Airworthiness Criteria: Special Class Airworthiness Criteria for the Flirtey Inc. Flirtey F4.5 Unmanned Aircraft, 15067-15079 [2022-05610]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
show, throughout the flight envelope
and with the cargo or external-load at
the most critical combinations of weight
and center of gravity, that—
(1) The UA is safely controllable and
maneuverable; and
(2) The cargo or external-load are
retainable and transportable.
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D&R.305 Probable Failures
The UA must be designed such that
a probable failure will not result in a
loss of containment or control of the
UA. This must be demonstrated by test.
(a) Probable failures related to the
following equipment, at a minimum,
must be addressed:
(1) Propulsion systems;
(2) C2 link;
(3) Global Positioning System (GPS);
(4) Flight control components with a
single point of failure;
(5) Control station; and
(6) Any other AE identified by the
(b) Any UA used for testing must be
operated in accordance with the UA
Flight Manual.
(c) Each test must occur at the critical
phase and mode of flight, and at the
highest aircraft-to-pilot ratio.
D&R.310 Capabilities and Functions
(a) All of the following required UAS
capabilities and functions must be
demonstrated by test:
(1) Capability to regain command and
control of the UA after the C2 link has
been lost.
(2) Capability of the electrical system
to power all UA systems and payloads.
(3) Ability for the pilot to safely
discontinue the flight.
(4) Ability for the pilot to dynamically
re-route the UA.
(5) Ability to safely abort a takeoff.
(6) Ability to safely abort a landing
and initiate a go-around.
(b) The following UAS capabilities
and functions, if requested for approval,
must be demonstrated by test:
(1) Continued flight after degradation
of the propulsion system.
(2) Geo-fencing that contains the UA
within a designated area, in all
operating conditions.
(3) Positive transfer of the UA
between control stations that ensures
only one control station can control the
UA at a time.
(4) Capability to release an external
cargo load to prevent loss of control of
the UA.
(5) Capability to detect and avoid
other aircraft and obstacles.
(c) The UA must be designed to
safeguard against inadvertent
discontinuation of the flight and
inadvertent release of cargo or external
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D&R.315 Fatigue
The structure of the UA must be
shown to withstand the repeated loads
expected during its service life without
failure. A life limit for the airframe must
be established, demonstrated by test,
and included in the ICA.
D&R.320 Verification of Limits
The performance, maneuverability,
stability, and control of the UA within
the flight envelope described in the UA
Flight Manual must be demonstrated at
a minimum of 5% over maximum gross
weight with no loss of control or loss of
Issued in Washington, DC, on March 4,
Ian Lucas,
Manager, Policy Implementation Section,
Policy and Innovation Division, Aircraft
Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2022–05608 Filed 3–16–22; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 21
[Docket No. FAA–2020–1091]
Airworthiness Criteria: Special Class
Airworthiness Criteria for the Flirtey
Inc. Flirtey F4.5 Unmanned Aircraft
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Issuance of final airworthiness
The FAA announces the
special class airworthiness criteria for
the Flirtey Inc. Model Flirtey F4.5
unmanned aircraft (UA). This document
sets forth the airworthiness criteria the
FAA finds to be appropriate and
applicable for the UA design.
DATES: These airworthiness criteria are
effective April 18, 2022.
Christopher J. Richards, Emerging
Aircraft Strategic Policy Section, AIR–
618, Strategic Policy Management
Branch, Policy and Innovation Division,
Aircraft Certification Service, Federal
Aviation Administration, 6020 28th
Avenue South, Room 103, Minneapolis,
MN 55450, telephone (612) 253–4559.
Flirtey Inc. (Flirtey) applied to the
FAA on November 12, 2018, for a
special class type certificate under title
14, Code of Federal Regulations (14
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CFR), § 21.17(b) for the Model Flirtey
F4.5 UA.
The Model Flirtey F4.5 consists of a
rotorcraft UA and its associated
elements (AE) including communication
links and components that control the
UA. The Model Flirtey F4.5 UA has a
maximum gross takeoff weight of 38
pounds. It is approximately 78 inches in
width, 78 inches in length, and 21
inches in height. The Model Flirtey F4.5
UA uses battery-powered electric
motors for vertical takeoff, landing, and
forward flight. The UAS operations
would rely on high levels of automation
and may include multiple UA operated
by a single pilot, up to a ratio of 20 UA
to 1 pilot. Flirtey anticipates operators
will use the Model Flirtey F4.5 for
delivering medical supplies and
packages. The proposed concept of
operations (CONOPS) for the Model
Flirtey F4.5 identifies a maximum
operating altitude of 400 feet above
ground level (AGL), a maximum cruise
speed of 24 knots, operations beyond
visual line of sight (BVLOS) of the pilot,
and operations over human beings.
Flirtey has not requested type
certification for flight into known icing
for the Model Flirtey F4.5.
The FAA issued a notice of proposed
airworthiness criteria for the Flirtey
F4.5 UAS, which published in the
Federal Register on November 24, 2020
(85 FR 74922).
Summary of Changes From the
Proposed Airworthiness Criteria
Based on the comments received,
these final airworthiness criteria reflect
the following changes, as explained in
more detail under Discussion of
Comments: A new section containing
definitions; revisions to the CONOPS
requirement; changing the term ‘‘critical
part’’ to ‘‘flight essential part’’ in
D&R.135; changing the basis of the
durability and reliability testing from
population density to limitations
prescribed for the operating
environment identified in the
applicant’s CONOPS per D&R.001; and,
for the demonstration of certain
required capabilities and functions as
required by D&R.310.
Additionally, the FAA re-evaluated its
approach to type certification of lowrisk UA using durability and reliability
testing. Safe UAS operations depend
and rely on both the UA and the AE. As
explained in FAA Memorandum
AIR600–21–AIR–600–PM01, dated July
13, 2021, the FAA has revised the
airworthiness criteria to define a
boundary between the UA type
certification and subsequent operational
evaluations and approval processes for
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
the UAS (i.e., waivers, exemptions, and/
or operating certificates).
To reflect that these airworthiness
criteria rely on durability and reliability
(D&R) testing for certification, the FAA
changed the prefix of each section from
‘‘UAS’’ to ‘‘D&R.’’
Lastly, the FAA revised D&R.001(g) to
clarify that the operational parameters
listed in that paragraph are examples
and not an all-inclusive list.
Discussion of Comments
The FAA received responses from 14
commenters. The majority of the
commenters were individuals. In
addition to the individuals’ comments,
the FAA also received comments from
the European Union Aviation Safety
Agency (EASA), unmanned aircraft
manufacturers, a helicopter operator,
and organizations such as the Air Line
Pilots Association (ALPA), Droneport
Texas, LLC, the National Agricultural
Aviation Association (NAAA),
Northeast UAS Airspace Integration
Research Alliance, Inc. (NUAIR), and
the Small UAV Coalition.
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Comment Summary: ALPA, NUAIR,
and the Small UAV Coalition expressed
support for type certification as a
special class of aircraft and establishing
airworthiness criteria under § 21.17(b).
The Small UAV Coalition also
supported the FAA’s proposed use of
performance-based standards.
Terminology: Loss of flight
Comment Summary: An individual
commenter requested the FAA define
the term ‘‘loss of flight’’ and clarify how
it is different from ‘‘loss of control.’’ The
commenter questioned whether loss of
flight meant the UA could not continue
its intended flight plan but could safely
land or terminate the flight.
FAA Response: The FAA has added a
new section, D&R.005, to define the
terms ‘‘loss of flight’’ and ‘‘loss of
control’’ for the purposes of these
airworthiness criteria. ‘‘Loss of flight’’
refers to a UA’s inability to complete its
flight as planned, up to and through its
originally planned landing. ‘‘Loss of
flight’’ includes scenarios where the UA
experiences controlled flight into terrain
or obstacles, or any other collision, or a
loss of altitude that is severe or nonrecoverable. ‘‘Loss of flight’’ includes
deploying a parachute or ballistic
recovery system that leads to an
unplanned landing outside the
operator’s designated recovery zone.
‘‘Loss of control’’ means an
unintended departure of an aircraft from
controlled flight. It includes control
reversal or an undue loss of
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longitudinal, lateral, and directional
stability and control. It also includes an
upset or entry into an unscheduled or
uncommanded attitude with high
potential for uncontrolled impact with
terrain. ‘‘Loss of control’’ means a spin,
loss of control authority, loss of
aerodynamic stability, divergent flight
characteristic, or similar occurrence,
which could generally lead to a crash.
Terminology: Skill and Alertness of
Comment Summary: Two
commenters requested the FAA clarify
terminology with respect to piloting
skill and alertness. Droneport Texas LLC
stated that the average pilot skill and
alertness is currently undefined, as
remote pilots do not undergo oral or
practical examinations to obtain
certification. NUAIR noted that, despite
the definition of ‘‘exceptional piloting
skill and alertness’’ in Advisory Circular
(AC) 23–8C, Flight Test Guide for
Certification of Part 23 Airplanes, there
is a significant difference between the
average skill and alertness of a remote
pilot certified under 14 CFR part 107
and a pilot certified under 14 CFR part
61. The commenter requested the FAA
clarify the minimum qualifications and
ratings to perform as a remote pilot of
a UAS with a type certificate.
FAA Response: These airworthiness
criteria do not require exceptional
piloting skill and alertness for testing.
The FAA included this as a requirement
to ensure the applicant passes testing by
using pilots of average skill who have
been certificated under part 61, as
opposed to highly trained pilots with
thousands of hours of flight experience.
Concept of Operations
The FAA proposed a requirement for
the applicant to submit a CONOPS
describing the UAS and identifying the
intended operational concepts. The
FAA explained in the preamble of the
notice of proposed airworthiness criteria
that the information in the CONOPS
would determine parameters for testing
and flight manual operating limitations.
Comment Summary: One commenter
stated that the airworthiness criteria are
generic and requested the FAA add
language to proposed UAS.001 to clarify
that some of the criteria may not be
relevant or necessary.
FAA Response: Including the
language requested by the commenter
would be inappropriate, as these
airworthiness criteria are projectspecific. Thus, in this case, each
element of these airworthiness criteria is
a requirement specific to the type
certification of Flirtey’s proposed UA
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Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the criteria specify that the applicant’s
CONOPS contain sufficient detail to
determine the parameters and extent of
testing, as well as operating limitations
placed on the UAS for its operational
FAA Response: The FAA agrees and
has updated D&R.001 to clarify that the
information required for inclusion in
the CONOPS proposal (D&R.001(a)
through (g)) must be described in
sufficient detail to determine the
parameters and extent of testing and
operating limitations.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the CONOPS include a description of a
means to ensure separation from other
aircraft and perform collision avoidance
maneuvers. ALPA stated that its
requested addition to the CONOPS is
critical to the safety of other airspace
users, as manned aircraft do not easily
see most UAs.
FAA Response: The FAA agrees and
has updated D&R.001 to require that the
applicant identify collision avoidance
equipment (whether onboard the UA or
part of the AE), if the applicant requests
to include that equipment.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA add security-related (other than
cyber-security) requirements to the
CONOPS criteria, including mandatory
reporting of security occurrences,
security training and awareness
programs for all personnel involved in
UAS operations, and security standards
for the transportation of goods, similar
to those for manned aviation.
FAA Response: The type certificate
only establishes the approved design of
the UA. Operations and operational
requirements, including those regarding
security occurrences, security training,
and package delivery security standards
(other than cybersecurity airworthiness
design requirements) are beyond the
scope of the airworthiness criteria
established by this document and are
not required for type certification.
Comment Summary: UAS.001(c)
proposed to require that the applicant’s
CONOPS include a description of
meteorological conditions. ALPA
requested the FAA change UAS.001(c)
to require a description of
meteorological and environmental
conditions and their operational limits.
ALPA stated the CONOPS should
include maximum wind speeds,
maximum or minimum temperatures,
maximum density altitudes, and other
relevant phenomena that will limit
operations or cause operations to
FAA Response: D&R.001(c) and
D&R.125 address meteorological
conditions, while D&R.001(g) addresses
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
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environmental considerations. The FAA
determined that these criteria are
sufficient to cover the weather
phenomena mentioned by the
commenter without specifically
requiring identification of related
operational limits.
Control Station
To address the risks associated with
loss of control of the UA, the FAA
proposed that the applicant design the
control station to provide the pilot with
all information necessary for continued
safe flight and operation.
Comment Summary: ALPA and one
individual commenter requested the
FAA revise the proposed criteria to add
requirements for the control station.
Specifically, these commenters
requested the FAA include the display
of data and alert conditions to the pilot,
physical security requirements for both
the control station and the UAS storage
area, design requirements that minimize
negative impact of extended periods of
low pilot workload, transfer of control
between pilots, and human factors/
human machine interface
considerations for handheld controls.
NUAIR requested the FAA designate the
control station as a flight critical
component for operations.
EASA and an individual commenter
requested the FAA consider flexibility
in some of the proposed criteria. EASA
stated that the list of information in
proposed UAS.100 is too prescriptive
and contains information that may not
be relevant for highly automated
systems. The individual commenter
requested that the FAA allow part-time
or non-continuous displays of required
information that do not influence the
safety of the flight.
FAA Response: Although the scope of
the proposed airworthiness criteria
applied to the entire UAS, the FAA has
re-evaluated its approach to type
certification of low-risk unmanned
aircraft using durability and reliability
testing. A UA is an aircraft that is
operated without the possibility of
direct human intervention from within
or on the aircraft.1 A UAS is defined as
a UA and its AE, including
communication links and the
components that control the UA, that
are required to operate the UAS safely
and efficiently in the national airspace
system.2 As explained in FAA
Memorandum AIR600–21–AIR–600–
PM01, dated July 13, 2021, the FAA
determined it will apply the regulations
for type design approval, production
approval, conformity, certificates of
1 See
2 See
49 U.S.C. 44801(11).
49 U.S.C. 44801(12).
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airworthiness, and maintenance to only
the UA and not to the AE. However,
because safe UAS operations depend
and rely on both the UA and the AE, the
FAA will consider the AE in assessing
whether the UA meets the airworthiness
criteria that comprise the certification
While the AE items themselves will
be outside the scope of the UA type
design, the applicant will provide
sufficient specifications for any aspect
of the AE, including the control station,
which could affect airworthiness. The
FAA will approve either the specific AE
or minimum specifications for the AE,
as identified by the applicant, as part of
the type certificate by including them as
an operating limitation in the type
certificate data sheet and flight manual.
The FAA may impose additional
operating limitations specific to the AE
through conditions and limitations for
inclusion in the operational approval
(i.e., waivers, exemptions, or a
combination of these). In accordance
with this approach, the FAA will
consider the entirety of the UAS for
operational approval and oversight.
Accordingly, the FAA has revised the
criteria by replacing proposed section
UAS.100, applicable to the control
station design, with D&R.100, UA Signal
Monitoring and Transmission, with
substantively similar criteria that apply
to the UA design.
The FAA has also added a new
section, D&R.105, UAS AE Required for
Safe UA Operations, which requires the
applicant to provide information
concerning the specifications of the AE.
The FAA has moved the alert function
requirement proposed in UAS.100(a) to
new section D&R.105(a)(1)(i). As part of
the clarification of the testing of the
interaction between the UA and AE, the
FAA has added a requirement to
D&R.300(h) for D&R testing to use
minimum specification AE. This
addition requires the applicant to
demonstrate that the limits proposed for
those AE will allow the UA to operate
as expected throughout its service life.
Finally, the FAA has revised references
throughout the airworthiness criteria
from ‘‘UAS’’ to ‘‘UA,’’ as appropriate, to
reflect the FAA determination that the
regulations for type design approval,
production approval, conformity,
certificates of airworthiness, and
maintenance apply to only the UA.
The FAA proposed criteria on
verification, configuration management,
and problem reporting to minimize the
existence of errors associated with UAS
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Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA add language to the proposed
criteria to ensure that some level of
software engineering principles are used
without being too prescriptive.
FAA Response: By combining the
software testing requirement of
D&R.110(a) with successful completion
of the requirements in the entire
‘‘Testing’’ subpart, the acceptable level
of software assurance will be identified
and demonstrated. The configuration
management system required by
D&R.110(b) will ensure that the software
is adequately documented and traceable
both during and after the initial type
certification activities.
Comment Summary: EASA suggested
the criteria require that the applicant
establish and correctly implement
system requirements or a structured
software development process for
critical software.
FAA Response: Direct and specific
evaluation of the software development
process is more detailed than what the
FAA intended with the proposed
criteria, which use D&R testing to
evaluate the UAS as a whole system,
rather than evaluating individual
components within the UA. Successful
completion of the testing requirements
provides confidence that the
components that make up the UA
provide an acceptable level of safety,
commensurate to the low-risk nature of
this aircraft. The FAA finds no change
to the airworthiness criteria is needed.
Comment Summary: Two individual
commenters requested the FAA require
the manned aircraft software
certification methodology in RTCA DO–
178C, Software Considerations in
Airborne Systems and Equipment
Certification, for critical UA software.
FAA Response: Under these
airworthiness criteria, only software that
may affect the safe operation of the UA
must be verified by test. To verify by
test, the applicant will need to provide
an assessment showing that other
software is not subject to testing because
it has no impact on the safe operation
of the UA. For software that is subject
to testing, the FAA may accept multiple
options for software qualification,
including DO–178C. Further, specifying
that applicants must comply with DO–
178 would be inconsistent with the
FAA’s intent to issue performance-based
airworthiness criteria.
Comment Summary: NAAA stated
that an overreliance of software in
aircraft has been and continues to be a
source of accidents and requested the
FAA include criteria to prevent a midair
FAA Response: The proper
functioning of software is an important
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
element of type certification,
particularly with respect to flight
controls and navigation. The
airworthiness criteria in D&R.110 are
meant to provide an acceptable level of
safety commensurate with the risk
posed by this UA. Additionally, the
airworthiness criteria require
contingency planning per D&R.120 and
the demonstration of the UA’s ability to
detect and avoid other aircraft in
D&R.310, if requested by the applicant.
The risk of a midair collision will be
minimized by the operating limitations
that result from testing based on the
operational parameters identified by the
applicant in its CONOPS (such as
geographic operating boundaries,
airspace classes, and congestion of the
proposed operating area), rather than by
specific mitigations built into the
aircraft design itself. These criteria are
sufficient due to the low-risk nature of
the Model Flirtey F4.5.
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Because the UA requires a continuous
wireless connection, the FAA proposed
criteria to address the risks to the UAS
from cybersecurity threats.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
adding a requirement for cybersecurity
protection for navigation and position
reporting systems such as Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).
ALPA further requested the FAA
include criteria to address specific
cybersecurity vulnerabilities, such as
jamming (denial of signal) and spoofing
(false position data is inserted). ALPA
stated that, for navigation, UAS
primarily use GNSS—an unencrypted,
open-source, low power transmission
that can be jammed, spoofed, or
otherwise manipulated.
FAA Response: The FAA will assess
elements directly influencing the UA for
cybersecurity under D&R.115 and will
assess the AE as part of any operational
approvals an operator may seek.
D&R.115 (proposed as UAS.115)
addresses intentional unauthorized
electronic interactions, which includes,
but is not limited to, hacking, jamming,
and spoofing. These airworthiness
criteria require the high-level outcome
the UA must meet, rather than
discretely identifying every aspect of
cybersecurity the applicant will address.
Contingency Planning
The FAA proposed criteria requiring
that the UAS be designed to
automatically execute a predetermined
action in the event of a loss of
communication between the pilot and
the UA. The FAA further proposed that
the predetermined action be identified
in the Flight Manual and that the UA be
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precluded from taking off when the
quality of service is inadequate.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the criteria encompass more than loss or
degradation of the command and
control (C2) link, as numerous types of
critical part or systems failures can
occur that include degraded
capabilities, whether intermittent or
sustained. ALPA requested the FAA add
language to the proposed criteria to
address specific failures such as loss of
a primary navigation sensor,
degradation or loss of navigation
capability, and simultaneous impact of
C2 and navigation links.
FAA Response: The airworthiness
criteria address the issues raised by
ALPA. Specifically, D&R.120(a)
addresses actions the UA will
automatically and immediately take
when the operator no longer has control
of the UA. Should the specific failures
identified by ALPA result in the
operator’s loss of control, then the
criteria require the UA to execute a
predetermined action. Degraded
navigation performance does not raise
the same level of concern as a degraded
or lost C2 link. For example, a UA may
experience interference with a GPS
signal on the ground, but then find
acceptable signal strength when above a
tree line or other obstruction. The
airworthiness criteria require that
neither degradation nor complete loss of
GPS or C2, as either condition would be
a failure of that system, result in unsafe
loss of control or containment. The
applicant must demonstrate this by test
to meet the requirements of
Under the airworthiness criteria, the
minimum performance requirements for
the C2 link, defining when the link is
degraded to an unacceptable level, may
vary among different UAS designs. The
level of degradation that triggers a loss
is dependent upon the specific UA
characteristics; this level will be defined
by the applicant and demonstrated to be
acceptable by testing as required by
D&R.305(a)(2) and D&R.310(a)(1).
Comment Summary: An individual
commenter requested the FAA use
distinct terminology for
‘‘communication,’’ used for
communications with air traffic control,
and ‘‘C2 link,’’ used for command and
control between the remote pilot station
and UA. The commenter questioned
whether, in the proposed criteria, the
FAA stated ‘‘loss of communication
between the pilot and the UA’’ when it
intended to state ‘‘loss of C2 link.’’
FAA Response: Communication
extends beyond the C2 link and specific
control inputs. This is why D&R.001
requires the applicant’s CONOPS to
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include a description of the command,
control, and communications functions.
As long as the UA operates safely and
predictably per its lost link contingency
programming logic, a C2 interruption
does not constitute a loss of control.
The FAA proposed criteria to address
the risks that would result from a
lightning strike, accounting for the size
and physical limitations of a UAS that
could preclude traditional lightning
protection features. The FAA further
proposed that without lightning
protection for the UA, the Flight Manual
must include an operating limitation to
prohibit flight into weather conditions
with potential lightning.
Comment Summary: An individual
requested the FAA revise the criteria to
include a similar design mitigation or
operating limitation for High Intensity
Radiated Fields (HIRF). The commenter
noted that HIRF is included in proposed
UAS.300(e) as part of the expected
environmental conditions that must be
replicated in testing.
FAA Response: The airworthiness
criteria, which are adopted as proposed,
address the issue raised by the
commenter. The applicant must identify
tested HIRF exposure capabilities, if
any, in the Flight Manual to comply
with the criteria in D&R.200(a)(5).
Information regarding HIRF capabilities
is necessary for safe operation because
proper communication and software
execution may be impeded by HIRFgenerated interference, which could
result in loss of control of the UA. It is
not feasible to measure HIRF at every
potential location where the UA will
operate; thus, requiring operating
limitations for HIRF as requested by the
commenter would be impractical.
Adverse Weather Conditions
The FAA proposed criteria either
requiring that design characteristics
protect the UAS from adverse weather
conditions or prohibiting flight into
known adverse weather conditions. The
criteria proposed to define adverse
weather conditions as rain, snow, and
Comment Summary: ALPA and two
individual commenters requested the
FAA expand the proposed definition of
adverse weather conditions. These
commenters noted that because of the
size and physical limitations of the
Model Flirtey F4.5, adverse weather
should also include wind, downdraft,
low-level wind shear (LLWS),
microburst, and extreme mechanical
FAA Response: No additional
language needs to be added to the
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airworthiness criteria to address wind
effects. The wind conditions specified
by the commenters are part of normal
UA flight operations. The applicant
must demonstrate by flight test that the
UA can withstand wind without failure
to meet the requirements of
D&R.300(b)(9). The FAA developed the
criteria in D&R.130 to address adverse
weather conditions (rain, snow, and
icing) that would require additional
design characteristics for safe operation.
Any operating limitations necessary for
operation in adverse weather or wind
conditions will be included in the Flight
Manual as required by D&R.200.
Comment Summary: One commenter
questioned whether the criteria
proposed in UAS.130(c)(2), requiring a
means to detect adverse weather
conditions for which the UAS is not
certificated to operate, is a prescriptive
requirement to install an onboard
detection system. The commenter
requested, if that was the case, that the
FAA allow alternative procedures to
avoid flying in adverse weather
FAA Response: The language referred
to by the commenter is not a
prescriptive design requirement for an
onboard detection system. The
applicant may use any acceptable
source to monitor weather in the area,
whether onboard the UA or from an
external source.
Critical Parts
The FAA proposed criteria for critical
parts that were substantively the same
as those in the existing standards for
normal category rotorcraft under
§ 27.602, with changes to reflect UAS
terminology and failure conditions. The
criteria proposed to define a critical part
as a part, the failure of which could
result in a loss of flight or unrecoverable
loss of control of the aircraft.
Comment Summary: EASA requested
the FAA avoid using the term ‘‘critical
part,’’ as it is a well-established term for
complex manned aircraft categories and
may create incorrect expectations on the
oversight process for parts.
FAA Response: For purposes of the
airworthiness criteria established for the
Flirtey Model F4.5 UA, the FAA has
changed the term ‘‘critical part’’ to
‘‘flight essential part.’’
Comment Summary: An individual
commenter requested the FAA revise
the proposed criteria such that a failure
of a flight essential part would only
occur if there is risk to third parties.
FAA Response: The definition of
‘‘flight essential’’ does not change
regardless of whether on-board systems
are capable of safely landing the UA
when it is unable to continue its flight
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plan. Tying the definition of a flight
essential part to the risk to third parties
would result in different definitions for
the part depending on where and how
the UA is operated. These criteria for
the Model Flirtey F4.5 UA apply the
same approach as for manned aircraft.
Flight Manual
The FAA proposed criteria for the
Flight Manual that were substantively
the same as the existing standards for
normal category airplanes, with minor
changes to reflect UAS terminology.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA revise the criteria to include
normal, abnormal, and emergency
operating procedures along with their
respective checklist. ALPA further
requested the checklist be contained in
a quick reference handbook (QRH).
FAA Response: The FAA did not
intend for the airworthiness criteria to
exclude abnormal procedures from the
flight manual. In these final
airworthiness criteria, the FAA has
changed ‘‘normal and emergency
operating procedures’’ to ‘‘operating
procedures’’ to encompass all operating
conditions and align with 14 CFR
23.2620, which includes the airplane
flight manual requirements for normal
category airplanes. The FAA has not
made any changes to add language that
would require the checklists to be
included in a QRH. FAA regulations do
not require manned aircraft to have a
QRH for type certification. Therefore, it
would be inconsistent for the FAA to
require a QRH for the Flirtey Model
Flirtey F4.5 UA.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA revise the airworthiness
criteria to require that the Flight Manual
and QRH be readily available to the
pilot at the control station.
FAA Response: ALPA’s request
regarding the Flight manual addresses
an operational requirement, similar to
14 CFR 91.9 and is therefore not
appropriate for type certification
airworthiness criteria. Also, as
previously discussed, FAA regulations
do not require a QRH. Therefore, it
would be inappropriate to require it to
be readily available to the pilot at the
control station.
Comment Summary: Droneport Texas
LLC requested the FAA revise the
airworthiness criteria to add required
Flight Manual sections for routine
maintenance and mission-specific
equipment and procedures. The
commenter stated that the remote pilot
or personnel on the remote pilot-incommand’s flight team accomplish most
routine maintenance, and that the flight
team usually does UA rigging with
mission equipment.
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FAA Response: The requested change
is appropriate for a maintenance
document rather than a flight manual
because it addresses maintenance
procedures rather than the piloting
functions. The FAA also notes that,
similar to the criteria for certain manned
aircraft, the airworthiness criteria
require that the applicant prepare
instructions for continued airworthiness
(ICA) in accordance with appendix A to
part 23. As the applicant must provide
any maintenance instructions and
mission-specific information necessary
for safe operation and continued
operational safety of the UA, in
accordance with D&R.205, no changes to
the airworthiness criteria are necessary.
Comment Summary: An individual
commenter requested the FAA revise
the criteria in proposed UAS.200(b) to
require that ‘‘other information’’
referred to in proposed UAS.200(a)(5) be
approved by the FAA. The commenter
noted that, as proposed, only the
information listed in UAS.200(a)(1)
through (4) must be FAA approved.
FAA Response: The change requested
by the commenter would be
inconsistent with the FAA’s
airworthiness standards for flight
manuals for manned aircraft. Sections
23.2620(b), 25.1581(b), 27.1581(b), and
29.1581(b) include requirements for
flight manuals to include operating
limitations, operating procedures,
performance information, loading
information, and other information that
is necessary safe operation because of
design, operating, or handling
characteristics, but limit FAA approval
to operating limitations, operating
procedures, performance information,
and loading information.
Under § 23.2620(b)(1), for low-speed
level 1 and level 2 airplanes, the FAA
only approves the operating limitations.
In applying a risk-based approach, the
FAA has determined it would not be
appropriate to hold the lowest risk UA
to a higher standard than what is
required for low speed level 1 and level
2 manned aircraft. Accordingly, the
FAA has revised the airworthiness
criteria to only require FAA approval of
the operating limitations.
Comment Summary: NUAIR
requested the FAA recognize that
§ 23.2620 is only applicable to the
aircraft and does not address off-aircraft
components such as the control station,
control and non-payload
communications (CNPC) data link, and
launch and recovery equipment. The
commenter noted that this is also true
of industry consensus-based standards
designed to comply with § 23.2620.
FAA Response: As explained in more
detail in the Control Station section of
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
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this document, the FAA has revised the
airworthiness criteria for the AE. The
FAA will approve AE or minimum
specifications for the AE that could
affect airworthiness as an operating
limitation in the UA flight manual. The
FAA will establish the approved AE or
minimum specifications as operating
limitations and include them in the UA
type certificate data sheet and Flight
Manual in accordance with D&R.105(c).
The establishment of requirements for,
and the approval of AE will be in
accordance with FAA Memorandum
AIR600–21–AIR–600–PM01, dated July
13, 2021.
Durability and Reliability
The FAA proposed durability and
reliability testing that would require the
applicant to demonstrate safe flight of
the UAS across the entire operational
envelope and up to all operational
limitations, for all phases of flight and
all aircraft configurations described in
the applicant’s CONOPS, with no
failures that result in a loss of flight, loss
of control, loss of containment, or
emergency landing outside the
operator’s recovery area. The FAA
further proposed that the unmanned
aircraft would only be certificated for
operations within the limitations, and
for flight over areas no greater than the
maximum population density, as
described in the applicant’s CONOPS
and demonstrated by test.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
that the proposed certification criteria
require all flights during testing be
completed in both normal and nonnormal or off-nominal scenarios with no
failures that result in a loss of flight, loss
of control, loss of containment, or
emergency landing outside of the
operator’s recovery zone. Specifically,
ALPA stated that testing must not
require exceptional piloting skill or
alertness and include, at a minimum:
All phases of the flight envelope,
including the highest UA to pilot ratios;
the most adverse combinations of the
conditions and configuration; the
environmental conditions identified in
the CONOPS; the different flight profiles
and routes identified in the CONOPS;
and exposure to EMI and HIRF.
FAA Response: No change is
necessary because the introductory text
and paragraphs (b)(7), (b)(9), (b)(10),
(b)(13), (c), (d), (e), and (f) of D&R.300,
which are adopted as proposed, contain
the specific testing requirements
requested by ALPA.
Comment Summary: Droneport Texas
LLC requested the FAA revise the
testing criteria to include, for operation
at night, testing both with and without
night vision aids. The commenter stated
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that because small UAS operation at
night is waivable under 14 CFR part
107, manufacturers will likely make
assumptions concerning a pilot’s
familiarity with night vision deviceaided and unaided operations.
FAA Response: Under
D&R.300(b)(11), the applicant must
demonstrate by flight test that the UA
can operate at night without failure
using whatever equipment is onboard
the UA itself. The pilot’s familiarity, or
lack thereof, with night vision
equipment does not impact whether the
UA is reliable and durable to complete
testing without any failures.
Comment Summary: EASA requested
the FAA clarify how testing durability
and reliability commensurate to the
maximum population density, as
proposed, aligns with the Specific
Operations Risk Assessment (SORA)
approach that is open to operational
mitigation, reducing the initial ground
risk. An individual commenter
requested the FAA provide more details
about the correlation between the
number of flight hours tested and the
CONOPS environment (e.g., population
density). The commenter stated that this
is one of the most fundamental
requirements, and the FAA should
ensure equal treatment to all current
and future applicants.
FAA Response: In developing these
testing criteria, the FAA sought to align
the risk of UAS operations with the
appropriate level of protection for
human beings on the ground. The FAA
proposed establishing the maximum
population density demonstrated by
durability and reliability testing as an
operating limitation on the type
certificate. However, the FAA has reevaluated its approach and determined
it to be more appropriate to connect the
durability and reliability demonstrated
during certification testing with the
operating environment defined in the
Basing testing on maximum
population density may result in
limitations not commensurate with
many actual operations. As population
density broadly refers to the number of
people living in a given area per square
mile, it does not allow for evaluating
variation in a local operating
environment. For example, an operator
may have a route in an urban
environment with the actual flight path
along a greenway; the number of human
beings exposed to risk from the UA
operating overhead would be
significantly lower than the population
density for the area. Conversely, an
operator may have a route over an
industrial area where few people live,
but where, during business hours, there
PO 00000
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may be highly dense groups of people.
Specific performance characteristics
such as altitude and airspeed also factor
into defining the boundaries for safe
operation of the UA.
Accordingly, the FAA has revised
D&R.300 to require the UA design to be
durable and reliable when operated
under the limitations prescribed for its
operating environment. The information
in the applicant’s CONOPS will
determine the operating environment
for testing. For example, the minimum
hours of reliability testing will be less
for a UA conducting agricultural
operations in a rural environment than
if the same aircraft will be conducting
package deliveries in an urban
environment. The FAA will include the
limitations that result from testing as
operating limitations on the type
certificate data sheet and in the UA
Flight Manual. The FAA intends for this
process to be similar to the process for
establishing limitations prescribed for
special purpose operations for restricted
category aircraft. This allows for added
flexibility in determining appropriate
operating limitations, which will more
closely reflect the operating
Finally, a comparison of these criteria
with EASA’s SORA approach is beyond
the scope of this document because the
SORA is intended to result in an
operational approval rather than a type
Comment Summary: EASA requested
the FAA clarify how reliability at the
aircraft level to ensure high-level safety
objectives would enable validation of
products under applicable bilateral
FAA Response: As the FAA and
international aviation authorities are
still developing general airworthiness
standards for UA, it would be
speculative for the FAA to comment on
the validation process for any specific
Comment Summary: EASA requested
the FAA revise the testing criteria to
include a compliance demonstration
related to adverse combinations of the
conditions and configurations and with
respect to weather conditions and
average pilot qualification.
FAA Response: No change is
necessary because D&R.300(b)(7), (b)(9),
(b)(10), (c), and (f), which are adopted
as proposed, contain the specific testing
requirements requested by EASA.
Comment Summary: EASA noted
that, under the proposed criteria, testing
involving a large number of flight hours
will limit changes to the configuration.
FAA Response: Like manned aircraft,
the requirements of 14 CFR part 21,
subpart D, apply to UA for changes to
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
type certificates. The FAA is developing
procedures for processing type design
changes for UA type certificated using
durability and reliability testing.
Comment Summary: EASA requested
the FAA clarify whether the proposed
testing criteria would require the
applicant to demonstrate aspects that do
not occur during a successful flight,
such as the deployment of emergency
recovery systems and fire protection/
post-crash fire. EASA asked if these
aspects are addressed by other means
and what would be the applicable
airworthiness criteria.
FAA Response: Equipment not
required for normal operation of the UA
do not require an evaluation for their
specific functionality. D&R testing will
show that the inclusion of any such
equipment does not prevent normal
operation. Therefore, the airworthiness
criteria would not require functional
testing of the systems described by
Comment Summary: An individual
commenter requested the FAA specify
the acceptable percentage of failures in
the testing that would result in a ‘‘loss
of flight.’’ The Small UAV Coalition
requested the FAA clarify what
constitutes an emergency landing
outside an operator’s landing area, as
some UAS designs could include an
onboard health system that initiates a
landing to lessen the potential of a loss
of control event. The commenter
suggested that, in those cases, a landing
in a safe location should not invalidate
the test.
FAA Response: The airworthiness
criteria require that all test points and
flight hours occur with no failures result
in a loss of flight, control, containment,
or emergency landing outside the
operator’s recovery zone. The FAA has
determined that there is no acceptable
percentage of failures in testing. In
addition, while the recovery zone may
differ for each UAS design, an
emergency or unplanned landing
outside of a designated landing area
would result in a test failure.
Comment Summary: The Small UAV
Coalition requested that a single failure
during testing not automatically restart
counting the number of flight test
operations set for a particular
population density; rather, the applicant
should have the option to identify the
failure through root-cause and fault-tree
analysis and provide a validated
mitigation to ensure it will not recur. An
individual commenter requested the
FAA to clarify whether the purpose of
the tests is to show compliance with a
quantitative safety objective. The
commenter further requested the FAA
allow the applicant to reduce the
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number of flight testing hours if the
applicant can present a predicted safety
and reliability analysis.
FAA Response: The intent of the
testing criteria is for the applicant to
demonstrate the aircraft’s durability and
reliability through a successful
accumulation of flight testing hours.
The FAA does not intend to require
analytical evaluation to be part of this
process. However, the applicant will
comply with these testing criteria using
a means of compliance, accepted by the
FAA, through the issue paper process.
The means of compliance will be
dependent on the CONOPS the
applicant has proposed to meet.
Probable Failures
The FAA proposed criteria to evaluate
how the UAS functions after probable
failures, including failures related to
propulsion systems, C2 link, GPS,
critical flight control components with a
single point of failure, control station,
and any other equipment identified by
the applicant.
Comment Summary: Droneport Texas
LLC requested the FAA add a bird strike
to the list of probable failures. The
commenter stated that despite sense and
avoid technologies, flocks of birds can
overcome the maneuver capabilities of a
UA and result in multiple, unintended
FAA Response: Unlike manned
aircraft, where aircraft size, design, and
construct are critical to safe control of
the aircraft after encountering a bird
strike, the FAA determined testing for
bird strike capabilities is not necessary
for the Model Flirtey F4.5 UA. The FAA
has determined that a bird strike
requirement is not necessary because
the smaller size and lower operational
speed of the Flirtey F4.5 reduce the
likelihood of a bird strike, combined
with the reduced consequences of
failure due to no persons onboard.
Instead, the FAA is using a risk-based
approach to tailor airworthiness
requirements commensurate to the lowrisk nature of the Model Flirtey F4.5
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA require that all probable failure
tests occur at the critical phase and
mode of flight and at the highest
aircraft-to-pilot ratio. ALPA stated the
proposed criteria are critically
important for systems that rely on a
single source to perform multi-label
functions, such as GNSS, because
failure or interruption of GNSS will lead
to loss of positioning, navigation, and
timing (PNT) and functions solely
dependent on PNT, such as geo-fencing
and contingency planning.
PO 00000
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FAA Response: No change is
necessary because D&R.300(c) requires
that the testing occur at the critical
phase and mode of flight and at the
highest UA-to-pilot ratio.
Comment Summary: Droneport Texas
LLC requested the FAA add recovery
from vortex ring state (VRS) to the list
of probable failures. The commenter
stated the UA uses multiple rotors for
lift and is therefore susceptible to VRS.
The commenter further stated that
because recovery from settling with
power is beyond a pilot’s average skill
for purposes of airworthiness testing,
the aircraft must be able to sense and
recover from this condition without
pilot assistance.
FAA Response: D&R.305 addresses
probable failures related to specific
components of the UAS. VRS is an
aerodynamic condition a UA may
encounter during flight testing; it is not
a component subject to failure.
Comment Summary: Droneport Texas
LLC also requested the FAA add a
response to the Air Traffic Control-Zero
(ATC-Zero) command to the list of
probable failures. The commenter
stated, based on lessons learned after
the attacks on September 11, 2001,
aircraft that can fly BVLOS should be
able to respond to an ATC-Zero
FAA Response: The commenter’s
request is more appropriate for the
capabilities and functions testing
criteria in D&R.310 than probable
failures testing in D&R.305.
D&R.310(a)(3) requires the applicant to
demonstrate by test that the pilot has
the ability to safely discontinue a flight.
A pilot may discontinue a flight for a
wide variety of reasons, including
responding to an ATC-zero command.
Comment Summary: EASA stated the
proposed language seems to require an
additional analysis and safety
assessment, which would be
appropriate for the objective
requirement of ensuring a probable
failure does not result in a loss of
containment or control. EASA further
stated that an applicant’s basic
understanding of the systems
architecture and effects of failures is
FAA Response: The FAA agrees with
the expectation that applicants
understand the system architecture and
effects of failures of a proposed design,
which is why the criteria include a
requirement for the applicant to test the
specific equipment identified in
D&R.305 and identify any other
equipment that is not specifically
identified in D&R.305 for testing. As the
intent of the criteria is for the applicant
to demonstrate compliance through
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
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testing, some analysis may be necessary
to properly identify the appropriate
equipment to be evaluated for probable
Comment Summary: An individual
requested that probable failure testing
apply not only to critical flight control
components with a single point of
failure, but also to any critical part with
a single point of failure.
FAA Response: The purpose of
probable failure testing in D&R.305 is to
demonstrate that if certain equipment
fails, it will fail safely. Adding probable
failure testing for critical (now flight
essential) parts would not add value to
testing. If a part is essential for flight, its
failure by definition in D&R.135(a)
could result in a loss of flight or
unrecoverable loss of control. For
example, on a traditional airplane
design, failure of a wing spar in flight
would lead to loss of the aircraft.
Because there is no way to show that a
wing spar can fail safely, the applicant
must provide its mandatory replacement
time if applicable, structural inspection
interval, and related structural
inspection procedure in the
Airworthiness Limitations section of the
ICA. Similarly, under these
airworthiness criteria, parts whose
failure would inherently result in loss of
flight or unrecoverable loss of control
are not subjected to probable failure
testing. Instead, they must be identified
as flight essential components and
included in the ICA.
To avoid confusion pertaining to
probable failure testing, the FAA has
removed the word ‘‘critical’’ from
D&R.305(a)(5). In the final airworthiness
criteria, probable failure testing required
by D&R.305(a)(5) applies to ‘‘Flight
control components with a single point
of failure.’’
Capabilities and Functions
The FAA proposed criteria to require
the applicant to demonstrate by test the
minimum capabilities and functions
necessary for the design. UAS.310(a)
proposed to require the applicant to
demonstrate, by test, the capability of
the UAS to regain command and control
of the UA after a C2 link loss, the
sufficiency of the electrical system to
carry all anticipated loads, and the
ability of the pilot to override any preprogramming in order to resolve a
potential unsafe operating condition in
any phase of flight. UAS.310(b)
proposed to require the applicant to
demonstrate by test certain features if
the applicant requests approval of those
features (geo-fencing, external cargo,
etc.). UAS.310(c) proposed to require
the design of the UAS to safeguard
against an unintended discontinuation
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of flight or release of cargo, whether by
human action or malfunction.
Comment Summary: ALPA stated the
pilot-in-command must always have the
capability to input control changes to
the UA and override any preprogramming without delay as needed
for the safe management of the flight.
The commenter requested that the FAA
retain the proposed criteria that would
allow the pilot to command to: Regain
command and control of the UA after
loss of the C2 link; safely discontinue
the flight; and dynamically re-route the
UA. In support, ALPA stated the ability
of the pilot to continually command (reroute) the UA, including termination of
the flight if necessary, is critical for safe
operations and should always be
available to the pilot.
Honeywell requested the FAA revise
paragraphs (a)(3) and (a)(4) of the
criteria (UAS.310) to allow for either the
pilot or an augmenting system to safely
discontinue the flight and re-route the
UA. The commenter stated that a system
comprised of detect and avoid, onboard
autonomy, and ground system can be
used for these functions. Therefore, the
criteria should not require that only the
pilot can do them.
An individual commenter requested
the FAA remove UAS.310(a)(4) of the
proposed criteria because requiring the
ability for the pilot to dynamically reroute the UA is too prescriptive and
redundant with the proposed
requirement in UAS.310(a)(3), the
ability of the pilot to discontinue the
flight safely.
FAA Response: Because the pilot in
command is directly responsible for the
operation of the UA, the pilot must have
the capability to command actions
necessary for continued safety. This
includes commanding a change to the
flight path or, when appropriate, safely
terminating a flight. The FAA notes that
the ability for the pilot to safely
discontinue a flight means the pilot has
the means to terminate the flight and
immediately and safely return the UA to
the ground. This is different from the
pilot having the means to dynamically
re-route the UA, without terminating the
flight, to avoid a conflict.
Therefore, the final airworthiness
criteria include D&R.310(a) as proposed
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA revise the criteria to require
that all equipment, systems, and
installations conform, at a minimum, to
the standards of § 25.1309.
FAA Response: The FAA determined
that traditional methodologies for
manned aircraft, including the system
safety analysis required by § 23.2510,
§ 25.1309, § 27.1309, or § 29.1309,
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would be inappropriate to require for
the Flirtey Model Flirtey F4.5 due to its
smaller size and reduced level of
complexity. Instead, the FAA finds that
system reliability through testing will
ensure the safety of this design.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA revise the criteria to add a
requirement to demonstrate the ability
of the UA and pilot to perform all of the
contingency plans identified in
proposed UAS.120.
FAA Response: No change is
necessary because D&R.120 and
D&R.305(a)(2), together, require what
ALPA requests in its comment. Under
D&R.120, the applicant must design the
UA to execute a predetermined action in
the event of a loss of the C2 link.
D&R.305(a)(2) requires the applicant to
demonstrate by test that a lost C2 link
will not result in a loss of containment
or control of the UA. Thus, if the
applicant does not demonstrate the
predetermined contingency plan
resulting from a loss of the C2 link when
conducting D&R.305 testing, the test
would be a failure due to loss of
Comment Summary: ALPA and an
individual commenter requested the
FAA revise the criteria so that geofencing is a required feature and not
optional due to the safety concerns that
could result from a UA exiting its
operating area.
FAA Response: To ensure safe flight,
the applicant must test the proposed
safety functions, such as geo-fencing,
that are part of the type design of the
Model Flirtey F4.5 UA. The FAA
determined that geo-fencing is an
optional feature because it is one way,
but not the only way, to ensure a safely
contained operation.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA revise the criteria so that
capability to detect and avoid other
aircraft and obstacles is a required
feature and not optional.
FAA Response: D&R.310(a)(4) requires
the applicant demonstrate the ability for
the pilot to safely re-route the UA in
flight to avoid a dynamic hazard. The
FAA did not prescribe specific design
features such as a collision avoidance
system to meet D&R.310(a)(4) because
there are multiple means to minimize
the risk of collision.
Comment Summary: McMahon
Helicopter Services requested that the
airworthiness criteria require a
demonstration of sense-and-avoid
technology that will automatically steer
the UA away from manned aircraft,
regardless of whether the manned
aircraft has a transponder. NAAA and
an individual commenter requested that
the FAA require ADS–B in/out and
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
traffic avoidance software on all UAS.
The Small UAV Coalition requested the
FAA establish standards for collision
avoidance technology, as the proposed
criteria are not sufficient for compliance
with the operational requirement to see
and avoid other aircraft (§ 91.113). The
commenters stated that these
technologies are necessary to avoid a
mid-air collision between UA and
manned aircraft.
FAA Response: D&R.310(a)(4) requires
the applicant demonstrate the ability for
the UA to be safely re-routed in flight to
avoid a dynamic hazard. The FAA did
not prescribe specific design features,
such as the technologies suggested by
the commenters, to meet D&R.310(a)(4)
because they are not the only means for
complying with the operational
requirement to see and avoid other
aircraft. If an applicant chooses to equip
their UA with onboard collision
avoidance technology, those capabilities
and functions must be demonstrated by
test per D&R.310(b)(5).
Verification of Limits
The FAA proposed to require an
evaluation of the UA’s performance,
maneuverability, stability, and control
with a factor of safety.
Comment Summary: EASA requested
that the FAA revise its approach to
require a similar compliance
demonstration as EASA’s for ‘‘light
UAS.’’ EASA stated the FAA’s proposed
criteria for verification of limits,
combined with the proposed Flight
Manual requirements, seem to replace a
traditional Subpart Flight.3 EASA
further stated the FAA’s approach in the
proposed airworthiness criteria might
necessitate more guidance and means of
compliance than the traditional
FAA Response: The FAA’s
airworthiness criteria will vary from
EASA’s light UAS certification
requirements, resulting in associated
differences in compliance
demonstrations. At this time, comment
on means of compliance and related
guidance material, which are still under
development with the FAA and with
EASA, would be speculative.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA conduct an analysis to
determine battery reliability and safety,
taking into account wind and weather
conditions and their effect on battery
life. ALPA expressed concern with
batteries as the only source of power for
3 In the FAA’s aircraft airworthiness standards
(parts 23, 25, 27, and 29), subpart B of each is titled
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an aircraft in the NAS. ALPA further
requested the FAA not grant exemptions
for battery reserve requirements.
FAA Response: Because batteries are
a flight essential part, the applicant
must establish mandatory instructions
or life limits for batteries under the
requirements of D&R.135. In addition,
when the applicant conducts its D&R
testing, D&R.300(i) prevents the
applicant from exceeding the
maintenance intervals or life limits for
those batteries. To the extent the
commenter’s request addresses fuel
reserves, that is an operational
requirement, not a certification
requirement, and therefore beyond the
scope of this document.
Additional Airworthiness Criteria
Identified by Commenters
Comment Summary: McMahon
Helicopter Services requested that the
criteria require anti-collision and
navigation lighting certified to existing
FAA standards for brightness and size.
The commenter stated that these
standards were based on human factors
for nighttime and daytime recognition
and are not simply a lighting
requirement. An individual commenter
requested that the criteria include a
requirement for position lighting and
anti-collision beacons meeting TSO–30c
Level III. NAAA requested the criteria
require a strobe light and high visibility
paint scheme to aid in visual detection
of the UA by other aircraft.
FAA Response: The FAA determined
it is unnecessary for these airworthiness
criteria to prescribe specific design
features for anti-collision or navigation
lighting. The FAA will address anticollision lighting as part of any
operational approval, similar to the
rules in 14 CFR 107.29(a)(2) and (b) for
small UAS.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA add a new section with
minimum standards for Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), as
the UAS will likely rely heavily upon
GNSS for navigation and to ensure that
the UA does not stray outside of its
approved airspace. ALPA stated that
technological advances have made such
devices available at an appropriate size,
weight, and power for UAs.
FAA Response: The airworthiness
criteria in D&R.100 (UA Signal
Monitoring and Transmission), D&R.110
(Software), D&R.115 (Cybersecurity),
and D&R.305(a)(3) (probable failures
related to GPS) sufficiently address
design requirements and testing of
navigation systems. Even if the
applicant uses a TSO-approved GNSS,
these airworthiness criteria require a
demonstration that the UA operates
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successfully without loss of
containment. Successful completion of
these tests demonstrates that the
navigation subsystems are acceptable.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA revise the criteria to add a new
section requiring equipage to comply
with the FAA’s new rules on Remote
Identification of Unmanned Aircraft (86
FR 4390, Jan. 15, 2021). An individual
commenter questioned the need for
public tracking and identification of
drones in the event of a crash or
violation of FAA flight rules.
FAA Response: The FAA issued the
final rule, Remote Identification of
Unmanned Aircraft, after providing an
opportunity for public notice and
comment. The final rule is codified at
14 CFR part 89. Part 89 contains the
remote identification requirements for
unmanned aircraft certificated and
produced under part 21 after September
16, 2022.
Pilot Ratio
Comment Summary: ALPA and an
individual questioned the safety of
multiple Model Flirtey F4.5 UA
operated by a single pilot, up to a ratio
of 20 UA to 1 pilot. ALPA stated that
even with high levels of automation, the
pilot must still manage the safe
operation and maintain situational
awareness of multiple aircraft in their
flight path, aircraft systems, integration
with traffic, obstacles, and other hazards
during normal, abnormal, and
emergency conditions. As a result,
ALPA recommended the FAA conduct
additional studies to better understand
the feasibility of a single pilot operating
multiple UA before developing
airworthiness criteria. The Small UAV
Coalition requested the FAA provide
criteria for an aircraft-to-pilot ratio
higher than 20:1.
FAA Response: These airworthiness
criteria are specific to the Model Flirtey
F4.5 UA and, as discussed previously in
this preamble, operations of the Model
Flirtey F4.5 UA may include multiple
UA operated by a single pilot, up to a
ratio of 20 UA to 1 pilot. Additionally,
these airworthiness criteria require the
applicant to demonstrate the durability
and reliability of the UA design by flight
test, at the highest aircraft-to-pilot ratio,
without exceptional piloting skill or
alertness. In addition, D&R.305(c)
requires the applicant to demonstrate
probable failures by test at the highest
aircraft-to-pilot ratio. Should the pilot
ratio cause a loss of containment or
control of the UA, then the applicant
will fail this testing.
Comment Summary: ALPA stated that
to allow a UAS-pilot ratio of up to 20:1
safely, the possibility that the pilot will
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
need to intervene with multiple UA
simultaneously must be ‘‘extremely
remote.’’ ALPA questioned whether this
is feasible given the threat of GNSS
interference or unanticipated wind gusts
exceeding operational limits.
FAA Response: The FAA’s guidance
in AC 23.1309–1E, System Safety
Analysis and Assessment for Part 23
Airplanes defines ‘‘extremely remote
failure conditions’’ as failure conditions
not anticipated to occur during the total
life of an airplane, but which may occur
a few times when considering the total
operational life of all airplanes of the
same type. When assessing the
likelihood of a pilot needing to
intervene with multiple UA
simultaneously, the minimum reliability
requirements will be determined based
on the applicant’s proposed CONOPS.
Comment Summary: An individual
commenter expressed concern about
noise pollution.
FAA Response: The Model Flirtey
F4.5 will need to comply with FAA
noise certification standards. If the FAA
determines that 14 CFR part 36 does not
contain adequate standards for this
design, the agency will propose and
seek public comment on a rule of
particular applicability for noise
requirements under a separate
rulemaking docket.
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Operating Altitude
Comment Summary: ALPA,
McMahon Helicopter Services, and
NAAA commented on the operation of
UAS at or below 400 feet AGL. ALPA,
McMahon Helicopter Services, and
NAAA requested the airworthiness
criteria contain measures for safe
operation at low altitudes so that UAS
are not a hazard to manned aircraft,
especially operations involving
helicopters; air tours; agricultural
applications; emergency medical
services; air tanker firefighting; power
line and pipeline patrol and
maintenance; fish and wildlife service;
animal control; military and law
enforcement; seismic operations;
ranching and livestock relocation; and
FAA Response: The type certificate
only establishes the approved design of
the UA. These airworthiness criteria
require the applicant show compliance
for the UA altitude sought for type
certification. While this may result in
operating limitations in the flight
manual, the type certificate is not an
approval for operations. Operations and
operational requirements are beyond the
scope of this document.
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Guidance Material
Comment Summary: NUAIR
requested the FAA complete and
publish its draft AC 21.17–XX, Type
Certification Basis for Unmanned
Aircraft Systems (UAS), to provide
additional guidance, including
templates, to those who seek a type
design approval for UAS. NUAIR also
requested the FAA recognize the
industry consensus-based standards
applicable to UAS, as Transport Canada
has by publishing its AC 922–001,
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems
Safety Assurance.
FAA Response: The FAA will
continue to develop policy and
guidance for UA type certification and
will publish guidance as soon as
practicable. The FAA encourages
consensus standards bodies to develop
means of compliance and submit them
to the FAA for acceptance. Regarding
Transport Canada AC 922–001, that AC
addresses operational approval rather
than type certification.
Safety Management
Comment Summary: ALPA requested
the FAA ensure that operations,
including UA integrity, fall under the
safety management system. ALPA
further requested the FAA convene a
Safety Risk Management Panel before
allowing operators to commence
operations and that the FAA require
operators to have an active safety
management system, including a nonpunitive safety culture, where incident
and continuing airworthiness issues can
be reported.
FAA Response: The type certificate
only establishes the approved design of
the UA, including the Flight Manual
and ICA. Operations and operational
requirements, including safety
management and oversight of operations
and maintenance, are beyond the scope
of this document.
Comment Summary: ALPA supported
the FAA’s type certification of UAS as
a ‘‘special class’’ of aircraft under
§ 21.17(b) but requested that it be
FAA Response: As the FAA stated in
its notice of policy issued August 11,
2020 (85 FR 58251, September 18,
2020), the FAA will use the type
certification process under § 21.17(b) for
some unmanned aircraft with no
occupants onboard. The FAA further
stated in its policy that it may also issue
type certificates under § 21.17(a) for
airplane and rotorcraft UAS designs
where the airworthiness standards in
part 23, 25, 27, or 29, respectively, are
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appropriate. The FAA, in the future,
may consider establishing appropriate
generally applicable airworthiness
standards for UA that are not
certificated under the existing standards
in part 23, 25, 27, or 29.
Out of Scope Comments
The FAA received and reviewed
several comments that were general,
stated the commenter’s viewpoint or
opposition without a suggestion specific
to the proposed criteria, or did not make
a request the FAA can act on. These
comments are beyond the scope of this
These airworthiness criteria,
established under the provisions of
§ 21.17(b), are applicable to the Flirtey
Model Flirtey F4.5 UA. Should Flirtey
wish to apply these airworthiness
criteria to other UA models, it must
submit a new type certification
This action affects only certain
airworthiness criteria for the Flirtey
Model Flirtey F4.5 UA. It is not a
standard of general applicability.
Authority Citation
The authority citation for these
airworthiness criteria is as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, and
44701–44702, 44704.
Airworthiness Criteria
Pursuant to the authority delegated to
me by the Administrator, the following
airworthiness criteria are issued as part
of the type certification basis for the
Flirtey Model Flirtey F4.5 unmanned
aircraft. The FAA finds that compliance
with these criteria appropriately
mitigates the risks associated with the
design and concept of operations and
provides an equivalent level of safety to
existing rules.
D&R.001 Concept of Operations
The applicant must define and submit
to the FAA a concept of operations
(CONOPS) proposal describing the
unmanned aircraft system (UAS)
operation in the national airspace
system for which unmanned aircraft
(UA) type certification is requested. The
CONOPS proposal must include, at a
minimum, a description of the following
information in sufficient detail to
determine the parameters and extent of
testing and operating limitations:
(a) The intended type of operations;
(b) UA specifications;
(c) Meteorological conditions;
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
(d) Operators, pilots, and personnel
(e) Control station, support
equipment, and other associated
elements (AE) necessary to meet the
airworthiness criteria;
(f) Command, control, and
communication functions;
(g) Operational parameters (such as
population density, geographic
operating boundaries, airspace classes,
launch and recovery area, congestion of
proposed operating area,
communications with air traffic control,
line of sight, and aircraft separation);
(h) Collision avoidance equipment,
whether onboard the UA or part of the
AE, if requested.
For purposes of these airworthiness
criteria, the following definitions apply.
(a) Loss of Control: Loss of control
means an unintended departure of an
aircraft from controlled flight. It
includes control reversal or an undue
loss of longitudinal, lateral, and
directional stability and control. It also
includes an upset or entry into an
unscheduled or uncommanded attitude
with high potential for uncontrolled
impact with terrain. A loss of control
means a spin, loss of control authority,
loss of aerodynamic stability, divergent
flight characteristics, or similar
occurrence, which could generally lead
to crash.
(b) Loss of Flight: Loss of flight means
a UA’s inability to complete its flight as
planned, up to and through its
originally planned landing. It includes
scenarios where the UA experiences
controlled flight into terrain, obstacles,
or any other collision, or a loss of
altitude that is severe or non-reversible.
Loss of flight also includes deploying a
parachute or ballistic recovery system
that leads to an unplanned landing
outside the operator’s designated
recovery zone.
Design and Construction
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D&R.100 UA Signal Monitoring and
The UA must be designed to monitor
and transmit to the AE all information
required for continued safe flight and
operation. This information includes, at
a minimum, the following:
(a) Status of all critical parameters for
all energy storage systems;
(b) Status of all critical parameters for
all propulsion systems;
(c) Flight and navigation information
as appropriate, such as airspeed,
heading, altitude, and location; and
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(d) Communication and navigation
signal strength and quality, including
contingency information or status.
D&R.105 UAS AE Required for Safe
UA Operations
(a) The applicant must identify and
submit to the FAA all AE and interface
conditions of the UAS that affect the
airworthiness of the UA or are otherwise
necessary for the UA to meet these
airworthiness criteria. As part of this
(1) The applicant may identify either
specific AE or minimum specifications
for the AE.
(i) If minimum specifications are
identified, they must include the critical
requirements of the AE, including
performance, compatibility, function,
reliability, interface, pilot alerting, and
environmental requirements.
(ii) Critical requirements are those
that if not met would impact the ability
to operate the UA safely and efficiently.
(2) The applicant may use an interface
control drawing, a requirements
document, or other reference, titled so
that it is clearly designated as AE
interfaces to the UA.
(b) The applicant must show the FAA
the AE or minimum specifications
identified in paragraph (a) of this
section meet the following:
(1) The AE provide the functionality,
performance, reliability, and
information to assure UA airworthiness
in conjunction with the rest of the
(2) The AE are compatible with the
UA capabilities and interfaces;
(3) The AE must monitor and transmit
to the pilot all information required for
safe flight and operation, including but
not limited to those identified in
D&R.100; and
(4) The minimum specifications, if
identified, are correct, complete,
consistent, and verifiable to assure UA
(c) The FAA will establish the
approved AE or minimum specifications
as operating limitations and include
them in the UA type certificate data
sheet and Flight Manual.
(d) The applicant must develop any
maintenance instructions necessary to
address implications from the AE on the
airworthiness of the UA. Those
instructions will be included in the
instructions for continued airworthiness
(ICA) required by D&R.205.
D&R.110 Software
To minimize the existence of software
errors, the applicant must:
(a) Verify by test all software that may
impact the safe operation of the UA;
(b) Utilize a configuration
management system that tracks,
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controls, and preserves changes made to
software throughout the entire life cycle;
(c) Implement a problem reporting
system that captures and records defects
and modifications to the software.
(a) UA equipment, systems, and
networks, addressed separately and in
relation to other systems, must be
protected from intentional unauthorized
electronic interactions that may result in
an adverse effect on the security or
airworthiness of the UA. Protection
must be ensured by showing that the
security risks have been identified,
assessed, and mitigated as necessary.
(b) When required by paragraph (a) of
this section, procedures and
instructions to ensure security
protections are maintained must be
included in the ICA.
Contingency Planning
(a) The UA must be designed so that,
in the event of a loss of the command
and control (C2) link, the UA will
automatically and immediately execute
a safe predetermined flight, loiter,
landing, or termination.
(b) The applicant must establish the
predetermined action in the event of a
loss of the C2 link and include it in the
UA Flight Manual.
(c) The UA Flight Manual must
include the minimum performance
requirements for the C2 data link
defining when the C2 link is degraded
to a level where remote active control of
the UA is no longer ensured. Takeoff
when the C2 link is degraded below the
minimum link performance
requirements must be prevented by
design or prohibited by an operating
limitation in the UA Flight Manual.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, the UA must have
design characteristics that will protect
the UA from loss of flight or loss of
control due to lightning.
(b) If the UA has not been shown to
protect against lightning, the UA Flight
Manual must include an operating
limitation to prohibit flight into weather
conditions conducive to lightning
Adverse Weather Conditions
(a) For purposes of this section,
‘‘adverse weather conditions’’ means
rain, snow, and icing.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, the UA must have
design characteristics that will allow the
UA to operate within the adverse
weather conditions specified in the
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
CONOPS without loss of flight or loss of
(c) For adverse weather conditions for
which the UA is not approved to
operate, the applicant must develop
operating limitations to prohibit flight
into known adverse weather conditions
and either:
(1) Develop operating limitations to
prevent inadvertent flight into adverse
weather conditions; or
(2) Provide a means to detect any
adverse weather conditions for which
the UA is not certificated to operate and
show the UA’s ability to avoid or exit
those conditions.
Flight Essential Parts
(a) A flight essential part is a part, the
failure of which could result in a loss of
flight or unrecoverable loss of UA
(b) If the type design includes flight
essential parts, the applicant must
establish a flight essential parts list. The
applicant must develop and define
mandatory maintenance instructions or
life limits, or a combination of both, to
prevent failures of flight essential parts.
Each of these mandatory actions must
be included in the Airworthiness
Limitations Section of the ICA.
Operating Limitations and Information
Flight Manual
The applicant must provide a Flight
Manual with each UA.
(a) The UA Flight Manual must
contain the following information:
(1) UA operating limitations;
(2) UA operating procedures;
(3) Performance information;
(4) Loading information; and
(5) Other information that is necessary
for safe operation because of design,
operating, or handling characteristics.
(b) Those portions of the UA Flight
Manual containing the information
specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this
section must be approved by the FAA.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES
D&R.205 Instructions for Continued
The applicant must prepare ICA for
the UA in accordance with Appendix A
to Part 23, as appropriate, that are
acceptable to the FAA. The ICA may be
incomplete at type certification if a
program exists to ensure their
completion prior to delivery of the first
UA or issuance of a standard
airworthiness certificate, whichever
occurs later.
Durability and Reliability
The UA must be designed to be
durable and reliable when operated
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under the limitations prescribed for its
operating environment, as documented
in its CONOPS and included as
operating limitations on the type
certificate data sheet and in the UA
Flight Manual. The durability and
reliability must be demonstrated by
flight test in accordance with the
requirements of this section and
completed with no failures that result in
a loss of flight, loss of control, loss of
containment, or emergency landing
outside the operator’s recovery area.
(a) Once a UA has begun testing to
show compliance with this section, all
flights for that UA must be included in
the flight test report.
(b) Tests must include an evaluation
of the entire flight envelope across all
phases of operation and must address, at
a minimum, the following:
(1) Flight distances;
(2) Flight durations;
(3) Route complexity;
(4) Weight;
(5) Center of gravity;
(6) Density altitude;
(7) Outside air temperature;
(8) Airspeed;
(9) Wind;
(10) Weather;
(11) Operation at night, if requested;
(12) Energy storage system capacity;
(13) Aircraft to pilot ratio.
(c) Tests must include the most
adverse combinations of the conditions
and configurations in paragraph (b) of
this section.
(d) Tests must show a distribution of
the different flight profiles and routes
representative of the type of operations
identified in the CONOPS.
(e) Tests must be conducted in
conditions consistent with the expected
environmental conditions identified in
the CONOPS, including electromagnetic
interference (EMI) and high intensity
radiated fields (HIRF).
(f) Tests must not require exceptional
piloting skill or alertness.
(g) Any UAS used for testing must be
subject to the same worst-case ground
handling, shipping, and transportation
loads as those allowed in service.
(h) Any UA used for testing must use
AE that meet, but do not exceed, the
minimum specifications identified
under D&R.105. If multiple AE are
identified, the applicant must
demonstrate each configuration.
(i) Any UAS used for testing must be
maintained and operated in accordance
with the ICA and UA Flight Manual. No
maintenance beyond the intervals
established in the ICA will be allowed
to show compliance with this section.
(j) If cargo operations or external-load
operations are requested, tests must
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show, throughout the flight envelope
and with the cargo or external-load at
the most critical combinations of weight
and center of gravity, that—
(1) The UA is safely controllable and
maneuverable; and
(2) The cargo or external-load are
retainable and transportable.
D&R.305 Probable Failures
The UA must be designed such that
a probable failure will not result in a
loss of containment or control of the
UA. This must be demonstrated by test.
(a) Probable failures related to the
following equipment, at a minimum,
must be addressed:
(1) Propulsion systems;
(2) C2 link;
(3) Global Positioning System (GPS);
(4) Flight control components with a
single point of failure;
(5) Control station; and
(6) Any other AE identified by the
(b) Any UA used for testing must be
operated in accordance with the UA
Flight Manual.
(c) Each test must occur at the critical
phase and mode of flight, and at the
highest aircraft-to-pilot ratio.
D&R.310 Capabilities and Functions
(a) All of the following required UAS
capabilities and functions must be
demonstrated by test:
(1) Capability to regain command and
control of the UA after the C2 link has
been lost.
(2) Capability of the electrical system
to power all UA systems and payloads.
(3) Ability for the pilot to safely
discontinue the flight.
(4) Ability for the pilot to dynamically
re-route the UA.
(5) Ability to safely abort a takeoff.
(6) Ability to safely abort a landing
and initiate a go-around.
(b) The following UAS capabilities
and functions, if requested for approval,
must be demonstrated by test:
(1) Continued flight after degradation
of the propulsion system.
(2) Geo-fencing that contains the UA
within a designated area, in all
operating conditions.
(3) Positive transfer of the UA
between control stations that ensures
only one control station can control the
UA at a time.
(4) Capability to release an external
cargo load to prevent loss of control of
the UA.
(5) Capability to detect and avoid
other aircraft and obstacles.
(c) The UA must be designed to
safeguard against inadvertent
discontinuation of the flight and
inadvertent release of cargo or external
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 52 / Thursday, March 17, 2022 / Rules and Regulations
The structure of the UA must be
shown to withstand the repeated loads
expected during its service life without
failure. A life limit for the airframe must
be established, demonstrated by test,
and included in the ICA.
Verification of Limits
The performance, maneuverability,
stability, and control of the UA within
the flight envelope described in the UA
Flight Manual must be demonstrated at
a minimum of 5% over maximum gross
weight with no loss of control or loss of
Issued in Washington, DC, on March 1,
Ian Lucas,
Manager, Policy Implementation Section,
Policy and Innovation Division, Aircraft
Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2022–05610 Filed 3–16–22; 8:45 am]
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
19 CFR Part 12
[CBP Dec. 22–06]
RIN 1515–AE67
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection, Department of Homeland
Security; Department of the Treasury.
ACTION: Final rule.
This final rule amends the
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) regulations to reflect the
imposition of import restrictions on
certain categories of archaeological and
ethnological material of the Republic of
Albania (Albania). These restrictions are
being imposed pursuant to an agreement
between the United States and Albania
that has been entered into under the
authority of the Convention on Cultural
Property Implementation Act. This final
rule amends the CBP regulations by
adding Albania to the list of countries
which have a bilateral agreement with
the United States that imposes cultural
property import restrictions. This final
rule also contains the Designated List
that describes the types of
archaeological and ethnological material
to which the restrictions apply.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with RULES
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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legal aspects, W. Richmond Beevers,
Chief, Cargo Security, Carriers and
Restricted Merchandise Branch,
Regulations and Rulings, Office of
Trade, (202) 325–0084, For
operational aspects, Julie L. Stoeber,
Chief, 1USG Branch, Trade Policy and
Programs, Office of Trade, (202) 945–
The Convention on Cultural Property
Implementation Act, Public Law 97–
446, 19 U.S.C. 2601 et seq. (hereinafter,
‘‘the Cultural Property Implementation
Act’’), implements the 1970 United
Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Convention on the Means of Prohibiting
and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export
and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural
Property (hereinafter, ‘‘the Convention’’
(823 U.N.T.S. 231 (1972)). Pursuant to
the Cultural Property Implementation
Act, the United States entered into a
bilateral agreement with the Republic of
Albania (Albania) to impose import
restrictions on certain archaeological
and ethnological material from Albania.
This rule announces the imposition of
import restrictions on certain
archaeological and ethnological material
from Albania.
Imposition of Import Restrictions on
Categories of Archaeological and
Ethnological Material of Albania
Effective on March 17, 2022.
Under 19 U.S.C. 2602(a)(1), the
United States must make certain
determinations before entering into an
agreement to impose import restrictions
under 19 U.S.C. 2602(a)(2). On May 26,
2021, the Acting Assistant Secretary for
Educational and Cultural Affairs, United
States Department of State, after
consultation with and recommendation
by the Cultural Property Advisory
Committee, made the determinations
required under the statute with respect
to certain archaeological and
ethnological material originating in
Albania that is described in the
Designated List set forth below in this
These determinations include the
following: (1) That Albania’s cultural
heritage is in jeopardy from pillage of
certain types of archaeological material
representing Albania’s cultural heritage
ranging in date from approximately
300,000 B.C. to A.D. 1750, and certain
types of ethnological material
representing Albania’s cultural heritage
ranging in date from approximately A.D.
400 to 1913 (19 U.S.C. 2602(a)(1)(A)); (2)
that the Albanian government has taken
PO 00000
Frm 00049
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
measures consistent with the
Convention to protect its cultural
patrimony (19 U.S.C. 2602(a)(1)(B)); (3)
that import restrictions imposed by the
United States would be of substantial
benefit in deterring a serious situation of
pillage and remedies less drastic are not
available (19 U.S.C. 2602(a)(1)(C)); and
(4) that the application of import
restrictions as set forth in this final rule
is consistent with the general interests
of the international community in the
interchange of cultural property among
nations for scientific, cultural, and
educational purposes (19 U.S.C.
2602(a)(1)(D)). The Acting Assistant
Secretary also found that the material
described in the determinations meets
the statutory definition of
‘‘archaeological or ethnological material
of the State Party’’ (19 U.S.C. 2601(2)).
The Agreement
On August 23, 2021, the Governments
of the United States and Albania signed
a bilateral agreement, ‘‘Memorandum of
Understanding between the United
States of America and the Republic of
Albania Concerning the Imposition of
Import Restrictions on Categories of
Archaeological and Ethnological
Material of Albania’’ (hereinafter, ‘‘the
Agreement’’), pursuant to the provisions
of 19 U.S.C. 2602(a)(2). The Agreement
entered into force on February 28, 2022,
following the exchange of diplomatic
notes, and enables the promulgation of
import restrictions on certain categories
of archaeological material ranging in
date from approximately 300,000 B.C. to
A.D. 1750, and ethnological material
ranging in date from approximately A.D.
400 to 1913. A list of the categories of
archaeological and ethnological material
subject to the import restrictions is set
forth later in this document.
Restrictions and Amendment to the
In accordance with the Agreement,
importation of material designated
below is subject to the restrictions of 19
U.S.C. 2606 and § 12.104g(a) of title 19
of the Code of Federal Regulations (19
CFR 12.104g(a)) and will be restricted
from entry into the United States unless
the conditions set forth in 19 U.S.C.
2606 and § 12.104c of the CBP
regulations (19 CFR 12.104c) are met.
CBP is amending § 12.104g(a) of the CBP
regulations (19 CFR 12.104g(a)) to
indicate that these import restrictions
have been imposed.
Import restrictions listed at 19 CFR
12.104g(a) are effective for no more than
five years beginning on the date on
which the Agreement enters into force
with respect to the United States. This
period may be extended for additional
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 52 (Thursday, March 17, 2022)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 15067-15079]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-05610]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 21
[Docket No. FAA-2020-1091]
Airworthiness Criteria: Special Class Airworthiness Criteria for
the Flirtey Inc. Flirtey F4.5 Unmanned Aircraft
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Department of
Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Issuance of final airworthiness criteria.
SUMMARY: The FAA announces the special class airworthiness criteria for
the Flirtey Inc. Model Flirtey F4.5 unmanned aircraft (UA). This
document sets forth the airworthiness criteria the FAA finds to be
appropriate and applicable for the UA design.
DATES: These airworthiness criteria are effective April 18, 2022.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christopher J. Richards, Emerging
Aircraft Strategic Policy Section, AIR-618, Strategic Policy Management
Branch, Policy and Innovation Division, Aircraft Certification Service,
Federal Aviation Administration, 6020 28th Avenue South, Room 103,
Minneapolis, MN 55450, telephone (612) 253-4559.
Flirtey Inc. (Flirtey) applied to the FAA on November 12, 2018, for
a special class type certificate under title 14, Code of Federal
Regulations (14 CFR), Sec. 21.17(b) for the Model Flirtey F4.5 UA.
The Model Flirtey F4.5 consists of a rotorcraft UA and its
associated elements (AE) including communication links and components
that control the UA. The Model Flirtey F4.5 UA has a maximum gross
takeoff weight of 38 pounds. It is approximately 78 inches in width, 78
inches in length, and 21 inches in height. The Model Flirtey F4.5 UA
uses battery-powered electric motors for vertical takeoff, landing, and
forward flight. The UAS operations would rely on high levels of
automation and may include multiple UA operated by a single pilot, up
to a ratio of 20 UA to 1 pilot. Flirtey anticipates operators will use
the Model Flirtey F4.5 for delivering medical supplies and packages.
The proposed concept of operations (CONOPS) for the Model Flirtey F4.5
identifies a maximum operating altitude of 400 feet above ground level
(AGL), a maximum cruise speed of 24 knots, operations beyond visual
line of sight (BVLOS) of the pilot, and operations over human beings.
Flirtey has not requested type certification for flight into known
icing for the Model Flirtey F4.5.
The FAA issued a notice of proposed airworthiness criteria for the
Flirtey F4.5 UAS, which published in the Federal Register on November
24, 2020 (85 FR 74922).
Summary of Changes From the Proposed Airworthiness Criteria
Based on the comments received, these final airworthiness criteria
reflect the following changes, as explained in more detail under
Discussion of Comments: A new section containing definitions; revisions
to the CONOPS requirement; changing the term ``critical part'' to
``flight essential part'' in D&R.135; changing the basis of the
durability and reliability testing from population density to
limitations prescribed for the operating environment identified in the
applicant's CONOPS per D&R.001; and, for the demonstration of certain
required capabilities and functions as required by D&R.310.
Additionally, the FAA re-evaluated its approach to type
certification of low-risk UA using durability and reliability testing.
Safe UAS operations depend and rely on both the UA and the AE. As
explained in FAA Memorandum AIR600-21-AIR-600-PM01, dated July 13,
2021, the FAA has revised the airworthiness criteria to define a
boundary between the UA type certification and subsequent operational
evaluations and approval processes for
[[Page 15068]]
the UAS (i.e., waivers, exemptions, and/or operating certificates).
To reflect that these airworthiness criteria rely on durability and
reliability (D&R) testing for certification, the FAA changed the prefix
of each section from ``UAS'' to ``D&R.''
Lastly, the FAA revised D&R.001(g) to clarify that the operational
parameters listed in that paragraph are examples and not an all-
inclusive list.
Discussion of Comments
The FAA received responses from 14 commenters. The majority of the
commenters were individuals. In addition to the individuals' comments,
the FAA also received comments from the European Union Aviation Safety
Agency (EASA), unmanned aircraft manufacturers, a helicopter operator,
and organizations such as the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA),
Droneport Texas, LLC, the National Agricultural Aviation Association
(NAAA), Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research Alliance, Inc.
(NUAIR), and the Small UAV Coalition.
Comment Summary: ALPA, NUAIR, and the Small UAV Coalition expressed
support for type certification as a special class of aircraft and
establishing airworthiness criteria under Sec. 21.17(b). The Small UAV
Coalition also supported the FAA's proposed use of performance-based
Terminology: Loss of flight
Comment Summary: An individual commenter requested the FAA define
the term ``loss of flight'' and clarify how it is different from ``loss
of control.'' The commenter questioned whether loss of flight meant the
UA could not continue its intended flight plan but could safely land or
terminate the flight.
FAA Response: The FAA has added a new section, D&R.005, to define
the terms ``loss of flight'' and ``loss of control'' for the purposes
of these airworthiness criteria. ``Loss of flight'' refers to a UA's
inability to complete its flight as planned, up to and through its
originally planned landing. ``Loss of flight'' includes scenarios where
the UA experiences controlled flight into terrain or obstacles, or any
other collision, or a loss of altitude that is severe or non-
recoverable. ``Loss of flight'' includes deploying a parachute or
ballistic recovery system that leads to an unplanned landing outside
the operator's designated recovery zone.
``Loss of control'' means an unintended departure of an aircraft
from controlled flight. It includes control reversal or an undue loss
of longitudinal, lateral, and directional stability and control. It
also includes an upset or entry into an unscheduled or uncommanded
attitude with high potential for uncontrolled impact with terrain.
``Loss of control'' means a spin, loss of control authority, loss of
aerodynamic stability, divergent flight characteristic, or similar
occurrence, which could generally lead to a crash.
Terminology: Skill and Alertness of Pilot
Comment Summary: Two commenters requested the FAA clarify
terminology with respect to piloting skill and alertness. Droneport
Texas LLC stated that the average pilot skill and alertness is
currently undefined, as remote pilots do not undergo oral or practical
examinations to obtain certification. NUAIR noted that, despite the
definition of ``exceptional piloting skill and alertness'' in Advisory
Circular (AC) 23-8C, Flight Test Guide for Certification of Part 23
Airplanes, there is a significant difference between the average skill
and alertness of a remote pilot certified under 14 CFR part 107 and a
pilot certified under 14 CFR part 61. The commenter requested the FAA
clarify the minimum qualifications and ratings to perform as a remote
pilot of a UAS with a type certificate.
FAA Response: These airworthiness criteria do not require
exceptional piloting skill and alertness for testing. The FAA included
this as a requirement to ensure the applicant passes testing by using
pilots of average skill who have been certificated under part 61, as
opposed to highly trained pilots with thousands of hours of flight
Concept of Operations
The FAA proposed a requirement for the applicant to submit a CONOPS
describing the UAS and identifying the intended operational concepts.
The FAA explained in the preamble of the notice of proposed
airworthiness criteria that the information in the CONOPS would
determine parameters for testing and flight manual operating
Comment Summary: One commenter stated that the airworthiness
criteria are generic and requested the FAA add language to proposed
UAS.001 to clarify that some of the criteria may not be relevant or
FAA Response: Including the language requested by the commenter
would be inappropriate, as these airworthiness criteria are project-
specific. Thus, in this case, each element of these airworthiness
criteria is a requirement specific to the type certification of
Flirtey's proposed UA design.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the criteria specify that the
applicant's CONOPS contain sufficient detail to determine the
parameters and extent of testing, as well as operating limitations
placed on the UAS for its operational uses.
FAA Response: The FAA agrees and has updated D&R.001 to clarify
that the information required for inclusion in the CONOPS proposal
(D&R.001(a) through (g)) must be described in sufficient detail to
determine the parameters and extent of testing and operating
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the CONOPS include a description of
a means to ensure separation from other aircraft and perform collision
avoidance maneuvers. ALPA stated that its requested addition to the
CONOPS is critical to the safety of other airspace users, as manned
aircraft do not easily see most UAs.
FAA Response: The FAA agrees and has updated D&R.001 to require
that the applicant identify collision avoidance equipment (whether
onboard the UA or part of the AE), if the applicant requests to include
that equipment.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA add security-related (other
than cyber-security) requirements to the CONOPS criteria, including
mandatory reporting of security occurrences, security training and
awareness programs for all personnel involved in UAS operations, and
security standards for the transportation of goods, similar to those
for manned aviation.
FAA Response: The type certificate only establishes the approved
design of the UA. Operations and operational requirements, including
those regarding security occurrences, security training, and package
delivery security standards (other than cybersecurity airworthiness
design requirements) are beyond the scope of the airworthiness criteria
established by this document and are not required for type
Comment Summary: UAS.001(c) proposed to require that the
applicant's CONOPS include a description of meteorological conditions.
ALPA requested the FAA change UAS.001(c) to require a description of
meteorological and environmental conditions and their operational
limits. ALPA stated the CONOPS should include maximum wind speeds,
maximum or minimum temperatures, maximum density altitudes, and other
relevant phenomena that will limit operations or cause operations to
FAA Response: D&R.001(c) and D&R.125 address meteorological
conditions, while D&R.001(g) addresses
[[Page 15069]]
environmental considerations. The FAA determined that these criteria
are sufficient to cover the weather phenomena mentioned by the
commenter without specifically requiring identification of related
operational limits.
Control Station
To address the risks associated with loss of control of the UA, the
FAA proposed that the applicant design the control station to provide
the pilot with all information necessary for continued safe flight and
Comment Summary: ALPA and one individual commenter requested the
FAA revise the proposed criteria to add requirements for the control
station. Specifically, these commenters requested the FAA include the
display of data and alert conditions to the pilot, physical security
requirements for both the control station and the UAS storage area,
design requirements that minimize negative impact of extended periods
of low pilot workload, transfer of control between pilots, and human
factors/human machine interface considerations for handheld controls.
NUAIR requested the FAA designate the control station as a flight
critical component for operations.
EASA and an individual commenter requested the FAA consider
flexibility in some of the proposed criteria. EASA stated that the list
of information in proposed UAS.100 is too prescriptive and contains
information that may not be relevant for highly automated systems. The
individual commenter requested that the FAA allow part-time or non-
continuous displays of required information that do not influence the
safety of the flight.
FAA Response: Although the scope of the proposed airworthiness
criteria applied to the entire UAS, the FAA has re-evaluated its
approach to type certification of low-risk unmanned aircraft using
durability and reliability testing. A UA is an aircraft that is
operated without the possibility of direct human intervention from
within or on the aircraft.\1\ A UAS is defined as a UA and its AE,
including communication links and the components that control the UA,
that are required to operate the UAS safely and efficiently in the
national airspace system.\2\ As explained in FAA Memorandum AIR600-21-
AIR-600-PM01, dated July 13, 2021, the FAA determined it will apply the
regulations for type design approval, production approval, conformity,
certificates of airworthiness, and maintenance to only the UA and not
to the AE. However, because safe UAS operations depend and rely on both
the UA and the AE, the FAA will consider the AE in assessing whether
the UA meets the airworthiness criteria that comprise the certification
\1\ See 49 U.S.C. 44801(11).
\2\ See 49 U.S.C. 44801(12).
While the AE items themselves will be outside the scope of the UA
type design, the applicant will provide sufficient specifications for
any aspect of the AE, including the control station, which could affect
airworthiness. The FAA will approve either the specific AE or minimum
specifications for the AE, as identified by the applicant, as part of
the type certificate by including them as an operating limitation in
the type certificate data sheet and flight manual. The FAA may impose
additional operating limitations specific to the AE through conditions
and limitations for inclusion in the operational approval (i.e.,
waivers, exemptions, or a combination of these). In accordance with
this approach, the FAA will consider the entirety of the UAS for
operational approval and oversight.
Accordingly, the FAA has revised the criteria by replacing proposed
section UAS.100, applicable to the control station design, with
D&R.100, UA Signal Monitoring and Transmission, with substantively
similar criteria that apply to the UA design.
The FAA has also added a new section, D&R.105, UAS AE Required for
Safe UA Operations, which requires the applicant to provide information
concerning the specifications of the AE. The FAA has moved the alert
function requirement proposed in UAS.100(a) to new section
D&R.105(a)(1)(i). As part of the clarification of the testing of the
interaction between the UA and AE, the FAA has added a requirement to
D&R.300(h) for D&R testing to use minimum specification AE. This
addition requires the applicant to demonstrate that the limits proposed
for those AE will allow the UA to operate as expected throughout its
service life. Finally, the FAA has revised references throughout the
airworthiness criteria from ``UAS'' to ``UA,'' as appropriate, to
reflect the FAA determination that the regulations for type design
approval, production approval, conformity, certificates of
airworthiness, and maintenance apply to only the UA.
The FAA proposed criteria on verification, configuration
management, and problem reporting to minimize the existence of errors
associated with UAS software.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA add language to the
proposed criteria to ensure that some level of software engineering
principles are used without being too prescriptive.
FAA Response: By combining the software testing requirement of
D&R.110(a) with successful completion of the requirements in the entire
``Testing'' subpart, the acceptable level of software assurance will be
identified and demonstrated. The configuration management system
required by D&R.110(b) will ensure that the software is adequately
documented and traceable both during and after the initial type
certification activities.
Comment Summary: EASA suggested the criteria require that the
applicant establish and correctly implement system requirements or a
structured software development process for critical software.
FAA Response: Direct and specific evaluation of the software
development process is more detailed than what the FAA intended with
the proposed criteria, which use D&R testing to evaluate the UAS as a
whole system, rather than evaluating individual components within the
UA. Successful completion of the testing requirements provides
confidence that the components that make up the UA provide an
acceptable level of safety, commensurate to the low-risk nature of this
aircraft. The FAA finds no change to the airworthiness criteria is
Comment Summary: Two individual commenters requested the FAA
require the manned aircraft software certification methodology in RTCA
DO-178C, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment
Certification, for critical UA software.
FAA Response: Under these airworthiness criteria, only software
that may affect the safe operation of the UA must be verified by test.
To verify by test, the applicant will need to provide an assessment
showing that other software is not subject to testing because it has no
impact on the safe operation of the UA. For software that is subject to
testing, the FAA may accept multiple options for software
qualification, including DO-178C. Further, specifying that applicants
must comply with DO-178 would be inconsistent with the FAA's intent to
issue performance-based airworthiness criteria.
Comment Summary: NAAA stated that an overreliance of software in
aircraft has been and continues to be a source of accidents and
requested the FAA include criteria to prevent a midair collision.
FAA Response: The proper functioning of software is an important
[[Page 15070]]
element of type certification, particularly with respect to flight
controls and navigation. The airworthiness criteria in D&R.110 are
meant to provide an acceptable level of safety commensurate with the
risk posed by this UA. Additionally, the airworthiness criteria require
contingency planning per D&R.120 and the demonstration of the UA's
ability to detect and avoid other aircraft in D&R.310, if requested by
the applicant. The risk of a midair collision will be minimized by the
operating limitations that result from testing based on the operational
parameters identified by the applicant in its CONOPS (such as
geographic operating boundaries, airspace classes, and congestion of
the proposed operating area), rather than by specific mitigations built
into the aircraft design itself. These criteria are sufficient due to
the low-risk nature of the Model Flirtey F4.5.
Because the UA requires a continuous wireless connection, the FAA
proposed criteria to address the risks to the UAS from cybersecurity
Comment Summary: ALPA requested adding a requirement for
cybersecurity protection for navigation and position reporting systems
such as Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS). ALPA further
requested the FAA include criteria to address specific cybersecurity
vulnerabilities, such as jamming (denial of signal) and spoofing (false
position data is inserted). ALPA stated that, for navigation, UAS
primarily use GNSS--an unencrypted, open-source, low power transmission
that can be jammed, spoofed, or otherwise manipulated.
FAA Response: The FAA will assess elements directly influencing the
UA for cybersecurity under D&R.115 and will assess the AE as part of
any operational approvals an operator may seek. D&R.115 (proposed as
UAS.115) addresses intentional unauthorized electronic interactions,
which includes, but is not limited to, hacking, jamming, and spoofing.
These airworthiness criteria require the high-level outcome the UA must
meet, rather than discretely identifying every aspect of cybersecurity
the applicant will address.
Contingency Planning
The FAA proposed criteria requiring that the UAS be designed to
automatically execute a predetermined action in the event of a loss of
communication between the pilot and the UA. The FAA further proposed
that the predetermined action be identified in the Flight Manual and
that the UA be precluded from taking off when the quality of service is
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the criteria encompass more than
loss or degradation of the command and control (C2) link, as numerous
types of critical part or systems failures can occur that include
degraded capabilities, whether intermittent or sustained. ALPA
requested the FAA add language to the proposed criteria to address
specific failures such as loss of a primary navigation sensor,
degradation or loss of navigation capability, and simultaneous impact
of C2 and navigation links.
FAA Response: The airworthiness criteria address the issues raised
by ALPA. Specifically, D&R.120(a) addresses actions the UA will
automatically and immediately take when the operator no longer has
control of the UA. Should the specific failures identified by ALPA
result in the operator's loss of control, then the criteria require the
UA to execute a predetermined action. Degraded navigation performance
does not raise the same level of concern as a degraded or lost C2 link.
For example, a UA may experience interference with a GPS signal on the
ground, but then find acceptable signal strength when above a tree line
or other obstruction. The airworthiness criteria require that neither
degradation nor complete loss of GPS or C2, as either condition would
be a failure of that system, result in unsafe loss of control or
containment. The applicant must demonstrate this by test to meet the
requirements of D&R.305(a)(3).
Under the airworthiness criteria, the minimum performance
requirements for the C2 link, defining when the link is degraded to an
unacceptable level, may vary among different UAS designs. The level of
degradation that triggers a loss is dependent upon the specific UA
characteristics; this level will be defined by the applicant and
demonstrated to be acceptable by testing as required by D&R.305(a)(2)
and D&R.310(a)(1).
Comment Summary: An individual commenter requested the FAA use
distinct terminology for ``communication,'' used for communications
with air traffic control, and ``C2 link,'' used for command and control
between the remote pilot station and UA. The commenter questioned
whether, in the proposed criteria, the FAA stated ``loss of
communication between the pilot and the UA'' when it intended to state
``loss of C2 link.''
FAA Response: Communication extends beyond the C2 link and specific
control inputs. This is why D&R.001 requires the applicant's CONOPS to
include a description of the command, control, and communications
functions. As long as the UA operates safely and predictably per its
lost link contingency programming logic, a C2 interruption does not
constitute a loss of control.
The FAA proposed criteria to address the risks that would result
from a lightning strike, accounting for the size and physical
limitations of a UAS that could preclude traditional lightning
protection features. The FAA further proposed that without lightning
protection for the UA, the Flight Manual must include an operating
limitation to prohibit flight into weather conditions with potential
Comment Summary: An individual requested the FAA revise the
criteria to include a similar design mitigation or operating limitation
for High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF). The commenter noted that
HIRF is included in proposed UAS.300(e) as part of the expected
environmental conditions that must be replicated in testing.
FAA Response: The airworthiness criteria, which are adopted as
proposed, address the issue raised by the commenter. The applicant must
identify tested HIRF exposure capabilities, if any, in the Flight
Manual to comply with the criteria in D&R.200(a)(5). Information
regarding HIRF capabilities is necessary for safe operation because
proper communication and software execution may be impeded by HIRF-
generated interference, which could result in loss of control of the
UA. It is not feasible to measure HIRF at every potential location
where the UA will operate; thus, requiring operating limitations for
HIRF as requested by the commenter would be impractical.
Adverse Weather Conditions
The FAA proposed criteria either requiring that design
characteristics protect the UAS from adverse weather conditions or
prohibiting flight into known adverse weather conditions. The criteria
proposed to define adverse weather conditions as rain, snow, and icing.
Comment Summary: ALPA and two individual commenters requested the
FAA expand the proposed definition of adverse weather conditions. These
commenters noted that because of the size and physical limitations of
the Model Flirtey F4.5, adverse weather should also include wind,
downdraft, low-level wind shear (LLWS), microburst, and extreme
mechanical turbulence.
FAA Response: No additional language needs to be added to the
[[Page 15071]]
airworthiness criteria to address wind effects. The wind conditions
specified by the commenters are part of normal UA flight operations.
The applicant must demonstrate by flight test that the UA can withstand
wind without failure to meet the requirements of D&R.300(b)(9). The FAA
developed the criteria in D&R.130 to address adverse weather conditions
(rain, snow, and icing) that would require additional design
characteristics for safe operation. Any operating limitations necessary
for operation in adverse weather or wind conditions will be included in
the Flight Manual as required by D&R.200.
Comment Summary: One commenter questioned whether the criteria
proposed in UAS.130(c)(2), requiring a means to detect adverse weather
conditions for which the UAS is not certificated to operate, is a
prescriptive requirement to install an onboard detection system. The
commenter requested, if that was the case, that the FAA allow
alternative procedures to avoid flying in adverse weather conditions.
FAA Response: The language referred to by the commenter is not a
prescriptive design requirement for an onboard detection system. The
applicant may use any acceptable source to monitor weather in the area,
whether onboard the UA or from an external source.
Critical Parts
The FAA proposed criteria for critical parts that were
substantively the same as those in the existing standards for normal
category rotorcraft under Sec. 27.602, with changes to reflect UAS
terminology and failure conditions. The criteria proposed to define a
critical part as a part, the failure of which could result in a loss of
flight or unrecoverable loss of control of the aircraft.
Comment Summary: EASA requested the FAA avoid using the term
``critical part,'' as it is a well-established term for complex manned
aircraft categories and may create incorrect expectations on the
oversight process for parts.
FAA Response: For purposes of the airworthiness criteria
established for the Flirtey Model F4.5 UA, the FAA has changed the term
``critical part'' to ``flight essential part.''
Comment Summary: An individual commenter requested the FAA revise
the proposed criteria such that a failure of a flight essential part
would only occur if there is risk to third parties.
FAA Response: The definition of ``flight essential'' does not
change regardless of whether on-board systems are capable of safely
landing the UA when it is unable to continue its flight plan. Tying the
definition of a flight essential part to the risk to third parties
would result in different definitions for the part depending on where
and how the UA is operated. These criteria for the Model Flirtey F4.5
UA apply the same approach as for manned aircraft.
Flight Manual
The FAA proposed criteria for the Flight Manual that were
substantively the same as the existing standards for normal category
airplanes, with minor changes to reflect UAS terminology.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA revise the criteria to
include normal, abnormal, and emergency operating procedures along with
their respective checklist. ALPA further requested the checklist be
contained in a quick reference handbook (QRH).
FAA Response: The FAA did not intend for the airworthiness criteria
to exclude abnormal procedures from the flight manual. In these final
airworthiness criteria, the FAA has changed ``normal and emergency
operating procedures'' to ``operating procedures'' to encompass all
operating conditions and align with 14 CFR 23.2620, which includes the
airplane flight manual requirements for normal category airplanes. The
FAA has not made any changes to add language that would require the
checklists to be included in a QRH. FAA regulations do not require
manned aircraft to have a QRH for type certification. Therefore, it
would be inconsistent for the FAA to require a QRH for the Flirtey
Model Flirtey F4.5 UA.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA revise the airworthiness
criteria to require that the Flight Manual and QRH be readily available
to the pilot at the control station.
FAA Response: ALPA's request regarding the Flight manual addresses
an operational requirement, similar to 14 CFR 91.9 and is therefore not
appropriate for type certification airworthiness criteria. Also, as
previously discussed, FAA regulations do not require a QRH. Therefore,
it would be inappropriate to require it to be readily available to the
pilot at the control station.
Comment Summary: Droneport Texas LLC requested the FAA revise the
airworthiness criteria to add required Flight Manual sections for
routine maintenance and mission-specific equipment and procedures. The
commenter stated that the remote pilot or personnel on the remote
pilot-in-command's flight team accomplish most routine maintenance, and
that the flight team usually does UA rigging with mission equipment.
FAA Response: The requested change is appropriate for a maintenance
document rather than a flight manual because it addresses maintenance
procedures rather than the piloting functions. The FAA also notes that,
similar to the criteria for certain manned aircraft, the airworthiness
criteria require that the applicant prepare instructions for continued
airworthiness (ICA) in accordance with appendix A to part 23. As the
applicant must provide any maintenance instructions and mission-
specific information necessary for safe operation and continued
operational safety of the UA, in accordance with D&R.205, no changes to
the airworthiness criteria are necessary.
Comment Summary: An individual commenter requested the FAA revise
the criteria in proposed UAS.200(b) to require that ``other
information'' referred to in proposed UAS.200(a)(5) be approved by the
FAA. The commenter noted that, as proposed, only the information listed
in UAS.200(a)(1) through (4) must be FAA approved.
FAA Response: The change requested by the commenter would be
inconsistent with the FAA's airworthiness standards for flight manuals
for manned aircraft. Sections 23.2620(b), 25.1581(b), 27.1581(b), and
29.1581(b) include requirements for flight manuals to include operating
limitations, operating procedures, performance information, loading
information, and other information that is necessary safe operation
because of design, operating, or handling characteristics, but limit
FAA approval to operating limitations, operating procedures,
performance information, and loading information.
Under Sec. 23.2620(b)(1), for low-speed level 1 and level 2
airplanes, the FAA only approves the operating limitations. In applying
a risk-based approach, the FAA has determined it would not be
appropriate to hold the lowest risk UA to a higher standard than what
is required for low speed level 1 and level 2 manned aircraft.
Accordingly, the FAA has revised the airworthiness criteria to only
require FAA approval of the operating limitations.
Comment Summary: NUAIR requested the FAA recognize that Sec.
23.2620 is only applicable to the aircraft and does not address off-
aircraft components such as the control station, control and non-
payload communications (CNPC) data link, and launch and recovery
equipment. The commenter noted that this is also true of industry
consensus-based standards designed to comply with Sec. 23.2620.
FAA Response: As explained in more detail in the Control Station
section of
[[Page 15072]]
this document, the FAA has revised the airworthiness criteria for the
AE. The FAA will approve AE or minimum specifications for the AE that
could affect airworthiness as an operating limitation in the UA flight
manual. The FAA will establish the approved AE or minimum
specifications as operating limitations and include them in the UA type
certificate data sheet and Flight Manual in accordance with D&R.105(c).
The establishment of requirements for, and the approval of AE will be
in accordance with FAA Memorandum AIR600-21-AIR-600-PM01, dated July
13, 2021.
Durability and Reliability
The FAA proposed durability and reliability testing that would
require the applicant to demonstrate safe flight of the UAS across the
entire operational envelope and up to all operational limitations, for
all phases of flight and all aircraft configurations described in the
applicant's CONOPS, with no failures that result in a loss of flight,
loss of control, loss of containment, or emergency landing outside the
operator's recovery area. The FAA further proposed that the unmanned
aircraft would only be certificated for operations within the
limitations, and for flight over areas no greater than the maximum
population density, as described in the applicant's CONOPS and
demonstrated by test.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested that the proposed certification
criteria require all flights during testing be completed in both normal
and non-normal or off-nominal scenarios with no failures that result in
a loss of flight, loss of control, loss of containment, or emergency
landing outside of the operator's recovery zone. Specifically, ALPA
stated that testing must not require exceptional piloting skill or
alertness and include, at a minimum: All phases of the flight envelope,
including the highest UA to pilot ratios; the most adverse combinations
of the conditions and configuration; the environmental conditions
identified in the CONOPS; the different flight profiles and routes
identified in the CONOPS; and exposure to EMI and HIRF.
FAA Response: No change is necessary because the introductory text
and paragraphs (b)(7), (b)(9), (b)(10), (b)(13), (c), (d), (e), and (f)
of D&R.300, which are adopted as proposed, contain the specific testing
requirements requested by ALPA.
Comment Summary: Droneport Texas LLC requested the FAA revise the
testing criteria to include, for operation at night, testing both with
and without night vision aids. The commenter stated that because small
UAS operation at night is waivable under 14 CFR part 107, manufacturers
will likely make assumptions concerning a pilot's familiarity with
night vision device-aided and unaided operations.
FAA Response: Under D&R.300(b)(11), the applicant must demonstrate
by flight test that the UA can operate at night without failure using
whatever equipment is onboard the UA itself. The pilot's familiarity,
or lack thereof, with night vision equipment does not impact whether
the UA is reliable and durable to complete testing without any
Comment Summary: EASA requested the FAA clarify how testing
durability and reliability commensurate to the maximum population
density, as proposed, aligns with the Specific Operations Risk
Assessment (SORA) approach that is open to operational mitigation,
reducing the initial ground risk. An individual commenter requested the
FAA provide more details about the correlation between the number of
flight hours tested and the CONOPS environment (e.g., population
density). The commenter stated that this is one of the most fundamental
requirements, and the FAA should ensure equal treatment to all current
and future applicants.
FAA Response: In developing these testing criteria, the FAA sought
to align the risk of UAS operations with the appropriate level of
protection for human beings on the ground. The FAA proposed
establishing the maximum population density demonstrated by durability
and reliability testing as an operating limitation on the type
certificate. However, the FAA has re-evaluated its approach and
determined it to be more appropriate to connect the durability and
reliability demonstrated during certification testing with the
operating environment defined in the CONOPS.
Basing testing on maximum population density may result in
limitations not commensurate with many actual operations. As population
density broadly refers to the number of people living in a given area
per square mile, it does not allow for evaluating variation in a local
operating environment. For example, an operator may have a route in an
urban environment with the actual flight path along a greenway; the
number of human beings exposed to risk from the UA operating overhead
would be significantly lower than the population density for the area.
Conversely, an operator may have a route over an industrial area where
few people live, but where, during business hours, there may be highly
dense groups of people. Specific performance characteristics such as
altitude and airspeed also factor into defining the boundaries for safe
operation of the UA.
Accordingly, the FAA has revised D&R.300 to require the UA design
to be durable and reliable when operated under the limitations
prescribed for its operating environment. The information in the
applicant's CONOPS will determine the operating environment for
testing. For example, the minimum hours of reliability testing will be
less for a UA conducting agricultural operations in a rural environment
than if the same aircraft will be conducting package deliveries in an
urban environment. The FAA will include the limitations that result
from testing as operating limitations on the type certificate data
sheet and in the UA Flight Manual. The FAA intends for this process to
be similar to the process for establishing limitations prescribed for
special purpose operations for restricted category aircraft. This
allows for added flexibility in determining appropriate operating
limitations, which will more closely reflect the operating environment.
Finally, a comparison of these criteria with EASA's SORA approach
is beyond the scope of this document because the SORA is intended to
result in an operational approval rather than a type certificate.
Comment Summary: EASA requested the FAA clarify how reliability at
the aircraft level to ensure high-level safety objectives would enable
validation of products under applicable bilateral agreements.
FAA Response: As the FAA and international aviation authorities are
still developing general airworthiness standards for UA, it would be
speculative for the FAA to comment on the validation process for any
specific UA.
Comment Summary: EASA requested the FAA revise the testing criteria
to include a compliance demonstration related to adverse combinations
of the conditions and configurations and with respect to weather
conditions and average pilot qualification.
FAA Response: No change is necessary because D&R.300(b)(7), (b)(9),
(b)(10), (c), and (f), which are adopted as proposed, contain the
specific testing requirements requested by EASA.
Comment Summary: EASA noted that, under the proposed criteria,
testing involving a large number of flight hours will limit changes to
the configuration.
FAA Response: Like manned aircraft, the requirements of 14 CFR part
21, subpart D, apply to UA for changes to
[[Page 15073]]
type certificates. The FAA is developing procedures for processing type
design changes for UA type certificated using durability and
reliability testing.
Comment Summary: EASA requested the FAA clarify whether the
proposed testing criteria would require the applicant to demonstrate
aspects that do not occur during a successful flight, such as the
deployment of emergency recovery systems and fire protection/post-crash
fire. EASA asked if these aspects are addressed by other means and what
would be the applicable airworthiness criteria.
FAA Response: Equipment not required for normal operation of the UA
do not require an evaluation for their specific functionality. D&R
testing will show that the inclusion of any such equipment does not
prevent normal operation. Therefore, the airworthiness criteria would
not require functional testing of the systems described by EASA.
Comment Summary: An individual commenter requested the FAA specify
the acceptable percentage of failures in the testing that would result
in a ``loss of flight.'' The Small UAV Coalition requested the FAA
clarify what constitutes an emergency landing outside an operator's
landing area, as some UAS designs could include an onboard health
system that initiates a landing to lessen the potential of a loss of
control event. The commenter suggested that, in those cases, a landing
in a safe location should not invalidate the test.
FAA Response: The airworthiness criteria require that all test
points and flight hours occur with no failures result in a loss of
flight, control, containment, or emergency landing outside the
operator's recovery zone. The FAA has determined that there is no
acceptable percentage of failures in testing. In addition, while the
recovery zone may differ for each UAS design, an emergency or unplanned
landing outside of a designated landing area would result in a test
Comment Summary: The Small UAV Coalition requested that a single
failure during testing not automatically restart counting the number of
flight test operations set for a particular population density; rather,
the applicant should have the option to identify the failure through
root-cause and fault-tree analysis and provide a validated mitigation
to ensure it will not recur. An individual commenter requested the FAA
to clarify whether the purpose of the tests is to show compliance with
a quantitative safety objective. The commenter further requested the
FAA allow the applicant to reduce the number of flight testing hours if
the applicant can present a predicted safety and reliability analysis.
FAA Response: The intent of the testing criteria is for the
applicant to demonstrate the aircraft's durability and reliability
through a successful accumulation of flight testing hours. The FAA does
not intend to require analytical evaluation to be part of this process.
However, the applicant will comply with these testing criteria using a
means of compliance, accepted by the FAA, through the issue paper
process. The means of compliance will be dependent on the CONOPS the
applicant has proposed to meet.
Probable Failures
The FAA proposed criteria to evaluate how the UAS functions after
probable failures, including failures related to propulsion systems, C2
link, GPS, critical flight control components with a single point of
failure, control station, and any other equipment identified by the
Comment Summary: Droneport Texas LLC requested the FAA add a bird
strike to the list of probable failures. The commenter stated that
despite sense and avoid technologies, flocks of birds can overcome the
maneuver capabilities of a UA and result in multiple, unintended
FAA Response: Unlike manned aircraft, where aircraft size, design,
and construct are critical to safe control of the aircraft after
encountering a bird strike, the FAA determined testing for bird strike
capabilities is not necessary for the Model Flirtey F4.5 UA. The FAA
has determined that a bird strike requirement is not necessary because
the smaller size and lower operational speed of the Flirtey F4.5 reduce
the likelihood of a bird strike, combined with the reduced consequences
of failure due to no persons onboard. Instead, the FAA is using a risk-
based approach to tailor airworthiness requirements commensurate to the
low-risk nature of the Model Flirtey F4.5 UA.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA require that all probable
failure tests occur at the critical phase and mode of flight and at the
highest aircraft-to-pilot ratio. ALPA stated the proposed criteria are
critically important for systems that rely on a single source to
perform multi-label functions, such as GNSS, because failure or
interruption of GNSS will lead to loss of positioning, navigation, and
timing (PNT) and functions solely dependent on PNT, such as geo-fencing
and contingency planning.
FAA Response: No change is necessary because D&R.300(c) requires
that the testing occur at the critical phase and mode of flight and at
the highest UA-to-pilot ratio.
Comment Summary: Droneport Texas LLC requested the FAA add recovery
from vortex ring state (VRS) to the list of probable failures. The
commenter stated the UA uses multiple rotors for lift and is therefore
susceptible to VRS. The commenter further stated that because recovery
from settling with power is beyond a pilot's average skill for purposes
of airworthiness testing, the aircraft must be able to sense and
recover from this condition without pilot assistance.
FAA Response: D&R.305 addresses probable failures related to
specific components of the UAS. VRS is an aerodynamic condition a UA
may encounter during flight testing; it is not a component subject to
Comment Summary: Droneport Texas LLC also requested the FAA add a
response to the Air Traffic Control-Zero (ATC-Zero) command to the list
of probable failures. The commenter stated, based on lessons learned
after the attacks on September 11, 2001, aircraft that can fly BVLOS
should be able to respond to an ATC-Zero condition.
FAA Response: The commenter's request is more appropriate for the
capabilities and functions testing criteria in D&R.310 than probable
failures testing in D&R.305. D&R.310(a)(3) requires the applicant to
demonstrate by test that the pilot has the ability to safely
discontinue a flight. A pilot may discontinue a flight for a wide
variety of reasons, including responding to an ATC-zero command.
Comment Summary: EASA stated the proposed language seems to require
an additional analysis and safety assessment, which would be
appropriate for the objective requirement of ensuring a probable
failure does not result in a loss of containment or control. EASA
further stated that an applicant's basic understanding of the systems
architecture and effects of failures is essential.
FAA Response: The FAA agrees with the expectation that applicants
understand the system architecture and effects of failures of a
proposed design, which is why the criteria include a requirement for
the applicant to test the specific equipment identified in D&R.305 and
identify any other equipment that is not specifically identified in
D&R.305 for testing. As the intent of the criteria is for the applicant
to demonstrate compliance through
[[Page 15074]]
testing, some analysis may be necessary to properly identify the
appropriate equipment to be evaluated for probable failures.
Comment Summary: An individual requested that probable failure
testing apply not only to critical flight control components with a
single point of failure, but also to any critical part with a single
point of failure.
FAA Response: The purpose of probable failure testing in D&R.305 is
to demonstrate that if certain equipment fails, it will fail safely.
Adding probable failure testing for critical (now flight essential)
parts would not add value to testing. If a part is essential for
flight, its failure by definition in D&R.135(a) could result in a loss
of flight or unrecoverable loss of control. For example, on a
traditional airplane design, failure of a wing spar in flight would
lead to loss of the aircraft. Because there is no way to show that a
wing spar can fail safely, the applicant must provide its mandatory
replacement time if applicable, structural inspection interval, and
related structural inspection procedure in the Airworthiness
Limitations section of the ICA. Similarly, under these airworthiness
criteria, parts whose failure would inherently result in loss of flight
or unrecoverable loss of control are not subjected to probable failure
testing. Instead, they must be identified as flight essential
components and included in the ICA.
To avoid confusion pertaining to probable failure testing, the FAA
has removed the word ``critical'' from D&R.305(a)(5). In the final
airworthiness criteria, probable failure testing required by
D&R.305(a)(5) applies to ``Flight control components with a single
point of failure.''
Capabilities and Functions
The FAA proposed criteria to require the applicant to demonstrate
by test the minimum capabilities and functions necessary for the
design. UAS.310(a) proposed to require the applicant to demonstrate, by
test, the capability of the UAS to regain command and control of the UA
after a C2 link loss, the sufficiency of the electrical system to carry
all anticipated loads, and the ability of the pilot to override any
pre-programming in order to resolve a potential unsafe operating
condition in any phase of flight. UAS.310(b) proposed to require the
applicant to demonstrate by test certain features if the applicant
requests approval of those features (geo-fencing, external cargo,
etc.). UAS.310(c) proposed to require the design of the UAS to
safeguard against an unintended discontinuation of flight or release of
cargo, whether by human action or malfunction.
Comment Summary: ALPA stated the pilot-in-command must always have
the capability to input control changes to the UA and override any pre-
programming without delay as needed for the safe management of the
flight. The commenter requested that the FAA retain the proposed
criteria that would allow the pilot to command to: Regain command and
control of the UA after loss of the C2 link; safely discontinue the
flight; and dynamically re-route the UA. In support, ALPA stated the
ability of the pilot to continually command (re-route) the UA,
including termination of the flight if necessary, is critical for safe
operations and should always be available to the pilot.
Honeywell requested the FAA revise paragraphs (a)(3) and (a)(4) of
the criteria (UAS.310) to allow for either the pilot or an augmenting
system to safely discontinue the flight and re-route the UA. The
commenter stated that a system comprised of detect and avoid, onboard
autonomy, and ground system can be used for these functions. Therefore,
the criteria should not require that only the pilot can do them.
An individual commenter requested the FAA remove UAS.310(a)(4) of
the proposed criteria because requiring the ability for the pilot to
dynamically re-route the UA is too prescriptive and redundant with the
proposed requirement in UAS.310(a)(3), the ability of the pilot to
discontinue the flight safely.
FAA Response: Because the pilot in command is directly responsible
for the operation of the UA, the pilot must have the capability to
command actions necessary for continued safety. This includes
commanding a change to the flight path or, when appropriate, safely
terminating a flight. The FAA notes that the ability for the pilot to
safely discontinue a flight means the pilot has the means to terminate
the flight and immediately and safely return the UA to the ground. This
is different from the pilot having the means to dynamically re-route
the UA, without terminating the flight, to avoid a conflict.
Therefore, the final airworthiness criteria include D&R.310(a) as
proposed (UAS.310(a)).
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA revise the criteria to
require that all equipment, systems, and installations conform, at a
minimum, to the standards of Sec. 25.1309.
FAA Response: The FAA determined that traditional methodologies for
manned aircraft, including the system safety analysis required by Sec.
23.2510, Sec. 25.1309, Sec. 27.1309, or Sec. 29.1309, would be
inappropriate to require for the Flirtey Model Flirtey F4.5 due to its
smaller size and reduced level of complexity. Instead, the FAA finds
that system reliability through testing will ensure the safety of this
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA revise the criteria to add
a requirement to demonstrate the ability of the UA and pilot to perform
all of the contingency plans identified in proposed UAS.120.
FAA Response: No change is necessary because D&R.120 and
D&R.305(a)(2), together, require what ALPA requests in its comment.
Under D&R.120, the applicant must design the UA to execute a
predetermined action in the event of a loss of the C2 link.
D&R.305(a)(2) requires the applicant to demonstrate by test that a lost
C2 link will not result in a loss of containment or control of the UA.
Thus, if the applicant does not demonstrate the predetermined
contingency plan resulting from a loss of the C2 link when conducting
D&R.305 testing, the test would be a failure due to loss of
Comment Summary: ALPA and an individual commenter requested the FAA
revise the criteria so that geo-fencing is a required feature and not
optional due to the safety concerns that could result from a UA exiting
its operating area.
FAA Response: To ensure safe flight, the applicant must test the
proposed safety functions, such as geo-fencing, that are part of the
type design of the Model Flirtey F4.5 UA. The FAA determined that geo-
fencing is an optional feature because it is one way, but not the only
way, to ensure a safely contained operation.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA revise the criteria so that
capability to detect and avoid other aircraft and obstacles is a
required feature and not optional.
FAA Response: D&R.310(a)(4) requires the applicant demonstrate the
ability for the pilot to safely re-route the UA in flight to avoid a
dynamic hazard. The FAA did not prescribe specific design features such
as a collision avoidance system to meet D&R.310(a)(4) because there are
multiple means to minimize the risk of collision.
Comment Summary: McMahon Helicopter Services requested that the
airworthiness criteria require a demonstration of sense-and-avoid
technology that will automatically steer the UA away from manned
aircraft, regardless of whether the manned aircraft has a transponder.
NAAA and an individual commenter requested that the FAA require ADS-B
in/out and
[[Page 15075]]
traffic avoidance software on all UAS. The Small UAV Coalition
requested the FAA establish standards for collision avoidance
technology, as the proposed criteria are not sufficient for compliance
with the operational requirement to see and avoid other aircraft (Sec.
91.113). The commenters stated that these technologies are necessary to
avoid a mid-air collision between UA and manned aircraft.
FAA Response: D&R.310(a)(4) requires the applicant demonstrate the
ability for the UA to be safely re-routed in flight to avoid a dynamic
hazard. The FAA did not prescribe specific design features, such as the
technologies suggested by the commenters, to meet D&R.310(a)(4) because
they are not the only means for complying with the operational
requirement to see and avoid other aircraft. If an applicant chooses to
equip their UA with onboard collision avoidance technology, those
capabilities and functions must be demonstrated by test per
Verification of Limits
The FAA proposed to require an evaluation of the UA's performance,
maneuverability, stability, and control with a factor of safety.
Comment Summary: EASA requested that the FAA revise its approach to
require a similar compliance demonstration as EASA's for ``light UAS.''
EASA stated the FAA's proposed criteria for verification of limits,
combined with the proposed Flight Manual requirements, seem to replace
a traditional Subpart Flight.\3\ EASA further stated the FAA's approach
in the proposed airworthiness criteria might necessitate more guidance
and means of compliance than the traditional structure.
\3\ In the FAA's aircraft airworthiness standards (parts 23, 25,
27, and 29), subpart B of each is titled Flight.
FAA Response: The FAA's airworthiness criteria will vary from
EASA's light UAS certification requirements, resulting in associated
differences in compliance demonstrations. At this time, comment on
means of compliance and related guidance material, which are still
under development with the FAA and with EASA, would be speculative.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA conduct an analysis to
determine battery reliability and safety, taking into account wind and
weather conditions and their effect on battery life. ALPA expressed
concern with batteries as the only source of power for an aircraft in
the NAS. ALPA further requested the FAA not grant exemptions for
battery reserve requirements.
FAA Response: Because batteries are a flight essential part, the
applicant must establish mandatory instructions or life limits for
batteries under the requirements of D&R.135. In addition, when the
applicant conducts its D&R testing, D&R.300(i) prevents the applicant
from exceeding the maintenance intervals or life limits for those
batteries. To the extent the commenter's request addresses fuel
reserves, that is an operational requirement, not a certification
requirement, and therefore beyond the scope of this document.
Additional Airworthiness Criteria Identified by Commenters
Comment Summary: McMahon Helicopter Services requested that the
criteria require anti-collision and navigation lighting certified to
existing FAA standards for brightness and size. The commenter stated
that these standards were based on human factors for nighttime and
daytime recognition and are not simply a lighting requirement. An
individual commenter requested that the criteria include a requirement
for position lighting and anti-collision beacons meeting TSO-30c Level
III. NAAA requested the criteria require a strobe light and high
visibility paint scheme to aid in visual detection of the UA by other
FAA Response: The FAA determined it is unnecessary for these
airworthiness criteria to prescribe specific design features for anti-
collision or navigation lighting. The FAA will address anti-collision
lighting as part of any operational approval, similar to the rules in
14 CFR 107.29(a)(2) and (b) for small UAS.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA add a new section with
minimum standards for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), as the
UAS will likely rely heavily upon GNSS for navigation and to ensure
that the UA does not stray outside of its approved airspace. ALPA
stated that technological advances have made such devices available at
an appropriate size, weight, and power for UAs.
FAA Response: The airworthiness criteria in D&R.100 (UA Signal
Monitoring and Transmission), D&R.110 (Software), D&R.115
(Cybersecurity), and D&R.305(a)(3) (probable failures related to GPS)
sufficiently address design requirements and testing of navigation
systems. Even if the applicant uses a TSO-approved GNSS, these
airworthiness criteria require a demonstration that the UA operates
successfully without loss of containment. Successful completion of
these tests demonstrates that the navigation subsystems are acceptable.
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA revise the criteria to add
a new section requiring equipage to comply with the FAA's new rules on
Remote Identification of Unmanned Aircraft (86 FR 4390, Jan. 15, 2021).
An individual commenter questioned the need for public tracking and
identification of drones in the event of a crash or violation of FAA
flight rules.
FAA Response: The FAA issued the final rule, Remote Identification
of Unmanned Aircraft, after providing an opportunity for public notice
and comment. The final rule is codified at 14 CFR part 89. Part 89
contains the remote identification requirements for unmanned aircraft
certificated and produced under part 21 after September 16, 2022.
Pilot Ratio
Comment Summary: ALPA and an individual questioned the safety of
multiple Model Flirtey F4.5 UA operated by a single pilot, up to a
ratio of 20 UA to 1 pilot. ALPA stated that even with high levels of
automation, the pilot must still manage the safe operation and maintain
situational awareness of multiple aircraft in their flight path,
aircraft systems, integration with traffic, obstacles, and other
hazards during normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions. As a result,
ALPA recommended the FAA conduct additional studies to better
understand the feasibility of a single pilot operating multiple UA
before developing airworthiness criteria. The Small UAV Coalition
requested the FAA provide criteria for an aircraft-to-pilot ratio
higher than 20:1.
FAA Response: These airworthiness criteria are specific to the
Model Flirtey F4.5 UA and, as discussed previously in this preamble,
operations of the Model Flirtey F4.5 UA may include multiple UA
operated by a single pilot, up to a ratio of 20 UA to 1 pilot.
Additionally, these airworthiness criteria require the applicant to
demonstrate the durability and reliability of the UA design by flight
test, at the highest aircraft-to-pilot ratio, without exceptional
piloting skill or alertness. In addition, D&R.305(c) requires the
applicant to demonstrate probable failures by test at the highest
aircraft-to-pilot ratio. Should the pilot ratio cause a loss of
containment or control of the UA, then the applicant will fail this
Comment Summary: ALPA stated that to allow a UAS-pilot ratio of up
to 20:1 safely, the possibility that the pilot will
[[Page 15076]]
need to intervene with multiple UA simultaneously must be ``extremely
remote.'' ALPA questioned whether this is feasible given the threat of
GNSS interference or unanticipated wind gusts exceeding operational
FAA Response: The FAA's guidance in AC 23.1309-1E, System Safety
Analysis and Assessment for Part 23 Airplanes defines ``extremely
remote failure conditions'' as failure conditions not anticipated to
occur during the total life of an airplane, but which may occur a few
times when considering the total operational life of all airplanes of
the same type. When assessing the likelihood of a pilot needing to
intervene with multiple UA simultaneously, the minimum reliability
requirements will be determined based on the applicant's proposed
Comment Summary: An individual commenter expressed concern about
noise pollution.
FAA Response: The Model Flirtey F4.5 will need to comply with FAA
noise certification standards. If the FAA determines that 14 CFR part
36 does not contain adequate standards for this design, the agency will
propose and seek public comment on a rule of particular applicability
for noise requirements under a separate rulemaking docket.
Operating Altitude
Comment Summary: ALPA, McMahon Helicopter Services, and NAAA
commented on the operation of UAS at or below 400 feet AGL. ALPA,
McMahon Helicopter Services, and NAAA requested the airworthiness
criteria contain measures for safe operation at low altitudes so that
UAS are not a hazard to manned aircraft, especially operations
involving helicopters; air tours; agricultural applications; emergency
medical services; air tanker firefighting; power line and pipeline
patrol and maintenance; fish and wildlife service; animal control;
military and law enforcement; seismic operations; ranching and
livestock relocation; and mapping.
FAA Response: The type certificate only establishes the approved
design of the UA. These airworthiness criteria require the applicant
show compliance for the UA altitude sought for type certification.
While this may result in operating limitations in the flight manual,
the type certificate is not an approval for operations. Operations and
operational requirements are beyond the scope of this document.
Guidance Material
Comment Summary: NUAIR requested the FAA complete and publish its
draft AC 21.17-XX, Type Certification Basis for Unmanned Aircraft
Systems (UAS), to provide additional guidance, including templates, to
those who seek a type design approval for UAS. NUAIR also requested the
FAA recognize the industry consensus-based standards applicable to UAS,
as Transport Canada has by publishing its AC 922-001, Remotely Piloted
Aircraft Systems Safety Assurance.
FAA Response: The FAA will continue to develop policy and guidance
for UA type certification and will publish guidance as soon as
practicable. The FAA encourages consensus standards bodies to develop
means of compliance and submit them to the FAA for acceptance.
Regarding Transport Canada AC 922-001, that AC addresses operational
approval rather than type certification.
Safety Management
Comment Summary: ALPA requested the FAA ensure that operations,
including UA integrity, fall under the safety management system. ALPA
further requested the FAA convene a Safety Risk Management Panel before
allowing operators to commence operations and that the FAA require
operators to have an active safety management system, including a non-
punitive safety culture, where incident and continuing airworthiness
issues can be reported.
FAA Response: The type certificate only establishes the approved
design of the UA, including the Flight Manual and ICA. Operations and
operational requirements, including safety management and oversight of
operations and maintenance, are beyond the scope of this document.
Comment Summary: ALPA supported the FAA's type certification of UAS
as a ``special class'' of aircraft under Sec. 21.17(b) but requested
that it be temporary.
FAA Response: As the FAA stated in its notice of policy issued
August 11, 2020 (85 FR 58251, September 18, 2020), the FAA will use the
type certification process under Sec. 21.17(b) for some unmanned
aircraft with no occupants onboard. The FAA further stated in its
policy that it may also issue type certificates under Sec. 21.17(a)
for airplane and rotorcraft UAS designs where the airworthiness
standards in part 23, 25, 27, or 29, respectively, are appropriate. The
FAA, in the future, may consider establishing appropriate generally
applicable airworthiness standards for UA that are not certificated
under the existing standards in part 23, 25, 27, or 29.
Out of Scope Comments
The FAA received and reviewed several comments that were general,
stated the commenter's viewpoint or opposition without a suggestion
specific to the proposed criteria, or did not make a request the FAA
can act on. These comments are beyond the scope of this document.
These airworthiness criteria, established under the provisions of
Sec. 21.17(b), are applicable to the Flirtey Model Flirtey F4.5 UA.
Should Flirtey wish to apply these airworthiness criteria to other UA
models, it must submit a new type certification application.
This action affects only certain airworthiness criteria for the
Flirtey Model Flirtey F4.5 UA. It is not a standard of general
Authority Citation
The authority citation for these airworthiness criteria is as
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, and 44701-44702, 44704.
Airworthiness Criteria
Pursuant to the authority delegated to me by the Administrator, the
following airworthiness criteria are issued as part of the type
certification basis for the Flirtey Model Flirtey F4.5 unmanned
aircraft. The FAA finds that compliance with these criteria
appropriately mitigates the risks associated with the design and
concept of operations and provides an equivalent level of safety to
existing rules.
D&R.001 Concept of Operations
The applicant must define and submit to the FAA a concept of
operations (CONOPS) proposal describing the unmanned aircraft system
(UAS) operation in the national airspace system for which unmanned
aircraft (UA) type certification is requested. The CONOPS proposal must
include, at a minimum, a description of the following information in
sufficient detail to determine the parameters and extent of testing and
operating limitations:
(a) The intended type of operations;
(b) UA specifications;
(c) Meteorological conditions;
[[Page 15077]]
(d) Operators, pilots, and personnel responsibilities;
(e) Control station, support equipment, and other associated
elements (AE) necessary to meet the airworthiness criteria;
(f) Command, control, and communication functions;
(g) Operational parameters (such as population density, geographic
operating boundaries, airspace classes, launch and recovery area,
congestion of proposed operating area, communications with air traffic
control, line of sight, and aircraft separation); and
(h) Collision avoidance equipment, whether onboard the UA or part
of the AE, if requested.
D&R.005 Definitions
For purposes of these airworthiness criteria, the following
definitions apply.
(a) Loss of Control: Loss of control means an unintended departure
of an aircraft from controlled flight. It includes control reversal or
an undue loss of longitudinal, lateral, and directional stability and
control. It also includes an upset or entry into an unscheduled or
uncommanded attitude with high potential for uncontrolled impact with
terrain. A loss of control means a spin, loss of control authority,
loss of aerodynamic stability, divergent flight characteristics, or
similar occurrence, which could generally lead to crash.
(b) Loss of Flight: Loss of flight means a UA's inability to
complete its flight as planned, up to and through its originally
planned landing. It includes scenarios where the UA experiences
controlled flight into terrain, obstacles, or any other collision, or a
loss of altitude that is severe or non-reversible. Loss of flight also
includes deploying a parachute or ballistic recovery system that leads
to an unplanned landing outside the operator's designated recovery
Design and Construction
D&R.100 UA Signal Monitoring and Transmission
The UA must be designed to monitor and transmit to the AE all
information required for continued safe flight and operation. This
information includes, at a minimum, the following:
(a) Status of all critical parameters for all energy storage
(b) Status of all critical parameters for all propulsion systems;
(c) Flight and navigation information as appropriate, such as
airspeed, heading, altitude, and location; and
(d) Communication and navigation signal strength and quality,
including contingency information or status.
D&R.105 UAS AE Required for Safe UA Operations
(a) The applicant must identify and submit to the FAA all AE and
interface conditions of the UAS that affect the airworthiness of the UA
or are otherwise necessary for the UA to meet these airworthiness
criteria. As part of this requirement--
(1) The applicant may identify either specific AE or minimum
specifications for the AE.
(i) If minimum specifications are identified, they must include the
critical requirements of the AE, including performance, compatibility,
function, reliability, interface, pilot alerting, and environmental
(ii) Critical requirements are those that if not met would impact
the ability to operate the UA safely and efficiently.
(2) The applicant may use an interface control drawing, a
requirements document, or other reference, titled so that it is clearly
designated as AE interfaces to the UA.
(b) The applicant must show the FAA the AE or minimum
specifications identified in paragraph (a) of this section meet the
(1) The AE provide the functionality, performance, reliability, and
information to assure UA airworthiness in conjunction with the rest of
the design;
(2) The AE are compatible with the UA capabilities and interfaces;
(3) The AE must monitor and transmit to the pilot all information
required for safe flight and operation, including but not limited to
those identified in D&R.100; and
(4) The minimum specifications, if identified, are correct,
complete, consistent, and verifiable to assure UA airworthiness.
(c) The FAA will establish the approved AE or minimum
specifications as operating limitations and include them in the UA type
certificate data sheet and Flight Manual.
(d) The applicant must develop any maintenance instructions
necessary to address implications from the AE on the airworthiness of
the UA. Those instructions will be included in the instructions for
continued airworthiness (ICA) required by D&R.205.
D&R.110 Software
To minimize the existence of software errors, the applicant must:
(a) Verify by test all software that may impact the safe operation
of the UA;
(b) Utilize a configuration management system that tracks,
controls, and preserves changes made to software throughout the entire
life cycle; and
(c) Implement a problem reporting system that captures and records
defects and modifications to the software.
D&R.115 Cybersecurity
(a) UA equipment, systems, and networks, addressed separately and
in relation to other systems, must be protected from intentional
unauthorized electronic interactions that may result in an adverse
effect on the security or airworthiness of the UA. Protection must be
ensured by showing that the security risks have been identified,
assessed, and mitigated as necessary.
(b) When required by paragraph (a) of this section, procedures and
instructions to ensure security protections are maintained must be
included in the ICA.
D&R.120 Contingency Planning
(a) The UA must be designed so that, in the event of a loss of the
command and control (C2) link, the UA will automatically and
immediately execute a safe predetermined flight, loiter, landing, or
(b) The applicant must establish the predetermined action in the
event of a loss of the C2 link and include it in the UA Flight Manual.
(c) The UA Flight Manual must include the minimum performance
requirements for the C2 data link defining when the C2 link is degraded
to a level where remote active control of the UA is no longer ensured.
Takeoff when the C2 link is degraded below the minimum link performance
requirements must be prevented by design or prohibited by an operating
limitation in the UA Flight Manual.
D&R.125 Lightning
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the UA
must have design characteristics that will protect the UA from loss of
flight or loss of control due to lightning.
(b) If the UA has not been shown to protect against lightning, the
UA Flight Manual must include an operating limitation to prohibit
flight into weather conditions conducive to lightning activity.
D&R.130 Adverse Weather Conditions
(a) For purposes of this section, ``adverse weather conditions''
means rain, snow, and icing.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, the UA
must have design characteristics that will allow the UA to operate
within the adverse weather conditions specified in the
[[Page 15078]]
CONOPS without loss of flight or loss of control.
(c) For adverse weather conditions for which the UA is not approved
to operate, the applicant must develop operating limitations to
prohibit flight into known adverse weather conditions and either:
(1) Develop operating limitations to prevent inadvertent flight
into adverse weather conditions; or
(2) Provide a means to detect any adverse weather conditions for
which the UA is not certificated to operate and show the UA's ability
to avoid or exit those conditions.
D&R.135 Flight Essential Parts
(a) A flight essential part is a part, the failure of which could
result in a loss of flight or unrecoverable loss of UA control.
(b) If the type design includes flight essential parts, the
applicant must establish a flight essential parts list. The applicant
must develop and define mandatory maintenance instructions or life
limits, or a combination of both, to prevent failures of flight
essential parts. Each of these mandatory actions must be included in
the Airworthiness Limitations Section of the ICA.
Operating Limitations and Information
D&R.200 Flight Manual
The applicant must provide a Flight Manual with each UA.
(a) The UA Flight Manual must contain the following information:
(1) UA operating limitations;
(2) UA operating procedures;
(3) Performance information;
(4) Loading information; and
(5) Other information that is necessary for safe operation because
of design, operating, or handling characteristics.
(b) Those portions of the UA Flight Manual containing the
information specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section must be
approved by the FAA.
D&R.205 Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
The applicant must prepare ICA for the UA in accordance with
Appendix A to Part 23, as appropriate, that are acceptable to the FAA.
The ICA may be incomplete at type certification if a program exists to
ensure their completion prior to delivery of the first UA or issuance
of a standard airworthiness certificate, whichever occurs later.
D&R.300 Durability and Reliability
The UA must be designed to be durable and reliable when operated
under the limitations prescribed for its operating environment, as
documented in its CONOPS and included as operating limitations on the
type certificate data sheet and in the UA Flight Manual. The durability
and reliability must be demonstrated by flight test in accordance with
the requirements of this section and completed with no failures that
result in a loss of flight, loss of control, loss of containment, or
emergency landing outside the operator's recovery area.
(a) Once a UA has begun testing to show compliance with this
section, all flights for that UA must be included in the flight test
(b) Tests must include an evaluation of the entire flight envelope
across all phases of operation and must address, at a minimum, the
(1) Flight distances;
(2) Flight durations;
(3) Route complexity;
(4) Weight;
(5) Center of gravity;
(6) Density altitude;
(7) Outside air temperature;
(8) Airspeed;
(9) Wind;
(10) Weather;
(11) Operation at night, if requested;
(12) Energy storage system capacity; and
(13) Aircraft to pilot ratio.
(c) Tests must include the most adverse combinations of the
conditions and configurations in paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) Tests must show a distribution of the different flight profiles
and routes representative of the type of operations identified in the
(e) Tests must be conducted in conditions consistent with the
expected environmental conditions identified in the CONOPS, including
electromagnetic interference (EMI) and high intensity radiated fields
(f) Tests must not require exceptional piloting skill or alertness.
(g) Any UAS used for testing must be subject to the same worst-case
ground handling, shipping, and transportation loads as those allowed in
(h) Any UA used for testing must use AE that meet, but do not
exceed, the minimum specifications identified under D&R.105. If
multiple AE are identified, the applicant must demonstrate each
(i) Any UAS used for testing must be maintained and operated in
accordance with the ICA and UA Flight Manual. No maintenance beyond the
intervals established in the ICA will be allowed to show compliance
with this section.
(j) If cargo operations or external-load operations are requested,
tests must show, throughout the flight envelope and with the cargo or
external-load at the most critical combinations of weight and center of
gravity, that--
(1) The UA is safely controllable and maneuverable; and
(2) The cargo or external-load are retainable and transportable.
D&R.305 Probable Failures
The UA must be designed such that a probable failure will not
result in a loss of containment or control of the UA. This must be
demonstrated by test.
(a) Probable failures related to the following equipment, at a
minimum, must be addressed:
(1) Propulsion systems;
(2) C2 link;
(3) Global Positioning System (GPS);
(4) Flight control components with a single point of failure;
(5) Control station; and
(6) Any other AE identified by the applicant.
(b) Any UA used for testing must be operated in accordance with the
UA Flight Manual.
(c) Each test must occur at the critical phase and mode of flight,
and at the highest aircraft-to-pilot ratio.
D&R.310 Capabilities and Functions
(a) All of the following required UAS capabilities and functions
must be demonstrated by test:
(1) Capability to regain command and control of the UA after the C2
link has been lost.
(2) Capability of the electrical system to power all UA systems and
(3) Ability for the pilot to safely discontinue the flight.
(4) Ability for the pilot to dynamically re-route the UA.
(5) Ability to safely abort a takeoff.
(6) Ability to safely abort a landing and initiate a go-around.
(b) The following UAS capabilities and functions, if requested for
approval, must be demonstrated by test:
(1) Continued flight after degradation of the propulsion system.
(2) Geo-fencing that contains the UA within a designated area, in
all operating conditions.
(3) Positive transfer of the UA between control stations that
ensures only one control station can control the UA at a time.
(4) Capability to release an external cargo load to prevent loss of
control of the UA.
(5) Capability to detect and avoid other aircraft and obstacles.
(c) The UA must be designed to safeguard against inadvertent
discontinuation of the flight and inadvertent release of cargo or
external load.
[[Page 15079]]
D&R.315 Fatigue
The structure of the UA must be shown to withstand the repeated
loads expected during its service life without failure. A life limit
for the airframe must be established, demonstrated by test, and
included in the ICA.
D&R.320 Verification of Limits
The performance, maneuverability, stability, and control of the UA
within the flight envelope described in the UA Flight Manual must be
demonstrated at a minimum of 5% over maximum gross weight with no loss
of control or loss of flight.
Issued in Washington, DC, on March 1, 2022.
Ian Lucas,
Manager, Policy Implementation Section, Policy and Innovation Division,
Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2022-05610 Filed 3-16-22; 8:45 am]