Safety Standard for Magnets; Notice of Opportunity for Oral Presentation of Comments, 8442-8443 [2022-03166]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 31 / Tuesday, February 15, 2022 / Proposed Rules
NPR is available at: https://
II. The Public Hearing
The Administrative Procedure Act (5
U.S.C. 551–562) and section 9 of the
CPSA require the Commission to
provide interested parties with an
opportunity to submit ‘‘written data,
views, or arguments’’ regarding a
proposed rule. 5 U.S.C. 553(c); 15 U.S.C.
2058(d)(2). The NPR invited such
written comments. Section 9 of the
CPSA also requires the Commission to
provide interested parties ‘‘an
opportunity for oral presentation of
data, views, or arguments.’’ 15 U.S.C.
2058(d)(2). The Commission must keep
a transcript of such oral presentations.
Id. To satisfy this requirement, the
Commission is providing a forum for
oral presentations concerning the
proposed Safety Standard for Operating
Cords on Custom Window Coverings.1
To request the opportunity to make an
oral presentation, see the information
under the DATES and ADDRESSES sections
of this notice. Participants should limit
their presentations to approximately 10
minutes, excluding time for questioning
by the Commissioners or CPSC staff. To
avoid duplicate presentations, groups
should designate a spokesperson, and
the Commission reserves the right to
limit presentation times or impose
further restrictions, as necessary.
Alberta E. Mills,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2022–03158 Filed 2–14–22; 8:45 am]
16 CFR Parts 1112 and 1262
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
[Docket No. CPSC–2021–0037]
Safety Standard for Magnets; Notice of
Opportunity for Oral Presentation of
Consumer Product Safety
1 On February 8, 2022, the Commission voted (4–
0) to issue this notice of opportunity for oral
presentation of comments.
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18:30 Feb 14, 2022
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Notice of proposed rulemaking;
notice of opportunity for oral
presentation of comments.
The Consumer Product Safety
Commission (Commission or CPSC) will
be providing an opportunity for
interested parties to present oral
comments on the notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPR) the Commission
issued regarding a safety standard for
magnets. Any oral comments will be
part of the rulemaking record.
DATES: The hearing will begin at 10 a.m.
Eastern Standard Time (EST) on March
2, 2022, via webinar. All attendees
should pre-register for the webinar
online at: https://
Any individual interested in making
an oral presentation must register for the
webinar and submit a request to make
an oral presentation to the Division of
the Secretariat, along with the written
text of the oral presentation, and such
requests must be received no later than
5 p.m. EST on February 23, 2022. All
other individuals who wish to attend
the meeting should register before the
start of the hearing.
ADDRESSES: The hearing will be held via
webinar. Attendance is free of charge.
Submit requests to make oral
presentations and the written text of
oral presentations to the Division of the
Secretariat, with the caption, ‘‘Magnets
NPR; Oral Presentation,’’ by email to, or by mail to the
Division of the Secretariat, Consumer
Product Safety Commission, 4330 EastWest Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814.
Detailed instructions for those making
oral presentations and other attendees
will be made available on the CPSC
public calendar.
information about the subject matter of
this hearing, contact Stephen Harsanyi,
Project Manager, Consumer Product
Safety Commission, 5 Research Place,
Rockville, MD 20850; email: For information
about the procedure to make an oral
presentation, contact Alberta E. Mills,
Division of the Secretariat, Consumer
Product Safety Commission, 4330 EastWest Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814;
I. Background
On January 10, 2022, the Commission
published an NPR in the Federal
Register, proposing to issue a safety
standard for magnets under the
Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA; 15
U.S.C. 2051–2089), and seeking written
PO 00000
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comments. 87 FR 1260. The proposed
rule seeks to address the risk of injury
or death associated with magnet
ingestions, by requiring loose or
separable magnets in subject magnet
products to be either too large to
swallow, or weak enough to reduce the
risk of internal interaction injuries when
swallowed. The proposed rule would
apply to ‘‘subject magnet products,’’
which are consumer products that are
designed, marketed, or intended to be
used for entertainment, jewelry
(including children’s jewelry), mental
stimulation, stress relief, or a
combination of these purposes, and that
contain one or more loose or separable
magnets. The NPR proposed a rule to
require each loose or separable magnet
in a subject magnet product that fits
entirely within CPSC’s small parts
cylinder (described in 16 CFR 1501.4) to
have a flux index of less than 50 kG2
mm2. Toys that are subject to CPSC’s
mandatory toy standard in 16 CFR part
1250 are exempt from the proposed rule.
The NPR is available at: https://, and CPSC
staff’s briefing package for the NPR is
available at:
II. The Public Hearing
The Administrative Procedure Act (5
U.S.C. 551–562) and section 9 of the
CPSA require the Commission to
provide interested parties with an
opportunity to submit ‘‘written data,
views, or arguments’’ regarding a
proposed rule. 5 U.S.C. 553(c); 15 U.S.C.
2058(d)(2). The NPR invited such
written comments. In addition, section
9 of the CPSA requires the Commission
to provide interested parties ‘‘an
opportunity for oral presentation of
data, views, or arguments’’ 15 U.S.C.
2058(d)(2). The Commission must keep
a transcript of such oral presentations.
Id. In accordance with this requirement,
the Commission is providing a forum for
oral presentations concerning the
proposed standard for magnets.
To request the opportunity to make an
oral presentation, see the information
under the DATES and ADDRESSES sections
of this notice. Participants should limit
their presentations to approximately 10
minutes, excluding time for questioning
by the Commissioners or CPSC staff. To
avoid duplicate presentations, groups
should designate a spokesperson, and
the Commission reserves the right to
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 31 / Tuesday, February 15, 2022 / Proposed Rules
repurchase. The proposed amendments
would also enhance the existing
periodic disclosure requirements about
these purchases.
DATES: Comments should be received on
or before April 1, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted by any of the following
limit presentation times or impose
further restrictions, as necessary.
Alberta E. Mills,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2022–03166 Filed 2–14–22; 8:45 am]
Electronic Comments
17 CFR Parts 229, 232, 240, 249, and
[Release Nos. 34–93783; IC–34440; File No.
RIN 3235–AM94
Share Repurchase Disclosure
Securities and Exchange
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The Securities and Exchange
Commission is proposing amendments
to modernize and improve disclosure
about repurchases of an issuer’s equity
securities that are registered under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Specifically, the proposed amendments
would require an issuer to provide more
timely disclosure on a new Form SR
regarding purchases of its equity
securities for each day that it, or an
affiliated purchaser, makes a share
• Use the Commission’s internet
comment form (
regulatory-actions/how-to-submitcomments); or
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments to Secretary,
Securities and Exchange Commission,
100 F Street NE, Washington, DC
All submissions should refer to File
Number S7–21–21. This file number
should be included on the subject line
if email is used. To help us process and
review your comments more efficiently,
please use only one method of
submission. The Commission will post
all comments on the Commission’s
website (
proposed.shtml). Comments also are
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549–1090, on official
business days between the hours of 10
a.m. and 3 p.m. Operating conditions
may limit access to the Commission’s
public reference room. All comments
received will be posted without change.
Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly.
Studies, memoranda, or other
substantive items may be added by the
Commission or staff to the comment file
during this rulemaking. A notification of
the inclusion in the comment file of any
such materials will be made available
on our website. To ensure direct
electronic receipt of such notifications,
sign up through the ‘‘Stay Connected’’
option at to receive
notifications by email.
Steven G. Hearne, Senior Special
Counsel, Office of Rulemaking, at (202)
551–3460, Division of Corporation
Finance; and, with respect to the
application of the proposal to
investment companies, Bradley Gude,
Special Counsel, at (202) 551–6792,
Investment Company Regulation Office,
Division of Investment Management;
U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549.
We are
proposing to amend or add the
following rules and forms:
Commission reference
Regulation S–K ..................................................
Regulation S–T ...................................................
Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange
Act) 1.
Table of Contents
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
I. Introduction
II. Discussion of Proposed Amendments
A. Proposed Form SR
B. Proposed Revisions to Item 703, Form
20–F, and Form N–CSR
1 15
U.S.C. 78a et seq.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:30 Feb 14, 2022
Jkt 256001
CFR citation
(17 CFR)
Item 10 through 1305 ......................................
Item 601 ...........................................................
Item 703 ...........................................................
Rule 10 through 903 ........................................
Rule 405 ...........................................................
Proposed Rule 13a–21 ....................................
§§ 229.10 through 229.1305.
§ 229.601.
§ 229.703.
§§ 232.10 through 232.903.
§ 232.405.
§ 240.13a–21.
Proposed Form SR
Form 20–F .......................................................
Form N–CSR ...................................................
§ 249.220f.
§§ 249.331 and 274.128.
1. Additional Disclosure
2. Clarifying Amendments
C. Structured Data Requirement
III. General Request for Comment
IV. Economic Analysis
A. Baseline and Affected Parties
1. Affected Parties
2. Baseline
PO 00000
Frm 00010
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
B. Benefits
C. Costs
D. Reasonable Alternatives
V. Paperwork Reduction Act
VI. Small Business Regulatory Enforcement
Fairness Act
VII. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
Statutory Authority
[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 31 (Tuesday, February 15, 2022)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 8442-8443]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-03166]
16 CFR Parts 1112 and 1262
[Docket No. CPSC-2021-0037]
Safety Standard for Magnets; Notice of Opportunity for Oral
Presentation of Comments
AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety Commission.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking; notice of opportunity for oral
presentation of comments.
SUMMARY: The Consumer Product Safety Commission (Commission or CPSC)
will be providing an opportunity for interested parties to present oral
comments on the notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) the Commission
issued regarding a safety standard for magnets. Any oral comments will
be part of the rulemaking record.
DATES: The hearing will begin at 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on
March 2, 2022, via webinar. All attendees should pre-register for the
webinar online at:
Any individual interested in making an oral presentation must
register for the webinar and submit a request to make an oral
presentation to the Division of the Secretariat, along with the written
text of the oral presentation, and such requests must be received no
later than 5 p.m. EST on February 23, 2022. All other individuals who
wish to attend the meeting should register before the start of the
ADDRESSES: The hearing will be held via webinar. Attendance is free of
charge. Submit requests to make oral presentations and the written text
of oral presentations to the Division of the Secretariat, with the
caption, ``Magnets NPR; Oral Presentation,'' by email to [email protected], or by mail to the Division of the Secretariat, Consumer
Product Safety Commission, 4330 East-West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814.
Detailed instructions for those making oral presentations and other
attendees will be made available on the CPSC public calendar.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For information about the subject
matter of this hearing, contact Stephen Harsanyi, Project Manager,
Consumer Product Safety Commission, 5 Research Place, Rockville, MD
20850; email: [email protected]. For information about the procedure
to make an oral presentation, contact Alberta E. Mills, Division of the
Secretariat, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4330 East-West
Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814; [email protected].
I. Background
On January 10, 2022, the Commission published an NPR in the Federal
Register, proposing to issue a safety standard for magnets under the
Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA; 15 U.S.C. 2051-2089), and seeking
written comments. 87 FR 1260. The proposed rule seeks to address the
risk of injury or death associated with magnet ingestions, by requiring
loose or separable magnets in subject magnet products to be either too
large to swallow, or weak enough to reduce the risk of internal
interaction injuries when swallowed. The proposed rule would apply to
``subject magnet products,'' which are consumer products that are
designed, marketed, or intended to be used for entertainment, jewelry
(including children's jewelry), mental stimulation, stress relief, or a
combination of these purposes, and that contain one or more loose or
separable magnets. The NPR proposed a rule to require each loose or
separable magnet in a subject magnet product that fits entirely within
CPSC's small parts cylinder (described in 16 CFR 1501.4) to have a flux
index of less than 50 kG\2\ mm\2\. Toys that are subject to CPSC's
mandatory toy standard in 16 CFR part 1250 are exempt from the proposed
rule. The NPR is available at:, and CPSC staff's briefing package for
the NPR is available at:
II. The Public Hearing
The Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 551-562) and section 9
of the CPSA require the Commission to provide interested parties with
an opportunity to submit ``written data, views, or arguments''
regarding a proposed rule. 5 U.S.C. 553(c); 15 U.S.C. 2058(d)(2). The
NPR invited such written comments. In addition, section 9 of the CPSA
requires the Commission to provide interested parties ``an opportunity
for oral presentation of data, views, or arguments'' 15 U.S.C.
2058(d)(2). The Commission must keep a transcript of such oral
presentations. Id. In accordance with this requirement, the Commission
is providing a forum for oral presentations concerning the proposed
standard for magnets.
To request the opportunity to make an oral presentation, see the
information under the DATES and ADDRESSES sections of this notice.
Participants should limit their presentations to approximately 10
minutes, excluding time for questioning by the Commissioners or CPSC
staff. To avoid duplicate presentations, groups should designate a
spokesperson, and the Commission reserves the right to
[[Page 8443]]
limit presentation times or impose further restrictions, as necessary.
Alberta E. Mills,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission.
[FR Doc. 2022-03166 Filed 2-14-22; 8:45 am]