Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program; Premium, 50382-50384 [2021-19475]

Download as PDF 50382 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 171 / Wednesday, September 8, 2021 / Notices (403), and (769). The ITAAC for VEGP Unit 3 are in Appendix C of the VEGP Unit 3 combined license (ADAMS Accession No. ML14100A106). The ITAAC for VEGP Unit 4 are in Appendix C of VEGP Unit 4 combined license (ADAMS Accession No. ML14100A135). jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES II. Licensee ITAAC Post-Closure Notifications (IPCNs) Since the last Federal Register notice of the NRC staff’s determinations of successful completion of inspections, tests, and analyses for VEGP Units 3 and 4 (86 FR 23756; May 4, 2021), the NRC staff has not made additional determinations of the successful completion of inspections, tests, and analyses based on licensee IPCNs submitted under 10 CFR 52.99(c)(2). III. NRC Staff Determination of Completion of ITAAC The NRC staff has determined that the specified inspections, tests, and analyses have been successfully completed, and that the specified acceptance criteria are met. The documentation of the NRC staff’s determination is in the ITAAC Closure Verification Evaluation Form (VEF) for each ITAAC. The VEF is a form that represents the NRC staff’s structured process for reviewing ICNs and IPCNs. Each ICN presents a narrative description of how the ITAAC was completed. The NRC’s ICN review process involves a determination on whether, among other things: (1) Each ICN provides sufficient information, including a summary of the methodology used to perform the ITAAC, to demonstrate that the inspections, tests, and analyses have been successfully completed; (2) each ICN provides sufficient information to demonstrate that the acceptance criteria of the ITAAC are met; and (3) any NRC inspections for the ITAAC have been completed and any ITAAC findings associated with that ITAAC have been closed. The NRC’s review process for IPCNs is similar to that for ICNs but focuses on how the licensee addressed the new, material information giving rise to the IPCN. The NRC staff’s determination of the successful completion of these ITAAC is based on information available at this time and is subject to the licensee’s ability to maintain the condition that the acceptance criteria are met. If the NRC staff receives new information that suggests the NRC staff’s determination on any of these ITAAC is incorrect, then the NRC staff will determine whether to reopen that ITAAC (including VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:21 Sep 07, 2021 Jkt 253001 withdrawing the NRC staff’s determination on that ITAAC). The NRC staff’s determination will be used to support a subsequent finding, pursuant to 10 CFR 52.103(g), at the end of construction that all acceptance criteria in the combined license are met. The ITAAC closure process is not finalized for these ITAAC until the NRC makes an affirmative finding under 10 CFR 52.103(g). Any future updates to the status of these ITAAC can be found by selecting the link ‘‘ITAAC Status Report’’ on the NRC’s websites: https:// www.nrc.gov/reactors/new-reactors/colholder/vog3.html and https:// www.nrc.gov/reactors/new-reactors/colholder/vog4.html. This notice fulfills the NRC staff’s obligations under 10 CFR 52.99(e)(1) to publish a notice in the Federal Register of the NRC staff’s determination of the successful completion of inspections, tests, and analyses. Note: As of August 12, 2021, NRC staff rescinds its previous determination of the successful completion of ITAAC (570) for both VEGP Units 3 and 4 due to the subsequent determination by NRC staff that this ITAAC is not met for both units. The NRC’s prior determination of the successful completion of ITAAC (570) was originally published in the Federal Register (85 FR 67017) on October 21, 2020. The licensee will resubmit the ICNs related to ITAAC (570) for both Units. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 3, Docket No. 5200025 A complete list of the review status for VEGP Unit 3 ITAAC, including the submission date and ADAMS accession number for each ICN received, the ADAMS accession number for each VEF, and the ADAMS accession numbers for the inspection reports associated with these specific ITAAC can be found by selecting the link ‘‘ITAAC Status Report’’ at the NRC’s website https://www.nrc.gov/reactors/ new-reactors/col-holder/vog3.html. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 4, Docket No. 5200026 A complete list of the review status for VEGP Unit 4 ITAAC, including the submission date and ADAMS accession number for each ICN and IPCN received, the ADAMS accession number for each VEF, and the ADAMS accession numbers for the inspection reports associated with these specific ITAAC, can be found by selecting the link ‘‘ITAAC Status Report’’ at the NRC’s website https://www.nrc.gov/reactors/ new-reactors/col-holder/vog4.html. Dated: September 1, 2021. PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Philip J. McKenna, Acting Chief, Vogtle Project Office, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. [FR Doc. 2021–19306 Filed 9–7–21; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance Program; Premium Office of Personnel Management. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is announcing changes in premium rates for certain Federal Employees’ Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) categories. These include changes to premium rates for Employee Basic Insurance, Option A (most age bands), Option B (most age bands), Option C (most age bands), and Post-Retirement Basic Insurance. These rates will be effective the first pay period beginning on or after October 1, 2021. DATES: These rates will be effective the first pay period beginning on or after October 1, 2021. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marthine Mason-Martin, FEGLI@ opm.gov, (202) 606–1413. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice announces changes to FEGLI Employee Basic, Option A (most age bands), Option B (most age bands), Option C (most age bands), and PostRetirement Basic Insurance. FEGLI premium rates are assessed based on Program experience in accordance with FEGLI statutes at 8711(b), 8714a(e), 8714b(e), and 8714c(e), and OPM’s Annual FEGLI Rate Review Process. The premium rates in the FEGLI program represent estimates of premium income necessary to pay future expected benefits costs. The rates for all coverage categories are specific to the experience of the FEGLI group and are not based on mortality rates within the general population. Actuarial analysis of changing mortality rates makes periodic premium adjustments necessary. OPM has completed a study of funding and claims experience within the FEGLI Program. Based on this updated actuarial analysis of actual claims experience, OPM has determined that changes are required to Employee Basic, Option A, Option B, Option C and Post-Retirement Basic Insurance premiums. These changes reflect SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\08SEN1.SGM 08SEN1 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 171 / Wednesday, September 8, 2021 / Notices updated mortality and claims rates from actual program experience within each FEGLI category. The legislative structure of the FEGLI Program assumes that we set premium rates for each age band independently of the other bands so that each age band is financially selfsupporting. We will issue guidance to all agencies for the purpose of counseling employees and we will notify affected annuitants directly via OPM’s Office of Retirement Services. The FEGLI premium rates will 50383 be maintained on the FEGLI website https://www.opm.gov/healthcareinsurance/life-insurance/. The new FEGLI premium rates for Basic, Option A, Option B, Option C and the Post-Retirement Basic Option are as follows: EMPLOYEE BASIC INSURANCE (PER $1,000 OF INSURANCE) [The premiums for compensationers who are paid every four weeks are two times the biweekly premium.] Bi-weekly Monthly Employee ................................................................................................................................................................. Government ............................................................................................................................................................. $0.1600 0.0800 $0.3467 0.1733 Total .................................................................................................................................................................. 0.2400 0.5200 OPTION A (FOR $10,000 OF INSURANCE) [The premiums for compensationers who are paid every four weeks are two times the biweekly premium.] Age band Bi-weekly <35 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 35–39 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40–44 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 45–49 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 50–54 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 55–59 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 60+ ........................................................................................................................................................................... $0.20 0.20 0.30 0.60 1.00 1.80 6.00 Monthly $0.43 0.43 0.65 1.30 2.17 3.90 13.00 OPTION B (PER $1,000 OF INSURANCE) [The premiums for compensationers who are paid every four weeks are two times the biweekly premium.] Age band Bi-weekly <35 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 35–39 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40–44 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 45–49 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 50–54 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 55–59 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 60–64 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 65–69 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 70–74 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 75–79 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 80+ ........................................................................................................................................................................... $0.02 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.10 0.18 0.40 0.48 0.86 1.80 2.88 Monthly $0.043 0.043 0.065 0.130 0.217 0.390 0.867 1.040 1.863 3.900 6.240 OPTION C (PER MULTIPLE OF INSURANCE) [The premiums for compensationers who are paid every four weeks are two times the biweekly premium.] jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES Age band Bi-weekly <35 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 35–39 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 40–44 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 45–49 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 50–54 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 55–59 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 60–64 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 65–69 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 70–74 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 75–79 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 80+ ........................................................................................................................................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:21 Sep 07, 2021 Jkt 253001 PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\08SEN1.SGM 08SEN1 $0.20 0.24 0.37 0.53 0.83 1.33 2.43 2.83 3.83 5.76 7.80 Monthly $0.43 0.52 0.80 1.15 1.80 2.88 5.27 6.13 8.30 12.48 16.90 50384 Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 171 / Wednesday, September 8, 2021 / Notices POST-RETIREMENT BASIC INSURANCE FOR ANNUITANTS [Monthly rate per $1,000 of insurance] Before age 65 75% Reduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 50% Reduction ........................................................................................................................................................ No Reduction ........................................................................................................................................................... $0.3467 1.0967 2.5967 After age 65 No cost $0.75 2.25 POST-RETIREMENT BASIC INSURANCE FOR COMPENSATIONERS [Withholding every four weeks per $1,000 of insurance.] Before age 65 75% Reduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 50% Reduction ........................................................................................................................................................ No Reduction ........................................................................................................................................................... These rates will be effective the first pay period beginning on or after October 1, 2021. U.S. Office of Personnel Management. Stephen Hickman, Deputy Executive Secretary. [FR Doc. 2021–19475 Filed 9–7–21; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6325–38–P POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION [Docket No. PI2021–3; Order No. 5975] Public Inquiry on Service Performance Measurement Systems Postal Regulatory Commission. Notice. AGENCY: ACTION: The Commission is recognizing a recently filed Postal Service request proposing modifications to its market dominant service performance measurement systems. This document informs the public of this proceeding and the technical conference, invites public comment, and takes other administrative steps. DATES: Comments are due: September 17, 2021. ADDRESSES: Submit comments electronically via the Commission’s Filing Online system at https:// www.prc.gov. Those who cannot submit comments electronically should contact the person identified in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section by telephone for advice on filing alternatives. SUMMARY: jbell on DSKJLSW7X2PROD with NOTICES FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David A. Trissell, General Counsel, at 202–789–6820. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: On August 31, 2021, the Postal Service filed a notice, pursuant to 39 CFR 3055.5, proposing modifications to its market dominant service performance VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:21 Sep 07, 2021 Jkt 253001 measurement systems.1 The systems that are the subject of this proceeding were approved for implementation on July 5, 2018, in Docket No. PI2015–1.2 The most recent version of the Postal Service’s Service Performance Measurement (SPM) Plan was filed in May 2019.3 Accompanying the Notice is a library reference, which contains a copy of the United States Postal Service, Service Performance Measurement plan, revised August 31, 2021 (both redline and clean versions).4 The Postal Service’s proposed modifications add reporting for 3-day, 4day, and 5-day service standards for First-Class Mail, in place of the current 3–5-day service standard. Notice at 1. The Postal Service asserts that the purpose of this change is to align service performance reporting with upcoming service standard changes which are to take effect on October 1, 2021. Id. The Postal Service also proposes replacing certain references to external SPM with internal SPM, consistent with Order No. 5576.5 Interested persons are invited to comment on the Postal Service’s proposed modifications concerning the service performance measurement systems. However, commenters are reminded that the scope of this docket is limited to the Postal Service’s proposed revisions to the SPM Plan, not the propriety of the underlying service $0.32 1.01 2.39 After age 65 No cost $0.69 2.07 standard changes, which the Commission addressed in Docket No. N2021–1.6 Comments are due September 17, 2021. The Commission does not anticipate the need for reply comments at this time. The Commission intends to evaluate the comments received and use those suggestions to help carry out its service performance measurement responsibilities under the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act. Material filed in this docket will be available for review on the Commission’s website, https:// www.prc.gov. It is ordered: 1. Docket No. PI2021–3 is established for the purpose of considering the Postal Service’s proposed modifications to its market dominant service performance measurement systems. 2. Interested persons may submit written comments on any or all aspects of the Postal Service’s proposals no later than September 17, 2021. 3. Christopher Mohr is designated to represent the interests of the general public in this docket. 4. The Secretary shall arrange for publication of this Notice in the Federal Register. By the Commission. Erica A. Barker, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2021–19450 Filed 9–7–21; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7710–FW–P 1 United States Postal Service Notice of Filing Changes to Service Performance Measurement Plan Document, August 31, 2021 (Notice). 2 Docket No. PI2015–1, Order Approving Use of Internal Measurement Systems, July 5, 2018 (Order No. 4697); Docket No. PI2015–1, Errata to Order No. 4697, August 21, 2018 (Order No. 4771). 3 See Docket No. PI2019–1, Library Reference USPS–LR–PI2019–1/1, May 21, 2019. 4 Library Reference USPS–LR–PI2021–3/1, August 31, 2021. 5 See Docket No. PI2019–1, Order Granting Request and Approving Use of Internal Service Performance Measurement System, July 1, 2020 (Order No. 5576). PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 POSTAL SERVICE Sunshine Act Meetings September 9 and 10, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. PLACE: Potomac, MD. TIME AND DATE: 6 See Docket No. N2021–1, Advisory Opinion on Service Changes Associated with First-Class Mail and Periodicals, July 20, 2021. E:\FR\FM\08SEN1.SGM 08SEN1


[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 171 (Wednesday, September 8, 2021)]
[Pages 50382-50384]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-19475]



Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program; Premium

AGENCY: Office of Personnel Management.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is announcing changes 
in premium rates for certain Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance 
(FEGLI) categories. These include changes to premium rates for Employee 
Basic Insurance, Option A (most age bands), Option B (most age bands), 
Option C (most age bands), and Post-Retirement Basic Insurance. These 
rates will be effective the first pay period beginning on or after 
October 1, 2021.

DATES: These rates will be effective the first pay period beginning on 
or after October 1, 2021.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Marthine Mason-Martin, [email protected], 
(202) 606-1413.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice announces changes to FEGLI 
Employee Basic, Option A (most age bands), Option B (most age bands), 
Option C (most age bands), and Post-Retirement Basic Insurance.
    FEGLI premium rates are assessed based on Program experience in 
accordance with FEGLI statutes at 8711(b), 8714a(e), 8714b(e), and 
8714c(e), and OPM's Annual FEGLI Rate Review Process. The premium rates 
in the FEGLI program represent estimates of premium income necessary to 
pay future expected benefits costs. The rates for all coverage 
categories are specific to the experience of the FEGLI group and are 
not based on mortality rates within the general population. Actuarial 
analysis of changing mortality rates makes periodic premium adjustments 
    OPM has completed a study of funding and claims experience within 
the FEGLI Program. Based on this updated actuarial analysis of actual 
claims experience, OPM has determined that changes are required to 
Employee Basic, Option A, Option B, Option C and Post-Retirement Basic 
Insurance premiums. These changes reflect

[[Page 50383]]

updated mortality and claims rates from actual program experience 
within each FEGLI category. The legislative structure of the FEGLI 
Program assumes that we set premium rates for each age band 
independently of the other bands so that each age band is financially 
    We will issue guidance to all agencies for the purpose of 
counseling employees and we will notify affected annuitants directly 
via OPM's Office of Retirement Services. The FEGLI premium rates will 
be maintained on the FEGLI website https://www.opm.gov/healthcare-insurance/life-insurance/.
    The new FEGLI premium rates for Basic, Option A, Option B, Option C 
and the Post-Retirement Basic Option are as follows:

           Employee Basic Insurance (per $1,000 of Insurance)
 [The premiums for compensationers who are paid every four weeks are two
                      times the biweekly premium.]
                                             Bi-weekly        Monthly
Employee................................         $0.1600         $0.3467
Government..............................          0.0800          0.1733
    Total...............................          0.2400          0.5200

                   Option A (for $10,000 of Insurance)
 [The premiums for compensationers who are paid every four weeks are two
                      times the biweekly premium.]
                Age band                     Bi-weekly        Monthly
<35.....................................           $0.20           $0.43
35-39...................................            0.20            0.43
40-44...................................            0.30            0.65
45-49...................................            0.60            1.30
50-54...................................            1.00            2.17
55-59...................................            1.80            3.90
60+.....................................            6.00           13.00

                   Option B (per $1,000 of Insurance)
 [The premiums for compensationers who are paid every four weeks are two
                      times the biweekly premium.]
                Age band                     Bi-weekly        Monthly
<35.....................................           $0.02          $0.043
35-39...................................            0.02           0.043
40-44...................................            0.03           0.065
45-49...................................            0.06           0.130
50-54...................................            0.10           0.217
55-59...................................            0.18           0.390
60-64...................................            0.40           0.867
65-69...................................            0.48           1.040
70-74...................................            0.86           1.863
75-79...................................            1.80           3.900
80+.....................................            2.88           6.240

                  Option C (per Multiple of Insurance)
 [The premiums for compensationers who are paid every four weeks are two
                      times the biweekly premium.]
                Age band                     Bi-weekly        Monthly
<35.....................................           $0.20           $0.43
35-39...................................            0.24            0.52
40-44...................................            0.37            0.80
45-49...................................            0.53            1.15
50-54...................................            0.83            1.80
55-59...................................            1.33            2.88
60-64...................................            2.43            5.27
65-69...................................            2.83            6.13
70-74...................................            3.83            8.30
75-79...................................            5.76           12.48
80+.....................................            7.80           16.90

[[Page 50384]]

             Post-Retirement Basic Insurance for Annuitants
                 [Monthly rate per $1,000 of insurance]
                                           Before age 65   After age 65
75% Reduction...........................         $0.3467         No cost
50% Reduction...........................          1.0967           $0.75
No Reduction............................          2.5967            2.25

           Post-Retirement Basic Insurance for Compensationers
         [Withholding every four weeks per $1,000 of insurance.]
                                           Before age 65   After age 65
75% Reduction...........................           $0.32         No cost
50% Reduction...........................            1.01           $0.69
No Reduction............................            2.39            2.07

    These rates will be effective the first pay period beginning on or 
after October 1, 2021. U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Stephen Hickman,
Deputy Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2021-19475 Filed 9-7-21; 8:45 am]

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