Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records, 15275-15277 [2022-05654]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Notices 4. Barriers for research: Information integrity is a complex and multidisciplinary problem with many technical, social, and policy challenges that requires the sharing of expertise, data, and practices across the full spectrum of stakeholders, both domestically and internationally. What are the key barriers for conducting information integrity R&D? How could those barriers be remedied? 5. Transition to practice: How can the Federal government foster the rapid transfer of information integrity R&D insights and results into practice, for the timely benefit of stakeholders and society? 6. Relevant activities: What other research and development strategies, plans, or activities, domestic or in other countries, including in multi-lateral organizations and within the private sector, should inform the U.S. Federal information integrity R&D strategic plan? 7. Support for technological advancement: How can the Federal information integrity R&D strategic plan support the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy’s mission: • Ensuring the United States leads the world in technologies that are critical to our economic prosperity and national security; and • maintaining the core values behind America’s scientific leadership, including openness, transparency, honesty, equity, fair competition, objectivity, and democratic values. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES References [1] ‘‘Manipulated information’’ refers to information content that is inaccurate, misleading, or deceptive within the context of its intended use and that has the effect of causing harm to individuals, communities, or institutions. ‘‘Information manipulation’’ refers to activities that aim to influence specific or multiple audiences through disinformation, misinformation, malinformation, propaganda, manipulated media, and other tactics and techniques that intentionally create or disseminate inaccurate, misleading, or unreliable information. [2] FACT SHEET: The Biden-Harris Administration is Taking Action to Restore and Strengthen American Democracy (December 8, 2021), The White House, Submitted by the National Science Foundation in support of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) National Coordination Office (NCO) on March 14, 2022. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:38 Mar 16, 2022 Jkt 256001 (Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1861.) Suzanne H. Plimpton, Reports Clearance Officer, National Science Foundation. [FR Doc. 2022–05683 Filed 3–16–22; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7555–01–P POSTAL SERVICE Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records Postal ServiceTM. ACTION: Notice of modified systems of records. AGENCY: The United States Postal Service® (Postal Service) is proposing to revise a Customer Privacy Act System of Records (SOR). These modifications are being made to store, send, and host emails for Informed Delivery on a cloudbased platform. DATES: These revisions will become effective without further notice on April 18, 2022, unless in response to comments received on or before that date result in a contrary determination. ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted via email to the Privacy and Records Management Office, United States Postal Service Headquarters ( To facilitate public inspection, arrangements to view copies of any written comments received will be made upon request. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Janine Castorina, Chief Privacy and Records Management Officer, Privacy and Records Management Office, 202– 268–3069 or SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is in accordance with the Privacy Act requirement that agencies publish their systems of records in the Federal Register when there is a revision, change, or addition, or when the agency establishes a new system of records. The Postal Service has determined that Customer Privacy Act System of Records, USPS 820.300 Informed Delivery, should be revised to support the migration of emails to a cloud-based platform. SUMMARY: I. Background The Postal Service has determined that Customer Privacy Act Systems of Records (SOR), USPS 820.300 Informed Delivery, should be revised to store, send, and host emails for Informed Delivery on a cloud-based platform. II. Rationale for Changes to USPS Privacy Act Systems of Records The Postal Service constantly seeks to improve efficiency and customer PO 00000 Frm 00085 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 15275 satisfaction. To that end, the Postal Service seeks to implement a new hosting service for Informed Delivery Daily Digest emails through the cloud, replacing the current on-premises solutions. III. Description of the Modified System of Records To implement the change to a cloudbased platform, this System of Records will be modified to include several new categories of records, numbered 11 through 21, to identify data elements associated with Daily Digest emails which will be collected and stored as part of this migration. In addition, a new purpose has been added to identify this new process. Finally, a retention period for the records generated in association with these activities has been added. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a (e)(11), interested persons are invited to submit written data, views, or arguments on this proposal. A report of the proposed revisions has been sent to Congress and to the Office of Management and Budget for their evaluations. The Postal Service does not expect this amended system of records to have any adverse effect on individual privacy rights. The notice for USPS SOR 820.300, Informed Delivery is provided below in its entirety, as follows: SYSTEM NAME AND NUMBER USPS 820.300, Informed Delivery. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: None. SYSTEM LOCATION: USPS Headquarters; Contractor Sites; Cloud-based Contractor Sites; WilkesBarre Solutions Center; and Eagan, MN. SYSTEM MANAGER(S): Vice President, Innovative Business Technology, United States Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20260–1010. AUTHORITY FOR MAINTENANCE OF THE SYSTEM: 39 U.S.C. 401, 403, and 404. PURPOSE(S) OF THE SYSTEM: 1. To support the Informed Delivery® notification service which provides customers with electronic notification of physical mail that is intended for delivery at the customer’s address. 2. To provide daily email communication to consumers with images of the letter-size mailpieces that they can expect to be delivered to their mailbox each day. 3. To provide an enhanced customer experience and convenience for mail delivery services by linking physical mail to electronic content. E:\FR\FM\17MRN1.SGM 17MRN1 15276 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Notices 4. To obtain and maintain current and up-to-date address and other contact information to assure accurate and reliable delivery and fulfillment of postal products, services, and other material. 5. To determine the outcomes of marketing or advertising campaigns and to guide policy and business decisions through the use of analytics. 6. To identify, prevent, or mitigate the effects of fraudulent transactions. 7. To demonstrate the value of Informed Delivery in enhancing the responsiveness to physical mail and to promote use of the mail by commercial mailers and other postal customers. 8. To enhance the customer experience by improving the security of Change of Address (COA) and Hold Mail processes. 9. To protect USPS customers from becoming potential victims of mail fraud and identity theft. 10. To identify and mitigate potential fraud in the COA and Hold Mail processes. 11. To verify a customer’s identity when applying for COA and Hold Mail services. 12. To support the Targeted Offers application which enables customers to securely share their preferences related to marketing content with mailers. 13. To facilitate the in-person enrollment process for the Informed Delivery feature. 14. To provide customers with the option to voluntarily scan the barcode on the back of government issued IDs to capture name and address information that will be used to confirm eligibility and prefill information collected during the Informed Delivery in-person enrollment process. 15. To store and send Daily Digest emails through a cloud-based service platform. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES CATEGORIES OF INDIVIDUALS COVERED BY THE SYSTEM: 1. Customers who are enrolled in Informed Delivery notification service. 2. Customers who are enrolled in Targeted Offers. 3. Mailers that use Informed Delivery notification service to enhance the value of the physical mail sent to customers. 4. Mailers that use Targeted Offers to conduct more targeted digital and physical prospecting campaigns based on consumer preferences. CATEGORIES OF RECORDS IN THE SYSTEM: 1. Customer information: Name; customer ID(s); mailing (physical) address(es) and corresponding 11-digit delivery point ZIP Code; phone number(s); email address(es); text message number(s) and carrier. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:38 Mar 16, 2022 Jkt 256001 2. Customer account preferences: Individual customer preferences related Start Printed Page 2592 to email and online communication participation level for USPS and marketing information; and mail content preferences for Targeted Offers. 3. Mailer Information: Mailing Categories for mailers that use Targeted Offers. 4. Customer feedback: Information submitted by customers related to Informed Delivery notification service or any other postal product or service. 5. Subscription information: Date of customer sign-up for services through an opt-in process; date customer optsout of services; nature of service provided. 6. Data on mailpieces: Destination address of mailpiece; Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb); 11-digit delivery point ZIP Code; and delivery status; identification number assigned to equipment used to process mailpiece. 7. Mail Images: Electronic files containing images of mailpieces captured during normal mail processing operations. 8. User Data associated with 11-digit ZIP Codes: Information related to the user’s interaction with Informed Delivery email messages, including but not limited to, email open and clickthrough rates, dates, times, and open rates appended to mailpiece images (user data is not associated with personally identifiable information). 9. Data on Mailings: Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) and its components including the Mailer Identifier (Mailer ID or MID), Service Type Identifier (STID) Serial Number, and unique IA code. 10. In-Person enrollment process: Name and address information collected from the voluntary scan of the barcode on the back of government issued IDs used to confirm eligibility and prefill enrollment information. 11. Data associated with Informed Delivery emails: Technical information related to email addresses and deliveries, including emails sent, emails received, errors, user data, account data, data related to the detection and mitigation of technical issues, and any other information necessary to the effective and efficient administration of services related to the Informed Delivery feature. 12. Cloud service Accepted Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Method, Envelope Targets, Envelope Transports, Envelope Sender, Flags, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From Email Address, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Recipients, Recipient Email PO 00000 Frm 00086 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Address, Size, Storage URL, Storage Key, Recipient Domain, Campaign, Tags, User Variables. 13. Cloud service Accepted (Routed) Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Method, Route Expression, Route ID, Route Match Recipient, Envelope Targets, Envelope Transports, Envelope Sender, Flags—Is Routed, Flags—Is Authenticated, Flags—Is System Test, Flags Is Test Mode, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From Email Address, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Recipients, Recipient Email Address, Message Size, Storage URL, Storage Key, Recipient Domain, Campaign, Tags, User Variables. 14. Cloud service Delivered Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Method, Envelope Targets, Envelope Transports, Envelope Sender, Flags—Is Routed, Flags—Is Authenticated, Flags—Is System Test, Flags Is Test Mode Delivery Status TLS, Delivery Status MX Host, Deliver Status Code, Delivery Status Description, Delivery Status Session Seconds, Delivery Status UTF8, Delivery Status Attempt Number, Delivery Status Message, Delivery Status Certificated Verified, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From Email Address, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Recipient Email Address, Message Size, Storage URL, Storage Key, Recipient Domain, Campaign, Tags, User Variables. 15. Cloud service Failed (Permanent) Audit Log: Flags—Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Severity, Reason, Envelope Targets, Envelope Transports, Envelope Sender, Is Routed, Flags Is-Routed, Flags—Is Authenticated, Flags—Is System Test, Flags Is Test Mode, Delivery Status Attempt Number, Delivery Status Message, Delivery Status Code, Delivery Status Description, Delivery Status Session Seconds, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From Email Address, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Recipient Email Address, Message Size, Storage URL, Storage Key, Recipient Domain, Campaign, Tags, User Variables. 16. Cloud service Failed (Permanent, Delayed Bounce) Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Severity, Reason, Delivery Status Message, Delivery Status Code, Delivery Status Description, Flags Is-Delayed-Bounce, Flags Is-Test-Mode, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From Email Address, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Size, Recipient Email Address, Campaigns, Tags, User Variables. 17. Cloud service Failed (Temporary) Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Severity, Reason, Envelope E:\FR\FM\17MRN1.SGM 17MRN1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Notices Transport, Envelope Sender, Envelope Sending IP Address, Envelope Targets, Flags Id-Routed, Flags Is-Authenticated, Flags Is-System-Test, Flags Is-TestMode, Delivery Status TLS, Deliver Status MX Host, Delivery Status Code, Delivery Status Description, Delivery Status Session Seconds, Delivery Status Retry Seconds, Delivery Status Attempt Number, Delivery Status Message, Delivery Status Certificate Verified, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From Email Address, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Size, Storage URL, Storage Key, Recipient Email Address, Recipient Domain, Campaigns, Tags, User Variables. 18. Cloud service Unsubscribed Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Recipient Email Address, Geolocation Country, Geolocation Region, Geolocation City, Campaigns, Tags, User Variables, IP Address, Client Info Client Type, Client Info Client Operating System, Client Info Device Type, Client Info Client Name, Client Info User Agent, Message Headers, Message ID. 19. Cloud service Complained Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Recipient Email Address, Tags, Campaigns, User Variables, Flags IsTest-Mode, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Size. 20. Cloud service Stored Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Flags Is-Test-Mode, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Recipients, Message Size, Storage URL, Storage Key, Campaigns, Tags, User Variables. 21. Cloud service Rejected Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Flags Is-Test-Mode, Reject Reason, Reject Description, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Size, Campaigns, Tags, User Variables. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES RECORD SOURCE CATEGORIES: Individual customers who request to enroll in the Informed Delivery feature notification service; account holders; other USPS systems and applications including those that support online change of address, mail hold services, Premium Forwarding Service, or P.O. Boxes Online; commercial entities, including commercial mailers or other Postal Service business partners and thirdparty mailing list providers. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:38 Mar 16, 2022 Jkt 256001 ROUTINE USES OF RECORDS MAINTAINED IN THE SYSTEM, INCLUDING CATEGORIES OF USERS AND PURPOSES OF SUCH USES: Standard routine uses 1. through 7., 10., and 11. apply. POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR STORAGE OF RECORDS: Automated database and computer storage media. POLICIES OF PRACTICES FOR RETRIEVAL OF RECORDS: By customer email address, 11-Digit ZIP Code and/or the Mailer ID component of the Intelligent Mail Barcode. POLICIES AND PRACTICES FOR RETENTION AND DISPOSAL OF RECORDS: 1. Mailpiece images will be retained up to 7 days (mailpiece images are not associated with personally identifiable information). Records stored in the subscription database are retained until the customer cancels or opts out of the service. 2. User data is retained for 2 years, 11 months. 3. Records relating to Cloud Storage Audit Logs are retained for 13 months. Records existing on computer storage media are destroyed according to the applicable USPS media sanitization practice. Any records existing on paper will be destroyed by burning, pulping, or shredding. ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL, AND PHYSICAL SAFEGUARDS: Computers and computer storage media are located in controlled-access areas under supervision of program personnel. Access to these areas is limited to authorized personnel, who must be identified with a badge. Access to records is limited to individuals whose official duties require such access. Contractors and licensees are subject to contract controls and unannounced on-site audits and inspections. Computers are protected by mechanical locks, card key systems, or other physical access control methods. The use of computer systems is regulated with installed security software, computer logon identifications, and operating system controls including access controls, terminal and transaction logging, and file management software. Online data transmissions are protected by encryption. Access is controlled by logon ID and password. Online data transmissions are protected by encryption. Requests for access must be made in accordance with the Notification PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Procedure above and USPS Privacy Act regulations regarding access to records and verification of identity under 39 CFR 266.5. CONTESTING RECORD PROCEDURES: See Notification Procedures below or Record Access Procedures above. NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES: Customers who want to know if information about them is maintained in this system of records must address inquiries in writing to the system manager. Inquiries must contain name, address, email, and other identifying information. EXEMPTIONS PROMULGATED FOR THE SYSTEM: None. HISTORY: December 15, 2021, 86 FR 71299; December 27, 2018, 83 FR 66768; August 25, 2016, 81 FR 58542. * * * * * Joshua J. Hofer, Attorney, Ethics and Legal Compliance. [FR Doc. 2022–05654 Filed 3–16–22; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7710–12–P SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [Release No. 34–94404; File No. SR–ICEEU– 2022–006] Self-Regulatory Organizations; ICE Clear Europe Limited; Notice of Filing and Immediate Effectiveness of Proposed Rule Change Relating to Amendments to the ICE Clear Europe Delivery Procedures March 11, 2022. Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that on March 7, 2022, ICE Clear Europe Limited (‘‘ICE Clear Europe’’ or the ‘‘Clearing House’’) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule changes described in Items I, II and III below, which Items have been prepared primarily by ICE Clear Europe. ICE Clear Europe filed the proposed rule change pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Act 3 and Rule 19b–4(f)(4)(ii) thereunder,4 such that the proposed rule change was immediately effective upon filing with the Commission. The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit 1 15 RECORD ACCESS PROCEDURES: 15277 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1). CFR 240.19b–4. 3 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A). 4 17 CFR 240.19b–4(f)(4)(ii). 2 17 E:\FR\FM\17MRN1.SGM 17MRN1


[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 52 (Thursday, March 17, 2022)]
[Pages 15275-15277]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-05654]



Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records

AGENCY: Postal Service\TM\.

ACTION: Notice of modified systems of records.


SUMMARY: The United States Postal Service[supreg] (Postal Service) is 
proposing to revise a Customer Privacy Act System of Records (SOR). 
These modifications are being made to store, send, and host emails for 
Informed Delivery on a cloud-based platform.

DATES: These revisions will become effective without further notice on 
April 18, 2022, unless in response to comments received on or before 
that date result in a contrary determination.

ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted via email to the Privacy and 
Records Management Office, United States Postal Service Headquarters 
([email protected]). To facilitate public inspection, arrangements to 
view copies of any written comments received will be made upon request.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Janine Castorina, Chief Privacy and 
Records Management Officer, Privacy and Records Management Office, 202-
268-3069 or [email protected].

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is in accordance with the 
Privacy Act requirement that agencies publish their systems of records 
in the Federal Register when there is a revision, change, or addition, 
or when the agency establishes a new system of records. The Postal 
Service has determined that Customer Privacy Act System of Records, 
USPS 820.300 Informed Delivery, should be revised to support the 
migration of emails to a cloud-based platform.

I. Background

    The Postal Service has determined that Customer Privacy Act Systems 
of Records (SOR), USPS 820.300 Informed Delivery, should be revised to 
store, send, and host emails for Informed Delivery on a cloud-based 

II. Rationale for Changes to USPS Privacy Act Systems of Records

    The Postal Service constantly seeks to improve efficiency and 
customer satisfaction. To that end, the Postal Service seeks to 
implement a new hosting service for Informed Delivery Daily Digest 
emails through the cloud, replacing the current on-premises solutions.

III. Description of the Modified System of Records

    To implement the change to a cloud-based platform, this System of 
Records will be modified to include several new categories of records, 
numbered 11 through 21, to identify data elements associated with Daily 
Digest emails which will be collected and stored as part of this 
migration. In addition, a new purpose has been added to identify this 
new process. Finally, a retention period for the records generated in 
association with these activities has been added.
    Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a (e)(11), interested persons are invited 
to submit written data, views, or arguments on this proposal. A report 
of the proposed revisions has been sent to Congress and to the Office 
of Management and Budget for their evaluations. The Postal Service does 
not expect this amended system of records to have any adverse effect on 
individual privacy rights. The notice for USPS SOR 820.300, Informed 
Delivery is provided below in its entirety, as follows:
    USPS 820.300, Informed Delivery.


    USPS Headquarters; Contractor Sites; Cloud-based Contractor Sites; 
Wilkes-Barre Solutions Center; and Eagan, MN.

    Vice President, Innovative Business Technology, United States 
Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Washington, DC 20260-1010.

    39 U.S.C. 401, 403, and 404.

    1. To support the Informed Delivery[supreg] notification service 
which provides customers with electronic notification of physical mail 
that is intended for delivery at the customer's address.
    2. To provide daily email communication to consumers with images of 
the letter-size mailpieces that they can expect to be delivered to 
their mailbox each day.
    3. To provide an enhanced customer experience and convenience for 
mail delivery services by linking physical mail to electronic content.

[[Page 15276]]

    4. To obtain and maintain current and up-to-date address and other 
contact information to assure accurate and reliable delivery and 
fulfillment of postal products, services, and other material.
    5. To determine the outcomes of marketing or advertising campaigns 
and to guide policy and business decisions through the use of 
    6. To identify, prevent, or mitigate the effects of fraudulent 
    7. To demonstrate the value of Informed Delivery in enhancing the 
responsiveness to physical mail and to promote use of the mail by 
commercial mailers and other postal customers.
    8. To enhance the customer experience by improving the security of 
Change of Address (COA) and Hold Mail processes.
    9. To protect USPS customers from becoming potential victims of 
mail fraud and identity theft.
    10. To identify and mitigate potential fraud in the COA and Hold 
Mail processes.
    11. To verify a customer's identity when applying for COA and Hold 
Mail services.
    12. To support the Targeted Offers application which enables 
customers to securely share their preferences related to marketing 
content with mailers.
    13. To facilitate the in-person enrollment process for the Informed 
Delivery feature.
    14. To provide customers with the option to voluntarily scan the 
barcode on the back of government issued IDs to capture name and 
address information that will be used to confirm eligibility and 
prefill information collected during the Informed Delivery in-person 
enrollment process.
    15. To store and send Daily Digest emails through a cloud-based 
service platform.

    1. Customers who are enrolled in Informed Delivery notification 
    2. Customers who are enrolled in Targeted Offers.
    3. Mailers that use Informed Delivery notification service to 
enhance the value of the physical mail sent to customers.
    4. Mailers that use Targeted Offers to conduct more targeted 
digital and physical prospecting campaigns based on consumer 

    1. Customer information: Name; customer ID(s); mailing (physical) 
address(es) and corresponding 11-digit delivery point ZIP Code; phone 
number(s); email address(es); text message number(s) and carrier.
    2. Customer account preferences: Individual customer preferences 
related Start Printed Page 2592 to email and online communication 
participation level for USPS and marketing information; and mail 
content preferences for Targeted Offers.
    3. Mailer Information: Mailing Categories for mailers that use 
Targeted Offers.
    4. Customer feedback: Information submitted by customers related to 
Informed Delivery notification service or any other postal product or 
    5. Subscription information: Date of customer sign-up for services 
through an opt-in process; date customer opts-out of services; nature 
of service provided.
    6. Data on mailpieces: Destination address of mailpiece; 
Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb); 11-digit delivery point ZIP Code; and 
delivery status; identification number assigned to equipment used to 
process mailpiece.
    7. Mail Images: Electronic files containing images of mailpieces 
captured during normal mail processing operations.
    8. User Data associated with 11-digit ZIP Codes: Information 
related to the user's interaction with Informed Delivery email 
messages, including but not limited to, email open and click-through 
rates, dates, times, and open rates appended to mailpiece images (user 
data is not associated with personally identifiable information).
    9. Data on Mailings: Intelligent Mail barcode (IMb) and its 
components including the Mailer Identifier (Mailer ID or MID), Service 
Type Identifier (STID) Serial Number, and unique IA code.
    10. In-Person enrollment process: Name and address information 
collected from the voluntary scan of the barcode on the back of 
government issued IDs used to confirm eligibility and prefill 
enrollment information.
    11. Data associated with Informed Delivery emails: Technical 
information related to email addresses and deliveries, including emails 
sent, emails received, errors, user data, account data, data related to 
the detection and mitigation of technical issues, and any other 
information necessary to the effective and efficient administration of 
services related to the Informed Delivery feature.
    12. Cloud service Accepted Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log 
Level, Method, Envelope Targets, Envelope Transports, Envelope Sender, 
Flags, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From Email 
Address, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Recipients, 
Recipient Email Address, Size, Storage URL, Storage Key, Recipient 
Domain, Campaign, Tags, User Variables.
    13. Cloud service Accepted (Routed) Audit Log: Event, ID, 
Timestamp, Log Level, Method, Route Expression, Route ID, Route Match 
Recipient, Envelope Targets, Envelope Transports, Envelope Sender, 
Flags--Is Routed, Flags--Is Authenticated, Flags--Is System Test, Flags 
Is Test Mode, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From 
Email Address, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message 
Recipients, Recipient Email Address, Message Size, Storage URL, Storage 
Key, Recipient Domain, Campaign, Tags, User Variables.
    14. Cloud service Delivered Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log 
Level, Method, Envelope Targets, Envelope Transports, Envelope Sender, 
Flags--Is Routed, Flags--Is Authenticated, Flags--Is System Test, Flags 
Is Test Mode Delivery Status TLS, Delivery Status MX Host, Deliver 
Status Code, Delivery Status Description, Delivery Status Session 
Seconds, Delivery Status UTF8, Delivery Status Attempt Number, Delivery 
Status Message, Delivery Status Certificated Verified, Message Headers, 
Message To, Message ID, Message From Email Address, Message Subject, 
Message Attachments, Recipient Email Address, Message Size, Storage 
URL, Storage Key, Recipient Domain, Campaign, Tags, User Variables.
    15. Cloud service Failed (Permanent) Audit Log: Flags--Event, ID, 
Timestamp, Log Level, Severity, Reason, Envelope Targets, Envelope 
Transports, Envelope Sender, Is Routed, Flags Is-Routed, Flags--Is 
Authenticated, Flags--Is System Test, Flags Is Test Mode, Delivery 
Status Attempt Number, Delivery Status Message, Delivery Status Code, 
Delivery Status Description, Delivery Status Session Seconds, Message 
Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From Email Address, Message 
Subject, Message Attachments, Recipient Email Address, Message Size, 
Storage URL, Storage Key, Recipient Domain, Campaign, Tags, User 
    16. Cloud service Failed (Permanent, Delayed Bounce) Audit Log: 
Event, ID, Timestamp, Log Level, Severity, Reason, Delivery Status 
Message, Delivery Status Code, Delivery Status Description, Flags Is-
Delayed-Bounce, Flags Is-Test-Mode, Message Headers, Message To, 
Message ID, Message From Email Address, Message Subject, Message 
Attachments, Message Size, Recipient Email Address, Campaigns, Tags, 
User Variables.
    17. Cloud service Failed (Temporary) Audit Log: Event, ID, 
Timestamp, Log Level, Severity, Reason, Envelope

[[Page 15277]]

Transport, Envelope Sender, Envelope Sending IP Address, Envelope 
Targets, Flags Id-Routed, Flags Is-Authenticated, Flags Is-System-Test, 
Flags Is-Test-Mode, Delivery Status TLS, Deliver Status MX Host, 
Delivery Status Code, Delivery Status Description, Delivery Status 
Session Seconds, Delivery Status Retry Seconds, Delivery Status Attempt 
Number, Delivery Status Message, Delivery Status Certificate Verified, 
Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From Email Address, 
Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Size, Storage URL, 
Storage Key, Recipient Email Address, Recipient Domain, Campaigns, 
Tags, User Variables.
    18. Cloud service Unsubscribed Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log 
Level, Recipient Email Address, Geolocation Country, Geolocation 
Region, Geolocation City, Campaigns, Tags, User Variables, IP Address, 
Client Info Client Type, Client Info Client Operating System, Client 
Info Device Type, Client Info Client Name, Client Info User Agent, 
Message Headers, Message ID.
    19. Cloud service Complained Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log 
Level, Recipient Email Address, Tags, Campaigns, User Variables, Flags 
Is-Test-Mode, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From, 
Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Size.
    20. Cloud service Stored Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log 
Level, Flags Is-Test-Mode, Message Headers, Message To, Message ID, 
Message From, Message Subject, Message Attachments, Message Recipients, 
Message Size, Storage URL, Storage Key, Campaigns, Tags, User 
    21. Cloud service Rejected Audit Log: Event, ID, Timestamp, Log 
Level, Flags Is-Test-Mode, Reject Reason, Reject Description, Message 
Headers, Message To, Message ID, Message From, Message Subject, Message 
Attachments, Message Size, Campaigns, Tags, User Variables.

    Individual customers who request to enroll in the Informed Delivery 
feature notification service; account holders; other USPS 
systems and applications including those that support online change of 
address, mail hold services, Premium Forwarding Service, or P.O. Boxes 
Online; commercial entities, including commercial mailers or other 
Postal Service business partners and third-party mailing list 

    Standard routine uses 1. through 7., 10., and 11. apply.

    Automated database and computer storage media.

    By customer email address, 11-Digit ZIP Code and/or the Mailer ID 
component of the Intelligent Mail Barcode.

    1. Mailpiece images will be retained up to 7 days (mailpiece images 
are not associated with personally identifiable information). Records 
stored in the subscription database are retained until the customer 
cancels or opts out of the service.
    2. User data is retained for 2 years, 11 months.
    3. Records relating to Cloud Storage Audit Logs are retained for 13 
    Records existing on computer storage media are destroyed according 
to the applicable USPS media sanitization practice. Any records 
existing on paper will be destroyed by burning, pulping, or shredding.

    Computers and computer storage media are located in controlled-
access areas under supervision of program personnel. Access to these 
areas is limited to authorized personnel, who must be identified with a 
badge. Access to records is limited to individuals whose official 
duties require such access. Contractors and licensees are subject to 
contract controls and unannounced on-site audits and inspections. 
Computers are protected by mechanical locks, card key systems, or other 
physical access control methods. The use of computer systems is 
regulated with installed security software, computer logon 
identifications, and operating system controls including access 
controls, terminal and transaction logging, and file management 
software. Online data transmissions are protected by encryption. Access 
is controlled by logon ID and password. Online data transmissions are 
protected by encryption.

    Requests for access must be made in accordance with the 
Notification Procedure above and USPS Privacy Act regulations regarding 
access to records and verification of identity under 39 CFR 266.5.

    See Notification Procedures below or Record Access Procedures 

    Customers who want to know if information about them is maintained 
in this system of records must address inquiries in writing to the 
system manager. Inquiries must contain name, address, email, and other 
identifying information.


    December 15, 2021, 86 FR 71299; December 27, 2018, 83 FR 66768; 
August 25, 2016, 81 FR 58542.
* * * * *

Joshua J. Hofer,
Attorney, Ethics and Legal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2022-05654 Filed 3-16-22; 8:45 am]

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