Reactive Power Capability Compensation, 67933-67942 [2021-26032]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 30, 2021 / Notices
continued operation of the projects on
Atlantic salmon, Atlantic sturgeon, and
shortnose sturgeon, and the designated
critical habitat for Atlantic salmon and
Atlantic sturgeon.
The NEPA Process and the EIS
The EIS issued by the Commission
will discuss environmental effects that
could occur as a result of the proposed
Shawmut Project relicensing, and
amending the licenses for the Shawmut,
Lockwood, Hydro-Kennebec, and
Weston Projects to include the measures
contained in the Interim and Final Plans
for the protection of ESA-listed Atlantic
salmon, Atlantic sturgeon, and
shortnose sturgeon. The EIS will
address environmental effects
associated with these proposed actions
under the following general resource
• Geology and soils
• water quality
• aquatic resources
• terrestrial resources
• threatened and endangered species
• recreation
• land use
• aesthetic resources
• socioeconomics
• cultural resources
• air quality and noise
• developmental resources
Your comments will help
Commission staff identify and focus on
the issues that might have an effect on
the human environment and potentially
eliminate others from further study and
discussion in the EIS.
The EIS will present Commission
staff’s independent analysis of the
issues. Staff will prepare a draft EIS
which will be issued for public
comment. Commission staff will
consider all timely comments received
during the comment period on the draft
EIS and revise the document, as
necessary, before issuing a final EIS.
The draft and final EIS will be available
in electronic format in the public record
through eLibrary. If eSubscribed, you
will receive email notification when
environmental documents are issued.
Expected Environmental Impacts
Based on the previous pre-filing
scoping process for the Shawmut
Project, staff’s analysis in the Shawmut
Project DEA, Brookfield’s proposed
Interim and Final Plans and the
comments received on the record for
each of these proceedings, Commission
staff has identified the following major
environmental impacts of the proposed
action that will be evaluated in the EIS:
(1) Effects of construction of proposed
fish passage facilities on water quality
and aquatic habitat; (2) effects of
operation of existing and proposed fish
passage facilities on upstream and
downstream migration of diadromous
fish populations, including threatened
and endangered species and critical
habitat; and (3) effects of proposed fish
passage facility construction on cultural
resources at the projects.
Alternatives Under Consideration
As part of our review in the EIS,
Commission staff will consider all
reasonable alternatives, which include:
Alternatives that are technically and
economically feasible, meet the purpose
and need for the proposed action, and
meet the goals of the applicant.3
Alternatives that do not meet these
requirements will be summarized and
dismissed from further consideration in
the EIS. Staff will also consider the noaction alternative. With this notice, we
ask commenters to identify potential
alternatives for consideration.
Schedule for Environmental Review
This scoping notice identifies
Commission staff’s planned schedule for
completion of the draft and final EIS for
the proposals.
Issuance of Notice of Availability of the
draft EIS—August 2022
Issuance of Notice of Availability of the
final EIS—February 2023
If a schedule change becomes
necessary, an additional notice will be
provided so that the relevant agencies
are kept informed of the projects’
progress. After the final EIS is issued,
the Commission will make a decision on
the proposals.
Permits and Authorizations Required
The table below lists the permits and
authorizations that are anticipated to be
required for the proposed actions. We
note that this list may not be allinclusive and does not preclude any
required permits or authorizations if it
is not listed here. Agencies with
jurisdiction by law and/or special
expertise may formally cooperate in the
preparation of the Commission’s EIS
and may adopt the EIS to satisfy its
NEPA responsibilities related to these
actions. Agencies that would like to
request cooperating agency status
should follow the instructions for filing
comments provided under the Public
Participation section of this notice.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification ...........................................................
Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation .......................................................................
Additional Information
Additional information about the
project is available on the FERC website
at using the eLibrary link.
Click on the eLibrary link, click on
‘‘General Search’’ and enter the docket
number in the ‘‘Docket Number’’ field,
excluding the last three digits (i.e., P–
2322, P–2325, P–2574, and P–2611). Be
sure you have selected an appropriate
date range. For assistance, please
contact FERC Online Support at or (866)
208–3676, or for TTY, contact (202)
502–8659. The eLibrary link also
provides access to the texts of all formal
3 40
Maine Department of Environmental Protection.
National Marine Fisheries Service.
documents issued by the Commission,
such as orders, notices, and
If you have further questions you may
also contact Marybeth Gay at, or 202–502–
6125, or Matt Cutlip at Matt.Cutlip@, or 503–552–2762.
Dated: November 23, 2021.
Kimberly D. Bose,
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Docket No. RM22–2–000]
Reactive Power Capability
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of inquiry.
[FR Doc. 2021–26034 Filed 11–29–21; 8:45 am]
The Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission) is
inviting comments on reactive power
CFR 1508.1(z)
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 30, 2021 / Notices
capability compensation and market
Initial Comments are due
January 31, 2022, and Reply Comments
are due February 28, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Comments, identified by
docket number, may be filed in the
following ways:
• Electronic Filing through https:// Documents created
electronically using word processing
software should be filed in native
applications or print-to-PDF format and
not in a scanned format.
• Mail/Hand Delivery: Those unable
to file electronically may mail
comments via the U.S. Postal Service to:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street NE, Washington, DC 20426.
Hand-delivered comments or comments
sent via any other carrier should be
delivered to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue,
Rockville, MD 20852.
Instructions: For detailed instructions
on submitting comments and additional
information on the rulemaking process,
see the Comment Procedures Section of
this document.
Noah Schlosser (Technical Information),
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–
Neil Yallabandi (Legal Information),
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–
1. The Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (Commission) is issuing
this Notice of Inquiry (NOI) to seek
comments on reactive power capability
compensation and market design.
2. In an order issued in 2002,1 the
Commission recommended that all
resources that have actual cost data and
support documentation use the method
employed in American Electric Power
Service Corporation to establish a rate
for the provision of reactive power.2
Since the issuance of AEP, the electric
markets and the generation resource mix
have undergone significant change. For
example, in 1999, when AEP issued, the
majority of reactive power filings were
made by synchronous resources that
were owned by public utilities subject
to the Uniform System of Accounts
(USofA) and who annually submitted a
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
1 WPS Westwood Generation, LLC, 101 FERC
¶ 61,290, at P 14 (2002).
2 Am. Elec. Power Serv. Corp., Opinion No. 440,
88 FERC ¶ 61,141 (1999) (Opinion No. 440).
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FERC Form No. 1.3 Today, the majority
of the filings by entities seeking to
establish a rate for reactive power
capability compensation received at the
Commission are made by owners of
non-synchronous resources that
produce reactive power using different
types of equipment than used by
synchronous resources. In addition,
most filing entities (both synchronous
and non-synchronous) received waivers
of the requirement to maintain their
accounts under the USofA rules and to
file FERC Form No. 1 when they were
granted market-based rate (MBR)
authority under Order No. 697.4 These
changes have contributed, at least in
part, to many such filings being set for
hearing and settlement judge
3. In light of these developments, we
seek comment on various issues that
have arisen regarding reactive power
capability compensation and market
I. Background
A. Reactive Power and Regulation
4. Almost all bulk electric power is
generated, transported, and consumed
in alternating current (AC) networks.
Elements of AC systems supply and
consume two kinds of power: Real
power and reactive power. Real power
accomplishes useful work (e.g., runs
motors and lights lamps). Reactive
power supports the voltages that must
be controlled for system reliability. At
times, resources must either supply or
consume reactive power for the
transmission system to maintain voltage
levels required to reliably supply real
power from generation to load.
Inadequate reactive power supply
lowers voltage; as voltage drops, current
must increase to maintain the power
supplied, causing the lines to consume
more reactive power and the voltage to
drop further, eventually leading to
reliability problems such as loss of
transmission system stability and
voltage collapse.5
3 The FERC Form No. 1 is a comprehensive
financial and operating report submitted annually
by Major electric utilities, licensees and others and
used for electric accounting regulation, rate
regulation, market oversight analysis, and planning
audits. 18 CFR 141.1.
4 Market-Based Rates for Wholesale Sales of
Electric Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services by
Public Utilities, Order No. 697, 119 FERC ¶ 61,295,
clarified, 121 FERC ¶ 61,260 (2007), order on reh’g,
Order No. 697–A, 123 FERC ¶ 61,055, clarified, 124
FERC ¶ 61,055, order on reh’g, Order No. 697–B,
125 FERC ¶ 61,326 (2008), order on reh’g, Order No.
697–C, 127 FERC ¶ 61,284 (2009), order on reh’g,
Order No. 697–D, 130 FERC ¶ 61,206 (2010), aff’d
sub nom. Mont. Consumer Counsel v. FERC, 659
F.3d 910 (9th Cir. 2011).
5 Payment for Reactive Power, Commission Staff
Report, Docket No. AD14–7–000, at 4–6 (Apr. 22,
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5. In the Commission’s pro forma
LGIA, the power factor design criteria
specify that, for synchronous resources,
the ‘‘Interconnection Customer shall
design the Large Generating Facility to
maintain a composite power delivery at
continuous rated power output at the
Point of Interconnection.’’ 6 For nonsynchronous resources, the
‘‘Interconnection Customer shall design
the Large Generating Facility to
maintain a composite power delivery at
continuous rated power output at the
high side of the generator substation.’’ 7
6. Not only is reactive power
necessary to operate the transmission
system reliably, but it can also
substantially improve the efficiency
with which real power is delivered to
customers. Increasing reactive power
production at certain locations (usually
near a load center) can sometimes
alleviate transmission constraints and
allow cheaper real power to be
delivered into a load pocket.8
7. The rules for procuring reactive
power can affect whether adequate
reactive power supply is available, as
well as whether the supply is procured
efficiently from the most reliable and
lowest-cost resources. This is readily
apparent in the large portions of the
United States where the transmission
system is operated by regional
transmission organizations (RTO) and
independent system operators (ISO);
these operators do not own generation
and transmission facilities for producing
and consuming reactive power and
therefore must procure reactive power
from others. But procurement rules also
affect other parts of the United States
where vertically integrated utilities
operate the transmission system because
reactive power capability is also
available from independent companies.9
Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that
system operators, whether they are
independent or vertically integrated,
have adequate reactive power supplies
at a just and reasonable rate.
8. The modern history of
compensation for reactive power begins
with the Commission’s Order No. 888,
its Open Access Rule, issued in April
1996.10 In that order, the Commission
6 See Pro Forma LGIA, §
7 Id., §
8 Id. at 7–8.
9 Id. at 11–13.
10 Promoting Wholesale Competition Through
Open Access Nondiscriminatory Transmission
Services by Public Utilities; Recovery of Stranded
Costs by Public Utilities and Transmitting Utilities,
Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,036, at
31,705–06 and 31,716–17 (1996) (cross-referenced
at 75 FERC ¶ 61,080), Order No. 888–A, FERC Stats.
& Regs. ¶ 31,048 (cross-referenced at 78 FERC
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 30, 2021 / Notices
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
concluded that ‘‘reactive supply and
voltage control from generation sources’’
is one of six ancillary services that
transmission providers must include in
an open access transmission tariff.11 The
Commission noted that there are two
approaches for supplying reactive
power to control voltage: (1) Installing
facilities as part of the transmission
system and (2) using generation
resources. The Commission concluded
that the costs associated with the first
approach would be recovered as part of
the cost of basic transmission service
and, thus, would not be a separate
ancillary service. The second (using
generation resources) would be
considered a separate ancillary service
and must be unbundled from basic
transmission service. The Commission
stated that, in the absence of proof that
the generation seller lacks market power
in providing reactive power, rates for
this ancillary service should be costbased and established as price caps,
from which transmission providers may
offer a discount.
9. In Opinion No. 440,12 the
Commission approved a method
presented by American Electric Power
Service Corp. (AEP), a vertically
integrated utility, for allocating the costs
of generator equipment between real
power capability and reactive power
capability, as well as the related
operations and maintenance costs. AEP
identified four components of a
generation plant related to the
production of reactive power: (1) The
generator and its exciter, (2) the
generator step-up transformer, (3)
accessory electric equipment that
supports the operation of the generatorexciter, and (4) the remaining total
production investment required to
provide real power and operate the
exciter. Because these plant items
produce both real and reactive power,
AEP developed an allocation factor to
sort the annual revenue requirements of
these components between real and
reactive power production. The factor
for allocating to reactive power,
developed by AEP, is MVAR2/MVA2,
where MVAR is megavolt amperes
reactive capability and MVA is megavolt
amperes capability at a power factor of
¶ 61,220), order on reh’g, Order No. 888–B, 81 FERC
¶ 61,248 (1997), order on reh’g, Order No. 888–C,
82 FERC ¶ 61,046 (1998), aff’d in relevant part sub
nom. Transmission Access Policy Study Group v.
FERC, 225 F.3d 667 (DC Cir. 2000), aff’d sub nom.
New York v. FERC, 535 U.S. 1 (2002).
11 Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. ¶ 31,036 at
31,705. The pro forma open access transmission
tariff (OATT) includes six schedules that set forth
the details pertaining to each ancillary service. The
details concerning reactive power are included in
Schedule 2 of the pro forma OATT. Id. at 31,960.
12 AEP, Opinion No. 440, 88 FERC ¶ 61,141.
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1. Subsequently, the Commission
indicated that all resources that have
actual cost data and support should use
AEP’s methodology in seeking to
recover reactive power capability costs
pursuant to individual cost-based
revenue requirements (hereinafter, the
AEP Methodology).13
10. In Order No. 2003,14 the
Commission adopted standard large
generator interconnection procedures
and a standard agreement for the
interconnection of large generation
facilities (the pro forma Large Generator
Interconnection Agreement (LGIA)),
which included the requirement that
interconnection customers maintain a
power factor range of 0.95 leading to
0.95 lagging, unless the transmission
provider has established a different
power factor range.15 Order No. 2003
required payment for reactive power to
an interconnection customer only when
the transmission provider requests the
interconnection customer to operate its
generating facility outside the
established power factor range.16 With
respect to reactive power within the
established power factor range, the
Commission initially concluded that an
interconnection customer ‘‘should not
be compensated for reactive power
when operating its Generating Facility
within the established power factor
range, since it is only meeting its
obligation.’’ 17 In Order No. 2003–A,
however, the Commission clarified that
‘‘if the Transmission Provider pays its
own or its affiliated generators for
reactive power within the established
range, it must also pay the
Interconnection Customer.’’ 18
Subsequently, in Order No. 2003–C, the
Commission disagreed with commenters
that reactive power capability
compensation would result in a
windfall to generators, explaining that
reactive power is an important service.19
Order No. 2003–A also exempted wind
generators from maintaining the
established power factor range.20
11. Order No. 661 established
technical requirements for
13 WPS Westwood Generation, LLC, 101 FERC
¶ 61,290 at P 14; FPL Energy Marcus Hook, L.P., 110
FERC ¶ 61,087, at P 16, order on reh’g, 111 FERC
¶ 61,168 (2005).
14 Standardization of Generator Interconnection
Agreements and Procedures, Order No. 2003, 104
FERC ¶ 61,103 (2003), order on reh’g, Order No.
2003–A, 106 FERC ¶ 61,220, order on reh’g, Order
No. 2003–B, 109 FERC ¶ 61,287 (2004), order on
reh’g, Order No. 2003–C, 111 FERC ¶ 61,401 (2005),
aff’d sub nom. Nat’l Ass’n of Regulatory Util.
Comm’rs v. FERC, 475 F.3d 1277 (D.C. Cir. 2007).
15 Id. P 542.
16 Id. P 546.
17 Id.
18 Order No. 2003–A, 106 FERC ¶ 61,220 at P 416.
19 Order No. 2003–C, 111 FERC ¶ 61,401 at P 42.
20 Order No. 2003–A, 106 FERC ¶ 61,220 at P 34.
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interconnecting large wind resources
and maintained the exemption from
providing reactive power, except where
the transmission provider showed,
through a system impact study, that
reactive power capability was required
to ensure safety or reliability.21 In Order
No. 2006,22 the Commission adopted
identical power factor and
compensation requirements for small
generating facilities (facilities having a
capacity of no more than 20 MW) but
exempted small wind generators from
the reactive power requirement. In
Order No. 827,23 the Commission
eliminated the exemptions for wind
resources from the requirement to
provide reactive power. As a result, all
newly interconnecting non-synchronous
generators were required to provide
reactive power within the range of 0.95
leading to 0.95 lagging at the high-side
of the generator substation as a
condition of interconnection. Order No.
827 also clarified that the amount of
reactive power required from nonsynchronous resources should be
proportionate to the actual (real) power
output.24 With respect to compensation,
the Commission concluded that it did
not have a sufficient record for
determining a new methodology for
non-synchronous generation reactive
power compensation and stated that any
non-synchronous resource seeking
reactive power compensation would
need to propose a method for
calculating that compensation as part of
its filing.25
B. Approaches to Reactive Power
Capability Compensation
12. In RTOs/ISOs where transmission
providers compensate for reactive
power capability, the compensation is
either (1) based on individual reactive
power revenue requirements
determined in cases for individual
resources (or fleets 26 of resources)
established pursuant to a cost-based
methodology (e.g., the AEP
21 Interconnection for Wind Energy, Order No.
661, 111 FERC ¶ 61,353, order on reh’g, Order No.
661–A, 113 FERC ¶ 61,254 (2005).
22 Standardization of Small Generator
Interconnection Agreements and Procedures, Order
No. 2006, 111 FERC ¶ 61,220, order on reh’g, Order
No. 2006–A, 113 FERC ¶ 61,195 (2005), order
granting clarification, Order No. 2006–B, 116 FERC
¶ 61,046 (2006).
23 Reactive Power Requirements for NonSynchronous Generation, Order No. 827, 155 FERC
¶ 61,277, order on clarification and reh’g, 157 FERC
¶ 61,003 (2016).
24 Id. P 49.
25 Id. PP 47, 52.
26 Fleet-based rate schedules consist of a single
rate for multiple resources, sometimes developed
over an extended period of time, which do not
specify which resources are being compensated
under the rate schedule.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 30, 2021 / Notices
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Methodology) using the resource’s
MVAR capability or (2) paid on a flat
per-MVAR region-wide basis based on
testing for the maximum MVAR
capability of the resource. Resources in
PJM Interconnection, Inc. (PJM) and
Midcontinent Independent System
Operator, Inc. (MISO) generally use the
AEP Methodology to set reactive power
compensation on an individual resource
basis, whereas resources in ISO New
England Inc. (ISO-NE) and New York
Independent System Operator, Inc.
(NYISO) are compensated for reactive
power under a flat rate described further
below. Outside of these RTOs/ISOs,
when transmission providers pay for the
capability to provide reactive power
within the standard power factor range,
resources generally propose to use the
AEP Methodology to set reactive power
compensation on an individual resource
13. PJM and MISO compensate each
resource owner with an amount equal to
the resource owner’s monthly reactive
power capability service revenue
requirement for reactive power
capability, as accepted by the
Commission. Although PJM and MISO
both conduct regular reactive power
capability testing,28 because they
compensate based on the reactive power
revenue requirements on file with the
Commission, they do not link the tested
capability to compensation, and neither
PJM nor MISO is required to notify the
Commission when a resource fails to
achieve its nameplate MVAR capability
when tested.
14. ISO-NE and NYISO compensate
resources for reactive power capability
using a flat rate representing dollars per
MVAR-year,29 which is multiplied by
27 In addition, California Independent System
Operator Corporation (CAISO); Southwest Power
Pool, Inc. (SPP); and some non-RTO/ISO
transmission operators (e.g., Bonneville Power
Administration, Arizona Public Service Company,
Southern Companies) do not pay for reactive power
28 Under Schedule 2 of MISO’s tariff, MISO’s
technical requirements dictate that within the past
five years the generation resource meets the testing
requirements for voltage control capability required
by the Regional Reliability Council where the
generation resource is located. See MISO, FERC
Electric Tariff, Sched. 2, § II.B.3 (38.0.0). In PJM,
resource owners are required to test 20% of their
resources that receive reactive power capability
compensation for reactive power capability
annually, totaling 100% of such facilities over a 66
month period. However, individual resources that
(1) have nameplate ratings below 20 MVA, (2) form
part of aggregate generating facilities with
nameplate ratings below 75 MVA, or (3) are not
directly connected to the Bulk Electric System are
exempt from these testing requirements. See PJM
Manual 14D (Generator Operational Requirements),
attach. E § E.2.
29 Both ISO-NE and NYISO proposed their
respective reactive power capability compensation
mechanisms pursuant to section 205 filings. See
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the resource’s tested reactive power
15. In ISO-NE, reactive power
compensation is established by adding:
(a) A flat rate for capacity costs designed
to compensate for fixed capital costs
related to providing reactive power; (b)
a variable rate for lost opportunity costs;
(c) a variable rate for energy consumed
to produce reactive power; and (d) a
variable rate for costs for the resource to
come online or to increase its output
above its economic loading point.31 ISONE periodically adjusts the base flat
rates for inflation.
16. The NYISO flat rate is based on
the average cost-of-service in NYISO for
providing leading and lagging reactive
power.32 In NYISO, the annual payment
to qualified reactive power suppliers
equals the product of the compensation
rate and the sum of the lagging and the
absolute value of the leading MVAR
capacity 33 of the resource, as evidenced
by the resource’s tested reactive power
capability. NYISO adjusts the base flat
rates annually for inflation. In NYISO,
only the flat rate portion is paid.34
ISO New England Inc., 122 FERC ¶ 61,056, at P 1
(2008) (settling, in part, for a new flat rate in $/
kVAR-yr). Note that, although NYISO also has a
fixed rate for reactive power capability
compensation, NYISO proposed the approach
pursuant to an FPA section 205 filing, with
stakeholder support. N.Y. Indep. Sys. Operator,
Inc., Docket No. ER02–617–000 (Feb. 5, 2002)
(delegated order accepting NYISO’s amended Rate
Schedule 2 of the Market Administration and
Control Area Services Tariff).
30 ISO-NE, Transmission, Markets and Services
Tariff, Schedule 2—Reactive Supply and Voltage
Control Service (10.0.0); NYISO, NYISO Market
Administration and Control Area Services Tariff
(MST), Section 15.2, Rate Schedule 2—Payments
for Supplying Voltage Supply (11.0.0). ISO-NE and
NYISO conduct reactive power capability testing at
least once every five years and annually,
respectively. See ISO-NE, Transmission, Markets
and Services Tariff, Schedule 2, § IV.A.12(a);
NYISO, NYISO MST, Section, Annual
Payment for Voltage Support Service; NYISO,
Ancillary Services Manual, § 3.6 (Oct. 2021).
31 See, e.g., Me. Pub. Utils. Comm’n v. ISO New
England Inc., 126 FERC ¶ 61,090, at P 6 (2009).
32 NYISO, Deficiency Letter Response, Docket No.
ER15–1042–001, at 1 (filed Apr. 30, 2015). NYISO
explained that the $2,592/MVAR flat rate was
calculated ‘‘by dividing the total VSS [Voltage
Support Service] program compensation paid to
qualified VSS Suppliers in 2012 by the total lagging
and leading reactive power capability of all
qualified VSS Suppliers in 2012.’’ Voltage Support
Service is the ability to produce or absorb reactive
power and the ability to maintain a specific voltage
level under both steady-state and post-contingency
operating conditions subject to the limitations of
the resource’s stated reactive capability.
33 Reactive power capability is measured in
MVAR. A resource’s lagging reactive power
capability indicates its ability to produce reactive
power, and its leading reactive power capability
indicates its ability to consume reactive power.
34 Like the AEP Methodology, these flat rates are
intended to compensate resources for the costs of
reactive power capability.
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II. Discussion
17. Generation owners seeking
compensation for reactive power
capability in PJM, MISO, and non-RTO/
ISO regions that compensate for reactive
power capability based on the costs of
individual resources or on a fleet-wide
basis generally submit individual costof-service filings based on the AEP
Methodology.35 As explained above, the
AEP Methodology was designed based
on the physical attributes of
synchronous resources owned by a
public utility that utilized the USofA
and annually submitted a FERC Form
No. 1. Since the AEP Methodology was
established in 1999, the electric
industry has undergone significant
changes, both in the generation resource
mix and a general shift away from costof-service rates for generators selling
into Commission-jurisdictional markets.
Now, the majority of the reactive power
filings submitted to the Commission are
made by owners of non-synchronous
resources that, relying on waivers
granted by the Commission in
conjunction with sellers obtaining MBR
authority under Order No. 697, neither
use the USofA nor file FERC Form No.
1. Because the AEP Methodology was
designed based on the physical
attributes of a synchronous resource and
because of this lack of FERC Form No.
1 information for independent power
producers (synchronous and nonsynchronous alike), customers and the
Commission have faced challenges in
evaluating proposed reactive power rate
schedules submitted pursuant to section
205 of the Federal Power Act (FPA),
resulting in the majority of the filings
being set for hearing and settlement
18. Furthermore, in PJM, several
resources that have interconnected to
the distribution system rather than the
transmission system have still sought
compensation from transmission
operators for their reactive power
capabilities.36 Monitoring Analytics,
LLC, the Independent Market Monitor
35 Am. Elec. Power Serv. Corp., 80 FERC ¶ 63,006,
at 65,071 (1997), aff’d in part, rev’d in part, Opinion
No. 440, 88 FERC ¶ 61,141 at 61,437 (establishing
the AEP Methodology); see also WPS Westwood
Generation, L.L.C., 101 FERC ¶ 61,290 at P 14
(recommending that all resources seeking to recover
reactive power capability costs pursuant to
individual cost-based revenue requirements use the
AEP Methodology); Dynegy Midwest Generation,
Inc., Opinion No. 498, 121 FERC ¶ 61,025, at P 71
(2007), order on reh’g, 125 FERC ¶ 61,280 (2008)
(discussing the AEP Methodology and recovery of
heating losses).
36 See, e.g., Ingenco Wholesale Power, LLC, 173
FERC ¶ 61,247 (2020) (Ingenco); Whitetail Solar 3,
LLC, 173 FERC ¶ 61,288 (2020); Whitetail Solar 2,
LLC, 174 FERC ¶ 61,238 (2021); Elk Hill Solar 2,
LLC, 175 FERC ¶ 61,188 (2021); Mechanicsville
Solar, LLC, 176 FERC ¶ 61,076 (2021).
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 30, 2021 / Notices
for PJM (PJM Market Monitor), has
argued that these resources are not
technically capable of providing
reactive power capability service
consistent with Schedule 2 of PJM’s
tariff. Furthermore, it is unclear whether
all such distribution-connected
resources are technically capable of
providing their full reactive power
capability to the transmission system
such that they are properly
compensated through the applicable
transmission rate schedules.37
19. Due to the aforementioned
differences in the generation resource
mix and divergent reporting
requirements between market-based and
cost-based sellers since the time when
the AEP Methodology was established,
the Commission seeks to examine
whether the current regime for reactive
power capability compensation requires
revisions to ensure that payments for
reactive power capability accurately
reflect the costs associated with reactive
power capability.
A. Issues With AEP Methodology-Based
Reactive Power Compensation
20. We wish to explore several
potential issues with reactive power
capability compensation based on the
AEP Methodology. These include the
failure to account for the degradation of
a resource’s reactive power capability
over time, any difficulties associated
with applying the AEP Methodology to
non-synchronous resources, any
difficulty in verifying the revenue
requirements proposed by owners of
resources that have been granted waiver
of certain accounting and reporting
requirements, and any potential
overcompensation in PJM stemming
from the reactive power offset used in
the PJM capacity market.38
1. Degradation
21. Although the Commission has
established that resources that seek
reactive power capability compensation
under the AEP Methodology are
required to submit test reports of their
reactive power capability that support
the company’s proposed level of
reactive power capability for which the
company is seeking a proposed reactive
power revenue requirement,39 the AEP
37 See
infra Section II.C.
infra notes 40–41, 47.
39 The Commission required all resources to
submit test reports when seeking a reactive power
revenue requirement in Wabash Valley Power
Ass’n, Inc., 154 FERC ¶ 61,245, at P 29 (2016);
Wabash Valley Power Ass’n, Inc., 154 FERC
¶ 61,246, at P 28 (2016) (together, Wabash). The
Commission also reiterated ‘‘that revenue
requirements established pursuant to Schedule 2 of
the pro forma Open Access Transmission Tariff
. . . are based on a particular level of reactive
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38 See
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Methodology does not account for the
fact that a resource’s reactive power
capability may degrade. As a result, over
time the reactive power revenue
requirement originally established
under the AEP Methodology may no
longer reflect the actual reactive power
capability of the associated resource(s).
However, unless a resource voluntarily
files to revise its Commission-accepted
revenue requirement or is otherwise
required to do so under an applicable
tariff, it will receive the same revenue
over the course of its life, regardless of
whether it maintains the capability to
produce its stated power factor at its full
real power capacity, which it supported
with test reports at the time of its filing
before the Commission. Furthermore, it
can be difficult for the Commission to
determine if the test reports accurately
reflect the reactive power capability of
the resource, particularly when the data
the resource submits may be
2. Accounting and Ratemaking Issues
Related to Non-Synchronous Resources
22. A lack of accounting and
ratemaking guidance for nonsynchronous resources under the AEP
Methodology has contributed to
litigation over reactive power
compensation.41 As noted above, the
AEP Methodology was originally
developed to determine the cost-ofservice for reactive power production
equipment owned by cost-of-serviceregulated sellers and intended solely for
synchronous resources. When compared
to synchronous resources, nonsynchronous resources have different
physical processes and electric plant
that is utilized in reactive power
production. For example, relevant
components of producing and
controlling reactive power for
synchronous resources include
generator-exciters, step-up transformers,
and accessory electric equipment. In
contrast, non-synchronous resources
may be capable of producing reactive
power using only inverters.42 As a
power capability for a particular generating unit or
group of units’’ and ‘‘should reflect’’ the present
circumstances of the unit. See Wabash, 154 FERC
¶ 61,245 at P 28; 154 FERC ¶ 61,246 at P 27.
40 The test report data does not always support
the revenue requirement, and a resource’s test
reports are one of the issues often set for hearing
and settlement procedures. See, e.g., Talen Energy
Mktg., LLC, 155 FERC ¶ 61,297, at P 9 (2016);
Dynegy Lee II, LLC, 161 FERC ¶ 61,016, at P 16
(2017); Buckeye Power, Inc., 162 FERC ¶ 61,145, at
P 10 (2018); Ingenco, 173 FERC ¶ 61,247 at P 30.
41 See Locke Lord LLP, 174 FERC ¶ 61,033 (2021).
42 Typically, inverter-based resources will shut
down without sufficient power supply; however, if
configured to do so, some inverter-based resources
can produce reactive power without real power.
E.g., North American Electric Reliability
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result, when non-synchronous resources
propose reactive power revenue
requirements based on the AEP
Methodology, they generally propose to
populate AEP Methodology cost
categories with equipment different
from those used by synchronous
23. For example, although the original
AEP Methodology did not contemplate
inclusion of a collection system as
equipment necessary for production of
reactive power, applicants have claimed
that the collection system is comparable
to the isolated phase bus of a
synchronous facility, which is
considered part of accessory electric
equipment costs for synchronous
resources. The isolated phase bus of a
synchronous resource carries current
between a synchronous resource and its
step-up transformer. An isolated phase
bus may be several feet in length,
whereas a collection system for a nonsynchronous resource may exceed a
mile in length. The typical collection
system in a non-synchronous resource
uses multiple distribution voltage lines
in a radial configuration to connect the
power from the wind turbines or solar
panels back to a central point, and the
long length of the collector system lines
causes reactive power losses. In
comparison, the enclosed conductors of
an isolated phase bus are short in
length, thus causing much smaller
reactive power losses, and provide fault
protection between the synchronous
resource and the step-up transformer.
Due to these differences, the collection
system of a non-synchronous resource
generally represents a significantly
higher proportion of the resource’s total
investment cost than the isolated phase
bus represents for synchronous
resources. Thus, non-synchronous
resources’ interpretation of the AEP
Methodology under this approach
increases the annual revenue
requirement for those resources on a
relative basis as compared to the annual
revenue requirements for synchronous
resources. The Commission has yet to
formally address any difference in cost
structures across generation types for
reactive power compensation under the
AEP Methodology.
24. Furthermore, the Commission’s
USofA does not include accounts that
clearly accommodate non-hydro nonsynchronous resources and associated
operation and maintenance expenses.
The Commission recently issued a
separate NOI seeking input on whether
Corporation, Reliability Guideline—BPS-Connected
Inverter-Based Resource Performance at 34 (Sept.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 30, 2021 / Notices
to create new accounts to accommodate
these resources, how to modify FERC
Form No. 1 to reflect any new accounts,
and the rate setting implications,
including for reactive power, of these
potential accounting and reporting
3. Evidentiary Support
25. The AEP Methodology originally
contemplated the use of USofA
accounting structures and the sworn
and attested-to accounting entries in the
FERC Form No. 1 to support the
proposed reactive power rates. This
reliance enables resources to develop a
cost-of-service rate that is verifiable by
Commission staff and parties. However,
the vast majority of resource owners
currently applying for reactive power
compensation reflecting the AEP
Methodology received waivers of the
Commission’s accounting and reporting
requirements when they were granted
MBR authority under Order No. 697,
meaning they do not submit the FERC
Form No. 1, nor are they required to
track their costs consistent with USofA
accounting.44 Thus, when resources that
have been granted these waivers
propose revenue requirements using the
AEP Methodology, it is difficult for the
Commission and affected customers to
easily verify that the proposed rates
accurately reflect the AEP Methodology.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
4. Market-Based Compensation and
Potential Overcompensation in PJM
26. The PJM Market Monitor has
argued for some time that the best
approach to reactive power
compensation in PJM is through the
capacity market rather than
compensation through a separate costof-service construct as currently
provided for under Schedule 2 of the
PJM Tariff.45 The PJM Market Monitor
43 See Accounting and Reporting Treatment of
Certain Renewable Energy Assets, 174 FERC
¶ 61,032, at P 3 (2021) (citations omitted)
(‘‘Recently, parties have expressed disagreement
regarding which Other Production accounts should
be used to book non-hydro renewable assets. In
Docket No. AC20–103, the Commission received a
request for confirmation that the costs of certain
wind and solar generating equipment are properly
booked to the Other Production Accounts 343
(Prime Movers), 344 (Generators), and 345
(Accessory Electric Equipment). In that proceeding,
commenters argued that the proposal booked an
inappropriate amount of costs to Account 345,
which are included in reactive power rates
pursuant to the AEP Methodology. Commenters,
including the Edison Electric Institute, suggested
that the Commission consider creating new
accounts for wind, solar, and other non-hydro
renewables to resolve this issue.’’).
44 Per Order No. 697, the Commission grants MBR
sellers waiver of the accounting and reporting
requirements in its approval of initial applications
for MBR authority.
45 See, e.g., PJM Market Monitor, Comments,
Docket No. AD16–17–000, at 1, 6–10 (filed Aug. 1,
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contends that cost-of-service
compensation for reactive power
capability is an anachronistic approach
that predates the introduction of
wholesale power markets and is
unnecessary in light of potential
compensation through the PJM markets.
The PJM Market Monitor states that
generating resources are required to
have reactive capability to receive
interconnection service. The PJM
Market Monitor argues that Schedule 2
should be eliminated from the PJM tariff
and PJM should rely on the capacity
markets to ensure resource adequacy,
including the capability to provide real
power and reactive power at the lowest
possible cost. More specifically, under
the PJM Market Monitor’s approach, if
PJM’s Schedule 2 were eliminated
entirely, the gross costs of the entire
plant, including any costs associated
with the production of reactive power,
would be included in the gross Cost of
New Entry (CONE) and the generic
offset for reactive power capability
service compensation 46 would no
longer be used to calculate Net CONE.
27. The PJM Market Monitor
alternatively argues that, if PJM retains
Schedule 2, Schedule 2 should be
revised to avoid the potential
overpayment for reactive power
capability.47 The PJM Market Monitor
explains that the E&AS Offset associated
with the reference resource in the
capacity market is assumed to recover
$2,199/MW-year in reactive power
2016) (detailing the PJM Market Monitor’s view that
reactive capability costs can—and should—be
recovered through PJM’s capacity market instead of
under a cost-of-service paradigm); Monitoring
Analytics, 2020 State of the Market Report for PJM
at 523,
(describing the PJM Market Monitor’s position and
recommended improvements).
46 The Energy and Ancillary Services Offset
(E&AS Offset) is used to calculate Net CONE in the
PJM capacity market and it includes a revenue
offset of $2,199/MW-year to reflect the average
annual reactive power revenue for combustion
turbines from 2005 through 2007, based on the
actual costs reported to the Commission in reactive
power capability service filings of combustion
turbines. The result of this offset is that,
conceptually, the cost of reactive capability is not
part of Net CONE.
47 See, e.g., PJM Market Monitor, Comments,
Docket No. AD16–17–000, at 8, 10 (filed Aug. 1,
2016) (explaining that ‘‘[i]f revenues for reactive
capacity were removed from the Net Energy and
Ancillary Services Revenue Offset, then the fixed
costs for investment in reactive capability would be
recoverable through the capacity market,’’ obviating
the need for separate cost-of-service reactive power
rates); PJM Market Monitor, Brief on Exceptions,
Docket No. ER17–1821–002, at 3–16 (filed June 12,
2019) (discussing the PJM Market Monitor’s
concerns about what it termed a ‘‘hybrid of marketbased rates and cost of service rates’’); PJM Market
Monitor, Rehearing Request, Docket No. ER17–
1821–005, at 3–5 (filed Apr. 30, 2021) (addressing
issues regarding the E&AS Offset and a generator’s
proposed reactive power rates).
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payments. The PJM Market Monitor
states that, as a result of the offset rules,
reactive power capability rates of up to
$2,199/MW-year, do not result in
double recovery for reactive power
capability. On the other hand, the PJM
Market Monitor contends that any
separate reactive power capability
payments through Schedule 2 that
exceed $2,199/MW-year result in
overcompensation as such costs can and
should be recovered through the
capacity market. In short, the PJM
Market Monitor contends that when the
market design allows for the recovery of
specific costs for reactive power
capability, it is inappropriate to also
include those costs in a separate cost-ofservice rate.
5. Questions Regarding AEP
Methodology-Based Compensation
28. Given the backdrop of the issues
discussed herein, we wish to explore in
this NOI, whether the AEP Methodology
remains a just and reasonable approach
to determining reactive power revenue
requirements in all circumstances. We
encourage comments regarding the
topics broadly discussed above. The
following questions are designed to
identify potential modifications to the
AEP Methodology and related market
designs and reporting requirements
necessary to ensure just and reasonable
rates for reactive power capability
compensation. Commenters need not
answer every question enumerated
a. Does compensating resources based
on their costs of investment in reactive
power capability continue to be the
appropriate basis for reactive power
capability compensation? Why or why
i. If so, does the AEP Methodology
accurately reflect a resource’s
investment costs? Why or why not? To
the extent your answer depends on the
type of resource, please be specific.
b. What is the appropriate time period
for compensation from a rate developed
under the AEP Methodology? Should
payments be limited based on the useful
lives of the plant at issue? Why or why
c. As noted earlier, the power factor
design criteria in the Commission’s pro
forma LGIA specify that the Large
Generating Facility should be designed
to maintain a composite power delivery
at continuous rated power output, either
at the Point of Interconnection for
synchronous resources or at the high
side of the generator substation for nonsynchronous resources. Given this,
when a resource conducts testing to
demonstrate its reactive power
capability, over what minimum amount
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 30, 2021 / Notices
of time should a resource be required to
maintain its maximum real power
output while operating across its
claimed reactive power factor range?
Please specify to which type(s) of
resource your proposed minimum time
period corresponds.
i. The Commission has found that, to
the extent the resource has established
that it is able to produce reactive power
up to its nameplate capability, a
resource may use up to its nameplate
power factor in calculating its reactive
power revenue requirements.48 Is there
any reason for the Commission to
believe that the nameplate capability
aspect of calculating reactive power
revenue requirements should be revised
in order to produce a more accurate
result? Why or why not? If so, in what
manner (for example, should the power
factor range identified in the
interconnection agreement be
d. Many resources have an
interconnection agreement in which
reactive power requirements are
addressed; however, to the extent that
reactive power capability requirements
are not addressed in a resource’s
interconnection agreement and a
resource seeks compensation for
supplying reactive power capability,
how should the Commission address
this? For example, should the
Commission require that the resource
and its transmission provider propose
updates or additions to the
interconnection agreement to specify
the resource’s reactive power capability
requirements as a condition of
establishing or maintaining a reactive
power revenue requirement or should
other methods be used in this regard?
e. Reactive power filings set for
hearing and settlement judge procedures
often do not have active intervening
parties other than the market monitor
and RTO/ISO. Why do other parties not
participate more in these proceedings?
a. Degradation
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
f. How does a resource’s reactive
power capability degrade over time?
Does the degradation follow a
predictable pattern over a certain period
of time? Does this answer vary
depending on the generation type, real
power capacity, and/or other aspects of
a particular resource? If so, how?
48 See, e.g., Panda Stonewall LLC, 174 FERC
¶ 61,266, at PP 99, 107–109 (2021) (finding that a
reactive power supplier was entitled to use its
nameplate power factor in calculating its reactive
power revenue requirement, rather than being
limited to the power factor specified in its
interconnection agreement, since the facility was a
new synchronous generator facility and degradation
of its reactive power output was not an issue).
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i. Should resources receiving reactive
power capability compensation undergo
periodic reactive power capability
testing to demonstrate that their reactive
power capability compensation remains
1. If so, how frequently should this
testing be performed?
2. Should the frequency of testing be
influenced by other factors, including
the generation type, real power capacity,
and/or other aspects of a particular
3. Is there a period after a new
resource begins operating during which
testing is unnecessary? If so, what is the
appropriate length of this period and
why? Please clarify which type of
resource(s) this period should apply to
and why.
4. Should reactive power capability
compensation in all cases be linked to
tested capability? If not, why not? If so,
how? And, if so, should test results be
updated and how frequently?
g. Should the AEP Methodology be
modified to account for reactive power
capability degradation over the lifetime
of the resource and, if so, how?
i. If the Commission makes such a
modification, should the revised
methodology only consider the
resource’s most recent reactive power
capability testing results, or should the
Commission incorporate degradation
curves or other processes to estimate
continued degradation between tests? If
using degradation curves, should this
methodology vary by resource type? If
so, how? Should a resource have the
opportunity to rebut the application of
a degradation curve if it can
demonstrate that its test results exceed
the estimate derived from a degradation
ii. Should the Commission adopt a
standard minimum testing frequency for
resources that receive reactive power
capability compensation? If not, why
not? If so, what time period should the
minimum frequency be (e.g., testing
required annually, biannually, every
five years, etc.)? Please indicate to
which type(s) of resources your
proposed minimum frequency
h. Over what time period does the
NERC MOD–25–2 Reliability
Standard 49 accurately represent a
49 The NERC MOD–25–2 standard refers to
verification and data reporting of generator real and
reactive power capability as well as synchronous
condenser reactive power capability. Under this
standard, each Generator Owner shall provide its
Transmission Planner with verification of the
Reactive Power capability of its applicable facilities
within 90 calendar days of the date the data is
recorded for a staged test or the date the data is
selected for verification using historical operating
data. Reliability Standard MOD–25–2 (Verification
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resource’s capability to provide reactive
i. For how long is this data valid?
Please explain.
ii. If these standards do not accurately
represent a resource’s reactive power
capability, what additional data should
resources provide to verify their reactive
power capability? Should this data vary
by resource type? If so, how and why?
i. Are there maintenance activities
needed to maintain reactive power
capability that do not also contribute to
real power capability?
i. If so, what percentage of a
generating facility’s operating and
maintenance budget is necessary to
maintain reactive power capability?
ii. Does this differ by type of
generating resource? If so, how?
b. Non-Synchronous Resources
j. Is the existing AEP Methodology
appropriate to allocate the costs
associated with reactive power revenue
requirements of non-synchronous
resources? If not, why and can changes
be made to the existing AEP
Methodology to establish just and
reasonable reactive power revenue
requirements for non-synchronous
resources? If so, please provide detailed
descriptions of any potential changes
and explain why they are necessary.
k. As discussed above,50 the AEP
Methodology determines a resource’s
cost of reactive power capability by
applying an allocation factor to four
groups of costs that are involved in the
production or consumption of reactive
power for a synchronous resource: (1)
The generator and exciter, (2) the stepup transformer, (3) accessory electric
equipment used to support the
operation of the generator and exciter,
and (4) the remaining production plant
investment. For each of these groups of
costs, assuming that the nonsynchronous resource type can provide
reactive power capability, please
identify what non-synchronous resource
equipment corresponds to the
synchronous resource equipment used
in the AEP Methodology and how that
equipment is related to the production
of reactive power. Please explain if that
equipment is also related to the
production of real power. Please specify
if the equipment identified is specific to
a type of non-synchronous resource
(e.g., wind, solar, battery).
i. In the alternative, please describe
what groups of costs are involved in the
production or consumption of reactive
and Data Reporting of Generator Real and Reactive
Power Capability and Synchronous Condenser
Reactive Power Capability), at Requirement R2.
50 See supra Section I.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 30, 2021 / Notices
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
power for a non-synchronous resource
and how a non-synchronous resource’s
equipment would be allocated to each of
those groups. Please explain if these
groups are involved in the production or
consumption of power other than
reactive power.
l. Which, if any, of the four groups
under the AEP Methodology do costs
associated with the collection system of
a non-synchronous resource fall into
and why?
i. If they do not fall into any of those
groups, should those costs related to the
collection system be recovered? Why?
ii. Is the collection system comparable
to the isolated phase bus of a
synchronous resource? Why or why not?
In what ways are they similar and in
what ways are they different? What
other aspects of a non-synchronous
resource does a collection system serve?
m. Please explain whether it is
necessary for a Type 3 wind turbine,51
Type 4 wind turbine,52 or solar PV
facility to produce real power at a
particular time in order for the resource
to provide reactive power capability at
that time.
i. If so, what are the implications, if
any, for the current proportionality
requirement on reactive power from
non-synchronous resources?
n. Should the AEP Methodology be
altered to account for the intermittent
availability of some non-synchronous
resources? Why or why not?
o. Solar resources can be designed
with power factors much lower than
those of synchronous resources,53
which implies a much higher reactive
power capability and results in higher
revenue requirements under current
application of the AEP Methodology for
solar generating facilities versus a
comparable synchronous resource, all
else being equal. Should the AEP
Methodology be altered to account for
this difference? Why or why not?
i. Refer to Section II.A.5, question l.i.
Would allocating the costs of solar
generating facilities into cost categories
different from those categories defined
under the AEP Methodology, and using
a solar generating facility’s power factor,
51 Type 3 wind turbines have doubly-fed
induction generators with rotor terminals connected
to power converters. The stator terminals of Type
3 wind turbines are directly connected to the bulk
electric system.
52 Type 4 wind turbines use either synchronous
or asynchronous generators with generator stator
terminals connected to a power converter. The
power converters of Type 4 wind turbines are
directly connected to the bulk electric system.
53 See, e.g., Delta’s Edge Solar, LLC, Exhibit DES–
1, Docket No. ER21–1452–000, at 8 (filed Mar. 16,
2021); Crossett Solar Energy, LLC, Exhibit CSE–1,
Docket No. ER21–1453–000, at 8 (filed Mar. 16,
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result in a revenue requirement more or
less comparable to that of a synchronous
generating facility, all else being equal?
c. Evidentiary Support
p. What options are available to
collect independently verifiable cost
information from MBR sellers that have
received waiver of the accounting and
FERC Form No. 1 requirements to
support their reactive power capability
revenue requirements? For example,
how should MBR sellers that receive
reactive power capability compensation
track their equipment costs and support
their proposed reactive power revenue
q. In order to simplify and provide
transparency to proposed reactive
power capability compensation filings,
should the Commission require, in PJM,
MISO, and non-RTO/ISO regions that
compensate for reactive power
capability based on the costs of
individual resources or on a fleet-wide
basis, reactive power filers to include
with their filing a standardized form
with recognized schedules and officer
and independent accountant
certification requirements? Please
explain why or why not.
i. Would the standardized form allow
for better comparisons between reactive
power rates and/or allow the reactive
power rates to be more easily refreshed
to reflect degradation or other changes
to reactive power capability? If not, why
ii. Should the form contain similar
information as the relevant USofA
accounts used in the AEP Methodology?
If not, why not? If yes, please specify the
types of information that would be
necessary to calculate a reactive power
revenue requirement.
iii. If the Commission pursued a
standardized form approach, what cost
support should be included in a
standardized form?
d. Potential Overcompensation in PJM
r. Refer to the PJM Market Monitor’s
concerns regarding the potential in PJM
of overpayment for reactive power
capability.54 In PJM and other RTOs/
ISOs with centralized capacity markets,
how do resources typically account for
revenues from reactive power
compensation when calculating their
capacity offers?
i. If a resource accounts for revenues
from reactive power compensation
when calculating its capacity offers,
does that approach ensure that the
resource does not receive double
compensation for providing reactive
54 See
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supra Section II.A.4.
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power capability service? Please explain
why or why not.
ii. Please explain how the lack of
accounting for revenues from reactive
power compensation when calculating
resources’ capacity offers does not
constitute double compensation.
s. Do resources in PJM that receive
reactive power capability compensation
above $2,199/MW-year effectively
receive double-recovery as alleged by
the PJM Market Monitor?
i. If so, how should such
overcompensation be corrected?
ii. If not, please explain why no
double-recovery occurs.
B. Alternative Methodologies
29. As noted above, the AEP
Methodology is currently used as the
Commission’s approach to developing
revenue requirements for reactive power
capability in PJM, MISO, and by
transmission providers in non-RTO/ISO
regions. The Commission, in this NOI,
would like to explore whether other
potential alternative methodologies not
based on the costs of the particular
resource(s) at issue in a given
proceeding should be considered or
better used to develop reactive power
capability revenue requirements.
30. One possible alternative approach
is a flat rate methodology, which would
be based on the total reactive power
payments made by transmission
customers in a region divided by the
MVARs consumed in the region. This
‘‘dollars per MVAR-year’’ value may be
determined either for each class of
resource (solar, wind turbine,
combined-cycle, combustion turbine,
and hydroelectric) or a single value
could be paid to all classes of resources
similar to the approach used in ISO–NE
and NYISO. We seek comment on the
potential benefits and drawbacks of
using any flat rate methodology for
reactive power capability compensation.
31. Another possible approach to
reactive power capability compensation
is replacement cost ratemaking. Under
this approach, the lowest-cost
technology capable of providing reactive
power capability, such as a synchronous
condenser, is used to establish a perMVAR-year rate. Then, all resources
would be paid the same amount based
upon their tested MVAR capability.
Replacement cost ratemaking derives
from the Supreme Court’s decision in
Smyth v. Ames,55 in which the Court
indicated that appropriate rate base is
55 169 U.S. 466 (1898). The U.S. Supreme Court
permitted the Commission to use original cost
ratemaking in place of replacement or reproduction
cost given the difficulty of determining fair value
in most cases. FPC v. Hope Nat. Gas Co., 320 U.S.
591 (1944).
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 30, 2021 / Notices
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
based on the replacement cost or fair
value of the rate base.56 Such a
replacement cost approach could also
form a benchmark for evaluating the
justness and reasonableness of proposed
reactive power capability revenue
requirements, where any proposed rates
above the cost of the alternative
technology would be considered unjust
and unreasonable unless the record
demonstrates that the resource’s costs of
investment in reactive power capability
supports the proposed revenue
1. Questions Regarding Alternative
32. We encourage comments
regarding the topics discussed above in
this section. The following questions are
designed to explore further potential
alternative methodologies. Commenters
need not answer every question
enumerated below.
a. Should alternative methodologies
to the AEP Methodology be considered
for the calculation of reactive power
capability revenue requirements? If not,
why not? If so, what alternative
methodologies to the AEP Methodology
could be used for calculating reactive
power revenue requirements that would
accurately capture the cost of providing
reactive power capability? Please clarify
if any methodology is specific to certain
types of resources or not. For example,
what methodology could appropriately
account for the technical characteristics
of non-synchronous resources that do
not exist in synchronous resources?
How would developing revenue
requirements under such a new
methodology compare to developing
revenue requirements using the AEP
b. Should a flat rate approach to
reactive power compensation differ
depending on the type of resource, or
should one rate be used for all resource
c. Under a flat rate approach:
i. How should the rate be initially set,
and how would it be adjusted over time
(e.g., for inflation)?
ii. Should payments to a specific
resource be based on the resource’s
tested reactive power capability or its
actual reactive power output?
iii. How often should the resource’s
reactive power capability be tested?
d. Under a replacement cost
i. What alternative technology should
be used to establish the rate and how
56 Smyth, 169 U.S. at 544 (‘‘the rights of the
public would be ignored if rates for the
transportation of persons or property on a railroad
are exacted without reference to the fair value of the
property used for the public’’).
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should that alternative technology be
ii. How often should the alternative
technology used to establish the rate be
e. Would a change to a flat rate or
replacement rate approach require
resources to change any of their
accounting, record keeping or any other
administrative processes?
i. Would such a change have an
impact on capital investment decisions?
Are there any other effects that such a
change would cause? If possible, please
provide numbers to quantify statements.
f. In regions such as CAISO and SPP,
where resources are not directly
compensated for their reactive power
capabilities, how do resources recover
the costs of their investment in reactive
power capability?
g. Refer to the PJM Market Monitor’s
proposal to provide for reactive power
compensation in PJM through the
capacity market rather than through a
separate cost-of-service construct.57 In
regions with a centrally-cleared capacity
market, would it be preferable for
resources to recover the costs of their
investment in reactive power capability
by embedding those costs in their
capacity market offers, rather than using
a separate cost-based rate? Please
describe any advantages or
disadvantages to this approach and any
modifications this would require in the
applicable region’s OATT and market
C. Distribution-Connected Resources
33. The Commission has previously
found that a transmission provider need
not provide compensation to resources
for reactive power if the resource is not
under the control of the control area
operator.58 Schedule 2 of the pro forma
OATT similarly requires that generation
facilities and non-generation resources
capable of providing reactive power be
‘‘under the control of the control area
34. In several recent cases,59 the PJM
Market Monitor has challenged the
eligibility of distribution-connected
resources with Commissionjurisdictional interconnection
agreements to receive compensation for
reactive power capability (within the
standard power factor range) under
Schedule 2 of PJM’s tariff.60 The PJM
57 See
supra Section II.A.4.
Tail Power Co., 99 FERC ¶ 61,019, at
61,092 (2002).
59 See supra note 36.
60 Schedule 2 of PJM’s tariff is nearly identical to
Schedule 2 of the pro forma OATT. It provides in
relevant part as follows (emphasis added):
In order to maintain transmission voltages on the
Transmission Provider’s transmission facilities
58 Otter
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Market Monitor has argued in these
cases that such resources should not
receive reactive power compensation
from PJM because the resources have
not established that they provide
reactive power capability service to the
PJM transmission system, as required by
Schedule 2.61 The PJM Market Monitor
likens such resources to pseudo-tied
resources, which are excluded from
eligibility to file for reactive power
compensation under Schedule 2 of
PJM’s tariff. Other protestors have also
argued that distribution-connected
resources are not under the operational
control of the transmission system
operator and therefore cannot provide
reactive power capability service
consistent with the PJM tariff.62
35. We are interested in exploring the
PJM Market Monitor’s concerns further,
as well as whether these concerns are
relevant for other regions.
1. Questions Regarding DistributionConnected Resources
36. The Commission encourages
comments regarding the topics broadly
discussed above. The following
questions are designed to identify
whether resources in PJM and elsewhere
that are interconnected to a distribution
system and participate in wholesale
markets are technically capable of
providing reactive power to the
transmission system in such a way that
these resources should be eligible for
reactive power capability compensation
through transmission rates. Commenters
need not answer every question
enumerated below.
a. For a distribution-connected
resource, is reactive power dispatchable
by direction of the transmission
provider? Please explain, including
whether the answer to this question
depends on whether the resource has a
within acceptable limits, generation facilities and
non-generation resources capable of providing this
service that are under the control of the control area
operator are operated to produce (or absorb)
reactive power. Thus, Reactive Supply and Voltage
Control from Generation or Other Sources Service
must be provided for each transaction on the
Transmission Provider’s transmission facilities. The
amount of Reactive Supply and Voltage Control
from Generation or Other Sources Service that must
be supplied with respect to the Transmission
Customer’s transaction will be determined based on
the reactive power support necessary to maintain
transmission voltages within limits that are
generally accepted in the region and consistently
adhered to by the Transmission Provider.
61 See, e.g., Mechanicsville Solar, LLC, Protest of
the Independent Market Monitor for PJM, Docket
No. ER21–2091–000 (filed June 28, 2021).
62 See, e.g., Northern Virginia Electric
Cooperative, Inc., Old Dominion Electric
Cooperative, and Dominion Energy Services, Inc. on
behalf of Virginia Electric and Power Company;
Mechanicsville Solar, LLC, Protest and Comments
Monitor for PJM, Docket No. ER21–2091–000 (filed
June 25, 2021).
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 227 / Tuesday, November 30, 2021 / Notices
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
interconnection agreement with the
transmission system owner/operator
and whether the resource is
synchronous or non-synchronous.
b. If reactive power produced by a
distribution-connected resource cannot
be dispatched by the transmission
system operator to provide voltage
support to the transmission system,
should a distribution-connected
resource be compensated through
transmission rates for its reactive power
capability? Why or why not?
c. If distribution-connected resources
are dispatchable for reactive power by
the transmission provider, to what
extent are distribution-connected
resources able to provide reactive power
capability service to the transmission
system? Are there physical
characteristics (e.g., distributionconnected resource characteristics and
location, system topology, etc.) or other
indicators that could be analyzed to
determine accurately whether a
distribution connected resource is able
to provide reactive power capability
service to the transmission system?
d. Are resources connected to a
distribution system subject to reactive
power capability testing requirements?
If so, what are those requirements?
III. Comment Procedures
37. The Commission invites interested
persons to submit comments on the
matters and issues proposed in this
notice, including any related matters or
alternative proposals that commenters
may wish to discuss. Initial Comments
are due January 31, 2022, and Reply
Comments are due February 28, 2022.
Comments must refer to Docket No.
RM22–2–000, and must include the
commenter’s name, the organization
they represent, if applicable, and their
address in their comments.
38. The Commission encourages
comments to be filed electronically via
the eFiling link on the Commission’s
website at The
Commission accepts most standard
word processing formats. Documents
created electronically using word
processing software should be filed in
native applications or print-to-PDF
format and not in a scanned format.
Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
39. Those unable to file electronically
may mail comments via the U.S. Postal
Service to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC, 20426. Hand-delivered
comments or comments sent via any
other carrier should be delivered to:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
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12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD
40. All comments will be placed in
the Commission’s public files and may
be viewed, printed, or downloaded
remotely as described in the Document
Availability section below. Commenters
on this proposal are not required to
serve copies of their comments on other
IV. Document Availability
41. In addition to publishing the full
text of this document in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons an opportunity to
view and/or print the contents of this
document via the internet through the
Commission’s Home Page (https:// At this time, the
Commission has suspended access to
the Commission’s Public Reference
Room due to the President’s March 13,
2020 proclamation declaring a National
Emergency concerning the Novel
Coronavirus Disease (COVID–19).
42. From the Commission’s Home
Page on the internet, this information is
available on eLibrary. The full text of
this document is available on eLibrary
in PDF and Microsoft Word format for
viewing, printing, and/or downloading.
To access this document in eLibrary,
type the docket number excluding the
last three digits of this document in the
docket number field.
43. User assistance is available for
eLibrary and the Commission’s website
during normal business hours from the
Commission’s Online Support at 202–
502–6652 (toll free at 1–866–208–3676)
or email at,
or the Public Reference Room at (202)
502–8371, TTY (202)502–8659. Email
the Public Reference Room at
By direction of the Commission.
Issued: November 18, 2021.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2021–26032 Filed 11–29–21; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
Combined Notice of Filings #1
Take notice that the Commission
received the following electric corporate
Docket Numbers: EC22–21–000.
Applicants: Evergreen Gen Lead, LLC.
Description: Application for
Authorization Under Section 203 of the
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Sfmt 4703
Federal Power Act of Evergreen Gen
Lead, LLC.
Filed Date: 11/22/21.
Accession Number: 20211122–5266.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 12/13/21.
Take notice that the Commission
received the following Complaints and
Compliance filings in EL Dockets:
Docket Numbers: EL15–55–004.
Applicants: Modesto Irrigation
District and Turlock Irrigation District v.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Description: Turlock Irrigation District
and Modesto Irrigation District submits
Motion for Issuance of an order to show
cause, Motion for Additional Remedies
and Motion for Expedited Response
time and expedited action.
Filed Date: 11/22/21.
Accession Number: 20211122–5220.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 12/13/21.
Docket Numbers: EL19–47–000;
EL19–63–000; ER21–2444–000; ER21–
Applicants: Applicant not Found.
Description: Motion for Clarification
or in the Alternative Motion for Waiver
of the Independent Market Monitor for
Filed Date: 11/19/21.
Accession Number: 20211119–5045.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 12/9/21.
Take notice that the Commission
received the following electric rate
Docket Numbers: ER19–1553–000.
Applicants: Southern California
Edison Company.
Description: Annual Formula
Transmission Rate Update Filing
(TO2022) of Southern California Edison
Filed Date: 11/19/21.
Accession Number: 20211119–5137.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 12/10/21.
Docket Numbers: ER22–188–000.
Applicants: Indra Power Business CT,
Description: Supplement to October
22, 2021 Indra Power Business CT LLC
tariff filing.
Filed Date: 11/22/21.
Accession Number: 20211122–5272.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 12/13/21.
Docket Numbers: ER22–353–000.
Applicants: Indra Power Business MI,
Description: Supplement to November
5, 2021 Indra Power Business MI LLC
tariff filing.
Filed Date: 11/22/21.
Accession Number: 20211122–5271.
Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 12/13/21.
Docket Numbers: ER22–416–000.
Applicants: Indra Power Business NJ,
Description: Supplement to November
17, 2021 Indra Power Business NJ LLC
tariff filing.
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 227 (Tuesday, November 30, 2021)]
[Pages 67933-67942]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-26032]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Docket No. RM22-2-000]
Reactive Power Capability Compensation
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of inquiry.
SUMMARY: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) is
inviting comments on reactive power
[[Page 67934]]
capability compensation and market design.
DATES: Initial Comments are due January 31, 2022, and Reply Comments
are due February 28, 2022.
ADDRESSES: Comments, identified by docket number, may be filed in the
following ways:
Electronic Filing through Documents
created electronically using word processing software should be filed
in native applications or print-to-PDF format and not in a scanned
Mail/Hand Delivery: Those unable to file electronically
may mail comments via the U.S. Postal Service to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the Commission, 888 First Street
NE, Washington, DC 20426. Hand-delivered comments or comments sent via
any other carrier should be delivered to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852.
Instructions: For detailed instructions on submitting comments and
additional information on the rulemaking process, see the Comment
Procedures Section of this document.
Noah Schlosser (Technical Information), Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-8356,
[email protected]
Neil Yallabandi (Legal Information), Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-8260,
[email protected]
1. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) is issuing
this Notice of Inquiry (NOI) to seek comments on reactive power
capability compensation and market design.
2. In an order issued in 2002,\1\ the Commission recommended that
all resources that have actual cost data and support documentation use
the method employed in American Electric Power Service Corporation to
establish a rate for the provision of reactive power.\2\ Since the
issuance of AEP, the electric markets and the generation resource mix
have undergone significant change. For example, in 1999, when AEP
issued, the majority of reactive power filings were made by synchronous
resources that were owned by public utilities subject to the Uniform
System of Accounts (USofA) and who annually submitted a FERC Form No.
1.\3\ Today, the majority of the filings by entities seeking to
establish a rate for reactive power capability compensation received at
the Commission are made by owners of non-synchronous resources that
produce reactive power using different types of equipment than used by
synchronous resources. In addition, most filing entities (both
synchronous and non-synchronous) received waivers of the requirement to
maintain their accounts under the USofA rules and to file FERC Form No.
1 when they were granted market-based rate (MBR) authority under Order
No. 697.\4\ These changes have contributed, at least in part, to many
such filings being set for hearing and settlement judge procedures.
\1\ WPS Westwood Generation, LLC, 101 FERC ] 61,290, at P 14
\2\ Am. Elec. Power Serv. Corp., Opinion No. 440, 88 FERC ]
61,141 (1999) (Opinion No. 440).
\3\ The FERC Form No. 1 is a comprehensive financial and
operating report submitted annually by Major electric utilities,
licensees and others and used for electric accounting regulation,
rate regulation, market oversight analysis, and planning audits. 18
CFR 141.1.
\4\ Market-Based Rates for Wholesale Sales of Electric Energy,
Capacity and Ancillary Services by Public Utilities, Order No. 697,
119 FERC ] 61,295, clarified, 121 FERC ] 61,260 (2007), order on
reh'g, Order No. 697-A, 123 FERC ] 61,055, clarified, 124 FERC ]
61,055, order on reh'g, Order No. 697-B, 125 FERC ] 61,326 (2008),
order on reh'g, Order No. 697-C, 127 FERC ] 61,284 (2009), order on
reh'g, Order No. 697-D, 130 FERC ] 61,206 (2010), aff'd sub nom.
Mont. Consumer Counsel v. FERC, 659 F.3d 910 (9th Cir. 2011).
3. In light of these developments, we seek comment on various
issues that have arisen regarding reactive power capability
compensation and market design.
I. Background
A. Reactive Power and Regulation
4. Almost all bulk electric power is generated, transported, and
consumed in alternating current (AC) networks. Elements of AC systems
supply and consume two kinds of power: Real power and reactive power.
Real power accomplishes useful work (e.g., runs motors and lights
lamps). Reactive power supports the voltages that must be controlled
for system reliability. At times, resources must either supply or
consume reactive power for the transmission system to maintain voltage
levels required to reliably supply real power from generation to load.
Inadequate reactive power supply lowers voltage; as voltage drops,
current must increase to maintain the power supplied, causing the lines
to consume more reactive power and the voltage to drop further,
eventually leading to reliability problems such as loss of transmission
system stability and voltage collapse.\5\
\5\ Payment for Reactive Power, Commission Staff Report, Docket
No. AD14-7-000, at 4-6 (Apr. 22, 2014),
5. In the Commission's pro forma LGIA, the power factor design
criteria specify that, for synchronous resources, the ``Interconnection
Customer shall design the Large Generating Facility to maintain a
composite power delivery at continuous rated power output at the Point
of Interconnection.'' \6\ For non-synchronous resources, the
``Interconnection Customer shall design the Large Generating Facility
to maintain a composite power delivery at continuous rated power output
at the high side of the generator substation.'' \7\
\6\ See Pro Forma LGIA, Sec.
\7\ Id., Sec.
6. Not only is reactive power necessary to operate the transmission
system reliably, but it can also substantially improve the efficiency
with which real power is delivered to customers. Increasing reactive
power production at certain locations (usually near a load center) can
sometimes alleviate transmission constraints and allow cheaper real
power to be delivered into a load pocket.\8\
\8\ Id. at 7-8.
7. The rules for procuring reactive power can affect whether
adequate reactive power supply is available, as well as whether the
supply is procured efficiently from the most reliable and lowest-cost
resources. This is readily apparent in the large portions of the United
States where the transmission system is operated by regional
transmission organizations (RTO) and independent system operators
(ISO); these operators do not own generation and transmission
facilities for producing and consuming reactive power and therefore
must procure reactive power from others. But procurement rules also
affect other parts of the United States where vertically integrated
utilities operate the transmission system because reactive power
capability is also available from independent companies.\9\ Therefore,
it is necessary to ensure that system operators, whether they are
independent or vertically integrated, have adequate reactive power
supplies at a just and reasonable rate.
\9\ Id. at 11-13.
8. The modern history of compensation for reactive power begins
with the Commission's Order No. 888, its Open Access Rule, issued in
April 1996.\10\ In that order, the Commission
[[Page 67935]]
concluded that ``reactive supply and voltage control from generation
sources'' is one of six ancillary services that transmission providers
must include in an open access transmission tariff.\11\ The Commission
noted that there are two approaches for supplying reactive power to
control voltage: (1) Installing facilities as part of the transmission
system and (2) using generation resources. The Commission concluded
that the costs associated with the first approach would be recovered as
part of the cost of basic transmission service and, thus, would not be
a separate ancillary service. The second (using generation resources)
would be considered a separate ancillary service and must be unbundled
from basic transmission service. The Commission stated that, in the
absence of proof that the generation seller lacks market power in
providing reactive power, rates for this ancillary service should be
cost-based and established as price caps, from which transmission
providers may offer a discount.
\10\ Promoting Wholesale Competition Through Open Access
Nondiscriminatory Transmission Services by Public Utilities;
Recovery of Stranded Costs by Public Utilities and Transmitting
Utilities, Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,036, at 31,705-06
and 31,716-17 (1996) (cross-referenced at 75 FERC ] 61,080), Order
No. 888-A, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,048 (cross-referenced at 78 FERC
] 61,220), order on reh'g, Order No. 888-B, 81 FERC ] 61,248 (1997),
order on reh'g, Order No. 888-C, 82 FERC ] 61,046 (1998), aff'd in
relevant part sub nom. Transmission Access Policy Study Group v.
FERC, 225 F.3d 667 (DC Cir. 2000), aff'd sub nom. New York v. FERC,
535 U.S. 1 (2002).
\11\ Order No. 888, FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 31,036 at 31,705. The
pro forma open access transmission tariff (OATT) includes six
schedules that set forth the details pertaining to each ancillary
service. The details concerning reactive power are included in
Schedule 2 of the pro forma OATT. Id. at 31,960.
9. In Opinion No. 440,\12\ the Commission approved a method
presented by American Electric Power Service Corp. (AEP), a vertically
integrated utility, for allocating the costs of generator equipment
between real power capability and reactive power capability, as well as
the related operations and maintenance costs. AEP identified four
components of a generation plant related to the production of reactive
power: (1) The generator and its exciter, (2) the generator step-up
transformer, (3) accessory electric equipment that supports the
operation of the generator-exciter, and (4) the remaining total
production investment required to provide real power and operate the
exciter. Because these plant items produce both real and reactive
power, AEP developed an allocation factor to sort the annual revenue
requirements of these components between real and reactive power
production. The factor for allocating to reactive power, developed by
AEP, is MVAR\2\/MVA\2\, where MVAR is megavolt amperes reactive
capability and MVA is megavolt amperes capability at a power factor of
1. Subsequently, the Commission indicated that all resources that have
actual cost data and support should use AEP's methodology in seeking to
recover reactive power capability costs pursuant to individual cost-
based revenue requirements (hereinafter, the AEP Methodology).\13\
\12\ AEP, Opinion No. 440, 88 FERC ] 61,141.
\13\ WPS Westwood Generation, LLC, 101 FERC ] 61,290 at P 14;
FPL Energy Marcus Hook, L.P., 110 FERC ] 61,087, at P 16, order on
reh'g, 111 FERC ] 61,168 (2005).
10. In Order No. 2003,\14\ the Commission adopted standard large
generator interconnection procedures and a standard agreement for the
interconnection of large generation facilities (the pro forma Large
Generator Interconnection Agreement (LGIA)), which included the
requirement that interconnection customers maintain a power factor
range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging, unless the transmission provider
has established a different power factor range.\15\ Order No. 2003
required payment for reactive power to an interconnection customer only
when the transmission provider requests the interconnection customer to
operate its generating facility outside the established power factor
range.\16\ With respect to reactive power within the established power
factor range, the Commission initially concluded that an
interconnection customer ``should not be compensated for reactive power
when operating its Generating Facility within the established power
factor range, since it is only meeting its obligation.'' \17\ In Order
No. 2003-A, however, the Commission clarified that ``if the
Transmission Provider pays its own or its affiliated generators for
reactive power within the established range, it must also pay the
Interconnection Customer.'' \18\ Subsequently, in Order No. 2003-C, the
Commission disagreed with commenters that reactive power capability
compensation would result in a windfall to generators, explaining that
reactive power is an important service.\19\ Order No. 2003-A also
exempted wind generators from maintaining the established power factor
\14\ Standardization of Generator Interconnection Agreements and
Procedures, Order No. 2003, 104 FERC ] 61,103 (2003), order on
reh'g, Order No. 2003-A, 106 FERC ] 61,220, order on reh'g, Order
No. 2003-B, 109 FERC ] 61,287 (2004), order on reh'g, Order No.
2003-C, 111 FERC ] 61,401 (2005), aff'd sub nom. Nat'l Ass'n of
Regulatory Util. Comm'rs v. FERC, 475 F.3d 1277 (D.C. Cir. 2007).
\15\ Id. P 542.
\16\ Id. P 546.
\17\ Id.
\18\ Order No. 2003-A, 106 FERC ] 61,220 at P 416.
\19\ Order No. 2003-C, 111 FERC ] 61,401 at P 42.
\20\ Order No. 2003-A, 106 FERC ] 61,220 at P 34.
11. Order No. 661 established technical requirements for
interconnecting large wind resources and maintained the exemption from
providing reactive power, except where the transmission provider
showed, through a system impact study, that reactive power capability
was required to ensure safety or reliability.\21\ In Order No.
2006,\22\ the Commission adopted identical power factor and
compensation requirements for small generating facilities (facilities
having a capacity of no more than 20 MW) but exempted small wind
generators from the reactive power requirement. In Order No. 827,\23\
the Commission eliminated the exemptions for wind resources from the
requirement to provide reactive power. As a result, all newly
interconnecting non-synchronous generators were required to provide
reactive power within the range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging at the
high-side of the generator substation as a condition of
interconnection. Order No. 827 also clarified that the amount of
reactive power required from non-synchronous resources should be
proportionate to the actual (real) power output.\24\ With respect to
compensation, the Commission concluded that it did not have a
sufficient record for determining a new methodology for non-synchronous
generation reactive power compensation and stated that any non-
synchronous resource seeking reactive power compensation would need to
propose a method for calculating that compensation as part of its
\21\ Interconnection for Wind Energy, Order No. 661, 111 FERC ]
61,353, order on reh'g, Order No. 661-A, 113 FERC ] 61,254 (2005).
\22\ Standardization of Small Generator Interconnection
Agreements and Procedures, Order No. 2006, 111 FERC ] 61,220, order
on reh'g, Order No. 2006-A, 113 FERC ] 61,195 (2005), order granting
clarification, Order No. 2006-B, 116 FERC ] 61,046 (2006).
\23\ Reactive Power Requirements for Non-Synchronous Generation,
Order No. 827, 155 FERC ] 61,277, order on clarification and reh'g,
157 FERC ] 61,003 (2016).
\24\ Id. P 49.
\25\ Id. PP 47, 52.
B. Approaches to Reactive Power Capability Compensation
12. In RTOs/ISOs where transmission providers compensate for
reactive power capability, the compensation is either (1) based on
individual reactive power revenue requirements determined in cases for
individual resources (or fleets \26\ of resources) established pursuant
to a cost-based methodology (e.g., the AEP
[[Page 67936]]
Methodology) using the resource's MVAR capability or (2) paid on a flat
per-MVAR region-wide basis based on testing for the maximum MVAR
capability of the resource. Resources in PJM Interconnection, Inc.
(PJM) and Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (MISO)
generally use the AEP Methodology to set reactive power compensation on
an individual resource basis, whereas resources in ISO New England Inc.
(ISO-NE) and New York Independent System Operator, Inc. (NYISO) are
compensated for reactive power under a flat rate described further
below. Outside of these RTOs/ISOs, when transmission providers pay for
the capability to provide reactive power within the standard power
factor range, resources generally propose to use the AEP Methodology to
set reactive power compensation on an individual resource basis.\27\
\26\ Fleet-based rate schedules consist of a single rate for
multiple resources, sometimes developed over an extended period of
time, which do not specify which resources are being compensated
under the rate schedule.
\27\ In addition, California Independent System Operator
Corporation (CAISO); Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP); and some non-
RTO/ISO transmission operators (e.g., Bonneville Power
Administration, Arizona Public Service Company, Southern Companies)
do not pay for reactive power capability.
13. PJM and MISO compensate each resource owner with an amount
equal to the resource owner's monthly reactive power capability service
revenue requirement for reactive power capability, as accepted by the
Commission. Although PJM and MISO both conduct regular reactive power
capability testing,\28\ because they compensate based on the reactive
power revenue requirements on file with the Commission, they do not
link the tested capability to compensation, and neither PJM nor MISO is
required to notify the Commission when a resource fails to achieve its
nameplate MVAR capability when tested.
\28\ Under Schedule 2 of MISO's tariff, MISO's technical
requirements dictate that within the past five years the generation
resource meets the testing requirements for voltage control
capability required by the Regional Reliability Council where the
generation resource is located. See MISO, FERC Electric Tariff,
Sched. 2, Sec. II.B.3 (38.0.0). In PJM, resource owners are
required to test 20% of their resources that receive reactive power
capability compensation for reactive power capability annually,
totaling 100% of such facilities over a 66 month period. However,
individual resources that (1) have nameplate ratings below 20 MVA,
(2) form part of aggregate generating facilities with nameplate
ratings below 75 MVA, or (3) are not directly connected to the Bulk
Electric System are exempt from these testing requirements. See PJM
Manual 14D (Generator Operational Requirements), attach. E Sec.
14. ISO-NE and NYISO compensate resources for reactive power
capability using a flat rate representing dollars per MVAR-year,\29\
which is multiplied by the resource's tested reactive power
\29\ Both ISO-NE and NYISO proposed their respective reactive
power capability compensation mechanisms pursuant to section 205
filings. See ISO New England Inc., 122 FERC ] 61,056, at P 1 (2008)
(settling, in part, for a new flat rate in $/kVAR-yr). Note that,
although NYISO also has a fixed rate for reactive power capability
compensation, NYISO proposed the approach pursuant to an FPA section
205 filing, with stakeholder support. N.Y. Indep. Sys. Operator,
Inc., Docket No. ER02-617-000 (Feb. 5, 2002) (delegated order
accepting NYISO's amended Rate Schedule 2 of the Market
Administration and Control Area Services Tariff).
\30\ ISO-NE, Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff, Schedule
2--Reactive Supply and Voltage Control Service (10.0.0); NYISO,
NYISO Market Administration and Control Area Services Tariff (MST),
Section 15.2, Rate Schedule 2--Payments for Supplying Voltage Supply
(11.0.0). ISO-NE and NYISO conduct reactive power capability testing
at least once every five years and annually, respectively. See ISO-
NE, Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff, Schedule 2, Sec.
IV.A.12(a); NYISO, NYISO MST, Section, Annual Payment for
Voltage Support Service; NYISO, Ancillary Services Manual, Sec. 3.6
(Oct. 2021).
15. In ISO-NE, reactive power compensation is established by
adding: (a) A flat rate for capacity costs designed to compensate for
fixed capital costs related to providing reactive power; (b) a variable
rate for lost opportunity costs; (c) a variable rate for energy
consumed to produce reactive power; and (d) a variable rate for costs
for the resource to come online or to increase its output above its
economic loading point.\31\ ISO-NE periodically adjusts the base flat
rates for inflation.
\31\ See, e.g., Me. Pub. Utils. Comm'n v. ISO New England Inc.,
126 FERC ] 61,090, at P 6 (2009).
16. The NYISO flat rate is based on the average cost-of-service in
NYISO for providing leading and lagging reactive power.\32\ In NYISO,
the annual payment to qualified reactive power suppliers equals the
product of the compensation rate and the sum of the lagging and the
absolute value of the leading MVAR capacity \33\ of the resource, as
evidenced by the resource's tested reactive power capability. NYISO
adjusts the base flat rates annually for inflation. In NYISO, only the
flat rate portion is paid.\34\
\32\ NYISO, Deficiency Letter Response, Docket No. ER15-1042-
001, at 1 (filed Apr. 30, 2015). NYISO explained that the $2,592/
MVAR flat rate was calculated ``by dividing the total VSS [Voltage
Support Service] program compensation paid to qualified VSS
Suppliers in 2012 by the total lagging and leading reactive power
capability of all qualified VSS Suppliers in 2012.'' Voltage Support
Service is the ability to produce or absorb reactive power and the
ability to maintain a specific voltage level under both steady-state
and post-contingency operating conditions subject to the limitations
of the resource's stated reactive capability.
\33\ Reactive power capability is measured in MVAR. A resource's
lagging reactive power capability indicates its ability to produce
reactive power, and its leading reactive power capability indicates
its ability to consume reactive power.
\34\ Like the AEP Methodology, these flat rates are intended to
compensate resources for the costs of reactive power capability.
II. Discussion
17. Generation owners seeking compensation for reactive power
capability in PJM, MISO, and non-RTO/ISO regions that compensate for
reactive power capability based on the costs of individual resources or
on a fleet-wide basis generally submit individual cost-of-service
filings based on the AEP Methodology.\35\ As explained above, the AEP
Methodology was designed based on the physical attributes of
synchronous resources owned by a public utility that utilized the USofA
and annually submitted a FERC Form No. 1. Since the AEP Methodology was
established in 1999, the electric industry has undergone significant
changes, both in the generation resource mix and a general shift away
from cost-of-service rates for generators selling into Commission-
jurisdictional markets. Now, the majority of the reactive power filings
submitted to the Commission are made by owners of non-synchronous
resources that, relying on waivers granted by the Commission in
conjunction with sellers obtaining MBR authority under Order No. 697,
neither use the USofA nor file FERC Form No. 1. Because the AEP
Methodology was designed based on the physical attributes of a
synchronous resource and because of this lack of FERC Form No. 1
information for independent power producers (synchronous and non-
synchronous alike), customers and the Commission have faced challenges
in evaluating proposed reactive power rate schedules submitted pursuant
to section 205 of the Federal Power Act (FPA), resulting in the
majority of the filings being set for hearing and settlement
\35\ Am. Elec. Power Serv. Corp., 80 FERC ] 63,006, at 65,071
(1997), aff'd in part, rev'd in part, Opinion No. 440, 88 FERC ]
61,141 at 61,437 (establishing the AEP Methodology); see also WPS
Westwood Generation, L.L.C., 101 FERC ] 61,290 at P 14 (recommending
that all resources seeking to recover reactive power capability
costs pursuant to individual cost-based revenue requirements use the
AEP Methodology); Dynegy Midwest Generation, Inc., Opinion No. 498,
121 FERC ] 61,025, at P 71 (2007), order on reh'g, 125 FERC ] 61,280
(2008) (discussing the AEP Methodology and recovery of heating
18. Furthermore, in PJM, several resources that have interconnected
to the distribution system rather than the transmission system have
still sought compensation from transmission operators for their
reactive power capabilities.\36\ Monitoring Analytics, LLC, the
Independent Market Monitor
[[Page 67937]]
for PJM (PJM Market Monitor), has argued that these resources are not
technically capable of providing reactive power capability service
consistent with Schedule 2 of PJM's tariff. Furthermore, it is unclear
whether all such distribution-connected resources are technically
capable of providing their full reactive power capability to the
transmission system such that they are properly compensated through the
applicable transmission rate schedules.\37\
\36\ See, e.g., Ingenco Wholesale Power, LLC, 173 FERC ] 61,247
(2020) (Ingenco); Whitetail Solar 3, LLC, 173 FERC ] 61,288 (2020);
Whitetail Solar 2, LLC, 174 FERC ] 61,238 (2021); Elk Hill Solar 2,
LLC, 175 FERC ] 61,188 (2021); Mechanicsville Solar, LLC, 176 FERC ]
61,076 (2021).
\37\ See infra Section II.C.
19. Due to the aforementioned differences in the generation
resource mix and divergent reporting requirements between market-based
and cost-based sellers since the time when the AEP Methodology was
established, the Commission seeks to examine whether the current regime
for reactive power capability compensation requires revisions to ensure
that payments for reactive power capability accurately reflect the
costs associated with reactive power capability.
A. Issues With AEP Methodology-Based Reactive Power Compensation
20. We wish to explore several potential issues with reactive power
capability compensation based on the AEP Methodology. These include the
failure to account for the degradation of a resource's reactive power
capability over time, any difficulties associated with applying the AEP
Methodology to non-synchronous resources, any difficulty in verifying
the revenue requirements proposed by owners of resources that have been
granted waiver of certain accounting and reporting requirements, and
any potential overcompensation in PJM stemming from the reactive power
offset used in the PJM capacity market.\38\
\38\ See infra notes 40-41, 47.
1. Degradation
21. Although the Commission has established that resources that
seek reactive power capability compensation under the AEP Methodology
are required to submit test reports of their reactive power capability
that support the company's proposed level of reactive power capability
for which the company is seeking a proposed reactive power revenue
requirement,\39\ the AEP Methodology does not account for the fact that
a resource's reactive power capability may degrade. As a result, over
time the reactive power revenue requirement originally established
under the AEP Methodology may no longer reflect the actual reactive
power capability of the associated resource(s). However, unless a
resource voluntarily files to revise its Commission-accepted revenue
requirement or is otherwise required to do so under an applicable
tariff, it will receive the same revenue over the course of its life,
regardless of whether it maintains the capability to produce its stated
power factor at its full real power capacity, which it supported with
test reports at the time of its filing before the Commission.
Furthermore, it can be difficult for the Commission to determine if the
test reports accurately reflect the reactive power capability of the
resource, particularly when the data the resource submits may be
\39\ The Commission required all resources to submit test
reports when seeking a reactive power revenue requirement in Wabash
Valley Power Ass'n, Inc., 154 FERC ] 61,245, at P 29 (2016); Wabash
Valley Power Ass'n, Inc., 154 FERC ] 61,246, at P 28 (2016)
(together, Wabash). The Commission also reiterated ``that revenue
requirements established pursuant to Schedule 2 of the pro forma
Open Access Transmission Tariff . . . are based on a particular
level of reactive power capability for a particular generating unit
or group of units'' and ``should reflect'' the present circumstances
of the unit. See Wabash, 154 FERC ] 61,245 at P 28; 154 FERC ]
61,246 at P 27.
\40\ The test report data does not always support the revenue
requirement, and a resource's test reports are one of the issues
often set for hearing and settlement procedures. See, e.g., Talen
Energy Mktg., LLC, 155 FERC ] 61,297, at P 9 (2016); Dynegy Lee II,
LLC, 161 FERC ] 61,016, at P 16 (2017); Buckeye Power, Inc., 162
FERC ] 61,145, at P 10 (2018); Ingenco, 173 FERC ] 61,247 at P 30.
2. Accounting and Ratemaking Issues Related to Non-Synchronous
22. A lack of accounting and ratemaking guidance for non-
synchronous resources under the AEP Methodology has contributed to
litigation over reactive power compensation.\41\ As noted above, the
AEP Methodology was originally developed to determine the cost-of-
service for reactive power production equipment owned by cost-of-
service-regulated sellers and intended solely for synchronous
resources. When compared to synchronous resources, non-synchronous
resources have different physical processes and electric plant that is
utilized in reactive power production. For example, relevant components
of producing and controlling reactive power for synchronous resources
include generator-exciters, step-up transformers, and accessory
electric equipment. In contrast, non-synchronous resources may be
capable of producing reactive power using only inverters.\42\ As a
result, when non-synchronous resources propose reactive power revenue
requirements based on the AEP Methodology, they generally propose to
populate AEP Methodology cost categories with equipment different from
those used by synchronous resources.
\41\ See Locke Lord LLP, 174 FERC ] 61,033 (2021).
\42\ Typically, inverter-based resources will shut down without
sufficient power supply; however, if configured to do so, some
inverter-based resources can produce reactive power without real
power. E.g., North American Electric Reliability Corporation,
Reliability Guideline--BPS-Connected Inverter-Based Resource
Performance at 34 (Sept. 2018),
23. For example, although the original AEP Methodology did not
contemplate inclusion of a collection system as equipment necessary for
production of reactive power, applicants have claimed that the
collection system is comparable to the isolated phase bus of a
synchronous facility, which is considered part of accessory electric
equipment costs for synchronous resources. The isolated phase bus of a
synchronous resource carries current between a synchronous resource and
its step-up transformer. An isolated phase bus may be several feet in
length, whereas a collection system for a non-synchronous resource may
exceed a mile in length. The typical collection system in a non-
synchronous resource uses multiple distribution voltage lines in a
radial configuration to connect the power from the wind turbines or
solar panels back to a central point, and the long length of the
collector system lines causes reactive power losses. In comparison, the
enclosed conductors of an isolated phase bus are short in length, thus
causing much smaller reactive power losses, and provide fault
protection between the synchronous resource and the step-up
transformer. Due to these differences, the collection system of a non-
synchronous resource generally represents a significantly higher
proportion of the resource's total investment cost than the isolated
phase bus represents for synchronous resources. Thus, non-synchronous
resources' interpretation of the AEP Methodology under this approach
increases the annual revenue requirement for those resources on a
relative basis as compared to the annual revenue requirements for
synchronous resources. The Commission has yet to formally address any
difference in cost structures across generation types for reactive
power compensation under the AEP Methodology.
24. Furthermore, the Commission's USofA does not include accounts
that clearly accommodate non-hydro non-synchronous resources and
associated operation and maintenance expenses. The Commission recently
issued a separate NOI seeking input on whether
[[Page 67938]]
to create new accounts to accommodate these resources, how to modify
FERC Form No. 1 to reflect any new accounts, and the rate setting
implications, including for reactive power, of these potential
accounting and reporting changes.\43\
\43\ See Accounting and Reporting Treatment of Certain Renewable
Energy Assets, 174 FERC ] 61,032, at P 3 (2021) (citations omitted)
(``Recently, parties have expressed disagreement regarding which
Other Production accounts should be used to book non-hydro renewable
assets. In Docket No. AC20-103, the Commission received a request
for confirmation that the costs of certain wind and solar generating
equipment are properly booked to the Other Production Accounts 343
(Prime Movers), 344 (Generators), and 345 (Accessory Electric
Equipment). In that proceeding, commenters argued that the proposal
booked an inappropriate amount of costs to Account 345, which are
included in reactive power rates pursuant to the AEP Methodology.
Commenters, including the Edison Electric Institute, suggested that
the Commission consider creating new accounts for wind, solar, and
other non-hydro renewables to resolve this issue.'').
3. Evidentiary Support
25. The AEP Methodology originally contemplated the use of USofA
accounting structures and the sworn and attested-to accounting entries
in the FERC Form No. 1 to support the proposed reactive power rates.
This reliance enables resources to develop a cost-of-service rate that
is verifiable by Commission staff and parties. However, the vast
majority of resource owners currently applying for reactive power
compensation reflecting the AEP Methodology received waivers of the
Commission's accounting and reporting requirements when they were
granted MBR authority under Order No. 697, meaning they do not submit
the FERC Form No. 1, nor are they required to track their costs
consistent with USofA accounting.\44\ Thus, when resources that have
been granted these waivers propose revenue requirements using the AEP
Methodology, it is difficult for the Commission and affected customers
to easily verify that the proposed rates accurately reflect the AEP
\44\ Per Order No. 697, the Commission grants MBR sellers waiver
of the accounting and reporting requirements in its approval of
initial applications for MBR authority.
4. Market-Based Compensation and Potential Overcompensation in PJM
26. The PJM Market Monitor has argued for some time that the best
approach to reactive power compensation in PJM is through the capacity
market rather than compensation through a separate cost-of-service
construct as currently provided for under Schedule 2 of the PJM
Tariff.\45\ The PJM Market Monitor contends that cost-of-service
compensation for reactive power capability is an anachronistic approach
that predates the introduction of wholesale power markets and is
unnecessary in light of potential compensation through the PJM markets.
The PJM Market Monitor states that generating resources are required to
have reactive capability to receive interconnection service. The PJM
Market Monitor argues that Schedule 2 should be eliminated from the PJM
tariff and PJM should rely on the capacity markets to ensure resource
adequacy, including the capability to provide real power and reactive
power at the lowest possible cost. More specifically, under the PJM
Market Monitor's approach, if PJM's Schedule 2 were eliminated
entirely, the gross costs of the entire plant, including any costs
associated with the production of reactive power, would be included in
the gross Cost of New Entry (CONE) and the generic offset for reactive
power capability service compensation \46\ would no longer be used to
calculate Net CONE.
\45\ See, e.g., PJM Market Monitor, Comments, Docket No. AD16-
17-000, at 1, 6-10 (filed Aug. 1, 2016) (detailing the PJM Market
Monitor's view that reactive capability costs can--and should--be
recovered through PJM's capacity market instead of under a cost-of-
service paradigm); Monitoring Analytics, 2020 State of the Market
Report for PJM at 523, (describing the PJM Market
Monitor's position and recommended improvements).
\46\ The Energy and Ancillary Services Offset (E&AS Offset) is
used to calculate Net CONE in the PJM capacity market and it
includes a revenue offset of $2,199/MW-year to reflect the average
annual reactive power revenue for combustion turbines from 2005
through 2007, based on the actual costs reported to the Commission
in reactive power capability service filings of combustion turbines.
The result of this offset is that, conceptually, the cost of
reactive capability is not part of Net CONE.
27. The PJM Market Monitor alternatively argues that, if PJM
retains Schedule 2, Schedule 2 should be revised to avoid the potential
overpayment for reactive power capability.\47\ The PJM Market Monitor
explains that the E&AS Offset associated with the reference resource in
the capacity market is assumed to recover $2,199/MW-year in reactive
power payments. The PJM Market Monitor states that, as a result of the
offset rules, reactive power capability rates of up to $2,199/MW-year,
do not result in double recovery for reactive power capability. On the
other hand, the PJM Market Monitor contends that any separate reactive
power capability payments through Schedule 2 that exceed $2,199/MW-year
result in overcompensation as such costs can and should be recovered
through the capacity market. In short, the PJM Market Monitor contends
that when the market design allows for the recovery of specific costs
for reactive power capability, it is inappropriate to also include
those costs in a separate cost-of-service rate.
\47\ See, e.g., PJM Market Monitor, Comments, Docket No. AD16-
17-000, at 8, 10 (filed Aug. 1, 2016) (explaining that ``[i]f
revenues for reactive capacity were removed from the Net Energy and
Ancillary Services Revenue Offset, then the fixed costs for
investment in reactive capability would be recoverable through the
capacity market,'' obviating the need for separate cost-of-service
reactive power rates); PJM Market Monitor, Brief on Exceptions,
Docket No. ER17-1821-002, at 3-16 (filed June 12, 2019) (discussing
the PJM Market Monitor's concerns about what it termed a ``hybrid of
market-based rates and cost of service rates''); PJM Market Monitor,
Rehearing Request, Docket No. ER17-1821-005, at 3-5 (filed Apr. 30,
2021) (addressing issues regarding the E&AS Offset and a generator's
proposed reactive power rates).
5. Questions Regarding AEP Methodology-Based Compensation
28. Given the backdrop of the issues discussed herein, we wish to
explore in this NOI, whether the AEP Methodology remains a just and
reasonable approach to determining reactive power revenue requirements
in all circumstances. We encourage comments regarding the topics
broadly discussed above. The following questions are designed to
identify potential modifications to the AEP Methodology and related
market designs and reporting requirements necessary to ensure just and
reasonable rates for reactive power capability compensation. Commenters
need not answer every question enumerated below.
a. Does compensating resources based on their costs of investment
in reactive power capability continue to be the appropriate basis for
reactive power capability compensation? Why or why not?
i. If so, does the AEP Methodology accurately reflect a resource's
investment costs? Why or why not? To the extent your answer depends on
the type of resource, please be specific.
b. What is the appropriate time period for compensation from a rate
developed under the AEP Methodology? Should payments be limited based
on the useful lives of the plant at issue? Why or why not?
c. As noted earlier, the power factor design criteria in the
Commission's pro forma LGIA specify that the Large Generating Facility
should be designed to maintain a composite power delivery at continuous
rated power output, either at the Point of Interconnection for
synchronous resources or at the high side of the generator substation
for non-synchronous resources. Given this, when a resource conducts
testing to demonstrate its reactive power capability, over what minimum
[[Page 67939]]
of time should a resource be required to maintain its maximum real
power output while operating across its claimed reactive power factor
range? Please specify to which type(s) of resource your proposed
minimum time period corresponds.
i. The Commission has found that, to the extent the resource has
established that it is able to produce reactive power up to its
nameplate capability, a resource may use up to its nameplate power
factor in calculating its reactive power revenue requirements.\48\ Is
there any reason for the Commission to believe that the nameplate
capability aspect of calculating reactive power revenue requirements
should be revised in order to produce a more accurate result? Why or
why not? If so, in what manner (for example, should the power factor
range identified in the interconnection agreement be considered)?
\48\ See, e.g., Panda Stonewall LLC, 174 FERC ] 61,266, at PP
99, 107-109 (2021) (finding that a reactive power supplier was
entitled to use its nameplate power factor in calculating its
reactive power revenue requirement, rather than being limited to the
power factor specified in its interconnection agreement, since the
facility was a new synchronous generator facility and degradation of
its reactive power output was not an issue).
d. Many resources have an interconnection agreement in which
reactive power requirements are addressed; however, to the extent that
reactive power capability requirements are not addressed in a
resource's interconnection agreement and a resource seeks compensation
for supplying reactive power capability, how should the Commission
address this? For example, should the Commission require that the
resource and its transmission provider propose updates or additions to
the interconnection agreement to specify the resource's reactive power
capability requirements as a condition of establishing or maintaining a
reactive power revenue requirement or should other methods be used in
this regard?
e. Reactive power filings set for hearing and settlement judge
procedures often do not have active intervening parties other than the
market monitor and RTO/ISO. Why do other parties not participate more
in these proceedings?
a. Degradation
f. How does a resource's reactive power capability degrade over
time? Does the degradation follow a predictable pattern over a certain
period of time? Does this answer vary depending on the generation type,
real power capacity, and/or other aspects of a particular resource? If
so, how?
i. Should resources receiving reactive power capability
compensation undergo periodic reactive power capability testing to
demonstrate that their reactive power capability compensation remains
1. If so, how frequently should this testing be performed?
2. Should the frequency of testing be influenced by other factors,
including the generation type, real power capacity, and/or other
aspects of a particular resource?
3. Is there a period after a new resource begins operating during
which testing is unnecessary? If so, what is the appropriate length of
this period and why? Please clarify which type of resource(s) this
period should apply to and why.
4. Should reactive power capability compensation in all cases be
linked to tested capability? If not, why not? If so, how? And, if so,
should test results be updated and how frequently?
g. Should the AEP Methodology be modified to account for reactive
power capability degradation over the lifetime of the resource and, if
so, how?
i. If the Commission makes such a modification, should the revised
methodology only consider the resource's most recent reactive power
capability testing results, or should the Commission incorporate
degradation curves or other processes to estimate continued degradation
between tests? If using degradation curves, should this methodology
vary by resource type? If so, how? Should a resource have the
opportunity to rebut the application of a degradation curve if it can
demonstrate that its test results exceed the estimate derived from a
degradation curve?
ii. Should the Commission adopt a standard minimum testing
frequency for resources that receive reactive power capability
compensation? If not, why not? If so, what time period should the
minimum frequency be (e.g., testing required annually, biannually,
every five years, etc.)? Please indicate to which type(s) of resources
your proposed minimum frequency corresponds.
h. Over what time period does the NERC MOD-25-2 Reliability
Standard \49\ accurately represent a resource's capability to provide
reactive power?
\49\ The NERC MOD-25-2 standard refers to verification and data
reporting of generator real and reactive power capability as well as
synchronous condenser reactive power capability. Under this
standard, each Generator Owner shall provide its Transmission
Planner with verification of the Reactive Power capability of its
applicable facilities within 90 calendar days of the date the data
is recorded for a staged test or the date the data is selected for
verification using historical operating data. Reliability Standard
MOD-25-2 (Verification and Data Reporting of Generator Real and
Reactive Power Capability and Synchronous Condenser Reactive Power
Capability), at Requirement R2.
i. For how long is this data valid? Please explain.
ii. If these standards do not accurately represent a resource's
reactive power capability, what additional data should resources
provide to verify their reactive power capability? Should this data
vary by resource type? If so, how and why?
i. Are there maintenance activities needed to maintain reactive
power capability that do not also contribute to real power capability?
i. If so, what percentage of a generating facility's operating and
maintenance budget is necessary to maintain reactive power capability?
ii. Does this differ by type of generating resource? If so, how?
b. Non-Synchronous Resources
j. Is the existing AEP Methodology appropriate to allocate the
costs associated with reactive power revenue requirements of non-
synchronous resources? If not, why and can changes be made to the
existing AEP Methodology to establish just and reasonable reactive
power revenue requirements for non-synchronous resources? If so, please
provide detailed descriptions of any potential changes and explain why
they are necessary.
k. As discussed above,\50\ the AEP Methodology determines a
resource's cost of reactive power capability by applying an allocation
factor to four groups of costs that are involved in the production or
consumption of reactive power for a synchronous resource: (1) The
generator and exciter, (2) the step-up transformer, (3) accessory
electric equipment used to support the operation of the generator and
exciter, and (4) the remaining production plant investment. For each of
these groups of costs, assuming that the non-synchronous resource type
can provide reactive power capability, please identify what non-
synchronous resource equipment corresponds to the synchronous resource
equipment used in the AEP Methodology and how that equipment is related
to the production of reactive power. Please explain if that equipment
is also related to the production of real power. Please specify if the
equipment identified is specific to a type of non-synchronous resource
(e.g., wind, solar, battery).
\50\ See supra Section I.
i. In the alternative, please describe what groups of costs are
involved in the production or consumption of reactive
[[Page 67940]]
power for a non-synchronous resource and how a non-synchronous
resource's equipment would be allocated to each of those groups. Please
explain if these groups are involved in the production or consumption
of power other than reactive power.
l. Which, if any, of the four groups under the AEP Methodology do
costs associated with the collection system of a non-synchronous
resource fall into and why?
i. If they do not fall into any of those groups, should those costs
related to the collection system be recovered? Why?
ii. Is the collection system comparable to the isolated phase bus
of a synchronous resource? Why or why not? In what ways are they
similar and in what ways are they different? What other aspects of a
non-synchronous resource does a collection system serve?
m. Please explain whether it is necessary for a Type 3 wind
turbine,\51\ Type 4 wind turbine,\52\ or solar PV facility to produce
real power at a particular time in order for the resource to provide
reactive power capability at that time.
\51\ Type 3 wind turbines have doubly-fed induction generators
with rotor terminals connected to power converters. The stator
terminals of Type 3 wind turbines are directly connected to the bulk
electric system.
\52\ Type 4 wind turbines use either synchronous or asynchronous
generators with generator stator terminals connected to a power
converter. The power converters of Type 4 wind turbines are directly
connected to the bulk electric system.
i. If so, what are the implications, if any, for the current
proportionality requirement on reactive power from non-synchronous
n. Should the AEP Methodology be altered to account for the
intermittent availability of some non-synchronous resources? Why or why
o. Solar resources can be designed with power factors much lower
than those of synchronous resources,\53\ which implies a much higher
reactive power capability and results in higher revenue requirements
under current application of the AEP Methodology for solar generating
facilities versus a comparable synchronous resource, all else being
equal. Should the AEP Methodology be altered to account for this
difference? Why or why not?
\53\ See, e.g., Delta's Edge Solar, LLC, Exhibit DES-1, Docket
No. ER21-1452-000, at 8 (filed Mar. 16, 2021); Crossett Solar
Energy, LLC, Exhibit CSE-1, Docket No. ER21-1453-000, at 8 (filed
Mar. 16, 2021).
i. Refer to Section II.A.5, question l.i. Would allocating the
costs of solar generating facilities into cost categories different
from those categories defined under the AEP Methodology, and using a
solar generating facility's power factor, result in a revenue
requirement more or less comparable to that of a synchronous generating
facility, all else being equal?
c. Evidentiary Support
p. What options are available to collect independently verifiable
cost information from MBR sellers that have received waiver of the
accounting and FERC Form No. 1 requirements to support their reactive
power capability revenue requirements? For example, how should MBR
sellers that receive reactive power capability compensation track their
equipment costs and support their proposed reactive power revenue
q. In order to simplify and provide transparency to proposed
reactive power capability compensation filings, should the Commission
require, in PJM, MISO, and non-RTO/ISO regions that compensate for
reactive power capability based on the costs of individual resources or
on a fleet-wide basis, reactive power filers to include with their
filing a standardized form with recognized schedules and officer and
independent accountant certification requirements? Please explain why
or why not.
i. Would the standardized form allow for better comparisons between
reactive power rates and/or allow the reactive power rates to be more
easily refreshed to reflect degradation or other changes to reactive
power capability? If not, why not?
ii. Should the form contain similar information as the relevant
USofA accounts used in the AEP Methodology? If not, why not? If yes,
please specify the types of information that would be necessary to
calculate a reactive power revenue requirement.
iii. If the Commission pursued a standardized form approach, what
cost support should be included in a standardized form?
d. Potential Overcompensation in PJM
r. Refer to the PJM Market Monitor's concerns regarding the
potential in PJM of overpayment for reactive power capability.\54\ In
PJM and other RTOs/ISOs with centralized capacity markets, how do
resources typically account for revenues from reactive power
compensation when calculating their capacity offers?
\54\ See supra Section II.A.4.
i. If a resource accounts for revenues from reactive power
compensation when calculating its capacity offers, does that approach
ensure that the resource does not receive double compensation for
providing reactive power capability service? Please explain why or why
ii. Please explain how the lack of accounting for revenues from
reactive power compensation when calculating resources' capacity offers
does not constitute double compensation.
s. Do resources in PJM that receive reactive power capability
compensation above $2,199/MW-year effectively receive double-recovery
as alleged by the PJM Market Monitor?
i. If so, how should such overcompensation be corrected?
ii. If not, please explain why no double-recovery occurs.
B. Alternative Methodologies
29. As noted above, the AEP Methodology is currently used as the
Commission's approach to developing revenue requirements for reactive
power capability in PJM, MISO, and by transmission providers in non-
RTO/ISO regions. The Commission, in this NOI, would like to explore
whether other potential alternative methodologies not based on the
costs of the particular resource(s) at issue in a given proceeding
should be considered or better used to develop reactive power
capability revenue requirements.
30. One possible alternative approach is a flat rate methodology,
which would be based on the total reactive power payments made by
transmission customers in a region divided by the MVARs consumed in the
region. This ``dollars per MVAR-year'' value may be determined either
for each class of resource (solar, wind turbine, combined-cycle,
combustion turbine, and hydroelectric) or a single value could be paid
to all classes of resources similar to the approach used in ISO-NE and
NYISO. We seek comment on the potential benefits and drawbacks of using
any flat rate methodology for reactive power capability compensation.
31. Another possible approach to reactive power capability
compensation is replacement cost ratemaking. Under this approach, the
lowest-cost technology capable of providing reactive power capability,
such as a synchronous condenser, is used to establish a per-MVAR-year
rate. Then, all resources would be paid the same amount based upon
their tested MVAR capability. Replacement cost ratemaking derives from
the Supreme Court's decision in Smyth v. Ames,\55\ in which the Court
indicated that appropriate rate base is
[[Page 67941]]
based on the replacement cost or fair value of the rate base.\56\ Such
a replacement cost approach could also form a benchmark for evaluating
the justness and reasonableness of proposed reactive power capability
revenue requirements, where any proposed rates above the cost of the
alternative technology would be considered unjust and unreasonable
unless the record demonstrates that the resource's costs of investment
in reactive power capability supports the proposed revenue requirement.
\55\ 169 U.S. 466 (1898). The U.S. Supreme Court permitted the
Commission to use original cost ratemaking in place of replacement
or reproduction cost given the difficulty of determining fair value
in most cases. FPC v. Hope Nat. Gas Co., 320 U.S. 591 (1944).
\56\ Smyth, 169 U.S. at 544 (``the rights of the public would be
ignored if rates for the transportation of persons or property on a
railroad are exacted without reference to the fair value of the
property used for the public'').
1. Questions Regarding Alternative Methodologies
32. We encourage comments regarding the topics discussed above in
this section. The following questions are designed to explore further
potential alternative methodologies. Commenters need not answer every
question enumerated below.
a. Should alternative methodologies to the AEP Methodology be
considered for the calculation of reactive power capability revenue
requirements? If not, why not? If so, what alternative methodologies to
the AEP Methodology could be used for calculating reactive power
revenue requirements that would accurately capture the cost of
providing reactive power capability? Please clarify if any methodology
is specific to certain types of resources or not. For example, what
methodology could appropriately account for the technical
characteristics of non-synchronous resources that do not exist in
synchronous resources? How would developing revenue requirements under
such a new methodology compare to developing revenue requirements using
the AEP Methodology?
b. Should a flat rate approach to reactive power compensation
differ depending on the type of resource, or should one rate be used
for all resource types?
c. Under a flat rate approach:
i. How should the rate be initially set, and how would it be
adjusted over time (e.g., for inflation)?
ii. Should payments to a specific resource be based on the
resource's tested reactive power capability or its actual reactive
power output?
iii. How often should the resource's reactive power capability be
d. Under a replacement cost approach:
i. What alternative technology should be used to establish the rate
and how should that alternative technology be determined?
ii. How often should the alternative technology used to establish
the rate be reevaluated?
e. Would a change to a flat rate or replacement rate approach
require resources to change any of their accounting, record keeping or
any other administrative processes?
i. Would such a change have an impact on capital investment
decisions? Are there any other effects that such a change would cause?
If possible, please provide numbers to quantify statements.
f. In regions such as CAISO and SPP, where resources are not
directly compensated for their reactive power capabilities, how do
resources recover the costs of their investment in reactive power
g. Refer to the PJM Market Monitor's proposal to provide for
reactive power compensation in PJM through the capacity market rather
than through a separate cost-of-service construct.\57\ In regions with
a centrally-cleared capacity market, would it be preferable for
resources to recover the costs of their investment in reactive power
capability by embedding those costs in their capacity market offers,
rather than using a separate cost-based rate? Please describe any
advantages or disadvantages to this approach and any modifications this
would require in the applicable region's OATT and market rules.
\57\ See supra Section II.A.4.
C. Distribution-Connected Resources
33. The Commission has previously found that a transmission
provider need not provide compensation to resources for reactive power
if the resource is not under the control of the control area
operator.\58\ Schedule 2 of the pro forma OATT similarly requires that
generation facilities and non-generation resources capable of providing
reactive power be ``under the control of the control area operator.''
\58\ Otter Tail Power Co., 99 FERC ] 61,019, at 61,092 (2002).
34. In several recent cases,\59\ the PJM Market Monitor has
challenged the eligibility of distribution-connected resources with
Commission-jurisdictional interconnection agreements to receive
compensation for reactive power capability (within the standard power
factor range) under Schedule 2 of PJM's tariff.\60\ The PJM Market
Monitor has argued in these cases that such resources should not
receive reactive power compensation from PJM because the resources have
not established that they provide reactive power capability service to
the PJM transmission system, as required by Schedule 2.\61\ The PJM
Market Monitor likens such resources to pseudo-tied resources, which
are excluded from eligibility to file for reactive power compensation
under Schedule 2 of PJM's tariff. Other protestors have also argued
that distribution-connected resources are not under the operational
control of the transmission system operator and therefore cannot
provide reactive power capability service consistent with the PJM
\59\ See supra note 36.
\60\ Schedule 2 of PJM's tariff is nearly identical to Schedule
2 of the pro forma OATT. It provides in relevant part as follows
(emphasis added):
In order to maintain transmission voltages on the Transmission
Provider's transmission facilities within acceptable limits,
generation facilities and non-generation resources capable of
providing this service that are under the control of the control
area operator are operated to produce (or absorb) reactive power.
Thus, Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation or Other
Sources Service must be provided for each transaction on the
Transmission Provider's transmission facilities. The amount of
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from Generation or Other Sources
Service that must be supplied with respect to the Transmission
Customer's transaction will be determined based on the reactive
power support necessary to maintain transmission voltages within
limits that are generally accepted in the region and consistently
adhered to by the Transmission Provider.
\61\ See, e.g., Mechanicsville Solar, LLC, Protest of the
Independent Market Monitor for PJM, Docket No. ER21-2091-000 (filed
June 28, 2021).
\62\ See, e.g., Northern Virginia Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
Old Dominion Electric Cooperative, and Dominion Energy Services,
Inc. on behalf of Virginia Electric and Power Company;
Mechanicsville Solar, LLC, Protest and Comments Monitor for PJM,
Docket No. ER21-2091-000 (filed June 25, 2021).
35. We are interested in exploring the PJM Market Monitor's
concerns further, as well as whether these concerns are relevant for
other regions.
1. Questions Regarding Distribution-Connected Resources
36. The Commission encourages comments regarding the topics broadly
discussed above. The following questions are designed to identify
whether resources in PJM and elsewhere that are interconnected to a
distribution system and participate in wholesale markets are
technically capable of providing reactive power to the transmission
system in such a way that these resources should be eligible for
reactive power capability compensation through transmission rates.
Commenters need not answer every question enumerated below.
a. For a distribution-connected resource, is reactive power
dispatchable by direction of the transmission provider? Please explain,
including whether the answer to this question depends on whether the
resource has a
[[Page 67942]]
Commission-jurisdictional interconnection agreement with the
transmission system owner/operator and whether the resource is
synchronous or non-synchronous.
b. If reactive power produced by a distribution-connected resource
cannot be dispatched by the transmission system operator to provide
voltage support to the transmission system, should a distribution-
connected resource be compensated through transmission rates for its
reactive power capability? Why or why not?
c. If distribution-connected resources are dispatchable for
reactive power by the transmission provider, to what extent are
distribution-connected resources able to provide reactive power
capability service to the transmission system? Are there physical
characteristics (e.g., distribution-connected resource characteristics
and location, system topology, etc.) or other indicators that could be
analyzed to determine accurately whether a distribution connected
resource is able to provide reactive power capability service to the
transmission system?
d. Are resources connected to a distribution system subject to
reactive power capability testing requirements? If so, what are those
III. Comment Procedures
37. The Commission invites interested persons to submit comments on
the matters and issues proposed in this notice, including any related
matters or alternative proposals that commenters may wish to discuss.
Initial Comments are due January 31, 2022, and Reply Comments are due
February 28, 2022. Comments must refer to Docket No. RM22-2-000, and
must include the commenter's name, the organization they represent, if
applicable, and their address in their comments.
38. The Commission encourages comments to be filed electronically
via the eFiling link on the Commission's website at The Commission accepts most standard word processing
formats. Documents created electronically using word processing
software should be filed in native applications or print-to-PDF format
and not in a scanned format. Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
39. Those unable to file electronically may mail comments via the
U.S. Postal Service to: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Secretary
of the Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC, 20426. Hand-
delivered comments or comments sent via any other carrier should be
delivered to: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins
Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852.
40. All comments will be placed in the Commission's public files
and may be viewed, printed, or downloaded remotely as described in the
Document Availability section below. Commenters on this proposal are
not required to serve copies of their comments on other commenters.
IV. Document Availability
41. In addition to publishing the full text of this document in the
Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an
opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this document via the
internet through the Commission's Home Page ( At
this time, the Commission has suspended access to the Commission's
Public Reference Room due to the President's March 13, 2020
proclamation declaring a National Emergency concerning the Novel
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
42. From the Commission's Home Page on the internet, this
information is available on eLibrary. The full text of this document is
available on eLibrary in PDF and Microsoft Word format for viewing,
printing, and/or downloading. To access this document in eLibrary, type
the docket number excluding the last three digits of this document in
the docket number field.
43. User assistance is available for eLibrary and the Commission's
website during normal business hours from the Commission's Online
Support at 202-502-6652 (toll free at 1-866-208-3676) or email at
[email protected], or the Public Reference Room at (202) 502-
8371, TTY (202)502-8659. Email the Public Reference Room at
[email protected].
By direction of the Commission.
Issued: November 18, 2021.
Kimberly D. Bose,
[FR Doc. 2021-26032 Filed 11-29-21; 8:45 am]