Segway Powersports Inc., Provisional Acceptance of a Settlement Agreement and Order, 52753-52756 [2022-18531]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Notices
prepare an environmental assessment or
environmental impact statement.
Concurrent with the publication of
this notice in the Federal Register,
NMFS is forwarding copies of the
application to the Marine Mammal
Commission and its Committee of
Scientific Advisors.
Dated: August 23, 2022.
Julia M. Harrison,
Chief, Permits and Conservation Division,
Office of Protected Resources, National
Marine Fisheries Service.
Bismarck Myrick, Director of the
Office of Equal Employment
Opportunity and Diversity, USPTO.
Cara Duckworth, Chief Corporate
Communications Officer, USPTO.
Richard Seidel, Deputy Commissioner
for Patents, USPTO.
Amy Cotton, Deputy Commissioner
for Trademark Examination Policy,
Katherine K. Vidal,
Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual
Property and Director of the United States
Patent and Trademark Office.
[FR Doc. 2022–18494 Filed 8–26–22; 8:45 am]
[FR Doc. 2022–18543 Filed 8–26–22; 8:45 am]
Patent and Trademark Office
[CPSC Docket No. 22–C0004]
Performance Review Board
Segway Powersports Inc., Provisional
Acceptance of a Settlement Agreement
and Order
United States Patent and
Trademark Office, Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
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Consumer Product Safety
ACTION: Notice.
In conformance with the Civil
Service Reform Act of 1978, the United
States Patent and Trademark Office
(USPTO) announces the appointment of
persons to serve as members of its
Performance Review Board (PRB).
ADDRESSES: Office of Human Resources,
USPTO, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA
B. Washington, Director, Human Capital
Management, USPTO, at 571–272–5187.
membership of the USPTO PRB is as
Derrick Brent, Chair, Deputy Under
Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual
Property and Deputy Director of the
Frederick W. Steckler, Vice Chair,
Chief Administrative Officer, USPTO.
Andrew I. Faile, Acting Commissioner
for Patents, USPTO.
David S. Gooder, Commissioner for
Trademarks, USPTO.
Dennis J. Hoffman, Chief Financial
Officer, USPTO.
Henry J. Holcombe, Chief Information
Officer, USPTO.
David L. Berdan, General Counsel,
Mary Critharis, Chief Policy Officer
and Director for International Affairs,
Gerard F. Rogers, Chief
Administrative Trademark Judge,
Scott R. Boalick, Chief Administrative
Patent Judge, USPTO.
The Commission publishes in
the Federal Register any settlement that
it provisionally accepts under the
Consumer Product Safety Act.
Published below is a provisionally
accepted Settlement Agreement with
Segway Powersports, Inc., containing a
civil penalty in the amount of $5
million, with all but $1.25 million
suspended, subject to the terms and
conditions of the Settlement Agreement.
DATES: Any interested person may ask
the Commission not to accept this
agreement or otherwise comment on its
contents by filing a written request with
the Office of the Secretary by September
13, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Persons wishing to
comment on this Settlement Agreement
should send written comments to
Alberta Mills, Office of the Secretary,
Consumer Product Safety Commission,
4330 East West Highway, Bethesda, MD
20814; telephone: (240) 863–8938
(mobile); (301) 504–7479 (office); email: (mailto:cpsc-os@
Gregory M. Reyes, Supervisory
Attorney, Division of Enforcement and
Litigation, Office of Compliance and
Field Operations, Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 4330 East West
Highway, Bethesda, Maryland 20814–
4408; (mailto:greyes@ or 301–504–7220.
PO 00000
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Commission voted (4–0–1) to
provisionally accept the proposed
Settlement Agreement and Order
pertaining to Segway Powersports Inc.
Chair Hoehn-Saric, Commissioners
Baiocco, Trumka and Boyle voted to
provisionally accept the Settlement
Agreement and Order. Commissioner
Feldman voted to take other action. The
text of the Agreement and Order and
Exhibit A to the Agreement appears
Abioye Mosheim,
Acting Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
United States of America
[Docket No. PTO–C–2022–0020]
Sfmt 4703
Consumer Product Safety Commission
In the Matter of: SEGWAY
CPSC Docket No.: 22–C0004
Settlement Agreement
1. In accordance with the Consumer
Product Safety Act, 15 U.S.C. 2051–
2089 (‘‘CPSA’’), and 16 CFR 1118.20,
Segway Powersports Inc. (‘‘SPI’’), and
the United States Consumer Product
Safety Commission (‘‘Commission’’ or
‘‘CPSC’’), through its staff, hereby enter
into this Settlement Agreement
(‘‘Agreement’’). The Agreement and the
incorporated attached Order resolve
staff’s charges set forth below.
The Parties
2. The Commission is an independent
federal regulatory agency, established
pursuant to, and responsible for, the
enforcement of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C.
2051–2089. By executing the
Agreement, staff is acting on behalf of
the Commission, pursuant to 16 CFR
1118.20(b). The Commission issues the
Order under the provisions of the CPSA.
3. SPI is a corporation, organized and
existing under the laws of the state of
Delaware, with its principal place of
business in McKinney, Texas.
Staff Charges
4. Between February 2021 and April
2021, SPI imported into the United
States approximately 152 all-terrain
vehicles (‘‘ATVs’’) that were not subject
to an Action Plan approved by the
Commission (the ‘‘Matter’’).
5. The ATVs are ‘‘consumer products’’
that were ‘‘import[ed]’’ and
‘‘distribut[ed] in commerce,’’ as those
terms are defined or used in sections
3(a)(5), (7), and (9) of the CPSA, 15
U.S.C. 2052(a)(5), (7), and (9). SPI is a
‘‘manufacturer’’ and ‘‘distributor’’ of the
ATVs, as such terms are defined in
sections 3(a)(8) and (11) of the CPSA, 15
U.S.C. 2052(a)(8) and (11).
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Notices
6. Pursuant to section 42(a)(2)(B) of
the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2089(a)(2)(B), it is
unlawful for any manufacturer or
distributor to import into or distribute
in commerce in the United States any
new assembled or unassembled ATV
unless ‘‘the ATV is subject to an ATV
action plan . . . filed with and
approved by the Commission . . . .’’
7. ATV action plans focus on
‘‘promot[ing] the safe and responsible
use of ATVs,’’ in particular, for children
under age 16, and are defined in the
CPSA as ‘‘a written plan or letter of
undertaking that describes actions the
manufacturer or distributor agrees to
take to promote ATV safety, including
rider training, dissemination of safety
information, age recommendations,
other policies governing marketing and
sale of the ATVs, the monitoring of such
sales, and other safety related measures,
and that is substantially similar to the
plans described under the heading ‘The
Undertakings of the Companies in the
Commission Notice’ published in the
Federal Register on September 9, 1998.’’
15 U.S.C. 2089(e)(2); 63 FR 48,199–204
(Sept. 9, 1998).
8. Under section 42(a)(3) of the CPSA,
the failure to comply with the ATV
action plan requirement in section
42(a)(2)(B) ‘‘shall be deemed to be a
failure to comply with a consumer
product safety standard under [the
CPSA] and subject to all of the penalties
and remedies available under [the
CPSA].’’ 15 U.S.C. 2089(a)(3).
9. On numerous occasions, CPSC staff
informed SPI that it could not import or
distribute ATVs without an approved
ATV action plan, and that such
unlawful importation or distribution
would subject SPI to enforcement
actions and potential civil penalties.
10. Despite having knowledge that it
was unlawful to import ATVs that were
not subject to an approved ATV action
plan on file with the Commission, SPI
unlawfully imported eight separate ATV
11. SPI failed to comply with a
consumer product safety standard under
the CPSA by importing the ATVs, see 15
U.S.C. 2089(a)(3), and knowingly
violated section 19(a)(1) of the CPSA, 15
U.S.C. 2068(a)(1), as the term
‘‘knowingly’’ is defined in section 20(d)
of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2069(d).
12. Pursuant to section 20 of the
CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2069, SPI is subject to
civil penalties for its knowing violation
of section 19(a)(1) of the CPSA, 15
U.S.C. 2068(a)(1).
Response of SPI
13. This Agreement does not
constitute an admission by SPI to the
charges set forth in paragraphs 4
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through 12, including charges that SPI
violated any statute or regulation,
unlawfully imported ATVs, or
knowingly violated the CPSA. In fact,
SPI imported the ATVs based on its
reasonable belief that the Action Plan
initially submitted to CPSC in
December, 2019, about 15 months before
the importation, would be approved by
the CPSC by the time the ATVs arrived
at the ports of the United States. As
soon as the shipments arrived while
CPSC still had not yet approved the
Action Plan, SPI voluntarily selfreported the importation and fully and
timely cooperated with the inspection
and other inquiries from the
Commission. Further, SPI placed the
ATVs in warehouses pending approval
of the Action Plan, none of which has
been distributed or sold and none of
which has any alleged product defect or
has caused any injury.
Agreement of the Parties
14. Under the CPSA, the Commission
has jurisdiction over the Matter
involving the ATVs and over SPI.
15. The parties enter into the
Agreement for settlement purposes only.
The Agreement does not constitute an
admission by SPI that it violated the
16. In settlement of staff’s charges,
and to avoid the cost, distraction, delay,
uncertainty, and inconvenience of
protracted litigation or other
proceedings, SPI shall pay a civil
penalty in the amount of five million
dollars ($5,000,000) (‘‘Total Civil
Penalty Amount’’). In reliance on the
accuracy and completeness of SPI’s
representations and warranties within
this Agreement, the Commission agrees
to suspend all but one million, twohundred and fifty thousand dollars
($1,250,000) of the Total Civil Penalty
Amount (‘‘$1,250,000 Payment’’), on the
terms and conditions set forth in this
Agreement. The $1,250,000 Payment
shall be paid in two equal installments,
the first within thirty (30) calendar days
after SPI receives service of the
Commission’s final Order accepting the
Agreement, and the second within sixty
(60) calendar days of service of the final
Order. All payments to be made under
the Agreement shall constitute debts
owing to the United States and shall be
made by electronic wire transfer to the
United States via,
for allocation to, and credit against, the
payment obligations of SPI under this
Agreement. Failure to make any
payment by the dates specified in this
paragraph shall constitute ‘‘Default,’’
making the Total Civil Penalty Amount,
plus any accrued and unpaid interest
minus any penalty amounts paid by SPI,
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immediately due and payable, and may
subject SPI to additional enforcement
action under the CPSA.
17. The Commission’s agreement to
suspend part of the Total Civil Penalty
Amount is expressly premised upon
SPI’s representations that the following
financial documents, communications,
and representations provided by SPI do
not contain any untrue statement of a
material fact or omit any material fact
that is required to be stated therein or
necessary in order to make the
statement therein, true, accurate, and
not misleading:
1. the sworn Affidavit of Shane
Wilson signed on July 21, 2022,
including the exhibits;
2. the sworn Affidavit of Meng Li
signed on July 21, 2022, including the
3. the sworn Affidavit of SPI signed
on July 21, 2022; and
4. the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss,
and Statement of Cash Flows, all of SPI,
submitted to Commission counsel
Gregory M. Reyes on October 11, 2021
(collectively, ‘‘SPI’s Representations’’).
18. If SPI failed to disclose any
material asset, materially misstated the
value of any asset, or made any other
material misstatement or omission in
SPI’s Representations, the suspension of
the Total Civil Penalty Amount shall be
lifted, and the entire $5,000,000 Total
Civil Penalty Amount shall become
immediately due and payable.
19. The Commission or the United
States may seek enforcement for any
breach of, or any failure to comply with,
any provision of this Agreement and
Order in United States District Court, to
seek relief including, but not limited to,
lifting the suspension of the Total Civil
Penalty Amount and collecting amounts
20. All unpaid amounts, if any, due
and owing under the Agreement, shall
constitute a debt due and immediately
owing by SPI to the United States, and
interest shall accrue and be paid by SPI
at the federal legal rate of interest set
forth at 28 U.S.C. 1961(a) and (b) from
the date of Default, until all amounts
due have been paid in full (hereinafter
‘‘Default Payment Amount’’ and
‘‘Default Interest Balance’’). SPI shall
consent to a Consent Judgment in the
amount of the Default Payment Amount
and Default Interest Balance, and the
United States, at its sole option, may
collect the entire Default Payment
Amount and Default Interest Balance, or
exercise any other rights granted by law
or in equity, including, but not limited
to, referring such matters for private
collection, and SPI agrees not to contest,
and hereby waives and discharges any
defenses to, any collection action
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Notices
undertaken by the United States, or its
agents or contractors, pursuant to this
paragraph. SPI shall pay the United
States all reasonable costs of collection
and enforcement under this paragraph,
respectively, including reasonable
attorney’s fees and expenses.
21. After staff receives this Agreement
executed on behalf of SPI, staff shall
promptly submit the Agreement to the
Commission for provisional acceptance.
Promptly following provisional
acceptance of the Agreement by the
Commission, the Agreement shall be
placed on the public record and
published in the Federal Register, in
accordance with the procedures set
forth in 16 CFR 1118.20(e). If the
Commission does not receive any
written request not to accept the
Agreement within fifteen (15) calendar
days, the Agreement shall be deemed
finally accepted on the 16th calendar
day after the date the Agreement is
published in the Federal Register, in
accordance with 16 CFR 1118.20(f).
22. This Agreement is conditioned
upon, and subject to, the Commission’s
final acceptance, as set forth above, and
it is subject to the provisions of 16 CFR
1118.20(h). Upon the later of: (i)
Commission’s final acceptance of this
Agreement and service of the accepted
Agreement upon SPI, and (ii) the date of
issuance of the final Order, this
Agreement shall be in full force and
effect, and shall be binding upon the
23. Effective upon the later of: (1) the
Commission’s final acceptance of the
Agreement and service of the accepted
Agreement upon SPI and (2) the date of
issuance of the final Order, for good and
valuable consideration, SPI hereby
expressly and irrevocably waives and
agrees not to assert any past, present, or
future rights to the following, in
connection with the Matter described in
this Agreement:
1. an administrative or judicial
2. judicial review or other challenge
or contest of the Commission’s actions;
3. a determination by the Commission
of whether SPI failed to comply with the
CPSA and the underlying regulations;
4. a statement of findings of fact and
conclusions of law; and
5. any claims under the Equal Access
to Justice Act.
6. SPI shall maintain a compliance
program designed to ensure compliance
with the CPSA with respect to any
consumer product imported,
manufactured, distributed or sold by
SPI, which shall contain the following
1. written standards, policies and
procedures concerning products sold by
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SPI in the United States, including those
designed to ensure that information that
may relate to or impact CPSA
compliance is conveyed effectively to
personnel responsible for CPSA
compliance, whether or not an injury
has been reported;
2. procedures for reviewing claims
and reports for safety concerns and for
implementing corrective and preventive
actions when compliance deficiencies
or violations are identified;
3. procedures requiring that
information required to be disclosed by
SPI to the Commission is recorded,
processed, and reported in accordance
with applicable law;
4. procedures requiring that all
reporting made to the Commission is
timely, truthful, complete, accurate, and
in accordance with applicable law;
5. procedures requiring that
immediate disclosure is made to SPI’s
management of any significant
deficiencies or material weaknesses in
the design or operation of such internal
controls that are reasonably likely to
affect adversely, in any material respect,
SPI’s ability to record, process and
report to the Commission in accordance
with applicable law;
6. mechanisms to effectively
communicate to all applicable SPI
employees, through training programs
or other means, compliance-related
company policies and procedures to
prevent violations of the CPSA;
7. a mechanism for confidential
employee reporting of compliancerelated questions or concerns to either a
compliance officer or to another senior
manager with authority to act as
8. SPI’s senior management
responsibility for, and general board
oversight of, CPSA compliance; and
9. retention of all CPSA compliancerelated records for at least five (5) years,
and availability of such records to CPSC
staff upon request.
10. SPI shall submit a report under
CPSA Section 16(b), sworn to under
penalty of perjury:
1. describing in detail its compliance
program and internal controls and the
actions SPI has taken to comply with
each subparagraph of paragraph 24;
2. affirming that during the reporting
period SPI has reviewed its compliance
program and internal controls,
including the actions referenced in
subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, for
effectiveness, and that it complies with
each subparagraph of paragraph 24, or
describing in detail any non-compliance
with any such subparagraph; and
3. identifying any changes or
modifications made during the reporting
period to the SPI’s compliance program
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or internal controls to ensure
compliance with the terms of the CPSA
and, in particular, the requirements of
CPSA Section 15 related to timely
Such reports shall be submitted
annually to the Director, Office of
Compliance and Field Operations,
Division of Enforcement and Litigation,
for a period of three (3) years beginning
12 months after the Commission’s final
Order of acceptance of the Agreement.
The first report shall be submitted 30
days after the close of the first 12-month
reporting period, and successive reports
shall be due annually on the same date
thereafter. Without limitation, SPI
acknowledges and agrees that failure to
make such timely and accurate reports
as required by this Agreement and
Order may constitute a violation of
Section 19(a)(3) of the CPSA.
4. Notwithstanding and in addition to
the above, SPI shall promptly provide
written documentation of any changes
or modifications to its compliance
program or internal controls and
procedures, including the effective dates
of the changes or modifications thereto.
SPI shall cooperate fully and truthfully
with staff and shall make available all
non-privileged information and
materials and personnel deemed
necessary by staff to evaluate SPI’s
compliance with the terms of the
5. The parties acknowledge and agree
that the Commission may publicize the
terms of the Agreement and the Order.
6. SPI represents that the Agreement:
1. is entered into freely and
voluntarily, without any degree of
duress or compulsion whatsoever;
2. has been duly authorized; and
3. constitutes the valid and binding
obligation of SPI, enforceable against
SPI in accordance with its terms.
4. The signatories represent that they
are authorized to execute this
5. The Agreement is governed by the
laws of the United States.
6. The Agreement and the Order shall
apply to, and be binding upon, SPI and
each of successors, transferees, and
assigns; and a violation of the
Agreement or Order may subject SPI,
and each of successors, transferees, and
assigns, to appropriate legal action.
7. The Agreement and the Order
constitute the complete agreement
between the parties on the subject
matter contained therein.
8. The Agreement may be used in
interpreting the Order. Understandings,
agreements, representations, or
interpretations apart from those
contained in the Agreement and the
Order may not be used to vary or
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Notices
contradict their terms. For purposes of
construction, the Agreement shall be
deemed to have been drafted by both of
the parties and shall not, therefore, be
construed against any party, for that
reason, in any subsequent dispute.
34. The Agreement may not be
waived, amended, modified, or
otherwise altered, except as in
accordance with the provisions of 16
CFR 1118.20(h). The Agreement may be
executed in counterparts.
35. If any provision of the Agreement
or the Order is held to be illegal,
invalid, or unenforceable under present
or future laws effective during the terms
of the Agreement and the Order, such
provision shall be fully severable. The
balance of the Agreement and the Order
shall remain in full force and effect,
unless the Commission and SPI agree in
writing that severing the provision
materially affects the purpose of the
Agreement and the Order.
(Signatures on next page)
Segway Powersports Inc.
Dated: July 21, 2022
By: lllllllllllllllllll
Kun Zhu,
Segway Powersports Inc., President.
Dated: 7/21/2022
By: lllllllllllllllllll
Jennifer R. Coates, Partner,
Catherine X. Pan-Giordano, Partner,
Dorsey & Whitney LLP,
Counsel to Segway Powersports Inc.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Mary B. Murphy, Director.
Dated: 7/21/2022
By: lllllllllllllllllll
Gregory M. Reyes, Supervisory Attorney,
Nicholas J. Linn, Trial Attorney,
Division of Enforcement and Litigation,
Office of Compliance and Field Operations.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
United States of America Consumer
Product Safety Commission
In the Matter of: SEGWAY
CPSC Docket No.: 22–C0004
Upon consideration of the Settlement
Agreement entered into between
Segway Powersports Inc. (‘‘SPI’’) and
the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (‘‘Commission’’ or
‘‘CPSC’’), and the Commission having
jurisdiction over the subject matter and
over SPI, and it appearing that the
Settlement Agreement is in the public
interest, the Settlement Agreement is
incorporated by reference and it is:
Provisionally accepted and provisional
Order issued on the ll day of lll, 2022.
By order of the Commission:
Alberta E. Mills, Secretary, U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission.
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Finally accepted and final Order issued on
the ll day of lll, 2022.
By order of the Commission:
Alberta E. Mills, Secretary, U.S. Consumer
Product Safety Commission.
Affidavit of Corporate Officer
I, the undersigned, swear and affirm
that I am employed by Segway
Powersports Inc. (‘‘SPI’’), that I hold the
position indicated below, and, by reason
of my position, I am authorized and
qualified to make the following
statements. All capitalized terms not
defined in this affidavit shall have the
meanings given to them in the
Settlement Agreement between SPI and
the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (‘‘CPSC’’) dated the same
date, of which this affidavit is a part:
1. SPI’s financial statements provided
by SPI to the CPSC in connection with
the matters addressed in the Settlement
Agreement (the ‘‘Matters’’) are complete,
accurate and current, and fairly
represent the financial conditions of SPI
as of the dates, and for the periods,
indicated therein, subject to the absence
of notes as these financial statements are
2. SPI has provided all available
documents and information responsive
to the CPSC’s requests in connection
with the Matters.
3. The information provided by SPI to
the CPSC in connection with the
Matters do not, as of the date of the
Settlement Agreement, and did not, at
the time provided to the CPSC, contain
any untrue statement of a material fact
or omit any material fact required to be
stated therein or necessary in order to
make the statement therein, in light of
the circumstances under which they
were made, not misleading.
4. SPI has insufficient cash or other
liquid assets to satisfy a civil penalty
payment in excess of $1,250,000. SPI
has requested that its parent company,
Ninebot Limited, or any of Ninebot’s
affiliated entities loan or otherwise
provide funds for SPI to pay CPSC the
demanded civil penalty amount. SPI’s
parent company and its affiliated
entities have specifically declined SPI’s
request. SPI has provided copies of
those communications to CPSC staff in
connection with the Matters.
5. SPI has attempted to obtain funding
from multiple unaffiliated third-party
lenders but has been unable to secure
such funding. To my knowledge, SPI
has provided copies of documents it
submitted to the banks and
communications from the banks
regarding their decisions to CPSC staff
in connection with the Matters.
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6. To my knowledge, Ninebot Limited
and its affiliated entities have not
provided a parent guarantee, nor any
other written representations of
financial support on behalf of SPI, to
any third-party lenders.
7. The entire penalty amount of
$1,250,000 will be paid solely by SPI,
using funds available in SPI’s own bank
accounts at the time of the respective
payments, and without any loans,
funds, or other financial support from
Ninebot Limited, any SPI or Ninebot
Limited affiliated entities, or any other
third-party, including but not limited to
banks or other creditors, for this
8. Any civil penalty payment by SPI
in excess of $1,250,000 would cause SPI
significant financial hardship and
compel SPI to cease operations as an
ongoing business.
I declare under penalty of perjury that
the foregoing is true and correct. I
understand that any intentional false
statement in this declaration may be a
criminal offense under 18 U.S.C. 1001.
Executed on July 21, 2022
Signed by: lllllllllllllll
Kun Zhu, President, Segway Powersports Inc.
[FR Doc. 2022–18531 Filed 8–26–22; 8:45 am]
Department of the Air Force
Air University Board of Visitors
Department of the Air Force,
Meeting notice.
The Department of Defense
(DoD) is publishing this notice to
announce the following Federal
Advisory Committee meeting of the
Board of Visitors (BoV) of the Air
DATES: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 from
8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Central Time).
ADDRESSES: Air University
Commander’s Conference Room,
Building 800, Maxwell Air Force Base,
Shawn P. O’Mailia, Designated Federal
Officer, Air University Headquarters, 55
LeMay Plaza South, Maxwell Air Force
Base, Alabama 36112–6335, telephone
(334) 953–4547.
meeting is held under the provisions of
the Federal Advisory Committee Act
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 166 (Monday, August 29, 2022)]
[Pages 52753-52756]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-18531]
[CPSC Docket No. 22-C0004]
Segway Powersports Inc., Provisional Acceptance of a Settlement
Agreement and Order
AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety Commission.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Commission publishes in the Federal Register any
settlement that it provisionally accepts under the Consumer Product
Safety Act. Published below is a provisionally accepted Settlement
Agreement with Segway Powersports, Inc., containing a civil penalty in
the amount of $5 million, with all but $1.25 million suspended, subject
to the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement.
DATES: Any interested person may ask the Commission not to accept this
agreement or otherwise comment on its contents by filing a written
request with the Office of the Secretary by September 13, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Persons wishing to comment on this Settlement Agreement
should send written comments to Alberta Mills, Office of the Secretary,
Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4330 East West Highway, Bethesda,
MD 20814; telephone: (240) 863-8938 (mobile); (301) 504-7479 (office);
email: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]).
Attorney, Division of Enforcement and Litigation, Office of Compliance
and Field Operations, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4330 East
West Highway, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-4408; [email protected]
(mailto:[email protected]) or 301-504-7220.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission voted (4-0-1) to
provisionally accept the proposed Settlement Agreement and Order
pertaining to Segway Powersports Inc. Chair Hoehn-Saric, Commissioners
Baiocco, Trumka and Boyle voted to provisionally accept the Settlement
Agreement and Order. Commissioner Feldman voted to take other action.
The text of the Agreement and Order and Exhibit A to the Agreement
appears below.
Abioye Mosheim,
Acting Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission.
United States of America
Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPSC Docket No.: 22-C0004
Settlement Agreement
1. In accordance with the Consumer Product Safety Act, 15 U.S.C.
2051-2089 (``CPSA''), and 16 CFR 1118.20, Segway Powersports Inc.
(``SPI''), and the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission
(``Commission'' or ``CPSC''), through its staff, hereby enter into this
Settlement Agreement (``Agreement''). The Agreement and the
incorporated attached Order resolve staff's charges set forth below.
The Parties
2. The Commission is an independent federal regulatory agency,
established pursuant to, and responsible for, the enforcement of the
CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2051-2089. By executing the Agreement, staff is acting
on behalf of the Commission, pursuant to 16 CFR 1118.20(b). The
Commission issues the Order under the provisions of the CPSA.
3. SPI is a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of
the state of Delaware, with its principal place of business in
McKinney, Texas.
Staff Charges
4. Between February 2021 and April 2021, SPI imported into the
United States approximately 152 all-terrain vehicles (``ATVs'') that
were not subject to an Action Plan approved by the Commission (the
5. The ATVs are ``consumer products'' that were ``import[ed]'' and
``distribut[ed] in commerce,'' as those terms are defined or used in
sections 3(a)(5), (7), and (9) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2052(a)(5), (7),
and (9). SPI is a ``manufacturer'' and ``distributor'' of the ATVs, as
such terms are defined in sections 3(a)(8) and (11) of the CPSA, 15
U.S.C. 2052(a)(8) and (11).
[[Page 52754]]
6. Pursuant to section 42(a)(2)(B) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C.
2089(a)(2)(B), it is unlawful for any manufacturer or distributor to
import into or distribute in commerce in the United States any new
assembled or unassembled ATV unless ``the ATV is subject to an ATV
action plan . . . filed with and approved by the Commission . . . .''
7. ATV action plans focus on ``promot[ing] the safe and responsible
use of ATVs,'' in particular, for children under age 16, and are
defined in the CPSA as ``a written plan or letter of undertaking that
describes actions the manufacturer or distributor agrees to take to
promote ATV safety, including rider training, dissemination of safety
information, age recommendations, other policies governing marketing
and sale of the ATVs, the monitoring of such sales, and other safety
related measures, and that is substantially similar to the plans
described under the heading `The Undertakings of the Companies in the
Commission Notice' published in the Federal Register on September 9,
1998.'' 15 U.S.C. 2089(e)(2); 63 FR 48,199-204 (Sept. 9, 1998).
8. Under section 42(a)(3) of the CPSA, the failure to comply with
the ATV action plan requirement in section 42(a)(2)(B) ``shall be
deemed to be a failure to comply with a consumer product safety
standard under [the CPSA] and subject to all of the penalties and
remedies available under [the CPSA].'' 15 U.S.C. 2089(a)(3).
9. On numerous occasions, CPSC staff informed SPI that it could not
import or distribute ATVs without an approved ATV action plan, and that
such unlawful importation or distribution would subject SPI to
enforcement actions and potential civil penalties.
10. Despite having knowledge that it was unlawful to import ATVs
that were not subject to an approved ATV action plan on file with the
Commission, SPI unlawfully imported eight separate ATV shipments.
11. SPI failed to comply with a consumer product safety standard
under the CPSA by importing the ATVs, see 15 U.S.C. 2089(a)(3), and
knowingly violated section 19(a)(1) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2068(a)(1),
as the term ``knowingly'' is defined in section 20(d) of the CPSA, 15
U.S.C. 2069(d).
12. Pursuant to section 20 of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2069, SPI is
subject to civil penalties for its knowing violation of section
19(a)(1) of the CPSA, 15 U.S.C. 2068(a)(1).
Response of SPI
13. This Agreement does not constitute an admission by SPI to the
charges set forth in paragraphs 4 through 12, including charges that
SPI violated any statute or regulation, unlawfully imported ATVs, or
knowingly violated the CPSA. In fact, SPI imported the ATVs based on
its reasonable belief that the Action Plan initially submitted to CPSC
in December, 2019, about 15 months before the importation, would be
approved by the CPSC by the time the ATVs arrived at the ports of the
United States. As soon as the shipments arrived while CPSC still had
not yet approved the Action Plan, SPI voluntarily self-reported the
importation and fully and timely cooperated with the inspection and
other inquiries from the Commission. Further, SPI placed the ATVs in
warehouses pending approval of the Action Plan, none of which has been
distributed or sold and none of which has any alleged product defect or
has caused any injury.
Agreement of the Parties
14. Under the CPSA, the Commission has jurisdiction over the Matter
involving the ATVs and over SPI.
15. The parties enter into the Agreement for settlement purposes
only. The Agreement does not constitute an admission by SPI that it
violated the CPSA.
16. In settlement of staff's charges, and to avoid the cost,
distraction, delay, uncertainty, and inconvenience of protracted
litigation or other proceedings, SPI shall pay a civil penalty in the
amount of five million dollars ($5,000,000) (``Total Civil Penalty
Amount''). In reliance on the accuracy and completeness of SPI's
representations and warranties within this Agreement, the Commission
agrees to suspend all but one million, two-hundred and fifty thousand
dollars ($1,250,000) of the Total Civil Penalty Amount (``$1,250,000
Payment''), on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
The $1,250,000 Payment shall be paid in two equal installments, the
first within thirty (30) calendar days after SPI receives service of
the Commission's final Order accepting the Agreement, and the second
within sixty (60) calendar days of service of the final Order. All
payments to be made under the Agreement shall constitute debts owing to
the United States and shall be made by electronic wire transfer to the
United States via, for allocation to, and credit
against, the payment obligations of SPI under this Agreement. Failure
to make any payment by the dates specified in this paragraph shall
constitute ``Default,'' making the Total Civil Penalty Amount, plus any
accrued and unpaid interest minus any penalty amounts paid by SPI,
immediately due and payable, and may subject SPI to additional
enforcement action under the CPSA.
17. The Commission's agreement to suspend part of the Total Civil
Penalty Amount is expressly premised upon SPI's representations that
the following financial documents, communications, and representations
provided by SPI do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact
or omit any material fact that is required to be stated therein or
necessary in order to make the statement therein, true, accurate, and
not misleading:
1. the sworn Affidavit of Shane Wilson signed on July 21, 2022,
including the exhibits;
2. the sworn Affidavit of Meng Li signed on July 21, 2022,
including the exhibits;
3. the sworn Affidavit of SPI signed on July 21, 2022; and
4. the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, and Statement of Cash Flows,
all of SPI, submitted to Commission counsel Gregory M. Reyes on October
11, 2021 (collectively, ``SPI's Representations'').
18. If SPI failed to disclose any material asset, materially
misstated the value of any asset, or made any other material
misstatement or omission in SPI's Representations, the suspension of
the Total Civil Penalty Amount shall be lifted, and the entire
$5,000,000 Total Civil Penalty Amount shall become immediately due and
19. The Commission or the United States may seek enforcement for
any breach of, or any failure to comply with, any provision of this
Agreement and Order in United States District Court, to seek relief
including, but not limited to, lifting the suspension of the Total
Civil Penalty Amount and collecting amounts due.
20. All unpaid amounts, if any, due and owing under the Agreement,
shall constitute a debt due and immediately owing by SPI to the United
States, and interest shall accrue and be paid by SPI at the federal
legal rate of interest set forth at 28 U.S.C. 1961(a) and (b) from the
date of Default, until all amounts due have been paid in full
(hereinafter ``Default Payment Amount'' and ``Default Interest
Balance''). SPI shall consent to a Consent Judgment in the amount of
the Default Payment Amount and Default Interest Balance, and the United
States, at its sole option, may collect the entire Default Payment
Amount and Default Interest Balance, or exercise any other rights
granted by law or in equity, including, but not limited to, referring
such matters for private collection, and SPI agrees not to contest, and
hereby waives and discharges any defenses to, any collection action
[[Page 52755]]
undertaken by the United States, or its agents or contractors, pursuant
to this paragraph. SPI shall pay the United States all reasonable costs
of collection and enforcement under this paragraph, respectively,
including reasonable attorney's fees and expenses.
21. After staff receives this Agreement executed on behalf of SPI,
staff shall promptly submit the Agreement to the Commission for
provisional acceptance. Promptly following provisional acceptance of
the Agreement by the Commission, the Agreement shall be placed on the
public record and published in the Federal Register, in accordance with
the procedures set forth in 16 CFR 1118.20(e). If the Commission does
not receive any written request not to accept the Agreement within
fifteen (15) calendar days, the Agreement shall be deemed finally
accepted on the 16th calendar day after the date the Agreement is
published in the Federal Register, in accordance with 16 CFR
22. This Agreement is conditioned upon, and subject to, the
Commission's final acceptance, as set forth above, and it is subject to
the provisions of 16 CFR 1118.20(h). Upon the later of: (i)
Commission's final acceptance of this Agreement and service of the
accepted Agreement upon SPI, and (ii) the date of issuance of the final
Order, this Agreement shall be in full force and effect, and shall be
binding upon the parties.
23. Effective upon the later of: (1) the Commission's final
acceptance of the Agreement and service of the accepted Agreement upon
SPI and (2) the date of issuance of the final Order, for good and
valuable consideration, SPI hereby expressly and irrevocably waives and
agrees not to assert any past, present, or future rights to the
following, in connection with the Matter described in this Agreement:
1. an administrative or judicial hearing;
2. judicial review or other challenge or contest of the
Commission's actions;
3. a determination by the Commission of whether SPI failed to
comply with the CPSA and the underlying regulations;
4. a statement of findings of fact and conclusions of law; and
5. any claims under the Equal Access to Justice Act.
6. SPI shall maintain a compliance program designed to ensure
compliance with the CPSA with respect to any consumer product imported,
manufactured, distributed or sold by SPI, which shall contain the
following elements:
1. written standards, policies and procedures concerning products
sold by SPI in the United States, including those designed to ensure
that information that may relate to or impact CPSA compliance is
conveyed effectively to personnel responsible for CPSA compliance,
whether or not an injury has been reported;
2. procedures for reviewing claims and reports for safety concerns
and for implementing corrective and preventive actions when compliance
deficiencies or violations are identified;
3. procedures requiring that information required to be disclosed
by SPI to the Commission is recorded, processed, and reported in
accordance with applicable law;
4. procedures requiring that all reporting made to the Commission
is timely, truthful, complete, accurate, and in accordance with
applicable law;
5. procedures requiring that immediate disclosure is made to SPI's
management of any significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in
the design or operation of such internal controls that are reasonably
likely to affect adversely, in any material respect, SPI's ability to
record, process and report to the Commission in accordance with
applicable law;
6. mechanisms to effectively communicate to all applicable SPI
employees, through training programs or other means, compliance-related
company policies and procedures to prevent violations of the CPSA;
7. a mechanism for confidential employee reporting of compliance-
related questions or concerns to either a compliance officer or to
another senior manager with authority to act as necessary;
8. SPI's senior management responsibility for, and general board
oversight of, CPSA compliance; and
9. retention of all CPSA compliance-related records for at least
five (5) years, and availability of such records to CPSC staff upon
10. SPI shall submit a report under CPSA Section 16(b), sworn to
under penalty of perjury:
1. describing in detail its compliance program and internal
controls and the actions SPI has taken to comply with each subparagraph
of paragraph 24;
2. affirming that during the reporting period SPI has reviewed its
compliance program and internal controls, including the actions
referenced in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, for effectiveness,
and that it complies with each subparagraph of paragraph 24, or
describing in detail any non-compliance with any such subparagraph; and
3. identifying any changes or modifications made during the
reporting period to the SPI's compliance program or internal controls
to ensure compliance with the terms of the CPSA and, in particular, the
requirements of CPSA Section 15 related to timely reporting.
Such reports shall be submitted annually to the Director, Office of
Compliance and Field Operations, Division of Enforcement and
Litigation, for a period of three (3) years beginning 12 months after
the Commission's final Order of acceptance of the Agreement. The first
report shall be submitted 30 days after the close of the first 12-month
reporting period, and successive reports shall be due annually on the
same date thereafter. Without limitation, SPI acknowledges and agrees
that failure to make such timely and accurate reports as required by
this Agreement and Order may constitute a violation of Section 19(a)(3)
of the CPSA.
4. Notwithstanding and in addition to the above, SPI shall promptly
provide written documentation of any changes or modifications to its
compliance program or internal controls and procedures, including the
effective dates of the changes or modifications thereto. SPI shall
cooperate fully and truthfully with staff and shall make available all
non-privileged information and materials and personnel deemed necessary
by staff to evaluate SPI's compliance with the terms of the Agreement.
5. The parties acknowledge and agree that the Commission may
publicize the terms of the Agreement and the Order.
6. SPI represents that the Agreement:
1. is entered into freely and voluntarily, without any degree of
duress or compulsion whatsoever;
2. has been duly authorized; and
3. constitutes the valid and binding obligation of SPI, enforceable
against SPI in accordance with its terms.
4. The signatories represent that they are authorized to execute
this Agreement.
5. The Agreement is governed by the laws of the United States.
6. The Agreement and the Order shall apply to, and be binding upon,
SPI and each of successors, transferees, and assigns; and a violation
of the Agreement or Order may subject SPI, and each of successors,
transferees, and assigns, to appropriate legal action.
7. The Agreement and the Order constitute the complete agreement
between the parties on the subject matter contained therein.
8. The Agreement may be used in interpreting the Order.
Understandings, agreements, representations, or interpretations apart
from those contained in the Agreement and the Order may not be used to
vary or
[[Page 52756]]
contradict their terms. For purposes of construction, the Agreement
shall be deemed to have been drafted by both of the parties and shall
not, therefore, be construed against any party, for that reason, in any
subsequent dispute.
34. The Agreement may not be waived, amended, modified, or
otherwise altered, except as in accordance with the provisions of 16
CFR 1118.20(h). The Agreement may be executed in counterparts.
35. If any provision of the Agreement or the Order is held to be
illegal, invalid, or unenforceable under present or future laws
effective during the terms of the Agreement and the Order, such
provision shall be fully severable. The balance of the Agreement and
the Order shall remain in full force and effect, unless the Commission
and SPI agree in writing that severing the provision materially affects
the purpose of the Agreement and the Order.
(Signatures on next page)
Segway Powersports Inc.
Dated: July 21, 2022
Kun Zhu,
Segway Powersports Inc., President.
Dated: 7/21/2022
Jennifer R. Coates, Partner,
Catherine X. Pan-Giordano, Partner,
Dorsey & Whitney LLP,
Counsel to Segway Powersports Inc.
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Mary B. Murphy, Director.
Dated: 7/21/2022
Gregory M. Reyes, Supervisory Attorney,
Nicholas J. Linn, Trial Attorney,
Division of Enforcement and Litigation, Office of Compliance and
Field Operations.
United States of America Consumer Product Safety Commission
CPSC Docket No.: 22-C0004
Upon consideration of the Settlement Agreement entered into between
Segway Powersports Inc. (``SPI'') and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (``Commission'' or ``CPSC''), and the Commission having
jurisdiction over the subject matter and over SPI, and it appearing
that the Settlement Agreement is in the public interest, the Settlement
Agreement is incorporated by reference and it is:
Provisionally accepted and provisional Order issued on the __
day of ___, 2022.
By order of the Commission:
Alberta E. Mills, Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Finally accepted and final Order issued on the __ day of ___,
By order of the Commission:
Alberta E. Mills, Secretary, U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Affidavit of Corporate Officer
I, the undersigned, swear and affirm that I am employed by Segway
Powersports Inc. (``SPI''), that I hold the position indicated below,
and, by reason of my position, I am authorized and qualified to make
the following statements. All capitalized terms not defined in this
affidavit shall have the meanings given to them in the Settlement
Agreement between SPI and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
(``CPSC'') dated the same date, of which this affidavit is a part:
1. SPI's financial statements provided by SPI to the CPSC in
connection with the matters addressed in the Settlement Agreement (the
``Matters'') are complete, accurate and current, and fairly represent
the financial conditions of SPI as of the dates, and for the periods,
indicated therein, subject to the absence of notes as these financial
statements are unaudited.
2. SPI has provided all available documents and information
responsive to the CPSC's requests in connection with the Matters.
3. The information provided by SPI to the CPSC in connection with
the Matters do not, as of the date of the Settlement Agreement, and did
not, at the time provided to the CPSC, contain any untrue statement of
a material fact or omit any material fact required to be stated therein
or necessary in order to make the statement therein, in light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
4. SPI has insufficient cash or other liquid assets to satisfy a
civil penalty payment in excess of $1,250,000. SPI has requested that
its parent company, Ninebot Limited, or any of Ninebot's affiliated
entities loan or otherwise provide funds for SPI to pay CPSC the
demanded civil penalty amount. SPI's parent company and its affiliated
entities have specifically declined SPI's request. SPI has provided
copies of those communications to CPSC staff in connection with the
5. SPI has attempted to obtain funding from multiple unaffiliated
third-party lenders but has been unable to secure such funding. To my
knowledge, SPI has provided copies of documents it submitted to the
banks and communications from the banks regarding their decisions to
CPSC staff in connection with the Matters.
6. To my knowledge, Ninebot Limited and its affiliated entities
have not provided a parent guarantee, nor any other written
representations of financial support on behalf of SPI, to any third-
party lenders.
7. The entire penalty amount of $1,250,000 will be paid solely by
SPI, using funds available in SPI's own bank accounts at the time of
the respective payments, and without any loans, funds, or other
financial support from Ninebot Limited, any SPI or Ninebot Limited
affiliated entities, or any other third-party, including but not
limited to banks or other creditors, for this penalty.
8. Any civil penalty payment by SPI in excess of $1,250,000 would
cause SPI significant financial hardship and compel SPI to cease
operations as an ongoing business.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and
correct. I understand that any intentional false statement in this
declaration may be a criminal offense under 18 U.S.C. 1001.
Executed on July 21, 2022
Signed by:-------------------------------------------------------------
Kun Zhu, President, Segway Powersports Inc.
[FR Doc. 2022-18531 Filed 8-26-22; 8:45 am]