Pipeline Safety: Periodic Standards Update II, 52713-52736 [2022-17219]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules meaningful input to CMS and CDC) for an additional 30 days. Dated: August 24, 2022. Xavier Becerra, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services. [FR Doc. 2022–18558 Filed 8–24–22; 4:15 pm] BILLING CODE 4120–01–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 49 CFR Parts 191, 192, and 195 [Docket No. PHMSA–2020–0013] RIN 2137–AF48 Pipeline Safety: Periodic Standards Update II Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking. AGENCY: PHMSA incorporates more than 80 voluntary, consensus, industry technical standards by reference within the Federal pipeline safety regulations (PSRs). This notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) proposes amendments that would incorporate by reference all or parts of updated editions of some of those standards. This NPRM also proposes non-substantive edits and clarifications to certain other provisions of the PSRs. DATES: Members of the public who are interested in submitting comments on this NPRM must do so by October 28, 2022. ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. PHMSA–2020– 0013, by any of the following methods: • E-Gov Web: https:// www.regulations.gov. This site allows the public to enter comments on any Federal Register notice issued by any agency. Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. • Mail: Docket Management System, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building: Room W12–140, Washington, DC 20590–0001. • Hand Delivery: DOT Docket Management System, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building: Room W12– 140, Washington, DC 20590–0001, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. • Instructions: Identify Docket No. PHMSA–2020–0013 at the beginning of khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 your comments. If you submit your comments by mail, submit two copies. If you would like confirmation that PHMSA received your comments, please include a self-addressed stamped postcard. Internet users may submit comments at https:// www.regulations.gov. • Note: All comments received are posted without edits to https:// www.regulations.gov, including any personal information provided. Please see the Privacy Act heading for more information. • Privacy Act: In accordance with 5 United States Code (U.S.C.) 553(c), the DOT solicits comments from the public to better inform its rulemaking process. The DOT posts these comments without edit, including any personal information the commenter provides, to https:// www.regulations.gov, as described in the system of records notice (DOT/ALL– 14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at https://www.dot.gov/privacy. • Confidential Business Information: Confidential Business Information (CBI) is commercial or financial information that is both customarily and actually treated as private by its owner. Under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), CBI is exempt from public disclosure. If your comments in response to this notice contain commercial or financial information that is customarily treated as private, that you actually treat as private, and that is relevant or responsive to this notice, it is important that you clearly designate the submitted comments as CBI. Pursuant to 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 190.343, you may ask PHMSA to provide confidential treatment to information you give to the agency by taking the following steps: (1) mark each page of the original document submission containing CBI as ‘‘Confidential;’’ (2) send PHMSA a copy of the original document with the CBI deleted along with the original, unaltered document; and (3) explain why the information you are submitting is CBI. Submissions containing CBI should be sent to Tewabe Asebe, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, DOT: PHMSA— PHP–30, Washington, DC 20590–0001. Any commentary PHMSA receives that is not specifically designated as CBI will be placed in the public docket. • Docket: For access to the docket or to read background documents or comments, go to https:// www.regulations.gov and follow the online instructions to access the docket. Alternatively, you may review the documents in person at the street address listed above. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 52713 Technical Information: Rod Seeley by phone at (713) 272–2852 or via email at Rodrick.M.Seeley@dot.gov. Regulatory Information: Tewabe Asebe by phone at (202) 365–0226 or via email at Tewabe.Asebe@dot.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Introduction II. Background A. History of Incorporation by Reference B. Availability of Materials to Interested Parties III. Summary of Proposed Updates to Standards That Are Incorporated by Reference A. American Petroleum Institute B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers C. The American Society for Nondestructive Testing D. The Association for Materials Protection and Performance E. ASTM International F. The National Fire Protection Association G. Plastics Pipe Institute IV. Miscellaneous Amendments V. Regulatory Analyses and Notices I. Introduction This NPRM proposes the incorporation by reference of 28 updated, voluntary, consensus industry technical standards within the PSRs (49 CFR parts 190–199). These updated standards would generally, if adopted, maintain or improve public safety and environmental protection, prevent regulatory confusion and reduce compliance burdens on stakeholders, and satisfy a mandate in the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (NTTAA) (15 U.S.C. 272 (note)), that directs Federal agencies to, ‘‘when practical and consistent with applicable laws, use technical standards developed by voluntary consensus standard bodies instead of governmentdeveloped technical standards.’’ PHMSA incorporates more than 80 consensus standards by reference into the PSRs; however, many standards become outdated over time as new editions become available. By updating these standards, PHMSA will ensure better alignment of the PSRs with the latest innovations in operational practices, testing, and technological advancements; enhance compliance by avoiding conflict between different versions of the same technical standards; and facilitate safety-focused allocation of resources by pipeline operators. Therefore, PHMSA expects that the updated standards in this rule will enhance the PSRs’ protection of public safety and the environment— including avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions in the form of methane releases from natural gas pipelines—and will be technically feasible, reasonable, cost-effective, and practicable in light of E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 52714 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules their anticipated public safety and environmental benefits, justifying any associated compliance costs. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS II. Background A. History of Incorporation by Reference The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sets the policy for Federal use and development of voluntary consensus standards in OMB Circular A–119 (‘‘Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities’’).1 Material that is incorporated by reference (IBR) is treated as if it was published in full in the Federal Register and the PSRs. Therefore, like any other rule issued in the Federal Register, a voluntary, consensus, industry technical standard that has been incorporated by reference has the full force and effect of the law. As specified in 1 CFR 51.1(c), the director of the Federal Register has the authority to determine whether material that is proposed for incorporation by reference serves the public interest. If a provision of an incorporated standard conflicts with a regulation, the regulation takes precedence unless the regulation expressly provides otherwise. PHMSA has incorporated more than 80 industry technical standards by reference into the PSRs. The lists of publications that PHMSA has incorporated into parts 192 (which regulates the transportation of natural gas by pipeline) and 195 (which regulates the transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline) are found in §§ 192.7 and 195.3, respectively. Previous rules that incorporated updated consensus standards by reference were published on May 24, 1996, (61 FR 26121); February 17, 1998, (63 FR 7721); June 14, 2004, (69 FR 32886); June 9, 2006, (71 FR 33402); February 1, 2007, (72 FR 4655 (correction)); August 11, 2010, (75 FR 48593); January 5, 2015, (80 FR 168); and August 6, 2015, (80 FR 46847 (correction)). The voluntary, consensus, industry technical standards related to pipeline facilities that are incorporated within the PSRs are developed or adopted by domestic and international standard development organizations (SDOs). Approximately every 2 to 5 years, these organizations use agreed-upon procedures to update and revise their published standards to reflect the latest developments in technology, testing, and operational practices. New or updated industry technical standards 1 OMB, Circular No. A–119 (Feb. 10, 1998), https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/ 2017/11/Circular-119-1.pdf. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 often incorporate new technologies, materials, management practices, and other innovations that can improve the physical integrity and the safe and environmentally protective operation of pipeline facilities. PHMSA employees participate in meetings held by national SDOs that address the design, construction, maintenance, inspection, operation, and repair of pipeline facilities. PHMSA’s subject matter experts represent the agency in all dealings with the SDOs, participate in discussions and technical debates, register opinions, and vote in accordance with the procedures of the SDOs at each stage of the standards development process (unless prohibited from doing so by law). PHMSA participates in this process to ensure that the agency’s safety priorities are considered and to avoid the need to develop separate, government-unique standards. PHMSA also regularly reviews updated editions of currently referenced consensus standards and amends the PSRs to partially or fully incorporate updated standards that will enhance or maintain pipeline and environmental safety. This ensures that the PSRs incorporate and facilitate the use of the latest technologies, materials, management practices, and other innovations. The adoption of more recent editions of standards also prevents conflicts between the standards referenced in the PSRs and updated versions of the same standards with which operators and suppliers may voluntarily comply, thereby (1) avoiding the confusion and expense associated with ensuring compliance with competing versions of the same standard, and (2) improving compliance and allowing the allocation of more operator resources toward safety and environmental protection. PHMSA reviewed the updated standards discussed in this proposed rule and considers them appropriate for incorporation by reference within the PSRs. B. Availability of Materials to Interested Parties Pursuant to Section 24 of the Pipeline Safety, Regulatory Certainty, and Job Creation Act of 2011 (Pub. L. 112–90), ‘‘the Secretary may not issue a regulation pursuant to this chapter that incorporates by reference any documents or portions thereof unless the documents or portions thereof are made available to the public, free of charge.’’ On November 7, 2014, the Office of the Federal Register issued a final rule that revised 1 CFR 51.5 to require that every Federal agency must PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 ‘‘discuss, in the preamble of the proposed rule, the ways that the materials it proposes to incorporate by reference are reasonably available to interested parties or how it worked to make those materials reasonably available to interested parties.’’ 2 To meet these requirements, PHMSA negotiated agreements to make viewable copies of IBR standards available to the public at no cost with all but one of the SDOs whose updated standards PHMSA now proposes to incorporate by reference in the PSRs. The organizations that agreed to the requirements of Section 24 are: the American Petroleum Institute (API), the American Gas Association (AGA), ASTM International (formerly the American Society for Testing and Materials), the American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), the Gas Technology Institute, the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc., the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and the Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI).3 Each organization’s mailing address and website is listed in 49 CFR parts 192 and 195. As of the date of publication of this NPRM, PHMSA was not able to reach a general agreement with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); however, the ASME agreed to make the standards proposed in this rule available during the comment period. Information regarding standards availability can be found at https:// www.phmsa.dot.gov/standardsrulemaking/pipeline/standardsincorporated-reference. Additionally, individuals and organizations may temporarily access the ASME standards incorporated by reference in this NPRM, as well as any other standard in this NPRM that is not otherwise available from the relevant SDO, by contacting PHMSA at the following email address: phmsaphpstandards@dot.gov. Such requests should include a phone number, physical address, and an email address. III. Summary of Proposed Updates to Standards That Are Incorporated by Reference The following list, which is organized alphabetically by SDO, includes the title and edition of each updated standard that PHMSA proposes to incorporate into the PSRs in this NPRM; the sections of the PSRs that reference each 2 Office of the Federal Register, ‘‘Incorporation by Reference,’’ 79 FR 66267 (Nov. 7, 2014). 3 NACE International and the Society for Protective Coatings merged to form AMPP, which is why NACE standards are listed under AMPP. E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules standard; a summary of the standard’s purpose; identification of the currently incorporated edition of the standard; and a summary of the changes introduced in the latest version of the standard. The omission of a new edition of a standard in this NPRM does not imply that PHMSA has reviewed and rejected that updated standard. PHMSA also requests comments about the potential incorporation of the 22nd edition of API Std 1104: Welding Pipelines and Related Facilities. PHMSA currently incorporates the 20th edition of API Std 1104 by reference within the PSRs and proposed the 21st edition for incorporation in the NPRM titled ‘‘Periodic Updates of Regulatory References to Technical Standards and Miscellaneous Amendments’’ (January 15, 2021; 86 FR 3938). PHMSA believes that incorporating the 22nd edition, which published in July 2021 and includes extensive changes and expanded requirements compared to its predecessors, will require additional resources and training for industry. PHMSA is particularly interested in comments from stakeholders regarding the use of the 22nd edition to develop welding procedures, as well as comments regarding implementation of the 22nd edition from the perspective of welders, welding inspectors, and engineers. PHMSA also solicits comments on any potential issues that could result from the incorporation of the 22nd edition. Finally, PHMSA specifically requests comments regarding the potential incorporation of Section 10 of the 22nd edition of API Std 1104 and its impact on the PSRs; in particular, on §§ 192.245 and 195.230. In a comparison of the 21st and 22nd editions, the 22nd edition provides the following substantive changes: it revises sample forms; adds requirements for maximum-interpass temperature and post heating for hydrogen diffusion; includes formulas and the concept of heat input in the electricalcharacteristics section; modifies the time required between passes for operators to only consider welding with cellulosic electrodes; and expands the definitions, the filler-metal table, and the post-weld heat-treatment sections. Further, the 22nd edition incorporates a table of essential variables that includes modifications to base material and material thickness and provides hardness and/or toughness options, a preheating requirement, electricalwaveform requirements, interpasstemperature requirements, guidance on the temper-bead technique, and extensive notes. The 22nd edition also modifies the welder-qualification section to include procedure VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 qualification, qualification-thickness ranges, filler-metal groups, a gas-metal arc-welding process statement, allowance for the qualification of two welders on one test weld, and a documentation requirement for procedure adherence during the qualification weld; it also reduces the required number of specimens. The mechanized welding section of the 22nd edition includes documentation enhancements regarding the development of an essential-variable table that modifies the base material and material thickness, provides for a hardness and/or toughness option, includes electrical-waveform and interpass-temperature requirements, and adds extensive notes. The 22nd edition also adds a requirement to perform a nick-break test for mechanized procedures that include manual or semiautomatic passes and contains expanded welding-operator qualification requirements. Annex A of the 22nd edition considers the variability of welding electrodes, and Annex B uses a table format for essential variables that adds additional essential variables. As stated previously, PHMSA believes that incorporating the 22nd edition will require additional investment from industry. As a result, PHMSA did not propose to adopt the 22nd edition in this NPRM, but requests comments as specified above to help inform our decision regarding whether to propose the 22nd edition for incorporation by reference in a future rule. In this NPRM, PHMSA proposes to incorporate the following updated editions of voluntary, consensus, industry technical standards currently incorporated by reference in parts 192 and 195: A. American Petroleum Institute 1. API Recommended Practice (RP) 652, 5th Edition (May 1, 2020): Linings of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms PHMSA proposes to incorporate by reference API Recommended Practice (RP) 652, 5th Edition (May 1, 2020): Linings of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms into § 195.579(d) which addresses corrosion control in aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. This RP provides acceptable methods for controlling corrosion in aboveground petroleum storage tanks with tank-bottom linings. It also contains information pertinent to lining application, surface preparation, curing, the selection of lining materials, and the inspection of tank-bottom linings for new and existing storage tanks. The PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 52715 PSRs currently incorporate the 3rd edition of this standard, which was published in 2005. The 5th edition of RP 652 retains revisions introduced in the 4th edition (published on September 1, 2014) and includes 2016 errata. The 4th edition and the 2016 errata introduce more specific requirements than the 3rd edition regarding how and when tank bottoms that have degraded beyond the minimum bottom-renewal thickness must be lined, repaired, or replaced. The 4th edition addresses selecting lining materials, the installation and post-construction inspection of liners, revamped requirements regarding the use of fiberglass-reinforced plastic as an option for thick-film-reinforced linings, and guidance for thick-film-reinforced tank-bottom linings. Additionally, it expands the requirement to consider the effects of steam coils and other internal devices on tank-lining installation and integrity to include additional guidance on the thermal effect of steam coils on lining materials. The 4th edition also includes new requirements for preparing surfaces near tank internals, and the standard’s sections on preinstallation cleaning provide additional guidance regarding water quality, cleaning soluble salts, compressed- or vacuum-air cleaning, and the effects of recycled media. The 4th edition directs tank owners to follow manufacturers’ instructions during pre-installation preparation, installation, and postconstruction inspection, especially during continuity (holiday) testing with high-voltage detectors. Lastly, the 4th edition states that tank owners must consult with the lining manufacturer to select appropriate lining materials for the design and expected operating parameters of the tank. The 5th edition of API RP 652 builds on the materials introduced in the 4th edition and consists mainly of editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. These changes include the addition of language that specifically addresses ethanol, biofuels, and solvents, including discussions of inorganic zinc/zinc silicate in connection with the definition, explanation, and prevention of stresscorrosion cracking. The 5th edition also incorporates minor edits to definitions, expands Section 5.3, changes its terminology in Section 12.4 to refer to ‘‘Safety Data Sheets (SDS)’’ instead of ‘‘Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS),’’ and revises the Thick Film Reinforced Linings subsection in Section 6. Other positive changes include the expansion of sections that discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each type of lining and further explanation of holiday E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 52716 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS detection for pipelines with existing coatings, particularly in regard to the importance of cleanliness when establishing the efficacy of an existing coating. The 5th edition removes a number of standards incorporated by reference in Section 2 of API RP 652, as well as references to particular editions of standards that remain in Section 2. PHMSA does not expect that the removal of references to certain standards incorporated by reference in previous editions of API RP 652 or the omission of references to specific editions of remaining standards would adversely impact safety. Further, while the 4th and 5th editions of API RP 652 also discuss the use of a risk-based approach to determine the frequency of inspection intervals, § 195.579(d) does not allow pipeline owners or operators to use a risk-based approach to determine inspection frequency. PHMSA reviewed the revisions introduced in API RP 652 since publication of the 3rd edition of this standard and does not expect that their incorporation by reference into the PSRs will adversely affect corrosion-control measures for aboveground petroleum storage tanks. Rather, the incorporation of the updated standard could enhance the protection of public safety and the environment because it reflects improved corrosion-control processes for aboveground breakout tanks, would reduce regulatory confusion, and avoids redundant compliance approaches from competing versions of the same standard. Therefore, PHMSA proposes incorporating the 5th edition of API RP 652 by reference within § 195.579(d). The updated standard would replace API Recommended Practice 652, 3rd Edition (October 2005): Linings of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms. 2. API RP 2003, 8th Edition (September 1, 2015): Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of API RP 2003, 8th Edition (September 1, 2015): Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents into § 195.405(a) which addresses protecting against ignition when performing maintenance on aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. This RP reflects the current state of technology and knowledge (based on experimentation and practical experience) applicable to the prevention of hydrocarbon ignition in petroleum industry applications due to static electricity, lightning, and stray currents. The PSRs currently VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 incorporate the seventh edition of this standard, which was published in 2008. PHMSA reviewed the 8th edition of API RP 2003 and noted that it contains only editorial changes and clarifications that would not adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. This would improve protection against ignition arising from static electricity, lightning, and stray currents during operation and maintenance activities involving aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to API RP 2003, 7th Edition (January 2008): Protection against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents. 3. API Specification (Spec) 12F, 13th Edition (January 1, 2019): Specification for Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of API Spec 12F, 13th Edition (January 1, 2019): Specification for Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids into §§ 195.132(b); 195.205(b); 195.264(b), (e); 195.307(a); 195.565; and 195.579(d) which govern the design, construction, operation, testing, and maintenance of aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. This specification outlines design, fabrication, materials, and testing requirements for new, shopfabricated, vertical, cylindrical, aboveground, welded-steel storage tanks that are designed according to the standard sizes and capacities for approximately atmospheric internal pressures. The PSRs currently incorporate the 12th edition of this standard, which was published in 2008. PHMSA reviewed the 13th edition of API Spec 12F and noted that it contains only minor changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements that would not adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA acknowledges that the scope of API Spec 12F is directed towards shop-fabricated tanks for production operations, even though the scope of the PSR provisions that incorporate it by reference is broader in application. Therefore, PHMSA seeks comment regarding whether API 650 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 Annex J, which has a broader scope, would be more appropriate for incorporation in the PSRs than API Spec 12F. PHMSA may consider the removal of API Spec 12F from the list of incorporated standards in a future rule, but PHMSA currently proposes the adoption of the updated edition of that specification. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to API Spec 12F, 12th Edition (October 1, 2008): Specification for Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids. 4. API Standard (Std) 510, 10th Edition (May 1, 2014): Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of API Std 510, 10th Edition (May 1, 2014): Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration, including Addendum 1 (May 2017) and Addendum 2 (March 2018), into §§ 195.205(b) and 195.432(c) which govern the repair, inspection, and return to service of aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. API Std 510 presents the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to the inservice alteration, inspection, repair, and rerating of steel pressure vessels, as well as the pressure-relieving devices that protect these vessels. The PSRs currently incorporate the 9th edition of this standard, which was published in 2006. PHMSA reviewed the 10th edition of API Std 510 (including its 2017 and 2018 addenda) and noted that it contains editorial changes, revisions to mandatory and non-mandatory provisions, and clarifications regarding existing requirements. In addition, it includes new sections that improve standards that address the monitoring, maintenance, and repair of hazardous liquid breakout tanks. The new sections address management-of-change requirements; new procedures and requirements regarding the deferral of inspection tasks and inspection and repair, recommendation due dates; and creating, establishing, and monitoring integrity operating windows. The 10th edition also adds sections that provide recommendations regarding cyclic service vessels, operator surveillance, organizational inspection audits, and guidance for shell- and tube-heatexchanger inspections. Finally, the revised standard clarifies that references to undated secondary standards throughout the 10th edition of API Std 510 should be considered references to the most recent editions of these E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS documents, including any amendments thereto. PHMSA reviewed the changes introduced in the 10th edition of API Std 510, as well as its 2017 and 2018 addenda, and expects that they will not adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced incidents due to improved inspection and repair practices. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to API Std 510, 9th Edition (June 1, 2006): Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration. 5. API Std 2510, 9th Edition (August 2020): Design and Construction of LPG Installations PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of API Std 2510, 9th Edition (August 2020): Design and Construction of LPG Installations into §§ 195.132(b); 195.205(b); 195.264(b), (e); 195.307(e); 195.428(c); and 195.432(c) which govern the design, construction, operation, inspection, and maintenance of aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. This updated edition of the standard presents the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to the design or construction of facilities that handle or store liquefied petroleum gas at marine or pipeline terminals, natural gas processing plants, petrochemical plants, refineries, and tank farms. The PSRs currently incorporate the 8th edition of this standard, which was published in 2001. PHMSA reviewed API Std 2510 and noted that it contains editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. These revisions include editorial and formatting updates and the removal of references to other standards. The standard also adds several subsections that include requirements for siting, drainage, vapor dispersion, and instrumentation. Further, the updated standard incorporates language stating that an undated document reference should be considered a reference to the most recent edition of the document, including any amendments. PHMSA reviewed the changes introduced in the 9th edition of API Std 2510 and notes that they would not adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. Incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard, and from the VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 addition of requirements for tank siting, drainage, vapor dispersion, and instrumentation. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to API Std 2510, 8th Edition (May 1, 2001): Design and Construction of LPG Installations. API Std 1163, referenced in the proposed amendments, is already approved for the location where it appears and no changes are proposed. B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1. ASME B16.40–2019 (February 11, 2019): Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution Systems PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASME B16.40–2019 (February 11, 2019): Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution Systems into Item I of appendix B in part 192. This ASME standard reflects the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to manually operated thermoplastic valves in nominal valve sizes of half an inch through 12 inches in diameter that are intended for use below the ground in thermoplastic fuel-gas distribution mains and service lines. The standard also sets qualification requirements for each basic valve design, as well as for newly manufactured valves. The PSRs currently incorporate by reference the 2008 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed two more recent editions—2013 and 2019—and noted that they contain a number of minor editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. PHMSA’s review of the 2013 edition noted that it revises language in Section 6.3.3(b) to correctly refer to the ‘‘Valve Closure Test’’ instead of the ‘‘Closure Verification Test’’ and to more specifically require testing of all material or design variations for closure elements and/or seat seals for each nominal valve size. Additionally, this version updates language in Mandatory Appendix I to include more modern medium-density polyethylene (PE) pipe and material designation PE2708 instead of 2406 and incorporates other minor editorial corrections and revisions. The more modern designation is consistent with PHMSA regulations. The 2019 edition of this standard retains the changes introduced in the 2013 edition of the standard and adds ASTM F2945: Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings as the standard specification for polyamide-11 (PA11), a type of plastic material, to Mandatory Appendix II: References. This change PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 52717 resulted in corresponding revisions where PA11 is mentioned in ASME B16.40–2019, including in Section 2.2.1, Subparagraph D of Section 5; the entirety of Section 3.2, which now clarifies the difference between the applicable standards for PE and PA11 valves; and the definition of valve dimensional-ratio equivalents. Additionally, this edition revises Subparagraph F of Section 5 to allow for the substitution of an identifier traceable to the date of manufacture in place of the date. It also revises Section 6.3.3 to more explicitly require manufacturers to perform either a 1,000hour test at lower listed pressures or a 170-hour test at higher pressures, rather than simply permitting these tests to be used as options. Finally, the standard revises the number scheme of Table 6.3.3–1 and incorporates other minor editorial corrections and revisions. PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2019 edition of ASME B16.40 and does not expect that they will adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard and from providing specific requirements for pressure testing, thereby improving the integrity and operation of belowground, manually operated, thermoplastic valves that are used in thermoplastic fuel-gas distribution mains and service lines. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASME B16.40–2008 (April 30, 2008): Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution Systems. 2. ASME B31.4–2019 (November 1, 2019): Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of parts of ASME B31.4– 2019 (November 1, 2019): Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries into § 195.110(a), which governs hazardous liquid pipeline design requirements that pertain to external loads. Section 195.452(h), which governs pipeline integrity management in high consequence areas, is also listed in § 195.3 as a section that incorporates ASME B31.4; however, this reference will be removed in a future rule since it is not mentioned in § 195.452.4 ASME B31.4 outlines 4 PHMSA proposed the deletion of a stray reference to § 195.452(h) from § 195.3’s discussion of ASME B31.4 in a separate NPRM (Docket No. E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM Continued 29AUP1 52718 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules requirements for liquid pipeline systems, liquid-transporting pipelines, and non-hazardous aqueous-slurrytransporting pipelines. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2006 edition of this standard under a slightly different title: Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids. PHMSA reviewed ASME B31.4–2019 and noted that a rewrite of Chapter II in the updated standard removes Section 419 of ASME B31.4–2006 and integrates it into Sections 401, 402, and 403. Therefore, PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASME B31.4–2019 Sections 401 and 402 in their entirety, as well as parts 403.3 and 403.9 of Section 403. This would establish essentially the same design requirements established by ASME B31.4–2006 without incorporating additional design requirements that the updated standard adds into later editions of B31.4, many of which are already included in other parts of 49 CFR part 195. PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2019 edition of ASME B31.4 and noted that they are consistent with PHMSA regulations and would not adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. Incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard, thereby improving the integrity and operation of hazardous liquid pipelines. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASME/ANSI B31.4–2006 (October 20, 2006): Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids. D. The Association for Materials Protection and Performance khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS C. The American Society for Nondestructive Testing 1. ASNT ILI–PQ–2017 (January 1, 2018): In-Line Inspection Personnel Qualification and Certification PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASNT ILI–PQ–2017 (January 1, 2018): In-line Inspection Personnel Qualification and Certification into §§ 192.493 and 195.591 which govern in-line inspection procedures and operator qualifications. This standard applies the current state of data and technology to the qualification and certification of in-line inspection (ILI) personnel whose jobs require specific knowledge of the technical principles of ILI technologies, operations, regulatory requirements, and industry standards that are applicable to PHMSA–2016–0002; RIN 2137–AF13). 86 FR 3938, 3949 (Jan. 15, 2021). VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 pipeline systems. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2010 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed ASNT ILI–PQ–2017 and noted that many of the changes from earlier versions are editorial in nature and do not significantly change the standard’s requirements. However, the updated standard also includes substantive changes and improvements. Throughout the standard, the word ‘‘ensure’’ is changed to ‘‘verify,’’ thereby providing additional clarity and certainty for users that they must verify requirements instead of ensuring them. Additionally, the new version of the standard incorporates more detail regarding each of the different examination requirements in Section 8 (which outlines requirements regarding the types of required examinations and their methods, content, and recordkeeping) and adds specificity to Section 8.1.2 by clarifying that exam results must be retained for ‘‘12 months beyond the length of employment.’’ Finally, the updated standard includes significant updates to Section 8.3, including multiple new subsections. These additions result in heightened specificity throughout, thereby improving enforceability. PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2018 edition of ASNT ILI–PQ and noted that they would improve ILI operator qualification programs and processes, thereby enhancing public safety and the protection of the environment. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to the incorporated 2010 edition of ASNT ILI–PQ: In-line Inspection Personnel Qualification and Certification. Jkt 256001 1. NACE SP0102–2017 (March 10, 2017): In-Line Inspection of Pipelines PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of NACE SP0102–2017 (March 10, 2017): In-Line Inspection of Pipelines into §§ 192.150(a); 192.493; 195.120; and 195.591 which govern ILI requirements for hazardous liquid and natural gas pipelines. NACE SP0102– 2017 is applicable to ILI of carbon-steel pipeline systems that are constructed of Grade B or greater material and are used to transport natural gas and hazardous liquids, including anhydrous ammonia, carbon dioxide, water (including brine), liquefied-petroleum gases, and other fluids that are not detrimental to the function or stability of ILI tools. NACE SP0102–2017 states that it applies the most current data and technology to carbon steel pipeline systems that PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 transport hazardous liquids and/or natural gas in the vicinity of a right-ofway. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2010 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed NACE SP0102– 2017 and noted that it contains mostly editorial changes and clarifications. The changes from NACE SP0102–2010 to NACE SP0102–2017 include the addition of acronyms (such as using ‘‘POD’’ in place of ‘‘Probability of Detection’’ or ‘‘ILI’’ instead of ‘‘In-line Inspection’’) and numerous editorial modifications that do not appear to change the meaning or requirements of the standard. One notable change between the 2010 and 2017 versions of NACE SP0102 is the alteration of most instances of the word ‘‘should’’ to the word ‘‘shall.’’ In this standard, the terms ‘‘shall,’’ ‘‘must,’’ ‘‘should,’’ and ‘‘may’’ are used in accordance with their definitions in the NACE Publications Style Manual. ‘‘May’’ is used to state something optional, while ‘‘should’’ is used to state something that is recommended and considered a good practice, but that is not mandatory. ‘‘Shall’’ and ‘‘must’’ are used to state requirements that are considered mandatory. One example of this change occurs in Section, which states that ‘‘[p]rovisions shall be made for the collection, wetting, removal, and safe disposal of pyrophoric materials.’’ A similar change occurs in Section, which states that ‘‘. . . in the case of gas transmission lines, the amount of gas available shall be sufficient to propel a tool if the speed control fails in the open position. For liquid service, kickers shall be sized to accommodate acceptable fullrate pressure drop and within companyspecified erosion limits.’’ Section states that ‘‘[a]s-built drawings should be reviewed to identify physical restrictions. If this information is inadequate, gauging or caliper pigs shall be run.’’ Section 5.1.1 states that ‘‘[c]ontracting for ILI work is a significant effort. The roles of the vendor and owner/operator shall be defined for all aspects of the work from implementation to delivery of the final report. The various stages of reporting and payment schedules associated with milestones shall be established. Factors such as the implications of reruns, scheduling changes, and service interruptions should be addressed.’’ In the above examples, each instance of a change from ‘‘should’’ to ‘‘shall’’ is indicated by the emphasis of the word ‘‘shall.’’ The 2017 edition of this standard includes approximately 70 replacements of the word ‘‘should’’ with the word E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules ‘‘shall.’’ As a result, parts of the standard that were recommendations are now mandatory. Since each instance where ‘‘should’’ is changed to ‘‘shall’’ creates a new obligation, each instance is a significant change. However, PHMSA believes that most of the pipeline industry voluntarily follows the requirements in the standard and that all pipeline operators, whether liquid or gas, either have knowledge of, or are familiar with, these requirements. Therefore, changing ‘‘should’’ to ‘‘shall’’ would have little to no adverse economic impact on operators, and it would enhance safety and environmental protection during ILI activities by ensuring the voluntary practices are elevated into PSR requirements. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to NACE SP0102– 2010 (March 3, 2010): In-Line Inspection of Pipelines. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS 2. NACE SP0502–2010 (June 24, 2010), Standard Practice: Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology (NACE SP0502) PHMSA proposes to incorporate NACE SP0502–2010 into § 192.620(d)(7)(ii). NACE SP0502 provides guidance to pipeline operators regarding the assessment of pipelines for external corrosion. NACE SP0502 specifically applies to buried onshore pipelines constructed of ferrous materials. Under the current alternative maximum allow operating pressure provisions for certain steel pipelines, § 192.620(d)(7)(ii) references section 4 of NACE RP–0502–2002. Section 4 of NACE RP–0502–2002 provides classifications for estimating the likelihood of corrosion activity, including corrosion activity resulting from construction damaged coating. The reference to NACE RP–0502–2002 was not updated when PHMSA updated NACE RP–0502–2002 to NACE SP0502– 2010 for other sections in part 192 by means of a standards update rule that was issued on January 5, 2015. Upon review of NACE RP–0502–2002 and NACE SP 0502–2010, PHMSA did not find any differences between the criteria specified in both documents. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace the existing reference in § 192.620(d)(7)(ii) to NACE SP0502– 2010, Standard Practice, ‘‘Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology,’’ revised June 24, 2010, (NACE SP0502). VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 E. ASTM International 1. ASTM A372/A372M–20e1 (March 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM A372/A372M– 20e1 (March 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels into § 192.177(b) which governs design requirements for bottle-type holders used in natural gas pipeline facilities. This specification presents the current state of knowledge and technology regarding the manufacture of relatively thin-walled forgings— including gas bottles—for pressurevessel use. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2010 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed the 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2020 editions of ASTM A372 and noted that they contain only editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. The updated 2020 version of the standard— which incorporates revisions introduced in the 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2016 versions—includes several clarifications that reflect modern steel-making methods, including reductions in the maximum allowable amounts of phosphorous and sulfur and the addition of three new high-strength steel grades: Grades N, P, and R. Modern steel-making methods require less phosphorous and sulfur to create higher-strength steels, and result in steels that have greater ductility and are easier to weld. Additionally, the standard includes a clarification regarding the sampling location for destructive testing and a number of grammatical and stylistic changes, including hyphenating ‘‘full section’’ and changing ‘‘employed’’ to ‘‘used.’’ PHMSA notes that the changes in the 2020 version of the standard described above represent a minor improvement of the standard that would provide an equivalent or greater level of safety than the 2010 version. Incorporation of the updated standard could also provide safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard, thereby improving the integrity of natural gas pipeline facilities. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM A372/ A372M–10 (October 1, 2010): Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels. PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 52719 2. ASTM A578/A578M–17 (November 1, 2017): Standard Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled Steel Plates for Special Applications PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM A578/A578M–17 (November 1, 2017): Standard Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled Steel Plates for Special Applications into § 192.112(c) which governs design requirements for steel pipe used in certain natural gas facilities. This standard presents the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to the detection of internal discontinuities via straight-beam, pulse-echo, ultrasonic examination of rolled carbon and alloy steel plates that are greater than 3/8ths of an inch thick. The standard also addresses the qualifications required for inspectors of such plates. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2001 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed both the 2007 and the 2017 editions of ASTM A578 and noted that they contain only editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. The 2007 clarifications include changing the title of the standard to reflect the removal of the reference to clad-steel plates, the deletion of Supplementary Requirements S6 and S7, the expansion of Supplementary Requirement S1 to include provisions for overlapping parallel paths, and a clarification that acceptance levels refer to recordable conditions that occur on the same plane. The 2017 clarifications include the inclusion of phased-array technology, the addition of a new section (Section 3: Terminology), and the renumbering of subsequent sections. As noted previously, the 2017 version added phased-array technology as an ultrasonic testing option. This version also required that the equipment generate and display an A-scan—which is a way of displaying ultrasonic energy data that shows this energy as a function of time—instead of trace patterns. Further, the 2017 version removed apparatus linearity checks, which were one of many steps that previous editions required technicians to follow, and instead refers to an ASTM guide, an ASTM practice, or approval by ASTM A578 users. PHMSA requests comments regarding this standard’s use of phasedarray technology as an ultrasonic testing option, the use of A-scans instead of trace patterns, and the removal of apparatus linearity checks. PHMSA reviewed the changes within the 2017 edition of ASTM A578 and noted that they would not adversely E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 52720 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules affect public safety or environmental protection. None of the edits to the 2017 version, which retains the changes introduced in the 2007 version, are substantive changes. Incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard, thereby improving the safety of steel pipeline facilities that are subject to § 192.112(c). PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM A578/A578M–96 (reapproved January 1, 2001): Standard Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special Applications. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS 3. ASTM A672/A672M–19 (November 1, 2019): Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM A672/A672M–19 (November 1, 2019): Standard Specification for Electric-FusionWelded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures into §§ 192.113 and 195.106(e) and Item I of appendix B in part 192. This specification presents the current state of knowledge and technology regarding the manufacture of electric-fusionwelded pipe for use at moderate temperatures, including all temperatures for pipelines that are regulated by 49 CFR parts 192 and 195. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2009 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed the 2014 and 2019 editions of the specification and noted that they contain only editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. The clarifications in the updated standard include minor edits to tables as a result of non-substantive changes to other ASTM standards. Therefore, PHMSA does not expect that the 2019 edition of ASTM A672, which retains the changes introduced by the 2014 edition, would adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. Incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM A672/ A672M–09 (October 1, 2009): Standard Specification for Electric-FusionWelded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 4. ASTM D2513–20 (December 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM D2513–20 (December 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings into Items I.A. and I.B. of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to PE pipe, tubing, and fittings used for fuel gas pipelines, including pipe that is used to distribute natural gas. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2018 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed both the 2019 and 2020 editions of this standard and noted that they contain mainly editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. The clarifications in the 2019 edition of this standard include the addition of two notes, Note 2 and Note 25, which led to the renumbering of subsequent notes. Note 2 advises operators that regulatory requirements may prohibit the use of rework material, which is material taken from a pipe that didn’t satisfy manufacturing specifications that is used to create a new pipe. Note 25 describes pipe markings in situations where regulatory requirements prohibit the use of rework material. Note 2 is accurate because PHMSA prohibits the use of rework materials in § 192.59(d). The 2020 edition, which retains the changes in the 2019 edition, includes a number of editorial changes and one clarifying change. The clarifying change revises Section 7.4 to clarify that the standard prohibits potable water, sewer, reclaimed water, communications, or electrical markings on pipe. Therefore, PHMSA expects that incorporating by reference the 2020 edition of ASTM D2513 would not adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM D2513–18a (August 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings. 5. ASTM D2564–20 (August 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM D2564–20 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 (August 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems into § 192.281(b)(2). This standard presents the current requirements for solvent cements that are used to join PVC piping systems. It addresses the requirements in Specification D1784 regarding PVC pipe that was created from compounds and includes Practice D2855’s procedure for joining PVC fittings and pipe. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed the 2018 and 2020 editions of ASTM D2564 and noted that, aside from one change, the 2020 edition (which retains the changes introduced in the 2018 edition) contains only editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. That change is the addition of F3328–18: Standard Practice for the One-Step (Solvent Cement Only) Method of Joining Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) or Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Pipe and Piping Components with Tapered Sockets to a list of consensus industry standards referenced in ASTM D2564. Note: The PSRs only allow the repair of existing PVC piping in regulated piping systems, but do not permit the use of PVC or CPVC piping in new or replacement construction. Prior editions of ASTM D2564 only included a two-step solvent cement process that involved the use of a primer and cement to join PVC or CPVC piping. ASTM D2564 added F3328–18 to incorporate a new one-step application of solvent cement as a joining method for PVC or CPVC pipes and fittings. This alternative to the twostep primer and solvent process fulfills the requirements of ASTM D2564 and provides a joining method for PVC/ CPVC pipes that is as safe, reliable, and effective as the two-step process. The substantive change in the 2020 edition of the standard is consistent with PHMSA regulations, and neither this change nor the editorial changes and clarifications would adversely affect either pipeline safety or PHMSA regulations. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM D2564–12 (August 1, 2012): Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems. E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules 6. ASTM F1055–16a (November 15, 2016): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe and Tubing PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F1055–16a (November 15, 2016): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe and Tubing into both § 192.283(a) and Item I of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to the use of electrofusion PE fittings with outside-diameter-controlled PE and PEX pipe. The standard also includes requirements for materials, workmanship, and performance testing of pertinent plastic piping. The PSRs currently incorporate the 1998 edition of this standard, which was reapproved in 2006. The 2016a version of ASTM F1055 advances safety via several editorial and substantive changes, including clarifying requirements for electrofusion testing and qualification, removing ASTM standards that do not apply to these fittings, and making other improvements to the safety of fittings and the electrofusion joining process. One of the more substantive changes in ASTM F1055–16a is the addition of PEX pipe to the title and scope of the standard; however, part 192 does not include PEX piping standards, and this addition is not meant to imply that PEX is an acceptable piping material for part 192. In fact, the standard states that ‘‘[a]ssemblies using PEX pipes joined with electrofusion fittings shall not be used for distribution of natural gas or liquid petroleum gas.’’ ASTM F1055– 16a is a generic standard for PE Electrofusion Fittings that are used on multiple specifications of PE and PEX pipe and is designed to cover a variety of jurisdictions. ASTM F1055–16a also adds new standards, incorporates updated versions of standards, and removes standards that are no longer being used. Newly incorporated requirements include Section 5.3.1, Section 5.5.1, and Mandatory Annex A2, which provide requirements for an optional alternative to full-scale tensile and crush tests for coupling-type joints that are 8-inch Iron Pipe Size (IPS) and larger in cases where equipment to provide the tests is not readily available. Standard equipment that is used to test pipes up to 6 inches in diameter does not have the strength to test pipes that are 8 inches in VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 52721 diameter or greater due to the increased wall thickness of the pipes, which increases their tensile strength and stiffness. Initial joint testing was developed on small-diameter plastic pipe that allowed testing equipment to conduct full-scale sample testing and qualification due to the wall thickness and resulting relative tensile strength of small-diameter pipe. However, the increased use of larger-diameter pipe of 8 inches and above led to the use of pipes with heavier walls and higher tensile strengths that create challenges for certain standard evaluations that are conducted with normal equipment, including full-scale tests. While manufacturers are working on developing full-scale testing options, the modified alternative testing was developed to test in a way that is similar to the way in which steel pipe and welds on steel pipe are tested. The testing requires standard samples cut from the joint or material to be qualified, after which the samples are tested according to standard methods and procedures listed in Appendix A2. In addition, ASTM F1055–16a expands sections on minimum hydraulic burst and sustained pressure, adds figures for correct and incorrect wire terminations for couplings and saddles, and, to remain consistent with other standards, removes language and references to older PE pipe material designations such as PE2306, PE2406, PE3406, and PE3408 in favor of newer designations such as PE2708 and PE4710. References to newer designations are consistent with PHMSA regulations. PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2016 edition of the standard and noted that they are consistent with current PHMSA regulations and would not adversely affect pipeline safety. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F1055–98 (Reapproved March 1, 2006): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing. for Plastic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing into Item I of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to requirements and test methods for the qualification of plasticbodied mechanical fittings for use with outside-diameter-controlled PE gasdistribution pipe that is nominal 2 IPS and smaller and that complies with Specification ASTM D2513. The standard also specifies general requirements for the material from which such fittings are made. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed ASTM F1924–19 and noted that it contains mainly editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. These clarifications include the addition of two new paragraphs to Section 1: Paragraph 1.4 and Paragraph 1.7. Paragraph 1.4 describes the use of notes and footnotes as a means of providing explanatory material. Paragraph 1.7 is focused on the principles of ASTM F1924–19, as well as its development as an international standard, and is consistent with updated language in other standards. Additionally, ASTM F1924–19 revises Section 7 to adjust Fahrenheit (F) temperature values from single-decimal-point values to rounded single-digit values (e.g., 73.4 ± 3.6 °F (23 ± 2° Celsius (C)) now reads 73 ± 4 °F (23 ± 2 °C)). The standard also adjusts spacing for both F and C values. The changes in this standard are consistent with PHMSA regulations. PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2019 edition of the standard and noted that they are consistent with current PHMSA regulations and would not adversely affect pipeline safety. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F1924–12 (April 1, 2012): Standard Specification for Plastic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing. 7. ASTM F1924–19 (August 1, 2019): Standard Specification for Plastic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F1924–19 (August 1, 2019): Standard Specification 8. ASTM F1948–20 (February 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Metallic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Thermoplastic Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing PHMSA proposes the incorporation of ASTM F1948–20 (February 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Metallic PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS 52722 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Thermoplastic Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing into Item I of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current requirements and test methods for the qualification of metallic mechanical fittings that are designed to be used with outside-diameter-controlled thermoplastic gas distribution pipe and tubing, as specified in Specification D2513, F2785, or F2945. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed the 2020 edition of ASTM F1948 and noted that it contains revisions, editorial changes, and clarifications regarding existing requirements that provide incremental safety improvements. The revisions that provide incremental safety improvements include the elimination of nonmandatory Appendix X2, which is related to material, pipe size, and strength transitions, the incorporation of aspects from Appendix X2 into performance requirements for material transitions in the body of the standard, the addition of four referenced documents to Section 2 (D2513, E515, F2785, and F2945), and the addition of a requirement that installation instructions must state the piping material(s)/combinations for which the fitting was qualified. The elimination of nonmandatory Appendix X2 and the addition of performance requirements for material transitions in the body of the standard are important revisions, as they specify testing requirements for transitions between different thermoplastic piping (such as between PE and PA) or between metallic and thermoplastic piping. This standard also clarifies requirements for failure testing, joint qualification and testing, sealing mechanisms, and stiffener length in fittings. Finally, it adds transition fitting requirements to the body of the standard. PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2020 edition of the standard and noted that they are consistent with current PHMSA regulations and would not adversely affect pipeline safety. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F1948–12 (April 1, 2012): Standard Specification for Metallic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Thermoplastic Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 9. ASTM F1973–13(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Factory Assembled Anodeless Risers and Transition Fittings in Polyethylene (PE) and Polyamide 11 (PA11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Fuel Gas Distribution Systems PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F1973–13(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Factory Assembled Anodeless Risers and Transition Fittings in Polyethylene (PE) and Polyamide 11 (PA11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Fuel Gas Distribution Systems into § 192.204(b) and Item I of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current requirements and test methods for the qualification of factoryassembled anodeless risers and transition fittings that are designed to be used in gas distribution systems that use PE, PA11, and PA12 pipe. The standard covers sizes up to and including Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 8 for PE pipe and up to and including NPS 6 for PA11 and PA12 pipe. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2013 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of ASTM F1973–13 and noted that it contains only editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. ASTM F1973–13(2018) is the reapproved version of the 2013 edition of ASTM F1973–13 and does not include substantive changes. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F1973–13 (May 1, 2013): Standard Specification for Factory Assembled Anodeless Risers and Transition Fittings in Polyethylene (PE) and Polyamide 11 (PA11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Fuel Gas Distribution Systems. 10. ASTM F2145–13(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 (PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide 11 and Polyamide 12 Pipe and Tubing PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2145–13(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 (PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide 11 and Polyamide 12 Pipe and Tubing into Item I of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current state of PA11 and PA12 bodied mechanical fittings, including requirements regarding the material from which these fittings are constructed. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2013 edition of this standard. PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of this standard, which is a reapproved version of the 2013 edition, and noted that it contains mainly editorial changes, such as the addition of a statement of conformity with international standardization guidelines established by the World Trade Organization and other international bodies. The standard also includes the addition of Section 1.7, which is focused on the development and principles of F2145 as an international standard and is consistent with updated language in other standards. PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of this standard and noted that the changes in this standard would be consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency’s safety mission. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F2145–13 (May 1, 2013): Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 (PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide 11 and Polyamide 12 Pipe and Tubing. 11. ASTM F2600–09(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-11 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-11 Pipe and Tubing PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2600–09(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-11 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-11 Pipe and Tubing into Item I of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current materials, workmanship, and testing performance requirements for PA11 electrofusion fittings that are designed for use with outside-diametercontrolled PA11 pipe. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2009 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of ASTM F2600, which is the reapproved version of the 2009 edition that is currently incorporated by reference and noted that that it contains mainly editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. These clarifications include the addition of Section 1.4, which is focused on the development and principles of F2600 as an international standard and is consistent with updated language in other standards. PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of this standard and noted that the changes in the standard are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency’s safety mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F2600–09 (April 1, 2009): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-11 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-11 Pipe and Tubing. 12. ASTM F2620–20ae2 (December 1, 2020): Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2620–20ae2 (December 1, 2020): Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings into §§ 192.281(c) and 192.285(b). This standard presents the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to creating joints via heat-fusion joining of PE pipe and fittings in a variety of environments, including the field. The PSRs currently incorporate by reference the 2019 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed ASTM F2620–20, ASTM F2620a, ASTM F2620ae1, and ASTM F2620ae2 and noted that these updated standards contain mainly editorial changes, clarifications regarding existing requirements, and incremental safety improvements. The ASTM F2620–20 standard improves the fusion process by clarifying the appropriate appearance of correctly installed and maintained joints, clarifies the importance of refraining from stressing a joint until it has fully cooled, and explains the use of a contact instrument to confirm heater-plate temperature. Further, the language throughout ASTM F2620–20 provides clearer and easier-to-follow expectations for joints than the language in ASTM F2620–19. The revised sections in ASTM F2620–20 enhance this standard by providing guidance regarding the creation and inspection of fusion joints. Additionally, ASTM F2620–20 adds the following reference documents to Section 2 in order to provide updated guidance regarding the verification and use of this standard: • F3124: Practice for Data Recording the Procedure used to Produce Heat Butt Fusion Joints in Plastic Piping Systems or Fittings; • F3183: Practice for Guided Side Bend Evaluation of Polyethylene Pipe Butt Fusion Joint; and • F3190: Practice for Heat Fusion Equipment (HFE) Operator Qualification on Polyethylene (PE) and Polyamide (PA) Pipe and Fittings. ASTM F2620–20a adds comments in Table 2 referencing the new Appendix A.2 and additional information VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 regarding the acceptable use of a 500 °F fusion temperature. The clarifications in ASTM F2620a include incremental safety improvements such as clarifications and edits to certain steps in the fusion process, such as information about the use of a contact instrument to confirm heater-plate temperature, a clearer description of the visual markers of bad or incorrect joints that operators can identify during visual inspections, and details regarding the importance of not stressing a joint until it has cooled properly. The sole editorial change in ASTM F2620ae1 is a correction to insert the words ‘‘is allowed’’ into the first statement in Table 2, as those words were unintentionally omitted in previous editions of this standard. Finally, ASTM F2620–20ae2 includes an editorial change to Table 2 of ASTM F2620–20ae1 that corrects the metric conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius. PHMSA reviewed the F2620ae2 edition of this standard and noted that the changes in this standard are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency’s safety mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F2620–19 (February 1, 2019): Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings. 13. ASTM F2767–18 (April 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-12 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-12 Pipe and Tubing for Gas Distribution PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2767–18 (April 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-12 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-12 Pipe and Tubing for Gas Distribution into Item I of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to PA12 electrofusion fittings for use with outside-diameter-controlled PA12 pipe, as covered by ASTM F2785. The standard also includes requirements for materials, workmanship, and testing performance. The PSRs currently incorporate by reference the 2012 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition and noted that it contains editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. These include adding clarifying language in Sections PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 52723 1.4 and 1.5 regarding the development of ASTM F2767 as an international standard. The standard also revises Section 6.1 to clarify requirements for dimensions and tolerances and improves clarity by moving the reference to Test Method D2122. The standard moves what was formerly Section 6.2 to a note and renumbers other sections accordingly. Additionally, it revises Section 8 to improve temperature consistency during treatment and testing. The standard adds Section 8.1.3 to clarify conditioning temperatures for fittings and pipe, as well as the test temperature in Section 8.2 with Standard Laboratory Temperature. PHMSA reviewed the 2018 version of ASTM F2767 and noted that its changes clarify the standard, enhance pipeline safety, and are consistent with PHMSA regulations. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F2767–12 (October 15, 2012): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-12 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-12 Pipe and Tubing for Gas Distribution. 14. ASTM F2785–21 (July 1, 2021): Standard Specification for Polyamide 12 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2785–21 (July 1, 2021): Standard Specification for Polyamide 12 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings into Items I.A. and I.B. of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current requirements and test methods for the characterization of PA12 pipe, tubing, and fittings for use in fuel-gas mains and services for direct burial and reliner applications. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed the 2018, 2018a, 2020, 2020e1, and 2021 editions of ASTM F2785 and noted that they contain editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements that would improve safety. In the 2018 edition, these clarifications include revising the first sentence of Section 1.1.1 from ‘‘[t]his specification does not cover threaded pipe’’ to ‘‘[p]ipe and fittings covered by this specification shall not be joined using taper pipe threads,’’ which is more stringent language than in previous editions of the standard. The 2018 edition adds a second sentence directly after the first that states: ‘‘[j]oining methods qualified in accordance with the requirements of Title 49 CFR part 192.283 are acceptable.’’ In addition, the standard revises Table 1 to include the pounds E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS 52724 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules per square inch equivalents for the Megapascal values, revises Tables 3 and 5 to reduce the number of decimals for the millimeters in the last columns from three to two points, removes Section 5.4: Conditioning of Samples, and renumbers the remaining subsections of Section 5. Section 5.4 is unnecessary because Section 6.3: Conditioning of Samples, which is still in the standard, makes it redundant. The 2018a edition of ASTM F2785 revises Section 7.1 to reorder language regarding required markings. Both the 2018 and the 2018a editions incorporate other minor editorial revisions. The 2020 edition retains the changes introduced in the 2018 and 2018a editions and references ASTM F3372, which describes the procedures operators should follow when creating butt-fusion joints for PA12 pipe and fittings. These procedures require operators to adopt a consistent and qualified joining method for PA12 materials and are similar to the procedures required for PE pipe in D2513 and F2620. Other clarifications— such as the inclusion of an ASTM standard that addresses pipes with diameters of up to 12 inches—ensure that, in the future, PHMSA will have the option to allow the use of largerdiameter PA12 pipe. The 2020 edition enhances previous revisions by adding and revising sections, and significantly improves safety by referencing ASTM F3372 and expanding the standard to allow the production and use of up to 12-inch diameter pipe. Incorporation of this standard does not impact the diameter or pressure limitations for PA12 pipe in 49 CFR 192.121. The 2020e1 edition of this standard is almost identical to the 2020 edition, as the only change in the 2020e1 edition is a correction to Table 4 that changes one of the column headings from ‘‘Maximum Wall Thickness’’ to ‘‘Minimum Wall Thickness.’’ The revisions to the 2021 edition were designed to align the standard with the requirements in the pipeline safety regulations. Further, the 2021 edition uses Note 5 to clarify the way in which operators can determine outdoor storage resistance. While notes are nonmandatory aspects of ASTM standards, they are valuable sources of guidance for the individuals and organizations that use the standards. PHMSA reviewed the 2021 edition of this standard and noted its changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency’s safety mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F2785–12 (August 1, 2012): Standard Specification for Polyamide 12 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings. 15. ASTM F2817–13(2019) (May 1, 2019): Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Maintenance or Repair PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2817–13(2019) (May 1, 2019): Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Maintenance or Repair into Items I.A. and I.B. of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents existing industry requirements for PVC pipe, tubing, and fittings that are used to maintain or repair existing PVC gas piping. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2010 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed the 2013 and 2019 editions of ASTM F2817. The changes in the 2013 edition, which incrementally improve safety by updating the applicable specifications and material requirements for PVC compounds, include the addition of Specification D1784 to Section 2, the removal of Specification D3915 from Section 2, and the substitution of Specification D1784 for Specification D3915 in Tables 5 and 6. Specification D1784 replaces Specification D3915 as the specification for rigid PVC compounds. Additionally, the 2013 edition revises Section 4.3 to require that the PVC compounds used for pipe and fittings must equal or exceed PVC 12454 or 14333, which are described in Specification D1784. The 2019 version is a reapproved version of the 2013 edition, and thus contains no technical changes. PHMSA reviewed the 2019 edition of this standard and noted that its nontechnical changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency’s safety mission. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F2817–10 (February 1, 2010): Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings For Maintenance or Repair. 16. ASTM F2945–18 (September 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2945–18 (September 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings into Items I.A. and I.B. of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents requirements and test methods for the characterization of PA11 pipe, tubing, and fittings that will be used on fuel gas pipelines. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of this standard. PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of ASTM F2945 and noted that it contains mainly editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. These clarifications include moving Note 1—which states that heat-fusion joining is restricted to PA11 materials—from Section 1.5 to Section 1.2. In other words, Note 1 states that cross-fusion joining with other materials is not permitted. The standard also corrects the title of ASTM D789 in Section 2.1; adds Section 1.6 to address international standard principles; revises and reorders Section 7.1; adds F1563 to Section 2.1; removes gas distribution from Section 7.3; and incorporates other minor editorial changes. PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of this standard and noted that its changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency’s safety mission. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to ASTM F2945–12a (November 27, 2012): Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings. F. The National Fire Protection Association 1. NFPA 30, 2021 Edition (August 31, 2020): Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code (ANSI Approved) PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of NFPA 30, 2021 Edition (August 31, 2020): Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code (ANSI approved) into §§ 192.735(b) and 195.264(b). NFPA 30 applies to the safe storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquids. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of this standard. NFPA 30 is incorporated into 49 CFR 192.735(b), which applies to the storage of combustible materials in compressor stations that are subject to 49 CFR part 192. Section 192.735(b) states that owners and operators must protect aboveground oil or gasoline storage tanks in accordance with NFPA 30. Chapter 22 of NFPA 30 addresses the storage of ignitable liquids in aboveground storage tanks and includes two pertinent sections: Sections 22.2.3 and 22.10. Section 22.2.3 provides the definition of a protected aboveground E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules tank, while Section 22.10 specifies additional requirements for protected aboveground storage tanks. NFPA 30 is also incorporated into 49 CFR 195.264(b), which includes provisions for impoundment, entry protections, venting, and pressure relief for aboveground breakout tanks. Section 195.264(b)(1) states that owners and operators of tanks built in accordance with certain specifications—such as API Spec 12F, API Std 620, and others— must install impoundments that comply with specific sections of NFPA 30. For example, § 195.264(b)(1)(i) requires impoundments around breakout tanks to be installed in accordance with Section 22.11.2 of NFPA 30, and § 195.264(b)(1)(ii) requires impoundments that drain to remote impounding areas to be installed in accordance with Section 22.11.1 of NFPA 30. The 2021 edition of NFPA 30 revises the 2012 edition, which is currently incorporated by reference, in several ways. For example, it revises the classification scheme for liquids by introducing the term ‘‘ignitable liquid’’ in place of the terms ‘‘combustible liquid’’ and ‘‘flammable liquid.’’ This revision reduces regulatory confusion regarding authorities with overlapping jurisdictions, such as fire officials, occupational safety officials, and transportation officials. The 2021 edition also updates a secondary reference from the 1998 edition of UL 2085 to the 2018 edition. This secondary reference provides information regarding testing and listing protected aboveground tanks for flammable and combustible liquids. PHMSA reviewed the 2021 edition of this standard and noted that its changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency’s safety mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to NFPA 30, 2012 Edition (June 20, 2011): Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, Including Errata 30–12–1 (September 27, 2011) and Errata 30–12–2 (November 14, 2011). VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 G. Plastics Pipe Institute 1. PPI T R 3/2021 (June 16, 2021): Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stresses (HDS), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required Strength (CRS) for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of PPI TR–3/2021 (June 16, 2021): Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stresses (HDS), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required Strength (CRS) for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe into § 192.121(a). This report presents the policies and procedures that PPI’s Hydrostatic Stress Board (HSB) used to develop long-term, strength-rating recommendations for commercial thermoplastic piping materials or pipe. The recommendations are published in PPI Technical Report 4 (TR–4)/2021 (June 16, 2021): PPI HSB Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB) and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings For Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe, a regularly updated document that is also proposed for incorporation in this rule. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of PPI TR–3. PHMSA reviewed the 2018, 2020, and 2021 editions of PPI TR–3 and noted that they contain mainly editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements that incrementally improve safety. The clarifications in the 2018 edition include the addition of a definition for solid-wall pipe, the removal of the definition of multilayer pipe to eliminate confusion regarding groups of composite pipe materials, the addition of new language regarding requirements for the stress-rupture dataset to qualify for a standard-grade listing, and the revision of certain definitions, including a change to the definition of composite pipe that adds three groups of materials and three subgroups of materials to Group 3. The report also clarifies the qualification of materials using PPI standards, including 5-year renewal requirements for the standard grade of each material. The 2020 edition also includes grammatical, editorial, and formatting changes that clarify the language of this standard, including expanded explanations regarding the renewal and duration of hydrostatic-design-basis PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 52725 recommendations. Additionally, the revisions to the 2020 edition significantly improve the standard by reformatting the document and creating numerous information tables that facilitate use of this standard. The 2021 edition incorporates numerous clarifications regarding current requirements, including the addition of a definition for ‘‘commercially produced pipe’’ and edits to other statements to ensure that they are consistent with this definition. The 2021 edition also adds the Part G PEX initial listing policy and edits the hydrostatic-design-basis validation for 180 °F hydrostatic-design-basis PE compounds. PHMSA reviewed the 2021 edition of this standard and noted that its changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency’s safety mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to PPI TR–3/2012 (November 2012): Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stresses (HDS), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required Strength (CRS) for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe. 2. PPI T R 4/2021 (June 16, 2021): PPI HSB Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB) and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings For Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of PPI TR–4/2021 (June 16, 2021): PPI HSB Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB) and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings For Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe into § 192.121(b)(4). This report details thermoplastic piping materials with a PPI-recommended HDB, SDB, PDB, or MRS rating for thermoplastic piping materials or pipe. This information was established in accordance with PPI TR–3/2021 (June 16, 2021): Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stresses (HDS), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required Strength (CRS) for E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS 52726 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe, a regularly updated document that is also proposed for incorporation in this rule. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2011 edition of PPI TR–4. PHMSA reviewed the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 editions of PPI TR–4 and noted that they contain only editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements that incrementally improve safety. The clarifications added between 2011 and 2018 include updated titles and numbering, deletions and additions of companies and material designations from Table I.A.I, deletion of materials from Table I.A.2, reorganization of some information and charts, the incorporation of additional specifications to Table I.A.6, and other editorial clarifications. The changes between the 2018 and 2019 versions include an edited cover page; the addition of a copyright statement (similar to that found in PPI TR–4/ 2011); the removal of the copyright statement from the forward page; the addition of references and introductory statements; more consistent numbering; table reformatting; name changes and removals; date changes; edited expiration dates; the removal of Table I.A.21; the inclusion of Table I.A.3; and edits, additions, and removals in Tables I.A.1, I.A.3, I.A.6, I.A.8, I.A.9, I.A.13, I.A.14, and III.A.2. The changes between the 2019 and 2020 editions include revised formatting, grammatical edits, expiration date and company name changes, the removal of definitions, tables, and materials, and the addition of new companies, sections, definitions, tables, materials, and appendices. Further, the 2020 edition incorporates updated information (such as listing the current manufacturers who produce resin for use in pipe fabrication), specifies that the design pressure for thermoplastic materials in the PSRs is based on HDB, and changes the number of a report listed under ASTM Specification on Page 15 from D1785 to D1784. This edition also removes the list of properties and acronyms from the Forward page, creates a new page to separate the list of definitions from the list of acronyms, and incorporates a summary of changes. The clarifications in the 2021 edition include new text on the title page, editorial corrections, inclusion of the updated PPI logo, and relabeling of one of the appendices from ‘‘Appendix D’’ to ‘‘Appendix B.’’ Further, the 2021 edition incorporates the most updated information for pipe or fitting manufacturers—including current resin manufacturers—thereby enabling pipe VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 and fitting manufacturers to select the appropriate resin for a given application. PHMSA reviewed the 2021 edition of this standard and noted that its changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency’s safety mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA’s adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to PPI TR–4/2011 (March 2011): PPI Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB) and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings For Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe. IV. Miscellaneous Amendments PHMSA is also proposing several minor editorial amendments and corrections to the PSRs, including the removal of ASTM D638: Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics from the listing in § 192.7(e)(10), which should have occurred due to other changes made by the Plastic Pipe Rule (83 FR 58694), which published on November 20, 2018. The standard is no longer referenced in § 192.283(a-b) as a result of changes the Plastic Pipe Rule made that altered the language to read ‘‘in accordance with a listed specification,’’ which refers to Items I.A. and I.B. of appendix B in part 192. Additional standards are now incorporated for different material types, such as ASTM F2945 for PA11 and ASTM F2785 for PA12. ASTM D638 is a referenced document within both those standards and ASTM D2513 for PE, and therefore no longer needs to be directly incorporated by reference into § 192.7. Section 192.7(e)(10) would be reserved. Additionally, PHMSA will revise § 191.9: Distribution system: Incident report. Currently, § 191.9(a) references Department of Transportation Form RSPA F 7100.1, which is the previous version of the form. PHMSA proposes to change this reference to Department of Transportation Form PHMSA F 7100.1. Further, PHMSA would remove references to specific editions of the standards in this rule throughout parts 192 and 195, except in §§ 192.7 and 195.3. To determine the edition of the standard that is incorporated by reference, operators would refer to §§ 192.7 and 195.3. PHMSA already directs operators to these sections with the following language, which is used throughout parts 192 and 195 whenever PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 a standard is referenced: ‘‘(incorporated by reference, see § 192.7)’’ or ‘‘(incorporated by reference, see § 195.3).’’ Failure to reference these sections may not serve as the basis for a request for leniency in an enforcement case. PHMSA plans to remove references to other specific editions of standards from parts 192 and 195 in future rules. Removing extraneous references to edition numbers would increase administrative efficiency and reduce regulatory uncertainty that could result from inadvertently referencing outdated editions of standards. These amendments would simplify both future standards update rules and the PSRs. Further, PHMSA proposes to revise the definition of a moderate consequence area in § 192.3 to replace the reference to a Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) document, Highway Functional Classifications Concepts, Criteria and Procedures. PHMSA also proposes the addition of a new appendix, appendix G, to part 192 to provide the guidance on moderate consequence areas that is currently provided by the FHWA’s Highway Functional Classifications Concepts, Criteria and Procedures document. The proposed appendix G includes guidance relevant to the terms ‘‘Designated Interstate,’’ ‘‘Freeway,’’ ‘‘Expressway,’’ and ‘‘Principal Arterial Roadway,’’ which appear in the definition of a moderate consequence area. The proposed appendix repeats the information from this document verbatim. PHMSA does not propose to make any substantive change to the definition of a moderate consequence area. Finally, PHMSA proposes to incorporate a number of other minor updates and changes, including: • Removing ‘‘telephonic’’ from § 191.5(c), thereby allowing either method of reporting noted in § 191.5(b) to apply in § 191.5(c); • Amending § 191.22(c)(1)(i) to change ‘‘of’’ to ‘‘or’’ in the following phrase: ‘‘Construction of any planned rehabilitation,’’ thereby rectifying a typographical error; • Correcting the reference in § 192.327(g) from § 192.612(b)(3) to § 192.612(c)(3); • Adding § 192.620(d) to the list of reference locations for NACE SP0502, which is currently listed in § 192.7(h)(1); • Amending § 192.620(d)(7)(ii) to reference ‘‘NACE SP0502’’ instead of ‘‘NACE RP–0502–2002;’’ • Amending the address in § 192.18(a)(2) to read: ‘‘ATTN: Information Resources Manager, Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, PHF–30, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590;’’ • Amending appendix B to part 192 to remove version numbers from the referenced standards; • Amending appendix B to part 192 to standardize the structure of the references; and • Amending § 195.54 to add DOT Form 7000–2. V. Regulatory Analyses and Notices A. Legal Authority for This Rulemaking This NPRM is published under the authority of the Federal Pipeline Safety Laws (49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq.). 49 U.S.C. 60102 authorizes the Secretary of Transportation to issue regulations governing the design, installation, inspection, emergency plans and procedures, testing, construction, extension, operation, replacement, and maintenance of pipeline facilities. The Secretary of Transportation delegated this authority to the PHMSA Administrator under 49 CFR 1.97. Further, 49 U.S.C. 60102(l) states that, to the extent appropriate and practicable, the Secretary shall update incorporated industry standards that were adopted as part of the PSRs. This NPRM proposes the incorporation of 28 updated standards to replace earlier versions of those standards that are currently incorporated by reference within the PSRs. In addition, this NPRM proposes other minor clarifying and editorial changes to the PSRs. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS B. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Policies and Procedures for Rulemaking Executive Order 12866 (‘‘Regulatory Planning and Review’’) states that agencies ‘‘should assess all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives, including the alternative of not regulating.’’ 5 Agencies should consider both quantifiable measures and qualitative measures of costs and benefits that are difficult to quantify. Further, Executive Order 12866 requires that agencies ‘‘should select those [regulatory] approaches maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other advantages, as well as distributive impacts and equity), unless a statute requires another regulatory approach.’’ Similarly, DOT Order 2100.6A (‘‘Rulemaking and Guidance Procedures’’) requires that regulations issued by PHMSA and other DOT operating administrations should consider an assessment of the potential 5 58 FR 51375 (Oct. 4, 1993). VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 benefits, costs, and other important impacts of the proposed action; they should also quantify (to the extent practicable) the benefits, costs, and any significant distributional impacts, including any environmental impacts. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Order 2100.6A require that PHMSA submit ‘‘significant regulatory actions’’ to the OMB for review. However, this NPRM is not considered a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, was not subject to review by the OMB. Further, the DOT considers this NPRM to be nonsignificant pursuant to DOT Order 2100.6A. The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) has not designated this NPRM as a major rule as defined by the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.). In accordance with the NTTAA and OMB Circular A–119, PHMSA constantly reviews new editions and revisions to relevant standards and publishes a proposed rule every 2–3 years to incorporate new or updated consensus standards by reference. This practice is consistent with the intent of the NTTAA and OMB directives to avoid the need to develop government standards that could potentially result in regulatory conflicts with updated SDO-developed standards and an increased compliance burden for industry. PHMSA expects that the proposed changes to the PSRs described in this NPRM would result in unquantified public safety and environmental benefits associated with the updated standards. Although, as discussed above, many of the changes within the updated industry standards proposed for incorporation within the PSRs are editorial revisions or clarifications, others consist of substantive changes that reflect advancements in the state of knowledge (based on developments in technology, testing, and practical experience) compared to earlier versions of the same standards. PHMSA’s technical review of those updated standards noted that their incorporation as proposed would generally enhance the PSRs’ protection of public safety and the environment. Further, PHMSA estimates the administrative burden for stakeholders stemming from the incorporation of these 28 updated standards would be negligible and the net economic benefits would be high. According to the annual reports that operators submit to PHMSA, there are more than 2,813 entities operating distribution systems and facilities for gas gathering, gas transmission, hazardous liquids, liquefied natural gas, and underground PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 52727 natural gas storage as of May 23, 2021. In fact, updates to consensus industry standards are generally accepted and followed on a voluntary basis throughout most of the pipeline industry. PHMSA understands that the majority of pipeline operators already purchase and voluntarily apply industry standards—including the updated standards that are the subject of this rulemaking—within their ordinary business practices. Incorporation of the updated version of these standards within the PSRs would help ensure that the industry is not forced to incur the additional cost of complying with different versions of the same standards. In addition to incorporating new and updating existing voluntary consensus standards, PHMSA is proposing nonsubstantive editorial changes and clarifications of certain provisions of regulatory language. Since these editorial changes are relatively minor, this proposed rule would not require pipeline operators to undertake significant new pipeline safety initiatives and would have negligible cost implications. The non-substantive changes would increase the clarity of the PSRs, thereby improving compliance and helping to ensure the safety of the Nation’s pipeline systems. C. Executive Order 13132: Federalism PHMSA analyzed this NPRM in accordance with Executive Order 13132 (‘‘Federalism’’).6 Executive Order 13132 requires agencies to ensure meaningful and timely input by State and local officials regarding the development of regulatory policies that may have ‘‘substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship between the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government.’’ The regulatory amendments proposed in this NPRM would not have a substantial direct effect on State or local governments, the relationship between the National Government and the States, or the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government. In addition, this rule would not impose substantial direct compliance costs on State or local governments. While the NPRM’s proposed revisions may operate to preempt some State requirements, it would not impose any regulation that has substantial direct effects on the States, the relationship between the National Government and the States, or the distribution of power and 6 64 E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM FR 43255 (Aug. 10, 1999). 29AUP1 52728 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS responsibilities among the various levels of government. 49 U.S.C. 60104(c) of the Federal Pipeline Safety Laws prohibits State safety regulation of interstate pipeline facilities. Under the Federal Pipeline Safety Laws, States that have submitted a current certification under 49 U.S.C. 60105(a) can augment Federal pipeline safety requirements for intrastate pipelines regulated by PHMSA but may not approve safety requirements that are less stringent than those required by Federal law. A State may also regulate an intrastate pipeline facility that PHMSA does not regulate. The preemptive effect of the regulatory amendments proposed here is limited to the minimum level necessary to achieve the objectives of the Federal Pipeline Safety Laws. Therefore, the consultation and funding requirements of Executive Order 13132 do not apply. D. Environmental Justice DOT Order 5610.2C (‘‘U.S. Department of Transportation Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations’’) and Executive Orders 12898 (‘‘Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations’’), 13985 (‘‘Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government’’), 13990 (‘‘Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science To Tackle the Climate Crisis’’), and 14008 (‘‘Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad’’) require DOT operating administrations to achieve environmental justice as part of their mission by, as appropriate, identifying and addressing the disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental impacts of their programs, policies, and activities— including interrelated social and economic effects—on minority populations, low-income populations, and other disadvantaged communities.7 8 9 10 PHMSA evaluated this proposed rule according to DOT Order 5610.2C and the executive orders listed above and noted it would not cause disproportionately high or adverse human health and environmental effects on minority populations, low-income populations, or other underserved and disadvantaged communities. The proposed rule is facially neutral and national in scope; it 7 59 FR 7629 (Feb. 16,1994). FR 7009 (Jan. 20, 2021). 9 86 FR 7037 (Jan. 20, 2021). 10 86 FR 7619 (Feb. 1, 2021). 8 86 VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 is neither directed toward a particular population, region, or community, nor is it expected to adversely impact any particular population, region, or community. Indeed, because PHMSA expects this rule would generally reduce safety and environmental risks, PHMSA understands the regulatory amendments it proposes would reduce any disproportionate human health and environmental risks for minority populations, low-income populations, or other underserved and disadvantaged communities in the vicinity of pipelines within the scope of the proposed rule’s amendments. Lastly, as explained in the draft environmental assessment in the National Environmental Policy Act section, PHMSA expects that the proposed regulatory amendments would yield reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions, thereby reducing the risks posed by anthropogenic climate change to minority, low-income, underserved, and other disadvantaged populations and communities. E. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments PHMSA analyzed this NPRM according to the principles and criteria in Executive Order 13175 (‘‘Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments’’) and DOT Order 5301.1 (‘‘Department of Transportation Programs, Polices, and Procedures Affecting American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Tribes’’).11 Executive Order 13175 requires agencies to ensure meaningful and timely input from Tribal government representatives during the development of rules that significantly or uniquely affect Tribal communities by imposing ‘‘substantial direct compliance costs’’ or ‘‘substantial direct effects’’ on such communities or the relationship and distribution of power between the Federal Government and Tribes. PHMSA assessed the impact of the NPRM’s proposed revisions and noted that they would not significantly or uniquely affect Tribal communities or Tribal governments. The proposed rule’s regulatory amendments are facially neutral and would have broad, national scope; PHMSA, therefore, does not expect this rule would significantly or uniquely affect Tribal communities, much less that it would impose substantial compliance costs on Native American Tribal governments or mandate Tribal action. Insofar as PHMSA expects that the rule would improve safety and reduce environmental risks, PHMSA does not 11 65 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 FR 67249 (Nov. 6, 2000). Frm 00024 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 believe that it would entail disproportionately high adverse risks for Tribal communities. Therefore, the funding and consultation requirements of Executive Order 13175 and DOT Order 5301.1 do not apply. F. Regulatory Flexibility Act The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires Federal regulatory agencies to prepare a final regulatory flexibility analysis for any rule that is subject to notice and comment per the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.) unless the agency head certifies that the rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. This NPRM was developed in accordance with Executive Order 13272 (‘‘Proper Consideration of Small Entities in Agency Rulemaking’’) to facilitate compliance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act and to ensure that the potential impacts of the rulemaking on small entities has been properly considered.12 PHMSA estimates that the costs of incorporating these updated standards within the PSRs would be negligible. PHMSA understands that updates to consensus industry standards are generally accepted and followed on a voluntary basis throughout most of the pipeline industry; the majority of pipeline operators already purchase and voluntarily apply industry standards— including the updated standards that are the subject of this rulemaking—within their ordinary business practices. Further, incorporating such standards by reference helps to ensure that the industry is not forced to comply with competing versions of the same industry standards. Similarly, PHMSA does not expect the miscellaneous editorial and clarifying revisions proposed in this NPRM to impose meaningful compliance costs on operators. Therefore, based on the available information regarding the anticipated impact of this NPRM, PHMSA does not anticipate that this NPRM will have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. G. Paperwork Reduction Act PHMSA analyzed this NPRM in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) which establishes policies and procedures for controlling paperwork burdens imposed by Federal agencies on the public and requires Federal agencies to minimize the burden of paperwork imposed on the U.S. public by ensuring 12 67 E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM FR 53461 (Aug. 16, 2002). 29AUP1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules maximum utility and quality of Federal information. This allowed for the use of information technology to improve the Federal Government’s performance and accountability regarding the management of information-collection activities. This NPRM does not impose any new information-collection requirements or modify any existing information-collection requirements. H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) requires agencies to assess the effects of Federal regulatory actions on State, local, Tribal governments, and the private sector. For any NPRM or final rule that includes a Federal mandate that may result in an aggregate expenditure of $100 million or more (in 1996 dollars) in any given year by State, local, or Tribal governments, the agency must prepare, among other things, a written statement that qualitatively and quantitatively assesses the costs and benefits of the Federal mandate. PHMSA does not expect that this NPRM would impose enforceable duties of $100 million or more (in 1996 dollars) in any one year on either State, local, Tribal governments, or on the private sector. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS I. Privacy Act Statement In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), the DOT solicits comments from the public to better inform our rulemaking processes. The DOT posts these comments without edit, including any personal information the commenter provides, to https:// www.regulations.gov/. This is described in the system of records notice (DOT/ ALL–14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at https://www.dot.gov/privacy. J. National Environmental Policy Act The National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) requires Federal agencies to prepare a detailed statement on major Federal actions that significantly affect the quality of the human environment. The Council on Environmental Quality’s implementing regulations (40 CFR parts 1500–1508) require Federal agencies to conduct an environmental review considering (1) the need for the action, (2) alternatives to the action, (3) the probable environmental impacts of the action and the alternatives, and (4) the agencies and individuals that were consulted during the consideration process. DOT Order 5610.1C: Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts establishes departmental procedures for the evaluation of environmental impacts under the National Environmental VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 Policy Act and its implementing regulations. In this NPRM, PHMSA proposes to incorporate 28 updated editions of currently referenced standards and makes a handful of non-substantive, editorial revisions and clarifications of PSR provisions.13 The incorporation of these updated standards is intended to improve compliance and safety. This outcome is expected because the updated standards utilize updated data and industry experience, as well as increasing specificity to improve enforcement. Description of Action: The NTTAA directs Federal agencies to use voluntary consensus standards and design specifications that are developed by voluntary consensus standard bodies instead of government-developed technical standards, when applicable. PHMSA currently incorporates more than 80 standards by reference in parts 192, 193, 194, and 195 of the PSRs. PHMSA engineers and subject matter experts participate on approximately 25 standards development committees that address the design, construction, maintenance, inspection, operation, and repair of pipeline facilities. PHMSA only proposes the adoption of standards that meet the agency’s directive to ensure pipeline safety and environmental protection. Purpose and Need: Many of the industry standards currently incorporated by reference in the PSRs have been revised and updated to incorporate new technologies, methodologies, and industry operational experience. This NPRM would allow operators to use these new technologies by incorporating new editions of the standards into the PSRs. PHMSA’s technical and subject matter experts continually review the actions of pipeline standards developing committees and study industry safety practices to ensure that PHMSA’s incorporation of any new editions or revised standards into the PSRs will improve public safety while providing protection for the environment. The amendments proposed in this NPRM would make the regulatory provisions more consistent with current technology 13 PHMSA’s draft environmental analysis in this section focuses on proposed changes to the PSRs that pertain to the incorporation of updated versions of currently referenced industry standards, rather than the proposed miscellaneous, nonsubstantive, editorial, and clarifying revisions discussed in Section IV. Although PHMSA expects that the latter category of proposed non-substantive revisions would generally promote public safety and environmental protection by reducing regulatory confusion and resulting compliance costs, PHMSA does not expect any safety or environmental benefits to be material. PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 52729 and would, therefore, promote the safe transportation of hazardous liquids, natural and other gases, and liquefied natural gas by pipeline. Alternatives Considered: In developing this NPRM, PHMSA considered two alternatives: No-action Alternative (1): Take no action and continue to incorporate only the outdated standards that are currently referenced in the PSRs. Because PHMSA’s goal is to facilitate pipeline safety and environmental protection by incorporating appropriate and up-to-date consensus standards into the PSRs, PHMSA rejected the no-action alternative. This alternative would result in the PSRs missing some or all of the safety and environmental improvements in the updated standards. Proposed Alternative (2): Adopt the proposed amendments above and incorporate updated editions of voluntary consensus standards to allow pipeline operators to use current technologies. This is the proposed alternative. PHMSA’s goal is to incorporate all or parts of updated editions of voluntary, consensus, industry technical standards into the PSRs to allow pipeline operators to use current technology, new materials, and other modern industry and management practices. PHMSA also plans to update and clarify certain provisions in the PSRs. Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences: The Nation’s natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines are located both onshore and offshore. These facilities traverse a variety of environments ranging from highly populated urban areas to remote, unpopulated rural areas. Pipeline facilities also cross areas that contain sensitive environmental resources. The Federal pipeline regulatory system is a preventionoriented, risk-management system that is focused on identifying safety hazards and reducing the likelihood and impact of natural gas or hazardous liquid releases. A release from a pipeline that transports hazardous liquid or natural gas—which is subject to PHMSA’s jurisdiction—could harm the natural environment and the health and safety of the public. The release of hazardous liquids can cause damage to or the loss of biological and ecological resources, including coastal zones, wetlands, forests, grasslands, offshore marine ecosystems, and plant and animal species and their habitats. Such releases can also imperil cultural and historical resources—such as properties listed on the National Register of Historic Places—and special ecological resources E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS 52730 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules such as national and State parklands, biological reserves, wild and scenic rivers, and threatened and endangered plant and animal species and their habitats. Remediation following a hazardous-liquid release requires the removal and disposal of soil directly adjacent to and within the vicinity of pipelines, which results in the loss of vegetation. The replacement of this removed soil can result in the introduction of invasive species, which can degrade the ecological value of an area. Additionally, a release could lead to contamination of air and water resources, including oceans, streams, and lakes. Releases from natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines can result in fires and explosions, causing damage to the local environment. Depending on the size of the release and the nature of the failure zone, the potential impact could vary from property or environmental damage to injuries and fatalities. Further, because natural gas is composed primarily of methane (a potent greenhouse gas), releases from natural gas pipelines contribute to climate change. If ignition occurs immediately after a failure, the emissions would primarily consist of carbon dioxide, which is also a greenhouse gas. Compliance with the PSRs substantially reduces the likelihood of accidental product release. Updating new industry standards or those already incorporated into the PSRs can provide operators with the potential advantages and added safety that may be associated with newer technologies. These standards are based on the accumulated knowledge and experience of owners, operators, manufactures, riskmanagement experts, and others involved in the pipeline industry, as well as government agencies that write regulations to ensure the products are moved safely throughout the country. PHMSA staff members actively participate in the standards development process to ensure that each incorporated standard will enhance safety and environmental protection. PHMSA reviews newer editions of standards in detail before incorporating them into the PSRs. PHMSA reviewed each of the standards described in this rule and noted that the majority of the updates involve minor changes such as editorial changes, the inclusion of best practices, or similar alterations. PHMSA staff examine updated industry standards to ensure that the updates are consistent with the PSRs, will improve compliance and safety, and are not merely self-serving. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 PHMSA expects that, as discussed above (a discussion that is incorporated within this environmental assessment section), the majority of updates proposed for incorporation in this NPRM will promote public safety and environmental protection. In a small number of instances, standards organizations relax standards to reduce industry burden if such a change is justified by overlapping protections, low risk, or technological innovation. ASME B16.40–2019, for example, made a number of minor editorial changes. The sole change that might appear to relax standards was updated language in Mandatory Appendix I that removed PE2406 pipe. However, this pipe was only removed because the standard replaced it with more modern PE2708 pipe, thereby advancing pipeline safety. The 4th and 5th editions of API RP 652, which PHMSA is proposing for incorporation into § 195.579(d), discuss the use of risk-based inspections to determine the frequency of inspection intervals. However, § 195.579(d), does not allow pipeline owners or operators to use risk-based factors to determine inspection frequency; therefore, this practice is inapplicable to the pipeline facilities that are subject to this regulation. Additionally, the 5th edition removed a number of documents from the standard and does not distinguish the editions of standards listed in Section 2. However, PHMSA understands that the removal of documents and the failure to distinguish standard editions would not impact the level of safety that this standard provides. API Spec 12F and API 650 are currently authorized design standards for aboveground breakout tanks, as specified in § 195.132. API Spec 12F is a design standard for shop-fabricated tanks used in production operations and API 650 is a generic design standard applicable to welded tanks for oil storage. However, since API 650 has a broader scope than API Spec 12F, PHMSA is seeking comment regarding whether it would be appropriate to remove API Spec 12F as an option for aboveground breakout tanks. ASME B31.4–2019 removes Section 419, which might initially seem like a reduction in safety; however, the information from that section was integrated into Sections 401, 402, and 403. PHMSA intends to incorporate by reference all of Sections 401 and 402, as well as parts of Section 403, thereby establishing essentially the same design requirements found in ASME B31.4– 2006 without adding additional design requirements in later editions of B31.4, PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 many of which are already included in other parts of 49 CFR part 195. ASNT ILI–PQ 2017 changes the word ‘‘ensure’’ to ‘‘verify’’ throughout the standard. PHMSA understands that this increases safety by providing users with additional clarity and enforceability regarding their responsibilities. ASTM A578/A578M–17 removes a reference to clad-steel plates. PHMSA understands that these are nonsubstantive changes that would not result in a reduction in pipeline safety. ASTM D2564–20 adds F3328–18: Standard Practice for the One-Step (Solvent Cement Only) Method of Joining Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) or Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Pipe and Piping Components with Tapered Sockets. The PSRs only allow the repair of existing PVC piping in regulated piping systems, but do not permit the use of PVC or CPVC piping in new or replacement construction. ASTM D2564–20 added F3328–18 to allow a new one-step application of solvent cement to join PVC or CPVC pipe and fittings, as, prior to 2020, the PSRs only allowed a two-step solventcement process that involved the use of a primer and cement to join PVC or CPVC piping. This is an alternative to the two-step primer and solvent process; and, like that process, it fulfills the requirements of ASTM D2564 and provides equally safe, reliable, and effective joining of PVC/CPVC pipe and fittings. PHMSA determined that this change will not adversely affect either pipeline safety or PHMSA regulations. ASTM F1055–16a removes standards, adds PEX pipe, adds an optional alternative to full-scale tensile and crush tests, and removes language and references to older PE pipe material designations such as PE2306, PE2406, PE3406, and PE3408. The standards that it removes either are no longer used or do not apply to the type of fittings this standard addresses. Additionally, the standard specifies that the addition of PEX pipe does not imply that PEX is an acceptable piping material for part 192 applications, as the standard states that electrofusion-fitting-joined PEX pipes may not be used to distribute natural or liquid petroleum gas. The language and references to older PE pipe materials that this standard removes are replaced by language and references to newer PE pipe materials, such as PE2708 and PE4710. Finally, the optional alternative to the full-scale tensile and crush tests is limited in application to couplingtype joints that are 8 IPS and larger and may only be used in cases where equipment to provide the full-scale tests is not readily available. As stated previously, standard equipment that is E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules used to test pipes up to 6 inches in diameter does not have the strength to test pipes that are 8 inches in diameter or greater due to the increased wall thickness of the pipes, which increases their tensile strength and stiffness. The modified alternative testing was developed to test in a way that is similar to the way in which steel pipe and welds on steel pipe are tested. This testing requires standard samples cut from the joint or material to be qualified, after which the samples are tested according to standard methods and procedures listed in Appendix A2. ASTM F1924–19 revises Section 7 to adjust temperature values from singledecimal values to rounded single-digit values (e.g., 73.4 ± 3.6 °F (23 ± 2° C) now reads 73 ± 4 °F (23 ± 2 °C)). However, this is considered an editorial change and should not reduce safety. ASTM F1948–20 eliminates nonmandatory Appendix X2 and adds four referenced documents to Section 2. These are important revisions, as they specify testing requirements for transitions between different types of thermoplastic piping or between metallic and thermoplastic piping. Further, ASTM F1948–20 incorporates the eliminated nonmandatory appendix into performance requirements for material transitions in the body of the standard. ASTM F1948–20 also requires installation instructions to state the piping material(s) and/or combinations for which the fitting was qualified. These changes increase specificity and safety. ASTM F2785–18 removes Section 5.4 and renumbers the remaining subparts of Section 5. This is not a reduction in safety because Section 6.3 remains in the standard. NACE SP0102–2017 makes optional standards mandatory by replacing the word ‘‘should’’ with the word ‘‘shall’’ 74 times. This constitutes a significant change. However, PHMSA expects that this would make little or no difference for the majority of pipeline operators, as pipeline operators are familiar with this standard and most already adhere to these requirements. This change strengthens the standard, thereby increasing safety. PPI TR–3 removes the definition of multilayer pipe. This is not a reduction in safety, however, as PHMSA expects that removal of the definition will eliminate confusion regarding composite pipe groups. PPI TR–4 deletes companies and material designations from Table I.A.I, removes names, and deletes Table I.A.21. This is not a reduction in safety, however, because PHMSA reviewed these edits and noted that they were VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 merely editorial changes and clarifications. Further, PHMSA proposes to revise the definition of a moderate consequence area in 49 CFR 192.3 by replacing the reference to a FHWA document with a reference to the new appendix G to 49 CFR part 192. The relevant language in appendix G would provide the same guidance on moderate consequence areas that is currently provided by the FHWA document, including guidance relevant to the terms in the definition of a moderate consequence area. Thus, this proposed amendment would not result in a substantive change to the definition of a moderate consequence area. Finally, PHMSA proposes the removal of ASTM D638 from the listing in § 192.7(e)(10). This proposal is due to changes in the recent Plastic Pipe Rule.14 The Plastic Pipe Rule edited language in § 192.283(a) and (b), which no longer references ASTM D638. These sections reference additional standards that are now incorporated for different material types, such as ASTM F2945 for PA11 and ASTM F2785 for PA12. Agencies and Individuals Consulted: Subject matter experts within PHMSA’s Office of Pipeline Safety prepared this draft environmental assessment. PHMSA solicits and will consider comments by members of the public, State and local governments, Tribal communities, and industry regarding the NPRM’s potential impacts on the human environment. Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact: PHMSA incorporates consensus standards that allow the pipeline industry to use improved technologies, new materials, performance-based approaches, manufacturing processes, and lessons learned to enhance public safety and environmental protection. PHMSA’s goal is to ensure hazardous liquids, liquefied natural gas, and natural and other gases transported by pipeline will arrive safely to their destinations. PHMSA is confident that the standards proposed for incorporation by reference will enhance the effectiveness of operator actions related to design, operation, maintenance, and repair of pipeline facilities. Thus, PHMSA’s proposal is that this rulemaking will not result in significant environmental impact. K. Executive Order 13211 Executive Order 13211 (‘‘Actions Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use’’) requires Federal 14 PHMSA, ‘‘Pipeline Safety: Plastic Pipe Rule,’’ 83 FR 58694 (Nov. 20, 2018). PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 52731 agencies to prepare a Statement of Energy Effects for any ‘‘significant energy action.’’ 15 That Executive order defines a ‘‘significant energy action’’ as any action by an agency (normally published in the Federal Register) that promulgates or is expected to lead to the promulgation of a final rule or regulation (including a notice of inquiry, advanced NPRM, or NPRM) that (1) is a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866 or any successor order and is likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply, distribution, or use of energy, or (2) is designated by the administrator of OIRA as a significant energy action. Transporting gas and hazardous liquids affects the Nation’s available energy supply. However, PHMSA understands that this NPRM would not be a significant energy action under Executive Order 13211 because it would not be a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866 and would not likely have a significant adverse effect on the supply, distribution, or use of energy. Further, OIRA has not designated this NPRM as a significant energy action. L. Executive Order 13609 and International Trade Analysis Executive Order 13609 (‘‘Promoting International Regulatory Cooperation’’) requires agencies to consider whether the impacts associated with significant variations between domestic and international regulatory approaches are unnecessary or may impair the ability of U.S. businesses to export and compete internationally.16 By meeting shared challenges involving health, safety, labor, environmental, security, and other issues, international regulatory cooperation can identify approaches that are at least as protective as those that would be adopted in the absence of such cooperation. International regulatory cooperation can also reduce, eliminate, or prevent unnecessary differences in regulatory requirements. Similarly, the Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (Pub. L. 96–39), as amended by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (Pub. L. 103–465), prohibits Federal agencies from establishing any standards or engaging in related activities that create unnecessary obstacles to the foreign commerce of the United States. For purposes of these requirements, Federal agencies may participate in the establishment of international standards, so long as the standards have a legitimate domestic objective—such as helping to ensure 15 66 16 77 E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM FR 28355 (May 22, 2001). FR 26413 (May 4, 2012). 29AUP1 52732 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules safety—and do not operate to exclude imports that meet this objective. The statute also requires consideration of international standards and, where appropriate, that they serve as the basis for U.S. standards. PHMSA participates in the establishment of international standards to protect the safety of the U.S. public. PHMSA assessed the effects of the proposed rule and understands that it would not cause unnecessary obstacles to foreign trade. List of Subjects 49 CFR Part 191 Incident, Notifications. 49 CFR Part 192 Incorporation by reference, Natural gas, Pipeline safety. 49 CFR Part 195 Anhydrous ammonia, Carbon dioxide, Incorporation by reference, Petroleum, Pipeline safety. In consideration of the foregoing, PHMSA is proposing to amend 49 CFR parts 191, 192, and 195 as follows: PART 191—TRANSPORTATION OF NATURAL AND OTHER GAS BY PIPELINE; ANNUAL, INCIDENT, AND OTHER REPORTING 1. The authority citation for part 191 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 30 U.S.C. 185(w)(3), 49 U.S.C. 5121, 60101 et. seq., and 49 CFR 1.97. § 191.5 [Amended] 2. Amend § 191.5(c) by removing the word ‘‘telephonic’’. ■ § 191.22 [Amended] 3. Amend § 191.22(c)(1)(i) by removing the words ‘‘Construction of any planned rehabilitation’’ and adding, in their place, the words ‘‘Construction or any planned rehabilitation’’. ■ PART 192—TRANSPORTATION OF NATURAL AND OTHER GAS BY PIPELINE: MINIMUM FEDERAL SAFETY STANDARDS 4. The authority citation for part 192 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 30 U.S.C. 185(w)(3), 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60101 et. seq., and 49 CFR 1.97. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS § 192.3 [Amended] 5. Amend § 192.3 in paragraph (1)(ii) of the definition of a ‘‘Moderate consequence area’’ by removing the text ‘‘see: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ planning/processes/statewide/related/ highway_functional_classifications/ fcauab.pdf’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘see appendix G to this part’’. ■ 6. Amend § 192.7 by: ■ VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 a. Removing the text ‘‘Item I, Appendix B to Part 192’’ wherever it appears, and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘item I, appendix B to this part’’; ■ b. Removing the text ‘‘https://’’ wherever it appears; ■ c. Removing the text ‘‘, phone:’’ wherever it appears, and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘; phone:’’; ■ d. Removing the text ‘‘, website:’’ wherever it appears, and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘; website:’’; ■ e. Revising paragraph (a); ■ f. Revising the introductory text to paragraph (b); ■ g. Revising the introductory text to paragraph (c) and paragraph (c)(3); ■ h. Revising paragraph (d); ■ i. Removing paragraph (h) and redesignating paragraphs (e) through (g) as paragraphs (f) through (h); ■ j. Adding new paragraph (e); ■ k. Revising the introductory text to newly-redesignated paragraph (f) and newly-redesignated paragraphs (f)(4), (6), and (8); ■ l. Removing and reserving newlyredesignated paragraph (f)(10); ■ m. Revising newly-redesignated paragraph (f)(11); ■ n. In newly-redesignated paragraph (f)(12), removing the text ‘‘D 2517’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘D2517’’; ■ o. Revising newly-redesignated paragraphs (f)(13) through (24); ■ p. Revising the introductory text for paragraph (i) and paragraph (i)(1); ■ q. Revising the introductory text to paragraph (j); and ■ r. Revising paragraph (k). The revisions and addition read as follows: ■ § 192.7 What documents are incorporated by reference partly or wholly in this part? (a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. The materials listed in this section have the full force of law. All approved incorporation by reference material (IBR) is available for inspection at the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact PHSMA at: Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590, 202–366–4046; www.phmsa.dot.gov/ pipeline/regs. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, email frinspection@nara.gov or go to www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ ibr-locations.html. The material may be obtained from the sources in the following paragraphs of this section. PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 (b) American Petroleum Institute (API). 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20001– 5571; phone: (202) 682–8000; website: www.api.org/. * * * * * (c) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016; phone: (800) 843– 2763 (U.S./Canada); website: www.asme.org/. * * * * * (3) ASME B16.40–2019, ‘‘Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution Systems’’, February 11, 2019, approved by ANSI, (ASME B16.40); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part. * * * * * (d) American Society for Nondestructive Testing, (ASNT). 1711 Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228; phone: (800) 222– 2768; website: www.asnt.org/. (1) ASNT ILI–PQ 2017, ‘‘In-line Inspection Personnel Qualification and Certification’’, January 1, 2018, (ASNT ILI–PQ); IBR approved for § 192.493. (2) [Reserved] (e) Association for Material Protection and Performance (AMPP), (formerly NACE, International). 1440 South Creek Drive, Houston, Texas 77084; phone: (281) 228–6223 or (800) 797–6223; website: www.ampp.org/. (1) ANSI/NACE SP0502–2010, Standard Practice, ‘‘Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology’’, revised June 24, 2010, (NACE SP0502); IBR approved for §§ 192.620(d); 192.923(b); 192.925(b); 192.931(d); 192.935(b); 192.939(a). (2) NACE SP0102–2017, ‘‘In-Line Inspection of Pipelines,’’ March 10, 2017, (NACE SP0102); IBR approved for §§ 192.150(a); 192.493. (f) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428; phone: (610) 832–9585; website: www.astm.org/. * * * * * (4) ASTM A372/A372M–20e1, ‘‘Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels’’, approved March 1, 2020, (ASTM A372/A372M); IBR approved for § 192.177(b). * * * * * (6) ASTM A578/A578M–17, ‘‘Standard Specification for StraightBeam Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled Steel Plates for Special Applications’’, approved November 1, 2017, (ASTM A578/A578M); IBR approved for § 192.112(c). * * * * * (8) ASTM A672/A672M–19, ‘‘Standard Specification for Electric- E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 52733 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for HighPressure Service at Moderate Temperatures’’, approved November 1, 2019, (ASTM A672/672M); IBR approved for § 192.113; item I, appendix B to this part. * * * * * (11) ASTM D2513–20, ‘‘Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings’’, approved December 1, 2020, (ASTM D2513); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part. * * * * * (13) ASTM D2564–20, ‘‘Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems’’, approved August 1, 2020, (ASTM D2564); IBR approved for § 192.281(b). (14) ASTM F1055–16a, ‘‘Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe and Tubing’’, approved November 15, 2016, (ASTM F1055); IBR approved for § 192.283(a); item I, appendix B to this part. (15) ASTM F1924–19, ‘‘Standard Specification for Plastic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing’’, approved August 1, 2019, (ASTM F1924); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part. (16) ASTM F1948–20, ‘‘Standard Specification for Metallic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Thermoplastic Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing’’, approved February 1, 2020, (ASTM F1948); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part. (17) ASTM F1973–13(2018), ‘‘Standard Specification for Factory Assembled Anodeless Risers and Transition Fittings in Polyethylene (PE) and Polyamide 11 (PA11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Fuel Gas Distribution Systems’’, approved February 1, 2018, (ASTM F1973); IBR approved for § 192.204(b); item I, appendix B to this part. (18) ASTM F2145–13(2018), ‘‘Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 (PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide 11 and Polyamide 12 Pipe and Tubing’’, approved February 1, 2018, (ASTM F2145); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part. (19) ASTM F2600–09(2018), ‘‘Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-11 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-11 Pipe and Tubing’’, approved February 1, 2018, (ASTM F2600); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part. (20) ASTM F2620–20ae2, ‘‘Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings’’, approved December 1, 2020, (ASTM F2620); IBR approved for §§ 192.281(c); 192.285(b). (21) ASTM F2767–18, ‘‘Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-12 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-12 Pipe and Tubing for Gas Distribution’’, approved April 1, 2018, (ASTM F2767); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part. (22) ASTM F2785–21, ‘‘Standard Specification for Polyamide 12 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings’’, approved July 1, 2021, (ASTM F2785); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part. (23) ASTM F2817–13(2019), ‘‘Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Maintenance or Repair’’, approved May 1, 2019, (ASTM F2817); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part. (24) ASTM F2945–18, ‘‘Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings’’, approved September 1, 2018, (ASTM F2945); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part. * * * * * (i) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169; phone: (617) 984–7275; website: www.nfpa.org/. (1) NFPA 30, ‘‘Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code,’’ 2021 Edition, ANSI-approved August 31, 2020, (NFPA 30); IBR approved for § 192.735(b). * * * * * (j) Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI). 15059 Conference Center Drive Suite 130, Chantilly, VA 20151; phone: (703) 205– 1600; website: www.prci.org. * * * * * (k) Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI). 105 Decker Court, Suite 825, Irving, TX 75062; phone: (469) 499–1044; website: www.plasticpipe.org/. (1) PPI TR–3/2021, ‘‘Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stresses (HDS), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required Strength (CRS) for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe,’’ June 16, 2021, (PPI TR–3); IBR approved for § 192.121(a). (2) PPI TR–4/2021, ‘‘PPI HSB Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB) and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings For Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe,’’ June 16, 2021, (PPI TR–4); IBR approved for § 192.121(b). ■ 7. Amend § 192.18 by revising paragraph (a)(2) to read as follows: § 192.18 How to notify PHMSA. (a) * * * (2) Sending the notification by mail to ATTN: Information Resources Manager, Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, PHF–30, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590. * * * * * ■ 8. Amend § 192.113 by removing the entry for ‘‘ASTM A 672’’ and adding the entry ‘‘ASTM A672/A672M’’ in its place to read as follows: § 192.113 Longitudinal joint factor (E) for steel pipe. * * * * * Specification Pipe class Longitudinal joint factor (E) * * * ASTM A672/A672M ................................................................ * * * Electric-fusion-welded ............................................................ * * VerDate Sep<11>2014 * 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 * Jkt 256001 PO 00000 * Frm 00029 Fmt 4702 * Sfmt 4702 E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM * 29AUP1 1.00 * 52734 * Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules * * § 192.121 * § 192.281 * 9. Amend § 192.121 by: ■ a. In paragraph (a), removing the text ‘‘PPI TR–3/2012’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘PPI TR–3’’; and ■ b. In paragraph (b)(4), removing the text ‘‘PPI TR–4/2012’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘PPI TR–4’’. [Amended] 10. Amend § 192.204(b) by removing the text ‘‘ASTM F1973–13’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘ASTM F1973’’. ■ To address increased risk of a maximum allowable operating pressure based on higher stress levels in the following areas: * * * * (7) * * * § 192.283 ■ ■ * * * * * 16. Amend appendix B to part 192 by: a. In item I.A.: i. Removing the text ‘‘ASTM A672/ A672M–09’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘ASTM A672/A672M’’; ■ ii. Removing the text ‘‘D2513‘‘Standard’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘D2513 ‘‘Standard’’; ■ iii. Removing the text ‘‘D 2517–00— Thermosetting plastic pipe and tubing,’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘D2517’’; ■ iv. Removing the text ‘‘ASTM F2785– 12’’ and adding, in its place, for the text ‘‘ASTM F2785’’; ■ v. Removing the text ‘‘ASTM F2817– 10’’ and adding, in its place, for the text ‘‘ASTM F2817’’; and ■ vi. Removing the text for ‘‘ASTM F2945–12a’’ and adding, in its place, for the text ‘‘ASTM F2945’’; and ■ b. Revising item I.B. The revision reads as follows: Appendix B to Part 192—Qualification of Pipe and Components I. * * * B. Other Listed Specifications for Components ASME B16.40 ‘‘Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution Systems’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ASTM D2513 ‘‘Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 12. Amend § 192.283 by: a. In paragraph (a)(1)(ii), removing the text ‘‘ASTM D2517–00’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘ASTMD2517’’; and ■ b. In paragraph (a)(1)(iii), removing the text ‘‘ASTM F1055–98(2006)’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘ASTM F1055’’. ■ § 192.493 [Amended] 14. Amend § 192.493 by removing the text ‘‘ANSI/ASNT’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘ASNT’’. ■ 15. Amend § 192.620 by revising paragraph (d)(7)(ii) to read as follows: § 192.620 Alternative maximum allowable operating pressure for certain steel pipelines. * * * (d) * * * * * * * * * * * * * (ii) Remediate any construction damaged coating with a voltage drop classified as moderate or severe (IR drop greater than 35% for DCVG or 50 dBμv for ACVG) under Section 4 of NACE SP0502 (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ■ ■ ■ khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS 11. Amend § 192.281(b)(2) by removing the text ‘‘ASTM D2564–12’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘ASTM D2564’’. [Amended] [Amended] 13. Amend § 192.327(g) by removing the text ‘‘§ 192.612(b)(3)’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘§ 192.612(c)(3)’’. ■ Take the following additional step: * VerDate Sep<11>2014 § 192.327 ■ [Amended] ■ § 192.204 [Amended] Jkt 256001 * * ASTM D2517 ‘‘Standard Specification for Reinforced Epoxy Resin Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ASTM F1055 ‘‘Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe and Tubing’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ASTM F1924 ‘‘Standard Specification for Plastic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ASTM F1948 ‘‘Standard Specification for Metallic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Thermoplastic Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ASTM F1973 ‘‘Standard Specification for Factory Assembled Anodeless Risers and Transition Fittings in Polyethylene (PE) and Polyamide 11 (PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA 12) Fuel Gas Distribution Systems’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ASTM F2145 ‘‘Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 (PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide 11 and Polyamide 12 Pipe and Tubing’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ASTM F 2600 ‘‘Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-11 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-11 Pipe and Tubing’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ASTM F2767 ‘‘Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-12 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-12 Pipe and Tubing for Gas Distribution’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 * * ASTM F2785 ‘‘Standard Specification for Polyamide 12 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings’’ (PA–12) (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ASTM F2817 ‘‘Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Maintenance or Repair’’ (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). ASTM F2945 ‘‘Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings’’ (PA–11) (incorporated by reference, see § 192.7). * * * * * 17. Add appendix G to part 192 to read as follows: ■ Appendix G to Part 192—Guidance on Moderate Consequence Areas I. List of Definitions A. Other Principal Arterials These roadways serve major centers of metropolitan areas, provide a high degree of mobility, and can also provide mobility through rural areas. Unlike their accesscontrolled counterparts, these roadways can serve abutting land uses directly. Forms of access for other principal arterial roadways include driveways to specific parcels and atgrade intersections with other roadways. For the most part, roadways that fall into the top three functional classification categories (interstate, other freeways and expressways, and other principal arterials) provide similar service in both urban and rural areas. The primary difference is that multiple arterial routes usually serve a particular urban area, radiating out from the urban center to serve the surrounding region. In contrast, an expanse of a rural area of equal size would be served by a single arterial. E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS B. Minor Arterials Minor arterials provide service for trips of moderate length, serve geographic areas that are smaller than their higher-arterial counterparts, and offer connectivity to the higher-arterial system. In an urban context, they interconnect and augment the higherarterial system, provide intra-community continuity, and may carry local bus routes. In rural settings, minor arterials should be identified and spaced at intervals that are consistent with population density so that all developed areas are within a reasonable distance of a higher-level Arterial. Additionally, minor arterials in rural areas are typically designed to provide relatively high overall travel speeds, with minimum interference to through movement. The spacing of minor-arterial streets may typically vary from 1⁄8- to 1⁄2-mile in the central business district and between 2 and 3 miles in the suburban fringes. Normally, the spacing should not exceed 1 mile in fully developed areas. C. Major and Minor Collectors Collectors serve a critical role in the roadway network by gathering traffic from local roads and funneling it into the arterial network. Within the context of functional classification, collectors are broken down into two categories: major collectors and minor collectors. Until recently, this division was considered only in the rural environment. Currently, all collectors, regardless of whether they are within a rural area or an urban area, may be sub-stratified into major and minor categories. The determination regarding whether a given collector is a major or minor collector is frequently one of the biggest challenges in functionally classifying a roadway network. In the rural environment, collectors generally serve primarily intra-county travel (rather than statewide) and constitute those routes on which, independent of traffic volume, predominant travel distances are shorter than on arterial routes. Consequently, more moderate speeds may be posted. The distinctions between major collectors and minor collectors are often subtle. Generally, major-collector routes are longer in length, have lower connecting-driveway densities, have higher speed limits, are spaced at greater intervals, have higher annual average traffic volumes, and may have more travel lanes than their minor-collector counterparts. Careful consideration should be given to these factors when assigning a major or minor collector designation. In rural areas, annual average daily traffic and spacing may be the most significant designation factors. Since major collectors offer more mobility and minor collectors offer more access, it is beneficial to reexamine these two fundamental concepts of functional classification. Overall, the total mileage of major collectors is typically lower than the total mileage of minor collectors, while the total collector mileage is typically one-third of the local roadway network. PART 195—TRANSPORTATION OF HAZARDOUS LIQUIDS BY PIPELINE 18. The authority citation for part 195 continues to read as follows: ■ VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 Authority: 30 U.S.C. 185(w)(3), 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60101 et seq., and 49 CFR 1.97. 19. Amend § 195.3 by: a. Revising paragraph (a); ■ b. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (b) and paragraphs (b)(6), (11), (15) and (16), and (21) through (23); ■ c. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (c) and paragraph (c)(3); ■ d. Revising paragraph (d); ■ e. Removing paragraph (g) and redesignating paragraphs (e) and (f) as paragraphs (f) and (g); ■ f. Adding new paragraph (e); ■ g. Revising the introductory text of newly-redesignated paragraph (f) and newly-redesignated paragraph (f)(6); ■ h. In newly-redesignated paragraph (g) introductory text: ■ i. Removing the text ‘‘, phone:’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘; phone:’’; and ■ ii. Removing the text ‘‘, website: https://’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘; website:’’; ■ i. Revising paragraph (h); and ■ j. Revising the introductory text to paragraph (i). The revisions and addition read as follows: ■ ■ § 195.3 What documents are incorporated by reference partly or wholly in this part? (a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. The materials listed in this section have the full force of law. All approved incorporation by reference material (IBR) is available for inspection at the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact PHSMA at: Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590, 202–366–4046; www.phmsa.dot.gov/ pipeline/regs. For information on the availability of this material at NARA, email frinspection@nara.gov or go to www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ ibr-locations.html. The material may be obtained from the sources in the following paragraphs of this section. (b) American Petroleum Institute (API). 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20001– 5571; phone: (202) 682–8000; website: www.api.org/. * * * * * (6) API Recommended Practice 652, ‘‘Linings of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms,’’ 5th Edition, PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 52735 May 1, 2020, (API RP 652); IBR approved for § 195.579(d). * * * * * (11) API Recommended Practice 2003, ‘‘Protection Against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents,’’ 8th Edition, September 1, 2015, (API RP 2003); IBR approved for § 195.405(a). * * * * * (15) API Specification 12F, ‘‘Specification for Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids,’’ 13th Edition, January 1, 2019, (API Spec 12F); IBR approved for §§ 195.132(b); 195.205(b); 195.264(b), (e); 195.307(a); 195.565; 195.579(d). (16) API Standard 510, ‘‘Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration,’’ 10th Edition, May 1, 2014, (API Std 510), Including Addendum 1 (May 2017) and Addendum 2 (March 2018); IBR approved for §§ 195.205(b); 195.432(c). * * * * * (21) API Standard 1163, ‘‘In-Line Inspection Systems Qualification’’, Second edition, April 2013, (API Std 1163); IBR approved for § 195.591. (22) ANSI/API Standard 2000, ‘‘Venting Atmospheric and Lowpressure Storage Tanks,’’ 6th edition, November 2009, (ANSI/API Std 2000); IBR approved for § 195.264(e). (23) API Standard 2510, ‘‘Design and Construction of LPG Installations,’’ 9th Edition, August 2020, (API Std 2510); IBR approved for §§ 195.132(b); 195.205(b); 195.264(b), (e); 195.307(e); 195.428(c); 195.432(c). (c) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016; phone: (800) 843– 2763 (U.S/Canada); website: www.asme.org/. * * * * * (3) ASME B31.4–2019, ‘‘Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries,’’ November 1, 2019, (ASME B31.4); IBR approved for § 195.110(a). * * * * * (d) American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). P.O. Box 28518, 1711 Arlingate Lane, Columbus, OH 43228; phone: (800) 222– 2768; website: www.asnt.org. (1) ASNT ILI–PQ–2017, ‘‘In-line Inspection Personnel Qualification and Certification,’’ January 1, 2018, (ASNT ILI–PQ); IBR approved for § 195.591. (2) [Reserved] (e) Association for Material Protection and Performance (AMPP) (formerly NACE). 1440 South Creek Drive, Houston, TX 77084; phone: (281) 228– 6223 or (800) 797–6223; website: www.ampp.org/. E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1 52736 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 166 / Monday, August 29, 2022 / Proposed Rules khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS (1) NACE SP0169–2007, Standard Practice, ‘‘Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems’’, reaffirmed March 15, 2007, (NACE SP0169); IBR approved for §§ 195.571; 195.573(a). (2) ANSI/NACE SP0502–2010, Standard Practice, ‘‘Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology,’’ June 24, 2010, (NACE SP0502); IBR approved for § 195.588(b). (3) NACE SP0102–2017, ‘‘In-Line Inspection of Pipelines,’’ March 10, 2017, (NACE SP0102); IBR approved for §§ 195.120(a); 195.591. (4) NACE SP0204–2008, ‘‘Standard Practice, Stress Corrosion Cracking (SSC) Direct Assessment Methodology’’, reaffirmed September 18, 2008, (NACE SP0204); IBR approved for § 195.588(c). (f) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428; phone: (610) 832–9585; website: www.astm.org/. * * * * * (6) ASTM A672/A672M–19, ‘‘Standard Specification for ElectricFusion-Welded Steel Pipe for HighPressure Service at Moderate Temperatures,’’ approved November 1, 2019, (ASTM A672/672M); IBR approved for § 195.106(e). * * * * * (h) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169; phone: (800) 344–3555; website: www.nfpa.org/. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:15 Aug 26, 2022 Jkt 256001 (1) NFPA 30, ‘‘Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code,’’ 2021 Edition, ANSI-approved August 31, 2020; IBR approved for § 195.264(b). (2) [Reserved] (i) Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI). 15059 Conference Center Drive Suite 130, Chantilly, VA 20151; phone: (703) 205– 1600; website: www.prci.org. * * * * * § 195.54 [Amended] 20. Amend § 195.54 by removing the text ‘‘on DOT Form 7000–1’’ wherever it appears and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘on DOT Form 7000–1 or 7000–2, whichever is applicable’’. ■ 21. Amend § 195.110 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows: ■ § 195.110 External loads. (a) Anticipated external loads (e.g., earthquakes, vibration, thermal expansion, and contraction) must be provided for in a pipeline system’s design. Sections 401, 402, 403.3, and 403.9 of ASME B31.4 (incorporated by reference, see § 195.3) must be followed to provide for expansion and flexibility. * * * * * § 195.264 [Amended] 22. Amend § 192.264(b)(1) introductory text by removing the text ‘‘NFPA–30’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘NFPA 30’’. ■ PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 9990 § 195.307 [Amended] 23. Amend § 192.307 by: a. In paragraph (a), removing the text ‘‘12 F’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘12F’’; ■ b. In paragraph (d), removing the text ‘‘12 C’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘12C’’; and ■ c. In paragraph (e), removing the text ‘‘or 2)’’ and adding, in its place, the text ‘‘or 2, incorporated by reference, see § 195.3)’’. ■ 24. Revise § 195.591 to read as follows: ■ ■ § 195.591 In-Line inspection of pipelines. When conducting in-line inspection of pipelines required by this part, each operator must comply with the requirements and recommendations of API Std 1163, ASNT ILI–PQ, and NACE SP0102 (all incorporated by reference, see § 195.3). An in-line inspection may also be conducted using tethered or remote-control tools provided they generally comply with those sections of NACE SP0102 that are applicable. Issued in Washington, DC, on August 5, 2022, under authority delegated in 49 CFR 1.97. Alan K. Mayberry, Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety. [FR Doc. 2022–17219 Filed 8–26–22; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–60–P E:\FR\FM\29AUP1.SGM 29AUP1


[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 166 (Monday, August 29, 2022)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 52713-52736]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2022-17219]



Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

49 CFR Parts 191, 192, and 195

[Docket No. PHMSA-2020-0013]
RIN 2137-AF48

Pipeline Safety: Periodic Standards Update II

AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), 
Department of Transportation (DOT).

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.


SUMMARY: PHMSA incorporates more than 80 voluntary, consensus, industry 
technical standards by reference within the Federal pipeline safety 
regulations (PSRs). This notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) proposes 
amendments that would incorporate by reference all or parts of updated 
editions of some of those standards. This NPRM also proposes non-
substantive edits and clarifications to certain other provisions of the 

DATES: Members of the public who are interested in submitting comments 
on this NPRM must do so by October 28, 2022.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by Docket No. PHMSA-
2020-0013, by any of the following methods:
     E-Gov Web: https://www.regulations.gov. This site allows 
the public to enter comments on any Federal Register notice issued by 
any agency. Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.
     Mail: Docket Management System, U.S. Department of 
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building: Room W12-140, 
Washington, DC 20590-0001.
     Hand Delivery: DOT Docket Management System, U.S. 
Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building: 
Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590-0001, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 
p.m. ET, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
     Instructions: Identify Docket No. PHMSA-2020-0013 at the 
beginning of your comments. If you submit your comments by mail, submit 
two copies. If you would like confirmation that PHMSA received your 
comments, please include a self-addressed stamped postcard. Internet 
users may submit comments at https://www.regulations.gov.
     Note: All comments received are posted without edits to 
https://www.regulations.gov, including any personal information 
provided. Please see the Privacy Act heading for more information.
     Privacy Act: In accordance with 5 United States Code 
(U.S.C.) 553(c), the DOT solicits comments from the public to better 
inform its rulemaking process. The DOT posts these comments without 
edit, including any personal information the commenter provides, to 
https://www.regulations.gov, as described in the system of records 
notice (DOT/ALL-14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at https://www.dot.gov/privacy.
     Confidential Business Information: Confidential Business 
Information (CBI) is commercial or financial information that is both 
customarily and actually treated as private by its owner. Under the 
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552), CBI is exempt from public 
disclosure. If your comments in response to this notice contain 
commercial or financial information that is customarily treated as 
private, that you actually treat as private, and that is relevant or 
responsive to this notice, it is important that you clearly designate 
the submitted comments as CBI. Pursuant to 49 Code of Federal 
Regulations (CFR) 190.343, you may ask PHMSA to provide confidential 
treatment to information you give to the agency by taking the following 
steps: (1) mark each page of the original document submission 
containing CBI as ``Confidential;'' (2) send PHMSA a copy of the 
original document with the CBI deleted along with the original, 
unaltered document; and (3) explain why the information you are 
submitting is CBI. Submissions containing CBI should be sent to Tewabe 
Asebe, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, DOT: PHMSA--PHP-30, Washington, DC 
20590-0001. Any commentary PHMSA receives that is not specifically 
designated as CBI will be placed in the public docket.
     Docket: For access to the docket or to read background 
documents or comments, go to https://www.regulations.gov and follow the 
online instructions to access the docket. Alternatively, you may review 
the documents in person at the street address listed above.

    Technical Information: Rod Seeley by phone at (713) 272-2852 or via 
email at [email protected].
    Regulatory Information: Tewabe Asebe by phone at (202) 365-0226 or 
via email at [email protected].

I. Introduction
II. Background
    A. History of Incorporation by Reference
    B. Availability of Materials to Interested Parties
III. Summary of Proposed Updates to Standards That Are Incorporated 
by Reference
    A. American Petroleum Institute
    B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers
    C. The American Society for Nondestructive Testing
    D. The Association for Materials Protection and Performance
    E. ASTM International
    F. The National Fire Protection Association
    G. Plastics Pipe Institute
IV. Miscellaneous Amendments
V. Regulatory Analyses and Notices

I. Introduction

    This NPRM proposes the incorporation by reference of 28 updated, 
voluntary, consensus industry technical standards within the PSRs (49 
CFR parts 190-199). These updated standards would generally, if 
adopted, maintain or improve public safety and environmental 
protection, prevent regulatory confusion and reduce compliance burdens 
on stakeholders, and satisfy a mandate in the National Technology 
Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (NTTAA) (15 U.S.C. 272 (note)), 
that directs Federal agencies to, ``when practical and consistent with 
applicable laws, use technical standards developed by voluntary 
consensus standard bodies instead of government-developed technical 
standards.'' PHMSA incorporates more than 80 consensus standards by 
reference into the PSRs; however, many standards become outdated over 
time as new editions become available. By updating these standards, 
PHMSA will ensure better alignment of the PSRs with the latest 
innovations in operational practices, testing, and technological 
advancements; enhance compliance by avoiding conflict between different 
versions of the same technical standards; and facilitate safety-focused 
allocation of resources by pipeline operators. Therefore, PHMSA expects 
that the updated standards in this rule will enhance the PSRs' 
protection of public safety and the environment--including avoidance of 
greenhouse gas emissions in the form of methane releases from natural 
gas pipelines--and will be technically feasible, reasonable, cost-
effective, and practicable in light of

[[Page 52714]]

their anticipated public safety and environmental benefits, justifying 
any associated compliance costs.

II. Background

A. History of Incorporation by Reference

    The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sets the policy for 
Federal use and development of voluntary consensus standards in OMB 
Circular A-119 (``Federal Participation in the Development and Use of 
Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment 
Activities'').\1\ Material that is incorporated by reference (IBR) is 
treated as if it was published in full in the Federal Register and the 
PSRs. Therefore, like any other rule issued in the Federal Register, a 
voluntary, consensus, industry technical standard that has been 
incorporated by reference has the full force and effect of the law. As 
specified in 1 CFR 51.1(c), the director of the Federal Register has 
the authority to determine whether material that is proposed for 
incorporation by reference serves the public interest. If a provision 
of an incorporated standard conflicts with a regulation, the regulation 
takes precedence unless the regulation expressly provides otherwise.

    \1\ OMB, Circular No. A-119 (Feb. 10, 1998), https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Circular-119-1.pdf.

    PHMSA has incorporated more than 80 industry technical standards by 
reference into the PSRs. The lists of publications that PHMSA has 
incorporated into parts 192 (which regulates the transportation of 
natural gas by pipeline) and 195 (which regulates the transportation of 
hazardous liquids by pipeline) are found in Sec. Sec.  192.7 and 195.3, 
respectively. Previous rules that incorporated updated consensus 
standards by reference were published on May 24, 1996, (61 FR 26121); 
February 17, 1998, (63 FR 7721); June 14, 2004, (69 FR 32886); June 9, 
2006, (71 FR 33402); February 1, 2007, (72 FR 4655 (correction)); 
August 11, 2010, (75 FR 48593); January 5, 2015, (80 FR 168); and 
August 6, 2015, (80 FR 46847 (correction)).
    The voluntary, consensus, industry technical standards related to 
pipeline facilities that are incorporated within the PSRs are developed 
or adopted by domestic and international standard development 
organizations (SDOs). Approximately every 2 to 5 years, these 
organizations use agreed-upon procedures to update and revise their 
published standards to reflect the latest developments in technology, 
testing, and operational practices. New or updated industry technical 
standards often incorporate new technologies, materials, management 
practices, and other innovations that can improve the physical 
integrity and the safe and environmentally protective operation of 
pipeline facilities.
    PHMSA employees participate in meetings held by national SDOs that 
address the design, construction, maintenance, inspection, operation, 
and repair of pipeline facilities. PHMSA's subject matter experts 
represent the agency in all dealings with the SDOs, participate in 
discussions and technical debates, register opinions, and vote in 
accordance with the procedures of the SDOs at each stage of the 
standards development process (unless prohibited from doing so by law). 
PHMSA participates in this process to ensure that the agency's safety 
priorities are considered and to avoid the need to develop separate, 
government-unique standards.
    PHMSA also regularly reviews updated editions of currently 
referenced consensus standards and amends the PSRs to partially or 
fully incorporate updated standards that will enhance or maintain 
pipeline and environmental safety. This ensures that the PSRs 
incorporate and facilitate the use of the latest technologies, 
materials, management practices, and other innovations. The adoption of 
more recent editions of standards also prevents conflicts between the 
standards referenced in the PSRs and updated versions of the same 
standards with which operators and suppliers may voluntarily comply, 
thereby (1) avoiding the confusion and expense associated with ensuring 
compliance with competing versions of the same standard, and (2) 
improving compliance and allowing the allocation of more operator 
resources toward safety and environmental protection. PHMSA reviewed 
the updated standards discussed in this proposed rule and considers 
them appropriate for incorporation by reference within the PSRs.

B. Availability of Materials to Interested Parties

    Pursuant to Section 24 of the Pipeline Safety, Regulatory 
Certainty, and Job Creation Act of 2011 (Pub. L. 112-90), ``the 
Secretary may not issue a regulation pursuant to this chapter that 
incorporates by reference any documents or portions thereof unless the 
documents or portions thereof are made available to the public, free of 
charge.'' On November 7, 2014, the Office of the Federal Register 
issued a final rule that revised 1 CFR 51.5 to require that every 
Federal agency must ``discuss, in the preamble of the proposed rule, 
the ways that the materials it proposes to incorporate by reference are 
reasonably available to interested parties or how it worked to make 
those materials reasonably available to interested parties.'' \2\

    \2\ Office of the Federal Register, ``Incorporation by 
Reference,'' 79 FR 66267 (Nov. 7, 2014).

    To meet these requirements, PHMSA negotiated agreements to make 
viewable copies of IBR standards available to the public at no cost 
with all but one of the SDOs whose updated standards PHMSA now proposes 
to incorporate by reference in the PSRs. The organizations that agreed 
to the requirements of Section 24 are: the American Petroleum Institute 
(API), the American Gas Association (AGA), ASTM International (formerly 
the American Society for Testing and Materials), the American Society 
for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), the Gas Technology Institute, the 
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings 
Industry, Inc., the Association for Materials Protection and 
Performance (AMPP), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 
and the Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI).\3\ Each organization's mailing 
address and website is listed in 49 CFR parts 192 and 195. As of the 
date of publication of this NPRM, PHMSA was not able to reach a general 
agreement with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 
however, the ASME agreed to make the standards proposed in this rule 
available during the comment period. Information regarding standards 
availability can be found at https://www.phmsa.dot.gov/standards-rulemaking/pipeline/standards-incorporated-reference. Additionally, 
individuals and organizations may temporarily access the ASME standards 
incorporated by reference in this NPRM, as well as any other standard 
in this NPRM that is not otherwise available from the relevant SDO, by 
contacting PHMSA at the following email address: 
[email protected]. Such requests should include a phone number, 
physical address, and an email address.

    \3\ NACE International and the Society for Protective Coatings 
merged to form AMPP, which is why NACE standards are listed under 

III. Summary of Proposed Updates to Standards That Are Incorporated by 

    The following list, which is organized alphabetically by SDO, 
includes the title and edition of each updated standard that PHMSA 
proposes to incorporate into the PSRs in this NPRM; the sections of the 
PSRs that reference each

[[Page 52715]]

standard; a summary of the standard's purpose; identification of the 
currently incorporated edition of the standard; and a summary of the 
changes introduced in the latest version of the standard. The omission 
of a new edition of a standard in this NPRM does not imply that PHMSA 
has reviewed and rejected that updated standard.
    PHMSA also requests comments about the potential incorporation of 
the 22nd edition of API Std 1104: Welding Pipelines and Related 
Facilities. PHMSA currently incorporates the 20th edition of API Std 
1104 by reference within the PSRs and proposed the 21st edition for 
incorporation in the NPRM titled ``Periodic Updates of Regulatory 
References to Technical Standards and Miscellaneous Amendments'' 
(January 15, 2021; 86 FR 3938). PHMSA believes that incorporating the 
22nd edition, which published in July 2021 and includes extensive 
changes and expanded requirements compared to its predecessors, will 
require additional resources and training for industry. PHMSA is 
particularly interested in comments from stakeholders regarding the use 
of the 22nd edition to develop welding procedures, as well as comments 
regarding implementation of the 22nd edition from the perspective of 
welders, welding inspectors, and engineers. PHMSA also solicits 
comments on any potential issues that could result from the 
incorporation of the 22nd edition. Finally, PHMSA specifically requests 
comments regarding the potential incorporation of Section 10 of the 
22nd edition of API Std 1104 and its impact on the PSRs; in particular, 
on Sec. Sec.  192.245 and 195.230.
    In a comparison of the 21st and 22nd editions, the 22nd edition 
provides the following substantive changes: it revises sample forms; 
adds requirements for maximum-interpass temperature and post heating 
for hydrogen diffusion; includes formulas and the concept of heat input 
in the electrical-characteristics section; modifies the time required 
between passes for operators to only consider welding with cellulosic 
electrodes; and expands the definitions, the filler-metal table, and 
the post-weld heat-treatment sections. Further, the 22nd edition 
incorporates a table of essential variables that includes modifications 
to base material and material thickness and provides hardness and/or 
toughness options, a preheating requirement, electrical-waveform 
requirements, interpass-temperature requirements, guidance on the 
temper-bead technique, and extensive notes. The 22nd edition also 
modifies the welder-qualification section to include procedure 
qualification, qualification-thickness ranges, filler-metal groups, a 
gas-metal arc-welding process statement, allowance for the 
qualification of two welders on one test weld, and a documentation 
requirement for procedure adherence during the qualification weld; it 
also reduces the required number of specimens.
    The mechanized welding section of the 22nd edition includes 
documentation enhancements regarding the development of an essential-
variable table that modifies the base material and material thickness, 
provides for a hardness and/or toughness option, includes electrical-
waveform and interpass-temperature requirements, and adds extensive 
notes. The 22nd edition also adds a requirement to perform a nick-break 
test for mechanized procedures that include manual or semi-automatic 
passes and contains expanded welding-operator qualification 
requirements. Annex A of the 22nd edition considers the variability of 
welding electrodes, and Annex B uses a table format for essential 
variables that adds additional essential variables.
    As stated previously, PHMSA believes that incorporating the 22nd 
edition will require additional investment from industry. As a result, 
PHMSA did not propose to adopt the 22nd edition in this NPRM, but 
requests comments as specified above to help inform our decision 
regarding whether to propose the 22nd edition for incorporation by 
reference in a future rule.
    In this NPRM, PHMSA proposes to incorporate the following updated 
editions of voluntary, consensus, industry technical standards 
currently incorporated by reference in parts 192 and 195:

A. American Petroleum Institute

1. API Recommended Practice (RP) 652, 5th Edition (May 1, 2020): 
Linings of Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms
    PHMSA proposes to incorporate by reference API Recommended Practice 
(RP) 652, 5th Edition (May 1, 2020): Linings of Aboveground Petroleum 
Storage Tank Bottoms into Sec.  195.579(d) which addresses corrosion 
control in aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. This RP 
provides acceptable methods for controlling corrosion in aboveground 
petroleum storage tanks with tank-bottom linings. It also contains 
information pertinent to lining application, surface preparation, 
curing, the selection of lining materials, and the inspection of tank-
bottom linings for new and existing storage tanks. The PSRs currently 
incorporate the 3rd edition of this standard, which was published in 
    The 5th edition of RP 652 retains revisions introduced in the 4th 
edition (published on September 1, 2014) and includes 2016 errata. The 
4th edition and the 2016 errata introduce more specific requirements 
than the 3rd edition regarding how and when tank bottoms that have 
degraded beyond the minimum bottom-renewal thickness must be lined, 
repaired, or replaced. The 4th edition addresses selecting lining 
materials, the installation and post-construction inspection of liners, 
revamped requirements regarding the use of fiberglass-reinforced 
plastic as an option for thick-film-reinforced linings, and guidance 
for thick-film-reinforced tank-bottom linings. Additionally, it expands 
the requirement to consider the effects of steam coils and other 
internal devices on tank-lining installation and integrity to include 
additional guidance on the thermal effect of steam coils on lining 
materials. The 4th edition also includes new requirements for preparing 
surfaces near tank internals, and the standard's sections on pre-
installation cleaning provide additional guidance regarding water 
quality, cleaning soluble salts, compressed- or vacuum-air cleaning, 
and the effects of recycled media. The 4th edition directs tank owners 
to follow manufacturers' instructions during pre-installation 
preparation, installation, and post-construction inspection, especially 
during continuity (holiday) testing with high-voltage detectors. 
Lastly, the 4th edition states that tank owners must consult with the 
lining manufacturer to select appropriate lining materials for the 
design and expected operating parameters of the tank.
    The 5th edition of API RP 652 builds on the materials introduced in 
the 4th edition and consists mainly of editorial changes and 
clarifications regarding existing requirements. These changes include 
the addition of language that specifically addresses ethanol, biofuels, 
and solvents, including discussions of inorganic zinc/zinc silicate in 
connection with the definition, explanation, and prevention of stress-
corrosion cracking. The 5th edition also incorporates minor edits to 
definitions, expands Section 5.3, changes its terminology in Section 
12.4 to refer to ``Safety Data Sheets (SDS)'' instead of ``Material 
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS),'' and revises the Thick Film Reinforced 
Linings subsection in Section 6. Other positive changes include the 
expansion of sections that discuss the advantages and disadvantages of 
each type of lining and further explanation of holiday

[[Page 52716]]

detection for pipelines with existing coatings, particularly in regard 
to the importance of cleanliness when establishing the efficacy of an 
existing coating.
    The 5th edition removes a number of standards incorporated by 
reference in Section 2 of API RP 652, as well as references to 
particular editions of standards that remain in Section 2. PHMSA does 
not expect that the removal of references to certain standards 
incorporated by reference in previous editions of API RP 652 or the 
omission of references to specific editions of remaining standards 
would adversely impact safety. Further, while the 4th and 5th editions 
of API RP 652 also discuss the use of a risk-based approach to 
determine the frequency of inspection intervals, Sec.  195.579(d) does 
not allow pipeline owners or operators to use a risk-based approach to 
determine inspection frequency.
    PHMSA reviewed the revisions introduced in API RP 652 since 
publication of the 3rd edition of this standard and does not expect 
that their incorporation by reference into the PSRs will adversely 
affect corrosion-control measures for aboveground petroleum storage 
tanks. Rather, the incorporation of the updated standard could enhance 
the protection of public safety and the environment because it reflects 
improved corrosion-control processes for aboveground breakout tanks, 
would reduce regulatory confusion, and avoids redundant compliance 
approaches from competing versions of the same standard. Therefore, 
PHMSA proposes incorporating the 5th edition of API RP 652 by reference 
within Sec.  195.579(d). The updated standard would replace API 
Recommended Practice 652, 3rd Edition (October 2005): Linings of 
Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms.
2. API RP 2003, 8th Edition (September 1, 2015): Protection Against 
Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of API RP 2003, 8th 
Edition (September 1, 2015): Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out 
of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents into Sec.  195.405(a) which 
addresses protecting against ignition when performing maintenance on 
aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. This RP reflects the 
current state of technology and knowledge (based on experimentation and 
practical experience) applicable to the prevention of hydrocarbon 
ignition in petroleum industry applications due to static electricity, 
lightning, and stray currents. The PSRs currently incorporate the 
seventh edition of this standard, which was published in 2008.
    PHMSA reviewed the 8th edition of API RP 2003 and noted that it 
contains only editorial changes and clarifications that would not 
adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. Indeed, 
incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and 
environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory 
confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. This would 
improve protection against ignition arising from static electricity, 
lightning, and stray currents during operation and maintenance 
activities involving aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. 
PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace existing 
references to API RP 2003, 7th Edition (January 2008): Protection 
against Ignitions Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents.
3. API Specification (Spec) 12F, 13th Edition (January 1, 2019): 
Specification for Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of API Spec 12F, 13th 
Edition (January 1, 2019): Specification for Shop Welded Tanks for 
Storage of Production Liquids into Sec. Sec.  195.132(b); 195.205(b); 
195.264(b), (e); 195.307(a); 195.565; and 195.579(d) which govern the 
design, construction, operation, testing, and maintenance of 
aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. This specification 
outlines design, fabrication, materials, and testing requirements for 
new, shop-fabricated, vertical, cylindrical, aboveground, welded-steel 
storage tanks that are designed according to the standard sizes and 
capacities for approximately atmospheric internal pressures. The PSRs 
currently incorporate the 12th edition of this standard, which was 
published in 2008.
    PHMSA reviewed the 13th edition of API Spec 12F and noted that it 
contains only minor changes and clarifications regarding existing 
requirements that would not adversely affect public safety or 
environmental protection. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard 
could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from 
reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same 
standard. PHMSA acknowledges that the scope of API Spec 12F is directed 
towards shop-fabricated tanks for production operations, even though 
the scope of the PSR provisions that incorporate it by reference is 
broader in application. Therefore, PHMSA seeks comment regarding 
whether API 650 Annex J, which has a broader scope, would be more 
appropriate for incorporation in the PSRs than API Spec 12F. PHMSA may 
consider the removal of API Spec 12F from the list of incorporated 
standards in a future rule, but PHMSA currently proposes the adoption 
of the updated edition of that specification. PHMSA's adoption of the 
updated standard would replace existing references to API Spec 12F, 
12th Edition (October 1, 2008): Specification for Shop Welded Tanks for 
Storage of Production Liquids.
4. API Standard (Std) 510, 10th Edition (May 1, 2014): Pressure Vessel 
Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of API Std 510, 10th 
Edition (May 1, 2014): Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service 
Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration, including Addendum 1 (May 
2017) and Addendum 2 (March 2018), into Sec. Sec.  195.205(b) and 
195.432(c) which govern the repair, inspection, and return to service 
of aboveground hazardous liquid breakout tanks. API Std 510 presents 
the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to the in-
service alteration, inspection, repair, and rerating of steel pressure 
vessels, as well as the pressure-relieving devices that protect these 
vessels. The PSRs currently incorporate the 9th edition of this 
standard, which was published in 2006.
    PHMSA reviewed the 10th edition of API Std 510 (including its 2017 
and 2018 addenda) and noted that it contains editorial changes, 
revisions to mandatory and non-mandatory provisions, and clarifications 
regarding existing requirements. In addition, it includes new sections 
that improve standards that address the monitoring, maintenance, and 
repair of hazardous liquid breakout tanks. The new sections address 
management-of-change requirements; new procedures and requirements 
regarding the deferral of inspection tasks and inspection and repair, 
recommendation due dates; and creating, establishing, and monitoring 
integrity operating windows. The 10th edition also adds sections that 
provide recommendations regarding cyclic service vessels, operator 
surveillance, organizational inspection audits, and guidance for shell- 
and tube-heat-exchanger inspections. Finally, the revised standard 
clarifies that references to undated secondary standards throughout the 
10th edition of API Std 510 should be considered references to the most 
recent editions of these

[[Page 52717]]

documents, including any amendments thereto.
    PHMSA reviewed the changes introduced in the 10th edition of API 
Std 510, as well as its 2017 and 2018 addenda, and expects that they 
will not adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. 
Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and 
environmental benefits that would stem from reduced incidents due to 
improved inspection and repair practices. PHMSA's adoption of the 
updated standard would replace existing references to API Std 510, 9th 
Edition (June 1, 2006): Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service 
Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration.
5. API Std 2510, 9th Edition (August 2020): Design and Construction of 
LPG Installations
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of API Std 2510, 9th 
Edition (August 2020): Design and Construction of LPG Installations 
into Sec. Sec.  195.132(b); 195.205(b); 195.264(b), (e); 195.307(e); 
195.428(c); and 195.432(c) which govern the design, construction, 
operation, inspection, and maintenance of aboveground hazardous liquid 
breakout tanks. This updated edition of the standard presents the 
current state of knowledge and technology applicable to the design or 
construction of facilities that handle or store liquefied petroleum gas 
at marine or pipeline terminals, natural gas processing plants, 
petrochemical plants, refineries, and tank farms. The PSRs currently 
incorporate the 8th edition of this standard, which was published in 
    PHMSA reviewed API Std 2510 and noted that it contains editorial 
changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. These 
revisions include editorial and formatting updates and the removal of 
references to other standards. The standard also adds several 
subsections that include requirements for siting, drainage, vapor 
dispersion, and instrumentation. Further, the updated standard 
incorporates language stating that an undated document reference should 
be considered a reference to the most recent edition of the document, 
including any amendments.
    PHMSA reviewed the changes introduced in the 9th edition of API Std 
2510 and notes that they would not adversely affect public safety or 
environmental protection. Incorporation of the updated standard could 
have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced 
regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard, 
and from the addition of requirements for tank siting, drainage, vapor 
dispersion, and instrumentation. PHMSA's adoption of the updated 
standard would replace existing references to API Std 2510, 8th Edition 
(May 1, 2001): Design and Construction of LPG Installations.
    API Std 1163, referenced in the proposed amendments, is already 
approved for the location where it appears and no changes are proposed.

B. American Society of Mechanical Engineers

1. ASME B16.40-2019 (February 11, 2019): Manually Operated 
Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution Systems
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASME B16.40-2019 
(February 11, 2019): Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and 
Valves in Gas Distribution Systems into Item I of appendix B in part 
192. This ASME standard reflects the current state of knowledge and 
technology applicable to manually operated thermoplastic valves in 
nominal valve sizes of half an inch through 12 inches in diameter that 
are intended for use below the ground in thermoplastic fuel-gas 
distribution mains and service lines. The standard also sets 
qualification requirements for each basic valve design, as well as for 
newly manufactured valves. The PSRs currently incorporate by reference 
the 2008 edition of this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed two more recent editions--2013 and 2019--and noted 
that they contain a number of minor editorial changes and 
clarifications regarding existing requirements. PHMSA's review of the 
2013 edition noted that it revises language in Section 6.3.3(b) to 
correctly refer to the ``Valve Closure Test'' instead of the ``Closure 
Verification Test'' and to more specifically require testing of all 
material or design variations for closure elements and/or seat seals 
for each nominal valve size. Additionally, this version updates 
language in Mandatory Appendix I to include more modern medium-density 
polyethylene (PE) pipe and material designation PE2708 instead of 2406 
and incorporates other minor editorial corrections and revisions. The 
more modern designation is consistent with PHMSA regulations.
    The 2019 edition of this standard retains the changes introduced in 
the 2013 edition of the standard and adds ASTM F2945: Standard 
Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings 
as the standard specification for polyamide-11 (PA11), a type of 
plastic material, to Mandatory Appendix II: References. This change 
resulted in corresponding revisions where PA11 is mentioned in ASME 
B16.40-2019, including in Section 2.2.1, Subparagraph D of Section 5; 
the entirety of Section 3.2, which now clarifies the difference between 
the applicable standards for PE and PA11 valves; and the definition of 
valve dimensional-ratio equivalents. Additionally, this edition revises 
Subparagraph F of Section 5 to allow for the substitution of an 
identifier traceable to the date of manufacture in place of the date. 
It also revises Section 6.3.3 to more explicitly require manufacturers 
to perform either a 1,000-hour test at lower listed pressures or a 170-
hour test at higher pressures, rather than simply permitting these 
tests to be used as options. Finally, the standard revises the number 
scheme of Table 6.3.3-1 and incorporates other minor editorial 
corrections and revisions.
    PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2019 edition of ASME B16.40 and 
does not expect that they will adversely affect public safety or 
environmental protection. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard 
could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from 
reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same 
standard and from providing specific requirements for pressure testing, 
thereby improving the integrity and operation of belowground, manually 
operated, thermoplastic valves that are used in thermoplastic fuel-gas 
distribution mains and service lines. PHMSA's adoption of the updated 
standard would replace existing references to ASME B16.40-2008 (April 
30, 2008): Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and Valves in 
Gas Distribution Systems.
2. ASME B31.4-2019 (November 1, 2019): Pipeline Transportation Systems 
for Liquids and Slurries
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of parts of ASME 
B31.4-2019 (November 1, 2019): Pipeline Transportation Systems for 
Liquids and Slurries into Sec.  195.110(a), which governs hazardous 
liquid pipeline design requirements that pertain to external loads. 
Section 195.452(h), which governs pipeline integrity management in high 
consequence areas, is also listed in Sec.  195.3 as a section that 
incorporates ASME B31.4; however, this reference will be removed in a 
future rule since it is not mentioned in Sec.  195.452.\4\ ASME B31.4 

[[Page 52718]]

requirements for liquid pipeline systems, liquid-transporting 
pipelines, and non-hazardous aqueous-slurry-transporting pipelines. The 
PSRs currently incorporate the 2006 edition of this standard under a 
slightly different title: Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid 
Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids.

    \4\ PHMSA proposed the deletion of a stray reference to Sec.  
195.452(h) from Sec.  195.3's discussion of ASME B31.4 in a separate 
NPRM (Docket No. PHMSA-2016-0002; RIN 2137-AF13). 86 FR 3938, 3949 
(Jan. 15, 2021).

    PHMSA reviewed ASME B31.4-2019 and noted that a rewrite of Chapter 
II in the updated standard removes Section 419 of ASME B31.4-2006 and 
integrates it into Sections 401, 402, and 403. Therefore, PHMSA 
proposes the incorporation by reference of ASME B31.4-2019 Sections 401 
and 402 in their entirety, as well as parts 403.3 and 403.9 of Section 
403. This would establish essentially the same design requirements 
established by ASME B31.4-2006 without incorporating additional design 
requirements that the updated standard adds into later editions of 
B31.4, many of which are already included in other parts of 49 CFR part 
    PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2019 edition of ASME B31.4 and 
noted that they are consistent with PHMSA regulations and would not 
adversely affect public safety or environmental protection. 
Incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and 
environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory 
confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard, thereby 
improving the integrity and operation of hazardous liquid pipelines. 
PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace existing 
references to ASME/ANSI B31.4-2006 (October 20, 2006): Pipeline 
Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids.

C. The American Society for Nondestructive Testing

1. ASNT ILI-PQ-2017 (January 1, 2018): In-Line Inspection Personnel 
Qualification and Certification
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASNT ILI-PQ-2017 
(January 1, 2018): In-line Inspection Personnel Qualification and 
Certification into Sec. Sec.  192.493 and 195.591 which govern in-line 
inspection procedures and operator qualifications. This standard 
applies the current state of data and technology to the qualification 
and certification of in-line inspection (ILI) personnel whose jobs 
require specific knowledge of the technical principles of ILI 
technologies, operations, regulatory requirements, and industry 
standards that are applicable to pipeline systems. The PSRs currently 
incorporate the 2010 edition of this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed ASNT ILI-PQ-2017 and noted that many of the changes 
from earlier versions are editorial in nature and do not significantly 
change the standard's requirements. However, the updated standard also 
includes substantive changes and improvements. Throughout the standard, 
the word ``ensure'' is changed to ``verify,'' thereby providing 
additional clarity and certainty for users that they must verify 
requirements instead of ensuring them. Additionally, the new version of 
the standard incorporates more detail regarding each of the different 
examination requirements in Section 8 (which outlines requirements 
regarding the types of required examinations and their methods, 
content, and recordkeeping) and adds specificity to Section 8.1.2 by 
clarifying that exam results must be retained for ``12 months beyond 
the length of employment.'' Finally, the updated standard includes 
significant updates to Section 8.3, including multiple new subsections. 
These additions result in heightened specificity throughout, thereby 
improving enforceability.
    PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2018 edition of ASNT ILI-PQ and 
noted that they would improve ILI operator qualification programs and 
processes, thereby enhancing public safety and the protection of the 
environment. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace 
existing references to the incorporated 2010 edition of ASNT ILI-PQ: 
In-line Inspection Personnel Qualification and Certification.

D. The Association for Materials Protection and Performance

1. NACE SP0102-2017 (March 10, 2017): In-Line Inspection of Pipelines
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of NACE SP0102-2017 
(March 10, 2017): In-Line Inspection of Pipelines into Sec. Sec.  
192.150(a); 192.493; 195.120; and 195.591 which govern ILI requirements 
for hazardous liquid and natural gas pipelines. NACE SP0102-2017 is 
applicable to ILI of carbon-steel pipeline systems that are constructed 
of Grade B or greater material and are used to transport natural gas 
and hazardous liquids, including anhydrous ammonia, carbon dioxide, 
water (including brine), liquefied-petroleum gases, and other fluids 
that are not detrimental to the function or stability of ILI tools. 
NACE SP0102-2017 states that it applies the most current data and 
technology to carbon steel pipeline systems that transport hazardous 
liquids and/or natural gas in the vicinity of a right-of-way. The PSRs 
currently incorporate the 2010 edition of this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed NACE SP0102-2017 and noted that it contains mostly 
editorial changes and clarifications. The changes from NACE SP0102-2010 
to NACE SP0102-2017 include the addition of acronyms (such as using 
``POD'' in place of ``Probability of Detection'' or ``ILI'' instead of 
``In-line Inspection'') and numerous editorial modifications that do 
not appear to change the meaning or requirements of the standard. One 
notable change between the 2010 and 2017 versions of NACE SP0102 is the 
alteration of most instances of the word ``should'' to the word 
``shall.'' In this standard, the terms ``shall,'' ``must,'' ``should,'' 
and ``may'' are used in accordance with their definitions in the NACE 
Publications Style Manual. ``May'' is used to state something optional, 
while ``should'' is used to state something that is recommended and 
considered a good practice, but that is not mandatory. ``Shall'' and 
``must'' are used to state requirements that are considered mandatory.
    One example of this change occurs in Section, which states 
that ``[p]rovisions shall be made for the collection, wetting, removal, 
and safe disposal of pyrophoric materials.'' A similar change occurs in 
Section, which states that ``. . . in the case of gas 
transmission lines, the amount of gas available shall be sufficient to 
propel a tool if the speed control fails in the open position. For 
liquid service, kickers shall be sized to accommodate acceptable 
fullrate pressure drop and within company-specified erosion limits.'' 
Section states that ``[a]s-built drawings should be reviewed to 
identify physical restrictions. If this information is inadequate, 
gauging or caliper pigs shall be run.'' Section 5.1.1 states that 
``[c]ontracting for ILI work is a significant effort. The roles of the 
vendor and owner/operator shall be defined for all aspects of the work 
from implementation to delivery of the final report. The various stages 
of reporting and payment schedules associated with milestones shall be 
established. Factors such as the implications of reruns, scheduling 
changes, and service interruptions should be addressed.'' In the above 
examples, each instance of a change from ``should'' to ``shall'' is 
indicated by the emphasis of the word ``shall.''
    The 2017 edition of this standard includes approximately 70 
replacements of the word ``should'' with the word

[[Page 52719]]

``shall.'' As a result, parts of the standard that were recommendations 
are now mandatory. Since each instance where ``should'' is changed to 
``shall'' creates a new obligation, each instance is a significant 
change. However, PHMSA believes that most of the pipeline industry 
voluntarily follows the requirements in the standard and that all 
pipeline operators, whether liquid or gas, either have knowledge of, or 
are familiar with, these requirements. Therefore, changing ``should'' 
to ``shall'' would have little to no adverse economic impact on 
operators, and it would enhance safety and environmental protection 
during ILI activities by ensuring the voluntary practices are elevated 
into PSR requirements. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would 
replace existing references to NACE SP0102-2010 (March 3, 2010): In-
Line Inspection of Pipelines.
2. NACE SP0502-2010 (June 24, 2010), Standard Practice: Pipeline 
External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology (NACE SP0502)
    PHMSA proposes to incorporate NACE SP0502-2010 into Sec.  
192.620(d)(7)(ii). NACE SP0502 provides guidance to pipeline operators 
regarding the assessment of pipelines for external corrosion. NACE 
SP0502 specifically applies to buried onshore pipelines constructed of 
ferrous materials. Under the current alternative maximum allow 
operating pressure provisions for certain steel pipelines, Sec.  
192.620(d)(7)(ii) references section 4 of NACE RP-0502-2002. Section 4 
of NACE RP-0502-2002 provides classifications for estimating the 
likelihood of corrosion activity, including corrosion activity 
resulting from construction damaged coating. The reference to NACE RP-
0502-2002 was not updated when PHMSA updated NACE RP-0502-2002 to NACE 
SP0502-2010 for other sections in part 192 by means of a standards 
update rule that was issued on January 5, 2015. Upon review of NACE RP-
0502-2002 and NACE SP 0502-2010, PHMSA did not find any differences 
between the criteria specified in both documents. PHMSA's adoption of 
the updated standard would replace the existing reference in Sec.  
192.620(d)(7)(ii) to NACE SP0502-2010, Standard Practice, ``Pipeline 
External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology,'' revised June 24, 
2010, (NACE SP0502).

E. ASTM International

1. ASTM A372/A372M-20e1 (March 1, 2020): Standard Specification for 
Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM A372/A372M-
20e1 (March 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel 
Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels into Sec.  192.177(b) which 
governs design requirements for bottle-type holders used in natural gas 
pipeline facilities. This specification presents the current state of 
knowledge and technology regarding the manufacture of relatively thin-
walled forgings--including gas bottles--for pressure-vessel use. The 
PSRs currently incorporate the 2010 edition of this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, and 2020 editions of 
ASTM A372 and noted that they contain only editorial changes and 
clarifications regarding existing requirements. The updated 2020 
version of the standard--which incorporates revisions introduced in the 
2012, 2013, 2015, and 2016 versions--includes several clarifications 
that reflect modern steel-making methods, including reductions in the 
maximum allowable amounts of phosphorous and sulfur and the addition of 
three new high-strength steel grades: Grades N, P, and R. Modern steel-
making methods require less phosphorous and sulfur to create higher-
strength steels, and result in steels that have greater ductility and 
are easier to weld. Additionally, the standard includes a clarification 
regarding the sampling location for destructive testing and a number of 
grammatical and stylistic changes, including hyphenating ``full 
section'' and changing ``employed'' to ``used.''
    PHMSA notes that the changes in the 2020 version of the standard 
described above represent a minor improvement of the standard that 
would provide an equivalent or greater level of safety than the 2010 
version. Incorporation of the updated standard could also provide 
safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced 
regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard, 
thereby improving the integrity of natural gas pipeline facilities. 
PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace existing 
references to ASTM A372/A372M-10 (October 1, 2010): Standard 
Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled 
Pressure Vessels.
2. ASTM A578/A578M-17 (November 1, 2017): Standard Specification for 
Straight-Beam Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled Steel Plates for Special 
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM A578/A578M-17 
(November 1, 2017): Standard Specification for Straight-Beam Ultrasonic 
Examination of Rolled Steel Plates for Special Applications into Sec.  
192.112(c) which governs design requirements for steel pipe used in 
certain natural gas facilities. This standard presents the current 
state of knowledge and technology applicable to the detection of 
internal discontinuities via straight-beam, pulse-echo, ultrasonic 
examination of rolled carbon and alloy steel plates that are greater 
than 3/8ths of an inch thick. The standard also addresses the 
qualifications required for inspectors of such plates. The PSRs 
currently incorporate the 2001 edition of this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed both the 2007 and the 2017 editions of ASTM A578 and 
noted that they contain only editorial changes and clarifications 
regarding existing requirements. The 2007 clarifications include 
changing the title of the standard to reflect the removal of the 
reference to clad-steel plates, the deletion of Supplementary 
Requirements S6 and S7, the expansion of Supplementary Requirement S1 
to include provisions for overlapping parallel paths, and a 
clarification that acceptance levels refer to recordable conditions 
that occur on the same plane. The 2017 clarifications include the 
inclusion of phased-array technology, the addition of a new section 
(Section 3: Terminology), and the renumbering of subsequent sections.
    As noted previously, the 2017 version added phased-array technology 
as an ultrasonic testing option. This version also required that the 
equipment generate and display an A-scan--which is a way of displaying 
ultrasonic energy data that shows this energy as a function of time--
instead of trace patterns. Further, the 2017 version removed apparatus 
linearity checks, which were one of many steps that previous editions 
required technicians to follow, and instead refers to an ASTM guide, an 
ASTM practice, or approval by ASTM A578 users. PHMSA requests comments 
regarding this standard's use of phased-array technology as an 
ultrasonic testing option, the use of A-scans instead of trace 
patterns, and the removal of apparatus linearity checks.
    PHMSA reviewed the changes within the 2017 edition of ASTM A578 and 
noted that they would not adversely

[[Page 52720]]

affect public safety or environmental protection. None of the edits to 
the 2017 version, which retains the changes introduced in the 2007 
version, are substantive changes. Incorporation of the updated standard 
could have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from 
reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same 
standard, thereby improving the safety of steel pipeline facilities 
that are subject to Sec.  192.112(c). PHMSA's adoption of the updated 
standard would replace existing references to ASTM A578/A578M-96 
(reapproved January 1, 2001): Standard Specification for Straight-Beam 
Ultrasonic Examination of Plain and Clad Steel Plates for Special 
3. ASTM A672/A672M-19 (November 1, 2019): Standard Specification for 
Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate 
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM A672/A672M-19 
(November 1, 2019): Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded 
Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures into 
Sec. Sec.  192.113 and 195.106(e) and Item I of appendix B in part 192. 
This specification presents the current state of knowledge and 
technology regarding the manufacture of electric-fusion-welded pipe for 
use at moderate temperatures, including all temperatures for pipelines 
that are regulated by 49 CFR parts 192 and 195. The PSRs currently 
incorporate the 2009 edition of this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2014 and 2019 editions of the specification and 
noted that they contain only editorial changes and clarifications 
regarding existing requirements. The clarifications in the updated 
standard include minor edits to tables as a result of non-substantive 
changes to other ASTM standards. Therefore, PHMSA does not expect that 
the 2019 edition of ASTM A672, which retains the changes introduced by 
the 2014 edition, would adversely affect public safety or environmental 
protection. Incorporation of the updated standard could have safety and 
environmental benefits that would stem from reduced regulatory 
confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. PHMSA's 
adoption of the updated standard would replace existing references to 
ASTM A672/A672M-09 (October 1, 2009): Standard Specification for 
Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate 
4. ASTM D2513-20 (December 1, 2020): Standard Specification for 
Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM D2513-20 
(December 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas 
Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings into Items I.A. and I.B. of 
appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current state of 
knowledge and technology applicable to PE pipe, tubing, and fittings 
used for fuel gas pipelines, including pipe that is used to distribute 
natural gas. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2018 edition of this 
    PHMSA reviewed both the 2019 and 2020 editions of this standard and 
noted that they contain mainly editorial changes and clarifications 
regarding existing requirements. The clarifications in the 2019 edition 
of this standard include the addition of two notes, Note 2 and Note 25, 
which led to the renumbering of subsequent notes. Note 2 advises 
operators that regulatory requirements may prohibit the use of rework 
material, which is material taken from a pipe that didn't satisfy 
manufacturing specifications that is used to create a new pipe. Note 25 
describes pipe markings in situations where regulatory requirements 
prohibit the use of rework material. Note 2 is accurate because PHMSA 
prohibits the use of rework materials in Sec.  192.59(d). The 2020 
edition, which retains the changes in the 2019 edition, includes a 
number of editorial changes and one clarifying change. The clarifying 
change revises Section 7.4 to clarify that the standard prohibits 
potable water, sewer, reclaimed water, communications, or electrical 
markings on pipe. Therefore, PHMSA expects that incorporating by 
reference the 2020 edition of ASTM D2513 would not adversely affect 
public safety or environmental protection. Indeed, incorporation of the 
updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that 
would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing 
versions of the same standard. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard 
would replace existing references to ASTM D2513-18a (August 1, 2018): 
Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, 
and Fittings.
5. ASTM D2564-20 (August 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Solvent 
Cements for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM D2564-20 
(August 1, 2020): Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly 
(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems into Sec.  192.281(b)(2). 
This standard presents the current requirements for solvent cements 
that are used to join PVC piping systems. It addresses the requirements 
in Specification D1784 regarding PVC pipe that was created from 
compounds and includes Practice D2855's procedure for joining PVC 
fittings and pipe. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of 
this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018 and 2020 editions of ASTM D2564 and noted 
that, aside from one change, the 2020 edition (which retains the 
changes introduced in the 2018 edition) contains only editorial changes 
and clarifications regarding existing requirements. That change is the 
addition of F3328-18: Standard Practice for the One-Step (Solvent 
Cement Only) Method of Joining Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) or 
Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Pipe and Piping Components 
with Tapered Sockets to a list of consensus industry standards 
referenced in ASTM D2564. Note: The PSRs only allow the repair of 
existing PVC piping in regulated piping systems, but do not permit the 
use of PVC or CPVC piping in new or replacement construction. Prior 
editions of ASTM D2564 only included a two-step solvent cement process 
that involved the use of a primer and cement to join PVC or CPVC 
piping. ASTM D2564 added F3328-18 to incorporate a new one-step 
application of solvent cement as a joining method for PVC or CPVC pipes 
and fittings. This alternative to the two-step primer and solvent 
process fulfills the requirements of ASTM D2564 and provides a joining 
method for PVC/CPVC pipes that is as safe, reliable, and effective as 
the two-step process. The substantive change in the 2020 edition of the 
standard is consistent with PHMSA regulations, and neither this change 
nor the editorial changes and clarifications would adversely affect 
either pipeline safety or PHMSA regulations. Indeed, incorporation of 
the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that 
would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing 
versions of the same standard. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard 
would replace existing references to ASTM D2564-12 (August 1, 2012): 
Standard Specification for Solvent Cements for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) 
(PVC) Plastic Piping Systems.

[[Page 52721]]

6. ASTM F1055-16a (November 15, 2016): Standard Specification for 
Electrofusion Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter 
Controlled Polyethylene and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe and 
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F1055-16a 
(November 15, 2016): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type 
Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene and 
Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe and Tubing into both Sec.  
192.283(a) and Item I of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents 
the current state of knowledge and technology applicable to the use of 
electrofusion PE fittings with outside-diameter-controlled PE and PEX 
pipe. The standard also includes requirements for materials, 
workmanship, and performance testing of pertinent plastic piping. The 
PSRs currently incorporate the 1998 edition of this standard, which was 
reapproved in 2006.
    The 2016a version of ASTM F1055 advances safety via several 
editorial and substantive changes, including clarifying requirements 
for electrofusion testing and qualification, removing ASTM standards 
that do not apply to these fittings, and making other improvements to 
the safety of fittings and the electrofusion joining process. One of 
the more substantive changes in ASTM F1055-16a is the addition of PEX 
pipe to the title and scope of the standard; however, part 192 does not 
include PEX piping standards, and this addition is not meant to imply 
that PEX is an acceptable piping material for part 192. In fact, the 
standard states that ``[a]ssemblies using PEX pipes joined with 
electrofusion fittings shall not be used for distribution of natural 
gas or liquid petroleum gas.'' ASTM F1055-16a is a generic standard for 
PE Electrofusion Fittings that are used on multiple specifications of 
PE and PEX pipe and is designed to cover a variety of jurisdictions.
    ASTM F1055-16a also adds new standards, incorporates updated 
versions of standards, and removes standards that are no longer being 
used. Newly incorporated requirements include Section 5.3.1, Section 
5.5.1, and Mandatory Annex A2, which provide requirements for an 
optional alternative to full-scale tensile and crush tests for 
coupling-type joints that are 8-inch Iron Pipe Size (IPS) and larger in 
cases where equipment to provide the tests is not readily available. 
Standard equipment that is used to test pipes up to 6 inches in 
diameter does not have the strength to test pipes that are 8 inches in 
diameter or greater due to the increased wall thickness of the pipes, 
which increases their tensile strength and stiffness. Initial joint 
testing was developed on small-diameter plastic pipe that allowed 
testing equipment to conduct full-scale sample testing and 
qualification due to the wall thickness and resulting relative tensile 
strength of small-diameter pipe. However, the increased use of larger-
diameter pipe of 8 inches and above led to the use of pipes with 
heavier walls and higher tensile strengths that create challenges for 
certain standard evaluations that are conducted with normal equipment, 
including full-scale tests. While manufacturers are working on 
developing full-scale testing options, the modified alternative testing 
was developed to test in a way that is similar to the way in which 
steel pipe and welds on steel pipe are tested. The testing requires 
standard samples cut from the joint or material to be qualified, after 
which the samples are tested according to standard methods and 
procedures listed in Appendix A2.
    In addition, ASTM F1055-16a expands sections on minimum hydraulic 
burst and sustained pressure, adds figures for correct and incorrect 
wire terminations for couplings and saddles, and, to remain consistent 
with other standards, removes language and references to older PE pipe 
material designations such as PE2306, PE2406, PE3406, and PE3408 in 
favor of newer designations such as PE2708 and PE4710. References to 
newer designations are consistent with PHMSA regulations.
    PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2016 edition of the standard and 
noted that they are consistent with current PHMSA regulations and would 
not adversely affect pipeline safety. Indeed, incorporation of the 
updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that 
would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing 
versions of the same standard. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard 
would replace existing references to ASTM F1055-98 (Reapproved March 1, 
2006): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyethylene 
Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Pipe and Tubing.
7. ASTM F1924-19 (August 1, 2019): Standard Specification for Plastic 
Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene 
Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F1924-19 
(August 1, 2019): Standard Specification for Plastic Mechanical 
Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas 
Distribution Pipe and Tubing into Item I of appendix B in part 192. 
This standard presents the current state of knowledge and technology 
applicable to requirements and test methods for the qualification of 
plastic-bodied mechanical fittings for use with outside-diameter-
controlled PE gas-distribution pipe that is nominal 2 IPS and smaller 
and that complies with Specification ASTM D2513. The standard also 
specifies general requirements for the material from which such 
fittings are made. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of 
this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed ASTM F1924-19 and noted that it contains mainly 
editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. 
These clarifications include the addition of two new paragraphs to 
Section 1: Paragraph 1.4 and Paragraph 1.7. Paragraph 1.4 describes the 
use of notes and footnotes as a means of providing explanatory 
material. Paragraph 1.7 is focused on the principles of ASTM F1924-19, 
as well as its development as an international standard, and is 
consistent with updated language in other standards. Additionally, ASTM 
F1924-19 revises Section 7 to adjust Fahrenheit (F) temperature values 
from single-decimal-point values to rounded single-digit values (e.g., 
73.4  3.6 [deg]F (23  2[deg] Celsius (C)) now 
reads 73  4 [deg]F (23  2 [deg]C)). The 
standard also adjusts spacing for both F and C values. The changes in 
this standard are consistent with PHMSA regulations.
    PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2019 edition of the standard and 
noted that they are consistent with current PHMSA regulations and would 
not adversely affect pipeline safety. Indeed, incorporation of the 
updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that 
would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing 
versions of the same standard. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard 
would replace existing references to ASTM F1924-12 (April 1, 2012): 
Standard Specification for Plastic Mechanical Fittings for Use on 
Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas Distribution Pipe and 
8. ASTM F1948-20 (February 1, 2020): Standard Specification for 
Metallic Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled 
Thermoplastic Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation of ASTM F1948-20 (February 1, 
2020): Standard Specification for Metallic

[[Page 52722]]

Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled 
Thermoplastic Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing into Item I of appendix 
B in part 192. This standard presents the current requirements and test 
methods for the qualification of metallic mechanical fittings that are 
designed to be used with outside-diameter-controlled thermoplastic gas 
distribution pipe and tubing, as specified in Specification D2513, 
F2785, or F2945. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of 
this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2020 edition of ASTM F1948 and noted that it 
contains revisions, editorial changes, and clarifications regarding 
existing requirements that provide incremental safety improvements. The 
revisions that provide incremental safety improvements include the 
elimination of nonmandatory Appendix X2, which is related to material, 
pipe size, and strength transitions, the incorporation of aspects from 
Appendix X2 into performance requirements for material transitions in 
the body of the standard, the addition of four referenced documents to 
Section 2 (D2513, E515, F2785, and F2945), and the addition of a 
requirement that installation instructions must state the piping 
material(s)/combinations for which the fitting was qualified. The 
elimination of nonmandatory Appendix X2 and the addition of performance 
requirements for material transitions in the body of the standard are 
important revisions, as they specify testing requirements for 
transitions between different thermoplastic piping (such as between PE 
and PA) or between metallic and thermoplastic piping. This standard 
also clarifies requirements for failure testing, joint qualification 
and testing, sealing mechanisms, and stiffener length in fittings. 
Finally, it adds transition fitting requirements to the body of the 
    PHMSA reviewed the changes in the 2020 edition of the standard and 
noted that they are consistent with current PHMSA regulations and would 
not adversely affect pipeline safety. Indeed, incorporation of the 
updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that 
would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing 
versions of the same standard. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard 
would replace existing references to ASTM F1948-12 (April 1, 2012): 
Standard Specification for Metallic Mechanical Fittings for Use on 
Outside Diameter Controlled Thermoplastic Gas Distribution Pipe and 
9. ASTM F1973-13(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for 
Factory Assembled Anodeless Risers and Transition Fittings in 
Polyethylene (PE) and Polyamide 11 (PA11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Fuel 
Gas Distribution Systems
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F1973-
13(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Factory 
Assembled Anodeless Risers and Transition Fittings in Polyethylene (PE) 
and Polyamide 11 (PA11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Fuel Gas Distribution 
Systems into Sec.  192.204(b) and Item I of appendix B in part 192. 
This standard presents the current requirements and test methods for 
the qualification of factory-assembled anodeless risers and transition 
fittings that are designed to be used in gas distribution systems that 
use PE, PA11, and PA12 pipe. The standard covers sizes up to and 
including Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 8 for PE pipe and up to and including 
NPS 6 for PA11 and PA12 pipe. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2013 
edition of this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of ASTM F1973-13 and noted that it 
contains only editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing 
requirements. ASTM F1973-13(2018) is the reapproved version of the 2013 
edition of ASTM F1973-13 and does not include substantive changes. 
PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace existing 
references to ASTM F1973-13 (May 1, 2013): Standard Specification for 
Factory Assembled Anodeless Risers and Transition Fittings in 
Polyethylene (PE) and Polyamide 11 (PA11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Fuel 
Gas Distribution Systems.
10. ASTM F2145-13(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for 
Polyamide 11 (PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Mechanical Fittings for 
Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide 11 and Polyamide 12 Pipe 
and Tubing
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2145-
13(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 
(PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside 
Diameter Controlled Polyamide 11 and Polyamide 12 Pipe and Tubing into 
Item I of appendix B in part 192. This standard presents the current 
state of PA11 and PA12 bodied mechanical fittings, including 
requirements regarding the material from which these fittings are 
constructed. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2013 edition of this 
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of this standard, which is a 
reapproved version of the 2013 edition, and noted that it contains 
mainly editorial changes, such as the addition of a statement of 
conformity with international standardization guidelines established by 
the World Trade Organization and other international bodies. The 
standard also includes the addition of Section 1.7, which is focused on 
the development and principles of F2145 as an international standard 
and is consistent with updated language in other standards.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of this standard and noted that the 
changes in this standard would be consistent with PHMSA regulations and 
the agency's safety mission. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard 
would replace existing references to ASTM F2145-13 (May 1, 2013): 
Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 (PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) 
Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide 11 
and Polyamide 12 Pipe and Tubing.
11. ASTM F2600-09(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for 
Electrofusion Type Polyamide-11 Fittings for Outside Diameter 
Controlled Polyamide-11 Pipe and Tubing
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2600-
09(2018) (February 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Electrofusion 
Type Polyamide-11 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-11 
Pipe and Tubing into Item I of appendix B in part 192. This standard 
presents the current materials, workmanship, and testing performance 
requirements for PA11 electrofusion fittings that are designed for use 
with outside-diameter-controlled PA11 pipe. The PSRs currently 
incorporate the 2009 edition of this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of ASTM F2600, which is the 
reapproved version of the 2009 edition that is currently incorporated 
by reference and noted that that it contains mainly editorial changes 
and clarifications regarding existing requirements. These 
clarifications include the addition of Section 1.4, which is focused on 
the development and principles of F2600 as an international standard 
and is consistent with updated language in other standards. PHMSA 
reviewed the 2018 edition of this standard and noted that the changes 
in the standard are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency's 
safety mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could 
have safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced

[[Page 52723]]

regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. 
PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace existing 
references to ASTM F2600-09 (April 1, 2009): Standard Specification for 
Electrofusion Type Polyamide-11 Fittings for Outside Diameter 
Controlled Polyamide-11 Pipe and Tubing.
12. ASTM F2620-20ae2 (December 1, 2020): Standard Practice for Heat 
Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2620-20ae2 
(December 1, 2020): Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of 
Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings into Sec. Sec.  192.281(c) and 
192.285(b). This standard presents the current state of knowledge and 
technology applicable to creating joints via heat-fusion joining of PE 
pipe and fittings in a variety of environments, including the field. 
The PSRs currently incorporate by reference the 2019 edition of this 
    PHMSA reviewed ASTM F2620-20, ASTM F2620a, ASTM F2620ae1, and ASTM 
F2620ae2 and noted that these updated standards contain mainly 
editorial changes, clarifications regarding existing requirements, and 
incremental safety improvements. The ASTM F2620-20 standard improves 
the fusion process by clarifying the appropriate appearance of 
correctly installed and maintained joints, clarifies the importance of 
refraining from stressing a joint until it has fully cooled, and 
explains the use of a contact instrument to confirm heater-plate 
temperature. Further, the language throughout ASTM F2620-20 provides 
clearer and easier-to-follow expectations for joints than the language 
in ASTM F2620-19. The revised sections in ASTM F2620-20 enhance this 
standard by providing guidance regarding the creation and inspection of 
fusion joints. Additionally, ASTM F2620-20 adds the following reference 
documents to Section 2 in order to provide updated guidance regarding 
the verification and use of this standard:
     F3124: Practice for Data Recording the Procedure used to 
Produce Heat Butt Fusion Joints in Plastic Piping Systems or Fittings;
     F3183: Practice for Guided Side Bend Evaluation of 
Polyethylene Pipe Butt Fusion Joint; and
     F3190: Practice for Heat Fusion Equipment (HFE) Operator 
Qualification on Polyethylene (PE) and Polyamide (PA) Pipe and 
    ASTM F2620-20a adds comments in Table 2 referencing the new 
Appendix A.2 and additional information regarding the acceptable use of 
a 500 [deg]F fusion temperature. The clarifications in ASTM F2620a 
include incremental safety improvements such as clarifications and 
edits to certain steps in the fusion process, such as information about 
the use of a contact instrument to confirm heater-plate temperature, a 
clearer description of the visual markers of bad or incorrect joints 
that operators can identify during visual inspections, and details 
regarding the importance of not stressing a joint until it has cooled 
properly. The sole editorial change in ASTM F2620ae1 is a correction to 
insert the words ``is allowed'' into the first statement in Table 2, as 
those words were unintentionally omitted in previous editions of this 
    Finally, ASTM F2620-20ae2 includes an editorial change to Table 2 
of ASTM F2620-20ae1 that corrects the metric conversion from Fahrenheit 
to Celsius. PHMSA reviewed the F2620ae2 edition of this standard and 
noted that the changes in this standard are consistent with PHMSA 
regulations and the agency's safety mission. Indeed, incorporation of 
the updated standard could have safety and environmental benefits that 
would stem from reduced regulatory confusion regarding competing 
versions of the same standard. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard 
would replace existing references to ASTM F2620-19 (February 1, 2019): 
Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining of Polyethylene Pipe and 
13. ASTM F2767-18 (April 1, 2018): Standard Specification for 
Electrofusion Type Polyamide-12 Fittings for Outside Diameter 
Controlled Polyamide-12 Pipe and Tubing for Gas Distribution
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2767-18 
(April 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type 
Polyamide-12 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-12 Pipe 
and Tubing for Gas Distribution into Item I of appendix B in part 192. 
This standard presents the current state of knowledge and technology 
applicable to PA12 electrofusion fittings for use with outside-
diameter-controlled PA12 pipe, as covered by ASTM F2785. The standard 
also includes requirements for materials, workmanship, and testing 
performance. The PSRs currently incorporate by reference the 2012 
edition of this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition and noted that it contains 
editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing requirements. 
These include adding clarifying language in Sections 1.4 and 1.5 
regarding the development of ASTM F2767 as an international standard. 
The standard also revises Section 6.1 to clarify requirements for 
dimensions and tolerances and improves clarity by moving the reference 
to Test Method D2122. The standard moves what was formerly Section 6.2 
to a note and renumbers other sections accordingly. Additionally, it 
revises Section 8 to improve temperature consistency during treatment 
and testing. The standard adds Section 8.1.3 to clarify conditioning 
temperatures for fittings and pipe, as well as the test temperature in 
Section 8.2 with Standard Laboratory Temperature.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018 version of ASTM F2767 and noted that its 
changes clarify the standard, enhance pipeline safety, and are 
consistent with PHMSA regulations. PHMSA's adoption of the updated 
standard would replace existing references to ASTM F2767-12 (October 
15, 2012): Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-12 
Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-12 Pipe and Tubing 
for Gas Distribution.
14. ASTM F2785-21 (July 1, 2021): Standard Specification for Polyamide 
12 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2785-21 
(July 1, 2021): Standard Specification for Polyamide 12 Gas Pressure 
Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings into Items I.A. and I.B. of appendix B in 
part 192. This standard presents the current requirements and test 
methods for the characterization of PA12 pipe, tubing, and fittings for 
use in fuel-gas mains and services for direct burial and re-liner 
applications. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of this 
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018, 2018a, 2020, 2020e1, and 2021 editions of 
ASTM F2785 and noted that they contain editorial changes and 
clarifications regarding existing requirements that would improve 
safety. In the 2018 edition, these clarifications include revising the 
first sentence of Section 1.1.1 from ``[t]his specification does not 
cover threaded pipe'' to ``[p]ipe and fittings covered by this 
specification shall not be joined using taper pipe threads,'' which is 
more stringent language than in previous editions of the standard. The 
2018 edition adds a second sentence directly after the first that 
states: ``[j]oining methods qualified in accordance with the 
requirements of Title 49 CFR part 192.283 are acceptable.'' In 
addition, the standard revises Table 1 to include the pounds

[[Page 52724]]

per square inch equivalents for the Megapascal values, revises Tables 3 
and 5 to reduce the number of decimals for the millimeters in the last 
columns from three to two points, removes Section 5.4: Conditioning of 
Samples, and renumbers the remaining subsections of Section 5. Section 
5.4 is unnecessary because Section 6.3: Conditioning of Samples, which 
is still in the standard, makes it redundant. The 2018a edition of ASTM 
F2785 revises Section 7.1 to reorder language regarding required 
markings. Both the 2018 and the 2018a editions incorporate other minor 
editorial revisions.
    The 2020 edition retains the changes introduced in the 2018 and 
2018a editions and references ASTM F3372, which describes the 
procedures operators should follow when creating butt-fusion joints for 
PA12 pipe and fittings. These procedures require operators to adopt a 
consistent and qualified joining method for PA12 materials and are 
similar to the procedures required for PE pipe in D2513 and F2620. 
Other clarifications--such as the inclusion of an ASTM standard that 
addresses pipes with diameters of up to 12 inches--ensure that, in the 
future, PHMSA will have the option to allow the use of larger-diameter 
PA12 pipe. The 2020 edition enhances previous revisions by adding and 
revising sections, and significantly improves safety by referencing 
ASTM F3372 and expanding the standard to allow the production and use 
of up to 12-inch diameter pipe. Incorporation of this standard does not 
impact the diameter or pressure limitations for PA12 pipe in 49 CFR 
    The 2020e1 edition of this standard is almost identical to the 2020 
edition, as the only change in the 2020e1 edition is a correction to 
Table 4 that changes one of the column headings from ``Maximum Wall 
Thickness'' to ``Minimum Wall Thickness.'' The revisions to the 2021 
edition were designed to align the standard with the requirements in 
the pipeline safety regulations. Further, the 2021 edition uses Note 5 
to clarify the way in which operators can determine outdoor storage 
resistance. While notes are non-mandatory aspects of ASTM standards, 
they are valuable sources of guidance for the individuals and 
organizations that use the standards.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2021 edition of this standard and noted its 
changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency's safety 
mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have 
safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced 
regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. 
PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace existing 
references to ASTM F2785-12 (August 1, 2012): Standard Specification 
for Polyamide 12 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings.
15. ASTM F2817-13(2019) (May 1, 2019): Standard Specification for Poly 
(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Maintenance 
or Repair
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2817-
13(2019) (May 1, 2019): Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl 
Chloride) (PVC) Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Maintenance or 
Repair into Items I.A. and I.B. of appendix B in part 192. This 
standard presents existing industry requirements for PVC pipe, tubing, 
and fittings that are used to maintain or repair existing PVC gas 
piping. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2010 edition of this 
    PHMSA reviewed the 2013 and 2019 editions of ASTM F2817. The 
changes in the 2013 edition, which incrementally improve safety by 
updating the applicable specifications and material requirements for 
PVC compounds, include the addition of Specification D1784 to Section 
2, the removal of Specification D3915 from Section 2, and the 
substitution of Specification D1784 for Specification D3915 in Tables 5 
and 6. Specification D1784 replaces Specification D3915 as the 
specification for rigid PVC compounds. Additionally, the 2013 edition 
revises Section 4.3 to require that the PVC compounds used for pipe and 
fittings must equal or exceed PVC 12454 or 14333, which are described 
in Specification D1784. The 2019 version is a reapproved version of the 
2013 edition, and thus contains no technical changes.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2019 edition of this standard and noted that its 
non-technical changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the 
agency's safety mission. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would 
replace existing references to ASTM F2817-10 (February 1, 2010): 
Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Gas Pressure 
Pipe and Fittings For Maintenance or Repair.
16. ASTM F2945-18 (September 1, 2018): Standard Specification for 
Polyamide 11 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of ASTM F2945-18 
(September 1, 2018): Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas 
Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings into Items I.A. and I.B. of 
appendix B in part 192. This standard presents requirements and test 
methods for the characterization of PA11 pipe, tubing, and fittings 
that will be used on fuel gas pipelines. The PSRs currently incorporate 
the 2012 edition of this standard.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of ASTM F2945 and noted that it 
contains mainly editorial changes and clarifications regarding existing 
requirements. These clarifications include moving Note 1--which states 
that heat-fusion joining is restricted to PA11 materials--from Section 
1.5 to Section 1.2. In other words, Note 1 states that cross-fusion 
joining with other materials is not permitted. The standard also 
corrects the title of ASTM D789 in Section 2.1; adds Section 1.6 to 
address international standard principles; revises and reorders Section 
7.1; adds F1563 to Section 2.1; removes gas distribution from Section 
7.3; and incorporates other minor editorial changes.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018 edition of this standard and noted that its 
changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency's safety 
mission. PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace 
existing references to ASTM F2945-12a (November 27, 2012): Standard 
Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings.

F. The National Fire Protection Association

1. NFPA 30, 2021 Edition (August 31, 2020): Flammable and Combustible 
Liquids Code (ANSI Approved)
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of NFPA 30, 2021 
Edition (August 31, 2020): Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code (ANSI 
approved) into Sec. Sec.  192.735(b) and 195.264(b). NFPA 30 applies to 
the safe storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible 
liquids. The PSRs currently incorporate the 2012 edition of this 
    NFPA 30 is incorporated into 49 CFR 192.735(b), which applies to 
the storage of combustible materials in compressor stations that are 
subject to 49 CFR part 192. Section 192.735(b) states that owners and 
operators must protect aboveground oil or gasoline storage tanks in 
accordance with NFPA 30. Chapter 22 of NFPA 30 addresses the storage of 
ignitable liquids in aboveground storage tanks and includes two 
pertinent sections: Sections 22.2.3 and 22.10. Section 22.2.3 provides 
the definition of a protected aboveground

[[Page 52725]]

tank, while Section 22.10 specifies additional requirements for 
protected aboveground storage tanks.
    NFPA 30 is also incorporated into 49 CFR 195.264(b), which includes 
provisions for impoundment, entry protections, venting, and pressure 
relief for aboveground breakout tanks. Section 195.264(b)(1) states 
that owners and operators of tanks built in accordance with certain 
specifications--such as API Spec 12F, API Std 620, and others--must 
install impoundments that comply with specific sections of NFPA 30. For 
example, Sec.  195.264(b)(1)(i) requires impoundments around breakout 
tanks to be installed in accordance with Section 22.11.2 of NFPA 30, 
and Sec.  195.264(b)(1)(ii) requires impoundments that drain to remote 
impounding areas to be installed in accordance with Section 22.11.1 of 
NFPA 30.
    The 2021 edition of NFPA 30 revises the 2012 edition, which is 
currently incorporated by reference, in several ways. For example, it 
revises the classification scheme for liquids by introducing the term 
``ignitable liquid'' in place of the terms ``combustible liquid'' and 
``flammable liquid.'' This revision reduces regulatory confusion 
regarding authorities with overlapping jurisdictions, such as fire 
officials, occupational safety officials, and transportation officials. 
The 2021 edition also updates a secondary reference from the 1998 
edition of UL 2085 to the 2018 edition. This secondary reference 
provides information regarding testing and listing protected 
aboveground tanks for flammable and combustible liquids.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2021 edition of this standard and noted that its 
changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency's safety 
mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have 
safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced 
regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. 
PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace existing 
references to NFPA 30, 2012 Edition (June 20, 2011): Flammable and 
Combustible Liquids Code, Including Errata 30-12-1 (September 27, 2011) 
and Errata 30-12-2 (November 14, 2011).

G. Plastics Pipe Institute

1. PPI T R 3/2021 (June 16, 2021): Policies and Procedures for 
Developing Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stresses 
(HDS), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis (SDB), 
Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required 
Strength (CRS) for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of PPI TR-3/2021 
(June 16, 2021): Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic 
Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stresses (HDS), Pressure Design 
Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Minimum Required Strength 
(MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required Strength (CRS) for 
Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe into Sec.  192.121(a). This 
report presents the policies and procedures that PPI's Hydrostatic 
Stress Board (HSB) used to develop long-term, strength-rating 
recommendations for commercial thermoplastic piping materials or pipe. 
The recommendations are published in PPI Technical Report 4 (TR-4)/2021 
(June 16, 2021): PPI HSB Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), 
Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Pressure 
Design Basis (PDB) and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings For 
Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe, a regularly updated document 
that is also proposed for incorporation in this rule. The PSRs 
currently incorporate the 2012 edition of PPI TR-3.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018, 2020, and 2021 editions of PPI TR-3 and 
noted that they contain mainly editorial changes and clarifications 
regarding existing requirements that incrementally improve safety. The 
clarifications in the 2018 edition include the addition of a definition 
for solid-wall pipe, the removal of the definition of multilayer pipe 
to eliminate confusion regarding groups of composite pipe materials, 
the addition of new language regarding requirements for the stress-
rupture dataset to qualify for a standard-grade listing, and the 
revision of certain definitions, including a change to the definition 
of composite pipe that adds three groups of materials and three 
subgroups of materials to Group 3. The report also clarifies the 
qualification of materials using PPI standards, including 5-year 
renewal requirements for the standard grade of each material.
    The 2020 edition also includes grammatical, editorial, and 
formatting changes that clarify the language of this standard, 
including expanded explanations regarding the renewal and duration of 
hydrostatic-design-basis recommendations. Additionally, the revisions 
to the 2020 edition significantly improve the standard by reformatting 
the document and creating numerous information tables that facilitate 
use of this standard.
    The 2021 edition incorporates numerous clarifications regarding 
current requirements, including the addition of a definition for 
``commercially produced pipe'' and edits to other statements to ensure 
that they are consistent with this definition. The 2021 edition also 
adds the Part G PEX initial listing policy and edits the hydrostatic-
design-basis validation for 180 [deg]F hydrostatic-design-basis PE 
    PHMSA reviewed the 2021 edition of this standard and noted that its 
changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency's safety 
mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have 
safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced 
regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. 
PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace existing 
references to PPI TR-3/2012 (November 2012): Policies and Procedures 
for Developing Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design 
Stresses (HDS), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis 
(SDB), Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings, and Categorized 
Required Strength (CRS) for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe.
2. PPI T R 4/2021 (June 16, 2021): PPI HSB Listing of Hydrostatic 
Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design 
Basis (SDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB) and Minimum Required Strength 
(MRS) Ratings For Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe
    PHMSA proposes the incorporation by reference of PPI TR-4/2021 
(June 16, 2021): PPI HSB Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), 
Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Pressure 
Design Basis (PDB) and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings For 
Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe into Sec.  192.121(b)(4). This 
report details thermoplastic piping materials with a PPI-recommended 
HDB, SDB, PDB, or MRS rating for thermoplastic piping materials or 
pipe. This information was established in accordance with PPI TR-3/2021 
(June 16, 2021): Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic 
Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stresses (HDS), Pressure Design 
Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Minimum Required Strength 
(MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required Strength (CRS) for

[[Page 52726]]

Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe, a regularly updated document 
that is also proposed for incorporation in this rule. The PSRs 
currently incorporate the 2011 edition of PPI TR-4.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 editions of PPI TR-4 
and noted that they contain only editorial changes and clarifications 
regarding existing requirements that incrementally improve safety. The 
clarifications added between 2011 and 2018 include updated titles and 
numbering, deletions and additions of companies and material 
designations from Table I.A.I, deletion of materials from Table I.A.2, 
reorganization of some information and charts, the incorporation of 
additional specifications to Table I.A.6, and other editorial 
clarifications. The changes between the 2018 and 2019 versions include 
an edited cover page; the addition of a copyright statement (similar to 
that found in PPI TR-4/2011); the removal of the copyright statement 
from the forward page; the addition of references and introductory 
statements; more consistent numbering; table reformatting; name changes 
and removals; date changes; edited expiration dates; the removal of 
Table I.A.21; the inclusion of Table I.A.3; and edits, additions, and 
removals in Tables I.A.1, I.A.3, I.A.6, I.A.8, I.A.9, I.A.13, I.A.14, 
and III.A.2.
    The changes between the 2019 and 2020 editions include revised 
formatting, grammatical edits, expiration date and company name 
changes, the removal of definitions, tables, and materials, and the 
addition of new companies, sections, definitions, tables, materials, 
and appendices. Further, the 2020 edition incorporates updated 
information (such as listing the current manufacturers who produce 
resin for use in pipe fabrication), specifies that the design pressure 
for thermoplastic materials in the PSRs is based on HDB, and changes 
the number of a report listed under ASTM Specification on Page 15 from 
D1785 to D1784. This edition also removes the list of properties and 
acronyms from the Forward page, creates a new page to separate the list 
of definitions from the list of acronyms, and incorporates a summary of 
    The clarifications in the 2021 edition include new text on the 
title page, editorial corrections, inclusion of the updated PPI logo, 
and relabeling of one of the appendices from ``Appendix D'' to 
``Appendix B.'' Further, the 2021 edition incorporates the most updated 
information for pipe or fitting manufacturers--including current resin 
manufacturers--thereby enabling pipe and fitting manufacturers to 
select the appropriate resin for a given application.
    PHMSA reviewed the 2021 edition of this standard and noted that its 
changes are consistent with PHMSA regulations and the agency's safety 
mission. Indeed, incorporation of the updated standard could have 
safety and environmental benefits that would stem from reduced 
regulatory confusion regarding competing versions of the same standard. 
PHMSA's adoption of the updated standard would replace existing 
references to PPI TR-4/2011 (March 2011): PPI Listing of Hydrostatic 
Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design 
Basis (SDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB) and Minimum Required Strength 
(MRS) Ratings For Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe.

IV. Miscellaneous Amendments

    PHMSA is also proposing several minor editorial amendments and 
corrections to the PSRs, including the removal of ASTM D638: Standard 
Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics from the listing in 
Sec.  192.7(e)(10), which should have occurred due to other changes 
made by the Plastic Pipe Rule (83 FR 58694), which published on 
November 20, 2018. The standard is no longer referenced in Sec.  
192.283(a-b) as a result of changes the Plastic Pipe Rule made that 
altered the language to read ``in accordance with a listed 
specification,'' which refers to Items I.A. and I.B. of appendix B in 
part 192. Additional standards are now incorporated for different 
material types, such as ASTM F2945 for PA11 and ASTM F2785 for PA12. 
ASTM D638 is a referenced document within both those standards and ASTM 
D2513 for PE, and therefore no longer needs to be directly incorporated 
by reference into Sec.  192.7. Section 192.7(e)(10) would be reserved.
    Additionally, PHMSA will revise Sec.  191.9: Distribution system: 
Incident report. Currently, Sec.  191.9(a) references Department of 
Transportation Form RSPA F 7100.1, which is the previous version of the 
form. PHMSA proposes to change this reference to Department of 
Transportation Form PHMSA F 7100.1. Further, PHMSA would remove 
references to specific editions of the standards in this rule 
throughout parts 192 and 195, except in Sec. Sec.  192.7 and 195.3. To 
determine the edition of the standard that is incorporated by 
reference, operators would refer to Sec. Sec.  192.7 and 195.3. PHMSA 
already directs operators to these sections with the following 
language, which is used throughout parts 192 and 195 whenever a 
standard is referenced: ``(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  
192.7)'' or ``(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  195.3).'' Failure 
to reference these sections may not serve as the basis for a request 
for leniency in an enforcement case. PHMSA plans to remove references 
to other specific editions of standards from parts 192 and 195 in 
future rules. Removing extraneous references to edition numbers would 
increase administrative efficiency and reduce regulatory uncertainty 
that could result from inadvertently referencing outdated editions of 
standards. These amendments would simplify both future standards update 
rules and the PSRs.
    Further, PHMSA proposes to revise the definition of a moderate 
consequence area in Sec.  192.3 to replace the reference to a Federal 
Highway Administration (FHWA) document, Highway Functional 
Classifications Concepts, Criteria and Procedures. PHMSA also proposes 
the addition of a new appendix, appendix G, to part 192 to provide the 
guidance on moderate consequence areas that is currently provided by 
the FHWA's Highway Functional Classifications Concepts, Criteria and 
Procedures document. The proposed appendix G includes guidance relevant 
to the terms ``Designated Interstate,'' ``Freeway,'' ``Expressway,'' 
and ``Principal Arterial Roadway,'' which appear in the definition of a 
moderate consequence area. The proposed appendix repeats the 
information from this document verbatim. PHMSA does not propose to make 
any substantive change to the definition of a moderate consequence 
    Finally, PHMSA proposes to incorporate a number of other minor 
updates and changes, including:
     Removing ``telephonic'' from Sec.  191.5(c), thereby 
allowing either method of reporting noted in Sec.  191.5(b) to apply in 
Sec.  191.5(c);
     Amending Sec.  191.22(c)(1)(i) to change ``of'' to ``or'' 
in the following phrase: ``Construction of any planned 
rehabilitation,'' thereby rectifying a typographical error;
     Correcting the reference in Sec.  192.327(g) from Sec.  
192.612(b)(3) to Sec.  192.612(c)(3);
     Adding Sec.  192.620(d) to the list of reference locations 
for NACE SP0502, which is currently listed in Sec.  192.7(h)(1);
     Amending Sec.  192.620(d)(7)(ii) to reference ``NACE 
SP0502'' instead of ``NACE RP-0502-2002;''
     Amending the address in Sec.  192.18(a)(2) to read: 
``ATTN: Information Resources Manager, Office of Pipeline Safety, 
Pipeline and

[[Page 52727]]

Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, PHF-30, 1200 New Jersey 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590;''
     Amending appendix B to part 192 to remove version numbers 
from the referenced standards;
     Amending appendix B to part 192 to standardize the 
structure of the references; and
     Amending Sec.  195.54 to add DOT Form 7000-2.

V. Regulatory Analyses and Notices

A. Legal Authority for This Rulemaking

    This NPRM is published under the authority of the Federal Pipeline 
Safety Laws (49 U.S.C. 60101 et seq.). 49 U.S.C. 60102 authorizes the 
Secretary of Transportation to issue regulations governing the design, 
installation, inspection, emergency plans and procedures, testing, 
construction, extension, operation, replacement, and maintenance of 
pipeline facilities. The Secretary of Transportation delegated this 
authority to the PHMSA Administrator under 49 CFR 1.97. Further, 49 
U.S.C. 60102(l) states that, to the extent appropriate and practicable, 
the Secretary shall update incorporated industry standards that were 
adopted as part of the PSRs. This NPRM proposes the incorporation of 28 
updated standards to replace earlier versions of those standards that 
are currently incorporated by reference within the PSRs. In addition, 
this NPRM proposes other minor clarifying and editorial changes to the 

B. Executive Order 12866 and DOT Policies and Procedures for Rulemaking

    Executive Order 12866 (``Regulatory Planning and Review'') states 
that agencies ``should assess all costs and benefits of available 
regulatory alternatives, including the alternative of not regulating.'' 
\5\ Agencies should consider both quantifiable measures and qualitative 
measures of costs and benefits that are difficult to quantify. Further, 
Executive Order 12866 requires that agencies ``should select those 
[regulatory] approaches maximize net benefits (including potential 
economic, environmental, public health and safety, and other 
advantages, as well as distributive impacts and equity), unless a 
statute requires another regulatory approach.'' Similarly, DOT Order 
2100.6A (``Rulemaking and Guidance Procedures'') requires that 
regulations issued by PHMSA and other DOT operating administrations 
should consider an assessment of the potential benefits, costs, and 
other important impacts of the proposed action; they should also 
quantify (to the extent practicable) the benefits, costs, and any 
significant distributional impacts, including any environmental 

    \5\ 58 FR 51375 (Oct. 4, 1993).

    Executive Order 12866 and DOT Order 2100.6A require that PHMSA 
submit ``significant regulatory actions'' to the OMB for review. 
However, this NPRM is not considered a significant regulatory action 
under Executive Order 12866 and, therefore, was not subject to review 
by the OMB. Further, the DOT considers this NPRM to be non-significant 
pursuant to DOT Order 2100.6A. The Office of Information and Regulatory 
Affairs (OIRA) has not designated this NPRM as a major rule as defined 
by the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.).
    In accordance with the NTTAA and OMB Circular A-119, PHMSA 
constantly reviews new editions and revisions to relevant standards and 
publishes a proposed rule every 2-3 years to incorporate new or updated 
consensus standards by reference. This practice is consistent with the 
intent of the NTTAA and OMB directives to avoid the need to develop 
government standards that could potentially result in regulatory 
conflicts with updated SDO-developed standards and an increased 
compliance burden for industry.
    PHMSA expects that the proposed changes to the PSRs described in 
this NPRM would result in unquantified public safety and environmental 
benefits associated with the updated standards. Although, as discussed 
above, many of the changes within the updated industry standards 
proposed for incorporation within the PSRs are editorial revisions or 
clarifications, others consist of substantive changes that reflect 
advancements in the state of knowledge (based on developments in 
technology, testing, and practical experience) compared to earlier 
versions of the same standards. PHMSA's technical review of those 
updated standards noted that their incorporation as proposed would 
generally enhance the PSRs' protection of public safety and the 
    Further, PHMSA estimates the administrative burden for stakeholders 
stemming from the incorporation of these 28 updated standards would be 
negligible and the net economic benefits would be high. According to 
the annual reports that operators submit to PHMSA, there are more than 
2,813 entities operating distribution systems and facilities for gas 
gathering, gas transmission, hazardous liquids, liquefied natural gas, 
and underground natural gas storage as of May 23, 2021. In fact, 
updates to consensus industry standards are generally accepted and 
followed on a voluntary basis throughout most of the pipeline industry. 
PHMSA understands that the majority of pipeline operators already 
purchase and voluntarily apply industry standards--including the 
updated standards that are the subject of this rulemaking--within their 
ordinary business practices. Incorporation of the updated version of 
these standards within the PSRs would help ensure that the industry is 
not forced to incur the additional cost of complying with different 
versions of the same standards.
    In addition to incorporating new and updating existing voluntary 
consensus standards, PHMSA is proposing non-substantive editorial 
changes and clarifications of certain provisions of regulatory 
language. Since these editorial changes are relatively minor, this 
proposed rule would not require pipeline operators to undertake 
significant new pipeline safety initiatives and would have negligible 
cost implications. The non-substantive changes would increase the 
clarity of the PSRs, thereby improving compliance and helping to ensure 
the safety of the Nation's pipeline systems.

C. Executive Order 13132: Federalism

    PHMSA analyzed this NPRM in accordance with Executive Order 13132 
(``Federalism'').\6\ Executive Order 13132 requires agencies to ensure 
meaningful and timely input by State and local officials regarding the 
development of regulatory policies that may have ``substantial direct 
effects on the States, on the relationship between the national 
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities among the various levels of government.''

    \6\ 64 FR 43255 (Aug. 10, 1999).

    The regulatory amendments proposed in this NPRM would not have a 
substantial direct effect on State or local governments, the 
relationship between the National Government and the States, or the 
distribution of power and responsibilities among the various levels of 
government. In addition, this rule would not impose substantial direct 
compliance costs on State or local governments. While the NPRM's 
proposed revisions may operate to preempt some State requirements, it 
would not impose any regulation that has substantial direct effects on 
the States, the relationship between the National Government and the 
States, or the distribution of power and

[[Page 52728]]

responsibilities among the various levels of government.
    49 U.S.C. 60104(c) of the Federal Pipeline Safety Laws prohibits 
State safety regulation of interstate pipeline facilities. Under the 
Federal Pipeline Safety Laws, States that have submitted a current 
certification under 49 U.S.C. 60105(a) can augment Federal pipeline 
safety requirements for intrastate pipelines regulated by PHMSA but may 
not approve safety requirements that are less stringent than those 
required by Federal law. A State may also regulate an intrastate 
pipeline facility that PHMSA does not regulate. The preemptive effect 
of the regulatory amendments proposed here is limited to the minimum 
level necessary to achieve the objectives of the Federal Pipeline 
Safety Laws. Therefore, the consultation and funding requirements of 
Executive Order 13132 do not apply.

D. Environmental Justice

    DOT Order 5610.2C (``U.S. Department of Transportation Actions to 
Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
Populations'') and Executive Orders 12898 (``Federal Actions to Address 
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income 
Populations''), 13985 (``Advancing Racial Equity and Support for 
Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government''), 13990 
(``Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science 
To Tackle the Climate Crisis''), and 14008 (``Tackling the Climate 
Crisis at Home and Abroad'') require DOT operating administrations to 
achieve environmental justice as part of their mission by, as 
appropriate, identifying and addressing the disproportionately high and 
adverse human health or environmental impacts of their programs, 
policies, and activities--including interrelated social and economic 
effects--on minority populations, low-income populations, and other 
disadvantaged communities.7 8 9 10 PHMSA evaluated this 
proposed rule according to DOT Order 5610.2C and the executive orders 
listed above and noted it would not cause disproportionately high or 
adverse human health and environmental effects on minority populations, 
low-income populations, or other underserved and disadvantaged 
communities. The proposed rule is facially neutral and national in 
scope; it is neither directed toward a particular population, region, 
or community, nor is it expected to adversely impact any particular 
population, region, or community. Indeed, because PHMSA expects this 
rule would generally reduce safety and environmental risks, PHMSA 
understands the regulatory amendments it proposes would reduce any 
disproportionate human health and environmental risks for minority 
populations, low-income populations, or other underserved and 
disadvantaged communities in the vicinity of pipelines within the scope 
of the proposed rule's amendments. Lastly, as explained in the draft 
environmental assessment in the National Environmental Policy Act 
section, PHMSA expects that the proposed regulatory amendments would 
yield reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions, thereby reducing the 
risks posed by anthropogenic climate change to minority, low-income, 
underserved, and other disadvantaged populations and communities.

    \7\ 59 FR 7629 (Feb. 16,1994).
    \8\ 86 FR 7009 (Jan. 20, 2021).
    \9\ 86 FR 7037 (Jan. 20, 2021).
    \10\ 86 FR 7619 (Feb. 1, 2021).

E. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian 
Tribal Governments

    PHMSA analyzed this NPRM according to the principles and criteria 
in Executive Order 13175 (``Consultation and Coordination with Indian 
Tribal Governments'') and DOT Order 5301.1 (``Department of 
Transportation Programs, Polices, and Procedures Affecting American 
Indians, Alaska Natives, and Tribes'').\11\ Executive Order 13175 
requires agencies to ensure meaningful and timely input from Tribal 
government representatives during the development of rules that 
significantly or uniquely affect Tribal communities by imposing 
``substantial direct compliance costs'' or ``substantial direct 
effects'' on such communities or the relationship and distribution of 
power between the Federal Government and Tribes.

    \11\ 65 FR 67249 (Nov. 6, 2000).

    PHMSA assessed the impact of the NPRM's proposed revisions and 
noted that they would not significantly or uniquely affect Tribal 
communities or Tribal governments. The proposed rule's regulatory 
amendments are facially neutral and would have broad, national scope; 
PHMSA, therefore, does not expect this rule would significantly or 
uniquely affect Tribal communities, much less that it would impose 
substantial compliance costs on Native American Tribal governments or 
mandate Tribal action. Insofar as PHMSA expects that the rule would 
improve safety and reduce environmental risks, PHMSA does not believe 
that it would entail disproportionately high adverse risks for Tribal 
communities. Therefore, the funding and consultation requirements of 
Executive Order 13175 and DOT Order 5301.1 do not apply.

F. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) requires 
Federal regulatory agencies to prepare a final regulatory flexibility 
analysis for any rule that is subject to notice and comment per the 
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.) unless the agency 
head certifies that the rule will not have a significant economic 
impact on a substantial number of small entities. This NPRM was 
developed in accordance with Executive Order 13272 (``Proper 
Consideration of Small Entities in Agency Rulemaking'') to facilitate 
compliance with the Regulatory Flexibility Act and to ensure that the 
potential impacts of the rulemaking on small entities has been properly 

    \12\ 67 FR 53461 (Aug. 16, 2002).

    PHMSA estimates that the costs of incorporating these updated 
standards within the PSRs would be negligible. PHMSA understands that 
updates to consensus industry standards are generally accepted and 
followed on a voluntary basis throughout most of the pipeline industry; 
the majority of pipeline operators already purchase and voluntarily 
apply industry standards--including the updated standards that are the 
subject of this rulemaking--within their ordinary business practices. 
Further, incorporating such standards by reference helps to ensure that 
the industry is not forced to comply with competing versions of the 
same industry standards. Similarly, PHMSA does not expect the 
miscellaneous editorial and clarifying revisions proposed in this NPRM 
to impose meaningful compliance costs on operators. Therefore, based on 
the available information regarding the anticipated impact of this 
NPRM, PHMSA does not anticipate that this NPRM will have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.

G. Paperwork Reduction Act

    PHMSA analyzed this NPRM in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction 
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) which establishes policies and 
procedures for controlling paperwork burdens imposed by Federal 
agencies on the public and requires Federal agencies to minimize the 
burden of paperwork imposed on the U.S. public by ensuring

[[Page 52729]]

maximum utility and quality of Federal information. This allowed for 
the use of information technology to improve the Federal Government's 
performance and accountability regarding the management of information-
collection activities. This NPRM does not impose any new information-
collection requirements or modify any existing information-collection 

H. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995

    The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (2 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.) requires 
agencies to assess the effects of Federal regulatory actions on State, 
local, Tribal governments, and the private sector. For any NPRM or 
final rule that includes a Federal mandate that may result in an 
aggregate expenditure of $100 million or more (in 1996 dollars) in any 
given year by State, local, or Tribal governments, the agency must 
prepare, among other things, a written statement that qualitatively and 
quantitatively assesses the costs and benefits of the Federal mandate. 
PHMSA does not expect that this NPRM would impose enforceable duties of 
$100 million or more (in 1996 dollars) in any one year on either State, 
local, Tribal governments, or on the private sector.

I. Privacy Act Statement

    In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), the DOT solicits comments from 
the public to better inform our rulemaking processes. The DOT posts 
these comments without edit, including any personal information the 
commenter provides, to https://www.regulations.gov/. This is described 
in the system of records notice (DOT/ALL-14 FDMS), which can be 
reviewed at https://www.dot.gov/privacy.

J. National Environmental Policy Act

    The National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) 
requires Federal agencies to prepare a detailed statement on major 
Federal actions that significantly affect the quality of the human 
environment. The Council on Environmental Quality's implementing 
regulations (40 CFR parts 1500-1508) require Federal agencies to 
conduct an environmental review considering (1) the need for the 
action, (2) alternatives to the action, (3) the probable environmental 
impacts of the action and the alternatives, and (4) the agencies and 
individuals that were consulted during the consideration process. DOT 
Order 5610.1C: Procedures for Considering Environmental Impacts 
establishes departmental procedures for the evaluation of environmental 
impacts under the National Environmental Policy Act and its 
implementing regulations.
    In this NPRM, PHMSA proposes to incorporate 28 updated editions of 
currently referenced standards and makes a handful of non-substantive, 
editorial revisions and clarifications of PSR provisions.\13\ The 
incorporation of these updated standards is intended to improve 
compliance and safety. This outcome is expected because the updated 
standards utilize updated data and industry experience, as well as 
increasing specificity to improve enforcement.

    \13\ PHMSA's draft environmental analysis in this section 
focuses on proposed changes to the PSRs that pertain to the 
incorporation of updated versions of currently referenced industry 
standards, rather than the proposed miscellaneous, non-substantive, 
editorial, and clarifying revisions discussed in Section IV. 
Although PHMSA expects that the latter category of proposed non-
substantive revisions would generally promote public safety and 
environmental protection by reducing regulatory confusion and 
resulting compliance costs, PHMSA does not expect any safety or 
environmental benefits to be material.

    Description of Action: The NTTAA directs Federal agencies to use 
voluntary consensus standards and design specifications that are 
developed by voluntary consensus standard bodies instead of government-
developed technical standards, when applicable. PHMSA currently 
incorporates more than 80 standards by reference in parts 192, 193, 
194, and 195 of the PSRs. PHMSA engineers and subject matter experts 
participate on approximately 25 standards development committees that 
address the design, construction, maintenance, inspection, operation, 
and repair of pipeline facilities. PHMSA only proposes the adoption of 
standards that meet the agency's directive to ensure pipeline safety 
and environmental protection.
    Purpose and Need: Many of the industry standards currently 
incorporated by reference in the PSRs have been revised and updated to 
incorporate new technologies, methodologies, and industry operational 
experience. This NPRM would allow operators to use these new 
technologies by incorporating new editions of the standards into the 
PSRs. PHMSA's technical and subject matter experts continually review 
the actions of pipeline standards developing committees and study 
industry safety practices to ensure that PHMSA's incorporation of any 
new editions or revised standards into the PSRs will improve public 
safety while providing protection for the environment. The amendments 
proposed in this NPRM would make the regulatory provisions more 
consistent with current technology and would, therefore, promote the 
safe transportation of hazardous liquids, natural and other gases, and 
liquefied natural gas by pipeline.
    Alternatives Considered: In developing this NPRM, PHMSA considered 
two alternatives:
    No-action Alternative (1): Take no action and continue to 
incorporate only the outdated standards that are currently referenced 
in the PSRs. Because PHMSA's goal is to facilitate pipeline safety and 
environmental protection by incorporating appropriate and up-to-date 
consensus standards into the PSRs, PHMSA rejected the no-action 
alternative. This alternative would result in the PSRs missing some or 
all of the safety and environmental improvements in the updated 
    Proposed Alternative (2): Adopt the proposed amendments above and 
incorporate updated editions of voluntary consensus standards to allow 
pipeline operators to use current technologies. This is the proposed 
alternative. PHMSA's goal is to incorporate all or parts of updated 
editions of voluntary, consensus, industry technical standards into the 
PSRs to allow pipeline operators to use current technology, new 
materials, and other modern industry and management practices. PHMSA 
also plans to update and clarify certain provisions in the PSRs.
    Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences: The Nation's 
natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines are located both onshore and 
offshore. These facilities traverse a variety of environments ranging 
from highly populated urban areas to remote, unpopulated rural areas. 
Pipeline facilities also cross areas that contain sensitive 
environmental resources. The Federal pipeline regulatory system is a 
prevention-oriented, risk-management system that is focused on 
identifying safety hazards and reducing the likelihood and impact of 
natural gas or hazardous liquid releases.
    A release from a pipeline that transports hazardous liquid or 
natural gas--which is subject to PHMSA's jurisdiction--could harm the 
natural environment and the health and safety of the public. The 
release of hazardous liquids can cause damage to or the loss of 
biological and ecological resources, including coastal zones, wetlands, 
forests, grasslands, offshore marine ecosystems, and plant and animal 
species and their habitats. Such releases can also imperil cultural and 
historical resources--such as properties listed on the National 
Register of Historic Places--and special ecological resources

[[Page 52730]]

such as national and State parklands, biological reserves, wild and 
scenic rivers, and threatened and endangered plant and animal species 
and their habitats. Remediation following a hazardous-liquid release 
requires the removal and disposal of soil directly adjacent to and 
within the vicinity of pipelines, which results in the loss of 
vegetation. The replacement of this removed soil can result in the 
introduction of invasive species, which can degrade the ecological 
value of an area. Additionally, a release could lead to contamination 
of air and water resources, including oceans, streams, and lakes.
    Releases from natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines can result 
in fires and explosions, causing damage to the local environment. 
Depending on the size of the release and the nature of the failure 
zone, the potential impact could vary from property or environmental 
damage to injuries and fatalities. Further, because natural gas is 
composed primarily of methane (a potent greenhouse gas), releases from 
natural gas pipelines contribute to climate change. If ignition occurs 
immediately after a failure, the emissions would primarily consist of 
carbon dioxide, which is also a greenhouse gas.
    Compliance with the PSRs substantially reduces the likelihood of 
accidental product release. Updating new industry standards or those 
already incorporated into the PSRs can provide operators with the 
potential advantages and added safety that may be associated with newer 
technologies. These standards are based on the accumulated knowledge 
and experience of owners, operators, manufactures, risk-management 
experts, and others involved in the pipeline industry, as well as 
government agencies that write regulations to ensure the products are 
moved safely throughout the country. PHMSA staff members actively 
participate in the standards development process to ensure that each 
incorporated standard will enhance safety and environmental protection. 
PHMSA reviews newer editions of standards in detail before 
incorporating them into the PSRs. PHMSA reviewed each of the standards 
described in this rule and noted that the majority of the updates 
involve minor changes such as editorial changes, the inclusion of best 
practices, or similar alterations. PHMSA staff examine updated industry 
standards to ensure that the updates are consistent with the PSRs, will 
improve compliance and safety, and are not merely self-serving.
    PHMSA expects that, as discussed above (a discussion that is 
incorporated within this environmental assessment section), the 
majority of updates proposed for incorporation in this NPRM will 
promote public safety and environmental protection. In a small number 
of instances, standards organizations relax standards to reduce 
industry burden if such a change is justified by overlapping 
protections, low risk, or technological innovation. ASME B16.40-2019, 
for example, made a number of minor editorial changes. The sole change 
that might appear to relax standards was updated language in Mandatory 
Appendix I that removed PE2406 pipe. However, this pipe was only 
removed because the standard replaced it with more modern PE2708 pipe, 
thereby advancing pipeline safety.
    The 4th and 5th editions of API RP 652, which PHMSA is proposing 
for incorporation into Sec.  195.579(d), discuss the use of risk-based 
inspections to determine the frequency of inspection intervals. 
However, Sec.  195.579(d), does not allow pipeline owners or operators 
to use risk-based factors to determine inspection frequency; therefore, 
this practice is inapplicable to the pipeline facilities that are 
subject to this regulation. Additionally, the 5th edition removed a 
number of documents from the standard and does not distinguish the 
editions of standards listed in Section 2. However, PHMSA understands 
that the removal of documents and the failure to distinguish standard 
editions would not impact the level of safety that this standard 
    API Spec 12F and API 650 are currently authorized design standards 
for aboveground breakout tanks, as specified in Sec.  195.132. API Spec 
12F is a design standard for shop-fabricated tanks used in production 
operations and API 650 is a generic design standard applicable to 
welded tanks for oil storage. However, since API 650 has a broader 
scope than API Spec 12F, PHMSA is seeking comment regarding whether it 
would be appropriate to remove API Spec 12F as an option for 
aboveground breakout tanks.
    ASME B31.4-2019 removes Section 419, which might initially seem 
like a reduction in safety; however, the information from that section 
was integrated into Sections 401, 402, and 403. PHMSA intends to 
incorporate by reference all of Sections 401 and 402, as well as parts 
of Section 403, thereby establishing essentially the same design 
requirements found in ASME B31.4-2006 without adding additional design 
requirements in later editions of B31.4, many of which are already 
included in other parts of 49 CFR part 195.
    ASNT ILI-PQ 2017 changes the word ``ensure'' to ``verify'' 
throughout the standard. PHMSA understands that this increases safety 
by providing users with additional clarity and enforceability regarding 
their responsibilities.
    ASTM A578/A578M-17 removes a reference to clad-steel plates. PHMSA 
understands that these are non-substantive changes that would not 
result in a reduction in pipeline safety.
    ASTM D2564-20 adds F3328-18: Standard Practice for the One-Step 
(Solvent Cement Only) Method of Joining Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) or 
Chlorinated Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Pipe and Piping Components 
with Tapered Sockets. The PSRs only allow the repair of existing PVC 
piping in regulated piping systems, but do not permit the use of PVC or 
CPVC piping in new or replacement construction. ASTM D2564-20 added 
F3328-18 to allow a new one-step application of solvent cement to join 
PVC or CPVC pipe and fittings, as, prior to 2020, the PSRs only allowed 
a two-step solvent-cement process that involved the use of a primer and 
cement to join PVC or CPVC piping. This is an alternative to the two-
step primer and solvent process; and, like that process, it fulfills 
the requirements of ASTM D2564 and provides equally safe, reliable, and 
effective joining of PVC/CPVC pipe and fittings. PHMSA determined that 
this change will not adversely affect either pipeline safety or PHMSA 
    ASTM F1055-16a removes standards, adds PEX pipe, adds an optional 
alternative to full-scale tensile and crush tests, and removes language 
and references to older PE pipe material designations such as PE2306, 
PE2406, PE3406, and PE3408. The standards that it removes either are no 
longer used or do not apply to the type of fittings this standard 
addresses. Additionally, the standard specifies that the addition of 
PEX pipe does not imply that PEX is an acceptable piping material for 
part 192 applications, as the standard states that electrofusion-
fitting-joined PEX pipes may not be used to distribute natural or 
liquid petroleum gas. The language and references to older PE pipe 
materials that this standard removes are replaced by language and 
references to newer PE pipe materials, such as PE2708 and PE4710. 
Finally, the optional alternative to the full-scale tensile and crush 
tests is limited in application to coupling-type joints that are 8 IPS 
and larger and may only be used in cases where equipment to provide the 
full-scale tests is not readily available. As stated previously, 
standard equipment that is

[[Page 52731]]

used to test pipes up to 6 inches in diameter does not have the 
strength to test pipes that are 8 inches in diameter or greater due to 
the increased wall thickness of the pipes, which increases their 
tensile strength and stiffness. The modified alternative testing was 
developed to test in a way that is similar to the way in which steel 
pipe and welds on steel pipe are tested. This testing requires standard 
samples cut from the joint or material to be qualified, after which the 
samples are tested according to standard methods and procedures listed 
in Appendix A2.
    ASTM F1924-19 revises Section 7 to adjust temperature values from 
single-decimal values to rounded single-digit values (e.g., 73.4  3.6 [deg]F (23  2[deg] C) now reads 73  
4 [deg]F (23  2 [deg]C)). However, this is considered an 
editorial change and should not reduce safety.
    ASTM F1948-20 eliminates nonmandatory Appendix X2 and adds four 
referenced documents to Section 2. These are important revisions, as 
they specify testing requirements for transitions between different 
types of thermoplastic piping or between metallic and thermoplastic 
piping. Further, ASTM F1948-20 incorporates the eliminated nonmandatory 
appendix into performance requirements for material transitions in the 
body of the standard. ASTM F1948-20 also requires installation 
instructions to state the piping material(s) and/or combinations for 
which the fitting was qualified. These changes increase specificity and 
    ASTM F2785-18 removes Section 5.4 and renumbers the remaining 
subparts of Section 5. This is not a reduction in safety because 
Section 6.3 remains in the standard.
    NACE SP0102-2017 makes optional standards mandatory by replacing 
the word ``should'' with the word ``shall'' 74 times. This constitutes 
a significant change. However, PHMSA expects that this would make 
little or no difference for the majority of pipeline operators, as 
pipeline operators are familiar with this standard and most already 
adhere to these requirements. This change strengthens the standard, 
thereby increasing safety.
    PPI TR-3 removes the definition of multilayer pipe. This is not a 
reduction in safety, however, as PHMSA expects that removal of the 
definition will eliminate confusion regarding composite pipe groups.
    PPI TR-4 deletes companies and material designations from Table 
I.A.I, removes names, and deletes Table I.A.21. This is not a reduction 
in safety, however, because PHMSA reviewed these edits and noted that 
they were merely editorial changes and clarifications.
    Further, PHMSA proposes to revise the definition of a moderate 
consequence area in 49 CFR 192.3 by replacing the reference to a FHWA 
document with a reference to the new appendix G to 49 CFR part 192. The 
relevant language in appendix G would provide the same guidance on 
moderate consequence areas that is currently provided by the FHWA 
document, including guidance relevant to the terms in the definition of 
a moderate consequence area. Thus, this proposed amendment would not 
result in a substantive change to the definition of a moderate 
consequence area.
    Finally, PHMSA proposes the removal of ASTM D638 from the listing 
in Sec.  192.7(e)(10). This proposal is due to changes in the recent 
Plastic Pipe Rule.\14\ The Plastic Pipe Rule edited language in Sec.  
192.283(a) and (b), which no longer references ASTM D638. These 
sections reference additional standards that are now incorporated for 
different material types, such as ASTM F2945 for PA11 and ASTM F2785 
for PA12.

    \14\ PHMSA, ``Pipeline Safety: Plastic Pipe Rule,'' 83 FR 58694 
(Nov. 20, 2018).

    Agencies and Individuals Consulted: Subject matter experts within 
PHMSA's Office of Pipeline Safety prepared this draft environmental 
assessment. PHMSA solicits and will consider comments by members of the 
public, State and local governments, Tribal communities, and industry 
regarding the NPRM's potential impacts on the human environment.
    Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact: PHMSA incorporates 
consensus standards that allow the pipeline industry to use improved 
technologies, new materials, performance-based approaches, 
manufacturing processes, and lessons learned to enhance public safety 
and environmental protection. PHMSA's goal is to ensure hazardous 
liquids, liquefied natural gas, and natural and other gases transported 
by pipeline will arrive safely to their destinations. PHMSA is 
confident that the standards proposed for incorporation by reference 
will enhance the effectiveness of operator actions related to design, 
operation, maintenance, and repair of pipeline facilities. Thus, 
PHMSA's proposal is that this rulemaking will not result in significant 
environmental impact.

K. Executive Order 13211

    Executive Order 13211 (``Actions Concerning Regulations That 
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use'') requires 
Federal agencies to prepare a Statement of Energy Effects for any 
``significant energy action.'' \15\ That Executive order defines a 
``significant energy action'' as any action by an agency (normally 
published in the Federal Register) that promulgates or is expected to 
lead to the promulgation of a final rule or regulation (including a 
notice of inquiry, advanced NPRM, or NPRM) that (1) is a significant 
regulatory action under Executive Order 12866 or any successor order 
and is likely to have a significant adverse effect on the supply, 
distribution, or use of energy, or (2) is designated by the 
administrator of OIRA as a significant energy action.

    \15\ 66 FR 28355 (May 22, 2001).

    Transporting gas and hazardous liquids affects the Nation's 
available energy supply. However, PHMSA understands that this NPRM 
would not be a significant energy action under Executive Order 13211 
because it would not be a significant regulatory action under Executive 
Order 12866 and would not likely have a significant adverse effect on 
the supply, distribution, or use of energy. Further, OIRA has not 
designated this NPRM as a significant energy action.

L. Executive Order 13609 and International Trade Analysis

    Executive Order 13609 (``Promoting International Regulatory 
Cooperation'') requires agencies to consider whether the impacts 
associated with significant variations between domestic and 
international regulatory approaches are unnecessary or may impair the 
ability of U.S. businesses to export and compete internationally.\16\ 
By meeting shared challenges involving health, safety, labor, 
environmental, security, and other issues, international regulatory 
cooperation can identify approaches that are at least as protective as 
those that would be adopted in the absence of such cooperation. 
International regulatory cooperation can also reduce, eliminate, or 
prevent unnecessary differences in regulatory requirements.

    \16\ 77 FR 26413 (May 4, 2012).

    Similarly, the Trade Agreements Act of 1979 (Pub. L. 96-39), as 
amended by the Uruguay Round Agreements Act (Pub. L. 103-465), 
prohibits Federal agencies from establishing any standards or engaging 
in related activities that create unnecessary obstacles to the foreign 
commerce of the United States. For purposes of these requirements, 
Federal agencies may participate in the establishment of international 
standards, so long as the standards have a legitimate domestic 
objective--such as helping to ensure

[[Page 52732]]

safety--and do not operate to exclude imports that meet this objective. 
The statute also requires consideration of international standards and, 
where appropriate, that they serve as the basis for U.S. standards. 
PHMSA participates in the establishment of international standards to 
protect the safety of the U.S. public. PHMSA assessed the effects of 
the proposed rule and understands that it would not cause unnecessary 
obstacles to foreign trade.

List of Subjects

49 CFR Part 191

    Incident, Notifications.

49 CFR Part 192

    Incorporation by reference, Natural gas, Pipeline safety.

49 CFR Part 195

    Anhydrous ammonia, Carbon dioxide, Incorporation by reference, 
Petroleum, Pipeline safety.
    In consideration of the foregoing, PHMSA is proposing to amend 49 
CFR parts 191, 192, and 195 as follows:


1. The authority citation for part 191 continues to read as follows:

    Authority:  30 U.S.C. 185(w)(3), 49 U.S.C. 5121, 60101 et. seq., 
and 49 CFR 1.97.

Sec.  191.5  [Amended]

2. Amend Sec.  191.5(c) by removing the word ``telephonic''.

Sec.  191.22  [Amended]

3. Amend Sec.  191.22(c)(1)(i) by removing the words ``Construction of 
any planned rehabilitation'' and adding, in their place, the words 
``Construction or any planned rehabilitation''.


4. The authority citation for part 192 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 30 U.S.C. 185(w)(3), 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60101 et. seq., 
and 49 CFR 1.97.

Sec.  192.3  [Amended]

5. Amend Sec.  192.3 in paragraph (1)(ii) of the definition of a 
``Moderate consequence area'' by removing the text ``see: https://
highway_functional_classifications/fcauab.pdf'' and adding, in its 
place, the text ``see appendix G to this part''.
6. Amend Sec.  192.7 by:
a. Removing the text ``Item I, Appendix B to Part 192'' wherever it 
appears, and adding, in its place, the text ``item I, appendix B to 
this part'';
b. Removing the text ``https://'' wherever it appears;
c. Removing the text ``, phone:'' wherever it appears, and adding, in 
its place, the text ``; phone:'';
d. Removing the text ``, website:'' wherever it appears, and adding, in 
its place, the text ``; website:'';
e. Revising paragraph (a);
f. Revising the introductory text to paragraph (b);
g. Revising the introductory text to paragraph (c) and paragraph 
h. Revising paragraph (d);
i. Removing paragraph (h) and redesignating paragraphs (e) through (g) 
as paragraphs (f) through (h);
j. Adding new paragraph (e);
k. Revising the introductory text to newly-redesignated paragraph (f) 
and newly-redesignated paragraphs (f)(4), (6), and (8);
l. Removing and reserving newly-redesignated paragraph (f)(10);
m. Revising newly-redesignated paragraph (f)(11);
n. In newly-redesignated paragraph (f)(12), removing the text ``D 
2517'' and adding, in its place, the text ``D2517'';
o. Revising newly-redesignated paragraphs (f)(13) through (24);
p. Revising the introductory text for paragraph (i) and paragraph 
q. Revising the introductory text to paragraph (j); and
r. Revising paragraph (k).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  192.7   What documents are incorporated by reference partly or 
wholly in this part?

    (a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part 
with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 
U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. The materials listed in this section 
have the full force of law. All approved incorporation by reference 
material (IBR) is available for inspection at the Pipeline and 
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the National 
Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact PHSMA at: Office of 
Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety 
Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590, 202-
366-4046; www.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline/regs. For information on the 
availability of this material at NARA, email [email protected] or 
go to www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html. The 
material may be obtained from the sources in the following paragraphs 
of this section.
    (b) American Petroleum Institute (API). 200 Massachusetts Avenue 
NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20001-5571; phone: (202) 682-8000; 
website: www.api.org/.
* * * * *
    (c) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Three Park 
Avenue, New York, NY 10016; phone: (800) 843-2763 (U.S./Canada); 
website: www.asme.org/.
* * * * *
    (3) ASME B16.40-2019, ``Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas 
Shutoffs and Valves in Gas Distribution Systems'', February 11, 2019, 
approved by ANSI, (ASME B16.40); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to 
this part.
* * * * *
    (d) American Society for Nondestructive Testing, (ASNT). 1711 
Arlingate Lane, P.O. Box 28518, Columbus, OH 43228; phone: (800) 222-
2768; website: www.asnt.org/.
    (1) ASNT ILI-PQ 2017, ``In-line Inspection Personnel Qualification 
and Certification'', January 1, 2018, (ASNT ILI-PQ); IBR approved for 
Sec.  192.493.
    (2) [Reserved]
    (e) Association for Material Protection and Performance (AMPP), 
(formerly NACE, International). 1440 South Creek Drive, Houston, Texas 
77084; phone: (281) 228-6223 or (800) 797-6223; website: www.ampp.org/.
    (1) ANSI/NACE SP0502-2010, Standard Practice, ``Pipeline External 
Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology'', revised June 24, 2010, (NACE 
SP0502); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  192.620(d); 192.923(b); 
192.925(b); 192.931(d); 192.935(b); 192.939(a).
    (2) NACE SP0102-2017, ``In-Line Inspection of Pipelines,'' March 
10, 2017, (NACE SP0102); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  192.150(a); 
    (f) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West 
Conshohocken, PA 19428; phone: (610) 832-9585; website: www.astm.org/.
* * * * *
    (4) ASTM A372/A372M-20e1, ``Standard Specification for Carbon and 
Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels'', approved March 
1, 2020, (ASTM A372/A372M); IBR approved for Sec.  192.177(b).
* * * * *
    (6) ASTM A578/A578M-17, ``Standard Specification for Straight-Beam 
Ultrasonic Examination of Rolled Steel Plates for Special 
Applications'', approved November 1, 2017, (ASTM A578/A578M); IBR 
approved for Sec.  192.112(c).
* * * * *
    (8) ASTM A672/A672M-19, ``Standard Specification for Electric-

[[Page 52733]]

Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate 
Temperatures'', approved November 1, 2019, (ASTM A672/672M); IBR 
approved for Sec.  192.113; item I, appendix B to this part.
* * * * *
    (11) ASTM D2513-20, ``Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) 
Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings'', approved December 1, 2020, 
(ASTM D2513); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part.
* * * * *
    (13) ASTM D2564-20, ``Standard Specification for Solvent Cements 
for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Piping Systems'', approved 
August 1, 2020, (ASTM D2564); IBR approved for Sec.  192.281(b).
    (14) ASTM F1055-16a, ``Standard Specification for Electrofusion 
Type Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene 
and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe and Tubing'', approved November 
15, 2016, (ASTM F1055); IBR approved for Sec.  192.283(a); item I, 
appendix B to this part.
    (15) ASTM F1924-19, ``Standard Specification for Plastic Mechanical 
Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas 
Distribution Pipe and Tubing'', approved August 1, 2019, (ASTM F1924); 
IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part.
    (16) ASTM F1948-20, ``Standard Specification for Metallic 
Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled 
Thermoplastic Gas Distribution Pipe and Tubing'', approved February 1, 
2020, (ASTM F1948); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part.
    (17) ASTM F1973-13(2018), ``Standard Specification for Factory 
Assembled Anodeless Risers and Transition Fittings in Polyethylene (PE) 
and Polyamide 11 (PA11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Fuel Gas Distribution 
Systems'', approved February 1, 2018, (ASTM F1973); IBR approved for 
Sec.  192.204(b); item I, appendix B to this part.
    (18) ASTM F2145-13(2018), ``Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 
(PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA12) Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside 
Diameter Controlled Polyamide 11 and Polyamide 12 Pipe and Tubing'', 
approved February 1, 2018, (ASTM F2145); IBR approved for item I, 
appendix B to this part.
    (19) ASTM F2600-09(2018), ``Standard Specification for 
Electrofusion Type Polyamide-11 Fittings for Outside Diameter 
Controlled Polyamide-11 Pipe and Tubing'', approved February 1, 2018, 
(ASTM F2600); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part.
    (20) ASTM F2620-20ae2, ``Standard Practice for Heat Fusion Joining 
of Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings'', approved December 1, 2020, (ASTM 
F2620); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  192.281(c); 192.285(b).
    (21) ASTM F2767-18, ``Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type 
Polyamide-12 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-12 Pipe 
and Tubing for Gas Distribution'', approved April 1, 2018, (ASTM 
F2767); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part.
    (22) ASTM F2785-21, ``Standard Specification for Polyamide 12 Gas 
Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings'', approved July 1, 2021, (ASTM 
F2785); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part.
    (23) ASTM F2817-13(2019), ``Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl 
Chloride) (PVC) Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Maintenance or 
Repair'', approved May 1, 2019, (ASTM F2817); IBR approved for item I, 
appendix B to this part.
    (24) ASTM F2945-18, ``Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas 
Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings'', approved September 1, 2018, 
(ASTM F2945); IBR approved for item I, appendix B to this part.
* * * * *
    (i) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 1 Batterymarch 
Park, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169; phone: (617) 984-7275; website: 
    (1) NFPA 30, ``Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code,'' 2021 
Edition, ANSI-approved August 31, 2020, (NFPA 30); IBR approved for 
Sec.  192.735(b).
* * * * *
    (j) Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI). 15059 
Conference Center Drive Suite 130, Chantilly, VA 20151; phone: (703) 
205-1600; website: www.prci.org.
* * * * *
    (k) Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI). 105 Decker Court, Suite 
825, Irving, TX 75062; phone: (469) 499-1044; website: 
    (1) PPI TR-3/2021, ``Policies and Procedures for Developing 
Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stresses (HDS), 
Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Minimum 
Required Strength (MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required Strength 
(CRS) for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe,'' June 16, 2021, (PPI 
TR-3); IBR approved for Sec.  192.121(a).
    (2) PPI TR-4/2021, ``PPI HSB Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis 
(HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stress (HDS), Strength Design Basis (SDB), 
Pressure Design Basis (PDB) and Minimum Required Strength (MRS) Ratings 
For Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe,'' June 16, 2021, (PPI TR-
4); IBR approved for Sec.  192.121(b).
7. Amend Sec.  192.18 by revising paragraph (a)(2) to read as follows:

Sec.  192.18   How to notify PHMSA.

    (a) * * *
    (2) Sending the notification by mail to ATTN: Information Resources 
Manager, Office of Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials 
Safety Administration, PHF-30, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, 
DC 20590.
* * * * *
8. Amend Sec.  192.113 by removing the entry for ``ASTM A 672'' and 
adding the entry ``ASTM A672/A672M'' in its place to read as follows:

Sec.  192.113  Longitudinal joint factor (E) for steel pipe.

* * * * *

                                                      Longitudinal joint
          Specification               Pipe class           factor (E)
                              * * * * * * *
ASTM A672/A672M.................  Electric-fusion-                  1.00
                              * * * * * * *

[[Page 52734]]

* * * * *

Sec.  192.121  [Amended]

9. Amend Sec.  192.121 by:
a. In paragraph (a), removing the text ``PPI TR-3/2012'' and adding, in 
its place, the text ``PPI TR-3''; and
b. In paragraph (b)(4), removing the text ``PPI TR-4/2012'' and adding, 
in its place, the text ``PPI TR-4''.

Sec.  192.204  [Amended]

10. Amend Sec.  192.204(b) by removing the text ``ASTM F1973-13'' and 
adding, in its place, the text ``ASTM F1973''.

Sec.  192.281  [Amended]

11. Amend Sec.  192.281(b)(2) by removing the text ``ASTM D2564-12'' 
and adding, in its place, the text ``ASTM D2564''.

Sec.  192.283  [Amended]

12. Amend Sec.  192.283 by:
a. In paragraph (a)(1)(ii), removing the text ``ASTM D2517-00'' and 
adding, in its place, the text ``ASTMD2517''; and
b. In paragraph (a)(1)(iii), removing the text ``ASTM F1055-98(2006)'' 
and adding, in its place, the text ``ASTM F1055''.

Sec.  192.327  [Amended]

13. Amend Sec.  192.327(g) by removing the text ``Sec.  192.612(b)(3)'' 
and adding, in its place, the text ``Sec.  192.612(c)(3)''.

Sec.  192.493  [Amended]

14. Amend Sec.  192.493 by removing the text ``ANSI/ASNT'' and adding, 
in its place, the text ``ASNT''.
15. Amend Sec.  192.620 by revising paragraph (d)(7)(ii) to read as 

Sec.  192.620   Alternative maximum allowable operating pressure for 
certain steel pipelines.

* * * * *
    (d) * * *

  To address increased risk of a
    maximum allowable operating
  pressure based on higher stress    Take the following additional step:
  levels in the following areas:
                              * * * * * * *
(7) * * *                           * * *
                                    (ii) Remediate any construction
                                     damaged coating with a voltage drop
                                     classified as moderate or severe
                                     (IR drop greater than 35% for DCVG
                                     or 50 dB[micro]v for ACVG) under
                                     Section 4 of NACE SP0502
                                     (incorporated by reference, see
                                     Sec.   192.7).
                              * * * * * * *

* * * * *
16. Amend appendix B to part 192 by:
a. In item I.A.:
i. Removing the text ``ASTM A672/A672M-09'' and adding, in its place, 
the text ``ASTM A672/A672M'';
ii. Removing the text ``D2513``Standard'' and adding, in its place, the 
text ``D2513 ``Standard'';
iii. Removing the text ``D 2517-00--Thermosetting plastic pipe and 
tubing,'' and adding, in its place, the text ``D2517'';
iv. Removing the text ``ASTM F2785-12'' and adding, in its place, for 
the text ``ASTM F2785'';
v. Removing the text ``ASTM F2817-10'' and adding, in its place, for 
the text ``ASTM F2817''; and
vi. Removing the text for ``ASTM F2945-12a'' and adding, in its place, 
for the text ``ASTM F2945''; and
b. Revising item I.B.
    The revision reads as follows:

Appendix B to Part 192--Qualification of Pipe and Components

I. * * *

B. Other Listed Specifications for Components

    ASME B16.40 ``Manually Operated Thermoplastic Gas Shutoffs and 
Valves in Gas Distribution Systems'' (incorporated by reference, see 
Sec.  192.7).
    ASTM D2513 ``Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas 
Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings'' (incorporated by reference, 
see Sec.  192.7).
    ASTM D2517 ``Standard Specification for Reinforced Epoxy Resin 
Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings'' (incorporated by reference, see 
Sec.  192.7).
    ASTM F1055 ``Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type 
Polyethylene Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene 
and Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX) Pipe and Tubing'' (incorporated 
by reference, see Sec.  192.7).
    ASTM F1924 ``Standard Specification for Plastic Mechanical 
Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Polyethylene Gas 
Distribution Pipe and Tubing'' (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  
    ASTM F1948 ``Standard Specification for Metallic Mechanical 
Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter Controlled Thermoplastic Gas 
Distribution Pipe and Tubing'' (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  
    ASTM F1973 ``Standard Specification for Factory Assembled 
Anodeless Risers and Transition Fittings in Polyethylene (PE) and 
Polyamide 11 (PA 11) and Polyamide 12 (PA 12) Fuel Gas Distribution 
Systems'' (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  192.7).
    ASTM F2145 ``Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 (PA 11) and 
Polyamide 12 (PA12) Mechanical Fittings for Use on Outside Diameter 
Controlled Polyamide 11 and Polyamide 12 Pipe and Tubing'' 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  192.7).
    ASTM F 2600 ``Standard Specification for Electrofusion Type 
Polyamide-11 Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-11 
Pipe and Tubing'' (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  192.7).
    ASTM F2767 ``Specification for Electrofusion Type Polyamide-12 
Fittings for Outside Diameter Controlled Polyamide-12 Pipe and 
Tubing for Gas Distribution'' (incorporated by reference, see Sec.  
    ASTM F2785 ``Standard Specification for Polyamide 12 Gas 
Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings'' (PA-12) (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  192.7).
    ASTM F2817 ``Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) 
(PVC) Gas Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Maintenance or Repair'' 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  192.7).
    ASTM F2945 ``Standard Specification for Polyamide 11 Gas 
Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings'' (PA-11) (incorporated by 
reference, see Sec.  192.7).
* * * * *
17. Add appendix G to part 192 to read as follows:

Appendix G to Part 192--Guidance on Moderate Consequence Areas

I. List of Definitions

A. Other Principal Arterials

    These roadways serve major centers of metropolitan areas, 
provide a high degree of mobility, and can also provide mobility 
through rural areas. Unlike their access-controlled counterparts, 
these roadways can serve abutting land uses directly. Forms of 
access for other principal arterial roadways include driveways to 
specific parcels and at-grade intersections with other roadways. For 
the most part, roadways that fall into the top three functional 
classification categories (interstate, other freeways and 
expressways, and other principal arterials) provide similar service 
in both urban and rural areas. The primary difference is that 
multiple arterial routes usually serve a particular urban area, 
radiating out from the urban center to serve the surrounding region. 
In contrast, an expanse of a rural area of equal size would be 
served by a single arterial.

[[Page 52735]]

B. Minor Arterials

    Minor arterials provide service for trips of moderate length, 
serve geographic areas that are smaller than their higher-arterial 
counterparts, and offer connectivity to the higher-arterial system. 
In an urban context, they interconnect and augment the higher-
arterial system, provide intra-community continuity, and may carry 
local bus routes. In rural settings, minor arterials should be 
identified and spaced at intervals that are consistent with 
population density so that all developed areas are within a 
reasonable distance of a higher-level Arterial. Additionally, minor 
arterials in rural areas are typically designed to provide 
relatively high overall travel speeds, with minimum interference to 
through movement. The spacing of minor-arterial streets may 
typically vary from \1/8\- to \1/2\-mile in the central business 
district and between 2 and 3 miles in the suburban fringes. 
Normally, the spacing should not exceed 1 mile in fully developed 

C. Major and Minor Collectors

    Collectors serve a critical role in the roadway network by 
gathering traffic from local roads and funneling it into the 
arterial network. Within the context of functional classification, 
collectors are broken down into two categories: major collectors and 
minor collectors. Until recently, this division was considered only 
in the rural environment. Currently, all collectors, regardless of 
whether they are within a rural area or an urban area, may be sub-
stratified into major and minor categories. The determination 
regarding whether a given collector is a major or minor collector is 
frequently one of the biggest challenges in functionally classifying 
a roadway network. In the rural environment, collectors generally 
serve primarily intra-county travel (rather than statewide) and 
constitute those routes on which, independent of traffic volume, 
predominant travel distances are shorter than on arterial routes. 
Consequently, more moderate speeds may be posted. The distinctions 
between major collectors and minor collectors are often subtle. 
Generally, major-collector routes are longer in length, have lower 
connecting-driveway densities, have higher speed limits, are spaced 
at greater intervals, have higher annual average traffic volumes, 
and may have more travel lanes than their minor-collector 
counterparts. Careful consideration should be given to these factors 
when assigning a major or minor collector designation. In rural 
areas, annual average daily traffic and spacing may be the most 
significant designation factors. Since major collectors offer more 
mobility and minor collectors offer more access, it is beneficial to 
reexamine these two fundamental concepts of functional 
classification. Overall, the total mileage of major collectors is 
typically lower than the total mileage of minor collectors, while 
the total collector mileage is typically one-third of the local 
roadway network.


18. The authority citation for part 195 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 30 U.S.C. 185(w)(3), 49 U.S.C. 5103, 60101 et seq., 
and 49 CFR 1.97.

19. Amend Sec.  195.3 by:
a. Revising paragraph (a);
b. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (b) and paragraphs 
(b)(6), (11), (15) and (16), and (21) through (23);
c. Revising the introductory text of paragraph (c) and paragraph 
d. Revising paragraph (d);
e. Removing paragraph (g) and redesignating paragraphs (e) and (f) as 
paragraphs (f) and (g);
f. Adding new paragraph (e);
g. Revising the introductory text of newly-redesignated paragraph (f) 
and newly-redesignated paragraph (f)(6);
h. In newly-redesignated paragraph (g) introductory text:
i. Removing the text ``, phone:'' and adding, in its place, the text 
``; phone:''; and
ii. Removing the text ``, website: https://'' and adding, in its place, 
the text ``; website:'';
i. Revising paragraph (h); and
j. Revising the introductory text to paragraph (i).
    The revisions and addition read as follows:

Sec.  195.3   What documents are incorporated by reference partly or 
wholly in this part?

    (a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part 
with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 
U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. The materials listed in this section 
have the full force of law. All approved incorporation by reference 
material (IBR) is available for inspection at the Pipeline and 
Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) and the National 
Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Contact PHSMA at: Office of 
Pipeline Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety 
Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590, 202-
366-4046; www.phmsa.dot.gov/pipeline/regs. For information on the 
availability of this material at NARA, email [email protected] or 
go to www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html. The 
material may be obtained from the sources in the following paragraphs 
of this section.
    (b) American Petroleum Institute (API). 200 Massachusetts Avenue 
NW, Suite 1100, Washington, DC 20001-5571; phone: (202) 682-8000; 
website: www.api.org/.
* * * * *
    (6) API Recommended Practice 652, ``Linings of Aboveground 
Petroleum Storage Tank Bottoms,'' 5th Edition, May 1, 2020, (API RP 
652); IBR approved for Sec.  195.579(d).
* * * * *
    (11) API Recommended Practice 2003, ``Protection Against Ignitions 
Arising out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents,'' 8th Edition, 
September 1, 2015, (API RP 2003); IBR approved for Sec.  195.405(a).
* * * * *
    (15) API Specification 12F, ``Specification for Shop Welded Tanks 
for Storage of Production Liquids,'' 13th Edition, January 1, 2019, 
(API Spec 12F); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  195.132(b); 195.205(b); 
195.264(b), (e); 195.307(a); 195.565; 195.579(d).
    (16) API Standard 510, ``Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-
Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration,'' 10th Edition, May 
1, 2014, (API Std 510), Including Addendum 1 (May 2017) and Addendum 2 
(March 2018); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  195.205(b); 195.432(c).
* * * * *
    (21) API Standard 1163, ``In-Line Inspection Systems 
Qualification'', Second edition, April 2013, (API Std 1163); IBR 
approved for Sec.  195.591.
    (22) ANSI/API Standard 2000, ``Venting Atmospheric and Low-pressure 
Storage Tanks,'' 6th edition, November 2009, (ANSI/API Std 2000); IBR 
approved for Sec.  195.264(e).
    (23) API Standard 2510, ``Design and Construction of LPG 
Installations,'' 9th Edition, August 2020, (API Std 2510); IBR approved 
for Sec. Sec.  195.132(b); 195.205(b); 195.264(b), (e); 195.307(e); 
195.428(c); 195.432(c).
    (c) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Two Park 
Avenue, New York, NY 10016; phone: (800) 843-2763 (U.S/Canada); 
website: www.asme.org/.
* * * * *
    (3) ASME B31.4-2019, ``Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids 
and Slurries,'' November 1, 2019, (ASME B31.4); IBR approved for Sec.  
* * * * *
    (d) American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT). P.O. Box 
28518, 1711 Arlingate Lane, Columbus, OH 43228; phone: (800) 222-2768; 
website: www.asnt.org.
    (1) ASNT ILI-PQ-2017, ``In-line Inspection Personnel Qualification 
and Certification,'' January 1, 2018, (ASNT ILI-PQ); IBR approved for 
Sec.  195.591.
    (2) [Reserved]
    (e) Association for Material Protection and Performance (AMPP) 
(formerly NACE). 1440 South Creek Drive, Houston, TX 77084; phone: 
(281) 228-6223 or (800) 797-6223; website: www.ampp.org/.

[[Page 52736]]

    (1) NACE SP0169-2007, Standard Practice, ``Control of External 
Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems'', 
reaffirmed March 15, 2007, (NACE SP0169); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  
195.571; 195.573(a).
    (2) ANSI/NACE SP0502-2010, Standard Practice, ``Pipeline External 
Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology,'' June 24, 2010, (NACE 
SP0502); IBR approved for Sec.  195.588(b).
    (3) NACE SP0102-2017, ``In-Line Inspection of Pipelines,'' March 
10, 2017, (NACE SP0102); IBR approved for Sec. Sec.  195.120(a); 
    (4) NACE SP0204-2008, ``Standard Practice, Stress Corrosion 
Cracking (SSC) Direct Assessment Methodology'', reaffirmed September 
18, 2008, (NACE SP0204); IBR approved for Sec.  195.588(c).
    (f) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West 
Conshohocken, PA 19428; phone: (610) 832-9585; website: www.astm.org/.
* * * * *
    (6) ASTM A672/A672M-19, ``Standard Specification for Electric-
Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate 
Temperatures,'' approved November 1, 2019, (ASTM A672/672M); IBR 
approved for Sec.  195.106(e).
* * * * *
    (h) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 1 Batterymarch 
Park, Quincy, MA 02169; phone: (800) 344-3555; website: www.nfpa.org/.
    (1) NFPA 30, ``Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code,'' 2021 
Edition, ANSI-approved August 31, 2020; IBR approved for Sec.  
    (2) [Reserved]
    (i) Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI). 15059 
Conference Center Drive Suite 130, Chantilly, VA 20151; phone: (703) 
205-1600; website: www.prci.org.
* * * * *

Sec.  195.54  [Amended]

20. Amend Sec.  195.54 by removing the text ``on DOT Form 7000-1'' 
wherever it appears and adding, in its place, the text ``on DOT Form 
7000-1 or 7000-2, whichever is applicable''.
21. Amend Sec.  195.110 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:

Sec.  195.110   External loads.

    (a) Anticipated external loads (e.g., earthquakes, vibration, 
thermal expansion, and contraction) must be provided for in a pipeline 
system's design. Sections 401, 402, 403.3, and 403.9 of ASME B31.4 
(incorporated by reference, see Sec.  195.3) must be followed to 
provide for expansion and flexibility.
* * * * *

Sec.  195.264  [Amended]

22. Amend Sec.  192.264(b)(1) introductory text by removing the text 
``NFPA-30'' and adding, in its place, the text ``NFPA 30''.

Sec.  195.307  [Amended]

23. Amend Sec.  192.307 by:
a. In paragraph (a), removing the text ``12 F'' and adding, in its 
place, the text ``12F'';
b. In paragraph (d), removing the text ``12 C'' and adding, in its 
place, the text ``12C''; and
c. In paragraph (e), removing the text ``or 2)'' and adding, in its 
place, the text ``or 2, incorporated by reference, see Sec.  195.3)''.
24. Revise Sec.  195.591 to read as follows:

Sec.  195.591   In-Line inspection of pipelines.

    When conducting in-line inspection of pipelines required by this 
part, each operator must comply with the requirements and 
recommendations of API Std 1163, ASNT ILI-PQ, and NACE SP0102 (all 
incorporated by reference, see Sec.  195.3). An in-line inspection may 
also be conducted using tethered or remote-control tools provided they 
generally comply with those sections of NACE SP0102 that are 

    Issued in Washington, DC, on August 5, 2022, under authority 
delegated in 49 CFR 1.97.
Alan K. Mayberry,
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety.
[FR Doc. 2022-17219 Filed 8-26-22; 8:45 am]

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