Petition for Rulemaking of Institute for Policy Integrity, 12003 [2022-04489]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 42 / Thursday, March 3, 2022 / Proposed Rules
promulgated, would not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
[File No. R207009]
16 CFR Part 4
Petition for Rulemaking of Institute for
Policy Integrity
Environmental Review
This proposal will be subject to an
environmental analysis in accordance
with FAA Order 1050.1F,
‘‘Environmental Impacts: Policies and
Procedures’’ prior to any FAA final
regulatory action.
Federal Trade Commission.
Receipt of petition; request for
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (air).
The Proposed Amendment
Accordingly, pursuant to the
authority delegated to me, the Federal
Aviation Administration proposes to
amend 14 CFR part 71 as follows:
1. The authority citation for 14 CFR
part 71 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103,
40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR,
1959–1963 Comp., p. 389.
§ 71.1
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order JO 7400.11F,
Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, dated August 10, 2021, and
effective September 15, 2021, is
amended as follows:
Paragraph 6005 Class E Airspace Areas
Extending Upward From 700 Feet or More
Above the Surface of the Earth.
Hugoton, KS [Amended]
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
Hugoton Municipal Airport, KS
(Lat. 37°09′48″ N, long. 101°22′14″ W)
That airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface within a 6.5-mile
radius of Hugoton Municipal Airport.
Issued in Fort Worth, Texas, on February
28, 2022.
Martin A. Skinner,
Acting Manager, Operations Support Group,
ATO Central Service Center.
[FR Doc. 2022–04457 Filed 3–2–22; 8:45 am]
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:46 Mar 02, 2022
Jkt 256001
Please take notice that the
Federal Trade Commission
(‘‘Commission’’) received a petition for
rulemaking from NetChoice, Americans
for Prosperity, Hispanic Leadership
Fund, Innovation Economy Institute,
Institute for Policy Innovation, James
Madison Institute, National Taxpayers
Union, R Street Institute, and Young
Voices, and has published that petition
online at
This petition requests that the
Commission’s current rule regarding
disqualification of Commissioners be
amended to also apply to enforcement
proceedings and include specific
procedures on time to respond to
petitions, review by the FTC Ethics
Official and the Commissioners, and
standards for determining recusal. The
Commission invites written comments
concerning the petition. Publication of
this petition is pursuant to the
Commission’s Rules of Practice and
Procedure and does not affect the legal
status of the petition or its final
DATES: Comments must identify the
petition docket number and be filed by
April 4, 2022.
ADDRESSES: You may view the petition,
identified by docket number FTC–2022–
0005, and submit written comments
concerning its merits by using the
Federal eRulemaking Portal at https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Do not submit sensitive or confidential
information. You may read background
documents or comments received at at any time.
Daniel Freer (phone: 202–326–2663,
email:, Office of the
Secretary, Federal Trade Commission,
600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20580.
to Section 18(a)(1)(B) of the Federal
Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C.
57a(1)(B), and FTC Rule 1.31(f), 16 CFR
1.31(f), notice is hereby given that the
above-captioned petition has been filed
with the Secretary of the Commission
and has been placed on the public
record for a period of thirty (30) days.
PO 00000
Frm 00018
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
Any person may submit comments in
support of or in opposition to the
petition. All timely and responsive
comments submitted in connection with
this petition will become part of the
public record.
The Commission will not consider the
petition’s merits until after the comment
period closes. It may grant or deny the
petition in whole or in part, and it may
deem the petition insufficient to warrant
commencement of a rulemaking
proceeding. The purpose of this
document is to facilitate public
comment on the petition to aid the
Commission in determining what, if
any, action to take regarding the request
contained in the petition. This
document is not intended to start, stop,
cancel, or otherwise affect rulemaking
proceedings in any way.
Because your comment will be placed
on the publicly accessible website at, you are
solely responsible for making sure your
comment does not include any sensitive
or confidential information. In
particular, your comment should not
include any sensitive personal
information, such as your or anyone
else’s Social Security number; date of
birth; driver’s license number or other
state identification number, or foreign
country equivalent; passport number;
financial account number; or credit or
debit card number. You are also solely
responsible for making sure your
comment does not include any sensitive
health information, such as medical
records or other individually
identifiable health information. In
addition, your comment should not
include any ‘‘trade secret or any
commercial or financial information
which . . . is privileged or
confidential’’—as provided by Section
6(f) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 46(f), and
FTC Rule 4.10(a)(2), 16 CFR 4.10(a)(2).
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 46; 15 U.S.C. 57a; 5
U.S.C. 601 note.
April J. Tabor,
[FR Doc. 2022–04489 Filed 3–2–22; 8:45 am]
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
31 CFR Part 223
RIN 1530–AA20
Surety Companies Doing Business
With the United States
Bureau of the Fiscal Service,
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 42 (Thursday, March 3, 2022)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Page 12003]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-04489]
[File No. R207009]
16 CFR Part 4
Petition for Rulemaking of Institute for Policy Integrity
AGENCY: Federal Trade Commission.
ACTION: Receipt of petition; request for comment.
SUMMARY: Please take notice that the Federal Trade Commission
(``Commission'') received a petition for rulemaking from NetChoice,
Americans for Prosperity, Hispanic Leadership Fund, Innovation Economy
Institute, Institute for Policy Innovation, James Madison Institute,
National Taxpayers Union, R Street Institute, and Young Voices, and has
published that petition online at This
petition requests that the Commission's current rule regarding
disqualification of Commissioners be amended to also apply to
enforcement proceedings and include specific procedures on time to
respond to petitions, review by the FTC Ethics Official and the
Commissioners, and standards for determining recusal. The Commission
invites written comments concerning the petition. Publication of this
petition is pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Practice and
Procedure and does not affect the legal status of the petition or its
final disposition.
DATES: Comments must identify the petition docket number and be filed
by April 4, 2022.
ADDRESSES: You may view the petition, identified by docket number FTC-
2022-0005, and submit written comments concerning its merits by using
the Federal eRulemaking Portal at Follow
the online instructions for submitting comments. Do not submit
sensitive or confidential information. You may read background
documents or comments received at at any
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Daniel Freer (phone: 202-326-2663,
email: [email protected]), Office of the Secretary, Federal Trade
Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20580.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Pursuant to Section 18(a)(1)(B) of the
Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. 57a(1)(B), and FTC Rule
1.31(f), 16 CFR 1.31(f), notice is hereby given that the above-
captioned petition has been filed with the Secretary of the Commission
and has been placed on the public record for a period of thirty (30)
days. Any person may submit comments in support of or in opposition to
the petition. All timely and responsive comments submitted in
connection with this petition will become part of the public record.
The Commission will not consider the petition's merits until after
the comment period closes. It may grant or deny the petition in whole
or in part, and it may deem the petition insufficient to warrant
commencement of a rulemaking proceeding. The purpose of this document
is to facilitate public comment on the petition to aid the Commission
in determining what, if any, action to take regarding the request
contained in the petition. This document is not intended to start,
stop, cancel, or otherwise affect rulemaking proceedings in any way.
Because your comment will be placed on the publicly accessible
website at, you are solely responsible for
making sure your comment does not include any sensitive or confidential
information. In particular, your comment should not include any
sensitive personal information, such as your or anyone else's Social
Security number; date of birth; driver's license number or other state
identification number, or foreign country equivalent; passport number;
financial account number; or credit or debit card number. You are also
solely responsible for making sure your comment does not include any
sensitive health information, such as medical records or other
individually identifiable health information. In addition, your comment
should not include any ``trade secret or any commercial or financial
information which . . . is privileged or confidential''--as provided by
Section 6(f) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. 46(f), and FTC Rule 4.10(a)(2),
16 CFR 4.10(a)(2).
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 46; 15 U.S.C. 57a; 5 U.S.C. 601 note.
April J. Tabor,
[FR Doc. 2022-04489 Filed 3-2-22; 8:45 am]