Swim With and Approach Regulation for Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, 53818-53843 [2021-20616]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
50 CFR Part 216
[Docket No. 210901–0173]
RIN 0648–AU02
Swim With and Approach Regulation
for Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins Under
the Marine Mammal Protection Act
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Final rule.
We, NMFS, establish a
regulation under the Marine Mammal
Protection Act (MMPA) to prohibit
swimming with and approaching a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin within 50
yards (45.7 meters (m)) (for persons,
vessels, and objects), including
approach by interception. These
regulatory measures are intended to
prevent take of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins from occurring in marine areas
where viewing pressures are most
prevalent; the swim-with and approach
prohibitions apply in waters within 2
nautical miles (nmi; 3.7 kilometers
(km)) of the Hawaiian Islands and in
designated waters bounded by the
islands of La¯na‘i, Maui, and
Kaho‘olawe. Although unauthorized
take of marine mammals, including
harassment of spinner dolphins, already
is and continues to be prohibited under
the MMPA throughout their range, the
purpose of this regulation is to identify
and prohibit specific human activities
that result in take (including
harassment) of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins, and thus reduce disturbance
and disruption of important Hawaiian
spinner dolphin behaviors in areas
where human-dolphin interactions are
most likely to occur. This regulation is
expected to reduce take of Hawaiian
spinner dolphins and the impact of
human viewing and interaction on these
animals in the main Hawaiian Islands
DATES: This final rule is effective
October 28, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Copies of this rule and the
Final Environmental Impact Statement
(FEIS) and Record of Decision can be
obtained from the website. https://
enhancing-protections-hawaiianspinner-dolphins. Written requests for
copies of these documents should be
addressed to Kevin Brindock, Deputy
Assistant Regional Administrator,
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Protected Resources Division, National
Marine Fisheries Service, Pacific Islands
Regional Office, 1845 Wasp Blvd., Bldg.
176, Honolulu, HI 96818, Attn:
Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin Final Rule.
Kevin Brindock, NMFS, Pacific Islands
Region, Deputy Assistant Regional
Administrator, Protected Resources
Division, 808–725–5146; or Trevor
Spradlin, NMFS, Office of Protected
Resources, Deputy Chief, Marine
Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation
Division, Office of Protected Resources,
developed this final rule after
considering comments submitted in
response to an Advance Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), as well
as information from the public scoping
period and public comment period for
the Draft Environmental Impact
Statement (DEIS) and the proposed rule,
from community meetings and hearings
on the proposed rule, and from relevant
scientific literature and a dedicated
scientific research project.
Viewing wild marine mammals in
Hawai‘i has been a popular recreational
activity for both tourists and residents
over the past several decades.
Historically, most marine mammal
viewing focused on humpback whales
(Megaptera novaeangliae) during the
winter months when the whales migrate
from their feeding grounds off the coast
of Alaska to Hawai‘i’s warm and
protected waters to breed and calve.
However, increased marine mammal
viewing has focused on small cetaceans,
with a particular emphasis on Hawaiian
spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris
longirostris), which can be predictably
found close to shore in shallow waters
throughout the MHI.
The number of commercial operators
engaged in wild dolphin viewing has
grown dramatically in Hawai‘i in recent
years (O’Connor 2009, Impact
Assessment 2018), putting new
pressures on easily accessible groups of
resting Hawaiian spinner dolphins.
Wiener (2016) found that on the
Wai‘anae coast of O‘ahu and the Kona
coast of Hawai‘i Island, 752,762 people
are estimated to have participated in
boat-based commercial dolphin tours
annually in 2013, which is 632,762
more than a preliminary estimate
conducted statewide in 2008 (O’Conner
et al. 2009). Supporting this finding,
Impact Assessment (2018) documented
the number of spiritual retreats (i.e.,
organized retreats centered on dolphin
encounters, dolphin-assisted therapy,
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and dolphin-associated spiritual
practices) on Hawai‘i Island as
increasing from 5 in 2007 to 47 in 2017.
Similarly, commercial boat tours that
facilitate close in-water dolphin
interactions increased on Hawai‘i Island
from 6 to 47 over the same period. In
addition, a number of residents and
visitors venture on their own,
independent of commercial operators, to
view and interact with spinner
The expectation for close interactions
with wild dolphins has been
encouraged by some operators and
various news and social media outlets,
which routinely contradict established
wildlife viewing guidelines by
promoting close vessel or in-water
encounters with the dolphins. As noted
by Wiener, Needham, and Wilkenson
(2009) when interviewing dolphin
swim-with tourists, participants
verbalized extreme disappointment if
they did not participate in up-close
activities during wild dolphin
encounter trips, even when operators
said that it would not be in the best
interest of the animals.
We have received many complaints
that spinner dolphins are being
routinely disturbed by people
attempting to closely approach and
interact with the dolphins by boat or
other watercraft (e.g., kayaks), or in the
water (e.g., snorkel or ‘‘swim-with-wilddolphins’’ activities). For example, Tyne
(2015), who studied spinner dolphins
along the Kona coast of Hawai‘i Island,
noted that the spinner dolphin
population there is chronically exposed
to human tourism activities more than
82 percent of the time during daylight
hours, with a median interval between
exposure events of 10 minutes.
Heenehan et al. (2014) observed up to
13 tour boats jockeying for position on
a single dolphin group, with up to 60
snorkelers in the water. In addition,
officials from the Hawai‘i Department of
Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and
the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission
(MMC), as well as various members of
the public, including representatives of
the Native Hawaiian community,
scientific researchers, wildlife
conservation organizations, public
display organizations, and some
commercial tour operators have
expressed their concerns over humandolphin interactions.
In 2010, we recognized 5 islandassociated stocks and one pelagic stock
of Hawaiian spinner dolphins in our
annual Stock Assessment Report (SAR),
identifying genetic distinctions and site
fidelity differences as reasons to
separately manage stocks found in
waters surrounding the Hawaiian
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
Islands (Andrews 2009, Andrews et al.
2010, Hill et al. 2009, Carretta et al.
2011). Three of the five islandassociated stocks (the Kaua‘i/Ni‘ihau
stock, O‘ahu/four Islands stock, and
Hawai‘i Island stock) are found near the
MHI and are considered resident stocks.
These three stocks reside in waters
surrounding their namesake islands out
to approximately 10 nmi (18.5 km) (Hill
et al. 2010), and population estimates
for each stock are relatively small. The
most recent SAR indicates that the
Hawai‘i Island stock, which is thought
to be the largest stock, has an estimated
665 individuals (Coefficient of Variation
(CV)=0.09) (Tyne et al. 2014, Carretta et
al. 2019). The Kaua‘i/Ni‘ihau and
O‘ahu/4 Islands stocks are estimated to
be around 601 (CV=0.20) and 355
(CV=0.09) individuals, respectively
(Carretta et al. 2019).
Island-associated spinner dolphins,
such as those found in the MHI, have
complex social structures and
behavioral patterns linked to specific
habitats that support their high
energetic demands. The rigid, cyclical,
and patterned behavior of a Hawaiian
spinner dolphin’s day is well
documented from decades of scientific
research on spinner dolphins off the
Kona coast on Hawai‘i Island (Norris
and Dohl 1980, Norris et al. 1994). The
daily pattern of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins has been characterized as
‘‘working the night shift,’’ because the
energetically demanding task of foraging
is accomplished nightly when spinner
dolphins move offshore in large groups
to feed. Spinner dolphins feed on fish,
shrimp, and squid found in the
mesopelagic boundary community, part
of the pelagic zone that extends from a
depth of 200 to 1,000 m (∼660 to 3,300
feet) below the ocean surface. Spinner
dolphins maximize their foraging time
by actively moving with, or tracking, the
horizontal migration of the mesopelagic
boundary community throughout the
night, as it moves inshore until
midnight and then offshore around
sunrise (Benoit-Bird and Au 2003).
Spinner dolphins are acoustically very
active during foraging activities (Norris
et al. 1994), working cooperatively in
large groups using coordinated
movements to maximize foraging
potential (Benoit-Bird 2004).
During the day, spinner dolphins
return in smaller groups to areas closer
to shore to socialize, nurture their
young, and rest in preparation for
nightly foraging (Norris et al. 1994,
Tyne et al., 2017). These smaller groups
visit specific habitats that are located
along the coastlines of the MHI. These
preferred daytime habitats of spinner
dolphins are areas that provide space
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with optimal environmental conditions
for resting, socializing, and nurturing
young, and are referred to hereafter as
‘‘essential daytime habitats.’’ Spinner
dolphins’ essential daytime habitats are
located close to offshore feeding areas,
which minimizes the energetic cost of
nightly travel to and from these areas
(Norris et al. 1994, Thorne et al. 2012).
Additionally, essential daytime habitats
have large patches of sand bottom
habitat, which increases the dolphins’
ability to visually (instead of
acoustically) detect predators while
resting, and thus minimizes the
energetic costs of vigilance (Norris et al.
1994). Throughout the day, spinner
dolphins take advantage of the physical
characteristics of essential daytime
habitats to engage in specific patterned
resting behaviors to recuperate between
foraging bouts. The physical
characteristics of these essential
daytime habitats, combined with
specific patterned resting behaviors,
play an important role in supporting the
dolphins’ activity and energetic budgets.
Commercial operators and individuals
interested in viewing or interacting with
Hawaiian spinner target essential
daytime habitats (Sepez 2006). In
addition, organized retreats centered on
dolphin encounters, dolphin-assisted
therapy, and dolphin-associated
spiritual practices have flourished in
certain areas, further increasing the
intensity of dolphin-directed activities
in nearshore areas and especially within
essential daytime habitats (Sepez 2006,
Impact Assessment 2018).
The effects of dolphin-directed
activities on spinner dolphins,
especially activities that involve close
approaches by humans, have been well
documented. Peer-reviewed scientific
literature documents disturbance of
individual spinner dolphins as well as
changes to spinner dolphin group
behavioral patterns and effects of
swimmers on dolphins’ daily resting
behavioral patterns (Norris et al. 1994;
Lammers 2004; Danil et al. 2005;
Courbis 2007; Courbis and Timmel
2009; Timmel et al. 2008; Forest 2001;
Heenehan et al. 2017; Ostman-Lind et
al. 2004; Ostman-Lind 2009; Thorne et
al. 2012; and Wiener 2016).
There are several studies that have
investigated the importance of adequate
rest, and the negative impacts that can
occur if animals do not obtain adequate
rest (e.g., Cirelli & Tononi 2008; Siegel
2008). Studies involving Hawaiian
spinner dolphins reported behaviors
that suggest a heightened state of
alertness in response to swimmers and
vessels. Responses include aerial
displays, tail-slapping, or other visible
behavior changes when closely
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approached by vessels and swimmers
(Forest 2001, Courbis and Timmel
2008); avoidance behaviors, including
increased swimming speed, directional
changes, moving around and away from
swimmers and vessels, or leaving the
area in response to human pursuit
(Ostman-Lind et al. 2004, Courbis 2004,
Courbis and Timmel 2008); and
aggressive behaviors directed at people,
including charging or threat displays
(Norris et al. 1985, Norris et al. 1994).
In some resting areas with consistent
levels of exposure to human activity,
Hawaiian spinner dolphin resting
activity is characterized by such
vigilance that it does not represent a
natural resting state (Danil et al. 2005;
Tyne 2018). Vigilance, or enhanced
brain function, is essential for active
behaviors such as foraging, socializing,
and avoiding predators. However,
remaining in a state of constant
vigilance without recovering with
adequate rest can hinder the abilities of
spinner dolphins to effectively forage
and avoid predators (Dukas & Clark
1995; Benoit-Bird & Au 2003; Tyne et al.
2018). Thus, an inability to achieve a
natural resting state could potentially
cause negative population-wide impacts
to spinner dolphins over time.
Additionally, when marine mammals
respond to disturbance events, they can
incur a cost in the form of the energy
expended to respond (Williams et al.
2006), as well as the lost opportunity to
engage in natural fitness-enhancing
behavior (Lusseau 2003). For example,
spinner dolphins disturbed during rest
engage in avoidance or distress
behaviors (Timmel et al. 2008; Danil et
al. 2005; Forest 2001; Courbis 2008),
which require energy. This disturbance
detracts from the dolphins’ abilities to
recuperate from energetically
demanding behaviors like foraging,
transiting to and from offshore foraging
grounds, and nurturing their young. In
this example, the lack of consistent,
undisturbed resting periods can reduce
the amount of energy available to forage
and care for young.
The predictable temporal and spatial
patterns of MHI resident spinner
dolphins’ nearshore distribution and
daytime behaviors result in
concentrated daily viewing and
interaction pressure on individual
dolphins and groups over extended
periods of time. As stated above, several
researchers have observed disruption of
Hawaiian spinner dolphin behavioral
patterns in response to human activity
that suggest the potential for
biologically significant impacts. In other
small cetacean populations, chronic
disturbance to natural behavioral
patterns has been linked to biologically
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
significant impacts, such as habitat
abandonment, reduced female
reproductive success, impeded activity
and energy budgeting, and increased
vigilance (Bejder 2005; Bejder et al.
2006a, 2006b; Lusseau and Bejder 2007;
Williams et al. 2006; Lusseau 2003;
Johnston 2014). Researchers
investigating impacts of human
disturbance to spinner dolphin
populations outside of Hawai‘i observed
a decrease in residency times in a
Tahitian resting bay (Gannier & Petiau
2006) and abandonment of a resting bay
in Samadai Reef, Egypt (Nature
Conservation Sector 2006; Notarbartolodi-Sciara et al. 2009) in response to high
levels of human activity.
Similarly, over time, chronic
disturbance to the MHI’s resident
spinner dolphins could ultimately lead
to habitat displacement and/or long
term impacts to their individual fitness.
These types of impacts may be
amplified for Hawaiian spinner
dolphins because they are theorized to
be more vulnerable to disturbance than
other marine mammal populations.
Bejder (2005) suggests resident, closed,
or isolated populations (i.e., local
populations with barriers to gene flow,
similar to Hawaiian spinner dolphins)
are more at risk from negative stressors,
such as disturbance from human
activity, because the impacts to multiple
individuals’ health and fitness are
quickly reflected in the overall fitness of
the population.
Spinner dolphins also exhibit
spatially and temporally constrained
behavioral patterns in their daily cycle
that likely make it more difficult to
compensate for high levels of
disturbance. Spinner dolphins are
reported to have high fidelity to specific
daytime resting and evening foraging
areas and reside in these areas during
certain times of the day (Norris & Dohl
1980; Norris et al. 1994; Benoit-Bird &
Au 2009; Thorne et al. 2012; Tyne et al.
2015). This spatially and temporally
constrained behavioral strategy allows
spinners dolphins to both forage
efficiently and limit their risk of
predation while resting (Johnston 2014).
Disruption to essential behaviors (e.g.,
resting) by human activity drive
individuals to respond by either moving
away from the disturbance to continue
the behavior somewhere else, or
remaining in the area as an attempt to
continue the behavior, despite the
disturbance. The ability of a population
to adapt and persist through a
disturbance is a measure of its resilience
(Hollins 1973), and populations that are
more constrained, like the islandassociated stocks of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins, are less resilient to
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disturbance than populations that
exhibit more flexible behavioral
strategies (Lusseau et al. 2009).
Accordingly, the rigid daily cycle of
small resident spinner dolphin
populations of the MHI likely makes
them more vulnerable to negative
impacts from human disturbance (Tyne
et al. 2017).
Disturbances to dolphins’ daily
behavioral patterns may result in
‘‘take,’’ as defined and prohibited under
the MMPA and its implementing
regulations, and the chronic nature of
these problems in Hawai‘i and observed
changes to spinner dolphin behavioral
patterns over time are a cause for
concern. Prohibiting approach within 50
yards (45.7 m) of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins and eliminating swim-with
activities is expected to minimize
disturbance that would result in take.
This regulation adopts a 50 yard (45.7
m) approach buffer around spinner
dolphins, which is consistent with wellestablished national and regional
guidelines, including the recommended
viewing distance for the Dolphin
SMART program, our regional
Responsible Marine Wildlife Viewing
Guidelines (publicly available at https://
marine-life-viewing-guidelines/viewingmarine-wildlife-hawaii), and our
national viewing guidelines for
dolphins and porpoises (publicly
available at https://www.fisheries.
The 50 yard (45.7 m) approach
regulation, which includes a prohibition
on swimming with dolphins, is
intended to reduce the degree of
behavioral disruption from close
approaches by vessels and swimmers,
while placing the least restrictive
burden on the viewing public. As
indicated in the proposed rule (81 FR
57854, August 24, 2016) and the FEIS,
research indicates that spinner dolphins
exhibit changes and disruptions to
natural behaviors from close approach
by swimmers (Danil et al. 2005, Courbis
and Timmel 2008) and that swimmer
presence within 150 m (approximately
164 yards) reduces the likelihood of
spinner dolphins being in a resting state
(Symons 2013, Johnston et al. 2014).
Approach by vessels and watercraft
have also been shown to disrupt and
alter spinner dolphin behavior (Ross
2001, Forest 2001, Timmel et al. 2008).
In the MHI, several studies note that
close approach by vessels disrupt
dolphin behaviors at various distances
ranging from 10 m to 300 m (Forest
2001, Timmel et al. 2008). At Midway
Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian
Islands, Ross (2001) found that spinner
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dolphins were affected by vessel
presence at distances as great as 500 m
and that the effects increased as the
distance decreased. Although Johnson et
al.’s (2013) work in the MHI found the
likelihood that dolphins were resting
was higher when vessels were present
between 50 and 150 m, they noted that
these results may be influenced by the
fact that vessels were present in
proximity to the dolphins most of the
It is possible that implementing an
approach restriction at a greater distance
(e.g., 100 or 150 yards (91.4 or 137.1 m))
could provide better protection from
disturbance. However, we also
recognized that not all approaches
within 100 or 150 yards (91.4 or 137.1
m) result in take of spinner dolphins,
and that swimmers may have difficulty
judging and achieving greater distances
around these animals because spinner
dolphins are fast moving and relatively
small (81 FR 57862, August 24, 2016).
We have therefore determined that a 50
yard (45.7 m) approach distance is
appropriate, as this will provide
increased protection and safety for these
spinner dolphins, has been a
recommended viewing distance in longlasting regional and national guidelines,
and will not unreasonably restrict the
public from observing these animals.
We caution that disruptive human
behaviors can still result in take at
distances greater than 50 yards (45.7 m),
and that compliance with the 50 yard
(45.7 m) requirement does not
necessarily absolve those behaviors
from enforcement action
Marine wildlife viewing can be a
powerful tool to promote species
awareness and conservation. Dolphin
and whale watching experiences
provide an avenue for the public to
learn about conservation issues and
increase empathy towards these animals
(Wilson & Tisdell 2002; Wiener 2016).
Implementing a 50 yard approach rule
will still allow the wildlife viewing
public to experience spinner dolphins
in a way that will minimize disturbance
to the animals’ natural behaviors. These
safe encounters, particularly if coupled
with educational interpretation and/or
trained tour guides, will likely benefit
spinner dolphin conservation and bring
an awareness to conservation issues for
other protected marine species.
Changes From Proposed Rule
In a proposed rule published on
August 24, 2016 (81 FR 57854), we
proposed a regulation under the MMPA
to prohibit (with exceptions) swimming
with and approaching a Hawaiian
spinner dolphin within 50 yards (45.7
m) (for persons, vessels, and objects),
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
including approach by interception,
within 2 nmi of the MHI and designated
waters in between the islands of La¯na‘i,
Maui, and Kaho‘olawe. This proposed
rule was published along with a DEIS
describing alternative actions and
announcements for six public hearings
occurring in September 2016.
There are a number of changes that
were made to this proposed rule
following the public input process and
the review of new data. These changes
are outlined in the following
In the proposed rule, we refer to the
‘‘designated waters in between the
islands of La¯na‘i, Maui, and
Kaho‘olawe.’’ In the final rule we
changed the text to read, ‘‘designated
waters bounded by the islands of La¯na‘i,
Maui, and Kaho‘olawe.’’ This change
does not alter the boundaries of the area
described in the proposed rule.
In the proposed rule, we specified
that the rule was applicable in all waters
within 2 nmi of the MHI and in all
waters located between the islands of
La¯na‘i, Maui, and Kaho‘olawe.
In the final rule, we specify that the
rule was applicable in all waters within
2 nautical miles (nmi) of the main
Hawaiian Islands, and in all waters
bounded by the islands of La¯na‘i, Maui,
and Kaho‘olawe.
In the proposed rule, we listed six
exceptions to this rule:
(1) Any person who inadvertently
comes within 50 yards (45.7 m) of a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin or is
approached by a spinner dolphin,
provided the person makes no effort to
engage or pursue the animal and takes
immediate steps to move away from the
(2) Any vessel that is underway and
is approached by a Hawaiian spinner
dolphin, provided the vessel continues
normal navigation and makes no effort
to engage or pursue the animal. For
purposes of this exception, a vessel is
defined as a watercraft or other artificial
contrivance used, or capable of being
used, as a means of transportation on
water (1 U.S.C. 3); a vessel is underway
if it is not at anchor, made fast to the
shore, or aground;
(3) Any vessel transiting to or from a
port, harbor, or in a restricted channel
when a 50 yard distance will not allow
the vessel to maintain safe navigation;
(4) Vessel operations necessary to
avoid an imminent and serious threat to
a person or vessel;
(5) Activities authorized through a
permit or authorization issued by the
National Marine Fisheries Service to
take Hawaiian spinner dolphins; and
(6) Federal, state, or local government
vessels, aircraft, personnel, and assets
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when necessary in the course of
performing official duties.
Upon review of the comments
received during the public comment
period, we decided to add two
exceptions for: (1) Vessels that are
anchored or aground and approached by
spinner dolphins, provided they do not
make any effort to engage or pursue the
animal(s), and (2) commercial fishing
vessels that incidentally take spinner
dolphins during the course of
commercial fishing operations, provided
such vessels operate in compliance with
a valid marine mammal authorization in
accordance with MMPA Section 118(c).
This change is fully described below in
the response to Comment 6.
In response to a public comment, we
also amended exception (2) to read
‘‘Any vessel that is underway and is
approached by a Hawaiian spinner
dolphin, provided the vessel continues
normal navigation and makes no effort
to engage or pursue the animal.’’ This
amendment to the exception, adds
‘‘Hawaiian’’ to spinner dolphins to
specify the island-associated stocks of
spinner dolphins that are found near the
MHI and are considered resident stocks.
Current MMPA Prohibitions and NMFS
Guidelines and Regulations
Under section 102 of the MMPA, 16
U.S.C. 1361 et seq., it is unlawful for
any person, vessel, or other conveyance
to ‘‘take’’ any marine mammal in waters
under the jurisdiction of the United
States (16 U.S.C. 1372). The prohibition
against take includes acts that ‘‘harass’’
marine mammals (16 U.S.C. 1362(13)).
Harassment means any act of pursuit,
torment, or annoyance which has the
potential to injure a marine mammal in
the wild (Level A Harassment), or has
the potential to disturb a marine
mammal in the wild by causing
disruption of behavioral patterns,
including, but not limited to, migration,
breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or
sheltering (Level B Harassment) (16
U.S.C. 1362 (18); see also 50 CFR 216.3).
In addition, NMFS’ regulations
implementing the MMPA further define
the term ‘‘take’’ to include ‘‘the
negligent or intentional operation of an
aircraft or vessel, or the doing of any
other negligent or intentional act which
results in disturbing or molesting a
marine mammal; and feeding or
attempting to feed a marine mammal in
the wild’’ (50 CFR 216.3).
Section 112 of the MMPA authorizes
NOAA to implement regulations that are
‘‘necessary and appropriate to carry out
the purpose’’ of the MMPA (16 U.S.C.
1382). NMFS has developed regulations
under the MMPA to protect marine
mammals from take. An example of this
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type of regulation is a 100 yard (91.4 m)
approach limit for humpback whales
within 200 nmi of the islands of Hawai‘i
(81 FR 62010; September 8, 2021). This
regulation also prohibits approach by
interception and prohibits approach by
aircraft within 1,000 feet (304.8 m). In
addition to regulations, NMFS has
developed national and regional
guidelines for conducting responsible
marine wildlife viewing to help the
public avoid causing any take
(harassment or disturbance) of protected
wildlife species. The NMFS Pacific
Islands Regional Office’s viewing
guidelines for Hawai‘i recommend that
people view wild dolphins from a safe
distance of at least 50 yards (45.7 m)
and advise against trying to chase,
closely approach, surround, swim with,
or touch the animals. To support the
guidelines in Hawai‘i, NMFS has
partnered with the State of Hawai‘i and
the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale
National Marine Sanctuary over the past
several years to promote safe and
responsible wildlife viewing practices
through the development of outreach
materials, training workshops, signage,
and public service announcements. See
the proposed rule for more examples
and discussion of additional regulations
and guidelines.
Need for Additional Action
Despite the prohibitions, guidelines,
outreach, and stewardship efforts
currently in place, close interactions
between humans and spinner dolphins
continue to occur in Hawai‘i’s waters
(see Background and the proposed rule
for more discussion). Based on
extensive review and analysis through
internal scoping, external scoping via an
ANPR (70 FR 73426, December 12,
2005), public scoping for the DEIS, the
best available scientific information,
and public comments on the proposed
rule, we have determined that the
existing prohibitions, regulations, and
guidelines need to be strengthened to
protect Hawaiian spinner dolphins from
various forms of take from human
activities that cause harassment or
disturbance. Despite the existing
regulations and guidelines, chronic
disturbance to spinner dolphins
continues to occur and additional action
is required to protect spinner dolphins
from take. We therefore deem it
necessary and appropriate to adopt
additional regulations to protect
Hawaiian spinner dolphins from
activities that result in take, including
harassment or other forms of
disturbance as currently defined by
0statute and regulation.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
Development of the Regulation
In 2005, NMFS convened a Spinner
Dolphin Working Group with
representatives from the MMC, state and
Federal agencies, and scientific
researchers who work on spinner
dolphin conservation concerns. The
group evaluated the best available
information at the time to understand
the scope of the tourist and recreational
activities targeting spinner dolphins. In
December 2005, we published an ANPR
in the Federal Register (70 FR 73426,
December 12, 2005) to solicit input from
the public on potential ways to enhance
protections for spinner dolphins and
mitigate activities of concern (e.g., close
approach and swim-with activities).
This was followed by a Notice of Intent
(NOI) to Prepare an EIS under the
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) (71 FR 57923; October 2, 2006),
in which we identified a preliminary
list of potential regulations for future
consideration and comment, which
included partial time-area closures in
certain spinner dolphin essential
daytime habitats, a minimum distance
limit for approaching dolphins in the
wild, restrictions on certain human
behaviors in NMFS-identified spinner
dolphin resting areas, and complete
closure of all known spinner dolphin
resting areas in the MHI.
During the ANPR and the NOI
comment periods, five public scoping
meetings were held on the islands of
Kaua‘i, O‘ahu, Maui, and Hawai‘i, and
oral statements were taken at each
meeting. NMFS received a combined
total of 4,641 public comments in
response to the ANPR and the NOI (this
includes all emails, letters, and public
testimonies). Comments were submitted
by concerned citizens, tour operators,
scientific researchers, conservation and
education groups, and Federal, state,
and other government entities.
Comments received throughout both
public comment periods varied widely
and recommended numerous actions to
consider, ranging from no regulations to
permanent closure of areas used by the
dolphins for rest and shelter.
Additionally, public comments raised
concerns about various topics that
should be addressed in the EIS or
proposed action. These concerns are
grouped by topic in the final scoping
report, and include the following:
Hawaiian spinner dolphin biology and
behavior; cultural issues; cumulative
effects; data/data gaps; direct and
indirect effects; education/outreach;
enforcement; guidelines/solutions for
other species or from other countries;
human-dolphin interaction; medical
benefits from swimming with dolphins;
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the MMPA; monitoring; the NEPA;
public and stakeholder involvement;
regulatory regime; social and economic
issues; spiritual and religious issues;
take and harassment; traditional
Hawaiian knowledge; and welfare of the
dolphins. Although comments varied
greatly, a consistent theme was the need
for effective and enforceable regulations.
As a result of stakeholder concerns
expressed through these public
comments, and to prepare the proposed
rule and associated DEIS, we made
multiple site visits to areas where
concerns have been raised regarding
Hawaiian spinner dolphin disturbance
in the MHI. During these visits, we met
with concerned members of the public
to gather information relevant to this
analysis. Additionally, we coordinated
with state and Federal agencies, and
used the public comments generated
from the ANPR and NOI to develop a
range of actions and mitigation
measures that are reflected in numerous
alternatives considered in the DEIS.
Presentations made at the public
scoping meetings, the April 2007 EIS
public scoping summary report, a list of
the attendees, the ANPR, public
comments, and background materials
are provided at https://www.fisheries.
During the initial scoping period for
the DEIS, we received comments that
recommended gathering additional
information on Hawaiian spinner
dolphins, including monitoring local
populations to determine impacts to
numbers and overall health of the MHI
resident spinner dolphins. In response
to this recommendation and to inform
this rulemaking effort, NMFS internal
grant funding was awarded to the
‘‘Spinner Dolphin Acoustics, Population
Parameters, and Human Impact
Research’’ (SAPPHIRE) project,
conducted jointly by Duke University
and Murdoch University between
September 2010 and December 2012.
The SAPPHIRE project’s objective was
to provide baseline data on the local
abundance, distribution, and behavior
of spinner dolphins at four bays on
Hawai’i Island to assess spinner dolphin
daytime habitat use and resting
behavior, residency and fidelity patterns
in nearshore habitats spinner dolphin
exposure to human activities, and
spinner dolphin demographic response
to human activities.
Results from this study provided
robust population estimates for the
Hawai‘i Island stock (see Background),
as well as additional information about
spinner dolphin habitat use and the
pressure that this resident stock faces
from dolphin-directed human activities.
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Many of the results from the SAPPHIRE
project have been published in scientific
literature and scientific reports and
were used to inform this rulemaking
process (Thorne et al. 2012, Johnston et
al. 2013, Heenehan et al. 2014,
Heenehan et al. 2016, Heenehan et al.
2017, Tyne et al. 2014, Tyne 2015, Tyne
et al. 2015, Tyne et al. 2016, Tyne et al.
2017, Tyne et al. 2018). Many of these
studies are described in detail in the
proposed rule and the Background
section above.
We relied on the public comments on
the ANPR and the NOI, and on the best
available scientific information to
develop a range of regulatory and nonregulatory alternatives in the DEIS,
including the No Action alternative of
not adopting regulations. We analyzed
the environmental effects of these
alternatives and considered options for
mitigating effects. After a preliminary
analysis of alternatives, we developed
and analyzed the effects of the swimwith and 50 yard (45.7 m) approach
regulation, which also includes no
interception (i.e., ‘‘leapfrogging’’ or
placing a person or vessel in the path of
dolphins for the purpose of
Proposed Rulemaking
On August 24, 2016, we proposed a
regulation under the MMPA to prohibit
swimming with and approaching a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin within 50
yards (45.7 m) (for persons, vessels, and
objects), including approach by
interception. The proposed regulatory
measures were intended to prevent take
of Hawaiian spinner dolphins,
including harassment and disturbance,
from occurring in marine areas where
viewing pressures are most prevalent.
Prohibitions would apply in waters
within 2 nm (3.7 km) of the MHI and in
the waters bounded by the islands of
La¯na‘i, Maui, and Kaho‘olawe. The
proposed rule also included exemptions
for certain activities. We published the
proposed rule in the Federal Register
and requested public comment on the
proposed regulation, the draft EIS, and
supporting documents. The public
comment period ended on October 23,
2016; however, in response to multiple
requests from the public, the comment
period was later extended until
December 1, 2016 (81 FR 80629,
November 16, 2016). We held six public
hearings occurring in September 2016
across the State of Hawai‘i. During the
public hearings, 145 people provided
recorded, oral testimony on the
proposed rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
Comments and Responses to Comments
on the Proposed Rule
Throughout the public comment
period, NMFS received 22,031 written
submissions via letter, email, and the
Federal eRulemaking Portal, in addition
to the 145 oral testimonies received
during the public hearings described
above. Of these comments, 2,294 were
unique, with anywhere from two to
17,000 near-duplicates of each.
Additionally, NMFS received a letter
supporting swim-with and approach
regulations submitted by Kama‘a¯ina
¯ ina (KUPA)—
United to Protect the ‘A
Friends of Ho‘okena Beach Park
(Kauhako¯ Bay), which contained over
285 names and signatures. Comments
were submitted by individuals;
research, conservation, and education
groups; trade and industry associations;
tour and retreat operators and
participants; and Federal, state, and
local government entities. We posted all
written comments received during the
comment period on the Federal
eRulemaking Portal (https://
We have considered all public
comments and provide responses to all
significant issues raised by commenters
that are associated with the proposed
rulemaking. Comments and issues have
been aggregated into the comment
summaries below in an order that
similar assertions, suggested alternatives
or actions, data, and clarifications are
addressed together. We have not
responded to comments or concerns
outside the scope of this rulemaking,
which is to prevent take of Hawaiian
spinner dolphins caused by viewing and
interaction pressures. Many of the
written and oral comments from
individual members of the public were
short or general statements that (1)
expressed support for the proposed
regulation and/or spinner dolphin
conservation in general, (2) expressed
disagreement with the proposed
regulation, or (3) expressed
disagreement with all regulations
prohibiting human interaction with
dolphins in general. We did not respond
to comments expressing general support
or opposition. In addition, we did not
respond to anecdotes that many people
shared regarding their personal
experiences swimming with the
dolphins, nor to anecdotes that were
shared about witnessing human users
harassing spinner dolphins in coastal
bays, unless they were accompanied by
specific information or comment on the
proposed rule. The following comment
summaries and agency responses are
organized by the issue categories we
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identified in the proposed rule for
public comment, with three issue
categories added at the end because they
did not fit squarely in one of the
categories in the proposed rule.
Effects of the Increasing Number of
Human Interactions With Hawaiian
Spinner Dolphins
Comment 1: Many commenters raised
questions about the scientific
information used to support the spinner
dolphin protections in this rule.
Scientific information on the impacts of
close approach was called biased,
inconclusive, incomplete, or wrong.
Some commenters noted their personal
observations were not consistent with
the published studies, asserting that
they have not seen spinner dolphins
changing their behavior in response to
vessels and swimmers, nor have they
seen spinner dolphin populations
decreasing. Additionally, some
commenters suggested that scientific
studies are not complete since most peer
reviewed studies include shore-based or
vessel-based observations as opposed to
underwater observations.
Response: We relied on the best
available science to develop a regulation
to improve protections for spinner
dolphins in Hawai‘i. The majority of
information used to develop the
proposed rule, DEIS, and FEIS came
from peer reviewed scientific
publications. To a lesser extent, we used
unpublished data, personal accounts,
and other anecdotal information. We
gave greater weight to empirical studies
published in scientific journals than to
personal observation and interpretation
because such scientific studies use
established scientific methods, test
hypotheses, employ statistical analyses,
and have been peer reviewed. These
steps in the scientific process reduce the
potential for bias in results. Reviewing
best-available information from multiple
independent scientists limits concerns
about potential bias related to any one
researcher, and provides a complete,
robust set of information from which a
decision can be made. Reported
behavioral changes observed in
scientific studies may not be obvious to
an observer who is not systematically
observing the behavioral patterns that
support spinner dolphins throughout
the day.
Many independent scientists studying
Hawaiian spinner dolphins have
reported changes in spinner dolphin
behavior or reduced time spent engaging
in resting behavior when in the
presence of human activity (Norris et al.
1994; Lammers 2004; Danil et al. 2005;
Courbis 2007; Courbis and Timmel
2009; Timmel et al. 2008; Forest 2001;
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Heenehan et al. 2017; Ostman-Lind et
al. 2004; Ostman-Lind 2009; Thorne et
al. 2012; and Wiener 2016). These
studies show a clear trend that certain
types of human activity, especially
dolphin-directed activity, can disturb
spinner dolphins by disrupting
behavioral patterns, to a degree that is
considered Level B harassment under
the MMPA.
Additionally, we relied on studies
that investigated the biological and
population-wide impacts of human
disturbance to other dolphin and marine
mammal populations around the world.
As indicated in the sections above, high
levels of exposure to human activities
have had deleterious impacts on other
analogous dolphins and marine
mammal species, including habitat
abandonment, reduced female
reproductive success, impeded activity
and energy budgeting, and increased
vigilance (Bejder 2005; Bejder et al.
2006a, 2006b; Lusseau and Bejder 2007;
Williams et al. 2006; Lusseau 2003;
Johnston 2014). Several spinner dolphin
researchers have also argued that
spinner dolphins are at a higher risk of
experiencing negative biological
impacts because they are much more
vulnerable to human disturbance than
other marine mammal populations, as
previously stated (Danil et al. 2005;
Bejder 2005; Tyne et al. 2017; Tyne et
al. 2018).
A few commenters referenced a study
by Tyne (2015) in Hawai‘i Island resting
bays that claimed he did not observe a
significant effect from human activity
on the probability of spinner dolphins
resting, socializing, or traveling, and
that spinner dolphins have become
habituated and/or tolerant to human
activity. Tyne concluded, however, that
the absence of a measurable impact was
likely because the high levels of
exposure to human activity (82.7
percent within 100 m) and the brief time
periods between exposures (median
duration of 10 minutes) within these
bays did not allow an adequate level of
control data (i.e., data collected when no
human activity was present). The author
claims that this level of exposure to
human activity is higher than any other
studied dolphin population in the
world, and several other studies on
Hawaiian spinner dolphins have
observed a disruption in resting
behavioral patterns from human
activities (Forest 2001; Danil et al. 2005;
Courbis 2007; Courbis 2008; Timmel et
al. 2008). In a subsequent publication,
Tyne and his co-authors suggested that
spinner dolphins did not have enough
time in between exposures to human
activity to regress into pre-disturbed
resting behavior, and the observed
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
resting behavior was one of a more
vigilant nature and may not represent a
natural resting state (Tyne et al. 2018).
The authors concluded that vigilance
decrement (i.e., physical and cognitive
fatigue from inadequate rest from a
vigilant state) experienced by spinner
dolphins may impair cognitive and
decision-making abilities. Resting and
abating vigilance decrement is
particularly crucial for spinner dolphin
survival because spinner dolphins
require complex cooperative strategies
and coordination between individuals
to forage and avoid predation. Although
spinner dolphins may appear to
‘‘tolerate’’ close human activity, the
authors argue that spinner dolphins may
decide that it is less costly to remain in
areas where they are frequently
disturbed and may experience constant
vigilance, as opposed to an alternate
undisturbed site that would make them
more vulnerable to predation. Even
though spinner dolphins may appear to
be habituated or tolerant to human
activity, their continued residence in
these areas is likely due to the lack of
suitable, undisturbed habitats, and,
therefore, the dolphins are subject to
endure high levels of disturbance (Tyne
et al. 2018).
Several spinner dolphin studies
utilize multiple data collection
techniques to observe dolphin behavior
in the presence of human users and
vessels, including shore-based
observations, vessel-based observations,
and in-water passive acoustic
monitoring. Additionally, Wiener (2016)
conducted in-water surveys of human
and dolphin behaviors using Go-Pro
cameras at 14 known spinner dolphin
resting sites and found that humans
exhibited aggressive behaviors (defined
as active pursuit of interaction by
chasing, diving, or deliberate approach)
while interacting with dolphins 27
percent of their in-water time.
Combined, the above studies provide
multiple lines of evidence regarding
certain vessel and swimmer activities
that can potentially disturb and disrupt
behavioral patterns of spinner dolphins,
which is considered take by Level B
harassment under the MMPA.
Additionally, while underwater
observations can yield insights into
dolphin mating behaviors, they are not
required to record evidence of
disturbance, as disturbance can be seen
in acoustic activity of dolphins, as well
as behaviors visible from shore and from
vessels. An overview of the scientific
literature used in our decision making is
available in the FEIS, section 1.4
‘‘Scientific evidence of impacts of small
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cetaceans caused by human
We do not base this rule on
population decline. The MMPA
prohibits harassment of any marine
mammal and additional measures are
necessary to minimize harassment and
prevent take from occurring. It is not
possible to gain a thorough
understanding of spinner dolphin
abundance from observations in one or
two bays. Factors such as habitat
displacement, the movement of prey
species in offshore waters, or season can
account for increases or decreases in the
number of spinner dolphins observed
using a particular bay. Analysis of longterm trends has not been conducted
with the available data because the
methods used for spinner dolphin
abundance surveys throughout the last
several decades were not consistent, and
are, therefore, difficult to compare.
Although the most recent survey
suggested a potential decline in the
Hawai‘i Island stock from earlier
studies, the research conducted in the
1980s did not include year-round
surveys and used different methods and
a different survey area than more recent
2010–2011 surveys (Norris et al. 1994;
Tyne et al. 2014; SAR 2019). However,
more recent survey studies, such as
surveys conducted in the SAPPHIRE
project, provide baseline data that can
be compared to future survey studies to
analyze a long-term population
abundance trend. That said, other
investigations have examined the
relationship between cumulative vessel
exposure and female dolphin
reproductive success. For example,
Bejder (2005 and 2006a) observed
bottlenose dolphins and cautioned that
dolphin tourism has potential for longterm consequences on female dolphin
productivity, and that impacts may be
amplified for small, closed, or isolated,
resident cetacean populations. While
Bejder does not focus his studies on
spinner dolphins, it is important to note
here that Hawaiian spinner dolphins fit
the description of small, closed, or
isolated, resident cetacean populations.
It is important to note that evidence
of a decline in population abundance or
adverse physiological or reproductive
impacts are not a requirement when
classifying which human actions are
considered harassment under the
MMPA. The statute characterizes Level
B harassment as certain human acts (i.e.,
pursuit, torment, or annoyance) that
have the potential to disturb a marine
mammal by disrupting behavioral
patterns. Studies that provide clear
evidence of this phenomenon with
Hawaiian spinner dolphins have been
thoroughly referenced in the
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Background section. The threshold for
Level B harassment does not require
evidence of adverse biological or
population-wide impacts. However, we
do assert that human activities that
cause disruption of behavioral patterns
could be adversely impacting Hawaiian
spinner dolphins, similar to what is
referenced in the aforementioned
studies on other analogous small
cetacean populations. Therefore, we
have decided to implement additional
protections for Hawaiian spinner
dolphins to minimize take that we know
is currently occurring, even though we
recognize that there is not clear
evidence of population decline or
adverse biological impacts. This
precautionary approach is the best way
to protect and conserve Hawaiian
spinner dolphin populations and is
necessary in order for NMFS to comply
with our statutory requirement under
the MMPA.
Proposed Prohibited and Exempted
Comment 2: One commenter stated he
is against commercial swim-withdolphin programs and proposed a 5-year
moratorium on all commercial aspects
of swimming with dolphins. Several
commenters suggested that commercial
swim-with-dolphin operators need to be
regulated/restricted but are not in favor
of limiting non-motorized vessels or
individuals’ rights to swim with the
dolphins. Commenters suggested that
approach distance regulations should
only be applied to commercial tour
operators, rather than individual
swimmers. One commenter noted that
large boatloads of people cause most of
the trouble for spinner dolphins.
Additionally, one commenter suggested
that the 50 yard (45.7 m) approach
distance only apply within designated
essential daytime habitats.
Response: First, we note that all of our
alternatives, except the no action
alternative, would prohibit swimming
with dolphins. One reason for this is
that, while commercial operations may
occur at a larger scale and may appear
to be more egregious, scientific studies
have shown that any vessel or person
approaching near dolphins has the
potential to disturb and change their
behavior (Forest 2001, Courbis and
Timmel 2008, Ostman-Lind et al. 2004,
Courbis 2004). This can result in take
which is prohibited under the MMPA.
The regulation is written to apply to any
person or vessel that approaches a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin within 50
yards (45.7 m).
As noted in the proposed rule, DEIS,
and FEIS, Hawaiian spinner dolphin
take (including harassment and
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
disturbance) is not a problem that is
specific to one ocean user group or one
area of the Hawaiian Islands. Taking
Hawaiian spinner dolphins occurs as a
result of close approach by a variety of
ocean users, including commercial tour
operators, non-commercial motorized
and non-motorized vessels, and
swimmers in many areas of Hawai‘i’s
nearshore waters (see section 3.1.8 of
the FEIS describing the Affected
Environment and targeted areas across
the MHI). There are multiple studies
that have attempted to analyze how the
presence of swimmers, independent of
vessels, can disturb the natural behavior
of spinner dolphins, including changes
in resting patterns, avoidance behavior,
changes in direction, aerial behavior
patterns (Danil et al. 2005; Courbis
2004; Courbis 2007; Timmel et al. 2008;
Johnston et al. 2013). While tour
operations may be the primary cause of
disturbance in some areas (e.g., Makako
Bay), in other areas, shore-based
swimmers or recreational users are the
primary concern (e.g., Kauhako¯ Bay).
Therefore, we apply these prohibitions
designed to limit take to all user groups.
Although specific essential daytime
habitats are often targeted for close
approach activities, spinner dolphins
may travel among these areas and be
found in many nearshore locations
throughout the day. We are concerned
that applying approach limits only
within certain heavily-used areas will
displace human interactions with
dolphins to other areas. In addition, in
some areas, dolphins do not
predominantly use discrete bays for
their resting habitat as they do in other
locations. For example, the 10-fathom
isobath off O‘ahu’s west coast was
nicknamed the ‘‘spinner expressway’’
because dolphins are often found
moving back and forth between sites
throughout the day. Only protecting
discrete areas would leave the dolphins
vulnerable to take in areas outside of
designated essential daytime habitats.
Comment 3: Some commenters
claimed harassment of spinner dolphins
is not a problem because swimmers and
tour operators police themselves.
Response: Several studies suggest that
Hawaiian spinner dolphins are regularly
being disturbed by human activities,
especially in known resting areas
(Norris et al. 1994; Lammers 2004; Danil
et al. 2005; Courbis 2007; Courbis and
Timmel 2009; Timmel et al. 2008;
Forest 2001; Heenehan et al. 2017;
Ostman-Lind et al. 2004; Ostman-Lind
2009; Thorne et al. 2012; and Wiener
2016). Further, the swim-with-dolphin
tour industry has grown tremendously
over the last decade (Wiener, 2016),
thus exacerbating such disturbance.
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Individual and tour self-policing may
help limit harassment, but it has not
been sufficient to avoid negative effects
to the dolphins and, given the potential
for long-term impacts, such as habitat
displacement, adverse impacts to
reproductive fitness, and population
declines, there is a need for enhancing
protections beyond self-policing.
Comment 4: One commenter argued
that the Federal government does not
have authority to regulate coastal
waters. The commenter argues that this
is a local issue, and should be governed
by local government authorities.
Response: NMFS disagrees. These
regulations apply in specified areas of
U.S. navigable waters surrounding the
State of Hawaii. Under sections 102(a)
and 103 of the MMPA, NMFS may
enforce regulations prohibiting take of
marine mammals by any person, vessel,
or conveyance in waters, lands, ports,
harbors and other places under the
jurisdiction of the United States.
Additionally, as described in a
November 16, 2016 letter NMFS
received from the State of Hawai‘i DLNR
following publication of the 2016
proposed rule, the State supports
implementation of regulations to
prohibit swimming with or approaching
a Hawaiian spinner dolphin within 50
Comment 5: Some commenters
expressed concern that exceptions #1
and #2 in the proposed rule (which
provide exceptions for people who
inadvertently come within 50 yards
(45.7 m) of a dolphin or are approached
by a dolphin, and for vessels that are
underway and approached by a dolphin,
provided the person or vessel makes no
effort to engage the dolphin and
continues normal navigation) will
‘‘hollow-out’’ the rule and specifically
make enforcement difficult as it will
allow those approaching dolphins
within 50 yards (45.7 m) to claim that
the animal approached them.
Additionally, commenters asked how
NMFS will distinguish between an
interaction that was inadvertent and one
that was purposeful. One commenter
suggested that subsection (d) of the
proposed rule ‘‘affirmative defense’’ be
eliminated in its entirety because it
places too much burden on a vessel
operator and makes the exceptions
difficult to successfully invoke.
Response: In developing this rule,
NMFS understood that spinner
dolphins, as fast-moving marine
mammals, may approach swimmers and
boaters who, through no fault of their
own, are placed in apparent violation of
the 50-yard approach regulation. NMFS
intends this rule to deter humans from
approaching and disturbing spinner
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dolphins; it is not intended to punish
individuals who come into inadvertent
contact with spinners and then take all
necessary and appropriate action to
withdraw. While we appreciate that
some individuals might abuse this
defense, we believe that the NOAA
enforcement proceeding is the
appropriate forum for resolving these
questions on a case by case basis.
Comment 6: We received comments
requesting specific exemptions from this
proposed rule for fishing vessels. In
particular, Hawai‘i Fishermen’s Alliance
for Conservation and Tradition (HFACT)
requested that NMFS consider the
following exception, ‘‘Any fishing
vessel that is anchored or adrift and is
approached by a spinner dolphin,
provided the vessel makes no effort to
engage or pursue the animal.’’ In
addition, the Hawai‘i Longline
Association (HLA) noted that the
longline fisheries do not threaten
spinner dolphins with ‘‘chronic
disturbance’’ and that, to the extent that
the fisheries could interact with spinner
dolphins, these interactions are already
regulated under the MMPA. To
minimize confusion for these
commercial fishing vessel operators,
HLA requested an exemption for
‘‘vessels that are duly licensed to fish in
the Hawai‘i-based commercial longline
Response: In response to this
comment, the final rule clarifies that
this prohibition does not apply to a
commercial fishing vessel that
incidentally takes a spinner dolphin
during the course of commercial fishing
operations, provided such vessel
operates in compliance with a valid
marine mammal authorization in
accordance with MMPA Section 118(c).
See exception (8) in the final
regulations. Regarding HFACT’s
requested exception, a vessel that is
adrift is, in accordance with COLREGS
Rule 3, a vessel underway powered by
the prevailing current, a scenario which
is included in exception (2). However,
HFACT has identified that a vessel at
anchor may not be able to avoid coming
within 50 yards (45.7 m) of spinner
dolphins if approached by these
animals, and we agree that this scenario
should be included in the exceptions to
prohibitions. As a result, we have added
an exception to the final rule, which
exempts any vessel that is anchored or
aground and is approached by a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin, provided the
vessel makes no effort to engage or
pursue the animal (50 CFR 216.20
(c)(5)). We believe that the addition of
this exception will not affect the overall
purpose of this rule and will provide
allowances for vessels that are not
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
engaged in dolphin-directed activities,
but find themselves within 50 yards
(45.7 m) of approaching animals.
Additional information is included in
the Changes from Proposed Rule section
later in this rule.
Comment 7: Several commenters
suggested that, as part of this regulation,
NMFS should require all vessels to
participate in the Dolphin SMART
program and should include Dolphin
SMART guidelines in the regulation.
One particular commenter stated that
they operate a tour company that
follows Dolphin SMART guidelines and
has successfully maintained a stable
Response: This regulation adopts a 50
yard (45.7 m) approach buffer around
spinner dolphins, which is the same
approach distance recommended by the
Dolphin SMART program, our regional
Responsible Marine Wildlife Viewing
Guidelines (publicly available at https://
marine-life-viewing-guidelines/viewingmarine-wildlife-hawaii), and our
national guidelines for dolphins and
porpoises (publicly available at https://
www.fisheries.noaa.gov/topic/marinelife-viewing-guidelines#guidelines-&distances). While we appreciate the
commenters’ support of the Dolphin
SMART program, this program is a
voluntary recognition and education
program designed specifically for tour
operators and is not appropriate for all
vessels, including fishing vessels and
personal recreational vessels. For
instance, guidelines such as those
requiring vessels to engage in
responsible advertising and to provide
outreach materials on responsible
viewing to customers may not be
applicable to private vessels. Therefore,
we support maintaining the Dolphin
SMART program as part of a separate
spinner dolphin conservation effort,
rather than making all of the guidelines
part of this regulation.
Whether 50 Yards Is the Most
Appropriate Distance for Swim-With
and Approach Restrictions To Reduce
Take of Spinner Dolphins
Comment 8: Several commenters
expressed concern that the proposed
rule will be difficult to enforce and will
be easily arguable since the burden will
be on enforcement officials to show that
a human user was within 50 yards (45.7
m) and that a violation occurred.
Commenters also noted that it can be
difficult to judge distance, making it
difficult for people in the water and for
enforcement officials to determine if
people in the water are within 50 yards
(45.7 m).
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Response: Because the rule has an
objective approach distance, we believe
that this rule can be effectively
enforced. This approach prohibition
clarifies protections in the MMPA by
establishing a clear, objective distance
requirement, thus facilitating
enforcement activities while preventing
take of spinner dolphins. NMFS has
implemented 50 yards (45.7 m) as the
recommended viewing distance for
dolphins and small whales at both the
regional and national level for decades,
so this standard will not be a novel
standard for members of the public.
Enforcement officials are experienced at
judging the distances and have
experience through enforcement of
other approach regulations, such as the
100 yard (91.4 m) approach rule for
humpback whales in Hawai‘i (81 FR
62010, September 8, 2016). In addition
to visual observations, enforcement
officials will use other evidence, such as
photographic evidence, video evidence,
and/or eye-witness accounts, when
determining if a violation of the rule
Whether 100 Yards (91.4 m) or Another
Distance is the Most Appropriate
Distance for Swim-With and Approach
Restrictions To Reduce Take of Spinner
Comment 9: We received comments
in favor of decreasing or increasing the
proposed approach distance to lessen
the impact on the viewing industry and
to increase protections for Hawaiian
spinner dolphins, respectively.
Specifically, three commenters
suggested that a 50 yard (45.7 m)
approach distance is too strict, and
would not allow for any dolphin
viewing activities to take place at that
distance. One commenter suggested a 25
yard (22.9 m) approach distance be used
instead, and others suggested 20 yards
(18.3 m) or even 10 yards (9.1 m). Over
17,900 commenters suggested that a 100
yard (91.4 m) approach distance is more
appropriate than 50 yards (45.7 m).
These commenters, many submitting
comments through a form letter, argued
that a 100 yard (91.4 m) approach
distance would be easier to comply with
because it is consistent with the
humpback whale approach rule in
Hawaiian waters (81 FR 62018,
September 8, 2016). Commenters argued
that this consistency would lead to
greater compliance and easier
enforcement. Additionally, commenters
argued that a 100 yard (91.4 m) buffer
zone would provide spinner dolphins in
Hawai‘i increased protection from
exposure to human disturbance. Over
2,600 commenters suggested that 150
yards (137.1 m) is a more appropriate
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buffer distance because it conforms to
scientific evidence that dolphins can
detect a disturbance within 150 yards
(137.1 m). Several commenters
suggested different approach distances
based on the type of human user or the
location. Finally, one commenter
claimed that dolphin tour boats on the
Wai’anae coast of O’ahu are chumming
the waters to attract dolphins, honu
(green sea turtles), and fishes, which
also attracts sharks. Therefore, they felt
that 50 yards (45.7 m) is not enough and
that a radius of 1 mile is required so as
to protect humans from what they
perceived as an increased frequency in
shark attacks.
Response: As stated in the rationale of
the proposed rule and in the DEIS, we
selected the 50 yard (45.7 m) approach
regulation because this distance is the
least restrictive measure that still
reduces the threat of take from occurring
(including harassment and disturbance)
to Hawaiian spinner dolphins from
close approaches by vessels and
swimmers. NMFS believes the 50 yard
(45.7 m) distance will still allow for
meaningful dolphin watching
opportunities. The 50 yard (45.7 m)
viewing distance has been
recommended in NOAA’s Watchable
Wildlife Viewing guidelines for many
years and is also used by the Dolphin
SMART program. We disagree that this
distance is overly restrictive, as many
tour operators in Hawai‘i and elsewhere
around the country have been certified
in the Dolphin SMART program and
have been able to run successful
dolphin watching operations while
complying with the 50 yard (45.7 m)
approach distance.
We evaluated the effects of a 50 yard
and 100 yard (91.4 m) approach
distance and discussed scientific
literature regarding other distances. As
indicated in the proposed rule, the FEIS,
and the background section of this rule,
scientific literature indicates that
changes in spinner dolphin behavior are
detectable when vessels or swimmers
are found at distances ranging out as far
as 500 m (Ross 2001, Forest 2001, Danil
et al. 2005, Courbis and Timmel 2008,
Timmel et al. 2008, Symons 2013,
Johnston et al. 2014) and that effects
generally increased as distance from the
dolphins decreased (Ross 2001). We also
recognized that there are scientific
studies indicating that swimmer
presence within 150 m (164 yards)
reduces the likelihood of spinner
dolphins being in a resting state,
although vessel presence within this
distance did not appear to cause
disturbance. This research illustrates the
complexity of the issue and why
selecting one distance that will provide
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
protection from disturbance can be
difficult. However, as described in the
proposed rule, we also recognized that
not all approaches within 100 or 150
yards (91.4 or 137.1 m) are likely to
result in take of spinner dolphins, and
that swimmers may have difficulty
judging and achieving greater distances
around these animals because they are
fast moving and relatively small. In
comparison to viewing distances for
large whales, the 100 yard distance (or
greater) would likely decrease viewers’
ability to actually see spinner dolphins
without using visual aids, such as
binoculars. Although consistency with
the humpback approach regulation
(which prohibits approaching within
100 yards (91.4 m) of humpback whales)
may be easier to remember, and thus
simplify compliance, our selection of 50
yards (45.7 m) was guided by the most
appropriate distance to prevent take of
spinner dolphins from occurring, while
placing the least restrictive burden on
the viewing public. We have therefore
determined that a 50 yard (45.7 m)
approach distance is appropriate, as this
distance will allow people to observe
spinner dolphins, while providing
increased protection and safety for these
Finally, NMFS regulations do prohibit
the feeding of wild dolphins (50 CFR
216.3), so any chumming activity is
properly reported to NMFS Office of
Law Enforcement. These regulations
prohibit feeding and, while not
specifically designed to prevent shark
attacks on humans, should serve as a
deterrent for any person considering
chumming to attract dolphins.
Research Recommendations and
Priorities for Better Understanding How
Human Disturbance Affects Hawaiian
Spinner Dolphins
Comment 10: Several commenters
suggested that we should take different
actions instead of an approach rule,
such as working directly with experts in
dolphin communication, instituting a 2year moratorium on intentional dolphin
interactions at essential daytime resting
habitat, or monitoring the change in
spinner dolphin behavior/population
Response: We agree that additional
research is necessary to better
understand spinner dolphin ecology.
However, we believe that research is a
necessary complement to, and not a
substitute for, regulatory measures to
reduce the impact of take on spinner
dolphins. While we appreciate that
there may be other actions that could be
taken to address take of spinner
dolphins in their resting habitat, we
note that voluntary measures have been
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tried in the past and, while helpful, they
have not been sufficient. We intend to
implement this rule at this time and
monitor its impact.
Comment 11: Several commenters
suggested that monitoring the
effectiveness of the regulation would be
an important step to assess compliance
with the rule. One commenter suggested
that we conduct a review of the rule’s
effectiveness after 2 years, requesting
feedback from local stakeholders. Other
commenters requested that we utilize
‘‘citizen scientists’’ as part of spinner
dolphin monitoring.
Response: We agree that monitoring
the effectiveness of the final rule would
be an important step to assess
compliance with the rule. Citizen
science, in the form of volunteer data
collectors, may be one aspect of a multipronged approach to gathering the data
necessary to determine such an impact.
This multi-pronged approach could
include data collection by volunteer
observers, spinner dolphin researchers
(through passive acoustic monitoring
equipment), and NOAA OLE and the
State of Hawai‘i’s Department of
Conservation and Resource Enforcement
(DOCARE) officials.
Comment 12: One commenter states
that we did not consider a study that
shows there are no harmful effects when
dolphins remain vigilant for extended
periods of time. The research article
cited is Branstetter et al. (2012), and
entitled, ‘‘Dolphins Can Maintain
Vigilant Behavior through Echolocation
for 15 Days without Interruption or
Cognitive Impairment.’’
Response: The research to which the
commenter refers was conducted on
captive bottlenose dolphins and looked
at the impacts to their cognitive
abilities, in the form of their ability to
detect objects via echolocation, after 5
days and 15 days of constant
engagement by researchers. The
researchers found that there was no
detectable loss of the dolphins’
cognitive ability after maintaining a
vigilant state for these extended time
periods. Their results seemed to
demonstrate that bottlenose dolphins
can continuously monitor their
environment and maintain long-term
vigilant behavior through echolocation.
The comment suggests that this research
provides evidence that Hawaiian
spinner dolphins do not suffer harm
from disturbance by human interactions
due to their ability to sleep with one
half of their brain while the other half
remains vigilant. However, there are
several points that would argue against
this assertion. First, captive bottlenose
dolphins have already been habituated
to human disturbance by their very state
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of captivity, and may have even been
subjected to other research projects over
the course of their captive lives. Captive
dolphins also do not need to forage for
food, detect predators, or socialize with
others in the pods in order to survive.
Captive bottlenose dolphins cannot,
therefore, be readily compared to wild
dolphins. Second, bottlenose dolphins
are a much more robust animal than are
spinner dolphins, and they have a much
more fluid life history strategy. They are
adaptable to being held in captivity,
whereas spinner dolphins have never
been successfully held in captivity.
Bottlenose dolphins are larger than
spinner dolphins, both in size and
weight, and forage opportunistically
throughout the day on a large variety of
prey species. Spinner dolphins forage
only on the mesopelagic species that are
hunted at night and are therefore only
able to rest and nurture their young
during the day, making them more
susceptible to the impacts of human
disturbance on their essential daytime
behaviors. Finally, this study looked
only at cognitive impacts to the
dolphins, and did not consider physical
impacts to their well-being and fitness
from maintaining a constant state of
Comment 13: Many commenters
suggested that NMFS should focus
rulemaking efforts on other factors that
they perceive as having a greater impact
on the health of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins than close approach from
humans. These commenters identified
overfishing of prey species, pollution
(e.g., storm water runoff, trash, and trace
chemicals from sunken,
decommissioned military ships), captive
dolphin swim-with programs and hotel
exhibits (an activity that they suggested
NMFS should ban), and acoustic
impacts from military operations (e.g.,
Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC)
and military use of sonar equipment).
Further, one commenter suggested that
new regulations should not be
implemented until NMFS understands
how each of the above-mentioned
factors impacts spinner population
Response: Commenters are correct in
noting that many factors can negatively
affect the health of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins. There are a variety of external
factors or actions that have affected,
may be affecting, or may have future
effects on Hawaiian spinner dolphins.
Many of these external factors are
beyond the scope of this rulemaking,
which is addressing close approach by
humans as a specific threat to Hawaiian
spinner dolphin health. Additional
information about the effects of these
external factors on Hawaiian spinner
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
dolphin health is included in section of the FEIS (‘‘Cumulative Effects
of External Factors’’) and some are
discussed below.
Regarding commenter concerns about
overfishing of spinner dolphin prey
species, we work closely with the
Western Pacific Regional Fishery
Management Council to reduce impacts
of Federal fisheries to marine mammals
through regulations and management
actions, and work with the state and
other fishery councils where our
concerns overlap with nearshore
Regarding exposure to marine debris
or trace chemicals from
decommissioned ships, a variety of
existing Federal laws and regulations
regulate or prohibit the discharge of oil,
garbage, waste, plastics, and hazardous
substances into ocean waters, including
the Clean Water Act as amended by the
Oil Pollution Act of 1990; MARPOL
1973/1978; and the Marine Protection,
Research, and Sanctuaries Act. These
laws have strict civil and criminal
penalties for violations.
Regarding concerns about human
interaction with dolphins in captivity,
this rule only applies to wild Hawaiian
spinner dolphins, not dolphins in
captivity. NMFS issues permits under
the MMPA for the taking or the
importation of marine mammals for the
purposes of public display (16 U.S.C.
1374 Sec. 104(c)), the transfer of
‘‘releasable’’ rehabilitated marine
mammals, and maintains the National
Inventory of Marine Mammals, which
tracks acquisitions, dispositions, and
transfers/transports of marine mammals.
Regarding the use of sonar in the
marine environment and its impact on
spinner dolphins, section 101(a)(5) of
the MMPA allows for incidental take for
certain limited activities. Such
authorizations for incidental take are
subject to a public process that provides
for notice and comment for each
proposed activity, and accordingly, are
beyond the scope of this rulemaking.
Regardless of the other factors
potentially affecting Hawaiian spinner
dolphins, peer-reviewed scientific
studies cited in the proposed rule and
again in this final rule have shown that
close approach by humans may result in
negative impacts on Hawaiian spinner
dolphin health, and multiple studies
have shown an increase in the intensity
of human interactions with dolphins in
recent years. While we recognize that
close approach by humans is not the
only threat to dolphin health, this rule
seeks to mitigate this real and increasing
threat by reducing the impact of human
viewing and interaction on resident
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Comment 14: One commenter stated
that the information published in the
DEIS does not comply with the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
requirements under the Information
Quality Act (a.k.a. Data Quality Act) by
not adequately presenting a balance of
best and worst case scenarios, a lack of
bias and exhibited transparency, and by
not adequately fulfilling the public
notice requirements. Additionally, the
commenter provided additional
scientific articles that they believe need
to be included in the rule’s
environmental impact analysis.
Response: Under NOAA’s Information
Quality Guidelines, which fulfill OMB
requirements under the Information
Quality Act (IQA), the proposed rule
does not qualify as Influential Scientific
Information (scientific information the
agency reasonably can determine will
have or does have a clear and
substantial impact on important public
policies or private sector decisions) or
Highly Influential Scientific Assessment
(influential scientific information that
the agency or the Administrator of the
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs in the Office of Management and
Budget determines to be a scientific
assessment that: (i) Could have a
potential impact of more than $500
million in any year, or (ii) is novel,
controversial, or precedent-setting or
has significant interagency interest).
With regard to the science supporting
the rule, we relied on published reports
and studies, most of which have been
peer reviewed prior to publication
under independent processes,
dependent upon the terms of the
publication. We have reviewed the
articles referenced by the commenter for
their applicability to this final rule and
address them here.
The article cited as Christiansen and
Lusseau (2015) describes studies that
were conducted to determine if
disturbance corresponded to changes in
female reproductive success. The
researchers developed a mechanistic
model for minke whales (Balaenoptera
acutorostrata) to measure the effects of
behavioral disturbances caused by
whale watching activities on fetal
growth. The model illustrates the
pathway through which behaviorally
mediated effects of anthropogenic
disturbance might influence female
reproductive success. The results
indicated that, although the behavioral
disruptions caused by whale watching
interactions were substantial, the
cumulative exposure of individuals to
whale watching boats was low, resulting
in an effect on fetal growth no different
from natural variability. For the minke
whales studied in this research, the
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whale watching took place at their
feeding grounds, and even the highest
exposure to whale watching vessels
amounted to a total of only 427.5
minutes during the feeding season. The
authors concluded that female minke
whales would have to spend a large
proportion of their day with whale
watching boats during each day of the
feeding season for them to start having
a biologically important effect on fetal
growth. The results of this research are
not directly applicable to the issue being
addressed by this final rule because
Hawaiian spinner dolphins are exposed
to much higher levels of disturbance in
their essential daytime habitats. In fact,
the authors of the study conclude that
if these minke whales were exposed to
boats throughout the day (i.e., similar to
levels experienced by spinner dolphins
in Hawai‘i), they would experience a net
energy loss sufficient enough to have
significant effects on fetal growth. The
cumulative exposure of spinner
dolphins to human disturbance is
occurring on a daily or near-daily basis
throughout the year, and also occurs
during times and at places that they
would normally be resting and
nurturing their young, not during
feeding times. These essential daytime
behaviors are needed to replenish and
restore their energy and provide the
nourishment needed for calves to reach
The research cited as Hartel and
Torres (2015) studied exclusion zones
designed to protect bottlenose dolphin
habitats. The research found that, over
time, the bottlenose dolphins did not
use the designated exclusion zones, and
that they were therefore ineffective in
providing habitat protection. While this
research may seem to be applicable, we
note that there are significant
differences in the behaviors and life
history strategies of bottlenose and
spinner dolphins. Spinner dolphins
have a very rigid, predictable behavior
pattern of hunting at night and resting
and nurturing their young during the
day. They generally return from their
offshore feeding grounds to the same
protected bays and shallow, sandy
bottomed habitats and are found there
with regularity. This is one of the main
reasons why the swim-with-dolphin
industry has been so successful in
Hawai‘i, as the tour vessels are
consistently able to locate the dolphins
at the same sites on a daily basis.
Researchers believe Hawaiian spinner
dolphins choose these areas because of
their proximity to their offshore feeding
grounds and the protection they afford
from predators, providing a safe place to
rest and nurture their young. In contrast,
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
bottlenose dolphins are much more
fluid in their behaviors, feeding and
resting throughout the day and foraging
over much wider areas. They do not
exhibit the same site fidelity to a
particular area that spinner dolphins do.
The research cited as New et al.
(2013) explored the response by
bottlenose dolphins to a scenario in
which vessel traffic increased from 70 to
470 vessels a year in response to the
construction of a proposed offshore
renewables’ facility. Despite the more
than six-fold increase in vessel traffic,
the dolphins’ behavioral time budget,
spatial distribution, motivations, and
social structure remained unchanged.
They found that the dolphins are able to
compensate for their immediate
behavioral response to disturbances by
commercial vessels. The research
showed that if the increased commercial
vessel traffic is the only escalation in
anthropogenic activity, then the
dolphins’ response to disturbance is not
biologically significant because the
dolphins’ health is unaffected, leaving
the vital rates and population dynamics
unchanged. The authors note that
behavioral change should not
automatically be correlated with
biological significance when assessing
the conservation and management needs
of species of interest. Again, this study
centered on the responses of bottlenose
dolphins to increased vessel traffic. For
the same reasons stated above, the
differences between bottlenose and
spinner dolphins needs to be taken into
consideration when looking at the
results of this study. Unlike bottlenose
dolphins, spinner dolphins have very
rigid and stable behavioral patterns of
daily rest and socialization and
nighttime foraging, and are therefore
much more susceptible to disturbance at
their essential daytime behaviors.
Comment 15: Two commenters
expressed the need for NMFS to address
climate change in the environmental
Response: We provided a complete
analysis of climate change impacts
associated with this rulemaking in
section 4.5.5 of the FEIS (‘‘Impacts of
Climate Change’’). In this section, we
detailed the cumulative effects that
climate change may have on Hawaiian
spinner dolphin health, including
impacts on abundance and distribution
of prey species, impacts of sea level rise,
and impacts associated with rising
ocean temperatures (see section
of the FEIS). Additionally, we
considered and evaluated impacts that
the proposed alternatives could have on
climate change (see section of
the FEIS).
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Comment 16: We received comments
that questioned the credibility of some
of the research used to support the
proposed rule and the analyses of
alternatives in the DEIS. Specifically,
commenters noted that the SAPPHIRE
Project received partial funding from
Dolphin Quest, which profits from
swim-with captive dolphin programs.
Commenters suggested that this presents
a conflict of interest, as findings that
support prohibitions for approaching
wild dolphins could increase support
for Dolphin Quest’s business.
Response: To clarify, the research
effort to which the commenters refer
(which resulted in several publications,
see Background above) received a
portion (less than 25 percent) of their
funding from Dolphin Quest. Our
decisions associated with this
rulemaking do not rest solely on the
studies from the SAPPHIRE project.
Rather we relied on the many scientific
publications, including multiple studies
in Hawai‘i, that indicate that intense
human pressure can have negative
effects on local wild spinner dolphin
populations. A comprehensive list of
journal articles and information sources
are referenced in the Final EIS.
Researchers in many fields rely on
funding from various sources to conduct
their work, including government
grants, NGOs, and private sources, and
on that basis alone we do not assume
that the acceptance of funds from
specific entities would compromise the
research being conducted. The academic
papers in question were peer-reviewed,
which is a process by which research is
checked by a group of experts in the
same field to ensure that the scholarly
work meets necessary standards before
it is published in an academic journal.
Tyne’s papers were peer reviewed and
published in the academic journals
Royal Society Open Science, Biological
Conservation, and the Journal of
Applied Ecology. The abundance
information was reviewed closely by
PIFSC researchers and currently
provides the most rigorous estimate for
our local spinner dolphin populations.
Tyne et al.’s work indicating the
significance of resting habitat in
supporting spinner dolphin resting
behavior confirmed ideas presented by
earlier works by Ken Norris in the
1990s. Additionally, Tyne et al.’s work
questioning the quality of rest that this
population receives echoes concerns
expressed by other researchers,
including Courbis and Timmel (2009),
Heenehan et al. (2015 and 2016), Forrest
(2001), and Danil et al. (2005). As a
result, we determined that these studies
by Tyne et al. are credible and unbiased,
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and included them in our analysis of the
best available science.
Information on Responsible Viewing of
Marine Mammals
Comment 17: Several commenters
expressed concern that limiting
interaction with spinner dolphins may
displace the impacts of human
interaction onto other wild marine
mammals, or onto captive bottlenose
dolphins. Additionally, commenters
specifically suggested that to avoid this
displaced impact, NMFS should expand
the scope of this rule to protect all
marine mammals in Hawai‘i, including
dolphins in captivity.
Response: All marine mammals are
protected from take by the MMPA,
defined as ‘‘to harass, hunt, capture, or
kill or attempt to harass, hunt, capture,
or kill any marine mammal’’ (16 U.S.C.
1362). While this regulation implements
necessary and appropriate measures to
reduce take in the form of harassment of
spinner dolphins, other wild marine
mammals are still protected from take
(including harassment) under the
MMPA. Spinner dolphins are unique in
that they spend time resting in areas
close to shore, and therefore are easily
accessible to human users of the
nearshore environment. Their
predictable daytime behavior has made
it possible for the swim-with-wilddolphin industry to develop. It is
difficult to determine to what degree
operators may switch to ‘‘swim-with’’
activities with other marine mammals.
With regard to other marine mammals
in Hawaiian waters, we note that we
have approach distance regulations for
some other species of marine mammals,
such as humpback whales in Hawai‘i
(50 CFR 216.19). However, each rule is
based on the ecology of the specific
animal, as well as the best available
scientific information on the nature of
the threats.
This rule implements additional
protections to prevent harassment of
spinner dolphins in the wild. Extending
these protections to captive dolphins is
beyond the scope of this rulemaking.
Please see the response to comment 13
for additional information on dolphins
in captivity.
Additional Information on Spinner
Dolphin Behaviors
Comment 18: Many commenters
suggest that Hawaiian spinner dolphins
choose to interact with human users and
vessels. Additionally, commenters
suggest that if dolphins did not want to
interact with human users and vessels,
the dolphins have the ability to swim
away. As a result, some commenters
assert that people can’t swim with
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
dolphins; rather, it is the dolphins who
swim with people, because the dolphins
could swim away at any time.
Response: We recognize that dolphins
can appear curious and may approach
humans in the water. Indeed, there was
an exception in the proposed rule,
which remains in the final rule, that
allows humans to be within 50 yards
(45.7 m) of a dolphin if the dolphin
approaches them, provided that they do
not purposefully place themselves in
the path of oncoming dolphins, that
they make no effort to engage or pursue
the animal, and that they take
immediate steps to move away from the
animal. Requiring the swimmer to
withdraw reduces the likelihood that
exposure to human activities will result
in harassment. There is ample evidence
that humans often approach dolphins in
their daytime resting areas, and this may
have negative biological impacts on
spinner dolphins. As discussed in the
Background, Hawaiian spinner dolphins
experience high frequency and intensity
of disturbance at essential daytime
habitats. Some dolphins may stay in
these habitats even when people are
present, swimming in relatively close
proximity to people, because these areas
provide habitat essential for resting,
recovering from nighttime feeding, and
protection from predators. Leaving these
sites carries increased risk of predation
and may move dolphins further away
from offshore feeding areas.
While dolphins can indeed swim
away from and faster than humans,
having to do so interrupts their rest,
keeps them in a state of vigilance, and
forces the dolphins to expend energy to
increase their swimming speed and/or
change direction. This increase in their
energetic expenditures for purposes of
avoidance could lead to decreased
energy needed for other important
behaviors, such as foraging and
nurturing their young. Over the long
term, this could affect the fitness of
individual dolphins, and their ability to
forage as a group. Further, their ability
to swim away is limited by the fact that
avoiding humans or leaving their
preferred resting habitat altogether can
lead to a greater risk of predation, and
may involve greater energetic demands
because they may need to travel farther
distances to reach their feeding grounds.
Finally, peer reviewed studies on
Hawai‘i Island suggest that dolphins are
unlikely to rest outside of their daytime
essential habitat in resting bays (Tyne et
al. 2015; Lammers 2004; Norris et al.
Comment 19: Many commenters
argued that NMFS fails to understand
the consciousness of dolphins and that
NMFS perceives a problem with
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humans swimming with dolphins where
none exists. Additionally, one
commenter suggested that humans
swimming with dolphins is important to
both species, while another commenter
argued that those who attend spiritual
retreats to swim with dolphins attest
that the experience is life-changing.
Response: As mentioned in the
Background section, we believe that
safe, responsible viewing of spinner
dolphins can provide benefits to species
awareness and conservation. However,
there is a substantial and growing body
of scientific evidence documenting the
negative effects of dolphin-directed
activities on spinner dolphins,
especially activities that involve close
approaches by humans, regardless of the
intent of the humans. There is no
scientific evidence to suggest that
Hawaiian spinner dolphins receive a
long-term health benefit from
prolonged, close interactions with
humans. Peer-reviewed scientific
literature documents dolphin-directed
human activity as causing disturbance
to individual spinner dolphins, as well
as changes to spinner dolphin group
behavioral patterns. Individual dolphin
responses to these activities vary and, in
some cases, may not be apparent to an
observer (e.g., elevated heart rates or
increased vigilance). However,
discernible responses include aerial
displays, tail-slapping, or other visible
behavior changes when closely
approached by vessels and swimmers
(Forest 2001, Courbis and Timmel
2008); avoidance behaviors, including
increased swimming speed, directional
changes, moving around and away from
swimmers and vessels, or leaving the
area in response to human pursuit
(Ostman-Lind et al. 2004, Courbis 2004,
Courbis and Timmel 2008); and
aggressive behaviors directed at people,
including charging or threat displays
(Norris et al. 1985, Norris et al. 1994).
Effects have also been documented in
the form of changes to spinner dolphins’
behavior patterns in essential daytime
habitats, including the amount of time
spent within resting habitat, distribution
within the habitat, and changes to
patterns associated with aerial behaviors
(Courbis 2004, 2007; Timmel et al. 2008;
¨ stman-Lind 2007; Danil et al. 2005;
Forest 2001).
Swimming with Hawaiian spinner
dolphins has become a popular activity
in Hawai‘i, because Hawaiian spinner
dolphins are charismatic animals, are
easily accessible to humans while in
their resting habitat. However, as stated
in our response to Comment 13, spinner
dolphins that interact with swimmers
incur an energetic cost, and the time for
restorative or fitness-enhancing
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behaviors, particularly rest, is lost due
to these disruptions. Additionally,
several spinner dolphin studies provide
evidence of chronic disturbance to
natural behavioral patterns that could
potentially cause biologically significant
impacts, see Background for discussion
on chronic disturbance. People are often
unaware that changes in dolphin
behavior take away from daytime
fitness-promoting behaviors with other
The purpose of this regulation is to
prevent encounters that result in
disturbance to and harassment of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins. This rule
implements regulations for the
conservation purposes of MMPA,
including necessary and appropriate
regulations that protect spinner
dolphins from harassment. As described
in the preamble, human encounters
with Hawaiian spinner dolphins may
have long-term adverse effects that may
not be immediately apparent to the
observer. We considered other distances
for swim-with and approach
regulations, including 100 and 150
yards (91.4 or 137.1 m), as well as no
swim-with and approach measures. We
do not believe that the status quo
provides adequate safeguards for these
marine mammals. One of the
considerations in choosing a 50 yard
(45.7 m) approach rule, as opposed to
100 or 150 yards (91.4 or 137.1 m), was
that it was the minimum appropriate
distance to prevent disturbance to them,
while still allowing people to view the
dolphins. At this time, we believe that
a 50 yard (45.7 m) approach buffer
provides the least restrictive means for
accomplishing the important
conservation purposes of the approach
regulation, while still accounting for the
interests of the observing public.
Other Human Activities Affected by the
Proposed Rule That Were Not Discussed
Comment 20: Many commenters
expressed concern that this rule would
have a large impact on the local
economy. Some commenters
representing the tour industry
specifically indicated that they
anticipate this rule to have a large
impact on their businesses.
Additionally, 17 commenters argued
that the data used in our economic
impact analysis, presented as part of the
DEIS, was insufficient, out-of-date, and
needed to include additional data in
order to analyze the potential economic
impact of this rule’s implementation.
One commenter specifically suggested a
need for more data on the tour industry
on West O’ahu.
Response: In response to concerns
raised that the economic data used for
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
the analysis in the DEIS is outdated, we
have updated the economic analysis and
conducted a Regulatory Impact Review/
Regulatory Impact Assessment in
accordance with Executive Order 12866
and the Regulatory Flexibility Act, and
incorporate this assessment and the
Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
into the final EIS as Chapter 5 for the
final rule. While we have supplemented
the 2008 economic analysis and 2016
RIR/IFRA, the new economic
information does not materially alter
earlier findings in the proposed rule
about the need for regulation and the
impact of the regulation on small
entities. There has been an
approximately 6-fold increase in the
number of tours and spiritual retreats
offering swim-with-wild-dolphin
experiences, as well as a corresponding
increase in the gross revenues generated
by these businesses, in the 10-year span
between the original economic data
report and the updated report. This
increased economic activity also
represents an increase in human
pressures on spinner dolphins. The
expected economic impact of the final
rule on dolphin-directed business
activity is similar to that of the proposed
rule. It is possible that some tour
operators will experience some loss of
revenues due to differences in the
amounts charged for a swim-withdolphin experience versus a general
marine tour/wildlife viewing
experience. Indeed a commenter stated
that they had experienced declines in
their dolphin tour business after shifting
to a 50 yard (45.7 m) viewing distance.
However, tour operators in Hawai‘i that
voluntarily follow Dolphin SMART safe
viewing guidelines that use a 50 yard
(45.7 m) viewing distance from spinner
dolphins have stayed in business and
remained competitive for nearly a
decade, and the final rule will
implement even handed requirements
for all operators, mitigating lower
revenues resulting from competition
with swim-with-dolphin operators.
Restrictions resulting from the COVID
pandemic have significantly impacted
the tourism industry in Hawaii, and
COVID restrictions and the overall
decline in tourism have significantly
curtailed wild dolphin tours.
Nevertheless, tourism has rebounded
over the last year, with 791,053 visitors
in June 2021 (https://www.hawaii
As conditions continue to improve,
NMFS anticipates that dolphin-directed
activities will resume at or near prepandemic levels.
Comment 21: One commenter
indicated that they receive ‘‘life force’’
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from dolphins and whales, and that this
regulation would violate the
commenter’s constitutional rights.
Response: As discussed in the
response to Comment 19, the purpose of
this regulation is to prevent encounters
that result in disturbance to and
harassment of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins. This rule implements
regulations for the conservation
purposes of MMPA, including necessary
and appropriate regulations that protect
spinner dolphins from harassment. As
described in the preamble, human
encounters with Hawaiian spinner
dolphins may have long-term adverse
effects that may not be immediately
apparent to the observer. We considered
other distances for swim-with and
approach regulations, including 100 and
150 yards (91.4 or 137.1 m), as well as
no swim-with and approach measures.
We do not believe that the status quo
provides adequate safeguards for these
marine mammals. One of the
considerations in choosing a 50 yard
(45.7 m) approach rule, as opposed to
100 or 150 yards (91.4 or 137.1 m), was
that it was the minimum appropriate
distance to prevent disturbance to them,
while still allowing people to view the
dolphins. At this time, we believe that
a 50 yard (45.7 m) approach buffer
provides the least restrictive means for
accomplishing the important
conservation purposes of the approach
regulation, while still accounting for the
interests of the observing public.
Comment 22: One commenter noted
that spotted dolphins (Stenella
attenuata) often interact with fishing
vessels for long periods of time and
have intensive feeding requirements
similar to those of spinner dolphins, but
the need for spotted dolphins to have
uninterrupted sleep is not a concern to
NMFS. Additionally, this commenter
notes that bottlenose dolphins have long
been harassed by fishermen off the Kona
coast for stealing live bait from marlin
and tuna fishermen and market fish
from bottom fishermen, yet NMFS has
not established protections for
bottlenose dolphins.
Response: As described in several
comment responses above, as well as
of the Final Rule, wild marine mammal
harassment is prohibited by the MMPA.
This includes Level A harassment (any
act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance
which has the potential to injure a
marine mammal) and Level B
harassment (any act that has the
potential to disturb a marine mammal in
the wild by causing disruption of
behavioral patterns, including, but not
limited to, migration, breathing,
nursing, breeding, feeding, or
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sheltering). As a result, harassment of
any wild dolphin species, including
spotted dolphins and bottlenose
dolphins, is illegal under the MMPA.
While NMFS is concerned about spotted
and bottlenose dolphins, this rule
focused on spinner dolphins because
their unique habitat preferences and
resting behaviors make them
particularly vulnerable to disturbance.
More detail about spinner dolphin
vulnerability to disturbance is available
in the response to Comment 24, as well
as in section 3.1.4 of the FEIS ‘‘Ecology
and Behavior.’’
The Temporal and Geographic Scope
(i.e., Two nmi From Shore) of the
Approach Regulation
Comment 23: Multiple commenters
suggested that we should implement a
rule that extends 10 nmi from shore to
encompass the entire range of the MHIassociated resident stocks. Some
commenters suggested that people may
seek encounters with the dolphins
outside of two nmi, leaving the dolphins
unprotected outside of this boundary.
Response: Extending the effective area
of the regulation out to 10 nmi from
shore was considered in the DEIS and
FEIS (see section 2.1.3 in the DEIS and
FEIS). As stated in the rationale for the
rule and in the EIS, these regulatory
measures are intended to prevent take of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins from
occurring in marine areas where
viewing pressures are most prevalent.
We have no information to suggest that
these stocks of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins face any kind of regular
exposure to wildlife viewing activities
that cause take outside of two nmi from
shore. Unlike nearshore areas where
spinner dolphins predictably use
essential daytime habitats, the locations
where spinner dolphins might be found
beyond two nmi is not predictable and
we do not anticipate that encounters
with dolphins outside of two nmi will
become common after the rule is
finalized. MMPA take prohibitions will
continue to apply in the U.S. exclusive
economic zone (EEZ) and high seas
where these regulations do not apply.
To encompass the range of dolphindirected activities that are likely to
result in take, we focused on where
people are most likely to encounter
Hawaiian spinner dolphin groups, i.e.,
where dolphins are known to occur
during the day when they are engaged
in nearshore resting and socializing
activities. We reviewed information
from scientific literature about Hawaiian
spinner dolphin daytime habitat
preferences and information from over
400 sightings of spinner dolphins
collected around the MHI since 1992
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
from various members of the Pacific
Islands Photo Identification Network
(PIPIN) to determine that the 2 nmi
boundary sufficiently covered the
dolphins’ daytime habitat use. Because
almost all viewing and interaction
pressures occur during the day within
two nmi from shore and in the
designated waters bounded by La¯na‘i,
Maui, and Kaho’olawe, expanding the
scope to include the resident stock’s
entire range would provide negligible
additional protection from take by
approach within 50 yards (45.7 m).
Comment 24: The State of Hawai‘i
DLNR commented that it supports the
proposed rule, but believes it should be
expanded to apply to the entire U.S.
EEZ within 200 nmi from shore, to
simplify compliance for users and
streamline enforcement efforts.
Response: As described above in our
response to Comment 23, we considered
the geographic scope of the rulemaking
in our EIS, including applying it to the
entire EEZ, and determined that a 2nm
boundary provided the protections from
daytime disturbance needed for spinner
dolphins. These proposed regulatory
measures are intended to prevent take of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins from
occurring in areas where viewing
pressures are most prevalent. We
therefore felt it was unnecessary to
extend the reach of the regulation to
areas where take is less likely to occur.
Further, keeping the boundary to two
nmi allows enforcement efforts to be
concentrated within the two nmi
boundary rather than spread across a
much larger area, thereby increasing the
effectiveness of these efforts.
Comment 25: A commenter suggested
that the regulation should be applicable
to all dolphin species and all U.S.
citizens or nationals anywhere in the
world (and also advocated for a 100
yard approach rule).
Response: The purpose of this rule is
to address the increase in human
pressures on spinner dolphins in coastal
waters around the state of Hawaii. A noapproach regulation with national
application is beyond the scope of this
rule. Additionally, swim-with tours
have not been identified as a major
threat for other dolphin species in the
areas surrounding MHI at this time.
While this rule does not apply to other
dolphin species, other species may
benefit as public ocean users become
aware of the potential impacts of close
approach and would keep their distance
from all wildlife.
As described in the responses to
Comment 23 and Comment 24, we do
not find, at this time, that the enhanced
protections in this rule are necessary
seaward of two nmi off the Hawaiian
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islands, or in other regions of the United
States. The MMPA’s general moratorium
on the taking of marine mammals,
which applies in waters under U.S.
jurisdiction as well as to persons and
vessels subject to U.S. jurisdiction on
the high-seas, continues to protect
dolphins that may be found outside the
boundaries of this rule. With regard to
the specific comment that the regulation
should include a 100 yard approach
rule, see our response to Comment 9.
Comment 26: Many commenters
suggested that the geographic action
area for the proposed rule should be
limited to one or two islands, rather
than all waters within two nmi of each
of the MHI and in the designated waters
bounded by the islands of La¯na‘i, Maui,
and Kaho‘olawe. Specifically,
commenters noted that the problem of
spinner dolphin harassment from close
approach by humans is greater on
Hawai‘i Island and O‘ahu than it is on
islands like Maui and Kaua‘i. As such,
the geographic action area for the
proposed rule establishing protections
for spinner dolphins should be limited
to areas with the largest number of tour
operators and human users.
Additionally, several commenters
argued that, because many of the
supporting studies cited by NMFS in the
proposed rule and DEIS conducted their
research along the Kona coast of Hawai‘i
Island, the geographic action area of the
proposed rule should only include
waters surrounding Hawai‘i Island.
These commenters argue that the DEIS
gives too much weight to these studies,
which cover a small geographic area
(relative to the state as a whole), and
therefore the rule does not adequately
account for the behavioral or social
differences between island-specific
populations of spinner dolphins. One
commenter suggested that the
geographic action area of the proposed
rule be limited to the range of one or
more of the three island-associated
stocks of spinner dolphins in the MHI.
The commenter did not suggest a
specific stock for protection.
Response: The commenters are correct
that the islands of O‘ahu and Hawai‘i
have a greater number of dolphindirected tour companies, spiritual
retreats, and individuals swimming to
the dolphins from shore due to factors
such as easily accessible essential
daytime habitats. However, Hawaiian
spinner dolphins utilize sandy,
protected bays and nearshore areas for
resting and socializing across the state.
While the largest number of human
users are concentrated on one or two
islands, close approach by humans
occurs statewide (Sepez, 2006; see
section 1.6 of the FEIS, ‘‘Description
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and Scope of the Proposed Action’’) and
affects all of the island-associated
spinner stocks. Limiting this rule to
only one or two islands or to the
geographic extent of an islandassociated stock could result in
displacement of dolphin-directed
human activity to other areas of the state
where Hawaiian spinner dolphins are
present, thus undermining the
protections established in this
Regarding the concern by some
commenters that spinner dolphin data
informing this rule was only collected
on Hawai‘i Island, this rule was
developed through a literature review of
available data for Hawaiian spinner
dolphins throughout the state. Many
recent research efforts focused on bays
on Hawai‘i Island, as these bays are
often used as daytime resting habitat for
spinner dolphins and are a place where
researchers can reliably study spinner
dolphin behavior. These locations
include Ho¯naunau Bay, Kealakekua Bay,
Makako Bay, and Kauhako¯ Bay, which
were the sites for more recent studies on
the impacts of human interaction on
dolphin population health, such as the
SAPPHIRE studies. While these studies
focused on a limited geography, the
findings regarding spinner dolphin
behavior changes in the presence of
human users are representative of wider
scenarios where humans are in
prolonged contact with resting
Hawaiian spinner dolphins.
Additionally, while the SAPPHIRE
studies researched Hawaiian spinner
dolphins on Hawai‘i Island, research
has been conducted on O‘ahu, Maui,
La¯na‘i, Kaho‘olawe, Moloka‘i, and
Kaua‘i, resulting in peer-reviewed
journal articles that were consulted
when developing this rule and FEIS
(e.g., Norris and Dohl 1980; Benoit-Bird
and Au 2003; Danil et al. 2005; Hill et
al. 2005; Lammers et al. 2000, 2001,
2003, 2004, 2006; Mobley et al. 2000,
and Wiener 2016). In short, we
consulted studies conducted across the
state, and, because close approach of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins by humans
is occurring statewide, we determined
that the geographic extent of the rule
should be statewide as well.
Comment 27: Multiple commenters
submitted ideas for alternative
management considerations with
different combinations of geographic
ranges, approach distances, and
enforcement times. For example, one
commenter, citing O‘ahu-based studies
done by Lammers and Danil, suggested
a 100 yard approach regulation on
O‘ahu from 11AM to 6PM. The
commenter stated that 100 yards (91.4
m) is easier to judge and more
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
enforceable than 50 yards (45.7 m), and
suggested that the regulation be O‘ahuspecific given habitat and behavioral
differences between O‘ahu spinner
dolphins and Hawai‘i Island spinner
dolphins, specifically that they often
rest during the midday and early
afternoon periods.
Response: We addressed aspects of
this alternative suggestion in multiple
comment responses. As stated in the
response to Comment 9, we determined
that a 100 yard (91.4 m) approach
distance would decrease a dolphin
viewer’s ability to see the animals
without visual aids, and is inconsistent
with our current wildlife viewing
guidelines. We determined that an
approach distance of 50 yards (45.7 m)
would provide increased protection for
the animals by reducing harassment,
while still allowing people to observe
spinner dolphins. Regarding an O‘ahuspecific regulation, we would like to
direct the commenter to our response to
Comment 26, in which we address
comments to limit the regulation to
certain areas. Limiting the swim-with
and approach regulation to O‘ahu only
would not provide protections to
spinner dolphins in other areas of the
MHI where disturbance at daytime
essential habitats is also occurring,
undermining the protections established
in this regulation.
Whether Time-Area Closures are
Necessary To Address the Intensity of
Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin-Directed
Activities in Some Areas
Comment 28: We received comments
that were opposed to the
implementation of time-area closures.
These commenters felt that closures
were either unnecessary to achieve the
desired protections because the
proposed approach regulation would
provide adequate protection, or overly
restrictive to the public because they
could restrict shore access rights or use
of waters in Hawai‘i. The State of
Hawai‘i DLNR provided comments to
the proposed rule stating that they did
not support time-area closures because
they felt that an approach rule best
addresses the threat posed by dolphindirected activities across the extent of
their range.
Response: Although time-area
closures provide members of the public
with precise boundaries around which
they may readily tailor their conduct,
we recognize that such closures can also
carry undesired costs, such as imposing
a burden on the public when spinner
dolphins are not present. Accordingly,
and as we explained in the proposed
rule, we are not including time-area
closures in this final rule. However,
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based on consideration of public
comments and revised input from the
State of Hawaii, NMFS has reconsidered
its prior position and is publishing a
separate proposed rule to implement
time-area closures.
Comment 29: Researchers suggested
looking at the time-area closures in
Samadai Reef, Egypt as an example of
what has been proven to be effective in
protecting other dolphin species.
Response: When determining whether
to propose implementing time-area
closures, we considered the Samadai
Reef example, in which spinner
dolphins that had abandoned the site
returned to it after management
measures were put in place to prevent
human entry into the core resting area
(see DEIS section 1.5.2). As noted in the
response to comment 28, NMFS has
reconsidered its prior position on timearea closures and is publishing a
separate proposed rule to implement
time-area closures.
Comment 30: Several commenters
said an approach rule is too difficult to
enforce and time-area closures is a more
appropriate alternative. The National
Park Service also commented that,
while they support the proposed rule,
¨ stman-Lind (2009) and
the data from O
other studies (Johnston et al. 2013)
suggest that a larger buffer distance or
a selection of mandatory time-area
closures (with the exceptions mentioned
in the DEIS) would be more beneficial
to the Hawaiian spinner dolphin
population, and would likely improve
enforcement of the proposed rule
Response: Given our experience with
enforcing the 100 yard (91.4 m)
humpback whale approach rule in
Hawai‘i, we believe that this spinner
dolphin approach rule can be
successfully enforced. We also
recognize that time-area closures
provide members of the public with
precise boundaries around which they
may tailor their conduct and makes
enforcement of such closures
straightforward. We considered this
comment and others that are supportive
of time-area closures. In addition to the
swim-with and approach regulation
established in this final rule, we are
proposing time-area closures in a
separate rulemaking. With regard to
larger ‘‘buffer’’ distances, see our
response to Comment 9.
The Bays and Times of Day Identified
for Time-Area Closures
Comment 31: One commenter
suggested that the proposed boundaries
of the time-area closures be changed to
cover half of the bays so that one half
of each bay could be reserved for
humans to interact with the dolphins,
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while the other half could be reserved
as essential resting habitat. The
commenter argues that this would allow
the dolphins to choose either to swim
with humans or to rest.
Response: We have considered these
comments and are publishing a separate
proposed rule to implement time-area
Comment 32: Many commenters
supported time-area closures, but
suggested alternative closures times
such as from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., from
10 a.m. to 2 p.m., or from 11 a.m. and
6 p.m. to reduce the impacts to other
ocean users. Some commenters claim
that if time-area closures are chosen, the
time should be expanded to when the
dolphins leave, as the dolphins often
stay in the bays past 3 p.m.
Response: We have considered these
comments and are publishing a separate
proposed rule to implement time-area
Comment 33: Several members of the
Ho‘okena community advocated closing
Kauhako¯ Bay to swimming with
dolphins with the aim of restoring their
akule fishery. Anecdotal observations by
community members indicate they have
seen no akule in Kauhako¯ Bay since
1997 which coincides with the time
when swimming with dolphins became
popular in their bay. In addition, a
petition with over 285 names and
signatures was submitted by members of
the Ho‘okena community, KUPA, and
Friends of Ho‘okena Beach Park voicing
their support for stronger rules to
prohibit people from approaching
resting Hawaiian spinner dolphins.
Response: We recognize that Kauhako¯
Bay faces intense pressure from people
approaching spinner dolphins and we
are working with members of the
Ho‘okena community to increase
outreach and education to the public.
Although restoration of the akule fishery
is outside the scope of this rule, we plan
to continue working with the
community and DOCARE to address the
community’s concerns regarding the
disturbance of dolphins at this location.
The swim-with and approach regulation
will reduce the intensity of dolphindirected activities within essential
daytime habitats to some degree. We are
proposing time-area closures as part of
a separate rulemaking, and such
regulation, combined with the swimwith and approach regulation, can be
expected to reduce the intensity of
dolphin-directed activities within the
essential daytime habitat at this
location. We will continue to work with
the community to address their
concerns as needed.
Comment 34: Several commenters
noted that La Perouse Bay banned the
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
use of kayaks in the bay in 2006. These
commenters observed that the dolphins,
which used to frequent the area, no
longer use that essential daytime habitat
to the same extent following the ban on
kayaks. The commenters suggest that
the number of dolphins using La
Perouse Bay has decreased because
kayakers are no longer using the bay,
leading the commenters to suggest that
the dolphins enjoy the presence of
Response: In 2004, the State of
¯ hihi-Kı¯na’u
Hawai‘i declared the ‘A
Natural Area Reserve and neighboring
La Perouse Bay off limits to commercial
kayaking and other commercial
operations. We understand that the
State has not banned non-commercial
operations, such as using a personallyowned kayak, within the bay.
Although NMFS is unable to
determine whether the number of
dolphins using La Perouse Bay has
decreased since 2006, as the
commenters suggest, we do not agree
that we can attribute changes in
abundance of dolphins in certain bays
to any one factor, such as the number
of kayaks. Dolphins choose their resting
habitat for a number of factors, which is
described further in the response to
Comment 1. Any number of these
factors can cause a change in habitat
preference. Additionally, NMFS has no
reason to believe dolphins are ‘‘attracted
to’’ kayaks, as the commenter suggests,
on the contrary kayaks may contribute
to harassment of dolphins.
Suggestions on Other Areas That
Should Be Considered for Time-Area
Comment 35: NMFS received
comments suggesting that if closures are
implemented, time-area closures should
also be considered in Hulopo‘e and
Ma¯nele bays on La¯na‘i, Honolua Bay on
Maui, and Ma¯kua Bay on O‘ahu because
these areas are also targeted by tour
operators and swimmers and, specific to
Ma¯kua Bay, because they claim that it
is a spinner dolphin nursery.
Response: In a separate rulemaking
we are proposing time-area closures
based on Alternatives provided in the
DEIS, FEIS, and the 2016 proposed rule.
The sites we are proposing for time-area
closures are descried in the DEIS as
areas reported as having a high level of
chronic human disturbance at daytime
essential resting habitat. Should we
consider implementing additional timearea closures other than the 5 selected
sites described in the DEIS, we will look
closely at the areas identified by the
commenter, likely using a step-down
process similar to that used in the DEIS
Appendix A.
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Alternate Management Strategies
Comment 36: Several commenters
asked why we couldn’t make the Coral
Reef Alliance (CORAL) West Hawai‘i
Voluntary Standards (WHVS) into
enforceable regulations. The WHVS
were created by the CORAL, with
stakeholder input and consensus by a
wide variety of Hawai‘i Island
businesses and community members, to
apply to all wildlife viewing and
interactions in West Hawai‘i. This
includes viewing and interaction
guidelines for marine mammals,
including Hawaiian spinner dolphins
(WHVS 2009). Measures under section
4.6 of the document include educational
information about prohibitions already
outlined in the MMPA, detailed boating
etiquette and safety measures around
marine mammals and swimmers, and
human activities to avoid when viewing
and interacting with marine mammals.
In addition, section 4.7 focuses on
voluntary standards specific to spinner
Response: In the FEIS, we considered
promulgating regulations based on the
WHVS as an alternative to enhance
protections for Hawaiian spinner
dolphins, but eliminated that alternative
from further consideration because
these standards did not meet the
primary criteria necessary to effectively
address our purpose and need, which is
to reduce the threat of take to Hawaiian
spinner dolphins, including harassment
and disturbance caused by dolphindirected activities that are concentrated
in coastal waters, and to address chronic
interaction and viewing impacts on
resident stocks of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins (see section 1.1 of the FEIS).
As outlined in section 2.9.5 of the FEIS,
the WHVS standards are mainly adapted
for marine recreational providers (tour
operators). Therefore, some measures,
such as restricting the number of boats
surrounding a pod of dolphins to no
more than three at a time, do not
convert well to all user groups and may
not be easily understood by other
resource users. Further, the complexity
of certain standards (e.g., no boat
staying longer than 30 minutes with a
pod, but boats being allowed to return
to a pod for an additional 30 minute
time period after a minimum of 1 hour
away from the pod, as long as doing so
does not exceed the three boat
maximum) makes them difficult to
follow and enforce. We also note that,
because the measures addressed in the
WHVS were narrowly focused on
commercial activities and areas on the
west coast of Hawai‘i Island, not all
measures would easily transfer to other
areas. Finally, the WHVS do not apply
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to individuals who choose to swim,
kayak, or otherwise approach the
dolphins on their own apart from a
commercial tour operation, leaving the
dolphins vulnerable to disturbance by a
large sector of the population in
Hawai‘i. The combination of these
factors led to the decision to eliminate
this alternative from further analysis.
Comment 37: A number of
commenters suggested that it is essential
to have a strong educational component
in order for new regulations to be
effective. Additionally, many
commenters suggested that regulations
would not be necessary if swimmers
and vessels were educated about the
impacts of close approach of spinner
dolphins by humans, advocating for
self-regulation rather than this proposed
Response: We agree that conducting
outreach and education with the public
and tour industry is essential to promote
compliance with any new regulation
and reduce the impacts on spinner
dolphins caused by disturbance by
humans. A robust education and
outreach effort with partners, including
state and Federal government partners,
non-profit organizations, and
researchers, will support the
implementation of this regulation.
Based on the lack of consistent
compliance with voluntary measures to
protect Hawaiian spinner dolphins to
date (e.g., wildlife viewing guidelines,
NMFS guidelines, and the CORAL West
Hawai‘i Voluntary Standards) as well as
the number of people wanting to be in
proximity to the dolphins, we anticipate
that relying solely upon education and
self-regulation would have limited
success in reducing the overall intensity
of dolphin-directed activities in most
Comment 38: Multiple commenters
suggested that, in lieu of the proposed
rule, NMFS or the State of Hawai‘i
should institute a permit program. In
these comments, this permit program
could take numerous forms. For
example, thirteen commenters suggested
using a permit system to limit the total
number of human users in order to limit
the impact of close approach by humans
on dolphins. One commenter suggested
establishing a permit system for
operators that would require the
operators to participate in a training
program on proper dolphin viewing
practices before they are allowed to
operate swim-with dolphin tours.
Another suggestion was to establish a
permit system that educates swim-with
dolphin tour participants on proper
dolphin viewing practices before they
can participate in a guided tour.
Commenters also suggested other
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
permitting strategies, such as limiting
human activity to non-motorized vessels
only, limiting the number of tour
operators allowed to conduct swim-with
dolphin tours, and limiting the number
of people allowed per vessel. Finally,
some of these commenters suggested
that funding generated through the
permit system could be used to support
research/education efforts.
Response: We considered the
alternative of licensing and permitting
of commercial tour operators and
eliminated it from further analysis
because it would require a large
infrastructure to administer, monitor,
and enforce. A licensing and permitting
system could also introduce equity
issues between those receiving a permit
and those not receiving a permit. We
also noted that such a system would not
resolve the threats from stakeholders
other than tour operators (such as
personal vessels and swimmers from the
shore). A uniform system that applies
more or less equally to everyone and
reduces the cumulative effect of the
disturbances occurring on the spinner
dolphins is preferable to a permit
Comment 39: Several commenters
suggested alternative solutions, such as
enforcing a limit on the number of
vessels and swimmers allowed in a bay
at one time, with one additional
commenter suggesting that a limit be
enforced on the number of people
allowed per tour boat.
Response: Although particularly high
numbers of swimmers and vessels can
be problematic, limiting the number of
human users allowed in a dolphin
resting bay at any given time can still
result in take if the human users closely
approach the dolphins. Therefore, we
concluded that such limitations would
not adequately meet the conservation
purpose of this rule, which is to prevent
Comment 40: Several commenters
suggested that the proposed rule was
not developed with community input or
recommendations, and that NMFS
should engage community members and
tour operators to hear local concerns
and to develop a new regulation.
Several commenters suggested that this
could take the form of a committee of
local community members that would
advise NMFS on formulating a new
Response: We recognize the
importance of community and
stakeholder input when creating a
regulation, and we took steps to solicit
and incorporate community input and
recommendations into the rulemaking
process. The process for enhancing
protections for Hawaiian spinner
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dolphins from human disturbance began
in 2005, when we published an ANPR
(70 FR 73426, December 12, 2005),
which was followed by a Notice of
Intent to prepare an EIS for this
proposed rule (71 FR 57923, October 2,
2006). In this notice, we identified five
preliminary alternatives for public
consideration and comment, and invited
information from the public on the
scope of the issues that should be
addressed in a Draft EIS, the issues of
concern regarding practical
considerations involved in applying the
proposed regulation, and identifying
environmental and socioeconomic
concerns to be addressed in the
analysis. In 2006, we also held five
public scoping meetings on the islands
of Kaua‘i, O‘ahu, Maui, and Hawai‘i,
and collected 4,641 public comments in
response to the ANPR and the NOI.
Comments submitted during this
process included many that focused on
cultural issues (e.g., accommodating
local culture and livelihoods, as well as
the visitor industry) and traditional
Hawaiian knowledge (e.g.,
recommending that researchers listen to
Native Hawaiians’ knowledge instead of
relying on outside research). In addition
to these public scoping meetings, we
attended a forum organized by State
Senator Colleen Hanabusa’s office
specifically for the ku¯puna (elders) of
the Wai‘anae community to voice their
opinions. Full details regarding how we
collected, analyzed, and responded to
comments on the ANPR and the notice
are available in section 1.5.3 of the FEIS.
In addition to the scoping process to
develop the proposed rule, we held six
public hearings on the proposed rule in
September 2016, in which 145 attendees
provided their oral testimony on the
proposed rule. These attendees included
community members, native Hawaiian
community leaders, tour operators,
researchers, and government officials. In
addition to the 145 testimonies, we
received over 22,000 additional
comments during the public comment
period. Following the public hearing
some modifications were made to the
rule. See section titled Changes from
Proposed Rule in the final rule
background, which highlights the
differences between the proposed rule
and the final rule.
Comment 41: One commenter
specifically mentioned the Wai‘anae
Baseline Environmental Study and the
West O‘ahu Ocean Protocols as existing
examples of community efforts to
address the issue of spinner dolphin
harassment, and stated that these two
documents are not referred to in the
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Response: The West O‘ahu Ocean
Operation Protocols and the subsequent
Wai‘anae Baseline Environmental Study
were developed with a goal of reducing
conflict among multiple ocean users,
not reducing spinner dolphin
disturbance as a result of close human
approach. These two products stemmed
from Act 6, passed by the Hawai‘i State
Legislature in 2006, which directed
DLNR to establish waters in West O‘ahu
as an Ocean Recreation Management
Area in order to ‘‘limit the locations,
times, and types of permitted ocean
recreation activities’’ (DOBOR 2009).
This state legislation was passed to
minimize conflict among multiple ocean
users, such as between tourism industry
vessels and fishing vessels.
Although we did reference the
Wai‘anae Baseline Environmental Study
in the DEIS and FEIS when discussing
conflicts between akule fishing and the
tourism industry when those uses
overlap (DEIS section, our focus
in this rule was to establish protections
for spinner dolphins from close
approach under the MMPA, not to
manage interactions between two
different industries.
Comment 42: Commenters suggested
our consideration of a designated swimwith area in the bays where it would be
permissible to swim with the dolphins.
One commenter suggested, rather than
implementing a swim-with and
approach regulation, that we consider
closing two bays to dolphin swimming
for 10 years, then studying this to
compare the difference between dolphin
health in the closed bays versus the
open bays. Several commenters
suggested roping off half of two bays to
study whether the dolphins would
choose to interact with people or not,
believing that the dolphins are not
harmed by interacting with people, but
rather seek them out and enjoy it.
Response: As noted in the final rule
and FEIS, the MMPA provides limited
exceptions to the prohibitions on take
(e.g., scientific research permits) and
requires that people and organizations
conduct wildlife viewing in a manner
that does not cause take. Because close
interactions with marine mammals are
likely to result in take, including
harassment and disturbance, we cannot
support, condone, approve, or authorize
attempting to swim with, pet, touch, or
elicit a reaction from dolphins. We
recognize there are numerous ways to
test hypotheses and efficacy of different
management strategies. However, we
have chosen the approach rule as the
best way to immediately relieve the
pressure on the dolphins. We are also
proposing time-area closures in a
separate rulemaking to provide
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
protections for spinner dolphins in
essential daytime habitats.
Hawaiian Cultural Concerns
Comment 43: One commenter
expressed concern that Native
Hawaiians practicing a traditional burial
of a marine mammal could be fined
under this regulation.
Response: This regulation has no
effect on traditional burials of marine
mammals. The NOAA Marine Mammal
Health and Stranding Response Program
oversees and coordinates all responses
to stranded marine mammals in the
United States, including traditional
burial of a marine mammal and other
cultural practices. In Hawai‘i, NMFS
engages Hawaiian cultural practitioners
in marine mammal stranding responses
whenever possible and in compliance
with the MMPA. These cultural
practitioners can help us be culturally
respectful of the individual animal and
the community where the stranding
occurs. In order to be in compliance
with the MMPA, all responders must be
authorized as a regional stranding
network participant (in accordance with
section 112(c) and section 403, or
section 109(h) of the MMPA), which
gives authority to state and local
government employees to humanely
take marine mammals in the course of
their official duties.
Comment 44: Some commenters
expressed concern that the cultural
impact analysis in the DEIS completed
for this proposed rule is inadequate.
One commenter stated that input from
Ho’okena residents was heard and
considered by NMFS, but because the
proposed rule is statewide, the cultural
impact analysis needs to be expanded to
include other areas in the list of
proposed restricted areas. Some of these
commenters recommended that, in lieu
of this proposed regulation, NMFS work
with local residents and elders to craft
a new alternative.
Response: We conducted a
comprehensive scoping process through
which we received feedback from
concerned citizens, including members
of the native Hawaiian community, tour
operators, researchers, members of the
public involved in dolphin-directed
activities, and other stakeholders from
around the state, not just on Hawai‘i
Island. Further detail about the public
input we solicited on this regulation is
available in the response to Comment
In addition to this public input
process, we initiated a separate scoping
process to determine if historic
properties could be affected by any of
the alternatives under consideration, as
required by the National Historic
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Preservation Act (NHPA). With
assistance from Hawai‘i’s State Historic
Preservation Division, we identified and
contacted Native Hawaiian
organizations, communities, and
individuals, and then held four scoping
meetings in 2012 with those who
expressed interest in participating.
Following these meetings, we
contracted a consultant to conduct
interviews with three lineal descendants
from each of the five bays identified as
potential time-area closure locations
(Kealakekua Bay, Kauhako¯ Bay
(Ho‘okena), Ho¯naunau Bay, Makako
Bay, and La Perouse Bay), to help us
identify historic properties or practices
that could be affected by the time-area
closures that were under consideration
to protect Hawaiian spinner dolphins.
We incorporated the findings from the
initial scoping process in 2006, as well
as the 2012 NHPA scoping process into
the development of the various
alternatives in the DEIS, and we have
not received any information through
the public comment period to suggest
that this rule would hinder cultural
practices identified through the
interviews with lineal descendants (e.g.,
fishing, canoe activities, ancestral
caretaking and worship, and care of
burial sites; see section 3.4.5 in the FEIS
for descriptions of activities in various
bays around the state). We have
determined that this final rule to
implement swim-with and approach
regulations for Hawaiian spinner
dolphins has no potential to cause
effects to historic properties under
section 106 of the NHPA.
Comment 45: We received comments
requesting that this rule be enforced
upon all water users, including
swimmers and all private and
commercial vessels. Conversely, we
received comments requesting that the
regulation be tailored so that there
would be ‘‘no burden’’ for non-dolphin
tour operators and responsible dolphinviewing vessels, since those vessels are
not harassing the dolphins.
Response: We agree that this rule
should be enforced for all water users,
both private and commercial (including
non-dolphin tour operators). As
described in Comment 1 and 2, multiple
scientific studies provide evidence
regarding the various and differing
vessel and swimmer impacts on the
behavior of spinner dolphins and how
those impacts can create long term
health impacts. Because spinner
dolphins can be affected by numerous
activities on the water, this rule applies
to all water users, unless a narrow
exception applies. We believe that the
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50 yard (45.7 m) limit provides an
appropriate opportunity for responsible
wildlife viewing, without unnecessarily
burdening the public. Exceptions are
provided in the final rule (50 CFR
216.20 (c)).
Comment 46: Several commenters
expressed concern that this rule will not
be enforced, noting that DLNR has
limited resources devoted to
enforcement. Several commenters
suggested actions for NMFS to provide
resources for enforcement, including
providing funding to DOCARE, staffing
observers in bays with lots of human
activity, collecting funding from tour
vessels for enforcement in the form of a
licensing fee, and using fines levied on
violators of this proposed rule to
support enforcement.
Response: Enforcement of the MMPA
is accomplished via all available means,
including through land and sea patrols
conducted by the NMFS OLE, the
United States Coast Guard, and
DOCARE, all of whom work with us on
outreach and enforcement. NMFS OLE
conducts periodic patrols, which
include areas with high amounts of
human activity, and accepts evidence of
harassment submitted by citizens
observing violations. Historically,
NMFS has also provided funds to
DOCARE through a Joint Enforcement
Agreement to conduct enforcement
activities. NMFS OLE, with support
from DOCARE, is actively pursuing
violations of the MMPA and will
continue to do so. Regarding the
suggestion to use fines levied on
violators of the proposed rule to support
enforcement, MMPA civil fines are
currently directed into a national Asset
Forfeiture Fund, which is then used to
help fund enforcement activities subject
to NOAA policy. Finally, with regard to
the comment recommending collection
of funding from tour vessel operators in
the form of a licensing fee, we refer the
commenter to our response to Comment
38 regarding permitting fees.
Comment 47: Several commenters
suggested that NMFS should focus on
enforcing the MMPA, rather than
creating a new regulation, since
Hawaiian spinner dolphins are already
protected from take by the MMPA. One
commenter, noted that spinner dolphins
are not threatened or endangered under
the ESA, and this regulation will set a
precedent for establishing protections
for non-ESA listed species.
Response: The MMPA protects all
marine mammals, whether or not listed
under the ESA, in U.S. waters and on
the high seas from take, which includes
Level B harassment. This regulation
further enhances protections for spinner
dolphins under the MMPA (see the
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
responses to Comment 8 and Comment
14). The commenter is correct that the
spinner dolphin is not currently listed
as threatened or endangered under the
ESA; however, the MMPA protects all
marine mammals, regardless of whether
they are ESA listed, and this action is
taken under authority of the MMPA to
strengthen protections for spinner
dolphins from increased human
pressures that have resulted in observed
disruption of behavioral patterns.
Final Rulemaking
The swim-with and approach
prohibitions described in this rule are
designed to protect spinner dolphins
from take, including harassment and
disturbance, caused by dolphin-directed
activities, such as close viewing and
interaction. Although we stress that
unauthorized take of spinner dolphins
or any marine mammals already is and
continues to be prohibited by the
MMPA in any location, we believe that
specific regulations aimed at identified
human activities that result in take of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins are
warranted because of the chronic
disturbance that is currently taking
place in nearshore waters. This
regulation is limited to nearshore areas,
within 2 nmi (3.7 km) from shore of the
MHI and including designated waters
bounded by La¯na‘i, Maui, and
Kaho‘olawe (see Figures 2 and 3 in
section 216.20(e) and Geographic Action
Area section below), where threats from
dolphin-directed activities are
concentrated and where spinner
dolphins engage in essential daytime
behaviors, including resting, socializing,
nurturing, and traveling. These
measures are intended to prevent take
during important resting periods and
allow Hawaiian spinner dolphins to
engage in normal fitness-enhancing
behaviors, thereby preventing long-term
negative impacts to individuals and to
the population. We are finalizing this
regulation pursuant to our rulemaking
authority under MMPA sections 112 (a)
(16 U.S.C. 1382(a)) and 102 (16 U.S.C.
Scope and Applicability
Application to All Hawaiian Spinner
The rule’s swim-with and approach
prohibitions apply to all Hawaiian
spinner dolphins found in the action
area (see Geographic Action Area
section below).
The action area for the swim-with and
approach prohibitions in this rule is
limited to waters within 2 nmi (3.7 km)
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Applications to All Forms of Swimming
and Approach
The regulation applies to all forms of
swim-with and approach activities in
water and air. Forms of approaching
spinner dolphins include, but are not
limited to, operating a manned or
unmanned motorized, non-motorized,
self-propelled, human-powered, or
submersible vessel; operating an
unmanned aircraft system (UAS) or
drone; and swimming at the water
surface or underwater (i.e., SCUBA,
snorkeling, or free diving).
Requirements of the Rule
Swim-With and Approach Regulation
The rule prohibits people from
approaching or remaining within 50
yards (45.7 m) of a spinner dolphin;
swimming or attempting to swim within
50 yards (45.7 m) of a spinner dolphin;
causing a vessel, person, or object to
approach or remain within 50 yards
(45.7 m) of a spinner dolphin; and
intercepting, or placing a vessel, person,
or other object in the path of a spinner
dolphin so that the dolphin approaches
within 50 yards (45.7 m) of the vessel,
person, or object.
Geographic Action Area
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of each of the MHI and in designated
waters bounded by the islands of La¯na‘i,
Maui, and Kaho‘olawe (see Figures 2
and 3 in section 216.20(e)). The latter
designated waters include all water
areas enclosed by three line segments
that connect points at the 2-nm
boundary bounded by the islands as
follows: The rhumb line between (A1)
20°32′51″ N/156°43′50″ W (Kaho‘olawe)
and (A2) 20°42′4″ N/156°55′34″ W
(La¯na‘i); the rhumb line between (B1)
20°51′1″ N/156°54′0″ W (La¯na‘i) and
(B2) 20°59′48″ N/156°42′28″ W (Maui);
and the rhumb line between (C1)
20°33′55″ N/156°26′43″ W (Maui) and
(C2) 20°32′15″ N/156°29′51″ W
(Kaho‘olawe). Throughout this rule, all
coordinates are referenced to the World
Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84).
This is inclusive of the majority of the
nearshore habitats where MHI resident
stocks of spinner dolphins engage in
essential daytime behaviors and where
dolphin-directed human activities that
may result in take are known to occur
(see Rationale section below).
Specific categories are exempt from
the swim-with and approach regulation,
and are outlined below:
(1) Any person who inadvertently
comes within 50 yards (45.7 m) of a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin or is
approached by a spinner dolphin,
provided the person makes no effort to
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engage or pursue the animal and takes
immediate steps to move away from the
(2) Any vessel that is underway and
is approached by a Hawaiian spinner
dolphin, provided the vessel continues
normal navigation and makes no effort
to engage or pursue the animal. For
purposes of this exception, a vessel is
underway if it is not at anchor, made
fast to the shore, or aground;
(3) Any vessel transiting to or from a
port, harbor, or in a restricted channel
when a 50 yard (45.7 m) distance will
not allow the vessel to maintain safe
(4) Vessel operations necessary to
avoid an imminent and serious threat to
a person or vessel;
(5) Any vessel that is anchored or
aground and is approached by a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin, provided the
vessel makes no effort to engage or
pursue the animal;
(6) Activities authorized through a
permit or authorization issued by the
National Marine Fisheries Service to
take Hawaiian spinner dolphins; and
(7) Federal, state, or local government
vessels, aircraft, personnel, and assets
when necessary in the course of
performing official duties.
(8) Commercial fishing vessels that
incidentally take spinner dolphins
during the course of commercial fishing
operations, provided such vessels
operate in compliance with a valid
marine mammal authorization in
accordance with MMPA Section 118(c).
The exception for vessels transiting to
or from ports, harbors, or restricted
channels is necessary to allow
continuation of safe navigation when
approaching spinner dolphins closer
than 50 yards (45.7 m) is unavoidable.
For these cases, the vessel should
continue normal navigation to reduce
the likelihood that close interactions
result in disturbances for an appreciable
period of time. The exception for vessel
operations necessary to avoid an
imminent and serious threat to a person
or vessel is needed for the safety of
human life and property, and to allow
for compliance with applicable
navigation rules. The exception for
anchored and aground vessels was
added in response to public comments
received on the proposed rule and is
intended to recognize that anchored
vessels may not be able to avoid coming
within 50 yards (45.7 m) of Hawaiian
spinner dolphins if approached by the
animals. The exception for vessels,
aircraft (manned or unmanned) or
persons engaged in an activity
authorized through a permit or other
authorization issued by NMFS to take
spinner dolphins is necessary to ensure
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
the continued availability of scientific
research and biological data necessary
to inform management and conservation
decisions related to the dolphins. We
anticipate that compliance with relevant
permit terms and conditions will help
minimize the potential impacts to
dolphins. The exception for government
vessels, aircraft, personnel, and assets
operating in the course of official duties
is intended to avoid disruption of
essential government missions,
including enforcement and national
security activities. The exception for
commercial fishing vessels is limited to
incidental take by those vessels in
compliance with the associated valid
marine mammal authorization in
accordance with MMPA Section 118(c).
Hawaiian spinner dolphins resident
to the MHI are made up of small,
genetically isolated stocks that exhibit a
specialized behavioral ecology that
makes them easy to access in coastal
environments during their daytime
resting hours. This leaves these resident
stocks vulnerable to human-caused
disturbance and its effects, such as
habitat abandonment or declines in
reproductive success (Norris et al. 1994,
Andrews et al. 2010, Tyne et al. 2014).
In the MHI, dolphin-directed activities
have increased in recent years, and the
public’s expectation of close
interactions has placed increased
pressure on resident stocks of Hawaiian
spinner dolphins and the habitats that
support these stocks (see Background
above). Despite outreach, guidelines,
and current prohibitions, observations
indicate that MHI resident Hawaiian
spinner dolphins’ natural behaviors are
disrupted by activities that include
approach by both swimmers and vessels
(Ostman-Lind et al. 2004, Danil et al.
2005, Courbis 2004, Courbis and
Timmel 2008), and overarching spinner
dolphin group behavioral patterns may
be changing in essential daytime
habitats as a result of these pressures
(Norris et al. 1994, Forest 2001, Courbis
2004, Courbis and Timmel 2008).
The public, through public comment
submissions, brought several recent
studies to our attention that they
believed should be incorporated into
environmental review process. Upon
review of these studies (Branstetter et
al., 2012; Christiansen and Lusseau,
2015; Hartel and Torres, 2015; and New
et al., 2013), we determined that these
were not applicable to the issue being
addressed by this regulation. A detailed
review of these studies, including why
we determined they were not applicable
to this regulation, is available in the
responses to Comments 12 and 14.
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This regulation is designed to address
dolphin-directed activities that result in
various forms of take of Hawaiian
spinner dolphins. As described in the
proposed rule, we selected 2 nmi (3.7
km) from shore around the MHI, as well
as designated waters bounded by the
islands of La¯na‘i, Maui, and
Kaho‘olawe, for the boundaries for the
swim-with and approach regulation. We
are maintaining this as the boundary for
the final regulation because this range
encompasses the areas where current
and best available information indicates
that most dolphin-directed activities are
likely to be concentrated. For further
detail regarding this decision, please see
the responses to Comments 23–26.
Regarding the approach distance, this
final regulation maintains the 50 yard
(45.7 m) approach distance proposed in
the DEIS, proposed rulemaking, and
analyzed in the FEIS. We received
public comments in support of both
increasing the distance and decreasing
the distance. However, we selected 50
yards (45.7 m) as the approach distance
for this regulation because it would
reduce the threat of take occurring to
spinner dolphins resulting from close
approach by swimmers and vessels,
while placing the least restrictive
burden on the viewing public.
Additionally, we already recommend
this distance (50 yards (45.7 m)) in our
wildlife viewing guidelines and request
that people do not swim-with wild
dolphins to reduce the risk of behavioral
disruption from close encounters. These
guidelines are recognized by tour
operators and are used by some (e.g.,
Dolphin SMART operators) to help
ensure that spinner dolphins are viewed
responsibly. This decision is more fully
described in the responses to Comments
8 and 9.
For further information regarding the
effects of close approach on spinner
dolphins, please see the proposed rule.
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited
in this rulemaking can be found on our
website at: https://www.fisheries.
noaa.gov/action/enhancing-protectionshawaiian-spinner-dolphins, or at
www.regulations.gov, and is available
upon request from the NMFS office in
Honolulu, Hawai‘i (see ADDRESSES).
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) and Regulatory Impact Review
NMFS has prepared an FEIS and an
RIR pursuant to NEPA (42 U.S.C. 4321
et seq.) and Executive Order (E.O.)
12866, to support this regulation. The
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FEIS/RIR contains a full analysis of a No
Action Alternative, five action
alternatives, and the Preferred
Alternative. NMFS prepared a Record of
Decision (ROD) detailing the agency’s
decision concerning this regulation. The
FEIS/RIR, ROD, and supporting
documents are available for review and
comment and can be found on the
NMFS Pacific Islands Region website at
Regulatory Flexibility Act
A final regulatory flexibility analysis
(FRFA) was prepared for this action and
is included below. The FRFA
incorporates the initial regulatory
flexibility analysis (IRFA) prepared for
the proposed rule stage, an analysis of
updated information collected after the
comment period for the proposed rule
closed (Impact Assessment 2018), and
includes a summary of the significant
issues raised by the public and the
Small Business Administration (SBA) in
response to the IRFA, along with NMFS’
responses to those comments.
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RFA) (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) as amended
by the Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) of
1996, whenever an agency publishes a
notice of rulemaking for any proposed
or final rule, it must prepare and make
available for public comment a
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
describing the effects of the rule on
small entities, i.e., small businesses,
small organizations, and small
government jurisdictions.
Pursuant to the RFA, NMFS prepared
the following Final Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (FRFA). A
description of the action, why it is being
considered, and the legal basis for this
action are contained in the preamble to
this final rule. This final rule does not
duplicate, overlap, or conflict with other
Federal rules. The analysis contains a
description of and, where feasible, an
estimate of the number of, small entities
to which the rule will apply. The Small
Business Administration (SBA)
establishes criteria for defining a ‘‘small
entity’’ for purposes of the RFA. There
are no record-keeping or reporting
requirements associated with this
The Chief Counsel for Advocacy of
the Small Business Administration did
not file any comments on the proposed
rule. NMFS did not receive comments
on the IRFA, although some comments
on the economic aspects of the proposed
rule, including those that affect small
entities, could be relevant. Please see
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
Comments 20, 38, 39, and 40 and
NMFS’s responses to those comments.
There are several types of industries
directly affected by this rulemaking:
Swim-with-wild-dolphins tour
operators; dolphin watch tour operators;
non-motorized vessel ocean wildlife
viewing tour operators; and generalized
commercial boat tour operators. This
analysis uses size standards prescribed
by the SBA. Specifically, for scenic and
sightseeing water transportation
operators (North American Industry
Classification System Code 487210), the
SBA size standard for a small business
is average annual receipts of $8.0
million or less. Much of the background
information for potentially affected
entities is based on a 2018 report (2018
report) that summarized information
collected in 2017 with regard to
participants within these industries that
potentially interact with Hawaiian
spinner dolphins to varying degrees in
the MHI (Impact Assessment 2018). The
2018 report is similar to the
socioeconomic report finalized in 2007
(which contained information collected
in 2006 and provided much of the
information for the IRFA in support of
the proposed rule), but with updated
information. The 2018 report provides
information that suggests that most, if
not all, businesses operating in the
swim-with-wild-dolphins tour and the
dolphin watch tour industries operating
in 2017 could be considered small
entities, and most of the generalized
commercial boat tour operators were
assumed to be small entities (Impact
Assessment 2018).
Swim-with-wild-dolphins tour
operators are those that bring clientele
into close proximity with spinner
dolphins. This includes health and/or
spiritual retreat operations as well as
dolphin-oriented swim tours. Health
and spiritually-linked businesses
provide opportunities for persons
wishing to interact with spinner
dolphins for perceived physical, mental,
and/or spiritual well-being
enhancement. The number of businesses
in this category increased between 2007
and 2017, especially on the Island of
Hawai‘i. Spiritually-linked tour
operations may charter vessels through
other established dolphin-swim
companies to transport customers as
part of an overall per-person package
consisting of lodging, swimming with
dolphins, and other activities.
According to the 2018 report, an
estimated six to eight locally owned
spiritual retreat businesses and at least
33 non-local (i.e., mainland United
States, Europe, Japan, South Africa, and
Australia) spiritual retreat businesses
operating on Hawai‘i Island reportedly
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provided direct Hawaiian spinner
dolphin interaction in 2017. No
numbers were provided for spiritual
retreat businesses operating on O‘ahu,
Maui, and Kaua‘i.
Dolphin-oriented swim tours operate
by transporting passengers by boat or
having them swim from shore to areas
in which dolphins are known to be
present during daytime hours.
Customers may also be provided with
facemasks, fins, flotation devices, and
snorkels to enhance viewing. The 2018
report suggests that at least 41 swimwith-dolphins tour companies operated
on Hawai‘i and seven operated on
O‘ahu. The report also indicated that
commercial boat tours on Maui did not
appear to advertise underwater
encounters with spinner dolphins, nor
did those on Kauai, although unplanned
encounters may occur. All are believed
to be small entities.
Dolphin-watch tour operators involve
taking clients out specifically to view
wild dolphins. These companies tend to
operate smaller boats than the more
generalized commercial boat tours
described below, and are more likely to
view dolphins at a closer range.
Revenue information for this specific
business category is not available. The
2018 report did not provide estimated
number of businesses that primarily
focused on dolphin viewing, but NMFS
had previously estimated the number of
dolphin watch tour businesses to be as
follows: Hawai‘i (3), Maui (21), O‘ahu
(3), and Kaua‘i (11) in 2015 (NOAA
Fisheries, PIRO).
More generalized commercial boat
tours offer a range of ocean activities,
which may include sightseeing,
snorkeling, diving, viewing various
forms of sea life from a vantage point in
and/or above the water, or just generally
spending time on the ocean. The
majority of the general tour boats derive
revenue from whale watching and
sightseeing operations, while a number
of the dive/snorkel vessels offer
snorkeling or diving trips. The 2018
report provided economic or operational
information from 28 generalized
commercial boat tour businesses
(Hawai‘i Island: 5, O‘ahu: 2, Maui: 16,
and Kaua‘i: 15), although there are
likely more businesses that fall in this
category. NMFS believes that most, but
not all, would be considered small
Non-motorized vessel ocean wildlife
viewing tour operators, specifically
kayak tour businesses around the MHI,
provide a general wildlife viewing
experience, with a very few, if any,
operators advertising direct or
intentional interactions with dolphins.
The 2018 report indicated that these
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operations were designed to provide
clients with a variety of recreational and
sightseeing experiences that typically
did not include dolphin interactions.
The 2018 report did not provide
estimated number of businesses in this
category, but NMFS had previously
estimated that in 2015, the numbers of
companies that either operate kayak
tours or rent out kayaks to be as follows:
Hawai‘i (6), Maui (9), O‘ahu (6), and
Kaua‘i (13) (NOAA Fisheries, PIRO).
Based on the information from the 2018
report and/or obtained by NMFS in
2015, the estimated numbers of small
entities directly affected by the final
rulemaking, by industry, on the MHI are
as follows: At least 60 or 70 swim-withwild-dolphins tour operators (including
health and/or spiritual retreats enabling
opportunities to swim with wild
dolphins), and at least 38 generalized
commercial boat tour operators (one or
more of which are likely to be
considered large entities).
Because information on these entities
were collected in 2017, their numbers
might differ currently and in the near
term, as these are businesses whose
customer base are often comprised of
tourists and visitors to the State of
Hawaii or interisland travelers.
Beginning in March 2020, the Hawaii
tourism industry has been undergoing a
significant drop in travel and tourismrelated business activities due to the
COVID pandemic. In April 2020, 4,564
visitors arrived in Hawaii, a 99.5%
decrease from the number of visitors
that arrived in April 2019 (https://
media/4635/april-2020-visitor-statisticspress-release-final.pdf). While tourism
has increased in the state over the last
year with 791,053 visitor arriving in
Hawaii in June 2021, this number
represents a 16.5 percent decline
compared to June 2019 (https://
media/7582/june-2021-visitor-statisticspress-release.pdf). As a result, the
tourism industry has faced immediate
financial challenges and businesses that
rely on tourists, such as boat-based
wildlife viewing tours, snorkel tours,
and spiritual retreats have been
financially impacted from the COVID
pandemic. Although it is not known
when tourism will return to pre-COVID
levels, we anticipate that that dolphin
directed activities would resume to prepandemic levels in the future.
This final rule would restrict all
activities associated with close
approach to Hawaiian spinner dolphins,
including swimming with dolphins and
close approach by vessel. These
approach prohibitions would be
applicable within 2 nmi (3.7 km) of each
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
of the MHI and in designated waters
bounded by the islands of La¯na‘i, Maui,
and Kaho‘olawe. This rule implements
the least restrictive measure that still
achieves reduction in harassment of
The ban on swimming and
approaching within 50 yards (45.7 m) of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins, has the
potential to eliminate all activities,
including commercial activities that
may result in take of spinner dolphins
(e.g., swim-with-wild-dolphins) at a
close distance. Therefore, implementing
this final action would require operators
that currently offer the opportunity to
swim with spinner dolphins to cease
this specific activity, although they may
choose to continue to provide other
services among their menu of options.
For example, a spiritual retreat that
offers a menu of other activities along
with swim-with-wild-dolphins activities
may continue to offer the other
activities. In addition, swim-with-wilddolphins tour operators may choose to
transition to operate as a dolphinwatching or generalized tour vessel
operation. For these businesses,
eliminating opportunities to swim with
wild spinner dolphins within 50 yards
(45.7 m) is likely to result in a reduction
in revenue in the short term and
potentially in the long term. The
decrease in revenue could come from
the reduction in the number of
customers, specifically those who seek
the experience of swimming with
spinner dolphins, and/or reduced trip or
package prices with a reduced menu of
options available for each trip. The loss
in overall revenue to individual
businesses and the industry as a whole
that rely on close approach with spinner
dolphins by any means for revenue is
uncertain. The same is true with regard
to the number of businesses that would
be still be able to remain in operation
after the implementation of the final
rule. The 2018 report indicated that
many of the business owners or
operators facilitating underwater
dolphin encounters expected that they
would see lower profits, devaluation of
business assets, employee layoffs, or
they might decide move the business to
a different location outside of Hawaii, or
some operators expected they would go
out of business. One operator reported
laying off all his employees after
voluntarily complying with the
proposed rule. NMFS, however, has no
corroborating information for this
report. Some others stated that they
would try to create a different kind of
Commercial wildlife boat tour
operators, including generalized
commercial boat tour operators, dolphin
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watch tour operators, and nonmotorized vessel tour operators, would
no longer be able to take customers to
view Hawaiian spinner dolphins from
closer than 50 yards (45.7 m).
Restricting operators from approaching
within 50 yards (45.7 m) of spinner
dolphins may reduce demand for vesselbased tours among customers who
specifically hope to view dolphins from
a vessel at a closer range, although there
will be no options other than not taking
a tour at all, as no boats in Hawai‘i
would be able to offer tours closer than
50 yards (45.7 m). Some tour operators
may be able to offer alternative
recreational opportunities or amenities
as part of a tour to help offset any loss
in demand for tours. For generalized
tour boat operators with a clientele base
that does not have a specific goal of
viewing spinner dolphins, the direct
economic impact of the final action is
likely to be minimal.
Participants of dolphin directed
activities may also support other
industries indirectly, including lodging,
food industry, and car rentals. Many
dolphin-swim participants may travel to
Hawaii and participate in a wide variety
of other ocean based activities,
including vessel based wildlife viewing.
Weiner (2016) found that 78 percent of
participants of swim-with dolphin tours
would still participate in a dolphin tour,
even if they could not go in the water
with dolphins. The industries that
provide goods and services to visitors
could potentially see some loss in
revenue if new regulations were
implemented that prohibited swimming
with dolphins. However, many of these
businesses serve a much larger number
of local, U.S., and international visitors
to the state seeking a wide range of
experiences, of which direct encounters
with dolphins are a small component.
NMFS concludes that there would be
disproportionate impacts to the swimwith-wild-dolphin tour operators from
implementation of this final action
relative to all other general wildlife
viewing tour operators. Similarly,
because of the focus of activities, it is
also likely that the dolphin watch tour
industry will face greater impacts than
the generalized wildlife tour companies.
As a result, dolphin-watch tour entities
may face disproportionate impacts
relative to the generalized commercial
boat tour companies, which are likely to
incur few direct economic impacts from
the final action. We note that dolphin
watch tour entities are all believed to be
small entities, and most of the
generalized commercial boat tour
companies are as well, although a few
might be considered large entities with
revenues exceeding $8.0 million.
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NMFS considered other alternatives
in addition to the swim-with and 50
yard (45.7 m) approach regulations
(Alternative 3(A)). These include
Alternative 1: No action; Alternative 2:
Swim-with regulations; Alternative 3(B):
Swim-with and 100 yard (91.4 m)
approach regulations; Alternative 4:
Mandatory time-area closures, swimwith, and 50 yard (45.7 m) approach
regulations; and Alternative 5:
Voluntary time-area closures and swimwith and 50 yard (45.7 m) approach
regulations. As is the case for this final
action, Alternatives 2, 3(B), 4, and 5
would all be applicable within 2 nmi of
each MHI and in designated waters
bounded by the islands of La¯na‘i, Maui,
and Kaho‘olawe. Among the nonselected action alternatives, all would
likely result in a higher direct economic
impact to individual small entities and
the dolphin-viewing industry as a
whole, relative to the final action,
except for Alternative 2. NMFS has
determined that the final action meets
the goals and objective of reducing
human-caused disturbances that
Hawaiian spinner dolphins are facing in
their natural habitat, and will help
protect against declines in the fitness of
the population over time.
No additional reporting, record
keeping, and other compliance
requirements are anticipated for small
businesses. NMFS has identified no
Federal rules that may duplicate,
overlap, or conflict with the action
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory
Planning and Review
This rule was determined to be not
significant for purposes of E.O. 12866.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The purpose of the Paperwork
Reduction Act is to minimize the
paperwork burden for individuals, small
businesses, educational and nonprofit
institutions, and other persons resulting
from the collection of information by or
for the Federal government. The rule
includes no new collection of
information, so further analysis is not
National Historic Preservation Act
The goal of the NHPA (16 U.S.C. 470
et seq.) is to have Federal agencies act
as responsible stewards of our nation’s
resources when their actions affect
historic properties. Section 106 of the
NHPA requires Federal agencies to take
into account the effects of undertakings
they carry out, assist, fund, or permit on
historic properties. Federal agencies
meet this requirement by completing the
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
section 106 process set forth in the
implementing regulation, ‘‘Protection of
Historic Properties,’’ 36 CFR part 800.
The goal of the section 106 process is to
identify and consider historic properties
(or sites eligible for listing) that might be
affected by an undertaking, and to
attempt to resolve any adverse effects
through consultation. Under the NHPA,
an ‘‘effect’’ means an alteration to the
characteristics of a historic property
qualifying it for inclusion or eligibility
for the National Register.
NMFS conducted a scoping process to
determine if historic properties may be
affected by the proposed regulation.
Native Hawaiian organizations,
communities, and individuals were
contacted upon recommendation from
Hawai‘i’s State Historic Preservation
Division and four community scoping
meetings were held in 2012 with those
who expressed interest in the proposed
undertaking. NMFS has not received
any information to suggest that this
undertaking would adversely affect
historic properties or hinder cultural
practices within historic properties such
as those identified through the
interviews with lineal descendants (e.g.,
fishing, canoe activities, ancestral
caretaking and worship, and care of
burial sites).
We have determined a swim-with and
approach regulation for Hawaiian
spinner dolphins does not have the
potential to cause effects on or
alterations to the characteristics of
historic properties. In consideration of
the foregoing the NMFS has determined
that the undertaking is a no potential to
effect determination (36 CFR 800.3)
under Section 106 of the NHPA.
Coastal Zone Management Act
Section 307(c)(1) of the Federal
Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972
requires that all Federal activities that
affect any land or water use or natural
resource of the coastal zone be
consistent with approved state coastal
zone management programs to the
maximum extent practicable. We
determined that this regulation is
consistent to the maximum extent
practicable with the enforceable policies
of the approved Coastal Zone
Management Program of Hawai‘i. This
determination and the DEIS were
submitted for review by the Hawai‘i
Coastal Zone Management (CZM)
Program. The Hawai‘i CZM Program
concurred with our determination in a
letter dated September 27, 2016.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 216
Administrative practice and
procedure, Marine mammals.
Dated: September 20, 2021.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for
Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the
preamble, 50 CFR part 216 is amended
as follows:
1. The authority citation for 50 CFR
part 216 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.
2. Add § 216.20 to subpart B to read
as follows:
§ 216.20 Special restrictions for Hawaiian
spinner dolphins.
(a) Applicability. The following
special restrictions designed to protect
Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins apply:
(1) In all waters within 2 nautical
miles (nmi) of the main Hawaiian
Islands, and
(2) In all waters bounded by the
islands of La¯na‘i, Maui, and Kaho‘olawe
enclosed by 3 line segments that
connect points on the 2-nmi boundary
between the islands as follows: The
straight line between 20°32′51″ N/
156°43′50″ W (Kaho‘olawe) and 20°42′4″
N/156°55′34″ W (La¯na‘i), the straight
line between 20°51′1″ N/156°54′0″ W
(La¯na‘i) and 20°59′48″ N/156°42′28″ W
(Maui), and the straight line between
20°33′55″ N/156°26′43″ W (Maui) and
20°32′15″ N/156°29′51″ W (Kaho‘olawe)
(all coordinates referenced to The World
Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84)).
[All coordinates referenced to The World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84).]
Line segment between islands
Figure 3 label
Kaho‘olawe and La¯na‘i .......................................................................................................
La¯na‘i and Maui ..................................................................................................................
Maui and Kaho‘olawe .........................................................................................................
20°32′51″ N
20°42′4″ N
20°51′1″ N
20°59′48″ N
20°33′55″ N
20°32′15″ N
156°43′50″ W
156°55′34″ W
156°54′0″ W
156°42′28″ W
156°26′43″ W
156°29′51″ W
* (see Figure 3 of this section).
(b) Prohibitions. Except as noted in
paragraph (c) of this section, it is
unlawful for any person subject to the
jurisdiction of the United States to
commit, to attempt to commit, to solicit
another to commit, or to cause to be
committed any of the following:
(1) Approach or remain within 50
yards (45.7 m) of a Hawaiian spinner
dolphin by any means;
(2) Swim within 50 yards (45.7 m) of
a Hawaiian spinner dolphin;
(3) Cause a vessel, person, or other
object to approach or remain within 50
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yards (45.7 m) of a Hawaiian spinner
dolphin; or
(4) Intercept or place a vessel, person,
or other object in the path of a Hawaiian
spinner dolphin so that the dolphin
approaches within 50 yards (45.7 m) of
the vessel, person, or object.
(c) Exceptions. The prohibitions of
paragraph (b) of this section do not
apply to:
(1) Any person who inadvertently
comes within 50 yards (45.7 m) of a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin or is
approached by a spinner dolphin,
provided the person makes no effort to
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engage or pursue the animal and takes
immediate steps to move away from the
(2) Any vessel that is underway and
is approached by a Hawaiian spinner
dolphin, provided the vessel continues
normal navigation and makes no effort
to engage or pursue the animal. For
purposes of this exception, a vessel is
defined as a watercraft or other artificial
contrivance used, or capable of being
used, as a means of transportation on
water (1 U.S.C. 3); a vessel is underway
if it is not made fast to the shore, at
anchor, or aground;
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
(3) Any vessel transiting to or from a
port, harbor, or in a restricted channel
when a 50-yard (45.7 m) distance will
not allow the vessel to maintain safe
(4) Vessel operations necessary to
avoid an imminent and serious threat to
a person or vessel;
(5) Any vessel that is anchored or
aground and is approached by a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin, provided the
vessel makes no effort to engage or
pursue the animal;
(6) Activities authorized through a
permit or authorization issued by the
National Marine Fisheries Service to
take Hawaiian spinner dolphins;
(7) Federal, State, or local government
vessels, aircraft, personnel, and assets
when necessary in the course of
performing official duties;
(8) Commercial fishing vessels that
incidentally take spinner dolphins
during the course of commercial fishing
operations, provided such vessels
operate in compliance with a valid
marine mammal authorization in
accordance with MMPA section 118(c).
(d) Affirmative defense. In connection
with any action alleging a violation of
this section, any person claiming the
benefit of any exemption, exception, or
permit listed in paragraph (c) of this
section has the burden of proving that
the exemption or exception is
applicable, or that the permit was
granted and was valid and in force at
the time of the alleged violation.
(e) Maps of areas for Hawaiian
spinner dolphin special restrictions. The
following are overview maps and a table
with corresponding coordinate data for
the areas for Hawaiian spinner dolphin
special restriction.
Figure 1 to § 216.20. Overview of Area of Spinner Dolphin Protections
Area of Spinner Dolphin Protections
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60 Nautical Miles
180 Kilometers
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 / Rules and Regulations
Figure 2 to§ 216.20. Overview of Designated Waters bounded by Lana'i, Maui, and
Kaho'olawe for Spinner Dolphin Protections. See Table 1 for coordinates.
Area of Spinner Dolphin Protections: AN
Maui Nui
20 Nautical Miles
40 Kilometers
[FR Doc. 2021–20616 Filed 9–27–21; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 185 (Tuesday, September 28, 2021)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 53818-53843]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-20616]
[[Page 53817]]
Vol. 86
No. 185
September 28, 2021
Part III
Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 216
Swim With and Approach Regulation for Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins Under
the Marine Mammal Protection Act; Establishment of Time-Area Closures
for Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act;
Final Rule and Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 86 , No. 185 / Tuesday, September 28, 2021 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 53818]]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
50 CFR Part 216
[Docket No. 210901-0173]
RIN 0648-AU02
Swim With and Approach Regulation for Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins
Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: We, NMFS, establish a regulation under the Marine Mammal
Protection Act (MMPA) to prohibit swimming with and approaching a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin within 50 yards (45.7 meters (m)) (for
persons, vessels, and objects), including approach by interception.
These regulatory measures are intended to prevent take of Hawaiian
spinner dolphins from occurring in marine areas where viewing pressures
are most prevalent; the swim-with and approach prohibitions apply in
waters within 2 nautical miles (nmi; 3.7 kilometers (km)) of the
Hawaiian Islands and in designated waters bounded by the islands of
L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and Kaho`olawe. Although unauthorized take of
marine mammals, including harassment of spinner dolphins, already is
and continues to be prohibited under the MMPA throughout their range,
the purpose of this regulation is to identify and prohibit specific
human activities that result in take (including harassment) of Hawaiian
spinner dolphins, and thus reduce disturbance and disruption of
important Hawaiian spinner dolphin behaviors in areas where human-
dolphin interactions are most likely to occur. This regulation is
expected to reduce take of Hawaiian spinner dolphins and the impact of
human viewing and interaction on these animals in the main Hawaiian
Islands (MHI).
DATES: This final rule is effective October 28, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Copies of this rule and the Final Environmental Impact
Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision can be obtained from the
website. https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/action/enhancing-protections-hawaiian-spinner-dolphins. Written requests for copies of these
documents should be addressed to Kevin Brindock, Deputy Assistant
Regional Administrator, Protected Resources Division, National Marine
Fisheries Service, Pacific Islands Regional Office, 1845 Wasp Blvd.,
Bldg. 176, Honolulu, HI 96818, Attn: Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin Final
Region, Deputy Assistant Regional Administrator, Protected Resources
Division, 808-725-5146; or Trevor Spradlin, NMFS, Office of Protected
Resources, Deputy Chief, Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Conservation
Division, Office of Protected Resources, 301-427-8402.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We developed this final rule after
considering comments submitted in response to an Advance Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), as well as information from the public
scoping period and public comment period for the Draft Environmental
Impact Statement (DEIS) and the proposed rule, from community meetings
and hearings on the proposed rule, and from relevant scientific
literature and a dedicated scientific research project.
Viewing wild marine mammals in Hawai`i has been a popular
recreational activity for both tourists and residents over the past
several decades. Historically, most marine mammal viewing focused on
humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) during the winter months when
the whales migrate from their feeding grounds off the coast of Alaska
to Hawai`i's warm and protected waters to breed and calve. However,
increased marine mammal viewing has focused on small cetaceans, with a
particular emphasis on Hawaiian spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris
longirostris), which can be predictably found close to shore in shallow
waters throughout the MHI.
The number of commercial operators engaged in wild dolphin viewing
has grown dramatically in Hawai`i in recent years (O'Connor 2009,
Impact Assessment 2018), putting new pressures on easily accessible
groups of resting Hawaiian spinner dolphins. Wiener (2016) found that
on the Wai`anae coast of O`ahu and the Kona coast of Hawai`i Island,
752,762 people are estimated to have participated in boat-based
commercial dolphin tours annually in 2013, which is 632,762 more than a
preliminary estimate conducted statewide in 2008 (O'Conner et al.
2009). Supporting this finding, Impact Assessment (2018) documented the
number of spiritual retreats (i.e., organized retreats centered on
dolphin encounters, dolphin-assisted therapy, and dolphin-associated
spiritual practices) on Hawai`i Island as increasing from 5 in 2007 to
47 in 2017. Similarly, commercial boat tours that facilitate close in-
water dolphin interactions increased on Hawai`i Island from 6 to 47
over the same period. In addition, a number of residents and visitors
venture on their own, independent of commercial operators, to view and
interact with spinner dolphins.
The expectation for close interactions with wild dolphins has been
encouraged by some operators and various news and social media outlets,
which routinely contradict established wildlife viewing guidelines by
promoting close vessel or in-water encounters with the dolphins. As
noted by Wiener, Needham, and Wilkenson (2009) when interviewing
dolphin swim-with tourists, participants verbalized extreme
disappointment if they did not participate in up-close activities
during wild dolphin encounter trips, even when operators said that it
would not be in the best interest of the animals.
We have received many complaints that spinner dolphins are being
routinely disturbed by people attempting to closely approach and
interact with the dolphins by boat or other watercraft (e.g., kayaks),
or in the water (e.g., snorkel or ``swim-with-wild-dolphins''
activities). For example, Tyne (2015), who studied spinner dolphins
along the Kona coast of Hawai`i Island, noted that the spinner dolphin
population there is chronically exposed to human tourism activities
more than 82 percent of the time during daylight hours, with a median
interval between exposure events of 10 minutes. Heenehan et al. (2014)
observed up to 13 tour boats jockeying for position on a single dolphin
group, with up to 60 snorkelers in the water. In addition, officials
from the Hawai`i Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) and
the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission (MMC), as well as various members of
the public, including representatives of the Native Hawaiian community,
scientific researchers, wildlife conservation organizations, public
display organizations, and some commercial tour operators have
expressed their concerns over human-dolphin interactions.
In 2010, we recognized 5 island-associated stocks and one pelagic
stock of Hawaiian spinner dolphins in our annual Stock Assessment
Report (SAR), identifying genetic distinctions and site fidelity
differences as reasons to separately manage stocks found in waters
surrounding the Hawaiian
[[Page 53819]]
Islands (Andrews 2009, Andrews et al. 2010, Hill et al. 2009, Carretta
et al. 2011). Three of the five island-associated stocks (the Kaua`i/
Ni`ihau stock, O`ahu/four Islands stock, and Hawai`i Island stock) are
found near the MHI and are considered resident stocks. These three
stocks reside in waters surrounding their namesake islands out to
approximately 10 nmi (18.5 km) (Hill et al. 2010), and population
estimates for each stock are relatively small. The most recent SAR
indicates that the Hawai`i Island stock, which is thought to be the
largest stock, has an estimated 665 individuals (Coefficient of
Variation (CV)=0.09) (Tyne et al. 2014, Carretta et al. 2019). The
Kaua`i/Ni`ihau and O`ahu/4 Islands stocks are estimated to be around
601 (CV=0.20) and 355 (CV=0.09) individuals, respectively (Carretta et
al. 2019).
Island-associated spinner dolphins, such as those found in the MHI,
have complex social structures and behavioral patterns linked to
specific habitats that support their high energetic demands. The rigid,
cyclical, and patterned behavior of a Hawaiian spinner dolphin's day is
well documented from decades of scientific research on spinner dolphins
off the Kona coast on Hawai`i Island (Norris and Dohl 1980, Norris et
al. 1994). The daily pattern of Hawaiian spinner dolphins has been
characterized as ``working the night shift,'' because the energetically
demanding task of foraging is accomplished nightly when spinner
dolphins move offshore in large groups to feed. Spinner dolphins feed
on fish, shrimp, and squid found in the mesopelagic boundary community,
part of the pelagic zone that extends from a depth of 200 to 1,000 m
(~660 to 3,300 feet) below the ocean surface. Spinner dolphins maximize
their foraging time by actively moving with, or tracking, the
horizontal migration of the mesopelagic boundary community throughout
the night, as it moves inshore until midnight and then offshore around
sunrise (Benoit-Bird and Au 2003). Spinner dolphins are acoustically
very active during foraging activities (Norris et al. 1994), working
cooperatively in large groups using coordinated movements to maximize
foraging potential (Benoit-Bird 2004).
During the day, spinner dolphins return in smaller groups to areas
closer to shore to socialize, nurture their young, and rest in
preparation for nightly foraging (Norris et al. 1994, Tyne et al.,
2017). These smaller groups visit specific habitats that are located
along the coastlines of the MHI. These preferred daytime habitats of
spinner dolphins are areas that provide space with optimal
environmental conditions for resting, socializing, and nurturing young,
and are referred to hereafter as ``essential daytime habitats.''
Spinner dolphins' essential daytime habitats are located close to
offshore feeding areas, which minimizes the energetic cost of nightly
travel to and from these areas (Norris et al. 1994, Thorne et al.
2012). Additionally, essential daytime habitats have large patches of
sand bottom habitat, which increases the dolphins' ability to visually
(instead of acoustically) detect predators while resting, and thus
minimizes the energetic costs of vigilance (Norris et al. 1994).
Throughout the day, spinner dolphins take advantage of the physical
characteristics of essential daytime habitats to engage in specific
patterned resting behaviors to recuperate between foraging bouts. The
physical characteristics of these essential daytime habitats, combined
with specific patterned resting behaviors, play an important role in
supporting the dolphins' activity and energetic budgets.
Commercial operators and individuals interested in viewing or
interacting with Hawaiian spinner target essential daytime habitats
(Sepez 2006). In addition, organized retreats centered on dolphin
encounters, dolphin-assisted therapy, and dolphin-associated spiritual
practices have flourished in certain areas, further increasing the
intensity of dolphin-directed activities in nearshore areas and
especially within essential daytime habitats (Sepez 2006, Impact
Assessment 2018).
The effects of dolphin-directed activities on spinner dolphins,
especially activities that involve close approaches by humans, have
been well documented. Peer-reviewed scientific literature documents
disturbance of individual spinner dolphins as well as changes to
spinner dolphin group behavioral patterns and effects of swimmers on
dolphins' daily resting behavioral patterns (Norris et al. 1994;
Lammers 2004; Danil et al. 2005; Courbis 2007; Courbis and Timmel 2009;
Timmel et al. 2008; Forest 2001; Heenehan et al. 2017; Ostman-Lind et
al. 2004; Ostman-Lind 2009; Thorne et al. 2012; and Wiener 2016).
There are several studies that have investigated the importance of
adequate rest, and the negative impacts that can occur if animals do
not obtain adequate rest (e.g., Cirelli & Tononi 2008; Siegel 2008).
Studies involving Hawaiian spinner dolphins reported behaviors that
suggest a heightened state of alertness in response to swimmers and
vessels. Responses include aerial displays, tail-slapping, or other
visible behavior changes when closely approached by vessels and
swimmers (Forest 2001, Courbis and Timmel 2008); avoidance behaviors,
including increased swimming speed, directional changes, moving around
and away from swimmers and vessels, or leaving the area in response to
human pursuit (Ostman-Lind et al. 2004, Courbis 2004, Courbis and
Timmel 2008); and aggressive behaviors directed at people, including
charging or threat displays (Norris et al. 1985, Norris et al. 1994).
In some resting areas with consistent levels of exposure to human
activity, Hawaiian spinner dolphin resting activity is characterized by
such vigilance that it does not represent a natural resting state
(Danil et al. 2005; Tyne 2018). Vigilance, or enhanced brain function,
is essential for active behaviors such as foraging, socializing, and
avoiding predators. However, remaining in a state of constant vigilance
without recovering with adequate rest can hinder the abilities of
spinner dolphins to effectively forage and avoid predators (Dukas &
Clark 1995; Benoit-Bird & Au 2003; Tyne et al. 2018). Thus, an
inability to achieve a natural resting state could potentially cause
negative population-wide impacts to spinner dolphins over time.
Additionally, when marine mammals respond to disturbance events,
they can incur a cost in the form of the energy expended to respond
(Williams et al. 2006), as well as the lost opportunity to engage in
natural fitness-enhancing behavior (Lusseau 2003). For example, spinner
dolphins disturbed during rest engage in avoidance or distress
behaviors (Timmel et al. 2008; Danil et al. 2005; Forest 2001; Courbis
2008), which require energy. This disturbance detracts from the
dolphins' abilities to recuperate from energetically demanding
behaviors like foraging, transiting to and from offshore foraging
grounds, and nurturing their young. In this example, the lack of
consistent, undisturbed resting periods can reduce the amount of energy
available to forage and care for young.
The predictable temporal and spatial patterns of MHI resident
spinner dolphins' nearshore distribution and daytime behaviors result
in concentrated daily viewing and interaction pressure on individual
dolphins and groups over extended periods of time. As stated above,
several researchers have observed disruption of Hawaiian spinner
dolphin behavioral patterns in response to human activity that suggest
the potential for biologically significant impacts. In other small
cetacean populations, chronic disturbance to natural behavioral
patterns has been linked to biologically
[[Page 53820]]
significant impacts, such as habitat abandonment, reduced female
reproductive success, impeded activity and energy budgeting, and
increased vigilance (Bejder 2005; Bejder et al. 2006a, 2006b; Lusseau
and Bejder 2007; Williams et al. 2006; Lusseau 2003; Johnston 2014).
Researchers investigating impacts of human disturbance to spinner
dolphin populations outside of Hawai`i observed a decrease in residency
times in a Tahitian resting bay (Gannier & Petiau 2006) and abandonment
of a resting bay in Samadai Reef, Egypt (Nature Conservation Sector
2006; Notarbartolo-di-Sciara et al. 2009) in response to high levels of
human activity.
Similarly, over time, chronic disturbance to the MHI's resident
spinner dolphins could ultimately lead to habitat displacement and/or
long term impacts to their individual fitness. These types of impacts
may be amplified for Hawaiian spinner dolphins because they are
theorized to be more vulnerable to disturbance than other marine mammal
populations. Bejder (2005) suggests resident, closed, or isolated
populations (i.e., local populations with barriers to gene flow,
similar to Hawaiian spinner dolphins) are more at risk from negative
stressors, such as disturbance from human activity, because the impacts
to multiple individuals' health and fitness are quickly reflected in
the overall fitness of the population.
Spinner dolphins also exhibit spatially and temporally constrained
behavioral patterns in their daily cycle that likely make it more
difficult to compensate for high levels of disturbance. Spinner
dolphins are reported to have high fidelity to specific daytime resting
and evening foraging areas and reside in these areas during certain
times of the day (Norris & Dohl 1980; Norris et al. 1994; Benoit-Bird &
Au 2009; Thorne et al. 2012; Tyne et al. 2015). This spatially and
temporally constrained behavioral strategy allows spinners dolphins to
both forage efficiently and limit their risk of predation while resting
(Johnston 2014). Disruption to essential behaviors (e.g., resting) by
human activity drive individuals to respond by either moving away from
the disturbance to continue the behavior somewhere else, or remaining
in the area as an attempt to continue the behavior, despite the
disturbance. The ability of a population to adapt and persist through a
disturbance is a measure of its resilience (Hollins 1973), and
populations that are more constrained, like the island-associated
stocks of Hawaiian spinner dolphins, are less resilient to disturbance
than populations that exhibit more flexible behavioral strategies
(Lusseau et al. 2009). Accordingly, the rigid daily cycle of small
resident spinner dolphin populations of the MHI likely makes them more
vulnerable to negative impacts from human disturbance (Tyne et al.
Disturbances to dolphins' daily behavioral patterns may result in
``take,'' as defined and prohibited under the MMPA and its implementing
regulations, and the chronic nature of these problems in Hawai`i and
observed changes to spinner dolphin behavioral patterns over time are a
cause for concern. Prohibiting approach within 50 yards (45.7 m) of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins and eliminating swim-with activities is
expected to minimize disturbance that would result in take.
This regulation adopts a 50 yard (45.7 m) approach buffer around
spinner dolphins, which is consistent with well-established national
and regional guidelines, including the recommended viewing distance for
the Dolphin SMART program, our regional Responsible Marine Wildlife
Viewing Guidelines (publicly available at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/pacific-islands/marine-life-viewing-guidelines/viewing-marine-wildlife-hawaii), and our national viewing guidelines
for dolphins and porpoises (publicly available at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/topic/marine-life-viewing-guidelines#guidelines-&-distances).
The 50 yard (45.7 m) approach regulation, which includes a
prohibition on swimming with dolphins, is intended to reduce the degree
of behavioral disruption from close approaches by vessels and swimmers,
while placing the least restrictive burden on the viewing public. As
indicated in the proposed rule (81 FR 57854, August 24, 2016) and the
FEIS, research indicates that spinner dolphins exhibit changes and
disruptions to natural behaviors from close approach by swimmers (Danil
et al. 2005, Courbis and Timmel 2008) and that swimmer presence within
150 m (approximately 164 yards) reduces the likelihood of spinner
dolphins being in a resting state (Symons 2013, Johnston et al. 2014).
Approach by vessels and watercraft have also been shown to disrupt and
alter spinner dolphin behavior (Ross 2001, Forest 2001, Timmel et al.
2008). In the MHI, several studies note that close approach by vessels
disrupt dolphin behaviors at various distances ranging from 10 m to 300
m (Forest 2001, Timmel et al. 2008). At Midway Atoll in the
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, Ross (2001) found that spinner dolphins
were affected by vessel presence at distances as great as 500 m and
that the effects increased as the distance decreased. Although Johnson
et al.'s (2013) work in the MHI found the likelihood that dolphins were
resting was higher when vessels were present between 50 and 150 m, they
noted that these results may be influenced by the fact that vessels
were present in proximity to the dolphins most of the time.
It is possible that implementing an approach restriction at a
greater distance (e.g., 100 or 150 yards (91.4 or 137.1 m)) could
provide better protection from disturbance. However, we also recognized
that not all approaches within 100 or 150 yards (91.4 or 137.1 m)
result in take of spinner dolphins, and that swimmers may have
difficulty judging and achieving greater distances around these animals
because spinner dolphins are fast moving and relatively small (81 FR
57862, August 24, 2016). We have therefore determined that a 50 yard
(45.7 m) approach distance is appropriate, as this will provide
increased protection and safety for these spinner dolphins, has been a
recommended viewing distance in long-lasting regional and national
guidelines, and will not unreasonably restrict the public from
observing these animals. We caution that disruptive human behaviors can
still result in take at distances greater than 50 yards (45.7 m), and
that compliance with the 50 yard (45.7 m) requirement does not
necessarily absolve those behaviors from enforcement action
Marine wildlife viewing can be a powerful tool to promote species
awareness and conservation. Dolphin and whale watching experiences
provide an avenue for the public to learn about conservation issues and
increase empathy towards these animals (Wilson & Tisdell 2002; Wiener
2016). Implementing a 50 yard approach rule will still allow the
wildlife viewing public to experience spinner dolphins in a way that
will minimize disturbance to the animals' natural behaviors. These safe
encounters, particularly if coupled with educational interpretation
and/or trained tour guides, will likely benefit spinner dolphin
conservation and bring an awareness to conservation issues for other
protected marine species.
Changes From Proposed Rule
In a proposed rule published on August 24, 2016 (81 FR 57854), we
proposed a regulation under the MMPA to prohibit (with exceptions)
swimming with and approaching a Hawaiian spinner dolphin within 50
yards (45.7 m) (for persons, vessels, and objects),
[[Page 53821]]
including approach by interception, within 2 nmi of the MHI and
designated waters in between the islands of L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and
Kaho`olawe. This proposed rule was published along with a DEIS
describing alternative actions and announcements for six public
hearings occurring in September 2016.
There are a number of changes that were made to this proposed rule
following the public input process and the review of new data. These
changes are outlined in the following paragraphs.
In the proposed rule, we refer to the ``designated waters in
between the islands of L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and Kaho`olawe.'' In the
final rule we changed the text to read, ``designated waters bounded by
the islands of L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and Kaho`olawe.'' This change does
not alter the boundaries of the area described in the proposed rule.
In the proposed rule, we specified that the rule was applicable in
all waters within 2 nmi of the MHI and in all waters located between
the islands of L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and Kaho`olawe.
In the final rule, we specify that the rule was applicable in all
waters within 2 nautical miles (nmi) of the main Hawaiian Islands, and
in all waters bounded by the islands of L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and
In the proposed rule, we listed six exceptions to this rule:
(1) Any person who inadvertently comes within 50 yards (45.7 m) of
a Hawaiian spinner dolphin or is approached by a spinner dolphin,
provided the person makes no effort to engage or pursue the animal and
takes immediate steps to move away from the animal;
(2) Any vessel that is underway and is approached by a Hawaiian
spinner dolphin, provided the vessel continues normal navigation and
makes no effort to engage or pursue the animal. For purposes of this
exception, a vessel is defined as a watercraft or other artificial
contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of
transportation on water (1 U.S.C. 3); a vessel is underway if it is not
at anchor, made fast to the shore, or aground;
(3) Any vessel transiting to or from a port, harbor, or in a
restricted channel when a 50 yard distance will not allow the vessel to
maintain safe navigation;
(4) Vessel operations necessary to avoid an imminent and serious
threat to a person or vessel;
(5) Activities authorized through a permit or authorization issued
by the National Marine Fisheries Service to take Hawaiian spinner
dolphins; and
(6) Federal, state, or local government vessels, aircraft,
personnel, and assets when necessary in the course of performing
official duties.
Upon review of the comments received during the public comment
period, we decided to add two exceptions for: (1) Vessels that are
anchored or aground and approached by spinner dolphins, provided they
do not make any effort to engage or pursue the animal(s), and (2)
commercial fishing vessels that incidentally take spinner dolphins
during the course of commercial fishing operations, provided such
vessels operate in compliance with a valid marine mammal authorization
in accordance with MMPA Section 118(c). This change is fully described
below in the response to Comment 6.
In response to a public comment, we also amended exception (2) to
read ``Any vessel that is underway and is approached by a Hawaiian
spinner dolphin, provided the vessel continues normal navigation and
makes no effort to engage or pursue the animal.'' This amendment to the
exception, adds ``Hawaiian'' to spinner dolphins to specify the island-
associated stocks of spinner dolphins that are found near the MHI and
are considered resident stocks.
Current MMPA Prohibitions and NMFS Guidelines and Regulations
Under section 102 of the MMPA, 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq., it is
unlawful for any person, vessel, or other conveyance to ``take'' any
marine mammal in waters under the jurisdiction of the United States (16
U.S.C. 1372). The prohibition against take includes acts that
``harass'' marine mammals (16 U.S.C. 1362(13)). Harassment means any
act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which has the potential to injure
a marine mammal in the wild (Level A Harassment), or has the potential
to disturb a marine mammal in the wild by causing disruption of
behavioral patterns, including, but not limited to, migration,
breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering (Level B
Harassment) (16 U.S.C. 1362 (18); see also 50 CFR 216.3).
In addition, NMFS' regulations implementing the MMPA further define
the term ``take'' to include ``the negligent or intentional operation
of an aircraft or vessel, or the doing of any other negligent or
intentional act which results in disturbing or molesting a marine
mammal; and feeding or attempting to feed a marine mammal in the wild''
(50 CFR 216.3).
Section 112 of the MMPA authorizes NOAA to implement regulations
that are ``necessary and appropriate to carry out the purpose'' of the
MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1382). NMFS has developed regulations under the MMPA to
protect marine mammals from take. An example of this type of regulation
is a 100 yard (91.4 m) approach limit for humpback whales within 200
nmi of the islands of Hawai`i (81 FR 62010; September 8, 2021). This
regulation also prohibits approach by interception and prohibits
approach by aircraft within 1,000 feet (304.8 m). In addition to
regulations, NMFS has developed national and regional guidelines for
conducting responsible marine wildlife viewing to help the public avoid
causing any take (harassment or disturbance) of protected wildlife
species. The NMFS Pacific Islands Regional Office's viewing guidelines
for Hawai`i recommend that people view wild dolphins from a safe
distance of at least 50 yards (45.7 m) and advise against trying to
chase, closely approach, surround, swim with, or touch the animals. To
support the guidelines in Hawai`i, NMFS has partnered with the State of
Hawai`i and the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine
Sanctuary over the past several years to promote safe and responsible
wildlife viewing practices through the development of outreach
materials, training workshops, signage, and public service
announcements. See the proposed rule for more examples and discussion
of additional regulations and guidelines.
Need for Additional Action
Despite the prohibitions, guidelines, outreach, and stewardship
efforts currently in place, close interactions between humans and
spinner dolphins continue to occur in Hawai`i's waters (see Background
and the proposed rule for more discussion). Based on extensive review
and analysis through internal scoping, external scoping via an ANPR (70
FR 73426, December 12, 2005), public scoping for the DEIS, the best
available scientific information, and public comments on the proposed
rule, we have determined that the existing prohibitions, regulations,
and guidelines need to be strengthened to protect Hawaiian spinner
dolphins from various forms of take from human activities that cause
harassment or disturbance. Despite the existing regulations and
guidelines, chronic disturbance to spinner dolphins continues to occur
and additional action is required to protect spinner dolphins from
take. We therefore deem it necessary and appropriate to adopt
additional regulations to protect Hawaiian spinner dolphins from
activities that result in take, including harassment or other forms of
disturbance as currently defined by 0statute and regulation.
[[Page 53822]]
Development of the Regulation
In 2005, NMFS convened a Spinner Dolphin Working Group with
representatives from the MMC, state and Federal agencies, and
scientific researchers who work on spinner dolphin conservation
concerns. The group evaluated the best available information at the
time to understand the scope of the tourist and recreational activities
targeting spinner dolphins. In December 2005, we published an ANPR in
the Federal Register (70 FR 73426, December 12, 2005) to solicit input
from the public on potential ways to enhance protections for spinner
dolphins and mitigate activities of concern (e.g., close approach and
swim-with activities). This was followed by a Notice of Intent (NOI) to
Prepare an EIS under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (71
FR 57923; October 2, 2006), in which we identified a preliminary list
of potential regulations for future consideration and comment, which
included partial time-area closures in certain spinner dolphin
essential daytime habitats, a minimum distance limit for approaching
dolphins in the wild, restrictions on certain human behaviors in NMFS-
identified spinner dolphin resting areas, and complete closure of all
known spinner dolphin resting areas in the MHI.
During the ANPR and the NOI comment periods, five public scoping
meetings were held on the islands of Kaua`i, O`ahu, Maui, and Hawai`i,
and oral statements were taken at each meeting. NMFS received a
combined total of 4,641 public comments in response to the ANPR and the
NOI (this includes all emails, letters, and public testimonies).
Comments were submitted by concerned citizens, tour operators,
scientific researchers, conservation and education groups, and Federal,
state, and other government entities.
Comments received throughout both public comment periods varied
widely and recommended numerous actions to consider, ranging from no
regulations to permanent closure of areas used by the dolphins for rest
and shelter. Additionally, public comments raised concerns about
various topics that should be addressed in the EIS or proposed action.
These concerns are grouped by topic in the final scoping report, and
include the following: Hawaiian spinner dolphin biology and behavior;
cultural issues; cumulative effects; data/data gaps; direct and
indirect effects; education/outreach; enforcement; guidelines/solutions
for other species or from other countries; human-dolphin interaction;
medical benefits from swimming with dolphins; the MMPA; monitoring; the
NEPA; public and stakeholder involvement; regulatory regime; social and
economic issues; spiritual and religious issues; take and harassment;
traditional Hawaiian knowledge; and welfare of the dolphins. Although
comments varied greatly, a consistent theme was the need for effective
and enforceable regulations.
As a result of stakeholder concerns expressed through these public
comments, and to prepare the proposed rule and associated DEIS, we made
multiple site visits to areas where concerns have been raised regarding
Hawaiian spinner dolphin disturbance in the MHI. During these visits,
we met with concerned members of the public to gather information
relevant to this analysis. Additionally, we coordinated with state and
Federal agencies, and used the public comments generated from the ANPR
and NOI to develop a range of actions and mitigation measures that are
reflected in numerous alternatives considered in the DEIS.
Presentations made at the public scoping meetings, the April 2007
EIS public scoping summary report, a list of the attendees, the ANPR,
public comments, and background materials are provided at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/action/enhancing-protections-hawaiian-spinner-dolphins.
During the initial scoping period for the DEIS, we received
comments that recommended gathering additional information on Hawaiian
spinner dolphins, including monitoring local populations to determine
impacts to numbers and overall health of the MHI resident spinner
dolphins. In response to this recommendation and to inform this
rulemaking effort, NMFS internal grant funding was awarded to the
``Spinner Dolphin Acoustics, Population Parameters, and Human Impact
Research'' (SAPPHIRE) project, conducted jointly by Duke University and
Murdoch University between September 2010 and December 2012. The
SAPPHIRE project's objective was to provide baseline data on the local
abundance, distribution, and behavior of spinner dolphins at four bays
on Hawai'i Island to assess spinner dolphin daytime habitat use and
resting behavior, residency and fidelity patterns in nearshore habitats
spinner dolphin exposure to human activities, and spinner dolphin
demographic response to human activities.
Results from this study provided robust population estimates for
the Hawai`i Island stock (see Background), as well as additional
information about spinner dolphin habitat use and the pressure that
this resident stock faces from dolphin-directed human activities. Many
of the results from the SAPPHIRE project have been published in
scientific literature and scientific reports and were used to inform
this rulemaking process (Thorne et al. 2012, Johnston et al. 2013,
Heenehan et al. 2014, Heenehan et al. 2016, Heenehan et al. 2017, Tyne
et al. 2014, Tyne 2015, Tyne et al. 2015, Tyne et al. 2016, Tyne et al.
2017, Tyne et al. 2018). Many of these studies are described in detail
in the proposed rule and the Background section above.
We relied on the public comments on the ANPR and the NOI, and on
the best available scientific information to develop a range of
regulatory and non-regulatory alternatives in the DEIS, including the
No Action alternative of not adopting regulations. We analyzed the
environmental effects of these alternatives and considered options for
mitigating effects. After a preliminary analysis of alternatives, we
developed and analyzed the effects of the swim-with and 50 yard (45.7
m) approach regulation, which also includes no interception (i.e.,
``leapfrogging'' or placing a person or vessel in the path of dolphins
for the purpose of interception).
Proposed Rulemaking
On August 24, 2016, we proposed a regulation under the MMPA to
prohibit swimming with and approaching a Hawaiian spinner dolphin
within 50 yards (45.7 m) (for persons, vessels, and objects), including
approach by interception. The proposed regulatory measures were
intended to prevent take of Hawaiian spinner dolphins, including
harassment and disturbance, from occurring in marine areas where
viewing pressures are most prevalent. Prohibitions would apply in
waters within 2 nm (3.7 km) of the MHI and in the waters bounded by the
islands of L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and Kaho`olawe. The proposed rule also
included exemptions for certain activities. We published the proposed
rule in the Federal Register and requested public comment on the
proposed regulation, the draft EIS, and supporting documents. The
public comment period ended on October 23, 2016; however, in response
to multiple requests from the public, the comment period was later
extended until December 1, 2016 (81 FR 80629, November 16, 2016). We
held six public hearings occurring in September 2016 across the State
of Hawai`i. During the public hearings, 145 people provided recorded,
oral testimony on the proposed rule.
[[Page 53823]]
Comments and Responses to Comments on the Proposed Rule
Throughout the public comment period, NMFS received 22,031 written
submissions via letter, email, and the Federal eRulemaking Portal, in
addition to the 145 oral testimonies received during the public
hearings described above. Of these comments, 2,294 were unique, with
anywhere from two to 17,000 near-duplicates of each. Additionally, NMFS
received a letter supporting swim-with and approach regulations
submitted by Kama`[amacr]ina United to Protect the `[Amacr]ina (KUPA)--
Friends of Ho`okena Beach Park (Kauhak[omacr] Bay), which contained
over 285 names and signatures. Comments were submitted by individuals;
research, conservation, and education groups; trade and industry
associations; tour and retreat operators and participants; and Federal,
state, and local government entities. We posted all written comments
received during the comment period on the Federal eRulemaking Portal
(https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=NOAA-2005-0226-0002). We have
considered all public comments and provide responses to all significant
issues raised by commenters that are associated with the proposed
rulemaking. Comments and issues have been aggregated into the comment
summaries below in an order that similar assertions, suggested
alternatives or actions, data, and clarifications are addressed
together. We have not responded to comments or concerns outside the
scope of this rulemaking, which is to prevent take of Hawaiian spinner
dolphins caused by viewing and interaction pressures. Many of the
written and oral comments from individual members of the public were
short or general statements that (1) expressed support for the proposed
regulation and/or spinner dolphin conservation in general, (2)
expressed disagreement with the proposed regulation, or (3) expressed
disagreement with all regulations prohibiting human interaction with
dolphins in general. We did not respond to comments expressing general
support or opposition. In addition, we did not respond to anecdotes
that many people shared regarding their personal experiences swimming
with the dolphins, nor to anecdotes that were shared about witnessing
human users harassing spinner dolphins in coastal bays, unless they
were accompanied by specific information or comment on the proposed
rule. The following comment summaries and agency responses are
organized by the issue categories we identified in the proposed rule
for public comment, with three issue categories added at the end
because they did not fit squarely in one of the categories in the
proposed rule.
Effects of the Increasing Number of Human Interactions With Hawaiian
Spinner Dolphins
Comment 1: Many commenters raised questions about the scientific
information used to support the spinner dolphin protections in this
rule. Scientific information on the impacts of close approach was
called biased, inconclusive, incomplete, or wrong. Some commenters
noted their personal observations were not consistent with the
published studies, asserting that they have not seen spinner dolphins
changing their behavior in response to vessels and swimmers, nor have
they seen spinner dolphin populations decreasing. Additionally, some
commenters suggested that scientific studies are not complete since
most peer reviewed studies include shore-based or vessel-based
observations as opposed to underwater observations.
Response: We relied on the best available science to develop a
regulation to improve protections for spinner dolphins in Hawai`i. The
majority of information used to develop the proposed rule, DEIS, and
FEIS came from peer reviewed scientific publications. To a lesser
extent, we used unpublished data, personal accounts, and other
anecdotal information. We gave greater weight to empirical studies
published in scientific journals than to personal observation and
interpretation because such scientific studies use established
scientific methods, test hypotheses, employ statistical analyses, and
have been peer reviewed. These steps in the scientific process reduce
the potential for bias in results. Reviewing best-available information
from multiple independent scientists limits concerns about potential
bias related to any one researcher, and provides a complete, robust set
of information from which a decision can be made. Reported behavioral
changes observed in scientific studies may not be obvious to an
observer who is not systematically observing the behavioral patterns
that support spinner dolphins throughout the day.
Many independent scientists studying Hawaiian spinner dolphins have
reported changes in spinner dolphin behavior or reduced time spent
engaging in resting behavior when in the presence of human activity
(Norris et al. 1994; Lammers 2004; Danil et al. 2005; Courbis 2007;
Courbis and Timmel 2009; Timmel et al. 2008; Forest 2001; Heenehan et
al. 2017; Ostman-Lind et al. 2004; Ostman-Lind 2009; Thorne et al.
2012; and Wiener 2016). These studies show a clear trend that certain
types of human activity, especially dolphin-directed activity, can
disturb spinner dolphins by disrupting behavioral patterns, to a degree
that is considered Level B harassment under the MMPA.
Additionally, we relied on studies that investigated the biological
and population-wide impacts of human disturbance to other dolphin and
marine mammal populations around the world. As indicated in the
sections above, high levels of exposure to human activities have had
deleterious impacts on other analogous dolphins and marine mammal
species, including habitat abandonment, reduced female reproductive
success, impeded activity and energy budgeting, and increased vigilance
(Bejder 2005; Bejder et al. 2006a, 2006b; Lusseau and Bejder 2007;
Williams et al. 2006; Lusseau 2003; Johnston 2014). Several spinner
dolphin researchers have also argued that spinner dolphins are at a
higher risk of experiencing negative biological impacts because they
are much more vulnerable to human disturbance than other marine mammal
populations, as previously stated (Danil et al. 2005; Bejder 2005; Tyne
et al. 2017; Tyne et al. 2018).
A few commenters referenced a study by Tyne (2015) in Hawai`i
Island resting bays that claimed he did not observe a significant
effect from human activity on the probability of spinner dolphins
resting, socializing, or traveling, and that spinner dolphins have
become habituated and/or tolerant to human activity. Tyne concluded,
however, that the absence of a measurable impact was likely because the
high levels of exposure to human activity (82.7 percent within 100 m)
and the brief time periods between exposures (median duration of 10
minutes) within these bays did not allow an adequate level of control
data (i.e., data collected when no human activity was present). The
author claims that this level of exposure to human activity is higher
than any other studied dolphin population in the world, and several
other studies on Hawaiian spinner dolphins have observed a disruption
in resting behavioral patterns from human activities (Forest 2001;
Danil et al. 2005; Courbis 2007; Courbis 2008; Timmel et al. 2008). In
a subsequent publication, Tyne and his co-authors suggested that
spinner dolphins did not have enough time in between exposures to human
activity to regress into pre-disturbed resting behavior, and the
[[Page 53824]]
resting behavior was one of a more vigilant nature and may not
represent a natural resting state (Tyne et al. 2018). The authors
concluded that vigilance decrement (i.e., physical and cognitive
fatigue from inadequate rest from a vigilant state) experienced by
spinner dolphins may impair cognitive and decision-making abilities.
Resting and abating vigilance decrement is particularly crucial for
spinner dolphin survival because spinner dolphins require complex
cooperative strategies and coordination between individuals to forage
and avoid predation. Although spinner dolphins may appear to
``tolerate'' close human activity, the authors argue that spinner
dolphins may decide that it is less costly to remain in areas where
they are frequently disturbed and may experience constant vigilance, as
opposed to an alternate undisturbed site that would make them more
vulnerable to predation. Even though spinner dolphins may appear to be
habituated or tolerant to human activity, their continued residence in
these areas is likely due to the lack of suitable, undisturbed
habitats, and, therefore, the dolphins are subject to endure high
levels of disturbance (Tyne et al. 2018).
Several spinner dolphin studies utilize multiple data collection
techniques to observe dolphin behavior in the presence of human users
and vessels, including shore-based observations, vessel-based
observations, and in-water passive acoustic monitoring. Additionally,
Wiener (2016) conducted in-water surveys of human and dolphin behaviors
using Go-Pro cameras at 14 known spinner dolphin resting sites and
found that humans exhibited aggressive behaviors (defined as active
pursuit of interaction by chasing, diving, or deliberate approach)
while interacting with dolphins 27 percent of their in-water time.
Combined, the above studies provide multiple lines of evidence
regarding certain vessel and swimmer activities that can potentially
disturb and disrupt behavioral patterns of spinner dolphins, which is
considered take by Level B harassment under the MMPA. Additionally,
while underwater observations can yield insights into dolphin mating
behaviors, they are not required to record evidence of disturbance, as
disturbance can be seen in acoustic activity of dolphins, as well as
behaviors visible from shore and from vessels. An overview of the
scientific literature used in our decision making is available in the
FEIS, section 1.4 ``Scientific evidence of impacts of small cetaceans
caused by human interactions.''
We do not base this rule on population decline. The MMPA prohibits
harassment of any marine mammal and additional measures are necessary
to minimize harassment and prevent take from occurring. It is not
possible to gain a thorough understanding of spinner dolphin abundance
from observations in one or two bays. Factors such as habitat
displacement, the movement of prey species in offshore waters, or
season can account for increases or decreases in the number of spinner
dolphins observed using a particular bay. Analysis of long-term trends
has not been conducted with the available data because the methods used
for spinner dolphin abundance surveys throughout the last several
decades were not consistent, and are, therefore, difficult to compare.
Although the most recent survey suggested a potential decline in the
Hawai`i Island stock from earlier studies, the research conducted in
the 1980s did not include year-round surveys and used different methods
and a different survey area than more recent 2010-2011 surveys (Norris
et al. 1994; Tyne et al. 2014; SAR 2019). However, more recent survey
studies, such as surveys conducted in the SAPPHIRE project, provide
baseline data that can be compared to future survey studies to analyze
a long-term population abundance trend. That said, other investigations
have examined the relationship between cumulative vessel exposure and
female dolphin reproductive success. For example, Bejder (2005 and
2006a) observed bottlenose dolphins and cautioned that dolphin tourism
has potential for long-term consequences on female dolphin
productivity, and that impacts may be amplified for small, closed, or
isolated, resident cetacean populations. While Bejder does not focus
his studies on spinner dolphins, it is important to note here that
Hawaiian spinner dolphins fit the description of small, closed, or
isolated, resident cetacean populations.
It is important to note that evidence of a decline in population
abundance or adverse physiological or reproductive impacts are not a
requirement when classifying which human actions are considered
harassment under the MMPA. The statute characterizes Level B harassment
as certain human acts (i.e., pursuit, torment, or annoyance) that have
the potential to disturb a marine mammal by disrupting behavioral
patterns. Studies that provide clear evidence of this phenomenon with
Hawaiian spinner dolphins have been thoroughly referenced in the
Background section. The threshold for Level B harassment does not
require evidence of adverse biological or population-wide impacts.
However, we do assert that human activities that cause disruption of
behavioral patterns could be adversely impacting Hawaiian spinner
dolphins, similar to what is referenced in the aforementioned studies
on other analogous small cetacean populations. Therefore, we have
decided to implement additional protections for Hawaiian spinner
dolphins to minimize take that we know is currently occurring, even
though we recognize that there is not clear evidence of population
decline or adverse biological impacts. This precautionary approach is
the best way to protect and conserve Hawaiian spinner dolphin
populations and is necessary in order for NMFS to comply with our
statutory requirement under the MMPA.
Proposed Prohibited and Exempted Activities
Comment 2: One commenter stated he is against commercial swim-with-
dolphin programs and proposed a 5-year moratorium on all commercial
aspects of swimming with dolphins. Several commenters suggested that
commercial swim-with-dolphin operators need to be regulated/restricted
but are not in favor of limiting non-motorized vessels or individuals'
rights to swim with the dolphins. Commenters suggested that approach
distance regulations should only be applied to commercial tour
operators, rather than individual swimmers. One commenter noted that
large boatloads of people cause most of the trouble for spinner
dolphins. Additionally, one commenter suggested that the 50 yard (45.7
m) approach distance only apply within designated essential daytime
Response: First, we note that all of our alternatives, except the
no action alternative, would prohibit swimming with dolphins. One
reason for this is that, while commercial operations may occur at a
larger scale and may appear to be more egregious, scientific studies
have shown that any vessel or person approaching near dolphins has the
potential to disturb and change their behavior (Forest 2001, Courbis
and Timmel 2008, Ostman-Lind et al. 2004, Courbis 2004). This can
result in take which is prohibited under the MMPA. The regulation is
written to apply to any person or vessel that approaches a Hawaiian
spinner dolphin within 50 yards (45.7 m).
As noted in the proposed rule, DEIS, and FEIS, Hawaiian spinner
dolphin take (including harassment and
[[Page 53825]]
disturbance) is not a problem that is specific to one ocean user group
or one area of the Hawaiian Islands. Taking Hawaiian spinner dolphins
occurs as a result of close approach by a variety of ocean users,
including commercial tour operators, non-commercial motorized and non-
motorized vessels, and swimmers in many areas of Hawai`i's nearshore
waters (see section 3.1.8 of the FEIS describing the Affected
Environment and targeted areas across the MHI). There are multiple
studies that have attempted to analyze how the presence of swimmers,
independent of vessels, can disturb the natural behavior of spinner
dolphins, including changes in resting patterns, avoidance behavior,
changes in direction, aerial behavior patterns (Danil et al. 2005;
Courbis 2004; Courbis 2007; Timmel et al. 2008; Johnston et al. 2013).
While tour operations may be the primary cause of disturbance in some
areas (e.g., Makako Bay), in other areas, shore-based swimmers or
recreational users are the primary concern (e.g., Kauhak[omacr] Bay).
Therefore, we apply these prohibitions designed to limit take to all
user groups.
Although specific essential daytime habitats are often targeted for
close approach activities, spinner dolphins may travel among these
areas and be found in many nearshore locations throughout the day. We
are concerned that applying approach limits only within certain
heavily-used areas will displace human interactions with dolphins to
other areas. In addition, in some areas, dolphins do not predominantly
use discrete bays for their resting habitat as they do in other
locations. For example, the 10-fathom isobath off O`ahu's west coast
was nicknamed the ``spinner expressway'' because dolphins are often
found moving back and forth between sites throughout the day. Only
protecting discrete areas would leave the dolphins vulnerable to take
in areas outside of designated essential daytime habitats.
Comment 3: Some commenters claimed harassment of spinner dolphins
is not a problem because swimmers and tour operators police themselves.
Response: Several studies suggest that Hawaiian spinner dolphins
are regularly being disturbed by human activities, especially in known
resting areas (Norris et al. 1994; Lammers 2004; Danil et al. 2005;
Courbis 2007; Courbis and Timmel 2009; Timmel et al. 2008; Forest 2001;
Heenehan et al. 2017; Ostman-Lind et al. 2004; Ostman-Lind 2009; Thorne
et al. 2012; and Wiener 2016). Further, the swim-with-dolphin tour
industry has grown tremendously over the last decade (Wiener, 2016),
thus exacerbating such disturbance. Individual and tour self-policing
may help limit harassment, but it has not been sufficient to avoid
negative effects to the dolphins and, given the potential for long-term
impacts, such as habitat displacement, adverse impacts to reproductive
fitness, and population declines, there is a need for enhancing
protections beyond self-policing.
Comment 4: One commenter argued that the Federal government does
not have authority to regulate coastal waters. The commenter argues
that this is a local issue, and should be governed by local government
Response: NMFS disagrees. These regulations apply in specified
areas of U.S. navigable waters surrounding the State of Hawaii. Under
sections 102(a) and 103 of the MMPA, NMFS may enforce regulations
prohibiting take of marine mammals by any person, vessel, or conveyance
in waters, lands, ports, harbors and other places under the
jurisdiction of the United States. Additionally, as described in a
November 16, 2016 letter NMFS received from the State of Hawai`i DLNR
following publication of the 2016 proposed rule, the State supports
implementation of regulations to prohibit swimming with or approaching
a Hawaiian spinner dolphin within 50 yards.
Comment 5: Some commenters expressed concern that exceptions #1 and
#2 in the proposed rule (which provide exceptions for people who
inadvertently come within 50 yards (45.7 m) of a dolphin or are
approached by a dolphin, and for vessels that are underway and
approached by a dolphin, provided the person or vessel makes no effort
to engage the dolphin and continues normal navigation) will ``hollow-
out'' the rule and specifically make enforcement difficult as it will
allow those approaching dolphins within 50 yards (45.7 m) to claim that
the animal approached them. Additionally, commenters asked how NMFS
will distinguish between an interaction that was inadvertent and one
that was purposeful. One commenter suggested that subsection (d) of the
proposed rule ``affirmative defense'' be eliminated in its entirety
because it places too much burden on a vessel operator and makes the
exceptions difficult to successfully invoke.
Response: In developing this rule, NMFS understood that spinner
dolphins, as fast-moving marine mammals, may approach swimmers and
boaters who, through no fault of their own, are placed in apparent
violation of the 50-yard approach regulation. NMFS intends this rule to
deter humans from approaching and disturbing spinner dolphins; it is
not intended to punish individuals who come into inadvertent contact
with spinners and then take all necessary and appropriate action to
withdraw. While we appreciate that some individuals might abuse this
defense, we believe that the NOAA enforcement proceeding is the
appropriate forum for resolving these questions on a case by case
Comment 6: We received comments requesting specific exemptions from
this proposed rule for fishing vessels. In particular, Hawai`i
Fishermen's Alliance for Conservation and Tradition (HFACT) requested
that NMFS consider the following exception, ``Any fishing vessel that
is anchored or adrift and is approached by a spinner dolphin, provided
the vessel makes no effort to engage or pursue the animal.'' In
addition, the Hawai`i Longline Association (HLA) noted that the
longline fisheries do not threaten spinner dolphins with ``chronic
disturbance'' and that, to the extent that the fisheries could interact
with spinner dolphins, these interactions are already regulated under
the MMPA. To minimize confusion for these commercial fishing vessel
operators, HLA requested an exemption for ``vessels that are duly
licensed to fish in the Hawai`i-based commercial longline fisheries.''
Response: In response to this comment, the final rule clarifies
that this prohibition does not apply to a commercial fishing vessel
that incidentally takes a spinner dolphin during the course of
commercial fishing operations, provided such vessel operates in
compliance with a valid marine mammal authorization in accordance with
MMPA Section 118(c). See exception (8) in the final regulations.
Regarding HFACT's requested exception, a vessel that is adrift is, in
accordance with COLREGS Rule 3, a vessel underway powered by the
prevailing current, a scenario which is included in exception (2).
However, HFACT has identified that a vessel at anchor may not be able
to avoid coming within 50 yards (45.7 m) of spinner dolphins if
approached by these animals, and we agree that this scenario should be
included in the exceptions to prohibitions. As a result, we have added
an exception to the final rule, which exempts any vessel that is
anchored or aground and is approached by a Hawaiian spinner dolphin,
provided the vessel makes no effort to engage or pursue the animal (50
CFR 216.20 (c)(5)). We believe that the addition of this exception will
not affect the overall purpose of this rule and will provide allowances
for vessels that are not
[[Page 53826]]
engaged in dolphin-directed activities, but find themselves within 50
yards (45.7 m) of approaching animals. Additional information is
included in the Changes from Proposed Rule section later in this rule.
Comment 7: Several commenters suggested that, as part of this
regulation, NMFS should require all vessels to participate in the
Dolphin SMART program and should include Dolphin SMART guidelines in
the regulation. One particular commenter stated that they operate a
tour company that follows Dolphin SMART guidelines and has successfully
maintained a stable business.
Response: This regulation adopts a 50 yard (45.7 m) approach buffer
around spinner dolphins, which is the same approach distance
recommended by the Dolphin SMART program, our regional Responsible
Marine Wildlife Viewing Guidelines (publicly available at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/pacific-islands/marine-life-viewing-guidelines/viewing-marine-wildlife-hawaii), and our national guidelines for
dolphins and porpoises (publicly available at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/topic/marine-life-viewing-guidelines#guidelines-&-distances). While we appreciate the commenters' support of the
Dolphin SMART program, this program is a voluntary recognition and
education program designed specifically for tour operators and is not
appropriate for all vessels, including fishing vessels and personal
recreational vessels. For instance, guidelines such as those requiring
vessels to engage in responsible advertising and to provide outreach
materials on responsible viewing to customers may not be applicable to
private vessels. Therefore, we support maintaining the Dolphin SMART
program as part of a separate spinner dolphin conservation effort,
rather than making all of the guidelines part of this regulation.
Whether 50 Yards Is the Most Appropriate Distance for Swim-With and
Approach Restrictions To Reduce Take of Spinner Dolphins
Comment 8: Several commenters expressed concern that the proposed
rule will be difficult to enforce and will be easily arguable since the
burden will be on enforcement officials to show that a human user was
within 50 yards (45.7 m) and that a violation occurred. Commenters also
noted that it can be difficult to judge distance, making it difficult
for people in the water and for enforcement officials to determine if
people in the water are within 50 yards (45.7 m).
Response: Because the rule has an objective approach distance, we
believe that this rule can be effectively enforced. This approach
prohibition clarifies protections in the MMPA by establishing a clear,
objective distance requirement, thus facilitating enforcement
activities while preventing take of spinner dolphins. NMFS has
implemented 50 yards (45.7 m) as the recommended viewing distance for
dolphins and small whales at both the regional and national level for
decades, so this standard will not be a novel standard for members of
the public. Enforcement officials are experienced at judging the
distances and have experience through enforcement of other approach
regulations, such as the 100 yard (91.4 m) approach rule for humpback
whales in Hawai`i (81 FR 62010, September 8, 2016). In addition to
visual observations, enforcement officials will use other evidence,
such as photographic evidence, video evidence, and/or eye-witness
accounts, when determining if a violation of the rule occurred.
Whether 100 Yards (91.4 m) or Another Distance is the Most Appropriate
Distance for Swim-With and Approach Restrictions To Reduce Take of
Spinner Dolphins
Comment 9: We received comments in favor of decreasing or
increasing the proposed approach distance to lessen the impact on the
viewing industry and to increase protections for Hawaiian spinner
dolphins, respectively. Specifically, three commenters suggested that a
50 yard (45.7 m) approach distance is too strict, and would not allow
for any dolphin viewing activities to take place at that distance. One
commenter suggested a 25 yard (22.9 m) approach distance be used
instead, and others suggested 20 yards (18.3 m) or even 10 yards (9.1
m). Over 17,900 commenters suggested that a 100 yard (91.4 m) approach
distance is more appropriate than 50 yards (45.7 m). These commenters,
many submitting comments through a form letter, argued that a 100 yard
(91.4 m) approach distance would be easier to comply with because it is
consistent with the humpback whale approach rule in Hawaiian waters (81
FR 62018, September 8, 2016). Commenters argued that this consistency
would lead to greater compliance and easier enforcement. Additionally,
commenters argued that a 100 yard (91.4 m) buffer zone would provide
spinner dolphins in Hawai`i increased protection from exposure to human
disturbance. Over 2,600 commenters suggested that 150 yards (137.1 m)
is a more appropriate buffer distance because it conforms to scientific
evidence that dolphins can detect a disturbance within 150 yards (137.1
m). Several commenters suggested different approach distances based on
the type of human user or the location. Finally, one commenter claimed
that dolphin tour boats on the Wai'anae coast of O'ahu are chumming the
waters to attract dolphins, honu (green sea turtles), and fishes, which
also attracts sharks. Therefore, they felt that 50 yards (45.7 m) is
not enough and that a radius of 1 mile is required so as to protect
humans from what they perceived as an increased frequency in shark
Response: As stated in the rationale of the proposed rule and in
the DEIS, we selected the 50 yard (45.7 m) approach regulation because
this distance is the least restrictive measure that still reduces the
threat of take from occurring (including harassment and disturbance) to
Hawaiian spinner dolphins from close approaches by vessels and
swimmers. NMFS believes the 50 yard (45.7 m) distance will still allow
for meaningful dolphin watching opportunities. The 50 yard (45.7 m)
viewing distance has been recommended in NOAA's Watchable Wildlife
Viewing guidelines for many years and is also used by the Dolphin SMART
program. We disagree that this distance is overly restrictive, as many
tour operators in Hawai`i and elsewhere around the country have been
certified in the Dolphin SMART program and have been able to run
successful dolphin watching operations while complying with the 50 yard
(45.7 m) approach distance.
We evaluated the effects of a 50 yard and 100 yard (91.4 m)
approach distance and discussed scientific literature regarding other
distances. As indicated in the proposed rule, the FEIS, and the
background section of this rule, scientific literature indicates that
changes in spinner dolphin behavior are detectable when vessels or
swimmers are found at distances ranging out as far as 500 m (Ross 2001,
Forest 2001, Danil et al. 2005, Courbis and Timmel 2008, Timmel et al.
2008, Symons 2013, Johnston et al. 2014) and that effects generally
increased as distance from the dolphins decreased (Ross 2001). We also
recognized that there are scientific studies indicating that swimmer
presence within 150 m (164 yards) reduces the likelihood of spinner
dolphins being in a resting state, although vessel presence within this
distance did not appear to cause disturbance. This research illustrates
the complexity of the issue and why selecting one distance that will
[[Page 53827]]
protection from disturbance can be difficult. However, as described in
the proposed rule, we also recognized that not all approaches within
100 or 150 yards (91.4 or 137.1 m) are likely to result in take of
spinner dolphins, and that swimmers may have difficulty judging and
achieving greater distances around these animals because they are fast
moving and relatively small. In comparison to viewing distances for
large whales, the 100 yard distance (or greater) would likely decrease
viewers' ability to actually see spinner dolphins without using visual
aids, such as binoculars. Although consistency with the humpback
approach regulation (which prohibits approaching within 100 yards (91.4
m) of humpback whales) may be easier to remember, and thus simplify
compliance, our selection of 50 yards (45.7 m) was guided by the most
appropriate distance to prevent take of spinner dolphins from
occurring, while placing the least restrictive burden on the viewing
public. We have therefore determined that a 50 yard (45.7 m) approach
distance is appropriate, as this distance will allow people to observe
spinner dolphins, while providing increased protection and safety for
these animals.
Finally, NMFS regulations do prohibit the feeding of wild dolphins
(50 CFR 216.3), so any chumming activity is properly reported to NMFS
Office of Law Enforcement. These regulations prohibit feeding and,
while not specifically designed to prevent shark attacks on humans,
should serve as a deterrent for any person considering chumming to
attract dolphins.
Research Recommendations and Priorities for Better Understanding How
Human Disturbance Affects Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins
Comment 10: Several commenters suggested that we should take
different actions instead of an approach rule, such as working directly
with experts in dolphin communication, instituting a 2-year moratorium
on intentional dolphin interactions at essential daytime resting
habitat, or monitoring the change in spinner dolphin behavior/
population health.
Response: We agree that additional research is necessary to better
understand spinner dolphin ecology. However, we believe that research
is a necessary complement to, and not a substitute for, regulatory
measures to reduce the impact of take on spinner dolphins. While we
appreciate that there may be other actions that could be taken to
address take of spinner dolphins in their resting habitat, we note that
voluntary measures have been tried in the past and, while helpful, they
have not been sufficient. We intend to implement this rule at this time
and monitor its impact.
Comment 11: Several commenters suggested that monitoring the
effectiveness of the regulation would be an important step to assess
compliance with the rule. One commenter suggested that we conduct a
review of the rule's effectiveness after 2 years, requesting feedback
from local stakeholders. Other commenters requested that we utilize
``citizen scientists'' as part of spinner dolphin monitoring.
Response: We agree that monitoring the effectiveness of the final
rule would be an important step to assess compliance with the rule.
Citizen science, in the form of volunteer data collectors, may be one
aspect of a multi-pronged approach to gathering the data necessary to
determine such an impact. This multi-pronged approach could include
data collection by volunteer observers, spinner dolphin researchers
(through passive acoustic monitoring equipment), and NOAA OLE and the
State of Hawai`i's Department of Conservation and Resource Enforcement
(DOCARE) officials.
Comment 12: One commenter states that we did not consider a study
that shows there are no harmful effects when dolphins remain vigilant
for extended periods of time. The research article cited is Branstetter
et al. (2012), and entitled, ``Dolphins Can Maintain Vigilant Behavior
through Echolocation for 15 Days without Interruption or Cognitive
Response: The research to which the commenter refers was conducted
on captive bottlenose dolphins and looked at the impacts to their
cognitive abilities, in the form of their ability to detect objects via
echolocation, after 5 days and 15 days of constant engagement by
researchers. The researchers found that there was no detectable loss of
the dolphins' cognitive ability after maintaining a vigilant state for
these extended time periods. Their results seemed to demonstrate that
bottlenose dolphins can continuously monitor their environment and
maintain long-term vigilant behavior through echolocation. The comment
suggests that this research provides evidence that Hawaiian spinner
dolphins do not suffer harm from disturbance by human interactions due
to their ability to sleep with one half of their brain while the other
half remains vigilant. However, there are several points that would
argue against this assertion. First, captive bottlenose dolphins have
already been habituated to human disturbance by their very state of
captivity, and may have even been subjected to other research projects
over the course of their captive lives. Captive dolphins also do not
need to forage for food, detect predators, or socialize with others in
the pods in order to survive. Captive bottlenose dolphins cannot,
therefore, be readily compared to wild dolphins. Second, bottlenose
dolphins are a much more robust animal than are spinner dolphins, and
they have a much more fluid life history strategy. They are adaptable
to being held in captivity, whereas spinner dolphins have never been
successfully held in captivity. Bottlenose dolphins are larger than
spinner dolphins, both in size and weight, and forage opportunistically
throughout the day on a large variety of prey species. Spinner dolphins
forage only on the mesopelagic species that are hunted at night and are
therefore only able to rest and nurture their young during the day,
making them more susceptible to the impacts of human disturbance on
their essential daytime behaviors. Finally, this study looked only at
cognitive impacts to the dolphins, and did not consider physical
impacts to their well-being and fitness from maintaining a constant
state of vigilance.
Comment 13: Many commenters suggested that NMFS should focus
rulemaking efforts on other factors that they perceive as having a
greater impact on the health of Hawaiian spinner dolphins than close
approach from humans. These commenters identified overfishing of prey
species, pollution (e.g., storm water runoff, trash, and trace
chemicals from sunken, decommissioned military ships), captive dolphin
swim-with programs and hotel exhibits (an activity that they suggested
NMFS should ban), and acoustic impacts from military operations (e.g.,
Exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) and military use of sonar
equipment). Further, one commenter suggested that new regulations
should not be implemented until NMFS understands how each of the above-
mentioned factors impacts spinner population health.
Response: Commenters are correct in noting that many factors can
negatively affect the health of Hawaiian spinner dolphins. There are a
variety of external factors or actions that have affected, may be
affecting, or may have future effects on Hawaiian spinner dolphins.
Many of these external factors are beyond the scope of this rulemaking,
which is addressing close approach by humans as a specific threat to
Hawaiian spinner dolphin health. Additional information about the
effects of these external factors on Hawaiian spinner
[[Page 53828]]
dolphin health is included in section of the FEIS (``Cumulative
Effects of External Factors'') and some are discussed below.
Regarding commenter concerns about overfishing of spinner dolphin
prey species, we work closely with the Western Pacific Regional Fishery
Management Council to reduce impacts of Federal fisheries to marine
mammals through regulations and management actions, and work with the
state and other fishery councils where our concerns overlap with
nearshore fisheries.
Regarding exposure to marine debris or trace chemicals from
decommissioned ships, a variety of existing Federal laws and
regulations regulate or prohibit the discharge of oil, garbage, waste,
plastics, and hazardous substances into ocean waters, including the
Clean Water Act as amended by the Oil Pollution Act of 1990; MARPOL
1973/1978; and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act.
These laws have strict civil and criminal penalties for violations.
Regarding concerns about human interaction with dolphins in
captivity, this rule only applies to wild Hawaiian spinner dolphins,
not dolphins in captivity. NMFS issues permits under the MMPA for the
taking or the importation of marine mammals for the purposes of public
display (16 U.S.C. 1374 Sec. 104(c)), the transfer of ``releasable''
rehabilitated marine mammals, and maintains the National Inventory of
Marine Mammals, which tracks acquisitions, dispositions, and transfers/
transports of marine mammals.
Regarding the use of sonar in the marine environment and its impact
on spinner dolphins, section 101(a)(5) of the MMPA allows for
incidental take for certain limited activities. Such authorizations for
incidental take are subject to a public process that provides for
notice and comment for each proposed activity, and accordingly, are
beyond the scope of this rulemaking.
Regardless of the other factors potentially affecting Hawaiian
spinner dolphins, peer-reviewed scientific studies cited in the
proposed rule and again in this final rule have shown that close
approach by humans may result in negative impacts on Hawaiian spinner
dolphin health, and multiple studies have shown an increase in the
intensity of human interactions with dolphins in recent years. While we
recognize that close approach by humans is not the only threat to
dolphin health, this rule seeks to mitigate this real and increasing
threat by reducing the impact of human viewing and interaction on
resident stocks.
Comment 14: One commenter stated that the information published in
the DEIS does not comply with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
requirements under the Information Quality Act (a.k.a. Data Quality
Act) by not adequately presenting a balance of best and worst case
scenarios, a lack of bias and exhibited transparency, and by not
adequately fulfilling the public notice requirements. Additionally, the
commenter provided additional scientific articles that they believe
need to be included in the rule's environmental impact analysis.
Response: Under NOAA's Information Quality Guidelines, which
fulfill OMB requirements under the Information Quality Act (IQA), the
proposed rule does not qualify as Influential Scientific Information
(scientific information the agency reasonably can determine will have
or does have a clear and substantial impact on important public
policies or private sector decisions) or Highly Influential Scientific
Assessment (influential scientific information that the agency or the
Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in
the Office of Management and Budget determines to be a scientific
assessment that: (i) Could have a potential impact of more than $500
million in any year, or (ii) is novel, controversial, or precedent-
setting or has significant interagency interest).
With regard to the science supporting the rule, we relied on
published reports and studies, most of which have been peer reviewed
prior to publication under independent processes, dependent upon the
terms of the publication. We have reviewed the articles referenced by
the commenter for their applicability to this final rule and address
them here.
The article cited as Christiansen and Lusseau (2015) describes
studies that were conducted to determine if disturbance corresponded to
changes in female reproductive success. The researchers developed a
mechanistic model for minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) to
measure the effects of behavioral disturbances caused by whale watching
activities on fetal growth. The model illustrates the pathway through
which behaviorally mediated effects of anthropogenic disturbance might
influence female reproductive success. The results indicated that,
although the behavioral disruptions caused by whale watching
interactions were substantial, the cumulative exposure of individuals
to whale watching boats was low, resulting in an effect on fetal growth
no different from natural variability. For the minke whales studied in
this research, the whale watching took place at their feeding grounds,
and even the highest exposure to whale watching vessels amounted to a
total of only 427.5 minutes during the feeding season. The authors
concluded that female minke whales would have to spend a large
proportion of their day with whale watching boats during each day of
the feeding season for them to start having a biologically important
effect on fetal growth. The results of this research are not directly
applicable to the issue being addressed by this final rule because
Hawaiian spinner dolphins are exposed to much higher levels of
disturbance in their essential daytime habitats. In fact, the authors
of the study conclude that if these minke whales were exposed to boats
throughout the day (i.e., similar to levels experienced by spinner
dolphins in Hawai`i), they would experience a net energy loss
sufficient enough to have significant effects on fetal growth. The
cumulative exposure of spinner dolphins to human disturbance is
occurring on a daily or near-daily basis throughout the year, and also
occurs during times and at places that they would normally be resting
and nurturing their young, not during feeding times. These essential
daytime behaviors are needed to replenish and restore their energy and
provide the nourishment needed for calves to reach maturity.
The research cited as Hartel and Torres (2015) studied exclusion
zones designed to protect bottlenose dolphin habitats. The research
found that, over time, the bottlenose dolphins did not use the
designated exclusion zones, and that they were therefore ineffective in
providing habitat protection. While this research may seem to be
applicable, we note that there are significant differences in the
behaviors and life history strategies of bottlenose and spinner
dolphins. Spinner dolphins have a very rigid, predictable behavior
pattern of hunting at night and resting and nurturing their young
during the day. They generally return from their offshore feeding
grounds to the same protected bays and shallow, sandy bottomed habitats
and are found there with regularity. This is one of the main reasons
why the swim-with-dolphin industry has been so successful in Hawai`i,
as the tour vessels are consistently able to locate the dolphins at the
same sites on a daily basis. Researchers believe Hawaiian spinner
dolphins choose these areas because of their proximity to their
offshore feeding grounds and the protection they afford from predators,
providing a safe place to rest and nurture their young. In contrast,
[[Page 53829]]
bottlenose dolphins are much more fluid in their behaviors, feeding and
resting throughout the day and foraging over much wider areas. They do
not exhibit the same site fidelity to a particular area that spinner
dolphins do.
The research cited as New et al. (2013) explored the response by
bottlenose dolphins to a scenario in which vessel traffic increased
from 70 to 470 vessels a year in response to the construction of a
proposed offshore renewables' facility. Despite the more than six-fold
increase in vessel traffic, the dolphins' behavioral time budget,
spatial distribution, motivations, and social structure remained
unchanged. They found that the dolphins are able to compensate for
their immediate behavioral response to disturbances by commercial
vessels. The research showed that if the increased commercial vessel
traffic is the only escalation in anthropogenic activity, then the
dolphins' response to disturbance is not biologically significant
because the dolphins' health is unaffected, leaving the vital rates and
population dynamics unchanged. The authors note that behavioral change
should not automatically be correlated with biological significance
when assessing the conservation and management needs of species of
interest. Again, this study centered on the responses of bottlenose
dolphins to increased vessel traffic. For the same reasons stated
above, the differences between bottlenose and spinner dolphins needs to
be taken into consideration when looking at the results of this study.
Unlike bottlenose dolphins, spinner dolphins have very rigid and stable
behavioral patterns of daily rest and socialization and nighttime
foraging, and are therefore much more susceptible to disturbance at
their essential daytime behaviors.
Comment 15: Two commenters expressed the need for NMFS to address
climate change in the environmental analysis.
Response: We provided a complete analysis of climate change impacts
associated with this rulemaking in section 4.5.5 of the FEIS (``Impacts
of Climate Change''). In this section, we detailed the cumulative
effects that climate change may have on Hawaiian spinner dolphin
health, including impacts on abundance and distribution of prey
species, impacts of sea level rise, and impacts associated with rising
ocean temperatures (see section of the FEIS). Additionally, we
considered and evaluated impacts that the proposed alternatives could
have on climate change (see section of the FEIS).
Comment 16: We received comments that questioned the credibility of
some of the research used to support the proposed rule and the analyses
of alternatives in the DEIS. Specifically, commenters noted that the
SAPPHIRE Project received partial funding from Dolphin Quest, which
profits from swim-with captive dolphin programs. Commenters suggested
that this presents a conflict of interest, as findings that support
prohibitions for approaching wild dolphins could increase support for
Dolphin Quest's business.
Response: To clarify, the research effort to which the commenters
refer (which resulted in several publications, see Background above)
received a portion (less than 25 percent) of their funding from Dolphin
Quest. Our decisions associated with this rulemaking do not rest solely
on the studies from the SAPPHIRE project. Rather we relied on the many
scientific publications, including multiple studies in Hawai`i, that
indicate that intense human pressure can have negative effects on local
wild spinner dolphin populations. A comprehensive list of journal
articles and information sources are referenced in the Final EIS.
Researchers in many fields rely on funding from various sources to
conduct their work, including government grants, NGOs, and private
sources, and on that basis alone we do not assume that the acceptance
of funds from specific entities would compromise the research being
conducted. The academic papers in question were peer-reviewed, which is
a process by which research is checked by a group of experts in the
same field to ensure that the scholarly work meets necessary standards
before it is published in an academic journal. Tyne's papers were peer
reviewed and published in the academic journals Royal Society Open
Science, Biological Conservation, and the Journal of Applied Ecology.
The abundance information was reviewed closely by PIFSC researchers and
currently provides the most rigorous estimate for our local spinner
dolphin populations. Tyne et al.'s work indicating the significance of
resting habitat in supporting spinner dolphin resting behavior
confirmed ideas presented by earlier works by Ken Norris in the 1990s.
Additionally, Tyne et al.'s work questioning the quality of rest that
this population receives echoes concerns expressed by other
researchers, including Courbis and Timmel (2009), Heenehan et al. (2015
and 2016), Forrest (2001), and Danil et al. (2005). As a result, we
determined that these studies by Tyne et al. are credible and unbiased,
and included them in our analysis of the best available science.
Information on Responsible Viewing of Marine Mammals
Comment 17: Several commenters expressed concern that limiting
interaction with spinner dolphins may displace the impacts of human
interaction onto other wild marine mammals, or onto captive bottlenose
dolphins. Additionally, commenters specifically suggested that to avoid
this displaced impact, NMFS should expand the scope of this rule to
protect all marine mammals in Hawai`i, including dolphins in captivity.
Response: All marine mammals are protected from take by the MMPA,
defined as ``to harass, hunt, capture, or kill or attempt to harass,
hunt, capture, or kill any marine mammal'' (16 U.S.C. 1362). While this
regulation implements necessary and appropriate measures to reduce take
in the form of harassment of spinner dolphins, other wild marine
mammals are still protected from take (including harassment) under the
MMPA. Spinner dolphins are unique in that they spend time resting in
areas close to shore, and therefore are easily accessible to human
users of the nearshore environment. Their predictable daytime behavior
has made it possible for the swim-with-wild-dolphin industry to
develop. It is difficult to determine to what degree operators may
switch to ``swim-with'' activities with other marine mammals.
With regard to other marine mammals in Hawaiian waters, we note
that we have approach distance regulations for some other species of
marine mammals, such as humpback whales in Hawai`i (50 CFR 216.19).
However, each rule is based on the ecology of the specific animal, as
well as the best available scientific information on the nature of the
This rule implements additional protections to prevent harassment
of spinner dolphins in the wild. Extending these protections to captive
dolphins is beyond the scope of this rulemaking. Please see the
response to comment 13 for additional information on dolphins in
Additional Information on Spinner Dolphin Behaviors
Comment 18: Many commenters suggest that Hawaiian spinner dolphins
choose to interact with human users and vessels. Additionally,
commenters suggest that if dolphins did not want to interact with human
users and vessels, the dolphins have the ability to swim away. As a
result, some commenters assert that people can't swim with
[[Page 53830]]
dolphins; rather, it is the dolphins who swim with people, because the
dolphins could swim away at any time.
Response: We recognize that dolphins can appear curious and may
approach humans in the water. Indeed, there was an exception in the
proposed rule, which remains in the final rule, that allows humans to
be within 50 yards (45.7 m) of a dolphin if the dolphin approaches
them, provided that they do not purposefully place themselves in the
path of oncoming dolphins, that they make no effort to engage or pursue
the animal, and that they take immediate steps to move away from the
animal. Requiring the swimmer to withdraw reduces the likelihood that
exposure to human activities will result in harassment. There is ample
evidence that humans often approach dolphins in their daytime resting
areas, and this may have negative biological impacts on spinner
dolphins. As discussed in the Background, Hawaiian spinner dolphins
experience high frequency and intensity of disturbance at essential
daytime habitats. Some dolphins may stay in these habitats even when
people are present, swimming in relatively close proximity to people,
because these areas provide habitat essential for resting, recovering
from nighttime feeding, and protection from predators. Leaving these
sites carries increased risk of predation and may move dolphins further
away from offshore feeding areas.
While dolphins can indeed swim away from and faster than humans,
having to do so interrupts their rest, keeps them in a state of
vigilance, and forces the dolphins to expend energy to increase their
swimming speed and/or change direction. This increase in their
energetic expenditures for purposes of avoidance could lead to
decreased energy needed for other important behaviors, such as foraging
and nurturing their young. Over the long term, this could affect the
fitness of individual dolphins, and their ability to forage as a group.
Further, their ability to swim away is limited by the fact that
avoiding humans or leaving their preferred resting habitat altogether
can lead to a greater risk of predation, and may involve greater
energetic demands because they may need to travel farther distances to
reach their feeding grounds. Finally, peer reviewed studies on Hawai`i
Island suggest that dolphins are unlikely to rest outside of their
daytime essential habitat in resting bays (Tyne et al. 2015; Lammers
2004; Norris et al. 1994).
Comment 19: Many commenters argued that NMFS fails to understand
the consciousness of dolphins and that NMFS perceives a problem with
humans swimming with dolphins where none exists. Additionally, one
commenter suggested that humans swimming with dolphins is important to
both species, while another commenter argued that those who attend
spiritual retreats to swim with dolphins attest that the experience is
Response: As mentioned in the Background section, we believe that
safe, responsible viewing of spinner dolphins can provide benefits to
species awareness and conservation. However, there is a substantial and
growing body of scientific evidence documenting the negative effects of
dolphin-directed activities on spinner dolphins, especially activities
that involve close approaches by humans, regardless of the intent of
the humans. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that Hawaiian
spinner dolphins receive a long-term health benefit from prolonged,
close interactions with humans. Peer-reviewed scientific literature
documents dolphin-directed human activity as causing disturbance to
individual spinner dolphins, as well as changes to spinner dolphin
group behavioral patterns. Individual dolphin responses to these
activities vary and, in some cases, may not be apparent to an observer
(e.g., elevated heart rates or increased vigilance). However,
discernible responses include aerial displays, tail-slapping, or other
visible behavior changes when closely approached by vessels and
swimmers (Forest 2001, Courbis and Timmel 2008); avoidance behaviors,
including increased swimming speed, directional changes, moving around
and away from swimmers and vessels, or leaving the area in response to
human pursuit (Ostman-Lind et al. 2004, Courbis 2004, Courbis and
Timmel 2008); and aggressive behaviors directed at people, including
charging or threat displays (Norris et al. 1985, Norris et al. 1994).
Effects have also been documented in the form of changes to spinner
dolphins' behavior patterns in essential daytime habitats, including
the amount of time spent within resting habitat, distribution within
the habitat, and changes to patterns associated with aerial behaviors
(Courbis 2004, 2007; Timmel et al. 2008; [Ouml]stman-Lind 2007; Danil
et al. 2005; Forest 2001).
Swimming with Hawaiian spinner dolphins has become a popular
activity in Hawai`i, because Hawaiian spinner dolphins are charismatic
animals, are easily accessible to humans while in their resting
habitat. However, as stated in our response to Comment 13, spinner
dolphins that interact with swimmers incur an energetic cost, and the
time for restorative or fitness-enhancing behaviors, particularly rest,
is lost due to these disruptions. Additionally, several spinner dolphin
studies provide evidence of chronic disturbance to natural behavioral
patterns that could potentially cause biologically significant impacts,
see Background for discussion on chronic disturbance. People are often
unaware that changes in dolphin behavior take away from daytime
fitness-promoting behaviors with other dolphins.
The purpose of this regulation is to prevent encounters that result
in disturbance to and harassment of Hawaiian spinner dolphins. This
rule implements regulations for the conservation purposes of MMPA,
including necessary and appropriate regulations that protect spinner
dolphins from harassment. As described in the preamble, human
encounters with Hawaiian spinner dolphins may have long-term adverse
effects that may not be immediately apparent to the observer. We
considered other distances for swim-with and approach regulations,
including 100 and 150 yards (91.4 or 137.1 m), as well as no swim-with
and approach measures. We do not believe that the status quo provides
adequate safeguards for these marine mammals. One of the considerations
in choosing a 50 yard (45.7 m) approach rule, as opposed to 100 or 150
yards (91.4 or 137.1 m), was that it was the minimum appropriate
distance to prevent disturbance to them, while still allowing people to
view the dolphins. At this time, we believe that a 50 yard (45.7 m)
approach buffer provides the least restrictive means for accomplishing
the important conservation purposes of the approach regulation, while
still accounting for the interests of the observing public.
Other Human Activities Affected by the Proposed Rule That Were Not
Comment 20: Many commenters expressed concern that this rule would
have a large impact on the local economy. Some commenters representing
the tour industry specifically indicated that they anticipate this rule
to have a large impact on their businesses. Additionally, 17 commenters
argued that the data used in our economic impact analysis, presented as
part of the DEIS, was insufficient, out-of-date, and needed to include
additional data in order to analyze the potential economic impact of
this rule's implementation. One commenter specifically suggested a need
for more data on the tour industry on West O'ahu.
Response: In response to concerns raised that the economic data
used for
[[Page 53831]]
the analysis in the DEIS is outdated, we have updated the economic
analysis and conducted a Regulatory Impact Review/Regulatory Impact
Assessment in accordance with Executive Order 12866 and the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, and incorporate this assessment and the Final
Regulatory Flexibility Analysis into the final EIS as Chapter 5 for the
final rule. While we have supplemented the 2008 economic analysis and
2016 RIR/IFRA, the new economic information does not materially alter
earlier findings in the proposed rule about the need for regulation and
the impact of the regulation on small entities. There has been an
approximately 6-fold increase in the number of tours and spiritual
retreats offering swim-with-wild-dolphin experiences, as well as a
corresponding increase in the gross revenues generated by these
businesses, in the 10-year span between the original economic data
report and the updated report. This increased economic activity also
represents an increase in human pressures on spinner dolphins. The
expected economic impact of the final rule on dolphin-directed business
activity is similar to that of the proposed rule. It is possible that
some tour operators will experience some loss of revenues due to
differences in the amounts charged for a swim-with-dolphin experience
versus a general marine tour/wildlife viewing experience. Indeed a
commenter stated that they had experienced declines in their dolphin
tour business after shifting to a 50 yard (45.7 m) viewing distance.
However, tour operators in Hawai`i that voluntarily follow Dolphin
SMART safe viewing guidelines that use a 50 yard (45.7 m) viewing
distance from spinner dolphins have stayed in business and remained
competitive for nearly a decade, and the final rule will implement even
handed requirements for all operators, mitigating lower revenues
resulting from competition with swim-with-dolphin operators.
Restrictions resulting from the COVID pandemic have significantly
impacted the tourism industry in Hawaii, and COVID restrictions and the
overall decline in tourism have significantly curtailed wild dolphin
tours. Nevertheless, tourism has rebounded over the last year, with
791,053 visitors in June 2021 (https://www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/media/7582/june-2021-visitor-statistics-press-release.pdf). As
conditions continue to improve, NMFS anticipates that dolphin-directed
activities will resume at or near pre-pandemic levels.
Comment 21: One commenter indicated that they receive ``life
force'' from dolphins and whales, and that this regulation would
violate the commenter's constitutional rights.
Response: As discussed in the response to Comment 19, the purpose
of this regulation is to prevent encounters that result in disturbance
to and harassment of Hawaiian spinner dolphins. This rule implements
regulations for the conservation purposes of MMPA, including necessary
and appropriate regulations that protect spinner dolphins from
harassment. As described in the preamble, human encounters with
Hawaiian spinner dolphins may have long-term adverse effects that may
not be immediately apparent to the observer. We considered other
distances for swim-with and approach regulations, including 100 and 150
yards (91.4 or 137.1 m), as well as no swim-with and approach measures.
We do not believe that the status quo provides adequate safeguards for
these marine mammals. One of the considerations in choosing a 50 yard
(45.7 m) approach rule, as opposed to 100 or 150 yards (91.4 or 137.1
m), was that it was the minimum appropriate distance to prevent
disturbance to them, while still allowing people to view the dolphins.
At this time, we believe that a 50 yard (45.7 m) approach buffer
provides the least restrictive means for accomplishing the important
conservation purposes of the approach regulation, while still
accounting for the interests of the observing public.
Comment 22: One commenter noted that spotted dolphins (Stenella
attenuata) often interact with fishing vessels for long periods of time
and have intensive feeding requirements similar to those of spinner
dolphins, but the need for spotted dolphins to have uninterrupted sleep
is not a concern to NMFS. Additionally, this commenter notes that
bottlenose dolphins have long been harassed by fishermen off the Kona
coast for stealing live bait from marlin and tuna fishermen and market
fish from bottom fishermen, yet NMFS has not established protections
for bottlenose dolphins.
Response: As described in several comment responses above, as well
as the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of the Final Rule, wild marine
mammal harassment is prohibited by the MMPA. This includes Level A
harassment (any act of pursuit, torment, or annoyance which has the
potential to injure a marine mammal) and Level B harassment (any act
that has the potential to disturb a marine mammal in the wild by
causing disruption of behavioral patterns, including, but not limited
to, migration, breathing, nursing, breeding, feeding, or sheltering).
As a result, harassment of any wild dolphin species, including spotted
dolphins and bottlenose dolphins, is illegal under the MMPA. While NMFS
is concerned about spotted and bottlenose dolphins, this rule focused
on spinner dolphins because their unique habitat preferences and
resting behaviors make them particularly vulnerable to disturbance.
More detail about spinner dolphin vulnerability to disturbance is
available in the response to Comment 24, as well as in section 3.1.4 of
the FEIS ``Ecology and Behavior.''
The Temporal and Geographic Scope (i.e., Two nmi From Shore) of the
Approach Regulation
Comment 23: Multiple commenters suggested that we should implement
a rule that extends 10 nmi from shore to encompass the entire range of
the MHI-associated resident stocks. Some commenters suggested that
people may seek encounters with the dolphins outside of two nmi,
leaving the dolphins unprotected outside of this boundary.
Response: Extending the effective area of the regulation out to 10
nmi from shore was considered in the DEIS and FEIS (see section 2.1.3
in the DEIS and FEIS). As stated in the rationale for the rule and in
the EIS, these regulatory measures are intended to prevent take of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins from occurring in marine areas where viewing
pressures are most prevalent. We have no information to suggest that
these stocks of Hawaiian spinner dolphins face any kind of regular
exposure to wildlife viewing activities that cause take outside of two
nmi from shore. Unlike nearshore areas where spinner dolphins
predictably use essential daytime habitats, the locations where spinner
dolphins might be found beyond two nmi is not predictable and we do not
anticipate that encounters with dolphins outside of two nmi will become
common after the rule is finalized. MMPA take prohibitions will
continue to apply in the U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and high
seas where these regulations do not apply. To encompass the range of
dolphin-directed activities that are likely to result in take, we
focused on where people are most likely to encounter Hawaiian spinner
dolphin groups, i.e., where dolphins are known to occur during the day
when they are engaged in nearshore resting and socializing activities.
We reviewed information from scientific literature about Hawaiian
spinner dolphin daytime habitat preferences and information from over
400 sightings of spinner dolphins collected around the MHI since 1992
[[Page 53832]]
from various members of the Pacific Islands Photo Identification
Network (PIPIN) to determine that the 2 nmi boundary sufficiently
covered the dolphins' daytime habitat use. Because almost all viewing
and interaction pressures occur during the day within two nmi from
shore and in the designated waters bounded by L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and
Kaho'olawe, expanding the scope to include the resident stock's entire
range would provide negligible additional protection from take by
approach within 50 yards (45.7 m).
Comment 24: The State of Hawai`i DLNR commented that it supports
the proposed rule, but believes it should be expanded to apply to the
entire U.S. EEZ within 200 nmi from shore, to simplify compliance for
users and streamline enforcement efforts.
Response: As described above in our response to Comment 23, we
considered the geographic scope of the rulemaking in our EIS, including
applying it to the entire EEZ, and determined that a 2nm boundary
provided the protections from daytime disturbance needed for spinner
dolphins. These proposed regulatory measures are intended to prevent
take of Hawaiian spinner dolphins from occurring in areas where viewing
pressures are most prevalent. We therefore felt it was unnecessary to
extend the reach of the regulation to areas where take is less likely
to occur. Further, keeping the boundary to two nmi allows enforcement
efforts to be concentrated within the two nmi boundary rather than
spread across a much larger area, thereby increasing the effectiveness
of these efforts.
Comment 25: A commenter suggested that the regulation should be
applicable to all dolphin species and all U.S. citizens or nationals
anywhere in the world (and also advocated for a 100 yard approach
Response: The purpose of this rule is to address the increase in
human pressures on spinner dolphins in coastal waters around the state
of Hawaii. A no-approach regulation with national application is beyond
the scope of this rule. Additionally, swim-with tours have not been
identified as a major threat for other dolphin species in the areas
surrounding MHI at this time. While this rule does not apply to other
dolphin species, other species may benefit as public ocean users become
aware of the potential impacts of close approach and would keep their
distance from all wildlife.
As described in the responses to Comment 23 and Comment 24, we do
not find, at this time, that the enhanced protections in this rule are
necessary seaward of two nmi off the Hawaiian islands, or in other
regions of the United States. The MMPA's general moratorium on the
taking of marine mammals, which applies in waters under U.S.
jurisdiction as well as to persons and vessels subject to U.S.
jurisdiction on the high-seas, continues to protect dolphins that may
be found outside the boundaries of this rule. With regard to the
specific comment that the regulation should include a 100 yard approach
rule, see our response to Comment 9.
Comment 26: Many commenters suggested that the geographic action
area for the proposed rule should be limited to one or two islands,
rather than all waters within two nmi of each of the MHI and in the
designated waters bounded by the islands of L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and
Kaho`olawe. Specifically, commenters noted that the problem of spinner
dolphin harassment from close approach by humans is greater on Hawai`i
Island and O`ahu than it is on islands like Maui and Kaua`i. As such,
the geographic action area for the proposed rule establishing
protections for spinner dolphins should be limited to areas with the
largest number of tour operators and human users. Additionally, several
commenters argued that, because many of the supporting studies cited by
NMFS in the proposed rule and DEIS conducted their research along the
Kona coast of Hawai`i Island, the geographic action area of the
proposed rule should only include waters surrounding Hawai`i Island.
These commenters argue that the DEIS gives too much weight to these
studies, which cover a small geographic area (relative to the state as
a whole), and therefore the rule does not adequately account for the
behavioral or social differences between island-specific populations of
spinner dolphins. One commenter suggested that the geographic action
area of the proposed rule be limited to the range of one or more of the
three island-associated stocks of spinner dolphins in the MHI. The
commenter did not suggest a specific stock for protection.
Response: The commenters are correct that the islands of O`ahu and
Hawai`i have a greater number of dolphin-directed tour companies,
spiritual retreats, and individuals swimming to the dolphins from shore
due to factors such as easily accessible essential daytime habitats.
However, Hawaiian spinner dolphins utilize sandy, protected bays and
nearshore areas for resting and socializing across the state. While the
largest number of human users are concentrated on one or two islands,
close approach by humans occurs statewide (Sepez, 2006; see section 1.6
of the FEIS, ``Description and Scope of the Proposed Action'') and
affects all of the island-associated spinner stocks. Limiting this rule
to only one or two islands or to the geographic extent of an island-
associated stock could result in displacement of dolphin-directed human
activity to other areas of the state where Hawaiian spinner dolphins
are present, thus undermining the protections established in this
Regarding the concern by some commenters that spinner dolphin data
informing this rule was only collected on Hawai`i Island, this rule was
developed through a literature review of available data for Hawaiian
spinner dolphins throughout the state. Many recent research efforts
focused on bays on Hawai`i Island, as these bays are often used as
daytime resting habitat for spinner dolphins and are a place where
researchers can reliably study spinner dolphin behavior. These
locations include H[omacr]naunau Bay, Kealakekua Bay, Makako Bay, and
Kauhak[omacr] Bay, which were the sites for more recent studies on the
impacts of human interaction on dolphin population health, such as the
SAPPHIRE studies. While these studies focused on a limited geography,
the findings regarding spinner dolphin behavior changes in the presence
of human users are representative of wider scenarios where humans are
in prolonged contact with resting Hawaiian spinner dolphins.
Additionally, while the SAPPHIRE studies researched Hawaiian spinner
dolphins on Hawai`i Island, research has been conducted on O`ahu, Maui,
L[amacr]na`i, Kaho`olawe, Moloka`i, and Kaua`i, resulting in peer-
reviewed journal articles that were consulted when developing this rule
and FEIS (e.g., Norris and Dohl 1980; Benoit-Bird and Au 2003; Danil et
al. 2005; Hill et al. 2005; Lammers et al. 2000, 2001, 2003, 2004,
2006; Mobley et al. 2000, and Wiener 2016). In short, we consulted
studies conducted across the state, and, because close approach of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins by humans is occurring statewide, we
determined that the geographic extent of the rule should be statewide
as well.
Comment 27: Multiple commenters submitted ideas for alternative
management considerations with different combinations of geographic
ranges, approach distances, and enforcement times. For example, one
commenter, citing O`ahu-based studies done by Lammers and Danil,
suggested a 100 yard approach regulation on O`ahu from 11AM to 6PM. The
commenter stated that 100 yards (91.4 m) is easier to judge and more
[[Page 53833]]
enforceable than 50 yards (45.7 m), and suggested that the regulation
be O`ahu-specific given habitat and behavioral differences between
O`ahu spinner dolphins and Hawai`i Island spinner dolphins,
specifically that they often rest during the midday and early afternoon
Response: We addressed aspects of this alternative suggestion in
multiple comment responses. As stated in the response to Comment 9, we
determined that a 100 yard (91.4 m) approach distance would decrease a
dolphin viewer's ability to see the animals without visual aids, and is
inconsistent with our current wildlife viewing guidelines. We
determined that an approach distance of 50 yards (45.7 m) would provide
increased protection for the animals by reducing harassment, while
still allowing people to observe spinner dolphins. Regarding an O`ahu-
specific regulation, we would like to direct the commenter to our
response to Comment 26, in which we address comments to limit the
regulation to certain areas. Limiting the swim-with and approach
regulation to O`ahu only would not provide protections to spinner
dolphins in other areas of the MHI where disturbance at daytime
essential habitats is also occurring, undermining the protections
established in this regulation.
Whether Time-Area Closures are Necessary To Address the Intensity of
Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin-Directed Activities in Some Areas
Comment 28: We received comments that were opposed to the
implementation of time-area closures. These commenters felt that
closures were either unnecessary to achieve the desired protections
because the proposed approach regulation would provide adequate
protection, or overly restrictive to the public because they could
restrict shore access rights or use of waters in Hawai`i. The State of
Hawai`i DLNR provided comments to the proposed rule stating that they
did not support time-area closures because they felt that an approach
rule best addresses the threat posed by dolphin-directed activities
across the extent of their range.
Response: Although time-area closures provide members of the public
with precise boundaries around which they may readily tailor their
conduct, we recognize that such closures can also carry undesired
costs, such as imposing a burden on the public when spinner dolphins
are not present. Accordingly, and as we explained in the proposed rule,
we are not including time-area closures in this final rule. However,
based on consideration of public comments and revised input from the
State of Hawaii, NMFS has reconsidered its prior position and is
publishing a separate proposed rule to implement time-area closures.
Comment 29: Researchers suggested looking at the time-area closures
in Samadai Reef, Egypt as an example of what has been proven to be
effective in protecting other dolphin species.
Response: When determining whether to propose implementing time-
area closures, we considered the Samadai Reef example, in which spinner
dolphins that had abandoned the site returned to it after management
measures were put in place to prevent human entry into the core resting
area (see DEIS section 1.5.2). As noted in the response to comment 28,
NMFS has reconsidered its prior position on time-area closures and is
publishing a separate proposed rule to implement time-area closures.
Comment 30: Several commenters said an approach rule is too
difficult to enforce and time-area closures is a more appropriate
alternative. The National Park Service also commented that, while they
support the proposed rule, the data from [Ouml]stman-Lind (2009) and
other studies (Johnston et al. 2013) suggest that a larger buffer
distance or a selection of mandatory time-area closures (with the
exceptions mentioned in the DEIS) would be more beneficial to the
Hawaiian spinner dolphin population, and would likely improve
enforcement of the proposed rule
Response: Given our experience with enforcing the 100 yard (91.4 m)
humpback whale approach rule in Hawai`i, we believe that this spinner
dolphin approach rule can be successfully enforced. We also recognize
that time-area closures provide members of the public with precise
boundaries around which they may tailor their conduct and makes
enforcement of such closures straightforward. We considered this
comment and others that are supportive of time-area closures. In
addition to the swim-with and approach regulation established in this
final rule, we are proposing time-area closures in a separate
rulemaking. With regard to larger ``buffer'' distances, see our
response to Comment 9.
The Bays and Times of Day Identified for Time-Area Closures
Comment 31: One commenter suggested that the proposed boundaries of
the time-area closures be changed to cover half of the bays so that one
half of each bay could be reserved for humans to interact with the
dolphins, while the other half could be reserved as essential resting
habitat. The commenter argues that this would allow the dolphins to
choose either to swim with humans or to rest.
Response: We have considered these comments and are publishing a
separate proposed rule to implement time-area closures.
Comment 32: Many commenters supported time-area closures, but
suggested alternative closures times such as from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., or from 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. to reduce the
impacts to other ocean users. Some commenters claim that if time-area
closures are chosen, the time should be expanded to when the dolphins
leave, as the dolphins often stay in the bays past 3 p.m.
Response: We have considered these comments and are publishing a
separate proposed rule to implement time-area closures.
Comment 33: Several members of the Ho`okena community advocated
closing Kauhak[omacr] Bay to swimming with dolphins with the aim of
restoring their akule fishery. Anecdotal observations by community
members indicate they have seen no akule in Kauhak[omacr] Bay since
1997 which coincides with the time when swimming with dolphins became
popular in their bay. In addition, a petition with over 285 names and
signatures was submitted by members of the Ho`okena community, KUPA,
and Friends of Ho`okena Beach Park voicing their support for stronger
rules to prohibit people from approaching resting Hawaiian spinner
Response: We recognize that Kauhak[omacr] Bay faces intense
pressure from people approaching spinner dolphins and we are working
with members of the Ho`okena community to increase outreach and
education to the public. Although restoration of the akule fishery is
outside the scope of this rule, we plan to continue working with the
community and DOCARE to address the community's concerns regarding the
disturbance of dolphins at this location. The swim-with and approach
regulation will reduce the intensity of dolphin-directed activities
within essential daytime habitats to some degree. We are proposing
time-area closures as part of a separate rulemaking, and such
regulation, combined with the swim-with and approach regulation, can be
expected to reduce the intensity of dolphin-directed activities within
the essential daytime habitat at this location. We will continue to
work with the community to address their concerns as needed.
Comment 34: Several commenters noted that La Perouse Bay banned the
[[Page 53834]]
use of kayaks in the bay in 2006. These commenters observed that the
dolphins, which used to frequent the area, no longer use that essential
daytime habitat to the same extent following the ban on kayaks. The
commenters suggest that the number of dolphins using La Perouse Bay has
decreased because kayakers are no longer using the bay, leading the
commenters to suggest that the dolphins enjoy the presence of kayaks.
Response: In 2004, the State of Hawai`i declared the `[Amacr]hihi-
K[imacr]na'u Natural Area Reserve and neighboring La Perouse Bay off
limits to commercial kayaking and other commercial operations. We
understand that the State has not banned non-commercial operations,
such as using a personally-owned kayak, within the bay.
Although NMFS is unable to determine whether the number of dolphins
using La Perouse Bay has decreased since 2006, as the commenters
suggest, we do not agree that we can attribute changes in abundance of
dolphins in certain bays to any one factor, such as the number of
kayaks. Dolphins choose their resting habitat for a number of factors,
which is described further in the response to Comment 1. Any number of
these factors can cause a change in habitat preference. Additionally,
NMFS has no reason to believe dolphins are ``attracted to'' kayaks, as
the commenter suggests, on the contrary kayaks may contribute to
harassment of dolphins.
Suggestions on Other Areas That Should Be Considered for Time-Area
Comment 35: NMFS received comments suggesting that if closures are
implemented, time-area closures should also be considered in Hulopo`e
and M[amacr]nele bays on L[amacr]na`i, Honolua Bay on Maui, and
M[amacr]kua Bay on O`ahu because these areas are also targeted by tour
operators and swimmers and, specific to M[amacr]kua Bay, because they
claim that it is a spinner dolphin nursery.
Response: In a separate rulemaking we are proposing time-area
closures based on Alternatives provided in the DEIS, FEIS, and the 2016
proposed rule. The sites we are proposing for time-area closures are
descried in the DEIS as areas reported as having a high level of
chronic human disturbance at daytime essential resting habitat. Should
we consider implementing additional time-area closures other than the 5
selected sites described in the DEIS, we will look closely at the areas
identified by the commenter, likely using a step-down process similar
to that used in the DEIS Appendix A.
Alternate Management Strategies
Comment 36: Several commenters asked why we couldn't make the Coral
Reef Alliance (CORAL) West Hawai`i Voluntary Standards (WHVS) into
enforceable regulations. The WHVS were created by the CORAL, with
stakeholder input and consensus by a wide variety of Hawai`i Island
businesses and community members, to apply to all wildlife viewing and
interactions in West Hawai`i. This includes viewing and interaction
guidelines for marine mammals, including Hawaiian spinner dolphins
(WHVS 2009). Measures under section 4.6 of the document include
educational information about prohibitions already outlined in the
MMPA, detailed boating etiquette and safety measures around marine
mammals and swimmers, and human activities to avoid when viewing and
interacting with marine mammals. In addition, section 4.7 focuses on
voluntary standards specific to spinner dolphins.
Response: In the FEIS, we considered promulgating regulations based
on the WHVS as an alternative to enhance protections for Hawaiian
spinner dolphins, but eliminated that alternative from further
consideration because these standards did not meet the primary criteria
necessary to effectively address our purpose and need, which is to
reduce the threat of take to Hawaiian spinner dolphins, including
harassment and disturbance caused by dolphin-directed activities that
are concentrated in coastal waters, and to address chronic interaction
and viewing impacts on resident stocks of Hawaiian spinner dolphins
(see section 1.1 of the FEIS). As outlined in section 2.9.5 of the
FEIS, the WHVS standards are mainly adapted for marine recreational
providers (tour operators). Therefore, some measures, such as
restricting the number of boats surrounding a pod of dolphins to no
more than three at a time, do not convert well to all user groups and
may not be easily understood by other resource users. Further, the
complexity of certain standards (e.g., no boat staying longer than 30
minutes with a pod, but boats being allowed to return to a pod for an
additional 30 minute time period after a minimum of 1 hour away from
the pod, as long as doing so does not exceed the three boat maximum)
makes them difficult to follow and enforce. We also note that, because
the measures addressed in the WHVS were narrowly focused on commercial
activities and areas on the west coast of Hawai`i Island, not all
measures would easily transfer to other areas. Finally, the WHVS do not
apply to individuals who choose to swim, kayak, or otherwise approach
the dolphins on their own apart from a commercial tour operation,
leaving the dolphins vulnerable to disturbance by a large sector of the
population in Hawai`i. The combination of these factors led to the
decision to eliminate this alternative from further analysis.
Comment 37: A number of commenters suggested that it is essential
to have a strong educational component in order for new regulations to
be effective. Additionally, many commenters suggested that regulations
would not be necessary if swimmers and vessels were educated about the
impacts of close approach of spinner dolphins by humans, advocating for
self-regulation rather than this proposed rule.
Response: We agree that conducting outreach and education with the
public and tour industry is essential to promote compliance with any
new regulation and reduce the impacts on spinner dolphins caused by
disturbance by humans. A robust education and outreach effort with
partners, including state and Federal government partners, non-profit
organizations, and researchers, will support the implementation of this
regulation. Based on the lack of consistent compliance with voluntary
measures to protect Hawaiian spinner dolphins to date (e.g., wildlife
viewing guidelines, NMFS guidelines, and the CORAL West Hawai`i
Voluntary Standards) as well as the number of people wanting to be in
proximity to the dolphins, we anticipate that relying solely upon
education and self-regulation would have limited success in reducing
the overall intensity of dolphin-directed activities in most areas.
Comment 38: Multiple commenters suggested that, in lieu of the
proposed rule, NMFS or the State of Hawai`i should institute a permit
program. In these comments, this permit program could take numerous
forms. For example, thirteen commenters suggested using a permit system
to limit the total number of human users in order to limit the impact
of close approach by humans on dolphins. One commenter suggested
establishing a permit system for operators that would require the
operators to participate in a training program on proper dolphin
viewing practices before they are allowed to operate swim-with dolphin
tours. Another suggestion was to establish a permit system that
educates swim-with dolphin tour participants on proper dolphin viewing
practices before they can participate in a guided tour. Commenters also
suggested other
[[Page 53835]]
permitting strategies, such as limiting human activity to non-motorized
vessels only, limiting the number of tour operators allowed to conduct
swim-with dolphin tours, and limiting the number of people allowed per
vessel. Finally, some of these commenters suggested that funding
generated through the permit system could be used to support research/
education efforts.
Response: We considered the alternative of licensing and permitting
of commercial tour operators and eliminated it from further analysis
because it would require a large infrastructure to administer, monitor,
and enforce. A licensing and permitting system could also introduce
equity issues between those receiving a permit and those not receiving
a permit. We also noted that such a system would not resolve the
threats from stakeholders other than tour operators (such as personal
vessels and swimmers from the shore). A uniform system that applies
more or less equally to everyone and reduces the cumulative effect of
the disturbances occurring on the spinner dolphins is preferable to a
permit system.
Comment 39: Several commenters suggested alternative solutions,
such as enforcing a limit on the number of vessels and swimmers allowed
in a bay at one time, with one additional commenter suggesting that a
limit be enforced on the number of people allowed per tour boat.
Response: Although particularly high numbers of swimmers and
vessels can be problematic, limiting the number of human users allowed
in a dolphin resting bay at any given time can still result in take if
the human users closely approach the dolphins. Therefore, we concluded
that such limitations would not adequately meet the conservation
purpose of this rule, which is to prevent take.
Comment 40: Several commenters suggested that the proposed rule was
not developed with community input or recommendations, and that NMFS
should engage community members and tour operators to hear local
concerns and to develop a new regulation. Several commenters suggested
that this could take the form of a committee of local community members
that would advise NMFS on formulating a new regulation.
Response: We recognize the importance of community and stakeholder
input when creating a regulation, and we took steps to solicit and
incorporate community input and recommendations into the rulemaking
process. The process for enhancing protections for Hawaiian spinner
dolphins from human disturbance began in 2005, when we published an
ANPR (70 FR 73426, December 12, 2005), which was followed by a Notice
of Intent to prepare an EIS for this proposed rule (71 FR 57923,
October 2, 2006). In this notice, we identified five preliminary
alternatives for public consideration and comment, and invited
information from the public on the scope of the issues that should be
addressed in a Draft EIS, the issues of concern regarding practical
considerations involved in applying the proposed regulation, and
identifying environmental and socioeconomic concerns to be addressed in
the analysis. In 2006, we also held five public scoping meetings on the
islands of Kaua`i, O`ahu, Maui, and Hawai`i, and collected 4,641 public
comments in response to the ANPR and the NOI. Comments submitted during
this process included many that focused on cultural issues (e.g.,
accommodating local culture and livelihoods, as well as the visitor
industry) and traditional Hawaiian knowledge (e.g., recommending that
researchers listen to Native Hawaiians' knowledge instead of relying on
outside research). In addition to these public scoping meetings, we
attended a forum organized by State Senator Colleen Hanabusa's office
specifically for the k[umacr]puna (elders) of the Wai`anae community to
voice their opinions. Full details regarding how we collected,
analyzed, and responded to comments on the ANPR and the notice are
available in section 1.5.3 of the FEIS.
In addition to the scoping process to develop the proposed rule, we
held six public hearings on the proposed rule in September 2016, in
which 145 attendees provided their oral testimony on the proposed rule.
These attendees included community members, native Hawaiian community
leaders, tour operators, researchers, and government officials. In
addition to the 145 testimonies, we received over 22,000 additional
comments during the public comment period. Following the public hearing
some modifications were made to the rule. See section titled Changes
from Proposed Rule in the final rule background, which highlights the
differences between the proposed rule and the final rule.
Comment 41: One commenter specifically mentioned the Wai`anae
Baseline Environmental Study and the West O`ahu Ocean Protocols as
existing examples of community efforts to address the issue of spinner
dolphin harassment, and stated that these two documents are not
referred to in the DEIS.
Response: The West O`ahu Ocean Operation Protocols and the
subsequent Wai`anae Baseline Environmental Study were developed with a
goal of reducing conflict among multiple ocean users, not reducing
spinner dolphin disturbance as a result of close human approach. These
two products stemmed from Act 6, passed by the Hawai`i State
Legislature in 2006, which directed DLNR to establish waters in West
O`ahu as an Ocean Recreation Management Area in order to ``limit the
locations, times, and types of permitted ocean recreation activities''
(DOBOR 2009). This state legislation was passed to minimize conflict
among multiple ocean users, such as between tourism industry vessels
and fishing vessels.
Although we did reference the Wai`anae Baseline Environmental Study
in the DEIS and FEIS when discussing conflicts between akule fishing
and the tourism industry when those uses overlap (DEIS section, our focus in this rule was to establish protections for
spinner dolphins from close approach under the MMPA, not to manage
interactions between two different industries.
Comment 42: Commenters suggested our consideration of a designated
swim-with area in the bays where it would be permissible to swim with
the dolphins. One commenter suggested, rather than implementing a swim-
with and approach regulation, that we consider closing two bays to
dolphin swimming for 10 years, then studying this to compare the
difference between dolphin health in the closed bays versus the open
bays. Several commenters suggested roping off half of two bays to study
whether the dolphins would choose to interact with people or not,
believing that the dolphins are not harmed by interacting with people,
but rather seek them out and enjoy it.
Response: As noted in the final rule and FEIS, the MMPA provides
limited exceptions to the prohibitions on take (e.g., scientific
research permits) and requires that people and organizations conduct
wildlife viewing in a manner that does not cause take. Because close
interactions with marine mammals are likely to result in take,
including harassment and disturbance, we cannot support, condone,
approve, or authorize attempting to swim with, pet, touch, or elicit a
reaction from dolphins. We recognize there are numerous ways to test
hypotheses and efficacy of different management strategies. However, we
have chosen the approach rule as the best way to immediately relieve
the pressure on the dolphins. We are also proposing time-area closures
in a separate rulemaking to provide
[[Page 53836]]
protections for spinner dolphins in essential daytime habitats.
Hawaiian Cultural Concerns
Comment 43: One commenter expressed concern that Native Hawaiians
practicing a traditional burial of a marine mammal could be fined under
this regulation.
Response: This regulation has no effect on traditional burials of
marine mammals. The NOAA Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response
Program oversees and coordinates all responses to stranded marine
mammals in the United States, including traditional burial of a marine
mammal and other cultural practices. In Hawai`i, NMFS engages Hawaiian
cultural practitioners in marine mammal stranding responses whenever
possible and in compliance with the MMPA. These cultural practitioners
can help us be culturally respectful of the individual animal and the
community where the stranding occurs. In order to be in compliance with
the MMPA, all responders must be authorized as a regional stranding
network participant (in accordance with section 112(c) and section 403,
or section 109(h) of the MMPA), which gives authority to state and
local government employees to humanely take marine mammals in the
course of their official duties.
Comment 44: Some commenters expressed concern that the cultural
impact analysis in the DEIS completed for this proposed rule is
inadequate. One commenter stated that input from Ho'okena residents was
heard and considered by NMFS, but because the proposed rule is
statewide, the cultural impact analysis needs to be expanded to include
other areas in the list of proposed restricted areas. Some of these
commenters recommended that, in lieu of this proposed regulation, NMFS
work with local residents and elders to craft a new alternative.
Response: We conducted a comprehensive scoping process through
which we received feedback from concerned citizens, including members
of the native Hawaiian community, tour operators, researchers, members
of the public involved in dolphin-directed activities, and other
stakeholders from around the state, not just on Hawai`i Island. Further
detail about the public input we solicited on this regulation is
available in the response to Comment 40.
In addition to this public input process, we initiated a separate
scoping process to determine if historic properties could be affected
by any of the alternatives under consideration, as required by the
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). With assistance from
Hawai`i's State Historic Preservation Division, we identified and
contacted Native Hawaiian organizations, communities, and individuals,
and then held four scoping meetings in 2012 with those who expressed
interest in participating. Following these meetings, we contracted a
consultant to conduct interviews with three lineal descendants from
each of the five bays identified as potential time-area closure
locations (Kealakekua Bay, Kauhak[omacr] Bay (Ho`okena), H[omacr]naunau
Bay, Makako Bay, and La Perouse Bay), to help us identify historic
properties or practices that could be affected by the time-area
closures that were under consideration to protect Hawaiian spinner
dolphins. We incorporated the findings from the initial scoping process
in 2006, as well as the 2012 NHPA scoping process into the development
of the various alternatives in the DEIS, and we have not received any
information through the public comment period to suggest that this rule
would hinder cultural practices identified through the interviews with
lineal descendants (e.g., fishing, canoe activities, ancestral
caretaking and worship, and care of burial sites; see section 3.4.5 in
the FEIS for descriptions of activities in various bays around the
state). We have determined that this final rule to implement swim-with
and approach regulations for Hawaiian spinner dolphins has no potential
to cause effects to historic properties under section 106 of the NHPA.
Comment 45: We received comments requesting that this rule be
enforced upon all water users, including swimmers and all private and
commercial vessels. Conversely, we received comments requesting that
the regulation be tailored so that there would be ``no burden'' for
non-dolphin tour operators and responsible dolphin-viewing vessels,
since those vessels are not harassing the dolphins.
Response: We agree that this rule should be enforced for all water
users, both private and commercial (including non-dolphin tour
operators). As described in Comment 1 and 2, multiple scientific
studies provide evidence regarding the various and differing vessel and
swimmer impacts on the behavior of spinner dolphins and how those
impacts can create long term health impacts. Because spinner dolphins
can be affected by numerous activities on the water, this rule applies
to all water users, unless a narrow exception applies. We believe that
the 50 yard (45.7 m) limit provides an appropriate opportunity for
responsible wildlife viewing, without unnecessarily burdening the
public. Exceptions are provided in the final rule (50 CFR 216.20 (c)).
Comment 46: Several commenters expressed concern that this rule
will not be enforced, noting that DLNR has limited resources devoted to
enforcement. Several commenters suggested actions for NMFS to provide
resources for enforcement, including providing funding to DOCARE,
staffing observers in bays with lots of human activity, collecting
funding from tour vessels for enforcement in the form of a licensing
fee, and using fines levied on violators of this proposed rule to
support enforcement.
Response: Enforcement of the MMPA is accomplished via all available
means, including through land and sea patrols conducted by the NMFS
OLE, the United States Coast Guard, and DOCARE, all of whom work with
us on outreach and enforcement. NMFS OLE conducts periodic patrols,
which include areas with high amounts of human activity, and accepts
evidence of harassment submitted by citizens observing violations.
Historically, NMFS has also provided funds to DOCARE through a Joint
Enforcement Agreement to conduct enforcement activities. NMFS OLE, with
support from DOCARE, is actively pursuing violations of the MMPA and
will continue to do so. Regarding the suggestion to use fines levied on
violators of the proposed rule to support enforcement, MMPA civil fines
are currently directed into a national Asset Forfeiture Fund, which is
then used to help fund enforcement activities subject to NOAA policy.
Finally, with regard to the comment recommending collection of funding
from tour vessel operators in the form of a licensing fee, we refer the
commenter to our response to Comment 38 regarding permitting fees.
Comment 47: Several commenters suggested that NMFS should focus on
enforcing the MMPA, rather than creating a new regulation, since
Hawaiian spinner dolphins are already protected from take by the MMPA.
One commenter, noted that spinner dolphins are not threatened or
endangered under the ESA, and this regulation will set a precedent for
establishing protections for non-ESA listed species.
Response: The MMPA protects all marine mammals, whether or not
listed under the ESA, in U.S. waters and on the high seas from take,
which includes Level B harassment. This regulation further enhances
protections for spinner dolphins under the MMPA (see the
[[Page 53837]]
responses to Comment 8 and Comment 14). The commenter is correct that
the spinner dolphin is not currently listed as threatened or endangered
under the ESA; however, the MMPA protects all marine mammals,
regardless of whether they are ESA listed, and this action is taken
under authority of the MMPA to strengthen protections for spinner
dolphins from increased human pressures that have resulted in observed
disruption of behavioral patterns.
Final Rulemaking
The swim-with and approach prohibitions described in this rule are
designed to protect spinner dolphins from take, including harassment
and disturbance, caused by dolphin-directed activities, such as close
viewing and interaction. Although we stress that unauthorized take of
spinner dolphins or any marine mammals already is and continues to be
prohibited by the MMPA in any location, we believe that specific
regulations aimed at identified human activities that result in take of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins are warranted because of the chronic
disturbance that is currently taking place in nearshore waters. This
regulation is limited to nearshore areas, within 2 nmi (3.7 km) from
shore of the MHI and including designated waters bounded by
L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and Kaho`olawe (see Figures 2 and 3 in section
216.20(e) and Geographic Action Area section below), where threats from
dolphin-directed activities are concentrated and where spinner dolphins
engage in essential daytime behaviors, including resting, socializing,
nurturing, and traveling. These measures are intended to prevent take
during important resting periods and allow Hawaiian spinner dolphins to
engage in normal fitness-enhancing behaviors, thereby preventing long-
term negative impacts to individuals and to the population. We are
finalizing this regulation pursuant to our rulemaking authority under
MMPA sections 112 (a) (16 U.S.C. 1382(a)) and 102 (16 U.S.C. 1372).
Scope and Applicability
Application to All Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins
The rule's swim-with and approach prohibitions apply to all
Hawaiian spinner dolphins found in the action area (see Geographic
Action Area section below).
Geographic Action Area
The action area for the swim-with and approach prohibitions in this
rule is limited to waters within 2 nmi (3.7 km) of each of the MHI and
in designated waters bounded by the islands of L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and
Kaho`olawe (see Figures 2 and 3 in section 216.20(e)). The latter
designated waters include all water areas enclosed by three line
segments that connect points at the 2-nm boundary bounded by the
islands as follows: The rhumb line between (A1) 20[deg]32'51'' N/
156[deg]43'50'' W (Kaho`olawe) and (A2) 20[deg]42'4'' N/156[deg]55'34''
W (L[amacr]na`i); the rhumb line between (B1) 20[deg]51'1'' N/
156[deg]54'0'' W (L[amacr]na`i) and (B2) 20[deg]59'48'' N/
156[deg]42'28'' W (Maui); and the rhumb line between (C1)
20[deg]33'55'' N/156[deg]26'43'' W (Maui) and (C2) 20[deg]32'15'' N/
156[deg]29'51'' W (Kaho`olawe). Throughout this rule, all coordinates
are referenced to the World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS84).
This is inclusive of the majority of the nearshore habitats where
MHI resident stocks of spinner dolphins engage in essential daytime
behaviors and where dolphin-directed human activities that may result
in take are known to occur (see Rationale section below).
Applications to All Forms of Swimming and Approach
The regulation applies to all forms of swim-with and approach
activities in water and air. Forms of approaching spinner dolphins
include, but are not limited to, operating a manned or unmanned
motorized, non-motorized, self-propelled, human-powered, or submersible
vessel; operating an unmanned aircraft system (UAS) or drone; and
swimming at the water surface or underwater (i.e., SCUBA, snorkeling,
or free diving).
Requirements of the Rule
Swim-With and Approach Regulation
The rule prohibits people from approaching or remaining within 50
yards (45.7 m) of a spinner dolphin; swimming or attempting to swim
within 50 yards (45.7 m) of a spinner dolphin; causing a vessel,
person, or object to approach or remain within 50 yards (45.7 m) of a
spinner dolphin; and intercepting, or placing a vessel, person, or
other object in the path of a spinner dolphin so that the dolphin
approaches within 50 yards (45.7 m) of the vessel, person, or object.
Specific categories are exempt from the swim-with and approach
regulation, and are outlined below:
(1) Any person who inadvertently comes within 50 yards (45.7 m) of
a Hawaiian spinner dolphin or is approached by a spinner dolphin,
provided the person makes no effort to engage or pursue the animal and
takes immediate steps to move away from the animal;
(2) Any vessel that is underway and is approached by a Hawaiian
spinner dolphin, provided the vessel continues normal navigation and
makes no effort to engage or pursue the animal. For purposes of this
exception, a vessel is underway if it is not at anchor, made fast to
the shore, or aground;
(3) Any vessel transiting to or from a port, harbor, or in a
restricted channel when a 50 yard (45.7 m) distance will not allow the
vessel to maintain safe navigation;
(4) Vessel operations necessary to avoid an imminent and serious
threat to a person or vessel;
(5) Any vessel that is anchored or aground and is approached by a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin, provided the vessel makes no effort to engage
or pursue the animal;
(6) Activities authorized through a permit or authorization issued
by the National Marine Fisheries Service to take Hawaiian spinner
dolphins; and
(7) Federal, state, or local government vessels, aircraft,
personnel, and assets when necessary in the course of performing
official duties.
(8) Commercial fishing vessels that incidentally take spinner
dolphins during the course of commercial fishing operations, provided
such vessels operate in compliance with a valid marine mammal
authorization in accordance with MMPA Section 118(c).
The exception for vessels transiting to or from ports, harbors, or
restricted channels is necessary to allow continuation of safe
navigation when approaching spinner dolphins closer than 50 yards (45.7
m) is unavoidable. For these cases, the vessel should continue normal
navigation to reduce the likelihood that close interactions result in
disturbances for an appreciable period of time. The exception for
vessel operations necessary to avoid an imminent and serious threat to
a person or vessel is needed for the safety of human life and property,
and to allow for compliance with applicable navigation rules. The
exception for anchored and aground vessels was added in response to
public comments received on the proposed rule and is intended to
recognize that anchored vessels may not be able to avoid coming within
50 yards (45.7 m) of Hawaiian spinner dolphins if approached by the
animals. The exception for vessels, aircraft (manned or unmanned) or
persons engaged in an activity authorized through a permit or other
authorization issued by NMFS to take spinner dolphins is necessary to
[[Page 53838]]
the continued availability of scientific research and biological data
necessary to inform management and conservation decisions related to
the dolphins. We anticipate that compliance with relevant permit terms
and conditions will help minimize the potential impacts to dolphins.
The exception for government vessels, aircraft, personnel, and assets
operating in the course of official duties is intended to avoid
disruption of essential government missions, including enforcement and
national security activities. The exception for commercial fishing
vessels is limited to incidental take by those vessels in compliance
with the associated valid marine mammal authorization in accordance
with MMPA Section 118(c).
Hawaiian spinner dolphins resident to the MHI are made up of small,
genetically isolated stocks that exhibit a specialized behavioral
ecology that makes them easy to access in coastal environments during
their daytime resting hours. This leaves these resident stocks
vulnerable to human-caused disturbance and its effects, such as habitat
abandonment or declines in reproductive success (Norris et al. 1994,
Andrews et al. 2010, Tyne et al. 2014). In the MHI, dolphin-directed
activities have increased in recent years, and the public's expectation
of close interactions has placed increased pressure on resident stocks
of Hawaiian spinner dolphins and the habitats that support these stocks
(see Background above). Despite outreach, guidelines, and current
prohibitions, observations indicate that MHI resident Hawaiian spinner
dolphins' natural behaviors are disrupted by activities that include
approach by both swimmers and vessels (Ostman-Lind et al. 2004, Danil
et al. 2005, Courbis 2004, Courbis and Timmel 2008), and overarching
spinner dolphin group behavioral patterns may be changing in essential
daytime habitats as a result of these pressures (Norris et al. 1994,
Forest 2001, Courbis 2004, Courbis and Timmel 2008).
The public, through public comment submissions, brought several
recent studies to our attention that they believed should be
incorporated into environmental review process. Upon review of these
studies (Branstetter et al., 2012; Christiansen and Lusseau, 2015;
Hartel and Torres, 2015; and New et al., 2013), we determined that
these were not applicable to the issue being addressed by this
regulation. A detailed review of these studies, including why we
determined they were not applicable to this regulation, is available in
the responses to Comments 12 and 14.
This regulation is designed to address dolphin-directed activities
that result in various forms of take of Hawaiian spinner dolphins. As
described in the proposed rule, we selected 2 nmi (3.7 km) from shore
around the MHI, as well as designated waters bounded by the islands of
L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and Kaho`olawe, for the boundaries for the swim-
with and approach regulation. We are maintaining this as the boundary
for the final regulation because this range encompasses the areas where
current and best available information indicates that most dolphin-
directed activities are likely to be concentrated. For further detail
regarding this decision, please see the responses to Comments 23-26.
Regarding the approach distance, this final regulation maintains
the 50 yard (45.7 m) approach distance proposed in the DEIS, proposed
rulemaking, and analyzed in the FEIS. We received public comments in
support of both increasing the distance and decreasing the distance.
However, we selected 50 yards (45.7 m) as the approach distance for
this regulation because it would reduce the threat of take occurring to
spinner dolphins resulting from close approach by swimmers and vessels,
while placing the least restrictive burden on the viewing public.
Additionally, we already recommend this distance (50 yards (45.7 m)) in
our wildlife viewing guidelines and request that people do not swim-
with wild dolphins to reduce the risk of behavioral disruption from
close encounters. These guidelines are recognized by tour operators and
are used by some (e.g., Dolphin SMART operators) to help ensure that
spinner dolphins are viewed responsibly. This decision is more fully
described in the responses to Comments 8 and 9.
For further information regarding the effects of close approach on
spinner dolphins, please see the proposed rule.
References Cited
A complete list of all references cited in this rulemaking can be
found on our website at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/action/enhancing-protections-hawaiian-spinner-dolphins, or at
www.regulations.gov, and is available upon request from the NMFS office
in Honolulu, Hawai`i (see ADDRESSES).
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Regulatory Impact Review
NMFS has prepared an FEIS and an RIR pursuant to NEPA (42 U.S.C.
4321 et seq.) and Executive Order (E.O.) 12866, to support this
regulation. The FEIS/RIR contains a full analysis of a No Action
Alternative, five action alternatives, and the Preferred Alternative.
NMFS prepared a Record of Decision (ROD) detailing the agency's
decision concerning this regulation. The FEIS/RIR, ROD, and supporting
documents are available for review and comment and can be found on the
NMFS Pacific Islands Region website at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/action/enhancing-protections-hawaiian-spinner-dolphins.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
A final regulatory flexibility analysis (FRFA) was prepared for
this action and is included below. The FRFA incorporates the initial
regulatory flexibility analysis (IRFA) prepared for the proposed rule
stage, an analysis of updated information collected after the comment
period for the proposed rule closed (Impact Assessment 2018), and
includes a summary of the significant issues raised by the public and
the Small Business Administration (SBA) in response to the IRFA, along
with NMFS' responses to those comments.
Under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.)
as amended by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act
(SBREFA) of 1996, whenever an agency publishes a notice of rulemaking
for any proposed or final rule, it must prepare and make available for
public comment a Regulatory Flexibility Analysis describing the effects
of the rule on small entities, i.e., small businesses, small
organizations, and small government jurisdictions.
Pursuant to the RFA, NMFS prepared the following Final Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (FRFA). A description of the action, why it is
being considered, and the legal basis for this action are contained in
the preamble to this final rule. This final rule does not duplicate,
overlap, or conflict with other Federal rules. The analysis contains a
description of and, where feasible, an estimate of the number of, small
entities to which the rule will apply. The Small Business
Administration (SBA) establishes criteria for defining a ``small
entity'' for purposes of the RFA. There are no record-keeping or
reporting requirements associated with this action.
The Chief Counsel for Advocacy of the Small Business Administration
did not file any comments on the proposed rule. NMFS did not receive
comments on the IRFA, although some comments on the economic aspects of
the proposed rule, including those that affect small entities, could be
relevant. Please see
[[Page 53839]]
Comments 20, 38, 39, and 40 and NMFS's responses to those comments.
There are several types of industries directly affected by this
rulemaking: Swim-with-wild-dolphins tour operators; dolphin watch tour
operators; non-motorized vessel ocean wildlife viewing tour operators;
and generalized commercial boat tour operators. This analysis uses size
standards prescribed by the SBA. Specifically, for scenic and
sightseeing water transportation operators (North American Industry
Classification System Code 487210), the SBA size standard for a small
business is average annual receipts of $8.0 million or less. Much of
the background information for potentially affected entities is based
on a 2018 report (2018 report) that summarized information collected in
2017 with regard to participants within these industries that
potentially interact with Hawaiian spinner dolphins to varying degrees
in the MHI (Impact Assessment 2018). The 2018 report is similar to the
socioeconomic report finalized in 2007 (which contained information
collected in 2006 and provided much of the information for the IRFA in
support of the proposed rule), but with updated information. The 2018
report provides information that suggests that most, if not all,
businesses operating in the swim-with-wild-dolphins tour and the
dolphin watch tour industries operating in 2017 could be considered
small entities, and most of the generalized commercial boat tour
operators were assumed to be small entities (Impact Assessment 2018).
Swim-with-wild-dolphins tour operators are those that bring
clientele into close proximity with spinner dolphins. This includes
health and/or spiritual retreat operations as well as dolphin-oriented
swim tours. Health and spiritually-linked businesses provide
opportunities for persons wishing to interact with spinner dolphins for
perceived physical, mental, and/or spiritual well-being enhancement.
The number of businesses in this category increased between 2007 and
2017, especially on the Island of Hawai`i. Spiritually-linked tour
operations may charter vessels through other established dolphin-swim
companies to transport customers as part of an overall per-person
package consisting of lodging, swimming with dolphins, and other
activities. According to the 2018 report, an estimated six to eight
locally owned spiritual retreat businesses and at least 33 non-local
(i.e., mainland United States, Europe, Japan, South Africa, and
Australia) spiritual retreat businesses operating on Hawai`i Island
reportedly provided direct Hawaiian spinner dolphin interaction in
2017. No numbers were provided for spiritual retreat businesses
operating on O`ahu, Maui, and Kaua`i.
Dolphin-oriented swim tours operate by transporting passengers by
boat or having them swim from shore to areas in which dolphins are
known to be present during daytime hours. Customers may also be
provided with facemasks, fins, flotation devices, and snorkels to
enhance viewing. The 2018 report suggests that at least 41 swim-with-
dolphins tour companies operated on Hawai`i and seven operated on
O`ahu. The report also indicated that commercial boat tours on Maui did
not appear to advertise underwater encounters with spinner dolphins,
nor did those on Kauai, although unplanned encounters may occur. All
are believed to be small entities.
Dolphin-watch tour operators involve taking clients out
specifically to view wild dolphins. These companies tend to operate
smaller boats than the more generalized commercial boat tours described
below, and are more likely to view dolphins at a closer range. Revenue
information for this specific business category is not available. The
2018 report did not provide estimated number of businesses that
primarily focused on dolphin viewing, but NMFS had previously estimated
the number of dolphin watch tour businesses to be as follows: Hawai`i
(3), Maui (21), O`ahu (3), and Kaua`i (11) in 2015 (NOAA Fisheries,
More generalized commercial boat tours offer a range of ocean
activities, which may include sightseeing, snorkeling, diving, viewing
various forms of sea life from a vantage point in and/or above the
water, or just generally spending time on the ocean. The majority of
the general tour boats derive revenue from whale watching and
sightseeing operations, while a number of the dive/snorkel vessels
offer snorkeling or diving trips. The 2018 report provided economic or
operational information from 28 generalized commercial boat tour
businesses (Hawai`i Island: 5, O`ahu: 2, Maui: 16, and Kaua`i: 15),
although there are likely more businesses that fall in this category.
NMFS believes that most, but not all, would be considered small
Non-motorized vessel ocean wildlife viewing tour operators,
specifically kayak tour businesses around the MHI, provide a general
wildlife viewing experience, with a very few, if any, operators
advertising direct or intentional interactions with dolphins. The 2018
report indicated that these operations were designed to provide clients
with a variety of recreational and sightseeing experiences that
typically did not include dolphin interactions. The 2018 report did not
provide estimated number of businesses in this category, but NMFS had
previously estimated that in 2015, the numbers of companies that either
operate kayak tours or rent out kayaks to be as follows: Hawai`i (6),
Maui (9), O`ahu (6), and Kaua`i (13) (NOAA Fisheries, PIRO). Based on
the information from the 2018 report and/or obtained by NMFS in 2015,
the estimated numbers of small entities directly affected by the final
rulemaking, by industry, on the MHI are as follows: At least 60 or 70
swim-with-wild-dolphins tour operators (including health and/or
spiritual retreats enabling opportunities to swim with wild dolphins),
and at least 38 generalized commercial boat tour operators (one or more
of which are likely to be considered large entities).
Because information on these entities were collected in 2017, their
numbers might differ currently and in the near term, as these are
businesses whose customer base are often comprised of tourists and
visitors to the State of Hawaii or interisland travelers. Beginning in
March 2020, the Hawaii tourism industry has been undergoing a
significant drop in travel and tourism-related business activities due
to the COVID pandemic. In April 2020, 4,564 visitors arrived in Hawaii,
a 99.5% decrease from the number of visitors that arrived in April 2019
(https://www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/media/4635/april-2020-visitor-statistics-press-release-final.pdf). While tourism has increased in the
state over the last year with 791,053 visitor arriving in Hawaii in
June 2021, this number represents a 16.5 percent decline compared to
June 2019 (https://www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/media/7582/june-2021-visitor-statistics-press-release.pdf). As a result, the tourism
industry has faced immediate financial challenges and businesses that
rely on tourists, such as boat-based wildlife viewing tours, snorkel
tours, and spiritual retreats have been financially impacted from the
COVID pandemic. Although it is not known when tourism will return to
pre-COVID levels, we anticipate that that dolphin directed activities
would resume to pre-pandemic levels in the future.
This final rule would restrict all activities associated with close
approach to Hawaiian spinner dolphins, including swimming with dolphins
and close approach by vessel. These approach prohibitions would be
applicable within 2 nmi (3.7 km) of each
[[Page 53840]]
of the MHI and in designated waters bounded by the islands of
L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and Kaho`olawe. This rule implements the least
restrictive measure that still achieves reduction in harassment of
The ban on swimming and approaching within 50 yards (45.7 m) of
Hawaiian spinner dolphins, has the potential to eliminate all
activities, including commercial activities that may result in take of
spinner dolphins (e.g., swim-with-wild-dolphins) at a close distance.
Therefore, implementing this final action would require operators that
currently offer the opportunity to swim with spinner dolphins to cease
this specific activity, although they may choose to continue to provide
other services among their menu of options. For example, a spiritual
retreat that offers a menu of other activities along with swim-with-
wild-dolphins activities may continue to offer the other activities. In
addition, swim-with-wild-dolphins tour operators may choose to
transition to operate as a dolphin-watching or generalized tour vessel
operation. For these businesses, eliminating opportunities to swim with
wild spinner dolphins within 50 yards (45.7 m) is likely to result in a
reduction in revenue in the short term and potentially in the long
term. The decrease in revenue could come from the reduction in the
number of customers, specifically those who seek the experience of
swimming with spinner dolphins, and/or reduced trip or package prices
with a reduced menu of options available for each trip. The loss in
overall revenue to individual businesses and the industry as a whole
that rely on close approach with spinner dolphins by any means for
revenue is uncertain. The same is true with regard to the number of
businesses that would be still be able to remain in operation after the
implementation of the final rule. The 2018 report indicated that many
of the business owners or operators facilitating underwater dolphin
encounters expected that they would see lower profits, devaluation of
business assets, employee layoffs, or they might decide move the
business to a different location outside of Hawaii, or some operators
expected they would go out of business. One operator reported laying
off all his employees after voluntarily complying with the proposed
rule. NMFS, however, has no corroborating information for this report.
Some others stated that they would try to create a different kind of
Commercial wildlife boat tour operators, including generalized
commercial boat tour operators, dolphin watch tour operators, and non-
motorized vessel tour operators, would no longer be able to take
customers to view Hawaiian spinner dolphins from closer than 50 yards
(45.7 m). Restricting operators from approaching within 50 yards (45.7
m) of spinner dolphins may reduce demand for vessel-based tours among
customers who specifically hope to view dolphins from a vessel at a
closer range, although there will be no options other than not taking a
tour at all, as no boats in Hawai`i would be able to offer tours closer
than 50 yards (45.7 m). Some tour operators may be able to offer
alternative recreational opportunities or amenities as part of a tour
to help offset any loss in demand for tours. For generalized tour boat
operators with a clientele base that does not have a specific goal of
viewing spinner dolphins, the direct economic impact of the final
action is likely to be minimal.
Participants of dolphin directed activities may also support other
industries indirectly, including lodging, food industry, and car
rentals. Many dolphin-swim participants may travel to Hawaii and
participate in a wide variety of other ocean based activities,
including vessel based wildlife viewing. Weiner (2016) found that 78
percent of participants of swim-with dolphin tours would still
participate in a dolphin tour, even if they could not go in the water
with dolphins. The industries that provide goods and services to
visitors could potentially see some loss in revenue if new regulations
were implemented that prohibited swimming with dolphins. However, many
of these businesses serve a much larger number of local, U.S., and
international visitors to the state seeking a wide range of
experiences, of which direct encounters with dolphins are a small
NMFS concludes that there would be disproportionate impacts to the
swim-with-wild-dolphin tour operators from implementation of this final
action relative to all other general wildlife viewing tour operators.
Similarly, because of the focus of activities, it is also likely that
the dolphin watch tour industry will face greater impacts than the
generalized wildlife tour companies. As a result, dolphin-watch tour
entities may face disproportionate impacts relative to the generalized
commercial boat tour companies, which are likely to incur few direct
economic impacts from the final action. We note that dolphin watch tour
entities are all believed to be small entities, and most of the
generalized commercial boat tour companies are as well, although a few
might be considered large entities with revenues exceeding $8.0
NMFS considered other alternatives in addition to the swim-with and
50 yard (45.7 m) approach regulations (Alternative 3(A)). These include
Alternative 1: No action; Alternative 2: Swim-with regulations;
Alternative 3(B): Swim-with and 100 yard (91.4 m) approach regulations;
Alternative 4: Mandatory time-area closures, swim-with, and 50 yard
(45.7 m) approach regulations; and Alternative 5: Voluntary time-area
closures and swim-with and 50 yard (45.7 m) approach regulations. As is
the case for this final action, Alternatives 2, 3(B), 4, and 5 would
all be applicable within 2 nmi of each MHI and in designated waters
bounded by the islands of L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and Kaho`olawe. Among the
non-selected action alternatives, all would likely result in a higher
direct economic impact to individual small entities and the dolphin-
viewing industry as a whole, relative to the final action, except for
Alternative 2. NMFS has determined that the final action meets the
goals and objective of reducing human-caused disturbances that Hawaiian
spinner dolphins are facing in their natural habitat, and will help
protect against declines in the fitness of the population over time.
No additional reporting, record keeping, and other compliance
requirements are anticipated for small businesses. NMFS has identified
no Federal rules that may duplicate, overlap, or conflict with the
action alternatives.
Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review
This rule was determined to be not significant for purposes of E.O.
Paperwork Reduction Act
The purpose of the Paperwork Reduction Act is to minimize the
paperwork burden for individuals, small businesses, educational and
nonprofit institutions, and other persons resulting from the collection
of information by or for the Federal government. The rule includes no
new collection of information, so further analysis is not required.
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA)
The goal of the NHPA (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.) is to have Federal
agencies act as responsible stewards of our nation's resources when
their actions affect historic properties. Section 106 of the NHPA
requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of
undertakings they carry out, assist, fund, or permit on historic
properties. Federal agencies meet this requirement by completing the
[[Page 53841]]
section 106 process set forth in the implementing regulation,
``Protection of Historic Properties,'' 36 CFR part 800. The goal of the
section 106 process is to identify and consider historic properties (or
sites eligible for listing) that might be affected by an undertaking,
and to attempt to resolve any adverse effects through consultation.
Under the NHPA, an ``effect'' means an alteration to the
characteristics of a historic property qualifying it for inclusion or
eligibility for the National Register.
NMFS conducted a scoping process to determine if historic
properties may be affected by the proposed regulation. Native Hawaiian
organizations, communities, and individuals were contacted upon
recommendation from Hawai`i's State Historic Preservation Division and
four community scoping meetings were held in 2012 with those who
expressed interest in the proposed undertaking. NMFS has not received
any information to suggest that this undertaking would adversely affect
historic properties or hinder cultural practices within historic
properties such as those identified through the interviews with lineal
descendants (e.g., fishing, canoe activities, ancestral caretaking and
worship, and care of burial sites).
We have determined a swim-with and approach regulation for Hawaiian
spinner dolphins does not have the potential to cause effects on or
alterations to the characteristics of historic properties. In
consideration of the foregoing the NMFS has determined that the
undertaking is a no potential to effect determination (36 CFR 800.3)
under Section 106 of the NHPA.
Coastal Zone Management Act
Section 307(c)(1) of the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act of
1972 requires that all Federal activities that affect any land or water
use or natural resource of the coastal zone be consistent with approved
state coastal zone management programs to the maximum extent
practicable. We determined that this regulation is consistent to the
maximum extent practicable with the enforceable policies of the
approved Coastal Zone Management Program of Hawai`i. This determination
and the DEIS were submitted for review by the Hawai`i Coastal Zone
Management (CZM) Program. The Hawai`i CZM Program concurred with our
determination in a letter dated September 27, 2016.
List of Subjects in 50 CFR Part 216
Administrative practice and procedure, Marine mammals.
Dated: September 20, 2021.
Samuel D. Rauch III,
Deputy Assistant Administrator for Regulatory Programs, National Marine
Fisheries Service.
For the reasons set out in the preamble, 50 CFR part 216 is amended
as follows:
1. The authority citation for 50 CFR part 216 continues to read as
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1361 et seq.
2. Add Sec. 216.20 to subpart B to read as follows:
Sec. 216.20 Special restrictions for Hawaiian spinner dolphins.
(a) Applicability. The following special restrictions designed to
protect Hawaiian Spinner Dolphins apply:
(1) In all waters within 2 nautical miles (nmi) of the main
Hawaiian Islands, and
(2) In all waters bounded by the islands of L[amacr]na`i, Maui, and
Kaho`olawe enclosed by 3 line segments that connect points on the 2-nmi
boundary between the islands as follows: The straight line between
20[deg]32'51'' N/156[deg]43'50'' W (Kaho`olawe) and 20[deg]42'4'' N/
156[deg]55'34'' W (L[amacr]na`i), the straight line between
20[deg]51'1'' N/156[deg]54'0'' W (L[amacr]na`i) and 20[deg]59'48'' N/
156[deg]42'28'' W (Maui), and the straight line between 20[deg]33'55''
N/156[deg]26'43'' W (Maui) and 20[deg]32'15'' N/156[deg]29'51'' W
(Kaho`olawe) (all coordinates referenced to The World Geodetic System
of 1984 (WGS 84)).
Table 1 to Paragraph (a)(2)--Coordinates for the Extent of the Designated Waters Bounded by L[amacr]na`i, Maui,
and Kaho`olawe *
[All coordinates referenced to The World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84).]
Line segment between islands Figure 3 label Latitude Longitude
Kaho`olawe and L[amacr]na`i...... A1 20[deg]32'51'' N 156[deg]43'50'' W
A2 20[deg]42'4'' N 156[deg]55'34'' W
L[amacr]na`i and Maui............ B1 20[deg]51'1'' N 156[deg]54'0'' W
B2 20[deg]59'48'' N 156[deg]42'28'' W
Maui and Kaho`olawe.............. C1 20[deg]33'55'' N 156[deg]26'43'' W
C2 20[deg]32'15'' N 156[deg]29'51'' W
* (see Figure 3 of this section).
(b) Prohibitions. Except as noted in paragraph (c) of this section,
it is unlawful for any person subject to the jurisdiction of the United
States to commit, to attempt to commit, to solicit another to commit,
or to cause to be committed any of the following:
(1) Approach or remain within 50 yards (45.7 m) of a Hawaiian
spinner dolphin by any means;
(2) Swim within 50 yards (45.7 m) of a Hawaiian spinner dolphin;
(3) Cause a vessel, person, or other object to approach or remain
within 50 yards (45.7 m) of a Hawaiian spinner dolphin; or
(4) Intercept or place a vessel, person, or other object in the
path of a Hawaiian spinner dolphin so that the dolphin approaches
within 50 yards (45.7 m) of the vessel, person, or object.
(c) Exceptions. The prohibitions of paragraph (b) of this section
do not apply to:
(1) Any person who inadvertently comes within 50 yards (45.7 m) of
a Hawaiian spinner dolphin or is approached by a spinner dolphin,
provided the person makes no effort to engage or pursue the animal and
takes immediate steps to move away from the animal;
(2) Any vessel that is underway and is approached by a Hawaiian
spinner dolphin, provided the vessel continues normal navigation and
makes no effort to engage or pursue the animal. For purposes of this
exception, a vessel is defined as a watercraft or other artificial
contrivance used, or capable of being used, as a means of
transportation on water (1 U.S.C. 3); a vessel is underway if it is not
made fast to the shore, at anchor, or aground;
[[Page 53842]]
(3) Any vessel transiting to or from a port, harbor, or in a
restricted channel when a 50-yard (45.7 m) distance will not allow the
vessel to maintain safe navigation;
(4) Vessel operations necessary to avoid an imminent and serious
threat to a person or vessel;
(5) Any vessel that is anchored or aground and is approached by a
Hawaiian spinner dolphin, provided the vessel makes no effort to engage
or pursue the animal;
(6) Activities authorized through a permit or authorization issued
by the National Marine Fisheries Service to take Hawaiian spinner
(7) Federal, State, or local government vessels, aircraft,
personnel, and assets when necessary in the course of performing
official duties;
(8) Commercial fishing vessels that incidentally take spinner
dolphins during the course of commercial fishing operations, provided
such vessels operate in compliance with a valid marine mammal
authorization in accordance with MMPA section 118(c).
(d) Affirmative defense. In connection with any action alleging a
violation of this section, any person claiming the benefit of any
exemption, exception, or permit listed in paragraph (c) of this section
has the burden of proving that the exemption or exception is
applicable, or that the permit was granted and was valid and in force
at the time of the alleged violation.
(e) Maps of areas for Hawaiian spinner dolphin special
restrictions. The following are overview maps and a table with
corresponding coordinate data for the areas for Hawaiian spinner
dolphin special restriction.
[[Page 53843]]
[FR Doc. 2021-20616 Filed 9-27-21; 8:45 am]