Amendment of VOR Federal Airways V-31, V-36, V-84, V-252, and V-510 in the Vicinity of Buffalo, NY, 62721-62723 [2021-24559]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 216 / Friday, November 12, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
procedures for rules when the agency,
for ‘‘good cause,’’ finds that those
procedures are ‘‘impracticable,
unnecessary, or contrary to the public
interest.’’ Under this section, an agency,
upon finding good cause, may issue a
final rule without providing notice and
seeking comment prior to issuance.
Further, section 553(d) of the APA
authorizes agencies to make rules
effective in less than thirty days, upon
a finding of good cause.
There are currently 1,220 helicopters
of U.S. registry affected by AD 2021–05–
02. However, the FAA notes that AD
2021–05–02 requires unnecessary
maintenance actions because the
identified unsafe condition does not
exist on these helicopters. Therefore, it
is unlikely that the FAA would receive
any adverse comments or useful
information about this AD from U.S.
operators that would cause a need for
public comment prior to adoption.
Accordingly, notice and opportunity for
prior public comment are unnecessary,
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(3)(B). In
addition, for the foregoing reasons, the
FAA finds that good cause exists
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553(d) for making
this amendment effective in less than 30
The FAA is issuing this rulemaking
under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section
44701: General requirements. Under
that section, Congress charges the FAA
with promoting safe flight of civil
aircraft in air commerce by prescribing
regulations for practices, methods, and
procedures the Administrator finds
necessary for safety in air commerce.
This regulation is within the scope of
that authority.
(c) Applicability
This action applies to all Airbus
Helicopters, certificated in any category, as
identified in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of
this AD.
(1) Model AS350B, AS350BA, AS350B1,
AS350B2, AS350B3, AS350C, and AS350D
(2) Model AS355E, AS355F, AS355F1,
AS355F2, AS355N, and AS355NP
(3) Model EC130B4 and EC130T2
Regulatory Findings
(d) Subject
Joint Aircraft System Component (JASC)
Code 6200, Main Rotor System.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
FAA’s Conclusions
Upon further consideration, the FAA
has determined that AD 2021–05–02 is
no longer necessary. Accordingly, this
AD removes AD 2021–05–02. Removal
of AD 2021–05–02 does not preclude
the FAA from issuing another related
action or commit the FAA to any course
of action in the future.
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Incorporation by reference,
Accordingly, under the authority
delegated to me by the Administrator,
the FAA amends 14 CFR part 39 as
14 CFR Part 71
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The requirements of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (RFA) do not apply when
an agency finds good cause pursuant to
5 U.S.C. 553 to adopt a rule without
prior notice and comment. Because FAA
has determined that it has good cause to
adopt this rule without prior notice and
comment, RFA analysis is not required.
Amendment of VOR Federal Airways
V–31, V–36, V–84, V–252, and V–510 in
the Vicinity of Buffalo, NY
Related Costs of Compliance
This AD adds no cost. This AD
removes AD 2021–05–02 from 14 CFR
part 39; therefore, operators are no
longer required to show compliance
with that AD.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Authority for This Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code
specifies the FAA’s authority to issue
rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I,
section 106, describes the authority of
the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII:
Aviation Programs, describes in more
detail the scope of the Agency’s
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The FAA determined that this AD
will not have federalism implications
under Executive Order 13132. This AD
will not have a substantial direct effect
on the States, on the relationship
between the national government and
the States, or on the distribution of
power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I
certify that this AD:
1. Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under Executive Order 12866;
2. Will not affect intrastate aviation in
Adoption of the Amendment
1. The authority citation for part 39
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
§ 39.13
2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by:
■ a. Removing Airworthiness Directive
(AD) 2021–05–02, Amendment 39–
21445 (86 FR 13982, March 12, 2021),
■ b. Adding the following new AD:
2021–05–02 Airbus Helicopters: Docket No.
FAA–2020–1131; Project Identifier
(a) Effective Date
This airworthiness directive (AD) becomes
effective November 12, 2021.
(b) Affected AD
This AD replaces AD 2021–05–02,
Amendment 39–21445 (86 FR 13982, March
12, 2021).
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(e) Related Information
For more information about this AD,
contact Hal Jensen, Aerospace Engineer,
Operational Safety Branch, Compliance &
Airworthiness Division, FAA, 950 L’Enfant
Plaza N SW, Washington, DC 20024; phone:
(202) 267–9167; email:
(f) Material Incorporated by Reference
Issued on November 4, 2021.
Lance T. Gant,
Director, Compliance & Airworthiness
Division, Aircraft Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2021–24544 Filed 11–10–21; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
[Docket No. FAA–2020–0496; Airspace
Docket No. 20–AEA–1]
RIN 2120–AA66
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule
This action amends VHF
Omnidirectional Range (VOR) Federal
airways V–31, V–36, V–84, V–252, and
V–510. This action is necessary due to
the planned decommissioning of the
VOR portion of the Buffalo, NY, VOR/
Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR/
DME) navigational aid, which provides
navigational guidance for these airways.
The Buffalo VOR is being
decommissioned as part of the FAA’s
VOR Minimum Operational Network
(MON) program.
The VOR Federal airways V–2, V–14,
V–33, and V–164 modifications
proposed in the notice of proposed
rulemaking have been accomplished by
separate rules subsequently published.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 216 / Friday, November 12, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
As a result, the V–2, V–14, V–33 and V–
164 modifications are removed from this
DATES: Effective date 0901 UTC, January
27, 2022. The Director of the Federal
Register approves this incorporation by
reference action under 1 CFR part 51,
subject to the annual revision of FAA
Order 7400.11 and publication of
conforming amendments.
ADDRESSES: FAA JO Order 7400.11F,
Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, and subsequent amendments can
be viewed online at https://
For further information, you can contact
the Rules and Regulations Group,
Federal Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267–8783.
FAA JO Order 7400.00F is also available
for inspection at the National Archives
and Records Administration (NARA).
For information on the availability of
FAA JO Order 7400.11F at NARA,
email: or go to
Jesse Acevedo, Rules and Regulations
Group, Office of Policy, Federal
Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267–8783.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Authority for This Rulemaking
The FAA’s authority to issue rules
regarding aviation safety is found in
Title 49 of the United States Code.
Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the
authority of the FAA Administrator.
Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the
agency’s authority. This rulemaking is
promulgated under the authority
described in Subtitle VII, Part A,
Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that
section, the FAA is charged with
prescribing regulations to assign the use
of the airspace necessary to ensure the
safety of aircraft and the efficient use of
airspace. This regulation is within the
scope of that authority as it modifies the
airway structure as necessary to
preserve the safe and efficient flow of
air traffic within the National Airspace
The FAA published a notice of
proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for
Docket No. FAA–2020–0496, in the
Federal Register (85 FR 34144; June 3,
2020), amending V–2, V–14, V–31, V–
33, V–36, V–84, V–164, V–252, and V–
510. The proposed amendment actions
were due to the planned
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decommissioning of the VOR portion of
the Buffalo VOR/DME navigational aid.
Interested parties were invited to
participate in this rulemaking effort by
submitting written comments on the
proposal. No comments were received.
Subsequent to the NPRM, the FAA
published a rule for Docket No. FAA–
2020–0049 in the Federal Register (85
FR 41184; July 9, 2020), amending V–33
by removing the airway segment
overlying the Bradford, PA, VOR/DME
between the Keating, PA, VORTAC and
the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME; and
amending V–164 by removing the
airway segment overlying the
Wellsville, NY, VORTAC between the
Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the
Stonyfork, PA, VOR/DME. The airway
amendments were effective September
10, 2020. As a result, the V–33 and V–
164 amendments in this rule are no
longer necessary and removed.
Additionally, subsequent to the
NPRM, the FAA published a rule for
Docket No. FAA–2020–1146 in the
Federal Register (86 FR 19129; April 13,
2021), amending V–2 by removing the
airway segment overlying the Rochester,
NY, VOR/DME between the Buffalo, NY,
VOR/DME and the Gardner, MA, VOR/
DME; and amending V–14 by removing
the airway segment overlying the
Geneseo, NY, VOR/DME between the
Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the
Norwich, CT, VOR/DME. The airways
amendments were effective June 17,
2021. As a result, the V–2 and V–14
amendments in this rule are no longer
necessary and removed.
VOR Federal airways are published in
paragraph 6010(a) of FAA JO Order
7400.11F dated August 10, 2021, and
effective September 15, 2020, which is
incorporated by reference in 14 CFR
71.1. The airways listed in this
document will be published
subsequently in FAA JO Order 7400.11.
Availability and Summary of
Documents for Incorporation by
This document amends FAA JO Order
7400.11F, Airspace Designations and
Reporting Points, dated August 10,
2021, and effective September 15, 2021.
FAA JO Order 7400.11F is publicly
available as listed in the ADDRESSES
section of this document. FAA JO Order
7400.11F lists Class A, B, C, D, and E
airspace areas, air traffic service routes,
and reporting points.
The Rule
This action amends 14 CFR part 71 by
amending VOR Federal airways V–31,
V–36, V–84, V–252, and V–510. The
planned decommissioning of the VOR
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portion of the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME
has made this action necessary.
The VOR Federal airway amendment
actions are described below.
V–31: V–31 extends between the
Patuxent, MD, VORTAC and the
Nottingham, MD, VORTAC; and
between the Baltimore, MD, VORTAC
and the intersection of the Rochester,
NY, VOR/DME 279° and Buffalo, NY,
VOR/DME 023° radials (AIRCO fix).
This action amends the AIRCO fix in the
airway description to describe it as the
intersection of the existing Rochester
VOR/DME 279° radial and the
Jamestown, NY, VOR/DME 024° radial.
Additionally, the Patuxent, MD,
VORTAC airway point references are
corrected from ‘‘Patuxent River’’ to
‘‘Patuxent.’’ The unaffected portions of
the existing airway remain as charted.
V–36: V–36 extends between the
Thunder Bay, ON, Canada, VOR/DME
and the intersection of the Wiarton, ON,
Canada, VOR/DME 150° and Toronto,
ON, Canada, VOR/DME 304° radials;
and between the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME
and the intersection of the LaGuardia,
NY, VOR/DME 310° and Stillwater, NJ,
VOR/DME 043° radials. The airspace
within Canada is excluded. This action
removes the airway segment between
the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the
Elmira, NY, VOR/DME. The unaffected
portions of the existing airway remain
as charted.
V–84: V–84 extends between the
Northbrook, IL, VOR/DME and the
Pullman, MI, VOR/DME; and between
the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the
Syracuse, NY, VORTAC. This action
removes the airway segment between
the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the
Geneseo, NY, VOR/DME. The
unaffected portions of the existing
airway remain as charted.
V–252: V–252 extends between the
intersection of the Buffalo, NY, VOR/
DME 023° and Geneseo, NY, VOR/DME
305° radials (AIRCO fix) and the
Dupont, DE, VORTAC. This action
amends the AIRCO fix in the airway
description to describe it as the
intersection of the Jamestown, NY,
VOR/DME 024° radial and the existing
Geneseo, NY, VOR/DME 305° radial.
The unaffected portions of the existing
airway remain as charted.
V–510: V–510 extends between the
Dickinson, ND, VORTAC and the Dells,
WI, VORTAC; and between the Buffalo,
NY, VOR/DME and the Rochester, NY,
VOR/DME. This action removes the
airway segment between the Buffalo,
NY, VOR/DME and the Rochester, NY,
VOR/DME. The unaffected portions of
the existing airway remain as charted.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 216 / Friday, November 12, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
All radials contained in the VOR
Federal airway descriptions listed below
are stated in True degrees.
FAA Order 7400.11, Airspace
Designations and Reporting Points, is
published yearly and effective on
September 15.
environmental assessment or
environmental impact study.
Regulatory Notices and Analyses
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:
The FAA has determined that this
regulation only involves an established
body of technical regulations for which
frequent and routine amendments are
necessary to keep them operationally
current. It, therefore: (1) Is not a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ under
Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a
‘‘significant rule’’ under Department of
Transportation (DOT) Regulatory
Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034;
February 26, 1979); and (3) does not
warrant preparation of a regulatory
evaluation as the anticipated impact is
so minimal. Since this is a routine
matter that will only affect air traffic
procedures and air navigation, it is
certified that this rule, when
promulgated, will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities under the
criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Environmental Review
15:55 Nov 10, 2021
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (air).
The Amendment
1. The authority citation for part 71
continues to read as follows:
Jkt 256001
V–510 [Amended]
From Dickinson, ND; INT Dickinson 078°
and Bismarck, ND, 290° radials; 28 miles 38
MSL, Bismarck; INT Bismarck 067° and
Jamestown, ND, 279° radials; 14 miles, 65
miles 34 MSL, Jamestown; Fargo, ND; INT
Fargo 110° and Alexandria, MN, 321° radials;
Alexandria; INT Alexandria 110° and
Gopher, MN, 321° radials; Gopher; INT
Gopher 109° and Nodine, MN, 328° radials;
Nodine; to Dells, WI.
Issued in Washington, DC, on November 3,
Michael R. Beckles,
Acting Manager, Rules and Regulations
[FR Doc. 2021–24559 Filed 11–10–21; 8:45 am]
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103,
40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR,
1959–1963 Comp., p. 389.
§ 71.1
Federal Aviation Administration
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR 71.1 of FAA JO Order 7400.11F,
Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, dated August 10, 2021, and
effective September 15, 2021, is
amended as follows:
Paragraph 6010(a)
The FAA has determined that this
action of amending VOR Federal
airways V–31, V–36, V–84, V–252, and
V–510, due to the planned
decommissioning of the VOR portion of
the Buffalo VOR/DME navigational aid,
qualifies for categorical exclusion under
the National Environmental Policy Act
(42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and its
implementing regulations at 40 CFR part
1500, and in accordance with FAA
Order 1050.1F, Environmental Impacts:
Policies and Procedures, paragraph 5–
6.5a, which categorically excludes from
further environmental impact review
rulemaking actions that designate or
modify classes of airspace areas,
airways, routes, and reporting points
(see 14 CFR part 71, Designation of
Class A, B, C, D, and E Airspace Areas;
Air Traffic Service Routes; and
Reporting Points). As such, this action
is not expected to result in any
potentially significant environmental
impacts. In accordance with FAA Order
1050.1F, paragraph 5–2 regarding
Extraordinary Circumstances, the FAA
has reviewed this action for factors and
circumstances in which a normally
categorically excluded action may have
a significant environmental impact
requiring further analysis. Accordingly,
the FAA has determined that no
extraordinary circumstances exist that
warrant preparation of an
VerDate Sep<11>2014
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Domestic VOR Federal
V–31 [Amended]
From Patuxent, MD; INT Patuxent 338° and
Nottingham, MD, 128° radials; to
Nottingham. From Baltimore, MD; INT
Baltimore 004° and Harrisburg, PA, 147°
radials; Harrisburg; Selinsgrove, PA;
Williamsport, PA; Elmira, NY; INT Elmira
002° and Rochester, NY, 120° radials;
Rochester; to INT Rochester 279° and
Jamestown, NY, 024° radials.
V–36 [Amended]
From Thunder Bay, ON, Canada; Wawa,
ON, Canada; Sault Ste Marie, MI; Elliot Lake,
ON, Canada; Wiarton, ON, Canada; to INT
Wiarton 150° and Toronto, ON, Canada, 304°
radials. From Elmira, NY; INT Elmira 110°
and LaGuardia, NY, 310° radials; to INT
LaGuardia 310° and Stillwater, NJ, 043°
radials. The airspace within Canada is
V–84 [Amended]
From Northbrook, IL; to Pullman, MI. From
Geneseo, NY; INT Geneseo 091° and
Syracuse, NY, 240° radials; to Syracuse.
V–252 [Amended]
From INT Jamestown, NY, 024° and
Geneseo, NY, 305° radials; Geneseo;
Binghamton, NY; Huguenot, NY; INT
Huguenot 196° and Robbinsville, NJ, 351°
radials; Robbinsville; to Dupont, DE.
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14 CFR Part 71
[Docket No. FAA–2021–0703; Airspace
Docket No. 21–AGL–28]
RIN 2120–AA66
Amendment of Class E Airspace;
Frankfort, MI
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
This action amends the Class
E airspace extending upward from 700
feet above the surface at Frankfort Dow
Memorial Field, Frankfort, MI. This
action is the result of an airspace review
caused by the decommissioning of the
Manistee very high frequency (VHF)
omnidirectional range (VOR) as part of
the VOR Minimal Operational Network
(MON) Program. The name and
geographic coordinates of the airport are
also being updated to coincide with the
FAA’s aeronautical database.
DATES: Effective 0901 UTC, January 27,
2022. The Director of the Federal
Register approves this incorporation by
reference action under 1 CFR part 51,
subject to the annual revision of FAA
Order JO 7400.11 and publication of
conforming amendments.
ADDRESSES: FAA Order JO 7400.11F,
Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, and subsequent amendments can
be viewed online at https://
For further information, you can contact
the Airspace Policy Group, Federal
Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267–8783.
FAA Order JO 7400.11F is also available
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 216 (Friday, November 12, 2021)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 62721-62723]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-24559]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 71
[Docket No. FAA-2020-0496; Airspace Docket No. 20-AEA-1]
RIN 2120-AA66
Amendment of VOR Federal Airways V-31, V-36, V-84, V-252, and V-
510 in the Vicinity of Buffalo, NY
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule
SUMMARY: This action amends VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR) Federal
airways V-31, V-36, V-84, V-252, and V-510. This action is necessary
due to the planned decommissioning of the VOR portion of the Buffalo,
NY, VOR/Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR/DME) navigational aid, which
provides navigational guidance for these airways. The Buffalo VOR is
being decommissioned as part of the FAA's VOR Minimum Operational
Network (MON) program.
The VOR Federal airways V-2, V-14, V-33, and V-164 modifications
proposed in the notice of proposed rulemaking have been accomplished by
separate rules subsequently published.
[[Page 62722]]
As a result, the V-2, V-14, V-33 and V-164 modifications are removed
from this rule.
DATES: Effective date 0901 UTC, January 27, 2022. The Director of the
Federal Register approves this incorporation by reference action under
1 CFR part 51, subject to the annual revision of FAA Order 7400.11 and
publication of conforming amendments.
ADDRESSES: FAA JO Order 7400.11F, Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, and subsequent amendments can be viewed online at For further information, you can
contact the Rules and Regulations Group, Federal Aviation
Administration, 800 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591;
telephone: (202) 267-8783. FAA JO Order 7400.00F is also available for
inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
For information on the availability of FAA JO Order 7400.11F at NARA,
email: [email protected] or go to
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jesse Acevedo, Rules and Regulations
Group, Office of Policy, Federal Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591; telephone: (202) 267-
Authority for This Rulemaking
The FAA's authority to issue rules regarding aviation safety is
found in Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, Section 106
describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII,
Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency's
authority. This rulemaking is promulgated under the authority described
in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that section,
the FAA is charged with prescribing regulations to assign the use of
the airspace necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft and the
efficient use of airspace. This regulation is within the scope of that
authority as it modifies the airway structure as necessary to preserve
the safe and efficient flow of air traffic within the National Airspace
The FAA published a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) for Docket
No. FAA-2020-0496, in the Federal Register (85 FR 34144; June 3, 2020),
amending V-2, V-14, V-31, V-33, V-36, V-84, V-164, V-252, and V-510.
The proposed amendment actions were due to the planned decommissioning
of the VOR portion of the Buffalo VOR/DME navigational aid. Interested
parties were invited to participate in this rulemaking effort by
submitting written comments on the proposal. No comments were received.
Subsequent to the NPRM, the FAA published a rule for Docket No.
FAA-2020-0049 in the Federal Register (85 FR 41184; July 9, 2020),
amending V-33 by removing the airway segment overlying the Bradford,
PA, VOR/DME between the Keating, PA, VORTAC and the Buffalo, NY, VOR/
DME; and amending V-164 by removing the airway segment overlying the
Wellsville, NY, VORTAC between the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the
Stonyfork, PA, VOR/DME. The airway amendments were effective September
10, 2020. As a result, the V-33 and V-164 amendments in this rule are
no longer necessary and removed.
Additionally, subsequent to the NPRM, the FAA published a rule for
Docket No. FAA-2020-1146 in the Federal Register (86 FR 19129; April
13, 2021), amending V-2 by removing the airway segment overlying the
Rochester, NY, VOR/DME between the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the
Gardner, MA, VOR/DME; and amending V-14 by removing the airway segment
overlying the Geneseo, NY, VOR/DME between the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and
the Norwich, CT, VOR/DME. The airways amendments were effective June
17, 2021. As a result, the V-2 and V-14 amendments in this rule are no
longer necessary and removed.
VOR Federal airways are published in paragraph 6010(a) of FAA JO
Order 7400.11F dated August 10, 2021, and effective September 15, 2020,
which is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 71.1. The airways listed
in this document will be published subsequently in FAA JO Order
Availability and Summary of Documents for Incorporation by Reference
This document amends FAA JO Order 7400.11F, Airspace Designations
and Reporting Points, dated August 10, 2021, and effective September
15, 2021. FAA JO Order 7400.11F is publicly available as listed in the
ADDRESSES section of this document. FAA JO Order 7400.11F lists Class
A, B, C, D, and E airspace areas, air traffic service routes, and
reporting points.
The Rule
This action amends 14 CFR part 71 by amending VOR Federal airways
V-31, V-36, V-84, V-252, and V-510. The planned decommissioning of the
VOR portion of the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME has made this action necessary.
The VOR Federal airway amendment actions are described below.
V-31: V-31 extends between the Patuxent, MD, VORTAC and the
Nottingham, MD, VORTAC; and between the Baltimore, MD, VORTAC and the
intersection of the Rochester, NY, VOR/DME 279[deg] and Buffalo, NY,
VOR/DME 023[deg] radials (AIRCO fix). This action amends the AIRCO fix
in the airway description to describe it as the intersection of the
existing Rochester VOR/DME 279[deg] radial and the Jamestown, NY, VOR/
DME 024[deg] radial. Additionally, the Patuxent, MD, VORTAC airway
point references are corrected from ``Patuxent River'' to ``Patuxent.''
The unaffected portions of the existing airway remain as charted.
V-36: V-36 extends between the Thunder Bay, ON, Canada, VOR/DME and
the intersection of the Wiarton, ON, Canada, VOR/DME 150[deg] and
Toronto, ON, Canada, VOR/DME 304[deg] radials; and between the Buffalo,
NY, VOR/DME and the intersection of the LaGuardia, NY, VOR/DME 310[deg]
and Stillwater, NJ, VOR/DME 043[deg] radials. The airspace within
Canada is excluded. This action removes the airway segment between the
Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the Elmira, NY, VOR/DME. The unaffected
portions of the existing airway remain as charted.
V-84: V-84 extends between the Northbrook, IL, VOR/DME and the
Pullman, MI, VOR/DME; and between the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the
Syracuse, NY, VORTAC. This action removes the airway segment between
the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the Geneseo, NY, VOR/DME. The unaffected
portions of the existing airway remain as charted.
V-252: V-252 extends between the intersection of the Buffalo, NY,
VOR/DME 023[deg] and Geneseo, NY, VOR/DME 305[deg] radials (AIRCO fix)
and the Dupont, DE, VORTAC. This action amends the AIRCO fix in the
airway description to describe it as the intersection of the Jamestown,
NY, VOR/DME 024[deg] radial and the existing Geneseo, NY, VOR/DME
305[deg] radial. The unaffected portions of the existing airway remain
as charted.
V-510: V-510 extends between the Dickinson, ND, VORTAC and the
Dells, WI, VORTAC; and between the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the
Rochester, NY, VOR/DME. This action removes the airway segment between
the Buffalo, NY, VOR/DME and the Rochester, NY, VOR/DME. The unaffected
portions of the existing airway remain as charted.
[[Page 62723]]
All radials contained in the VOR Federal airway descriptions listed
below are stated in True degrees.
FAA Order 7400.11, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, is
published yearly and effective on September 15.
Regulatory Notices and Analyses
The FAA has determined that this regulation only involves an
established body of technical regulations for which frequent and
routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current.
It, therefore: (1) Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under
Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant rule'' under
Department of Transportation (DOT) Regulatory Policies and Procedures
(44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant preparation
of a regulatory evaluation as the anticipated impact is so minimal.
Since this is a routine matter that will only affect air traffic
procedures and air navigation, it is certified that this rule, when
promulgated, will not have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the
Regulatory Flexibility Act.
Environmental Review
The FAA has determined that this action of amending VOR Federal
airways V-31, V-36, V-84, V-252, and V-510, due to the planned
decommissioning of the VOR portion of the Buffalo VOR/DME navigational
aid, qualifies for categorical exclusion under the National
Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and its implementing
regulations at 40 CFR part 1500, and in accordance with FAA Order
1050.1F, Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures, paragraph 5-
6.5a, which categorically excludes from further environmental impact
review rulemaking actions that designate or modify classes of airspace
areas, airways, routes, and reporting points (see 14 CFR part 71,
Designation of Class A, B, C, D, and E Airspace Areas; Air Traffic
Service Routes; and Reporting Points). As such, this action is not
expected to result in any potentially significant environmental
impacts. In accordance with FAA Order 1050.1F, paragraph 5-2 regarding
Extraordinary Circumstances, the FAA has reviewed this action for
factors and circumstances in which a normally categorically excluded
action may have a significant environmental impact requiring further
analysis. Accordingly, the FAA has determined that no extraordinary
circumstances exist that warrant preparation of an environmental
assessment or environmental impact study.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air).
The Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation
Administration amends 14 CFR part 71 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 71 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O.
10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389.
Sec. 71.1 [Amended]
2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA JO Order
7400.11F, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated August 10,
2021, and effective September 15, 2021, is amended as follows:
Paragraph 6010(a) Domestic VOR Federal Airways.
* * * * *
V-31 [Amended]
From Patuxent, MD; INT Patuxent 338[deg] and Nottingham, MD,
128[deg] radials; to Nottingham. From Baltimore, MD; INT Baltimore
004[deg] and Harrisburg, PA, 147[deg] radials; Harrisburg;
Selinsgrove, PA; Williamsport, PA; Elmira, NY; INT Elmira 002[deg]
and Rochester, NY, 120[deg] radials; Rochester; to INT Rochester
279[deg] and Jamestown, NY, 024[deg] radials.
* * * * *
V-36 [Amended]
From Thunder Bay, ON, Canada; Wawa, ON, Canada; Sault Ste Marie,
MI; Elliot Lake, ON, Canada; Wiarton, ON, Canada; to INT Wiarton
150[deg] and Toronto, ON, Canada, 304[deg] radials. From Elmira, NY;
INT Elmira 110[deg] and LaGuardia, NY, 310[deg] radials; to INT
LaGuardia 310[deg] and Stillwater, NJ, 043[deg] radials. The
airspace within Canada is excluded.
* * * * *
V-84 [Amended]
From Northbrook, IL; to Pullman, MI. From Geneseo, NY; INT
Geneseo 091[deg] and Syracuse, NY, 240[deg] radials; to Syracuse.
* * * * *
V-252 [Amended]
From INT Jamestown, NY, 024[deg] and Geneseo, NY, 305[deg]
radials; Geneseo; Binghamton, NY; Huguenot, NY; INT Huguenot
196[deg] and Robbinsville, NJ, 351[deg] radials; Robbinsville; to
Dupont, DE.
* * * * *
V-510 [Amended]
From Dickinson, ND; INT Dickinson 078[deg] and Bismarck, ND,
290[deg] radials; 28 miles 38 MSL, Bismarck; INT Bismarck 067[deg]
and Jamestown, ND, 279[deg] radials; 14 miles, 65 miles 34 MSL,
Jamestown; Fargo, ND; INT Fargo 110[deg] and Alexandria, MN,
321[deg] radials; Alexandria; INT Alexandria 110[deg] and Gopher,
MN, 321[deg] radials; Gopher; INT Gopher 109[deg] and Nodine, MN,
328[deg] radials; Nodine; to Dells, WI.
* * * * *
Issued in Washington, DC, on November 3, 2021.
Michael R. Beckles,
Acting Manager, Rules and Regulations Group.
[FR Doc. 2021-24559 Filed 11-10-21; 8:45 am]