Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Draft Recovery Plan for Pagosa Skyrocket, 34271-34273 [2021-13827]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 122 / Tuesday, June 29, 2021 / Notices
opportunity for public review and
comment during recovery plan
development. It is also our policy to
request peer review of recovery plans
(59 FR 34270; July 1, 1994). In an
appendix to the approved final recovery
plan, we will summarize and respond to
the issues raised during public comment
and peer review. Substantive comments
may or may not result in changes to the
recovery plan. Comments regarding
recovery plan implementation will be
forwarded as appropriate to Federal or
other entities so that they can be taken
into account during the course of
implementing recovery actions.
We will consider all comments we
receive by the date specified in DATES
prior to final approval of the plan.
Public Availability of Comments
Before including your address, phone
number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
While you can ask us in your comment
to withhold your personal identifying
information from public review, we
cannot guarantee that we will be able to
do so.
The authority for this action is section
4(f) of the Endangered Species Act of
1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
Robyn Thorson,
Regional Director, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
[FR Doc. 2021–13872 Filed 6–28–21; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
Species Information
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Draft Recovery Plan for
Pagosa Skyrocket
Fish and Wildlife Service,
ACTION: Notice of document availability
for review and comment.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, announce the
availability of a draft recovery plan for
Pagosa skyrocket, a plant listed as
endangered under the Endangered
Species Act. We are requesting review
and comment from the public on this
draft plan.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
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We must receive any comments
on the draft recovery plan on or before
August 30, 2021.
Document availability: Copies of the
draft recovery plan are available at
Alternatively, you may request a copy
by U.S. mail from the Western Colorado
Field Office; 445 W. Gunnison Ave.
#240; Grand Junction, CO 81501; or by
telephone at 970–243–2778. Persons
who use a telecommunications device
for the deaf may call the Federal Relay
Service at 800–877–8339.
Submitting comments: If you wish to
comment on the draft recovery plan,
you may submit your comments in
writing by email to Ann Timberman, at
ann_timberman@fws.gov, or by U.S.
mail to Ann Timberman, Western Slope
Field Supervisor, at the above U.S. mail
Timberman, Western Slope Field
Supervisor, at the above U.S. mail
address or by telephone at 970–243–
2778. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf
may call the Federal Relay Service at
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service),
announce the availability of a draft
recovery plan for Pagosa skyrocket
(Ipomopsis polyantha), a plant listed as
endangered under the Endangered
Species Act, as amended (Act; 16 U.S.C.
1531 et seq.). The draft recovery plan
includes objective, measurable criteria,
and site-specific management actions as
may be necessary to remove the species
from the Federal List of Endangered and
Threatened Plants. We are requesting
review and comment from the public on
this draft recovery plan.
Jkt 253001
On August 26, 2011, we listed Pagosa
skyrocket as an endangered plant (July
27, 2011; 76 FR 45054). On August 13,
2012, we designated approximately
9,641 acres (ac) (3,902 hectares (ha)) of
critical habitat (77 FR 48368).
Pagosa skyrocket is a narrow endemic
plant, occurring only on soils of the
Mancos shale formation in Archuleta
County, Colorado. It occurs at between
6,400 to 8,100 feet (ft) (1,951–2,469
meters (m)) in elevation and typically
grows on infrequently disturbed lightly
vegetated sites or at the edge of
ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forest
(Anderson 2004, p. 20). Pagosa
skyrocket appears able to self-pollinate
when stressed, but reproduction is more
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successful when outcrossed (Anderson
2004, p. 23).
Pagosa skyrocket typically spends
more than a year in a vegetative state
before flowering and dying (monocarpic
perennial). However, if conditions are
ideal, it behaves as a biennial. It is a
member of the Polemoniaceae (phlox)
family and is regarded as a distinct
species (Anderson 2004, p. 10).
We do not know the historical
distribution of Pagosa skyrocket.
Currently, we know of two populations–
–Pagosa Springs/Mill Creek and Dyke–
–occupying approximately 462 ac (187
ha) and located 13 miles (mi) (21
kilometers (km)) apart. Approximately
3.5 ac (1.4 ha) of occupied habitat
occurs on Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) land. The remainder of occupied
habitat is located on private land, land
owned by the Town of Pagosa Springs,
highway rights of way (ROWs), and an
88-ac (36-ha) parcel owned and
managed by Colorado Parks and
Wildlife (CPW). The CPW parcel
contains more than 90 percent of all
known Pagosa skyrocket plants and is
managed with the primary goal of
conserving Pagosa skyrocket. All known
occupied habitat for the species occurs
within designated critical habitat.
The primary threat to Pagosa
skyrocket, both at the time of listing and
currently, is commercial, residential,
agricultural, and municipal
development. We have documented
losses from development of habitat and
individual plants for both populations.
Without additional protections, we
anticipate an increase in the magnitude
of this threat affecting the species’
future resiliency, redundancy, and
representation. Overgrazing, invasive
plants, and climate change may
exacerbate the threat from development.
Several conservation actions have
been initiated since listing in 2011 as
(1) CPW acquired 88 ac (36 ha) of
occupied Pagosa skyrocket critical
habitat that had been slated for
development. The primary management
goal of this parcel is conservation of
Pagosa skyrocket.
(2) Archuleta County incorporated
Pagosa skyrocket preservation into the
Archuleta County Community Plan to
assist in recovering the species.
(3) The Town of Pagosa Springs
Master Plan identified a goal to ‘‘Strive
to protect and celebrate the Pagosa
(4) Volunteers and the Geothermal
Greenhouse Partnership initiated
greenhouse experiments to grow and
transplant Pagosa skyrocket individuals.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 122 / Tuesday, June 29, 2021 / Notices
Draft Recovery Plan
Below, we summarize components
from our draft recovery plan. Please
reference the draft recovery plan for full
The draft recovery plan describes the
recovery goal as the conservation and
survival of Pagosa skyrocket. For
recovery, the species needs at least three
(redundant) persistent (resilient)
populations across the species’ range,
where recruitment over time equals or
exceeds loss of individuals and
ecological and genetic diversity are
maintained (representation). The three
populations would include the two
currently known populations (Pagosa
Springs/Mill Creek and Dyke), as well as
a third population that may be newly
discovered or introduced. These three
resilient populations would provide
sufficient representation and
redundancy across the species’ range.
The draft recovery plan includes
recovery criteria for both downlisting
and delisting. Downlisting criteria
(1) Maintaining stable or increasing
population growth rates in three
populations, with or without
(2) Maintaining a minimum
population of 4,824 individual plants in
the Pagosa Springs/Mill Creek and Dyke
populations, and a minimum
population of 1,500 individual plants in
the third newly discovered or
introduced population;
(3) Each of the three populations have
regulatory mechanisms or conservation
plans in place that address habitat loss
and degradation from development,
thus helping meet population trend and
abundance targets identified in the first
two criteria; and
(4) Both known populations are
represented in an off-site seed collection
to preserve the genetic diversity of
Pagosa skyrocket and provide added
protection from potential stochastic
Delisting criteria are the same as for
downlisting, with the exception that all
three populations must meet the first
two criteria without further
augmentation. To help meet these
criteria, the draft recovery plan
identifies recovery actions for each
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Recovery Planning Process
Restoring an endangered or
threatened animal or plant to the point
where it is again a secure, selfsustaining member of its ecosystem is a
primary goal of the Service’s
endangered species program. Recovery
means improving the status of a listed
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Jkt 253001
species to the point at which listing is
no longer necessary according to the
criteria specified under section 4(a)(1) of
the Act. The Act requires recovery plans
for listed species unless such a plan
would not promote the conservation of
a particular species. To help guide
recovery efforts, we prepare recovery
plans to promote the conservation of the
The purpose of a recovery plan is to
provide a recommended framework for
the recovery of a species so that
protection of the Act is no longer
necessary. Pursuant to section 4(f) of the
Act, a recovery plan must, to the
maximum extent possible, include:
(1) A description of site-specific
management actions as may be
necessary to achieve the plan’s goal for
the conservation and survival of the
(2) Objective, measurable criteria
which, when met, would support a
determination under section 4(a)(1) of
the Act that the species should be
removed from the List of Endangered
and Threatened Species; and
(3) Estimates of time and costs
required to carry out those measures
needed to achieve the plan’s goal and to
achieve intermediate steps toward that
We used our new recovery planning
and implementation (RPI) process to
develop the draft recovery plan for
Pagosa skyrocket. The RPI process helps
reduce the time needed to develop and
implement recovery plans, increases the
relevancy of the recovery plan over
longer timeframes, and adds flexibility
so that the recovery plan can be more
easily adjusted to new information and
circumstances. Under our RPI process, a
recovery plan will include the three
statutorily required elements for
recovery plans—objective and
measurable criteria, site-specific
management actions, and estimates of
time and cost—along with a concise
introduction and our strategy for how
we plan to achieve species recovery.
The RPI recovery plan is supported by
a separate species status assessment for
the Pagosa skyrocket (SSA; Service
2020). The SSA is an in-depth, but not
exhaustive, review of the species’
biology and threats, an evaluation of its
biological status, and an assessment of
the resources and conditions needed to
maintain long-term viability. The SSA
provides the scientific background and
threats assessment for Pagosa skyrocket,
which are key to the development of the
recovery plan. A third, separate working
document, called the recovery
implementation strategy (RIS), steps
down the more general descriptions of
actions in the recovery plan to detail the
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specifics needed to implement the
recovery plan, which improves the
flexibility of the recovery plan. The RIS
will be adaptable, with new information
on actions incorporated, as needed,
without requiring a concurrent revision
to the recovery plan, unless changes to
the three statutory elements are
Peer Review
In accordance with our July 1, 1994,
peer review policy (59 FR 34270; July 1,
1994); our August 22, 2016, Director’s
Memo on the Peer Review Process; and
the Office of Management and Budget’s
December 16, 2004, Final Information
Quality Bulletin for Peer Review
(revised June 2012), we solicited
independent scientific reviews of the
information contained in the SSA
report. Results of this structured peer
review process can be found at https://
peerReview.php. We also submitted our
SSA report to our Federal and State
partners for their scientific review.
There is no overlap of occupied habitat
or critical habitat with Tribal lands. We
incorporated the results of the peer and
partner review in the SSA report, as
appropriate. The SSA report is the
scientific foundation for the draft
recovery plan.
Request for Public Comments
All comments we receive by the date
specified (see DATES) will be considered
prior to approval of the recovery plan.
Written comments and materials
regarding the recovery plan should be
sent via one of the means in the
ADDRESSES section.
We will consider all information we
receive during the public comment
period, and particularly look for
comments that provide scientific
rationale or factual background. The
Service and other Federal agencies and
partners will take these comments into
consideration in the course of
implementing an approved final
recovery plan. We are specifically
seeking comments and suggestions on
the following questions:
• Understanding that the time and
cost presented in the draft recovery plan
will be fine-tuned when localized
recovery implementation strategies are
developed, do you think that the
estimated time and cost to recovery are
realistic? Is the estimate reflective of the
time and cost of actions that may have
already been implemented by Federal,
State, county, or other agencies? Please
provide suggestions or methods for
determining a more accurate estimation.
• Do the draft recovery criteria
provide clear direction to partners on
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 122 / Tuesday, June 29, 2021 / Notices
what is needed to recover Pagosa
skyrocket? How could they be improved
for clarity?
• Are the draft recovery criteria both
objective and measurable given the
information available for Pagosa
skyrocket now and into the future?
Please provide suggestions.
• Understanding that specific,
detailed, and area-specific recovery
actions will be developed in the RIS, do
you think that the draft recovery actions
presented in the draft recovery plan
generally cover the types of actions
necessary to meet the recovery criteria?
If not, what general actions are missing?
Are any of the draft recovery actions
unnecessary for achieving recovery?
Have we prioritized the actions
Public Availability of Comments
We will summarize and respond to
the issues raised by the public in an
appendix to the approved final recovery
plan. Before including your address,
phone number, email address, or other
personal identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment—including your
personal identifying information—may
be made publicly available at any time.
You may request at the top of your
comment that we withhold this
information from public review;
however, we cannot guarantee that we
will be able to do so.
The authority for this action is section
4(f) of the Endangered Species Act, 16
U.S.C. 1533(f).
Matthew Hogan,
Deputy Regional Director, Lakewood,
[FR Doc. 2021–13827 Filed 6–28–21; 8:45 am]
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Florida Trustee Implementation Group
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Final
Restoration Plan 2 and Environmental
Assessment: Habitat Projects on
Federally Managed Lands, Sea Turtles,
Marine Mammals, Birds, and Provide
and Enhance Recreational
Opportunities; and Finding of No
Significant Impact
Department of the Interior.
Notice of availability.
In accordance with the Oil
Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA); the
National Environmental Policy Act of
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1969 (NEPA); the Final Programmatic
Damage Assessment Restoration Plan
and Final Programmatic Environmental
Impact Statement (Final PDARP/PEIS)
and Record of Decision; and the Consent
Decree, the Federal and State natural
resource trustee agencies for the Florida
Trustee Implementation Group (FL TIG)
have prepared the Florida Trustee
Implementation Group Final
Restoration Plan 2 and Environmental
Assessment: Habitat Projects on
Federally Managed Lands; Sea Turtles;
Marine Mammals; Birds; and Provide
and Enhance Recreational
Opportunities (Final RP2/EA), and
Finding of No Significant Impact
(FONSI). In the Final RP2/EA, the FL
TIG analyzed projects to help restore
injured habitats, sea turtles, marine
mammals, and birds, and to compensate
for lost recreational use in the Florida
Restoration Area as a result of the
Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill. The
Final RP2/EA describes and, in
conjunction with the associated FONSI,
selects the preferred restoration projects
considered by the FL TIG to partially
restore natural resources and ecological
services injured or lost as a result of the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The
approximate cost to implement the FL
TIG’s proposed action is $62,000,000.
The purpose of this notice is to inform
the public of the availability of the Final
ADDRESSES: Obtaining Documents: You
may download the Final RP2/EA from
either of the following websites:
• https://www.doi.gov/
• https://www.gulfspillrestoration.
Alternatively, you may request a CD
of the Final RP2/EA (see FOR FURTHER
Nanciann Regalado, at nanciann_
regalado@fws.gov or 678–296–6805, or
via the Federal Relay Service at 800–
On April 20, 2010, the mobile
offshore drilling unit Deepwater
Horizon, which was being used to drill
a well for BP Exploration and
Production, Inc. (BP), in the Macondo
prospect (Mississippi Canyon 252–
MC252), experienced a significant
explosion, fire, and subsequent sinking
in the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in an
unprecedented volume of oil and other
discharges from the rig and from the
wellhead on the seabed. The DWH oil
spill is the largest offshore oil spill in
U.S. history, discharging millions of
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barrels of oil over a period of 87 days.
In addition, well over 1 million gallons
of dispersants were applied to the
waters of the spill area in an attempt to
disperse the spilled oil. An
undetermined amount of natural gas
was also released into the environment
as a result of the spill.
The Trustees conducted the natural
resource damage assessment (NRDA) for
the DWH oil spill under the Oil
Pollution Act 1990 (OPA; 33 U.S.C.
2701 et seq.). Pursuant to OPA, Federal
and State agencies act as trustees on
behalf of the public to assess natural
resource injuries and losses and to
determine the actions required to
compensate the public for those injuries
and losses. The OPA further instructs
the designated trustees to develop and
implement a plan for the restoration,
rehabilitation, replacement, or
acquisition of the equivalent of the
injured natural resources under their
trusteeship to baseline (the resource
quality and conditions that would exist
if the spill had not occurred). This
includes the loss of use and services
provided by those resources from the
time of injury until the completion of
The DWH Trustees are:
• U.S. Department of the Interior
(DOI), as represented by the National
Park Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, and Bureau of Land
• National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), on behalf of
the U.S. Department of Commerce;
• U.S. Department of Agriculture
• U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA);
• State of Louisiana Coastal
Protection and Restoration Authority,
Oil Spill Coordinator’s Office,
Department of Environmental Quality,
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries,
and Department of Natural Resources;
• State of Mississippi Department of
Environmental Quality;
• State of Alabama Department of
Conservation and Natural Resources and
Geological Survey of Alabama;
• State of Florida Department of
Environmental Protection and Fish and
Wildlife Conservation Commission; and
• State of Texas: Texas Parks and
Wildlife Department, Texas General
Land Office, and Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality.
On April 4, 2016, the United States
District Court for the Eastern District of
Louisiana entered a Consent Decree
resolving civil claims by the Trustees
against BP arising from the DWH oil
spill: United States v. BPXP et al., Civ.
No. 10–4536, centralized in MDL 2179,
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 122 (Tuesday, June 29, 2021)]
[Pages 34271-34273]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-13827]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[FWS-R6-ES-2020-N131; FXES11140600000]
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Draft Recovery
Plan for Pagosa Skyrocket
AGENCY: Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice of document availability for review and comment.
SUMMARY: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, announce the
availability of a draft recovery plan for Pagosa skyrocket, a plant
listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. We are
requesting review and comment from the public on this draft plan.
DATES: We must receive any comments on the draft recovery plan on or
before August 30, 2021.
Document availability: Copies of the draft recovery plan are
available at https://www.fws.gov/endangered/species/recovery-plans.html.
Alternatively, you may request a copy by U.S. mail from the Western
Colorado Field Office; 445 W. Gunnison Ave. #240; Grand Junction, CO
81501; or by telephone at 970-243-2778. Persons who use a
telecommunications device for the deaf may call the Federal Relay
Service at 800-877-8339.
Submitting comments: If you wish to comment on the draft recovery
plan, you may submit your comments in writing by email to Ann
Timberman, at [email protected], or by U.S. mail to Ann Timberman,
Western Slope Field Supervisor, at the above U.S. mail address.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ann Timberman, Western Slope Field
Supervisor, at the above U.S. mail address or by telephone at 970-243-
2778. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf may call
the Federal Relay Service at 800-877-8339.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(Service), announce the availability of a draft recovery plan for
Pagosa skyrocket (Ipomopsis polyantha), a plant listed as endangered
under the Endangered Species Act, as amended (Act; 16 U.S.C. 1531 et
seq.). The draft recovery plan includes objective, measurable criteria,
and site-specific management actions as may be necessary to remove the
species from the Federal List of Endangered and Threatened Plants. We
are requesting review and comment from the public on this draft
recovery plan.
Species Information
On August 26, 2011, we listed Pagosa skyrocket as an endangered
plant (July 27, 2011; 76 FR 45054). On August 13, 2012, we designated
approximately 9,641 acres (ac) (3,902 hectares (ha)) of critical
habitat (77 FR 48368).
Pagosa skyrocket is a narrow endemic plant, occurring only on soils
of the Mancos shale formation in Archuleta County, Colorado. It occurs
at between 6,400 to 8,100 feet (ft) (1,951-2,469 meters (m)) in
elevation and typically grows on infrequently disturbed lightly
vegetated sites or at the edge of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa)
forest (Anderson 2004, p. 20). Pagosa skyrocket appears able to self-
pollinate when stressed, but reproduction is more successful when
outcrossed (Anderson 2004, p. 23).
Pagosa skyrocket typically spends more than a year in a vegetative
state before flowering and dying (monocarpic perennial). However, if
conditions are ideal, it behaves as a biennial. It is a member of the
Polemoniaceae (phlox) family and is regarded as a distinct species
(Anderson 2004, p. 10).
We do not know the historical distribution of Pagosa skyrocket.
Currently, we know of two populations--Pagosa Springs/Mill Creek and
Dyke--occupying approximately 462 ac (187 ha) and located 13 miles (mi)
(21 kilometers (km)) apart. Approximately 3.5 ac (1.4 ha) of occupied
habitat occurs on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land. The remainder
of occupied habitat is located on private land, land owned by the Town
of Pagosa Springs, highway rights of way (ROWs), and an 88-ac (36-ha)
parcel owned and managed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW). The CPW
parcel contains more than 90 percent of all known Pagosa skyrocket
plants and is managed with the primary goal of conserving Pagosa
skyrocket. All known occupied habitat for the species occurs within
designated critical habitat.
The primary threat to Pagosa skyrocket, both at the time of listing
and currently, is commercial, residential, agricultural, and municipal
development. We have documented losses from development of habitat and
individual plants for both populations. Without additional protections,
we anticipate an increase in the magnitude of this threat affecting the
species' future resiliency, redundancy, and representation.
Overgrazing, invasive plants, and climate change may exacerbate the
threat from development.
Several conservation actions have been initiated since listing in
2011 as follows:
(1) CPW acquired 88 ac (36 ha) of occupied Pagosa skyrocket
critical habitat that had been slated for development. The primary
management goal of this parcel is conservation of Pagosa skyrocket.
(2) Archuleta County incorporated Pagosa skyrocket preservation
into the Archuleta County Community Plan to assist in recovering the
(3) The Town of Pagosa Springs Master Plan identified a goal to
``Strive to protect and celebrate the Pagosa skyrocket.''
(4) Volunteers and the Geothermal Greenhouse Partnership initiated
greenhouse experiments to grow and transplant Pagosa skyrocket
[[Page 34272]]
Draft Recovery Plan
Below, we summarize components from our draft recovery plan. Please
reference the draft recovery plan for full details.
The draft recovery plan describes the recovery goal as the
conservation and survival of Pagosa skyrocket. For recovery, the
species needs at least three (redundant) persistent (resilient)
populations across the species' range, where recruitment over time
equals or exceeds loss of individuals and ecological and genetic
diversity are maintained (representation). The three populations would
include the two currently known populations (Pagosa Springs/Mill Creek
and Dyke), as well as a third population that may be newly discovered
or introduced. These three resilient populations would provide
sufficient representation and redundancy across the species' range.
The draft recovery plan includes recovery criteria for both
downlisting and delisting. Downlisting criteria include:
(1) Maintaining stable or increasing population growth rates in
three populations, with or without augmentation;
(2) Maintaining a minimum population of 4,824 individual plants in
the Pagosa Springs/Mill Creek and Dyke populations, and a minimum
population of 1,500 individual plants in the third newly discovered or
introduced population;
(3) Each of the three populations have regulatory mechanisms or
conservation plans in place that address habitat loss and degradation
from development, thus helping meet population trend and abundance
targets identified in the first two criteria; and
(4) Both known populations are represented in an off-site seed
collection to preserve the genetic diversity of Pagosa skyrocket and
provide added protection from potential stochastic events.
Delisting criteria are the same as for downlisting, with the
exception that all three populations must meet the first two criteria
without further augmentation. To help meet these criteria, the draft
recovery plan identifies recovery actions for each criteria.
Recovery Planning Process
Restoring an endangered or threatened animal or plant to the point
where it is again a secure, self-sustaining member of its ecosystem is
a primary goal of the Service's endangered species program. Recovery
means improving the status of a listed species to the point at which
listing is no longer necessary according to the criteria specified
under section 4(a)(1) of the Act. The Act requires recovery plans for
listed species unless such a plan would not promote the conservation of
a particular species. To help guide recovery efforts, we prepare
recovery plans to promote the conservation of the species.
The purpose of a recovery plan is to provide a recommended
framework for the recovery of a species so that protection of the Act
is no longer necessary. Pursuant to section 4(f) of the Act, a recovery
plan must, to the maximum extent possible, include:
(1) A description of site-specific management actions as may be
necessary to achieve the plan's goal for the conservation and survival
of the species;
(2) Objective, measurable criteria which, when met, would support a
determination under section 4(a)(1) of the Act that the species should
be removed from the List of Endangered and Threatened Species; and
(3) Estimates of time and costs required to carry out those
measures needed to achieve the plan's goal and to achieve intermediate
steps toward that goal.
We used our new recovery planning and implementation (RPI) process
to develop the draft recovery plan for Pagosa skyrocket. The RPI
process helps reduce the time needed to develop and implement recovery
plans, increases the relevancy of the recovery plan over longer
timeframes, and adds flexibility so that the recovery plan can be more
easily adjusted to new information and circumstances. Under our RPI
process, a recovery plan will include the three statutorily required
elements for recovery plans--objective and measurable criteria, site-
specific management actions, and estimates of time and cost--along with
a concise introduction and our strategy for how we plan to achieve
species recovery. The RPI recovery plan is supported by a separate
species status assessment for the Pagosa skyrocket (SSA; Service 2020).
The SSA is an in-depth, but not exhaustive, review of the species'
biology and threats, an evaluation of its biological status, and an
assessment of the resources and conditions needed to maintain long-term
viability. The SSA provides the scientific background and threats
assessment for Pagosa skyrocket, which are key to the development of
the recovery plan. A third, separate working document, called the
recovery implementation strategy (RIS), steps down the more general
descriptions of actions in the recovery plan to detail the specifics
needed to implement the recovery plan, which improves the flexibility
of the recovery plan. The RIS will be adaptable, with new information
on actions incorporated, as needed, without requiring a concurrent
revision to the recovery plan, unless changes to the three statutory
elements are required.
Peer Review
In accordance with our July 1, 1994, peer review policy (59 FR
34270; July 1, 1994); our August 22, 2016, Director's Memo on the Peer
Review Process; and the Office of Management and Budget's December 16,
2004, Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review (revised June
2012), we solicited independent scientific reviews of the information
contained in the SSA report. Results of this structured peer review
process can be found at https://www.fws.gov/mountain-prairie/science/peerReview.php. We also submitted our SSA report to our Federal and
State partners for their scientific review. There is no overlap of
occupied habitat or critical habitat with Tribal lands. We incorporated
the results of the peer and partner review in the SSA report, as
appropriate. The SSA report is the scientific foundation for the draft
recovery plan.
Request for Public Comments
All comments we receive by the date specified (see DATES) will be
considered prior to approval of the recovery plan. Written comments and
materials regarding the recovery plan should be sent via one of the
means in the ADDRESSES section.
We will consider all information we receive during the public
comment period, and particularly look for comments that provide
scientific rationale or factual background. The Service and other
Federal agencies and partners will take these comments into
consideration in the course of implementing an approved final recovery
plan. We are specifically seeking comments and suggestions on the
following questions:
Understanding that the time and cost presented in the
draft recovery plan will be fine-tuned when localized recovery
implementation strategies are developed, do you think that the
estimated time and cost to recovery are realistic? Is the estimate
reflective of the time and cost of actions that may have already been
implemented by Federal, State, county, or other agencies? Please
provide suggestions or methods for determining a more accurate
Do the draft recovery criteria provide clear direction to
partners on
[[Page 34273]]
what is needed to recover Pagosa skyrocket? How could they be improved
for clarity?
Are the draft recovery criteria both objective and
measurable given the information available for Pagosa skyrocket now and
into the future? Please provide suggestions.
Understanding that specific, detailed, and area-specific
recovery actions will be developed in the RIS, do you think that the
draft recovery actions presented in the draft recovery plan generally
cover the types of actions necessary to meet the recovery criteria? If
not, what general actions are missing? Are any of the draft recovery
actions unnecessary for achieving recovery? Have we prioritized the
actions appropriately?
Public Availability of Comments
We will summarize and respond to the issues raised by the public in
an appendix to the approved final recovery plan. Before including your
address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying
information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire
comment--including your personal identifying information--may be made
publicly available at any time. You may request at the top of your
comment that we withhold this information from public review; however,
we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.
The authority for this action is section 4(f) of the Endangered
Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 1533(f).
Matthew Hogan,
Deputy Regional Director, Lakewood, Colorado.
[FR Doc. 2021-13827 Filed 6-28-21; 8:45 am]