Imposition of Sanctions on `Luxury Goods' Destined for Russia and Belarus and for Russian and Belarusian Oligarchs and Malign Actors Under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 14785-14798 [2022-05604]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of Industry and Security 15 CFR Parts 738 and 746 [Docket No. 220311–0071] RIN 0694–AI78 Imposition of Sanctions on ‘Luxury Goods’ Destined for Russia and Belarus and for Russian and Belarusian Oligarchs and Malign Actors Under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce. ACTION: Final rule. AGENCY: In response to the Russian Federation’s (Russia’s) further invasion of Ukraine, and Belarus’s substantial enabling of Russia’s invasion, the Department of Commerce is imposing restrictions on the export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) to or within Russia or Belarus of ‘luxury goods’ under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and for exports, reexports and transfers (in-country) worldwide to certain Russian or Belarusian oligarchs and other malign actors supporting the Russian or Belarusian governments. Taken together, these new export controls will significantly limit financially elite individuals’ and organizations’ access to luxury goods and thereby accentuate the consequences of providing such support. DATES: This rule is effective on March 11, 2022. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions on this final rule, contact Eileen Albanese, Director, Office of National Security and Technology Transfer Controls, Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce, Phone: (202) 482–0092, Fax: (202) 482– 482–3355, Email: For emails, include ‘‘Luxury Goods Sanctions Russia and Belarus’’ in the subject line. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 SUMMARY: I. Background In response to Russia’s February 2022 further invasion of Ukraine and Belarus’ substantial enabling of this invasion, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) imposed extensive sanctions on Russia and Belarus under the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730–774) (EAR) by implementing the final rule, Implementation of Sanctions Against Russia Under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), effective February 24, 2022 VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 (‘‘Russia Sanctions rule’’) 1 and three subsequent final rules published in March 2022, Imposition of Sanctions Against Belarus Under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), effective March 2, 2022 (‘‘Belarus Sanctions rule’’); 2 Expansion of Sanctions Against the Russian Industry Sector Under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), effective March 3, 2022 (‘‘Industry Sector Sanctions rule’’); 3 and Further Imposition of Sanctions Against Russia with the Addition of Certain Entities to the Entity List, effective March 3, 2022 (‘‘Russia Entity List rule’’).4 BIS also published an additional rule in March 2022, Addition to the List of Countries Excluded from Certain License Requirements under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), effective March 4, 2022 (‘‘South Korea exclusion rule’’) 5 that added South Korea to the list of countries in supplement no. 3 to part 746 that are excluded from certain § 746.8 license requirements that pertain to items destined for Russia or Belarus. As described in the Russia Sanctions rule’s preamble, as well as in the other rules published in March 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and Belarus’s substantial enabling of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, flagrantly violates international law, is contrary to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests, and undermines global order, peace, and security, necessitating the imposition of stringent sanctions. By restricting Russia’s and Belarus’s access to ‘luxury goods’ in order to increase the costs on Russian and Belarusian persons who support the government of Russia and its invasion of Ukraine, the export control measures implemented in this final rule build upon the policy objectives set forth in the Russian Sanctions rule and in the Belarus Sanctions rule. These individuals include Russian and Belarusian persons (together, Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors), wherever located, who have been designated by the Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC) under or pursuant to certain Russia and Ukraine-related Executive Orders issued in response to Russia’s 2014 occupation of Crimea and related destabilizing conduct in Ukraine and are listed on the List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN List) maintained by 1 87 FR 12226 (March 3, 2022). FR 13048 (March 8, 2022). 3 87 FR 12856 (March 8, 2022). 4 87 FR 13141 (March 9, 2022). 5 87 FR 13627 (March 10, 2022). 2 87 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 14785 OFAC. See sdn. The changes made by this rule are intended to limit access to ‘luxury goods’ by restricting the export, reexport and transfer (in-country) of certain items subject to the EAR that are desired by wealthy Russian and Belarusian citizens, including Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors. Limiting the export, reexport, and transfer (in-country) of ‘luxury goods’ will undermine the ability of these Russian and Belarusian individuals to acquire luxury items, thereby further highlighting to these influential individuals the financial consequences to their lifestyle of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. With respect to these Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors, these restrictions on access to ‘luxury goods’ complement asset blocking measures imposed by OFAC and by partner and allied countries. By restricting Russian and Belarusian oligarchs’ and malign actors’ access to ‘luxury goods,’ the United States is also highlighting to such actors, the loss of the benefits of full participation in the international market. The export controls in this rule target ‘luxury goods’ for export or reexport to or transfer within Russia or Belarus, as well as to certain Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors, wherever they are located. This rule is part of larger U.S. Government and partner and allied country actions intended to steadily increase the financial consequences on Russia and Belarus as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Belarus’s substantial enabling of Russia’s invasion, as well as on Russian and Belarusian individuals who have supported Russia’s destabilizing conduct since Russia’s 2014 occupation of the Crimea region of Ukraine. II. Overview of New Controls Through this rule, BIS is implementing two new license requirements: One that applies to ‘luxury goods’ subject to the EAR that are destined for Russia or Belarus and another that applies to such items that are destined for Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors, regardless of their geographical location, who have been designated by OFAC under certain Russia- or Ukraine-related Executive orders. For purposes of these new license requirements, a ‘luxury good’ refers to any item that is identified in new supplement no. 5 to part 746 of the EAR. The license requirement specific to Russia and Belarus for ‘luxury goods’ is added under new § 746.10(a)(1) of the EAR (‘Luxury goods’ license E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 14786 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations requirements for Russia and Belarus) (Embargoes and Other Special Controls). The license requirement specific to the designated Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors for ‘luxury goods’ is added under new § 746.10(a)(2) of the EAR (Worldwide license requirement for ‘luxury goods’ for designated Russian and Belarusian oligarch and malign actors). The new license requirements set forth in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) apply to the ‘luxury goods’ identified in supplement no. 5 to part 746. The difference between the two new license requirements is that while the license requirements under paragraph (a)(1) apply to exports and reexports to Russia and Belarus or transfers within Russia and Belarus, regardless of the end user, the license requirement under paragraph (a)(2) is a worldwide license requirement that applies to Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors designated by OFAC pursuant to certain specified Executive Orders, as described further below. A very limited number of license exceptions described in § 746.10(c)(1) and (2) may be used to overcome the license requirements in § 746.10(a)(1) if all of the applicable requirements of the license exceptions can be met. No license exceptions are available to overcome the license requirements in § 746.10(a)(2). When a license is required, applications for such items will be subject to a policy of denial. III. Amendments to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 A. Sanctions on ‘Luxury Goods’ Destined for Russia or Belarus and for Russian or Belarusian Oligarchs and Malign Actors Addition of Expansive License Requirements, Restrictive License Review Policies, and Restrictions on License Exception Eligibility for ‘Luxury Goods’ Destined for Russia or Belarus and for Russian or Belarusian Oligarchs and Malign Actors Worldwide This final rule adds a new § 746.10 (‘Luxury goods’ sanctions against Russia and Belarus and Russian and Belarusian Oligarchs and Malign Actors). This new section consists of two new license requirements added under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2). This rule also adds paragraph (b) to § 746.10 to specify the license review policy for the new license requirements under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2). Additionally, this rule adds paragraph (c) to § 746.10 to exclude the use of EAR license exceptions to overcome the license requirements under new paragraphs (a)(1) and (2), except for the limited VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 number of license exceptions identified under paragraphs (c)(1) and (2). Finally, this rule adds supplement no. 5 to part 746 that identifies the ‘luxury goods’ that are subject to the license requirements under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) to § 746.10. These changes are described in greater detail below. 1. Section 746.10(a)(1) ‘Luxury Goods’ License Requirements for Russia and Belarus This rule adds new paragraph (a)(1) that imposes license requirements for exports and reexports to or transfers within Russia and Belarus of the ‘luxury goods’ identified in new supplement no. 5 to part 746. This license requirement is in addition to license requirements specified on the Commerce Control List (CCL) in supplement no. 1 to part 774 of the EAR and in other provisions of the EAR, including part 744 and §§ 746.5 and 746.8. New supplement no. 5 to part 746, which is also added to the EAR in this rule, is the listing of the ‘luxury goods’ that are subject to a license requirement under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2), as described below. 2. Section 746.10(a)(2) Worldwide License Requirement for ‘Luxury Goods’ for Russian or Belarusian Oligarch and Malign Actors This rule adds paragraph (a)(2) to impose license requirements for exports and reexports to or transfers (incountry), of ‘luxury goods’ identified in new supplement no. 5 to part 746, to certain Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors (as described below), wherever located. This license requirement is in addition to license requirements specified on the CCL in supplement no. 1 to part 774 of the EAR and in other provisions of the EAR, including part 744 and §§ 746.5 and 746.8. The Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors to whom this new license requirement under paragraph (a)(2) applies are individuals who have been designated by OFAC under or pursuant to seven Executive orders and identified on the SDN List. The applicable SDN List identifiers for persons designated pursuant to these seven Executive Orders are: [RUSSIAEO14024], [UKRAINE-EO13660], [UKRAINE-EO13661], [UKRAINEEO13662], [UKRAINE-EO13685], [BELARUS], and [BELARUS-EO14038]. The license requirement applies to exports, reexports, or transfers (incountry) worldwide of any ‘luxury good’ ‘‘subject to the EAR’’ identified in supplement no. 5 to this part that is destined for any designated Russian or Belarusian oligarch or malign actor, or PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 in situations in which a party to the transaction is a Russian or Belarusian oligarch or malign actor who has been designated in or pursuant to one of the specified Executive orders. This rule specifies that for purposes of paragraph (a)(2), an ‘oligarch or malign actor’ is any natural person that is designated on the SDN List with any of the designations referenced in paragraph (a)(2). This rule also adds a note to paragraph (a) to specify that for purposes of paragraphs (a)(1) and (2), a ‘luxury good’ means any item that is identified in supplement no. 5 to part 746. BIS estimates that these new controls in § 746.10(a)(1) and (2) will result in an additional 750 license applications being submitted to BIS annually. 3. Licensing Policy for Applications Required Under § 746.10 Under paragraph (b) (Licensing Policy) of § 746.10, applications for export or reexport to or transfer within Russia or Belarus that require a license under new paragraph (a)(1), and applications for exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) worldwide that are destined for Russian or Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors that are subject to the new license requirement (or in situations in which the latter are parties to the transaction as described in § 748.5(c) through (f) of the EAR) that require a license under new paragraph (a)(2) will be reviewed under a policy of denial. 4. License Exceptions for § 746.10 License Requirements Under paragraph (c) (License Exceptions), this rule specifies that a limited number of license exceptions may overcome the license requirements in § 746.10(a)(1) for transactions involving Russia or Belarus. Specifically, the only license exceptions that are available to overcome the license requirements in § 746.10(a)(1) are as follows: License Exception BAG, excluding firearms and ammunition (paragraph (e)), § 740.14; and License Exception AVS for saloon stores and supplies under § 740.15(b)(3)(v), excluding saloon stores and supplies for any aircraft registered in, owned, or controlled by, or under charter or lease by Russia, Belarus or a national of Russia or Belarus. The limited AVS eligibility is included to cover third country airlines flying to Russia or Belarus. This rule also specifies that no license exceptions may overcome the license requirements in § 746.10(a)(2) that apply E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations to the designated Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors. 5. Addition of New Supplement To Identify ‘Luxury Goods’ for Purposes of § 746.10 This final rule adds a new supplement no. 5 to part 746: ‘Luxury Goods’ that Require a License for Export, Reexport, and Transfer (InCountry) to or within Russia or Belarus Pursuant to § 746.10(a)(1) and (2). This supplement is the listing of the ‘luxury goods’ that are subject to the license requirements under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of § 746.10. This supplement includes three columns consisting of the Schedule B, 2-Digit Chapter Headings, and 10-Digit Commodity Descriptions and Per Unit Wholesale Price in the U.S. if applicable. This new supplement will assist exporters, reexporters, and transferors in determining whether an item at issue falls within the scope of this supplement no. 5 to part 746 and consequently will require a license under § 746.10(a)(1) and (2) of the EAR. C. Conforming Changes Based on the foregoing changes to the EAR, this final rule also makes certain conforming revisions to the Commerce Country Chart in supplement no. 1 to part 738. 1. Commerce Country Chart Changes In supplement no. 1 to part 738 (Commerce Country Chart), as a conforming change, this final rule revises footnote 6 to add a reference to § 746.10 of the EAR for additional license requirements for exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) to or within Russia or Belarus involving ‘luxury goods’ ‘‘subject to the EAR’’ that are identified in supplement no. 5 to part 746 of the EAR, to facilitate exporters’, reexporters’, and transferors’ awareness of the need to review the license requirements in § 746.10. jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 Savings Clause For the changes being made in this final rule, shipments of items removed from eligibility for a License Exception or export, reexport, or transfer (incountry) without a license (NLR) as a result of this regulatory action that were en route aboard a carrier to a port of export, reexport, or transfer (in-country), on March 11, 2022, pursuant to actual orders for export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) to or within a foreign destination, may proceed to that destination under the previous eligibility for a License Exception or export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) without a license (NLR). VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 Export Control Reform Act of 2018 On August 13, 2018, the President signed into law the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, which included the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (ECRA) (codified, as amended, at 50 U.S.C. 4801–4852). ECRA provides the legal basis for BIS’s principal authorities and serves as the authority under which BIS issues this rule. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) (codified, as amended, at 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) and the Executive Order on Prohibiting Certain Imports, Exports, and New Investment with Respect to Continued Russian Federation Aggression, dated March 11, 2022 also serve as additional authorities for this rule. To the extent it applies to certain activities that are the subject of this rule, the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 (TSRA) (codified, as amended, at 22 U.S.C. 7201–7211) also serves as authority for this rule. Rulemaking Requirements 1. This final rule is not a ‘‘significant regulatory action’’ because it ‘‘pertain[s]’’ to a ‘‘military or foreign affairs function of the United States’’ under sec. 3(d)(2) of Executive Order 12866. 2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) (PRA), unless that collection of information displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number. This rule involves three collections of information. BIS believes there will be minimal burden changes to two of these collections—Five-Year Records Retention Requirement for Export Transactions and Boycott Actions (OMB control number 0694–0096) and Automated Export System (AES) Program (OMB control number 0607– 0152). However, ‘‘Multi-Purpose Application (OMB control number 0694–0088) will exceed existing estimates currently associated with this collection as the respondent burden will increase the estimated number of submissions by 750 for license applications submitted annually to BIS. BIS estimates the burden hours associated with this collection would increase by 382 (i.e., 750 applications × 30.6 minutes per response) for a total estimated cost increase of $11,460 (i.e., 382 hours × $30 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 14787 per hour). The $30 per hour cost estimate for OMB control number 0694– 0088 is consistent with the salary data for export compliance specialists currently available through ( estimates that an export compliance specialist makes $55,280 annually, which computes to roughly $26.58 per hour). Consistent with 5 CFR 1320.13, BIS requested, and OMB has approved, emergency clearance for an increase in the burden estimate due to the additional license requirements imposed by this rule. 3. This rule does not contain policies with federalism implications as that term is defined in Executive Order 13132. 4. Pursuant to section 1762 of the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (50 U.S.C. 4821) (ECRA), this action is exempt from the Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553) requirements for notice of proposed rulemaking, opportunity for public participation, and delay in effective date. While section 1762 of ECRA provides sufficient authority for such an exemption, this action is also independently exempt from these APA requirements because it involves a military or foreign affairs function of the United States (5 U.S.C. 553(a)(1)). 5. Because a notice of proposed rulemaking and an opportunity for public comment are not required to be given for this rule by 5 U.S.C. 553, or by any other law, the analytical requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., are not applicable. Accordingly, no regulatory flexibility analysis is required and none has been prepared. List of Subjects 15 CFR Part 738 Exports. 15 CFR Part 746 Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. For the reasons stated in the preamble, parts 738 and 746 of the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 through 774) are amended as follows: PART 738—COMMERCE CONTROL LIST OVERVIEW AND THE COUNTRY CHART 1. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 738 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 50 U.S.C. 4801–4852; 50 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 10 U.S.C. 8720; 10 U.S.C. 8730(e); 22 U.S.C. 287c; 22 U.S.C. 2151 note; 22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6004; 42 U.S.C. 2139a; 15 U.S.C. 1824; E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 14788 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 50 U.S.C. 4305; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783. 2. Supplement no. 1 to part 738 is amended by revising footnote 6 to read as follows: ■ Supplement No. 1 to Part 738— Commerce Country Chart * * * * * 6 See § 746.5 of the EAR for additional license requirements under the Russian industry sector sanctions for ECCNs 0A998, 1C992, 3A229, 3A231, 3A232, 6A991, 8A992, and 8D999 and items identified in supplements no. 2 and no. 4 to part 746 of the EAR. See § 746.8 of the EAR for Sanctions against Russia and Belarus, including additional license requirements for items listed in any ECCN in Categories 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 of the CCL. See § 746.10 of the EAR for additional license requirements that apply to Russia and Belarus and to certain Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors regardless of their destination, for ‘luxury goods’ ‘‘subject to the EAR,’’ as identified in supplement no. 5 to part 746 of the EAR. * * * * * PART 746—EMBARGOES AND OTHER SPECIAL CONTROLS 3. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 746 is continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 50 U.S.C. 4801–4852; 50 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 287c; Sec 1503, Pub. L. 108–11, 117 Stat. 559; 22 U.S.C. 2151 note; 22 U.S.C. 6004; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 12854, 58 FR 36587, 3 CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 614; E.O. 12918, 59 FR 28205, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 899; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; E.O. 13338, 69 FR 26751, 3 CFR, 2004 Comp., p 168; Presidential Determination 2003–23, 68 FR 26459, 3 CFR, 2004 Comp., p. 320; Presidential Determination 2007–7, 72 FR 1899, 3 CFR, 2006 Comp., p. 325; Notice of May 6, 2021, 86 FR 26793 (May 10, 2021). 4. Section 746.10 is added to read as follows: ■ § 746.10 ‘Luxury goods’ sanctions against Russia and Belarus and Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors. (a) License requirements—(1) ‘Luxury goods’ license requirements for Russia jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 Schedule B 2203000000 2204100000 2204212000 2204214000 2204217000 2204220020 2204220040 2204290120 2204290140 2204300000 VerDate Sep<11>2014 and Belarus. In addition to the license requirements specified on the Commerce Control List (CCL) in supplement no. 1 to part 774 of the EAR and in other provisions of the EAR, including part 744 and §§ 746.5 and 746.8, a license is required to export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) to or within Russia or Belarus any ‘luxury good’ subject to the EAR, as identified in supplement no. 5 to this part. (2) Worldwide license requirement for ‘luxury goods’ for Russian and Belarusian oligarch and malign actors. In addition to the license requirements specified on the Commerce Control List (CCL) in supplement no. 1 to part 774 of the EAR and in other provisions of the EAR, including part 744 and §§ 746.5 and 746.8, a license is required to export, reexport, or transfer (incountry) worldwide any ‘luxury good’ subject to the EAR, as identified in supplement no. 5 to this part, to any Russian or Belarusian oligarch or malign actor, regardless of location, who are designated on the Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control’s (OFAC) List of Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN List) with any of the following designations: [RUSSIAEO14024], [UKRAINE-EO13660], [UKRAINE-EO13661], [UKRAINEEO13662], [UKRAINE-EO13685], [BELARUS], and [BELARUS-EO14038] or in situations in which any such Russian or Belarusian oligarch or malign actor is a party to the transaction as described in § 748.5(c) through (f). For purposes of this paragraph (a)(2), an ‘oligarch or malign actor’ is any natural person that is designated on the SDN List with any of the designations referenced in this paragraph (a)(2). Note to paragraph (a): For purposes of paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section, a ‘luxury good’ means any item that is identified in supplement no. 5 to this part. (b) Licensing policy. Applications for the export, reexport, or transfer (incountry) of any item that requires a license for export or reexport to or transfer (in-country) pursuant to the Beverages, Beverages, Beverages, Beverages, Beverages, Beverages, Beverages, Beverages, Beverages, Beverages, 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits and and and and and and and and and and Jkt 256001 vinegar vinegar vinegar vinegar vinegar vinegar vinegar vinegar vinegar vinegar ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... PO 00000 Frm 00032 Supplement No. 5 to Part 746—‘Luxury Goods’ That Require a License for Export, Reexport, and Transfer (InCountry) to or Within Russia or Belarus Pursuant to § 746.10(a)(1) and (2) The source for the Schedule B numbers and descriptions in this list is the Bureau of the Census’s Schedule B concordance of exports 2022. Census’s Schedule B List 2022 can be found at documentlibrary/#concordance. The Introduction Chapter of the Schedule B provides important information about classifying products and interpretations of the Schedule B, e.g., NESOI means Not Elsewhere Specified or Included. In addition, important information about products within a particular chapter may be found at the beginning of chapters. This supplement includes three columns consisting of the Schedule B, 2-Digit Chapter Heading, and 10-Digit Commodity Description and Per Unit Wholesale Price in the U.S. if applicable to assist exporters, reexporters, and transferors in identifying the products in this supplement. For purposes of § 746.10(a)(1) and (2), a ‘luxury good’ means any item that is identified in this supplement. 10-Digit commodity description and per unit wholesale price in the U.S. if applicable 2-Digit chapter heading ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... requirements of this section will be reviewed with a policy of denial. (c) License exceptions. No license exceptions may overcome the license requirements in paragraph (a)(1) of this section except the license exceptions identified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section. No license exceptions may overcome the license requirements in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. (1) License Exception BAG, excluding firearms and ammunition (§ 740.14, excluding paragraph (e), of the EAR). (2) License Exception AVS for saloon stores and supplies, excluding any saloon stores and supplies for aircraft registered in, owned, or controlled by, or under charter or lease by Russia or Belarus or a national of Russia or Belarus (§ 740.15(b)(3)(v) of the EAR). ■ 5. Add supplement no. 5 to part 746 to read as follows: Fmt 4700 BEER MADE FROM MALT. SPARKLING WINE OF FRESH GRAPES. EFFERVESCENT WINE OF FRSH GRAPE IN CNTR 2L OR LESS. GRAPE WINE NESOI NOV 14% ALCOHOL CNTRS 2L OR LESS. GRAPE WINE NESOI OVER 14% ALCOHOL CNTRS 2L OR LESS. GRAPE WINE NESOI NOV 14% ALCOHOL CNTRS > 2 < 10L. GRAPE WINE NESOI OVER 14% ALCOHOL CNTRS > 2 < 10 L. GRAPE WINE NESOI NOV 14% ALCOHOL CNTRS OV 10 L. GRAPE WINE NESOI OVER 14% ALCOHOL CNTRS OV 10 L. GRAPE MUST FERMNTATN PREV/ARRSTD BY ALCOH, EX 2009. Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 Schedule B 10-Digit commodity description and per unit wholesale price in the U.S. if applicable 2-Digit chapter heading spirits spirits spirits spirits spirits 2205100000 2205900000 2206001500 2206007000 2207103000 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 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Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Beverages, spirits and vinegar ................................... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... 2401208015 2401208021 2401208030 2401208040 2401208050 2401208090 2401305000 2401309000 2402103030 2402107000 2402200000 2402900000 2403110000 2403190020 2403190040 2403190060 2403910000 2403990030 2403990040 2403990050 2403990065 2403990075 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and and vinegar vinegar vinegar vinegar vinegar manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured manufactured ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... ................................... tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco tobacco substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes substitutes ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 2404110000 ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... 2404120000 ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 Frm 00033 14789 Fmt 4700 VERMOUTH/GRPE WINE FLAVRD WTH PLANTS ETC CTR LE 2L. VERMOUTH/GRAPE WINE FLAVORED WTH PLANTS ETC OV 2LS. CIDER, WHETHER STILL OR SPARKLING. FERMENTED BEVERAGES, NESOI. ETHYL ALCOHOL UNDENATURED 80%/HIGHER, FOR BEVERAGE. GRAPE BRANDY. WHISKIES, BOURBON, CONTAINERS NOT OVER 4 LITERS EA. WHISKIES, BOURBON, CONTAINERS OVER 4 LITERS EACH. RYE WHISKIES EX BOURBON, IN CONTAINERS NT OVER 4L. WHISKIES EX BOURBON, IN CONTAINERS NT OV 4L, NESOI. WHISKIES EX BOURBON, CONTAINERS OVER 4 LITERS. RUM AND TAFIA, CONTAINERS NOT OVER 4 LITERS EACH. RUM AND TAFIA, CONTAINERS OVER 4 LITERS. GIN AND GENEVA. VODKA. LIQUEURS AND CORDIALS. KIRSCHWASSER AND RATAFIA. TEQUILA. OTHER SPIRITUOUS BEVERAGES, NESOI. CONN. SHADE TOBACCO, NOT STEM/STRIP OV 35% WRAPPER. TOBACCO NOT STEM/STRIP OVER 35% WRAPPER TOB, NESOI. FLUE-CURED CIG LEAF TOB NT STEM/STRIP LT 35% WRPPR. BURLEY CIG LEAF TOBACCO NT STEM/STRIP LT 35% WRPPR. MARYLAND CIG LEAF TOB NOT STEM/STRIP LT 35% WRPPR. OTHER CIG LEAF TOB NOT STEM/STRIP LT 35% WRAPPER. CIGAR BINDER TOBACCO, NOT STEM/STRIP LT 35% WRAPPR. DARK-FIRED KY/TENN TOB NOT STEM/STRIP LT 35% WRPPR. VA FIRE/SUN-CURED TOB, NOT STEM/STRIP LT 35% WRPPR. BLACKFAT TOBACCO, NT STEM/STRIP LT 35% WRAPPER TOB. TOBACCO NESOI NOT STEM/STRIP, LESS THAN 35% WRPPR. CONN SHADE TOB STEM/STRIP NT THRESHED OV 35% WRPPR. TOBACCO NESOI STEM/STRIP NOT THRESHED OV 35% WRPPR. FLUE-CURED TOB STEM/STRIP NT THRESHED LT 35% WRPPR. BURLEY TOB STEM/STRIP NOT THRESHED LT 35% WRAPPER. MARYLAND TOB STEM/STRIP NOT THRESHED LT 35% WRPPR. CIGAR BIND TOB INC CIGAR LF NT THRESH LT 35% WRAPR. DARK-FIRED KY/TENN TOB STEM/STRIP NT THRSH LT 35%WR. VA FIRE/SUN-CURED TOB STEM/STRIP NT THRSH <35% WRPR. BLACKFAT TOB STEM/STRIP NOT THRESHED LT 35% WRAPPR. TOB NESOI STEM/STRIP, NOT THRESHED LT 35% WRPR TOB. CONN SHADE TOB FROM CIGAR LEAF THRESHED STEM/STRIP. TOBACCO NESOI FROM CIGAR LEAF, THRESHED STEM/STRIP. CIGARETTE LEAF TOBACCO FLUE-CURED THRSH STEM/STRIP. TOBACCO FLUE-CURED THRESHED STEMMED/STRIPPED NESOI. CIGARETTE LEAF TOBACCO, BURLEY, THRESH, STEM/STRIP. TOBACCO, BURLEY, THRESHED, STEMMED/STRIPPED, NESOI. MARYLAND TOBACCO, THRESHED, STEMMED/STRIPPED. DARK-FIRED KENTUCKY/TENN TOBACCO THRESH STEM/STRIP. VA FIRE-CURED, SUN-CURED TOB THRESHED, STEM/STRIP. TOBACCO, THRESHED, PARTLY/WHOLLY STEM/STRIP, NESOI. TOBACCO STEMS. TOBACCO REFUSE, NESOI. SMALL CIGARS/CHEROOTS/CIGARILLOS W/TOB LT $.15 EA. CIGAR/CHEROOT/CIGARILLO CONTAINING TOBACCO NESOI. CIGARETTES CONTAINING TOBACCO. CIGAR/CHEROOT/CIGARILLO/CIGS OF TOB SUBSTITS NESOI. WATER PIPE TOBACCO. PIPE TOBACCO, IN RETAIL-SIZED PACKAGES. SMOKING TOBAC, EX/PIPE TOBAC, RETAIL-SIZED PKG, NES. SMOKING TOBACCO, NESOI. HOMOGENIZED OR RECONSTITUTED TOBACCO. CHEWING TOBACCO. SNUFF AND SNUFF FLOUR. MFG TOBACCO, SUBSTITUES, FLUE-CURED. PARTIALLY MANUFACTURED, BLENDED OR MIXED TOBACCO. MFG TOBACCO & SUBSTITUTES, NESOI, INCL EXTRACTS & ESSENCES. CONTAINING TOBACCO OR RECON TOBACDO, INTENDED FOR INHALATION W/O COMBUSTION. CONTAINING NICOTINE, INTENDED FOR INHALATION W/O COMBUSTION. Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 14790 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations Schedule B 2-Digit chapter heading 10-Digit commodity description and per unit wholesale price in the U.S. if applicable 2404190000 ....... 2404910000 ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... 2404920000 ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... 2404990000 ....... Tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes ....... 3302900010 ....... Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations. Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations. Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations. Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations. Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations. Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations. Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations. Plastics and articles thereof ....................................... Plastics and articles thereof ....................................... Plastics and articles thereof ....................................... Plastics and articles thereof ....................................... Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; travel goods, handbags and similar containers; articles of animal gut (other than silkworm gut). Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ PRODUCTS INTENDED FOR INHALATION, NESOI. NICOTINE PRODUCTS FOR ORAL INTAKE INTO THE HUMAN BODY. NICOTINE PRODUCTS INTENDED FOR TRANSDERMAL INTAKE INTO THE HUMAN BODY. NICOTINE PRODUCTS INTENDED FOR INTAKE INTO THE HUMAN BODY, NESOI. PERFUME OIL BLENDS, PROD USE FINISHED PERFUME BASE. 3303000000 ....... 3304100000 ....... 3304200000 ....... 3304910050 ....... 3304995000 ....... 3307900000 ....... 3916902000 3926202500 3926400000 3926903000 4202110000 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 4202120000 ....... 4202190000 ....... 4202210000 ....... 4202220000 ....... 4202290000 ....... 4202310000 ....... 4202320000 ....... 4202390000 ....... 4202910010 ....... 4202910040 ....... 4202990000 ....... jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 4203400000 ....... 4301100000 4301300000 4301600000 4301800210 4301800297 4301900000 4302110000 4302191300 4302195000 VerDate Sep<11>2014 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4700 PERFUMES AND TOILET WATERS. LIP MAKE-UP PREPARATIONS. EYE MAKE-UP PREPARATIONS. MAKE-UP POWDER, WHETHER/NT COMPRESSED, NESOI. BEAUTY & SKIN CARE PREPARATION, NESOI. PERFUMERY, COSMETIC OR TOILET PREPARATIONS, NESOI. RACQUET STRINGS, OF PLASTIC. GLOVES SPEC DESIGNED FOR USE IN SPORTS, PLASTIC. STATUETTES & OTHER ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES, OF PLASTIC. PARTS FOR YACHTS OR PLEASURE BOATS, ETC. TRUNKS, SUITCASES, ETC, SURFACE COMPS/PATENT LEATHER. TRUNKS, SUITCASES, ETC, SURFACE PLASTIC/TEXT MATERLS. TRUNKS, SUITCASES, VANITY CASES ETC, NESOI. HANDBAGS, SURFACE OF COMPOSITION/PATENT LEATHER. HANDBAGS, SURFACE OF PLASTIC SHEET/TEXT MATERIALS. HANDBAGS, NESOI. ARTICLES FOR POCKET OR HANDBAG, COMP/PATENT LEATHER. ARTICLES FOR POCKET/HANDBAG, PLASTIC/TEXT MATERIAL. ARTICLES FOR POCKET OR HANDBAG, NESOI. GOLF BAGS, OUTER SURFACE LEATHER. OTHER BAGS, NESOI. OUTER SURFACE COMPS/PATENT LEATH, CASES, BAGS & CONT, OTHER OF MATR/COVERINGS, NESOI. OTH CLOTHING ACCESSORIES, LEATHER/COMPOS LEATHER. MINK FURSKINS, RAW, WHOLE. ASTRAKHAN, INDIAN, ETC LAMB FURSKINS, RAW, WHOLE. FOX FURSKINS, RAW, WHOLE. NUTRIA FURSKINS, RAW, WHOLE. FURSKINS NESOI, RAW, WHOLE. HEADS/PCS, CUTTINGS ETC FURSKINS FOR FURRIERS’ USE. MINK FURSKINS, WHOLE, TANNED/DRESSED NOT ASSEMBLED. PERSIAN ETC LAMB FURSKIN WHOLE TANNED NOT ASSEMBLE. FURSKINS NESOI, WHOLE TANNED/DRESSED NOT ASSEMBLED. Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 2-Digit chapter heading 10-Digit commodity description and per unit wholesale price in the U.S. if applicable FURSKIN PIECES/CUTTINGS TANNED/DRESSED NT ASSEMBLD. FURSKINS, WHOLE AND PIECES, TANNED, ASSEMBLED. MINK FURSKIN ARTICLES, APPAREL, CLOTHING ACCESSORY. FURSKIN ARTICLE APPAREL CLOTHING ACCESSORIES NESOI. ARTICLES OF FURSKINS, NESOI. ARTIFICIAL FUR AND ARTICLES THEREOF. STATUETTES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS OF TROPICAL WOOD. STATUETTES AND OTHER ORNAMENTS, OF WOOD, NESOI. UNUSED POSTAGE; BANKNOTES; CHECK FORMS; STOCK, ETC. 5701100000 ....... Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof ........ Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal ............... Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal ............... Printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry; manuscripts, typescripts and plans. Silk .............................................................................. Silk .............................................................................. Silk .............................................................................. Silk .............................................................................. Silk .............................................................................. Silk .............................................................................. Silk .............................................................................. Silk .............................................................................. Silk .............................................................................. Silk .............................................................................. Wadding, felt and nonwovens; special yarns, twine, cordage, ropes and cables and articles thereof. Carpets and other textile floor coverings ................... 5701900000 ....... Carpets and other textile floor coverings ................... 5702100000 ....... Carpets and other textile floor coverings ................... 5702200000 5702310000 5702320000 5702390000 5702410000 5702420000 5702490000 Carpets Carpets Carpets Carpets Carpets Carpets Carpets Schedule B 4302200000 4302300000 4303100030 4303100060 4303900000 4304000000 4420110000 4420190000 4907000000 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 5001000000 5002000000 5003001000 5003009000 5004000000 5005000000 5006000000 5007100000 5007200000 5007900000 5603941000 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... and and and and and and and other other other other other other other textile textile textile textile textile textile textile floor floor floor floor floor floor floor coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... 5702503000 ....... Carpets and other textile floor coverings ................... 5702505200 ....... 5702509000 ....... 5702910000 ....... Carpets and other textile floor coverings ................... Carpets and other textile floor coverings ................... Carpets and other textile floor coverings ................... 5702920000 5702990000 5703100000 5703210000 5703290000 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... Carpets Carpets Carpets Carpets Carpets and and and and and other other other other other textile textile textile textile textile floor floor floor floor floor coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... 5703310000 5703390000 5703900000 5704100000 5704200000 5704900100 5705000000 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... Carpets Carpets Carpets Carpets Carpets Carpets Carpets and and and and and and and other other other other other other other textile textile textile textile textile textile textile floor floor floor floor floor floor floor coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings coverings ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... 5805000000 ....... 5806393010 ....... 5905000000 ....... jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 14791 6110301070 ....... 6110301080 ....... 6110301570 ....... VerDate Sep<11>2014 Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace, tapestries; trimmings; embroidery. Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace, tapestries; trimmings; embroidery. Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated textile fabrics; textile articles of a kind suitable for industrial use. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4700 SILKWORM COCOONS SUITABLE FOR REELING. RAW SILK (NOT THROWN). SILK WASTE, NOT CARDED OR COMBED. SILK WASTE, OTHER. SILK YARN NOT PUT UP FOR RETAIL SALE. YARN SPUN FROM SILK WASTE NOT PUT UP RETAIL SALE. SILK YARN&YARN/SILK WASTE, RETAIL SALE, SILKWORM GUT. WOVEN FABRICS OF NOIL SILK. OTHER FABRICS GE 85% SILK/SILK WASTE, NOT NOIL SILK. WOVEN FABRICS OF SILK OR SILK WASTE—OTHER NESOI. NONWOV GT 150G/M2, NT MMF FLOOR COVERING UNDERLAYS. CARPETS&OTH TEX FLOOR COVR, WOOL/FINE ANML HR, KNOTD. CARPETS&OTH TEX FLOOR COVR, OTH TEX MATERIALS, KNOTD. KELEM, SCHUMACKS, KARAMANIE, &SIMILAR HAND-WOVEN RUGS. FLOOR COVERINGS OF COCONUT FIBERS (COIR), WOVEN. CARPETS, ETC OF WOOL/FINE ANIMAL HR, PILE, NT MADE-UP. CARPETS, ETC OF MMF TEXTL MATERIAL, PILE, NOT MADE-UP. CARPETS, ETC OF OTHER TEXTL MATERL, PILE, NOT MADE-UP. CARPETS, ETC OF WOOL/FINE ANIMAL HAIR, PILE, MADE-UP. CARPETS, ETC OF MMF TEXTILE MATERIALSS, PILE, MADE-U. CARPETS, ETC OTHR TEX MATRL, PILE, MADE-UP, NOT TUFTED. CARPETS, ETC WOOL/FINE ANML HR, WOVN, NOT PILE/MDEUP. TEX CARPETS, WOV NT PILE, MM TEX MAT, NT MADE UP. CARPETS, ETC OTHR TEX MAT, WOV, NOT PILE/MADE-UP/TUFT. CARPETS, ETC WOOL/FINE ANML HR, WOVN, MADE-UP, NT PILE. TEXTILE CARPETS, WOV NO PILE, MMF, MADE UP. CARPETS, ETC OTHR TEX MAT, WOV, MADE-UP, NOTPILE/TUFT. TEXTILE CARPETS, TUFTED, OF WOOL. TURF OF NYLON OR OTHER POLYAMIDES. CARPETS, ETC, NYLON/OTHR POLYAMIDES, TUFTD, W/N MDEUP, NESOI. TURF OF OTHER MAN-MADE TEXTILE MATERIALS. CARPETS, ETC, TUFTED,W/N MDE-UP, NESOI. TEXTILE CARPETS, TUFTED, TEXTILE MATERIALS NESOI. TEXTILE CARPETS, FELT, NO TUFT, TILES SUR NOV .3M2. TEXTILE CARPETS, FELT, NOT TUFTED, SA 0.3M2 & 1M2. TEXTILE CARPETS, FELT, NOT TUFTED, SA OTHER. OTHR CARPETS&OTHR TEX FLOOR COV, WHETHR/NOT MADEUP. HAND-WOV TAPESTR WALL HANG USE ONLY GT $251/SQ MTR. NAR WOV FAB 85% OR MORE BY WGT SILK, NESOI. TEXTILE WALL COVERINGS. M/B SWEATERS OF MMF CONT 25% MORE LEATHER, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. W/G VESTS EX SWEATER OF MMF CONT 25% LEATHER, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. M/B SWEATERS & SIMILAR ART MMF GE 23% W/FAH KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 14792 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations Schedule B 2-Digit chapter heading 10-Digit commodity description and per unit wholesale price in the U.S. if applicable 6110301580 ....... Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. 6110302070 ....... Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. 6110302080 ....... Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. 6112110015 ....... Articles of apparel or crocheted. Articles of apparel or crocheted. Articles of apparel or crocheted. Articles of apparel or crocheted. Articles of apparel or crocheted. Articles of apparel or crocheted. Articles of apparel or crocheted. Articles of apparel or crocheted. Articles of apparel or crocheted. Articles of apparel or crocheted. W/G SWEATRS, PULLOVRS, SIM ARTS MMF GE 23% W/FAH KNT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. M/B SWEATERS & SIM ART MMF GE 30% SLK, SLK WST KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. W/G SWEATRS, PULLOVERS, SIM ARTS MMF GE 30% SLK KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. M/B JACKETS FOR TRACK SUITS ETC COTTON, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. W/G JACKETS FOR TRACK SUITS ETC OF COTTON, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. M/B TROUSERS FOR TRACK SUITS OF COTTON, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. W/G TROUSERS FOR TRACK SUITS OF COTTON, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. M/B JACKETS FOR TRACK SUITS ETC SYN FIBERS, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. W/G JACKETS FOR TRACK SUITS ETC SYN FIBERS, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. M/B TROUSERS FOR TRACK SUITS OF SYN FIBERS, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. W/G TROUSERS FOR TRACK SUITS OF SYN FIBERS, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. TRACK WARM-UP AND JOGGING SUITS ARTIFICIAL FIB, KT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. TRACK WARM-UP & JOGGING SUITS OT TEXTILE FIBER, KT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. SKI SUITS OF MANMADE FIBERS, KNITTED OR CROCHETED, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. SKI SUITS OF OTHER TEXTILE MATERIALS, KNITTED OR C, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. MEN’S OR BOYS’ SWIMWEAR OF SYNTHETIC FIBERS, KNITT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. M/B SWIMWEAR OF OTHER TEXTILE MATERIALS, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. WOMEN’S OR GIRLS’ SWIMWEAR SYNTHETIC FIBERS, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. W/G SWIMWEAR OF OTHER TEXTILE MATERIALS, KNIT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. W/G BLOUSES, SHIRTS AND SHIRT BLOUSES SILK, NT KT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. MEN’S OR BOYS’ SWIMWEAR, NOT KNITTED OR CROCHETED, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. WOMEN’S OR GIRLS’ SWIMWEAR, NOT KNITTED OR CROCHET, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. WATER RESIST SKI-SUITS, NT KNITTED/CROCHETED NESOI, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. HANDKERCHIEFS, OF SILK OR SILK WASTE, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. SHAWLS SCARVES MUFFLERS MANTILLAS SILK SILK WASTE, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. TIES, BOW TIES AND CRAVATS, OF SILK OR SILK WASTE, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. BLANKETS (NT ELEC) & TRAVELING RUGS OF WOOL HAIR. 6112110035 ....... 6112110050 ....... 6112110060 ....... 6112120015 ....... 6112120035 ....... 6112120050 ....... 6112120060 ....... 6112191000 ....... 6112192000 ....... and clothing accessories, knitted and clothing accessories, knitted and clothing accessories, knitted and clothing accessories, knitted and clothing accessories, knitted and clothing accessories, knitted and clothing accessories, knitted and clothing accessories, knitted and clothing accessories, knitted 6112201000 ....... Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. 6112202000 ....... Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. 6112310000 ....... 6112390000 ....... 6112410000 ....... 6112490000 ....... 6206100000 ....... 6211110000 ....... Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted. 6211120000 ....... Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted. 6211201500 ....... Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted. 6213900600 ....... Articles of knitted or Articles of knitted or 6214100000 ....... 6215100000 ....... 6301200000 ....... jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 and clothing accessories, knitted 6301300000 ....... 6301400000 ....... 6301900000 ....... 6306221000 ....... VerDate Sep<11>2014 apparel and clothing accessories, not crocheted. apparel and clothing accessories, not crocheted. Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags. 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 Frm 00036 Fmt 4700 BLANKETS (NT ELEC) & TRAVELING RUGS OF COTTON. BLNKET (NT ELEC) & TRAVELING RUGS OF SYNTHETIC FIB. OTHER BLANKETS AND TRAVELING RUGS. BACKPACKING TENTS OF SYNTHETIC FIBERS. Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations Schedule B 6401923000 ....... Other made up textile articles; sets; worn and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn and worn textile articles; rags. Other made up textile articles; sets; worn and worn textile articles; rags. Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such 6402120000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6402190000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6402991815 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403120000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403190000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403200000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403400000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403511100 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403515000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403518000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403591000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403595000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403598000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403911300 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403911500 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403915000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403918500 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403991500 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6306291100 ....... 6306292100 ....... 6306300010 ....... 6306300020 ....... 6306901000 ....... 6306905000 ....... 6307200000 ....... 6308000000 ....... jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 10-Digit commodity description and per unit wholesale price in the U.S. if applicable 2-Digit chapter heading 6306229000 ....... VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 Frm 00037 14793 clothing TENTS OF SYNTHETIC FIBERS, NESOI. clothing TENTS, OF COTTON. clothing TENTS OF TEXTILE MATERIALS NESOI. clothing SAILS OF SYNTHETIC FIBERS. clothing SAILS OF TEXTILE MATERIALS NESOI. clothing CAMPING GOODS, NESOI, OF COTTON. clothing CAMPING GOODS OF TEXTILE MATERIALS NESOI. clothing LIFEJACKETS AND LIFEBELTS. clothing NEDCRFT SET WOV FAB & YRN/MAKNG RUG/TAPST PKG RT S. articles WATERPROOF FTWR RUB/PLAS SKI & SNOWBOARD BOOTS, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. SKI, CROSS-CTY&SNOWBOARD BOOTS W/RUBBER OR PLASTIC, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR RUB PLAST STITCH SPORTS FOOTWEAR NESOI, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. TENNIS, BASKETBALL, GYM, TRAINING SHOES AND LIKE, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FTWR W/LTHR UPP, SKI, CROSS-CTY & SNOWBOARD BOOTS, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UPPER, SPORTS FOOTWEAR EXC SKI-BOOTS, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FTWR SOL LTHR UPPER LTHR STRAPS AND AROUND BIG TOE, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UPPER NESOI WITH A METAL TOE-CAP, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FTWR BASE OF WOOD, LEATHER OUTER SOLE, COV ANK, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP NESOI LEA O SOL ANK COV MEN YOUTH, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UPPER NESOI LEA O SOL ANKL COV NESOI, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FTWR BASE OF WOOD, LEATHER OUTER SOLE, NT COV ANK, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP A SOL NESOI NOT ANK COV MEN YOUTH, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP A SOL NESOI NOT ANK COV NESOI, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA SOL ANKLE COV WORK SHOES, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA SOL ANK TENNIS ETC MEN ETC, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA SOL ANK COV NESOI MEN YOUTH, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA SOL ANKCOV NESOI EX MN YTH, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA SOL NOT ANKL HOUSE SLIPPERS, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 14794 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations Schedule B 2-Digit chapter heading 10-Digit commodity description and per unit wholesale price in the U.S. if applicable 6403992500 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403993500 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403995000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6403998000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6404110000 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6404202500 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6404204500 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6404206500 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6405100030 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6405100060 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6405100090 ....... Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles 6506100010 ....... Headgear and parts thereof ....................................... 6506993000 ....... Headgear and parts thereof ....................................... 6701000000 ....... Prepared feathers and down and articles made of feathers or of down; artificial flowers; articles of human hair. Ceramic products ....................................................... Ceramic products ....................................................... Ceramic products ....................................................... Ceramic products ....................................................... FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA SOL NOT ANKL WORK SHOES, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA SOL NOTANK TENNIS MEN ETC, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA SOL NOT ANK NESOI MEN YOUT, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA SOL NOT ANK NESOI EX MN YTH, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR TEX UP RUBPLAS SOL SPORT SHOES, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR TEX UP LEA SOLE FOR MEN, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR TEX UP LEA SOLE FOR WOMEN, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FOOTWEAR TEX UP LEA SOLE EXCEPT FOR MEN AND WOMEN, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. FTWR W/UPPERS LETHER/COMPOSITION LEATHER MEN, NESOI, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. OTH FTWEAR W UPPERS LEATHER/COMPOSITION LEATHER WM, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. OTH FTWEAR W UPPERS LEATHER/COMP LEATHER OT PERSON, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. ATH, REC AND SPORT SAFETY HEADGEAR, LINED OR TRMED, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. HEADGR OF FURSKIN, WHETHER OR NT LINED/TRIMMD NESOI, AND VALUED AT $1,000 PER UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE U.S. SKINS & OTHR PTS OF BIRDS W/FEATHERS ETC EXC 0505. 6911101000 6911105500 6911900050 6913100000 ....... ....... ....... ....... 6913900000 6914100000 6914900000 7013220000 7013330000 7013410000 7013910000 7101100000 ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 7101210000 ....... 7101220000 ....... 7102100000 ....... jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 7103102000 ....... 7103104000 ....... 7103910000 ....... VerDate Sep<11>2014 Ceramic products ....................................................... Ceramic products ....................................................... Ceramic products ....................................................... Glass and glassware .................................................. Glass and glassware .................................................. Glass and glassware .................................................. Glass and glassware .................................................. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 4700 PORCLN/CHINA, HTL/RESTNT & OTHER WARE NOT HH WARE. TABLE/KITCHENWARE, PORCLN OR CHINA, NT HOTL/RESTNT. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES OF PORCELAIN OR CHINA, NESOI. STATUETTES AND OTHER ORNMNTL ARTCLS, PORCLN OR CHN. STATUTTES A OTH ORNMNTL CERAM ARTCLS NT PORC/CHINA. ARTICLES OF PORCELAIN OR CHINA, NESOI. CERAMIC ARTICLES NESOI. STEMWARE DRINKING GLASSES OF LEAD CRYSTAL. DRINKING GLASSES OF LEAD CRYSTAL. TBL O KTCHN GLSSWR NT DRNKNG GLSS OF LEAD CRYSTAL. OTHER GLASSWARE, LEAD CRYSTAL, NESOI. NATURAL PEARLS, NOT MOUNTED OR SET, INCL TMP STRNG. CULTURED PEARLS, UNWORKED. CULTURED PEARLS, WORKED, NOT SET. DIAMONDS, UNSORTED. UNWORKED PRECIOUS & SEMI-PREC STONES (EXC DIAMOND). SAWN/ROUGH SHAPE PREC&SEMI-PREC ST(EXC DIAM)NESOI. RUBIES, SAPPHIRES AND EMERALDS, OTHERWISE WORKED. Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 2-Digit chapter heading 7103991000 ....... Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. 7104901000 ....... 7104905000 ....... 7106911010 ....... 7106911020 ....... 7106915000 ....... 7106920000 ....... 7108121010 ....... 7108121020 ....... 7108125000 ....... 7108135000 ....... 7113110000 ....... 7113190000 ....... 7113200000 ....... 7114190000 ....... 7114200000 ....... 7115900000 ....... 7116101000 ....... 7116102500 ....... 7116201000 ....... 7116204050 ....... jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 10-Digit commodity description and per unit wholesale price in the U.S. if applicable Schedule B 7104200000 ....... 7117190000 ....... 7118100000 ....... VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 Frm 00039 14795 Fmt 4700 GEMSTONES, NESOI, CUT BUT NOT SET SUITBL FR JEWLRY. SYNTHC OR RECNSTRCTD GEMSTONES UNWORKED. SYN/RECON, GEMSTONES, CUT BUT NOT SET FOR JEWELRY. SYN, RCNSTR GMSTONES WRKD NT SUITBL FOR JEWELRY. SILVER BULLION, UNWROUGHT. SILVER DORE. UNWROUGHT SILVER, NESOI. SILVER, SEMIMANUFACTURED. GOLD BULLION UNWROUGHT, NONMONETARY. GOLD DORE, UNWROUGHT, NONMONETARY. GOLD, NESOI, UNWROUGHT, NONMONETARY. GOLD, SEMIMANUFACTURED, NESOI, NONMONETARY. JEWELRY AND PARTS THEREOF, OF SILVER. JEWELRY AND PARTS THEREOF, OF OTH PRECIOUS METAL. JEWELRY AND PARTS, BASE METAL CLAD W PREC METAL. ARTLS OF GLD OR PLAT NESOI. GOLD/SILVER -SMITHS’ ARTCLS A PRTS, BS MTL CL W PM. OTH PREC METL ARTCLS OR ARTCLS CLAD W PM, NESOI. ARTICLES OF NATURAL PEARLS. ARTICLES OF CULTURED PEARLS. JEWELRY OF PRECIOUS OR SEMIPRECIOUS STONES. ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS OR SEMIPREC STONES, NT JEWLRY. OTH IMITATION JEWELRY, BASE METAL, INC PR MTL PLTD. COIN (EXCPT GOLD COIN) NOT BEING LEGAL TENDER. Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 14796 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations 2-Digit chapter heading 7118900030 ....... Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi-precious stones, precious metals, metals clad with precious metal and articles thereof; imitation jewelry; coin. Articles of iron or steel ............................................... Miscellaneous articles of base metal ......................... Miscellaneous articles of base metal ......................... Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway rolling stock, and parts and accessories thereof. 7118900050 ....... 7326906000 8306210000 8306290000 8407210000 ....... ....... ....... ....... 8407290010 ....... 8407290050 ....... 8408100010 ....... 8408100020 ....... 8409916000 ....... 8412294000 ....... 8412901000 ....... 8471300100 ....... 8703101000 ....... 8703210100 ....... 8703220100 ....... 8703230145 ....... 8703230160 ....... 8703230170 ....... 8703230190 ....... 8703240140 ....... 8703240150 ....... 8703240160 ....... 8703240190 ....... 8703310100 ....... 8703320110 ....... 8703320150 ....... 8703330145 ....... 8703330185 ....... 8703400005 ....... 8703400010 ....... 8703400020 ....... jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 10-Digit commodity description and per unit wholesale price in the U.S. if applicable Schedule B 8703400030 ....... 8703400040 ....... 8703400045 ....... 8703400060 ....... VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 4700 GOLD COIN NESOI (GOLD CONTENT). COIN (EXCEPT GOLD COIN) NESOI. OTH ARTIC IOS, CTD OR PLTD W PREC METAL, NESOI. STATUETTES A OTH ORNAMNTS A PRTS PLTD W PREC METAL. STATUETTES A OTH ORNMNTS A PRTS, BS METL NT PM PLT. OUTBOARD ENGINES FOR MARINE PROPULSION. SPK-IGN REC OR ROT INT COM PST ENG, MAR, IN/OUTBOARD. INBOARD ENG WITH INBOARD DRIVE F MARINE PROPULSION. DIESEL ENGINES, NOT EXCEEDING 149.2 KW, MARINE. COMP-IGNI PST ENG, MARINE, EXC149.2KW, NOT EXC223.8KW. PARTS F SPARK IG ENG FOR MARINE PROPULSION. HYDROJET ENGINES FOR MARINE PROPULSION. PARTS OF HYDROJET ENGINES FOR MARINE PROPULSION. PORT DGTL ADP MACH, <10 KG, AT LEAST CPU, KBRD, DSPLY. VEHICLES DESIGNED FOR TRAVELING ON SNOW. PASS MTR VEH, ONLY SPARK IGN ENG, NOT OV 1,000 CC. PASS MOTOR VEH, ONLY SPARK IGN ENG, (1,000–1,500 CC). VEHICLES, NESOI, NEW, ENG (1,500–3,000 CC) LE 4CYL. PASS VEH, OV 4 N/O 6 CYL, 1,500–3,000CC. 3PASS VEH, SPARK IGN, >6 CYL, 1,500–3,000 CC. USED VEHICLES, ONLY SK IG (1,500–3,000 CC), NESOI. PASS VEH, SPK IGN >3,000 CC, 4 CYL & UN. PASS VEH, ONLY SPK IGN OV 4 N/O 6 CYL, OV 3,000 CC. PASS VEH, ONLY SPK IGN >6 CYL, >3,000 CC, NEW. PASS MTR VEH, ONLY SPARK IGN, GT 3,000 CC, USED. PASS VEH, ONLY COMPR IG, DIESEL, <1,500 CC. PASS VEH, DIESEL ENG, ONLY CMP-IG, 1,500–2,500 CC, NEW. PASS VEH, DIESEL ENG, ONLY COMP-IG 1,500–2,500 CC, USED. PASS VEH, DIESEL, ONLY COMP-IG, >2,500 CC, NEW, NES. PASS VEH, DIESEL, ONLY COMP-IG, >2,500 CC, USE, NES. PASS MOT VEH LT = 1,000 CC SPRK IGN/ELEC NCHRG ENG, NES. PSSNGR VEH, SPARK IGN AND ELCTC MTR, 1,000–1,500 CC. PASS VEH, SPRK IG/ELEC, NCHG, NESOI, 4 CYL, 500–3,000 CC. PASS VEH SPK IGN/ELEC, NCHG PL >4 <6 CYL, 1,500–3,000 CC. 3PASS VEH, SPARK IGN/ELEC, NCHRG >6 CYL, 1,500–3,000CC. USED VHCLS, SPRK AND ELCTC ENGN 1,500–3,000 CC NESOI. PASS VEH, SPK IGN/ELEC NCHG PLG >3,000 CC, 4 CYL & UN. Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1 Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 51 / Wednesday, March 16, 2022 / Rules and Regulations Schedule B 8703400080 ....... 8703400090 ....... 8703500010 ....... 8703500030 ....... 8703500050 ....... 8703500070 ....... 8703500090 ....... 8703600005 ....... 8703600010 ....... 8703600020 ....... 8703600030 ....... 8703600040 ....... 8703600045 ....... 8703600060 ....... 8703600070 ....... 8703600080 ....... 8703600090 ....... 8703700010 ....... 8703700030 ....... 8703700050 ....... 8703700070 ....... 8703700090 ....... 8703800000 ....... 8703900100 ....... 8706001520 ....... 8707100020 ....... 8711200000 ....... 8711300000 ....... 8711400000 ....... jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with RULES1 8711500000 ....... 8711600000 ....... 8711900100 ....... 8714100010 ....... 8714100090 ....... VerDate Sep<11>2014 10-Digit commodity description and per unit wholesale price in the U.S. if applicable 2-Digit chapter heading 8703400070 ....... Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. Vehicles other than railway or tramway and parts and accessories thereof. 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Optical, photographic, cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and accessories thereof. Clocks and watches and parts thereof ...................... Clocks and watches and parts thereof ...................... 9101195000 9101210000 9101290000 9101910000 9101990000 9111100000 9111900000 9113100000 Clocks Clocks Clocks Clocks Clocks Clocks Clocks Clocks ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 9201200000 ....... and and and and and and and and watches watches watches watches watches watches watches watches and and and and and and and and parts parts parts parts parts parts parts parts thereof thereof thereof thereof thereof thereof thereof thereof ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... 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WTCH CASES, PRCS METAL OR METAL CLAD W PRCS METAL. PTS, WATCH CASES OF PRECIOUS METAL OR BASE METAL. WATCH BANDS ETC, OF PRCS METAL/METAL CLAD W PRCS MT. GRAND PIANOS. WORKED IVORY AND ARTICLES OF IVORY. BONE, HORN, CORAL, ETC & OTH ANIMAL CARVING MATERL. MOLDED OR CARVED ARTICLES OF WAX. ARTISTS BRUSHES, & SIMILAR BRUSHES FOR COSEMTICS. FOUNTAIN PENS, STYLOGRAPH PENS AND OTHER PENS, NESOI. POWDER PUFFS & PADS TO APPLY COSMETICS, TOILET PREP. PAINTINGS, DRAWING AND PASTELS, OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. MOSAICS OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. COLLAGES & SIMILAR DECORATIVE PLAQUES, OF AN EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. PAINTINGS, DRAWING AND PASTELS, OF AN AGE NOT EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. MOSAICS, OF AN AGE NOT EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. COLLAGES & SIMILAR DECORATIVE PLAQUES, OF AN AGE NOT EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS, PRINTS & LITHOGRAPHS, OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS, PRINTS & LITHOGRAPHS, OF AN AGE NOT EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. ORIGINAL SCULPTURES AND STATUARY, IN ANY MATERIAL, OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. ORIGINAL SCULPTURES AND STATUARY, IN ANY MATERIAL, NOT OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. POSTAGE OR REVENUE STAMPS, FIRSTDAY COVERS. COLLECTIONS & CLLCTRS’ PCS OF ARCH, ETHNO OR HIST INT. HUMAN SPEC AND PARTS THEREOF, OF ZOO, BOT, MIN, ANA OR PALEO INT. EXTINCT OR END SPECIES OR PARTS, OF ZOO, BOT, MIN, ANA, OR PALEO INT. COLLECTIONS & CLLCTRS’ PCS OF ZOO, BOT, MIN, ANA, PALEO INT, NESOI. GOLD NUMISMATIC (COLLECTORS’) PIECES, OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. NUMISMATIC (COLLECTORS’) PIECES, EXCEPT GOLD, OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 100 YEARS. GOLD NUMISMATIC (COLLECTORS’) PIECES, NESOI. NUMISMATIC (COLLECTORS’) PIECES, EXCEPT GOLD, NESOI. ANTIQUES OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 250 YEARS. ANTIQUES OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 100 YEARS BUT NOT EXCEEDING 250 YEARS. Thea D. Rozman Kendler, Assistant Secretary for Export Administration. [FR Doc. 2022–05604 Filed 3–11–22; 5:00 pm] BILLING CODE 3510–33–P VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:10 Mar 15, 2022 Jkt 256001 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 9990 E:\FR\FM\16MRR1.SGM 16MRR1


[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 51 (Wednesday, March 16, 2022)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 14785-14798]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-05604]

[[Page 14785]]



Bureau of Industry and Security

15 CFR Parts 738 and 746

[Docket No. 220311-0071]
RIN 0694-AI78

Imposition of Sanctions on `Luxury Goods' Destined for Russia and 
Belarus and for Russian and Belarusian Oligarchs and Malign Actors 
Under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR)

AGENCY: Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: In response to the Russian Federation's (Russia's) further 
invasion of Ukraine, and Belarus's substantial enabling of Russia's 
invasion, the Department of Commerce is imposing restrictions on the 
export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) to or within Russia or 
Belarus of `luxury goods' under the Export Administration Regulations 
(EAR) and for exports, reexports and transfers (in-country) worldwide 
to certain Russian or Belarusian oligarchs and other malign actors 
supporting the Russian or Belarusian governments. Taken together, these 
new export controls will significantly limit financially elite 
individuals' and organizations' access to luxury goods and thereby 
accentuate the consequences of providing such support.

DATES: This rule is effective on March 11, 2022.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions on this final rule, 
contact Eileen Albanese, Director, Office of National Security and 
Technology Transfer Controls, Bureau of Industry and Security, 
Department of Commerce, Phone: (202) 482-0092, Fax: (202) 482-482-3355, 
Email: [email protected]. For emails, include ``Luxury Goods Sanctions 
Russia and Belarus'' in the subject line.


I. Background

    In response to Russia's February 2022 further invasion of Ukraine 
and Belarus' substantial enabling of this invasion, the Bureau of 
Industry and Security (BIS) imposed extensive sanctions on Russia and 
Belarus under the Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730-
774) (EAR) by implementing the final rule, Implementation of Sanctions 
Against Russia Under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 
effective February 24, 2022 (``Russia Sanctions rule'') \1\ and three 
subsequent final rules published in March 2022, Imposition of Sanctions 
Against Belarus Under the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 
effective March 2, 2022 (``Belarus Sanctions rule''); \2\ Expansion of 
Sanctions Against the Russian Industry Sector Under the Export 
Administration Regulations (EAR), effective March 3, 2022 (``Industry 
Sector Sanctions rule''); \3\ and Further Imposition of Sanctions 
Against Russia with the Addition of Certain Entities to the Entity 
List, effective March 3, 2022 (``Russia Entity List rule'').\4\ BIS 
also published an additional rule in March 2022, Addition to the List 
of Countries Excluded from Certain License Requirements under the 
Export Administration Regulations (EAR), effective March 4, 2022 
(``South Korea exclusion rule'') \5\ that added South Korea to the list 
of countries in supplement no. 3 to part 746 that are excluded from 
certain Sec.  746.8 license requirements that pertain to items destined 
for Russia or Belarus. As described in the Russia Sanctions rule's 
preamble, as well as in the other rules published in March 2022, 
Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and Belarus's substantial enabling of 
Russia's invasion of Ukraine, flagrantly violates international law, is 
contrary to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests, and 
undermines global order, peace, and security, necessitating the 
imposition of stringent sanctions.

    \1\ 87 FR 12226 (March 3, 2022).
    \2\ 87 FR 13048 (March 8, 2022).
    \3\ 87 FR 12856 (March 8, 2022).
    \4\ 87 FR 13141 (March 9, 2022).
    \5\ 87 FR 13627 (March 10, 2022).

    By restricting Russia's and Belarus's access to `luxury goods' in 
order to increase the costs on Russian and Belarusian persons who 
support the government of Russia and its invasion of Ukraine, the 
export control measures implemented in this final rule build upon the 
policy objectives set forth in the Russian Sanctions rule and in the 
Belarus Sanctions rule. These individuals include Russian and 
Belarusian persons (together, Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and 
malign actors), wherever located, who have been designated by the 
Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control's (OFAC) 
under or pursuant to certain Russia and Ukraine-related Executive 
Orders issued in response to Russia's 2014 occupation of Crimea and 
related destabilizing conduct in Ukraine and are listed on the List of 
Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN List) 
maintained by OFAC. See
    The changes made by this rule are intended to limit access to 
`luxury goods' by restricting the export, reexport and transfer (in-
country) of certain items subject to the EAR that are desired by 
wealthy Russian and Belarusian citizens, including Russian and 
Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors. Limiting the export, reexport, 
and transfer (in-country) of `luxury goods' will undermine the ability 
of these Russian and Belarusian individuals to acquire luxury items, 
thereby further highlighting to these influential individuals the 
financial consequences to their lifestyle of Russia's invasion of 
Ukraine. With respect to these Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and 
malign actors, these restrictions on access to `luxury goods' 
complement asset blocking measures imposed by OFAC and by partner and 
allied countries. By restricting Russian and Belarusian oligarchs' and 
malign actors' access to `luxury goods,' the United States is also 
highlighting to such actors, the loss of the benefits of full 
participation in the international market.
    The export controls in this rule target `luxury goods' for export 
or reexport to or transfer within Russia or Belarus, as well as to 
certain Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors, wherever 
they are located. This rule is part of larger U.S. Government and 
partner and allied country actions intended to steadily increase the 
financial consequences on Russia and Belarus as a result of Russia's 
invasion of Ukraine and Belarus's substantial enabling of Russia's 
invasion, as well as on Russian and Belarusian individuals who have 
supported Russia's destabilizing conduct since Russia's 2014 occupation 
of the Crimea region of Ukraine.

II. Overview of New Controls

    Through this rule, BIS is implementing two new license 
requirements: One that applies to `luxury goods' subject to the EAR 
that are destined for Russia or Belarus and another that applies to 
such items that are destined for Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and 
malign actors, regardless of their geographical location, who have been 
designated by OFAC under certain Russia- or Ukraine-related Executive 
orders. For purposes of these new license requirements, a `luxury good' 
refers to any item that is identified in new supplement no. 5 to part 
746 of the EAR. The license requirement specific to Russia and Belarus 
for `luxury goods' is added under new Sec.  746.10(a)(1) of the EAR 
(`Luxury goods' license

[[Page 14786]]

requirements for Russia and Belarus) (Embargoes and Other Special 
Controls). The license requirement specific to the designated Russian 
and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors for `luxury goods' is added 
under new Sec.  746.10(a)(2) of the EAR (Worldwide license requirement 
for `luxury goods' for designated Russian and Belarusian oligarch and 
malign actors).
    The new license requirements set forth in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) 
apply to the `luxury goods' identified in supplement no. 5 to part 746. 
The difference between the two new license requirements is that while 
the license requirements under paragraph (a)(1) apply to exports and 
reexports to Russia and Belarus or transfers within Russia and Belarus, 
regardless of the end user, the license requirement under paragraph 
(a)(2) is a worldwide license requirement that applies to Russian and 
Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors designated by OFAC pursuant to 
certain specified Executive Orders, as described further below.
    A very limited number of license exceptions described in Sec.  
746.10(c)(1) and (2) may be used to overcome the license requirements 
in Sec.  746.10(a)(1) if all of the applicable requirements of the 
license exceptions can be met. No license exceptions are available to 
overcome the license requirements in Sec.  746.10(a)(2). When a license 
is required, applications for such items will be subject to a policy of 

III. Amendments to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR)

A. Sanctions on `Luxury Goods' Destined for Russia or Belarus and for 
Russian or Belarusian Oligarchs and Malign Actors

Addition of Expansive License Requirements, Restrictive License Review 
Policies, and Restrictions on License Exception Eligibility for `Luxury 
Goods' Destined for Russia or Belarus and for Russian or Belarusian 
Oligarchs and Malign Actors Worldwide
    This final rule adds a new Sec.  746.10 (`Luxury goods' sanctions 
against Russia and Belarus and Russian and Belarusian Oligarchs and 
Malign Actors). This new section consists of two new license 
requirements added under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2). This rule also adds 
paragraph (b) to Sec.  746.10 to specify the license review policy for 
the new license requirements under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2). 
Additionally, this rule adds paragraph (c) to Sec.  746.10 to exclude 
the use of EAR license exceptions to overcome the license requirements 
under new paragraphs (a)(1) and (2), except for the limited number of 
license exceptions identified under paragraphs (c)(1) and (2). Finally, 
this rule adds supplement no. 5 to part 746 that identifies the `luxury 
goods' that are subject to the license requirements under paragraphs 
(a)(1) and (2) to Sec.  746.10. These changes are described in greater 
detail below.
1. Section 746.10(a)(1) `Luxury Goods' License Requirements for Russia 
and Belarus
    This rule adds new paragraph (a)(1) that imposes license 
requirements for exports and reexports to or transfers within Russia 
and Belarus of the `luxury goods' identified in new supplement no. 5 to 
part 746. This license requirement is in addition to license 
requirements specified on the Commerce Control List (CCL) in supplement 
no. 1 to part 774 of the EAR and in other provisions of the EAR, 
including part 744 and Sec. Sec.  746.5 and 746.8. New supplement no. 5 
to part 746, which is also added to the EAR in this rule, is the 
listing of the `luxury goods' that are subject to a license requirement 
under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2), as described below.
2. Section 746.10(a)(2) Worldwide License Requirement for `Luxury 
Goods' for Russian or Belarusian Oligarch and Malign Actors
    This rule adds paragraph (a)(2) to impose license requirements for 
exports and reexports to or transfers (in-country), of `luxury goods' 
identified in new supplement no. 5 to part 746, to certain Russian and 
Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors (as described below), wherever 
located. This license requirement is in addition to license 
requirements specified on the CCL in supplement no. 1 to part 774 of 
the EAR and in other provisions of the EAR, including part 744 and 
Sec. Sec.  746.5 and 746.8.
    The Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors to whom this 
new license requirement under paragraph (a)(2) applies are individuals 
who have been designated by OFAC under or pursuant to seven Executive 
orders and identified on the SDN List. The applicable SDN List 
identifiers for persons designated pursuant to these seven Executive 
Orders are: [RUSSIA-EO14024], [UKRAINE-EO13660], [UKRAINE-EO13661], 
[UKRAINE-EO13662], [UKRAINE-EO13685], [BELARUS], and [BELARUS-EO14038]. 
The license requirement applies to exports, reexports, or transfers 
(in-country) worldwide of any `luxury good' ``subject to the EAR'' 
identified in supplement no. 5 to this part that is destined for any 
designated Russian or Belarusian oligarch or malign actor, or in 
situations in which a party to the transaction is a Russian or 
Belarusian oligarch or malign actor who has been designated in or 
pursuant to one of the specified Executive orders. This rule specifies 
that for purposes of paragraph (a)(2), an `oligarch or malign actor' is 
any natural person that is designated on the SDN List with any of the 
designations referenced in paragraph (a)(2).
    This rule also adds a note to paragraph (a) to specify that for 
purposes of paragraphs (a)(1) and (2), a `luxury good' means any item 
that is identified in supplement no. 5 to part 746. BIS estimates that 
these new controls in Sec.  746.10(a)(1) and (2) will result in an 
additional 750 license applications being submitted to BIS annually.
3. Licensing Policy for Applications Required Under Sec.  746.10
    Under paragraph (b) (Licensing Policy) of Sec.  746.10, 
applications for export or reexport to or transfer within Russia or 
Belarus that require a license under new paragraph (a)(1), and 
applications for exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) 
worldwide that are destined for Russian or Belarusian oligarchs and 
malign actors that are subject to the new license requirement (or in 
situations in which the latter are parties to the transaction as 
described in Sec.  748.5(c) through (f) of the EAR) that require a 
license under new paragraph (a)(2) will be reviewed under a policy of 
4. License Exceptions for Sec.  746.10 License Requirements
    Under paragraph (c) (License Exceptions), this rule specifies that 
a limited number of license exceptions may overcome the license 
requirements in Sec.  746.10(a)(1) for transactions involving Russia or 
Belarus. Specifically, the only license exceptions that are available 
to overcome the license requirements in Sec.  746.10(a)(1) are as 
follows: License Exception BAG, excluding firearms and ammunition 
(paragraph (e)), Sec.  740.14; and License Exception AVS for saloon 
stores and supplies under Sec.  740.15(b)(3)(v), excluding saloon 
stores and supplies for any aircraft registered in, owned, or 
controlled by, or under charter or lease by Russia, Belarus or a 
national of Russia or Belarus. The limited AVS eligibility is included 
to cover third country airlines flying to Russia or Belarus.
    This rule also specifies that no license exceptions may overcome 
the license requirements in Sec.  746.10(a)(2) that apply

[[Page 14787]]

to the designated Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors.
5. Addition of New Supplement To Identify `Luxury Goods' for Purposes 
of Sec.  746.10
    This final rule adds a new supplement no. 5 to part 746: `Luxury 
Goods' that Require a License for Export, Reexport, and Transfer (In-
Country) to or within Russia or Belarus Pursuant to Sec.  746.10(a)(1) 
and (2). This supplement is the listing of the `luxury goods' that are 
subject to the license requirements under paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of 
Sec.  746.10. This supplement includes three columns consisting of the 
Schedule B, 2-Digit Chapter Headings, and 10-Digit Commodity 
Descriptions and Per Unit Wholesale Price in the U.S. if applicable. 
This new supplement will assist exporters, reexporters, and transferors 
in determining whether an item at issue falls within the scope of this 
supplement no. 5 to part 746 and consequently will require a license 
under Sec.  746.10(a)(1) and (2) of the EAR.

C. Conforming Changes

    Based on the foregoing changes to the EAR, this final rule also 
makes certain conforming revisions to the Commerce Country Chart in 
supplement no. 1 to part 738.
1. Commerce Country Chart Changes
    In supplement no. 1 to part 738 (Commerce Country Chart), as a 
conforming change, this final rule revises footnote 6 to add a 
reference to Sec.  746.10 of the EAR for additional license 
requirements for exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) to or 
within Russia or Belarus involving `luxury goods' ``subject to the 
EAR'' that are identified in supplement no. 5 to part 746 of the EAR, 
to facilitate exporters', reexporters', and transferors' awareness of 
the need to review the license requirements in Sec.  746.10.
Savings Clause
    For the changes being made in this final rule, shipments of items 
removed from eligibility for a License Exception or export, reexport, 
or transfer (in-country) without a license (NLR) as a result of this 
regulatory action that were en route aboard a carrier to a port of 
export, reexport, or transfer (in-country), on March 11, 2022, pursuant 
to actual orders for export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) to or 
within a foreign destination, may proceed to that destination under the 
previous eligibility for a License Exception or export, reexport, or 
transfer (in-country) without a license (NLR).

Export Control Reform Act of 2018

    On August 13, 2018, the President signed into law the John S. 
McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, which 
included the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (ECRA) (codified, as 
amended, at 50 U.S.C. 4801-4852). ECRA provides the legal basis for 
BIS's principal authorities and serves as the authority under which BIS 
issues this rule. The International Emergency Economic Powers Act 
(IEEPA) (codified, as amended, at 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) and the 
Executive Order on Prohibiting Certain Imports, Exports, and New 
Investment with Respect to Continued Russian Federation Aggression, 
dated March 11, 2022 also serve as additional authorities for this 
rule. To the extent it applies to certain activities that are the 
subject of this rule, the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement 
Act of 2000 (TSRA) (codified, as amended, at 22 U.S.C. 7201-7211) also 
serves as authority for this rule.

Rulemaking Requirements

    1. This final rule is not a ``significant regulatory action'' 
because it ``pertain[s]'' to a ``military or foreign affairs function 
of the United States'' under sec. 3(d)(2) of Executive Order 12866.
    2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is 
required to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty 
for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the 
requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et 
seq.) (PRA), unless that collection of information displays a currently 
valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number. This rule 
involves three collections of information. BIS believes there will be 
minimal burden changes to two of these collections--Five-Year Records 
Retention Requirement for Export Transactions and Boycott Actions (OMB 
control number 0694-0096) and Automated Export System (AES) Program 
(OMB control number 0607-0152).
    However, ``Multi-Purpose Application (OMB control number 0694-0088) 
will exceed existing estimates currently associated with this 
collection as the respondent burden will increase the estimated number 
of submissions by 750 for license applications submitted annually to 
BIS. BIS estimates the burden hours associated with this collection 
would increase by 382 (i.e., 750 applications x 30.6 minutes per 
response) for a total estimated cost increase of $11,460 (i.e., 382 
hours x $30 per hour). The $30 per hour cost estimate for OMB control 
number 0694-0088 is consistent with the salary data for export 
compliance specialists currently available through 
( estimates that an export compliance specialist makes 
$55,280 annually, which computes to roughly $26.58 per hour). 
Consistent with 5 CFR 1320.13, BIS requested, and OMB has approved, 
emergency clearance for an increase in the burden estimate due to the 
additional license requirements imposed by this rule.
    3. This rule does not contain policies with federalism implications 
as that term is defined in Executive Order 13132.
    4. Pursuant to section 1762 of the Export Control Reform Act of 
2018 (50 U.S.C. 4821) (ECRA), this action is exempt from the 
Administrative Procedure Act (APA) (5 U.S.C. 553) requirements for 
notice of proposed rulemaking, opportunity for public participation, 
and delay in effective date. While section 1762 of ECRA provides 
sufficient authority for such an exemption, this action is also 
independently exempt from these APA requirements because it involves a 
military or foreign affairs function of the United States (5 U.S.C. 
    5. Because a notice of proposed rulemaking and an opportunity for 
public comment are not required to be given for this rule by 5 U.S.C. 
553, or by any other law, the analytical requirements of the Regulatory 
Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq., are not applicable. 
Accordingly, no regulatory flexibility analysis is required and none 
has been prepared.

List of Subjects

15 CFR Part 738


15 CFR Part 746

    Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.

    For the reasons stated in the preamble, parts 738 and 746 of the 
Export Administration Regulations (15 CFR parts 730 through 774) are 
amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 738 continues to read as 

    Authority: 50 U.S.C. 4801-4852; 50 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.; 50 
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 10 U.S.C. 8720; 10 U.S.C. 8730(e); 22 U.S.C. 
287c; 22 U.S.C. 2151 note; 22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 6004; 
42 U.S.C. 2139a; 15 U.S.C. 1824;

[[Page 14788]]

50 U.S.C. 4305; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 13026, 
61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 
CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783.

2. Supplement no. 1 to part 738 is amended by revising footnote 6 to 
read as follows:

Supplement No. 1 to Part 738--Commerce Country Chart

* * * * *
    \6\ See Sec.  746.5 of the EAR for additional license 
requirements under the Russian industry sector sanctions for ECCNs 
0A998, 1C992, 3A229, 3A231, 3A232, 6A991, 8A992, and 8D999 and items 
identified in supplements no. 2 and no. 4 to part 746 of the EAR. 
See Sec.  746.8 of the EAR for Sanctions against Russia and Belarus, 
including additional license requirements for items listed in any 
ECCN in Categories 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 of the CCL. See Sec.  
746.10 of the EAR for additional license requirements that apply to 
Russia and Belarus and to certain Russian and Belarusian oligarchs 
and malign actors regardless of their destination, for `luxury 
goods' ``subject to the EAR,'' as identified in supplement no. 5 to 
part 746 of the EAR.
* * * * *


3. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 746 is continues to read as 

    Authority: 50 U.S.C. 4801-4852; 50 U.S.C. 4601 et seq.; 50 
U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 22 U.S.C. 287c; Sec 1503, Pub. L. 108-11, 117 
Stat. 559; 22 U.S.C. 2151 note; 22 U.S.C. 6004; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et 
seq.; 22 U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 12854, 58 FR 36587, 3 CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 
614; E.O. 12918, 59 FR 28205, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 899; E.O. 13222, 
66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; E.O. 13338, 69 FR 26751, 3 
CFR, 2004 Comp., p 168; Presidential Determination 2003-23, 68 FR 
26459, 3 CFR, 2004 Comp., p. 320; Presidential Determination 2007-7, 
72 FR 1899, 3 CFR, 2006 Comp., p. 325; Notice of May 6, 2021, 86 FR 
26793 (May 10, 2021).

4. Section 746.10 is added to read as follows:

Sec.  746.10  `Luxury goods' sanctions against Russia and Belarus and 
Russian and Belarusian oligarchs and malign actors.

    (a) License requirements--(1) `Luxury goods' license requirements 
for Russia and Belarus. In addition to the license requirements 
specified on the Commerce Control List (CCL) in supplement no. 1 to 
part 774 of the EAR and in other provisions of the EAR, including part 
744 and Sec. Sec.  746.5 and 746.8, a license is required to export, 
reexport, or transfer (in-country) to or within Russia or Belarus any 
`luxury good' subject to the EAR, as identified in supplement no. 5 to 
this part.
    (2) Worldwide license requirement for `luxury goods' for Russian 
and Belarusian oligarch and malign actors. In addition to the license 
requirements specified on the Commerce Control List (CCL) in supplement 
no. 1 to part 774 of the EAR and in other provisions of the EAR, 
including part 744 and Sec. Sec.  746.5 and 746.8, a license is 
required to export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) worldwide any 
`luxury good' subject to the EAR, as identified in supplement no. 5 to 
this part, to any Russian or Belarusian oligarch or malign actor, 
regardless of location, who are designated on the Department of the 
Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control's (OFAC) List of Specially 
Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons (SDN List) with any of the 
following designations: [RUSSIA-EO14024], [UKRAINE-EO13660], [UKRAINE-
EO13661], [UKRAINE-EO13662], [UKRAINE-EO13685], [BELARUS], and 
[BELARUS-EO14038] or in situations in which any such Russian or 
Belarusian oligarch or malign actor is a party to the transaction as 
described in Sec.  748.5(c) through (f). For purposes of this paragraph 
(a)(2), an `oligarch or malign actor' is any natural person that is 
designated on the SDN List with any of the designations referenced in 
this paragraph (a)(2).

    Note to paragraph (a):  For purposes of paragraphs (a)(1) and 
(2) of this section, a `luxury good' means any item that is 
identified in supplement no. 5 to this part.

    (b) Licensing policy. Applications for the export, reexport, or 
transfer (in-country) of any item that requires a license for export or 
reexport to or transfer (in-country) pursuant to the requirements of 
this section will be reviewed with a policy of denial.
    (c) License exceptions. No license exceptions may overcome the 
license requirements in paragraph (a)(1) of this section except the 
license exceptions identified in paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this 
section. No license exceptions may overcome the license requirements in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
    (1) License Exception BAG, excluding firearms and ammunition (Sec.  
740.14, excluding paragraph (e), of the EAR).
    (2) License Exception AVS for saloon stores and supplies, excluding 
any saloon stores and supplies for aircraft registered in, owned, or 
controlled by, or under charter or lease by Russia or Belarus or a 
national of Russia or Belarus (Sec.  740.15(b)(3)(v) of the EAR).

5. Add supplement no. 5 to part 746 to read as follows:

Supplement No. 5 to Part 746--`Luxury Goods' That Require a License for 
Export, Reexport, and Transfer (In-Country) to or Within Russia or 
Belarus Pursuant to Sec.  746.10(a)(1) and (2)

    The source for the Schedule B numbers and descriptions in this list 
is the Bureau of the Census's Schedule B concordance of exports 2022. 
Census's Schedule B List 2022 can be found at The Introduction Chapter of the 
Schedule B provides important information about classifying products 
and interpretations of the Schedule B, e.g., NESOI means Not Elsewhere 
Specified or Included. In addition, important information about 
products within a particular chapter may be found at the beginning of 
chapters. This supplement includes three columns consisting of the 
Schedule B, 2-Digit Chapter Heading, and 10-Digit Commodity Description 
and Per Unit Wholesale Price in the U.S. if applicable to assist 
exporters, reexporters, and transferors in identifying the products in 
this supplement. For purposes of Sec.  746.10(a)(1) and (2), a `luxury 
good' means any item that is identified in this supplement.

                                                   10-Digit commodity
                             2-Digit chapter    description and per unit
        Schedule B               heading         wholesale price in the
                                                   U.S. if applicable
2203000000...............  Beverages, spirits   BEER MADE FROM MALT.
                            and vinegar.
2204100000...............  Beverages, spirits   SPARKLING WINE OF FRESH
                            and vinegar.         GRAPES.
2204212000...............  Beverages, spirits   EFFERVESCENT WINE OF
                            and vinegar.         FRSH GRAPE IN CNTR 2L
                                                 OR LESS.
2204214000...............  Beverages, spirits   GRAPE WINE NESOI NOV 14%
                            and vinegar.         ALCOHOL CNTRS 2L OR
2204217000...............  Beverages, spirits   GRAPE WINE NESOI OVER
                            and vinegar.         14% ALCOHOL CNTRS 2L OR
2204220020...............  Beverages, spirits   GRAPE WINE NESOI NOV 14%
                            and vinegar.         ALCOHOL CNTRS > 2 <
2204220040...............  Beverages, spirits   GRAPE WINE NESOI OVER
                            and vinegar.         14% ALCOHOL CNTRS > 2 <
                                                 10 L.
2204290120...............  Beverages, spirits   GRAPE WINE NESOI NOV 14%
                            and vinegar.         ALCOHOL CNTRS OV 10 L.
2204290140...............  Beverages, spirits   GRAPE WINE NESOI OVER
                            and vinegar.         14% ALCOHOL CNTRS OV 10
2204300000...............  Beverages, spirits   GRAPE MUST FERMNTATN
                            and vinegar.         PREV/ARRSTD BY ALCOH,
                                                 EX 2009.

[[Page 14789]]

2205100000...............  Beverages, spirits   VERMOUTH/GRPE WINE
                            and vinegar.         FLAVRD WTH PLANTS ETC
                                                 CTR LE 2L.
2205900000...............  Beverages, spirits   VERMOUTH/GRAPE WINE
                            and vinegar.         FLAVORED WTH PLANTS ETC
                                                 OV 2LS.
2206001500...............  Beverages, spirits   CIDER, WHETHER STILL OR
                            and vinegar.         SPARKLING.
2206007000...............  Beverages, spirits   FERMENTED BEVERAGES,
                            and vinegar.         NESOI.
2207103000...............  Beverages, spirits   ETHYL ALCOHOL
                            and vinegar.         UNDENATURED 80%/HIGHER,
                                                 FOR BEVERAGE.
2208200000...............  Beverages, spirits   GRAPE BRANDY.
                            and vinegar.
2208306020...............  Beverages, spirits   WHISKIES, BOURBON,
                            and vinegar.         CONTAINERS NOT OVER 4
                                                 LITERS EA.
2208306040...............  Beverages, spirits   WHISKIES, BOURBON,
                            and vinegar.         CONTAINERS OVER 4
                                                 LITERS EACH.
2208309025...............  Beverages, spirits   RYE WHISKIES EX BOURBON,
                            and vinegar.         IN CONTAINERS NT OVER
2208309030...............  Beverages, spirits   WHISKIES EX BOURBON, IN
                            and vinegar.         CONTAINERS NT OV 4L,
2208309040...............  Beverages, spirits   WHISKIES EX BOURBON,
                            and vinegar.         CONTAINERS OVER 4
2208400030...............  Beverages, spirits   RUM AND TAFIA,
                            and vinegar.         CONTAINERS NOT OVER 4
                                                 LITERS EACH.
2208400050...............  Beverages, spirits   RUM AND TAFIA,
                            and vinegar.         CONTAINERS OVER 4
2208500000...............  Beverages, spirits   GIN AND GENEVA.
                            and vinegar.
2208600000...............  Beverages, spirits   VODKA.
                            and vinegar.
2208700000...............  Beverages, spirits   LIQUEURS AND CORDIALS.
                            and vinegar.
2208904600...............  Beverages, spirits   KIRSCHWASSER AND
                            and vinegar.         RATAFIA.
2208905100...............  Beverages, spirits   TEQUILA.
                            and vinegar.
2208909002...............  Beverages, spirits   OTHER SPIRITUOUS
                            and vinegar.         BEVERAGES, NESOI.
2401102020...............  Tobacco and          CONN. SHADE TOBACCO, NOT
                            manufactured         STEM/STRIP OV 35%
                            tobacco              WRAPPER.
2401102040...............  Tobacco and          TOBACCO NOT STEM/STRIP
                            manufactured         OVER 35% WRAPPER TOB,
                            tobacco              NESOI.
2401105130...............  Tobacco and          FLUE-CURED CIG LEAF TOB
                            manufactured         NT STEM/STRIP LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRPPR.
2401105160...............  Tobacco and          BURLEY CIG LEAF TOBACCO
                            manufactured         NT STEM/STRIP LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRPPR.
2401105180...............  Tobacco and          MARYLAND CIG LEAF TOB
                            manufactured         NOT STEM/STRIP LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRPPR.
2401105195...............  Tobacco and          OTHER CIG LEAF TOB NOT
                            manufactured         STEM/STRIP LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRAPPER.
2401105340...............  Tobacco and          CIGAR BINDER TOBACCO,
                            manufactured         NOT STEM/STRIP LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRAPPR.
2401108010...............  Tobacco and          DARK-FIRED KY/TENN TOB
                            manufactured         NOT STEM/STRIP LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRPPR.
2401108020...............  Tobacco and          VA FIRE/SUN-CURED TOB,
                            manufactured         NOT STEM/STRIP LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRPPR.
2401109530...............  Tobacco and          BLACKFAT TOBACCO, NT
                            manufactured         STEM/STRIP LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRAPPER TOB.
2401109570...............  Tobacco and          TOBACCO NESOI NOT STEM/
                            manufactured         STRIP, LESS THAN 35%
                            tobacco              WRPPR.
2401202020...............  Tobacco and          CONN SHADE TOB STEM/
                            manufactured         STRIP NT THRESHED OV
                            tobacco              35% WRPPR.
2401202040...............  Tobacco and          TOBACCO NESOI STEM/STRIP
                            manufactured         NOT THRESHED OV 35%
                            tobacco              WRPPR.
2401202810...............  Tobacco and          FLUE-CURED TOB STEM/
                            manufactured         STRIP NT THRESHED LT
                            tobacco              35% WRPPR.
2401202820...............  Tobacco and          BURLEY TOB STEM/STRIP
                            manufactured         NOT THRESHED LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRAPPER.
2401202830...............  Tobacco and          MARYLAND TOB STEM/STRIP
                            manufactured         NOT THRESHED LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRPPR.
2401202970...............  Tobacco and          CIGAR BIND TOB INC CIGAR
                            manufactured         LF NT THRESH LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRAPR.
2401205040...............  Tobacco and          DARK-FIRED KY/TENN TOB
                            manufactured         STEM/STRIP NT THRSH LT
                            tobacco              35%WR.
2401205050...............  Tobacco and          VA FIRE/SUN-CURED TOB
                            manufactured         STEM/STRIP NT THRSH
                            tobacco              <35% WRPR.
2401205560...............  Tobacco and          BLACKFAT TOB STEM/STRIP
                            manufactured         NOT THRESHED LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRAPPR.
2401205592...............  Tobacco and          TOB NESOI STEM/STRIP,
                            manufactured         NOT THRESHED LT 35%
                            tobacco              WRPR TOB.
2401206020...............  Tobacco and          CONN SHADE TOB FROM
                            manufactured         CIGAR LEAF THRESHED
                            tobacco              STEM/STRIP.
2401206040...............  Tobacco and          TOBACCO NESOI FROM CIGAR
                            manufactured         LEAF, THRESHED STEM/
                            tobacco              STRIP.
2401208005...............  Tobacco and          CIGARETTE LEAF TOBACCO
                            manufactured         FLUE-CURED THRSH STEM/
                            tobacco              STRIP.
2401208011...............  Tobacco and          TOBACCO FLUE-CURED
                            manufactured         THRESHED STEMMED/
                            tobacco              STRIPPED NESOI.
2401208015...............  Tobacco and          CIGARETTE LEAF TOBACCO,
                            manufactured         BURLEY, THRESH, STEM/
                            tobacco              STRIP.
2401208021...............  Tobacco and          TOBACCO, BURLEY,
                            manufactured         THRESHED, STEMMED/
                            tobacco              STRIPPED, NESOI.
2401208030...............  Tobacco and          MARYLAND TOBACCO,
                            manufactured         THRESHED, STEMMED/
                            tobacco              STRIPPED.
2401208040...............  Tobacco and          DARK-FIRED KENTUCKY/TENN
                            manufactured         TOBACCO THRESH STEM/
                            tobacco              STRIP.
2401208050...............  Tobacco and          VA FIRE-CURED, SUN-CURED
                            manufactured         TOB THRESHED, STEM/
                            tobacco              STRIP.
2401208090...............  Tobacco and          TOBACCO, THRESHED,
                            manufactured         PARTLY/WHOLLY STEM/
                            tobacco              STRIP, NESOI.
2401305000...............  Tobacco and          TOBACCO STEMS.
2401309000...............  Tobacco and          TOBACCO REFUSE, NESOI.
2402103030...............  Tobacco and          SMALL CIGARS/CHEROOTS/
                            manufactured         CIGARILLOS W/TOB LT
                            tobacco              $.15 EA.
2402107000...............  Tobacco and          CIGAR/CHEROOT/CIGARILLO
                            manufactured         CONTAINING TOBACCO
                            tobacco              NESOI.
2402200000...............  Tobacco and          CIGARETTES CONTAINING
                            manufactured         TOBACCO.
2402900000...............  Tobacco and          CIGAR/CHEROOT/CIGARILLO/
                            manufactured         CIGS OF TOB SUBSTITS
                            tobacco              NESOI.
2403110000...............  Tobacco and          WATER PIPE TOBACCO.
2403190020...............  Tobacco and          PIPE TOBACCO, IN RETAIL-
                            manufactured         SIZED PACKAGES.
2403190040...............  Tobacco and          SMOKING TOBAC, EX/PIPE
                            manufactured         TOBAC, RETAIL-SIZED
                            tobacco              PKG, NES.
2403190060...............  Tobacco and          SMOKING TOBACCO, NESOI.
2403910000...............  Tobacco and          HOMOGENIZED OR
                            manufactured         RECONSTITUTED TOBACCO.
2403990030...............  Tobacco and          CHEWING TOBACCO.
2403990040...............  Tobacco and          SNUFF AND SNUFF FLOUR.
2403990050...............  Tobacco and          MFG TOBACCO, SUBSTITUES,
                            manufactured         FLUE-CURED.
2403990065...............  Tobacco and          PARTIALLY MANUFACTURED,
                            manufactured         BLENDED OR MIXED
                            tobacco              TOBACCO.
2403990075...............  Tobacco and          MFG TOBACCO &
                            manufactured         SUBSTITUTES, NESOI,
                            tobacco              INCL EXTRACTS &
                            substitutes.         ESSENCES.
2404110000...............  Tobacco and          CONTAINING TOBACCO OR
                            manufactured         RECON TOBACDO, INTENDED
                            tobacco              FOR INHALATION W/O
                            substitutes.         COMBUSTION.
2404120000...............  Tobacco and          CONTAINING NICOTINE,
                            manufactured         INTENDED FOR INHALATION
                            tobacco              W/O COMBUSTION.

[[Page 14790]]

2404190000...............  Tobacco and          PRODUCTS INTENDED FOR
                            manufactured         INHALATION, NESOI.
2404910000...............  Tobacco and          NICOTINE PRODUCTS FOR
                            manufactured         ORAL INTAKE INTO THE
                            tobacco              HUMAN BODY.
2404920000...............  Tobacco and          NICOTINE PRODUCTS
                            manufactured         INTENDED FOR
                            tobacco              TRANSDERMAL INTAKE INTO
                            substitutes.         THE HUMAN BODY.
2404990000...............  Tobacco and          NICOTINE PRODUCTS
                            manufactured         INTENDED FOR INTAKE
                            tobacco              INTO THE HUMAN BODY,
                            substitutes.         NESOI.
3302900010...............  Essential oils and   PERFUME OIL BLENDS, PROD
                            resinoids;           USE FINISHED PERFUME
                            perfumery,           BASE.
                            cosmetic or toilet
3303000000...............  Essential oils and   PERFUMES AND TOILET
                            resinoids;           WATERS.
                            cosmetic or toilet
3304100000...............  Essential oils and   LIP MAKE-UP
                            resinoids;           PREPARATIONS.
                            cosmetic or toilet
3304200000...............  Essential oils and   EYE MAKE-UP
                            resinoids;           PREPARATIONS.
                            cosmetic or toilet
3304910050...............  Essential oils and   MAKE-UP POWDER, WHETHER/
                            resinoids;           NT COMPRESSED, NESOI.
                            cosmetic or toilet
3304995000...............  Essential oils and   BEAUTY & SKIN CARE
                            resinoids;           PREPARATION, NESOI.
                            cosmetic or toilet
3307900000...............  Essential oils and   PERFUMERY, COSMETIC OR
                            resinoids;           TOILET PREPARATIONS,
                            perfumery,           NESOI.
                            cosmetic or toilet
3916902000...............  Plastics and         RACQUET STRINGS, OF
                            articles thereof.    PLASTIC.
3926202500...............  Plastics and         GLOVES SPEC DESIGNED FOR
                            articles thereof.    USE IN SPORTS, PLASTIC.
3926400000...............  Plastics and         STATUETTES & OTHER
                            articles thereof.    ORNAMENTAL ARTICLES, OF
3926903000...............  Plastics and         PARTS FOR YACHTS OR
                            articles thereof.    PLEASURE BOATS, ETC.
4202110000...............  Articles of          TRUNKS, SUITCASES, ETC,
                            leather; saddlery    SURFACE COMPS/PATENT
                            and harness;         LEATHER.
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202120000...............  Articles of          TRUNKS, SUITCASES, ETC,
                            leather; saddlery    SURFACE PLASTIC/TEXT
                            and harness;         MATERLS.
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202190000...............  Articles of          TRUNKS, SUITCASES,
                            leather; saddlery    VANITY CASES ETC,
                            and harness;         NESOI.
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202210000...............  Articles of          HANDBAGS, SURFACE OF
                            leather; saddlery    COMPOSITION/PATENT
                            and harness;         LEATHER.
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202220000...............  Articles of          HANDBAGS, SURFACE OF
                            leather; saddlery    PLASTIC SHEET/TEXT
                            and harness;         MATERIALS.
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202290000...............  Articles of          HANDBAGS, NESOI.
                            leather; saddlery
                            and harness;
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202310000...............  Articles of          ARTICLES FOR POCKET OR
                            leather; saddlery    HANDBAG, COMP/PATENT
                            and harness;         LEATHER.
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202320000...............  Articles of          ARTICLES FOR POCKET/
                            leather; saddlery    HANDBAG, PLASTIC/TEXT
                            and harness;         MATERIAL.
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202390000...............  Articles of          ARTICLES FOR POCKET OR
                            leather; saddlery    HANDBAG, NESOI.
                            and harness;
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202910010...............  Articles of          GOLF BAGS, OUTER SURFACE
                            leather; saddlery    LEATHER.
                            and harness;
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202910040...............  Articles of          OTHER BAGS, OUTER
                            leather; saddlery    SURFACE COMPS/PATENT
                            and harness;         LEATH, NESOI.
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4202990000...............  Articles of          CASES, BAGS & CONT,
                            leather; saddlery    OTHER OF MATR/
                            and harness;         COVERINGS, NESOI.
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4203400000...............  Articles of          OTH CLOTHING
                            leather; saddlery    ACCESSORIES, LEATHER/
                            and harness;         COMPOS LEATHER.
                            travel goods,
                            handbags and
                            articles of animal
                            gut (other than
                            silkworm gut).
4301100000...............  Furskins and         MINK FURSKINS, RAW,
                            artificial fur;      WHOLE.
4301300000...............  Furskins and         ASTRAKHAN, INDIAN, ETC
                            artificial fur;      LAMB FURSKINS, RAW,
                            manufactures         WHOLE.
4301600000...............  Furskins and         FOX FURSKINS, RAW,
                            artificial fur;      WHOLE.
4301800210...............  Furskins and         NUTRIA FURSKINS, RAW,
                            artificial fur;      WHOLE.
4301800297...............  Furskins and         FURSKINS NESOI, RAW,
                            artificial fur;      WHOLE.
4301900000...............  Furskins and         HEADS/PCS, CUTTINGS ETC
                            artificial fur;      FURSKINS FOR FURRIERS'
                            manufactures         USE.
4302110000...............  Furskins and         MINK FURSKINS, WHOLE,
                            artificial fur;      TANNED/DRESSED NOT
                            manufactures         ASSEMBLED.
4302191300...............  Furskins and         PERSIAN ETC LAMB FURSKIN
                            artificial fur;      WHOLE TANNED NOT
                            manufactures         ASSEMBLE.
4302195000...............  Furskins and         FURSKINS NESOI, WHOLE
                            artificial fur;      TANNED/DRESSED NOT
                            manufactures         ASSEMBLED.

[[Page 14791]]

4302200000...............  Furskins and         FURSKIN PIECES/CUTTINGS
                            artificial fur;      TANNED/DRESSED NT
                            manufactures         ASSEMBLD.
4302300000...............  Furskins and         FURSKINS, WHOLE AND
                            artificial fur;      PIECES, TANNED,
                            manufactures         ASSEMBLED.
4303100030...............  Furskins and         MINK FURSKIN ARTICLES,
                            artificial fur;      APPAREL, CLOTHING
                            manufactures         ACCESSORY.
4303100060...............  Furskins and         FURSKIN ARTICLE APPAREL
                            artificial fur;      CLOTHING ACCESSORIES
                            manufactures         NESOI.
4303900000...............  Furskins and         ARTICLES OF FURSKINS,
                            artificial fur;      NESOI.
4304000000...............  Furskins and         ARTIFICIAL FUR AND
                            artificial fur;      ARTICLES THEREOF.
4420110000...............  Wood and articles    STATUETTES AND OTHER
                            of wood; wood        ORNAMENTS OF TROPICAL
                            charcoal.            WOOD.
4420190000...............  Wood and articles    STATUETTES AND OTHER
                            of wood; wood        ORNAMENTS, OF WOOD,
                            charcoal.            NESOI.
4907000000...............  Printed books,       UNUSED POSTAGE;
                            newspapers,          BANKNOTES; CHECK FORMS;
                            pictures and other   STOCK, ETC.
                            products of the
                            printing industry;
                            typescripts and
5001000000...............  Silk...............  SILKWORM COCOONS
                                                 SUITABLE FOR REELING.
5002000000...............  Silk...............  RAW SILK (NOT THROWN).
5003001000...............  Silk...............  SILK WASTE, NOT CARDED
                                                 OR COMBED.
5003009000...............  Silk...............  SILK WASTE, OTHER.
5004000000...............  Silk...............  SILK YARN NOT PUT UP FOR
                                                 RETAIL SALE.
5005000000...............  Silk...............  YARN SPUN FROM SILK
                                                 WASTE NOT PUT UP RETAIL
5006000000...............  Silk...............  SILK YARN&YARN/SILK
                                                 WASTE, RETAIL SALE,
                                                 SILKWORM GUT.
5007100000...............  Silk...............  WOVEN FABRICS OF NOIL
5007200000...............  Silk...............  OTHER FABRICS GE 85%
                                                 SILK/SILK WASTE, NOT
                                                 NOIL SILK.
5007900000...............  Silk...............  WOVEN FABRICS OF SILK OR
                                                 SILK WASTE--OTHER
5603941000...............  Wadding, felt and    NONWOV GT 150G/M2, NT
                            nonwovens; special   MMF FLOOR COVERING
                            yarns, twine,        UNDERLAYS.
                            cordage, ropes and
                            cables and
                            articles thereof.
5701100000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS&OTH TEX FLOOR
                            textile floor        COVR, WOOL/FINE ANML
                            coverings.           HR, KNOTD.
5701900000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS&OTH TEX FLOOR
                            textile floor        COVR, OTH TEX
                            coverings.           MATERIALS, KNOTD.
5702100000...............  Carpets and other    KELEM, SCHUMACKS,
                            textile floor        KARAMANIE, &SIMILAR
                            coverings.           HAND-WOVEN RUGS.
5702200000...............  Carpets and other    FLOOR COVERINGS OF
                            textile floor        COCONUT FIBERS (COIR),
                            coverings.           WOVEN.
5702310000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC OF WOOL/
                            textile floor        FINE ANIMAL HR, PILE,
                            coverings.           NT MADE-UP.
5702320000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC OF MMF
                            textile floor        TEXTL MATERIAL, PILE,
                            coverings.           NOT MADE-UP.
5702390000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC OF OTHER
                            textile floor        TEXTL MATERL, PILE, NOT
                            coverings.           MADE-UP.
5702410000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC OF WOOL/
                            textile floor        FINE ANIMAL HAIR, PILE,
                            coverings.           MADE-UP.
5702420000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC OF MMF
                            textile floor        TEXTILE MATERIALSS,
                            coverings.           PILE, MADE-U.
5702490000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC OTHR TEX
                            textile floor        MATRL, PILE, MADE-UP,
                            coverings.           NOT TUFTED.
5702503000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC WOOL/FINE
                            textile floor        ANML HR, WOVN, NOT PILE/
                            coverings.           MDE-UP.
5702505200...............  Carpets and other    TEX CARPETS, WOV NT
                            textile floor        PILE, MM TEX MAT, NT
                            coverings.           MADE UP.
5702509000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC OTHR TEX
                            textile floor        MAT, WOV, NOT PILE/MADE-
                            coverings.           UP/TUFT.
5702910000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC WOOL/FINE
                            textile floor        ANML HR, WOVN, MADE-UP,
                            coverings.           NT PILE.
5702920000...............  Carpets and other    TEXTILE CARPETS, WOV NO
                            textile floor        PILE, MMF, MADE UP.
5702990000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC OTHR TEX
                            textile floor        MAT, WOV, MADE-UP,
                            coverings.           NOTPILE/TUFT.
5703100000...............  Carpets and other    TEXTILE CARPETS, TUFTED,
                            textile floor        OF WOOL.
5703210000...............  Carpets and other    TURF OF NYLON OR OTHER
                            textile floor        POLYAMIDES.
5703290000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC, NYLON/OTHR
                            textile floor        POLYAMIDES, TUFTD, W/N
                            coverings.           MDE-UP, NESOI.
5703310000...............  Carpets and other    TURF OF OTHER MAN-MADE
                            textile floor        TEXTILE MATERIALS.
5703390000...............  Carpets and other    CARPETS, ETC, TUFTED,W/N
                            textile floor        MDE-UP, NESOI.
5703900000...............  Carpets and other    TEXTILE CARPETS, TUFTED,
                            textile floor        TEXTILE MATERIALS
                            coverings.           NESOI.
5704100000...............  Carpets and other    TEXTILE CARPETS, FELT,
                            textile floor        NO TUFT, TILES SUR NOV
                            coverings.           .3M2.
5704200000...............  Carpets and other    TEXTILE CARPETS, FELT,
                            textile floor        NOT TUFTED, SA 0.3M2 &
                            coverings.           1M2.
5704900100...............  Carpets and other    TEXTILE CARPETS, FELT,
                            textile floor        NOT TUFTED, SA OTHER.
5705000000...............  Carpets and other    OTHR CARPETS&OTHR TEX
                            textile floor        FLOOR COV, WHETHR/NOT
                            coverings.           MADE-UP.
5805000000...............  Special woven        HAND-WOV TAPESTR WALL
                            fabrics; tufted      HANG USE ONLY GT $251/
                            textile fabrics;     SQ MTR.
                            lace, tapestries;
5806393010...............  Special woven        NAR WOV FAB 85% OR MORE
                            fabrics; tufted      BY WGT SILK, NESOI.
                            textile fabrics;
                            lace, tapestries;
5905000000...............  Impregnated,         TEXTILE WALL COVERINGS.
                            coated, covered or
                            laminated textile
                            fabrics; textile
                            articles of a kind
                            suitable for
                            industrial use.
6110301070...............  Articles of apparel  M/B SWEATERS OF MMF CONT
                            and clothing         25% MORE LEATHER, KNIT,
                            accessories,         AND VALUED AT $1,000
                            knitted or           PER UNIT WHOLESALE
                            crocheted.           PRICE IN THE U.S.
6110301080...............  Articles of apparel  W/G VESTS EX SWEATER OF
                            and clothing         MMF CONT 25% LEATHER,
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6110301570...............  Articles of apparel  M/B SWEATERS & SIMILAR
                            and clothing         ART MMF GE 23% W/FAH
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE

[[Page 14792]]

6110301580...............  Articles of apparel  W/G SWEATRS, PULLOVRS,
                            and clothing         SIM ARTS MMF GE 23% W/
                            accessories,         FAH KNT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6110302070...............  Articles of apparel  M/B SWEATERS & SIM ART
                            and clothing         MMF GE 30% SLK, SLK WST
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6110302080...............  Articles of apparel  W/G SWEATRS, PULLOVERS,
                            and clothing         SIM ARTS MMF GE 30% SLK
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6112110015...............  Articles of apparel  M/B JACKETS FOR TRACK
                            and clothing         SUITS ETC COTTON, KNIT,
                            accessories,         AND VALUED AT $1,000
                            knitted or           PER UNIT WHOLESALE
                            crocheted.           PRICE IN THE U.S.
6112110035...............  Articles of apparel  W/G JACKETS FOR TRACK
                            and clothing         SUITS ETC OF COTTON,
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6112110050...............  Articles of apparel  M/B TROUSERS FOR TRACK
                            and clothing         SUITS OF COTTON, KNIT,
                            accessories,         AND VALUED AT $1,000
                            knitted or           PER UNIT WHOLESALE
                            crocheted.           PRICE IN THE U.S.
6112110060...............  Articles of apparel  W/G TROUSERS FOR TRACK
                            and clothing         SUITS OF COTTON, KNIT,
                            accessories,         AND VALUED AT $1,000
                            knitted or           PER UNIT WHOLESALE
                            crocheted.           PRICE IN THE U.S.
6112120015...............  Articles of apparel  M/B JACKETS FOR TRACK
                            and clothing         SUITS ETC SYN FIBERS,
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6112120035...............  Articles of apparel  W/G JACKETS FOR TRACK
                            and clothing         SUITS ETC SYN FIBERS,
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6112120050...............  Articles of apparel  M/B TROUSERS FOR TRACK
                            and clothing         SUITS OF SYN FIBERS,
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6112120060...............  Articles of apparel  W/G TROUSERS FOR TRACK
                            and clothing         SUITS OF SYN FIBERS,
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6112191000...............  Articles of apparel  TRACK WARM-UP AND
                            and clothing         JOGGING SUITS
                            accessories,         ARTIFICIAL FIB, KT, AND
                            knitted or           VALUED AT $1,000 PER
                            crocheted.           UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN
                                                 THE U.S.
6112192000...............  Articles of apparel  TRACK WARM-UP & JOGGING
                            and clothing         SUITS OT TEXTILE FIBER,
                            accessories,         KT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6112201000...............  Articles of apparel  SKI SUITS OF MANMADE
                            and clothing         FIBERS, KNITTED OR
                            accessories,         CROCHETED, AND VALUED
                            knitted or           AT $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6112202000...............  Articles of apparel  SKI SUITS OF OTHER
                            and clothing         TEXTILE MATERIALS,
                            accessories,         KNITTED OR C, AND
                            knitted or           VALUED AT $1,000 PER
                            crocheted.           UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN
                                                 THE U.S.
6112310000...............  Articles of apparel  MEN'S OR BOYS' SWIMWEAR
                            and clothing         OF SYNTHETIC FIBERS,
                            accessories,         KNITT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6112390000...............  Articles of apparel  M/B SWIMWEAR OF OTHER
                            and clothing         TEXTILE MATERIALS,
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6112410000...............  Articles of apparel  WOMEN'S OR GIRLS'
                            and clothing         SWIMWEAR SYNTHETIC
                            accessories,         FIBERS, KNIT, AND
                            knitted or           VALUED AT $1,000 PER
                            crocheted.           UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN
                                                 THE U.S.
6112490000...............  Articles of apparel  W/G SWIMWEAR OF OTHER
                            and clothing         TEXTILE MATERIALS,
                            accessories,         KNIT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6206100000...............  Articles of apparel  W/G BLOUSES, SHIRTS AND
                            and clothing         SHIRT BLOUSES SILK, NT
                            accessories, not     KT, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6211110000...............  Articles of apparel  MEN'S OR BOYS' SWIMWEAR,
                            and clothing         NOT KNITTED OR
                            accessories, not     CROCHETED, AND VALUED
                            knitted or           AT $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6211120000...............  Articles of apparel  WOMEN'S OR GIRLS'
                            and clothing         SWIMWEAR, NOT KNITTED
                            accessories, not     OR CROCHET, AND VALUED
                            knitted or           AT $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6211201500...............  Articles of apparel  WATER RESIST SKI-SUITS,
                            and clothing         NT KNITTED/CROCHETED
                            accessories, not     NESOI, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6213900600...............  Articles of apparel  HANDKERCHIEFS, OF SILK
                            and clothing         OR SILK WASTE, AND
                            accessories, not     VALUED AT $1,000 PER
                            knitted or           UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN
                            crocheted.           THE U.S.
6214100000...............  Articles of apparel  SHAWLS SCARVES MUFFLERS
                            and clothing         MANTILLAS SILK SILK
                            accessories, not     WASTE, AND VALUED AT
                            knitted or           $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6215100000...............  Articles of apparel  TIES, BOW TIES AND
                            and clothing         CRAVATS, OF SILK OR
                            accessories, not     SILK WASTE, AND VALUED
                            knitted or           AT $1,000 PER UNIT
                            crocheted.           WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6301200000...............  Other made up        BLANKETS (NT ELEC) &
                            textile articles;    TRAVELING RUGS OF WOOL
                            sets; worn           HAIR.
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6301300000...............  Other made up        BLANKETS (NT ELEC) &
                            textile articles;    TRAVELING RUGS OF
                            sets; worn           COTTON.
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6301400000...............  Other made up        BLNKET (NT ELEC) &
                            textile articles;    TRAVELING RUGS OF
                            sets; worn           SYNTHETIC FIB.
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6301900000...............  Other made up        OTHER BLANKETS AND
                            textile articles;    TRAVELING RUGS.
                            sets; worn
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6306221000...............  Other made up        BACKPACKING TENTS OF
                            textile articles;    SYNTHETIC FIBERS.
                            sets; worn
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;

[[Page 14793]]

6306229000...............  Other made up        TENTS OF SYNTHETIC
                            textile articles;    FIBERS, NESOI.
                            sets; worn
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6306291100...............  Other made up        TENTS, OF COTTON.
                            textile articles;
                            sets; worn
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6306292100...............  Other made up        TENTS OF TEXTILE
                            textile articles;    MATERIALS NESOI.
                            sets; worn
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6306300010...............  Other made up        SAILS OF SYNTHETIC
                            textile articles;    FIBERS.
                            sets; worn
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6306300020...............  Other made up        SAILS OF TEXTILE
                            textile articles;    MATERIALS NESOI.
                            sets; worn
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6306901000...............  Other made up        CAMPING GOODS, NESOI, OF
                            textile articles;    COTTON.
                            sets; worn
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6306905000...............  Other made up        CAMPING GOODS OF TEXTILE
                            textile articles;    MATERIALS NESOI.
                            sets; worn
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6307200000...............  Other made up        LIFEJACKETS AND
                            textile articles;    LIFEBELTS.
                            sets; worn
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6308000000...............  Other made up        NEDCRFT SET WOV FAB &
                            textile articles;    YRN/MAKNG RUG/TAPST PKG
                            sets; worn           RT S.
                            clothing and worn
                            textile articles;
6401923000...............  Footwear, gaiters    WATERPROOF FTWR RUB/PLAS
                            and the like;        SKI & SNOWBOARD BOOTS,
                            parts of such        AND VALUED AT $1,000
                            articles.            PER UNIT WHOLESALE
                                                 PRICE IN THE U.S.
6402120000...............  Footwear, gaiters    SKI, CROSS-CTY&SNOWBOARD
                            and the like;        BOOTS W/RUBBER OR
                            parts of such        PLASTIC, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6402190000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR RUB PLAST
                            and the like;        STITCH SPORTS FOOTWEAR
                            parts of such        NESOI, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6402991815...............  Footwear, gaiters    TENNIS, BASKETBALL, GYM,
                            and the like;        TRAINING SHOES AND
                            parts of such        LIKE, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403120000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FTWR W/LTHR UPP, SKI,
                            and the like;        CROSS-CTY & SNOWBOARD
                            parts of such        BOOTS, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403190000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UPPER,
                            and the like;        SPORTS FOOTWEAR EXC SKI-
                            parts of such        BOOTS, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403200000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FTWR SOL LTHR UPPER LTHR
                            and the like;        STRAPS AND AROUND BIG
                            parts of such        TOE, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403400000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UPPER NESOI
                            and the like;        WITH A METAL TOE-CAP,
                            parts of such        AND VALUED AT $1,000
                            articles.            PER UNIT WHOLESALE
                                                 PRICE IN THE U.S.
6403511100...............  Footwear, gaiters    FTWR BASE OF WOOD,
                            and the like;        LEATHER OUTER SOLE, COV
                            parts of such        ANK, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403515000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP NESOI
                            and the like;        LEA O SOL ANK COV MEN
                            parts of such        YOUTH, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403518000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UPPER NESOI
                            and the like;        LEA O SOL ANKL COV
                            parts of such        NESOI, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403591000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FTWR BASE OF WOOD,
                            and the like;        LEATHER OUTER SOLE, NT
                            parts of such        COV ANK, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403595000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP A SOL
                            and the like;        NESOI NOT ANK COV MEN
                            parts of such        YOUTH, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403598000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP A SOL
                            and the like;        NESOI NOT ANK COV
                            parts of such        NESOI, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403911300...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA
                            and the like;        SOL ANKLE COV WORK
                            parts of such        SHOES, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403911500...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA
                            and the like;        SOL ANK TENNIS ETC MEN
                            parts of such        ETC, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403915000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA
                            and the like;        SOL ANK COV NESOI MEN
                            parts of such        YOUTH, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403918500...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA
                            and the like;        SOL ANKCOV NESOI EX MN
                            parts of such        YTH, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403991500...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA
                            and the like;        SOL NOT ANKL HOUSE
                            parts of such        SLIPPERS, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE

[[Page 14794]]

6403992500...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA
                            and the like;        SOL NOT ANKL WORK
                            parts of such        SHOES, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403993500...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA
                            and the like;        SOL NOTANK TENNIS MEN
                            parts of such        ETC, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403995000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA
                            and the like;        SOL NOT ANK NESOI MEN
                            parts of such        YOUT, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6403998000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR LEA UP NONLEA
                            and the like;        SOL NOT ANK NESOI EX MN
                            parts of such        YTH, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6404110000...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR TEX UP RUBPLAS
                            and the like;        SOL SPORT SHOES, AND
                            parts of such        VALUED AT $1,000 PER
                            articles.            UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN
                                                 THE U.S.
6404202500...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR TEX UP LEA SOLE
                            and the like;        FOR MEN, AND VALUED AT
                            parts of such        $1,000 PER UNIT
                            articles.            WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6404204500...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR TEX UP LEA SOLE
                            and the like;        FOR WOMEN, AND VALUED
                            parts of such        AT $1,000 PER UNIT
                            articles.            WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6404206500...............  Footwear, gaiters    FOOTWEAR TEX UP LEA SOLE
                            and the like;        EXCEPT FOR MEN AND
                            parts of such        WOMEN, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6405100030...............  Footwear, gaiters    FTWR W/UPPERS LETHER/
                            and the like;        COMPOSITION LEATHER
                            parts of such        MEN, NESOI, AND VALUED
                            articles.            AT $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6405100060...............  Footwear, gaiters    OTH FTWEAR W UPPERS
                            and the like;        LEATHER/COMPOSITION
                            parts of such        LEATHER WM, AND VALUED
                            articles.            AT $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6405100090...............  Footwear, gaiters    OTH FTWEAR W UPPERS
                            and the like;        LEATHER/COMP LEATHER OT
                            parts of such        PERSON, AND VALUED AT
                            articles.            $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6506100010...............  Headgear and parts   ATH, REC AND SPORT
                            thereof.             SAFETY HEADGEAR, LINED
                                                 OR TRMED, AND VALUED AT
                                                 $1,000 PER UNIT
                                                 WHOLESALE PRICE IN THE
6506993000...............  Headgear and parts   HEADGR OF FURSKIN,
                            thereof.             WHETHER OR NT LINED/
                                                 TRIMMD NESOI, AND
                                                 VALUED AT $1,000 PER
                                                 UNIT WHOLESALE PRICE IN
                                                 THE U.S.
6701000000...............  Prepared feathers    SKINS & OTHR PTS OF
                            and down and         BIRDS W/FEATHERS ETC
                            articles made of     EXC 0505.
                            feathers or of
                            down; artificial
                            flowers; articles
                            of human hair.
6911101000...............  Ceramic products...  PORCLN/CHINA, HTL/RESTNT
                                                 & OTHER WARE NOT HH
6911105500...............  Ceramic products...  TABLE/KITCHENWARE,
                                                 PORCLN OR CHINA, NT
6911900050...............  Ceramic products...  HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES OF
                                                 PORCELAIN OR CHINA,
6913100000...............  Ceramic products...  STATUETTES AND OTHER
                                                 ORNMNTL ARTCLS, PORCLN
                                                 OR CHN.
6913900000...............  Ceramic products...  STATUTTES A OTH ORNMNTL
                                                 CERAM ARTCLS NT PORC/
6914100000...............  Ceramic products...  ARTICLES OF PORCELAIN OR
                                                 CHINA, NESOI.
6914900000...............  Ceramic products...  CERAMIC ARTICLES NESOI.
7013220000...............  Glass and glassware  STEMWARE DRINKING
                                                 GLASSES OF LEAD
7013330000...............  Glass and glassware  DRINKING GLASSES OF LEAD
7013410000...............  Glass and glassware  TBL O KTCHN GLSSWR NT
                                                 DRNKNG GLSS OF LEAD
7013910000...............  Glass and glassware  OTHER GLASSWARE, LEAD
                                                 CRYSTAL, NESOI.
7101100000...............  Natural or cultured  NATURAL PEARLS, NOT
                            pearls, precious     MOUNTED OR SET, INCL
                            or semi-precious     TMP STRNG.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7101210000...............  Natural or cultured  CULTURED PEARLS,
                            pearls, precious     UNWORKED.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7101220000...............  Natural or cultured  CULTURED PEARLS, WORKED,
                            pearls, precious     NOT SET.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7102100000...............  Natural or cultured  DIAMONDS, UNSORTED.
                            pearls, precious
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7103102000...............  Natural or cultured  UNWORKED PRECIOUS & SEMI-
                            pearls, precious     PREC STONES (EXC
                            or semi-precious     DIAMOND).
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7103104000...............  Natural or cultured  SAWN/ROUGH SHAPE
                            pearls, precious     PREC&SEMI-PREC ST(EXC
                            or semi-precious     DIAM)NESOI.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7103910000...............  Natural or cultured  RUBIES, SAPPHIRES AND
                            pearls, precious     EMERALDS, OTHERWISE
                            or semi-precious     WORKED.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.

[[Page 14795]]

7103991000...............  Natural or cultured  GEMSTONES, NESOI, CUT
                            pearls, precious     BUT NOT SET SUITBL FR
                            or semi-precious     JEWLRY.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7104200000...............  Natural or cultured  SYNTHC OR RECNSTRCTD
                            pearls, precious     GEMSTONES UNWORKED.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7104901000...............  Natural or cultured  SYN/RECON, GEMSTONES,
                            pearls, precious     CUT BUT NOT SET FOR
                            or semi-precious     JEWELRY.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7104905000...............  Natural or cultured  SYN, RCNSTR GMSTONES
                            pearls, precious     WRKD NT SUITBL FOR
                            or semi-precious     JEWELRY.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7106911010...............  Natural or cultured  SILVER BULLION,
                            pearls, precious     UNWROUGHT.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7106911020...............  Natural or cultured  SILVER DORE.
                            pearls, precious
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7106915000...............  Natural or cultured  UNWROUGHT SILVER, NESOI.
                            pearls, precious
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7106920000...............  Natural or cultured  SILVER,
                            pearls, precious     SEMIMANUFACTURED.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7108121010...............  Natural or cultured  GOLD BULLION UNWROUGHT,
                            pearls, precious     NONMONETARY.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7108121020...............  Natural or cultured  GOLD DORE, UNWROUGHT,
                            pearls, precious     NONMONETARY.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7108125000...............  Natural or cultured  GOLD, NESOI, UNWROUGHT,
                            pearls, precious     NONMONETARY.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7108135000...............  Natural or cultured  GOLD, SEMIMANUFACTURED,
                            pearls, precious     NESOI, NONMONETARY.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7113110000...............  Natural or cultured  JEWELRY AND PARTS
                            pearls, precious     THEREOF, OF SILVER.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7113190000...............  Natural or cultured  JEWELRY AND PARTS
                            pearls, precious     THEREOF, OF OTH
                            or semi-precious     PRECIOUS METAL.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7113200000...............  Natural or cultured  JEWELRY AND PARTS, BASE
                            pearls, precious     METAL CLAD W PREC
                            or semi-precious     METAL.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7114190000...............  Natural or cultured  ARTLS OF GLD OR PLAT
                            pearls, precious     NESOI.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7114200000...............  Natural or cultured  GOLD/SILVER -SMITHS'
                            pearls, precious     ARTCLS A PRTS, BS MTL
                            or semi-precious     CL W PM.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7115900000...............  Natural or cultured  OTH PREC METL ARTCLS OR
                            pearls, precious     ARTCLS CLAD W PM,
                            or semi-precious     NESOI.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7116101000...............  Natural or cultured  ARTICLES OF NATURAL
                            pearls, precious     PEARLS.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7116102500...............  Natural or cultured  ARTICLES OF CULTURED
                            pearls, precious     PEARLS.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7116201000...............  Natural or cultured  JEWELRY OF PRECIOUS OR
                            pearls, precious     SEMIPRECIOUS STONES.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7116204050...............  Natural or cultured  ARTICLES OF PRECIOUS OR
                            pearls, precious     SEMIPREC STONES, NT
                            or semi-precious     JEWLRY.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7117190000...............  Natural or cultured  OTH IMITATION JEWELRY,
                            pearls, precious     BASE METAL, INC PR MTL
                            or semi-precious     PLTD.
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7118100000...............  Natural or cultured  COIN (EXCPT GOLD COIN)
                            pearls, precious     NOT BEING LEGAL TENDER.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.

[[Page 14796]]

7118900030...............  Natural or cultured  GOLD COIN NESOI (GOLD
                            pearls, precious     CONTENT).
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7118900050...............  Natural or cultured  COIN (EXCEPT GOLD COIN)
                            pearls, precious     NESOI.
                            or semi-precious
                            stones, precious
                            metals, metals
                            clad with precious
                            metal and articles
                            thereof; imitation
                            jewelry; coin.
7326906000...............  Articles of iron or  OTH ARTIC IOS, CTD OR
                            steel.               PLTD W PREC METAL,
8306210000...............  Miscellaneous        STATUETTES A OTH
                            articles of base     ORNAMNTS A PRTS PLTD W
                            metal.               PREC METAL.
8306290000...............  Miscellaneous        STATUETTES A OTH ORNMNTS
                            articles of base     A PRTS, BS METL NT PM
                            metal.               PLT.
8407210000...............  Nuclear reactors,    OUTBOARD ENGINES FOR
                            boilers, machinery   MARINE PROPULSION.
                            and mechanical
                            appliances; parts
8407290010...............  Nuclear reactors,    SPK-IGN REC OR ROT INT
                            boilers, machinery   COM PST ENG, MAR, IN/
                            and mechanical       OUTBOARD.
                            appliances; parts
8407290050...............  Nuclear reactors,    INBOARD ENG WITH INBOARD
                            boilers, machinery   DRIVE F MARINE
                            and mechanical       PROPULSION.
                            appliances; parts
8408100010...............  Nuclear reactors,    DIESEL ENGINES, NOT
                            boilers, machinery   EXCEEDING 149.2 KW,
                            and mechanical       MARINE.
                            appliances; parts
8408100020...............  Nuclear reactors,    COMP-IGNI PST ENG,
                            boilers, machinery   MARINE, EXC149.2KW, NOT
                            and mechanical       EXC223.8KW.
                            appliances; parts
8409916000...............  Nuclear reactors,    PARTS F SPARK IG ENG FOR
                            boilers, machinery   MARINE PROPULSION.
                            and mechanical
                            appliances; parts
8412294000...............  Nuclear reactors,    HYDROJET ENGINES FOR
                            boilers, machinery   MARINE PROPULSION.
                            and mechanical
                            appliances; parts
8412901000...............  Nuclear reactors,    PARTS OF HYDROJET
                            boilers, machinery   ENGINES FOR MARINE
                            and mechanical       PROPULSION.
                            appliances; parts
8471300100...............  Nuclear reactors,    PORT DGTL ADP MACH, <10
                            boilers, machinery   KG, AT LEAST CPU, KBRD,
                            and mechanical       DSPLY.
                            appliances; parts
8703101000...............  Vehicles other than  VEHICLES DESIGNED FOR
                            railway or tramway   TRAVELING ON SNOW.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8703210100...............  Vehicles other than  PASS MTR VEH, ONLY SPARK
                            railway or tramway   IGN ENG, NOT OV 1,000
                            rolling stock, and   CC.
                            parts and
8703220100...............  Vehicles other than  PASS MOTOR VEH, ONLY
                            railway or tramway   SPARK IGN ENG, (1,000-
                            rolling stock, and   1,500 CC).
                            parts and
8703230145...............  Vehicles other than  VEHICLES, NESOI, NEW,
                            railway or tramway   ENG (1,500-3,000 CC) LE
                            rolling stock, and   4CYL.
                            parts and
8703230160...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, OV 4 N/O 6
                            railway or tramway   CYL, 1,500-3,000CC.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8703230170...............  Vehicles other than  3PASS VEH, SPARK IGN, >6
                            railway or tramway   CYL, 1,500-3,000 CC.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8703230190...............  Vehicles other than  USED VEHICLES, ONLY SK
                            railway or tramway   IG (1,500-3,000 CC),
                            rolling stock, and   NESOI.
                            parts and
8703240140...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPK IGN >3,000
                            railway or tramway   CC, 4 CYL & UN.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8703240150...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, ONLY SPK IGN
                            railway or tramway   OV 4 N/O 6 CYL, OV
                            rolling stock, and   3,000 CC.
                            parts and
8703240160...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, ONLY SPK IGN
                            railway or tramway   >6 CYL, >3,000 CC, NEW.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8703240190...............  Vehicles other than  PASS MTR VEH, ONLY SPARK
                            railway or tramway   IGN, GT 3,000 CC, USED.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8703310100...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, ONLY COMPR IG,
                            railway or tramway   DIESEL, <1,500 CC.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8703320110...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIESEL ENG,
                            railway or tramway   ONLY CMP-IG, 1,500-
                            rolling stock, and   2,500 CC, NEW.
                            parts and
8703320150...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIESEL ENG,
                            railway or tramway   ONLY COMP-IG 1,500-
                            rolling stock, and   2,500 CC, USED.
                            parts and
8703330145...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIESEL, ONLY
                            railway or tramway   COMP-IG, >2,500 CC,
                            rolling stock, and   NEW, NES.
                            parts and
8703330185...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIESEL, ONLY
                            railway or tramway   COMP-IG, >2,500 CC,
                            rolling stock, and   USE, NES.
                            parts and
8703400005...............  Vehicles other than  PASS MOT VEH LT = 1,000
                            railway or tramway   CC SPRK IGN/ELEC NCHRG
                            rolling stock, and   ENG, NES.
                            parts and
8703400010...............  Vehicles other than  PSSNGR VEH, SPARK IGN
                            railway or tramway   AND ELCTC MTR, 1,000-
                            rolling stock, and   1,500 CC.
                            parts and
8703400020...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPRK IG/ELEC,
                            railway or tramway   NCHG, NESOI, 4 CYL, 500-
                            rolling stock, and   3,000 CC.
                            parts and
8703400030...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH SPK IGN/ELEC,
                            railway or tramway   NCHG PL >4 <6 CYL,
                            rolling stock, and   1,500-3,000 CC.
                            parts and
8703400040...............  Vehicles other than  3PASS VEH, SPARK IGN/
                            railway or tramway   ELEC, NCHRG >6 CYL,
                            rolling stock, and   1,500-3,000CC.
                            parts and
8703400045...............  Vehicles other than  USED VHCLS, SPRK AND
                            railway or tramway   ELCTC ENGN 1,500-3,000
                            rolling stock, and   CC NESOI.
                            parts and
8703400060...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPK IGN/ELEC
                            railway or tramway   NCHG PLG >3,000 CC, 4
                            rolling stock, and   CYL & UN.
                            parts and

[[Page 14797]]

8703400070...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPK IGN/ELEC
                            railway or tramway   NCHG PLUG >4 <6 CYL,
                            rolling stock, and   >3,000 CC.
                            parts and
8703400080...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPK IGN/ELEC,
                            railway or tramway   NWCHRG PLG >6 CYL,
                            rolling stock, and   >3,000 CC.
                            parts and
8703400090...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPK IG & ELEC
                            railway or tramway   NO PLUG, OVER 3,000 CC,
                            rolling stock, and   USED.
                            parts and
8703500010...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIESEL AND
                            railway or tramway   ELEC NO PLUG, <1,500
                            rolling stock, and   CC.
                            parts and
8703500030...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIESL/ELC (NO
                            railway or tramway   PLUG) 1,500-2,500 CC,
                            rolling stock, and   NEW.
                            parts and
8703500050...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIES/ELEC (NO
                            railway or tramway   PLG) ENG, 1,500-2,500
                            rolling stock, and   CC, USED.
                            parts and
8703500070...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIESEL/ELEC,
                            railway or tramway   >2,500 CC, NEW, NESOI.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8703500090...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIESEL/ELEC,
                            railway or tramway   >2,500 CC, USED, NESOI.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8703600005...............  Vehicles other than  PASS MOT VEH LT = 1,000
                            railway or tramway   CC SPARK IGN/ELEC CHRG
                            rolling stock, and   W PLG.
                            parts and
8703600010...............  Vehicles other than  PASSVEH, SP-IGN/ELEC W/
                            railway or tramway   PLUG ENG, (1,000-1,500
                            rolling stock, and   CC).
                            parts and
8703600020...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPK IGN/ELEC,
                            railway or tramway   WITH PLUG 4 CYL, 1,500-
                            rolling stock, and   3,000 CC.
                            parts and
8703600030...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPK IGN/ELEC
                            railway or tramway   CHRG PLG >4
                            rolling stock, and   <6CYL,,1,500-3,000 CC.
                            parts and
8703600040...............  Vehicles other than  3PASS VEH, SPRK IGN/ELEC
                            railway or tramway   CHRG, >6 CYL, 1,500-
                            rolling stock, and   3,000 CC.
                            parts and
8703600045...............  Vehicles other than  USED VEHICLES, SPK/ELEC
                            railway or tramway   (1,500-3,000 CC),
                            rolling stock, and   NESOI.
                            parts and
8703600060...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPK IGN/ELEC
                            railway or tramway   CHRG PLUG >3,000 CC, 4
                            rolling stock, and   CYL & UN.
                            parts and
8703600070...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPK IGN/ELEC,
                            railway or tramway   CHRG PLUG >4, <6 CYL,
                            rolling stock, and   >3,000 CC.
                            parts and
8703600080...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, SPK IGN/ELEC
                            railway or tramway   CHRG PLUG >6 CYL,
                            rolling stock, and   >3,000 CC.
                            parts and
8703600090...............  Vehicles other than  PASS MTR VEH, SP IGN/
                            railway or tramway   ELEC, OVER 3,000 CC,
                            rolling stock, and   USED.
                            parts and
8703700010...............  Vehicles other than  PASSENGER VEHICLES,
                            railway or tramway   DIESEL/ELEC, <1,500 CC.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8703700030...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIESE/ELEC, OV
                            railway or tramway   1,500 BT NT OV 2,500
                            rolling stock, and   CC, NEW.
                            parts and
8703700050...............  Vehicles other than  PASS VEH, DIESL/ELEC, OV
                            railway or tramway   1500 BT NT OV 2,500 CC,
                            rolling stock, and   USED.
                            parts and
8703700070...............  Vehicles other than  PASS MOTOR VEH, DIESL/
                            railway or tramway   ELECTRIC, >2,500 CC,
                            rolling stock, and   NEW, NESOI.
                            parts and
8703700090...............  Vehicles other than  PASS MOTOR VEH, DIESL/
                            railway or tramway   ELECTRI, > 2,500 CC,
                            rolling stock, and   USED, NESOI.
                            parts and
8703800000...............  Vehicles other than  PASSENGER MOTOR VEHICLES
                            railway or tramway   ONLY ELECTRC MOTOR,
                            rolling stock, and   NESOI.
                            parts and
8703900100...............  Vehicles other than  PASSENGER MOTOR
                            railway or tramway   VEHICLES, NESOI.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8706001520...............  Vehicles other than  CHASSIS FITTED W/ENG,
                            railway or tramway   FOR PASSENGER
                            rolling stock, and   AUTOMOBILES.
                            parts and
8707100020...............  Vehicles other than  BODIES FOR PASSENGER
                            railway or tramway   AUTOS OF HEADING 8703.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8711200000...............  Vehicles other than  MOTORCYCLES (INCLUDING
                            railway or tramway   MOPEDS), CYCL, EXC50CC,
                            rolling stock, and   NT250C.
                            parts and
8711300000...............  Vehicles other than  MOTORCYCLES (INCLUDING
                            railway or tramway   MOPEDS), CYCL,
                            rolling stock, and   EXC250CC, NT500.
                            parts and
8711400000...............  Vehicles other than  MOTORCYCLES, CYCL,
                            railway or tramway   EXC500, NT800CC.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8711500000...............  Vehicles other than  MOTORCYCLES, CYCL, EXCD
                            railway or tramway   800 CC.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8711600000...............  Vehicles other than  MOTORCYCLES (INCLUDING
                            railway or tramway   MOPED) ELECTRIC MOTOR,
                            rolling stock, and   NESOI.
                            parts and
8711900100...............  Vehicles other than  MOTORCYCLES (INCLUDING
                            railway or tramway   MOPEDS), NESOI.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8714100010...............  Vehicles other than  SADDLES AND SEATS OF
                            railway or tramway   MOTORCYCLES.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and
8714100090...............  Vehicles other than  PARTS, NESOI, OF
                            railway or tramway   MOTORCYCLES.
                            rolling stock, and
                            parts and

[[Page 14798]]

9020004000...............  Optical,             UNDERWATER BREATHING
                            photographic,        DEVICES CARRIED ON
                            cinematographic,     PERSON.
                            precision, medical
                            or surgical
                            instruments and
                            apparatus; parts
                            and accessories
9101110000...............  Clocks and watches   WRST WATCH, ELEC OPER,
                            and parts thereof.   PRECIOUS METAL, MECH
9101192000...............  Clocks and watches   WRIST WATCH, ELEC OPER,
                            and parts thereof.   PRECIOUS METAL, OPTO-
                                                 ELEC DSP.
9101195000...............  Clocks and watches   WRIST WATCH,
                            and parts thereof.   ELECTRICALLY OPER,
                                                 PRECIOUS METAL, NES.
9101210000...............  Clocks and watches   WRST WATCH, NT BATTERY,
                            and parts thereof.   PRECIOUS METAL,
9101290000...............  Clocks and watches   WRIST WATCHE, NT
                            and parts thereof.   BATTERY, PRECIOUS METAL
                                                 W/O AUTOM.
9101910000...............  Clocks and watches   OTH WATCH, PRECIOUS
                            and parts thereof.   METAL, ELEC OPR, EXC
                                                 WRST WATCH.
9101990000...............  Clocks and watches   OTH WATCH, PRCS METAL,
                            and parts thereof.   NT BATTERY, EXC WRIST
9111100000...............  Clocks and watches   WTCH CASES, PRCS METAL
                            and parts thereof.   OR METAL CLAD W PRCS
9111900000...............  Clocks and watches   PTS, WATCH CASES OF
                            and parts thereof.   PRECIOUS METAL OR BASE
9113100000...............  Clocks and watches   WATCH BANDS ETC, OF PRCS
                            and parts thereof.   METAL/METAL CLAD W PRCS
9201200000...............  Musical              GRAND PIANOS.
                            instruments; parts
                            and accessories of
                            such articles.
9601100000...............  Miscellaneous        WORKED IVORY AND
                            manufactured         ARTICLES OF IVORY.
9601900000...............  Miscellaneous        BONE, HORN, CORAL, ETC &
                            manufactured         OTH ANIMAL CARVING
                            articles.            MATERL.
9602004000...............  Miscellaneous        MOLDED OR CARVED
                            manufactured         ARTICLES OF WAX.
9603300000...............  Miscellaneous        ARTISTS BRUSHES, &
                            manufactured         SIMILAR BRUSHES FOR
                            articles.            COSEMTICS.
9608300039...............  Miscellaneous        FOUNTAIN PENS,
                            manufactured         STYLOGRAPH PENS AND
                            articles.            OTHER PENS, NESOI.
9616200000...............  Miscellaneous        POWDER PUFFS & PADS TO
                            manufactured         APPLY COSMETICS, TOILET
                            articles.            PREP.
9701210000...............  Works of art,        PAINTINGS, DRAWING AND
                            collectors' pieces   PASTELS, OF AN AGE
                            and antiques.        EXCEEDING 100 YEARS.
9701220000...............  Works of art,        MOSAICS OF AN AGE
                            collectors' pieces   EXCEEDING 100 YEARS.
                            and antiques.
9701290000...............  Works of art,        COLLAGES & SIMILAR
                            collectors' pieces   DECORATIVE PLAQUES, OF
                            and antiques.        AN EXCEEDING 100 YEARS.
9701910000...............  Works of art,        PAINTINGS, DRAWING AND
                            collectors' pieces   PASTELS, OF AN AGE NOT
                            and antiques.        EXCEEDING 100 YEARS.
9701920000...............  Works of art,        MOSAICS, OF AN AGE NOT
                            collectors' pieces   EXCEEDING 100 YEARS.
                            and antiques.
9701990000...............  Works of art,        COLLAGES & SIMILAR
                            collectors' pieces   DECORATIVE PLAQUES, OF
                            and antiques.        AN AGE NOT EXCEEDING
                                                 100 YEARS.
9702100000...............  Works of art,        ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS,
                            collectors' pieces   PRINTS & LITHOGRAPHS,
                            and antiques.        OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 100
9702900000...............  Works of art,        ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS,
                            collectors' pieces   PRINTS & LITHOGRAPHS,
                            and antiques.        OF AN AGE NOT EXCEEDING
                                                 100 YEARS.
9703100000...............  Works of art,        ORIGINAL SCULPTURES AND
                            collectors' pieces   STATUARY, IN ANY
                            and antiques.        MATERIAL, OF AN AGE
                                                 EXCEEDING 100 YEARS.
9703900000...............  Works of art,        ORIGINAL SCULPTURES AND
                            collectors' pieces   STATUARY, IN ANY
                            and antiques.        MATERIAL, NOT OF AN AGE
                                                 EXCEEDING 100 YEARS.
9704000000...............  Works of art,        POSTAGE OR REVENUE
                            collectors' pieces   STAMPS, FIRSTDAY
                            and antiques.        COVERS.
9705100000...............  Works of art,        COLLECTIONS & CLLCTRS'
                            collectors' pieces   PCS OF ARCH, ETHNO OR
                            and antiques.        HIST INT.
9705210000...............  Works of art,        HUMAN SPEC AND PARTS
                            collectors' pieces   THEREOF, OF ZOO, BOT,
                            and antiques.        MIN, ANA OR PALEO INT.
9705220000...............  Works of art,        EXTINCT OR END SPECIES
                            collectors' pieces   OR PARTS, OF ZOO, BOT,
                            and antiques.        MIN, ANA, OR PALEO INT.
9705290000...............  Works of art,        COLLECTIONS & CLLCTRS'
                            collectors' pieces   PCS OF ZOO, BOT, MIN,
                            and antiques.        ANA, PALEO INT, NESOI.
9705310030...............  Works of art,        GOLD NUMISMATIC
                            collectors' pieces   (COLLECTORS') PIECES,
                            and antiques.        OF AN AGE EXCEEDING 100
9705310060...............  Works of art,        NUMISMATIC (COLLECTORS')
                            collectors' pieces   PIECES, EXCEPT GOLD, OF
                            and antiques.        AN AGE EXCEEDING 100
9705390030...............  Works of art,        GOLD NUMISMATIC
                            collectors' pieces   (COLLECTORS') PIECES,
                            and antiques.        NESOI.
9705390060...............  Works of art,        NUMISMATIC (COLLECTORS')
                            collectors' pieces   PIECES, EXCEPT GOLD,
                            and antiques.        NESOI.
9706100000...............  Works of art,        ANTIQUES OF AN AGE
                            collectors' pieces   EXCEEDING 250 YEARS.
                            and antiques.
9706900000...............  Works of art,        ANTIQUES OF AN AGE
                            collectors' pieces   EXCEEDING 100 YEARS BUT
                            and antiques.        NOT EXCEEDING 250

Thea D. Rozman Kendler,
Assistant Secretary for Export Administration.
[FR Doc. 2022-05604 Filed 3-11-22; 5:00 pm]

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