Request for Information To Improve Federal Scientific Integrity Policies, 34064-34066 [2021-13640]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 121 / Monday, June 28, 2021 / Notices
Type of request: Extension without
change of a currently approved
Affected public: Individuals or
Abstract: Under Section 2(e)(3) of the
Railroad Retirement Act, an annuity is
determine possible reductions in
annuities because of earnings.
Changes proposed: The RRB proposes
no changes to Form G–19L.
The burden estimate for the ICR is as
Form No.
G–19L ..........................................................................................................................................
Additional Information or Comments:
Copies of the forms and supporting
documents can be obtained from
Kennisha Tucker at (312) 469–2591 or Comments
regarding the information collection
should be addressed to Brian Foster,
Railroad Retirement Board, 844 North
Rush Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60611–
1275 or
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Brian Foster,
Clearance Officer.
[FR Doc. 2021–13666 Filed 6–25–21; 8:45 am]
Request for Information To Improve
Federal Scientific Integrity Policies
White House Office of Science
and Technology Policy.
ACTION: Notice of request for
The White House Office of
Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
seeks information to help improve the
effectiveness of Federal scientific
integrity policies to enhance public trust
in science. The January 27, 2021
Presidential Memorandum on Restoring
Trust in Government Through Scientific
Integrity and Evidence-Based
Policymaking (Memorandum) directs
OSTP to convene an interagency task
force under the National Science and
Technology Council to review the
effectiveness of policies developed since
the issuance of the Presidential
Memorandum on scientific integrity
issued on March 9, 2009 in preventing
improper political interference in the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
not payable or is reduced for any month
in which the beneficiary works for a
railroad or earns more than the
prescribed amounts. The collection
obtains earnings information needed by
the Railroad Retirement Board to
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conduct of scientific research and the
collection of data; preventing the
suppression or distortion of findings,
data, information, conclusions, or
technical results; supporting scientists
and researchers of all genders, races,
ethnicities, and backgrounds; and
advancing the equitable delivery of the
Federal Government’s programs. To
support this assessment, OSTP seeks
information about: (1) The effectiveness
of Federal scientific integrity policies
and needed areas of improvement; (2)
good practices Federal agencies could
adopt to improve scientific integrity,
including in the communication of
scientific information, addressing
emerging technologies and evolving
scientific practices, supporting
professional development of Federal
scientists, and promoting transparency
in the implementation of agency
scientific integrity policies; and (3)
other topics or concerns that Federal
scientific integrity policies should
address. Please note the purpose of this
RFI is not to receive reports on alleged
offenses that are in violation of Federal
scientific integrity policies. If you have
witnessed or experienced any harmful
acts that may undermine scientific
integrity and you would like to report
these allegations, please contact the
Scientific Integrity Officer or Office of
the Inspector General at the relevant
Federal agency.
DATES: Interested persons and
organizations are invited to submit
comments on or before 5:00 p.m. ET on
July 28, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Interested individuals and
organizations should submit comments
electronically to ScientificIntegrityRFI@ and include ‘‘SI–FTAC
RFI’’ in the subject line of the email.
Due to time constraints, mailed paper
submissions will not be accepted, and
electronic submissions received after
the deadline cannot be ensured to be
incorporated or taken into
Response to this RFI is voluntary.
Each responding entity (individual or
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organization) is requested to submit
only one response. OSTP welcomes any
responses to inform and guide the work
of the Scientific Integrity Fast-Track
Action Committee (SI–FTAC). Please
feel free to respond to one or as many
prompts as you choose. Submission
must not exceed 7 pages in 12-point or
larger font, with a page number
provided on each page. Responses
should include the name of the
person(s) or organization(s) filing the
comment, as well as the respondent
type (e.g., academic, advocacy,
professional society, community-based
organization, industry, member of the
public, government, other).
Respondent’s role in the organization
may also be provided (e.g., researcher,
administrator, student, program
manager, journalist) on a voluntary
basis. Comments containing references,
studies, research, and other empirical
data that are not widely published
should include copies or electronic
links of the referenced materials. No
business proprietary information,
copyrighted information, or personally
identifiable information should be
submitted in response to this RFI. Please
be aware that comments submitted in
response to this RFI may be posted on
OSTP’s website or otherwise released
In accordance with FAR 15.202(3),
responses to this notice are not offers
and cannot be accepted by the Federal
Government to form a binding contract.
Additionally, those submitting
responses are solely responsible for all
expenses associated with response
additional information, please direct
questions to Ryan Donohue at
Background: On January 27, 2021,
President Biden issued a Presidential
Memorandum on Restoring Trust in
Government Through Scientific
Integrity and Evidence-Based
Policymaking (2021 Memorandum). The
Memorandum asserts the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 121 / Monday, June 28, 2021 / Notices
Administration’s goal to develop sound
policy to make evidence-based
decisions guided by the best available
science and data, recognizing that
scientific and technological information,
data, and evidence are central to the
development and iterative improvement
of sound policies and to the delivery of
equitable programs across every area of
government. It emphasizes that political
interference in the work of Federal
scientists and other scientists who
support the work of the Federal
government and in the communication
of scientific facts undermines the
welfare of the Nation, contributes to
systemic inequities and injustices, and
violates the trust that the public places
in government to best serve its
collective interests. The 2021
Memorandum reaffirms and builds on
the Presidential Memorandum of March
9, 2009 (Scientific Integrity) and the
Director of the Office of Science and
Technology Policy’s Memorandum of
December 17, 2010 (Scientific Integrity),
which together specify elements that
scientific integrity policies of Federal
Departments and Agencies are to
The 2009 Presidential Memorandum
articulates 6 principles to guide
recommendations for Presidential
Action to guarantee scientific integrity
throughout the executive branch: (1)
Selection and retention of candidates for
science and technology positions in the
executive branch should be based on the
candidate’s knowledge, credentials,
experience, and integrity; (2) Agencies
should have appropriate rules and
procedures to ensure the integrity of the
scientific process within the agency; (3)
Scientific and technical information
used in agency decisions should be
subject to established scientific
processes, including peer review; (4)
Agencies should make available to the
public the scientific or technological
findings or conclusions considered or
relied upon in policy decisions (to the
extent release is not restricted); (5)
Agencies should have in place
procedures to identify and address
instances in which the scientific process
or the integrity of scientific and
technological information may be
compromised; and (6) Agencies should
adopt procedures, including
whistleblower protections, needed to
ensure the integrity of scientific and
technological information and processes
used for decision-making or otherwise
The 2010 OSTP Memorandum
provides further guidance to executive
departments and agencies for
implementing scientific integrity
policies. It identifies 4 foundations of
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scientific integrity in government: (1)
Ensure a culture of scientific integrity
by shielding scientific data and analyses
from inappropriate political interference
and preventing political officials from
suppressing or altering scientific or
technological findings; (2) Strengthen
the actual and perceived credibility of
government research through: Hiring
decisions based on candidates’
knowledge, credentials, experience, and
integrity; ensuring data and research
used to support policy decisions
undergoes independent peer review;
setting clear standards for governing
conflicts-of-interest; and adopting
whistleblower protections; (3) Facilitate
the free flow of scientific and
technological information, consistent
with privacy and classification
standards; and (4) Establish principles
for conveying scientific and
technological information to the public,
including underlying assumptions and
uncertainties. The 2010 OSTP
Memorandum also establishes guidance
for public communication about
scientific and technological matters that
maximizes openness and transparency
with the media; use of Federal Advisory
Committees tasked with providing
scientific advice; and professional
development of government scientists
and engineers. It directs Agencies to
report back to OSTP on actions taken to
develop and implement policies
specified in the memorandum.
By December 2016, 24 Federal
departments and agencies had
developed and published policies to
support scientific integrity. These
agencies and departments included all
major U.S. science agencies (i.e., those
that conduct or fund scientific research),
as well as departments and agencies that
issue regulations or use scientific
findings in agency decision-making.
Most of the scientific integrity policies
addressed all four components of the
2010 OSTP Memorandum, and some
addressed additional topics not
specified in the memorandum, such as
the importance of scientific integrity to
the department’s or agency’s mission.
The report also noted considerable
variation across departments and
agencies in scientific integrity policies
and practices, reflecting differences in
their missions, fields of science and
technology supported, and
organizational structures.
The 2021 Presidential Memorandum
calls for the establishment of an
interagency task force (established as
the SI–FTAC) of the National Science
and Technology Council (NSTC) to
conduct a thorough review of the
effectiveness of agency integrity policies
developed since the issuance of the
PO 00000
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Presidential Memorandum of March 9,
2009 on scientific integrity. Specifically,
the 2021 Presidential Memorandum
charges the task force to: (1) Consider
whether existing Federal scientific
integrity policies prevent improper
political interference in the conduct of
scientific research and the collection of
scientific or technological data; prevent
the suppression or distortion of
scientific or technological findings,
data, information, conclusions, or
technical results; support scientists and
researchers of all genders, races,
ethnicities, and backgrounds; and
advance the equitable delivery of the
Federal Government’s programs; (2)
analyze instances in which existing
scientific integrity policies have not
been followed or enforced; and (3)
identify effective practices for
implementing scientific integrity
policies in specific areas of particular
interest, including improving the
communication of scientific
information, addressing emerging
technologies and evolving scientific
practices, supporting professional
development of Federal scientists, and
effective reporting practices that
promote transparency in the
implementation of agency scientific
integrity policies and in the handling of
any allegations of misconduct.
This request for information aims to
support the task force’s work by
providing input from stakeholders on
issues specified in the 2021 Presidential
Memorandum and related topics. The
information collected in response to this
RFI will inform the task force (SI–
FTAC), OSTP, and OMB as they work
with Federal agencies and other
stakeholders to review the effectiveness
of agency scientific integrity policies
and practices.
Information Requested: Respondents
may provide information for one or as
many topics below as they choose. Input
is welcome from stakeholders, including
members of the public, representing all
backgrounds and perspectives. Through
this RFI, the SI–FTAC seeks information
on the current state of scientific
integrity processes and practices and the
effect of these on trust in Federal
science, including on the following
1. The effectiveness of Federal
scientific integrity policies in promoting
trust in Federal science:
Information about the strengths and
weaknesses of Federal scientific
integrity policies, including where
additional efforts are needed to meet the
broad ambition to establish trust in
Federal science by protecting against:
Political or other improper interference
in the conduct of scientific research, the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 121 / Monday, June 28, 2021 / Notices
collection of scientific or technological
data, and the utilization of science in
decision-making; suppression or
distortion of scientific or technological
findings, data, information, conclusions,
or technical results; disproportionate
harm to Federal scientists and
researchers from groups that are
historically underrepresented in
science, technology, and related fields;
or equitable delivery of the Federal
Government’s programs. Of interest is
information about how perceived
shortfalls in scientific integrity affect
public trust in science and about
mechanisms Federal agencies could use
to detect or deter potential violations of
scientific integrity policies before they
occur. [Please note: We do not seek
reports on alleged offenses that are in
violation of Federal scientific integrity
policies; we ask that you not provide
names of individuals who have been or
may be accused of engaging in or
subjected to such practices, personally
identifiable or sensitive information, or
specific allegations that should be
handled through other appropriate
channels, such as law enforcement,
Scientific Integrity Officers, or an Office
of Inspector General].
2. Effective policies and practices
Federal agencies could adopt to
improve the communication of scientific
and technological information:
Consider practices related but not
limited to: Engagement of Federal
scientists and contractors working on
scientific matters with news media and
on social media; protection of scientific
independence during clearance and
review processes; avoidance of political
or other improper interference in
research or data collection;
differentiation in official government
communications of references to
scientific publications and peerreviewed research versus science-based
or science-informed policy statements
and determinations.
3. Effective policies and practices
Federal agencies could adopt to address
scientific issues and the scientific
Consider practices related but not
limited to: Handling scientific
disagreements about research methods
and conclusions; addressing gaps in
current scientific integrity policies
related to emerging technologies, such
as artificial intelligence and machinelearning, and evolving scientific
practices, such as citizen science and
community-engaged research;
supporting the professional
development of Federal scientists;
supporting scientists and researchers of
all genders, races, ethnicities, and
backgrounds and advance the equitable
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delivery of the Federal Government’s
programs; and Ensuring the
independence, autonomy, and
effectiveness of scientific integrity
officials and chief science officers.
4. Effective practices Federal agencies
could adopt to improve training of
scientific staff about scientific integrity
and the transparency into their
scientific integrity practices:
Consider practices related but not
limited to: Educating and informing
employees, contractors, and grantees in
scientific and technical positions, as
well as those who manage,
communicate, or make decisions based
on science and technology, of their
rights and responsibilities related to
agency scientific integrity policies;
reporting practices that promote
transparency in the implementation of
agency scientific integrity policies and
in the handling of any allegations of
misconduct; communicating to the
public about alleged lapses in scientific
integrity, substantiated violations of
scientific integrity policies, and
remedial actions taken; and minimizing
conflicts of interest in Federal science
and research misconduct.
5. Other important aspects of
scientific integrity and effective
approaches to improving trust in
Federal science:
Consider other elements that should
be included and addressed in the
scientific integrity policies of Federal
agencies, beyond those specified in the
2009 Presidential Memorandum, 2010
OSTP Memorandum, and 2021
Presidential Memorandum. Consider
also effective practices, in addition to
those specified above, that Federal
agencies could put in place to improve
scientific integrity and public trust in
Federal science, including for
proactively promoting rigorous,
objective scientific research and
streamlining implementation within
and across Federal departments and
Dated: June 22, 2021.
Stacy Murphy,
Operations Manager.
[FR Doc. 2021–13640 Filed 6–25–21; 8:45 am]
[Investment Company Act Release No.
34309; 812–15212]
Capital Southwest Corporation
June 22, 2021.
Securities and Exchange
PO 00000
Frm 00100
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Notice of an application for an order
under section 6(c) of the Investment
Company Act of 1940 (the ‘‘Act’’) for an
exemption from sections 23(a), 23(b)
and 63 of the Act, an pursuant sections
57(a)(4) and 57(i) of the Act and rule
17d–1 under the Act permitting certain
joint transactions otherwise prohibited
by section 57(a)(4) of the Act, and
pursuant section 23(c)(3) of the Act for
an exemption from section 23(c) of the
Southwest Corporation (‘‘Company’’ or
‘‘Applicant’’), requests an order
(‘‘Order’’) to permit it to (i) issue
restricted shares of its common stock
(‘‘Restricted Stock’’) under the terms of
its 2021 Employee Restricted Stock
Award Plan (the ‘‘2021 Plan’’) as part of
the compensation package for certain of
its employees in the 2021 Plan, and (ii)
withhold shares of the Company’s
common stock or purchase shares of the
Company’s common stock from the
participants to satisfy tax withholding
obligations relating to the vesting of
Restricted Stock pursuant to the 2021
APPLICANT: Capital Southwest
FILING DATES: The application was filed
on March 29, 2021, and amended on
May 17, 2021 and on June 14, 2021.
order granting the requested relief will
be issued unless the Commission orders
a hearing. Interested persons may
request a hearing by emailing the
Commission’s Secretary at and serving applicants
with a copy of the request by email.
Hearing requests should be received by
the Commission by 5:30 p.m. on July 16,
2021, and should be accompanied by
proof of service on the applicants, in the
form of an affidavit, or, for lawyers, a
certificate of service. Pursuant to rule
0–5 under the Act, hearing requests
should state the nature of the writer’s
interest, any facts bearing upon the
desirability of a hearing on the matter,
the reason for the request, and the issues
contested. Persons who wish to be
notified of a hearing may request
notification by emailing the
Commission’s Secretary at
ADDRESSES: The Commission: Applicants:;
Asen Parachkevov, Senior Counsel, at
(202) 551–6908 or Lisa Reid Ragen,
Branch Chief, at (202) 551–6825
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 121 (Monday, June 28, 2021)]
[Pages 34064-34066]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2021-13640]
Request for Information To Improve Federal Scientific Integrity
AGENCY: White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
ACTION: Notice of request for information.
SUMMARY: The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
seeks information to help improve the effectiveness of Federal
scientific integrity policies to enhance public trust in science. The
January 27, 2021 Presidential Memorandum on Restoring Trust in
Government Through Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking
(Memorandum) directs OSTP to convene an interagency task force under
the National Science and Technology Council to review the effectiveness
of policies developed since the issuance of the Presidential Memorandum
on scientific integrity issued on March 9, 2009 in preventing improper
political interference in the conduct of scientific research and the
collection of data; preventing the suppression or distortion of
findings, data, information, conclusions, or technical results;
supporting scientists and researchers of all genders, races,
ethnicities, and backgrounds; and advancing the equitable delivery of
the Federal Government's programs. To support this assessment, OSTP
seeks information about: (1) The effectiveness of Federal scientific
integrity policies and needed areas of improvement; (2) good practices
Federal agencies could adopt to improve scientific integrity, including
in the communication of scientific information, addressing emerging
technologies and evolving scientific practices, supporting professional
development of Federal scientists, and promoting transparency in the
implementation of agency scientific integrity policies; and (3) other
topics or concerns that Federal scientific integrity policies should
address. Please note the purpose of this RFI is not to receive reports
on alleged offenses that are in violation of Federal scientific
integrity policies. If you have witnessed or experienced any harmful
acts that may undermine scientific integrity and you would like to
report these allegations, please contact the Scientific Integrity
Officer or Office of the Inspector General at the relevant Federal
DATES: Interested persons and organizations are invited to submit
comments on or before 5:00 p.m. ET on July 28, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Interested individuals and organizations should submit
comments electronically to [email protected] and
include ``SI-FTAC RFI'' in the subject line of the email. Due to time
constraints, mailed paper submissions will not be accepted, and
electronic submissions received after the deadline cannot be ensured to
be incorporated or taken into consideration.
Response to this RFI is voluntary. Each responding entity
(individual or organization) is requested to submit only one response.
OSTP welcomes any responses to inform and guide the work of the
Scientific Integrity Fast-Track Action Committee (SI-FTAC). Please feel
free to respond to one or as many prompts as you choose. Submission
must not exceed 7 pages in 12-point or larger font, with a page number
provided on each page. Responses should include the name of the
person(s) or organization(s) filing the comment, as well as the
respondent type (e.g., academic, advocacy, professional society,
community-based organization, industry, member of the public,
government, other). Respondent's role in the organization may also be
provided (e.g., researcher, administrator, student, program manager,
journalist) on a voluntary basis. Comments containing references,
studies, research, and other empirical data that are not widely
published should include copies or electronic links of the referenced
materials. No business proprietary information, copyrighted
information, or personally identifiable information should be submitted
in response to this RFI. Please be aware that comments submitted in
response to this RFI may be posted on OSTP's website or otherwise
released publicly.
In accordance with FAR 15.202(3), responses to this notice are not
offers and cannot be accepted by the Federal Government to form a
binding contract. Additionally, those submitting responses are solely
responsible for all expenses associated with response preparation.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For additional information, please
direct questions to Ryan Donohue at [email protected].
Background: On January 27, 2021, President Biden issued a
Presidential Memorandum on Restoring Trust in Government Through
Scientific Integrity and Evidence-Based Policymaking (2021 Memorandum).
The Memorandum asserts the
[[Page 34065]]
Administration's goal to develop sound policy to make evidence-based
decisions guided by the best available science and data, recognizing
that scientific and technological information, data, and evidence are
central to the development and iterative improvement of sound policies
and to the delivery of equitable programs across every area of
government. It emphasizes that political interference in the work of
Federal scientists and other scientists who support the work of the
Federal government and in the communication of scientific facts
undermines the welfare of the Nation, contributes to systemic
inequities and injustices, and violates the trust that the public
places in government to best serve its collective interests. The 2021
Memorandum reaffirms and builds on the Presidential Memorandum of March
9, 2009 (Scientific Integrity) and the Director of the Office of
Science and Technology Policy's Memorandum of December 17, 2010
(Scientific Integrity), which together specify elements that scientific
integrity policies of Federal Departments and Agencies are to address.
The 2009 Presidential Memorandum articulates 6 principles to guide
recommendations for Presidential Action to guarantee scientific
integrity throughout the executive branch: (1) Selection and retention
of candidates for science and technology positions in the executive
branch should be based on the candidate's knowledge, credentials,
experience, and integrity; (2) Agencies should have appropriate rules
and procedures to ensure the integrity of the scientific process within
the agency; (3) Scientific and technical information used in agency
decisions should be subject to established scientific processes,
including peer review; (4) Agencies should make available to the public
the scientific or technological findings or conclusions considered or
relied upon in policy decisions (to the extent release is not
restricted); (5) Agencies should have in place procedures to identify
and address instances in which the scientific process or the integrity
of scientific and technological information may be compromised; and (6)
Agencies should adopt procedures, including whistleblower protections,
needed to ensure the integrity of scientific and technological
information and processes used for decision-making or otherwise
The 2010 OSTP Memorandum provides further guidance to executive
departments and agencies for implementing scientific integrity
policies. It identifies 4 foundations of scientific integrity in
government: (1) Ensure a culture of scientific integrity by shielding
scientific data and analyses from inappropriate political interference
and preventing political officials from suppressing or altering
scientific or technological findings; (2) Strengthen the actual and
perceived credibility of government research through: Hiring decisions
based on candidates' knowledge, credentials, experience, and integrity;
ensuring data and research used to support policy decisions undergoes
independent peer review; setting clear standards for governing
conflicts-of-interest; and adopting whistleblower protections; (3)
Facilitate the free flow of scientific and technological information,
consistent with privacy and classification standards; and (4) Establish
principles for conveying scientific and technological information to
the public, including underlying assumptions and uncertainties. The
2010 OSTP Memorandum also establishes guidance for public communication
about scientific and technological matters that maximizes openness and
transparency with the media; use of Federal Advisory Committees tasked
with providing scientific advice; and professional development of
government scientists and engineers. It directs Agencies to report back
to OSTP on actions taken to develop and implement policies specified in
the memorandum.
By December 2016, 24 Federal departments and agencies had developed
and published policies to support scientific integrity. These agencies
and departments included all major U.S. science agencies (i.e., those
that conduct or fund scientific research), as well as departments and
agencies that issue regulations or use scientific findings in agency
decision-making. Most of the scientific integrity policies addressed
all four components of the 2010 OSTP Memorandum, and some addressed
additional topics not specified in the memorandum, such as the
importance of scientific integrity to the department's or agency's
mission. The report also noted considerable variation across
departments and agencies in scientific integrity policies and
practices, reflecting differences in their missions, fields of science
and technology supported, and organizational structures.
The 2021 Presidential Memorandum calls for the establishment of an
interagency task force (established as the SI-FTAC) of the National
Science and Technology Council (NSTC) to conduct a thorough review of
the effectiveness of agency integrity policies developed since the
issuance of the Presidential Memorandum of March 9, 2009 on scientific
integrity. Specifically, the 2021 Presidential Memorandum charges the
task force to: (1) Consider whether existing Federal scientific
integrity policies prevent improper political interference in the
conduct of scientific research and the collection of scientific or
technological data; prevent the suppression or distortion of scientific
or technological findings, data, information, conclusions, or technical
results; support scientists and researchers of all genders, races,
ethnicities, and backgrounds; and advance the equitable delivery of the
Federal Government's programs; (2) analyze instances in which existing
scientific integrity policies have not been followed or enforced; and
(3) identify effective practices for implementing scientific integrity
policies in specific areas of particular interest, including improving
the communication of scientific information, addressing emerging
technologies and evolving scientific practices, supporting professional
development of Federal scientists, and effective reporting practices
that promote transparency in the implementation of agency scientific
integrity policies and in the handling of any allegations of
This request for information aims to support the task force's work
by providing input from stakeholders on issues specified in the 2021
Presidential Memorandum and related topics. The information collected
in response to this RFI will inform the task force (SI-FTAC), OSTP, and
OMB as they work with Federal agencies and other stakeholders to review
the effectiveness of agency scientific integrity policies and
Information Requested: Respondents may provide information for one
or as many topics below as they choose. Input is welcome from
stakeholders, including members of the public, representing all
backgrounds and perspectives. Through this RFI, the SI-FTAC seeks
information on the current state of scientific integrity processes and
practices and the effect of these on trust in Federal science,
including on the following topics:
1. The effectiveness of Federal scientific integrity policies in
promoting trust in Federal science:
Information about the strengths and weaknesses of Federal
scientific integrity policies, including where additional efforts are
needed to meet the broad ambition to establish trust in Federal science
by protecting against: Political or other improper interference in the
conduct of scientific research, the
[[Page 34066]]
collection of scientific or technological data, and the utilization of
science in decision-making; suppression or distortion of scientific or
technological findings, data, information, conclusions, or technical
results; disproportionate harm to Federal scientists and researchers
from groups that are historically underrepresented in science,
technology, and related fields; or equitable delivery of the Federal
Government's programs. Of interest is information about how perceived
shortfalls in scientific integrity affect public trust in science and
about mechanisms Federal agencies could use to detect or deter
potential violations of scientific integrity policies before they
occur. [Please note: We do not seek reports on alleged offenses that
are in violation of Federal scientific integrity policies; we ask that
you not provide names of individuals who have been or may be accused of
engaging in or subjected to such practices, personally identifiable or
sensitive information, or specific allegations that should be handled
through other appropriate channels, such as law enforcement, Scientific
Integrity Officers, or an Office of Inspector General].
2. Effective policies and practices Federal agencies could adopt to
improve the communication of scientific and technological information:
Consider practices related but not limited to: Engagement of
Federal scientists and contractors working on scientific matters with
news media and on social media; protection of scientific independence
during clearance and review processes; avoidance of political or other
improper interference in research or data collection; differentiation
in official government communications of references to scientific
publications and peer-reviewed research versus science-based or
science-informed policy statements and determinations.
3. Effective policies and practices Federal agencies could adopt to
address scientific issues and the scientific workforce:
Consider practices related but not limited to: Handling scientific
disagreements about research methods and conclusions; addressing gaps
in current scientific integrity policies related to emerging
technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine-learning, and
evolving scientific practices, such as citizen science and community-
engaged research; supporting the professional development of Federal
scientists; supporting scientists and researchers of all genders,
races, ethnicities, and backgrounds and advance the equitable delivery
of the Federal Government's programs; and Ensuring the independence,
autonomy, and effectiveness of scientific integrity officials and chief
science officers.
4. Effective practices Federal agencies could adopt to improve
training of scientific staff about scientific integrity and the
transparency into their scientific integrity practices:
Consider practices related but not limited to: Educating and
informing employees, contractors, and grantees in scientific and
technical positions, as well as those who manage, communicate, or make
decisions based on science and technology, of their rights and
responsibilities related to agency scientific integrity policies;
reporting practices that promote transparency in the implementation of
agency scientific integrity policies and in the handling of any
allegations of misconduct; communicating to the public about alleged
lapses in scientific integrity, substantiated violations of scientific
integrity policies, and remedial actions taken; and minimizing
conflicts of interest in Federal science and research misconduct.
5. Other important aspects of scientific integrity and effective
approaches to improving trust in Federal science:
Consider other elements that should be included and addressed in
the scientific integrity policies of Federal agencies, beyond those
specified in the 2009 Presidential Memorandum, 2010 OSTP Memorandum,
and 2021 Presidential Memorandum. Consider also effective practices, in
addition to those specified above, that Federal agencies could put in
place to improve scientific integrity and public trust in Federal
science, including for proactively promoting rigorous, objective
scientific research and streamlining implementation within and across
Federal departments and agencies.
Dated: June 22, 2021.
Stacy Murphy,
Operations Manager.
[FR Doc. 2021-13640 Filed 6-25-21; 8:45 am]