Regulatory Reform Initiative: Streamlining Surety Bond Guarantee Program, 52844-52848 [2021-20401]
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Proposed Rules
Federal Register
Vol. 86, No. 182
Thursday, September 23, 2021
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains notices to the public of the proposed
issuance of rules and regulations. The
purpose of these notices is to give interested
persons an opportunity to participate in the
rule making prior to the adoption of the final
13 CFR Part 115
RIN 3245–AH08
Regulatory Reform Initiative:
Streamlining Surety Bond Guarantee
U.S. Small Business
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Small Business
Administration (SBA) is proposing to
revise various regulations related to
SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee (SBG)
program because they are obsolete,
unnecessary, ineffective, or
burdensome. Additionally, SBA is
proposing revisions to clarify and
modernize certain regulations and
conform them to industry standards.
These proposed changes are in response
to comments received from SBA’s
Advance Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking that was published on June
3, 2019.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before November 22, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by RIN 3245–AH08, using any
of the following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: https:// Search for the rule
by RIN 3245–AH08 and follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Jermaine Perry, Management
Analyst, Office of Surety Guarantees,
U.S. Small Business Administration,
409 3rd Street SW, 8th Floor,
Washington, DC 20416.
SBA will post all comments on https:// If you wish to
submit confidential business
information (CBI) as defined in the User
Notice at,
please submit the information to
Jermaine Perry, Management Analyst,
Office of Surety Guarantees, U.S. Small
Business Administration, 409 3rd Street
SW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20416.
Highlight the information that you
consider to be CBI and explain why you
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believe this information should be held
confidential. SBA will review the
information and make the final
determination as to whether to publish
the information.
Jermaine Perry, Management Analyst,
Office of Surety Guarantees at (202)
401–8275 or
A. General Information
The U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA) guarantees bid,
payment, and performance bonds for
small and emerging contractors who
cannot obtain surety bonds through
regular commercial channels. SBA’s
guarantee, authorized pursuant to part B
of title IV of the Small Business
Investment Act of 1958, 15 U.S.C. 694a
et seq., gives Sureties an incentive to
provide bonding for small businesses
and thereby assists small businesses in
obtaining greater access to contracting
opportunities. SBA’s guarantee is an
agreement between a Surety and SBA
that SBA will assume a certain
percentage of the Surety’s loss should a
contractor default on the underlying
contract. SBA is authorized to guarantee
a Surety for a contract up to $6.5 million
and, with the certification of a
contracting officer of a Federal agency,
up to $10 million. For more information
about SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee
Program, see
This rulemaking addresses the
regulations governing the Surety Bond
Guarantee (SBG) Program codified in 13
CFR part 115. Subpart A contains
provisions that apply to all surety bond
guarantees, subpart B contains
provisions that apply to the bond
guarantees subject to prior approval by
SBA, and subpart C contains provisions
that apply to the bond guarantees that
Preferred Surety Bond Sureties may
issue under delegated authority.
Federal agencies have an ongoing
responsibility to ensure that the
regulations they issue do not have an
adverse economic impact on those
affected by those rules. For example,
under Executive Order 13563,
Improving Regulation and Regulatory
Review (January 18, 2011), agencies are
obligated to conduct a retrospective
review of their regulations to seek more
affordable, less intrusive means to
achieve policy goals, and to give careful
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consideration to the benefits and costs
of their regulations. This executive
order also requires agencies to review
existing rules to remove outdated
regulations that stifle job creation and
make the U.S. economy less
B. Comments Received in Response to
Advance Notice of Proposed
On June 3, 2019, SBA published an
Advance Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (ANPRM) in the Federal
Register (84 FR 25496) seeking input
from the public in identifying
regulations under the SBG Program that
affected parties believed should be
repealed, replaced, or modified because
they are obsolete, unnecessary,
ineffective, or burdensome. SBA also
solicited comments from the public on
how SBA can improve the surety bond
products, procedures, forms, and
reporting requirements of the SBG
Program. The comment period ended on
August 2, 2019. SBA has reviewed the
54 comments submitted by the public in
response. After considering these
comments and reviewing the regulations
in 13 CFR part 115, SBA is proposing
that the regulations identified below in
the section-by-section analysis be
C. Section-by-Section Analysis
Section 115.10. Under the current
definition of ‘‘Contract’’ in this section,
a Contract may include a maintenance
agreement that is ancillary to a Contract
for which SBA is guaranteeing the bond
(‘‘ancillary maintenance agreement’’).
SBA is proposing to clarify the
definition for these ancillary
maintenance agreements and to also
expand the definition of Contract to
include stand-alone maintenance
Under the current definition, SBA
will guarantee the bond for a
maintenance agreement if the agreement
is for 2 years or less and covers
defective workmanship or materials
only. It has been SBA’s long-standing
interpretation that the maintenance
agreement must be ancillary to the
Contract for which SBA is guaranteeing
the bond and may not cover defective
workmanship or materials that is
covered by a manufacturer’s warranty.
The current definition also provides
that, with SBA’s written approval, the
term of a maintenance agreement can be
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 182 / Thursday, September 23, 2021 / Proposed Rules
longer than 2 years for defective
workmanship or materials or cover
something other than defective
workmanship or materials if the
agreement is ancillary to the Contract
for which SBA is guaranteeing a bond,
is performed by the same Principal, and
is customarily required in the relevant
trade or industry.
For clarity, SBA is proposing to
modify the existing definition by
expressly applying the following
requirements to all ancillary
maintenance agreements: (1) The
agreement must be ancillary to a
Contract for which SBA is guaranteeing
a bond; (2) the agreement must be
performed by the same Principal; and
(3) the agreement may only cover
defective workmanship or materials that
are not covered by a manufacturer’s
warranty. With SBA’s prior written
approval, the agreement covering
defective workmanship or materials
may be for a term longer than 2 years,
or the agreement may cover something
other than defective workmanship or
materials, if such agreement is
customarily required in the relevant
trade or industry.
SBA received a comment in response
to the ANPRM that requested that SBA
consider expanding the definition of
Contract to include stand-alone
maintenance contracts. The commenter
stated that bonds for stand-alone
maintenance contracts are commonly
written and that excluding these types
of bonds from SBA’s surety bond
guarantee program seems unjustified.
SBA agrees that it can offer a bond
guarantee for these types of agreements
and is proposing to create a new
category under the definition of
Contract to include them, provided that
the stand-alone maintenance agreement:
(1) Is entered into in connection with a
Contract for which a bond was not
required; (2) only covers defective
workmanship or materials that are not
covered by a manufacturer’s warranty;
(3) is entered into with the same
Principal; and (4) covers a period of 3
years or less that begins immediately
after the Contract is complete and was
executed prior to the completion of the
Contract. With SBA’s prior written
approval, the agreement may cover a
period longer than 3 years if such
agreement is customarily required in the
relevant trade or industry.
SBA also received a comment
suggesting that SBA reorganize the
definition of ‘‘Contract’’ so that it is
shorter and broken into several parts.
SBA agrees that it would help to clarify
the definition by reorganizing it into
several parts and is proposing to do so.
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Section 115.12. Under section
411(a)(1)(B) of the Small Business
Investment Act of 1958, SBA may
guarantee a surety bond for a total work
order or contract amount that is greater
than $6,500,000 (as adjusted for
inflation under 41 U.S.C. 1908), but not
exceeding $10,000,000, if a Contracting
Officer (CO) of a Federal agency certifies
that such a guarantee is necessary.
Paragraph (e)(3) of section 115.12
currently requires the CO’s certification
to include a statement that the small
business is experiencing difficulty
obtaining a bond and that an SBA bond
guarantee would be in the best interests
of the Government. SBA received a
comment in response to the ANPRM
stating that requiring the CO to make
this statement creates the appearance of
partiality, and as a result, COs are
refusing to provide the certification on
behalf of qualified small businesses. The
statute does not require the CO to make
this statement and SBA does not want
to impose requirements that are not
mandated by the statute that make it
more difficult for small businesses to
obtain these contracts. SBA is, therefore,
proposing to streamline paragraph (e)(3)
to remove the requirement of this
statement and require only that the CO
certify that the guarantee is necessary,
which as noted above is the standard set
forth in the statute. SBA is also
proposing to update the manner in
which this certification may be
submitted to SBA by providing that it
may be either express mailed to SBA,
Office of Surety Guarantees, 409 Third
Street SW, Washington, DC 20416, or
submitted by email to suretybonds@, along with additional
information that identifies the small
business and the contract.
Section 115.14. Paragraph (a) of this
section provides that, if one of the six
events listed in paragraph (a) occurs
under an SBA-guaranteed bond, the
Principal and its Affiliates lose
eligibility for further SBA bond
guarantees. One such event, described
in paragraph (a)(3), is when the Surety
has established a claim reserve for an
SBA-guaranteed bond of at least $1,000,
an amount which was set by the SBG
Program in 1996. In response to the
ANPRM, SBA received 2 comments,
including one from the trade association
that represents surety companies,
stating that the $1,000 threshold is too
low. SBA has considered the purpose of
this provision, which is to exclude
Principals that have demonstrated an
unacceptable financial risk under a
current SBA-guaranteed bond from
receiving future SBA bond guarantees.
SBA agrees that the $1,000 claim reserve
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threshold no longer reflects a degree of
financial risk that should trigger the
Principal’s ineligibility for future SBA
bond guarantees. After evaluating
several factors, including inflation since
1996, the increase in the maximum
contract amount for which SBA can
issue a bond guarantee (from $1,250,000
in 1996 to $6,500,000 today), and
historical claim reserve data, SBA
proposes to increase the amount of the
claim reserve that would result in the
Principal and its Affiliates losing
eligibility for further SBA bond
guarantees from at least $1,000 to at
least $10,000.
Sections 115.19 and 115.64. Under
§ 115.19(f)(1)(ii), SBA is relieved of
liability under the bond guarantee if the
bond was executed ‘‘after the work
under the Contract had begun’’ unless
the Surety submitted, and SBA
executed, SBA Form 991, ‘‘Surety Bond
Guarantee Agreement Addendum’’ with
the evidence and certifications required
by § 115.19(f)(1)(ii). Paragraph (f)(2)(i)
currently provides that work under a
contract is considered to have begun
when a Principal ‘‘takes any action at
the job site which would have exposed
the Surety to liability under applicable
law had a bond been Executed (or
approved, if the Surety is legally bound
by such approval) at the time.’’ In
addition, under 13 CFR 115.64, a Surety
participating in the Preferred Surety
Bond Program (PSB Surety) is
prohibited from executing or approving
a bond ‘‘after commencement of work
under a contract’’ unless the Surety
obtains written approval from the
Director of Office of Surety Guarantees
(OSG). To apply for such approval, the
Surety must submit a completed SBA
Form 991 with the evidence and
certifications required under section
In response to the ANPRM, SBA
received a comment requesting that SBA
clarify what constitutes
‘‘commencement of work’’ under
section 115.64. SBA agrees and is
proposing to amend both sections
115.19(f)(2)(i) and 115.64 to clarify that
work under a contract is considered to
have begun or commenced when the
contractor takes any action related to the
contract or bond that would have
exposed its Surety to liability under
applicable law had a bond been
executed (or approved, if the Surety is
legally bound by such approval) at the
time. The work would not have to occur
‘‘at the job site’’ to find that work has
begun or commenced under the
contract. For example, work would be
deemed to have begun or commenced
when the contractor takes any financial
action that would be typically covered
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 182 / Thursday, September 23, 2021 / Proposed Rules
under the bond, such as purchasing
supplies that will be used to complete
the contract.
Section 115.30. SBA proposes to
revise the introductory language of
paragraph (d)(2) to increase the
maximum amount of the contracts for
which a Prior Approval Surety would be
permitted to use the Quick Bond
Guarantee Application and Agreement
(SBA Form 990A) (Quick Bond
Application) from $400,000 to $500,000.
SBA received eight comments to the
ANPRM suggesting this change. In
response to these comments, SBA
conducted a risk assessment, considered
factors such as the increasing average
contract value, and considered the
potential decrease in overall application
burden on small businesses. In
particular, SBA notes that, during Fiscal
Years 2015 through 2019, the average
default rate for contracts for which a
Quick Bond Application was used was
2.53%, while the average default rate for
contracts for which the SBA Form 990
was used was 5.66%. SBA has
determined, therefore, that increasing
the maximum contract value for using
the Quick Bond Application would
minimally increase program risk while
reducing costs to Sureties and small
businesses by $36,343 per year.1 In
addition to reducing costs, SBA hopes
that this change would result in the
additional benefit of increasing overall
access to the SBG Program.
SBA is also proposing to allow this
streamlined form to be used in
additional circumstances. Paragraph
(d)(2)(ii) lists the circumstances under
which the Quick Bond Application may
not be used. Under paragraph
(d)(2)(ii)(D), the Quick Bond
Application may not be used if the
contract includes a provision for
liquidated damages that exceeds $1,000
per day. SBA received eight comments
to the ANPRM stating that the $1,000
limitation on liquidated damages was
restrictive and inconsistent with current
industry standards. Five commenters
requested that the maximum amount of
liquidated damages be set at $2,500.
SBA agrees and proposes to revise
paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(D) to increase the
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data indicates that about 742 bonds per
year are issued for contracts which are in an
amount between $400,000 and $500,000, and these
contracts would be eligible for the Quick Bond
Application if the proposed rule is adopted.
Assuming a reduction in time for the Surety of 1
hour (with each hour valued at $48.98 per hour,
which is based on the median hourly wage for an
insurance sales agent of $24.49 plus 100 percent for
benefits and overhead (from
ooh/sales/insurance-sales-agents.htm, retrieved
August 6, 2020)) in preparing the application by
using SBA Form 990A, the estimated annual
savings to Sureties and small businesses would be
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amount of liquidated damages from a
maximum of $1,000 per day to $2,500
per day in accordance with current
industry standards.
In addition, paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(E)
provides that the Quick Bond
Application may not be used for
demolition contracts. SBA received five
comments to the ANPRM requesting
that SBA remove this exclusion, with
one commenter arguing that the
exclusion of all demolition contracts is
too broad and another contending that
removing this exclusion would bring the
SBG Program more in line with similar
fast track programs offered in the surety
industry. After considering the
comments, SBA proposes to remove
demolition contracts from the list of
categories that are excluded from using
the Quick Bond Application. SBA
expects that Sureties would, in their
underwriting, ensure that the Principal
has obtained any permit that is required
for demolition pursuant to Federal,
State or local law. If adopted, SBA will
provide further guidance on the
underwriting of demolition contracts in
its Standard Operating Procedures.
Sections 115.32 and 115.67.
Paragraph (d) of section 115.32 governs
when a Prior Approval Surety must
notify SBA of any increase or decrease
in the contract or bond amount. It also
governs when any increase or decrease
in the Principal and Surety fees that
results from a change in the contract
amount must be remitted to SBA by the
Principal or Surety or will be refunded
by SBA. In addition, for the PSB
Program, sections 115.67(a) and (b)
govern when any increase or decrease in
the Principal and Surety fees resulting
from a change in the contract amount
must be remitted or will be refunded or
adjusted. Currently, the payment for any
increase in either the Principal’s or the
Surety’s fee is due to SBA when the
total amount of the change in that fee
equals or exceeds $40, and any decrease
in the fee is refunded to the Principal or
rebated/adjusted to the Surety by SBA
when the total amount of the change in
the fee equals or exceeds $40.
In response to the ANPRM, SBA
received four comments stating that the
$40 threshold for remittance of the fees
is not aligned with industry standards
and causes additional burden and
increased processing costs on small
businesses and their Sureties and
agents. One commenter stated that the
industry standard for remitting and
refunding bond premium charges is
$250 and a second commenter stated
that the industry standard is between
$200 and $300. SBA evaluated the
process and determined that it would
improve efficiencies and reduce
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administrative costs to increase the
threshold amount from $40 to $250 for
both remitting and refunding, or
rebating (or adjusting), changes in the
fee amounts. Thus, SBA proposes to
revise sections 115.32(d) and 115.67 to
increase the threshold amount for when
an increase in the Principal or Surety
fee would be due, or for when SBA
would refund or rebate/adjust any
decrease in these fees, from $40 to $250.
Section 115.33. Under this section,
SBA may approve a surety bonding line
for a Prior Approval Surety under which
the Surety may execute multiple bonds
for a specified small business. SBA is
proposing to revise paragraph (d)(1),
which addresses the form that must be
submitted for a Bid Bond executed
under a bonding line, to remove the
reference to SBA Form 994B, ‘‘Surety
Bond Guarantee Underwriting Review’’,
and replace it with SBA Form 990,
‘‘Surety Bond Guarantee Agreement’’.
SBA Form 990 is the agreement between
SBA and the Surety for SBA’s guarantee
of the bond and is, therefore, the
appropriate form for Sureties to submit
for SBA approval of a bond under a
bonding line. There is no need to
separately refer to SBA Form 994B in
this regulation because that form, as the
Surety indicates in its certification in
SBA Form 990, is submitted with SBA
Form 990 as a supporting document. In
addition, for Final Bonds executed
under a bonding line, paragraph (d)(2)
of this section currently states that the
Surety is to submit both SBA Forms 990
and 994B to SBA for approval. For
consistency and for the same reasons
described above, SBA is proposing to
remove the reference to SBA Form 994B
in paragraph (d)(2).
Compliance With Executive Orders
12866, 12988, 13132, and 13563, the
Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801–
808), the Paperwork Reduction Act (44
U.S.C., Ch. 35), and the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601–612)
Executive Order 12866
The Office of Management and Budget
has determined that this rule does not
constitute a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under Executive Order 12866.
Executive Order 12988
This action meets applicable
standards set forth in sections 3(a) and
3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil
Justice Reform, to minimize litigation,
eliminate ambiguity, and reduce
burden. This action does not have
preemptive effect or retroactive effect.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 182 / Thursday, September 23, 2021 / Proposed Rules
Executive Order 13132
This rule does not have federalism
implications as defined in Executive
Order 13132. It will not have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the National
Government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in the
Executive Order. As such it does not
warrant the preparation of a Federalism
Executive Order 13563
Executive Order 13563, Improving
Regulation and Regulatory Review
(January 18, 2011), requires agencies to
adopt regulations through a process that
involves public participation, and to the
extent feasible, base regulations on the
open exchange of information and
perspectives from affected stakeholders
and the public as a whole. As discussed
above, this proposed rule is based in
part on the significant number of
comments SBA received in response to
a request for input from the public on
the ANPRM published in the Federal
Register in June 2019.
Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C.
The Office of Management and Budget
has determined that this is not a major
rule under 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
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Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C.,
Ch. 35
SBA has determined that this
proposed rule would not impose new
reporting or recordkeeping requirements
under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
However, the rule would require a
minor revision to SBA Form 990A,
Quick Bond Application, to conform to
the change in 13 CFR 115.30 increasing
the maximum amount of the contracts
for which a Prior Approval Surety may
use this streamlined application.
Revising the form to change the amount
from $400,000 to $500,000 will not have
any impact on the burden for this
information collection, which is
currently approved under OMB Control
Number 3245–0378. SBA will submit a
request to OMB to make the nonsubstantive change if the proposed
increase is finalized.
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601–
When an agency issues a proposed
rule, the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RFA) requires the agency to ‘‘prepare
and make available for public comment
an initial regulatory flexibility analysis’’
which will ‘‘describe the impact of the
proposed rule on small entities.’’ (5
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U.S.C. 603(a)). However, section 605 of
the RFA allows an agency to certify a
rule, in lieu of preparing an analysis, if
the proposed rulemaking is not
expected to have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
In the ANPRM (84 FR 25496), SBA
solicited comments from the public to
identify which of SBA’s regulations
relating to the SBG program should be
repealed, replaced, or modified because
they are obsolete, unnecessary,
ineffective, or burdensome. SBA also
solicited comments from the public on
how SBA can improve the surety bond
products, procedures, forms, and
reporting requirements of the SBG
Program. SBA’s proposed revisions in
response to comments received are
consistent with these goals and with
increasing the consistency of these
regulations with industry standards.
Under 13 CFR 115.11, Sureties
participating in SBA’s SBG Program
must be a corporation listed by the U.S.
Treasury as eligible to issue bonds in
connection with Federal procurement
contracts. There are 256 Treasury-listed
Sureties, of which 41 are program
partners in the SBG Program. SBA
estimates that 12 of these 41 Surety
companies are small under SBA’s size
standards. In addition, most small
businesses that receive an SBAguaranteed bond operate within the
236220 NAICS industry code
(Commercial and Institutional Building
Construction). According to the U.S.
Census Bureau, there are a total of
38,079 small business companies that
operate within the 236220 NAICS code,
and SBA provided guarantees in 2017
for 1,602 of these small businesses. Even
if the number of entities that may be
affected by this proposed rule is
considered significant, SBA has
determined that the economic impact on
these entities would not be substantial.
The proposed rules would repeal,
replace, or modify obsolete or outdated
SBG Program requirements that will
have the effect of reducing the burden
on Sureties and small businesses that
receive bonds under the SBG Program.
In addition, SBA anticipates that the
proposed rules would streamline
outdated procedures and increase small
business access to bond guarantees.
Further, the proposed rule would
reduce costs 2 to Sureties and small
businesses receiving an SBA-guaranteed
bond while any costs of adjustment to
revisions are de minimis. Thus, SBA
does not expect that this rule would
have a significant economic impact on
2 An example is the reduction in cost mentioned
in the analysis of § 115.30.
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its program participants. Accordingly,
the Administrator of the SBA hereby
certifies that this proposed rule would
not have a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small
List of Subjects in 13 CFR Part 115
Claims, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Small businesses, Surety
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, SBA proposes to amend 13
CFR part 115 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 115
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. app 3; 15 U.S.C. 687b,
687c, 694a, 694b note; and Pub. L. 110–246,
Sec. 12079, 122 Stat. 1651.
2. Amend § 115.10 by revising the
definition of ‘‘Contract’’ to read as
§ 115.10
Contract means a written obligation of
the Principal, including an Order,
requiring the furnishing of services,
supplies, labor, materials, machinery,
equipment or construction.
A Contract:
(1) Must not prohibit a Surety from
performing the Contract upon default of
the Principal;
(2) Does not include a permit,
subdivision contract, lease, land
contract, evidence of debt, financial
guarantee (e.g., a contract requiring any
payment by the Principal to the Obligee,
except for contracts in connection with
bid and performance bonds for the sale
of timber and/or other forest products,
such as biomass, that require the
Principal to pay the Obligee), warranty
of performance or efficiency, warranty
of fidelity, or release of lien (other than
for claims under a guaranteed bond);
(3) May include a maintenance
agreement under the following
(i) The maintenance agreement is
ancillary to a Contract for which SBA is
guaranteeing a bond, is performed by
the same Principal, is for a period of 2
years or less, and only covers defective
workmanship or materials that are not
covered by a manufacturer’s warranty.
With SBA’s prior written approval, the
agreement may cover a period longer
than 2 years, or cover something other
than defective workmanship or
materials, if a longer period or
something other than defective
workmanship or materials is
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 182 / Thursday, September 23, 2021 / Proposed Rules
customarily required in the relevant
trade or industry; or
(ii) The maintenance agreement is
stand-alone and is entered into in
connection with a Contract for which a
bond was not required and only covers
defective workmanship or materials that
are not covered by a manufacturer’s
warranty. The agreement must cover a
period of 3 years or less that begins
immediately after the Contract is
complete and must be executed prior to
the completion of the Contract. It must
also be entered into with the same
Principal that completed the Contract.
With SBA’s prior written approval, the
agreement may cover a period longer
than 3 years if a longer period is
customarily required in the relevant
trade or industry.
■ 3. Amend § 115.12 by revising
paragraph (e)(3) to read as follows:
§ 115.12 General program policies and
(e) * * *
(3) Federal Contracts or Orders in
excess of $6,500,000 (as adjusted for
inflation in accordance with section
1908 of title 41, United States Code).
SBA is authorized to guarantee bonds
on Federal Contracts or Orders greater
than $6,500,000 (as adjusted for
inflation in accordance with 41 U.S.C.
1908), but not exceeding $10,000,000,
upon a signed certification of a Federal
contracting officer that the SBA
guarantee is necessary. The certification
must be either express mailed to SBA,
Office of Surety Guarantees, 409 Third
Street SW, Washington, DC 20416 or
sent by email to,
and include the following additional
(i) Name, address and telephone
number of the small business;
(ii) Offer or Contract number and brief
description of the contract; and
(iii) Estimated Contract value and date
of anticipated award determination.
4. In paragraph (a)(3), remove ‘‘$1000’’
and add in its place ‘‘$10,000’’.
■ 5. In § 115.19, revise paragraph
(f)(2)(i) to read as follows:
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
§ 115.19
Denial of liability.
(f) * * *
(2)(i) For purposes of paragraph
(f)(1)(ii) of this section, work under a
Contract is considered to have begun
when a Principal takes any action
related to the contract or bond that
would have exposed its Surety to
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:31 Sep 22, 2021
Jkt 253001
§ 115.30
6. Amend § 115.30 as follows:
■ a. In paragraph (d)(2), remove
‘‘$400,000’’ and add in its place
■ b. In paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(D), remove
‘‘$1,000’’ and add in its place ‘‘$2,500’’;
■ c. In paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(E), remove
the term ‘‘demolition,’’.
§ 115.32
7. In § 115.32(d), remove ‘‘$40’’
wherever it appears and add in its place
8. Amend § 115.33 by:
■ a. In paragraph (d)(1), removing the
phrase ‘‘a ‘‘Surety Bond Guarantee
Underwriting Review’’ (SBA Form
994B)’’ and adding in its place the
phrase ‘‘a ‘‘Surety Bond Guarantee
Agreement’’ (Form 990)’’; and
■ b. In paragraph (d)(2), removing the
phrase ‘‘a Surety Bond Guarantee
Underwriting Review (SBA Form 994B)
and’’ in the first sentence, and removing
the phrase ‘‘these forms’’ in the second
sentence and adding in its place the
phrase ‘‘this form.’’
■ 9. Amend § 115.64 by adding a
sentence at the end of the section to
read as follows:
§ 115.64
Timeliness requirement.
* * * For purposes of this section,
work has commenced under a Contract
when a Principal takes any action
related to the contract or bond that
would have exposed its Surety to
liability under applicable law had a
bond been Executed (or approved, if the
Surety is legally bound by such
approval) at the time.
§ 115.67
10. In § 115.67, remove ‘‘$40’’
wherever it appears and add in its place
Isabella Casillas Guzman,
[FR Doc. 2021–20401 Filed 9–22–21; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00005
Fmt 4702
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2021–0827; Project
Identifier MCAI–2021–00617–T]
§ 115.33
§ 115.14
liability under applicable law had a
bond been Executed (or approved, if the
Surety is legally bound by such
approval) at the time.
Sfmt 4702
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus SAS
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking
The FAA proposes to adopt a
new airworthiness directive (AD) for all
Airbus SAS Model A350–941 and –1041
airplanes. This proposed AD was
prompted by reports of slat transmission
jams caused by frozen slat geared rotary
actuators (SGRA) at slat 5 track 12. This
proposed AD would require repetitive
water drainage and plug cleaning of the
left- and right-hand SGRA having a
certain part number installed on slat 5
track 12 with certain functional item
numbers, as specified in a European
Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
AD, which is proposed for incorporation
by reference. The FAA is proposing this
AD to address the unsafe condition on
these products.
DATES: The FAA must receive comments
on this proposed AD by November 8,
You may send comments,
using the procedures found in 14 CFR
11.43 and 11.45, by any of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Fax: 202–493–2251.
• Mail: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC 20590.
• Hand Delivery: Deliver to Mail
address above between 9 a.m. and 5
p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
For material that will be incorporated
by reference (IBR) in this AD, contact
EASA, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668
Cologne, Germany; telephone +49 221
8999 000; email;
internet You may
find this IBR material on the EASA
website at
You may view this IBR material at the
FAA, Airworthiness Products Section,
Operational Safety Branch, 2200 South
216th St., Des Moines, WA. For
information on the availability of this
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 182 (Thursday, September 23, 2021)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 52844-52848]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-20401]
Proposed Rules
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of
the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these
notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in
the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 182 / Thursday, September 23, 2021 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 52844]]
13 CFR Part 115
RIN 3245-AH08
Regulatory Reform Initiative: Streamlining Surety Bond Guarantee
AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Small Business Administration (SBA) is proposing to revise
various regulations related to SBA's Surety Bond Guarantee (SBG)
program because they are obsolete, unnecessary, ineffective, or
burdensome. Additionally, SBA is proposing revisions to clarify and
modernize certain regulations and conform them to industry standards.
These proposed changes are in response to comments received from SBA's
Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that was published on June 3,
DATES: Comments must be received on or before November 22, 2021.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by RIN 3245-AH08, using
any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Search for the rule by RIN 3245-AH08 and follow the instructions for
submitting comments.
Mail: Jermaine Perry, Management Analyst, Office of Surety
Guarantees, U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd Street SW, 8th
Floor, Washington, DC 20416.
SBA will post all comments on If you
wish to submit confidential business information (CBI) as defined in
the User Notice at, please submit the
information to Jermaine Perry, Management Analyst, Office of Surety
Guarantees, U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd Street SW, 8th
Floor, Washington, DC 20416. Highlight the information that you
consider to be CBI and explain why you believe this information should
be held confidential. SBA will review the information and make the
final determination as to whether to publish the information.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jermaine Perry, Management Analyst,
Office of Surety Guarantees at (202) 401-8275 or
[email protected].
A. General Information
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) guarantees bid,
payment, and performance bonds for small and emerging contractors who
cannot obtain surety bonds through regular commercial channels. SBA's
guarantee, authorized pursuant to part B of title IV of the Small
Business Investment Act of 1958, 15 U.S.C. 694a et seq., gives Sureties
an incentive to provide bonding for small businesses and thereby
assists small businesses in obtaining greater access to contracting
opportunities. SBA's guarantee is an agreement between a Surety and SBA
that SBA will assume a certain percentage of the Surety's loss should a
contractor default on the underlying contract. SBA is authorized to
guarantee a Surety for a contract up to $6.5 million and, with the
certification of a contracting officer of a Federal agency, up to $10
million. For more information about SBA's Surety Bond Guarantee
Program, see
This rulemaking addresses the regulations governing the Surety Bond
Guarantee (SBG) Program codified in 13 CFR part 115. Subpart A contains
provisions that apply to all surety bond guarantees, subpart B contains
provisions that apply to the bond guarantees subject to prior approval
by SBA, and subpart C contains provisions that apply to the bond
guarantees that Preferred Surety Bond Sureties may issue under
delegated authority.
Federal agencies have an ongoing responsibility to ensure that the
regulations they issue do not have an adverse economic impact on those
affected by those rules. For example, under Executive Order 13563,
Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review (January 18, 2011), agencies
are obligated to conduct a retrospective review of their regulations to
seek more affordable, less intrusive means to achieve policy goals, and
to give careful consideration to the benefits and costs of their
regulations. This executive order also requires agencies to review
existing rules to remove outdated regulations that stifle job creation
and make the U.S. economy less competitive.
B. Comments Received in Response to Advance Notice of Proposed
On June 3, 2019, SBA published an Advance Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking (ANPRM) in the Federal Register (84 FR 25496) seeking input
from the public in identifying regulations under the SBG Program that
affected parties believed should be repealed, replaced, or modified
because they are obsolete, unnecessary, ineffective, or burdensome. SBA
also solicited comments from the public on how SBA can improve the
surety bond products, procedures, forms, and reporting requirements of
the SBG Program. The comment period ended on August 2, 2019. SBA has
reviewed the 54 comments submitted by the public in response. After
considering these comments and reviewing the regulations in 13 CFR part
115, SBA is proposing that the regulations identified below in the
section-by-section analysis be revised.
C. Section-by-Section Analysis
Section 115.10. Under the current definition of ``Contract'' in
this section, a Contract may include a maintenance agreement that is
ancillary to a Contract for which SBA is guaranteeing the bond
(``ancillary maintenance agreement''). SBA is proposing to clarify the
definition for these ancillary maintenance agreements and to also
expand the definition of Contract to include stand-alone maintenance
Under the current definition, SBA will guarantee the bond for a
maintenance agreement if the agreement is for 2 years or less and
covers defective workmanship or materials only. It has been SBA's long-
standing interpretation that the maintenance agreement must be
ancillary to the Contract for which SBA is guaranteeing the bond and
may not cover defective workmanship or materials that is covered by a
manufacturer's warranty. The current definition also provides that,
with SBA's written approval, the term of a maintenance agreement can be
[[Page 52845]]
longer than 2 years for defective workmanship or materials or cover
something other than defective workmanship or materials if the
agreement is ancillary to the Contract for which SBA is guaranteeing a
bond, is performed by the same Principal, and is customarily required
in the relevant trade or industry.
For clarity, SBA is proposing to modify the existing definition by
expressly applying the following requirements to all ancillary
maintenance agreements: (1) The agreement must be ancillary to a
Contract for which SBA is guaranteeing a bond; (2) the agreement must
be performed by the same Principal; and (3) the agreement may only
cover defective workmanship or materials that are not covered by a
manufacturer's warranty. With SBA's prior written approval, the
agreement covering defective workmanship or materials may be for a term
longer than 2 years, or the agreement may cover something other than
defective workmanship or materials, if such agreement is customarily
required in the relevant trade or industry.
SBA received a comment in response to the ANPRM that requested that
SBA consider expanding the definition of Contract to include stand-
alone maintenance contracts. The commenter stated that bonds for stand-
alone maintenance contracts are commonly written and that excluding
these types of bonds from SBA's surety bond guarantee program seems
unjustified. SBA agrees that it can offer a bond guarantee for these
types of agreements and is proposing to create a new category under the
definition of Contract to include them, provided that the stand-alone
maintenance agreement: (1) Is entered into in connection with a
Contract for which a bond was not required; (2) only covers defective
workmanship or materials that are not covered by a manufacturer's
warranty; (3) is entered into with the same Principal; and (4) covers a
period of 3 years or less that begins immediately after the Contract is
complete and was executed prior to the completion of the Contract. With
SBA's prior written approval, the agreement may cover a period longer
than 3 years if such agreement is customarily required in the relevant
trade or industry.
SBA also received a comment suggesting that SBA reorganize the
definition of ``Contract'' so that it is shorter and broken into
several parts. SBA agrees that it would help to clarify the definition
by reorganizing it into several parts and is proposing to do so.
Section 115.12. Under section 411(a)(1)(B) of the Small Business
Investment Act of 1958, SBA may guarantee a surety bond for a total
work order or contract amount that is greater than $6,500,000 (as
adjusted for inflation under 41 U.S.C. 1908), but not exceeding
$10,000,000, if a Contracting Officer (CO) of a Federal agency
certifies that such a guarantee is necessary. Paragraph (e)(3) of
section 115.12 currently requires the CO's certification to include a
statement that the small business is experiencing difficulty obtaining
a bond and that an SBA bond guarantee would be in the best interests of
the Government. SBA received a comment in response to the ANPRM stating
that requiring the CO to make this statement creates the appearance of
partiality, and as a result, COs are refusing to provide the
certification on behalf of qualified small businesses. The statute does
not require the CO to make this statement and SBA does not want to
impose requirements that are not mandated by the statute that make it
more difficult for small businesses to obtain these contracts. SBA is,
therefore, proposing to streamline paragraph (e)(3) to remove the
requirement of this statement and require only that the CO certify that
the guarantee is necessary, which as noted above is the standard set
forth in the statute. SBA is also proposing to update the manner in
which this certification may be submitted to SBA by providing that it
may be either express mailed to SBA, Office of Surety Guarantees, 409
Third Street SW, Washington, DC 20416, or submitted by email to
[email protected], along with additional information that identifies
the small business and the contract.
Section 115.14. Paragraph (a) of this section provides that, if one
of the six events listed in paragraph (a) occurs under an SBA-
guaranteed bond, the Principal and its Affiliates lose eligibility for
further SBA bond guarantees. One such event, described in paragraph
(a)(3), is when the Surety has established a claim reserve for an SBA-
guaranteed bond of at least $1,000, an amount which was set by the SBG
Program in 1996. In response to the ANPRM, SBA received 2 comments,
including one from the trade association that represents surety
companies, stating that the $1,000 threshold is too low. SBA has
considered the purpose of this provision, which is to exclude
Principals that have demonstrated an unacceptable financial risk under
a current SBA-guaranteed bond from receiving future SBA bond
guarantees. SBA agrees that the $1,000 claim reserve threshold no
longer reflects a degree of financial risk that should trigger the
Principal's ineligibility for future SBA bond guarantees. After
evaluating several factors, including inflation since 1996, the
increase in the maximum contract amount for which SBA can issue a bond
guarantee (from $1,250,000 in 1996 to $6,500,000 today), and historical
claim reserve data, SBA proposes to increase the amount of the claim
reserve that would result in the Principal and its Affiliates losing
eligibility for further SBA bond guarantees from at least $1,000 to at
least $10,000.
Sections 115.19 and 115.64. Under Sec. 115.19(f)(1)(ii), SBA is
relieved of liability under the bond guarantee if the bond was executed
``after the work under the Contract had begun'' unless the Surety
submitted, and SBA executed, SBA Form 991, ``Surety Bond Guarantee
Agreement Addendum'' with the evidence and certifications required by
Sec. 115.19(f)(1)(ii). Paragraph (f)(2)(i) currently provides that
work under a contract is considered to have begun when a Principal
``takes any action at the job site which would have exposed the Surety
to liability under applicable law had a bond been Executed (or
approved, if the Surety is legally bound by such approval) at the
time.'' In addition, under 13 CFR 115.64, a Surety participating in the
Preferred Surety Bond Program (PSB Surety) is prohibited from executing
or approving a bond ``after commencement of work under a contract''
unless the Surety obtains written approval from the Director of Office
of Surety Guarantees (OSG). To apply for such approval, the Surety must
submit a completed SBA Form 991 with the evidence and certifications
required under section 115.19(f)(1)(ii).
In response to the ANPRM, SBA received a comment requesting that
SBA clarify what constitutes ``commencement of work'' under section
115.64. SBA agrees and is proposing to amend both sections
115.19(f)(2)(i) and 115.64 to clarify that work under a contract is
considered to have begun or commenced when the contractor takes any
action related to the contract or bond that would have exposed its
Surety to liability under applicable law had a bond been executed (or
approved, if the Surety is legally bound by such approval) at the time.
The work would not have to occur ``at the job site'' to find that work
has begun or commenced under the contract. For example, work would be
deemed to have begun or commenced when the contractor takes any
financial action that would be typically covered
[[Page 52846]]
under the bond, such as purchasing supplies that will be used to
complete the contract.
Section 115.30. SBA proposes to revise the introductory language of
paragraph (d)(2) to increase the maximum amount of the contracts for
which a Prior Approval Surety would be permitted to use the Quick Bond
Guarantee Application and Agreement (SBA Form 990A) (Quick Bond
Application) from $400,000 to $500,000. SBA received eight comments to
the ANPRM suggesting this change. In response to these comments, SBA
conducted a risk assessment, considered factors such as the increasing
average contract value, and considered the potential decrease in
overall application burden on small businesses. In particular, SBA
notes that, during Fiscal Years 2015 through 2019, the average default
rate for contracts for which a Quick Bond Application was used was
2.53%, while the average default rate for contracts for which the SBA
Form 990 was used was 5.66%. SBA has determined, therefore, that
increasing the maximum contract value for using the Quick Bond
Application would minimally increase program risk while reducing costs
to Sureties and small businesses by $36,343 per year.\1\ In addition to
reducing costs, SBA hopes that this change would result in the
additional benefit of increasing overall access to the SBG Program.
\1\ SBA data indicates that about 742 bonds per year are issued
for contracts which are in an amount between $400,000 and $500,000,
and these contracts would be eligible for the Quick Bond Application
if the proposed rule is adopted. Assuming a reduction in time for
the Surety of 1 hour (with each hour valued at $48.98 per hour,
which is based on the median hourly wage for an insurance sales
agent of $24.49 plus 100 percent for benefits and overhead (from, retrieved
August 6, 2020)) in preparing the application by using SBA Form
990A, the estimated annual savings to Sureties and small businesses
would be $36,343.
SBA is also proposing to allow this streamlined form to be used in
additional circumstances. Paragraph (d)(2)(ii) lists the circumstances
under which the Quick Bond Application may not be used. Under paragraph
(d)(2)(ii)(D), the Quick Bond Application may not be used if the
contract includes a provision for liquidated damages that exceeds
$1,000 per day. SBA received eight comments to the ANPRM stating that
the $1,000 limitation on liquidated damages was restrictive and
inconsistent with current industry standards. Five commenters requested
that the maximum amount of liquidated damages be set at $2,500. SBA
agrees and proposes to revise paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(D) to increase the
amount of liquidated damages from a maximum of $1,000 per day to $2,500
per day in accordance with current industry standards.
In addition, paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(E) provides that the Quick Bond
Application may not be used for demolition contracts. SBA received five
comments to the ANPRM requesting that SBA remove this exclusion, with
one commenter arguing that the exclusion of all demolition contracts is
too broad and another contending that removing this exclusion would
bring the SBG Program more in line with similar fast track programs
offered in the surety industry. After considering the comments, SBA
proposes to remove demolition contracts from the list of categories
that are excluded from using the Quick Bond Application. SBA expects
that Sureties would, in their underwriting, ensure that the Principal
has obtained any permit that is required for demolition pursuant to
Federal, State or local law. If adopted, SBA will provide further
guidance on the underwriting of demolition contracts in its Standard
Operating Procedures.
Sections 115.32 and 115.67. Paragraph (d) of section 115.32 governs
when a Prior Approval Surety must notify SBA of any increase or
decrease in the contract or bond amount. It also governs when any
increase or decrease in the Principal and Surety fees that results from
a change in the contract amount must be remitted to SBA by the
Principal or Surety or will be refunded by SBA. In addition, for the
PSB Program, sections 115.67(a) and (b) govern when any increase or
decrease in the Principal and Surety fees resulting from a change in
the contract amount must be remitted or will be refunded or adjusted.
Currently, the payment for any increase in either the Principal's or
the Surety's fee is due to SBA when the total amount of the change in
that fee equals or exceeds $40, and any decrease in the fee is refunded
to the Principal or rebated/adjusted to the Surety by SBA when the
total amount of the change in the fee equals or exceeds $40.
In response to the ANPRM, SBA received four comments stating that
the $40 threshold for remittance of the fees is not aligned with
industry standards and causes additional burden and increased
processing costs on small businesses and their Sureties and agents. One
commenter stated that the industry standard for remitting and refunding
bond premium charges is $250 and a second commenter stated that the
industry standard is between $200 and $300. SBA evaluated the process
and determined that it would improve efficiencies and reduce
administrative costs to increase the threshold amount from $40 to $250
for both remitting and refunding, or rebating (or adjusting), changes
in the fee amounts. Thus, SBA proposes to revise sections 115.32(d) and
115.67 to increase the threshold amount for when an increase in the
Principal or Surety fee would be due, or for when SBA would refund or
rebate/adjust any decrease in these fees, from $40 to $250.
Section 115.33. Under this section, SBA may approve a surety
bonding line for a Prior Approval Surety under which the Surety may
execute multiple bonds for a specified small business. SBA is proposing
to revise paragraph (d)(1), which addresses the form that must be
submitted for a Bid Bond executed under a bonding line, to remove the
reference to SBA Form 994B, ``Surety Bond Guarantee Underwriting
Review'', and replace it with SBA Form 990, ``Surety Bond Guarantee
Agreement''. SBA Form 990 is the agreement between SBA and the Surety
for SBA's guarantee of the bond and is, therefore, the appropriate form
for Sureties to submit for SBA approval of a bond under a bonding line.
There is no need to separately refer to SBA Form 994B in this
regulation because that form, as the Surety indicates in its
certification in SBA Form 990, is submitted with SBA Form 990 as a
supporting document. In addition, for Final Bonds executed under a
bonding line, paragraph (d)(2) of this section currently states that
the Surety is to submit both SBA Forms 990 and 994B to SBA for
approval. For consistency and for the same reasons described above, SBA
is proposing to remove the reference to SBA Form 994B in paragraph
Compliance With Executive Orders 12866, 12988, 13132, and 13563, the
Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801-808), the Paperwork Reduction
Act (44 U.S.C., Ch. 35), and the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C.
Executive Order 12866
The Office of Management and Budget has determined that this rule
does not constitute a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive
Order 12866.
Executive Order 12988
This action meets applicable standards set forth in sections 3(a)
and 3(b)(2) of Executive Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform, to minimize
litigation, eliminate ambiguity, and reduce burden. This action does
not have preemptive effect or retroactive effect.
[[Page 52847]]
Executive Order 13132
This rule does not have federalism implications as defined in
Executive Order 13132. It will not have substantial direct effects on
the States, on the relationship between the National Government and the
States, or on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the
various levels of government, as specified in the Executive Order. As
such it does not warrant the preparation of a Federalism Assessment.
Executive Order 13563
Executive Order 13563, Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review
(January 18, 2011), requires agencies to adopt regulations through a
process that involves public participation, and to the extent feasible,
base regulations on the open exchange of information and perspectives
from affected stakeholders and the public as a whole. As discussed
above, this proposed rule is based in part on the significant number of
comments SBA received in response to a request for input from the
public on the ANPRM published in the Federal Register in June 2019.
Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801-808
The Office of Management and Budget has determined that this is not
a major rule under 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C., Ch. 35
SBA has determined that this proposed rule would not impose new
reporting or recordkeeping requirements under the Paperwork Reduction
Act. However, the rule would require a minor revision to SBA Form 990A,
Quick Bond Application, to conform to the change in 13 CFR 115.30
increasing the maximum amount of the contracts for which a Prior
Approval Surety may use this streamlined application. Revising the form
to change the amount from $400,000 to $500,000 will not have any impact
on the burden for this information collection, which is currently
approved under OMB Control Number 3245-0378. SBA will submit a request
to OMB to make the non-substantive change if the proposed increase is
Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601-612
When an agency issues a proposed rule, the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (RFA) requires the agency to ``prepare and make available for
public comment an initial regulatory flexibility analysis'' which will
``describe the impact of the proposed rule on small entities.'' (5
U.S.C. 603(a)). However, section 605 of the RFA allows an agency to
certify a rule, in lieu of preparing an analysis, if the proposed
rulemaking is not expected to have a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
In the ANPRM (84 FR 25496), SBA solicited comments from the public
to identify which of SBA's regulations relating to the SBG program
should be repealed, replaced, or modified because they are obsolete,
unnecessary, ineffective, or burdensome. SBA also solicited comments
from the public on how SBA can improve the surety bond products,
procedures, forms, and reporting requirements of the SBG Program. SBA's
proposed revisions in response to comments received are consistent with
these goals and with increasing the consistency of these regulations
with industry standards.
Under 13 CFR 115.11, Sureties participating in SBA's SBG Program
must be a corporation listed by the U.S. Treasury as eligible to issue
bonds in connection with Federal procurement contracts. There are 256
Treasury-listed Sureties, of which 41 are program partners in the SBG
Program. SBA estimates that 12 of these 41 Surety companies are small
under SBA's size standards. In addition, most small businesses that
receive an SBA-guaranteed bond operate within the 236220 NAICS industry
code (Commercial and Institutional Building Construction). According to
the U.S. Census Bureau, there are a total of 38,079 small business
companies that operate within the 236220 NAICS code, and SBA provided
guarantees in 2017 for 1,602 of these small businesses. Even if the
number of entities that may be affected by this proposed rule is
considered significant, SBA has determined that the economic impact on
these entities would not be substantial. The proposed rules would
repeal, replace, or modify obsolete or outdated SBG Program
requirements that will have the effect of reducing the burden on
Sureties and small businesses that receive bonds under the SBG Program.
In addition, SBA anticipates that the proposed rules would streamline
outdated procedures and increase small business access to bond
guarantees. Further, the proposed rule would reduce costs \2\ to
Sureties and small businesses receiving an SBA-guaranteed bond while
any costs of adjustment to revisions are de minimis. Thus, SBA does not
expect that this rule would have a significant economic impact on its
program participants. Accordingly, the Administrator of the SBA hereby
certifies that this proposed rule would not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities.
\2\ An example is the reduction in cost mentioned in the
analysis of Sec. 115.30.
List of Subjects in 13 CFR Part 115
Claims, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Small businesses,
Surety bonds.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, SBA proposes to amend 13
CFR part 115 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 115 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. app 3; 15 U.S.C. 687b, 687c, 694a, 694b
note; and Pub. L. 110-246, Sec. 12079, 122 Stat. 1651.
2. Amend Sec. 115.10 by revising the definition of ``Contract'' to
read as follows:
Sec. 115.10 Definitions.
* * * * *
Contract means a written obligation of the Principal, including an
Order, requiring the furnishing of services, supplies, labor,
materials, machinery, equipment or construction.
A Contract:
(1) Must not prohibit a Surety from performing the Contract upon
default of the Principal;
(2) Does not include a permit, subdivision contract, lease, land
contract, evidence of debt, financial guarantee (e.g., a contract
requiring any payment by the Principal to the Obligee, except for
contracts in connection with bid and performance bonds for the sale of
timber and/or other forest products, such as biomass, that require the
Principal to pay the Obligee), warranty of performance or efficiency,
warranty of fidelity, or release of lien (other than for claims under a
guaranteed bond); and
(3) May include a maintenance agreement under the following
(i) The maintenance agreement is ancillary to a Contract for which
SBA is guaranteeing a bond, is performed by the same Principal, is for
a period of 2 years or less, and only covers defective workmanship or
materials that are not covered by a manufacturer's warranty. With SBA's
prior written approval, the agreement may cover a period longer than 2
years, or cover something other than defective workmanship or
materials, if a longer period or something other than defective
workmanship or materials is
[[Page 52848]]
customarily required in the relevant trade or industry; or
(ii) The maintenance agreement is stand-alone and is entered into
in connection with a Contract for which a bond was not required and
only covers defective workmanship or materials that are not covered by
a manufacturer's warranty. The agreement must cover a period of 3 years
or less that begins immediately after the Contract is complete and must
be executed prior to the completion of the Contract. It must also be
entered into with the same Principal that completed the Contract. With
SBA's prior written approval, the agreement may cover a period longer
than 3 years if a longer period is customarily required in the relevant
trade or industry.
* * * * *
3. Amend Sec. 115.12 by revising paragraph (e)(3) to read as follows:
Sec. 115.12 General program policies and provisions.
* * * * *
(e) * * *
(3) Federal Contracts or Orders in excess of $6,500,000 (as
adjusted for inflation in accordance with section 1908 of title 41,
United States Code). SBA is authorized to guarantee bonds on Federal
Contracts or Orders greater than $6,500,000 (as adjusted for inflation
in accordance with 41 U.S.C. 1908), but not exceeding $10,000,000, upon
a signed certification of a Federal contracting officer that the SBA
guarantee is necessary. The certification must be either express mailed
to SBA, Office of Surety Guarantees, 409 Third Street SW, Washington,
DC 20416 or sent by email to [email protected], and include the
following additional information:
(i) Name, address and telephone number of the small business;
(ii) Offer or Contract number and brief description of the
contract; and
(iii) Estimated Contract value and date of anticipated award
* * * * *
Sec. 115.14 [Amended]
4. In paragraph (a)(3), remove ``$1000'' and add in its place
5. In Sec. 115.19, revise paragraph (f)(2)(i) to read as follows:
Sec. 115.19 Denial of liability.
* * * * *
(f) * * *
(2)(i) For purposes of paragraph (f)(1)(ii) of this section, work
under a Contract is considered to have begun when a Principal takes any
action related to the contract or bond that would have exposed its
Surety to liability under applicable law had a bond been Executed (or
approved, if the Surety is legally bound by such approval) at the time.
* * * * *
Sec. 115.30 [Amended]
6. Amend Sec. 115.30 as follows:
a. In paragraph (d)(2), remove ``$400,000'' and add in its place
b. In paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(D), remove ``$1,000'' and add in its place
``$2,500''; and
c. In paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(E), remove the term ``demolition,''.
Sec. 115.32 [Amended]
7. In Sec. 115.32(d), remove ``$40'' wherever it appears and add in
its place ``$250.''
Sec. 115.33 [Amended]
8. Amend Sec. 115.33 by:
a. In paragraph (d)(1), removing the phrase ``a ``Surety Bond Guarantee
Underwriting Review'' (SBA Form 994B)'' and adding in its place the
phrase ``a ``Surety Bond Guarantee Agreement'' (Form 990)''; and
b. In paragraph (d)(2), removing the phrase ``a Surety Bond Guarantee
Underwriting Review (SBA Form 994B) and'' in the first sentence, and
removing the phrase ``these forms'' in the second sentence and adding
in its place the phrase ``this form.''
9. Amend Sec. 115.64 by adding a sentence at the end of the section to
read as follows:
Sec. 115.64 Timeliness requirement.
* * * For purposes of this section, work has commenced under a
Contract when a Principal takes any action related to the contract or
bond that would have exposed its Surety to liability under applicable
law had a bond been Executed (or approved, if the Surety is legally
bound by such approval) at the time.
Sec. 115.67 [Amended]
10. In Sec. 115.67, remove ``$40'' wherever it appears and add in its
place ``$250.''
Isabella Casillas Guzman,
[FR Doc. 2021-20401 Filed 9-22-21; 8:45 am]