Administrative Declaration of a Disaster for the State of Delaware, 4701-4702 [2022-01687]
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Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 19 / Friday, January 28, 2022 / Notices
Continuing Education Regulatory
Element Session Fee for all Registrations
of $18 will be assessed by FINRA to all
Members who are required to complete
the Regulatory Element of the
Continuing Education Requirements
pursuant to Exchange General 4, Section
1240. Likewise, with respect to the $100
MQP Fee, the Exchange does not believe
that this proposal creates an
unnecessary or inappropriate intramarket burden on competition because
the fee will be assessed by FINRA to all
individuals electing to participate in the
continuing education program under
FINRA Rule 1240(c) for each year that
such individual is participating in the
program. Finally, eliminating the
outdated $100 fee for continuing
education does not create an
unnecessary or inappropriate intramarket burden on competition as test
center delivery of the Regulatory
Element was phased out and the
continuing education programs are no
longer offered at testing centers.13
Further, the proposal does not impose
an undue burden on competition
because the Exchange will not be
collecting or retaining these fees,
therefore, the Exchange will not be in a
position to apply them in an inequitable
or unfairly discriminatory manner.
Technical Amendment
The Exchange’s proposal to make a
technical amendment within the FINRA
Web CRD Fees does not impose an
undue burden on competition as it is a
non-substantive amendment.
C. Self-Regulatory Organization’s
Statement on Comments on the
Proposed Rule Change Received From
Members, Participants, or Others
No written comments were either
solicited or received.
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1
III. Date of Effectiveness of the
Proposed Rule Change and Timing for
Commission Action
The foregoing rule change has become
effective pursuant to Section
19(b)(3)(A)(ii) of the Act.14
At any time within 60 days of the
filing of the proposed rule change, the
Commission summarily may
temporarily suspend such rule change if
it appears to the Commission that such
action is: (i) Necessary or appropriate in
the public interest; (ii) for the protection
of investors; or (iii) otherwise in
furtherance of the purposes of the Act.
If the Commission takes such action, the
Commission shall institute proceedings
13 See
note 8 above.
14 15 U.S.C. 78s(b)(3)(A)(ii).
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to determine whether the proposed rule
should be approved or disapproved.
IV. Solicitation of Comments
Interested persons are invited to
submit written data, views, and
arguments concerning the foregoing,
including whether the proposed rule
change is consistent with the Act.
Comments may be submitted by any of
the following methods:
Electronic Comments
• Use the Commission’s internet
comment form (
rules/sro.shtml); or
• Send an email to rule-comments@ Please include File Number SR–
MRX–2022–01 on the subject line.
Paper Comments
• Send paper comments in triplicate
to Secretary, Securities and Exchange
Commission, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549–1090.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–MRX–2022–01. This file
number should be included on the
subject line if email is used. To help the
Commission process and review your
comments more efficiently, please use
only one method. The Commission will
post all comments on the Commission’s
internet website (
rules/sro.shtml). Copies of the
submission, all subsequent
amendments, all written statements
with respect to the proposed rule
change that are filed with the
Commission, and all written
communications relating to the
proposed rule change between the
Commission and any person, other than
those that may be withheld from the
public in accordance with the
provisions of 5 U.S.C. 552, will be
available for website viewing and
printing in the Commission’s Public
Reference Room, 100 F Street NE,
Washington, DC 20549, on official
business days between the hours of
10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Copies of the
filing also will be available for
inspection and copying at the principal
office of the Exchange. All comments
received will be posted without change.
Persons submitting comments are
cautioned that we do not redact or edit
personal identifying information from
comment submissions. You should
submit only information that you wish
to make available publicly.
All submissions should refer to File
Number SR–MRX–2022–01 and should
be submitted on or before February 18,
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For the Commission, by the Division of
Trading and Markets, pursuant to delegated
J. Matthew DeLesDernier,
Assistant Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2022–01707 Filed 1–27–22; 8:45 am]
[Disaster Declaration #17326 and #17327;
Delaware Disaster Number DE–00028]
Administrative Declaration of a
Disaster for the State of Delaware
Small Business Administration.
This is a notice of an
Administrative declaration of a disaster
for the State of Delaware dated 01/24/
Incident: Remnants of Hurricane Ida.
Incident Period: 09/01/2021 through
DATES: Issued on 01/24/2022.
Physical Loan Application Deadline
Date: 03/25/2022.
Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan
Application Deadline Date: 10/24/2022.
ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan
applications to: U.S. Small Business
Administration, Processing and
Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport
Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,
U.S. Small Business Administration,
409 3rd Street SW, Suite 6050,
Washington, DC 20416, (202) 205–6734.
hereby given that as a result of the
Administrator’s disaster declaration,
applications for disaster loans may be
filed at the address listed above or other
locally announced locations.
The following areas have been
determined to be adversely affected by
the disaster:
Primary Counties: New Castle.
Contiguous Counties:
Delaware: Kent.
Maryland: Cecil, Kent.
New Jersey: Gloucester, Salem.
Pennsylvania: Chester, Delaware.
The Interest Rates are:
For Physical Damage:
Homeowners with Credit Available Elsewhere ......................
Homeowners without Credit
Available Elsewhere ..............
Businesses with Credit Available Elsewhere ......................
15 17
CFR 200.30–3(a)(12).
Federal Register / Vol. 87, No. 19 / Friday, January 28, 2022 / Notices
announced locations. The following
areas have been determined to be
adversely affected by the disaster:
2.855 Primary Counties: Hampden.
Contiguous Counties:
Massachusetts: Berkshire, Hampshire,
Connecticut: Hartford, Litchfield,
The Interest Rates are:
jspears on DSK121TN23PROD with NOTICES1
Available Elsewhere ..............
Non-Profit Organizations with
Credit Available Elsewhere ...
Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available Elsewhere .....................................
For Economic Injury:
Businesses & Small Agricultural
Cooperatives without Credit
Available Elsewhere ..............
Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available Elsewhere .....................................; 202–205–
6573, or Curtis B. Rich, Management
Analyst, 202–205–7030;
1102 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and
Economic Security (CARES) Act, Public
Law 116–136, authorized SBA to
guarantee loans made by banks or other
financial institutions under a new
temporary 7(a) program titled the
‘‘Paycheck Protection Program’’ (‘‘PPP’’)
to small businesses, certain non-profit
Businesses and Small Agricultural
organizations, veterans’ organizations,
Cooperatives without Credit
Available Elsewhere ..................
2.830 Tribal business concerns, independent
contractors and self-employed
Non-Profit Organizations without
The number assigned to this disaster
Credit Available Elsewhere .......
1.875 individuals adversely impacted by the
for physical damage is 17326 8 and for
Coronavirus Disease (COVID–19)
economic injury is 17327 0.
The number assigned to this disaster
Emergency. This authority initially
The States which received an EIDL
for economic injury is 173250.
expired on August 8, 2020. The
Declaration # are Delaware, Maryland,
The States which received an EIDL
Economic Aid to Hard-Hit Small
New Jersey, Pennsylvania.
Declaration #17325 are Connecticut,
Businesses, Nonprofits, and Venues Act
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
(Economic Aid Act), Public Law 116–
Number 59008)
260, renewed SBA’s authority to make
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Isabella Guzman,
Number 59008)
PPP loans until March 31, 2021, and
added authority for second draw PPP
Isabella Guzman,
loans under § 7(a)(37) of the Small
[FR Doc. 2022–01687 Filed 1–27–22; 8:45 am]
Business Act. The program authority
[FR Doc. 2022–01686 Filed 1–27–22; 8:45 am]
was further extended until June 30,
2021, by the PPP Extension Act of 2021,
Public Law 117–6.
This information collection is
[Disaster Declaration #17325;
approved for the PPP Loan
Massachusetts Disaster Number MA–00083
Program under the emergency
Declaration of Economic Injury]
Reporting and Recordkeeping
procedures authorized by 5 U.S.C.
Requirements Under OMB Review
3507(j) and 5 CFR 1320.13. This
Administrative Declaration of an
AGENCY: Small Business Administration. approval will expire on January 31,
Economic Injury Disaster for the
ACTION: 30-Day notice; request for
2022. Although SBA’s PPP program
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
authority has expired, this information
AGENCY: Small Business Administration.
collection is still needed for the
SUMMARY: The Small Business
ACTION: Notice.
following reasons: (1) PPP borrowers
Administration will submit the
may apply for forgiveness of their loans
SUMMARY: This is a notice of an
information collection described below
up to the date of loan maturity, which
Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)
to the Office of Management and Budget
may be as late as 2026; and (2) SBA may
declaration for the Commonwealth of
(OMB) for review and clearance in
review a PPP loan at any time.
Massachusetts dated 01/24/2022.
accordance with the Paperwork
Therefore, as required by the Paperwork
Incident: 4-Alarm fire in the town of
Reduction Act of 1995, on or after the
Reduction Act, SBA is publishing this
date of publication of this notice. SBA
notice as a prerequisite to seeking
Incident Period: 11/23/2021.
is publishing this notice to allow all
OMB’s approval to ensure this
DATES: Issued on 01/24/2022.
interested members of the public 30
information collection is available for
Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan
days to provide comments on the
use beyond January 31, 2022. SBA did
Application Deadline Date: 10/24/2022. collection of information.
not receive any comments in response
ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan
DATES: Submit comments on or before
to the notice published at 86 FR 35144
applications to: U.S. Small Business
February 28, 2022.
on July 1, 2021. This notice provides
Administration, Processing and
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
another opportunity for the public to
Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport
recommendations for this information
submit comments on (a) whether the
Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
collection request should be submitted
collection of information is necessary
through ‘‘
for the agency to properly perform its
Escobar, Office of Disaster Assistance,
PRAMain.’’ Find this information
functions; (b) whether the burden
U.S. Small Business Administration,
collection request by selecting ‘‘Small
estimates are accurate; (c) whether there
409 3rd Street SW, Suite 6050,
Business Administration’’; ‘‘Currently
are ways to minimize the burden,
Washington, DC 20416, (202) 205–6734. Under Review,’’ then selecting ‘‘Only
including the use of automated
Show ICR for Public Comment.’’ This
techniques or other forms of information
information collection can be identified technology; and (d) whether there are
hereby given that as a result of the
by the title and/or OMB Control Number ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
Administrator’s EIDL declaration,
identified below.
applications for economic injury
clarity of the information.
disaster loans may be filed at the
Title: Affiliation Worksheet.
address listed above or other locally
Adrienne Grierson, Program Manager, at
Form Number: SBA Form 3511.
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[Federal Register Volume 87, Number 19 (Friday, January 28, 2022)]
[Pages 4701-4702]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2022-01687]
[Disaster Declaration #17326 and #17327; Delaware Disaster Number DE-
Administrative Declaration of a Disaster for the State of
AGENCY: Small Business Administration.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This is a notice of an Administrative declaration of a
disaster for the State of Delaware dated 01/24/2022.
Incident: Remnants of Hurricane Ida.
Incident Period: 09/01/2021 through 09/07/2021.
DATES: Issued on 01/24/2022.
Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/25/2022.
Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 10/24/2022.
ADDRESSES: Submit completed loan applications to: U.S. Small Business
Administration, Processing and Disbursement Center, 14925 Kingsport
Road, Fort Worth, TX 76155.
Assistance, U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd Street SW,
Suite 6050, Washington, DC 20416, (202) 205-6734.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given that as a result of
the Administrator's disaster declaration, applications for disaster
loans may be filed at the address listed above or other locally
announced locations.
The following areas have been determined to be adversely affected
by the disaster:
Primary Counties: New Castle.
Contiguous Counties:
Delaware: Kent.
Maryland: Cecil, Kent.
New Jersey: Gloucester, Salem.
Pennsylvania: Chester, Delaware.
The Interest Rates are:
For Physical Damage:
Homeowners with Credit Available Elsewhere................. 3.125
Homeowners without Credit Available Elsewhere.............. 1.563
Businesses with Credit Available Elsewhere................. 5.710
[[Page 4702]]
Businesses without Credit Available Elsewhere.............. 2.855
Non-Profit Organizations with Credit Available Elsewhere... 2.000
Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available Elsewhere 2.000
For Economic Injury:
Businesses & Small Agricultural Cooperatives without Credit 2.855
Available Elsewhere.......................................
Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available Elsewhere 2.000
The number assigned to this disaster for physical damage is 17326 8
and for economic injury is 17327 0.
The States which received an EIDL Declaration # are Delaware,
Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania.
(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 59008)
Isabella Guzman,
[FR Doc. 2022-01687 Filed 1-27-22; 8:45 am]