Proposed Collection; Comment Request, 51095-51098 [2022-17938]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 160 / Friday, August 19, 2022 / Notices
manufacturer’s instructions for
installation of the antenna, that
identifies and describes the software
used to create the computer model, the
software tool(s) used in the modeling
and the procedures applied in using the
software. The statement should describe
all radiating structures included in the
model. It must also include a
certification that the software executed
normally without generating error
messages or warnings.
Requires that, the first time the
directional pattern of a particular model
of antenna is verified using computer
results, the broadcast station must
submit to the Commission both the
results of the computer modelling and
the measurements of either a full-size or
scale model of the antenna or elements
thereof, demonstrating a reasonable
correlation between the measurements
achieved and the computer model
results. Once a particular antenna model
or series of elements has been verified,
subsequent applicants using the same
antenna model number or elements and
the same modeling software may crossreference the original submission by
providing the application file number.
The revisions to the relevant rules and
corresponding Form 2100, Schedule 319
(LPFM License Application)
instructions listed above may
potentially affect the substance, hours,
and costs of completing the Schedule
319 (LPFM License Application).
Therefore, this submission is being
made to OMB for approval of the
revised Information Collection
Federal Communications Commission.
Marlene Dortch,
Secretary, Office of the Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2022–17930 Filed 8–18–22; 8:45 am]
[No. 2022–N–11]
Proposed Collection; Comment
Federal Housing Finance
ACTION: 60-Day notice of submission of
information collection for approval from
Office of Management and Budget.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
In accordance with the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), the
Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA
or the Agency) is seeking public
comments concerning an information
collection known as ‘‘Community
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Support Requirements,’’ which has been
assigned control number 2590–0005 by
the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). FHFA intends to submit the
information collection to OMB for
review and approval of a three-year
extension of the control number, which
is due to expire on September 30, 2023.
DATES: Interested persons may submit
comments on or before October 18,
Submit comments to FHFA,
identified by ‘‘Proposed Collection;
Comment Request: ‘Community Support
Requirements, (No. 2022–N–11)’ ’’ by
any of the following methods:
• Agency website:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments. If
you submit your comment to the
Federal eRulemaking Portal, please also
send it by email to FHFA at to ensure
timely receipt by the Agency.
• Mail/Hand Delivery: Federal
Housing Finance Agency, Office of
General Counsel, 400 Seventh Street
SW, Washington, DC 20219,
ATTENTION: Proposed Collection;
Comment Request: ‘‘Community
Support Requirements, (No. 2022–N–
We will post all public comments we
receive without change, including any
personal information you provide, such
as your name and address, email
address, and telephone number, on the
FHFA website at
Copies of all comments received will
be available for examination by the
public through the electronic comment
docket for this PRA Notice also located
on the FHFA website.
Mike Price, Senior Policy Analyst, by
email at, by
telephone at (202) 649–3134; Tiffani
Moore, Supervisory Policy Analyst, by
email at, by
telephone at (202) 649–3304; or Angela
Supervielle, Counsel, by email at, by
telephone at (202) 649–3973 (these are
not toll-free numbers). For TTY/TRS
users with hearing and speech
disabilities, dial 711 and ask to be
connected to any of the contact numbers
A. Background
1. Paperwork Reduction Act
Under the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501–
3520), Federal agencies must obtain
approval from OMB for each collection
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of information they conduct or sponsor.
‘‘Collection of information’’ is defined
in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3) and 5 CFR
1320.3(c) to include agency collection of
information from ten or more persons.
Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of title 44 requires
Federal agencies to provide a 60-day
notice 1 in the Federal Register
concerning each proposed collection of
information, including each proposed
extension of an existing collection of
information, before submitting the
collection of information to OMB for
approval. FHFA’s collection of
information set forth in this document
is titled the ‘‘Community Support
Requirements’’ (assigned control
number 2590–0005 by OMB). To
comply with the PRA requirement,
FHFA is publishing notice of a proposed
three-year extension of this collection of
2. Community Support Requirements
The Federal Home Loan Bank System
(System) consists of eleven regional
Federal Home Loan Banks (Banks) and
the Office of Finance, a joint office of
the Banks that issues and services their
debt securities. The Banks are wholesale
financial institutions, organized under
authority of the Federal Home Loan
Bank Act (Bank Act) to serve the public
interest by enhancing the availability of
residential housing finance and
community lending credit through their
member institutions and, to a limited
extent, through eligible non-member
‘‘housing associates.’’ Each Bank is
structured as a regional cooperative that
is owned and controlled by member
financial institutions located within its
district, which are also its primary
Section 10(g)(1) of the Bank Act
requires the Director of FHFA to
promulgate regulations establishing
standards of community investment or
service that Bank member institutions
must meet in order to maintain access
to long-term advances.2 3 Section
10(g)(2) of the Bank Act requires that, in
establishing these community support
requirements for Bank members, FHFA
take into account factors such as the
member’s performance under the
Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
(CRA) 4 and record of lending to first1 Following the close of this notice’s 60-day
comment period, FHFA will publish a second
notice with a 30-day comment period as required
by 44 U.S.C. 3507(b) and 5 CFR 1320.10(a).
2 12 U.S.C. 1430(g)(1).
3 For purposes of the community support
requirements, a long-term advance is an advance
with a term of maturity greater than one year. 12
CFR 1290.1 (definition of ‘‘long-term advance’’).
4 See 12 U.S.C. 2901 et seq.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 160 / Friday, August 19, 2022 / Notices
time homebuyers.5 FHFA’s community
support regulation, which establishes
standards and review criteria for
determining compliance with section
10(g) of the Bank Act, is set forth at 12
CFR part 1290.
Part 1290 requires that each Bank
member subject to community support
review submit to FHFA biennially a
completed Community Support
Statement (Form 060), which contains
several short questions, the answers to
which are used by FHFA to assess the
responding member’s compliance with
the statutory and regulatory community
support standards.6 Members are
strongly encouraged to complete and
submit Form 060 online, but may
submit a version via email or fax if they
cannot complete the submission online.
In Part I of Form 060, a member that is
subject to the CRA must record its most
recent CRA rating and the year of that
rating. Part II of Form 060 addresses a
member’s efforts to assist first-time
homebuyers. A member may either
record the number and dollar amount of
mortgage loans made to first-time
homebuyers in the previous or current
calendar year (Part II.A), or indicate the
types of programs or activities it has
undertaken to assist first-time
homebuyers by checking selections from
a list (Part II.B), or do both. If a member
has received a CRA rating of
‘‘Outstanding,’’ it need not complete
Part II. A copy of the current Form 060
and related instructions appear at the
end of this Notice.
Part 1290 also establishes the
circumstances under which FHFA will
restrict a member’s access to long-term
Bank advances and to the Bank
Affordable Housing Programs (AHP),
Community Investment Programs (CIP),
and Community Investment Cash
Advance (CICA) programs for failure to
meet the community support
requirements.7 Part 1290 permits Bank
5 12
U.S.C. 1430(g)(2).
12 CFR 1290.2. Non-depository community
development financial institutions and institutions
that have been Bank members for less than one year
as of March 31 of the year the Form 060 is due are
not required to submit Form 060.
7 See 12 CFR 1290.5(b), (e).
8 See 12 CFR 1290.5(d).
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
6 See
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members whose access to long-term
advances has been restricted to apply
directly to FHFA to remove the
B. Need for and Use of the Information
FHFA uses the information collection
contained in FHFA Form 060 to
determine whether Bank members
satisfy the statutory and regulatory
community support requirements, and
to ensure that, as required by statute and
regulation, only Bank members that
meet those requirements maintain
continued access to long-term Bank
advances and to the Bank AHP, CIP, and
CICA programs.
The OMB control number for this
information collection is 2590–0005,
which is due to expire on September 30,
2023. The respondents are Bank
member institutions.
C. Burden Estimate
FHFA has analyzed the two facets of
this information collection to estimate
the hour burdens that the collection will
impose upon Bank members annually
over the next three years. Based on that
analysis, FHFA estimates that the total
annual hour burden will be 2,094 hours.
The method FHFA used to determine
the annual hour burden for each facet of
the information collection is explained
in detail below.
1. Community Support Statements
There are currently about 6,600 Bank
members. With exceptions, most Bank
members must submit a Community
Support Statement biennially. Nondepository community development
financial institution (CDFI) Bank
members are exempt from filing. At the
end of 2021, there were 68 nondepository CDFI Bank members. Bank
members who have been Bank members
for less than one year as of March 31 of
the year the submission is required are
also exempt from filing. The Banks have
added, on average, 118 new members
per year over the last three years. FHFA
arrives at a total estimate of about 6,414
respondents required to file each cycle
(6,600 total members minus (68 nondepository CDFI members + 118 exempt
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new members biennially)). Under the
Community Support biennial review
cycle, members submit Community
Support Statements every other year.
Accordingly, FHFA estimates that the
total number of respondents per year is
about 3,207 (half of 6,414).
FHFA estimates that the average
preparation and submission time for
each Community Support Statement is
0.65 hours. The estimate for the total
annual hour burden on Bank members
in connection with the preparation and
submission of Community Support
Statements is, therefore, 2,085 hours
(3,207 Statements × 0.65 hours).
2. Requests To Remove a Restriction on
Access to Long-Term Advances
FHFA estimates that an annual
average of 12 Bank members whose
access to long-term advances and to
AHP, CIP, and CICA programs has been
restricted will prepare and submit
requests to FHFA to remove those
restrictions, and that the average
preparation time for each request will be
0.75 hours. The estimate for the total
annual hour burden on Bank members
in connection with the preparation and
submission of requests to remove a
restriction on access to long-term
advances is, therefore, 9 hours (12
requests × 0.75 hours).
D. Comment Request
FHFA requests written comments on
the following: (1) whether the collection
of information is necessary for the
proper performance of FHFA functions,
including whether the information has
practical utility; (2) the accuracy of
FHFA’s estimates of the burdens of the
collection of information; (3) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information collected; and (4)
ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including through the use
of automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Shawn Bucholtz,
Chief Data Officer, Federal Housing Finance
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 160 / Friday, August 19, 2022 / Notices
Mai!i1>1 Ad»1;,n,, tj.>1'ffl.: FH/Fl! 11/ls ii,1
Part I. Community ll'ei1w11stment Act ltvi) sn11llard,
Most '1i!Ol!M felle,al CR/uatin1:t9»IIM fptm: gr,m 1'1""''" lisJ Year of moSt rm II, Fil'st-time Ho.m:,abu:yer Standanh Al hderat Hi:mie Loan Bant memt>m; mw:t comp!l!'I" either Sttti½>itie•
for tile /Hffins, lfto1t, inwtutic,i did not ml7te, "' did oot tmck, mortgage 11/Jiam; ro ftrff-tim11
h<>lm!blllfl'O. JfOtl' mu.t t:omplf:te ~ n Iii <>f l:hl• port, '"''""'' ,,m,c.
L l'ilumbllnrl monga11• il/JililM made toflnMime homel!u\l'1.
Oo!llll' amoont ofmonpge l!>l'H'I$ made to first-time homl!buye,r.s
6. Chedt a• many 1111 app!i~,
Offer m~e fiBt•tim,, homl!b.,yt!r pt'<>!!ram !"•ll•, unliem,,itiff& l'lllll'k\l!tfflll plllfls, wtream lffllll,Hmsl
Offl!f other m-ll<>us,i, lendillg pn:ldUt:tS th111t sew• fitst•tlmli! or low- and m,<»m. hf>mebuyen
Offer fle):illk!c umteN'fil:ing; s:tandaffls fer fll'$l..otlmli! l!Oiffleb\lVl!'f'.S
l'arti<:iplltte in na1:i<>nwidie first-time ~ Y f f llfl>ll!lfflS le,g,, fiffit>HI Mae, fred!ii\! Macl
hmc.lltf! in ffflti1111 g<>W!fflfflf!llt j)fl>g,.lfflS. that ....,,,., first-time lw:!IN!btll'fi!H (e.g., FHA, VA,\l\ 110)
l'an:icipaw ln stilte or local go'gr111ms targemli to fint.Ume lmmebttyers {e..1.,
bcmli finaru:il>g)
l'rnvid.. fmili,cial st11190n <>rted>i,iical §siStartce to co,,,inunil:y otganlz.atloni mat assist rnt-tlma !,omet,i,yen
l'amc,..ate in k:>111, mn,ortla that mu"" k>,m• to mt•time ""'"'~"'
1'111'1:icipat& in or •111>11m s;,Ki;al cauns1tlition tlitpts to lfim-tim" i><>ffiebuy,,,rs
Hold inw!!ffl>ei!lts o,r mate l<>a!M that suppcm finl'.-tlme homebuye,r p~ms
H011ns to low• anther tu-pted community in111>stment/llevelopment i:m:,gnoml
offeru 1>v· 1he feliara! Hom• lo111n llmk
Otl>er {11ttam !il!striptk»'I of other aaMti11s ,mpportil>!l flm:.fimec hol'flebuyeu; .su ins.trt1cti2014
18:26 Aug 18, 2022
Jkt 256001
PO 00000
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lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
I'm Ill, Cl'll 6\j'submittll'lg Ibis C FHFII, 1111\!i !hilt '1h11 lnform11tK!il'I in !his Statemmmu is accuratt to the but ot
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 160 / Friday, August 19, 2022 / Notices
Commu:nitv Support :statement {fKfA F«m 060) tnstrudlol'l$
P111rpo11,1u Sectioa Ullg) ofthill Fffl!'llli Killlwl 111111'1 IIIIIM Act [U: U.$.C, t 1~1}-forth f'le ccmim1111ity ~
Nlfll\lnm!lnl:S, l.lllder lhllll Flldlnl lill!W111 FillllllCII ~ · , {l'HFAI impl11:111uting alffllll!.ll'lity ~ ,.llltiilm 112 CfR p11rt
1290], FHFA Is requncl 'to tllb into m:ant II F11lillllr1l liomill l.o:a11 llimk !Bank) ll'Mffll:HM"il pe,form11nm 11ncl111r tht Community
llllliffli'IUl:rll«nt Act of 1977
!I 2901 tt •11-l !illlillllrttl <:RA} 11ml IU Qf iflllclin!I: to flnt-timlt hom~, in
detillrmininl wtt111ther to 111111,int.llin thlll mmben m:1111$ IO kmJ-,tnm Blink II\IMIIICIIIS llll<:I to II llnlk's Afflwdlllble HI\Mliin1 l'rogram
(AHi') and tarJ«ted Community m11emnent Clffl Advanms (CICA) prlllp'lllll)I. for 1>11rp0Ns of commt11>it\! IIIPPOl't rm11w, tl!e
tllrm •1q-- ad'ilanmr" means 111ivance1 witl'I at- till 11111twity grater thaa Oll'II' v-,
tu u.s.c.
hil1 t. (CM. !iiW'lclard)i Mt:mkrs S\llbjllt:t to tllll, ftder/44 C,IIA must 110111pllttlll th!$ P,i!srt, f'mvkll!I
mtitlltlon'$ IDQJt
MCl!!nt flldtnl CM n!lnt md the vur of th!!!~- Cndlt 11nions and inJW111nm companies, wbldl im, not iNl>jffl to the
fedllllrll Cit)\. should il'ldi!Cllltl> •'HfA• fi.e., not appllcable! in thllll CIIA mn, field on th!$ Community S!lllflCl't Stlllt!lll'llllll'lt. If yo11r
IMtltulmn is aot 11 the Nawn fo,r Ille
-mptlon. If III fflll'lllbllr'S most MClllll!t fedl!ral Cl!A. ~ is ·NHm lO lmp,lovll',• FHFA 111illplaai tile m!lll'lbeir on pmbatlon,.
D11rlng tbll prol:iatiilmllll'Y perloll, the membter will main acCIIU to long-term Bank 11dlr11nais i!ind hnlit AHi' lllld 0CA
programs. If lt,,11 member Mfi not lK!liVIII 111'1 Improved illcletal Cit/\ ffllng lit its neld: ClitA 11wl11atlo11, FHFA will :rutna 11:1
prospl!Cti'ilill llc:cmfflt tllM
doc not include thi!I fl!!l!Uirllll mrtiflation, FHFA will niltl'ICt tl'illll membel"ll pros~ acmr,, to mnc-t•m Bult •m-s aall
Bank AHi' lllld CICA programJ.
Awst:anau Yo,1,1r institution's Ftilwal Home loan 11,ank hu II Comm11r11ty Sl!Pllllrt l'fllll1lm Reprenlllilt,n that tllll assist you in
preparm1 dim C11mmunity SllllflCrt St-mnt. Pleullll mntact yow fHlllllmt'il Comll'.lllllity SllllflCrt f'rogr11m Re11r•Mta,11w1:
Federal Housing FillQIK'e A~m:y
DwMu of Hous/1119 Minion ,tmd GMO
400 :nllltl'fJl!i':, 5.W,
WIim~ ,0,c, ma
l'alllll!morit lllld!.ldk!II Ai:Utat11m,mt: lilotwltlll:t11ndm1 lil'IY MIier 1 1 ~ of the law, no J'lll'Fllllll 111 requind to nspond to, nor shall
PY penon bl!! sldlj11ctto a penalty lior fllllun to con,p'1y with, a mnaction of lnforml/ltion 111bjectto th9 niquffll!l'fflll'I$ of the
l'llflllll'WOl'k Rllductk!II ,A(t, unlllfH that collection of Information cl,lspl11ys 11 itlllfflllllltly valid OMii Control Numbu.
OMI ~~
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Change in Bank Control Notices;
Acquisitions of Shares of a Bank or
Bank Holding Company
The notificants listed below have
applied under the Change in Bank
Control Act (Act) (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)) and
§ 225.41 of the Board’s Regulation Y (12
CFR 225.41) to acquire shares of a bank
or bank holding company. The factors
that are considered in acting on the
applications are set forth in paragraph 7
of the Act (12 U.S.C. 1817(j)(7)).
The public portions of the
applications listed below, as well as
other related filings required by the
Board, if any, are available for
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:26 Aug 18, 2022
Jkt 256001
immediate inspection at the Federal
Reserve Bank(s) indicated below and at
the offices of the Board of Governors.
This information may also be obtained
on an expedited basis, upon request, by
contacting the appropriate Federal
Reserve Bank and from the Board’s
Freedom of Information Office at
request.htm. Interested persons may
express their views in writing on the
standards enumerated in paragraph 7 of
the Act.
Comments regarding each of these
applications must be received at the
Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of
the Board of Governors, Ann E.
Misback, Secretary of the Board, 20th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20551–0001, not later
than September 6, 2022.
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4703
A. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
(Holly A. Rieser, Senior Manager) P.O.
Box 442, St. Louis, Missouri 63166–
2034. Comments can also be sent
electronically to
1. The Trager Family Foundation
Trust, Steven E. Trager, as trustee, both
of Louisville, Kentucky; to join the
Trager Family Control Group, a group
acting in concert, to retain voting shares
of Republic Bancorp, Inc., and thereby
indirectly retain voting shares of
Republic Bank & Trust Company, both
of Louisville, Kentucky.
2. Jeffrey Joe Stinson, Milan,
Tennessee; the Patricia Ross Jones 2021
GST-Exempt ESBT Trust, Patricia Jones,
as trustee, both of Trenton, Tennessee;
the Linda Ross Szopinski 2021 GSTExempt ESBT Trust, Linda Szopinski, as
trustee, the John W. Ross 2021 GST-
[FR Doc. 2022–17938 Filed 8–18–22; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 160 (Friday, August 19, 2022)]
[Pages 51095-51098]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-17938]
[No. 2022-N-11]
Proposed Collection; Comment Request
AGENCY: Federal Housing Finance Agency.
ACTION: 60-Day notice of submission of information collection for
approval from Office of Management and Budget.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (PRA), the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA or the
Agency) is seeking public comments concerning an information collection
known as ``Community Support Requirements,'' which has been assigned
control number 2590-0005 by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
FHFA intends to submit the information collection to OMB for review and
approval of a three-year extension of the control number, which is due
to expire on September 30, 2023.
DATES: Interested persons may submit comments on or before October 18,
ADDRESSES: Submit comments to FHFA, identified by ``Proposed
Collection; Comment Request: `Community Support Requirements, (No.
2022-N-11)' '' by any of the following methods:
Agency website:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for submitting comments. If you submit your
comment to the Federal eRulemaking Portal, please also send it by email
to FHFA at [email protected] to ensure timely receipt by the Agency.
Mail/Hand Delivery: Federal Housing Finance Agency, Office
of General Counsel, 400 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20219,
ATTENTION: Proposed Collection; Comment Request: ``Community Support
Requirements, (No. 2022-N-11).''
We will post all public comments we receive without change,
including any personal information you provide, such as your name and
address, email address, and telephone number, on the FHFA website at
Copies of all comments received will be available for examination
by the public through the electronic comment docket for this PRA Notice
also located on the FHFA website.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mike Price, Senior Policy Analyst, by
email at [email protected], by telephone at (202) 649-3134;
Tiffani Moore, Supervisory Policy Analyst, by email at
[email protected], by telephone at (202) 649-3304; or Angela
Supervielle, Counsel, by email at [email protected], by
telephone at (202) 649-3973 (these are not toll-free numbers). For TTY/
TRS users with hearing and speech disabilities, dial 711 and ask to be
connected to any of the contact numbers above.
A. Background
1. Paperwork Reduction Act
Under the PRA (44 U.S.C. 3501-3520), Federal agencies must obtain
approval from OMB for each collection of information they conduct or
sponsor. ``Collection of information'' is defined in 44 U.S.C. 3502(3)
and 5 CFR 1320.3(c) to include agency collection of information from
ten or more persons. Section 3506(c)(2)(A) of title 44 requires Federal
agencies to provide a 60-day notice \1\ in the Federal Register
concerning each proposed collection of information, including each
proposed extension of an existing collection of information, before
submitting the collection of information to OMB for approval. FHFA's
collection of information set forth in this document is titled the
``Community Support Requirements'' (assigned control number 2590-0005
by OMB). To comply with the PRA requirement, FHFA is publishing notice
of a proposed three-year extension of this collection of information.
\1\ Following the close of this notice's 60-day comment period,
FHFA will publish a second notice with a 30-day comment period as
required by 44 U.S.C. 3507(b) and 5 CFR 1320.10(a).
\2\ 12 U.S.C. 1430(g)(1).
\3\ For purposes of the community support requirements, a long-
term advance is an advance with a term of maturity greater than one
year. 12 CFR 1290.1 (definition of ``long-term advance'').
\4\ See 12 U.S.C. 2901 et seq.
2. Community Support Requirements
The Federal Home Loan Bank System (System) consists of eleven
regional Federal Home Loan Banks (Banks) and the Office of Finance, a
joint office of the Banks that issues and services their debt
securities. The Banks are wholesale financial institutions, organized
under authority of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act (Bank Act) to serve
the public interest by enhancing the availability of residential
housing finance and community lending credit through their member
institutions and, to a limited extent, through eligible non-member
``housing associates.'' Each Bank is structured as a regional
cooperative that is owned and controlled by member financial
institutions located within its district, which are also its primary
Section 10(g)(1) of the Bank Act requires the Director of FHFA to
promulgate regulations establishing standards of community investment
or service that Bank member institutions must meet in order to maintain
access to long-term advances.2 3 Section 10(g)(2) of the
Bank Act requires that, in establishing these community support
requirements for Bank members, FHFA take into account factors such as
the member's performance under the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977
(CRA) \4\ and record of lending to first-
[[Page 51096]]
time homebuyers.\5\ FHFA's community support regulation, which
establishes standards and review criteria for determining compliance
with section 10(g) of the Bank Act, is set forth at 12 CFR part 1290.
\5\ 12 U.S.C. 1430(g)(2).
Part 1290 requires that each Bank member subject to community
support review submit to FHFA biennially a completed Community Support
Statement (Form 060), which contains several short questions, the
answers to which are used by FHFA to assess the responding member's
compliance with the statutory and regulatory community support
standards.\6\ Members are strongly encouraged to complete and submit
Form 060 online, but may submit a version via email or fax if they
cannot complete the submission online. In Part I of Form 060, a member
that is subject to the CRA must record its most recent CRA rating and
the year of that rating. Part II of Form 060 addresses a member's
efforts to assist first-time homebuyers. A member may either record the
number and dollar amount of mortgage loans made to first-time
homebuyers in the previous or current calendar year (Part II.A), or
indicate the types of programs or activities it has undertaken to
assist first-time homebuyers by checking selections from a list (Part
II.B), or do both. If a member has received a CRA rating of
``Outstanding,'' it need not complete Part II. A copy of the current
Form 060 and related instructions appear at the end of this Notice.
\6\ See 12 CFR 1290.2. Non-depository community development
financial institutions and institutions that have been Bank members
for less than one year as of March 31 of the year the Form 060 is
due are not required to submit Form 060.
Part 1290 also establishes the circumstances under which FHFA will
restrict a member's access to long-term Bank advances and to the Bank
Affordable Housing Programs (AHP), Community Investment Programs (CIP),
and Community Investment Cash Advance (CICA) programs for failure to
meet the community support requirements.\7\ Part 1290 permits Bank
members whose access to long-term advances has been restricted to apply
directly to FHFA to remove the restriction.\8\
\7\ See 12 CFR 1290.5(b), (e).
\8\ See 12 CFR 1290.5(d).
B. Need for and Use of the Information Collection
FHFA uses the information collection contained in FHFA Form 060 to
determine whether Bank members satisfy the statutory and regulatory
community support requirements, and to ensure that, as required by
statute and regulation, only Bank members that meet those requirements
maintain continued access to long-term Bank advances and to the Bank
AHP, CIP, and CICA programs.
The OMB control number for this information collection is 2590-
0005, which is due to expire on September 30, 2023. The respondents are
Bank member institutions.
C. Burden Estimate
FHFA has analyzed the two facets of this information collection to
estimate the hour burdens that the collection will impose upon Bank
members annually over the next three years. Based on that analysis,
FHFA estimates that the total annual hour burden will be 2,094 hours.
The method FHFA used to determine the annual hour burden for each facet
of the information collection is explained in detail below.
1. Community Support Statements
There are currently about 6,600 Bank members. With exceptions, most
Bank members must submit a Community Support Statement biennially. Non-
depository community development financial institution (CDFI) Bank
members are exempt from filing. At the end of 2021, there were 68 non-
depository CDFI Bank members. Bank members who have been Bank members
for less than one year as of March 31 of the year the submission is
required are also exempt from filing. The Banks have added, on average,
118 new members per year over the last three years. FHFA arrives at a
total estimate of about 6,414 respondents required to file each cycle
(6,600 total members minus (68 non-depository CDFI members + 118 exempt
new members biennially)). Under the Community Support biennial review
cycle, members submit Community Support Statements every other year.
Accordingly, FHFA estimates that the total number of respondents per
year is about 3,207 (half of 6,414).
FHFA estimates that the average preparation and submission time for
each Community Support Statement is 0.65 hours. The estimate for the
total annual hour burden on Bank members in connection with the
preparation and submission of Community Support Statements is,
therefore, 2,085 hours (3,207 Statements x 0.65 hours).
2. Requests To Remove a Restriction on Access to Long-Term Advances
FHFA estimates that an annual average of 12 Bank members whose
access to long-term advances and to AHP, CIP, and CICA programs has
been restricted will prepare and submit requests to FHFA to remove
those restrictions, and that the average preparation time for each
request will be 0.75 hours. The estimate for the total annual hour
burden on Bank members in connection with the preparation and
submission of requests to remove a restriction on access to long-term
advances is, therefore, 9 hours (12 requests x 0.75 hours).
D. Comment Request
FHFA requests written comments on the following: (1) whether the
collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of
FHFA functions, including whether the information has practical
utility; (2) the accuracy of FHFA's estimates of the burdens of the
collection of information; (3) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information collected; and (4) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information on respondents, including
through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
Shawn Bucholtz,
Chief Data Officer, Federal Housing Finance Agency.
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[FR Doc. 2022-17938 Filed 8-18-22; 8:45 am]