Notice of Request for Information Regarding Veterans Outdoor Recreation, 10281-10283 [2022-03734]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 36 / Wednesday, February 23, 2022 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
622–1978 or, U.S.
Department of the Treasury, 1500
Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20220.
Request for Comment on Information
Collection Proposal
Treasury invites public comment on
the following:
a. Whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the Federal Reserve’s
functions; including whether the
information has practical utility;
b. The accuracy of the Federal
Reserve’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed information collection,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
c. Ways to enhance the quality,
utility, and clarity of the information to
be collected;
d. Ways to minimize the burden of
information collection on respondents,
including through the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and
e. Estimates of capital or startup costs
and costs of operation, maintenance,
and purchase of services to provide
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be shared between the
Agencies. All comments received,
including attachments and other
supporting materials, are part of the
public record and will be included in
the submission to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB).
Title: Prohibition on Funding of
Unlawful Internet Gambling.
OMB Control Number: 1505–0204.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
General Description of Report: The
Unlawful internet Gambling
Enforcement Act requires the Treasury
and the Federal Reserve Board (the
‘‘Agencies’’) to prescribe regulations
requiring designated payment systems
and all participants to identify and
block unlawful internet gambling
transactions through the establishment
of reasonably designated policies and
procedures. The Agencies have
published a regulation that requires
designated payment systems and all
participants to establish and implement
written policies and procedures. The
share of the burden attributable the
Treasury is listed below, while the share
attributable to the Federal Reserve
Board is accounted for under OMB
Control No. 7100–0317.
Form Number: None.
Affected Public: Businesses or other
for-profit and not-for-profit
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Estimated Number of Respondents:
Frequency of Response: Annually.
Estimated Total Number of Annual
Responses: 6,038.
Estimated Time per Response: 8.05
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 48,604.
(Authority: 44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.)
Dated: February 17, 2022.
Spencer W. Clark,
Treasury PRA Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2022–03835 Filed 2–22–22; 8:45 am]
Notice of Request for Information
Regarding Veterans Outdoor
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Request for information.
The Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) is requesting information to
assist in implementing the statutory
requirements of the Veterans
Comprehensive Prevention, Access to
Care, and Treatment (COMPACT) Act of
2020. The COMPACT Act mandates VA
to establish an interagency task force to
be known as the Task Force on Outdoor
Recreation for Veterans (Task Force).
The Task Force will carry out its duties
in consultation with appropriate
veterans outdoor recreation groups, and
through this request for information, VA
seeks comments on various topics from
these groups to help inform the work
and ultimately the recommendations of
the Task Force. This effort aligns with
the Administration’s America the
Beautiful initiative, which seeks to
improve opportunities for outdoor
recreation and address inequitable
access to nature and its benefits.
Feedback from the public will also help
inform the work ahead.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before March 25, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted through
Comments should indicate that they are
submitted in response to ‘‘Notice of
Request for Information Regarding
Veterans Outdoor Recreation.’’
Comments received will be available at for public viewing,
inspection or copies.
Maria D. Llorente, M.D., Deputy to the
Assistant Under Secretary for Health,
Patient Care Services, 12PCS, Veterans
Health Administration, 810 Vermont
PO 00000
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Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20420;
202–461–7800. This is not a toll-free
telephone number.
203 of the COMPACT Act, requires VA
to establish the Task Force not later than
18 months after the date on which the
national emergency declared by the
President, pursuant to the National
Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.)
with respect to the Coronavirus Disease
2019 (COVID–19), expires. The Task
Force is responsible for identifying
opportunities to formalize coordination
between VA, public land agencies and
partner organizations regarding the use
of public lands and other outdoor
spaces for facilitating health and
wellness for veterans and their
caregivers; it is also charged with
identifying barriers that exist to
providing veterans with opportunities to
augment the delivery of services for
health and wellness through the use of
outdoor recreation on public lands and
other outdoor spaces and developing
recommendations to better facilitate the
use of public lands and other outdoor
spaces for promoting wellness and
facilitating the delivery of health care
and therapeutic interventions for
veterans. The Task Force will be
composed of representatives from VA;
the Departments of Interior, Health and
Human Services, Agriculture, Defense
and Homeland Security; the Army
Corps of Engineers; at least two
representatives from veterans service
organizations; as well as others
determined appropriate by VA. The
Task Force is required to carry out its
duties in consultation with appropriate
veterans outdoor recreation groups.
These would include organizations that
provide adaptive sports opportunities;
those that support veterans and their
families and caregivers through outdoor
recreational activities; those that offer
outdoor recreation and nature
experiences for overall health and wellbeing; and those that utilize outdoor
recreation as an additional strategy to
cope with posttraumatic stress disorder
and other psychological sequelae of
military service. Section 203 defines
public lands to mean any recreational
lands under the jurisdiction of the
Federal Government or a State or local
Consultation With Interested Parties
The COMPACT Act requires VA to
consult with appropriate veterans
outdoor recreation groups to help
inform the duties of the Task Force.
This request for information will
facilitate the consultation required by
the COMPACT Act. Responses to this
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 36 / Wednesday, February 23, 2022 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
request for information will be used to
inform the work of the Task Force. VA
invites individuals, groups and entities
to reply to the questions presented
below. Commenters are encouraged to
provide complete but concise responses
to the questions outlined below. Please
note that VA will not respond to
comments or other questions regarding
policies, plans, decisions or issues
regarding this notice; however, VA
reserves the right to choose to contact
individual commenters, and such
communication would serve to further
clarify their written comments.
Comments received in response to this
notice will be evaluated and, as
appropriate, incorporated into the
consultation provided to the Task Force
for its duties under this law.
Request for Information
To accomplish the duties of the Task
Force, consistent with and pursuant to
section 203 of the COMPACT Act, the
Secretary seeks information on the
topics and issues listed below. Each
responding group is requested to submit
only one response. Please provide the
name of your group or organization and
contact information. Commenters do not
need to address every question and
should focus on those that relate to their
expertise or perspectives. To the extent
possible, please clearly indicate which
topics and issues you address in your
A. Identify opportunities to formalize
coordination between VA, public land
agencies and partner organizations
regarding the use of public lands and
other outdoor spaces for facilitating
health and wellness for veterans
(section 203(d)(1)(A)).
1. Does your group offer veterans
outdoor recreational activities locally,
State-wide, regionally (e.g.,
Southwestern United States) or
2. What types of outdoor recreational
activities or experiences do you provide
(e.g., hiking, fly-fishing, sailing,
hunting, skiing, rafting, rock climbing,
etc.)? Does your organization provide
adaptive sports and recreation for
veterans with disabilities? Does your
organization primarily serve a local
town, city or comparable unit; State,
region or the entire country?
3. Do you currently conduct programs
on public lands such as national forests,
national parks, national wildlife refuges,
national recreation areas, other Federal
or State lands or public parks? What is
the form of your relationship with
public land managers (e.g.,
memorandum of understanding or
agreement; permit; contract or other
agreement; or something informal)?
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4. Does your organization offer
outdoor recreation with a focus on
specific populations of veterans (e.g.,
women, racial/ethnic minority, LGBTQ+
(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
queer, plus), seniors, disabled, etc.)?
5. Does your organization offer
outdoor recreation with a focus on
veterans with specific health conditions
(e.g., paralyzed, spinal cord injured or
other disability; visual impairments;
mental illness; substance use disorders;
chronic pain; etc.)? How are your staff
members trained to address the needs of
the veterans?
6. How many individual veterans are
served by your group annually?
7. What types of outdoor recreation
opportunities in public lands,
specifically designed to enhance the
overall health and wellness of veterans,
would you like to see (provide a short
description in 2–3 sentences)?
8. Does your group charge veterans
fees to participate? Is your group
registered in the System for Award
Management (
9. Does your group employ veterans to
work with other veterans in these
outdoor recreation activities?
10. Does your group include the
families or caregivers of veterans in the
recreational activities?
11. Does your group incorporate
spiritual care as a component of the
outdoor recreation experience?
12. Does your group utilize or include
animals in outdoor activities (e.g.,
equine therapy, service animals, etc.)? If
so, please describe (provide a short
description in 2–3 sentences).
13. How does your group
communicate and execute outreach to
veterans and/or their families and
caregivers about your outdoor recreation
14. Are you currently coordinating
your outdoor recreation activities with a
local VA medical facility or a local
adaptive sports program that receives
funding through VA’s Grants for
Adaptive Sports Programs for Disabled
Veterans and Disabled Members of the
Armed Forces Program? If not, have you
tried to do so? If so, how were you able
to do so (for example, a memorandum
of understanding, grant, through
volunteer services, etc.)?
15. How do you manage physical and
emotional risks of veteran participants
during program activities? How do you
ensure safety? Is there any type of
technical assistance or training that
Federal agencies could offer to support
your mission?
16. What tools do you use to evaluate
the effectiveness of your program and
veteran experiences with your program?
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17. What outcomes has your program
accomplished? Please describe.
18. How can coordination between
VA and public land agencies or
managers be strengthened? Are there
examples that could be used as a model?
19. Does your organization have
corporate sponsorships or partner with
the sports or recreation industry? If so,
how did you develop those
B. Identify barriers that exist to
providing veterans with opportunities to
augment the delivery of services for
health and wellness through the use of
outdoor recreation on public lands and
other outdoor spaces (section
1. What barriers have you experienced
that make it challenging to provide
veterans with outdoor recreation
opportunities to augment their health
and wellness with respect to public
lands managed by the Federal
Government? What specific measures
would address these barriers and make
nature-based or outdoor recreation
programs more available on Federal
public lands?
2. What barriers have you experienced
that make it challenging to provide
veterans with outdoor recreation
opportunities to augment their health
and wellness with respect to public
lands managed by State governments?
What specific measures would make
nature-based or outdoor recreation
programs more available on State public
3. What barriers have you experienced
that make it challenging to provide
veterans with outdoor recreation
opportunities to augment their health
and wellness with respect to public
lands managed by local governments?
What specific measures would make
nature-based or outdoor recreation
programs more available on local public
4. Are there other barriers that you or
the veterans you serve have encountered
that interfere with veterans’ access to
public lands?
5. Do you offer adaptive equipment
for disabled veterans (e.g., recumbent
bicycles, hand cycles, sit-skis, etc.)? If
yes, what type?
6. Are veterans required to sign
liability waivers to participate in your
7. Are there recreation activities/
experiences your organization would
like to offer but is currently unable to do
so? If so, what are these activities, and
what prevents you from being able to
offer them?
C. Develop recommendations to better
facilitate the use of public lands and
other outdoor spaces for promoting
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 36 / Wednesday, February 23, 2022 / Notices
wellness and facilitating the delivery of
health care and therapeutic
interventions for veterans (section
1. What specific actions could the
Task Force consider to better facilitate
the use of public lands for promoting
wellness to veterans?
2. Which health and therapeutic
interventions for veterans should be
prioritized and why?
3. How can VA and other Federal
agencies better communicate the various
types of programs that exist to support
and facilitate veteran participation in
wellness activities using public lands?
4. What type of research should VA
and other Federal agencies carry out to
address gaps in the evidence base on
health outcomes related to outdoor
recreation activities for veterans?
5. Is there any type of training or
technical assistance that Federal
agencies could provide to your
organization to enhance or facilitate
your group’s ability to offer outdoor
recreational activities and experiences
to veterans and their families and
6. Do you have any other suggestions
or comments to facilitate the use of
public lands by veterans and their
families and caregivers? If so, please
share them.
Signing Authority: Denis McDonough,
Secretary of Veterans Affairs, approved
this document on January 27, 2022 and
authorized the undersigned to sign and
submit the document to the Office of the
Federal Register for publication
electronically as an official document of
the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Luvenia Potts,
Regulation Development Coordinator, Office
of Regulation Policy & Management, Office
of General Counsel, Department of Veterans
[FR Doc. 2022–03734 Filed 2–22–22; 8:45 am]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of
Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA), National Cemetery Administration
ACTION: Notice of a modified system of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Pursuant to the Privacy Act of
1974, notice is hereby given that the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is
updating the system of records in its
inventory entitled, ‘‘Veterans and
Dependents National Cemetery
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Gravesite Reservation Records’’ VA
(41VA41). This system contains
information related to Veterans and
their dependents who have made
gravesite reservations with the National
Cemetery Administration (NCA). VA is
amending the system of records by
revising the Purpose, Routine Uses of
Records Maintained in the System,
Safeguards, and Notification Procedure.
VA is republishing the system notice in
its entirety.
DATES: Comments on this modified
system of records must be received no
later than 30 days after date of
publication in the Federal Register. If
no public comment is received during
the period allowed for comment or
unless otherwise published in the
Federal Register by VA, the modified
system of records will become effective
a minimum of 30 days after date of
publication in the Federal Register. If
VA receives public comments, VA shall
review the comments to determine
whether any changes to the notice are
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted through
or mailed to VA Privacy Service, 810
Vermont Avenue NW, (005R1A),
Washington, DC 20420. Comments
should indicate that they are submitted
in response to ‘‘Veterans and
Dependents National Cemetery
Gravesite Reservation Records VA’’,
(41VA41). Comments received will be
available at for public
viewing, inspection or copies.
Lakisha Wright, National Cemetery
Administration (NCA) Privacy Officer
(43E), Department of Veterans Affairs,
810 Vermont Avenue NW, Washington,
DC 20420, telephone (202) 632–7216
(this is not a toll-free number).
system of records is in accordance with
the Privacy Act requirement that
agencies publish their amended system
of records in the Federal Register when
there is revision, change, or addition.
VA’s Office of National Cemetery
Administration (NCA) has reviewed its
systems of records notices and has
determined its record system, ‘‘Veterans
and Dependents National Cemetery
Interment Records VA’’ (41VA41),
should be amended to reflect evolving
technology and procedures and to
conform to current practice. The system
of records is adding a Purpose Section.
The Purpose Section more fully
explains the mission of the National
Cemetery Administration. The
Safeguard section is being amended to
list specific standards that will be
applied to protect sensitive personal
PO 00000
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information. The Notification
Procedures in the System is amended to
reflect any individual who wishes to
access information within system may
submit a written request to the Privacy
Officer. The purpose of the system of
records includes but is not limited to
providing a repository for military,
personal, and administrative
information that is collected, retrieved,
and disclosed to authorized individuals
related to pre-need eligibility
determinations for burial in a VA
national cemetery. Information
contained in this system of records may
also be used as an aggregate, nonpersonally identifiable set to track,
evaluate, and report on local and
national benefits initiatives, such as
cemetery development and emerging
burial needs. Information in this
proposed system of records will be
protected from unauthorized access
through administrative, physical, and
technical safeguards. Access to the hard
copy and computerized information will
be restricted to VA employees and VA
contractors by means of PIV card and
PIN, and/or passwords. Hard copy
records will be maintained in offices
that are restricted by cypher locks
during work hours and locked after duty
hours with security camera surveillance
of the office area and facility. The VA
facility is located in GSA-leased office
space and is under the protection of the
Department of Homeland Security.
VA is proposing the following routine
use disclosures of information to be
maintained in the system:
Congress: To a Member of Congress or
staff acting upon the Member’s behalf
when the Member or staff requests the
information on behalf of, and at the
request of, the individual who is the
subject of the record.
Data breach response and
remediation, for VA: To appropriate
agencies, entities, and persons when (1)
VA suspects or has confirmed that there
has been a breach of the system of
records, (2) VA has determined that as
a result of the suspected or confirmed
breach there is a risk of harm to
individuals, VA (including its
information systems, programs, and
operations), the Federal Government, or
national security; and (3) the disclosure
made to such agencies, entities, and
persons is reasonably necessary to assist
in connection with VA’s efforts to
respond to the suspected or confirmed
breach or to prevent, minimize, or
remedy such harm.
Data breach response and
remediation, for Another Federal
agency: To another Federal agency or
Federal entity, when VA determines
that the information from this system of
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 36 (Wednesday, February 23, 2022)]
[Pages 10281-10283]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-03734]
Notice of Request for Information Regarding Veterans Outdoor
AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs.
ACTION: Request for information.
SUMMARY: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is requesting
information to assist in implementing the statutory requirements of the
Veterans Comprehensive Prevention, Access to Care, and Treatment
(COMPACT) Act of 2020. The COMPACT Act mandates VA to establish an
interagency task force to be known as the Task Force on Outdoor
Recreation for Veterans (Task Force). The Task Force will carry out its
duties in consultation with appropriate veterans outdoor recreation
groups, and through this request for information, VA seeks comments on
various topics from these groups to help inform the work and ultimately
the recommendations of the Task Force. This effort aligns with the
Administration's America the Beautiful initiative, which seeks to
improve opportunities for outdoor recreation and address inequitable
access to nature and its benefits. Feedback from the public will also
help inform the work ahead.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 25, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted through
Comments should indicate that they are submitted in response to
``Notice of Request for Information Regarding Veterans Outdoor
Recreation.'' Comments received will be available at for public viewing, inspection or copies.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Maria D. Llorente, M.D., Deputy to the
Assistant Under Secretary for Health, Patient Care Services, 12PCS,
Veterans Health Administration, 810 Vermont Avenue NW, Washington, DC
20420; 202-461-7800. This is not a toll-free telephone number.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 203 of the COMPACT Act, requires VA
to establish the Task Force not later than 18 months after the date on
which the national emergency declared by the President, pursuant to the
National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) with respect to the
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), expires. The Task Force is
responsible for identifying opportunities to formalize coordination
between VA, public land agencies and partner organizations regarding
the use of public lands and other outdoor spaces for facilitating
health and wellness for veterans and their caregivers; it is also
charged with identifying barriers that exist to providing veterans with
opportunities to augment the delivery of services for health and
wellness through the use of outdoor recreation on public lands and
other outdoor spaces and developing recommendations to better
facilitate the use of public lands and other outdoor spaces for
promoting wellness and facilitating the delivery of health care and
therapeutic interventions for veterans. The Task Force will be composed
of representatives from VA; the Departments of Interior, Health and
Human Services, Agriculture, Defense and Homeland Security; the Army
Corps of Engineers; at least two representatives from veterans service
organizations; as well as others determined appropriate by VA. The Task
Force is required to carry out its duties in consultation with
appropriate veterans outdoor recreation groups. These would include
organizations that provide adaptive sports opportunities; those that
support veterans and their families and caregivers through outdoor
recreational activities; those that offer outdoor recreation and nature
experiences for overall health and well-being; and those that utilize
outdoor recreation as an additional strategy to cope with posttraumatic
stress disorder and other psychological sequelae of military service.
Section 203 defines public lands to mean any recreational lands under
the jurisdiction of the Federal Government or a State or local
Consultation With Interested Parties
The COMPACT Act requires VA to consult with appropriate veterans
outdoor recreation groups to help inform the duties of the Task Force.
This request for information will facilitate the consultation required
by the COMPACT Act. Responses to this
[[Page 10282]]
request for information will be used to inform the work of the Task
Force. VA invites individuals, groups and entities to reply to the
questions presented below. Commenters are encouraged to provide
complete but concise responses to the questions outlined below. Please
note that VA will not respond to comments or other questions regarding
policies, plans, decisions or issues regarding this notice; however, VA
reserves the right to choose to contact individual commenters, and such
communication would serve to further clarify their written comments.
Comments received in response to this notice will be evaluated and, as
appropriate, incorporated into the consultation provided to the Task
Force for its duties under this law.
Request for Information
To accomplish the duties of the Task Force, consistent with and
pursuant to section 203 of the COMPACT Act, the Secretary seeks
information on the topics and issues listed below. Each responding
group is requested to submit only one response. Please provide the name
of your group or organization and contact information. Commenters do
not need to address every question and should focus on those that
relate to their expertise or perspectives. To the extent possible,
please clearly indicate which topics and issues you address in your
A. Identify opportunities to formalize coordination between VA,
public land agencies and partner organizations regarding the use of
public lands and other outdoor spaces for facilitating health and
wellness for veterans (section 203(d)(1)(A)).
1. Does your group offer veterans outdoor recreational activities
locally, State-wide, regionally (e.g., Southwestern United States) or
2. What types of outdoor recreational activities or experiences do
you provide (e.g., hiking, fly-fishing, sailing, hunting, skiing,
rafting, rock climbing, etc.)? Does your organization provide adaptive
sports and recreation for veterans with disabilities? Does your
organization primarily serve a local town, city or comparable unit;
State, region or the entire country?
3. Do you currently conduct programs on public lands such as
national forests, national parks, national wildlife refuges, national
recreation areas, other Federal or State lands or public parks? What is
the form of your relationship with public land managers (e.g.,
memorandum of understanding or agreement; permit; contract or other
agreement; or something informal)?
4. Does your organization offer outdoor recreation with a focus on
specific populations of veterans (e.g., women, racial/ethnic minority,
LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus), seniors,
disabled, etc.)?
5. Does your organization offer outdoor recreation with a focus on
veterans with specific health conditions (e.g., paralyzed, spinal cord
injured or other disability; visual impairments; mental illness;
substance use disorders; chronic pain; etc.)? How are your staff
members trained to address the needs of the veterans?
6. How many individual veterans are served by your group annually?
7. What types of outdoor recreation opportunities in public lands,
specifically designed to enhance the overall health and wellness of
veterans, would you like to see (provide a short description in 2-3
8. Does your group charge veterans fees to participate? Is your
group registered in the System for Award Management (
9. Does your group employ veterans to work with other veterans in
these outdoor recreation activities?
10. Does your group include the families or caregivers of veterans
in the recreational activities?
11. Does your group incorporate spiritual care as a component of
the outdoor recreation experience?
12. Does your group utilize or include animals in outdoor
activities (e.g., equine therapy, service animals, etc.)? If so, please
describe (provide a short description in 2-3 sentences).
13. How does your group communicate and execute outreach to
veterans and/or their families and caregivers about your outdoor
recreation activities?
14. Are you currently coordinating your outdoor recreation
activities with a local VA medical facility or a local adaptive sports
program that receives funding through VA's Grants for Adaptive Sports
Programs for Disabled Veterans and Disabled Members of the Armed Forces
Program? If not, have you tried to do so? If so, how were you able to
do so (for example, a memorandum of understanding, grant, through
volunteer services, etc.)?
15. How do you manage physical and emotional risks of veteran
participants during program activities? How do you ensure safety? Is
there any type of technical assistance or training that Federal
agencies could offer to support your mission?
16. What tools do you use to evaluate the effectiveness of your
program and veteran experiences with your program?
17. What outcomes has your program accomplished? Please describe.
18. How can coordination between VA and public land agencies or
managers be strengthened? Are there examples that could be used as a
19. Does your organization have corporate sponsorships or partner
with the sports or recreation industry? If so, how did you develop
those relationships?
B. Identify barriers that exist to providing veterans with
opportunities to augment the delivery of services for health and
wellness through the use of outdoor recreation on public lands and
other outdoor spaces (section 203(d)(1)(B)).
1. What barriers have you experienced that make it challenging to
provide veterans with outdoor recreation opportunities to augment their
health and wellness with respect to public lands managed by the Federal
Government? What specific measures would address these barriers and
make nature-based or outdoor recreation programs more available on
Federal public lands?
2. What barriers have you experienced that make it challenging to
provide veterans with outdoor recreation opportunities to augment their
health and wellness with respect to public lands managed by State
governments? What specific measures would make nature-based or outdoor
recreation programs more available on State public lands?
3. What barriers have you experienced that make it challenging to
provide veterans with outdoor recreation opportunities to augment their
health and wellness with respect to public lands managed by local
governments? What specific measures would make nature-based or outdoor
recreation programs more available on local public lands?
4. Are there other barriers that you or the veterans you serve have
encountered that interfere with veterans' access to public lands?
5. Do you offer adaptive equipment for disabled veterans (e.g.,
recumbent bicycles, hand cycles, sit-skis, etc.)? If yes, what type?
6. Are veterans required to sign liability waivers to participate
in your activities?
7. Are there recreation activities/experiences your organization
would like to offer but is currently unable to do so? If so, what are
these activities, and what prevents you from being able to offer them?
C. Develop recommendations to better facilitate the use of public
lands and other outdoor spaces for promoting
[[Page 10283]]
wellness and facilitating the delivery of health care and therapeutic
interventions for veterans (section 203(d)(1)(C)).
1. What specific actions could the Task Force consider to better
facilitate the use of public lands for promoting wellness to veterans?
2. Which health and therapeutic interventions for veterans should
be prioritized and why?
3. How can VA and other Federal agencies better communicate the
various types of programs that exist to support and facilitate veteran
participation in wellness activities using public lands?
4. What type of research should VA and other Federal agencies carry
out to address gaps in the evidence base on health outcomes related to
outdoor recreation activities for veterans?
5. Is there any type of training or technical assistance that
Federal agencies could provide to your organization to enhance or
facilitate your group's ability to offer outdoor recreational
activities and experiences to veterans and their families and
6. Do you have any other suggestions or comments to facilitate the
use of public lands by veterans and their families and caregivers? If
so, please share them.
Signing Authority: Denis McDonough, Secretary of Veterans Affairs,
approved this document on January 27, 2022 and authorized the
undersigned to sign and submit the document to the Office of the
Federal Register for publication electronically as an official document
of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Luvenia Potts,
Regulation Development Coordinator, Office of Regulation Policy &
Management, Office of General Counsel, Department of Veterans Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2022-03734 Filed 2-22-22; 8:45 am]