None.
<760,000 Btu/h. subpart\3\.
Packaged Terminal Air Conditioners AC and HP............. <760,000 Btu/h........ EER and COP.......... Paragraph (g) of this Paragraphs (c), (e),
and Heat Pumps. section. and (g).
Computer Room Air Conditioners..... AC.................... <65,000 Btu/h......... SCOP................. ASHRAE 127-2007 (omit Paragraphs (c) and
section 5.11). (e).
>=65,000 Btu/h and SCOP................. ASHRAE 127-2007 (omit Paragraphs (c) and
<760,000 Btu/h. section 5.11). (e).
Variable Refrigerant Flow Multi- AC.................... <65,000 Btu/h (3- SEER................. AHRI 1230-2010 (omit Paragraphs (c), (d),
split Systems. phase). sections 5.1.2 and (e), and (f).
>=65,000 Btu/h and EER.................. AHRI 1230-2010 (omit Paragraphs (c), (d),
<760,000 Btu/h. sections 5.1.2 and (e), and (f).
Variable Refrigerant Flow Multi- HP.................... <65,000 Btu/h (3- SEER and HSPF........ AHRI 1230-2010 (omit Paragraphs (c), (d),
split Systems, Air-cooled. phase). sections 5.1.2 and (e), and (f).
>=65,000 Btu/h and EER and COP.......... AHRI 1230-2010 (omit Paragraphs (c), (d),
<760,000 Btu/h. sections 5.1.2 and (e), and (f).
Variable Refrigerant Flow Multi- HP.................... <760,000 Btu/h........ EER and COP.......... AHRI 1230-2010 (omit Paragraphs (c), (d),
split Systems, Water-source. sections 5.1.2 and (e), and (f).
Single Package Vertical Air AC and HP............. <760,000 Btu/h........ EER and COP.......... AHRI 390-2003 (omit Paragraphs (c) and
Conditioners and Single Package section 6.4). (e).
Vertical Heat Pumps.
Direct Expansion-Dedicated Outdoor All................... <324 lbs. of moisture ISMRE2 and ISCOP2.... Appendix B to this None.
Air Systems. removal/hr. subpart.
\1\ Incorporated by reference; see Sec. 431.95.
\2\ Moisture removal capacity is determined according to appendix B of this subpart.
\3\ For equipment with multiple appendices listed in this table 1, consult the notes at the beginning of those appendices to determine the applicable
appendix to use for testing.
* * * * *
9. Add appendix C to subpart F of part 431 to read as follows:
Appendix C to Subpart F of Part 431--Uniform Test Method for Measuring
the Energy Consumption of Water-Source Heat Pumps
Note: Manufacturers must use the results of testing under this
appendix to determine compliance with the relevant standard at Sec.
431.97 as that standard appeared in the January 1, 2022 edition of
10 CFR parts 200-499. Specifically, representations must be based on
testing according to either this appendix or 10 CFR 431.96 as it
appeared in the 10 CFR parts 200-499 edition revised as of January
1, 2022.
Starting on [Date 360 days after publication of the final rule
in the Federal Register], voluntary representations with respect to
the energy efficiency ratio (EER) of water-source heat pumps with
cooling capacity greater than or equal to 135,000 Btu/h and less
than 760,000 Btu/h must be based on testing according to appendix C
of this subpart. Manufacturers may also use appendix C to make
voluntary representations with respect to EER prior to [Date 360
days after publication of the final rule in the Federal Register].
Starting on [Date 360 days after publication of the final rule
in the Federal Register], voluntary representations with respect to
the integrated energy efficiency ratio (IEER) of water-source heat
pumps must be based on testing according to appendix C1 of this
subpart. Manufacturers may also use appendix C1 to make voluntary
representations with respect to IEER prior to [Date 360 days after
publication of the final rule in the Federal Register].
Starting on the compliance date for any amended energy
conservation standards for water-source heat pumps based on IEER,
any representations, including compliance certifications, made with
respect to the energy use or energy efficiency of water-source heat
pumps must be based on testing according to appendix C1 of this
Manufacturers may also to certify compliance with any amended
energy conservation standards for water-source heat pumps based on
IEER prior to the applicable compliance date for those standards,
and those compliance certifications must be based on testing
according to appendix C1 of this subpart.
1. Incorporation by Reference.
DOE incorporated by reference in Sec. 431.95 the entire
standard for ISO 13256-1:1998. To the extent there is a conflict
between the terms or provisions of a referenced industry standard
and this appendix, the appendix provisions control.
2. General.
Determine the energy efficiency ratio (EER) and coefficient of
performance (COP) in accordance with ISO 13256-1:1998.
Section 3 of this appendix provides additional instructions for
determining EER and COP.
[[Page 53352]]
3. Additional Provisions for Equipment Set-up. The only
additional specifications that may be used in setting up the basic
model for testing are those set forth in the installation and
operation manual shipped with the unit. Each unit should be set up
for test in accordance with the manufacturer installation and
operation manuals. Sections 3.1 through 3.2 of this appendix provide
specifications for addressing key information typically found in the
installation and operation manuals.
3.1. If a manufacturer specifies a range of superheat, sub-
cooling, and/or refrigerant pressure in its installation and
operation manual for a given basic model, any value(s) within that
range may be used to determine refrigerant charge or mass of
refrigerant, unless the manufacturer clearly specifies a rating
value in its installation and operation manual, in which case the
specified rating value must be used.
3.2. The airflow rate used for testing must be that set forth in
the installation and operation manuals being shipped to the
commercial customer with the basic model and clearly identified as
that used to generate the DOE performance ratings. If a rated
airflow value for testing is not clearly identified, a value of 400
standard cubic feet per minute (scfm) per ton must be used.
10. Add appendix C1 to subpart F of part 431 to read as follows:
Appendix C1 to Subpart F of Part 431--Uniform Test Method for Measuring
the Energy Consumption of Water-Source Heat Pumps
Note: Prior to the compliance date of amended standards for
water-source heat pumps that rely on integrated energy efficiency
ratio (IEER) published after January 1, 2022, representations with
respect to the energy use or energy efficiency of water-source heat
pumps, including compliance certifications, must be based on energy
efficiency ratio (EER) testing according to this appendix C of this
Starting on [Date 360 days after publication of the final rule
in the Federal Register], voluntary representations with respect to
the IEER of water-source heat pumps must be based on testing
according to this appendix. Manufacturers may also use this appendix
C1 to make voluntary representations with respect to IEER prior to
[Date 360 days after publication of the final rule in the Federal
Starting on the compliance date for any amended energy
conservation standards for water-source heat pumps based on IEER,
any representations, including compliance certifications, made with
respect to the energy use or energy efficiency of water-source heat
pumps must be based on testing according to this appendix.
Manufacturers may also certify compliance with any amended
energy conservation standards for water-source heat pumps based on
IEER prior to the applicable compliance date for those standards,
and those compliance certifications must be based on testing
according to this appendix.
1. Incorporation by Reference.
DOE incorporated by reference in Sec. 431.95 the entire
standard for AHRI 340/360-2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 (which
includes ASHRAE 37-2009 TE). However, only certain enumerated
provisions of AHRI 340/360-2022 are applicable, while the enumerated
provisions of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 are inapplicable as set out in
this section 1. To the extent there is a conflict between the terms
or provisions of a referenced industry standard and this appendix,
the appendix provisions control, followed by AHRI 340/360-2022,
followed by ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009.
1.1. Applicable provisions.
1.1.1. AHRI 340/360-2022:
(a) Section 3 Definitions, except the following subsections: 3.2
(Basic Model), 3.4 (Commercial and Industrial Unitary Air-
conditioning Equipment), 3.5 (Commercial and Industrial Unitary Heat
Pump), 3.7 (Double-duct System), 3.8 (Energy Efficiency Ratio), 3.12
(Heating Coefficient of Performance), 3.14 (Integrated Energy
Efficiency Ratio), 3.15 (Indoor Single Package Air-conditioners),
3.17 (Makeup Water), 3.23 (Published Rating), 3.26 (Single Package
Air-Conditioners), 3.27 (Single Package Heat Pumps), 3.29 (Split
System Air-conditioners), 3.30 (Split System Heat Pump), and 3.36
(Year Round Single Package Air-conditioners);
(b) Section 5 Test Requirements;
(c) Section 6 Rating Requirements, except the following
subsections:, (Values of Standard Capacity Ratings),, (Heating Test for MZVAV Units),
(Part-Load Cooling Tests for MZVAV Units), 6.5 (Ratings), 6.6
(Uncertainty), and 6.7 (Verification Testing);
(d) Appendix A References--Normative;
(e) Appendix C Indoor and Outdoor Air Condition Measurement--
Normative; and
(f) Appendix E Method of Testing Unitary Air Conditioning
1.1.2. [Reserved]
1.2. Inapplicable provisions.
1.2.1. ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009
(a) Section 1 Purpose, as specified in section 2.2 of this
(b) Section 2 Scope, as specified in section 2.2 of this
appendix; and
(c) Section 4 Classification, as specified in section 2.2 of
this appendix.
1.2.2. [Reserved]
2. General.
Determine integrated energy efficiency ratio (IEER) and heating
coefficient of performance (COP) in accordance with AHRI 340/360-
2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009; however, only the following enumerated
provisions of AHRI 340/360-2022 are applicable, as set forth in
section 2.1 of this appendix. All sections of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009
are applicable with the exception of provisions listed in section
2.2 of this appendix.
Sections 2 through 7 of this appendix provide additional
instructions for testing. In cases where there is a conflict, the
language of this appendix takes highest precedence, followed by AHRI
340/360-2022, followed by ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009. Any subsequent
amendment to a referenced document by the standard-setting
organization will not affect the test procedure in this appendix,
unless and until the test procedure is amended by DOE. Material is
incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and a notice
of any change in the incorporation will be published in the Federal
2.1. Test requirements and test conditions specified for water-
cooled equipment in AHRI 340/360-2022 and ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009 are
applicable to water-source heat pumps.
2.2. For units without integral fans, use test requirements and
test conditions specified as ``coil-only'' in AHRI 340/360-2022 and
ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009.
2.3. When using the Outdoor Liquid Coil Method, when calculating
the total heating capacity, use the ASHRAE 37-2009 TE heating
capacity formula for section of ANSI/ASHRAE 37-2009.
3. Airflow and External Static Pressure.
3.1. Non-Ducted Units.
These provisions apply to units that are not configured
exclusively for delivery of conditioned air to the indoor space
without a duct(s).
3.1.1. Target Airflow and ESP.
Determine the target airflow in accordance with Section
of AHRI 340/360-2022, using an external static pressure (ESP) of
0.00 in H2O in place of the ESP specified in Section of AHRI 340/360-2022. Exclude Section of AHRI 340/
3.1.2. Airflow and ESP Tolerances and Set-Up.
Exclude Section of AHRI 340/360-2022, and use the
provisions in this section for indoor external static pressure and
airflow set-up. For each test, set indoor airflow while operating
the unit at the rating conditions specified for the test. After
setting the airflow, no adjustments may be made to the fan control
settings during the test. Tolerances.
All tolerances for airflow and ESP specified in section 3.1.2 of
this appendix for setting airflow and ESP are condition tolerances
that apply for each test. Specifically, the average value of a
parameter measured over the course of the test shall vary from the
target value by no more than the condition tolerance. Operating
tolerances for ESP and nozzle pressure drop are specified in Table
11 of AHRI 340/360-2022. Use the manufacturer-specified fan control settings for
all tests for which they are provided. Use the full-load cooling fan
control settings specified by the manufacturer for all tests for
which fan control settings are not specified. If there are no
manufacturer-specified fan control settings for any tests, use the
as-shipped fan control settings for all tests. For all tests, conduct the test at 0.00 in H2O with a
condition tolerance of -0/+0.05 in H2O. For heating tests and part-load cooling tests for which
there is no manufacturer-specified airflow and the cooling full-load
rated indoor airflow is not used as the airflow for the test because
there are manufacturer-specified fan control settings or other
instructions used to obtain steady-state operation for the test, per
the provisions of Section of AHRI 340/360-2022, there is no
airflow condition
[[Page 53353]]
tolerance for that test. For all other tests, the airflow condition
tolerance is 3% of the target airflow determined in
section 3.1.1 of this appendix. If both the ESP and airflow cannot be simultaneously
maintained within tolerance for any test, maintain the ESP within
the required tolerance and use an airflow as close to the
manufacturer-specified value as possible. The average airflow rate
measured over the course of the test shall be within 3%
of the airflow rate measured after setting airflow for the test. If section of this appendix is used to set the
full-load cooling airflow, use the measured full-load cooling
airflow as the target airflow for all subsequent tests that call for
the full-load cooling airflow.
3.2. Ducted Units.
These provisions apply to units that are configured for delivery
of conditioned air to the indoor space with a duct(s).
3.2.1. For units with continuously variable-speed fans, set
airflow and external static pressure in accordance with Sections,, and of AHRI 340/360-2022.
3.2.2. For units without continuously variable-speed fans, set
airflow and external static pressure in accordance with Sections,, and of AHRI 340/360-2022, except use
section of this appendix in place of Sections
and of AHRI 340/360-2022. For two adjacent fan control settings, if both airflow
and ESP tolerances cannot be met, (e.g., decreasing fan speed when
the ESP or airflow are too high causes the ESP or airflow to be
lower than the tolerance range, and increasing fan speed when the
ESP or airflow are too low causes the ESP or airflow to be higher
than the tolerance range), operate at the lower fan control setting,
adjust the airflow measuring apparatus to maintain the ESP within -
0.00/+0.05 in H2O of the requirement determined in Section
of AHRI 340/360-2022, and maintain the airflow at a rate no lower
than 90% of the airflow rate determined in Section of AHRI
340/360-2022. If increasing ESP to within -0.00/+0.05 in H2O of the
requirement determined in Section of AHRI 340/360-2022
reduces airflow of the unit under test to less than 90% of the
manufacturer-specified airflow, then the next higher fan control
setting shall be utilized to obtain rated airflow. Using this higher
fan control setting, maintain airflow within tolerance and maintain
the ESP as close as possible to the value determined in Section of AHRI 340/360-2022.
4. Test Liquid, Liquid ESP, and Pump Effect.
4.1. The test liquid for all tests other than the optional HFL3
low-temperature heating test specified in Table 9 of this appendix
must be water unless the manufacturer specifies to use a brine of
15% solution by mass of sodium chloride in water. The test liquid
for the optional HFL3 low-temperature heating test must be a brine
of 15% solution by mass of sodium chloride in water.
4.2. For units with an integral pump, set the external static
pressure to 20 ft of water column, with a -0/+1 ft condition
tolerance and a 1 ft operating tolerance.
4.3. For units without an integral pump, when calculating EER
and COP, an addition for the pump effect, PE, must be added to the
unit's measured power and determined using Equation 1 of this
appendix. Use this adder in place of Section of AHRI 340/
PE = Pump effect, W
WF = Liquid flow rate, gpm
PPB = Basic Pumping Penalty (Table 1), W/(gpm*psi)
[Delta]P = Pressure drop measured across liquid heat exchanger, psi
C = 25 W/gpm based on 20 ft external head
Table 1--Basic Pumping Penalty (PPB) vs. Liquid Flow Rate (WF)
Basic pumping
penalty (PPB),
Liquid flow rate (WF), gpm W/(gpm*psi)
1.0-4.0................................................. 5.00
4.1-7.9................................................. 3.88
8.0-11.9................................................ 2.69
12.0-15.9............................................... 2.32
16.0-19.9............................................... 2.14
20.0 and above.......................................... 2.02
4.4. Condenser section power (PCD) in Equation 4 of AHRI 340/
360-2022 must be determined as follows (instead of determining via
Section of AHRI 340/360-2022):
4.4.1. For units with an integral pump, PCD is equal to the
measured pump power.
4.4.2. For units without an integral pump, PCD is equal to the
pump effect determined per section 4.3 of this appendix.
5. Cooling Rating.
5.1. Methods for Determining IEER.
Determine the integrated energy efficiency ratio (IEER) using
one of two options, as described in the following sections 5.1.1 and
5.1.2 of this appendix.
5.1.1. Option 1: Determine IEER in Accordance with Section 6.2
of AHRI 340/360-2022.
Test at the four IEER inlet water temperatures specified for
water-cooled equipment in Table 9 of AHRI 340/36-2022, and perform
all tests according to sections 2 through 4 and section 7 of this
Except as adjusted for operation at low condenser temperatures
per Section E7 of AHRI 340/360-2022, for part-load cooling tests,
use manufacturer-specified liquid flow rates. For all part-load
cooling tests, the liquid flow rate shall not exceed the liquid flow
rate used for the cooling full-load tests. If the manufacturer-
specified part-load cooling liquid flow rate is higher than the
liquid flow rate used for the cooling full-load tests, use the
liquid flow rate used for the cooling full-load tests. If no
manufacturer-specified value for part-load cooling liquid flow rate
is provided, use the liquid flow rate used for the cooling full-load
tests. The condition tolerance on liquid flow rate in part-load
tests is 1% of the target liquid flow rate.
5.1.2. Option 2: Determine IEER by Interpolation and
Test at the inlet water temperatures described in Tables 2 and 3
of this appendix, then interpolate and extrapolate to the IEER inlet
water temperatures specified in Table 4 of this appendix. Sections through of this appendix specify the steps required
to determine IEER using Option 2. Measure Capacity at Option 2 Inlet Water Temperatures.
For all units, conduct full-load cooling tests at the inlet
water temperatures as specified in section of this
appendix. For staged capacity controlled and proportionally
controlled units, conduct part-load cooling tests at the inlet water
temperatures as specified in section of this appendix.
Perform all tests according to provisions outlined in sections 2
through 4 and 7 of this appendix. No part-load cooling tests are
required for fixed-capacity controlled units.
For all tests, measure the following values: cooling capacity;
total power; compressor power; condenser section power; control
circuit power and any auxiliary loads; and indoor fan power.
Condenser section power must be determined in accordance with
section 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 of this appendix. Full-load Tests.
For all units, perform tests to determine full-load capacity at
each of the conditions specified in Table 2 of this appendix. Follow
all provisions for full-load cooling airflow in section 3 of this
The full-load cooling liquid flow rate shall be determined
during the ``CFL3 high temperature'' test in Table 2 of this
appendix, using fixed inlet and outlet water temperatures. For the
``CFL2 medium temperature'' and ``CFL1 low temperature'' tests in
Table 2 of this appendix, use the liquid flow rate obtained during
the ``CFL3 high temperature'' test in Table 2 of this appendix with
a condition tolerance on liquid flow rate of 1% of the target liquid
flow rate.
Table 2--IEER Option 2 Full-Load Test Conditions
CFL3 high CFL2 medium CFL1 low
Test name temperature temperature temperature
Air entering indoor side:
Dry bulb, [deg]F............................................ 80.0 80.0 80.0
[[Page 53354]]
Wet bulb, [deg]F............................................ 67.0 67.0 67.0
Condenser liquid temperature:
Entering, [deg]F............................................ 86.0 77.0 59.0
Leaving, [deg]F............................................. 96.0 See note 1 See note 1
1. All full-load tests must be conducted at the liquid flow rate as determined from the CFL3 high temperature
cooling test.
CFL3 = The highest temperature Cooling Full-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 2
CFL2 = The medium temperature Cooling Full-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 2
CFL1 = The lowest temperature Cooling Full-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 2 Part-load Tests.
For staged-capacity controlled units and proportionally
controlled units, additionally perform tests to determine part-load
capacity at each of the conditions specified in Table 3 of this
appendix. Perform all part-load tests using the minimum compressor
speed of the unit. Follow all provisions for part-load cooling
airflow in section 3 of this appendix.
Except as adjusted for operation at low condenser temperatures
per Section E7 of AHRI 340/360-2022, for part-load cooling tests,
use manufacturer-specified liquid flow rates. For all part-load
cooling tests, the liquid flow rate shall not exceed the liquid flow
rate used for the cooling full-load tests. If the manufacturer-
specified part-load cooling liquid flow rate is higher than the
liquid flow rate used for the cooling full-load tests, use the
liquid flow rate used for the cooling full-load tests. If no
manufacturer-specified value for part-load cooling liquid flow rate
is provided, use the liquid flow rate used for the cooling full-load
tests. The condition tolerance on liquid flow rate is 1% of the
target liquid flow rate.
Table 3--IEER Option 2 Part-Load Test Conditions
CPL3 high CPL2 medium CPL1 low
Test name temperature temperature temperature
Air entering indoor side:
Dry bulb, [deg]F............................................ 80.0 80.0 80.0
Wet bulb, [deg]F............................................ 67.0 67.0 67.0
Condenser liquid temperature:
Entering, [deg]F............................................ 86.0 68.0 59.0
CPL3 = The highest temperature Cooling Part-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 3
CPL2 = The medium temperature Cooling Part-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 3
CPL1 = The lowest temperature Cooling Part-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 3 Interpolate and Extrapolate Measurements to IEER
Entering Liquid Temperatures.
Use sections and of this appendix to
interpolate and extrapolate the values measured in section
of this appendix from the inlet water temperatures used in Tables 2
and 3 of this appendix to the IEER inlet water temperatures
specified in Table 4 of this appendix.
Table 4--IEER Conditions
liquid Weighting
IEER point Capacity level Percent load temperature factor [%]
A..................................... Full.................... 100 85.0 2.0
B..................................... Part.................... 75 73.5 61.7
C..................................... Part.................... 50 62.0 23.8
D..................................... Part.................... 25 55.0 12.5
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full Load.
For all units, calculate the full-load capacity and total power
at IEER points A through D using Equation 2 of this appendix and the
parameters outlined in Table 5 of this appendix.
For fixed-capacity control units, also calculate the full-load
compressor power, condenser section power, control circuit power and
any auxiliary loads, and indoor fan power at IEER points B through D
using Equation 2 of this appendix and the parameters outlined in
Table 5 of this appendix.
The interpolated value of each parameter is designated by
Vcalc in Equation 2 of this appendix.
[[Page 53355]]
Table 5--Full-Load Interpolation Input Values
Tlow [[deg]F] Thigh [[deg]F] Tcalc [[deg]F]
IEER point Vlow\1\ Vhigh\1\
A............................ 77.0 86.0 85.0 Value from CFL2 Value from CFL3
Medium High
Temperature. Temperature.
B............................ 59.0 77.0 73.5 Value from CFL1. Value from CFL2
Low Temperature. Medium
C............................ 59.0 77.0 62.0 Value from CFL1. Value from CFL2
Low Temperature. Medium
D............................ 59.0 77.0 55.0 Value from CFL1. Value from CFL2
Low Temperature. Medium
1. For each given measured value (i.e., cooling capacity; total power; compressor power; condenser section
power; control circuit power and any auxiliary loads; and indoor fan power), use the measured value from the
specified test in Table 2 of this appendix. Part Load.
For staged-capacity controlled and proportionally controlled
units, calculate the part-load capacity, total power, compressor
power, condenser section power, control circuit power and any
auxiliary loads, and indoor fan power at IEER points B through D
using Equation 2 of this appendix and the parameters outlined in
Table 6 of this appendix. The interpolated value of each parameter
is designated by Vcalc in Equation 2 of this appendix.
Table 6--Part-Load Interpolation Input Values
Tlow [[deg]F] Thigh Tcalc
IEER point [[deg]F] [[deg]F] Vlow \1\ Vhigh \1\
B............................ 68.0 86.0 73.5 Value from CPL2 Value from CPL3
Medium High
Temperature. Temperature.
C............................ 59.0 68.0 62.0 Value from CPL1 Value from CPL2
Low Temperature. Medium
D............................ 59.0 68.0 55.0 Value from CPL1 Value from CPL2
Low Temperature. Medium
\1\ For each given measured value (i.e., cooling capacity; total power; compressor power; condenser section
power; control circuit power and any auxiliary loads; and indoor fan power), use the measured value from the
specified test in Table 3 of this appendix. Calculate Full-load and Part-load EERs at IEER Points.
For all units, calculate the full-load EER for each IEER point A
through D of Table 5 as the ratio of the full-load capacity in Btu/h
to the full-load total power in W determined in section of
this appendix.
For staged capacity controlled and proportionally controlled
units, also calculate the part-load EER for each IEER point B
through D of Table 5 as the ratio of the part-load capacity in Btu/h
to the part-load total power in W determined in section of
this appendix. Determine Tested Percent Load at IEER Points B Through
For all units, use Equation 3 to divide the interpolated full-
load capacity values at IEER points B through D (determined in
section of this appendix) by the full-load capacity at
IEER point A (determined in section of this appendix).
For staged capacity control units and proportionally controlled
units, use Equation 3 to divide the interpolated part-load capacity
values at IEER points B through D (determined in section
of this appendix), by the full-load capacity at IEER point A
(determined in section of this appendix).
The values calculated at this stage are referred to as ``tested
percent load'' in section of this appendix.
PLTested = The full-load or part-load tested percent load
at a given IEER point
qx = The full-load or part-load capacity at a given IEER
point calculated in sections and of this
appendix for IEER points B through D, Btu/h
qA, FL = The full-load capacity calculated in section of this appendix for IEER point A, Btu/h Determine EER at the IEER Load Level for IEER Points B
Through D.
For each of the IEER points B through D of Table 5, determine
the EER at the IEER percent load specified in Table 4 of this
appendix (i.e., 75, 50, or 25). For each IEER point B through D of
Table 5, if the full-load or part-load tested percent load
calculated in section of this appendix is within the allowed
range specified in Table 7 of this appendix, use the corresponding
EER determined in section of this appendix as the EER for
the IEER point. In all other cases, the EER must be determined by
adjustments as described in sections 0 and of this
Table 7--Tolerance on Capacity Percentage
Minimum Maximum
Target percent allowable allowable
IEER point load tested percent tested percent
load load
B............................................................... 75 72 78
C............................................................... 50 47 53
D............................................................... 25 22 28
[[Page 53356]] Fixed-capacity Control Units.
For fixed-capacity control units, perform all adjustments of EER
values by cyclic degradation of the full-load EERs to account for
the impact of the compressor cycling to meet a load. Perform the
adjustments as specified in section of this appendix. Staged Capacity Control Units and Proportionally
Controlled Units.
For IEER points B through D of Table 5, if the part-load tested
percent load calculated in section of this appendix is below
the minimum allowable tested percent load in Table 7 of this
appendix, calculate EER for this IEER point by interpolating between
the full-load EER and part-load EER as specified in section of this appendix. If the part-load tested percent load
calculated in section of this appendix is above the maximum
allowable tested percent load in Table 7 of this appendix, calculate
EER for this point using the cyclic degradation adjustment in
section of this appendix. Calculate EER by Interpolation Between Full Load and
Part Load.
Calculate EER at a single IEER point by interpolating between
the full-load tested percent load and the part-load tested percent
load calculated in section of this appendix to the IEER
point load percentage specified in Table 4 of this appendix, as
shown in Equation 4 of this appendix.
PLTarget = The IEER load fraction at the desired rating
condition from Table 4 of this appendix, represented as a percentage
(i.e., 75, 50, or 25)
PLTested,PL = The part-load tested percent load at the
desired rating condition calculated in section of this
PLTested,FL = The full-load tested percent load at the
desired rating condition calculated in section of this
EERPL = The part-load EER calculated in section
of this appendix
EERFL = The full-load EER calculated in section
of this appendix Calculate EER by Cyclic Degradation.
For fixed capacity control units, adjust the full-load EER at a
single IEER point for cyclic degradation by using Equation 5 through
Equation 7 of this appendix with values calculated for full load in
section of this appendix.
For staged capacity control and proportionally controlled units,
adjust the part-load EER at a single IEER point for cyclic
degradation by using Equation 5 through Equation 7 of this appendix
with values calculated for part load in section of this
PLTested = The tested percent load calculated in section of this appendix
PLTarget = The IEER percentage of full load from Table 4
of this appendix, represented as a percentage (i.e., 75, 50, or 25)
PC = Compressor power at a given IEER point calculated in
section of this appendix for IEER points B through D, W
PCD = Condenser Section power, including the total
pumping effect calculated in section 4.3 of this appendix, at a
given IEER point calculated in section of this appendix for
IEER points B through D, W
PCT = Control circuit power and any auxiliary loads at a
given IEER point calculated in section of this appendix for
IEER points B through D, W
PIF = Indoor fan power at a given IEER point calculated
in section of this appendix for IEER points B through D, W
qx = The full-load or part-load capacity at a given IEER
point calculated in section of this appendix for IEER points
B through D, Btu/h Calculate IEER.
Use Equation 8 of this appendix to calculate IEER as a weighted
mean of the EERs determined at each of the IEER points.
[[Page 53357]]
EERA = Full-load EER at IEER point A determined in
section of this appendix.
EERB = EER at IEER point B determined in section
of this appendix
EERC = EER at IEER point C determined in section
of this appendix
EERD = >EER at IEER point D determined in section
of this appendix
5.2. Optional Representations of EER.
Representations of EER at any full-load or part-load conditions,
made using conditions specified in section or of
this appendix and the provisions of sections 2 through 4 and 7 of
this appendix are optional.
6. Heating Rating.
6.1. Liquid Flow Rate.
If IEER was determined using Option 1 in section 5.1 of this
appendix, use the liquid flow rate determined from the ``Standard
Rating Conditions Cooling'' test for water-cooled equipment as
defined in Table 6 of AHRI 340/360-2022 for all heating tests. If
IEER was determined using Option 2 in section 5.1 of this appendix,
use the liquid flow rate determined from the CFL3 high temperature
cooling test in section of this appendix for all heating
tests in Tables 8 and 9 of this appendix. The condition tolerance on
liquid flow rate is 1%.
6.2. Methods for Determining COP.
Determine the COP using one of two options, as described in the
following sections 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 of this appendix.
6.2.1. Option A: Determine COP by Testing at Conditions
Specified in Table 8 of this Appendix.
Determine COP according to the applicable provisions in sections
2 through 4 and 7 of this appendix using the conditions in Table 8
of this appendix. Use the liquid flow rate specified in section 6.1
of this appendix.
Table 8--Standard Heating Rating Conditions
HFL0 rating
Test name temperature
Air entering indoor side
Dry bulb, [deg]F.................................... 70.0
Wet bulb, [deg]F.................................... 60.0 (max)
Liquid temperature
Entering, [deg]F.................................... 55.0
Leaving, [deg]F..................................... See note 1
1. All heating tests must be conducted at the liquid flow rate specified
in section 6.1 of this appendix.
HFL0 = The standard rating condition Heating Full-Load test as
defined in Table 8
6.2.2. Option B: Determine COP by Interpolation.
Test at the HFL3 and HFL2 conditions in Table 9 of this
appendix, then interpolate to the HFL0 inlet water temperature
specified in Table 8 of this appendix. Sections and
of this appendix specify the steps required to determine COP using
Option B.
Table 9--Optional Heating Rating Conditions
HFL3 high HFL2 Medium HFL1 Low
Test name temperature temperature temperature
Air entering indoor side
Dry bulb, [deg]F............................................ 70.0 70.0 70.0
Wet bulb, [deg]F............................................ 60.0 (max) 60.0 (max) 60.0 (max)
Liquid temperature
Entering, [deg]F............................................ 68.0 50.0 32.0
Leaving, [deg]F............................................. See note 1 See note 1 See note 1
1. All heating tests must be conducted at the liquid flow rate specified in section 6.1 of this appendix.
HFL3 = The highest temperature Heating Full-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 9
HFL2 = The medium temperature Heating Full-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 9
HFL1 = The lowest temperature Heating Full-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 9 Measure Capacity and Total Power at Option B Inlet
Water Temperatures.
Conduct heating tests at the HFL3 and HFL2 conditions specified
in Table 9 of this appendix according to the applicable provisions
in sections 2 through 4 and 7 of this appendix. The liquid flow rate
must be set as defined in section 6.1 of this appendix. For all
tests, measure heating capacity and total power. Interpolate Measurements to COP Entering Liquid
Interpolate the heating capacity and total power values measured
in section of this appendix from the inlet liquid
temperatures used in section of this appendix to the inlet
liquid temperature specified in Table 8 of this appendix. Use
Equation 9 of this appendix and the parameters outlined in Table 10
of this appendix. The interpolated value of each parameter is
designated by Vcalc in Equation 9 of this appendix.
[[Page 53358]]
Table 10--Heating Interpolation Input Values
Thigh [[deg]F] Tcalc [[deg]F]
Tlow [[deg]F] Vlow \1\ Vhigh \1\
50.0.............................. 68.0 55.0 Value from HFL2 Value from HFL3 High
Medium Temperature. Temperature
1. For each given measured value (i.e., heating capacity in W and total power in W), use the measured value from
the specified test in Table 9 of this appendix. Calculate COP as the ratio of the interpolated heating
capacity in W to the interpolated total power in W calculated in
section of this appendix.
6.3. Optional Representations of COP.
Representations of COP using the conditions specified in Table 9
of this appendix are optional and are determined according to the
applicable provisions of sections 2 through 4 and 7 of this
appendix. The liquid flow rate must be set as defined in section 6.1
of this appendix.
Representations of part-load COP using the conditions specified
in Table 11 of this appendix are optional and are determined
according to the applicable provisions of sections 2 through 4 and 7
of this appendix. For part-load heating tests, use manufacturer-
specified liquid flow rates. For all part-load heating tests, the
liquid flow rate shall not exceed the liquid flow rate defined in
section 6.1 of this appendix. If the manufacturer-specified part-
load heating liquid flow rate is higher than the liquid flow rate
used for the cooling full-load tests, use the liquid flow rate used
for the cooling full-load tests. If no manufacturer-specified value
for part-load heating liquid flow rate is provided, use the liquid
flow rate defined in section 6.1 of this appendix. The condition
tolerance on liquid flow rate is 1%.
Table 11--Optional Part-Load Heating Conditions
HPL3 high HPL2 medium HPL1 low
Test name temperature temperature temperature
Air entering indoor side:
Dry bulb, [deg]F............................................ 70.0 70.0 70.0
Wet bulb, [deg]F............................................ 60.0 (max) 60.0 (max) 60.0 (max)
Liquid temperature:
Entering, [deg]F............................................ 68.0 50.0 41.0
HPL3 = The highest temperature Heating Part-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 11
HPL2 = The medium temperature Heating Part-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 11
HPL1 = The lowest temperature Heating Part-Load test at temperature
conditions as defined in Table 11
7. Set-Up and Test Provisions for Specific Components.
When testing a WSHP that includes any of the features listed in
Table 12 of this appendix, test in accordance with the set-up and
test provisions specified in Table 12 of this appendix.
Table 12--Test Provisions for Specific Components
Component Description Test provisions
Desiccant Dehumidification An assembly that Disable desiccant
Components. reduces the dehumidification
moisture content of components for
the supply air testing.
through moisture
transfer with solid
or liquid
Air Economizers............. An automatic system For any air
that enables a economizer that is
cooling system to factory-installed,
supply outdoor air place the
to reduce or economizer in the
eliminate the need 100% return
for mechanical position and close
cooling during mild and seal the
or cold weather. outside air dampers
for testing. For
any modular air
economizer shipped
with the unit but
not factory-
installed, do not
install the
economizer for
Fresh Air Dampers........... An assembly with For any fresh air
dampers and means dampers that are
to set the damper factory-installed,
position in a close and seal the
closed and one open dampers for
position to allow testing. For any
air to be drawn modular fresh air
into the equipment dampers shipped
when the indoor fan with the unit but
is operating. not factory-
installed, do not
install the dampers
for testing.
Power Correction Capacitors. A capacitor that Remove power
increases the power correction
factor measured at capacitors for
the line connection testing.
to the equipment.
Ventilation Energy Recovery An assembly that For any VERS that is
System (VERS). preconditions factory-installed,
outdoor air place the VERS in
entering the the 100% return
equipment through position and close
direct or indirect and seal the
thermal and/or outside air dampers
moisture exchange and exhaust air
with the exhaust dampers for
air, which is testing, and do not
defined as the energize any VERS
building air being subcomponents
exhausted to the (e.g., energy
outside from the recovery wheel
equipment. motors). For any
VERS module shipped
with the unit but
not factory-
installed, do not
install the VERS
for testing.
[[Page 53359]]
Barometric Relief Dampers... An assembly with For any barometric
dampers and means relief dampers that
to automatically are factory-
set the damper installed, close
position in a and seal the
closed position and dampers for
one or more open testing. For any
positions to allow modular barometric
venting directly to relief dampers
the outside a shipped with the
portion of the unit but not
building air that factory-installed,
is returning to the do not install the
unit, rather than dampers for
allowing it to testing.
recirculate to the
indoor coil and
back to the
UV Lights................... A lighting fixture Turn off UV lights
and lamp mounted so for testing.
that it shines
light on the indoor
coil, that emits
ultraviolet light
to inhibit growth
of organisms on the
indoor coil
surfaces, the
condensate drip
pan, and/other
locations within
the equipment.
Steam/Hydronic Heat Coils... Coils used to Test with steam/
provide hydronic heat coils
supplemental in place but
heating. providing no heat.
Refrigerant Reheat.......... A heat exchanger De-activate
located downstream refrigerant reheat
of the indoor coil coils for testing
that heats the so as to provide
supply air during the minimum (none
cooling operation if possible) reheat
using high-pressure achievable by the
refrigerant in system controls.
order to increase
the ratio of
moisture removal to
cooling capacity
provided by the
Fire/Smoke/Isolation Dampers A damper assembly For any fire/smoke/
including means to isolation dampers
open and close the that are factory-
damper mounted at installed, set the
the supply or dampers in the
return duct opening fully open position
of the equipment. for testing. For
any modular fire/
dampers shipped
with the unit but
not factory-
installed, do not
install the dampers
for testing.
Process Heat recovery/ A heat exchanger Disconnect the heat
Reclaim Coils/Thermal located inside the exchanger from its
Storage. unit that heat source for
conditions the testing.
equipment's supply
air using energy
transferred from an
external source
using a vapor, gas,
or liquid.
[FR Doc. 2022-17075 Filed 8-29-22; 8:45 am]