FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division User Fee Schedule, 47794-47795 [2022-16668]

Download as PDF jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES 47794 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 149 / Thursday, August 4, 2022 / Notices (iv) indicate whether complainant, complainant’s licensees, and/or third party suppliers have the capacity to replace the volume of articles potentially subject to the requested exclusion order and/or a cease and desist order within a commercially reasonable time; and (v) explain how the requested remedial orders would impact United States consumers. Written submissions on the public interest must be filed no later than by close of business, eight calendar days after the date of publication of this notice in the Federal Register. There will be further opportunities for comment on the public interest after the issuance of any final initial determination in this investigation. Any written submissions on other issues must also be filed by no later than the close of business, eight calendar days after publication of this notice in the Federal Register. Complainant may file replies to any written submissions no later than three calendar days after the date on which any initial submissions were due. No other submissions will be accepted, unless requested by the Commission. Any submissions and replies filed in response to this Notice are limited to five (5) pages in length, inclusive of attachments. Persons filing written submissions must file the original document electronically on or before the deadlines stated above. Submissions should refer to the docket number (‘‘Docket No. 3631’’) in a prominent place on the cover page and/or the first page. (See Handbook for Electronic Filing Procedures, Electronic Filing Procedures.1) Please note the Secretary’s Office will accept only electronic filings during this time. Filings must be made through the Commission’s Electronic Document Information System (EDIS, https://edis.usitc.gov.) No in-person paper-based filings or paper copies of any electronic filings will be accepted until further notice. Persons with questions regarding filing should contact the Secretary at EDIS3Help@ usitc.gov. Any person desiring to submit a document to the Commission in confidence must request confidential treatment. All such requests should be directed to the Secretary to the Commission and must include a full statement of the reasons why the Commission should grant such treatment. See 19 CFR 201.6. Documents for which confidential treatment by the 1 Handbook for Electronic Filing Procedures: https://www.usitc.gov/documents/handbook_on_ filing_procedures.pdf. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:25 Aug 03, 2022 Jkt 256001 Commission is properly sought will be treated accordingly. All information, including confidential business information and documents for which confidential treatment is properly sought, submitted to the Commission for purposes of this Investigation may be disclosed to and used: (i) by the Commission, its employees and Offices, and contract personnel (a) for developing or maintaining the records of this or a related proceeding, or (b) in internal investigations, audits, reviews, and evaluations relating to the programs, personnel, and operations of the Commission including under 5 U.S.C. Appendix 3; or (ii) by U.S. government employees and contract personnel 2, solely for cybersecurity purposes. All nonconfidential written submissions will be available for public inspection at the Office of the Secretary and on EDIS 3. This action is taken under the authority of section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), and of §§ 201.10 and 210.8(c) of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR 201.10, 210.8(c)). By order of the Commission. Issued: August 1, 2022. Katherine Hiner, Acting Secretary to the Commission. [FR Doc. 2022–16746 Filed 8–3–22; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7020–02–P DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Federal Bureau of Investigation [Docket No. FBI] FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division User Fee Schedule Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Justice. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The FBI is authorized to establish and collect fees for providing fingerprint-based and name-based criminal history record information (CHRI) checks submitted by authorized users for noncriminal justice purposes including employment and licensing. A portion of the fee is intended to reimburse the FBI for the cost of providing fingerprint-based and namebased CHRI checks (‘‘cost reimbursement portion’’ of the fee). The FBI is also authorized to charge an additional amount to defray expenses for the automation of fingerprint SUMMARY: 2 All contract personnel will sign appropriate nondisclosure agreements. 3 Electronic Document Information System (EDIS): https://edis.usitc.gov. PO 00000 Frm 00106 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 identification and criminal justice information services and associated costs (‘‘automation portion’’ of the fee). Although the fee study determined that the allocation of costs changed, the overall fees for fingerprint-based and name-based CHRI checks will remain the same as the current user fees. DATES: This revised fee schedule is effective October 1, 2022. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Timothy R. Wiles, Unit Chief, Fee Programs Unit, Resources Management Section, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division, FBI, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, Module D–3, Clarksburg, WV 26306. Telephone number 304–625–4685. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the authority in Public Law (Pub. L.) 101–515, as amended and codified at Title 34, United States Code (U.S.C.) Section (§ ) 41104, the FBI has established user fees for authorized agencies requesting noncriminal justice, fingerprint-based and name-based CHRI checks. These noncriminal justice, fingerprint-based CHRI checks are performed for noncriminal justice, nonlaw enforcement employment and licensing purposes, and for certain employees of private sector contractors with classified government contracts. The noncriminal justice, name-based CHRI checks are biographic checks of the biometric system limited to those agencies authorized via 5 U.S.C. 9101, Security Clearance Information Act of 1985. In accordance with the requirements of Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), § 20.31(e), the FBI periodically reviews the process of providing fingerprint-based and name-based CHRI checks to determine the proper fee amounts which should be collected, and the FBI publishes any resulting fee adjustments in the Federal Register. A fee study was conducted in keeping with 28 CFR 20.31(e)(2). The fee study determined that although the cost reimbursement portion of the expenses decreased by $1, the automation portion of the expenses increased by a similar amount. Accordingly, the fee study results recommend no overall change in the fingerprint-based and name-based CHRI checks from the current user fees published in the Federal Register on September 24, 2018 (83 FR 48335), which have been in effect since January 1, 2019. The FBI reviewed the results of the independently conducted User Fee Study, compared the recommendations to the current fee schedule, and determined the revised fee recommendation amounts for both the cost reimbursement portion and E:\FR\FM\04AUN1.SGM 04AUN1 47795 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 149 / Thursday, August 4, 2022 / Notices automation portion of the fee were reasonable and in consonance with the underlying legal authorities. Pursuant to the recommendations of the study, the fees for fingerprint-based CHRI checks will be unchanged overall, and the fee for name-based CHRI checks will remain the same for federal agencies specifically authorized by statute (e.g., pursuant to the Security Clearance Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 9101). The following tables detail the fee amounts for authorized users requesting fingerprint-based and name-based CHRI checks for noncriminal justice purposes, including the difference from the fee schedule currently in effect. FINGERPRINT-BASED CHRI CHECKS Fee currently in effect for CBSPs 1 Fee currently in effect Service Fingerprint-based Submission ............................................. Fingerprint-based Volunteer Submission 3 .......................... $13.25 11.25 Change in fee amount $11.25 9.25 Revised fee (no change) $0.00 0.00 Revised fee for CBSPs (no change) 2 $11.25 $13.25 11.25 4 9.25 1 Centralized Billing Service Providers, see 75 FR 18753. Recovery = $4.25; Automation = $7.00. 3 See e.g., 75 FR 18752. 4 Cost Recovery = $4.25; Automation = $5.00. 2 Cost NAME-BASED CHRI CHECKS Service Fee currently in effect Change in fee amount Revised fee (no change) Name-based Submission ............................................................................................................. $2.00 $0.00 $2.00 Dated: July 28, 2022. Christopher A. Wray, Director. Office of Personnel Management. Stephen Hickman, Federal Register Liaison. [FR Doc. 2022–16668 Filed 8–3–22; 8:45 am] The following have been designated as members of the Fiscal Year 2022 Performance Review Board of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management: BILLING CODE 4410–02–P OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Senior Executive Service-Performance Review Board Office of Personnel Management. AGENCY: ACTION: Notice. Notice is hereby given of the appointment of members of the OPM Performance Review Board. SUMMARY: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Section 4314(c) (1) through (5) of Title 5, U.S.C., requires each agency to establish, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Office of Personnel Management, one or more SES performance review boards. The board reviews and evaluates the initial appraisal of a senior executive’s performance by the supervisor and considers recommendations to the appointing authority regarding the performance of the senior executive. jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:25 Aug 03, 2022 Jkt 256001 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anne Harkavy, Chief of Staff, Chair Laurie Bodenheimer, Associate Director, Healthcare and Insurance Dennis Coleman, Chief Management Officer Doug Glenn, Chief Financial Officer Lisa Loss, Director, Suitability Executive Agent Programs Benjamin Mizer, General Counsel David Padrino, Director for Human Capital Data Management & Modernization Margaret Pearson, Associate Director, Retirement Services Rob Shriver, Associate Director, Employee Services Tyshawn Thomas, Chief Human Capital Officer [FR Doc. 2022–16664 Filed 8–3–22; 8:45 am] Carmen Garcia, OPM Human Resources, Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20415, (202) 606–1048. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Date of required notice: August 4, 2022. DATES: BILLING CODE 6325–45–P Postal ServiceTM. Notice. AGENCY: The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule’s Competitive Products List. SUMMARY: Frm 00107 Fmt 4703 Sarah Sullivan, Attorney, Ethics & Legal Compliance. [FR Doc. 2022–16651 Filed 8–3–22; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7710–12–P POSTAL SERVICE Product Change—First-Class Package Service Negotiated Service Agreement Postal ServiceTM. ACTION: Notice. Product Change—Priority Mail Express Negotiated Service Agreement PO 00000 The United States Postal Service® hereby gives notice that, pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 3642 and 3632(b)(3), on July 19, 2022, it filed with the Postal Regulatory Commission a USPS Request to Add Priority Mail Express Contract 96 to Competitive Product List. Documents are available at www.prc.gov, Docket Nos. MC2022–89, CP2022–93. AGENCY: POSTAL SERVICE ACTION: Sean Robinson, 202–268–8405. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Sfmt 4703 The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule’s Competitive Products List. SUMMARY: Date of required notice: August 4, 2022. DATES: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Sean Robinson, 202–268–8405. E:\FR\FM\04AUN1.SGM 04AUN1


[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 149 (Thursday, August 4, 2022)]
[Pages 47794-47795]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2022-16668]



Federal Bureau of Investigation

[Docket No. FBI]

FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division User Fee 

AGENCY: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Justice.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The FBI is authorized to establish and collect fees for 
providing fingerprint-based and name-based criminal history record 
information (CHRI) checks submitted by authorized users for noncriminal 
justice purposes including employment and licensing. A portion of the 
fee is intended to reimburse the FBI for the cost of providing 
fingerprint-based and name-based CHRI checks (``cost reimbursement 
portion'' of the fee). The FBI is also authorized to charge an 
additional amount to defray expenses for the automation of fingerprint 
identification and criminal justice information services and associated 
costs (``automation portion'' of the fee). Although the fee study 
determined that the allocation of costs changed, the overall fees for 
fingerprint-based and name-based CHRI checks will remain the same as 
the current user fees.

DATES: This revised fee schedule is effective October 1, 2022.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Timothy R. Wiles, Unit Chief, Fee 
Programs Unit, Resources Management Section, Criminal Justice 
Information Services (CJIS) Division, FBI, 1000 Custer Hollow Road, 
Module D-3, Clarksburg, WV 26306. Telephone number 304-625-4685.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to the authority in Public Law 
(Pub. L.) 101-515, as amended and codified at Title 34, United States 
Code (U.S.C.) Section (Sec.  ) 41104, the FBI has established user fees 
for authorized agencies requesting noncriminal justice, fingerprint-
based and name-based CHRI checks. These noncriminal justice, 
fingerprint-based CHRI checks are performed for noncriminal justice, 
non-law enforcement employment and licensing purposes, and for certain 
employees of private sector contractors with classified government 
contracts. The noncriminal justice, name-based CHRI checks are 
biographic checks of the biometric system limited to those agencies 
authorized via 5 U.S.C. 9101, Security Clearance Information Act of 
    In accordance with the requirements of Title 28, Code of Federal 
Regulations (CFR), Sec.  20.31(e), the FBI periodically reviews the 
process of providing fingerprint-based and name-based CHRI checks to 
determine the proper fee amounts which should be collected, and the FBI 
publishes any resulting fee adjustments in the Federal Register.
    A fee study was conducted in keeping with 28 CFR 20.31(e)(2). The 
fee study determined that although the cost reimbursement portion of 
the expenses decreased by $1, the automation portion of the expenses 
increased by a similar amount. Accordingly, the fee study results 
recommend no overall change in the fingerprint-based and name-based 
CHRI checks from the current user fees published in the Federal 
Register on September 24, 2018 (83 FR 48335), which have been in effect 
since January 1, 2019. The FBI reviewed the results of the 
independently conducted User Fee Study, compared the recommendations to 
the current fee schedule, and determined the revised fee recommendation 
amounts for both the cost reimbursement portion and

[[Page 47795]]

automation portion of the fee were reasonable and in consonance with 
the underlying legal authorities.
    Pursuant to the recommendations of the study, the fees for 
fingerprint-based CHRI checks will be unchanged overall, and the fee 
for name-based CHRI checks will remain the same for federal agencies 
specifically authorized by statute (e.g., pursuant to the Security 
Clearance Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 9101).
    The following tables detail the fee amounts for authorized users 
requesting fingerprint-based and name-based CHRI checks for noncriminal 
justice purposes, including the difference from the fee schedule 
currently in effect.

                                          Fingerprint-Based CHRI Checks
                                                  Fee  currently                                    Revised fee
             Service              Fee  currently     in effect    Change in  fee    Revised fee   for CBSPs  (no
                                     in effect     for CBSPs \1\      amount        (no change)       change)
Fingerprint-based Submission....          $13.25          $11.25           $0.00          $13.25      \2\ $11.25
Fingerprint-based Volunteer                11.25            9.25            0.00           11.25        \4\ 9.25
 Submission \3\.................
\1\ Centralized Billing Service Providers, see 75 FR 18753.
\2\ Cost Recovery = $4.25; Automation = $7.00.
\3\ See e.g., 75 FR 18752.
\4\ Cost Recovery = $4.25; Automation = $5.00.

                                             Name-Based CHRI Checks
                                                                Fee currently    Change in fee   Revised fee (no
                           Service                                in effect          amount          change)
Name-based Submission........................................           $2.00            $0.00            $2.00

    Dated: July 28, 2022.
Christopher A. Wray,
[FR Doc. 2022-16668 Filed 8-3-22; 8:45 am]
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