Notice of HUD Vacant Loan Sales (HVLS 2022-1), 61773-61775 [2021-24294]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 213 / Monday, November 8, 2021 / Notices and materially affected by the work of the MHCC have the opportunity for fair and equitable participation without dominance by any single interest; and may reject the appointment of any one or more individuals in order to ensure that there is not dominance by any single interest. For purposes of this determination, dominance is defined as a position or exercise of dominant authority, leadership, or influence by reason of superior leverage, strength, or representation. Additional requirements governing appointment and member service include: (1) Nominees appointed to the User category, and three of the individuals appointed to the General Interest and Public Official category shall not have a significant financial interest in any segment of the manufactured housing industry; or a significant relationship to any person engaged in the manufactured housing industry. (2) Each member serving in the User category shall be subject to a ban disallowing compensation from the manufactured housing industry during the period of, and during the one year following, his or her membership on the MHCC. (3) Nominees selected for appointment to the MHCC shall be required to provide disclosures and certifications regarding conflict-ofinterest and eligibility for membership prior to finalizing an appointment. All selected nominees will be required to submit certifications of eligibility under the foregoing criteria as a prerequisite to final appointment. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Consensus Committee—Advisory Role The MHCC’s role is to solely advise the Secretary on the subject matter described above. Federal Advisory Committee Act The MHCC is subject to the requirements of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. Appendix), 41 CFR parts 101–6 and 102–3 (the FACA Final Rule), and to the Presidential Memorandum, dated June 18, 2010, directing all heads of executive departments and agencies not to make any new appointments or reappointments of federally registered lobbyists to advisory committees and other boards and commissions. The June 18, 2010, Presidential Memorandum authorized the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to issue guidance to implement this policy. On August 13, 2014 (79 FR 47482), OMB issued guidance regarding the prohibition against appointing or reappointing federally registered lobbyists VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:37 Nov 05, 2021 Jkt 256001 to clarify that the ban applies to persons serving on advisory committees, boards, and commissions in their individual capacity and does not apply if they are specifically appointed to represent the interests of a nongovernmental entity, a recognizable group of persons or nongovernmental entities (an industry sector, labor unions, environmental groups, etc.), or state or local governments. Term of Office Consensus Committee members serve at the discretion of the Secretary or for a three-year term and for up to two terms. Nominee Information Individuals seeking nomination to the MHCC should submit detailed information documenting their qualifications as addressed in the Act and this Notice. Individuals may nominate themselves. HUD recommends that the application form be accompanied by a resume. Additional Information The Department will make appointments from nominations submitted in response to this Notice. Also, individuals that applied earlier this calendar year do not need to reapply; pursuant to this notice those applications are on file and may be considered for future appointments. To be considered for appointment to a position of an MHCC member whose term expires in December of 2021 or to fill any MHCC vacancy that currently exists, the nomination should be submitted by December 8, 2021. Appointments will be made at the discretion of the Secretary. Janet Golrick, Acting Chief of Staff, Office of Housing— Federal Housing Administration. [FR Doc. 2021–24333 Filed 11–5–21; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210–67–P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR–6297–N–01] Notice of HUD Vacant Loan Sales (HVLS 2022–1) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing Commissioner, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). ACTION: Notice of sales of reverse mortgage loans. AGENCY: This notice announces HUD’s intention to competitively offer multiple SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 61773 residential reverse mortgage pools, including six multi-loan pools and one single asset pool, consisting of approximately 1,700 reverse mortgage notes secured by vacant properties with a loan balance of approximately $420 million. The Secretary will prioritize bids on some of these assets to qualified non-profit or unit of state or local government bidders. This notice also generally describes the bidding process for the sale and certain persons who are ineligible to bid. This is the seventh sale offering of its type and the sale will be held on December 1, 2021. DATES: For this sale action, the Bidder’s Information Package (BIP) was made available to qualified bidders on October 21, 2021. Bids for the HVLS 2022–1 sale will be accepted on the Bid Date of December 1, 2021 (Bid Date). HUD anticipates that award(s) will be made on or about December 3, 2021 (the Award Date). ADDRESSES: To become a qualified bidder and receive the BIP, prospective bidders must complete, execute, and submit a Confidentiality Agreement and a Qualification Statement acceptable to HUD. Both documents are available in the announcement posted on the HUD website: offices/housing/comp/asset/hsgloan or on the Program Financial Advisor (PFA), Falcon Capital Advisors, website: Due to remote work processes during the COVID–19 National Emergency and limited access to standard mail, electronic submission of executed documents via email at HUDsales@ is preferred. Prospective bidders may utilize digital signatures on the electronically submitted documents. If you do not submit electronically, please submit executed documents via mail or facsimile to Falcon Capital Advisors: Falcon Capital Advisors, 427 N Lee Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, Attention: Dan Wentworth, HUD HVLS Loan Sale Coordinator. eFax: 1–202–393–4125. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John Lucey, Director, Office of Asset Sales, Room 3136, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20410–8000; telephone 202–708–2625, extension 3927 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the toll-free Federal Relay at 800–877–8339 (this is a toll-free number). SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice announces HUD’s intention to sell in HVLS 2022–1 due and payable Secretary-held reverse mortgage loans. E:\FR\FM\08NON1.SGM 08NON1 lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 61774 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 213 / Monday, November 8, 2021 / Notices HUD is offering six multiple residential reverse mortgage pools totaling approximately 1,700 reverse mortgage notes with a loan balance of approximately $420 million. The mortgage loans consist of first liens secured by single family, vacant residential properties, where all borrowers are deceased, and no borrower is survived by a nonborrowing spouse. Qualified non-profit or unit of state or local government bidders will have the opportunity to bid on all loans and may receive a priority bidding opportunity for up to 50 percent of the loans in five of the multi-loan pools (Carve-Out Pool). HUD also intends to include in HVLS 2022–1 a single asset pool for sale consisting of a reverse mortgage loan secured by an Illinois multi-unit singlefamily property, where there is no surviving borrower or non-borrowing spouse but some units are currently tenant-occupied. This single asset pool has a loan balance of approximately $158 thousand. For one of the multiloan pools and the single asset pool, HUD will prioritize bids from non-profit or unit of state or local government bidders (each a Priority Pool). A listing of the mortgage loans will be included in the due diligence materials made available to qualified bidders. The mortgage loans will be sold without FHA insurance and with servicing released. HUD will offer qualified bidders an opportunity to bid competitively on the mortgage loan pools. Due Diligence Review The BIP describes how qualified bidders may access the due diligence materials remotely via a high-speed internet connection. The Bidding Process The BIP describes in detail the procedure for bidding in HVLS 2022–1. The BIP also includes a standardized non-negotiable Conveyance, Assignment and Assumption Agreement for HVLS 2022–1 (CAA). Qualified bidders will be required to submit a deposit with their bid. Deposits are calculated based upon each qualified bidder’s aggregate bid price. HUD will evaluate the bids submitted and determine the successful bid, in terms of the best value to HUD, in its sole and absolute discretion. If a qualified bidder is successful, the qualified bidder’s deposit will be nonrefundable and will be applied toward the purchase price. Deposits will be returned to unsuccessful bidders. This notice provides some of the basic terms of sale. The CAA, which is included in the BIP, provides comprehensive contractual terms and conditions. To ensure a competitive bidding process, the terms of the bidding process and the CAA are not subject to negotiation. Bidder Ineligibility In order to bid in HVLS 2022–1 as a qualified bidder, a prospective bidder must complete, execute, and submit both a Confidentiality Agreement and a Qualification Statement acceptable to HUD. In the Qualification Statement, the prospective bidder must provide certain representations and warranties regarding the prospective bidder, including but not limited to (i) the prospective bidder’s board of directors, (ii) the prospective bidder’s direct parent, (iii) the prospective bidder’s subsidiaries, (iv) any related entity with which the prospective bidder shares a common officer, director, subcontractor or sub-contractor who has access to Confidential Information as defined in the Confidentiality Agreement or is involved in the formation of a bid transaction (collectively the ‘‘Related Entities’’), and (v) the prospective bidder’s repurchase lenders. The prospective bidder is ineligible to bid on any of the reverse mortgage loans included in HVLS 2022–1 if the prospective bidder, its Related Entities, VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:37 Nov 05, 2021 Jkt 256001 Mortgage Loan Sale Policy HUD reserves the right to remove mortgage loans from HVLS 2022–1 at any time prior to the Award Date and the settlement date for the mortgage loans. HUD also reserves the right to reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, and include any reverse mortgage loans in a later sale. Deliveries of mortgage loans will occur in conjunction with settlement and servicing transfer no later than 60 days after the Award Date. The HVLS 2022–1 reverse mortgage loans were insured by and were assigned to HUD pursuant to section 255 of the National Housing Act, as amended. The sale of the reverse mortgage loans is pursuant to section 204(g) of the National Housing Act. Mortgage Loan Sale Procedure HUD selected an open competitive whole-loan sale as the method to sell the mortgage loans for this specific sale transaction. For HVLS 2022–1, HUD has determined that this method of sale optimizes HUD’s return on the sale of these loans, affords the greatest opportunity for all qualified bidders to bid on the mortgage loans, and provides the quickest and most efficient vehicle for HUD to dispose of the due and payable mortgage loans. PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 or its repurchase lenders, are any of the following, unless other exceptions apply as provided for in the Qualification Statement. 1. An individual or entity that is currently debarred, suspended, or excluded from doing business with HUD pursuant to the Governmentwide Suspension and Debarment regulations at 2 CFR parts 180 and 2424; 2. An individual or entity that is currently suspended, debarred, or otherwise restricted by any department or agency of the federal government or of a state government from doing business with such department or agency; 3. An individual or entity that is currently debarred, suspended, or excluded from doing mortgage related business, including having a business license suspended, surrendered or revoked, by any federal, state, or local government agency, division, or department; 4. An entity that has had its right to act as a Government National Mortgage Association (‘‘Ginnie Mae’’) issuer terminated and its interest in mortgages backing Ginnie Mae mortgage-backed securities extinguished by Ginnie Mae; 5. An individual or entity that is in violation of its neighborhood stabilizing outcome obligations or post-sale reporting requirements under a Conveyance, Assignment and Assumption Agreement executed for any previous mortgage loan sale of HUD; 6. An employee of HUD’s Office of Housing, a member of such employee’s household, or an entity owned or controlled by any such employee or member of such an employee’s household with household to be inclusive of the employee’s father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, son, daughter, stepson, stepdaughter, grandparent, grandson, granddaughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-inlaw, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughterin-law, first cousin, the spouse of any of the foregoing, and the employee’s spouse; 7. A contractor, subcontractor, and/or consultant or advisor (including any agent, employee, partner, director, or principal of any of the foregoing) who performed services for or on behalf of HUD in connection with the sale; 8. An individual or entity that knowingly acquired or will acquire prior to the sale date material nonpublic information, other than that information which is made available to Bidder by HUD pursuant to the terms of this Qualification Statement, about mortgage loans offered in the sale; E:\FR\FM\08NON1.SGM 08NON1 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 213 / Monday, November 8, 2021 / Notices 9. An individual or entity which knowingly employs or uses the services of an employee of HUD’s Office of Housing (other than in such employee’s official capacity); or 10. An individual or entity that knowingly uses the services, directly or indirectly, of any person or entity ineligible under 1 through 10 to assist in preparing any of its bids on the mortgage loans. The Qualification Statement has additional representations and warranties which the prospective bidder must make, including but not limited to the representation and warranty that the prospective bidder or its Related Entities are not and will not knowingly use the services, directly or indirectly, of any person or entity that is, any of the following (and to the extent that any such individual or entity would prevent the prospective bidder from making the following representations, such individual or entity has been removed from participation in all activities related to this sale and has no ability to influence or control individuals involved in formation of a bid for this sale): (1) An entity or individual is ineligible to bid on any included reverse mortgage loan or on the pool containing such reverse mortgage loan because it is an entity or individual that: (a) Serviced or held such reverse mortgage loan at any time during the six-month period prior to the bid, or (b) Is any principal of any entity or individual described in the preceding sentence; (c) Any employee or subcontractor of such entity or individual during that six-month period; or (d) Any entity or individual that employs or uses the services of any other entity or individual described in this paragraph in preparing its bid on such reverse mortgage loan. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Freedom of Information Act Requests HUD reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to disclose information regarding HVLS 2022–1, including, but not limited to, the identity of any successful qualified bidder and its bid price or bid percentage for any pool of loans or individual loan, upon the closing of the sale of all the mortgage loans. Even if HUD elects not to publicly disclose any information relating to HVLS 2022–1, HUD will disclose any information that HUD is obligated to disclose pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and all regulations promulgated thereunder. VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:37 Nov 05, 2021 Jkt 256001 Scope of Notice This notice applies to HVLS 2022–1 and does not establish HUD’s policy for the sale of other mortgage loans. Janet Golrick, Acting, Chief of Staff, Office of Housing— Federal Housing Administration. [FR Doc. 2021–24294 Filed 11–5–21; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210–67–P DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Fish and Wildlife Service [FWS–R6–ES–2021–N187; FXES11130600000] Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Draft Recovery Plan for Desert Yellowhead Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior. ACTION: Notice of document availability for review and comment. AGENCY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the availability of a draft recovery plan for desert yellowhead, a plant listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. We request review and comment on this draft recovery plan from Federal, State, Tribal, and local agencies and the public. DATES: We must receive any comments on the draft recovery plan on or before January 7, 2022. ADDRESSES: Document availability: Copies of the draft recovery plan are available at species/recovery-plans.html and at Alternatively, you may request a copy by U.S. mail from the Wyoming Field Office; 334 Parsley Blvd., Cheyenne, WY 82007; or by telephone at 307–772– 2374. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf may call the Federal Relay Service at 800–877–8339. Submitting comments: If you wish to comment on the draft recovery plan, you may submit your comments in writing by email to Tyler Abbott, at, or by U.S. mail to Tyler Abbott, Wyoming Field Supervisor, at the above U.S. mail address. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tyler Abbott, Wyoming Field Supervisor, at the above U.S. mail address or by telephone at 307–772– 2374. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf may call the Federal Relay Service at 800–877–8339. SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 61775 We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), announce the availability of a draft recovery plan for desert yellowhead (Yermo xanthocephalus), a plant listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, as amended (Act; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). The draft recovery plan includes objective, measurable criteria, and site-specific management actions as may be necessary to remove the species from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants. We request review and comment on this draft recovery plan from Federal, State, Tribal, and local agencies and the public. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Species Information On April 15, 2002, we listed desert yellowhead as a threatened plant (March 14, 2002; 67 FR 11442). On April 15, 2004, we designated approximately 360 acres (ac) (146 hectares (ha)) of critical habitat (March 16, 2004; 69 FR 12278). Desert yellowhead is the only member of a monotypic genus. It is an endemic, herbaceous, perennial plant, with two known populations in Fremont County, Wyoming—Sand Draw and Cedar Rim. The two populations are approximately 5 miles (mi) (8 kilometers (km)) apart. New plants establish from seed or ramet, grow for multiple years before flowering, and may subsequently have years in which no flower production occurs (Doak et al. 2016, p. 4). This species is likely pollinated by visually oriented insects attracted to its bright yellow disk flowers and bracts (Dorn 1991, pp. 198–201). The two populations are found in sparsely vegetated cover at approximately 6,750 feet (ft) (2,057 meters (m)) for Sand Draw and 7,080 ft (2,158 m) for Cedar Rim. We do not know the historical distribution of desert yellowhead. Currently, the total area occupied by the two populations is approximately 11.9 ac (4.8 ha). Both populations are located on lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Only the Sand Draw population occurs within designated critical habitat; the Cedar Rim population was not discovered until 2010, after critical habitat had been designated. Due to the variability of monitoring methods employed in different years, it is difficult to evaluate abundance trends; however, populations appear relatively stable. The primary threat to desert yellowhead identified at the time of listing was mineral development, and secondary threats included invasive plants; grazing and trampling by livestock, wild horses, and ungulates; off-road vehicle recreation; deliberate E:\FR\FM\08NON1.SGM 08NON1


[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 213 (Monday, November 8, 2021)]
[Pages 61773-61775]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-24294]



[Docket No. FR-6297-N-01]

Notice of HUD Vacant Loan Sales (HVLS 2022-1)

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing 
Commissioner, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

ACTION: Notice of sales of reverse mortgage loans.


SUMMARY: This notice announces HUD's intention to competitively offer 
multiple residential reverse mortgage pools, including six multi-loan 
pools and one single asset pool, consisting of approximately 1,700 
reverse mortgage notes secured by vacant properties with a loan balance 
of approximately $420 million. The Secretary will prioritize bids on 
some of these assets to qualified non-profit or unit of state or local 
government bidders. This notice also generally describes the bidding 
process for the sale and certain persons who are ineligible to bid. 
This is the seventh sale offering of its type and the sale will be held 
on December 1, 2021.

DATES: For this sale action, the Bidder's Information Package (BIP) was 
made available to qualified bidders on October 21, 2021. Bids for the 
HVLS 2022-1 sale will be accepted on the Bid Date of December 1, 2021 
(Bid Date). HUD anticipates that award(s) will be made on or about 
December 3, 2021 (the Award Date).

ADDRESSES: To become a qualified bidder and receive the BIP, 
prospective bidders must complete, execute, and submit a 
Confidentiality Agreement and a Qualification Statement acceptable to 
HUD. Both documents are available in the announcement posted on the HUD 
or on the Program Financial Advisor (PFA), Falcon Capital Advisors, 
    Due to remote work processes during the COVID-19 National Emergency 
and limited access to standard mail, electronic submission of executed 
documents via email at [email protected] is preferred. 
Prospective bidders may utilize digital signatures on the 
electronically submitted documents. If you do not submit 
electronically, please submit executed documents via mail or facsimile 
to Falcon Capital Advisors: Falcon Capital Advisors, 427 N Lee Street, 
Alexandria, VA 22314, Attention: Dan Wentworth, HUD HVLS Loan Sale 
Coordinator. eFax: 1-202-393-4125.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: John Lucey, Director, Office of Asset 
Sales, Room 3136, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 
Seventh Street SW, Washington, DC 20410-8000; telephone 202-708-2625, 
extension 3927 (this is not a toll-free number). Persons with hearing 
or speech impairments may access this number through TTY by calling the 
toll-free Federal Relay at 800-877-8339 (this is a toll-free number).

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice announces HUD's intention to 
sell in HVLS 2022-1 due and payable Secretary-held reverse mortgage 

[[Page 61774]]

HUD is offering six multiple residential reverse mortgage pools 
totaling approximately 1,700 reverse mortgage notes with a loan balance 
of approximately $420 million. The mortgage loans consist of first 
liens secured by single family, vacant residential properties, where 
all borrowers are deceased, and no borrower is survived by a non-
borrowing spouse. Qualified non-profit or unit of state or local 
government bidders will have the opportunity to bid on all loans and 
may receive a priority bidding opportunity for up to 50 percent of the 
loans in five of the multi-loan pools (Carve-Out Pool).
    HUD also intends to include in HVLS 2022-1 a single asset pool for 
sale consisting of a reverse mortgage loan secured by an Illinois 
multi-unit single-family property, where there is no surviving borrower 
or non-borrowing spouse but some units are currently tenant-occupied. 
This single asset pool has a loan balance of approximately $158 
thousand. For one of the multi-loan pools and the single asset pool, 
HUD will prioritize bids from non-profit or unit of state or local 
government bidders (each a Priority Pool).
    A listing of the mortgage loans will be included in the due 
diligence materials made available to qualified bidders. The mortgage 
loans will be sold without FHA insurance and with servicing released. 
HUD will offer qualified bidders an opportunity to bid competitively on 
the mortgage loan pools.

The Bidding Process

    The BIP describes in detail the procedure for bidding in HVLS 2022-
1. The BIP also includes a standardized non-negotiable Conveyance, 
Assignment and Assumption Agreement for HVLS 2022-1 (CAA). Qualified 
bidders will be required to submit a deposit with their bid. Deposits 
are calculated based upon each qualified bidder's aggregate bid price.
    HUD will evaluate the bids submitted and determine the successful 
bid, in terms of the best value to HUD, in its sole and absolute 
discretion. If a qualified bidder is successful, the qualified bidder's 
deposit will be non-refundable and will be applied toward the purchase 
price. Deposits will be returned to unsuccessful bidders.
    This notice provides some of the basic terms of sale. The CAA, 
which is included in the BIP, provides comprehensive contractual terms 
and conditions. To ensure a competitive bidding process, the terms of 
the bidding process and the CAA are not subject to negotiation.

Due Diligence Review

    The BIP describes how qualified bidders may access the due 
diligence materials remotely via a high-speed internet connection.

Mortgage Loan Sale Policy

    HUD reserves the right to remove mortgage loans from HVLS 2022-1 at 
any time prior to the Award Date and the settlement date for the 
mortgage loans. HUD also reserves the right to reject any and all bids, 
in whole or in part, and include any reverse mortgage loans in a later 
sale. Deliveries of mortgage loans will occur in conjunction with 
settlement and servicing transfer no later than 60 days after the Award 
    The HVLS 2022-1 reverse mortgage loans were insured by and were 
assigned to HUD pursuant to section 255 of the National Housing Act, as 
amended. The sale of the reverse mortgage loans is pursuant to section 
204(g) of the National Housing Act.

Mortgage Loan Sale Procedure

    HUD selected an open competitive whole-loan sale as the method to 
sell the mortgage loans for this specific sale transaction. For HVLS 
2022-1, HUD has determined that this method of sale optimizes HUD's 
return on the sale of these loans, affords the greatest opportunity for 
all qualified bidders to bid on the mortgage loans, and provides the 
quickest and most efficient vehicle for HUD to dispose of the due and 
payable mortgage loans.

Bidder Ineligibility

    In order to bid in HVLS 2022-1 as a qualified bidder, a prospective 
bidder must complete, execute, and submit both a Confidentiality 
Agreement and a Qualification Statement acceptable to HUD. In the 
Qualification Statement, the prospective bidder must provide certain 
representations and warranties regarding the prospective bidder, 
including but not limited to (i) the prospective bidder's board of 
directors, (ii) the prospective bidder's direct parent, (iii) the 
prospective bidder's subsidiaries, (iv) any related entity with which 
the prospective bidder shares a common officer, director, subcontractor 
or sub-contractor who has access to Confidential Information as defined 
in the Confidentiality Agreement or is involved in the formation of a 
bid transaction (collectively the ``Related Entities''), and (v) the 
prospective bidder's repurchase lenders. The prospective bidder is 
ineligible to bid on any of the reverse mortgage loans included in HVLS 
2022-1 if the prospective bidder, its Related Entities, or its 
repurchase lenders, are any of the following, unless other exceptions 
apply as provided for in the Qualification Statement.
    1. An individual or entity that is currently debarred, suspended, 
or excluded from doing business with HUD pursuant to the Governmentwide 
Suspension and Debarment regulations at 2 CFR parts 180 and 2424;
    2. An individual or entity that is currently suspended, debarred, 
or otherwise restricted by any department or agency of the federal 
government or of a state government from doing business with such 
department or agency;
    3. An individual or entity that is currently debarred, suspended, 
or excluded from doing mortgage related business, including having a 
business license suspended, surrendered or revoked, by any federal, 
state, or local government agency, division, or department;
    4. An entity that has had its right to act as a Government National 
Mortgage Association (``Ginnie Mae'') issuer terminated and its 
interest in mortgages backing Ginnie Mae mortgage-backed securities 
extinguished by Ginnie Mae;
    5. An individual or entity that is in violation of its neighborhood 
stabilizing outcome obligations or post-sale reporting requirements 
under a Conveyance, Assignment and Assumption Agreement executed for 
any previous mortgage loan sale of HUD;
    6. An employee of HUD's Office of Housing, a member of such 
employee's household, or an entity owned or controlled by any such 
employee or member of such an employee's household with household to be 
inclusive of the employee's father, mother, stepfather, stepmother, 
brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, son, daughter, stepson, 
stepdaughter, grandparent, grandson, granddaughter, father-in-law, 
mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-
law, first cousin, the spouse of any of the foregoing, and the 
employee's spouse;
    7. A contractor, subcontractor, and/or consultant or advisor 
(including any agent, employee, partner, director, or principal of any 
of the foregoing) who performed services for or on behalf of HUD in 
connection with the sale;
    8. An individual or entity that knowingly acquired or will acquire 
prior to the sale date material non-public information, other than that 
information which is made available to Bidder by HUD pursuant to the 
terms of this Qualification Statement, about mortgage loans offered in 
the sale;

[[Page 61775]]

    9. An individual or entity which knowingly employs or uses the 
services of an employee of HUD's Office of Housing (other than in such 
employee's official capacity); or
    10. An individual or entity that knowingly uses the services, 
directly or indirectly, of any person or entity ineligible under 1 
through 10 to assist in preparing any of its bids on the mortgage 
    The Qualification Statement has additional representations and 
warranties which the prospective bidder must make, including but not 
limited to the representation and warranty that the prospective bidder 
or its Related Entities are not and will not knowingly use the 
services, directly or indirectly, of any person or entity that is, any 
of the following (and to the extent that any such individual or entity 
would prevent the prospective bidder from making the following 
representations, such individual or entity has been removed from 
participation in all activities related to this sale and has no ability 
to influence or control individuals involved in formation of a bid for 
this sale):
    (1) An entity or individual is ineligible to bid on any included 
reverse mortgage loan or on the pool containing such reverse mortgage 
loan because it is an entity or individual that:
    (a) Serviced or held such reverse mortgage loan at any time during 
the six-month period prior to the bid, or
    (b) Is any principal of any entity or individual described in the 
preceding sentence;
    (c) Any employee or subcontractor of such entity or individual 
during that six-month period; or
    (d) Any entity or individual that employs or uses the services of 
any other entity or individual described in this paragraph in preparing 
its bid on such reverse mortgage loan.

Freedom of Information Act Requests

    HUD reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to 
disclose information regarding HVLS 2022-1, including, but not limited 
to, the identity of any successful qualified bidder and its bid price 
or bid percentage for any pool of loans or individual loan, upon the 
closing of the sale of all the mortgage loans. Even if HUD elects not 
to publicly disclose any information relating to HVLS 2022-1, HUD will 
disclose any information that HUD is obligated to disclose pursuant to 
the Freedom of Information Act and all regulations promulgated 

Scope of Notice

    This notice applies to HVLS 2022-1 and does not establish HUD's 
policy for the sale of other mortgage loans.

Janet Golrick,
Acting, Chief of Staff, Office of Housing--Federal Housing 
[FR Doc. 2021-24294 Filed 11-5-21; 8:45 am]

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