Special Conditions: Dassault Aviation Model Falcon 6X Airplane; Flight Envelope Protection, High-Speed Limiting, 16625-16626 [2022-06176]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 87, No. 57
Thursday, March 24, 2022
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains regulatory documents having general
applicability and legal effect, most of which
are keyed to and codified in the Code of
Federal Regulations, which is published under
50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by
the Superintendent of Documents.
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No. FAA–2020–1040; Special
Conditions No. 25–800–SC]
Special Conditions: Dassault Aviation
Model Falcon 6X Airplane; Flight
Envelope Protection, High-Speed
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final special conditions; request
for comments.
These special conditions are
issued for the Dassault Aviation
(Dassault) Model Falcon 6X airplane.
This airplane will have a novel or
unusual design feature when compared
to the state of technology envisioned in
the airworthiness standards for
transport category airplanes. This design
feature is an overspeed protection
system in the normal mode, designed to
prevent the pilot from inadvertently or
intentionally exceeding certain airplane
speeds. The applicable airworthiness
regulations do not contain adequate or
appropriate safety standards for this
design feature. This special conditions
document contains the additional safety
standards that the Administrator
considers necessary to establish a level
of safety equivalent to that established
by the existing airworthiness standards.
DATES: This action is effective on
Dassault on March 24, 2022. Send
comments on or before May 9, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
by Docket No. FAA–2020–1040 using
any of the following methods:
• Federal eRegulations Portal: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov/ and follow
the online instructions for sending your
comments electronically.
• Mail: Send comments to Docket
Operations, M–30, U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Room W12–140, West
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:07 Mar 23, 2022
Jkt 256001
Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC
• Hand Delivery or Courier: Take
comments to Docket Operations in
Room W12–140 of the West Building
Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
• Fax: Fax comments to Docket
Operations at 202–493–2251.
Privacy: Except for Confidential
Business Information (CBI) as described
in the following paragraph, and other
information as described in title 14,
Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR)
11.35, the FAA will post all comments
received without change to https://
www.regulations.gov/, including any
personal information you provide. The
FAA will also post a report
summarizing each substantive verbal
contact received about these special
Confidential Business Information:
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
is commercial or financial information
that is both customarily and actually
treated as private by its owner. Under
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
(5 U.S.C. 552), CBI is exempt from
public disclosure. If your comments
responsive to these special conditions
contain commercial or financial
information that is customarily treated
as private, that you actually treat as
private, and that is relevant or
responsive to these special conditions, it
is important that you clearly designate
the submitted comments as CBI. Please
mark each page of your submission
containing CBI as ‘‘PROPIN.’’ The FAA
will treat such marked submissions as
confidential under the FOIA, and the
indicated comments will not be placed
in the public docket of these special
conditions. Send submissions
containing CBI to the Information
Contact below. Comments the FAA
receives, which are not specifically
designated as CBI, will be placed in the
public docket for this rulemaking.
Docket: Background documents or
comments received may be read at
https://www.regulations.gov/ at any
time. Follow the online instructions for
accessing the docket or go to Docket
Operations in Room W12–140 of the
West Building Ground Floor at 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington,
DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
PO 00000
Frm 00001
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
Brown, Performance and Environment
Section, AIR–625, Technical Innovation
Policy Branch, Policy and Innovation
Division, Aircraft Certification Service,
Federal Aviation Administration, 1801
S Airport Rd., Wichita, KS 67209–2190;
telephone and fax 405–666–1050; email
substance of these special conditions
has been published in the Federal
Register for public comment in several
prior instances with no substantive
comments received. Therefore, the FAA
finds, pursuant to § 11.38(b), that new
comments are unlikely, and notice and
comment prior to this publication are
Comments Invited
The FAA invites interested people to
take part in this rulemaking by sending
written comments, data, or views. The
most helpful comments reference a
specific portion of the special
conditions, explain the reason for any
recommended change, and include
supporting data.
The FAA will consider all comments
received by the closing date for
comments. The FAA may change these
special conditions based on the
comments received.
On July 1, 2012, Dassault applied for
a type certificate for its new Model
Falcon 5X airplane. However, Dassault
has decided not to release an airplane
under the model designation Falcon 5X,
instead choosing to change that model
designation to Falcon 6X.
In February of 2018, due to engine
supplier issues, Dassault extended the
type certificate application date for its
Model Falcon 5X airplane under new
Model Falcon 6X. This airplane is a
twin-engine business jet with seating for
19 passengers, and has a maximum
takeoff weight of 77,460 pounds.
Type Certification Basis
Under the provisions of 14 CFR 21.17,
Dassault must show that the Model
Falcon 6X airplane meets the applicable
provisions of part 25, as amended by
amendments 25–1 through 25–146.
If the Administrator finds that the
applicable airworthiness regulations
(e.g., 14 CFR part 25) do not contain
adequate or appropriate safety standards
for the Dassault Model Falcon 6X
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 57 / Thursday, March 24, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
airplane because of a novel or unusual
design feature, special conditions are
prescribed under the provisions of
§ 21.16.
Special conditions are initially
applicable to the model for which they
are issued. Should the type certificate
for that model be amended later to
include any other model that
incorporates the same novel or unusual
design feature, these special conditions
would also apply to the other model
under § 21.101.
In addition to the applicable
airworthiness regulations and special
conditions, the Dassault Model Falcon
6X airplane must comply with the fuelvent and exhaust-emission requirements
of 14 CFR part 34, and the noisecertification requirements of 14 CFR
part 36.
The FAA issues special conditions, as
defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in accordance
with § 11.38, and they become part of
the type certification basis under
§ 21.17(a)(2).
Novel or Unusual Design Features
The Dassault Model Falcon 6X
airplane will incorporate the following
novel or unusual design feature:
An overspeed protection system in
the normal mode, designed to prevent
the pilot from inadvertently or
intentionally exceeding certain airplane
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES
Current part 25 sections do not relate
to a high-speed limiter that might
preclude or modify flying qualities
assessments in the overspeed region.
This high-speed limiter incorporates an
overspeed protection system in the
normal mode that prevents the pilot
from inadvertently or intentionally
exceeding a speed approximately
equivalent to VFC (maximum speed for
stability characteristics) or attaining VDF
(demonstrated flight diving speed).
These special conditions establish
requirements to ensure operation of the
high-speed limiter that might preclude
or modify flying qualities assessments
in the overspeed region.
This special conditions document
contains the additional safety standards
that the Administrator considers
necessary to establish a level of safety
equivalent to that established by the
existing airworthiness standards.
As discussed above, these special
conditions are applicable to the Dassault
Model Falcon 6X airplane. Should
Dassault apply at a later date for a
change to the type certificate to include
another model incorporating the same
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:07 Mar 23, 2022
Jkt 256001
novel or unusual design feature, these
special conditions would apply to that
model as well.
This action affects only a certain
novel or unusual design feature on one
model of airplane. It is not a rule of
general applicability.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
Authority Citation
The authority citation for these
special conditions is as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40113,
44701, 44702, 44704.
The Special Conditions
Accordingly, pursuant to the
authority delegated to me by the
Administrator, the following special
conditions are issued as part of the type
certification basis for the Dassault
Aviation Model Falcon 6X airplane.
In addition to the requirements of title
14, Code of Federal Regulations 25.143,
the following requirements apply:
Operation of the high-speed limiter
during all routine and descentprocedure flight must not impede
normal attainment of speeds up to
overspeed warning.
Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on March
18, 2022.
Patrick R. Mullen,
Manager, Technical Innovation Policy
Branch, Policy and Innovation Division,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2022–06176 Filed 3–23–22; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No. FAA–FAA–2021–0630; Special
Conditions No. 25–801–SC]
Special Conditions: Dassault Aviation
Model Falcon 6X Airplane; Interaction
of Systems and Structures
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final special conditions; request
for comments.
These special conditions are
issued for the Dassault Aviation
(Dassault) Model Falcon 6X airplane.
This airplane will have a novel or
unusual design feature when compared
to the state of technology envisioned in
the airworthiness standards for
PO 00000
Frm 00002
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
transport category airplanes. This design
feature is installed systems that, directly
or as a result of failure or malfunction,
affect airplane structural performance.
The applicable airworthiness
regulations do not contain adequate or
appropriate safety standards for this
design feature. These special conditions
contain the additional safety standards
that the Administrator considers
necessary to establish a level of safety
equivalent to that established by the
existing airworthiness standards.
DATES: This action is effective on
Dassault on March 24, 2022. Send
comments on or before May 9, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Send comments identified
by Docket No. FAA–2021–0630 using
any of the following methods:
• Federal eRegulations Portal: Go to
https://www.regulations.gov/ and follow
the online instructions for sending your
comments electronically.
• Mail: Send comments to Docket
Operations, M–30, U.S. Department of
Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Room W12–140, West
Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC
• Hand Delivery or Courier: Take
comments to Docket Operations in
Room W12–140 of the West Building
Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
• Fax: Fax comments to Docket
Operations at 202–493–2251.
Privacy: Except for Confidential
Business Information (CBI) as described
in the following paragraph, and other
information as described in 14 CFR
11.35, the FAA will post all comments
received without change to https://
www.regulations.gov/, including any
personal information you provide. The
FAA will also post a report
summarizing each substantive verbal
contact received about these special
Confidential Business Information:
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
is commercial or financial information
that is both customarily and actually
treated as private by its owner. Under
the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
(5 U.S.C. 552), CBI is exempt from
public disclosure. If your comments
responsive to these special conditions
contain commercial or financial
information that is customarily treated
as private, that you actually treat as
private, and that is relevant or
responsive to these special conditions, it
is important that you clearly designate
the submitted comments as CBI. Please
mark each page of your submission
containing CBI as ‘‘PROPIN.’’ The FAA
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 57 (Thursday, March 24, 2022)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 16625-16626]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2022-06176]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 57 / Thursday, March 24, 2022 / Rules
and Regulations
[[Page 16625]]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 25
[Docket No. FAA-2020-1040; Special Conditions No. 25-800-SC]
Special Conditions: Dassault Aviation Model Falcon 6X Airplane;
Flight Envelope Protection, High-Speed Limiting
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final special conditions; request for comments.
SUMMARY: These special conditions are issued for the Dassault Aviation
(Dassault) Model Falcon 6X airplane. This airplane will have a novel or
unusual design feature when compared to the state of technology
envisioned in the airworthiness standards for transport category
airplanes. This design feature is an overspeed protection system in the
normal mode, designed to prevent the pilot from inadvertently or
intentionally exceeding certain airplane speeds. The applicable
airworthiness regulations do not contain adequate or appropriate safety
standards for this design feature. This special conditions document
contains the additional safety standards that the Administrator
considers necessary to establish a level of safety equivalent to that
established by the existing airworthiness standards.
DATES: This action is effective on Dassault on March 24, 2022. Send
comments on or before May 9, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Send comments identified by Docket No. FAA-2020-1040 using
any of the following methods:
Federal eRegulations Portal: Go to https://www.regulations.gov/ and follow the online instructions for sending
your comments electronically.
Mail: Send comments to Docket Operations, M-30, U.S.
Department of Transportation (DOT), 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Room
W12-140, West Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC 20590-0001.
Hand Delivery or Courier: Take comments to Docket
Operations in Room W12-140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
Fax: Fax comments to Docket Operations at 202-493-2251.
Privacy: Except for Confidential Business Information (CBI) as
described in the following paragraph, and other information as
described in title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) 11.35, the
FAA will post all comments received without change to https://www.regulations.gov/, including any personal information you provide.
The FAA will also post a report summarizing each substantive verbal
contact received about these special conditions.
Confidential Business Information: Confidential Business
Information (CBI) is commercial or financial information that is both
customarily and actually treated as private by its owner. Under the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) (5 U.S.C. 552), CBI is exempt from
public disclosure. If your comments responsive to these special
conditions contain commercial or financial information that is
customarily treated as private, that you actually treat as private, and
that is relevant or responsive to these special conditions, it is
important that you clearly designate the submitted comments as CBI.
Please mark each page of your submission containing CBI as ``PROPIN.''
The FAA will treat such marked submissions as confidential under the
FOIA, and the indicated comments will not be placed in the public
docket of these special conditions. Send submissions containing CBI to
the Information Contact below. Comments the FAA receives, which are not
specifically designated as CBI, will be placed in the public docket for
this rulemaking.
Docket: Background documents or comments received may be read at
https://www.regulations.gov/ at any time. Follow the online
instructions for accessing the docket or go to Docket Operations in
Room W12-140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through
Friday, except Federal holidays.
Environment Section, AIR-625, Technical Innovation Policy Branch,
Policy and Innovation Division, Aircraft Certification Service, Federal
Aviation Administration, 1801 S Airport Rd., Wichita, KS 67209-2190;
telephone and fax 405-666-1050; email [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The substance of these special conditions
has been published in the Federal Register for public comment in
several prior instances with no substantive comments received.
Therefore, the FAA finds, pursuant to Sec. 11.38(b), that new comments
are unlikely, and notice and comment prior to this publication are
Comments Invited
The FAA invites interested people to take part in this rulemaking
by sending written comments, data, or views. The most helpful comments
reference a specific portion of the special conditions, explain the
reason for any recommended change, and include supporting data.
The FAA will consider all comments received by the closing date for
comments. The FAA may change these special conditions based on the
comments received.
On July 1, 2012, Dassault applied for a type certificate for its
new Model Falcon 5X airplane. However, Dassault has decided not to
release an airplane under the model designation Falcon 5X, instead
choosing to change that model designation to Falcon 6X.
In February of 2018, due to engine supplier issues, Dassault
extended the type certificate application date for its Model Falcon 5X
airplane under new Model Falcon 6X. This airplane is a twin-engine
business jet with seating for 19 passengers, and has a maximum takeoff
weight of 77,460 pounds.
Type Certification Basis
Under the provisions of 14 CFR 21.17, Dassault must show that the
Model Falcon 6X airplane meets the applicable provisions of part 25, as
amended by amendments 25-1 through 25-146.
If the Administrator finds that the applicable airworthiness
regulations (e.g., 14 CFR part 25) do not contain adequate or
appropriate safety standards for the Dassault Model Falcon 6X
[[Page 16626]]
airplane because of a novel or unusual design feature, special
conditions are prescribed under the provisions of Sec. 21.16.
Special conditions are initially applicable to the model for which
they are issued. Should the type certificate for that model be amended
later to include any other model that incorporates the same novel or
unusual design feature, these special conditions would also apply to
the other model under Sec. 21.101.
In addition to the applicable airworthiness regulations and special
conditions, the Dassault Model Falcon 6X airplane must comply with the
fuel-vent and exhaust-emission requirements of 14 CFR part 34, and the
noise-certification requirements of 14 CFR part 36.
The FAA issues special conditions, as defined in 14 CFR 11.19, in
accordance with Sec. 11.38, and they become part of the type
certification basis under Sec. 21.17(a)(2).
Novel or Unusual Design Features
The Dassault Model Falcon 6X airplane will incorporate the
following novel or unusual design feature:
An overspeed protection system in the normal mode, designed to
prevent the pilot from inadvertently or intentionally exceeding certain
airplane speeds.
Current part 25 sections do not relate to a high-speed limiter that
might preclude or modify flying qualities assessments in the overspeed
region. This high-speed limiter incorporates an overspeed protection
system in the normal mode that prevents the pilot from inadvertently or
intentionally exceeding a speed approximately equivalent to
VFC (maximum speed for stability characteristics) or
attaining VDF (demonstrated flight diving speed).
These special conditions establish requirements to ensure operation
of the high-speed limiter that might preclude or modify flying
qualities assessments in the overspeed region.
This special conditions document contains the additional safety
standards that the Administrator considers necessary to establish a
level of safety equivalent to that established by the existing
airworthiness standards.
As discussed above, these special conditions are applicable to the
Dassault Model Falcon 6X airplane. Should Dassault apply at a later
date for a change to the type certificate to include another model
incorporating the same novel or unusual design feature, these special
conditions would apply to that model as well.
This action affects only a certain novel or unusual design feature
on one model of airplane. It is not a rule of general applicability.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 25
Aircraft, Aviation safety, Reporting and recordkeeping
Authority Citation
The authority citation for these special conditions is as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g), 40113, 44701, 44702, 44704.
The Special Conditions
Accordingly, pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the
Administrator, the following special conditions are issued as part of
the type certification basis for the Dassault Aviation Model Falcon 6X
In addition to the requirements of title 14, Code of Federal
Regulations 25.143, the following requirements apply:
Operation of the high-speed limiter during all routine and descent-
procedure flight must not impede normal attainment of speeds up to
overspeed warning.
Issued in Kansas City, Missouri, on March 18, 2022.
Patrick R. Mullen,
Manager, Technical Innovation Policy Branch, Policy and Innovation
Division, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2022-06176 Filed 3-23-22; 8:45 am]