Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Program: Name Change, 27340-27344 [2021-08555]
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Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 96 / Thursday, May 20, 2021 / Proposed Rules
record will consist of all of the written
comments, oral testimony, and
documentary evidence received during
the proceeding. The ALJ, however, will
not make or recommend any decisions
as to the content of the final standard.
Following certification of the record,
OSHA will review all the evidence
received into the record and will issue
the final rule based on the record as a
Authority and Signature
This document was prepared under
the direction of James S. Frederick,
Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and Health, U.S.
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20210. It
is issued under the authority of sections
4, 6, and 8 of the Occupational Safety
and Health Act of 1970 (29 U.S.C. 653,
655, 657); 5 U.S.C. 553; section 304,
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
(Pub. L. 101–549, reprinted at 29
U.S.C.A. 655 Note); section 41,
Longshore and Harbor Workers’
Compensation Act (33 U.S.C. 941);
section 107, Contract Work Hours and
Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3704);
section 1031, Housing and Community
Development Act of 1992 (42 U.S.C.
4853); section 126, Superfund
Amendments and Reauthorization Act
of 1986, as amended (reprinted at 29
U.S.C.A. 655 Note); Secretary of Labor’s
Order No. 8–2020 (85 FR 58383–94);
and 29 CFR part 1911.
Signed at Washington, DC, on May 12,
James S. Frederick,
Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor for
Occupational Safety and Health.
[FR Doc. 2021–10523 Filed 5–19–21; 8:45 am]
38 CFR Parts 3, 17, 18 and 21
RIN 2900–AR04
Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E) Program: Name
Department of Veterans Affairs.
Proposed rule.
The Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) proposes to amend the
regulations pertaining to the name of the
Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment program. VA provides
benefits and services under the program
name of ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’. VA is proposing to
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amend the name to ‘‘Veteran Readiness
and Employment’’ (VR&E). VA further
proposes that the references to the
position of ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment Officer’’ be amended
to ‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
Officer’’ and the position of ‘‘Director of
Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ be amended to
‘‘Executive Director of Veteran
Readiness and Employment’’.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before July 19, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be
submitted through www.Regulations.gov
or mailed to Department of Veterans
Affairs, Veteran Readiness and
Employment (28), 810 Vermont Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20420. Comments
should indicate that they are submitted
in response to RIN 2900–AR04—
Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E) Program: Name
Change. Comments received will be
available at regulations.gov for public
viewing, inspection or copies.
Allison Bernheimer, Policy Analyst,
Veteran Readiness and Employment
Services (28), 810 Vermont Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20420,
allison.bernheimer@va.gov, (202) 461–
9600. (This is not a toll-free telephone
accordance with 38 U.S.C. 3100, the
purpose of the Chapter 31 Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment
program is to provide for all services
and assistance necessary to enable
Veterans with service-connected
disabilities to achieve maximum
independence in daily living and, to the
maximum extent possible, to become
employable and to obtain and maintain
suitable employment. VA proposes to
change the program name from
‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ to ‘‘Veteran Readiness
and Employment’’.
We begin by proposing to amend 38
CFR 3.341(c) and 3.342(c)(1) by
replacing references to ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment’’ with
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
(VR&E)’’ and to amend 38 CFR 17.37(e)
by replacing a reference to ‘‘vocational
rehabilitation’’ with ‘‘Veteran Readiness
and Employment (VR&E)’’. We also
propose to amend 38 CFR part 18,
Appendix A to Subpart A, Appendix A
to Subpart D, and Appendix A to
Subpart E by replacing all references to
‘‘vocational rehabilitation’’ with
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment’’.
We also propose to amend the title of 38
CFR part 21 from ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Education’’ to
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‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
and Education’’ and the title of part 21,
subpart A from ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment Under
38 U.S.C. Chapter 31’’ to ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment Under 38
U.S.C. Chapter 31’’.
The term ‘‘vocational’’ may be
misinterpreted as referring to a
participant who is undergoing training
in a skill or trade. For a Service member
or Veteran needing assistance to become
independent in daily living or to
increase the individual’s potential to
return to work by obtaining services to
lessen or accommodate the effects of a
disability(ies), the term ‘‘vocational’’
may be misconstrued in regard to the
types of services available. Furthermore,
VR&E provides training towards
employment goals through a wide
variety of programs beyond vocational
schools for individuals seeking benefits
and services to become employable.
Training is provided to the level
generally recognized as necessary for
entry into employment in a suitable
occupational objective. VR&E’s focus
includes successful employment
outcomes, while still providing services
aimed at readjustment and preparation
through retraining. The term
‘‘vocational’’ may have deterred
individuals from applying for benefits
and services. VR&E’s purpose is to
enhance a Service member or Veteran’s
job-readiness and job-seeking skills to
increase the Service member or
Veteran’s ability to obtain and maintain
employment. The Service member or
Veteran is the most important part of the
mission; therefore, VR&E Service
proposes replacing ‘‘vocational’’ with
‘‘Veteran’’ in the program name for a
more Service member and Veteran
friendly approach to providing benefits
and services.
VR&E Service recently consulted
various stakeholders regarding replacing
the term ‘‘rehabilitation’’ in the program
name. This consultation yielded
insights, using a human-centered design
approach, from vocational rehabilitation
counselors, Service members, Veterans,
Veterans Service Organizations, and
VR&E claimants. Individuals from each
service branch and gender from across
the Nation were included to ensure a
comprehensive and inclusive data pool.
Essentially, we determined that the term
‘‘rehabilitation’’ has a negative
connotation, including the perception of
it being related to drug and alcohol
addiction treatment, which may inhibit
some individuals from taking advantage
of VR&E benefits and services.
Therefore, VR&E Service proposes to
replace ‘‘rehabilitation’’ with
‘‘readiness’’. The new name is more in
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 96 / Thursday, May 20, 2021 / Proposed Rules
line with what Service members and
Veterans already understand from their
military service. The VR&E acronym
will remain unchanged.
For purposes of maintaining
consistency with the program’s name
change in 38 CFR chapter 1, part 21, we
propose to amend all references to
Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment Officer to read as Veteran
Readiness and Employment Officer.
The VR&E Officer manages a VR&E
division within a Regional Office and is
responsible for providing administrative
and technical direction and professional
leadership to a staff of Vocational
Rehabilitation Counselors (VRC),
Employment Coordinators (EC), and
administrative support staff members.
(We plan to retain the current title for
VRCs because it is based on the
credentialing that these individuals
receive.) VR&E Officers provide internal
policy direction and administrative
expertise in all phases of the
rehabilitation activities. The VR&E
Officer works closely with VRCs, ECs,
Service members, and Veterans to
resolve complex issues regarding
services and benefits. The VR&E Officer
has specific authorities to review and
approve program costs throughout the
life of a rehabilitation plan. The change
in title would align it more with the
overall mission of the program.
To make the language in 38 CFR
chapter 1, part 21 consistent with the
changes above, we also propose to
amend the reference to the Director,
Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment Service to read as the
Executive Director, Veteran Readiness
and Employment Service.
The Executive Director oversees the
program by developing policies and
procedures, formulating budgets,
developing workload management
systems, supporting Regional Office
staff with training programs, and
providing oversight over and developing
the structure of the office staff. The
Executive Director supports the mission,
vision, strategic direction, and
enterprise thinking for all program
services and also serves as the chief
point of contact for Congress and all
Federal agencies on any matters related
to the program. The Executive Director
must approve extensions for specific
rehabilitation plans and waivers for
repayment of supplies in certain
instances. The change in title would
align it more with the overall mission of
the program.
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
direct agencies to assess the costs and
benefits of available regulatory
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alternatives and, when regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, and other advantages;
distributive impacts; and equity).
Executive Order 13563 (Improving
Regulation and Regulatory Review)
emphasizes the importance of
quantifying both costs and benefits,
reducing costs, harmonizing rules, and
promoting flexibility. The Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs has
determined that this rule is not a
significant regulatory action under
Executive Order 12866.
VA’s impact analysis can be found as
a supporting document at https://
www.regulations.gov, usually within 48
hours after the rulemaking document is
published. Additionally, a copy of the
rulemaking and its Regulatory Impact
Analysis are available on VA’s website
at https://www.va.gov/orpm/, by
following the link for ‘‘VA Regulations
Published From FY 2004 Through Fiscal
Year to Date.’’
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Secretary hereby certifies that
this proposed rule would not have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities as
they are defined in the Regulatory
Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601–612).
There are no small entities that would
be affected by the provisions associated
with this rulemaking. Therefore,
pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605(b), the initial
and final regulatory flexibility analysis
requirements of 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604 do
not apply.
Unfunded Mandates
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 requires, at 2 U.S.C. 1532, that
agencies prepare an assessment of
anticipated costs and benefits before
issuing any rule that may result in the
expenditure by State, local, and tribal
governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100 million or more
(adjusted annually for inflation) in any
one year. This proposed rule would
have no such effect on State, local, and
tribal governments, or on the private
Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed rule contains no
provisions constituting a collection of
information under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
The Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance numbers and titles for the
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programs affected by this document are
64.116, Vocational Rehabilitation for
Disabled Veterans; 64.125, Vocational
and Educational Counseling for
Servicemembers and Veterans; 64.128,
Vocational Training and Rehabilitation
for Vietnam Veterans’ Children with
Spina Bifida or Other Covered Birth
List of Subjects
38 CFR Part 3
Administrative practice and
procedure, Claims, Disability benefits,
Health care, Pensions, Radioactive
materials, Veterans, Vietnam.
38 CFR Part 17
Administrative practice and
procedure, Alcohol abuse, Alcoholism,
Claims, Day care, Dental health, Drug
abuse, Foreign relations, Government
contracts, Grant programs-health, Grant
programs-veterans, Health care, Health
facilities, Health professions, Health
records, Homeless, Medical and dental
schools, Medical devices, Medical
research, Mental health programs,
Nursing homes, Philippines, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements,
Scholarships and fellowships, Travel
and transportation expenses, Veterans.
38 CFR Part 18
Aged, Civil Rights, Equal educational
opportunity, Equal employment
opportunity, Individuals with
disabilities, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Veterans.
38 CFR Part 21
Administrative practice and
procedure, Armed forces, Civil rights,
Claims, Colleges and universities,
Conflict of interests, Defense
Department, Education, Employment,
Grant programs—education, Grant
programs—veterans, Health care, Loan
programs—education, Loan programs—
veterans, Manpower training programs,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Schools, Travel and
transportation expenses, Veterans,
Vocational education, Vocational
Signing Authority
Denis McDonough, Secretary of
Veterans Affairs, approved this
document on April 9, 2021 and
authorized the undersigned to sign and
submit the document to the Office of the
Federal Register for publication
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 96 / Thursday, May 20, 2021 / Proposed Rules
electronically as an official document of
the Department of Veterans Affairs.
in their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment’’.
Luvenia Potts,
Regulation Development Coordinator, Office
of Regulation Policy & Management, Office
of the Secretary, Department of Veterans
Subpart D—Nondiscrimination on the
Basis of Handicap
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the Department of Veterans
Affairs proposes to amend 38 CFR part
3, part 17; part 18, part 21.
Subpart A—Pension, Compensation,
and Dependency and Indemnity
1. The authority citation for part 3,
subpart A continues to read as follows:
Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501(a), unless
otherwise noted.
§ 3.341
Source: 45 FR 63268, Sept. 24, 1980, unless
otherwise noted.
Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 18
■ 9. In Appendix A to Subpart D,
sentence number 10, removing the
words ‘‘vocational rehabilitation’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment’’.
Subpart E—Nondiscrimination on the
Basis of Age
10. The authority citation for part 18,
subpart E continues to read as follows:
2. In § 3.341 paragraph (c) removing in
the second sentence the words
‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ and adding in their place
the words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
3. In § 3.342 paragraph (c)(1) removing
the words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment’’ and adding in their
place the words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
Authority: Age Discrimination Act of
1975, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6101, et seq.; 45
CFR part 90 (1979).
Source: 50 FR 34133, Aug. 23, 1985, unless
otherwise noted.
Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 18
■ 11. In Appendix A to Subpart E,
sentence number 8, removing the words
‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation;’’ and adding
in their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment;’’.
4. The authority citation for part 17
continues to read as follows:
12. The authority citation for part 21,
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501, and as noted in
specific sections.
§ 17.37
Authority: 29 U.S.C. 706, 794.
§ 3.342
8. The authority citation for part 18,
subpart D continues to read as follows:
5. In § 17.37(e) removing the words
‘‘vocational rehabilitation’’ and adding
in their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501(a), chs. 18, 31,
and as noted in specific sections.
Source: 49 FR 40814, Oct. 18, 1984, unless
otherwise noted.
13. Revise the heading of Part 21 to
read as forth above:
Subpart A—General
Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 21
■ 14. Revise the heading of Subpart A to
read as follows:
6. The authority citation for part 18,
subpart A continues to read as follows:
Authority: Sec. 602, 78 Stat. 252 (42
U.S.C. 2000d–1) and the laws referred to in
Appendix A.
Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 18
7. In Appendix A to Subpart A,
sentence number 4, removing the words
‘‘vocational rehabilitation’’ and adding
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Source: 49 FR 40814, Oct. 18, 1984, unless
otherwise noted.
16. Revise the undesignated heading
immediately before § 21.1 to read as
Veteran Readiness and Employment
§ 21.35
17. Amend § 21.35 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (k)(1),in the
second sentence the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
■ b. Removing in paragraphs (k)(2) and
(7) in the second sentences,the words
‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ and adding in their place
the word ‘‘VR&E’’.
§ 21.42
18. Amend § 21.42 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (c)(1) the
words ‘‘vocational rehabilitation’’ and
adding, in their place, the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
■ b. Removing in paragraph (c)(2)(ii),
the words ‘‘vocational rehabilitation and
employment’’ and adding in their place
the words ‘‘VR&E’’.
■ c. Removing in paragraph (c)(6) the
words ‘‘vocational rehabilitation’’ and
adding in their place the ‘‘VR&E’’
§ 21.53
19. Amend § 21.53 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (f), the
words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E) Officer’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
(VR&E) Officer’’.
■ b. Removing in paragraph (g), the
words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ and adding in their place
the words ‘‘VR&E’’.
§ 21.57
20. In § 21.57 paragraph (d), removing
the words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment’’ and adding in their
place the words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
Subpart A—Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment Under 38 U.S.C.
Chapter 31
Subpart A—Veteran Readiness and
Employment Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter
■ 15. The authority citation for part 21,
subpart A continues to read as follows:
Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501(a), chs. 18, 31,
and as noted in specific sections.
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§ 21.60
21. Amend § 21.60 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (b)(1), the
words ‘‘VR&E (Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment)’’ and adding in their
place the words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
■ b. Removing in paragraph (c)(1), the
words ‘‘VR&E (Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment)’’ and adding in their
place the word ‘‘VR&E’’.
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 96 / Thursday, May 20, 2021 / Proposed Rules
§ 21.62
22. In § 21.62 paragraph (a), removing
the words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment (VR&E)’’ and adding
in their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.72
23. In § 21.72 paragraph (c), removing
the words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment Officer’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
§ 21.74
24. In § 21.74 paragraph (c)(2),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)
Officer’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E) Officer’’.
§ 21.78
25. In § 21.78 paragraph (d), removing
the words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment Officer’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
§ 21.80
26. In § 21.80 paragraph (a)(1),
removing the word ‘‘VR&E’’ and adding
in its place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.100
27. Amend § 21.100 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (a), the
words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E)’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
■ b. Removing in paragraph (d)(1), the
words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E)’’ and adding in
their place the word ‘‘VR&E’’.
§ 21.155
and Employment) Officer’’ and adding
in their place the words ‘‘VR&E
§ 21.182
31. In § 21.182 paragraph (b)(2),
removing the words ‘‘VR&E (Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment)’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
§ 21.184
32. In § 21.184 paragraph (c)(2),
removing the word ‘‘VR&E’’ and adding
in its place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.198
33. In § 21.198 paragraph (b)(7),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)
Officer’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E) Officer’’.
§ 21.222
34. In § 21.222 paragraph (c)(3),
removing the words ‘‘Director, VR&E
Service’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Executive Director, Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
§ 21.256
35. In § 21.256 paragraph (d),
removing the words ‘‘VR&E Officer’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
(VR&E) Officer’’.
36. Amend § 21.258 by:
a. Removing the words ‘‘VR&E
Officer’’ wherever it appears and adding
in their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
Officer’’; and
■ b. Removing the words ‘‘Director,
VR&E Service’’ wherever it appears and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Executive Director, VR&E Service’’.
§ 21.274
37. In § 21.274 paragraph (e),
removing the word ‘‘VR&E’’ and adding
in its place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.162
29. In § 21.162 paragraph (a)(4),
removing the words ‘‘VR&E Officer’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
(VR&E) Officer’’.
§ 21.180
30. Amend § 21.180 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (a)(1), the
word ‘‘VR&E’’ and adding in its place
the words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
■ b. Removing in paragraph (c), the
words ‘‘VR&E (Vocational Rehabilitation
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§ 21.292
38. In § 21.292 paragraph (d),
removing the word ‘‘VR&E’’ and adding
in its place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.299
39. In § 21.299 paragraph (d)(1),
removing the word ‘‘VR&E’’ and adding
in its place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
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§ 21.382
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41. In § 21.382 paragraph (a),
removing the word ‘‘VR&E’’ and adding
in its place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.390
28. In § 21.155 paragraph (c),
removing the word ‘‘VR&E’’ and adding
in its place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
40. In § 21.362 paragraph (b)(2),
removing the word ‘‘VR&E’’ and adding
in its place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.258
§ 21.362
42. In § 21.390, introductory text of
paragraph (c) removing the words
‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E)’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.410
43. In § 21.410, removing the words
‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ and adding in their place
the words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.430
44. In § 21.430, introductory text of
paragraph (c) removing the words
‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E)’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.3022
45. In § 21.3022 paragraph (b),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
§ 21.3104
46. Amend § 21.3104 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (a), the
words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ and add in their place the
words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
■ b. Removing in paragraph (b), the
words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ and adding in their place
the word ‘‘VR&E’’.
§ 21.3303
47. Amend § 21.3303 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (a), in the
second sentence the words ‘‘Director,
Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment Service’’ and adding in
their place, the words ‘‘Executive
Director, Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E) Service’’.
■ b. Removing in paragraph (a), in the
third sentence the words ‘‘Director,
Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment Service’’ the second place
they appear and adding in their place
the words ‘‘Executive Director, VR&E
§ 21.3307
Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 96 / Thursday, May 20, 2021 / Proposed Rules
48. In § 21.3307 paragraph (c),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
§ 21.3344
§ 21.6410
52. In § 21.4232 paragraph (d),
removing the words ‘‘Director,
Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment Service’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Executive
Director, Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E) Service’’.
§ 21.4250
53. In § 21.4250 paragraph (c),
removing the words ‘‘Director,
Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment Service’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Executive
Director, Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E) Service’’.
§ 21.5022
54. In § 21.5022 paragraph (a)(1)(ii),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
§ 21.6050
55. In § 21.6050 paragraph (e),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment
(VR&E)’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.6052
56. In § 21.6052 paragraph (c)
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
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59. In § 21.6410, in the second
sentence removing the words
‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ and adding in their place
the words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
51. In § 21.4022 paragraph (b),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment
Program’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.6509
60. In § 21.6509 paragraph (d),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment
(VR&E)’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.7143
61. In § 21.7143 paragraph (a)(1)(i),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
§ 21.7642
62. In § 21.7642(a)(2), removing the
words ‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ and addinig in their place
the words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
§ 21.8010
63. Amend § 21.8010 by removing in
the definition for VR&E, the words
‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment’’ and adding, in their
place, the words ‘‘Veteran Readiness
and Employment’’.
§ 21.9690
64. In § 21.9690 paragraph (a)(5),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment
Program’’ and adding in their place the
words ‘‘Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)’’.
[FR Doc. 2021–08555 Filed 5–19–21; 8:45 am]
PO 00000
Frm 00064
Fmt 4702
40 CFR Part 52
Air Plan Approval; California; Mojave
Desert Air Quality Management
District, Placer County Air Pollution
Control District, South Coast Air
Quality Management District
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
58. In § 21.6100, in the second
sentence removing the words
‘‘Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E)’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)’’.
50. In § 21.4001 paragraph (g),
removing the words ‘‘Director,
Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment Service’’ and adding in
their place the words ‘‘Executive
Director, Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E) Service’’.
§ 21.4232
[EPA–R09–OAR–2020–0573; FRL–10023–
94–Region 9]
§ 21.6100
§ 21.6054
57. In § 21.6054 paragraph (b),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
49. In § 21.3344 paragraph (e)(1)(i),
removing the words ‘‘Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
§ 21.4022
§ 21.4001
Rehabilitation and Employment’’ and
adding in their place the words
‘‘Veteran Readiness and Employment
Sfmt 4702
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is proposing to approve
revisions to the Mojave Desert Air
Quality Management District
(MDAQMD), Placer County Air
Pollution Control District (PCAPCD) and
the South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD) portion
of the California State Implementation
Plan (SIP). These revisions concern
emissions of: Volatile organic
compounds (VOCs) and particulate
matter (PM) from metal coating
operations. We are proposing to approve
local rules and rescissions to regulate
these emission sources under the Clean
Air Act (CAA or the Act). We are taking
comments on this proposal and plan to
follow with a final action.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before June 21, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R09–
OAR–2020–0573 at https://
www.regulations.gov. For comments
submitted at Regulations.gov, follow the
online instructions for submitting
comments. Once submitted, comments
cannot be edited or removed from
Regulations.gov. The EPA may publish
any comment received to its public
docket. Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Multimedia
submissions (audio, video, etc.) must be
accompanied by a written comment.
The written comment is considered the
official comment and should include
discussion of all points you wish to
make. The EPA will generally not
consider comments or comment
contents located outside of the primary
submission (i.e. on the web, cloud, or
other file sharing system). For
additional submission methods, please
contact the person identified in the FOR
For the full EPA public comment policy,
information about CBI or multimedia
submissions, and general guidance on
[Federal Register Volume 86, Number 96 (Thursday, May 20, 2021)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 27340-27344]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2021-08555]
38 CFR Parts 3, 17, 18 and 21
RIN 2900-AR04
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Program: Name
AGENCY: Department of Veterans Affairs.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) proposes to amend the
regulations pertaining to the name of the Chapter 31 Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment program. VA provides benefits and
services under the program name of ``Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment''. VA is proposing to amend the name to ``Veteran Readiness
and Employment'' (VR&E). VA further proposes that the references to the
position of ``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Officer'' be
amended to ``Veteran Readiness and Employment Officer'' and the
position of ``Director of Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment'' be
amended to ``Executive Director of Veteran Readiness and Employment''.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before July 19, 2021.
ADDRESSES: Comments may be submitted through www.Regulations.gov or
mailed to Department of Veterans Affairs, Veteran Readiness and
Employment (28), 810 Vermont Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20420. Comments
should indicate that they are submitted in response to RIN 2900-AR04--
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Program: Name Change.
Comments received will be available at regulations.gov for public
viewing, inspection or copies.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Allison Bernheimer, Policy Analyst,
Veteran Readiness and Employment Services (28), 810 Vermont Avenue NW,
Washington, DC 20420, [email protected], (202) 461-9600. (This
is not a toll-free telephone number.)
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In accordance with 38 U.S.C. 3100, the
purpose of the Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
program is to provide for all services and assistance necessary to
enable Veterans with service-connected disabilities to achieve maximum
independence in daily living and, to the maximum extent possible, to
become employable and to obtain and maintain suitable employment. VA
proposes to change the program name from ``Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment'' to ``Veteran Readiness and Employment''.
We begin by proposing to amend 38 CFR 3.341(c) and 3.342(c)(1) by
replacing references to ``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment''
with ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)'' and to amend 38 CFR
17.37(e) by replacing a reference to ``vocational rehabilitation'' with
``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''. We also propose to amend
38 CFR part 18, Appendix A to Subpart A, Appendix A to Subpart D, and
Appendix A to Subpart E by replacing all references to ``vocational
rehabilitation'' with ``Veteran Readiness and Employment''. We also
propose to amend the title of 38 CFR part 21 from ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Education'' to ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
and Education'' and the title of part 21, subpart A from ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 31'' to ``Veteran
Readiness and Employment Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 31''.
The term ``vocational'' may be misinterpreted as referring to a
participant who is undergoing training in a skill or trade. For a
Service member or Veteran needing assistance to become independent in
daily living or to increase the individual's potential to return to
work by obtaining services to lessen or accommodate the effects of a
disability(ies), the term ``vocational'' may be misconstrued in regard
to the types of services available. Furthermore, VR&E provides training
towards employment goals through a wide variety of programs beyond
vocational schools for individuals seeking benefits and services to
become employable. Training is provided to the level generally
recognized as necessary for entry into employment in a suitable
occupational objective. VR&E's focus includes successful employment
outcomes, while still providing services aimed at readjustment and
preparation through retraining. The term ``vocational'' may have
deterred individuals from applying for benefits and services. VR&E's
purpose is to enhance a Service member or Veteran's job-readiness and
job-seeking skills to increase the Service member or Veteran's ability
to obtain and maintain employment. The Service member or Veteran is the
most important part of the mission; therefore, VR&E Service proposes
replacing ``vocational'' with ``Veteran'' in the program name for a
more Service member and Veteran friendly approach to providing benefits
and services.
VR&E Service recently consulted various stakeholders regarding
replacing the term ``rehabilitation'' in the program name. This
consultation yielded insights, using a human-centered design approach,
from vocational rehabilitation counselors, Service members, Veterans,
Veterans Service Organizations, and VR&E claimants. Individuals from
each service branch and gender from across the Nation were included to
ensure a comprehensive and inclusive data pool. Essentially, we
determined that the term ``rehabilitation'' has a negative connotation,
including the perception of it being related to drug and alcohol
addiction treatment, which may inhibit some individuals from taking
advantage of VR&E benefits and services. Therefore, VR&E Service
proposes to replace ``rehabilitation'' with ``readiness''. The new name
is more in
[[Page 27341]]
line with what Service members and Veterans already understand from
their military service. The VR&E acronym will remain unchanged.
For purposes of maintaining consistency with the program's name
change in 38 CFR chapter 1, part 21, we propose to amend all references
to Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Officer to read as Veteran
Readiness and Employment Officer.
The VR&E Officer manages a VR&E division within a Regional Office
and is responsible for providing administrative and technical direction
and professional leadership to a staff of Vocational Rehabilitation
Counselors (VRC), Employment Coordinators (EC), and administrative
support staff members. (We plan to retain the current title for VRCs
because it is based on the credentialing that these individuals
receive.) VR&E Officers provide internal policy direction and
administrative expertise in all phases of the rehabilitation
activities. The VR&E Officer works closely with VRCs, ECs, Service
members, and Veterans to resolve complex issues regarding services and
benefits. The VR&E Officer has specific authorities to review and
approve program costs throughout the life of a rehabilitation plan. The
change in title would align it more with the overall mission of the
To make the language in 38 CFR chapter 1, part 21 consistent with
the changes above, we also propose to amend the reference to the
Director, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service to read as
the Executive Director, Veteran Readiness and Employment Service.
The Executive Director oversees the program by developing policies
and procedures, formulating budgets, developing workload management
systems, supporting Regional Office staff with training programs, and
providing oversight over and developing the structure of the office
staff. The Executive Director supports the mission, vision, strategic
direction, and enterprise thinking for all program services and also
serves as the chief point of contact for Congress and all Federal
agencies on any matters related to the program. The Executive Director
must approve extensions for specific rehabilitation plans and waivers
for repayment of supplies in certain instances. The change in title
would align it more with the overall mission of the program.
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess the
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, when
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public
health and safety effects, and other advantages; distributive impacts;
and equity). Executive Order 13563 (Improving Regulation and Regulatory
Review) emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and
benefits, reducing costs, harmonizing rules, and promoting flexibility.
The Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has determined that
this rule is not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order
VA's impact analysis can be found as a supporting document at
https://www.regulations.gov, usually within 48 hours after the
rulemaking document is published. Additionally, a copy of the
rulemaking and its Regulatory Impact Analysis are available on VA's
website at https://www.va.gov/orpm/, by following the link for ``VA
Regulations Published From FY 2004 Through Fiscal Year to Date.''
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Secretary hereby certifies that this proposed rule would not
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities as they are defined in the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5
U.S.C. 601-612). There are no small entities that would be affected by
the provisions associated with this rulemaking. Therefore, pursuant to
5 U.S.C. 605(b), the initial and final regulatory flexibility analysis
requirements of 5 U.S.C. 603 and 604 do not apply.
Unfunded Mandates
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 requires, at 2 U.S.C.
1532, that agencies prepare an assessment of anticipated costs and
benefits before issuing any rule that may result in the expenditure by
State, local, and tribal governments, in the aggregate, or by the
private sector, of $100 million or more (adjusted annually for
inflation) in any one year. This proposed rule would have no such
effect on State, local, and tribal governments, or on the private
Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed rule contains no provisions constituting a collection
of information under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C.
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance numbers and titles for
the programs affected by this document are 64.116, Vocational
Rehabilitation for Disabled Veterans; 64.125, Vocational and
Educational Counseling for Servicemembers and Veterans; 64.128,
Vocational Training and Rehabilitation for Vietnam Veterans' Children
with Spina Bifida or Other Covered Birth Defects.
List of Subjects
38 CFR Part 3
Administrative practice and procedure, Claims, Disability benefits,
Health care, Pensions, Radioactive materials, Veterans, Vietnam.
38 CFR Part 17
Administrative practice and procedure, Alcohol abuse, Alcoholism,
Claims, Day care, Dental health, Drug abuse, Foreign relations,
Government contracts, Grant programs-health, Grant programs-veterans,
Health care, Health facilities, Health professions, Health records,
Homeless, Medical and dental schools, Medical devices, Medical
research, Mental health programs, Nursing homes, Philippines, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements, Scholarships and fellowships, Travel
and transportation expenses, Veterans.
38 CFR Part 18
Aged, Civil Rights, Equal educational opportunity, Equal employment
opportunity, Individuals with disabilities, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Veterans.
38 CFR Part 21
Administrative practice and procedure, Armed forces, Civil rights,
Claims, Colleges and universities, Conflict of interests, Defense
Department, Education, Employment, Grant programs--education, Grant
programs--veterans, Health care, Loan programs--education, Loan
programs--veterans, Manpower training programs, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Schools, Travel and transportation
expenses, Veterans, Vocational education, Vocational rehabilitation.
Signing Authority
Denis McDonough, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, approved this
document on April 9, 2021 and authorized the undersigned to sign and
submit the document to the Office of the Federal Register for
[[Page 27342]]
electronically as an official document of the Department of Veterans
Luvenia Potts,
Regulation Development Coordinator, Office of Regulation Policy &
Management, Office of the Secretary, Department of Veterans Affairs.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Department of Veterans
Affairs proposes to amend 38 CFR part 3, part 17; part 18, part 21.
Subpart A--Pension, Compensation, and Dependency and Indemnity
1. The authority citation for part 3, subpart A continues to read as
Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501(a), unless otherwise noted.
Sec. 3.341 [Amended]
2. In Sec. 3.341 paragraph (c) removing in the second sentence the
words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their
place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 3.342 [Amended]
3. In Sec. 3.342 paragraph (c)(1) removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
4. The authority citation for part 17 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501, and as noted in specific sections.
Sec. 17.37 [Amended]
5. In Sec. 17.37(e) removing the words ``vocational rehabilitation''
and adding in their place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
Subpart A--General
6. The authority citation for part 18, subpart A continues to read as
Authority: Sec. 602, 78 Stat. 252 (42 U.S.C. 2000d-1) and the
laws referred to in Appendix A.
Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 18 [Amended]
7. In Appendix A to Subpart A, sentence number 4, removing the words
``vocational rehabilitation'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment''.
Subpart D--Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap
8. The authority citation for part 18, subpart D continues to read as
Authority: 29 U.S.C. 706, 794.
Source: 45 FR 63268, Sept. 24, 1980, unless otherwise noted.
Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 18 [Amended]
9. In Appendix A to Subpart D, sentence number 10, removing the words
``vocational rehabilitation'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment''.
Subpart E--Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Age
10. The authority citation for part 18, subpart E continues to read as
Authority: Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 42
U.S.C. 6101, et seq.; 45 CFR part 90 (1979).
Source: 50 FR 34133, Aug. 23, 1985, unless otherwise noted.
Appendix A to Subpart E of Part 18 [Amended]
11. In Appendix A to Subpart E, sentence number 8, removing the words
``Vocational Rehabilitation;'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment;''.
12. The authority citation for part 21, continues to read as follows:
Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501(a), chs. 18, 31, and as noted in
specific sections.
Source: 49 FR 40814, Oct. 18, 1984, unless otherwise noted.
13. Revise the heading of Part 21 to read as forth above:
Subpart A--Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Under 38 U.S.C.
Chapter 31
Appendix A to Subpart A of Part 21 [Amended]
14. Revise the heading of Subpart A to read as follows:
Subpart A--Veteran Readiness and Employment Under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 31
15. The authority citation for part 21, subpart A continues to read as
Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501(a), chs. 18, 31, and as noted in
specific sections.
Source: 49 FR 40814, Oct. 18, 1984, unless otherwise noted.
16. Revise the undesignated heading immediately before Sec. 21.1 to
read as follows:
Veteran Readiness and Employment Overview
Sec. 21.35 [Amended]
17. Amend Sec. 21.35 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (k)(1),in the second sentence the words
``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place
the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
b. Removing in paragraphs (k)(2) and (7) in the second sentences,the
words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their
place the word ``VR&E''.
Sec. 21.42 [Amended]
18. Amend Sec. 21.42 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (c)(1) the words ``vocational rehabilitation''
and adding, in their place, the words ``Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)''.
b. Removing in paragraph (c)(2)(ii), the words ``vocational
rehabilitation and employment'' and adding in their place the words
c. Removing in paragraph (c)(6) the words ``vocational rehabilitation''
and adding in their place the ``VR&E''
Sec. 21.53 [Amended]
19. Amend Sec. 21.53 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (f), the words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E) Officer'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Officer''.
b. Removing in paragraph (g), the words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment'' and adding in their place the words ``VR&E''.
Sec. 21.57 [Amended]
20. In Sec. 21.57 paragraph (d), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.60 [Amended]
21. Amend Sec. 21.60 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (b)(1), the words ``VR&E (Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment)'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
b. Removing in paragraph (c)(1), the words ``VR&E (Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment)'' and adding in their place the word
[[Page 27343]]
Sec. 21.62 [Amended]
22. In Sec. 21.62 paragraph (a), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)'' and adding in their place the
words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.72 [Amended]
23. In Sec. 21.72 paragraph (c), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment Officer'' and adding in their place the
words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Officer''.
Sec. 21.74 [Amended]
24. In Sec. 21.74 paragraph (c)(2), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Officer'' and adding in their
place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Officer''.
Sec. 21.78 [Amended]
25. In Sec. 21.78 paragraph (d), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment Officer'' and adding in their place the
words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Officer''.
Sec. 21.80 [Amended]
26. In Sec. 21.80 paragraph (a)(1), removing the word ``VR&E'' and
adding in its place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
Sec. 21.100 [Amended]
27. Amend Sec. 21.100 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (a), the words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment (VR&E)'' and adding in their place the words ``Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
b. Removing in paragraph (d)(1), the words ``Vocational Rehabilitation
and Employment (VR&E)'' and adding in their place the word ``VR&E''.
Sec. 21.155 [Amended]
28. In Sec. 21.155 paragraph (c), removing the word ``VR&E'' and
adding in its place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
Sec. 21.162 [Amended]
29. In Sec. 21.162 paragraph (a)(4), removing the words ``VR&E
Officer'' and adding in their place the words ``Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E) Officer''.
Sec. 21.180 [Amended]
30. Amend Sec. 21.180 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (a)(1), the word ``VR&E'' and adding in its
place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
b. Removing in paragraph (c), the words ``VR&E (Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment) Officer'' and adding in their place the
words ``VR&E Officer''.
Sec. 21.182 [Amended]
31. In Sec. 21.182 paragraph (b)(2), removing the words ``VR&E
(Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment)'' and adding in their place
the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.184 [Amended]
32. In Sec. 21.184 paragraph (c)(2), removing the word ``VR&E'' and
adding in its place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
Sec. 21.198 [Amended]
33. In Sec. 21.198 paragraph (b)(7), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) Officer'' and adding in their
place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Officer''.
Sec. 21.222 [Amended]
34. In Sec. 21.222 paragraph (c)(3), removing the words ``Director,
VR&E Service'' and adding in their place the words ``Executive
Director, Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Service''.
Sec. 21.256 [Amended]
35. In Sec. 21.256 paragraph (d), removing the words ``VR&E Officer''
and adding in their place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
(VR&E) Officer''.
Sec. 21.258 [Amended]
36. Amend Sec. 21.258 by:
a. Removing the words ``VR&E Officer'' wherever it appears and adding
in their place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)
Officer''; and
b. Removing the words ``Director, VR&E Service'' wherever it appears
and adding in their place the words ``Executive Director, VR&E
Sec. 21.274 [Amended]
37. In Sec. 21.274 paragraph (e), removing the word ``VR&E'' and
adding in its place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
Sec. 21.292 [Amended]
38. In Sec. 21.292 paragraph (d), removing the word ``VR&E'' and
adding in its place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
Sec. 21.299 [Amended]
39. In Sec. 21.299 paragraph (d)(1), removing the word ``VR&E'' and
adding in its place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
Sec. 21.362 [Amended]
40. In Sec. 21.362 paragraph (b)(2), removing the word ``VR&E'' and
adding in its place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
Sec. 21.382 [Amended]
41. In Sec. 21.382 paragraph (a), removing the word ``VR&E'' and
adding in its place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment
Sec. 21.390 [Amended]
42. In Sec. 21.390, introductory text of paragraph (c) removing the
words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)'' and adding in
their place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.410 [Amended]
43. In Sec. 21.410, removing the words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment'' and adding in their place the words ``Veteran Readiness
and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.430 [Amended]
44. In Sec. 21.430, introductory text of paragraph (c) removing the
words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)'' and adding in
their place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.3022 [Amended]
45. In Sec. 21.3022 paragraph (b), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.3104 [Amended]
46. Amend Sec. 21.3104 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (a), the words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment'' and add in their place the words ``Veteran Readiness and
Employment (VR&E)''.
b. Removing in paragraph (b), the words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and
Employment'' and adding in their place the word ``VR&E''.
Sec. 21.3303 [Amended]
47. Amend Sec. 21.3303 by:
a. Removing in paragraph (a), in the second sentence the words
``Director, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service'' and
adding in their place, the words ``Executive Director, Veteran
Readiness and Employment (VR&E) Service''.
b. Removing in paragraph (a), in the third sentence the words
``Director, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service'' the
second place they appear and adding in their place the words
``Executive Director, VR&E Service''.
[[Page 27344]]
Sec. 21.3307 [Amended]
48. In Sec. 21.3307 paragraph (c), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.3344 [Amended]
49. In Sec. 21.3344 paragraph (e)(1)(i), removing the words
``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place
the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.4001 [Amended]
50. In Sec. 21.4001 paragraph (g), removing the words ``Director,
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service'' and adding in their
place the words ``Executive Director, Veteran Readiness and Employment
(VR&E) Service''.
Sec. 21.4022 [Amended]
51. In Sec. 21.4022 paragraph (b), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment Program'' and adding in their place the
words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.4232 [Amended]
52. In Sec. 21.4232 paragraph (d), removing the words ``Director,
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service'' and adding in their
place the words ``Executive Director, Veteran Readiness and Employment
(VR&E) Service''.
Sec. 21.4250 [Amended]
53. In Sec. 21.4250 paragraph (c), removing the words ``Director,
Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Service'' and adding in their
place the words ``Executive Director, Veteran Readiness and Employment
(VR&E) Service''.
Sec. 21.5022 [Amended]
54. In Sec. 21.5022 paragraph (a)(1)(ii), removing the words
``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place
the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.6050 [Amended]
55. In Sec. 21.6050 paragraph (e), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)'' and adding in their place the
words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.6052 [Amended]
56. In Sec. 21.6052 paragraph (c) removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.6054 [Amended]
57. In Sec. 21.6054 paragraph (b), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.6100 [Amended]
58. In Sec. 21.6100, in the second sentence removing the words
``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)'' and adding in their
place the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.6410 [Amended]
59. In Sec. 21.6410, in the second sentence removing the words
``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place
the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.6509 [Amended]
60. In Sec. 21.6509 paragraph (d), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E)'' and adding in their place the
words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.7143 [Amended]
61. In Sec. 21.7143 paragraph (a)(1)(i), removing the words
``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding in their place
the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.7642 [Amended]
62. In Sec. 21.7642(a)(2), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment'' and addinig in their place the words
``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
Sec. 21.8010 [Amended]
63. Amend Sec. 21.8010 by removing in the definition for VR&E, the
words ``Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment'' and adding, in their
place, the words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment''.
Sec. 21.9690 [Amended]
64. In Sec. 21.9690 paragraph (a)(5), removing the words ``Vocational
Rehabilitation and Employment Program'' and adding in their place the
words ``Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E)''.
[FR Doc. 2021-08555 Filed 5-19-21; 8:45 am]