Small Business Size Standards: Termination of Nonmanufacturer Rule Class Waiver, 8628-8629 [2022-03201]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 31 / Tuesday, February 15, 2022 / Notices
executed non-SPX contracts
(approximately 27% of total executed
contracts) traded during that time would
have been eligible to execute in $0.01
increments. Amendment No. 1 raises no
novel regulatory issues and provides
additional analysis that assists the
Commission in evaluating the
Exchange’s proposal and determining
that it is consistent with the Act.
Accordingly, the Commission finds
good cause, pursuant to Section 19(b)(2)
of the Act,43 to approve the proposed
rule change, as modified by Amendment
No. 1, on an accelerated basis.
VII. Conclusion
It is therefore ordered, pursuant to
Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,44 that the
proposed rule change (SR–CBOE–2021–
046), as modified by Amendment No. 1,
is approved on an accelerated basis.
For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
J. Matthew DeLesDernier,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2022–03142 Filed 2–14–22; 8:45 am]
[Release No. 34–94202; File No. SR–
Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe
BZX Exchange, Inc.; Notice of
Designation of a Longer Period for
Commission Action on Proceedings To
Determine Whether To Approve or
Disapprove a Proposed Rule Change
To List and Trade Shares of the Global
X Bitcoin Trust Under BZX Rule
14.11(e)(4), Commodity-Based Trust
February 9, 2022.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
On August 3, 2021, Cboe BZX
Exchange, Inc. (‘‘BZX’’ or ‘‘Exchange’’)
filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (‘‘Commission’’), pursuant
to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (‘‘Act’’) 1 and Rule
19b–4 thereunder,2 a proposed rule
change to list and trade shares of the
Global X Bitcoin Trust under BZX Rule
14.11(e)(4), Commodity-Based Trust
Shares. The proposed rule change was
published for comment in the Federal
Register on August 23, 2021.3
43 15
U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
45 17 CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
1 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1).
2 17 CFR 240.19b–4.
3 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 92689
(Aug. 17, 2021), 86 FR 47176. Comments on the
44 15
VerDate Sep<11>2014
20:12 Feb 14, 2022
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On September 29, 2021, pursuant to
Section 19(b)(2) of the Act,4 the
Commission designated a longer period
within which to approve the proposed
rule change, disapprove the proposed
rule change, or institute proceedings to
determine whether to disapprove the
proposed rule change.5 On November
18, 2021, the Commission instituted
proceedings under Section 19(b)(2)(B) of
the Act 6 to determine whether to
approve or disapprove the proposed
rule change.7
Section 19(b)(2) of the Act 8 provides
that, after initiating proceedings, the
Commission shall issue an order
approving or disapproving the proposed
rule change not later than 180 days after
the date of publication of notice of filing
of the proposed rule change. The
Commission may extend the period for
issuing an order approving or
disapproving the proposed rule change,
however, by not more than 60 days if
the Commission determines that a
longer period is appropriate and
publishes the reasons for such
determination. The proposed rule
change was published for comment in
the Federal Register on August 23,
2021.9 The 180th day after publication
of the proposed rule change is February
19, 2022. The Commission is extending
the time period for approving or
disapproving the proposed rule change
for an additional 60 days.
The Commission finds that it is
appropriate to designate a longer period
within which to issue an order
approving or disapproving the proposed
rule change so that it has sufficient time
to consider the proposed rule change
and the issues raised in the comments
that have been submitted in connection
therewith. Accordingly, the
Commission, pursuant to Section
19(b)(2) of the Act,10 designates April
20, 2022, as the date by which the
Commission shall either approve or
disapprove the proposed rule change
(File No. SR–CboeBZX–2021–052).
proposed rule change can be found at: https://
4 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
5 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 93174,
86 FR 55043 (Oct. 5, 2021). The Commission
designated November 21, 2021, as the date by
which it should approve, disapprove, or institute
proceedings to determine whether to disapprove the
proposed rule change.
6 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2)(B).
7 See Securities Exchange Act Release No. 93608,
86 FR 67094 (Nov. 24, 2021).
8 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
9 See supra note 3 and accompanying text.
10 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(2).
PO 00000
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For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
J. Matthew DeLesDernier,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2022–03139 Filed 2–14–22; 8:45 am]
[Docket No.: SBA–2021–0012]
Small Business Size Standards:
Termination of Nonmanufacturer Rule
Class Waiver
U.S. Small Business
ACTION: Notice of intent to terminate the
class waiver to the Nonmanufacturer
The U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA) is considering
terminating a class waiver of the
Nonmanufacturer Rule (NMR) for
Furniture Frames and Parts, Metal,
Manufacturing under NAICS code
337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture
Frames, Wood, Manufacturing under
NAICS code 337215 and PSC 7195;
Furniture Parts, Finished Plastics,
Manufacturing under NAICS code
33725 and PSC 7195; Furniture,
Factory-type (e.g., cabinets, stools, tool
stands, work benches), Manufacturing
under NAICS code 337127 and PSC
7110; Furniture, Hospital (e.g., hospital
beds, operating room furniture)
Manufacturing under NAICS code
339113 and PSC 7195; and Furniture,
Laboratory-type (e.g., benches, cabinets,
stools, tables) Manufacturing under
NAICS code 339113 and PSC 7195.
DATES: Comments and source
information must be submitted on or
before 03/09/2022.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
and source information via the Federal
Rulemaking Portal at https:// under Docket ID
SBA–2021–0012. If you wish to submit
confidential business information (CBI)
as defined in the User Notice at https://, please submit the
information to Carol Hulme, Attorney
Advisor, Office of Government
Contracting, U.S. Small Business
Administration, 409 Third Street SW,
8th Floor, Washington, DC 20416.
Highlight the information that you
consider to be CBI and explain why you
believe this information should be held
confidential. SBA will review the
information and make a final
determination as to whether the
information will be published.
11 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(57).
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 31 / Tuesday, February 15, 2022 / Notices
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Carol Hulme, Program Analyst, by
telephone at 202–205–6347; or by email
October 6, 2019, SBA received a request
to terminate the current class waiver of
the NMR for the products identified
above. According to the request, there
are small business manufacturers
available to participate in the Federal
marketplace for these products.
According to the information the
requester provided to the SBA, several
small manufacturers have provided
these products to the Federal agencies
within the past 24 months.
Based on this information, the SBA is
seeking comment on the termination of
the class waiver for Furniture Frames
and Parts, Metal, Manufacturing under
NAICS code 337215 and PSC 7195;
Furniture Frames, Wood, Manufacturing
under NAICS code 337215 and PSC
7195; Furniture Parts, Finished Plastics,
Manufacturing under NAICS code
33725 and PSC 7195; Furniture,
Factory-type (e.g., cabinets, stools, tool
stands, work benches), Manufacturing
under NAICS code 337127 and PSC
7110; Furniture, Hospital (e.g., hospital
beds, operating room furniture)
Manufacturing under NAICS code
339113 and PSC 7195; and Furniture,
Laboratory-type (e.g., benches, cabinets,
stools, tables) Manufacturing under
NAICS code 339113 and PSC 7195.
An awardee of a Federal small
business set-aside contract valued over
$250,000.00, service-disabled veteranowned small business contract,
HUBZone contract, women-owned
small business contract, or 8(a) contract
must provide its own product or that of
a small business manufacturer unless a
waiver is in place. If the aboveidentified class waiver is terminated,
small businesses will no longer be
authorized to provide the product of any
manufacturer regardless of size on the
identified items, unless a Federal
Contracting Officer obtains an
individual waiver to the NMR.
Sections 8(a)(17) and 46 of the Small
Business Act (Act), 15 U.S.C. 637(a)(17)
and 657, and SBA’s implementing
regulations require that recipients of
Federal supply contracts (except those
valued between $3,500 and $250,000)
set aside for small business, servicedisabled veteran-owned small business
(SDVOSB), women-owned small
business (WOSB), economically
disadvantaged women-owned small
business (EDWOSB), or participants in
the SBA’s 8(a) Business Development
(BD) program provide the product of a
small business manufacturer or
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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processor, if the recipient is other than
the actual manufacturer or processor of
the product. This requirement is
commonly referred to as the
Nonmanufacturer Rule (NMR). 13 CFR
121.406(b). Sections 8(a)(17)(B)(iv)(II)
and 46(a)(4)(B) of the Act authorize SBA
to waive the NMR for a ‘‘class of
products’’ for which there are no small
business manufacturers or processors
available to participate in the Federal
As implemented in SBA’s regulations
at 13 CFR 121.1202(c), in order to be
considered available to participate in
the Federal market for a class of
products, a small business manufacturer
must have submitted a proposal for a
contract solicitation or been awarded a
contract to supply the class of products
within the last 24 months.
In accordance with the SBA’s
regulations at 13 CFR 121.1204(a)(7),
SBA will periodically review existing
class waivers to the NMR to determine
whether small business manufacturers
or processors have become available to
participate in the Federal market. Upon
receipt of information that such a small
business manufacturer or processor
exists, the SBA will announce its intent
to terminate the NMR waiver for a class
of products. 13 CFR 121.1204(a)(7)(ii).
Unless public comment reveals no small
business exists for the class of products
in question, SBA will publish a Final
Notice of Termination in the Federal
On June 27, 2006, SBA issued a
Notice of Intent to waive the NMR for
Furniture Frames and Parts, Metal,
Manufacturing under NAICS code
337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture
Frames, Wood, Manufacturing under
NAICS code 337215 and PSC 7195;
Furniture Parts, Finished Plastics,
Manufacturing under NAICS code
33725 and PSC 7195; Furniture,
Factory-type (e.g., cabinets, stools, tool
stands, work benches), Manufacturing
under NAICS code 337127 and PSC
7110; Furniture, Hospital (e.g., hospital
beds, operating room furniture)
Manufacturing under NAICS code
339113 and PSC 7195; and Furniture,
Laboratory-type (e.g., benches, cabinets,
stools, tables) Manufacturing under
NAICS code 339113 and PSC 7195.
After the comment and notice period
passed, SBA issued a class waiver for
those products.
On October 6, 2019, SBA received a
request to terminate the previously
issued waiver. The requester provided
information that established the
existence of small business
manufacturers of the identified
products. These small businesses have
submitted bids on Federal solicitations
PO 00000
Frm 00071
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
within the past 24 months. Thus SBA is
proposing to terminate the class waiver
for Furniture Frames and Parts, Metal,
Manufacturing under NAICS code
337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture
Frames, Wood, Manufacturing under
NAICS code 337215 and PSC 7195;
Furniture Parts, Finished Plastics,
Manufacturing under NAICS code
33725 and PSC 7195; Furniture,
Factory-type (e.g., cabinets, stools, tool
stands, work benches), Manufacturing
under NAICS code 337127 and PSC
7110; Furniture, Hospital (e.g., hospital
beds, operating room furniture)
Manufacturing under NAICS code
339113 and PSC 7195; and Furniture,
Laboratory-type (e.g., benches, cabinets,
stools, tables) Manufacturing under
NAICS code 339113 and PSC 7195.
The public is invited to comment or
provide source information on the
proposed termination of the NMR
waiver for these products. More
information on the NMR and class
waivers can be found at
Nonmanufacturer rule (
Wallace D. Sermons, II,
Acting Director, Office of Government
[FR Doc. 2022–03201 Filed 2–14–22; 8:45 am]
[Disaster Declaration #17338 and #17339;
Colorado Disaster Number CO–00137]
Presidential Declaration of a Major
Disaster for Public Assistance Only for
the State of Colorado
Small Business Administration.
This is a Notice of the
Presidential declaration of a major
disaster for Public Assistance Only for
the State of Colorado (FEMA–4634–DR),
dated 02/09/2022.
Incident: Wildfires and Straight-line
Incident Period: 12/30/2021 through
DATES: Issued on 02/09/2022.
Physical Loan Application Deadline
Date: 04/11/2022.
Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan
Application Deadline Date: 11/09/2022.
ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan
applications to: U.S. Small Business
Administration, Processing and
Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport
Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,
U.S. Small Business Administration,
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 31 (Tuesday, February 15, 2022)]
[Pages 8628-8629]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-03201]
[Docket No.: SBA-2021-0012]
Small Business Size Standards: Termination of Nonmanufacturer
Rule Class Waiver
AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration.
ACTION: Notice of intent to terminate the class waiver to the
Nonmanufacturer Rule.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is considering
terminating a class waiver of the Nonmanufacturer Rule (NMR) for
Furniture Frames and Parts, Metal, Manufacturing under NAICS code
337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture Frames, Wood, Manufacturing under NAICS
code 337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture Parts, Finished Plastics,
Manufacturing under NAICS code 33725 and PSC 7195; Furniture, Factory-
type (e.g., cabinets, stools, tool stands, work benches), Manufacturing
under NAICS code 337127 and PSC 7110; Furniture, Hospital (e.g.,
hospital beds, operating room furniture) Manufacturing under NAICS code
339113 and PSC 7195; and Furniture, Laboratory-type (e.g., benches,
cabinets, stools, tables) Manufacturing under NAICS code 339113 and PSC
DATES: Comments and source information must be submitted on or before
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments and source information via the
Federal Rulemaking Portal at under Docket
ID SBA-2021-0012. If you wish to submit confidential business
information (CBI) as defined in the User Notice at, please submit the information to Carol Hulme,
Attorney Advisor, Office of Government Contracting, U.S. Small Business
Administration, 409 Third Street SW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20416.
Highlight the information that you consider to be CBI and explain why
you believe this information should be held confidential. SBA will
review the information and make a final determination as to whether the
information will be published.
[[Page 8629]]
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Carol Hulme, Program Analyst, by
telephone at 202-205-6347; or by email at">[email protected]
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On October 6, 2019, SBA received a request
to terminate the current class waiver of the NMR for the products
identified above. According to the request, there are small business
manufacturers available to participate in the Federal marketplace for
these products. According to the information the requester provided to
the SBA, several small manufacturers have provided these products to
the Federal agencies within the past 24 months.
Based on this information, the SBA is seeking comment on the
termination of the class waiver for Furniture Frames and Parts, Metal,
Manufacturing under NAICS code 337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture Frames,
Wood, Manufacturing under NAICS code 337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture
Parts, Finished Plastics, Manufacturing under NAICS code 33725 and PSC
7195; Furniture, Factory-type (e.g., cabinets, stools, tool stands,
work benches), Manufacturing under NAICS code 337127 and PSC 7110;
Furniture, Hospital (e.g., hospital beds, operating room furniture)
Manufacturing under NAICS code 339113 and PSC 7195; and Furniture,
Laboratory-type (e.g., benches, cabinets, stools, tables) Manufacturing
under NAICS code 339113 and PSC 7195.
An awardee of a Federal small business set-aside contract valued
over $250,000.00, service-disabled veteran-owned small business
contract, HUBZone contract, women-owned small business contract, or
8(a) contract must provide its own product or that of a small business
manufacturer unless a waiver is in place. If the above-identified class
waiver is terminated, small businesses will no longer be authorized to
provide the product of any manufacturer regardless of size on the
identified items, unless a Federal Contracting Officer obtains an
individual waiver to the NMR.
Sections 8(a)(17) and 46 of the Small Business Act (Act), 15 U.S.C.
637(a)(17) and 657, and SBA's implementing regulations require that
recipients of Federal supply contracts (except those valued between
$3,500 and $250,000) set aside for small business, service-disabled
veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB), women-owned small business
(WOSB), economically disadvantaged women-owned small business (EDWOSB),
or participants in the SBA's 8(a) Business Development (BD) program
provide the product of a small business manufacturer or processor, if
the recipient is other than the actual manufacturer or processor of the
product. This requirement is commonly referred to as the
Nonmanufacturer Rule (NMR). 13 CFR 121.406(b). Sections
8(a)(17)(B)(iv)(II) and 46(a)(4)(B) of the Act authorize SBA to waive
the NMR for a ``class of products'' for which there are no small
business manufacturers or processors available to participate in the
Federal market.
As implemented in SBA's regulations at 13 CFR 121.1202(c), in order
to be considered available to participate in the Federal market for a
class of products, a small business manufacturer must have submitted a
proposal for a contract solicitation or been awarded a contract to
supply the class of products within the last 24 months.
In accordance with the SBA's regulations at 13 CFR 121.1204(a)(7),
SBA will periodically review existing class waivers to the NMR to
determine whether small business manufacturers or processors have
become available to participate in the Federal market. Upon receipt of
information that such a small business manufacturer or processor
exists, the SBA will announce its intent to terminate the NMR waiver
for a class of products. 13 CFR 121.1204(a)(7)(ii). Unless public
comment reveals no small business exists for the class of products in
question, SBA will publish a Final Notice of Termination in the Federal
On June 27, 2006, SBA issued a Notice of Intent to waive the NMR
for Furniture Frames and Parts, Metal, Manufacturing under NAICS code
337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture Frames, Wood, Manufacturing under NAICS
code 337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture Parts, Finished Plastics,
Manufacturing under NAICS code 33725 and PSC 7195; Furniture, Factory-
type (e.g., cabinets, stools, tool stands, work benches), Manufacturing
under NAICS code 337127 and PSC 7110; Furniture, Hospital (e.g.,
hospital beds, operating room furniture) Manufacturing under NAICS code
339113 and PSC 7195; and Furniture, Laboratory-type (e.g., benches,
cabinets, stools, tables) Manufacturing under NAICS code 339113 and PSC
7195. After the comment and notice period passed, SBA issued a class
waiver for those products.
On October 6, 2019, SBA received a request to terminate the
previously issued waiver. The requester provided information that
established the existence of small business manufacturers of the
identified products. These small businesses have submitted bids on
Federal solicitations within the past 24 months. Thus SBA is proposing
to terminate the class waiver for Furniture Frames and Parts, Metal,
Manufacturing under NAICS code 337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture Frames,
Wood, Manufacturing under NAICS code 337215 and PSC 7195; Furniture
Parts, Finished Plastics, Manufacturing under NAICS code 33725 and PSC
7195; Furniture, Factory-type (e.g., cabinets, stools, tool stands,
work benches), Manufacturing under NAICS code 337127 and PSC 7110;
Furniture, Hospital (e.g., hospital beds, operating room furniture)
Manufacturing under NAICS code 339113 and PSC 7195; and Furniture,
Laboratory-type (e.g., benches, cabinets, stools, tables) Manufacturing
under NAICS code 339113 and PSC 7195.
The public is invited to comment or provide source information on
the proposed termination of the NMR waiver for these products. More
information on the NMR and class waivers can be found at
Nonmanufacturer rule (
Wallace D. Sermons, II,
Acting Director, Office of Government Contracting.
[FR Doc. 2022-03201 Filed 2-14-22; 8:45 am]